Transcript/822: June 19, 2023

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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Knowledge five Damn, Jordan wedding knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge, knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Pam handy in Kansas. Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplanes rolling. With huge fan I love your word. Knowledge by knowledge
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge, right. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're gonna blues like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed. We are Dan Jordan, Dan Jordan, and
Jordan (00:01:09.000)
quick question for you. What's right spot today
Dan (00:01:11.000)
my bright spot today Jordan is as longtime listeners of the show will know. Last year we had the dreamy creamy summer and we did not do it this year because it's too much. I went through a lot ice creams. I couldn't think of another thing that would be creamy that I would want to eat a bunch of cheer. But I am thinking about the chili Willie winter. I'm thinking about the possibility. I should have waited until you weren't taking a sip. That was really dangerous. You almost did a spit take.
Jordan (00:01:42.000)
I got it. I drank it. swallowed. Well done.
Dan (00:01:45.000)
Yeah. Thinking about that as like more ice creams or maybe like popsicles. Sure, sure. I mean, what variation is there in popsicles?
Jordan (00:01:54.000)
Yeah, I mean, they're just like in a different colors.
Dan (00:01:57.000)
iced coffees. Who? Iced coffee? Actually, I learned I like iced coffee.
Jordan (00:02:02.000)
I would go with an iced coffee popsicle.
Dan (00:02:03.000)
No, I meant iced coffee. Various iced coffees is the theme for the chilly winter.
Jordan (00:02:07.000)
Oh, now. Popsicles is the way to go.
Dan (00:02:11.000)
I don't think it is. Yeah.
Jordan (00:02:13.000)
Huh. Gotta get different shapes of popsicle.
Dan (00:02:15.000)
That's not gonna make that much different. It's not now you're saying I might have to go back to ice cream. What
Jordan (00:02:19.000)
about a Dreamsicle? Does that count as a popsicle or ice cream?
Dan (00:02:23.000)
I mean, this is the hot dog sandwich. This is a Boston Cream Pie. We're all going to hell for this cheese cakes a pie. What are we doing? What are we doing? I'll find something maybe if I want to do the chili Willie winter, but we'll see. I just came up with a name and I got excited about it.
Jordan (00:02:37.000)
i You got to warn me if you're gonna do that.
Dan (00:02:41.000)
It came to me in a drink. But the reason that I brought this up as a bright spot is I just was hanging around minding my own business. And what do I see on my boop boop got a notification. Cool house. The winners of the dreamy creamy summer share followed us on Twitter. Weird. I didn't write their name anywhere. So someone from the company has to have listened to the show or somebody told them they won the dreamy creamy summer.
Jordan (00:03:13.000)
You know, I made that you didn't know this. But I have been in talks with all of the ice cream manufacturers over the last year or so about the dreamy creamy summer. They were all very highly anticipating who would win so yeah, obviously they all know
Dan (00:03:28.000)
after a year delay they I thought that was cool. I really liked their ice cream. I think their thing seemed like a pretty cool company. Sure. And so that was I gotta charge. That's yeah,
Jordan (00:03:39.000)
that's cool. What's your bright spot? My bright spot? Dan is Final Fantasy 16 Yeah. Oh, my
Dan (00:03:45.000)
God talked a bit about that. Before we started recording or doing it.
Jordan (00:03:48.000)
I am loving it. It's, um, here's what I think is fun about it. All right, it is in the same way that Final Fantasy Tactics is it's like, it's not a Final Fantasy game. But in the same way that Final Fantasy Tactics is it's one of the best Final Fantasy games interesting. It's really really good. It doesn't have all of the final fantasy stuff that you're used to, you know, there's no turn battles. There's the, the equipment is almost superfluous. All that you're there to do is run around, read or watch a brilliant TV show and then punch stuff.
Dan (00:04:21.000)
Okay. And it's great. I mean, those are those are elements of games that people enjoy running around punching stuff, watching things. Yeah, no, it's great.
Jordan (00:04:29.000)
I mean, I mean, it is like the final fantasy thing that is there is that the story of a good Final Fantasy game stays with you. You know, like you carry around when Aerith SPOILER ALERT Oh, no. But it's it's something like there's stuff that you carry with you from the story as much as you like the gameplay and all that stuff. That's why you spend hours in there.
Dan (00:04:54.000)
Yeah, it does seem to me the having like minimal involvement or is association with the Final Fantasy WorldShare it does seem like people who like it like it for those like character and story driven reasons not to say that the gameplay isn't great or something that they enjoy. But yeah, it seems like there's far more of a connection there. Yeah. I'm glad that dude, you're enjoying it. I'm not going to play it.
Jordan (00:05:18.000)
I mean, that's totally fine. That it's not a problem. Nothing.
Dan (00:05:22.000)
Nothing against you. I enjoyed seven enough. Sure. The remains Sure, but apparently not enough to jump into.
Jordan (00:05:30.000)
That's fine. That's fine. I think what's what's crazy about it is that this one, I would recommend over like, Final Fantasy 15 or 13, or those ones. I would never recommend those to you. This one I might. But your engagement here, here's what you're doing. You're committing to like watching six seasons of a TV show. In like four days.
Dan (00:05:54.000)
I mean, look, I on some level, I have no problem with that. We know that I made it all the way through survivor, right? Well, I mean, the buttons helped. But like, you know, I that wasn't a short period of time. I watched it over but it also wasn't long. That's true. It was it was it was shorter than it should have been. You tore through it. Yeah. Sue me. And I have no problem with binging sure, I'm sure. But I'm not gonna play this game. Fair enough.
Dan (00:06:23.000)
I might. It's not a conversation. We need to like you want me to play it?
Jordan (00:06:28.000)
I don't want you to. I mean, it would be fun to talk to you about it. That'd be cool.
Dan (00:06:33.000)
I'm sure you can find some walks out there and we're loving the hell out.
Jordan (00:06:36.000)
That's fine.
Dan (00:06:38.000)
I mentioned this to you. Before we started recording, like the way you describe it makes me think of Uncharted. Yeah. And like, you know, there's a lot of story and it's not, you know, a ton of like you doing things right, necessarily. Yeah. And I just don't like that that much. I respect it. Totally. It's not like, it's not my bag.
Jordan (00:07:01.000)
Yeah, I mean, we you know, we talked about it and it's a little bit like if you were watching Game of Thrones, and then a the game PA or the show paused and was like Okay, now this is the battle of Heron. Ba. You got to use your right stick and your left stick and Max and square and all that stuff. And then when you're done, it's like cool. Now we're going to Episode 16 of Game of Thrones, you know, it's
Dan (00:07:26.000)
at the Battle of Heron. Exactly. Yeah. The battle. So Jordan, today we're back in the present, where we had an episode to do. So thank you, first of all for doing that interview with Jon Ronson. Those a lot of fun. I think people enjoyed that. I'm sure it seemed like you and Ronson enjoyed it quite a bit. It's good to talk to talk you really gave him what for
Jordan (00:07:48.000)
the I think the consensus is I over prepared. But what's fun about that is that people don't know how my brain works. I have forgotten everything that I learned. Well, I mean,
Dan (00:07:59.000)
preparing is something that that is relative kind of you know, like when you're preparing for something oftentimes, you know if you get interested in something and you find certain elements of things that you you really connect to it's hard not to over prepare. So I don't know I don't think that's as much of a judgment means you are interested in the subject matter.
Jordan (00:08:18.000)
I think in in our world. I don't think either of us can look at the other and say over prepare as a
Dan (00:08:24.000)
bill today I underprepared. Oh, well, ish. I have no notes about anything
Jordan (00:08:30.000)
we're talking about. This is a miracle. Yeah. Okay. It's just, it was just what it
Dan (00:08:35.000)
is. This is just, we're gonna be talking about June 19 2023. Okay, which is last week, I believe was that Monday? Yeah, that was Monday. And it's because we got some fun guests. Alex is seems to be trying to reconnect with some folks. He had Gavin McInnes on a couple of days prior I believe on Friday of the week for sure. He's just some of these people from out of the woodwork are popping around right stream getting
Jordan (00:09:06.000)
the getting the band back together for one last job, because he's running out of money and they need to rob the final bankruptcy court to get away for good I don't
Dan (00:09:16.000)
know if it's that or if it is like, I don't know guys, y'all have any juice? Anybody a
Jordan (00:09:24.000)
bunch of washed up people looking around at each other like, I don't know, can I steal some uh, you?
Dan (00:09:28.000)
Yeah. Maybe you have some fans or something? Maybe people have forgotten that you're a total asshole. Yeah. And so you know, maybe trying to see what you can squeeze out. See if you can squeeze any blood out of the rock. They're
Jordan (00:09:42.000)
standing outside on the far right corner looking at each other asking if you got a fan you got a fan?
Dan (00:09:49.000)
Can you can you spare a dime spare a dime. So we'll get down to business on this here episode. But first, Jordan, let's say hello to some new wanks Oh, that's great. Yeah, so first, I had a dream that Dan and Jordan can him to Glasgow and they were kind of pretentious arseholes. So I think they should come here to prove me specifically wrong. Thank you so much. You're now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:10:07.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:10:08.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:10:09.000)
Thank you one day perhaps next our global or the globalists in the room with us right now. Thank you so much you are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:10:17.000)
I'm a policy won't thank you very much.
Dan (00:10:19.000)
Next, I can't wait to marry you on June 24. Skip love skip the boys and love to thank you so much for now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:10:27.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:10:28.000)
you very much. It
Dan (00:10:29.000)
sounds to me like skip is marrying someone named skip.
Jordan (00:10:32.000)
I think that I'm glad they found each other. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's hard to hard to
Dan (00:10:37.000)
believe next and be a bureaucrat in DC. Thank you so much. You're now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:10:42.000)
I'm a policy.
Dan (00:10:44.000)
Holy shit. What are the odds of a bureaucratic DC? Much like skip marrying? Skip just the
Jordan (00:10:49.000)
Who could have guessed. Wow, what? When did they get there?
Dan (00:10:52.000)
Yeah. Next crunchy peanut butter because a grown man needs a challenge. Thank you so much. You're on our policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:10:58.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:10:59.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:11:00.000)
I would I would say about this sure is, if you consider chunky peanut butter a challenge. What the hell is going on? That's then you're not a grown man. Or how chunky it's maybe a little pebbles in there.
Jordan (00:11:15.000)
This if you say this peanut butter is difficult as a as an adjective. I think you're in trouble. Yeah,
Dan (00:11:21.000)
you're not gonna make it. You're not gonna enjoy it. Oh, no, I'm out. Yeah. And we got to take the guy to the mix Jordan. So thank you so much to Dan and Jordan singing along with the strings from endgame delights me. Thank you so much. You're now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:11:33.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Old Timey Interviewer (00:11:35.000)
donkey Amman intelligent brilliant.
Alex Jones (00:11:37.000)
Someone Someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser, little teddy baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Like it's about chess.
Jordan (00:11:53.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:11:54.000)
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I needed playing for me to really get into it. Yeah, it is fun. It is. So basically the beginning of this episode here on the 2019 20. Alex is really mad about Peter Hotez. Okay. Do you know who that is? No. Okay. So he's a a doctor. And he and Joe Rogan.
Jordan (00:12:24.000)
Oh no, I know who that now there was the whole saga where he said some stuff and then everybody's sick to him on him and Elon Musk is fucking involved. And
Dan (00:12:32.000)
Elon Musk is said some shit. And then some guy showed up at his house. And, yeah,
Jordan (00:12:37.000)
I think a society where two people have so much outsized power and influence that they can just say mean things and then a human being is, I mean, a torrential downpour of bullshit on them.
Dan (00:12:50.000)
Yeah, yeah. Quite a bit. Yeah. So Alex is mad at this guy. And what I find interesting is that Alex is trying to rewrite all of his shit and be like, this is one of my main villains. He was he was primarily involved with the Wuhan lab and getting this guy for
Jordan (00:13:10.000)
slotting him into ever Fauci used to be Fauci is not important anymore. He retired or whatever.
Dan (00:13:15.000)
It's such a fascinating thing to watch when Alex finds a new villain him like imagining and pretending that like oh, I've been talking about this guy forever all along the same thing you see with Epstein, same thing you see with Fauci, same thing you see with Peter Danzig or you know any of these new characters. It's like I've been I've been on this guy since day one. What are you talking about? Yeah, you get the fuck out of here. You have
Jordan (00:13:38.000)
been claiming that Saddam sons are still alive for 20 years, as far as I'm concerned.
Dan (00:13:43.000)
Well, we don't know. There might have been a certain point where he finally gave up that one. Fair enough. But yeah, so he's mad at Peter Hotez?
Alex Jones (00:13:52.000)
No, I said on January 2020. But the entire house of cards concerning the poison shocks and come down on top the globalist and that they would double down and try to intimidate and threaten Joe Rogan to Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and that that would make people like Joe Rogan dig deeper into the science and find out not only the shot, shot work, but they knew they didn't work and they created the virus and erases your immune system and it's a plant any population. When I said on air, the globalists are so arrogant that they're going to do this and push it and that will bring them down to happen quicker than I thought though. Number one story in the world. Hundreds of millions of views a day. Idiots run man's life alone that I just checked YouTube, same thing. I'm sure it's everywhere else Facebook got Instagram. Like I know there's hundreds and hundreds of millions and I say hundreds millions Joe Rogan's getting hundreds of millions today, himself. Just regular response videos are getting like 10 million, 5 million, and there's 1000s of people posting him. And there's all these folks going out just the general public, and finding all the clips of Peter Hotez, who helped spearhead these poisoned shots against the American people and who spearheads calling to the arrest of anyone that doesn't take shots. And the arrest of anyone that questions the scientist, and he says questioning is the opposite of science. Debating is the opposite of science. These are quotes. He just went on and said it.
Jordan (00:15:47.000)
Are they quotes though. Like, are they?
Alex Jones (00:15:52.000)
He said he got a new one here. Science you do not debate. In fact, if you had one word that would describe science, it would have to be research, debate, questioning, scientists questioning how the universe operates. He's literally attacking one of the three or four pillars of what science is debate. You can debate which one's the central pillar, but the main three or four pillars of
Jordan (00:16:23.000)
your debate it it seems like it's obviously
Alex Jones (00:16:27.000)
research. Questioning, great debating what else you got? But no, he says, don't debate and science.
Jordan (00:16:45.000)
Okay, well, you don't debate in the sense. The idea is that you shouldn't have to talk about it. Well, you could. I mean, it is or it isn't.
Dan (00:16:53.000)
You can debate it in terms of like discussing papers and Sure. Absolutely. Settings and things. But yeah, what he was he was saying that, you know, I'm not going to debate Robert Kennedy, Jr. Yeah. And I'm not going to debate like science isn't debating on Rogan's show. No, that's not going to settle anything. Nope. So Alex has taken this as like, he's, he's trying to cut down science. I feel like
Jordan (00:17:18.000)
we did this all 20 years ago, whenever we were whenever people were having those giant climate debates on every TV station where they'd be like, Okay, well, we've got one climate expert, and then we've got a crazy person. And we'll just sit them down. And that'll just take care of it. Right. Did we do that all the time? Sure. And it's all things.
Dan (00:17:36.000)
I mean, it's an entertainment model. Yeah. And Rogan is very well aware of that. Oh, yeah. And he is really easy. It's really easy to get the person who's making the sort of wackier claims and the person who's like, obviously an embarrassment to bees, like in a debate with Yeah, that person is really easy to get hold of him and Rogan's got a pack full of those people
Jordan (00:18:02.000)
a nonstop roll through.
Dan (00:18:04.000)
But yeah, did you know trying to intimidate and badger the like, legitimate person into having that argument? It's a little more challenging, and that's kind of what you see here.
Alex Jones (00:18:15.000)
Yeah, that's,
Jordan (00:18:16.000)
it's crazy. I mean, that's crazy. We should all like this is one of the weirder things for me is that I feel like this is not a political thing at all. We should all just look at what just happened with those two idiots and just being like, This guy sucks. And then everyone piling on to them. Like I didn't same pack of wolves. Like, we should all just stop and be like, This is not cool, right? Like, we just shouldn't allow. This shouldn't happen.
Dan (00:18:42.000)
It's not cool. But also like, I don't see it ever ending now. No, me neither. But it's like, I don't see calming down. No, but like,
Jordan (00:18:52.000)
come on this. This should not happen to people. You're preaching
Dan (00:18:54.000)
to the choir. Yeah, I don't know. It's fucked up.
Jordan (00:18:59.000)
Yeah, that's fucked up.
Dan (00:19:01.000)
And I think I think also, you know, when when you have people who are like, let's do a celebrity boxing match for charity. It's like, okay, we understand that this is a spectacle and nothing's really going to come of it. It's profoundly serious. That's how Rogan should treat inviting someone to do a debate on his show. They there should be an understanding that this is I'm serious. Yeah, Alex Jones gets drunk on your show and blows your mind with bullshit, right? No, this is not like you're not going to come to any like larger. There's not gonna be a frost Nixon moment where Peter Hotez is like you don't want vaccines don't work.
Jordan (00:19:37.000)
No, you should literally have to look across from a person wearing clown makeup and be like this is what I'm doing with my life. That's what I'm talking to this person. Okay,
Dan (00:19:45.000)
so for this next clip, a little bit of a content warning. Alex does some fun, not fun. Oh disgusting, a heavy implication that Peter Hotez is a child abuser. Sure, so great
Alex Jones (00:19:58.000)
that porter will do disingenuous, predatory smile. Now I'm not saying Brian Stelter is a pedophile, that no proof he is not saying Dr. Peter Hotez is. I'm just telling you if I was going to catch somebody for a movie about pedophiles, a dry run a white man's rabbit kids, I would come to him and say, Sure, we need you to be the leader of the underground base with the kidnapped children. Now in reality, he's just the guy that runs my children's hospital and is one of the head infectious disease people under Fauci pushing for shots, lock downs, the arrest of those that don't take them taking over our bodies. He doesn't rate children physically with his penis. Want to be proof of that? He wants to rape him with needles full of GMO concoctions
Alex Jones (00:20:44.000)
with his little I'm wondering, reporting pigs it with the little bowtie on there. So you want to have that that guy runs a children's hospital. What a nice man,
Dan (00:20:55.000)
this is gross.
Jordan (00:20:58.000)
Can you Can Can he do that? Huh? Cuz I mean, not in like a can he or anything kind of way. I mean, specifically, all right. It's Trump's fault for all of the vaccine stuff. So you're vehemence towards this guy should also translate to Trump.
Dan (00:21:16.000)
No, no, no, because Trump got fooled by the globalists and to doing what he did. Whereas Peter Hotez was the guy who specifically engineered COVID in a lab, and then made the vaccines.
Jordan (00:21:31.000)
Okay, now if that is his fault, admittedly, you have me it
Dan (00:21:36.000)
is a slight difference. It's all bullshit, but it is a slight difference. I thought you're going to say is it like, okay, legally for him to Oh, yes. kinds of implications. It's like, I don't unfortunately, probably Yeah, probably. Nobody's gonna stop me either way, so intensely unacceptable. It's not okay. Now. So Aleksa has a clip of Hotez on TV being interviewed. And Alex just he just gets mad at
Peter Hotez (00:22:03.000)
the debate with RFK Jr. I've discussed this issue with him many times by phone and by email. And the problem is, you know, he just keeps on moving the goalposts. I mean, first, it was nice
Alex Jones (00:22:18.000)
enough they have been proven to be liars about the whole thing. They created the virus. They released it for a giant globalist power grab collaboration lockstep you're living in the middle of it. They have a UN World Tree they're trying to push through with the UN controls every major nation states medical policy, and you have no rights under it in all your medical privacy and autonomy of your body. bodily autonomy is stripped. They are flagrant, clear and present dangers to civilization and society. They're part of a biomedical eugenics. transhumanist power grab people. Somebody went to his house and talked to him in his yard. This guy wants to come take your kids put you in a camp force inject you put you in jail for your speech.
Alex Jones (00:23:08.000)
You don't big farmers, payrolls and disgusting blob and his little suit, little pre suit. Why outfit? You don't owe me scumbag? I own my body. You. Okay?
Jordan (00:23:21.000)
All right. That's right, man. It's just that it's that he's not gonna stop himself. He can't stop himself. Like, even now he's still gonna be like, oh, somebody showed up at your house, dude.
Dan (00:23:32.000)
You know what, but here's the slight difference that I would make. I don't actually think it's that bad to show up at someone's house, who is a matter of like, you know, you're doing a news story or something like that. I know that this does happen periodically with journalists. Sure. So that
Jordan (00:23:53.000)
the journalist you showed in theory, very okay. Yeah, I got act of
Dan (00:23:58.000)
showing up at somebody's house to ask them hard questions about X, Y, or Z thing. I think that that can be done within the arena of journalism. It's impolite. Sure, but it can be done. Maybe it is impolite. Yeah. And it's also something that is delicate, and something that I don't trust most people to do responsibly. And one of the reasons why I think it's kind of more okay for somebody who works under the umbrella of an actual company, or, you know, some actual news organization is that if they are acting inappropriately, or indelicately, they're probably going to get in trouble or fired. Yeah, they're avenues for accountability. Yeah. Whereas somebody who's a dingdong with a camera isn't necessarily going to have those same measures of accountability. And it's way easier for it to be something that gets out of control something as good as done, you know, at the detriment of this person's privacy and security. And I think that, that that difference is essential. Yeah, there Yeah, I think it's it's not Just a matter of like, How dare you show up to someone's house? It? Well it is if they're not a public figure, to some extent this guy is right. You know, like it's not it's a little bit of a gray area in terms of whether he's an appropriate person for you to show up at their house.
Jordan (00:25:14.000)
Right. Right. You
Dan (00:25:16.000)
know what I mean? Yeah. Well, I
Jordan (00:25:17.000)
mean, if his first question is Why'd you kill all them babies, then I think we know that you're not really a journalist here. Perhaps you've probably got more of an agenda on your mind.
Dan (00:25:26.000)
True. True. Although the the people on the other side would say that. The Washington Post has an agenda. That's fair.
Jordan (00:25:33.000)
That's fair. But you know, they didn't ask What Why did you kill all them? Babies?
Dan (00:25:39.000)
strew. So Alex has some of these old buddies come around, you know, yeah, the guy that she had some other people on this episode that we'll get to, but he also has some new friends. Okay, that new friends named Alex even.
Jordan (00:25:54.000)
Alex Borstein. Is that what's No,
Dan (00:25:57.000)
no okay. No, Alex Mack. Oh, okay. No, it's Alex Rosen. Have you heard of this guy? Nope. He's the guy who showed up at Peter Hotez house. Yeah,
Jordan (00:26:12.000)
how dare you drop that reveal? I'd be so well.
Dan (00:26:14.000)
Yeah. So he was Aleksa rattling off some bullshit at this guy.
Alex Jones (00:26:19.000)
And by the way, let me correct because I was correct. I said last time I looked at it was 2 million. Your video now is 18 point 7 million views show. Congratulations. Thanks. And by the way, I saw it all over the place. duplicators. It's probably like 59 right now. So here's the problem. I'm not gonna get into specifics, but they've run offs on me. When we suppose pedophiles before, they'll then distract off to a place where they're not actually doing it to protect from what was really going on in New York, then they have somebody go in with a gun, or the you know, these groups do and then they turn it around that I sent them. You're calling for peace, you're calling for justice, you're not calling for violence. We're not calling for violence. You as a journalist as an activist went and saw his yard and talked to him. And he didn't totally but you said bye bye and you left. And you went to the police department supposed to call up your rescue. And you talked to them and said what you didn't they should know you've done anything wrong, obviously is a stunt to show on the left are a bunch of wind frauds now need to burn down some beliefs. Again, you probably would have gotten bailed out by Kamala Harris when she didn't show up like that show. But I am concerned that this is exactly what they'll do. If I've been predicting for two years. They're gonna false flag. Some other gods like Fauci or Hotez or some of the others. Now, what you did is great, and I'm going to connect it to that, but I am concerned that they themselves are their controllers are gonna stage something because Alex, they're getting their asses handed to him. I mean, they are getting around it though. If we were waking up three years ago, I see this metaphysically metaphorically, culturally, mathematically, what Deathstar disruption? I mean, the fact that everywhere people know the shots are poisoned, that they're a fraud, that these guys are scammers and the fact that they tried to launch a counter offensive, saying that we're frauds, it's blood on their face, and 95% of the comments are positive for us shows GABA stating victory, so I'm really concerned about what they're gonna pull. Take a fucking breath.
Jordan (00:28:07.000)
I have no idea what he just said. There were so many words and what was that? A minute and a half long? Non stop words. Yeah, that's, that's crazy.
Dan (00:28:15.000)
Yeah. Yeah. I think he's on speed. Yeah, baby. He's pepped up.
Jordan (00:28:21.000)
He's got some circular breathing going on where he's breathing while speaking in. I mean, it's insane. Yeah. Yeah, I
Dan (00:28:28.000)
find it difficult to imagine how one would appropriately respond to that.
Jordan (00:28:35.000)
I'll take Alex, I'll take your points one at a time.
Dan (00:28:39.000)
I've taken some notes and you bring up a lot of really important.
Jordan (00:28:44.000)
Can I ask where did we begin? Or did we begin with a weird Kumala thing? Or did we begin? Where did it start or finish?
Dan (00:28:52.000)
See? It's just this beautiful thing where there is no start? There is no beginning. It is like the circular breathing that Alex has learned to do while he's on blow.
Jordan (00:29:01.000)
Time is a flat circle. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (00:29:07.000)
So these just walks these answers from these people who are pushing the Shot Show, you know, sure, there are people who have problematic products in the world who would definitely give answers to questions like Elon Musk, for instance, right? Yeah. He has all these cars that are blowing up and going into traffic and crashing and stuff. Yeah, he makes a lot of shit. That doesn't work. Right. Yeah. But he is the kind of guy who would answer questions, if he was pressed on them
Jordan (00:29:35.000)
is what I
Alex Rosen (00:29:37.000)
think with conferring coaches in person, it just shows. It just shows even more people that hey, this guy isn't gonna have this. You guys need to answer basic questions. I mean, you know, if you confronted Elon Musk about hey, what do you have to say about kind of self driving Tesla's maybe crashing or something? I think he would answer that and I think he should answer that. So how can when it comes to Peter Hotez? Oh, he doesn't need to be answered. We're gonna type of stuff here conspiracy theories. I mean, ridiculous when you put out a product endorse something and influence millions of people, then yeah, you should, at least to answer questions about it. But yeah.
Alex Jones (00:30:13.000)
Keep your brother light. Let me lay more knowledge on us because that was a great point about consumer advocacy, consumer rights. They're trying to force this shot on us and say that we don't have a right to question it. But people are questioning Elon Musk and he responds Exactly. So self driving cars maybe killed 1015 people, okay, it's sad. I don't like self driving cars. overalls are gonna take humans out of equation, but Musk is allowed to build them and so they have some uses. The point is, is that he does respond to criticism. He does talk to reporters real quick. He
Jordan (00:30:41.000)
doesn't know he doesn't. He
Dan (00:30:43.000)
claims that things aren't happening.
Jordan (00:30:46.000)
I've seen so many things where it's like we when reached to Twitter for comment, they sent a poop emoji like how do we do it? Yeah, shut the fuck up.
Alex Jones (00:30:53.000)
Yep, yeah. This guy wants policy and wants to silence us on top of it.
Dan (00:30:58.000)
Also, another point, Peter Hotez didn't make the Maderna nor Pfizer shot? No. So I don't know what questions you need him to answer on that front.
Alex Jones (00:31:06.000)
And then doesn't want to be questioned. I call total BS.
Alex Rosen (00:31:11.000)
Yeah, and you know, it's just, I mean, I called code before Revenge of the Nerds. And that's exactly what it is. I mean, people like Peter Hotez, who, and obviously high school doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and people like Peter Hotez, you probably have a lot of friends in high school, not a lot of friends growing up and just not really a likeable person. I think a lot of COVID is psychological with the fact that they finally get their revenge on people who are fulfilled in life you have people it's just I think it's just retribution man. I think they're all like little Elliott Rogers, who are finally saying, Oh, I'm gonna get revenge on these people who wronged me and all this type of stuff. And that's what I thought I really think it is because now all these nerds in these each of these losers they felt fulfilled doing all this stuff with the ticker tape on the cool now cuz I got back and I'm gonna leave you out of it now. I think it's all like
Alex Jones (00:32:01.000)
they're carrying out violence by passive aggressive covert means.
Dan (00:32:05.000)
This is not a this is not a serious exchange of ideas. is stupid.
Jordan (00:32:11.000)
We all went through the pandemic together. Yeah, nobody got revenge through it. That's where you're wrong. I really feel like nobody could get revenge through it. The Nerds rose
Dan (00:32:22.000)
Jordan (00:32:25.000)
To do that, because they were bullied and no one liked them. And they were all saying no, and I understand where you're coming from. Right. I get where you're coming from. I feel like it's because you're saying COVID I'm confused at your reasoning,
Dan (00:32:41.000)
because it's stupid. Yeah, yeah, get it. This dude's an alpha. That's fun. You know, he has a very bizarre opinion and perception of how people work. And think and I think that there's another element of this that probably is worth mentioning. And that is that this guy, Alex Rosen, what he does is he entraps pedophiles online. So, he there is a phenomenon of people who have like tick tock channels or YouTube channels where they pretend to be underage folks right and then lured someone and then gotcha report the the basically Chris do to catch them out of the police generally being involved, right, that's usually an important part. I think that you know, not to defend anybody who is cruising for underage people online. Because, you know, I have a whole lot of sympathy for you know, them getting embarrassed. Yeah. But I do think in the same way that like coming to someone's house to ask investigative journalistic questions is best left to people who have accountability and have a certain amount of a job or protocol, things like that bad place. It is better I think generally, I find it very worrying the idea of people who've gotten make cottage industries of themselves hunting down people vigilante ish online. Yeah, I, you know, I think that there's a lot of possibilities for that to go wrong. There's also a lot of possibilities for you to have your evidence and not be accepted and someone not actually get in trouble. Yeah. So like, I don't know it just for this guy to be, you know, this is his bread and butter to know what he generally does. Sure. And now he's going in confronting Peter Hotez. It's just weird. I don't I don't dig it.
Jordan (00:34:48.000)
I don't like the whole thing. Everybody stopped doing all of it. Yeah, yeah. All of it together. All of it.
Dan (00:34:58.000)
Let's do something to So so probably should stop doing this too.
Alex Jones (00:35:03.000)
Well, incredible job. I'm gonna go to break in five more minutes. Let's come back for a full hour soon. Incredible Alex Rosen you got to get his video you got to share it. He is just in the zeitgeist. And I think more people should peacefully go to Hotez house and just ask him questions and educate his neighbors about them and show his neighbors. Why do you know when you shared earlier when I haven't posted on under the live show feed today?
Dan (00:35:26.000)
So now we're way past the line that I was making the distinction about earlier. Alex is now encouraging his audience to show up at this guy's house to bother his neighbors. I mean, this is just direct harassment that yeah, that Alex is encouraging and I and also hanging out with on this sort of limb of like he's gone super viral. Almost as if like, Hey, you could do you go and do this? Oh, my God. Yeah, pretty sick. Shit.
Jordan (00:35:50.000)
That's, that's I just fine. Fine. He doesn't learn fine. You know what? Fine all of you. You can have a that's what you gotta have. Alex. Yes, you can have. I've tried to tell you.
Dan (00:36:06.000)
Yeah, it's, it's pretty wild that this behavior would still be something that he feels comfortable engaging in. Yeah. Why not? You know, mobilizing audiences towards millions and people's home,
Jordan (00:36:17.000)
you know, I mean, the thing about it, though, is that that seems like it would be more likely to increase as opposed to less like, what does he have to lose? Now? Fuck it. In fact, maybe the only way that he gets out of this shit is if all of his fans start going around and fucking people up. So why wouldn't he do it? And the consequences for it are none now?
Dan (00:36:39.000)
Well, there's no there doesn't seem like there's much more that can be civilly done. Right.
Jordan (00:36:43.000)
Exactly. So what Yeah, fuck it.
Dan (00:36:47.000)
Now you might be right. So in addition to this old or this new guy coming around, Yeah, Alex has an old friend, an old Bilderberg friend. Not Jim Tucker. Okay, because that guy's dead. Okay, now, did I forget that he was dead? Oh, he's very dead. Okay, the ghost of Jim Tucker is not on the show. Okay, is Daniel SLN Oh, no. Yep. Daniel Bilderberg. Welcome back. Yep. So he's he wants to explain the liberal satanic agenda.
Alex Jones (00:37:19.000)
And I let him roll. He'll really give us some incredible data. And I'll have some questions later in the hour. We want you to know more in the next hour we can. So Daniel, good to have you back. Amazing here, my friend. And let them have it.
Daniel Estulin (00:37:33.000)
However, Alex, actually, yeah, I was thinking, you and I, we attended the 2006. I think it was Bilderberg conference in 2006 2007. In, in, in Ottawa, in Canada, and before my book came out in the Bilderberg Group, back in 2004 2005. So yeah, we've known each other for about four months, one year, we've added we've been at it for a really long time. Have a wait. Yes, sir.
Alex Jones (00:38:01.000)
Daniel Estulin (00:38:03.000)
listen to what the previous guest was talking about. And you were mentioning the the left's agenda that there was a leftist. With your permission, I'd like to explain why this entire movement, okay came from because I think a lot of people don't quite understand we're not so much talking about the leftist we're talking about the liberal, global liberal agenda, which is a global satanic agenda naturally, but most people don't understand where it came from the changes just came out because George Soros was on the scene. Actually, this thing goes back way back in time. So again, it was your permission if that's okay with you. I want to explain this. Because I think people will meet with people need to understand
Dan (00:38:44.000)
I'd love it if Alex was like, No, yeah, don't you do not have my permission to
Jordan (00:38:48.000)
do that? Please don't.
Dan (00:38:50.000)
So yeah, so Mullins. I mean, first of all, I gotta say Aslan is a fucking moron. Yeah. And we've been over him. We talked about him a bit. We talked about him in the endgame coverage at nauseam because he's in that film, hence the course the strings. Yeah.
Jordan (00:39:09.000)
The sweet strings of endgame so he is
Dan (00:39:13.000)
a idiot. And I just, I marvel at listening. Here's him starting to talk about this liberal satanic agenda. All right, and I was going to try and like follow all of the threads of thought, but I was just like, I can't do this. Okay. It is a ball of yarn that shall not Gordian knot, the
Jordan (00:39:36.000)
Gordian knot. All right. All right. I'll get my sword out and we'll handle this problem. Okay.
Daniel Estulin (00:39:42.000)
Until the early 1980s, American society was mostly conservative and middle class. That doesn't mean that they all voted conservative but their values on their how to pro life was conservative. So then this changed in favor of the of the Liberals will do advent of Reaganomics, in other words is the beginning of the Great stimulation of Demand assistance mechanism, which are based on the refinancing of private debt allowed for the creation of a very stable Middle Class more than half of the population of the United States. In fact, not only the United States, but we're talking about America served as let's say, social anchor. And the middle class I like the poor is very interested in having a strong state, even as a strong state is controlled by the bankers, which it is today. So it was from this period, again, going back to the early 1980s. That liberal is not a classical sense of the 19th century Liberalist such as Voltaire for example, but modern liberals. Well, the gay parades juvenile justice, sex change operations, which is about to be legalized the world over, etc, etc. Sure. Okay. So this is the the meaning of juvenile justice reform
Owen Benjamin (00:40:52.000)
being implemented not
Daniel Estulin (00:40:53.000)
only in the United States and Canada, again, on the entire Western world, because again, you want liberal parts, you got to play the game by the rules.
Dan (00:41:01.000)
What are we talking about? Um, what is happening? Okay, so Reaganomics? Yep. That's where liberals took over,
Jordan (00:41:09.000)
which is maybe the most mind bogglingly wrong thing I think I've ever heard anybody say,
Dan (00:41:14.000)
Sure. Ever? Well, sure. Yeah. Intel
Jordan (00:41:19.000)
to later on. It's very own a clip. Yes. Correct. All right. So so so then it's juvenile justice reform,
Dan (00:41:29.000)
that is somehow about legalizing pedophilia.
Jordan (00:41:32.000)
Right. I think, maybe, but I don't know how we got from the 80s. To
Dan (00:41:36.000)
Well, the 80s was when Reaganomics sure had credit. Based
Jordan (00:41:44.000)
demand, right? It was refinancing low interest loans. Yeah.
Dan (00:41:48.000)
So the demand in the supply and demand structure was inflated by the ability of people to buy be able to buy things on credit. Right. And this is where
Jordan (00:41:59.000)
pedophilia got legalized. Boom. Yeah, that makes sense. It what?
Dan (00:42:06.000)
So yeah, it's, I don't know, I don't know what his point is. Honestly, I listen to this. I don't really know what his point is. He does not like liberals is pretty, you know, into just about every one of the conspiracies that that you'll get. But he does have a position that I think is a little bit weird for Infowars. And that is that he believes that Trump, Xi Jinping and Putin were working together to topple the New World Order. Sure. And so he's still like a big supporter of China and Putin.
Jordan (00:42:41.000)
And a sense they were and in a sense, they very much weren't.
Dan (00:42:46.000)
Well, if you conceive of sort of liberal governments sure, in terms of like, liberty and such, yeah, if you if you conceive of that as what the New World Order is, then perhaps Yeah. But yeah, it's strange because it is it is far more of a like full throated support of Putin even now, basically being like, you know, if Putin loses in Ukraine, we all lose. Great.
Jordan (00:43:15.000)
Good, good news.
Dan (00:43:16.000)
It's pretty it's pretty out there.
Jordan (00:43:18.000)
I bet he's having a real struggle recently. Well,
Dan (00:43:21.000)
we don't know what has happened since the 24 hour fiasco for Daniel Aslan. Also, I do want to touch on this really quick because while we were sort of down towards the end of last week, Owen Troyer plead pled guilty to his is the January 6 day Yeah, and I would just like to say that anybody who thinks that that is an indication that he's flipping on Alex or something that is absurd yeah, there's a misdemeanor it is it is funny on some level him being like we're gonna fight
Jordan (00:43:56.000)
fight until the end of the earth and then he just agrees to plead guilty Yeah, it's
Dan (00:44:00.000)
gonna get some kind of a very minor punishment out of it. And I think that one of the reasons that it's actually advantageous for him to plead guilty is you get some kind of a resolution for it and like I saw the headline on Infowars was Infowars reporter charged well Hunter Biden goes free or something you know like shares that like ability to to propagandize off it but yeah, if you think it's like a he's turned state's property on on Alex it's ridiculous. I saw some of that on Twitter. I just was like, No, you guys are stop is very optimistic.
Jordan (00:44:35.000)
No one else is paying. Oh, and nor ever. Not even the government. No, no, even in the future is going to pay. Oh, and
Dan (00:44:43.000)
so back to Daniel is stolen. Yeah. He's a Bilderberger. Insider. He's a he's a guy who he knows shit. He's plugged in. Oh, so plugged in. So he's been following these Bilderberg people for decades, and he's made a lot of progress since Reagan, um, Looks like he has gotten so much done. Yeah, change the world really? No. Okay, but he has apparently, and I don't even believe this part. He has apparently talked to rogue Bilderberg members. There's Bilderberg members within the structure who have gone rogue.
Jordan (00:45:17.000)
I'm in on Rogue Bilderberg Bradbury's is a new development that I appreciate. Yeah.
Dan (00:45:21.000)
And as soon as he brings this up out, because like I've talked to them too. Of course, good time.
Alex Jones (00:45:29.000)
This gives me chills. So I've got four children, one, I'm six years old. And I'm looking at elite that are so delusional, they can't see what's happening. But the good news is Daniels, a really smart intellectual, was able to meet with these people because they were listening. Some of the dissenters in Bilderberg that actually thought, Oh, these people are nuts, they don't see what's happening. So he was talking to people that were the highest level of Wargaming, 20 years ago, 80 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, about their own concern about how they get out of what they've done. So we're up here, we're not talking about some right wing football issue or some left wing political distraction issue that are sub issues. We're talking like he said, 30,000 10,000 foot view, that only big picture and being honest, will do anything, instead of debating their kind of scorched earth. Stay behind network thing. Were they there all day into bunkers. I don't want the elite that to be in bunkers. I want to have some kind of peace deal and fix the world. And that is what Putin has tried to do. And I'm not sorry. Russophile. But I'm also not a Rusev phobe. And so China made deals with the globalist is kind of broken with them. And now they're moving back who knows what, but Russia again, just like Hitler, just like Napoleon is its own deal standing against this. It's a magic moment. So I'm gonna shut up again,
Jordan (00:46:49.000)
just like Hitler, just like Napoleon. Two of the great people in in history, making a stand. Yeah, just fighting against the tide of all those people trying to survive around them, homeboy.
Dan (00:47:01.000)
So that's a bad mentality. Yeah. And then I would also like to suggest that it's a bad mentality within Alex's worldview. He doesn't think that that's what Hitler was doing. Hitler was set up.
Jordan (00:47:13.000)
Yeah. What are we doing here?
Dan (00:47:15.000)
Hitler was part of the same things like the two sides of the same coin. thing. He shouldn't believe this.
Jordan (00:47:22.000)
Yeah. Yeah,
Dan (00:47:23.000)
it's that's even Nazi or than Alex. Usually,
Jordan (00:47:26.000)
it's unfortunate to feel like I'm constantly wandering around quicksand. You know, like, because you are there's no, there's no, no that you don't believe that. Yeah. According to the things that you don't believe.
Dan (00:47:38.000)
Yeah. Also, let's unpack China made some deals. Maybe they're
Jordan (00:47:44.000)
maybe the bag. China's China. Yeah, they're gonna do what are they gonna do? They're just gonna do China.
Dan (00:47:50.000)
I think I'd feel embarrassed if I said that. That's also I think I'd feel embarrassed if I took the piss out of my own bread and butter like he did with the like, the football issues. I mean, he's, he's, like, oh, not talking about some right wing distraction thing that I spend all of my
Jordan (00:48:07.000)
day, every day, all day, every day talking all day every day. Yeah,
Dan (00:48:11.000)
this isn't like my normal show where it's just being mad about nothing for no reason. Yeah. And you know,
Jordan (00:48:17.000)
I'm thinking of the context of Bilderberg members going rogue and talking to Daniel slnb. Like, how are we going to get out of this situation? Yeah,
Dan (00:48:26.000)
what have we Right?
Jordan (00:48:28.000)
Like, in the greater cosmology, these people are either lesser demons or people who are directly associated with actual demons.
Dan (00:48:39.000)
Yeah, so you got to kind of suspect that what they're doing is fucking with Daniel Estrella. Dan has to be trapped. Yeah, right.
Jordan (00:48:46.000)
I mean, there are in their worldview, there are literal demons and these people know them right to the point where we're
Dan (00:48:53.000)
in off demonic possession like with light switch.
Jordan (00:48:57.000)
And you can't just like hey, listen, I'm lying to this interdimensional infinite being over here. I need your help. Yeah, well, how
Dan (00:49:05.000)
do I get? Exactly Daniel has stolen you don't?
Jordan (00:49:08.000)
There's a demon. Hey, I
Dan (00:49:10.000)
know you wrote some really stupid books. Help me defeat the devil. Okay.
Jordan (00:49:14.000)
salutely Hey, could you help me with my eternal soul? Because there's this demon behind me.
Dan (00:49:20.000)
I would choose a better person to talk to Yeah, but Jim Tucker is dead. So I guess,
Jordan (00:49:26.000)
bottom of the barrel.
Dan (00:49:29.000)
So Alex asks, you know, this is this, where do you go? You know, sure. There's some shit that's gonna go down. It's just gonna happen. It's inevitable. So what do you do? Where do you go? Where do you go? You go underground. What's safe? Now you don't want to go underground?
Daniel Estulin (00:49:43.000)
Well, the idea is again, the idea is you stay where you are, which is not building a community within because you're going to Vienna, you're going to protect and defend your nation. Okay, God, flat country, whatever that is, whatever that may be. Doesn't make a difference. Okay, you know, you'll always be safer in your own land than anywhere else in the world.
Alex Jones (00:50:00.000)
I think that's very astute because if you don't know the terrain, the people, people should be getting folks. They trust getting ready now and getting psychologically ready for what's going down. And then we can do anything together if we're even psychologically spiritually ready is what you're saying. Yeah. So the robots aren't getting there on time to send the globalists, and they're crazy enough, I hope nuclear war wouldn't save him.
Daniel Estulin (00:50:22.000)
That's there's a lot of stuff going on. Alex, again, there's a lot that again, no one has the roadmap to explain where we're going. Which means that the globalist because they don't have a map for the first time in history, they have no way to get from point A to point B, they don't have the language.
Alex Jones (00:50:39.000)
You say that? Because I read The New York Times, Washington Post The Times of London that I read the CFR, and I said to some of the globalist I met with the last few years I said, so I'm here because you don't know what to do this, you know, things are coming to an end. We're trying to figure out what you think. And so I can tell you what you're saying is accurate. What you just said is the whole, they know they've come to a brick wall. They know they come to a dead end. Angeles is an amazing moment right now, these globalists,
Dan (00:51:02.000)
that conspiracy goes back to the devil. Like it goes back through all the human history that we have back to Biblical times and stuff. But for the first time ever, they don't know what to do. I think isn't that convenient?
Jordan (00:51:17.000)
I think you're just revealing that you have you've got no ideas. You've got no we've been doing the COVID thing. Now we've run out of ideas, right? COVID thing
Dan (00:51:25.000)
is some of these other stuff like monkey pox. We tried to try to do that. COVID that didn't really work out. No, we're really going to hit our own brick wall when you know 90% of the population isn't dead from these shots. Yeah, we are in a little bit. We've
Jordan (00:51:43.000)
hung our hat a lot on a lot of people are going to die from the shot
Dan (00:51:46.000)
that one yeah, that they're not going to know. They all should be dead by now. You weigh dead. That's doesn't seem to be happening. And we should have nuclear war by Oh, and that's not happening either.
Jordan (00:51:56.000)
It's not race specific.
Dan (00:52:00.000)
She yet yeah. Well, the global Stover
Jordan (00:52:03.000)
first time ever the globalist don't know what to do.
Dan (00:52:07.000)
Yeah, yeah. So the one of the things I think is really fun about the Daniel estulin interview is that they haven't talked in five years. Yeah. And well, that's what they say. I'm not sure if that's true or not. But Alex was like, Yeah, I got a new phone number. And you know, maybe I got a new phone. Yeah. Yeah, we didn't have each other's number. And you know, just like, Hey, you're the best man. Oh, my God, you are a primary high level source that we haven't really work. Like, a lot of the people that Alex has had on in the like past years, they've been worn out. Yeah, you know, no one cares anymore. Their name is not going to get anyone excited. And so now this is somebody who's like, oh, maybe maybe his authoritative voice can be exciting for a little while. But yeah, it'll be boy diminishing returns way diminishing. So we have another guy who's coming back after years long absence. When I heard this, I was just like, I don't even know why. I don't know what's going on anymore.
Alex Jones (00:53:17.000)
hour and 20 minutes. Ellen Benjamin, a popular comedian and researcher and talk show host joins us he's been on before years ago. And I wanted to get him on just because he's a controversial guy and definitely challenges the system. And that's important whether you agree with somebody or not. It's important to promote free speech. In this great age of tyrannies. We're gonna cover the waterfront here. We haven't talked before he came on. I call him a few days ago as he come on. He said, Sure. Owen Everything there? Most folks know who he is.
Dan (00:53:45.000)
Why do they know who he is? This is embarrassing for both of them. Yeah, this is really weird. This is not good. So Oh, and Benjamin was a fourth our host on Alex's show Yeah, after he sort of got you know, marginalized from the intellectual darkweb folk. And so he was doing the force that fourth hour and then he started to get really into Hitler and really, really anti semitic, he was really into Hitler very much. So to the point where I think it wouldn't be fair to describe him as a Nazi an actual out note Nazi. Yeah, very much. A lot of his ideas are parallel. Yeah. And so he was too much for Alex too much of a Nazi for Alex. And so he didn't do the fourth hour anymore, and instead was in his compound in Idaho, where he would drunkenly sit around a fire and livestream anti semitic shit to a smallish audience of people who would call him Big Bear.
Jordan (00:54:48.000)
Okay, so if I understand correctly, oh, and Benjamin comedian. Yeah, former comedian. Yeah. Has a compound in Idaho still does still does where he gets drunk and sits in front of a fire and then streams.
Dan (00:55:05.000)
Well, he would do that. I don't know if he's doing that anymore. I haven't kept close tabs on his show.
Jordan (00:55:11.000)
I mean, you don't watch every Nazi that can't Yeah. And I
Dan (00:55:15.000)
found his shows that I did watch to be a bit sloppy. Oh, yeah. The little bit boring. Sounds right. But yeah, so he did that. And then one of the things that I will say not to his credit, not a positive about Owen Benjamin, but something that I find entertaining. Yeah, is that he's a guy who doesn't give a fuck. Like when the Internet is bad that intellectual darkweb decided to disown him. Yeah, he put out a video talking about how much they're a bunch of shitheads. And how like, they all worship Sam Harris and his parents made Golden Girls and he's just living off a silver spoon. This fucking rich asshole. Like, so. Like, he burns people. Yeah, yeah. And after he and Alex had a falling out. He was like, This guy's a fucking alcoholic liar. Yeah, everything because he's just so full of shit. Yeah. And so So now he's back. And I think I could succinctly through what I've just said, Yeah. Sort of support my claim that this is embarrassing for both of you. Yeah. They should not be talking don't do and if they are talking, they should probably be dealing with the fact that they both hate each other. Yeah, we're presumably hate each other and have pretty fundamental problems with each other's worldviews and careers.
Jordan (00:56:32.000)
I would I if if there was a VH one show, then like 30 years afterwards, I could see getting Owen Benjamin and Alex to like, sit down and just be like, you know, we we spent a lot of stuff to each other in the past. You know, that shot man
Dan (00:56:47.000)
patient on this episode. I think it would be incredibly valuable if Alex and Owen would have a conversation about what exactly it was that made them in. We could not be working with each other right at that time. Alex, what about me was too Nazi for your show? Let me draw a
Jordan (00:57:05.000)
clear line. Well, you said you said you
Dan (00:57:08.000)
liked Hitler. Yeah, apparently that's not a problem you had gay on. Yeah, that's true. And yay. If you'll remember referenced Owen Benjamin's jokes. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah. Boy, I would play the clips were Owen Benjamin's shitting on Alex, but I played him during that episode. So it's been recently Yeah,
Jordan (00:57:27.000)
I mean, but the problem there is the honest conversation is listen, I agree with you on everything that you believe. But by using slight euphemisms, I can say it. And if you tell the truth, like you're like I say I do. Then we're gonna get in trouble. So you gotta go. And
Dan (00:57:45.000)
maybe, you know, Elon Musk has taken over Twitter and bigots are allowed back on to Owens back on Twitter, bigots. Bigots are everywhere. Oh, and has that. So maybe he's trying to grow his brand again. And so he's willing to not say some of these things on Alex's show in order to get back that platform. I get some of that money coming back. Yeah, boy. Yeah, he sucks. Yeah.
Jordan (00:58:12.000)
You know what's weird, though? hour and 22 minutes? Exactly.
Dan (00:58:15.000)
Yeah, it's mostly about farming.
Jordan (00:58:21.000)
That makes sense. That makes sense. That makes as much sense as anything else. You've said to know
Dan (00:58:26.000)
what it's not about his Nazi beliefs. Strange. It's not about how he very publicly called Alex a liar and told tales out of school about his time working for Alex. I think that that stuff is in the air, and they're pretending that it's not Yeah. Anybody who's watching this, who has an awareness of the two of them. Anybody who's watched Alex's show for a couple of years would be like, You guys are cowards. Yeah, do it. Like if Alex and Owen had the relationship that they had? Sure. And Alex calls and he's like, Hey, do you want to be on the show? If Owen says yes, there's really only two reasons One is to confront him. Yeah. And two is because he's desperate. Yeah. And he doesn't confront him. So it was me with the it because every other thing about their entire path together would lead me to be like, No, yeah, I don't want to come on your show. I think you're an alcoholic liar.
Jordan (00:59:26.000)
That's why I said it. Yeah. But it turns out even though I said it then it didn't bother me for the years before. Seemed pretty fine with it then Well, guess what now I can get over it now. It's fine again, now it's fine again, I don't know I took a five year break from you being an alcoholic liar. And now you're not an alcoholic liar that fast?
Dan (00:59:49.000)
Yeah, the people who like watching me drunk around a campfire maybe aren't enough to keep up on property taxes for my compound. I
Jordan (00:59:56.000)
shouldn't have gotten a comp got to downsize, maybe should have gotten a tiny house. So anyway,
Dan (01:00:00.000)
here's where their interview begins.
Alex Jones (01:00:02.000)
It is an insane world we live in. So Alan, thanks for joining us. I'm gonna let you watch the first topic here.
Owen Benjamin (01:00:08.000)
Well, thanks for having me, man. I just wanted to say I appreciate you having me and I'm glad to have this Convo. And happy Juneteenth. Today's a new holiday apparently Juneteenth, it's a big one,
Jordan (01:00:19.000)
not a new house.
Alex Jones (01:00:20.000)
This is the day that Republicans have freed the slaves from the Democrats. What's actually happened?
Owen Benjamin (01:00:26.000)
Is that Oh, nice. I didn't know that it's not
Alex Jones (01:00:29.000)
turning around the Democrats turning around and it's the Republicans.
Dan (01:00:34.000)
Good, good. Comedian. And either clearly opening with a nice joke. Great one. You Alex really ground that to a halt? Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's got a good scene partner. No, no, no, no. But hey, why don't we try again?
Jordan (01:00:49.000)
Are we gonna try again with the same joke? Yeah, no, no. Joke. Different jokes.
Dan (01:00:53.000)
So they're talking a little bit about RFK Jr. Because Alex is still kind of a into him, but also kind of like, he doesn't like guns enough. Sure. Sure. Sure. And so he wants to own Benjamin stake on it. Owens kind of Barrow. He lives at a fucking
Jordan (01:01:09.000)
no government can affect me here. I don't think
Dan (01:01:12.000)
he cares that much. Big picture. Yeah. And isn't super into RFK Jr. But they play a clip of RFK Jr. from deep in the past, when RFK had written a book about the judge that fought George Wallace to desegregate. Sure. And so they riff on this clip here a little bit,
Alex Jones (01:01:35.000)
because Robert F. Kennedy was his voice before he got paralyzed areas. A lot of people in
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (01:01:40.000)
Alabama and George Wallace, certainly. He's had a great effect on I think the entire South among the civil rights movement in this country and gem.
Old Timey Interviewer (01:01:48.000)
Truly remarkable man. This is the man that Griffin Bill wanted to have named. Jimmy Carter did as head of the FBI, but because of ill health, he could not. But he was the federal judge in Alabama, as you say, that had such an impact on not just Alabama but the South.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (01:02:06.000)
That's right. During the 60s, he integrated every major institution in Alabama, because of the political structure down that and really a politics that that really involved George Wallace politics, it really involved a stance of defiance. He was really forced to go in and actually take over institutions that many places in the south where where there was a certain
Alex Jones (01:02:34.000)
24 I've watched the whole interview he seems pretty smart at 24 but extremely leftist. Do you mean against segregation like the new
Jordan (01:02:44.000)
extremely less
Alex Jones (01:02:44.000)
compared to the kind of Eastern establishment serious elitism vibes are though? I mean, he's just radiating a liberal version of William F. Buckley. It makes you want to curl into a ball.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:54.000)
Oh my god. Well, he's
Owen Benjamin (01:02:55.000)
radiating a vibe like he's just right in his bag. To me, like I know guys like that. They're just like, he's just being like, you know, handsome and talk and smooth and
Alex Jones (01:03:08.000)
there's some promiscuous.
Owen Benjamin (01:03:11.000)
Yeah, which is okay, like, again, I'm not coming from like a high horse. I'm just a comic man. A lot of people will or you will overthink me like I have an agenda. Like I'm trying to take something down. I'm just, I'm just saying what I see. I just see a guy that looks like he's pretty into bang, you know? Oh, my God.
Jordan (01:03:37.000)
That's a Final Fantasy. 10 laugh right there. Ha ha.
Dan (01:03:44.000)
That was such a fake laugh It scared Yeah.
Jordan (01:03:46.000)
That was that was a tense.
Dan (01:03:48.000)
Well, let me no one had to explain to Alex that he's a comic and he was making a joke. And then it freed Alex up to laugh. But you saw before that Alex was like, Oh, you're going with the cliche of the promiscuous Kennedy. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait a harsher help the joke.
Jordan (01:04:03.000)
I was pretty sure he was negating the joke entirely by calling it a cliche.
Dan (01:04:07.000)
Yes. Yeah. That is how you want the person across the table from you to act. Yeah,
Jordan (01:04:12.000)
shit joke, dude. Okay, cool. All right. Hey, are you off to the next one? Okay. All right. hour and 22 you say?
Dan (01:04:22.000)
So I watched that interview. And he does look like it wants to bang. It is a fair observation. Book Hey, Benjamin, but
Jordan (01:04:31.000)
anyway, are you gonna say you're right, you're right. You gotta go. It's a cliche for a reason. The Kennedys are wanting to bang all the time. RFK
Dan (01:04:38.000)
Jr. In that interview did look smooth as hell it is
Jordan (01:04:41.000)
so obvious and so telling that somebody just saying they're against segregation. Yeah. Is extremely leftist. Yep. It's it's, it should tell you everything you need to know about the idea of like, oh, no, they're good with the 18 Fucking amendment or whatever they're
Dan (01:04:58.000)
not and let's be clear. There is no other context of the like that the clip that they played. That's really all you could take away from it. Yeah. And if you watch the interview it is about this book that Kennedy had written about the guy who fought Wallace. Over segregation. Yeah. And so if Alex did watch that entire interview, that's what it's about. Yeah. So that's what he is calling like, leftist. Yeah. And it makes sense because I mean, like, we've been over this a bit in the past, but like so many of Alex's ideological forefathers and the people who wrote the things that he is like, you know, heavily bases his worldview on were people who were associated with Wallace campaigns. Yeah. And he's governorship so like, it makes sense.
Jordan (01:05:40.000)
No, in the civil rights movement, was there real, burning passionate hatred, far beyond communism? Or well,
Dan (01:05:47.000)
the civil rights movement was just communist. Exactly. Wink wink. Yep. So look, Alex had that big.
Jordan (01:05:56.000)
Oh, boy, that I mean, honestly, that that hurt.
Dan (01:05:59.000)
So that's when he knew it's comedy time. And so like, I owe him Benjamin is saying that RFK looks like he wants to fuck Sure. Right? Yeah. So here's where Alex goes with Robert fucking Jr. No, it's not that good. Or not that bad.
Owen Benjamin (01:06:15.000)
Oh. Which is fine. You know, I went through phases I went through but like, if you look at me any Luckily, I've
Alex Jones (01:06:22.000)
never been into that. Benjamin never so good for you. I'm actually I'm actually a virgin. So I get it.
Owen Benjamin (01:06:29.000)
I get it. Dude. You're keeping it all inside you. You don't want to waste the male the masculine force. You don't want to spread the seed
Alex Jones (01:06:35.000)
to things like Gen river says the precious bodily fluids.
Owen Benjamin (01:06:39.000)
I think there is something to that. I think that like that's one reason why they flood everybody with porn is I think like if you keep it I know this sounds a little crazy. I'm getting a little distracted. But no like
Alex Jones (01:06:49.000)
boxers going to do in a month. Well, let me say exactly joking. Like testosterone does. I'm not a Kennedy, but I'm no stranger to women. I'm going to happily married done some bang. Yeah. Well, maybe in my mind, but the point
Owen Benjamin (01:07:01.000)
is, everybody gets it. It's out of date. Everybody's been through phases. Everybody goes through phases.
Alex Jones (01:07:05.000)
The point is,
Dan (01:07:06.000)
what is happening. What the fuck was that? So he decided first that his joke would be that he's never banged something right. You know, like the Kennedy that he's like, yeah, he looks like he wants to fuck I've never been that's never been a phased.
Jordan (01:07:20.000)
facetiousness great joke, totally crushed it and then
Dan (01:07:23.000)
so it goes a little while and then he's like, I gotta make a correction. I have I can't
Jordan (01:07:28.000)
I can't let people believe for a second that I haven't thought but then he doubles back on it again. Well, that's because it's funny to think that I haven't fucked
Dan (01:07:37.000)
but there was one moment that I thought was actually pretty smooth there. And that is when Oh, and starts talking about like his theories about pornography. Alex kind of cuts him off. And I think that is intentional. Because Alex knows that Owen Benjamin believes the Jews are giving everyone pornography to sublimate their aggression and extents are like tendency worth it. Yep. Yep.
Jordan (01:07:59.000)
That's that's what they're doing. Yep.
Dan (01:08:02.000)
So like I said, this is mostly about farming. Sure. Because Owen Benjamin's got that land out in Idaho where he grows crops and Alex fancies himself a country boy,
Jordan (01:08:12.000)
I mean, I'd rather hear them talk about farming the Nazis. Oh, sure.
Alex Jones (01:08:17.000)
You get high live in the country. And so much that's gone, though, is now it's like, satellite TVs and you know, the country's not what it was. But growing up in East Texas. It was it was it was amazing.
Owen Benjamin (01:08:28.000)
That's amazing. Like, that's exactly it. Like what you just described is like my heaven. You know, you don't get sad, like depression. Anxiety isn't really a human natural human condition. So if you're shoveling manure, and you're growing stuff, and your kids are running around, like you're so active, that you don't get sad, because I felt you're in
Alex Jones (01:08:48.000)
your revenue this morning, somebody right? You're a genetic thing that 1000 generations did. It's your job to do it. You're supposed to have kids running around fighting while you're taking care of chickens and shoveling crap and, you know, shooting a wolf or hit him with a bow and arrow.
Jordan (01:09:03.000)
I mean, you're Yeah, like they did 30,000
Owen Benjamin (01:09:05.000)
video. Yeah. And it's like, and you see so much truth in it. I don't know if one of your producers can find one of my videos I did. Where I showed people exactly how they're controlled through goats where you bring the goat in, you give it pornography, satellite TV, corn syrup, what it for whatever it is, and they put their face in and they're eating it. And then you put them in crippling debt. You know, you put the thing around their neck, the goat and then you milk them, which is their future income. And then you you know, you castrate them. You call them brave and beautiful if you don't want to procreating watching this and I'm like, Oh, it's just all farming. And so it's really hard to trick or deceive the farming type, the rural type. And I think that's why there's so hated amongst the established.
Alex Jones (01:09:50.000)
Did you know that? We're not just gonna have your Franklin mainly Thomas Jefferson obsess on the farmers as the answer to tyranny?
Owen Benjamin (01:09:58.000)
Yeah, absolutely. Because they It's impossible to farmer doesn't get as deceived as easily because you
Dan (01:10:04.000)
can't trick a farmer.
Jordan (01:10:05.000)
Oh my god, if I'm if I'm a person, if I'm a con man, the one thing I want to hear is like, Oh, my group of people is untreatable, right? Oh, yes, please. Oh, you guys are impossible to trick. There's no way I could
Dan (01:10:19.000)
just call you Mark,
Jordan (01:10:21.000)
how much money do you have?
Dan (01:10:23.000)
So that goat thing makes no sense. It's cute.
Jordan (01:10:27.000)
It's just farming, Dan. That's how we enslave people. It's just farming.
Dan (01:10:32.000)
I didn't hear any real reason to believe that I am the goat in like what he was describing. Yeah, but fine, I guess. You know, you can trick some people with that, as long as they're not farmers because farmers can't be tricked. But here's, here's really what I want to say. Yeah, there is a very serious issue with mental health in agricultural communities, rural areas. According to an article from earlier this year, in the New York Times, quote, the rate of suicide among farmers is three and a half times higher than among the general population. According to the National Rural Health Association, suicide rates in rural communities increased by 48%, between 2000 to 2018, compared with 34%, in urban areas, there is a lot of depression and mental health issues that get ignored.
Jordan (01:11:27.000)
And part of the reason that people say that we don't have that in our community is because nobody is allowed to talk about it. Yeah,
Dan (01:11:32.000)
there's a greater stigmatization, or whatever, you know, he's pretending that like, Oh, you'd stay busy. And, you know, it's not it's, that is not true. And that is a toxic, yeah, mentality that leads to greater severity and not dealing with the underlying issue, that he's there. And so, I don't know, I think he's been fooled.
Jordan (01:11:54.000)
Yeah, we should probably, here's what I think he should do. He should watch more movies. And I guess there's probably aren't enough more movies where there's like, this kid on a farm, who has big dreams feels depressed all the time. Their families unwilling to accept them because they're different, and they're talking about mental illness issues. And then they have to leave, right? Imagine if he had seen that as a regular story that happened constantly. Could be
Dan (01:12:21.000)
my help. My help, my help. So farming has been very helpful for Owen, Benjamin. Another thing
Owen Benjamin (01:12:29.000)
that farming teaches you is the death isn't even scary. Like one of the biggest driving forces of modern insanity is this super fear of death. And when you see a lot of death, you know that it's not meant you know, I don't know specifically what happens when you die, but I'm pretty comfortable with death at this point. And it's not really that scary, like animals die, you eat them, people die, you know, they go on their soul goes on and, and this place is a blessing. And so when you live that way, when you have a more rural lifestyle, these Bloomberg types almost appear like, like in Saint like, the level of insanity is so nuts.
Dan (01:13:08.000)
Yeah, man. So totally so nuts. You know, I had the exact same response that you did the animals die. People die.
Jordan (01:13:18.000)
You have you're gonna do it in that cadence. You have to do it. Yeah.
Dan (01:13:22.000)
And you're a comedian now.
Jordan (01:13:24.000)
Oh, my God.
Dan (01:13:26.000)
I mean, extensively, I get that you have a familiarity with things dying. Sure. And that may be is interesting to you that like it doesn't shock you when you kill an animal. Yeah, great. Doesn't really have to do with your death. I guess you have learned that object permanence is there. Yeah. And that when other people die life goes on. Right. And that's great. Right? That's cool.
Jordan (01:13:49.000)
But I mean, that's my problem. You know, when I die life goes on for other people. I'm not worried. I'm worried about that. But now you I know. That's why it'd be great.
Dan (01:13:58.000)
But yeah, you just gotta you gotta go live on a farm. And then you'll get over that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.000)
I don't like the out of doors, right? You
Dan (01:14:04.000)
sound like a Bloomberg.
Jordan (01:14:05.000)
I'm a bit of a Bloomberg type. My flowers are on the inside.
Dan (01:14:09.000)
So while you listen to this next clip, I'd like you to remember that Alex believes that books. Certain books shouldn't be allowed in, in schools, right, because they're going to scandalize children right and what have you. here here's Alex telling a little bit of a story from his past
Alex Jones (01:14:26.000)
11 I put me in for like two months our summer working for a major ranch next door to our ranch that we'd sold two decades before big nice ranch Black Angus you name it. Totally worked there like two months but first, it was really hot. It was crazy hundreds of degrees. But I got after I'd been up there a month because they had 1000s of cattle. Okay, then they were out open Ranger also fed them three or four days a week 18 wheelers would pull up. And it would be my job and a few other people, most of them 14 1516 to get up there and to get all the feed off and then go load it and I got to wear for a month of doing it totally sweet. Like I love it when the trucks pulled in, because you about to have to climb in there and get it all out and do it that love when they say go to this, this hay barn, and you know, grab all this hay and move it here or whatever. It's also worked for some of the winter. And then over the years, I worked a lot on high school for fighting for a year. I worked for large animal vet that I've met through that for a year. Incredible work learned so much industrial level vet, the word cleaners, I'm not taking towels and slaughterhouses getting ready for that that was part of the job. artificial insemination was just amazing. I'm telling you, I got to wear 5am alarm clock goes off. grandma's cooking breakfast. truck pulls by picks you up at 6:30am here in a truck with a bunch of cowboys going out to the horn 5000 cattle. And at the end of the day, you're not just paying that money they go here's 500 bucks. You did a good job on top your money. Now we're gonna get whiskey, and I'd be driving back and they'd be pulling off the whorehouses and just go Don't take me home. But I'm telling you, man, that's what Texas is all about. And that culture just he's not around anymore. I want Benjamin he got two stories top that
Jordan (01:16:05.000)
I that I
Dan (01:16:09.000)
beat. This is not a man who's on coke.
Jordan (01:16:11.000)
absolute, absolute incoherence. Yeah, like just crazy.
Dan (01:16:15.000)
Ah, I was put to work doing manual labor at 11. And then when I was 15, I was working with cowboys who took me to a whorehouse.
Jordan (01:16:23.000)
Yeah, yeah. All right. All right, man.
Dan (01:16:26.000)
But But like, all right, you know, you you imagine Alex being able to understand like, when he was 15, he wasn't an infant. Yeah. You know, and the resilience that you have one year, those ages. You can handle maybe a book that's a little scandalous being in the library,
Jordan (01:16:45.000)
usually. Yeah, usually. Yeah.
Dan (01:16:48.000)
I think I'll actually reflect on that a little bit.
Jordan (01:16:51.000)
When I did. I did my childhood thing. I did tasseled, the Illinois summer job. You you walk the fields of corn and you did tassel. Right. And, yeah, I lasted about a week and a half before they fired me. Because I wasn't looking at the ground, generally speaking. I was I was walking the rows and just kind of looking around thinking
Dan (01:17:16.000)
they had people having big dreams. people following
Jordan (01:17:19.000)
me and they were like, This is absurd. This guy doesn't do anything on these. It was like good call. You are correct. I have a person you should fire.
Dan (01:17:29.000)
I had a paper route. Yeah. I worked at Dairy Queen when I was 15. Yeah. That sucked.
Jordan (01:17:36.000)
Yeah. I worked at a lumberyard when I was 15. I love that smell. Oh, it was a good smell. Yep. Quit after a couple of weeks. Yeah,
Dan (01:17:45.000)
not for me. So Alex brought up inseminating animals. Yes. So Owens got a little bit of
Jordan (01:17:52.000)
a rant we're gonna go back to the JFK or RFK Jr. RIFF
Dan (01:17:56.000)
it's slight slight very okay.
Alex Jones (01:17:59.000)
I want Benjamin he got his stories top that.
Owen Benjamin (01:18:02.000)
No, those are pretty intense stories. I I know guys that are in that world. And it does look pretty amazing. My world is a little more small, smaller scale the guy for four cows, but I have seen them get artificially inseminated. And it's so funny. Like my sperm guy. I call my sperm guy who comes by with like a truck filled with cow sperm. And he's always super giggly, and it seems like he's not super. He's not even like that into cows. And I'm like, Why do you do this job but you don't even seem that into cows. He just like giggles and I'm like, You're into this firm.
Alex Jones (01:18:37.000)
About these rednecks as these are not the all hat no cattle rednecks. These people would work from 7am until nighttime like crazy maniacs. It was like completely a macho. Like that's what built America and mostly cowboys had like a gravel truck and you know, cement truck I mean, they're just maniacs. Yeah, they're
Owen Benjamin (01:18:57.000)
the toughest guys I've ever known. Yeah, that's
Dan (01:18:59.000)
not a conversation. I stepped on. Oh, great. I sperm guy Joe.
Jordan (01:19:06.000)
I mean, I think one there were at least four beats in a sperm guy story that he missed. Wave terrible does feel like that's from the act. Yeah, yeah, no, there's there's gotta be there's beats there probably Yeah,
Dan (01:19:21.000)
but you don't want it you want to keep it clean for Alex's show I suppose. Maybe it gets a little bit raunchy when he does stand up on the compound.
Jordan (01:19:27.000)
I mean, he already he was like oh when the guy comes with my sperm he didn't even eat it he just moved on well moved on.
Dan (01:19:35.000)
You don't want to spoon feed people. You gotta let them get there themselves Yeah, I
Jordan (01:19:39.000)
mean with Alex you got to spoon feed
Dan (01:19:40.000)
him well Oh, are you just say the joke and then he's like, these people
Alex Jones (01:19:43.000)
are not all hat no cattle.
Dan (01:19:46.000)
Completely off topic. Just a like a. That's like starting in the middle of a conversation they weren't having
Jordan (01:19:52.000)
Yeah, no, no. So Alex was continuing his story in his mind while Owen was talking And then, and then when Owen stopped, he was like, okay, I can continue my story.
Dan (01:20:04.000)
Right? I just forgot I forgot. Yes. skipped over the part where you were talking and that was in my brain. Yeah, it didn't matter. Yeah. So apparently women What about him can't survive the collapse that's coming. I'm sorry. What? No, I'll it's not gonna
Jordan (01:20:18.000)
be good. I'm gonna be honest, I was thinking
Alex Jones (01:20:21.000)
during the break was a friend of mine just sent me a photo of a man opening his car door but wading through the window to put his credit card in the in the computer. There. We have all the credit card reader. And people look at these videos and think they're fake. They've gone out and interviewed the women the media has I saw stories that they really put gasoline in plastic bags when a hurricane is coming. The whole the gasoline, because they buy everything else in their life. They put a plastic bag, well, this must be good. You know, it eats fruit about 10 seconds. And the video that the media when interviewed the woman because they saw her license plate that was trying to charge the Tesla. But she said, Well, I just bought the car and I was tired that day. Now I put women now to just mainly these are women doing this. These are real videos. What a lot of men are like this too, but women particularly on average, it's that part of the graph that's really high, do not understand anything operates, but are the most likely to believe in the system because they're disconnected from it. So you have a farmer is the closest to reality because they're having to make it or break it or a rancher or you know, an oilfield worker. women's jobs mainly are now not to her children. And she's working in a corporate lollol. And I'm not singling women out. But how are they going to deal with the collapse of society? Because to me, that's frightening, because it's hard to keep civilization going. And if you even have a birth rate of 10 20%, but needs replacement rate of 2.2 you then collapse will notice replacement rate has collapsed. Oh and but the general public. I mean, I remember my dad's dad, my other grandfather was the basketballs if you know how to do basic stuff, your roof, the house and, you know, fix the stove, but my dad's dad had combines everything. And I remember him like taking Folgers cans and welding them on to fix parts you want to pay for him and like just like a mad demon like doing everything he can just walk out, shoot a squirrel and scan it in two minutes and fry it up for lunch. I mean, you name it a butcher account, like four hours just like a machine. Now think about a guy like that versus people. That's like a god compared to a monkey. I mean, it's not even. I can't imagine how about the brain trust that we've lost?
Owen Benjamin (01:22:34.000)
Oh, yeah. 100% Yeah, man.
Jordan (01:22:37.000)
This is this is a little bit like if if the Unabomber didn't have an education, you know what I mean? Like, this is very much like the modern technologies evil. Right. But he doesn't understand any of what he's saying. You know,
Dan (01:22:53.000)
I don't understand.
Jordan (01:22:54.000)
Exactly, exactly. Exactly.
Dan (01:22:57.000)
Yeah. It seems to be jumping around quite a bit. Yeah. Seems tangential. A very like a concern for women and then is Uncle whatever is making a tin can. Squirrel Yeah, dinners. You know,
Jordan (01:23:10.000)
it is it is like me just as we have a you know, just as they have a documented fetishization feticide, creation of movies for like, the vision of the future. So they have a vision of movies for the past, you know, like they don't remember. They don't know what the past was sure. They have no idea. None. They're just like, Ah, man is better than, like, shut the fuck up.
Dan (01:23:35.000)
Well, and the these like images they have of people that they knew when they were younger or something like with Alex and is like, yes, you were five. Yeah. And your uncle looked really cool. Yeah, like Superman almost
Jordan (01:23:48.000)
because you were smaller than him. Right? You looked up real high.
Dan (01:23:51.000)
Now, just like your dad was the smartest boy in Texas. Yeah. And
Jordan (01:23:55.000)
I mean, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say, even if you think it would be better in the past for you, it wouldn't be for everybody else
Dan (01:24:04.000)
very, very well, that that's the thing that's so great and convenient about the pseudo Nazi ism. Alex and Owen subscribe to as they don't care about the other people who wouldn't be doing so? Well. Nope, that's an that's an essential part of
Jordan (01:24:22.000)
their ideology, a feature not a bug.
Dan (01:24:25.000)
So one last clip here and I would say that it's just Alex and Owen being really creepy about people who have a lot of kids
Owen Benjamin (01:24:32.000)
you know, I've had a lot of things that I was a little resentful for over the years like being you know, kicked out of my profession and Hollywood and a lot of betrayals and all that. And looking back with some hindsight, it freed me up in a lot of ways like I would have been on the road all the time. I you know, you can you can make a good living doing it yourself just directly doing comedy for the people that want to wear a
Alex Jones (01:24:55.000)
breeding like rabbits you wouldn't have had those kids instead of more money. And then a bunch of bars late at night to cigarette smoke. I've got all these gray kids. This is awesome.
Owen Benjamin (01:25:05.000)
Yeah, I would have missed all those ovulation cycles. Exactly. And so and so yeah, I think that that that's that's what I because I don't know the exact answer and you don't have to be a farmer like everybody has their craft or whatever they're good as a biggest
Alex Jones (01:25:18.000)
crop is men and women having children. You got one hell of a career now I'm a little bit envious right now.
Owen Benjamin (01:25:24.000)
Ya know, I get envious of people with a lot of kids. You know, I'm always just like, like, I'm friends with like, eight kids. And I'm like, who know like live in a trailer. And I'm just like, Simon legitimately envious of them? Because they're just like, that's where it's at.
Dan (01:25:38.000)
You're weird. That's weird. You're very weird. That's
Jordan (01:25:40.000)
not okay. Yeah. I mean, it's okay for you to believe that.
Dan (01:25:44.000)
I guess. I think it's okay to have a lot of kids if you want and it's you know, you can do to provide them with a decent life. And it's okay to I guess want more kids. If you have kids. It's weird to be jealous of people with a lot of kids. Yeah, that's so strange. Especially if you're Owen Benjamin. Yeah. Alex Jones.
Jordan (01:26:04.000)
I think I think one of the gross one of the roots of my discomfort there is that children are things drew children are things in this conversation, which is very strange to
Dan (01:26:14.000)
me. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And it's weird. Like, I'm jealous of this family with all these kids. It implies not that you want to make more kids. But you want to take those?
Jordan (01:26:29.000)
Also, also, no, no, no, no, I refuse that idea entirely. That is an achievable goal for you, sir. You can downsize to a trailer and have more kids. Something you can do if you are envious. Feel free to do
Dan (01:26:44.000)
I don't think he was saying he was envious of the trailer? I don't think so. You know, he was he just wants more kids. Yeah. Which is also achievable, I suppose. Seems like it. He's got 10 acres.
Jordan (01:26:53.000)
That's you can put kids I bet you could fill 10 acres with like, 5000 kids? Yeah. I have no idea how big? No.
Dan (01:27:04.000)
But also, I don't think kids are that big. If that's a good for a while. That's
Jordan (01:27:11.000)
yeah, you could create more kids than adults in there.
Dan (01:27:13.000)
Yeah, it would diminish the amount you could fit into 10 acres over time. Right. Right, right. Yeah, I just think it's weird. Just, I don't think I don't think anything about like, wanting a large family or anything is that string? I don't agree with it myself. Personally, I wouldn't want it but I don't necessarily look down on somebody. But I found the articulation of it just real unsettling.
Jordan (01:27:40.000)
Yeah. I mean, it's a coming from us two dudes with no children. You do what you do your kid people. You know, you got kids, you guys have different thoughts and feelings about kids. And that's fine. But just know that I think that a lot of the stuff you say is gross,
Dan (01:27:57.000)
and a little weird. It's a little bit like the lake with Alex having four kids. And I think Owen has seven. I think Jesus Yeah, or maybe six. I don't know, somewhere in there. But like for Alex to be like, you know, you have a lovely family or whatever, that that almost that's fine. But the I'm almost jealous of you having more kids than me. Just weird.
Jordan (01:28:20.000)
The way he said Everything about it was weird. Weird. Don't be on crack and tell me about like, don't, don't do stimulants, and then talk to me about my kids. Feel like that's just fair. Yeah,
Dan (01:28:33.000)
that's why Why didn't you talk to Daniel estulin. About whether or not you're jealous of the amount of kids he
Jordan (01:28:40.000)
totally That's our new first opening question. How many kids you got? Am I jealous or not?
Dan (01:28:44.000)
Right? What about the guy who showed up at Peter Hotez house not jealous of his kid.
Jordan (01:28:48.000)
That's a new segment. Stupid. Very stupid. This
Dan (01:28:53.000)
was a dumb show. Yeah. And I found it really interesting the way that like these figures are coming back from the past. Some of them kind of understandably, like Daniel westerlyn. It's like, well, why haven't you just had him around? As is like, it makes sense. It's a dumb fuck. Pseudo expert. And Alex can trot out. That makes sense. Chair. Oh, and Benjamin makes no sense. There isn't this is on earned in terms of him coming back around. Yeah, there's no reason Alex would want to have him back unless he has a feeling that oh, it has some fans that he would want to try and appeal to right. And if Alex knows what Owens fans are into, then he's trying to specifically recruit folks who are Yeah, so this isn't good.
Jordan (01:29:41.000)
Yeah, cuz you are not having a seat. I can't I can't get outside my comic brain here. You know, like, you booked a comic. They should be funny. He tried. I know, but that's clearly not what he's there for because I ALEKS can't even handle it. No, you know, like, even if even if he was funny, which is definitely not No, Alex can't deal with funny because he doesn't understand what's funny. Do you hear
Dan (01:30:09.000)
that laugh he can handle funny
Jordan (01:30:18.000)
so it's like why are you booking a comedian anyways? Why would you ever book a comedian on that show? I just don't understand it.
Dan (01:30:27.000)
Well, when it's a comedian slash bigot.
Jordan (01:30:32.000)
You know, also I had that thought, like, you know how the Nazi cinema thing you know, everybody's like, hey, the Nazis had cinema. You know, they had cinema. Do what? All right, nicely done. Well done. I register. No, the like, you know, the Leni Riefenstahl films like all that stuff. There's no way that there were great Nazi comics. That's not a thing. That was a that could have been. You can't be a funny fascist. I just don't think you can do it.
Dan (01:31:01.000)
I agree that I don't I don't feel like that could ever really work. But now I'm just like, I want to try and find if there were I? Who was
Jordan (01:31:10.000)
who was the number one Nazi clown.
Dan (01:31:12.000)
Right. Yeah. Because I think that could be done. Yeah, clowning could be done and can be done for anybody. Yeah, that's that's a clowning is for everyone. But comedy like mythology. Yeah.
Jordan (01:31:24.000)
Actual stand up comedy.
Dan (01:31:28.000)
I would be interested in seeing it. Yeah. I bet it's not good. Much like this. Me. So we'll be back Jordan with another episode. Maybe we'll see Owen Benjamin returned to his rightful place as a fourth our host in the future. We Yeah, but until we check back in we have website and
Jordan (01:31:45.000)
do we do it's I'll Yep. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight tip
Dan (01:31:49.000)
with back up until then I'm Neil. I'm Leo. I'm DCX clerk. Boop boop, boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop work. WEP WEP WEP. Now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:32:04.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.