Transcript/818: June 9, 2023
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red Alert knowledge five Damn, Jordan wedding knowledge It's time to pray.
Theme Song (00:00:21.000)
I have great respect for knowledge,
Theme Song (00:00:24.000)
knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy Chanology Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplane.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:51.000)
Huge fan. I love your work, knowledge.
Alex Jones (00:00:55.000)
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge Friday. I'm Dan I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Zhu.
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan,
Dan (00:01:08.000)
Dan or Dan I
Jordan (00:01:09.000)
had a quick question for you so it's a great spot today you go first ah my bright spot Dan. I finally saw John Wick for the most recent wick wiccaning the wick it the candles wick wick
Dan (00:01:24.000)
out how to go Alright, yeah, because air Two is better verse is better
Jordan (00:01:29.000)
than three okay, compared to Spider verse. It was not exist it didn't happen compared to Spider verse.
Dan (00:01:35.000)
John Wick is another of the movies that everyone says you should watch and I've never done but I know that Jason man Zuckuss was in it.
Jordan (00:01:42.000)
Yeah that's right.
Dan (00:01:45.000)
I know that my god that's all I know. Yeah, I don't think he plays the TIC tock man. That's all I know.
Jordan (00:01:53.000)
No, you're not missing anything. Okay, that fun?
Dan (00:01:56.000)
But if you're fun action type kills a lot of people.
Jordan (00:02:00.000)
conscious people that has been the staple style of movie since I was born
Dan (00:02:05.000)
drew there has been some version of it. It some incarnation. Yeah, Constantine that you're talking about? Right? Yes, constantly just
Jordan (00:02:14.000)
Constantine one of the greats. But yeah,
Dan (00:02:17.000)
I got so bummed out when I didn't I don't know that comic book I watched the movie and his name being John Constantine bothered me. I don't like that. I don't like that it was his second name yes sir. Name and also didn't like that it was John sound that to be a soft name.
Jordan (00:02:35.000)
I I've never been able to hear the full name and not immediately in my head. Go. Oh, you mean Johnston teen that's what I just cannot do it.
Dan (00:02:44.000)
I don't like it when something has a name of something. And it's the person's name and it's ridiculous. Yeah. John Constantine or Dr. House? Like house MD. Like, I don't like that. His name is house. Sure. Sure.
Jordan (00:02:55.000)
What would you prefer? His name was anything else? That's
Dan (00:02:57.000)
not a noun. Yeah. I want to pro or I want to pro noun. Not a noun
Jordan (00:03:04.000)
store. MD. How about that, huh?
Dan (00:03:07.000)
I think I'd have the same problems. Yeah. III think so. Yeah. Well,
Jordan (00:03:10.000)
it is the exact same issue
Dan (00:03:11.000)
and his name is Craig. Craig house.
Jordan (00:03:15.000)
Anyways, what's your brightspot?
Dan (00:03:17.000)
Jordan (00:03:20.000)
know love it name the best. I don't
Dan (00:03:22.000)
know. I was struggling actually to think of a bright spot. But I guess, you know, Celine cat has always been a bit of a wet food. snob. Sure. And I switched up the dry food that I give her and she likes it a lot more. Yeah. And I'm starting to think that maybe I just been given her the wrong dry food. And she just didn't like that. Okay, so that's kind of a bright spot. And as much as I don't have to always give her wet food to make her happy, she seems, seems quite into this.
Jordan (00:03:50.000)
Oh, that's nice. That's, uh, you know what, even after all those all these years, you can still learn and grow with your partner. And I think that's great.
Dan (00:03:57.000)
I also feel a little bit maybe bummed out that maybe I've been given her food she doesn't like this whole time and just thinking that she doesn't like dry food. She doesn't speak English. That is true. That is a constant problem. To her. I've tried so many times the teacher
Jordan (00:04:12.000)
English all cats know how to speak English and they just
Dan (00:04:15.000)
refused to I have a hunch. Yeah. It's just fact. So Jordan. Today we're going to be talking about the president of course, and Alex's response to Trump being indicted. Sure. So we're gonna be going over June 9 2023. His responses, you know, similar to what you'd expect basically, by
Jordan (00:04:36.000)
okay, I wasn't gonna be like well, I mean, hey, if you hide that many weird documents in a bathroom I think that's on you.
Dan (00:04:42.000)
You win some you lose. So I
Jordan (00:04:44.000)
mean, what I think would be fine if everybody was like Jesus, look at all those fucking boxes in your bathroom. It is not a an indictment of your crimes. It's an indictment of your character. The boxes in
Dan (00:04:57.000)
the basement and bathroom and all this shit Yeah, with That's all good. And well, I mean, it's not but like leaving that aside, even the recordings that they have made,
Jordan (00:05:05.000)
like wild. Just wild. Yeah.
Dan (00:05:09.000)
I don't know. I feel I feel like I have. I'm not impartial obviously. Sure, but I feel like I have enough ability to gain some distance and look at things objectively, that I think any president, any elected official, even if I loved them, and I saw that kind of stuff, I'd be like, Well, come on, man. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:05:28.000)
know. You gotta get out like, No, all right, this one's on you. Yeah, you gotta be gone now. Right? This is just not complicated. Yeah,
Dan (00:05:35.000)
I have I have an affinity for Obama. And if that was something that was recorded of him. Go imagining Bernie got elected. afterwards.
Jordan (00:05:47.000)
What are you doing with all those boxes in your fucking bathroom? Just to give them back?
Dan (00:05:52.000)
It's showing them to people to be like, it's bad for me to
Jordan (00:05:56.000)
say it is it is a cartoon of a crime committer it is. It is a bananas. It is. Oh,
Dan (00:06:03.000)
I would actually really respect Alex if he was like, man, well, at a certain point, you got to cut
Jordan (00:06:10.000)
sooner or later. Listen, this is let's remember when we were all found out, like, Oh, he's got confidential documents. And then the conversation turned into like, well, you know, the government
Dan (00:06:21.000)
got like three or four
Jordan (00:06:24.000)
classifies too many things. It's an over classification problem. He probably just took some stuff he didn't even know it was that this is absurdly classified shit. Yes. He's got it in his fucking bathroom and boxes. And he's showing it to be some of the stuff is top secret. War Plan. Oh, my God. It's absurd.
Dan (00:06:49.000)
Yeah, it is. And the case is pretty. I feel open and shut? I don't
Jordan (00:06:56.000)
know. I don't know. Yet. But how do you play for a jury? The sound of a man's voice going, look at this crime. I'm committing you and me. I'm committing this crime at you. You are part of this crime. We are committing a crime together and then not go. Do you expect me to find you not guilty?
Dan (00:07:13.000)
Look, the sorrows. All right. Now listen. Okay. Yeah. So Alex has a tough time really responding to this in any meaningful way. So he does some of the things that you might expect side road distractions, a little bit of what about gang other people commit crimes, right. And so we'll experience the long and short of it here in a moment. But first, Jordan, let's say hello to some new walks. That's a good idea. So first, generate a turtle soup and dancing. Thank you so much. You are now probably won't.
Alex Jones (00:07:42.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:44.000)
Next Daniels Shout Out is never late, Joseph and Chris. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when he remembers. Ask for it. Thank you so much. You are now ballsy. Want.
Alex Jones (00:07:52.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:07:53.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:54.000)
Thank you Next, you're now a policy. Waka waka waka. Thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:07:58.000)
I'm a policy wonk, thank
Jordan (00:07:59.000)
you very much
Dan (00:08:00.000)
and moist elk flaps. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:04.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:05.000)
I don't like that one at all. And I probably would have not allowed it had it not been in your email that you sent to me that I'm cold reading
Jordan (00:08:11.000)
I got the only reason that I allowed it is because they apologized profusely, their gamertag Okay, so it was like, I don't know what to do. I'm not gonna judge you for your I mean, but I am but I mean, I'm not. You know what I mean?
Dan (00:08:25.000)
I'm gonna judge you.
Jordan (00:08:27.000)
I'm Judge worthy. I'm Judge worthy.
Dan (00:08:30.000)
Also gotta take the credit the mixer. Thank you so much to Dan and Jordan predicted their involvement in the Texas Sandy Hook lawsuits episode 99 November 1 2017 28 minutes. 25 seconds to 28 minutes. 37 seconds. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:08:45.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Telling you brilliant someone someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp.
Alex Jones (00:08:54.000)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little Katie baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounced Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:06.000)
One of the great occasions of our witchcraft story.
Jordan (00:09:10.000)
Yeah, that one's that one's almost like simulation breaking you know that one is almost like Okay, guys, we can wrap this up. I
Dan (00:09:18.000)
try not to think about any instances of things that we've said just fucking around that end up like coming correct or any not because there's no meaning to it. No, you know,
Jordan (00:09:27.000)
they were We were dicking around Yes. We were not we were not like trying to make a very
Dan (00:09:31.000)
we there are sincere coincidences that are kind of weird. And you know, maybe there's if you go back through our catalog, there are a few of them right? I think is funny. It's just predicting COVID accidentally making fun of a project Camelot Episode One
Jordan (00:09:46.000)
is pretty funny. Ya know, it's it's a little bit like, you know, we're the we're the relief pitcher who's suddenly been asked to take taken at bat you know, which never happens and we're going Not they're fucking around and we're just like, fuck it and we call our shot. Ah, who cares? I'm not giving a shit and then you accidentally hit it there and you're like, Well, I didn't. That's, that's a complete coincidence, put
Dan (00:10:10.000)
us up to bat complete coincidence, do
Jordan (00:10:12.000)
not ask me to do this ever I got.
Dan (00:10:13.000)
So here we go we're gonna start here on the ninth and this is where Alex is at?
Alex Jones (00:10:19.000)
Well, I knew they were getting ready to indict Trump. But when they did, and it was still a punch in the stomach. And I would do my best here today. Roger Stone has come up about 25 minutes to really go through the meat and potatoes of this because I've been watching a lot of the other pundits and political analysts that are some of the smartest people out there that I know, they still don't get the full import of this. And how serious and dangerous this is and how reckless This is. This is the first time in US history in our 250 years roughly, that a former or current president has been indicted by a federal grand jury. Now, if you then look at this Jack Smith characters he's known for false prosecutions. In fact, he has a record a record, he's a young prosecutor comparatively for having his high profile prosecutions overturned
Dan (00:11:12.000)
dot dot dot dot O. So I would suggest to Alex a much better strategy to use that's in line with the brand that he tries to embody. Is that it 250 years this has never been done. Maybe it should be done more. Yeah, if President and past presidents do wildly illegal things, then they should be subject to the law. Yeah, no, I mean, that should be in line with his no kings
Jordan (00:11:38.000)
shit. This is this is part of the thing. We should all be celebrating this because it's the first time that we're actually admitting that there isn't an actual aristocracy and a fucking overarching class, and that they are finally being held accountable through this one idiot.
Dan (00:11:55.000)
It does introduce the question, I think that is probably a relevant question to ask that is where is the lie in of what, you know, like presidential prudence or decency towards past elected officials? Where is the line of what should be prosecutable? You know what I mean? Like some decisions that you make in office? Probably should get you in jail? Sure. But maybe you can't, because you have to make a decision. And there was no good decision. Sure. Maybe that? You know, that's a difficult thing, because that is a situation where by virtue of the office, maybe we shouldn't hold you accountable and responsible as a civilian in your personal life. Sure. This is pretty different. This is clearly on the other side of that line. But there is a line somewhere. And I think that that is a relevant conversation to have. It's not the one that's being had
Jordan (00:12:44.000)
no, no, I think the obvious I think what should happen, very simply, is that every elected official should be put on trial immediately after leaving office. They should have to defend themselves. And I no trial by combat. No, no, I mean, I mean, it. I think you're right, there are people who have made bad decisions, who can't who should not be held accountable for
Dan (00:13:04.000)
the results, you're thinking of defending your life situation, who should have to
Jordan (00:13:08.000)
because I bet a lot of our elected officials wouldn't do as great as they think they would. And maybe if you were held accountable, you wouldn't act as shittily. While you were in office,
Dan (00:13:18.000)
maybe I mean, I think I think that some level of accountability of public officials is a positive thing. And I don't know, I don't think everybody necessarily like your your suggestions is fairly interesting. Well, I mean, I don't know what the mechanics of it would be. But I do think the idea of having a post mortem, at the end of your term, you should is maybe healthy to take account of the time that you were in office. Sure. And maybe that would be even very helpful for historians, and for people, like put
Jordan (00:13:50.000)
it all out there. And not just that, not just that, but think about you've got four years in office of the president. Right? And you're gonna have to have a trial, even if you want to get reelected. Oh, boy. All right, four years. Now, while you're in office, you got to be thinking, is this going to be in my trial in only four years?
Dan (00:14:10.000)
Yeah, you know what the other the other problem with that though, too, is that you do get into a case where the people who are doing those trials, yeah, no, that's corruptible. As all humans are you run the difficulty of creating a greater oligarchy that has the ability to intimidate acting presidents into not acting a certain way in fear of what would happen in their trial natural so then we got to put those people on trial
Jordan (00:14:34.000)
that's kind of the we wound up in a who watches the watchmen scenario awful fast. Yeah, awful fast.
Dan (00:14:41.000)
The point though, is that they're, you know, some measure of accountability towards public officials is a positive thing, ya know, and if you're Alex, and you have this great distrust of politicians and all this shit, I don't understand why you would be on the other side of that, except if your brand is fraudulent. I
Jordan (00:14:58.000)
mean, it's a It seems so crazy to me, not least of which when people say that, like it's a monumental event in the in the either direction. It's like, man, do you know American history, most of our presidents could have caught a charge for half the shit they did.
Dan (00:15:14.000)
And maybe maybe it's monumental based on the way we've done things in the past. It's not monumental on its face. No, no, it's only monumental because maybe we haven't done the right things previously exactly
Jordan (00:15:27.000)
like the Teapot Dome, like when that went down. Yeah, exactly. Let's go all the way back. Let's take it away from like permanence, or like present time, we've got political arguments, or whatever it is, let's go all the way back. That was just some corrupt as shit that went down and nobody really got any kind of like charge for it. People got embarrassed. And the wrong people got fired. Someone should have caught a case. Exactly. You can't call it a scandal. It was a giant crime.
Dan (00:15:53.000)
So I think that Alex is pointing this finger here at Jack Smith, because he has, there's no other real defense, you've got to just try and smear the person doing the prosecution. Yeah. And, you know, that's great, but it's just kind of like a shiny thing to distract the audience's attention away. Sure. And that's one of his primary tactics that he uses. Just throwing shade at Jack Smith.
Alex Jones (00:16:18.000)
Show edition, same backdrop, the same day that wrote this Jack Smith character who has even lived in the United States for the last decade. He is a un war crimes prosecutor. And he's been on the tribunals, because you don't get jury trials with the UN you get a tribunal of these whack jobs. Wait, of course. poisoned to death in his cell. So and this guy worked on that. So that what
Dan (00:16:47.000)
this guy worked on Milosevic. So his Alex's timeline is completely whacked. Oh, yeah. So Jack Smith accepted a position at The Hague in late 2017. prosecuting charges of war crimes in Kosovo. Slobodan Milosevic died in 2006. While his trial was ongoing, he was posthumously convicted. But regardless, he wasn't poisoned in his cell and Smith had nothing to do with that prosecution. Plus, whenever Alex has Francis Boyle on his show to spread COVID misinformation, one of the big brags in his bio is that he helped with the prosecution of Milosevic. So Alex is trying to have it both ways here. For Boyle, that's a huge feather in his cap. But for Smith, who wasn't even involved, it's somehow a stain on his reputation. This kind of move is possible because nothing means anything to Alex and things are only true or false to the extent that they're useful for him in the moment. Yeah, this is nonsense,
Jordan (00:17:38.000)
and not least of which the man calls for tribunals for executing people all the goddamn time talking Fauci Yeah, I mean, we're just all the time, all the time, but most of them haven't committed war crimes. Fair enough.
Dan (00:17:50.000)
Right. I mean, like the the inconsistency there with Francis Boyle is just is glaring? Yeah, like you're against tribunals. Yay. Yeah. Use that consistently. Then shit on Francis Boyle involved in the US war crimes prosecution. He was involved with the good ones. Okay. The same one that Alex is shooting.
Jordan (00:18:09.000)
Okay. Well, yes. He was involved with the same good, good hard. Yeah, exactly.
Dan (00:18:13.000)
Yeah. It was a counter coup against the prosecution of Milosevic. The fun
Jordan (00:18:17.000)
part about subdivisions is that they can just keep going, you can keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Right. And it
Dan (00:18:23.000)
gets silly. Yeah. So Jack Smith, obviously, a un shithead 4006. Except that he started in The Hague in 2017. Yes, so there's all this, but then also, what about his wife? Won't you consider Jack Smith's wife? No, of course not. Alex does what super important refuse.
Alex Jones (00:18:44.000)
So and Scott worked on that. So if you want to get your neck broken, and your New York Federal cell, he's a guy and you want to kill some I undersell he's your guy. You want to set up stuff. He's your guy, then his wife is as vicious lib tard that produces all these anti American TV shows and movies and documentaries, including the Netflix big Mike's special on Michelle Obama calls him Michael, his his wife, Michael, in two different speeches. We have the Eclipse coming up. There'll be my mind and my wife, Michael. Show show. It's all just a big joke in our face. It's all about rubbing it in our face.
Dan (00:19:27.000)
See, Jack Smith's wife was involved with the documentary about Michelle Obama. Okay, and so that's where we're going with this. Alex hasn't he doesn't mention any other examples of these anti American shows. cherisher and what have you, but he does get into just this outrageous transphobia about Michelle being Big Mike. Yeah. And you know, it's it's transphobic in one sense. So then, you know, you also have to recognize the racism implicit in it of the masculinizing black women. Yep, that is a Something that is a trend that is involved in racist discourse and rhetoric. And you know that that is where Alex goes, he has this D legitimizing of Jack Smith based on vague accusations about his career. And then almost everything else becomes this horrendous shit about Michelle Obama. Yeah, it's if you were somebody who was looking at this with any critical eye, and you were like, well, this is how Alex is responding to this indictment. You're like, wow, he has nothing. Yeah, this is this is all superfluous nonsense.
Jordan (00:20:33.000)
I mean, in the in the only. I mean, I don't think it was self aware, inexplicably. But the thing that Trump said about how like, oh, it's talking about the EU, nobody gave a shit. Then I start saying trans stuff and all you go apeshit going crazy. Ah, and it's like, Yeah, Alex is doing the same thing. He's just easy. I got nothing, nothing. So I'll go hate trans people, and it'll do the job.
Dan (00:20:57.000)
Sure. And you'll you'll shift on to these these other conversations that you'll try and take the feelings that you inflame and your audience and all this, and then sort of try and place that on to the indictment when it has nothing to do with it. No, his wife being involved in a documentary has nothing to do with this prosecution. Unless, I mean, like, if that's the case, if it's the case, that everything that your spouse does, has an implicit impact on everything that you do, right. That's a standard. I don't think Alex wants to apply to the world. Like it's just, it's it's ridiculous.
Jordan (00:21:36.000)
It is absurd. It is. I mean, it is ridiculous. So yes, there there are two there. There are two people right now what not one person, the two individual people, right? Yeah, yep. Yeah.
Dan (00:21:48.000)
So Alex has nothing. But he also wants to touch on the fires in Canada. Sure. Because why not? Why not? They're all Antifa. I'm sorry. Yeah, maybe not. But Antifa did all the ones in America that last time that Alex lied about this, right. And so yeah, now it's
Jordan (00:22:06.000)
another one. Yeah. So it's
Alex Jones (00:22:08.000)
all completely cuckoo land. These people are not going to stop. And civilization as we know could end at any time. The satellite footage and images confirming major forest reformer have come out of seven Academy, former deputy heads of their forest service, your former deputy heads of their firefighting service, have come out and said, Listen, you don't have 25 fires right now in one hour, hundreds of miles apart. Somebody's setting this. And then the government isn't going out battling him. It's all part of the crisis creation. And so Chuck Schumer says, pass our carbon tax rules shut down more US power plants that will put the fires out in Canada. No, if you wait till there's dry weather in high winds, and you send a team of 10 people out to set three or four fires apiece. And you know, there's it's a leftist call to forest rangers. At that time doing it. I'm sorry, set the damn fires all over the country. It's just 25 fires set in 100 square miles in one area of eastern Canada. It's the whole country got lit on fire last week. And over two dozen Antifa members got caught setting fires. That's the police catching them.
Dan (00:23:28.000)
They didn't. Yeah, that's all made up. Everything Alex is saying is just made up. abstractions of his own. Yeah.
Jordan (00:23:35.000)
I mean, I don't go ahead. Sorry. I'm not saying that. It's not possible. And in fact, I bought a leftist cult of Ranger. No, I'm sure that there. There's got to be at least one forest ranger out there. It's just like, wow, it's better than line cook. But every forest ranger that I've ever interacted with or like experience, extremely passionate about the forest. Yeah, of all the things that they would set on fire. I'm not saying they wouldn't set anything on fire, but none of them would be the forest. Yeah.
Dan (00:24:02.000)
So I mean, this is just the exact same story as the last time Alex lied about fires and stuff. It comes down to lightning in dry areas that can have a battle start fires. There's a lot of accidental fires from cigarette butts fireworks, and the like. Well, that that provides the the exact circumstances where the fires are get worse. But then, you know, obviously there are every now and again, a couple of arsons. Sure. Sometimes it's someone setting fire for fun. Sometimes it's somebody burning something and then it accidentally catches some wilderness. There are incidences of arsons. And I you know, in terms of the Canadian fires, I wouldn't be surprised if maybe one or two were set intentionally by somebody, maybe not to start a wildfire. Sure, sure. But, you know, that's just a reality of the world.
Jordan (00:24:58.000)
We've seen it happen with birth reveals or Gender reveals whatever. Yeah, so,
Dan (00:25:01.000)
but that would be more category categorized in the accidental stuff. And that does also happen. Sure, you know, like, yeah, it's it's pretty ridiculous but Alex is suggesting and like someone like Chuck Schumer isn't saying, Hey, turn off power plants and it'll stop these fires. So, you know, just the element that you're talking about the the, the climate change that's exacerbated by our consumption and such is creating the circumstances where these fires are worse. Yeah, and it's not going to be an on off switch, but there's things we can do to make the damage lesser. Yeah, I mean, when those things
Jordan (00:25:36.000)
Yeah, to a certain extent, this is just it's like, yeah, man. Here we are. This is what we've done. Yep. Not much to say beyond get ready for more
Dan (00:25:47.000)
so when I when I hear somebody with these outlandish theories, and you know, these ideas of teams of leftist cult members who are in the forestry service, I like to generally listen to other things they say sure, see if I can gauge their credibility about you know, just ideas about the world that's fair. I and so this this should be taken as sort of like, you know, hey, if you want to believe that stuff, how about this okay,
Alex Jones (00:26:12.000)
their grandma's? Grandma's Gremlins really exist in a world war two they claim they saw him Oh boy. World War Two with a little green men like breaking equipment on the plane who know what the hell they're doing. It would appear in a green fog and start wrecking equipment. I like local Las Vegas. Twilight Tony green men popping up backyards, huge flying saucers crashing the police said they saw the play shops getting really weird folks. Just getting really cuckoo now. I don't know Gremlins are real but the Democratic Party and the communist are grandmas.
Dan (00:26:41.000)
That's a Gremlins might be real.
Jordan (00:26:43.000)
I don't know if Gremlins are real. Yep. But I do know. They are gremlins. Yeah, they might be real. That's a deep statement in a very strange way. Yeah.
Dan (00:26:53.000)
So Alex talks about like big green men in backyards, and UFO in Las Vegas. And that's just a hoax, though. Yeah, that happened. Oh, yeah. So they're a little while back, somebody called in to the Las Vegas police and said that there were eight, nine feet tall people in their backyard. Sure. And they were aliens or something. Right. They believed them to be elite. And the police showed up and there had been a shooting star that they'd seen. And so the police showed up and talk to them. And they're actually if you watch the footage of it, it's kind of funny, because the cop as they're leaving, because they don't find anything. She's like, hey, yeah, the next time if you see a huge eight foot tall man, don't call us deal with that yourself. All right, if anybody was taking this seriously, is that something that you would would say? Yeah, so it's maybe people were on drugs? Sure. Maybe possible. So anyway, what happened is the audio of this, this phone call this 911 call? And the reality of the fact that there was video of the police going out to talk to these people. I was then repackaged with someone who made the CGI um, so video of a big alien in someone's backyard, and Alex's wallet for this.
Jordan (00:28:11.000)
I you know what? This is really casting doubt on the leftist forest ranger cult. Yeah, it is. It is making it very hard to believe him about any other things then
Dan (00:28:21.000)
what do you think about gremlins? Well, I
Jordan (00:28:23.000)
don't know if they're real, but I do know who are they
Dan (00:28:27.000)
don't feed them. I've never seen Gremlins never seen
Jordan (00:28:32.000)
gremlins. Yep, not even Gremlins two. Nope. Really?
Dan (00:28:35.000)
Never. That's not one of them that everyone tells me to watch. And I'm about to like, like John Wick and
Jordan (00:28:42.000)
spider for the site. Yeah, I would suggest seeing Gremlins do but that's just more for fun. You like
Dan (00:28:46.000)
that batch? All right. So Alex could have been in the movies as we know. Star Lord, almost Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy. He was this close to an Oscar for his star turn in A Scanner Darkly. Yeah, where he was in like 10 seconds of the movie. And he's been
Jordan (00:29:05.000)
in so many Hollywood parties. And he's been offered so many roles that he's just turned down because he's like, I mean, you guys are clearly evil, and they want out my soul. Well,
Dan (00:29:14.000)
they literally asked him to pledge himself to the devil in order to get any roles, right. He was also one of the most sought after voice actors and really started criticizing Obama. Obama shut him down. And so here's like, a little sample of his acting range, because an impression of a deputy UN head think is, is stellar. Okay,
Alex Jones (00:29:35.000)
I never got this clip yesterday, the deputy head of the US, like, teach you Americans that you will not challenge us if you engage in speech when they are heavier arrested. I mean, this is a real quote. So we are watching you Americans very closely, and that you eat sybok xinja You were give us your children. Oh, and we're going to touch your daughter's rest. offices is all venue and we're closing half the Dutch farms and Ireland is passing laws and as we bring in the Muslims to stab the children at the pot, good stabs the babies
Dan (00:30:30.000)
Yeah, good impression. He doesn't actually end up getting to that clip either. You don't know.
Jordan (00:30:35.000)
I mean, I here's I got Marvin the Martian at first. Yeah, there was a little bit of there's a little bit of that. Right. And then after that he lost it right was just trying to do a hoity toity, I believe accent of some sort.
Dan (00:30:49.000)
And he was getting into just like vague, non sequiturs from Klaus Schwab stories. Right.
Jordan (00:30:54.000)
And then he dipped into the sorrows because he just can't stop himself.
Dan (00:30:59.000)
Yeah. I mean, he's good. Yeah,
Jordan (00:31:04.000)
he's got the chops.
Dan (00:31:05.000)
I think he studied with Stanislavski.
Jordan (00:31:09.000)
You think so? Yeah. So okay.
Dan (00:31:12.000)
I don't I don't know enough
Jordan (00:31:13.000)
other other acting coach things people say no, close. Yeah. Yeah, he's he's a really Yeah, sander. That's for sure.
Dan (00:31:22.000)
I think he was one of the original UCB guys.
Jordan (00:31:25.000)
You think so? Yeah. Oh, okay. So it was? It was Matt Walsh.
Dan (00:31:29.000)
And Robert. Yep. All right. I think so. Okay, that sounds right. Yeah. Didn't you see him in the show? Because you know, if you watch the old UCB show, you'll see like Paul Scheer is in the audience show of one of the sketches. Yeah, that they're doing when they needed like a bunch of people. So you could see like Andy Daly and like, some of these other people that you wouldn't know their names until much later. Alex Jones is in that.
Jordan (00:31:57.000)
Do you know what else? He was? And a lot of people don't know this. But now that after the January 6 thing has come out, he was a writer on mr. show, too.
Dan (00:32:05.000)
Is that right? Yeah. I think he wrote the little Donny sketch from UCP.
Jordan (00:32:14.000)
Alright, okay,
Dan (00:32:15.000)
so Alex thinks that maybe God should just destroy the world. Okay. Because things have gone too far floorboard there. Trump has been indicted. Sure. Yeah. Just fucking destroy the world. Yeah. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:32:27.000)
And yeah, a large part of the public can't find their actual both hands. But those people don't matter. They're just your students, but the thinking people every color, race, gender, you name it, know exactly what's going on. And you guys are not gonna get away with this. But I'll give it to you. You may just destroy the planet. And you don't want to start over. It's kind of like my dad, you said a month ago. All right, let's just have a nuclear war. I mean, at a certain point. Let's just kill all the Russians, they kill us. And they'll get me but they'll get the globalist do. Absolutely. Before you cut off more children's penises and everything. God, maybe it is just time to just just wipe our wipe us off the face of the earth. And if I get stepped on the process, I'll just kiss kiss your football. It stops me flattered to pancake. But you know what, the children don't deserve that. So we got to fight to preserve civilization. But I gotta tell you, I wouldn't blame God didn't blow this whole thing up. But God fearing it for the children and wants to see what we're going to do in this situation. But I can tell you right now. We've forgotten God if I were cursed nation, and the feds are crazy,
Dan (00:33:43.000)
crazy. Little known fact. No kids died in the flood
Jordan (00:33:46.000)
in the Bible. Oh, yeah. Well, God doesn't want to hurt no women. No kids. That's That's God's rule. You know, if you've read the Bible, it's very much. He's like an assassin with a cold.
Dan (00:33:58.000)
Yeah, weird. Yep. So we're in that headspace? Yeah. Maybe mid VEGF is right, that we should have a fucking nuclear war.
Jordan (00:34:06.000)
Let's kill everybody. But we're not going to do it because of the children don't deserve it or what? Maybe
Dan (00:34:10.000)
we should. Maybe that's what God wants
Jordan (00:34:14.000)
to protect the kids. So we have a very strange god who puts us here and then won't kill us all because of the kids I guess. I don't know.
Dan (00:34:20.000)
The God is strange when the head is strange. When Alex is the person who's interpreting God, where it gets strange, yeah, we
Jordan (00:34:29.000)
all have our own kind of God inside of us each and the only one that I'm scared of is Alex is really terrified. Yeah,
Dan (00:34:36.000)
because because Alex is terrified. Yep. So Alex, I think his audience is mostly not thrilled with Trump don't want him to be a leader. The vaccines real serious problem again,
Jordan (00:34:50.000)
he's a great big murderer if they're if their cosmology is
Dan (00:34:53.000)
true. Yeah. RFK Jr. May be somebody who's interesting. Sure. DeSantis kind of saw Left maybe not the kind of person we necessarily need we till real good fascist strong man appearing for them as a leader. Not yet necessarily. Yeah. So I have indicated that I think the smart thing for Alex to do is burn Trump does be done with Yeah. And I think that an indictment may be a good off ramp may be a good place to just say fuck it. I mean,
Jordan (00:35:24.000)
did you just ate so here's the thing. This is the most visually easy to explain crime, I think you can imagine. You know what I'm saying? Like, fine. He had confidential documents that he brought home with them. And it was just shown is it? Is it a? Is it a manila folder? Is it an? Is it something that he was taking care of? Was it in his desk? Did he know, giant boxes, just like you'd see at a shitty Lee run Office? In the bathroom? Yeah, that's just gotta stop.
Dan (00:35:59.000)
Well, I mean, like, I would say, you know, the New York Times described my apartment as rumbled. And that's fair. There's a bit there's clutter and stuff. Sure, no confidential document you wrote. I'm not I'm confident of that. Do you know
Jordan (00:36:11.000)
why it would just be tacky to keep them here? Yeah, it's just tacky. That's what he's That's his real crime. tacky. It's go ghosts.
Dan (00:36:20.000)
But yeah, so Alex goes the other direction. He's decided now he's 100%.
Alex Jones (00:36:25.000)
Sure, of course, 100%. Because I'm not a coward. If I turn against Trump, they leave me alone. They have grand jury's open on all of us. I'm 100% behind Trump. And I pledge myself to get him reelected. And to fight these, these illegal charges. And this fraud, because I must be with the man in the arena, I must be with the lions, surrounded by the hyenas, because I'm not a hyena or a rat, I'm a lion as well. And I challenge all of you that are on the fence to get behind Trump, because, you know, a man by his enemies that are coming for him at every level.
Dan (00:36:53.000)
Okay. And so you went the other direction? Yeah, I think this might actually be a good plan, too. Because I don't think that Trump is going to dodge this. I think now that there's an indictment, I think he's probably going to get charged and he's going to get convicted. I think, Okay, I'm looking at you and you're looking at me, because I get the sense that you don't
Jordan (00:37:18.000)
I honestly, I refuse to I refuse to even speculate. I have no idea.
Dan (00:37:24.000)
Yeah, I just don't have to have faith in processes at this point. I agree with you there. But I think if you're trying to wargame this out, and you're someone like Alex, yeah, I think he's probably got a good sense that Trump's fucked. Yes, there's, it's not looking good. Sure. Support the shit out of him. If he goes to prison, then you have your president in XML AKA, yeah, you know, there's a lot of narrative use there. And then at the same time, you can support somebody else to be the actual candidate and like your big strong, man, this, this allows you to retain some amount of like our hero who has been well, I mean, Napoleon comes up later. And so like, Great Oh, good call, you know, are
Jordan (00:38:09.000)
they weren't gonna go with Mandela. For some reason. I'm gonna assume they weren't gonna be like, we love Mandela. No, I just I just don't know.
Dan (00:38:16.000)
What was Trump's Robben Island? I don't think they're gonna go there. No, probably not. But yeah, it gives you that opportunity to retain him as like a narrative tool and then still have like your moneymaker. Big Boys strong man, ya
Jordan (00:38:32.000)
know, if you're Alex, the best thing that can happen is Trump goes to jail. That's the best thing because now you don't have to deal with the consequences of what it what it is you're lying about gets you
Dan (00:38:43.000)
off the hook for the consequences. It gets you off the hook for the fact that your audience is pissed that he did warp speed. Totally, because then he's not going to be the president. No. So who cares? If you supportive whatever, yeah, your audience support the audience can suffer through that or they can you know, you know, close their nose and accept some supportive Trump as the guy who's in
Jordan (00:39:03.000)
jail. They don't lead they love everything, but nothing so much as a political martyr. Don't make them up if they if they don't have one readily available,
Dan (00:39:12.000)
right? Yeah. So that'd be good for them. Yeah, they'd love that. So yeah, I think I think that's probably a wise money making decision for Alex. But we'll see as time goes on,
Jordan (00:39:19.000)
hasn't has anybody just realized that the best thing for all of us if this is if Trump goes to jail, right? It's the best thing. Listen,
Dan (00:39:28.000)
good for Trump to exactly.
Jordan (00:39:29.000)
It's the best thing for everybody. If he just goes to jail. I might not be the
Dan (00:39:33.000)
best for Trump. He's pretty old. I mean, even if he gets a few years, that could be the rest of his life.
Jordan (00:39:39.000)
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, hopefully, it'll be more than a few but let's
Dan (00:39:43.000)
might be good for him, though. I mean, he could probably sell a book. Let's you know, if he can write a book, someone else
Jordan (00:39:49.000)
is going to write that. No, no, no, he should have to. That's my that's my new jail sentence. Let him live in Mara Lago but he has to write a book.
Dan (00:39:57.000)
You're, like one of those wacky judges Oh,
Jordan (00:40:01.000)
let the punishment fit the crime people were
Dan (00:40:05.000)
saying I stole
Jordan (00:40:06.000)
Fuck it. I don't give a shit. Jail is for silly people. I
Dan (00:40:10.000)
don't think that works. I'm not sure that I haven't I haven't done any research but my my feeling is that that sort of doesn't work and just makes people mad. Well,
Jordan (00:40:18.000)
if there's anything I know it's that the carceral state works
Dan (00:40:21.000)
true. Not really, but someone who dodged the carceral state Yeah, Roger Stone. If you were gonna have somebody on to talk about how Trump got indicted, the person you want is the guy who went to jail and then Trump got out I mean, yeah, the log time rat fucker slash associate of Trump who found God because Trump pardoned him
Jordan (00:40:42.000)
is this Christ I just I just don't know what to do for guests I mean the the the the funniness of Roger Stone in my mind of Roger Stone, like going checking in at the at the prison, and then go into visit a in prison, Donald Trump just being like, Thanks for partying to me, buddy, and then walking out and then walking out like fucking Kaiser. So say, like, I finally want to get all
Dan (00:41:14.000)
of you he brings a mic to drop?
Jordan (00:41:17.000)
Absolutely. No, I mean, you don't get more of a winner out of this crime syndicate than you then Roger Stone. I guess you
Dan (00:41:25.000)
got stoned.
Jordan (00:41:27.000)
He's the one who's outlived everyone isn't a jail.
Dan (00:41:32.000)
So they think that you can't charge presidents or former presidents. And if you do, society collapses, It's sickening.
Roger Stone (00:41:39.000)
It is. You're absolutely right. There's a constitution matter. Is there any elementary fairness in our judicial system? I guess we're gonna find out.
Alex Jones (00:41:48.000)
Well, let's be clear. The reason nobody ever indicted a president and some obviously deserved it, is it creates a permanent constitutional crisis, where any local or federal prosecutor can become king and take over and that caused the decline of Rome, it caused the decline of third world countries. This is cancer, this is guaranteed to now create sectarian destabilization and total destruction of the country. This always leads to a to to to the collapse of empires, they have literally said the government and the country a fricking cyanide pill doing this it is insane.
Roger Stone (00:42:23.000)
I could not I could not agree with you more. Alex, we have crossed an important Rubicon.
Dan (00:42:28.000)
Oh, thank God that Alex has never called for like Clinton or Bush or Obama to be arrested or while they were in office or after.
Jordan (00:42:37.000)
I mean, if he had, he would essentially be saying I want to make the entire country collapse. Sure. That's what he was. That's what the
Dan (00:42:43.000)
only thing that's holding the fabric of our society together is the fact that we have no we don't charge precedents with crime.
Jordan (00:42:49.000)
Yeah, you know, in and again, I don't know everything about history. But historically speaking, not holding your leadership accountable is the best way to live a great society that won't collapse or fight in wars or be run over by Nepo babies and etc, etc.
Dan (00:43:08.000)
It turns out that, you know, societies and cultures can erode and, you know, political systems and countries can destabilize and see collapse through either. You can you can either let people get away with everything. Or it turns out maybe this isn't a variable that is necessarily determinative. No. So Roger, ever the thinker, deep thinker, he
Jordan (00:43:34.000)
has a plan. Okay, this isn't listening. Yeah,
Dan (00:43:38.000)
this is a good plan. I like plans. So it
Roger Stone (00:43:40.000)
seems to me that the the action here assuming that everything that has been reported about these documents about the whistleblower about the cover up by the FBI is accurate. Then the only news story that would trump the indictment of Donald Trump is a vote by the House Republicans to impeach Joe Biden. They have the votes. If they really have the evidence, then they should, that's precisely what they should do. This then becomes a game of chicken. Trump may be going to trial in Miami, perhaps in other jurisdictions, but Joe Biden will have to go to trial in the US Senate. And I would suggest, you know, he's not my favorite guy, but he's a hell of a smart guy. I would put Ted Cruz in charge of the prosecution within the Senate. Didn't hurt
Alex Jones (00:44:27.000)
yourself a little bit here.
Dan (00:44:29.000)
But yeah, these aren't serious people. Serious No. So
Jordan (00:44:33.000)
here's what we do. All right. You take one of ours we take one of yours all right. So then what then what then what do you do? What are you going to do now? We got one a year here. We're
Dan (00:44:41.000)
in a standoff. Exactly.
Jordan (00:44:42.000)
What are we doing? What are we doing here? I Quentin Tarantino directed this political assassination.
Dan (00:44:49.000)
I think Roger may have been in the shithead media space for too long now. Because the way he's kind of looking at this is not really politically useful. but it is useful for someone like Alex and that is like how do we change the narrative? Yeah. How do we shift the narrative? How do we take control of this? And yeah, for someone like Alex or any of these Dum Dum pundits who do this game, you know, impeaching Biden would be a good way for them to create the new headline, Sheriff, the news story, get attention away from this. And Roger is correct on that front, but it's not meaningful in in any sense for politics or for Yeah, making our country better making things run smoother. Yeah, it's just kind of shitty distraction tactics.
Jordan (00:45:34.000)
Yeah. And I think I think what's fascinating about that, is that I don't think anybody gives a shit about impeachment anymore.
Dan (00:45:42.000)
I mean, we're tired.
Jordan (00:45:43.000)
I mean, you just you lose, you've lost everybody. You you. You've revealed how stupid the even idea of impeachment really is. You do it four times in the past 20 years and never do anything other than reveal that people are gonna go well, I'm a DD so but and I'm an artist. So but that's it.
Dan (00:46:03.000)
Yeah, it does. It does. I think the process of it has been revealed to be not an effective check. Yeah, it's a waste of everybody's time. So that's fun. Maybe we should rewrite some of those rules. We
Jordan (00:46:16.000)
should figure that out. Yeah. That would be useful,
Dan (00:46:19.000)
but there's no time. No, we don't have time. We don't have time. No, because we have to lock her up.
Jordan (00:46:25.000)
What we're here she's back. Lock her up. Did she just break through the wall locker? Okay.
Roger Stone (00:46:30.000)
Hillary Clinton is doing cartwheels today. She's out selling hats that say what about the emails? Yeah. What about the emails? Hillary Clinton destroyed with a hammer and beach Flint 33,000 emails, including classified information that was on an illegal server and she was never prosecuted James Comey gave her a pass. She's rubbing our face in it right now that Donald Trump has been charged. She she's out screaming crowing about the fact that there's a two tiered justice system. By the way, there's no statute of limitations on treason. You don't think it's occurred to her that Donald Trump gets back in the White House? She and her husband might be prosecuted I mean, they did sell top secret boy miss here we go. targeting information Chinese in return for illegal campaign contributions.
Dan (00:47:22.000)
We're gonna thought it was Uranium One. I
Jordan (00:47:23.000)
mean, yeah, you're you're messing up your own. You're doing you're messing up your own thing.
Dan (00:47:28.000)
Oh, no, no, we gotta lock her up. Boy, Hillary baby.
Jordan (00:47:32.000)
You know, it's it is it is maybe the smallest and saddest of fart sounds to bring up Hillary's emails in 2023.
Dan (00:47:42.000)
To be fair, I mean, I did see an ad that Hillary was selling hats and stuff and, you know, maybe maybe slightly tacky as a fundraising thing. I can understand how that would run. That would piss Roger off. Sure. But this is sad. Yeah, this is sad. Yeah.
Jordan (00:47:56.000)
This is very sad.
Dan (00:47:57.000)
Ted Cruz on that impeachment. Yeah. So Alex has a bunch of stack E's. He's got a lot of paper in front of it. Tons of stuff to get through. He's got to get to. There's so much news, right? And the story he decides to land on is about a immigrant refugee in France, stabbing people. Because, of course, probably the most important news story. I
Jordan (00:48:17.000)
am surprised that that in France is news here.
Dan (00:48:21.000)
Well, for Alex it is.
Alex Jones (00:48:23.000)
Let me just do this. Because I've got so much to cover and it's so frustrating. I get in here so many days. After the show I go man, I've covered five stacks or 30 tax letters 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2120 220-324-2526 stacks, because I was tasked with 3040 articles, substantial five articles 30 Plus stacks here. Each one of these is an incredible story illustrating these people. Each one of these is a whole show. A psychotic Islamic Arab running around stabbing eight people many of babies with a butcher knife and if you try to say he's a Muslim, you're banned off the internet. And these images really never Elon Musk arrested if he allows this video to be seen on Twitter ads a clip of him saying that the crime is established babies the crime is letting you know it's happening. And the crime is those women. I mean, what woman would go out anywhere without a handgun of their purse? Oh, sorry. Can't have it. Majan that was Texas. It's 21 at that park guaranteed to Umbria and have a gun. That guy tried that he'd be dead in seconds. She doesn't load that revolver that handgun right is filthy chest. He'd be gone gone. But steady can run around in our lock bar and stab a bunch of these French women. How many of those French women you think boat of robbing borders think it's cute? Fun. Not so fast. Now he stabs those babies in the head. I got some footage of him stabbing the baby in the stroller out here. And look how weak that guy is, man. What? Yeah, I like to spend some beach mat dude, God shoot him. Oh 45
Unknown Speaker (00:50:16.000)
Jordan (00:50:17.000)
What the fuck? Yep.
Dan (00:50:19.000)
So that's where we're where we're at. That's the That's where we're going with from the stack ease. Yeah, yeah, sort of ruminating and fantasizing about this, this attack?
Jordan (00:50:29.000)
Shouldn't it be indicative of how infrequent these things are? If you have to scramble to get a story from France? Nah,
Dan (00:50:40.000)
nah, because here's the way you do it. You do this, and you obsessively cover this and you're like, I'm gonna play this video of people stabbing babies in all this. And then you also say, this happened so much that I can't ever even get to it. You just say you imply that you have hundreds of these videos. They're happening every day all the time everywhere, right? And then the audience believes you.
Jordan (00:51:04.000)
Yeah, that's the thing that I am struggling with. Right? You shouldn't believe it. Right? Well, they do. Oh, that's not good. Well, it satisfies
Dan (00:51:10.000)
satisfies the xenophobic and racist narratives that Infowars perpetuates and sells Yeah, you know, that is there's this constant barrage of violence against white people done by non white people. And no one's ever allowed to talk about it. You can't even post about this right? You know, because there's a cover up of these crimes because the everyone's trying to white genocide.
Jordan (00:51:34.000)
Yeah, Alex actually accidentally does bring up something that I think might be a good point. What's up? I nominally not a gun guy, but I do think all women should be allowed to have guns and no mention. And all women should be carrying a snubnose revolver with them at all times. Be interesting that men are violent. You know, you shouldn't they shouldn't have guns.
Dan (00:51:58.000)
That's an interesting it's an interesting policy suggestion. Yeah. Oh, women must carry no men can I'm suspecting that may be Elon Musk, or Twitter doesn't want you to post videos of this because it's people getting stabbed. I'm feeling like maybe that's the reason that those videos aren't allowed. I don't know. I don't travel in enough Twitter the to know but I feel like most of the time, you know, vile, horrible violence videos generally aren't murder videos not supposed to be viewed like they're not but I don't think anyone died in the stack. Okay, well, we're just injured. Still.
Jordan (00:52:33.000)
Yeah, no. Murder. I don't even like watching replays where people twist their ankle shirts. Cabal. Yeah, they it's like a no, it hurts. Yeah.
Dan (00:52:41.000)
I don't like those bail videos of like skating.
Jordan (00:52:45.000)
Yeah, no, no, no, that hurt. You hurt yourself. Yeah, go to the doctor.
Dan (00:52:49.000)
So Alex, we'll get back to this story later. And it'll get grotesque. Sure, but not quite yet. Because Alex has to talk about how he would be in favor if they I'm sorry, you would be against it. Biden got indicted. Oh, wow. Just bullshit. Yeah,
Jordan (00:53:04.000)
right. What? What are you talking about local prosecutors
Alex Jones (00:53:06.000)
indicted Biden. I would say that's dangerous. He should just step down and go away. That's why Napoleon. They never put him in prison. I just sent him to an island. Because completely
Unknown Speaker (00:53:17.000)
Alex Jones (00:53:18.000)
if you start doing that. There's constant coup attempts over the leader.
Dan (00:53:23.000)
Does he think that they sent Napoleon on a vacation?
Jordan (00:53:27.000)
I mean, I see. They just said they sent him to an island and said you can never leave which is completely different from a president.
Dan (00:53:35.000)
They sent him to Elba. Yeah. And then he escaped. Yeah. And then he tried to cause a bunch of shit. Yeah. And then he got sent to St. Helena where he died, which
Jordan (00:53:42.000)
is why you keep him there. You know, let him a soldier's you don't let him escape it kept him on saves Elena, because he can cause too many problems. He's fucking Napoleon. It's a prison island. You can't trust Napoleon. That's just not hard.
Dan (00:53:54.000)
Yeah, that's why they never sent him to jail. I
Jordan (00:53:56.000)
mean, you know, it is like you people. These things wouldn't be happening if leaders were held accountable.
Dan (00:54:05.000)
may know maybe, but Alex also would be gung ho all for it if indicted Biden for anything.
Jordan (00:54:12.000)
Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. They are screaming about his son having a laptop and they're like, indicted for crimes
Dan (00:54:20.000)
and they Alex would never suggest that indicting Biden is a collapse of society thinks it's ridiculous.
Jordan (00:54:25.000)
That would be how we get society back.
Dan (00:54:28.000)
There is a time though a time and a place where you should indict somebody, okay.
Alex Jones (00:54:33.000)
What's the reason this isn't done? He's really mad at the fact that they can contain it, Republicans are now gonna start doubting Democrat presidents. And the time to indict them is when they're not in office like Hillary Clinton was never president. I don't want to say it's a necessary evil to have presidents, you know, quote, be above the law there. out above the law, and they can be impeached in Congress and removed. But when you can have federal prosecutors go out and do this. Well, the separation of powers is gone.
Dan (00:55:13.000)
So if Alex thinks that the time to remove or to indict someone who's on they're not in office. Yeah. Trump's on an office, but Alex thinks he is. Yeah. So Alex thinks that this is actually indicting the rightful president who's right spiritually or accurately in office. Right. That's strange. Yeah. I
Jordan (00:55:32.000)
was very confused by that. I thanked them as when they're not in office. I was like, you nailed it, buddy.
Dan (00:55:37.000)
I think that that is what he's getting at. Right. Is that you know, Trump is the rightful president. Right,
Jordan (00:55:42.000)
right, right. That's a problem. That's no good. No, no.
Dan (00:55:46.000)
So in order to distract and deflect from the reality, this indictment, like I said, he attacks Jack Smith, a bunch here, and then his wife by virtue of her connection to the documentary about, Michelle allows him to be racist and transphobic. Yep. And so that's what he does for a bit now. So a little bit of a content warning, a whole bunch of Michelle Obama is a dude stuff. Great. So get ready. Cool. And skip ahead. If you don't want to hear this. Yeah.
Alex Jones (00:56:13.000)
Here's Joan Rivers a few weeks before she died. Talking about what everybody knows is the truth. And I'm not joking when I say it. We even know the name of him. Where he went to football he did. I don't dislike Big Mike. Because he wanted to be a woman and Obama want to be able to marry his boyfriend. Well, the fact is, the daughters really aren't their daughters. That's well known. It's this is how they blackmail and control Obama. It's all part of the big joke and all our faces. Look Big Mike wants to be you know, present like a woman, that's fine. It's just that we're gonna we're gonna talk about the fact that Jack Smith, the prosecutor, the human prosecutors, wife works for him. That's, that's a major conflict of interest. So here's Joan Rivers, talking about being mine.
Dan (00:57:04.000)
So this is grotesque. And one of the things like this is so far off the beaten path of talking about the indictment, that it's almost comical. But one thing that I think about is, when Alex was called out about this a few years back about the Michelle Obama stuff, he insisted he was joking. He insisted that this wasn't something that they covered seriously, and it's just a joke. And it's important to recognize that when he says that, it's just because he's not ready to take responsibility for the things that he said he never meant this as a joke. It was just convenient for him to say he was joking, to get out of indefensible situation that he was in at that point. And now, I guess he just feels like, No, I can I can I can own this.
Jordan (00:57:54.000)
Yeah, I mean, I've I've, I'm of the opinion that the far right is only ever laughs when they're telling the truth. Because then they can laugh at people for thinking they're joking. Like that. Like it makes them laugh whenever, you know. Yeah, for sure. Hey, I'm calling her. You know, yeah,
Dan (00:58:13.000)
there is that dynamic? Yeah. They mean it. Yeah. And I think that you should not be fooled by Alex when he makes those kinds of protestations to get himself out of a bind and be like, I was tears. I was joking. Yeah, no,
Jordan (00:58:26.000)
they're not. You're not they're not joking now.
Dan (00:58:29.000)
And he has this evidence that he had plays of Obama calling Michel Michel. And that's really interesting, or it's not
Alex Jones (00:58:40.000)
going by the clip guys. This is Obama calls. He's done this twice. On the stage, Michelle Obama, Michael, here it is. Most of all,
Barack Obama (00:58:56.000)
Deborah, Michael, and I also want to acknowledge your son Jack was deployed today. All of you have performed extraordinary service to our country.
Alex Jones (00:59:12.000)
90 day, he knows another time to call her Michael.
Dan (00:59:15.000)
This is a complete fraud. Obama is talking to Admiral Mullen and in the process of it mentions Deborah who's Mullins wife and then shouts out Michael and Jack who are Molins, two sons. Obama makes a specific point of personally acknowledging Jack because he's deployed. And so the way the syntax of the sentence works, it can sound like the acknowledgment is coming from Michael and I, but that's not what Obama was saying. I would guess that there was like a confusion with the teleprompter or something like it wasn't a comma where it should have been because he says like, Admiral Mullen, Deborah, Michael, and I would like to Michael comma, and I would like to personally point out Jack who's in service, right? This is something that's been explained. into debunk for a very long time. The only reason you would ever put this forward as meaning anything is if you were a vicious transphobic racist who was desperate and didn't care about the truth to any extent this is this is absurd. Yeah, no, this this level of pulling this clip out
Jordan (01:00:14.000)
where I mean it is it does feel like we are in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. You know, like, where he's, he's drawing the line with his footstep over this over and over and over again. Trump just keeps committing crimes like like it started with him being a fucking sexually assaulting rapists. And then it went to Russia. And every time he just commits more and more crimes, and the right is like, fuck, we don't care. We don't care. We don't care. We don't care. And then this shit is bananas.
Dan (01:00:42.000)
Yeah. And I think it's because of the destructiveness and the lust for power that Trump embodies, that resonates so deeply with these folks. And they're, they have an awareness that you consolidate enough power, you can crush all the people that you don't like, yeah. And you can put up with a lot in order to get there, you know, turns out Yeah, yep. So that part with the Obama stuff is, is past now at this point. But now we have another severe content warning. Great. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna stress this one hard. And that is that Alex plays the video of that stabbing, and there'll be some audio from that. So you'll hear some of that, and I would absolutely not play it, except for the things that Alex says over it. Okay. And so there really was no way around this. And so
Jordan (01:01:39.000)
he's not talk over a stabbing video. He does. Oh, my God.
Dan (01:01:44.000)
And, and yeah, I could understand someone having a difficult time hearing the screams and stuff like that. So I would understand, you know what, it might be the rest of the episode. So I've got to check out I understand. We'll see you next time. You take care, but for now, we'll get into this. And Alex starts off by saying, Hey, man, I don't really even want to cover this.
Alex Jones (01:02:09.000)
I haven't gotten to this footage, and I really don't want to air it. But because
Jordan (01:02:15.000)
Trump was the guy that I need to distract
Alex Jones (01:02:18.000)
you as threatening and keeping him from airing I'm gonna air it. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna with the first five minutes, the next hour, I'm gonna show multiple young babies and British citizens of France, eight people stabbed them in critical condition, stabbed in the face, the abdomen, and Islamic nutball running around at a city park in France.
Dan (01:02:40.000)
So I want to touch on this with the I don't want to play this video thing. I don't believe that for a second. Because Alex was thrilled to play all the graphic, gory shit from that mall shooting a little while back. He loves this kind of stuff. He really, there was more footage of people getting killed and other shootings and stuff like that. I have no doubt in my mind that he would play it. Yeah.
Jordan (01:03:04.000)
He likes to imagine himself killing the murderer. He likes to imagine himself being the hero. Like that's
Dan (01:03:08.000)
the most generous. Yeah, you're right. That's a good point. I think he's just a really fucked up dude. And he knows that these things in the same way that I feel like it would be irresponsible to even cover this stuff without giving people a warning that this is something that's going to be played right. And it's really sensitive. I understand that it hits people hard. Seeing things like a video of someone getting stabbed is very difficult to process. Even a lot of just, you know, maybe even no fight where people are throwing fists can be you know, seeing someone get hurt, has an emotional impact on you. And you can use that emotional response to manipulate people.
Jordan (01:03:46.000)
You I mean, it's not hard to draw a direct conclusion that if Trump was indicted, and you don't want to talk about that, you say that he was wrongfully indicted, you know, you do that whole thing. Jack
Dan (01:03:59.000)
Smith is a fraud who works for Obama owes you the whole thing.
Jordan (01:04:03.000)
Yeah. And then to really emotionally hammer the point home, you show a bunch of stabbing videos to get people all riled up and excited about what you said about how everything is all terrible. This is nakedly disgusting, it is yeah. Yeah. And,
Dan (01:04:18.000)
and on purpose, and I do think also a bit against human decency, quite frankly. I mean, it's monstrous. So we have stressed a lot of times that things that make memes out of Alex are not effective, right. And always counterproductive. Yes. And one of those things was the Alex Barney ver parody song, right? We've discussed many times the way that he's able to use that to his own advantage. In the case, here is another one of those examples. He has an instance where a refugee The Immigrant is someone who has committed a crime. And so he's able to use that song to mock the idea of people being offended by his rank xenophobia and bigotry, right? And so even sings it.
Alex Jones (01:05:16.000)
Here's some headlines today about it. Weapons. amazi begins for French owners of illegal arms, which is all guns. That was November last year. Well, it's the last week this week, France launched his week long campaign to collect personal firearms. Last chance and the amnesty just ended. Well, right on time one of the 5 million Islamics brought in to France just last decade 90% of them are on welfare and ever got a job. John areas are no go zones. Well, Mr. Cool here, went out and went to a park and stabbed four babies and four women. What a tough guy, some are fighting for their lives, stabbed them with a butcher knife. Remember the old Alex Jones? Sean, I'm gonna stab your daughter at the mall. I'm gonna stab your wife, your son. Ooh. And then the police chief says, We love our Somalis. We love our Muslims to obey. So good. Oh, they're so sweet. You know, we got our special guests coming up. Do we get the version that rob you added a documentary to everything I was saying? The Alex Jones does Bon Iver song.
Dan (01:06:27.000)
So I understand that the songs and stuff like this can be a lot of fun. And I do I respect the craft of that person who made that song. I think it's well done. I think it's, you know, reasonably funny. But when the rubber meets the road, for me, the idea is a roading Alex's ability to keep his audience in the state that they're in. Yeah. Ideally, if you're going to put out things that are critical of him, you want them to be things that he would never sing along to write this. This is this is something that he can use as a tool to delegitimize criticisms of himself. Yeah. And to that extent, it is counterproductive. And to that extent, it is one of the reasons, one of the things and one of the tactics that I think is never useful to use against him. And you can see that here.
Jordan (01:07:23.000)
Yeah, I mean, I think, but maybe the simplest rule that I live by, is I asked myself, is what I'm about to do going to make Alex Jones smile? And if the answer is yes, I don't do it.
Dan (01:07:38.000)
Right. And I think the making of that, I can't imagine that the person who made it was in any way even aware that this would be something that Alex could use to his advantage. And that that's something of the issue and something of the message that I wish to convey to folks so they're better aware of like, Hey, that's a good idea. And that's a lot of fun. But also, you do that you do damage with with something like that. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't think that and you know what, that's that's also the problem of intention. Do you know like, this person wasn't making this in order to necessarily attack Alex, it was something that was funny. It was it was it was meant to be a humorous thing. And, you know, sometimes you don't even consider that kind of stuff.
Jordan (01:08:25.000)
And I understand that's why I had to make that rule because before I thought I was living my life to make Alex Jones not smile. But now I realized that I have to make a conscious daily effort to make sure Alex does not smile.
Dan (01:08:37.000)
It's a practice it is a practice. It's It's like that old DC talk song Love is a verb. Absolutely.
Jordan (01:08:43.000)
You got to do it.
Dan (01:08:44.000)
Why is that the
Jordan (01:08:45.000)
right? idea why you WABC talk with DC talk.
Dan (01:08:49.000)
Great album, Jesus is happening. What would people think if they find out I'm a Jesus free?
Jordan (01:08:54.000)
Oh, no.
Dan (01:08:55.000)
What would people do if they found out it's
Jordan (01:08:56.000)
true? I'm being taken back to the 90. God camp kids tried to convince me this is the good news.
Dan (01:09:03.000)
They invented right.
Jordan (01:09:04.000)
Oh my god. Oh, boy.
Dan (01:09:06.000)
So Alex gets to playing the video. So here's where that starts.
Alex Jones (01:09:11.000)
The version that rob you added a document to the for everything I was saying. The Alex Jones does Bon Iver song. It had like 20 million views when I took it off YouTube. That's why we uploaded it's got like 10 million views. Last time I saw it had like 300 million views on Spotify. They took that down three and a million views. That's a platinum triple record right
Alex Jones (01:09:29.000)
there. We're very proud of it. But I shouldn't make jokes about it. Here is a bunch of women howling and screaming. And and no one even told them. Hey, you're in a super high crime country. The Muslims literally feed on you like, like jackals on little field mice or something? Maybe you should have a butcher knife. Maybe you should have a club or something. No. You just scream and scream as he plunges that I lovingly and it was a sort of cross. Here. You'll walk because we deserve it. We deserve it. We deserve the kiss of Islamic love. Here it is.
Dan (01:10:08.000)
So that's about as disgusting of an intro for that as you can you can get super grotesque. The case of Muslim love
Jordan (01:10:19.000)
Yeah, this is grotesque.
Dan (01:10:22.000)
Yeah. And the tone that he's using is it should be illegal
Jordan (01:10:28.000)
I don't know. That's this is psychopath behavior. Yeah, this is legitimately this person is a psychopath it's hard not to say that a person who is fucking gleefully inflicting this on other people is not a psycho
Dan (01:10:45.000)
and the way that he's presenting this there is no real way I think you could argue against the point that he's trying to apply whatever negative feelings you have towards this person who stabbing people yep on to Muslims on to immigrants all of it. It's this is this is the crime of an individual being the blamed on everybody of a certain group and the way he's grotesquely doing this voice, it is meant to evoke those feelings and project them on to these groups that Alex doesn't like. And that's intentional.
Jordan (01:11:23.000)
I mean, it's it's as it's as intentional as fucking somebody training attack dogs, like it is it is literally, it's literally like, Hey, here's an example of the thing we want you to attack. Yeah, and I'm giving you the red meat to make you know that it's okay. Like, it's fucking fucked up.
Dan (01:11:42.000)
Yep. And so it goes on here. Unfortunately, like I said, there's no way that I could play this without it having some of the audio of that in and I don't like that. That is the case. Yeah, but the way Alex behaves is unconscionable. And you know, I think I would be doing a disservice by not illustrating this.
Alex Jones (01:12:03.000)
The baby carriages double stabs? They're white each round they deserve it. Matthew and Lauren, are they called Rabat? Jungle jam stabs babies and toddlers
Alex Jones (01:12:26.000)
so this is a very nice person and then the man starts chasing him he runs off I wonder what sorrows prosecutors he's put them in there to arrest that evil White man that tried to find him with a book bag and then actually got the knife out of his hand and stopping so he ran off man they auto arrest that guy with the with the backpack fought the guy with a knife went up frickin white supremacist. Did you see that? kk k Grand Dragon attack that God was just trying to Free France. But I mean, the French are committing suicide. They all love it. They love it. They love their McCrone. They love actually they don't love it. But they have their guns taken away. It's it's it's actually very, very sad. But this is how the West is committing suicide.
Dan (01:13:19.000)
So yeah, that's unacceptable.
Jordan (01:13:22.000)
Ah. I mean, that's not a person that I think should be allowed near kids.
Dan (01:13:30.000)
That I think it's not a person who should be like, you can't you shouldn't be trusted to have a microphone in front of you. That's, that's, you're playing this video that's so emotionally, like, resonant of not only people being attacked, but children being attacked. And you're just muttering about how they deserve it because they're white. And he's not he's Brown. Yeah, look, this is disgusting. Yeah, no,
Jordan (01:13:56.000)
this is somebody laying down a voiceover track for a snuff film.
Dan (01:14:00.000)
But it might as well be I mean, that's yeah, that's what I hear. And it's a snuff film meant to inflame racist feelings. Yeah,
Jordan (01:14:07.000)
yeah, absolutely.
Dan (01:14:08.000)
So I mean, I don't even know I don't even know what to say because like on some level Yeah, this isn't a shock This is the kind of thing Alex does Sure. But it is a shock it's disgusting. Yeah, I mean, it is it is like it's not every day behavior for him but it's also not behavior that's outside of his norm to see
Jordan (01:14:27.000)
this should be disqualified. You know, it is it is it is it is a shit ton of boxes of confidential documents inside of a bathroom levels of obviously wrong
Dan (01:14:40.000)
now there's metaphors here. Yeah, it's wrong. We have one last clip and that's because I don't give a fuck about the third hour right? The third hour his him interviewing a guy named the dark journalist. Project Camelot asked to know about the UFO stuff. Yeah, I'm out. Yeah. Not interested.
Jordan (01:14:57.000)
Dark. Chertow dark June. All right. Okay, yeah, if you don't fight crime, then you're not a dark journalist out.
Dan (01:15:04.000)
I was scrolling through his website and he interviewed Bill Ryan, who's the guy who started Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy. So that was fun. That wasn't too far back.
Jordan (01:15:12.000)
Always a good connection. Anyway,
Dan (01:15:14.000)
here's Alex talking about the UFO Las Vegas stuff
Alex Jones (01:15:17.000)
while he was on with us two or three months ago and predicted that the system was start staging or fake UFO invasions and attacks. Alright, deeper sigh up to this. And now we'll get to it coming up in about 30 minutes and we'll get to the current stuff. And so the latest something if there's a big blue UFO crashes in Vegas people see 810 foot aliens run around the backyard and the police car crash. I mean, this OSI operate and all overlays, gentlemen. And I'm not saying aliens couldn't be real couldn't be happening. But the ongoing cycle of an Intel officer says that they've seen the bodies and the craft needs the first central officer to say it really does. And so what's the bigger implication here?
Dan (01:16:02.000)
So the the SIOP thing here you have to you have to understand it's real but also thick, right? So the stuff technically happened, but it was a globalist of making it happen to look like a UFO and aliens and all this stuff. Right. But again, what he's talking about is this hoax that he fell for on social media. Yes, that's
Jordan (01:16:17.000)
the issue. Yes.
Dan (01:16:18.000)
Yeah. No, he's saying that all this stuff is a psyop though, and there's intelligence officers OSI up and Tucker must be in on it.
Jordan (01:16:25.000)
Yeah. Right. He's because Tucker is way in. Yeah. Tucker is like in a in a real world. This would be bombshell new line,
Dan (01:16:32.000)
front page headline. Yeah, cuz it's the same dude that Tucker was talking about in his first episode, same guy. So if Alex watched that he has got to know that Tucker is in on the SIOP. He's part of running this SIOP. He must be working for the globalists,
Jordan (01:16:45.000)
I'm telling you, I think and I'll tell you this, maybe the fact that he's extremely wealthy from a rich family and an aristocratic, lying cheat con man should have been a good sign that he was in on it.
Dan (01:16:59.000)
Maybe it's also a good sign that all these people are talking shit. Oh, that
Jordan (01:17:03.000)
is a good point. Yeah, maybe he wasn't even being very serious either. Oh, maybe
Dan (01:17:08.000)
he was just trying to demonize Ukraine. Oh
Jordan (01:17:11.000)
my god, it's almost like they take everything that they don't care about and use it to bludgeon us with bullshit.
Dan (01:17:18.000)
It is very similar. It is very similar to that so on some level I gotta say that the response to the indictment is a little underwhelming, but I don't know if anybody could have imagined it wouldn't be right you know, whatever. Whenever you expect like haha, fireworks, it never really is. No, and then he surprises you. I don't know we're on just a random day as his blow up. Yeah, yeah. You know, the the tactics of distraction in a blink demonizing the prosecutor in order to demonize the prosecution itself? Yeah. Distracting with transphobia the, you know, the stabbing bullshit. Like that's all kind of what you would expect and it's a little bit disappointing because yeah, you want you want the entertaining Alex freaking out praying, crying on air, something like that. Right? You know, Jack Smith shoves ISIS up his dirty asshole. You know, whatever the problem
Jordan (01:18:07.000)
is, Alex is at his best when nothing is happening. And he has to he has to be the entertainment you know, whenever there's something going on, then he has to run interference for Trump. Yeah, you know, and then it's like fuck off. Yeah, do your own show you you're you might as well say that you work for him. And it's
Dan (01:18:27.000)
interesting too that like you know, he's been pretty wishy washy and stuff about like, where his allegiances lie, but of course, it's been pretty transparent that he still loves Trump. It's Trump, but when the temperature gets high enough, which I guess this is a representation of he comes out and does his I'm 100% behind him chosen by John Hancock. Totally. And that's kind of worth while in some ways just to have like the forcing a reveal or something. Yep. But aliens walk among us in Las Vegas.
Jordan (01:18:56.000)
Yeah, yeah. See, that's why you can't really say Oh, how's this legal system gonna play out there? Aliens? Maybe we get situation well, maybe that's a sign up. Oh, because I don't trust out like shit. All right. So so everybody's lying to me at this point. I've got Tucker on one side saying they're real. I don't believe him. I got Alex on another side saying they're not real. I don't believe him. That means we're stuck in a liminal space where both are real and not real simultaneously, which is I assume means that before Trump can be convicted and actually sent to jail, we'll be in an independent stay scenario and the far right will swoop in turn him into a Bill Pullman character and he'll lead us to global defeat.
Dan (01:19:37.000)
This makes you Randy Quaid.
Jordan (01:19:39.000)
I think I am Randy Quaid in this scenario. Yes. Yes, I do.
Dan (01:19:43.000)
Who do I get to be? I got to be gold blooms dad.
Jordan (01:19:47.000)
Ah, yeah, Goldman says the best Yeah, come on.
Dan (01:19:52.000)
Anyway, we'll be back another episode. But until then, Jordan, we
Jordan (01:19:58.000)
have website indeed we do. It's all Try DICOM Yep, browse on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at analogizes graphite. Yep,
Dan (01:20:03.000)
we'll be back but until then I'm gonna yo I'm Leo MD ZX Clark boop boop, boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop BDD boop boop boop boop.
Jordan (01:20:11.000)
Oh, you know what? And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:20:14.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.