Transcript/813: May 29, 2023
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red Alert acknowledged five days. Damn, Jordan, I am sweating
Theme Song (00:00:17.000)
knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy Chanology Dan and Jordan knowledge fight
Alex Jones (00:00:35.000)
need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Pam handy in Kansas. And the Kansas you're on the airplanes rolling. Huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by now knowledge
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back knowledge Friday. Dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
Oh, indeed. We are Dan Jordan, Dan. Jordan, I have a quick question for you today. Surf's
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.000)
Jordan (00:01:12.000)
What's your bright spot today?
Dan (00:01:13.000)
My bright spot right now is actually after he said the altar of Celine Celine came up to me and I'm petting her as I'm speaking to you she has anything to say wow.
Jordan (00:01:22.000)
Oh, that was a good Celine take. That was a good cut that clean it up that nose in the
Dan (00:01:30.000)
belly and able to capture that on mic. She does not usually like it when I put a mic in front of her face. Now that was perfect. And now she has walked off gone forever. That is not my bright spot though. Although pretty fun and pretty solid. So look, here's the deal. You like peanut butter.
Jordan (00:01:44.000)
I have heard of it. You love it. I do love you love Reese's. Love them. Your wife is allergic. She would kill her literally kill her. So that is a difficult position for you to be it's well it's a Romeo and Juliet Horatio kind of situation.
Dan (00:01:56.000)
I'm 5050 on it.
Jordan (00:01:58.000)
You're 5050 on it. Positive or?
Dan (00:02:01.000)
No? I like it. Fine. I'm saying that your wife no peanut butter. Right. You
Jordan (00:02:06.000)
love it. Love peanut by me.
Dan (00:02:08.000)
I'm in the midst somewhere in the middle. But I understand it. I get it
Jordan (00:02:16.000)
pre spectacular. Do not know where this is going, man.
Dan (00:02:23.000)
I get peanut butter. No. So little bit back. Yeah, my buddy Nikki gifts. We periodically will you know text each other pictures of new candies that you see at the checkout aisle. Right, you know? Yeah. And he sent me a picture of Reese's. They have a new creamy variety. And I always thought like, I don't feel like it's not creamy. I felt like it was creamy. I don't know what the difference of this is going to be. And I just let it be my God. I don't know. I'm not interested. Sure. The other day. I saw Reese's screaming pop up decided to grab it. So good. So good. So it's better really?
Jordan (00:03:03.000)
What did they call it? Do they call it a Reese's? Creamy Yeah, no, that's the worst name I can pick. It
Dan (00:03:08.000)
was only after eating one that I realized how grainy kind of the normal Reese's is. It's
Jordan (00:03:15.000)
pretty grainy. Yeah, but
Dan (00:03:15.000)
you'd kind of just think like yeah, it's the texture sure you used to think that you would want other well I
Jordan (00:03:22.000)
would you do? More like a Carmel. Not often like that like that kind of
Dan (00:03:29.000)
like creamy peanut butter. God damn kind of, and it's great. And this led me to conversation with Nikki gifts. This was great because he said i It's not that different. Okay, I think it's worlds apart or ever go back. Okay.
Jordan (00:03:43.000)
Until they make you go back. Yeah. Until Doritos gets wind of your other
Dan (00:03:48.000)
and this got me into a conversation with him about creamy and chunky peanut butter. Okay, now I don't know if you have a preference.
Jordan (00:03:54.000)
Oh, I very much do what is it extra crunchy? Oh, give me full peanuts in there. I want a whole peanut to crunch just
Dan (00:04:02.000)
put peanuts on a piece of bread then ManBat ly bad and what I will just soak. You're good.
Jordan (00:04:10.000)
Oh, these are my dipping peanuts. Yeah. Yeah.
Dan (00:04:14.000)
My preference is creamy. And here's the reason I like peanuts as well. I don't mind I don't mind the fact that peanuts have a crunch to them. Right? But it's a butter. It is a butter. I don't want crunchy butter. Like if you had margarine Do you want chunks of butter? I mean, okay, is there a
Jordan (00:04:33.000)
presser right let me ask you it's a smooth. You make mashed potatoes. You leave the skins in or not? Well, I
Dan (00:04:41.000)
don't think I've ever actually made mashed potatoes myself. Because I'm lazy. And growing up. Always no skin, no skins when you were there was how my parents did it. So that's kind of what I'm used to. Well, no
Jordan (00:04:54.000)
wonder you like the smooth peanut butter. What are you talking? I'm telling you that when you make it with the skins it's better But
Dan (00:05:00.000)
look, I don't mind. Well, here's the thing. You make it with the skins and also have it be real smooth. You can,
Jordan (00:05:05.000)
but it's got to be smooth. They are smooth with a little bit of texture. Oh man, look,
Dan (00:05:12.000)
I like french fries. But I also don't mind a potato wedge that's got the skin on it. It's true. How about that? Well, that's different. Because I would say that mashed potatoes are not a butter that you put butter in mashed potatoes. Sure. All right, flog raw.
Jordan (00:05:29.000)
What is that? Is that about it?
Dan (00:05:30.000)
I would never eat foie gras.
Jordan (00:05:32.000)
I mean, I don't know.
Dan (00:05:36.000)
Right, but don't they like shove good stuff into game for speed? Gousto Yeah. Is that what that is? So Oh,
Jordan (00:05:43.000)
I thought that was what's what's pate? Is it Oh, man. I'm out. I'm out of all food conversations forever speaking.
Dan (00:05:50.000)
Which brings me to another bright spot was that? I constantly like Celine loves wet food. Sure. And I've always been in a position where she will only eat the stuff that's extra gravy. Like little bit of you know, chunks of meat or whatever. I ordered a large shipment of wet food from from the delivery of the pet play wherever. Yeah, come up with the name. Yeah. And I accidentally got the pate. And I was like, she's not going to eat any of this. I don't want to send it back. Yeah. So I just started giving it to her and she loves it. She loves fine. Great. She loves pets. She's a she's a cat. And it's smooth. That's the point. Okay, I got it. Anyway, what's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:06:33.000)
My bright spot DN is. Tomorrow Today, when you are listening to this movie will be released. Named Spider Man across the universe. It's the sequel to the call my god or the spider. Right. So excited. I can't begin to describe how excited we
Dan (00:06:51.000)
got Nick Cage in that
Jordan (00:06:52.000)
I wouldn't. I don't know. I don't know. I've tried to keep myself unaware of anything I watched. So the first movie came out and I was fired unceremoniously, simultaneously. And part of that, like weird process that I went through.
Dan (00:07:09.000)
Watch the same timeframe. Yeah. Well,
Jordan (00:07:12.000)
I watched into the spider verse probably 100 times, like over and over, like I didn't have anywhere to go during the day. And I didn't know what to do with myself. So I just kept watching into the spider verse depressed out of my mind, you know? And so it is a perfect movie. And I could not be more excited for across the spider verse. I'm bubbling. I'm going to go as soon as I possibly can tomorrow morning. Great. It'd be amazing.
Dan (00:07:36.000)
I'm excited for you. Oh,
Jordan (00:07:37.000)
I'm so excited.
Dan (00:07:38.000)
That's one of the movies where everybody who's ever talked about it has talked about how great it is. I believe that it is a person I have accepted that it is fantastic. Yeah. And yet I have not seen
Jordan (00:07:50.000)
it. No. And I understand. You know us. I've never pushed it on you. But
Dan (00:07:54.000)
if the opportunity arose where someone was like, hey, here it is. Yeah, I would say yes. In an instant. Oh, man, but going out of my way taking that second step. It almost never happens with movies. Yeah, like right now. I brought up Nicolas Cage true. I would love to see that Renfield movie. Not gonna do it until it's put in front of me. That's what I miss about having TV and cable. Yeah, that ability to just click and like oh, that's on
Jordan (00:08:20.000)
the passive the passive acceptance of somebody curating for you,
Dan (00:08:25.000)
right? Yeah. When I worked at a movie theater where it's just like, well, it's what's on I just got off shift. I'm gonna watch this stuff. Right right because of movies being on TV. That's why I saw a national treasure like 30 times right? Because it's always on and I always want to watch this is Nicolas Cage heavy at the moment.
Jordan (00:08:44.000)
Yeah, there is there is an element of like, sometimes I would like to have to find something and sometimes the the, the just the simple effort of being like, Oh, I'm going to choose to go watch this movie is beyond what you can handle and you just rather be like, oh, somebody did something for me. That's what I'm doing today. Yep. I get you.
Dan (00:09:05.000)
Yeah, it's almost enough for me to think about like, just get cable. Yeah, I don't think I will though.
Jordan (00:09:11.000)
Yeah. Well, I will say this to you into the spider verse. It is probably one of the top three animated movies ever made. And not five any.
Dan (00:09:20.000)
It's right up there with cool world. No,
Jordan (00:09:23.000)
it's right up there with Princess moto. No. K was what we're talking about.
Dan (00:09:28.000)
What about Who Framed Roger Rabbit? do you classify that as an animated movie?
Jordan (00:09:31.000)
No, it's not. That's a hybrid movie. Interesting. Well, I mean, all Lloyd movies are technically cartoons. Also. What about the Addams Family technically a cartoon? Anything with John Boyd in
Dan (00:09:45.000)
it? Yep. Emperor's New Groove. That's got to be up there. That's
Jordan (00:09:49.000)
Dan (00:09:50.000)
That's a great one. Not up there. Patrick Warburton performance of a lifetime really
Jordan (00:09:54.000)
did launch a voiceover career that I think is never going to end.
Dan (00:09:58.000)
Yeah. So Yeah, so Jordan today we have an episode to go over indeed. And finally Alex is back. Oh, no. Where are you the present studio? Oh, that's not actually true. He's not in studio. Okay. And we'll get into that when we do. All right. But yeah, he's back on air at least. And so we're gonna be talking about May 29. That's Memorial Day. Sure. That was Monday. Right. And, yeah,
Alex Jones (00:10:29.000)
it's weird.
Dan (00:10:30.000)
It's weird. Yeah, that sounds right. He's in a hotel room.
Jordan (00:10:33.000)
Okay, we're already off to a good start. Why is he in a hotel room? He's
Dan (00:10:36.000)
on a like, two week vacation or something? I don't know what's going on here. I got the time of recording. He is still in this hotel room. I don't know what's going on. Is he?
Jordan (00:10:46.000)
Is this Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas style? Are we is he doing blow with fucking Johnny Depp or something? What
Dan (00:10:52.000)
has happened? Definitely drinking.
Jordan (00:10:55.000)
Yeah, that's fair. Sure. That's fair that you do here a
Dan (00:10:58.000)
couple of times. That are very clearly him drinking while the camera has cut away from them. Yeah, I don't know. It's very mysterious. But based on everything I know about the world he's in right now. Yeah, I'd be on long vacations to that may not be an option soon. So good for you, Alec. Yeah, good luck. Spread that money before no one else can take it from me. Oh god. So we'll get down to business on a lot of feelings about this. But before we do, let's say hello Jordan to some new walks. Oh, that's great. Yeah, so first, Burb with knife, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:11:34.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. I
Dan (00:11:36.000)
do next Captain bark Richards thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:11:40.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Dan (00:11:41.000)
you very much dogs a murderer. Next the plural form of Lego is Lego. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:11:48.000)
I'm a policy Well, thank
Jordan (00:11:49.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:11:50.000)
Next norm Pattis and I'm afraid my prank on Alex has gotten out of hand. Thank you so much. You are now policy one. I'm a policy.
Jordan (00:11:57.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:11:59.000)
Congratulations, Emily and Mary on the wife House House for wives and dog walks. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk. I'm a policy. Well,
Jordan (00:12:07.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:12:08.000)
And we got to take for granted the mix Jordan so thank you so much to someone someone Tanner sent me a bucket of silly goose's. Thank you so much. You're an hour technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:12:17.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Telling you brilliant someone someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teddy baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounced Jesus Christ.
Dan (00:12:37.000)
Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. She this is kind of fun to now, before I would go through and get wonky names. And now we have it. You gather them and send them to me in an email. And it's fun to cold read them.
Jordan (00:12:52.000)
Yeah, it's been a while since I've, since you had to do that. I
Dan (00:12:55.000)
appreciate you doing that. And then also the added thing of the like, what is this? Yeah,
Jordan (00:13:01.000)
yeah, it's
Dan (00:13:01.000)
trying to figure it out. As I as I read it. Is this a joke?
Jordan (00:13:05.000)
I remember a bit here. I remember early on whenever you were still trying to do it straight from the Patreon site. And it was it was interesting, because you'd be you'd have to like look down at it look, and then it was it was fun.
Dan (00:13:17.000)
It's it's impossible. Boxes a disaster terrified. Many apologies. If you want to shout, send an email to knowledge. Jordan will sort you out.
Jordan (00:13:28.000)
I read them. I will forward them. I will take care of it.
Dan (00:13:31.000)
So yeah, like I said, Alex is in this this hotel room. And very exciting to have him back. Yeah. And here we go. The King has returned.
Alex Jones (00:13:45.000)
Memorial Day. It's Monday, May 29. Today, I have returned to the airwaves. And I'm here memorial that is especially important day when we look at what our country's turned into and where we're going and what somebody has fought died for, for the future and the existence of this republic. But I wanted to talk about someone who fought in the info war so incredibly strong. That was Robert Welsh, from the John Birch Society, who was targeted by the ADL the CIA that was declassified two weeks ago. The national campaign of infiltration of lies of lawsuits of harassment and just criminal activity, a truly authoritarian totalitarian activity.
Dan (00:14:29.000)
So Alex is back. He's on his webcam sitting in hotel room. Owens in the studio and does some of the anchor duties like the two of them co host show for part of it, but Alex is he's around for most of the episode, not the third hour. He legitimately looks insane since the camera is the level of quality you find built into a laptop and the shot is angled upward like it would be from a laptop.
Jordan (00:14:52.000)
Are you serious? Yes. Have some professional sense. It's wild. That's unreal. He's
Dan (00:14:57.000)
just sitting alone in what appears to be In a fairly nice hotel room ranting about nonsense, well, we're forced to watch him from what appears to be below him. It's a very unappealing thing. It's a bad look. And it really does not inspire confidence in this operation. It's
Jordan (00:15:12.000)
not good. Honestly, he
Dan (00:15:13.000)
could get a better quality shot if he just got a little mount for an iPhone. Yeah, it doesn't. It looks worse than it. I've seen people doing live streams out in public.
Jordan (00:15:25.000)
Yeah, you know, that's not good. That's not good.
Dan (00:15:28.000)
So that stuff about the John Birch Society. We covered that on our last present day episode, and I want to really focus in on what Alex is claiming. He said that Robert Welsh and the JBS were targeted by the ADL and the CIA and this was declassified last week. In reality, what happened was that last week, Alex skimmed a headline of an article about a historian who was interviewed about a book he'd put out recently, the book was about the John Birch Society, and one chapter had to do with the fact that some of the members of the ADL had infiltrated the JBS, on fact finding missions. Nothing was declassified, and the CIA wasn't in cahoots with AD, these ADL members who went undercover. This is a slippery way that Alex USE his language to exaggerate his own oppression and the oppression of his ideological allies. And the way he tries to dress it up in the appearance of officialdom. It sounds so much cooler to say, the CIA was targeting his buddies, and that this was declassified, as opposed to how dorky it sounds to complain about an interview with an author that you didn't even read. You didn't read the book. You didn't read the interview? And you didn't read the article about the interviewer?
Jordan (00:16:31.000)
Yeah, yeah. You know, the thought occurs that like, if you because his telling of the story, and the one that is real, are so different. Yeah. Like, even if you would listen to him, tell it the first time, then looked it up. And we're like, well, that's not the same story. You would be forgiven for thinking, Oh, I just mistaken the wrong one. Because they're so unrelated. Oh, it's not like, Oh, he's taking the wrong bits of information. He's making up something whole caught.
Dan (00:17:00.000)
Yeah. And there's a couple things that are important to like, really tease out of this. And the first is he saying this stuff was declassified. Right? It wasn't? No, this author had found some documents in the Jewish Historical Society's archive, right. It wasn't declassified, it was known at the beginning, it was it was in a bar. Right. And this calls into question you should keep in mind every time Alex says things are declassified. Sure. This is the kind of thing he's willing to call declassified, because it elevates and serves his purposes to do so. Sure. Now, second, you've got to recognize what the point of this is. And that is, the feature of this is defending the John Birch Society sort of, and that is because his argument is that the ABL agents infiltrated and then got all racist in order to make the JBS look race
Jordan (00:17:49.000)
again, the the ADL took over the JBS in order to make them an anti semitic organization.
Dan (00:17:56.000)
Right? Yes, and somehow planted reveal op Oliver as one of the founding members. And yeah, they're very believable is a brilliant scheme. So but that is only the surface of what the purpose this serves is, and the reason that Alex is bringing it back up, and seems to be very interested in making this a focus of his rhetoric and coverage. And that is that it also now applies to every other racist group that he's super cool with. Yeah, you know, like, yeah, all of these groups that are, you know, carrying out exercises and, and, you know, are definitely threats to commit domestic violence and terrorism. Sure. People like the Patriot front, are now just proven it's been declassified, that the ADL just infiltrated the Patriot front and did all this Nazi stuff in order to create the appearance that they're actually a Nazi group. Really, they just want, you know, people to have nice families right
Jordan (00:18:55.000)
now, I understand. The point here, do you I think what I'm struggling with is this, although it does at the same time seem inevitable. It appears that far right? Nazi organizations now claim that the Jews run everything so much to the point who did he include themselves?
Dan (00:19:15.000)
Well, I think that the Nazi organizations themselves would say that right, but people providing cover for them right may do that. Right. I think it would be an interesting question to ask if these Nazi organizations would resent that. Or if they appreciate the cover that like Alex would provide them by creating these narratives feeling I
Jordan (00:19:37.000)
would I would, I feel like here's the thing. Sure, you can have your the cause is greater for Nazi dumb, you know, like a will will accept the abuse in order to then success be become successful. But I feel like you go to Nazi dumb because you can't accept the abuse in the first place. So you're more likely to be resentful. I feel
Dan (00:19:58.000)
like the sort of Have opponent I would, like more like to be up against would be the person who resented Alex for it. Yeah, because that person feels like more ideological than opportunistic.
Jordan (00:20:11.000)
Yeah, they've got something. I don't like him now. No,
Dan (00:20:15.000)
I don't want to say they've got some I don't want
Jordan (00:20:18.000)
to say anything. I don't know why I felt the need to.
Dan (00:20:21.000)
So Alex is gonna play some clips of Robert Welch. All right,
Alex Jones (00:20:26.000)
I'm gonna air excerpts from an hour long speech he gave in here today, but here's just a few minutes out.
Robert Welch (00:20:32.000)
A part of that plan, of course, is to induce the graduate video better of American sovereignty piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations, which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example
Dan (00:20:48.000)
man. So this is Alex's Memorial Day show, and he seems to be starting out suggesting that Robert Welsh is someone to celebrate on that holiday. This should be deeply offensive to the veterans and enlisted persons and Alex's audience since Memorial Day is about honoring soldiers who died in service. Robert Welsh never served the country and he died peacefully at age 85. Nothing about his life in any way qualifies him to be a figure to take time out for celebrate on Memorial Day. And even if it's true that Alex just wants to talk about the info War Memorial Day, you know, maybe if that's the case, I guess that would be a data honor those people who have died in the pursuit of stupid anti communist conspiracy theories, but even that Robert Walsh, who wouldn't qualify for oh, no, I'm not sure who would qualify, but I'm guessing it's a massive creeps, and probably people who have done mass shooting.
Jordan (00:21:38.000)
I know there are some people who would qualify, and I don't think I would enjoy any one of them.
Dan (00:21:42.000)
No, no, Alex might include like, Timothy McVeigh does
Jordan (00:21:47.000)
feel like Timothy McVeigh is at the top of that list, right? Am I Am I crazy for thinking my first thought was like, Oh, well, he's thinking of Timothy McVeigh.
Dan (00:21:55.000)
But then again, Alex thinks that Timothy McVeigh was sheep dipped, and he was That's true. So he can't be eligible for this is very
Jordan (00:22:01.000)
oh my god, it's once you Whoa, what tangled webs we weave.
Dan (00:22:06.000)
So you might think that Alex listen to this Robert Welch speech and thought it was so powerful, so he decided, I'm going to select a clip here, but you'd be wrong. There's a watermark on it for an account called at I'm Mima zero who has the handle? I mean, therefore I am. It's a super cool meme guy clearly. This account posted the small excerpt of Welch's speech on Twitter on May 26, and then re tweeted it a couple days later. So Alex clearly saw it and decided to run with it as a news item because he's dumb and lazy. Also, not for nothing. This account also tweeted out a video with a caption quote, since the veterans day is almost over, I just want you to always remember this message. Then there's a like an American flag emoji veterans days in November, right? Anyway, this this account is just a constant barrage of right wing culture war type whining about things like how corporations are too woke because they celebrate Pride and they also seem to be really mad about Black Lives Matter. Yeah. Also a small point, this speech wasn't from 1958. It's a recording from 1974. But the title on the YouTube video that I'm memes zero is taking this from the title is quote, Robert Welch speech parentheses greatest speech in America in 1958. These people haven't even watched the source material, the pulling this from or know anything about the subject, the dead giveaway is should be won. The actual speech is titled 15 years ago, referring to the founding of the John Birch Society being 15 years in the past in 1958. And this is also a speech that Welch originally gave in 1973. So that's why it's 15 years. Okay. 16.
Jordan (00:23:43.000)
So if I understand correctly, that speech we are listening to Robert Welch gave in 1973,
Dan (00:23:50.000)
initially, but the recording is from 74. Right?
Jordan (00:23:53.000)
Yeah. And so the speech is in regards to events that happened in 1950. Yes, and
Dan (00:23:57.000)
it's mostly a rehashing of the material that ended up becoming the Blue Book of the John Birch Society, right, which was mostly taken from the lecture that he gave at that first meeting when he was recruiting people like reveal op all have a right, right, what have you. Okay, so that's what this is. Claiming that it's from 1958. The memes are claiming that memes are claiming, yes, yeah. And then Alex is just repeating because he doesn't know anything about this, right. The second dead giveaway should be that the emcee for this event is John McManus, who's credited as the Director of Public Relations. McManus would go on to be the president of the John Birch Society, but he didn't even join until 1966 and wasn't given the title of the head PR guy until 1973. I may be telling you something you already know. But meme accounts rarely provide accurate, useful information. Alex isn't a scholar about his own cultural lineage or his ideological since successors. He doesn't know anything about this Robert Welch speech outside of the fact that he saw it posted on dumbass meme Twitter account, that Welsh speech is actually About an hour and 45 minutes long, not an hour long and it like I said, it's more or less just a verbal version of the blue book. Right. Welsh speaks for a very long time, and he's very boring, but he is introduced to stage by another one of the founding members of the John Birch Society. One of the other people there who was there at that first meeting, one of the original 12 trying to include Welch himself. No, Fred Koch was another of the founding members. But this is William J. Grady, who was the owner of Grady foundries incorporated one of the largest steel and iron producers in the country at the time. In addition to that, as is put in his obituary from the New York Times, quote from 1956 to 1961. He was a top official at JDI case company, a manufacturer of farm equipment. In both of these capacities great he had run ins with organized labor and he hated unions. What in 1960 auto workers, United Auto Workers declared a strike over breaches of collective bargaining and some messiness with paid vacation days at JDI case. Grady threatened to leave the city if workers didn't get back to work, but that move wasn't successful. And the strike ended up being resolved after six months. J I case has a long history of ending up in strikes. They had a then record setting 440 Day strike that ended in 1947. Before that, they had a 108 day strike in 1937. Reading over how that was covered in the New York Times is really interesting, and definitely gives you quite a sense that maybe the times wasn't so behind organized labor. Oh, yeah, quote, the first of the 1800 production workers thrown into idleness when the picketing forced the closing of the farm machinery manufacturing plants last October, we'll return to work tomorrow.
Jordan (00:26:47.000)
You're forced into it. Wow, guys, that's you're showing a little bit you're showing just a little
Dan (00:26:53.000)
that's an article, by the way, not an editorial No, and
Jordan (00:26:56.000)
I don't want to know what the Wall Street Journal's board wanted to wanted to say about that one.
Dan (00:27:01.000)
JDI case had a long history with strikers, and it was well known that their leadership was very hostile toward unions and collective bargaining as a whole. And Grady foundries was no different. William Grady hated the idea of the needs and rights of workers getting in the way of his ability to make money. So it should be no surprise that in 1952, he became the president of the National Association of Manufacturers, a lobbying group that was very focused on fighting against the power of unions and workers rights. The National Association of Manufacturers was the recruiting pool that Robert Welch picked the first members of the John Birch Society from as well as himself who was on their board. At least half of the founding members were in high level positions with the National Association of Manufacturers. And there was a targeted effort on Welch's part to find new members for the JBS from within the National Association of Manufacturers. I go down this road a little bit, because it's important to understand that what motivated a lot of the anti communist fervor in the people who inspired much of Alex's worldview is that they hated paying workers fair wages, and they didn't want dumb things like safety precautions to cut into their profits. There's obviously a bit more to the birchers and what goes into their worldview. But this is not an insignificant piece of
Jordan (00:28:12.000)
it. Yeah, I mean, I would, I would argue that most of the trappings around it are trappings, because the fundamental thing is, I want to make as much money as I possibly can.
Dan (00:28:23.000)
And it's very difficult when you look at the actual like, the the details of who was involved and how they organized and all this stuff to it's tough to get away from that stuff. Yeah, yeah. Also, Alex was plays a little small clip from this speech, but I think that maybe him and I mean, zero should wrestle with some of the other stuff in this speech, like this part where Welch Oh, whoa,
Jordan (00:28:46.000)
whoa, you have a clip from it that you can play. How can you do that? What did you find it somewhere? Yeah. Did somebody have it? That wasn't on a meme account, Dan. Yeah.
Robert Welch (00:28:57.000)
Now, if the danger from the communist conspiracy, were all we had to worry about, it would be enough. But in my opinion, the first great basic weakness of the United States and hence its susceptibility to the disease of collectivism is simply the age of the Western European civilization. Some of you will already have recognized in fact, that I am drawing a corollary to the conclusions usually connected with the name of ossible Spangler. springless theory is absolutely vital to the acceptance of socialism, or any form of collectivism as a forward step, or as a form of progress in man's sociological arrangements. Or in springless view. collectivism is a disease of society, concomitant with decay, and remarkably similar to cancer in the individual.
Dan (00:29:57.000)
Oswald Spangler died in 1935 Then he is what you might call a Nazi. Yeah, that is to say that he supported Hitler and the National Socialists but felt that their focus on pure German people wouldn't be appealing enough to other potential allies. It's like a woke Nazi, you might say. Now, he wasn't necessarily an anti Semite, but he was a scholarly voice who helped champion the ideas that brought Hitler and the Nazis into power. He was also really fucked up dude. And 1939 article about him in the National Journal of literature and discussion said quote, Spangler has sailed modern medicine for interfering with natural selection and for accelerating racial decay, a strong race he defined as one with an inexhaustible birth rate compensating for severe selection process, which is provided by the resistances to living represented by misfortune, sickness and war, that the test of race for him was the speed of reproduction. So yeah, he hated medicine because he wanted everybody just to like, yeah, you're right. You got sick because you're weak.
Jordan (00:30:55.000)
Right? Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you Genesis are usually not cool, guys. Did you ever notice that?
Dan (00:31:02.000)
Yeah, he seems to suck. Spangler is most famous work is undoubtedly the decline of the West, which is a bit of what, you know, Welch's pulling from here. It's essentially a call for the rise of new Cesar like a dictator. Yeah, that's the way that you get rid of this cancer of
Jordan (00:31:20.000)
collectivism might as well have been writing Leviathan all over again. That book
Dan (00:31:25.000)
is also where the expression blood and soil comes from. So that's pray, I don't know if I mean, zero wants to
Jordan (00:31:32.000)
talk about I mean, I know they like it, but I don't think they want to own it. Probably not.
Dan (00:31:36.000)
So a lot of this episode, I gotta say, is Alex talking about how much people like him, which is sad.
Jordan (00:31:45.000)
Hiding in a hotel room.
Alex Jones (00:31:49.000)
Let me just kind of sit back and say something here. That's, that's really important before and all the big there's, and it's huge. A couple of weeks ago, I was on TV on the program of Steve Bannon. And he asked me Are we winning? And I said, Well, all I can use as a gauge of what I see out in the public I'm a well known person, the average person is not well known, so they don't really get to have that experience. But the feedback has ever talked about this 100 times listeners don't want me to repeat it but basically I talked about the fact you've got 95% Love Over the years, but still you know how to get 5% Hate and when you're walking down the street that's that's still quite a bit so for every library, 90 people 95 People I shook their hands I would run into four or five said your resignation. I hope you die or something like that. You understand fine. Coffee on me tea on a hit slightly the back of the head has been caught on video. People know what happens to prominent populace in America First reason conservatives. And I talked about how it's been, like eight, nine months since that's happened one time, by the way, it did happen. Finally, last week, the guy who said How dare you show your face in public? That'd be ashamed of yourself. And I started laughing. Edmonds will, Madeleine Albright said that she killed fathered 1000 kids with sanctions. We'll do it again. I'm 60 minutes. Is that good? Haha, good. I can only catch no great conversation last night. But all I get is love now. And I noticed they had a bunch of publications will say Oh, look how crazy Jones is. No one loves him. Everybody hates me. That's like Tokyo rose. broadcasting the American sailors and marines. When we were right off the coast of Japan and already bonded in the Stone Age, weeks before we dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki saying the Americans are defeated. America is on fire. No one hears about you. It's all over. You lost the war.
Dan (00:33:52.000)
Yeah, so we've documented over the years Alex constantly saying that, Oh, now everyone loves me used to be that everyone was mean to be but now they're also nice to be very, you know, over different periods of time. He just constantly tell any story in order to provide morale for the troops as it were in his audience
Jordan (00:34:11.000)
a little bit in the like Tokyo rose.
Dan (00:34:15.000)
He like I guess there was like, I don't know, maybe it was a Media Matters article or something. But yeah, someone was, someone posted a video of that, that went around and people were making fun of it. And it's like, well, he says this all the time. Yeah. But people don't realize that he says this all the time. And so seeing it with fresh eyes was kind of funny, I guess for people, I suppose. And so now Alex is using this as a chance for him to complain about how people actually do love.
Jordan (00:34:40.000)
Oh my god, people do do do. Everybody needs to know the cycle. How it works, right like it is it? We learned about the water cycle when I was in elementary school and I think that's when we should have learned about the bullshit cycle to where it's like, Oh, this guy says bullshit and people are all like, Hey, look at how stupid that boat It is and then that gets more attention to that guy's like, my bullshit is not stupid. And then people are like, ah, there's so much bullshit. That's it. And it's
Dan (00:35:06.000)
a really fun game because Alex is talking about stuff that didn't happen. Yeah. And then these people are saying, hey, haha, this didn't happen. And he's saying it did happen. Yeah.
Jordan (00:35:16.000)
Yes, yes, that is the level of discourse that we have risen to. It's pretty fun. No people do like me thank you very much.
Dan (00:35:25.000)
It's pretty fun because he ends up just kind of obsessing about this. Okay,
Alex Jones (00:35:29.000)
so what I'm gonna do just for the last several hours, how much they hate us, all we hate it. I'm gonna start taking film crews out in downtown Austin, and the University of Texas the most liberal place. And I'm gonna, I mean, all I got to do at the hotel I'm at is just walk us through in the lobby for two minutes. And more than half the people that come through, come over and I'm our listeners. I can't buy myself a drink. I can't buy myself dinner on vacation with my family can't leave this hotel room. That's not by all shows how great I am. It is an indicator of how awake people have gotten, and how they're pissed off at the system. And so the left wants you to feel alone in a popular populism is and and America first just so just for them. And I thought about how important this is. I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna do live feeds. I was gonna edit it in people that liked me because it'd be very entertaining, the haters are even better to illustrate, I'm sure we'll get some of those big ground forms. There'll be some. But once that happens, I'll do all our live feeds, say on Sixth Street. There'll be four or five people that hate me. There'll be a couple 100 That led me and he watched the mainstream media will cut up the haters and put that up. That's okay. That's why they're dead. That's why they're politically obsolete, as everybody knows they closed up again. So we'll put out the raw feed and live streaming. And then we'll watch the media go and deceive and everybody hates me. But you'll never see the Rafi which 99% Love. So that's what I'm getting at here as the love is way more intense than it's ever been. I miss the same story over and over again. I went convincing last night to
Dan (00:37:28.000)
a restaurant her to drink there.
Alex Jones (00:37:31.000)
The restaurant came over and shook my hand and said We appreciate you we know you're right about the neural organ. What are we going to do? Half the restaurant he came to my table half of them. Yeah, you
Dan (00:37:41.000)
might hurt a sloshing there and mysteriously is like this point. Someone cut away from his laptop feed. There's just some B roll of Alex high fiving people at Trump rally five years ago. Oh, boy. Ah, strange.
Jordan (00:38:01.000)
I think whenever a narcissist is trapped in a hotel room still trying to lie about themselves. It's pretty funny. It is.
Dan (00:38:09.000)
It's pretty funny, especially because he's sitting here and he's saying, Alright, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna illustrate how much people love me by going down to Sixth Street. I'm gonna keep I'm gonna just do the raw feed I'm gonna do the raw feed out of the media will only cut out and show you the bad stuff. That's what they'll do. He's making up stories about a fake thing he hasn't done and isn't going to do Yep. And what the media is gonna do about this is ridiculous.
Jordan (00:38:34.000)
He's doing that and he's he's just giving himself a very unconvincing no peep tons of people love me. Yeah, people love me. And then some long pauses. But it's good. People love
Dan (00:38:46.000)
me you do start to realize the difference between recording in a studio and talking into a laptop and how much a laptop is similar to a mirror? Yeah, yeah.
Jordan (00:38:56.000)
Fucking you just look right into yourself. And you feel bad people love me. No.
Dan (00:39:03.000)
So Rogen sent Alex a video. That's about all you need to know.
Alex Jones (00:39:07.000)
You know, things are viral. When two separate podcasters in the in the last 12 hours, have sent me the same video. And I was intending to air this video today. And I'm going to Eric is dead on. And I'm going to Eric in its entirety. Simon said this last night and then literally five minutes ago. The number one podcast in the world. said holy bleep this videos insane family shop. I said yes actually was just planning to air it out today. And what is the video goes to me the tweet. This is the most important video you will watch the sheer millions were killed with COVID-19 for profit. COVID-19 was an act of biological warfare was abstaining on the human race. It was A financial heist. Nature was hijacked science was hijacked. This is from the recent international COVID summit of the EU as the European Parliament. So far 706 million covered infections have been recorded. And the breakdown here is absolutely critical. And we're going to be getting to that. Coming up here on a special Memorial Day broadcast. Ron is here. Remember the troops that were killed fighting this nation? We should now know the American people, people the world are the victims of a biological warfare attack
Dan (00:40:37.000)
or really stretching the Memorial Day theme. Yikes. So yeah, one of the things that's fun about this episode is that Alex introduces a lot of these topics and talk shit about them. And then whenever he leaves, oh, and plays these things, just kind of left with the heavy lifting. So what he's talking about here that tweeted about that Joe sent him was, there's a clip about a guy ranting about how COVID is a bio weapon. He's sitting in front of an EU flag, apparently at a meeting of the EU parliament. For God's sake. This guy is a COVID conspiracy hotshot. Pun intended. I named Dr. David Martin, and he's trying to bring back the bow tie look, which isn't going great. Not gonna happen. He spends the first six minutes of the clip talking about how we've known about coronaviruses for decades, which I found uninteresting, but he was presenting as if it's mind blowing information. Anyway, this was from an event called the International COVID summit three which has the air of real serious event but it's actually just a propaganda performance.
Jordan (00:41:35.000)
Did Did Tim Gunn direct that or Jim Jim gun direct that one too? Or no, no. All right,
Dan (00:41:41.000)
Robert Malone, I believe Oh, boo. There was a hotline up of COVID weirdos like I mentioned, Robert Malone, this David Martin cheer Corey, and a bunch of international folks who we haven't necessarily met in our coverage, but are very similar to the folks we have. The International COVID summit was apparently hosted by certain members of the European Parliament, but they're referred to as, quote, non attached members of the Parliament, which means that there are individuals in Parliament who are not part of any party that has any real sway. Right. They're kind of rogue agents within ineffectual. Yeah,
Jordan (00:42:11.000)
we're kind of assholes who suddenly got in there. And here we are, there are people who
Dan (00:42:15.000)
are part of parties with one or two members in the Parliament, and therefore they don't have any actual voting power. Right. As the name might suggest, this was the third such summit that this collection of COVID conspiracists have held and it's not fair to say that it was in front of the full parliament. I don't think it was like a couple of powerless members of the parliament hosted it, but the actual EU, I'm not sure if it was a full assembly for the master Pretorius event.
Jordan (00:42:41.000)
I mean, I would say that a lot of the speeches that you might see on C span whenever they show the senator speaking directly, and they don't show the crowd, because the crowd is three other senators. Yeah.
Dan (00:42:52.000)
And everybody else is there passing the Fed. Totally. Yeah.
Jordan (00:42:55.000)
That's how it works.
Dan (00:42:56.000)
Wayne, yeah. So I looked over the lineup veterinarian there from the Netherlands arguing the vaccines are killing people. All right, they had a self help coach from Canada complaining about the media. And they had a doctor named Ryan Cole, who's about to lose his license. Coal is an interesting case, because he was very happy to profit from COVID. Early on as he ran a little lab in Garden City, Idaho, which he presented to Medicaid as quote using fully automated high volume systems that you can use to run test. I like that. The problem is that he wasn't doing that that's a trouble and they couldn't handle the load. They claimed they could cold claim that they could handle all this testing, and he accepted over $500,000 in government funds, which allegedly did not go to the ends of COVID test. Oh, that's a surprise. A former molecular diagnostic supervisor there told the Idaho Capitol son quote, It was volume over safety and accuracy. Cool diagnostics was a small lab at the beginning of 2020 and took on more than what Dr. Cole promised and said that it could do that summer. All in all, Cole has given over more than a million dollars in government funds, specifically for COVID related activity. He was more than happy to use the pandemic to get a ton of free money early on. But now the grift has kind of moved on and now we just got to be like man, yeah. A woman named Andrea when told the paper that the lab took shortcuts when doing COVID testing, quote, given Dr. Cole's public statements downplaying the severity of the virus, it makes sense that he was permissive of a lowered standard of testing. He either did not believe or refuse to acknowledge that bad results were of potentially high consequence to his patients and the public. She went on to say, quote, we were told to run specimens where we knew the integrity had been compromised. Certainly, the paper spoke to two other former employees and reported this quote, they noticed coal pouring liquid into dried out vials and running the tests with that reconstituted sample
Jordan (00:44:48.000)
like it's a bar like he's just he's just running it on the thing and then he's pouring another drink in there, okay,
Dan (00:44:55.000)
diluting an already compromised sample could have caused people with the virus to get false naked of results. He's now arguing that COVID vaccines cause cancer, which is what he was speaking about at that summit. He claims that he'd seen a big increase in cancer at his lab, which is strange because he's not supposed to be the kind of doctor that diagnosis patients. He's a pathologist with a lab. Yeah, he hasn't produced evidence of his claims about increased cancer, but he has apparently misdiagnosed at least two people as having cancer. And that's led to a complaint being raised to the Washington medical commission to quote investigate whether Cole has intentionally or subconsciously misread cancer tests while making false claims about COVID-19 vaccines of cancer. Also, one of the people he allegedly misdiagnosed is suing him after she needlessly got a hysterectomy because of his misdiagnosis. Wow, this guy sucks. Wow, who knows what kind of damage this guy is directly caused. And now he's an expert speaking at this dumb dumb COVID conspiracy Summit. These people are monsters, and I don't really give a fuck about this guy. DAVID MARTIN with his stupid bow tie, talking about just anti COVID conspiracy and talking points I hairs if he's in front of an EU flag.
Jordan (00:46:06.000)
It's just just leaving behind a fucking swath of destruction everywhere they fucking go acting as though they're helping people. Yeah, and it is. It is just it is just so maddening. It's maddening because they're always out of reach. It doesn't matter. And I mean, a metaphorical reach to it's like, there's no way to get them. Yeah.
Dan (00:46:26.000)
I mean, like this, this accepting government money to do tests you don't have the capacity to do and doing a bad job on this at the risk of I mean, if you're providing false negative tests, yeah, for a ton of people, especially, you know, this lab deals with elderly patients, people in assisted living Sure. Who, who knows how many lives you're putting directly at risk because of your desire to get these government grants. It's exactly what they're accusing doctors of doing killing babies. It is money.
Jordan (00:47:03.000)
It is. It really literally is. Yeah. And it's it's even more absurd. Just because, I mean, ostensibly, this guy doesn't believe that COVID Is that big of a problem or is a problem. You can't have him running a lab testing for a virus that he doesn't believe is real well,
Dan (00:47:19.000)
maybe we didn't know that then. But also calls to mind also a lot of the folks who you know, we're willing to accept you know, COVID stimulus money for their companies and stuff goes these government loans gotta and then and then also our turnaround is all real. It's not real
Jordan (00:47:39.000)
at all. But I mean, you're What are you not gonna you're not gonna take money. What
Dan (00:47:42.000)
didn't crazy? Yeah, it's, you know, scams evolve.
Jordan (00:47:46.000)
loving money is like the primary thing we do. Okay, that's our deal.
Dan (00:47:51.000)
So Alex gets back to talking about the the JBS thing Sharon lives more about that love it. But also, I think he makes a bit of a accidental confession at the end of the interesting
Alex Jones (00:48:02.000)
play excerpts of a powerful 1958 speech by Robert Welch founders, numbers society 1974 just came out the CIA and the FBI working with the ADL criminally targeted the organization who was 100% Dead on everything they said, has come true. People think Alex Jones was right. This group absolutely scared the hell out of the globalist because they were populist, they were pro American, they were anti communist. They were not racist. And that was the prototype the ADL went after. And they classified it two weeks ago, that the ADL knew they were gonna sit knew they were good and set them up and infiltrated members in to then go to press conferences and say racist things. They can attribute it to the John versus ours, right? Which we know goes on. We know. The bar we lost in our bare minimum had people inside the office and they would run around the N word N word N word. And people were gonna fire me say that again. And they quit. And then what a great I forgot what they wanted was a great
Jordan (00:49:04.000)
scam. Wow, that's a that's a plan. Here's our plan, guys. Okay, we've got this evil organization run by extremely wealthy people with a nice infinite amount of power. What we're gonna do is we're gonna go in, we're gonna get hired. Alright, so everybody, you got to make sure you have some good references. Derek, not you. We're gonna get hired. Okay, we're gonna go in there. We're gonna shout racist things. And then whenever they threatened to fire us, we'll quit. And then we'll claim to other people that they're racist. solved it.
Dan (00:49:35.000)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, Alex is making stuff up about this non declassified thing. Yeah. But you see the I don't know if you understood what he was saying. He was saying at Infowars people were plants.
Jordan (00:49:50.000)
Oh, I didn't hear him say that. If he was doing that. What he was referring to my God. Yeah.
Dan (00:49:55.000)
He was saying that they had plants like the Southern Poverty Law Center had people at his office office chairs were running around screaming the N word. And then what
Jordan (00:50:05.000)
then when he threatened to fire them for screaming they quit, which is um I don't think you threatened to fire somebody
Dan (00:50:12.000)
who you're talking about Alex's fire him,
Jordan (00:50:15.000)
right? Yeah, if you're running around throwing out the N word, I think I was fired.
Dan (00:50:20.000)
I think Alex is just trying to come up with defenses for accusations and things that people have revealed about the racist. He He fostered rosters and cultivates it and he accidentally is kind of admitting to that yeah, I would say so. Um, but Look man, people like him. You know, people like him. When you look at a laptop, it's kind of like a mirror. And people like Alex
Alex Jones (00:50:44.000)
and and understand that we are the modern warriors in the information war, that are taking these globalist on and they're losing the fight with people of humanity, the troops coming out. That's why I was telling the story. Last segment about Alex Jones being a microcosm or a bellwether, a gauge a sensor, we can know where the public really stands. And having 99 to one positive interactions 200 to one positive interactions three to five, I probably shut 1000 Hands 2000 Hands last eight, nine months, keep killing us and come up with confirming one person and before was happening every couple of days go to the grocery store was going to happen two or three years ago, got the grocery store, take 20 hands, somebody walks over fu Russian agent. Or if you take a K member, you just laugh at it because there's such idiots, but it's not really happening anymore. And the love is more intense. So I talked about with Steve Bannon being a little Italian restaurant with my wife and with a musician friend of ours, and almost everybody came over that was in the restaurant. And then when I went out I ran to three different rooms two people and all three ribs were listeners black lady convinced a couple Hispanic couple totally, totally believe these are real going to the parking garage. Was Was that really triggers a bunch of leftist publications saying Jones's insane people don't like he look, he's making it up people like him. I mean, just think of think about that. They want you to think you're alone. They want you to think they're winning. They're not winning. Yeah, I'll show claims black, white, Hispanic, old Young. Shower him with praise in restaurants. Well, that's it. I realize how much they hate this. So I'm gonna you know what I could do. I could wear a hidden camera. I can wear a hidden camera and go to a restaurant. Ooh, that'd be the better undercover investigation. So here's what's gonna happen for the left. Oh my you control for only how you control culture. And you're the cool ones. Everybody loves you. I'm gonna plug it back on set with Infowars love. How's that sound? But let's see, they already know that. Their sign up doesn't work on me. They want to make you ashamed of caring about your family, or being a Christian or being a drag queen pedo time. But that doesn't work anymore, as well. They don't have that power over you anymore. Ladies, gentlemen. So now what are they doing? Excellent all show on this? You are?
Dan (00:53:27.000)
Yes, this has no power over me. Spend most of my time whining about it and creating ways to keep this conversation going.
Jordan (00:53:36.000)
There is there is there should be a red light or something that's just like the are you listening to yourself light, like everybody should have something available to themselves where they stop. They're like, let's play that back for you to listen to. And then you hear it and you go. You're right. That was Yeah, I feel bad about that. Now
Dan (00:53:52.000)
here's what I would love to happen. Alex is in the middle of one of these rants about how much people love him and he goes to everywhere. The restaurant table. Yeah. So he's sitting there on his laptop in the middle of it. Then there's a knock, housekeeping. Housekeeping. Housekeeping comes in. Yeah, and they're like, oh my god, Alec Jones. Yeah, love you so much have to and it's Rob do in a wig
Jordan (00:54:21.000)
But see that's that's where you go that's pretty good. Yeah, now we start getting more people showing up knocking on the door but what they're all Rob do
Dan (00:54:30.000)
what What excuses Do you have like food? Definitely got
Jordan (00:54:33.000)
food house. You've got housekeeping. You got. Plumber guy got a plumber. Wait, there's an air conditioning problem.
Dan (00:54:40.000)
These are a little bit of a stretch.
Jordan (00:54:42.000)
How about how about pull the fire alarm?
Dan (00:54:45.000)
Alex has done that in the past. Not here. Here's one idea. Okay. Manager comes all right, because someone snitched him out for using the room for commercial purposes. Oh, okay. But then he's like, but you're so great. I'm so great. Yeah, Rob do with a fake mustache.
Jordan (00:55:00.000)
I think it's gotta be it's gotta be all Rob do. Playing a straight Mr. Beaten character, there's no
Dan (00:55:07.000)
there's no cost to doing this. And I feel like if Alex, the next phase for Alex should really be trying to be creative. Like that would be fucking hilarious nothing to lose, you wouldn't undercut his point that everybody comes up to him, it would only really make it seem like he actually isn't offended or hurt by people mocking the idea of people like they would we would take the piss out of a lot of the present totally 100% I cannot lie. I don't Well, first of all, I don't think they could pull it off. They're not good enough at doing bits now not funny, terrible, the limit to characters if they were able to make it feel like slightly organic and not call out that it's robbed you in a wig over and over again? Yeah, I would legitimately find that hilarious.
Jordan (00:55:56.000)
I think so too.
Dan (00:55:57.000)
I really do. Be watching it, I'd be like, this is the best it was ever done.
Jordan (00:56:02.000)
And that's because it would be a 25 year old long payoff, you know, like the that's that's really that's the joke about it is that it would have taken its 25 years of setup to get to that perfect punch line.
Dan (00:56:15.000)
Well, but the other thing, too, is that Alex constantly talks about how he likes to engage in satire, like, would be satirical. Absolutely. That would be satirizing. I
Jordan (00:56:23.000)
tell you this idea that they never even thought of that, of course, never even meanwhile, it's the first
Dan (00:56:28.000)
thing. First thing I got to get in the writers room. They mean, it's
Jordan (00:56:33.000)
it's absurd. How much better a show we could make.
Dan (00:56:39.000)
Well, that's what happens when you're driven by this resentment, agreement and hate and it's not something where you're like, What can I do to make a good show? Yeah, that's unfortunate. It is. It really is. So Alex is talking about how people like call him a Russian agent and all this stuff. And he only knows one Russian. I know, one of the Russians, who knows Oh, yeah. And so
Alex Jones (00:57:01.000)
they're just moving on from seven years of saying we're all Russian agents with zero evidence. And I watched House Armed Services Committee hearings, five years ago. For the congresswoman goes give me one example of a Russian disinfo agent. Well, Infowars and Alex Jones comes to mind he's watching this and really never been to Russia. Don't speak Russian. No one Russian was an Army veteran, a patriot. That does like call screen force. So I do know one Russian one Russian you know, does does work for us doesn't run anything. But I mean, I run everything. But the point is I do know a Russian so that's that's that that's that's that now there's millions of around the world,
Dan (00:57:42.000)
Daria is going to be pissed to learn that she has been demoted to call screen. And she doesn't run anything
Jordan (00:57:48.000)
run anything. She doesn't run whenever she is able to take the fall for something. She seems to have quite a bit of power.
Dan (00:57:55.000)
Oh, oh, yes. She's She's deeply involved. Organiser work organizational aspects executive producing. But yeah, she's a cost.
Jordan (00:58:06.000)
I mean, frankly, she's your corporate representative, at the very least. And the
Dan (00:58:09.000)
reason that I think that's her is because Alex always describes her as a veteran. Yeah. And so like, that makes sense that it would be her unless there are two Russian veterans who work at Infowars. Want to call screener, one, Daria,
Jordan (00:58:23.000)
in which case, why are you hiding the other one,
Dan (00:58:26.000)
right? What do you have to hide?
Jordan (00:58:30.000)
Also, I've seen I've watched to the Americans, everybody secretly a Russian agent. You know, we all know so many Russian agents. See what happened was Russia infiltrated the United States and kicked out all Americans and we're actually all Russians. And we moved into do the exact same there. It's like the ADL in the John Birch Society.
Dan (00:58:50.000)
Okay. That was a smart move. All right. I was lost in thought about a TV show that I've never seen. And I don't know why. And I think it was because I was like, I've never seen the Americans. And then I started thinking about other shows. I started thinking about Battlestar Galactica.
Jordan (00:59:09.000)
Of course, why wouldn't you think about Battlestar Galactica? Edward James Olmos Come on. Sure. James almost as fire Come on, man. What do we do?
Dan (00:59:17.000)
Do they get away from the Cylons at the end? No.
Jordan (00:59:21.000)
They are the Cylons. We are the Cylons. What
Dan (00:59:24.000)
I forgot. No, because at the end they show up at Earth.
Jordan (00:59:28.000)
Yeah, but I think that's the point. I think we are I honestly don't know this because I don't know if I've seen the show. Now you're making me feel like maybe I have.
Dan (00:59:40.000)
I've seen like one or two episodes, and I'm aware that at the end they show up at her.
Jordan (00:59:45.000)
I'm pretty sure there's a guy named Balthazar. Right? Oh, no, I
Dan (00:59:48.000)
think I do know that. Oh, Edward James almost as Oh, I know. I'll never forget it almost. Yeah, my buddy. Swearengen watched all of them. No, no, although that joke was made He He was watching that. Well, we live together. And so I got a little bit by like osmosis, but I never I never watched it. Anyway, I don't know why I was thinking about that. I don't know. So yeah, look woke stuff. Yeah all around woke mind virus
Jordan (01:00:17.000)
woke is a problem for people. Yep. Can we clearly define it yet? No. Oh,
Dan (01:00:24.000)
Jordan (01:00:26.000)
exactly. See that's the problem with a clear definition. I believe that the most accurate one so far is a you know, yeah, no, you know if you know, you know,
Dan (01:00:34.000)
it's the Supreme Court definition of pornography. Oh, no wokeness when you feel woke in your bones, Oh, yeah. So all these companies that are going woke, they're going broke. Oh,
Alex Jones (01:00:45.000)
and when I see understanding of that, how this is psychological warfare, and people get that, once you're aware of the psychological warfare, you've gotten to 35,000 foot view, it's very, very hard to control you. In fact, the propaganda does the opposite. It pinches you off, it motivates you. It spurs you to stand up. So here's a here's an example of this. And I describe this as kamikazes. You see, Anheuser Busch lose now $10 billion and loose now it's 35% of their market. And they predict in six months, it'll be 60% of market. They destroyed the number one beer company in the world. 10s of billions of dollars in advertising to get to that point. That'd be 100 plus year old company gone, just got wiped out because the majority of people don't want to teach pedophilia to children. Oh, that's why
Dan (01:01:43.000)
Yep. So it's fair enough to say that Anheuser Busch InBev stock is down about $10 a share in the past month from the mid 60s to the mid 50s. The right wing tantrum does seem to be having an effect. But this is a case where perspective is necessary. For instance, does Alex know what InBev stock price was in the in late October of 2022? It's around $45 A share $10 lower than it is now after this dry they have been devastated. Does he know that in 2016 their stock was up at about $125 A share well then
Jordan (01:02:16.000)
they've been devastated again.
Dan (01:02:19.000)
Yeah, they're whining does seem to be making a small dent but nothing like the impact of bad dividend report would have and has had or the like caught like obviously COVID lockdown sure, like bars being closed. Yeah, big hit. Yeah. A lot of people have commented on some of the slowdown sales have to do with Budweiser in particular being late to the market on seltzers, which are like a large part of retail alcohol shopping now. So these are these are factors that are that are in the mix. But what's going on is just a law that honestly is probably going to be seen by investors as a pretty good opportunity to get in at a cut rate. Because you have to remember that even Alex doesn't realize how many beer companies are owned by this conglomerate. Yeah, it's all good and well to avoid bud and Bud Light because you're mad that they had a one off promotional thing with a trans person, but in order to really hit InBev you need to avoid Beck's Corona modelo Michelob, Stella Artois, Busch, Natty light king cobra, Labatt Goose Island, and tons of other beers that just appear to be small breweries that are actually owned by InBev. Yeah, you know, it's only Floyd's is cool. They're fine. Not Well, yeah, of course. Yeah.
Jordan (01:03:32.000)
But but it's almost like, because of the very capitalist thing that they desire so much. A small corporation can gather up so much power, you effectively cannot punish them through these types of feel like you are, you can feel like you're a hero,
Dan (01:03:51.000)
it wouldn't be possible, I think, to consciously stop buying all of their brands, but I think it'd be really hard. And a lot of people are probably buying InBev products without even really even knowing it totally InBev will be fine. The stock price is down a little bit, but it will recover because people love booze. Alex, of all people should understand that. And also consider like how much penetration they have into foreign markets that aren't swayed by this right wing culture. Nonsense.
Jordan (01:04:18.000)
You're not going to do anything. No, you are not going to do anything.
Dan (01:04:22.000)
They are also like heavily involved in a number of European and Asian beer companies. Yeah. And a lot of that will contribute to their fine.
Jordan (01:04:34.000)
Yeah, you know, it is it is. Why is it and I think I'm not sure if this was true before Citizens United or not. But ever since corporations are people I feel became just an accepted part of our life. It is like, why are you guys mad at Anheuser Busch. It is not a real group of people. There's there's like 20 people who make decisions be mad at 20 People who make decisions. You can't be mad at Bud Light. But like doesn't exist.
Dan (01:05:02.000)
Yeah, but you can't shoot those people and Kid Rock can shoot cans of Bud Light. Right. But I mean, maybe try talking to those people. It's not as fun. It's not a good video to post on social media,
Jordan (01:05:13.000)
you know, like, oh, target is hit by allegations that they are homophobic and it's like, no, no, target doesn't exist. Target is target is not. It's just a name. Sure. It's like 20 people. Right? Yeah.
Dan (01:05:26.000)
So the board? Yeah. Do something
Jordan (01:05:29.000)
about them? Well, I
Dan (01:05:31.000)
mean, I certainly think that it is a way of diffusing responsibility for the brand becomes the thing as opposed to the people. Yeah,
Jordan (01:05:40.000)
seems seems pretty useful for a small group of people, for bad
Dan (01:05:44.000)
actors. And for people who want good outcomes,
Jordan (01:05:48.000)
or good outcomes or being billionaires and such.
Dan (01:05:51.000)
No, I mean, people who have legitimate social complaints. Oh, sure. As well as people look out. Yeah, yeah, totally. In both cases, the people who are the actual decision makers are often insulated from those criticisms by anger at the brand
Jordan (01:06:06.000)
and the consequences for their decisions. Um,
Dan (01:06:09.000)
well, go, Whoa, go broke. Yep. Anyway, Alex talks more about the JBS thing as Welch is to be celebrated on Memorial Day. And then he starts talking a little bit about yay. Why? Because he he's alone in a hotel room staring at a laptop. That's a fair point,
Alex Jones (01:06:26.000)
also said something that went viral. And also something that went viral a few weeks ago, I was just being honest speculation. When I'm speculating, I say I don't know. But it feels like this. Nope. And it's the National Front is a government run our organization that's confirmed. It's come out the ADL documents, they know that they know it will try to right wing groups and tried to make them racist. And when they couldn't, they would just try to say, you know, Hey, guys, don't you want to release this or follow this? criminal behavior? Maybe. Barbara Lawson does it too. And I said, it felt like when he showed up here, because I told him, I don't want to get into the month of June bashing. And I said, I think it would really be good. If he reached out and said we should unify all around basic ideas of freedom and everything in the First Amendment. But yeah, we we want to clear that up. Yeah, we want to actually do that.
Dan (01:07:29.000)
That's kind of what you did. He called for everyone to come together, particularly about loving Hitler. Yeah. If anything, it was an exercise an example of the First Amendment in action. It was gays appearance on Infowars. And there's literally no consequences from an adult's First Amendment baby. It was a horde speech, but it's protected. I know Alex is trying to pretend this was a setup and like a tricked him. But based on what he's claiming they talked about before the show, it seems like Alex just didn't realize what he was getting into and how hopeful honestly, out of his depth, he was with gay and Nick Fuentes. I can understand Alex wanting to see your face. But this is This is pathetic. And I think like, if you're describing that as the conversation you had with EA, or you're like, I don't want to get into a bunch of Jiu bashing. I bet he doesn't think that's what he's doing. Yeah, totally. From his perspective. He and Alex were on the same page going into it. I'm not going to do a bunch of jewel bashing, but I'm going to talk about how much I love Hitler. Yep. Yep. Yeah, Alex, I understand that it looked really bad. And it wasn't embarrassing showing, but you just gotta eat it. Yeah, just got it. You got
Jordan (01:08:33.000)
dawn. Yeah, nobody cares. Nobody even cares about Yeah, you're anymore. It'll happen. And it was over. And we all moved on, like we do with everything now.
Dan (01:08:41.000)
Yeah. I mean, it had the potential to be really dangerous. And I think it still is. And I think that there's potential for as we get closer to the 2024 election thing, more things to flare back up. But yeah, like, the it was not as big of a like, explosion, as it appeared it was going to be Yeah, and who knows what the cause of that is, like, what the cause maybe it'd be, it seems to me that maybe it's just infighting led to it not being as bad as it could have been. Milo and Nick and ally, Alexander yay. Like, all those figures are not people who can coexist. Right. And so they, I think they kind of screwed each other over.
Jordan (01:09:27.000)
Yeah. And none of them have any ability to do stuff. I mean, you used to be able to really, really make good, great music, you know, but then the rest of them have no skills or abilities or stuff.
Dan (01:09:39.000)
You have some skills.
Jordan (01:09:41.000)
I mean, in terms of political organizing.
Dan (01:09:44.000)
I actually I would I would disagree. I actual political
Jordan (01:09:47.000)
organizing, not shit talking.
Dan (01:09:49.000)
There's not much difference these days. Boy, you are not wrong. I think. I think I think that people like Milo, Nick, Ali, Alexander, they all will have certain skills, but they think they have more skills than they do. Yes, that's definitely true. So they their egos probably don't allow them to just play their role. They all want to be Jordan instead of being kuko Yeah, you
Jordan (01:10:13.000)
know, somebody's got to be Rodman
Dan (01:10:14.000)
Yeah. Wow. That's a different that's that's a whole different kettle of
Jordan (01:10:19.000)
fish. That's why Yeah,
Dan (01:10:19.000)
someone's got to be Steve Kerr. Yeah, someone's got to be a role player. You know, you gotta not always all of them want to be the franchise player. Can't do it. No. Now, and that's the I think that probably led to a lot of the, like Steam dissipating around this. Yeah,
Jordan (01:10:36.000)
it does seem like it would be impossible to I mean, just for here's what I think. I think it would be impossible for Nick Fuentes to have to sit in a room with Nick Fuentes as being all Nick Adam, you know, probably like at him probably aggressively him. Yeah. And what is my low but some version of that, you know, Milo No, no, no, I
Dan (01:10:58.000)
don't mean I don't mean it like a temperament perspective.
Jordan (01:11:02.000)
I mean, from like, the just like being around and just talking just like always being around each other. I disagree is not fun. You're not fun people.
Dan (01:11:11.000)
I'm sure they're all not fun. Yeah, I think you could exist in a room with Nick filamentous for a little while and it not be totally draining. I think Milo would get annoying really fast and that's
Jordan (01:11:23.000)
definitely true. Kyle has had more time to practice at it though.
Alex Jones (01:11:27.000)
Dan (01:11:28.000)
he'll but there also has to do with like their particular skill sets. Nick is a weaselly shithead debater kid who also knows how to change his presentation for different audiences. Right? Whereas Milo his bread and butter has always been sensational extravagance. It's been trolling it's been like he was the king of the trolls originally. Yeah,
Jordan (01:11:51.000)
but see that's I don't understand. And that's why I find Nick so much more infuriating, because he's because he's a whiny little Weasley lying put his face on for different audiences asshole. hate that guy.
Dan (01:12:03.000)
I personally, I mean, obviously, I I hate them all. But I think I would much rather be in a room with one of them. I think, Nick,
Jordan (01:12:15.000)
that's, that's a question I don't want to dive into. I feel like
Dan (01:12:18.000)
there are times when Nick shuts up. And I don't know if that's true of mine. That's probably true. That is true. I think Milo is a bit more smug. And that really that can bother.
Jordan (01:12:28.000)
I think that's why Nick lasted with Da longer.
Dan (01:12:31.000)
But didn't Milo come back? Oh my god. I don't know. I haven't kept track of all of their comings and goings. So much. I do think and here's the other interesting dynamic. This is just me reading from their public presentation. I think that of them Nick would be the one who was most able to put ego a bit to the side for the sake of achieving a larger goal. Sure, sure. He I think could be a role player.
Jordan (01:12:57.000)
He's still young though, you know, true. He's still got the he's still young. He's still got something to shoot for. Yeah.
Dan (01:13:04.000)
Yeah. Milo's on like biozones reinvention
Jordan (01:13:09.000)
is nine lives are up. Yeah.
Dan (01:13:11.000)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. Nick is kind of like a fresh face on the scene or as Milo's like come on, man.
Jordan (01:13:18.000)
Ya know, if you're, if you're talking, you're talking to Nick. You can have this conversation of like, Hey, buddy, it's not your time yet. You you hang back. You learn you do what you can and then you'll be you'll have your shot. You know, that kind of thing. Milo already had a shot.
Dan (01:13:34.000)
That's that's over. That's sad realization, isn't it? He had his shot. He happily when he was working at Breitbart. It really
Jordan (01:13:40.000)
Dan (01:13:43.000)
Anyway, enough of this nonsense. Yep. Yay. Might be a fed. According to Alex,
Jordan (01:13:49.000)
in when When did he begin being? If he's a fed? I want to know when did it start?
Dan (01:13:54.000)
I think Alex is trying to speculate that he had tax problems, and that he got blackmailed over it. That's kind of the suggestion that
Jordan (01:14:02.000)
so Yeezus maybe
Alex Jones (01:14:06.000)
you're not saying that's the case. I mean, I can tell you want to come on, right when I go live one minute before we all are these shows up wearing a mask and I said, Okay, well, you take it off later. Yeah, maybe the warming I talked about. And then the whole thing is I love Hitler. The Jews are bad. And so I simply said, This feels like a setup. I do think the dinner with Trump was a setup. I'm not even saying that. How do they talk about loving Hillary Clinton with Trump? And Trump knows coming in, he thought was Kanye West. He was. I'm not saying he was the Fed. Maybe he's the greatest troll ever. I believe his first summer writes. But the point is when you look at his dialectic, I'm not saying Nick pointers. I love how his supporters ran around and said the same except that I said I don't know this I'm not even saying this as a case, I'm saying is yea being blackmailed, for the tax issues of the rest of it, where he suddenly comes out and quadruples down and does this. And I'm simply saying, there's a long history of the ADL, other groups, getting people to behave like this and act like this and do these type of things. Then, I mean, you'd love to have a Nazi rally American Nazi Party rally. I've covered him. They're very rare, but they've had an awesome, I mean, you look at it, and it's a bunch of art students gated, and in Jewish guys, and and you can see I mean, I mean, I mean, it looks like Larry David in the Nazi outfit. And and you look at me, I look well. You go to the wheelchairs, and when people look like me, I got the Welsh genetics for my dad. And these guys look like Larry David. They're just wearing Nazi outfits. It's so funny. And now the ADL admits they're doing this. Well, I mean, you're coming gay. Watch this whole thing. I'm just like, I'm like, is this a setup? I'm allowed to say that?
Dan (01:16:03.000)
Sure. Okay, you're allowed to say it. I think it's uncompelled thing unconvincing, and it's also in service of, you know, just trying to excuse your shitty interview. Oh, kind of sad.
Jordan (01:16:16.000)
So, yay. Bankruptcy issues, right? Can't do anything. Oh, no, the government comes in G men come in deposition style Adjustment
Dan (01:16:26.000)
Bureau shows up through it or with their hat. Totally
Jordan (01:16:29.000)
100%. And they're like, listen, we'll take care of this for you. We got you. But you have to go on Infowars.
Dan (01:16:38.000)
Well, I mean, obviously also, Gavin McInnes, his show will show and Sure. Twitter,
Jordan (01:16:44.000)
but I mean, you know, like, but in this case, you have to wear a mask.
Dan (01:16:49.000)
Yeah. And bring a Yoo hoo, and a net?
Jordan (01:16:52.000)
Yeah. So like, did they come up with it? Because he didn't wear the mask on other shows. Oh, right. Did they were they like specifically for Alex, you wear the mask?
Dan (01:17:01.000)
Also? No, he did wear the mask on? Well, no, he did not on Tim Poole show. Oh, okay. And then also part of the blackmail with Texas was that Alex had to keep him on air for three hours.
Jordan (01:17:14.000)
Yeah, Alex. Absolutely. Yeah. Jesus Christ.
Dan (01:17:19.000)
Yeah. Also, this whole like the Nazis are actually gay theater students thing. I thought it was about the unite the right rally. Like that was his story for that. Now it's the American Nazi Party rallies in Austin that Alex has allegedly been to. All right, whatever, man. Yeah, yeah, the trope of Jews creating their own oppression. And what have you is a deeply anti semitic idea that they're from traffic. And so I mean, Alex, again, you are allowed to say these things. But you're kind of showing yourself a
Jordan (01:17:49.000)
little bit you shouldn't you shouldn't they
Dan (01:17:52.000)
seem very dumb. And anti symmetric. Very much. So. So Alex talks about Memorial Day, Baby. Sure. He talks about Memorial. He talks about some of his family members who have served
Jordan (01:18:08.000)
Sure, yes, that's that is what we should be doing. Right. Except
Dan (01:18:10.000)
I don't think that this is somebody who's who died in service. So Veterans Day, not Memorial Day. It's not their day. No, but he still got to talk about it. I apparently had a relative who was involved in Iran Contra.
Alex Jones (01:18:23.000)
When my uncle died about 70 years ago. It was a Vietnam War hero, amazing guy. We dug through his stuff. And it was like, Wow, we had like, all the awards, you got all this stuff doesn't sound real. Like all the silver stars, you name it. And wanted, he was always such a great stand up guy is by piping a favorite extended family member super smart, and hated the new Waters of the US government was run by a bunch of pedophiles. And that's what leads me to this next moment. He said, there's always going to be a point where you're working in a system where it gets so bad you make a decision to keep your soul or to fight it. Because about a year before he died of pneumonia. He was in great shape. He's got pneumonia and died. And I said what do you mean? He said, Well, you know, I was doing stuff in Central America and South America and Iran contract and get the details that was all secret as an Army officer, but he said it was good. He said the government was smuggling kids out of orphanages and Guatemala and getting into really bad people. And he had to you had to get out of it. That boy. Well, now you see that majorly upscaled going on for everybody. So imagine how big that is. And even in my family, my mother's brother witnessed that.
Dan (01:19:46.000)
You'll never believe what a higher coincidence This is that that's exactly the story that Larry Nichols tells
Jordan (01:19:53.000)
so weird. So weird how that works.
Dan (01:19:56.000)
It's not only like against the odds that this would be a Family Member of Alex's but that one of his sources would have the exact same story and present things in the exact same way of you have to say you have to choose between your soul. You know, like all that he uncovered that they were dealing in kids and they had to get out and yeah, that's Wow, what are the odds?
Jordan (01:20:18.000)
Yeah, it's almost like we're not the only people who memorialized Larry Nichols passing Yeah, we have finally got another an rip read
Dan (01:20:25.000)
Larry Nichol turns our role in your store. Larry Nichols is Alex's uncle.
Jordan (01:20:29.000)
Yeah, it's so easy to wow, that's looking at stealing a dead man story.
Dan (01:20:35.000)
Cares. They're all like they're all liars and con people. So like, why not?
Jordan (01:20:41.000)
It's like, what it's like the Bundy standoff where they're all sitting around the fire telling war stories that they were never a part of.
Dan (01:20:48.000)
Oh, no, you know, I feel like when I die, I would not mind if my organs were given to people to give them a you know, to be able to continue on with their lives. Sure, sure. Absolutely. In the same way con man I'm sure are fine with their lives being used for further cause. Do you think you bequeath your cons? You have to sign your back here?
Jordan (01:21:09.000)
I was I was wondering, do you is there a deed to the con like,
Dan (01:21:13.000)
yeah, it's property. Not intellectual, but it's property. Yeah, you know, you
Jordan (01:21:18.000)
got to do what you got to do.
Dan (01:21:19.000)
So we actually have one last clip here because Alex, not not not having a hot one. No. I mean, he's in a hotel room. And he is for the next few days after this. Oh, oh, my god. hotel room. Oh, my gosh, still there. As far as I can tell. We are recording this on Thursday. And he is not checked his show today. But you might still be in that room. All right. Two weeks going on. Since he's been in studio. Gotta get back into the studio. I'm on man. Yeah,
Jordan (01:21:45.000)
yeah. I'm for I'm pro work from home. Yeah, you can handle that. We work from home. Obviously. I'm anti work from Hotel. That's just the wrong place to do it.
Dan (01:21:56.000)
But what about when we were down in Austin for the trial? We worked from the hotel.
Jordan (01:21:59.000)
Exactly. We did a lot of work. And I went crazy.
Dan (01:22:03.000)
No, that was because you were on Twitter too much.
Jordan (01:22:06.000)
There's a lot of places to go crazy.
Dan (01:22:09.000)
Alex talks a little bit here about the there's a source that the John Birch Society had and I found it interesting that he's able to pull this name because he's no one for specifics. And I'll be honest with you, not a satisfying last clip for an episode doesn't really put a button on anything. But here we are.
Alex Jones (01:22:29.000)
The John Birch Society had people in the Pentagon that were patriots like Fletcher Prouty, who ran the major regime change operations US government. They didn't like Fletcher Prouty and others giving them all the Intel men that were in the briefing room has been told us well plans and these men are in these meetings, but this is horrible. And give me an exercise.
Dan (01:22:50.000)
Man A lot of people involved in overthrow operations that Alex admires. Like, Steve pathetic, yeah, miss that guy. Yeah. What if he was in the hotel?
Jordan (01:23:00.000)
Oh, my God, that's that's what you do. Right? You got to have his housekeeper. You gotta have the reveal of it being him the whole Oh, Alex, do you not leave a tip? Alex, come on, look at the sheets.
Dan (01:23:13.000)
So that's not a great name for Alex bullet as the secret source for the John Birch Society. Fletcher Prouty did have a long career in the services but he's also kind of remembered as a lunatic. Sure. Prouty has been involved in a number of incorrect conspiracy assertions over the years, mostly revolving around the JFK assassination. He was so important to that stuff that it said that he was the inspiration for Donald Sutherlands character in Oliver Stone's JFK. That sounds right. He also had a penchant for targeting people unnecessarily and incorrectly for things that would bolster his conspiracy claims, which is pretty similar.
Jordan (01:23:47.000)
Yeah, that seems right on par. For course, for instance,
Dan (01:23:49.000)
he cast suspicion on Louis Witt, who would become to be known as the umbrella man who was an innocent bystander at the JFK assassination. He also inaccurately accused accused a man named Alexander Butterfield of being a CIA liaison with the White House with that was not true. He's essentially a shit talker with little credibility. Also, much like Alex Yeah. Also like Alex, he had a tendency to keep bad company. He was pretty involved with the Church of Scientology and was called upon by them to be an expert witness to backup L Ron Hubbard's ridiculous claims about his medical sir or his military service. Oh, wow. So again, this is this is a person with almost no credibility and shady assumption. So Association,
Jordan (01:24:32.000)
you know, it is it is shocking how far you can get with bullshit and confidence. Yeah, it is truly shocking, the the depth that the history that is made out of bullshit and confidence is is unparalleled.
Dan (01:24:47.000)
Yeah, yeah. So like he is responsible for like, having an affidavit that suggested that L Ron Hubbard's military service might be cheap dipped, it might be a situation where there's a lot of stuff being intentionally withheld because he was involved in high level naval intelligence.
Jordan (01:25:13.000)
Sure he was. Yeah. So yeah, he
Dan (01:25:15.000)
was. So that's the guy who was secretly feeding all this intel to the JPS. Man,
Jordan (01:25:19.000)
giving yourself putting that on paper and affidavit. Yep. Oh,
Dan (01:25:25.000)
I wasn't able to tell exactly like if he was actually in Scientology, or if he was just somebody that was willing to serve as an expert witness for them on stuff that he wasn't necessarily an expert on nor knew anything about. Yeah, either way. Not good.
Jordan (01:25:41.000)
It seems like he would be prime for both opportunities it like one if you're L. Ron, you're thinking, Oh, this guy. He's, he's on the edge of Scientology already. I don't need to, I don't need to do much. But watch him fall. Or you're thinking, this guy will say whatever I pay him to do. Who knows?
Dan (01:25:59.000)
But like, it's interesting name for him. For Alex to pull out.
Jordan (01:26:03.000)
It was so specific to our priority. It was very specific. Do you know that? I think he knows a lot more about the John Birch Society than even we think.
Dan (01:26:13.000)
Maybe it's hard to believe
Jordan (01:26:16.000)
it is. But I really think that it's possible.
Dan (01:26:19.000)
Because if he does, then it's a lot more damning of a picture, then, yeah, then then maybe even well, but that's the thing. Like I think it's always been my sense that a lot of that John Birch societies stuff is things that he read as a kid, and things that were culturally part of the household. Right. So a lot of the ideas and the belief system is there. And he has that and it's part of who he is and his cultural and intellectual tradition. Sure. But then the specifics of things like Fletcher Prouty, that kind of throws me off a little bit.
Jordan (01:26:52.000)
Here's my, here's my theory on it. And I'm going to throw this out. And I'm going to say that this is based on some experience. I feel as we watch his decline, we are seeing some of those onion layers get pulled back as he becomes more and more desperate while he's in a hotel. Exactly. And I think he is really he's spoken more about JBS I feel like in the past year or two he has in any of our investigations you know what I'm saying? I think as we see stuff get fall as he declines as he disintegrates, we see what his core really is. And it's fucking JBS man. Yeah, sure.
Dan (01:27:30.000)
There is more talk about JBS in the same way that the really grotesque and extreme devil talk. Yeah. became more as things progressed. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, who knows? That leads us to a real question of what what do we get? Yeah, that what's the core
Jordan (01:27:47.000)
peach pit? Yeah. Oh my god. It's probably bad. That Grinch is hearts not gonna go three sizes. I'll
Dan (01:27:56.000)
tell you that right now. No, so the Hoos are all dead. He's out there to steal Christmas. Christmas is my he's defending the Second Amendment breaking into houses. Gun grabbing who? Hell yeah. So we'll be back, Jordan, another episode and Alex. I will check in and cover his hotel antics. Oh, for sure. But I do want him to get back to Studio. This vacation has gone on too long, too long. He's not in prime midseason form when he's in a hotel room sitting by himself. Yeah. And it's just kind of a bummer to imagine that he's sitting there having to drink at noon. And then he's just gonna go to the pool afterwards. It's like this sucks. Yeah. Get back to work, man.
Jordan (01:28:39.000)
Yeah, yeah. And it makes him sad. Yeah, you can tell that sitting there in front of the computer doing the show is on
Dan (01:28:45.000)
a t shirt. Just kind of like it's not the info war.
Jordan (01:28:48.000)
No, it's a show. That's that's the thing. It's a show when he's in studio, right? Yeah, but I mean, make the show if you're gonna do a show. You have to make a show. You can't just be in your fucking hotel room.
Dan (01:29:00.000)
Yeah, you don't know. It's just a zoom interview. Yeah, it's it's off unless
Jordan (01:29:05.000)
you do a bit in which case you got yourself a show.
Dan (01:29:07.000)
Now it would have been fantastic. Would have been fantastic. If Rob do comes in another week. And I got you ice. All right. Do so we'll be back. But until then, Jordan, we have lives. Indeed
Jordan (01:29:17.000)
we do. It sounds Yeah, we're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter today. I'll just go fight. Yeah,
Dan (01:29:21.000)
we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo Emily. Oh, am DCX Clarke. Still haven't come up with a new bit but boo boo. Yeah. Now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:29:35.000)
Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.