Transcript/790: March 27-28, 2023
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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red Alert running
Theme Song (00:00:12.000)
knowledge five days Damn, Jordan I have a wedding knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. Like I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy Chanology Dan and Jordan knowledge fight
Theme Song (00:00:35.000)
need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. And Kansas you're on the airplane for huge fan I love your word. Knowledge by knowledge
Dan (00:00:58.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back knowledge read. I'm dead. I'm joined workable dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Zhu. Oh, indeed
Jordan (00:01:08.000)
we are Dan
Dan (00:01:08.000)
Jordan Jordanna. My
Jordan (00:01:10.000)
question for you. Would you brightspot Buddy,
Dan (00:01:12.000)
my bright spot today is how chaotic the world is. Sitting around getting ready to do this episode wrapping things up waiting for you to arrive at what should happen. But Trump gets indicted
Jordan (00:01:24.000)
Oh, no, we're right on time.
Dan (00:01:26.000)
Who's to see these things coming? This
Jordan (00:01:27.000)
is a new show.
Dan (00:01:28.000)
This is an obviously you know, Alex has got to be probably freaking out about this. He's probably in a mood. But we have an episode to do. So I can't watch if he's going live now or whatever. I have to pick up the pieces after we record. That's how we do it. And then Monday we'll talk about it. But man, I'm excited for the possible. throwing something. I don't know. It'd be nice. We could be in uncharted territory here with with Alex Trump has been indicted. Has anybody
Jordan (00:01:55.000)
explained like their whole like, ah, let's release this at 430 on a Thursdays plan. What was? Didn't we hear that they were going to indict him last week, too. Right. Okay. They're going on
Dan (00:02:08.000)
a break to the grand jury was set to break or something like that. Yeah, they got it out. Right.
Jordan (00:02:13.000)
All right, right. Last minutes. hour. Okay, gotcha.
Dan (00:02:21.000)
All right. Yeah. Man, I don't know I'm a little bit up in the up in the sky. I don't know how to make metaphors. But I'm yeah, I'm kind of like, alright, well, this is me. I want to know what he's, I want to know what he's all about. Sure. I want to know what Alex is all about. Because his relationship with Trump is so weird now. Yeah. I mean, the ball could break in a number of directions. But I think the most predictable one is probably how it'll go which is screaming bloody murder. And the globalists are trying to kill him or something. Right. You know,
Jordan (00:02:50.000)
I'm hoping for a kaleidoscope of emotions going from he deserves it for the COVID vaccine back to like the Democrats or the demons who are trying to get rid of him back to like, well, he wasn't as mean to China's I wanted to like I want
Dan (00:03:03.000)
to lose out on this. Okay, long shot. This is high money if it hit okay. But the odds are not good. Okay. Alex gets on air and he's like, my fellow patriots. I snitched on Trump. He just comes out. He's like, who was me? It
Jordan (00:03:20.000)
was me. It was me. What am I supposed to say?
Dan (00:03:23.000)
I saw I saw something wrong being done and I had to write that wrong. That would be so good.
Jordan (00:03:29.000)
I mean of all the of all the face turns in history that could ever have happened if Alex himself as the reason that Trump goes down history not now not current history will still be like, Hey, fuck that guy forever. But history 100 years from now will be like, I don't know, man. He's got a complicated legacy now.
Dan (00:03:49.000)
I think he's I don't know if that does. It doesn't undo shit for me. Yeah. 100 years from now. People
Jordan (00:03:55.000)
are crazy, though. You don't know what they'll think.
Dan (00:03:57.000)
It's like trying to pull off a face turn by like, I don't know. Being nice to a heel. Or something. I don't know. I look I have my head in the clouds about wrestling as well. Because coming up on Saturday WrestleMania Oh, are
Jordan (00:04:14.000)
you worried about Uncle howdy?
Dan (00:04:15.000)
I am not. Oh, is he gone? I don't know what's going on with him. I don't think he's in the I don't think he's in play
Jordan (00:04:21.000)
for Audi. Audi is no longer in play. I
Dan (00:04:24.000)
haven't been paying super close attention. But there was talk that Bray Wyatt got released or he quit or something and then he disappeared off TV show know what's going on to share. And honestly, for the first time in a long time, I don't care. I
Jordan (00:04:40.000)
don't care what's going on with Bray Wyatt.
Dan (00:04:42.000)
I'm not mad at him the end of an era. I'm not mad at him. I think he's supremely creative and all this but I just don't have the energy right now. We got a lot of stuff going on. And look Trump got indicted wrestling's gotta go on the back burner Wrestlemania. Superstar and WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump has been indicted. Shower. They're gonna deal with high. No, no, no, no, I don't know. I'm more interested in Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have become a team again. They're going up against the Russos for the tag team straps.
Jordan (00:05:12.000)
All right here. It was the biggest, biggest economic mess in wrestling history. All right, you negotiate a deal to perp walk Trump to the ring. All right, and that's the way you do it.
Dan (00:05:24.000)
What would his theme song be? Um,
Jordan (00:05:27.000)
I shot the sheriff Shane o
Dan (00:05:28.000)
Mac already has the hiccups. That's a good point. That would be good for Trump.
Jordan (00:05:34.000)
Jimmy just has a new song about money. I
Dan (00:05:36.000)
can take that. Do you know? Do you know what Trump did at WrestleMania?
Jordan (00:05:40.000)
No, I do not know what he hit somebody with a chair, didn't he? Because he can't lose. No.
Dan (00:05:44.000)
So one one time Stone Cold stunned him. But that wasn't the time that wasn't this. They were maybe it was I'm not entirely sure how it all went down. I don't remember exactly. But he and Vince McMahon got into a little bit of we're both billionaires and who's better kind of thing. Boy, great country we have and so they each chose a champion and the champions fought and whoever. Wow, had to have their head shaved.
Jordan (00:06:09.000)
I don't know if there's ever been a more one to one Roman bullshit thing I've ever seen.
Dan (00:06:14.000)
That's amazing. And so Vince, Vince McMahon got his head shaved.
Jordan (00:06:19.000)
Yeah, Trump's not gonna get his head shaved. But then
Dan (00:06:20.000)
he got stunned at some point. Is it was that there was a picture of like Linda McMahon because he was in Vince Trump's cabinet. Sure, sure. So her whole family was at the White House. They had
Jordan (00:06:33.000)
all received stunners. A family of study
Dan (00:06:38.000)
80% of the people in this picture have received a stone cold stone.
Jordan (00:06:43.000)
Why isn't the world more crazy? The question that we aren't asking. So anyway, what's your bright spot? My brightspot Dan, I think is pretty simple. And I think everybody already knows what it is my man today is opening day is it today is opening day Cubs won a write off of great pitching performance from Marcus Stroman. six strikeouts, and you gotta believe they played the song.
Dan (00:07:10.000)
Always one of the worst dogs pretty bad, but it's terrible. When you're drunk at the ballpark.
Jordan (00:07:16.000)
You sing it as loud as you possibly can. You're not a Cubs fan. You know, you've never even seen baseball before. But you're out there. Go and Go
Dan (00:07:22.000)
Cubs. You're now part of the crowd. You lose your individuality. Does that mean you can do well? Congratulations. Want to know. Yep. Long way to go. Oh, they're
Jordan (00:07:31.000)
not gonna do well there. I'm gonna go with 80 and 86 or whatever it is. That's my that's my pitch too many fucking games. Yeah, there are too many games.
Dan (00:07:41.000)
Too many games. shorten it up. So Jordan, today we have an episode to go over. Hey, not good. Not good, bad stuff. We're gonna be in the present day. We're gonna be talking about March 27 and 28th 2023 share. This is covering the the period right after the Nashville shooting check. And yeah, I mean, I guess, as you might expect, but I might as well put it into words. If you're somebody who has a difficulty hearing some pretty horrible transphobic nonsense. This might not be absorbed for you. You might look down the pipe. I want to come back when we cover Trump's indictment on Monday. You bet we'll
Jordan (00:08:20.000)
see you Monday. Everybody take your shift off.
Dan (00:08:24.000)
But that said, I'll be I guess more specific with you know, this shit sucks when it's coming up with you. Because there's actually a fair amount of this that has nothing to do with the shooting. Yeah, really. But when we get to that it'll not be great. It's gonna hurt so yeah, there you go. For we get into that, let's take a little moment say hello to some nuance here. Great idea. So I don't think this was actually a shout out name, but I feel like it could be one. Okay. And this is someone who alerted me that one hours one hour, 58 minutes and 40 seconds into formulaic objections part 10 Alex, quote, Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild in his deposition. Thank you so much, you're now ballsy. Well,
Alex Jones (00:09:04.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:09:05.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:09:07.000)
Next, I was gonna put something funny, but it said wanted to genuinely thank you both for being allies against anti semitism. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:09:14.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:09:15.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:09:16.000)
Sure you compliment us.
Jordan (00:09:19.000)
What's funny about that is we're not ah, he'll turn for us. Oh, no, no, that
Dan (00:09:24.000)
would be Hilter. That
Jordan (00:09:25.000)
would be the biggest He'll tear. Next
Dan (00:09:27.000)
Odin, the one eyed cat. Thank you so much. You were on our policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:09:30.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:32.000)
Next Shelby, the best cat in the world. Parenthetically. No offense to Celine, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:09:38.000)
I'm a policy.
Dan (00:09:38.000)
Thank you very much cat action. Next do technocrats dream of electronic sheeple. Thank you so much. You are now policy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:09:45.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:09:46.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:09:47.000)
And we got to take the grave in the mix Jordan, so thank you so much to Jordans fantasy football game is so incompetent. Alex wants it to be his lawyer. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:09:56.000)
I'm a policy wonk for
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.000)
the home environment. I like it brilliant. Someone
Alex Jones (00:10:00.000)
Someone saw tonight sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp.
Alex Jones (00:10:05.000)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teeny baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ.
Dan (00:10:16.000)
I think that must have been a different Jordan because I remember you talking about fantasy football.
Jordan (00:10:20.000)
I've never played fantasy football not once in my entire life.
Dan (00:10:23.000)
I did. I didn't enjoy it as much as fantasy baseball. There's so much more to do and fantasy baseball and it's like every day you know there's something going on. Maybe you gotta get someone off the off the injured reserve.
Jordan (00:10:36.000)
Oh, no, no, no. For many people. fantasy baseball is far more interesting than baseball. It's more of a resource management game. Basically. A like, let's watch these people hit balls game. Yeah, I was
Dan (00:10:47.000)
playing it when I was working in an office where I was just getting miserable. So like having that to do at work was great. Whereas previously football you set your lineup and it's like, I'll see you next week. All you can do for the week. Yeah. And then you just got to pay attention to the games. Yeah. brutal,
Jordan (00:11:03.000)
brutal. Ironic, ironic that you just earlier said too many games for baseball, and then just now justify the reason that they have so many games. That's the reason. I mean, I didn't say it was that reason I'm saying I justified it with a reason not necessarily that that's why there are that
Dan (00:11:19.000)
I think it's just the right number of games for fantasy baseball. Exactly. Not for baseball. Say it's too much too much. So Jordan, here's another context drop. Today's show. We know that it's big boy pants down.
Alex Jones (00:11:32.000)
No more fancy pantsy. Yeah,
Jordan (00:11:35.000)
no more antsy pants. It's
Dan (00:11:36.000)
big boy pants time and no more antsy, no more antsy pants, no more. So we started on the 27th. And this is the day of the shooting. That was Monday. Right? And, you know, it happened, I think about 10 minutes into Alex's show. Okay. Alex does not really talk about it on this episode, really at all. And I would have just said, Hey, let's punt on this and see doesn't bring bring up the thing that Sharon I think is most relevant. And people are probably curious about Alex's response to right, but there's some stuff in here that I actually I thought was worth talking about. Okay, so we're gonna start off here. It's coming off the heels of his Sunday show, where Alex has taken a lot of calls, because he's trying to figure out if he should support Trump or not right, this is
Jordan (00:12:30.000)
are we getting Trump? Are we getting DeSantis? That's the narrative that we're jumping into right now.
Dan (00:12:34.000)
Well, you might be bringing this down to a either or, and maybe there's other options, but we'll get into that later. Rand Paul is back in the mix. Okay.
Jordan (00:12:42.000)
I was gonna say I don't I don't see Nikki Haley and Trump in Alex's future. Now I'm just throwing that out. Rand
Dan (00:12:48.000)
Paul is back as the pure option. Sure. And then there's a lot of bullshit talk about Robert Kennedy Jr. running as a Democrat.
Jordan (00:12:57.000)
I feel here's, here's all I'm saying. All right. Either you have a God King, or you have to come out and say they have lost the mantle of heaven. Do you know what I mean? You do need
Dan (00:13:07.000)
to explain why the divine right is gone. Exactly. Yes. Yeah, that probably would be tough.
Jordan (00:13:13.000)
This is the end of the Jo dynasty. You got to figure this shit out, man. Yeah.
Dan (00:13:17.000)
Well, you can just sidestep that by still being pro Trump. Good call.
Alex Jones (00:13:22.000)
Alright, here's where I stand on Trump. We open the phones up yesterday. And I said, What is your view on Trump? Are you going to support him or not? We looked at all the bad he's done. We looked at a lot of the good he's done. He's done so much good. It's hard to look at all of it. It's a laundry list. But the bad is there as well go ahead and start that the reason I feel drawn to supporting Trump's whole spectrum of reasons. It's not true that the standard is to Skull and Bones at Yale. That's something we put out that's not true. But it is true that he has said in multiple speeches, we have the clubs that George Herbert Walker Bush is his idol, and that he thinks he admires the most. George W. Bush was the Democrat deep Stater, that helped get more of the New World Order and set the foundation of what we're living under than anybody else. He's the Rockefeller frontman,
Dan (00:14:21.000)
the here's the part where conspiracy theorists get bored and start directing their conspiracies inward attack their own DeSantis wasn't Skull and Bones. But that isn't really even part of the criticism. There. That's important. What's important is that he could have been right he went to Yale and then Harvard Law. He wasn't in Scotland bones, but the fact that you have to consider if he possibly was means that his path in life involves the elite Ivy League institutions that the right wing hates, and that's really what's coded within that criticism, right? I don't know for sure because Alex isn't specific, but I think he may be referring to the George HW Bush stuff. DeSantis is tweet from the day He died. Say that bush died. He said, quote, President Bush amassed prodigious accomplishments. And he did it all with uncommon Grace class and honor, appreciation of his achievements will only continue to grow as the years go by President Bush was an American hero, a faithful servant and the greatest Yalie of them all.
Jordan (00:15:18.000)
Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that history is not going to be kind but Oh, no. He also
Dan (00:15:22.000)
has said in a speech that Alex plays that like it like early in his political career, he's being asked like, who's the most important? Or like, biggest that you've met? And he brings up HW bush. Yeah. More importantly, though, did you notice the slip of the hand Alex tried to pull off there? He was talking about DeSantis. His comments about George HW Bush then started complaining about George W. Bush being a Rockefeller stooge, also super wild to hear that W was a Democrat, could have sworn he was definitely a Republican. But here's the thing, words mean nothing. And you have to understand them in their context. When people like Alex are talking. When these folks say that DeSantis was in Scotland bones, the truth or falsity of that statement doesn't matter. They're saying he's shitty because he's close to the establishment. When Alex says that W was a Democrat, the truth or falsity of that doesn't matter. He's saying that relative to his own politics, W is a Democrat, Alex is so far to the right and thinks that's where the true conservative position is that everyone who exists in mainstream politics may as well be a Democrat. These are words that tell you nothing about reality, but they give you insight into the person saying that yeah, someone accusing DeSantis of being in Scotland bones has no bearing on reality yet says to them, I am angry at the people that I see as being close to these elite institutions that I've been told to hate,
Jordan (00:16:42.000)
right? I mean, one of the biggest obstacles to us or to anybody covering the far right, and to anybody communicating with the far right, is that they have a language that they have cobbled together out of the sounds that we use words to meet, you know what I'm saying? Like they if they had if they if all they did was use inflection to each other, it would be just as incomprehensible as it would be right now for people who are like, Ah, I see. So what they must want is slightly less immigration at the border, because they said the word slightly and it's like, you're insane. You're all insane. You're all insane because you don't speak their language and you never will
Dan (00:17:22.000)
there is there is a strange linguistics to it. That, yeah, I think is lost on a lot of folks who don't spend language don't spend enough time hearing them and like seeing what they mean by what they say. Right. And, yeah, that's something that kind of struck me a little bit. So Alex walks back his whole like, maybe, maybe I don't support Trump. Oh, wait, yes, I do now.
Alex Jones (00:17:47.000)
Really, what takes me to the point of really supporting Trump over DeSantis is Trump's stalwart as peace, oh, anti war, nuclear war, stopping in and in the Ukraine operation, which is president he can snap his fingers and do because the people that have hijacked the US are the ones running Ukraine war. So you got to support Trump because of that. And then it's the fact that he has the biggest rallies full of the best people of every race, color and creed, who still love this country and don't want government to be God. Because communism is where the state tries to be God, that's the best definition.
Dan (00:18:24.000)
Okay, so, Alex, just like the Trump is pro Russia. I mean, I guess because it's not anti war. Yeah, as long as shoved ISIS up his dirty asshole did
Jordan (00:18:34.000)
he did as long as Trump is president, there's still the possibility that Putin might take over the United States, and we'll have a real country
Dan (00:18:42.000)
that matters well.
Jordan (00:18:46.000)
It's not far enough off.
Dan (00:18:48.000)
He's had stalwart support for the other side and Ukraine.
Jordan (00:18:53.000)
Secondly, what are you talking about? The loyalists I see? Yeah, you're
Dan (00:18:57.000)
cool, man. Yeah, great. So there's another problem, and that is that Alex calls the vaccine, the poison shots. Sure. And Trump kind of was responsible, really proud. Speed brags about it won't disown it. Yeah, and all that so that that is a problem.
Alex Jones (00:19:14.000)
And so I am supporting Trump for president. But I'm doing it. Not even holding my nose. In fact, just the opposite. I am breathing in the foul stench of the poison shot that's already killed millions worldwide. And the fact that Trump is so pigheaded won't admit it was wrong. But at least said we shouldn't make people take the shots and we shouldn't give it to kids. And he came out against the transgender called Saturday. That's good. He says he'll destroy the deep state. That's wonderful. The deep state does really hate him. He has been persecuted. But I think that by supporting Trump, we're gonna have more ability to influence him and get him to listen than not supporting him because he's not making nomination and he's probably going to win the prize. hesitancy Joe, what am I going to do this support?
Dan (00:20:04.000)
This is the speech of a true coward. Yeah, right a loser. Right. He's made ultimatums for Trump to come out against the vaccine, squaring that he'll destroy Trump. If he does it, and then nothing happens. Trump doesn't give a fuck doesn't respond, and Alex has to move along, pretending he never made these ultimatums to begin with, and now he's at a crossroads where he needs to parently throw his meaningless support behind the candidate. On the one side, you have Trump who Alex should hate and kind of turned against like 10 times in the last year. And then on the other side, we have DeSantis who is waging a crusade against literally everything Alex hates, literally everything that Alex complains about. DeSantis is doing something about in a way that is horrific, and awful, right in Florida,
Jordan (00:20:48.000)
right? Here's the problem, though, is that when DeSantis is in public, he's a big whiny loser.
Dan (00:20:53.000)
That is true. That is difficult for Alex to really get behind it. They
Jordan (00:20:56.000)
can't they can't be as long as he is not available, like the idea of DeSantis. If I was running his campaign, I would say stay in your office. Don't give speeches. Don't go outside.
Dan (00:21:07.000)
Don't people will love you. Yeah. Don't walk past Biden, talking to people don't go
Jordan (00:21:13.000)
to the debates. Remember, remember how Trump can or you can just cancel debates. You don't have to have a Republican Democrat debate. You don't have to go to the Republican debates. And do you know what will be cooler? You not being there with a resume as compared to all of those clowns being like,
Dan (00:21:27.000)
I'll do this yeah, good. Don't don't go to the debate instead have a rock concert, totally 100%. But Alex is right about one thing here, he has a better chance of influencing Trump DeSantis isn't going to play nice with Alex I'm trying to call it a couple of votes that he could swing because he doesn't need to. He's from yell Trump isn't going to associate with Alex this time either. But he did that one interview like seven and a half years ago. So Alex can still ride high on that and pretend that they're best friends. Alex can optically associate with Trump much easier than with Santas, and that gives him the appearance of proximity to power and thus power of his own within his own sphere and with his audience. You can tell that's an important variable, for Alex in this decision, is that if I side with Trump, I will appear to be closer to him than I ever could be with fucking DeSantis say this probably wouldn't be seen in public with Alex No, absolutely not. It would be incredibly toxic.
Jordan (00:22:23.000)
I think DeSantis would be one of the few people on the far right, who would be like, I don't really have a I mean, maybe Alex is bad. Like that's, that's what it'd be. Yeah. Well, if he responded at all,
Dan (00:22:35.000)
yeah, I would. I would be shocked if he would even want to weigh in. Yeah.
Jordan (00:22:39.000)
Never heard of the guy. Yeah. Never heard of the guy. Hey, guys.
Dan (00:22:42.000)
I'm a governor. Yeah, I don't have time for Pisac radio show. Yeah.
Jordan (00:22:47.000)
What did you see the news about the largest judgment in the history of the United States Courts? Of course you didn't? You're a governor.
Dan (00:22:53.000)
Yeah. Now someone is going to email me with like a list of times that Ron said, Alex Jones is super cool. i You see, I see him as someone who his political brand doesn't lend itself well to being associated with Alex, because he might like, were he to be associated with Alex. People would ask him about that right? And then he would have to answer those questions right? Whereas Trump is such an asshole that he doesn't matter well, just
Jordan (00:23:19.000)
saying this is trying to be the self fulfilling prophecy that we all said of like oh, if if there was ever a competent trump the next slick one totally Yeah, right right. And now we're all seeing what that prophecy means while the other God King is still alive, which is that what they really wanted was a guy who an asshole to be mean to people and dishonor. DeSantis is functionally mean to people but terrible at being publicly mean to you and that's not enough. It's not enough. Yeah,
Dan (00:23:48.000)
it's not enough and it is what you're saying. I think is totally right. That is wow, that like bombastic asshole first Ron is still around Yeah, you can't really warm up to the person who is the is that like slicker next version?
Jordan (00:24:03.000)
I mean, and the simplest, the simplest reason is because a lot of these people despite any pretense towards visit admit towards arguments whatsoever. It looks like Trump could beat the shit out of DeSantis like that's the idea in their heads. Why would I choose the guy if I know he couldn't win in a fight against the other guy? Yeah, it's supposed to be more complicated than that. You're supposed to have principles and shit. They fucking don't know. Absolutely no more antsy pants,
Dan (00:24:31.000)
no more. antsy pants DeSantis is antsy pants DeSantis MC pants Santas at pant Santas. So Alex, much like he did on Sunday needs to take calls to test the audience's support course.
Alex Jones (00:24:44.000)
Now we opened up yesterday and I'd say about almost 70% of the calls. Now sit there taking notes that we took like 20 calls in Letter 12 supported Trump or five didn't support Trump and a few didn't. Were neutral. So the majority supported him. I went over the phones up today, with a really good job taking a lot of calls or took calls for an hour, we took 20 Plus calls. I'm gonna put the phone up again today and I'm gonna take 100 calls. That's too many, and I'm gonna put a big poll up on Infowars that's not gonna happen. And I'm gonna ask the listeners. Do you support Trump? He support DeSantis. He supports Senator Rand Paul, do you support Robert F. Kennedy Jr? Or do you support Biden? Please have been out there doing a great job. Put that up. Oh, yeah, Biden's
Dan (00:25:45.000)
gonna do. Well, in this poll up now. I from listening to this episode was shocked at how uniform the people's response was. RFK Jr. They still were okay with Trump said they wanted RFK Jr. I? Here's why this makes sense to me. antivax royal totally. No, I
Jordan (00:26:10.000)
mean, Alex doesn't make sense. Alex is the only person who doesn't make sense here. Because Alex is trying to tuck away the idea that Trump is responsible for the murder of millions upon millions of people by saying, Well, you know, he's mean to trans people still, you know, like, that's his argument. And they're all like, No, you can't murder millions of people, which is what you told us. He did. Yeah. With the poison shot. He did. So we're choosing the guy who's not murdering millions. But it's not complicated.
Dan (00:26:35.000)
RFK Jr. would never work out God. No, but if he did, it's great option. Cheryl Hines would be the First Lady. Wait, what? He's married to Cheryl. Hi. No, I really you know what? Yeah, career. She's married to Robert F. Kennedy. There
Jordan (00:26:55.000)
aren't enough people. There are not enough people. But
Dan (00:26:57.000)
imagine that curve where Cheryl Hines is the first lady.
Jordan (00:27:03.000)
Oh, boy. That's gonna be a good season. I would watch the shit out of that season.
Dan (00:27:08.000)
Oh, yeah. So everyone is really thrilled with the idea of RFK honestly, now I kinda have to. I'm not. I still think it'd be bad. Yeah, terrible trip. So Alex is a little bit mad about some news articles that were about him that came out that I didn't see. I don't know. I mean, I I'm only the person who spends most waking hours involved in some way. Right. And, you know, dealing with Alex and Alex adjacent ideas. I didn't see this article. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:27:37.000)
Now then there's the other big national issue. International issue I shared yesterday and it's all over top, a Yahoo top of Apple news. MSNBC. I didn't say the New York Times. They're all reporting and twisting when I said Jones, it was a frightening prophecy. Ones gives a dark prophecy that Trump will be killed. If he gets the nomination and is set to win. I said the deep state is trying to put him in prison, but each state hates his gods. And I think that's a no brainer to say, when they're all over the news. In fact, I sent you guys a couple tweets. Or I didn't see him on the stack. Maybe I missed them, but I'll send them again. I saw hundreds of them but only say a few saying, Yeah, we hope Trump gets killed and we hope Alex Jones gets killed too. That was all over Twitter. Oh,
Dan (00:28:29.000)
man, couple tweets. I failed to I mean, I didn't see any of this. But I mean, like, Alex, I said they're gonna kill Trump.
Jordan (00:28:37.000)
Every year all the time. I mean, they were poisoning his
Dan (00:28:41.000)
diet coke Diet Cokes. Yeah, they were gonna fly a helicopter into the inauguration. True. Yep. Like it's insane how many times he's he's trying to do this bullshit. Yeah, I can't imagine like anyone being that interested. I'm sure some outlet maybe wrote a blurb about it or something. But like, cares. I use this all the time. I feel
Jordan (00:29:02.000)
like now we're at the point where you can't say oh, somebody tweeted this, right? Like Twitter is a shambles. We don't you can no longer care about the shambles of Twitter. What is that matter? I don't give a shit. So if somebody tweets something it no longer has any meaning. Yeah,
Dan (00:29:16.000)
I mean, look, I'm not wanting to get into the complaining about social media sites too much jazz. I think they're all trash to begin with. Exactly. I don't care about them. I'm too old and cranky for this nonsense how we live but I will say that I have noticed a shocking uptick in dumb right wing nonsense on my feed.
Jordan (00:29:37.000)
I mean, it's basically truth social now. Like,
Dan (00:29:40.000)
I did nothing, didn't like follow more people don't and I have seen way more like things that are like dumb theories and stuff. Like why What the hell is going on? I think we all know Yeah, I think we all do
Jordan (00:29:54.000)
know so let's just be like, Hey, we did it.
Dan (00:29:57.000)
We're done. And people who have blocked me their tweets are shown See that? happening? I thought I got blocked.
Jordan (00:30:04.000)
I was trying to be blocked. Yes, yeah, please just let me be blocked. Don't show me green wall.
Dan (00:30:12.000)
So anyway, Alex, I guess, is navel gazing a little bit there. So here's what Alex thinks Trump needs to do.
Alex Jones (00:30:21.000)
I was thinking about it last night this morning. He has to come out and say he was lied to about Operation warp speed. And by Fauci, we know they came in, they said, We can do it quickly. They already had the so called vaccine, right? That's a bad idea to him and said they didn't, then they claim they made it in two weeks. He's got to expose that the save lives and stop the next stage pandemic. But that said, if you're against Trump, okay, who are we for? And then what is your path? And I'm saying that legitimately that I respect you. And I understand your concerns, and I have real concerns. And I don't like the fact that Trump has done the wrong thing on the on the poison injections. But on all these other issues, he's doing a great job. Look at the comparison to Biden, and the New World Order and how much the deep state aging. I mean, this,
Dan (00:31:10.000)
this is just so pathetic for Alex like for someone with the, like, initial branding that he had of who he was as a figure to be concerned about, like, oh, yeah, but Trump is not perfect, but consider the alternative. Sure, lesser of two evils with Biden kind of stuff. Like why do you care who's president? It's your whole fucking thing about like, this is all nonsense, and it doesn't matter. Like Trump got in. He didn't defeat the deep state. Yeah, it's not gonna do anything. You're not gonna beat your imaginary globalist now, this time around. What are you talking about? Save some dignity and go back to your I don't care about this stuff. Presentation. Yeah. Be above it. You dumped on here?
Jordan (00:31:52.000)
I think I think he's just acknowledging that he's no longer driving his own bus. Yes. You know, like, he's sitting there going, like, I don't know where to go. And whereas in the past, if he didn't know where to go, he would just start going somewhere. And that's where he went, right, you know, and now he's like, do you want to tell me where to go? Yeah, I accidentally hitched my wagon to Trump. So now my personal brand requires him
Dan (00:32:17.000)
will you promise to keep buying my weird bills?
Jordan (00:32:21.000)
Tron 100% 100%? Is it good for my brand to like Trump, or is it bad is you might as well just ask that like,
Dan (00:32:29.000)
fucking sad.
Jordan (00:32:30.000)
He's terrifyingly sad. Yeah.
Dan (00:32:32.000)
The loser Shall I mean, like this, you could argue in some ways is exacerbated by the bankruptcy and by him losing these case? Sure. Sure, sure. But it is distinct from it. Yes. It's a trend that is not being brought on by outside forces that are out to get him. It's he's done this to himself. He's trapped himself in this in this place where he is he's existing as a rejection of everything that made him interesting earlier in his career. Yeah,
Jordan (00:33:02.000)
I mean, at most, I would say that the judgments in the like, if I were going to be generous, I think maybe he's second guessed himself slightly more. But I don't know if that's, that's maybe, you know, like, I don't know if that is even an effect other than just age. Too many drugs burn. Like, I don't know what else to say. Like, there are any number of reasons that he's second guessing himself.
Dan (00:33:28.000)
Yeah. Yeah. Also, no one lied to Trump about like, Operation warp speed. No. So Alex's suggestion is Trump lie about being lied to. Yes. Cool.
Jordan (00:33:37.000)
I think that's a no,
Dan (00:33:38.000)
I mean, I don't think it's a good for his audience that would Yeah. Yeah. I
Jordan (00:33:42.000)
think that's a smart move. Yeah, I think I think it's a good idea. I think it's wrong and terrible. Yeah. But it's a good idea.
Dan (00:33:48.000)
Because I think in some ways, if he were to lie about being lied to, you'd be able to placate the anti Vax weirdos, but still hold on to some ego of like, Look what I got accomplished. Totally. I got a lot done.
Jordan (00:34:00.000)
Look, they said that this was going to happen. And that was wrong. But I still did it.
Dan (00:34:06.000)
I still pulled off the impossible. Exactly. You know, you can hold on to some weird ego shit.
Jordan (00:34:10.000)
I made the deal. I was the one who made the deal. Sure. I was lied to about the deal, but I was the one who pulled it off.
Dan (00:34:17.000)
Yeah, it would satisfy the optics. Now. It's smart. Yeah. So the shooting happened while Alex is on air, and he doesn't cover it. But this is what he was gearing up to cover that day. Sure. This is these are the headlines that he's got.
Alex Jones (00:34:35.000)
Let's get into the facts here. Now. I'm gonna come back take calls on Trump and 2024 on what's happening in the world and do you support Trump or DeSantis? Or what do you support? What's your plan to take the country back? That's your next segment, but let me tell you what else is coming up. Minnesota Minnesota lawmakers advanced transgender reps legislation that could strip custody from parents Sudan support child being sterilized. Arizona Family Dollar employee charged with murder after allegedly gunning down Shurl shoplifter the punching in the face. What? Minnesota advanced trans refugee bill. Opponents say what strip testing is focused on something shifting parents you must have set the state sterilize your child. GOP bill would protect parents who refuse to transition their child's gender FoxNews. And a whole lot more Tennessee legislature passes ban on gender transition health care for minors. Kentucky Governor says he's gonna veto a bill protecting minor children from being sterilized by the state. I know science transgender bathroom, man, school faces 5000 Fine per infraction. I've got public schools around the country where they're forcing elementary students, middle students and high school students into transgender bathrooms everyone is in the same bathroom at the same time for telling children it's a hate crime if they don't strip down in front of the opposite sex. What a sick cult of evil garbage.
Dan (00:36:05.000)
So it should be pointed out that this is what Alex is prepared to cover. And he has no idea that a mass shooting has even happened. He stated plan on this episode was to lie about misrepresented headlines in order to incite hatred towards trans people, because that's what his show and much of the right wing media is currently, a lot of it is indistinguishable from media designed to promote hate, right? Because maybe it's not that different. No. This is another case where you have to translate what Alex is saying. He keeps saying that these people are being sterilized, which is not the case. There may be some decreased virility that accompanies hormone therapy. But there are studies that have shown that a lot of that reverses if a person ceases taking the hormone. This isn't about sterilization. But again, the truth or falsity of what Alex is saying is not really important to what he actually means. He's just saying that he hates trans people, him calling gender affirming care, sterilization is little more than him virtue signaling to his transphobia. And more general bigotry. So the audience knows that he's on their side, yes.
Jordan (00:37:02.000)
Like to to, here's, here's what is is what is impossible to translate, right? Because of what it is they're discussing. Right? You we have this conversation as though what they're doing is talking about trans people. And that has nothing to do with anything that has nothing to do with any if there were no trans people, right? Tomorrow, there would be new trans people, right? There is never an end to it. So whatever white or straight sis you think you are right now, it is only a matter of time before you are not. Yeah. So that is why it is like you should not you should not be thinking about this in terms of the words or the conversation they're pretending to be having. You should think
Dan (00:37:43.000)
about both. Well, yeah,
Jordan (00:37:44.000)
I mean, obviously, you should,
Dan (00:37:45.000)
you should think about it. But you should also understand the meaning and the intent of a lot of this the
Jordan (00:37:54.000)
meaning and the intent is I can I can go after them. Right. Right. And eventually I will be able to go after you.
Dan (00:38:01.000)
Yeah, there are other groups that I would have gone after in another time. Totally. When standards were different. Yeah. And people were, you know, whatever the vulnerable group was at that time that it was okay. For me to attack. Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's shit. It's disgusting. So the one thing I thought was very interesting about this clip is the last headline ALEX READS off. I want to play this again. So you can take note of what I'm getting that I know
Alex Jones (00:38:27.000)
science, transgender bathroom, man, school faces 5005 per infraction. I've got public schools around the country where they're forcing elementary students, middle students, and high school students into transgender bathrooms. Everyone is in the same bathroom, at the same time for telling children it's a hate crime if they don't strip down in front of the opposite sex. What a sick cult of evil garbage.
Dan (00:38:54.000)
So Alex read that headline, which is about Idaho, banning trans people from going to bathrooms that correspond with their gender. Incidentally, this bill was written by the Idaho Family Policy Center, a right wing Christian group who is seeking to turn the US into a theocracy. They want to impose biblical standards into government. And that's really cool. According to their president Blair kanzashi, who said, quote, God's law grants more freedom and enables more human flourishing than any other moral philosophy known to man. He left off the part where that freedom and human flourishing doesn't count if you're flourishing in a way that he thinks is sinful, so fuck off, right? Oh, whatever. Right? So back to the point though, Alex reads that headline and then gets lost in the weeds rambling about elementary schools where people have to strip down with folks of all genders in the same bathroom or else it's a hate crime. You may notice something really glaring there. The headline and the actual article about the anti trans legislation is really easy to find and be specific about where his his stories about these horrors of liberalism run amok are vague, unsourced and seemed like maybe he's making them up, and that's because he's making that shit up. But the anti trans legislation is very real. yield. Yeah. So that's that's that dynamic there. But I think his audience is probably more interested in the stories that are vivid and not true. Yes. Making up.
Jordan (00:40:10.000)
Yeah. I mean, it's it is it is like, it is difficult to directly just say like, these people are writing this legislation to hurt people for and for no other reason. There is no other reason. You can argue that they have a whatever thing that they said they have a nominal reserve. Sure, sure. Yeah. It's not sincere, but they're that people in the government are writing legislation to hurt people. And what is being distracted by that with is, oh, actually, kids are being forced to blah, blah, blah.
Dan (00:40:43.000)
Yeah. Next thing you know, Joe Rogan's talking about how people have to talk to their cats and litter boxes in schools. Everyone has to accept that people are cats and yeah,
Jordan (00:40:53.000)
yeah. And they don't have to deal with your government writing legislation just to hurt people.
Dan (00:40:58.000)
Yep. It's fun game. Yep. So whenever you get a call, that's weird. And by Weird, not really weird. It's not that weird. It just seems kind of out of time. It's at a different time.
Alex Jones (00:41:09.000)
Herc in South Carolina, welcome.
Caller 1 (790) (00:41:13.000)
Thank you, sir. I do support Donald J. Trump for President. I'd also recommend that we support our constitutional minded sheriffs across this country and pray that they would form policies and joined together and arresting the criminal you surfers of our country.
Alex Jones (00:41:34.000)
You know that's a really good point. The left is anti fun all these lawless Black Lives Matter Gribbs we just need citizen defense peaceful and I guess we only had the term backup until after World War Two Civil Defense they got rid of that and we do need to take neighborhood watch to the next level to stabilize our societies and have our communities come together and the county sheriff's the place to start constitution Yes sir.
Dan (00:42:00.000)
That sounds like 2009 Shit yeah, that's like cut talking about constitutional sheriffs back there
Jordan (00:42:05.000)
glad we're in the future get out of here.
Dan (00:42:07.000)
It doesn't feel right for Alex to be talking about this. Like I get that he still loves sheriff's I assume but like it just doesn't it feels weird.
Jordan (00:42:17.000)
I mean, you know in a post COVID world it does feel like a lot of the constitutional sheriffs were handled by the disease.
Dan (00:42:24.000)
They certainly probably had a bad batting average didn't have a good run. But But yeah, it seems it just seems like this is your past career buddy. You can't you can't keep playing these hits yeah you can never given your audience wants to hear that you
Jordan (00:42:36.000)
can never go home again. Now also nobody really thinks that if you got a bunch of sheriffs together murdering people that would solve problems
Dan (00:42:43.000)
no but you also already have these right wing street groups that are already exist Yeah, the interest watch errs to I guess deputize
Jordan (00:42:51.000)
yeah so they can legally murder right now for this this whole like gray area you know? Yeah, yeah. You
Dan (00:42:58.000)
want the sheriff presiding over the serial naming ceremony? Exactly.
Jordan (00:43:01.000)
Dan (00:43:03.000)
You want the sheriff to have a silly name based on the thing he hit somebody with one time
Jordan (00:43:08.000)
I mean, it's like why would you elect a sheriff he didn't own a white hood in their back closet
Dan (00:43:13.000)
Sheriff one day one sweet day so
Jordan (00:43:18.000)
Dan (00:43:20.000)
So Aleksa does not sing along with you belong to the city. But he does get into a little bit of Mother
Alex Jones (00:43:28.000)
mother tell your children not to walk my way tell them not to hear my words. What they mean what they say Mother
Alex Jones (00:43:50.000)
world Father, do you want to bang heads with me? We are back live broadcasting worldwide on this March 27 2023 transmission in defiance of charity
Alex Jones (00:44:20.000)
father I'm gonna take your daughter out tonight. I'm gonna show her my world. Don't do that. Aggressive statements.
Jordan (00:44:32.000)
That is a good point. Is a good one a good boy.
Alex Jones (00:44:41.000)
But what is the whole transgender cult? It's not some 17 year old young man trying to take your 16 year old daughter out show her his world. It's a bunch of weird sick evil child obsessed pedophiles. And I'm gonna be covering that coming up next hour.
Dan (00:44:59.000)
That seems unnecessary. They're
Jordan (00:45:00.000)
a little bit of an aggressive statement. Really? When you think about it, why don't you
Dan (00:45:06.000)
just rock it up to mother?
Jordan (00:45:07.000)
We were having a great time. We were having a great time. No Where are you gonna
Dan (00:45:11.000)
just throw in trans people that demonic pedophiles Come on man? Wow saying it's really cool the idea of a 17 year old aggressively confronting a parent to be like, I'm taking your daughter up tonight. Yeah, yes, show my world. Yeah, that's cool.
Jordan (00:45:27.000)
Yeah, it's very strange. It's almost like there's a there's a flagellation like anytime you experience joy you have to destroy it by being like, I remind myself that there are sinners and
Dan (00:45:37.000)
I'm having fun and I must remember my hate.
Jordan (00:45:39.000)
Yeah, exactly. Right. If I if I have too much fun. I'm not hating always be hating
Dan (00:45:44.000)
so fucking annoying. Yeah. Anyway, we get another caller. And this is one of them. Who wants RFK Jr. As the president.
Alex Jones (00:45:51.000)
My issue isn't what do we do in the alternative? I'm not a lesser two evils, guys. But the alternative is 1,000% worse. What do we do? RFK Jr. Man.
Caller 2 (790) (00:46:02.000)
I think if Rand Paul's with him. I think that that when we get hit again. At least I'll have somebody who can guide the country through the next panel. There's
Alex Jones (00:46:09.000)
no doubt they can't get our guns right now. So they're gonna do another virus. You're right. I appreciate your call. I like RFK Jr. By needs to come out against gun control and come out against abortion. I really trust him. He's a good man. He's a loving man. He's a well spoken man. He's the real deal. My Spirit tells me he's good. I think that
Dan (00:46:26.000)
Alex Jones may have met Cheryl Hines at some point. I just thought about that. That's possible. He and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They've known each other for a while. Back circles, stuff. Sure. That's fucked up. You think he's
Jordan (00:46:39.000)
met Larry David.
Dan (00:46:40.000)
That's what I'm thinking.
Jordan (00:46:43.000)
That's a good question. That would be an interesting episode of curb.
Alex Jones (00:46:46.000)
I was supposed to be Jeff garland.
Jordan (00:46:51.000)
I turned down $3 million in Episode
Dan (00:46:57.000)
they're gonna let me be George and the reboot.
Jordan (00:46:58.000)
Oh, man, he would have been great as George.
Dan (00:47:04.000)
Jerry, apparently they can't get our guns now. So I guess if there's another shooting we probably shouldn't be worried about now it appears they can't use a pandemic. That's against the law. That's why you need anti Vax weirdo as president. Yeah. And Rand Paul is vice president. Yeah, I guess hostile.
Jordan (00:47:20.000)
I do appreciate the dark mirror of the lesser of two evils conversation, I would appreciate more of the people who had that conversation on the left over Biden. Just be like, You know what, fuck it. We're gonna choose not evil and let the chips fall where they may because frankly, this is dumb, regardless of what side you're on. Also, just to
Dan (00:47:39.000)
be totally clear, Alex is saying I'm not a lesser of two evils guy then saying what about? Exactly, absolutely.
Jordan (00:47:45.000)
Absolutely. That's
Dan (00:47:46.000)
a little silly. No,
Jordan (00:47:48.000)
I mean, come on. These conversations are dumb. Get over it. Pick a guy move on. Let's go. Yeah.
Dan (00:47:53.000)
So we've got one last clip here from the 27th. And this is a caller actually coming in with a terrible idea. But I think would be historically important. If this could happen. All right, as a document, I like big swings. If this could happen, it would it would be important to record okay.
Alex Jones (00:48:16.000)
That's the point why I'm I'm tentatively supporting him as because they dropped him and they fearing and even though he's got problems. He's the real deal. I mean, he's, he's got problems to deal with the boys have Josh definitely wants to be president. He was president. He definitely thinks out to get us he's just very very pigheaded. So how do we thread that needle?
Caller 2 (790) (00:48:37.000)
This might be a little unorthodox, but he needs to take like a mushroom trip and kill his ego or something and or someone's gonna get
Alex Jones (00:48:44.000)
angry. I would like I think I should take mushrooms with President Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.000)
I would love that
Alex Jones (00:48:50.000)
I did with Mike Tyson. I'm not a big drug guy. But
Jordan (00:48:53.000)
I would love that to
Alex Jones (00:48:54.000)
some illusions here and there over the years. I don't think I'm very often checking in with Joe Rogan. I'm checking what Mike Tyson and you can control your mind. It's not that big a deal. I'm honest, I'm not doing it. Right. I'm not promoting drugs.
Dan (00:49:10.000)
Alex does not have control of his mind. He's demons at the grocery store when he's sober. No control. What
Jordan (00:49:16.000)
are you talking about? Yeah, the reason that you're fine is because that's how you live all the time. Right? That episode
Dan (00:49:21.000)
of Tyson never came out probably because he started crying. screaming about demons being in the room or something to
Jordan (00:49:28.000)
do. But both of them don't walk out alive if they take mushrooms together, right? Like Trump and Alex cannot take mushrooms together and then both of them still live at the end of this trip. So
Dan (00:49:37.000)
many possibilities. That's one of Yeah, I imagine another one where they create a language. Sit there they like work out of the linguistic they work out syntax and grammar for a whole new language. Yeah, you
Jordan (00:49:50.000)
know, it's unfortunate that we know Alex has taken mushrooms in the past. Otherwise you're like, hey, maybe mushrooms is the cure for malignant narcissism. Did we is anybody tried that?
Dan (00:50:00.000)
I actually don't know that he's taken enough mushrooms. Yeah, he might have had a little mild trip or you gotta go do with Tyson has ever come out so I don't know if that's true. Yeah, maybe they should take mushrooms. Yeah. Released the Tyson for dogs it's probably not. It's not gonna be good. Also Trump real anti drug guy. Yeah. believe he wanted drug dealers executed. He's totally doesn't even drink Yeah, don't think you're gonna get him to do shrooms?
Jordan (00:50:28.000)
Well, he's a coward historical
Dan (00:50:29.000)
document. It would be Alex and Trump on mushrooms locked in a room. What do they do?
Jordan (00:50:35.000)
I mean, you got it. That's, that's better than anything that Heisenberg ever came up with, you know, until you observe that all outcomes are possible. You know, there's that 5050 alive or dead cat. Yeah, this is quantum theory. on steroids. Yeah.
Dan (00:50:52.000)
Yeah. It's, it's the it's the sort of entertainment that you just, it's chaos. Now. It's people would be losing, they'd be losing it. Yeah.
Jordan (00:51:03.000)
Yeah. That's what reality TV shows should really be for is taking people who could otherwise hurt the whole of humanity and making them dance for our amusement. Hmm, that would be fun.
Dan (00:51:15.000)
Yeah, I was thinking about as watching some of the taskmaster, I was thinking about how that is really what makes the show charming is essentially trying in a fun way to make people lose their minds. And that is a benign version of I think there's a lot of malicious versions of it in reality TV. Oh, for sure. And I think in order for this to work, it would have to be malicious with Alex and Trump.
Jordan (00:51:39.000)
Yeah, well, it would be, even if we were trying to be not malicious, the entirety of the idea is built around a malicious thought we have. So what if
Dan (00:51:49.000)
they do mushrooms in a room, and you leave just one Rubik's Cube in there, but it's rigged so it can never be solved? And
Jordan (00:51:56.000)
one of them has to shave their head at the end of it?
Jordan (00:52:05.000)
What are we gonna do with our lives?
Dan (00:52:06.000)
Well, we're gonna jump into the 28. Let's go for it. And it's not fun because now the shooting Alex will actually address it, right? Discuss it. And so yeah, from here on out, but pretty much everything is gonna be gross. Alex is a gross guy and shit sucks. Great, a lot of lies not as graphic necessarily as he is sometimes. So there's at least that saving grace but yeah, a lot of the rhetoric pretty shitty. So here we go.
Alex Jones (00:52:34.000)
is collapsing around us. Every form of crime and degeneracy is exploding off the charts, not just the United States and worldwide. We are a fallen civilization. And it's only going to get worse. Yes, your day as the mass shooting unfolded in Tennessee and a school or darling little children and others were killed. I did not comment on the broadcast other than saying that the shooting it out because I wanted to give it time to see what I did. But Scott, the producer walked in right when it happened. He said how much money you want to bet. This is a transgender person. And that's because now about 80% of the time. These school shooters are transgender, and the media tries to cover it up.
Dan (00:53:29.000)
That's categorically false, no matter how you splice or try to massage the numbers. What has happened here is that Alex is seeing a meme that was floating around in right wing social media circles that sought to paint the picture that most shooters are LGBTQ but right out of the gate. They include the club Q shooter, as someone who's non binary when all evidence points to the conclusion that that was him trolling an attempt to avoid a hate crime charges perhaps. In reality, Alex went on air and reported that the shooter in Uvalde was a trans person based on troll posts from places like 4chan. And to my knowledge, he's never taken the time to apologize or correct that serious mis reporting. And actually, he re reports that later in this episode, right? So that's fun. Alex is seeking to paint the picture that the media covers up these school shooters, that these school shooters are trans because if you try to look into it, you'll find that they aren't and he needs an explanation for that lack of evidence for his claim. His position would be totally vindicated if it weren't for an elaborate media cover up that's going on. This naturally raises the question of why the media isn't covering up anything about this current shooter and their reported potential gender identity. It seems like maybe the media doesn't actually cover that stuff up, but Alex needs the audience to think that they do so it's easier for his hate mongering and exaggeration to fly and be accepted. The truth or falsity of this statement that LGBTQ people are responsible for the majority of mass shootings or school shootings is a meaningless question to people like Alex. It doesn't need to be true, because the truth or falsity is not What they're conveying to the audience, Alex is trying to make sure the audience sees LGBTQ folk and trans people in particular as the enemy and a very dangerous enemy, a very dangerous enemy that the media is covering for. It's a waste of time to argue the underlying points that someone like Alex or Matt Walsh, or Ben Shapiro had been making in the aftermath of the shooting, because the underlying points are meaningless to them to begin with. They're happy to use this tragedy to attack trans people but lambaste people for discussing gun control after any other shooting, because they detest the tasteless politicization of tragedy. They don't detest the politicization. They just know when politicization can be useful to them, and they're savvy enough to pretend to be above it, when they know they can't use that tragedy. As much as they do believe that pretending that their underlying points mean anything is a trap, it's still incredibly important to recognize what is going on and to push back on it as strongly as possible. The anti trans rhetoric is escalating in ways and at speeds that should be terrifying to anyone who's paying attention and that cannot be ignored. It's a strange balancing act because this shooting is being used as an excuse for these right wing commentators to ramp up their bigotry, but they don't actually care about the shooting. As we saw earlier in this episode, Alex was doing sensational bullshit anti trans story is already and Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles have been calling for an elimination of trans identity for weeks, if not months prior to this shooting. Yeah, there's doing it. They're just using this as a prop. Yeah, they hate trans people. That's the only point worth paying attention to not whether, whatever window dressing, they're throwing on their hate today, they don't care about that window dressing and will abandon it for something new tomorrow, if it better serves their purposes. Yeah. So this kind of stuff like this 80% of shooters or trans people. Yeah, it's not worth arguing with. It's not true. But it also doesn't matter to Alex. Yep. It's not what he's getting across to the audience. Yeah. And that can be challenging that can be that can be a difficult place to be, and especially in these very aggressive spaces, like the social media, you know, people are firing this stuff up off, and a lot of times are doing it in such a way as to incite backlash upon them, because it games the system and gets them far more engagement with their posts. Yeah, so like, I don't know, I don't have a prescription for it, but it sucks. Yeah,
Jordan (00:57:26.000)
I mean, I suppose I suppose in the world where next week we'll forget about this because there'll be another one. It doesn't make any sense to try and backlash these assholes? I mean, Twitter's a shambles. Facebook is ridiculous. All of the social medias are dumb. Media itself is woefully in equipped to handle shit like this. Yeah. So it's going to be forgotten next week. I say, I mean, the only thing I think of is like, here's the job of sis white men in the in this world, as the anti trans rhetoric blows up, we've seen this all it is our job to put our bodies in between them and trans people, when that is our responsibility. Yeah, we're the only people who can stand in between them. And all too often, there's just a support, and there's not a willingness to get in the middle.
Dan (00:58:20.000)
I agree with that. When those circumstances present themselves, I don't think that they are always
Jordan (00:58:27.000)
well, I mean, don't walk around with a with envy. Like there's a boss, you know, like I Yes, obviously. But yes,
Dan (00:58:34.000)
I agree. I agree with you, in principle, when when that situation presents itself outside of that, I think that there is like a real need to push back on this stuff. But like I'm saying, what you're pushing back on, is going to be difficult to figure out, right? You know, because so much of this stuff, like I'm saying is like they don't really care about the threat. But they're saying, right, that's not really important. I mean, they're making a crypto argument underneath whatever they're nominally saying, right?
Jordan (00:59:07.000)
Right. Here's, here's my, okay. It made sense to push back on it a long time ago. We're way past that.
Dan (00:59:16.000)
That's true, but we are past whatever point you're describing, but at the same time, ignoring things and letting things stand is also not a great option.
Jordan (00:59:28.000)
No, I mean, I'm just saying there's no point in arguing on social
Dan (00:59:34.000)
media. Oh, well, I maybe. I don't know. I'm a little agnostic to that. I think I as a person. I agree. But look, but that also might be my psychology. Sure. Sure. I don't I don't know if that's true for everyone. Right. But it might be I don't know. I mean, I think that you're not going to achieve anything by arguing these particular points, right with these folks, right? For sure. Sure. And I also think that generally speaking just saying like, you are hiding this hate behind these arguments you don't really care about right? I don't think that's going to lead anywhere either, right? But
Jordan (01:00:09.000)
that's the truth. That is, so if the truth isn't going to go anywhere, then don't bother. And we're already again, this may be made sense after fucking Columbine, this may be made sense after a fucking Sandy Hook. This doesn't it doesn't make sense any conversation that you are going to have means nothing. We're already past
Dan (01:00:30.000)
it. It may be and I and maybe the other way to put that because that's kind of do me and downer ish is There are better places to place attention.
Jordan (01:00:38.000)
I mean, I'm not saying I'm not saying that that's the end of the conversation. I'm saying that this conversation needs to end because we can no longer do the same thing over and over and over again. That's
Dan (01:00:48.000)
fair we're way past that those attentions and efforts and time and it's got to go somewhere else it can be it can be channeled in something more productive.
Jordan (01:00:58.000)
Make buttons instead of arguing on info instead of arguing on Twitter make buttons for everybody. You fucking know, Don't
Dan (01:01:03.000)
threaten me with a good time.
Jordan (01:01:05.000)
I mean, that's I love buttons. You know what I'm saying? Like there is no point in arguing do a thing physically to help other people.
Dan (01:01:12.000)
I think I think there's a lot to be said for doing something physically to help other people. I think there's a something you get for yourself out of it. And you don't even know it's sneaky. Yeah,
Jordan (01:01:21.000)
right. So you get angry on Twitter, but maybe if you make a button, you'll feel great.
Dan (01:01:27.000)
So Alex thinks that he doesn't hate trans people. And the reason is one person.
Alex Jones (01:01:33.000)
There are a lot of people that are transgender that are really nice, like Blair White is a Caitlyn Jenner, who's a very sweet, smart, good person. And I think she believes she's a woman and acts like a woman. And if she wants to be a woman, she can be a woman. She doesn't want to go compete with women's sports, any of that stuff. But craze, men beating women in sports and women all hopped up on men's hormones now committing mass shootings. I mean, women never commit mass shootings. In fact, it's never been heard of. And now now is happening.
Dan (01:02:09.000)
So of course, Alex likes Blair white. She's a disaster of a public figure who has all of the same terrible politics and bigotries that Alex and his ilk do, but she's also trans. She can be used as a prop to prove they don't hate trans people. Folks like Alex need that pretty desperately. You can tell that Alex likes Blair white, because he thinks she's feminine enough for him to see her as a woman. And her transness doesn't encroach on any of the larger hollow culture war topics he pretends to care so much about, like women's sports. In fact, a majority of Blair's public existence is based on trying to place limits on other people's transness and make videos about people who she thinks are going too far or whatever. Yeah, her brain does. Essentially, I'm one of the good ones and look at all these other people who are bad. Yeah, I had actually planned to do an episode about Blair a while back because I think that she exists in a really interesting space. And Alex has been on her podcast twice. So there was some content there. But I ultimately decided not to because looking into her made me really sad. And I didn't know what to do with those feelings. Yeah, case in point three years ago, she put out a video where she was sitting next to her couch on the floor, her makeup was smudged from crying where she's discussing something that she'd never talked about before. Here's a little clip from that, which I found really difficult to reconcile.
Blaire White (01:03:31.000)
I feel like I have a case it has I feel like I've like lied about certain parts of my life. Online. I know I've lied about certain parts of my life online, my family I've interviews and in answers during live streams and like anytime it's brought up, I like to paint this picture, which is a lie like flat out just fabricated of that my family is accepting of me and that everything is good. And Everything's peachy clean. And my transition was easy. And like I don't know why I've lied about that. So blatantly, I think it's because it was, like, easier. For me.
Dan (01:04:26.000)
It's hard to listen to this because on the one hand, I empathize with Blair's experience, because it obviously wasn't easy for her as it is for folks, everyone. I'm certain that that that's true. Yeah. But on the other hand, it's incredibly difficult to hold on to too much care about her when you consider the reality of what she's saying. She didn't lie about her transition being easy because it's somehow emotionally more easy for her to do that. She did it because if she had made it to the challenges she's faced, it would severely undercut her entire brand. The people she hates on and who are her political targets are the people We're working to create a better world where people like young Blair wouldn't have to have had such a hard time being herself. Acknowledging that you really could have used more care and more support and your younger days means the trans activists have a point and that that's not a point that you can really rebut unless you pretend that they don't have a point, which you can achieve by pretending that your lived experience doesn't match up at all with what those activist types are saying. It's profitable for Blair to lie about her transition. That's why she did it. Later in the video, she talks about how her dad's side of the family disowned her because she's trans and that really sucks. Family alienation is a real nightmare, and no one deserves to experience that just for being themselves. Given that she's experienced all this in her life. I don't believe for a second that she doesn't realize that Alex Jones's career in rhetoric is designed around creating more people like her dad's family. I don't believe for a second that she doesn't realize that the brand she's created is trying to position herself as the one good trans people, a person, which facilitates the stigmatization of all trans people who aren't her. On some level, she understands this, this next clip from that video really spoke to me about that awareness.
Blaire White (01:06:07.000)
Anytime I've been lucky enough to do television, I've always like, tried to contact my family just to be like, hey, like, you know, turn on this channel at this time, just because I thought maybe if they see that I'm successful, and I'm not some like horrible transgender stereotype of a prostitute or like just desolate like person that maybe they would come around and say maybe, you know, Blair's not that bad. But they've never watched,
Dan (01:06:41.000)
Blair wanted her family to see that she was one of the good ones. They hate her for who she is. But maybe if they saw that she was also demonizing trans people, they would accept her then she's essentially disgusting chasing the acceptance and approval of people who hate a fundamental aspect of who she is, which she's never going to achieve with her family. But she can achieve with Alex and all these other right wing figures. There's a profit motive there and they need somebody they can use as a prop to deflect criticism about their transphobia. So she'll be adored in that circle, which she is, but it comes with a cost. And apparently even though it hurts quite a bit, Blair thinks that arrangement is worth it. So no, I don't particularly care if Alex likes Blair white because he doesn't actually or at least he wouldn't if she was honest about her experience, because then she'd say that her dad's family disowned her for being trans and Alex would have to admit that he thinks that they did the right thing. Anyway, sorry about that. A little side trip back to Alex's actual clip. There have been female mass shooters before. It's certainly more rare than male ones but they do exist. Nasim Aghdam carried out the shooting the YouTube campus back in 2018. Nash Fein Malik was one of the San Bernardino shooters in 2015. Jennifer San Marcos killed six people at a California post office. It's rare but it's not unheard of. So go fuck yourself, Alex.
Jordan (01:07:58.000)
Yeah, I mean, to your point. blared wasn't elevated, there was just a job opportunity. You know, there was an opening, the right anti trans needed a trans person, and she took the job because there was something she hoped to gain from that, which is the acceptance and approval of her family. Unfortunately, she went the wrong route. That was never going to happen.
Dan (01:08:21.000)
Perhaps. I mean, you know, there's some elements of psychoanalyzing, but, you know, who knows exactly why I mean, I don't know what rear that she did, but apologies Yeah, I
Jordan (01:08:29.000)
mean, it was a job opportunity. I'm not saying that I understand the reasons that she chose it what she has said in the clip right there is indicative of that being a pasta it's clear
Dan (01:08:37.000)
that that was a hope. Yeah.
Jordan (01:08:39.000)
Yeah, absolutely.
Dan (01:08:40.000)
I don't know it bums me out. And I think you can see from just those two clips why I was like, I'm not gonna do a whole episode about this. Yeah, it because there is like a bit of like, Ah, damn, I find it very difficult when these right wing figures have these moments of vulnerability. Yeah, that you can kind of see through humanity beneath it. Yeah. Because I don't know.
Jordan (01:09:04.000)
Oops, you shouldn't have done it.
Dan (01:09:05.000)
Well, it also shows them awareness, then it makes it almost worse.
Jordan (01:09:09.000)
No, it makes it it makes it way worse. Yeah. You're You're purposefully and willfully hurting. community that would welcome you with open arms.
Dan (01:09:20.000)
What a bummer. Yeah, a bummer. Anyway, Alex hates He doesn't hate trans people he thinks transgender NISS or some pleasure.
Jordan (01:09:29.000)
Hate the sin not the center.
Alex Jones (01:09:31.000)
Is a Tavistock Institute Am I said, CIA creation to launch the transhumanist movement is revealing shapped a man being a woman a woman being a man of except to man having a baby when it's two. Women are a man and a woman. Arnold Schwarzenegger Hedeman. If you will accept that you'll accept in that era humanoids that are made out of three or four dads, or two or three moms are out would be cool. Some other people which they're now producing and making for decades and tested of doubt will accept the entire globalist agenda. I do not hate people that are trans. I do not think that the average person that is living like that is a mass shooter or a bad person. That said the entire movement is a synthetic creation for depopulation, and a totally confused society and bring up the family and that she admitted Alex's position
Dan (01:10:30.000)
is incoherent. If he believed the things he's saying sincerely, he would not support and platform someone like Blair white. If Alex truly believe that transgenderism is a plot by the Tavistock Institute to bring in transhumanism and destroy the family then the people who are trans are people who have been fooled by the Tavistock Institute, they're brainwashed pawns of the plot to destroy the family. So even if you want to treat them like people and be somewhat nice to them, you're kind of behooved to reject them and their trans identity. Otherwise, you're promoting the destruction of the family.
Jordan (01:11:00.000)
Well, I mean, not just that, but you can never trust anyone who is brainwashed by the Tavistock Institute and the CI fucking a
Dan (01:11:08.000)
right? I mean, no, you're if you're brainwashed on one front, who knows how many others?
Jordan (01:11:12.000)
I mean, well, the obvious thing is that the CIA would be like, well, we want to put a plant in here. That's the most obvious thing.
Dan (01:11:20.000)
Yeah. And, in reality, if this were 1520 years ago, the Tavistock Institute's evil plan to destroy the family would be getting people to accept gay folks, because this stuff doesn't really mean anything. This is just adding an intellectual sounding rationale behind the present days bigotry, right?
Jordan (01:11:36.000)
Which is, which is again, another reason why these conversations are so repetitive and pointless is just Yes, I understand the nonsense you're saying. But you don't understand that I heard this nonsense five years ago. Yeah. And then I heard it 10 years ago, and then I heard it 15 years ago.
Dan (01:11:52.000)
It's the window dressing changing.
Jordan (01:11:54.000)
I was raised on Dr. James fucking Dobson. Focus on the goddamn family. I know you're dumb fuck arguments. Okay, so shut up.
Dan (01:12:03.000)
So Alex, while discussing this shooting, brings up what I would describe as maybe the first source he has on this.
Alex Jones (01:12:12.000)
Here's a breakdown, notice a pattern. Colorado Springs shooter in the Pfizer's non binary Denver shooter identified as trans, the multi shooter was into that to Aberdeen shooter identifies as trans national shooter identified as trans, confused, freaked out blacked out people on major, major, major hormones. And, you know, I've talked to a lot of medical doctors about this over the years. And they make the point that, you know, the group that gets divorces, the most often in married couples, statistically, is people doing hormone therapy to try to get pregnant, a 45 year old woman trying to get pregnant and to put them on a bunch of hormones to get them jacked up to do it. And they go crazy jacked up, and I've known people that tried to get pregnant and didn't get pregnant. So one person I know had twins out of it, but they barely maintain their marriage and just six months they were trying to get pregnant.
Dan (01:13:11.000)
So this is like I said, it's about the first primary source Alex exciting in terms of his coverage of the shooting, and it's that meme that went around, which is super inaccurate, sweet. The Colorado Springs shooter was the club cue shooter and the ivaldi shooter wasn't even in the meme, but Alex vaguely remembers his own shitty reporting. So he throws them in. Yeah, why not? This isn't a sincere point that's being made, and honestly, it comes off more like parody. These are the examples that these folks can find. Whereas the 1000s of other mass shootings apparently didn't happen or something. Further, whenever there are these shootings, Alex insists on not ascribing group blame, he screams about how all white people are to blame when shooting for shooting because the shooter was a white supremacist or how all gun owners are being blamed because the person had a ton of guns with them. It's easy to see how that is kind of a meaningless principle for him and he's more than willing to throw it to the side when there's the opportunity to imply group blame on groups. He doesn't like when that pops up that opportunity. He takes it. He doesn't want to feel like groups. He's a part of our being discussed in relation to mass shootings, but it's a group he spends most of his time demonizing group blame is pretty cool. Yeah. Also, I don't know about the pregnancy hormone divorce thing. I have no idea how I would go about checking up on it since apparently, it's something some doctor personally told Alex. But it's weird that the example Alex comes up with isn't a guy on steroids. Hmm. Or maybe that hits too close to home. I don't want to bring any attention to that. No, no.
Jordan (01:14:37.000)
I mean, I I wrestle with this. I wrestle with this thought. I, I am disgusted by how many people are willing to think that this is notable, because to me, this is a statistical inevitability. It doesn't mean anything and the only people who are Making it mean more than it does are? Well, people profiting off of it,
Dan (01:15:05.000)
I get I get what you're saying you're talking about the shooting, I get what you're saying. And here is what I would say in response to that. First of all, everything is tragic. Second. Wow, there is an inevitability about it in living in our bad present day. There is also when you're saying, you know, like basically talking about it is like it's inevitable wire, you know why we're making a big deal out of
Jordan (01:15:38.000)
it? Fair enough.
Dan (01:15:39.000)
Fair enough. Keep got there are malicious actors, folks like Alex, folks like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, these folks in particular who have been more than willing to talk about it in a way to use this event in order to steer hate in a certain direction. That is worth talking about. Okay, I would contend that that is yes. So I get what you're saying, in terms of the futility of talking about like gun violence, yeah. and stuff. And that is a bummer. That is very disappointing that we keep doing this and we keep coming to an end where progress isn't made, we end up in the same situation, and there'll be another shooting in a week, or whatever that sucks. That is, there's a feeling of futility surrounding that conversation. And I understand where you're coming from, however. It think it is. I think there doesn't need to be a big deal made out of resisting and pushing back against the narrative building that people like Alex and his ilk are engaging in surrounding the shooting.
Jordan (01:16:48.000)
I mean, well, I mean, yes, yes. That I do agree with. I just don't find this shooting particularly notable as compared to the last one I get. How many have you you listed off multiple shootings by women that I did not even remember or know about? Those seem to be notable to me. Right. We've talked about them on the podcast. That's what I'm saying. I understand is my point. Exactly.
Dan (01:17:11.000)
I understand. I understand that. And I don't think these are two things that are at odds with each other I agree with, but I would say the reason that this shooting is notable and should be treated as such is the conversation that surrounding it, and the way that it is being used as an excuse to ramp up transphobia and a hostile environment towards a particular group.
Jordan (01:17:35.000)
Right. And I mean, I agree with that. But I agree with that, because that's a generalized statement. If this wasn't the thing that we were talking about, for their attack on trans people, it would be trans people were at the store.
Dan (01:17:49.000)
It wouldn't be as aggressive. The you're shrugging at me. I mean, you that's an aggressive
Jordan (01:18:00.000)
it wouldn't be maybe it wouldn't be as aggressive. How far off would it be
Dan (01:18:05.000)
quite quite a bit I because the the shooting and murder of people at an elementary school is a potent fuel in a way that people being at the store is not, it triggers people's emotional centers in a way that you can build things that are far more nefarious out of it than you could otherwise you override a lot of people's critical thinking abilities, when especially murdered, children are involved. And so no, I disagree with your premise.
Jordan (01:18:38.000)
I mean, then my question to you is, I mean, do you think that this is just accelerated? It's this accelerant? Do you know what I mean? Like this incident
Dan (01:18:47.000)
is the way it's being used? I believe, right? Yeah.
Jordan (01:18:51.000)
Right. So the problem with this is that it's an accelerant to a fire that's already happening.
Dan (01:18:56.000)
Yeah, but I don't I don't think anyone would disagree with that. Yeah. Yeah. But when an accelerant is added to something, you gotta be careful. You gotta take it seriously. Sure,
Jordan (01:19:06.000)
sure. I've been I'm just, I'm just looking at a house on fire. And people are like, watch out for that gasoline that you're throwing on it? And I'm like, No, I understand. The gasoline is bad. I agree with you wholeheartedly. This house on fire does not need more gasoline.
Dan (01:19:21.000)
I understand your metaphor. And I think in the case of a like, literal fire, I agree with you. Yeah. I just don't think that the metaphor is exactly applicable. Because, like, you're saying, people aren't trying to put out the fire people aren't working on that, you know, or whatever, like, whereas in the case of a, like a fire, you know, firefighters come and they can share Sure, whereas in this case, it's not as not to say that firefighting, sneezy job, right, but it's not as simple as, hey, we got just got to throw water here. Right, right, right, because if it were, then the lot of good people who are doing a lot of good work would have thrown that water over Eddie Of course. Yeah, yeah. So we agree. I don't think we disagree. But I don't think that I don't think a lot of the way you're coming at it is necessarily what I would agree with. I agree. larger picture, but maybe some of the some of the feelings I don't agree with. Yeah. I mean, I respect that. That's fine. Not everybody has to have the same feeling.
Jordan (01:20:22.000)
I don't know what else to say. Yeah, I agree with you. And I exempt you. Sweet.
Dan (01:20:27.000)
So anyway, Alex lies more about all these shootings. Everyone's all these shooters are trans people.
Alex Jones (01:20:33.000)
And as they hide the mass shootings, they will increase and they will get worse. Because mentally ill people are now taught, you don't just become transgender. You go out and you shoot, you kill people. And now the majority of mass shooters that are technically the totally senseless type, because the FBI averages in gang shootings that are schools that says, Well, half of them are black on black or black on Hispanic or Hispanic on Hispanic that you take those out that are game shootings. And you have RA going to school shoot a bunch of kids. This is it. And they fight to hide that. But these are the incredibly unhappy, depressed demonically brainwash, I mean, I don't know what term we should really use to break it down, but we have a lower animal brain.
Dan (01:21:33.000)
I would challenge Alex on his claim that he's making about most school shootings being trans people. I know that it's not true. And he's just making it up to demonize a group of people he doesn't like but I would like to see him have to defend his position. Yeah, even a little bit. Yeah. What source? Are you pulling that from anything? I swear, I swear, it cannot be an unverified made up conversation with a high level anonymous source holder cannot be
Jordan (01:21:56.000)
I will I will add meme to that. It also cannot be a meme. No, it
Dan (01:22:00.000)
can be because then we can discard it. Wow, that's fair. Yeah, I will reject it. If you want to present that. It won't. It won't fly. But that's
Jordan (01:22:08.000)
all right. You so judge, Judge Dan has said you cannot bring forth the evidence from a major third party Doctor conversation. Oh no. You can bring the meme for that as physical evidence. And I shall remove it from my court. Right. I will laugh at you. It is exactly like when Ray Nall brought in his
Dan (01:22:28.000)
props his board. Do you
Jordan (01:22:30.000)
remember the board? Get that? One of the poster that's somewhere in a dumpster that I'm willing to die for.
Dan (01:22:36.000)
It's gone. Yeah, you're right. It wasn't made to last.
Jordan (01:22:40.000)
It was for the day. Yeah. Yep. So
Dan (01:22:42.000)
Alex starts rambling about her like trans people are demonic and stuff, because that's what he thinks.
Alex Jones (01:22:48.000)
I want to show this video last Friday saying here's the spirit of the New World Order. A young lady looks like she's on steroids or something totally crazy. Smoking out of a vape pen acting completely demonically possessed but when you see that ladies and gentlemen that's the face of the wavelength these people have dialed into and it's a spirit of selfishness a spirit of hatred it's a demonic spirit and that's what hardcore drugs does take a look at the tattoo on our chest of a big demon
Alex Jones (01:23:41.000)
and that my friends is why we have guns show that we like whacked out devils what what former humans have felt a Satan wants to hurt us and come to hurt our children Jesus like a moth to the flame. We can protect the children like the police officers did let's go ahead and roll the footage again of them taking this young disturbed taken over person out Yeah,
Dan (01:24:09.000)
he seems to relish a little bit in playing the video of the shooter being killed. And it's it's a little bit poor taste. You
Jordan (01:24:18.000)
know, I haven't had I didn't look this up. I'm gonna go ahead and look this up right now. But the thought I had is every time we read about a suicide, there is always the school or the suicide prevention hotline. What I have not seen is a school shooting Prevention Hotline. You know like to me one of the simplest things that we should have is like a are you in the place where you're thinking of doing this? Call this number because it to me it is so similar to a suicide. It might as well be the same fucking lie mean?
Dan (01:25:00.000)
Yeah, I think I think a lot of people probably have. That is a part of their plan. You know, people who go through with shootings probably don't intend necessarily to come out the other end.
Jordan (01:25:15.000)
Right, right. And I feel like one simple thing that we could have for all of these articles that we read pretty fucking constantly is a note is a an app as a resource is something at the end of this article to say, if you are one of these people who is concerned about your own actions, who is thinking about doing these things, call this hotline, and we can talk to you about that. It's anonymous, obviously, and there's no cops, which is the first thing that I would say, sure, you know, but that that is a positive resource, you know, what an outlet that can be there.
Dan (01:25:48.000)
I don't think that would work. But as I'm hearing you say it, that's something to try, you know, like,
Jordan (01:25:54.000)
I mean, we're not doing anything it could,
Dan (01:25:56.000)
it could bear results. I mean, maybe it saves one school that matters,
Jordan (01:26:02.000)
that matters. You know, like we should have this we should have this resource available for the people who are thinking of doing this because this is a is a suicide one way or the other. This is a rejection of one's own life.
Dan (01:26:15.000)
Yeah, I wonder if something like that does exist, and it's just not I just looked it up and I
Jordan (01:26:19.000)
didn't Okay, that's why that's why I was like, before I bring this up, I better look it up to see if there is one. Yeah, and I didn't see any. I saw all these, like, if you're at a school, here's what you should do to stop a shooter. None of these like, Hey, if you're thinking of doing this, here's a resource for you.
Dan (01:26:37.000)
Yeah, I think I think a lot of things just in general have you know, D stigmatizing the idea of asking for help? Yeah, and the the, you know, I think I think a lot of people maybe have impressions growing up that feeling like you need help makes you weak, or like, yeah, maybe helping people not feel that way. Could also be helpful.
Jordan (01:27:03.000)
I mean, just just having somebody that you can rely on and trust to talk to you and who you know, won't light and isn't a cop and isn't a fucking cop, you know?
Dan (01:27:13.000)
Also Alex is full of transphobic garbage. A lot of bullshit. Yeah, I
Jordan (01:27:18.000)
was trying to focus on something that we can do about it instead of wallowing and how fucking miserable and awful this human being is,
Dan (01:27:25.000)
sucks Yep, and keeps going on. He's Luxmore
Alex Jones (01:27:27.000)
let's go ahead and roll the footage again of them taking this young disturbed taken over person out. And understanding is good people with guns that stop this monster before she was able to kill even more people. And notice we are misgendering her because we miss gender on purpose. Now the real gender she's a woman hopped up on a bunch of hormones and drugs. Salma the dark side, here's a video
Dan (01:27:56.000)
so wild to hear that cops are now good guys with guns. Hello, good guys with guns narrative is that you needed to have a gun on you. So you could act fast before the police were able to arrive because it was like a delay. Remember his ivaldi Shooting coverage seems real strange, almost like none of this means anything that matters. Alex is just relishing and watching this person be shot, ah, could be what he's saying to the matter of him misgendering on purpose that speaks volumes about his position on trans people. He believes they do not exist yet. In his mind, he's willing to put up with what he considers Blair White's dumb and accurate self perception because she's useful to him and because he has the right kind of hateful politics. But he definitely does not think that she's a woman. He's willing to extend her the courtesy of not misgendering her because it's advantageous to him. But when the rubber meets the road, if she were to insist, Alex that she's a woman and that it's not play acting for her. Alex would not agree with that. If he were her dad's side of the family, and she insisted on him accepting that aspect of her identity, he would disown her in a second and then maliciously misgendered her whenever she came up. That's who Alex is. He's not misgendering the shooter because they're a shooter that doesn't factor into the assessment of whether or not their gender identity was valid. Alex believes this about all trans people. But because this particular person did a horrible thing, it's easier for him to be blunt about his beliefs when discussing them. And that is who he is.
Jordan (01:29:24.000)
Yeah, yeah. Plainly, it's such a bummer. Like with with Blair, you know, that job opportunity is always open. You don't have to take that job because that job entails being paid well, and yet always living on the knife's edge of being rejected by all communities. You know, once you go to Infowars, and they are inevitably reject you the moment you're no longer useful, or the moment they can, you know, then you're not going to be welcomed back into the into the trans community. It's not I mean, well, actually, maybe some people know they probably well, but that's because they're better People then
Dan (01:30:01.000)
I think on the more liberal and progressive sides, there is an interest in rehabilitative kind of restorative. Yeah. I think that people can come back from pretty negative places assuming that they're willing to do the work and you know, really inspect what they were up to before, right? But yeah, it's all just a bummer. Yeah,
Jordan (01:30:26.000)
you live on the knife's edge. It's, it's
Dan (01:30:28.000)
pretty shitty. Yep. Oh, well, yep. So the good guys with guns were the cops. And here's another rewriting of everything.
Alex Jones (01:30:39.000)
I'm not glad that the killer is dead. I wish that they would have fallen to Satan. But there's a real sense of satisfaction knowing that she was able to kill more people. And it was the second amendment that stopped this monster that planned this out reportedly according to police for lunch. It's gonna hit another school but didn't hit it because they had too much security. But this is the lesson locks on a door or nama protected to children. It was guns.
Dan (01:31:07.000)
The second amendment doesn't factor into this at all. No, it was armed police who stopped the shooter if anything, the Second Amendment helped make the shooting happen because the shooter was able to buy all those guns totally legally. Yeah, I honestly think Alex is really confused on this one. He's evoking good guy with a gun talking points and saying that the Second Amendment came to the rescue. But none of that's involved here at all. I suspect it's because he needs to skirt around some of his more general shooting narratives like it being a false flag or how they need to arm the teachers. Those are good when he needs to distract from the details about the shooter because they're super right wing white guys who have identical politics to Alex. In this case, the identity of the shooter is central to the right wing media's approach. So Alex has to dispel with some of his normal distraction based talking points. And it's kind of weird to listen to honestly. Yeah, he seems he seems in a strange place. I mean, there's a lot of hate, obviously. Which is he's, yeah, perfectly understands marriage familiar. Yeah. But yeah, or the talking about the shooting is convoluted.
Jordan (01:32:05.000)
I mean, he doesn't have that much practice. In this specific circumstance, this is a little bit new for him. So I imagined so yeah,
Dan (01:32:15.000)
so Alex has a guest coming on. And don't worry, we're not going to listen to him because he's a pile of shit troll.
Alex Jones (01:32:21.000)
So this is a planned operation. Now that said, Alex Stein is coming on next hour to talk about this, he just got attacked over the weekend going to one of these events. Because these are entitled hateful people on average, that are the activists that really usually aren't even trans. Their main thing is access to children. And there's a always huge paedophilic vibe in the air.
Dan (01:32:46.000)
Oh, really? Fuck off. Yeah. So Alec Stein. I got no respect for for him as a even a person to listen to. Yeah, I really, really resent people who insist on kind of having it both ways of the like, never know, whatever, whether I'm joking, or if this position is something I should be taken seriously for. Yeah, I really, really, really don't like that kind of bullshit. And he dances in those waters a lot. And then also, he has like a essentially a career that revolves almost entirely around like, trying to bait outrage from people in order to get attention. Yeah, so he can he can fuck right off. Yeah. I'm deep platforming him? Yeah, that's a good idea.
Jordan (01:33:33.000)
I like that. Yeah.
Dan (01:33:34.000)
I just no interest.
Jordan (01:33:36.000)
Yeah, you know, I keep coming back to that, that idea of a phone, you know, a hotline, like, if this was planned for months, right? Obviously, she can't talk to anybody, because everybody is the target.
Dan (01:33:50.000)
And and you would assume that there probably be moments where you're thinking like, should I be? Maybe I have doubts? you'd hope right? you'd hope there would be those.
Jordan (01:33:59.000)
I mean, if you're planning for months on anything, you have to have doubts. Otherwise, you would have just gone and done it. Right? That is true. So who are they going to talk to they can't talk to anybody at the school. Again, the school is the target. They can't talk to their parents, their parents are part of the reason we
Dan (01:34:14.000)
are from what I understand they were a former student, they're not current.
Jordan (01:34:18.000)
I mean, all of these things. I understand the detail. Yeah. Understand what I'm saying. Yeah, you know, what I'm saying like this is this is an intervention point, that no one has the ability to intervene on, because that's the
Dan (01:34:32.000)
reason and the only way for it to be intervened on almost is self directed from the past to
Jordan (01:34:39.000)
be and it has to be anonymous, and it has to be you know,
Dan (01:34:42.000)
again, yeah, again, I don't know how many people would APPRISE themselves of that, but, but I do I think there's something interesting there. Yeah, yep. So we're not gonna listen to Alex Stein. But we are gonna listen to Alex get really weird, some transphobia and then also something we're Really weird. Okay,
Alex Jones (01:35:01.000)
you can do, thank you hear me one have sections, whatever you want as long as they're consenting adult. You think I'm actually running around thinking about trans people, they're hanging them? No, I'm not
Jordan (01:35:11.000)
actually. Yes, kinda.
Alex Jones (01:35:15.000)
I'm a little less live guy. But in the roaring 20s In Germany, they had the transgender movement that spread worldwide from there that picked up later in the 60s by British intelligence. And it is the hallmark of a society before it collapses. And the system knows this. So they've accelerated in the 60s and 70s. And in the famous rat studies, where they would have contained cities of rats and give all the food and all the water they wanted. Out in three generations, the male's become trans and the females become the bosses and then with another generation, they all just start eating each other or committing suicide. And then within about eight generations, there are no Rach left. We've got whole shows on that
Dan (01:36:02.000)
whole shows.
Jordan (01:36:03.000)
So so in this Rat City, right, did they achieve Bronze Age tools? That's my first question.
Dan (01:36:10.000)
We'll get to all this in a minute. Okay, that's my first question. So trans stuff didn't start in Germany pre World War Two, but Alex is kind of tipping his Nazi cards here right. One of the first targets of the Nazis was the Institute for Sexual science and its head Magnus Hirschfeld Hirschfeld was a pioneer in research around issues related to sex and gender, which were seen as societal perversions and attacked by the Nazis on the rise to power. On May 6 1933, the Institute was ransacked by Nazi youth along with sa officers, much of the materials that were looted from that were burned and a giant book burning shortly after. If Alex believes the trans identity being accepted as a sign of society and collapse, then he has to think that the Nazis were trying to stop that collapse. Yeah. At the very least Alex and the Nazis are in pretty solid agreement in their views here.
Jordan (01:36:57.000)
Yeah, I'm confused. He pretty much just said, Yeah, I love the Nazis.
Dan (01:37:01.000)
And maybe like some of their work. Yeah. Alex is also just making shit about these were head studies. So he's talking about John B. Calhoun's experiments, which gave rise to the concept of behavioral sync. This isn't about the decadence or generational decay. The thing that was discovered by these experiments was that if rats are in an enclosed space, and allowed to reproduce freely, their behavioral patterns will change in strange ways. Calhoun found that in this artificial setting, the rats tended to impose their own areas of high population density, they could spread out to tons of other areas, but they ended up congregating heavily in the pen. That was the where the feeding happened. Like they meant they had this feeding part of Patrick's Day. Yeah, he found quote, in the case of eating this transformation did not keep the animals from securing adequate nutrition, but the same pathological togetherness that tended to disrupt the ordered sequences of activity involved in other vital modes of behavior, such as courting of sex partners, the building of nests, and the nursing and care of the young. In the experiments in which the behavioral sync developed, infant mortality ran as high as 96% Among the most disordered groups in the population. A large part of this has to do with the effect of overcrowding on disruption of rat behavior, which was somewhat mitigated in other parts of the pens where the population density didn't get as high. In these pens, infant mortality was much lower in generally they'd have less rats in there, they wouldn't end up congregating into this one pen. Sure. And they would have a male rat who had established dominance over a harem of female rats, who would then have the time and space to protect their young during weaning. Sure, there were dominant males and then underneath them in the societal weirdness, there were some males that were unable to distinguish sexual partners. They will try to mate with male rats, juveniles and females that were not in estrus. I'm not sure if this is the dynamic that Alex is depicting. I'm sure Alex isn't depicting it accurately. But that's kind of what he's harkening to. Yeah, they also found that some non dominant rats began to become basically sleepwalkers only going to eat when everyone else was asleep. They were completely passive, never engaging in fights for dominance, nor even trying to fuck female rats. Just kind of like weird night monks right. There were also a small group of hypersexual rats that Calhoun called the provers who were totally out of pocket. They were just trying to fuck anything and they were engaged, they'd engage in cannibalism. They were also total creeps hiding out on purchase trying to stare at female rats. It's it's interesting, because you can sort of see how you would personify the war fighters. Yeah,
Jordan (01:39:47.000)
of course. No,
Dan (01:39:48.000)
I get it. Yeah.
Jordan (01:39:49.000)
I mean, all the problem that I have with this research is that it boils down to me to stuff acts weird when you put it into the cage, which I feel like I already knew. I mean, this specific Because on how things act weird when you put it in a cage, a lot of it's pretty unexpected. Totally, I get it. That's weird. But maybe the solution is we should never have put stuff in cages.
Dan (01:40:08.000)
So in a second experimental setup, they found that this behavioral sync didn't develop when they offered the rats powdered food instead of the food that they had to be getting like out of the hopper. The powder was easier to eat quickly. So the act of eating didn't become a strange social thing. And overcrowding in that collective eating pan didn't end up happening. So they kind of theorized that some of it had to do with like it taking longer to eat from these hoppers. And so then it became a normalized thing that rats only ate when other rats were around. Sure. And then it just became super overcrowded. And it led to a breakdown of all these behavioral, just sort of normal patterns, right?
Jordan (01:40:47.000)
It was Maslow's hierarchy of rat needs. Yes. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (01:40:51.000)
Calhoun's experiments are really interesting for what they are, but I'm not certain they can be applied to humans. And I not I kind of think that it might even be a really bad idea to try to.
Jordan (01:41:01.000)
I mean, I disagree. I think you can apply it to humans. If you put humans in cages, they're gonna start acting weird.
Dan (01:41:07.000)
They will start acting weird but I think probably in a different way and expected as this and maybe they'll put them in cages. So even if these theories and these learned things he learned these experiments could be used that way they reflect the effect of too high a population density on rat behavior, not whatever Alex is going on about right. Also, Alex is pretty much just making up everything about this experiments results just based on a vague memory. He has a reading some headline about it years ago, the male rats didn't become trans the females didn't become the boss rant of the rats weren't all cannibalistic and suicidal, and they weren't all dead after the eighth generation. This is the kind of information you're going to get from Alex Jones. Shit, he's making up about experiments he doesn't understand or remember being deployed in order to demonize vulnerable populations, while very cryptically supporting the Nazis. Yeah, this is not information that is worth being taken seriously. Right?
Jordan (01:42:01.000)
Yeah, I mean, in terms of an argument, if you distill it down it sums up something along the lines of it's okay for me to kill trans people because rat society developed evolved again one time I mean, an experiment it's that's a reading that seems like what he's kind of trying to argue there. Nana, the Nazis were right.
Dan (01:42:25.000)
Suck sucks. And, uh, you know, there's so much just hate in this thing. I was like, I'm gonna read this. Yeah, I'd
Jordan (01:42:30.000)
be angry. No, I was that was a respite that I was grateful for something. I like to learn about rat society.
Dan (01:42:37.000)
Yeah. So in this next clip, Alex, very weirdly, and confusingly, tells his audience not to be violent in retribution, I guess, right? Here's what I want to announce and say.
Alex Jones (01:42:49.000)
The obvious cause and effect of this is going to be another disturbed but angry, pissed off person is going to go to a drag queen storytime are one of these trans rallies, they have everywhere. And it's gonna shoot a bunch of these people. That is the last thing that needs to happen. And we need to upfront say we do not want that. People are going to want to avenge these dead kids and other Christians. Christians are being targeted. But there's a time to turn the other cheek. And the trans cult minions and Gremlins of the system should not be harmed. They should be arrested if they hurt or hurt children or get caught doing pedophilia or any of that we should pass laws they can't our children. But we do not need anybody to go attack one of these events or attack any transgender person. Let me go further. I'm not calling for violence. But if you want to know who does all this and who created all this, the history of it's on record. Show. I want to target those groups by exposing them and call for legal action against them.
Dan (01:44:09.000)
It's I guess he wants to sue the Tavistock Institute. So what you need to understand is, again, the language the translation of this, Alex recognizes that almost certainly based on the rhetoric that's flying around based on the way that people are exploiting this to ramp up transphobia somebody is going to do something violent. And Alex knows that and he's trying to get ahead of it pre emptive
Jordan (01:44:39.000)
damage control.
Dan (01:44:40.000)
Yeah, yep. That's all that was sad. Is
Jordan (01:44:42.000)
that mean? It is it is fucked up. You know, it's it's if you do pre emptive damage control, then it kind of implies you know, the damage is your fault.
Dan (01:44:54.000)
Now you're at least you're a part of it.
Jordan (01:44:55.000)
Yep. So I think that's admitting you're the part they were part of the problem.
Dan (01:44:59.000)
Yep, yep. Anyway, Alex thinks that trans people are zombies. And then he does your favorite thing, which is prey on air. Nope. Oh, save a bunch of words that mean the same thing.
Alex Jones (01:45:16.000)
anymore no the enemy as into those engineers, the cultural engineers on the top that are doing all this. And they're the ones that are the enemy. Not when you go to one of these pathetic events, and there is a bunch of zombie looking, crazy people that look like they have been put in a Mutation Chamber, howling and screaming and running around foaming at the mouth. I mean, those are people that we lost to the enemy. Doesn't mean we don't protect the children. I mean, we don't stay far back from but they are just the zombies that fell to the enemy. It is the dark globalist Alchemist of evil and our science of human destruction. That is the fount, the fountain, the heart, that the headwater, the progenitor, the general, the commander, the master, give five more examples Field Marshal, the head honcho the LSA that is running all Oh, we
Dan (01:46:26.000)
made it to three the big cheese
Alex Jones (01:46:30.000)
because the next wage cutting government for suicide on children? Sure, sure. Sure, we're gonna come back with Tucker Carlson predicting it all.
Dan (01:46:40.000)
Out. Tucker Carlson predicted adult Sure. So Alex has a clip of Tucker, supposedly predicting the trans violence was coming. It's so strange how he sees Tucker is saying that and then, you know, the supposedly trans person comes, here's the here's the difficulty, I felt like all the news was covering this, the shooter was trans. And then just before we started recording, I saw an NBC News article, that is a bit of like, there's a little bit of uncertainty about exactly what the identity of the shooter was, well, they're
Jordan (01:47:13.000)
dead, right?
Dan (01:47:15.000)
That's true.
Jordan (01:47:17.000)
So they can't really choose anymore.
Dan (01:47:18.000)
But people who knew the person didn't have any indication that they were trans. They had another name that they went by, and had he him pronouns on one of their social media accounts. And you can make assumptions from there. And I think that maybe it's a fair assumption. Sure. But it called into question some of the definitiveness of it. And so that's up in my head a little bit about, like, what is known and what isn't No, right. Right. And I don't want to take some kind of an assumption.
Jordan (01:47:48.000)
Well, I think what we are doing, though, is exactly what we discussed earlier, and that is talking about this in the context of the damage it's being used to do as opposed to wallowing in the identity or miss identity of shooter, right.
Dan (01:48:04.000)
But here's the reason I even bring it up is because I was using a sentence and I said, a trans person did a shooting, and now I'm like, I'm in my head of like, fair, you know, fair, fair,
Jordan (01:48:14.000)
fair, I get it, I get you.
Dan (01:48:15.000)
But what I'm saying is, Tucker said this shit about trans violence coming, this happens. And now the conclusion is that Tucker called it right, literally every single time I've seen Alex have someone say something was gonna happen, and then it supposedly happens. It's proof that the person who made the prediction is responsible for the event happening. The prediction was predictive programming, like how it was a smoking gun that Fauci said that Trump would face a novel disease in his administration. That was proof that Fauci unleashed COVID Alex interprets things that other media figures and officials say however, works best for him. So much of his show, and the ideas behind it really do just come down to his whims. And I think it's profoundly sad that there are people out there who think that idiots whim is a good barometer for truth. So here's Alex introducing the clip of Tucker. We're not gonna listen to Tucker's actual clip, but here's him introducing it. Alright.
Alex Jones (01:49:06.000)
Let's get back to Tucker Carlson. Here's Tucker Carlson. been criticized last week on March 24. All over Rollingstone you name it. This one's LG BTQ nation. Tucker Carlson is afraid gun toting trans people will start political violence. And then a few days later, three days later, his prophecy comes true. There's Tucker from Friday. And it happens on Monday as part of the report.
Dan (01:49:42.000)
So even just based on that, I don't know if I can say the Tucker was vindicated. This shooting wasn't necessarily political violence is horrible, and it's a tragedy but do we know whose political violence seems like a bit of a leap particularly for when Alex was on air talking about this? All they were doing was trying to disenfranchise trans people will have having their Second Amendment rights. Yeah, that's what that was about. Yeah. That's something that Alec probably shouldn't be in favor. Oh, yeah. You think? Yeah, yeah, you would think, wouldn't you?
Jordan (01:50:10.000)
It is. It is so stupid. What things Tucker says
Dan (01:50:16.000)
that is true, man. He's not gonna have a good time with his indictment.
Jordan (01:50:19.000)
No, no, I doubt it.
Dan (01:50:22.000)
So anyway, Alex tries to pretend that this this this shooting was he has he has a little storyline to
Alex Jones (01:50:30.000)
show Audrey Hale thought that she thought she was a man was being targeted. And there's a manifesto they're trying to keep from us. But we're told we can see on posts she made that it was she was mad at trans phobics. The way you look back at those as you shoot some eight, nine year old children to death is the rifle. So this is a definitely a new thing. I have women who think there are men out doing what the media advertises mass shootings, and we know the copycat effect, that when somebody jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge, they go to post cops there for about a week as a bunch others will start doing it. And it causes like a stampede of lemmings. So now it's kind of out there in the mind of the folks on all these psychotropic drugs and hormones that, well, the way you protest is you just go to a Christian school, you know, in a state that's passing a law that you can't mutilate children surgically. And yeah, you mean like kids with high powered rifle rounds?
Dan (01:51:25.000)
That's sick. That's just sick shit that Alex is engaging in it's, I don't even know, probably doesn't deserve any kind of, you know,
Jordan (01:51:35.000)
I mean, I suppose the only thing to say is you're telling on yourself, but you're not telling on anybody else. That's you. That's your mind.
Dan (01:51:43.000)
Yep. So we heard earlier in this episode, an instance of Alex, really being concerned about an article about himself that Dan freezin the Alex Jones watcher, had no idea but didn't know about. Yeah, turns out, we get a second instance of that, okay.
Jordan (01:52:03.000)
Did you find this
Alex Jones (01:52:04.000)
article because it's about me, but it's illustrative of what's going on. This is all over Twitter all over Facebook without even looking, it's been sent to me like 100 times, not just this article. This article is about the trend. And you read the article. And it says why Jane Fonda is being compared to Alex Jones. After Nashville shooting, and it says Jane Fonda said it's time to start killing Christians because they're trying to restrict abortion. And that's just like Alex Jones saying attack schools. Well, when did I ever Chessy they know the general public doesn't know about Adam Lanza that did the shooting at Sandy Hook. They you hear the word Sandy Hook, like Alex Jones. So now it's all article about just like Alex Jones wants violence. Jane Fonda wants violence what
Dan (01:53:00.000)
what Jane Fonda was on the view a little bit back and she was asked what alternatives there are to protesting after the repeal of Roe v. Wade, and she joked, well, I thought of murder. For some reason, Newsweek ran an article about how idiots on Twitter were saying that if Alex had to pay a billion dollars for his Sandy Hook coverage, then Fonda should have to pay 5 billion for making that joke. It's really strange that this past an editor's desk because it's honestly incoherent. Some people on Twitter were saying that Fonda's comments were quote, directly linked to the deadly mass shooting at an elementary school in Nashville, which I'm not sure makes sense. Nor does it justify an article is the argument now that the shooter in Nashville was motivated by the restriction of access to reproductive care? I'm confused about how this shooting seems to be about a million different things depending on which culture war particular Twitter user is concerned about. Like it's very weird. I don't I can't keep track of all this. Yeah. fonden never said anything about Christians. I was just making that up. And the article even says, quote, Jones did not incite violence with his comments. The point is that Alex is absolutely covering this just because it's about him.
Jordan (01:54:06.000)
Yeah, he should grow up. You would think, yeah,
Dan (01:54:09.000)
you would think this is so stupid.
Jordan (01:54:11.000)
Yeah. Well, I mean, obviously, that what again, he's telling him he's telling himself by saying she said murder Christians, because what he's saying is, the the people who are against abortion are Christians. And if you are not against abortion, you are not a Christian. It's very simple.
Dan (01:54:28.000)
It's interestingly dovetails quite a bit into some more that reveal, oop, all of our stuff I've been reading. That sounds really unsettling. That sounds right. We'll get to that at another time. So Alex talks to Alex Stein, he has him as a guest. And then the third hour starts. And Alex says this, and I said, Good night.
Alex Jones (01:54:51.000)
Well, that was an amazing interview with Alex Stein lashed out on the main topic was Dr. Stella Immanuel Dr. Stella What an amazing one. At a fellow Texan, she was one of the first most outspoken doctors with the different alternative treatments that have saved millions of people. She helped educate President Trump and so many others still Emanuel MDS successful decision where they act to practice the Houston as well as the founder of firepower ministries.
Dan (01:55:19.000)
Yep, Stella Manuel hydroxychloroquine ivermectin Doctor Who thinks that people are fucking demons in their sleep and what have you Yeah, yep,
Jordan (01:55:29.000)
yep. Let's get her out there. Gotta go. Gotta get if we're deep platforming Stein. This is what we got to put on our show right here. This is the stuff that's still common. I listened to
Dan (01:55:41.000)
about a half hour of it and I was just brutal. Baba Baba. Baba Baba. Not good. Yeah, honestly. I mean, look, I as we're recording this, this is something I think is important. You know, this is an event and the response to it, I think is important. It matters. Yeah. But as we're recording this, it feels like the fact that Trump got indicted is hanging over me. The fact that that is in the news makes almost everything feel
Jordan (01:56:12.000)
like, like, but that'll have time. Yeah, there's going to be several years before this indictment becomes a even a trial, you know that then we'll have sentencing then we'll have bla bla bla that will have blah, blah, blah, then we'll have appeals that we'll have appeals out appeals, but
Dan (01:56:32.000)
those things aren't going to cause like a potential drunk freakout. That's good point. That is a good point where the the sort of the drumbeat of a drawn out court case isn't necessarily going to elicit response. The news of it, the news of it will, that's fair. Anyway. I think this sucks. Yeah, obviously. I think Alex is terrible. And I think he doesn't really know anything, and is operating entirely off. In terms of primary sources, it's like weird memories that he has, and memes. Yeah. And it's irresponsible, because there is a direct effect that it has on people. Yeah. You know,
Jordan (01:57:18.000)
I just, I just don't know how long we can keep doing the same shit. I mean, actually, I would say this. We're trying to find out I guess we can't we can't do the same shit forever. So the question then becomes, when does it stop? You know, when does the carousel stop? And why? Yeah, but I'm not worried about why that's the worry. I have.
Dan (01:57:39.000)
No, I don't want to like overblow some kind of compliment towards you or anything. But like, that is an idea that you have about the hotline thing. Yeah, that is it's it gets around the right wingers. reluctance to do literally anything about guns. Yeah. I'm not saying that your idea would be like, Yeah, of course not. There. There may be other things like it that like, obviously, gun control is this dead end? Right? Where you're never going to make progress on it, though. Maybe don't stop trying. Sure. You know,
Jordan (01:58:18.000)
I'm trying in a political sensor and an argumentative sensor. And then like, if we can reach across the aisle censor any of that bullshit, get rid of that shit, or done? Or maybe
Dan (01:58:26.000)
keep some of that up where it's appropriate. But also, maybe there are other things that can be implemented in places that are creative outside of the box solutions. Yeah, maybe there's a there's an impact that can be made from that. And so maybe trying the same thing isn't always trying the same thing. There are, there are other things that can be tried in concert, right, with right
Jordan (01:58:48.000)
thing. I think I think I'm more I'm more thinking this. Alright. The solutions to these problems are going to be bottom up. We're not going to get top down solutions from this.
Dan (01:58:57.000)
Yeah. And even the ones that are top down are probably going to be caused by the bottom, either demanding or something coming. Some sort of pressure coming from the bottom up. Yep. I think I would agree with that.
Jordan (01:59:13.000)
So I think that's I think that's where we're at where it's like, if you want to do something, now's the time. You should do something positive.
Dan (01:59:22.000)
I'm gonna start the hotline.
Jordan (01:59:24.000)
I should I mean, honestly, I think the problem is I'm not the person to
Dan (01:59:28.000)
talk to. That's true.
Jordan (01:59:29.000)
I'm very much not the person to talk to. Yeah, because my first thought is like, well, your angers going into the wrong place. And then we're in a different conversation. Yeah, I don't want that one. No. So if somebody else would like to start the hotline, I will make a donation to get it off the ground. I think we should all make a donation to get it out. I don't know if it is possible, but you know, I'll do more buttons I've eat I mean, you know what I'm saying? Like it is a situation where we got to stop arguing or doing anything like that and start thinking of in new ways to tackle this.
Dan (01:59:59.000)
I don't I don't think that's a negative at all. No, I don't I don't think that's a I think that it has a maybe a slight appearance of defeatism but it also has hopefulness. Yeah, like and, and a productive place that energies can be channeled. Yeah,
Jordan (02:00:16.000)
I mean, it's not doom to be like, well, this shit doesn't work. Let's try something different.
Dan (02:00:21.000)
Yeah. Yep, yep. So fuck Alex is a real big piece of shit. Yes sucks
Dan (02:00:29.000)
real big piece of shit and we'll be back on Monday to see how he died indeed we will tell them we have a website indeed we do its knowledge We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight. Yep, back but until then I'm Neil Neil. I'm DCX Clark can be a bit uproot. Boop btw. Oh, you know what? And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (02:00:50.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:54.000)
So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.