Transcript/773: February 2, 2023

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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red Alert knowledge five Damn, Jordan I'm sweating knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge. Knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys shank me or the bad guy knowledge Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and pansy can do your shopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas and he started to pray and the Kansas surely replace Roland was huge fan. I love your world knowledge by knowledge I love you.
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Everybody would like and I was reading a couple dudes like sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh,
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
indeed. We are Dan Jordan damp. Jordan, I have a quick question for sure. What is your bright spot today? My bright
Dan (00:01:13.000)
spot man is learning new things, learning new things. Yeah. So after our last episode, I should just come to light. I've realized some stuff. I think that every cat owner understands this. Yeah. That you'll often be asleep. Or wake up and your cat is sitting there staring. They've got it. Yeah. And that's happened to me a million, of course. But after we had the last episode, I was laying in bed was taking a nap. And I woke up and Celine was staring at me. And I never would have noticed this before. But she had a jar of honey mustard.
Marty Robbins (00:01:51.000)
I never would have noticed she was waiting to eat. Anyway
Dan (00:02:02.000)
what's your bread spot?
Jordan (00:02:07.000)
Yeah, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. My Bride spot is
Dan (00:02:13.000)
appreciate that. She wasn't a hack. And she didn't go with Barbie. No. Well,
Jordan (00:02:16.000)
I mean, frankly, the first thing I thought was you're gonna eat him without Grey Poupon. You're
Dan (00:02:20.000)
a Grey Poupon, man. Yeah. deli mustard.
Jordan (00:02:24.000)
You want to get a good saturated tasting? Yeah, yeah.
Dan (00:02:27.000)
But she doesn't like the bitter and tart.
Jordan (00:02:30.000)
No, and I understand. I understand. She doesn't know that you don't eat meat on the bone.
Dan (00:02:37.000)
So again, I ask you
Jordan (00:02:41.000)
is my wife and I watched the show conch on Earth, which is a British mockumentary type show. It's a it's a comedian. She comes? Yeah, well, she's playing the role of your your, what's his documentarian David Attenborough? Yes, he she's playing the role of your Attenborough. And she does what I think is the comedy version of close up magic. Okay, which is that comedy interview where you get a hopelessly earnest, brilliant, intellectual, some sort of like professor who spent their entire life studying something and cares so much about it. And then you act like a real
Dan (00:03:22.000)
fool to them. Sort of like an Ali G situation,
Jordan (00:03:25.000)
hopefully, yeah, it's 100%. Like, let me ask you the dumbest questions that you have to both consider. Hate me for, and then try and answer because you're on TV. You know, like, that's close up magic to me. Sure. Yeah, I
Dan (00:03:38.000)
could see that. Yeah. And it's on air
Jordan (00:03:41.000)
on Earth on Earth. And it is it is very much like that. A little bit of Monty Python kind of style of, here's the way that you say this about the earth. And we'll say it in a dumber way and then do a silly walk. Exactly. 100% of silly walk. Oh, totally. Yes. All
Dan (00:03:59.000)
British humor. Look, I'm sorry, to our while. You say it all. It's all based on silly walking. That's all I've watched everything. Yeah, I've watched Fawlty Towers. Yeah, I've watched the Black Adder. Yep, watched all of Rowan Atkinson's work out.
Jordan (00:04:14.000)
I mean, it's delightful delightful in totality. Mostly funny
Dan (00:04:19.000)
won't stand up does not hold up. Mr. B
Jordan (00:04:26.000)
if we start going back through the list of stand up that holds up
Dan (00:04:32.000)
trust or be canceled. Oh,
Jordan (00:04:37.000)
bad. I loved when Mr. Bean came out in that all leather red suit. And did what was Mr. Beans raw? That's what a
Dan (00:04:46.000)
lot less than that if you don't take in beans raw. It's not good. Not a good egg cooked.
Jordan (00:04:53.000)
Anyways, what's your bright spot?
Dan (00:04:57.000)
So Jordan today we have an episode to go over Uh huh. We're gonna be talking about February 2 2023, which is today a zoom recording two, three. That's right. Can you 223? Yeah, we're recording a little bit late. So please mind the neighbors. I will do my best. But yeah, we're recording this late, because we wanted to get this turned around because we wanted to get a response from Alex to the new major report, five part series in the SPLC. Yes, about Alex's text messages, right? And unfortunately, or fortunately, Yeah, Alex doesn't even mention them. But we're gonna listen to his show anyway.
Jordan (00:05:34.000)
Oh, my God. I mean, of all the things I almost I knew that was going to happen, but it's my favorite results. Yeah, it's
Dan (00:05:41.000)
a strange thing. He also was going to do a six o'clock broadcast, or a show in the evening, which just impossible to turn around. We just can't. So it's possible, because he was going to take a lot of calls on that. So maybe someone would have brought it up. And so we'll check back in on my neck. But as for now, it's just a weird show. Yeah, we're gonna get down to business on that here in a moment. But before we do, let's take a little moment to say hello to some new ones.
Jordan (00:06:08.000)
That's a great idea.
Dan (00:06:08.000)
Thank you. Next, unbelievably, this podcast helps my anxiety. So thank you very much, Dan. And Jordan, thank you so much on our policy won't. I'm a policy.
Jordan (00:06:16.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:18.000)
Next, thank you so much. You are now policy wonk, thank you so much. You're now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:21.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so
Jordan (00:06:23.000)
much. You're now a policy wonk next, the
Dan (00:06:25.000)
big guy Ryback little buddy, no, thank you so much. You're an hour policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:29.000)
I'm a policy won't thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:32.000)
Next, see no bites supplement salesman. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:36.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:38.000)
And in your mRNA melting your jeans. Thank you so much. You are now ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:43.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:45.000)
And we gotta take the great to the mix. Jordan Zoo. Trans rights are human rights. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:06:51.000)
I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies. I might quit tomorrow. Actually. I'm just gonna take a little break now. A little breaky for me. And then we're going to come back. And I'm gonna start the show over, but I'm the liberal.
Alex Jones (00:07:13.000)
Fuck you. Fuck you. I got plenty of words for you. But at the end of the day, Fuck you and your new world order. And fuck the horse she wrote in on and all your shit. Maybe today should have been less broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow. And you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again. I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomorrow.
Dan (00:07:46.000)
He's not nor shall he ever be. I doubt it. So I think one of the big takeaways that people had from these texts that came out because we got to talk about this a little bit is the idea that he asked for a sucky. That's it? I think that that would not be it's kind of gross. I think a lot of people took that as gross. Sure. But it would not really matter except for the brake ease and stack ease. Like it seems like just something he does it is Do you know what strange, infantilizing of language
Jordan (00:08:19.000)
I mean, it is borderline Australian. I don't know if you've I don't know if you've here heard Australian people shorten words. But it's always a shorter version of if you have a knife. It's a knife he like that's just the way it works. In Australia. We have a lot
Dan (00:08:31.000)
of Australian listeners. They would not pronounced cuaca.
Jordan (00:08:35.000)
They will all confirm that Australians add ie to the end of a lot of words for fun. Oh,
Dan (00:08:43.000)
all right. This is a thing sound off New South Wales. IB off.
Jordan (00:08:48.000)
It's a weird. That's a nice thing. This is a Yeah.
Dan (00:08:51.000)
So I have written some prepared thoughts about this. Yes. Because your prepared statement? Yeah. So something that's an element of my current life that I could never have predicted me or five years ago is that I'm frequently in a position where I know a lot more than I can reveal. I feel privileged that I've achieved some kind of a place in this world. And I always go out of my way to respect privacy and non disclosure. For example, I flew to Austin to sit in on the Alex and Daria depositions in early December 2021. And no one other than a few private friends knew that happened. It delayed January 2022. When we covered it on the depositions on the podcast wherever they were released, driving friends, and then me too sure, yeah, businesses. For two months, we gave no indication that I'd taken a trip across the country and was in the same room as Alex himself. At that time, I knew that Daria had said that spreading conspiracies that Sandy Hook victims are still alive might be a generous act and could provide the parents with some hope. I knew that you can't imagine how hard it was for me not to talk about
Jordan (00:09:58.000)
didn't even tell that to me in private and that That would have made us giggle for
Dan (00:10:01.000)
a turn and it's so relevant to stuff. It seems like so much. And, you know, still you didn't I say all this as an intro to explaining that I've known this SPLC article was gonna come out for past couple months. Yeah, I'd wrestled with how it was gonna address this when it did come out. And I feel like the only way to navigate this is to be as transparent as I can be, and give some sincere opinions. I've also reviewed all the texts, and I have a lot of thoughts about them, which we can start to get into now a little bit. When I first reviewed them, which I did as a part of my role as the consulting expert in the Heslin Lewis case, it really hurt. I approached the prospect of this level of access to Insight information to be a gold mine and I reveled in what I might learn about this con man that I've studied for years. And I would be lying if I said that there wasn't some level of giddiness. In me as I look, oh, my God. Yeah, as I read through them, so much of it is pretty personal stuff, and it really fucking bummed me out. For one, it validated a portrait of Alex that it's pretty obvious if you listen to his show critically at all. And it was a little deflating to realize that he's basically as much of a mope as he seems to be. But even beyond that, there's some real pathos and complicated feelings that come up when you peek into the inner workings of a monster's life. And that's the work for biographers, which I'm not at this point, not yet. After reviewing the text, it became difficult for me to do my normal work for a bit. I've always tried to make an exercise of practicing abstract empathy for Alex in as much as it's important to recognize his personhood.
Jordan (00:11:34.000)
And I would add radical abstract says, I'll give you that when
Dan (00:11:40.000)
I tried to respect and understand that he is a person as opposed to like some supervillain mastermind, seeing the personhood laid bare in a context where Alex felt a reasonable expectation of privacy was a little bit complicated. Yeah, the feelings of I'm not gonna get into specifics or details. Sure. Nor could I really, at this point, even from memory, but when I was reviewing the texts, these are some of the emotions that I had. Yeah. That said, there are some pretty newsworthy things in this tranche of texts, just probably not the things that the public expects are going to be rare. There's a certain hype surrounding the specter of Alex's mysterious revealed text, like people think the Deathstar blueprint is going to be in there. And they're going to be disappointed if they think that
Jordan (00:12:20.000)
oh, he was behind January 6, the whole time. Sorry, this
Dan (00:12:23.000)
is good news all over the place of Scooby Doo. However, there are things that I'm excited to be able to talk about, because they do directly intersect with our work. As a courtesy to everyone involved. I'm not going to talk about any of those things until the SPLC does or until their series is over, because I do think that they're going to get to them in later installments. So full disclosure, I was initially involved in that project as a third party along with Michael and Megan, yes, I was approached under the understanding that the project would not be about Alex's personal life, and would focus on some of the more important Though admittedly less attention grabbing aspects of information in the texts. Over the course of my time working on the project, it didn't feel like this was the direction that things were going, and I decided to quit on January 4. There are many aspects of this that I'm not going to discuss and will remain private. But I ultimately didn't feel like this was something I cannot disclose right in good conscience. Of course, this is a gigantic story about Alex Jones, the person who I've studied and commented on for the past six years, so ignoring it doesn't feel like an option, and covering it well, not revealing my involvement also feels like it would be lying to the audience, even if only by omission. on a fundamental level, my disagreement with the piece was that it as it was planned, which is reflected in the form it's been released, and is the rumination on Alex's private life in ways that I don't feel are productive, or even at times are self defeating. I'd like to go through a couple of these dynamics in detail to explain my Yeah, of course, one of the topics that's covered in great detail in the article is the subject of Alex's marriage and the rockiness that the texts imply, no matter what you do, you will never get an accurate picture of someone's personal relationship with someone they're in an intimate relationship with from an incomplete series of text messages. And it's my feeling that you shouldn't try. I'm not saying that the stuff in there should just be ignored, because there's clear indications that Alex seems to be engaging in really destructive behavior, like what appears to be stalking, and that's a serious matter. I just don't know if it's a matter of primary importance to a piece about him and it'd be more relevant to law enforcement, quite frankly, than the reading audience. There's another issue that the dipping into this territory introduces and that's a matter of completeness, I can see that the picture that's painted in the article is fair in as much as it reflects the texts. But it also doesn't include a ton of other context from texts. There's a selectiveness to what's being covered, which is always going to be an angle for possible criticism by someone like Alex when you're addressing his personal life. Right Case in point the SPLC article, it says that Alex's wife mentions that they Should get divorced six times and the text which is true, but the texts also include Alex saying that multiple times himself, when you introduce the notion that she wanted a divorce at times, it becomes an omission to not also mention that he did. They have a chaotic rocky relationship that much is true for sure based on the picture you get. But they also send each other sweet messages and have clearly inside jokes that none of us could possibly understand. It was my personal opinion that it's possible to understand and recognize that Alex is most likely a very abusive asshole. And also think that it's really shitty to publish messages where the only news value is to demonstrate that a married couple are probably cheating on each other and have fights. The second matter is the alcoholism. This is an interesting question, because it straddles the line between things that are already pretty public and things that are really sad and private. Alex is already very obviously a person who struggles with drinking, he said as much on air, he's been on air very drunk way more than once. He's claimed that he was drunk on air when he defamed Sandy Hook families, and that video surveillance of him drinking at the office was leaked a few months back. I think that this is a case where it does seem relevant that Alex is having people fetch him vodka during the time when he's on air, often before noon. But here's the twist. I checked the shows from the days where in the texts where he's requesting booze, he seems totally normal. Those aren't days where he was clearly drunk or having huge outbursts on air. And I thought that was pretty weird. I thought, like, for sure. Here's where we find a drunk episode was probably drunk, but he was just maintaining or whatever they you
Jordan (00:16:35.000)
wouldn't also have that, like, if you had a text on a day, you think that the day was important. So you might add the cross reference, you know, whatever,
Dan (00:16:42.000)
but nothing happened on the show. See, he's drunk, but he's drunk in the way like maybe someone who just needs to fix his context might work. I feel like the conversation about his arrest for driving impaired and the way that alcohol intersects with what he puts out into the world is totally fine. And some of the texts really do help illustrate that. The problem is that this problem with alcohol extends into his personal life. So if you're covering his personal life, it's pretty difficult to disaggregate that from the conversation. I don't know how to do this. And I don't necessarily think the argument cold does a terrible job. But at times, it's it's hard not to feel like you're wallowing in Alex's misery, and I don't know if that's necessary. It made me feel uncomfortable. The last thing I want to touch on is the pornography section, which was the reason I left the project. It was an impasse that we couldn't get around and I felt that I couldn't be involved. Alex sending his wife porn links while being a public opponent of porn is pretty hypocritical. But there's also nothing wrong with sending your spouse links to porno that they're clearly fine with receiving. The problem is the on show message and the illustration that the messenger doesn't live up to the prescription his message is sending doesn't help make that point. The fomenting conspiracies about pornography and demonizing sex workers is the problem sending porn privately is not by connecting these two things and making a critique that appears to hinge on that hypocrisy. It does seem to imply that if Alex didn't send his wife porn, he'd be in good standing to make the arguments that he does. And I don't buy into that. I can understand critiques that this is newsworthy, and I disagree, but we can agree to disagree on this. On the other hand, the rest of that section is unacceptable for me. The final paragraph is a clear attempt to imply that Alex is bisexual or has bisexual leanings. For anyone who hasn't read the article. I will just read you that paragraph. Quote, the text hate watch reviewed further reinforced the likelihood that the Infowars host demonstrates different views on sexuality in his personal life than he professes on his notoriously bigoted show. In addition to viewing pornographic material involving group sex, his wife is sending Jones a picture of a black man's erection in the texts. There are no women in the photo. Jones and his wife also exchanged messages expressing favorable view of views about bisexuality. On February 1 2020, Erica wolf Jones texts her husband up by it was and is my opinion that the source material doesn't justify this coverage, view and group sex related porno doesn't update your sexuality at all. And the texts referenced by the about him and his wife could easily be inside jokes. Sending a picture of a dick doesn't mean anything and they fight so much that discerning the context is impossible, as his wife does say up by but who knows what that means. And it comes in response to Alex telling her you be Hoh. The language and the up construction makes me strongly suspect that this is an inside joke between married people. Further context from the text supports this as another point. His wife says I'm a bisexual elf followed by an emoji that looks like a superhero with a mask. She's clearly not saying this sincerely since she's responding to Alex texting an article from daily wire about Mark Ronson identifying as a POC She will she is
Jordan (00:20:00.000)
also not an elf. No, that is confirmed as of press time.
Dan (00:20:04.000)
Yes, they're making fun of Mark Robinson's identity. And I wouldn't be too surprised if the UB by has something similar to it. But from the material that exists, you can't possibly know the context of any of this. It's my belief that this kind of coverage is not just sloppy, it's also dangerous. At best, you could say that the article is trying to plant a seed that while Alex is anti LGBTQ on air, he's bisexual off air. This again runs into the problem that I mentioned earlier, where being bisexual is completely fine. And his on air positions aren't made any better or worse, based on his attractions. I don't know what Alex's sexuality is or what he's into. And to be perfectly honest, I don't care. That's his business. And I don't think I understand it any better from having reviewed the texts, I have a very strongly held belief that this doesn't need to be in the article nor any piece that's meant to be critical of Alex, if you're producing something that is critical of Alex, the best case scenario that you could be hoping for is to inform people about him. And that new awareness diminishes their respect for him. If you're going to get anyone who likes Alex to have second thoughts about him based on this, you're not actually helping, you're getting them to direct their homophobia at Alex. In addition to everyone else, you're also not informing non Infowars supporting people because this argument is based on such flimsy evidence that it doesn't support its own weight, you're liable to get people jumping to the assumption that Alex is secretly gay or bi. And you run to the you run the risk of feeding into the trope that homophobes are just secretly angry about themselves being gay. In the process, you weaken the actual criticism of Alex's rhetoric, which doesn't need to touch on his personal life to demolish and to have a strong critique of people can have different feelings about my perspective on that. But we do need to stress that the basis for this paragraphs inclusion in the article is not solid. And I understand that the article didn't actually claim that Alex was by but I think everyone here is an adult, and we recognize the clear implication, and people on Twitter certainly did. And in the comment section of articles about this, you can get the sense. Here's just a couple of you can find very easily on media Eitz article about this. The frogs turned me by Alex Jones. Alex Jones was Alex Jones. Being in two black guys wasn't on my 2023 Bingo card, and a ton of variations of that same joke. When's Jones gonna elope with Santos? People got the message. This problem is clearly never was never going to be manageable because the second installment of this article includes Jacob Engels, who's a proud boy who is an associate of Roger stones, and he is unnecessarily identified as a gay man three times in the article, presumably to justify this paragraph, quote, angles addressed revelations about Alex Jones his personal life that appeared in part one of this series saying, quote, I don't think there's anything wrong with being a red blooded American male. That's what Alex is about how he navigates the far right as a gay man angles said, quote, I try to live my life very quietly when it comes to my sexuality. I tried to keep that to myself, and not hoist that upon others. I they were able to reach angles and get common from them. And presumably one of the questions they asked him was about Alex's sexuality, which is a strong indication about the interest and the direction of that coverage. Again, this question was being posed to angles. It's predicated on some porn licks, links, a picture of a dick and almost certainly a joke between Alex and his wife. So I wanted to I know maybe that was too much, but Oh, not at all. I wanted to again, you
Jordan (00:23:35.000)
know, my favorite, you is righteously angry. Remember the Greenwald episode? Nah, yeah. I like a good speech.
Dan (00:23:43.000)
I don't want to, you know, shit too much on things. But I know that there are just questions. You know, there is this exists. This was released. Obviously, there's a bunch of people who've tweeted at me and sent me messages, people saying, I hope they consulted Dan on this. There's going to be that question asked, and so I feel like it'd be lying for me to say no, I didn't I wasn't involved at all right. And so I say, yes. Why aren't you on the article? That introduces that new question. And so I quit. That is the answer to that. Why did you quit? Right? And I wanted to be as transparent as possible without, you know, impugning people at the SPLC or being like, Oh, this is all fucking bullshit. Absolutely. Like that is a that is an impasse. For me. That was something that we did not see eye to eye on. I still definitely don't think was appropriate. I was not really involved in the second article. Maybe a tiny bit. I wasn't I wasn't around when drafts of that were writing. Right. So I my involvement sort of ended with and I do have the utmost faith that they are going to cover more relevant things and more substantial things that aren't just his personal life check in later installments. But I wrestled and struggled with, do I take my name off the first one and then try to stay involved in the other ones? Right? What message does that send? Right? Can I still be involved? And sort of extricate myself? And I felt like I couldn't. I felt like I couldn't get around that. Yeah. And I also felt like it would be something that would, the audience, maybe quite rightly, would have concerns about me being someone who has been fairly against covering Alex's Personal life In the past, we do our best to avoid unnecessarily bringing up stuff that is kind of like add it's not not. Yeah, it's, I felt like the audience might feel betrayed by that. And I think that would be fair of them to feel. Yeah. And so I don't know, this is tough.
Jordan (00:26:02.000)
No, no, no, I understand. I mean, I realize I think that people would be interested in my feelings about it. I will, I will say this. All right, if if Michael would like to know further thoughts, that'd be great. We can talk. Otherwise, I think all I have to say and the only important thing to me. Like when I go through all of the different thoughts that I've had, I was
Dan (00:26:29.000)
hoping your joke was gonna be I asked my wife for a sucking attention.
Jordan (00:26:35.000)
But I mean, if you want to talk about that, if you've ever texted your wife like I want to have sex and then you're judging him for that then go fuck yourself. But but but baba, baba, baba, baba, whatever, I'm not gonna get it. I'm not gonna get into this
Dan (00:26:46.000)
certain I've said, so. I'm not gonna
Jordan (00:26:49.000)
get into it. Right. Because? Because for all the things that I could say, the meaningful thing that occurred was you left the project. Right. So I have to do that. I really don't feel like one we have any involvement or any responsibility to respond? Yeah, not really. I think the response was you left and I think that says everything you need to know. Well, and
Dan (00:27:12.000)
the stuff that like I think is definitely more relevant to our show, and we'll have more conversation on the show will be in the later articles. Yeah, sure that they have. And so who cares? discuss those things as it relates, then. But for now, there's not a whole lot related to his personal life that I feel is relevant. Yep. And I think a lot of the stuff in the second article is stuff we already have covered. I don't know if the texts necessarily bring much to light on that. Yeah. And quite frankly, a big portion of the second article is pieces of a transcript of that. Gavin McInnes show. Yeah.
Jordan (00:27:51.000)
The one we covered extensively.
Dan (00:27:53.000)
Yeah, we we already.
Jordan (00:27:54.000)
We already got that one. Good work.
Dan (00:27:56.000)
So great job anyway. Yeah. I kind of thought Alex would respond to this because he's petty. Yeah, but
Jordan (00:28:04.000)
it's the SPLC. Right. Come on. It's the SPLC.
Dan (00:28:09.000)
So they released the first part after he would have been unfair on would that be Wednesday? So there wasn't any time for him to respond. There wasn't a special report up on banned odd videos. Yeah. I don't know if he yelled into the woods. I did not get a recording of that. I don't know. But yeah, so I thought that the second Thursday show would be the first opportunity we really have Right, right. And boy, it's disappointing but it's still a show it's a pointing for other reasons. Because it's not a terrible episode for us to talk about your state just there isn't any of this
Jordan (00:28:45.000)
what what an us circumstance to arise
Dan (00:28:49.000)
so here is an out of context drop from today's show.
Alex Jones (00:28:52.000)
A lot of leftists like Sean Penn and others are calling for nuclear war like it's funny. Don't you love that suddenly the biggest leftist anti war anti US military people that want a nuclear war? They're they're idiots.
Caller 3 (773) (00:29:02.000)
And Spicoli
Alex Jones (00:29:05.000)
God bless you. Thanks for the call.
Jordan (00:29:09.000)
What do you got it Oh,
Dan (00:29:11.000)
classics, but totally wanting nuclear war. Love it.
Jordan (00:29:15.000)
That's That's why you can't be that's why you just can't move. You get transitioned from backlog to whatever you can't you're just because you're Spicoli book goalie, Colet. Goodbye.
Dan (00:29:25.000)
So, the first hour of the show is fairly boring, anti trans, naturally, agitation and what have you. So we're gonna jump in in the second hour. Right? And I was pretty shocked by this in the second hour. There's Greg Reese report. And I often ignore these because his voice is droning, and his work is subpar. But this is like legit shocking.
Greg Reese (00:29:53.000)
Many Americans refused to recognize the endless crimes against humanity being committed by our own Government, and so by default, they blindly support it. Even when the American government is caught funding bio weapons labs around the Russian border, many Americans turn a blind eye. And so now the majority of the world stands with Russia and see America as the main threat against humanity. A new video produced by Russia's Wagner private military is now recruiting Americans to join them in their fight against the United States, pointing out how the United States has become a force of evil, and is no longer what our forefathers intended it to be.
Announcer (00:30:38.000)
You were a hero to your country, giving your best years in the Army. You dreamed of defeating evil. You're trying to make America great again.
Announcer (00:30:50.000)
Holy shit.
Jordan (00:30:51.000)
Dan. Dan. Dan. Yeah, did Greg Reese just make it a Russian army recruitment video for American people?
Dan (00:30:58.000)
Well, it's even worse than that. Because the wagon, the Wagner group, Wagner group. Yeah, they are not the Russian military. They're a private.
Jordan (00:31:05.000)
They're just an army army. Yeah, the Wagner group, the literal Wagner, Wagner Wagner group.
Dan (00:31:12.000)
It's kind of strange for someone in Alex's position or Infowars staffs position where they've spent so much time screaming about the Azov battalion to now be playing a recruitment ad in a pretty complimentary and agreeing light. For the Wagner group. That's strange.
Jordan (00:31:31.000)
That is truly a a new twist on Starship Troopers. You know, you know, those recruitment videos? Like the bugs are killing us all. What if you were in fucking Buenos Aires listening to somebody be like, Dude, you got to join those bugs? Did you see that brain bug? That brain bug is revealing that we're not the humans we used to be? We're just shitty brain bugs.
Dan (00:31:54.000)
Let me play you this bug.
Jordan (00:31:55.000)
I know. It's a bug add. Sorry, neighbors.
Dan (00:32:00.000)
See, this is great that we've gotten to the point where you can neighbors myself as
Jordan (00:32:03.000)
myself. I've finally grown six years later.
Dan (00:32:07.000)
Yeah, I thought this was I mean, obviously, they're always pretty supportive of Russia and Putin, but like, yeah, sure, sure. This is another level. I also it needs to be said I couldn't find direct confirmation that this ad actually was made by the Wagner group, right. But there are people experts have said like, this seems like something they would make. Yeah, but there wasn't authentication as of the time that I was looking into it.
Jordan (00:32:31.000)
What's fascinating about that, is that even if it was fake, the moment Greg Reese included it in a real ad to join the military. It is now a real ad to join the military.
Dan (00:32:43.000)
Well, yeah, that's the power regardless of the authenticity of the video itself. Prior resists message is the same, the same and that's real. Yeah. So anyway, you please the AED
Jordan (00:32:53.000)
and then that's a long way to go from support Putin for being as male chauvinist, you should probably die in a country you've never been to
Dan (00:33:00.000)
before fighting side by side. Adjacent militia. Yeah, join the Nazis. So anyway, here they play the whole report, here's the end of it. And Alex's take,
Announcer (00:33:11.000)
again, to realize that this is this is not the American founding fathers dream has become the focus of the evil that is destroying the whole world. And today is Russia.
Jordan (00:33:32.000)
Now that I've heard the song, I do kind of want to join Nazis.
Announcer (00:33:39.000)
Future of Great America, join the ranks of the warriors of Russia helped defeat evil. Oh, it will be too late. For everyone who's
Jordan (00:33:47.000)
also a car commercial, they realize that right?
Greg Reese (00:33:53.000)
If Americans were as righteous as we think we are, then we would not stand for such a corrupt government wreaking havoc on the rest of the world in our name. Instead, most of us are content fighting each other and turning a blind eye reporting for Info Wars. This is Greg Reese.
Alex Jones (00:34:12.000)
Well as a powerful report. We're gonna be getting to that when we come back, ladies and gentlemen.
Dan (00:34:21.000)
I'm not sure he ever does really get back to it. But I don't know what's powerful about that. It's it's really even bizarre if you tried to track the thought, like Greg Reese, I guess if he wants to make a video about how like our government is complicit in a lot of really horrible things, right. Fair enough. Sure. And maybe there is some ways that you can withdraw support. Like there are people who are conscientious objectors to war, whenever there's a draft, there are people who are principled tax protesters who, you know, make a point of refusing to pay taxes because it goes to funding the war machines or what have you. Yeah, there are people like that. And he could he could, you know, express some of that sentiment Sure. Doesn't make sense to include the Wagner group. That even that seems like a far bridge. It's,
Jordan (00:35:14.000)
I mean, What's odd about it? What's odd about it is I kind of think that that would be if you transcribed it wouldn't be too much different from a pamphlet for the Bolshevik Revolution. Like, it's legitimately like, Hey, come on. Now. Let's go help Russia solve its problems? Wow,
Dan (00:35:33.000)
I don't think that there is much hope of recruitment, like direct, although I would have probably said that about the Taliban too. And they seem to have gotten some folks. But like, I think that there's just a demotivating desire in this.
Jordan (00:35:50.000)
I mean, it's fucked up,
Dan (00:35:52.000)
you know, weird choice on Greg's part, right here choice on Alex's part, right?
Jordan (00:35:56.000)
I can see, I can see. Why do people call me a Russian agent, many of the people who formed the foreign battalion in Ukraine, you know, like, like the French Foreign Legion, if you will, back in the day, although not a fan of them. I get that, because they feel like they are fighting for a cause worth dying for. What I don't get is the idea that you would go join the Nazis because Greg Reese told you it was a good idea. Well, he doesn't even
Dan (00:36:26.000)
connections, right, right. Hey, that
Jordan (00:36:29.000)
one? If you do that, that's you're going to do whatever you want no matter what, that has nothing to do with Gregory. So ultimately, I feel Yeah.
Dan (00:36:37.000)
So Alex has a obviously a little bit more trans attacking panic issue and LGBTQ anti sentiment, just in general.
Jordan (00:36:47.000)
In some ways, maybe he is responding to the
Dan (00:36:49.000)
No, he's mad about a video from a North Carolina school where a non binary teacher was speaking to preschool students. Yeah, with a puppet. That was a non binary puppet. Sure. And the kids seem to understand the concept. Right? And this is infuriating to Alex. Oh, of course.
Jordan (00:37:10.000)
So this even a child can understand this thing that blows my brain up?
Dan (00:37:14.000)
Well, no, because they only understand it because they've been brainwashed you There we
Jordan (00:37:17.000)
go. As opposed to I can't understand it because I've been brainwashed. Ah,
Dan (00:37:21.000)
so that'll come up later, but it doesn't form some of Alex's basically he's still on the purple penguins shit. Sounds right. And you
Alex Jones (00:37:29.000)
can't say you're a mother or father. You can't say you're a boy or girl. You can't on literature in Canada and in the UK in many other countries, shame mother or father on the first grade entrance form. You don't have rights to say you're a man or woman but everything else has a right computers have rights robots have rights. clones have rights replicants have rights. But remember, it's all controlled by the globalist by the next day. Your phone calls or a few minutes went right to you after break gone right to call strong disagree.
Jordan (00:37:57.000)
Of all the things that replicants have rights is not one of them. Now clones, I don't know if we have clones here we have replicant but, obviously, have you never done the test? Oh shit, I've never done the Harrison Ford test with you to do it. I forgot the test. I know. Support was replicated. Let's
Dan (00:38:19.000)
so yeah, purple pen wouldn't ship. Sure. But then also just we're gonna get to calls. Yeah, that's laying the lamb table, right? So we're not going to get to calls. I need other people to hate trans people to write and I would like them to throw out some bullshit that I can respond. Let me riff a little bit. But we're not gonna get to calls because Alex gets preoccupied with how, like, we've got to support small businesses. Okay, and well, because big businesses are controlled by the globalist
Alex Jones (00:38:46.000)
I like big box stores. I like fancy hotels. You know, I like flying first class on airplane. But at the end of the day, all of those big corporate things are predatory and are controlled by the globalist and are there to target humanity. And so I am really now when I travel or go places, I try to go to the small place the little place, the privately on place, I try to go always go to small restaurants. I never, never go to big chains anymore, unless I'm at an airport and have to, because they're owned by globalist ladies and gentlemen. And I'll have friends in town, they go, Hey, I'm staying at the Four Seasons, come down, let's have dinner and I go I'm not going to eat at the Four Seasons. And they say why? I Well, it's owned by Bill Gates. And how do you know that?
Dan (00:39:35.000)
Yeah, man, good for you.
Jordan (00:39:37.000)
I mean, I'm tempted to say however you get there. Sure. You know, I feel the same way. I don't stay at fancy hotels when I travel. I don't eat it big restaurants whenever I travel. I can't afford it.
Dan (00:39:48.000)
That's not mean it wasn't a fancy hotel, but we'd stayed at a chain when we were in Austin. Last time I know you were in a hotel.
Jordan (00:39:58.000)
I mean, I said
Dan (00:39:59.000)
It wasn't super fancy, but it wasn't corporate. It was corporate trip. Yeah, I mean, I agree, though, like, in terms of like, okay, well, you're supporting small business good for you. But you're probably gonna support the Wagner group of small businesses. It's kind of you know, what they're angry about. You're supporting small businesses,
Jordan (00:40:17.000)
like, you know, hey, like, if you're ordering food, and the place you're ordering from has their own website, and you can order from there. And you order from there, they get like, 40% more out of your order than if you order through GrubHub. So do that if you can, right, that makes perfect sense. I'm with you. Not because GrubHub or the globalists working with the devil?
Dan (00:40:38.000)
Counterpoint. Yeah. GrubHub are the globalist in the working for the devil. Wow, you convinced me haha. So it really isn't about small business versus big business the globalist being in charge. Right. Alex wants to return to the earth. That was a split take.
Jordan (00:40:55.000)
Yeah, you got me you got me? No return to the earth. No,
Dan (00:40:59.000)
you got me you spit. Okay. I mean, it was only a little. It was that was a legitimate, um, he wants to get back to the soil. He wants to. He's, he's gonna get back into agriculture. Like his dad.
Alex Jones (00:41:20.000)
My dad's you know, he's, like, 100 cattle out there just for the tax exemption. He's going back into cattle production back into a bunch of other production and he's planting Christmas Tree Farm. They're putting in a bunch of stuff. And my dad knows us the thing to do and we're going back in agriculture, balls, the walls. And because I'm not just gonna sit here and run my mouth about how to do it, and I'm not doing it. I am doing and so it's what you're meant to do. We need to do it, pronto. All right, I'm gonna shut up now. Jones. I'm gonna go to your call, but they're cutting off our damn energy. They're cutting off our food. The answer is buy local food support local farmers. And the Amish and the Mennonites are the light to carry us out of this.
Dan (00:42:07.000)
Okay. I don't think the Amish or Mennonite want anything to do with you.
Jordan (00:42:10.000)
I mean, I will say there's a certain sense of irony for a racist propagandists to suddenly become a sharecropper. That's interesting. There's, there's a certain difference.
Dan (00:42:22.000)
I mean, look, you're only you only have yourself to blame for not going to cause you don't need to be so mad. Andrew, like, I know that there is a perception we talked about this, I think on the last episode or recently, there's a perception about Amish and Mennonite that who really don't think Alex understands now and also not all Mennonites live in rural areas. I think my parents are Mennonites. They lived in Austin. And they now live in Kansas City. They live in the city.
Jordan (00:42:53.000)
I think he's trying I think what he's doing is he's mistaking the popular like, okay, Amish is a seminal synonym for Luddite. You know where somebody who does do shoes technology
Dan (00:43:06.000)
and is a separatist? Yes, exactly. lives in a like self governed enclave. What he what
Jordan (00:43:15.000)
he's really describing are sovereign citizens.
Dan (00:43:19.000)
That's what he wants. To him. Amish and Mennonite is the code for that basically. Right? But he wants he wants the soil. So everyone, everyone's got to get out of the out of the city. How
Jordan (00:43:31.000)
does the city Yeah, naturally,
Alex Jones (00:43:33.000)
that's gonna get very, very mad very, very quickly. Ladies and gentlemen, get out of the cities. Get out of the cities. For those missile rear guards, everybody else. I'll still be in these test pits of crime and homelessness and you get corruption and dry. I'm going to enjoy Benihana place to raise a child, you'll be used to be living in a shack. And if you got to work in town, at the gas station, have a garden and learn how to do it and have a couple of cows and get into it. And be poor. You'll be richer than the richest person living in some high rise hill with 5g flooding your body or at a hibachi I'm ranting Alright, we're going to Chris tuck everybody else Chris in Kentucky. Thanks for holding. You're on the air.
Dan (00:44:13.000)
Now you guys need to go live in a shack and maybe at the great Conroe gas station. Economy is gonna thrive in the circumstance. They're gonna need to create a ton of those jobs for people to be able to live in there. Now, Alex Jones, I'm gonna stay in the city. Fucking millionaire. Really great. Really enjoy my private jet. Oh, maybe I'll gas up at your local gas station with my private jet.
Jordan (00:44:40.000)
I do love a good. I do love a good get out of the cities. I'm gonna stay. Yeah, because they're fucking great. Honestly.
Dan (00:44:47.000)
There's a lot to enjoy as a materialist.
Jordan (00:44:51.000)
There's an Ethiopian restaurant that I'm not going to get in my rural gas station.
Dan (00:44:55.000)
I don't think that's what Alex is concerned with. But some of the other amenities certainly I think he's a fan of you know, I have that drive to get out of the city my show but it's not for conspiracy reasons, right kind of like the woods. Yeah, like nature. That's a little different. That's just I don't know. Yeah. And
Jordan (00:45:13.000)
I'm a city boy I like to I like to listen, I grew up in a small rural town. I've been to that rural gas station. I've worked at a Casey's my man shirt seat has never gone back never gone. This is why this works never gone back city
Dan (00:45:25.000)
and country. Meanwhile, I you know, Columbia, Missouri isn't the smallest town in the world, but a lot of places on the outskirts of it. It's very close to rural communities. Yeah. And I had a lot of friends who lived in places that were much smaller. Yeah. And I yearn for a little bit of that back.
Jordan (00:45:45.000)
Here's what I will say. I will say this to anyone who wants to move out of the city. If you at one point in time, all right, Casey's pizza, which is fairly good, it's not bad. It's not bad. It's not bad. But at their boxes have little coupons on them that you have to cut out of the cardboard, right? And then, if you have 10 of those, you get a free pizza and you put it in a put it in a rubber band. Now, the largest number of those that I have redeemed at one time was 50. Mm. Have you ever eaten 50 pizzas to get five free pizzas? Probably. Yeah. That's your life. That's your life, man. No tariffs forever.
Dan (00:46:28.000)
There's worse fates are worse. Here's what I would say to anybody who wants to get out of the city. It's your prerogative, show who it gives you can pizzas pretty good. Pizza is there for you now bad? Yeah. Anyway, Alex takes this call, and he is a farmer. And he thinks that farmers will need to save the world.
Caller 1 (773) (00:46:47.000)
We as farmers have to realize that we're going to be the people that are going to support our community. When CBD things come along, and people start falling off the system, we need to be prepared, I'm trying to prefer these into these things is the first thing that they're already practicing. It's gonna happen. Get your ducks in order, get prepared to have food or your community. Okay? Try to create a local food system, but it felt the same. And what I mean by that is, get an old press, press and all out of your story thing. You can run your diesel equipment off of it, get some solar panels, get yourself in a position where you can self sustain a system, non GMO seeds that you can say you can replant. Look at corn that is open pollinated not harbored. It's not going to deal with
Alex Jones (00:47:56.000)
I'm gonna come right back to you. And I promise from someone stop raining. Why don't you build a fence your point? Because folks, what happens? It's happening everywhere. We still have the city, everybody's smart, moving back to the country. And you don't have to produce everything yourself. Your neighbors produce one thing, you start trading it, everybody gets better and better everything. And pretty soon you're back to being self sufficient. We got to do it now. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
Dan (00:48:19.000)
Barter Harder, harder. I think I think that that color has some decent, like, advice. If you're interested in trying to be self sustainable. There are ways that you can explore that stuff. And maybe it's uplifting to your life sharing what have you. But
Jordan (00:48:36.000)
it reminds me greatly of when Ken Keyes he got out of jail. He went he moved back to Oregon, where he and and his family and some of the other Merry Pranksters had put together a bit of a bit of a you know, a little compound of their own, if you will, where they tried to be self sustainable. They had cattle, they grew their own food, all of that stuff. And as a great writer, he was very blunt about it being not romantic at all. It is incredibly hard, and it's extremely dangerous if you're inexperienced. And if you do it, it doesn't make you a better person. That's just not how it works. Sure if you're an asshole farmer, when you go into farming, you're gonna be an asshole farmer when you leave farming. Yeah. You know, um,
Dan (00:49:17.000)
yeah, but I think I think that there's one thing I noted about this collar, and I think that anything based out of fear is kind of like it's a dangerous motivation. Yeah. But like, I think that he's closer to a prepper who is based in wanting to help people. Yeah, than a prepper who wants to like, I don't know, scavenge and hunt other preppers for their suppliers. He totally, like there is a prepping that's based on fear and then there's a prepping that's based on being able to help people and survive right. And I think that those are different things. And he sounds like he's closer to the decent side than most people in Alex's sort of world which is
Jordan (00:49:57.000)
also why Ken Kizzy and his group stayed on their little compound because that was their motivation, you know, care taking care of themselves and being self reliant being all of those things their their their motivation was not I'm afraid the government is coming for All
Dan (00:50:14.000)
right, let's get this this be impressed oil and also a billion guns and far
Jordan (00:50:19.000)
more than the rest of them keys he had good reason to believe that the American government was after him because they weren't.
Dan (00:50:27.000)
So he also said that CB D C's are coming. are one of those confused? I have no idea and they don't explore it at all. I think it's central bank digital currency. Okay, I think that's what he meant. That's the only thing I could come up with.
Jordan (00:50:40.000)
So it's like Chase coin, that kind of idea. Yeah,
Dan (00:50:43.000)
well, like getting rid of paper money. That's obviously a pretty big concern and fear. Sure. Yeah. Going back to 2003. Hey, how
Jordan (00:50:50.000)
about that it did the more changes, the more it stays the same? Yep.
Dan (00:50:54.000)
So Alex isn't just wanting to get back to the earth. He also wants to add plants to and
Jordan (00:50:59.000)
Will and his dad already is because he's got a Christmas tree phone? No, no,
Dan (00:51:03.000)
what he plans to do and he is going to do is start a gardening show. Sure.
Jordan (00:51:07.000)
Alex Jones (00:51:09.000)
very, very quickly. And so when I preach this stuff on air, I'm telling myself this, in fact, I'm gonna say this now. I'm going to start doing an off the grid farming emergency show, once a week, I'm committed. I'm already set up to do it. Everything's been ready for months, I've just been so busy dealing with a bunch of other stuff that I have not done the things I truly love. And I'm passionate about because you're gonna hear me telling you, because I'm an idiot compared to my dad, or my grandfather. My mom's dad was still in your red bubble to do all this stuff. But I mean, I just think about the men I knew that are almost all dead. And they could literally do plumbing do electricity to roofing starts with a god great farmers. And they can read your bedtime stories and take care of your sick. And I think about those type of people. And I see what we got today, including myself, and I'm ashamed of what a stupid slob I become, and how I've let myself be positioned in this and how I raised my children in an evil city. Now that said, it's all in hindsight, and my children have done all right. When you know you're wrong, turns out no big deal. You gotta get out not gonna cause the problem here with the crew who I love this infrastructure stuck. With Austin, we got to move to something leaner and meaner with the crew. But I gotta get out of here right to high end. And, folks, you are insane. And you stay in the cities. I'm not saying just run the middle of nowhere either. But you got to find those communities and if you're willing to work with those communities are willing to work with you. And I'm telling you this is the whole future. And when a community knows they're under attack, and if you get people in the city council in those towns that know what's going on, we are unstoppable the New World Order is able to come shut down our towns. We will have our own hydro electric we will have our own gas power. We will have our own solar we will work together we're designed to do this and be self sufficient. Not be a bunch of damn jellyfish.
Dan (00:53:05.000)
I think what he's describing is a plan that has not taken any shape. But But I guess he's encouraging people to make a plan to go in red pill people in small towns and take over these towns don't succeed or something. I mean, build walls at least not cooperate with taxes. Probably
Jordan (00:53:24.000)
I feel like what he's doing is creating a scenario where people will assume they're living in a zombie apocalypse. Despite everything being 100% Fine.
Dan (00:53:36.000)
It's like that movie.
Jordan (00:53:37.000)
The village is a little bit like that movie the village it'd be like shamila Can you imagine an episode of The Walking Dead right? Do you remember the beginning of The Walking Dead whenever all this stuff goes terrible, and then he's riding on the horse towards this the wrecked city? You know, and it's all
Dan (00:53:53.000)
remember this is about zombies in the city street. Yeah, don't watch much of that. Something like that.
Jordan (00:53:58.000)
Okay, so imagine that show playing it exactly the same way. But everybody's going about their day just fine. Like he's he's going into stores and like rummaging through shit trying to like no no, I'm scared. I'm scrounging to scavenge for my family over there. Let me save this kid's life and the kids like what the fuck are you do I work here man what are you know they're zombies come I get paid minimum wage man.
Dan (00:54:25.000)
See see i You lost me with a metaphor maybe it's because seeing the walking dead but I think it's more like the village. Well, you're not wrong because you can't have the person like intersecting with people who are just going about their day. People have to be going let the day outside.
Marty Robbins (00:54:41.000)
Right right
Dan (00:54:43.000)
but the conflict
Jordan (00:54:44.000)
but here's the thing though, in his imaginary scenario that makes sense.
Dan (00:54:48.000)
No, but you got a red pill everybody in the industry. That's what I'm saying. That's a goal,
Jordan (00:54:52.000)
right? But sooner or later, you're gonna be like, come on. Let's get some price.
Dan (00:54:58.000)
How are you gonna get fries? Oh, Shouldn't be a potato and barks. It's
Jordan (00:55:01.000)
not gonna get. You're not gonna get surprised on the small town. I don't know Idaho is ideologically aligned with a small town.
Dan (00:55:09.000)
There's gonna be a potato pipeline. The other enclaves around the country don't know. Yep. Negotiations are gonna be tough. Yep. Gail stream to that's where the barter comes back in. Right. Right. All right. So get some cheese. from Wisconsin. Yeah, that sent over they'll mail in Idaho. Every now and again. Yeah, Alex's dad will mail. Yeah, and they'll have and a Christmas tree endless amounts of Christmas trees. Who gets free Christmas trees for life, you'll send a cow with a Christmas tree tied to its back. This is dumb. Anyway, Alex is not gonna make that gardening farming show. It's not gonna happen. But he's gonna make more content, apparently, which I've always said the problem with Alex Jones is too slim a body of work
Jordan (00:55:54.000)
out enough content. Now, you know what the problem for our show is? We what are we going to write we're running out?
Dan (00:56:00.000)
Yeah, I caught like, actually, ironically, I am. But it's not because of quantity. Its quality. Yes, that makes a lot of it. But it all sucks. That's true. And he's gonna make more great.
Alex Jones (00:56:12.000)
It's not just the new little studio I built in my house. It's another studio that's been built, where we can do roundtable discussions, everything was even separate from Infowars. And that is
Andy In Kansas (00:56:24.000)
legally in order to make the revenue, TV free.
Alex Jones (00:56:28.000)
And part of will be subscription. And you're gonna get more out shells you ever wanted. Because I'm just gonna start shooting like 10 minute videos, and it will be owned by somebody. And just spill my guts to people. And that'll be uploaded every day. There's a lot. Like I've shot three of them this week that I haven't even given to our folks to choose to get up and running. So there's a lot of content, a lot of stuff, but it's also going to be special guest PowerPoint analysis.
Dan (00:56:56.000)
I can't imagine anyone needing any of this PowerPoint analysis, I'd like to introduce Alex to the concept of diminishing returns. I think at a certain point, it's gonna be oversaturated. No one like you. I think that Alex recognizes that. He puts out stuff and more money comes in, right? Oh, when Harrison put out stuff, not as much money comes in. So he needs to shoulder a lot of the burden. He's got to do these alleged 6pm shows after his show because they money doesn't come in otherwise
Jordan (00:57:30.000)
dad described it as a single talent business. Right. And so
Dan (00:57:34.000)
I think he thinks that okay, if I just do this, this, this and this, that will bring in that, that that and that more Ronny right. And I think at a certain point, you're just putting it out? Not gonna have? I don't know, I don't want to I don't want to put out more stuff on it.
Jordan (00:57:50.000)
I don't I don't know it does, because you end
Dan (00:57:52.000)
up okay. One of his ideas is I'm gonna have a show full of callers, right?
Jordan (00:57:56.000)
We've been down this road. Sure, so many times, but like,
Dan (00:57:59.000)
let's assume that he does he just gonna get a fucking collar like this.
Caller 2 (773) (00:58:03.000)
There's a big area that's missing in this vaccine debate. We're seeing a lot of people die, and a lot more people are going to die. Okay. But what's going on? We have Dr. Luke DeMonte. NEA said, this comes out of a lab. For instance, Boyle said this comes out of a lab. Okay, so we know came out of a lab that the DoD ran this whole thing. We know DARPA is involved. We know that there is a global network that's been working on this thing. But what does it do? It actually adds a third strand of DNA changes.
Alex Jones (00:58:37.000)
And I know a percentage of people in any energetic test like this die.
Dan (00:58:42.000)
Well, big league news. Oh, so I mean, two people said this. So it's true. We've proved these things. And yeah, apparently, the vaccine is gonna add a third strand of DNA. I'm tri helix,
Jordan (00:58:58.000)
I'm not going to lie to you. I do find that his his ability to think like that is is not commendable. But like, man, sometimes I wish I could think like that. I bet his brain is easier to navigate. Imagine, well, Francis Boyle said it. de Montaigne, you said it. So it's true. Like, wait, no, already, but we have a problem. And he just keeps going, like, that's no problem.
Dan (00:59:27.000)
But it's the reality is he's not believing this because Dumon Tanea and Francis Boyle. He's only because he wants to believe this. And he's justifying it by saying that these people said it. Yeah, who have no idea what they're talking about, right. But I would love I would much prefer to have Alex's brain where it's like some guy calls in and he's like, COVID vaccines adding a third strand to your DNA and he's like, yes, you
Jordan (00:59:51.000)
better believe it. You better believe it. The ability
Dan (00:59:54.000)
to just turn off firm everything. Yeah, that's that's gotta be fun. I'm to go through life with
Jordan (01:00:01.000)
Yeah, yeah, there's a certain there's a certain missed opportunity if he had started at IO theater like 20 years ago, you know, like there is a yes and quality to
Dan (01:00:11.000)
ultimate scene partner Scott. He's got a yes and anything at him. He
Jordan (01:00:15.000)
doesn't have funny. No, that's the problem. No, but that's for the other people. That's why you started. He's there to build a world. He's the ultimate glue guy. He's like an unfunny Phil Hartman. Yeah.
Dan (01:00:27.000)
So this the same color believes that the ultimate goal is to turn us into batteries because I think he just watched the matrix. Yeah, that makes sense.
Caller 2 (773) (01:00:35.000)
Six G is gonna run off the human being is a battery, you know what to turn you into this new batteries. So we become the batteries. Now we're augmented through their system, a bad battery, they generated a new strand of DNA in down to the tubulin dimer level within the synapses of the brain using quantum entanglement with their fancy quantum computers. They can control our thought processes. You know, we think that this idea of the metaverse Zuckerberg has failed. Nobody failed anything. We are just right now starting the way
Jordan (01:01:10.000)
you understand Zuckerberg,
Caller 2 (773) (01:01:13.000)
these individuals that have taken these shots down to that level of perception, then they just turn it on in the metaverse happens inside of them. They don't need the technology. They're already stuck in this. You're totally
Alex Jones (01:01:26.000)
right. I agree. 100% Everything you're saying is true. They are doing a mash graphene oxide test. They're adding a new DNA segment to the strand. And they are saying the President control our bodies and rule over us. And this is a mash man scientists takeover incredible call. Thank you.
Dan (01:01:44.000)
It was not incredible. What happened to the globalist plan was just to kill everybody because Satan told them to Write Right? Why are we turning into batteries? Now? Why are you telling people that
Jordan (01:01:58.000)
their idea was to kill everybody before they figured out they could just add another strand of DNA. Now, let me ask you a question. Can you Okay, so we draw the double helix right at a third. All right. So how do we add a third and where I mean
Dan (01:02:13.000)
it's just a tangle
Jordan (01:02:14.000)
just just board squirrely lines. Yeah. All right. So we got adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine. I don't know. I'm not from the from the learning. I had an L in there. I don't know. Right. Might as well. Are they made? is the other thing made of the same stuff? Is it made of the same stuff? I'm talking no and also doesn't do anything other than provide cancers?
Dan (01:02:38.000)
Let me consult this caller. Hello, yeah. I'm interested. I'm not an improv guy. I'm not like, I can't do this. I don't know. I know. Hey, that guy is coming up with bullshit. That's amazing. I do think that Alex kinda thinks that they're trying to turn people into mutants like the X Men. I really think that there's a part of his brain thinks they're superpowers that they're trying to unlock I
Jordan (01:03:03.000)
think there's a part of a lot of people's brains that kind of hope it's there. If we just worked hard. I mean,
Dan (01:03:09.000)
like Marvel has unveiled their plans for phase like five and six phase seven is weird
Jordan (01:03:14.000)
all that Oh, man. Take it from the screen into real life. That makes perfect sense. Yes, it's hard. Wow. We've elevated it Yeah, it's finally time.
Dan (01:03:26.000)
I mean, what are you gonna do at a certain point like these movies they're all about the world almost ending and them saving the world what only thing is left is to turn all the people who are watching them right into superhero mutants.
Jordan (01:03:39.000)
Yeah, but I mean, filament improv anywhere in the like the the flash mobs they were annoying before if all of them had superpowers. I'm out.
Dan (01:03:47.000)
I paid seven is all documented
Jordan (01:03:54.000)
all right. Okay,
Dan (01:03:56.000)
so Alex goes to break. And he comes back Errol Morris
Jordan (01:03:59.000)
is directing.
Dan (01:04:01.000)
Right and throw fireballs so he goes back for break with a song and he gets really really into it
Marty Robbins (01:04:18.000)
the town is trying to find a hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much this can argue with the standup base.
Marty Robbins (01:04:30.000)
No one dare to ask his business. No one's dead to make a slip. The stranger they're big
Dan (01:04:43.000)
get a big old gun. It's about a guy with a big gun. It's not even about the guy. Really? It's about the gun. Yeah. Big iron on his hip. Yeah. So
Jordan (01:04:54.000)
Staples has a song about a love song about his gun. So I'm not going to judge that. No, I think
Dan (01:04:59.000)
the song It's fine it's actually a pretty good song. Yeah, I just also think that it's funny that Alex is just like this this beautiful song. I love it.
Jordan (01:05:09.000)
You know big iron Hone is he plays the
Dan (01:05:11.000)
whole song. Really? Yeah hasn't gotten too many calls. I doubt it so but he plays the whole song here's at the end of that.
Marty Robbins (01:05:19.000)
So he might have went on live but he made one fatal slip when he tried to match the ranger with his
Alex Jones (01:05:29.000)
big iron Marty Robbins little blast from the past
Marty Robbins (01:05:33.000)
V guy being iron when he tried to match the
Alex Jones (01:05:40.000)
mark that little short segment up was I want to play that old song. Whenever we played for years a clip I want to play play most of the song here we're gonna go to break join some stations and no matter how good your calls are among the four or five calls, I'm going to give each caller two minutes because I want to get to everybody holding
Dan (01:05:55.000)
a look. We gotta tighten it up with these calls. Cuz I had to kill time. Love it. Yep. So it's the callers fault really? Because they're so good. And it's talked to them for so long, as opposed to just killing time with nothing. I feel like there's so like, there's
Jordan (01:06:11.000)
a universe where Casey Qassem becomes Alex Jones and Alex Jones goes to case in case some drought.
Dan (01:06:15.000)
I don't know. I don't know John's appearing on Saved by the Bell.
Jordan (01:06:20.000)
That's fair. That is fair.
Dan (01:06:21.000)
Maybe more like a Rick. Alex could be except that. Less Beloved.
Jordan (01:06:30.000)
That's true. That's true. That's true. But Casey Kasem had his outbursts. He had his time.
Dan (01:06:35.000)
Yeah, there was that time when there's a famous booty live.
Jordan (01:06:41.000)
classic, classic case the case. Quoting Thomas Jefferson. Yep.
Dan (01:06:46.000)
So we get another caller. Get to calls. And this guy's got an interesting point.
Alex Jones (01:06:51.000)
All right, let's go to Evan in California. Thanks for calling. Go ahead.
Caller 3 (773) (01:06:55.000)
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you again. I want to point something out. I only got two minutes. But Biden love eating ice cream in front of us and stuff like that. Licking ice creams. It isn't because he's hungry because he likes ice cream. They're showing a thing of dominance. They're doing everything they can to beat down the population.
Dan (01:07:16.000)
I know that I feel incredibly small. When I see Joe Biden eating ice cream.
Jordan (01:07:21.000)
You know, I thought I thought there were lines that were like, I just can't talk to you, you know, and I thought I had gotten most of them to the point where you go well, the President's eating ice cream not because he likes it but to dominate you. I go I don't think there's
Dan (01:07:36.000)
anything where he wants me to feel bad.
Jordan (01:07:39.000)
There's there's just nothing we can talk about. Warren Buffett
Dan (01:07:42.000)
always is photographed with ice cream, trying to dominate you. Because he's a part owner of Dairy Queen.
Jordan (01:07:48.000)
Okay, so when when Brad Pitt eats in a movie he's dominating you is that what we're doing is that it's not just a bad character trait that he won't let go of?
Dan (01:07:57.000)
It's a subtle thing. But yes, fair enough. That's why he's that's why he does it. So anyway, looks good. If he wants to do a show of all callers. We get another guy calling in Who's mad at Joe Rogan. Sure, fam because as he explains, all these people who listen to Alex Jones are out there. They're living check to check and they're still supporting Alex by in the supplements. Sure. And then he weaves this into a criticism of Rogen that I don't fully understand interesting.
Alex Jones (01:08:23.000)
Kyle in Nebraska. Go ahead.
Caller 2 (773) (01:08:26.000)
Alex, The Art of War Joan. Love your brother. That is real middle name. All right. I gotta bring this up. Yeah, guys like me everywhere that are checked to check and still find a way to buy supplements because they're the best in the world. For sitting here, check the check. There's 1000s of us. Maybe hundreds of 1000s in this country just like me. But you get Joe Rogan talking to Lex Friedman. And you guys, please, please bring this clip up when you can. It's a short clip. And Joe Rogan refusing to have Trump on his podcast with Lex Friedman. And it's just disgusting. What Joe Rogan said it's just we got to call these people out man and just they just all just all assault like it's ridiculous man. Just to see that kind of stuff. You know,
Alex Jones (01:09:22.000)
I haven't seen the clip and I tell you when Joe first moved here, we were hanging out quite often and Joe's very nice. I call him up you know, we had dinner or whatever. And I've just kind of I talked to Joe on the phone Samis we talk on text every day. But I just you know he did some good work exposing the shot but then it's almost like I'm seeing backtracking from him. And just a lot of weird stuff going on. And I just you know I've got bigger fish to fry like the New World Order and the globalist and so I'm not going to be I'm not going to be the the keeper. I'm not My Brother's Keeper. I'm not going to sit there and tell Joe what to do.
Dan (01:09:59.000)
You are Your brother's keeper according to the Bible, but also why is this different than sneaky snake time? If Rogan's going off track?
Jordan (01:10:09.000)
I think what he's what he's saying is that Rogan told me not to do the I'm gonna bleed you like a pig thing anymore. Rogan told me that's not going to work again. Roby Rogan told me I'm not coming back on the show. Yeah, I just kind of don't really care what he does. Yeah,
Dan (01:10:21.000)
it's not worth fighting. Because it's just you know, it's an it's a dead end. Yeah,
Jordan (01:10:25.000)
sometimes he might say something nice about me as long as I stay quiet about him. But for now, if I talk shit, I'm just the asset.
Dan (01:10:33.000)
Probably not gonna bring up his kids in some weird way. Bad idea. Yeah. But also, I don't know what the connective tissue is between this guy. You know, living check to check and buying Alex's stuff and then Rogan not having Trump on. I thought that he was gonna say we're, you know, not rich. And we're supporting you, right? Rogen as this 100 million dollar contract should be helping you out. Right? I thought for sure. That was what it was. I mean, that makes sense. Trump not coming on his show.
Jordan (01:10:59.000)
It feels that don't we hit it? It? I mean? Okay. So because your check to check, and you buy Alex's supplements, Joe Rogan not having Trump on is wrong. So
Dan (01:11:14.000)
let's imagine how this is different. If he does have Trump on what does that have to do with you living check to check Ryan buying Alex,
Jordan (01:11:22.000)
you get more money for Trump appearing on Joe Rogan show?
Dan (01:11:25.000)
Is this. Trump's PR direct?
Jordan (01:11:29.000)
Excuse me, sir. I believe I know who you are. We have reached the bottom of this mystery. And
Dan (01:11:34.000)
that is unfortunately, Trump's PR director is living checks.
Jordan (01:11:39.000)
I wouldn't be surprised.
Dan (01:11:41.000)
What was his name that he used his fake name to Trump. Oh, yeah. Well, I can't remember what it was when he called in. Yeah, I remember that. Oh, it would have been great to pull that name. Yeah, that would have been a pole. So anyway, this caller worries me. This person would also probably be calling in on that callers only show sure and make it not a good show concerning
Alex Jones (01:12:03.000)
him in Wisconsin. Go ahead.
Caller 3 (773) (01:12:07.000)
Love you. I have a few quick things. I'll speak quickly. One is AI, how they conditioned us. The complete season number 11 of The X Files show our m nine f the G nine three, the W KV. It starts out and it says if we do not control AI, it will control us. I believe the answer to how to control AI is probably in that show. I'll be watching it tonight.
Dan (01:12:36.000)
You haven't watched it yet? You're calling in about an X Files episode that you haven't seen that you think has the clue to the secret to controlling AI? Yeah, it's good.
Jordan (01:12:47.000)
I don't know what to say.
Dan (01:12:48.000)
i My advice would be watch the episode. Get back to me. At least you'll have me. At this point, the only thing you bring it to the table is that there's an episode of the exercise that you plan to watch. Yeah,
Jordan (01:13:01.000)
that is pretty much all you've said so far. Ma'am.
Announcer (01:13:05.000)
I can't work with that. Ah,
Jordan (01:13:07.000)
I mean, I haven't seen it. Yeah. None of us have seen it. No. But oh, we can't talk about it
Dan (01:13:15.000)
probably has the secret to AI in it. I can't believe that's true. Yeah, I don't think so either. Yeah. Although she does have another piece of big breaking news. Oh, okay. Huge.
Jordan (01:13:23.000)
She's got something she's bringing more. Sort of, okay.
Caller 3 (773) (01:13:27.000)
And the other thing is Elon Musk, and 29 Japanese scientists. A few years back supposedly were killed by four robots. We need to make robots for like that illegal. We need to start making things illegal. And standing up for it because otherwise we're in trouble.
Alex Jones (01:13:52.000)
I agree with you. Anything else you
Jordan (01:13:55.000)
want? Excuse me
Caller 3 (773) (01:13:56.000)
an idea for a T shirt. Norman Bates
Dan (01:14:08.000)
I don't know if I would respond to it today with I agree with you.
Jordan (01:14:11.000)
I you know of all the things I was not expecting her shirt idea.
Dan (01:14:16.000)
She says it. Norman Bates is and was psycho. Then there's a pause and then fake laugh. Yeah, I think Alex was worried. Yeah, I'm worried. I do gotta say I mean, was this before he bought Twitter? That right? And 20 scientists for robots, right that we need to make illegal. Now I asked you this question. We need to make those we need
Jordan (01:14:37.000)
to make them illegal or do we need to make sure that Isaac Asimov's rules of robotics are maintained in perpetuity,
Dan (01:14:45.000)
but we know that that's impossible. We know that it goes astray.
Jordan (01:14:49.000)
Asimov himself knew that Yeah. Although on the other hand, what went astray is that the robots became too altruistic, thereby saving the entire human race and then scattering them across the galaxy
Dan (01:14:58.000)
still knocking totally convinced you're not a robot. I gotta give you that test.
Jordan (01:15:02.000)
I know but I'm a fairly nice guy.
Dan (01:15:05.000)
Not one of the four that would killed Elon Musk.
Jordan (01:15:08.000)
That would be crazy if the other three and I killed robot. Oh no.
Jordan (01:15:18.000)
It was a robot we killed
Dan (01:15:20.000)
I was thinking about this and I don't really fully know how I would respond if I were a talk show host and someone called in and was like Elon Musk and 29 Japanese scientists were killed by four robots, we need to make robots illegal. I don't know if I would feel like I have the time to explain that Elon Musk isn't dead. Yeah, like, I don't know how I'd respond. I know. I wouldn't say I agree with you, because that sends a bad message to everyone else who's listening.
Jordan (01:15:45.000)
That's very true.
Dan (01:15:46.000)
But I don't know how I would deal with I think I would hopefully have some screening in place where if someone is going to say that Elon Musk got killed by a robot, we just don't take that call.
Jordan (01:15:57.000)
Right. Right. Right. I respect that. But if you're somebody could get through your screening.
Dan (01:16:02.000)
If you're in that situation, I don't know. Maybe it's the next 10 minutes or trying to help this person realize that robots didn't kill Elon.
Jordan (01:16:09.000)
I feel like my response would be fairly simple. It'd be like ah unfortunately, Elon was not murdered by four robots.
Dan (01:16:23.000)
I feel like a better lick. A better response might be you had new shirt ideas. We get another caller. Yeah, this guy hasn't gone. Okay, so he's got an idea. Okay. And then this launches Alex into.
Jordan (01:16:39.000)
I like ideas, man.
Dan (01:16:40.000)
This launches Alex into a weird story. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:16:42.000)
All right. Let's jam in. One more. We got to break. Let's go to Burt in Arizona. come through, sir.
Caller 2 (773) (01:16:52.000)
Hey, so Well, you
Caller 2 (773) (01:16:52.000)
said it about five minutes ago. What's coming next. That's what's important. Guess what the Bible. There's foretold 25 exactly what's coming next year. Biden will not be nominated by the Democrats in 2024. But he will be taken out by the deep state during the election season, August to September 2024. Immediately after that, both of the candidates, the Republican Democrats will both be taken out. That's a good idea.
Alex Jones (01:17:19.000)
Right now. I want you to stop right there. And I want you to come back. Don't hang up. My mother, oh, God never gets in my face about politics. But she's extremely smart. And I'm not trying to act cool. Everybody's psychic. Everybody has a sixth sense of Lauren aware of it. But my mother's side of the family is extremely psychic shows my dad just had a little family secret. But her grandmother was actually a download. I am a psychic that even a US president came to see Rama like a gem show Sellaronda card or something. Okay, but my mom is got to touch. And she said, I'm gonna come back. What's gonna kill him? I gotta kill him.
Jordan (01:18:16.000)
Okay, hold on, hold on. When did they start with the music? What do you mean? I mean, it wasn't playing the entire time. He was telling the story. Somebody will listen to him start telling the story and then play the ominous music right?
Dan (01:18:30.000)
Or it was just the thing that was going to be out to break anyway. That's a good point. And then they turned it definitely turned up. Sure. I
Jordan (01:18:37.000)
felt I felt that.
Dan (01:18:39.000)
That's why I included all the way to really notice.
Jordan (01:18:43.000)
Yes, that's fucking Twilight Zone. It's good work. I know. That's good music.
Dan (01:18:49.000)
I'm not saying it's not a good music. Stick it up whenever they get one. It is. It is a good one, too. Yeah. Alex's mom and dad. Both sides of the white psychic. Oh, Alex's mom. Moreso. Family. She's not family secret.
Jordan (01:19:02.000)
Yeah, I think the sixth sense is actually thermo ception that's the ability to tell that heat heat sources there without actually touching it. Okay, and then there's proprioception. Where are you able to kind of tell where your body is, without touching your body? You know, like an internal awareness of existence. You know, we've got a lot
Dan (01:19:20.000)
of senses. Since taste. That could be but I mean, like,
Jordan (01:19:24.000)
I've never heard of that one before. But I've got thermo ception appropriately taste but like, you know what I'm saying? Like, like a good one. I'm not gonna use the word but I'm thinking it
Dan (01:19:34.000)
when I'm talking. I wasn't I wasn't trying to be suggested at all. What I was saying is like, normal people they have like, they can taste food. Right, right. Like people who have the eight cents. Yeah, can really taste right. Right, right. You know how like the fruit tripping. You just do that all the time? All the time. Lemon.
Jordan (01:19:57.000)
i Yeah, I'm gonna let mine go. So So,
Dan (01:20:01.000)
Mom apparently shook him and told him if they're gonna kill Biden, yeah. Now we know from listening to this show enough that they were going to kill Trump before the election, anyone and then they were going to kill him before the inauguration. True. And then they were trying to kill him the entire time that he was president. Right. Yeah. All kinds of things are also trying to kill Roger. Sure. polonium Sure. Frequent car accident. Yeah. And then they're gonna kill Biden before the last election. That's true. And then they're gonna replace him with Michelle Obama or Hillary or Jim Carrey? Sure, no, that's Project Camelot, my that. So that was gonna happen before the election. Right. And then it didn't happen. He got elected. True. And then the election was stolen, but also they were going to kill Biden before the Right. Right, then she would step down. So Pelosi would be president, or vice president forgot Hillary was going to be, yeah, Hillary would be her voice. And then she would also step down so Hillary could be installed as president, apparently so important to the globalist plan, that makes sense, that didn't happen. And then Biden's had dementia and was on the brink of death, since that's true hasn't happened. So now Alex gets this caller who says that they're gonna kill Biden before the next election, right? He's like, This is so amazing. I can't believe that my psychic mom just told me that that's gonna happen. I'm tired of this shit. But it is kind of funny that he keeps doing
Jordan (01:21:24.000)
I mean, you know,
Dan (01:21:26.000)
it's funny that the audience doesn't like start to notice, hey, pull out of bed psychic predictions going on? Here
Jordan (01:21:33.000)
it is, it makes me concerned that our childhood stories about the boy crying wolf need to be updated. Because in those stories, it was clearly a bad thing. Whereas in real life, it appears to make you millions of dollars.
Dan (01:21:48.000)
And the day rarely comes when the townspeople ever
Jordan (01:21:54.000)
go in like, Hey, man, I bet that he's a wolf. Yeah, they just keep on doing it.
Dan (01:21:58.000)
So he comes back from break and to Alex discusses his mom's prediction a little bit more, and then also gets into some of his psychic gifts.
Alex Jones (01:22:10.000)
Show my parents house for two weeks for dinner with my wife. And my five year old child, and my older children come over to visit usually, same time. It was about two years ago, Biden only been a few months, and I'm sitting there my mother goes, they're gonna kill Biden. They're gonna kill Biden in the next couple of years. And before he announces for 2024, use that as a false flag, always the next massive tyranny shows I just see it, I just know it. You got to tell people, you got to stop it. And you got to make sure people are non violent. And you got to get out ahead of this. And say that you don't support Biden being killed, which I do not turn them into a martyr. And call it a sense women's intuition. We all know about it. I mean, here's an example the other day, and this happens all the time. Yeah, sure. Great. Whenever I don't try, I can do it. Oh, my God, I can be in a dark bedroom. I don't have an alarm clock with a big light on it. I have my watch sitting right next to me. And I can turn my phone do it. I don't try it. Everybody has experiences. I don't try. I always know. The exact minute is when I wake up. And I might wake up at five and wake up at six. But I just know the minute, but your brain somehow knows the minute you're dialed into that.
Dan (01:23:23.000)
Yeah, Alex really does seem to think he can always tell what time it is. That is this is the second time we've heard him bring this up really? Like again. It
Jordan (01:23:33.000)
really is. He always knows what time it is. Which I mean, as far as knacks go, that's a good knack to have.
Dan (01:23:42.000)
It's also that amount of power, but it's also not true. No, not a little bit forgotten or ignored. The times he's been wrong. He's been right so Whoa, whoa, whoa, he's a fucking jail. Whoa,
Jordan (01:23:52.000)
whoa. Hold on. Hold on. Are you saying that he engages regularly in confirmation bias? Yeah,
Dan (01:24:00.000)
but this this is like how a kid brags on the schoolyard. Oh, 100 I always know what time it is. Yeah, I could always but I can't do it. If I'm trying. I can only do it when I'm not trying. I of course I can't prove it right turn invisible when you're not look. Exactly. Yep. So Alex has another psychic gift. This one. This is our last clip and I was just This is so dumb.
Alex Jones (01:24:22.000)
Another example is I'm sitting there on vacation with my wife and five year old and my wife's in the shower getting dressed after we've been out at the beach. And I've said that cards will likely blackjack with me. And I I get the deck a shuffle it spread out some of my five year old table and I said I'm gonna pull the ace of spades out of this course is crazy. I knew it was gonna happen. Oh my gosh. looked at it.
Jordan (01:24:54.000)
Don't Don't do that. All the cards. Oh my god.
Alex Jones (01:24:58.000)
And I pulled the ace of spades up Now that's the real power of the universe, really is that as well, really. That's the real power subjugating the public. We have our own interdimensional Internet of God, the Holy Spirit. That's not going to use for evil doesn't let you do that.
Dan (01:25:14.000)
So this was using it for good.
Jordan (01:25:16.000)
Let me tell you something. Penn and Teller have a show on the CW Network where people pull the ACE out of shit all the time. Well, but on deck,
Dan (01:25:25.000)
even your ear, but even leaving tricks aside, sure. There's a one in 52 chance that you're gonna get that right. Correct. So the universe the magic of the universe is a one in 52 chance.
Jordan (01:25:37.000)
Yeah, you got about 2% The magic magic 2% chance to happen. That's
Dan (01:25:41.000)
pretty dumb yet, then also, I would say this is something that only a five year old could corroborate. And I'm not convinced that a five year old would realize if Alex had cheated this a little bit Sure. Or maybe took four or five tries, maybe
Jordan (01:25:59.000)
because they're a five year old. You could just tell them that it was the first time exactly. Your brain is that of a five year old. You have also told yourself that you picked it the first time and you believe it right? Because we got to five year olds if
Dan (01:26:15.000)
if I sincerely believed myself to have some kind of a extra human gift. Sure. and I were trying to brag about this on my radio show, right? These aren't the examples I would choose. Right? I always know what time it is. And one time I pulled the ace of spades out of a deck of cards, you know,
Jordan (01:26:31.000)
I mean, it is a little bit like being you know, like, here's, here's a crazy, here's a crazy thing I'm great at, right? You know how when you crumple up a ball of paper, and then the garbage can is so far away, and you're like, you know what, I've got the gift, and you toss it in there. Yeah. 40% I am as good as Steph Curry. So long as it's the garbage can. Sure 30% of the time. That's the best that you can get in the world. And I'm pretty sure yeah,
Dan (01:26:59.000)
my superpower is that one time I don't usually check the mail. I don't really check the mail all that much. Sure. But one time I just felt like I had a letter there. No shit. Yeah, did you? I did. Fuck it out. Yeah. superpower. All right.
Jordan (01:27:13.000)
Well, I just can't argue with that. That's undeniable. The results
Dan (01:27:17.000)
speak for themselves. 8881 time I had a die. Yeah, that was rolling it and I said I'm gonna get a five. And I did.
Jordan (01:27:25.000)
Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. That's a really good one. Was the Ben Stiller superhero movie. Where? What's the shoveler? Yeah, mystery man. Yeah, I'm the I can shovel. Well, I could shovel really well, though, like the best.
Dan (01:27:40.000)
This is sad. It's very sad. Shall we come to the end of this? Yes, we do. I think I mean, you know, as silly of a present day episode, in many ways, as you're going to get it's been a while since I was really expecting there was going to be some kind of a discussion or mention of the articles about the text, because he took a fair amount of calls took his sweet time getting to them. Yeah. But he did take a number of them. And instead of that you get like, solving AI with X Files episodes. I'm gonna tell you this third strands of DNA.
Jordan (01:28:16.000)
I just don't know how much penetration the SPLC has in the Infowars. Audience. Yeah, generally speaking, I feel like maybe they're actively hostile towards the SPLC. And will regard anything that they write as bullshit no matter what it is. Yeah.
Dan (01:28:32.000)
Or don't care or hatchet jobs. Yeah, I think that that's entirely possible. But I even within the set of Alex's audience, I think that there's a small sliver, they probably would be at least curious. Sure. Or like, Hey, Alex, how about these assholes? Right, like, bring it up? So Alex could say something along those lines, but yeah, I don't know. Maybe it'll come up. Later on. Maybe it won't. If it doesn't, we'll say I don't know. Good work. Yeah. Anyway, we'll be back Jordan. But until then, we have a website. We do. It's unwatched episodes of X Files.
Jordan (01:29:11.000)
That would be good episode. We also we are in Turner technology. I
Dan (01:29:15.000)
was gonna fight. Yep. We will be back. But until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DCX. Clark. I am the seventh strand of DNA. I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:26.000)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Andy In Kansas (01:29:28.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.