Transcript/744: November 3, 2022

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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Knowledge five. Damn, Jordan, I'm sweating. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Pam handy in Kansas. And he started the fray and the fans will surely replace Roland was huge fan. I love your work. Knowledge by now knowledge
Dan (00:00:58.000)
Hello, everybody, welcome back knowledge. I'm Jordan we're gonna do like sit around worship at the altar of slain and talk a little bit about Alex June. Oh,
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
indeed. We are Dan Jordan Damn, Jordanna question for you. So what's your spot today but
Dan (00:01:11.000)
my bright spot Jordan is you've had a few video game bright spots and I have not had that necessarily, as of late and I gotta say, my bright spots persona five royal blue, I started playing it. months back months and months back and I got distracted by something else and put it down. But there was a bunch of news about it being released on the switch. And that was made me remember that I had it already on the ps4. And so I decided I'm gonna get back into this. I'm gonna give it a shot. See if I can get back into it. Got back into it quite quite hard. Deep. Deep. Getting back into it.
Jordan (00:01:51.000)
Your spelunking through persona five?
Dan (00:01:54.000)
Yeah, yeah, it's a lot of fun. It is a good sensibility. Fun story. Good mechanics. I like it. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Yeah,
Jordan (00:02:02.000)
I watched you play a little bit. It's it's very much up my alley. I'm gonna get to enjoy. Yeah, I know. That's why I'm a little scared of it. Because I feel like I'm going to spend a lot of time in
Dan (00:02:11.000)
there. You could. Yeah, it's quite easy to get through to palaces at this point. And it's just shocking. Even having played a bit of it before. Like I've made it through a palace and a half the first time. Sure, sure. And even having played it. I'm still shocked how long it takes to get through. It's wild, but it is it is a lot of it's a very charming game.
Jordan (00:02:34.000)
Nice. downer. No. artwork is great. Yeah, the art is very,
Dan (00:02:40.000)
it's very good. Fun to look at. And if you enjoy it, there's a also a persona five, sort of slightly. Warriors type game. Oh, okay. It's not exactly like it. But there's a little bit of a little bit of a hack and slash kind of thing. Sort of, yeah, a little bit of a merging of the two. I gotcha. Anyways, what's your blind spot?
Jordan (00:03:02.000)
My bright spot? Dan is weird. The Al Yankovic story? Oh, yeah. Oh my god. Good. Oh, my God. It is. It is like I've read I've read some reviews about it that were really really terrible. Like, well, these are what whatever it was. And it's like, I want there to be a disclaimer on the movie that says, Sorry, everybody specifically made for Jordan hopes. Like you don't get to. This is exactly what I would want. If we I was told the Al Yankovic made his own biopic, yeah, what it is. Yeah, perfect.
Dan (00:03:32.000)
I had heard that it was gonna, you know going to happen. And I was really worried about it. Yeah, it was like, I don't I don't know about that. And I saw the trailer. I was like, This looks so good.
Jordan (00:03:42.000)
It's perfect. It is. It is so good. I had
Dan (00:03:45.000)
not. I had not remembered that it was out. But yeah, check that out. Oh,
Jordan (00:03:50.000)
man. So funny. So good.
Dan (00:03:51.000)
So Daniel Radcliffe killing it.
Jordan (00:03:53.000)
I mean, it's hard. I honestly say to you this, he kills it. It just does an absolutely amazing job doing the thing that he was told specifically to do. And he just nails it the whole way through great and his abs are unreal. Love, just like the weird owl in real life.
Dan (00:04:11.000)
Totally. Yeah. One thing you know, but we're now
Jordan (00:04:15.000)
swole washboard and
Dan (00:04:17.000)
so we have an episode to do Jordan. But before we do that, I got to touch back on something. Oh, well, I know that I have mentioned that. Bray Wyatt is back. Sure. And I was excited about it. You
Jordan (00:04:28.000)
were what has happened. The work is very hard now.
Dan (00:04:32.000)
Well, I'm I gotta just because I know that we got to stay honest with the audience. I'm worried. I'm a little bit worried. You're worried about it. Well, there's there's this person in a mask who keeps interrupting his promos with these videos. And he's a guy named uncle howdy. I'm a little worried. I'm a little i It's trouble. Oh, I had such I hope sorry.
Jordan (00:05:02.000)
I'm sorry.
Dan (00:05:04.000)
Say that one more time uncle Howdy. Howdy. Howdy. Oh no.
Jordan (00:05:10.000)
What is that? What you're gonna sell me? Sell me on Uncle howdy? Yeah, and it's a threatening uncle howdy.
Dan (00:05:17.000)
You knows secrets?
Jordan (00:05:18.000)
Oh, no, no, no no no uncle how he walks over
Dan (00:05:24.000)
that's kind of, you know, part and parcel of some of brain stuff. You know like when he was the fiend he was also the guy doing a children's show naturally. Firefly funhouse.
Jordan (00:05:35.000)
I mean, a children's shows can be uncanny because they are inherently absurd running out of the children's mind. Yeah,
Dan (00:05:42.000)
but you're taking you're taking this children's show host and adding a menace. Sure. Sure. So uncle, how do you being something that you add a menace to? It's not really unfamiliar territory?
Jordan (00:05:52.000)
Oh, I agree. I'm still worried. Totally. I'm just saying that if you're gonna do uncle Howdy, and you're gonna elevate it into something that's legitimately scary, you give him the child, kids and cover him in blood. You know, like, that's the combination, but you gotta go down if it's uncle Howdy, maybe,
Dan (00:06:10.000)
maybe. I don't know. The thing that that troubles me is that like when Bray came back with Firefly funhouse, The fiend was not introduced for quite a while it was just ease this goofy, true children's show host naturally not. So I was a bit concerned about that as well. I'm not sure that it really felt like hey, this is a good idea. It was a moment's maybe. But we've already kind of done that. That's an issue. And now I'm worried again. I don't know it'll take it'll take an amazing swing to make me feel comfortable. I
Jordan (00:06:45.000)
think you've summed up the WWE quite nicely with saying we've done that before. And I'm worried again. Yeah.
Dan (00:06:54.000)
Oh, I'll go. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Jordan (00:06:58.000)
Oh, go howdy.
Dan (00:07:01.000)
You know, sometimes you just gotta say, we'll see. We'll see what happens.
Jordan (00:07:07.000)
That's what somebody says before being eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park. You know what, maybe it'll work out this time. I'll go out.
Dan (00:07:16.000)
Anyway, Jordan, we have an episode to do. We're going to be talking about November 3 2022. That was Thursday. Sure of last week. Yeah. And I don't know. I don't know if it's just uncle howdy or something. But I forgot that the midterms were coming up. Oh, man.
Jordan (00:07:32.000)
I'll tell you for a minute. I
Dan (00:07:34.000)
forgot. And I listened to Alex's show. And then I remember. Yeah, this show has a lot a lot. A lot going on. Does it know the takes a lot of calls, so that's not easy. Yeah, that'll be fun. Yeah,
Jordan (00:07:48.000)
that's a good ad. So
Dan (00:07:49.000)
we'll we'll get into that and we'll talk about it. But before we do, let's take a little moment to say howdy, uncle to some new walks today. So first, I'll tell you a live ain't easy for a boy named Squatch. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy.
Jordan (00:08:04.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:05.000)
Next Raman Peter Inc. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:09.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:10.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:08:11.000)
Thanks. Oh, this is the birthday messages a month late right on time know that pretty sure they're right on this person did send them in a timely fashion. Okay, I blew it. Anyway. Bianca donk would like to say happy birthday to Lego and blissful prick. Happy birthday to you all. You're not palsy walks. I'm a policy.
Jordan (00:08:29.000)
Happy May birthday.
Dan (00:08:31.000)
Next huge cranial neck. Andrew, thank you so much. You are now policy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:08:35.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Dan (00:08:36.000)
you very much. Next agit prop for you. Thank you so much. You're now policy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:08:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:08:42.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:43.000)
That's Rudy gooty. fresh and fruity here. Rusty just calling to discuss election fraud. Give me a ring back when you can. Thanks. You are now policy? Well, I'm a policy wonk Chandler Gribble, pebbles are the secret dynastic family behind the council of 12. Thank you so much for now policy. Well,
Alex Jones (00:09:00.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:02.000)
So we're gonna get down to business on this very dumb episode of Alex's show very, very stupid. Sure. But before we do here is an out of context drop from one of Alex's callers.
Caller 1 (744) (00:09:13.000)
Just wanted to make a quick point and share Battle Royale with you if I could think of a commercial out
Dan (00:09:18.000)
of it. Yeah, I'm sorry. What? See it's a battle roar. But it's for commercial. It's specifically for commercial is he cut?
Jordan (00:09:24.000)
Is he saying Alex I want to cut a promo for you
Dan (00:09:28.000)
know, not even a promo. Battle roar.
Jordan (00:09:31.000)
Just in case you need to splice it in somewhere later.
Dan (00:09:34.000)
It kind of takes away the sincerity of the battle roar. If you're going into it with a you can use this for
Jordan (00:09:39.000)
a commercial Hey, yeah, that's kind of that's kind of not good. The other
Dan (00:09:43.000)
thing I like though, is that callers are familiar enough to be like, Hey, what's up Jones?
Jordan (00:09:48.000)
Hey, buddy, I'm gonna do a yell at you. And then I know you'll put it into a commercial I'm
Dan (00:09:53.000)
gonna yell so good. You're gonna make money off it.
Jordan (00:09:55.000)
What a what a weird, you know, like there's a lot to unpack if you get d Been there as to how can you possibly have created an audience that's like, you know what he needs me to call in and yell at him for money.
Dan (00:10:08.000)
You know, you know what, though? There's really not that much to unpack. You just did it. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. So there's a lot of news in the world.
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
Yeah. A lot of hurts. Very important news. Yep. Climate change. But
Dan (00:10:21.000)
there's also one story that just will not go away. Oh,
Alex Jones (00:10:24.000)
the Pelosi is don't want the footage from their surveillance cameras that the congressional Capitol Police, where they've expanded offices around the country. Turns out they've got HD video of all this, but they don't want the footage released. Ladies and gentlemen, they just don't want to talk about two men in their underwear with hammers in a bedroom. It just gets crazier and crazier. We're going to open the phones up throughout the broadcast today, all three hours, you know, who does
Dan (00:10:54.000)
want to talk about two guys with hammers in a bad way?
Jordan (00:10:56.000)
Sure. Sure. Seems like him. Wow. I did not know that the story wouldn't go away. I feel like I stopped paying attention.
Dan (00:11:04.000)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I felt like the story fully went away. It was there.
Jordan (00:11:09.000)
And then it was gone. And it was meant to
Dan (00:11:11.000)
last episode. We were talking about his show on like, Saturday and Sunday. I'm like, Well, that's about the last we'll have to hear about the Pelosi shit. Still talking about it at the end of the week?
Jordan (00:11:21.000)
Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry. I have a limited amount of attention and sympathy for anybody with over $100 million. I just kind of don't care. I have tremendous
Dan (00:11:29.000)
sympathy for somebody who is the victim of a home invasion. Absolutely. And assault with a hammer natural, obviously. But you know, life does go on. She is recovering. He's in the hospital. He's got better insurance than we do. The guy who did it got arrested. He's in custody. Sure. I don't know how much it all worked out. Well, yes. Too much. It's certainly maybe something to consider about the vulnerability of politicians and possible hoping to violently retribution around them. Right. Certainly, that's a conversation could be an issue. But holy shit. This story is still relevant in the Info Wars. tip of the spear. Yeah. Anyway, Alex wants to talk a tiny bit about his court cases. Some some issues. He could have made them all go away. Sorry. What? Yeah,
Alex Jones (00:12:17.000)
you know, that's what the gun grabbers Democratic Party groups should me and these kangaroo courts told me in mediation, they said, We want you to come out against the Second Amendment. We'll drop all this. Oh, I can be sitting in your lap, then then you'll be nice to me, you oily gross lawyers. I am happier and more alive than I've ever been being under savage attack by the scum of the earth.
Dan (00:12:47.000)
So I reached out to bill to get a comment about Yeah, how did he feel? He said that he told Alex if he turned on the Second Amendment it make it all go
Jordan (00:12:55.000)
away. Bill said that Goddamnit bill?
Dan (00:12:58.000)
I did not get a comment from him. But as of press time, he does not. He said they did not do this. They didn't do
Jordan (00:13:06.000)
it. No. Damn. Damn.
Dan (00:13:08.000)
So yeah, it's it's fair. It seems incredibly unlikely that anybody was like, Hey, listen up, Alex. You know what? I bet maybe one of Alex's lawyers said that to him? Probably yeah, just say that you don't like guns anymore? Maybe they'll have to drop all this. Yeah, you know, I could see that being like a message that was conveyed from Alex's lawyer that never came from anywhere else. Right,
Jordan (00:13:31.000)
right. I mean, you know, in terms of jobs, normally, I think whenever I've lied to my bosses about something that's happened, I felt bad about it. And they might not believe me, you know, those types of things. I mean, if you're working for Alex Jones, and you got your ass kicked in a in a law situation, you could just lie to him and it'd be like, that sounds more true than that. We got our ass kicked for lying all the time. How could we possibly Yeah, obviously we're in the right so clearly. Yeah,
Dan (00:14:00.000)
it must be some kind of a demonic conspiracy. You know what they
Jordan (00:14:03.000)
sent me one of my own daughters toes. That's what happened and that's why we lost. Norma I'm so sorry to hear that is a bad deposition. Now I've got my daughter's toe.
Dan (00:14:13.000)
They sent me one of my ponytails. So, look, we got to talk about that Pelosi. She's
Alex Jones (00:14:21.000)
what that footage released. They say it's a conspiracy theory. We're not releasing while there were two naked men are men and underwear with hammers in a bedroom that Paul Pelosi said he knew and was a friend named David J. Here's a Biden on the Paul Pelosi attack.
Joe Biden (00:14:37.000)
He woke him up he wanted to tie him up. The Ceylon ended up using a hammer to smash Paul's skull. Thankfully, by the grace of God, Paul survived all this happened after the assault. It just I try hard even say it's hard to even say After the assailant enter the home asking, Where's Nancy? Where's Nancy? Those are the very same words used by the mob when they stormed the United States Capitol on January the sixth.
Alex Jones (00:15:14.000)
Release the footage. All this is so scripted, you'd have to be a moron not to see that. I mean, I'd give it a 95% chance that they had that God drugged up. Did you know who he was? Turns out he's part of a hallucinogenic called why he's all connected to pedophilia, his girlfriend's in prison for pedophile behavior.
Dan (00:15:35.000)
What Alex has downgraded this from a 99% chance conspiracy to a 95% chance which would be irrelevant if the words he said had any meaning. That's true. He's just making up his conclusions and proclamations as he goes along. So he probably doesn't even realize that what he's saying is that it's become more likely that the Pelosi home invasion was a real event since the last time he put a number on it. Right. But if you're paying attention to his show, that's what he's saying. You know, words have no meaning. No, David de Pape wasn't part of a hallucinogenic cult any more than Joe Rogan is? I would bet that he did do some drugs during his time living with some San Francisco nudists, but that's a bit of a distance from a hallucinogen cult. Unless you're a member of Alex's audience, then you will actually believe that cities are burning and demons walk the streets of every urban center cackling and threatening any conservative who dares show their face. That audience might be naive enough to buy that shit, but it's a small select group.
Jordan (00:16:28.000)
Yeah, in my house. So in my experience, I mean, I gotta say, a hallucinogenic cult is usually pretty chill. It's the it's the cults that are organized around like money or power all those things. That's gonna fuck you up. Hallucinogenic colds. What happens?
Dan (00:16:42.000)
Some people take a hard turn on hallucinogens others
Jordan (00:16:46.000)
that I'm not saying that's not the case that that does exist. True. True.
Dan (00:16:51.000)
So Alex mentions to Papes girlfriend there which is a reference to the high profile nudism activist in San Francisco. Gypsy taobh is her name okay. It should be pointed out that she wasn't it Okay? Probably not. It should be pointed out that she wasn't a nudist activist in the 70s, which is kind of where your mind goes. It's closer to the 90s and early 2000s. She was a local character and actually has a ton in common with Alex, for instance, she was a huge 911 truther. She even had a public access show call about 911 called uncensored 911, which eventually became a show called my Naked Truth, where she would host a talk show naked. I guess Alex didn't do his show naked. But he got his start in public access. And he was super into 911 conspiracy. So him and Todd would probably have a lot to bond over. You may notice that Alex says that she's in jail for quote pedophile behavior. Yeah, that's typically this would be Alex using suggestive language to implant ideas in his audience's head. Sure. And this case, however, he just doesn't actually know any of the details of the case. But he feels like he heard something that was like, yeah, maybe it's pedophilic. But he wants to keep it vague, just in case right right to change things up. Yeah, he doesn't want to get lawsuit or nothing. Tom is in jail for stalking and harassing a former friend of her sons, who she sent messages expressing her love for and who she made actions towards attempting to kidnap. He was in the ninth grade at the time, and her actions are reprehensible. Wow, there's no indication that de Pape had any involvement with that stuff, though, because he and Tom split in 2015. And she has said that even at that point, he was less a romantic partner, and more of a roommate and someone who took care of the kids who may be his kids as well. It's reported that he's the father of her children, but this whole thing is chaotic. And I have no idea what's what right top married a 20 year old named James Smith in 2013. And de Pape and her last contract contact a little bit after that point. She told the San Francisco Chronicle that she assumed he'd quote completely lost his mind after that point. Tom does make some interesting points in as much as she felt that debate wasn't really a Trump guy or a right winger which might seem true to her on the surface. The nature of this conspiracy world that's so prominent now involves a denial about the actual political underpinning of the conspiracy beliefs that you hold, you may think that you're just opposed to the deep state cabal are something and have no connection at all to the ways that the conspiracy belief is used to invalidate and attack any kind of federal bureaucracy. Let's say, in your mind, you're against demons who drink children's blood, but the real world implications are of your belief serves only explicitly right wing political goals. You might notice that no one arrives at left leaning politics by obsessing about Soros or Klaus Schwab. And there's a reason for that. It's a dynamic that's built in you don't really, you know, you're not supposed to realize how all this conspiracy is geared towards funneling you towards a extreme right wing political set that you don't identify as extreme right.
Jordan (00:19:52.000)
Well, I mean, because people don't talk about it in its totality for the most part, you know, people aren't saying you know, like once These far right billionaires in such get into power, they slowly or quickly erode all of the safeguards of society, then you as a conspiracy person or like society is falling apart? Well, yes. Because the people that you are accidentally supporting, sure maintain their power. And as they as you give them more power, they make society crumbled more, you get more invested in your bullshit, and it's a nasty circle.
Dan (00:20:25.000)
Sure, yeah. Or think about the, this, this kind of dynamic, you know, you have like this, like, complete opposition to deep state bureaucracy and what have you. And like, you know, where the rubber meets the road in reality is like, oh, okay, you know, ended up getting a bunch of Republicans in office, and they want to get rid of Social Security. What is that if not emblematic of deep state bureaucracy? And there's so much right, like that, that is where the, like, conservative and right wing politics are the end result of the obsession that they've gotten you to think isn't political.
Jordan (00:21:02.000)
Sure. And the I mean, you know, and the circumstances being because of what they do, it reinforces your distrust of them, you know, except for them, because they're the ones you trust, because they blame the other people
Dan (00:21:17.000)
until they you you're told to label them a rhino or something, and then you're too late. Yep. Anyway, Tom is clearly unwell as his debate, but they currently aren't a couple and haven't been for even in touch for about seven years. She was charged in 2019. So there's no connection between debate and her crimes and no evidence that she was running a hallucinogen cult. This is just all like Alex talking shit, because it's easier than focusing on anything of substance in the run up to the midterms. And why not? Fuck it? Yeah, I
Jordan (00:21:49.000)
know. But that's a really interesting story. I would want to know more about that whole circumstance rather than just you know, I mean, what do you want to know they they the over they undercut it? You know, like, instead of this dude shows up at a hit with a hammer now it's two naked dudes hammer fucking, you know, right. And but with hammers like literal hammers, right? And then instead of, you know, this, this person with a rich, insane history, we're just gonna be like a pedophile behavior or whatever it is like no, man. Well, I
Dan (00:22:19.000)
mean, it does show a profound lack of curiosity on Alex's part, that sucks.
Jordan (00:22:24.000)
Sucks. This is way more interesting than anything else he talks about. I mean, I think if you're talking about right, what's
Dan (00:22:30.000)
interesting, too, is that like Alex could probably cast a lot more suspicion on the story. If he knew details. He could do a better job of conspiracy theorizing he actually cared to do his job, right.
Jordan (00:22:43.000)
It's one of the few times where if he weren't curious, it would help him. Yeah.
Dan (00:22:48.000)
So Alex makes an announcement. And like, I mean, we're recording this on Sunday, and I might have a really bad week ahead of me because he's tempting me to get back on my bullshit. Oh,
Alex Jones (00:22:59.000)
Dan, I'm just gonna take a ton of calls. Five days out from the midterms. Oh, fuck off. We're gonna be here next Tuesday. right through to probably two in the morning, but they admit they're gonna try to steal the battleground states. So we're gonna be here. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. No, right through with what's happening now. I gotta tell you, all this talk about violence and imminent Republican violence and Republicans going to pull something big. That signals major false flag or provocateur operations, which is a big staple that governments use all over the place. They try to demonize me for popularizing the term false flag. But now the State Department has press conferences about Russia, they claim the staging false flag, so
Dan (00:23:40.000)
no one cares about popularizing the term false flag, they just care that you say everything is a false flag. Yeah, no evidence and it's just meaningless to you when you just yeah, whatever. But look, man, right. How do I resist? You have to why it's so
Jordan (00:23:53.000)
easy. It's so easy. Oh, he's not gonna
Dan (00:23:57.000)
follow through with it. Probably not. And it'll just be his junior varsity squad.
Jordan (00:24:01.000)
He's not gonna be there. He's gonna force you're just listening to him say I'm gonna force my employees work till did work till 2am. Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed. Damn. Yeah,
Dan (00:24:11.000)
I know. It's so tempting. I know. You're the only thing that's stopping me from actually doing it is that there's nothing less compelling than watching me watch Infowars through so I can't really do it as a stream. No, there's no real point to do that.
Jordan (00:24:24.000)
No, it just be small facial changes. Yeah. Hi, Rob. Exactly. Yeah,
Dan (00:24:30.000)
it's not it's not good content. Otherwise, I probably would do it. I probably stream myself responding to
Jordan (00:24:37.000)
I mean, if you if you reacting was good content, I'd be out of a job. Yeah,
Dan (00:24:41.000)
that's a good point. Yeah. I mean, not a good laugh or not. Probably not going to do it. But man, I was feeling tempted. Yeah. So Alex has some thoughts about the the some ideas of I don't remember who it was. It wasn't Biden, but there was another Trump that he plays where he's sort of crazy world the his political. Fringe guys are labeled the minority. There are a minority group of people who have this ideology shisha. He does not like this. And so he starts ranting about how they've almost taken over the GOP and I think he's selling themselves short. I think they've completed that takeover. Yeah, you go
Alex Jones (00:25:23.000)
to any Republican event or any rally, you look at any statistic or number 80% of Republicans are now populist, anti New World Order folks, and the globalist give Infowars and our audience to credit that we helped wake people up, they called radicalization. Trump then erased it, and took it to the next level, whether you like Trump or not, he did a great job at energizing it, and now we've almost taken the Republican Party over. And the power structure is in abject total complete panic about it. So we're not the minority, where the diverse majority of Republican voters upwards of 80% even in studies first, how are identifying with Trump, white men and women? That's why they panic in Media Matters. And CNN ago, why no mainline Republicans are defending Jones now, and they're echoing his talking points. Yeah, exactly. Those are not my talking points. I'm on your criminal ashes. And I read your white papers and I study you felt Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. King Charles and all you people close, close call. And I bet on humanity, and I believe that humanity you bet against us and you watch I may not make it to see the victory. But you're going down and you can feel it in your dirty, filthy globalist bones.
Dan (00:26:47.000)
Your bones are dirty.
Jordan (00:26:50.000)
Yeah, no, I'm still writing the queen on my checks, too. I got it. I got it.
Dan (00:26:54.000)
Yeah, I don't even think he was trying to say Prince Charles. I think he just couldn't come up with a third person. Anger was just like
Jordan (00:27:04.000)
King Charles A.
Dan (00:27:07.000)
Yeah. Do you know that this will come this will be important later in this episode. But you know, that is a smooth zero to 60 for Alex, you know that like? I'm alright. I'm alright. I'm
Jordan (00:27:19.000)
great. It's a parabolic rise.
Dan (00:27:22.000)
And you like, I don't know why, but it makes sense. Yeah. I don't like you know, it's that. The Hulk Sure. He's like, My secret is I'm always anchored. Right, right. That's Alex's see. He's always angry. So whenever
Jordan (00:27:36.000)
he does, that's my secret. We can't have the same secret but
Dan (00:27:40.000)
that's that's why this this this transition from normal talking to screaming Right. Right. Right and of has like, it doesn't if I wasn't calling it a commenting on it. It wouldn't even be like noticeable. No, it's not to listen to enough of him. It's just like, This is how Alex talks. Yeah,
Jordan (00:27:54.000)
I mean, it's way better that because whenever he tries to ramp up slowly, it's it comes off so fake.
Dan (00:27:59.000)
Right, right. Yeah. But put a pin in this. Make a note of that, because this is gonna be important later, you're gonna meet somebody else who does this poorly. Boy, so Alex take some calls. And it takes a while to get the calls. He said he was gonna get to them immediately. Does not. But he talks to a guy and he's from Australia. And Alex is obsessed with the idea that COVID lockdowns are coming back and what have you. Because apparently, in Wuhan, they had a small lockdown. And that's because China has zero COVID policy. And you know, they've done this a couple of times, periodically over the last year
Jordan (00:28:33.000)
even, it'll show up and then everybody's locked in. Yeah. And then
Dan (00:28:37.000)
it's alleviated. Yeah, but Alex is obsessed with like, this is going to come back. It's going everywhere. And this caller brings that up. And he's like, yeah, yeah. All right. I'm enjoying. I'm enjoying this COVID Fear. Okay, and then it goes bad. Oh, no, thanks
Alex Jones (00:28:51.000)
for calling from the land down on her.
Caller 2 (744) (00:28:53.000)
Oh, hey, Alex, first of all that to say you're doing the Lord's work. And thank you so much for it. And as well, you're completely right with COVID. At the moment, they've just started are putting on the news that there's going to be away from now. They're predicting waves and weeks and months before, they're talking about putting back in restrictions as well as per the Australian Health weekly agency is deregistering. Doc edge.
Alex Jones (00:29:18.000)
And Europe's doing it. And the Democrats are planning it here. Absolutely. They're planning to come back with the same assault.
Caller 2 (744) (00:29:25.000)
Two point on with the corruption for example, in South Australia, here in Adelaide on judges are involved in shipping in drugs. And I think it's even deeper than that. And I think it's involved the spy agencies as well. And it's also why you see there's a rise in youth crime across Australia. And these young people also threatened with the with violence and some to escape that in their own lives. And as well up in a few islands in South Australia, where the British military tested nukes back in the 60s. Last time ever, exactly. It's primarily just indigenous and indigenous population. And I've talked to indigenous people out there, and they tell me about all these things they see in all these experiments, things flying in the air. And they believe it's God, but it, particularly technology that is not at this point, and we have no business touching. Oh.
Alex Jones (00:30:26.000)
Very interesting. backlash in Australia, from what I've seen, the people are getting really angry.
Dan (00:30:33.000)
So alright, so I guess nuclear testing has caused flying things that are alien technology to be about, and we should not deal with any kind of nuclear technology because it's not of this earth. long pause. Very interesting. Very interesting. That COVID Still would want to address it. I pretend you didn't say that.
Jordan (00:30:58.000)
This is this is exactly like most conversations I've had in the line waiting to get into a show, you know, into like, a concert of some sort. Like if I'm waiting to see Sylvan. So somebody's gonna have a nice little conversation with you're gonna be like, This is great. I am enjoying this. Did you know aliens are coming for you? God dammit. We're just gonna stand here and silence for the rest of the night.
Dan (00:31:19.000)
It makes me it makes me think of that. That exchange that I had when we were in Hawaii. Yeah. And I saw a guy who was complaining about Democratic politicians. And normally, I would just be like, I don't even want I just ignore it. But I was like, it's like I was in such a good mood.
Jordan (00:31:38.000)
All right. All right. Hey, If this guy
Dan (00:31:40.000)
had come up to me and talked about how these nuclear weapons are creating flying things,
Alex Jones (00:31:45.000)
my man preach.
Dan (00:31:51.000)
But that's, that's, I mean, Alex has to understand that a lot of his callers, if not kept to a very short amount of time, right are going to reveal some kind of a position or idea that they have that makes their other positions that he wants to hear about look a little silly.
Jordan (00:32:06.000)
Right? Right. Right. You keep them on a short leash, keep them on a short leash.
Dan (00:32:11.000)
So another caller calls in he wants to talk a little bit about this Pelosi situation that everybody's talking about. Everybody
Jordan (00:32:17.000)
can't stop talking
Alex Jones (00:32:17.000)
Jane calls you want to receive Tim and FEMA Region nine Jim, go ahead.
Caller 1 (744) (00:32:22.000)
Hi, Alex was Tim longtime listener. first time caller. Wanted to mention the URL, I looked up the so called palsy attacker just did a quick search online. And the guy is 42 years old. It looks like he's a pretty hefty guy. And I just think it's kind of laughable that they would put the story out that a feeble 82 year old alcoholic could then somebody like that off, that would be able to stop him at all.
Alex Jones (00:32:49.000)
While the police stay in the police report that came in and both men were in their underwear with hammers, beating each other with hammers. And that's on record.
Caller 1 (744) (00:32:58.000)
Yeah, it's just laughs That doesn't clear things up.
Alex Jones (00:33:02.000)
Notice now as tournament says, asking for evidence is the new conspiracy theory.
Dan (00:33:07.000)
Alex is making shit up by the police report here. But this caller is confused because the media he's consuming is full of shit. Right? It would be confusing to imagine that Paul Pelosi could take the paper in a fight. But that isn't really relevant because they weren't fighting to paper wasn't there to attack or kill Paul, he was perfectly fine waiting around with him until Nancy returned. Paul didn't have to fight off to paper, which is why this situation really isn't that confusing, right? And he just doesn't get that right. Asking for evidence isn't the new conspiracy theory. But it is really fun that Cernovich is still a name that people like Alex say without feeling intense shame. What Cernovich is describing is the same old game that conspiracy theorists have always played. Essentially, it goes like this. There's an event that you desperately don't want people to accept as real because it's super threatening to your political project or propaganda business model. You don't really have any direct means of invalidating the event, and you can't really claim that it didn't happen. So what you do is you make a ridiculous demand and insist that it's suspicious that your demand isn't being met. The public has no right to the surveillance video from the Pelosi household. And the police have already said that the claim that they've refused to turn it over to the authorities is false. But through repetition and an insistence that you would totally believe the story if they just made that video public. You can convince your audience that it's a reasonable demand and that it makes no sense that the Pelosi is wouldn't release the footage one day want to put that out because it would silence the dissenters. It's suspicious that they're not Yep, so the whole thing this is a tried and true game. It gets played pretty much every time with conspiracies to some degree or another and it's a scam. Cernovich and Alex don't actually want any footage to be released, because they know damn well that it wouldn't prove anything that they want proven. All they want is the ability to use the fact that it's not released as some kind of a means to introduce suspicion and doubt in their audience and you can see clearly that it works. And if
Jordan (00:35:03.000)
it is released, they'll be like, Oh, this is edited. Boo gave us the uncut video, yada, yada, yada and never end right. Either trap. Yeah,
Dan (00:35:12.000)
it's not sincere, because what you're saying is what would happen, it would either be like, there's something that in this, it's not really released that deep fake or Yeah, it would just pivot onto some other demand for information that's suspicious that they haven't really totally. You know, it's the it's the Obama birth certificate. No, we need the long form. Exactly. Exactly. That's all just we've slipped down this.
Jordan (00:35:36.000)
We've gone down this too many times. I know. But it's unacceptable. And also, this is not how I wanted to find out that Ray Romano is an info warrior. I'll tell you that right now. Yeah. You didn't hear that voice?
Dan (00:35:48.000)
I? Maybe I was just I don't know. Ah, what was his knife was wife's name on?
Jordan (00:35:55.000)
Everybody loves Raven. I
Dan (00:35:56.000)
don't know. Is it Nancy? Ball. So good. Another good. Another call. And so one of the things that's really a through line throughout this episode is Biden gave a speech and he talked about how there's going to be, you know, we may not have an answer for all of the midterm elections on election night, you know, there's going to be some bouts. That may may take a while. Right. So just preparing people and like reminding people that that's the case. Yeah, this is proof that Biden is telling people are about to steal it naturally. So that's, that's sort of the the game that. And so this caller has some thoughts about that.
Caller 1 (744) (00:36:37.000)
Yeah, let's bond speech last night. I mean, why would you tactically follow up the Philadelphia speech, which was so badly received with this speech last night, and sprinkle in some hay, it's, it's gonna take us some time to count the votes, okay. Unless you knew you were gonna have a steel in place.
Alex Jones (00:36:58.000)
He was prepping everybody not to question the steel, and saying that he was elected, totally fair and square, the cleanest election ever. And then demonizing his opposition and saying that they're going to try to fill the next election. That's what he said.
Caller 1 (744) (00:37:11.000)
Nothing about how the country is going. Nothing about how to change how badly things are going. Not one word about that.
Alex Jones (00:37:19.000)
No, everything is Paul Pelosi, in his underwear with a dude with a hammer.
Caller 1 (744) (00:37:24.000)
It's one reason I don't believe that and, um, is because like with the Where's Nate? See, where's Nancy? That just that just seems like, you know, there's no way that would happen again, like,
Jordan (00:37:37.000)
why directly tied to the only thing that would have
Alex Jones (00:37:40.000)
that script, I hear you What do you think's going to happen the next five days?
Dan (00:37:46.000)
Oh, I wrote that script. Oh, my God. I guess I guess there's two ways you could really interpret that that would be that there was a script for the attack, right. And that part of the script was de Pape saying where's Nancy? So they could connect it to January 6, right. Or the other way? I guess you could read this is Alex saying that the media coverage of it has a script where de Pape didn't actually say where's Nancy? Right. And everybody is just saying that so they could connect with January 6, right, except the debate in his interview, so that that's why he was doing there. They asked where Nancy was right. So then the script would have to be in advance. Right. So it would have to be that it was all fake. Right. And then debates interview with the police, after he was arrested was also scripted, which is
Jordan (00:38:30.000)
really, really important to keep this in mind. Because if this conspiracy is true, that means that when Alex is asking why were they found in the in their underwear, it was hammered the script? Well, I mean, was it because if it's not that's a question that I need to know about. How did we get to naked hammering?
Dan (00:38:47.000)
I will say that if there is a play that I'm auditioning for, and part of it involves getting hit with a hammer, I'm not taking that role.
Jordan (00:38:54.000)
What script are they right more than like, all right now while you wait, listen, I get it. You're gonna be bored. Try hammer fucking we did it the other night where the FBI we all got together at Langley, or whatever it is. Listen, hammer fucking is on the rise. My man. What are you talking about? Yeah, it's
Dan (00:39:13.000)
a little bit strange. I don't I don't know. One of the advantages that Alex has is that callers also don't ask follow up questions. And so it can just sort of lay there as there was a script and it doesn't really mean it can mean whatever you want to mean.
Jordan (00:39:26.000)
I do appreciate that. Somehow Biden saying it takes a while to count is not immediately stood as correct. Oh, no, no, no, no,
Dan (00:39:34.000)
it's proof. He's saying we're about to steal it. Because I'm
Jordan (00:39:36.000)
going to be honest with you. I feel like most of these people who are claiming that's a conspiracy should really recognize that it does take a while to count. I feel like that's a relatable fact. For that I
Dan (00:39:45.000)
have a vampire puppet that I'd like to introduce them. So we heard a little bit from this guy in the context drop. But here is Mr. Battle roar.
Jordan (00:39:58.000)
Let's give him roar.
Caller 1 (744) (00:40:00.000)
I just wanted to make a quick point and share a battle royale with you if I could, so you can make a commercial out of it. But with all these narratives that they craft, it's not people like you and people like me who want to build narratives. We want straight forward. I want to obliterate you with my ideas and my speech and embarrass you. So you go away and your ideas are wiped off the stage. Okay, no violence. None of that. We don't need that. And just so you really know how I feel. That's right. You go.
Dan (00:40:34.000)
I think, I think I know how he feels. I think I got it. Yeah, I find it very sad. When I hear something like that. I mean, first of all, the the way that the artificial growling and stuff, it's a bummer. But even sadder is a feeling that he's expressing that like, we don't believe in narrative, right? I mean, you're just listening to any guy who makes shit up in order to
Jordan (00:41:00.000)
storyteller. He's totally, he's telling stories. I don't know what you're talking about. It must
Dan (00:41:04.000)
be comforting to feel like that isn't how you engage with information, right? But it's not true. No, anybody who listen to Alex is addicted to narrative.
Jordan (00:41:16.000)
I mean, it's it's he's always everything is from a movie, of course, you're addicted to narratives. And
Dan (00:41:21.000)
honestly, I don't I don't think that narratives themselves as a way to experience a lot of stuff is bad. It's just one there.
Jordan (00:41:28.000)
It's the way most people experiences. Yeah, that's true.
Dan (00:41:31.000)
But when it's, you know, narratives that are built on completely fraudulent information, that and meant to direct you towards really dangerous and negative conclusions. That's, you know, when you should probably recognize you're not special. You your mind thinks in stories. Come on, bro. Yeah.
Jordan (00:41:53.000)
Man, it's just, it's just so hard. You know, you want to think that you're an individual iconoclast that acts like everybody else wishes they could. And instead, you're someone listening to Alex Jones daily,
Dan (00:42:06.000)
you know what I feel about that?
Jordan (00:42:10.000)
We shared a battle royale. I hope he uses it in a commercial.
Dan (00:42:13.000)
So Alex talks a little bit about his belief in electoral ism, which is weird. I'm sorry, what? Well, there's a reason that you should vote.
Alex Jones (00:42:23.000)
Jared in Michigan, go ahead. Welcome.
Caller 1 (744) (00:42:29.000)
Hey, so the Liberal Democrats, they just you know, how they because what they're gonna do, and they keep, you know, like, they still win the elections, all this stuff. So we go on vote, but they still telling us they're gonna steal it and do all this crap. And please do it in front of us. But there's nothing we can really do. Or you know what I mean, like, what happens when we vote and they just steal it again, you know, poorly put.
Alex Jones (00:42:53.000)
And it just everybody asked me, well, there's election fraud. Why vote because they have to use the names of dead people. And they have to use the names of people that have moved out of state. So they have a limited pool that they've got. That's why they're picking certain I'm sorry, what deal and key battlegrounds. And so a massive tsunami. Here's a dumb way is as simple as saying it ever 350 million Americans? Oh, boy. And let's say 300 million or voting age. Why? Why would you say that? 100 70 million, whatever it is. Okay. If they all voted Republican, they they couldn't statistically say Republicans lost because it isn't possible. So it's a smaller margin than that. But that's basically what's happening. Jared, love you. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (00:43:37.000)
Think about it.
Jordan (00:43:38.000)
All right. So every single time you don't vote Republican, the Democrats use your name to vote Democrat,
Dan (00:43:47.000)
only if you're dead. So look, this is one of the weaker defenses of electoral ism that I've heard in a while it's
Jordan (00:43:54.000)
been a while it really has everything has voted
Dan (00:43:56.000)
GOP than the Democrats couldn't say that the election was stolen, or something, Matt? Also why do the people rigging the election need to use the names of dead people or people who've moved out of state? If this is such an elaborate plot that they're engaged in? Why couldn't they create fake identities can't just make up names? Hey, how could you plus if the whole scheme relies on fraudulent votes and dead people's names? Where are the examples of that happening in 2020? Alex seems to believe it's a rock solid case that that's what they are doing and what they plan to do. So it seems weird that I don't think I've ever heard him cite one example of it happening there is that Did you know that if you cast an absentee ballot, but you die before election day that they will invalidate your ballot that happened to 3469 voters in Michigan alone? I wonder what Alex thinks about that, and I will continue wondering because he's never mentioned it weird. Also PolitiFact reviewed news reports of instances where people cast ballots on behalf of dead people and found that quote, Republicans were more often the perpetrators. And this isn't always a malicious form of fraud either. Sometimes it's one of the cases where someone dies after casting an absentee ballot and the system doesn't catch it. That does happen sometimes. Or in many cases, it could be a relative or a loved one of the deceased person who felt like casting the vote in their name would have been in keeping in line with their wishes share. It's still fraud, but maybe it's not as rooted in evil or malice, as it might, you might assume, initially, whatever the case, the frequency of people voting and dead people's names is so small as to be irrelevant. This argument Alex has is pathetic and meaningless. But that's because he actually doesn't want he doesn't really think that people should vote. Yeah, he doesn't really care. He also knows that if that's his position like that voting is meaningless, and then nothing will ever change through that system. A whole lot of his listeners will take that as a sign that it's time to take up arms, you probably doesn't want to like fully endorsed that publicly, either of those. He wants a tripling of chaos, like the full on unintended consequences version where everyone goes out and kills all the police. Yeah, well, yeah, he doesn't want that.
Jordan (00:46:00.000)
He doesn't want people to go to some sort of place and then storm some
Dan (00:46:04.000)
guy home invading the Pelosi. He's
Jordan (00:46:07.000)
cool. I'm cool. Can we get to make jokes about how's
Dan (00:46:10.000)
January 6? difficult, but it worked out. Okay. We can profit off that. Shockingly enough. Yes. You can still be in business. Yeah, the the notion of like a bunch of Alex's audience taking up arms or something and like will fuck it will never solve this through the system. Right. That's, that's, that's too much. Yeah.
Jordan (00:46:30.000)
I mean, ironically, that might be the only way to save democracy is if they were to actually take up arms. Everybody would be like, maybe this problem is too big to ignore for now. Instead, we're gonna be like, and we'll just let them do it for another few years. And then we'll live in fascism.
Dan (00:46:44.000)
And I don't agree with your position. No, no, obviously. Anyway, Alex has another caller. Go ahead.
Caller 1 (744) (00:46:53.000)
Yes, Alex. longtime listener, first time caller. Thank you. I believe. I'm a cleric critical thinker. I'm a PhD. So I just don't follow anybody for any reason. And I believe that we will win the election, but we have to be vigilant because they are going to try to steal it. As we saw today on Infowars news, that a judge in Arizona is stopping the Muller watchers, which is ridiculous. We need them Your watch is out there. And pH three in the past, I have not used it yet. I'm saving it in case of a nuclear war.
Dan (00:47:32.000)
Does that Ray Roboto? Yeah, so he's got a PhD, but he likes the mule watchers, which we'll get to later. Sure. And also, He's saving his ex three a case of a nuclear war.
Jordan (00:47:44.000)
Man, that is an interesting PhD. Yeah, I doubt it to PhD in the effects of radiation on the human body. I will say that
Dan (00:47:52.000)
Sure. Or voter intimidation. So we had another caller, this guy is fun.
Alex Jones (00:48:01.000)
J row in Georgia.
Caller 1 (744) (00:48:04.000)
Hey, Alex Jones, what's going on my brother? How you doing today?
Alex Jones (00:48:07.000)
Man? I am living inside the New World Order. Live in the New World Order nightmare.
Caller 1 (744) (00:48:11.000)
Man. I'm trying to say look, I spoke to you about a week ago. I don't know if you remember. And I prayed for you live on air. And we talked about possibly doing a spiritual segment. Man, yes, sir. So I'm not in here really to call but if they'd like I've told them. For some reason. I've been a 16 year listener. I've only been able to get in through to you about three times. This is the third time and today's my birthday on top of that which
Alex Jones (00:48:35.000)
made beautiful brother and leadership prayer.
Dan (00:48:38.000)
You know? Yep. So get it out. Get a get a prayer. Oh, man.
Jordan (00:48:43.000)
Yeah, dude. Yep.
Dan (00:48:45.000)
So I love this though. A week ago, this guy called him they're gonna do a spiritual segment, which is gonna happen right after Alex gets that show of collars off. Absolutely. Any moment. Yes. Yeah. calls back in. They pray. Oh, my God. Yeah, I think I think that if Alex had been doing this kind of stuff, like back in the 911 days, and like all this, his career would not have gone the same way as it was because a lot of those people who were like ostensibly skeptic leaning and kind of atheist but also have some leanings towards conspiracy, they would see him for the religious zealot that he actually is naturally and I don't think that he would have had any traction outside of the extreme right, militia folks and the Christian identity folks. And I think that I think that would have been a better reality, but he obscured that. Yeah, quite successfully.
Jordan (00:49:38.000)
Yeah. I mean, I think most people do I think that's that's one of the things that we all I guess just kind of paper over is how many of these benign beliefs are also how you doing some sort of like a passive acceptance beliefs, you know, like, Hey, listen, I'm against all this stuff, but I'd be fine with some But you know, that's not what this that's not what this is. No, no, this is a little bit different. So not passive. This is not passive now.
Dan (00:50:07.000)
So we got another caller that can steal it again, based on this Joe Biden speech of course, very dumb.
Caller 1 (744) (00:50:16.000)
Since nobody loves you, Cincinnati, Ohio, there's a big red wave coming and I really have good feelings about the election, even though they're gonna try and steal it. I don't think they're gonna get away with it. Everybody's watching them. And they just Well, anyways, I can't wait to see what they do
Alex Jones (00:50:36.000)
that we forced the corruption out in the open and we're gonna make him steel in front of us again, that's just gonna cause that even bigger awakening. So people say well this is gonna steal it again they'll just make people more mad. That's what I'm saying. I think the deep standards are gonna let the Republicans win the house maybe even gives a few seats in the Senate but they're gonna mitigate this massive realignment that just happened and so that is they know stealin tuna rose too much that they're gonna have obviously
Jordan (00:51:01.000)
why because
Caller 1 (744) (00:51:04.000)
Caller 1 (744) (00:51:07.000)
I just everybody is so fed up that I just can't I can see everybody just hitting the streets. I mean, if it gets too crazy, you know, we're just fed up with it. Everybody's awake that I talked to I were my was Alex Jones was right t shirt when I go you know when I got to the store everybody's talking and everybody's awake. I mean, they know what's going on.
Alex Jones (00:51:31.000)
Just say this for a fact. I go out to dinner business meetings and stuff and I'm more mob than ever and basically nothing but support. So all their show trials everything just blew up in their face. It's not really translating into actual financial support that's look globalist hate the organization the world. Hate Americana. They hate populism, the AR as roots, they hate
Dan (00:52:00.000)
you. Bad time to get cut off by the break. Not really not really making
Jordan (00:52:04.000)
any money. Are you giving me money?
Dan (00:52:07.000)
You Yeah, man that that was just No, I Tom, I'm confused as to
Jordan (00:52:15.000)
why we don't just make voting mandatory. If that if we're going to have to fight all of this. Every every election is stolen, then just make voting mandatory. Everybody has to vote, and then you can't steal the election?
Dan (00:52:26.000)
Well, if if that were to be something that were done, then you'd have to also come up with a lot of ways to make it more accessible to people. So they don't want to do that there. Yeah, I think if you go that route, then you'd have to add a lot of other steps along the way to
Jordan (00:52:42.000)
Well, I mean, obviously, they don't want to solve the problem. They want the problem to be there. So they can blame it. Whenever they see it. I mean, obviously, it's not a problem they want to solve. Right.
Dan (00:52:52.000)
Yeah, right. Solving the electoral system is much of the same as demanding the Pelosi is insecurity for that. Yeah, it is a fake complaint that they have in order to justify system. Yes. Well, and, you know, the the notion that they can't steal two in a row is silly. First of all, well, it did the first time if you believe that they're stealing these elections, then why not? Oh, no, they wouldn't do that.
Jordan (00:53:22.000)
Oh, we wouldn't buy it the second time. What are you talking about? You
Dan (00:53:26.000)
asshole stormed, they
Jordan (00:53:28.000)
have literally stormed the Capitol. What are you gonna double storm it? Right.
Dan (00:53:32.000)
What do you think? Yeah,
Jordan (00:53:34.000)
we know you don't believe that elections are real. We know
Dan (00:53:37.000)
that. I mean, it's it's legit just a way of really antagonizing the audience and this base to be hostile and very angry anytime Democrats win.
Jordan (00:53:50.000)
Well, it's and it's also a little bit like, you know, when you we talk about voter fraud, that kind of stuff. It happens more often because Republicans do it than Democrats, that kind of thing. And that's partially just psychological. You know, like,
Dan (00:54:03.000)
you can happens more by accident. Well, sure. Sure. No, no, totally. But
Jordan (00:54:07.000)
I mean, the point is, they're priming them to say that the Democrats steal elections, right? And if you do that, then that means that it's morally okay for you to steal elections, maybe because they're already doing it. Maybe that's the way that their their process works is they bring it into a situation where it's like, well, obviously, they're stealing elections. So there's no reason we shouldn't Hmm. You In fact, it would be stupid for us not to because then we're not even playing fire with fire. Yeah, we're playing we're playing fucking checkers and they're playing chess. We have to steal the election. Oh,
Dan (00:54:40.000)
that you may. You may have something there. I think it's more just a way to always feel like you're the Righteous Party. Well, there's
Jordan (00:54:48.000)
definitely a defeat. There are a lot of good reasons to do evil.
Dan (00:54:52.000)
Sure. Yeah. So my man yeah, this next caller blew my mind. Okay. I believe, I don't know. I still don't know what to think about. Okay,
Caller 1 (744) (00:55:01.000)
Hey Alex, I like to you too, I have something I like to donate to your legal fund. And I'd like to you to put me on hold after a call because I have actually a Picasso and Warhol that like to donate to your label fund. So that's pretty
Alex Jones (00:55:16.000)
amazing. Picasa, war, war, any World War, we'll make sure we call the seller back and talk to him as we need to find. That would be beautiful brother.
Dan (00:55:25.000)
I don't believe this necessarily. I'm gonna guess he has like replicas or something, something. What he's asking or offering here is a ridiculous thing. You
Jordan (00:55:35.000)
can't truly believe that he's offering up both an original and original putting up Picasso and an original world. Yeah,
Dan (00:55:41.000)
the cheapest of Picasso's paintings still sell for over $100,000 and some are valued in the 10s of millions. In order for this guy to have this painting, someone would have had to pay a shitload for it. And if you're in the position to pay for a piece of art like that, you could just donate money to Alex instead of parting with a legitimate piece of history that it's only going to appreciate in value.
Jordan (00:56:02.000)
I think it should be illegal to give art to Alex, I
Dan (00:56:05.000)
think that Alex hates art. Yeah,
Jordan (00:56:07.000)
just blanket
Dan (00:56:08.000)
the value of Warhol pieces is a bit more variable. His Maryland painting sold earlier this year for $195 million. But there are a bunch of his works that are substantially cheaper than that. If this is real, and I have misgivings about that. It represents a a deeply fanatical and unhealthy attachment to making sure Alex stays wealthy. whatever amount he could possibly get from selling these artworks will absolutely not make an impact on his ability to carry out his legal case. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Alex would just keep them. Like why not? They're going that's an investment. Like if you have a Picasso, it's there. There's not going to be more of that shouldn't be
Jordan (00:56:44.000)
a you can't add no one can let Alex have art that I'm just I'm just against it. No sculptures, no art, music, no nothing. Jordan
Dan (00:56:52.000)
consider this. Yeah, that Maryland painting is the most expensive piece made by either of these artists. And if Alex Greeley Yeah, if Alex got the full value from selling it, he'd still need like $800 million to cover his case. Sandy Hook that's so funny. So I don't know. I would keep it if I were this call,
Jordan (00:57:11.000)
man. Hard to believe. Do people think Warhol was good at stuff? That's the weird thing to
Dan (00:57:16.000)
me. Well, that, that Maryland painting is very iconic. Yeah, you know,
Jordan (00:57:21.000)
I mean, sure. Whatever, whatever our world. What's next? Let's
Dan (00:57:28.000)
throw some crystal skull which
Jordan (00:57:31.000)
I doubt that's worth money. Yeah.
Dan (00:57:33.000)
No, okay. Yeah, the I guess the most I got really self conscious about this because you were like,
Jordan (00:57:41.000)
We're gonna cause glare because not expensive, Guernica is priceless. You know, like, we're not talking about the same kind of
Dan (00:57:47.000)
most expensive thing that's sold or been sold. Yes, exactly. Yeah, that's a better way of put I'm seeing an article from 2015 here saying that the women of Algiers painting of Picasso's is the most expensive of his that sold, and it was 174 million. Yeah. So yeah, there are there is a chance that there are Picasso's that will never sell them. Yeah, that would be more valuable. Yes, yes. Yeah. That that makes more sense. Yeah. Great, because
Jordan (00:58:12.000)
a fucking human treasure, you know, it's not like you could sell that. I mean, I suppose you could because we live in 2022 plot twist. This guy's waiting for it. Yeah, I have the real where to go. We we gave the fake to the Museo fund
Dan (00:58:26.000)
the info war. So anyway, Alex gets really excited about this idea of people giving him valuable for South Korea. So this is what he says.
Alex Jones (00:58:36.000)
And yeah, that's a great idea with listeners, anything folks want to donate, we should create like a donate and info where you can send us emails of what you want to donate, you got my pledge, if you donate my truck, or sell it, give us the proceeds or you donate a painting 100% will go to fund this operation. Now quite frankly, I agreed to a deal. I'll just be honest with listeners where I'm currently getting paid $40,000 a month to work here. And I could live off that I don't need a bunch of I got a truck I got a car and a nice decent house with a little pool back and I just I'm a suburban guy. But I the the bankruptcy court said I've got to pay 40% of legal bills,
Dan (00:59:24.000)
and no shit. I wonder if Alex realizes that 40,000 A month is substantially higher than almost everyone in his audience makes I mean, that's unreal. Yeah, him saying that. It's like a modest living is pretty wild and saying it in the same breath where he's asking people to donate their cars to help him pay his legal fees is just amazing. Very out of touch.
Jordan (00:59:44.000)
I listen. I'm salaried at half a million dollars a year now obviously the fact that I own the company and keep most of my money offshore and in Bitcoin and stuff now don't worry about that. Sell your own shit. Yeah, to give me five grand Yeah,
Dan (00:59:58.000)
yeah, also Why is Alex surprised that he has to pay part of his legal expenses? He's being sued and he owns 100% of the company that's being sued with him. I'd be willing to bet that he'll be able to offload all of that onto the company. But I bet he has some language in his corporate policies that where he doesn't cover legal expenses for employment and something. He doesn't want to be on the hook. Yeah. What with Dan, but donde does, man, don't sell your truck and give the proceeds to Alex, if you're one of his listeners, who's listening to this on how a fucking Picasso can't save him 8 million and Bitcoin couldn't save him and you're used F 150 isn't going to do anything other than get a few bucks and Alex's pocket, save it,
Jordan (01:00:36.000)
keep it give it to your kids do something, do anything, give it to the Cars for Kids light it on fire, it'd be better for the world than giving it to Alex, you could maybe do that as an art installation and maybe make a little cash on the side and sell it to Alex. Email. Take a video of you lighting your car on fire new Guerra? Yeah, I like it. I hear it's worth 200 million.
Dan (01:00:56.000)
So Alex complains about money, naturally,
Alex Jones (01:00:59.000)
but they were just telling me during the break, they said, Hey, boss can't do 60% off and all these, that's we're losing money on two of the products. And I said raise the price. They said, Well, that looks like he raises the lower, we just got to touch say, as I said, Okay, well after the sale, then if it's costing us more to buy something, I'm going to have to increase it 10% You know, everybody gets the inflation. So that's the thing we're dealing with. And I don't want to spend all my time on the business and I'm not complaining. But I spend half my time now or more not on air jacking with the money to find this place,
Jordan (01:01:28.000)
it would be a great thing, and I can do it better. And you have your fucking
Alex Jones (01:01:32.000)
monies more and do more interviews if we had the money, but I'm not complaining. I don't even know how insolvent we were a year ago, the money came in God will provide again, or it's time and God's plan for me to downsize or not be on air. And I don't want to quit, I'll never quit. But if God I'll keep fighting as hard as I can. And then if God decides that I'm not supposed to have a support, working through you, if you decide God working through you, that means you if you decide to take me out of the game, I thought it meant him. Maybe that's what's supposed to happen. Maybe I'm gonna have a heart attack in two years. I don't stop maybe God's like, hey, you've done enough, buddy. And so I'm really at peace about all this. And I don't want to stop fighting. But I mean, I could tell you that we need you to go to infowar and get Alex's war or get in game get a DVD get a book get great reset. And I don't like coming on here and just give me money Give me money you support me. But but but worse than the new begging I don't like begging is giving into these people.
Dan (01:02:33.000)
Yeah, yeah, I this is this guy is torture. Oh
Jordan (01:02:36.000)
boy. Yeah.
Dan (01:02:38.000)
No sounds happier than he's ever been.
Jordan (01:02:40.000)
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.
Dan (01:02:43.000)
There is no chance that 60% off is like him taking a loss on some of these dumb pills.
Jordan (01:02:50.000)
I appreciate. I appreciate this, because the thought occurred to me that, you know, we've had a lot of situations where you could take Alex Jones's clips from his shows, and play them in a school setting. And you can learn a lot from them. You know, for lawyers, if you want to become a better lawyer, you can play some Alex Jones clips. You know what not to do you know how to not be a bad lawyer. That also accounts for business. I forgot about that. You could get an NBA by not doing what Alex tells you to do on it, or it says he's doing on
Dan (01:03:18.000)
his show. This would be a good like, anti marketing example. Yes. If you wanted to teach somebody how not to get a truck from somebody, you could play that last clip.
Jordan (01:03:29.000)
Absolutely. This is like a rich dad poor dad kind of situation. Listen,
Dan (01:03:34.000)
though. Alex feels sometimes like he can't ask for money anymore.
Jordan (01:03:39.000)
No, he's just run out of do it's just run out of juice. But then he digs deep. He's got it. And every time
Alex Jones (01:03:45.000)
I'm like, I can't push anymore. I can't I don't want to do this. I hate spending all my time on business. And I'm not a business guy. And then I go Oh, give into the new world order. The ADL and the Democrats in the satanists. I'm like, Give me Give it to me. Give it to me now. So please give me money.
Jordan (01:04:05.000)
All right. Think about bad things. I yell so give me money.
Dan (01:04:10.000)
Bad things I yell give me money. So give me money.
Jordan (01:04:16.000)
Convincing? Wow. Yep. I've I've been I don't know if I've ever seen an argument more distilled down into the things that he does believe.
Dan (01:04:24.000)
Yep. Yeah. I don't fully remember what this clip is, but involves Alex yelling on the phone with another caller show here.
Alex Jones (01:04:32.000)
Regardless, they're losing which again, Joshua makes them dangerous. I'm worried about a false flag in the next five days. What do you think?
Caller 1 (744) (01:04:41.000)
Well, I'm aware of it. I think that the threat is real. I think they definitely want to gin up a lot of violence. They want to say how dangerous Republicans are American Republicans love this country. Republicans one out alive or
Alex Jones (01:04:54.000)
Republicans don't run this country. Republicans built it. Republicans do all the damn work. We all know it. And they're black and they're white, and they're Hispanic. And they're old and they're young. And they're, and they're everywhere. And everybody knows real business people. Real hard working people are Republicans. We're not perfect, but it's the best party we've got in this country. And we're taking the Republican Party over. We've almost done it. So that's the good news. I appreciate your call.
Dan (01:05:20.000)
This guy is above the left right paradigm.
Jordan (01:05:22.000)
Yeah. Republicans built this country and they do everything. Yeah, cuz I'm above the left, right paradigm.
Dan (01:05:27.000)
Yeah, yeah. All right. Hey, this guy should read Ayn Rand.
Jordan (01:05:31.000)
You know, it's crazy. I'm confused as to why they still think that false flags are coming.
Dan (01:05:36.000)
Well, I thought Biden was supposed to be dead by now.
Jordan (01:05:38.000)
Yeah, I mean, and not just that, but like, we saw what happened. Somebody made a harebrained attempt to assassinate the Speaker of the House, or at very least, hold hostage. Exactly. And everybody was like, it was a day well, day or two. I think some
Dan (01:05:53.000)
people are concerned about it. One guy went to prison checks is done a whole season about hammer fucking right. Yeah,
Jordan (01:06:00.000)
yeah. It's sweet. Sweet. Yeah, I
Dan (01:06:02.000)
don't I don't know. You make a good point. That seems it seems like anything happening probably wouldn't make all that much of an impact. I really
Jordan (01:06:10.000)
feel like at this point, everybody's kind of I think everybody just expects political violence. And now and if it happens, we'll be like, Wow, that's part of the game, I guess.
Dan (01:06:20.000)
Honestly, unfortunate. Isn't
Jordan (01:06:21.000)
that where we are? Sucks.
Dan (01:06:25.000)
I don't think it's where we should be no. Leak statement. Oh, totally. How lackadaisical we've gotten about it. We'll get back to this here in a little bit. This discussion about the mutual watchers and stuff like that. That is also even like the you know, another lackadaisical approach that we're taking to something that should be one of the most seriously think taking things Yeah,
Jordan (01:06:49.000)
yeah, but you know, I mean, maybe what if instead, we should lower taxes for rich people?
Dan (01:06:55.000)
Hmm, that's an interesting idea.
Jordan (01:06:57.000)
I think I got a pitch for the Democrats.
Dan (01:06:59.000)
I just got a text from our friend Marty DeRosa Hammertime with Alex was a wild ride. Apparently listening to our last episode, and that actually reminds me that I got a tweet from somebody that I should have come up with another person that was Greg the hammer Valentine another wrestler, but I was distracted by Jim The Anvil diehard actually I never came up with it wanted to issue that correction and apology Goodwick hammer.
Jordan (01:07:25.000)
Uncle howdy.
Dan (01:07:28.000)
Now listen, this next caller Yeah. Oh, my God. Mike down for this. Oh boy reveals how this starts. Awesome. I want more of this on Infowars for sure.
Alex Jones (01:07:40.000)
Let's talk to Rick in Arizona. Rick, you're on the air welcome.
Caller 1 (744) (01:07:45.000)
Hey, allocute man I got this clown world idea here. You guys are in Texas. And Louisiana, Texas, Louisiana. They have all the refining capacity right for diesel and distilled it's hysterical nonsense is going on about running out of diesel production. We're in deep doo doo. But as far as I know, production has not stopped for diesel. So
Alex Jones (01:08:17.000)
no one has explained what's causing the bottleneck.
Caller 1 (744) (01:08:22.000)
I think petroleum companies want to make windfall profit profit out of fear and
Alex Jones (01:08:27.000)
panic. Well, no, I mean, I mean, I agree that it's the main drivers inflation. But when Biden occasionally tells the truth, he says I'm gonna go after the oil companies. They're definitely globalist and they're definitely part of the whole problem.
Dan (01:08:39.000)
Oh, wait, the oil companies are globalists. Oh my god so this color first of all, wow, love it No,
Jordan (01:08:46.000)
I refuse to hear that one time and not not acknowledged nobody acknowledged it. said I've got a clown world Yeah. And then they moved on like it didn't happen. No fuck off. That's the only thing I want to talk about.
Dan (01:08:59.000)
There's a payoff. You just have to pump the brakes. Okay. But he brings up a point and that is that diesel isn't going to run out unless they stop production right you've got this wrong and I also have to come up with a way to like kind of hold on to his diesel fears. Yeah, so now apparently the oil companies are globalist but this doesn't work now. This isn't gonna play No, he
Jordan (01:09:23.000)
loves the oil companies right? I mean, he his family's part of oil companies or whatever it is. Well,
Dan (01:09:28.000)
he but that's a good first attempt. Sure. And then as they keep talking, he's like, Oh, no, wait, I can do this.
Caller 1 (744) (01:09:35.000)
You believe that the production of of diesel has been stopped and and they're not making any new diesel at all?
Alex Jones (01:09:42.000)
No. When we say if you do the actual the numbers it planes out to they will not have any new supplies. And it'll be behind schedule and major shortages starting in like 12 days. That's crazy. And it's not done because Biden shut down one of the biggest Diesel refineries, he curtailed it with regulators and a bunch of others. They've shut down a bunch of delivery systems. There's there there are supply problems. I mean, I talked to oil company folks that work at every level of it. I'm most mine. A lot of my family works at every level from roughnecks to plant managers to, you know, delivery companies, you name it. And they have been scavenging under the last three years under the lock downs and control for oil well, and gas equipment and parts to plants. And so a lot of the parts aren't made here, and so they can't get the parts and the plants are breaking down. Does that make sense? Yeah, it
Caller 1 (744) (01:10:37.000)
kind of makes me want to scream like my screaming goat here.
Alex Jones (01:10:42.000)
Rick, I appreciate your call, brother. Yeah, thank you.
Jordan (01:10:46.000)
No, no, no, no. Okay,
Dan (01:10:50.000)
a little shoehorning.
Jordan (01:10:51.000)
What do we got? What do we got here? He's got a soundboard. I mean, does he have what do I mean? That's what I'm I want to know his mechanics. Now. I want to know what equipment
Dan (01:10:59.000)
easily like on an app on his phone or something he know. But I want him to have the full board. I want him to have the little I'm guessing what you've got is somebody who's on a house phone but has a cell phone that has a soundboard app on it. That's my guess maybe. Or he could just have one
Jordan (01:11:12.000)
board. Casio keyboard, he could have one of those little keyboards, it's got screaming goat in there who hasn't spent a day programming a screaming goat into their keyboard, perhaps and perhaps you might be right. So it's probably his phone.
Dan (01:11:26.000)
What he's saying is all nonsense, though, but it doesn't matter. And Alex is just trying to find a way for his conspiracy to make sense by making things up as he goes along. And it's a really good way if you want to do this a good way to do it is to make up personal stories from random people that you know, to defend your points, anecdotal evidence and all these roughnecks. Yeah, and these are compelling things for his audience, these anecdotal stories, because they're narrative driven people. And Alex knows this, and he can manipulate them with storytelling, regardless of what that past college
Jordan (01:11:54.000)
essay said that he wasn't a narrative driven purpose. It was all about his idea that
Dan (01:11:59.000)
goes, unfortunately delusional. Ooh, that's unfortunate. So in reality, there have been nine oil refineries that have been shut down or scaled back since the COVID. Bam, pandemic began, and most of them happened under Trump's presidency, another was damaged in hurricane Ida, and one had an explosion in 2019. That's still limiting its capacity. There's a confluence of variables that are affecting the situation with diesel, but it's not going to run out in the middle of December. And as time goes on, the price will stabilize and trend downward. None of the stuff Alex is saying has any connection to reality. And if it did, he wouldn't spend so much of his time covering this dumb Paul Pelosi story. And you have no patience for screaming goats and clown horns. Although that guy's my favorite color in a long time.
Jordan (01:12:38.000)
It's been a long time.
Dan (01:12:39.000)
It's ambitious. It's somebody having fun Goddamnit it's
Jordan (01:12:42.000)
great. Any of these it is like, it is a commitment that he said, I am going to play this when I call he wasn't like last minute. Oh, you know, it wasn't like a game time decision. Like he's fingers on the button and he has a moment of certainty. Because boom, right
Dan (01:13:00.000)
there. horndean I want to scream like my screen.
Jordan (01:13:03.000)
screaming goat bit. You know it. Yeah. Because he didn't have it wasn't improvised. He didn't have other screaming things or another. He's just got cloud horn and screaming go well,
Dan (01:13:14.000)
and he never He didn't have to say it makes me want to scream like that wasn't a necessary comment for today. He made that comment so we can play this. Set up the sound effect. Love it. Love it. Anyway, we got a guest. Yet we do.
Jordan (01:13:28.000)
Do we have to.
Dan (01:13:29.000)
Unfortunately, I'm having
Alex Jones (01:13:31.000)
this for the rest of the hour and taking your phone calls. David and Chris and Carlos and part of the summer and coding and JP and Antonio and Chris is one of my good friends. And one of the best talk show hosts out there not just journalist and political activist drew Hernandez. In an age of censorship, he's still able to break through I think he's probably had I saw 50 million views of his reports the last week.
Dan (01:13:56.000)
So you're talking about drew Hernandez a little bit in the past. He's one of the people I've collectively referred to as the baby reporters who show up on in force from time to time, along with like service, Savannah Hernandez and Patrick HOWLEY. There are people who give me a distinct vibe of angry immaturity that's being enabled and boosted by right wing media outlets like Alex. And for Drew and Savannah they use Turning Point USA as well. How will he probably isn't Welcome at TP USA because of his more overt America first associations and almost comical anti semitism. Drew tried to start off his career with a veneer of respectability and journalistic pretense presenting himself as an undercover journalist and investigative reporter. This facade dropped pretty quick and it became clear that he was just trying to go out and get footage of protests that he could use to make a Antifa bait for the right wing media. That's his whole stock and trade. This culminated in him being a defense witness in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, which is a little bit weird considering he was on the payroll of the right wing media outlet, right? Real America's voice at the time and he didn't make till I see the shootings, he testified that the BLM and Antifa people were writing and then a few hours later, he went on Tucker Carlson's show to talk about being a witness on the trial, which is pretty classy. I
Jordan (01:15:09.000)
can't believe that people don't trust the American justice system. So weird
Dan (01:15:13.000)
Drew is essentially somebody who saw the success and profitability of what Andy Noah was doing and got into the same lane. His work is meaningless, and it's just meant to incite based on distorting reality with selective editing and telling half stories. Further, he's intensely boring, and he's not good at talking. When I heard his name come up, I almost turned this episode off, but I decided to keep going only because Alex was still allegedly taking calls and some of these weirdos are worth the time and maybe somebody else's.
Jordan (01:15:39.000)
Maybe they got a clown horn. No, no, I'm with you. I get where you're coming from. Yeah, once you hear clown horn, there's always the hope of more clown noise. Gotta keep digging. Yeah, totally. And so kind of asshole looks at Andy now and is like, I can be a piece of shit too. Like, that's crazy.
Dan (01:15:55.000)
Well, what a piece there's you're thinking about how difficult the work is, which it's not very easily true. Maybe you get a milkshake thrown at you. Or something. Yeah. And you get to make hay out of that. That's That's what I'm saying. It's practically a weird easy work and lots of money. Lots of attention. Yeah.
Jordan (01:16:12.000)
It's hard to say no.
Dan (01:16:13.000)
If you if you're just shithead. Yeah. It's actually pretty attractive.
Jordan (01:16:17.000)
It really Yeah. I can't believe so many people get into like multi level marketing schemes. Whenever what you could do is just be a giant piece of shit online.
Dan (01:16:25.000)
Yeah, yeah. Yep. Well, here's the problem. There's only so many spots really, in that world. True. The bar for entry is really low, like in terms of what requirements are necessary. The talent is not really all that important share, you don't have to really know much. Right? And a lot of people can do that. So these spots are easy to fill. Yeah. But there's a finite amount of time on Tucker, for people. Yeah, getting called up to Carson's couch. Fascism. Yeah, going on. Tucker
Jordan (01:16:58.000)
ERate. And it doesn't you know, without the monoculture, you don't get catapulted into stardom overnight anymore. You know, it's tough. It's tough. I get it.
Dan (01:17:07.000)
But there's still like, even if you can't make yourself into like a really high level person in this game, a lot of money to be made on that. That that con Yeah, some
Jordan (01:17:17.000)
some bargain. Stochastic terrorists. Yeah, yeah. Just getting
Dan (01:17:21.000)
just getting on the talking point, turning point USA rotations and what have you get? So anyway, Alex, and drew are mad about elections? Sure.
Drew Hernandez (01:17:30.000)
Here are we in 2022, we are probably as advanced as we've ever been, as a country, the United States of America a superpower for now. And we cannot conduct an election fairly and securely in a single day.
Alex Jones (01:17:46.000)
Saying is completely key and Central and Paramount. Biden said last night, it's the way we've always done it. It always takes days or longer to no one no, that didn't happen till now, back when we had paper ballots, the local precinct counts at the 60s and 70s and 80s. Everybody combined that we had pretty free elections then now there's these machines and mailing ballots. Now we have three elections. That's ridiculously obvious
Dan (01:18:10.000)
that none of that's true. Yeah, full of shit. But also, like, doesn't drum sound like a baby.
Jordan (01:18:15.000)
He really, he really does. Sounds like he has a very annoying
Dan (01:18:19.000)
guy who's that reporting and his suits just a little too big. But yeah, the phenomenon that Alex is discussing is really just based on his feeling. Yeah. And it's because of the way I mean, it's at least partially contributed to by social media, the way that everybody's clamoring for information. Yep. And the way that the media now covers these elections, like sorcery contests, and you know, those kinds of influences make it feel like we should have things immediately. And it distorts your memories of how things were in the past, it's pretty regular for elections, to not really be fully counted until the next day or days later. It has nothing to do with the electronic pneus of Sure.
Jordan (01:19:04.000)
I mean, I just I don't care. Because if you're if you're gonna make that argument, we saw Brazil, just do an election overnight. Right? So if you're complaining about that, then just say, let's change it to do what somebody else does. Instead of being like, wow, this country is over. I think we should do fascism. Like, there's a bit of a difference.
Dan (01:19:26.000)
Sure, sure. Well, I guess I was gonna say hostile partisan. partisanship also plays a role but that Brazil, it's kind of
Jordan (01:19:35.000)
but I mean, also, it's kind of why we can't do that now because hostile partisanship wasn't bad enough whenever they started the thing, you know, well, hostile partisanship was a former dictatorship back then. So yeah,
Dan (01:19:47.000)
but here, like you have tons of people who just like you can't concede anything like races that would have probably been conceded 30 years ago, or never conceded now. They're He's such polarization that many races are fairly close. Yeah. And a lot of these things do contribute to how voting goes. Also absentee ballots. There can be certification of those. There's there's there's a lot of the stuff that Alex is trying to pretend aren't real factors. Right. Right. I don't know. It's just a way of invalidating.
Jordan (01:20:25.000)
Yeah. And I mean, literally the only time in my lifetime that I can think well, the only time I can think of in the past 100 years that an election was actually stolen, it was the same way that the other elections have been sold, which is the supreme court or a bunch of rich white dudes got together and we're like, here's what we'll do on Thursday. Fucked up this time. How about you get one and I get one and we call it
Dan (01:20:46.000)
the day? Oh, so that one took a long time.
Jordan (01:20:48.000)
Took a long time to steal that election.
Dan (01:20:51.000)
Thanks, Roger. Yeah. Anyway, Drew. Whoo. So they, they talk a little bit more about Biden's comments about how it will take a while to count. Yeah, Drew gets pretty mad about this. Yeah, he's very
Alex Jones (01:21:06.000)
running the exact same blueprint of two years ago. How do we stop this? Hernandez?
Drew Hernandez (01:21:13.000)
Alex, I'll say this is I mean, in the perspective of propaganda, right, number one, the elites, they view themselves as higher, more intellectual gods of the universe. So these people come out and they say what they're going to do before they do it preemptively, because number one, for the sake of propaganda, because they need to put out this narrative one week ahead of time. And at the same time, they're literally jailing the true to vote leaders that were behind the 2000 mules movie that expose their geo tracking what was going on during 2020. Oh, how convenient. They're shutting them down. They're censoring all kinds of people on social media, while at the same time simultaneously simultaneously, there's I'm muting the narrative for people to accept the fact that this upcoming midterm is going to take days, possibly weeks to come to a conclusion why? Because they need to set the propaganda they need to set the stage first, because there are millions of people in this country, not the viewers, but these moron wildcard idiots that believe leads and whatever they say is gospel number one. That's why they do it. Number two, they do it Alex because they know they can, because they view themselves more powerful, more greater as a god as if their word is literally gospel and is the end of all things. Whatever they say goes in the future.
Dan (01:22:34.000)
This guy is one of the best talk show hosts.
Jordan (01:22:36.000)
And if that is your audition, I'm sending you back to the minors. You know, yeah, like that's, you're not good. I'm getting angry.
Dan (01:22:43.000)
But I started wanting I see some potential there. Sure. You know, he has the confidence. That's true. That's required. And that takes more than Yeah, that's more than you can't teach that you really can't. And I you know, if I'm in Alex's position, I find that a little admirable, but yeah, his swing is bad. Now he doesn't have a good arm. No. Sounds like an angry baby can't run for shit.
Jordan (01:23:10.000)
Yeah, I don't think he's spoken
Dan (01:23:12.000)
up like half of the word.
Jordan (01:23:13.000)
Man. He's so whiny. And he doesn't get the get the anger though. It's because off more like, these guys are doing things.
Dan (01:23:22.000)
It's a petulant anger that doesn't feel rooted in any principle or meaning. Yeah, but it's really weird. Like he's whipping a lot of words. He's whipping a lot of like, phrasing, but it doesn't feel like nerves. It's not like, Hey, I'm in the big leagues here or anything. He just doesn't have the chops. Yeah, he
Jordan (01:23:42.000)
just doesn't have it. Yep. I mean, you know, maybe if he has another 10 years to work on shit, but
Dan (01:23:47.000)
but maybe he's just exhausted from doing a lot of hard work, as he discusses that soundtrack. Oh, he's done some more sounds Monday. This
Drew Hernandez (01:23:55.000)
is well, when I was at Barack Obama's rally last night in Phoenix before I told him one thing that I heard continually and consistently throughout all the Democratic candidates, they're making mail and voting some kind of trendy thing it's kind of cringe. But at the same time, because let's face is so stupid and low IQ and doesn't think anything through they just believe whatever they say. They've made mail and voting like some kind of new technological trendy thing that everyone should just be a part of in doing it's really weird how they've done
Alex Jones (01:24:24.000)
that explain that and watch Biden said last night, he said we've always done this. No, we haven't. Sure absentee is excellent record of who you are. Now, these are huge pools of votes. They can grab and manipulate. They know exactly what you're doing.
Drew Hernandez (01:24:36.000)
Exactly. They play on people's laziness. They play on people's low IQ because they're naive. They don't think these things through
Dan (01:24:46.000)
the dirt didn't troll Obama. Do he attended a rally that Obama was speaking at in Arizona and he wouldn't stop yelling while Obama was speaking. So he got kicked out of the event. While Obama told him he needed to be polite and that if you wanted to speak so bad, he should set up his own On rally, he got some attention for that. But unfortunately, he didn't get invited to go on Tucker to talk about how his free speech was stifled and that proves that Obama's a tyrant. But Better luck next time. Maybe it'll work out and this is what we call journalist. Oh, boy. Yep. Wow. That means that's just that's just this business model. You know, that's what he does. He goes to like an event like basically, if this were the past, he would have been the person who was in Alex's yell Bill Clinton's a rapist contest. Yep. You know, that's the that's the level of work that he's doing. It's kind of sad. But hey, it is what it is.
Jordan (01:25:36.000)
Hi. Just, you can't be a you can't be a Nazi and say cringe you can't be a Nazi and be like, Oh, it's very cringe. Like no, you're a fascist. Come on, man. Stop this.
Dan (01:25:47.000)
I think that it sounds a little cringy to call things like voting cringe. Yeah, but also I'm, I understand that I'm aged out totally of slang, right. Like, it's, it's hard for me to judge that too much, man. He's from another generation. Sure.
Jordan (01:26:07.000)
I understand. But I can't handle Tiktok fascists. I can't do this. Like you're gonna have to be and I don't want I don't want fascist stances. I don't want anybody being like, Oh, the oligarchy is on fleek. Like, I don't need any of this shit. You know? I can't we haven't taken your bed. Sorry, it was the first word that popped into my head. That's how bad I am. It's like the first one that came to me.
Dan (01:26:32.000)
Reveal. This is private. I don't know. Putting you on blast. Blast. You do respond to some texts that I send you with cool
Jordan (01:26:42.000)
being I do. I love say cool beans till I die that'll never go out of style. That was a little older. They don't tell yet is I like Cool beans was all the way back for Simpsons in the 90s bad.
Dan (01:26:54.000)
I remember people at K life when I was in church saying cool. So that would have been when I was like four Cool beans
Jordan (01:27:01.000)
might be Dennis the fucking menace for all I know. Yeah. Could be from this 40s.
Dan (01:27:06.000)
So anyway, the pool watchers, the usual watchers, caught back up and Alex Andrew love
Drew Hernandez (01:27:13.000)
them. They're setting the narrative because it's going to become a mainstream narrative right now they say they say things here and there. They kind of test it out. They try it on the public. They get all the stupid people in the mindless lemmings to believe this stuff. And I'm telling you, it will be full force that this will become a thing.
Alex Jones (01:27:31.000)
Anybody that actually videotapes, the fraud will be jailed,
Drew Hernandez (01:27:35.000)
jailed, indicted, cancelled, targeted by the FBI targeted by the three letter agencies declared a domestic terrorist. This is what they'll say to a threat to democracy, right? Being an individual that care and it doesn't matter whether you're on the right or the left, this is what the left doesn't understand. If you care about your voter process, and you show up watching a ballot box throughout the night, they'll come after you and accuse you of being a domestic terrorist and a threat to democracy. This is what the left doesn't get. It's not about left or right. It's about the regime at the top that wants to control all of us because these globalists and Satanists are real, and they want to control elections because they want to control the people. We have no democracy. They're always talking about democracy, Alex, democracy, democracy, democracy. Okay, well, what about Klaus Schwab? Who the hell elected that guy? What about Bill Gates? Who the hell elected that guy? What about the World Economic Forum making decisions on behalf of the United States of America in the west on foreign soil? What about that? Is that democratic? Is that democracy? Of course, it's not why because all these Democrats are in the palm in the palm of the World Economic Forum and these globalists, even some right wing rhinos are as well
Jordan (01:28:49.000)
and no, any who could have
Drew Hernandez (01:28:53.000)
left or right that is not calling out the World Economic Forum is a threat to the Republic right now. And I'm not talking about responding with violence. I'm just saying it needs to be addressed period. And i Whoa.
Dan (01:29:05.000)
Oh, man. So that's the that's an example of the like, you can't you can't do the yelling thing. Yeah, it's it. Like when Alex kills? It's like, Haha, it's false. Yeah, but at the same time, it feels right. Yeah, with this. This dude yelling you want to respond to it. Like calm down. Yeah. Cause you don't want to tell Alex to calm down.
Jordan (01:29:26.000)
You're like, keep on going, man.
Dan (01:29:28.000)
I'm not sure I have that response. Yeah, well, I wouldn't go there. But it's like this'll pass. Yeah, like he's just having a little bit of a flourish. Yeah, kinda. I can't make up again like,
Jordan (01:29:39.000)
Oh, you're You're cute when you try like that sees a tiny little boy. I feel like he's sitting on top of another him wearing a trench coat and that's how they're doing this. Yep,
Dan (01:29:50.000)
baby. Reporter they're twins. Anyway, that rant is a really good illustration of why I call this guy a baby. This is some childish shit and his analysis of the situation in the relationship Between the World Economic Forum and the government is non existent, there's no analysis. He knows he's supposed to be mad about this stuff. And these people, because that's what the right wing media audience eats up. So he does it. It's performative outrage and there's nothing really behind it. He even trips himself up about the whole idea that we have no democracy at the end there because he knows that he needs to direct this exciting outburst into partisan politics. It's not that there's no democracy in the country, it's that the Democrats and the Republicans that I don't like are puppets of the World Economic Forum. This kind of destroys the whole premise that there's no democracy, because if you were able to get the support, you could unseat those Democrats and bad Republicans, and only elect people who are hostile to Klaus Schwab. It doesn't matter that he's basically contradicted himself in the course of a minute because the actual things he's saying don't really mean anything. It's about eliciting an emotional response and then directing those emotions into negative feelings towards your political enemies. It's something Alex does a bit better and less transparently than Drew, but Drew's young and also has no discernible convictions past getting attention. So it makes sense that Alex would be better at it. Yeah. Also, pull watching is totally fine. There are tons of poll watchers who operate within acceptable guidelines. What's not okay is voter intimidation, which is what drew and Alex are defending. This has become popular in Alex's crew since at least 2015. But wasn't much of an issue before that, because he didn't really have strong convictions about presidential candidates. Ron Paul never made it out of a primary so never really was an issue. In the lead up to the 2016 election, Larry Nichols was on the show, stressing the need for armed groups to be outside every polling place. And he made an effort to organize around this. In 2020. These ideas continued to circulate heavily in right wing media and Roger Stone made some pushes in that the original stop to steal ideas. And there was clearly these were not attempts to defend election integrity. They were thinly disguised motivations to make people scared to vote. This is happening in this cycle because of course it is. In Mesa, Arizona armed individuals with their faces covered we're seeing patrolling, leading to a Trump back group called Clean Elections USA being ordered by the court to stay at least 75 feet from dropboxes and ordered not to follow or speak to voters. This is because they were doing that shit. Voters reported people watching them from hiding in bushes, people watching them with binoculars, and even taking photos of voters license plates. One voter reported to the DOJ, quote, I have never been more intimidated in my life trying to vote. This is the behavior that Alex and drew are running cover for it. This is what they want to see more of. And here's the thing. I totally understand the vigilantes doing this voter intimidation. If they truly believe the bullshit that folks like Alex and drew yell about day after day, why wouldn't they harass people at the polls and ballot boxes, they have to believe that the election is being stolen and to not do something like what they're doing would be to let that happen. These people are wrong and what they're doing is horrible. But it's the natural conclusion of the rhetoric that Alex and Tucker use every day. If you believe the things that these demagogues say, these actions make total sense that this is the problem. Yeah,
Jordan (01:33:13.000)
if you believe that say somebody is super evil, acting without any consequences, and there's no one who will hold them accountable. Maybe you think the only way to do it is to go to their house and smash their fucking kneecaps. You know, like, these are things that make sense. It's just insane. It's just insane. You're.
Dan (01:33:35.000)
So anyway, we have one last clip here, because I grew bored of wavy, this baby. And they didn't get back to call this for a while. And by that time, the charm of the guy with the clown horn had kind of worn off.
Jordan (01:33:49.000)
Yeah, listening to him wine has really taken the sales out of that clown horn.
Dan (01:33:52.000)
Well, here he whines about the devil. Well, that's so kind of a clown horn.
Drew Hernandez (01:33:57.000)
I think it's a continual controlled demolition from within of our society. And the number one thing that takes down a society, democracy or a constitutional republic, or any functioning, you know, group of people on planet Earth, money is a voting process. Oh, you take that away, that is the voice of the people. And when you begin to sabotage that that is taking away the voice of the people. So these people know that they're far far advanced enough to understand that this is how it works. And foreign countries that are communist that are globalist that are socialist, they know that the only way to truly take away power from the people is to take away their vote, and also take away their voice. That's why censorship and election meddling and fraud and tampering go hand in hand for a totalitarian regime because those two things need to be functioning simultaneously in order to have a healthy society or a healthy group of people here on plant On an Earth, these globalists, these people, they know this because they're all energized by Satan and Lucifer. What I mean by that is Lucifer, Satan has been around longer than us for a very long time I was studied human behavior for 1000s of years has studied how to manipulate the human mind has studied how to manipulate human emotion has studied how to manipulate societies to do his bidding, to get into the palm of his hand and to get human beings possessed to do what he wants. So this is why we see this same reoccurring agenda.
Dan (01:35:35.000)
Jordan, you look a little bit frustrated, and I don't understand why because this guy is spitting hot fire. You understand that the devil has been around for a long time and he's been studying people and what he's come to the conclusion is that in order to destroy society, you have to get rid of elections and kick people off socially. I
Jordan (01:35:53.000)
just, I just have never heard someone that
Dan (01:35:57.000)
you know what the daily talk about the devil learned. Shadow banning.
Jordan (01:36:00.000)
I let me ask you a question, Dad. What's up if you've got an ultimate evil, all right, strongest evil like second only to God like the devil and Lucifer like the devil and Luciferian unholy duo. Holy Trinity. You know how it goes? He goes above scratch. Oh, scratch you do? How do you? Oh, Uncle howdy. Why is he worried about studying so much? The devil studying? Yeah, I don't. Idiot, are you?
Dan (01:36:30.000)
I don't know, man. Yeah, I feel I feel like it wouldn't take that long. If you're the devil to figure out like how to push.
Jordan (01:36:38.000)
Like the depth in early humanity. The devil was like, hey, maybe if I give people candy, they'll do whatever.
Dan (01:36:44.000)
The devil was still formulating a lot of these ideas because social media didn't exist at the time.
Jordan (01:36:51.000)
If if his argument is that the only way social media could exist is if there was the devil. I might believe that that's not
Dan (01:36:59.000)
the argument that he's making now. It's not social media itself is good. But shadow banning is the work of the devil. I'm gonna
Alex Jones (01:37:03.000)
go with it's all the devil man. Also, I
Dan (01:37:06.000)
am definitely going to include uncle
Jordan (01:37:09.000)
as a nickname for the devil, for sure. Oh, cool. Howdy.
Dan (01:37:15.000)
This dude is a disaster. Yeah, I see him good. I actually, you know, I could see Alex wanting to hire him. But he already has a thing with turning point. So like, I can't see him attaching himself to Alex for anything other than, like greater attention. Yeah, coming on here is good for him. Because he's just like, Oh, get the word out or whatever. Tucker is not calling. Right. But yeah. Oh, he's actually it's weird to think he's actually probably better situated than Alex right now. Yeah. Yeah. In terms of like longevity. Yeah, yeah. Alex is asking people to sell their fucking cars
Jordan (01:37:52.000)
for it. That is a good point.
Dan (01:37:54.000)
Jordan (01:37:55.000)
I turn to go and see. I just I don't know Wolf Blitzer. Guys. I'm sorry. Brian Stelter is show is gonna get canceled. If he doesn't get you to sell your car and give it to him.
Dan (01:38:10.000)
I need unreliable sources to sell your boats in order to keep me on air. All right, step three. We gotta go.
Jordan (01:38:19.000)
Stelter is asking for 8 million in Bitcoin today.
Dan (01:38:22.000)
To be fair, Alex did not necessarily ask strike didn't ask for that, specifically. At least not on air. Or maybe he did. Maybe it's to do that. So it's good bait. Anyway, we come to the end of this. Oh, boy. A lot of important stuff happening before the midterms. False Flag still common fairly sure.
Jordan (01:38:39.000)
Are we still doing the midterms? Yeah,
Dan (01:38:43.000)
yeah, actually, you know, this episode comes out on Monday. Yeah, Tuesday is is the election people. You know, please think about your vote is important check. Maybe will not usher in the devil. But you know, there's a lot of lot of difference between debates and the Republicans could be quite a bit at the end of the day, so that is still happening, but I guess we're gonna keep our eye out for false flags and a Biden assassination, which Alex has promised is going to happen
Jordan (01:39:15.000)
knee I'm assuming Chicago is getting nuked. That's my that's my I mean, frankly, that's my retirement plan. Alex is going to be right about one thing we're overdue. We're certainly on
Dan (01:39:25.000)
a number of new kings. Yeah. But maybe Alex knows that. That is the work of aliens and he shouldn't go anywhere near
Jordan (01:39:32.000)
it's true now the radiation Australia right all coming together all of it that really was a breath of fresh air
Dan (01:39:43.000)
Yep. Really back Jordan with another episode but until then, we have wept
Jordan (01:39:49.000)
indeed we do. It's all tried to account we're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter that knowledge
Dan (01:39:52.000)
and I've seen you tweet Hi know you're normally not even now it's mornings I
Jordan (01:39:58.000)
get angry. I get mad. The boy
Dan (01:40:00.000)
if you're up in the am check out Jordan, Twitter. You got to be good to a mark plug. I might. Well one of these days you'll be back to saying you're actually on Twitter maybe. But for now we'll be back. But until then I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm dz X Clark. I have a cardboard box. Ooh, it's very well situated. I was thinking igloo igloo is not bad. igloo is the way to go a wigwam.
Jordan (01:40:26.000)
I think it's still just a name.
Dan (01:40:28.000)
Okay. Yeah, either way. I'm done. I'm coming up with something else. A funny name. Good call. Oh, anyway, next time next time.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.000)
Now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:40:40.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.