Transcript/686: Continental Negotiations

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:12.960)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.600), it's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.480)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.199)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.359)
N-N-N-Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.359)
Dan and Jordan, Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.439)
Need, I need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.200)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.060)
Andy in, Andy, you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:43.060)
Stop it.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:44.060)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.060)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.060)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.060)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:48.060)
Andy in Kansas, we're on the air, thanks for holding us.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.060)
Hello Alex, I'm a system caller, I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:50.060)
I love your words.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.060), I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.060)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.060)
I love you
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.060)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledgefight, I'm Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.060)
I'm Jordan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.060)
We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.060)
Oh indeed we are, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.060)
Quick question for ya
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.060)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.060)
What's your bright spot today, buddy?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.060)
My bright spot, oh god, something in my eye
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.060)
Oh god, something in your eye!
Unknown Speaker (00:01:16.060)
Oh, that's not my bright spot
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.060)
Oh, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.060)
Oh, Nelly
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.060)
Alright, I'm okay, I can blink through this
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.060)
Oh my god, are you okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.060)
Yeah, I'll be alright
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.060)
My bright spot, Jordan, is this new chair you got me
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.060)
I got a new chair, a new office desk chair for my birthday
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.060)
That just arrived, I'm excited
Unknown Speaker (00:01:33.060)
It's in the box still, I've not unpacked it
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.060)
But it is a bright spot because I spend quite a bit of time at the office, let's say
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.060)
And so my chair is quite destroyed
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.060)
As I look at it, it is a nightmare
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.060)
We have this armrest coming apart
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.060)
I mean, the 45 degree angle is just absurd
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.060)
It's not good, I favor my left side when I lean
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.060)
And it leads to, I can only imagine what's going on with my spine
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.060)
Yeah, yeah, no, no, you're sitting in a stretchy beanbag chair, that's insane
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.060)
So yeah, I'm excited to get that new chair out, build it up, and hopefully feel a little bit better sitting
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.060)
I'm telling you what, man, lower back, it's better
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:17.060)
Yeah, that's the shit
Unknown Speaker (00:02:18.060)
Well, thank you, Jordan, I appreciate that
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.060)
You're very welcome
Unknown Speaker (00:02:20.060)
Quite a nice gift
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.060)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.060)
So what's your bright spot?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.060)
My bright spot is everything, everywhere, all at once
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.060)
The movie, finally saw it, fucking as good as they say
Unknown Speaker (00:02:28.060)
That's what I've heard
Unknown Speaker (00:02:29.060)
It's fantastic
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.060)
I've heard people say it's good, and then I've heard other people say it's as good as people say
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.060)
It's as good as people say, but it's also really, really great
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:38.060)
Yeah, Michelle Yeoh, incredible
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.060)
Just incredible
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.060)
I'll check it out eventually, that is definitely one that's like, you know, I don't see a lot of movies
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.060)
But it's on the short list of ones that I need to get to round two
Unknown Speaker (00:02:48.060)
It's very worth seeing
Unknown Speaker (00:02:49.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.060)
Well, great
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.060)
I'm glad you enjoyed it
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.060)
Bright spots achieved
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.060)
So, Jordan, today we come to the show in a little bit of a difficult position
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.060)
Because of current news with the school shooting in Texas
Unknown Speaker (00:03:04.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.060)
I made a bit of an executive decision, and that is that we're not gonna be talking about Alex and his coverage of that until at least Monday
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.060)
Because it's difficult to say exactly, or to put this into words, but I feel like there are sort of two primary objectives of the show
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.060)
And one is to analyze and deconstruct the narratives and the false reality that's perpetuated by Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.060)
The sources of it, the sources of his worldview, his ideology, a lot of this anti-communist bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:03:39.060)
That stuff is very important
Unknown Speaker (00:03:42.060)
But the second goal really is to not do things that are not in service of the audience
Unknown Speaker (00:03:49.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:50.060)
And I don't feel like there is such a rush to get to this
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.060)
That it overcomes the sort of difficulty that people are feeling and how it would be exacerbated by listening to Alex's horrible bullshit about it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:06.060)
We're going to put that on the back burner, but we will eventually cover his immediate response
Unknown Speaker (00:04:12.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.060)
And, you know, we can do that next week
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.060)
It's nice that you can make executive decisions unilaterally, mainly just because my opinion is so predictable
Unknown Speaker (00:04:22.060)
Like, you didn't really need to bring that to me, we didn't need to discuss it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:26.060)
I think we've had conversations about similar things in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.060)
Like, you know, there is not really a pressing news cycle for us necessarily
Unknown Speaker (00:04:37.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.060)
We can allow things to be until...
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.060)
Well, one aspect of it is the emotional heat and the charge of it at the moment
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.060)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.060)
And then the second is, I think this case in particular has really illustrated the difficulty of nailing down facts
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.060)
In the immediate
Unknown Speaker (00:04:59.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:00.060)
And, um
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.060)
Every hour it seems like there's a new piece of information
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.060)
Every hour it seems like there's something somebody has not been completely honest about
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.060)
Or any number of difficult details that we should not be grappling with until we have the totality of them
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.060)
Yeah, getting a handle
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.060)
Because that's our show
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.060)
Getting a handle on things is pretty difficult while a lot of information is shifting around
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.060)
And people are still trying to figure out what's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.060)
In short, we don't fuck with the wet semester
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.060)
That's not our thing
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.060)
It doesn't help
Unknown Speaker (00:05:33.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.060)
So, we'll have a different episode today
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.060)
But first, let's say hello to some new folks
Unknown Speaker (00:05:40.060)
Oh, that's a great idea
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.060)
Who are wonks
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.060)
So first, Nicked Nonk, Policy Wonk, Alex's Dog is Bones
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.060)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:48.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.060)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.060)
Next, Wally C. Punk, thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:54.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.060)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.060)
Next, Darian, this is from Emma
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.060)
Happy birthday, this actually is a little bit late
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.060)
Your birthday was on the 19th, but I hope you had a good one
Unknown Speaker (00:06:04.060)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:05.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:06.060)
Happy birthday, thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:06:08.060)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.060)
And the 19th is a lot sooner than we're used to
Unknown Speaker (00:06:11.060)
That's great
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.060)
That's true, that's like a week
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.060)
Next, Nico Couldn't Think of Anything Funny to Say, thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.060)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:06:19.060)
Next, Non-Dairy, Call it a Sorbet, thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:06:25.060)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.060)
What about a Charbet
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.060)
That reminds me of
Unknown Speaker (00:06:29.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.060)
Me and, oh man, that's good stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.060)
I was Jack Baker's old lactose intolerance joke
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.060)
Sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.060)
He had the closer, and I can't remember his line for it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:44.060)
He did it once, and it got a bigger laugh, and then he kept doing it and made fun of me for giving him the bigger laugh tag
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.060)
And he got so mad, and to this day, I will lord it over him
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.060)
For as long as I live
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.060)
See, anytime I hear Sorbet or anything, I think of Danny Callas's joke about Charbet
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.060)
It's not Charbert, did you know that
Unknown Speaker (00:07:04.060)
It ain't Charbert
Unknown Speaker (00:07:09.060)
Ah, good times
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.060)
Ah, great stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.060)
Comedians and most of the people in the audience have no idea
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.060)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.060)
This was a lot more fun when it was only like 50 people in Chicago
Unknown Speaker (00:07:19.060)
Charbet, Charbert
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.060)
You don't even have to explain the reference
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.060)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.060)
Also, Jordan, you got a technocrat in the mix
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.060)
So, thank you so much to
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.060)
Don't be meddling with my pedaling
Unknown Speaker (00:07:31.060)
Don't be roaming where I'm adrenochroming
Unknown Speaker (00:07:33.060)
Don't be screaming when I'm dreamily creaming
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.060)
This is bordering on new world ordering
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.060)
Thank you so much, you are now a technocrat
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.060)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.060)
I have risen above my enemies
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.060)
I might quit tomorrow, actually
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.060)
I'm just gonna take a little break, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.060)
A little breaky for me
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.060)
And then we're going to come back
Unknown Speaker (00:07:55.060)
And I'm gonna start the show over
Unknown Speaker (00:07:57.060)
But I'm the devil, I gotta be taking over here
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.060)
Up in all this blah blah blah
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.060)
Fuck you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:03.060)
Fuck you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:04.060)
I got plenty of words for you, but at the end of the day
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.060)
Fuck you and your new world order
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.060)
And fuck the horse you rode in on
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.060)
And all your shit
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.060)
Maybe today should be my last broadcast
Unknown Speaker (00:08:14.060)
Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.060)
Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.060)
And you never see me again
Unknown Speaker (00:08:21.060)
That's really what I want to do
Unknown Speaker (00:08:23.060)
I never want to come back here again
Unknown Speaker (00:08:25.060)
I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday
Unknown Speaker (00:08:28.060)
That I was legitimately having breakdowns on air
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.059)
I'll be better tomorrow
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.059)
He's not, but we'll never know
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.059)
We will never know
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.059)
Well, we'll know later, but not today
Unknown Speaker (00:08:39.059)
Because we're doing something a little bit different today
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.059)
And Jordan, there's only one way
Unknown Speaker (00:08:43.059)
That we can start this bad boy off
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.059)
Hi everyone
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.059)
I'm Carrie Cassidy from COD
Unknown Speaker (00:08:50.059)
And I am here today to do sort of an overview
Unknown Speaker (00:08:54.059)
Of quite a few things
Unknown Speaker (00:08:56.059)
And so hopefully this is gonna work out
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.059)
And it's gonna all make sense
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.059)
You didn't say hi
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.059)
That's because I was too excited
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.059)
I didn't expect to see
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.059)
You didn't return the hello
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.059)
I didn't expect her
Unknown Speaker (00:09:07.059)
I didn't expect her
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.059)
It's been so long
Unknown Speaker (00:09:09.059)
It has
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.059)
It's been so long since we've talked to Carrie
Unknown Speaker (00:09:12.059)
It has been a long time since we checked in with
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.059)
Project Camelot Land and Swery Carrie Cassidy
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:17.059)
And one of the reasons is
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.059)
I'll periodically watch her updates that she does
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.059)
She does a thing where she's looking at the camera
Unknown Speaker (00:09:23.059)
And breaking down the news
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.059)
And so much of it has just been QAnon
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.059)
And like COVID conspiracies and stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.059)
It's like, where is the space?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:33.059)
Where are the aliens?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.059)
That's what we're here for
Unknown Speaker (00:09:36.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:37.059)
Dog traitors
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.059)
That's what we're about
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.059)
Well, traitors like mercantile
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.059)
Yes, traitors
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.059)
Miners, not miners
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.059)
Yes, yes, yes
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.059)
It's not dogs who have turned their back
Unknown Speaker (00:09:47.059)
On the team that they were on
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.059)
Right, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:09:49.059)
Dogs don't do that
Unknown Speaker (00:09:50.059)
No, they're very loyal
Unknown Speaker (00:09:51.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:52.059)
But today, she had an update
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.059)
Within the last week or so
Unknown Speaker (00:09:56.059)
And we have an update on the world
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.059)
And I am thrilled to report
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.059)
That we are back to aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.059)
Aliens are in play
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.059)
And there is major news
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.059)
Oh shit
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:06.059)
Well, it's actually not news
Unknown Speaker (00:10:07.059)
Because it's something that conceivably
Unknown Speaker (00:10:09.059)
Has to have been going on since like the 70s
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.059)
But it's news to us
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:13.059)
And that
Unknown Speaker (00:10:14.059)
That's what we've got to
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.059)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:17.059)
So here's where we start off
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.059)
With some of these storylines
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.059)
And it has to do with a city in Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:10:23.059)
First of all, what I want to talk about is
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.059)
The role of Basel Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.059)
And the control of what is called the right to issue
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.059)
And why it's centered in Basel Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:10:41.059)
And as far as I can tell
Unknown Speaker (00:10:43.059)
There's very little talk about this
Unknown Speaker (00:10:45.059)
At least in the circles that I pay attention to
Unknown Speaker (00:10:50.059)
And I'm always gathering more and more information
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.059)
So I have a whistleblower on the subject
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.059)
Who is very well versed and trained
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.059)
As part of this, you know, monetary system that we've had
Unknown Speaker (00:11:05.059)
That involves Wall Street, stocks, and all kinds of things
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.059)
Wall Street and stocks
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.059)
Wall Street and stocks
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.059)
And aliens in Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.059)
Hell yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.059)
So Basel is a city in Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:11:17.059)
That's home to the Bank for International Settlements
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:21.059)
And that's what's going on here
Unknown Speaker (00:11:22.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.059)
The Bank of International Settlements is
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:26.059)
Yeah, that is the abbreviation
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.059)
It's like the central banks of the world
Unknown Speaker (00:11:31.059)
Can meet and sort out issues
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.059)
It's the bank of banks
Unknown Speaker (00:11:36.059)
Somewhat, yes
Unknown Speaker (00:11:37.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:38.059)
But the notion of what it carries getting into is like
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.059)
The Bank of International Settlements directly controls
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.059)
All issuance of currency
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.059)
Yes, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:11:48.059)
That's not accurate
Unknown Speaker (00:11:49.059)
No, it's the bank of banks
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.059)
All the banks go there to discuss what to do with their bank banks
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.059)
And then
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.059)
This all comes from a pamphlet called The Right to Issue
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.059)
Written by a guy named William Calder
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.059)
Which has mostly been reported on by the raving anti-Semite
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.059)
And friend of Leo Zagami, Henry Macau
Unknown Speaker (00:12:06.059)
The idea is that there's this group called the Sabbateans
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.059)
Who pretended to be Jewish people, but are actually evil
Unknown Speaker (00:12:12.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.059)
And these people are the ones who are controlling all the banks
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.059)
And trying to destroy western civilization and the world
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.059)
There we go
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.059)
More or less, it's an interesting workaround
Unknown Speaker (00:12:20.059)
Where folks who want to maintain all the ideology
Unknown Speaker (00:12:22.059)
Of hardcore neo-nazism can do that
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.059)
While pretending that they don't hate Jewish people
Unknown Speaker (00:12:27.059)
So they can feel better about themselves
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.059)
David Icke has spread some of these ideas on Alex's show in the past few years
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.059)
And actually is quite a big proponent of this Sabbatean conspiracy idea
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.059)
So I'm not particularly interested in what Kerry has to say about this stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:12:41.059)
In terms of finances and shit
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.059)
I just want to point it out because the words are gonna come out later
Unknown Speaker (00:12:47.059)
The Basel, Switzerland, and what have you
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.059)
It's fun to highlight another instance of Kerry's spreading pretty explicitly crypto anti-Semitic shit
Unknown Speaker (00:12:55.059)
Yeah, you know, that is a turn I did not expect them to take
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.059)
Whenever it's like, hey, you know guys, anti-Semitism is wrong
Unknown Speaker (00:13:04.059)
I didn't expect them to just be like, aha
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.059)
Now, what if we just say they weren't actually Jews?
Unknown Speaker (00:13:10.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.059)
Well, I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.059)
That's a little twist
Unknown Speaker (00:13:13.059)
You see sort of wrinkles and kernels of this in a lot of places
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.059)
Like with Ben Shapiro calling Jewish people who vote Democrat
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.059)
Like Jewish in name only
Unknown Speaker (00:13:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.059)
You know, that kind of stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.059)
Listen, we know we can't openly hate the Jews yet
Unknown Speaker (00:13:26.059)
But we gotta get it out somehow, man
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.059)
It's just in us
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.059)
So Kerry has a whistle blower on this subject
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.059)
Of course she does
Unknown Speaker (00:13:35.059)
So I have a whistle blower on the subject
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.059)
Who is very well versed and trained
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.059)
As part of this, you know, monetary system that we've had
Unknown Speaker (00:13:47.059)
That involves Wall Street, stocks, and all kinds of things
Unknown Speaker (00:13:53.059)
They have had training in this area
Unknown Speaker (00:13:57.059)
And they have recently communicated to me that there's
Unknown Speaker (00:14:01.059)
I believe they said 10,000 acres
Unknown Speaker (00:14:04.059)
Where there are a certain group of families
Unknown Speaker (00:14:09.059)
Come on now
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.059)
I got a download as to the various ET races that are interacting
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.059)
Bring it home
Unknown Speaker (00:14:17.059)
And controlling the monetary system on Earth recently
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.059)
And so I wanted to wrap that into that understanding of the right to issue
Unknown Speaker (00:14:27.059)
So 10,000 acres is approximately twice the size of the entire city of Basel in Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:14:32.059)
That's pretty big
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.059)
And the city isn't just the bank of international settlements
Unknown Speaker (00:14:37.059)
It's Switzerland's third most populated city
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.059)
That's a big city
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.059)
That's a big city
Unknown Speaker (00:14:43.059)
Well, for Switzerland
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:45.059)
Actually, someone famous was born there
Unknown Speaker (00:14:47.059)
Uh, Basel?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:48.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.059)
Do you know, you don't know who it is?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.059)
Basel, Switzerland?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:52.059)
You should know
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.059)
I should know
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.059)
It's somebody who was a writer and who did the things
Unknown Speaker (00:14:58.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.059)
Nope, who is it?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.059)
Roger Federer
Unknown Speaker (00:15:01.059)
Was it?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:02.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.059)
No shit
Unknown Speaker (00:15:04.059)
Yeah, your boy
Unknown Speaker (00:15:05.059)
Your boy Federer
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.059)
Why do I know where anybody's born?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:07.059)
Because you love tennis
Unknown Speaker (00:15:08.059)
Well sure, but I don't love people being born
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.059)
Fair enough
Unknown Speaker (00:15:11.059)
So, at this 10,000 acres or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.059)
There's like the control of the control of the banks that's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:15:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.059)
And aliens are really interested in this
Unknown Speaker (00:15:25.059)
Okay, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:15:26.059)
There's a group of ET races that seem to be vying for control
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.059)
And keeping control over the monetary system
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.059)
So first of all, there are the reptilian dracos
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.059)
So I put them more or less
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.059)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.059)
In the same bucket
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.059)
For sure
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.059)
And the grays around, you know, the grays out there
Unknown Speaker (00:15:45.059)
The various gray races report to the reptilians and the draco
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.059)
And then we've got those beings from Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.059)
That are, from what I understand, humanoid
Unknown Speaker (00:15:59.059)
And might actually be reptilian humanoid hybrids
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:05.059)
Wait, so they've got their own planet of reptilian humanoid hybrids?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:12.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.059)
I only correct you because they will factor heavily into this conversation
Unknown Speaker (00:16:15.059)
Yes, I believe that
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.059)
I want to get it right
Unknown Speaker (00:16:18.059)
Aldebaran is ostensibly, based on what Kerry is telling us
Unknown Speaker (00:16:23.059)
An entire system devoted to when the draco reptilians and the humanoids
Unknown Speaker (00:16:29.059)
Got together and made a hybrid race
Unknown Speaker (00:16:31.059)
And they just gave them a planet
Unknown Speaker (00:16:33.059)
And were like, stay on Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.059)
Because that's kind of what I'm hearing here
Unknown Speaker (00:16:38.059)
There's not concrete details here
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.059)
But yes, maybe, who knows
Unknown Speaker (00:16:42.059)
So one of the things that I was thinking about is like
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.059)
This is such a manifestation of like weird narcissism
Unknown Speaker (00:16:47.059)
To imagine that multiple alien groups are fighting with each other over our banking system
Unknown Speaker (00:16:54.059)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:16:55.059)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.059)
Why would they care?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.059)
No, okay, so listen, alright
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.059)
You have traveled several thousand light years
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.059)
Maybe even a million light years
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.059)
And you are like, shit, the frank is not stable enough for me to invest in right now
Unknown Speaker (00:17:11.059)
I'm gonna have to go to the euro
Unknown Speaker (00:17:13.059)
As go the euro, so goes the universe
Unknown Speaker (00:17:15.059)
So goes the universe
Unknown Speaker (00:17:17.059)
I feel like if there are these, let's say, space faring groups of aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.059)
They shouldn't give a fuck if we end up destroying ourselves
Unknown Speaker (00:17:31.059)
It would be nice if there were another species of alien that ended up
Unknown Speaker (00:17:36.059)
Like the humans ended up becoming space faring as well
Unknown Speaker (00:17:39.059)
Maybe that would be nice, but it's not make or break
Unknown Speaker (00:17:42.059)
Let me throw this out at you
Unknown Speaker (00:17:44.059)
Let me throw this out at you because I think it might blow this whole thing wide open, alright
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.059)
Maybe the only reason that all the other races became space faring and we didn't
Unknown Speaker (00:17:55.059)
Is because we're the only ones that invented speculative currency
Unknown Speaker (00:17:58.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.059)
So they come here because nobody else knows how to gamble like Americans and the humans race
Unknown Speaker (00:18:05.059)
Counter argument, maybe all of these space faring races became space faring only after aliens fought over their monetary systems
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.059)
Right, exactly, yes, yes
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.059)
That's the catalyzing incident that takes us all to the stars, man
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.059)
Who knows, who knows
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.059)
So there's these aliens that are fighting for control of our banks
Unknown Speaker (00:18:23.059)
So far we've got the reptilian dracos
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.059)
We've got the Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.059)
I don't think the raptors are in play
Unknown Speaker (00:18:30.059)
Well, I mean, you can't have raptors without Mark Richards leading the show
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.059)
Mark Richards does actually come up later
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.059)
Oh, he does
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.059)
Yes, but she hasn't been to visit him yet, but he's still a whistle blower
Unknown Speaker (00:18:41.059)
Yeah, I guess they like chocolate more than money and antiques
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.059)
Don't forget the antiques
Unknown Speaker (00:18:47.059)
What do the raptors have to do with the monetary system?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:49.059)
They're going around with Jurassic Park world, you know, like they're having a great time
Unknown Speaker (00:18:53.059)
So there's other aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.059)
Then there's the Anunnaki that are Pleiadian humanoid reptilian hybrids
Unknown Speaker (00:19:03.059)
And certainly there can be more
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.059)
For example, the beings from Venus, which whether they're Pleiadian or not
Unknown Speaker (00:19:12.059)
Or, you know, all go back to Lyra so that
Unknown Speaker (00:19:15.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.059)
My understanding is the humanoid races tend to go back, all stem from Lyra
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.059)
The Lyra system, but they could also have originated in other parts of the multiverse
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.059)
And that's kind of the definition of the multiverse
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.059)
And then also there are the beings coming and going from Venus
Unknown Speaker (00:19:35.059)
So these are the main, from what I can tell, ET races that are trying to control our monetary system
Unknown Speaker (00:19:43.059)
And vying for control of Earth
Unknown Speaker (00:19:45.059)
So I think those are all bad though, right? According to her?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:48.059)
I mean, I guess we don't know as much about the Aldebaran aliens from our journeys
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.059)
Well, neither does she
Unknown Speaker (00:19:55.059)
I know the Draco are bad
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.059)
They are bad
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.059)
I know the Anunnaki are bad
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.059)
The Pleiadians are good though
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.059)
Yeah, but the Pleiadian human hybrid Draco or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:20:04.059)
Sure, those are a whole mess
Unknown Speaker (00:20:05.059)
But that's the Anunnaki
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.059)
Right, and then the Grays are always up in the air
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.059)
Well, they're snitches
Unknown Speaker (00:20:10.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:11.059)
They work for the Draco
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.059)
They do
Unknown Speaker (00:20:13.059)
They're the informants
Unknown Speaker (00:20:14.059)
They have played both sides in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:20:15.059)
No they haven't
Unknown Speaker (00:20:16.059)
Yes they have
Unknown Speaker (00:20:17.059)
I remember
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.059)
All this changes from day to day, I have no idea
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.059)
I generally hear of them as being the people who report back to the minions of the Draco
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.059)
The Reptilians
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.059)
I like it our version of Project Camelot, we've built our own kind of backstory mythology
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.059)
To where now we're like arguing about whether or not Tom Bombadil was in the right spot in fellowship
Unknown Speaker (00:20:39.059)
There are aliens that are absent from this calculus
Unknown Speaker (00:20:43.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.059)
There are so many different fucking aliens that are just based on animals
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.059)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:20:51.059)
Where are the mantises?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.059)
Where are the cats?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:53.059)
We got bugs
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:55.059)
We got the beetle beings
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.059)
We got them all up in there
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.059)
I mean when we talk about underwater, lord knows what's under there
Unknown Speaker (00:21:01.059)
There's an octopus somewhere probably
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.059)
Totally, totally
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.059)
So yeah, I don't know why they aren't coming in to help with this battle for the monetary system
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.059)
I think I love the breadth of answer that you get for where you go from
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.059)
Well, you know, I think most humanoids are originally from the Lyra system
Unknown Speaker (00:21:19.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.059)
But they could have been from somewhere else in the multiverse
Unknown Speaker (00:21:22.059)
Yeah, let's
Unknown Speaker (00:21:23.059)
Yeah, man
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.059)
That's called playing the field
Unknown Speaker (00:21:25.059)
That's everywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:27.059)
That's multiples of everywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:21:29.059)
It's basically saying nothing
Unknown Speaker (00:21:31.059)
They could have come from anywhere, man, honestly
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.059)
Could have been anything, we don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.059)
It's my understanding they come from here, but they could come from literally anywhere else
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:40.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:41.059)
Awesome, thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:21:42.059)
So now the Aldebaran aliens are important for today
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.059)
And that's because there's a certain thing that happened at some point and it involves an entire continent
Unknown Speaker (00:21:54.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:55.059)
On planet Earth
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.059)
Did we know about it?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.059)
We didn't
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.059)
Oh no
Unknown Speaker (00:21:59.059)
No one knows about this
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.059)
And I also was in contact with another whistleblower on the same subject that I'm going to talk about here
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.059)
That basically Gordon Duff talked about
Unknown Speaker (00:22:13.059)
I have, it turns out to be three other very substantial whistleblowers
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.059)
One is Captain Mark Richards
Unknown Speaker (00:22:22.059)
The other is a very long time contact of Project Camelot
Unknown Speaker (00:22:27.059)
And the other is this other whistleblower who brought forward important information on the subject
Unknown Speaker (00:22:33.059)
And the subject is how, it's actually based on, there's a movie and I've talked about this before
Unknown Speaker (00:22:41.059)
So those of you out there who follow my work might know what I'm talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.059)
So surprised
Unknown Speaker (00:22:47.059)
But it centers around a television series called The Event
Unknown Speaker (00:22:51.059)
Which is actually a depiction of a real situation that we're having here on planet Earth to do with various ET races
Unknown Speaker (00:23:01.059)
But specifically the race from Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.059)
So the Aldebaran races, it's about, it's like the show The Event
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.059)
Right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:23:13.059)
So she mentioned Gordon Duff in there
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.059)
And this is a guy who writes for Veterans Today
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.059)
And I think what she's talking about, because she's not specific about this
Unknown Speaker (00:23:22.059)
But in 2013, Gordon Duff published a post on Veterans Today titled
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.059)
Quote, The Little Green Guy Book, which was a guide to various alien races that is very much not a real document
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.059)
Or anything other than someone having a good time
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:37.059)
It's not official, it's not from any government
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.059)
It's just a fun book with pictures of what someone thought aliens would look like
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.059)
It's like the Monster Manual
Unknown Speaker (00:23:44.059)
Right, right, right, right, it's the DM's manual, gotcha
Unknown Speaker (00:23:46.059)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:23:47.059)
My favorite of the races of the aliens in this is the Jefok
Unknown Speaker (00:23:51.059)
The J-E-F-O-K
Unknown Speaker (00:23:53.059)
Here's what's known about them
Unknown Speaker (00:23:54.059)
Oh my god, don't tell me that it's Jeff's
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:58.059)
Everyone's named Jeff
Unknown Speaker (00:23:59.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.059)
Quote, their first sighting on Earth dates back to 1500 B.C.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.059)
They met with JFK three weeks before he was killed
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.059)
They also have, around the same time, met with other human world leaders
Unknown Speaker (00:24:10.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:11.059)
They have not been seen on Earth since JFK's death
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.059)
They've been coming around since 1500 B.C.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:18.059)
JFK died and they're like, fuck this, fuck this
Unknown Speaker (00:24:21.059)
Either they had something to do with it or that was the last straw for them
Unknown Speaker (00:24:25.059)
If you guys are going to kill JFK, we're out of here
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.059)
No, they're noted as peacekeepers
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.059)
So they probably wouldn't have been involved in killing JFK
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.059)
So they're probably just like, shit's too hot
Unknown Speaker (00:24:35.059)
They killed a president, we're out of here
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.059)
We can't keep this peace
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.059)
No, they didn't leave after Lincoln or the Civil War
Unknown Speaker (00:24:41.059)
Nope, no, no, you can kill Lincoln all day
Unknown Speaker (00:24:43.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.059)
Also strangely U.S. focused
Unknown Speaker (00:24:46.059)
Wow, isn't that weird?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.059)
It's so weird
Unknown Speaker (00:24:49.059)
So yeah, anyway, that was part of the impetus for some of the
Unknown Speaker (00:24:53.059)
I guess maybe the Aldebaran aliens are in that monster manual
Unknown Speaker (00:24:56.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:57.059)
So she has other sources that tell her that the show The Event is real
Unknown Speaker (00:25:02.059)
Does it ever occur to these people that it is odd
Unknown Speaker (00:25:07.059)
that all of the movies that they are referencing are all in English
Unknown Speaker (00:25:11.059)
as though no one else in the world made movies about aliens?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.059)
And most of them aren't that good
Unknown Speaker (00:25:17.059)
That's true
Unknown Speaker (00:25:18.059)
I think I watched The Event and I was really disappointed
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.059)
because I have it catalogued in my mind as kind of the same as like
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.059)
Terra Nova or Revolution
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.059)
Like these shows that I was like, man, this could be the sweet spot
Unknown Speaker (00:25:35.059)
and then it just was nothing
Unknown Speaker (00:25:37.059)
That sort of post-lost desire for something
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.059)
Yeah, the sweet spot when everybody was like, there's got to be one central mystery
Unknown Speaker (00:25:45.059)
I thought Flash Forward had a lot of potential too
Unknown Speaker (00:25:47.059)
and then I hated it and then in the finale I liked it again
Unknown Speaker (00:25:51.059)
and then it got cancelled and I was pissed off
Unknown Speaker (00:25:53.059)
Aw, god damn it
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.059)
I'd just come back
Unknown Speaker (00:25:55.059)
Yeah, they got me again
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.059)
Oh, you bastards
Unknown Speaker (00:25:57.059)
But yeah, The Event is real
Unknown Speaker (00:25:59.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:00.059)
And here's what's going on with the Aldebaran's
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.059)
The story goes that the race from Aldebaran destroyed what I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.059)
to be not just one planet of theirs in their system but two
Unknown Speaker (00:26:15.059)
and they got into a situation where they wanted to come to Earth
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.059)
and basically terraform and take over a certain portion of our territory
Unknown Speaker (00:26:26.059)
and that a negotiation took place so that we could go into outer space
Unknown Speaker (00:26:32.059)
and take over certain planetoids or planets
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.059)
where we could establish colonies with their help
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.059)
and that at the same time they would be given a portion of our land mass
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.059)
which was Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:26:48.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:49.059)
So, I know this sounds crazy to some people out there
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.059)
It sure does
Unknown Speaker (00:26:53.059)
But this is actually something that Gordon Duff talked about on Veterans Today many years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.059)
Yep, so in exchange for help with planet colonies
Unknown Speaker (00:27:03.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.059)
Someone gave Africa to the Aldebaran aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.059)
Who do you ask for Africa?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:13.059)
I don't know if I
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.059)
Who's the number?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.059)
I don't know if she has, I don't know if I included a clip of it
Unknown Speaker (00:27:18.059)
but she does point out that some of the smaller countries in Africa were not thrilled with this
Unknown Speaker (00:27:21.059)
Yeah, well yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:27:23.059)
Well yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.059)
They weren't consulted
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.059)
Who gave them?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:28.059)
Who do you go to?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:29.059)
What's the contact info for like, listen, we got this big treaty
Unknown Speaker (00:27:34.059)
I need some colonies off world
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.059)
but I gotta say, we want all of China
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.059)
Nah, nah, nah, we're not doing China buddy
Unknown Speaker (00:27:43.059)
This is the earth
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.059)
We don't just give China away to anybody
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.059)
Alright fine, we'll take South America
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.059)
Oh, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.059)
You trying to lowball us?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.059)
Yeah, I guess maybe they worked it out with the International Bank of Settlements or something
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.059)
and they were like, take Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.059)
Very weird
Unknown Speaker (00:28:01.059)
Yeah, that is strange
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.059)
Very weird
Unknown Speaker (00:28:03.059)
Man, but that is such that slight little bit of you know you're being racist when you just say they gave them Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.059)
You know it, I know it, everybody knows it
Unknown Speaker (00:28:12.059)
I think some of the themes in this story also reinforce that a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:28:16.059)
Yeah, okay, that makes sense
Unknown Speaker (00:28:17.059)
And maybe a convenient way to explain away some things of
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.059)
Right, right, right, right, I don't like the whole continent of Africa because of aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.059)
Well, no, it's not so much that, but there are some thoughts that I have
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.059)
So anyway, the Aldebaran's, they came to secret bases and then went around into Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:28:39.059)
To get back to the Aldebaran story is this story as we were told by a whistleblower that has been substantiated again by at least three other substantial sources
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.059)
Now there's three
Unknown Speaker (00:28:52.059)
One of them being Gordon Duff, who again is that the beings from Aldebaran expressed they wanted to come here
Unknown Speaker (00:29:02.059)
We gave them this landmass, they have disguised themselves, they have some kind of ability
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.059)
They do look, you know, the normal sort of blonde, blue-eyed, I don't know what you want to call that
Unknown Speaker (00:29:15.059)
Humanoid, even you might call them the Nordic type of look, right, of the typical Nazi
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.059)
But they seem to be able to change their appearance
Unknown Speaker (00:29:27.059)
And so what they did is they camouflaged themselves, they turned their skin dark, more, you know, like black type, the black races
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.059)
To blend in with the races of Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:29:40.059)
So how does that grab you?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:42.059)
Wait, hold the fucking phone, did she just say that aliens created Rhodesia and then when they got caught they just turned themselves Aljolceny?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:52.059)
Is that what's going on here?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.059)
I'm not sure, but I do think that there is some connection to, like, explaining away apartheid
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.059)
Yeah, that has to be, yeah, there's no way you can have a, well classic Nazis in Africa, not apartheid, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.059)
Well, I think, let me play the next clip, because I think that there's some information that comes here that made me feel a little bit more along these lines
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:21.059)
So these same bases then became sort of a place, a distribution place, where these races from Aldebaran, these beings
Unknown Speaker (00:30:30.059)
Who, again, were kind of like refugees from another planet coming into Africa, families, et cetera
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.059)
And then dropped off in South Africa, where this particular whistleblower actually told us that what happened was they began to see
Unknown Speaker (00:30:52.059)
All of a sudden that they had populations that they, in numbers that they never knew where they came from
Unknown Speaker (00:30:59.059)
And they appeared kind of out of nowhere in the immigration record, I guess
Unknown Speaker (00:31:05.059)
And then they would take trains and leave South Africa and go into the rest of Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:31:15.059)
And establish themselves
Unknown Speaker (00:31:17.059)
And because they looked like the peoples of Africa, they got under the radar
Unknown Speaker (00:31:26.059)
I think that by doing this kind of a framing, you're able to explain away all sorts of inconvenient things about the history of Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:31:38.059)
For instance, you could say, in the same way that the anti-communist folks, they have their support of apartheid as based on like
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.059)
Oh yeah, Nelson Mandela and all them, it wasn't about human rights, it was about pushing communism
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.059)
There's that, and it's sort of the same way you could do this, it's like this wasn't like a fight for human rights
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.059)
This was the Aldebaran's who were trying to overthrow apartheid systems
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.059)
And hey, one of the features of apartheid is a very small minority is ruling over another majority group by force
Unknown Speaker (00:32:16.059)
If there's a whole bunch of people that come in, maybe that's why there's a majority, it's a mess
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.059)
I mean it does kind of feel like what just happened there is she described apartheid and then the end of apartheid being
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.059)
The people who caused apartheid changing their skin black and disappearing, leaving those poor innocent white people to deal with the fallout
Unknown Speaker (00:32:42.059)
I understand where that's coming from, I get less of that
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.059)
I get more of the Aldebaran's came, they camouflaged to appear like the people in Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:32:53.059)
Okay, so then it was the white people who were just fighting back against the Aldebaran, and apartheid was actually great
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.059)
Well it's possible that could be an interpretation, or it could be an interpretation that the Aldebaran's were just trying to take control of places
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.059)
And so the fight for human rights in places like Zimbabwe and in South Africa overthrowing those systems
Unknown Speaker (00:33:20.059)
Were actually the Aldebaran's trying to take control, things like the remnants of the colonialism in places like Rwanda
Unknown Speaker (00:33:32.059)
You could take that as some sort of influence of the Aldebaran's, you know you can basically take cultural responsibility away from human actors
Unknown Speaker (00:33:45.059)
Hey, it's not their fault
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.059)
And place a lot of it onto aliens if you
Unknown Speaker (00:33:48.059)
Aliens keep causing problems for us
Unknown Speaker (00:33:50.059)
Right, I feel like there's a little bit of that
Unknown Speaker (00:33:53.059)
What I am hearing is that the root cause is somebody just gave away Africa without letting enough people know
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.059)
That's weird
Unknown Speaker (00:34:02.059)
That seems way more the problem here if that's the case
Unknown Speaker (00:34:04.059)
Yeah, I also think that there's a very very strong chance that we are over reading this
Unknown Speaker (00:34:10.059)
I think that's our job
Unknown Speaker (00:34:12.059)
Just trying to grasp at straws to make any of this make sense in the real world
Unknown Speaker (00:34:16.059)
I think the thing that blows my mind though in her reality is when she keeps saying we, like when she refers to we gave them Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:34:25.059)
And it's like you're describing a group of humans so powerful they can just give away a continent to aliens without telling anybody
Unknown Speaker (00:34:33.059)
They're functionally aliens as well
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.059)
Yeah, don't lump yourself in with that group
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.059)
We're not part of this man
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.059)
I don't want none of this on my hands
Unknown Speaker (00:34:42.059)
So one of the reasons that I associated this a little bit with possible ideas about apartheid is that she said that they came into South Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.059)
And the other reason is because there's a potential time frame given in this next clip 70s to early 90s
Unknown Speaker (00:35:00.059)
I don't know what the actual number of these beings are
Unknown Speaker (00:35:05.059)
I do know that it's very possible that what they're calling Ebola is actually could be a reaction to or sort of a disinfo campaign to keep people away from the interior of Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.059)
And so to keep this race hidden
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.059)
You know the first case of Ebola was identified in 1976
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.059)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:35:37.059)
Resistance to apartheid was quite strong around that time
Unknown Speaker (00:35:41.059)
It was when the beginnings, or maybe not the beginnings, but a large push for the overthrowing of the system were happening
Unknown Speaker (00:35:50.059)
Well the system didn't treat Ebola well when it came to people that were not white
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.059)
And also it's interesting that she's saying it's to keep people away from Central Africa
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.059)
Because there were Ebola outbreaks in Central Africa before but the most recent one was very much the Atlantic coast in Northern Africa like Sierra Leone and Liberia
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.059)
I think she's more just saying the center of Africa because that seems like a cooler place to say
Unknown Speaker (00:36:16.059)
You know, like you're not going to say they're keeping people away from the coast
Unknown Speaker (00:36:21.059)
You can't keep people away from the coast, you can keep people away from the center
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.059)
In fairness, some of the earlier outbreaks were more like in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Unknown Speaker (00:36:30.059)
But the other thing too is that if she's saying that Ebola is somehow a cover to keep people away
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.059)
So they don't uncover the existence of the Aldebaran aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.059)
First of all, that's silly
Unknown Speaker (00:36:43.059)
But second of all, that means that there is a time frame because that would mean that it can't exist prior to 1976
Unknown Speaker (00:36:50.059)
No, it does seem that to be the case
Unknown Speaker (00:36:52.059)
It has to be 76 onward
Unknown Speaker (00:36:55.059)
That's the time frame of this, so it can't even have to do with Eisenhower allegedly negotiating with aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:37:01.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.059)
Because that would have been out of the time frame
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.059)
This is pure apartheid
Unknown Speaker (00:37:06.059)
I think so
Unknown Speaker (00:37:07.059)
I don't think there's any other way
Unknown Speaker (00:37:09.059)
I can't hear it any other way, the details are too like
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.059)
In the world that we are talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.059)
These places where the aliens came in were the same places that gold was sent to space
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.059)
So strange
Unknown Speaker (00:37:21.059)
It's like, come on
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.059)
I mean, listen, we're talking about people who have a, let's call it Eurocentric, an understatement towards their out view
Unknown Speaker (00:37:31.059)
And the idea that they would know anything about Africa beyond apartheid blows my mind
Unknown Speaker (00:37:38.059)
So I'm gonna have to go with that
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.059)
I'm not even certain that she does
Unknown Speaker (00:37:42.059)
Yeah, that's another part of it, that's also possible
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.059)
So Ebola maybe is a false flag campaign to keep people away from Africa so they don't uncover the Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (00:37:54.059)
But also there's another possibility
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.059)
But there's also sort of a catch
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.059)
Which is that although they look human
Unknown Speaker (00:38:01.059)
What is the situation is that
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.059)
And this is in the movie The Event
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.059)
Which is a series you can watch
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.059)
The movie, a series
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.059)
The movie The Event, a television series
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.059)
You know, it used to be free
Unknown Speaker (00:38:17.059)
Towards the end, it is revealed that although they're humanoid or look very human
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.059)
They actually need a different atmosphere than us
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.059)
And that the exposure of us to them alters our DNA or actually, you know, can act as a kind of poison to us
Unknown Speaker (00:38:42.059)
Which is possibly reflected in a disinfo campaign that they call Ebola
Unknown Speaker (00:38:48.059)
Yeah, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:38:50.059)
So if that's the case, then it's even stronger evidence that it has to be 1976 forward
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.059)
Because then it's a reaction to the Aldebaran aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:38:59.059)
Yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.059)
So that puts it even more concrete thing
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.059)
Yeah, you can't claim it's some sort of ancient Ebola that's come back
Unknown Speaker (00:39:06.059)
You're saying that Ebola didn't exist and we know that it only started in 1976
Unknown Speaker (00:39:11.059)
So that was a disinfo campaign created specifically around a certain purpose
Unknown Speaker (00:39:16.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:17.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.059)
So that, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:39:19.059)
I don't know what to think here
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.059)
I'm telling you, her sources are probably racists
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.059)
And they just know stuff, man
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.059)
They just know stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.059)
If you get near an Aldebaran alien, you may be poisoned or not
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.059)
Because it might be a disinfo campaign or it could be Ebola
Unknown Speaker (00:39:40.059)
Well, but Ebola has to exist
Unknown Speaker (00:39:42.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:43.059)
Because Carrie also has some news to drop on you here
Unknown Speaker (00:39:47.059)
So there's also Ebola outside of the disinfo possibility of Ebola
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.059)
I think so
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:53.059)
We know that the COVID was turning people into vampires
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.059)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.059)
In China
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.059)
Absolutely, had to bar people in
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.059)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.059)
With garlic nails
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:03.059)
But there's also something about the vaccine that is news here
Unknown Speaker (00:40:09.059)
Now it's well known that Ebola was actually an ingredient or is an ingredient of the vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.059)
So this story that I'm telling now does reflect back into the whole COVID last two years
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.059)
Which is what I've said over and over again
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.059)
A transhuman agenda with basically collateral damage
Unknown Speaker (00:40:35.059)
Where they don't care how many people can't handle the change
Unknown Speaker (00:40:39.059)
They're trying to change our genome
Unknown Speaker (00:40:42.059)
So yeah, there's Ebola in the vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:45.059)
And it is trying to change our genome
Unknown Speaker (00:40:47.059)
So presumably coming in contact with the Aldebaran aliens would just do this to you
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.059)
You would assume
Unknown Speaker (00:40:53.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.059)
Because if you have too much then you get Ebola
Unknown Speaker (00:40:55.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.059)
But if you don't then it just changes your genome
Unknown Speaker (00:40:59.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.059)
In a way that these Aldebaran aliens want to happen
Unknown Speaker (00:41:03.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.059)
And they're sort of collaborating with the New World Order on this
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.059)
Because they don't care, it's all about the transhumanism
Unknown Speaker (00:41:09.059)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.059)
And some people will be able to handle it and they can become transhuman
Unknown Speaker (00:41:13.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.059)
And just, you know, they may die and who cares
Unknown Speaker (00:41:16.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.059)
Collateral damage, baby
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.059)
I'm going to give you a list of people who have put Ebola inside of a supposed vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.059)
Or thing designed to stop you from getting sick
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.059)
Mike Adams
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.059)
End of list
Unknown Speaker (00:41:31.059)
Well, did he invent the COVID vaccine?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:35.059)
Yeah, so that's um
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.059)
Yeah, it's weird
Unknown Speaker (00:41:39.059)
But I think one of the things you can see is there's a lot of thematic parallels with
Unknown Speaker (00:41:44.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.059)
Yes, yes, very much
Unknown Speaker (00:41:46.059)
The end goal being this transhumanism or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:41:48.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.059)
There's a lot of stuff that's very similar
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.059)
I mean, in this context it's kind of interesting to see the way that a futurism is combined
Unknown Speaker (00:42:01.059)
with such an obsessed conservatism as well
Unknown Speaker (00:42:03.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.059)
So like, oh, look at all these alien races, the stars are available, we're signing intergalactic
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.059)
Listen, I am not going to get weird, okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.059)
We're going to live the same way we fucking do
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.059)
I'm not going to get a vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:21.059)
None of my genome's going to be changed
Unknown Speaker (00:42:22.059)
We need to be reactionary
Unknown Speaker (00:42:23.059)
I'm not going to
Unknown Speaker (00:42:24.059)
We need to go back to the gold standard
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.059)
Yes, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:27.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:28.059)
Now that I know the vast infinity of the multiverse is available to me
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.059)
I want to go back to South Africa during apartheid!
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.059)
Yeah, it's futurism mixed with obsession with the past
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:42.059)
And reverting back
Unknown Speaker (00:42:43.059)
Such a weird
Unknown Speaker (00:42:44.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:45.059)
It's a weird, like, futuristic civil war reenactment
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.059)
It's convoluted
Unknown Speaker (00:42:50.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:51.059)
So I think we're fucked if Carrie is right about any of this because it just seems like
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.699)
too much to fight
Unknown Speaker (00:42:55.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.699)
There is this ongoing relationship with various ET races that the New World Order is all about
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.019)
controlling and they want to control, of course, the secret space program
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.139)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.139)
Programs around the world and right now it's centered in the United States, as I've said,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:17.420)
with the opposite being China and there are a different
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.019)
Kind of a yin and yang, if you will
Unknown Speaker (00:43:23.019)
That is dealing with China, a certain, I think, group of the Draco reptilians or Dracos, probably
Unknown Speaker (00:43:31.099)
And then we understand perhaps the spider beings and a few other type beings that the
Unknown Speaker (00:43:37.699)
Chinese are being helped by, that they're being influenced by
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.659)
So and you've got then you've got each ET, okay, every ET race that becomes a spacefaring
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.739)
race creates an AI
Unknown Speaker (00:43:53.840)
So then we also have
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.139)
But not speculative
Unknown Speaker (00:43:56.139)
At least four AIs that are influencing Earth, the Earth in circumstances right now that
Unknown Speaker (00:44:05.420)
are not negative towards humans
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:09.300)
So that's another thing that we're dealing with on top of our dealings with all these
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.659)
different ET races
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.039)
That's too much to deal with
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.260)
Holy shit, man, so we got these alien races, but really all we're kind of dealing with
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.079)
then is the four AI, though, because they're the ones orchestrating all of this
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.019)
Yeah, but you still have spider beings we're gonna have to fight at some point
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.219)
I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.219)
And then the reptilian Dracos
Unknown Speaker (00:44:29.219)
But I feel like we gotta negotiate with the AI, maybe the AI can help us out
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.760)
The Aldebaran are clearly not up to anything good
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.340)
They do not have good intentions
Unknown Speaker (00:44:37.019)
It doesn't seem like it
Unknown Speaker (00:44:38.079)
Why is China being influenced by the spider beings?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:41.420)
Because they needed a role
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.420)
They hadn't been mentioned yet, I guess
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.420)
It does feel like this is a cameo
Unknown Speaker (00:44:48.260)
And playing the role of Chinese administrator, it's the spider beings
Unknown Speaker (00:44:57.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.300)
So through the COVID rollout, bioweapon and the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:45:05.539)
Sure, sure, with the fake and real Ebola
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.739)
This is all a plan, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:10.820)
In order, here's what the plan is
Unknown Speaker (00:45:13.300)
And it comes back to the Ebola and the vaccine, I think, sort of
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:17.179)
So basically what they're building is an army
Unknown Speaker (00:45:21.579)
An army of beings to fight any incoming threat, especially androids
Unknown Speaker (00:45:29.739)
Coming from
Unknown Speaker (00:45:30.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.739)
These other AIs and AI cultures out in the larger solar systems and galaxies
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.460)
So we are, this is what I call a humanity 3.0 program
Unknown Speaker (00:45:49.219)
And COVID is very much part of that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.500)
What was 2.0?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:54.739)
That was the Cybermen from Doctor Who
Unknown Speaker (00:45:57.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:58.860)
So these are androids, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:59.860)
Oh, from the event
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.860)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:46:01.860)
From Doctor Who the event
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:03.860)
Look, I think there's a coherent plan here
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.940)
Is there a coherent plan?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:08.260)
Yes, the COVID vaccine will turn some people into
Unknown Speaker (00:46:12.099)
Super soldiers
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.099)
Right, automatons
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.099)
To fight against
Unknown Speaker (00:46:15.099)
That will mindlessly be able to fight against the incoming cyborgs that alien AI are creating
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:20.340)
Yeah, sure, okay, I'm in
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.340)
Explain to, what is, what do you think, why does everybody think AI cultures are going
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.820)
to be human cultures, but like angry towards us?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.380)
Well, so what's an AI culture?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:34.019)
I mean, it's whenever a bunch of AI get together and they like start a band
Unknown Speaker (00:46:37.820)
International AI settlement
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:40.340)
Of settlements
Unknown Speaker (00:46:41.340)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:46:42.340)
Um, yeah, I don't, I don't know what any of this is
Unknown Speaker (00:46:45.539)
I don't know what AI culture is
Unknown Speaker (00:46:46.860)
I don't know, like is it, is it AIs getting together or is it a society that's run by
Unknown Speaker (00:46:51.980)
an AI?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.980)
I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.980)
I think it's both
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.980)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (00:46:55.980)
I think it's neither
Unknown Speaker (00:46:56.980)
I think all is possible in the multiverse, buddy
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.380)
You really did like that movie
Unknown Speaker (00:47:01.139)
I really did
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.139)
Yeah, so killing people isn't really the goal necessarily with the COVID vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:47:06.860)
Wow, there's so many people and AI and aliens, I, why would you even bother killing people
Unknown Speaker (00:47:11.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:12.539)
Killing seems way beyond us at this point
Unknown Speaker (00:47:14.179)
This is a harsh split from Alex's ideology where depopulation is the number one goal
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.420)
Not so much
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:21.420)
Eliminating populations is not as crucial for them, although they're certainly involved
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.860)
in it and the Chinese very specifically, in fact, Mark Richards told me two years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:47:31.820)
before this whole thing started that he had gotten word that the Chinese had decided they
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.019)
needed to get rid of at least 500 million or more of their own people and they are still,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.559)
as you see, you know, doing lockdowns, um, probably spraying their, their people with
Unknown Speaker (00:47:51.639)
this more versions of the bioweapon, making sure that more and more people die and don't
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.420)
just get transformed into this cybernetic type army, so, so we have that going on
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.659)
We got that going on
Unknown Speaker (00:48:08.659)
That's so mind bogglingly evil in, she just described it in such a banal
Unknown Speaker (00:48:14.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:15.019)
Like, oh, so what they're obviously doing is spraying people with murder juice
Unknown Speaker (00:48:19.940)
China is trying to bring down their population, whereas the rest of the world
Unknown Speaker (00:48:23.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:24.500)
Is trying to create cybernetic armies to fight cyborgs
Unknown Speaker (00:48:27.820)
Of course, it seems like Mark Richards has his hand on the pulse
Unknown Speaker (00:48:32.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:33.139)
Of global affairs
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.539)
Also, if he, if Mark told her about this before
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.739)
What has she been doing for the past two years?
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.139)
So much should have warned people
Unknown Speaker (00:48:42.139)
She could have sent a, she could have sent a text, somebody
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.099)
So the, the thing with the vaccine, it's kind of unclear if the Ebola is the same thing
Unknown Speaker (00:48:54.099)
as the graphene oxide
Unknown Speaker (00:48:55.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.460)
That she's very
Unknown Speaker (00:48:57.460)
She's very scared of about this vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:48:58.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:59.780)
But the graphene oxide is apparently the same as like the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:49:03.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:04.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:05.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.300)
And so there was this guy who was a researcher in the paranormal world, and why have you,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:09.780)
a guy named Max Spears
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:11.780)
And he died a few years back, and Kerry believes that he was killed by the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:49:14.739)
He was killed by the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:17.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.019)
Here is a little bit of inside information that she has about the case
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.860)
Okay, all right, I got it
Unknown Speaker (00:49:21.860)
So what happened to Max Spears and his death when he went to Cyprus and came back and was
Unknown Speaker (00:49:27.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.980)
I was actually on the phone with one individual that was on the site there at the time
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.860)
Apparently Max was dying in the other room, they were trying to call some help, then doctors
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.739)
came but couldn't do anything, they left and eventually they came back to take the body
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.500)
away and they didn't allow them to take that body away, instead they spent several days
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.380)
trying to reanimate him
Unknown Speaker (00:49:57.460)
I'm sorry?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:58.460)
What now?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:59.460)
And possibly doing a lot of black magic
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.340)
Excuse me, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.340)
Around that, and what he was dying of appears to have been a COVID infestation or takeover
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.179)
of his body because there was black stuff coming out of various, you know, his eyes
Unknown Speaker (00:50:17.340)
and so on and so forth
Unknown Speaker (00:50:18.340)
Yeah, so it's probably a COVID infestation that's manifested by the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:50:21.460)
Right, right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:50:22.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:24.460)
And then they tried to reanimate him for a few days
Unknown Speaker (00:50:25.460)
Man, I always forget that magic is also real
Unknown Speaker (00:50:28.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:29.699)
Doing arcane rituals
Unknown Speaker (00:50:31.699)
That one got, I'm like, oh yeah, we're in space, we're doing all the space stuff and
Unknown Speaker (00:50:35.460)
they were also doing black magic to reanimate his body, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:38.739)
Why can't, why, they can travel through stars but we're still fucking cauldrons, we got
Unknown Speaker (00:50:42.900)
ingredients, oh please come back to life young boy
Unknown Speaker (00:50:46.300)
Also, to what end?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:50.059)
That's not important
Unknown Speaker (00:50:51.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.059)
Don't ask for motive.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:53.059)
Motive is a bad road to go down
Unknown Speaker (00:50:54.059)
Why reanimate this guy?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:55.059)
Doesn't seem important
Unknown Speaker (00:50:56.059)
Because he's got goo
Unknown Speaker (00:50:57.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.059)
He's got all that fucking goo, man
Unknown Speaker (00:51:01.059)
Right, this was this long, long predated COVID, so I guess the way around that is the black
Unknown Speaker (00:51:07.260)
goo is COVID, so COVID's been around forever
Unknown Speaker (00:51:10.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.139)
Or something
Unknown Speaker (00:51:12.139)
Which means Steve Pacenik cured himself of the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:51:14.219)
Yes, that is true
Unknown Speaker (00:51:15.219)
That is possible
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.219)
And now it's all coming together
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.219)
Apparently all it takes is antibiotics
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.219)
All it takes is antibiotics
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.219)
Also like every oil wreck is like the black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.219)
Because it looks like black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:51:24.219)
Because it's got black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:51:25.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.219)
You know, what else do you need?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:27.219)
She does actually talk about that, how it's like the one big oil spill was like the black
Unknown Speaker (00:51:31.300)
goo eating through the bottom of a boat
Unknown Speaker (00:51:32.659)
Oh my god, so funny
Unknown Speaker (00:51:34.539)
It's uh, yeah, but hey, here's the good news
Unknown Speaker (00:51:37.260)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (00:51:38.940)
There are multiple goos
Unknown Speaker (00:51:39.940)
Oh well, of course, there's so many goos, there's the grey goo, that's the nanobots
Unknown Speaker (00:51:44.179)
Right, the grey goo where everybody turns into the nanobots
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.780)
No, but that's bad too
Unknown Speaker (00:51:47.780)
Yeah, that's super bad
Unknown Speaker (00:51:48.780)
But look, there's positive goos in terms of
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.780)
There's posi-
Unknown Speaker (00:51:51.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.780)
And also like that last clip, you know, obviously one of Lovecraft's books is Herbert West Re-animator
Unknown Speaker (00:51:58.420)
Right, right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.420)
And this also gets a little bit Lovecraft-y
Unknown Speaker (00:52:01.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.500)
There's a Cthulhu vibe to this
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.900)
Alec New World is sort of an E.T. contactee with these blue aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:52:10.820)
I believe he was living in
Unknown Speaker (00:52:12.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:13.539)
As far as I remember, I thought it was New Zealand
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.380)
But I read his books many years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.860)
And he talks about an E.T. race
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.019)
I'm not sure if it's the same race or whether the race just revealed the information
Unknown Speaker (00:52:29.420)
But they were aware of this negative level of black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:52:35.500)
That is, again, AI that was put here by an E.T. race to be activated at a certain point
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.820)
in our history, which obviously has happened by now and happened beginning in the Falklands
Unknown Speaker (00:52:48.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.579)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:52:50.579)
That there is, so this is embedded in the earth under the oceans
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.780)
What is?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.780)
You know, and was always going to wake up and start to infiltrate our planet
Unknown Speaker (00:53:01.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:02.739)
Then supposedly there's another E.T. race that is trying to stop it
Unknown Speaker (00:53:06.739)
But it's obviously not being very successful at the moment
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.739)
And then there is a version of that black goo or oil type substance that is supposedly
Unknown Speaker (00:53:20.659)
even deeper in the earth that is positive
Unknown Speaker (00:53:22.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:23.980)
Oh, that's nice
Unknown Speaker (00:53:24.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:25.980)
So we got a layer, so we got us
Unknown Speaker (00:53:27.780)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.780)
All right, then we got the Earth's crust
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:31.500)
Then we got the mantle
Unknown Speaker (00:53:32.500)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (00:53:33.500)
Then we got black goo
Unknown Speaker (00:53:34.500)
Right, and what is dead man?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:35.500)
Never died
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.500)
Never died, strange eons
Unknown Speaker (00:53:37.500)
Yes, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.500)
Even death may die
Unknown Speaker (00:53:39.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.500)
In its house in Rillier, the black goo lays dreaming
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.019)
And then a few layers below that, right above the core, we've got the good goo
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.500)
Good goo
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.500)
Good goo
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.500)
That's also apparently oil
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.500)
That's ready and waiting for us
Unknown Speaker (00:53:53.500)
When we need the good goo, it'll pop out at any moment
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.019)
And these other people trying to stop the black goo, they suck at their job
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.820)
They're not doing great
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.820)
That's the review
Unknown Speaker (00:54:03.820)
These other aliens are not doing great
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.820)
This is the review of other aliens we've not met before
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.659)
We've probably met them
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.659)
With no names, well it's possible
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:10.659)
Look, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:54:11.659)
Obviously they suck at their jobs
Unknown Speaker (00:54:14.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.019)
I feel powerless to do anything in her world
Unknown Speaker (00:54:18.059)
Get a shovel?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.500)
We can get down to that goo
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.500)
I don't think so, I think you need more than a shovel
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.940)
Then you're gonna have to get through the other bad goo first
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.260)
Yeah, that's true
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.260)
You know
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.260)
That is true
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.260)
There's no way you're gonna get to the good goo
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.260)
So far deep
Unknown Speaker (00:54:35.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:36.260)
It gets hot down there
Unknown Speaker (00:54:37.260)
If any of this is true, just live your life, who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.739)
Just move on, why are you even caring?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:44.699)
That is so, it is fun
Unknown Speaker (00:54:46.179)
If any of this is true, write a book
Unknown Speaker (00:54:49.940)
Why would you be afraid, if any of this is true?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.059)
Write a science fiction book based on what you know to be true and then make some money
Unknown Speaker (00:54:56.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:57.380)
And live your life
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.380)
Just move on
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.380)
Yeah, because you're not gonna be able to make any difference in the world of various
Unknown Speaker (00:55:02.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.460)
Yeah, I mean it almost, it is almost paralyzing and yet at the same time comforting of being
Unknown Speaker (00:55:09.500)
like if I lived in this universe that she says we inhabit, what would I be afraid of?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:15.380)
Like everything could kill me
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:17.980)
Right now everything could kill me
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.980)
You know outside my window there's a tree
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.460)
It's a tree being
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.460)
It's a tree being, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:23.460)
You know like there's anything
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.460)
They're notoriously hostile to humans
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.460)
People could be doing a black magic spell on me right now and I wouldn't know
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.460)
Probably are
Unknown Speaker (00:55:31.460)
Yeah, totally
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.460)
Why would you be afraid?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.460)
There's just got black magic and shit flying around, there's goos fighting each other
Unknown Speaker (00:55:37.300)
Everybody send Jordan tweets about the black magic rituals you're doing against him
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.699)
Yeah, it's silly
Unknown Speaker (00:55:45.340)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:55:46.340)
So, we end this update on the world with a couple of clips about some figures in the
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:53.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.780)
The first is Vladimir Putin
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.820)
Oh, how's he doing with his alien buddies?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:59.579)
We got some updates
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.579)
Uh oh
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.579)
I know that Russia is working with us in the secret space program
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:07.019)
Regardless of how it looks on the surface earth
Unknown Speaker (00:56:09.980)
The Russians are also working with a certain set group of ETs that apparently are more
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.460)
positive than they used to be and that
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.460)
This version of Putin
Unknown Speaker (00:56:21.460)
How so?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.460)
Who is in essence a clone is not the original Putin and it's a much more positive oriented
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.420)
being and is working with Trump and the white hats behind the scenes and we're gonna see
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.679)
where that all leads
Unknown Speaker (00:56:40.219)
It's not leading into her good right now
Unknown Speaker (00:56:41.659)
Also, I think that she just proved Russian collusion
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.380)
I mean, I don't know, go back to space
Unknown Speaker (00:56:49.500)
Go back to space
Unknown Speaker (00:56:50.980)
We don't need you down here on earth telling us that Putin's a clone
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:56.099)
That's actually good
Unknown Speaker (00:56:57.099)
The roots of positive aliens are the war in Ukraine
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.679)
I'm not interested in positive aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:57:02.059)
We once again go back full circle, clearly the Draco and the Reptilians are good because
Unknown Speaker (00:57:07.539)
Mark Richards hates them
Unknown Speaker (00:57:08.860)
Well I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.860)
And the raptors are bad because Mark Richards liked them
Unknown Speaker (00:57:11.460)
Well obviously like she believes that the COVID stuff is a bio weapon and the black
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.980)
goo and all this and that there are bio labs in Ukraine that Russia is actually going after
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.099)
an attack
Unknown Speaker (00:57:22.099)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:57:23.099)
So that's how she can rationalize that it's a positive thing
Unknown Speaker (00:57:25.619)
But I mean the reality of what she's justifying through fantasy is outrageous
Unknown Speaker (00:57:31.219)
Yeah that is fucked
Unknown Speaker (00:57:32.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:33.500)
That's one of those where I do feel like she's got that moment of where it's like either
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.820)
I can wrestle with what I've accidentally walked my space ass into supporting fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:57:46.420)
Putin and deal with that
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.260)
No no no
Unknown Speaker (00:57:49.260)
Or I go all the way
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.139)
Yeah we need a painfully elaborate conspiracy to make this not
Unknown Speaker (00:57:55.139)
She's gonna go so hard
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.699)
Speaking of that, here is her thoughts on Elon Musk
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.579)
Oh god
Unknown Speaker (00:58:01.579)
Now, I'm not sure if I've mentioned but Elon Musk is, okay so I have my own take on him
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.300)
And my understanding, what I was seeing was a cyborg
Unknown Speaker (00:58:17.320)
I believe he's run by a good set of, whether it's an AI or a group of ETs I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.820)
but for the most part he seems fairly positively oriented
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.420)
But he did grow up and was totally backed by our secret space program during the time
Unknown Speaker (00:58:39.420)
when it was completely run and dominated by the new world order
Unknown Speaker (00:58:44.159)
So he has been positioned purposely to be playing his role that he's playing now
Unknown Speaker (00:58:51.340)
Whether he's turned against his sort of operators or whether he is actually fulfilling a role
Unknown Speaker (00:59:00.860)
that they prefer he play and where that might lead I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:59:05.059)
Yeah so he's a cyborg man
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.940)
Wow cuz I would have said that he is the avatar of American white male failure being rewarded
Unknown Speaker (00:59:17.019)
as the richest man in the world
Unknown Speaker (00:59:19.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.860)
Yeah well
Unknown Speaker (00:59:21.860)
One of the two
Unknown Speaker (00:59:22.860)
If you were creating something in the lab to more accurately reflect back on America
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.099)
every failure that it's ever made and what it looks like that would be Elon Musk
Unknown Speaker (00:59:36.300)
Well I think painting him as a cyborg that's under the control of some hyper powerful alien
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.579)
or AI kind of gets you around having to explain some of his behavior, some of his past
Unknown Speaker (00:59:47.900)
All that stuff is kind of like, well he's not, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.019)
Eh we can still
Unknown Speaker (00:59:51.059)
He's under control of aliens, he's a cyborg
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.739)
I do appreciate the absurd willingness to bend your back over to make a monster seem
Unknown Speaker (01:00:03.059)
okay to you
Unknown Speaker (01:00:05.059)
That seems like that's what a lot of this is
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.659)
I mean
Unknown Speaker (01:00:07.659)
Mark Richards, Putin, Musk
Unknown Speaker (01:00:08.659)
Yeah that's amazing
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.860)
That's loyalty
Unknown Speaker (01:00:11.860)
You know
Unknown Speaker (01:00:12.860)
Dan I'm just gonna say this right now
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.659)
If you were like hey I'm gonna lead to the deaths of thousands if not millions of people
Unknown Speaker (01:00:21.219)
I'd be like Dan I don't think we can be friends anymore I'm not gonna explain away your behavior
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.900)
Jordan I'm gonna buy Twitter
Unknown Speaker (01:00:26.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:27.900)
We're not friends anymore!
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.900)
Fair enough
Unknown Speaker (01:00:30.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:31.900)
So what if Musk takes us to Mars though
Unknown Speaker (01:00:34.940)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.940)
That'd be cool
Unknown Speaker (01:00:36.940)
Can we leave him there?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:37.940)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.940)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:39.940)
I don't know how aware Elon is of what he actually is or not so I don't, you know I'm
Unknown Speaker (01:00:48.059)
not trying to insult him but this is what you know you can't help what you see so then
Unknown Speaker (01:00:56.239)
on top of it someone wrote to me and said that there was a book written I don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.900)
if they said a hundred years ago or whenever it was that depicted a character called Elon
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.739)
who would eventually be made president of Mars and so I don't have a copy of that book
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.619)
but this is what I heard you can investigate and see if you can find it that's quite fascinating
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.420)
So Carrie clearly hasn't looked into this at all because if she had she'd have a much
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.760)
better conspiracy about it
Unknown Speaker (01:01:26.179)
Oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:01:27.179)
This book was called Project Mars and it was written published as it were in 1953 it was
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.940)
written by Nazi rocket scientist Werner von Braun
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.019)
If she could add that in that would be an extra part that would add to the conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.300)
Wait so Werner von Braun
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.420)
Essentially used his imagination to pull Elon Musk from the multiverse and inflicted him
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.579)
upon us here that's what you're telling me right?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.739)
He wrote he wrote a book that is um I read some parts of it yeah I wouldn't say it's
Unknown Speaker (01:02:02.860)
good sci-fi
Unknown Speaker (01:02:03.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:04.860)
It may be sci-fi written by a Nazi rocket scientist
Unknown Speaker (01:02:06.780)
Hey mako shark grandpa
Unknown Speaker (01:02:08.260)
Not that bad
Unknown Speaker (01:02:09.260)
Not that bad
Unknown Speaker (01:02:10.260)
But in the book the person who takes humans to Mars isn't named Elon the office of the
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.860)
presidency in the Martian government is called the Elon
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.340)
Oh okay
Unknown Speaker (01:02:19.340)
Yeah so the level of information that Carrie has on this topic is basically just what you'd
Unknown Speaker (01:02:22.900)
get from seeing a meme or something
Unknown Speaker (01:02:24.460)
Right right right
Unknown Speaker (01:02:25.460)
That's good enough
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.460)
Why look into it?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.460)
I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.460)
Because if you sincerely believe this meant something wouldn't you have read the book
Unknown Speaker (01:02:31.420)
wouldn't you have like figured you'd know damn well what the name of the book was who
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.820)
wrote it what the connection to Elon is because if you believe it has a meaning it would help
Unknown Speaker (01:02:41.059)
you understand what's happening in the present day because there would be other information
Unknown Speaker (01:02:45.179)
it's not like that one piece of right trivia is the only thing that's important there right
Unknown Speaker (01:02:50.340)
Right right so what you're saying is that if you heard through maybe third or fourth
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.380)
hand that a prophecy might have existed in a book that may exist
Unknown Speaker (01:03:01.579)
And was written by Wernher von Braun?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:05.059)
About Elon then you would go like oh I should read that book
Unknown Speaker (01:03:09.800)
And guess what Carrie also believes that the Nazis could time travel
Unknown Speaker (01:03:12.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:15.780)
That one makes perfect sense
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.780)
No no I mean this actually I'm starting to believe in this conspiracy theory if the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.860)
could go back in time then the rockets and then the Elon it all makes sense
Unknown Speaker (01:03:28.380)
I mean there are pieces of something
Unknown Speaker (01:03:30.059)
Yeah instead of just being like hey I heard there was a prophecy that Elon's gonna be
Unknown Speaker (01:03:33.980)
president of Mars fun isn't that interesting
Unknown Speaker (01:03:36.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:37.340)
All right let's just move forward with that
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.340)
Yeah I think that one of the reasons that people like Carrie don't learn more about
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.619)
the things that they're like they see like this is because if you learn more it's less
Unknown Speaker (01:03:47.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:49.980)
Oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.980)
But in this case it's actually more fun because then you'd learn it was von Braun
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:53.780)
They could have all kinds of fun with that
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.780)
Right right right this is very much this has got to be a learned behavior that is is so
Unknown Speaker (01:04:01.820)
much for for you and I it would be like putting our hand on the on the burner
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:07.039)
The proverbial burner you know ah I got burned I'm not gonna do that again every time they
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.659)
look into stuff they get disappointed by reality
Unknown Speaker (01:04:13.219)
I mean it must have happened a couple times and then you learn like don't dig too far
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.619)
Just don't dig too far
Unknown Speaker (01:04:17.619)
I mean like this show really is a manifestation of what happens when you take claims and then
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.059)
you try and explore them past the surface level of the headlines that Alex reads
Unknown Speaker (01:04:25.820)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.820)
And you see the results of it
Unknown Speaker (01:04:27.820)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:29.179)
It doesn't bend towards Alex being right about stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:33.780)
And I think that on some level subconscious or otherwise people like Carrie probably have
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.340)
that intuition too
Unknown Speaker (01:04:39.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:40.340)
Like best not to actually try and confirm things
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.300)
Instead let's take our information from a murderer who makes stuff up
Unknown Speaker (01:04:48.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.900)
Let's take our information from weird monster manuals that a guy
Unknown Speaker (01:04:54.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.699)
That veterans today post
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.860)
Yeah this is totally they're not aware of it it's just Skinnerism like the the level
Unknown Speaker (01:05:01.980)
of like I've just if I don't look things good happen if I do look things bad happen and
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.420)
that's that they never have to be aware of that
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.699)
Yeah I think there's probably something to that
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.219)
Yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.219)
So anyway
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:15.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:17.219)
What a what an adventure I think I think you know obviously we've missed some of the
Unknown Speaker (01:05:21.340)
alien talk and I'm glad that there was a little bit of it
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.340)
Oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:05:25.340)
I'm terrified to learn that Africa is under the control of the Aldebaran
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.219)
This is big news
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.219)
I think that's earth-shattering news
Unknown Speaker (01:05:34.219)
I mean well I mean it's at least one-seventh of earth being shattered
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.219)
Well but I mean how how does that affect how we would go about our lives
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.099)
Just knowing that I mean the fact that somebody and not somebody I mean I'm not talking about
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.300)
specifically like a person although I assume it could be a person
Unknown Speaker (01:05:51.780)
Not a person
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.780)
In this cosmology could just be like okay Aldebaran's you guys are dope you get Africa
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.739)
But you got to help us with space columns
Unknown Speaker (01:06:01.340)
Totally but I mean like you can't just say you get Africa
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.059)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:05.059)
Who did that?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:06.059)
Or somebody yeah somebody it conceivably has that power is earth-shattering
Unknown Speaker (01:06:09.860)
Yeah absolutely that needs to be explored
Unknown Speaker (01:06:11.940)
The idea that the Chinese are working with spider beings is troubling if true
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.659)
For sure I mean not because we're anti-spider
Unknown Speaker (01:06:19.300)
No no no no we know we are into the spider leadership
Unknown Speaker (01:06:22.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:23.699)
You have a shirt
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.699)
I have got a shirt we're not anti-spider here
Unknown Speaker (01:06:25.860)
They help they're helpful they eat bugs around the house and you know
Unknown Speaker (01:06:31.980)
Yeah we're anti-beetle if I remember the Vietnam conflict
Unknown Speaker (01:06:34.739)
They were in Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (01:06:35.739)
Yeah Vietnam was us fighting beetles
Unknown Speaker (01:06:37.900)
Just a quagmire
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.900)
And every now and again beetles come through portals and try and eat people and that's
Unknown Speaker (01:06:42.420)
why there are wildfires and things like that in order to cover up for the portals
Unknown Speaker (01:06:46.539)
And I think there were some beetles in Iraq one time
Unknown Speaker (01:06:48.460)
Yes and that's why there was bombs to close the Stargate
Unknown Speaker (01:06:53.300)
That's right yes the Stargates
Unknown Speaker (01:06:55.420)
And I think that they wanted to steal antiques and stuff too like relics
Unknown Speaker (01:06:59.539)
See this is what COVID really took away from us
Unknown Speaker (01:07:02.739)
All of our good conspiracies are now just like oh there's Ebola
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.820)
Yeah I think the world is so bad in many ways that like the the fun elements of this space
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.099)
conspiracy stuff it kind of it's robbed we're deprived of it
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.900)
Yeah I think you know we're all just too emotionally charged about everything all the time you
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.619)
know like she can't enjoy these conspiracies she's too mad because we're being murdered
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.139)
by Ebola aliens or whatever you know
Unknown Speaker (01:07:31.340)
That's a piece of it and I think the other piece of it too is that the phenomenon of
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.659)
Trump brought in so much conspiracism to politics that that overlap is ruining conspiracism
Unknown Speaker (01:07:45.260)
It ruins it so bad
Unknown Speaker (01:07:46.260)
Along with politics
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.260)
Yeah yeah yeah it turns both of them worse
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.460)
Yeah conspiracies are more boring and politics is more destructive
Unknown Speaker (01:07:53.420)
Well at least there used to be like political conspiracy and you had like JFK assassination
Unknown Speaker (01:07:58.340)
and stuff like that and then you had stuff that maybe was tertiarily involved with politics
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.380)
but it had lived in a different space
Unknown Speaker (01:08:06.139)
And the real crazies would combine the two and they'd be like oh aliens killed JFK and
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.260)
you'd be like well now we know we don't have to worry about you sir
Unknown Speaker (01:08:13.380)
And there would be less of that yeah the new age-y conspiracy stuff and then they'd all
Unknown Speaker (01:08:17.819)
just you know
Unknown Speaker (01:08:19.060)
It's the singularity
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.060)
It's filtered all towards QAnon stuff and blah
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.180)
Now it's all one
Unknown Speaker (01:08:23.340)
But anyway we got a little bit of a taste of the old days
Unknown Speaker (01:08:25.619)
Oh we did
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.619)
It was much needed
Unknown Speaker (01:08:28.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:29.420)
So we'll be back Jordan for probably a present day episode on Monday
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.260)
Indeed we will
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.260)
But until then we have a website
Unknown Speaker (01:08:36.539)
We do have a website it's
Unknown Speaker (01:08:38.300)
Yep we're also on Twitter
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.300)
We are on Twitter it's at knowledge underscore fight and I go to bed Jordan
Unknown Speaker (01:08:41.420)
Ah that thing in my eye is back
Unknown Speaker (01:08:43.420)
It's not I was joking
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.859)
Not a good joke
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.340)
Call back at least
Unknown Speaker (01:08:49.220)
Anyway we'll be back
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.220)
Bleeding call back
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.220)
But until then I'm Neo I'm Leo I'm DZX Clark
Unknown Speaker (01:08:55.100)
I hope you all have a dreamy creamy summer
Unknown Speaker (01:08:57.420)
And now here comes the sex robots
Unknown Speaker (01:08:59.619)
Andy in Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (01:09:01.579)
Hello Alex I'm a first time caller I'm a huge fan I love your work
Unknown Speaker (01:09:06.899)
I love you