Transcript/177: Sweary Kerry and the Racist Alien

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (00:00:03.839)
Hello Alex, I'm a person color. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey everybody
Unknown Speaker (00:00:08.279)
Welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:09.820)
I'm Jordan were couple dudes like to sit around drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones indeed
Unknown Speaker (00:00:14.820)
We are Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:16.399)
Dan if you were somebody who had let's say lost faith that his country would ever
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.399)
Possibly work as a functioning democracy
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.399)
democracy again and would stay instead to descend into a corrupt kleptocracy until the end of time and you were
Unknown Speaker (00:00:33.259)
Trying to celebrate the holiday that most exemplifies the worthlessness of that country, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.219)
I don't know how you're gonna what?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:41.500)
Question what podcast would you recommend if you want to listen to something while Rome burns?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.939)
Check out knowledge fight. It's this show. You're listening to right now. Is it this show? You're listening to a little bit about it
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.840)
I know a lot about Alex Jones and I don't know anything about Alex and that's the dynamic that we have and we bring to
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.020)
Happy 4th of July 5th when this comes out. We're recording this on the 4th
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.700)
wanted to put out an episode for
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.159)
The 4th because generally we have an episode on Wednesdays
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.640)
But it figured most people probably aren't in the office where most people listen to podcasts, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.640)
And they wouldn't be listening anyway, so they'd be out in that second Civil War. That's what I've heard about that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.640)
I heard about that. Yeah, when did we start that? I don't know someone
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.680)
I guess people were clowning on Alex on Twitter and doing some second Civil War letters and stuff. Uh-huh. Oh, I like that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:29.040)
I think it's fine
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.599)
But it's also just buzz marketing for Alex like people don't realize that how much that plays into his hands
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.340)
Like I really want to be clear about something cuz I got a couple questions from people who are like, hey you guys, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.079)
You guys think about this, huh?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:44.280)
I don't want to spend much time on this second Civil War nonsense and people making fun of him for two reasons one
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.060)
We've already seen him do this over and over again
Unknown Speaker (00:01:52.980)
Yeah that last time they had that big March and not the women's March the other one
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.959)
I can't remember what it was. I think it was the March for our lives right after the Parkland shooting
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.540)
Alex's rhetoric was that that was when Democrats were gonna launch their Civil War, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.579)
They were going to launch the move to take out Trump. They're gonna kill him perhaps like all this stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.580)
He's recycling stuff over and over again. So people getting excited about it
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.060)
It's like you just you're getting into the reruns like already. It's the holiday. You got to get yourself into the holiday spirit
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.419)
I am a little bit. I'll be honest. I like the idea of celebrating some freedoms
Unknown Speaker (00:02:28.819)
And maybe personal freedoms, right? But also the other thing is that like I
Unknown Speaker (00:02:34.460)
Get why it's really fun to clown on Alex and we do it a lot in in various ways
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.500)
And I understand that I'm probably making too fine a line that most people don't really appreciate or understand
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.300)
But when when it becomes like the number one trending hashtag, you know, the second Civil War hashtag, really?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.340)
Yeah, well, that's not good people going nuts on it. That's not good and people were all rooted back to making fun of Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.780)
Yes, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.419)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.659)
But it was still you're talking about Alex what people don't recognize I think a lot of the time is that like he doesn't give
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.199)
A shit if people are making fun of him
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.900)
It doesn't matter because most of the people making fun of him aren't people who would ever consider him to begin with
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.139)
They don't he doesn't care about that right that segment of the population is lost to him already
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.740)
So they might as well be making fun of him that gets his fucking name out there and gives a better chance for the 20%
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.259)
To see be like, hey, why is everyone making fun of him? Let me check out what he says
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.819)
whatever and not just that but if you're if you're one of those people on Twitter who's like
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.539)
Whatever it is that
Unknown Speaker (00:03:35.819)
Says libs seem really bent out of shape about this exactly must be fun must be good
Unknown Speaker (00:03:40.860)
And then the flip side of it too is that like who cares like the idea that somehow he's gonna be
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.659)
Humiliated when this doesn't happen because it's fucking not going to happen never was but the wet it doesn't matter
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.819)
Because he has built-in narratives in place. It doesn't fucking matter when it doesn't happen
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.979)
He'd be like yeah, because I talked about the plans and they had to change their plans, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.699)
That's built in place. Like I stopped the second Civil War by publicizing it. You can play that card if he wants to
Unknown Speaker (00:04:08.659)
Or I mean the day is not over. There could be some terrible firework mishap or something like that
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.819)
Oh, yeah, you can really toss that claims. That's a false flag or some shit
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.540)
You know, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.139)
He has a myriad of options in order to convince that 20% that he's not as stupid as the 80% say
Unknown Speaker (00:04:24.379)
So engaging in this stuff is really only giving him free marketing. So anyway, happy fourth
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.459)
It was it was a brilliant move very smart for him to stop the second Civil War by
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.060)
Distracting those who would start it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:37.060)
And they were too busy clowning on busy memeing to be too busy
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.060)
Yeah, how are you gonna organize the second Civil War if you're writing second Civil War letters to Alex, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:46.500)
Can't do it. Can't do it never gonna happen
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.579)
So anyway, I don't I don't hate it and I understand the impulse and I appreciate it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.259)
I don't I I live in this weird space where it's like I I
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.980)
Know that the best thing to do would be to ignore him except in very specific contexts
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.019)
You know, yeah, there are very specific ways that are good to take care of him and deal with him, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.699)
And but I also get like people liking to have fun. So I'm not mad at that either. I don't know everyone live your lives
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.579)
That is a 180. You just did a you just talked yourself out of the your own position
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.019)
Oh, it's the same position like go ahead and do it. But just recognize that you're not scoring a point on him
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.740)
You're just oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.860)
You're sort of playing into his hands a little bit because this is the only PR
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.899)
Strategy he can use because no one will take him on as an ad advertising thing
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.139)
And that's true to the point where now apparently last article. I read he's got like the same people who were
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.720)
Defending the Daily Stormer as his or you know neo-nazi
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.980)
Lawyers as his as his lawyers, which he just got neo-nazi lawyers
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.019)
Well lawyers who were also like defending neo-nazis and but that also to me is like another thing people are clowning on that
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.860)
It's like that doesn't matter. That doesn't mean the lawyers are neo-nazis
Unknown Speaker (00:06:00.000)
No, and there's really the ACLU's
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.139)
Represents neo-nazis exactly. Yeah. Yeah, there's free speech issues that some neo-nazis are protected, but you know
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.379)
Unfortunately, yeah, so I mean I get like I get the urge to be like haha
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.279)
This is a link to him in neo-nazism. I got a lot of feelings
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.660)
I'm telling you one thing that we never expected when we wrote all those laws was the necessity of adding a dot-dot-dot
Unknown Speaker (00:06:23.939)
Except for Nazis like so many like First Amendment. We guarantee the right to free speech dot-dot-dot except for Nazis
Unknown Speaker (00:06:32.220)
You know, we just got to rewrite all that stuff. We add it in at the end
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.620)
Perhaps because there's no way you can consider Nazis a protected class. You wouldn't think so, but that's
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.620)
Again, we have a white supremacist
Unknown Speaker (00:06:46.180)
Government, so that's what amendments are for in theory, but we'll never get there with this government
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.139)
But anyway, like I said, it's time to celebrate our freedom
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.899)
And so I decided I don't want to talk about Alex Jones today. Here's what we're talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.100)
Hi everyone. I'm
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.379)
Project Camelot and very happy to be here today
Unknown Speaker (00:07:07.459)
We're gonna be talking to Eddie page and this is my second interview with him
Unknown Speaker (00:07:12.540)
Should be a lot of fun. He's also been putting out some videos of his own
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.740)
Sort of in his own words his life story and he does that on his YouTube channel. He does. Do you know who Eddie Page is?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.459)
I'm gonna go with the bastard son of Jimmy Page and Eddie Vedder. No, Eddie money. Okay, incorrect
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.540)
Although let's see if this helps. His real name is Tommy Coleman jr. No, no, absolutely course
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.899)
It doesn't what the hell is Tommy Coleman jr. Uh, he's a guy who goes by Eddie page now
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.779)
fair enough
Unknown Speaker (00:07:45.459)
So this a lot of his backstory is dealt with in another interview that he did with Carrie
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.459)
He did two within a week or so
Unknown Speaker (00:07:53.180)
Okay, I will say just as a beginning syllabus and then we'll get into more as we go along
Unknown Speaker (00:07:58.819)
He's a guy who claims to be a Pleiadian
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.500)
He was a hybrid alien being right who is doing an interview with Carrie and I I gotta say most of his backstory
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.420)
Not super important. This is can we do it in flashback format? We can just do small chunks of it
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.259)
We don't have to deal with the entire back story
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.259)
I think so and I think I can explain it to you as we go along in as much detail as you need
Unknown Speaker (00:08:22.459)
That's not what's important. This is one of the weirdest project Camelot interviews I've ever heard in my life
Unknown Speaker (00:08:28.060)
All right, it goes so far off the rails. Okay to an unbelievable extent. I like it
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.580)
I've seen these go off the rails like the one with Courtney Brown
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.940)
Where he was talking about his remote viewing at the end Carrie was clearly like I'm fucking over this. Yeah. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:08:40.700)
I don't know you you disrespected Mark Richards, even though the even though the Arabic argument could be made that it's project
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.299)
Can we came a lot and so rails are no they're not existing. Yeah. Yeah where we're going. We don't we don't need rails
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.340)
So also the one with the guy who's like under that museum
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.419)
There's a city of demons right right that went off the rails when he disrespected Mark Richards as well weird weird
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.220)
Her loyalty to that murderer is really weird. It's pretty spectacular. He's must be an amazing liar
Unknown Speaker (00:09:09.419)
Yeah, but this goes even further off the rails and weirdly has nothing to do with disrespecting Mark Mark Richards
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.379)
It just has to do with Eddie Page being a chief weirdo
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.139)
Is his Pleiadian dad named Tommy Coleman and then he was he was named junior because of that or was his Pleiadian dad
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.220)
It's you once again. It's you Jimmy Page and Eddie better his human dad is Tommy Coleman
Unknown Speaker (00:09:33.059)
Okay, and then I don't know the page part of it
Unknown Speaker (00:09:36.059)
I don't know. I I don't know the etymology of his name, but I do know that his
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.620)
Dad's name is something some sort of like angelic being type name. Okay. It's not a human. Okay
Unknown Speaker (00:09:47.059)
Let's say an angelic being like like Michael. Yes, but it's weirder. It's some sort of like
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.139)
Arentine or something like it's not that but something along those lines, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.820)
It's like what a child would come up with as an alien. There we go. That's now I understand it
Unknown Speaker (00:10:01.980)
So you may not know this you don't know this. How could you possibly know this?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.120)
It would be interesting if I did Eddie did not know his dad
Unknown Speaker (00:10:08.620)
Is alien dad. Yeah. Well, okay. Okay. All right
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.379)
Until he was much older in life. Oh, yeah, but he did meet him when he was young
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.860)
This is this is just a little bit about his dad as a young child. I remember beating my father and
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.379)
I think a lot of people can relate with what I'm gonna share here. I had never met this man until I was four years old
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:33.299)
Looking in his eyes and knowing who he was
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.740)
I mean, it was just something I felt a magnetism that I knew this being is very special
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.419)
So that's actually kind of a sweet story it is but that
Unknown Speaker (00:10:47.899)
He he I like how he couches this at the beginning as I think a lot of people would be able to identify
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.139)
Yeah, I agree. I didn't meet my dad till I was four
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.539)
I knew he was a special being when I looked into his eyes that limits the population a little true
Unknown Speaker (00:11:02.179)
So in terms of identifying it
Unknown Speaker (00:11:03.940)
But let's see special being can mean both it could just be a hyperbolic term for somebody that I think even not meeting your dad
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.740)
Till you're four takes a large chunk of the population away. Yeah, I think I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:11:16.580)
I know that a lot there's a lot of single parents out there and shit like that
Unknown Speaker (00:11:19.700)
I understand there's a chance that maybe you don't know your dad at the beginning of your life, but that's not
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.620)
That's not everybody or even at the end of your life. Sure
Unknown Speaker (00:11:29.419)
Find out
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.820)
At about the age of 30. I was adopted in that age 31 this man that I had met in
Unknown Speaker (00:11:37.419)
1957 was my father
Unknown Speaker (00:11:41.019)
He was our father. I just like to say I don't want to sound greedy
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.419)
But I was very proud to find out Wow, and this man was not prepared
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.740)
Okay, now you're saying down the way you you found out when you're 30
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.700)
Are you mean you went through 30 years without knowing that you were Pleiadian?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.419)
There it is. There it is. That's the sweet spot. So this introduces the first problem
Unknown Speaker (00:12:10.820)
Which one well, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.000)
We we have painted Carrie Cassidy as perhaps the worst interviewer of all time
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.059)
The most credulous at the very least
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.700)
She earned some of her stripes at this point like in this interview
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.860)
There's a couple of things that she holds his feet to the fire about
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.779)
That I think are pretty impressive and I thought it was her being a good interviewer
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.259)
But I realized there was something actually far more nefarious
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.139)
I'll explain as we get to it. There's a remarkable thing happening here that there's a dominant struggle
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.019)
That is it's going to be fascinating the way this plays out
Unknown Speaker (00:12:47.220)
Carrie Cassidy is a fucking alpha and she could tell that this dude is a chump
Unknown Speaker (00:12:51.259)
Wait, so we find out here that Carrie Cassidy our poor sweet anti-semitic Carrie
Unknown Speaker (00:12:59.340)
Cassidy is a bully. I think it when what we end up finding out
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.139)
I'm probably showing way too many cards way too early. Uh, she might be screwing with fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.860)
Guy in prison. She's she's now screwing with Mark Richard. She might be puppet mastering mark, right? Okay
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.940)
All right. This is the usual suspects turn that I have always wanted Carrie Cassidy to take. I'm not entirely sure
Unknown Speaker (00:13:25.580)
I don't I'm not standing by that but we'll see what you think as we as we go along
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.059)
She all of a sudden her voice just gets lower by an octave
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.620)
She's just like I've known how to do this shit all along you assholes
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.259)
Fuck you. Oh, you're from space. You think I'm stupid. So
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.820)
Also, I think that's the backstory of Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy
Unknown Speaker (00:13:46.019)
They met his dad at four didn't know until he was 30 and pretty sure an alien pretty sure that was the one it
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.379)
Would make sense. So he didn't know that he was an alien when he was a wee baby
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.340)
But he didn't know that he was different and here's how he would describe it
Unknown Speaker (00:13:59.100)
You know as a child
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.940)
You remember these things but as you get older, it's kind of like oh
Unknown Speaker (00:14:04.899)
Well, this is the norm. It's like
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.860)
And uh, I knew there was something very unique going on here because as a child growing up
Unknown Speaker (00:14:17.580)
I was asked quite often. Where did you go? Did you see and what did they say to you?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:23.379)
Well at first I didn't say I saw anybody and so where you get the speculation. What did they say to me?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:30.220)
I would say at this point all fairly standard questions
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.860)
You might ask a kid that was missing for a little while like a kid that wandered off down the street
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.059)
It's like where were you? Did you did? Yeah, were you somebody that that sort of thing?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.100)
Or perhaps he was daydreaming could be and then they were like, oh, what were you? What did you see?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.700)
Oh, that's that's an interesting possibility. Yeah, any of those things seemed like a decent parent behavior, but I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.980)
Let's see see if there's more to this
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.539)
But they knew the people that watched over me my host family
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.019)
The men and the doctors that came to visit me the clergy that came to visit me
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.659)
It's like we got to know we got no well
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.899)
they were searching for answers and I didn't have all the answers that even today I I
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.860)
Wouldn't I don't want to say I've got all the answers, but he has none
Unknown Speaker (00:15:18.659)
I'm a lot wiser and a lot smarter than this day
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.460)
I was when I was two years of age and especially when I went into the agency
Unknown Speaker (00:15:25.340)
are you showing me things that I did as a child and
Unknown Speaker (00:15:30.139)
Comparing them to the my other 32 siblings. I mean, wait what 33 of us?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.779)
My was the third born. Wait, what? Wait, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. He's the third of 33
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.419)
So here he's definitely special. Here's where I guess we got to explain some of his backstory
Unknown Speaker (00:15:47.659)
He is the third of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.659)
33 Pleiadian children that were loaned to earth or whatever loaned I guess I don't know through the
Unknown Speaker (00:15:57.019)
And the government's fully aware of it the Vatican knows that they get in play in a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:16:02.539)
Well, of course the Vatican's gonna get it
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.460)
So he's one of these Pleiadian children that was born onto earth and he has these the Coleman family is taking care of them
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.299)
Right. And so now you hear there. He says when I came into the agency
Unknown Speaker (00:16:15.980)
that is a
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.980)
Talk about that CIA. That's they're all talking about the goddamn. Okay. All right. All right. We're back in the CIA. So here's his story
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.379)
Broad strokes worked for the CIA when he was 18. He went off to the military. Oh and he went to Vietnam and
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.580)
He was quite a fighter pilot in helicopters course in Vietnam course
Unknown Speaker (00:16:39.620)
But he got shot down his his helicopter got shot down and then he lost 11 days
Unknown Speaker (00:16:45.740)
So for 11 days, he was on an alien spacecraft
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.779)
Right, so they took him. I thought he lost those days. Does he not remember them? All right. All right. All right
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.220)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. My questions will be answered in time. He pops back up on a field
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.100)
In a apparently in a different uniform than he was wearing to begin with course
Unknown Speaker (00:17:06.700)
Which is important because as he describes that he was quote sent to Vietnam in a special issue black
Unknown Speaker (00:17:13.059)
Non-infrared uniform with a special elite secret service group
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.940)
They carried high-tech equipment such as a special issue Colt 45 pistol machine gun
Unknown Speaker (00:17:22.140)
And he was sent on a secret private mission to assassinate the Vietnamese premier. I don't think that how did he go?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.619)
I don't think they have a premier. I think they have a prime minister even back then
Unknown Speaker (00:17:31.660)
I'm not entirely sure but I don't think they had a premier
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.900)
He did not succeed
Unknown Speaker (00:17:36.180)
But okay
Unknown Speaker (00:17:37.019)
The only reason I bring that up specifically is because he had to explain why when he was found he didn't have his black
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.740)
Non-infrared uniform, I suppose I'm guessing that's why it's a piece of the narrative that it's he's in a different uniform when they find him
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.700)
But it wasn't 11 days later. It was like minutes later, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.579)
He hadn't crashed a helicopter right or something along those lines, right? Right, right details are murky, but he was in Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.819)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.819)
I was okay. All right, these aren't things that I can confirm or deny so I'm choosing to believe it
Unknown Speaker (00:18:09.460)
Okay, okay. I don't I as much as I think stolen valor is super ugly
Unknown Speaker (00:18:14.660)
I also think the idea of me saying no you weren't in
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.579)
The shit or something like that when I have no idea is wrong, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:22.539)
So until someone can show me that he wasn't I'll go ahead and take his word for it tentatively
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.579)
But I will not allow that. He was on a spaceship for 11 days. Uh, have you ever seen the movie contact?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.380)
I have they see she was only gone for like a minute, right? But then where did all the tape come from?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.579)
I don't know. That's easy. Yeah, so while he's on the UFO they heal him
Unknown Speaker (00:18:43.460)
They put him in like this yellow liquid that he can breathe in which is super weird. That's nice. Totally cool
Unknown Speaker (00:18:47.859)
That's really kind of them. So they they heal him up everything gets better. He gets back and then at 30
Unknown Speaker (00:18:53.940)
Which is years later if you're keeping track. Yeah at 30
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.140)
He ends up getting recruited by the CIA in his terms in the reality
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.579)
He got some regression therapy. There was a guy named I believe
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.779)
What's his what's his goddamn name Giles Hamilton? So you got a regression by a guy named Giles Hamilton a bunch of them
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.740)
Yes, from what I can tell has nothing to do with the CIA
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.500)
I think he just went to see a regression therapist in around at 1984 1985
Unknown Speaker (00:19:25.900)
Oh, that's a bad time to go see those guys. That was right around when the satanic panic
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.460)
That was a bad time to go see that that's about when my uncle was doing
Unknown Speaker (00:19:35.819)
Work when a lot of
Unknown Speaker (00:19:38.819)
Psychologists were doing some really irresponsible
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.500)
Regression therapy
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.099)
Repressed memory therapy where a lot of people ended up with completely bogus memories
Unknown Speaker (00:19:49.279)
Yeah, that ended up causing a whole lot of trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.819)
It's like going to see a psychic you can't you don't want to if you go see a regression therapist
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.460)
There's no there's a zero percent chance. They're like not you're good. No, no repressed memories
Unknown Speaker (00:20:01.740)
Yeah, you're you're going there to find some bullshit. You're kind of hoping yeah, and I you know, I get it you
Unknown Speaker (00:20:07.740)
I think you when you're someone you want to you want to be special you want to be you want to be different and
Unknown Speaker (00:20:13.900)
I certainly think if you come up with some sort of thing where like I was
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.380)
Eleven days on a spaceship because I'm so important to me
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.180)
Yeah, this regression isn't really just going to see a therapist
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.779)
This is part of the CIA for sure and I am one of 33 Pleiadian babies clergy the Vatican knew about me
Unknown Speaker (00:20:33.420)
And so like there's a whole lot of other stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.380)
That's very dubious along the way like he was in a car accident and like he broke all kinds of bones
Unknown Speaker (00:20:41.180)
But he was magically healed the next day. Okay doctors were
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.339)
Flabbergasted I was hoping that he broke bones that no other human being had
Unknown Speaker (00:20:49.819)
No, but there is the I think he is going to say this part and I think that this is worth noting
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.059)
He brings up that he has like blood that
Unknown Speaker (00:20:59.940)
The the doctors say can't be determined is human
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.980)
He has no inhuman blood
Unknown Speaker (00:21:08.220)
Okay, but this comes from just the blood though
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.700)
But this comes from a memory that he has under a like the regression therapy
Unknown Speaker (00:21:15.460)
Okay, so he's getting regressed by this Giles Hamilton
Unknown Speaker (00:21:19.339)
Individual who I can find no record of
Unknown Speaker (00:21:23.019)
Except for in relation to him. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:21:25.740)
Probably means he's CIA. That's that sounds right. So he has from his memory of this
Unknown Speaker (00:21:30.339)
He says there were 20 people staring at me through the glass enclosure. This is after
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.819)
He has gone through that stuff in Vietnam and of course course
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.980)
They're studying him now because I had this magical experience
Unknown Speaker (00:21:41.140)
He was fighting the beetle beings if I remember correctly the tech, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:21:44.140)
So quote there were about 20 people staring at me through a glass enclosure as if they were studying me
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.619)
I can overhear what they're saying beside me are three people the head of the CIA Robert Brooks chief assistant George Bush
Unknown Speaker (00:21:55.460)
Vice President Gerald Ford, they were all shown a picture of a flying saucer. I recognize that photo
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.619)
I've seen it before a short doctor says the DNA cannot be labeled the blood type cannot be labeled
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.059)
But does contain some human blood. So this is this idea is something that comes from his regression
Unknown Speaker (00:22:11.779)
So all of this is just like all right you you're you seem like maybe a suggestible guy. Okay
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.460)
So so so he had the head of the CIA in there
Unknown Speaker (00:22:21.779)
Yes, and George Bush and George Bush HW and then also Gerald Ford and okay. Yeah, so so
Unknown Speaker (00:22:28.019)
One future president one current president and this is a current vice president current vice president. This is for all right
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.019)
Two future presidents. Yes. Yeah. Okay
Unknown Speaker (00:22:39.740)
Because because they showed him a picture of a flying saucer. Well, no because he
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.500)
According to what he believes right right he crashed this helicopter and then miraculously healed
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.019)
Yeah, and so they're like, whoa, what happened here? You're in a totally different uniform
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.779)
You must come 11 days. That's not really a miracle. It wasn't 11 days
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.819)
Okay. All right. That's okay. That's true. That's true. Yeah, we're back in miracle territory. Yeah. Yeah, so that's most of his story
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.740)
So we got the broad strokes and then some future presidents ahead of the CIA
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.740)
They showed him a picture a short doctor
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.119)
Which you know means that he's actually remembered it cuz he remembered the height of the doctor. Absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:23:23.059)
They were all watching him so he could be shown a single photo and he will be like, oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.579)
I know that one. Oh, that's awesome. What else what else is he got? But then they took his blood like I said
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.000)
Oh, that's true human blood, baby
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.740)
You don't need two future presidents there for a blood test certainly don't you could just you could just mail it to
Unknown Speaker (00:23:40.700)
Curtis gone to the lab. Yep. Um, so I
Unknown Speaker (00:23:44.819)
That is more or less all you really need to know about his experience
Unknown Speaker (00:23:48.619)
I'm sure he would tell you that there's a lot more details, of course, of course, and I respect that but we have a lot to
Unknown Speaker (00:23:54.420)
Get to I respect that he thinks that yes, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.539)
All right, but there's a lot more we have to get to that's way more important
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.579)
And that is that Carrie is really hung up on this idea
Unknown Speaker (00:24:04.420)
Like wait, you didn't know any of this until you were 30. Yeah, why is she hung up on that?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.819)
Well, that seems reasonable. It'll make sense here in a second. Okay, but
Unknown Speaker (00:24:14.539)
Just to ask you the question a little bit more clearly
Unknown Speaker (00:24:17.819)
What I mean by that is that I'm actually wondering. When did you realize I mean you had visitations?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.980)
You had all these interrogations going on with
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.099)
You know priests and and people from the agency and they brought you in when you like in the last video
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.500)
We talked about how you predicted the Kennedy assassination and so on
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.819)
So you were used to being well, I think more or less interrogated in a nice way, but
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.059)
Then you grew up and you're you're telling me that you and your host family
Unknown Speaker (00:24:51.500)
Did you know you were adopted during that time because I thought you did know
Unknown Speaker (00:24:55.660)
After a certain age and then also did you go through school and did you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:01.539)
You know that you were pleading that you were not human or did you not find out until the age of 30?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.180)
I did not have a clue about it now
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.900)
When I was going into school, um, I mean I made good grades in school. I like school. Okay. I don't know how that's
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:20.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.019)
Who else makes good grades in school?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.019)
Probably aliens. People without human blood. So although some of it is human. So he doesn't know he didn't know until he was 30
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.579)
Carrie has clearly established that you heard her question
Unknown Speaker (00:25:33.619)
He answers it by saying I was good at school and now it goes into this
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.059)
I mean, I made good grades in school. I like school
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.819)
But when I got in the eighth grade, I I almost failed the eighth grade
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.299)
And the guidance counselor called me in today before school that after the summer and she says Tommy
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.259)
What happened this year?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.259)
And I said, I don't know. What are you talking about ma'am? She says you're you were just barely
Unknown Speaker (00:26:01.099)
Passing the eighth grade. What what what happened this year? Because I was making A's and B's
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.539)
And I told her I said well actually I'm bored
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.900)
And I explained it to her. Well
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.299)
Three days later my my people who I called mom and dad at the time
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.259)
came in and she explained to him and she gave me a
Unknown Speaker (00:26:25.500)
An exam and she said I'm not going to be able to do that
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.380)
I had sounds I had an hour to do it and it was like I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:26:34.779)
I mean it was in a book, you know fairly didn't she said answer the questions, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:26:39.220)
It's not a deal of how many if there's how many you answer correctly sounds a well
Unknown Speaker (00:26:45.299)
Within about 40 minutes. I answered all quick all the questions like 300 in there
Unknown Speaker (00:26:51.680)
Next day we went back to the guidance counselor and she was I mean she was staring a hole for me and she says
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.380)
So he was bored this year. Yes, ma'am. She says, you know any questions you missed on this desk?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.019)
And I said no ma'am. She says you have not missed one you aced it
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.140)
Well, I bypassed the ninth grade. I went from the eighth to tenth grade and within about five months
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.700)
What is the story such an alien the 11th and then?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.460)
Near the long story great
Unknown Speaker (00:27:22.660)
Hey, they made me into a special ed class. I was the only one in there. I was taking
Unknown Speaker (00:27:29.259)
college courses
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:32.420)
Look, this is an old man telling a boring story a super board
Unknown Speaker (00:27:37.700)
This is an old man telling a boring story. This is what you thought a human gifted program
Unknown Speaker (00:27:43.779)
Yeah, exactly any of us to have that in school
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.140)
Now granted because of the generational difference maybe there wasn't one already established at the school the possible
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.980)
It was for our generation
Unknown Speaker (00:27:55.259)
Maybe they had to make one for him and that created real feelings of like superiority and differentness in Harris from a very young
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.859)
Age and those have been transmuted into some sort of I'm an alien kind of feeling especially because the alienation you would obviously
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.660)
feel from your peer group by being put into this special group where you
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.099)
advancing through
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.500)
If any of this is true advancing through classes and you leave your social group behind, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.140)
Was he current at this time? Was he also fighting in Vietnam?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:25.619)
No, it had to been a little bit later a little bit late
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.019)
Yeah, but are we sure about but he's saying he was graduating 12th grade when he should have been in ninth grade
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.460)
So that would have been like what 15 16 years old. He's graduating high school
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.059)
Yeah, that means there's got to be like two or three years before he went to Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.940)
Like as he said he went to Vietnam at 18. Oh, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:28:43.859)
So what was he just bumming around? I don't know just figuring out some alien powers. He doesn't say
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.259)
Sounds very alien, but Carrie does ask again just to put a button on that fucking thing
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.740)
I just wanted to show like I don't feel like people get a really good sense of how boring a lot of these episodes are
Unknown Speaker (00:29:02.220)
Like we we talk about a lot of the fun stuff with the like this is completely crazy
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.019)
There are also sometimes two-minute stories about the gifted program, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.740)
Right where there's just old lonely people who want to talk. I
Unknown Speaker (00:29:14.859)
also skipped a grade
Unknown Speaker (00:29:17.380)
Did not realize that I was an alien
Unknown Speaker (00:29:19.339)
Yeah, didn't know that but now I kind of think I might be I was in triple-e the gifted program at our school
Unknown Speaker (00:29:24.859)
But I did not skip any grades. Okay. Well, that's not alien then
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.380)
No, certainly not easy to prove but I did always wonder if I had any special skills
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.460)
Which is the same thing Carrie is wondering about Eddie, right? Oh, you gotta wonder about that
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.900)
Also, we will find out about you you perked your ears up a little bit when he said that he predicted the JFK
Unknown Speaker (00:29:43.619)
Assassination. Yeah, that one was interesting. We're gonna learn about the details on that. Okay, I don't think it's as interesting as
Unknown Speaker (00:29:48.980)
Of course not now that I've heard that story about being an alien except for it's just like and when I was in ninth grade
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.660)
I did this and then I went to tenth grade, but I skipped tenth grade and I went to twelfth grade
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.460)
It's also very similar to Alex's like I was reading super advanced books when I was a baby kind of shit
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.180)
All these questions in 40 minutes, not a chance
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.940)
Not a chance all of these people have that sort of like that sort of it's the intellectual version of stolen valor
Unknown Speaker (00:30:16.380)
Like I was a G. Yeah, baby. Yeah, but you weren't I was a prodigy
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.819)
Let's just put it this way. I
Unknown Speaker (00:30:23.819)
Knew growing up that I was I was much different than the kids
Unknown Speaker (00:30:29.339)
The Coleman's the people my host family my adopted parents that were very protective of me. I
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.660)
Could see things I felt things and it's like when I had visions the three
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.660)
visions of this man being
Unknown Speaker (00:30:43.460)
Having his head blown off. I
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.059)
Mean I saw this bigger league. I just couldn't say okay, that's gonna happen in Dallas. It's gonna happen on that November
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.180)
23rd 1963
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.619)
Well, the most fucking good are you 11 37 a.m. In the morning?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.980)
I mean, excuse me
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.259)
No, I couldn't I couldn't pinpoint them things and I think is it to say that when I was brought here
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.059)
I came back. I think my skills were having to be re-sharkened
Unknown Speaker (00:31:17.140)
I mean, it's only the process so that's what it's probably the process
Unknown Speaker (00:31:21.339)
That's what he thinks happened when he was in Vietnam and got in the ship for yeah, 11 days, but I would say
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.140)
As a harsh materialist perhaps
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.059)
Even though I do believe in the spiritual world a little bit, but who cares? All right
Unknown Speaker (00:31:35.339)
I would say that the most likely explanation here is that as a child he imagined someone getting their head shot a couple times
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.000)
Maybe he saw it in a movie as a young kid. Yeah, and then when
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.220)
JFK was assassinated. He was nine ten years old and he
Unknown Speaker (00:31:50.339)
and he conflated the precise memory of seeing that on TV with the earlier feelings that he'd had and
Unknown Speaker (00:31:58.099)
decided that he had predicted it all along because the
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.299)
Well, because the idea that he just had this vivid picture in his head of someone getting shot in the head
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.339)
And he didn't know it was the president didn't knows in Dallas didn't know when it was. That's not a premit
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.299)
That's not a that's not a prediction. No, that's just a mental image
Unknown Speaker (00:32:15.900)
Yeah, that is that is kind of what we call a dream as well
Unknown Speaker (00:32:19.819)
I would also function as a dream people who hated JFK probably had that thought. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.980)
Yeah, or the people who did it probably thought about it ahead of time. Oh, I predicted it
Unknown Speaker (00:32:30.259)
Prediction and then attacked and that's fundamental behavior. This is not impressive psychic work. No
Unknown Speaker (00:32:36.259)
No, that's kind of bad that might as well of just him being like
Unknown Speaker (00:32:39.579)
Called it like that. You didn't predict it off the glass. Yeah, exactly. Just I called that one
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.059)
No, but I know when you put you know
Unknown Speaker (00:32:47.960)
You need you need to get yourself some sort of credibility in this world and by this world. I mean this world, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:54.220)
Right. This is a pretty good one. Yeah, cuz how you gonna prove this?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.180)
How's anyone gonna disprove that he called it when he was eight or whatever, you know, yeah fucking no called it
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.859)
Yeah, so I promise you it's also weird
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.460)
It is weird to hear somebody tell a very humble version of the I'm a psychic
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.900)
Very sure, like usually on this normally we hear the I got the date
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.140)
I got that but I got this cop and this dude is just kind of like yeah, I had a vague feeling
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.700)
I had like two out of five
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.539)
It was a head but the totally no idea. It was weird. Yeah, there is that is that is a humble brag
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.279)
I guess yeah, I like it
Unknown Speaker (00:33:31.700)
So I promise you this seems like it's kind of boring a little bit because we we have his vague
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.900)
Backstory that I've had to fill him and so far we have he went to a gifted program at his school
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:43.259)
There's not a lot and he thought about someone getting shot in the head before JFK alien
Unknown Speaker (00:33:47.579)
None of this is necessarily all that good. I promise you this is going to go places that are
Unknown Speaker (00:33:54.180)
Unbelievable. I was gonna say cuz really what this sounds like right now is like a guy who's just
Unknown Speaker (00:33:58.960)
Instead of being like I was pretty smart as a kid has just turned it into a very low-key like also
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.480)
I'm an alien like it's not even he's not even bragging really or like telling interesting stories or like or or like
Unknown Speaker (00:34:12.440)
Making up a massive battle that he is the only solution for he's just kind of like yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:34:18.280)
I got a bunch of alien siblings. I I was in a gifted program
Unknown Speaker (00:34:22.719)
Fought in Vietnam for a while, but everybody did that I was drafted
Unknown Speaker (00:34:26.519)
No big deal get to the some of the self-importance later, okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.440)
But first they really need to work their way out of this this molasses pit that they're walking through
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.559)
That is carry clearly doesn't believe him
Unknown Speaker (00:34:39.480)
Carry really has a problem with with this idea that he didn't know any of this shit before he was 30
Unknown Speaker (00:34:46.139)
Because there's the there's there's a big issue the carry is going to flesh out here in a second
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.239)
I think it's pretty important and that is that
Unknown Speaker (00:34:53.460)
He went on this alien craft for 11 days when he was 19
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.579)
Yes, then he found out about all this when he was 30. There's 10 years in between there, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:04.739)
What the fuck happened in those 10 years who knows and he does not want to answer that question
Unknown Speaker (00:35:08.780)
He just he bukkake around for a while
Unknown Speaker (00:35:11.099)
It really frustrates Carrie that he doesn't want to answer that question and that will carry us through the next few clips her trying
Unknown Speaker (00:35:17.340)
Desperately to be like I don't really believe you we got to get through this somehow
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.380)
Weird so weird. Okay now
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.300)
You you know
Unknown Speaker (00:35:27.860)
I don't usually like to talk about how old I am, but I can say that
Unknown Speaker (00:35:33.539)
I'm not that far different from you age. So real quick earlier in the episode. He admitted not admit it
Unknown Speaker (00:35:40.300)
He said he was 65. Yes, so that means a carry is pretty close to 65 anyway
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.900)
When I was a kid I was very aware of other dimensions
Unknown Speaker (00:35:50.260)
communication with other beings
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.860)
Premonitions things that I was really in him, you know my dream life, etc
Unknown Speaker (00:35:59.699)
Actually, I was being abducted at that time
Unknown Speaker (00:36:01.739)
I had those kind of memories as well didn't know that and so on and I and my sort of ability and
Unknown Speaker (00:36:07.699)
interest in in sort of you might say the occult the psychic realm
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.699)
Etc. Just expanded and so that it was very very active when I was in my teens and in my 20s
Unknown Speaker (00:36:19.619)
and so on so what I'm wondering is
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.579)
You went I forget how old you were when you enlisted and then you had that
Unknown Speaker (00:36:29.500)
Experience in which you you know, we've described that in the prior video for those of you that aren't familiar with the story
Unknown Speaker (00:36:35.860)
And you're tuning in now
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:39.219)
You had 11 missing days. I you your whole body was put back together. You met your father, etc
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.539)
but when you came back to earth, they wiped your mind, so you didn't even remember that and
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.380)
It is strange, you know in other words, I guess what I'm kind of getting at here is
Unknown Speaker (00:36:58.019)
Yes, you sound advanced but you don't actually sound
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.420)
Spiritually like you were very hip up until age of 30. Is that because you grew up in a barely
Unknown Speaker (00:37:08.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:09.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.739)
Restrictive area I grew up in California, which is you know, very open to all kinds of things and
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.699)
I like it. I like it. She's a West Coast elitist. I was I was raised a hippie and so people
Unknown Speaker (00:37:27.539)
Absolutely encouraged my dumb behavior and stupid stories. I hung out at Mount Shasta or whatever and you you you
Unknown Speaker (00:37:35.179)
Pathetic corn eating. What do you what do you go go fucking go back to your corn fields?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:42.059)
Go back to your field of dreams. Your dreams are boring. What did that good fucking ghosts get the hell out of here?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:48.139)
There's a there's a touch of that. So hold on
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.219)
There are other societies that are as well like Great Britain, etc. Where you know
Unknown Speaker (00:37:57.500)
Awareness of other dimensions other beings, you know of all kinds UFOs
Unknown Speaker (00:38:01.980)
I don't remember when close encounters of the third time camp came out what year yeah, you do but you know, that was you
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.380)
Yes, I mean, we're just normal after that and well in my view and as a family we even saw you though
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.739)
So what I'm wondering is where was that part of your life, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:19.940)
When they did they actually do you think dumbed you down on purpose so that you you know on certain areas?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.699)
I mean, can you explain that?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.699)
No, I don't think they dumbed me down. I think they kept me focused
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.179)
and on a level plane. I would I would say that's not a fair question
Unknown Speaker (00:38:40.260)
That's not a fair question to ask anybody did they dumb you down? Yeah, that seems like unfair
Unknown Speaker (00:38:45.539)
No, but that's her olive branch right there cuz she's given him an out for why she doesn't believe this story, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:51.340)
She's like, well I can look down on your dumbass
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.019)
Uh, your story is boring, but if you give me this now
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.739)
I've got a foothold now we can start blaming your parents for all of this shit. No, no, no
Unknown Speaker (00:39:02.780)
No, no, the aliens dumbed him down on purpose
Unknown Speaker (00:39:05.500)
Oh the aliens dumbed him down on purpose when they wiped his memories at 19 or whatever. They also dumbed him down
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.900)
Or something right like all this is just or maybe the government did it. Who knows somebody good
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.300)
Yeah, but I would say like just human to human or human to half Pleiadian
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.579)
That's never that's never an okay question because like if I if you ask me did they dumb you down and I say no
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.380)
Then I might be like, oh dear, you know, of course not
Unknown Speaker (00:39:32.019)
And if I say yes, then I'm admitting they dumb me down right like there's no way out of that
Unknown Speaker (00:39:35.780)
That's you always look bad. No matter what I think it's fine. I think you say I think you say yes
Unknown Speaker (00:39:41.460)
Regardless of which direction you feel you say yes, you put yourself on on a lower
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.860)
You know, give your give yourself some humility. That's a relatable quality people like you more
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.980)
Mary's gonna be like, you know what? I
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.300)
Don't like how dumb you are, but I like that. You're an honest dumb person maybe from the dumbed-down person
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.300)
That's a good angle. But like from an interviewer's position, that's at very least rude. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:40:07.539)
So at this point Carrie realizes what I just brought up a minute ago, which is that missing decade?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:13.900)
And she's got to try and I
Unknown Speaker (00:40:15.900)
Just clamp on to it like a like a like a bulldog. Just trying to get in that toy
Unknown Speaker (00:40:21.659)
She will not let this go. Okay, and you just been in Vietnam. You've been shot down
Unknown Speaker (00:40:26.780)
You you almost died in a helicopter crash and a whole battle went on you you
Unknown Speaker (00:40:33.619)
Amazed everyone by shooting all these people but you had no memory whatsoever at that point
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.699)
Right when you were recruited and in other words into
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.619)
Langley, you still did not have your memories. Am I correct?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.019)
Well, my memories had been let's say I still had my memory but it had been suppressed and it had been purposely dumbed down
Unknown Speaker (00:40:53.780)
Who did it? Well, I'll tell you who did it and
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.739)
You got to understand me doesn't the events that happened to me in Vietnam happened in 1973
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.300)
And I turned 19 years of age in Vietnam 19. I was still a little
Unknown Speaker (00:41:09.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.139)
bald-headed kid
Unknown Speaker (00:41:13.059)
Well, okay. What happened from 19 till the age of 19 to 30 great
Unknown Speaker (00:41:19.059)
That's a good question. I was 19 years of age
Unknown Speaker (00:41:23.139)
In 1973
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.099)
Yeah, I turned 19 in Vietnam and
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:31.619)
1982 they recruited me from
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.099)
Iwakuni Japan, which is okay. So you mean you spent okay, just
Unknown Speaker (00:41:41.699)
Let me get this straight because I'm I've read your book. I'm almost completely done with it. I have like a few pages
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.420)
I'll be at the end
Unknown Speaker (00:41:48.960)
And you know, it's a wonderful book. It's fascinating
Unknown Speaker (00:41:52.420)
But objection your honor have sort of a gap here. That's kind of strange
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.300)
We had a strange gap
Unknown Speaker (00:41:59.300)
But the all-hill answer is I turned 19 in Vietnam and then in 1982 I got recruited. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:42:06.260)
He goes on to explain a little bit that he was still like
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.380)
Working in the like doing paperwork or something in the service or something like that
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.539)
But sure, but his his his explanation for like how the timeline works with all this stuff really doesn't it doesn't make any sense
Unknown Speaker (00:42:22.019)
And he doesn't really flesh it out which leads Carrie to have to keep bringing it up
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.659)
Especially for a guy who has absolutely no problem telling a long
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.980)
Year-by-year high school story sure for him to skip however many three three years from Vietnam to Langley
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.500)
Mm-hmm. What was he doing then? What was he doing at Langley? How long was he at Langley for unclear?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:44.460)
Isn't isn't Langley the FBI didn't he say he was in CIA. I think Langley is FBI
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.099)
But they you know, maybe he was part of the FBI, but they just called the agency. Ah, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.019)
It's fine. I don't know but Carrie. Like I said, we'll not let it go
Unknown Speaker (00:42:57.619)
you mean you never got your memory back about the
Unknown Speaker (00:43:03.059)
The experience on the love of those 11 days even then what did you just do go back to work?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.300)
What did you do what did you do in the Marine Corps after that during those seven years?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:24.980)
And don't tell me it's classified. No, I'm just kidding
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.099)
He's he's just fucking around with yeah, it's not classified
Unknown Speaker (00:43:34.940)
No, he's just that's where he goes on to say like I was flying helicopters around she's like flying helicopters for who?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.780)
Give me something he's
Unknown Speaker (00:43:45.619)
Opposcating like crazy and there's just no there's like nothing
Unknown Speaker (00:43:48.059)
There's no holds to like grab on to if you're trying to climb up this mountain
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.340)
And so Carrie has to try and offer him a suggestion. I just love the
Unknown Speaker (00:43:56.980)
So what did you do go back to work? Yeah, exactly. Oh shouldn't have you have been in space by now this story sucks
Unknown Speaker (00:44:04.139)
Yeah, I mean you you
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.539)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. If you're on project Camelot, you should be in space by now. We're 45 minutes into yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.019)
Yeah, you gotta be in space by now. Yeah, so Carrie at this point, like I said, she's gonna try and help him
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.699)
She's gonna try and be like, well, maybe this is the case
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.940)
During those those tours in Japan were you
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.980)
Were you kind of like in a state of I don't know sounds like maybe suspended animation or very?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.300)
Confused all abrasion because you had not recovered. Yes, and I understand it correctly
Unknown Speaker (00:44:38.460)
What happened in to you in Vietnam? So you had to be in some kind of state some kind of emotional state?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.539)
What would you say about that I
Unknown Speaker (00:44:49.539)
wouldn't say I was in any type of emotional state because when I
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.980)
Got the neighbor in North Carolina to recall a party to get to keep my ever wings
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.179)
There was people there at New Bern that already knew about me and why it happened in Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.980)
So like the reason that I kept that there at the end is because that's not answering her question at all
Unknown Speaker (00:45:13.539)
not even close, you know, so like all of these all of these attempts that she has to try and like
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.159)
Let's make this make sense. He just goes off into another
Unknown Speaker (00:45:21.900)
Vaguely related or unrelated story entirely. Yeah. Yeah, and it's it's
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.460)
Exceedingly frustrating for Carrie. Oh, absolutely. She is getting pissed every every question
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.539)
she asked winds up having an answer of like
Unknown Speaker (00:45:35.260)
Not really. I was uh, I was I was working on getting my
Unknown Speaker (00:45:40.860)
Recertification papers. Oh my wing. Is that the most important thing you have to tell me right now that super interesting story
Unknown Speaker (00:45:47.420)
You needed to be recertified as a pilot. I want to talk to you about goddamn aliens
Unknown Speaker (00:45:56.980)
Well, I had a quite a few continuing education hours at this time
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.880)
Oh, I went and got a chef's degree. I went to bartending college
Unknown Speaker (00:46:06.300)
like the issue is and this is what you have to understand is that Carrie knows that her listeners are going to be like
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.539)
Confused by this problem. Yeah, and she knows that in order to get to the juicier stuff that he probably wants to say
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.699)
Right, they need to fix this because otherwise it's going to be a glaring hole and like it just doesn't make sense for his story
Unknown Speaker (00:46:26.980)
Yeah, so she if she has a vested interest in fixing this and at the same time
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.260)
It's exceeded like it's super frustrating for her because she wants nothing more than to believe all of it
Unknown Speaker (00:46:38.219)
Yeah, she wants to believe it, but she can't believe it
Unknown Speaker (00:46:41.380)
It's like well, you know, I just she can't believe it. If it doesn't make sense Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:46:46.739)
Well, come on because there's a bigger issue even than that 10-year gap. The 10-year gap is a problem
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.739)
Certainly you could you could make so like if he was willing to give anything you could get away from it pretty easily
Unknown Speaker (00:47:00.260)
in terms of just like with the
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.519)
Magical thinking that they always engage in on project Campbell
Unknown Speaker (00:47:05.139)
I know it would be fine
Unknown Speaker (00:47:06.099)
but there's another bigger problem that Carrie brings up in this next clip that I think I
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.539)
Think this one is really this is really tough. Were you a pilot? I
Unknown Speaker (00:47:15.860)
Think he was yeah, he was a he was a he was a hot dog pilot. Are you sure?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.300)
Yeah, good. Oh, but I don't know if I have this part in but she's talking about like his exploits in Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.099)
She's like, you're a great pilot. You were flying sideways and shit
Unknown Speaker (00:47:27.099)
She's just throwing that in there. That's a quote
Unknown Speaker (00:47:34.219)
Like that I like that so at this point this is this to me is an essential problem
Unknown Speaker (00:47:39.780)
And I admire Carrie for bringing it up because I'm gonna call her swearing Harry from now on at this point
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.940)
She should have no faith that he's gonna have an answer for them
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.619)
So the fact that she's bringing up a hard question for him to answer is bold on her part because this could just like
Unknown Speaker (00:47:55.460)
Destroy the interview, but I think that she knows that there's another option
Unknown Speaker (00:47:59.539)
You know because it's a little strange to me that that CIA would keep their hands off of you for that period of time
Unknown Speaker (00:48:05.860)
There must have been, you know, they never do anything. Well, it was don't ask don't serve someone else
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.739)
they do it to serve themselves and they they have a you know, sort of a
Unknown Speaker (00:48:16.820)
modus operandi a way of operating that they would have had you
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.179)
They would have been on you from my understanding on like white on rice after that experience in Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.539)
Clearly demonstrated some kind of very different
Unknown Speaker (00:48:32.539)
Approach to life
Unknown Speaker (00:48:35.099)
Abilities you also had some some great skills as a helicopter pilot apparently could fly sideways and do all kind of crazy shit
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.260)
They would already had had their eye on you and plus in theory
Unknown Speaker (00:48:52.460)
They knew exactly who you were they knew that you were Canadian before you knew
Unknown Speaker (00:48:59.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:01.340)
Correct. Well, I wouldn't say they knew I was Canadian. They just knew I
Unknown Speaker (00:49:07.460)
Was unique I was different
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.980)
Well now I didn't know when did the Vatican write that letter it was when you were a child
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.619)
Well the Vatican knew
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.539)
Vatican the CIA the Vatican
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.340)
Sort of notified the CIA the CIA took complete control of the 33 children and placed you in families
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.940)
They knew damn well who you were now, maybe not every level of the CIA, but certainly the top levels
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.739)
Right, so they knew you were Canadian
Unknown Speaker (00:49:37.579)
well, oh
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.739)
Uh-oh, you know what that sound is. That's the sound of Eddie being like oh
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.340)
You can't handle the truth
Unknown Speaker (00:49:52.340)
I I really like her she's going hard
Unknown Speaker (00:49:57.739)
Yeah, you know damn well, they knew everything about it. Tell me where the documents are
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:03.260)
Cuz she's read his book and like based on the detail of the Vatican sending a letter to the CIA about him when he was
Unknown Speaker (00:50:09.139)
A baby, right whatever everybody knows and the government can't can't keep track to compartmentalized
Unknown Speaker (00:50:15.340)
So it's always been the case so at this point because she has asserted this dominance
Unknown Speaker (00:50:21.900)
There at the end of that clip. Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:50:24.900)
Now Carrie takes it upon herself to solve the problems that he is unwilling to solve in his own narrative
Unknown Speaker (00:50:32.460)
She's gonna rewrite his story for him. She's gonna do some punch-up watch this
Unknown Speaker (00:50:36.260)
Okay, they the CIA and the NSA and the way they developed during those years is to become more and more
Unknown Speaker (00:50:44.019)
Into surveilling kids of all types because they were very aware after Eisenhower dealt with the grays
Unknown Speaker (00:50:51.940)
Of the gray human hybrid program of the abducting of humans. He did great use of our genetic materials
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.139)
Etc, etc. So you were part of a different gray like I and they must have known that you were part of a different group
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.659)
They had to treat you with kid gloves you you know you even if they didn't know remember
Unknown Speaker (00:51:10.179)
You know know which ones you were they had a real close eye on you. So, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:51:15.059)
So here we have a downtime and they send you they let you kind of rest. It kind of appears to where
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.340)
Nothing unusual at least based on what you're telling me nothing too unusual went on in Japan
Unknown Speaker (00:51:29.940)
Yeah, and then suddenly they pop up in your life when you're 30 years old and they want to recruit you
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.260)
Mm-hmm. Why?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:38.260)
Well, go back to my childhood. I was talking about things that happened thousands of years ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:45.619)
This is
Unknown Speaker (00:51:47.219)
Collaborative writing. I was I was just I was just writing down. This is how two people co-write a screenplay exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.980)
This is exactly how this goes down now because he can't come up with like the easiest explanation
Unknown Speaker (00:51:58.900)
Oh, yeah, she is now you could hear it in her voice. She's not asking that she's saying
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.059)
Okay, so now what's going on?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.739)
Yeah narrative is they were keeping an eye on you, but they knew that you needed some kind of rest
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.659)
They knew that you weren't part of the gray group or whatever. That's dangerous
Unknown Speaker (00:52:12.900)
Uh, they you know that you really need to keep under tight wraps
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.340)
You were someone who they could give 10 years of rest to
Unknown Speaker (00:52:19.300)
Doing paperwork in Japan or whatever great and then when they need to get back to you
Unknown Speaker (00:52:22.820)
They'll get back to you and you can hear him being like oh
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.579)
They put me on a back burner I got it so now he's been completely cucked
Unknown Speaker (00:52:30.579)
Eddie's story is not his own anymore. His story is now co-written by
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.500)
Gary sweary cassidy. Does she get it? Does she get it?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.820)
Some residual I was gonna say she needs some residuals on these copyright
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.739)
I don't think she wants any from the book and we'll get to why
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.539)
Okay, but uh, so this next clip is three minutes long as longer than a lot of the clips that we usually have
Unknown Speaker (00:52:56.019)
but it's it was important to keep as a whole we can interrupt it if we need to but it is
Unknown Speaker (00:53:01.940)
What we saw in that last clip carrie taking over and it becoming a writer's room as opposed to an interview
Unknown Speaker (00:53:07.539)
Yeah, but like to to a rampant extent and at the end of this you will just see here eddie give up
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.260)
He just okay eddie just signals his complete submission. I like at the end of this carrie has completely domed him
Unknown Speaker (00:53:20.659)
This is like, uh, so he is very turned on right now, this is alien fan fiction, um, uh dom sub play, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.260)
I wondered
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.860)
uh, and and I you know, I don't know what you'd say to this but
Unknown Speaker (00:53:33.300)
I actually wondered if they the cia knew who you really were and this uh, abbeel or however you say your name
Unknown Speaker (00:53:41.619)
And the fact that you're supposed to be some kind of uh, I guess you're saying it's written in the bible that you're supposed to be
Unknown Speaker (00:53:48.179)
Some kind of avenging angel type real quick. Whoa
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.659)
He's also apparently an angel. Okay of some sort. All right, who's supposed to bring uh, uh,
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.659)
I don't know. I don't know whichever whichever revelation you want
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.699)
I don't I don't fully understand what this piece of the narrative is
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.900)
But apparently he's half pleiadian and also an angel who's come to uh bring destruction of some sort
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.699)
All right, or be a herald of the destruction or something along those lines or just fly sideways and shit
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.860)
You know, it's some crazy shit. There's some flying sideways and some crazy shit. You're not supposed to fly sideways in a helicopter
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.860)
That's a weird uh, uh weird prophecy for the bible to have but I like it if you fly sideways in a helicopter
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.860)
You're gonna go left
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.860)
You're gonna go straight left
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.860)
I'm flying sideways and shit
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.860)
Um, so yeah, he's an angel but don't let that don't don't let that get coming up the works. It's it
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.500)
Although it seems like a major revelation
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.500)
Although it seems like a major revelation. It's kind of minor in this story
Unknown Speaker (00:54:48.739)
Type person in other words not such a a nice, uh gentle guy
Unknown Speaker (00:54:54.179)
So that's your role kind of in the future supposedly now
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.219)
You haven't
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.260)
Demonstrated that really in this life. So
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.539)
Assuming that your father as you call him knew exactly who you were and you know what you were capable of and so and so forth
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.820)
Then you know, you didn't exhibit any um, like what we have now, you know, superpowers
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.820)
So to speak at least you're not telling us that you did
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.420)
I don't know if this conversation is being curtailed in certain ways, but
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.300)
No, it's kind of disappointing that I have a pleiadian here and I completely agree. You're pleiadian
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.820)
Okay, I have no problem with that and I think it's possible that your mother was a host
Unknown Speaker (00:55:35.699)
Real quick. That's not like an insult. That part is just you were born inside your mother
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.340)
But yeah, yeah, yeah, um
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.820)
You've already seen here now
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.980)
Beyond the angel piece you have seen her insult him twice
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.659)
And then also imply that like you're not telling me everything that you know
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.739)
Which is the way that they get around all this like obvious bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.420)
Yeah, she does this with mark richards all the time and is like sometimes he can't answer a question
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.340)
But he'll raise his eyebrows slightly. He'll do the little he'll do the little knowing smile
Unknown Speaker (00:56:04.739)
Which means it's above top secret and he's not allowed to tell me those sorts of things
Unknown Speaker (00:56:08.500)
Right. Um, so she's she's implying that uh, and then also being like it's disappointing to talk to a pleiadian
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.019)
uh and not have any real information and then also
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.380)
You certainly don't seem like you've had superpowers, uh during your life
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.460)
So he's already even but she even preempted that by saying like but but no, I totally believe you're a pleiadian
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.179)
No, no, don't don't you worry about it? You know why she's doing that?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.460)
It's because what she's doing is she's subtly threatening to expose him
Unknown Speaker (00:56:37.059)
I believe that what's going on here is like her
Unknown Speaker (00:56:41.360)
Demonstrating and expressing to him. I see through you right and I know that what i'm saying now
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.980)
Should get that through to you and when I don't say you're full of shit
Unknown Speaker (00:56:53.940)
I'm doing you a favor
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.300)
So now do me a favor and go along with this narrative that i'm building for you
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.260)
There's sort of a give and take going on here in terms of a con. I really think that's what's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.699)
It's fascinating to me to watch this happen. It's like when I was watching this I was like these dynamics are heavy heavy
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.139)
It's it's like she is uh, uh working with a first year of second city student
Unknown Speaker (00:57:19.539)
She's like i'm an expert in this bullshit. Sure. You need to
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.340)
You need to step up your game son. I can't be I can't be doing this with you right here
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.900)
I need you to bring the heat
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.900)
Mm-hmm. You're just a pleiadian right now. I can turn you into fucking nothing
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.460)
If you have a and c you better have b you need to have b
Unknown Speaker (00:57:38.900)
Absolutely that path or else people are gonna be like, I don't know and this doesn't connect also
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.900)
Are you for real an angel? Come on, man
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.900)
it's fascinating though to see this level of agency in her like i've never seen that much in terms of like sculpting narratives and like
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.340)
because she's I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:57:54.500)
this goes on but like
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.500)
It it's crazy. This is coming from her like she's suggested multiple things in these last two clips that are like
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.420)
Well, I wonder if this is the case
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.659)
So maybe this was the first time she just didn't do a pre-show
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.179)
Like like she she didn't do the pre talk show thing where you screen is bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.300)
It makes me seriously wonder like if maybe she is allowed to have a tape recorder with mark richards and she doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:58:19.139)
So she can depict it the way she wants. It's possible. I don't know because it would be the perfect fraud
Unknown Speaker (00:58:24.340)
I mean, yeah for sure. There's nothing you could do about it
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.699)
Which would also explain why she is so mad when people actually fight against mark richards because what you're really fighting against is my bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.460)
Possible this is my bullshit and you're gonna come to me with this. Oh, I like that. It's possible
Unknown Speaker (00:58:40.260)
I like that a lot and it's it would also explain why like so many of these people that are on her show are like
Unknown Speaker (00:58:46.880)
Legitimate fraud people like sean, uh, sean david morton, I think or patrick morton. I can't remember his middle name
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.219)
It's a dude who's like doing time for fraud now, right? Like other people have had, you know similar
Unknown Speaker (00:58:59.380)
Patterns in their lives or people who are just lunatics, you know, like yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:59:04.179)
It would explain why there's all these con men around all the time. It's because she's like yeah. Yeah, you're fucking around
Unknown Speaker (00:59:08.980)
I'm fucking around too
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.820)
Do they have a they have a convention too. They meet each other multiple. Yeah. Yeah, they all get together
Unknown Speaker (00:59:15.940)
They all they all get drinks after their panel sean morton famously
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.019)
Uh, he did this thing called the conspiracy cruise sea love it and it was like a conspiracy theory cruise
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.739)
And I love that he went on it and he was like the main speaker, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.980)
There's like a video
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.099)
Uh, I think vice sent someone out to cover it and there's videos of him like dancing around being a real blowhard
Unknown Speaker (00:59:38.659)
And stuff like that. And uh, the real comedy is that as soon as it docked he got arrested
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.079)
Wait, what the second the second it docked they pulled the irs agents were waiting for him
Unknown Speaker (00:59:57.159)
We're gonna go on my last cruise it turns out yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.280)
He's been on uh project camelot like four or five times
Unknown Speaker (01:00:02.840)
I like one of the times while he was on the run from the police that i'd like to
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.360)
Do that's a that's a man. Who's a fucking alien right there. Absolutely. That's some solid shit. Yeah, so back to this real quick
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.559)
That you don't actually have necessarily
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.440)
Human, dna or your amount of dna that you have from a human is quite limited that you're mostly, you know, cliadian
Unknown Speaker (01:00:23.960)
Uh, that's that's i've read it. I look closely at the way you wrote your answers the way you wrote your book and my
Unknown Speaker (01:00:31.619)
impression is that you're
Unknown Speaker (01:00:33.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.320)
I don't know if you say 90 percent per lady and palladian or you know what your dna kind of would look like but
Unknown Speaker (01:00:42.280)
That's what i'm getting i'm getting that
Unknown Speaker (01:00:43.800)
You know that she carried you the woman carried you
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.639)
For a certain period of time and then gave birth to you, but in reality you weren't really hers
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.880)
Her genetic line necessarily now you can correct me. I'm just throwing this out. So it was
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.599)
Was this is where i'm going
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.599)
Was the cia motivated to attract you to get you into the marines so you would be shot down so you would
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.860)
Eliminate you because you were the most dangerous of the 33 if you want to look at it like that
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.079)
And uh, you'd already demonstrated as a young child that you were kind of like on the road becoming that kind of semi
Unknown Speaker (01:01:21.400)
So sort of dangerous
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.880)
So real quick just because we I want to pause before we hear his answer to this
Unknown Speaker (01:01:28.360)
She is just creating an entire theory this whole thing. Yes, absolutely. She's just like, okay
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.519)
So really what's going on is that they knew your potential as a dangerous, uh avenging angel being right?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:41.000)
So they obviously knew that if you went to vietnam you would be shot down in this helicopter, of course
Unknown Speaker (01:01:46.679)
Engineered the whole thing the cia did that to try and get you killed
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.360)
Uh, even though you're an angel being of some sort. So anyway, she's spilling she's spelling this out. Let's see what he says
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.440)
She's prophesying whatever you want to call it. So they could have set that up and obviously the pleiadians
Unknown Speaker (01:02:03.340)
They have to be watching over you your entire time here
Unknown Speaker (01:02:07.019)
um, it doesn't make any sense that they would just ignore you so
Unknown Speaker (01:02:11.420)
No, they actually rescued you from a life death situation any anybody else would have been killed because you were shot
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.980)
God knows how many times right?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.780)
Yeah, I still carry some of the scars today from that battle. I mean, I've got them on my arms
Unknown Speaker (01:02:25.900)
I got one on my head. I got it. I still got a piece of lead in my right knee
Unknown Speaker (01:02:30.139)
So real quick, that's another trademark eddie page not answering the question
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.699)
But he does uh almost immediately after talking about the various bullets
Unknown Speaker (01:02:39.980)
It doesn't bother me. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.019)
So you hear what i'm saying, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:45.659)
Yeah, so do you think that they they were hoping maybe you would die?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:49.099)
I think so. I really truly think so. No, I know now that you said it. Uh, no, i'm being dishonest with you now
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.539)
I apologize. No, I don't think so. I know so
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.699)
All right
Unknown Speaker (01:03:02.699)
Fine. Thank you, and I appreciate that. I appreciate
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.860)
That was like the end of it that was like the end of it fine. Thank you. Thank you. You may go
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.619)
Absolutely, that is that is her
Unknown Speaker (01:03:17.019)
That is her
Unknown Speaker (01:03:18.619)
Saying like here is me reshaping your uh, your myth
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.300)
Um, and because I have so thoroughly destroyed you in these last few clips, uh, he's like, yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.179)
Yeah, all right. Now we can proceed now we can proceed now that the dominance
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.719)
Hierarchy is very clear carries on top
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.980)
Eddie is way down low
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.059)
And you know why carries on top?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:44.059)
Because she's queen bitch man. She's she's no slouch
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.460)
No, she's a fucking expert in this shit. She has been doing this for how many years now the least a few
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.940)
That's what i'm saying. Like he can't be bringing in this novice. This is the big time. This is the big league
Unknown Speaker (01:04:00.619)
Yeah, this is junior varsity. Yeah, absolutely. This is a pickup, uh basketball game of alien life conspiracy lie. No
Unknown Speaker (01:04:07.820)
Um, but you know
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.820)
Carrie's going to spell it out why she she is the big leagues, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.219)
I'm, not your usual interviewer and I have very sophisticated
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.440)
Witnesses such as captain mark richards who was in the secret space program
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.340)
He was born around the same time as you maybe even love him. He's a little older than you. I'm not sure
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.860)
Well, he's in the 60s
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.699)
so anyway, um
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.619)
And he and his father were in the secret space program
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.420)
So we had we have a space fleet called solar warden. We have a ryan, uh vehicles that that they built
Unknown Speaker (01:04:43.659)
All of this was going on. We were not just some earth-based
Unknown Speaker (01:04:47.960)
Civilization when you were going through this stuff you were already I mean if you joined the cia and you had you said above
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.179)
president's uh
Unknown Speaker (01:04:57.099)
level of
Unknown Speaker (01:04:58.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.059)
Then and you were and you were from another planet for god's sake
Unknown Speaker (01:05:03.820)
They've got it. They could use you in so many different capacities that have to do with off-planet politics
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.219)
Dealing with their bases on the moon and mars. I think eddie's about to get some new recovered memories. God, damn
Unknown Speaker (01:05:18.300)
Efforts to establish civilizations on other planets
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.619)
This is the real kind of way that I would think that you would be useful
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.699)
Is is is in educating them in that that capacity?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.300)
capacity so I don't know whether that's above top secret and you're not allowed to tell me this but uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.139)
Can you at least tell me there's that window?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.780)
You know, you have this kind of knowledge and were you able to help them in this way?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.179)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.699)
start with
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.500)
They don't control me
Unknown Speaker (01:05:49.739)
All right, they don't they have never controlled me and neither do you sweary carrie and the thing about this
Unknown Speaker (01:05:55.260)
I've sat on this for a number of years. Did they use me in a weaponized type?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:02.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.780)
No, but they surely wanted me to
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.420)
Did they know?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:09.179)
Exactly what I was capable of doing
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.619)
Well, I think the catholic church, uh, um inaugurated them into education
Unknown Speaker (01:06:19.179)
about me
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.820)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:23.579)
The catholic church inaugurated them into education into education about me
Unknown Speaker (01:06:29.900)
That's an interesting way of saying that just said told yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.820)
I don't man. Look, I don't know that to me is just another like i'm not answering your question
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.380)
But also like I said like the I butted in there was like that's the window you can get out. Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:06:42.780)
It's above top secret. I can't tell you about this stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:06:45.340)
She's offering him the window out like the you know, like a detective does of course whatever it's like
Unknown Speaker (01:06:50.460)
Yeah, maybe that's the that's what's going on here and he rejects that fucking window. He's like no one controls me
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.460)
She's like this isn't this isn't like uh, she's not trying to jam him up for a crime
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.940)
So he should have taken that window. Oh, there's no consequences to going out that window
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.099)
It actually helps your story. It helps her quite a bit
Unknown Speaker (01:07:07.820)
It helps everyone because then she gets to speculate still further and again, she gets to punch up your dumb story
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.059)
Yeah, and instead you come back with this. I nobody controls me stuff. You worked for the agency
Unknown Speaker (01:07:19.659)
It's not that they were controlling you. It's that they could tell you what to do, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.539)
Or what you can and can't say now. Yeah, they can do the whole thing. It's ridiculous
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.420)
So do you I want to ask you a question? Yeah, do you think that eddie page has been to area 51?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.820)
I think he had a dream once interesting or a vision
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.820)
Interesting. Here's what he has to say
Unknown Speaker (01:07:42.139)
You know, I want to give you a lot more credit for uh knowing a lot more than you're letting on here
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.739)
Do you well?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.500)
Look at here. Although in the book. I do talk about area 51 because i've been there twice
Unknown Speaker (01:07:57.019)
All right
Unknown Speaker (01:07:58.300)
Well in the book you said you had to say that
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.420)
All right, so you see that
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.780)
That is my official id I still carry my id today so he pulls out a lanyard you shouldn't carry your
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.939)
Shouldn't carry your id. He pulls out a lanyard that's got some like like basically if you're at a comedy festival
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.140)
The passes that you get the performer pass. Yeah, that's the area 51 pass. It has like some
Unknown Speaker (01:08:27.079)
Indeterminate writing on it. It doesn't prove anything but he pulls up a lanyard and is like that's my pass for area 51
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.539)
Carry it around with you everywhere you go now area 51 people are totally cool with you
Unknown Speaker (01:08:37.659)
Just wandering around being like I worked there. Yeah, no big deal
Unknown Speaker (01:08:41.260)
Now why in the book does it say you didn't go there? That's a good question when they've been there twice
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.060)
Well, he talks about area 51 in the book
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.060)
But he's been there twice also if he is an archangel of some sort and half pliadian
Unknown Speaker (01:08:55.100)
How come he's not helping out with that shit that's going on underneath that museum that her other guest is so concerned about
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.699)
You know the getty is not really his purview. You got to help out with the getty
Unknown Speaker (01:09:05.020)
God can't get into the getty. That's an old rule
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.060)
See that's what's so fun about these like these people is imagining that they're all not lying
Unknown Speaker (01:09:13.100)
You know like because they're all lying. Yeah, if you imagine that they're all not lying. It's crazy that they don't team up
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.420)
It's crazy that they don't all like make a super friend. That is a summer event movie dad
Unknown Speaker (01:09:26.060)
That is a one set look project. Camelot cinematic universe. Yeah, exactly
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.539)
Exactly. You can't you can't have them team up for every movie. You gotta have your phase one
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.739)
You gotta have your phase two. You gotta do the whole thing
Unknown Speaker (01:09:38.380)
See that's what we've been doing this whole time and we're just waiting for carrie to have a round table
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.539)
with all these guys
Unknown Speaker (01:09:43.899)
And then we cover that and then we can figure the then we can really hammer this shit out
Unknown Speaker (01:09:48.140)
See what's going on with the mantids and the uh, the the reptilians and the raptors and the getty and uh, oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.420)
Has she even has he had to have met at least some of those beetle beings and all of that shit if he was in
Unknown Speaker (01:10:00.619)
Vietnam maybe didn't get those memories
Unknown Speaker (01:10:02.300)
Why isn't he why isn't she uh, grilling him on all the all the lies that mark richards told because that one wasn't mark richards
Unknown Speaker (01:10:08.060)
That was another dude. Oh, okay, and that dude hasn't come back. So that that part might be she might have
Unknown Speaker (01:10:13.420)
She might have swept that one under the rug might have been like, all right
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.140)
Maybe I don't trust that one. I still want to I still recall. I think the spider leadership was in play in vietnam at this time
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.260)
Yes, you're correct. That was mark richards, but not the beetles the giant beetles. I think are just that one guy
Unknown Speaker (01:10:30.460)
Who likes beetles and you have ptsd and I feel really bad for him, right? Right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:10:34.380)
That guy was struggling. Yeah, that wasn't a good one
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.859)
I hate to say that while i'm laughing but
Unknown Speaker (01:10:40.859)
It real it. Oh god, we can't do that episode. That episode will never happen. There are beetles. Nope
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.100)
Um, so you might be wondering what uh, like specific information
Unknown Speaker (01:10:51.739)
Uh eddie wants to get out here on the show. I believe it's that nobody can control him
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.140)
Well, that part is definitely a piece of uh his message
Unknown Speaker (01:10:59.899)
Uh, but he has alien messages, too
Unknown Speaker (01:11:02.859)
Right, right. All right, and he's not gotten to any of these and I I should tell you that one of the reasons
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.420)
I gravitated towards this video is because it was the new newest one
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.939)
Okay that she's done and also it had to do with his prophecies
Unknown Speaker (01:11:15.020)
Oh, he's got prophecies. He has some prophecies
Unknown Speaker (01:11:17.579)
Okay, and so I was like, all right. I'm interested to hear that. Here's what he's got
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.979)
So just a week ago
Unknown Speaker (01:11:25.579)
I mentioned that something's getting ready to happen and I went on my um
Unknown Speaker (01:11:29.899)
vague project aquarius facebook
Unknown Speaker (01:11:34.060)
And I told people what was about to happen
Unknown Speaker (01:11:37.100)
and uh
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.300)
That morning hour at 2 23 a.m
Unknown Speaker (01:11:42.380)
I was awoken and I was given some coordinates
Unknown Speaker (01:11:45.659)
Right, and I already knew you gave those just for people's edification. You did give those on my show
Unknown Speaker (01:11:52.380)
Literally the same day that we did the show happened to be later in the morning on the same day that you gave that
Unknown Speaker (01:11:58.380)
That this thing showed up the craft from crazy from the pleiades. What a great mothership as you called it
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.659)
One of several that's arriving, right? Yes
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.939)
So they're there they must be coming obviously and you also talk about this
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.420)
Uh, i'm gonna get my I forget what you call it, but it's a black
Unknown Speaker (01:12:17.420)
Uh craft and it's very diabolical
Unknown Speaker (01:12:19.500)
You said there's seven of them that have been positioned around our planet for a very long time appears independence day and that doesn't surprise me
Unknown Speaker (01:12:27.260)
But these are new ships coming in that you're talking about. So it sounds like they're getting ready for something big
Unknown Speaker (01:12:36.300)
Um, all right
Unknown Speaker (01:12:39.020)
Okay, that's very cool. So that's the one that you were describing the black
Unknown Speaker (01:12:44.140)
It's known as azalea blackbird. It is a robotic
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.140)
Weapon there is seven situated around the world. I know where every one of them sit
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.300)
The cia wanted to know too they didn't believe they existed until 1991 when we all went for the second time to
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.979)
Area 51 I still don't believe they exist. But also don't worry about them. They're friendly. So, okay good
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.340)
Yeah, no big deal. So like one over denver, I assume probably and then uh buenas heiress
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.260)
I would assume one per continent right you think one per continent. There's seven continents, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:17.979)
Yeah, Eurasia is one. I mean, but you can get rid of uh, antarctica. You don't need to worry about it
Unknown Speaker (01:13:22.539)
Of uh antarctica, you don't need to worry about oh no because there's evil aliens in antarctica too. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.340)
Oh, yeah, the evil nazis that live underneath the ground too. Yeah, that's right. That's right
Unknown Speaker (01:13:33.819)
Cat effector in new berlin you need one of those over in antarctica, you know what two of those over in
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.859)
For all the hitler clones, you know what the one thing that we don't hear about in this nobody has ever mentioned australia
Unknown Speaker (01:13:47.100)
No, no, nobody's ever mentioned. They've hit pretty much everywhere else. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:13:51.260)
Yeah, australia gets left alone in these
Unknown Speaker (01:13:54.300)
Look, these people have a lot on their plate. That's
Unknown Speaker (01:13:57.899)
As you can see when you don't have it fleshed out and you go on carrie's show
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.260)
This is what happens right? So a lot of these guys are sitting like in the lab late at night with a pen
Unknown Speaker (01:14:06.060)
And just like right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:14:07.979)
How's this gonna work working working these out at open mics around the room? Yeah the beats in the line. Yeah, um
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.500)
There's a plea there's a bunch of pleiadian mother ships that are coming of course plus these robot weapons that are like spaceships
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.100)
Plus all the other let's not forget seven robot weapons
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.220)
Let's not forget every other person also has some alien robots coming around and hanging out in our airspace and none of them
Unknown Speaker (01:14:33.180)
We've ever seen none of whom have ever seen each other either apparently or they all have a detente with each other
Unknown Speaker (01:14:39.899)
Yeah, they have some sort of uneasy piece
Unknown Speaker (01:14:42.699)
a doctor who style
Unknown Speaker (01:14:44.699)
Alliance or possibly rapprochement has been reached could be possible after the last war in heaven the courtney brown remote view
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.680)
That's true. Okay, these things are possible. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.640)
Yeah, we make peace with our enemies not with our friends. Absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:14:57.840)
Yeah, so that all doesn't seem all that scary if we discount all the other guests and we just think about pleiadian ships
Unknown Speaker (01:15:05.279)
Right and friendly robot weapons only seven. It's not so bad. No, that seems pretty nice, but
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.319)
It's not all good news. Oh, no. All right, so your your people are coming here in ships in mother ships and larger ships
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:20.159)
They're getting ready for what appears to be a kind of a standoff
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.159)
Or an out-and-out war and this war has happened on earth before as you say
Unknown Speaker (01:15:29.920)
We know that you say Sodom and Gomorrah. Look I know a place
Unknown Speaker (01:15:34.239)
Real quick. He his argument is that Sodom and Gomorrah got nuked got nuked. Yeah. Okay
Unknown Speaker (01:15:39.039)
Yeah, okay. I thought she was talking about the World Cup. We have a war every four years or so
Unknown Speaker (01:15:44.319)
No, not that one. Sodom and Gomorrah was a nuke
Unknown Speaker (01:15:47.340)
Obviously, all right, obviously false flag nuke though. No, it was a real nuke. Okay in egypt
Unknown Speaker (01:15:54.159)
I've been to egypt quite a bit and you know quite a bit about it
Unknown Speaker (01:15:58.079)
So there's a place called Amarna and if you go to Amarna, it looks like a nuclear bomb hit it
Unknown Speaker (01:16:03.680)
because it's been
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.439)
Instead of the you know, the remains of you know, these temples and so on there's virtually nothing on the desert floor
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.399)
It's cleaned off. It's dust
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.600)
So, you know the only thing that will do this to a civilization that used to be there is a nuke
Unknown Speaker (01:16:22.159)
So that you know, that's and i've been to the dead sea area also
Unknown Speaker (01:16:26.079)
And I know so the signs of the nuke is very clear
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.039)
I think you know a person doesn't I didn't have to have some cia guy tell me that it was just obvious
Unknown Speaker (01:16:35.760)
That's kind of a no you should still probably have an expert that's kind of a dig
Unknown Speaker (01:16:40.239)
I think I think that he might have referenced that someone in the cia told him so
Unknown Speaker (01:16:43.600)
Oh, okay, and she was like, I don't need your or it might be a reference to something else that I don't understand
Unknown Speaker (01:16:48.479)
But it seems very out of place the way she said that I love I love when there's these small things that
Unknown Speaker (01:16:53.840)
Reveal the limits of their imagination like like with l ron hubbard to imagine. Yeah. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.680)
Yeah, like with l ron hubbard eat the alien still flew b-52 bombers, you know, right like in the same way
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.920)
She's like and of course, it's a nuke like no these these are
Unknown Speaker (01:17:09.739)
Interstellar traveling fucking and all the best they could come up with as a nuke from from space
Unknown Speaker (01:17:15.439)
It's a smarter idea to just throw one of those ships into the ground and then it'll be over. Yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.960)
Like why would you nuke anything? It's way more it would be way more
Unknown Speaker (01:17:25.420)
Devastating if something came like survived re-entry. Yeah a fucking rock. Yeah. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.680)
Anyway, don't think about that. Okay, uh
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.960)
Also, uh, she also later says that the raptors are working with the air force
Unknown Speaker (01:17:39.039)
Which makes me think about raptors in b-52 bombers, which is a really funny thought i'd say, uh, calvin and hobbs
Unknown Speaker (01:17:45.920)
Yeah sunday strip. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:17:48.319)
uh, so
Unknown Speaker (01:17:50.159)
So this is real and and you have warned the cia about this in your prophecies that when you were regressed, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:56.640)
That there's going to be another
Unknown Speaker (01:17:58.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.899)
Confrontation with off-planet races and instead of the middle east is this is if I understand you correctly
Unknown Speaker (01:18:06.880)
You're saying it's going to happen in america
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:11.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.800)
What did I say last week when I was on your program?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:15.359)
Well, you did there will never be another nuclear detonation on this planet ever again. Okay. Well, then what what are you threatening?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.720)
What's going to happen in this armageddon thing?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:25.760)
Well, if it's not a nuke that they're paranoid over then I don't have to
Unknown Speaker (01:18:31.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.479)
You're a palladian I I have no doubt wait what
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.600)
Wait, what? Caratacity and I I I applaud you and I may I call you my sister because like everybody
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.079)
I find that is palladian. It's easy to say. Oh i'm bleeding. Wait, whoa
Unknown Speaker (01:18:51.039)
Whoa, y'all come from a very source
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.159)
He doesn't want to answer the question. Whoa, he just pulled the the trump card out of the hat. Oh, yes
Unknown Speaker (01:18:59.680)
He just went whole hog. That's that's how he escaped so much shit. He just goes. Oh shit. You're a palladian too
Unknown Speaker (01:19:05.680)
Oh my god, there's only there's only one way you could know all this game recognized game. Absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:19:10.479)
I am a pleiadian therefore. I know that you must oh my how did I not see it? How did I not see it?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:15.279)
Oh my god, I was even on your I was on your program last week. I don't even see that shit then
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.680)
We were the last get together. I didn't how did I not see you at the barbecue? No, they only invited 32
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.560)
Ah shit. Well, you know my family kind of takes up a lot of the seats apparently they don't like my bad language
Unknown Speaker (01:19:30.239)
Well, sweary sweary carry pleiadian. Sweary carry the palladian
Unknown Speaker (01:19:37.439)
So i'll say that like I didn't catch this the first time I listened through it
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.640)
And then when I was cutting clips, I kind of got it. Like I thought he was just completely dodging
Unknown Speaker (01:19:48.720)
Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.600)
I thought that was for sure what he was doing
Unknown Speaker (01:19:51.119)
But then he immediately says this and I didn't realize that this was him sort of answering the question
Unknown Speaker (01:19:56.479)
But he needed to stall a little bit. So he did that. You're a pleiadian thing
Unknown Speaker (01:20:00.479)
But then he said this and I thought this was just weird
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.119)
So I just didn't I didn't realize that this was kind of answering the question of what is the threat?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:08.079)
Uh, if it's not a nuke, what is the threat? Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:20:11.199)
I have very close friends who are not ladies, but they're very loving scientists
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.439)
And this place is a fire-breathing
Unknown Speaker (01:20:21.439)
Dragon, okay, and I like to call it. It is the dragon. It is already awakened
Unknown Speaker (01:20:27.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:29.520)
It is going to be a very very traumatic experience in this country
Unknown Speaker (01:20:37.920)
Everybody around the world is going to see it
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.800)
And everybody around the world is going to feel it if we were not here to help
Unknown Speaker (01:20:45.600)
The creation man the humans and I don't care what color you are how my personal feelings are towards you
Unknown Speaker (01:20:53.279)
Now that's weird there at the end the way he's phrasing that yeah, you didn't need to throw in race
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.920)
I really didn't need to throw in race and what made me really go
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.079)
Hold on was it be like it doesn't matter what color you are or my personal feelings towards you
Unknown Speaker (01:21:07.119)
That second phrase that second clause was like hold on hold on
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.520)
You could have gone. Oh, I don't know when you put that one in if you're gonna go with the race stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.319)
That one made me that made me feel real weird not as weird as knowing that there's a fire-breathing dragon
Unknown Speaker (01:21:20.800)
Yeah, and it must be a pretty big one too because the whole world's gonna be able to see the whole world is gonna see it
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.359)
That's a big dragon huge dragon. It's a good question to ask as to where this dragon is currently
Unknown Speaker (01:21:31.520)
We're gonna learn all about the dragon. Okay, don't worry about it
Unknown Speaker (01:21:33.920)
All right, those those that those questions will be answered
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.560)
But did you have any other questions non-dragon or race-related?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.359)
Um, I
Unknown Speaker (01:21:41.600)
Don't understand what the difference between loving scientists and regular scientists is currently well in regards to this story
Unknown Speaker (01:21:49.920)
Non-loving scientists are ones that would create things that are destructive. Okay, I don't know but these loving scientists are all about the red dragon
Unknown Speaker (01:21:57.119)
Well, they're all about the you know, like the Pleiadians are traditionally thought of as the light bringers
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.359)
They're the like very positive alien race. Yes. They're the ones who give us our
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.779)
Happy dreams as opposed to nightmares, right? Right, right that they're the ones who tell us that JFK is gonna die. Sure
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.859)
Yeah, they're the ones who give us things that are helpful as opposed to kidnap us in our sleep like the grave
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.260)
Right, right, right, and they don't want to eat us for chocolate bars like a raptors, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:19.420)
So they're the one they don't want to do whatever the spider leadership wants to do to us, which god knows
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.819)
I can't even imagine. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.380)
So man
Unknown Speaker (01:22:28.699)
This is where everything is going to be
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.699)
Um, so man, this is where everything turns this is this is the moment this is yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.579)
So he's gotten out his prophecy. There's gonna be a space war fire. That was kind of lost in the middle there
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.260)
There's gonna be a war
Unknown Speaker (01:22:44.140)
Oh, there's gonna be a space the Pleiadians and the Draco are probably gonna get into a little bit of a war
Unknown Speaker (01:22:48.460)
But the thing that on earth we got to worry about is this fire-breathing dragon, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.819)
Which we'll learn about in a minute, but he's not a Draco. No, he's a homegrown fire-breathing dragon put a pin in it
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.220)
Okay. All right. Uh, so i'm just trying to find out if this is a free agent or a draft pick situation
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.060)
That's what I need to know. This is this next clip is where I almost had a spit take
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:09.659)
Jerry, I want to ask you one thing before we go any further. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:23:13.659)
Do you really know who you're interviewing?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.220)
Uh, well, I think I do
Unknown Speaker (01:23:20.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:21.659)
I'll just leave it at that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:23.899)
What did he just say?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:25.500)
What was the word? I didn't catch it. What do you mean which part I mean?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:29.420)
Play that one more time
Unknown Speaker (01:23:31.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.300)
Jerry, I want to ask you one thing before we go any further. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:23:36.380)
Do you really know who you're interviewing?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.899)
I don't know. Oh interview. Well, I think I did. All right. All right. Okay
Unknown Speaker (01:23:44.300)
I'll just leave it at that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:46.939)
Did he just threaten to kill her
Unknown Speaker (01:23:50.380)
It's it it is a threat that was definitely a threat. Oh, that's a threat
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.619)
That is that's a weird thing to say. That's really creepy
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.859)
Of all the people i've ever seen in her interview. No one's been like, do you know who you're fucking with right now?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:05.899)
It's very weird. Well, I mean he's he's taking a rest
Unknown Speaker (01:24:09.659)
Uh from the absolute beat down he had in the first half of the show sure
Unknown Speaker (01:24:13.420)
So now he's ready to to kind of fight back now. He's jumping back into the dominance situation
Unknown Speaker (01:24:18.779)
Well, I think he's trying but unfortunately
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.779)
Jerry immediately smacks him back down with this
Unknown Speaker (01:24:24.619)
Yeah, I have issue with some of the language you use which seems to indicate that you are not
Unknown Speaker (01:24:31.659)
Favorable towards people of color and uh, and that goes against my brain
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.579)
Oh, you're a palladian racist you north carolina palladian bullshit racist
Unknown Speaker (01:24:48.060)
Shit racist you fucking bullshitter
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.300)
Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:24:53.340)
I'm from a race of benevolent aliens who just turn out to hate black people who would have guessed
Unknown Speaker (01:24:58.380)
Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:24:58.939)
Isn't that a weird coincidence that uh turns out that a weird race of aliens who happen to have me living in north carolina
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.420)
Oh dear god, oh man, so that
Unknown Speaker (01:25:09.899)
She's talking and that's why I don't think she wants a writing credit on his book
Unknown Speaker (01:25:13.260)
Because she's referring to stuff that she's read in his book. I believe oh shit
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.539)
That's what i'm guessing that she's referring to because I I don't think like he hasn't said any of this stuff on this episode
Unknown Speaker (01:25:22.220)
Perhaps he said some disparaging stuff in the last episode
Unknown Speaker (01:25:24.460)
But I think that the but she's talking about the language you use I think that means in his book, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.859)
Uh that there's some disparaging things about either that or she just caught that shit
Unknown Speaker (01:25:33.979)
Which when she when she caught that clause when she caught the I don't care what race you are
Unknown Speaker (01:25:38.140)
She was like dude, you are probably a racist
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.779)
It's pretty crazy because I think that you know, we've uncovered some pretty latent anti-semitism on on carrie's part
Unknown Speaker (01:25:46.939)
but the fact that she's just going for it and just being like look I need to tell you I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:25:51.420)
I'm not okay with the racism that you uh, which is
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.279)
Hypocritical bullshit it is hypocritical bullshit on her part and there's it's obvious
Unknown Speaker (01:26:01.500)
Why if she actually believes in all of these aliens she is hugely racist to so many of them
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.779)
No, like she paints everybody with a broad brush. These people are all evil like hey, man
Unknown Speaker (01:26:13.420)
Come on, the the dracos aren't all bad. I'm sure that there are some nice dracos hanging around there
Unknown Speaker (01:26:18.619)
It's it's a she's she's just a fucking racist. That's like saying there's good tasmanian devils or good
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.500)
But they're sentient. There's good. Uh, um, uh, cassowaries out there and there aren't they will fuck you up
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.699)
Those birds are evil. Ah, you're wrong. I don't know I I kind of agree with you
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.180)
But at the same time we live in the real world, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:39.659)
So it's fun that she's calling one of her guests a fucking racist while he's on the show
Unknown Speaker (01:26:44.699)
That's true, and he has to address it. So here's his response which I will say is not great
Unknown Speaker (01:26:51.180)
But some of your comments, uh are are really difficult to take so you want to address that
Unknown Speaker (01:26:57.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:58.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.140)
I've been called a racist because why well
Unknown Speaker (01:27:03.659)
I studied the civil war intently in college bad stuff. I studied, uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:27:09.260)
Race relations with white people and black people that's not good in college
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.220)
I learned a lot of things that a lot of people were
Unknown Speaker (01:27:19.819)
Accused of real quick. We'll get back to that in a second. When did you go to college?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:25.420)
You know what i'm saying? Like was it that two years between uh, 16 and 18? Yeah, I don't sure
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.699)
When he was studying race relations in the civil war most of the time, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:27:34.619)
Most of the time you can't even if you graduate early from high school
Unknown Speaker (01:27:37.659)
You can't go to college until your class would have graduated
Unknown Speaker (01:27:40.699)
You usually have to take correspondence classes and I don't think there would be a way he could have gotten an actual degree by the time
Unknown Speaker (01:27:46.060)
He would have enlisted and gone off to vietnam. Also, you don't that's why he's still racist
Unknown Speaker (01:27:50.699)
He didn't finish the white relations and black relations, which by the way is also segregated
Unknown Speaker (01:27:55.579)
He made sure that he's but but I will I will also say that he's a racist
Unknown Speaker (01:27:59.659)
But I will I will also say that maybe he went to college during that 10-year gap that he's uh, not explained
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.859)
Oh, do you mean on the gi bill perhaps perhaps? Yeah. No, but anyway, it's just uh curious to me
Unknown Speaker (01:28:13.020)
Where did he go to college if we're going to be truthful
Unknown Speaker (01:28:16.220)
When the slavery first began back in the 1200s and actually slavery's been around
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.060)
frankly from creation
Unknown Speaker (01:28:24.060)
Um, but the black people actually sold the black people to
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:33.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:34.779)
How society has labeled things today?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.939)
I look at things that happens in this country, especially in the black community the crime rate the way they live
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.140)
Oh god
Unknown Speaker (01:28:47.819)
Some places in this country. They live worse than
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.300)
They do in these third world countries. What is happening in this great country at one time take and embrace
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.140)
And help these less fortunate, but we haven't now now it ends on a hopeful note
Unknown Speaker (01:29:05.260)
It's weird it's weird
Unknown Speaker (01:29:07.739)
Well, I don't understand. I don't understand how he doesn't mean that stuff at the end. Oh, no, of course not
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.699)
I don't understand how we went from uh, there's a dragon coming to like standard old racist
Unknown Speaker (01:29:19.579)
In north carolina fair like he's just he's just at the bar explaining to his other drunk old white buddies
Unknown Speaker (01:29:25.579)
He's like well, you know, the problem is with the way they live
Unknown Speaker (01:29:29.739)
We're not even close to done with uh, how bad this I can't imagine how we couldn't I told you this went off the rails
Unknown Speaker (01:29:36.060)
And here we have hit the penny. Okay, so to speak. Okay train has derailed but it's still on its you know
Unknown Speaker (01:29:42.220)
It's still upright, you know, he could still he could still he could save it. Yeah, he could save it because he did
Unknown Speaker (01:29:47.500)
He could say it's classified for him to say more about how racist he is or he could expand more on that that tiny
Unknown Speaker (01:29:53.340)
Decent thought I guess that he had at the end of like why in this country didn't we do a better job of helping people?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.180)
Right, he could have gotten into like the systematic oppression that was has existed in this country
Unknown Speaker (01:30:03.979)
Since the beginning and all that he could do that and maybe save it, but unfortunately he does this
Unknown Speaker (01:30:09.500)
How can you even with a pleadian sense of mind?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:12.779)
A pleadian sense of mind. How can you even focus on color of skin?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.460)
Uh, like why does that even factor into your kind of view of so-called armageddon?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.460)
I'm not uh, i'm not factoring in the color i'm factoring in the teachings and the attitude
Unknown Speaker (01:30:30.699)
Uh, yes tied very well i've already admitted in the beginning there was many many races
Unknown Speaker (01:30:37.100)
From many many cultures and the genetics and the creation was leading to
Unknown Speaker (01:30:43.899)
an extension of the palladian people
Unknown Speaker (01:30:46.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.060)
This early creation stories. They call them gods
Unknown Speaker (01:30:52.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:56.619)
When I look where the creation story actually began
Unknown Speaker (01:31:02.859)
And I say
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.779)
Although science wants to convince us that men
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.100)
Evolved out of africa. That is not true
Unknown Speaker (01:31:12.699)
And now they're finding out. Oh, well, you know what man could have evolved in the indus valley. Well now we're talking something
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.260)
I've always looked
Unknown Speaker (01:31:23.340)
toward the black people as the ones
Unknown Speaker (01:31:26.380)
Well, the bible calls them the curse race
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:40.060)
Wow, oh wow
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.939)
Holy shit, you know what the and she even gave him she even gave him the other like, uh, hey, you're an alien
Unknown Speaker (01:31:49.579)
The fuck are you so petty and talking about black people for and even you come from this pleiadian benevolent wonderful race
Unknown Speaker (01:31:55.979)
How can you have that consciousness and still think this way not so benevolent turns out no
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.939)
And you know what here here's what I want to fucking say. I bet most of her guests would say stuff like this if
Unknown Speaker (01:32:07.500)
That's true that is absolutely we're only hearing this because she asked
Unknown Speaker (01:32:13.659)
I would gather if we talk to most of them and we're like, hey you racist and be like, well, not really but hold on
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.500)
I have some thoughts
Unknown Speaker (01:32:21.500)
Well, the bible calls them the cursed race what what what hold I believe he started that thought off by saying
Unknown Speaker (01:32:28.380)
I've always thought of the black people as well the bible calls them the cursed race, right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.500)
Well, you know, I it's it doesn't matter what color you are
Unknown Speaker (01:32:39.340)
I just want them out of my beautiful country that I mean, yeah, i'm an alien, but i'm still an american
Unknown Speaker (01:32:45.340)
Also, that's the amazing part about this country is if you're white even if you're an alien
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.140)
But like an actual alien hold on if you're a white one, you're fine. Also, I specifically think that that's in the mormon bible
Unknown Speaker (01:32:57.579)
That's true. I'm not sure if that's in the christian bible. I'm not 100 sure I
Unknown Speaker (01:33:02.859)
I think I I think I agree with you. I know for sure. It's in the mormon bible
Unknown Speaker (01:33:07.180)
Oh, yeah, but I don't know that whole thing is racist. I don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:33:11.420)
And you know what? I don't I haven't memorized the bible and it's been a long time since I picked one up, but I don't recall
Unknown Speaker (01:33:16.779)
All necessarily black people are cursed. I feel like the in the judeo christian bible
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.359)
I feel like of the many times that i've read the bible
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.159)
I would at least have seen that like once and been like, whoa, hold on and you would think that people would
Unknown Speaker (01:33:31.500)
Constantly bring it up. Yeah, of course, but I do know that it is in the mormon bible
Unknown Speaker (01:33:35.600)
And if that's the case, then he's operating. Is he a mormon? Is he a mormon? Is he a hillbilly mormon?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:40.720)
Hillbilly mormon angel athlete hillbilly mormon. I would watch that tv show. Oh god stars, nathan fillian
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.279)
We'd fucking crush it. So now carrie tries to save it a little bit by using some really faulty etymology work
Unknown Speaker (01:33:54.880)
okay, and humanity is a race of
Unknown Speaker (01:33:58.960)
Warriors and uh a rainbow warriors and they are of multiple colors
Unknown Speaker (01:34:05.760)
and they are uh
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.079)
Also called hue man hue man of many hues many colors
Unknown Speaker (01:34:14.800)
Okay, that's that's in the language. What?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.239)
Uh, so that's your argument that we are not descended from wrecking apes. This is like so stupid. Wait
Unknown Speaker (01:34:27.920)
Wait, what just happened there? So then they deny evolution now we're denying evolution
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.579)
Evolution yeah, and
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.659)
And no discussion of it except for uh eddie to laugh and yell bingo. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.500)
Oh boy. Okay. So at least they found they found their middle ground. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:34:49.060)
All right. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:34:50.659)
That that's not that's not how the language works by the way. That's not the etymology of human
Unknown Speaker (01:34:54.579)
No, you can look it up if you want hue as in grant and man as in man hugh grant is very attractive
Unknown Speaker (01:35:01.319)
That makes just as much sense. Yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:35:04.439)
It's uh, I believe the etymology of hue goes back. I mean, it's different languages. They come from even it's not uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.840)
I had the specifics pulled up about it just to be really fancy, but who cares it's very obvious. It's obviously bullshit
Unknown Speaker (01:35:16.840)
Yeah, but where would you even get that?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.159)
That's like gary bucy kind of thinking, you know, like where he'll take a word and what it the accurate. Yeah. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:35:25.720)
It's that level of james adomian version yeah, it's like that's not how this works
Unknown Speaker (01:35:30.039)
And i'm glad you get some meaning out of that
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.840)
But don't don't try and pretend it's in the language that is on her like calendar her like inspirational calendar
Unknown Speaker (01:35:40.039)
Those are those quotes. I think more likely she just wants out of this like this stretch of the conversation
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.119)
Yeah, and she's just like all right. Look at that. What do you know about english, you know that sort of thing?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:52.600)
And he's from north carolina and he's only been to college studying white and black race relations
Unknown Speaker (01:35:57.640)
So and he doesn't know anything about language and and creationism
Unknown Speaker (01:36:01.159)
Yeah, yeah, um, but then man, he's got to go
Unknown Speaker (01:36:04.119)
He's like that could have been the moment where carrie takes us out of the muck right gets us onto greener pastures, but unfortunately
Unknown Speaker (01:36:12.039)
Fucking eddie just has to keep kicking like he has to just keep kicking himself till he falls over, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:36:19.479)
You know hitler got the blame for a lot of stuff that he was not responsible for. Oh god. Oh god, eddie
Unknown Speaker (01:36:27.000)
Eddie eddie eddie
Unknown Speaker (01:36:31.720)
Hitler gets a bad rap
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:37.560)
What are you doing
Unknown Speaker (01:36:40.600)
This is just an old racist who wrote a dumb book
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.960)
Which apparently has a lot of racist stuff in it to the point where carrie has to call it out
Unknown Speaker (01:36:48.199)
But he does he does claim to be a half alien
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.520)
So she has to have him on twice not where I expected this to go
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.039)
Oh, this is definitely of all the things that we've seen on project. Camelot
Unknown Speaker (01:36:58.840)
I never expected it to descend into weird old racist who grabs you after a comedy shows and says, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:37:05.560)
You're really funny, right? Let me tell you about all the racist things that I have to say now. I'm not racist per se
Unknown Speaker (01:37:11.479)
Hey you but are you hey look
Unknown Speaker (01:37:15.079)
Are you cool? If I tell you a joke, it gets a little racist. It's a little edgy
Unknown Speaker (01:37:19.800)
It's a little you might want to say. Anyways, it's about the the blacks
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.159)
Fucking eddie page is all right, apparently
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.920)
Hardcore this is he's he's he's holocaust denying. Well, he has to specifically deny the
Unknown Speaker (01:37:36.119)
But that's how most holocaust denying statements start
Unknown Speaker (01:37:38.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.079)
He doesn't actually end up like talking too much in detail about what he thinks hitler gets blamed for that
Unknown Speaker (01:37:44.680)
He didn't do which is maybe good for carrie. But like it's actually just the painting part
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.359)
Yeah, hitler never painted as a kid. That was all just that was all that was all pr. Oh god
Unknown Speaker (01:37:55.399)
So we take a break from this vicious racism and anti-semitism and holocaust denial. Damn, so we finally find out what that dragon is
Unknown Speaker (01:38:03.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:05.239)
How is it this is somehow gonna come down to
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.720)
Trans people shouldn't use the same bathroom as their gender, isn't it? Thankfully. This is gonna be just weird old man shit
Unknown Speaker (01:38:13.079)
He doesn't get into gender. Thankfully, but uh, here's some dragon talk
Unknown Speaker (01:38:16.840)
And you well, you know, I know there's gonna be a lot of people asking. Well, who's what's this dragon? What's this dragon?
Unknown Speaker (01:38:21.640)
This is not a harry potter movie. This is nothing that hollywood could ever think about it is happening as I speak
Unknown Speaker (01:38:28.359)
I feel like he did the deadliest caldera in the world. It sits right here in america. It's called yellow stone
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.760)
real quick
Unknown Speaker (01:38:38.439)
Many movies have been made about yellow stone. So so he's talking about the super volcano
Unknown Speaker (01:38:43.960)
Which is something that hollywood could never have imagined
Unknown Speaker (01:38:47.399)
Even though there's been a ton of movies about it at least five or six and even though he's also called it a dragon
Unknown Speaker (01:38:52.840)
Which again hollywood has imagined. Yes. Gotcha, right
Unknown Speaker (01:38:58.039)
And it is rumbling. I don't care what the scientists say. Oh it the last rose from
Unknown Speaker (01:39:03.319)
Six hundred seventy thousand. You're an evolution denier. That's bullcrap
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.859)
Well, I I dream in the future and I have seen this. Uh, so I agree with you. Absolutely. I've seen
Unknown Speaker (01:39:15.579)
Rainier for example, uh
Unknown Speaker (01:39:21.100)
She's even cocking out his prophecies
Unknown Speaker (01:39:23.420)
Yeah, she's like that's that's a what that's a weak ass prophecy. We've all everybody could come up with that shit
Unknown Speaker (01:39:28.380)
Come on, you idiot to be fair. I agree with her not the not the fact that like she's dreamed it
Unknown Speaker (01:39:33.340)
so it's also true, but just like yeah a lot of people have like
Unknown Speaker (01:39:36.699)
This is the History Channel normal scientists have even warned about the possibility of that
Unknown Speaker (01:39:41.340)
It's been very clearly on people's radar and because of that people have studied it very closely
Unknown Speaker (01:39:46.939)
And there's literally no indication that we need to be worried about that at present time, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:39:51.539)
Maybe it's some time in the next thousand years or so. I mean it's gonna happen probably
Unknown Speaker (01:39:55.500)
Well, I mean we even talked about this on that that episode of Alex Jones from
Unknown Speaker (01:39:59.819)
2009 when that's right
Unknown Speaker (01:40:01.340)
Volcanologist on it's right and he got embarrassed on air because the guy was like now this isn't a thing
Unknown Speaker (01:40:05.420)
I really have to worry about there's really no indications that there's a threat here
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.619)
You know, we studied all the time and we have you know hundreds of posts around and we'd be able to tell any kind of
Unknown Speaker (01:40:15.699)
preliminary, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.140)
Does go off it is a potential
Unknown Speaker (01:40:21.220)
Extinction event for not just us but like all life on the planet
Unknown Speaker (01:40:24.579)
So we figured it would be a smart idea to keep an eye on it
Unknown Speaker (01:40:27.260)
But because we've spent you know decades and decades studying volcanoes at this
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.020)
I don't care what you dumb scientists say we fully know what the warning signs are and that sort of thing
Unknown Speaker (01:40:37.859)
It's not like it didn't come from monkeys
Unknown Speaker (01:40:40.260)
It's not like the 1800s where things would really just sneak up on us and it's gonna hit the black people. It's probably yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:40:46.260)
So anyway now we get back to race when the book does come out
Unknown Speaker (01:40:50.060)
We need every word in there. Yeah, you know sister. I'll tell you this
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.260)
There is some things that people are going to say wait a minute. That's a little racist, but don't pass judgment yet
Unknown Speaker (01:41:02.539)
The book and see that well it might have sound racist to you
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.500)
Is because the truth sometime is hard to swallow. Holy shit
Unknown Speaker (01:41:13.460)
That's not even denying his racism. No, he's just saying yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.500)
It's probably gonna sound racist cuz the truth sucks sometimes sometimes the truth is fucking racist as shit
Unknown Speaker (01:41:23.180)
According to me a racist guy who wrote this book
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:35.380)
Boy whoa, he is doubling down. I love it doesn't give a shit. I am I am I'm on
Unknown Speaker (01:41:42.619)
Mm-hmm Wow. Yeah, I get this book
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.779)
What is this book about that there's some racist stuff just in there it's not out yet, but it's about everything
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.340)
It's about his whole life. It's about the the Pleiadians. It's about how
Unknown Speaker (01:42:00.560)
Nobody says
Unknown Speaker (01:42:02.659)
Victimized more by black people than he has absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:42:06.180)
There's no black person who has been victimized more by the red dragon. Yes, then I have there's probably something about how Martin Luther King
Unknown Speaker (01:42:13.020)
Had it easy almost certainly thing some of these nice racist things that Alex has said in the past. Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:42:19.140)
So we had two more clips one's racist ones not and we'll deal with the not racist one first
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.020)
And it's about how you know world got a countdown. It's gonna end
Unknown Speaker (01:42:29.539)
There was a single that was open and it's not a sea of life, you know, we roll on
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.819)
It's actually a prayer to Amadeus and anybody knows your home. This is
Unknown Speaker (01:42:42.699)
It's not that one. Okay
Unknown Speaker (01:42:44.739)
It's mentioned in the Bible. I'm sorry
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.260)
Carrie but
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.420)
the sixth seal was open at midnight in 2010 in 2011 and
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.859)
I have a very complete record of things that happened within
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.699)
36 hours after the Anakin chance the prayer to come to this was said
Unknown Speaker (01:43:10.260)
What a Sally area these things are still happening
Unknown Speaker (01:43:13.420)
When that seal was open
Unknown Speaker (01:43:17.020)
Well, it started the old farm clock the countdown to that dragon starting to wake up that's wine
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:26.180)
Stone is starting to become very very little not starting. It's getting more and more
Unknown Speaker (01:43:32.140)
It's not and that doesn't convince me at all when you say I
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.579)
Believe that someone said a prayer to Amadeus and then it woke up this dragon midnight
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.300)
I'm that doesn't convince me that the scientists are wrong and that the Yellowstone is about to kapoom
Unknown Speaker (01:43:50.779)
They prayed
Unknown Speaker (01:43:52.819)
He's got a detailed list of all the stuff that's happened
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.739)
It is true in both the Bible and the prophecies that he himself has spat because he is an alien sure
Unknown Speaker (01:44:03.260)
However, aliens also believe that Jesus died for their sins, even though they're millions upon millions of years old
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.859)
Mm-hmm, which means that all of them prior to Jesus who's still only a couple thousand years ago. That's a good point. I don't understand
Unknown Speaker (01:44:20.859)
Cuz they all do it. They all somehow reconcile the Bible with Draco's I can actually explain that
Unknown Speaker (01:44:28.180)
Okay, I wish I could throw down. I wish I couldn't I want to hear some of this explanation
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.699)
Well because a lot of the people who take on these like alien ideas kind of blend a bit of Gnosticism into their their view
Unknown Speaker (01:44:39.899)
Of Christianity there's like that esoteric
Unknown Speaker (01:44:42.699)
Christianity that they subscribe to right which is actually another weird connection between them and Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:44:49.619)
The better answer is no you cannot you cannot reconcile those two somehow they
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.500)
Like they just they just pepper in whatever they feel like but here they just toss a little bit it like and everybody has their
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.859)
Own recipe like he throws in racism. I'm sure that's gonna work. Well, that's along with his consistent for aliens
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.140)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. My better answer to is that good. Let's use that there's bigger issues here, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:45:15.300)
okay him him throwing aliens and Christ in together is not as important to me necessarily as like
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.859)
Hey, you're trying to Trojan horse racism into your intriguing dragon metaphor
Unknown Speaker (01:45:27.859)
right about super volcano that you think Hollywood can't imagine but hey right and then also
Unknown Speaker (01:45:33.779)
Piggybacking some sort of authority and that you
Unknown Speaker (01:45:36.340)
Came back from the dead in 11 missing days in Vietnam and our yep angel slash half Pleiadian, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:42.699)
No black person could ever do that. They're cursed. Yeah, so we end this episode
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.220)
How he sort of wants to end I would say that there's other things he probably
Unknown Speaker (01:45:53.340)
Should use in his closing but instead he defends himself about racism once still further. Yep, man
Unknown Speaker (01:45:59.739)
Is he gonna throw an n-word in now too? He's not I admire his restraint
Unknown Speaker (01:46:03.859)
So once you read it
Unknown Speaker (01:46:05.859)
And you see holy crap. Yeah, he said some offensive things about
Unknown Speaker (01:46:12.619)
certain races
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.460)
Gone, it's true
Unknown Speaker (01:46:16.819)
It's true
Unknown Speaker (01:46:25.060)
That is dismount
Unknown Speaker (01:46:28.899)
That's the way he's gonna go out to break he's just gonna toss that off and then it's bitty bitty bitty bitty
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.260)
That's all folks. Ah, you're gonna read this book now and you're gonna hear some
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.739)
Flagrantly racist things about minorities and then you're gonna say oh my god. This guy's right. I doubt it
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.140)
Yeah, I'm gonna guess I'm not gonna say that. It's it's a surprise to me as well. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:46:50.819)
I did not expect to say that
Unknown Speaker (01:46:54.060)
but before this in before this episode was a
Unknown Speaker (01:46:57.859)
Is is taped on the 4th of July which of course is when we declare our independence, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:02.960)
from the Pleiadian racists
Unknown Speaker (01:47:05.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:06.920)
Got an advance copy and I'll tell you something. I
Unknown Speaker (01:47:10.560)
Believe every word there is nothing that he said that he cannot back up
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.479)
We've just found out that Jordan is more gullible than Karen Cassidy
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.000)
Cuz even she read it and is like hold on hold the fucking phone you bigot
Unknown Speaker (01:47:23.399)
So even she like the most most willing to go and see that's the other thing
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.119)
I didn't want to tip my hand about the racism stuff at the beginning of the episode
Unknown Speaker (01:47:31.100)
But I wonder how much of that was coloring her like I'm gonna take over the ship here. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.920)
I don't know if it was though. I think that was just his incompetence in terms of answering questions
Unknown Speaker (01:47:40.279)
Yeah, and his rambling but it's interesting to see Carrie like really take over an interview
Unknown Speaker (01:47:46.159)
And then it's also really interesting to have that box opened that I'm sure she usually wants to stay closed
Unknown Speaker (01:47:52.279)
Oh, yeah, because I think there I don't know if I had in the clips that I played
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.399)
but when she was broaching the subject of the racism, she does say like
Unknown Speaker (01:48:01.640)
There's some comments that you've made and people are going to find them. Eventually. We got to talk about like that sort of thing
Unknown Speaker (01:48:07.920)
so it could have been like
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.000)
Sincerely her trying to allow him to do damage control. Yeah, just punted
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.000)
Yeah, just botched the shit out of the damage control punts. No, he didn't punt
Unknown Speaker (01:48:18.159)
He fucking went for it on fourth and one god damn it and you got a safety. Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:48:22.899)
That's the end zone. That was that was a disaster
Unknown Speaker (01:48:27.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:29.060)
Also, if he said that then that means she's not even talking about the book
Unknown Speaker (01:48:35.060)
There's some other no no when she if the way that you phrase that she you said she said that there were some comments
Unknown Speaker (01:48:41.579)
He's made that are gonna come out book
Unknown Speaker (01:48:43.220)
I think that's what she means because and the will come out means the book is going to come out
Unknown Speaker (01:48:47.380)
Okay, cuz he she did get an advance copy. All right, you're joking about getting advance copy aside. She did. Yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:48:53.340)
So I think that's what she's talking about. But man, this is nuts. This is
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.460)
The the project Camelot world is just it's the tree that just keeps giving weird fruit, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:49:04.979)
Like it's it's like you get you put your hand into the bag and you don't know what you're gonna get
Unknown Speaker (01:49:11.020)
Are you gonna get a murderer in prison lying to a lady? That's what you could get right pull it from the bag
Unknown Speaker (01:49:16.779)
Are you gonna get a gun scam guy who believes that there's a demon city under the Getty Museum?
Unknown Speaker (01:49:22.140)
You might you might are you gonna get a guy who used to be an elected official in the UK?
Unknown Speaker (01:49:26.979)
Who believes that he has sex with an alien every now and again who once again?
Unknown Speaker (01:49:32.739)
The best guests that we've ever had. We might have to go back to not it not important not in terms of
Unknown Speaker (01:49:39.699)
Quality of bullshit, but he seems like a really nice guy. I don't remember his particulars. I don't think you're right
Unknown Speaker (01:49:46.180)
I think he might have been a fucking asshole. All right
Unknown Speaker (01:49:48.260)
All right, but you know
Unknown Speaker (01:49:49.380)
There's like who could have expected when you pull your hand out this time
Unknown Speaker (01:49:52.760)
What you're gonna get is like half of the show being this guy saying super racist shit
Unknown Speaker (01:49:57.859)
Yeah, is he is he broadcasting from a rocking chair it on the front of a goddamn plantation?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.460)
What is going on here? He is very rarely looking up at the camera. He's sort of talking like this the whole yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:50:09.659)
Yeah, it's very uncomfortable. But anyway, this has been our check-in with Carrie Cassidy and project Camelot. Whoo. Happy
Unknown Speaker (01:50:17.460)
4th of July
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.979)
especially to our foreign listeners
Unknown Speaker (01:50:21.939)
Hope you had a good one. Enjoyed some some dogs and
Unknown Speaker (01:50:27.020)
Suds yeah, it was a bad idea. We never should have done the whole Independence Day. Yeah, I'm regretting it
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.739)
Oh, well, um, so if you want more of our show, we'll be back to Alex Jones soon
Unknown Speaker (01:50:36.979)
But you can check us out for more over at knowledge fight calm indeed. You can follow us on Twitter
Unknown Speaker (01:50:42.000)
It's at knowledge underscore fight. Correct. We're also on Facebook. We are on Facebook. You can go to iTunes
Unknown Speaker (01:50:46.819)
You can download the podcast you could leave a review for the podcast something you could do you could give us a
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.420)
Some number of stars I don't go with five to be a good number. That would be a great number of stars
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.659)
You could support the show by going to knowledge fights are calm clicking support the show
Unknown Speaker (01:51:04.220)
Yeah, always appreciate that helps me survive. I
Unknown Speaker (01:51:08.739)
Think I think that means it's your turn this time. Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:51:15.539)
Hmm this one's tough
Unknown Speaker (01:51:25.180)
Well, I mean we did have George HW Bush and Gerald Ford come oh, yeah a side story they should have been there
Unknown Speaker (01:51:30.579)
Mmm, I gotta say no matter how I slice this gotta tell
Unknown Speaker (01:51:35.779)
Eddie page you are a huge racist, please. Go fuck yourself
Unknown Speaker (01:51:40.859)
Andy in Kansas you're on the air. Thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (01:51:42.859)
Oh Alex, I'm a person color. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you