Transcript/48: May 31, 2017
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Dan (00:00:04.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge, right? I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple of dudes who sit around and drink novelty beverages and talk about the life and times of the good hobo Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:17.000)
Hello, Jones. Hopefully we'll make a swift return. He's the to the podcast.
Dan (00:00:24.000)
He's in full effect today.
Jordan (00:00:25.000)
Oh, hobo is coming to visit. We're
Dan (00:00:28.000)
gonna get to it. Alright, speaking of things that we're gonna get to what have we got for our weird beverage?
Jordan (00:00:33.000)
We have Sangria Senor rial.
Dan (00:00:36.000)
This is a non alcoholic sparkling sangria. Which I am dreading.
Jordan (00:00:40.000)
Yeah, no, this cannot be good. You are taking your first sip and we have
Dan (00:00:46.000)
what? Not? It's not good.
Jordan (00:00:52.000)
There's a surprise you're like, Huh? Nope. Terrible. Yeah,
Dan (00:00:57.000)
no surprises like it's not undrinkable. Okay. It's pleasant. It's pleasant is what I would say. Speaking things that are pleasant, like the shout out to us
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
agree so much disagree so hard. This tastes awful. I think this is
Dan (00:01:11.000)
garbage. It's neutral. Not neutral is my feelings about our new donator. What's up, David, how you doing out there?
Alex Jones (00:01:18.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you for donating.
Jordan (00:01:19.000)
And I don't know anything about Alex Jones.
Dan (00:01:24.000)
I know a ton about it. That's the conceit of the show. If you're listening, thank you if this is your first time, welcome.
Jordan (00:01:29.000)
And thank you very much, David, for joining the policy wonk fold.
Dan (00:01:33.000)
Absolutely. We're gonna get to our episode for today. But before we do, I'm going to get to our out of context drop,
Alex Jones (00:01:40.000)
I'm not doing the interview, because he's a pretty girl. I'm doing it because I can't be a wimp and turn it down.
Dan (00:01:47.000)
Out of context. So at the end of the episode that we're going to be going over today,
Jordan (00:01:52.000)
two things are in direct opposition to each other. Because he's a pretty good yeah,
Dan (00:01:58.000)
you want to know what that's about? Now, on the May 31 episode, we're just gonna we're gonna be going over today. Okay. At the end of it, we learned that Alex Jones is about to do an interview with Megan Kelly.
Jordan (00:02:09.000)
Ah, and it's not just because she's a pretty girl,
Dan (00:02:11.000)
he is called her horrible name.
Jordan (00:02:14.000)
Considering considering all of the horrible things he said about her appearance, mostly about her appearance most almost entirely.
Dan (00:02:23.000)
thinks she is too ugly for Fox. Yeah, that's right.
Jordan (00:02:27.000)
I remember. Her friend said that. Her friend said that
Dan (00:02:31.000)
she probably tells her friend Exactly. So yeah, Alex Jones has been going on this long thing for months now about how like, I'm not doing any more interviews and less there live, unless I have control over the edit. And then now he's sitting down with Roger Stone on this episode today. And he's like, I know they can edit it. They can make it say whatever they want, but I'm gonna I'm gonna do it. You put Okay. Alex Jones is the worst.
Jordan (00:03:01.000)
Look, national TV is not bad man.
Dan (00:03:04.000)
It is if you claim that your principles are against being on people shows for no reason. And if you argue that, hey, they're a dying media, I reach 50 million people a week.
Jordan (00:03:14.000)
Hey, any press bullshit, is hypocritical press. So that's the meaning of that.
Dan (00:03:19.000)
So we're going over may 31. Yes, that is the Wednesday show. Here this week. We're back into the present after we have been embarking on our investigation. Last couple episodes. Hope you guys have enjoyed that. We'll get back to that soon. But now we're back in the present.
Jordan (00:03:35.000)
Unfortunately, to all of our great chagrin, if you
Dan (00:03:39.000)
recall, last week, the end of last week on Thursday. Alex Jones dropped the Jerome Corsi, his Washington bureau chief.
Jordan (00:03:48.000)
Oh, that's right. Did corsi die over the weekend.
Dan (00:03:50.000)
He survived. Fuck, sorry. Sorry to drop that news on you. He survived the weekend. And the reason that that is surprising to some people is that on Thursday, Alex had said he had found information that was bigger than Watergate, and probably would get him killed.
Jordan (00:04:07.000)
Yeah, absolutely. So this must be just a bombshell. Nope. Like is there a reason I didn't read about this bigger than Watergate scandal on Twitter or you know you're
Dan (00:04:18.000)
on the wrong Twitter. You're on the right.
Jordan (00:04:22.000)
Pool CNN, that all right now know what isn't all right at this point. Just us just so now your policy walks out that thank you for not being all right. Yeah, yeah. If any of you are proud, boys, please do just go put yourself just go away. Yes.
Dan (00:04:39.000)
So Tuesday comes around. They didn't have a show on Monday because it's Memorial Day. Actually. What they did do is something I've never seen them do before. Alex put together like an eight hour best of
Jordan (00:04:50.000)
Oh, no. Which, what? Yeah, kind
Dan (00:04:54.000)
of gives you the best of what? I don't even I don't even I didn't watch it. I just saw it existed. I wasn't gonna watch
Jordan (00:05:02.000)
news stories of Best of Alex's rants. Yeah, I don't know possibly. It's actually just the same still that you tweeted out for eight hours. Just him with a big ass gun on YouTube
Dan (00:05:15.000)
that gun picture for an hour than an hour of Rappaport. Then back to the gun picture back to Rapoport. I don't know I didn't watch it never will. But Tuesday comes around, like holy shit. Right. We're about to find out what corsi knows what he could have died over. So the show starts at 11 o'clock. And when I'm at work, I listened to it live, because it's really funny how Alex Jones comes in and out of commercials singing. They cut that out of the rebroadcast. And I enjoy it. So I Listen Live. I tune in at 11 o'clock. Show hasn't started. It's streaming live. But it the show is streaming. But there is no show. There's nobody there. It's just commercials. Nobody's even talking. Nope. It's just commercials and special reports. And then every now and again, the announcer voice would come in and be like, he's standing up for the truth. Your host, Alex Jones,
Jordan (00:06:11.000)
and then Alex Jones would show up another commercial. Okay, well, that's weird.
Dan (00:06:14.000)
He went 34 minutes with nothing. I'm like, What the fuck is going on? To the point where I was pretty sure Alex faked his own death. Like,
Jordan (00:06:24.000)
what a great fucking story.
Dan (00:06:25.000)
I thought that that was what had happened. It turns out we find out later, Alex insinuated on the Wednesday show that on Tuesday, he was in court, and he won some big victory about his custody battle. Okay, there's no, there's no news about it. And he claims it's because it was so good for him that no one wants to report it. But I can't find any information about it. So we're not going to talk about it. Sure. 34 minutes in Roger Stone shows up. And like a substitute teacher. He just plays videos the entire time. It's just like, oh, well, we got a nice got a nice report here from John bound. Let's go to it.
Jordan (00:07:05.000)
So you're telling me that Alex Jones apparently was in court on Tuesday apparently but no one knew about this for that 34 minutes so they planned nothing like they were they were they were just all sitting that Rob do is sitting behind the ones and twos. It
Dan (00:07:24.000)
was a hot pile of this just going like we're the focus. And court is not something that's jumps out. I know you know about it ahead of time. Alex plan to have this big reveal of Jerome Corsi has information on the day he knows he's gonna be in court. That's such a setup. It's such bullshit.
Jordan (00:07:42.000)
It's wonderful. It's so fake, because it basically it puts it takes him off the hook. He wasn't even there.
Dan (00:07:49.000)
Right. But that's partially he was supposed to have the information course he did show up. Of course he did. They had a they had him on Skype. And he had no new information. No, it was just Seth Rich has been murdered. Great. He didn't have the other two bombshells that Alex promised. It was nothing. It was absolutely nothing. Roger Stone interviewed him poorly. And then the craziest thing in the world happened. Okay, for a good half hour of the show, which is mind you supposed to be the one that you're going to tune into to get the bombshells? Yes, Roger Stone interviews Rick Derringer, rock'n'roll living legend Rick Derringer. Do you know who that is?
Jordan (00:08:29.000)
What he wrote the
Dan (00:08:31.000)
theme song let's you wrote hook hobo song know what? What's he wrote?
Jordan (00:08:40.000)
But if he's there, one who is following Hulk Hogan around playing that song, which I assume is his only job, I don't think after getting in the ring. After Hulk Hogan got the Gawker settlement, he pays Derringer to follow behind him with a guitar
Dan (00:08:56.000)
from the interview I gleaned that Rick Derringer is very bitter that it's all gogans theme song deserves respect. Oh, no. It and the fact that he has is most famous for a pro wrestlers theme song. Very bitter. Very better.
Jordan (00:09:14.000)
Why on Infowars
Dan (00:09:16.000)
here's why. Okay, Rick, Darren, there's
Jordan (00:09:19.000)
a reason Rick Derringer says he believes the earth is flat or some shit like that. I wish that would be more
Dan (00:09:24.000)
interesting. Yes. Rick Derringer claims to have read in the newspaper that Barack Obama he
Jordan (00:09:31.000)
claims to have read a newspaper. Yes. This is part one. This is his source. Yeah. Okay. All right. So we have a an imaginary newspaper. It's
Dan (00:09:43.000)
you remember when Barack Obama and Donald Trump had a meeting right after Trump won the election I do is very bittersweet for all of us. He Rick Derringer says that he read that part of the meeting was Barack Obama sassing Donald to Trump Oh, for using the real American song, because Barack Obama felt some sort of a claim to it, because he had used it on a campaign before. I don't know if this happened. I don't care to look into what newspaper
Jordan (00:10:14.000)
also of all the presidents who would be that petty. Why would it go that direction? I have no idea. I imagined Trump was sassing Obama about using that song eight years ago,
Dan (00:10:31.000)
probably on Twitter, we could look. So Rick Derringer hears this news. Why
Jordan (00:10:36.000)
is Rick Derringer doing this? It
Dan (00:10:39.000)
gets worse. Rick Derringer hears this news. And he's like, I cannot let this stand. Rock Obama is so Malhi. So what he decides to do did not say I'm putting words in his mouth. Okay. So what he decides to do is he decides he's going to write a new version of real American just for Trump. So the next time Trump meets with Barack Obama, he can be like, I got my own version.
Jordan (00:11:05.000)
Derringer is broke. And that is the correct answer to that. And Derringer wants licensing fees. Clearly, I'm gonna give Derringer licensing fees literally
Dan (00:11:16.000)
a lunatic. Yeah, like he they play the music video for his new version. And it starts with him and some other guy in a car talking about birth certificate. Yes. So you know, that's where we're starting. Yeah. So they play the song as well. I mean, as expected, they play the song. Roger Stone is talking about how great a song it is. And
Jordan (00:11:36.000)
what is happening. Seriously,
Dan (00:11:38.000)
why is this? I was freaking out.
Jordan (00:11:43.000)
What must you have felt like like, is this an alternate universe? I
Dan (00:11:46.000)
sincerely thought it might be like, is this an episode from like, six months ago? They're just replaying, like, it can't be
Jordan (00:11:54.000)
the big bombshell of the late 80s When Hogan was still popular. Yeah. When
Dan (00:11:59.000)
people believe the big boot to the face was devastating move. It was a devastating move. So Rick Derringer starts talking about how he cried when he wrote that song. And I'm just like, wow, this is great. Rick had brought a producer friend with him who directed a documentary,
Jordan (00:12:16.000)
I refuse to believe any of this is real. He made a documentary on a dream you've been listening to so much, Alex Jones, you've now started to six. Like if you absorb yourself in a language, you start to dream in that language.
Dan (00:12:30.000)
So he brought a producer friend along, okay, and this guy made a documentary about how if you really look at the Bible, it predicted Trump. Yeah. We're gonna have to watch that documentary. We're Yeah, we're watching that documentary.
Jordan (00:12:45.000)
I mean, one, the Bible predicted a lot of things. Sure. And the ones that come in a lot of their predictions that mirror Trump's rise are not good. They're dark.
Dan (00:12:54.000)
They're very dark. So not to be outdone by these two very, you know, soft interviews, right. Roger Stone goes on to interview Rick Derringers wife, who is also a log in the studio. And I have a clip from that. Here, just we'll get back. We'll get back to
Jordan (00:13:16.000)
it's an interview with Rick Derringer, his wife, who to her credits is Rick Derringer, his wife,
Dan (00:13:24.000)
she might be a musician in her own right. I'm not entirely sure what her deal is. But anyway, listen to this
Mickey Rourke (00:13:29.000)
gender. Welcome to Infowars.
Jenda Derringer (00:13:31.000)
Thank you very much.
Mickey Rourke (00:13:32.000)
We are so happy to have you here in the studio. So tell us your take on the real American you've got to be very, very proud.
Jenda Derringer (00:13:44.000)
To Aedes to me. So I told Rick. And from then on, he said it's to 80s. And then I came up with the idea of having space odyssey come in first before the song and it did come in just right. And our drummer said yes, this sounds really good this way. And so it also exits with that same space. This space odyssey 2001
Mickey Rourke (00:14:08.000)
Well, it's one of those songs that I find. Once you've listened to at once kill me. It just revolves around your head. I find myself humming it while I'm driving. I keep thinking about it. It's got that kind of catchy riff to it.
Dan (00:14:22.000)
That's why it's a good pro wrestling theme song.
Jordan (00:14:27.000)
So, Rick Derringers life is claiming that she is the reason that she came.
Dan (00:14:31.000)
Thus Spake Zarathustra beginning like the 2001 Space Odyssey. Exactly. She made it up, which by the way, is very 80s. Update a song for beat two as you throw in 2001 Space Odyssey. Okay,
Jordan (00:14:47.000)
I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't I don't see the problem. It's, it's now it's exactly the right amount.
Dan (00:14:53.000)
Not Darren, I'm not there. Look, I got a Derringer in my boot. It's a gun. It's a tiny gun. You can keep in your boot. Oh, I know Second Amendment. So the Tuesday show was a completely bizarre it was hallucinogenic. Yes, that's insane. Because what happened is last week I forgot his name for a second. Jerome Corsi came on the show and talked about how he wanted to start a propaganda campaign. Yes, you wanted a new meme in order to fight the fallout, the quote, false Russian narrative or the Russia collusion? Yeah. That he called a meme as well. Propaganda on propaganda action, from their perspective. Right. So the first propaganda game that they played was this Jerome Corsi is going to get killed this weekend because we have such big news. Then Alex isn't even in studio, they do this horseshit on the Tuesday show pretend that they never said the stuff that they said on Thursday. They just rely on people forgetting that they pretend to Jerome Corsi his life was in danger yeah they know
Jordan (00:16:03.000)
that's that's why you can't have Alex in there because if Alex talks to Jerome Corsi eventually Alex is going to get really pissed off because of course he has nothing
Dan (00:16:12.000)
I'm gonna guess that that's the case and from what everything I can tell the stories that we speculated were what he was talking about. It appears that those are what his news work yeah, those are the stories that are picking up on like the the right wing sites and red
Jordan (00:16:31.000)
we didn't get any we didn't get any house representatives leaving the country
Dan (00:16:34.000)
no the knowledge. So we get to Wednesday, the 31st I went to his bank.
Jordan (00:16:41.000)
They did say they had a dead drop though. I want to find that dead drop. Well, now that we
Dan (00:16:47.000)
know it doesn't exist that drop was the person the person in Congress
Jordan (00:16:50.000)
Oh, that was the Oh come on. Yeah, I wanted to I wanted to underneath the rock and a park bench in
Dan (00:16:56.000)
No, you see, I wish it was some good spy craft shit, but it's it's unfortunately not. So we get to Wednesday, and we find that Alex Jones is back in studio. And they have decided to ignore Thursday. Ignore the entire corsi plotline that they were trying to go with. And start an entirely new man. as it were.
Jordan (00:17:20.000)
So of course he so of course he came back yesterday or Tuesday. And talk to shit shit the bed. Yes. And then does he come back?
Dan (00:17:30.000)
He's not on this episode.
Jordan (00:17:32.000)
He's not on Wednesday. No. So he's just they're just like,
Dan (00:17:35.000)
bye bye bye. We got Roger Stone on this episode on Wednesday. We got Owen Shroyer sitting in for a little bit but we won't have to listen to him. Good. We got the big baby Mike Cernovich Mike Cernovich plays very heavily into this episode. So they have they have decided that they have a new narrative that they're gonna go off on and they think it's the like, this is lightning in a bottle. And it's worth ignoring the idea that Jerome Corsi literally had information that would blow up the globalists game right that is I could get
Jordan (00:18:07.000)
him killed he had so is their new storyline so amazing that it could get them all killed.
Dan (00:18:13.000)
No, no, but do we need to take a second before we get into this utter bullshit. Okay. Like Jerome Corsi, the way they presented it. He had the information that would be the culmination of Alex Jones his 20 year career Yeah, this would be what blows the lid off the globalists, they can't deny it so they're gonna have to kill Jerome Corsi. Of course. They have ignored that entirely completely. Totally. And it's not like Jerome Corsi wasn't there. He was there. He could have said whatever he wanted, he had clearance on Tuesday to give out all the information Supposedly he Yeah, of course. I mean, I'm calling within their within their reality. Okay, so here's what they do on Wednesday. And it's a pivot it's a hard pivot right
Jordan (00:18:52.000)
now. Theory The globalist got to know the globalist got to know you they got to corsi and they were like man you can't release this information they've gave they gave corsi The Godfather offer right so now corsi
Dan (00:19:07.000)
person's head, drag.
Jordan (00:19:10.000)
Exactly. Go ahead, I'm sorry. Doesn't matter now that nothing's gonna be beat that Alright, so
Dan (00:19:17.000)
let's move on. Let's see what they were doing on Wednesday. Here's literally how the show starts.
Alex Jones (00:19:22.000)
Well, 1984 8776
Alex Jones (00:19:28.000)
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show. There those moments in history when people do jump the shark at the perfect tipping point, America in the world was sick of all the attacks on Trump. They were seeing through them. I was telling people just last week that we'd reached a tipping point. And then Kathy Griffin comes out and basically promotes chopping the president's head off. I don't care then suddenly turn I don't care to break it all down with an exclusive do that. There's on the other side of the break.
Dan (00:19:58.000)
So I Don't care. Nope.
Jordan (00:20:01.000)
I don't care. I can't begin to describe how hard I don't care about Kathy Griffin holding up a severed Trump head. I don't give a shit. I couldn't care less. I hope I don't care. I just I don't know why people are talking about this. Who cares? No one is Kathy Griffin. Who gives a shit. Why? Why am I seeing a? Why am I seeing people? It was liberal, like on on all the sides. It's like, look, liberals condemn this action to Hello. I don't care.
Dan (00:20:35.000)
No, it's I wouldn't say from the people that I listened to. And I respect I would say it's been about 90% Who gives a fuck? But not who gives a fuck in a dismissive way? Like, yeah, she should be you know, she's cool to do that. It's more Come on. It's fucking Kathy Griffin. No one likes her. What are you talking about?
Jordan (00:20:52.000)
No one cares. No one cares.
Dan (00:20:54.000)
She's irrelevant. And she's just doing some shocking thing for attention. Obviously. Everyone has either been on that side, or the left people that I have heard have been like, That's ridiculous, right? No one has been like, yeah, how? Right, right. So Alex Jones is operating on a couple of releases. So you know what,
Jordan (00:21:11.000)
I'm going to take a hard stance here. Yeah, all right. I'm for it. Now. You're gonna give a shit for your don't fucking care. Okay, so
Dan (00:21:20.000)
now you're the person who Alex wants to talk. Exactly. Alex is operating with a couple of flawed premises. The first is that Kathy Griffin is super relevant. Which is not true.
Jordan (00:21:32.000)
Has that ever been True? I love I love Kathy Griffin's career. It's been amazing. She's been able to get to this like level of fame where enough people recognize her and she's like,
Dan (00:21:42.000)
15 years ago, she had a show called My Life on the D list. And that's been 15 years. Yeah, she does is do the New Year's Eve with Chris Ryan Seacrest. Right. That's it and not anymore.
Jordan (00:21:54.000)
She tried to she tried to step into the Joan Rivers role and it was not something she
Dan (00:21:59.000)
could do. Here's the second flawed premise that Alex is operating under. Anyone is going to defend Kathy Griffin. Because he thinks that this is going to be the biggest deal in the world course. Little does he know by the time he starts broadcasting, she had already been fired. CNN had already fired her from her New Year's Eve. Of course. Yeah, of course. Of course. You can't do shit like that. Oh, it's bad for business. It's bad for the brand. Yeah, you're the reason that O'Reilly's gone. Right, but wow, way worse things. Yeah, because it's this. Oh, wait,
Jordan (00:22:34.000)
is that yet another reason why I don't care about what Kathy Griffin did. Yes, it is.
Dan (00:22:39.000)
Yeah. So anyway, Alex, Alex is gonna go on a very interesting journey with this Kathy Griffin ship throughout the this episode. And if it was just like, I'm mad about Kathy Griffin. I would be like, Let's not do this episode. Yeah, I wouldn't be into that it would be it'd be like, This is pointless.
Jordan (00:22:56.000)
It would be very boring because I would just go on a lot of rants explaining how I don't care and neither should anybody else.
Dan (00:23:03.000)
But it's important because of the way he does it. This is the next distraction meme. This is the Jerome Corsi branded. take attention away from Russia stuff. Right. And the fact that corsi had nothing Yeah. And Snake Eyes. Yeah. Sorry, boss. I fucking blew it. I get it. I'm boring. Go hang out with Cernovich. So here's Alex's next thing. This is the problem that the globalists and the Liberals have he's gonna present it here in this next clip.
Alex Jones (00:23:37.000)
Last week. I said this on air, but I've also privately talked a lot about it to friends and family and crew. The whole Russia narrative the whole Trump's a racist narrative. The whole Trump is evil, misogynist narrative is imploding. Despite all the push polls and all the spin and all the deception, Trump is going up in scientific polls. And the establishment is panicking. They've hit him with everything they've got. They have committed so many, just absolutely massive, massive, massive, massive, massive distortions and lies massive that they are now discredited. And they've committed so much illegal leaking, that it's now a gigantic criminal scandal and they're being exposed and caught. They're painted into a corner.
Dan (00:24:29.000)
So about the Russian stuff. Comey is going to testify Yeah. Next week yeah. So I
Jordan (00:24:35.000)
better be good. Yeah, I think it will better be enough to get corsi killed you know, the
Dan (00:24:39.000)
reason why he hasn't yet the reason why he said he couldn't testify in open court. Legal protection. Yeah, he had to get clearance to in order to say the things that he's going to say okay, from all sources that have discussed it. He's going to discuss the obstruction stuff Ah, he can't talk about the you know, the ongoing investigate Asian stuff, right? But his experience with Trump obstructing his investigation, he got the green light just yesterday from Muller, the Special Investigator, okay, he, the two of them have been having meetings. And apparently that's what's been holding it up. And that's why he was supposed to go into like June before he would be able to testify. And it turns out early June, so by next week, he's supposed to be in front of the House Intelligence Committee, and he's got the green light.
Jordan (00:25:27.000)
I just, I just don't trust anything. I don't either. I don't I just don't. There's just, yeah, it seems like they're impenetrable.
Dan (00:25:36.000)
It's stupid to get excited about anything and what will be will be and we'll see. Yeah, but the idea that Trump is surging in the polls is insane. Right now he sits at a 54.8 disapproval rating. Yeah. When you gauge all of the polls, combined, right. An average 538 style. Yeah. 39.1 approval rating. Yeah. 4.8 disapproval. The only poll that he's going up in is the calls for impeachment. Yeah, I was gonna say he's at like, 43% now. 33%. Sorry. 43% 43. The up from 38 Last week, so 5% Jump in a week of people who want impeachment to begin.
Jordan (00:26:18.000)
I ease should be gone. Yeah, it should already be over. Yeah. Why are we still doing this? I don't know. Guys. Let's stop torturing ourselves. Yeah, just pull off that GOP. Just come on. Get rid of them. You'll you'll you'll feel better if you have pets. So anyway, I mean, we'll all still want to die. But
Dan (00:26:37.000)
I think you'd be easy to easier to lame Cook, lame duck president. That's a new thing. There we go. So the new thing. Okay, I like that more lame duck.
Jordan (00:26:44.000)
I like I actually really like that. I really like that. We wouldn't be able to use it if Hillary Clinton was in office, though. Good. Fair enough. You
Dan (00:26:52.000)
can be a cock lady. Anyway, that is the problem that Alex is describing the globalist having. Now granted, all of the pillars of the problem he's describing are not true. No. But he has he has a solution.
Jordan (00:27:06.000)
But the establishment is panicking because for fucksakes We all are. Yeah.
Dan (00:27:10.000)
But here's the solution.
Alex Jones (00:27:12.000)
Kathy Griffis regression comes out. The CNN kind of failed comedian. Feels like a store mannequin. And she comes in with a TMZ. Videographer reportedly creates this image of the President with his head cut off with blood pouring out across his face. Most of you've already seen the image. It's the top story in the world since it came out yesterday because it's so iconic. The girl next door. It looks like an elementary school teacher and an ice night dress. holding up the severed head of President Trump. All you need to do is pick a image out of ISIS his playbook. Dive out of there play identical, go to flea flicker.
Dan (00:28:07.000)
So this is the solution. You get to Kathy Griffin to take a shocking picture. And that's going to be the solution for all of these. The Russia narrative is falling apart. Trump is going up in the polls. So what do you do? You get a failed comedian, who's she's had a great career. She has had a great career. It's against all odds. She's had an amazing career.
Jordan (00:28:27.000)
I would trade my career for hers very quickly. Very much. So yeah,
Dan (00:28:31.000)
I wouldn't have taken that picture.
Jordan (00:28:34.000)
Just because what I would have done just is interesting. I would have gotten Trump to hold Trump's severed hands. You know, that's art. That's art. Right? Yeah. And then I would have a lot of people jerk off onto a skull and and crossed it with diamond. Absolutely.
Dan (00:28:48.000)
He is the Jesus glue exactly merges. So he's going to develop and ladies, he's going to develop this narrative throughout the course of the episode and explain what he means by Kathy Griffin being the answer to the globalists problems. Yes. And he's,
Jordan (00:29:06.000)
once again, I can't Kathy Griffin, is the answer to the globalist problem. Yes. And he the globalists are really bad at
Dan (00:29:14.000)
this very. That's probably because they don't exist, but could be. He's going to explain like his what he thinks is going on his analysis and all this. But along the way, he is doing so much projection. Like whenever he talks about the mainstream media, you kind of get the sense he's talking about himself. Okay, because last week, he was talking about how he was losing tons of affiliates. Yeah, he's now marked all his products down even further than their Memorial Day sales. He's extended the Memorial Day sales chopped off like 10% from other things. Oh, and he's now saying I don't know if it's always been the case, but he's never said it. If you get on auto ship, right so you get your subscript to his pills, yes. And they just keep coming. whatever price you get it at you lock in that price, no shit. So if you get like knockout now is like 60% off. If you get it on auto ship, you'll consistently have it at that 60% off price. As long as you get it that he's taking a bath on these supplements at this point
Jordan (00:30:19.000)
he is broke. Yeah, totally guessing that that Tuesday court victory was not that good.
Dan (00:30:25.000)
It wasn't monetary. So that also plays into what's going to end up happening on this episode, which is delightful. Okay. But
Jordan (00:30:35.000)
before we get to that, I love me some hobo Jones,
Dan (00:30:37.000)
he's got to get to talking about how much celebrities suck.
Alex Jones (00:30:42.000)
But when the Church of Satan even piles on and says that she's horrible. Well, then, you know, that is part of an establishment move. Because they understand that all these attacks and all these calls for violence on Trump are doing nothing more but backfiring on them in a big, big way.
Jordan (00:31:00.000)
high praise for the church. Oh,
Alex Jones (00:31:01.000)
that said. I have a video clip that I'm going to play here.
Dan (00:31:08.000)
Oh no. He plays it twice. of celebrities.
Alex Jones (00:31:11.000)
This is a small sampling from Madonna to Snoop Dogg, threatening to kill Trump.
Jordan (00:31:17.000)
All two of them.
Dan (00:31:19.000)
It's all of the ones that he always goes. Yeah, of course. It's just the video of Madonna saying she's thought about blowing up the White House. Right, conveniently
Jordan (00:31:27.000)
in the end, she says but I don't but
Dan (00:31:29.000)
I wouldn't. I would never do that. Yeah, cut out that part. Just that's just the clip of Snoop Dogg with a gun to a fake Trump. I don't I don't know if they even kept in the part where it puts a bang flag out like right like a cartoon comic move.
Jordan (00:31:44.000)
Now here's what I would do. If I were putting together this video. This video. I would underlay why Geez fuck Donald Trump under?
Dan (00:31:52.000)
Why not? Well, that would be perfect family show. Can't do that. It'd be perfect. So here's where he gets to. He's gonna get to that clip. But he gets sidetracked by projecting this is this is one of the clips where he really is talking about himself when he talks about the mainstream media.
Alex Jones (00:32:08.000)
And then we come back I'm going to announce a major initiative against this. MSM terroristic bullying. That's what it is. The MSCM has been involved in terroristic bullying of the American people. And the Kathy Griffin saga has taken it to rock bottom. And they have tried to force feed us all this garbage. So at least for now, they're taking a pause on their assault on Trump because everything they did in the campaign failed, then they tripled the assault the last five months that failed last six months, and now they're taking a respite and trying to reorganize and decide what new lies they need to push and pull it out.
Jordan (00:32:47.000)
So does that wow, that is eerily similar to exactly what it is he's doing really feels
Dan (00:32:54.000)
like that's a boy. Because I mean, what is he doing? He's taking a respite taking a big breath and talking about anything that matters by fucking trying to dogpile on Kathy Griffin. Then no one cares. Yeah.
Jordan (00:33:07.000)
I love I love that. He hates bullying so much. Yeah,
Dan (00:33:12.000)
he just disappearing. Ristic bullying.
Jordan (00:33:14.000)
It's awful when people bully Yeah, it really is. Yeah, I hate it when people bully.
Dan (00:33:19.000)
Yeah, you should bully those bullies. Absolutely. Remember that show bully beat down? What is the show where people they'd get their bullies, and then an MMA fighter would fight them? It was like, you think you're You think you're tough? You could beat up this kid. What about me? And then the bully would train. They would fight.
Jordan (00:33:43.000)
Okay, I want to reboot that show with Kathy Griffin is the host. Please. Please get out of every episode, the MMA fighter has the bullies had
Dan (00:33:52.000)
to get Alex Jones in there?
Jordan (00:33:56.000)
Right out of the ISIS playbook? Totally.
Dan (00:33:59.000)
Totally. I'm sorry. You ever thought though, that erupted you with bully beatdown?
Jordan (00:34:02.000)
I can't. I can't think of anything other than that. Now, I can't think of anything but the meeting where somebody was like, this is the best show we've ever thought, well, we want it to be on VH one
Dan (00:34:15.000)
MTV and VH one really lost it for a couple years. And I don't think they've got it back. But they really just did anything. Yeah, they had like date my mom. Alright, I'm on boy. Parental Control. That was a show where parents got to choose who their kids dated mood doesn't
Jordan (00:34:29.000)
sound as good. It was very weird. Time in date for I mean for date, my mom.
Dan (00:34:34.000)
Well, you have to go on a date with a girl's mom and then if she liked you, you got to date the daughter. Oh, that's
Jordan (00:34:38.000)
less fun. Yeah. I mean on bang. My friend's mom. That's.
Dan (00:34:43.000)
That's a porno.
Jordan (00:34:43.000)
That's okay. I'm sorry. Well, that you said that they were throwing anything out there. Why not? It was close
Alex Jones (00:34:49.000)
because the Russian narrative is falling apart. Everything else they put out is falling apart. The fact that Trump's mentally ill that's falling apart. So they're now reassessing things and putting the brakes on things. was Kathy Griffin, a third rate failed comic Cove FA. They are now deciding to throw over the side of the boat. Because there are real debates in the whole Soros globalist combine about whether they're gonna have nationwide riots coming up in July that they're already financing killing riots, civil unrest, I mean that's being prepared right now. And so that's why Kathy Griffin and others have been encouraged to act like this. And it's been a safe climate to engage in this type of criminal activity in many cases, where we see terrorism experts saying terrorist auto strike properties, inviting the attacks recommending them, almost like somebody is internet personalities, production houses, trying to encourage lone wolves to go out carry out attacks. And that's what the media has been doing. They've been acting just like al Qaeda, and just like ISIS, and that's why the new contest we're launching is called expose the MSM media terrorist. Now I know
Jordan (00:36:02.000)
all you have to do is give us all of your money. Well, but it is part of it. Of course, you have to pay to be in the contest. And I know you love
Dan (00:36:11.000)
the animation contest. Yes. So when I heard this, that there was another contest. I was like, Jordan's gonna love this. We'll get to the specifics of the contest in a little bit and why it's the biggest shoe rod in the world. I can't wait but
Jordan (00:36:25.000)
I have this vision now of the globalists sitting around this giant like Dr. Strangelove table. Sorry, I was just walking in there being like, gentlemen, when shall we have the riots?
Dan (00:36:38.000)
There's debates.
Jordan (00:36:39.000)
I am thinking debates late summer. Not too hot. Early Fall that's what I imagined that it's like whenever the globalist talk
Dan (00:36:49.000)
over each other. I like to riot when it's Briscoe. Stupid.
Jordan (00:36:54.000)
We want to see the leaves change color wait until December.
Dan (00:36:57.000)
But you know what he's talking about? He's talking about that march for truth that's been organized. Yeah.
Jordan (00:37:02.000)
Right. Already financing killer, March for COP killing,
Dan (00:37:06.000)
you understand? But he's Kathy Griffin is gonna lead the march. What he's doing is 100%. Like in that clip, literally doing everything a fascist propagandist would do. He's trying to invalidate the press. He's trying to attack the press. At the same time. He's labeling legitimate protests as riots. Uh huh. That's if you were an authoritarian leader. There's little more that you would want out of a mouthpiece.
Jordan (00:37:32.000)
Yeah, I can. I can. It's almost like bullying. I can think of a few like, like recent examples of that exact same behavior. From what would it be turkey? Oh, yeah. of Russia? Of course. Sure. I don't know. Soon to be Nigel Farage, I'm pretty sure he's doing that too soon to be us. Yeah, no kidding. So
Dan (00:37:55.000)
this next clip is pretty short. But I think it's really telling. It's really telling about what Alex Jones thinks matters to people. And it's super fucked up. I don't even know how to set it up. Just listen to it.
Alex Jones (00:38:09.000)
And you've got the Chicago Tribune and everybody pointing out that Trump's properties are the soft targets again, trying to run down the value of them, you name it. People are at war with us.
Dan (00:38:19.000)
These people are at war with us
Jordan (00:38:22.000)
by trying to run down the value of those properties.
Dan (00:38:25.000)
Why the fuck do I care what Trump's houses are valued at? I don't give a shit. And I've read the article that he's talking about. And he mentioned MSNBC counterterrorism expert who is saying that ISIS should bomb Trump's buildings. That was Malcom Nance. And I've watched everything that he's put out. I've watched the clip in question. He's not saying that he's saying that terrorist obviously would want to target buildings. He's saying that if he had to predict those would be the first targets. And yeah, of course they would. Yeah, you'd have to be an idiot not to think seems really
Jordan (00:38:59.000)
easy to do also like yeah, it doesn't seem like it would be that hard for ISIS to really get one in the in the Trump Tower. Maybe
Dan (00:39:05.000)
not Trump Tower itself, because there's a lot of protection. But go to one of the other ones.
Jordan (00:39:11.000)
I mean, for sucks for fucksakes blow up a golf course. Sure. That'd be fun.
Dan (00:39:15.000)
I think it's too big. Now. It's 18 holes. Yeah, the ninth hole blew up at night. Oh,
Jordan (00:39:20.000)
yeah. Right on the way into the clubhouse. The hinge that right on the way into the clubhouse. Everybody just starts falling into a giant pit done. ISIS, donate to the show and you'll become possible Jesus. No, no,
Dan (00:39:33.000)
no, walk that one back. That's That's what Alex Jones is conception of what matters
Jordan (00:39:38.000)
in New Year's Eve stories.
Dan (00:39:40.000)
No, you're not. No, I'm not. But that's what matters to Alex is Trump's property being valuable? That is important to him and he thinks that people who would act against that our war with us.
Jordan (00:39:52.000)
I don't understand that. Like, that's, that's his thought. Like, that's really where he goes. So We're trying to attack Trump. They're trying to take him down. Yeah. And they want to drive down the property value of his house. Yeah. Of his houses of his property. Obviously, their their value. I put I think that means that Alex Alex's house is not worth as much as he thought
Dan (00:40:20.000)
it was possible. Possible. There was an article interview,
Jordan (00:40:24.000)
he needs to sell his house. His car, his alimony payments are crazy high right now.
Dan (00:40:31.000)
I don't know who knows what happened in court on Tuesday. Yeah, that's interesting. Anyway, this next movie finally gets to the celebrity video that he was talking about. And it starts with Mickey Rourke being kinda awesome. And then Alex insults Mickey Rourke in a very transphobic way. And then Alex Jones does not understand trolling. It's really, it's really fascinating what he thinks he's doing. Just let this play, and then you can ask your question. Let's go to that club.
Mickey Rourke (00:41:02.000)
His wife said, Well, he's a tough guy. He's not a tough guy. He's a bully, and he's a bitch. And he could suck my meeting from the hotel room any day of the week.
Alex Jones (00:41:13.000)
Looking at this poor guy, he looks like the cat woman. He's had so many plastic surgeries. He used to be a great actor bombed out of his brain, totally insane. I know folks that know him in Hollywood, Mickey Rourke, threatening the President meeting with a baseball bat. And all these other tough guys how they want to hurt or attack the president, all because he wants to try to protect the country and stop people like the guy that came in from Libya. All these little girls, let's let's back up one more time. See Mickey being a tough guy. He's actually taking care of your family and your country and not siding with Islamist and having a big rubber face. I mean, you look like a clown. I look like an overweight tranny. You're the overweight trainee. And then we've got Kathy Griffin, she looks like an erratic they a anorexic trainee or something. I'm not against trainees. I'm just pointing out that. I'm trolling the media there. I'm doing that on purpose is a joke, folks, not bashing trainings. It's a joke. Even though he does look like a joke or something. Let me be curious to play the clip. Here it is.
Dan (00:42:16.000)
So like, I know, why does. I know this? It's so bizarre. It's so bizarre. Okay. It's so bizarre that he's just like, I'm trolling the media. But what part of it is trolling? Like, is it that you're saying that word? The fact that offends people? Is that the part that's trolling? Is it saying,
Jordan (00:42:39.000)
Oh, he didn't understand that word? No, he doesn't understand the reason that word is a because he said it again. Yeah, exactly. Follow it up with that word.
Dan (00:42:47.000)
I don't hate them.
Jordan (00:42:48.000)
I think he means I think what he does, I think he thinks that when the MSM reports on this, they're going to take that out of context. And be like, here's Alex Jones hating hating on on trans transgender people, but he is exactly his action. He doesn't understand that by the very nature of him throwing off those things. Yeah, that's very offensive.
Dan (00:43:16.000)
Well, I found a clip that I don't know if we'll use on the investigation humanizing. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't think he understands that when people ask not to be called the N word or the T word, they're not doing it because they want you to be nice to them. They're doing it because those words have been used to hurt people throughout time, the entirety right there. And so when words are used as insults, they aren't words that you should use towards people. It's not like it the math isn't very difficult to figure out if something was used as a pejorative
Jordan (00:43:47.000)
bullying me right. Stop bullying me free speech free speech, right Second Amendment. It's not gonna matter amendment. So that's the one that covers free speech right? Free Speech free guns.
Dan (00:44:00.000)
More importantly, hell yeah. Mickey Rourke.
Jordan (00:44:06.000)
You can suck my fucking dick because you are God damn right.
Dan (00:44:11.000)
I mean, come on. Are you gonna do so in this next clip? Alex?
Jordan (00:44:16.000)
Doesn't that seem like that? I don't know why you would put that in your clip because Doesn't that seem like exactly the thing Alex Jones loves so much what like the the rant he went on about Schiff? Like that whole thing was exactly that. Yeah. So why are you Why are you suddenly being like, hey, no, hold on, don't you? Let me tell you something. This is because you're in Zama sis. That's why like, fuck you. You should be if you're Alex Jones. Just be like, You know what? I disagree with you. But I love the way you do it. Man.
Dan (00:44:49.000)
Where are you talking about Mickey Rourke? Yeah. Oh,
Jordan (00:44:52.000)
that's exactly the tone. That's exactly the type of speech the wording every part of that is exactly what I Alex Jones did I think to Adam Schiff?
Dan (00:45:02.000)
I think that Alex Jones was drunker and less creative than brought in a bat.
Jordan (00:45:07.000)
And a hotel. Mickey Rourke is an artist.
Dan (00:45:12.000)
I don't know, you're totally right. I have no idea. My big answer would be that Alex is
Jordan (00:45:16.000)
dumb. How could he not? How could he not at least respect that?
Dan (00:45:19.000)
Well, because he has a vested interest in not, you know, he has,
Jordan (00:45:23.000)
right but that's such a that's such a weak and punk move. I know, Alex Jones is a bitch, we're coming to raw. So I don't like using that for whatever.
Dan (00:45:34.000)
I agreed, right? We're coming to this from a rational perspective. And that's a problem because he lives in an irrational world. That is a problem. He lives in a world where he has a line that he has to hold up. And no matter what he's gonna hold up that line, and we don't. There's a lot of things that we could give up on. And we don't have to defend. Like, we're liberal minded people, but we don't give a fuck about Kathy Griffin still don't care. Yeah. So I mean, like we don't get we can be flexible about things, because we're not rigidly adhering to an ideology. And you
Jordan (00:46:03.000)
can and here's the craziest part that I hate about the whole Kathy Griffin thing is the people on the right are bitching, like, they've got the grip and manners, that whole thing. Oh, flaky. Right, exactly. Then you have people who are like, what are you fucking talking about? They net What if they did this to Obama? They did they burn there are pictures of people burning Obama and F or
Dan (00:46:27.000)
Ted Nugent, if you want to use a famous person.
Jordan (00:46:31.000)
Either way, you're just sitting there thinking one of those is intentional and literal. Yeah. Kathy Griffin does not actually want to do that. A lot of the people who burned him in effigy was not a symbolic,
Dan (00:46:47.000)
the Griffin was making an artistic statement. But at the same time, it was aggressive and violent. And like, I'm not going to let her off the hook. If you're just trying to say that like one person hanging Obama is equivalent or is worse. It is because it's racially charged to you.
Jordan (00:47:09.000)
There's intention behind it.
Dan (00:47:12.000)
Maybe I don't know if that's fair, though. I don't I don't think it's fair to say that those people who expressed themselves through lynching a fake Obama, I don't know if they
Jordan (00:47:23.000)
just said that sentence. I did express yourself through lynching a fake Obama, right? It's not a sentence that carries well with the whenever whatever your following argument is going to be I'm just gonna go right back to they express themselves by lynching. A fake Obama.
Dan (00:47:39.000)
I'm not thrilled with that came out of my mouth. The argument I'm making is I don't think that they would necessarily hang Obama himself in the same way that I obviously Kathy Griffin wouldn't be head Donald Trump. Like I think that there is
Jordan (00:47:53.000)
a pastor
Dan (00:47:56.000)
that you just for a joke. So look worth it. We're never gonna get to that everybody's wrong. I
Jordan (00:48:03.000)
still don't care. I don't either. I wish we had not spent this much time talking about it. I wish Alex hadn't brought it up. So I could continue to live in my world where I don't give a shit. Yeah, just ignore it. Yeah, too late.
Dan (00:48:14.000)
But you know, you can't ignore. Alex Jones has a new contest. Oh, sweet. Now we're gonna get to it.
Alex Jones (00:48:21.000)
Now, let me make the new announcement. It's up on It just went live. It is also up on big league politics. story again is on Mike Cernovich called me last night.
Dan (00:48:37.000)
That's not the story.
Jordan (00:48:41.000)
If you're watching Infowars, how do you not already know what info is?
Alex Jones (00:48:45.000)
And he said, Alex, I got a really good idea. With this Kathy Griffin story, he said you know how you did your bill clinton's a rapist contest shelled out about $125,000 on that, and how it you have times still happening at democratic rallies. They tried to change the subject on to Trump being a sexual predator with no evidence. When Bill Clinton has settled rape cases and everything else. And his wife defended pedophiles and other rapists that she knew were guilty. She's admitted that she was they took their big witness, just like they were weak on Russia. So they blame that on Trump. They took their big weakness or their sexual predator activities and Jerry Epstein and Anthony Weiner and all the child porn garbage drop also went on. So they then projected that onto Trump. So what we did is we said listen, we've got to take action. So Roger Stone and many others work to get Bill Clinton's right victims into that debate. And I worked with you the listeners to go out and simply say Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Dan (00:49:51.000)
I promise we're about to get to the actual contest. This is just him sort of jacking himself off about what he's done.
Jordan (00:49:57.000)
Ya know, he's, he's, he's talking about He's got the most successful contest there's
Dan (00:50:02.000)
ever been my contests wait and election, this sort of shit. We were
Jordan (00:50:05.000)
busted our ass off to make sure everybody knew Bill Clinton was right. You made a
Dan (00:50:09.000)
shirt. And I agree. Yeah. So we're about to get to the actual contest. And to make
Alex Jones (00:50:15.000)
it more fun everybody that gets the shirt for more than five seconds or so clearly on TV, you get $1,000 If you do it and get info out fact that the mainstream media or anti American terrorists that the fake news are a bunch of terroristic bullies, terms like that out on CNN Fox, I don't care, CNN super targeting because she works for CNN, not anymore. She doesn't just do the ball drops. She's routinely on CNN, she does comedy pharmacy are on there all the time, all the comedy watch, CNN comedy scene employee, and to fund this we're gonna sell a t shirt. You also get $1,000 or 2500. If you're wearing the t shirt. on national TV, C span your local news, if that then gets picked up nationally, or goes viral I will choose 1000 or 2500 until it hits $200,000. Last time we hit 100,000 in like a few weeks. You're showing people did it successfully and then still other folks were doing it so I still pay it out to some other folks. But I didn't really have the money. I don't really have $200,000 laying around but this is worth it. This is a key crack in their facade. America is awake now. They jumped the shark. This is iconic.
Dan (00:51:28.000)
It's not iconic. It's already snooze. The Kathy Griffin story. Yeah, it's already she's already fired. She was fired the morning of this broadcast. Yep. She doesn't have more gigs. With CNN, she really was just there ball drop with Ryan Seacrest lady. And she's
Jordan (00:51:45.000)
our bookings are going well maybe fell through a little I would say probably a few of them. Especially in the South.
Dan (00:51:51.000)
I assume you gotta take a little break. Maybe go to Vegas for a bit. Yeah, that'd be a good idea how people think your character.
Jordan (00:51:59.000)
I don't know, look, she's gonna have to work out a lot more. Yeah,
Dan (00:52:01.000)
but like, the thing is, Alex thinks that like, we're gonna be talking about nothing but Kathy Griffin for the next six months.
Jordan (00:52:10.000)
It's the big story.
Dan (00:52:11.000)
So he's made a shirt.
Jordan (00:52:13.000)
I mean, the Russia thing has fallen through. He's made it everybody knows that's over. He has a shirt
Dan (00:52:17.000)
that's based on like Shepard Fairey sort of style with her holding a severed Trump head. And it says terrorists, CNN, CNN terrorist on it.
Jordan (00:52:28.000)
That's a bad idea. Tony, that backfires so fast. She's
Dan (00:52:32.000)
already fired and the shirts are a week away. Yeah. He hasn't ordered them yet.
Jordan (00:52:38.000)
And that just that. Why do you want to put that image out more? I don't know. That's not. Yeah, we want to remind everybody about how pretty much everybody feels most. Well,
Dan (00:52:50.000)
they want to put the image out more because they think or Alex is presenting it is like, this is the jump the shark moment for Trump hate. When it's not. It's not at all now. It's something off on some weird side road that most people aren't going down. Yeah, it's somewhere over there. We're all ignoring it moving forward with the actual investigations that are going
Jordan (00:53:09.000)
on pretty important stuff. In the fact you know, like treason. He is
Dan (00:53:13.000)
going to take a fucking huge L on this. Because he I don't know. I don't remember all the clips that I have. But he says that he ordered 10 varieties. No, they all have to do with the Kathy Griffin picture. Oh, man, he spent the entire broadcast pretty much I would say like 60% of the time. That picture was on the big screen behind him at the news desk. It's like he is going to take a bath on though he thinks that this is going to save him as the new meme. But it's not No, it's not going to work at it's terrible. He's he's not going to do well. The flip side of it is he has enough rabid fans that he will sell a bunch of those shirts.
Jordan (00:53:53.000)
I don't think he'll even sell that many of those. I
Dan (00:53:56.000)
think he'll be okay. I don't think you'll hit $200,000 given them out. No, I don't think so. No. But yes, the bigger issue is that this is trying to get sales. Yeah, this is this is about selling shit. Right? It's a contest. He sees an opportunity.
Jordan (00:54:16.000)
It's the it's the monopoly McDonald's contest. That's what it is. Yep. He buy these shirts. So you might win $1,000 How many
Dan (00:54:25.000)
people have access to getting on the news necessarily of the people who are going to buy these shirts, right hiney number review get on the local news. It has to go viral for it to pay off. And in order for it to pay off. You have to say info while you're on the thing.
Jordan (00:54:41.000)
Oh, really? They're even more catches loopholes and yeah, gotcha.
Dan (00:54:46.000)
Oh, he got $1,000 If you're seeing on TV with one of those shirts or a sign that says that, okay, that's CNN or terrorist. You get $2,500 If you have one of those on TV, and you say repeatedly Yeah, you have to yell, everyone's got like Worldstar Hip Hop, people behind bumfights and shit. So it's all it's all about selling shit. And he makes it clear in this next clip that I gotta buy.
Alex Jones (00:55:18.000)
So the shirts are being produced right now take them a week to get here to have your shirts next week in half. But don't wait for that. We're putting the PDFs up on and forward slash contest or just on the front page right now, Operation expose terrorist media. I'm going to tweet it out at real Alex Jones. Don't do I'm gonna tweet it out on Paul Watson's Twitter, please retweet it, you can make your own your own image, have a poster board, make your own t shirt. I don't care what you do. However you do it, just get it on the news that CNN is a terrorist organization.
Dan (00:55:57.000)
So there's two pieces to that. The first is the shirts will be here in a week. But don't wait, buy them now. So there's that aspect. And then he's saying they're gonna sell out fast. He's saying make your own shirts, do your own shit. Because he knows that even if people do their own stuff, it's still advertising for him. Right? It's still absolute free advertising. So
Jordan (00:56:21.000)
I like that is trolling. That's what that is trying to get on CNN saying that bullshit like also No, it's not. It's not like it's going to convince anybody who's watching CNN at the time to be like, I think I will check out Infowars
Dan (00:56:35.000)
it's it's trolling to the news to some extent, but on a greater extent. It's trolling his audience, right? Yeah. It's if you buy these shirts and play into this, you're the room. You're the one who entered the mark.
Jordan (00:56:51.000)
Well, if you listen to Infowars, you're already you're already past that point. You might as well go whole hog.
Dan (00:56:56.000)
So in this next clip, Alex admits that what Kathy Griffin did was totally legal, which of course it was, but then he gets into one of his patented soon to be failed predictions.
Alex Jones (00:57:09.000)
Kathy Griffin shouldn't be ashamed, says Trump. People ask is the legal No, she didn't say kill the president. She did some very obnoxious performance art, you could argue that is pushing the idea of violence and this whole atmosphere of the riots they want in July that Mike started at first broke months ago that Soros is admittedly funding at double the rates. He was ever funding civil unrest previously. He's been a big part of overthrowing parts of the Middle East Ukraine, you name it, so he means business. They're planning something big this summer. But finally this caught the public and it's just people are so sick of it and the demonization has backfired. I was telling crew members last week I started on here I said they've hit bottom it's now backfiring. What is their next tactic going to be and I believe it's gonna be false flags to make themselves the victims. If you
Jordan (00:58:00.000)
go oh, oh, yeah, they would make themselves the fucking victims of what some kind of right wing terrorist who's fucking murdering people? Yeah, they would make themselves fucking false flag. They don't need to do that shit. There's already enough right wing fucks murdering people. The most dangerous fucking people in this country right now are old white dudes who have a fucking axe to grind. Yeah, that's the problem. Well, that situation knock you if you think you think we do not need false flags. You guys are doing more than fucking enough.
Dan (00:58:32.000)
Well, the further thing that I'm in I agree with you. But also if you're listening to our investigation back into 2015 You'll recognize some of this language, because Alex Jones was talking in 2015 about how it was going to be the summer of rage. Yeah, that never came to be. He always does this. He always predicts basically almost every summer that shits gonna jump off this summer well ever since the summer of 69. He's always known summers gonna dangerous first real six string. Yeah, bought it at five and dimes cheap back then to get a good talk. But you know what, what, Jordan, I have some good news.
Jordan (00:59:06.000)
What's your good news?
Dan (00:59:07.000)
Alex Jones is a smart man. He's figured everything out. He's figured out exactly what the globalists are up to. And he's gonna lay out his plan.
Jordan (00:59:17.000)
I'm pretty sure he's figured out what the globalist have been up to for 20 years and none of it has come true he's figured all that fuck all that he's reverse engineered all of this but it doesn't see okay, you're waving it away.
Dan (00:59:29.000)
Fuck all right. Fair enough. The past is past news. Fake news in the past let it die. Let it be buried cast. All right. You can't live in the past you y2k. Come on, man. Now you gotta live in the now. Okay. And when you live in the now you come up with things like this. Also, I believe that this clip is pretty strong evidence that Alex Jones is smack dab in the middle of a manic episode.
Alex Jones (00:59:51.000)
But this is such an exciting time to be alive because I've been waiting for another contest. I've been saying we pioneered having these contests for free speech, legal and law. Like with the right stuff and the vaccine awareness things I've done the Bill Clinton Joker and the Obama Joker stuff we've done but I've been waiting for the right moment waiting for the right thing. And I'm when I saw this Kathy Griffin thing I said, this is gonna be huge. She's gonna be destroyed by this, they've gone too far people are fed up, she did this right at the right moment where people were finally sick of the poison about the throw it up about to reject it. And the numbers show that that I can feel it. She came right at the right time, where they've now are throwing her overboard. And why are they doing it? That's another big question. Because they're preparing riots this summer. They want to pull back now and have the media act like they're not for the violence because they're getting ready to actually trigger it. They've got it built up and ready. Now they want to start crying it a month out from July, before they trigger it. We're almost exactly a month out from the July 3 riots. They're publicly planning nationwide. Like they're all for peace, so they can act like they repudiated those calling for violence ahead of it, and ahead of them launching false flags on patriots.
Dan (01:01:00.000)
Yeah, what do you think about that? He figured it out.
Jordan (01:01:03.000)
I mean, that's, that's a just a bad plan. That's just a bad plan. Now, I'm not saying he's wrong. I'm saying Whoever came up with that plan. B yet, the mainstream media, or Alex Jones has developed a very poor plan.
Dan (01:01:19.000)
Alex Jones, is a lunatic. And that's what he thinks is going on crazy. I'll give you the reality. There's a bunch of people who were very pissed off about the way that Trump is comporting himself. And so they've planned marches to peacefully organize and protest, as is the right of citizens. Second Amendment. Secondarily, Kathy Griffin is a nut job. And she made a picture that was in very poor taste. And people responded in kind, whether they be on the right or the left. People were just like, that lacks class. I'm not into that. No, thank you. No, thanks.
Jordan (01:01:58.000)
The collective response to Kathy Griffin was
Dan (01:02:02.000)
nothing. And so CNN fired her promptly, certainly more promptly than Fox News has ever fired anybody. Fake News? And so might hear you. So it's all resolved already? Yeah, it's all resolved. There's nothing left. But Alex thinks it's going to be the biggest thing.
Jordan (01:02:26.000)
Let's have our own contest. Okay. Okay. If you find somebody wearing one of those shirts, and you email us a picture of
Dan (01:02:34.000)
it, give them a hug. They knew that they need it,
Jordan (01:02:37.000)
and we will give you an honorary policy walk status.
Dan (01:02:39.000)
Oh, sure. If you see one of those fucking shirts in the wild. Oh, man. I've only ever seen one Infowars shirt in public. Yeah, ever. It was when I went down with Marty to a show in the middle of India
Jordan (01:02:51.000)
Mardi Gras, a friend of the show and former guest
Dan (01:02:54.000)
Yeah, we had a show in the middle of Indiana. And I went I was like, oh my man. I had an info war shirt on and a mogga hat like we are in the middle of Indiana. Yeah. But it was just still one guy. Right. Packed bar one dude.
Jordan (01:03:10.000)
I want to see i Yeah.
Dan (01:03:11.000)
It was like a unicorn
Jordan (01:03:13.000)
a mat. I want to know, I want to know how many of those shirts he sells. I want an exact number.
Dan (01:03:19.000)
I can't imagine it's not many. I mean, they only cost five bucks. Yeah, no,
Jordan (01:03:23.000)
it's he sells 100 of those at most free shipping
Dan (01:03:26.000)
in the month of May. It's free shipping cheeses. Yeah, he's trying to give shit away. He's he's having trouble. Yeah. I sincerely believe that all of this is just indications that shit is falling apart. Yeah. Well, of course that also would explain his manic episode. Also, I don't think he was in court on Tuesday. I think he was probably having a bender. But be that as it may, you know, whatever Jerome Corsi is News didn't know pass the smell test. Right. Alex Jones had to. That's my theory. Anyway. At this point in the episode, Mike Cernovich. Gets in the mix. We get Mike Cernovich on Skype. And he says some of the dumbest shirt. Now he is whole hog about this this contest. He's super into it.
Jordan (01:04:12.000)
Because it was his idea came up with Yeah, of course.
Dan (01:04:14.000)
He came up with it by saying, Hey, Alex, remember that thing you didn't pass? Let's do it again.
Jordan (01:04:18.000)
Right, which is a, which is a fantastic little trick of like, Hey, I had this idea. But it's really your idea. So you know, it's a good idea. Yeah. And if it does work, Cernovich is the golden boy. And when it doesn't work,
Dan (01:04:32.000)
it's going to be hilarious. Yeah. So the thing that I think is the funniest is that this is how Cernovich starts. And he tries to maybe be a little bit grandiose about the purpose of this contest. Oh, who would have guessed? And it's pretty funny.
Mike Cernovich (01:04:48.000)
Yeah, thank you right when it happened, I thought because, you know, a lot of people listening at home don't realize that Alex and I had a big meeting in Austin. And we said we really want to find ways to Help people who listen, if they don't want to make a career in journalism, but you can't hire everybody, but we want to find ways to spread the wealth around voluntarily. And this contest is a way for people to say, hey, you know, maybe I'm a young kid, I'm struggling or Hey, maybe I want to get into the media game or whatever. But I don't know what to do
Alex Jones (01:05:20.000)
to add some booty in there.
Jordan (01:05:26.000)
But also, if you want to get into the media game, yeah, here's how you do it. wear a shirt. Do you? I remember. I remember Ted Koppel reminiscing in his autobiography about how he became such a an important newsman. And what happened was, Edward R. Murrow had a contest. Sure you remember that? Oh, yeah. Which just had Joe McCarthy's face on it. And it said despair.
Dan (01:05:54.000)
Right. Wait, it wasn't the Joe McCarthy raped shirt.
Jordan (01:05:56.000)
No, you're right. It was that one? I apologize. I got that mixed up with Shepard Fairey. He's a Joe McCarthy
Dan (01:06:04.000)
print. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that is the craziest thing I've ever heard the idea that they're doing this contest to help young guns who want to get into the media game. Yeah. It's like okay, yeah, you're you know that most things don't work like rebel media. You know, most things don't work like Lauren southern just random going
Jordan (01:06:23.000)
to YouTube video up. Like, yeah, we'll pay a 40 grand a year.
Dan (01:06:26.000)
I'm gonna go insult liberals and then have them explain things to me and pretend to be one. You're hired.
Jordan (01:06:33.000)
Did it. Listen, it wasn't great. But you got Moxie kid. You got Moxie. You're very cute.
Dan (01:06:39.000)
And you hate women you're in.
Jordan (01:06:42.000)
It's like, it's like they think it's it's 1940s New York whatever. Like and and a doctor Roebuck Billy Bathgate where everybody's just little kids wandering down the cobblestone streets like Hey, mister, you work for the mob? Can I get a job run and number so you're a made boy.
Dan (01:07:01.000)
Yeah. It's also it also has the smell of like, it would be the equivalent of getting a job with Howard Stern or getting a job in radio by going on someone else's show and yelling Baba Booey. You know? You're all you're doing is disrupting people and giving Alex free press. You are not doing anything for your own brand. You're not helping yourself at all. But because they know that people are fucking stupid. Listen to their show, right? They're like, Oh, yeah, this is gonna be your way of getting your foot in the door. Because they have a real and then if you're charismatic enough when you're on air. A story?
Jordan (01:07:40.000)
Yeah. Info. You're right. You are perfect. This
Dan (01:07:44.000)
kid's got it. Like, like that? Fucking
Jordan (01:07:49.000)
I love the way he reads into the teleprompter. That's really good stuff. Yeah.
Dan (01:07:52.000)
I mean, it's just nonsense. But it's even worse. This next clip is even worse. Listen to this.
Alex Jones (01:07:57.000)
Because just like Henry Ford said he was a bad guy. Anyways, he's right. I think a lot of you pay people 10 times what anybody else does. He goes, because I want to build an economy where they can buy the cars. I want to build a middle class, we need a middle class. We need to spend money and build things or there isn't a civilization to live in. Yeah, that's
Mike Cernovich (01:08:14.000)
exactly right. building our own economies. The exact phrase that Alex and I use the Easter Brunch we have with my wife and daughter. We said how can we build more people? How can we build this economy so that people have more success and more prosperity? So these contests are a perfect way.
Jordan (01:08:34.000)
This is how you do it. There's so did you do it? There's so delusional
Dan (01:08:39.000)
doing a contest where you can win $1,000 to troll a slug newscaster? That's creating what?
Jordan (01:08:46.000)
What it is? Is it is a stimulus package. Yeah, it Now admittedly, it's not as much as maybe the Treasury would like Sure. But I think randomly maybe putting out roughly 50 grand at most is really going to jumpstart our economy. It's Listen, it's think of all the things you could buy with $1,000. Not that much. You could buy a medium level TV, maybe? Yeah, sir. At least at least
Dan (01:09:20.000)
10,000 Big Macs, one and two thirds month rent. Yeah, it's not that much. Now we're in trouble. It's a lot if you're a baby. It's a lot if you're a child, like if your 15 year old guns if you're a 15 year old and you want to go out there and put on one of those shirts, which I think is irresponsible. If you're
Jordan (01:09:39.000)
a baby and you want to go out there and put on one of those shirts. You need to have a conversation with your parents Alex
Dan (01:09:44.000)
Jones better give someone $5,000 To put it on a onesie is that on the news? That would be amazing. I would actually before that but how fucking lunatic is it to be like, this is creating prosperity. They
Jordan (01:09:55.000)
don't this is to me this doesn't sound like their usual lie. Dang like I think they're full on delusional yeah
Dan (01:10:02.000)
manic this they are really believing you are a manic depressive. Yes this I haven't been called that this rings true to your episode.
Jordan (01:10:10.000)
Yes, absolutely.
Dan (01:10:11.000)
I got this great idea. Yeah, great picture.
Jordan (01:10:14.000)
This is a perfect idea. Let me tell you something. This is what's gonna bring us out of that fucking hole that we've been in. I'm gonna tell you this right now. No, I haven't slept for three days. Everybody wants to talk about that but let me tell you something. If you just fucking listen to my ideas if you just listen to him one fucking time maybe we wouldn't be in this situation Hmm Maybe it's your fault we're losing a lot of affiliates All I'm saying is T shirts or ratings would
Dan (01:10:38.000)
be huge if it wasn't for fucking core so yeah, we've got to fix the ship and it's the perfect way I should
Jordan (01:10:43.000)
have killed corsi when I had the chance I thought about I thought about a Monday I was thinking you know, it'd be an even bigger story. Would it be an even bigger story than course these bombshell information, dead corsi.
Dan (01:10:53.000)
If there was a Corsi,
Jordan (01:10:54.000)
I made him and I can take him out of this world.
Dan (01:10:58.000)
That is delusional. That is delusions of grandeur. But like, I think that Alex is having a manic episode, and I think Cernovich might do coke. I don't know that because that
Jordan (01:11:10.000)
would have been a much more fun Easter brunch. I can't imagine how much it sucks to be serving his daughter eating Easter brunch with depressed, lonely, childless Alex Jones.
Dan (01:11:25.000)
Well, no, because he probably still had his wife, his new wife.
Jordan (01:11:28.000)
Oh, do they have they have their own kid too?
Dan (01:11:30.000)
They have a new baby. Yeah.
Jordan (01:11:31.000)
Weird. Gross. Poor bastard. That baby's gonna be wearing a dead Kathy Griffin shirt.
Dan (01:11:39.000)
That baby is doing great. It's not good. Thrilled for that baby. But yeah, you're right.
Jordan (01:11:46.000)
Those shirts are gonna wind up next to the Superbowl loser T shirts in Darfur. Yeah, exactly.
Dan (01:11:52.000)
There's no way that like, I mean, I agree with you entirely. This is what the thought I was trying to get to is that this isn't the normal line. Now this is but it's still the normal desperation. Absolutely. This is a desperate man trying to come up with a PR stunt. Because everything is going down the tubes. He needs attention. Because also he's not selling shit. That's why everything has all the prices cut. That's why he needs to move product. He's bullshitting everybody. Like he's saying that he's building a new studio, like a million dollar studio. You're not? There's no way you're doing that. And if you are, you shouldn't be you shouldn't be building a million dollar studio and doing a $200,000 contest. But be that as it may, it's not a $200,000 contest. No, it's a contest with a limit of $200,000. Like all this is bullshit. All this is
Jordan (01:12:43.000)
he would distract streaming if they if they actually had to pay out $200,000 He'd be crushing it. Or he would be the least Lucky man like it would be. What 200 People, the only 200 people who bought shirts who all somehow found themselves
Dan (01:13:00.000)
are going to be one guy doing it 200 times. See now that's how you jumpstart the economy by one shirt and do it over and over again. Go to sporting events. Now there you got to limit one per person. I don't know about that. Let me look on the website. Let me see. I know they absolutely do not. They absolutely don't
Jordan (01:13:19.000)
sweet than we are buying one of those shirts. I am not Oh, I'm good. I'm just listen, Alex has to know how they have that Good Morning America wall that you can all like, oh yeah, I am punching a lot of people out and screaming
Dan (01:13:35.000)
Again, this is fun. We want to award as many prizes as possible. Even if you don't quite make it on TV. Post your pictures to Twitter and social media. Yeah,
Jordan (01:13:44.000)
well, of course that way we don't have to pay for them. We get a free
Dan (01:13:47.000)
take your pictures at real Alex Jones. The hashtag with a hashtag is CNN is ISIS.
Jordan (01:13:55.000)
Bad hashtag. It's just CNN ISIS. ISIS is so ridiculous. You really got to get a better social media
Dan (01:14:05.000)
manager wouldn't listen to Cernovich. So in this next clip, Mike Cernovich explains what this is about. Okay, sloth, about money. It's not about publicity. It's it's about something else. But it's not
Alex Jones (01:14:19.000)
even about that. It's about getting back in their face, pointing out that mainstream media is the enemy and that we will not put up with their bullying anymore, Mike?
Mike Cernovich (01:14:27.000)
Yeah. And it's about speaking out which is why when I was at that Austin rally, I took on the microphone and said Bill Clinton's a rapist and then you triggered that kind of animosity and anger from them that Kathy Griffin has the here's the way I look at it. If Alex wants to give an event, he's going to have people disrupt it. If I'm going to do an event people are going to disrupt it. It is time for us legally and lawfully. If we see CNN out there, record an interview. We need to get right up in there. Freeze freeze country public space, we have every right to that when CNN Excuse me something out on the street corner. They don't have a right to exclude anybody. They don't have that property right there. So people have every right to go up there and say, Why is your employee Kathy Griffin a terrorist? Why do you support terrorism? Why is the right thing and renounce terrorism? See we have every right to do it and we're going to exercise that right. And we want to incentivize people to exercise that, right?
Dan (01:15:23.000)
We want to try and get people to do this for us, because we're not going to do it. We want
Jordan (01:15:27.000)
to incentivize when insights cent devise writes.
Dan (01:15:31.000)
Yes. Also, too late. She's already she's already fired.
Jordan (01:15:37.000)
Why won't CNN come out? And denounce terrorism? I think they do. I don't think they do. I think I think they support Kathy Griffin, their employee, we all know, ISIS loves pale redheads
Dan (01:15:54.000)
front their organization. Absolutely. It's just a fact. Yeah.
Jordan (01:15:57.000)
And then, of course, CNN, they have comedy. From Kathy Grohmann. I used I don't know, why did what? Why won't CNN come out and renounce terrorism? They fired? They fired her.
Dan (01:16:10.000)
Yeah, we're done. And that wasn't even as a renouncement of terrorism that was just like, come on McAfee. Yeah,
Jordan (01:16:16.000)
come on. Well, that's the problem. They didn't renounce terrorists.
Dan (01:16:18.000)
That's why Cernovich is still mad,
Jordan (01:16:20.000)
she should be in jail.
Dan (01:16:21.000)
So now Cernovich has a brilliant idea. And when I say brilliant, I mean dogshit okay, this is a terrible idea. Is this?
Jordan (01:16:30.000)
Is this the same as corsi pitching about how he's gonna die last week?
Dan (01:16:33.000)
No, no, because this I think people might actually do okay, the that one was just straight bullshit. Oh, Alex should have killed him. They really should. He really should have killed him. Because then amazing because then you could do the next week. You don't have to reveal the information. That's Bumpus I'd love to do that. Because now you have like not to get to the bottom of what the information was the course he died for. Exactly. You could do months of that.
Jordan (01:16:56.000)
And you got Roger Stone there to cover it up for you. Anybody knows how to hide bodies? It's Roger Stone. Totally. Yeah, no.
Dan (01:17:02.000)
And you could have Roger Stone take over for like a month while you're on assignment trying to figure out what did coursing? No,
Jordan (01:17:10.000)
you could. You could just while you're trying to lay low, you can
Dan (01:17:13.000)
stay home drunk and just do reports from the road. Like, I'm I gotta leave. I talked to this legislator.
Jordan (01:17:21.000)
That would be if it just suddenly turns into info Bigfoot perfect. Yeah.
Dan (01:17:28.000)
He really fucked up. Yeah, like there was a like one path open to him to great ratings, unfortunately, involves murdering an employee. Yeah.
Jordan (01:17:38.000)
Listen, of course he you could. You could have just made it look like a heart attack. He's already old. years old. He's fucking dead. And he's a he's a walking dead man. Might as well just push them off the cliff.
Dan (01:17:50.000)
Anyway, you're ready to hear sort of just dumb idea.
Jordan (01:17:52.000)
I am ready to hear it.
Alex Jones (01:17:54.000)
But I just know I feel in my gut. This is going to absolutely take off. It was gonna be 100,000 number last night we talked but I'm doing 200,000. And listen, if you buy enough T shirts, it could be it could become a Tron economy. Those either have money, buy the shirts, promote free speech, let the mainstream media know that they're the enemy. meet like minded people. And then I'll just keep putting the money back in. We'll go to $1,000,000.02 million, 5 million. I mean, theoretically have enough shirts got bought, we would change the whole landscape of the country, the greatest meme ever seen. And the winning $5 million.
Mike Cernovich (01:18:26.000)
Exactly right. So people can buy 10 shirts, give them out? Buy 10 shirts, give them to homeless people? Right? Well, I just thought of that. What do you think of that out?
Alex Jones (01:18:34.000)
It's given to homeless people. They're gonna be walking billboards. Wow.
Mike Cernovich (01:18:39.000)
Yeah. So I just thought of that right now that people who are more successful could buy, you know, 100 shirts. And then we'll have everybody wearing T shirts and billboard
Alex Jones (01:18:52.000)
and trendies and people they like violence and death and blood we don't but they'll love the shirts and they'll wear them
Mike Cernovich (01:18:59.000)
exactly into now spread the mean even further.
Dan (01:19:02.000)
There's not a chance people are gonna wear that shirt also very offensive to say that homeless and trendies loved violence.
Jordan (01:19:08.000)
Well, I mean, it's not like they look they don't write like a they absolutely hate violence and death and blood. They hate giant guns sitting on tables. They're making a despise he's making Cosby sure murdered by the 10 shirts of
Dan (01:19:24.000)
this picture.
Jordan (01:19:25.000)
Yeah, well, that's hates Well, I gotta buy you gotta buy 10 of hates vile you gotta buy one from it's a collector's series. Do you remember the McDonald's Batman Forever tie in? Can I use those glasses?
Dan (01:19:36.000)
I do. Those frosted glasses are perfect. We're amazing. Yep. Can I be honest, though? I would suggest rethinking the homeless billboard strategy for a couple of reasons.
Jordan (01:19:48.000)
One, why you don't want to associate your brand with the homeless.
Dan (01:19:52.000)
That's one thing. Another thing is it's really insulting to think of the homeless as things and you're just using them not walking by have arts so that's that's sort of problematic people billboards it's problematic to mine ears. But then beyond that, I don't think
Jordan (01:20:08.000)
your channel actually owns all the homeless these days. These days clear channels like
Dan (01:20:13.000)
to donate some change to jackass. I have never gone up to a homeless person and seen their shirt and been like, sky's onto something. I gotta check this out. Yeah.
Jordan (01:20:28.000)
It's, it's, it's buzz marketing, it's underground. The more you see it, the more touches the more it's in the public consciousness. That's the meme. Everybody knows this.
Dan (01:20:37.000)
That's so dumb. That's
Jordan (01:20:38.000)
the dumbest. I love his excitement when he's like, I just thought of that. Yeah, I am actually a genius.
Dan (01:20:47.000)
Daddy, aren't I smart?
Jordan (01:20:47.000)
Dan (01:20:51.000)
Daddy, I came up with this terrible idea. Yeah. Also, please do that. Because then you'd be giving homeless people shirts. And everybody could use more clothes out on the street. It's tough out there.
Jordan (01:21:04.000)
I know plenty of homeless people who would still deny those shirts. I think they'd
Dan (01:21:07.000)
wear them inside out. Maybe one way to do it. Yeah. So Cernovich you are not a smart businessman. At this point. Cernovich breaks down some big news that he's gotten. And it is about the murders in Portland on the train. He has found a big news out about this. And I'll just let him break it for you.
Alex Jones (01:21:28.000)
And he's a sack of garbage.
Mike Cernovich (01:21:30.000)
Exactly. So the left the left wing media was trying to frame us this was a cya.
Alex Jones (01:21:36.000)
And I'm not saying he's a sack of garbage because he has long hair. He has that. That little belligerent gang member thing and like a 12 year old punk total Arrested Development. Daddy never do debt. Daddy went home didn't ever spanked him. He just thinks he can do it, everyone. Well, guess what? You're going to prison now for 20 years you've done as?
Mike Cernovich (01:21:53.000)
Yeah, 35 year old portal loser. Like every other terrorist. It's a complete total loser, nothing going on. And he was a left wing operative. And then people sources who sent me the screencaps he admitted that he was running OSI because somebody buttered up to him and said, Oh, hey, I noticed that you're with this Trump people. Let's frame them. And he goes, Oh, yeah, I'm running a cya on the Trump people. I want to frame them to make the Trump people look evil.
Dan (01:22:20.000)
So Mike Cernovich, a lot of his sources ended up being like doctored photos that he finds on 4chan, right? Stuff like that. Right? So whenever he has something like this, don't believe him. That's my public service announced. That's
Jordan (01:22:33.000)
so stupid.
Dan (01:22:35.000)
It is true that the Portland guy did support Bernie Sanders. Initially, but I don't think that has anything to do with anything and let's not be labor it Yeah. And that's not to say I'm not saying that to dodge discussing rack that he liked Bernie. That's just irrelevant. I don't keep the actual murder. He's a monster.
Jordan (01:22:54.000)
He's a horrible bigot. He's. And it was bigotry and bigotry is Yeah, yeah. So I love I love that. He's like, I'm not saying he's a pile of garbage because of his hair. I love that. I'm saying it because of the way he looks because it's the glint in his eyes. Thank you. Yeah, exactly. That's why he's a pile of garbage. Thanks, Alex. Yeah, it was It definitely isn't because he fucking murdered two people. That's not why he's a pile of garbage.
Dan (01:23:20.000)
And I know that Alex thinks he's being severe with his language. But he's like, now you're going to prison for 20 years dumb ass. It's almost like he's critiquing you didn't do that. Right? Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (01:23:30.000)
Which we're not that you're mentally ill person. That you're stupid.
Dan (01:23:37.000)
It's it's not even any recognition of the tragic nature of what happened. You know, like, there. You can't even connect with that.
Jordan (01:23:44.000)
As you're talking. He isn't talking about the people that were killed know, a veteran. And what was the other dude? The
Dan (01:23:51.000)
guy the 23 year old? Yeah, the guy who just graduated from college. Ma'am, I can not fucking pronounce though. I've tried. Right.
Jordan (01:23:59.000)
Right, then he definitely didn't say that. He murdered those two people, because they were defending Muslim women. Right and can't say that and that simply will not like the only the only thing that he wants to do there is get into this whole thing about how they're traitors. That's what he wants to but also liberal false flag. Yeah, but he wants that's his that's his cover. Because what he really wants to do is pull the same that that like pull white people aside and say, you're all on we're all on the same team, right? Like that's what he wants it to be a team. He wants it to be a team game. Someone can't he can't allow that white people would actually defend these people. The people that he's so afraid of Muslim women out they were on the way to a pool store. Probably that's what they were doing freaking out freaking him out. That people would defend them like the fucking heroes that they were
Dan (01:24:55.000)
Yeah. He doesn't understand how his rhetoric and his beliefs that he espouse all relate get to this just false flag. And the other piece that I feel is really lacking and is empathy. And I don't feel like I've seen
Jordan (01:25:07.000)
nearly giving him a lot of credit for even having empathy. Fair enough. But I think this
Dan (01:25:11.000)
is lacking from a lot of people's empathy in the coverage that I've heard was something that I was struck by. And that's the realization that these, these two poor girls are going to have to live the rest of their lives. No survivor's guilt. They know that people died for them. Yeah. And that's not they shouldn't feel bad about that. It's not their fault, or anything like that. But it's impossible as a human not to feel. At least somehow it's gonna take a lot of therapy to be okay with the situation. Of course,
Jordan (01:25:42.000)
of course, already. I already I guarantee tremendous the amount of empathy I feel for them already. I guarantee they've had the thought the thoughts of just like, why wasn't it me? Yeah. Just that that survivor's guilt of? It should have been made. Yeah, like that. i Why am I worthy of staying alive and these guys aren't,
Dan (01:26:03.000)
especially in the like, adolescent age, you know, the youth youthful age processing those sorts of emotions is gonna be very difficult and I I mean, it all no matter what angle you come at it from there's there's nothing really nothing good. No good feelings except for about that guy who survived that. That's pretty. There's some pretty nice feelings about that, because at least one person didn't die.
Jordan (01:26:27.000)
I don't know, man. It's just still not a great feeling from start to finish. It's just a fucking senseless tragedy.
Dan (01:26:33.000)
I will say I don't like that the guy who survived was a slam poet. I can say
Jordan (01:26:42.000)
all the horrible things that I have said, that is the worst thing that's been said on this podcast.
Dan (01:26:48.000)
I being facetious to really great slam poetry. It just
Jordan (01:26:54.000)
don't walk it back. Now Kathy Griffin. It's too late. You're fine. It's
Dan (01:26:57.000)
a heck joke to make fun of slam poetry. And I fell into that
Jordan (01:27:02.000)
fell into that trap. But anyway, oh, we're insensitive
Dan (01:27:05.000)
monsters. At this point. Mike Cernovich leaves the show. He has done his shift and Roger Stone comes in. And I don't think he plays very heavily into any of the last clips that I have here. But Alex does say some really dumb stuff. Here is how he comes back from break and, boy. He says a lot of really thing. A lot of really inaccurate things.
Alex Jones (01:27:29.000)
I can smell victory in the air. Yeah, I told the crew I told my family I said this anti Trump stuff. I know they're putting 15 points or more against him in the polls. And his polls are still rising. They're in full panic mode. Most of the country is pro Trump only the dumbest that on trendies aren't they thought we worship Trump we just recognize he's legitimately calling terrorists losers. Because that makes people then not though do it. You call them dangerous and evil and powerful. All these nerve? Does it care? They're white, black Arabic, doesn't matter. It's all the same tiny little lamps who are always jealous of women's they don't want to date them. Oh, women don't want to date me. Let me go blow up. You know, 70 something of them. They are. The FBI has profiles, folks. These are literally Of course he wants to go blow up random people. If somebody does. Beat the brains out yourself. And I'm not saying do that either. But that's what if somebody does something to you, you know, then you might do something back. You don't go blow up little little. Like blow up your losers. Losers. Trump is so smart is how do you mean like,
Jordan (01:28:35.000)
fucking war? Yeah, but it'd be me like, I don't know. Kill everybody's fucking family. With drone strikes out of fucking nowhere. Why would you become a terrorist? Because you're a loser. You're definitely not fighting back against something. You're definitely not spiking back fighting back against fucking evil empire that's murdered everyone, you know? Yeah.
Dan (01:28:56.000)
But I mean, isn't it so Alex Jones to think like the answer to terrorism, bullying. Yeah, boy, your column
Jordan (01:29:01.000)
losers. Yeah, you suck. You're a wuss, you're afraid but women don't want to have sex with you. That's why you're killing people.
Dan (01:29:09.000)
So caught up in his masculine narratives. It's so caught up in his trappings. He doesn't, he can't see anything else. All he can see things through is the prism of white victimhood and masculine fears. That's all he's got. Everything goes through that prism. And it's so sad. It's so sad that that is a like, that is a deeply ingrained piece of him. We see it in 2015 we see it now. Yeah, and it's pathetic.
Jordan (01:29:37.000)
It is. It's a little like if you've ever like I have you had a you have a Have you ever had a dog?
Dan (01:29:46.000)
I've lived with a dog. Yeah, wasn't mine wasn't yours. I have like cats. Cat guy.
Jordan (01:29:52.000)
I that's, that's fine. Very, very defensive about getting very weird right now. Like a cat. It's fine. Okay. many high profile men all right, like cats,
Dan (01:30:03.000)
listen. Go ahead. I know you like dogs
Jordan (01:30:10.000)
No, I like what is it? What is it like to see the world through a dog's eyes? You know, like, they can't be colorblind or whatever. Just their their vision is different from ours. How is it that they perceive the world? And to
Dan (01:30:26.000)
feel that way about my cat? as well? Of course, of course.
Jordan (01:30:30.000)
But that's I don't know why I chose dogs other than I want to talk now. Because fuck cats I was too easy. Yeah. No, that like, it must be it must be weird. It must be fascinating to try and see the world through Alex Jones's eyes. Because it's it's so I mean, it's insane. It's so divorced from reality you halfway expect like, if you saw through his eyes for one second you halfway expect to see there are two suns in the sky. And one of them is purple. Laying everything has to be this weird funhouse mirror situation.
Dan (01:31:11.000)
You almost wonder if he has a tumor or something like that? Yeah. Like, it's, it's not though. It's just cultural and be so lucky. It's just cultural conditioning. He's just such, like, I mean, we've solved the mystery about his psyche. The minute we found that clip about his mom. Yeah, like that is where a lot of this comes from. Now the racial stuff. I'm not entirely sure. That's just from being from Texas. That's probably that's probably a big part of it. Yeah. And also
Jordan (01:31:38.000)
having a family that fought for the south during the Civil War, and rednecks bowed down. I'm guessing maybe there's some parental situations that wound up using the N word very heavily.
Dan (01:31:51.000)
I don't know. I don't want to put that on his parents. I don't know that for sure. I do. Maybe an uncle. I do. Anyway, this next clip, Jordan, yes. This next clip, Alex, you want to tell you what's really going on? You know what, fuck? You don't happen. I
Jordan (01:32:07.000)
really three off with the cat thing didn't know. Sorry. No, I
Dan (01:32:09.000)
threw myself off. I misspoke. Cernovich is still around. Oh, and he I forgot that he was held over when Roger Stone shows up. And the three of them are there. There's broken out this next clip is Mike Cernovich. Sort of explaining what the Kathy Griffin picture was all about.
Jordan (01:32:29.000)
Oh, because I don't I don't wasn't transparent and obvious. I don't think that
Dan (01:32:33.000)
you like really are able to decode it. I feel like
Jordan (01:32:37.000)
it wasn't that difficult of an image to process. Now.
Dan (01:32:40.000)
I don't know if you came to this conclusion. There's a
Mike Cernovich (01:32:43.000)
big terrorist connection between Hollywood and ISIS and that Kathy Griffin thing was a direct apogee. It was a direct unconscious message to ISIS to say that we love you and we worship you and that we adore you. That was the whole reason she did that it was a tribute to ISIS.
Dan (01:32:59.000)
Did you come up with that analysis? I
Jordan (01:33:00.000)
did not get that one. That one. You're right now you're right. I was I thought it was a very simple and direct message. And apparently, it was a secret communicate, expressing love for isolettes because you've
Dan (01:33:13.000)
had too much fluoride, sheeple hats, right,
Jordan (01:33:16.000)
I gotta get some deep earth iodine. So
Dan (01:33:18.000)
this next group sort of says more about the connection with ISIS. And gotta be honest, it's unfortunate that he doesn't know that CNN has already fired her while they're recording this.
Mike Cernovich (01:33:30.000)
And then by having Kathy Griffin fold that head with all the blood on it. That was their way of saying we agree with ISIS. And of course, the fake news media. CNN has not fired Kathy Griffin, which tells me that CNN therefore supports ISIS. I can't repeat your conclusion to you can't reach another
Jordan (01:33:49.000)
Dan (01:33:50.000)
Alex? That's the only obvious one. Alex then says you're totally right. Of course. But again, they've already fired her.
Jordan (01:33:57.000)
Yeah, but they they. It took them at least a few hours. And in that few hours, they signaled that they supported ice. Oh, for sure. For sure, I didn't make the connection or oppose beacons. I didn't make the connection before now it seems almost too obvious. It was too obvious for me to make that connection.
Dan (01:34:18.000)
So in this next clip, we got way more projection. So a lot of projection like he might as well work at a movie theater is doing so much.
Alex Jones (01:34:26.000)
But they're coming after us because they know prosperity is out competing their authoritarian model. I don't even know what I mean. I have now energetically felt and seen in the last week, their full will against us. I can like feel it being lifted back. It's still bad. But now it's more of panic. They don't know what to do. There are major power forces that are making more money than ever, and they're kind of saying why are we trying to have austerity and make everybody poor to control them? When Trump's plan and and the American system that's all it is is a return of that? It's so much better. So the sexiness of America is just too sexy. People can't turn it down. And the return of it, they've tried to kill it. They tried to make it ugly. They tried to make the architecture ugly, the clothing ugly, everything ugly that's been declassified to make you give up and not realize the Incredible Human Potential you've got
Jordan (01:35:20.000)
classified that in the first place.
Dan (01:35:22.000)
Well, there were like things that came out about like modern art and stuff like that. There were CIA operations that had to do with like, trying to inject random weird things to see if they could get them to be popular. Do you know do you not know about that? Now? I don't know enough to speak about it. But I read an article about it a while back there was like there is there is that but
Jordan (01:35:42.000)
he The CIA is dumb. Well, that's very unfortunate is also back
Dan (01:35:45.000)
in like the 50s or so. Yeah, exactly. They were still sort of figuring out what they were doing. Yeah, they were still doing MK Ultra or whatever. Yeah. So like, let's go ahead and try and get people to buy weird paintings that Sure. Sure. CIA. Yeah, but Alex seems to extrapolate that and pretend that there's even more going on? Well, yeah, they're trying to get you to love ugly things when you you Alex are trying to sell ugly things.
Jordan (01:36:07.000)
If at first you don't succeed, deeper thigh died, but then he's talking
Dan (01:36:10.000)
the thing that is the projecting is that at the beginning of the clip, when he was talking about how, like, I have felt their will, and it's them panicking. Yeah, like, that's you? That is,
Jordan (01:36:23.000)
that's their will. That isn't, that is an interesting way for him to experience his feelings like through the prism of somebody else's feelings.
Dan (01:36:31.000)
Oh, negative feelings must be ascribed to the global Yeah,
Jordan (01:36:35.000)
it's that I didn't. I didn't figure that one out. I don't know. That's pretty fascinating.
Dan (01:36:41.000)
I don't actually know if that's true. I was just spitballing I
Jordan (01:36:43.000)
want to go I'd now I want to re listen to a bunch of RF
Dan (01:36:50.000)
fuck these last 50.
Jordan (01:36:52.000)
Right back to the beginning. No, that's, that's a really fascinating thing.
Dan (01:36:56.000)
I don't know if that's accurate. But I would be it would be interesting to go back and see on my investigation. Yeah, I'll try and keep note of this. Yeah. But like, the idea that whenever there are negative things, it must be something the globalists are doing to me, as opposed to part of the randomness of life, right? Or just a consequence or unintended consequence of some good thing, right. Which is a
Jordan (01:37:21.000)
classic symptom of narcissistic personality disorder, or just
Dan (01:37:25.000)
delusions, or schizophrenia, or like untreated manic depression. I can't imagine that but
Jordan (01:37:31.000)
he is. He's all of these signs. This is very clearly a manic episode. But it's
Dan (01:37:37.000)
not to say that he is manic depressive. It's even if you aren't you can still have manic episodes of a manic episode. Yeah. And it could be caused by a long Bender, followed by some cocaine. I gotta get a pick me up. Oh, I just snort this Super Male Vitality. Yeah, he could just be doing coke, or Super Male Vitality.
Jordan (01:37:56.000)
Boy, I mean, if you cut some coke with Super Male Vitality, it's a liquid. That's well see, that's what you do. Right? Take a couple of tick a couple bumps at Coke. Squirt some Super Male Vitality up there. So you get the energy and you get none of the negative effects of coke which sometimes you take don't work Superman with Superman vitality. Rob, dude's wife can agree. Stop take you to
Dan (01:38:20.000)
a couple of bumps cocaine and then the Super Male is the numbers. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Jordan (01:38:26.000)
So everybody knows this.
Dan (01:38:27.000)
We come to our last been declassified, which the white papers, we come to our last clip here. And it is when Alex Jones towards the end of the show accidentally finds out the Kathy Griffin has already been fun.
Jordan (01:38:42.000)
You have had that in your back pocket the whole time?
Dan (01:38:44.000)
Well, it's the end of what's interesting about this show. Right? And so, I mean, I knew you knew I knew I was held back the whole time. Well, no, to be fair, I as I was listening to a live I had seen on Twitter that she had been fired. And so I was like, can't wait for Alex to figure this out. Because his whole thing is is fucked. Yeah. His whole point you like, No, there's no point now.
Jordan (01:39:09.000)
Now he's gonna have to really try and aggressively push this story to get those shirts sold. Well,
Dan (01:39:15.000)
actually, here. I'll play this clip. He deals with the news in stride. Okay, I'll say
Alex Jones (01:39:21.000)
here's the news. We just retweeted it real Alex Jones, CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year's Eve program. Oh, she'll be back. With a comment all the other reporters saying killed Trump, we'll go over some of those people will the guy at MSNBC saying you know, please blow up Trump Tower? ISIS. I mean, will he get arrested because that's way worse than what she did? And I'm not defending? I'm just pointing that out. Make that more serious. Well, first off, we need funding. We get robust funding, you won't see $200,000 contests, you'll see a million dollar contest. I'm building a half million dollars to Yeah, which sounds like a lot. That's very inexpensive.
Dan (01:40:03.000)
So I mean, like, boy, we found out you've been fired, man. She'll be back now she'll be back. So that's that's a great That's a good thought. Okay, that's pretty good. That's fucking Leia last hour and a half, two hours I've been screaming about how we're going to ruin her. She's already been. She'll be back. She'll be back. And then he great he pivots to like, what about this guy on NBC or MSNBC saying that they should attack Trump Towers? That again is Malcom Nance? That's not what he's saying. So
Jordan (01:40:32.000)
man, they better be better canceled.
Dan (01:40:36.000)
see better? Cancel this contest. That's brutal. He's gonna lose all I could I think we all should get shirts. Try and take him to the cleaners. What about like doing a comedy show wearing it? Is that count? Oh, that's
Jordan (01:40:51.000)
a good question. What
Dan (01:40:52.000)
if I could get a gig at the Laugh Factory? 1000 bucks. That would be great.
Jordan (01:40:58.000)
That would be great. Tweet your pictures of Dan wearing one of those
Dan (01:41:05.000)
we're gonna perform with the Laugh Factory again. But that I mean I love it pivot so smoothly into an ad pivot source funding it's not even an ad so much as it is like we need money.
Jordan (01:41:16.000)
Yeah, no, that was not an ad that was him with
Dan (01:41:19.000)
your ass. It does get to eventually and being like selling products and what have you but ya know, he clearly is leading with give us money we need it's less about you need the product. It's more we need fund money. We need money and that's what it comes down to this whole thing. He saw this Kathy Griffin thing. He misread it real hard and thought it was going to be the biggest scandal in the world. Yeah, fucking had a manic episode. Talk to Cernovich about it. They came up with this amazing plan. And it's a zero
Jordan (01:41:49.000)
God. Cernovich is oh, man, I hope he loses his job over this
Dan (01:41:54.000)
job. As a freelancer.
Jordan (01:41:56.000)
Is he a freelancer? Yeah. Well, I hope he loses his ability to show up on Infowars again,
Dan (01:42:01.000)
yeah, well, okay, that's true. I guess he does work at Infowars because he does do the fourth hour sometimes. Well, yeah. So yeah, he has a job there I guess. I mean, he doesn't work for rebel or someone who could fire him. Because like in the last since our last episode, Jack the Soviet got fired from rebel media guy probably because of the McCrone leaks although the internet is pretending it's because he followed his reporting. Rachel he's too truthful. Also, it's come to my attention that Lauren southern has gone from rebel media. We've discussed on the last investigation episode poor southern not served she's up to but still probably some sort of rabble rousing. Yeah, also, what was the other one? Oh, yeah. Leah,
Jordan (01:42:39.000)
getting a different job in media.
Dan (01:42:41.000)
Leanne McAdoo is taking an extended hiatus from Infowars which is probably code for she's gone.
Jordan (01:42:46.000)
I'm gonna go with baby. No. Okay. That was a good
Dan (01:42:52.000)
How dare you.
Jordan (01:42:53.000)
You're just mad. You're just mad at the idea. At
Dan (01:42:56.000)
least my heart
Jordan (01:42:58.000)
is single. Leanne is not a virgin.
Dan (01:43:02.000)
Okay. I'm not that guy. I'm not that guy. But I do believe that she's single.
Jordan (01:43:07.000)
Okay. All right. All right, dad.
Dan (01:43:10.000)
We wouldn't get along
Dan (01:43:19.000)
I would say that my hypothetical relationship with Leon McAdoo would go better than this Kathy Griffin T three t shirt contest. I'm pretty certain of that. So good luck, Alex. I don't think that you're going to be able to distract people from the Russia investigation.
Jordan (01:43:34.000)
I don't think you're going to be able to build that studio.
Dan (01:43:36.000)
I think that you are doing a spectacular job at distracting your listeners though from the fact that you did not pay off the course the information. I don't think that anyone is paying attention to that anymore. Because no one else is listening critically.
Jordan (01:43:50.000)
Yeah, I don't think you know, it's weird.
Dan (01:43:54.000)
I went to the Infowars subreddit. People weren't talking about it not at all. No but people were talking about Kathy Griffin Oh of course their followers Well, you
Jordan (01:44:03.000)
know the news cycle is so fast now who knows who might be dead over the weekend? Could be anybody. Yesterday it's corsi tomorrow. It's Alex Jones. The day after that Alex Jones kills corsi anything could happen.
Dan (01:44:17.000)
The thing though, is of course he dies now there's no gain in it. Yeah, no, because it's already the expiration date is gone. Right. Anyway.
Jordan (01:44:27.000)
You know, a bunch
Dan (01:44:28.000)
of nonsense. This is ridiculous. Yeah, I am. Like, I don't know what to do. This is so stupid. Like not the show. Right? I love the show. But like, the last couple days on Infowars has been like, what are you doing that like Rick Derringer interviews and shit like that? You know, that just seems fun. Fun but at the same time, it's like you're supposed to be a hard hitting news show what is going on here. And then today with this Like I don't know
Jordan (01:45:02.000)
like we've we've cut into your regular MSN be brought MSNBC broadcast to bring you HR Puffin stuff
Dan (01:45:09.000)
or like a HR puff piece, you know, like it's a it's talk to aging rocker. That is absurd. And then this fucking weird telefone move that he's trying to pull with his T shirt contest. It's like this isn't what I want. This isn't like, I want him saying things that I can disprove.
Jordan (01:45:33.000)
I thought we we disproved that this shirt is a good idea. We didn't just disprove that.
Dan (01:45:38.000)
I don't think we disproved it. We've certainly indicated the likelihood. That's on disprovable, right. CNN is ISIS is not even a claim that's worth disproving, because they're not That's That's ridiculous.
Jordan (01:45:49.000)
That's a pretty, pretty simple. Let me ask you a question. How much research did you have to do before you came to the conclusion that CNN is not actually ISE? Pretty much? None? None? None. I think that's why you're really unhappy. You don't have you're just like, god dammit, I want to research the dumb shit. You say?
Dan (01:46:07.000)
Well, it's fun for me when I can come to the episodes and be like, yeah, busted. Oh, Alex. That is not why the NRA star. Those sorts of things are really fun, right through this. This is still fun to laugh at his dumb ass, right. But at the same time, it's like, I don't have statistics to back up that giving T shirts to the homeless as walking billboards is a bad business strategy. I just assumed that it is because I wouldn't buy anything that's advertised on a human
Jordan (01:46:32.000)
because saying those words out loud are a bad business.
Dan (01:46:36.000)
I don't I don't there's not like and like,
Jordan (01:46:40.000)
well, here's here's what I'm I'm a little bit concerned about is the more this goes on, the less we are combating right wing propaganda. And the more we're laughing at a mentally ill person.
Dan (01:46:52.000)
Yeah, that is true. I mean, he'll be back off this manic episode. Certainly before too long. You know, they don't last too long. Usually.
Jordan (01:47:00.000)
Couple weeks, boy, Yeah, boy. I mean, depending. You're like, I'm type one. So who knows? You
Dan (01:47:07.000)
can catch me in 2015. A couple of weeks because I am sick of this. Yeah,
Jordan (01:47:12.000)
we might be. We might be doing a lot more time travel episodes
Dan (01:47:15.000)
here. We'll see. But anyway, you can catch us guys. Oh, I want to say this. If you go to knowledge On the homepage, there are now three links on the actual page. They're direct links to the by autobiographical pieces of Alex Jones's life, the lie files and the new calendar that has the breakdowns of episodes.
Jordan (01:47:37.000)
Please go check those out. Look at the calendar that's It's nuts.
Dan (01:47:41.000)
It's it's interesting. I think comprehension. You're crazy. Like me. Yeah. It's interesting. But yeah, that anyway, you can also follow us on Twitter.
Jordan (01:47:54.000)
At knowledge underscore fight. Correct. We're
Dan (01:47:56.000)
on iTunes at knowledge fight. And please leave us a review or rating.
Jordan (01:48:01.000)
Send us an email now try to Absolutely. Is corsi dead? No. So he's a lot like a certain friend. We know. Let's almost been seen in a while. Somebody who's who's definitely not dead either. No, but he's in the wings. He is. I wonder where he's hovering.
Dan (01:48:19.000)
Oh, tomorrow is Thursday. Ooh, there we go. I'd have a shift out
Alex Jones (01:48:28.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.