Transcript/38: 30 Hour Marathon Coverage
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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan.
Jordan (00:00:10.000)
I'm Jordan. Welcome back. Welcome back to me, because I wasn't here for the last episode. We
Dan (00:00:15.000)
missed your friend. How you doing?
Jordan (00:00:16.000)
I am anxious. Sure. Terrified why the world is encroaching in upon my psyche.
Dan (00:00:24.000)
Oh, you're not terrified about the fact that we're coming back onto the show. You know? How to do well, I
Jordan (00:00:29.000)
thought this was just a general personal question. Nevermind. I'll keep it business for you.
Dan (00:00:33.000)
Look, don't bring your show about your personal nonsense. This is a show where we sit down and drink red wine got a you
Jordan (00:00:43.000)
are a master transitions.
Dan (00:00:45.000)
Talk about did you do that? I've had a lot of practice. See it. We sit down and we talk about the life and times of Alex Jones. But there's a twist.
Jordan (00:00:53.000)
Is there a twist?
Dan (00:00:54.000)
I know so much about Alex Jones. That is crazy way more than he's comfortable with me? No,
Jordan (00:00:59.000)
that's crazy. Do you like listen to the show every day? Every day? Let me tell you something about me. I know nothing about Alex Jones. And I never listened to you live in a bubble. I live in the best bubble, except for when I come into here. And I discover all of the things about Alex Jones that I despise
Dan (00:01:15.000)
and thus make you make yourself super anxious. Back to the beginning. Yes. Yes, guys, we're gonna get into our episode for today. But first, I'd like to give a little shout out to our new donator. What's up, Scott are?
Alex Jones (00:01:28.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:29.000)
Congratulations, you are now a policy wonk. Hey, Scott, you're a policy wonk. If you would like to be a policy wonk. Please visit our Patreon page and make a little donation you will be officially be a policy wonk. Yep. Also, I'd like to thank we got a couple of new requests for time travel episodes. Really? And I don't want to do them. But we will. We will.
Jordan (00:01:50.000)
We you've immediately broken your contract with our list.
Dan (00:01:52.000)
No, immediately. We will do them. Not today. No, but I will do them. I just I'm saying some of the subject matter is stuff. I don't want to talk. Oh, I mean, I think that people who are donating are playing the game correctly, in that they want to torture you. Yes. Okay. Gotcha. Want us to go explore these awful times in Alex's past, so we will be doing that. But today, I got a real fun exploration for us. I don't know if you're aware of this, Jordan. But last week ended on Wednesday and Thursday with a 30s food 34. I think that's what they ended with 34 hour live broadcast. Wow. They started during Alex Jones's show on Wednesday, starts at 11 o'clock Central. And they went through I believe, eight o'clock, eight or nine o'clock on Thursday, eight o'clock pm on Thursday. Whoa, but here's the thing. It's kind of bullshit. What? Yeah, because Alex Jones wasn't manning a lot of it. So you have like him doing his own show? And then periodically they drop him special reports with him which are just pre taped shit. Yeah. So he's not losing his mind at three in the morning. We're not what we want. Yeah,
Jordan (00:03:04.000)
that was the like, I want to see him gradually get more and more one. Very drunk. Yes. And two I want to see like even when he's beyond what a human can do, like he's at 27 hours, and they're still seven more to go. I want to see him in a cot in the background of the video just like napping. The nature has David Knight like David Knight should have read him a story
Dan (00:03:28.000)
that will put you to sleep, David Exactly. You know, that's why he wasn't on it three in the morning. want people to stick around? David Knight puts himself to sleep when he talks. On top of that. You've got Paul Joseph Watson who's in London. And so like he can just man some off hours. Greenwich Mean Time. Yeah, it's not really that weird for him. Okay, and then you got Rob do like if I can put him in anywhere. He's maybe a robot. He's as good asleep as he is awake. It doesn't matter. So you have these things and
Jordan (00:03:55.000)
like just just robbed you staring at the camera with his eyes open
Dan (00:03:59.000)
ignoring the nature of a telethon. Is this tension of can they make it? Yeah, that's why Jerry's telephones back in the day. Were fun because you'd have celebrities at these crazy hours. And they'd be like, well, that guy's on his last few. Yeah, and Alex didn't engage with that as a style or genre of the telethon. But he did adhere to the Oh, fuck, let's try and pimp products as hard as we can. Good every hour, they played a 10 minute thing of him just it was just Alex at the desk pre taped. Like I like to have a lot of fun on the show. We like to joke around something that's not funny. Is the globalists. It was it was so embarrassing, but the telethon did include appearances from our friend Mike Cernovich. Gray, who is now an official Infowars employee.
Jordan (00:04:54.000)
Wonderful. I'm so glad that the axis of evil is really joining together into a gelatinous ooze of monstrosity.
Dan (00:05:02.000)
A lot of my theories are starting to come together about these consolidations we have in past Infowars guest and Pizzagate proponent Jacques de Sobiech, getting hired at rebel media, along with Gavin slash Nigel McGuinness and Lauren Southern and based stickman. And these weirdos have the alt right he has over there and stuff. It's not important. We'll deal with her at some point in the future. She is a she's crazy. She's just another one of these provocate tours and photo journalists, right. It wouldn't be yellow journalism back in the day, but now it's I don't know what it is. I don't know. It's call it outright bullshit. Yeah, Citizen Kane rose, but
Jordan (00:05:42.000)
not just complete lies,
Dan (00:05:43.000)
just just a liar. So you have that at the rebel media. Then you've got Cernovich joining up with Alex Jones over on the Info Wars team. And then you have you know, the Roger stones the Jerome Corsi is you have that team over here. Rebel media up in Canada, it's a Canadian companies, they're, they're influencing our politics as a foreign company. That's very weird. And it's okay. I don't know. It's very murky because the people in the rebel media, the southern Baked Alaska, the he's Christ, they are getting paid by some organization, whether it be rebel media or some other organization to counter protest in Berkeley. Like they're getting paid for their coverage and organization of these anti Antifa riots that are going on in Berkeley.
Jordan (00:06:33.000)
Wait, so they're actually paid protesters Exactly. That's not fair.
Dan (00:06:36.000)
And it's and it's paid no. Well by our wonderful donators slash policy wonk,
Jordan (00:06:43.000)
that's true, we are paid by that. But
Dan (00:06:45.000)
like, it's it's so obvious and overt that it's almost blase to call out. It's like, yes, your company is paying you to incite violence, but you're not a paid protest, or you're a journalist. It's kind of that weird that it's awful. Fucking, it's terrible. But so you also had appearances on the telethon from our friend from 2015. Lionel Lionel made I remember
Jordan (00:07:10.000)
Lionel. Yep. Lionel, the guy who is inexplicably right about how to destroy the world, and had no idea that that was the playbook his team would be using.
Dan (00:07:21.000)
Yeah, it's very bizarre. He was on. Who else do we have? We had Ron Paul made an appearance. Ron Paul is still alive. Ron Paul is still alive and he seemed sane by comparison.
Jordan (00:07:32.000)
Yeah. Why is Ron Paul going on? Infowars? I don't know. Because Ron Paul know what Infowars is.
Dan (00:07:38.000)
I think he is He seems nice, is what I would say. Like,
Jordan (00:07:42.000)
he's like a, he's like an Aw, shucks. I'll do it for you, Alex. You just seem like a good old fella.
Dan (00:07:49.000)
I think that's a piece of it. Yeah. I think he gets a lot of mileage out of his sort of cartoony voice. Okay, cartoony old man voice because I think that people were like a little bit. He's not he's not up to something. He's just a quirky old man is the silly old man. I think there's some of that, but here's the most important thing. So originally was supposed to be a 30 hour marathon that would end at the end of the Alex Jones Show. Next day on Thursday. Yes, because he has a four hour show. And it would have started at the beginning. Go 24 hours. I guess it was maybe supposed to be 28 at the beginning. Or maybe it was supposed to include the three to five live after Alex. Who cares? Who cares? The Anchorman of Alex Jones is show on Thursday. Our main man Rapoport
Jordan (00:08:31.000)
Oh, whoa. He did the whole thing.
Dan (00:08:34.000)
He did the last hour
Jordan (00:08:35.000)
he did the show. And he did it on Skype. He did God I want to see him in studio. No patches when he was not up. What? Pictures not up? Nope. Is it there at all? Oh, god damn it. He still hasn't put it up. You said when you say no picture. I was like, Oh, you got rid
Dan (00:08:51.000)
of No, I was I was I was. I realized that as my my mouth was making the words I was trying to say no picture up. Which is not good. That's not quite the way to be fair. 30,000 of this marathon. Okay. So it was all a crock of shit. John rap reports report was boring. We don't need to go over it. It was Toothless in many ways. Boys.
Jordan (00:09:16.000)
Yeah. Your devil on time that all day. Yes.
Dan (00:09:19.000)
But here I'd like to play. I mean, it was really all about marketing. It was it was insanely about selling. It was a literal telethon. And so I'd like to take this out of context drop of Alex Jones in one of his marketing pitches.
Alex Jones (00:09:32.000)
Infowars Get the Paul Joseph Watson shirt. I think it's great for women. I personally work on my shirt but that's what women are mainly buying.
Jordan (00:09:44.000)
I think the Paul Joseph Watson shirt is great for women. Why? Because
Dan (00:09:48.000)
he said dudes don't wear dudes on their shirts. It's gay. Obviously. That's what are you saying? He's saying it's basically that's for ladies. You don't want to wear it dudes face on your shirt. All right, whatever, Alex.
Jordan (00:10:01.000)
All right. Okay. All right. Great. So are you alright? I just, I just,
Dan (00:10:08.000)
I love that you picked up the pen as if you were going to take a note.
Jordan (00:10:11.000)
Yeah, I was like something's got to happen here. But no, no, I just I don't even understand that. That toxic masculine no homophobic viewpoint. Don't wear a dude's face on your shirt. Like what about all the people who wear like the rocks face on their shirt like, this moment? Because those guys are homoerotic and in love in it. Sure. Now admittedly Paul Joseph Watson, slick. I've never seen his face you look. You say he looks handsome. So I'm guessing that's why
Dan (00:10:40.000)
he doesn't look handsome. He looks he's attractive. But he is not handsome.
Jordan (00:10:43.000)
Didn't we have an episode where Alex Jones very close, like very was toeing the line where he's like, Hey, Paul, Joseph. He's, he's really good
Dan (00:10:52.000)
looking. Now we were I think I think that no, that was Gavin McInnes.
Jordan (00:10:56.000)
That was Gavin McInnes. They wanted to fucking Yeah,
Dan (00:11:01.000)
doing his hacky washed over buying these material. Yeah. So
Jordan (00:11:04.000)
I guess that would apply to PJ who?
Dan (00:11:07.000)
Probably yeah, I mean, there's a reason he's worked there for 16 years. rent boy. Yeah. I'm not saying sue me for other reasons, not that. So today, what we're going to be doing our episode is going to be covering the Wednesday and Thursday episodes of the Alex Jones program contained within the marathon. Gotcha. So mostly Wednesday, because Thursday is a little weird. But I want to start with Thursday, because this is our 26th of the marathon. Okay, and then we're gonna go back to Wednesday, and then we'll touch back on Thursday a little bit. I want to start with this because I do
Jordan (00:11:43.000)
on a whole Memento style podcast a little bit. Okay. But
Dan (00:11:47.000)
I just because I want to start with this topic, because it makes me so happy. On Thursday, an article came out in Buzzfeed, by a guy named Charlie Warner Zell, he had been doing amazing coverage on Twitter of Alex Jones custody battle, right. And it turns out that he has been researching Alex Jones his past Ooh, in the way that you and I had really wanted to off air. We've had conversations about trying to contact people who worked at the radio station that Alex Jones started at, right. And we'd found some LinkedIn pages. We were this close to to get LinkedIn account in a not at all creepy way. So we were we were about to go down this path. I'm pleased to announce that we don't have to, because this guy did it for us. That's fantastic. I think Charlie wars owl did an amazing piece of journalism here. Honorary policy was So absolutely, yeah, honorary king of the policy was, he is I would love to get him on. I'd love to have a comment. That would be really cool. Yeah. I am going to try and reach out to him on Twitter, see, see if we can get in touch with him. But that would be really cool. I think we should do that. On Thursday, this article came out. And of course, there's a lot of news in the world. Alex Jones has to take up a bunch of his program to talk about it.
Jordan (00:13:00.000)
I would guess that he's going to talk more about Alex Jones related things than non Alex Jones related.
Dan (00:13:10.000)
It's interesting. It's interesting that you would say that, so. Okay, I'm going to after I play this season, Narcisse, I'm going to read some selections from this article after we get done with this clip. But I want you to see what he's focusing on. In this clip. I think it's I think it's pretty important. First off
Alex Jones (00:13:26.000)
BuzzFeed. His reportedly $100 million in debt.
Dan (00:13:30.000)
It's not, but also
Jordan (00:13:34.000)
why would you even make that up?
Dan (00:13:36.000)
I don't know. They're not they're not even a publicly traded company. Yet. They're about to have their IPO next year. Probably
Alex Jones (00:13:42.000)
BuzzFeed is to show how they're failing with propped up with the New York Times.
Jordan (00:13:46.000)
Which is failing.
Alex Jones (00:13:50.000)
Had a reporter for months. I got a call to one of our old shipping department guys. Matt, because it was a great guy get married, they wanted to move back is that he literally got like called 20 times until he was gonna file a complaint for harassment, how much he was getting called by Buzzfeed. And I read this article they wrote, and it's literally 95% Total made up crap. So they had a guy for months doing this just to I guess, make it look like it's real. And then the weird little stories in there that are just totally made up. Do you even think it's real? And I pass it around the people that have finished it? None of this is even true.
Jordan (00:14:39.000)
They didn't talk about my dog. Not the only
Alex Jones (00:14:41.000)
thing true in there that I saw was that I bought people steak dinners and stuff. And I'm always buying office lunch. Every week or so I just like doing catering in fancy. That's why Matt
Jordan (00:14:56.000)
from shipping loves you so much. It was just
Alex Jones (00:14:58.000)
nothing there. It was like I'm obsessed with raw Limbaugh and I, and I hate him and I have a fake voice. I mean, I've openly said I've criticized Limbaugh before, but I've said I hope he stays on air. I don't want to be on the time slot up against him. That's what GCM made me do 19 years ago, and I spent money on his show they were boycotting him and led a movement for people to advertise to keep him afloat. ever got to thank you for it. Limbaugh before he anyway, Buzzfeed, I'm gonna get straight for the implants. He's got shouted a very smooth, booming, nice voice. I have a raspy voice. I've been to the eye nose, throat doctor. And they said yeah, I have big lesions on your larynx screaming screaming rallies without born
Jordan (00:15:48.000)
who is this for?
Dan (00:15:49.000)
He wants to have a very
Alex Jones (00:15:51.000)
deep voice wasn't wasn't high voice. But all the bold warning and not been warning and screaming that I've had to go to specialists now. And studies done to I have obviously a big head. Big chest. Big weight. So it's a lot better than it used to be. But I was really bad at Oxygen like 64% Sometimes.
Dan (00:16:15.000)
So you're asking why he's going through this. It's to make himself a victim. I mean,
Jordan (00:16:19.000)
yeah, just trying to he's trying to be like, Why are you picking on little old Alex Jones look at all of my problems that I have going on. He's choosing
Dan (00:16:26.000)
one paragraph from BuzzFeed thing to discuss and I'll read this to you. It's discussing during the Obama years. Others close to Jones during this time said that despite a growing audience, the broadcaster was insecure to former colleagues at Jones reserved his greatest resentment for Rush Limbaugh. The jealousy was so intense the Jones began to creep his now famous crushed gravel voice from the talk show legend. Quote, we'd spent weeks getting everything just right in the studio, a former employee recalled then he'd go for a drive and hear rush again and say I need my voice to sound something like that. And so we'd completely reengineer the sound to make him gruffer. So, listen,
Jordan (00:17:07.000)
I mean, I guess that's fine. That's fine.
Dan (00:17:09.000)
Who cares? It's kind of petty and superficial. But yeah, who cares? I mean, if you if you want most, it's the most irrelevant thing in this entire article. Yeah. But like, these Infowars employees that they got to speak to them are all anonymous. Have to be they signed lifetime non disclosure agreements. I feel like an allergy that Alex knows that. And so he can deny flatly everything that these people say, and he knows that they won't come out and say No, I said that. Yeah, he knows that we'll never get proved because then those people will get sued.
Jordan (00:17:40.000)
Yeah, but I feel like a lifetime non disclosure is illegal. I know we discussed this. It's it's not but I feel like it has to be
Dan (00:17:47.000)
it's not it's it's a thing you can willingly enter. If it's a it's a part of employment, anyway.
Jordan (00:17:53.000)
Yeah. But isn't there a moral? Isn't there a moral authority
Dan (00:17:56.000)
saying no, not in the law?
Jordan (00:17:58.000)
Oh, that's a good point. So I forgot that the law has nothing to do with morale. I'm fair enough. I'm gonna get
Dan (00:18:03.000)
to some of the more stuff from this article. But I want to close out this clip because it ends so funny. quit
Alex Jones (00:18:09.000)
breathing quite a bit. And you know, all this in your reading, where you have a fake voice. I mean, I'm had to have surgery. Because my ragged torn up voice about five years ago was kind of cool. Now I've lost control of range and it's getting deeper and more raspy and more torn up. I'm looking at five year olds, larynx, sexier. And then it said, re engineer the sound to make me refer. I've told them CJ get ready when we come back. I've told CJ who's our when our great engineers and Wes over and over again make me less gruff and less raspy and Niko when he got hired was honest and said he thinks my voice is grating I've said that over and over again. I don't like my voice. Some people do women it's the opening for Doctor Who right I don't like it this is my voice
Jordan (00:19:07.000)
some people like it. Some people like it women do you were talking over him saying I know I did I just the Doctor Who theme came into my head. But yeah, he just basically said the only people who like my voice. Ladies What are women
Dan (00:19:23.000)
gets ladies when they sit on speakers while I scream but the globalist however that I remember that. So that's the only like, that's all he's going he just did like a four or five minute bit about my voice is real. I got larynx polyps. Yeah,
Jordan (00:19:37.000)
I feel like he probably isn't going to engage with like the meat. The criticisms
Dan (00:19:43.000)
maybe well, it's even like, the article itself is called Alex Jones will never stop being Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:19:50.000)
That's a that's a perfect angle to take on it because Yeah, that's absolutely right.
Dan (00:19:54.000)
The thrust of the article is largely about not about how he's fake. It's about how he can't stop himself. from Bing himself, right? And he is his own worst enemy, essentially. So
Jordan (00:20:06.000)
so the real problem is that he's too real. Right? So for
Dan (00:20:09.000)
for like four minutes he's talked about this this voice stuff a year ago. I'm going to read you some excerpts from this amazing article. Amazing. So this is about his early days. Jones was a modest public access success, but he owes his first real media job to his dentist father, who solicited a station manager at the Austin talk radio station kgf K during a routine teeth cleaning. He said
Jordan (00:20:38.000)
Dennis was cleaning a dude's teeth. He's got shit in the guy's teeth, like, Hey, by the way, you want to give my son a job. Don't chop Poke, poke you want to give my son a job, don't you? How you want to keep that?
Dan (00:20:50.000)
And this is substantiated quote. He said my son's got some out there ideas but I think he'd be perfect Darrell O'Neill the K GFK manager who brokered the deal explained quote, the next week he brought Alex in for a meeting to secure Jones a spot on the station. Jones his father became his first son's first on air sponsor.
Jordan (00:21:10.000)
So daddy bought him a job all of his complaints
Dan (00:21:13.000)
about people like taking shortcuts and all this he his entire career. Now granted, he's made a lot of moves since
Jordan (00:21:21.000)
he's he's parlayed of some some nepotism into a whole lot more than most people.
Dan (00:21:26.000)
Absolutely. But all of it comes from his dad. That's super fucked up.
Jordan (00:21:31.000)
I mean, that that, you know, the more we learn about his his growth as a human being the more we see daddy issues mommy issues
Dan (00:21:38.000)
so so here's a little thing about his personality. Others who knew him at this time this is that his back in the K JFK days. Remember Jones is volatile, easily bruised and prone to vengeance. One associate recalled Jones tearing down a bulletin board memos from fellow station producers who had criticized one of his more controversial segments and an Austin Chronicle article from July 2000 sites multiple public access producers who claim quote, that Jones has used both ACAC policy and legal maneuvers to intimidate them or get them thrown off the air which he claims the globalist are doing to him
Jordan (00:22:13.000)
and ACDC policies. He is always Back in Black.
Dan (00:22:17.000)
He's got big balls. Quote, being on TV or radio has a way of changing you Austin Chronicle founder Louis black, an early Jones critic and frequent target of Jones's early rants said
Jordan (00:22:27.000)
not that's not the professional rant, or Louis black.
Dan (00:22:31.000)
And for Alex, it was it was always always about ego. When he got that validation. There was no going back. That's from someone who was very involved with him early on, quote, oh, this this. This is a nice confirmation of something we've discussed and a theory we've had Yes, quote, sometimes he'll say he has sources and he's been told a piece of news has been confirmed. But we wouldn't have that information. A former Infowars employee said, quote, later we'd find out that it was because a week earlier, we had a caller on air, who theorized about something and Alex repeated it as fact.
Jordan (00:23:07.000)
Ah, it's true. Yeah, it's true. We figured it out. But
Dan (00:23:12.000)
we've also just literally seen that yeah, we've seen it happen in the the y2k episode, that we haven't really talked about it. But after the inauguration, during the during the post inauguration celebration, you're talking to an Indian dude who explained that Islam believes that every country that believes in Islam is the house of Islam, and everything outside of it is the house of war. And there needs to be war on all of these places. Right? Alex has repeated that verbatim repeatedly.
Jordan (00:23:42.000)
Just because some random dude told him yes,
Dan (00:23:45.000)
gotcha. Nothing that he'd never said it before that guy on the street. It's crazy. He
Jordan (00:23:50.000)
so he just absorbs things that he liked that that he likes that people tell him and then just turn them into truth in his brain
Dan (00:23:57.000)
GOP sources. Yep. Kate starboard a professor and researcher at the University of Washington accidentally stumbled upon Infowars digital footprint while conducting a study of how rumors spread on Twitter during the 2013 Boston Bombing, starboard found that a specific rumor that Navy SEALs
Jordan (00:24:13.000)
so I could not love starboard more. Yeah, it's great. That's perfect. Starboard she
Dan (00:24:19.000)
found that a specific rumor that Navy Seals have carried out the attack was largely attributable to Infowars tweets and links, second only to YouTube. At the time, we thought this was pretty insignificant. You said but things look very different. In hindsight, I actually accidentally very in there, I apologize. Those things look
Jordan (00:24:38.000)
different in hindsight, yes. But in our world, they look very
Dan (00:24:41.000)
different. Yes. I was editorializing a tiny bit. Yes. Yeah.
Jordan (00:24:44.000)
After you took her quote out of context, that's not what she said.
Dan (00:24:48.000)
When the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened, Alex bought tons and tons of potassium iodide and oh my god, did we sell that? A former employee recalled he can sell 500 Something minutes in an hour and other countered. It's like QVC for conspiracy.
Jordan (00:25:04.000)
Yep, we nailed that. Yep.
Dan (00:25:08.000)
According to one former employee, Jones bragged that the Infowars store gross $18 million between 2012 and 2013. Wow, another source puts that number closer to $10 million. And this was before the popularity Jones and Infowars. Enjoy today. Part of the success of the store came from Jones's ruthless dealmaking quote, I watched him on the phone with some poor author who'd written a book Jones wanted to buy and Jones wouldn't negotiate him down until he's making no money. Jack Blood, a former radio colleagues said, wow, two former employees alleged the Jones would instruct staff to find products that were failing and convince them to widdle their margins to almost nothing in exchange for the Infowars endorsement. Quote, Alex's business model was to ensnare these companies at a low rate and lock in exclusivity. The former staffer said noting that attaching the Infowars brand to a product often destroyed the sellers future prospects to go mainstream. Yeah. For some employees, the shift from what they saw as a crusade a crusade or journalism to content marketing for Colloidal Silver was jarring. Quote, it became a moral issue issue for me once said, it's why I don't work there anymore.
Jordan (00:26:16.000)
Okay, well, fuck that guy. No, he quit. Yeah, but he quit because it went from he quit because he was like, Man, I thought this was all about the conservative ideals in the fight against the globalist you sold out man you sold out
Dan (00:26:32.000)
at the same time I hear what you're saying. But I think that you could make a much better argument for being involved in it at that point. Then once it gets to the colloidal silver marketing, like that's unacceptable. Having a conservative belief and believing that this guy is on the vanguard of that. It's understandable it's
Jordan (00:26:50.000)
good to know his conservative beliefs, but it's easy
Dan (00:26:54.000)
to get duped. You know, like, it's,
Jordan (00:26:57.000)
I know, I'm not gonna be on this dude side. I'm gonna give him that guy. I'm gonna
Dan (00:27:01.000)
give him a wide berth or her I don't know. And that's a good point. For former staffers suggested that this influx of money inspired the greatest change in Jones demeanor and an info or strategy, quote, it's become less about effecting change, and more about being sensational and making money one ex employee explained, it didn't start out that way. He was a lovely person to hang around for a long time, but that soon evaporate evaporated. In interviews, four separate employees unprompted, described Jones as quote a tyrant who oscillated maniacally between excitement and anger. Quote, working for Alex was like a combination of Blackbeard meets Hitler, one former employee said one minute just on a high and swashbuckling and calling us to action. The next punching out walls, neither one was a bad dude,
Jordan (00:27:49.000)
which one which one is the guy who punches the Hitler is more likely to be swashbuckling. Hitler couldn't punch a wall.
Dan (00:27:59.000)
Hitler was known for punching out Jewish, dry walls, I really didn't know that two former employees recall that after an employee left the company, Jones would call a staff meeting, pull up YouTube videos of their work and take turns making fun of them, quote, the unsaid implication a former employee said was that if you leave this will happen to you, quote, Jones rewards the people who buy in all the way one former employee said, but there's an expectation not to contradict him or the message.
Jordan (00:28:29.000)
I mean, some of that stuff. That's nice. That is that is abuse. But that's still like what what we just what you are getting the criticisms about our literal corporate culture. Sure, that's kind of the issue. Now he's making money. He's a brand. So he's just a corporation now and what Corporation isn't going to reward people that buy in,
Dan (00:28:51.000)
I used to work at Groupon. And if we had a meeting after someone left, and they were like, making fun of how bad their work was, that I would, I would be so uncomfortable. That acceptable, it isn't that kind of environment is hostile. That's abusive. And that that quote, the idea that the implication is that when you leave, we will do this to keeps people in line. That's Koch behavior.
Jordan (00:29:14.000)
Well, that's Yeah, but that's what they do at Target. I'm not to that extent, though. I don't know like if you see some of the anti union shit at Target and the like, they go, they go real far there.
Dan (00:29:25.000)
But that now you got to unpack the union implications of that. That's different than just like a you guys see how that asshole restock the shelves. And I don't think there's a parallel you can draw because it is sort of creative work in terms of Info Wars, even if you want it's it's very creative, creative. It's fiction, right? It's different than stocking shelves. Anyway. Here's a quote that really gets into this is the last paragraph I'm gonna read. You should all read this entire article. It's amazing. But this one is about some of the it sort of validates a lot of the theories we have about the political landscape right now. According to one person press isn't at Infowars studio on election night of 2016. Jones boasted of having 18 million viewers as the returns came in, quote. Now Jones is probably exaggerating the source said, Yeah, but even if it's half that you're talking serious influence if you can get them voting, Alex doesn't have listeners, he has followers. The audience Jones had spent decades building had finally made its presence known at rallies on social media and finally at the polls, quote, that rural vote for Trump, nobody saw coming. The source continued. It wasn't only Alex, but I think you can ascribe a significant portion many first time voters of those votes to him, quote, he's like the gerbils of 2016. Another longtime Jones associate said he really won the election for Trump. Ah, yeah. But then it also I mean, yeah, that's,
Jordan (00:30:49.000)
but that's why we're here like we we've sussed that noise out pretty quick. The
Dan (00:30:56.000)
article also goes on to say that he probably didn't want Trump to win, because then the whole liberals in charge, we got to defend conservatism that whole thing exactly. But
Jordan (00:31:06.000)
well, and as we've seen, because Trump won, you have to shift his his shift has been jarring and uncomfortable, and almost certainly due to that extra influence, and extra visibility. That's where all of these lawsuits, lawsuits and cheddar coming from Absolutely. Hillary was president, and he had the Liberals to rail against none of this shit would be coming on him.
Dan (00:31:29.000)
Yeah, he wouldn't get me getting sued by Hillary. Exactly. Just I mean, Google shut
Jordan (00:31:33.000)
down. He's probably not gonna lawsuit him if that's, I mean, they definitely have a lawsuit at him because he slandered. Right, right, absolutely. But now that he's very visible, it's much more like I don't think there's any surprise to the timing of Giovanni's lawsuit once once people started watching him No, actually,
Dan (00:31:53.000)
that's not I don't think I don't think so case. I think that the timing of the lawsuit coincides with the closure of the court case that had to do with the children in Twin Falls, Idaho, that case, oh, that case ended recently. So that case just ended. Yes. Okay. So after that, they wanted a retraction. And Alex did his bullshit. Gotcha. So I don't think it's because he's influential. It's
Jordan (00:32:20.000)
a coincidence that was it was happening at the same time as the very public custody case. Yes.
Dan (00:32:25.000)
Gotcha. And I think it's very unfortunate timing for Alex. That's very unfortunate. But we've we've heard some of the stuff that the scathing stuff that's in this article, and now we'll go back to Alex returning from break and see if he gets into any of it.
Alex Jones (00:32:39.000)
By the way, my mic suddenly sounds different. I don't normally talk about myself. We're under such attack, we have to actually say the truth. BuzzFeed is under on fire for their internal documents coming out where they were gloating and hoping that Trump would be killed. Their their, their their leader over there.
Dan (00:32:55.000)
He's referring to like private messages between BuzzFeed writers that were joking about the idea of Trump being assassinate. It's probably inappropriate, but at the same time, it's not like editorial I don't give a fuck if it's inappropriate, but it's also not official. It's just them goofing off in private messages. Yeah,
Jordan (00:33:10.000)
it did you mean like normal people are doing every single goddamn day on the street? Sure.
Alex Jones (00:33:16.000)
A guy for several months. Calling people I knew in college, my first jobs, trying to get somebody who didn't like me to make something up. And I guess they did. I mean, I'm reading this article, Alex Jones will always be Alex Jones. And the only true thing in it is that I'm not an actor. And I really believe what I say. And when I did that, to him, using unnamed people to make up that I didn't want Trump to be elected, that I didn't want Obama to be defeated in 2012. And that my voice is fake. And then I told the producers that I want to sound gruffer. No, I believe my voice is grating and annoying at times. And I said, I want to sound smoother, and like I'm in the room. And I've had engineers here doing that with my engineers and it's all on record. So that's the level of lies in here that I have a fake and that I'm trying to rush limbaugh before he went deaf. Let's politically incorrect port became hearing impaired. No, that's Greg Muth booming voice.
Jordan (00:34:21.000)
Pretty sure nobody cares I
Alex Jones (00:34:22.000)
have when I get excited. It's almost like a high pitched low voice. It's very, very annoying. high pitched so I've asked him to take the rasp Enos out to be less gruff. It's very much a dev day one of our engineers to zoos. I came back live. I was saying take the raspy gruff filter off. We have a filter to block that. That's actually my director of the opposite again what BuzzFeed says she's so it's all pure bull.
Jordan (00:34:49.000)
Who cares? Why are you fighting this battle? Why is this the area where he's like, look, Nobody says that. My voice is in my voice. And
Dan (00:35:02.000)
it's the least interesting or important thing. And I don't know what
Jordan (00:35:06.000)
if it was, if it was anybody else, I would say this. This is a distraction from dealing with the reality of the article. Yeah, I think this is 100% the thing he is most angry about, yeah, that idea of you guys are saying that I wanted to change my voice to sound like that guy. Fuck you. Well, I sound like me. Well, there's
Dan (00:35:27.000)
a part of it. That's that. And then I think the other part is just that it naturally fits into his narrative that he's already spinning about, like people thinking he's an actor, which again, is based on something his lawyer said, Right, right. But like, I think that it's because like, oh, this matches, he's good at finding pieces of things that fit what he's already doing. Right? And then just sort of incorporating them in. He's kind of like, a bullshit black hole that just but it's like a specific black hole.
Jordan (00:35:52.000)
He's got a he's got a gravity engine behind them. Yeah, absolutely.
Dan (00:35:55.000)
So he goes on another like a couple minutes talking about his voice not being fake course. So he spends at least like 10 minutes covering that nothing about the substantial ring that is a very interesting way of putting it. So that's how he spent a lot of his Thursday show. Now let's go back to we
Jordan (00:36:11.000)
go to breaking news. Somebody said my voice doesn't sound right. Yeah, among many other we're getting worse. We're gonna have several guests discussing whether or not my voice sounds like this. Hey, Lionel. How's my voice? I'm gonna play I'm gonna play clips from the Joe Rogan podcast. So you guys know what I sound like when I'm not on Infowars? Similar.
Dan (00:36:30.000)
We've got lispy as Mike Cernovich coming to talk about voices.
Jordan (00:36:35.000)
Like the rest of the time, it's just every guest discussing what their voice sounds like Mike
Dan (00:36:40.000)
Cernovich coming in to talk about how my lisp is real. It's It's insane. And I feel actually a little bit bad about
Jordan (00:36:47.000)
that. Rappaport sounds like he has dentures. Rappaport doesn't have dentures. Those teeth are twice as real as everybody else's. That's because they're made from real teeth are American made that he had his teeth removed, melted down and then rebuilt into teeth and put them back in his when he was
Dan (00:37:04.000)
done by an American company. These are Americana T. Exactly. That's what's important about Rappaport.
Jordan (00:37:09.000)
Do you know who do you know who wore John Rapoport teeth originally, George Washington. Wow. Doesn't get more American than stealing George Washington.
Dan (00:37:19.000)
So he's on some bullshit. But let's go national treasure
Jordan (00:37:23.000)
three. Let's get those teeth.
Dan (00:37:26.000)
I am still seriously waiting for national treasure three. I'm very excited for it to eventually come out.
Jordan (00:37:32.000)
Is there? Was there only two there's national treasure and the National Treasure book of secret? Yeah. And
Dan (00:37:37.000)
then the third one I've actually sort of written a spec script for or at least an outline. Okay, it has to do with Nicolas Cage, also known as Benjamin Franklin gates in the movie, is that that's not real. Is it? Yeah. That's his character's name. That's real. Yeah. So he finds out
Jordan (00:37:53.000)
I guess that must have like, just broken my brain to the point where I just skipped over as like, No, we don't need to do this. That's Nicolas Cage. His name. In every movie. Nicolas Cage is in His name is Nicolas Cage.
Dan (00:38:04.000)
Yeah. So Nicolas Cage in this movie, he finds out that Napoleon never died and was actually taken to space. And he from space. He has been planning, like an invasion. He's going to take over America. But the secret in order, like the plans of how to stop him, are underground in Arlington Cemetery. So in order to get to these plans, I love he's got to become president and then fake his own death. Holy shit to get underground at Arlington Cemetery, get the plans and stop space Napoleon, that is
Jordan (00:38:35.000)
he has to become president. Yeah. Regardless of the rest of that, of course, that's the main idea that that book that national treasure three should have. Yeah. Benjamin Franklin Gates has to become president. Yeah.
Dan (00:38:47.000)
But as a con as well. Yeah. becoming president is incidental to his plan. Yes. Anyway, National
Jordan (00:38:55.000)
Treasure three colon president in 60 seconds.
Dan (00:38:58.000)
Yep. I want first of all, I would love it if that was. If even if it's not, I need the third one. I love those movies so much. But let's go back now to Wednesday. Yes, we're gonna go back to the beginning of the telethon. Wednesday. 12 o'clock Central. 11 o'clock Central. Yeah. 11 o'clock Central. Alex Jones is kicking things off. And he starts off Wednesday's show. Very weird. Very weird.
Jordan (00:39:24.000)
This is the opening of the telethon. Yeah.
Dan (00:39:27.000)
And throughout this you're gonna see something really strange in ALEKS. Okay. And it's a trend that I think is going to blossom in the coming weeks and months. Okay. And that is a change that was inevitable.
Alex Jones (00:39:43.000)
I've got this to say Trump is really going off his trajectory more and more. Oh, she said. We sent you to drain the swamp. And you're not quite doing that with this, the spending bill and a few other things you're doing Well, here's the deal. Trump is draining the swamp. But it's like it's a video game. He's like fighting the big crime boss at the end of the level. And the power level of the boss is going down. But as Trump battles the globalist, he's looking into the eyes of the devil, he is slowly becoming them. So he's doing all these great things. But at first, he was 100%, the first 30 days, then 60 days later was at 98%. And then 70 days later, it was at 95%. And then now he's at like, 70%. Hell, he was very trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.000)
tell you all the way down.
Alex Jones (00:40:43.000)
And I think everybody can see it. Now he wouldn't have done
Dan (00:40:46.000)
real. He's already similar to
Alex Jones (00:40:49.000)
devastating blows against levels. These are, these are real things. They're declaring sovereignty, getting big banks to loan to small businesses, they aren't doing DEP making better trade deals with China still beginning to build a wall. You know, the funding is not there. So you cannot be killing Obamacare, when they had the conservative votes. Bringing up that watered down version. Well, wasn't as bad as Obamacare. But was,
Dan (00:41:14.000)
I want to point out that this is before the House passed right? Care stuff.
Jordan (00:41:18.000)
So he doesn't. He's not he's not yet jerking off about how you feel it. He
Dan (00:41:23.000)
seemed pretty excited once that did break, because that broke on the Thursday show, right? He didn't. He didn't or was it Friday? Yeah, no, it was whenever he whenever he didn't get into it. Right. But he was like, Oh, they passed it. Son, it's gonna pass it. Who cares? So in that he's saying, first of all, it's amazing that he's starting to get lay the tracks for him to get off the Trump bandwagon.
Jordan (00:41:49.000)
Oh, yeah. Which as we as we predicted this was going to happen.
Dan (00:41:52.000)
Yeah, absolutely inevitable. But yeah, the things that he's still holding water for are things that aren't real. The thing that he did stop, he did get out of the TPP. That's one true thing. In that list of stuff. He's saying he's done, like a sort of
Jordan (00:42:06.000)
finalize that. Oh, I guess I guess I didn't see that. I didn't see that. We withdrew from the declared intent
Dan (00:42:11.000)
to withdraw from it. Oh, so that, but that's not a thing. But it does indicate and there are a lot of people who want that to have it probably will happen if it hasn't already. I would, I would bet again, I don't understand the finalization process and shit like that. We're not working out better deals with China. They're really not unless you consider all the trademarks. They've given Trump personally, to go work out better. Trump is working out way better deals with China. Beyond that the wall is never going to happen. There's that's just it can't it's because it's impossible and stupid. Mexico recently came out and said they would consider it a hostile act. It would be
Jordan (00:42:43.000)
Yeah, it doesn't get more hostile than building a fucking wall across a border and the comedy of it. Is that like, you know how India and Pakistan aren't really good friends because of that giant wall on their fucking border
Dan (00:42:55.000)
or Eastern West Berlin. Yeah, you
Jordan (00:42:57.000)
remember how that didn't go? Great. Didn't go great.
Dan (00:43:00.000)
So the other thing that Gorbachev
Jordan (00:43:01.000)
build on new wall we fucked it up space Reagan. Face Reagan, so today's Reagan versus space Napoleon is a great is a great movie.
Dan (00:43:17.000)
The true comedy of it, though, is that like, I've talked to a number of people who support Trump and a lot of the idea that they support about the building the wall is they think it will block drugs coming into the country, not realizing the drug dealers have lots of boats and airplanes. And most of the drugs that gets smuggled into the country don't come through the border like airplanes
Jordan (00:43:36.000)
can't fly over walls and build a taller wall and
Dan (00:43:40.000)
there's tunnels underneath the border. It's insane that the wall
Jordan (00:43:43.000)
goes underground. I like it is a laser wall.
Dan (00:43:47.000)
It's like the heads of Easter Island. They go way underground.
Jordan (00:43:50.000)
Exactly. Here's here's my plan for a wall look like a dog. You want electric fence if you want a successful wall that is in impassable on the Mexico United States border. All right. Dig about what 20 miles underground, set off a nuclear warhead, and hope volcanoes show up every single fucking fissure on the ground. Otherwise, you're not building a fucking wall?
Dan (00:44:20.000)
Nope. Also the idea that it's going to stop. The drug stuff is what motivates a lot of people because the opiate crisis is bad.
Jordan (00:44:28.000)
By the way, they're reducing funding for that. The agency that oversees helping people with the opioid headline
Dan (00:44:34.000)
Whitehouse proposes cutting Drug Control Office funding by 95%. The budget that was proposed would entirely dismantle a lot of the organizations that are responsible for helping fight the opioid crisis in the country. So everybody who supports the wall for that reason, you need to look in the fucking mirror. Trump doesn't give a shit about opiates. He doesn't care the families are struggling. He doesn't care that you're suffering. He cares about bigotry. He cares about symbolic hatred. He cares about this idea of promoting fear.
Jordan (00:45:11.000)
But above all else, what does he care about Dan?
Dan (00:45:18.000)
White Nationalism
Jordan (00:45:18.000)
making his own fucking money. That's true. That's all he can. I
Dan (00:45:22.000)
think he's actually taking a page out of Alex Jones's book, and making a lot of money out of fear. Yeah, I think that there is a part of he's maybe inspired by Alex a little bit.
Jordan (00:45:33.000)
I, here's, here's the only thing I want to say about that. Okay. And this, I think, is a discussion.
Dan (00:45:38.000)
Here's what I want to say what everyone can fuck themselves that?
Jordan (00:45:41.000)
See, that's kind of my thing. I want to I want to have compassion. Yeah. That's what I want. Right? Because it's very clear that all of these people who voted for Trump were deluding themselves into thinking he was the thing that he very clearly wasn't Yes. And no matter how many times we told him, he was the thing they thought he wasn't. They didn't believe no, no, no, they couldn't have to, they have to begin to know that he's not that thing. Just like just like Alex Jones is saying he's gotten off track for what we thought he was going to bet
Dan (00:46:15.000)
Alex Jones is kind of a bellwether, like if you've lost Alex Jones, if he's starting to turn on you, then shits bad, right? And so I think it's also an indication that he knows that some Bad's coming. Yeah, like because
Jordan (00:46:27.000)
well, he's his sources are DT Jr. and such will not we're
Dan (00:46:31.000)
gonna get to that. But Alex Jones does talk about oh, man, he talks to Roger Stone all the fucking time. Yeah, Roger Stone has to know that he is in big Roger
Jordan (00:46:39.000)
stones flocked. He's a big Roger Stone escapes this one. I'm going to be really pissed.
Dan (00:46:44.000)
I mean, he's a slippery dude. He has survived a lot of political I can see him I can see
Jordan (00:46:49.000)
him seeking asylum rather than actually doing any jail.
Dan (00:46:53.000)
If anybody is smart, they will take away everyone's passports already like you. These people are flight risk.
Jordan (00:46:58.000)
Now, let me ask you a question. Okay. Have we seen any one smart yet? No, no,
Dan (00:47:04.000)
no, they hop on, there might be a ton of really smart people working behind the scenes are unaware of
Jordan (00:47:10.000)
entirely possible. It doesn't seem like they're doing a very good job, though. So here's, here's the one thing, right? They are getting fucked by Trump and the Republicans who they voted for faithfully for so long. Yep. And they have apparently they had no idea they were going to get fucked. Right. They were going to let them die for two years. And they are going to die. Yeah, there is no, there's no middle ground on this. They voted for the people who are going to murder them. Yep. Right. Now, I want to feel compassion for them. Because I don't want people to get murdered. Right. And yet, at the same time there is that part of my brain that says, fuck you. Well, that's
Dan (00:47:51.000)
because we're gonna die or Yeah, well, yeah. It's not like it's it's not a situation where they've only doomed themselves. They've doomed the rest of us. Yeah. Well,
Jordan (00:48:00.000)
they assume themselves more. I think like,
Dan (00:48:01.000)
legitimately, you and I are people who are in a position where if, you know, we have pre existing conditions, oh, the most, to the point where our mental health especially will go off the rails real hard. If we don't know fast if we don't have certain protections. Here's the thing. And I know that I sound maybe a little optimistic, but I have to believe that with the outpouring of attention, people are calling reps and Senators. I don't think that there's any way that a bill including that stuff would ever pass the Senate.
Jordan (00:48:34.000)
I don't think so either. But again, all of the stuff that I don't think has happened or would happen, it's all happening. It seems to keep happening. Yeah. So like, there's no way LePen wins tonight. Hold on, but I'll be god damned if I'm not terrified by like, 90%. We'll
Dan (00:48:49.000)
get to that in a little bit. Yeah, but lest you think that Alex Jones is just dipping his toe in the water of Trump, that denial, yeah, no, Trump tonight juicing. I don't I'm not exactly sure what he's talking about Trump. I don't think he is. I think he's really in turmoil. And he goes on to say a little more right here.
Alex Jones (00:49:09.000)
Occasionally, we have to bring the Gorgon back from her Crips just remind everybody the Medusa like creature that we dodged redundant last year on November right. Does that make perfect? Absolutely not. Does that mean we won't hold his feet to the fire? Absolutely, we will. But Trump's done a lot of good. He's also starting to do some pretty bad stuff. And I expected this earlier. Actually. I said I got you did 30 40% done when he claimed he did that he'd be legendary. He's already pretty much gotten that done. He's gotten so much done, but it still was sad. And quite frankly even more painful to try to figure out how he could be so good and do so much good for the average person and for national sovereignty and and so much to expose political correctness and the United Nations and globalism and then start going On sideways, it makes it even worse at a cellular gut level, doesn't it?
Dan (00:50:05.000)
Well, I mean, like, let's talk about him exposing political correctness in the past. Donald Trump has threatened to sue people over jokes. Yep. In the past and oh, well, Jeff Sessions
Jordan (00:50:14.000)
fucking got a woman convicted for laughing at him, right? That pathetic little. Now fucking fuck that.
Dan (00:50:23.000)
No totally fucks that fuck that fuck that
Jordan (00:50:26.000)
we don't need to go into that. Let's stick on top. And let me give a tiny
Dan (00:50:28.000)
discrepancy. I'm totally against this woman being convicted or jailed. Right? But that's different than Trump. suing somebody about making a joke about oh, absolutely agree, because in this case, you can hide behind a very cowardly explanation that this lady was disrupting Senate proceedings or something like that took off. I know it's done. Yeah. But you can make that
Jordan (00:50:51.000)
argument. I'm saying it to you. I'm saying it to anybody who would ever consider that argument is a rational thing. But
Dan (00:50:55.000)
if you are super bad, super bad, you could conceivably make that argument. Whereas with Trump, he's literally talked about suing newspapers that publish bad things about him. Yep, ranked Priebus was on a TV saying that they're talking about opening things up. So you can sue the press. Yeah, for saying negative, which is a complete deterioration of the First Amendment. Absolutely. It's insane. The idea that that's the most the negative stuff we talk about with political correctness. This is way beyond me saying Don't say trainee, say trans Yeah, or whatever, that's not politically correct. Compared to I'm going to sue you for writing something I don't like, right? That's,
Jordan (00:51:36.000)
I'm going to sue you for saying tranny instead of trans. Right? That it's softer. It's so fucking simple. It's so simple, that both sides need to protect this thing, right? Because all you have to do is stuff like the religious liberty shit that they want to do where it's like, you should be allowed to discriminate based on your religion, right? That is good for you. Now, so long as America is always a Christian nation,
Dan (00:52:04.000)
it's the same argument. Like Obama expanding spying and
Jordan (00:52:09.000)
good, it's not good, because then we might get fucking Trump. Right, right. That kind of thing. And I think so obvious that if you stop now, and just divorce yourself from your bullshit ideology for two seconds, you don't want these religious freedom bills to pass? No, because and even worse, I you know, I don't believe in any of that religious bullshit. But you don't want me you? Like, you don't want to do a religious freedom bill there. Because then if atheists take over fucking we can do the same shit to you. Right, right. Like, understand that we have these protections. This is all of us. This is anything. Yeah, you're right.
Dan (00:52:48.000)
I mean, we were talking about this last night. It's this is never going to pass the courts like it now. Of course, it's well, I know that's, that is sort of
Jordan (00:52:57.000)
the but I think five conservative, just that I think
Dan (00:53:00.000)
of justices wouldn't be into this, because it does, it would violate the Civil Rights Act, right. It's so maddening to me that people are not like, they don't understand that fine distinction. That is if you pass this, this religious liberty thing, implicit in that, is that if you're a business and your belief is that black people suck, you can just say no blacks. Yep, that's where we will be. If this passes, it's the exact same logic. This is not a slippery slope. This is just the application of the
Jordan (00:53:32.000)
logic take the same words replace black with LGBT you have Jim Crow laws I mean it's
Dan (00:53:39.000)
that's what it is. It's absolutely discriminatory it will never it will never pass and again you Attorney General's have come out across the country saying that if this does get implemented, we will immediately Sue right and so it will be a huge fight and there's no way that can pass and if it does, again, Bedlam it will be fire in the streets.
Jordan (00:54:00.000)
I don't that's that's the thing. I kind of I'm I'm a little surprised we're not already at fire in the streets.
Dan (00:54:05.000)
That's because we got this nice wine that is probably because we have we are we are plied
Jordan (00:54:09.000)
with many distractions to keep us from for like, we're recording this when we could be burning things down down. Yeah. Are we are we derelict in our duties for now,
Dan (00:54:19.000)
but I mean, like that time will come? Yeah.
Jordan (00:54:22.000)
See, that's the thing though. Time will come I
Dan (00:54:28.000)
would like to do some Foley work, please don't do that.
Jordan (00:54:31.000)
No, I agree with you. I agree with you that it will never pass and that they will challenge it in court and that they will do all of this shit. But at this point, our our reality has been eroded so much, by the far right, that I don't have faith in fucking me.
Dan (00:54:49.000)
See, this is the exact conversation that was happening in the lead up to the election and right after the election, the idea of resisting the normalization of Trump right this idea of our Reality becoming so fucked up that things before that were unthinkable are now like, Oh, yeah. All right. And that's the normalization process in your brain, what you have to do is you have to think about in past times, what would it look like if this individual event happened? Yeah, and try and hold on to that. And if you do that, if you evaluate the things that are happening on a daily basis, by putting it into, like, let's say, even during Bush's years, like if you if you go back to that and say, like, oh, this happened to under Bush, that'd be fucked up. That would be crazy. But everything feels some how weirdly normal people are being anesthetized to the differences, right and super fucked up. We're, that will be our undoing. People just accepting things as normal. Yeah, the idea that this religious freedom bill is normal. Freedom, the idea that taking away people's health care, which is explicitly about the budget, that they're going to be proposing
Jordan (00:56:00.000)
explicitly about the rich people budget. Yeah, it's just they want people to die. So billionaires can keep 200 million more dollars, it's 200 million more dollars that they can't do anything with. If you have a billion fucking dollars, what else do you need,
Dan (00:56:15.000)
but that's why they also want to get rid of the estate tax and stuff like that. It's not about them having money. It's about having a dynasty. Yeah, it's about being able to become the next old money. It's like the you know, everybody fetishized as the idea of like the Carnegie's and the Rockefellers and stuff like that, as opposed to, I don't know, Mark Zuckerberg, who has new money, it is the distinction of loyalty versus rich. Yeah, they want kings, they want to be king, basically, or at least Dukes or something like yeah, so that's what it is about, right? for rich people. That's the next phase of the game. For you and me, it's making enough money to stay alive, right. And then for most people, that is the case, we're engaged in a struggle, and thankfully, I think for both of us, I'd say we have jobs that allow us to yeah, stay alive. And you know, I'm broke, for the most part, but I'm comfortable break. Yeah, exactly. Whereas if you're rich, you know, you maybe want to buy a nicer house, maybe you want to buy a nicer car, when you're really rich. It's legacy building. Yeah. And that's, that's what it is. for them. It's good that you don't have to worry about ever being poor, and not being able to Yeah, you don't have to worry about Fuck, I can't pay my internet bill,
Jordan (00:57:23.000)
you've got to do something, you've got to have something else to do. Right.
Dan (00:57:25.000)
It's like, I mean, Alex Jones makes comparisons to video games all the time, but it is kind of like that you're playing the Next
Jordan (00:57:31.000)
Level and Level and Level. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, that is that is how our brains work in that, no matter how good a thing is, we get used to it, and that becomes the baseline. And so we're always we're always searching for that next next level up. Yeah. But it's still do they, the thing that always boggles my mind about these rich people? Is that have they ever read a history book? Where rich people go too far? And then everything's fine for them? Well, my concern Do they not know that every time rich people take one step too far, all of a sudden, their fucking heads getting chopped off? Well, my
Dan (00:58:11.000)
concern, I think, is that they have read those and they've taken lessons in terms of safeguarding from those things that have fallen people like Mary Antoinette, right. Or, you know, other people who have been fucked over by screwing over the poor. Right? You know, there are there are, unfortunately, negative lessons you can learn. Yeah. Oh, they just didn't depress people enough. Yeah. You know, like, oh, just push down even more.
Jordan (00:58:36.000)
See, but that's that's the thing that I think they I think it's always arrogance that winds up taking them down. Like with, with, yes, arrogance. With this with this type of situation. I I believe in calling your representative. Sure. I do. But but we're at the point now, where it's clear that the represent the House of Representatives is entirely purchased. Yeah. Like, that's the obvious. There's no other conclusion to make. And these guys aren't, and we're
Dan (00:59:10.000)
not here sitting saying that, like the left are Democrats are great, either. We're not we're not just we're not going to bat for them. No, it's just it's so happens that the way worse part of it is, well, the Republicans and they
Jordan (00:59:24.000)
don't they don't represent their constituents. Period. No, they are. They are bought. Yeah. So so as as important as calling your representative is, at this point, don't take 40,000 people and marched down. One of the Capitol Building Yeah, take 40,000 people to your nearest billionaire and surround his fucking house. Yeah. And that's it. Yeah. What do they what you can't bring in cops. So then what are you that what are they going to do? Are they going to bring in the National Guard to protect one billionaire's house, maybe for 40,000 people just sitting around there? I mean, if they bring in the National Guard, isn't that very Isn't that the best optic for what the country is? I mean, billionaires inconvenienced. So the entire country, the entire nationalized, military comes down on regular people. Well, here's
Dan (01:00:13.000)
the fucked up thing, I think more likely than the National Guard, what you'd end up with is like something like Blackwater, like some mercenary force.
Jordan (01:00:21.000)
Well, I mean, we've already got we've already got the fucking militarized police for the Keystone pipeline and their water protectors there. So they're, they're obviously willing to torture and murder us. And I think the I think the biggest problem is that it still hasn't really touched white people. Yep. It really like the Keystone pipeline. 100%. We saw the cops murdering peaceful protesters. Yep. Or unnecessarily murdering, but at the very least, yeah, doing everything they can to get real close doing things
Dan (01:00:52.000)
that just luckily didn't lead to mass deaths. Yeah,
Jordan (01:00:56.000)
exactly. And which they very easily could have. And the whole life lived sub freezing temperatures. No, absolutely.
Dan (01:01:05.000)
Somebody could have should be a war crime.
Jordan (01:01:07.000)
Absolutely. Yeah. That's torture. You we would if we, if you saw on the news, Russia did that. You'd be like, That's a human rights violation. And it was happening in our backyard. Russia
Dan (01:01:17.000)
did it. I'd be like, of course they Yeah, that's true. That's true Russia, right. But it's it's us doing it from our own people. Because they're brown, and they want to get that pipeline.
Jordan (01:01:26.000)
And that's it. And yeah, that's and again, I'm sitting here, supporting them as much as I possibly can. It short of like, I donated money I did. I did everything short of going there and getting my ass fucking frozen to death. Well, eventually, it's going to start happening to people.
Dan (01:01:46.000)
And this leads me to my next point, I think after this, we should move on because we're blowing real hard, but we got to get back. Man, we got to get back to Alex because the world is angering me as much as I want this to be you and me complaining about politics. And maybe it will be as the show evolves, and people donate more we can do this every day. Right? But for now, it's still an Alex Jones podcast. All right, but I do think that it is eventually going to touch us and what is going to happen is there will be Kent State style archetypical deaths, absolute symbolic deaths that will happen Yep, not symbolic deaths. There will be literal, but they will be turned into symbols. Markers there will there and unfortunately, it's bullshit that we can't take these people like Elton Sterling. These people who have Eric Garner people who have been killed by the police as, as the
Jordan (01:02:39.000)
murderers that they are absolutely that should be enough. That should be more than enough. But it's for the Sandy Hook. Sure. Children were murdered. And we couldn't turn that into a rallying cry for gun control. Yeah, so I mean, like, like the worry is, are we too complacent? Like is it? Are we are Yeah, are we too far gone? Like once once I saw that we couldn't turn sandy hook into anything. I was like, that's that's that we will never have gotten.
Dan (01:03:04.000)
But you know, one of the reasons we can't turn sandy hook into anything is because of people like Alex Jones. Yeah, that's true. There are these propagandists out there who sow seeds of doubt into whether this really happened. Right? Right. And then there are tons of people who are like, oh, you know what, of course, they want to take our guns away. Right? So they create this fake incident in order to take our guns away. It's all a plan all along. So you have these people and think again, put a nice bow on it. Yeah, that's why we do this show. Yeah, it's in order to fight back against these sorts of things. Yeah. People like Alex Jones and ideally to fight back against the complacency and there's a lot more stuff that we should be doing and I hope we will be doing in the future. But for now, this is as much as we can do because we got to go to work.
Jordan (01:03:47.000)
God fucking capitalism. I
Dan (01:03:50.000)
got to feed my cat right?
Jordan (01:03:52.000)
Anyway, that's why you guys should buy our bone broth so made out of different bones we go we deep earth mine bones, right. We got dinosaur bone broth.
Dan (01:04:02.000)
Yeah, it's it's just Nesquik
Jordan (01:04:05.000)
I taste like chocolate. Yeah. Anyway,
Dan (01:04:07.000)
this next clip actually is very appropriate because Alex Jones has some thoughts about people calling themselves the resistance.
Jordan (01:04:14.000)
I bet he loves us.
Alex Jones (01:04:16.000)
So let's go ahead and start going through some of these clips. Here's Hillary Clinton includes herself as part of the resistance ever since they lost in November last year, seven months ago. They have been calling themselves the resistance, low resistance. I'm Stephen go back. And if you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
Dan (01:04:42.000)
Now I wanted to stop there really bad Stephen Colbert
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.000)
impression, but
Dan (01:04:44.000)
I want to stop right there because his bumpers that he plays coming out of the commercial breaks. Do they have that same voice? No, but more or less, more or less literally say that if you're listening to this, you are the resistance He's quoting himself. Yeah. Pretending that Stephen Colbert has ever said that. To mock Stephen Colbert. I don't understand exactly what he's saying. But I get the sense of it. Yeah. Matt, is that like, you want the resistance? We're the resist right,
Jordan (01:05:14.000)
which is your co opting our resistance? Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:05:18.000)
I'm Keith Olbermann, Russian scum, Russian scum. By the way. I'm Keith Olbermann. I'm against the Russian takeover
Jordan (01:05:25.000)
type mob, ah, hidey hole
Alex Jones (01:05:30.000)
calls themselves is the resistance now because they're the globalists that have hijacked the government take it over. Trump was a beachhead of the resistance, a manifestation of how strong the nationalistic awakening is. Whether he is totally real goes sideways, or which I don't think you'll do doesn't matter. In the final equation, because we've gone from being obscure, in the closet demonized the redheaded stepchild to the paramount, fastest growing global movement in the world against unelected worldwide tyranny known as globalism.
Dan (01:06:06.000)
That is overt whistle or dog whistle. Yup,
Jordan (01:06:09.000)
that's white people, white people, white people, we have been pushed, we haven't been allowed to celebrate our whiteness and so long that
Dan (01:06:17.000)
is speaking directly to people in Internet communities like people who are on Stormfront on daily Stormer and stuff like that, that I don't know if it's intentional on his part. But there is a there's a piece of that, that will lodge directly in their brain and be like, oh, yeah, this is this is our time. We don't have to hide anymore. Yeah. And that's why at these protests, you see people highlighting all the time. You see people with just straight up neo Nazi regalia. That's what's going on. It's nationalism is one thing. What is happening right now is not white nationalism. It's white supremacy. It's beyond white nationalism. It is white. Christian supremacist. Yeah. And it's
Jordan (01:07:00.000)
Christian in very heavy air quotes. Yeah, yeah. That just air quotes made of anvil is falling on the rest of our fucking heads.
Dan (01:07:09.000)
Yeah. So he talks about this, like coming out of the closet stuff and what have you. And his next clip is really encompassing out of
Jordan (01:07:17.000)
the closet. God, I hate these people. Yeah. Hating so much hating
Dan (01:07:21.000)
people who are different than then cooperating their terminology and ideas.
Jordan (01:07:25.000)
Yeah, you know how miserable it is to have to hide your existence. You know how terrible it is to have to live a lie every day. So people don't judge you. It's the worst feeling in the world, which is why we should come out and hate people who do that also hate gay people who've had to hide their very existence for so long. We should hate him because it's so miserable to be in the closet all the time. There's no way we could possibly understand our own fucking hypocrisy for one goddamn second. It's all about us coming out of the fucking closet.
Dan (01:07:57.000)
Also, there's a great the plays a great Paul Joseph Watson report. Where it's like about deer, white people. And what would happen if someone made a deer black people?
Jordan (01:08:06.000)
Oh, we know what would happen if somebody made a deer black people, right? It was called Birth of a Nation.
Dan (01:08:13.000)
It was called Song of the South. So like, Uncle Tom's Cabin. So he, it's all just about how white people are the people who suffer the most racist God. But anyway, this next clip is back to the resistance idea. Yes, I titled this clip, the historical lineage of art declined to nothingness. And it is Alex Jones.
Jordan (01:08:36.000)
It's just Lionel's clip again.
Dan (01:08:40.000)
No, because this goes back to the 50s. Alex Jones explains the sort of waves of nationalism and stuff like that. And he also really can't figure out how he didn't plan. So he's, he's going off the cuff. And he keeps sort of placing people in the wrong way. Right? It's pretty funny, right? But also I'll come at the end of this and explain why a lot of these figures he's throwing in are dumb to include,
Alex Jones (01:09:10.000)
and it's the matt Rogers and the Alex Jones's and the drum courses and the Pat Buchanan's. We're not giving credit here were scientifically historically, you know, where we came from nothing. But with the truth going back to Barry Goldwater started from the bottom. And Phyllis Schlafly here 6070 years ago, Phyllis Schlafly just died a month or so ago.
Jordan (01:09:34.000)
That was horrifying.
Alex Jones (01:09:35.000)
He was fired when she was 25 years old guys, a young law graduate, bring her back to life. The ceilings that lady did it, and then led the Americana movement. After Barry Goldwater's death,
Dan (01:09:47.000)
Phyllis Schlafly specifically was working to impose glass ceilings Yeah, her her first book that she published and brought her into prominence was against rights for women. Absolutely it was about how if we end up in the workplace, it's going to ruin a lot of our privileges that we have. Oh, and like the being able to be a homemaker, you
Jordan (01:10:08.000)
get to stay home all day. When you go to the workplace, you wouldn't be able to raise your children which
Dan (01:10:13.000)
a and I want to say this 100% If there are women who don't want to work and want to be homemakers, and you know, are in an economic situation where that is possible. I don't look down on that. That's totally fine with me. I don't think and
Jordan (01:10:26.000)
are you saying you support a woman's right to choose? Yeah, and
Dan (01:10:28.000)
it same for men too. Like if you're in a situation where you want to be a stay at home dad and you can be by all means.
Jordan (01:10:35.000)
That's like buying a shirt with Paul Joseph Watson's face on it.
Dan (01:10:37.000)
I know. I know. It's not very macho. No, but like, it's for women. Her whole thing was let's not allow women who want to do that to do that because it's going to ruin it for the rest of us. Yeah.
Jordan (01:10:48.000)
So broke the glass ceiling and then made one that's two inches shorter than that and
Dan (01:10:53.000)
made of steel. Yeah. So like, that's where he's starting his linear illness ceiling. That's where he's starting his lineage is Phyllis Schlafly and Barry Goldwater.
Jordan (01:11:04.000)
Monsters monsters both
Alex Jones (01:11:05.000)
so we stand on their shoulders. They were the first wave in the modern wave of reawakening Zin, the Ron Paul's and the Ronald Reagan's were the second wave didn't mean they were perfect, but they were the opposition to globalism. They kept the flame alive showed what real prosperity was in free market. Then you come in to the third wave Matt Drudge Alex Jones. And then you come
Jordan (01:11:26.000)
into the fourth way Jerome Corsi got left off that list
Alex Jones (01:11:29.000)
LePen this dad was first wave. The shadows are
Jordan (01:11:33.000)
horrible, not sand, not see his that her dad was mouthy.
Alex Jones (01:11:39.000)
The Nigel Farage has he's been around 20 something years, but he he relied on this third wave, you can in the fourth wave from assist. So very, very, very exciting time to be part of this, ladies and gentlemen,
Dan (01:11:52.000)
do you see that though? He couldn't keep his wave straight. He was like LePen. In the fourth wave. She's actually third wave dad was her dad was
Jordan (01:11:59.000)
first wave. Nigel Farage, he's fourth wave, but he's been around for 20 years. Also,
Dan (01:12:03.000)
I don't know if you've spoken to people who are in England and their thoughts about Nigel Farage, most people there know him as someone like a completely failed politician. Yeah. Like he's run for office multiple times and just been like, he would be like, I would, I would guess a more discredited version of Ross Perot. Yeah, like that. That sort of wheelhouse. Or the Buffalo Bills. The 90s Buffalo Bill.
Jordan (01:12:30.000)
Oh, I was going straight to Silence of the Lambs, right. That was like that is exactly what he is. He definitely tucks his penis under between his legs. He thinks he's pretty Oh, he thinks he's so pretty.
Dan (01:12:41.000)
So I don't know man. Like I get I get what he's trying to say. But unfortunately, it really reinforces this idea that there is a cabal, and I hate to use the word cabal because I'm very against it in most contexts. But of the conspiracy, you might even say of Nigel Farage, and his his leanings in Britain, right. LePen in France, Putin and Russia. Trump here. Yeah, what he's doing is combining these things that aren't nationalism. They're, they're
Jordan (01:13:10.000)
they're a weird, they're a weird globalist anti globalism. Yeah, exactly. Like all of these leaders from all around the world have come together to say that all around the world we shouldn't have these
Dan (01:13:21.000)
leaders and they all are related to each other. Yeah, like
Jordan (01:13:26.000)
they're all cheering for each other, which is so which is so weird. It's like no, we
Dan (01:13:30.000)
don't want the UN we want our own un. Yeah, I don't know about that. Yeah, we
Jordan (01:13:35.000)
want we want the we want the black mirror world. Yeah, they were the people who watch Black Mirror and like Oh, sure. That looks like good shit. I doesn't look like a dystopia. Oh, I love that.
Dan (01:13:46.000)
I really need someone's Netflix password because Oh, you still haven't seen it. I watched the first three episodes and then almost started crying. And I was like, I can't watch this. And they're brutal. And now I don't have a password. I watched the one where everyone's on treadmills.
Jordan (01:14:00.000)
Oh, yeah, the guy turns into a performance artist with his knife.
Dan (01:14:03.000)
I was like this is too real. I had to back away from it. It was like no, no, no. Right? I can't watch this. No, there's
Jordan (01:14:09.000)
there's plenty of stuff that's like that where I get the point immediately and I'm like, this isn't entertaining. This is hurting me. Yeah, I like it. But I I'm trying to escape from this. Why am I doing this to myself?
Dan (01:14:22.000)
It was the idea that the idea that I walked away from it with was like a like an incredible admiration for what they had achieved. Yeah, but I can only watch one every three months or something like
Jordan (01:14:34.000)
watching The Handmaid's Tale was just like Handmaid's Tale Handmaid's Tale.
Dan (01:14:38.000)
Sorry, sounded like Alex Jones.
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
I did I do you? Aiden's tale
Dan (01:14:43.000)
refuses to he always says handmaidens.
Jordan (01:14:49.000)
Yeah, no watching it going like yep, yep. Yep. I want to shoot myself.
Dan (01:14:54.000)
Yeah, I will watch that. Eventually. Again, I need a password. If you guys want to tweet me a password. Anyway, this next clip, this next clip is what I would describe as anti sexism, sexism. And it's it's Alex Jones, talking about Hillary Clinton that
Alex Jones (01:15:14.000)
Joe Biden saying Hillary lost because she's a woman. Record numbers of women voted for Donald Trump. And you know that. Yeah, we do. This has nothing to do with what is between somebody's legs. It's what's between their ears of the arrogance, and the bravado and the hubris of the elite to try to sell a drugged out evil Crone, with all of her evil record all the American people.
Dan (01:15:40.000)
It's like, it's like you wouldn't sell. It's that's
Jordan (01:15:44.000)
it's not about what's between your legs. It's that you're ugly and a woman and a witch. Yeah, that's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure her lady parts are great. I like Lady Parts. It's your face that I don't like.
Dan (01:15:58.000)
And if you really look at the statistics, if you look at the breakdown of the votes, it was white women. It wasn't Yeah. So like, if you want to say women overwhelmingly voted for Trump, that's not fair. White women overwhelmingly voted for Trump sucks.
Jordan (01:16:12.000)
Turns out white is more important. The gender? Yeah. What are we? What are we dealing with our world? What's happening? Are we sure we want to keep living here?
Dan (01:16:22.000)
I don't know. So this next clip, he goes on to the you know, how Alex Jones is really into just headlines and not the substance loves it. This is basically going to characterize and explain that he doesn't just think of the news that way. He looks at life that way. It's very interesting.
Jordan (01:16:40.000)
Oh, that is interesting.
Alex Jones (01:16:41.000)
And if Trump isn't perfect, doesn't matter, we still went for the package labeled patriot, labeled Renaissance labeled nationalism. And it shows the awakening and it's a very positive thing. In a very, very negative world. We'll be back 30 hours special transmission has now launched.
Dan (01:16:59.000)
So it's like, yeah, we saw a box that said we wanted it to say and we just grabbed that one. Yeah, exactly. I mean, we didn't look what was inside it. Obviously, it couldn't have been a Trojan horse of some. So no one was trying to con us at all. This guy who has a history of being a con artist. He said he was a patriot. So I mean, even if we were wrong, we were right to be wrong.
Jordan (01:17:18.000)
What that makes sense. What, what look,
Dan (01:17:21.000)
what kind of responsibility is this? What What world are we living in?
Jordan (01:17:25.000)
You know? It's even more pathetic, because Pandora's Box wasn't labeled all the worst things in the world.
Dan (01:17:34.000)
Exactly. Box was killed.
Jordan (01:17:39.000)
We went for the bugs that said, kill us all.
Dan (01:17:41.000)
So I'm going to skip this next clip, because he's really just lying about poll numbers. He says that the polls were skewed 30 points in Clinton's favor. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And I went back and did a bunch of research into it about the the bias that did exist in polls. And generally what they do is that they give liberals like a 3% margin added on to the poll numbers. And it's just because of voting. Registration discrimination, right studied over time, right. The 30 point number is patently absurd.
Jordan (01:18:15.000)
Well, you didn't need like, that's just patently absurd, no matter like you don't even need you if you have been alive. And you've seen any election. There's never been a 30 point difference between fucking but
Dan (01:18:27.000)
he's just saying that to in order in order to build up this idea that Trump had a massive Yeah.
Jordan (01:18:31.000)
Oh, he had, he was the Yeah, he had the highest Electoral College victory, despite the fact that it was nowhere near your top five. So now 2030. So now,
Dan (01:18:43.000)
at this point in the show, we get into what will be a massive narrative of the show, right? He we've already discussed this on a past episode, but there's news about it. This is dealing with the idea that Obama stole money from Fannie and Freddie in order to fund Obamacare. There have been some new breaking pieces to this story. How can
Jordan (01:19:08.000)
there be new breaking pieces to something that is absolutely made
Dan (01:19:12.000)
up because our man Jerome Corsi has been digging? He has been digging into it. And horsey, chorsu us question. Oh, so he this is going to take up a little bit of the rest of Wednesday's episode. Okay. And it's all bullshit. Right? And I will fully well, it just
Jordan (01:19:32.000)
it like, there's no there's no way you can listen to that opening without saying, oh, that's dumb. What do you mean, how would you even steal money from Fannie Mae and Freddie like?
Dan (01:19:46.000)
Well, it's actually pretty interesting the truth of the situation. Okay. And I'll get into it after he establishes his lie. I
Jordan (01:19:52.000)
knew you would hear so comforting.
Alex Jones (01:19:54.000)
I got some other Hillary Clinton clips I want to play but coming up in the next segment, this is all over CNBC. You saw them in the Wall Street Journal is all over the New York Times. Some of them even give us credit. They don't. Well, they want to say we're scared of us because they know we can force big stories. Whitehouse sources I don't even know sources. Thanks
Jordan (01:20:17.000)
for Alex Jones. Just blocked me. Here it
Alex Jones (01:20:21.000)
is. From MarketWatch and Fox Business munition on Fannie and Freddie Mae funds used to pay for Obamacare. It's true. We broke this. This this broke on May 1 Two days ago. It's May 3. Did everybody sort of point this out to me yesterday that Did you know The News gave you credit. Here's Dr. Courses article from yesterday, Treasury Secretary confirms reported reporting on Obama theft of Fannie and Freddie Mae close to 300 billion we know of that's just the documents that have been released from four years of Obama, they still haven't released the others. Of course, he got these through lawsuits that the White House directed him to buy private companies. Wait, here it is Fannie Freddie profit payments should continue. Treasury says Oh, and here's the original article we put out February 27. That's two months ago, exclusive Obama literally robbed Fannie Freddie to fund Obamacare XClusive.
Dan (01:21:23.000)
So we'll play the Steve Minuchin clip later. Okay, and we'll discuss exactly what that was covering when he gets to it. Back in February, we covered it when he first was pitching this narrative. And it was actually a slightly different thing. At that point. It was about lawsuits that the government had against the housing market. Yeah, for their abuses that led to the crash and right. There were
Jordan (01:21:50.000)
pieces that none of them were ever public punished for. And we should,
Dan (01:21:53.000)
financially they were punished a bit. A little bit. But a lot of these liberal organizations like getting people housing and that sort of thing. They ended up getting a lot of money out of lawsuits. Yes. So this is that one? No. That was that was what they broke in February. That was the lie that they spun them. Now there's an entirely different narrative that's being pitched off that founder
Jordan (01:22:15.000)
but using the same Yes, it's still involved the same bullshit that we talked about, then they've just repurposed for this new bowl,
Dan (01:22:23.000)
much like the Dennis Montgomery stuff, how they Yeah, use the same kernel to make a new story. Once the first one was bogus, right? They're doing sort of the same thing with Fannie and Freddie, right? These these sorts
Jordan (01:22:38.000)
of things like how Roadrunner cartoons keep using the same background shots, right?
Dan (01:22:42.000)
So is his new narrative is that Obama is wholecloth stealing from Fannie and Freddie, their profits in still in order to prop up Obamacare. And he did this in 2012. Because Obamacare was going to fail in 2012, which that even on its face, isn't it true? So it's based on an interview that Steve Minuchin did. And, man, I wish, maybe we should just go ahead and play that clip from later, just so you have some context, okay. I feel bad talking about it without it. But he doesn't get to the actual clip for like three hours. I
Jordan (01:23:16.000)
just love that Obamacare is going to fail narrative where it's like, it's going to fail. And you're gonna Wait, are you saying it's going to fail? Because you're going to defund it, forcing it to fail? Yeah. You know, if you guys worked on us a fret, you guys could work on it. Like you could make it more you could make it better. So hear a little bit later said they're like, get rid of it and burn everybody to the ground. Yeah,
Dan (01:23:41.000)
I agree. I agree with you. 100%. That's why I was just pushing towards the next clip.
Jordan (01:23:45.000)
Yeah. Because I'm sorry. There's nothing to talk about other than my rage. Yeah. And
Dan (01:23:48.000)
my agreement with your rage. But so like much further down the road, he ends up playing the Minuchin clip, and it does not say what he thinks it says.
Alex Jones (01:23:59.000)
All right here is the Treasury Secretary Minuchin. was on Fox Business a day ago, saying that Dr. Jerome Corsi is absolutely on target. It doesn't need Obama was looting the money from Fannie Mae Freddie Mac illegally. He doesn't say that because Congress wouldn't fund it to fund Obamacare. In the second year of the program, before it was even implemented fully here. It is a conversation
Reporter (38) (01:24:23.000)
going on on Twitter. And it has been for a long time about how President Obama needed money for Obamacare and would take from all of the agencies and he took from Fannie and Freddie, is that true?
Steven Mnuchin (01:24:33.000)
It is true. They used the profits of Fannie and Freddie to pay for other parts of the government while they kept taxpayers at risk.
Reporter (38) (01:24:41.000)
And also I understand that Fannie and Freddie were not they were exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. Just last week. I understand that the bill that Kevin Brady, I'm sorry, Kevin McCarthy was pushing through that taking them out of being exempted from
Alex Jones (01:24:55.000)
clips and of course he's article on Why did we cut it
Jordan (01:24:58.000)
off at that specific point? I
Dan (01:25:00.000)
don't know Alex's has very strategic with his cut offs. Yeah. So here, it seemed
Jordan (01:25:04.000)
like there was a more interesting line of questioning that was about to follow that we bailed on.
Dan (01:25:09.000)
Well, I looked into this. Yeah. And I found some good resources that indicate that they're not saying what Alex thinks they're saying, okay, but just because it's so much more fun this way. I found Breitbart telling them they're wrong.
Jordan (01:25:27.000)
So you you looked for the Baatar they made upon which to hoist them.
Dan (01:25:32.000)
All of this stuff is backed up by other non Breitbart sources, but just because I want to use their weapon against them in the alt right, I'm going to quote entirely from Breitbart about how this is wrong. So excellent about that clip. And Alex Jones is belief that this proves that Fannie and Freddie money was stolen and used for Obamacare double it. The confusion appears to have arisen because of the way Bartolo Romo worded her question that was the interviewer in that case. Treasury, the Treasury put out a statement Wednesday, however, that makes clear that Minuchin is answer was not meant to confirm any particular connection between Obamacare and the profits of Fannie and Freddie, because money is fungible, which means it can be moved around. Yeah. $1 Here is the same as $1. There, that's
Jordan (01:26:22.000)
all do you mean dollars mean dollars no matter where,
Dan (01:26:25.000)
yeah. And when, when it's all money coming in can be used in different directions.
Jordan (01:26:29.000)
If there's a surplus from this place, you can use it to pay for a different thing, right
Dan (01:26:33.000)
treasuries, receipts of those profits fund everything the federal government does from border patrol's and military operations, to the National Endowment for the Arts and public television. So basically, what that is saying, and what that is explaining is that the money that comes in from Fannie and Freddie because of a settlement, and because of the relationship that ended up having to happen in 2008, after the bubble burst, all that money does go to the government, and it's just money that the government uses to fund itself, much like tax receipts or just or the fucking Postal Service. No, but the postal service doesn't make money they have in the past, the band does.
Jordan (01:27:12.000)
Not anymore. So no, no, the Postal Service has many times in the past posted a surplus, okay, they've made money. It didn't like, just become more postal service like it was used to pay for other stuff. Security has posted a surplus in the past when the baby boomers were so outnumbering their parents. Yeah, Social Security made money. They didn't just like they kept putting it into other stuff.
Dan (01:27:38.000)
Money that comes into the government is put out into the things that the government does. Yeah. Now, let me read all money. Let me read a description again from Breitbart of what happened in 2008. The companies were taken over by the US government in 2008, when officials feared their collapse could further destabilize the housing and financial markets. Treasury provided hundreds of billions of dollars of funding while the Federal Housing Finance Agency FHFA became their conservator. Under their original agreement with the US Treasury both companies were supposed to pay a dividend equal to 10% of their taxpayer funding, as well as a fee on the hundreds of billions more, the Treasury had pledged to support them right free interests for years. However, neither company earned enough to pay the dividend which forced them to draw even more from their bailout funds just to send the money back to Treasury as the dividend. This circular draw, as it came to be called threatened to be threatened to put the companies into a death spiral, slowly eating away at the remainder of the Treasury backstop. In mid 2012. Treasury and the FHFA agreed to change the terms of the bailout so that Fannie and Freddie would no longer have a fixed dividend, ending the need for circular draws. Instead, each company would have a flexible dividend obligation that would rise and fall with their profits. Because the new dividend is equal to the positive net worth of each company, less a small capital cushion set to decline each year. It's known as quote the net worth sweep. At the time the net worth sweep was implemented. Treasury Department officials noted that in addition to ending the circular drawers and death spiral, the arrangement would facilitate the eventual wind down of the companies by preventing them from using profits to recapitalize as policy makers designed to safe more stable mortgage finance system.
Jordan (01:29:22.000)
Oh, do you mean very similar to what is going wrong with the Greece situation? And that they're not doing something sensible in there and say Okay, anyways, because
Dan (01:29:31.000)
every attempted bipartisan Morgan mortgage finance reform legislation stalled out on Capitol Hill, neither company has been wound down. Instead, they've remained in conservatorship and supported by taxpayer backing for more than eight years, a situation that nearly everyone involved in mortgage finance reform regards as undesirable. So we're in a situation where because of how bad things got and how bad it could have gotten if we didn't make a change by 2008 rhetoric 1012. We're in a situation where Fannie and Freddie give the fucking government billions of dollars rent to a hundreds of billions of dollars a year out of their profits in order to sustain themselves based on the bailout that was made in 2008. This story that they're claiming is some kind of lose, right? Is that money comes back to the government. And some of it probably did go to Obamacare. Yeah, we did. Because you got to pay for that somehow. Right. You'd have to, well,
Jordan (01:30:29.000)
that money is ours. It's fungible. Well, no, not just that. It's the money that's coming back to the government is the money we gave them? Yes. It's the loan. We didn't give them a week. I mean, it's supposed to be alone. We gave them a great interest rate. Sure. an insanely great interest rate, one that you could say was too great. Possibly. But yeah, that's how money works. This is
Dan (01:30:53.000)
Jerome Corsi is reporting busted by Breitbart. Ah, how fucked up is that? How fucked up is that that Breitbart of all places is pointing out that Infowars is making a conspiracy theory. You're Breitbart. Hello, this is Steve Bannon. Alex Jones Shut up.
Jordan (01:31:18.000)
I don't I don't know where that voice came from. And I realized I'm supposed to be a Paul Joseph Watson. No, I don't know.
Dan (01:31:25.000)
What did you know what I wanted to go against type with Steve Bannon is physique. So I went with that. But I realized also I've never heard him talk. I don't think I
Jordan (01:31:33.000)
feel I don't think I've ever heard him talk either. But I feel like he has to talk like late period. Orson Welles
Dan (01:31:38.000)
dead. Yes. So anyway, this is bullshit. Yeah, this whole story is complete bullshit. And if you look into it a tiny bit, it does sound scary. And there is that kernel of truth that we talked about on the 2015 episode. That's the trick. He's not as explicit about the kernel of truth anymore. If he did, he could maybe make his argument sound even worse. Yeah. Or even scarier, but he doesn't
Jordan (01:32:02.000)
like that he would have to deal with the fact that we're still doing that, aren't we? What do you mean? I mean, we're still taking them. Like, they're still taking that money. Yep. And they're using it to pay for things and there's
Dan (01:32:14.000)
no end in sight. No, there's this will be a system that's in place. Until this, that that wind down process that we're talking right happens, and it's not happening. It's not. Yeah. So So and and thank God, it's not well, yeah, we would be in way worse shape. If if the just, you know, the government stopped backing them. Yeah. It's not it's not an ideal situation to be in. But the alternative is so much worse. Right. Which is much like we talked about with Tetris last night. It's a situation where you have to accept a negative outcome sometimes in life. Yeah. No, it's not. Yeah, it would be great if the these were just completely independent, huge housing, loaning, loaning businesses, right? But unfortunately, bunch of people fucked that up. And now we can't have nice
Jordan (01:32:59.000)
thing and also on the list of our problems Alan's way down there.
Dan (01:33:03.000)
So he's going to get back to this narrative a bit and he's going to bring in Jerome Corsi to lie a bunch about it. Okay. And we'll get to that in a minute. But before we do, I want to take us back to the other day. We were talking about how Alex outed Donald Trump's son's Cernovich his sources. Yes, he, I think, got intense blowback.
Jordan (01:33:28.000)
Do you mean like he fucking should have?
Dan (01:33:30.000)
Yeah, I think he probably got much like the Olifants email.
Jordan (01:33:36.000)
Do you think he got a call?
Dan (01:33:37.000)
I think Cernovich probably was like, Hey, man, you can't do that fit. Here's a list. I don't know how to make a
Jordan (01:33:44.000)
list. Here doing Mike Tyson.
Dan (01:33:47.000)
Listen. I'm gonna eat your heart. I'm ferocious.
Jordan (01:33:51.000)
I love pigeons.
Dan (01:33:52.000)
My defense is impregnable. My style is impetuous. I'm just ferocious. I'm gonna eat your heart.
Alex Jones (01:33:57.000)
Praise be to Allah.
Dan (01:33:59.000)
That was That was definitely not my case. Yes, it was. There was something he said before a fight. Really? Yeah. Awesome.
Jordan (01:34:06.000)
That sounds? Well, let's not go that far. In terms
Dan (01:34:09.000)
of like, hyping yourself up for a bone? Yes. Agreed. I'm gonna integrate your heart. I'm going to eat your children.
Jordan (01:34:16.000)
Right. So great. I mean, he is a convicted rapist though, but I mean, so there's that
Dan (01:34:21.000)
in terms of performance. So anyway, this next clip, he talks about Cernovich his sources
Alex Jones (01:34:28.000)
and the Soros group put out its articles for Media Matters saying find the leak and shut it down and I gotta correct something because I saw the church day and I kind of conflate things not on purpose but I talk fast I got guests coming up I mix things together. You do Cernovich has a bunch of sources I know that Don Jr. Says he should be able to Pulitzer Prize I agree he should social Paul Watson but of course he many others know a lot of tries to you know, get me into globalist
Dan (01:34:55.000)
so before we get to his actual like walking back his Cernovich shit like that. Paul Joseph Watson in the past has been documented as basing stories on anonymous direct messages on Twitter, right by trolls by people fucking with it. Yeah, absolutely. That's not pure surprise winning behavior in the past. Jerome Corsi has published multiple books that sure they ended up as best sellers, but had been shown fortunate that had been shown to be completely made up based on terrible sourcing, right? He he's written multiple books about Obama's birth certificate being fake, and one about John Kerry and his Swift Boat shit, right. So like, those are not purely surprised people, Alex, they are not.
Jordan (01:35:38.000)
If if any of them win a Pulitzer Prize, then it's for real time to just pack up and be like, nope, bye. I'm out. It's like a muffler. It's fucking out of here. Yeah,
Dan (01:35:49.000)
I'm resisting the call of the woods, almost every Oh, right. It's just God, I like my, my cat could live in the woods.
Jordan (01:35:57.000)
I keep fighting this because every every generation, this happens to every generation, like, like very similar stuff happened in 1968 to what's going on right now.
Dan (01:36:08.000)
It's just more. That wasn't quite the last generation though. No, no,
Jordan (01:36:12.000)
I'm saying that the like, the closest corollary to our time is in the last days of Nixon. Yeah. Whenever we had all of the Vietnam War protests when we had so many people being beaten for protesting when we had all of this shit going on Sure. Our president was blatantly corrupt, and was fucking committing crimes, and
Dan (01:36:32.000)
it may have set the template for what's going to happen to our current press.
Jordan (01:36:36.000)
Exactly, exactly. Right. So we survived that. So I keep thinking, You know what, maybe we are over at overreacting. Maybe our institutions are strong enough to protect us against that. But at the same time, I am two seconds away from just fucking driving. And just hoping that I get to the woods far enough away where it's like, add the nuclear bombs won't hit
Dan (01:36:58.000)
me. Number one, if you do that, let me pack this shit up and come pick me up. Okay, but then second, I have two thoughts. We're gonna
Jordan (01:37:05.000)
have to buy a generator.
Dan (01:37:07.000)
That's fine. Okay, I have an idea.
Jordan (01:37:10.000)
Solar Panel. Exactly.
Dan (01:37:12.000)
The second thing is, to thoughts about your idea about generational ship? Yes. I'm not sure if we survived the 70s. Necessarily.
Jordan (01:37:25.000)
That's a good theory.
Dan (01:37:26.000)
I'm not going well, I'm just not sure that the the right outcome necessarily happened. I think that it got to a boiling point. And then things got drawn back as opposed to being pushed over the edge. Yeah, like we could have gone a lot farther in the 60s in terms of assuring progressive movement as opposed to going back.
Jordan (01:37:45.000)
Oh, no, I'm not saying we one. Right. And I don't
Dan (01:37:47.000)
think that's a I don't think that's it, I here's what I'm saying. I don't think that that is a demonstration of the strength of our systems or anything like that our institutions. But secondarily, I do agree with you, the generations always feel that things are falling apart. Yeah. But
Jordan (01:38:02.000)
every generation has that kind of narcissistic tendency to think it's the last generation, right?
Dan (01:38:07.000)
Yeah, they're you. People should have some insight to that and be like, Well, maybe it's not. But at the same time, eventually one of those generations is gonna be right. Yeah, statistically speaking inevitably, later, probably someone will be right. Yeah, exactly. And the 60s, they were right. They were our American history has never been the same sense. Nope, almost everything that's happened since then, has been a backlash to that. Almost all of the conservative values and all of the conservative shit that goes on is in direct response to that the hand but you also and stuff like that, right? Is the fear that they have, that they sell the kernels of the hippie shit that still exists in terms of homosexuality, drug use fringe art, stuff like that is the stuff that they use as boogie men to be like, that's not that's not American values. You know, we got to support the family, and blah, blah, blah. communal living is bullshit, right?
Jordan (01:39:03.000)
Although my theory is that the Civil War never ended. Sure. That's That's my because we've been fighting the Civil War long after it. No war
Dan (01:39:15.000)
is ever ended. Think about it. Civil war hasn't ended. The literally the Korean war hasn't ended according to the North Korean doesn't, but doesn't get worse than that one. Yeah, World War Two hasn't ended we still have Nazis around like hell, we
Jordan (01:39:29.000)
still have Nazi all have this bit weird. It's 2017. And I wake up some days and I go, I'm afraid of Nazi
Dan (01:39:35.000)
Oh, this is still going on. It's not we're all we all we've done in the same way that because we never finished the deal in the 60s as it were. And then that's not the only instance of stuff but like, we because progressives
Jordan (01:39:47.000)
have blue balls. That's what you're really saying.
Dan (01:39:50.000)
Because we didn't close the door. We have to
Jordan (01:39:53.000)
end in an Alec Baldwin speech.
Dan (01:39:56.000)
And in the same way that like at the end of World War Two, we do wrought over tons of Nazis because we knew that they had great expertise in certain areas right of use them as scientists and shit, right? Because we never really finish anything. We leave it open in our chickens are all here. They're all here.
Jordan (01:40:14.000)
There's no finish, like the problem there is that you're in, in no uncertain terms, you're looking for a final solution. I'm not like that's how do you finish that though? Like, if you're if you're talking about the progressives, how do we win? There's no win? Well, here's this, we're only going to prove we're only going to create more of this backlash. Well, let
Dan (01:40:40.000)
me let me say, just in the case of World War Two, what I and it's bullshit, because I do also recognize the pieces of our culture that have advanced because of Nazis. Yeah, that we brought over. There's a lot of the moon there. That's one great example. But there's a lot of stuff that we have benefited from because of them, when our world wouldn't be the same. If we didn't forgive some of them because of their genius.
Jordan (01:41:02.000)
You don't you don't make peace with your friends, you make peace with your right. But
Dan (01:41:06.000)
in a perfect world, I think what you would have done is all of the people who were responsible for the atrocities, people who were directly the ones being like, gassing them up. Yeah, those people, you would kill all of them. You'd have trials for them, and you would summarily execute all of them. But then the people who were still sort of under the sway of the ideology, you would do everything you could to re educate and not in like a brainwashing way.
Jordan (01:41:34.000)
Yeah. But well, I mean, they were brainwashed. So it's a D brainwashing, however it is you layer
Dan (01:41:39.000)
would be a process that would have to, you know, I'm not saying put them in a camp and D brainwash them, but like, provide,
Jordan (01:41:48.000)
put them in I'm not let's avoid camps altogether. When talking about World War Two. Let's not put camps anywhere near this. But internment concentration, or de brainwash
Dan (01:41:59.000)
provide, provide people who are under a negative sway with the information and with the reality of like, right, these Jews are not your enemies. This Nazi ideology is something you got swept up into, and just deconstruct every part of the ideology. And
Jordan (01:42:16.000)
it's not how we work. But like, it's the same way with the drug war. And it's the same thing hit in
Dan (01:42:21.000)
the same way that this podcast, we can talk about Alex Jones lies all the time. And if someone actually believes him or likes him, it's not going to help
Jordan (01:42:29.000)
you. Well, I think I think that's different. I think that's different from my argument. Okay. My argument based on what you've said, is that it's very similar to the way that we deal with the drug war, in that rather than creating these situations to de escalate, and to educate people. And, again, avoid using the word re educate, right, rather than using those terms. Yeah, rather than using those strategies, we go for the punishment angle, like with the drug war, what we should be doing is building more rehab centers. And what we are doing is building more prisons.
Dan (01:43:07.000)
No, it should be a two prong thing. It should be more rehabs and then more oversight into doctors who are really loose with prescriptions. So those are the two things that would make and those are the things that are gonna go away because of Trump's executive order how that works. And Trump believes that Duarte in the Philippines is doing great things about drugs where he just kills Dre he
Jordan (01:43:30.000)
is a literal murderer murderer he has said he has literally committed murder he said publicly that he resident his own hand of the Philippines has said in public I have killed a man
Dan (01:43:45.000)
no I think what he said was at least three
Jordan (01:43:47.000)
Yeah, yes so he's he said he's murdered people Yeah, like that's that's some That's some real dictatorship
Dan (01:43:55.000)
That's fucked up and he was invited to the White House Yeah,
Jordan (01:43:58.000)
but you know that that that's that's one of those hypocrisy things where look how many times if we had Saudi leaders sure how many times
Dan (01:44:10.000)
your point is well taken?
Jordan (01:44:11.000)
Yeah. Fucking what's his dumb face has a picture with him shaking hands with Saddam Hussein the secretary Yeah, fucking right that sociopaths were of course fucking monster yeah we're gonna but but the the point there is that we've we've spent off of it but I agree with you in that it is boy I don't I don't quite know where your argument is. Because your your point to the World War
Dan (01:44:45.000)
Two finished
Jordan (01:44:46.000)
well, yeah, but your point is that World War Two thing was killed the people
Dan (01:44:50.000)
know killed killed some of the people okay, like I don't think the the executions of Nazis that we did do were wrong. No, I Don't you? I don't think the Nuremberg Trial outcomes were wrong, necessarily. I think a lot of people had to die because of the things they did. I think a lot of people died because of the thing. I think a lot more people should be executed because of crimes against humanity, even people on our side in the history of the world, but but but but I'm saying that Rumsfeld we never do Cheney, anything. Even fucking Clinton. Clinton, like I'm not worried. It's not it's not how many,
Jordan (01:45:26.000)
how many civilians? Has Obama killed? Sure, sure. Yeah. He in the Iraq War, we've killed more civilians than we have soldiers.
Dan (01:45:33.000)
As much as he is a politician in our world. It has goodwill. Yeah, I think, yeah. And did a lot of very positive things. You can't take away the war crimes. No, he's every single one of them. But yeah, my further point is, we never do a good enough job of dealing with the people who are beholden to negative belief systems. Yeah. And that is super dangerous in the wet in the same way that we never really dealt with Nazis, even American Nazis during World War Two, and it led to people going underground and creating networks. And now neo Nazi ism popped up right, and now it's being funneled into it's not the entire Old right, but it is a it is a piece of
Jordan (01:46:17.000)
it. Well, anti semitism was a hugely popular thing in the United States in the late 20s. And 30s. Yes, like one of the reasons one of the people one of the big boogeyman for our the Great Depression, Jews bank that drew in, in the United States, like one of the one of the things that is very important to remember is Hitler assumed we would be on his side, because a lot of his ideas were cribbed, from American intellectuals,
Dan (01:46:43.000)
and he knew that there were a ton of weird networks of Nazis in America. Absolutely. But Be alert. Just to put a button on my point. Yes. So we can get moving. Yeah, I just
Jordan (01:46:57.000)
I haven't I haven't been I wasn't on last. I know, last episode. So it's like, I want to get into some shit, man, I want to be a policy wonk. That's gonna be a four hour, four hour Oh, policy wonk all day, son. So
Dan (01:47:08.000)
my point is when these harmful ideologies pop up, and I'm not saying conservatism is a harmful
Jordan (01:47:15.000)
idea. It is right now. Right. But there's no, there's no equivocation on that. But that's not the conservatism
Dan (01:47:20.000)
that has existed in the past. That there is, when you talk about small government, and you talk about states, having rights about a lot of things, you have a very, you can have a robust argument there. You can have people on the other side that believe those things, and it's okay.
Jordan (01:47:40.000)
I'm letting you talk. I'm letting your talk. I'm just making facial expressions keep going. When
Dan (01:47:45.000)
when I talk about harmful ideologies I'm talking about I mean, now it's definitely the alt right, and they're going to need to be corrected in the future.
Jordan (01:47:57.000)
That's a dog whistle to our more militant liberal friends.
Dan (01:48:00.000)
I don't think that have any of those. I don't think there are any. But
Jordan (01:48:05.000)
that's our that's our ultimate failing in the
Dan (01:48:07.000)
past. There were Nazis. There were other groups that were in that, that camp. And to a certain extent, sure, if the Alex Jones people want to come down on me, I would say exactly the same is true of people in Al Qaeda, or people in ISIS, people who are militant religious folk. Yeah. And it exists in Christianity
Jordan (01:48:32.000)
too. But like those ISIS has more in common with the GOP than I do, right.
Dan (01:48:37.000)
But those folks are the people who have the mentalities that we need to bust somehow. And I don't mean Boston terms of like, we need to get them in and kill them all. Or we need to brainwash them into our liberal way of thinking, right? Because I don't care if they land on the right or the left when they land. All I care is they don't have a worldview that's based on bigotry. And that's based not in facts, like those are the parts of it that are really troubling. The Nazis were not operating on a fact based system, right? They were basing it on hate everything that was going on the pro Vietnam folk in the 60s, were operating on a very non fact based system. Yeah, now the hippies were super into also a lot of non facts. Yeah, they're non facts. We're about Aquarius. They're the tenability of
Jordan (01:49:30.000)
free love her ology her ology is our way out of right?
Dan (01:49:34.000)
That's that's not a harmful non fact based system. I think like based system that only leads to you fucking more people and buying a crystal. That's not really negative.
Jordan (01:49:47.000)
I think you I think you've stumbled onto what I would say like, the way that the way that you put it kind of clicked something for
Dan (01:49:56.000)
me. We're really getting down to essentially my philosophy
Jordan (01:50:00.000)
You know, here's here's what I would say. Based on what you've just said. I had a little a little brain click. It is not progressive, conservative liberal Democrat GOP. Yeah. Right now our fundamental differences are real reality. Yes. One side, not one side. No, there is a side of
Dan (01:50:25.000)
people. There's delusional Democrats and liberals all over the place. The sides are
Jordan (01:50:29.000)
reality versus non reality. That's what we are really fighting. And that's why these wars haven't been finished. No, because we're not we're not we're not fighting the right war. Nope. You and I are fighting distraction. Yeah, you and I are not fighting a war of conservatism or liberalism, or progressivism, or anything like that, oh, we're fighting a war with a man who is creating reality. Right? We're fighting that with reality.
Dan (01:50:57.000)
Well, but then at the same time that because like, I mean, I don't want to peel the curtain back too far. But like, one of the reasons that I feel so convicted in my fighting Alex Jones on his non reality based system is because of your dog knock them right. Good dog. The reason is, because like it wasn't that BuzzFeed article, and I couldn't fucking think I could not think that that quote is more accurate. He is the gerbils of 2016. Absolutely, he is. And it's not about Russia taking over America. It's not anything about that. He Alex Jones is a propaganda mouthpiece of the American wing of a very dangerous global movement that's happening right now. And it's going to continue. And it's not like you said, liberal, Republican, conservative. It's not about any of that. Anyway, we've gone too far down this rabbit hole. Let's get to our let's finish this clip. We're in the middle of Oh, are
Jordan (01:51:57.000)
we in the middle of a clip? Yes. What show are we doing?
Dan (01:52:00.000)
I don't know. This is about Mike Cernovich his sources.
Alex Jones (01:52:04.000)
And that he's a great source of info on what he says he is not sort of as his source. I happen to know one of the sources. He hasn't said the White House. It's not Don Jr. So that became a big investigation stopped Don Jr. from leaking information. And I kind of conflated those two. My point is the two, you know, obviously, like each other, I'll just leave it that. That is not our source on much of this. That's not our source. worst tragedy. But I can tell you, it's from the Treasury Department, because this is known in the White House. The White House wants this stuff out. And Fox News and CNN won't report it. So they give it to the big evil Alex Jones, the big evil Dr. Corsi, as you know, of course, he's got three number one New York Times bestseller books probably changed the course of at least one election, probably tube for the show. Yeah, that's not all credit. And he's got a PhD in banking and is willing to expose all this. So another big giant story we brought,
Dan (01:52:59.000)
his propaganda is effective, but like, so he's like, don don, Jr. Wasn't the source and
Jordan (01:53:06.000)
let's just let's just say that, like that was a wink and a nod to him still being right
Dan (01:53:13.000)
kind of Yeah. and being like, I'm not really apologizing. Yeah, then he also says that like with this new story, the one about Fannie and Freddie stuff, he is like, that's not our source. Our source is the Treasury Department. Right? Every single thing that he says throughout the entire course of this is based on that tiny clip, right I played of Steve minutiae, right? It being interviewed by Maria Bartolo Roma. I'm not sure I'm saying her name, though. You know what I think? Let me confirm this. i No, no, no, it's Bartiromo. You know what? I'm conflating it with one of the characters in a Comedy Bang Bang, ongoing story.
Jordan (01:53:56.000)
Cuz I was conflating it with one of the Assassin's Creed characters. Bartolo Romeo,
Dan (01:54:03.000)
I was I was completing it with pitcher Bartolo colon. It's cologne. Jesus, it smelled like
Jordan (01:54:11.000)
anyway, I was complaining. I was conflating it with Bartolo Sims. Sono
Dan (01:54:14.000)
were mildly off the rails. And that's, and that's appropriate, because this is covering his 30 hour, dumbass marathon. Are we doing 30 hours? And we are so it turns out that like his big thing that he wanted to talk about this, Fannie and Freddie storyline is completely opposite Bumpus it's just nonsense. It's, it's, it's No, it's It's bullshit. It's no good. But it's going to be the new narrative. It's going to be I started to try it. Like as I listened to the show, one of the things I'm trying to do is contextualize what he's saying. Yeah, because every he throws out so much bullshit. I'm like, is this going to be a varsity storyline? Is this going to be a JV storyline? Or is this going to be a waypoint? You know, like, I'm trying to you're
Jordan (01:54:59.000)
at shilly editori you're working as his editor at the same time. Well, I'm trying to you're you're like if he was coming to you with a novel, yeah, you would be the guy going through it like no, this is your real a story. This is. Exactly, exactly. Yeah, that's what
Dan (01:55:16.000)
you're doing. This is gonna be I think one of his really main narratives, the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac thing. Yeah. Because he's going back to it from two months ago. Okay. And I think that he has he thinks that enough time has passed that no one remembers the bullshit flows probably right. Except for except for you because we're wrong. And I think he's going to try and use the assumed credibility of we reported on this in February, right, and use it to really reinforce this, because the Google story is sort of falling apart. They're gonna delist us. Ah, that's a waypoint. Now. It's not a main narrative. No,
Jordan (01:55:51.000)
there's no weight behind. Right? He can he can wander off and then get back to there
Dan (01:55:55.000)
right now. I think the varsity storylines are going to be this and framing homme de la Kaya as a member of the Federal Reserve, right, those are going to be the varsity storylines. Now,
Jordan (01:56:09.000)
I do like this, like if I were him, I like this angle on Freddie Mae and Fannie Mae and Fannie, Freddie, Fannie, Freddie. I do like this angle because it is concurrent with the Obamacare repeal vote. So your narrative there just kind of slides in with the mainstream GOP there's accidental that Obamacare is failing. And then you come in on your back end saying the reason it's failing is because they were stealing money from these people. Right. And now, Trump. Americana is not going to do that. No, now that is I think you're right, that is accidental. But I also think that's one of the big reasons this has legs.
Dan (01:56:50.000)
Well, because well, I mean, it has even more legs considering like, this is a day before we even knew that vote was gonna go down. Yeah. And with
Jordan (01:56:59.000)
God, so tell us all Yeah, tell us all. So like they didn't even fucking kill us. I don't even care and more
Dan (01:57:05.000)
legs considering Yeah. Even before the vote. I knew that, ya know, he
Jordan (01:57:09.000)
lucked into something real good.
Dan (01:57:10.000)
Yeah. But it's all based in nothing. So I mean, we'll see how it plays.
Jordan (01:57:14.000)
So is the Health Care Act? So am I right?
Dan (01:57:17.000)
Are you listen to me? Well, Jesus, I want you to know, so you pointed very strongly and my aggressive point. That's very me right now listening. We're playing games here and we were all having a laugh. You know what? You know what? You know what? Jordan, stop fucking laughing. Stop fucking. Alright,
Dan (01:57:36.000)
this is serious business. You know why? Alex Jones has been fucking threatened. We need to respect that. We need to respect that. And I wish I could press play. While I'm pointing at
Jordan (01:57:48.000)
you. You are you. I need you to escape from this character you're playing right now. I wish it gotten to fun. One day, there
Dan (01:57:56.000)
will be a way for me to start playing clips with my brain. But for now, I have to get out of character to press the button.
Jordan (01:58:03.000)
So what will happen is you should just get a lapel mic. That's really the situation.
Dan (01:58:07.000)
Or the Rapoport. Oh, yeah.
Jordan (01:58:10.000)
The Britney Spears report headset, we could definitely do that.
Dan (01:58:13.000)
Donate to the show so we can get wrap up.
Alex Jones (01:58:18.000)
Thank you so much for joining us. We're getting Jerome Corsi lined up on the Skype as we speak right now, if you get a journal, it
Dan (01:58:26.000)
takes forever. It's
Alex Jones (01:58:29.000)
close to 300 million, just in the four years they were able to get into via our White House Treasury connections, the one to $300 billion. Now we have only gotten a portion of the documents, it's probably gonna be a lot bigger. And then Minuchin. The Treasury Secretary and others got asked about it on mainstream TV and they said No, it's true. Infowars is right. Well, of course we're right. We got it from our sources. And of course, he has a Harvard degree in finance. He's worked with Donald Trump he's an expert makes him reliable. That's why they hate us. In fact, I've been told this story and bashing the radical Muslims that has them after me they have the Federal Reserve of New York Board Member suing me right now. And I've been told stop getting into Fannie Mae Freddie Mac stop getting in to the Muslims back off like offer you'll be destroyed
Dan (01:59:25.000)
back off or you'll be it sucks there I want to actually roll this back because like I kept in a super long break at the end. Just listen to this. It's fucking hilarious.
Alex Jones (01:59:40.000)
Stop getting in to the Muslims back off, back off or you'll be destroyed
Dan (01:59:49.000)
I just love that. You like hits the table and yeah, no way
Jordan (01:59:55.000)
not Mnuchin is not an easier name to pronounce than Oulu chi Oh, no, not at all. Why is it that he can pronounce Mnuchin? perfectly every time? Not every time is it? Well, that's that maybe he's he's done enough that only 5% He's done it enough that it frustrates you that it's very obvious he's mispronouncing loci his name on purpose? Well, I
Dan (02:00:16.000)
would say that the more disrespectful thing is his first name is Humpty, and he keeps calling him Hamid. Yeah, that is way more disposed, be those that may just to just to recap in that clip, he does say that he's being sued by a member of the Federal Reserve. He's not he's not the guy who he slandered. Who does not is not on the board of the Federal Reserve. Not even close. Nope, he was an advisory committee guy in the upstate New York area, the total horseshit. So, you know, he's been threatened. Alex's has an earlier in this episode, we sort of dove into, you know, sort of turning on Trump a little bit. Yeah, at least at the beginning. He was saying these, these might be going sideways, right? He's looked at the devil and he's, you know, he's 70% Now, it's a video game,
Jordan (02:01:02.000)
playing really close to saying, when you look in the abyss, the Abyss look back, looks back,
Dan (02:01:07.000)
Shakespeare would have been fucking great. Any classical quote, Shakespeare. Don't think he don't
Jordan (02:01:17.000)
give me liberty or give me death.
Dan (02:01:20.000)
He will Shakespeare here's where he sort of makes it super confusing.
Alex Jones (02:01:25.000)
I'll tell you it's very paradoxical. Best of Times, worst of times, Will Shakespeare that I just love Trump and what he's doing on the economy and Americana and sovereignty and battling ISIS and bringing jobs back, it's I just get chills, and then it makes it worse. So if you already hate somebody, they do bad stuff. It doesn't really hurt you, you just fight them. But when you really care about somebody, and you know what they're up against, you know, they're getting threatened, you know, they're surrounded, you know, people aren't doing what he says that's been and then to see him start to capitulate and bring in globalist because they just weren't letting the government move. They weren't. They were they had him in stalemate. They had him deadlocked. And so he's now dealing with him and getting us something but giving up something and people aren't gonna put up with that they expect stuff he can't deliver. Our listeners want me a lot of material to Trump. I'm just being a realist. I'm not endorsing what he's done. You are. But I'm not as quick as you know, even Limbaugh to start tearing into him.
Dan (02:02:26.000)
So like, this is the way that when you are dumbass leader, and you're proposing things that go against some of our most basic American values, but yet you have all three branches of government locked up and now the Supreme Court, and yet you can't get shit done. Right? This is the way you pitch the narrative that like, Oh, this is why right, because there's gloveless behind the scenes.
Jordan (02:02:51.000)
It's the cult leader letter. It's the cult leader predicting doomsday. Yeah, and then doomsday not happening. Right. So then Well, it's not I made a mistake. Look, I misread it. Doomsday is two years from now.
Dan (02:03:03.000)
I missed a two in there. Yeah, exactly. No, biblical scripture is tough to decode.
Jordan (02:03:09.000)
I had the broad strokes, right. Yeah, but the details it's the devil is in the details. The devil in this situation is coming two years from now. Not today.
Dan (02:03:18.000)
So all that shit, though, that he's saying about like, you know, Trump is going off the rails. He's, he's becoming globalist and shit does not jive with his like, I love this guy.
Jordan (02:03:28.000)
And he's not I love that guy. He's the alpha male. He's the alpha male who can do anything I want it is always always always everybody else's fault. Well, but you can never hold the person accountable. But that's an Alex Jones's world
Dan (02:03:44.000)
that also cuts into his entire narrative. Because he's done so much groundwork and laying the the sort of foundation for like, Trump is a singular man. He is a Yeah, he's a man against the globalist Yeah. And so if he starts to get corrupted, what Alex doesn't want to deal with is the idea that the singular man isn't enough. Yeah, or whatever. Yeah, it would be really problematic for him.
Jordan (02:04:11.000)
I mean, what you would do is you would go straight towards Putin, because it sure seems like Putin is a singular man enough to do this shit,
Dan (02:04:18.000)
right? Maybe what happens that may
Jordan (02:04:20.000)
be God dammit. Imagine that. Imagine if Alex Jones switches to like, well, it's Putin the whole time. He's already had Alexander Dugan Yeah, and he's been on our tea like he's he's got the groundwork laid for being like, the only real anti globalist is poor.
Dan (02:04:39.000)
So this next clip, Alex Jones is trying to reframe Trump like in as much as he's turning against him. He's trying to reform him I believe, as best as my ear can tell. In this clip. He's trying to frame him as a tolerant immigration reformer, but it Yeah, it doesn't. It does not pass. Last,
Alex Jones (02:05:01.000)
Trump was always going to reform immigration. But he's not gonna let criminals and Laurie Conkey stay anti American Islamist this, you name it come in, or single moms, but we killed half our kids with abortion in this country, we're going to have to replace the population, we need to do it with people that are integrated into the American system. We're going after people that are here illegally. But what he's not what the media claimed he was some racist that hates everybody. So just like a lot of Christians, and I'm a Christian myself, sure, got mad at him that he's not anti gay. Once he got in. That was the media saying Trump was anti gay. And so a lot of super right wingers said, Oh, great, we love Trump. And I was like, Hey, guys, did you see the convention with Trump saying let's be inclusive to everybody.
Jordan (02:05:53.000)
Except Muslim. Guy.
Alex Jones (02:05:56.000)
Trump's a big tech. And so that's the bottom line here is that we have a president of Apple just for certain grips or for Trump sell for Assange. Absolutely terrible. He told Assange and others if you got more WikiLeaks release, so he told Russia that morning, President Trump indict yourself, then. That's ridiculous. That's outrageous.
Dan (02:06:18.000)
I do agree with that last point. That is like if you want to put WikiLeaks on trial, you will end up on trial. Yeah,
Jordan (02:06:24.000)
of course. But that's the stuff they're doing now is very much like, we're deciding who can and who can't be called news. Yeah. And that's, that's a problem. Well, again, again, it goes because of that very same thing. Like if you're advocating that and you're Alex Jones. Imagine what happens if you are Alex Jones, and it's a liberal progressive politician with that same power. Sure. Like your fake news. You're the problem. You could very legitimately be shut down on solid ground.
Dan (02:07:03.000)
That idea of Trump's immigration stuff is just is cockamamie
Jordan (02:07:08.000)
bullshit revisionist history revisionist history
Dan (02:07:11.000)
from a month ago. Yeah.
Jordan (02:07:14.000)
Yeah. Got it hasn't even been that long.
Dan (02:07:17.000)
Meanwhile, Alex just hasn't even been that long. Meanwhile, Alex on his show keeps harping on like the idea that like, the problem is no one has a memory. Like, yeah, you don't remember? Yeah. You don't remember what you said?
Jordan (02:07:28.000)
It's every it's every GOP person now who says like, Oh, what are liberals protesting about? You know, whenever Obama was president, we never did that shit. We just accepted as president. He's,
Dan (02:07:41.000)
like them burning Obama.
Jordan (02:07:44.000)
I know. It's like, what the fuck are you not? Are you not paying attention? Now? I
Dan (02:07:48.000)
want to I want to say this in terms of validating people's feelings, I think, okay, some of those people who are complaining and saying we didn't protest when Obama came into office. Sure. Personally, maybe they didn't show maybe they were tolerant. And God bless them for it. Yeah. But then projecting that to the the society is not okay. Because when Obama was elected it there was an insane backlash. To To an extent where have you ever been to a gun show?
Jordan (02:08:19.000)
No, I have. Please don't tell me anymore after it's just fucking kill me before yester
Dan (02:08:25.000)
Obama was elected. There were frequently at gun shows that I have been to. I mean, I grew up in Missouri. Yeah, I never I bought a blow gun once. Just because I wanted to shoot paintballs at my friends, but like it's such a you move. I think I also bought like some sort of a stun gun. So me and my friends could chalk each other over drunk great, but it was full of Obama targets Yeah, and then also weird posters of Obama like photoshopped Obama into like weird old insulting racist tribal pictures. The Obama
Jordan (02:09:07.000)
Obama's face. Yeah, the whole thing
Dan (02:09:09.000)
like so. I don't know. Like, it doesn't work. Big picture. But those people individually might be okay.
Jordan (02:09:16.000)
My my aunt told me this whole thing about how we when Obama was elected, everybody hoped he would do well. And she absolutely did not remember all the racist shit. She emailed herself said she herself emailed me Yeah, like so it's so fuck you. Yeah, I and this
Dan (02:09:35.000)
memory. This is the
Jordan (02:09:36.000)
worst part like it. Genuinely there. There was that narrative during the Trump campaign where there was part of people were like, you know, Trump is lying. You know, he's lying. So maybe he's lying in a good way. Like maybe when he does get elected, he's gonna go back to that shit where he was a pro LGBT. I remember Go back to that hole. Because he used to be a he's a secret Democrat and he's never believed in anything. He doesn't believe in anything. He doesn't have an ideology. He's just a fucking opportunist.
Dan (02:10:09.000)
He believes in his own brand being pushed in his family make more money,
Jordan (02:10:13.000)
right? So there's that there was that liberal narrative where it's like, well, you know, what if he enriches himself, but we also get single payer health care? Fucking great, you know, that kind of a thing. Now, the problem is, he was lying to everybody in the wrong way.
Dan (02:10:27.000)
Yeah, it's that deal with the devil never works out because the devil has interests you don't even fucking stand. But
Jordan (02:10:33.000)
again, whenever he was, whenever he was elected, and on that Inauguration Day, I knew shit was gonna go bad. Sure, but just because of that, that didn't mean that I didn't hope that it turned out well, like, like, imagine if he had just turned out to be a pretty good, okay, dude. Like that could have happened. Conceivably? Sure he's a liar. He doesn't believe in anything. No, maybe we find out that he just gives a shit about doing whatever he wants to do. You know, it's possible to do it was like, I genuinely hope the president succeeds. The problem I have is that there's no possibility of that he's a monster. And he's trying to focus on using the Republican Congress who are filled with psychopathic monsters who are bought by rich people who are all psychopathic monsters. Well, the problem too,
Dan (02:11:27.000)
is that like, so I'm saying I hope our president does well. Well, the Well, the problem is that, like, the world is so complicated, and we're deeply entrenched in such weird situations. So that like, even the best person possible coming into office will inevitably do monsterous shit. Yeah, just based on the last 5070, right. 100 years of history, right. Like the trends that have happened have gotten us into a position where you can't extricate yourself from situations where you're going to end up murdering tons of aliens, right? foreign countries. No, it's just inevitable.
Jordan (02:11:58.000)
Obama, Obama, if he was not faced with those decisions, would like right now, if you were talking to Obama, from 20 years ago, and said, Okay, would you ever kill a civilian? Who had nothing? Who not evil? Not a problem? He would absolutely, like if you ask me. Of course not. I would never ever kill a civilian. And then you get into that political situation where your entire life could be bad. So you have to kill a civilian. Right? And my, my poor your, your least have to your lesser of two evils is killing people.
Dan (02:12:37.000)
Yeah. And my point is that the best person is still going to do some really bad. Exactly. And then when you get a corner, that's
Jordan (02:12:44.000)
what I'm saying. The best person right? And even I would do what I'm saying do Yeah, exactly.
Dan (02:12:48.000)
Then you get a con artist and they're going to end up with who know who
Jordan (02:12:52.000)
the fuck no knows.
Dan (02:12:55.000)
So it's not gone? Well, but
Jordan (02:12:58.000)
yeah, it's it's turned into my office pool in my head, because there is no office where I live. Like they the March Madness for me is which doomsday scenario is going to win out which he end which country is going to get into? Yeah, exactly. All right. Is North Korea really going to new cars? Are we going to do this? Or you know, that hold? Yeah. Is it going to be climate change that gets us first? Or is it gonna be lack of fresh water? Or is it gonna be the refugees moving too far in too many different directions that people have to start a fucking war with each other? Or is it going to be any number of different possible doomsday scenarios? And I feel like, all of all of them are possible. And if any of them happen, all of them are gonna happen. Yep. You know,
Dan (02:13:40.000)
I do. So Jordan, you might be asking yourself,
Jordan (02:13:43.000)
what would I be asking why you might be asking,
Dan (02:13:45.000)
why the fuck? Are they doing the 30 hour marathon?
Jordan (02:13:48.000)
Oh, I, I knew the answer to that question. So fast. So fast. We didn't want it. I have never asked myself less of a question than that. Alex Jones has possibly
Dan (02:13:57.000)
a different answer than the truth
Alex Jones (02:14:01.000)
drum coursing here in just a moment. But before I do that, we have kicked off and we've gone into the first 41 minutes here, ladies and gentlemen, global broadcast that we will do for 30 hours. What until five, six o'clock tomorrow.
Dan (02:14:21.000)
By the way, they're 41 minutes into their marathon. We're at two and a half hours on this podcast. Yes. But to be fair, we covered that BuzzFeed article for like half fuck you voice in my head.
Alex Jones (02:14:35.000)
To raise awareness and to raise capital and to reach new people. The three goals are to rally our millions of radio listeners and millions of TV viewers and listeners online to commit every day on email, on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, in person at the grocery store, at church, at the synagogue at the Rotary Club at the golf course at the shop with your buddies or out hunting whatever it is Get your bowling league to say this country's in trouble. But we're starting to turn the tide globalism is in decline, but they're trying to destroy Alex Jones. They're trying to destroy the few other outlets out there that will tell the truth. We're under it.
Dan (02:15:13.000)
How fun would that conversation look at the store or at the synagogue it's
Jordan (02:15:20.000)
gonna be, it's gonna be 1120 For
Dan (02:15:24.000)
a look. Globalism is on the rise. They're trying to destroy Alex Jones
Jordan (02:15:30.000)
paper so you're gonna pay with it, you're gonna be with the $20 bill or I said paper. Okay, I'm giving but there's a seven cent bag tag I'm
Dan (02:15:38.000)
going to pay with fiat currency. This is distributed by the Federal Reserve Bank that includes a guy who's suing Alex Jones. All right, I'm gonna need to see your ID. The ID is a tool that is used by the globalist
Jordan (02:15:53.000)
to find that just show me your barcode and I'll scan that I am
Dan (02:15:58.000)
a sovereign citizen. All right, we'll get into that fine,
Jordan (02:16:01.000)
you just take your groceries and go.
Alex Jones (02:16:05.000)
So we need to spread the word about Infowars we need to spread the word about the articles and the videos and realize every day you see news we broke a week before a month before a year before. Word. CNN, ABC News, CBS Wall Street Journal,
Dan (02:16:23.000)
you generally do see news that they've broken a little bit later.
Jordan (02:16:27.000)
I wonder why? Because it's debunked. Could you give me context for that?
Dan (02:16:31.000)
A lot of times you'll see like oh no, that wasn't true. A lot of weirdos think this is true. There's a lot of fact checkers in the world and they dig into stuff. Yeah. And find out like oh, no, this isn't true at all. Yeah,
Jordan (02:16:42.000)
the problem is you can never fact checked before Alex Jones released something you have to fact check what he says afterwards.
Dan (02:16:50.000)
Yeah, it's it's it's a really fun game.
Jordan (02:16:52.000)
Although that well, you know what, actually, that would be an interesting game to see if you could, like if you could predict the narrative that they would spin based on a while that while you're saying it, right. So Obama
Dan (02:17:06.000)
comes out and says, give me a fake story. I'll give you the Alex
Jordan (02:17:08.000)
Jones spin. All right. Um, wait, a fake story with Alex Jones spin or a real story that you're gonna
Dan (02:17:15.000)
you give me a fake real story.
Jordan (02:17:18.000)
You give me too many levels deep. No,
Dan (02:17:21.000)
you give me just like a world news story. And I'm gonna try and spin it Alex Jones style.
Jordan (02:17:25.000)
All right, um, six kids die in a religious based attack in Somalia.
Dan (02:17:34.000)
Oh, that's so fucking easy. That's so fucking easy. What is it? Just doing this in the Alex Jones voice might be hard. Somalia has been a place that's Black Hawk Down. It's been under globalist control since then. We all know that. It's in public record. Absolutely. I know that you go back to Barry Goldwater. It's in the white papers. We all know this. These kids. They're a part of a globalist Hillary Clinton. Saul Alinsky based, are the kids even real that they're in a sex trafficking operation. We all know that it's in the white papers, you check out Hillary Clinton's connection to Haiti. It's all in there. They are real. They are real. It is very unfortunate. And I've already forgotten what the actual story.
Jordan (02:18:17.000)
You nailed it. You've got Alex Jones down. Well, all right. But so so here's my here's my here's my dream heroes. Here's just pointing at each other. Now,
Dan (02:18:25.000)
what was important about your fake real world news story? Right? And I think is what Alex Jones does. What I heard when you were telling me that story, right? Wasn't the actual story that you were faking? What I heard was the country, Somalia, right? And I made connections to various things through history. Right? I heard there were kids involved, right. And I know that there's kid trafficking that Alex wants to promote, or as a narrative exactly in foreign countries. So I took the little things that he does, and made the narrative out of it. Now. legitimately, I don't remember what you said. Right.
Jordan (02:18:59.000)
But so then, nor does he so then my my, like, I guess I guess dream would be like imagine, instead of giving people that headline, you give them the headline with every piece of specific information you need in it. Like the headline to that is radical sect of American influence Christians, murder children, because they have less LGBT tendencies that they've showed since they were very young. The angle that outright people would take on this story is that it is this kind of globalist conspiracy, but instead, it is not it is purely religious based on a Christian ideology that has been twisted and warped. Now. That's the headline, right? I know Alex Jones can't twist that headline, can they? I can't
Dan (02:19:51.000)
really sign off on this because I'm still thinking about those poor kids and Somali. God dammit, those kids.
Jordan (02:19:58.000)
There's always poor kids in Somalia and Anyway,
Dan (02:20:01.000)
he has more in this clip, okay.
Alex Jones (02:20:03.000)
Word for word. Two months ago, two and a half months ago, three months he publishes five, six articles since then, with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac with the documents leading up to $300 billion Lutz only limited documents he got us bigger. Don't allude to one of course he in a minute didn't publish. And it all comes down. I'm gonna play the club's exactly as we said with the Treasury Secretary saying we're right and Infowars getting credit because Dr. Corsi, our DC bureau chief,
Dan (02:20:33.000)
and he didn't say that at all. But also I want to say this because it's super fun and it is sort of a call back to things that just keep happening for that entire clip. Jerome Corsi was on Skype silent I love that shit is bloated face being complimented by Alex and he's just like he wants to talk probably. And Alex gives me like we'll get to Jerome Corsi in
Jordan (02:20:59.000)
a minute. Like a manatee and aquarium Yeah, exactly. Or like a fish
Dan (02:21:03.000)
person at the side of the cage with with terror, terror design human terror.
Jordan (02:21:11.000)
So I mean, God I love Chimera as
Dan (02:21:13.000)
the implicit piece. Oh, so we got some nice Twitter action like to give a shout out at our friend who I can't remember his name. Who posted a picture of mythological Chimera? Yes, yeah, that was terrifying. I did not realize that was the
Jordan (02:21:26.000)
what you didn't know what a chimera was. Nope, no shit.
Dan (02:21:29.000)
I knew what the idea of a chimera was. But I didn't realize the mythical creature had three
Jordan (02:21:33.000)
heads. We're gonna have to have its body. We're gonna have to play some Dungeons and Dragons here to
Dan (02:21:37.000)
Jordan. Yes. One of the most important things that you need to know is that the reason that people in the mainstream media are attacking Infowars
Jordan (02:21:47.000)
that is an important thing to know. I need to know why. I do want to know why.
Dan (02:21:51.000)
I think Alex can sum it up best. I mean, I have my ideas. But here's Alex's take Well, you're
Alex Jones (02:21:57.000)
a globalist they are so scared of him. And I've been told shut up about this or will be destroyed. They've gotten 678 investigative journalist on me at all times making up crap right now. They're trying to destroy my family right now. suing me right now. Because they're scared of that guy in DC full time hiring a team. One guy's already torn them up.
Dan (02:22:21.000)
So all those lies but at the same time. It's so fun because Jerome Corsi is on Skype and he's just like they're scared of that guy. pointing it silent as bloated face Jerome Corsi. He's so great,
Jordan (02:22:34.000)
but that's the problem there is that it's a great visual. If you put if you put Steve Bannon in there. I'm like, Yeah, I am scared of that bloated as ugly motherfucker is running everybody. No, no, but
Dan (02:22:45.000)
the bullshit is I'm scared of Jerome Corsi to I'm scared of Infowars to the world isn't they're not paying attention. I'm scared of this trend. That Infowars in the white papers they shouldn't be paying. I'm gonna start writing some white papers. I'm gonna fuck around and write a white paper.
Jordan (02:23:05.000)
That's code for you had a very good day. I'm gonna write a book. You fucked around and got a triple double.
Dan (02:23:09.000)
I'm gonna write I'm gonna write a white book. What a white paper. Hey,
Jordan (02:23:13.000)
hey, well, how would you feel if somebody wrote a black book? Hmm.
Dan (02:23:17.000)
There was a great show that got bought by Comedy Central or Black Books.
Jordan (02:23:21.000)
Yeah, starring. The Dylan morn. Who we saw together who you thought was shit,
Dan (02:23:26.000)
but it was this news. He was alright. I don't disagree. It was it was he had a rough so it wasn't a good show. It was a rough set. I believe he's funny. Anyway. Jerome Corsi might cut in here. I can't remember. Actually, I just remembered he doesn't.
Alex Jones (02:23:44.000)
Now let's continue. They're scared of Infowars they're scared of Paul Watson. They're scared of all my reporters they're scared of the crew back there they're scared of you. Because we are a focal point like Ron Paul would always say don't give him credit. He's just the focal point he's coming up about 20 minutes. We're gonna get of course in a moment. But we're running a specials today to raise capital foods discounts as well. It's product you have super high quality products at the money buy you can also donate at Infowars $5.20 100 whatever to get a bigger team in DC to be able to break even more news to get even more reporters to get more editors more video people more fact checkers to pay for a room by law pay for the satellite to pay for legal
Jordan (02:24:26.000)
to pay for illegal yeah pay for illegal that he could have just said to pay for legal a whole bunch but the comedy
Dan (02:24:30.000)
of him saying like what do you said right before that like the pay for legal is I mean that's it yeah that's to pay for legal no big deal at the comedy is right before he said to pay for legal he said to pay for fact checkers. In fact checker.
Jordan (02:24:44.000)
You have someone who's like you have an anti fact checker
Dan (02:24:46.000)
probably have an intern who tries to tell you this will get you sued. This will get you sued and their radar is off. Yeah. So I mean like there's no way he has a fact checker because Like, legitimately I took an hour of my day working on this Fannie Freddie story. Yes. And I found a bunch of documents, I found a bunch of stories that were well sourced about how their interpretation and their version of it is wrong. Then I found a Breitbart story that specifically was about how Infowars is wrong. That's crazy. Not to, to
Jordan (02:25:26.000)
imagine a literally fired is there fact checkers so fast? Imagine a
Dan (02:25:31.000)
world where Breitbart has more editorial credibility, like emphatically more credibility, and it's in bright, Bart's best interest in terms of the narratives they
Jordan (02:25:42.000)
push to agree with Alex Jones 100%. Of course, that is a that's worth a step too far even for them,
Dan (02:25:49.000)
which I think is why Alex is selling it as they told me to back off this story, right, because that that story from Breitbart came out before this broadcast, of course. So I think that it's like he's trying to sell the like, even the right has turned against us on that. Yeah. Which is great, which
Jordan (02:26:04.000)
is good for him. Because if he's eventually going to turn against Trump, which he has to, then that's a great angle to start taking is that even Breitbart, and those guys are now Wings of Trump. Yeah, so the more like, if you start distancing yourself from Trump, then you have to start distancing yourself from Breitbart. Probably because Steve Bannon is fucking Steve Bannon. But do you understand I mean, that in a very literal sense, Steve Bannon has sex with Steve Bannon. He talks all the way Oh, oh, boy, all the way but like a twist. It's curved. It's like Gonzo his nose but right up his alley,
Dan (02:26:40.000)
I think you're actually wrong. Because in these earlier clips, he's been talking about how the turn came when Trump took Bannon off the Security Council. Okay, he's been talking about how like, up until 71 days in or whatever, Trump and Bannon had an ideology and then that went away.
Jordan (02:26:59.000)
Okay, so now his I know his stuff is like previous in the like, Yeah, I
Dan (02:27:03.000)
think he's still on Bannon tip. So like, I don't I'm not sure what the disconnect from Breitbart has to be in order for him. Who cares? I'm not gonna work games this for him. It could
Jordan (02:27:14.000)
just be that he is fucking riffing. And anything goes while he's randomly talking.
Dan (02:27:19.000)
I think the bottom line is that he's acting like it's our 35 of this telephone.
Jordan (02:27:25.000)
We're at 41 minutes in Yeah.
Dan (02:27:28.000)
So now after after an absurdly long time, just on Skype silent. Finally, let's Jerome Corsi talk, and I'm gonna play this clip. Of course, he is going to lay out his sort of version of what the story is. Okay. And I will come back clean up in case there's any subtle points that we haven't gone over already.
Alex Jones (02:27:53.000)
This is hard news. This is hard Rehman, alluding that could bring down the entire Democratic power structure. And this is why the Republican establishment is out to get us as well, because they're part of it. So Dr. Corsi, thank you. Let's recap what happened and how big this is that after two plus months, it's finally broken? Well,
Jerome Corsi (02:28:10.000)
it's been a story we've been working on because it's, we found out that one was a Fannie and Freddie's a two mortgage giants government sponsored entities. In August 2012, the Obama administration began taking all the profits from Fannie and Freddie and confiscating them. It's called the net worth sweep. It's a complicated operation. And I got in the middle of it and realized that what was happening was that Congress, the House of specifically had refused to fund the insurance premiums, the subsidies for low income families and individuals under Obamacare boring. So Obamacare 2012 was going to tank it was going to completely be completely bankrupt and wasn't going to work. And so what the Obama administration did was they took this money from Fannie and Freddie, they converted it without announcing it illegally into paying the Obamacare.
Alex Jones (02:29:15.000)
subsidy. That's amazing. Obamacare will
Jerome Corsi (02:29:19.000)
pay for things. It was in the process of failing because the house refused to appropriate the money to pay the subsidies without insurance comes to
Alex Jones (02:29:29.000)
the taxpayer back system for managing credit.
Jordan (02:29:33.000)
Yet, yes. Get the fuck out.
Dan (02:29:36.000)
Yeah, but he's describing the nefariousness to the wrong source. Yeah,
Jordan (02:29:41.000)
well, because the House Republicans refused to do the thing that they were supposed to do.
Dan (02:29:45.000)
Again, just to remind you, because we talked about this like an hour and a half ago, I even for the listeners, I want to I want to point out that what he's talking about is this thing called the net worth sweep, and it started in 2012. He said to those banks Jerome Corsi said those things right now let me explain that to you. Again, I read this paragraph a little bit ago on Breitbart in mid 2012. Treasury and the FHFA agreed to change the terms of the bailout so that Fannie and Freddie would no longer have a fixed dividend, ending the need for circular draws. Instead, each company would have a flexible dividend obligation that would rise and fall with their profits. Because the new dividend is equal to the positive net worth of each company, less, less a capital cushion set to decline each year. It is known as the net worth sweep. The net worth sweep is sweeping up part of their net worth based on how much they make each year. It's not it's not anything nefarious, it's in order to make sure that these companies don't end up destroyed by their repayment to the government. Right.
Jordan (02:30:52.000)
Like when like, it's how Fox and NBC and the like need their highest ratings during net worth sweeps. Well, that's
Dan (02:31:00.000)
come on now. That's a fun car. I enjoy the word.
Jordan (02:31:07.000)
Your abs, you liar. Don't you say you enjoy it with that face. I enjoy it gave it a shot. I failed. I need I need come I like I need constructive feedback as much as anybody else. And I like clearly like I was wrong. I like pawns. Look, I am a lot like Alex Jones in which I am willing to admit when I am wrong, and I will retract that pump. Okay,
Dan (02:31:31.000)
Jordan (02:31:32.000)
I am going to apologize sincerely to Chobani Yogurt.
Dan (02:31:36.000)
I'm going to give you the most generous birth. I'm gonna let you have a lot of leeway because that clip was so boring. It was so boring. It's very hard to listen to Jerome Corsi.
Jordan (02:31:46.000)
I can't do it. Right. How is he part of this?
Dan (02:31:49.000)
He's worse than David Knight. These people are so bad. Well, it's just because his name rings out in racist circles like people who really liked the idea that he was all net birther shit. love his work in the Swift Boat. Like that sort of stuff. They they love Jerome Corsi. So the fact that he has he loved your ability, but he has his he has credibility in that circle. It's fucked up. He has bullshit liar credit. So this is where we leave the Wednesday show and we transition to third. Now we go back into Thursday. Yes. And we've covered a lot going back to the future. He we already talked about a lot of the BuzzFeed coverage and that takes up a lot of the Thursday show. Right? But thankfully, I have cut a number of clips that are just good, clean fun. Okay, and it's I wish that he had stayed up all night and really been involved. But he hasn't it he went to bed, obviously. I mean, he's well rested now, but at the same time, he's fucking out of his game. There's some really really dumb shit that he says right? So one of the one of the stories he's telling is about it doesn't even matter. It doesn't even matter. It's it's a tertiary piece. That's about
Jordan (02:33:03.000)
one of the stories he's telling is about. Insert Alex Jones story right
Dan (02:33:07.000)
here. It has to do with being mad about David Rockefeller who was dead and like, naturally what he's up to beyond the grave
Jordan (02:33:14.000)
and you know, the health secretary from the 1990s I'm still pretty pissed off at Janet Reno. Why not bring garland elder Jocelyn elders? Absolutely. Let's get rid of her
Dan (02:33:25.000)
further. He has like a lot of ideas about the British nobility. I cut out a lot of that because because it's
Jordan (02:33:31.000)
a lot of ideas about the British. There aren't a lot of ideas
Dan (02:33:35.000)
well, because he thinks that they come from like German Transylvanian stock and they are too but he thinks that that means that they're first of all vampires and then second of all a little different but he made Illuminati stuff all the Bavarian Illuminati. Yeah, it's insane. And it's not it's insane. No,
Jordan (02:33:54.000)
yeah, don't don't walk back that the Bavarian Illuminati are That's two words right next to each other that will always be insane.
Dan (02:34:02.000)
I love Bavarian chocolate.
Jordan (02:34:03.000)
I love Illuminati Chocolate. Chocolate
Dan (02:34:10.000)
So, here's the first clip I'm going to play from the Thursday show is their
Jordan (02:34:14.000)
episode for sweeps week. Just we
Dan (02:34:18.000)
own pu de la mall Francophone Japan Ireland Bucha for all say Asia Darla France.
Jordan (02:34:25.000)
Yes, you do like France.
Dan (02:34:27.000)
I love France.
Jordan (02:34:27.000)
You don't really like France?
Dan (02:34:29.000)
I do. I do. I took many years of French in high school. Right still conversant in it not fluent. Certainly right.
Jordan (02:34:36.000)
No, I did the same. I understood what you were saying. If you asked me to speak back to you I'd be like man
Dan (02:34:43.000)
anyway. Just adore love for all's
Jordan (02:34:47.000)
I do that I will never be able to get the Simpsons phrase out of my head, which is the French are cheese eating surrender monkeys. It will never escaped my brain. It's a good turn of phrase. I don't believe I don't believe any of it. And if historically the French have won far more victories in battles and all that shit, but God dammit if cheese eating surrender monkeys isn't perfect.
Dan (02:35:12.000)
Well, at this point, the French election still has not happened when we post this it probably will have but
Jordan (02:35:18.000)
we are we are podcasting prior to what could be the end of the EU
Dan (02:35:23.000)
and the world. But we're both firmly on the side of Macron. But firmly as opposed to the alternative. Exactly. I'm not I'm not super in his camp, but Right. The alternative is a disaster agree. So anyway, Alex Jones is super into LePen. And here is some thoughts about her and her dad. Oh, no,
Jordan (02:35:45.000)
not her dad. Her dad's bad.
Alex Jones (02:35:47.000)
Germany's running the EU right now, the globalist run Germany. That's actually a fact. And the French know that. So she destroys
Jordan (02:35:56.000)
Macron we're doing the double oh seven.
Alex Jones (02:35:59.000)
She's the daughter of a world war two hero paratrooper in D Day, that one France's highest award in England size award and I awards from United States. And our dad was demonized for being a French patriot. And it's gotta be sweet victory for him to now see his daughter about to be proud.
Dan (02:36:17.000)
It's gotta be sweet victory. Sweet. Victory for zone Marie LePen.
Jordan (02:36:24.000)
Let me ask you a question. Did he support Vichy France?
Dan (02:36:27.000)
Let me tell you a little story. I think in meiosis, this is a tiny piece of his troubled history. John Murray LePen is a fucking monster. Okay. But listen to this. Yeah, this is this is from a nice Guardian article. And this is admittedly, a tiny piece. Right of his monstrousness. Right. Marine LePen who took over the party, the national front, the front Nasional
Jordan (02:36:54.000)
fascist? Yes, she took over legally. They are fascist. She
Dan (02:36:58.000)
took over the party in 2011 and is running for French president next year. This was this article. Yes. Yeah, little in the past. She had led a public relations drive to detoxify the party and move away from its jackbooted imagery and anti semitic overtones, which are very real.
Jordan (02:37:15.000)
Yeah, after years doing it with anti semitic undertones.
Dan (02:37:19.000)
After years of working alongside her father in April last year, she blasted him for being quote, in a total spiral of strategy somewhere between scorched earth and political suicide. He in turn attacked his daughter's criticism of his gas chamber comments. Do you want to know what those were? Do you want to know what his gas chamber comments?
Jordan (02:37:41.000)
Were? You already said? gas chamber comments? If Marine LePen is saying don't say those gas chamber comments. I don't need to know what those gas chamber comments are. Because the worst is they start with good for gas chambers and it even gets worse from there. Like that's the best best case scenario. He said just chambers weren't that bad.
Dan (02:38:04.000)
John Marine LePen the former leader of France is far right front national has once again been convicted of contesting crimes against humanity for saying that gas chambers used to kill Jews in the Holocaust were only a quote detail of history. There we
Jordan (02:38:19.000)
go. There was chambers, which is not that bad,
Dan (02:38:24.000)
which is actually no big deal just actually not as bad as some other people within the front Nasional because they are people who say that like there's no ways I Columbia was used, right? Like the gas chamber shit is a myth, right? That sort of stuff. Well, he was still he would eat. He was a politician.
Jordan (02:38:41.000)
He was still a politician. He was a monster, but he wasn't going to tell all the truth.
Dan (02:38:45.000)
Yeah, he was he was the head not like some functionary, right? If you're a functionary, you can say that shit is you're like, I'm not running. I'm just I'm doing data entry here. Right?
Jordan (02:38:54.000)
So anyway, fuck it. I'm Jerome Corsi who gives a shit
Dan (02:38:58.000)
he attacked. He in turn attacked his daughters criticisms of his gas chamber comment saying quote, God, don't ever say those same quote, you're only betrayed by your own. Then in an interview the same month with the river roll are notorious for right weakly John Marine LePen defended Felipe Patel, the leader of France's Nazi collaborationist Vichy Regime during the 1940s called it who was convicted of treason after the war, all this so he's a guy who's
Jordan (02:39:27.000)
so called He's like, he's a Nazi. We
Dan (02:39:30.000)
didn't call it you knew that like it, but that's just where we were getting to.
Jordan (02:39:34.000)
I know I didn't act I didn't know anything about him other than I knew Marine LePen is was a fascist and I knew her father, like I knew that. She and her father disagreed. But from everything that I've read about her, it is purely don't really it is purely substant like whenever she said he has no strategy that will Here's the thing that I glommed on to, yeah. Because first his strategy is not political suicide. Yeah, it's not. I disagree with him. No, it's that he's doing it wrong. This is unmarketable. Exactly. Yeah. I don't I don't disagree with advertising to children that smoking is great. I disagree with how you're advertising to children that smoking is great.
Dan (02:40:23.000)
Yeah. Make the advertisements more like brightly colored. Yeah, you
Jordan (02:40:27.000)
need cartoon characters Bugs Bunny used to smoke. Why not do that again, you know, that kind of thing.
Dan (02:40:32.000)
Oh, so bug button used to cross dress he did trying to post that transgender globalism? So John Murray LePen is a fucking monster. Yeah. of history. Yeah. And I don't want to take away from whatever like military service he has. I don't know about that. Who gives a fuck Exactly. He's a month, it's incidental to the fact that even after the fact he has publicly, and very emphatically supported the Nazis in World War Two. And yet, the front Nasional is a part of
Jordan (02:41:05.000)
that he was the lead party for a very the entire length of and she
Dan (02:41:10.000)
is now the leader of it. Although recently she stepped down. After the first part of the election, the first round, she stepped down as the front national leader as a PR move, because she realized I can't detoxify.
Jordan (02:41:24.000)
She has distanced herself from the party, right? Even though she still believes every single fucking thing that they believe
Dan (02:41:30.000)
most of it, but instead of like anti semitism, the big front now is anti Islam stuff. Right? So I mean, the flavor has changed, but it's the same dish. Yeah, basically.
Jordan (02:41:41.000)
I'm glad that I'm glad that we know racists can can grow, change
Dan (02:41:46.000)
that at least they can have some evolution. So this next clip is just like
Jordan (02:41:50.000)
the next enemy. After Islam. Yeah.
Dan (02:41:54.000)
I mean, there won't be one we'll all be dead.
Jordan (02:41:56.000)
That's a good question. I
Dan (02:41:57.000)
think we're just ending it. You think so? I don't know. Well, like, this is what I keep thinking about, like this idea that because there's always gonna be another 10. No, but think about this, like this. This is the thing that I keep coming into, like, I listen to Alex Jones
Jordan (02:42:10.000)
every day. And I know I'm so sorry.
Dan (02:42:13.000)
Well, the thoughts that range through my head are so varied. Like it's sometimes it's anger, sometimes it's this guy's an asshole,
Jordan (02:42:21.000)
right? Like, it's rare. But you correctly submitted this podcast, one of one
Dan (02:42:27.000)
of the things that I keep coming back to, and I really can't figure it out, like I've, I've sat down, I've been in the bath, been very contemplative. And I've tried to think about like, what what is like, what's the positive end game? Because like, the end game realistically, is probably a massive war. Like, if you look at the real world, yeah. But like, if the positive end game that Alex seems to be pitching against the globalists and all this, like, let's say we take the globalists out, right, are we then living in a utopia? Like, what what is the what is the world after the globalists? Right? And I don't, I don't think he has a coherent vision of it. Well, it's it that it's just the free market. But then if the free market exists, we're going to end up in the exact same or globalist, we're going to end up in the same situation we were in with exploitation, right, especially in third world countries. That's right. That's an implicit part of, of capitalism and free capitalism.
Jordan (02:43:23.000)
Well, without LP can't govern
Dan (02:43:27.000)
without regulation, you end up with slavery. That's just how it works. Like even in our own country, within very recent memory, we had child workers in mines, right? Because industries weren't regulated. That's just kind of how it works. So you get rid of the globalists. And then nations have sovereignty. But I don't know if that really gets us to where we want to be like,
Jordan (02:43:55.000)
there's no coherent vision for where they want to be. There's only a vision for where they want their again how they don't like now, that's it right. So
Dan (02:44:04.000)
things were I delight me better in the past thing,
Jordan (02:44:07.000)
that thing that drives me insane about Labor Day, is that people never celebrate the fact that 1000s of people died. Sure. For you to work eight hours a week. There it should be. There have been so many murders, because people wanted to go from 10 hours a day, six days a week to eight hours a day, five days a week. 1000s of people have died for that.
Dan (02:44:35.000)
There were legit riots and murders. Absolutely.
Jordan (02:44:39.000)
There were fucking governments were overthrown. Yeah, we've we've destroyed so many things, just so labor has even the slightest bit of control. And we recognize none of that. No, and we want to take it away. Yeah. The the argument against unions that you hear from people always come comes from like, anecdotal stories of, yeah, I had to get this thing done. And I had to wait like a week for this guy because he was in a union. Right. Right. And he didn't even work as hard. These lazy union guys. Yeah, exactly. That's always the that's always the argument, though. And I was trying, like I told my dad, I was like, yeah. You understand, though, that those guys, those very same guys fought and died. And even though you're not in a union, you benefited from that, oh, only work eight hours a day. And he was like, Yeah, well, we needed him then. I was like, No, they are always fighting against you. You just don't know. You're always fighting against them. Well, yeah, that's
Dan (02:45:44.000)
I mean, that's, that's basically the reality of the world is that, like, the fights, fights happened in the past to create systems where people can survive, right? And as time goes on, you forget about the fights, and you forget that the fights lead to the current state that we're in, and you start to become complacent. And we're like, why do we fucking need that? Right? Why do we need that? It's just bullshit. Then as is happening now, that's going to keep happening, right? The all that shit is gonna get rolled back and we're going to realize we need to fight again, right? Oh, shit. We just should have never let it go away.
Jordan (02:46:22.000)
Well, the thing is this. The rich are always fighting against us. Sure. And we are only fighting against them when we get pushed too far. Right? That's it. They are always like, even after, even after the Great Depression and FDR raise their tax rates up to 90%, which no one speaks about. Yeah, no one ever says that. It was that high. They're like, No, the rich should be taxed at a progressive tax rate. Nobody's like Well, after fucking the Great Depression, it was at 90% it is it is never talked about that. Even from that fucking day. They were already working to undermine that shit. Of course, from day one. They have always been fighting. And that's it. Oh, and we thought we want now. We don't win because we're not always fighting.
Dan (02:47:11.000)
We will be. It's coming. But Jordan. Let's let's have some fun.
Jordan (02:47:18.000)
Let's have some fun.
Dan (02:47:19.000)
This next clip is fun. Okay, it's I'm excited now. It's weird.
Jordan (02:47:27.000)
Like, this is the Alex Jones. I love
Dan (02:47:29.000)
it's one of the when I heard this, I was like, what? Because it's kind of in response to Stephen Colbert talking about Trump being right, right. Right. Putin is but boy cock holster that sort of Yes, yes. It's also sort of in response to these ideas that his anti Adam Schiff rant was homophobic. He's kind of parceling all that together. Right. And this, this is so fucking weird. Okay, it's so weird. And it's I just don't know what to say beyond it's weird.
Alex Jones (02:48:09.000)
Yeah, I mean, if you say that Trump is Putin's, but boy. Does it mean you're bashing gay people? Universally, it means you serve that person. You're on bottom is what that means. And every gay person knows that. And the media knows that. And it's all just a cult of beating everybody over the head and turning liberal class people into higher society that we bow down to and I don't like it. What I'm sick of it. Okay, I don't care if you're homosexual or heterosexual. You don't utilize kids and you leave people alone and you don't force people. I'm sick of gay harassment is basically what it is. And I don't like gay people. I mean, liberal establishment Hollywood, gay mafia that a lot of liberals talk about in your face, and you gotta bow down to and
Jordan (02:49:03.000)
I think you have to bow down to the gay mafia that the liberal establishment is always talking about. I
Dan (02:49:10.000)
think he recently just learned about RuPaul drag race or something like that. To be like, something popped up on his TiVo. Like, what is this? Oh my god,
Jordan (02:49:21.000)
wait a second Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
Dan (02:49:24.000)
The straight guy needs no Queer Eye.
Jordan (02:49:27.000)
What is fucking happened?
Dan (02:49:28.000)
I don't know. And we're not nearly done with this.
Jordan (02:49:30.000)
What is this thing about?
Dan (02:49:32.000)
He's done with gay harassment. What? It's so obvious what he's talking about, like,
Jordan (02:49:39.000)
gay harassment is towards Gavin McInnes.
Dan (02:49:42.000)
Well, like, like the term gay harassment harkens into your mind
Jordan (02:49:48.000)
or home harassment.
Dan (02:49:49.000)
Well, if you would think it would be legitimate gay harassment is like if Dave
Jordan (02:49:55.000)
I was at a bar and a gay dude came up and grabbed my balls and was like you like this Right, and I would go that's harassment if gay
Dan (02:50:02.000)
dudes treated you like many straight dudes treat women. Exactly,
Jordan (02:50:05.000)
yeah, it would be sexual harassment, it would have nothing to do with your gender.
Dan (02:50:08.000)
Right? You think that that's maybe what he's talking about, but it's not what he's talking about is this societal idea that people force you to accept gay shit, or whatever, and he's going to speak more on it. And it's fucking weird. It's so weird. I don't understand how someone can feel victimized by someone else's expression of themselves. But Alex does. And it's, I like I said, I don't know how to describe this other than weird because it's not really bigoted it is. But that's not. It's more. It's usually
Jordan (02:50:42.000)
it's far too confused, to be bigoted, like our connotation of bigoted is, you know what you're doing right? And in this situation? He's like, somebody who's by who isn't sure. Yeah.
Dan (02:50:55.000)
Well, I mean, I don't want to put that in his mouth.
Jordan (02:50:58.000)
I know. I know. But like, it's, it's I'm just saying
Dan (02:51:02.000)
it's 100% Definitely more confused than that. Because you've nailed it. I think in that like bigotry often, like there's intent involved. Yeah, there's like
Jordan (02:51:13.000)
well, just like our live versus our live versus stupid right argue right is always a lie is something you intend to deceive. Right? And stupid is you're just deceiving because you don't understand. Right? We're This
Dan (02:51:25.000)
is confusion versus bigotry. Yeah. And he's squarely on the side of confusion. Now that's not to say he's not a bigot, because he certainly is. We've already established and prove that many times. But in this clip, what he's expressing is just straight confusion. And listen to the rest of this.
Alex Jones (02:51:42.000)
Put up with and go along with you don't neighborhoods would want a heterosexual Pride Day was naked men and women humping each other. Driving through the middle of neighborhoods. anymore, do you want a homosexual one doing?
Dan (02:51:58.000)
I mean, we got to stop with that. We got to stop already. I've been to like I've lived in Chicago for seven years. I've been to like I think five years have gone to pride. Yeah. And
Jordan (02:52:08.000)
I mean, has there been naked people fucking each other in the streets? Never. Never. There's there's never ever been been nudity. I've even been to the naked bike riding. It hasn't been that. But there's
Dan (02:52:20.000)
there's never been nudity. There are like shirtless greased up dudes and stuff. But that's not the entire parade. There's also I
Jordan (02:52:26.000)
would hope if there was a hetero, hetero Pride Day, there would be naked Sherpa. greased up, dude.
Dan (02:52:33.000)
But there's also like civic organizations just joining in and you know, celebrating. It's not like, it's not all gay, by all means. It's and by the way, this premise of your neighborhood doesn't want this parade in it. Parades never go through neighborhood. The Chicago gay pride parade goes down Halstead Street, which is basically a downtown street of Lakeview. Well, I grew up in a very small to Addison and Belmont and homestead. Right, basically just that loop, right? It's not I mean, it's a neighborhood in the sense that people live there. Right. But it's a business district. Essentially. It's not. It's not a neighborhood in the sense that most people in America think of it like, that's
Jordan (02:53:19.000)
that's the point. Because I grew up in a small town. And I have a pride parade. No, we didn't have a pride parade. But we had parades. Yeah. And so if you are somebody who grew up in a small town, or who lives still lives in a small town, and somebody's telling you about pride parade, to you, that doesn't mean what it does to us living in a city where we've experienced this
Dan (02:53:41.000)
or much like us, Jones talking about what college is exactly, exactly.
Jordan (02:53:45.000)
To you. That means I saw a marching band with dicks everywhere, right? That's what it say. That's what your mental
Dan (02:53:53.000)
image your version of a parade is, like, the high school track field. Exactly. And there's the band is going around in circle, right.
Jordan (02:54:00.000)
So of course, that is so of course with your narrative of what the Pride Parade is. It never connects to what it actually is because you've never experienced Yeah,
Dan (02:54:10.000)
it's super bizarre. Like my only complaint that I've ever had about the Pride Parade is like, this isn't gay enough. Like I've always left the Pride Parade being like, I didn't see a single dick. I don't know what's going on here. I think that a lot of people are co opting gay identity. I'm a little bit like I'm like the stuffy old dude, but I'm not a part of the community. Now, it was gay or back when I was a kid. I don't know why but so to me, this rings
Jordan (02:54:44.000)
this the gate the Pride Parade has gotten to mainstream this review many people support but like
Dan (02:54:50.000)
even what was it back in 2015 like the Supreme Court made their ruling about gay marriage the day before. For pride in Chicago, yes. And I remember that and it was such an awesome party. But even then, it wasn't just people fucking on floats. Like it wasn't that it was a wonderful celebration and everyone hugging each other. Yeah, it was just great.
Jordan (02:55:14.000)
It was a it was like not to sound trite. But it was a human pride day totally. Where it wasn't about being gay. It was about accepting,
Dan (02:55:26.000)
everybody. Now Alex is going to get into other parades.
Jordan (02:55:29.000)
I feel like we skipped over the fact that he said, Trump equals but boy, well,
Dan (02:55:36.000)
we'll actually get back to that I put in that's all I want to talk put a pin in that because it's coming back. But Alex for now is going to get into more parades that I think are bad examples. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:55:49.000)
I mean, normal parades for the VFW or the military or football team, or St. Patty's Day are fun and you take the kids out. Why is it
Dan (02:55:57.000)
so like? St. Patrick's Day parade?
Jordan (02:56:00.000)
You know how fun it is for children on the St. Patrick's Day parade Chicago with drunk as assholes throwing shit around literally.
Dan (02:56:08.000)
I've seen dicks every time I've gone so many times because everyone's just pissing on the street. Yeah. Now granted, maybe at the gay pride parade. People are pissing on the street too. But they every time I've I've never seen a dick because everyone has the discretion to go in an alley. I have I have drunk ass dude. Yeah, green. Just throwing up on the street, pissing everywhere. Now, I don't know via marches or military marches.
Jordan (02:56:31.000)
Sex on St. Patrick's Day in a bathroom that I've ever seen on gay pride.
Dan (02:56:37.000)
Also, what's super cool is if you live in a big city, they have police blotters and like blogs that keep track of you know, calls to the police. Yeah, and if you look at it, I've actually done the some research on this I don't have the specific numbers in front of me, but the numbers for like the Blackhawks when or when they won the Stanley Cup to actually the Cubs win the World Series was shockingly devoid of tons of crime. That one was
Jordan (02:57:06.000)
last well I mean, it's a once in a it's a once in a lifetime experiment. You weren't gonna commit a crime you gotta you will
Dan (02:57:12.000)
live it up. You would have thought that that would lead to tons of crime Hey, living it up. You know, it's weird, but the Blackhawks celebrations St. Patrick's Day. These are consistently they have way more crimes than gay pride. Right as ever. So like the idea of course they so but that premise is flawed on its face. Now let's get back to it.
Alex Jones (02:57:31.000)
Gay Parade, a bunch of naked men swinging their weenies around, excuse my French. And I look dude, just go do it. Your bedroom,
Jordan (02:57:39.000)
at least say excuse my French,
Alex Jones (02:57:43.000)
you go out to dinner with your friends. And they keep kissing and French kissing at the dinner table in front of you. And it's not that you're even upset about it. It's grandstanding. It's like get a room. Full thing if somebody's leaving, and you know, they kiss their girlfriend or their wife or their husband buyer. What did you some of that's going on in theory, but you might notice the couples you've gone out with. And they start smacking down in front of you and grabbing all over each other. And it's like, show off thing and the word is those couples that aren't doing anything you know, in the bedroom?
Jordan (02:58:14.000)
What the fuck are you talking?
Alex Jones (02:58:19.000)
sitting there in a hotel lobby with your kids. And two dudes are grabbing each other's rear ends. They're all over each other French kissing,
Dan (02:58:26.000)
I am so pissed off. Because at this point, at this point my recorder like glitched and I lost the next thing. So but he says about these dudes in a hotel lobby grabbing their asses. They're doing it just to show off.
Jordan (02:58:45.000)
What? Let's let's watch the ring of like, I just want to have one experience with a dude like that's what that it's it sounds so much like, ah, these two people,
Dan (02:58:57.000)
it definitely sounds like that sounds very good. But like let's unpack the logic that he's using. So let him in the parade stuff is in the past. And so now he's using this idea of you go out with your friends. And you know this guy going out to dinner a couple and they're just kissing the whole time.
Jordan (02:59:15.000)
You're a third wheel. That's fucking that is rude. And you're like Jesus, I came out to eat dinner with you guys. And you just keep making out at me.
Dan (02:59:22.000)
We agree that that's rude. It's rude. Whether it's a guy and a girl or two guys or two girls. It's rude. Or
Jordan (02:59:30.000)
you name it.
Dan (02:59:31.000)
I'm not sure the point he's making. It doesn't making a point. I think he's trying to track that to gay pride parades. Yes. In terms of being like that's the equivalent 1000s of people making out in the street. Yeah, or some shit. Yeah. And it's, it doesn't.
Jordan (02:59:48.000)
You're You're a lonely old white man. And all of these people are enjoying themselves at you.
Dan (02:59:53.000)
Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's what it is. That's what he's that's what he's arguing at me.
Jordan (02:59:57.000)
Dan (02:59:58.000)
yeah. Now hold on. This Rent isn't done I told you my recorder glitched out a tiny bit. Yeah lost that chunk, but it picked up immediately. Okay, here's the end of this.
Alex Jones (03:00:08.000)
You're running around, hopping around trying to get attention for yourself. And I for one I'm sick. And when I say something like CIF being a globalist, but boy, the media says I'm being homophobic. When if I wanted to be homophobic, I would say horrible things I don't. I'm a libertarian. What my speeches is very pleasing track and Oh, and by the way, Trump is not Putin's, but boy. Trump has become the busboy of John McCain, and Lindsey Graham and Congressman Peter Schiff.
Dan (03:00:53.000)
Just for fun.
Jordan (03:00:56.000)
Trump has become the butt boy of John McCain.
Dan (03:01:01.000)
And just to be clear, his name is Adam Schiff not Peter Schiff. You shouldn't hire a fact checker.
Jordan (03:01:06.000)
I think he was talking about Peter King maybe Oh, no,
Dan (03:01:08.000)
no, it's obviously because he did that whole rant about Schiff.
Jordan (03:01:12.000)
Yeah, I guess I guess he was, but I'd love to. I
Dan (03:01:15.000)
don't I fucking love that. Like if I wanted to be homophobic. Like I'd say horrible.
Jordan (03:01:21.000)
Shouldn't do Do you nailed it? Yeah, you don't need to start now. You got that shit on on. Just on the back burner. Come on, man.
Dan (03:01:29.000)
The idea of like gay people exist in public and I'm sick of it. That is horrible. Yeah, like that. Yeah, just that if I wanted
Jordan (03:01:39.000)
to be homophobic, I would say all the shit I just said.
Dan (03:01:44.000)
So we got we have two more clips, Jordan. Okay. The first one is another narrative that he was trying to pitch on Thursday show that is stupid. And then the last one is one of the most unfortunate. Yes.
Jordan (03:01:55.000)
He just said Trump is the butt boy of John McCain and the globalist I just I just want to stop it right there. Yeah. And I don't want to take him out of context. Because within context, he said, Trump is the butt boy of John McCain. That's gonna get worse. That's my favorite thing. That's gonna get worse. Trump is the bad boy of John McCain. So here is this why isn't that in the mainstream white papers? Hmm. Hold on,
Dan (03:02:25.000)
wait for it because be a coiled spring. Okay, the next clip I play after this one, it'll, that's when we can really tee off. Okay, but this one is another dumbass narrative that he's pitching. It's about Bill Nye the Science Guy. Great.
Alex Jones (03:02:38.000)
Bill Nye the Science Guy edited it out. And the second Eric, edited on your TiVo shows you like go in and do this. And on your DVRs where they said that chromosomes determine the sex. So that's, that's transphobic to say that chromosomes create sex? No, it's in your mind, you see. So it's hurtful to say this is happening.
Dan (03:03:02.000)
So here's the thing that's going on there. He thinks that he's
Jordan (03:03:06.000)
conflating gender identity with
Dan (03:03:09.000)
genetics, gender and sex, basically. Right. But at the same time, so did this episode that Bill Nye put out in the 90s? Yeah, because well, because science evolves. Yeah. So he doesn't, there was a meme that was starting to go around on the right wing Reddit, about trying to point out that Bill Nye is a hypocrite because he said this then and now he says this, right. But if you actually look at the quote that they use, was not a quote, they just misquoted the old episode. And then further, they didn't actually watch the new episode, because this is from one of the human sexuality episode of Bill Nye saves the world. His new set new Netflix special science is the process by which we understand nature by which we understand our place in the world, how we all fit in, we used to think it was pretty straightforward, X and Y chromosome for males, two x's for females, but we see more combinations than that in the real life. And even for people with just two sex chromosomes. hormones can vary widely. So can anatomy. That's what makes someone male or female is not so clear cut. So even in his new episode, he's discussing how science has progressed since the nine right and giving you the scientific explanation for why, like, even when I was in high school, I understood that there were people sometimes who have three crumbs,
Jordan (03:04:33.000)
right, x, x, y, and that counts as za there there
Dan (03:04:37.000)
are people like that. Even tribal groups understood intersex people, right? They're like, if you look into Native American understandings of culture, they have, they have seven eight genders, right, you know, like all this stuff. Now, maybe that wasn't based on science, but you know, Caleb hunk Bill Nye
Jordan (03:04:58.000)
for this the point being built. And I said one thing in the 90s. And at that time, it reflected what he thought, or what the prevailing scientific knowledge at the time was. Yep. Now, amazingly, over time, that has been revised and revised and revised, which now what Bill is saying is something that reflects the scientific knowledge of the time? Well, this is, which is how science works. That's
Dan (03:05:28.000)
what the anti science crowd doesn't understand. Yeah. Is that like, one of the most important pieces of science is a lot of it's up for debate, right? And things like, like, like, do a bunch of experiments. And that's how you come up with a theorem or right. Like, it's, it's never a hard and fast rule. Some piece of evidence might show up in the future that changes the experiment. Yeah, it might change what your understanding, and then everything gets reevaluated. Right.
Jordan (03:05:56.000)
And it's not like that's, that's the myth that I get from right wing people, ie my family all the time, which is that if you believe something, then and now it's different. That means you're that you don't believe in anything, right? As opposed to your current belief invalidates your past. Exactly. And your past belief invalidates your current belief or a flip flopper of the highest order. Exactly. Whereas if you are, if you are just a physicist, right, then you say force equals mass times acceleration. And that's true, but it's true most of the time, right? And then Einstein came around, and he said, equals MC squared, which is a very, it's a, it's a kind of condensation of that same formula. It doesn't invalidate the prior force equals mass times acceleration adds to it adds to it. Yeah. So it is not that I don't think that that prior stuff applies. It's that now it is more specific. And now it is more accurate. And that is what science is, it's striving for more accurate, not striving for changing its mind back and forth on this and this and this, it's that within the available information we have, this is our best summation.
Dan (03:07:16.000)
And I'm not a scientist, and I'm not like that, that part of my brain doesn't really work all that well. But I know a lot of people who are of that I have some friends who are doctors and what have you. And all of them. The essence of what they're into is that like, at any time, everything can change. Yeah. And everyone I know who's ever done a study is like, well, we're looking at this, we're not beholden to the outcome, right? And if we're proven wrong, that's even more interesting, right?
Jordan (03:07:46.000)
So there's nothing better than being proven wrong, because then you learn some
Dan (03:07:51.000)
everybody thinks that science is like, really stuffy, or and like, No, it's all about Ba ba ba ba equations. Right? Right. Right. And it's not in the same way that logic seems really dry. And it's not, right. It's, or just there's an art to both things, and they're alive. They're alive, right? They're not static, right? It's insane.
Jordan (03:08:14.000)
It's insane to somebody who believes that an ideology is static. No, but that's
Dan (03:08:19.000)
what's fascinating. Yes, because we can take Alex Jones his beliefs back to like when he was in the 90s. And his beliefs are static, right about the globalists and what have you. Right. So his frame of reference for everything has been set. Since Bill Nye made that first episode right now culture has grown Information, Knowledge has grown around him. And his belief that no, there is a group of evil people who are trying to destroy us all. They're trying to use this eugenics based system and all this, that has never changed. Right. So for him, it does look like people are just constantly flip flopping. Exactly. And that's stupid.
Jordan (03:09:01.000)
It looks like, you know, zealotry, the climate denier argument is always like, well, you know, in the 70s, they said we were cooling. And now they say we're heating Exactly. And you're like No, that's your you're misrepresenting what they said, because you didn't understand it that right? You dismissed it out, of course. And then now it doesn't seem like they're saying the same thing, even though you didn't bother to look into it, because you've already dismissed it.
Dan (03:09:29.000)
If you use headlines and buzzwords, it looks like someone is saying the exact opposite thing, of course, but if you look at the
Jordan (03:09:36.000)
look at reality, if you look at the math, like the math is always true.
Dan (03:09:41.000)
Yeah. It's so frustrating. But anyway, throughout this 30 hour broadcast in our 30 hour podcast, yeah, we've done about 10% of their broadcasts. They have spouted a bunch of bullshit and Like Like I said, we don't need to know what Owen Shroyer did during this broadcast. We don't need to know what Lionel did.
Jordan (03:10:06.000)
Did what did what it did Millie Weaver have anything to do? I don't think so. How about Leann McAdoo? How about your derisk? Love?
Dan (03:10:14.000)
I don't know. I don't remember. I didn't see her if she was on. I didn't so it was an all dude. telethon. No, no, there were some ladies. There were some like, weirdo ladies that had special I don't even remember their names. I have no idea. All right, people in the world of like, I don't know why I remember his name. But there's a guy named Gerald Cilenti. He is another like frequent.
Jordan (03:10:36.000)
loves games like that. Yeah,
Dan (03:10:38.000)
it's a good name. Yeah, but there are other like there were some ladies who came on female Ron Paul's. What have you. But we started the shaft. Least we started this episode with that BuzzFeed bullshit. Yes. And then once we got to the actual Alex Jones is broadcast. He started to spout some misgivings about Trump. And there were signs in him that he's moving away from Trump. Now this last clip that I'm going to play, I want this on the record. Because I think he's gonna walk it the eyebrow raise. I think he's gonna walk this back and pretend he never said this. But this is my parting shot. And perhaps the most important thing I think you said during that 30 hour broadcast.
Alex Jones (03:11:26.000)
And so the truth is Trump is the Johnson holster for the warmongering Neo cons the Democrats. Trump is the Johnson holster of the military industrial complex. Good luck walking that back.
Jordan (03:11:50.000)
What's the Johnson holster are good? Like, I'm like I was sucking their dicks. Oh, he was just using a euphemism. Yeah. So John, so what? So what? So, Colbert said caulk holster some like that? Something like that. So he's saying that Trump is the caulk holster for the military industrial complex. Boy, there's no walk in that back though. Doesn't seem like it. You pretty much said Donald Trump. Your friend holds his mouth and anus open in order to be inserted with the p&i the respective penises. You don't
Dan (03:12:29.000)
think the military and the military industrial think they just have one big?
Jordan (03:12:33.000)
Um, I would assume that they're a team. So
Dan (03:12:37.000)
in context, that COC holster comment. Yes, I'd like to put that I'd like to frame that in juxtaposition of this something he said, back in February.
Alex Jones (03:12:47.000)
You know, I've admired Ron Paul, and known him and been a friend I guess for 20 years. I've been interviewing him 21 years. Maybe friends last 10 But it's not the same as it is with Trump. Trump is so fire breathing. So energetic, so cunning, so real. And he's having results so amazing. That it just makes me be endearing to Trump. I'm ready to die for Trump. This point. Lobo Marty ready to die for America. It's the same feeling and for America because he is America, your America?
Jordan (03:13:25.000)
Well, so fire breathing cunning Trump is getting some Coxon his ass,
Dan (03:13:31.000)
I'm ready to die for Trump. Trump is America, you dumb dumb son of a bitch. Boy, what are videos?
Jordan (03:13:39.000)
That's within? How
Dan (03:13:41.000)
did that was two and a half months ago? Yeah. That's so stupid.
Jordan (03:13:46.000)
They're they elected Trump. They're also stupid.
Dan (03:13:51.000)
What kind of there's no,
Jordan (03:13:52.000)
there's no other way to describe it at this point. Now, I mean, it's they. The question is not, will they? It is when will people who voted for Trump realize they've been turned into the COC holsters of the military industrial complex,
Dan (03:14:12.000)
it'll just be gradual. And, you know, Alex Jones is a bellwether. So
Jordan (03:14:17.000)
it does seem like he's getting there. Well, he just said, like, that's rough. That has to do you think more than losing his kids? Totally, I think it does. Right at the beach. I think about losing his kid. He's
Dan (03:14:34.000)
definitely spoken with more intensity about this than that. I know. Right. But at the same time, like at the beginning, he was talking about how Trump because of the globalist influence that he's betraying right them like that. Trump is the caulk holster of the military industrial complex. Yeah. Is him betraying Yeah, like he's a, he is a hypocrite, a liar. And now I really think what I want my summation to be of this episode because The twist of that last clip. He's a bad propagandist. Yeah, he's a propagandist, but he is disloyal.
Jordan (03:15:07.000)
I think he's hurt. Right? I think he's an emotional guy.
Dan (03:15:10.000)
You never let feelings get involved. You're right. Like like you're a host is
Jordan (03:15:14.000)
why gurbles didn't fucking fuck up like you're a sex
Dan (03:15:17.000)
worker. Right You don't you don't kiss. You don't kiss. Also Jones kiss
Jordan (03:15:23.000)
also I love I love the imaginary self righteousness of its homophobic to say caulk holster. Right, but I can say Johnson holster. That's not homophobic at all. It's the word not the intent. That's homophobic.
Dan (03:15:41.000)
Yeah, they used to put that on T shirt. Yeah, Johnson holster rule.
Jordan (03:15:44.000)
I genuinely thought because he's a guns guy. I genuinely thought like, Oh, that's a very specific type of holster. Oh, yeah. I didn't realize that he was using a euphemistic terms
Dan (03:15:54.000)
problem with metaphors when you're a second amendment guy. Yeah, he
Jordan (03:15:57.000)
was. He was too busy being freaked in the Be.
Dan (03:16:01.000)
Yeah. So anyway, Alex, you suck. You're in Marathon was terrible. Hiring Mike Cernovich is a mistake. It is a big mistake. Your team sucks.
Jordan (03:16:11.000)
I think I think bailing on Trump is not a mistake. I think the sooner he does it, the better for him.
Dan (03:16:17.000)
The I would say he should have done it before now.
Jordan (03:16:21.000)
He should have done it two weeks before the election. If if he was as brilliant, as he said, capable of seeing the future as well as he can.
Dan (03:16:29.000)
I know their framework. I know their plans.
Jordan (03:16:31.000)
He should definitely bail on Trump way earlier.
Dan (03:16:34.000)
I'm a totally totally. I think it's a mistake now because he's gone too far. You think so? Yeah. I mean, you fucking heard him say he'd die for Trump. Right? That's insane. Right? I would never say that about any politician even that I loved that I thought was awesome. I would never. I saw you squint.
Jordan (03:16:54.000)
Um, maybe maybe. Robert Kennedy. The only maybe like he had a really good run right before he was assessed of American politicians.
Dan (03:17:05.000)
Maybe RFK. Yeah, other than that, maybe Solon and that's from the history of the world. Maybe Solon. Right. And that's just because of his treatment of the heck Tamar Roy, what
Jordan (03:17:17.000)
Cincinnatus he had a good run. I don't know. He was the guy who
Dan (03:17:21.000)
Cincinnatus he ran. He had great chili, right?
Jordan (03:17:25.000)
He had great chili. And you remember those ads where it was like Cincinnatus. Right and they and yeah, anyway, who was he really though? No, he was the he was the famed story of the guy who was a military leader became a farmer. Then they were under attack in Athens or what is
Dan (03:17:45.000)
supposed to be Rome. Could be Rome. Cincinnatus is a Latin name not a Greek.
Jordan (03:17:51.000)
Not fair enough. Yeah, but the the general gist of the story is guy is former war hero gets on a farm. The city is under attack. They go to him. They say we're giving you all of the power. You do whatever it is that you need to do. And then the moment he's accomplished his goal, he leaves power
Dan (03:18:15.000)
that's very similar to Solon. Right very very similar very
Jordan (03:18:19.000)
similar. Yeah The point being this is not a thing that happens in real life no what happens in real life
Dan (03:18:26.000)
is Cesar let's be fair so on do happen in real life, but
Jordan (03:18:29.000)
Well, technically so did Cincinnatus according to the history, but to me that's that has the ring of myth. That is the ring of diehard right?
Dan (03:18:39.000)
Diehard arcade. So Jordan, I think if I want to put a button on this,
Jordan (03:18:45.000)
what's your button? It is the punch button from diehard arcade.
Dan (03:18:49.000)
We've we've made a lot of hay out of this. We've had some fun, we've made some laughs but the reality is, this is a desperation cash grab on Alex's part. Yeah, this whole thing is there's no substance behind it. It is just I need money. Please give me money. 30 hours of programming, right and outside of the Alex Jones Show all the rest of the programming is unwatchable. Right. It's complete. utter garbage.
Jordan (03:19:17.000)
That's that's the thing that I've been. I think if Alex Jones goes so goes Infowars
Dan (03:19:22.000)
not if he's bringing in Cernovich though Cernovich is Cernovich is close. All
Jordan (03:19:26.000)
right. I haven't seen Cernovich yet so well. I'll withhold judgment until we do our first Cernovich
Dan (03:19:32.000)
he's still sucks but he has more juice than we'll call it Rome courses.
Jordan (03:19:37.000)
We'll call it nerd of itch fight,
Dan (03:19:38.000)
boy. Call it I don't know how to Lisp knowledge. It's not gonna work anyway. There's nothing but let's just meet again. Fuck this shit. Alex, you're, I mean, listen, I want to I want to start a new thing. Yeah, I would like to end each of our episodes with a promo, a wrestling promo. Oh boy, Alex. Your Fannie and Freddie narrative is absurd. It's stupid. You got no leg to stand on? coming for you.
Jordan (03:20:14.000)
Oh shit.
Dan (03:20:15.000)
That's where the wrestling came.
Jordan (03:20:16.000)
Yeah, I was gonna say you're just kind of saying words. pretty regularly. We're like, I don't like this. Like, I'm that's not a very bombastic rate wrestling promo. I'm too tired.
Dan (03:20:27.000)
I've been doing this for three and a half hours have we? Yeah, I'm too tired to really come up with like a full.
Jordan (03:20:34.000)
I'm only getting stronger baby. Listen up Alex Jones. If you're gonna pull this Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bullshit, throwing things down. Let me tell you something. I'm a common for you. And I'm gonna put you into the knowledge fight coffin at the end of the day.
Dan (03:20:52.000)
I liked that. There was more. That was cool. Yeah, it was much better. Yeah, I'm stupid.
Jordan (03:20:58.000)
Well, that's not a very fair criticism, not
Dan (03:21:00.000)
you. Alex, you're stupid. Alex, you are stupid, you're in trouble. No matter how much money you raise. You're getting sued and you're gonna lose.
Jordan (03:21:10.000)
I think that's I think that is the like, The greatest thing about the you can have a Buzzfeed article.
Dan (03:21:18.000)
You can have a million followers, you can have 10 million followers, and they can all be giving you money. But you slandered someone who's a billionaire. And he's not going to let you settle.
Jordan (03:21:30.000)
Right? Well, just just like we've talked about earlier, the rich are always fighting the war against us. Well, it's against Alex. Exactly.
Dan (03:21:38.000)
I'm okay. Oh, no, I am two people. The kya seems like a fucking he's one of us. Yeah, he's a billionaire. Yeah, agreed.
Jordan (03:21:45.000)
Um, I think it is. I think that BuzzFeed article is right. In that, Alex, is that tragic figure of it is not that someone else is taking Alex down? No, it's that Alex is taking himself down? Well, and he doesn't know how not to
Dan (03:22:03.000)
that's what's fascinating. If you get to the end of that article that talks about his divorce and custody case, specifically, right. And basically, it lays out that all he had to do was show up and not say it god damn present himself as a good dad. And he would have won the case. Yeah. Because the judge specifically said his job has no bearing on this. Right. And she did not allow that stuff in court. Right. All he had to do was not be a dick. And he couldn't, couldn't do it. He couldn't do it. He lost that case for himself. And he's going to keep on losing. He has to Yeah, he is. We're watching. We're watching an archetype of a man laid low. And it's fascinating, because we know he deserves it. It's fascinating.
Jordan (03:22:47.000)
It's funny, it's inevitable, and it is the most infuriating thing. Because it is that one, it is that idea of like, Can't we just get to the future where you've already lost? Well, that's like, why do we have to put ourselves through like, well, Trump is going to lose, he's going to be impeached, he's going something terrible is going to happen to him. Why can't we just be there already? Why do we have to wait and watch it? Because we know well, I think because it happens every fucking time.
Dan (03:23:18.000)
I because I think this goes back to how we failed in every other test throughout history. Now is our chance to actually close the door right? Anyway, you can follow us guys, if you want to.
Jordan (03:23:29.000)
If you are still listening, if you're still listening. Tweet at knowledge underscore fight. Subscribe to us knowledge fight on iTunes.
Dan (03:23:40.000)
Also, if you're still listening at this point, please send us a tweet hashtag Rappaport still lives. That is our that's our that is
Jordan (03:23:49.000)
our that's that's just your trick to see if anybody stayed to the end. That's awesome. That's really all it is. Yeah, if you've made it this far,
Dan (03:23:56.000)
you've honorary policy. But also, you can check out our website knowledge We have a bunch of extra content on there. Documentation of Alex Jones is lies also a biography and progress about him.
Jordan (03:24:10.000)
Email us you can email us at knowledge And then you
Dan (03:24:14.000)
have a few you caught me off. I had a we have a really interesting new piece of Alex Jones's biography. Oh, really? From an episode in 2015 that we're not going to cover? Oh, boy, it's fucked up. Okay, that'll be up on the website soon. Excellent. But, you know, Hey, guys, if you want to be a policy wonk, donate to the show. If you want to have us do an episode from history $10 or more a month we'll do it and it'll be shorter than this one.
Jordan (03:24:42.000)
This is what happens when you do an episode when I'm not here. I understand. I have to just fucking throw everything at it.
Dan (03:24:49.000)
It just so happens to that you are gone for an episode and the so many weird things have happened in the world. So yeah, but anyway,
Jordan (03:24:56.000)
which means in four days the most weird Yeah,
Dan (03:24:59.000)
just keep What's happening? Yep, guys, this has been fun. Jordan has been fun. It has been amazing. Thank you all for listening. We appreciate it so much. And thank you for everyone who's joining up and we see the numbers skyrocketing. And fuck fucking Thank you.
Jordan (03:25:14.000)
Thanks to all of the new policy wonks, thanks to all of the upcoming policy wonks. And just so you know,
Dan (03:25:21.000)
in a new mission, yeah, get a celebrity to to retweet about our show. And I'll send you a shirt. You got a shirt, if you can get a celebrity.
Jordan (03:25:30.000)
It is not going to be a knowledge fight. Brandon shirt. It is going to be a shirt Dan has in his closet. Absolutely.
Dan (03:25:37.000)
But also, this is going to create a real debate about what is a celebrity. I'm ready to have that conversation. Please try and get celebrities to retweet our show. Anyway, we're dudes who like to get into
Jordan (03:25:53.000)
it. We get into it. We get into the
Dan (03:25:55.000)
weeds, right? We're in the mucky more in the nitty gritty
Jordan (03:25:59.000)
of term for that. It would be policy we're in the nitty gritty of policy right like what would the noun be for we walks we walks
Alex Jones (03:26:08.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.