Transcript/37: May 1, 2017

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Dan (00:00:04.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge flight. I'm Dan. This is a podcast where me and a friend very consistently and regularly my co host, Jordan sit down and drink red wine and talk about the life and times of Alex Jones. But today we needed to do an episode and Jordan has a show. So I have brought him the returning replacement Jordan. Tyler Snodgrass. Hello.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:00:28.000)
Good to be here. I love you.
Dan (00:00:30.000)
Alright, welcome back to the show. Thank you for joining me it's very great to have you back in studio.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:00:34.000)
Yeah, it's good to be back and you know what we've each got our own bottle of is this rose a wine guy? It's apple one apple wine. All right. It's
Dan (00:00:42.000)
a weeknight so we got to drink the 3% wine.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:00:45.000)
Yeah, well, I love Oh, yeah, it says Apple wine on I Love It says flavored Apple wine. It is flavored but there are berries on the cover. Oh, damn right is covered with the label on the a little deceptive on the
Dan (00:00:57.000)
casing. Yeah. Tyler You have your own podcast called we still like you I do as a matter of my storytelling podcast. Yes. secrets
Tyler Snodgrass (00:01:07.000)
they tell yes. Secrets shameful stories. You Dan are a I think I did the first one. You did the very first one. And you are one of the people who has actually done the live show the most I have.
Dan (00:01:17.000)
I've done it a bit. So you've got Lately though, but that might be because I quit stand up. Might be a part of it. That's why Yeah, we've also you had you were like four times do it. Now probably more than that, because I went on tour with you guys that are not on tour, but I've done them on the road a bit too.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:01:30.000)
That is to say we can probably I believe you're on the podcast at least once.
Dan (00:01:33.000)
I think I said don't put those stories. Oh, well. I've
Tyler Snodgrass (00:01:36.000)
told maybe I'm lying. Right now.
Dan (00:01:39.000)
I told the story that may or may not have lapsed in terms of the statute of limitation. Yeah. stole something.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:01:46.000)
Maybe you're not maybe I was just you know, your stories are so good. I just assumed that they must be
Dan (00:01:51.000)
up there. Yeah, they are. They're not you know, it is out there. Alex motherfucking Jones,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:01:55.000)
Alex. Yeah. Legal middle name, mother.
Dan (00:01:58.000)
It's actually Emmerich. That kind of works. Yeah, it fits his whole thing. Yeah. Today, we're going to be talking about a video that Alex put out, but I want to do a little thing first that we like to do. I'd like to give a shout out to our new donator What's up, Phil be they'll be policy walk. Congratulations.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:02:17.000)
Oh, no, this is turned into like, I was here with three months ago. Now you've got like Alex Jones, the sound buttons like you're a rock jump.
Dan (00:02:26.000)
That's just the one. Whatever someone donates to the show, they become a policy wonk. Okay, you're officially a policy wonk. So Phil, congratulations. You are now in the weeds about policy and the world
Tyler Snodgrass (00:02:38.000)
if you are accepting feedback. The next time I come I would love if you had a bulletin board full of that's in the works. Okay. That's what the donations get. Yes,
Dan (00:02:48.000)
absolutely. We're working this into a morning zoo about Alex Jones. Perfect. That's, that's what I want. So to give you, Tyler a little bit of an update, I want to do previously on the life and times of Alex Jones. I told you before we started recording that Alex's life is about to fall apart. And here's why. First of all, he lost his kids. He lost custody of his children last week. That's going to slowly deteriorate his mind. Additionally, Chobani yogurt has put out a lawsuit on him.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:03:20.000)
What you didn't know about this? No, I didn't know about this.
Dan (00:03:22.000)
So Alex put out a new story. And the headline of it was Idaho yogurt maker imports, migrant rapists, which was about the guy who owns Chobani. Very big donator for refugee causes. Yeah, it was all that that slander. So they're suing him and he's going to lose that lawsuit very badly. To the to the extent that as we're recording this on Thursday, Alex is just now wrapping up a 36 hour or so live broadcast. Oh,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:03:59.000)
why is this a special occasion?
Dan (00:04:01.000)
They need money. It's a 36 hour live infomercial. It's like QVC basically,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:04:07.000)
is he and he's running it the whole time. No, God, no. Okay. No, it's mostly are these pills keeping them awake? Also? Well,
Dan (00:04:14.000)
there's that Yeah, I mean, obviously, they some level. Caveman bone broth is definitely that's a new product since you've been here. That's another thing we'll have to get into. But no, he just desperately needs money. Okay, he's, it's clear. He's gonna get sued so hard, he's gonna lose everything. So I was watching a bit of it. And like a couple days back, he accidentally let slip on air that Mike Cernovich his sources, and some of his sources were Donald Trump's children. They were feeding them information, which is a crime. That's a big old crime can't
Tyler Snodgrass (00:04:49.000)
believe Baron was doing that little scam.
Dan (00:04:53.000)
It's useful prank. So he let that slip on the air and during this 30 hour broadcast, I was Watching bits and pieces of it, most of it was bullshit. But at one point he's like, listen, I said Donald Jr. was you know, feeding Cernovich information and listen, I, I had it wrong like okay, right, right, buddy. I don't know what to believe it's complete insanity. Like it could be true and he's lying about the retraction or he could have been lying and he made sincere rejection. I have no fucking idea. Thunderdome. Truth is out the window. Everything is possible.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:05:26.000)
Yep. Now what an interesting web is that's being woven.
Dan (00:05:31.000)
It's insanity. So today, what we're going to be discussing Tyler is a video that played during the 30 hour broadcast. Okay, this is a special report that Alex put out on Monday, and they repurposed and just played a bunch of times. It wasn't even a 30 hour live broadcast. They just kept playing videos. It was nonsense, right. So anyway, this video was, it was titled, special report. Facebook is targeting trendies and cooks.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:06:03.000)
trendies trendies. I don't know what that means. Well, you're
Dan (00:06:07.000)
one of them because you've got a mustache. Oh, we're gonna get into specifically what the trends are over the course of this video. All right. But this is a video essentially, about Alex Jones being incredibly pissed off about Facebook. And then he loses the thread and starts yelling about a bunch of other stuff. I'm pretty certain he's on some sort of amphetamine, he seems beaked out of his mind. He's shooting this in his bedroom. And it's a gorgeous bedroom. It's huge. He is very rich. For now. Yeah, for now. He's going to lose that bedroom very soon. But he's he's like getting up and sitting down and like pacing around. He is he's on some sort of speed. It's crazy. Anyway, I'm gonna let him start it off. Okay, this is how he begins the report.
Alex Jones (00:06:51.000)
My friends. Mark Zuckerberg working with the CIA. This is all public. Set up. Facebook. Google was also set up by the CIA Don't believe me just search CIA funded founding of Google, as well as NASA, for social engineering for control. And that's admitted. And it's come out the WikiLeaks that they're working on the Democratic party, the Republican Party, the globalist the IMF, the World Bank control people, Zuckerberg, what, six years ago, said at a conference, I can't believe our users trust us. They're a bunch of dumb efforts. And then I see the different things they do and how Facebook acts like they're open and free, and you follow their rules. And they censored libertarian or nationalistic or patriotic messages. They target people and don't let you share your post. Even if you pay Facebook to share your post, they block them. And then they just force feed,
Dan (00:07:50.000)
or they cut off there. He was gonna say they force feed liberal ship. Okay. So here we go. This is the beginning of the introduction of his premise. Facebook sucks. I agree. You got to you got a kernel there that I'm going to agree with him on. Sure. But then when he goes on, that that whole thing about like, Facebook isn't allowing us to share things. He's misrepresenting how Facebook works. Like you have a page for we still like you, right? And whenever you post something to your fanpage, you probably have like a couple 1000 fans, I would assume, or something like that. Yeah. So you have a couple 1000 fans, you post something on your fan page. And if you don't promote it, only 20 people will see it. Because they want you to pay for it to be promoted. Right? They restrict how many of your own fans see your shit. It's just how it works. It's an advertising platform, right? masquerading as a social network.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:08:45.000)
The only way around it is to share a fanpage status for my personal page,
Dan (00:08:49.000)
right? And you have to get multiple people to do it. And if you do that, then it starts to spiral. And it gets posted on more people's walls because there's organic interest. Right. So Alex doesn't understand that that
Tyler Snodgrass (00:09:01.000)
that's been that's the feature of a social networking platform.
Dan (00:09:04.000)
Yeah, that's how they make money. Yeah, that's that's the game. So he thinks it's because he's spouting libertarian views and all this but it's just it's, it's the system. It's incredibly stupid. Right? So he's gonna say some more bad stuff about Facebook. That isn't true. But before he does that, and I have to critique him. I do think Facebook is bad Facebook, it turns us all into monsters. Yeah. You spout like bullshit opinions. Often it's trite shit that people are posting Yeah, the whole idea of virtue signaling that the alt right likes to throw around the idea of like, you don't really believe the principles you post online. You're just doing that to signal your virtues to your like minded friends. You're I'm saying
Tyler Snodgrass (00:09:47.000)
is that a critique of the left? Yes. Okay. That
Dan (00:09:51.000)
all of this stuff about like gay rights and black lives matter all that stuff isn't sincere being trendy right? It's not sincere You're just trying to show your bone a few days to your friends. Yeah, I don't think that most of it is that but there are some people who do shit like we know. You're damn right. There's a number of folks who come to mind immediately, right. But yeah, so Facebook does suck. It's it's sure I have gotten off Facebook and I love it. I think I think people should leave it.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:10:21.000)
Your life is better. You're listening to Alex Jones.
Dan (00:10:25.000)
All right, look. There might be a one to one correlation there. Yes. Okay. I got off Facebook and immediately started listening to Alex Jones every day, and my mental state has never been better. barely leave the house.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:10:39.000)
Yeah, and I agree. I think I think Facebook is awful if I was not in the if I was not a person who pursuing comedy, I wouldn't have won. Yeah, I think that totally makes sense. But it's weird to it's weird to look at somebody to be like, Yeah, I hate Facebook to you hate it for the wrong reasons.
Dan (00:10:57.000)
You hate it because you think it's globalist, right? Yeah, we hate it because I'm sick of seeing other people's head head games. Yeah. And psychodrama that's like,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:11:05.000)
it's like being like, I ate and like uncooked chicken because I might get sick. And Alex Jones is like, uncooked chicken.
Dan (00:11:13.000)
It's too chewy. Exactly. Yeah.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:11:16.000)
I have a hard time eating it just because it's cold. But I love the taste. All right.
Dan (00:11:21.000)
We're technically on the same side. Yeah, but we're not on a team. Exactly. So he goes on to complain some more about Google and tells a lie about something we've talked about in the past.
Alex Jones (00:11:31.000)
Hillary Clinton propaganda and garbage. Three weeks ago, we got secret documents from inside Google thanks to my external mission. Two days later, Google said Yeah, we had rogue contractor groups with multimillion dollar contracts, delisting, as fake news. And we don't believe your fake news. Because I can sue them. But they said they stop it.
Dan (00:11:51.000)
Hey, Alex, your fake news. Sue me. Sue me. I dare you. I fucking dare you to sue me. Your fake fucking news. Yeah, I can prove it. And I have repeatedly you dumb
Tyler Snodgrass (00:12:03.000)
son of a bit. It's kind of the whole nature of the podcast. Yes. Yeah.
Dan (00:12:06.000)
He's saying that Google wouldn't call him fake news because they're afraid that he's gonna sue them. Okay. And that's not true at all. Yeah,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:12:13.000)
I heard I hear Google has very weak lawyers. Word on the street.
Dan (00:12:17.000)
He's further telling this lie about these documents he got from Mike Cernovich that we're about who's that? He is another one of these propaganda Dick holes. Okay, he's, he's a guy. He has his own blog called danger and play.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:12:33.000)
And play. That's my favorite Bon Jovi album, actually.
Dan (00:12:37.000)
Yeah, it sounds way more like that than a right wing bigots. Blog. Yeah. But he's a guy who was involved in like pizza gate. He was involved in GamerGate. Father gate. Oh, the current gate. Yeah, the big gate. He recently broke the story about Susan Rice, unmasking people unmasking Trump campaign people in the intelligence reports that wasn't a real story. Okay, that sort of shit. That's what he's on. And apparently, Donald Trump's children feed him information.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:13:08.000)
Interesting. Or apparently misinformation or something? Yeah. Okay, information that they certainly shouldn't have one way or another. Oh, one thing I liked from before I actually wrote this down is right at the beginning of the first clip you play. He went ahead and said, This is all public, which that what a great move to cover your own trash is just yeah, this is all public, so no need to look it up. Yeah,
Dan (00:13:30.000)
that's, that's one thing that you're gonna see. He does this a lot. And especially in this episode, whenever he says, this is public. This has been declassified. Everyone knows this. It's in mainstream news. Yeah, any of those four things, you know, it's a lie. Just 100% it's a fucking lie. He's just making shit up that maybe a caller told him a week earlier. Right. That's basically where he lives. So now you were asking before we got started, what is a trending?
Tyler Snodgrass (00:13:58.000)
Right, I think I'm starting to figure it out. It's not a positive. Yeah, I gather
Dan (00:14:07.000)
this clip, Alex Jones explains the what he's mad about is mostly about trendies. And then he explains pretty on specifically what they are. And then he gives a dubious historical lesson about propaganda.
Alex Jones (00:14:23.000)
The trend is that Democrats especially need to understand this really affects you. Facebook, has been caught with internal documents leaking because people in their own system care based in England and Australia, where they have been targeting in a test 700,000 users they see as young as depressed as vulnerable and as trendies and they use those terms. Now what is a trendy? Somebody who followed Hitler in Nazi Germany early on will be a trendy.
Dan (00:14:58.000)
We'll get back to that. Oh, But we'll get back to that. That's his first example of what a trend is. But you know what he's talking about there with Facebook? No, not really. So a report came out recently, a couple days ago about Facebook being caught sort of targeting people that they viewed as sort of weak and more impressionable, more vulnerable people. Okay. Alex is saying, and his argument that he's going to lay out is that they were doing this in order to make them liberals. They're recruiting liberals, basically, they're finding vulnerable people on Facebook. The truth is, at worst, it's an advertising strategy. It's much like putting sugary cereal commercials during cartoons, and stuff like that, or shady toy commercials during cartoons. Yeah, you're targeting youth, basically. So he's gonna make it seem really evil. But I hear here's what this actually was. The company Facebook said claims made about targeting site users were quote, misleading, but has since issued an apology and said that investigation would be launched into the matter. In the statement, Facebook said, quote, the analysis done by an Australian researcher was intended to help marketers understand how people express themselves on Facebook. It was never used to target ads, and was based on data that was anonymous and aggregated. I believe that but I also don't believe them, that it wasn't for marketing. You know what I mean? Right? It's all for marketing. It absolutely is. Why would they be helping marketers understand how people express themselves if it wasn't for marketing? Yeah, that's insane. So that part, I believe them? And I don't believe them. And I don't believe Alex. Now, he also said that they targeted 700,000 users. Now, this is unfortunate, because that's a specific stat that I can trace that has nothing to do with this. That has to do with Facebook, what they did in 2012. Do you remember that?
Tyler Snodgrass (00:16:52.000)
So he pulled a number from a thing that exists but in is just associating it with this other thing?
Dan (00:16:58.000)
Well, they're both Facebook things that are kind of weird. But they're not the same thing. He's conflating issues. The 700,000 users was when they were trying to see if they could sway people's moods by posting positive or negative stories on people's walls. Oh, is that a true thing? Yeah, in 2012, they did this weird study without people's permission, where they would post based on key words, they could determine were positive or negative, they would take people and they would post primarily negative things on their wall and see what things they would post to see if it would affect their mood. Now, the research was done. And it technically isn't illegal. It's fucked up. It's technically not illegal. And it was done and published in like research journal. So it was legit. They were doing it for theoretical scientific reasons. Yeah, that's still really fucked up. That has nothing to do with this. Alex is just an idiot and everything Facebook does is all one big. It's one big conspiracy. Yeah. So anyway, back to back to what trendies are.
Alex Jones (00:17:58.000)
Somebody 200 years ago, that was a super Christian religious zealot that wanted to, you know, kill people that dance at the Country Fair, those were trendy zealots. Muslims becoming radicalized and wanting to sexually mutilate women, or throw gays off buildings that is an orthodoxy a system of oppression. And that's what trendies are. They believe they're the cultural avant garde, and that they're the coolest people out there. Because they seek what is conformist they believe, to be in the in crowd. Well, the system then puts out a plastic artificial in crowd I've talked about this forever, that Wall Street and Madison Avenue that Hollywood has talked about for 67 years, Edward Bernays created Hollywood or helped Hollywood form to merge government officials with media to make the Hollywood stars and to make the political stars. And that's what things like the White House Correspondents Dinner, are really all about, is getting politicians with Hollywood and the media and making it like they're the upper class. They're the beautiful people and you're a nobody. And then once you feel like you're not part of the in class, they're up on a Mount Olympus, like the Greek gods, or demigods in their golden fields of Elysium and you just don't think you can attain it. That's recent government buildings always been huge and ornate and stately and powerful is to project this is unstoppable.
Dan (00:19:30.000)
I don't know why I don't think that's why buildings are big, but do his other point, though. I kind of I kind of, I'm cool. I'm cool with that. Alex. Like I don't I don't entirely disagree with you. I think celebrity culture is kind of shitty. Right? There is a whole thing about celebrity worship that is othering like, you know, I'm not I'm not as good as that. Instagram models, right? Oh, influencers? Yeah, tastemakers.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:19:55.000)
Yeah, that kind of thing.
Dan (00:19:56.000)
Yeah. So I mean, that's kind of fair. I mean, I don't think it relates to the point He's making but taken on its own great.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:20:02.000)
Something interesting about the trendy so is basically anybody who gets radicalized is what he's saying, at least at this point so far. Yeah, he might change that tune. Yeah, probably what I'm finding real interesting is, at least so far, it seems like he has attacked basic capitalism, like marketing. And he's attacked, like, religious conservatism a couple of times is this. Is this normal for
Dan (00:20:30.000)
him? It is in his budget. He doesn't realize he's doing
Tyler Snodgrass (00:20:33.000)
it. Okay. Like Gotcha. He does his all incidental. Well, he hates
Dan (00:20:37.000)
these things, but loves the free market loves capitalism, loves Christianity, but hates the church. It's very it's very complicated his views, but I don't think he the things that you're picking up on. Yeah, I don't think he even realizes or implied in his words.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:20:53.000)
Must not be.
Dan (00:20:55.000)
But also this idea of trendies being, like, people who gravitate towards, like, the mainstream thing. I'm 33 years old. That is literally never been the case in my life. The people who are cool are the people who break away right and rebellious are have their own thing. He's
Tyler Snodgrass (00:21:14.000)
like trying to he's like, trying to describe what being a hipster is, except he's saying that it's going towards radical mainstream things that are harmful to the thinking, Man,
Dan (00:21:27.000)
I think so. Yeah. Okay. That's weird. It's convoluted. And I listen, I assure you, I this is starting out a little bit slow. In terms of what Alex is saying,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:21:36.000)
I promise you the ball is going to start rolling. I've no doubt it's going to speed up fast. I'm sure that everything we've just learned will be thrown out the window, and we'll have to readjust our own standards of what being trendy is.
Dan (00:21:48.000)
Yeah. And you know what, it's going to start almost immediately. Well, let's buckle in this next clip, Alex gets down to the brass tacks, and he explains what he thinks is going on in the world. visa vie trendies. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:22:02.000)
And so now we have the documents. Well, we already knew what's going on, where they target young people who go on Facebook, or who they see as alone who see that as needing friends. And they say, we can now sell certain political systems, certain products, these people, we can bombard women that are just a little bit larger, probably voluptuous, and make them feel like they're there, their fat Sweetland to sell them, these products. The list goes on and on. And all I'm saying is,
Dan (00:22:31.000)
none of that is in any of the stories that I've been able to find about Facebook stuff. Okay. None of that. That is pure conjecture on Alex's part. Yeah. And I would like to say he makes all of his money selling weird supplements.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:22:44.000)
Right? Real quick reminder. He goes on
Dan (00:22:47.000)
and on and on in these commercials about how you're lacking vitality. Yeah, and this modern world has taken it away from you, but his bone broth can give it back to you. Like it's completely insane. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Tyler Snodgrass (00:23:00.000)
Yeah, that's, that's so bonkers. Women don't be fooled by this, but I really need you to pay for this nice bedroom with these he-man pills.
Dan (00:23:09.000)
Hey, women, I know that the Facebook is trying to trick you into thinking you're fat. But that's not your problem. What you really need is super female vitality. What an asshole. Yeah. Oh, he's so like, it's so obvious. I can't imagine anybody watching this and not being like, he's up to something. Like, I trust this guy. It's crazy. Yeah. Anyway, he goes on goes on a little bit.
Alex Jones (00:23:37.000)
People that buy into the trendy culture, it's in the white papers. It's in The Washtech reports I've seen were 20 years ago, they said we're gonna have body augmentation and body changing, you know, the whole body modification movement. Not that it's bad if you've done that, but to get you ready for microchips and virtual reality. And this whole program, the CIA funded 25 years ago, the funding of the whole body modification movement, to get you to accept that just like they funded in the 60s Ugly art to that make you confused and think well, you don't know what's beautiful art and what's what's ugly. So it's mainly a scrambling of social mores so that they can move the Overton Window towards ugly architecture, austerity collapse. This is all declassified. There it is again, that's why they're attacking the family. That's why they're attacking classical beauty. That's why they're saying don't have murals of masculine men at colleges, you know, for the football team because someone might not be masculine. Don't say you have a mother and father on your elementary school entry form, say G or z because someone might have a mommy or daddy see, you can't have anything because it might hurt somebody else.
Dan (00:24:46.000)
He goes on to failing Lee reference Harrison Berger on
Tyler Snodgrass (00:24:52.000)
Oh, I used to teach that short story.
Dan (00:24:54.000)
Yeah, well, he goes on to Miss Miss name it he says like Harrison bumps around or something like that. It's delightful, but that's the porn
Tyler Snodgrass (00:25:01.000)
parody I read a lot of but stuff. Yeah, it's fully buttstock. But you know, all the butts are equal. That's important.
Dan (00:25:08.000)
Yeah, the greater bots have to be impaired. So that's right. Yeah. So the the things that he lists there at the end are cockamamie. They're nonsense. I do archy. I googled them. And there's there's no evidence that people are trying to ban masculine murals on campuses. And that's because some people are betas. Yeah. And then that whole thing about z as a pronoun, yeah. It isn't, like saying that he or she is bad. It's just offering a third option for people who identify another way, right? If you feel oppressed by someone else's inclusion, that's your problem. That's not That's not the person who wishes to be seen a certain ways problem. Yeah. So I don't know, man.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:25:51.000)
Yeah, though, this has been I mean, take take a progressive issue. And that is exactly how, you know, the the Alex Jones's of the world interpret that sort of thing is, there's a new thing, and I'm not that thing. So it hurts my feelings. And I have to learn about it. Do you think
Dan (00:26:06.000)
there's a piece of it that like, I wish I was that thing? Not specifically because he like Alex wants to be z or whatever. But because he is like, I wish I had that attention to being different.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:26:17.000)
I think I was gonna say either it's like, yeah, the desire to be different, a desire to be included, or a desire to. I mean, clearly he wants to be a victim, regardless of where he lands anywhere. Yeah, if
Dan (00:26:32.000)
he has a gorgeous mansion. Yeah, million dollars. He's still a goddamn victim.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:26:36.000)
Yeah. So I mean, if he was Z, he'd be like, people like Alex Jones don't understand my plight. And since he's Alex Jones, in actuality, he's like these people.
Dan (00:26:45.000)
Yeah. Yeah, these people aren't human. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's utter lunacy. But it's all because of these goddamn trendies.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:26:54.000)
Yeah, the trend Man, these trendy, trendy is a ruin goes all the way to the top. Trump is
Dan (00:26:59.000)
a trendy, he wouldn't say that. But he does get into what this is kind of like he's laid it out what he thinks this is about. It's gonna get a little more specific in this next clip, okay. And I gotta say ahead of time, I don't agree with him.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:27:14.000)
You don't say I'm gonna I'm gonna put it on record.
Dan (00:27:16.000)
I don't agree with his assessment, I will all
Tyler Snodgrass (00:27:18.000)
have to listen and then assess. We're here.
Alex Jones (00:27:21.000)
This is the total oppression of the hive mind. And here are these documents where they're trying to make you insecure. They're trying to prey on you. They're trying to manipulate you. They won't let you leave Facebook if you want to. They're selling your data. They're calling you a dumb effort.
Dan (00:27:36.000)
I left Facebook, no one stopped me. That thing about them calling you dumb efforts. He brings this up a
Tyler Snodgrass (00:27:42.000)
bit is that in their condolences email when you ever you quit DME ever. No, it
Dan (00:27:47.000)
is fucked up. When you leave Facebook, they do show you a bunch of your friends pictures, and they're like, they're gonna miss you. If you leave. It's sort of it's a little it's a little manipulative, but if you just click leave, they don't stop you. Right. But this thing. He claims that in like a board meeting or some Summit, Mark Zuckerberg said the people who use Facebook are dumb fuckers. And that's not true. Really. What actually happened was when he was 26, Facebook was still sort of growing a bit. And he told a friend and a private message that he can't believe that people trust him. They're dumb. Fucks and he has since gone on record and said, Look, I was stupid. I was young. I didn't know what's going on. I definitely wouldn't say that sort of thing. Now I and maybe that's just good PR. Yeah, but sure. And hey, of course you're dumb.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:28:35.000)
If you Yeah, I'm on Mark side. I'm a dumb fucker for being on Facebook. Most people can't believe I put all this stuff out there that I do. People are keenly aware
Dan (00:28:45.000)
for the most part that like, hey, they know a lot of shit about me this private business. Yeah has way too much information about me. Yeah, it's wild. Yeah, but again, he's misrepresenting shit. Anyway,
Alex Jones (00:28:57.000)
and this moves into the cooking, we see with Islam that I'm about to get to where top feminists are putting on a jibs, sexually mutilating and saying this is trending. So it's really all about cooking people. So let me get back into here and show you some of this. Here it is the Australian broke it leaked document reveals Facebook research to target emotionally vulnerable and insecure youth who again, are trying to be trending, trying to find their identity, then it goes into older groups as well, you know, that are seen as desperate. Now, again, these are really beta groups who normally would meet and get involved in some type of culturally successful group that they could work in to be successful, but instead, they put out fake cultural icons of success. So that trendies go and get on these farms, different globalist enclaves in the broken strategy method. The Democrats call it of a bunch of balkanized people that can't communicate and are all scared and only safe in their own little cloistered group that is controlled by the state. for programmers,
Dan (00:30:01.000)
it's a lot of words.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:30:02.000)
Wow. Yeah.
Dan (00:30:03.000)
What do you what do you what do you feel about that? I think we're being cooked.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:30:08.000)
Yeah, I like that. He said all goes back to like cooking. Yeah, of course that's the that's the overarching you know, conspiracy sure or goal. Well,
Dan (00:30:17.000)
he does think that the West is being cooked by Islam. That's sort of a big thing he is on these days. What
Tyler Snodgrass (00:30:22.000)
is that? I don't know what that means. I feel like I know what cuckolding is. I know like the word chicanery and
Dan (00:30:28.000)
word for sure. Yeah. Back from the essential thing of it is a guy whose wife is cheating on him. And everyone knows
Tyler Snodgrass (00:30:36.000)
he grows little horns out of his head. Yes. Yeah. So I'm familiar with that. How does a nation cook another nation? Well,
Dan (00:30:42.000)
you know, you're aware of cuckold pornography. I'm aware of genre. Yeah, that's the term. That's the way he's using it more. Okay, that white people are being like white women are being taken over by minority races. Oh, and the white man. Last time you were on? You asked me if I thought Alex Jones was a supremacist guy. Yeah. And I said I didn't know. In the last few months. I'm pretty sure he is yours
Tyler Snodgrass (00:31:04.000)
and lean in one way. I'm
Dan (00:31:06.000)
leaning towards supremacists. Yeah. guy. He's shown a little bit of those. Those flavors. Yeah. Last month.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:31:13.000)
So he's so he's referring to caulk in the in the fetishized way.
Dan (00:31:18.000)
And the end the specifically racist way. Specifically racist. Yeah, the other thing too, I, from the last time I posted, I forgot to bring this up. He keeps trying to say that Facebook is trying to make you insecure and all this stuff. And maybe that is accurate based on that 2012 study that they did the Facebook did that stopped though they did stop do emotions, one that one fairly accurate. This new one has nothing to do with that. That just is again, it's obviously marketing research towards people who already Express insecure, vulnerable feelings. But again, not targeted at anybody aggregated anonymous stuff. Anyway, cocking Islam. These are important things that will come back up. But before they do, Alex has got to get into his next point, which you went to college? I did. I went to college. Didn't Alex Jones? That's correct. He went to I think about a year of community college and then dropped out. That's important, because this next clip, Alex Jones explains what's going on on college campuses, perfect as an expert on the subject from having gone to a community college this one
Tyler Snodgrass (00:32:31.000)
two years ago once Yeah.
Alex Jones (00:32:33.000)
And if you look what they do with major colleges in Europe in here now, scared kids show up from the countryside of the big city from the student groups and say there's racist. There's homophobes, there's kk k, on the on the school grounds, putting up swastikas. Come to our group, you'll be safe here. And they get all the nerds, the most disadvantaged, there's manuals on this, it's been in the news, they target them, and then they bring them in and manage them and politically control them. So it's kind of like joining a motorcycle gang or a black gang or Hispanic gang or a white supremacist gang, except it's a trendy gang. And then your professors and then their props. And their assistants are the new bosses. And and
Dan (00:33:15.000)
that's absurd. That's patently absurd. Yeah, that's wild. I only had a few professors in my time in college that I interacted with in any meaningful way outside of class. And they in no way swayed by political beliefs, my sense of self, they just sort of inspired me in directions of study that I was already interested in it say ancient Greek, or logic, these sorts of things that I studied in college were because largely, I responded to the teaching style of the professor. It was something I was already interested in. They had an interesting take on it. My professor of logic in college, a guy named Paul Wyrick, was just, he had an amazing way of speaking about something so bland and dry as formal logic that I was like, I got really interested in, I took, took like three years worth of classes from him, and then went on to study game theory classes that he taught, because I just I really liked his style. I had a couple Greek professors that were just fucking awesome. I ended up translating the Iliad in college. I had no intention of doing that, because I really liked the professor that taught it and they didn't. They weren't bosses. Yeah, my dad is a professor. I've grown up around academia. You look like a professor and I need a haircut for that. I think I look like Alex Jones is community college professor Trump's doctor. Yeah, if I'm lucky. But yeah, you you have experience with college as well and the professors and none of this is none of those rings. True.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:34:47.000)
No, absolutely not.
Dan (00:34:49.000)
It's absurd. It's fear.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:34:51.000)
Yeah, so he's, he's, he's suggesting that like basic student groups are the equivalent of joining a race A yep yep I was on the Student Activities Council oh shit at Missouri State University Springfield mo Go Bears Yeah, and I gotta tell ya
Dan (00:35:09.000)
that's that's the third most dangerous gang yeah there's ms 13 up top there's the Bloods and then there's the Student Activities
Tyler Snodgrass (00:35:17.000)
Committee a sack for short and let me tell you we we killed some people we were gonna go over to Truman State and we threatened the Student Activities Board sab was a sack is gonna come for you. You're not bringing Demetri Martin this year we are.
Dan (00:35:36.000)
Yeah, it's it's, you know what it is? You know what it all comes from? It comes from he brings it up. Even people come from the countryside or whatever, and they go to college. And when they do they shed a lot of their conservative values. Yeah, because they're exposed to diversity. They meet people who are different but I happen to me man shy was a lot more you grew up in Springfield. It's a crazy conservative town. Yeah. And you're now rocking a trendy mustache. Thank
Tyler Snodgrass (00:36:00.000)
you so much. That's my main, my main personality feature. This is the gateway to trendiness. is, yeah, this mustache?
Dan (00:36:09.000)
Yeah, it's it's the conservative fear of losing your children to reason the gays. That's, that's well, we would say reason different terminology. So anyway, he he's not nearly done with explaining what's going on on college course, campuses.
Alex Jones (00:36:27.000)
Please, from a liberal campuses let you beat people up, let you have your rite of passage. So you're suppressing development all the way up to that point. And then once you get to them at like, 20 years old or so you're allowed to develop and come into manhood or womanhood, but only through their ideology, everything with Dr. Spock was Don't let your kids have any of your identity. Tell them your own thoughts. Never discipline them, let them be their own person. But that meant let the government and the corporate systems shaped them, arrest their development till they go to college, then put them into the system. Take advantage of the insecure of the betas, who want to become the trendies and who want to be part of the whole system. And he wants to laugh that everyone that isn't part of the orthodoxy.
Dan (00:37:10.000)
Are you starting to get the cosmology of betas and looks? Yeah, Andy's
Tyler Snodgrass (00:37:14.000)
I'll be honest, I don't think he'd like to hear this sounds like he's afraid that betas are going to become trendies. And then alpha the alphas
Dan (00:37:22.000)
Oh, I think there is a little bit of beta in this coming out in him as he's expressing these things. Sure.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:37:29.000)
Oh, what delightful irony is an alpha being afraid of betas is a very beta movie.
Dan (00:37:35.000)
Well, it is the same thing with him screaming about everybody being victims while he yells that he's a victim. Right? You know, it is just, it's pot kettle shit. Yeah. But I don't even know how to really, like address his premise that police let you beat up people. And you go through a rite of passage according to their whims. He's just talking about Berkeley. He's just talking about the cause of like, the protests and yeah, ever. He's just imagining what happens at Berkeley. That's all that's going on in his head.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:38:07.000)
If you wanted a real case, he should. I mean, like not a real case. But like something close, he could at least talk about, like having a Jag off in a coffin when you're in school. And he doesn't talk about that sometimes. Oh, really? Because he could be like this pretty fucked up. Right? But then that's about as far as I think it well reasonably go.
Dan (00:38:25.000)
I mean, if he wants to talk about stuff that goes on on college campuses, it's really fucked up. When I went to the University of Missouri. There was yours. Yeah. MZ. For Z. Oh, you Oh, that's the wrong one. It's mi z. K. U.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:38:40.000)
Oh, okay. Yeah, but
Dan (00:38:43.000)
the while I was there, too, hillbilly dudes. They went to the Legion of Black Collegians building and had a whole bunch of bottles of Tylenol took all the cotton out of them and covered their yard with cotton and a racist gesture. That was pretty, pretty bad. Sure. There was also another incident of someone making a swastika out of poop on a wall. And I don't remember which bathroom it was, but some Jewish students found that and weren't thrilled. There. We're just not there's tons of stuff like that. That happens. Like not everything is fake. This is what I'm getting at. I think, you know, yeah, there's some assholes out there. Yeah. And people who, like, gravitate towards liberal causes aren't just mad about nothing. Right? Yeah. So Alex, you don't know what's going on on colleges. But at this point, he gets back to his ideas about Islam a little bit.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:39:39.000)
Oh, good. I've been waiting for his his hot takes.
Dan (00:39:42.000)
This is something that he's it's very unfortunate. He's very mad at her jobs, but he always calls them hit jibs.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:39:49.000)
I noticed that I was gonna say something about that. It's
Dan (00:39:52.000)
I think it's very subtle disrespect, I think. I think it's possible, but he has a lot of real impassioned thoughts about them? In this next treaties?
Alex Jones (00:40:04.000)
Look at this. I started see this a few years ago when George Soros would fund women's marches, they put a jabs on his saying Allah Akbar. Now hjem becomes symbol of resistance feminism in the age of Trump, this is a few months ago. And these women say they wear the hijab as their free this is a symbol of being basically owned in the Middle East. Now that let's continue
Muslim Woman (37) (00:40:27.000)
empowered that I'm able to now have this control over my image of myself within my own family.
Muslim Woman (37) (00:40:33.000)
My mom started wearing the hijab when I was my sister, who was five years younger than me started when she was in fifth grade. So she would have been around like nine when she started
Dan (00:40:47.000)
these playing a video of Muslim girls in her jobs talking about their relationship with it. Yeah. And then he's going to once it's over, which is here in a second, get back and basically said he knows more than them, which is delightful.
Muslim Woman (37) (00:41:03.000)
And I was probably 13 or 14, at the time. For five or six years of my life. I didn't even know my mother did and my younger sister did. And
Alex Jones (00:41:17.000)
let's stop right there. When I got more, they're implying they decided to do it. They go on and attack Trump and said, this is their freedom. This is their right to do this. You are put in prison or killed in almost every Islamic country. There were a few of them like Iraq and Syria where you didn't have to wear them and women were the majority of college students, doctors and scientists. That's all gone. Our government under leftist globalist Arab Spring is destroying all that. That's a fact that's been declassified.
Dan (00:41:43.000)
Again, that's been declassified. Also, they're not implying that it's a choice. They're literally saying it's a choice. Those girls on that video. Yeah, so Alex is wrong on that. Also, I'm gonna take their word, I think Yeah. Now, I think I think so. This you know what this has been, this has been not as wacky as I want it to be. But trust me,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:42:07.000)
I like that you're fired up about it, though.
Dan (00:42:09.000)
I'm passionate. Yeah, I'm passionate. I've gotten into I'm in the I'm in the info war.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:42:13.000)
That's not to say that I'm not fully disgusted and shocked by by everything, but that I've heard so far. I think that's the problem is
Dan (00:42:21.000)
there's there's a little bit of disgust, a little bit of like, you know, all this. There's a lot of Islam talk, there's Cook, talk, right? And cook talk is never fun. No, it's uh, it's a little
Tyler Snodgrass (00:42:31.000)
bit, you know, getting cocked though. That's a whole different story.
Dan (00:42:34.000)
That's hot. Yeah,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:42:35.000)
hot, hot stuff.
Dan (00:42:37.000)
Here we go, we're gonna get to wacky now, this clip is lunacy. It starts with Alex complaining about how he's being censored. And then it spins way off the rails great. And nothing that he says in this clip is true. Keep that in mind. I think you'll know very clearly that it's not true.
Alex Jones (00:42:56.000)
We got more visitors and listeners than ever to our And we've got more affiliates. We're exploding. But on Facebook and Twitter and Google, they are all tightness down, not letting us share not letting you share not letting it virally show up on all the people that like our pages. You've got a hand posted on your site. You got to hand send it out. You got to tell people Alex Jones is live with breaking news about how Facebook is targeting trendies trendy with a whole fake liberal cosmology. Your schmucks. They're laughing at you. They think you're idiots. I've had multiple people I knew who got mad at me when they would get Nigeria chain emails. Going back 1015 years ago would have been not going around for five years already. It's 20 years old, saying I'm Prince booboo or Bobby Babu. $5,000 Give me 1000 under the big jam, but I hear you're a good guy. We only get 5000 and give him 1000 Then Prince booboo, or BB booboo says I need 10,000 I'll give you you know 100,000 You give them the 10,000 You're already so conned by it. Your hands already in the woodchipper. It's already getting sucked in. It's already in there that you just and I know some people spend the News gave a million dollars. Always thinking, well, now the prince is going to meet with you. Give us the 100,000 and he'll give you 5 million. But then you can come to the capital of Nigeria. And you can meet and then I've been out that trendy bars. With my judge years ago they had the best rockabilly, which is at these weird old East Austin bars that are well in middle of nowhere. They're kind of gentrifying, and then we go he's here. He's here. And people will go oh my god, that'd be so old candlelight with guys in Nigerian office. Like, I have friends Mattoon key there was oh, here's free food. Here's drinks your Lord and they're like, who would like to invest with me? Everyone comes and kisses their hand. That's an old thing from Europe where they have pretenders all the time that said, Oh, I'm a rock child. I'm a Rockefeller. I'm really rich. I remember the fears and went to college. There was always a party, some weirdo that had nothing. It was all acting foppish and executive and Watch me on Oh, that's David Rockefellers grandson or that's a Roth child. They're really rich. And that's what trendy ism is. You just show up and you go Facebook's the coolest thing. Oh, it's all over. Or oh, new reloaded rock Obama. And it's all a con game, folks.
Dan (00:45:15.000)
That's what trendy ism is all about Barack Obama New World Order boo, boo, boo. So there's a lot to unpack there.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:45:23.000)
There's so much for Okay, so first of all, saying if you're like, if I showed up to a bar, and I was like Facebook is the coolest thing. That's the least, like trendy or cool thing I could say
Dan (00:45:34.000)
none of your friends would be in with that. None of them would be like, Hey, Tyler, you get it?
Tyler Snodgrass (00:45:38.000)
They'd be like, are you doing a bit or are you okay with what happened? This was pretty cool, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:43.000)
Are you not? Well, yeah, man. I
Tyler Snodgrass (00:45:46.000)
love the internet. Also, I
Dan (00:45:47.000)
love the idea that first of all, Alex knows multiple people who got tricked by the Nigerian scam. Yeah, that's not secondarily. I love the idea that that was a multi phase scam. Where you give him $1,000 Then he actually does give you $5,000 Yeah, but then there's a next level where you give him 10,000 to get 50,000 Right, but that's not how that scam worked. No, that's like that was an identity theft scam. Yeah, right. That he said he was with Mike Judge. Yeah, that right? Yeah. Mike Judge is one of those weirdos who apparently likes Alex Jones. People like Joe Rogan hang out with him too,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:46:22.000)
though Mike Judge from like, the hill. Yeah, no way. Yeah, you fucking with me right now? What? I don't
Dan (00:46:28.000)
know if he likes his philosophies or anything. But he their friends, apparently,
Tyler Snodgrass (00:46:32.000)
that. That's the most horrific thing I've heard on this podcast so far.
Dan (00:46:38.000)
Not the fact that there were people pretending to be Rothschilds going to Austin Community College. That's the hardest scam to pull off of the world. Yeah, it
Tyler Snodgrass (00:46:47.000)
also seems like a lot of work for a little pay.
Dan (00:46:49.000)
Yeah, absolutely. What you get to look cool and act foppish at a party. Great great pay off. Yeah, I know that is a bummer that the
Tyler Snodgrass (00:46:57.000)
end he said Trent he went to trendy bars and East just mean gave me you probably
Dan (00:47:03.000)
Yeah, probably
Tyler Snodgrass (00:47:05.000)
gonna go into these go to these trendy bars. There's this Alex. That's it. That's a gay bar. Oh, no, it's not it's trendy, undercover at a trendy bar.
Dan (00:47:15.000)
But he's saying that they they were getting gentrified. He meant that all the heterosexuals have moved out. Oh, yeah. I don't know. I'm just trying to
Tyler Snodgrass (00:47:23.000)
raise in our rent.
Dan (00:47:26.000)
Yeah, so no, that that can't have happened. Like the Nigerian dudes showing up at the bar and people being like, who let me embed
Tyler Snodgrass (00:47:33.000)
their hands and yeah, like it's Robin Hood or something?
Dan (00:47:37.000)
Oh, wait. Some weird bar outside East Texas. Like East Austin. There's no way No, absolutely not so stupid. So stupid. What
Tyler Snodgrass (00:47:47.000)
do you describe is like literally what your friend tells you happened in a dream? Yeah. Okay, so I was at this bar with Mike Judge. And it was like a weird bar I'd never been to and like the outskirts of Austin, even though I definitely don't live there. And then these Nigerian princes were there and everybody loved them.
Dan (00:48:02.000)
It was it was Prince Mughal Bucha.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:48:06.000)
Which is weird, because in my experience, they've always been named boo boo. I don't know where this guy was from. He probably wasn't even Nigerian.
Dan (00:48:14.000)
It was probably from the Cote d'Ivoire. so goddamn stupid. I love it. That's the kind of Alex Jones I love. Yeah. And I think that he's scanning around like that, because he's on some sort of speed. Like he's on some amphetamine.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:48:30.000)
It's hard to do that. Normally, it's hard to do that just you know, on sunlight. And a bagel.
Dan (00:48:37.000)
It makes sense. The only other possibility is like a severe manic episode or something like that. He's just sort of like, full of this. This weird energy. He's got to get out. But if you thought that that was it, in terms of wackiness, oh, you know, I did not and weird stories. Rest assured this next clip is just as crazy. He's gonna start by talking about this story. Where you know that FBI translator ended up leaving the FBI chain married an ISIS operative? Who that she was investigating? Yeah, Alex is going to introduce that story. Talk nothing about it. Do no analysis of it, get into none of the details, and then skip on to another wacky story that I don't think is true. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:49:22.000)
The FBI translator who went rogue and married an ISIS terrorist, blonde lady, smart American liberal educated. She so fell in love with the ISIS guys that sell sex slaves and slavery six year old girls and murder people and eat hearts and kill all the Christians that she had to go join it and give them secret documents. Here it is.
CNN Announcer (37) (00:49:43.000)
Tonight, she had top secret clearance and ran away to Syria. To marry the ISIS terrorists he was assigned to investigate 360 exclusive reports. Life and night at Eastern on CNN
Alex Jones (00:49:57.000)
say he realizes penicillin. Ever the CIA, this is so trendy. He helped run big push. He's a robber baron err, worth billions. He pushed a whole system during the Arab Spring with Google and Facebook and mentally running that to overthrow secular governments in Libya, in Tunisia and Egypt, in Syria and other tribes in Syria, remember, he was on the air celebrating all the great Liberty blowing up the churches killing all the gays, but that's okay. Put a roof over your head. It's feminist throw.
Dan (00:50:29.000)
He, Anderson Cooper was reporting on those things. He wasn't celebrating. He didn't go out there to like tailgate, these, these revolutions. Just to be clear about that. He was on the job reporting. Anyway.
Alex Jones (00:50:43.000)
He's off buildings. It's trending. I walk into Target today because my daughter's wanted some toys. They have their and I saw two really funny, guys. And that's it funny. I don't care. They're gay. My son was living and he says they look like Barney Rubble and Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone because they literally look flat hockey, and one look like Fred Flintstone won't like Barney. And they stopped the door and pointed at me and laughed. And I kind of walked through and they went, Oh, it's Alex Jones. Hosford laughing and I walked over and said, Hey, how you doing? They were good. To me, and I was just like, Hey, your people, I'm a person. I know. Whatever he saw the media said I said something I didn't. But this isn't Save yourself. We're just people promote real freedom. I said all this conformist, you know, globalist stuffs really, really evil and corrupt. And, you know, you really shouldn't be so scared. And they just they would see it was they thought laughing at me. Oh, look. That's the right entity. Oh, we're trendies. You're, you're what we say you are? You're the crazy right wing nut? No, I'm not. No, not. I'm researched. I've read hundreds of books on propaganda military warfare manuals. I've been studying this. I've been on air. So I was 21 years old. I reached some ways. 85 million people a week, most weeks 4050 60 million. Okay, we're changing the world. I'm being attacked by every major TV station and every major comic and late night show because they're scared of what we're doing and what our listeners are doing.
Dan (00:52:07.000)
I want to I want to say at the end there, I agree with them. 100% I'm scared of what he's doing and very scared of what his listeners are doing. Yeah, so he's right about that. But he's not right about those numbers. Those numbers are wildly inflated for sure, though, they
Tyler Snodgrass (00:52:19.000)
might have been raised lately because people are finally making fun of him.
Dan (00:52:23.000)
It's if you go to you can go to number of websites like Quantcast, or Alexa, they track traffic to websites for advertising purposes. Yeah. And they show almost no uptick in traffic to and
Tyler Snodgrass (00:52:36.000)
after the all that cool bear stuff he's been doing everybody is just watching the cool bear videos and the memes and stuff. Like I get it. I need to listen to this insane person. And
Dan (00:52:45.000)
if they do they go and they're like, Oh, God, like if you go to You're just gonna be overwhelmed by Oh, my so much bullshit. And the articles aren't funny. And then if you watch the show, it's not fun. Like this podcast is kind of fun because I cut out like the half an hour where he's saying nothing. Right? And just get to the juice. Get to the juice. No Looney Tunes. You guys had to listen to the show the way I listened to it, you would hate it.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:53:12.000)
In the World Service, I'll say it.
Dan (00:53:14.000)
So let me ask you something. Ask away. What do you think the truth is about this running into two gay dudes at Target?
Tyler Snodgrass (00:53:24.000)
Well, they probably were not dressed up like the phones.
Dan (00:53:29.000)
I think he was born like that they their physiques look like the Flintstones dudes. Okay, Beefy.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:53:36.000)
He's kind of he's there. Maybe bears?
Dan (00:53:38.000)
I would say they're in the bear category. Because here's what I think happened to guys gay or not. Who knows? Right recognized him. He's just decided they're gay. And they laugh at him. Right? Because of course you laugh at Alex Jones when you see him and oh, yeah, it would be hilarious to see him anywhere. So they especially at Target. Yeah, great.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:54:00.000)
What a funny environment. What do you when the toy section?
Dan (00:54:04.000)
Well, that's actually humanizing in some ways. I mean, you just have your kids taken away and now you're buying one of them toys adorable. Yeah. But I think they just laughed at him. And he got really self conscious. And probably what a beta probably didn't yell at them because his kid was there, I hope, but was like, Hey, man, you know, everybody's lying about me or whatever. And then they continued to laugh at him. And he interpreted it as they don't even know how to talk. These trendies. They've just been they've had everything deprived from them. It's like no, they know who you are. They're just laughing at your dumbest like
Tyler Snodgrass (00:54:34.000)
whatever he's got to tell himself to sleep the two hours a night that he sleeps from all the vitality he's got
Dan (00:54:41.000)
Yeah, so much vitality. All of that vitality up in these weird be 12 shifts. So this next clip, I learned so I actually was watching this and I gasped during this clip. Whoo. Because unfortunately, we get to find out that Alex Jones has heard of The Handmaid's Tale
Tyler Snodgrass (00:54:59.000)
and Oh, I'm reading that right now.
Dan (00:55:02.000)
His review is not good.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:55:05.000)
Based on the trailer, the Hulu trailer he watched?
Dan (00:55:08.000)
Exactly. He does play the Hulu trailer. And I've cut that out just because it's two minutes long and yeah, who needs it? Yeah, and it looks great. I want to watch the show, but I don't have Hulu. But anyway, he starts this clip by getting mad at trendies. He then complains about some other stuff. And then he gets into his feelings about The Handmaid's Tale, without having read it watched it or anything at all.
Alex Jones (00:55:32.000)
We're under attack. That's why, because we're telling the truth. I care about those guys. I don't care what they're doing in their own private lives. That's a globalist lie that your identity is so cool that I'm attacking it. So you follow your corporate identity it gave you and watch the TV shows where you're trending and cool. And I'm the I'm the heretic, you're like super crazy right wing Christians pointing at somebody and saying their skirts too short. Here we go. All right. I'm not the one obsessed with how you dress or what you do in your life. You're projecting onto me who I am and the feeling good.
Dan (00:56:02.000)
I'd like to remind everyone about how mad he is about people wearing her jobs. The guy who just said I don't care I'm not obsessed with what you wear
Tyler Snodgrass (00:56:13.000)
is said they looked like he pointed out the Flintstones look. Yeah, he's
Dan (00:56:17.000)
well, he's spent like at least 10 minutes of this show. And maybe 5% of his life complaining about Muslims being forced to wear jobs. Yeah, so you do care when people were all complain about this more in a minute.
Alex Jones (00:56:32.000)
Now this is what's crazy. Dave and I talked about this today I forgotten about this. Robert devolves in the first making of it, great film, The Handmaiden stale. Now what this is where right wingers take over, and they make all of the people only have one husband, or one wife and where you know, these gowns, and the women had to kind of cover their faces with her chips.
Dan (00:56:55.000)
First of all, great, great plot synopsis. Yeah, great. Really, really understanding the the essence of what is in that book. Why?
Alex Jones (00:57:05.000)
This is the ultimate right wing evil that's gonna make women not wear skirts and just be slaves to a patriarchal system. They have a movie coming out where a Trump like dictator takes over and slaves everyone and makes women not wear dresses. Look at Ivanka Trump. Look at his his daughters look at his wife. total BS.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:57:25.000)
Is that a different movie that has beauty pageants?
Alex Jones (00:57:27.000)
But see Trump they admit this movie is based on Trump, like the new Escape from New York movie that's coming out that's like, you know, China attacks because Trump's a dictator like taking him out all this crap. The government transformers is doing that. By Michael. Yeah, Michael Bay. This isn't reality. The Hijab is the mark of slavery. right wingers aren't making you wear hoods over your heads but doesn't matter. They have a movie coming out where we're all scared. It's the case also the Democrats opening up Europe bringing in all these people.
Dan (00:57:56.000)
So then he goes on to play the trailer right here for The Handmaid's Tale. And it is a different movie that it's this. I can't remember the name of it. It's some other nonsense action movie that Michael Bay is making. But in addition to transformers, yeah, and I love this argument that like the robots aren't wearing Trump. Trump doesn't want to force women to do anything. Look, you let's fucking wife wear a dress. Yeah, that was one force dresses. He has beauty pageants. He's totally into women. Right. Great. Really into the really into the substance of the arguments there, Alex, especially on today of all days, when Trump's health care plan passed the House passed the House Yeah, did the only reason I'm not furious about that is because there's no way it's gonna pass the Senate.
Tyler Snodgrass (00:58:42.000)
And as well yeah, we hope not. I and I also
Dan (00:58:45.000)
have said a number of other political predictions in my life that have been wrong. So right, like Hillary might win. Yeah, I'm not gonna get complacent on this. But I think there's no way it's passed on the Senate. And if it does, we're burning the system down. Oh, it's gonna ever is gonna be riots. Yeah. They mean, it's that whole thing. It's like you can you can sustain a system where you've never given people things. Like before people had access to health care. People were mad, but they weren't furious. But now if you take it away from people who would die without it, yeah, that's they have nothing left to lose. And they know the system where they could have had their lives saved. It's it's gonna be fucking Bedlam if it goes through anyway, Alex plays this trailer of The Handmaid's Tale. And again, I think it looks great. I can't wait to watch it. But he comes back afterwards. And this is his sort of summation, which is not great.
Alex Jones (00:59:40.000)
So there you go. Total inversion of reality. Ladies and gentlemen, here's Handmaid's Tale. There's no Christians making anybody do that. Well, that's a jib light, not even a burka.
Dan (00:59:53.000)
So there's no Christians making people do that. I'd like to think about nons like to think about that. like to think about the fact that I grew up in a Mennonite community. And Alex clearly isn't thinking about the Amish. Yeah, we have very strict dress codes women were born to shit. I would like to also point out that in the Amish communities, you're not allowed to wear buttons because they're a sign of pride. So I mean, come on, get the fuck off it, Alex, right. You're just scared of Muslims. And you don't want to admit it?
Tyler Snodgrass (01:00:22.000)
Yeah. And he's calling he's calling what they wear hijabs and in that, but really it's bonnets that they're wearing. Yeah, in The Handmaid's Tale. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's so funny.
Dan (01:00:32.000)
It's a hijab light.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:00:33.000)
It's really I mean, the way they are dressed is very Amish like, except for the bright red symbolic dress.
Dan (01:00:40.000)
I think that that's more the point even of the Yeah, exactly. It is it is more harkening back to even American puritanical shit.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:00:49.000)
It's very Christian II. Because I mean, it's like a skewed fucked up version of Christianity. But like, that's the whole thing is they have to say Praise be all the time they say prayers. It's very Yeah,
Dan (01:00:59.000)
sure, sure. But again, Alex is using that piece of fiction that is ominously no future we could be looking at earlier parts of this topic. And yeah, we could be close to that dystopia. At some point, if we aren't careful. He's using that as like, no, no, no, it's an inversion of reality. The Muslims are the ones who are really going to do this to you. And it's like, Come on, man. Just stop trying to, like, I wish he would come out with it. I wish he would just come out with it and be I'm scared of other cultures, as opposed to couching it behind all this shit. Sure. It's very, it's I resent his cowardice to beta move, real beta move. So in this next clip, he talks about a story that he's misrepresenting about Russia. Then he lies about how he's getting sued a little bit. And then at the end of this clip, I really think what I was just yelling about about him being afraid of Muslims. I think he gives up the game, I think he is no longer able to sort of mask his feelings. And it slips out
Alex Jones (01:01:58.000)
Washington Post total inversion of reality, guns and religion, how America conservatives were closer to Putin's Russia. So now you see if you're pro gun, or pro Christian, you're basically with Russia. And the reason we have a second amendment is the Russians. Putin went to time machine back to 1776. And did all that. No, Russia has become more Christian and more pro gun, it has lower taxes. And we do know, why are they the enemy. They're fighting Islam. And I've learned one thing, I've been threatened. I've gotten a lot of calls from powerful people, they told me, You're going to be destroyed, you're going to be shut down. I remember the Federal Reserve Board in New York that was runs the Fed silly me right now. Conservative News, praising and saying shut me down. I have George Soros, his law firm, when he founded his first client showing me Democratic Party.
Dan (01:02:48.000)
So I'm gonna stop there for a second. First of all, the Second Amendment was introduced in 1791, not 1776. Secondarily, he's not being sued by George Soros, his law firm that's just complete made up in his mind. He's not being sued by a member of the Federal Reserve Board. He's being sued by the guy who owns Chobani Yogurt. who was a member of the upstate Regional Committee advisory board for the Federal Reserve Bank, the upstate New York Advisory Committee, where they had they have a group of business owners that advise the board on what the economy is, like, in their estimation. He was a part of that Alex has changed that in his mind to He's on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, because he knows that it'll spook people out and I'm gonna go That's good. Anyway,
Alex Jones (01:03:35.000)
we're gonna feed them is terrible case. But see, they're just demonizing me in the news. This is all just to say I'm fake. As I sit here, and beg people don't be conned. They think you're idiots. They think they're selling Islam everywhere. And I used to hear right wingers 15 years ago saying, oh, Islam is taken over caliphate, Turkey is really going to turning us Europe. And I was like, that's a bunch of bull. And now they announced a caliphate two weeks ago, voted martial law basically suspended their constitution by about are setting up an Islamic state threatening to burn down Europe, they don't get into Islam. None of that's true. Germans had brought in 5 million people. In the last five, six years. There's like six, 7 million total in Europe, most of our military age men, they're not even vetting them. They're not even checking them. And then I say this Chobani Yogurt owner guy is openly with sorrows promoting bringing in unvetted refugees. He says oh, they are vetted, the State Department does. But they're from seven countries that give out fake passports to anybody. Then they attack us and you go, Oh, statistically only killed a couple of 100 last year in France and this and that. The point is they're bringing in and compatible oppressive people that want to destroy the West. They're not bringing in doctors and lawyers and heretics. They're escaping Islam. Some of the earlier Islamic ways that came in or are heretics. They're they're good people.
Dan (01:04:49.000)
So boy, there's a couple things there at the end that I think really are unfortunate. Accidental Freudian slips possibly. Yeah, first one escape Islam, that terminology for people who have come to America is woefully inaccurate. I think a lot of them bring their culture and their religion along. Yeah. And are escaping dictatorships or oppressive regimes and stuff like that. The second thing that I think is just a clear sign of bigotry is this idea of uncomputable people who are going to destroy the West. Yeah, that's real bad.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:05:26.000)
Yes. It's pretty shitty.
Dan (01:05:28.000)
That's pretty bad. Also, Erdogan in Turkey is not setting up an Islamic state or a religious caliphate. He is just setting up a horrible dictatorship. It's not a religious dictator.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:05:39.000)
So let's be clear about what? Yeah,
Dan (01:05:41.000)
so calm down. Alex,
Tyler Snodgrass (01:05:43.000)
did he say he complained that they're not bringing over doctors and lawyers,
Dan (01:05:47.000)
he was saying that the original wave of Muslims that came over were doctors and lawyers. They were the the heretics. They were the good
Tyler Snodgrass (01:05:54.000)
ones. It's really fun. It's really funny. Like, we got it. I miss all these Muslim lawyers.
Dan (01:06:01.000)
Used to be all over the place. Yeah, he's gonna get sued by one probably probably. Yeah, if we're lucky. It'd be so great if the Chobani guys lawyer was a refugee. That would be extra sweet. I'd
Tyler Snodgrass (01:06:12.000)
be poetry. Yeah, that would be gorge vs. Smooth SM Chobani Yogurt.
Dan (01:06:17.000)
So this next clip, he goes on to yell about things that aren't liberal that trendies think are liberal. And every single one of them is nonsense. No one really believes the things that he's claiming that trendies believe, and they're all based on fake stories he's told in the past on his show. It's fascinating. This is why he's fake news. Legitimately. This right here, okay. I don't get
Alex Jones (01:06:43.000)
how the most anti American, anti free anti Christian anti Renaissance groups are running around. And the media acts like it's no big deal.
Dan (01:06:51.000)
He's talking about liberals and Muslims. Those are the anti West groups.
Alex Jones (01:06:57.000)
And then Facebook comes out. And it's targeting young people targeting trendies who feel like they're alone and giving them fake liberal culture. It's not real liberal. Banning whiteboards in colleges, because somebody might write something bad on him. He's not liberal.
Dan (01:07:10.000)
That was based on a story out of Michigan, there was a college, that in their dorms, they took whiteboards off the dorm doors, because people kept writing the N word on him and other racial slurs. They decided that most communication was done through social media anyway, and that they didn't need to have these boards up where people were spewing hate. And it wasn't a banning of them. It was just, this is more harm than good. So that story is bullshit. It didn't ban anything
Alex Jones (01:07:37.000)
banning Halloween and costume parties and Fiesta parties because someone might be offended cultural appropriation.
Dan (01:07:43.000)
He's specifically always complains about how people get in trouble for doing blackface at parties, and stuff like that. That's what he's talking about there. If people want to have Fiesta parties, no one cares. Do you wanna have a Cinco Demayo party? No one really is all that mad about that. But don't show up with like a brown face. Yeah. Don't don't use a ethnicity as a costume. That's what people are upset about. Yeah, that's reasonable. Having a fiesta party is totally cool. Anyway,
Tyler Snodgrass (01:08:11.000)
that's a weird take. I mean, that's I'll give him this at least he's, you know, taking a different approach to being anti Halloween then most, you know, conservative or Christian people. It's not like it's demonic. Yeah, exactly. The other because the other spin is that it's, you know, a demonic thing. You're gonna get something inside. Yeah, it's pagan. It's evil. Yeah,
Dan (01:08:33.000)
this next one's even weirder.
Alex Jones (01:08:35.000)
Shank oriental food is not racist. I'll read about San Francisco. There's an old Chinese restaurant was called the Oriental Oriental. And people are trying to make the Chinese change the name. Oriental just means the Orient. Like, and then they say, Well, don't hold the Orient. As if being in the Orient. The 1000 year old name for it is bad was seen as quality. They don't call it Asia. But G geographically, it's about making you use what words they want. It's about controlling you like saying this is white power. No, it's not. It means a Okay. And do this means the best food, French cuisine, tacos, hundreds of years. This means warding off the devil. In Europe that's over 1000 years old. Detroit. It doesn't mean you love Satan. This means you love Satan. People take that assassin they're showing you symbols. That's how they deceive online.
Dan (01:09:29.000)
So he did the the rock and roll with the thumb talked and that's the protection of Satan or protection from Satan with the thumb out that's I love Satan, which is crazy and stupid. Also, the thing about oriental stuff. No one cares if you call something an oriental rug right oriental is appropriate in terms of things. People it's not Yeah, that is the line. It's very clear. Oriental was a pejorative term it was used very degrading Lee towards People you're not supposed to use it for them. Yeah. Calling food Oriental. It's fine.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:10:04.000)
It's different. Yeah.
Dan (01:10:05.000)
It's nonspecific. Like it could mean a whole lot of different cuisines. I think it's a bad way to use language, you know, is your is you say to me, do you want to get oriental food? I can't answer that question. Because I do want Thai, but I don't want Chinese. Right. So I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. Alex is so stupid.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:10:27.000)
Yeah, I'm sure that it seems like that was probably not based on a news story. But maybe somebody one time was like, Don't say that. And he just like it's spun out of control in his mind,
Dan (01:10:36.000)
or he was just having a conversation with someone who's like, hey, they're trying to get these people to stop calling the food Oriental. It's probably really what happens like, oh, yeah, okay. And it just lodged in his mind is like, oh, yeah, yeah, throw that out. That's not liberal. So, you know, he's got a lot of ideas about culture and what have you, but you know, he's a religious man. You know, that's right. loves the Lord loves Christianity. Yep. Would you believe that he doesn't have a good grasp on Scripture? No way. You did you believe that?
Tyler Snodgrass (01:11:04.000)
Well, I'm gonna have to hear it totally.
Dan (01:11:06.000)
Well, I'm gonna play for you him talking about one of the most elementary scriptures in the entire biblical canon. The story of the prodigal son,
Alex Jones (01:11:17.000)
you know, the parable of the prodigal son. Yes, the good son that runs the farm, runs the winery, runs the vineyard, runs the cattle, runs the sheep runs the goats. He's an older son, he stayed home, he did great. He has his family, the young son runs off for a decade, demands his inheritance, his father gives him half the money the family has, he runs off and all these fake friends screw him over prostitutes, drugs, you know, alcohol, and he comes back finally with nothing. And his father says slaughter the best calf, we've got have a feast, my son's home. And his older son walks in and says, I never betrayed you. I never did anything to you. All I did was bust my ass to be true. And you've not been throwing parties for me like this. And the father says, this is your lesser brother. Of course, he's lesser and weaker than you. Imagine how much I love you. We don't need to throw a party to know how great you are. You're going to run this house, you're going to inherit everything. That God your brother's not dead. Not a complete failure. I care about trendies. You're in a cult
Tyler Snodgrass (01:12:24.000)
that in the Bible.
Dan (01:12:26.000)
That's a little editorializing if I if I may say so. I don't know if that's the point of the prodigal sons.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:12:33.000)
I don't think so though. I like the addition of like he's doing he's doing drugs.
Dan (01:12:38.000)
Yeah, was just wasn't just gambling and banging around. Yeah, he was doing some H
Tyler Snodgrass (01:12:44.000)
is getting into the hard stuff.
Dan (01:12:45.000)
A couple of the finer points of that story that I think he's missing are that the younger son went away and squandered his inheritance. And then he became a slave. And he's like, Shit, I could just be a slave back at home. I'm gonna go apologize to my dad and asked to be a slave at my family's house. And he comes back and he offers that and his father says, fuck off. We're having a party. You're back. And the builder brother does sulk a little bit. What have you. But the point isn't, you're so much better than him. We got to throw parties to make this little bitch feel better. Yeah, it's not that it's, Hey, the dad tells the older brother, we rejoice because our son who was dead is now alive again. Right? It isn't like, we you don't need parties. If that has nothing to do with that. Yeah, he's getting the exact wrong story. The story isn't about reinforcing the older brother. It's not about that. It's actually about taking the piss out of the older brother. Yeah. He is completely wrong. It's
Tyler Snodgrass (01:13:46.000)
awesome. Of course, he Yeah. And I'm sure that this is. Who cares? Nevermind.
Dan (01:13:53.000)
I'm interested in what your thought is? Well, I
Tyler Snodgrass (01:13:54.000)
was just thinking like, I'm sure that this is like how a lot of people view like their tax money being spent also, is they like, misinterpret like that. They're contributing to themselves, you know, or they're contributing to people that they
Dan (01:14:06.000)
Oh, it's like my money is going to these these theaters.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:14:11.000)
Yeah, that kind of thing. Yeah,
Dan (01:14:13.000)
probably. I bet Alex even probably thinks that way a little. So I'm going to skip this next clip for time constraints because you got to show this evening. But this next clip we're getting we're coming into sort of landing here. Okay, this summation starts here, where Alex is going to talk about how ships getting real, by the way hasn't talked about Facebook in a really long time, right? Yeah, yeah, this whole thing was supposed to be about this Facebook. Targeting trendy took a tour took a long detour yep, this next clip is about how bad shits getting and then he's gonna lose the thread on that real hard.
Alex Jones (01:14:47.000)
I got the energy and the will that I know you got inside as well. Just like a candle. I can light you on fire and you can light others and fire. It set brush fires the minds of men and women everywhere but you got to on it. The language is under attack. The culture is under attack. We're statistically getting dumber and sicker and cancer is way off the charts. We all know this. I told you they had in the 60s sideboard, cats and dogs it was declassified today. Today I have family that tried to hire who were involved in implants to go do it in the 80s. My dad,
Dan (01:15:19.000)
his dad's a dentist.
Alex Jones (01:15:22.000)
I told you cameras microphones watching you. Data down power lines, light bulbs, flickering, communicating with computers. It's all public. I was at a press conference Friday. And I said Don't you understand they have human animal clones? Don't you understand genetic engineering. Everybody's already getting sick from it. It's causing all these mutagenic viruses cancers up 10,000% children, and they all ABC, NBC, CBS, they all laughed at me with pleasures. With pleasure all just laugh, they all just went. And when I walked off, my camera guy was still there. Gamzee said they were like, he's so pathetic. We're gonna bring him down soon. We'd have some of the video. They're like, yeah, yeah, that piece of crap. And I realized they just love their little job from the system. They love being part of the power structure, feeling like it's all behind them. And now I'm with a big government. I'm with the big NSM. And they're getting hit with all the same stuff.
Dan (01:16:17.000)
I've pulled up the statistics from the CDC cancer rates are on the decline. And particularly actually, cancer deaths are sharply on the decline. Because most of those cancers are with early detection or very treatable, this sort of thing. That's insane fear mongering. I googled and searched as far as I could. There is no evidence of cyborg cats. The what he's talking about is that there was sort of spy idea during the Cold War, that they wanted to put listening devices inside cats and dogs, and use them as like sort of walkie talkies or, or recording devices. That's not a cyborg cat. Yeah, that's something that would never work. You can't control the behavior of a cat like that.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:16:57.000)
I still understand why. Well, first of all, why it's an issue. Oh, no, it's because it causes a disease. That's what he's saying.
Dan (01:17:03.000)
Oh, that's the human animal hybrids. A chimera is that he believes exists, which we'll get we'll get to next. Okay, the cat cyborg thing is absurd. And I love that he's introduced this just another thing he doesn't like, well, I don't like it either. I got a cat. She's delightful. I don't want to be in a cyborg. We could get her a bionic eye to replace
Tyler Snodgrass (01:17:23.000)
her little little Terminator.
Dan (01:17:24.000)
I know it'd be nice. But then it in his post custody hearing press conference that he put on he did get into cameras, and human animal hybrids.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:17:35.000)
Now I'm familiar only with the the mythological chimera,
Dan (01:17:39.000)
which is like a being that has multiple species DNA. It's like
Tyler Snodgrass (01:17:43.000)
the it's the lion. I think it's like that's like a lion bird snake tail.
Dan (01:17:49.000)
I think you're thinking of a hippo
Tyler Snodgrass (01:17:50.000)
Grif. No, that's a horse. It's a horse.
Dan (01:17:54.000)
Word hippo. Yeah,
Tyler Snodgrass (01:17:55.000)
it's like it's Hippogriff. That's the horse bird. Yeah, we're gonna camp is a horse fish, I
Dan (01:18:01.000)
apologize. He's not talking about the mythological creature. He's talking about human animal hybrids. That's a cool creature. Human DNA is being spliced with animals and being implanted into the bellies of cows. He also on our last, like two episodes back, he was talking about how a genetic researcher in London told him that there are fish people who crawl around in cages and have human horror in their faces.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:18:26.000)
Oh, I love that sentence, though. I've,
Dan (01:18:28.000)
I've also researched this a bit, there's literally no evidence for what he's talking
Tyler Snodgrass (01:18:31.000)
about, alas, to ban that sounds like that sounds like a treat. The
Dan (01:18:35.000)
only truth to it is that scientists have been experimenting with the idea of growing human organs within animals to facilitate organ transfers. Because there are a lot of organs that were short on, it could save a lot of people's lives. So that's actually being done harvesting organs within animals. And there's there's a debate to have there. Certainly. Yeah. That's not cameras, as a different thing.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:18:59.000)
And everyone is laughing at him. Oh, undoubtedly. Yeah.
Dan (01:19:03.000)
He doesn't understand where the burden of proof lies. When he makes a crazy claim. And I say, Nope, I don't have to prove Nope.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:19:11.000)
Does he consider himself a journalist? Yes. Okay. And that in that certain term, journalist
Dan (01:19:18.000)
he does, he thinks he's, he's doing journalism, alright. And it's, it's dreadful. But he put on this press conference, and there was maybe like, 10 1215 people there, I would say in terms of reporters, and a number of them probably were Infowars employees. And the saying that afterwards, they were all like, we're gonna get in there. That's just paranoia. That's just his paranoid fantasies. I'm sure people were laughing and being like, the guy's an asshole. Yeah, but no one was like, Hey, we're gonna get him to take him down. Yeah, it's just weird demon fantasies. So in this next clip, he actually says something that is kind of surprising. And it's one of the first times I've heard him Say something vaguely negative about Donald Trump, who he does let slip that he thinks Trump is going sideways a little bit, as he puts it, which is real generous. Then he gets into what I would describe as how a racist describes racism, which is really interesting. I think, I think he's wrestling with some stuff. And he doesn't understand that he's on the wrong side of it. And he's projecting incredibly hard. So enjoy.
Alex Jones (01:20:29.000)
And those of you that have been conned all the trending garbage, you wake up and break through and understand it, and understand why I'm under attack as much as Trump is Trump's already trying to go sideways. They've gotten those around him to break. He's still doing some good goodness jobs, stabilizing things, but he's going sideways, because it's hard to go against this. The bullying, intimidation, and most people are such cowards, that when they get bullied, when they get intimidated, most people are in that position where they lie to themselves. And they don't say, Oh, I'm a coward. I'm gonna be a conformist and go along. They go, No, you're the bad man. You're the Kook, you're the fake. You're the actor. You're the cult leader. You're the racist. You're the one that doesn't want your daughters to ever be professionals. I was accused of that in court. With no clips, no proof, no, nothing. That man doesn't want his children to ever be able to go and be judges. He doesn't want his daughters gonna be doctors.
Dan (01:21:23.000)
I was watching the coverage of the trial pretty closely that of course you were that did not die was nowhere in anyone's reporting. I don't think that that was something that was made in court. I think he's internalizing some comment that was made, I would assume. And then all that other stuff. That is clearly what he thinks people are saying about him. Because we are Yeah, he is. Absolutely is a racist. Yeah, he is a cult leader. He is a close minded bigot. Yep. And when he's saying that, that's, you know, that's the game, they brain control you to think that I'm the bad guy. That's what the bad guy says. Right? That's, that's the manipulative bad guy. Yeah, it's a really, really good trick. You can play on dumb people. But it doesn't work when anybody analyzes anything. So anyway, he says some more stuff,
Alex Jones (01:22:14.000)
Tony wise, but it doesn't matter. Because it makes the conformist feel good and strong to use those magic words, the corporate media taught you racism, sexism, homophobia, all these things that become all that matter. And even though you're not fighting any of those things, it doesn't matter. They invoke it, and they say it, and then people get it, and they use it. And that's their identity is a couple of terms you run around us. You have no family, you have no future, you have no honor. You have no will you have no understanding of history, you just worship the system and the mainstream television and the latest downloads you get every day from it over and over again, year after year.
Dan (01:22:51.000)
So he thinks basically, that accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, those sorts of things are not people understanding and recognizing real world problems as much as it is the mainstream media tricking you into thinking these things are important. Which really sounds bad coming from like a straight white dude who's angry about Muslims all the time. Well, I
Tyler Snodgrass (01:23:17.000)
mean, there's nothing like a racist trying to deflect the racist so I've
Dan (01:23:23.000)
my racism isn't real. It's you projecting that onto me?
Tyler Snodgrass (01:23:26.000)
Right? What a what a what a creative defense. I'll give it that. I
Dan (01:23:30.000)
don't even think it's that creative. I think this is the sort of thing you only hear from racists. You do hear it from them, quite frankly, quite quite frequently. I've never heard that kind of excuse. Like, hey, look, the media just gives you these buzzwords of sexism and racism. I've never heard that come out of the mouth of somebody who I don't have questions about right. I don't have some concerns, you know,
Tyler Snodgrass (01:23:53.000)
people who are racist boy, they had been called racist. That's a there's actually I'm gonna get the joke wrong. There's like an SNL sketch. I think it's with Will Ferrell. Like, he's like the manager for a friend singing act or a band or something. I forget what the actual sketches about, but he mentioned some sort of joke. He's like, it's something like, we got to do this. This record good, because, you know, it's harder to wash away any label. Alright. There's nothing harder to wash away than failure, except for being called a racist. That
Dan (01:24:28.000)
yeah, I mean, Alex would completely on jokingly agree with that. Yeah, it was like, it's just a word that they use to tar you with. And then once you've been called racist, you're a racist. And like, I've been doing this show for, you know, we're in our fifth month now of doing this, and I've listened to him every day. And I can use his words and I have the recordings. We have it on the show. Yeah, I use his words to paint him. I don't bring anything to him. Other than what He brings to me, right. I have my own political beliefs. And I have things that I think are awful. But I don't think he's can't have those beliefs. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like, I'm not I'm not in any way, or I have no interest in tweaking what he's saying to suit my worldview. I can say that he's a racist, based on his own words.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:25:22.000)
All right. 100%. Yeah, he's given you all the source material, right? Sometimes I will dabble in the the, I don't know what the I'm sure there's a term for it. But like the poorly designed to conservative websites, whatever, whatever term we have for that now, because our mutual friend Bobby buds, yeah, Chicago comedian. Well, sometimes, without my permission, add me to closed groups on Facebook, or on the evil Facebook for like bikers for Trump or things like that. I had a little bit of time where he was forcing that into my life as well. Right, left, you escaped? Yeah. That's might be why I left. Yeah, it's it's a lot to deal with. But I at first, I was like, Oh, this is miserable. But then I've actually stayed in a couple of these odd groups. Because I'm so fascinated by I don't want to be totally in a bubble. Sure. And so I feel like I'm getting you know, probably the wrong extreme. I'm not getting a reasonable. I'm not getting right of center. I'm getting so I'm getting a whole nother area. Yeah. But so I saw this link that was like it was for the fire coal bear thing, because he said, Trump's mouth is only good for being Putin Skokloster. Right, right said that. And so this, this website was like, for seemed like no real reason. Like he didn't have an end game. It was just like signing this petition. We're trying to get 10,000 or something like that. Once we get there, yeah, it's done. It's such an it's such a small number. And so there was like, this big long description that people someone had written up. And there was this, you know, part of it was like, Stephen Colbert, and shows like this in the mainstream media always tried to appeal to minorities, and minorities, and and, and gays and Muslims. And then like, in maybe two sentences later, it says something like, and people who watch these shows have the gall to call us racist. I realize I added an affected accent to that, which is actually that's me being a little bit. Yeah, that's okay. That's your bigotry shows my bad. I'll own that. Yeah, for sure. See what that grew up with people like that. So that's what
Dan (01:27:23.000)
it's a question of a specific person, probably from your past. Absolutely. Yeah. But at the same time, it is important to note that you're willing to own even in the moment, that affectation that you put on there as being that's a bit biased, right, the person who contradicted themselves within a sentence on that website, we like to have that insight into themselves. And I think that's really what separates. I don't want to say us from them, because that's the betas from the trendies. Exactly. No, I mean, it's too reductive to say us and them, but like, people who are examining their life and engaged with their own feelings and their beliefs and people who just sort of have a rigid ideology. And yeah, so we got one more clip. And this is this sort of parting shot for the the 35 minute video that he put out. All right about, I think at this point, we proved he's proved his point that Facebook is trying to turn people into betas and cooks. Yep, I think we I want to say that I didn't cut anything out substantive, like substantive about that argument at all.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:28:29.000)
I trust that you are not piecing this together in a way that makes him look bad. I
Dan (01:28:35.000)
am not. If anything, I'm being generous. Yeah. So this last clip, he just sort of gets into like, he always has to end and middle and start things with please, for people to promote his site for him and give him money and stuff like that. And so he's sort of doing that telling everybody that it's a crisis. But the reason it's crisis is because the enemies know what's going on his enemies, they fucking know. See what they know.
Alex Jones (01:29:05.000)
The enemy is showing us right now with everything they've got. And they're doing it because they know we have the life force. We have the will. We have an understanding of the globalist plan. And they know the military police and a lot of intellectuals are listening. And that's why they want to try to destroy me so that others get scared. And don't stand up and speak out. Because we're at a tipping point, we're winning. And despite all these massive attacks, and all these things that are happening, we're getting bigger, we're getting stronger. Thanks for your prayers and your support. I'm Alex Jones signing off until tonight.
Dan (01:29:43.000)
That's that's that's not why the prayer is there giving him strength. Yeah, absolutely. That's his religious pandering that he does. Yeah. Well, he misinterprets the most basic allegory in the Bible, right, but that he is under massive attack. There's there's no denying that But it's not because the enemy knows that he is the only person who can stop them. It's because he literally slandered a yogurt maker. And innocent yogurt man, he's a bit and the guy who he slandered is a billionaire. And he's like, other people probably can't stand up to this, but I can. And he's just going, yeah, he's got he's got the time and the money. Yeah, he's gonna take Alex to the woodshed like it's gonna it's, it's, it's gonna be a disaster. And Alex has to spin it this way. That's like, I have the globalist plan. They're worried about me, because that's the only way he's gonna be able to save face when he inevitably does lose, or they give him a like a, like a conciliatory way out. Like, they're like, you can give us a couple million dollars and a formal apology and the suit can go away. Something like that. He has to he has to pre plan all this bullshit,
Tyler Snodgrass (01:30:51.000)
right? He's laying he's laying down some foundation. Right?
Dan (01:30:55.000)
And much like that 30 hour live broadcast that he did is laying the groundwork for for that it's all about free speech. This this broadcast, it's about raising money for your legal fees. Yeah. Because you're going down. What do
Tyler Snodgrass (01:31:07.000)
you think he would prefer? And I suspect what you'll say, Do you think he would prefer to be able just to like, maintain what's going on right now? Like, just keep it going? Or do you think he'd rather go down as a martyr for the cause?
Dan (01:31:22.000)
I think the latter for sure. Yeah. I think that he's really obsessed with the idea of winning and destroying the globalists. And I'm not sure how aware he is that that's not a real group. And that he he's fighting an imaginary enemy.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:31:37.000)
I know that Globetrotters but that's he wants to join the general.
Dan (01:31:42.000)
He's obsessed with winning this unwinnable battle, it's like me trying to fight the Justice League or something like that. Yeah, like, I'm never going to do it. Because Superman's not real. I can't beat him, you know, that sort of thing. And there's a part that of course, he inevitably has to lose in a dramatic fashion. And it feels like now is the time. He has error parents, like he could go down. And this movement, this very clearly, subtly anti symmetric movement can be held up by people like Mike Cernovich. People like Gavin McInnes people, you know, across the board, some of his old employees too, once he goes down. I think probably he would prefer to end up being a martyr, as opposed to just grinding along and because I mean, if he gets out of this, there's just another lawsuit coming. He slandered so many people. Yeah, it's only a matter of time. I don't know. We'll see.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:32:41.000)
We'll see. We will see. I don't Time is moving forward.
Dan (01:32:44.000)
I honestly also don't think he's gonna have a choice on the matter. Yeah. So that's the
Tyler Snodgrass (01:32:48.000)
thing about being a martyr is it's not really up to you.
Dan (01:32:50.000)
Yeah, there are the Joan of arcs of the world who made brave choices. Sure. Tyler, this
Tyler Snodgrass (01:32:56.000)
has been fun. This has been so fun. Thanks for having me over.
Dan (01:32:58.000)
Absolutely. People can find your podcast. By just googling. We still like you. Yeah, we're
Tyler Snodgrass (01:33:02.000)
on iTunes. It's all free and stuff. I think we're on YouTube also. So if you're not an iTunes kind of person, you can just YouTube or videos we
Dan (01:33:08.000)
used to like
Tyler Snodgrass (01:33:11.000)
Yeah. All right. I don't think it's up to date. But we got it. It's there.
Dan (01:33:14.000)
It's there as a beachhead? Yeah. Also at Tyler Snod. onto there. Yeah, people can find you. They're gonna see my dumb jokes. I appreciate you joining me again in the studio. We'll do this again sometime.
Tyler Snodgrass (01:33:27.000)
I hope so. Thanks, Dan. Guys,
Dan (01:33:29.000)
if you like us, please, you can find us at knowledge. Also, we're at knowledge underscore fight on Twitter. You can email us at knowledge Also, you can case everything you can find us on iTunes. Oh my God, so many blogs. If you want to donate to the show, you can become a policy wonk just like Phil. And if you donate $10, a month or more, we will do another time travel episode for you. We got a couple of those coming up. That's very exciting. One of them. I definitely don't want to do. I'll tell you off air. But until next time, you know, we're just a couple of policy walks over here.
Alex Jones (01:34:07.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.