Transcript/10: February 6, 2017
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:08.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I am Dan.
Jordan (00:00:11.000)
I'm Jordan,
Dan (00:00:12.000)
and welcome back. This is what I'm going to call an emergency meeting of the knowledge fight. The knowledge fight, bat signal went up and we had to respond.
Jordan (00:00:22.000)
Also, there's no girls allowed and the handwritten sign. Yeah,
Dan (00:00:26.000)
we learned that Milo Yiannopoulos was going to be a guest on knowledge fight, and we decided we fucking have to cover this.
Jordan (00:00:35.000)
It wasn't immediately.
Dan (00:00:37.000)
It's gonna be a guest on Infowars. Yeah, Alex Jones is not on our show. But we do we had to cover it. We had to get in the studio. We had to take care of it. Now, unfortunately, in between makes it sound like we're heroes. Okay, all right. All right. Well, I'm uh, you're
Jordan (00:00:53.000)
losing your mind. But all right.
Dan (00:00:55.000)
I'm a hero. You know what else I am.
Alex Jones (00:00:57.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:01.000)
My new favorite drop it I just want to throw that everywhere.
Jordan (00:01:05.000)
I swear wins when somebody finally gives us the techno remix that's going in there along with I love you.
Dan (00:01:11.000)
Let's do a clean take for you guys. If you want to make a hip hop remix of this.
Alex Jones (00:01:15.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:17.000)
Best thing that's ever been said. What a fucking asshole loves to
Jordan (00:01:21.000)
get into the nitty gritty. Oh, just if there's anything we know about Alex Jones, it's that he loves figuring out what bills are most important. Just getting in the weeds. Oh, yeah. Let me ask you a question. Does that subsection gets you hot? I know it does for Alex Jones. Oh, my
Dan (00:01:36.000)
God, he's a walk. But unfortunately, in between the time that we decided that we were going to do this episode about Milo being on today on when you're listening to this, it will be yesterday's show on Tuesdays show. Let me back up. My low was
Jordan (00:01:52.000)
again, restart the opening bump there if you could, all right, I have
Dan (00:01:56.000)
a policy walk. I'm a dates walk. My low was a guest on Monday. Okay. And we decided we had to do a show, right. And on Tuesday, he had another guest Alex had another guest, which is way more important, way bigger. He had one of Putin's advisors and confidants and friends, and the guy who's actually a philosopher and pretty mental heavyweight. A really smart guy, but he's also a close associate of Vladimir Putin. Okay. Him. Alexander Dugan was a guest on the Alex Jones Show. And that to me takes way bigger precedence. This changes the game. Do you mean
Jordan (00:02:35.000)
having a top Russian propagandists on an ostensibly American radio show Ruth's show truth? americani Infowars.
Dan (00:02:46.000)
Yeah. So he had Alexander Dugan on and I feel like that's all we should be talking about. Unfortunately, it's not Yeah. This is something that heavy news organizations should be covering. We can't handle it. Are they covering it? Not yet. Not that I've seen but do you think do you think they will cover it? If they do Alex? Alex will just be like, look at them still trying to say we're Russian shills whilst behaving with Russian Russian shells. I have a couple of clips from using
Jordan (00:03:15.000)
his classic technique of I know you are but what am I a pot kettle bullshit?
Dan (00:03:19.000)
Yeah, not pot kettle.
Jordan (00:03:21.000)
He was a delight. Pot kettle was a racist. I have no idea.
Dan (00:03:24.000)
I don't remember the reference. Anyway. I have a couple of clips from the Dugan interview and then we'll get to the business of Monday's show. But I want to illustrate just how fucked up this interview that he did with this Russian associate of Vladimir Putin says, here's the first one Jordan enjoy this insanity.
Aleksandr Dugin (00:03:44.000)
I understand that this position of Putin as well. He is not imperialist. He is not fanatic. He has no idea. Wait, no, no, no country. In
Alex Jones (00:03:53.000)
fact, I notice how humble he is. He's always saying America is more powerful. Okay, you're great. We just want our right to be here.
Dan (00:03:59.000)
He's framing that is Putin's standpoint. Alexander Dugan said that Putin is not imperialistic he does not want to invade other countries. Although he pronounced it in Wade, which is fine. He has an accent He's Russian. I don't give a shit.
Jordan (00:04:12.000)
Yeah, I mean, it does bring a little bit of levity to know that we've got a Star Trek character running things here.
Dan (00:04:18.000)
Yeah. And then his Alex's responses, I've noticed how humble Putin is.
Jordan (00:04:23.000)
That's the craziest thing I've ever heard a bunch of a man who rides horses shirtless. Humility does not seem like the word I would describe.
Dan (00:04:34.000)
Yeah. And then during the interview, too, they were talking about how Russia is on the forefront of fighting globalism
Jordan (00:04:40.000)
and not just stop and then everybody listening let's take three seconds to absorb what the fuck that was. And
Dan (00:04:49.000)
the next group I have is substantially worse.
Jordan (00:04:51.000)
Did one he kind of sounds like a Nazi. He's got a he's got a mix of a German Russian accent there. Yeah, if you listen to that clip too tightly, you can definitely hear a goose step in the background
Dan (00:05:05.000)
within his teeth. Yeah. So, during the Heil Putin during the interview, they also discuss how Putin kicked out the oligarchs 18 years ago, and how this was a big deal.
Jordan (00:05:19.000)
I mean, now we do have to give him credit. No, we don't when you tear down an oligarchy and replace it with an autocratic dictatorship, you did tear down the oligarchy, but from
Dan (00:05:29.000)
most of the reports that I've read by thorough journalists, what he didn't, he didn't kick out oligarchs. He just told them, I'm taking a cut. Yeah, he just came into power and was like, I want half of what you have. And that's why Putin has $200 billion. Well, I mean, get out the oligarchs, this is all just a fabricated narrative,
Jordan (00:05:49.000)
but as we all know, from our extensive understanding of the mafia, through let's call it the godfathers when you do that when you kick out or when you just you know, you become the over boss. Yeah, so he's he's, I mean, they're not oligarchies anymore. They're just really rich dudes.
Dan (00:06:08.000)
Yeah, they're your second. Yeah,
Jordan (00:06:10.000)
they're they're your main man. Yeah, there's there's an Italian word for it.
Dan (00:06:15.000)
Probably. It bears some resemblance to what Trump will probably end up doing if he gets his way. You know,
Jordan (00:06:22.000)
we're we're we're We've all lost our minds, right? We're all debt has anybody adequately explained yet what the fuck is going on other than people like us shouting flee, flee. Fly, you fools. Where are we Gandalf or weekend? We are and then we've got we've got Trump is is sorrow man and Putin is Sauron. We're living in The Lord of the Rings. We are who has the One Ring?
Dan (00:06:48.000)
I don't want to be Frodo.
Jordan (00:06:50.000)
I really don't want to be Frodo.
Dan (00:06:52.000)
I want to just be it was cool in there. Can I bet Tom Bombadil Levy's
Jordan (00:06:56.000)
out of bed a joyous Tom Bombadil wearing his pastels, galloping through the woods, who is described as the most powerful being in Lord of the Rings, which of course,
Dan (00:07:09.000)
why Monday I've got a podcast Exactly.
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
Why do I know this much about Lord of the Rings? Okay, that's fine.
Dan (00:07:17.000)
It's great literature. All right. Um, what I had was my other
Jordan (00:07:22.000)
I would say, Dr. Amir, because he dies in the middle of
Dan (00:07:26.000)
any dies a hero? Yeah, exactly. Just fine. Yeah. The other thing is that all of these aspects of the dirty dossier are starting to come out as kind of like, Oh, that looks like it might have been real. Oh, it can't not be real at this point. Not the P stuff necessarily the salacious stuff, like, who cares about the individual got 20% of Russia's state oil interest. Now, it's traced back to an untraceable bank account in the Cayman Islands. Yeah.
Jordan (00:07:53.000)
Well, I've heard a couple of different things in the dirty dossier. I've heard a couple of different theories about billionaires from Saudi Arabia getting it as well as somebody happy about somebody from Qatar, but that is a separate piece. Yeah. Okay. Which is another great piece of literature right there Qatar separate a separate piece. Qatar.
Dan (00:08:16.000)
Let's not dig into the dirty dossier. Let's get to this other clip from the Dugan interview, which I think should look I'm not saying that anyone needs to kick Alex Jones off the air. I'm not saying we need to censor him, but this clip is so fucked up. I don't even know how to set it up appropriately.
Jordan (00:08:34.000)
Awesome. So thanks, America.
Alex Jones (00:08:37.000)
No, but I get your point that the kind of the new Atlantis idea could merge with the British Empire and then ended up taking over the world and then say merge it all together. So it kind of is holy fuck the proto globalism is what you're saying.
Dan (00:08:50.000)
Just to give you some context, the that new Atlantis thing is the Francis Bacon's idea about America being a new Atlantis, blah blah blah. There's like it's it's super complicated, but that part isn't really all that nefarious. So when Atlantis it's just sort of like a metaphorical piece about the beginnings of America. Right and so anyway, this is where it gets nefarious.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.000)
Yes, yeah, absolutely absolutely breathing vision of the world was was that route I truths of globalization. And the United States of America, United States of America. They are opposed to this Britain domination. They all post you have a pause. No,
Alex Jones (00:09:33.000)
they weren't. And of course, the Russian czars. I'm not saying they were perfect, but they were opposed to it too. And that's why they were basically taken out. Also,
Jordan (00:09:40.000)
if you wait, so that's why he thinks the Russian czars were taken out.
Dan (00:09:44.000)
That's not even the fucked up part I was talking about no.
Jordan (00:09:46.000)
Well, I mean, we're already we're already in complete Lala fantasy land sure
Dan (00:09:51.000)
it gets worse. Yeah, but also great. I want to say if you are unfortunate enough to listen to Infowars like I do, make note of it. Every time that Alex says that somebody is not perfect, and you will start to see a trend that's very similar to Trump's use of quotation marks in his tweets, great. He Oh, Trump always wants to use a racial slur whenever he uses quotes and something he's like, bad quote dudes out there, or we have to stop quote, evil from getting into the country, stuff like that. He always wants to say something offensive, and the quote marks are him stopping. Whenever Alex says they're not perfect. It's like,
Jordan (00:10:30.000)
and they've committed a genocide or two, right? He's like, You know what? They're not bad all embrace
Dan (00:10:35.000)
which one of us is perfect. It's that sort of bullshit
Jordan (00:10:38.000)
among us has not, at the very least wished a genocide upon so.
Dan (00:10:43.000)
So I've been keeping track of the ear things. Yes. And there's no discernible pattern yet. But twice when he's talking about drinking, he talks us here. He was talking about booze during the Super Bowl, he talked a little here's the fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.000)
Absolutely. And that was why we were France was America because we oppose these globalist agenda. And we affirmed the Liberty the freedom for each society to construct them to to create to build their own civilization. And
Alex Jones (00:11:19.000)
let me ask you a question. Would it have been better I'm not saying because obviously World War Two the Nazis were bad. But if you look at World War One, the British did basically start that Russia helped defeat the Germans and then got betrayed would have been better for history of Russia wouldn't have come in on the side of England.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:35.000)
I think that that was difficult to toto revise, historical aspect.
Jordan (00:11:41.000)
Even the Russian propagandist is like that shits crazy.
Dan (00:11:45.000)
I give him some credit that he's like, What will you hold on? Yeah, we all do do the legitimately here with Alex. We
Jordan (00:11:51.000)
all know the ROTC the Nazis are bad. Well, he just Well, here's the thing that he said. He said, Yeah, well, I mean, the Nazis look, Nazis. Who hasn't? committed a genocide?
Dan (00:12:05.000)
We're not all perfect. Fucking one of us has an oven in our Yeah, no
Jordan (00:12:09.000)
kidding. Why else would you have one? There's no conceivable other possible killing Jews
Dan (00:12:13.000)
and Virginia Woolf killing her. Wow.
Jordan (00:12:17.000)
That was Sylvia Plath. I'm thinking of assembly plant. Clearly, you weren't a depressed teenager who was also a girl.
Dan (00:12:26.000)
I went different directions. Yeah. I went to God,
Jordan (00:12:30.000)
I went directly to Wiccan ism,
Dan (00:12:33.000)
jealous, a bunch of Christian scholars kicking around.
Jordan (00:12:39.000)
But yet the most dangerous of Scott,
Dan (00:12:40.000)
he's quite literally suggesting that the world might be a better place if the Nazis had won World War Two. Well, here's
Jordan (00:12:46.000)
the other thing that he slipped in there that I think we kind of glossed over. He said Russia got betrayed. Yeah. Do you know who would have betrayed Russia in this particular circumstance?
Dan (00:12:57.000)
Well, he's no, no, no, no, you're talking about Germany betraying them, right? No.
Jordan (00:13:01.000)
He said, after the Russians defeated Germany. Yeah. And then got betrayed
Dan (00:13:05.000)
because of globalism.
Jordan (00:13:08.000)
I mean, if you want to do that, but again, still that idea there is that Russia was betrayed, instead of Russia went apeshit off air artherr authoritarian government. Yeah. Like is that what he's really he's basically rewriting history to saying that Churchill and FDR were bad. People.
Dan (00:13:35.000)
I think we're
Jordan (00:13:36.000)
black. We're betrayers.
Dan (00:13:38.000)
I think that Alex would probably argue that I mean, he, I don't know how he feels about Churchill necessarily where the globalists definitely say that about FDR, yeah, for
Jordan (00:13:47.000)
sure. Well, I mean, I, you know, Churchill still has a bustin Trump put a bust of Churchill in there, which sure boggles my mind, because I don't know if he knows who chill Churchill was, and we're fucking
Dan (00:13:57.000)
like, almost 20 days into Trump's prayer. This
Jordan (00:14:01.000)
is the worst presidency in the history of America. We're gonna count by the day, but
Dan (00:14:05.000)
yeah, we're still we're 20 days in already. And Alex still takes time on the show to complain about how someone claimed that Trump throughout the bust of Martin Luther King was like, Yeah, that was misreported. No one really cared. No one No one thought anything of it. No.
Jordan (00:14:22.000)
Also, no one would have be surprised. I think that's why that's why so that there is there is like a lot of fake news now being shared amongst nerds. Where it but the problem with news about Trump is there's nothing that you wouldn't believe at this point. You could literally spin any lie and it has the ring of plausibility true because Trump already fucking insane. You're so close. They're so close. Yeah, I want to make fun of Trump but I can't go far enough outside of the realm of possibility to make an
Dan (00:14:54.000)
absurd you want to say like, he's a bad dude. Okay. He wants to fuck his daughter. It's like, well, he's kind of said that.
Jordan (00:14:58.000)
He's kind of said that he got Although
Dan (00:15:01.000)
she's kind of said he
Jordan (00:15:02.000)
did, yeah, he's raped his wife. She testified that he walked
Dan (00:15:06.000)
that back. Sure.
Jordan (00:15:08.000)
In that in that deposition, I'm sure you can walk that ship back now. Or he's being blackmailed by Russia with the dirty dossier,
Dan (00:15:17.000)
which, which was less dirty by the day. We can't stop saying it so great,
Jordan (00:15:22.000)
even if there's no even but even if there's no P story, which we can all believe that. Who gives a shit? Man wants to get peed on window dressing? Yeah, exactly. But you're at any other president and you're like, there's that's crazy guys. There's no way anybody is blackmailing the president. He's blackmailing the president. It's hard to uh, it's hard to believe literally any other situation. Yeah.
Dan (00:15:46.000)
I mean, we can't say that with absolute certainty. But boy,
Jordan (00:15:50.000)
boy, does it sound like he's blackmailing the president. Yeah,
Dan (00:15:53.000)
yeah. So I mean, we're in real fucked up time. But hey, it's time to get to Monday. We're gonna have some fun with this. Okay, we can get that we got that Dugan out of the way, we got the horrifying monsters reality out of the way. Before I get to this. I didn't pull the clip because it's from boring ass David Knight, but he takes over at the end of the show. And he accidentally let slip that it's not so much about Muslims and terrorism. The great enemy is the UN. Oh, great. So he has a little slip of the tongue. And if he wasn't so boring, I would play it here. He sucks. So let's get to it.
Jordan (00:16:25.000)
All right. Go ahead. One last one last thing about the whole Russian thing. Yeah. If I was going to if I was going to put together an idea of what their plan is Russia? Well, Putin is playing Russia is not a person. No. Okay, fine, fine. Here's what here's what I would say I'm seeing is their plan. They are trying to demolish all of the United Nations, you know, all the Greece, the EU, the UK, whether or not they're going to do anything but turn America into either a non issue for them, or somehow they're their lackey. The main goal there is whenever they separate everybody else, then finally they can actually get their economy going. Yeah, because he has the right now Russia has no economy.
Dan (00:17:15.000)
So because they keep fucking with people. That sanction. Right,
Jordan (00:17:19.000)
right. So so they do that that keeps them from being beholden to the sanctions of the United States. Yep. Then they the sanctions are just lifted, right? Well, and God knows that's probably going to happen here soon. Somehow, John McCain is the least worst person on the sanctions right now. So then that gives them open trading with all of these other nations who otherwise wouldn't trade with
Dan (00:17:43.000)
and they have massive oil reserves. Exactly. really bolster their economies back up. And then countries
Jordan (00:17:50.000)
whenever they get that they are going to do that Ukraine to all the things yes, that's what they're doing probably
Dan (00:17:57.000)
the entire old Soviet Union. Yeah,
Jordan (00:17:59.000)
they're trying to they're trying to rebuild that, or at least that's Putin his main goal,
Dan (00:18:03.000)
it does seem like actions have indicated that but let's let's, so that's, that's my theory as to what's happening. I think that's a strong theory. But we're not here to be a speculative show. We're not here to make guesses. We're here to laugh, and mock Alex Jones. So, keep in mind, Alex Jones, is a policy wonk. Now keep that in mind with the policy walk for the rest of time. The rest of time. Alex starts this show off by explaining that he is fucking sickened by something he's read. Oh, no. He's fucking so disgusting.
Jordan (00:18:40.000)
I'm surprised both by the fact that he's read something and wait, no, that's the only thing I'm surprised by
Dan (00:18:45.000)
Well, you might not be surprised to learn that he maybe didn't read it.
Alex Jones (00:18:50.000)
You know, I've got news here in front of me that I started reading about last night that physically made me sick. And it makes me sick that my fellow humans are this nasty, this conniving, this evil. And they've come up with plans like this.
Dan (00:19:08.000)
Do you want to try and guess what the plans are?
Jordan (00:19:11.000)
Oh my God.
Dan (00:19:12.000)
They make Alex physically sick.
Jordan (00:19:16.000)
This evil. He's physically sick. polonium poisoning everybody in the planet. Okay.
Dan (00:19:23.000)
That's an interesting guess.
Alex Jones (00:19:27.000)
Where I live here in Austin, Texas, has been studied and actuary and looked at for more than 25 years as the global model city of the future,
Dan (00:19:47.000)
first of all, not sure why you're mad about that. I
Jordan (00:19:50.000)
don't understand why he sounds so angry about
Dan (00:19:56.000)
your city is awesome. People have
Jordan (00:19:59.000)
been telling me For 25 years that this city is an amazing place to live, it's good to be telling you there. I love living here. And that sickens me because it's occupied. It sickens me that this place is so enjoyable to live in.
Dan (00:20:16.000)
Let's see if he can explain it a little better than just your city is awesome.
Alex Jones (00:20:23.000)
And when you actually read what they say they're going to do under agenda 21 And you realize it's only being done in one Chinese city? One Japanese city, one German city, and one US city. And you read what there
Jordan (00:20:41.000)
somebody just pop up on a cold one. That was me.
Dan (00:20:47.000)
I want to be clear, I didn't realize that would pick up on the mics. That was me when I was editing the clips. Okay, I had an energy drink. It wasn't a beer. Gotcha. That sounds like I'm being Alex Yeah, Emily was drinking wine right now he
Jordan (00:21:00.000)
looks he looks pretty amped
Alex Jones (00:21:02.000)
doing and what they've got planned it is so horrible that it's it just makes me want to cry it's so premeditated so obvious show documented show arrogant show naked into
Jordan (00:21:20.000)
the fuck point arable
Alex Jones (00:21:25.000)
that I don't even want to sit here and talk about it and not give it the true justice of making a you know 30 minute special report documenting every facet of it. But
Jordan (00:21:35.000)
he's on minute six of talking about it. And he just got to the I don't even want to talk about this. Yeah, usually. So usually starts with I don't want to talk about this. And then gets into it. Yeah, but oh, man, this is fucking nuts. What is gonna happen here? He is really ramping up the suspense. Is that Is there gonna be an M Night Shyamalan twist here. What's going on?
Dan (00:21:58.000)
Listen, I don't want to spoil anything. But no.
Alex Jones (00:22:01.000)
As fast as I can research, it's so big. It's so old. It's so planned. That there it just goes on and on and on and on. worse and worse and worse and worse. Then you find out how many people are involved in it. And then you realize about half the people fleeing San Francisco and Los Angeles to come to Austin. Fuck aren't yet idiots that are leaving the system that failed that they helped bring down they know it's all a big scam and are coming here to collude with it. To collaborate with it, and to help suck everything dry and rip everybody off and then move on and 2030 years they even train their kids how to do it twice to go to the Smart Growth conferences and agenda 21 conferences and I'd say this is a giant scam you're raising ranch and you're hurting people and you're and you're creating monopolies and they will just go get out of our way Scott Of course we are. Listen to this would tell us something we don't know.
Jordan (00:23:17.000)
That's a doctor who monster
Alex Jones (00:23:21.000)
they're just all in there in these frenzied meetings lobbying the city at the convention center. Just like all laughing and cackling and just rubbing their hands together to collude and Rob everybody's
Jordan (00:23:34.000)
Comic Con or something.
Alex Jones (00:23:37.000)
What am I talking about? Well, it ties into how world leaders were duped whenever talking about leaders didn't know they were duped.
Alex Jones (00:23:49.000)
Now ladies and gentlemen that's not what I'm getting into. Miko I think I actually gave you my stack on that.
Jordan (00:24:03.000)
He had fucking nothing. He had nothing. He had fucking nothing. That was bullshit. Literally. That was nothing. He just described how evil nothing was. What is going on literally could be any one Chinese city one Japanese city, one German city and one US system. Now we can assume the US city is Austin. Of course. Let's go with what Chinese city do you want to go with?
Dan (00:24:34.000)
I don't know. Like Shanghai.
Jordan (00:24:37.000)
Let's go with Shanghai. That was my first thought as well. Because you can't pick Beijing. No,
Dan (00:24:40.000)
that doesn't jive with the the Austin beats in Hong Kong.
Jordan (00:24:43.000)
They could be in Hong Kong. I don't know now. Hong Kong is what?
Dan (00:24:48.000)
No, Germany. We go Munich, Munich. Yeah. So Sherif, maybe just to be fun.
Jordan (00:24:53.000)
Dusseldorf is fun to say. Let's go with the D dwarf. Which is where we landed on Norman. The beach is a rough what we're offering for the doorphone golf as well.
Dan (00:25:04.000)
Yeah. Dusseldorf on gold,
Jordan (00:25:07.000)
Japan are their cities in Japan. Isn't Japan just one big Tokyo? Yeah, basically? Yeah, let's go with that. What is he fucking talking about
Dan (00:25:18.000)
agenda? 21.
Jordan (00:25:19.000)
Agenda? 21
Dan (00:25:21.000)
You don't know about agenda? 21
Jordan (00:25:22.000)
I assume it's the order that Anakin needs to take out all the younglings
Dan (00:25:29.000)
you actually don't know about agenda 20
Jordan (00:25:31.000)
I don't know about agenda 21
Dan (00:25:32.000)
It's one of the most thoroughly debunked wacky conspiracy theories. It's been lingering since the 90s
Jordan (00:25:38.000)
Is it making everybody physically ill?
Dan (00:25:40.000)
It makes Alex physically ill. So what how it started, I don't want to give like a whole primer on this. But if you want to look into it, you can Google find all this stuff out. But it's
Jordan (00:25:50.000)
beware that's how they get you into agenda 21 You know that it's not look for facts. And it's not, it's not debunked. That's how you join.
Dan (00:25:57.000)
So agenda 21 was a paper put out by the UN about sustainability and growth in the in the 90s. And had to do with third world countries. And basically rising people out of poverty, protecting the environment, stuff like that. It was completely non binding 100% voluntary, okay. And there's no, there's no dictates set out by it. It's mostly just about like, ideas. Hey, this
Jordan (00:26:26.000)
is a good idea. Maybe try this one. I
Dan (00:26:28.000)
think it was 178 countries voluntarily signed on when it first came out. And people have been really mad ever since. It basically has
Jordan (00:26:38.000)
to do like, is it just that anytime a bunch of countries are like, Hey, this is a good idea. Somebody has to be a dick about it. Well, I found
Dan (00:26:46.000)
like this guy who was researching and had a really good quote about it, like that explained the sort of the anger at it
Jordan (00:26:54.000)
was the quote, Alex Jones is full of shit.
Dan (00:26:56.000)
Yeah. This guy, Michael Barkin. He's a Syracuse University political scientist and scholar of conspiracy theories. He was quoted as saying, anytime you get some sort of un program that suggests any kind of change in the way people live, even if it seems outwardly benign and even voluntary, it's going to be taken up by people with a conspiracy bent. And that's
Jordan (00:27:17.000)
pretty much yeah, that now that that's right on the head.
Dan (00:27:21.000)
So Alex, but Alex and a lot of people believe that agenda 21 What's going to happen is under the auspices of environmental protection, and under the auspices of trying to help the poor, everyone is going to be pushed into cities that are super compact. Everyone's going to be living in basically closet apartments. And it's, it's nonsense, it's it's absolute nonsense. The agenda 21 sounds scary, because of
Jordan (00:27:47.000)
the because it's called agenda 21. It was, like I said, that's the order that Anakin
Dan (00:27:52.000)
needed. It's basically the agenda of like a plan to make the 21st century better than the last centuries. That's why it's called 21. Why
Jordan (00:28:00.000)
can't they name shit? Not scary? Couldn't they have just named it good ideas
Dan (00:28:04.000)
for people to try? That would be awesome. Oh, it
Jordan (00:28:06.000)
would have been so great. Or there's no way that you can misconstrue good ideas that people should try. Hey, guys,
Dan (00:28:11.000)
this is non binding 20 or something along those lines. We're not going to force you to do this calling
Jordan (00:28:17.000)
it agenda 21 Do they not here? Do these people naming things not hear the voice of oh, that means murder?
Dan (00:28:26.000)
I think back in like it can't. It was 92 when it
Jordan (00:28:29.000)
was saved by the bell was the number one sitcom there was a salad days
Dan (00:28:33.000)
of our lives a Halcyon Days T GIF all day all night.
Jordan (00:28:40.000)
Oh, man. Oh, Tim Allen, who did the grunting but I think back
Dan (00:28:44.000)
then people didn't have the same crazies. You know, like, we didn't have the same people who are out there making everything evil. You know, so I don't think that necessarily people calling something agenda 21 People would think like, oh, this is gonna sound evil to somebody. I think it just kind of sounded catchy 21st century agenda agenda for the 21st century could
Jordan (00:29:07.000)
it just call agenda No, it's no it's a bad name. A bad name? I've the UN is bad at naming things. Good at good ideas. Bad at naming
Dan (00:29:16.000)
also good at coming up with things that countries can choose to follow or not. They're great
Jordan (00:29:20.000)
at that. Yeah, so the answer is almost always or not
Dan (00:29:24.000)
I've I've looked into this one pretty extensively and given it a score of two thumbs down. Two thumbs down on this being a legitimate conspiracy this Siskel and Ebert of conspiracy theories now I was gonna say to flash at Dick's to flash conspiracy decks so
Jordan (00:29:42.000)
anyway our to GamerGate posts
Dan (00:29:45.000)
on reddit but it makes Alec sick
Jordan (00:29:48.000)
what what because there's this thing called makes him sick.
Dan (00:29:51.000)
What makes him mad is that there's a there's something that he feels is agenda 21 in Austin called Code next. God fucking damn. Yeah, another name, evil name.
Jordan (00:30:02.000)
I don't know, why do people name things bad?
Dan (00:30:04.000)
I did a little bit of research into code next. And it does. I mean, a lot of the wording is really weird because they use like, I don't even remember any of the words but they sort of vague words, but it has to do with the same stuff it has to do with the environment, learn
Jordan (00:30:17.000)
about they gotta learn about dirty dossier and alliteration. Like, man, digital Dropbox, exactly. Once they get that down, all these names are gonna go right through the roof.
Dan (00:30:28.000)
Yeah, it makes sense that Alex would be scared of it, because he's scared of everything. But except for apparently, Russia. Apparently, he's
Jordan (00:30:38.000)
totally clearly he's totally cool with people who look, they're not the greatest guys.
Dan (00:30:42.000)
Yeah, well, actually, I've done a little bit of trying to be empathic and empathetic. And I what I've realized is if you don't think that, like climate change is real, than people trying to push for things to protect against climate change, obviously, you would think that they were up to no good. Yeah, so that kind of makes sense, if you believe his premise, but his premise is horribly flawed.
Jordan (00:31:03.000)
Do you mean non existent? Like that eight and a half minute clip where he's had nothing to fucking say?
Dan (00:31:09.000)
Nothing? Zero. Everyone's involved.
Jordan (00:31:11.000)
I look, you know, you're involved now. Yeah, you gotta give him credit for really eating up time when he needs to.
Dan (00:31:18.000)
Yeah. And then getting to where are these papers? Yeah.
Jordan (00:31:21.000)
Look, I'm gonna we're gonna actually go to the break. This time. I'm not gonna skip the break. I just wanted to make you guys know, I was disgusted.
Dan (00:31:28.000)
So this next clip has to do with Goldman Sachs bankers, being in Trump's administration, the ones who run everything. Now. He has a really great point about how he knows everything about these Goldman Sachs bankers. But he does not remember one of their names. was a little bit dumb.
Alex Jones (00:31:44.000)
How do you feel now he's got six people. And as I always said, Well, let's go look at Bannon and Mnuchin. And one of the other people, all of them have been against one of the other one, all of them have tried to expand cheaper housing. All of them have tried to have fair trade deals here in the United States. Not all of them were on the inside at the highest levels and watched it happening. And for decades have been speaking out against it. One half
Jordan (00:32:13.000)
of that is true. The other the second part not true, which is the first part where they've all been involved for years and years and years. Totally true. Arias speaking out against it.
Dan (00:32:24.000)
Totally not true. Alex claiming that, like I know all about these guys. The third guy
Jordan (00:32:31.000)
and the third guy that's that's bad. Look, lions, tigers, and what were they again, that's a lie.
Dan (00:32:36.000)
That's Rick Perry not remembering the agencies. He wants to debate the
Jordan (00:32:39.000)
agency he runs now. Yeah. That one that he hates so much. Realized is
Dan (00:32:44.000)
super important.
Jordan (00:32:46.000)
Oh, I don't want this. Oh, it's in charge of nuclear weapons. Oh, no, everybody. That's so far everybody that's been hired for everything has had a complete look of shock the moment they found out what it is they're supposed to do. Right. But
Dan (00:33:00.000)
you know why that is because the people who are in charge and putting them in charge of those agencies want incompetence, right? They want because
Jordan (00:33:08.000)
because then that gives them the reason to privatize it and get it out of government entirely. Yep. That way you think oh, no, it's that government is wrong. Instead of it's flawed. We hired fucking morons. Yep.
Dan (00:33:20.000)
So enjoy that in the next decade.
Jordan (00:33:23.000)
Okay, well, we can't we and then redact the next 1015 seconds is that I say that I say please, no, please. No.
Dan (00:33:33.000)
The other thing that I think is really unfortunate about that clip is he's talking about trying to get people cheaper housing. And Steve Minuchin in particular, was pretty heavily implicated in you know, the shady hidden housing,
Jordan (00:33:45.000)
but now he did try to give people cheaper housing, he just failed miserably at it, and then stole all of their money along the way. Yeah, it was pretty much the most you can fail at like, if his goal was to get people cheaper housing, yeah, and not steal all of their money. Man, he did a really bad job.
Dan (00:34:05.000)
It was like, back in the day. I remember I saw a clip. I was really high one day and I saw a clip of this. This Daredevil, and his name was Deathwish Dan.
Jordan (00:34:14.000)
Yes. That is some fucking great naming right though it's
Dan (00:34:19.000)
not because if he has a death wish he's fucking terrible at it. You screwed up every time
Jordan (00:34:25.000)
you're mad at his I was high. Okay, fair enough. Anyway, you're mad that isn't. His nickname was like tiny for a giant day.
Dan (00:34:31.000)
Exactly. Exactly. Like come on, man. Get your shit, right. This next clip is okay. So it starts with a lie about George Soros.
Jordan (00:34:40.000)
And then it ends the bread and butter of the Infowars.
Dan (00:34:44.000)
This clip is a little bit longer but it's it needs to be listened to. And we can pause at any point but I I think it might document a slight psychotic break on so it's worth it but
Jordan (00:34:56.000)
instead of just a borderline Alzheimer's stroke there where he just rambles about how sick things are and then forgets what it is? Yeah,
Dan (00:35:04.000)
I will pause it after the George Soros live just to explain, but then we're gonna get into a fucking wacky fantasy.
Alex Jones (00:35:11.000)
But here are the headlines. Goldman Sachs has Trump rally has been curbed Bloomberg. Goldman Sachs economists are starting to worry about President Trump. Yes, Bloomberg, putting all the bad news out now. Wait, what time to sell the dollar on our radic Trump policies JP Morgan, they're all putting out the line. As you know, it got leaked last week by good intelligence agencies was that George Soros is basically naked shorting the dollar and the pound to punish us to get us back under global government. And so of course, we can't have him go bankrupt. We've got to have JP Morgan, and Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs all come out against America and England. They're doing that too.
Dan (00:36:00.000)
So here, you know,
Jordan (00:36:01.000)
we already talked about how he thinks George Soros shorting things means that he's
Dan (00:36:07.000)
evil. Yeah. But but also the mean beyond that inaccuracy results. So just the the lie that it came out from good intelligence agencies, that George Soros is shorting the dollar. What he's referring to is what we talked about on a past show, like Bloomberg know, a, that financial organization accidentally posted everyone's shorts online when they weren't supposed to they post those short bets. That didn't short against the dollar or the pound. That was a German bank, the Dutch bank. Yeah. And that Dutch bank ing? Yeah, those were the shorts that came out. Yes, absolutely. Lying. And then, and then saying that it comes from good intelligence services is lying about the sourcing of it. It's absolute wacky bullshit.
Jordan (00:36:50.000)
Well, I mean, that technically, I if it was leaked, and it is accurate, those are good intelligence sources, but Well, in a person, the person who
Dan (00:37:00.000)
came out and apologized that it was an accident. Yeah. Probably should have gotten shut camp.
Jordan (00:37:04.000)
Probably. Also. I unless he was working for trips, the Patriots. Football and not the football team. They didn't need any help. No. But they had their own league in the fourth border. Football. Yeah. With the with the air. You remember that one?
Dan (00:37:24.000)
I have no position on that. But Alex will talk about that event that Alex does. Yeah, but so I mean, that's just crazy. And then the fucking nuts. The articles that he's posting are about speculation that it's possibly time to get worried about our currency. Because it's abstract. Ly time to get worried about our credit because of Trump's erratic behavior. It's not saying hey, everyone sell your shit. It's saying that this could be dangerous times ahead. Yeah. Any responsible financial adviser would probably without like getting panicky tell you like, right. This is something to keep an eye on.
Jordan (00:37:59.000)
I see. They don't have to do that anymore. Now that the fiduciary rule has been gotten Oh, boy. So your financial adviser can lie flat out lie to you? Yep. for their own gain. So why would you have a responsible financial advisor? That guy's broke?
Dan (00:38:14.000)
Yeah, yeah, he's a fucking douche. But he knows things.
Jordan (00:38:16.000)
Yeah, exactly. That's against the law in Trumps America.
Dan (00:38:20.000)
Well, integrity can't be profitable anymore. Anyway, was it was it ever Let's enjoy this psychotic break?
Jordan (00:38:27.000)
Let's enjoy.
Alex Jones (00:38:29.000)
And all together naked short. Oh, yeah. Our currency and our stock market to destroy it. Thank you. Oh, yeah. Oh, because I forgot. Because Trump works for you, right? He's doing what you want. Now he's doing the opposite. And I'm almost convinced the average American doesn't even deserve Trump. I'm serious. Your rights. They just want to fantasize how they're on the winning team and of the media says you're on the winning team by destroying Trump. Well, God forbid he's trying to give you a life raft, the middle of the frozen Arctic Ocean. God forbid he gives you a space heater or some food. God forbid he actually not be out to get you.
Jordan (00:39:08.000)
Yeah, what did we do to deserve Trump? Well, he
Dan (00:39:11.000)
meant it the other
Jordan (00:39:11.000)
way. I know but let's entertain that notion. Did we have a national sin other than the torture the invading all the terrible countries? The you know, all of our history, all of the American history, you know, slavery, racism.
Dan (00:39:26.000)
This government you can make a really compelling argument for karma. Yeah, yeah. This is uh, this is karma. It doesn't work. chromatically though, if that's the right way to phrase that it doesn't work karmically because there
Jordan (00:39:38.000)
we go. He's gonna, magically is a really good restaurant.
Dan (00:39:41.000)
The people who are going to be most hurt are the people we've hurt in the past. You know, like Trump coming into power is only going to hurt the people who deserve retribution. Yeah, yeah, well, it's gonna be like a Grindhouse film but where the victim is also the one who gets killed or something like that.
Jordan (00:39:58.000)
The victim kills themselves. Yeah. Grindhouse film have nothing but suicide.
Dan (00:40:02.000)
Yeah, this this Trump fantasy goes far, far deeper. Okay, so
Alex Jones (00:40:07.000)
because after all you don't deserve that, like the elites have told me because the public is a bunch of scum Alex, and they're evil and they inherently want to be heard. Alex, you'll never be in a bad position because you're smart. You're one of us. You'll learn Alex, one day, you'll come and work for us one day, that's why we're gonna let you live. But guess what, Trump doesn't want to be part of this either. And I will never be part of screwing everyone over. Because let me tell you, a big percentage of people do care and they know the truth and there is upset about this as I am and together we're gonna beat you. You understand that? I don't care what you turn the public into or of 80% of them act like animals. I'm not lowering your level and feeding on him. I'm not a cannibal. Bloomberg sworn to break up your family sworn to get your guns, technocrat who browse profiles that he wants to run every facet of your life and have you live in a 225 square foot coffin apartment with everything you do, surveilled, and no more families and total control. That's a big coffin. He is a monster. He says he wants to decide what you're going to eat. He calls himself the great technocrat. He made 10s of billions of dollars extra just the last few years because he's wired into all the high frequency trading and all the grids and all the smart meters and everything. He wrote the systems with the NSA that literally control you and game you
Jordan (00:41:35.000)
was the great technocrat in the Flintstones. Whenever that went right did that Jeff? Oh, it's a Great Gazoo he's the jump the shark moment for them.
Dan (00:41:44.000)
He flashes up like a Time magazine article that's called the Great technocrat, but he doesn't call himself that there was an article. Yeah, title of an article calls himself the girl so I don't fucking know how Michael Bloomberg is going to decide what I eat. Well, that sounds like a huge responsibility. Decide what I'm gonna where
Jordan (00:42:02.000)
everyone's gonna, you know, on some days looking at this looking at the cereal aisle, yeah, and trying to figure out what cereal to buy. I just wish Bloomberg had the answer for you gotta get the Bloomberg. Can we get a call into Bloomberg right now? The Bloomberg app. Already Democrat, he's a great, he's a great technocrats. Fantasy goes
Dan (00:42:25.000)
deeper. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:42:27.000)
And so if Microsoft wants a system the game you or Amazon wants one or Alibaba, they gotta go to him because he's given all the advanced technology as the little high priest, they decided to manage it to screw you over man. He makes me sick. And then he's got all the little trendies loving it. Because all the publications and little announcements you won. You're all the little trendies
Dan (00:42:51.000)
also, unfortunately, we're trendies. Is that a nickname? It's a pejorative term for people who he thinks are like idiots. It's like he doesn't want to send these he doesn't want to say sheeple. So he says trendies trendies Yeah cuz whatever it is we follow the trends whatever is the like, cuz
Jordan (00:43:08.000)
we know we don't fight against the coming tide of globalist whatever
Dan (00:43:12.000)
is the cool social outrage trend. You're gonna be tricked by You goddamn trendy.
Jordan (00:43:17.000)
Oh, that could be possible and you're just fed
Dan (00:43:19.000)
MSM lies.
Jordan (00:43:21.000)
That's also possible.
Dan (00:43:23.000)
I don't know. I don't watch the mainstream media either.
Jordan (00:43:25.000)
You just watch Infowars which is why I'm starting to worry about you. You texted me eight different conspiracy theories about what's going on behind Alex Jones's show. bleeding into your thinking.
Dan (00:43:38.000)
I did not I did not. What I said is I'm starting to suspect that possibly Roger Stone is pulling the strings rattle. Right. I guess it was. It's possible. Yeah. None of that. Anyway.
Alex Jones (00:43:52.000)
A winner. You're part of the winning team. You live in downtown Austin. You're under the smart meters. Yeah. You don't have kids. Yeah. Wonder if you don't have a yard? Yeah, we DNA test your dog's poop to make sure you're not letting your dog poop outside. But that's not a surveillance grid. That's not beyond Big Brother. Brave New World. Yeah, you're dealing with Yeah, you're traveling to another dimension. It's called Code next. Yeah. Next code for the next download your next directive in the Borg assimilation into a system where you're assimilated to be destroyed. Oh, the end of humanity openly announced the end of man. Why the future doesn't need us hundreds of books 1000s of white papers I read 20 years ago, and now I'm living. And there's people with huge mustaches and a pink sock and a green sock dancing with pot bellies. And they go screw you, Alex. We don't care. And I'm like, it's a master plan to take you down. I think your moustache is cool. Actually. I think your green and red sock is cool. But listen. You're not An individual by being screwed over by this and by believing this is how you're cool
Jordan (00:45:04.000)
was he's talking about elves. He's talking about elves cool
Dan (00:45:07.000)
mustaches, a green and a red sock. A pink sock, a change color. Pink bellies, what is happening? Belizean. They're
Jordan (00:45:14.000)
dancing around bellies and they're dancing around. But that's what I'm really talking about Tom Bombonera. We've come full circle here. Or Boris? Yeah, he is going on.
Dan (00:45:24.000)
This is that psychotic break this. He's imagining a person who's taunting him in the same way earlier in this he was imagining some guy at this agenda 21 conference. Yes. Who was like, Hey, we're gonna take him over. It's Betty. But yeah, I know. He's using creative license to some extent.
Jordan (00:45:38.000)
Well, I mean, he did use the movie phone voice there. The Dan LaFontaine, voice that's just
Dan (00:45:44.000)
him being like, I'm fucking serious. In a world where Borg is a thing? And Tom Bombadil taunts me, have you seen
Jordan (00:45:51.000)
Star Trek? Anyway, I remember the Borg from Star Trek. Let's
Dan (00:45:55.000)
get to the end of this fantasy because there's still a little bit more but the real punch line is definitely the you got this big moustache. Hey, man, I
Jordan (00:46:02.000)
think I like mustaches. But I'm not gonna.
Alex Jones (00:46:09.000)
And all your friends run around and wave your arms and then everybody goes home alone at night. Because there is no family. None of its real. You're living a simulation. You're living a fraud in sports is a primitive form of virtual reality. Real reality but based in a controlled confines where the outcome will affect the true power structure. Now they're extrapolating it out to VR, and in total systems that remove you from reality, and I could see that myself by studying it. But then I go read their own white papers, and they're giggling and laughing about it. It is kind of funny. While they're building armored fortresses. Keep mania. Kawaii.
Jordan (00:46:54.000)
He's seen one James Bond
Dan (00:46:55.000)
movie. No. And he's also saying from Tasmania to kawaii he's just talking about Peter Thiel, teal, and Mark Zuckerberg. He is not it's not like he hasn't TEALS evil, but he's not saying he doesn't have information on a great swath of elites moving to jungle fortresses. There were just two people who announced that they were creating like vacation home,
Jordan (00:47:17.000)
but if you're gonna you know, it let you know how rich people work. You know, one guy gets a jungle mountain fortress, and then it's like, Well, I gotta get an even better jungle. And then eventually, they're clearly fighting each other from Jungle mountain fortresses as the rest of the world burns, especially Austin, because you know, where they hide their lies. Austin their mustaches. Oh, shit. See, now that's why he's getting he's getting them first. You know, like, Hey, I like your mustache and then tickles it. Yeah, that's where the lies come out is you take a little falls. Take a little mustache.
Dan (00:47:51.000)
It's the only way. That's as believable.
Jordan (00:47:57.000)
Yeah, exactly.
Dan (00:47:58.000)
So we got this introduced a little bit at the end of the last clip, but now Alex really wants to get into how sports are a conspiracy.
Jordan (00:48:06.000)
Okay, yeah. So his idea was we're gonna get to Milo his idea of primitive virtual reality is just games, games, games. Just games. Yeah. I mean, no, nope.
Dan (00:48:21.000)
To some extent. I mean, think about like role playing games and stuff like that, you know, that's kind of like a you're creating a false reality to live in for a while.
Jordan (00:48:27.000)
Yeah, I guess but yeah. I'm gonna go with no,
Dan (00:48:32.000)
I think I'm gonna go with no, maybe maybe Alex will be able to change your mind. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:48:36.000)
I haven't even gotten to all this yet today. But after he leaves us Super Bowl viewer see correlation between outcome and election. I love it. They created all these sports that are really for children, to get man to be in Arrested Development never make anything of themselves in life. It's also a career that doesn't threaten the elite. Oh, no, we don't want some of those dominant aggressive men in politics or life, or even the military. We want you to, you know, go to college. So you can hope to be in one of these myriad sports teams. Even though it's like one out of 10,000 you'll ever make a living at it. Yeah, show that by the time you figure it out. You've had your life destroyed. All you can do is be a coach at age 30. And, by the way, the modern guy in France that created the new Olympics, wrote books admitting all this as a way to control the public and hence the first big Olympics and 36 Fucking folks are addicted to video games or sports golf. Shut up, Alex. Hey, listen. I'm just telling you take your life.
Jordan (00:49:40.000)
Now, again, I agree with this first part. We don't want the most aggressive man in politics, or are in the military. They're gonna do aggressive man shit.
Dan (00:49:52.000)
Yeah, usually excess testosterone are going to not be reasonable.
Jordan (00:49:57.000)
I don't know if you've ever read all of history. The human one, I've read about a third of it. The most aggressive men. They're not on the right side of history ever.
Dan (00:50:07.000)
They're pretty bad dudes,
Jordan (00:50:09.000)
they're usually bad dudes.
Dan (00:50:11.000)
But the idea of it sports was created to keep aggressive people out of politics is wacky that is wack. And then the idea to that it's like, it's intentional so that once you realize it's all a trap, you have to become a coach.
Jordan (00:50:23.000)
Yeah. I mean, are you could take that college degree you earned and do something with
Dan (00:50:30.000)
it. I've also known a number of coaches who are pretty fucking happy with being a coach, I think it'd be fun. It's a good way to get people to exercise, it's good way to try and in important good messages to kids about team building about caring about making it, you know, working with others, that sort of thing. It's,
Jordan (00:50:48.000)
it's actually a very valuable tool to curb male aggression and keep them out of politics. He gets
Dan (00:50:54.000)
back into sports a little bit later with some even sillier theories. But now, it is time to get to the Milo interview. Yes,
Jordan (00:51:01.000)
no, as we as I told you, whenever we walked in, I brought a an Italian wine to celebrate us discussing fascism.
Dan (00:51:08.000)
And we're almost done with that. Yeah. And I have a bottle of Moscato Yes. We don't deserve good things.
Jordan (00:51:16.000)
But we did deserve Trump,
Dan (00:51:17.000)
this interview, I really didn't know how to cut it up into separate clips. So it's just a we'll just pause in and out. It's about a 10 minute interview that he does. And there's a couple of important things that I want to point out. But at any point, let me know. And I'll posit, also, it starts with Alex saying that he's not going to announce what he and Milo have planned. And at the end of the clip, he straight up just announces
Jordan (00:51:38.000)
what they have planned. Yes, of course. True. Alex Jones in fashion.
Dan (00:51:42.000)
So no, I don't know. I was trying to give some sort of setup, but
Jordan (00:51:50.000)
it's an interview with Milo get ready to hear some shit.
Alex Jones (00:51:53.000)
And Milo and I are also planning something on the street in the next few weeks. That's exciting. Well, we won't tell you about that until right before because of obviously the enemies that are out there. But yes. Congratulations. I really pointing out how the First Amendment is really under attack.
Milo Yiannopoulos (00:52:10.000)
Well, thank you so much. Thank you for having me. How are you doing? Yeah, I love your introduction. Music. By the way, it's all very dramatic. It feels like we're never sort of 300 or something.
Jordan (00:52:18.000)
I've never actually heard my speak before. You haven't know I've never heard him talk. fastidiously avoided his nonsense. I'm sorry to bring this into your life. You have just forced this. Oh,
Dan (00:52:30.000)
he's a wild fast talking British prick. He talks really fast and is really good at speaking to try and mask wild inaccuracies and total bullshit.
Jordan (00:52:41.000)
Awesome. And now that's gonna make it hard for me to interrupt him.
Dan (00:52:44.000)
No, not really. Okay, good. But any interview that he does is largely like rhetorical bullying. So like any interviewer
Jordan (00:52:52.000)
that so he's he's like a worst Christopher Hitchens
Dan (00:52:56.000)
somewhat? Yes, yes. And Geyer Hmm. Which isn't that's not a downside at all. It's
Jordan (00:53:01.000)
no I read. I read. I read Hitchens memoir. Yeah. He had some geisha for you.
Dan (00:53:07.000)
Right. Yeah, here we go. Wonderful.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.000)
I've been having so much fun on the college tour. Right up until I guess, you know, the West Coast. And then UC Davis UW Seattle UC Berkeley things went dark and we had the paid black closed anarchists you know, these these well organized well funded anarchists coming in are always causing mayhem and the progressive left refuses to disavow it refuses to say, this is terrible that people should be allowed to express their views no matter what their views are. Absolutely terrible for the left.
Dan (00:53:41.000)
So his his framing of this like everything was going well until the West Coast. I mean, that's not entirely accurate and less what he wants to say is that when he was at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, when he outed a trans student to the shit out of her
Jordan (00:54:01.000)
is that because he's a monster? Yeah, kinda. It's because he's a monster, right? Yeah, she
Dan (00:54:05.000)
gave an account of the experience of being there. She had no idea that he was going to project a picture of her holy shit from years before when she was literally in her transition. What the fuck called her a trainee? No got everyone that he was mocking her God everyone laughing at her fuck she was in the crowd. No, and was terrified. Of course, one of the quotes what the fuck one of the quotes about the trans her transition was the way you know he's failed, is I could still bang him. What the fuck? That kind of speech is so fucking inappropriate. That's a
Jordan (00:54:38.000)
worst. What's that? He did that in public.
Dan (00:54:41.000)
He did lie and got paid.
Jordan (00:54:42.000)
Why pay? Why? Why did he do it?
Dan (00:54:46.000)
I don't know. Is there a reason why does he money?
Jordan (00:54:51.000)
Yeah, but you can't they can't have paid him specifically to they paid him to do his bullshit. No,
Dan (00:54:56.000)
but this sort of bigger reputation. We'll see. was a student activist or not and she was against positions that he or she was against positions he was for. And he deemed her anatomy and decided to basically Doc's her on stage. And I know it's not the same as Daxing someone online stuff, but it's so inappropriate. That's
Jordan (00:55:15.000)
the fucking cruelest thing I can say that is that is carry level cruelty. If she had psychic powers, everyone in that room should be fucking dead.
Dan (00:55:25.000)
Yeah. If like legitimately, if she had killed herself after that, no one would be surprised. No, and I I can't imagine a room full of people laughing at me. They don't know I'm in the room. While a charismatic speaker is mocking me on stage. That's for fucking believable for my identity. And for something that has been difficult for me growing up that sort of thing is it's it's we talk about what evil actually is. That's evil looking
Jordan (00:55:54.000)
cruel. That's the cruelest fucking what? That's childish. fucking crazy.
Dan (00:56:01.000)
eight year old and keep in mind that this is someone who is still in college.
Jordan (00:56:05.000)
Use us what but could you get more punching down than that? What a fucking monster? Yeah, yeah, I can't.
Dan (00:56:13.000)
He's the fucking worst. That is not. That's part of his part of the tour. That's gone. Well, yeah. Before he got to the West Coast. Before
Jordan (00:56:24.000)
that. There's some crime there. Right. There's got to be some crime involved.
Dan (00:56:29.000)
I believe that she filed some sort of a suit with the school but I don't know what ended up she absolutely should. Yeah, I can't imagine you can't sue. No, there's some sort of public slander. Oh, that's harassment. No, that's fucking nightmare. Least harassment. Yeah. But uh, wait, hold on. Then this article. I think there might
Jordan (00:56:48.000)
be. Baba Baba. Now the school owes her millions of dollars.
Dan (00:56:52.000)
That's just something about a book deal that Milo
Jordan (00:56:54.000)
has. Anyone can I hope he gets here though. It gets hit by a fucking truck.
Dan (00:56:58.000)
There's a book out called dangerous and Alex Jones went on a long tirade about how it was supposed to be called Dangerous faggot. But the media censors him. Because his tour Milo's tour that he's on, it's called the dangerous faggot tour. Okay, but that's again, just to push the buttons of the PC left. I don't give a fuck that you call it that? I don't. I don't think any most people I know who are on the left don't care.
Jordan (00:57:19.000)
I mean, if Yeah, if he's gonna be particularly if he's going to have all the things to be mad at him about that zero that zero on the list, right? Doesn't rank that zero. So fucking monster at his event in Seattle. I'm gonna be angry about that for months. Yeah.
Dan (00:57:37.000)
And this event in Seattle, a protester got shot by one of his fans got gutshot in a confrontation, and they liked least even if
Jordan (00:57:49.000)
you even if you even if you disagree with protesters shutting him down. You have to agree that him speaking is a safety hazard at best.
Dan (00:58:00.000)
Yeah, yeah, at this point. But he has argued that it's because of these radical leftist. He's a fucking prick. So. So that that happened in Seattle, and then his next date, I believe, I'm not sure if there were any in between. So I apologize for not having that full information. But he went to Berkeley. And then there were outright, essentially riots. Yeah, because there should be. But also it came out that one of the things that he planned to do at UC Berkeley was too much as he did with that trans student, he was going to out illegal immigrant students and make a target of them. So the idea that he's expressing free speech, and that's what's being shut down is really not all that accurate.
Jordan (00:58:44.000)
You know what it reminds me a lot of it reminded me of like, say, you wanted to commit some sort of Holocaust, right? You would choose like some sort of underrepresented group, perhaps a minority, and then you would out them in front of your fervent supporters. Yep. In order to incite violence against them,
Dan (00:59:06.000)
and it might be a good idea. If you were sort of, I don't know people the money players behind wanting to catalyze this. It'd be great if the figurehead was a really articulate member of another underprivileged. That would be smart because then it's really hard to attack him without looking homophobic.
Jordan (00:59:23.000)
Yeah, absolutely. It's it's a great way to go about it can Trojan horse some stuff? Awesome. If you could also pay him a lot of money to do it as well. Yeah. So So here's here's here's where that ends. Okay, he's now officially a Nazi done no further, there's no further conversation about it. He would that is the end of that sentence you would have a long talk with Milo is a Nazi. Here's what I would say in this long talk. Yeah, Milo up. Milo. Hi. Hello, darling. Hi, Milo. You're a Nazi.
Dan (00:59:53.000)
I can't even do an impression of him because it's just, you know, like in that first clip how Alex was saying nothing for five minutes. Yeah, Milo was really really good at that yeah, he can just spin sentences where there's no substance but it's like man your voice cadences intoxicated yeah
Jordan (01:00:07.000)
that like that's such a Nazi thing to do it kind of is he's a Nazi. Here's here's so so here's my here's here's the way that free speech argument goes once again all right first amendment Congress can't make a law outline you
Dan (01:00:24.000)
saying shit that's a really big part of the First Amendment Yeah
Jordan (01:00:26.000)
you can't go to jail for that. Yeah, no one has to fucking listen to you. Right and you're you're getting if you're getting paid, then people who are let's say paying the institution and that institution is paying this guy have a 100% right to be like, Hey, fuck you, you fucking Nazi Yes.
Dan (01:00:45.000)
Now I want to make one point that is mildly defending him but it's not in that is that the First Amendment in its spirit truly is to protect abhorrence speech. Yes, and I agree with your speech
Jordan (01:00:58.000)
that is abhorrent to the powers that be right especially
Dan (01:01:03.000)
both both, you know, things that are offensive to people and to the government that that is should be protected. And I fully agree that Milo should be able to say the things that he wants to say 100% agree, but he does not have the right to essentially harass people and and threaten them not like that girl, that trans girl, you
Jordan (01:01:24.000)
know, that is a crime. That is a crime and he should be arrested when he had more than what he
Dan (01:01:29.000)
intended to do in Berkeley was a threat. Yeah, these people and whether you're like, oh, they deserve the threat, they're here illegally. That's that's not that's not relevant. That is absolutely not relevant.
Jordan (01:01:40.000)
No. And at the end, he's a Nazi.
Dan (01:01:42.000)
There are also limits to free speech. As much as we want to say free speech. Hurray, there are limits. You can't threaten people you can't commit slander, these sorts of things are built into the First Amendment and what he's doing. Maybe it's not slanderous, because it's technically true. Some people are here illegally, but it is a threat.
Jordan (01:01:59.000)
It's an absolute threat, so is inciting violence, it may or may not be, he is protected. He is shouting fire in a crowded theater. Now we
Dan (01:02:07.000)
have to deal with the secondary aspect of it, which is the idea that these leftist well organized well funded protesters. Again, it's the Soros narrative, of course, are the ones who cause chaos and rioted. I've watched a bunch of videos of the beginning of what was going on there. And I'm not gonna say it's responsible for all of it. There's a lot of people agitating the protesters. There's a lot of people who are getting up in their face and trying to be violent there was you can only push people so far.
Jordan (01:02:40.000)
There is that video of the guy and he bronchi Yes, yeah. Now he was pulling into them Eddie bra Yeah, he was pulling this whole like I'm just an innocent guy there. He was getting up in people's faces and literally forcing them to
Dan (01:02:54.000)
react centimeter from their face. Yeah,
Jordan (01:02:57.000)
they protest. Yeah. Now again, Nazi here's here's my take on Nazis and the First Amendment and how we should handle this. It should not be illegal to espouse Nazi beliefs. Okay. It should also not be illegal to punch Nazis. Now, I agree that is at the very best you know, I understand why people would push back against that
Dan (01:03:24.000)
we got some more Milo to get through. Here's my compromise. Okay,
Jordan (01:03:27.000)
okay. Everybody gets one you get to punch a Nazi if you can prove they're a Nazi. You get to punch a Nazi one time
Dan (01:03:34.000)
so our listeners have field day on Milo now Yes, absolutely. We're not I'm not encouraging that.
Jordan (01:03:39.000)
I you know what? Hey, let me ask you a question. Yeah, in literally every movie you've ever seen where to not to get punched? Have you ever been like oh man I wish they protected that Nazi
Dan (01:03:50.000)
there was there I mean, there's that iconic scene in Indiana Jones where yeah, she's not that I want
Jordan (01:03:54.000)
to be like Indiana Jones not in his archaeology. He's very dangerous to artifacts and indigenous peoples in all aspects. He's probably bad he's white imperialism, but God dammit if the man doesn't punch a good Nazi Alright, let's
Dan (01:04:08.000)
get back to the alleged Nazi Milo
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.000)
themselves to you know to hold to basic principles you know health care, I will defend your right to say whatever. This shows that the left that they're most sinister and authoritarian and that's why my book as you as you say, Thanks for bringing it up. is the number one you know the the top of the Amazon bestseller list and interestingly, the three books at the top of the Amazon bestseller list this morning are The Handmaid's Tale 1984. And me and I think America is feeling about the ruling elite.
Dan (01:04:42.000)
I think he gets it backwards. He talks about how that's what people feel about the ruling elite. Maybe it's
Jordan (01:04:48.000)
about you, you fucking Nazi.
Alex Jones (01:04:51.000)
Absolutely. And now LePen is way ahead in the polls that we've got Italy saying no to EU expansion. This is a Amazing. I mean, I think we've reached a major tipping point. And no matter what George Soros, or Nancy Pelosi do, Milo, I don't see them reversing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:09.000)
Neither do I, I mean, this becomes a point beyond which into people through the media, and all the other various bits of the rigged system that were pointed in Hillary's fake favor in the last election. Just don't work against the colossal volume of people who are just sick of being lied to and lied about sick of having their lives ruined. ruled over by people who think that they know how we should speak in what we should read and what we should know how we should express ourselves, you know? Yeah, okay.
Dan (01:05:46.000)
I don't want to play the rest of this.
Jordan (01:05:47.000)
He's a fucking Nazi.
Dan (01:05:48.000)
I don't I don't really want to play the rest of this because it's a long interview. So fucking brutal. Yeah, it's
Jordan (01:05:53.000)
listening to this. Listen to this man talk is, is heartbreaking on so many levels.
Dan (01:05:59.000)
It's a thorough ass kissing from Alex, and they talk about a bunch of nonsense, but the one thing that I wanted to bring up, and maybe we can get to, because I think it's kind of early, and then we'll cut it, but like, I want to get to a part where he talks about people's get to it. Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.000)
People are tired of this. Now. They're tired of policies that benefit global elites and don't benefit regular people. And they're voting accordingly. And, you know, all of the rigging and vote.
Jordan (01:06:28.000)
Nevermind, they're tired of it, and they're voting. Not accordingly. They're voting the complete opposite direction. Yeah, I agree that George Soros and Nancy Pelosi aren't going to do shit for us. The main problem is that apparently we're not doing shit for us either.
Dan (01:06:44.000)
We're doing a good podcast.
Jordan (01:06:45.000)
We're trying Hey, everyone, spread the word Least amount. Help us out. Spread the word. fight and fight. I
Dan (01:06:52.000)
know you're out there listening. We can see the numbers were growing. Help us out each one teach one
Jordan (01:06:57.000)
knowledge, knowledge fight for the truth.
Dan (01:07:00.000)
Let's go the opposite direction. Keep your mouth shut about our show.
Jordan (01:07:05.000)
Yeah, we don't want to get fucking found out.
Dan (01:07:08.000)
Keep us under the fucking. At this point. We
Jordan (01:07:10.000)
are saying some openly seditious things to our coming world governments. Fucking authoritarian Nazis. So
Dan (01:07:19.000)
there's a point where Milo talks about how he saw Robert Reich on CNN. And he was suggesting that it was possible that right wing forces were responsible for the rioting at Berkeley. And Milo says that this is an absolute bullshit. It's one of the most sickening crazy conspiracy theories he's ever heard. And then in the same breath is like well, these protesters are paid by George Soros. Yeah.
Jordan (01:07:50.000)
The most sickening thing I've ever heard as well, but the all of this absolutely sickening, but the opposite is true. No. And if they were well organized in paid, wouldn't they be better at being non violence? Yeah, probably. Wouldn't that be what you would really want to organize around?
Dan (01:08:08.000)
No, because he he doesn't he doesn't give a shit. Now,
Jordan (01:08:12.000)
here's here's the here's the thing about that. I do agree with Robert Reich. Or no, I don't agree with Robert right. I don't entirely I don't think I don't think it's the right wing. I think it's that fucking everybody is losing their shit right now. Because nobody has any fucking clue what's going on both sides. Exactly. The right wing doesn't understand what's happening right now. They're starting to get this like inkling of, oh, maybe we're getting fucked. And that is driving them insane. And there's no stability in our government. And so that's going crazy.
Dan (01:08:43.000)
I think crazy people are emboldened. Yeah, both sides.
Jordan (01:08:45.000)
Exactly. The left the left, we're aware that we're getting fucked. And apparently we have zero power. So there's all of these powerless people. Yeah. surrounded in surrounding each other in one small place. Yeah, you're gonna get violent conflict. Because you only punch the people. You see, instead of the actual people, everybody's mad and come back over and over, which are the global elites. We're all mad at them. Yeah, everybody does. They're the ones who fucked us over to the point where these idiots voted for somebody to fuck us over more.
Dan (01:09:17.000)
We just have a debate unnecessarily, really about who they are. Like we think it's, you know, it's a it's a broad group. It's very, it's very some of its connected. Some of its disconnected. It's complicated. They think it's good globalists, which is paid for juice, right.
Jordan (01:09:32.000)
I mean, I think it's pretty obvious that once all of the corporations no longer have any ties to any country, then now it's not about any country. Yeah. So they're trying to screw over anybody everywhere, because that's where they can get their money. Yeah, so they're just capitalist self perpetuating war machines that are gonna eventually eat each other alive, but they just can't. They don't understand that because they can't it's, it's in their very nature. sure to eat and eat themselves
Dan (01:10:01.000)
alive. And that's one of the great reasons why this whole nationalism streak is going to be dangerous. super dangerous because eventually you're going to have to come up against each other Yeah, if everyone is America first Germany first all this there will be no room for compromise.
Jordan (01:10:17.000)
It's really crazy how every time there's a giant nationalism outbreak, everybody fucking goes to war.
Dan (01:10:22.000)
It seems like it's a pattern. Yeah, but I want to make a few more points about Milo before we move on to some crazy bullshit from Alex afterwards. Great we got a little bit more. So he was he claims that he was kicked off Twitter because he made a fat fat joke about Leslie Jones Show absolutely not true. Nope. That was very very not true.
Jordan (01:10:41.000)
Could be because he's a racist Nazi.
Dan (01:10:43.000)
That's a big part of it. Also, tweeting fake tweets that were allegedly you know, they were created with like, you know how you can just make a fake tweet with someone make it look like yeah, he tweeted a bunch of like racist things than faked it as if they were coming from her sick to a bunch of really crazy people who were making death threats. Why ended up hacking her leaking nude pictures of her and shit like that? It's that's why you get kicked off Twitter. He's as fucking why were instrumental in a Daxing what what happened?
Jordan (01:11:11.000)
What What could possibly was just a Fat Joe, what could possibly be your? What? How can anybody be this much of a monster? I don't know. Like, I I look, I can't walk down the street and suddenly find myself walking behind a woman at a very similar pace without me going through this. Wait, does she think I'm a murderer? Yeah. Am I a murderer? I'm not a murderer. I don't think I'm a murderer. I have an existential meltdown. Just because I'm terrified of walking 10 feet behind a girl at the right speed. I have to run to get ahead of her. That's because I make sure that I'm not confusing myself with
Dan (01:11:51.000)
because we're pushing lib. tard cuck Yeah, but that's why we're never gonna make it. Oh,
Jordan (01:11:56.000)
let's all do that.
Dan (01:11:57.000)
Sure. Maybe be better if everyone is a little bit more squeamish than they were.
Jordan (01:12:02.000)
Let's all stop for a second. And just think, Wait, am I doing what a murderer would do?
Dan (01:12:08.000)
Maybe Maybe it would be helpful if we thought that way. But here, here's what's gonna let's
Jordan (01:12:13.000)
say, am I a Nazi?
Dan (01:12:14.000)
Here's the other good news about being Nazis. Guys. Here's the other good piece of news about Milo. He's a horrendous pussy. So that's not
Jordan (01:12:22.000)
a good piece of news. Yes, I find that I find that very like find that even more even more frustrating. Well, because if you're going to be a Nazi, at least don't then play the victim. Every fucking time. Oh, I got punched. Nazi.
Dan (01:12:40.000)
So you're but let me tell you the story of why is opposing. So around when he got kicked off Twitter. He was making the rounds in the media. And he was all full of steam that he was going to lead a gay pride march through Stockholm's Muslim neighborhood, because he's like, they hate doc home. Yeah, Sweden. Well, one of his big things is that like there's all this immigrant crime that's going on and Sweden has become a home of rape gangs and which there isn't healing houses and stuff like that. It's underreported.
Jordan (01:13:11.000)
None of none of these things have happened.
Dan (01:13:13.000)
You're just not paying attention. I am so he was going to lead. I'm paying attention real hard. He made a big fucking deal out of this. He was even on Rogan's podcast and announced he was going to do this Gay Pride March. Right and that guy, he fucking canceled. After a briefing by our security team and a review of the situation in Sweden Breitbart News has canceled Milo's appearance at the pride Java parade on Wednesday, July 27. Despite Milo's request to honor his commitment, we are not confident that we can ensure his safety. That is bowl shirt.
Jordan (01:13:46.000)
I mean, if I were at a pride parade, and Milo was there, I don't think it would be safe. Well, not not from any roving bands of Muslim gangs. I'll tell you that just from just from anti Nazi people. Yeah, I'm gonna try and say Nazi on this podcast as many times as it was said in Inglorious Basterds, I did a bunch
Dan (01:14:06.000)
already. i
Jordan (01:14:08.000)
There's no other word for it. So that's, I want to I want to use other pejoratives Yeah, but unfortunately, the only one I can think of that's worse than Nazi Yeah. Is double Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi. Like the pizza pizza. Yeah, that was the pizza pizza guy. Yeah, so he made little caesars sponsor us.
Dan (01:14:26.000)
He made a big deal about how brave he was and how we didn't care and he was ready to die at this parade. And I think he realized I might get fucked up with this parade. Yeah, and then he's like, I can't show ass here. I can't I can't handle it for him.
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
That's that's a pussy move. Right there it is. So anyway, Alex actually puts these are much stronger than that. Yeah, Cagle muscle. Yeah. So that's a Nazi move. Alex finishes
Dan (01:14:50.000)
up his interview with him and they talked about how they do have plans on the streets. Alex is going to join him when he goes back to Berkeley for a free speech thing. Oh boy. It can't wait for that to not happen.
Jordan (01:15:01.000)
Yeah, no kidding. But Breitbart is gonna cancel the fuck out of that
Dan (01:15:05.000)
Alex then gets back up to his old tricks and make some vague fucking angry death threats. Yay. What
Alex Jones (01:15:13.000)
real leadership is is building new systems, founding new cities, launching new ships, launching new personalities, launching new movements. That's what I care about. I sincerely want to turn the tide so bad against globalism, that I have to get people to restrain themselves not to turn into authoritarians to route out the globalist those that are committed crimes must be prosecuted, but I don't want to become them. When we're, you know, basically cleaning them up. I want to do it very judiciously, by the book by common law by the Constitution, and I'm not gonna take pleasure in it. And summer obviously will have to be executed she your devil worshippers, you're gonna have to die. Now, you've been killing kids. I mean, finding a bunch of dead bodies, you know, you're gonna get a jury trial and you're gonna succeed. I can be on death row for 20 years. programy dead about a year. So just get ready. We're gonna kill you. So just be prepared. And I don't say that that tough. It's just I need to be honest with people what we're dealing with here. You kill kids. We're coming for you. And I know you've been doing it. I mean, yeah. And God, here's the here's the screams. And you know what? God is ascending vengeance, so just get ready. And by the way, I'm not the one that's gonna deliver the friendships. I'm just, why not?
Jordan (01:16:26.000)
Dan (01:16:28.000)
Also how fucking scary is that laugh? Yeah, okay, I'm not gonna be the one who kills you.
Jordan (01:16:35.000)
Says human laugh.
Dan (01:16:37.000)
Hold on, here's where it gets to his role in the whole thing.
Alex Jones (01:16:39.000)
I'm the war drum. I'm just sorry. I'm only up here. banging the drum and you see the Army's in the fires at night as the camps build. And as people shift gears what, in reality,
Dan (01:16:56.000)
they're shifting gears into reality and the war is coming against these. pedophile if you kill kids,
Jordan (01:17:02.000)
I agree. I totally
Dan (01:17:04.000)
agree. Yeah, it's an if then statement. We all get on board. We're all there. If you're killing. You should
Jordan (01:17:10.000)
die. I feel like most of the people he wants to die though have killed zero kids. Well, Hillary
Dan (01:17:15.000)
Clinton's personally killed and raped many kids.
Jordan (01:17:18.000)
I mean, not with her own body. So after
Dan (01:17:21.000)
this after this threats of death and what have you, he gets into a sentence. I don't know.
Jordan (01:17:28.000)
So I don't think you should be able to murder devil worshipers? No. I feel like that's one like Yeah. We love so much you kill kids. Bad. I'm gonna even I'm gonna agree with Alex on that. If you're a devil worshiper, I don't know. devil worshipers seem pretty cool. Yeah, I know a couple Satanists. So far. They've done nothing but good in the world, which is very
Dan (01:17:50.000)
secret Satanists. They're the ones who have piles of dead kids in their basement. Okay, well, I mean Yeah, well, again the secret satanist may or may not exist if in your devil worshipping
Jordan (01:18:00.000)
you kill kids. Bad bad. We're all on board. Yes.
Dan (01:18:04.000)
If you are you know what, you know, it's the through line that makes it necessary to be bad the killing kids part. I feel like that's the that's the part that you and I get hung up on just being Satanists. Fine. Fine, young kids and being a vegan. Yeah. Oh bad killing kids and being anything bad bad so anyway, here's where Alex Jones accidentally I don't think he meant to say the sentence ends up
Jordan (01:18:29.000)
accidentally worry how many sentences he does and does not mean to say he accidentally
Dan (01:18:33.000)
says something that is quite literally blasphemous. So right after talking about how God hears the screams of these children, right, God isn't sending vengeance. Now here comes some literal blasphemy.
Alex Jones (01:18:45.000)
Those of you that have spliced humans with animals and engage in incredible abominations Chimera must be made examples of show that others fear ever doing what you've done I'll put it this way if you don't fear God, we're gonna make you fear man that's how God works.
Jordan (01:19:05.000)
No no, no, that's not how God works.
Dan (01:19:10.000)
I looked through the Bible as best I could to try and find any indication that Gods like hey, if I if they don't care about me, you guys take it Yeah, I
Jordan (01:19:18.000)
don't think I'm pretty sure it's Jesus take the wheel not Jesus. I'm still drunk but Let's fucking do this
Dan (01:19:25.000)
also quite literally, the reverse is in the Bible part line. He's literally going 100 I mean, we can take all the wacky energy stuff that he says and that sort of bizarre religious bent he has that is very much not Christianity. Oh, you can take that aside and he just got
Jordan (01:19:44.000)
like a hodgepodge of Zoroastrianism and, like in crystals like this dude, is this dude's all over the place religion wise.
Dan (01:19:53.000)
Well, he expresses some of his religious stuff a little bit towards the end of these clips that we have. But here he He says something racist. It's not racist. It's ish. Let's find out. It's race ish.
Alex Jones (01:20:08.000)
and in Europe now and they're trying to bankrupt Trump's plan to reboot the West and the Renaissance, and then empower the Third World and make deals everywhere. You can't have a one sided deal that helps third world because it doesn't even help them. It helps the globalist use the one sided deal to play monopoly in the west and consolidate control. We've been part of an economic war folks, not an economy. Yeah. We've been paying for it. It's been at our expense to build the World Government for the New World Order. And Steven Bannon writes white papers explaining that that's why they weren't banned and out of there. They're horrified of ban him. He gets the whole thing. Banned and used to be a big liberal, big union guy, but he really wanted to help people. That's what they're doing right now trying to get loans to small businesses. People ought to be kissing the feet of Trump. If you're a black American, you ought to be kissing his feet, if you're a white American should be kissing his feet. Because let me tell you something. These people are really committed this wonderful look on his face right there. That's a guy on a suicide mission. He looks satisfied. He looks focused. He knows. He knows the show.
Jordan (01:21:13.000)
100% agreed.
Dan (01:21:14.000)
But also he flashes up a picture of bandit and he looks like three quarters drunk.
Jordan (01:21:19.000)
Every picture of ban and looks like he's, it looks like he's slowly turning into Jabba the Hutt.
Dan (01:21:25.000)
He's got the bucolic nose that comes from drinking too much gin and then
Jordan (01:21:28.000)
and then Trump is Trump is a Salacious Crumb sitting on his shoulder
Dan (01:21:33.000)
cackling but also that like, when he's like, black people should kiss Trump's feet. Yeah,
Jordan (01:21:41.000)
I think there he quickly went to he'd better make sure white people are in there, too. He knew Oh, fuck, what did I just say? Yeah, I think that's probably a bad thing to say. And that's why I sort of was ambivalent
Dan (01:21:51.000)
about the race ish when I was introducing the book because because we, strictly speaking not racist, but I do believe in his mind. He wasn't intending to say the second half of that sentence. Yeah,
Jordan (01:22:01.000)
no, of course not.
Dan (01:22:02.000)
I think he was caught myself.
Jordan (01:22:05.000)
Because he thinks that Yeah, I mean, clearly because black people tend to vote Democrat. Yeah, in large margins, because the Republicans are, as we've seen before giant fucking racists Yeah, like there's no other there's no way around it at this point. If you support GOP now, you're a racist. That's the way it is. We're done. And we're getting close to if you support them, you're all a Nazi to now, I would say, I would say we're at 6040 non Nazis in the GOP now.
Dan (01:22:39.000)
It's not even Nazi. It's like you're supporting taking us back to some of the darkest parts of American history.
Jordan (01:22:45.000)
Yeah, well, like some of the darkest parts of fucking European history.
Dan (01:22:49.000)
Yeah, his his guy who's gonna put over the FDA doesn't think that drugs should have to be proved that they work before they sell them.
Jordan (01:22:56.000)
They just put a bill in to dismantle the EPA. Cool. No, that's great. I love I love not having the earth fan of the earth. They've
Dan (01:23:06.000)
already here made indications that they want to sell off public land, which eventually will lead to getting rid of national parks. Yep. Like we're just we're going to go back to such dark time.
Jordan (01:23:18.000)
Um, yeah, I would say we're, I mean, yeah, what are we talking like? 1890s Whenever children were forced to work in factories,
Dan (01:23:25.000)
that was that was a nice tweet I saw someone post is like, hey, you know, DevOps is turning Betsy day was getting in is going to be really bad for schools, but it's not going to matter. Because there'll be in the minds pretty Yeah, no kidding. Like, well, that's kinda I hope I can duration but it doesn't feel off.
Jordan (01:23:43.000)
I can't believe we're
Dan (01:23:47.000)
that's how we're that's how we're gonna deal
Jordan (01:23:48.000)
with every every morning I wake up and I open Twitter and I just go Oh, like that. This is 70 retweets this snowed retweets. Patty, this is fucking I, what, what? How is it? How is it that half of our country doesn't vote? A plurality of our country that did vote voted for Hillary Clinton. Yet somehow we're in the darkest timeline. Like we're in the darkest timeline, right? It couldn't possibly be worse than where we are right now.
Dan (01:24:25.000)
I think it might have something to do with some of the philosophies that were espoused in that interview with Alexander Dugan.
Jordan (01:24:30.000)
I think it might have something to do with everybody being fucking insane now Yeah,
Dan (01:24:35.000)
so hey, you know what, if you had an enemy in life, how would you describe that person? Like what would you say like about like your mortal enemy? What would you say about him?
Jordan (01:24:44.000)
British Gay, Transgender youths. Nazi. Well, and also the guy wearing a white hat from Raiders of the Lost Ark. I'm not saying that says
Dan (01:25:00.000)
Pacific Pacific. If you were like, Hey, you are blank, like you're gonna insult them. What were you gonna say Nazi? Okay, Alex has some different words about George Soros great.
Jordan (01:25:10.000)
I hope they're definitely anti semitic.
Dan (01:25:13.000)
They're not they might be the mildest words I've ever heard. Okay, good.
Alex Jones (01:25:17.000)
And it makes me so angry. They're trying to implode the economy right now. To stop Trump and admitting or doing I mean, it's like at a certain point, Blumberg and Soros and these globalists and the Rockefellers and all the rest of them just need the stock of fellas. Trump's gonna let you keep all your stolen wealth we're just stop trying to make us poor man. You're super uncool. Super uncool. People like that. I'm very long shelf life my humble opinion.
Jordan (01:25:49.000)
He went on at seven
Alex Jones (01:25:52.000)
there's an equal and opposite reaction. We're getting sick and you thinking you're above the law. He
Jordan (01:25:57.000)
went on a seven minute tirade about the sickening. Nothing that sickens him so 21, but George Soros, you're just ah, you're so uncool. Super. And you are not cool, man. That is a dick move, bro. I can't believe you do. So like that. He believes
Dan (01:26:17.000)
or at least claims to believe that George Soros is a literal Nazi collaborator. He has tried to crash our economy and the economies of other countries. And he's like, Hey, man, look, you can keep your money. You just stop being uncool. What that has to mean he doesn't believe
Jordan (01:26:33.000)
it. No. I mean, well, I It could just be that he ran out of adjectives. You know, when you're when you're writing a really long piece, and you start, you know, you start looking at all the words you used. And you realize, oh, I said, I said, shit, or sick of which we've heard in every single clip. Yeah, every single clip we played the night somebody has been sick of something. Well,
Dan (01:26:58.000)
Alex has momentum with words. He's sick of a lot on this episode. Milo was sick of things for two days after he was on Rogan. He kept calling everything powerful. Because Because it talks about it.
Jordan (01:27:11.000)
He's such a malleable little stooge, isn't it? Well, I
Dan (01:27:14.000)
mean, he talks about y2k. It's related to that. He's, he's, you know, I, he said, I talked myself into believing Yeah, and once
Jordan (01:27:23.000)
I once I believed what I talked myself into believing, oh, I believe the shit out so I wonder
Dan (01:27:27.000)
if 15 years from now he'll look back on this and be like, that's the only other thing that I regret. You know, Trump, I didn't believe it. I'm not saying I didn't have integrity, but you are
Jordan (01:27:38.000)
being wildly optimistic suggesting any of us will be here in 15 years.
Dan (01:27:42.000)
Yeah, I think we'll have a crash and then we'll be coming back by then. I don't
Jordan (01:27:46.000)
know man. I just I just don't know. It's like I said we're in the darkest timeline. Yeah, like if it could be 50 it could be it could be the Oh, and believe me
Dan (01:27:58.000)
I don't think any of us are gonna make it you me Alex?
Jordan (01:28:02.000)
I don't think no, no, absolutely not. Someone's
Dan (01:28:04.000)
gonna take Alex out and you and I are just gonna die because we haven't because we don't have Alex we have no resources we don't have Bitcoin we don't have gold
Jordan (01:28:13.000)
No no, I'm I'm thinking let's move to South America you and I okay, we can do this podcast in occupied Rio we definitely could do this podcast anywhere but let's start a Kickstarter to move us that'd be
Dan (01:28:33.000)
that'd be first of all. Serving as hell help
Jordan (01:28:36.000)
us escape.
Dan (01:28:37.000)
I would be so good to that
Jordan (01:28:38.000)
you guys stay behind you know you need us more than
Dan (01:28:42.000)
if enough people tweet at me I will start that Kickstarter as
Jordan (01:28:47.000)
you are really hammering home that you want attention on Twitter and I really do
Dan (01:28:51.000)
we've gotten a number of tweets but we need we need more we need the show to spread. We need it spread like wildfire we're doing great but we needed to do better. I'm not going to sell you survival gear or fake pills. But it would be great if you could get people into us. Retweet we need a wider audience right don't fucking laugh
Jordan (01:29:10.000)
I'm sorry I'm just not used to being this bald faced in in least I'm being upfront about you are you are you can follow us on At knowledge not knowledge underscore fight I'm just what look if you're gonna ask people to retweet us you're gonna have to give us you know you're gonna have to give people an immediate fair and you know, knowledge underscore fight retweet Dan to make sure that he doesn't have a stroke of sad loneliness today
Dan (01:29:36.000)
and knowledge fight on iTunes. Please subscribe and give us some ratings. Give us a review whenever. Hey, yeah, don't snitch.
Jordan (01:29:47.000)
If you're okay, tell people about us. But don't tell people what he's crazy to
Dan (01:29:51.000)
people. But don't you dare fucking tweet at me with Alex's handle? Don't you fucking someone? Oh, no,
Jordan (01:29:57.000)
no, no, it scared the shit out opens us up to just wild intense.
Dan (01:30:04.000)
I don't want to deal. I would love it if I was listening one day and he started talking about this.
Jordan (01:30:09.000)
Man, I think we would shoot ourselves, right? Yeah, we would do an emergency episode and the entire episode would just be hit the clip of him talking about us it was just dancing with our bellies and our pot bellies that are singing our Tom Bombadil saw shave my
Dan (01:30:23.000)
beard so I just have a mustache. Hello. Alright, so we got one more clip. And this is also another thing that I think is I would say, bordering on a psychotic break. Okay, but it also starts I believe with more weird theories about football.
Jordan (01:30:38.000)
Here's one one quick. Let's let's go with one quick prediction corner right here. Okay.
Dan (01:30:43.000)
This is the Eddie Bravo Memorial.
Jordan (01:30:48.000)
No, but tell me about aliens. Dude. I want to know That's Joe. Oh, that's Joe. Right. Eddie Bravo wants to know about chemtrails. Yes. Yay. Okay. So, so far in the time that we've started this, it seems like Alex has gone crazy or even by his own standards. Yeah. Right. Yeah. How crazy. Like, do you think he's gonna pull it back? Or do you think he's gonna lose his shirt? In this clip? No, no, I mean, in the on in our future episode. Oh, no,
Dan (01:31:15.000)
he's gonna lose it.
Jordan (01:31:17.000)
He's got a spiral. He has to keep spiraling into crazy, right, right. When he pulls back, even for a second, the whole thing crumbles
Dan (01:31:24.000)
on the show that he did over the weekend. He had Roger Stone on and they were and by the way, I want to make this clear. I will never play a clip with Roger Stone in it, because he's evil. No, I just think that he is a sort of a spinning spider, as they say, you know, like, he's whatever he says is bullshit. And I don't like Peter Capaldi in the thick of it. Sure. I don't I don't care to give him any. I don't want his voice on my show. Let's say that. But he and Alex were talking a button for us. He's bad. Yeah, I and we played a little bit of Milo notice. Quickly. We had to, we had
Jordan (01:31:57.000)
to bail on Milo Yeah. You had a 10 minute clips, like served. I could not make it through without crying. And
Dan (01:32:04.000)
it was mutual. Yeah. But he was on and they were talking about how there were leaks coming out of the Trump White House. And basically what they were saying is there's the ban ends of the world, and you know, General Flynn's and they are the Trump people. Gotcha. Then you got people like the inner Sally Ann Conway and Reince Priebus were trying to sink the ship. So 20, less than 20 days in, they've already decided that internally, there are enemies. So like, they can't even blame the liberal media shit isn't really working. You can't really destroy the media necessary, right? So now it's like, oh, fuck, the enemies are in our own
Jordan (01:32:45.000)
enemies. Yeah, they have to eat themselves alive. Right? And that
Dan (01:32:49.000)
is that the, you know, the next stage of crazy. And then once that happens, start not trusting yourself.
Jordan (01:32:55.000)
Well, it's it is kind of that that situation where your your entire thing is built on distrust? You know, the more the more you the more you desire, purity of belief, the more you start tearing people away to get out, get you know, you show. Yeah, you show even the slightest bit of disloyalty to Scientology, and you are a submissive person or a repressive person. Yeah. And you're fucking kicked out. It has to be that way for any purity based religion or ideology or whatever.
Dan (01:33:31.000)
And it's the same thing with religions. Like you can't hang out with sinners. Yeah. When would Jesus would want you to do is hang out with him be cool. So
Jordan (01:33:39.000)
what we're saying is just about all religions betray their own beliefs by their existence. So I'm what?
Dan (01:33:45.000)
So anyway, this clip, I believe, if I'm not mistaken, starts with some wacky shit about football and then leads into more proof that Alex is not a Christian based on what we
Jordan (01:33:58.000)
understand. We're getting into the Lian wackadoo segue well, it becomes
Dan (01:34:02.000)
a thing where, you know, the beliefs that he started espousing on Rogan, the sort of out there 12 to multiple
Jordan (01:34:11.000)
multi-dimensional. Yeah, some
Dan (01:34:13.000)
of that stuff has. I'm not saying he's never talked about it on his own show, but it's bleeding. Yeah, it's bleeding through. Okay. So anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (01:34:21.000)
I knew Trump was a fan of the Patriots, but I didn't carry the way. And I don't even get into that today how they're saying it's white supremacism, because there's a few white, there's a few more white players is like the team's like more than half black.
Dan (01:34:34.000)
He did get into it earlier. Forgotten what he talked about,
Jordan (01:34:38.000)
can we just let that one go? Well, let's all let's all just be like, hey, the Patriots won the Super Bowl, and that has no bearing on white supremacy at all. Let's just leave this one alone. But
Dan (01:34:48.000)
he's reacting to something dishonestly what people were talking about was Richard Spencer, who is a white supremacist Nazi. He tweeted a bunch of stuff about how A
Jordan (01:35:00.000)
plenty of white players. Yeah, again, no, let's leave it but let's just let that one go. Sure. But the media has so many other reasons to punch Richard Spencer, but the
Dan (01:35:09.000)
media and Twitter were responding to Richard Spencer being fucking racist as shit. No one was really saying, Hey, this is racist because they have a white quarterback.
Jordan (01:35:19.000)
Yeah, no, nobody was. But again, let's all just be like, Hey, we got Betsy DeVos is the education secretary who gives a fuck what football team won fucking anything?
Dan (01:35:31.000)
Sure, sure it's a petty squabble.
Jordan (01:35:32.000)
It is a petty squabble meant to distract us much from Hispanic
Alex Jones (01:35:36.000)
players and some white players and like black guys making most of the touchdowns. We have a good quarterback. Good, good receiver. That's white guys and black guys working together. It's humans working together in the media said, Man, that's racist. I mean, the articles are on How do you take that turned into something racist, but that's what they're doing.
Dan (01:35:56.000)
It's not what they're doing.
Alex Jones (01:36:00.000)
To handicap everybody. So this country is a bunch of basket cases. But frankly, I can't even believe at this point.
Jordan (01:36:09.000)
You shouldn't. It's not true. Because when you're informed,
Alex Jones (01:36:12.000)
this stuff is so obvious. It's like I've have eyesight, and the general public that isn't awake is blind. And so I'm awake on this plane of existence. I have eyesight, I have touch. I have smell, I have mobility. And I'm in this plane. And I see the majority of people are like blind or they're halfway blind. Or, you know, they're they're trying to wake them up. You know, you have sight. You don't just take the goggles off. You can't wake somebody up to hear somebody next to me who's got eyesight. Oh, hey, you can see why don't you help them? They go, I'm gonna eat these people. I'm gonna have sight stop trying to give them sight. I'm like, I'm not giving them sight. They've got blinders on. I want to take them off. I I got kids, I want them to be friends with their kids just feed on them. They don't want your help. Watch this. I'll just I'll just take one's goggles off and say you're a bad guy. He's a bad guy. Then the guy attacks me. See, I told you, you don't want to give them shake their profane.
Dan (01:37:10.000)
So this this is a paranoid fantasy mixed with Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
Jordan (01:37:16.000)
I think this makes zero sense at all.
Dan (01:37:22.000)
You don't think it's just sort of a bizarre sort of psychotic version of The Allegory of the Cave philosophy one on one ship?
Jordan (01:37:30.000)
Yeah, but also it doesn't make any sense. Oh, of course not. It's fucking insane Of course it is. It is what what what wait demons you can't one people one you can't wake somebody up out of blindness. That's not how blindness works.
Dan (01:37:44.000)
Nope. What I think it did an episode a house. Oh, that could be true. But it was also just about everything wound up happening in house in house is basically where episode of House in order to save his patient house. We'll have to kill her. That was a real
Jordan (01:38:00.000)
promo. Yeah, well, of course,
Dan (01:38:02.000)
it was a great episode.
Jordan (01:38:05.000)
I love House House is basically where Alex gets all of his ideas about what the globalists are doing
Dan (01:38:11.000)
great sources. Yeah, guy named Greg. Gregory House, he's
Jordan (01:38:15.000)
a doctor. You can trust doctors and veterinarians does
Dan (01:38:19.000)
not trust doctors. Of course not. But anyway. So yeah, that vaccines
Jordan (01:38:24.000)
give you autism, that whole thing for fucksakes.
Dan (01:38:28.000)
That was well, I don't know if we're ever going to deal with it. But on Tuesday's show, he starts out the show eulogizing his grandmother who's 94, who just passed away and it's like, it's, it's sweet. It's nice. You know, like, it's those human moments that he has, yeah, he's a human being to then it's kind of like, Oh, I feel bad shitting on him all the time. These are he's a man. He's he's having a tough time. But then within a minute of starting the show, talking about his grandma, he talks about her getting a vaccine and how that was a soft kill on her. And she lived through like, all these years after getting this vaccine, this polio vaccine, like, did she get polio? I don't think so. But he used this whole like, this is grandma's death, in order to sort of espouse
Jordan (01:39:14.000)
anti vaccination beliefs. Yeah. So all right, well, then fuck him. I do not feel human feelings for him at
Dan (01:39:20.000)
all. It takes that humanity right away. Yeah,
Jordan (01:39:22.000)
he always rips the humanity out of himself. I got kids, and I'm gonna kill people.
Dan (01:39:29.000)
Well, it was like that clip where he does. He talks about his daughter loving his Cookie Monster impression, and he's like, I was talking about nuclear war. Right, come
Jordan (01:39:37.000)
on. My daughter loves my cookie monster.
Jordan (01:39:40.000)
So in a world, everyone's gonna get killed by
Jordan (01:39:43.000)
the globalists,
Dan (01:39:44.000)
this allegory of the cave rip off was pretty insane. You're right, but it's gonna get a little bit more insane.
Alex Jones (01:39:53.000)
They don't deserve the site. You will be given a site why you didn't give me this God did. Okay. And I tell it is metaphysical because in my life, there's a lot of things that happen. I'll never tell anybody about.
Jordan (01:40:09.000)
Is he gonna tell us about them?
Alex Jones (01:40:11.000)
But I will just tell you, there's a lot going on this universe, it's not these books, and the elite know all the stuff. They know it. And they don't want you to know. I mean, you're like a composite of all.
Jordan (01:40:24.000)
What was he talking about there? The elites know the stuff that's not in the books, like the religious books like the Bible and whatnot. What? Wait, wait, wait,
Dan (01:40:35.000)
I don't know why you're confused. Wait, what are you talking about? The elites
Jordan (01:40:37.000)
know, stuff that so he's ostensibly espousing Christian beliefs? Somewhat? Yeah. And there's a lot of stuff in those in the Bible that they don't tell you about? Well, I
Dan (01:40:51.000)
mean, if you want to just like take a really simplistic version, I don't think this is what he's saying. But if you read like the Gnostic Gospels, and like the
Jordan (01:40:59.000)
ones where Jesus fought dragons, not all of them, not all of them, but some good ones. If you read
Dan (01:41:03.000)
like those extra biblical texts, there are a bunch of books that aren't in the Bible that say some pretty wild stuff, like
Jordan (01:41:10.000)
the ones where Mary isn't a virgin and women are allowed to be people.
Dan (01:41:14.000)
Sure, or even like in the Book of Enoch, Enoch goes up to heaven with God and he never dies. And he's like, there's a bunch of stuff
Jordan (01:41:22.000)
in other. Also, Elijah does the same thing. Yeah, they're the
Dan (01:41:26.000)
two people who have never died. Yeah. But they're like, that's a simple version of it. I don't think that's what he's talking about. Okay. But yeah, that's what he said.
Jordan (01:41:36.000)
He's saying that somehow the elites know more about the metaphysical beliefs of
Dan (01:41:43.000)
and he's had some shit happened in his life that he's not going to talk about because it's too heavy. Yeah, but
Jordan (01:41:47.000)
he's about to tell us about all that shit,
Dan (01:41:49.000)
right? He's not but he's gonna do that. No, but he's about to say some weird shit that like some of it I agree with. Okay, some of it. I don't and we'll have to parse it as after he's done, but he should believe none of it. Because it's it's kind of trippy. He's
Jordan (01:42:07.000)
such a such a complete contradictory nonsense, man. It is endlessly fascinating. This is I swear when we started this, I thought we were gonna get I thought we were gonna run out because they would just seem crazy. Every time we listened to him. There's a new facet of insanity. There's there's a new conspiracy. I'm secretly in love with him. It's not a secret, but I want to I want to like I want to love him. Uh huh. And then like, maybe one night while we're asleep in bed together. I strangle him while wearing a globalist like in the movie, The Purge. The only way that I would strangle him is if crime were illegal for 12 hours, which might be super super soon. So And right now, kind of for it, I'm kind of for it. So again, if we're gonna go crazy, might as well just fucking go all in
Dan (01:42:58.000)
my theory is that Alex went on Rogan's show and probably got some positive feedback about some of the trippy shit. He was saying, all right, and he realizes, Oh, I can cater to the sort of shroom heads out there. And like some of the what he has already called trendies
Jordan (01:43:18.000)
and diversify his audience because he knows that the other audience is sticking with them. Yeah, you're thick and thin. Yeah, at this point. They're committed. Yeah, they're in Yeah. If you want to go to trippy shit, yeah, all that Christian nonsense, fine. Let's bail on it. And let's go to 12 Fucking dimensions.
Dan (01:43:34.000)
Again, I have to say that some of this stuff's some of the stuff he's gonna say. Amen to Okay, and some of it.
Jordan (01:43:42.000)
I'm not all right, let's all of it listeners at home not being intuitive listeners at home. Guests play along and guess what you keep notes. Okay, okay.
Alex Jones (01:43:54.000)
These people before you in this human journey, and their genetics, and it's been proven you have their instincts and many of their memories, and you can access all of that and the enemy knows that. I had an article I want to get through today and I didn't get to how they've confirmed that trees have fungus networks and that trees communicate with trees, hundreds of miles away through underground Internet of Things. And of course they show you that the movie Avatar because this was done 50 years ago. But there is a there's an Internet of Things between people. And the globalists are trying to build an artificial system over all of that. That's the BBC reporting that. What about ancestral memories? You know, you seem like a Vulcan mind meld. What you think stuff like that comes from? You imagine being a child and having the knowledge of an old man put a name that they call that the occult, know the people that want to keep all that hit That's the occult, all this stuff should be known. And the media makes jokes about this man talking about it. But you know what they all are trying to find out about it. Well, guess what I know all about it. And I'm certainly not gonna sit here and play games with people who are trying to suppress humanity. I want to empower humanity. I got a loaded phones here, but I'm sorry, I'm out of time. No pressure on David, if he wants to flush him, I understand that the Greg people, he's got a lot to cover. And
Dan (01:45:25.000)
so also, I want to say this before we get to your predictions, which I'm very excited to get your guesses. At about the one hour six minute mark of the show, he announces the lines are opened, he's gonna start taking calls. I'd like you to guess what time stamp he takes his first call.
Jordan (01:45:43.000)
He does not take a call. He takes two calls. He takes two calls. Let's go with the first one. Let's go with two hours and 20 minutes.
Dan (01:45:52.000)
Too far. It was one hour and 31 minutes.
Jordan (01:45:55.000)
Okay. So only a half hour after he opened the floor. Yep. Gotcha.
Dan (01:45:59.000)
And then it was only like, I don't know. 45 second call. And she was just saying the globalists are evil.
Jordan (01:46:07.000)
Great Call. Great call you about. He's losing interest in communicating with his audience, right? I think
Dan (01:46:13.000)
so. Yeah. About a week ago, he had a listener who disagreed with him. I know. You mentioned that. Yeah. How'd it go? I wish I had the clip of it. But it was just like this guy who's like, you know what I got? This is Alex. He's like, Oh, I gotta listen to who disagrees. So clearly, there are some screeners involved. Right? But he he's like, Alright, what's up? Let's talk about it. And he's like, Alex, I disagree with you. I think it would be important for you to be in the White House. I disagree. You're better than you think you
Jordan (01:46:44.000)
will wonderful disagreement. I love that they have such a diverse panoply of views. That's the
Dan (01:46:49.000)
only pushback. I've heard from many callers. Anyway, what are your predictions, but first of all, did you love the tone that all the pauses oh, here's a thought. Yeah. Here's a thought.
Jordan (01:47:03.000)
Yeah, no, no, it sounded like he was in a sleeping bag with me in the in the forest in a tent. Is that too much? Both of us, gentlemen, jacking up high on mushrooms, just ending the conversation starts with. Hey, Alex, do you believe in God? Now? And now let's get into ancestral memory. Okay, let's start with you have instincts? Yeah, I agree. All right. Genetic memory. Yes. I
Dan (01:47:30.000)
believe the species does have a memory. You do you do agree with that.
Jordan (01:47:34.000)
I called that one. Well, there it goes. These trees do have an underground fungal network wherein that if you chop down a tree, like miles away, instantly the other trees will No, somebody's chopping down trees.
Dan (01:47:46.000)
No, I don't know what that means. But it is true. I think it
Jordan (01:47:49.000)
means that the harness was right. And every rock and every creature in every forest versus the wind. Can Yeah, yeah. No, I can't.
Dan (01:48:00.000)
I am not sure I understand. And I don't think anyone does really what the communication that's going on with them is but there is some sort of transmission?
Jordan (01:48:09.000)
I think at the I think there is a basic level of consciousness. There's Dane, I think that implies
Dan (01:48:15.000)
chop downs, like Oh, danger, danger, danger. Yeah.
Jordan (01:48:16.000)
And then you release. I mean, if you're a tree, not us specifically, but then trees release all of their defense mechanisms, this smells, the oils and all of that stuff. Okay. Now, I do kind of think that that means there's a base level consciousness within most plants as well, sure.
Dan (01:48:35.000)
And they don't studies about talking to house plants, right. But it's unclear whether it's breathing carbon dioxide.
Jordan (01:48:42.000)
That's a whole that those kinds of studies are so it's so hard to kind of isolate any elements there to actually prove or disprove anything, but that would be my suspicion. Which to me means that no matter what you do, no matter what you eat, you are killing something that is alive and is aware and is screaming as it does unless you're
Dan (01:49:01.000)
one of these people who only eats the fruits that have already fallen off trees. That's true. There are those people
Jordan (01:49:08.000)
those are exact, although although those are seeds, which means those are abortions, if you eat it, that's another portion plant that show but the fruit is a whatever
Dan (01:49:18.000)
depends on the fruit. Yeah.
Jordan (01:49:21.000)
So yeah, morphic knowledge. The idea that there is an Internet of humans,
Dan (01:49:28.000)
the idea that we can communicate telepathically? Yes, not sure on that one.
Jordan (01:49:34.000)
Well, the theory behind morphic knowledge is like they observe this I want to say like a couple of times where on one island, a species of bird would suddenly figure out how to use a tool to get to something and then within a week, even though there's been no contact, that same species somewhere else would have the same shirt. Exactly. For
Dan (01:50:00.000)
humans, there's the studies that have been done about like old crossword puzzles being easier than new ones. Yeah,
Jordan (01:50:05.000)
exactly that that kind of is there a morphic knowledge that we all share? I'm gonna go with no,
Dan (01:50:11.000)
it's fun to think about it is but I'm not sure that and then even if you want to go another step and get even trickier, there have been studies that have been done on like lucid dreaming, where people, there are indications that people are able to dream together with intense practice
Jordan (01:50:28.000)
from the from the graphic novel Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Also from studies
Dan (01:50:33.000)
done by like Dr. Stephen LaBerge. And it's not clear I don't know if I trust their methodology. And I I've certainly never had any experience like that. But it's interesting to think about it will be sure I believe it.
Jordan (01:50:47.000)
I'm gonna go with I doubt it. So morphic knowledge. I'm going to give that in, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go with I'm gonna put myself firmly in the no column. Okay. Now the next one, ancestral memories, right, but netic genetic knowledge that goes
Dan (01:51:03.000)
back to instincts and idea that like true from from bygone eras we're afraid of monsters, because
Jordan (01:51:10.000)
I want to say I want to say no, because he also brought up the the idea of the what if you were a little kid with an old man's knowledge?
Dan (01:51:18.000)
I think that was a separate thought. There was crazy. There was a pause there. And I think that was a separate thought. I'm gonna go with you don't agree with that. I think that was Benjamin.
Jordan (01:51:33.000)
No, I don't. And then here's my final thing that I don't know if you believe or not. Right? It is Alex Jones saying he knows all about it.
Dan (01:51:42.000)
You missed one.
Jordan (01:51:43.000)
What was that the
Dan (01:51:44.000)
Vulcan mind meld?
Jordan (01:51:45.000)
Oh, was that a separate thought? was oh, God, I just let that one go.
Dan (01:51:50.000)
Vulcan mind meld. Where do you think that came from?
Jordan (01:51:53.000)
That's true. Where do you think that came from? Art? Imagination?
Dan (01:51:57.000)
Sure. He doesn't believe in creativity, I think is one of the
Jordan (01:52:01.000)
great. It's one of the things Yeah, for somebody, and especially because he's so obsessed with movies. Every single reference to a movie, as he thinks is something that has actually happened. Yeah. And somebody's trying to send a message through it. Right? Well, but also, like he said that Avatar
Dan (01:52:18.000)
was real, right? But it comes back to what a lot of conspiracy theorists believe in that is that culture and movies and all that stuff is what's known as predictive programming. So something comes out in a movie. That's super true. But the powers that be don't want you to think it's true. So it comes out in a movie. So when it comes out in real life, you're like, I don't believe that. It's just like that stupid movie. Wow, yeah,
Jordan (01:52:43.000)
that is that is a really impossible thing to disprove. Yep. Mainly because what
Dan (01:52:50.000)
that's what most conspiracy theory stuff comes down to is wildly unprovable. Yeah, and you can disprovable? Yeah, that's what I meant. I meant disprovable. Yeah. I apologize.
Jordan (01:53:01.000)
That is that is the bedrock of the like, that's the old Carl Sagan anecdote where the woman came up to him. It was like, I believe there's a turtle underneath the earth holding it up. Yeah. And he's like, Well, what's below that? And she's like, a bigger turtle was below that. And even bigger, you know, It's turtles all the way down? Yeah, that's the gem of their argument, right? It's always going to be an infinite loop of, you'll never, you know,
Dan (01:53:27.000)
we're never gonna trigger out what that other turtle is like, but man, there's a turtle man.
Jordan (01:53:31.000)
I know there's a turtle Yeah, it's a big one. But not a tortoise we ate all those
Dan (01:53:35.000)
also back to your last one. I do not believe that Alex knows everything you don't think I have a question you missed one. Do you believe this?
Alex Jones (01:53:44.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (01:53:50.000)
By far the greatest is him saying he's opposed?
Jordan (01:53:56.000)
I can't I can't wait until we compile an entire like morning Zoo Crew bump level of just boom this he said one time boom this he said one time like people
Dan (01:54:06.000)
should kiss Trump. I love you do like a Dr. Drew?
Jordan (01:54:11.000)
Yeah, get it get a Casio keyboard and just upload all of that shit in there.
Dan (01:54:17.000)
Anybody who has any musical skill please do something. Well, that's it for our clips. Man. That was Monday, January through February 6 February 6 months off. It's been fun Jordan. Always a pleasure. So much fun. guys, until next time when we come back
Jordan (01:54:35.000)
yeah, you can catch us on At knowledge underscore fight. Subscribe to us on iTunes. Do you want to give out our personal handles?
Dan (01:54:44.000)
Also though, we got to come up with a better sign off. Yeah. What
Jordan (01:54:49.000)
do you think our sign up should be?
Dan (01:54:52.000)
Policy walk until next time we've we've been
Jordan (01:54:56.000)
policy was
Alex Jones (01:55:00.000)
Hey Andy chances you're on the air Thanks for holding Well Alex I'm a first time caller I'm a huge fan I love your work