Ron Paul
Ronald Ernest Paul (born August 20, 1935) was a member of the House of Representatives from Texas for 25 years. He ran for president unsuccessfully multiple times, and his fruitless campaigns have indoctrinated a generation into entirely nonsensical "libertarian" ideology.
Ron Paul In The House Of Representatives
In his 25 year tenure in the House, Ron Paul was a profoundly ineffective legislator. He represented Texas's 22nd District from 1975-1977, then again from 1979-1985, then later the 14th District from 1997-2013. In that entire time, he sponsored 626 bills, only one of which became a law[1]. If you're curious, the only bill Ron Paul ever got passed was a bill giving ownership of the 1861 U.S. Custom House in Galveston, TX to the Galveston Historical Foundation[2]. Definitely the sort of thing you would see We The People organizing rallies to get accomplished.
For some context of how ineffective that is, Nancy Pelosi has introduced 126 bills, 7 of which became law[3]. In the time he was in office, John Boehner 130 bills, 12 of which became law[4]. No matter how you slice it, Ron Paul was absolutely horrible at getting anything done.
Most of the "work" that Ron Paul did in the House was to introduce pointless, symbolic legislation that he knew there had no chance of going anywhere. In his first session, he introduced tons of bills to get rid of gun laws, abolish OSHA, and get rid of flood insurance. He seemed very focused on making sure that the US not cede any land around the Panama Canal back to Panama[5], as well as repealing the Estate Tax[6].
He tried to abolish the Department of Education back in 1979[7]. He tried to pass a bill stripping funds from any school that allows non-citizens from Iran to attend classes[8]. He attacked the Soil and Water Conservation Act[9].
Then, in 1981, he found the game he would play for the rest of his career: demonizing the Federal Reserve.
Curiously, he did not introduce any bills in his first four years in the House making demands about the Federal Reserve, but then in 1981, he introduced a bill demanding the Fed be audited[10]. It died in committee.
Ron Paul was not phased by this loss, and in 1983, he introduced his first bill to repeal the Federal Reserve Act[11]. It got no cosponsors and died in committee.
Paul left the House soon after, but when he returned in 1997, he got back to real important business immediately. Just kidding, he introduced two bills trying to make it okay for states to outlaw flag burning, like a Constitution-loving, free-speech cherishing person would[12][13].
Then, in 1999, he got back to attacking the Federal Reserve, again attracting zero cosponsors and dying in committee[14]. This would repeat in 2001[15], in 2003[16], in 2007[17], in 2009[18], and in 2011[19], every time getting no cosponsors and dying in committee.
This is really demonstrative of Ron Paul's legislative career. Every session, he would just reintroduce the same exact bills he'd failed to make any progress on during the previous session (generally anti-tax or anti-regulation measures) in order to excite his base of anti-government followers. The bills were not good, so they would inevitably fail, but his followers would believe he'd done his best and "stuck it to the fat cats," solidifying their support for him the next time he needed reelection, all so he could run this cycle one more time and collect a government paycheck.
Ron Paul's Extra Curricular Activities
Ron Paul was a surgeon in the Air Force from 1963-1968, then practiced medicine as an OBGYN.
In 1984, Ron Paul was chosen to be the first chairman of Citizens for a Sound Economy, a group interested in low taxes, less regulation, and diminished government in general[20]. The group was founded by Charles and David Koch, whose foundations provided most of the funding for its operation. It appears that Ron's involvement with CSE overlaps with his time in the House slightly, or at very least, he was using his title as a US Representative to solicit donations for CSE.
Citizens for a Sound Economy would end up splitting into FreedomWorks and Americans For Prosperity, two groups who helped fund the rise of the Tea Party, a movement that boosted for Ron Paul after he lost the 2008 election. Put simply, this is the right-wing dark money circle of life.
Ron's Racism
In the 1980's and 90's, Ron Paul put out newsletters with names like Ron Paul's Freedom Report or The Ron Paul' Survival Report. These newsletters had an unfortunate trend of being flagrantly racist, an aspect of the newsletters that Ron has always dodged responsibility for, particularly when the matter first came to the media's attention when he ran for the House in 1996.
One of the newsletters said, "I think we can assume that 95 percent of the black men in that city [Washington] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal"[21]. Many other articles carried on the same theme.
Ron has said that he didn't write the racist parts of the newsletters, and has no idea how they got in there. You can't prove he wrote them, because the articles didn't include by-lines, he said. This excuse falls flat, seeing as he put out the newsletters, they are called Ron Paul's Freedom Report, and are written in the first person.
And then, there's the matter of how Renae Hathway, a former secretary at Ron Paul & Associates (the company that distributed the newsletters) said very clearly that "it was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. . . . He would proof it"[22].
Beyond that, during the 2012 election season, Anonymous hacked American Third Position, a white supremacist network, and found that Ron Paul had regularly had conference calls with their Board of Directors[23]. This is not surprising, because Ron Paul has a decades long history of associating with white supremacists.
In 1981, Grand Wizard of the KKK and future founder of Stormfront Don Black led an attempted takeover of the island nation Dominica[24]. He and his posse had hoped to overthrow the government and create a white nationalist paradise. Obviously, the plan failed hilariously, and a bunch of racists ended up arrested.
In Don Black's trial, a lawyer tried to subpoena Ron Paul to testify, but the motion was rejected[25]. The reason Paul was called to testify is that Michael Perdue, one of the main conspirators in the coup, had testified that both Ron Paul and David Duke were keenly aware of the plot and may have provided aid to the effort.
Though Paul never had to testify, his connections with the men involved in this plot continued through the years. Don Black would go on to create Stormfront, which was a message board that served to swing the white supremacist vote toward Paul in his presidential campaigns. David Duke would be an enthusiastic supporter of Paul's campaigns, and even referred to him as "our king" in the political game of chess[26].
There are many more connections between Ron Paul and the white supremacist communities in America, and these connections have always been there throughout his career.
Ron Paul Hypocrisy
In a March 2001 speech in the House, Ron Paul said that "there is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade, and a one-world currency." Though he was still trying to argue against "fiat currency," he was still saying that globalism and a single global currency could be a good thing[27].
Alex Jones believes that Ron Paul doesn't believe that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks of 9/11. This position is hard to square with the fact that on December 4, 2001 Ron Paul introduced a bill in the House called the "September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001"[28].
It is possible that this bill was a way of trying to "deal with the problem" without the US going into a war. It's unclear, but what is clear is that this bill was an attempt to authorize the president to put out a bounty specifically on Bin Laden because he did 9/11:
"The President of the United States is authorized to place a money bounty, drawn in his discretion from the $40,000,000,000 appropriated on September 14, 2001, in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery from and Response to Terrorists Attacks on the United States or from private sources, for the capture, alive or dead, of Osama bin Laden or any other al Qaeda conspirator responsible for the act of air piracy upon the United States on September 11, 2001"
As is the Paul tradition, the bill got zero cosponsors and died in committee, but even so, it serves as a pretty clear indication that Ron Paul does not believe in the conspiracy theories that Alex Jones peddles about 9/11,
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