Transcript/817: June 8, 2023

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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Not not not not not not knowledge five.
Alex Jones (00:00:16.000)
Damn, Jordan wedding knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad guy. Knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight.
Theme Song (00:00:35.000)
Need money. Andy and Sandy are shopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. And in Kansas, you're on the airplane for a huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by now, knowledge
Dan (00:00:58.000)
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to knowledge, right. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're dudes sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
We are Dan Jordan. Dan. Jordan. I have a quick question for you. It's up. What's your spot today? I'm gonna go first. Oh, my bright spot. Dan is Janelle Monae has a new album out. Hey, hurray. Mastic nicely done. It rhymes with Hey, hooray. Fantastic. It's very good. You know, she's she's our generation is David Bowie at this point. She is she's an Oscar winning actor. She
Dan (00:01:31.000)
have two different colored eyes. He was the claim to fame of his he had to how do you recruit me? I think so. Wasn't I don't I never I
Jordan (00:01:39.000)
couldn't look in his eyes too busy with the rest of them. You know what I'm saying? Hey,
Dan (00:01:42.000)
a lot a lot to drink in.
Jordan (00:01:47.000)
Tall glass.
Dan (00:01:48.000)
So when is Janelle Monae going to come out with her Moon age daydream?
Jordan (00:01:53.000)
I don't know. I don't know. Maybe RJ Android? is Moon aged. And
Dan (00:01:56.000)
what about her ground control to Major Tom?
Jordan (00:01:59.000)
I mean, I want to say that Django Jane was probably as close to a like, sing along style. You know, like that wasn't that listen, I understand that rapping can take many forms, but she was just talking. That was very much talking.
Dan (00:02:14.000)
Okay. Yeah. What tracks of her is do you think will live on for really depressed weirdos to sing a karaoke?
Jordan (00:02:20.000)
Oh, that one is? That one's a little bit harder to do. That one I can pull up she's more upbeat. Yeah, on the more on the happier side. I mean, not happier so much is an frenetic? Sure. Yeah. It's very energetic. Yeah,
Dan (00:02:34.000)
I have not heard that new album, but I will have to check it out. I like her work. In general. It's quite good. So Monday, yeah.
Jordan (00:02:41.000)
Well, boy, anyways, what's your
Dan (00:02:44.000)
right? No, no, no, no, that came with some music as well. Okay. I don't know how it popped up. I have a suspicion of how it popped up on my YouTube recommendations. But just some music from like, I listened to music from Donkey Kong Country quite a bit. Sure. Sure. Like a fair amount because it's good. David Wise. Fantastic. Okay,
Jordan (00:03:05.000)
just I feel like you're defensive right out the gate.
Dan (00:03:08.000)
I found somebody who made like, or, like, you can use the sounds from Donkey Kong Country soundtrack, and then put them into other music. Right. And so I found a number of like songs and things that were done with the sounds from Donkey Kong. Sure. Sure, sure. And they're great.
Jordan (00:03:27.000)
Like the like, DJ Danger Mouse, Donkey Kong, DJ, Donkey Kong mouse or something? Yeah, whatever. Yeah. Yeah, it's
Dan (00:03:35.000)
like that. Yeah. There was one that was in the air tonight by Phil Collins. And it works incredibly well, except for when they beat you to do that parks taught you to do with Donkey Kong sounds. Yeah.
Dan (00:03:48.000)
It's not that hard stuff to do. Not as huge of a drop. But other things are tough to do with Donkey Kong.
Dan (00:03:54.000)
So I'm sure Janelle Monae would have more difficulty the the beginning of that song you know that kind of atmosphere kind of thing. It sounds really cool with Tang i basically what I'm saying is I think all music should be Donkey Kong.
Jordan (00:04:13.000)
That is kind of hearing aids. You know, it's hard. It's hard for people to then be like, you know, let's take dad's music opinions about ska seriously in there right alongside of what if everything was Donkey Kong? Well,
Dan (00:04:28.000)
I mean my buddy far out have a song that used to sample the song from Donkey Kong Country glove there was
Jordan (00:04:36.000)
a GREAT SCOTT version of the Super Mario theme for the
Dan (00:04:39.000)
fair there Scott versions are just about everything. Yeah, there's like me first and the Gimme Gimmes did all those Scott rubbers. So now
Jordan (00:04:45.000)
we need Donkey Kong versions of all the SKA versions of others we need
Dan (00:04:48.000)
a less than Jake or me first and the Gimme Gimmes, but with Donkey Kong Yeah, exactly. 100 is my album of Greece covers both who reached
Jordan (00:04:59.000)
the heights of music. Yes, yeah, we nailed it. Okay.
Dan (00:05:02.000)
I mean, look, there's so much music getting made. Why can't this be some of it? It's just
Jordan (00:05:06.000)
what can it just have Donkey Kong? Yes. Yeah, that.
Dan (00:05:11.000)
I'm thinking about the trends that have happened over the course of my life.
Jordan (00:05:14.000)
I will say none of them are going to be Donkey Kong sounds in the
Dan (00:05:17.000)
future? Probably not. But how much worse would they be than swing? When swing? I
Jordan (00:05:22.000)
mean, you're not wrong. You're not wrong, right. I'm not saying you're wrong.
Dan (00:05:27.000)
I would take somebody's doing a whole Donkey Kong album over Zoot Suit, right. Is it?
Jordan (00:05:33.000)
Yeah, I mean, I was about to say, is it more absurd than Mambo number five?
Dan (00:05:37.000)
Yeah, mambo number five wasn't swing. It wasn't
Jordan (00:05:40.000)
swing. But do you it was absurd for that to be a song that everybody was like, we agree. This is the greatest song of the year.
Dan (00:05:47.000)
I don't know if I looked. There was a lot of competition that you're I'm not sure if it was the top song here, but I'm gonna say this is gonna be a controversial. Okay. I haven't listened to it in a really long time. But I have a suspicion that Mambo number five isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I feel like lubega might have gotten a bad rap. It seems like it's just kind of a fun like, boop, boop. It
Jordan (00:06:14.000)
seems like it's just gonna go on papi. Yeah, it is. It is. But
Dan (00:06:17.000)
yeah. Okay. How worse than how bizarre. Let's make it Donkey Kong? Sure. Yes. Yes. A little bit of DC and my life. Yep. Little bit of cranky makes me old.
Jordan (00:06:34.000)
There is no writers room. We can't punch up. That's just the two of us. lubega
Dan (00:06:38.000)
Hit us up. Cover. Mambo number. Donkey Kong. It was the Donkey Kong wrap in the Donkey Kong. 64. That was terrible. Sure. That's not what I'm talking about. Sure. No, no, no, no, I don't think David Wise had anything to do with that one. I'm gonna I'm gonna hold out. Hope for that. So Jordan, today we have presentday episode to go over. And I will say that on our last episode, I said that we were going to cover Alex's response to Trump's indictment indeed, on today's episode, yeah, I fucked up. I did I prepared the wrong day. What are you gonna do? I, the evening of the eighth is when Trump got on to truth social and said I have been indicted in all this shit. So I forgot. I thought it was a day earlier. Ah, so we're doing. We're talking about the eighth. Right. And I will say my experience of listening was the he was like, man, he is not talking about tropes indictment.
Jordan (00:07:39.000)
Wonder why He's weird. Suspiciously mom on
Dan (00:07:42.000)
the topic.
Jordan (00:07:45.000)
Frankly, he doesn't even say a word.
Dan (00:07:47.000)
Yeah. And so on Friday, we'll talk about the night. There's enough to discuss here. And as you said, we have a little suspense.
Jordan (00:07:57.000)
Technically, that's three present day episodes in a row. Drew, you know, you go back, you were like, Oh, we're gonna do all those present episodes. And he goes on vacation. Now here we are cranking them out.
Dan (00:08:07.000)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. Even if one was a Tucker. Yeah. Which I appreciate people's positive feedback on the most important person of the world. Yeah, absolutely. I understand that. But it's still kind of a little bit of off the beaten path for us. And I wasn't sure if people would respond well to it, but it seems like folks have so we will check in on Episode Two in the near future. Seems like it's inevitable. But first, before we get to today's episode, Jordan, let's say hello to some new ones. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, Lauren Cates was going to symbolically donate 1.5 billion of some currency, but even the most devalued currency in the world. Iranian rial that's still 35,000 US dollars. Thank you so much. For now, ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:49.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:49.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:08:50.000)
What about Max coin? Ooh,
Jordan (00:08:53.000)
1.5 billion of those would be point 15000 repeating dollars.
Dan (00:09:00.000)
Maybe it can't be worth much. Next, my name is Shackleford. Rusty Shackleford. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:09:07.000)
I'm a policy wonk, thank
Jordan (00:09:08.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:09:09.000)
Next, the genius who split a walk shout out between two friends birthdays is now a doctor and a policy walk. Congratulations, Dr. Dora love Erin and B. Thank you so much. For now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:09:20.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:22.000)
Next little pumpkin time for the cats. Thank you so much. You're now ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:09:27.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:09:27.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:09:28.000)
Thank you Next happy late birthday, Sydney. M. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:09:34.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:09:35.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:36.000)
I do and we got to take the GRE to the mix Jordan, so thank you so much to Jones and the wet phones. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:09:42.000)
I'm a policy wonk donkey man and telling you brilliant someone someone sought him out and sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser, little little teddy baby. I don't want to hear Black people, I renounce Jesus Christ
Dan (00:10:02.000)
Jones in the wet phones. Yeah. Good good swing band. Swing band name. Yeah, you know it. That's why you're smirking.
Jordan (00:10:10.000)
I would just, I would have gone Whoa, Scott.
Dan (00:10:12.000)
There's a thin line. But to me it's thick between swing and Scott. There's a thin
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
line like Errol Morris made a documentary about it.
Dan (00:10:21.000)
That was about cops. The society at large believes that there's a thin line between swing and Scott and that's because of the horns and I accept that Sure. But there is a big difference between them and one is that Scott is fucking awesome. Its swing sucks.
Jordan (00:10:42.000)
I hate syncopation I prefer straight for for time.
Dan (00:10:47.000)
I also think that the whole costume of the swings
Jordan (00:10:54.000)
i i hate I hate to let the listeners miss out on very dismissive hand wave at the same time as I realized I don't get what they're doing with the clothes.
Dan (00:11:08.000)
And I realized that as I was doing hand gestures like Scott, people were like skinny black ties. Everything is planned.
Jordan (00:11:17.000)
All right, baby baby pot calling the kettle brothers
Dan (00:11:19.000)
costume problems. All right. So we jump in here on the eighth June 8, and Alex has a big story to lead the episode.
Alex Jones (00:11:30.000)
Wow. Well, last night, James Comey the 10 foot tall giant criminal came to speak and that nickname was peacefully articulately, particularly and they weren't it was peacefully in an articulate way. Confronted by Owen Shroyer and by others, and we'll have some of the video that it's on has gone viral. And Owen is gonna be popping in with us to cover this later in the broadcast.
Dan (00:12:00.000)
Yeah, I wasn't sure he was gonna come in and report on how he yelled at James Comey. Boy, he doesn't do by the way peaceful. I think he might have hosted the fourth hour been on the fourth or something. But yeah, he the he yelled at me. Yeah kicked out.
Jordan (00:12:15.000)
I mean, yeah, that's I'm fine with all of that. Sure. I go yell at Comey and then get kicked out. I'm fine with that.
Dan (00:12:21.000)
I'm fine with that. Yeah, what I'm not so fine with is the idea of like, this is News. Yeah, no, this is my employee yelled at Comey. And now we're going to cover it. Yeah. As a news story. Like Wolf Blitzer doesn't go and disrupt some event and then be like, wow, people are really mad at you did that
Jordan (00:12:40.000)
it is it is a bit like somebody at fucking newsroom being like shit. Nothing's happening today. And then throwing a grenade out the window being like, All right, now we got something to
Dan (00:12:49.000)
cover. Yeah. Local grenade goes off. Exactly. Yeah, totally. Yeah, absolutely. Pretending that there's something more to this story than your employee.
Jordan (00:12:57.000)
Yeah, absolutely.
Dan (00:12:58.000)
It's awesome. So on our last episode, we talked about Tucker. Yes. Talked about Tucker and his Twitter show. Yeah. Yeah. And I think a lot of people had some not so great reviews of it. I think our review was negative generally. Yeah, yeah. content wise. He
Jordan (00:13:19.000)
staggering anti semitism usually does not engender great positive reviews.
Dan (00:13:24.000)
Let me say this as a positive. Yeah. Could have been more anti semitic. Could have been longer. Yeah, certainly he could have done worse. It was short. A lot of folks were disappointed. Even fans or people who were like, towards Tucker aside, that it was only 10 minutes. Like it's just a monologue that people were expecting an actual show. Right. And so, you know, there's been there's been some like, this is it, this is what you're doing. And Alex is on the other side.
Jordan (00:13:55.000)
Yeah. Get to know his genius.
Dan (00:13:57.000)
He thinks it's fucking great. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:13:59.000)
Okay. So we've got that stack of news from the beginning into in great detail today. Then we've got the mash of Tucker Carlson news. And Tucker is in very good spirits. And son just got married. Congrats. And he just released episode one. As you know, two days ago, he's gonna start doing it four days a week starting very soon. I can tell you that. And it got 104 million meters. As I predicted it would get I said yesterday on Crowder show. I said, By tomorrow morning, when I go on here. It'll have 100 I believe I said 102 million views. But the point is you had 104 million as of Showtime today, when show your screenshot of that. I have
Dan (00:14:50.000)
no idea why you would predict 102 million that's somewhat ridiculous. I don't think that was what he predicted.
Jordan (00:14:58.000)
It. That's just one of the why Why do you need to be right about that? So right to be right about that. Just let that one go.
Dan (00:15:05.000)
Also, I checked on this and Twitter. The videos don't have views anymore. The tweet was viewed that many times. Okay, but I don't know how many actual like watches, right has granted obviously if you have 100 million people that saw the tweet, then you'd assume that you know it still millions of people watched it. Yeah. Oh, good for you. But you also have to take into consideration that there's a difference between something that you can watch anytime you want. That's 10 minutes long in a tweet and appointment television. You know, there's, there's a difference between what sizes of audiences you're generally going to get totally. There's also a difference in terms of relevance.
Jordan (00:15:48.000)
Also, and I mean, I hate to I hate to come to Tucker's defense here, but it's awful hard to get an entire production crew ready to make a full show this fast. Not
Dan (00:15:59.000)
if you're an entire right wing ding dong. braintrust. Sure,
Jordan (00:16:05.000)
but I mean, you've got to have you got to have gaffers. You got to have camera people you got to have you got to have the whole I don't know why gaffers number one. If I'm doing a show gotta gotta have a gaffer. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Dan (00:16:17.000)
I think there's a lot of young Republicans. There's a whole league of them. Sure. And I think some of them are probably young and have technical abilities. And I think you could probably get a crew put together from some gray papers pretty easily. All right. seems to have no problem with employing white nationalist weirdos. Sure. So I think you could get it done pretty quick. Yeah, I'd love to fly to whatever. Fucking shack he's filming this out.
Jordan (00:16:48.000)
Yeah, I mean, this is the ragtag crew from Armageddon. All right. Sure. They pulled it off in the end, but that was a movie. Yeah. All right. That was that was wait. That was longer than
Dan (00:16:58.000)
we're gonna need. Ben Affleck. We're gonna need. Bruce gotta have Aerosmith involved. Sure. Yep. Who else is in that movie?
Jordan (00:17:09.000)
Bob, Bruce. Now I said, Bruce. I know. I know. I was. Of course.
Dan (00:17:14.000)
I mean, Springsteen? Yeah, naturally. So yeah, I don't know. I don't think he I don't think if you're somebody who was a huge talker is the most important person in the world type of guy. Sure. I don't think the result is what you want it. I don't I don't think that that is the continuation of the legacy of the most important man in the world. That's true, though. It wasn't a bomb. It was something. Yes. And some people enjoyed it. Most people thought it was underwhelming. Well, that's, that's, that's where you should be coming at this from a good start to build from is what I would go with if I were Alex.
Jordan (00:17:51.000)
Yeah, I mean, I think I think what's important is Tucker is just keeping his name out there. He's just out there. He's as people are talking Tucker.
Dan (00:17:59.000)
Yeah. Like maybe you'd to show that you're on that you did a set set on maybe wasn't the best set. Maybe it wasn't the best show. But you're keeping your name out there, everybody and people know you're still out there. Hitting the stage
Jordan (00:18:09.000)
totally. That way whenever they're talking about who do we want to book? Well, I just saw on a flat move.
Dan (00:18:14.000)
Right. Yeah. You know, you don't want to go away forever. And like, Where have you been?
Jordan (00:18:18.000)
Yeah, you gotta be on the tip of the tongue. Exactly.
Dan (00:18:21.000)
So anyway, there was a headline for the American Journal, Harrison Smith show. That was about how great Tucker's show was. Alex is thrilled about
Alex Jones (00:18:37.000)
Ben wrote the headline. It's an excellent headline for the live show every that we ever posted for usually I write it, but but it does say it all. So I was very pleased with what Ben wrote. And it's that the leftists control corporate press is in a total panic. Over Tucker Carlson getting over 100 million viewers. Thursday live deep state rushes Trump indictment as New World Order loses narrative control of our economy covered jabs Ukraine war, climate change, border and more. I guess it was the other headline for National Journal with Harrison Smith so scroll down. That was a perfect headline up there. That was good too. But just scroll down guys for me. Just to see army. Yeah, just scroll down to the next to the next show. A little faster.
Jordan (00:19:27.000)
Feel like he's mad at the crew.
Alex Jones (00:19:30.000)
The American Journal Fox threatens to silence Tucker after he proves mainstream media is extinct. And this is bigger than Tucker 104 million views for a 10 minute show shot in his living room. And then the national news declares it anti semitic and declares it a failure. Well,
Dan (00:19:59.000)
I mean they didn't declared anti semitic they described it as that because it was Yeah, I mean, and, you know, I think you can tell by seeing people like Andrew Anglin cheering on the anti semitism of it. I mean, like that's, you know, that's usually a good barometer. Yeah. Why?
Jordan (00:20:14.000)
Why would we even care what the what the media says we don't care what the media says about whether or not something's anti semitic. You know, we do care about what do anti Semites say? And if they say it's anti semitic,
Dan (00:20:28.000)
I think you got to own I'm not sure that should be your only gauge. Sure, sure factor.
Jordan (00:20:34.000)
If they say what we do is they're excited
Dan (00:20:37.000)
about the anti semitism of something, you might want to ask yourself a question is this. Yeah. So the other things that are important to recognize here first, the headline for Alex's show mentions the DOJ rushing Trump's indictment. And to that was the only point when I was listening to this. I'm like, wait, wait a second. This is gonna he is gonna get into the indictment. No, it doesn't. That was it the day before. But also, Alex doesn't know the name of Harrison Smith show. He said the National Journal.
Jordan (00:21:08.000)
I don't blame him now. I mean, he listen, okay. Harrison used to play in the American Journal. But then he got traded to the National Journal. And they used to not have a DH but now I mean, that's all changed. Oh, what am I yeah, I know.
Dan (00:21:21.000)
Alex doesn't know the name because no one watches that dumb show. And there's no reason for it to exist. Yan because I think he got it confused with the National file. I
Jordan (00:21:29.000)
thought that that's what I thought he was talking about. I didn't think he was talking about her.
Dan (00:21:34.000)
What are all these dumb things I run? So Alex is gonna Okay, listen, this show sucks. The I enjoy when he takes a lot of calls. Because you can get a little bit of chaos. You get a sense of what some of the listeners are feeling. Sure. And sometimes you get fun. recurring guest characters. Sure. Louisiana dentures
Jordan (00:21:59.000)
absolutely a delight.
Dan (00:22:01.000)
Charles, the gentleman Charles from the bayou. So you have that, and it's a lot of fun. Could the converse of that is this and that's when Alex has a number of guests. And they're just kind of like Bo a cavalcade of boring people kind of Yeah, it's just like, there's not a lot of juice. I'm not interested in these people. And they're not that interesting. And one of them is going to be Peter McCullough, who's a anti Vax, cardiologist type Sharada. A lot of COVID misinformation out of him. But he's on because he has some breaking news about Jamie Foxx
Alex Jones (00:22:36.000)
show, I asked the producers this morning to try to get to the bottom of the Jamie Foxx situation, which we pretty much got to the bottom. First, the media a month ago said Oh, he didn't have a stroke. That's fake news. He's fine. And well, he's learned to walk again and did have a stroke. And he did take the shot. And then I saw him put out a video we'll play coming up next segment. Very short. We said listen, and all you're asking questions, I want to just say I appreciate you asking those questions. Thanks for asking the questions. He's talking about the shots civically. So we get McCall on last break. And I talked to him briefly. He's coming on next segment. And I said what's the photos? We see you with Jamie Foxx? Is this accurate? Are you in contact with him? He said yes. So he's coming on with the big scoop next segment. Probably should have said that. The start of the segment. Here's a photo of Dr. Peter McCullough with Fox before he took the shot. But Fox was aware of the shot he didn't want to take the shot. He talked to McCollum about it last year, that was getting pissed they were pressuring him to and now it's come out that indeed he did take multiple shots, Ken knows the shot did it. And that is reportedly going to be coming out very very soon.
Dan (00:23:46.000)
So Jamie Foxx didn't thank all the anti vaxxers for asking questions. He posted on Instagram quote, appreciate all the love feeling blessed. I guess we just got a heightened battles a little bit different. But okay. There's also a short little video that Alex plays later. But it also doesn't say any of this. What's going on with Jamie Foxx right now is really disgusting. He had a medical situation that he and his family have requested privacy regarding most of the people in his life. And a fair amount of the media is respecting that and as much as they're covering that he was in the hospital but waiting until he's ready to talk about it to get into specifics or pry about it. But these other fraud as communities are latching on to his medical situation and using it to promote themselves. Initially, the cue leaning folks were saying that this was an attempted assassination because Fox was about to reveal all the secrets of the Hollywood elite parties thrown by people like Diddy. Then the anti vaxxers came around for their slice of the action and the narrative is that Fox reluctantly got vaccinated, and it's now almost killed him. Yeah, Peter McCullough has zero credibility. And there's one picture that everyone posts of him with Jamie Foxx but who knows when that's from or what the context of that picture is? floating out there somewhere in the universe. Yeah. Is a picture of me with two Live Crew.
Jordan (00:24:57.000)
That's true. Yeah,
Dan (00:24:58.000)
we didn't talk about the vaccine. Are you Sure, yeah, me and ice did not discuss the vaccine line on the off chance that he did speak with Fox about any kind of like medical situation or in any capacity like that. He's and he's now disseminating that information that he learned on Infowars. That seems really unethical. Yeah. at very least he better be able to demonstrate the fox consented to allowing him to do this interview about him. This might be an actual HIPAA violation, I
Jordan (00:25:24.000)
think I think it is. But again, I
Dan (00:25:26.000)
don't think they actually really talked about anything. So you don't recall it doesn't have any information to disseminate. Here's
Jordan (00:25:32.000)
my conspiracy theory, right. They're going after everybody who was in living color. Okay. All right. So, everybody does everybody have eyes on Tommy Davidson? All of the weigh ins how's the weigh ins is are in danger. Get him out here. He's
Dan (00:25:45.000)
an anti Vaxxer carry.
Jordan (00:25:47.000)
See this. Maybe he's the one behind him. He started. He's the one to take him out.
Dan (00:25:51.000)
Rosie Perez. Wasn't she a fly girl?
Jordan (00:25:54.000)
Was she wasn't Jennifer Lopez was a fly girl. I don't think Rosie Perez was a fly girl.
Dan (00:26:00.000)
Okay. Yeah, you probably might have just been thinking of Jennifer Lopez. Yeah. Who was now married to Ben Affleck. It was a very charming Dunkin Donuts commercial. Wait,
Jordan (00:26:09.000)
what? They're married again. Yeah. Oh, God, I
Dan (00:26:12.000)
just can't do that. And he's in a Dunkin Donuts commercial. It's very charming. Do
Jordan (00:26:16.000)
TV. I don't do no news. I'm done. I'm out and about no more news. Every runs of in living color from here on out.
Dan (00:26:26.000)
I wonder. I wonder if they have a bunch of cast members that you wouldn't think of that. That like some of those shows do like, like mad TV.
Jordan (00:26:38.000)
I was gonna say I was just thinking that I bet there are so many people who are like,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:43.000)
really they had
Jordan (00:26:43.000)
they did a year on in living colors. It was on for five seasons. Yeah. And there was there were plenty of people in the writers room who suddenly got on for
Dan (00:26:51.000)
Fox was only on the US on the star in the fifth season. Oh, and then he was featured on three and four. Okay, so I've got the full cast. Up here. We got Jim Carrey. Yes, Tommy Davidson. Sure. David Alan Grier.
Jordan (00:27:04.000)
Oh, we got dag we forgot Danielle could you forget? Forget dag
Dan (00:27:08.000)
right. Yeah. Keenan ivory Wan gateway and standard way. Yes. Kim Coles first season. That was a Shawn Wayans
Jordan (00:27:17.000)
that was a cast
Dan (00:27:19.000)
Marlon Wayans Well, yes, obviously. Oh, but only on the fourth season as a featured player
Jordan (00:27:23.000)
Marlon Wayans Oh, DJ
Dan (00:27:26.000)
twist. I don't know. Fly girls. Jennifer Lopez sure there choreographer was Rosie Perez.
Jordan (00:27:37.000)
Dan (00:27:37.000)
Oh, man you tried to play with
Jordan (00:27:41.000)
not know that she was the choreographer. Hmm. I thought she was too busy.
Dan (00:27:49.000)
She was there for the first four seasons. She's guest stars Chris Rock. Yeah. A special guest star. Oh, sure. Ellen clay corn of course Meadows. All right. There's a few that too few folks that you forgot. But a lot of the a lot of those people you remember.
Jordan (00:28:06.000)
That's because they went on to fucking run the show for 30 years or whatever. Almost 40. Now a lot
Dan (00:28:12.000)
of talent. Yeah. So yeah, maybe. Maybe that's what's happening with Jamie Foxx.
Jordan (00:28:18.000)
Was that what we started with that on? Yeah, I want to say that.
Dan (00:28:20.000)
Yep. So Alex has some other headlines to run down that are all bullshit. all over
Alex Jones (00:28:25.000)
the US all over Canada all over Germany all over the UK all over France. They are arresting peaceful Christians for even silently praying. That's coming up. and the EU has announced a plan to take the American people speech. And the woman literally sounds like Dr. Evil cross with Klaus Schwab. It was the same thing as
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.000)
not, because I can't do
Alex Jones (00:28:49.000)
organic meat production, just as bad for the climate study finds Lenin guardian. And then another one. Eating local produce actually is not good for the earth and he's really bad. local organic produce is the worst thing. Giant factory farms and bugs created in warehouses is what you're gonna eat. I'm not getting we're gonna be getting all that he doesn't
Dan (00:29:11.000)
get any of this. Oh, no, no, I don't know what he's talking about with Christians being arrested for silent praying. He said he's gonna get into it later. And he doesn't.
Jordan (00:29:20.000)
Yeah, that seems weird. You'd have to explain exactly what it was that somebody saw that was like, Oh, you're silently praying. Gotcha.
Dan (00:29:26.000)
Yeah, and he hasn't read these articles about food stuff. The Guardian article isn't about how big factory farms with robot bugs are better for the earth than local organic produce. It's an editorial about how there's a growing consensus that eating locally grown stuff isn't always the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The prevailing wisdom previously had been that locally sourced stuff was better because it had to travel a shorter distance unless it cut out emissions during the transportation phase. However, more research has shown that the transportation of these goods contributes significantly less to the emissions calculation than the factor of how the per produce itself has grown, locally grown stuff in Eco conscious Farms is obviously going to be the ideal since you limit the emissions in production and transportation. However, if you have to choose one variable, it might be best to focus on the production instead of the transport. Better produced goods from far away may be better for the earth than poorly produced local ones. And that that's against a lot of the the ethos of the farm to table movements that had gone on. Yeah, that really emphasize the cutting out the transportation is paramount. Yeah. And so that's why this is an interesting conversation. The article is clear that there are benefits to supporting local farms, but that it's easy to fall for the trap of thinking that just because something's local, it's automatically better ecologically than it is nothing about robot bugs. Or, you know, factory chip being better. Yeah, yeah.
Jordan (00:30:51.000)
I mean, I do see why you would add robot bugs to that story. I mean, you're just making shit up. Yeah. Otherwise, it's kind of a very dry conversation about what is the most effective way to limit emissions based on your food.
Dan (00:31:02.000)
And I actually wrote robot bugs and well, here's the thing I brought up the robot bugs just said the bugs that were created in the lab, so they could be organically they could be organic bugs,
Jordan (00:31:12.000)
bio bugs, bio bug bio bugs? Yeah.
Dan (00:31:16.000)
I put the robots into it.
Jordan (00:31:18.000)
No, well, I mean, once you get once you say that there are giant robots outside of Zach's house. Yeah. Now robots are in play for every conversation and
Dan (00:31:26.000)
he talks about Baba Baba, but But Bill Gates with the robot mosquitoes.
Jordan (00:31:32.000)
That is full name that Bill Gates was trying,
Dan (00:31:35.000)
it took me a second to come up with it. So the article about organic meat being just as bad as conventionally farmed meat is three years old. This is just in terms of greenhouse gas emission, then that is something that isn't really that much of a huge revelation, right? We know that there's still other benefits from organic meat production related things like decreases in runoff pollution. The reality is that you're never going to be able to fully reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production since it comes from the methane that animals produce and their manure. This isn't breaking news. And it's just Alex not like I ever really understanding the conversation. So like, weird things can be brought up as like, bombshells. Yeah, they're not they're just realities of conversations. He's not
Jordan (00:32:19.000)
Yeah, if you don't, if you don't recognize, like, just cows produce emissions. Yeah, existence wise, and that our farming tons of them contributes to emissions. If you don't even recognize that the conversation has to be absurd to you, right? You're like animals don't make smoke.
Dan (00:32:40.000)
And, you know, you ideally would love for organic animal production to really limit some of the the, the emissions. Sure, it turns out that a lot of the benefits that you get, in terms of greenhouse gas emission are undone by the ways that you need to, you know, feed the animal. So it's, it's kind of a one step forward, one step back, right. That's it. But you know, the alternative is really, people should transition to a more plant based diet. Yeah, probably. And that would that would help with that factor. But if you're going to eat meat, there's not much knowledge there that you can really, it's gonna be tough. So we get to the Jamie Foxx clip. Sure. And Dr. Mercola is intro and we get interesting revelation about Damar. Hamlin.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.000)
Thank you again, so much for supporting. Thank you so much. I know a lot of you guys saying what's going on here? What's going on there with some of the storage love you
Alex Jones (00:33:47.000)
put that out yesterday, thanking people for trying to investigate what's happening with them. And that what he ended up talking to Jamie Foxx, who was concerned about the shots previously. And we've got a photo here of the meeting. And now they're trying to cover up he had a stroke. He tried to cover up what's going on but investigative journalists have talked to the hospital and the family and others say no indeed, Jamie believes is shot better. McCollum will obviously be talking to Jamie here very very soon. Again, but this is a big deal. Unlike Del Mar Hamlin who kept quiet about the shot what happened with him and he had to be resuscitated he did die. He was brought back to life. We can get to Jamie Foxx to go public with this. He is going to really save a lot of lives for future people.
Dan (00:34:34.000)
So yeah, Hamblin died and was brought back to life. There we go. We can do that now.
Jordan (00:34:38.000)
I guess. I guess that's how it works. We can resurrect Yeah, yeah.
Dan (00:34:43.000)
I'd like to definition on died. Alex might have slightly different definitions.
Jordan (00:34:49.000)
I mean, if you're a doctor, yep. Now here's, here's what I'll say. Here's what I'll say about this. All right. When I if I were to say to you, Dan, Hey, I was talking to this person the other day, you know? And then we talked about this, you would probably believe me, right? And I wouldn't feel the need to come up with evidence in advance of you talking to me, it would be absurd. You would have to be an already very untrustworthy person for you to be like, Oh, I was talking to Jamie. Jamie Foxx. I have a picture. You already know that people don't believe you.
Dan (00:35:24.000)
Yeah, people might be suspicious. Yeah. Also, speaking of suspicious lot of cuts in that very short clip, Jamie Foxx. A lot of edits.
Jordan (00:35:36.000)
You know, you gotta make it sound right. It doesn't.
Dan (00:35:40.000)
It doesn't say what Alex is. It doesn't even appear to say what Alex is claiming it says, And there's so many edits that like, you're clearly trying to make it fit as best you can. And it's not working. It was this is sad.
Jordan (00:35:53.000)
It's so much thanks. So he's like, Okay, well, that let's cut out a little bit more. That doesn't. That doesn't really work. Oh, cut out tomorrow. Let's see if that. Let's just Okay, can you get him to say thank you. Just thank you. And then we'll say he was thanking the anti vaxxers Yeah, that's all we need. Yeah, this is this is smoking gun. Thank you is about to expose the VAX man knew it same the whole time.
Dan (00:36:17.000)
So Peter McCullough comes on. And here is where I said, Fuck you.
Alex Jones (00:36:22.000)
Jamie Foxx is a really likable guy to folks that know him. What you see on TV is in the movies, what you get in person. You also grew up in the town next door. I grew up. I know folks that actually went to school with him say he's a great guy. You've got a chance to know him. I guess he reached out to you and you educated him on shots. That what's the Intel we've got on this?
Peter McCullough (00:36:42.000)
Yeah, I don't have direct knowledge of what happened to Fox. But I know, Hollywood Reporter. Ben said that, you know people close to the situation that he was forced to take one in order to be on scene to shoot his most recent movie in Atlanta. And then he collapsed with a stroke as Ben's report said that he had at least temporary paralysis and cortical blindness.
Dan (00:37:06.000)
This is AJ Benza again. Yeah, AJ Benza said this shit on Dr. Drew's show. And so now you have Dr. Mercola coming on. And the only thing information that he has is the shit that AJ Benza said. So why are you even doing this interview? Yeah, cuz you have a picture of yourself with Jamie Foxx.
Jordan (00:37:23.000)
I believe that is exactly go fuck yourself. picture of themselves with Jamie Foxx should not have accepted this booking. So he has the authority to speak that might as well have Chiron underneath Jamie Foxx expert. Yeah. His picture as picture of him with Jamie Foxx.
Dan (00:37:38.000)
So yeah, not gonna listen to the rest of this IBDs interviews the zero such a moment said something and it gives me license to talk shit.
Jordan (00:37:47.000)
I don't have any direct knowledge. Click the end the end of conversation
Dan (00:37:51.000)
pointless interview? Yeah, we're
Jordan (00:37:53.000)
done here. Apologies for wasting everybody's waste of time.
Dan (00:37:57.000)
Silence says another guest who's a fucking waste of time, that Pastor Rodney Howard Browne. We've talked about him a little bit in the past. And here's here's Alex's intro for him for now.
Alex Jones (00:38:06.000)
And our number two this live Thursday, June 8 2003 transmission. Pastor Ronnie Brown is not just a very successful and powerful pastor, one country, patient, Western Florida. It's also a really smart political mind and grew up in South Africa. Do you understand how the dual motor takes over and destroys societies? We're talking about it all with him today, but he issued a news reporting issue some daily with a warning to Ron DeSantis. That I totally agree with. Here's part of that report.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.000)
All right. So, Governor,
Jordan (00:38:40.000)
Dan (00:38:42.000)
his warning to Ron DeSantis is hey, man, don't do it. Don't run for president. We're trying to lure you out of Florida. I like
Jordan (00:38:51.000)
I like it. We're trying to we're trying to sneak him out of Florida so we can arrest him for all of the charges and the kidnapping that you're
Dan (00:38:57.000)
not going to win for President. They're trying to lure you out of your wonderful position here in Florida.
Jordan (00:39:03.000)
I actually think it would be smart for him not to leave the state of Florida.
Dan (00:39:08.000)
I think it'd be smart for him to stay in the position he has. I mean, like being the governor of Florida is probably a reasonably safe position for him in terms of re election chair like the there needs to be a pretty decent candidate to unseat him at this point based on the incumbency and, you know, and what have you, he's not going to probably have a whole lot of success, especially if Trump is running in the GOP primary. And your your candidate Nikki Haley,
Jordan (00:39:36.000)
no, I mean, no, I It's all I just nobody knows what's going to happen in Sunday. I mean, you know, like, I understand he's not a fighter Trump. I know I know we've we both know that. It's an intimate sturdy
Dan (00:39:51.000)
plays well, and those that GOP primary so I don't think he has the toolkit so Rodney Howard Browns advice to him to like coolit might be a good good call. Ah, yeah,
Jordan (00:40:02.000)
I mean, it's probably smart. I'm interested to know what he knows because he was one of the lawyers at the Gitmo. distintas. Yes. Yeah, he's,
Dan (00:40:14.000)
he's one interesting wrinkle. I didn't realize that sort
Jordan (00:40:17.000)
of say if he's, if he starts going, I think I'd be more interested to find out exactly what it was that he did. Sure, because there's a lot of mysteries around it. But I'll tell you what people I would
Dan (00:40:27.000)
imagine is a good guy. I would imagine that if that's the case, he's not going to be a whistleblower. No, no, no, no, no. And that seems like something that Trump could attack him over and
Jordan (00:40:37.000)
no, almost like if you were somebody that had that in your past. Not good.
Dan (00:40:43.000)
Hey, you'd say what you want about the vaccine. At least I wasn't. Exactly.
Jordan (00:40:50.000)
Oops. So anyway,
Dan (00:40:51.000)
Rodney, Howard Browne, not a big fan of civic engagement.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.000)
Anyway, Alex, it's like the whole plan has gone totally nuts. Since we last talked. Yeah, you know, one of the things that I'm concerned about this whole thing have been daunting Trump and especially with people trying to get a body to protest and stop now I told our church, we're not protesting, I'll tell you what we will be doing. We have massive phone campaigns that will launch letters, emails, and we will fund what they want to do is to get everybody protesting ash effect, get riots in the streets. So they can blame conservatives, which is like a dumb move, whoever all the voice is saying we all need to take to the streets and protest. That's just playing right into their hands. So that's not the way to go. They
Dan (00:41:41.000)
don't do it. So the folks shouldn't protest because they'll riot and then people will blame them for rioting. Right. All right.
Jordan (00:41:50.000)
See, what they are going to do is they're going to do things that make conservatives want to go out and riot and then conservatives will go out and riot and then they'll blame conservatives for rioting.
Dan (00:42:03.000)
Mm hmm. I don't know how this is anybody's fault other than their own. Well, I don't know who's who is tricking anybody into doing anything. Trump wants people to come and protest. Yeah, there's,
Jordan (00:42:16.000)
it's hard to think of a trick here. Yeah, there is. I'm struggling to find a tricky situation going on. No, this seems very straightforward. Yeah. But yeah, we have the same definitions for words.
Dan (00:42:28.000)
Go ahead and not protest though. That's fine. Yeah, I'm
Jordan (00:42:30.000)
fine with that. Stay home. Stay home.
Dan (00:42:32.000)
So anyway, Rodney, Howard Browne is a really boring guest. But he does say one thing that caught my attention.
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:42:37.000)
Obviously, I've got my own views on this. But you remember that second debate when Trump went to the medical facility in Ohio and he was debating Biden, remember that one? Yes. And Trump look totally confused. Now. I am convinced I don't have proof that they were actually putting a ray on him to totally scramble him. Because I when I was watching him I was getting who is that? That's not 45. That's not 45. He he was slow in his reaction. He couldn't even put a sentence together. And I was watching it. Oh, no, they doing something to him? Yeah, they
Dan (00:43:12.000)
hit him with a laser. I mean, hit him with a dumb beam.
Jordan (00:43:16.000)
I thought comes razor was fairly, fairly sharp. But I think maybe we just need to even even more simplify it to where it's like, if somebody looks like they're an idiot. They're probably an idiot, you know? No, they're not. There's no laser. There's no lasers. There's no like, oh, there must have been a secret. Or they were playing dumb or No, no, no, no, he's an idiot. No, it
Dan (00:43:40.000)
was a grand plan to play.
Jordan (00:43:44.000)
The grand plan. He's just an idiot. You got tricked. That's fine. We're fine with that.
Dan (00:43:49.000)
Everybody gets tricked. This isn't the guy I imagined. It's a laser.
Jordan (00:43:52.000)
I'm just saying that maybe if you're somebody who has in the past multiple times told stories about the king from Africa, sending you money, and then you get then you're like, oh, it's probably a laser. Maybe it's the Africa thing again,
Dan (00:44:08.000)
also, if this flies, Alex should really get in the business of like in court being like someone I meet with somebody and
Jordan (00:44:15.000)
we realize there Yeah, I
Dan (00:44:17.000)
didn't defame anybody. What
Jordan (00:44:18.000)
kind of laser does he get into it? Like a heat laser? Are we going with? Are we going with a laser pointer is
Dan (00:44:26.000)
it's just a suspicion. Cool, man. All right. Sorry. I thought this dude. Yep. We have another guest though. Okay. And the guy who works for Tim Poole named Shane Cashman
Alex Jones (00:44:41.000)
heard that a journalist was a channel and interviewed me. He worked for Tim Kass. And I'm like, oh, yeah, Shane Cashman. I've done some great podcasts with him. I think the biggest podcast culture war that temples done is our episode together. I'm like, wow, I'd love to have as a guest actually. Shall we bump the guest today to get him in here? So Shane casuistry wants to cover the waterfront. He's kind of doubling here so we can do an interview do for a news article he's writing for Tim He's at Shane Cashman on Twitter. So Shane, we've got the rest of the hour here to cover so many wild sobs you got three pages of notes there. Hey,
Dan (00:45:15.000)
Shane. Yeah, you can interview me but I'm gonna double dip. Yeah, I mean, we're gonna kill some fucking time on my show. I'm gonna bump whatever other guests because I think I don't want to take the time off air to do anything else.
Jordan (00:45:26.000)
That's amazing. Looks like work. That is. That is amazing.
Dan (00:45:30.000)
Hey, does this a bit though he cuts ads.
Jordan (00:45:33.000)
I know. But that's just that's really good stuff.
Dan (00:45:36.000)
Good work if you can get it. Yeah, yeah, so it is fair that Alex's episode of Tim pools dumb culture war show has the most views on YouTube. But considering the guest selection he has that is not surprising. Alex has about 400,000 views. That video which isn't nothing but it's a whole lot lower than Tim's other shows do. After Alex was on some of Tim's other guests have been Carrie Lake. Lauren Southern and Mark Pellegrino, the guy who played Jacob on last and then went hardcore libertarian. Yeah, what are you gonna do? Fun fact Pellegrino also played the villain Jacob seed in Far Cry five, because this dude loves playing cult figures named Jacob.
Jordan (00:46:12.000)
You know, it's fun. Oh, I think he needs to go back to the island. Yeah.
Dan (00:46:17.000)
Jacob storyline a little. It's a little much. That's where it gets into the mythology. Him and his brother the smoke monster. Oh, no. Yeah, boy, man and black. Okay, smoke monster. All right. Jacob. Eiland protector, making people drink from glasses. No, no, what, what? That's how you become the protector of the Oh, you got that there's a ritual where you drink from a cup. And then he says you're like me now? Oh, boy, he
Jordan (00:46:43.000)
that's a great ritual.
Dan (00:46:46.000)
Real, real frustrating thing about loss. I have no idea who Shane Cashman is in a deep sense. But I will say that I have a standing policy that I do not shake from. I don't fully believe in guilt by association. And as much as you shouldn't be judged too harshly for the actions of people you associate with. But if you agree to work at Tim pools operation, you have no integrity. I can make exceptions for behind the scenes, technical type employees. But if you're creating content for him, you know what you're doing. And I'm not going to take you seriously. Yeah, you have. You have made your bed. You lost your privileges. Yeah, yeah, for sure. You're just if you know, like, if you make a conscious decision to see what's going on over there, and like, oh, yeah, I think I think it's really fun that his co host is one of them is Luke radowsky. And then the other one is somebody who's even more embarrassing, right? Like, I don't think I think you'd just be like, I'm gonna go somewhere.
Jordan (00:47:38.000)
starstruck. Oh, I will do anything to work for you, Mr. Poole.
Dan (00:47:42.000)
I think I think it's someplace you can get hired and maybe have a shortcut to thinking that you're doing something pretty big, probably. So anyway, also, Shane Cashman also has some ideas about yay. Oh,
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:47:58.000)
I want to be here today, which happens to be the yea, of the artist formerly known as Kanye West. So happy birthday to you. Yay. And we share a connection with you because I was with him right. To your last interview. Yeah, the day the day or two after I was in LA.
Alex Jones (00:48:15.000)
And I was asking you what he really was doing. You say it was Andy Kaufman.
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:48:18.000)
I think he's being Andy Kaufman. I think he's it's a bit performance. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff you believe that he's saying. But I think he truly is a performance artist, one of the best ones alive.
Dan (00:48:28.000)
Well, I mean, he performs and as much as he was like a musician, but this is not Eddie cough. This isn't satire. I mean,
Jordan (00:48:34.000)
again, I understand that sometimes whenever it looks like that it can be performance art, but for the vast majority of time, it's just somebody being an asshole. Yeah. Someone struggling. Yeah, that's a regular occurrence. Yeah. So Kaufman is famous because there was only one Andy Kaufman, not like a regular people are assholes all the time.
Dan (00:48:56.000)
Yeah. And when he was doing like, some of the most famous performance art that he did, right, he did it within the WWF. Exactly. Place where in fakeness is supposed to be kayfabe is the whole thing. The idea he entered into that? Did some, and I understand you did other performance, but it's certainly not to that level know where he's like, you know, wearing his neck brace on to, like late night progress. Yeah, shit. Yeah, that was amazing. So he might be running for president. Okay, and so is Trump. Sure. And so we get into a little section where it's clear that Cashman is just interviewing Alex on Alex's show. Do we get the sense of what Alex thinks about Trump in 2023? Okay.
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:49:43.000)
Are you into Trump running? Like, how are you with Trump these days?
Alex Jones (00:49:46.000)
Well, I'm not a pragmatist. I'm a realist. And so I don't make my decisions from a pragmatic perspective. I'm very ideological, and I really believe in what I want. But I'm a realist in that if I got, you know, Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom Yeah. And they, they stole it from Trump the beginnings was like, the public actually already elected him. I don't like Trump at certain levels. He the the people elected him, so I'm gonna respect that. And I do like Trump a lot of levels. I just don't want to be chump the same time and he's still running around saying the vaccines good. You know, he came out said, Oh, we're gonna investigate the cause autism. Well, I mean, okay, you put a BandAid on a gunshot wound you just gave us. So that's a big deal. But getting rid of Roe v. Wade, securing the border scanning up the China shipping jobs back made his energy independent. I mean, you're pulling us out of the UN who I mean he did Abraham Accords, so many peace deals, peace deals in North Korea are so many good things. But you could have the greatest dinner set there. And then, you know, and then the waiter climbs up on the table and takes a dump everywhere. It kind of still ruins the meal time trying to like ignore all the crap the Trump spill on the table and kind of bite around it. But it really does have a bad smell. I know. Whereas Gavin Newsom is a giant pool of dead babies and rotting flesh. So then I'm like, Well, I better just eat around this.
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:51:02.000)
I agree. I agree. There was so much I love about Trump. Also, he'd had Right to Try which I thought was interesting. He passed that but the end of the his pardoning the pardons were tough, you know, as much as I like Little Wayne,
Dan (00:51:12.000)
who? So? Yeah, don't don't eat that. Don't just go without a meal. Don't skip, skip dinner. That's fine. So that was a whole collection of nonsense that's just meant to allow Alex to play the fence and he wants to try and retain his pro Trump audience while giving some appearance of pushback to retain the folks who have soured on him entirely right. This is really dumb. Based on Alex's callers lately, they don't seem to like Trump at all, and the vaccine shit is insurmountable for them. So Alex's best shot right now is to cut bait. He seems to have forgotten that he doesn't need to support a candidate and lesser of two evils arguments are embarrassing for someone with his belief set to make. He can mock the idea of people voting blue no matter who but if Aleksis insists on caring about electoral politics, he's gonna vote red every time because the other guy works for the literal devil. Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. Yeah. The only thing I find interesting here is that Alex saying at the beginning, I'm not a pragmatist. I'm a realist. This is really confusing as a way to describe oneself. And I have to say that neither of these terms come anywhere close to fitting what Alex is. But it gets even weirder when he says that he's idealistic. But if the alternative is Biden or Newsom than Trump looks pretty great. That's actually far closer to being a pragmatic perspective than a realist one. Alex isn't speaking about these terms in any academic sense. So what this boils down to is that realism dictates that the world is what it is, and you should use that to guide your beliefs. Realism has no place for idealism. Because idealism is about wanting to change reality. idealism and realism work against each other. Conversely, one can be idealistic and pragmatic at the same time, you can hold lofty ideals, but also recognize that in order to make changes in the world as it exists, you need to deal with the world as it really is, and not as you want it to be. If anything, what Alex should be saying is that he's a rigid ideologue who's willing to play lesser of two evils games, when there's a pragmatic reason to like, for instance, it's really profitable to do that. What follows is Alex listing off a cavalcade of his ideological beliefs, which are not in any way based on realism. Trump is actually the president because the people elected him and Alex is going to respect the will of the people. The COVID vaccine is killing people, the vaccines cause autism, all of that is reflective of Alex's idealism, which is projected onto Trump. And the only reason he has any need to play any of the games that he's playing now is because Trump is not and never was the fulfillment of Alex's ideological fantasies. But Alex said that he was because he wanted to sell him to his audience based on their idealism. And now he's in a little bit of a bind, which is why he needs to retreat to this embarrassing land of lesser of two evils. He didn't have to do that in past elections, because his idealism guided him until he pragmatically realize that there's a shitload of money to be made in doing things this way. And also, just to be clear, you can't really have a pragmatic view of the world and also believe that your enemy has worked for the devil. Yeah, it just doesn't work. Yeah, there's no way there's no way to be pragmatic about that. Demons.
Jordan (00:54:09.000)
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it should be a lot harder. And I know this, this seems silly to say, but it should be a lot harder to get over the president murdering like 12 million people. You know, like, you believe that the vaccine is what killed everybody. And he did it.
Dan (00:54:28.000)
But that's just a little dump on the table. You know, by Blue
Jordan (00:54:31.000)
Boy, I just feel like he did, but he did it at that quarter, on purpose, according to ALEC, or
Dan (00:54:39.000)
because he's too dumb.
Jordan (00:54:39.000)
Either way, either way, right. should disqualify you as the leader of the free world. Certainly,
Dan (00:54:45.000)
it's either evil incarnate in an act, or it's a level of irresponsibility and incompetence. Yeah. You just disqualify you can't be trusted with any Absolutely not. No, no, no, no. It's just little bump on the table.
Jordan (00:55:01.000)
No, see, that seems so crazy to me. You can't live in this reality and still be pro Trump. I just feel like you can't. He shouldn't
Dan (00:55:08.000)
be. And that's the problem. He's trying to not be but also be Yeah, it's just it's a it's a dog's nose that the magazine didn't really kill everybody. And he knows that probably none of the candidates that are appearing on the right has any chance. If Trump is running, right. There's just no way. He's got Star Power. He's a dick. It's going to embarrass the shit out of everybody else. Yeah, like he did last time. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:55:34.000)
feel like they're really reaping the whole like, remember when we made politics just yelling at each other thing? And now they're they're finding out like, oh, no, we're not as good at it as we thought we were right. Yeah,
Dan (00:55:48.000)
that guy that we built up is oops, oops. But RFK is also running. Oh, boy. So what does Alex think about that? That is a good question. Do
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:55:55.000)
you think the RFK how are we with him? He's
Alex Jones (00:55:58.000)
totally for real. I mean, I think he's wrong on some issues. But now he's pro gun. Now he wants to control the border. Now. He says carbon taxes are a scam. The system hates him trying to ignore him. And they're in panic mode over him right now because he's in a daddy, even even Washington Post headline about that. Here's the hill ROK juniors rising profile, sparks Democrat janitors. There was a similar headline in the Washington Post where like, he's the leader. He's smart. He's a Kennedy. He's a populist. He's I mean, he
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:56:27.000)
understands what the CIA has done more they murdered
Alex Jones (00:56:29.000)
his father in
Dan (00:56:33.000)
the article that Alex is referencing in the hill is covering a CNN poll that says Biden supported 60% and RFK. At 20 is not a dead heat. And Kennedy is not the leader. Yeah, there are op eds that make the point that it would be unwise to consider his candidacy, dead on arrival. But Alex is completely full of shit about the numbers. A realist wouldn't act like this. That's the mark of a dishonest ideologue. For sure.
Jordan (00:56:56.000)
I appreciate the I like I like the idea of like, oh, well, he suddenly started saying the things that I like, so of course, I like him. Yeah. Like no, not at all, like Trump. No, no, like, well, Oh, now he's saying that guns are good, not not a single instance of being like, Well, why is he saying that? Is he saying that just because he's been educated? Is he saying it just because that's what we want to hear? Is anybody not? Is that not enter into his mind? All
Dan (00:57:24.000)
right, would guess that RFK is not necessarily an idiot. And he probably recognizes that if he's running for president, a large amount of support that he's going to be able to gather is going to be from the right, yeah. And so maybe he should warm up to some of the things that are incredibly important for that.
Jordan (00:57:39.000)
In some ways. It feels almost like he's making a pragmatic political decision. Right. Interesting, as opposed to one based in perhaps idealism. Yeah.
Dan (00:57:51.000)
He doesn't have a zealotry around guns as much as about vaccines. And he's passed that critical litmus test for the right. Yeah. So yep. Anyway, globalists, they screwed up. Again. Yeah, the COVID thing was a real big mistake.
Alex Jones (00:58:07.000)
I think it's the cupboard power grab that blew up in our face. I mean, I think they still had a shot at this, but the COVID he just he just did and and people are forgetting about it. They're more and more. They're understanding the abuse. We just went through
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:58:20.000)
it backfired. A lot of people bought into it. Trust me. I was in New York.
Alex Jones (00:58:24.000)
Oh, no, no, exactly. I mean, it worked for a minute. It's like a woman's got a husband, it breaks her jaw. She kind of buys into the first few weeks, but later she's like, you know, he broke my jaw. Some of those people
Rodney Howard-Browne (00:58:33.000)
will never forget here that the media put in their hearts from COVID From lockdowns I remember being on our trail in Bear Mountain, New York and people had to skip they were almost about to jump off the cliff rather doing that and then walk by me on a path because I didn't have a mantle. I
Alex Jones (00:58:47.000)
had people yell at me and go cecum and his dog bites me in the arm because I was wearing a mask, isn't it? He called the police. Sorry, punch the dog in the head. Be right back. Stay with us.
Dan (00:58:57.000)
Another gleeful story.
Jordan (00:58:59.000)
It's named this dude have a gets dogs. He was really happy
Dan (00:59:03.000)
to tell the story about punching a dog. I
Jordan (00:59:05.000)
am blown away by this. Oh my god. I just why? Why? Why? You know it is that cruelty to animals thing with psychopaths? You know it is there's definitely a little bit of like, Hey, I know what you did. Why
Dan (00:59:19.000)
is it weird that the guy called the police who punched his dog? You punched his dog?
Jordan (00:59:24.000)
Oh my god.
Dan (00:59:25.000)
Also, I mean, like, sure you can be mad about fear and stuff surrounding COVID And what have you but you know, it's easy to lose track of how many people were dying at the beginning. You know it things have calmed down a bit. You know, obviously we're not entirely out of the woods of COVID it's not you know that maybe it's not the public health emergency it was before but it is very time makes you forget how severe things were. And the beginning Oh 2020 is a nightmare. Yeah. And so some of that fear was very warranted. Oh, very much. I don't think that was the globalists doing it to anyone.
Jordan (01:00:11.000)
No, it was mainly watching people's loved ones go away. That's usually what does
Dan (01:00:17.000)
and Alex likes to forget that he played into a lot of that before he decided it was more profitable to go the other direction. He totally So Shane should ask that question for his cool article. Shane,
Jordan (01:00:27.000)
is it over for humanity is a good question. Oh,
Dan (01:00:30.000)
it's time to pray. So Shane was a little bit worried that, you know, the, the government used to do assassinations, and then they went to character assassination glory days, right. But he's worried they're gonna go back to it because character assassinations aren't working now. Okay. And then Alex has a fun story about a relative who's assassination government,
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:00:47.000)
as far as I'm concerned, used to operate in blood. And it used to be assassinations, like RFK knows all about that. Then they moved into character assassinations, which I believe you know, a lot about, right, and the character assassinations happened to people in the media, it happened to people, just you and me, right. So what scares me is now they're gonna move back to the previous plan of the of the violence.
Alex Jones (01:01:12.000)
Well, I agree. In the old days, it was all about how many people you put on the ground to kill people. Right. And back then there was Russians and all mafias and you know, the military you know, it was going around killing people in the US people don't know that. They were naive. The death warrants were signed every hour. But it didn't work. The intimidation of murder did work. To it all went from human Intel to digital starting in the 90s. The Clintons kind of continued the killing some soldier by the mid 90s You know, killing too hard people that do the killing and blackmail the guys that do the killing figure out they get killed. The biggest problem is the guys they send it to the killing end up knowing they're gonna get killed. Right.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:46.000)
This is all sounds great. We're just talking about
Alex Jones (01:01:49.000)
Yeah, I mean, he died a few years ago, but not additional job of the Army's army officer was he would just sit there like the Jason Bourne guide and give the orders he go kill people. Here in the US it was mainly mafias and stuff, but then he got people saying you never got to see is not true. He got out of it a certain point, right. Because this stuff was criminal. They said, I'm not doing that. Oh, good. You pass the test. That you're uh, yeah, you pass a test. I'm not doing that. You really want me to do that. Now you claim Oh, you pass a test. You're good guy. Because what they that's how they tested units. And it's like, okay, now wipe out the entire family and say he killed the kid. Now I'm not doing that. It goes to the Tony Montana moment, which is fictional, but you know, basically composite true stories where he was, Hey, I told you know women, okay? There's kids in the car. I'm not gonna blow them up. Tony Montana keeps his soul at that point, right? Well, women no kids, though, people
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:02:38.000)
It sounds crazy. A lot of people who aren't as plugged in as we might be
Jordan (01:02:41.000)
to movies. Yeah, it does sound crazy to people who do not base their entire life on movies. Yeah,
Dan (01:02:47.000)
it's funny that you're like, This is a shoot as movies and then it gets into the Tony.
Jordan (01:02:52.000)
You know, it's crazy. It's exactly like a movie and I'm gonna tell you which movie that it's exactly like
Dan (01:02:56.000)
no, I that's his uncle, who we just heard him tell a story recently about being in Iran Contra. And then he got out because it was kids that were being trafficked. These these family members have lived such storied like crazy they're in their in Iran Contra. Yep. And get out and save their souls save their soul because they didn't want to be trafficking kids now and also in then later, I guess, or they have to be later or maybe subsequently at the same time. Yeah, carrying out assassination hits within the United States, but then save their soul because they didn't want to kill women and children. Yeah. This is all bullshit.
Jordan (01:03:33.000)
Yeah. It's very silly. Very, very silly.
Dan (01:03:37.000)
Alex is a child. Yeah. Telling these stories, these heroes stories about his relatives it is that aren't true and just movies.
Jordan (01:03:44.000)
It's fascinating to hear these two people talk as though they so authoritatively, yeah, you know, like, and yeah. Oh, yeah. Let me tell you how the
Dan (01:03:52.000)
world works. You're a naive, dumb, dumb, who's not plugged into things. If you don't think movies are
Jordan (01:03:56.000)
exactly like you're, you're literally telling me about movies. You're telling me about movies? You know, you're telling me about movies? Because you haven't read a book in 20 years, you've only watched movies?
Dan (01:04:06.000)
Well, maybe a few books that are just like the novelization of
Jordan (01:04:10.000)
Jurassic Park the novel Yeah. And Alex is right, like, original novel by Creighton, the novelization of the movie,
Dan (01:04:17.000)
which might be better probably. So Cashman believes that abortion is human sacrifice. And then Alex gets into talking a little bit about the abortions he's had and how he was haunted by babies. This telling of the story is very different than we've heard before.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:04:37.000)
Ah, we're still doing human sacrifice. Abortion is sacrifice. I believe that turning kids into the trans movement is a form of human sacrifice. And it's also a reminds me of what went on in the Cultural Revolution. Right in China, where they're basically you erase the history you destroy the kids, you and you get to rebuild the future, a dark, disgusting, depraved future.
Jordan (01:04:57.000)
You're the one
Alex Jones (01:04:59.000)
God We're weak, because we won't target kids, right? No, no, they're weak. They'll do it. Right. Because once you go over that cliff, I mean, take Latin America 20 years ago, nobody would targeted kids 30 years ago. And then suddenly one cartel leader who was what do you know? Escobar began to target everybody. And then it was just dinner now, Ms. 13 routinely just kills babies. It's, I mean, right for other parents blows toddlers heads off like, Whoa, it's so dark again, the bad mojo of that. Don't even tell people what God does you when you feel babies. I mean, it's not
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:05:35.000)
done, your soul is done. And we, what we're experiencing on top of all this, this crazy trick that they've played on people to self sacrifice, right? So we're seeing people just they're offering themselves up to this demonic force.
Alex Jones (01:05:49.000)
And when you do that, it's just one thing to do an abortion not know what you did. When the left goes, I know I killed that little bastards in the back. I love killing babies, right? When you love it, you're done. You're fried and you still people have dead eyes after that. Oh, you are literally becoming a slave of Satan. Satan needs you to commit a crime like that, because God will remove in the spirit and once that transmission is not on you, you're now perfect. The overlay
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:06:11.000)
there's a trend on Tik Tok. I think it's I think it's on tick tock where there's a bunch of young women talking about they're haunted by the fetuses they aborted. And they have that like call I was haunted.
Alex Jones (01:06:21.000)
I mean, I really believe it was a lot of tissue out and I want to try and get women pregnant. But I was extremely fertile. I got four children. Now, when I was like, 18, I looked at one we got pregnant. And at a man and and these girls would love you to come in later, I got an abortion. Give me three airbox My father died. My dad was 18 found the abortion bill. And just very calmly said, You're not my son, you quit killing my grandchildren. I don't want you to get out of here. By Saturday. It was like a Thursday, because you got two days to get out of the house. And these I'm so ashamed of you. And you know, and the weird thing was that over the next six months, I'd have nightmares behind about it. And then that's when I had that kind of wake up come to Jesus moment again, but it's definitely real.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:07:01.000)
I think a lot more people need to have that moment right now.
Dan (01:07:05.000)
It's a little different, little different telling of the story. I mean, certainly, he's downplaying some aspects of it. Definitely leaving out the part where he coerced some of these women having abortions seem to leave out that part. Definitely adding details to his dad. Sure. Part of the story. I believe the last time he told the story, his dad was aware of it and kept paying for them, and then eventually had had enough and said you have to stop killing man. Stop killing my grandkids paid
Jordan (01:07:36.000)
for too many abortions, right? Not? Yeah,
Dan (01:07:39.000)
you found the bill? surreptitiously. Yeah, yeah, no, no, this is this is why it really makes you wonder how much of any of this is true. I
Jordan (01:07:47.000)
don't have it. Yeah. Well, I
Dan (01:07:49.000)
mean, I do think he probably was involved in some abortions, and he feels terrible about it. Sure. Probably those nightmares are, you know, not necessarily a haunting, but a reflection of the unprocessed guilt and shame that he feels around this, which continues to this day,
Jordan (01:08:07.000)
or or conversely, at all times around him. He has a little ring of aborted fetuses holding hands dancing around singing. Yeah.
Dan (01:08:18.000)
I wouldn't, I wouldn't doubt that he sees that
Jordan (01:08:20.000)
I could definitely. I could definitely see that.
Dan (01:08:24.000)
So not only is gay performance artists on the level of Andy Kaufman Sure, apparently Cashman believes that he's one of the most important voices today.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:08:33.000)
But before getting into the next question, we can shift to something else. I figured, since I'm here, I should I should address Elon Musk. And I think you have a different take on this. And it's fine.
Alex Jones (01:08:42.000)
No, I think the jury's out on. It's not even about that.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:08:45.000)
I just, I still just think Elon needs to unban Alex Jones. And yeah, two of the most important voices in the world today. And I know I've heard I've heard you say that you probably shouldn't. And what was the reasoning behind that? Why did you think that
Alex Jones (01:08:58.000)
they put so much evil energy onto me like I'm the devil with a dumbed down mass that he's barely hanging on, they've taken 15% of the revenue away. He may not win this fight. But if he if he unmasked me, he's basically unbanned almost everybody else. If he unbanned me, I'm kind of like the token, black sheep as we sacrifice. I don't agree with it, but I know why he's doing it. I'm gonna leave it at that. I'm not gonna say I met and talk to you on Musk lawyers or anything. But I mean, believe me, there's a lot of inside baseball here.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:09:25.000)
I hope so. Because I think Twitter needs you now more than ever. Yeah,
Dan (01:09:29.000)
yeah. Alex is like he's basically a murderer. He's kind of like the Jesus for right wingers on Twitter. He has been sacrificed so that they all may be on let back in a
Jordan (01:09:41.000)
sense. If you were to tell me that Alex Jones being left back on Twitter would kill Twitter, then yes, I agree. Twitter needs Alex right now. Somebody needs to put it out of its misery.
Dan (01:09:53.000)
I think I think at this point with the you know, where Twitter has gone you know, the deterioration of some of it and what have you. I don't know if it would make that big of a difference if Alex was on it, quite frankly,
Jordan (01:10:06.000)
I feel the same way.
Dan (01:10:07.000)
But this storyline that he's telling himself about why Elon doesn't actually hate him is pretty fun. It's wild. Yeah.
Jordan (01:10:15.000)
He can't just be like, well, Elon hates me. Yeah. Because of the Sandy Hook stuff. Yeah. He can't do it. He can't say that. Personally, he hates me because of the sandy hooks tactically,
Dan (01:10:25.000)
he knows that it would be too much he knew would ruin the larger plan that he had. What do you fucking talking about? This
Jordan (01:10:32.000)
is one of the great emperor has no clothes episodes that we've done in so far is like so there are so many explanations for why the emperor has no clothes. And nobody here is willing to just be like, Oh, because he's naked.
Dan (01:10:46.000)
It's very simple. Cashman was any kind of reporter at all. None of these answers would fly.
Jordan (01:10:51.000)
Yeah, that's not unacceptable. They are like that. How dare you? Yeah. How dare you. I'm going to ask a follow up question. Oh, we don't do that here.
Dan (01:10:59.000)
Also, it turns out that maybe Alex thinks these things because he's banned evading and no one really cares that he's actually on Twitter. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:11:07.000)
Well, you know, I don't want to get you on in more trouble. But since he took over, he looked at Twitter. I mean, our shows eight is not banned on Twitter. But here's the thing. I really want him to succeed. Yeah, whether he's being a double face or triple cross or whatever it is. Right now. He's going the right direction. But I mean, when I can't help tell the truth, and I really shouldn't be me saying all this. Literally, like, we get like 10 million views a day on Twitter now. I mean, we were banned on there. We're not banned. So you're not that good at tweeting. But so so the great part is like, right, like they ban Tucker Carlson because they are arrogant. That was real. And now they want him there. Tony Heyman and free speech are suing him because he had 104 million views a day and a half the show? That's that's real. No, I mean, I mean, I mean, that's going on, but
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:11:56.000)
I see I see the numbers. I see. Alex Jones on Twitter. I think I just would like that symbolic gesture, but I understand he's already got you know, his feet to the flames. And I don't know I don't fully trust Elon for a lot of different reasons. I love what he does with Twitter.
Alex Jones (01:12:10.000)
People claim Trump was 3d Chess, no trumps all instinct, all God, which is 3d. Is it your subconscious and unconscious? So Trump's a formidable source, but when he's wrong, it's really big edit. But when Elon this a 3d Chess show show, and I can actually see his moves. And so I'm like, is this your moves? And he's like, yeah, that's my most most people can see my moves. But I'm like, What is your move? A double crossed later? I don't trust him. But I can see right now the moves he's made. I mean, it's it's devastating.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:12:40.000)
My theory is that he secretly implanted the neural link in himself a long time ago. That's why these wild games and think so differently than most people
Dan (01:12:50.000)
can't tell if that's a joke or a sincere thought that Cashman has the
Jordan (01:12:53.000)
I am terrified that that is a sincere thought. Yeah.
Dan (01:12:57.000)
Also terrifying that Alex thinks he's sort of telepathically communicating with Moscow about his secret moves. Yeah. Yeah. That want to say one thing really quick. We're talking about 3d Chess. The the on a past episode. Sure. It came to my attention that chess is 2d. In terms of the game you're playing on two dimensions. There's length and width, right? The reason that I said it was 3d Chess because chess pieces have height. Yes. So like to teach. So that was like, it's when you're playing on a screen and 3d Chess the pieces are they have a height?
Jordan (01:13:27.000)
That's that was the joke we were making. Is that that pieces? Were using that as a joke. Oh, yeah. No, because the game is black and white. You know,
Dan (01:13:36.000)
I get that. Okay. I'm clarifying my position. You're making a joke. Kay, was looking at it as a 3d object, right?
Jordan (01:13:44.000)
No, that's what I'm saying. That's the joke is that it is three dimensional chess. It's it is three dimensional, because you can see the pieces exist in three dimensions. You know, that's, I might still not get the joke. Because the game itself is not three dimensional. But if you add in you Oh, I've watched people play chess before then. Nevermind. Don't worry about it. I get with subtle I get it, but it might be juicy. Yes. I
Dan (01:14:09.000)
get little point. Subtle. Yeah. Okay. I was just explaining my own Sure. Statement, which I guess was wrong. But also like, Hey, come on, you want
Jordan (01:14:18.000)
to throw this out? Alright, include spacetime. And your one dimension short, because it also moves through time as well. So I mean, frankly, everything is four dimensional,
Dan (01:14:30.000)
right? And what if, yeah. What are the other dimensions Alex has described them before? Really only as far as I know, there's like 10/10 dimensional. Well, we've had
Jordan (01:14:41.000)
10 dimensions, but I don't know what the 10 dimensions are. I remember one of them was bad, right? Or was. Now I only remember that the rips that we made about this on.
Dan (01:14:53.000)
I don't remember. I don't remember what his actual beliefs are. If you're playing chess against a demon, yeah, and it's like fourth, fifth sixth dimension. Oh
Jordan (01:15:01.000)
yeah. If you're playing chess against the against death for your life, right? Yeah. Is death a demon? Or just the embodiment of a process? You know, like the
Dan (01:15:13.000)
process to aeration.
Jordan (01:15:15.000)
That's a good point. No, it's
Dan (01:15:16.000)
not okay. What is? Is it the moon landing was faked? That sounds sort of what yeah. Oh God, this is like a bunk circle. This is nonsense.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:15:25.000)
Remember when Annie Jacobson was on Rogen? Yeah like four or five years ago she said in for she had a source for the book she wrote many years ago, who claimed to have worked at Area 51. Who said he saw surgically alter humans in a craft to look like aliens just the freakout.
Alex Jones (01:15:40.000)
Exactly. This is all a giant sign off that the US has gotten alien. He just said it. Moon landings freak out the Soviets did we got aliens real savage. Meanwhile, there was a real space program and a whole bunch of dads Air Force astronauts, we did go to the moon. And then for the public, they just had a staged event. But the guys they sent had already been there. You think ship to the moon. I know the guys that ran the operation around me. Once before he died. I didn't. I mean, I've been to his house many times. He worked with me working my dad, camping with my dad may he was good friend. If you look at the famous black and white Mission Control, he ran the cameras. He ran the radios. He ran the uplinks worldwide, he was the head of Mission Control. Comms, do you think we haven't gone? Well, he would always say he's gonna tell me he couldn't do it. Then he was told that his heart was a bunch of stamps in that heart attacks. He's a tough guy and really realized we had his last dinner he wanted to be the hotel restaurant actually got old sack bass at the Hilton. And whereas he'd been stationed with when it was attacked by Scott around by Southern everything, we got a hand he said, I'll probably be dead a few months. But I'm gonna go ahead and tell you some of those and he had like presidential metals at his house and like you and pictures of him and you know, Nixon and all that stuff. That whole secret space program a whole duplicate. Because the deaths we had the numbers and the advanced technology. And it was basically our job to run an entirely fake operation that we're in space, but to just basically then reenact what we did, because we couldn't actually show you all the advanced technology as well. We saw
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:17:10.000)
the video we've all seen is if you're concerned about the power, supply of electricity, one thing
Dan (01:17:18.000)
I'll note is that Alex seems to not care about commercial breaks on this episode. He's hip missing does matter constantly. All right. So a little speedy, but also a little ball a little bit. Maybe Alex is a little speedy and Cashman is a little bit a little
Jordan (01:17:34.000)
bit of a mix of bad ideas. Yeah, let's go oh my god.
Dan (01:17:38.000)
Wow. Okay, so Alex had this buddy who was involved in the faking of the moon landing with because they had already done it, they've gotten phone but there have been so many deaths and all this stuff that didn't want to release such video. The actual moon landing was faked one terrible, terrible conspiracy seems desperate to impress Cashman.
Jordan (01:17:59.000)
It does seem that way.
Dan (01:18:00.000)
Yeah. I know all these guys are with them right before we die.
Jordan (01:18:03.000)
My dad did bad bad dad, my uncle.
Dan (01:18:07.000)
Uncle was an assassin. In case you
Jordan (01:18:09.000)
were wondering, no matter what story you bring up, or observation you have I know somebody's personally making my connection to it far greater than yours. In case you were wondering, I am dominating you.
Dan (01:18:21.000)
Yeah. Alex also knows Buzz Aldrin. Yes, Aldrin was on the show, and they were good friends. Yep.
Alex Jones (01:18:25.000)
That's how we got to get the Buzz Aldrin interview. You got a lot of trouble for a really secretary. Like No way. I said NASA flew people in here than an animus office for a week. I mean, you think well, maybe that's a sigh up to I mean, I don't know. That's the thing. Oh, hey, most all or most of you only have dinner with you.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:18:45.000)
The thing is, my skepticism overflows so much I don't even know you know how to find what's real anymore. That's the problem in this world. That's why God seems to me like the is the only anchor in this reality that we have.
Jordan (01:18:58.000)
That is a problem. What a big swing and miss
Dan (01:19:00.000)
this is not skepticism. So skeptic positional defiance, so
Jordan (01:19:05.000)
skeptical. I don't even know how to know what's true anymore. So I'm just gonna believe whatever it is I want. Well,
Dan (01:19:10.000)
here's the thing. I mean, it is just like knee jerk defiance to things that you perceive as being the authority that you want to position yourself against Sure. That's what he's describing and pretending it's skepticism. Meanwhile, like, obviously, God and the idea of an immortal, all powerful being is the last refuge of like, certainty. Yeah, you can retreat to that certainty and just be like, That explains everything and that's what he's describing. He's done. None of this is even close to a skeptical process. You wouldn't listen to Alex say this bullshit. If you had any kind of skepticism and you feel like the fuck are you talking about? Yep. This is ridiculous. This is this is naivety mixed with oppositional defiant
Jordan (01:19:53.000)
it is something along the along those lines is and like, authority, meaning anybody who is competent? Not even like Sure. I mean, I thought we had we I thought we had a war on experts when I was growing up who my my my man, we have a war on just basic competence now. Yeah, the idea of successfully completing your job means that you are a fucking fed,
Dan (01:20:17.000)
you must be Yeah, you must be that's the only way the the the other thing too is just this insistence that the machine is anything that is what you disagree with or your political it's not actually based in power and that you have to justify that by crafting like a web of explanations for how like, Ah, yes, anything that is slightly liberal is actually power because pop culture has the interracial couples and commercial Yeah, exactly what Yeah.
Jordan (01:20:52.000)
And at the same time, a forced ignorance on and like just asking questions that you could find the answers to but refusing to, why didn't we go back to the moon? You could think about it or ask people ask as a reason that we didn't go knows exactly any number of possible things that you could look into. But instead you're like that. Well. I guess we'll never know why we didn't go back to the moon. Probably the LIBS
Dan (01:21:15.000)
but we might know some things. Yeah. And for that we need to actually talk about what the what you're talking about. Not trusting experts, right? We do need to trust experts. And one of them is Logan Paul. Oh, god.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:21:28.000)
Yeah. I hear you Logan Paul, this. Logan Paul has supposedly some footage of a UFO people are saying it's grainy, but it's really good footage. There's Logan and Jake. I think it's Logan.
Alex Jones (01:21:45.000)
And I've been on his show. Oh, really? Yeah.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:21:48.000)
Well, Logan, I think he should release that immediately for transparency sake. Because I'm skeptical of all these videos even when they're grainy and whatnot. But
Alex Jones (01:21:57.000)
yeah, the latest when they're grading. I mean, come on with all this.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:22:01.000)
That's the thing with AI now. They could be making better fake spacecrafts. But
Alex Jones (01:22:07.000)
well, what I can prove is they gave us a poisoned shot that shuts off our immune system and gives us blood clots. So I can prove that went on I can I can prove they're trying to sexualize three year olds. No, you
Jordan (01:22:17.000)
Dan (01:22:18.000)
Absolutely not. But he can prove that he was once on Logan Paul's show. I mean, Logan Paul when he was on Logan Paul show he got embarrassingly drunk to the point where he was pouring a glass of vodka another glass of vodka for himself and one of Logan Paul's co host said that's a heavy pour you do I seem to say slow down stop on sweaty mess just like boiler tell you about but it was it was rough you could even see in Logan Paul of all people yeah like wow this is this is a bit much. I will say the Logan Paul's a pretty good pro wrestler. I surprisingly quite good
Jordan (01:22:57.000)
I genuinely like whenever he was like hey, you heard a Logan Paul he has a UFO video my first thought is just like oh god I wish I just hit me with a UFO and ended for me now just just stop this just stop this madness. It's not
Dan (01:23:12.000)
something that you love to hear. Just hit me with a UFO but doesn't wonder we do it. Doesn't it sound like when you're passing a bunch of college? You're about Logan Paul Scott.
Jordan (01:23:24.000)
Video and here's the thing. Here's the thing. People are gonna tell you people are gonna tell you that they faked the moon landing. Well, the fucking we made it to the moon. Of course we made it to the moon. But you can't videotape it. So we had to fake the moon landing.
Dan (01:23:35.000)
Everybody knows that video cameras need to breathe. They need air. Yeah. So Alex also has a connection to Roswell if you'd believe. Of course he does. Of course he does.
Alex Jones (01:23:48.000)
Careers right. Greer is right there. Most of us as humans are doing it to make us sick. The aliens are violent, right? And they were violent. They'd already bought us out. Right? Okay. And God's in control of all these groups. So I agree with him that look, look into the same story. I'm an Intel officer. I'm the first to say at Roswell, we discovered bodies and craft. There's like 50 officers that have come out. The story happens like every year. So it's always the same, like were animals like the same program the same why the same thing. And meanwhile, this gets even weirder. Looks on I'm in Texas, our grandfather's World War Two that has worked for oil companies show the big oil fields and we're in New Mexico, in Roswell and my grandfather from like, 46 to like 52 My uncle was born out in New Mexico. They they worked and live in Roswell, the big building this big square buildings and petroleum building. So we were coming back from a Christmas trip like my grandmother's dead now at 92. But she was probably like, a year or something was like 1516 years ago, because my third child was even born then. And we it's we go out to readouts or whatever it is a mountain thing to ski out there. And so we come back in like two days after Christmas and we stop at a Denny's and Roswell Oh, yeah, Bill. My grandfather in the dead of yours is a terrible director in the petroleum building. And we lived a little house, right down the street here and I'm in this Danny's. Nobody's in there. And I'm like, really? I forgot you guys lived in Roswell? Well, what happened in 47, or 48, or whatever here, it was just oh, we were here. I saw the big truck in the in the tarp and the army men with their guns. And, you know, they said it was all secret. Well, if you look at a map where that thing crashes, all these highways and roads, why would they bring it through Main Street in the middle of the day with the press? Right? It was all a psyop. It was all so my grandmother was there. They're like, there's a flying saucer. The aliens are here, here. Let's all go out here in Roswell on the main road. And then let's sit here and see it. And it was just a joke, the parade.
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:25:44.000)
So we have to constantly balance the SIOP of these things. But also, we understand that these beings do exist whether interdimensional or not.
Alex Jones (01:25:53.000)
They want to control the narrative about it's just so important. Yeah, that's what's going on.
Jordan (01:25:57.000)
All right. All right. So yes, obviously, they exist. Obviously, they're real. You can
Dan (01:26:02.000)
probably hear those sirens. Because we're talking about that we're talking about his grandma blowing the lid off Roswell. Yeah.
Jordan (01:26:09.000)
But it's not about whether or not the real No, it's about controlling how people know whether or not they're real. So yes, it was a real thing. Right. But also, it was a science. So it is both real and not real simultaneously. Uh, huh. Yeah. Cool, great, great story.
Dan (01:26:25.000)
Got his family is just involved in everything.
Jordan (01:26:28.000)
You know, it reminds me of the movie gross boy. But I don't know why this has always stuck with me. But there's a nice little character B in gross point blank, where the two FBI agents, one of them just goes, What do you always got to know everybody? You know? Oh, I think I was with that guy in 90 foot. Why do you always got to know everybody? Yeah. You know, like, it's just that kind of like, that's such an annoying character trait. You always have a personal connection to everything. Come on. Yeah.
Dan (01:26:52.000)
So it does seem like he really wants to impress this guy. Yeah, for some reason. I think it's because he works for Tim Poole. And Alex recognizes the Tim Poole has a larger reach and is like ascendant within that right wing, Sam?
Jordan (01:27:07.000)
With the buttering him up kind of situation. Yeah. Seemed like he's got a pretty consistent strategy of buttering people up. Yeah. And
Dan (01:27:13.000)
if you look at like the things that Alex kind of would need for lifelines, you know, you have Steven Crowder over here, you have I mean, I don't know what Tucker is gonna be able to do for him on Twitter. But you know, maybe keep that on the backburner. But then you also have this tenuous connection to Tim Poole and maybe trying to strengthen that getting on the big show. Over there. Maybe that's the way to go. That seems very doable. I mean, Luke radowsky is one of his co hosts, and he that dude owes his career to Alex. Actually, that's true. I don't know. It makes sense why you would bump another guest for this guy. Yeah. If you really want to try and get like, in as good as you can with the pool crowd. Yeah, that does track. And so we have one last clip and Alex tries to blow a mind again, and then also really sad image was that. So apparently, Jimmy Carter wanted to reveal that aliens existed. And he was not allowed to. And I'm just gonna spoil this even before the clip because it's such a sad image. And I don't know if you're ready for it. Jimmy Carter cried about not being able to reveal aliens. I don't like the image of Jimmy Carter crying.
Jordan (01:28:22.000)
They Well, I mean, what they the worst part? The worst part, right is he was like, I want to reveal the existence of aliens. And they were like, No, you have to work for Habitat for Humanity
Dan (01:28:31.000)
for the rest of your life the rest of your life. You know, the shortest line in the Congressional Record is Carter wept. Anyway, here's the last well done.
Alex Jones (01:28:41.000)
And then I mean, creatures that are coming from light years away are in flying in tin cans, and our little in gray and fall over and die. And in our in our Jetsons shoot him down. I
Shane Cashman (01:28:52.000)
mean, give me the Carter did Jimmy Carter story when he
Alex Jones (01:28:55.000)
left the White House I see all the aliens
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:28:58.000)
saw a flying saucer outside of a Lions Club and in Georgia, and then he promised to release UFO information when he got into the presidency. And then he asked I believe Bush who was in charge of the CIA. And the story goes he was rejected and then cried about it, supposedly, but I was like that
Alex Jones (01:29:12.000)
the President wasn't charged the CIA. You go. Yeah, that's how this works. Yep,
Rodney Howard-Browne (01:29:16.000)
that's exactly right.
Alex Jones (01:29:19.000)
She'll forget George Herbert Walker Bush was the director of the CIA. Exactly. Exactly. Never worked for him, but don't forget actually ran part of the Kennedy assassination. He was photographed at Dealey Plaza. I wonder hardtails are saying stuff like that. Let's finish up for five minutes.
Joel Wallach (01:29:33.000)
Hi, I'm Dr. Joel Wallach the dead doctors don't want a guy now there mister
Dan (01:29:37.000)
break. They're a little caught off mid sentence here. So yeah, Bush was not photographed Dealey Plaza now there is a guy who dumped on conspiracy theorists think is bush but it doesn't look like him and it's not
Jordan (01:29:47.000)
Do you know who it is? John F. Kennedy Jr.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:51.000)
Yep, from the future.
Dan (01:29:52.000)
You know who it is who Alex's uncle.
Jordan (01:29:55.000)
Uncle Do you know is on the grassy knoll. Oh boy. All of Alex Exactly. The whole family it was a family reunion. The whole thing they were there.
Dan (01:30:03.000)
Yep. All tramps all of Alex's cousins.
Jordan (01:30:07.000)
Everybody's like we're coming back from now.
Dan (01:30:09.000)
Yeah, little known fact. Zapruder fake name, fake name.
Jordan (01:30:13.000)
David Jones.
Dan (01:30:17.000)
So we come to the end of this and like my bad, we didn't get to the indictment response, but that'll be for Friday. And we did get to see some dumb guests pop in and waste everyone's time. So at least there's that. Yeah, that's fun. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, we got to talk about Scotland. Donkey Kong music. True. I mean, it's not all a wash.
Jordan (01:30:42.000)
skunky Kong. Oh, that's a BAM. Donkey Kong, or skunky Kong. Donkey Kong. I think skunky Kong is the way to go. Yeah,
Dan (01:30:51.000)
yeah. Anyway, we'll be back. But until then,
Jordan (01:30:56.000)
ad we do. Try to cup bros on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight. Yeah,
Dan (01:31:01.000)
we'll be back but until then I'm Neil. I'm Leo. I'm dz X Clark. Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it up. Scott Scott.
Jordan (01:31:12.000)
Scott, x. And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:31:17.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.