Transcript/785: March 4, 2023

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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Random knowledge five days.
Theme Song (00:00:16.000)
Damn, Jordan I'm sweating knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys shank me or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight
Theme Song (00:00:35.000)
need need money handy and dandy your shopping Andy and Pam handy in Kansas. Just starting to pray Andy in Kansas Shirley here Thanks for holding. Oh, Alex was huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by now knowledge
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back knowledge right I'm Ben. I'm Jordan workable dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:08.000)
We are Dan Jordan Dion. Jordan, I have a quick question for you. What's up? What's your bright spot today?
Dan (00:01:13.000)
Well, my bright spot today Jordan is on characteristically I have since our live shows actually taken a bit of time off. I decided it was about time to just actually do what everyone keeps telling me today, right? What the fuck? I'll go ahead and take some time. It's
Jordan (00:01:27.000)
your five year anniversary since the last time you took time off.
Dan (00:01:31.000)
Brutal but um, so what I've been doing for most of the week is playing Far Cry. Hell yeah. And man, man. Oh, man, I am not a first person shooter guy I never liked like a doom
Jordan (00:01:43.000)
no halo. No, that not your not your jam.
Dan (00:01:47.000)
I find guns to not be all that appealing. Even though like really from a structural standpoint, if you have like a magic wand or something, Same difference. Yeah, basically, in a video game that is just a projectile
Jordan (00:01:58.000)
firing a projectile, regardless of its firing object is firing a project that somehow
Dan (00:02:03.000)
the aesthetics of the guns, gun games never really appealed to me. And I don't really like quick, like really fast violence and stuff. Yeah, it's overwhelming to me. And I think I had slotted most first person shooter kind of games into the, like, those games that almost fetishistic ly recreate actual battle. Yeah.
Jordan (00:02:24.000)
Like Call of Duty. You're, yeah, you're on Normandy. And you're like, Well, I don't. This isn't where I want to be. I don't know why I'm here, man. Yeah, and
Dan (00:02:33.000)
a lot of that felt a little bit like not up my alley just felt weird. I never really thought there would be much I would enjoy about like recreating Battles of History and stuff. Sure, sure, sure. But you know, Giancarlo Esposito from Breaking Bad is the villain in the sixth one. And so that got me to be like, yeah, give this a try whatever it was, like heavily discounted on the PlayStation Plus share. And so I gave it a try. And holy shit. The sixth one is nuts. And so I felt deep into that hole. And then I saw that the fifth one is about trying to do battle against a cult that is taken over a small area in Montana. Yeah, that sounds familiar. And I'm like, wow, this is all right.
Jordan (00:03:18.000)
I mean, the word apropos comes to mind. Yeah. And
Dan (00:03:22.000)
it was free. Yeah. And PlayStation Plus, try this. That's the same as I've been jumping around in these games. And it's a lot of fun. It's a bunch of nonsense. And I don't know, you get to have animal friends. And you do little missions. And you're you know, it. There's a lot of violence. And I don't know, it's I don't know, it's weird. I'm not desensitized to it. I also don't care. Right? There's almost 40. So maybe
Jordan (00:03:48.000)
that's fair. I think I think there's something about like, the way that your mirror neurons fire and you empathize with somebody who is holding a gun that you could conceivably hold in your daily life, that gives you more of a sense of immediacy and reality to it, as opposed to when you when you like, transpose those very same concepts into a place that can't hurt you into a sandbox of safety, then you're like, oh, it's fun to play around with guns, you know,
Dan (00:04:14.000)
I guess, I guess. And I think that the story overwhelms the action, in some ways. And I think that's very good. Yeah. And I think that that kind of helps. Yeah, whereas I think I think the way that I had pictured a lot of those, like, Modern Warfare and Call of Duty type stuff, it's like, the action is all there is yeah, you know, yeah, and maybe that's wrong of me to assume because I don't I've never played them right. Here's that way to me. Sure. Whereas the immersion of like in the in the sixth one, you're fighting, some guerrilla warfare again, right? They oppressive regime, and the fifth one you're fighting this cult that has taken over is real weird. So like, you know, there is stuff that you can really get absorbed in Yeah, the animal friends I mean, And
Jordan (00:05:00.000)
that's another that's another situation you know, you transpose that over there. The thing is the story. Now they have to make up the whole story. You know, like with a Call of Duty, they can be like, Hey, you're fighting in Vietnam and you assume all the shit that comes from fighter. They don't need to tell you about that. They're like, you're like, Fuck my grandfather's there in this game. He's right next to me. You know,
Dan (00:05:21.000)
is it possible in those games to go AWOL? Can you desert Can you
Jordan (00:05:26.000)
be a conscientious objector?
Dan (00:05:30.000)
100 resistor simulator of working in a national park,
Jordan (00:05:33.000)
you've got a foot, you've got a bone spurs, so you get stationed very
Dan (00:05:38.000)
far away from any action. Yeah. Anyway, so I've been doing a lot of that. That's a lot of fun. Animal Friends.
Jordan (00:05:46.000)
My brightspot Dan is I mean, largely baseball. Sure it's returning? Yeah. But in specific it is the World Baseball Classic. Oh, Dan, that is essentially the World Cup. But for baseball now. It's the World Cup. All countries around the world. They're really good at football, because that's what they play, you know? Yeah. And the World Cup of baseball right now. There's three good teams. Yeah. It's very limited. There's 20 Total teams though. Okay, so what's fun about it is the USA and Japan and the Dominican Republic have essentially between the three teams 1000 Hall of Famers on the teams, right and everybody else has everybody else in the minor leagues. Okay and it is fucking fantastic to watch them play each other because they're because everything is tense you know? There's mistakes people are bunting and shit there's the ground once ground ball took a Bad Hop that doesn't matter that's never mattered in a professional baseball game but here it's important it's it's a little bit like watching little Little League World Series
Dan (00:06:50.000)
it's it feels to me like how I remember it. Maybe this isn't accurate at all but like basketball in the Olympics. Yeah, back in the day. Yeah, wherever like everyone there were not many good T wasn't
Jordan (00:07:03.000)
really a basketball world back then. Yeah, it was more it was more of a Michael Jordan world that
Dan (00:07:07.000)
is that is pretty exciting, though. Yeah, yeah, it's great. So you know what I'd recommend you do go watch a little league game
Jordan (00:07:17.000)
but, but what's also great about it is that watching the the best teams is going to be on the Japanese team. You have I don't know. Yeah, you got show yo, tada. Yeah. All right. Now here's the great part about the Japanese baseball team. Shohei. Otani is neither the greatest hitter nor the greatest pitcher on their team. Wow. He's a close second for both, which again, makes him the greatest baseball player ever to live, right. But they've got a 20 year old pitcher named Sasaki, he throws 101 on the daily doesn't even try just throwing one to one lucky. Oh, he's walking out and he accidentally throws one I wonder what they've got a hitter, who's maybe the A's projected to probably be the best hitter in the major leagues in the next five years. It's crazy. It's crazy. So they your pick. No. Oh. Then on the USA, you've got trout, right. You've got fucking Nolan Arenado. Their pitching staff is garbage. Say Nolan,
Dan (00:08:16.000)
Ryan. No, no, no, he's
Jordan (00:08:18.000)
not back. You might make. But yeah, you've got you've got the best. You got Mookie Betts, you've got three former MVPs you've got a multiple MVP, you know, like that whole thing. Right? So
Dan (00:08:29.000)
whatever his name is,
Jordan (00:08:30.000)
Bryce Harper. No, he's injured. He's not coming back until the second half of the season. I think.
Dan (00:08:35.000)
What about my boy Johnny Damon?
Jordan (00:08:37.000)
Johnny Damon. He's been actually in the forest
Dan (00:08:41.000)
for the past 15 years just trying to come up with a name when I play fantasy baseball.
Jordan (00:08:45.000)
Yeah. Anyways, and then the Dominican Republic out of this world pitching staff Sandy alcantara is the reigning Cy Young winner. It's amazing. It's going to be incredible.
Dan (00:08:54.000)
Are the old are those three teams at least in different divisions? Yeah, okay.
Jordan (00:08:58.000)
They won't meet until the end. So what's fun now is we're watching a bunch of bad teams play baseball for their country. So it's so intense, they care so much, and then they're all gonna lose and then we're gonna watch the USA and Japan and the Dominican Republic fight each other. And that's going to be incredible baseball.
Dan (00:09:14.000)
Oh, I'm excited for you. Yeah, it's great. I hope I hope it's a blast. It's gonna help I actually kind of hope that there's like some kind of a Cinderella story Oh, total that's the fun Yeah, yeah. Like us gets unseated by tell you this chilly
Jordan (00:09:29.000)
Chinese Taipei. All right, they just defeated the Netherlands which is a huge upset on account of them being Chinese Taipei and Netherlands has been in the World Baseball Classic for years and stuff. So they're they're really just finding their footsteps on playing baseball at all that came out one if they make it out of their group with Japan. Fucking incredible. You'll see the world. I mean occasionally be like, Whoa, that'll be
Dan (00:09:56.000)
I'll see nothing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but it is very exciting. Yes. So during today we have an episode to go over. Yes. And on account of our Live episodes on my week off, we had a little bit of time where we have not seen what's been going on with Alex. And in that intervening time something very big happened. Oh, no. Do you know what I'm talking about now? No idea. A big interview.
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
A big interview with for Alex. Yeah, no that Well, I mean, the idea is, I don't know what's going on.
Dan (00:10:23.000)
I understand that but this might be something that you would not have been able to avoid.
Jordan (00:10:27.000)
Okay, well, I avoided it. Like a hero. Well, congratulations.
Dan (00:10:32.000)
Thank you. I don't know if I should spoil this for you upfront or let it happen in the episode
Jordan (00:10:37.000)
I assume. Here's what will be fun. I assume plenty of people listening already know everyone ever. So it'll be fun to really finding up.
Dan (00:10:48.000)
Fair enough. We'll get down to business on that. But before we do, Jordan, let's say hello to somebody. So first hundreds of hours in and I still haven't figured out what Alex thinks actuary means. Then this is attributed to Tini the cat. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:11:03.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Dan (00:11:04.000)
you very much. actuary is a term that Alex throws out whenever he needs to lie about something that involves statistics and vague future prediction.
Jordan (00:11:14.000)
I think he means spreadsheet. Or
Dan (00:11:17.000)
soothsayer. Oh, spreadsheet with with a spreadsheet? Yeah, I mixed Hey, Bryce. I like you and I love you. And could you fill up my water bottle for me? Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Jordan (00:11:27.000)
I'm a policy walk. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:11:29.000)
Next a yak ban. And Jerry bear. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:11:32.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:11:33.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:11:34.000)
Next, the future X Mrs. Alex Jones. Thank you so much. You're on our policy walk.
Jordan (00:11:38.000)
I'm a policy walk. Wait a second.
Dan (00:11:40.000)
Get in line.
Jordan (00:11:43.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:11:44.000)
Next, the dirty liberal from Butler, Pennsylvania. Thank you so much. You're now ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:11:48.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:11:49.000)
Thank you very much,
Dan (00:11:50.000)
Jordan, we get a ticket great at the mix. So thank you so much. Do I listen to knowledge fight for 22,000 minutes and 2022 and have the receipts to prove it. Take my money. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:12:02.000)
I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies. I might quit tomorrow actually. Just gonna take a little break now. A little breaky for me. And then we're going to come back. And I'm going to start the show over, but either Fuck you. Fuck you. I got plenty of words for you. But at the end of the day, Fuck you and your new world order. And fuck the horse she wrote in on and all your shit. Maybe today's broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow. And you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again. I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having right now is on here. I'll be better tomorrow.
Dan (00:12:57.000)
He's not oh lord Shelley ever be what happened there? taking a sip of your iced tea when I played the clip. So you didn't get to say thank you. Oh,
Jordan (00:13:06.000)
no, I was I said thank you too early. Oh, I say thank you after technocrat drop. I said it too early.
Dan (00:13:14.000)
I see. Yeah. I was very confused by your body language. Yeah, we took a week off. Yeah, no,
Jordan (00:13:18.000)
I It's Rusty. I'm saying yeah,
Dan (00:13:21.000)
we could get beat by the Netherlands. So here's a little out of context drop from today's show.
Alex Jones (00:13:28.000)
Let's go to break. Because you might not need a break, but I gotta go. peepee he's gotta go.
Dan (00:13:34.000)
So that's the kind of interview he's got. One more. He's got to go pee pee.
Jordan (00:13:38.000)
Okay. Okay, so he's drinking. So we've got an interview where Alex is drinkin. Yep, he's gotta go get his drinkin. Oh, the guest is right. So the guest No. Okay. This isn't studio. Okay. This is in studio. All right. Everybody's drinking.
Dan (00:13:52.000)
Guest also smoking a cigarette.
Jordan (00:13:55.000)
Okay, is it Wait, it's Dave Chappelle? Is it Dave Chappelle? No, no. Okay. Not that big. Okay. All right. Okay.
Dan (00:14:02.000)
It's debatable. I think you could make an argument that this guest is maybe, huh. Oh, more longevity. Okay, think actually, that's not fair. Because Dave Chappelle is career has gone quite a ways back. Yeah. Um, ya know, it's tough. I don't I don't I wouldn't know how to gauge it.
Jordan (00:14:19.000)
Okay. Well, I'll wait until I see further.
Dan (00:14:22.000)
Um, so I guess we'll we'll sort out whether or not this person is more or less famous than Dave Chappelle somebody
Jordan (00:14:28.000)
smoking in the in the studio with Alex Jones. Yeah. And drinking. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (00:14:35.000)
I mean, look, you have to kind of get the sense that like, Alex has to be pretty subservient for someone to just light up a cigarette.
Jordan (00:14:46.000)
Do totally, totally. And it's not Joe Rogan because I know that that's not happening anymore.
Dan (00:14:51.000)
I think Joe could show up there. It wouldn't go the other way. No, no, wouldn't go the other way. Okay. But I wouldn't put it past Joe to show up there but i don't know i don't think Joe smoke cigarettes. You It's one
Jordan (00:15:00.000)
cigar. Yeah, that's right. That's what you do. Yeah. Yep.
Dan (00:15:03.000)
So anyway, here's the first clip, where we start off before the guest arrives.
Alex Jones (00:15:08.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host. It's Saturday, March 4 2023. It is 1210. Exactly Central Standard Time. And I have gone for close to a week though I did host about half of the shows, I have dedicated myself to spending more time with family, with my parents and with my children and others, because I've just been working seven days a week, for 28 years. And I've just been committed to do that. I'm doing some catching up. Even though the world's in a more intensive, sane place than ever, I've committed to take off at least five, six days purely every month to spend it exclusively with my family. Because that is so important to do. Who knows how long we'll even be here.
Dan (00:15:56.000)
So Alex didn't take the time off specifically to only spend time with his family. Like in that clip, he even said that he hosted his show some of the days over the phone and other days he called in or one of the idiots was hosting. He's just taking more vacations because he knows that pretty soon he won't be able to afford that shit. And he's like when his finances are like, appropriately scrutinized he's screwed. Yeah, I get why he can't be honest with the audience about it. But it's a bit sad. I bomber.
Jordan (00:16:22.000)
Yeah. I mean, it's hard to it would be a hard ask for the audience to forgive you. If you're like, Well, I've committed to Brewster's millions thing
Dan (00:16:30.000)
for the rest of my gotta get rid of all this. It's gone. It is
Jordan (00:16:35.000)
not going to be mine for much longer. So so long as I can, I will spend
Dan (00:16:39.000)
it the difference between this and Brewster's millions is like that. The premise was that you get it at the end, right? Like you have to spend all the money and then he gets the inheritance, right? You can't like there's nothing at the end of this rainbow for Alex.
Jordan (00:16:52.000)
Yeah, if this is, I mean, the end of this rainbow is just a different type of zero for either way that the feeling of I got one over and now I have zero or I screwed up, and I'm losing for everything. Yeah.
Dan (00:17:07.000)
But he's taking a lot of vacations. Yeah, well, he's trying to get one over. It's pretty, it's pretty wild. So we got a theme to this show. It's not just a show where he comes in, and he's going to talk to a very famous guest. He also has a theme.
Alex Jones (00:17:21.000)
Okay, the theme of this transmission today is the Great Awakening is here, the chain reaction is taking place. Humanity, a large segment of it is waking up at an explosive rate. So that's the
Dan (00:17:32.000)
new catchphrase that Alex says that's the new branding. Explosive rate. No, the chain reaction chain reaction. Gotcha. He's co opted the Great Awakening from Q anon. But you know, that was working for a bit. But you know how Alec says he kind of wants to have something that's his own. It's more exclusive to his platform. And it's something that implies that his victory is inevitable. So you landed on the chain reaction, a chain reaction, the basic gist is that he's saying that the inciting event has already happened. And now a chain reaction is in progress that can't be stopped. Anything the globalist tried to do will just trigger another aspect of that chain reaction and then blow up in their face. I think that it's, there's a little bit of truth to this, but not as much as Alex is selling. The far right media has succeeded in radicalizing a significant portion of the population to the point where they live in a completely different reality and nothing will ever reach them. Internal Communications from Fox News can come out in the Dominion lawsuit that clearly illustrate that they lied to their audience intentionally and knowingly, and Tucker will remain the most important person in the world to them. Study after study come out showing that the vaccine worked and ivermectin didn't, and a lot of people will continue to follow and trust the people who still preach the opposite. I don't think this is really a chain reaction. But Alex is correct that he's helped foster and train a segment of the population to be blindly oppositional defiant, and ready to be mobilized against any right wing culture war battle, that the people who are in charge want. Yeah, media, the right wing media will just say go and
Jordan (00:19:00.000)
so yeah, my most recent favorite is a bank collapsed. And what I'm hearing is that recently, they hired somebody to help with like diversity or something. So the argument is very clear. Go well, you hire someone for diversity, then you will destroy the global financial system.
Dan (00:19:20.000)
Whoa, whoa, go back. Right. Exactly. Yeah, we've heard it a million times. It happens every day. That's what happened with Ken Lay. Oh, no, I
Jordan (00:19:27.000)
one day I walked over and I helped an LGBTQ plus person and then $5 got stolen from my back pocket in go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, broke.
Dan (00:19:36.000)
I think an actual chain reaction is what's happening with Alex's legal struggles. He defamed grieving parents and that triggered a lawsuit. The lawsuit triggered him being completely uncooperative to the point where he was hit with a default judgment and ended up owing over a billion dollars. This gigantic judgment and the looming fear that he knew he was going to lose that case triggered Alex to try to pull off a phony bankruptcy and to mess around with his finance Isn't possibly hide money in various places like by creating Alex Jones Live, which is totally unrelated to completely unrelated the revelation of Alex Jones live led the bankruptcy court to order him to suspend that show and demand discovery of all documents related to that show and the claims that he made on air about it being separate from free speech systems. We're yet to see what this triggers, but I don't think it's completely out of the question to assume that Alex may have opened himself up to criminal liability. If he's up to no good. And he ends up being charged with bankruptcy fraud. That's just that's not a matter of fines. He could go to jail for five years.
Jordan (00:20:33.000)
Yeah. And and again, with with discovery that includes, I would hope we understand by now, any sort of text communications or email communications, such as ones that might include a conversation along the lines of Hey, Tim, they're going to take all of my money. How do I hide? So let's start a different show. Unrelated, totally unrelated, totally unrelated. Not at all bankruptcy fraud. Yeah, I
Dan (00:20:59.000)
mean, look, he didn't comply with the discovery in the last case. And I don't expect that he will be much more forthcoming now. But that could be much more of a problem. Yeah, these circumstances than in the civil case. Yeah. Obviously, that's a pretty unlikely outcome like for him to go to jail. But if there's ever been a case of someone who could be shown to be using the bankruptcy courts in the system in bad faith, it's definitely Alex. Like, if I were him, I'd be taking every fucking vacation. I could as well. Yeah. Because it might not just be a matter of him being broken. Yeah, he could fuck around and uncooperative himself into prison. Yeah, it's
Jordan (00:21:36.000)
very, it's very interesting to see the differing justice systems in action, where it's like, Listen, you can you can hurt people and harass people and destroy people, but we'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You fuck with our money. You're dead. We are coming for you. You know? Yeah. So anyway,
Dan (00:21:51.000)
Alex, I don't know if you know this was in Cancun. Do you remember that? Yes. He went to Cancun again.
Jordan (00:22:01.000)
Okay, yeah. Okay. Yep. I want to
Dan (00:22:04.000)
people people love him.
Alex Jones (00:22:06.000)
So let me again give you an anecdotal example. You can see all the real world examples yourself around you and and describe what happened. I went for about six days with my family to a vacation destination in Mexico. And I got mobbed at the Texas airport in Austin. I got mobbed continually in Mexico and I was kind of hiding out just on the beach. I got mobbed everywhere, and flying back out of Cancun yesterday. We got to the airport about two hours for the flight we got through security really quickly. And so I went and sat in a corner of a restaurant that was probably only a third full. And basically everyone in the restaurant came over and shook my hand and said we know about the New World Order. The Great Awakenings here we're gonna beat him together. It was like Fight Club.
Dan (00:23:04.000)
Oh, I heard the chain reactions happening. It is like Fight Club because he's imagining thing. Yeah, that would make sense. It is very much
Jordan (00:23:10.000)
are all people in his head coming up to say thank you. You've done such great work.
Dan (00:23:15.000)
When I heard that clip. I thought it was imagining things because like I said, like Alex just got back from a vacation in Mexico. So I was I thought at first he was talking about the same one. Right? But he said he came back and was at the airport the day prior which would have been March 3, so it has to be a different Cancun vacation than the one he just got back from on our episode from February 21st. Ship to vacations to Cancun. Yeah. So because seriously up with this, and if I had to guess it's just a matter of wasting money and living lavishly before that's not an option anymore. But there's an outside chance that Alex has picked up like a side gig, mewling fentanyl across the border.
Jordan (00:23:50.000)
I mean, you know, if he were setting up contexts for his inevitable departure from the United States for good, I'm trying to
Dan (00:23:59.000)
buy a house. Exactly.
Jordan (00:24:02.000)
I just appreciate I just appreciate
Dan (00:24:04.000)
the research on extradition. A man who
Jordan (00:24:07.000)
is the tip of the spear during a time when the globalists are more on the attack than ever, making sure his audience knows Oh, he's on vacation,
Dan (00:24:17.000)
and we might get nuked at any minute. Yeah, five minutes until instead, I'm gonna get out of here and we're going my second vacation to Cancun in three weeks. Listen,
Jordan (00:24:27.000)
I know Look me in the eyes. I know you trust me. And I just told you that a nuclear war is imminent. Yeah, I gotta get out of here.
Dan (00:24:35.000)
I'll never give in but I might give out and I might go to Cancun or whatever the shit hits the fan. I might be having a margarita there had a luxury resort in Cancun.
Jordan (00:24:49.000)
There's a nuclear bomb coming into my tie in my mouth. We're doing it
Dan (00:24:53.000)
What an asshole. So, the last time that Alex went to Cancun, we remember the secure bodyguard that he had told him that he overheard everyone on the beach telling him that they loved him. Yeah. So I guess on this trip folks have gotten a little bit bolder and actually mobbing him okay. Or more realistically, Alex got used to telling that lie about a security guard. And it just wasn't exciting for him anymore. So you needed to juice it up with topical exaggerate. Yeah. I mean, it just gets excessive.
Alex Jones (00:25:20.000)
The Mexican waiters. We're all fans, and we're talking about what I've done on the show. We love you hate. I wish you were live Monday and Tuesday, but you're going to Texas today we're going to be tuning in Sunday. Are you going to be doing a special show Saturday? I mean, that's the Mexican waiter. Then Mexican nationals, who were visiting from Mexico City came over. Then people from Germany, people from Wales, England. People from South Korea. I mean, on and on and on. And I'm sitting there for an hour, getting up taking pictures. And we're looking around the restaurant. And I'm like, wait a minute. We're sitting here in the corner in the back the places two thirds empty. Most of the tables are open and my wife goes, Yeah, everyone has come over. And as a listener,
Dan (00:26:09.000)
everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone. It's just he's so big. He's huge.
Jordan (00:26:14.000)
Roughly. I would say 40% of the population listens to him now because last I checked it was at one and a half billion. So you gotta assume it's two or three right now.
Dan (00:26:24.000)
I mean, if we're being you know, sincere operator, right, right. We have to accept that this sample from the restaurant tells us that 100% of the world
Jordan (00:26:37.000)
it does seem like even if he is, I suppose near on a near constant basis arguing for the non existence of anyone who looks like you. Yeah, you're still a fan? Yeah.
Dan (00:26:48.000)
How could you not be he's not be he's too good. So everyone loves Alex so much. I just love him. Can't can't stop
Jordan (00:26:55.000)
from mobbing him also can't stop from mobbing him. Now, let's just recall the number of times we've seen Alex interact with people who love him. Oh, it is generally not like, Oh, I love sitting in the corner of this restaurant where I can't run away from you
Dan (00:27:09.000)
usually seems to fight with people and run away. Yeah. But that's not when he's drunk. margaritas on vacation with the fam No, no. And he has a security guard. Right? Well, yeah, that helps. So not only was everyone giving them love, they're also given him free shit. They could not stop giving him free shit.
Alex Jones (00:27:30.000)
We we'd ordered dinner. They go. Would you like some free lobster? Would you like some fruit tequila and I'm like, stop. But I appreciate it's not me bragging. Oh, I'm famous. I'm successful. The enemy has tried to destroy me with everything they've got. They have thrown every lie every twisted disinformation piece they have tried to make me Satan. And it's not that I'm that good as a talk show host or information? Definitely. It's that people hate the system so much. That they then just go well, the system's attacking you, you must be good. And I got told that by so many Mexicans. We took the ferry over to Islam at Harrah's and spent a couple of days over there a little beautiful island. I've been going since I was a kid but it was basically nothing on it. Now it's built up. And it wasn't it wasn't saying oh, your drinks free. Why We Love Your Work. Oh, that bag of chips. Your daughter wants just it's free. And then the Mexicans are trying to give us beer give us tequila everywhere. I'm like, why they go sir, we love you. We know when the system comes after somebody. They are good. We are with you. We love you. I mean, it was show intense, ladies and gentlemen. It was in saying the level of support.
Dan (00:28:48.000)
He's doing that Trump thing with a surge of stories.
Jordan (00:28:51.000)
I mean, yeah, that I suppose the kernel of truth in there might be that he is in an everything included resort, and everybody just keeps bringing him drinks, because that is how it
Dan (00:29:01.000)
works. That's kind of what I was thinking based on the other times that I've seen where Alex has stayed, and he's on vacation. It's like, he's probably just spending a whole lot. Oh, the other version of this that I could believe is that a bartender gave him a free drink because he thought he needed it. Yeah. You look sad, dude. Hey, you're a mo.
Jordan (00:29:18.000)
I don't know who you are. But you seem to really need this. So I'm gonna say Wow, I love your show.
Dan (00:29:25.000)
Yeah, I want to take a quick second here, though, to break down some of Alex's thinking. These people in Mexico are coming up to him and giving them all this free stuff. And they say that they're doing it because they know the system is against Alex, which means he must be good. This is not how most people think. But it is how Alex thinks. Most people take the information available about a person and then they make an assessment based on that. But this isn't how Alex experiences the world. For Alex everything is about defining yourself based on opposition. He knows that he's onto something when people attack him for saying it because he's convinced himself that is imaginary and enemies attack him the most when he's over the target, and thus negative attention and consequences are actually signs of virtue. This is a coping mechanism that Alex has developed. So he doesn't have to hear or consider criticism of the dangerous, stupid and irresponsible actions that he engages in basically on a daily basis. Most people in the real world living their lives don't need to employ this level of escapism to get through the day, so they don't come up with absurd rationalizations like this. People who are already fully indoctrinated into the info war, maybe have accepted Alex's premise on this shit. So I guess if everyone Alex encountered on his second vacation of the month were dyed in the wool info warriors, this could happen, I guess. I think it's more likely that Alex is making up a story and mysteriously every other character in it thinks exactly how he does. Because Alex says no creativity or ability to understand that other people's minds work differently than his own. Yeah. He's an idiot. Yeah, that's
Jordan (00:30:53.000)
something that he has no creativity. Yeah, his creativity is what he would say. If he came up to himself and said, I love you.
Dan (00:31:01.000)
His imaginary enemies mysteriously have all the plans that he would do if he were them. Yep. Everybody, every character in his story is either a demon walking around who's possessed, or they think exactly like him. It's just it's so
Jordan (00:31:15.000)
crazy how the world works.
Dan (00:31:17.000)
I'd love to. I'd love to read an Alex Jones screenplay, though, because it was probably one of the more absurd and twisted thing.
Jordan (00:31:24.000)
I think it was iRobot I think that was the one that he wrote. Yeah.
Dan (00:31:27.000)
So look, man, everyone loves him. And even leftists don't fuck with Oh, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.000)
There were no one. Nope.
Alex Jones (00:31:34.000)
I see. If you let us look at him. He's going with our mouse over there. They just don't even say they kind of just keep looking at me. Well, it's better than look at this as not coming up getting in my face, because they know they got screwed. They know they got lied to the point shots they know I'm right. In the main
Jordan (00:31:48.000)
No, no, you've lost a one and a half billion dollars, Nolan. So
Alex Jones (00:31:52.000)
I'm gonna give you the good news here. This isn't me talking about myself. Again, I've said this 100 times because it's so critical. Understand, you are blessed. If you're a school teacher, or a farmer, or bus driver, or a police officer or a doctor, or you work at a bank, you got your life, you got your family, you want to go speak at city council, you can you should want to go to school board, great to speak out. But you're not a public person, you get to be private. And the enemies of freedom have tried to make my life a living hell. They've tried to destroy me, and anybody else who stuck their head up or resisted him. And I can tell you as a gauge, kind of like, you get a turkey for Christmas or Thanksgiving and you buy the metal thermometer, you know, because the old one broke or whatever. And you sleds a thermometer in the turkey take care of your thermometer, so to see if you've gotten the middle of it cooked. And that's all I am as a thermometer. I'm a gauge because I'm well known my faces out there. And let me explain some of these aren't just people interested to take a photo with me and say they liked me. No. I would ask the people that say, Oh, really? What's the last time you tuned in two days ago? You were talking about this? Or they'll start telling you Oh, I was tuned in last few days to Oh, and we love Oh, and but when are you back? When are you back? I'm like, Well, I'm back tomorrow we talk to each other. What time what time? I got asked at least 10 times in the Cancun Airport when I was live again. And before I get out of my mouth a couple times they go NUDE NUDE, or will it be two o'clock? So your word of mouth, you spread the word about the broadcast all of you has caused a chain reaction.
Dan (00:33:34.000)
Okay. None of this happened till but like imagine how fucking antisocial it seems to be like someone comes up as like, Hey, I'm a big fan. Oh, dad named three of my songs. Yeah, that's crazy.
Jordan (00:33:44.000)
It's so crazy.
Dan (00:33:47.000)
He's challenging them. Like, I don't believe that you like me?
Jordan (00:33:50.000)
What's what's happened? What stranger about that is that if somebody accurately told me what was on it, like if I'm Alex, and somebody accurately told me what I said two days ago, that's how I would know they are not a fan. Because that means that they listen and remember the things right, right. Right. So I would have told them something two days ago that directly contradicts literally what I'm talking to them about right now.
Dan (00:34:14.000)
It would be it would be a cause for concern. Yeah. So right away. This clip was a tortured and painfully drawn out way for Alex just to say that his experiences are a mirror for how the Patriots are doing and when people are nice to him, the Patriots are winning. And when people are mean to him, the globalists are about to nuke everyone and there's no hope and get in your bunkers and flee the cities. Yeah, I get what he's trying to convey. But I question if that metaphor is actually even what he's trying to get at. I know Alex pretty well, and I've seen the kinds of places he frequents, like when he goes on vacation, they aren't cheap. Like it seems like a bunch of like, he seems to be like the guy at the casino who's like the blackjack dealer was so nice. Yeah. 100% they were being paid to be they want to keep you at the table can't believe
Jordan (00:34:56.000)
how much they were interested in what I do. They weren't Trying to meet talking for as long as possible.
Dan (00:35:03.000)
It has that vibe to it. Yeah, I don't know. But I do like the idea of Alex's new nickname, the meat thermometer of liberty.
Jordan (00:35:12.000)
I would I would alter the metaphor just a little bit. And I would say Alex is more like the turkey and it's time to stick a fork in him. He eats done. Yep.
Dan (00:35:20.000)
That's for sure. Yeah. So Alex, I think has a thought. And it's of a song. Oh, it's a rock and so okay. It's
Alex Jones (00:35:28.000)
not about me getting praise, that Oh, I feel good about things because I'm getting praise. No, no. It's knowing that I'm supposedly Satan. In the mainstream media, hundreds of articles a day 1000s and 1000s of programs a month 1000s 1000 Local News National Foreign, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying. And you've got that old great song by Alice Cooper. No more Mr. Nice Guy. And if you listen to no more Mr. Nice Guy, we got me the lyrics, enormous, nice guy running real quick texts. He says I got no papers. They can't be seen with me. And I'm feeling real shot down and I'm feeling me. I'm not back when Alice Cooper wrote that 3540 years ago, just 40 years ago. Now. If the newspapers attacked you, man, you were persona non grata. That was the and what do we do social credit score? What are we now those newspapers have less than an 8% approval rating in national polls showed us mainstream corporate broadcast media and all the cable media, they are so universally or almost universally reviled. That the only thing that would hurt me would be if the newspapers started endorsing me.
Dan (00:36:44.000)
The media doesn't think that Alex is satan. They just think he's a fraud and a liar who's prioritize profits over every measure of decency and his actions have led to tremendous pain, which he doesn't care about at all. There are 1000s of articles about him written but it's always suspicious that he doesn't include that list of his persecutions, a podcast about him with almost 800 episodes that sold out two nights of live shows in under half an hour, and has caused his employees to not want to be corporate representatives for a year of being mocked at weird that's not on the list.
Jordan (00:37:16.000)
By the very least we cost him 30k higher and Brittany paws.
Dan (00:37:19.000)
Seems like that could have been maybe something that's on my list seems weird, weird. But no more Mr. Nice Guy thing is interesting, because Alex seems to be saying that his situation is somehow comparable to the lyrics of that song only for it to actually be the opposite. Yeah, a small point Alex forgets is the second verse of that song is about Alex, Alice Cooper trying to go to church and the Reverend punching him in the nose. So it doesn't quite work for first thing. Oh, nobody
Jordan (00:37:44.000)
remembers the second verse, right? That song
Dan (00:37:47.000)
was kind of a joke about his public image. And in interviews, he's been pretty aware of the fact that this bad press and social ostracization that, like it made his career Yeah, because without the theatrics, who knows if that band would have even been a success? Yeah,
Jordan (00:37:59.000)
I mean, it's great. His live show is incredible. He does the whole thing.
Dan (00:38:03.000)
Like Frank Zappa told him to like never deny. Yeah, absurd stories about yourself.
Jordan (00:38:08.000)
Yeah, no, there's no way that guar is just a regular as band and they still are, yeah, not happening.
Dan (00:38:15.000)
Yeah, I was Cooper recording the bad press in the same way that Alex will do shit like ranting about eating his neighbors hoping for people in the actual media to cover it to his name gets out there and people keep talking about him. Also, if Alex's theory about how you are persona non grata if the papers were against you back in the day, if that was actually true, we wouldn't know the name Alice Cooper. Yeah. Alex's point is essentially self debunking.
Jordan (00:38:36.000)
Yeah, like, okay, okay, hold on. Are you telling me that if the papers were against you, you are persona non grata. Now, are you we talking about the late 80s and 90s right around the time whenever every paper on the fucking country was like, rap music is bad for you? Yeah.
Dan (00:38:54.000)
Yeah. I never heard wrap again. Yeah, never came back. Also, Alex loves to trot out that statistic about approval ratings. And I've never heard him cite where he's getting that number from, and it hasn't been updated in years. It's wildly inconsistent to like he always just has it under 10%. Basically just choose whatever number he wants. Yeah, I have two rebuttals. The first is that I would love to see a national poll and what it would come up with if they tried to gauge the approval rating of Alex Jones. If he thinks it's going to be higher than 10%. I think he's got another thing coming to quote, Judas Priest, another theatrical, well done. Alex will get some traction on Twitter here and there because people love posting sensational things, he says, but in terms of actual support, it's got to be next to nothing. He puts out episodes of his show on his website, and they end up getting about 200,000 views, which is shit, assuming that each of these views represents 10 People who like Alex, which is generous as an assumption, yeah, that would be about 2 million people are about point 6% of the population. This is woefully unscientific, but I suspect if some actual polling was done, his numbers might actually be worse than a point 6% approval rate.
Jordan (00:39:58.000)
It's very Most people do not appreciate all of the horrible things he's done.
Dan (00:40:03.000)
I mean, just from my anecdotal experience, people that I talked to often I'm like, This is what I do for a living. Yeah. Who's that? Yeah. A lot of people don't just don't know who he is. Yeah. My other rebuttal is that Gallup released a poll last month, and it found a 26% of the population has, quote, a favorable opinion of the news media and 20% are neutral. Isn't that negative? For sure, but Alex's numbers are completely fabricated, and they're just meant to be self. So yeah, it's a load of bullshit.
Jordan (00:40:32.000)
Also, you can't really I mean, I understand the poll. Being something meaningful as as a gauge I suppose get a little temperature but I mean, ultimately, that's like, oh, well, the country just doesn't like you right now. Because you because you kind of suck. Oh, it's better
Dan (00:40:48.000)
meat thermometer than Alex. That's definitely true. Going to a expensive as a resort and people being nice to him. That's definitely true. But you know, so I will say one thing I have not really even fully given you a sense of how much he talks about how much people loved him. Okay, on his vacation title. People loved him on his vacation. It's a lot Okay, to the point where it was incredibly annoying. Yeah, yeah, I believe that. So now we're gonna get to our guests. Okay. I want I feel like I want to give you some clues, but I think almost anything might give it away. All right. It's a person whose pronouns are kiss my ass. Does that give it does that give it away? K M. A. No pronouns, not bad
Jordan (00:41:29.000)
pronouns. Oh. Is it? Wait,
Dan (00:41:32.000)
what? Yeah. Come on. You. I feel the wheel.
Jordan (00:41:37.000)
Just tell me
Dan (00:41:38.000)
just tell me. It's Roseanne. It's Roseanne. Yeah. Roseanne Barr.
Jordan (00:41:42.000)
It's Roseanne Barr. Yep. Roseanne Yep.
Dan (00:41:44.000)
It's Roseanne sitting there smoking a cigarette? Judea. Yep. It's Rosie. Yep. What? Formerly Roseanne Arnold, ha ha ha. Of the Seminole sitcom. Okay, Suzanne.
Jordan (00:41:57.000)
I have one thing to say about this. Yep. All right. I appreciate that. It is Roseanne, in a sense, because so many times we see the never ending recurring guys show up over and over again. It's nice that Roseanne is popping up. You know, like, as far as recurring people go, it's a woman this time at least, you know, like, there's some there's some flavor of difference. Yeah. It's not just another asshole. That's that's popping back up again, you know, different as a different asshole.
Dan (00:42:31.000)
I have a couple things I want to say before we get into any of this. The first is that Roseanne actually has a couple of good points. I will give her that and when they come up, I will give credit where credit's due sure she has more bad points. She is not. Well, right. I don't think she's doing great. Yeah. Drinking at noon. A cigarette in Alex's studio. Indicative perhaps?
Jordan (00:42:56.000)
where she's at maybe maybe in a little bit of a nothing left to lose kind of most.
Dan (00:43:01.000)
Yeah, but I'll tell you what. Yeah. The other thing I wanted to say is that these two have no chemistry. It is so uncomfortable and awkward. There's pauses there is just I don't know what the energy in the room is. Yeah, it is bad, right? It is a bad energy. I've seen so many fucking Alex interviews, and a lot of times when there's bad energy, he will just steamroll the person. Yeah. But he can't No, he can't steamroll Roseanne, because he's really famous. And you can't see Merle. Roseanne. Well, I think you could in this circumstance not possible. He could have he could have done it. But I think he's worried about her leaving right back. Right. She's a celebrity that he has access to. And so like, he just leaves things hanging and he can't employ a lot of his techniques that he uses to make things interesting. Yeah. And it hurts. Oh, man. I have had very few interviews of his that I've listened to where I'm like, I don't I can't handle this. I don't know what's going to allow this feels unsafe away. Like, I don't know. There's there's an energy here. Yeah, it's, it's,
Jordan (00:44:09.000)
that's that's such a bummer. Because I mean, you know, like, I know, Roseanne No, no, I know what's happened. I know who she's become. You're right. But as a comedian who's pronouns are kiss my Yeah. But as as a comic and somebody who like looked up to her when I was when I was learning comedy, you know? Yeah. And I she had she had some, you know, at the height of her powers. I mean, definitely, Alex can't steamroll her no. Fucking Roseanne you know,
Dan (00:44:35.000)
that kind of thing. Definitely. And I mean, look, I'm going to talk about how much of an idiot she is. And yeah, these things are stupid that she's saying no, I'm gonna make fun of her quite a bit. But at the same time, there's no part of me that wants to take away the achievement that she's had in her career. Yeah, like, what is a very important part of comedy history. Roseanne was not a show that my family let me watch. My parents had a Real prohibition against shows that showed family structures that they felt were unhealthy. So a lot of those things like married with children, I appreciate that. Yeah, those kinds of shows were definitely off the table weirdly, though, like stuff like step by step was okay. But I guess that's because it's kind of sacrimoni Yeah, that's not as dangerous or challenging those. It's something like Roseanne,
Jordan (00:45:24.000)
those are those were like, learn a lesson shows, you know, like every episode had a had a like, at the end of it, everybody is resolved. And they're like, and that's why we won't steal from things like that.
Dan (00:45:34.000)
And they're also they're often like, not all that challenging of lesson. No. Roseanne did touch on some issues that were a bit more. If you're broke,
Jordan (00:45:43.000)
you might need an abortion. Yeah, yeah, step by step didn't deal with that type shit.
Dan (00:45:49.000)
At least not that I remember. Right. So like, I also have not watched a ton of the show itself. So I'm not I'm not an expert in it. But I'm aware of its legacy. And I've maybe watched a few video essays about the show, kind of because I had an impression in my head, some years back what it was, and I thought it's a stupid show, right. And I've been disabused of that notion like there's a lot going on in terms of the and it's not like she was just the star of that show. She was intimately involved with like, the writing. It was named Roseanne. Yeah. And that I want to be very clear about that to not like, make it seem like there's a lot of people who come in to Alex's shit. Like, let's say, Ted Nugent, and like, he sucks, and I'm also going to shit on his career. Yeah. Whereas with Roseanne now, there's a lot. There's a lot that she's done that stands. And she should be remembered for as opposed to this unfortunate. Yeah,
Jordan (00:46:48.000)
no, I mean, her stage presence, like at the time when she started breaking through, it was in complete opposition. She was one of those people who you could say like, the more people hated her, the more she was onto something, you know, that was a real thing for her. Now, unfortunately, that is not a lasting life philosophy. And as things change, wherein perhaps maybe when something is against you, it's actually good criticism, because you've only been rewarded for fighting back against it. It makes sense that you would continue to believe that that makes sense.
Dan (00:47:22.000)
Yeah. But this this interview is bad. Yeah, that makes sense. So there's a lot of it that just funny, stupid, I guess. But I mean, I guess I should just probably tell you this up front. They both cry at a certain point. Let's Yeah,
Jordan (00:47:38.000)
this interview is bad. And yet they both cry somehow.
Dan (00:47:42.000)
I don't know if they would think it's bad. But objectively, it's bad. My god. What is happening? Yeah, okay. Yep. All right. Buckle in. Hello. Roseanne? All right. Well, gee, special. 1984. Oops. He's 76 He has recorded for a week from Austin is broadcasting worldwide. It's Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (00:48:06.000)
Welcome to special live Saturday broadcasts. Not Alex Jones live, Roseanne Barr. They may go an hour and make completely unrelated to Alex. After for years on the phone, called her work. She got the platform back when I did four years ago, we were some of the first they went after. And she is a Peabody Award for television, excellent. Several humanities awards, Emmys, several Golden Gloves, multiple People's Choice Awards, the Eleanor Roosevelt freedom of speech Award, a whole bunch of Nickelodeon awards, a bunch of MTV awards, and she's here with us to cover joy and how to not let them get us down and break our will. It's funny, she's covering, she had no idea didn't talk to her before the interview. She has agreed last week to come in. But I was talking about how I've learned to not let them get me down on the key is not letting them destroy her joy. And I swear she just said, I want to talk about joy.
Jordan (00:48:55.000)
Wow. Okay, so we are going to see both of the cry on the EPA the interview that is so completely about joy. Yeah, gosh,
Dan (00:49:03.000)
I should say I believe the sincerity of roseanne crying. Yeah. And it makes me very uncomfortable. Okay, Alex is faking? Yeah, well, yeah. You'll be able to see that quite clearly. Yeah. In a, I don't know, hour and a half. There's a bit to go over gonna be a while. So right off the gate. Here. I believe that the vibe is wrong. Like I said, Sure. No chemistry between these whatsoever. Yeah. And I think that this clip gives you a little taste of that.
Alex Jones (00:49:34.000)
I said, Do you believe we're winning in the awakenings here? You said? Absolutely. That's what I came here to talk about someone trying to shut up and give me the floor. Great. By the way, you look amazing in person. Yeah.
Roseanne Barr (00:49:43.000)
Thank you very much. Well, I feel amazing. Well, I better take these off. I just wanted me to show I got these in New York and they they're this really cool color you can't see anywhere. And I like I liked those glasses, aren't they? Cool, they kind of match my whole thing that I like my outfit.
Alex Jones (00:50:04.000)
I've been loving. You're very daring comedy, like just coming right out with a pleasant shot, knock, and you're getting nothing but love.
Roseanne Barr (00:50:11.000)
I am so overwhelmed with it. I mean, I never felt it before. Maybe I was afraid to feel it. You know, you know,
Dan (00:50:18.000)
there's just something that's not clicking. Yeah. She came out with a hat and sunglasses on. Yeah. And that was what she was doing a little bit of business taking off. Right? Yeah, I don't know. I feel like that gives you a little kind of a taste of the discomfort. But I don't know if it fully. I feel like you almost have to watch it actually get the sense of like, what's wrong with this energy? Here's what I
Jordan (00:50:46.000)
feel. As I've done some I've done some interviews on both sides. I've been there. I appreciate it. When the pleasantries the like the small talk, not on air. Sure. You know, when you're doing an interview for people. Go ahead, start getting to get into the interview be entertaining right out of the gate instead of like, I bought the sunglasses like, no, no, no, it's a color
Dan (00:51:10.000)
that you can't see yet. Because you
Jordan (00:51:13.000)
got to start the ball rolling the momentum has to move. And if you start with small talk, there's no momentum.
Dan (00:51:19.000)
True. Yeah. So I also think that I don't know like Rosanna likes Alex quite a bit. She said she was pretty clear about that. Okay, do question How aware she is of his actual career, right. And that's indicated by something she says here, and then things fall apart very fast.
Roseanne Barr (00:51:39.000)
So I wanted to be here on a very powerful day, and to say things that are powerfully meaningful to me, and also to be with you, Alex, because you're a hero of mine. And you've been telling the truth for a long time. And when you're wrong, you admit it, and that's very, very rare. You know, that is something really rare. I've seen you say, Yeah, I'll admit it when I'm wrong. That's
Jordan (00:52:05.000)
saying you will.
Roseanne Barr (00:52:08.000)
On media, they never do that. Plus, they never say they're sorry for the people they've harmed when they are wrong. They aren't human. I think they're are they cyborgs or robots? I don't know. But they they don't display human characteristics like empathy or caring for their fellow human. The it's like, they've all bought into this thing. And they are robotic in a way I wanted to be here today. It's a powerful Jewish day. And I wanted to speak as a Jew because everybody's always talking about the Jews and some Jews are saying they're Jews, but I can tell they're not.
Jordan (00:52:43.000)
Oh, okay, so we've got Roseanne Dan's rebuttal to Kanye. A couple minutes and Roseanne and Kanye are fighting through the Infowars show. This makes sense to me. This is a sentence I knew was gonna happen.
Dan (00:52:59.000)
I don't think that that has anything to do with Kanye. I think it is just fucking uncomfortable. Right out
Jordan (00:53:06.000)
of the gate.
Dan (00:53:07.000)
Some Jews aren't Jews. Okay. Oh, boy. All right, guys. And hello. Okay. Yeah, Alex does not admit when he's wrong. Also, there's a you could hear her say, are they cyborgs are clones. And you might think like, Haha, you're being metaphorical. No, she's not. No, she was very literal. Later, she will talk more about how she believes there are a bunch of clones among us. Which is cool. Also, I think what she's saying that these people are robotic. She's talking about like other people on news networks. Yeah. and stuff. And that's because they're professionals. They're doing a very different job than Alex. Drunk. Freaking out on air. Yeah. And yeah, if you're comparing like he appears to be like a real person, man. Sure he's having breakdowns on air. We all do. Yeah. Yeah. I think that is different than the job that let's say a good actual anchor is doing if you want to have a company shoot look robotic compared to yelling, crying. Yeah.
Jordan (00:54:03.000)
If you want to have a conversation that maybe they're a little too robotic in comparison, fine, but I think maybe Alex might be too much in comparison to that. Yeah, I'll just throw that out there. Yeah, maybe there's a balancing act. I would presume
Dan (00:54:15.000)
that like Anderson Cooper or Jake Tapper off air aren't no examples because they have a bit of personality.
Jordan (00:54:24.000)
They walk over into their closet, somebody turns their switch off, and then they close the door. And then they're like, hey, it's seven o'clock Did you wake up Cooper? And then they opened the door. Oh, no,
Dan (00:54:33.000)
his batteries. Got a Cloner. So I don't even know how to. Here we go.
Roseanne Barr (00:54:40.000)
Okay. And today is Shabbat. So that means Satan does not exist today. Because he cannot exist on a holy day. He can't live anywhere in holy space. So that means that our prayers go straight to God today. He can't interfere or AF with him or nothing else, and I'm here to pray. I'm with Alex today because I've seen Alex pray on this show and I believe his prayers I believe he is a soul has a living soul. And people who have living souls watch Alex and they are touched by his prayers as was I and I'm somebody who prays to is have a talk show. And I asked people on that talk show surrounded by 28 lawyers who are trying to prevent me from doing it. But I asked people afraid to send a storm away from the coast of Florida and it actually moved.
Dan (00:55:31.000)
Oh, man. See, see what don't say See what I'm saying?
Jordan (00:55:36.000)
I am now uncomfortable. That's what happens. I don't know. I don't know where to begin
Dan (00:55:44.000)
right. 28 lawyers were trying to get you to stop praying with guests right?
Jordan (00:55:51.000)
So Satan is God. God and Satan have a deal where every seventh time the Earth spins right Satan's gotta go he's like that's like putting the tile door at college Satan's like whoa, somebody's fucking today I guess I can't be in there. So even if the showers muddy to sleeping on somebody's couch tonight,
Dan (00:56:10.000)
take the day off because prayers are coming through.
Jordan (00:56:12.000)
You can't have with these now on every other day though. Satan's like jumping out grabbing prayers. Like, oh, I got this one. He's not 100% effective. That's true. Yeah, that's why you still gotta pray even on off day right? You know if it's gonna work, you never know. It's silly. I mean, you would think you should save a month in the best
Dan (00:56:29.000)
cornerback isn't gonna be able to block every
Jordan (00:56:33.000)
you know, no, you're on Revis Island. You're still complaining about 50%? Yeah, yeah,
Dan (00:56:38.000)
that's so uncomfortable. Yeah, not good. Not good. Then Roseanne prays? Sure.
Roseanne Barr (00:56:44.000)
I want to pray with you today, Alec, I came here because I want people to pray with us, that we can overcome all machinery that has ties to the satanic lower world of evil, that we break all those ties, all those satanic vows that people have taken, are they be cut today? May they not exist tomorrow. Those are my house. You can't take schools of the human beings who care for other human beings, and for this country, and what it stands for, which is a melting pot of individual rights, not group rights, where people are punished for things they didn't do what but for justice seems very specific now including women like me, I have the power to speak freely, and to on property and to work it with a sweat of their brow what. And that's
Alex Jones (00:57:37.000)
beautiful. Please pray on their knees, oh boy
Roseanne Barr (00:57:40.000)
to a big elitist group who think of us as their slaves or their prey. May that end today. And I ask you out to say amen with me. Amen. Continue the post, she said with him. I'm turning it over to you now, because I know you can do it.
Alex Jones (00:58:00.000)
I know that no matter what group we come from, or what our backgrounds are, there is a real guy that create a universal consciousness. Okay.
Dan (00:58:09.000)
Oh, boy. So yes, she finishes the prayer. And then she's like, passing the ball. Alex. Alex, you take a prayer, we all will. It's all it's all praying you you you leave the congregation? Can you do that?
Jordan (00:58:20.000)
I feel like you can't do that.
Dan (00:58:21.000)
It's like a dance battle. And she's done though.
Jordan (00:58:24.000)
Right. But I mean, I feel like they're praying to different gods, you can't, you can't continue the prayer to a different god. That's not how it works. Gods don't appreciate the relay race of of heaven.
Alex Jones (00:58:35.000)
I think that I mean,
Dan (00:58:37.000)
look, I don't fully understand from listening to this entire interview her exact relationship with Judaism, but I believe that she is also cool with Alex's God. Sure, sure. So I think there's something going on. I'm not entirely sure.
Jordan (00:58:54.000)
I'm just saying I this is outside of any organized religion. I don't think Alex believes in any organized or that whatever God Alex is praying to, I don't think has any relationship to anyone elses. That's my point.
Dan (00:59:06.000)
That's fair. Yeah, by that standard. He's the only one who can pray to
Jordan (00:59:10.000)
exactly because you shouldn't pass off that prayer. That might be the devil.
Dan (00:59:14.000)
So Alex, I don't think picked up on that, though, that the prayer was being handed off. She was very explicit about it. She said he thinks she thinks he can do it. So he tries a little bit. It seems like he's arguing with God.
Roseanne Barr (00:59:27.000)
I'm turning it over to you now because I know you can do it.
Alex Jones (00:59:32.000)
I know that no matter what group we come from, or what our backgrounds are, there is a real god that create a universal consciousness. And we think about the fact that what would there be if there was nothingness? No planets, no universe, no God, no human, I know nothing. In all of eternity and all time, how could there be nothing? And then you ask because there just wouldn't be anything, bring something out of nothing. That is God. And so I know that being humble before God is, is essential, and realizing that we are really not God, but an expression of God's consciousness, and will and the fact that God wants to be able to commune with us forever. And God was basically lonely, show made creatures that have free will. But that's a gamble. Because God loves us so much. And God knows some of us, because we're given free will will join with with things that are not good, that are bad. And so if God did anything wrong, and I'm not saying God did it, it's the fact that God gave us freedom to do bad things. Let's take this always say, Well, God, allow all this to go on. Your God does this know God gave us consciousness and creation serve in front of the Heavenly Father of the universe, and all space and time in all dimensions that created this for us to experience incredible enlightenment and be able to interface with God? I just thank God for this moment. We're here together,
Dan (01:00:57.000)
Jordan (01:00:58.000)
Is that what it was?
Dan (01:01:01.000)
Well, that's what he said after she said, Pray
Jordan (01:01:04.000)
I'm gonna throw this out there. I'm I mean, again, I'm not familiar with all religions, but I would say that most religions would be pretty pissed off if you said their god created life just because God was lonely. He's lonely, he's alone. And and then he of course compelled your infinite worship and enforces a punishment that will last infinitely because he was lonely one time and
Dan (01:01:27.000)
might have fucked up by giving us free will, but he might have been, but he didn't. Alright, okay. Very strange.
Jordan (01:01:34.000)
What a weird God. So anyway,
Dan (01:01:35.000)
uh, Roseanne has a rejoinder.
Roseanne Barr (01:01:38.000)
Hey, man, good news, that
Jordan (01:01:42.000)
what we're doing back to backs,
Roseanne Barr (01:01:46.000)
that all those who do have the spark of a soul in them. And in the most high positions of power, well feel that spark grow. And they will remove themselves just simply by resigning. For the sins they've committed against the children of this world, may they just grow enough soul to kindly remove themselves? And may God guide a person of wisdom and ethics and morality to replace them. May that happen? Immediately. I was also going to talk about mind control and how I also want to talk about mind control.
Dan (01:02:47.000)
You can see why I say I don't feel safe listening to this. Like I don't know where anything is going notes, notes. Sentences go in all kinds of directions. I feel untethered, I just
Jordan (01:03:00.000)
Yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm driving. I'm in the passenger seat of a car with somebody who's wearing a blindfold. And there's a team of people trying to hit the car with their own cars. And occasionally it hits you know, there's gonna be an accident. There's gonna be an accident. Probably more than one. Yeah, yep. Oh, boy. And the she's drunk. Yeah. Oh, she's definitely drunk. That's yeah, that was out of the question. Once you put the blindfold on, you were probably drunk first. Yeah.
Dan (01:03:27.000)
So she wants to talk mind control. Okay. And here's where that goes. What is God's
Roseanne Barr (01:03:33.000)
talk about? Mind control that we have all been under in our country. And we continue to be under which I'm talking about my act like, why are people just lining up to do when I see how they're doing, like people with these German accents taken whiteness to take the shots? And they're, they're, you know, using the Jewish people basically over there in Israel as lab rats to do it on and they're lining up to do it. I know that this is the end of time. Sure. You know, I know that this the end. It's so
Alex Jones (01:04:07.000)
surreal. I mean, Netanyahu, I'm not even against I'm not attacking him. He says, oh, Israel, so lucky. We've got rid of the laws. Now we can test on our people, any drugs and find out what they do. And then it's weirdos with German accents, like LeBron and. And Haman says, named Klaus Schwab. He goes on to take over your body. And he goes on to control you. I mean, it's it's like it's overtly satanic.
Roseanne Barr (01:04:32.000)
It is overtly satanic. And it's like our task if we have any intelligence or soul to see it, but like,
Dan (01:04:40.000)
so. Alex almost forgot the name of his season's big villain. Yeah, well, she doesn't have a German accent. But I guess that Alex mostly knows how Schwab speaks from his own impression of him so I can understand how Alex would get confused. spose Schwab is Swiss. He was born in Germany, but his parents fled to Switzerland during the Holocaust. Oh, They did return to Germany after the war, but Schwab would go back to Switzerland during his school years. I'm guessing LeBron does a reference to Roger LeBron, who is an immunologist at the Vaccine Research Institute in France.
Jordan (01:05:13.000)
I was gonna say famous last names first chairman, is LeBron. He doesn't
Dan (01:05:17.000)
speak with a German accent at all. It's all German accents to Alex and Roseanne, though, because they're dumb and reductive people who speak funny in a European way, they're suspicious and probably German and secretly Nazis and practicing Satanism. Yeah. I'm not sure what Alex is talking about in terms of a new law allowing Israel to test experimental medicines on civilians, but I'm sure it'd be it'd be helpful if he could provide a source. Yeah, I think that this is just the way that he's rewritten the story of Israel being a country that was very early to adopt COVID vaccines which Alex is categorized as being a gigantic medical experiment. That's now
Jordan (01:05:52.000)
right about this. Yeah. Whenever you make it whenever you make the vaccine, a medical, let's say, race specific bio weapon, and Israel happens to be the country with the highest adoption rate. I mean, it's hard not to make a one to one jump. Their narrative is built. Yeah. However, because Alex has to love far right dictators, he can't really criticize Netanyahu too hard. Well, you know, so it's, it's a weird world, he
Dan (01:06:19.000)
runs the risk of yea showing back up with his bottle of Yeah, you don't want that you don't want that. So, I know from listening to a ton of Alex, that one thing that he does all the time is that when he has nowhere to go in an interview, or he has to like fucking stall, he asks a genre of questions. And it's like, how would you describe the world we're in right now? Right,
Jordan (01:06:40.000)
Dan (01:06:41.000)
Describe this time, right? Who's winning the globalists? are the good guys, those kinds of questions are the like the fall backs when he was like, I don't know what I'm doing.
Jordan (01:06:51.000)
I would I would call those I'm going to take a bite of sandwich questions. Yeah. 100%.
Dan (01:06:55.000)
Yeah. So he asks about team humanity versus Team demon.
Alex Jones (01:06:59.000)
Can you speak to the Great Awakening? How do you think team humanity, Team freedom versus Team demons doing right now?
Roseanne Barr (01:07:05.000)
Well, I think they can't fight us because one thing they don't know nothing about is the human soul and the human spirit, so they don't fight it. That's the only thing they would know about cause earthquakes with their earthquake, they wouldn't know about how to drive a car, stuff like that. And they're just trying to kill everybody or kill as many people as they can. They don't like thinkers, they're trying to get rid of all the thinkers, especially thinkers like you and me out because we talk to people and they don't like communicators. Neither are people who can receive information. They like people who can't receive information, just people who can take stuff in through their eyes and memes and stuff when they look at screens, and then live their lives trying to replicate that.
Dan (01:07:47.000)
Oh, really people who just take in things and memes like Alex who constantly is just reporting on memes and headlines. Okay,
Jordan (01:07:55.000)
I'm such a fan of how many criticisms that she's making of the quote unquote media that are direct one to one things that Alex does, yeah, show if she watched it, which she doesn't
Dan (01:08:04.000)
know. Absolutely. Everybody kind of likes the vibe of Alan. Yeah,
Jordan (01:08:08.000)
they're like Alex, what they think he is my mind, Alex, you are fighting against the bad guys. And if I listened to your show, I would realize that you are the bad guys know, I am actively fighting against Oh,
Dan (01:08:20.000)
no, you're not a thinker. You're stupid and
Jordan (01:08:22.000)
angry. Maybe your specific gift? Well, I mean, convincing people of something. It's not.
Dan (01:08:28.000)
I mean, think about even like the beginning of this podcast, I even had a bit of a perception of Alex. Yeah, that very clearly was eroded by listening to him. You know, before you before you actually watch his show, which most people don't do, because it's long, insufferable and boring. Yeah, most people don't do that. And they have this idea of him and in your head. He's like this pioneering voice of like righteousness. And like he criticizes both sides. And, you know, he's been wrong about some things, but he's right about more. And these fraudulent perceptions are reinforced by idiots like Rogen. And all these folks who don't watch his show, either. It's I understand where she could have that perception. But yeah, it's it's kind of sad, ya
Jordan (01:09:14.000)
know, somehow he over like, he adopted the personality of a pirate radio underground DJ kind
Dan (01:09:21.000)
of guy. Yeah. Because he was that early on in his career. Right. And now it's all over. And the other thing too, that I would note is that, I think that Roseanne doesn't watch his show, but like, she would watch Q anon shows Yeah, she's farther than that. Yeah, in some ways. Yeah. I think that you would find Alex boring in some other sort of stamp. Sure. Sure. So she, you know, she had some interesting thoughts about writing, and I think I actually agree with her a little bit. Okay. Then I also don't write
Roseanne Barr (01:09:56.000)
writing was talking about writing for a minute. It is about writing because when you deprogram yourself as per Cathy O'Brien in her book, a time to heal, and her husband was a CIA guy who was into mind sciences, and he taught her that when the act of writing out an experience makes your mind engage, and you begin to heal, and that's why they outlawed
Alex Jones (01:10:24.000)
that's how they're going to be programmed to write it down in the schools. Now it's such a debriefs writing in schools. That gets into the deeper Yeah,
Roseanne Barr (01:10:32.000)
don't read it through the ISS, right? Because writing engaged as part of your brain that trigger critical thinking,
Alex Jones (01:10:39.000)
and this is exactly listening and writing no more. They don't. And that's why people ask, Why do I put up text I tell the truth, I don't want to be on screen. Everything I say pull up text is that engages the brain. And it's and I'm using mine science there. I didn't get trained at some university. I know that. So we're like, we tell you something, we show you the clip for yourself. Or we show you an article or we show you a definition, we want you to go look at that to credit your brain.
Dan (01:11:03.000)
Alex actually flashes headlines up on the screen for the opposite reason. It's not to engage the audience's critical thinking it's to pacify it. He never shows anything on screen long enough for a viewer to actually read what he's showing. But just long enough, he can probably tell that it's a headline that appears to confirm whatever Alex is saying. These articles are also almost always from, where Alex has critical editorial control over all the headlines that appear on articles, even when they're reposted from other media outlets. So he's essentially flashing up props. He's prepared to convince the audience that what he's saying is something that's based on grounded reality when it's just nothing. Yeah, it's a parlor trick, but it does exploit an element to brain science and that it's designed to make sure that any doubts viewers have will be quieted by the appearance of evidence. Yeah. Also not good. As a sign that Roseanne is bringing up Cathy O'Brien, who's not a good source on anything. O'Brien wrote a book in 1995 called transformation of America, where she claimed that she was forced into being a part of various government mind control programs like MK Ultra Project Monarch, she has zero evidence of any of her claims, which have evolved over the years to be much more extravagant, as we pretty regularly see with people who show up in places like Project Camelot. so odd. I don't give her claims a whole lot of credibility. And for my estimation, they're largely a combination of popular conspiracy theory lore, and remnants of the Satanic Panic that was still lingering pretty heavily in 1995. Writing is a good activity to engage in for its own sake, though, I agree with that. There's a reason that therapists often suggest to journaling or why they are that whole craze of people doing morning pages. Yeah, caught on there's a reason and it's because writing is a productive habit. Yeah,
Jordan (01:12:46.000)
I would suggest people try. Yeah. Quick, because it's really hard.
Dan (01:12:50.000)
But I mean, if you're not trying to write a book, oh, journaling as a habit of like introspection is Yeah, that's a great idea. Yeah. It has nothing to do with layouts, flashes text on screen, though. It's pretty ridiculous. No, no, no, no, no. So Roseanne, like I said, she does believe that there's clones. Sure. And robots. Okay, and what have you alright,
Alex Jones (01:13:09.000)
and used to shake 20 hands, I get one fu for every 20 I got nothing but love. And again, people say I'm not again, I'm not saying Oh, I'm so popular. No, I'm this demonized person. And the system is so hated and distrusted now that people don't automatically Well, this guy must be good. That says how weak the power structure is.
Roseanne Barr (01:13:27.000)
It absolutely does. But they forget like the power structure this big pyramids all about pyramids? Well, this pyramid that they constructed the money people, I'm talking about the people who own the world, they forgot that the big old base that holds them up, you know, has to be composed of living human beings. I guess they're gonna replace them with cyborgs or robots or something. What? Or maybe just clones and people who really don't have any ties to each other who can't do anything but attack or work. I don't know. Is that what they're after?
Alex Jones (01:14:08.000)
No, I totally agree. That's what they want is they want us to
Roseanne Barr (01:14:11.000)
strip and they brought the Nazi German government. You know what? Look, everybody. Every penny on this earth is accounted for and it all goes back to the Bank of International Settlements.
Dan (01:14:25.000)
Oh, boy. So I guess Alex agrees that the globalists want to replace people with clones. Yeah, I didn't realize that. So the Bank of International Settlements has a big boogeyman of conspiracy theory shit, which makes sense. It's a gathering forum for central banks and the conspiracy theorists already have built in hate for a central bank so that their forum and the bank of the central bank so let's be even more evil, right put on the spot. Not one of these people could name a single figure involved in the BIS they couldn't explain what the bank actually does nor describe its functions. It's just a shadowy mysterious entity that supposedly controls everything and can account for every penny in the world which is nonsense. Yeah, there are a lot of very valid criticisms of the Banco like many that have been made about their involvement and transfers of wealth from Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany during World War Two, but the shit that comes out of folks like Alex and Roseanne is just meaningless meme talking points yeah or Bosh?
Jordan (01:15:16.000)
Yeah, yeah,
Dan (01:15:17.000)
no to work more British slang. Bosch Bosch is a great one Yeah, love Bosch British slang is maybe that's the next season of our pockets is better go to work in some Bosch
Jordan (01:15:28.000)
I mean, I'm telling you I prefer I'm trying to go anachronistic that's what I want all of my slang to be from, like fucking 1920s I'm gonna start seeing groovy all the time, too. That's, I understand. I'm going to try and get I'm not trying to work in some fucking choices. Canterbury Tales shit.
Dan (01:15:47.000)
I don't trust you to make choices though. Because you you still text me Cool beans. Yeah,
Jordan (01:15:51.000)
I do. Cool beans.
Dan (01:15:52.000)
I'm never gonna get rid of Groovy is way to pedestrian shorts to well known
Jordan (01:15:57.000)
right? Alright, I'm gonna go with tough I'm gonna I'm gonna toss around a tough all the time. You know? What's that one? That's a that's you know, whenever people are like, kind of an asshole boss. You know? That?
Dan (01:16:10.000)
can't be beat can't be beat. So anyway, we're clones. Okay, clone. Let
Jordan (01:16:15.000)
me put you on this. Okay, we need clones for a reality show where you drop 400 clones in different places around the United States. They all have a gold clone zone to meet up and only one of them can become the real person at the end of so they become a Pinocchio. Exactly. I'm gonna call it
Dan (01:16:37.000)
real life. Highlander the Pinocchio show in the Clone zone?
Jordan (01:16:40.000)
Everybody gets sorts. All right. I'm telling you. I think Highlander only works if we have clones. Okay. Yeah.
Dan (01:16:47.000)
Okay, I'll buy it. Yeah. I mean, I'd like to see a pilot at least record a pilot. Give him sores with
Jordan (01:17:00.000)
a big centerpiece where two of them fight and then they're like, we can't produce anymore. What do I do with 399? clones in one dead close?
Dan (01:17:09.000)
That's your business. Networks not interested? Go talk to Netflix. All right. Okay. So I also think that if there were these like evil money, people who control the world, right, there is zero chance that they would forget that their power relies on the bottom of the pyramid? Not not so. Yeah. Oh, no, they forgot that
Jordan (01:17:32.000)
most of their time would be spent split between stealing from the bottom and placating the bottom so they can continue stealing from the bottom.
Dan (01:17:39.000)
If there were a like, giant, like these people who are behind the scenes, who, like, you know, they control the entire world, every single thing they would do would be in service of maintaining the status quo. Yeah, there would be never any instinct of like, Oh, we got to rock the boat, or we got to kill off the population. Now why would they do any of that? Why would they do false flags? Right? It would be all about stability, keeping things in order, because otherwise they can't run the world anymore. Yeah, or whatever. And he that's the flaw of a lot of these conspiracy theories. I find all
Jordan (01:18:15.000)
of them have the motives are fucked. Yeah. And it's just like, that's not how the systems actually function. You know, if you have a system like that, that becomes stagnant and then it falters from the inside and eventually crumbles like the things that he's described are at all sustainable. No,
Dan (01:18:31.000)
it's very similar to how Alex tells the lie about his security guard, hearing about how great he is on vacation, and then that erodes to the you know, it can't happen. I'm mob he gets bored. Does it turn into something bigger? Yep. So what about John the Revelator?
Jordan (01:18:48.000)
Didn't expect him to pop up after but no one's here. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:18:52.000)
What do you make? John the Revelator? If you really read Revelation, it describes everything perfectly. Well, what was he jacked into?
Roseanne Barr (01:19:00.000)
What do you mean tapped into?
Alex Jones (01:19:02.000)
I mean, John, the Revelator. In the book of Revelation, you should believe what what God Christianity, right and things that Jesus taught and all that.
Roseanne Barr (01:19:11.000)
Well, I know everything about that, too. And I think that here's what I think the times we're living now I'm just going to put it like this. Well, it says, you know, it says in our holy books 2000 years ago, it totally describes the times we're living in now. It also foretells computer and Intel at an age of instant information, intelligence, and data that can't be denied, and that that would be the hallmark of this age, and that I believe we are living in, and that is also called the age of Messianic thought.
Dan (01:19:48.000)
So I know that some people do call him John the Revelator. But I think that the author of Revelations is more commonly known as John of Patmos. Yeah, that's what I've always known him as can't prove it, but I have a strong suspicion that Alex calls him that Because of the in excess song that he uses as a bumper coming out of commercials Oh, no. revelator puntomio? No, no. All right. Berber Berber opera.
Jordan (01:20:10.000)
I would go by the Revelator.
Dan (01:20:15.000)
Dan, down the
Jordan (01:20:15.000)
revelation and Dan the Revelator. Yeah. 3030 30 and Dan the Revelator. That's what I would have gone with
Dan (01:20:23.000)
2000 3030 Delta on zero and John the Revelator. Yeah,
Jordan (01:20:28.000)
you think you think you're John the Revelator is cool, because he was 2000 years ahead, buddy, we're in 3030, you ain't got shit on
Dan (01:20:35.000)
us. Also, the Bible didn't predict computers. This is just a weird interpretation that people have of Daniel 12 Four which says, quote, but thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. And so that's been turned into by some prophecy of the coming of computers. You know,
Jordan (01:20:57.000)
whenever your prophecy is vague enough and vast enough to incorporate literally anything, anyone might say, 2000 years ago, it's pretty good. It's a pretty good powerful, I
Dan (01:21:08.000)
mean, take a little bit of a step back. And like when the mail service was information could travel increases,
Jordan (01:21:16.000)
saying that shit is the same thing as saying that traffic lights are the greatest form of artificial intelligence that we've ever seen, can't
Dan (01:21:23.000)
argue with and argue and argue, yep, Rogan said it was obvious reasons. So I think Roseanne has a really interesting perspective. And I think it's antithetical to what Alex wants people to think. Sure, I think that's an interesting dynamic that never actually comes to pass on this show. But she believes that Satan's already lost, okay, the best thing that people can do is nothing.
Jordan (01:21:45.000)
Well, I mean, the book says that he's already lost, and that everything that will happen is inevitable, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. So it would make sense to have that.
Dan (01:21:54.000)
But her perspective is very different than Alex's like, they can both think that the devil is gonna lose. Right? Right, right. But she's like, there's nothing you can really do about it. Yeah, cuz there's nothing you can really do about it. Alex doesn't want people to think that because he needs them to give him money, right. But
Jordan (01:22:09.000)
there's nothing you can really do about it. Otherwise, you don't believe the book. There's only two ways for the book to work, either. There's nothing you can do about it, or you don't believe in the book.
Dan (01:22:17.000)
Wow, it says he needs money. Oh, well, that's fair. Anyway, Roseanne thinks the devil is already lost. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:22:23.000)
I agree. All this control is an attempt for Satan to regain what he lost.
Roseanne Barr (01:22:27.000)
But he's already I just want people to know he has already been defeated, and God has already won. It's just you have to pick your side. Now, one yet, this is all about picking the right side, it's all about you. If you have a sort of weird God, you have to pick your side that sort of gets weird. And people they've been mind screwed into picking the wrong side, and tricked. Because that's the Satan is a trickster. And, you know, that's why people are lining up to take a shot that, you know, like, I'm talking about what it does to people. And then and then the news comes on and says, Oh, well, they don't know why that guy died of a heart attack at age 18. I mean, come on, you've got to see what's right in front of your face. And you have to have the ability, the God given ability to look at facts and data.
Dan (01:23:27.000)
What if you were to be confronted with facts and data that showed that you're wrong, then you would have to change your perspective, right? Roseanne, because your facts and data are not in her favor.
Jordan (01:23:39.000)
The problem I have with this stuff is when they use it, it's because after the fact, they've realized that all the stuff that they believe is stupid. And so they have to then be like, Oh, you see, but the reason that it's not stupid is because I focus on facts and data. Right? And you don't
Dan (01:23:56.000)
Yeah, right. I have empirical evidence, like a 18 year old had a heart attack, which has never happened before, which is neither fat nor data. Yeah. anecdotes are facts and data to them. And that has an emotional appeal. And people are drawn towards that. Yeah. But it's, it's the you know, the same sort of thing that people fall into a lot. There's like I do my own research is is a character that people take on as opposed to a practice agent. And that's the same thing with the like Alex and Roseanne calling themselves thinkers. Yeah. Yeah. You're not get what's in front of the character you're playing.
Jordan (01:24:32.000)
Look at what's in front of your face. Excuse me. No, Roseanne and Alex, please take away those giant weird wallpaper, things that you hold directly in front of your face all those shades out of the way. Look at all the stuff out there. Look at what's in front of your face. Now that you don't have a giant wallpaper. It's a cocktail. No, I can deal with
Dan (01:24:50.000)
it. Yep. So Roseanne is blown away by something that Alex was talking about earlier on the show.
Roseanne Barr (01:24:55.000)
And I am that's why I'm so uh, blown away today while I was watching your last segment about the data you have compiled about the red states and what what vaccine was sent where this is a campaign of cruelty and death, and they did it on purpose. They did it on purpose to you know, just like the Nazis did they study and they decided what demographic didn't suit them because that demographic doesn't buy their bullshit.
Dan (01:25:30.000)
So there have been two big presentations that Alex has put out about the differences between red states and blue states as it relates to COVID. And their total bullshit. These This isn't even new stuff on Alex's show, this is a while. The first has to do with the higher incidences of vaccine side effects as measured by various data. This is possibly a reflection that people in red states have more vaccine side effects, which must mean that the globalist sent more deadly vaccines to kill off their ideological enemies. Or another far more likely explanation is that these people in these states are more likely to be enamored with bullshit COVID vaccine conspiracies and self report all kinds of side effects to VAERS, which would skew the data in the direction of showing more side effects and red states when it actually reflects over reporting of possibly real possibly imagined side effect. Yeah, it's meaningless. Yeah,
Jordan (01:26:18.000)
it would be it would be a more accurate map to be like, here's what people believe in these places. And this is why the various data and
Dan (01:26:27.000)
the the way the public abuse of understanding of the various system has been carried out by the anti Vax, self perpetuating cycle, it's essentially ruined the ability. I don't actually know if it has, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's ruined the ability of EHRs to be used for what it's for. Yeah, which is to pick up signal information that can then be scrutinized further. I think that I think that the way that people use it as AP criminal,
Jordan (01:26:55.000)
it's probably not completely useless, but they have definitely made it less useful. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (01:27:00.000)
So the second thing I've seen Alex cover in this respect is higher rates of xx excess deaths and red states, which of course, is evidence that the globalists are sending poisoned vaccines to these states to kill off their ideological enemies. Or another far more likely explanation is that people in the states were less likely to get vaccinated and died from COVID. It's like a self perpetuating cycle. Yeah, or people in predominantly Democrat leaning areas were more likely to engage in social distancing and masking. And that could attribute to the difference. These are actually two data points that are threatening to COVID conspiracy narratives, but with a little simple recontextualization and emotional storytelling. Alex and his ilk are able to twist them into being points that support his conclusion, they swift voted them. This isn't critical thinking and assessing data. This is using numbers as a prop to serve to support your predetermined conclusion, which is not what thinkers do. Yeah, I would think that they do explore this a little more deeply. But of course, they're not. No, I
Jordan (01:27:57.000)
mean, if he were if they were, I suppose if I gave them more credit for creativity, I would say that they're utilizing that kind of go for their strengths kind of thing that rove popularized, you know that I'll take that guy. Yeah. Like don't don't fight them where they're weak. Take away their strength. And then you went all over the place, you know, sure. Like, so the data points that would be most obviously damaging you like, ah, but those are the ones that make me writer.
Dan (01:28:27.000)
Yeah, yep. Yep. So remember, when Roseanne said that some Jews aren't Jews?
Jordan (01:28:30.000)
She did say that. Yeah, that was a little bit uncomfortable.
Dan (01:28:33.000)
It was a she touches on it a little bit more. That's not good.
Roseanne Barr (01:28:36.000)
You know that we have to go real deep into what the Bible says about what happened in Egypt, which I want to talk about to when these people who profess themselves to be Jews, but are actually anti Jews. I really want to talk about that to know the floor. Tell us? Well, when Moses was laying the children of Israel, according to Genesis, I mean, Exodus when he was taking them out. God told them don't take out this certain class of people that serve Pharaoh. They were the black magicians and lawyers and servants. They were the lawyer class, the judges and such that they were the servant class, as we call them, like, I guess, politicians like we have right now. And they were Jew
Alex Jones (01:29:24.000)
ish. A managerial class for the elite.
Roseanne Barr (01:29:27.000)
Yes. And there. There's a name that God gave them. And it was era brav, which means good teachers are bad information. When you break it down, that's my
Alex Jones (01:29:39.000)
totally said. They're smart. They're good. Teach bad.
Roseanne Barr (01:29:43.000)
That's my interpretation.
Dan (01:29:45.000)
I don't want to touch on any of that stuff, because I don't know what she's talking about. It's interesting that Roseanne says that this is just her interpretation that these folks are called, quote, good teachers of bad information. Because if you Google that specific phrase, there is One result. Oh no, I'm not happy. That is a boring conspiracy vlog on bit shoot, which has a bunch of comments one, including that phrase from an account named The only Roseanne Barr this may or may not actually be her. But it's interesting that the only place the term comes up in a search is a comment section from an account that purports to be her.
Jordan (01:30:24.000)
That is, that is the funniest of all like, That's the funniest cross reference that you could possibly have to Oh my god, it's just the funniest possible way to prove that that is Roseanne Barr. Like it the other day, the other day, which was, he was on he was online, he's a he's a gamer, right? So he's playing some game, and some dude is interacting with him and he's like, Hey, do you play basketball and Luca Don church is like, yeah. For who? You guys played a rec league or whatever it is like Dallas Mavericks. Like what?
Dan (01:30:58.000)
Yes, I think that might that account might be her. Yeah, that does seem like her. They've posted no videos. No. It's a three year old account, though named The only Roseanne Barr so would have been
Jordan (01:31:09.000)
probably the time where she was looking for other accounts to make since she couldn't use ones that she already had.
Dan (01:31:15.000)
Yeah, that might have been right around the time that she got kicked off. Twitter for calling Valerie Jarrett
Jordan (01:31:21.000)
does seem seems very similar. It matches up
Dan (01:31:26.000)
Alex starts talking about how the globalists are enemy or aliens Excuse me.
Alex Jones (01:31:32.000)
And that's what the globalist can't help everything they do hurts people everything. They teach us bad. They know the knowledge. They know how to empower people. Why would you want to hurt people unless an alien force Satan is wants to hurt us because we're made the image of God. He's jealous of us.
Roseanne Barr (01:31:44.000)
Bingo. But jealous. I wrote this book called Roseanne archy. And, and, you know, of course, nobody bought it. Even though I went on Oprah and sucked her ass. They had only sold 5000 copies. Well, we'll
Alex Jones (01:31:58.000)
get well we'll sell 50,000 copies.
Roseanne Barr (01:32:00.000)
Well, anyways, thanks.
Jordan (01:32:02.000)
You don't have to suck ass support.
Dan (01:32:04.000)
It's a weird, weird way to say that I went on the view or went on Oprah or a little ass. That's bad. She sold 5000 copies of a book. That's not good. Ooh, not she did not have access to that weird machine of right wing people who just buy up loads of books and put them in secondhand stores. Yeah,
Jordan (01:32:23.000)
ha. You know, as I'm just throwing this out there as a person.
Dan (01:32:27.000)
If I were someone like Roseanne, who was like the queen of the world, basically at a certain point in time, yes. That really and then I ended up writing a book that sold 5000 copies, I might swing to the right. Yeah, that's a good point. I'd be like, this is this career is not working out.
Jordan (01:32:44.000)
Start somewhere.
Dan (01:32:45.000)
Yeah, the great reset.
Jordan (01:32:47.000)
I would I would prefer I don't understand why so many times when Alex is describing God, the Creator of the universe, he describes to them the emotional abilities of an asshole.
Dan (01:32:57.000)
It's petty shit. Yeah. Oh, God. God's lonely. Yeah. What?
Jordan (01:33:00.000)
Hell exists because God was like, oh, man, I'm bored. Man. I'm jealous of Satan. So I'm gonna do that. What are we doing?
Dan (01:33:10.000)
Yeah, I think it again, speaks to his lack of creativity or ability to like, look outside of himself. God
Jordan (01:33:17.000)
is just me, but he's, you know, more powerful.
Dan (01:33:19.000)
Yeah, so Roseanne wrote this book Roseanne archy that she has a fine portmanteau. It's not bad. But there's apparently a part of it that I did not expect to hear.
Roseanne Barr (01:33:29.000)
I wrote that book to help deprogram kids from the Harry Potter bullshit. But anyway, because my Did you into that but anyways, at the end, I wrote this chapter called the end where in I kill Satan, and I tell you how to do it. And I'll just give you the at the end how you do it is when you feel empathy. He can't be there
Alex Jones (01:33:54.000)
because he hates that. That's what Christ did. Exactly. Whatever.
Roseanne Barr (01:33:57.000)
Alex Jones (01:34:01.000)
I'm interrupting explain it.
Roseanne Barr (01:34:02.000)
No, you explain. No, you
Dan (01:34:07.000)
sue, she killed the devil.
Jordan (01:34:09.000)
She killed the devil. I mean, that was honestly that was really nice of her because now I don't need to read the book. No wonder she sold 5000 copies. Yeah. Just given the
Dan (01:34:21.000)
end away If only more people have got that the devil would be even more dead.
Jordan (01:34:25.000)
Are you telling me that Rosanna key is actually about deprogramming kids off of Harry Potter. I would not have all the things that I would expect the title Roseanne archy to lead to that was not one of them. What about killing the devil see that more apt at least under Roseanne archy as opposed to like hey, listen, this Harry Potter kid you got to keep your eye out for I don't
Dan (01:34:46.000)
I don't think either really track from the title. Now. That's fair. I would have thought it would be a political system devoid of leaders you what she's describing
Jordan (01:34:53.000)
either that or a political system with her as the leader, the only leader of all political system comes with no leadership. Well, this
Dan (01:35:01.000)
is Roseanne this would not be anarchistic them right now it'd
Jordan (01:35:04.000)
be Roseanne artistic.
Dan (01:35:07.000)
Anyway, the thought I guess of like deprogramming kids from Harry Potter leads Alex into like a kind of thought process about, like, how we're, how are we gonna reach the loss? Okay. And there is an interesting vibe that Roseanne has that is kind of like fuck him.
Jordan (01:35:25.000)
Okay. All right. I'll take that she
Dan (01:35:27.000)
has kind of a mentality of like, anybody who's not awake doesn't need to be and they shouldn't be who gives a shit?
Jordan (01:35:33.000)
I appreciate that. I appreciate that one. Yeah, because
Dan (01:35:36.000)
it belies a lack of evangelism, which I think is one of the more annoying parts of people like Alex, this need to force their own, like, bizarre worldview on other people, whereas Roseanne is kind of like, I'm just gonna have this drink over here and believe nonsense, yeah. I don't need to evangelize to you. You don't need to believe the thing that I believe or whatever.
Jordan (01:36:00.000)
I believe abortion is evil. But you know what, go for it. I'm gonna have a cocktail, we fine. But
Dan (01:36:07.000)
Alex wants to know, how do you reach out to these
Alex Jones (01:36:09.000)
how well they can feel that they lost before. So Satan wants to claws down to the pit winning. And so that's where I mean, we see it. And the enemy knows they've lost they're trying to take as many with us as they can. How do we reach out because you're the lost sheep was great. A lot of folks are awake. I think their main job should be waking up others. But when people are already turned over to evil, when do you give up? Like how do you decide I'm gonna try to wake this person up, but this person is too far gone. Are you trying to wake them all up? Or what do you do?
Roseanne Barr (01:36:37.000)
Here's what you got to know. Horns are effing booze.
Alex Jones (01:36:41.000)
I got exactly what you want right here. On this Jewish holiday people are supposed to drink right? Yeah, because well, I mean, if it's a religious thing, I'll do it as wine.
Roseanne Barr (01:36:54.000)
Because wine is wine and alcohol is you know in moderation. Oh, go all crazy. Capitalism. Moderation, because joy lifting our spirits and joy is a great weapon against the Satan too, because he hates joy. He don't even know what that can ask him.
Dan (01:37:14.000)
Yeah, let's drink to get rid of the devil.
Jordan (01:37:16.000)
All right. Okay, who? What a day.
Dan (01:37:22.000)
How do you reach out to the president pulls out a full bottle of Jameson threw him under his desk.
Jordan (01:37:31.000)
Why would he struggle finding that? Yeah, good God. Yep. That is that is maybe one of the most irresponsible things I've ever I've ever heard on a broadcast. How so? I mean, I just can't I just mean like, you think of another show? Where apropos of nothing, someone can just say, Where's the booze? Where's the fucking booze and then someone else just brings a Jameson bottle out from beneath their desk? Yeah. On television. You know what?
Dan (01:38:02.000)
I never really think about this that much. Because? I don't know. I'm sure I'm an adult. Sure. Sure. Sure. But like, there is a chance that there are kids watching we know their kids. Well, in the past there have been but who knows how how much there is like a youth viewership there. You know, when you talk about corrupting the youth and like they have all these fears that people in drag will somehow ruin children's lives or something? I think it's, you know, irresponsible to just have this kind of a free flowing like, Where's the fucking booze? Kind of kind of thing? I don't know. Maybe look, maybe look at that, Alex. I mean, as far as I hold the these bizarre standards for everybody else.
Jordan (01:38:43.000)
I'll tell you this, Dan, as far as this show, being a family show goes. I don't think your parents would let you watch it on account of it does not promote good family behaviors.
Dan (01:38:51.000)
No, no, I will say that while there were a number of things that I wish I had watched perhaps sure that we're not allowed to my family. There were also a lot of things that you saved me from Yeah, that would have been Yeah. So yeah, they're drunk. It does not help the energy really.
Jordan (01:39:13.000)
That's the thing that really bums me out is so far this has been stilted and garbage. And you mean I would at least expect a couple of drinks to liven things up a bit. I
Dan (01:39:22.000)
don't think this is Roseanne first drink.
Jordan (01:39:26.000)
Well, that I agree with. Yeah,
Dan (01:39:27.000)
there we go. But also it's one in the afternoon. So it's not Alex's first drink either. Probably not.
Alex Jones (01:39:34.000)
Go to hell, Satan.
Roseanne Barr (01:39:35.000)
Yeah, go back to whence you came. But here's what people don't know about Satan because they've been tricked. Okay, they've been
Alex Jones (01:39:43.000)
people that give us the esoteric Jewish secrets,
Roseanne Barr (01:39:46.000)
certainly and my friend. All right. Let me get my step up and asking, you know, asking for connect shown and the right words absolutely God Almighty created him he created it didn't let me tell you that he's as powerful as God because He ain't and he never will be Don't let nobody gives you that treat anybody see that a lot how they control you? You know all these satanic cults that's what they tell the kid
Dan (01:40:26.000)
that's what they tell the kids and all the Satan that Satan is as powerful as God all these satanic cults everywhere.
Jordan (01:40:35.000)
Okay, I mean, I've all the things I've
Dan (01:40:37.000)
know. Yeah, the number one issue in the country,
Jordan (01:40:40.000)
right? I've just I didn't I didn't know. Yeah,
Dan (01:40:43.000)
I didn't know well, now you do.
Jordan (01:40:44.000)
That was I don't like it when somebody tells me that they've that I've been tricked over something. And they are very conspiratorial about it. And then it turns out, it's something that I think everyone already knows.
Dan (01:40:58.000)
Well, according to the you know, the lore. Yeah. You know, God create. I mean, that's the whole thing. And yeah, obviously the antagonists Yeah, just powerful is powerful.
Jordan (01:41:09.000)
You can go back to job you can do you can do Jesus in the desert you can do, you can do the fun. You can do John the Revelator and
Dan (01:41:17.000)
escolar. Yeah, absolutely. Mater.
Jordan (01:41:19.000)
Elevator. I think something that goes up. Yeah, yeah, you could do it all. But the whole point of all of it is that God created everything and that includes me as
Dan (01:41:28.000)
souls. True. So Roseanne, now that she's gotten a little bit of that whiskey in her Sure. Little little fortifying juice, little Texas fire in the mouth. Now she is one of I think the worst thoughts that she has, okay.
Roseanne Barr (01:41:42.000)
I'm gonna straighten all this out for people. Thank you. But God did create him and what people don't know is that there isn't. He has a reason to exist and that is he has his followers in his Hoard. You know, they've been set loose on people on what is that for? Because a lot of people here well, they ain't even people. Alex, what are the clones? A lot of robots. They don't? What looks like people. They don't even have souls. Oh, you know what I mean? I don't know. What like apparitions that we create with what what I believe with our own evil thoughts and deeds, we create an apparition that comes at us. It's called a golem that we create that later turns on us because of the evil thoughts and deeds that we do we created those people
Alex Jones (01:42:39.000)
Shulkin Tolkein describes that as Gollum exactly what shut the fuck up no evil sign. No operate. Yeah,
Jordan (01:42:48.000)
no. Yeah. Fuck off. And that's that's Gollum. Yeah. What are you talking about?
Dan (01:42:55.000)
Look leaving a lot of the bullshit. A lot of a lot of it the area's an idea that Roseanne is expressing here that is a lot of people are people Yeah, what they are manifestations of your negative thoughts. Do you think that manifestations of your negative thoughts deserve the same kind of rights or respect or dignity that humans do? Yeah, because this is the line of thinking that is very readily accessible from there Yeah, that's it means dehumanizing basically event of people that you just choose to decide are manifestations of your negative thoughts you know, fucked up
Jordan (01:43:33.000)
you know, maybe maybe ultimately, that is the one free speech law we really should have is like whatever it is, you do you cannot claim another human being is not a human being because ultimately isn't that the first point where I mean every every genocide is the beginning is those people are not human you are
Dan (01:43:54.000)
I agree I agree with you that it is the first step down the most dangerous rhetorical road I think dehumanizing language is is a justifying of horrific things. But I don't know how you legislate that. I don't know how I don't know how that works in practice. Yeah. And then you have to come up with all kinds of things of like well, what if we do end up having clones Sure. That a clone isn't a person right robbery or whatever, you have all kinds of weirdos who will get into those like right abstract futuristic, what if case right
Jordan (01:44:28.000)
and I don't want to talk to them? Well, they're
Dan (01:44:31.000)
going to talk to you
Jordan (01:44:32.000)
right. But I would like to, I would like to solve the genocide problem first and then we can worry about clones.
Dan (01:44:37.000)
I agree with you. It is much as that kind of idea being expressed should be taken far more seriously than a lot of other things. It should
Jordan (01:44:46.000)
be viewed as a like a intervention point at the very like maybe not illegal but it should be something where if you are dehumanizing another human being. It's the world should stop and educate you on what happens next.
Dan (01:44:58.000)
Definitely as well. Actually, when it surrounding dehumanizing classes of people, certainly that's one very big red flag races, religions anything. Yeah. But then also what Roseanne here is doing is giving you carte blanche to choose whoever you want to dehumanize. Based on, I guess disagreement? Yeah.
Jordan (01:45:21.000)
Well, I mean, if somebody is disagreeing with you, then the only person who would really disagree with you is you. And therefore if they're disagreeing with you, they're a manifestation of your own insecurity. And so the only way to overcome them is to metaphorically and literally kill them.
Dan (01:45:34.000)
Now, what sneaky about it is what looks like
Alex Jones (01:45:39.000)
Bosch Bosch, indeed.
Dan (01:45:41.000)
So Alex discusses his past with Satanism. And this is dumb.
Alex Jones (01:45:48.000)
When I was growing up, I was a nice young child. And then I became a teenager. I never got to the actual devil worship, but I could definitely sort of dialing into that energy. And I had a lot of power, but it was only when I was hurting people. I never really got all the way into it. It worked out a lot. But I see that was God using my own freewill. If I hadn't skated on the edge of that I wouldn't have the understanding of it.
Roseanne Barr (01:46:13.000)
It's so you can master it. And so you can exercise and get it out. Like it says, you know, pluck it out. It's so you can learn to grow your soul because the soul can grow.
Dan (01:46:28.000)
I know he's lying about it. But according to Alex, during that time in his life, he killed multiple people. So I guess according to Roseanne those murders were just things Alex needed to do in order to grow his soul you need over possibly, oh, this doesn't even really matter. Because those folks probably weren't even people. They were just projections of Alex's negative thoughts. So they wasn't even really murder.
Jordan (01:46:46.000)
That's why he grew out of it has because if he did they were challenges metaphorical and literal murder. Were both important in this circumstance.
Dan (01:46:56.000)
Yeah. 100% I, yeah. Oh, boy. Now there is a test to see if you have a soul.
Jordan (01:47:02.000)
I mean, I boy, I just wish people would not just don't talk about your theology. Just don't do it. You're just because then you're gonna wind
Dan (01:47:10.000)
up here sooner or later. I don't even know if
Jordan (01:47:12.000)
this is the all. Exactly, exactly. Because you're gonna wind up at as you start talking, you're gonna wind up talking shit that I bet she probably doesn't even believe this. If you scratch your heart enough. She'd be like, hey, you know what? You're right. And then she'd go home? And she continued believing it. No one cares,
Dan (01:47:28.000)
maybe? I don't know. Yeah, but anyway, there's a test to see if you have a soul. Okay?
Roseanne Barr (01:47:32.000)
A lot of people don't know if they have a soul. But here's how you know, can you change? Because only someone with a soul can change
Alex Jones (01:47:44.000)
quick chop off your finger. We have freewill. If you have a soul. We're not a robot as the left tells us, you're just a robot. No, we're not because the soul can grow.
Roseanne Barr (01:47:53.000)
And people who cannot change, they are messengers. What's the word for him? Another word is angels. Good and bad. But they're here to tempt the soul to choose which side they're going to go on. That's one way of looking at it
Dan (01:48:13.000)
certainly is one way. I don't think I would cover this if it wasn't Roseanne Yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do this. No, no, if this wasn't like a very big interview that Alex had, I think, I mean, I've gotten personal messages from people as well as like tweets from folks that are like, I'm not gonna watch this because you guys gotta cover it. You know, like, that kind of stuff. I've heard people be like, this was nuts. Yeah, you know, I think I probably would just be like, yeah, like, if this was a project Camelot episode, I probably like, I don't feel great about this. Yeah. But it's Alex interviewing a gigantic celebrity that's presumably out of his orbit. Right. Right. Ideologically, but in terms of celebrity Oh, yeah. Yeah, generally speaking. But this is upsetting.
Jordan (01:48:59.000)
I appreciate that. Like, Alex was like, Yeah, I love causes robots. 15 minutes after she was like everybody, you don't believe it is a robot or a close or negative projection of your mind? Exactly like it. Please don't tell me what I do when you did it five minutes ago. That's not fair.
Dan (01:49:17.000)
I don't really believe that. The left calls everyone robot.
Jordan (01:49:20.000)
I don't believe they call anybody robots.
Dan (01:49:22.000)
I think this is all made up. Yeah. So maybe we're in Purgatory. Hey, where on earth
Jordan (01:49:30.000)
currently watching somebody that I looked up to do this? Yeah, it's a little hell it's purgatory. Ask. Well, Roseanne
Dan (01:49:37.000)
believes that we're in hell. Oh, well, that's fair.
Alex Jones (01:49:40.000)
On an archetypal level, we all know this is a test. What is your description of this dimension where we are is it a purgatory isn't attached? How would you quantify that?
Jordan (01:49:49.000)
I always say how would you quantify
Roseanne Barr (01:49:51.000)
that? This is how we're we came to pay for something we did. But we have the sparks of God in us as it says that the sparks of soul are within us and we're supposed to set them ablaze. We're supposed to make a big ass fire out of them. That's why our holiest day is called log beaumier. And it's a day of bonfires.
Dan (01:50:17.000)
I think of the idea that this is hell and that we're here to atone for some unspecified past life crime precludes the possibility that any of us actually have freewill. If our existence is predicated on something that happened in a past life, and we're only alive as punishment for that, then it's pretty bleak picture sadder than what I hear from most Satanists, if I'm being honest. Yeah, also, log beaumier is a day of celebration in Judaism, but it is not the most holy day. The only way for that to be true for would be for Roseanne to subscribe to some kind of sub sect of Judaism that does consider it the most holy day. I don't know of any that do but one that would would be a very particular type of Judaism. I, I'm not an expert in any of this. I'm just kind of pulling a chair. So I mean, what I mean here is that logbook Meyer is at the celebration is largely seen as the anniversary of the death of Simeon Ben yokai, who's a major figure within Kabbalah. He's often erroneously cited as the author of The Zohar. I don't know for sure, but the over emphasizing the vlog bull Mayor leads me to suspect that Roseanne may be a follower of a more mystical branch of Judaism just fine, but it should be a huge problem for Alex. Yeah, but I guess it's not because Roseanne is a celebrity who will talk to him? I guess Alex also could be aware of that. Like, if he knows that if he explores it, his audience will be super pissed off. Yeah. Don't
Jordan (01:51:42.000)
don't explore too much of that. Like we're from your perspective as a esoteric person. Yeah.
Dan (01:51:49.000)
Wait, I have used this to escape goat things when I need to talk to Nazis. Oh, kidding. Yeah, it's very, it's very bizarre to me. I don't know. Yeah. I just thought what's the point of a bonfire though? What's
Jordan (01:52:00.000)
the point of having a book if you're not going to read it or say what it says? I just don't
Dan (01:52:05.000)
understand. What's the point of doing an interview with Alex and saying he's a hero of yours if you don't know what he actually talks about.
Jordan (01:52:11.000)
It's a great point. There is no blood of this makes a waste of everybody's time.
Dan (01:52:18.000)
By the end of this anyway, let's discuss freewill.
Alex Jones (01:52:24.000)
What is the trick here we will never be conscious and join he without knowing it. lets us be the devil's trick because we actually pull back God gives us prosperity and freedom and happiness and family all these good things. Everything evil gives us is destructive and is worthless. Why would you even join it?
Roseanne Barr (01:52:41.000)
People think they have freewill but they don't. Okay, Ellie, you can only order what's on the menu. Alex?
Alex Jones (01:52:50.000)
What was almost like a Calvinistic view like predestination?
Roseanne Barr (01:52:55.000)
Yeah, you can only get what's on the menu when you think you can only get what's on the menu, I guess. But I mean,
Alex Jones (01:53:02.000)
so why did God do that? Because people for particular families tend to go certain ways. People are able family tend to go the other way. Different things but it does seem like it's you have freewill, but there, but it's kind of pre baked into the cake. So there's freewill but it's kind of determined that it's like okay, your free will, but you're gonna do this.
Roseanne Barr (01:53:21.000)
No, you just get what's on the menu you can choose.
Dan (01:53:25.000)
So these two are real thinkers having completely different conversations with each other without realizing, Dan are not talking about similar ideas at all. You should
Jordan (01:53:35.000)
have told me to get way higher. Yeah, you should have been like Jordan, in order to sit through this conversation. You need to be out of your gourd.
Dan (01:53:43.000)
Thankfully, I have this bottle of Jameson, please Yay. So Roseanne is trying to express that there's a limitation on freewill. And as much as you can really only choose the things that are options on the menu. She slips into small point which Alex talks over and she doesn't get to expand on which is that if, if you think the only options are what's on the menu, then you can only choose from the menu which implies that she actually doesn't believe that the metaphorical menu is a limitation of freewill. Only a perception people have that they need to push past. If they push past the menu, then the options open up but if you accept the menu, then you only have those choices, right?
Jordan (01:54:20.000)
Insert Bong sound.
Dan (01:54:22.000)
While Alex is exploring one of his favorite theories, namely that there's a genetic basis to whether or not a person is good or evil. He's expressed many times an inclination that he has to believe that evil families create evil people in good families create good people. He's basically a spiritual eugenicist. Yeah, neither of them realizes the angle the other has on free will and they're just saying their own dumb thoughts to each other. Yeah, there's a pointless interview which is really just two idiots drinking and talking shit.
Jordan (01:54:50.000)
Yeah, I would. I mean, I'm waiting for them to just like set a garbage can up like 10 feet away and just start tossing rolled up bundles of paper in there and Is there just like? Yeah, free will is crazy. Oh, that one was close. Bong sound?
Dan (01:55:04.000)
Yeah. There should be a blacklight
Jordan (01:55:07.000)
Absolutely. This is so fucking boring. Wait,
Dan (01:55:11.000)
I did cut out the clip where she's like, how does a lava lamp? Oh my
Jordan (01:55:15.000)
god, that didn't happen. I wish it did I have to clarify. Yeah, you have to do you understand? And you have to clarify because anything that didn't happen yes.
Dan (01:55:25.000)
So Roseanne has a thought that Alex should throw something at her for say or mysteriously he doesn't.
Roseanne Barr (01:55:31.000)
I think that we were put here to grow and to learn and to develop our skills to be God like because he, of course wants us to be infinite beings. I don't believe that he put us there just to die and shrivel up. I think he wants us to figure out how we can live forever. And I do believe science is on the verge of that now, that should be immortal.
Alex Jones (01:56:00.000)
Which that is just a reflection of how powerful we are that we can physically hold things together the third dimension when it's already been done in the higher dimensions.
Dan (01:56:07.000)
Alex talks all the time about this pursuit of immortality being in front of God will
Jordan (01:56:13.000)
pursue immortality that's what the ultimate elitist want to do. Right. Yep. So you're saying that you brought in a West Coast celebrity? Who was trying to tell you about eternal infinite life? Wait
Dan (01:56:32.000)
till she accidentally endorses communist? Yeah, no kidding. So she also has a really interesting idea here that I is completely wrong. Okay. But fascinating. All right.
Roseanne Barr (01:56:43.000)
That's all I'm saying. We have the power to change everything with a decision to not do it anymore. To not hold up those structures of Babylon anymore just to let them fall. I mean, just to let them fall, you know, I ran for President in 2012. And I found out because I wanted to find out how it works, you know, and I did find out that if less than 30% of the people vote, and I'm not advocating this, but then they have to call it not an election. But they never tell us that.
Alex Jones (01:57:19.000)
Well, let me ask you a big picture, which is really the little picture, kind of the five foot views of the 30,000 foot view. What do you expect when you crane?
Dan (01:57:28.000)
Yeah, good. Good. Shift the topic, Alex, because that is definitely not true. I mean, the people, you know, they never tell us that because it's not true. I would like
Jordan (01:57:39.000)
I genuinely am flabbergasted by the idea that you would think that rule made sense to anyone. Yeah. Hey, 30% of the people didn't vote.
Dan (01:57:51.000)
No. So only 30? Under 30. Under 30%. Voted. So yeah. So Nope. Doesn't count on election. We're just gonna stick with the government we have until everybody voted over. Yeah, then you have to just keep doing it. Yeah. Although I do do think that we should pretend that this is true. Yeah. Because then as an act of rebellion, maybe all these people wouldn't. But then again, that's disenfranchising, and I don't support that. But the only thought that you can have if you believe that's the case now and you're following the train of thought that she's going down is like, maybe we should all just not vote and then overthrow the system that way.
Jordan (01:58:25.000)
I genuinely speaking, if that were true, I'd be fine without voting well, but I would be happy to get under 30% just to see what the fuck everybody do
Dan (01:58:36.000)
if that were true. The types of communities that we've run in in our lives, to this types of protesters and stuff. It would be a singular obsession of a lot of people that I've known in my life were true, but it is not. It is just some weird thing that someone told Roseanne when she apparently ran for president in 2012. And then wrote Roseanne arche where she learned how to
Jordan (01:58:59.000)
kill the Donald, just think about what somebody would, okay, I'm not talking about Roseanne believing this fine, whatever believe whatever you want. Sure, think about if this were real, what was the person's mind like in that constitutional Congress going, like, wasn't one guy in the back trying to sneak it in there real quick, just like, hey, this will be fun. What if this happens, and then you just drops it in? Where does that come from? Well, it is it is
Dan (01:59:23.000)
an interesting idea, too. Because if you're having a lower threshold of voting, then why not just have compulsory voting? Yeah. You know, like, if that is the case, like if a certain amount of people are specifically required to vote right, then, I mean, the thought spirals very quickly to like, well, it's just mandate voting.
Jordan (01:59:43.000)
So that, but so why would you put that in there that that can only be in there. If you think that there's some sneaky way to exploit the possibility of less than 30% of the population voting in order to then do something it is a purely sneak based rule. Well,
Dan (01:59:59.000)
what to which you were failing to take into account in those days, there was a high prevalence of weirdos. That's fair. That is fair. A lot of strange it is fair, did you? I think I heard Jamaica court of Heaven joke earlier,
Jordan (02:00:16.000)
there was a there was a reminiscence of the court of Heaven wherein the Golem is following behind you snake snatching on you again.
Dan (02:00:23.000)
Well, here is where you become a winner. Okay.
Roseanne Barr (02:00:27.000)
I wanted to say that the real reason Satan was invented is because in the Upper Court of God, wow, guess who the prosecuting attorney turns out to get the fuck out of here? Satan?
Jordan (02:00:39.000)
Alex Jones (02:00:40.000)
He goes to God says I need these are bad. So you get this shit out of here. That's what he wants us to do sins and create wicked Dominions wants us to do sin going on.
Roseanne Barr (02:00:49.000)
And then he and then he brings us before the court of heaven and says, Here are where their sins and here's what I got him to do. So in effect, you don't get away with nothing. And you
Alex Jones (02:01:00.000)
crazy as Satan is described as the prosecutor. Wow, this is
Jordan (02:01:04.000)
a fucking entrapment game. Yeah, that's all of human existence isn't a trap in the game? Yep.
Dan (02:01:10.000)
Okay, if I'm ever gonna subscribe to a religion and take on a deity. I'm not going to choose this one for a few reasons. The first is weird. There's an interesting racket, and God's complicit in it. The second is that there's no reason to have a court. If God is God, then they already know the outcome before any case is heard. So the only reason to have this pageant is to be sadistic toward the person on trial. Yeah, this is just a show trial meant to torture you into thinking that you have a chance to plead your case. And it allows you to pretend that there's some kind of a fair process that you're involved in, or even more terrifyingly, imagine the alternative. God doesn't know the outcome. And there's a chance that you could be a real piece of shit, but so good at arguing that you convinced God to let you into heaven.
Jordan (02:01:54.000)
The devil throws up his hands and like, well, I guess this guy beat me the whole fabric
Dan (02:01:58.000)
of morality is demolished and the only thing that matters is rhetorical ability. Simultaneously, it introduces the possibility that God can be tricked, which is a nonsensical idea on its face. It's either that grim reality or God has decided that when you die, you get to be the subject of a show trial. That's only meant to be cruel. Those are two shitty options. Yeah, also Satan is the prosecutor. Do you get a defense attorney? How do you pass the bar in heaven? Or do you have to go pro se? That doesn't seem fair, particularly considering that you don't know the laws of Heaven and the judge and prosecutor have known each other since the beginning of time and the judge created the prosecutor just gotta be a conflict of interest there
Jordan (02:02:36.000)
is definitely something going on this
Dan (02:02:37.000)
is bad due process
Jordan (02:02:39.000)
I mean, you get an appeal. It is like this is what would result if your God was lonely jealous and fucking apparently disappointed all the time and you for doing the things that you created somebody to make them do Can you post
Dan (02:02:59.000)
bail? If you're awaiting trial in heaven, can you go to heaven
Jordan (02:03:03.000)
want to go back to No, no
Dan (02:03:04.000)
on bail?
Jordan (02:03:05.000)
You can't go to heaven on bail. Okay, because the trial outside the gates can go back to Earth you can go back to her okay. That's why so many people here aren't people. They're just ghosts. They're go. Waiting trial.
Dan (02:03:16.000)
Is that what near death experiences are totally you
Jordan (02:03:19.000)
go back? Oh, back. Yeah, absolutely. They're like, hold on, hold on. No, no. Near Death Experiences are a mistrial. Okay.
Dan (02:03:27.000)
Hung Jury. Yeah, absolutely. When God is the only
Jordan (02:03:31.000)
He knows there. I assume. So. It's all 12 apostles. That's what it's based off of.
Dan (02:03:38.000)
very dumb. Yep. So anyway, I like macadamia nuts. And so does Rosa. Okay.
Roseanne Barr (02:03:43.000)
And I grow pineapples, non sequitur buttress, and I got like, 2000 Mac nut trees. And I'm glad to talk about this too, because the macadamia nut is a gift of God. And I believe that might have been what manner was in the desert. I have in my mind, it could have been, because it academia and that's in the desert, that not as perfect protein that it has the exact amount of fats and protein to nourish the brain. And I have it all over the globe, and macadamia and because it costs too much to Shell it twice. And then, you know, that's why they're so expensive. But this is the most perfect food for the human being that you know, I believe it's just the perfect food that could solve world hunger right now if they figure out a well that's
Alex Jones (02:04:32.000)
the thing the globalist are openly creating as many problems as they can. Because they're scared of this jump point we're about to achieve. We'll have free energy, unlimited power, unlimited life, even the third dimension. God's given us so much power that our soul is eternal, but now it's about to be eternal, even in this third dimension. That's the reflection of that eternity is so powerful. It's about to create immortality here. Now, while I'm playing the higher dimensions invading the lower
Dan (02:04:59.000)
dimensions Alex doesn't give a shit about macadamia nuts.
Jordan (02:05:01.000)
I wanted to honestly this was the first time I was interested because I was like I kind of want to learn more about macadamia nuts. I don't know that much about macadamia nuts.
Dan (02:05:08.000)
Yeah, Alex is like I'm gonna talk about something else. I
Jordan (02:05:11.000)
have all things I wanted out of that religion was the I was like, sweet, we're off religion. We're on the nuts.
Dan (02:05:17.000)
Excuse the Roseanne takes it macadamia nuts. Were manna in the Bible, but it's just not possible. Now. That plant was only indigenous to Australia prior to the late 1800s When it was first imported to Hawaii. Manna was the food that Israelites sustained themselves on when they were in the desert after leaving Egypt and the area just wouldn't have had macadamia nuts. Also the biblical descriptions of Mantis on nothing like macadamia nuts like how Nana was the size of coriander seeds and quote looked like resum also quote when the do settled on the camp at night, the man I also came down. In Exodus, it says, quote, Morning by morning, they gathered it each as much as he could eat. But when the sun grew hot, it melted. Doesn't sound like macadamia nuts.
Jordan (02:05:59.000)
I do love the idea of a God of Israel, who is like, Listen, my people need me. And I've got this macadamia nut farm in Australia. So I think it's all working out.
Dan (02:06:15.000)
I'm gonna import that. Yeah, exactly. So yep. Also, here's where Roseanne accidentally is kind of getting into maybe a commune kind of living. And if you pay close attention, I believe she even catches herself almost saying
Roseanne Barr (02:06:30.000)
what does it look like to live in a perfect community that works for all the people where all the kids are safe? And I think about that all the time. So in Hawaii, it's a bunch of commute a bunch of farms in
Unknown Speaker (02:06:48.000)
small groups
Roseanne Barr (02:06:49.000)
worked really well. And everybody should start thinking about that now.
Dan (02:06:56.000)
Yeah. Each according to their needs.
Jordan (02:07:00.000)
What is the point? Why did why why why don't even talk to each other. It works really well. Don't even talk to each other. Just hold up signs and then put dots on your bingo card.
Dan (02:07:11.000)
Yeah, Alex would be furious about this kind of idea. But he's not Nope. So Alex earlier asked about Ukraine, and there wasn't really an answer. But that comes back up a little bit. And Alex is a big old liar.
Alex Jones (02:07:24.000)
How did they not know that? Oh, the Russians are losing now. They're really ready to go to war like, like, how do you not know human nature? It's like it's not human. I can tell you right now. I said a year ago when I started I said they're gonna beat the Russians up front and the Russians are gonna double down it's Wow,
Roseanne Barr (02:07:40.000)
they want an escalation because that's part of the population also wars a great cover for steel and kids.
Alex Jones (02:07:47.000)
Talking about that they are very thing is about
Roseanne Barr (02:07:50.000)
that. I call that the pedo Ponzi pyramid talk
Alex Jones (02:07:54.000)
about their currency is innocence of children, the children are connected to God, and that they can torture a child that pisses God off and sticks a knife in God's leg while and that's what it is, is they want to torture God. And that's why they want to hurt children. Is that correct?
Roseanne Barr (02:08:12.000)
They hate life, their neck crushed Jesus Christ.
Dan (02:08:15.000)
I got to say there's nothing we need less than the world right now than to drunk idiots complaining about how everyone they don't like is a pedophile trying to hurt kids in order to torture God right beyond worthless the fuck out. However, I wanted to play that clip, because Alex's again repeating is completely fraudulent story about his predictions about Ukraine. We know because we listened to it and have a memory that Alex said that the war would be over in a few days on the Putin had paid off the Ukrainian military and Zelinsky to stand down. In case you didn't hear that. Here's Alex saying that Zelinsky was a Russian double agent on February 24 2022.
Alex Jones (02:08:47.000)
But that's why you're not seeing any real Ukrainian resistance because it was all for show. And the comedian Hollywood president was a double agent the whole time. Oh, yeah. That's what all the smart money is on. That's what all the experts I know. And I'm an expert myself. No. And so Putin is fighting a war he already won before he pulled the trigger. And that's why we're tomorrow's news. Today
Dan (02:09:30.000)
looks bad in hindsight, seems like he doubled down on that the next day and said on February 25 2022, that the war would be over within 48 hours.
Alex Jones (02:09:39.000)
I mean, look at this Reuters article that's out right now. Alright, is that Bloomberg Putin calls on Ukrainian military to seize power to better negotiate with Russia, because he knows it's a bunch of globalist factions in there. And a bunch of former presidents jockeying for control. He's like, Listen, I'll negotiate with the military, which is a very smart move. I would expect this to be over in 48 hours. What do you think?
Dan (02:09:58.000)
Obviously it's beating a dead horse to say that Alex is full of shit and a liar. But I want to stress this for a reason. So we can highlight a dynamic of how Alex lies. In order for what he's saying in the present to be taken seriously, Alex needs to make sure that no one remembers how stupid the things he said before have been. Luckily, whatever audience he has, has no interest in questioning the things he says so he can get away with what he's doing right here. Alex is creating a narrative about his past statements and beliefs, which his audience will then accept as the gospel version of what happened. The more Alex repeats that he said, This Ukraine thing, he took it, he had it perfect, the more the audience will nod along with that, and the more they'll use it as an example of the times that hashtag Alex Jones was right. Meanwhile, they're just parroting the bullshit that Alex needs to feed them to save his own ass from his own past actions. Essentially, what Alex is doing is demanding that the audience except to complete fiction about his own body of work in service of making it easier for him to get them to accept future fictions that he sells them. But here's the irony. He's using this fictitious telling of the past in order to get them to accept that the next time that he says something like my sources telling me Zielinski is a Russian double agent, which the audience will eventually be forced to pretend Alex never said in service of the facilitating his next lie, right? In many ways. Alex's lies are a cycle of abuse that he has his listeners trapped in. It's really sad that they can't see the forest for the trees and recognize that he's just lying to them to steal their money and make them hate groups of people that he doesn't like and society. Yeah, it's very sad.
Jordan (02:11:32.000)
Yeah, yeah.
Dan (02:11:33.000)
It's pretty transparent if you actually pay attention. Sorry.
Jordan (02:11:38.000)
Oh, yeah. But yeah, it's a little bit like a Ponzi scheme of bullshit. Like, people are always putting bullshit in there. And he's passing it around, doing that whole thing. But the bullshit is, it's nothing. It's not real. It's nothing. It's fake.
Dan (02:11:52.000)
Yep. I was 100% Right from the beginning on this Ukraine stuff. So you should believe me about other things. I say that I'll demand you pretend I didn't say in the future. So long such a vicious cycle, so long as
Jordan (02:12:05.000)
your audience allows you to retcon yourself to be hashtag Alex Jones was right. Yeah. You are always Alex Jones
Dan (02:12:12.000)
was right. Yeah. And I just think that there's something so hilarious about the clip of him saying that the landscape is a double agent all along, ending with tomorrow's news today.
Jordan (02:12:20.000)
I mean, it's on. I mean, it's too on the next parody. Yeah. And it's it is so much like, everything you hear Alex say, you should take as something that he will eventually have to pretend he didn't say, yeah.
Dan (02:12:36.000)
Because otherwise you won't be able to do whatever he wants to do today or tomorrow. Exactly. Because everyone will be like, No, you're fucking wrong all the time. All the time. So anyway, Roseanne says something kinda cute.
Roseanne Barr (02:12:47.000)
That's funny, cuz look at look at look at how they say, like I said, I went from domestic goddess to domestic terrorist, I guess because I've never been somebody who's for killing kids in the womb or out. You know,
Dan (02:13:04.000)
they said that she was a domestic goddess as a joke. Yeah, that was. That was branding.
Jordan (02:13:10.000)
Yeah, it was. It wasn't. Yeah, that was the idea is that she was putting that idea on its head. Yeah. thereby giving people the chance to express themselves in a different way than they would be normally allowed to in society.
Dan (02:13:22.000)
Yeah, but it is a cute turn of phrase. It is. I went for domestic God is to domestic terrorists. I mean, it's not bad. Yeah. So I think
Jordan (02:13:29.000)
it works better for shit. Now. I can't remember an insider trading. Steward Martha Stewart. Yes. domestic terrorism, though. No, but I mean, it works better. She is a widely recognized domestic goddess. Yes, that is true. Yeah. And she didn't go to actual jail. Yeah,
Dan (02:13:49.000)
I'll work on it. Okay. Thank you The turn of phrase. Thank you. But for now, I have to give props to Roseanne. Yes. Because she has a really good point. All right.
Alex Jones (02:13:59.000)
Two weeks ago, I played Soros. He made an announcement in Germany. It's like an hour long, but he literally can't even talk now. But he doesn't know when to give up. He just up there like bumbling around.
Roseanne Barr (02:14:09.000)
While he doesn't have a soul, you can tell that that's not the good point. Can't Yeah, yeah.
Alex Jones (02:14:16.000)
Exactly. So I want to say this. I don't hate George Soros. He's, he's gone. He, whatever happened. Maybe he was a human. At some point. I forgive him. Not because I'm even supporting what he did. I'm against him. But I think God does want us just realize he's a fallen human that we couldn't save. And he's a loss.
Roseanne Barr (02:14:36.000)
Here's what I say to him. And I say it to all the billionaires there because you know, you can't be a billionaire without hurting a lot of people. Yeah, there's no way but to all the billionaires out there, you could with your money, you could save every kid on this planet and help us turn it into heaven. You don't need all that money. And if you would do that and help people instead of hurt them, we would gladly welcome you back into the fold of human beings and you will be a hero to, and you will get so much love and acceptance and people will just marvel at you. And, exactly, we're trying to give them amnesty. That's what you want. And so you know, do the right thing and and ask God to forgive you. And we're after that happens, you know, you will make amends to the human beings you've harmed, and you can come back with us, and we'll have a lot of fun. But guess what, Dumb Dumb?
Jordan (02:15:27.000)
They don't care what you think. I mean, like, it's yes, you understand that billionaires don't become billionaires without hurting tons of people, right? And then is appealing to some sense of decency to get them to give up all their money to save everyone. Yeah, they don't give a fuck. They don't care what you think, like you are a big celebrity of all people of Roseanne, you are closer to a billionaire than you ever will be to me. So I understand where you're coming from. However, when you had the height of your money, when you had millions of dollars coming in? Yeah, because you have one of the highest rated shows on television per episode, you're making millions of dollars? Did you give it all up? So people would
Dan (02:16:09.000)
love you, she might have given some to charity, I understand
Jordan (02:16:11.000)
that and it is it's a difference of
Dan (02:16:15.000)
scale, paid for taxes, which is really a huge different conversation needs to be
Jordan (02:16:20.000)
could Facebook billionaires need to be taxed heavily they need to have their money taken,
Dan (02:16:24.000)
it's the only tenable solution because that is evening the playing field, they make this exorbitant amount of money through exploiting us. And as a result, we tax them at a very high rate to pay for things that offset the damage of the exploitation that facilitated their wealth. Exactly. This is not an arrangement that they're going to enter into willingly, because they love being super rich. And they understand that they had to hurt people to get to where
Jordan (02:16:49.000)
they are. They loved it. Yes. It was the joy of the game,
Dan (02:16:53.000)
or at least it's an acceptable part of it. Right. And it's not like you're gonna appeal to somebody sense of decency, unless they're already inclined to do that. And in that case, they are already
Jordan (02:17:04.000)
and billionaires, we know we're not inclined to do that. Because whenever that started happening to them, they were like, ooh, that's not good. So they will, government in order to deregulate themselves, so they could continue to make all that money.
Dan (02:17:20.000)
I heard all those people Alex and Roseanne solution seems to be that they're gonna whine about how these billionaires should give up their money willingly. And while they don't Roseanne and Alex will dehumanize them and say that they have no souls and aren't human to the point where I guess they'll just end up having people support killing the rich. I mean, if a rich person could willingly hand over some wealth and still be super rich, and by doing so like they would save 100 lives. At a certain point, it's hard to distinguish the choice to not do that, and to not give up some of their money from like actively being a participant in killing those 100 people. If this is the game that you want to play?
Jordan (02:17:56.000)
No, that's the argument you just made. But that, but I mean, it's a sound argument. That's the problem. Well,
Dan (02:18:03.000)
fine, but take that you can take that off the table by taxing these fucking people sure, in an appropriate and effective way.
Jordan (02:18:10.000)
Right. Right. Right. The question is, is that on the table? And the answer seems to be not
Dan (02:18:14.000)
for them, not for them, and rose out? Somehow that is unacceptable, right. But what, like, sitting around and saying that like, oh, you billionaires should like give your money up willingly is in effect, committing yourself to not solving the problem? Yeah. 100%. So that's where we are. But I like I said, I gotta give it up to her that she at least recognizes that there is no accumulation of wealth on that level without harm. Yeah, yeah. And I appreciate that. You recognize that that because that's not something that Alex would ever know. Say on his own.
Jordan (02:18:48.000)
Yeah, I mean, this is a place where you cannot ask for them to be of all things that are verboten. Asking billionaires to not make money is the greatest of all. Hey, my name's Alex doesn't
Dan (02:19:01.000)
shame people for being rich. Nope. No, he doesn't anyway, Roseanne does a billionaires good cluding Yay.
Roseanne Barr (02:19:07.000)
Good. Don't get a billion dollars without screwing over in numerable amounts and people you just don't you know, that's why I one thing that bugs me about Kanye or yay, whatever. Hey, talk about being a billionaire Kanye, or what? Are their children sewing them clothes? Come on, man. You you've got a billion dollars or had it isn't moral to have a billion dollar?
Alex Jones (02:19:34.000)
Well, I'm not even attacking. Yay. Oh, we're having money. But my issue was, I talked to him and I said I want to come on. How about love? He goes yeah, what about love? He got here in a mask and did this whole Hitler thing and I want to hate Hitler blew up Poland that did nothing. Like let's just believe your postulation that Jews are evil and to be killed. I don't agree with that. It's wrong. But what about Poland didn't have an answer.
Dan (02:19:58.000)
Oh boy. Great. When he did, come on and talk about love about his love of Hitler, yeah. I also like how they're missing the point of
Jordan (02:20:07.000)
i. This episode was supposed to be about joy. Did they remember that this episode is about joy
Dan (02:20:13.000)
came up when they were pouring the whiskey. Yeah, it
Jordan (02:20:16.000)
was very joyful. And then somehow it devolved into everybody I don't like as a pedophile. What a joyful episode maybe some people aren't real. Maybe they're not even real.
Dan (02:20:26.000)
Yeah. So me and Roseanne agree on another thing that isn't Mallanna is good.
Roseanne Barr (02:20:32.000)
That's what they're really afraid of. Certainly remember our connection to the divine who we are, that we remember who we are. And oh, they hate that so bad. Because then that would. It's like in that movie marijuana. I love that movie. I've seen so many times, where she gives the heart back to 250. And suddenly, everything dead blooms again and comes back to life. Did you see that movie? I love that movie. It's funny that Disney did it. It was creeped me out really that Disney? But that's a whole other subject.
Dan (02:21:14.000)
Yeah, maybe maybe like the blanket. All these companies are evil and trying to indoctrinate your kids into Satanism and all this stuff. Maybe? Maybe, like when you see more on AI and it's a really great movie. Yeah. And you're like, wow, it's weird that that satanist inducting company made this movie. Maybe you should take a step back and think maybe my perception is wrong.
Jordan (02:21:35.000)
Yeah. Maybe I'm gonna throw this out there. Sometimes. A cigar is just a cigar. It is not a dick. Sometimes it's not a dick.
Dan (02:21:45.000)
I mean, one is good. Yep. Ah, hey, chicken. Yeah. So don't wait three years ago, Alex had a vision. But also this vision is something that he said he had was a kid in past episodes. I don't believe any of this bullshit. Sounds good.
Alex Jones (02:22:00.000)
Absolutely. Well, I can tell you a story going back about three years ago. I was under major attack. And but I always thought I kid was strong enough to do it. Yeah, God's there. And God supports me but I'm strong enough. Oh God, bah, bah, bah, who gets the shit about that can really deep experiential experiences and like, given knowledge I couldn't even understand and things and I said, God, give me peace to be strong. Let me really see what it is. I never really prayed for something. I always said, What's your Will God but I didn't say prayers. Will you show me what it is? And give me the knowledge. And I remember a couple of weeks that preceded that prayer every day. I had a series of dreams. And I know that different feelings. He's like a different flavor you've never tasted. He finally tastes a new flavor. You go God, I've never had that new flavor. This was it. This experience was 100% real. I can't even see the angel that was like it was there behind me showing me the universe and other civilizations and things that happened and how it works. And everything is just total knowledge download and like, feeling totally complete. Not ecstasy was beyond se was like timelessness like, I'm good forever. This is a good spot right here. But then Well, I got a curiosity. I want to look into what happened here why this happened. And I can see like civilizations that destroyed themselves and individuals that did. They were like, walled up tombs, God gave what they want. They were their own little, little thing. It was like old men just sifting sand forever. Like, there. They weren't even they were cut off from God. They wanted to be God. And it was so powerful. And I said, Can I just stay here? Can I know you got stuff to do, but you're already here. And then it happened again. And I got a little touch of it again. But that feeling is undoubtedly outside my body. There's no connection to anything ever experienced like that. Because it's so intense. You can't even it's so intense. You're done. It's like you're just like, I am complete. This is absolute connection, everything. There's no time. It's like I'm I'm here. And that is what the enemy knows they've cut off from. Yeah, they get to go against God. Yeah, they get to do bad things. Yeah, they get to play God. But they've been cut off from that.
Dan (02:24:13.000)
Alex is talked about that kind of a vision and stuff that happened when he was a kid. Yeah, like this is I don't believe any of this shit. But we have reached the point of drunk where we're talking about visions.
Jordan (02:24:24.000)
Yeah, yeah, we're hitting their dreams and stuff. Yeah. So
Dan (02:24:28.000)
Alex tells this story. And I don't believe there's anything meaningful in it or anything. No, but Roseanne says, I know what you mean totally. And this leads into her talking about a vision that she had. And I do think that this is a bit more meaningful, okay. And it makes me super uncomfortable because she does end up crying in the middle of it. But I do think that there's something kind of poignant and actually, I think there's something worth listening to here.
Alex Jones (02:24:56.000)
If you felt that.
Roseanne Barr (02:24:57.000)
Yes, when I was three i felt at first, when I was three years old. I was in my grandmother's bathroom. And I grew up in an apartment house, my grandparents in Salt Lake City, they owned an apartment house and they sponsored people to come over from Auschwitz. And the apartment house was filled with survivors. And that's how I started comedy to because my grandma had a windowsill. And I used to like to go in there and sing and dance for the people. every Shabbat. We had Shabbat dinner on Friday night, and I would do my Shirley Temple act. And those people lied to me to. They told me I was better than Shirley Temple. And they told me I was cuter than Shirley Temple, and I believed they were they weren't one. No, they were lying.
Dan (02:25:47.000)
I love that moment. That's a really fun moment of like, Roseanne that some chop? Yep. They're like, Nah, they were like, they were lying. It's very, it's very fun and human. Yeah, that's the speed. And so she's telling this story of like, this vision that she had when she was three in her grandma's apartment. And just like, This clip is uncomfortable as hell because she does start crying. And I'm not mocking that at all. But I think that the story that she tells, especially it being on Infowars, and in the setting that she's in, I really do think that this is something that, you know, merits discussion.
Roseanne Barr (02:26:28.000)
Anyway, they would all get, they would all retell stories, I was only three. And they were watching the Eichmann trial to on TV. And they, I came in, they were watching TV, and I saw on TV pictures a holocaust of and they would tell stories. And I remember they told they point to me, and they say little girls like her, they hung them on a Meat Hook. That's the one I remember. And I, I was so scared. And I thought we live there. I went in my grandma's bathroom, and I was barely tall enough to lock the doors, locking them out. And I was sitting there and I was so afraid, I thought that was gonna happen to us. And I saw something in the air right in front of me. It was a man on horse. And he pointed to me, and he told me that I was going to live and that I was going to be okay. Okay. And he told me that he was always going to be with me that someday I was going to have an answer for every question that was in my mind at that time. And that I will always find my answers in books. And it would be it would, I would find my answers to the books. And I never, I never forgot or left that. And I would be like in my life. You know, it's like they call it mental illness and stuff. They call it that. But in my life, I would get these feelings that and I would go I would go to a bookstore. And I would have a question in my mind I'd find a book I'd open it and there would be the answer every time. All over the world. I've done that. When I get this certain feeling. I'm guided to a book. I always find it. And that happened to me just yesterday,
Alex Jones (02:28:26.000)
but they want to cut us off on the divine. I'll tell you a story.
Roseanne Barr (02:28:29.000)
I was afraid to tell anybody that I I had that feeling because I knew always don't tell nobody because they'll try to take you away from God.
Dan (02:28:39.000)
Alex was trying to interrupt there in a very uncomfortable way. Yeah, look, I don't want to denigrate something that is clearly has so much meaning to Roseanne and her life. So I want to present that story without comment except to say one thing. That pain that she's expressing that fear that she felt as a child is what so many of Alex's friends deny. She grew up around people who lived through the Holocaust. It isn't something that happened in the ancient past. She was around and alive around survivors. And as a child, she had a not completely unreasonable fear for her own safety because of the simple fact that she was Jewish. Many of Alex's associates people, he's friends with people, he platforms people, he offers a channel on bamdad video. There are people who say that the Holocaust never happened or that it was a big exaggeration. Roseanne is opening up about something really painful that terrified her as a child sitting next to a person who is all too happy to associate with people who would say to her face that the thing that traumatized her as a child didn't happen. What I'm saying is that she should choose better friends because Alex has a channel still up for Nick Fuentes, who's became bolder and bolder about his calls to expel Jews from the country. This is not the place for something like this, but like I do. Like what I feel sincerity from her you know like that. is moving that story that she has? Yeah, I don't know if I necessarily believe that there was a, like an apparition of someone on a horse, you know, but who cares?
Jordan (02:30:10.000)
The stories we tell about the past are often actually about the present. Right?
Dan (02:30:15.000)
And when when she tells a story of a vision like that, I can hear that and I can see what it means to her. When Alex tells a story about his visions. Yeah, it's self serving bullshit. Yeah, you know, I there's such a difference.
Jordan (02:30:29.000)
It's hard to imagine. But it is more likely than not. The majority response to this from people watching Infowars is to say that Roseanne is full of shit. Maybe, you know, it's just say that oh, look at her awful grandparents lying to her about the Holocaust. Definitely, yeah. That would totally be their reaction. Yeah. Yeah, that's fucked up.
Dan (02:30:55.000)
It's incredibly dark Jesus. Yep. So anyway, Alex wants to bond, I guess. So he brings up his own, like prophecies and stuff.
Alex Jones (02:31:03.000)
I won't tell all the stories, but I'll tell one and it's on record. He will ask how I went on air on July 25 2001. And southern will the World Trade Center and blame it on bin Laden? At the time, I said, Oh, I've looked at the news. I can tell it No, I had recurring dreams. Every night starting in May of 2021. of the planes crashing. I told my ex wife that she knows that. And I went on air that morning and said there's bombs the building, they blown it up. Because I was given that dream almost every night, or three months before I was
Dan (02:31:35.000)
falling asleep listening to Bill Cooper and entered my subconscious. Yeah. Yeah, whatever. It's so less meaningful. It's so vapid, the shit that he's trying to connect with. Yeah, it's just I don't know.
Jordan (02:31:50.000)
It's sad. Yeah. I mean, I feel personally a little bit offended. You know, like, this is stolen prophecy valor. Yeah. And I've got straight up, I've got the cred. You know, like, I'm the only person involved in this whole conversation that has a real as prophecy. So how about that? And I'm the only one who isn't claiming to have visions about it. You okay?
Dan (02:32:11.000)
Yeah, but you still need to stop. You need to pump the brakes on that prophecy cred. You pull that card a little too much.
Jordan (02:32:16.000)
Okay. Apologies. Hey, we're in a situation where more Listen, in my daily life. Nobody talks about prophecies. I never talked about it. I never have to when it comes
Dan (02:32:27.000)
to talking when I was
Jordan (02:32:29.000)
because we're doing this off air. Okay, fair enough. Well, we're all we generally it's a continuation of a conversation that started on air. That's fair. Yeah.
Dan (02:32:39.000)
So Roseanne reintroduces her theme of like, some people who aren't awake don't need to be like this anti evangelism. Yeah, I think I can, yeah.
Roseanne Barr (02:32:53.000)
everybody's awake. I mean, the people that aren't awake, it's because they're not meant to be awake. So just leave them. You got to just leave them at a certain point. Because that's how God wants it. If he if, you know, if they're not awake yet, and after today, I hope a whole lot more of them awaken. But if they don't, then just leave them. Not everybody can go Alex,
Alex Jones (02:33:19.000)
I totally agree. Let me ask this question, then. What happens? I'm worried about once this chain reaction goes complete, which is about halfway through right now, my view, what are people we don't want the violence? What do people do? What happens when, what is happening in the next few months, when it tips totally towards us?
Dan (02:33:37.000)
So in the next few months, the next few Patriots are going to completely win every round tip. Now, I think that this is stupid. But here's where it goes.
Alex Jones (02:33:48.000)
I'm worried about once this chain reaction goes complete, which is about halfway through right now. My view, what are people we don't want any violence? What do people do? What happens when? What is happening in the next few months? When it tips totally towards us? What's the system going to do? What do we do once we know they killed us? They gave us poison shot likes attacked our children their child molesters? What do we do?
Roseanne Barr (02:34:14.000)
Well, a lot of people are talking about retribution, but I'd say we ain't got no time for that. What we have to do is rebuild immediately.
Dan (02:34:21.000)
That's so offensive.
Jordan (02:34:23.000)
No, he can't. He can't just let her cry. I can't let her win the crying game. It's so that it that is the saddest and saddest thing.
Dan (02:34:34.000)
Like I think when I was watching this, I was so fucking uncomfortable. With anybody crying, quite frankly, shit. I was uncomfortable with the prayers at the beginning. Oh, I felt terrible. Yeah, when Roseanne got emotional. It was in the context of a story that de la who clearly had deep emotional resonance with her that she was telling organically. There were parts of it that were funny that she carried throughout Her entire life exactly, yes, there was there was a, like I said, a sincerity to the emotion that was being expressed. And with Alex, it's so fucking performative. And I don't know, I can't say here that I can't see that happening so close to after her crying that it isn't somehow in response, or somehow a need to, like, show his own emotional state or something. But it's false. It's it's so Ah, God, I hate it.
Jordan (02:35:37.000)
Yeah, for all the reasons that I would suspect he was not offered several million dollars to be in Guardians of the Galaxy, this performance, top of the list.
Dan (02:35:47.000)
There's so many reasons. So Roseanne says at the end of that clip there, they're like, We need to focus on rebuilding. Yeah. So she has some ideas on how to rebuild. Okay. And if anybody else said these things, Alex would throw his desk. Yeah, that sounds about right, because I think he would hate this show.
Roseanne Barr (02:36:04.000)
And so I put a lot of thought into how we would rebuild so that we can save a lot of time, because we don't want a lot of our kids dying. And so I sort of did the work in 2012 of like, reorg. And thank you, by the way around grandma's because I figured out every grandma's pretty much responsible for about 100 people. And so, you know, we will have to reorganize our communities around you know, every moral grandmother, I'm talking about not some grandma's ain't good, you know, but grandparent is what I'm talking about elders. And we will have to organize our community first to take care of the children make sure they're safe, that they're educated and fed. And that's like our priority, right for this new was
Alex Jones (02:36:51.000)
the enemy's plans to cut off the infrastructure. We gotta get ready now. Yeah, we have to
Roseanne Barr (02:36:55.000)
have roads. We have to have muscle and we have a lot of teenage kids. A lot of boys. We have to have them as our muscle and they have to protect us. And we have to reenter
Alex Jones (02:37:08.000)
the attack on men. Yeah. Yeah. Was
Jordan (02:37:12.000)
that the attack on? No,
Dan (02:37:13.000)
Alex seems to be imagining the ways the globalists are trying to undermine Roseanne bizarre. Yeah. Plans for the future. Yeah. Which is weird.
Jordan (02:37:22.000)
I appreciate that she settled on the same system we have now.
Dan (02:37:28.000)
Not really, though. Well, I mean, there are a lot of similarities. organized around grandma.
Jordan (02:37:36.000)
Right. Instead of instead of the patriarch, we have the matriarch. Yeah, except for whenever there is a patriarch because some matriarchs are bad, right. And it's unlikely that the patriarchs who are the patriarchs would be bad and those bad patriarchs, there's no way that those bad patriarchs would have control and those bad patrons wouldn't get together. And do I don't know that doesn't sound right.
Dan (02:37:55.000)
I just think that Alex would have a violent reaction to anybody else suggesting that there should be a society that relies
Jordan (02:38:03.000)
around women. Yeah. Yeah. And that treated boys as just muscle. Yeah.
Dan (02:38:11.000)
I mean, like, look, you can say a lot about Alex. I don't think he respect his elders. Except for like, the idea of like, John Birch Society guy, G. Edward Griffin, those elders. He might respect but not when they're telling him what to do.
Jordan (02:38:27.000)
Yeah, yeah. No, no, in real life, he respects them. But if they were to come around and get in the way of his cash, that would be no longer respectful. Yeah, there would be there would be an issue. He respect to them
Dan (02:38:39.000)
as long as there isn't any kind of like, ask society organizing around them as being on an elevated level above him. Yeah, so this is dumb. Yeah. Anyway, Roseanne has a bizarre idea about what bodily autonomy means.
Roseanne Barr (02:38:55.000)
What they're doing to our boys is one thing but what they're doing are women God Almighty Alex, I'm so afraid for the women this luck with their app one of the real power the women they got them so fucked up. Alex, they don't know what's coming. They're going they're not in bed, Harz. Well, they run.
Alex Jones (02:39:12.000)
They take the system as their husband, while they're
Roseanne Barr (02:39:15.000)
out there defending destroy the rights of women to bodily autonomy. That's what these young girls are out there. Going. No, we like men to come in our bathroom. And that's what they got and brainwashed to that degree.
Alex Jones (02:39:32.000)
Is that with their husband,
Jordan (02:39:33.000)
I so that's what we're talking about. Oh,
Alex Jones (02:39:36.000)
it's toxic masculinity. Three years ago, Gillette has ads word a guy asking a girl out of the movie dinner is ripe.
Dan (02:39:42.000)
No doubt. And also even if they did, you're complaining about a razor commercial from three years ago. That'll teach them boy your Petey. Wow. The tip of the spear here. Yeesh. Yeah, so apparently, Roseanne is complaint is that trans people can go to bathrooms. Yeah, this is eroding bodily autonomy. Yeah. Shouldn't you be more concerned about restrictions against reproductive health care why? Good point.
Jordan (02:40:12.000)
This is just, I mean, I added cert words they're using don't even make sense. No, I know it is. It is when when they talk to each other, and they don't, are they're not like responding to what the Liberals are doing or whatever, when they talk to each other. And they have to explicate their own belief system. Yeah. It winds up being the dumbest possible shit. Yeah. Because the only thing they think about is what the left is wrong about put here, and they're stupid. Here's
Dan (02:40:40.000)
the ultimate tragedy. Yeah, there are points here where a good interview could have happened, despite their drunkenness and idiocy. I agree. I think that if Alex wasn't so interested in interrupting and talking about his own prophecies and visions and crying, there's something that could have been drawn out from talking more about Roseanne has passed and the way that this vision that she had has informed aspects of her life, I think, just from a like, personal interest interview subject standpoint, that could have gone a lot longer. And you could have hit some fertile ground there 100%, the discussion about like, so you have communes on Hawaii, that kind of idea of like how Oh, we do have to take care of each other and that kind of stuff, drawing some stuff out there could have made for an interesting interview, right? Things about hating billionaires could have drawn out into different ways. I think nailing down some of the specifics about her beliefs, and how they affect her life, maybe in a certain context could have made for an intercalated. But they're talking at each other in such a way that like, this is all over the place. Yeah, there is very little connective tissue to even thoughts that Roseanne has here. And then the next thought that she has, it's just, it's a mess.
Jordan (02:42:01.000)
Yeah, no, I mean, knowing what I know about Roseanne is life I would kill to interview Roseanne. I would kill to talk to Roseanne. I mean, after hearing all this shit, you know, obvious all those things. I wouldn't want to like platform her. But as far as a person in my life goes that I know. interesting stories can flow through her like, I mean, your torrential downpour. I bet you know and then to get this is so fucking sad. It's very disappointing.
Dan (02:42:30.000)
Yeah. What do you expect? It's Alex. Yeah, that's fair. So anyway, apparently there's clones. And just sort of a content warning. I guess. There's an RF slur in this
Jordan (02:42:40.000)
clip, right?
Alex Jones (02:42:41.000)
I don't want to ancestors that whole, because that's a real What about genetic memories? What about epigenetics exactly, where we it's not just instincts, we have the memories of our forebears because they live on through us.
Roseanne Barr (02:42:53.000)
We have it in our blood in our DNA. And that's what all their cloning and shit like that their DNA studies is to alter, you know, the knots as well, all the clones are retired and know that they don't have the spirit. That's right. They don't know nothing about the human soul or the human spirit. And they never will, because they ain't got it. So that's our weapon, Alex, that joy and love for each other.
Dan (02:43:13.000)
So are there a bunch of clowns?
Jordan (02:43:15.000)
I mean, in real life, no, right. But I feel like in order to shut these people, we can clone someone, we can totally clone someone. It is possible, the ethical implications beyond unreasonable. However, I think we should clone one person just to prove it has a soul. And then it could be Yeah, he could change Exactly. Yeah, they are the ones who are proving how to have a how to prove a soul. So that means if I cloned somebody than they would have to then prove that that person does or does not have a soul. If they do have a soul. That means all of us have souls or if they don't have a soul. I mean, I don't know
Dan (02:43:52.000)
the I mean, when we're talking about the ethical ramifications of human cloning, right, you're introducing much further ethical implications going
Jordan (02:44:02.000)
all the way can we create a human being bound by God's laws? That's what I need to know, the ultimate fight has begun. It's just
Dan (02:44:12.000)
a czar that they're having this conversation. And they're talking about clones as if they're everywhere. Yeah. I, I don't think that Alex thinks that. No. So him going along with Roseanne framing, and then being like, yeah, they're all are like, it's, it's, I'm law.
Jordan (02:44:32.000)
So you understand. Here's something to understand. All right. A couple of years ago, a Chinese scientist used CRISPR to genetically alter the DNA of the set of twins in order to according to that information, create like an immunity to HIV or something along those lines, right. He did that unethically and the world went insane, right? How fucking Can you do that? You know, that kind of thing to the point where it said it said any kind of research into that area back. Sure that kind of thing. If there were clones walking around if there was one clone walking around, everyone would know the clones name. Yeah. Where it was at all times. There would be a no rad just for the clone.
Dan (02:45:15.000)
That's misuse of CRISPR. Now I use Crispin
Jordan (02:45:19.000)
Ah, there we go.
Dan (02:45:24.000)
Anyway, Roseanne thinks that Biden might be a clone. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:45:27.000)
What happens with Biden, obviously that guy's done. What do you think happens?
Roseanne Barr (02:45:31.000)
Do you think that's Biden? Oh, no. What about that mayor's name in the same guy? I don't think. I don't know. That's what people say.
Dan (02:45:41.000)
She said. Do you think that's even Biden? Alex said no. Alex thinks that Biden is a clone.
Jordan (02:45:50.000)
What do you want? In the past in the affirmative? I understand the you hate the libs, we got it. Fine. Give me the affirmative. What is it you want?
Dan (02:46:00.000)
Apparently Roseanne wants to live in Hawaii, which does have a farm where she trades with her neighbors. Oh, shit, cool.
Jordan (02:46:08.000)
Don't we all want to live in an idyllic Hawaiian commune.
Dan (02:46:12.000)
She also wants to reorganize society around grandma's which is convenient since she's a grandma. I mean there. Anyway, we have one last clip and it's Roseanne giving a stirring call to our Oh, no, for people to do nothing. Okay, which is fun.
Roseanne Barr (02:46:27.000)
I liked that thing. When it occurred to me that all people have to do is nothing. That means when you've been agitated to take action, not just because they want to arrest you. It's because they are watching you and they are manipulating you and they are moving you everything they're doing. It's better just to take 10 deep breaths and do nothing. Don't be pushed. Just stay home and do nothing because it will fall faster. Powerful.
Jordan (02:47:06.000)
I mean, listen, I don't I mean, maybe you can say it's good advice. Maybe you could say any number of things. But the only word you cannot describe that as as powerful. someone telling you to do nothing. That is the only word you cannot use to describe
Dan (02:47:20.000)
that one thing sit on your
Jordan (02:47:24.000)
power, powerful, powerful, powerful decorating powerful stuff. I have not read that Eckhart Tolle book that just says, Hey, sit down,
Dan (02:47:30.000)
the power of nothing. relax, chill, chill out. Come on. Boom. So we come to the end of this Jordan. Yeah, yes, we do. Do we learn this? We return to a point that was made earlier, I think by you that this is a waste of time. And I couldn't agree more. Yeah,
Jordan (02:47:51.000)
that one hits real hard now.
Dan (02:47:55.000)
Yeah. I I know that this was really big. When the interview happened? Yeah, we're a little bit late. Because we, you know, had the week off. And yeah, so it almost feels a little bit empty talking about it. Because it's a week later, maybe some of the buzz has died down and what have you. I appreciate that more. Man. I think this sucks. I don't I don't I don't know if it'll happen again. Although both parties left this thing like, well, let's do this. again sometime. And apparently she lives not only in Hawaii, but also in Texas. So she's right there. Right. Right. All right. I don't think Alex had a good time.
Jordan (02:48:32.000)
I would doubt that.
Dan (02:48:33.000)
i i When I said the energy was weird. It's not he doesn't. He looks annoyed. Like there isn't like a fun design. He's not enjoying it. Right? He has to be there because she's famous to the point where he cannot not do it. Right. But he doesn't want to do it because he doesn't like her. He doesn't agree with like her. Maybe Navy doesn't compensations off air boss, whatever is coming out in this much longer conversation that they're having with each other. This is very clear that she has some ideas that are antithetical to his
Jordan (02:49:06.000)
larger world. Yeah, in direct conflict,
Dan (02:49:09.000)
and she actually listened to his show and knew what he was about. She wouldn't be into a lot of the stuff that he's into. No. So I mean, I don't know. It's dumb, but I mean, I think it's unavoidable whenever you have like actual celebrities that aren't like normal info warriors, or Infowars guests. Yeah, it's kind of like, gotta gotta check in on this. Yeah, yeah, I
Jordan (02:49:32.000)
mean, the problem with that, that's a double edged sword. And that's why I like us doing it doing this episode. Now, with some distance is because every time we're like, oh, there's a big thing happening. We're always the Debbie downers because it's boring as shit. You know? Like, everybody's like, Oh, shit, Roseanne is gonna do it. Take some time. Wait until this episode, then when you're ready for it to be boring as shit. Because if we do it the next day, then people are like, I can't wait for them to do that one and then it's boring. wearing a shirt.
Dan (02:50:00.000)
There's a fair amount of this that is boring.
Jordan (02:50:02.000)
I mean, our episode is,
Dan (02:50:04.000)
I think I think that you know what, here's the thing. I think taking this into our show is probably the better way to do it. Yeah. But I don't think that through our show, it is fully possible to grasp the off energy. Right. Right. And I think watching a little bit of it might be helpful for people just to get a sense of like, the the lack of connection. Right, right. What's going on?
Jordan (02:50:29.000)
Right in the short term comes across. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (02:50:32.000)
I think that when Roseanne is talking about her vision, and then Alex interrupts her, that kind of is maybe encapsulate some of the, the non connection that's happening, right.
Jordan (02:50:43.000)
If you are listening to this, and you would like to know more about the non connection? Let's refer you to the Sure. If not, then you're good.
Dan (02:50:54.000)
Anyway, I washed my hands with this. Yeah, we'll be back for another episode. Point. But until then, Jordan rave. Oops, we
Jordan (02:51:00.000)
did we do acknowledge And we're on Twitter, we are on Twitter. It's at knowledge, underscore fights. We'll be back. But until then,
Dan (02:51:07.000)
I'm Neil and Leon DCX. Clark, someone said, I should have said this at our second live show. And I agree, I should have said at the end of that list of names, and MIDI means I did a bad version of that. Alex, Alex and his. I can't even hit the button one. So Matt.
Jordan (02:51:28.000)
Now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (02:51:30.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.