684: May 20, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex, only to find that he's no longer so worried about his fears about a race war, and has pivoted over to theories about Covid vaccines causing monkeypox.
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex has decided that the non-mRNA Covid vaccines cause monkeypox
- Alex misreports news about the WHO proposing amendments to its International Health Regulations
- There was a case of monkeypox in MA, which led to orders of vaccines
- The current monkeypox outbreak
- The 2003 monkeypox outbreak
- Story about vials labeled smallpox being discovered
- Story about truck transporting monkeys crashing (the monkeys were promptly found)
- Alex claims that the AstraZeneca vaccine contains monkey DNA, but it actually just uses a chimpanzee adenovirus, which is not the same thing
- Alex completely misreports a story connecting a recent hepatitis outbreak with the Covid vaccines
- Alex overhypes a case study of one person who got meningitis after receiving the Covid vaccine
- Australian health website about whether or not the vaccine has animal DNA in it