649: February 14, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan enjoy the very special Valentine's Day edition of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex pushes a wild new medical conspiracy, celebrates a victory with Roger Stone, and interviews one of the more unhinged doctors ever on the program.
- Covid vaccine give you AIDS, Alex predicted it
- Alex prediction review
- Soros bragged he overthrew Ukraine, look it up
- Alex is ok with Russia occupying Ukraine
- If you can't see the devil, you can't see god
- George Soros/ Dracula impression
- Guest: Roger Stone
- Roger and Alex retread Russiagate
- Roger: I'm the only person involved in Watergate and Russiagate
- Roger was gagged for telling the truth
- The sound of freedom: truck horns
- Jeremy Mackenzie, Plaid Army, and Diagolon
- Guest: Dr Ben Marble, hydroxychloroquine/ivermectin doctor
- Ben: bomb the world economic forum
- Ben: political correctness is the greatest weapon
- Ben: ban political correctness
- Ben: Soros is an anti-American Nazi
- Ben: This is my kill list
- Ben: Time for the military to arrest and execute my enemies
- Ben: Congress and SCOTUS are all poisoned with the vaccines
- People are binging on boosters because of political correctness
- Alex wishes all his experts were wrong
- Ben: I'm not brainwashed, you're brainwashed
- Ben: Sue your doctor
- Your doctor will kill you for money, take zinc and vitamin C, buy my iodine
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex gets on board the "vaccine gives people AIDS" (or "VAIDS") train
- He says that more heterosexuals are being diagnosed with HIV, but that is just a misreading of a recent Guardian article
- The Moderna research into an mRNA HIV vaccine has been in the works for over a year now. They just launched their phase 1 human trials
- A new variant of HIV was identified in the Netherlands, but all the details Alex describes about the story are made up
- Alex misrepresents George Soros's comments about Ukraine from a 2014 interview with Fareed Zakaria
- Alex and Roger Stone misreport the contents of the Durham filing
- NYT article about Durham filing. Washington Post article about Durham filing
- Alex's previous guest about the Ottawa convoy, Jeremy Mackenzie, is also the de facto leader of a neo-fascist group that wants to create a new country called Diagolon. He also was recently arrested on gun charges, and a piece of body armor recently seized by Canadian police at the protests in Coutts had a Diagolon patch on it
- Alex interviews a guy named Dr. Marble who has nothing but bad ideas
- An insurance CEO did say that deaths were way up since the pandemic began, but he did not say that these are not Covid-deaths