526: January 28-31, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how things are going as Alex Jones engages in round two of his attempts to talk to Boogaloo types. For good measure, he also lies about vaccines a bit and keeps trying to argue that Trump should make his impeachment trial a circus.
- Oathkeepers were infiltrated by antifa
- Trump can become president of the world if he seizes power
- Alex gets petty, preparation is bad
- Every single right wing group was infiltrated and lured to the Capitol
- Roger: history is written by the left
- Trump should turn impeachment trial into circus
- Trump should run against Rubio
- Roger: don't give money to the RNC, also fuck 3rd parties
- Burn in hell Pelosi, once god judges you
- Owen: Biden is unpopular because google trends says so
- Tarrio is a good fed informant
- Alex remembers he should be above partisan politics
- Guest: Magnus Panvidya, boogie boy
- Magnus plays nice with Alex
- Magnus: the establishment wants us to fight amongst ourselves, fuck the police
- You sound like a commie if you don't go after my enemies
- Capitol raid was like Animal House
- Jimmy Dore helped launder Magnus's story
- Magnus defends antifa
- Magnus: you should work with antifa
- Magnus: everyone is an accelerationist
- Guest: Stewart Rhodes
- Stewart: let's make autonomous zones
- It's all Q's fault
- Stewart defends arrested Oathkeeper
- Stewart: Biden is a chicomm puppet
- Stewart: We're in the same position as the founding fathers
- Stewart: they're kicking patriots out of the military
- We're in end times! It might be in an hour, might be in 100 years
- Australian covid vaccine gives you HIV
- Vaccine insider doesn't want to come on InfoWars
- Macron admits vaccine gives you covid
- mRNA vaccine has 5% mortality rate
- mRNA vaccine is a bioweapon
- Operation Lockstep!
- Islamophobic rant about Germany
- Globalist plan is catching up because of covid
- Alex addresses NYT article about Jan 6 rally
- Alex Jones Karaoke: You Belong To The City
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke