381: Making It Big With Silent Weapons
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a holiday break from Alex Jones to give Dan a present: the opportunity to talk about Bill Cooper. In this episode, the gents go over the first episode of Cooper's radio show, The Hour Of The Time, where Bill discusses a mysterious document that may or may not prove a grand conspiracy.
- First episode of Bill Cooper's show, Hour of the Time
- Background, InfoWars Adjacency
- Show starts with air raid sirens
- Air raid sirens into music
- Bill prepares well
- Bill has the chops
- Silent weapons
- Listen to everything, believe nothing
- Computers are key to silent weapons and control society
- Bilderberg started the silent war
- Bill is reading from his own book
- The manipulation is gradual
- All political parties are the same
- Secret group of elites are waging the quiet war
- Bill has a secret (not PEZ) document: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
- 2003, Hartford Van Dyke claims to have written Silent Weapons
- Document found in surplus copy machine
- America First Committee (Pearl Harbor false flag)
- Everything blames Rothschilds and Rockefellers
- Everything is a silent weapon
- Self-printed in America's Promise, November 1986
- Van Dyke inspired by Report from Iron Mountain (Leonard C Levin) and None Dare Call It Conspiracy
- Sheeple quiz
- Bill is anti-NRA
- Bill is right 99% of the time
- Every Wednesday focuses on the IRS and Fed
- Elites are ancient Babylonian mystery religion
- Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
- Behold a Pale Horse
- Report from Iron Mountain
- None Dare Call It Conspiracy