Transcript/809: May 18, 2023

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Unknown Speaker (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert red alert
Alex Jones (00:00:12.000)
knowledge Damn, Jordan wedding knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge, knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys. Shang chi or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money handy? Dandy you're stopping Andy and Cam handy in Kansas. Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplane. Huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by luck knowledge
Dan (00:00:58.000)
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to another tread. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan workable dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
We are down in Georgia. Dan. Question for you. Today, buddy. You go first. My bright spot. Dan is yesterday. My wife, my wife's mom's
Dan (00:01:19.000)
my wife smile. That
Jordan (00:01:20.000)
one's a little bit tougher. Give it a shot. It's great. It went Oh, it went overwhelming. They took our two dogs Fanny and Jake, who I will be honest with you, we are not great at grooming our dough.
Dan (00:01:35.000)
That's true. They're there, they're off to a mess. They're
Jordan (00:01:37.000)
off to a mess. And then summer is barreling down. And they were going to be extremely hot so that we took them over and they groomed our dogs for us. And it was an incredibly nice thing for them to do. Because they agreed in advance without knowing exactly how much work it was going to be. It isn't
Dan (00:01:57.000)
one of them a dog groomer or a dog show? Yeah, they're
Jordan (00:02:01.000)
very familiar with Joe's. Yeah, this
Dan (00:02:03.000)
is right in the wheelhouse. Right. But I mean, let's still a nice thing to do. I didn't mean,
Jordan (00:02:08.000)
oh, no, no, no, it's, here's, here's the thing, if we took it to a professional groomer, they would have been like, there is no, the cash register doesn't go high enough. You know, like, that's they were not well, that we needed them just fair enough. So it was it was a monumental task. And I am incredibly grateful because they look great.
Dan (00:02:27.000)
Oh, that's nice. Yes, sweet dog, what's your rights, one of them sweeter than the other, I'll leave that. sadly true. definitely true. Which is, which even listeners may know, I've expressed my preferences for your dogs. So I may be moving in the not too distant future, and D. And so my bright spot is I have been trying to gather my stuff together. And it's leading me to go through some stuff that I haven't looked at in a very long time. And so I opened up a folder that I have, and it has a number of posters that my brother drew of me like when I was in college. Right, right, drew a comic strip. That was about me, but not really about me. Yeah, we've talked about that. Yeah, um, and so there were a number of like posters, and there was some weird photo shops to that, like, I don't know, I don't know where these came from. But they were they were just bizarre photo shops with my face on things, the
Jordan (00:03:27.000)
Wikipedia entry for
Dan (00:03:28.000)
balsa balls. It was just it was delightful, like going through all this stuff. And in it, I found this letter that I've talked about before, but a couple of times when I've told people about this, they did not believe they don't believe that this is true. Okay, I was I got a confidential letter in the mail one day while I was in college, and it was from the like, disciplinary office or whatever. And like my being in college was under review. Someone had complained about me to the disciplinary board because of something I had written in the campus paper. Yes, yes. And so I went to the meeting with a friend of mine pretending to be my lawyer because I just made a big big joke out of the whole thing. Yeah, to confidential letters was trying to get me kicked out of school, really. And so I found the letter I actually still have the letter, not the first letter, but I got I still have the second letter that was the guy saying, we are so sorry, you did not do anything wrong. I saw that I was like, Oh man, it's nice when you have little things that like reminds you that your past isn't like embellished or you have stories that you tell over and over again at bars and stuff like you start to question some of the specific details. And it's nice to have like this little this little what would you call it? A mental Yeah, basically yeah. No. Trophy. That's a that's a concrete physical thing. Yeah. That was real nice.
Jordan (00:05:05.000)
No, I mean, for us with some of our exploits from the past, there's a little bit of like, I'm probably making that up. I don't believe me. It sounds like a number of
Dan (00:05:15.000)
the things that ended up becoming bits. Yeah, that I would do on stage. Absolutely. I questioned my own memory of Hoadley of a number of things that were that became Joe.
Jordan (00:05:26.000)
Yeah. Did I did I embellish this for the bit? Right? What is real?
Dan (00:05:30.000)
You know, he said something to that person. Totally. I probably wasn't that witty.
Jordan (00:05:34.000)
I mean, that's real wedding. Jordan, that's a little too windy for real life. Come on, buddy.
Dan (00:05:39.000)
I mean, that's one of the reasons why I really value keeping a lot of these mementos of like things that listeners have sent in and, you know, stuff like that. Because one day I'll probably be like, people didn't really like that show. It would be nice to have like, I don't know, old man, old man's house phone puppet.
Jordan (00:06:03.000)
I'm worried that we're gonna be sitting in some fucking old man chairs just being like, I didn't really like our show. No, people liked it. Sucks. Come,
Dan (00:06:14.000)
it's, it's a possible outcome for us. So Jordan, today, we have an episode to go over. Yes. And today we're gonna be talking about the present day. You know, I think a fair criticism could be made that we have not paid much attention to the present day. I think a lot of that has to do with it being kind of repetitive, a little bit boring. A lot of the time, it certainly inflammatory dangerous. Not to say that there isn't bad stuff going on. But a lot of it ends up being retread territory, and what have you. And so it can be a little bit frustrating. But that said, I think that there is an argument to be made that we need to do a little more in the present day. So I'm gonna I'm gonna make an effort on that front.
Jordan (00:06:53.000)
All right. All right. I recognize that.
Dan (00:06:55.000)
So in service of that, we will be talking about May 18 2023. That was Thursday. That was Thursday as Alex only did a couple of minutes on Friday. Okay, he did not did not do most of his show. Oh, and hosted did a lot of it from the car. No, from the home studio. Oh, sitting in the what could have been Alex Jones live painting office. But unfortunately, he Mark screwed us. He should
Jordan (00:07:23.000)
have an easel in there just taught us. Yep. Just to taunt us
Dan (00:07:27.000)
like a Rappaport snow.
Jordan (00:07:29.000)
Picture, really? I mean, just a signal to only us. I know. You know, like that would be worth it. And we would be suitably chastise. If he could pull that off. I'll eat it.
Dan (00:07:41.000)
I would say fair play. Yeah, absolutely.
Jordan (00:07:42.000)
We would have no choice but to be like, tip of the cap to you, sir.
Dan (00:07:47.000)
Yeah, we also just, you know, there was a bit of stuff going on. So we didn't have an episode on Friday. Thank you for everybody being cool about that. We are now back. And we will be getting into this bullshit. All right. We might also be getting a little bit of a Return Of The Furious Dan. Sick of the bullshit like that. Yeah. So we'll see if he comes out to play. But for now, before we get into business, let's take a little moment. Say hello to some new walks. That's great idea. So first, bench up hero. Oh, I get it. It's like Ben Shapiro. But bench up hero. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:28.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:29.000)
you very much. Sorry, I
Dan (00:08:30.000)
ruin the joke. Next, Amber Willow. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:38.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:08:39.000)
thank you very much. Next, I'm walking
Dan (00:08:41.000)
on sunshine. wanking on socking on sunshine. Thank you so much. You're an apples one.
Alex Jones (00:08:48.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:08:49.000)
Thank you very much. Thank you and abominable. Kiwi. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:54.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:08:55.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:56.000)
And we got a great mix. Jordan Sue, thank you so much to Knox revenge, you are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:09:02.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Telling you brilliant someone someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teeny baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ,
Jordan (00:09:22.000)
I guess about chess. Thank you very much.
Dan (00:09:24.000)
So this episode is trash. Okay, it's real bad. Okay.
Jordan (00:09:27.000)
All right.
Dan (00:09:29.000)
Alex says a bunch of bad people on bad shit with their head story. That's good point, making me mad. Okay, read a chapter of a book that was unrelated to Alex's shit just because of some nonsense he was talking. But I also think that it's an interesting case study in the theory that Alex might do stimulants. Okay, you will hear him quite speedy towards the end of this episode. Okay, and yet here is what he's like at the big You know, okay
Alex Jones (00:10:03.000)
in the last 14 hours or so before I went to bed last night before I got up at 6am this morning something really happened to me I crossed into a new mental space oh god that I've never really experienced before and I'm having trouble describing it but it is a brainwave or mindset but I would describe as a mixture of sadness. Oh boy kind of responsibility Okay, and I'm determination
Jordan (00:10:58.000)
pull it together man I was drawn this out longer,
Alex Jones (00:11:02.000)
but also extremely calm okay and committed. Now everything I'm gonna cover here today, we all basically already know is true and going on.
Dan (00:11:16.000)
So that's great starting the show by saying that everything we're gonna be covering and stuff the audience already knows. The shifts are redundant and he's out of the material Listen,
Jordan (00:11:24.000)
skip this one. I got nothing new for you. I don't know this
Dan (00:11:28.000)
might just be really have no gas in the tank whatsoever.
Jordan (00:11:32.000)
I'm not good. ASMR I don't know why you would be listening to this for my noises that
Dan (00:11:36.000)
tone scares me. That's so sluggish and like. And it's like you're just starting the show coming out the gate with nothing. Absolute called this low energy Rhuddlan. Pretty bad, pretty scary. Yeah, I'm also I grow weary of him constantly saying that he's reached a new place of Zen like clarity, constantly over and over again. Oh, no, no, last time was as clear as this time.
Jordan (00:12:04.000)
Yeah, generally speaking, and I'm going off of all of a sudden, I know everything I'm going off of just my own personal studying. You know, I don't know for sure. But most of the time, whenever people would reach like, you know, enlightenment or whatever, they didn't call back another week later and be like, no, no, this time I super reached enlightenment. Like, last time, I was kind of lying to you, right? Like that didn't happen once a
Dan (00:12:27.000)
week. Buddha would declare a new enlightenment once
Jordan (00:12:31.000)
you get there. You're done. Right? Yeah.
Dan (00:12:34.000)
So Alex has a bunch of stories that that work together. All right, paint a larger picture. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:12:40.000)
We have already basically gone over the edge of a cliff. But we have a parachute we can pull before we hit the bottom. But we've jumped off the 5000 foot cliff. And we've already fallen about 1000 feet. And very soon we don't pull the chute. Collectively, we are all going to be destroyed. That's that's guaranteed.
Jordan (00:13:03.000)
I've seen some people think about the evil people
Alex Jones (00:13:05.000)
that are doing this at the top, down to their menu at the bottom. And I've just see so clearly, historically how this has happened before. And I can see really the algorithm of evil that they're using for control. Now each one of these stories and there's six and seven that all tie together, maybe eight
Jordan (00:13:31.000)
Why not nine all
Alex Jones (00:13:34.000)
complement each other and understanding what's unfolding. And and each one is devastating. Devastating in what it means and the ramifications. And each one of these stories we could talk for the next four hours about just one of them.
Dan (00:13:58.000)
Not at this right.
Alex Jones (00:14:01.000)
Some of the headlines. Let me go. But it's not just the stories. It's that they're telling you this now. Here's one of them. CNBC, a secretive annual meeting attended by the world's elite as AI, top of the agenda. They go on to say the Bilderberg Group is meeting in Portugal. And that world leaders will secretly be there along with the hands of big tech and banks. And they're going to shave us with a world government plan to protect us from the AI they're launching against us.
Dan (00:14:40.000)
So Alex said him he has like seven maybe eight stories. He gets to two. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:14:45.000)
was gonna say I would. Yeah, I would have been surprised if we got past three.
Dan (00:14:48.000)
I was really excited to track these eight stories and see what the connective tissue was, like see if we could really learn slowly but he gets to two and just gives up. Yeah. So one of the constantly Teachers of Alex's show is him saying that various things were total secrets that no one talked about before except for him. But now all of a sudden the media is talking about this thing. And that in and of itself is a story. The message the audience is supposed to get from this is that the media is covering it because the globalists have told them to, because the globalists have to follow Alex's bizarre cosmic law system, where before they do something evil toward the population, they have to give a cryptic warning about it. So if we don't stop them before doing it, it's our fault because we had the freewill to stop them. In almost every instance of this, the thing that Alex is pretending was previously a secret had been talked about widely before. And he's just lying about the new news item in order to make it fit his mold as he's doing here. This cosmic universe law thing is really stupid. And what kind of universe do we live in where the victim of an atrocity is to blame for it being done to them because they didn't stop it. If someone with a gun confronts you in an alley and says, I'm going to kill you, that technically is a warning. They're signaling their intention. And at that point, you have the freewill to try to stop them. The fact that you had that warning, doesn't make it your fault when the person then shoots you. But I guess that's how Alex views the cosmos. Yeah,
Jordan (00:16:11.000)
I mean, that's dumb. That's not good reasoning. No, it's just not
Dan (00:16:16.000)
No, I was also thinking about this a little bit more. And I had a realization, Alex's greatest fear is a one world government, but by him believing in this weird intergalactic law system, he essentially believes in a one universe government that extends beyond our plane of existence and possibly beyond death. This whole idea is that if there's a one world government, there'll be nowhere you could go that wouldn't be under their control. And yet his own ideology involves a far more inescapable system of control. I just thought that was strange.
Jordan (00:16:47.000)
Yeah, I mean, it is it is a little bit like a Russian nesting doll, kind of, you know, governments, within governments within governments. If your argument is that the United States government is a system, then you have to then say that the World Government is a system just not organized.
Dan (00:17:02.000)
As a cosmic universal. It's inescapable. Is
Jordan (00:17:07.000)
there a solar system government must be there's got to be a middle ground between multi-dimensional
Dan (00:17:11.000)
Jordan (00:17:12.000)
of earth and everything else.
Dan (00:17:14.000)
I mean, I guess his version of it would be like, That's what his religion is, you know, that's God or something. Right? It's still like, if you just crystallize it down, that is still like, the greatest police state of all right
Jordan (00:17:26.000)
for him. Right. Right. And that and still further, like, if your point is that the universal galactic law is superior than again, everything you are doing to fight against the American government is pointless and stupid. What are you doing? Sure. There's the intergalactic government thing?
Dan (00:17:43.000)
Yep. Yeah, this CNBC article that Alex is covering is real. And it's about how this year Bilderberg has their 69 annual meeting. And that AI is on the top of the agenda. Now one thing that they don't mention when they included that statement in the headline that AI topped the agenda is that the agenda that was published by the Bilderberg organizers was an alphabetical order. So AI topped the list because it started with a and the next item on the docket was the banking system. Right AI very well may be an important topic, but from that list that was published, it's unclear if it's the most important or if it's the first and the
Jordan (00:18:20.000)
this is why you always make Aardvark a topic at the Bilderberg Group always make art. People off topic is aardvarks. Okay, I guess that's what we're doing with the right.
Dan (00:18:31.000)
Or someone named Aaron, or or
Jordan (00:18:35.000)
the movie AI starring Haley Joel Osment? You know, that's the way you do it.
Dan (00:18:39.000)
There's a lot to work out. But that movie here is Yeah, Alex asserts that the CNBC article says that the Bilderberg Group is going to, quote, save us with a world government plan to protect us from the AI they're launching against us. Sure. I know it doesn't need to be said. But that's nowhere in the article. Alex is just making that up. That's his storyline. And he's pretending that this article the firm's, but it doesn't, right. So that's the first of the two articles of the seven that connect together, right of the
Jordan (00:19:07.000)
two that he's going to I, here's here's what I would say, all right. If you say something to me, like, I could spend four hours on this story, then you should end the sentence there and then say I will? Well, they did. Does that make sense? It
Dan (00:19:24.000)
raises the question of if you could, is that that implies that there is enough to cover there, then the reasonable for people Exactly.
Jordan (00:19:33.000)
Like I've been the more the more I think about it, the more I'm like I shouldn't be talking. What What can I know in 15 minutes? What What Why would I ever watch an interview on TV for eight minutes? I can't learn anything in eight minutes. I can't learn anything in eight minutes. Yeah.
Dan (00:19:49.000)
And Alex is doing a disservice by not going for hours on these topics. Totally. There's a lot to learn, but there's actually not he just says that all the time. Yeah, that's fair. So here's the second article. I don't It connects at all.
Alex Jones (00:20:01.000)
And then that ties into this bombshell report that's on from the National Archives, and the ADL is proud of this and wants you to know that for 60 years they've been secret police in America that have infiltrated grips and I believe what they describe is criminal. They got criminally indicted for breaking into police stations robbing files in San Francisco areas. But when I tell you the ADL is at the heart of quarterbacking this stuff on the ground that describe how they work with the Justice Department the CIA, they have released this and are proud to let you know because now they've gone from beta to full operational from the school boards on up they are calamities about to hit us economically culturally militarily that are already hitting that the the system plans to really go the final step of assassinating any populace any anyone that stands against what's happening and you're putting us in slave labor camp, so we left calling for I don't
Dan (00:21:17.000)
I don't think that that's the case. I am now still notice the low register the various kind of down delivery because he's gonna get speedy a little bit later. Yeah,
Jordan (00:21:29.000)
yeah, I liked speedy you know, I want to say this. I am tired of calling Alex a liar. Okay, we've he lies all the time. Sure. So as a leftist, I am going to call for people like Alex to be put in slave camps. That is what I am calling for. So now Alex is not lying. Okay.
Dan (00:21:46.000)
I mean, I guess if you want to own that you can I own it. Okay. I'm not going to
Jordan (00:21:53.000)
the only one on this planet. So I
Dan (00:21:55.000)
was a little bit worried about Alex listening to this at this point. Sure. Seems unwell. Yeah. Real down real tangential, kind of in his thinking. So Alex didn't read this headline. So it wasn't immediately obvious what the story that he was talking about was, but it's an article from the Infowars website titled quote, ADL ran an extensive multi dimensional counterintelligence operation to destroy the John Birch Society. Okay. This is a reposting of an article from information liberation, which is another very Infowars ish outlet. Yeah. This article is in turn re reporting on an interview that the Jewish telegraphic agency did with a historian named Matthew Dallek, who has a new book out called birchers How the John Birch Society radicalized the American right. In researching the book, he found records in the archives of the American Jewish Historical Society in New York that detailed how members of the ADL had infiltrated the John Birch Society, and were able to use their insight information to help expose the real character of the JBS and how much of a threat it posed to a civil democratic society. Right. Alex can be all upset as much as he wants about how members of the ADL infiltrated this group. He loves and showed the public how they were organized around ideas like opposition to civil rights, but his claims that they were some kind of Gestapo are working with the government to take down JBS figures. It's just not true. Also, the ADL isn't bragging about this. The entire story is about a historian who wrote a book uncovering this chapter in history. The ADL itself isn't even involved. This is the second headline. And so far, both of them are articles that Alex is completely misreporting. All right. And we're not going to get more
Jordan (00:23:35.000)
now. So here's it's obvious, all right. Ai, ADL
Dan (00:23:45.000)
top the agenda, so
Jordan (00:23:49.000)
it starts with a buddy, how many how many of the other stories started with a is the question.
Dan (00:23:55.000)
Most of my clips start with the word Alex. Oh, so a lot of those. Seems pretty good. So this story, like I said, has nothing to do with the ADL, except for this historian found records regarding the ADL than their behavior in like 1959. And through the 60s, right? He is taking that opportunity to quite aggressively attack the ADL in ways that might come off as a bit anti semitic.
Alex Jones (00:24:30.000)
But let's talk about what's really going on here because by how did the ADL come out and attack anybody that doesn't want to be a slave. They call everybody anti semitic. That actually paints the target in the media and in the culture. That is Jews that run it. And then there's persecution of Jews and the ADL gets more money. But at the end of the day, there are a lot of powerful Jews are the New World Order was the middle step question. It's not about what religious or racial group you bar. It is about human animal cloning. It is about euthanasia. It is about forced abortion. It is about sterilizing children. It is a biomedical mad scientist population tyranny at the top that makes Hitler look like a lightweight but imagine if the Nazis have been more sophisticated and attached to the food and water and culture which they had plans once they took over to do covertly. Imagine that they hired a leftist Jewish organization to be their friend group. The Nazis would have won
Dan (00:25:37.000)
man All right, man. Oh man Okay, man. Oh, man,
Jordan (00:25:41.000)
that's that's an intense statement to make.
Dan (00:25:44.000)
This is not political differences with the ADL that he's expressing
Jordan (00:25:47.000)
doesn't feel political at all. Really? Oh, boy. You know, you know sometimes people do that like logical Judo thing where you say something and then they try and twist it and then send it on back to you and then you you you hear in their head that haha what do you think about that? Every time he says like, Oh, if Jews didn't call people anti semitic nobody would even know Jews were there to be anti semitic for I always hear in my head that ah, what do you think about that? Dum Dums? Yeah, and you're like, that's insane. You're an insane person. Yeah.
Dan (00:26:18.000)
On its face. It's an outrageously misguided and rooted in bigotry idea to express. Yes. But yeah, Alex thinks that this is like some kind of a trump card.
Jordan (00:26:32.000)
I have I have fooled you. You thought words didn't mean thing.
Dan (00:26:36.000)
Good luck getting around my. My trap? Yes, absolutely. It's
Jordan (00:26:40.000)
like a debate team logic trap that he thinks he's broken. And it is
Dan (00:26:43.000)
not it. No. Also, it turns out the ADL run most of the police.
Jordan (00:26:49.000)
Interesting. Yeah. All right.
Alex Jones (00:26:51.000)
So I'm not being an apologist. For any of these extremist groups, whether it be the ADL or the PKK. What about the Jaypee differences? The kk k doesn't secretly control much of the police and the Justice Department they opened? Well, we're gonna talk about today. But why would they come out and get National Archives documents? And then put them out publicly? And say, we've been infiltrating right wing groups and posing as racist to discredit them? Since the 60s. We already know that. What do you think Patriot front is the ADL, but here they are saying we infiltrate groups, and then we try to say racist things at press conference, to make mainline conservatives look bad. That's a false flag.
Dan (00:27:46.000)
That's a false flag. This is not at all what the article says nor what was reported by Matthew Gallic, who was the guy who wrote about the documents he uncovered, right. Also, it's not from the National Archives, which is a federal agency within the government. These documents are from the American Jewish Historical Society. Right, right. Alex hasn't read this store. And he's just making up details. So you end up with this kind of sloppiness and like, wish fulfillment. This is what he wants the story to be, but it's not Yeah, to put into sharp focus what's going on here. There's a historian who wrote about some documents he found in these archives. These documents related to how some members of the ADL took it upon themselves to infiltrate the John Birch Society in the 60s because they felt that what the JBS stood for was a threat to our democratic system, and in turn a threat to populations like Jewish Americans. Alex's taken an article that is editorializing on an interview with that historian and is reporting that these documents revealed that the ADL has been infiltrating these groups and false flagging them by being racist. So the right wing groups get a bad name. Alex is just making that up because he wants it to be true. He likes these hate groups, but doesn't want the responsibility of publicly accepting that the group's he likes are full of racists and bigots, so he pretends that those elements of his world are just fake. To be clear, I read this chapter and Alex book about the birch watchers as they called themselves, and nothing Alex is saying is defensible at all. Dallek even does concede that some of the tactics the ADL used may have been illegal. But illegality was in the form of spying on members of these right wing groups, including digging up financial information that they may not have had the right to access. Dallek says quote, the activities honored by the birdwatchers were generally neither as nefarious as the society's critics alleged nor is innocent, as its defenders claimed. So in the process of their spying, they didn't uncover crimes and the meetings weren't full of ravenous bigots, but they documented how quote anti semitic and racist ideas and language were endemic to the society from the beginning. Before it started recording the wrong kind of attention. The society made no attempt to hide its clear ties to outnet white supremacists as the birdwatchers documented the racism flourished at the top receiving an official say sanction that helped legitimize the very notions the society claimed it to test it. They spied on and then rely relayed much of that information that they found to the media in an attempt to give people a picture of who the JBS really was. They weren't false flagging anybody. One passage in the chapter of Alex book really resonated with me. It's talking about the birchers, but it really is so true of the position Alex exists in as well. Quote, defending a white supremacist in one breath while denouncing white supremacy in the next underscored the dilemma that society didn't want to alienate more tolerant conservative members, or hardliners, it feared the critics would use charges of racism to discredit the movement. But it wasn't always able to hide its darker impulses and associations. Sometimes it was those darker forces that revolted. And that's the same kind of bind that Alex finds himself in. Yeah. So anyway, Alex is just lying about this story.
Jordan (00:30:58.000)
I like to I like the idea that like, in Alex's mind, what happened was in the 60s, the ADL infiltrated these groups, right? And then, in a certain sense, the people who were in those groups stop really caring that much. And it's just the ADL who's being racist now. Yeah, it's almost like they've they've just switched roles. And the ADL doesn't even know that they're all false flagging everyone is just a racist now,
Dan (00:31:25.000)
like they don't even understand the John Birch Society is just like, they're like, We want lower taxes, we support Chiang Kai Shek or whatever you know, that's that's all they're doing me. ADL is coming in and attacking the civil rights. That's what makes sense. Yeah. Yo made Gary Allen right communist revolution in the streets about the civil rights.
Jordan (00:31:47.000)
Well, but that's again, you didn't know that he was undercover as the ad ADL undercover guy. Right? It turns out the the intellectual underpinnings of everything to do with JBS are an entirely false flag creation of the ADL.
Dan (00:32:01.000)
It's the only way it's the only way to excuse the flagrant racism and bigotry of the John Birch Society for sure. Yeah. So we got a big headline share today. Alex hasn't gotten to it yet. It's a It's our COVID narrative of the Boo and I would have thought the COVID conspiracies would be a little bit a little bit passe at this point. Yeah. Turns out not and they're only getting more extreme. Sure.
Alex Jones (00:32:27.000)
Let's talk about what the New World Order really is. We come back, okay. Okay. In 130, plus US hospitals, there's no whistleblowers, documents and recordings coming out. But we already knew this, but now it's confirmed.
Alex Jones (00:32:46.000)
They had special floor setup, in most cases with people that weren't even doctors or nurses, but we're technicians placing your family can come see you. And that quoters and we know that $51,000 bonus for killing somebody. But now the insiders are coming out. Think of the organized evil of that. That's the point. Can you organize people to kill people in front of everybody and get away with it? I mean, people the ADL is really what you want to be part of. I mean, come on. You're that bad.
Dan (00:33:18.000)
Wait, so wait, yeah. Wait, I don't know what the ADL has to do with
Jordan (00:33:22.000)
the ADL. This one? No. Are you sure this one isn't about AI? No, no,
Dan (00:33:26.000)
I don't know what's going on. All right. So this is the new COVID conspiracy that Alex is pushing. Ah, apparently all these hospitals had killed floors shows they're going to go on to call them where they would just murder COVID patients presumably to get their hands on that sweet sweet K.
Jordan (00:33:40.000)
Boy 50k for a human life. That's so cheap steel. Yeah.
Dan (00:33:45.000)
So yeah, like you like you responded to I'm not sure what ADL is doing involved here. Yeah, it seems kind of like Alex is just on a bit of a tear about the ADL. So he's injecting them into every story, probably because his worldview is based on anti semitic tropes and yelling about ADL all the time excites the darker forces in his audience that helps get them not to revolt.
Jordan (00:34:04.000)
Yeah, I mean, if you if the underpinnings of everything you're saying is ultimately anti semitic Yeah, you're always being anti semitic to some extent right now this
Dan (00:34:13.000)
is just a little bit of one for the cheap Yeah, the big It's back there. Yeah, this
Jordan (00:34:18.000)
is not none of this subtle shift. Yeah, I'm tired of that. I'm gonna play it to the cheap seats. Yeah.
Dan (00:34:23.000)
Throwing a bone Bigger, bigger, so Aleksa it's been a little while since we've got to hear him ramble over some music and it's not you belong to the city but it's gonna have to do for now.
Alex Jones (00:34:48.000)
To come into your cells, electrochemical systems heard you and block us from the enemy's frequency. Reach your hands out Trees ranches for the sun, the stars the proof of God's incredible intention and pray, pray for awakening. Okay. This is only the start of something that will lead humanity out of the darkness to the stars and beyond
Alex Jones (00:35:33.000)
all right, attorney,
Jordan (00:35:36.000)
you're gonna let the beat top of the stock you'll
Alex Jones (00:35:38.000)
feel that Haskell whistleblowers that have blown wide open the gain of function. And the criminal projects went through rands. And he is a man of action. You know, has the witnesses, he has the recordings, he has the documents of what we can see happening.
Dan (00:36:00.000)
So the kill floor conspiracy is coming from Tom Wren sonra. And he's the guy who has been on the show before. He's not a real deal at all. Oh, we've talked about him a bit in the past. But as a brief recap, because I'm sure you don't even remember who this is. Nope, he's the guy who failed the bar four times finally passed just before the pandemic and then decided to make it his brand to do legal stunts and publicity around COVID. He's been at the center or close to many misadventures over the past few years. But because they're all really embarrassing, in hindsight, he probably doesn't, you know, keep it in not doesn't keep track of his resume too. Precisely, right. Also, he was accused by two women of sexually harassing them at a credit union he used to work at and one woman accused him of touching her breast. He's a huge piece of shit who realized that there was an opening in the COVID conspiracy world for a lawyer to give total horseshit the appearance of credibility, and he's made a ton of money off of it. I went and checked out his Twitter and just today as I'm writing this, he's suggesting that COVID vaccines change your DNA in some way similar to HIV, and says, quote, prove me wrong, by the way, that's impossible proves nothing. Cool.
Jordan (00:37:10.000)
Ah, um,
Dan (00:37:13.000)
I scrolled further down. And he tweeted this a couple of weeks ago, quote, developing this as the most important developing story in the country, the COVID-19 murder for money scheme and the hospitals appears in many cases to been carried out by fake doctors and nurses. Whoa, okay. Now I'm listening, this tweet linked to a posting from the Office of the Inspector General in the Department of Health and Human Services about the 2023 operation Nightingale enforcement, this was about a case of four for it's a diploma scheme, where some people were running this out of Florida, they'd have people paid to get their nursing degree, which would then qualify them to take their nursing board exam, they would still need to pass that exam to get licensed, which was weird to think about the you could just get a fake degree and then take the test. And some people conceivably did still pass the test. Yeah,
Jordan (00:38:04.000)
that's weird. Yeah. It's almost like a lot of school is, you know, won't leave that. Or maybe they
Dan (00:38:09.000)
they are people who were fairly serious about, like doing some studying, but didn't have the money for college. Who knows what the specifics of these people are? But yeah, it's very weird. I don't know. I couldn't find information on like, a lot of the specific people who bought the diplomas. Yeah. You know, obviously, the people who sold them were all arrested, share, share, share, share. And actually, I was able to find some names of the people because obviously, their licenses were revoked. And so state by state, they had like a number of lists of people who would like, you know, their licenses revoked, right. So this didn't involve people being able to fake the credentials to be a fake doctor. And there's absolutely no indication where any of these people who paid for nursing degrees worked. You know, we don't know when they were in hospitals or treating COVID patients No, don't even know the timeframe of when they got these degrees.
Jordan (00:39:06.000)
We also don't know if they had extra special training on secret poison, right? Probably hand to hand combat training. I imagined. Yeah,
Dan (00:39:14.000)
rands isn't invested in pushing his conspiracy narrative. So he just runs with ungrounded speculation on this story while connecting it to his larger narrative. That's what scam people do because he's a scam guy. Rennes has been doing this shit for years. At this point. He's a guy who makes money off yelling that the government is murdering people under the guise of COVID and promising to sue for justice, which he raises money for and then mysteriously never achieves. He has the narrative in place, and it's just a matter of constantly coming up with supposed bombshells to justify acting like you've got the smoking gun this time. In this case, it's an audio recording of two people alleged to be a nurse and a pharmacist. One of them if you just listen to the audio, it's unclear which one of the people it is Jeff says that they felt that the hospitals were killing patients that to a specific doctor had housed on a particular floor because of the way that they were providing care to these COVID pay. Right, right. Right. This isn't a bombshell and it definitely doesn't justify allegations that hospitals had to kill floors for profit, right? It's ridiculous. It's just one person who disagreed, potentially with what was being done as, like the standard of care. Right. Right, right.
Jordan (00:40:22.000)
Yes, that's, yeah, somebody's saying that the medical system isn't going great. Yeah, that's shocking.
Dan (00:40:30.000)
Now, there is one thing that I think could get really messy here. And that is that the doctor who runs is accusing of killing people for profit is named in that video that he posted on Twitter. That's not good. It's all fun and games to yell about how unspecified doctors are killing patients for profit. But when the allegation is directed toward a specific person, you might just be entering into defamatory territory. You better hope that Dr. steagle doesn't hear about this and decided that they don't like being called a murderer is, you know what, and actually, as you go through this, like he's clear who the nurse is, or who the pharmacist is, who's his whistleblower? Quotes, oh, boy, and where she worked and all this. So it'd be very easy for this person to be like, this is very clearly making an accusation about me. Yeah, my care that I gave. I think that they could sue the shit out of these people.
Jordan (00:41:24.000)
Yeah, I think we're gonna become a pipeline for defamatory defamation lawsuits. Hey, just listen to our show and see if you're going to have the right to sue Yeah, buddy in the right way.
Dan (00:41:35.000)
If you work ascension Hospital, one of the ascension hospital system is particularly those in Birmingham, Alabama, I believe, but also like conceivably all ascension hospitals are being accused of this. Yeah. And so like, you all might have grounds to sue Alex and especially Tom Rennes.
Jordan (00:41:59.000)
There's a little bit there's a little bit of like, have you had have you had mesothelioma? Like, have you been defamed
Dan (00:42:07.000)
becoming a late night lawyer and also rams was recently a guest on Dr. Drew's show which is just further evidence that my parents were accidentally right when they told me I shouldn't be listening.
Jordan (00:42:19.000)
Wow. Fall for both of us for everybody. Oh, yeah. For all of us. I
Dan (00:42:25.000)
wonder what Anderson the engineer is up to these days can't be good right can't
Jordan (00:42:28.000)
be Yeah, that must have been a curse was laid upon the at some point. That's because boy independently to choose terrible, trying to
Dan (00:42:37.000)
think of like regular guests that they had who might have come out. Okay. Patton Oswald was on a bit Sure. Dana Gould was sure
Jordan (00:42:47.000)
those guys are all right. Those guys that all combination, you know, Doug Benson was on there was he I don't remember
Dan (00:42:53.000)
him being on Loveline. But he may have been at least not in the years that I was listening.
Jordan (00:42:59.000)
I remember hearing him talk about it. I didn't listen to him. So the Vandals that were banned a bit the the band The vandal, right, they didn't. Have they gone evil.
Dan (00:43:08.000)
I don't know. I don't know what they've done since 2000.
Jordan (00:43:11.000)
Anytime you say any name from something I remember. I'm like, Oh, they're probably evil. Now
Dan (00:43:15.000)
I really am amped for
Jordan (00:43:18.000)
evil. there for sure. Evil. They were on the line. Linkin
Dan (00:43:21.000)
Park was on pretty regularly and they seem pretty cool. They were semi regular guests.
Jordan (00:43:26.000)
Dan (00:43:29.000)
I remember one episode where the darkness the darkness. I believe in a thing called Yeah, man. Yeah, they walked out after like the first segment. Sure. Because they thought it was gonna be like an interview about the band. No, man. It was people calling in like kids with problems. Yeah. And they were just really uncomfortable. Just a bunch of British dudes who were like, we don't belong here. What do you do? Brock?
Jordan (00:43:51.000)
We're what what are we doing? Yeah, the
Dan (00:43:54.000)
Adam is
Jordan (00:43:56.000)
making fun of ice to children on a fucking talk show. Okay,
Dan (00:44:00.000)
now? Yeah. Henry Rollins was on a bit.
Jordan (00:44:03.000)
Yeah, he's he. I mean, aside from his work on Legend of Korra I think he's, I think Goldthwaite Oh, bobcats the best. Yeah, still the best love bobcat. Hmm, I want to go hunt. But I want to go hunt Bigfoot with Bobcat
Dan (00:44:19.000)
anyway Loveline bad times. Yeah.
Jordan (00:44:21.000)
Boo. Don't go back.
Dan (00:44:23.000)
I can't I can't keep thinking of these memories. I'll go back. So anyway, it turns out there were 139 hospitals that had killed floors.
Alex Jones (00:44:34.000)
Too many Australia, New Zealand Western Europe. I'm getting chills right now. This is so horrible. But UK, Canada the US took men women and children. Oh, don't fake crime. The computers will tell them who to hit. And they would take them to special floors and 130 plus hospitals in the US alone. Killed Wars is what they're called, by whom man, they would then put them on ventilators even when I didn't need it almost every case and put them on enough drugs to kill them. We would have right before they released covered the massive stockpiling in these different countries and news articles about it. The drugs to do the killing, we get
Dan (00:45:23.000)
into some of that a little bit later. I don't really have much to say about this other than it's nonsense. I only wanted to play this clip to demonstrate where we're at with the COVID conspiracies. Apparently now, the globalists cooked up a bio weapon that they plan to release on people that really wasn't that bad of the virus, right. They plan to pretend that it was a bad virus and a big deal so they could force everyone to get vaccinated. And part of that, I guess, involved planning to have these kill floors in hospitals, right where patients would go and be given treatments the doctors knew would kill them in order to exacerbate the hysteria around COVID. And trick more people into getting vaccinated. Sure the globalist wanted everyone to get vaccinated because the vaccine secretly were another bio weapon, and they're going to kill off most of the population. Wait, that's where it falls. So apparently, doctors were getting paid to murder patient wheelchair. What are we doing?
Jordan (00:46:08.000)
I mean, I don't know. It all makes perfect sense, man, you know, once you get to 130 Plus, you know, then then my head starts doing math. And I'm like, What are you? What do you how many people you got on each floor? What are you talking about? Timeline? Also, how is it? How is it that I can read a consistent story about states with the death penalty, not being able to find the drugs necessary to kill people? Is it because they're fucking giving them to hospitals? And 130 Plus places in the United States? That must be it? Right? Yeah.
Dan (00:46:42.000)
And it's 139? Because there are 139 as well. Yeah, there would have to be Yeah, I'd have to be 139 in that network. Did
Jordan (00:46:49.000)
they build them from the beginning? Or did they like re retrofit their hospitals for the keel floors? You know,
Dan (00:46:56.000)
I think they probably had to do in addition to add another floor, that would make sense. You can't repurpose a other floor fina,
Jordan (00:47:02.000)
that's, that's where you find that's where you pull the thread, the general contractors who put together the kill floors, that's the people that you talk to follow the money then now? Yeah,
Dan (00:47:14.000)
do you see Soros with a heart?
Jordan (00:47:17.000)
Jimmy Carter's? Yeah,
Dan (00:47:20.000)
definitely. Definitely Habitat for Humanity, my hair is the end of humanity. So Alex, he's got all the proof man, but he doesn't.
Alex Jones (00:47:33.000)
And they have already corrupted 1000s of hospitals around the world, to be part of a protocol and operation to bring in fake nurses and doctors. That's why they closed the hospitals wouldn't let staff in to the other areas they use the more high tech monitor hospitals, where it's all bad is controlled. They already set it up before covered was released in 2019, a year before they already drilled. And then they set the precedent drill beta test, to conservatively kill. Around 500,000 people with this method worldwide. Brought half of those in the United States. We have all the documents all the proof we'll be covering in the second hour, but just
Dan (00:48:24.000)
let that sink in. I'm it's sunk in and you're full of shit, but also, he has all of the evidence. All of the documents. It's going to be in the second hour. That is the standard. I'm going to hold him to Yes. And he fails. miserably. Oh, of course. He has nothing. Nothing. No boy. He has an asshole named Tom who comes in and talk shit. That's that's not good. Really don't like this guy, Tom.
Jordan (00:48:50.000)
Sensing that you have some animosity towards Oh,
Dan (00:48:53.000)
God, I hate him. Really, really like, arch? Fucking asshole. In terms of Info Wars, folks. Yeah, real, real piece of work. What kind
Jordan (00:49:03.000)
of documents? Could you have? Also? 250,000 I doesn't seem high enough. Right. Well,
Dan (00:49:11.000)
it'd be 250,000 out of those 139 hospitals presumably. Right. Sure. Now, that seems like too many.
Jordan (00:49:18.000)
Well, I mean, no, I mean, for the globalist plan for the overarching globalist plan right. I feel like 250,000 is a drop in the bucket of their their murder
Dan (00:49:28.000)
hole. You know what I'm saying? But that's because the vaccines are the real murder weapon. Right. This is just trying to convince people with fear in order to get vaccinated. Oh, boy. So that part is now but this right then if it's like 139 hospitals, you're assuming that like 17,000 people died at each of these hospitals. Yeah, were murdered
Jordan (00:49:50.000)
at each. Don't say die. Yeah, were murdered. I think
Dan (00:49:53.000)
that's a little much. Boy.
Jordan (00:49:55.000)
Those are big, big kill floors. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, those are abbatoirs too. They've got people walking in and push them. Yeah,
Dan (00:50:03.000)
the point is, this is dumb. So we got some more dumb stuff, though.
Alex Jones (00:50:07.000)
They did it as a plan to see they get away with it. And could they lock us in our houses? And when the police attack us and take us to jail and we left our houses, could they then push a poison shot on us that all the studies show and when top scientists warn beforehand what happened? Massive cancer increase. New scientists reports cancer mystery, as cases rise among younger people around the world. When we have the list of countries, it's all the countries that took the Madonna and Pfizer shots the biggest two year increase in history massive. They said it's absolutely devastating. Cancer and young people is up multi 1000 percentage points. Okay, starting to get the picture here.
Dan (00:51:00.000)
What Alex is saying sounds like it could be contained in an article with the headline quote, cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world. Sure, that headline sounds like it could involve a huge spike in the past two years of cancer cases and young people but But Alex is just making that up. This article says in the first paragraph, quote, for three decades, there's been a gradual rise in the number of people under 50 being diagnosed with cancer, and we don't entirely know why. So it's not just the last two years, and it's gradual rise
Jordan (00:51:30.000)
right there from from like the all the times. Yeah,
Dan (00:51:35.000)
this article does single up bowel cancer, which has risen about 50% in people between the ages of 24 and 49. In the UK, since the 90s. Sure it's a large increase, but again, it's not related to COVID. Like Alex is clearly saying, Yeah, this trend with bowel cancer is similar in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Korea and quote several European countries including Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. According to the New Scientist article, that is the list of countries that they they see this trend, it looks like
Jordan (00:52:06.000)
all the one probably moderna and Pfizer. Nobody else took those vaccines at
Dan (00:52:12.000)
all, no, but those are countries that have approved those moderna and Pfizer shots, but they also have non mRNA vaccines that are available. It doesn't make sense. And this is a trend that's been going on since the 90s. There are a number of possible explanations that are offered in this article if Alex wanted to read it things like diet shifts, sedentary lifestyles, and the prevalence of antibiotic use, but there isn't a definite answer that's given. Alex has a definite answer though, because he's allowed to just make shit up and his audience doesn't expect him to do any better. He sounds like a fucking middle schooler bluffing a report he didn't prepare for when he says cancer is up multi 1000 percentage points.
Jordan (00:52:47.000)
I think we would know well in advance before Alex multi 1,000% If if cancer had gone up multi 1,000% I would not hear about it from Alex first the bowel
Dan (00:53:00.000)
cancer over 30 years. 50% increase is a giant Right?
Jordan (00:53:05.000)
Like you like think about it this way. If if it was going on, like if the news dropped, that there was a multi 1,000% increase on the exact moment that you were listening to Alex Say it like you could not find it anywhere else faster. Because you were in the exact moment of listening to him find out right, you could conceivably hear about it first from Alex, it would be impossible for me to not find out a multi 1,000% increase in cancer had gone on right in my age bracket.
Dan (00:53:36.000)
In the real world. That spike hasn't happened. Yeah. And generally speaking, the rates of most cancers have been trending downward. Yeah. And even more downward is like deaths from cancer right? trend downward somewhat. So yeah, seems like Alex is just 180 degrees were on seems like
Jordan (00:53:56.000)
all of modern life is made up of stuff that gives you cancer sooner or later.
Dan (00:54:00.000)
So Alex complains more about the ADL because that seems like what he wants to do today. Yep. But he has an interesting thought and that is like, look, fuck the ADL, okay? We can't be like, yay. And then he starts complaining about his interview with Yay. Okay. It's really, really sad.
Jordan (00:54:17.000)
All right, this makes sense.
Alex Jones (00:54:18.000)
Anybody feel safe rolling over to these people? No, every cell in my body, my instincts, my soul says we have got to admit we have a global corporate takeover a mad scientist and we have to peacefully dismantle it. But we cannot play their games. Because these Regenesis super Nazis have hired leftist groups like the ADL to be their front. We have to transcend that and not become Kanye West. Who I'm not attacking, but obviously has been sucked into the paradigm or who knows his tax issues. You might be working for him. He threatened to put him in jail and he doesn't go around and try to shut people up. did that day sit right here in the chair next to me. But I saw that coming a mile away.
Jordan (00:55:05.000)
Oh my god.
Alex Jones (00:55:07.000)
You watch that good 60s She said don't do the interview. It's a setup. I said, I know it's a setup, sweetheart. Don't
Jordan (00:55:18.000)
make me uncomfortable.
Alex Jones (00:55:21.000)
I love everybody. Oh my god. I love the Muslims. I love the Jews. My God, I love the Christians. I love the animist. I love the agnostics and the atheist. I really don't want to see us all destroyed together. I really don't want to see this planetary collapse in hell world. But no matter what they say or do or how they persecute us, we have to tell the truth and never stop.
Dan (00:55:51.000)
You don't? It's so goddamn funny to imagine that this is Alex's own self perception. Yeah, it's so distorted from reality that he was talking to his wife and like, Honey, don't worry. I mean, I know it's a trap. I'm not gonna fall into any of it. He was he was making his own trip.
Jordan (00:56:10.000)
He was he was excited to do Yeah, he was so thrilled
Dan (00:56:14.000)
to have like a big celebrity. Yes, yeah, it was. It was a bad idea. Yeah, that doesn't make it a trap. Yeah. It's just you're dumb. Can I just You took a risk and it blew up in your face,
Jordan (00:56:27.000)
even for us, even for us. All right. Can I just say that? I did not ever expect to hear that. Super Nazis. Were using the ADL. And in order to combat that we can't be like, yay. Right. That is a Mad Libs. That is an absurd statement. Yeah. Even for us. Okay. It's,
Dan (00:56:49.000)
it's a combination of words that most people would look at like, I don't
Jordan (00:56:53.000)
know, I can't I can't understand. Is there some sort of puzzle? Is there something I know what
Dan (00:56:57.000)
all the words mean? Together? They?
Jordan (00:57:01.000)
I've never been unable to speak English before.
Dan (00:57:04.000)
So Alex is talking about the murders in the hospitals and what have you, right? And how they do this stuff? And then because you go along with your part of it, and you go along with it. Because if you don't, the institutions all are going to collapse. And you're afraid of that happening. So you go along, and then everything gets corrupted. That makes sense. Yeah. And so he talks about that, and then he makes up a bunch of bullshit, okay.
Alex Jones (00:57:27.000)
There was a National Post article 10 years ago or so. And it was written by the editorial board. That's the biggest paper in Canada, and they said, Look, our cop professors have looked at 911. And clearly, it was an inside job building shuttle was blown
Jordan (00:57:43.000)
up professors and
Alex Jones (00:57:46.000)
extremists. But they went on to say that, clearly they were aided, and this was allowed to happen. And there was other projects. piggyback on it, they said, This will bring down the entire liberal system. That's the whole world system, bear, Republican Democrat, if we let this come out, and again, they think we're animals. So they're writing in the editorial pages on the editorial board of the paper, that yeah, we know it's an inside job, but we have to suppress it because not going to trigger the gotcha powerful. The first 10 years after that it was unseeing the whole system. And see, it's the same methodology. When you get people that I personally know whose mother or father or brother or sister would go in with a bad cough in trouble breathing, and they wouldn't give them drugs wouldn't get permission, just go home, take some aspirin, don't they couldn't breathe, they come back and put them on a ventilator. And there was shame thing and every Western country, on average, the equivalent of $53,000, to put somebody on a ventilator, another 12 grand if they died, that's not enough money systems. We're getting more than $60,000. That's not a lot. No matter where you are. It's the same in the UK and Australia. Same here. Same program. Shamy. Oh, you can't see your loved one. Well, they weren't letting the nurses and doctors that normally work there. They were telling them, oh, we're not doing regular care right now at these key hospitals. Remember, those hospitals closed? You go there, no cars are there, but they show you Oh, it's so busy. There's people in hazmat crews or you don't come to the hospital. We can't do that elective surgery. We can't even see people that have had heart attacks. And they had messages your COVID so bad, the hospitals are so overwhelmed. Orders went out all over the world. Do Not Resuscitate someone with a heart attack to an ambulance because we don't have the staff because they sent them home. And most of the major big hospitals for the first six months remember this and said you can't see your loved ones either because they were murdering people and setting that precedent to turn hospitals into pure straight up dash cams, well documented all next hour.
Dan (01:00:02.000)
It's kind of documented all of that. All of that. Yeah, that's a lot of documents probably too much for him to even make, right? I think he's already I know he has a lot of stack ease, but you need way more. So just to get this out of the way really quick, the National Post editorial board did not come out and say that 911 was an inside job, but they needed to cover it up. So the structures of the world order would be wouldn't be toppled. That would be a real weird one. That's nonsense. And the editor of that paper actually wrote a book called quote among the truthers, which is critical of 911 conspiracy theories. Actually, the full title of that book is quote, among the truth is a journey into the growing conspiracist underground of 911 truthers. birthers Armageddon, Knights vaccine, hysterics Hollywood No, nothing's and internet addicts.
Jordan (01:00:45.000)
Wow, that's like a perfect Venn diagram at the middle of that is Alex. Yeah. And it
Dan (01:00:49.000)
gives you a sense of the tone. Yeah. In preparing for his book, this editor Jonathan Kaye interviewed Alex. So Alex has likely cobbled together misremembered fragments of that and turned it into this editorial page of the National Post publishing that they knew 911 was an inside job, but they were insistent on covering it up. It's a load of shit. Yeah,
Jordan (01:01:05.000)
his his game of telephone happens with his memories in his brain. Yeah,
Dan (01:01:09.000)
and whiskey. Yeah. Next point, I've never seen Alex present a case of someone who was healthy, put on a ventilator and then died because of the ventilator. This is something that's become solidified as rampant during the early days of the pandemic in Alex's mind and in their conspiracy, the information space, but it's never more specific than vague anecdotes. Alex is just making up that all these countries were paying hospitals to put people on ventilators. Different countries have different health care systems. So this doesn't even make sense. The conspiracy is based off a willful misrepresentation of the amount that Medicare compensated hospitals for providing specific care. That original conspiracy didn't include bonus payments if people die so I guess that maybe has been dug up. Figured out since then. I think they added that one I find I probably just missed that post on Steve Kirsch is dumb is substack probably this is an old conspiracy. That is complete bullshit. But I guess Alex wants to hold on to it so we can get some more use out of it. Alex is really fudging details about the early days of the pandemic here, too. They weren't telling nurses not to come in. If anything, they were telling everybody to come in and stay forever. Yeah. You remember when people were banging pots and pans for the health care workers and stuff. Alex and Infowars tried to get on board with the hot conspiracy narrative at the time about hospitals secretly not being fooled. But even Paul Joseph Watson told Alex to stop it and said that it was like Sandy Hook all over again. Yeah, orders did not go out to not orders didn't go out to not resuscitate people who had heart attacks all over the world. I'm not sure about places like some areas like Italy or something where there were like localized really severe circumstances, I don't want to I'm gonna only say this about the United States that this did not happen. Sure. Alex is exaggerating this based on a New York Post article about New York telling EMTs to not risk exposure by tending to people who've had a heart attack. And part of this is due to the nature of how you have to attempt to resuscitate people in that state. Part of it had to do with PPE shortages early on in the pandemic. And another part of it was likely due to the fact that survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrest cases is approximately 5%. According to the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. I'm not going to defend New York's decision here, but it is worth noting that this policy was announced on April 21 2020, and was rescinded on April 22 2020. mere hours later, great. You definitely wouldn't understand this context from just listening to Alex's foggy memory embellish shit. All this is nonsense, and it doesn't match reality, but it matches the feeling that Alex's audience has about reality. This feels like how things are. So Alex is amping that feeling up and using that feeling to feed into his current narrative that the hospitals were death camps with kill floors. Yeah, good luck documenting all this though. That should be that should be. That'll be tough. Quite a task.
Jordan (01:04:01.000)
I feel like this is just an inappropriate understanding of value. You know, like, I'm a year salary is not enough to kill me. You know, like, you got to figure that it's it's a 10 year at least like I would say that 10 year productivity aside maybe half a million for a human being well, here's like not 50 Here's the thing. Come on.
Dan (01:04:23.000)
You could find somebody to kill somebody for 50k Probably, I would assume like I think that they're, you know, I don't know what the going rate is on the dark web.
Jordan (01:04:31.000)
But that's like that's that's a mom and pop murder. That's not your government globalist murder.
Dan (01:04:38.000)
A very specific kind of thing where you're hiring somebody as an assassin. People who are in the medical field are often pretty well paid. Yeah. People in the medical field generally have a care for patients almost a calling. Yeah. Getting them to override that. Yeah, and cute. Do people for money
Jordan (01:05:01.000)
that number one is ridiculous that that like oh thing that they take, you know,
Dan (01:05:06.000)
I mean it just sort of plays on ideas to have like the mercy
Jordan (01:05:11.000)
killing yeah Angels of Death yeah nurse thing.
Dan (01:05:15.000)
Those people like the the few cases of that that has happened gives, like some sort of a credibility to this picture in people's minds like oh yeah, doctors could be convinced
Jordan (01:05:25.000)
I mean 50 grand no kill anybody. Anytime you you're like at your weakest and somebody else has full power over your life or death of course you're gonna be simple, like, susceptible to that.
Dan (01:05:39.000)
Also, why did they stop at the amount of people they killed? Why didn't they kill way more people? If it was just a matter of
Jordan (01:05:46.000)
they ran out of 50 case? I don't know we didn't have any more 50k bills.
Dan (01:05:52.000)
It doesn't make any sense. Oh my god. So anyway, Alex is making gigantic claim
Alex Jones (01:05:57.000)
for the biomedical complex. And under you indirection, not regular human directors by Bill Gates has combined the Carnegie Endowment the CIA. They openly cleared the hospitals kicked out the regular staff of key facilities and murdered people in each nation. Paul coming up next claims. Now I'm gonna ask the FBI, I'm gonna ask school teachers I'm gonna ask auto mechanics I'm gonna ask pastors I'm gonna ask name five more jobs. Castro Southern Poverty Law Center. The Republican Party, the Democratic Party.
Jordan (01:06:36.000)
Well, why 6789 10?
Alex Jones (01:06:40.000)
You understand this is all real. Okay. People ask why don't have any fear? Because we are in an ocean of evil, and we're all gonna be destroyed if we don't stop this.
Dan (01:06:53.000)
No, it's because you're making it up. Yeah. Because it's all bullshit. Yeah, that's why you're not afraid. Yeah. You're not afraid. You're super rich. And you're making shit up to scare people. So they give you more money? Yeah, that's why you're not afraid. Because you're heavily insulated from the problems you're creating. Right? And you don't give a shit. Yeah. And you're a bad person.
Jordan (01:07:12.000)
The only thing you're afraid of is losing all of your money. Yeah. Which you're very afraid of that for good reason.
Dan (01:07:18.000)
There's pretty decent chance that your greatest fears are going to be realized. Yeah,
Jordan (01:07:22.000)
that's tough. Yeah, it's tough. It's a little bit like meteor headed Earth, huh? Yeah.
Dan (01:07:27.000)
So we get to talk more about this JBS story. Sure. It's all a load of shit.
Alex Jones (01:07:33.000)
I'm gonna have a link to it out of the live show feed. So everybody can share it. But you need to go read it, you need to go get it you see the biosphere show? Why the ADL and some of their scholars and others are very proud and want you to know, since the 60s they infiltrated populous, quote, right wing groups and poses racist at public events to discredit the groups like the Patriot front. And they broke into police stations and did so much more. And they want you to know that they're an intelligence agency working with the CIA and FBI told me they want you to know, to stop Nazis. killing Jews. Oh, so you've got to take all rights and spy on us and infiltrate us and say we're racist. And lie about us. So the tyrants don't take over? No, you're creating an atmosphere. They'll destroy everybody. What? I'm an apologist for Jews or anybody else but they're individuals. Who knows what's going on? No, they believe the hype that they're being persecuted. People think why he's out to get him. Oh boy was wrapped to get everybody.
Dan (01:08:42.000)
Yeah. Oh, boy. tough. Tough to tough to find the right words to respond to that shakes. Yikes. So I'm just gonna jump to talking about the article. Yeah, yeah, because that flagrant nonsense at the end.
Jordan (01:08:57.000)
I mean, honestly, listening to somebody say something like that makes me feel like why he's out to get me
Dan (01:09:04.000)
to is convincing these Jewish people of the highest.
Jordan (01:09:07.000)
I don't trust. I don't trust YT.
Dan (01:09:11.000)
So Alex is making shit up that he wants to be true about this article, but his coverage doesn't match reality at all. First problem, there aren't any documents for you to see for yourself. That is a travel. The article is based on an interview with that historian Matthew Dalek, he reviewed documents in the process of writing this book, but these documents themselves aren't in the article. Also, it's not the ADLs scholars or something. But yeah, second problem. It's not about the ADL constantly and consistently infiltrating every right wing group for the last 60 years. It's about the JBS in the late 50s and 60s. Third problem birdwatchers did often pretend to be racist, so they could fit in with the other members of the JBS, but there's no indication of a single person who pretended to be racist in order to cause a scene to make the JBS look bad. From reading that chapter and dialects book and reading as much JBS Mateen cereal as I have no one needed to make them look bad or bigoted, they took care of that themselves like, on purpose and for fun. Oh, yeah, yeah. Fourth problem the ADL and quote their scholars, whatever that's supposed to mean aren't reporting the story because they're proud of anything that doesn't even meet make any sense. Doesn't mean anything to Alex book came out a couple of months ago and a Jewish news outlet interviewed him about the intersection of the ADL and the John Birch Society, who his book is mostly about. The ADL is only covered in one chapter of the book, right? Fifth problem just about everything else that that clip is nonsense with it real bad. And yeah, real bad.
Jordan (01:10:37.000)
Yeah. Yeah, I think I would I think he's making a bad sell. I think I would like the ADL a lot more if I knew that they were also an undercover operation and have been doing this for like, 60 years. That's cool. I mean, maybe maybe not good or evil, or whatever it is. But
Dan (01:10:54.000)
I don't, I don't think that it is outside of the realm of possibility that some people associated with ADL may have made inroads to try to infiltrate certain extremist groups. I mean, some
Jordan (01:11:10.000)
of our friends have done that. Right.
Dan (01:11:13.000)
I for good reason, I don't think it's entirely impossible, but pretending that it's like some kind of a covert agency working with the CIA. Yeah. All that it's a little it's a little well, it's not supported by the material that Alex is presenting his documentation.
Jordan (01:11:29.000)
Yeah, the least believable thing is that a secret organization would not be secret, or would be secret for longer than 60 years,
Dan (01:11:36.000)
and also be like, hey, write an article about how we do all this.
Jordan (01:11:41.000)
Totally. Oh, they want to be proud of working with the CIA. What are you talking about? So
Dan (01:11:47.000)
because Alex is so focused on the ADL, he does kind of drift into a little bit of these, these types of tropes, like, the Jewish people are attacking white people and stuff Great.
Alex Jones (01:11:59.000)
Need to go read this article and read these documents, but this is from them. And you know, why is that? Well, they said, well, now we're going to save you on the big stage with the FBI and CIA publicly with TV ads saying watch your neighbors can't trust white people. That's what Hitler did to the Jews. He ran newsreel news articles and speeches, that they were a secret evil group. And that had to be terminated. And now the ADL is saying they've got to come after all of us and Sacha Baron. What, two, three years ago, their annual meeting said arrest Zuckerberg and he doesn't says everybody and arrest Alex Jones. Wow, that's so friendly and nice of you.
Dan (01:12:40.000)
So again, there aren't any documents here on the ADL didn't put anything out. A guy who was interviewed about a book about the JBS that he wrote now, which is making up a huge attack on white people out of it. Yeah. Also amazing the power that Sacha Baron Cohen has. Seeing is neither of the things that he wanted to happen have happened. Yes. Either the things that he wanted to happen, according to Alex, yeah, have happened. Yeah. And Alex knows exactly what he's doing here. This classic anti semitic narratives. They almost always involve Colonel and a foundation of Jewish people being out to destroy white people. Yeah, Alex may as well be just throwing red meat to the like, neo Nazi community. I mean, this is it's it's a little bit
Jordan (01:13:20.000)
ridiculous. Your argument is always going to be Yeah, but white people are the real blank. You know, like, what name whatever name whatever oppressed group that there are, that are being oppressed by a white structure, and white people are going to be like, AB but white people are the real black. Right, Alex?
Dan (01:13:37.000)
Alex will be like the globalists are got to get us all we got to put our divisions aside, but also the white people,
Jordan (01:13:43.000)
real people. Yeah, totally. I wonder why this bill that keeps trans people from existing in a state but that but white people are the real trans people.
Dan (01:13:53.000)
So I've often talked about how Alex and his dad are John Birch Society. fuckheads. Yeah. And Alex's household that he grew up in is clearly just infested with John Birch Society, ideology and material. Yeah. And this is something that people have pushed back on. I've gotten some reporters, let's say, who have said, Hey, what? I don't know. I don't know if he's that John Birch. He's got some ideas, but I don't know if he's that
Jordan (01:14:25.000)
I like it. When people step to you. I think it's smart. I think it's a smart thing to do. All right.
Alex Jones (01:14:29.000)
John Birch Society was 100% dead on.
Alex Jones (01:14:40.000)
Investigating and found out that our government was funding for terian ism worldwide. They didn't cover the writings of the CFR and Bilderberg Group and other organizations to bring in world government to control both parties and other parties, other nations and they weren't effectively educating people. and they said get out of the Vietnam War in the mid 60s. So they got infiltrated and here's the ADL how they infiltrated them, how they demonize them, how they lied about them, how they committed crimes against them, and how they've done it ever since to everybody else and how good they are.
Dan (01:15:18.000)
I've been saying this for a while, so it's nice for Alex just stop pretending to be something more than what he actually is just an idiot who read JBS books as a kid. Yep, he's not some dude who's done mountains of research into how the supposed New World Order operates. He's a lazy angry asshole who read shit by Skousen and Gary Allen and G. Edward Griffin and then made it his personality. For real though it's time to pay the fiddler. Alex says that the JBS was right about everything. So now I guess Alex thinks that Eisenhower was a communist was an avowed communist. Yeah, I guess he has to now be explicitly opposed to civil rights. I let you probably also stop pretending to admire Martin Luther King Jr. Since the JBS called him a communist agitator was trying to provoke a race war. Yeah. fuck out of here, Alex.
Jordan (01:16:01.000)
Yeah, you can't do that. I mean, you can't? Well, you have
Dan (01:16:04.000)
to own the implications of of your
Jordan (01:16:07.000)
belief. That's the problem. That's the problem. And it is disgusting that people are allowed to be like, okay, yes, I agree with this 100%. But only the bits and parts that I choose, and everything that I would have to take responsibility for that I tacitly support and give active support to Yeah, no, no, that's not me. That's not me. That's not the organization. Man. That's not how it works.
Dan (01:16:31.000)
Oh, unfortunately, it is. Well, yeah. So Alex gets lost in sort of rambling about how the ADL is evil cheer. And then just sort of takes a little bit of a ride.
Alex Jones (01:16:41.000)
So they got infiltrated. And here's the ADL, how they infiltrated them, how they demonize them, how they lied about him, how they committed crimes against him, and how they've done it ever since to everybody else, and how good they are. Yeah, given Arnold Schwarzenegger awards, he says he loves Hitler. Getting when he says the best time of his life is working for Edward, you guys are evil. And I know you know, you're evil. You like it? You think you're on the winning team?
Alex Jones (01:17:18.000)
If you study history, and if you look how things are going, you're going to kill us all. I have no desire I to be at war with you guys. But But let me just explain something to you. We have run the tables on you.
Jordan (01:17:34.000)
Wait, so you think on your on the winning team.
Alex Jones (01:17:37.000)
Videos of Bill Gates get 10s of millions of years and have hundreds of 1000s of comments you have to read for hours. Before you find one comment that's pro Bill Gates.
Jordan (01:17:51.000)
YouTube has spoken.
Alex Jones (01:17:54.000)
It's the same thing for Soros. It's the same thing for all you guys. Shit. You've lost but you're gonna keep escalating and you're an attempt to keep control. And anybody can tell you that when an immovable object comes into contact with an unstoppable force, there's a hydrogen explosion there's a nuclear bomb
Alex Jones (01:18:26.000)
this is gonna destroy everything. This is This is insane. When I
Dan (01:18:29.000)
hear stuff like this, like I like legitimately my only reaction is grow up. Yeah. We have won because of YouTube.
Jordan (01:18:38.000)
Wow. Wow. Cool, man.
Dan (01:18:41.000)
Yeah, you
Jordan (01:18:42.000)
guys just think you're on the winning team. Not like me. I'm on the winning team.
Dan (01:18:46.000)
Are you 50? What do we do? What do we do it? Just act like a goddamn grown up.
Jordan (01:18:52.000)
And then this just the idea of like, oh, we already won. So if you keep fighting, then you're gonna kill everybody. That's not us winning.
Dan (01:19:03.000)
Yeah. I mean, I'm just still caught up in the YouTube comments and all
Jordan (01:19:08.000)
that. I just can't I can't breathe with that. Yeah, I can't.
Dan (01:19:11.000)
You said it before. But it's, it's the idea of saying it once is really pathetic. But then being something that's brought up multiple times and kind of fairly consistently as evidence that you're winning some sort of battle? Yeah. Is boy. Oh, yeah. I don't know.
Jordan (01:19:27.000)
Well, because if you say it one time, maybe you're just talking shit. If you say it repeatedly, then I know for a fact you have sat at your little computer and scrolled your little mouse wheel. Down and down.
Dan (01:19:40.000)
He said he spends hours looking at these YouTube comments.
Jordan (01:19:43.000)
Oh my God, who? Disgusting. Yeah, real sad.
Dan (01:19:46.000)
So I told you at the beginning of the show that Alex was going to take a little transformation. Yeah, and happens here. Okay, so wrens as shown up, we're beginning the second hour. And Alex is Totally different.
Jordan (01:20:01.000)
Okay, so he had to go to the bathroom, he had to say hello to the baby changing station. And then he comes right
Dan (01:20:07.000)
on back. It feels like that might be the case. Okay?
Alex Jones (01:20:10.000)
There's a lot going on with cover. I'm gonna get updates on all the other lawsuits and things in a moment. But let's drill into the ventilators. And when we know family couldn't visit, they kick the rest of staff out shame policy worldwide bounties to put people on ventilators. And we know the drugs were killing them. They knew it said don't get this amount of ventilator, so they stockpiled it ahead of time. I mean, all that proves it was a conspiracy. We convict any of them with just that evidence. But now you got the big pharmacists groups, everybody. They know what's on the indications that they know what they've been told, will lay this out for us.
Tom Renz (01:20:39.000)
Yeah, so let me start with this from the law, right. And I want people to understand that you don't think that this is an accident or a one off, I want you to understand the way the law worked on this. We legislated hospital murder factories.
Dan (01:20:55.000)
can tell a little bit of a pressure behind Alex's speech, she's quite speaking a lot quicker.
Jordan (01:21:00.000)
That's the words per minute you think, Boy, Harrison? Oh, it's different, a little different.
Dan (01:21:05.000)
So nothing Alex just said could convict anyone? Nor does it even point in any way towards a conspiracy. If this conspiracy is true, then there was this grand plan to put people on ventilators and give them some medication to kill them. If that's true, then why did the ratio of COVID patients receiving treatment including ventilators, why was it so low? And why did it drop pretty much consistently as the pandemic went on? This is an opportunistic exploitation, Alex and Rennes are engaging in where there is a fact, which is that people who had COVID and were treated with a ventilator had a higher death rate than would have been expected. The explanation for this fact is pretty simple. COVID cases where ventilator is necessary are going to be the more severe cases with patients in more deadly situations. And regardless of why you're using a ventilator, you run the risk of being exposed to a secondary infection. These are not complicated things to understand. But instead of accepting reality, Alex and Rand's glom on to these deaths, and use this tragedy for their own enrichment and to propel their conspiracy worldview, the higher rates of death among people who are on ventilators was because there was a concerted plan from the government to kill citizens for vague nefarious reasons, and doctors went along with it and killed their patients, because they wanted the $50,000 from Medicare reimbursement 50k This is stupid shit. And these people are not only worth not taking seriously, they're worthy of derision. There are people who are unfit for polite society, and they're willing to dance around with these stolen corpses for profit. Fuck these people. Yeah, just to show my work. Here is Alec specifying what drug he's talking about when he says they're put on ventilators and all these drugs. All right, this is from a little bit earlier,
Alex Jones (01:22:45.000)
it gets worse. Remember what happened in the UK, they got a stockpile of a drug that used to put people under an anesthesia. And they would kill them with that knowing that if you give somebody even a small amount of this, they can't breathe, number of prescriptions for the drug medazepam doubled during height of the pandemic. And right before the UK government ordered the biggest stockpile ever of it. And it goes on from there it goes
Dan (01:23:19.000)
on. So to be clear, Alex's alleging the whole narrative here is that 139 US hospitals have killed floors where they would put COVID patients on ventilators and give them the sedatives and I'm guessing that that based on what he's saying that is how the right right annex of the murder and logistics. Yeah. And so he's propping this up with a story about prescriptions going up for a sedative in the UK and the UK stockpiling. It doesn't make sense. Yeah. But also this conspiracy just doesn't work. There was a large increase in prescriptions for medazepam in April 2020 In the UK, but this was a specific type of prescription. This was out of hospital prescriptions. So it was being it was not being given at all to people on ventilators, right? No one has a vent. They're not on a ventilator outside of a hospital setting. And these prescription increases were out of hospital prescription. Right. No one knows exactly, for sure. But the prevailing theory is that this was for elderly people who were in a lot more pain, right? Due to COVID. And the circumstance that makes sense. Some theories have floated around about assisted suicide, but nothing has been established on that and there's no evidence to prove it. Yeah. The claim that the UK had the largest ever stockpile of midazolam is something Alex is just taking from David Icke. In reality the UK did have a stockpile of it as they did have many like adequate Yes,
Jordan (01:24:40.000)
that's you keep a stockpile of shit. Yeah,
Dan (01:24:43.000)
you might need it. Yeah, it's nonsense pile. You just took it from David Icke bunch of bullshit. So, yeah, Alex says they have the information to convict people. Yeah. And this is what he's swinging out with. I like load of shit. I like
Jordan (01:24:55.000)
Rennes. I like Rennes jumping onto that with with a nice little like Let's start with the law. You know, like he sounds like Charlie Day describing how to be a lawyer is like, as a lawyer is a specialist in law. Let's go back to the legislation was made by
Dan (01:25:12.000)
dealing with the law. It's best to talk about the law.
Jordan (01:25:14.000)
Yeah, the law is the law. Oh my god,
Dan (01:25:17.000)
it does not sound like someone who failed the bar four times and became a lawyer just before COVID and has been scamming COVID shits.
Jordan (01:25:23.000)
Yes, that sounds more. Right. Yeah.
Tom Renz (01:25:26.000)
And National Center for vital statistics, the CDC and HHS all these people want, they say listen, if your coffin, if you got any symptoms of COVID, we want you to call it COVID Have you got it doesn't matter what it is, if it's COVID, if it could possibly be COVID, we want you to diagnose COVID. And if you diagnose it as COVID, that's fine. And you'll get a bonus, if you don't die again, I'm
Alex Jones (01:25:48.000)
sorry to get back to you. Remember, zero flu and all these countries for those years, because they were calling for that and killing them. Sorry, go ahead.
Tom Renz (01:25:55.000)
Yeah, yeah. Well, you gotta you got an incentive, right, you got extra money to call it COVID. But if you didn't call it COVID, you're gonna get a call from the government saying, why are you not listing these people as COVID? Say, Well, what are the symptoms and the symptoms for COVID in the flu were identical, by the way, they were indistinguishable. I put the side by side before they're indistinguishable
Dan (01:26:17.000)
symptoms might be indistinguishable to you, Tom or ends. You're not a doctor. A whole lot of conditions share symptoms, often with some pretty heavy overlap, but that doesn't mean they're the same thing. So if you've got fatigue of fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, well, you might have mono, or it might be strep throat. Strep is short for streptococcus, which is a bacteria whereas mono is mononucleosis, which is caused by a virus like Epstein Barr. So they're treated entirely differently because one's virus one's bacteria, right? Oh, man, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, fever, those are also symptoms of lymphoma. Good have a lot of different things is what I'm saying with a fairly similar set of symptoms.
Jordan (01:26:57.000)
Well, I mean, I'm gonna I'm gonna take what he said. And the first I'm going to start with the law. Okay. Now, for law purposes. If you were to tell somebody to lie at their job, and that you will give them bonus money for it. All right, legally speaking. That's totally fine. Yeah,
Dan (01:27:20.000)
these accusations are on 100% have to be actionable. 100%. It wouldn't be if it's just the standard vague bullshit. They talk about very specifically saying
Jordan (01:27:30.000)
that these people were paid to commit fraud and murder specific people specifically, there's a name in the video that he really weren't given 1000s of dollars to commit fraud and murder. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (01:27:42.000)
I think the murderer is maybe the worst of the two.
Jordan (01:27:45.000)
I would agree with that. But at least, you know, yeah. Also, there
Dan (01:27:49.000)
was plenty of flu. It feels like there wasn't because of the way Alex has covered stuff and the lies that he's told. But it's it's it's bullshit. There was a lot of
Jordan (01:28:01.000)
this this conversation too. Like if there's, I feel like I should be able to get a doctor who just is like, well, medically speaking, and then he goes, Well, legally speaking, and then we can all just leave and they can just talk to each other and like an endless back and forth nonsense. I think that's a good way to to freeze him in a sort of stasis.
Dan (01:28:18.000)
The 2020 flu season goes from September 2020 to May 2021. It was a light season. And that's obviously because people were staying home and wearing masks and shit. But these people, Alex and Rennes, they're more talking about the previous season, and that at about 36 million cases of the flu, and that's a low end estimate. So all right. I mean, there was plenty during that time when they were saying everyone was just being they said they had COVID in the Yeah, or whatever. It was too low to shit. Yep. So anyway, we get to the discussion of Rennes is supposed whistleblower here. And Matt, there is just nothing here. You know, we've
Tom Renz (01:28:59.000)
been working on gathering the data because we have to show willfulness. Well. So I get a call from from a wonderful lady. And she doesn't really want to be public. I mean, her name's public, because she's filed a lawsuit and it's public record. But she's asked me to speak for her publicly because she is she, first of all, she wants to make sure she's not saying anything that's going to damage her lawsuit. And second of all, she wants to make sure that she's not looking for fame or fortune. She just, she's a mom of five. She's got a PhD in pharmacy. Stanford educated one of the one of the most qualified qualified pharmacists I've ever ran across. I mean, the woman is a brilliant pharmacist. And that media name is a draining and she is she comes for that. She says, Listen, I you know, I'm a pharmacist. I'd worked in clinical trials with Big Pharma that said another I wanted to get back into patient care went back into that. And while I was at the hospital working during COVID Did you know I was looking at the drugs they were using and I felt that their protocols created an opportunity to hasten death. Now hasten death is a, it's a term that's used, but don't legally speaking. If I shoot you in the head, I'm hastening your death, right? It's a polite way as though killing someone. Doesn't matter how you hasten death, hastening death is still killing someone. Right? So she said, they wanted me to sign off on these protocols that I thought were going to hasten death, or that had the potential to cause death. I said another I said, Well, okay. She said, Well, I applied for a religious exemption, because I didn't think that was right. And they ended up firing her and retaliating against her. So I want you to understand what I just said, Alex, In plain terms. You got a PhD super high end quality educated pharmacist. What does that credential does anybody on the planet in a hospital says to the hospital, your policies could result in patients dying? Can I have an exemption from supporting these policies? And instead of the hospital saying, oh my god, they could we need to change these policies, or at least reevaluate them. Instead, hospital fires are in retaliates.
Dan (01:31:16.000)
There's a nice story for Rennes to tell but it isn't proof of anything. Tom and this woman Abrini Smith are in serious danger of getting the shit sued out of them. It's pretty easy to track down the hospitals she worked at and they're making direct claims about that hospital and specific doctors who practice there. She has an opinion that these protocols for treatment weren't appropriate, but that doesn't seem like it justifies accusing these doctors of having murder factories setup does seem a little bit like an escalation. Oh, yeah. That's sensationalist bullshit peddled by a hack lawyer who knows that unless he keeps dancing for the anti Vax COVID conspiracists. He doesn't serve much of a profitable purpose. Fuck this dude.
Jordan (01:31:52.000)
What do you the kind of law is he gonna practice Cabal, sovereign
Dan (01:31:55.000)
citizen maritime
Jordan (01:31:56.000)
law like what are you talking about? Right
Dan (01:31:58.000)
find some other flashy ask grift get involved in threatening to make these lawsuits that never go anywhere? We've seen 100 of this the archetype come by. Oh, yeah. Also ran said that she's Stanford educated, but she actually went to Samford University. Fun fact, they were founded in 1841 and admitted their first black student 126 years later. Oh, right on time. That said, though, it's not a bad school. It's ranked number 65 on the list of pharmacy schools in the United States, which is better than Stanford who doesn't have a pharmacy program? It would be very difficult for them to have a rank but he said Stanford Yeah, I went back and listen to it a couple times because it does sound similar but he definitely
Jordan (01:32:40.000)
I was at the bill that's because what cuz I get it you want to say he thinks that that and that's a more prestigious school, at least like colloquially known, and I understand that but
Dan (01:32:52.000)
meanwhile Sanford is actually a good school if you know pharmacy Yeah. Which I didn't know until I looked into it. Right. But also they're 64 Better Schools.
Jordan (01:33:01.000)
Well, no, I my the first college I went to was Butler it has one of the most high rated pharmacy schools there. I
Dan (01:33:08.000)
went to Mizzou it was one of the best journalism schools in the country. I'll tell you this, I didn't take a single journalism class.
Jordan (01:33:14.000)
I don't know what it means to be an extremely high qualified pharmacist right.
Dan (01:33:19.000)
And he's saying like she's one of the best pharmacists I've ever met.
Jordan (01:33:23.000)
I mean, what is there a pharmacy competition rankings and are there specific things that you can
Dan (01:33:29.000)
I'm guessing it just means that she's a pharmacist that says stuff that lines up with what he wants to say
Jordan (01:33:35.000)
I just don't understand and fleeting jobs like that. Like I get you know, an extremely pulled all the way
Dan (01:33:40.000)
through that row where everything is most prestigious it's all the biggest network and you know, it doesn't some
Jordan (01:33:46.000)
stuff is just it's just a she's a good pharmacist, you can be a good pharmacist. No,
Dan (01:33:51.000)
she's the best All right, I have no idea if any of the stuff that these people are saying is true. I have no idea if she was fired for cause or because she wanted a religious exemption for this hospital policy. I have no idea. However, if I know the pond Tom Rennes swims in this will result in nothing past sensational as headlines, but hopefully the doctors ascension and Alabama where she said she worked sue them for outrageous slander. I was wondering like, at this point in the episode is wondering why the headline was for the 139 hospitals. And it turns out like I said, That's how many are run by ascension. They're literally accusing the ascension network of hospitals of all having killed floors. Yeah, based on what I can only describe very generously as paltry evidence.
Jordan (01:34:37.000)
And and let me tell you something, if you're concerned legally, about the definition of malice, you know, like you have to prove actual malice, my friends, you have a lawsuit that is the best
Dan (01:34:50.000)
Well, no, here's you have to prove actual malice when you're talking about public figures. Right? If you're talking about this doctor who's like, I don't know who this doctor is, he's not a PA public figure right? You are clearly hurting his reputation in a way that is damaging. Yep. To his life being a murderer. Yeah, called a murderer,
Jordan (01:35:12.000)
I would say that's probably going to reflect badly on his
Dan (01:35:16.000)
mass murderer. Conceivably, if the breakdown is accurate, haven't killed 15,000 people, one of the most prolific murderers of all time, and then not
Jordan (01:35:26.000)
just to and then to stop and think about it really is like, the idea of if the society that these people want goes the way that it wants, they'll write the history is the that reflect what they want it to be? This guy could 1000 years from now? He's the greatest mass murderer that anybody has ever known.
Dan (01:35:44.000)
Yeah, yeah, he killed more than Exactly, yes. The
Jordan (01:35:47.000)
he killed everybody of COVID. Jesus,
Dan (01:35:51.000)
I would assume that also, you'd be able to see ridiculously huge payments being made to him based on the I mean, the other elements of their conspiracy theory. So I guess that's the paper trail. They should.
Jordan (01:36:03.000)
I mean, now, they definitely don't have it's like the Powerball you don't get a lump sum payment, you know,
Dan (01:36:08.000)
so there's one piece of evidence that has been presented publicly. Yes. And it is a approximately minute long recording of the the pharmacist and this nurse talking.
Jordan (01:36:21.000)
Was it? consensual recording?
Dan (01:36:25.000)
I see no evidence of it. Okay.
Jordan (01:36:27.000)
So we're in Project
Dan (01:36:29.000)
Veritas territory, I believe. It was surreptitiously recorded. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe. But yeah, so here is rent describing this clip.
Tom Renz (01:36:43.000)
And I always have to, you know, at this point, now, it's I quintuple verify everything times 10.
Jordan (01:36:50.000)
That makes me believe you last as a greeny
Tom Renz (01:36:52.000)
only said it, but she just so happens, I twice document everything she did. So she had recordings, she has paperwork, she has all sorts of things. Now, amongst those recordings, there was a clip, which I just released. And that clip is between her remember the doctor of pharmacy, and a nurse who works in the hospital. And that way, if you're gonna play it, this would be the time because it's, it's shocking.
Alex Jones (01:37:27.000)
We'll set it up for sales what we're about to hear.
Tom Renz (01:37:30.000)
What I'm about to hear is a greeny, the pharmacist talking to a nurse. And what they're talking about is prior to this, Audrina had talked about how she had been transferred, they transferred her position for speaking out against what they were doing, as part of the process. They transferred her and they did everything they could to shut her up. And she says they transfer you and it's politics, this nurse says starts talking about her floor. Her foreign, she says where we hospice care. And she says, you know, the this doctor is where are they scaling patients. He's telling us to kill the patients. And she goes on to talk specifically, there you go. So we're killing the patient the floor, because what he's asking us to do, other floors don't want to do it. No other floors don't want to do it. You're right. The other floors do not want to murder patient shocking.
Dan (01:38:27.000)
I think it might be more helpful to just play the clip instead of having this aspiring right wing media star slash lawyer describe it, particularly because I've heard the clip and I don't think this is a fair assessment. Someone might say that other floors don't want to do a particular treatment because they're treating different patients what maybe that particular floor was using ventilators to treat patients because they were the most severe cases, whereas other floors housed less severe cases for whom the idea of applying a ventilator isn't a consideration odd nothing in this clip is damning. And all of that could be explained by some context, which Rennes doesn't provide Mendes just completely absent. If rands was serious about this case, he wouldn't be trying to litigate it on Infowars he'd be in a courtroom, and if Rennes was trying to have this case heard in the court of public opinion, and he was serious and had the goods, it'd be wise for him to start with something that's really definitive seems to me like when you're a performer you open strong and this is not it. No. Also keep in mind that this is the this pharmacist is they look like they're supposed to be the whistleblower. Sure, but they're not a whistleblower here at all. She recorded a conversation with a nurse who made a claim rent should be getting that nurse to be helping out with this fake lawsuit instead of the person who overheard someone else make
Jordan (01:39:45.000)
a claim seems seems like that would be the direct source Yeah. Oh, whistleblower,
Dan (01:39:49.000)
someone who talked to someone who is also not a whistleblower.
Jordan (01:39:52.000)
Yeah, you know, this is why you have people tell you let people know if you're recording them, you know, like There's a contextual a this this doctor is killing my patience is a contextually within a certain group of people is meant very differently be talking shit totally yeah you can always be talking shit you can always be talking shit but if you agree to go on record with somebody then ostensibly you're gonna go there you're gonna have words you're saying or seriously likely you're gonna mean everything that you say directly instead of having to be like no I was having a bad day you know like that's just fucked up
Dan (01:40:32.000)
I should tell you I've been recording this podcast
Jordan (01:40:33.000)
I know and I've only ever had bad
Dan (01:40:37.000)
so they play the clip and audio is not great but you get a sense of it
Tom Renz (01:40:42.000)
you know remdesivir was absolutely poison in my mind I think it's absolutely a horrible horrible drug they should have never been anywhere near a human being but one of the things that not many people are talking about and this is your your pro tip for any of the other attorneys that want to get into this other attorneys in the courts but if you look you'll find the misuse of other drugs was very frequent. Not every case but known drugs morphine melasma Pam all these
Alex Jones (01:41:17.000)
admitted that they've actually killed me so let's go and play this clip here it is
Dan (01:41:33.000)
real quick he added music to it which makes
Jordan (01:41:36.000)
I'm confused I assume that she did not also add the music to this surreptitious record
Dan (01:41:42.000)
Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think it's background music in the hospital wherever they're recording or whatever you know
Jordan (01:41:51.000)
local soap opera
Nurse (01:42:08.000)
was partitioner when you got the vision today the morphine in your life our society this is what I'm talking about
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.000)
given the medication to
Alex Jones (01:42:33.000)
remember that day you were like you got the other nurses to come in and and and the big thing I get told all these top doctors, especially with common top down, you gotta get up and move around. You got to move
Dan (01:42:46.000)
around what so this means nothing. Yeah, clip is a zero, honestly, like We even were sort of talking and it feels like a co worker blowing off steam not knowing that you're secretly recording them only to use them to contribute to anti Vax conspiracy theorist profiteering. Yeah, I'd
Jordan (01:42:59.000)
be pissed. Yeah,
Dan (01:43:00.000)
I would feel used. Yep. But there's so much context that's missing from this. There's whatever they were talking about beforehand. Totally rent has characterized but I don't trust him will ever have talked about afterwards. The more he sang, the less I believe, was the music added to help cover up cuts that right, right, certainly something people can do. Also remdesivir is tough to fight in the courts because you have no evidence of your claims. Yeah, that's the reason that's the hot tip for other lawyers real tough. Yeah, it's real tough. It's tough to try cases when you're full of shit. Also, you can see Alex lag with UK sensitive story again here because this is all just a cavalcade of bullshit. Yeah, just throwing it all out there.
Jordan (01:43:42.000)
There's just any number of explanations that make so much more sense than Oh, Killing Floor. Yeah, for instance, like, hey, maybe this patient was asking for morphine, when maybe they didn't need morphine, or hey, maybe this doctor was saying, Give him some more morphine, when maybe they just needed to be leaving the doctor alone. Maybe he was having a fucking day or whatever. Like, I get it. Yeah, all of these things are not a murder floor.
Dan (01:44:06.000)
Now. It's a murder floor. Okay, well, no, this is willful murder.
Tom Renz (01:44:12.000)
They're talking about murder. And when the pharmacist said, I think this is a possibility. Instead of them listening. They retaliate. They retaliate. I mean, Alex, this is evidence of willfulness. Right, which means there is no immunity. There's no immunity for willful actions. And it looks like that's what's happening here. And what I would suggest is and what I'm calling for, is I'm calling for the Ag of Alabama. Call for the local law enforcement to start start an investigation. There needs to be criminal investigation, was their murder committed in this hospital and understand, hastening death? hastening death? It doesn't matter when that happens. If you hasten death, If it's murder, how do you distinguish between that and murder? To me, there's no difference. So we've got the lawsuit with my client, who's been trying to bring this forward who tried to bring this to the hospital's attention.
Alex Jones (01:45:13.000)
Because there's a case, not just for the victim for justice, but they're gonna do it again. They've got to expose before they do it again. We'll be right back.
Dan (01:45:21.000)
So they have not had any investigation done and are calling for the Ag to open an investigation. That translates to I have no evidence and I'd like a government agency to do a fishing expedition for me. And if they refuse to I can say that they're involved in the cover up. So it's a win win. This isn't the behavior of a serious person, let alone a serious lawyer. This is This is embarrassing shit. Yeah. Tom rands, and now Alex are accusing doctors at Ascension of willfully murdering patients, either as part of some sort of a globalist plot or for profit. They have no victim. They have a possibly disgruntled former employee who secretly recorded a co worker saying something inflammatory that's devoid of context. And that's about it in terms of what's been produced.
Jordan (01:46:02.000)
Yeah, that's not going to do it. That's not going to do well. But it might get your esuite Yeah, I'm hearing the Wolfgang Halbig sign go up and like somebody being like all investigate the hospital don't don't um, and here we are, again,
Dan (01:46:18.000)
as the AG is not gonna not gonna do like an open investigation based on this poultry. Poultry twice. Now,
Jordan (01:46:25.000)
that's the amount of poultry that it is. That's how furious it is more poultry than it is that the definition of poultry? That makes sense? All right,
Dan (01:46:33.000)
listen, yeah, Darwin's can prove shit.
Tom Renz (01:46:36.000)
These killing floors. I mean, it appears to me that this was not an uncommon thing. Okay. So I can't prove appears. I don't I don't personally and I saw that you had some stuff on that. Look at as soon as we get off air. I don't have the evidence to show that there was a Killing Floor in every hospital in the country. But it sure looks like
Alex Jones (01:46:57.000)
No, no, no, I was saying I was saying at the special hospitals. We know they shut down multiple floors kicked out the regular doctors. There were different variables where I say Killing Floor. Yeah.
Dan (01:47:07.000)
So that clip is really important, I think because you know, it shows something shows that maybe that 139 Number is Alex. Maybe Tom Robbins is just coming in with this recording that he has right of this doctor who is at Ascension think and Alex has expanded this to all of the ascension network. Yeah, because in this interview, at least, and the direct stuff that wrens had in that that clip, there isn't the 139 number. That's just from Infowars headlines. So Alex may actually be taking this and embellishing it and making it his own in terms of what might be legally actionable. stuff. Yeah. So that's fun, man, all learning. Also, when you say I can't prove something, like, shut up. Yeah, I
Jordan (01:48:03.000)
mean, you can end a sentence there. Yeah.
Dan (01:48:05.000)
If you're a lawyer intending to try an actual lawsuit around the thing you can't prove it's probably best not to spend your time going on stupid as conspiracy radio shows spouting off about the thing you can't prove and how you're so sure about it. But it's just a matter of finding this elusive proof that makes you sound like a fucking idiot. Yeah,
Jordan (01:48:23.000)
I think a judge reading that brief would be like, I just watched a clip of you saying that you have no evidence. I'm gonna get through shit. I'm gonna dismiss this with malice.
Dan (01:48:34.000)
So you start stalking, hear more about how you can't prove stuff? That's not good. And then he gets distracted? That's
Tom Renz (01:48:42.000)
right. I'm, I'm an attorney. And I always do this for your audience and everybody else I was distinguished between what I can prove with court type evidence and what I believe I'm going to tell you outright based on on a ton of evidence that I have that I don't think quite raise, it gets to the level of proof, no shit, but certainly strongly suggest to me, this was I mean, anyone with common sense, would say this is a very is it was planned, it was happening all over. They were doing this everywhere. I mean, you get the exact same thing happened. You know, you know, Alex, when I was getting these 1000s and 1000s of calls, and literally one of the hardest periods of my life, to have person after person call me and die and die and die and die. And I couldn't save them all. When this was happening, you know, it got to the point where someone would call me up, pick up the phone. Okay, how long have they been in the hospital? Okay, eight days? What are their kidney numbers? What is it? What is the respiration? Are they on the vent? How long have they been on that? I could ask a series of questions. And I could tell you and predict with 90 plus percent reliability despite the fact that I'm not a doctor, how many days they had before they were dead. And that's all over the country because the same murder protocol, the same factory Death Project was done everywhere in the country. These people, they followed the law. They followed the incentives. They followed the money. They followed the plan. And the plan was to kill people we incentivized. And still to this day, the laws have not been changed. By the way. We have laws on the book that incentivize NAFTA recovery from COVID. But the killing with COVID If you have COVID laws, the hospital gets more money. What law Medicare reimbursement you get if you get COVID in the hospital cures you you get more money, they need to drive up death numbers to push vaccines, in my opinion, that's what I think this was all about. I think it's, you know, anyone with common sense can see this. And I'm just working on getting it where I've got enough evidence to make it work in a court of law. Well, I
Alex Jones (01:50:45.000)
noticed the globalist always said on multiple fronts, they eat a bunch of death numbers not really happening. So kill people, and set the precedent be able to kill people.
Dan (01:50:51.000)
Yeah, yeah. all over all over the place. So I love this clip. Because if you really map it, like you're diagramming a sentence, you start with him saying, Look, I can't prove shit. I
Jordan (01:51:03.000)
can't say I can't I don't know anything.
Dan (01:51:05.000)
Yeah, I can't I look, I'm you know, I can't prove it. guestimation then he gets distracted, talking about how great he is at predicting death rate and predicting, oh, he's not a doctor, basically,
Jordan (01:51:16.000)
he's a COVID expert.
Dan (01:51:18.000)
Then he transitions out of that into making sensational as claims that earlier he was caveat in that he can't prove and prove what he's saying the very definitively here at the end is this is disgraceful behavior for a lawyer.
Jordan (01:51:31.000)
Listen, I can't prove anything. But common sense tells me that hundreds of doctors around this country all agreed to murder hundreds of 1000s of people in order to get a small amount of money per murder
Dan (01:51:44.000)
and to help the globalists scare people into
Jordan (01:51:49.000)
that common
Dan (01:51:50.000)
sense. Common sense.
Jordan (01:51:51.000)
What didn't what Ed would try and complicate it.
Dan (01:51:53.000)
Everyone's motivations make total sense. Perfect. It's like a puzzle. They fit together thing that fits all. You'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise. Oh, I'd
Jordan (01:52:03.000)
be crazy. Guy.
Dan (01:52:05.000)
I mean, he gets fucking disbarred. Absurd. Anyway, he has another theory about COVID. And it was meant to take things like the military and the hospital system and get the good people out. Right.
Jordan (01:52:17.000)
Sure. Yeah. All right.
Tom Renz (01:52:19.000)
You tell the military, in the military, when they when they started out was the vaccines in this and other what they did was the best and the brightest in the military quit. They're gone. Right. So whatever was willing to just go along to get along? In the same way, I think we saw the same thing with doctors and hospitals, right? It was,
Alex Jones (01:52:40.000)
it was a purge. Bingo. Yeah,
Tom Renz (01:52:43.000)
the good doctors and the good nurses left. And that ties into the ration Nightingale stuff, right? Because you have all these doctors and nurses quitting if they didn't want to get the vaccine, or they didn't want to murder patients. So the good ones all quit creates a huge shortage. So how do you fill that? Well, you fill that with crappy doctors and nurses who are willing to do whatever they need to to sell it to sell out or you know, to just following orders. just following orders. We got to purge the thing free thinkers and get those that will just orders at any and all costs. Okay. And that's exactly what was happening in healthcare.
Dan (01:53:20.000)
Now. This is just entirely made up. It's just wrens freestyling. Yeah, he has zero evidence of anything he's saying. This is just a storyline he's constructed to make the diploma scam from Florida fit into his larger conspiracy world. There's no evidence at all that this is anything other than a diploma scam, which happens a lot. There are a ton of people who want to take shortcuts, you know, don't want to have to go to the school to get the degree. There's work cut. Sure people love it. People love shortcuts. Consider Tom Robbins, and how he latched on to COVID conspiracy nonsense to catapult him into a lucrative legal career. Instead of actually trying cases. People like shortcuts. Yeah,
Jordan (01:53:56.000)
it's easier. Yeah. It's really hard to do it the like,
Dan (01:54:01.000)
make a name for yourself, grinding it out winning cases. Oh, man, you know,
Jordan (01:54:04.000)
you know, like, where you're starting comedy at. You've seen more than once. You know, you're you're doing stand up, you're coming along. You've got some time you've put things together. You've worked about five, six years. And then you see somebody who's a year or two in just catches the right wave and you go off fuck them. Yeah, that's a shortcut. I wish I could have taken a little bit different.
Dan (01:54:30.000)
That's a little different, I think because that's not always a shortcut. Sometimes people just have an undeniable talent that like is or
Jordan (01:54:37.000)
No, no, I'm speaking up specific. Yeah. Obviously I've seen people who catapulted into starters, one person they really still mad. No, no, I'm thinking one person who catapulted into stardom, who was fucking genius.
Dan (01:54:51.000)
So now rent has another theory. Yeah. Also on a side issue, and this was really him showing his cards a little bit, as if he hasn't already shown pretty much All of his cards,
Alex Jones (01:55:01.000)
tell me what else is on your cupboard. Right? Our
Tom Renz (01:55:04.000)
biggest thing I would love to talk to you next as is something called mod RNA. I don't know if you've heard of that. But I need to talk about that because it ties in with the food supply. You know, I've been doing a bunch of work on the food supply. Why I found this, I've just finding this. And I really would love to break it and make it go viral right here, because this is how they're spreading disinformation about the fact they say, well, we can't make mRNA work in the food supply. It's a lie. And I think I figured out they're doing it. Oh, you
Dan (01:55:34.000)
think you think that this is kind of too obvious of an illustration of what this asshole is all about. He has some half cooked theory that he has no evidence of something about RNA and food. And instead of proving it or even giving a single shit about the veracity of what he's saying, he wants to get it out there on Infowars because he wants it to go viral. That's what's important. It's attention seeking shift. And this is just it seems like a pattern because it is
Jordan (01:55:59.000)
yeah, I mean, I just I can't imagine wanting to hire a lawyer who says, you know, I've been I've been working on the food supply a
Dan (01:56:08.000)
lot lately. Oh, you're getting into farming? Yeah,
Jordan (01:56:11.000)
no, no, no. So there's DNA in your in your farming. And it's mod RNA. Now I'm a I'm the type of person who who tells you right up front, I can prove or disprove something. Oh, I like that. I can't prove any of this. I can tell you it's true. Okay. 100% true. Can I can prove it. Can you see your degree? I failed a few times.
Dan (01:56:33.000)
Let me see those test results. I don't think you want to do that. So this guy sucks. I fucking hate Tom Robbins.
Jordan (01:56:38.000)
I'm a better doctor than COVID Doctors. I'm a better food supply analyst than food supply analyst. I
Dan (01:56:45.000)
will say one thing to his credit, and it's not to his credit, but I think that I prefer him to Steve Kirsch, you know, in terms of COVID. conspiracist. Sure, and that is because he makes me feel something. I actually hate him. Yeah, I hate him to hoard me is nonsense. substack posts and incessant Lee being wrong about COVID stuff. I actually really resent Tom Robbins. And I feel like I would rather have something that that kind of gives me a charge of some feeling. Yeah, rather than just like they're just going through knee high mud. Yeah,
Jordan (01:57:22.000)
you would prefer the cat of nine tails when you flagellate compared to I suppose yeah, something along those lines. It's
Dan (01:57:33.000)
tough to break my skin with something. I would rather it be sharp so it gets the job
Jordan (01:57:39.000)
to take all day. Yes, I
Dan (01:57:41.000)
guess that metaphor works. So now we got another guy I fucking hate. That looks as another guest. All right, God, why? And we
Alex Jones (01:57:51.000)
are joined by the great Stu Peters right now to Peter's dot com to get a talk show host and absolutely kicking butt out there. Exposing the globalist I want to get into some of the reports he's done about the latest videos of the globalist high priests. You've all know Harare. God dammit.
Jordan (01:58:09.000)
Okay. There's a globalist High Priest now.
Dan (01:58:12.000)
So let's do Peters is doing a lot of things. kicking butt is not one of them. Do you know this cat? Nope. He's a big old talk show host. A lot of people talked about him as like the next Alex Jones who there's there's been an idea in my head possibly about doing some episodes about him. But he's just I don't know. Maybe we'll see. We'll see. It's interesting in a way that this interview is happening because many people like I said, if compared to to Alex Jones, and I don't think the comparison is too off. He lacks a lot of the charisma that Alex has, and Stu can't just ramble about nothing for an hour like Alex can, but there are some similarities. They're both insane right wing extremists who are obsessed with the devil. They both make a living skimming headlines and then amplifying and worsening whatever idiotic shade is popular on conspiracy leaning social media, but there's similarity. The other one is that Stu Peters is a bit of a filmmaker like Alex used to be ah, many people have heard of his film died suddenly, which is a load of shit attempted a documentary that argues that people are dying suddenly from the COVID vaccine. That movie was so bad and poorly researched that even some COVID conspiracy theorists have panned it. Wow. One of his main sources in that film is frequent past Infowars guest and substack idiot Steve Kirsch Also fun fact Stu has contended as recently as this month that NFL player Damar Hamlin is an example of someone who died suddenly, despite the fact that Hamlin is very much still alive.
Jordan (01:59:39.000)
i i Hamelin, I remember
Dan (01:59:43.000)
when pressed on it, he told the BBC quote, I don't know if it's a body double. I don't know if it's a deep fake.
Jordan (01:59:49.000)
Huge standing ovation. Huge hundreds of 1000s of people standing ovations.
Dan (01:59:56.000)
Okay, Sue is an idiot, but he's an idiot who commits to the bill. It will say that Well,
Jordan (02:00:00.000)
I mean, if you're gonna continue saying that after you found out that he's still alive, you might as well go for it
Dan (02:00:06.000)
prior to that film. Peters had made the movie watch the water which claimed that COVID vaccines were made from snake venom, which ie the evil forces in the world wanted to put inside you so that he would become a quote hybrid of Satan. That sounds cool. Obviously, this got a lot of attention but now is roundly mocked Steve's main source for that film was past Infowars guest Brian Artis. And before that, he made a QR on as film called these little ones, which covers the topic of child trafficking, the level of seriousness and discipline you would expect from someone like Sue. Yeah, it's trash. And about half of it seems to be about Isaac Cappy, the guy whose story about having dinner with Seth Green was so boring. Even Alex told him this shit was weak. Yeah, when they had an interview that
Jordan (02:00:46.000)
was bad. Yeah, I was so bad. I do remember the story about Seth Green's? Yeah, yeah, that was
Dan (02:00:51.000)
bad. I told him he needed to talk about chicken. And it was at a time when he was making Robot Chicken.
Jordan (02:00:57.000)
Dan (02:01:00.000)
No chickens code man. So Sue and Alex share this trait though. They are both people who are willing to just shovel out content that is immediately debunked and embarrassing, but they pretend that should never happened in service of moving on to trying to build up excitement for the next thing. They're in the sensationalism business, not in the business of making something that stands up to any scrutiny. Stu Peters is a shithead from way back. I found a great article in Mother Jones by Kyra Butler that laid out a lot of his history and what a history he's had. As is the case with most of these right wing Dum Dums stew is a entertainment industry failure who's not totally super mad that they weren't old enough to make it? No, no, no, this path is legitimately wild that he had from this Mother Jones piece. Quote after growing up in Minnesota stew Peters went to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. By the time he was 20. Though he was back in Minnesota and in 2000. He befriended the then governor and former pro wrestler Jesse Ventura is on Tyrell Ventura sounds right in an effort to land a part in a short film he was working on. Stewart was welcomed into the governor's inner circle. In fact, according to a 2002 AP report, he lived in the governor's mansion until A background check revealed that Stewart wasn't the Hollywood insider he claimed to be wild. According to this AP report, the police felt that Stu didn't pose any threat to anyone but he booked quote has several active warrants for his arrest in connection with small offenses. Yeah, that sounds a guy with a bunch of active warrants. Minnesota made friends with the governor's son to get into a short film and
Jordan (02:02:39.000)
we were all young ones.
Dan (02:02:44.000)
What a level of fraud.
Jordan (02:02:46.000)
That's, that's bold. Yeah. Bold to do to the governor. Yeah, that's That's power. I like that. So
Dan (02:02:53.000)
after they had that falling out, he tried to become a rapper, which surprisingly didn't work. I can't believe that. Yeah. And then he became a bail bondsman and made more of an impact in that field than rap for sure. Yeah. As it turns out, Stu made a habit of dressing in ways that were very similar to cops. Although he was not a cop. The Goodhue County Sheriff told the AP in 2015 that quote, anybody would think this guy is a cop. He's very much crowding or blurring the line with impersonating Yeah, still responded quote, If the concern is that the everyday Joe is gonna mistake one of our squad cars as a law enforcement vehicle. My question is, so what? In today's climate of law enforcement there are two sides the good guys and the bad guys were the good guys. Minnesota did not agree and partially because of stew they passed the state law forbidding bail bondsman from quote, using certain colored uniforms or vehicles with emblems that the public might mistake for law enforcement. There was also a slight concern that Stu was posting a lot of his exploits on social media and YouTube, and may have been trying to get himself a reality TV show, which seems like something he would do.
Jordan (02:03:58.000)
Yeah, that sounds like maybe the only thing he would do. Yeah, he's a
Dan (02:04:02.000)
shithead, who's desperate for attention, and it's pretty consistent. Wow, his bounty hunting career may have ended because he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and 2021 after his wife called the cops quote, saying he had come home drunk and was throwing things around the house. He's totally full of shit desperate for attention and seems to have a history of domestic violence. In other words, he's a perfect fit for Alex's corner of the right wing media. fits in there. Yeah, glove. Yeah, you'd
Jordan (02:04:28.000)
think people would notice that they are so similar in so many things.
Dan (02:04:33.000)
And but he doesn't have a beard. Oh, yeah. So from there, he started his online talk show and it's found an audience with a bunch of Q anon folks and you know, that sort of element, and he hits a lot of the same beats as Alex quite frankly, Christian fanaticism. white genocide fears anti Vax misinformation. They're two peas in a pod, or just two shitty peas in a shitty pod.
Jordan (02:04:56.000)
Knowing that why would you believe If anything stupider says even about what he's uh you are ostensibly agree with him about right he's lying to you yeah even if he's telling you the truth he's lying to you oh
Dan (02:05:09.000)
shit he's a liar he may lie he made a movie about COVID vaccines big snake that I know
Jordan (02:05:13.000)
but I'm like this goes way back It doesn't it doesn't he doesn't care. He's lying to you, of course. Yeah. How do people trust people who do that?
Dan (02:05:25.000)
It's a partnership of convenience you they're just trying to consolidate some sort of power and be no scam their audience that's basically what they're doing. Who cares if you can trust this person or not? They work for right now. Stu Peters has an audience. He has a sizable audience. And Alex probably wants him well, I
Jordan (02:05:41.000)
know. But I mean, that's what I'm talking about. How does the how does the audience find him and not go like, Oh, well, obviously, he's pretty
Dan (02:05:49.000)
emotional and angry in his delivery a lot of the times yeah. And he talks in a way that is meant to be a facsimile of intelligence. Sure. And so I think a lot of people get swept up in that emotionality of it and the appearance of knowing what he's talking about. Yep. Anyway, they want to put a punch, they want to put the FBI in Guantanamo Bay. Yeah,
Alex Jones (02:06:13.000)
I want to go to war with the FBI for no reason. But it is totally captured. The Justice Department is totally captured. But the good news is, America's waking up that there is a coup, we have an occupational government. Literally, we're an occupied nation by the globalist.
Stew Peters (02:06:28.000)
Yeah. And I mean, I don't want to go to war with the FBI either. I just want to completely defund them and completely abolish them and arrest most of its agents. I mean, these people are a criminal enterprise. And when you have a terrorist network, they need to be designated and classified and deemed to be a terrorist network. And then they need to be treated accordingly. Which means that you need to arrest them. And thank God that Obama didn't, you know, make good on his promise to close Gitmo because we've got plenty of room to house these people. I mean, these are high crimes. This is open declaration of war against Americans. And it's being
Alex Jones (02:06:57.000)
perpetuated I totally agree with you that we should put the leadership on the FBI and get my butt and I'm not an apologist guy. Wow.
Dan (02:07:03.000)
Okay. So the FBI needs to be classified as a terrorist organization and put it in Guantanamo Bay. This is such a funny betrayal of Alex's original brand. He spent years fairly and I don't think that he was necessarily wrong to a he was wrong on certain points, but the idea of it is, he wasn't totally wrong screen. He was just screaming about holding citizens at Guantanamo Bay. There was a single case of it, which he obviously exaggerated, too far, far more, but he made such a huge deal out of it. Now. Alex wants to start throwing his political enemies who are US citizens, and to get mo just a complete fraud. No moral center to this guy at all. Just a Oh, one in the wind.
Jordan (02:07:45.000)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that is one of those things where it's like, it's like this guy. Why would anybody ever trust Obama on fucking anything? Day said he was gonna close that shit. Look at here we are. Fuck us. Well, fuck us. Fuck Biden, fuck them all. Well, second, I
Dan (02:08:03.000)
understand some of those feelings. But I don't think that we should put the FBI and get.
Jordan (02:08:10.000)
I am not. Not I again, I don't think get most should exist. Right. So I will hold off on any other company.
Dan (02:08:21.000)
I don't think I don't think that the FBI should be doing some of the things that it does. I agree there. Sure. So long jump from there to arrest them, designate them as a terrorist organization. Put them in Gitmo. Yeah. Also,
Jordan (02:08:35.000)
if you're going to start there, from your point of view, then you have said that if I designate somebody as a terrorist group, I am then I suppose, obligated to arrest them and put them in Guantanamo Bay,
Dan (02:08:50.000)
which they presumably should be opposed to?
Jordan (02:08:53.000)
You would think strongly, especially since they have been classified as terrorist groups. Some of them Oh, shit, yeah.
Dan (02:08:59.000)
So anyway, so do you feel the same way as Alex and that is that these globalists, they're coming for the West? AP means white people? Yeah.
Stew Peters (02:09:07.000)
They cannot be referred to as any elite police force anymore. FBI, you know, anything where they rule of law here, they actually do the opposite. They subvert the rule. Have you think they've
Alex Jones (02:09:17.000)
realized how much they're discredited or destroyed or they live in their own little Obama bubble where they still think they have power?
Stew Peters (02:09:24.000)
You want to wait? The answer to that is I don't think they care. I think that the hubris and the arrogance is just right out in the wide open. These people are running a coup that is taking over the entire West and they are destroying civilization. Tomlins talking about altering the DNA of people. This is open declaration of war against freedom and liberty and they are coming for the super powers in the West. They're coming for Christianity. They're coming for the white replacement. This is all real. None of this has been conspiracy theory and are carrying it out right now.
Alex Jones (02:09:51.000)
Yeah, the UN says it's white replacement, and the ADL says a rescue we've covered the ADL says the Bilderberg Group doesn't exist. While it's on the news. Bilderberg Group to save you from Ai.
Dan (02:10:03.000)
They don't say the Bilderberg Group doesn't exist
Jordan (02:10:05.000)
is this is this like how they talk to each other in real life to do they just like say sound bites? They agree with each other back and forth.
Dan (02:10:13.000)
God, that's gotta be exhausting.
Jordan (02:10:14.000)
It's so tiring.
Dan (02:10:16.000)
Yeah, I bet they do. I mean, I wouldn't imagine there's that much more to them than this. I mean, yeah, but I
Jordan (02:10:23.000)
mean, that's that none of that is cogent. In a sense. I mean, that's just a continuous like, bag. Maybe this is something this is
Dan (02:10:30.000)
wait till later. Oh, my God, if you want incoherent there's there's more coming.
Jordan (02:10:35.000)
I mean, so what is this point? What? What was he trying to say? The globalists
Dan (02:10:41.000)
are coming for white people is that's what he was trying to say. I think so. Alright, I heard okay. So look, Stu Peters is a guy who has a lot of Q anon type beliefs. Great. You have this child trafficking. Adrenochrome. Isaac Cappy as documentary. You have a second documentary that's about COVID vaccines of snake venom. Right? You know, it's a bunch of bullshit and a lot of it is quite Q anon adjacent. Yeah. However, in this next clip, he just complete the budget by Q. He hates Q
Stew Peters (02:11:14.000)
Okay. They tell us to be pacified to do absolutely nothing that a man is writing in on a white horse to save this country. No do not rise up this oppressive government will take care of itself. The Constitution means nothing. Your inherent God given inalienable rights, they'll be restored. Just wait because there's all kinds of white hats. You know, these people have been executed they've gotten to Gitmo their secret operations being run all over the place. Trust the plan. Don't be the plan, trust the plan. And this is how they children's racism and then set up January 6, in order to put people in jail and make the fear put the fear of God into people. Don't you ever think about rising up against this tyrannical government that is ushering in full authoritarian rule, complete absence of the rule of law, which is the only recipe ingredient that is required. And
Alex Jones (02:12:04.000)
don't forget the cue said Biden when they were removed on January 20, at the inauguration and that fear was used to put troops to the Capitol. So it's both used to manipulate the public and manipulate the military.
Stew Peters (02:12:14.000)
We actually clamor for it, we beg for it. We demand a hole in our heads when they suggest that we might need one. Help me Help me Help me. You know, Brian Williams and Katie Couric. Dude, you need to onboard this bio weapon. I need to go and check myself. So I demand that you give it to me right now. I mean, they turned us into a bunch of caroms over what,
Jordan (02:12:34.000)
what does that even
Dan (02:12:36.000)
mean? I mean, look,
Jordan (02:12:37.000)
what does that even mean?
Dan (02:12:39.000)
This is this is another kind of one of those moments where I'm just listening to this on my grow up.
Jordan (02:12:43.000)
Yeah. What are you talking about? He he seems to be
Dan (02:12:47.000)
operating off of an assumption that Q anon was being done to people, as opposed to people were believing in this dumb conspiracy hoax that he clearly was also involved in believing 100 and promoting? Yeah. And so
Jordan (02:13:04.000)
they feel stupid because they got had, because you were dumb, because you
Dan (02:13:08.000)
desperately wanted to be had as you want to, like you described this. And also, Alex, I mean, do we really want to go into all the times that he said the Biden would be dead before the inauguration and all this stuff? Or how Yeah, Biden was gonna be killed or he's gonna step down so Hillary could come in or Michelle Obama bullshit. Get the fuck off it. You can't you cannot attack you and
Jordan (02:13:31.000)
people are people are. The people in this world are very, very fond of Bible verses and the like. And there is one point where Jesus is like, hey, you know, before you remove a splinter from somebody else's eye, you should take that giant fucking log out of your face, right? The log is bigger than I have ever seen it in this man's face. It's quite big. How could he even see there? He can't see. Anything? Yep. In the way of this gigantic law.
Dan (02:13:58.000)
You can see one thing, the log? Well, there's there's a sign on that log. Oh, yeah. It says we're in the fucking end times.
Jordan (02:14:05.000)
That's a rough, rough side rough log.
Alex Jones (02:14:09.000)
A football game? What quarter? Are we in? Are we losing or winning?
Jordan (02:14:13.000)
Isn't it know? And
Stew Peters (02:14:14.000)
you asked me that before? And I would tell you that biblically speaking, we are in the fourth quarter. I mean, we are in the End Times. There's nothing that we can do to stop what is coming, Jesus. We're down. With three minutes left to play seeing the deception that we were promised that we were going to see. We are seeing the trials and tribulations I don't think that we have seen a fraction of the death that we're about to see, I think that things are going to get a lot tougher because remember, we have to everybody has to wake up. And if there is only a fraction or a small portion, or which is now rapidly growing of people who are awake to what's happening around them. And those people have to still wake up which is the majority of people, then it's going to take calamities, it's going to take major, major death major destruction and you know, God said It was coming. And so I mean, obviously he is the only source of truth that you can rely on one
Alex Jones (02:15:06.000)
denial that we have. We are entering the End Times. Even if you don't believe in God, they took that and made it a battle plan. We are literally entering into one world government, one world currency, taking over our bodies, destroying our families, mass gas. I mean, there's no doubt that hell has been released.
Dan (02:15:23.000)
We're not entering into that. You already said we're leaving. For so long. It's exhausting.
Jordan (02:15:31.000)
So stupid. And so tired of the end times not ending? Yeah, I swear to God, if they don't end the end time soon, I'm going to be pissed. I'd
Dan (02:15:41.000)
be fine. I mean, like, anything that could stop. Yeah,
Jordan (02:15:45.000)
like, dude, I'm gonna do the end times then I'm now you've pushed me so far. I just want to go one way or the I don't even have a dog in this fight. Here's the
Dan (02:15:53.000)
nefarious part of the globalist endtime plan for 20 years. They don't do anything starts and then there's
Jordan (02:16:03.000)
nobody doing anything. They're biding their time part of the plan.
Dan (02:16:08.000)
So I told you, there will be some incoherence coming. Sure. This next clip,
Jordan (02:16:11.000)
oh, did we not already get to it? No.
Stew Peters (02:16:15.000)
That would be completely destructive to the entire Deep State cabal that is running roughshod on our country right now is if the majority of the people who are awake actually got organized, and then got active, so they have to develop this whole playbook, which basically is just aggregation initiatives. They need to keep us divided among develop our political party veterans and the military to look at the sovereign citizens with suspicion, they need law enforcement to see the true Oathkeepers as if they're domestic terrorists, they need to keep the Second Amendment activists on their heels with constant push for gun grabbing. They need to have the conservative and the populace and the Christians divided over whether so called Christian nationalism is a good thing or a bad thing. They were divided, you know, America, first Republicans divided with, you know, establishment fossils and the GOP and then, you know, rising firebrands like Marjorie Taylor Greene going to war with, you know, people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, when basically they're running the same role just on different sides of the aisle. I mean, the whole thing is a movie. It's All Pro Wrestling, it's all 100% Freaking fake, and they need to school kids and their parents to stay reliant on schools. So they have homosexual kid grabbing, you know, trends promoting Fox News, pundits telling people to stop our school boards and go fight with your school boards. And this is okay to be in your
Alex Jones (02:17:40.000)
design. Connors do Peters is on fire.
Jordan (02:17:43.000)
That's just a list. That's a list of lies.
Dan (02:17:46.000)
Well, it's just a list of things. Some of it's not even lies, because they're just a word.
Jordan (02:17:50.000)
Yeah, well, exactly. No, that's what I'm
Dan (02:17:53.000)
saying. It's just it's free association.
Jordan (02:17:58.000)
It's totally This is so own disingenuous. It is because it's just him like rapid firing coming off with a might as well be reading a listicle from fucking cracked or whatever,
Dan (02:18:09.000)
you might notice that he doesn't like MTG. And that's, that's something that's worth noting, I guess.
Jordan (02:18:15.000)
I mean, I don't care who they like and don't like, that guy is unable to say words. Right.
Dan (02:18:22.000)
But, but you can you can get the feeling of it. Right, right. I mean, what the feeling of it,
Jordan (02:18:27.000)
I have, I have plenty of feel. Some people do want that they can have their own feelings, right. And that's why they get them from him. Don't get his feelings, his feelings, your bad feelings.
Dan (02:18:36.000)
So one thing we talked a little bit earlier about Alex's primary brand early on, you know, like being very against people being
Jordan (02:18:45.000)
left, right paradigm. Sure and all about freedom. No. And
Dan (02:18:49.000)
one of the things, you know, that he was pretty insistent on is all this politics and elections and stuff. It's all theater, right? Just like we heard, and Alex has betrayed that in the present day. He's lost that edge. Now, Stu Peters has it.
Jordan (02:19:05.000)
He's still there. Oh, yes, he's lying about it. Because of course, he is exactly the same way that Alex was. But now he's got it
Dan (02:19:12.000)
well, but he's at least a little bit more insistent in it. But Alex doesn't like that at all. Because first of all, it kind of reminds anybody who's listening consciously at all, who Alex used to be. Yeah. And then also it's just a bad position for Alex to be in at this point.
Alex Jones (02:19:28.000)
I get what he's saying about at this point, he sees it all a staged. Well, that's a healthy way to see because most of it is stage. But people say St. Peters is an operative. I don't think he is. They say I'm an operative. I'm an operative of freedom. There are good people there may be good people that are unwittingly tied into agendas, but I I really see us waking up now. I don't trust Elon Musk. Let me ask you this question. I'm just agreeing with you. I'm just saying it's a it's a very subtle thing. I don't trust him. He's involved. or satellites to the self driving cars, the electric cars and brain chips and all of it. But I can't disagree with the devastating things. He's saying it's the New World Order and coming out against George Soros. But then he puts a W F Task Force person and over the company. But if you look at the weight of it overall, he started doing more good than bad data, see, see Liberty winning and he's hedging his bets or is it a deeper psyop? I mean, that's the way to look at this. Even if it's if it's all staged, will that I mean, worst age? I mean, I don't think that's, I think that's probably an overstatement. But I think you say in the main stage, I would agree with that. But what do you think of Elon Musk?
Stew Peters (02:20:38.000)
I mean, it's really hard to trust a person who wants to implant chips into everyone's brains and then control their actions and their thoughts.
Dan (02:20:47.000)
Well said.
Jordan (02:20:49.000)
We have strong disagreements over why we shouldn't trust Elan, but if you get there you get,
Dan (02:20:56.000)
I mean, take Elon Musk out of the equation. I agree with the statement that it's tough to trust someone who wants to buy chips.
Jordan (02:21:01.000)
I agree. Yeah, it is tough to trust. I mean, yeah, that's yeah.
Dan (02:21:04.000)
It's fascinating how desperately Alex needs to fit Elon Musk into some kind of a storyline. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? He says a bunch of bullshit that I like, so he must be good. But he put a WTF person in charge of Twitter. So he might be he's bad. Maybe he's bad. But he says good things because he knows the Patriots are gonna win. And he's trying to hedge his bets. Or maybe he's good, but he's putting in this WTF person to keep the enemies close. There's a pathetic level of unnecessary explanation. Elon Musk is an idiot who loves to talk shit. He attacked George Soros on Twitter mysteriously just after Soros sold off all his Tesla stock. He attacked the ADL after they complained about his attack on Soros. It's pretty simple. The only thing that complicates things is the delusion that Musk is a genius. If you accept that premise, then his actions are a puzzle to solve. But if you just recognize that he's a shithead, with poor impulse control, everything comes into focus. Yeah, like everything makes sense. Yeah,
Jordan (02:21:55.000)
I this is the one. I keep getting weirded out by this one. Because I feel like this is like some deep evolutionary shit. You know, this is like, this goes back to apes or something. Because there's no way that we can, using our rational brains think that Elon Musk or any billionaire should exist, period, you know, like that. Just no one should exist with a billion dollars that did shouldn't happen. No, what no human being can handle that. Human beings should not be okay with it. If somebody has it, we should be interceding for their own good and others. But somehow he's instead a celebrity that people are like, what's he thinking? Wow,
Dan (02:22:35.000)
you know, there's, there's a desire to see yourself in the position of someone who has billions of dollars for sure. I understand. I think that that impulse, I don't know if it goes back to the apes, but it's something deep rooted. It's
Jordan (02:22:51.000)
something in there because it believes no explanation, the belief that that
Dan (02:22:55.000)
could be you may be hinders some people's ability to want to push for changes that would be better for everyone,
Jordan (02:23:02.000)
I suppose, I suppose. But I mean, but that's the thing. Like, it's not being rich. I get wanted to be rich, being rich is whatever you if you want riches, go get riches. He's not rich. He's absurdly wealthy beyond imagination. Right. That is, it's inconceivable how wealthy he is. Right? Just as a baseline we shouldn't be. We don't let anybody have inconceivable amounts of stuff. Look,
Dan (02:23:28.000)
I agree with you. Yeah. But I'm just saying, instinct. Doesn't make that distinction.
Jordan (02:23:33.000)
No, it's just insane. It is. It's crazy. It's crazy. So Alex
Dan (02:23:38.000)
can't really handle the level to which Stu is saying things are stated. Right. And fake. It's a false flag. Just about everything. Yeah. Well, I guess
Stew Peters (02:23:49.000)
when I say it's all staged, what I mean, is the whole process of our government, the whole representative two party system, what happened there? Did that go away? It's back here going? Yeah. So I mean, the whole representative two party system, the whole Constitutional Republic, the idea of voting itself is completely fake. You know, the whole premise of elections, the whole premise of Republicans are going to war with this guy. And Democrats are, you know, really angry, the Republicans
Alex Jones (02:24:18.000)
are soft playing it. They're not really winning. They're rolling over, they're pretending so what you're saying is, the social contract is broken. And the main talking points are 100%. staged. I agree.
Dan (02:24:29.000)
I don't believe that Alex doesn't understand what Stu is saying that he's rephrasing what Stu said completely inaccurately, Stu, saying that the entire enterprise of civic involvement is meaningless and staged. There's no point in supporting a candidate because it's all bullshit. Voting doesn't matter. Going to your local board meeting doesn't matter. It's all theater. The idea of a democratic republic is bullshit. Stu is being very clear about what he means. Yeah. And Alex's takeaway from that is that the Republicans are being weak and that talking points are staged whatever that means. This Isn't what Steve was saying. And I think there's two primary reasons Alex has to do that little sleight of hand for the audience. The first is that Alex has now seen how ridiculously profitable it is to play around with partisan politics, particularly in intense general elections, one of which is coming up next year, he may have started his career rejecting the two party system as a sham and ignoring elections. But that was then and this is now to go back to that rejection would be to abandon the ability to rally the audience around a strongman leader, which is a really lucrative game. And Alex has discovered that so lucrative. The second thing that I think is Alex is smart enough to realize that if all politics is bullshit, and we are currently living under an occupied government that plans to kill everyone, then there is no peaceful solution left, there's literally no excuse he can give to not be involved in insurrection, because in essence, the info war is over. Or at very least, the info war is only useful as a recruitment tool and a propaganda arm for the people participating in the actual war, which would be an actual war, right? Alex loves to play around with ideas that the war is right around the corner, but he desperately doesn't want it to actually be here, because immediately his position disappears. He knows that once shots start flying, he has to either urge people to be reasonable and not fight which will likely get him branded as a traitor by his own community, or he has to emphatically support the insurgency. And I think he knows you'd be arrested immediately in that situation. Yeah, Alex only has a state to exist in. Well, the coming Civil War is inevitably right around the corner yet never arriving. Any other state of affairs is a is just not going to work. For him. It's a net negative,
Jordan (02:26:41.000)
Alex only ascends when society is in decline when it collapses. Alex is
Dan (02:26:46.000)
right. And that is a small part of the understanding of why Alex was cautioning people and yelling like don't go into the capitol in January. I was just thinking of that. Yeah, that he needs he needs to live in the point where it's about to happen. But once once she actually happens that like is a you know, crossing the Rubicon as it were. Oh, yeah. He doesn't have value.
Jordan (02:27:10.000)
Yeah, no, it's a delight to live in a comfortable, lovely city with a family and boats and shit. Yeah. It's not cool to like be on the front lines. Yeah. Which you would
Dan (02:27:23.000)
never be? No. So we have one last clip here. And they finally get around to talking about Harare, the, the guru of the World Economic Forum. Yeah, the guy who Klaus Schwab listens to about eating bugs. All right. And so there's, we're gonna hear a little Harari clip. And then stew Peters being a dumbed down
Yuval Noah Harari (02:27:45.000)
version of the new AI tools that can mass produce political manifestos, fake news stories, and even holy scriptures for new costs. In recent years, the political Institute influential Q anon cult is formed around anonymous online texts, known as Q drops. Now followers of this cult, which are millions now in the US in the rest of the world, collected, reviewed and interpreted these cue drops as some kind of new scriptures as a sacred text. Now, to the best of our knowledge, all previous cue drops were composed by human beings, and both only helped to disseminate these texts online. But in future, we might see the first Cults and Religions in history, whose reviewed texts were written by a non human intelligence. And of course, religions throughout history, claimed that their holy books were written by a non human intelligence, this was never true before this could become true very, very quickly. Whoa,
Alex Jones (02:29:02.000)
true before. So let's expand on. I'm gonna keep pulling away. I knew it before. First, give me your take on this. And I've got my point.
Stew Peters (02:29:10.000)
I mean, he said it all he said, we're going to rewrite scriptures. We're going to have a AI that make sense at all people in humans, but can actually turn them into Gods. And they said that to envision this is the, this is the eternal life that they think that they can create for themselves, aside from drinking the blood of young children that they have no idea what they were taught this is this is really seriously an issue when you have a criminal openly telling you that they are going to hijack the rest of your life and remove the human. What are you talking about lately, and an extinction level event that will be replaced by AI bots and robots? But that is really shocking to listen to and people just say, you know, well, that guy is just crazy. Everything that this guy says he fully intends on carrying out everything that these people say, The criminals are telling you what they have to do. It's part of their satanic religion. It's part of their double horn and worshipping that they have to tell you what their plan is they have to telegraph and protect and tell you learn. Listen, us to kill you and to take your kids and snatch them up and to bring them on. Why
Alex Jones (02:30:22.000)
do you think they metaphysically stupid energy to do that?
Stew Peters (02:30:27.000)
Well, I mean, that's what they're told that they have to do in order to honor their covenant with you know, the devil the real enemy, Satan.
Dan (02:30:34.000)
Yeah, so they steal Peters believes in the cosmic nonsense. intergalactic laws. Yeah. Ah, not nothing. He said related at all to that clip.
Jordan (02:30:45.000)
No, no, no, he didn't listen or understand or learn anything about it. No,
Dan (02:30:50.000)
the clip the played was somebody discussing a really interesting, maybe unprofitability possibility comes with the AI being able to write all this stuff. Yeah, you know, there could be something like Q drops that end up being created by artificial intelligence. And people will be essentially following a nonhuman intelligence. Yeah, in a way. That's fascinating. And that's,
Jordan (02:31:18.000)
that wouldn't be exactly what's going on. They wouldn't be following a nonhuman intelligence. It would be collated by a nonhuman intelligence, theoretically, if that's what he wants to describe it as, but oh, it's not an artificial intelligence. It's creating a holy book.
Dan (02:31:32.000)
At some point. It might be. It's possible. But yeah,
Jordan (02:31:35.000)
that would I mean, yeah, I suppose.
Dan (02:31:37.000)
Right. I get what you're saying now, the things that it would be pulling from would still be human derived? Right. I, I understand that as the like, current status quo. Sure. And the the near future, right. But yeah, there is a possible time when there could be a sophisticated enough AI that it could create things like AI or like, like, out of nowhere, right?
Jordan (02:32:02.000)
Well, I mean, if that's the case, I think we've we've we don't have to worry about anything anymore. Because the AI has already won,
Dan (02:32:09.000)
I don't disagree
Jordan (02:32:10.000)
that there's other things that come along with it. Applications of that are so beyond reason.
Dan (02:32:16.000)
I understand. The point, though, is that that clip is just sort of a futurist talking about interesting implications that may come along with the rise of technologies that are existing sure, are prevalent now. That is not the way that they responded to it. And I would say that if they wanted to get mad at him saying that other holy books weren't derived from non human intelligence, they could that could be an issue. That would be a response where they could be mad, and it would be responding to something that actually said, agreed, the rest of that was not related. They might as well have played a completely different clip, they might as well play no clip.
Jordan (02:32:59.000)
I know. I mean, it is it is one of those like, sometimes the starkness of their lack of curiosity is is mind blowing. Yep. You know, whenever they pull that, because honestly, I started listening to that. And that guy's thoughts made me excited, like, oh, yeah, let's think about this. Let's think about that. How did this work? I want to go learn more about how I functions. And these guys. None of that. No, they're just like, a that's because God,
Dan (02:33:26.000)
it's even beyond that. No. It is because right, because it's like, okay, complaining about Harare is hot in the conspiracy world right now. So let's just take a clip and make up a bunch of shit about what you're saying. You're right. It's lazy and non creative and pandering.
Jordan (02:33:44.000)
Yeah. God, it sucks. It's the worst form of communication there.
Dan (02:33:50.000)
But it's what they do. So look, man, man. Presentday sucks. But again, I mean, like Stu Peters being around is kind of like a I don't think it's not his first time being on the show. But like, it is something that is not good. No, the two of them. But here's just another thing though, too, is there's very similar. Yeah, two of them being together doesn't worry me as much as like him. And Steven Crowder, you know, because they're very different in terms of their appeal and their demographics and stuff. Sue Peters and Alex probably have a lot of overlap. I bet they
Jordan (02:34:24.000)
could just sit and like if they did a show together. I bet they could just sit and agree with each other's nonsense that has no relation to anything for hours, probably. Yeah,
Dan (02:34:33.000)
but I will. I will say I guess I appreciate the Tom wrens made me feel angry. Because it's something I here's here's the present day where I'm just cold. Here's
Jordan (02:34:43.000)
what I appreciate about Tom Rennes. I wrote down little Renzo law Thomas,
Dan (02:34:50.000)
for his blog, so we'll be back.
Jordan (02:34:53.000)
La W I got it. Okay. Are you sure?
Dan (02:34:59.000)
We'll let the audience decide on this one. We'll be back. We
Jordan (02:35:02.000)
don't need to decide anything. Decision was made executive.
Dan (02:35:10.000)
Suzy for another episode.
Jordan (02:35:13.000)
Until then we've worked. Oh, did we do it's elige We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight.
Dan (02:35:18.000)
Yep, we'll do that. But until then I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DCX. Clark, Benedetti, Booth validity tupu. I gotta come up with something new. I'm tired of scanning already. It's, I don't really have that many rhythms.
Unknown Speaker (02:35:32.000)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (02:35:34.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.