Transcript/722: Space Capitalism Is Still Capitalism
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red Alert acknowledged five days. damn important wedding knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge. Knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Xiang Ji or the bad coach and knowledge Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money handy dandy you're shopping Andy and Cam handy in Kansas. Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplane. Huge fan. I love your work. Knowledge.
Dan (00:00:55.000)
Knowledge Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge, right. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're gonna do like sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
Oh, indeed. We are down Jordan. Jordan damn quick question for you. You're bright spot today, buddy.
Dan (00:01:11.000)
My bright spot today Jordan is the dreamy creamy Summer Of course, he's going along. complaints that I don't do this enough. Show dreamy, creamy. So get that in your chairs? Sure. Enjoy it. All right. Okay. But yeah, what I want to say about this is that we are, you know, no more requests for buttons. There are buttons that are going out, right. People are enjoying them. And people, the compliments to the designers obviously. Of course, I'm great work. People are very thrilled about this. And I'm very excited that people are donating to the fundraiser for we are we are so close right now. To any donation could put us over the goal for the 20,000 notion. Oh, wow. Almost there. It is so close. Oh, boy. And then the
Jordan (00:02:04.000)
cheating if I do it. Like it is I mean,
Dan (00:02:08.000)
I've already given a lot to us an alias than I mean,
Jordan (00:02:11.000)
I've given a lot already. But it's like, I don't know if I should be the one who gets us over the top that just feels wrong.
Dan (00:02:18.000)
Yeah, definitely. If you're the one who gets us over the top that would feel very empty. Yeah, not as much fun. No, and the donations for the the other fundraiser for the Transgender Law Center are coming along quite nicely. And I appreciate everybody who is supporting these, trying to use me eating ice cream and making buttons to make a little bit of a difference in the world and great. That's a good thing to do. Thank you all for joining in. What's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:02:43.000)
My bright spot less inspirational. Finally did some laundry. Yeah, you know, laundry has that you know that roller coaster laundry where Rab Allah as it gets more and more filled, you're more likely to do it until you get to a certain point where it becomes less and less like becomes intimidating. Yeah. And there's just so much piling up. And every time you look at it, you're like, I've got to do that. But you continue not doing it.
Dan (00:03:07.000)
I know that feeling. Yeah,
Jordan (00:03:09.000)
I reached the point of no return on that. And then finally did my laundry. You know, it was one of those like, my last pair of underwear was not underwear so much is holes that had little bindings near it.
Dan (00:03:23.000)
I get to that point that you're describing there at the end quite a bit as somebody who is somewhat of a shutdown should reach the end of the laundry. And I think maybe because I'm more acquainted with the end of the laundry, I am much quicker to throw away those things. Because they get seen by me more frequently. Right,
Jordan (00:03:44.000)
right. That's a fair point. Yeah,
Dan (00:03:46.000)
I have I don't hide them in the back of the drawer.
Jordan (00:03:49.000)
It is an interesting situation. You know, it is all the on the other hand, you know, having that final warning pair of underwear. That's the that's the last sign before Cliff's edge. Red alert. Yeah, absolutely. That's almost comforting now to know. I've got shreds that I
Dan (00:04:07.000)
call underwear. Yeah. I mean, if you wait another day, it's Saran all
Jordan (00:04:11.000)
over. It's all over. Oh, yeah.
Dan (00:04:15.000)
Jordan. Yes, Dan. Today, we have an episode to go over. And it's gonna be some fun. So we'll get to that. But before we do it, take a little moment to say hello to some new ones. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, Alex Jones is the perfect Warhammer Space Marine. Thank you so much for an hour policy walk. I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:04:31.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:04:32.000)
Next Dan Jordan is a Sasquatch hero you got stars in his eyes thank you so much. You're now policy walk. I'm a policy.
Jordan (00:04:40.000)
Thank you very much. Picked it up there at the end. I liked I liked it.
Dan (00:04:44.000)
This one. I'm sorry this a little bit late. Happy late birthday to Quincy the thickest with two C's and silliest rabbit. You are now ballsy walk. I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:04:53.000)
Thank you very much and happy birthday.
Dan (00:04:55.000)
Cube watermelon says hi to the home slices. Thank you so much. You're an alcoholic. Well, I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:05:01.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:05:02.000)
And Amy creamy summer. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:05:07.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:05:08.000)
Thank you. Also, we got a couple of technocrats in the mix Jordan. So first blast hurt. Geez, thank you so much. You are now a technocrat, and Dan likes my stepmothers twangs when she calls into Infowars, though, I wish you wouldn't. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies. I might quit tomorrow, actually.
Alex Jones (00:05:26.000)
Just gonna take a little break now. A little breaky for me. And then we're going to come back. And I'm gonna start the show over, but I have a lot going on there. I
Alex Jones (00:05:40.000)
mean, oh, fuck you. Fuck you. I got plenty of words for you. But
Alex Jones (00:05:46.000)
at the end of the day, Fuck you and your new world order. And fuck the horse she wrote in on and all your shit. Maybe today's broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow.
Alex Jones (00:06:00.000)
And you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again. I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomorrow.
Dan (00:06:15.000)
He might be he's not I'm sure we don't know. Today is not going to be about Alex Jones. Oh, here's an out of context. Oh, no show.
Kerry Cassidy (00:06:23.000)
I have another witness that said there were nine human AI but he he is a an agent for the queen. And so he has maybe a vested interest in misleading me. Yeah, I
Solomon Berg (00:06:36.000)
would be a little skeptical about that. Yeah. Carrie,
Dan (00:06:43.000)
we got we have someone who's a whistleblower
Jordan (00:06:51.000)
do love I do love the way that you can just drop that so casually. If you're carrying just like, oh, and he's an agent of the Queen has no, that's not an absurd thing to say.
Dan (00:07:00.000)
Yeah. Also, probably not true. So if you didn't recognize the voice at the end there that is Solomon Burg. Oh, yeah. The friend of the squat. Oh, indeed. He made a return appearance on Project Camelot. And so much like, you know, when Alex sees Biden giving a speech in front of a red thing? Sure. Sure. Sure. He has got to do an emergency report court and for us if there's watchdog slash to do Yeah,
Jordan (00:07:26.000)
this is an emergency slash talk new podcast.
Dan (00:07:30.000)
Now unfortunately, I do want to I want to say something before we get into this shit. And that is that it's very obvious this guy is a listener of our show. Oh, is it super obvious now? Yeah, there'll be a couple of points on this episode where
Jordan (00:07:44.000)
was gonna say it was fairly certain if 990 9% share before but it seems like now we're in a different situation. I
Dan (00:07:51.000)
had a little bit of trepidation even about covering this now because it's so clear. Well, for two reasons. One I maybe don't want to blow up his spot. I don't know this person. So it's not like I we it's not
Jordan (00:08:07.000)
we're not running a two man game. He Oh, no.
Dan (00:08:09.000)
But I also don't want to incentivize fucking with carry. Yeah. And one of the things that they like, kind of gets me around on I still think I want to cover this is that I don't think this is a prank. Like, this isn't mean spirited. It's not making fun of Carrie for believing that this guy telepathically below like, that's true. The squirrel? Oh, no, that is true. There seems to be a project that he's working on. And maybe I'm being a little bit. I'm reading more into this than the needs be. Yeah. But there does seem to be a sense of interjecting like non neo Nazi theories into space spaces.
Jordan (00:08:54.000)
So we're thinking that someone has finally taken me up on the offer to lie their way into people be good.
Dan (00:09:02.000)
I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Jordan (00:09:04.000)
I like it. I'm willing to take that bet.
Dan (00:09:06.000)
I think it's interesting. I have no, like involvement or anything with her outside of him just very clearly being a listener of our show. And yeah, I think as long as it's not mean spirited, we're already into deep.
Jordan (00:09:22.000)
Yeah. We might as well we have
Dan (00:09:25.000)
buttons about the squat. We can't. We cannot take it back.
Jordan (00:09:29.000)
It is who we are now we have inextricably tied ourselves to the Squatch.
Dan (00:09:36.000)
So yeah, it's this is a longer interview. No, did not much about Squatch on this one. Okay. This is mostly about Mars. All right. And the history of Mars the history of mice. Well, he's an anthropologist. Wow, you
Jordan (00:09:49.000)
know what, that is a good point.
Dan (00:09:50.000)
Yeah, that is a good point. We'll get into his mission to Mars and all of the goings on and we'll We'll see what we feel as we go along. Here is the first clip just because I know you'd like to say hi.
Kerry Cassidy (00:10:05.000)
Hi, everyone. I'm Harry Project Camelot and very happy to be here today. So I have major Solomon Berg with me. And this is going to be the second interview that I did with him. And basically, we are doing a live interview here. And then I take it offline, and I do edit any glitches such as the first one, and then we put it out.
Dan (00:10:32.000)
So they're doing a live check. That's fun,
Jordan (00:10:35.000)
right? So she's doing it live. And then she's editing it and then putting it out. Not live. So just like any other show,
Dan (00:10:42.000)
right? But but it was broadcast live, streamed it on like rumble or wherever she streams. So like that is that is a like exciting element of this. All right, anything can happen. It is live. Yes, there's no chaos. No. But one of the things that I kind of considered when we were listening to the first one was that I feel like Carrie might like not believe this, or Yes, or may because it seemed like it might be too much to incorporate. There were ideas that were far more to the left of her political ideology. Sure, sure, sure. And I was I thought she'd be like, add on believe this, but turns out all in he's the real deal all in
Kerry Cassidy (00:11:32.000)
it's, it's really great to have you on my show, again, thrilled to death, to to really do this kind of an interview. Because as far as I'm concerned, you know, you're the real thing. And I know we have some other people out there that have maybe skepticism, so maybe we can kind of go down that road a little bit and, you know, get rid of a few of their, their fears and skepticism and see if we can bring them round. But at any rate, major bird is this, we call these this series of the ambassador. And that refers to the What a great name watch that he or Yeti or you know, there's other names for them, of course, that is, in essence an extraterrestrial race of beings that are here on earth with us. And he can explain that.
Dan (00:12:31.000)
So I think that Carrie is in Yeah, he definitely is saying he's the real deal. But there are some doubters. And I think that if you look at the comments, there are some people who are expressing like, I don't know about this. And I think it's because there is a mentality around all this stuff. Yeah, that exists in Project Camelot, and a lot of these paranormal or, you know, space conspiracy worlds. Sure, that has to do with that defining aliens by their race. Absolutely the pre like, it's determinative of your personality, your tendencies, right, and bucking, that is probably something that the audience doesn't really aren't ready for. Or maybe you have a tough time hearing and thinking is real?
Jordan (00:13:17.000)
Well, I mean, it is it is kind of that laying bare a certain element of racism, which is a shortcut, it is a you know, is as malicious as it is, at the same time, whenever you move it into this, like, oh, elves, and dwarves all have elfish and dwarfish characteristics, that kind of thing, then you realize that a lot of these people, it's not malicious. It's just like, I can't meet everybody. So guess what I'm deciding all elves are the same today. That's what it is, you know, because I just I have nine friends, I know them by name. And then everybody else
Dan (00:13:53.000)
is the same. That's an awful benign version of racism.
Jordan (00:13:57.000)
I know No, I the one with ELPS is that version, you know what I'm saying? That that type of situation?
Dan (00:14:03.000)
Well, and I guess if you know, if there is non hatred, that is kind of just pervading this, this sort of mindset that does categorize, then that is the kind of person that probably would be much easier to grasp, but then someone who their opinions are backed by hate. And so maybe, maybe there's some potential there, but I don't know, it could take a bit to get the audience to accept this.
Jordan (00:14:32.000)
Yeah. You know, I mean, there is a certain part of me that when you said that they're more left of Kerry's political ideology. I don't know if she has like an ideology that is rigid, right, so much is something that he's like, influenced by whatever whomever is talking to her and, I mean, you know,
Dan (00:14:54.000)
but she she very much, you know, through her conversations about the things that she believes are true. Who is almost always on the reactionary? Right, Drew? DREW? And so I find it difficult to categorize her any other way. Yeah, no, you're right. And when I say that he's more left, I mean, just more like in terms of seemingly more about civil rights. stuff. Yes. Maybe maybe things that that folks on the left are more generally treating
Jordan (00:15:27.000)
all as equals at least. Yeah.
Dan (00:15:30.000)
So, last week we spoke John Solomon Berg was in a bunker in Israel, because Squatch had to get out of the US. Yeah. Now they have come back to the Pacific Northwest rates. Yep.
Jordan (00:15:41.000)
They've really they've returned. Uh huh.
Kerry Cassidy (00:15:43.000)
Major Berg, can you explain maybe your new circumstances and also speak to the idea that some people question whether this is actually you're legitimate? And this is real?
Solomon Berg (00:15:56.000)
Yeah. Yes. So I have heard from some individuals also, who expressed concerns and I want to address that, and I wanted to explain that I am actually transmitting from a different location than you previously last saw on the app. So I'm coming to you actually, from the Northeast us. I've come back home, I've been permitted to come home with Squatch with the ambassador. He is currently he's been given some land. That is sub shirted, and two acres on it or drones keeping safe. While he awaits transport offworld he was able to reach a ship operated by his own people, via the Overmind. And that ship is traveling through a spaceport quarter. That will be here within a matter of weeks. And the ambassador will be leaving this planet
Dan (00:17:11.000)
farewell ambassador.
Jordan (00:17:13.000)
Dammit, I love I love him being called the ambassador could not love that name. It is fantastic. Yeah. And if he needed to he could end if there if there was a revenge plot. The ambassador also does revenge. You know, like if somebody kills the ambassador's daughter. That's when you find out he's played by Liam Neeson the Squatch. And then it's it's a perfect name.
Dan (00:17:33.000)
Yeah. It's it's something that fits in a lot of great places to DJ, the Polish ambassador,
Jordan (00:17:39.000)
a good name. It's just a good name,
Dan (00:17:40.000)
throw it in.
Jordan (00:17:41.000)
And he has so many great connotations of like, this is a person willing Oh, exactly what you do. No, no, no. But
Dan (00:17:47.000)
you embed a liaison.
Jordan (00:17:50.000)
When you go someplace people feel good for a while. And then there's a war I think.
Dan (00:17:55.000)
Yeah. Then there's brand ambassadors. That's a highfalutin title.
Jordan (00:17:59.000)
I mean, that. That's so fun.
Dan (00:18:04.000)
So yeah, scratches leaving. That's certainly quite a development. I think he said he's in the Northeast. I could have sworn he said he was in the Pacific Northwest. Yeah, he might have misspoke. Yeah. Who knows? Maybe Squatch is in the Pacific Northwest. And he's in the Northeast. Yeah,
Jordan (00:18:20.000)
maybe he was permitted to return home as a Squatch. So I mean, because Squatch is being monitored by drones. So he doesn't need to be
Dan (00:18:26.000)
well, and in the northeast, you're not going to find the suitable
Jordan (00:18:32.000)
watches is, you know, Florida or running the Pacific Northwest, just in upstate New York. No, not happening. But this watch doesn't turn around in the Hamptons. And then he's like, Oh, shit, I went a little too far.
Dan (00:18:46.000)
Nope. So yeah, they're back. Better than ever.
Jordan (00:18:52.000)
I like a few weeks. I like a few weeks is a time bride. That's great.
Dan (00:18:56.000)
He explains that, like some of these ships, they could travel much faster, but it would be a waste of fuel.
Jordan (00:19:03.000)
Absolutely. That is so fucking that is exactly what makes
Dan (00:19:10.000)
it's talking about how like these, these sorts of space programs. Yeah, they're conservative in nature. Not politically, but actually, you know, yeah. conserve resources.
Jordan (00:19:20.000)
Safety first. Yeah, absolutely. It's
Dan (00:19:23.000)
like that's, well, that's a logistical concern that I guess is absent from so many of these these stories. Yeah. But
Jordan (00:19:29.000)
you know what, you don't necessarily want to be like, Oh, we're a type two civilization, but we still got to pinch pennies. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's a little bit. That's a
Dan (00:19:38.000)
little bit disappointing. You don't get to be a type two civilization by spending all your pennies either. You're certainly not getting to type three. Right? You're right. No, you're not rock. So the skeptics have some questions and Berg has some answers. And
Kerry Cassidy (00:19:54.000)
I also would like you to briefly explain, you know, you have some scope. things out there, explain, you know, your rank, the military relationship to the military and how that all works.
Solomon Berg (00:20:09.000)
Yes, I'm a military scientist. So I think there were some people who were expressing skepticism about my presentation or my application that I didn't seem like a typical Marine. And that's because I'm not a typical Marine. I was attached to the Marine Corps and went through Marine Corps training. And was given the rank and earned the rank of Major through a series of motions. But most of the time that I've been part of the Marine Corps as an institution, I have been engaged primarily in research. And when I have been on sabbatical from the military, I have been engaged in research, I am my sense anthropologists, I have been trained in both physical and cultural anthropology, little bit of linguistic anthropology, but that's not my, my main focus by my primary focus is cultural and physical with archaeology experience also. And I really am just someone who figures out other cultures, whether that is, you know, foreign to Americans or extraterrestrial? I, my expertise is people, whether we're talking about humans, or Draco or Sasquatch, I'm a people person. So my, my sort of focus has always been the social dynamics of different life forms. And sort of the intersection of evolution, biological evolution, cultural level,
Dan (00:22:02.000)
there's a humanity to the topics that he's taught. Absolutely. These are there's a, he's talking about cultures of complex groupings of aliens and, and that it's so much more interesting.
Jordan (00:22:18.000)
I know. I mean, we're not shit talking while he's talking. I'm interested is like, I realized that
Dan (00:22:24.000)
it's fake. But it's a more interesting and rich world to discuss, than the traditional like, Oh, yes, the Raptors are fighting with The Beatles, right? Or whatever. And I'm like, I don't know, I don't understand why that wouldn't be infinitely more compelling.
Jordan (00:22:42.000)
I'm with you. I'm with you. And the, the anthropologist as a sci fi protagonist is so great. It reminded me of out of the silent planet with CS Lewis, whenever you had a linguist be the protagonist leaving the planet, you know, and it's like, that gives you so many options of communication as being the point instead of like, we can't talk so let's kill them. You know, like that kind of thing. There aren't those confusing elements and appreciate
Dan (00:23:10.000)
for all of Lovecrafts failings, which are many. One of the thing that is really great about the way the stories work is the protagonist is almost always a frail weirdo. Yeah. Interested in history or aquarium, bookish type. Yeah, like that's the that that does lend itself also to that perspective being how things are viewed. Yes. And an anthropologist anthropological view of alien cultures is like, there's so much depth
Jordan (00:23:40.000)
to it. It seems like the only rational way to view them honestly. Well,
Dan (00:23:43.000)
I don't think that two people who are into Karis world are all that into I think that like,
Jordan (00:23:48.000)
weapons. Yeah, no, it does it.
Dan (00:23:50.000)
There's space Second Amendment.
Jordan (00:23:53.000)
I think they're more like space dads who suddenly stopped can't stop reading about World War Two. I think that's what it is like, Oh, there's another documentary about Hitler or the Squatch. I'm watching either one, that same thing, you know.
Dan (00:24:06.000)
So Carrie brings up that he has left Israel and come back to the United States, of course, and then Berg drops a bomb on Carrie.
Kerry Cassidy (00:24:15.000)
Oh, last time we spoke, you were in Israel, you had originally been in the US under military sort of housing and all of that sort of thing in the US. And then you had a reason because of if I understand it correctly, and recall it correctly. The treatment of Squatch was getting questionable in the US you were concerned for his safety. So you made a deal with the Israelis. And because you have a Jewish background. I'm not I don't know if that's the only reason but they they allowed you into their country. You lived primarily underground with Squatch. So now you're back in the US and you're above ground So can you cover that ground world got everything I've just talked about in your own words and explain how did those different periods like first with the military second, you know, in America then with Israeli military and now you're in the US, how does that work?
Solomon Berg (00:25:18.000)
So going back to our original issue Yeah, squats was not in physical danger here. But squats was in danger of being exploited for what I described just propagandist purposes. So squats who now he we're calling him the ambassador as you've kind of named him but as I mentioned before, they have a title system in their society so they use titles like the architect or the doctor or the timekeeper. This watch has become known to his people as the ambassador.
Dan (00:25:58.000)
I'm wondering if that's a reference. Maxwell keeper. Yeah,
Jordan (00:26:01.000)
what a great yes and right there.
Dan (00:26:05.000)
How could you resist being like I named the squat
Jordan (00:26:13.000)
gotta feel great. Yeah, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Can't argue with that. All the sudden, he's got ambassador and carries naming an episode, the ambassador like that's just at him.
Dan (00:26:25.000)
Like, if you accept that all of this is real then Kerry's got to be feeling like well, this Squatch knows that I came up with that name likes it, and he's taking it on as its own. Absolutely. That's, that's pretty cool. Yeah.
Jordan (00:26:38.000)
Carrie has inadvertently become a member of the Squatch tribe, but in some
Dan (00:26:44.000)
ways affect its culture. Yeah. So Berg had to get out of the United States for a very specific reason.
Solomon Berg (00:26:50.000)
It was actually the Air Force that found him. And they weren't even looking for Sasquatch. They were investigating the UFO sighting, a different finds watch. Squats was held at a base in the north in the Pacific Northwest. But because of the US government's relationship with the Draco, we knew we knew that there was going to be a struggle for splotches narrative. Because Squatch has been hunted to pursue by the Draco and hunted and pursued by the Pleiadians. And we wanted to remove Squatch from being in the middle of that struggle. So we did that we went to Israel because several of us qualified for the right of return. So we were able to get citizenship relatively easily to the Squatch. But that was always a formality. And we were kept on a very short leash here at an underground base that was a former missile complex. Now that base was nice to us by the Israeli government. Unfortunately, we came to an end of that lease term. So we had to feel
Jordan (00:28:19.000)
sorry, we got another renter man, I'm sorry, if you're not willing to pay an extra 200 a month, then we've got another person.
Dan (00:28:26.000)
He says it's not financial in nature, the inability to resign the lease, let me Squatch broke something I love it is a really grounded explanation.
Jordan (00:28:40.000)
We lost the least we lost. You know what it was here? And I'm going to tell you that because it's bullshit. Okay, it's bullshit, right? They had a pie with a decibel meter right outside of our fucking underground hut. We went one dB over 110 And now they're legally able to kick us out. It's bullshit, man. That's
Dan (00:29:01.000)
what it is. Problem is Squatch likes to party squad loves to party. So that here is one of the points where I think that you really you get these aspects of what I do think that this influence is positive in this space space.
Kerry Cassidy (00:29:19.000)
Can I just pause you there and ask you, you know, and I guess there's some things you can talk about maybe in more detail and some and less so. In this situation when you say that the lease came to an end and you couldn't negotiate? continuance So why couldn't you continue? Is it a question of money? Was it a question of politics? Was there actually something behind the scenes motivating the change?
Solomon Berg (00:29:45.000)
Wasn't money okay. It it had to do with swelled squashed you didn't want to be dependent on any government and toward you know, in between At the time that we spoke Squatch actually became somewhat uncooperative with the Israelis. And so that kind of transfer onto us.
Kerry Cassidy (00:30:12.000)
Now, is that because the Israelis are? I'm not sure how you want to put this? I think they're closely to the Anunnaki relationship, or is it? You know, it's was that that like the underlying what made Squatch not cooperative? Or was their demands made that that watch wouldn't agree to,
Solomon Berg (00:30:36.000)
there are high ranking on the Naki. In the Israeli government, to be clear, the Israelis themselves are not any more related to the Anunnaki than you or I are. But there certainly has ties to the Anunnaki. In the same way that like, there are some governments here with filter tries to organize crime.
Dan (00:31:03.000)
Sure, you got you got Kerry trying to say Israelis are related to the Anunnaki. Right closely. Right, which is a another group thing. Right. And berg is coming in? No, there are some Anunnaki that happen to be exist within the Israeli government. Right. But that has nothing to do with the P. Right. Right. Right. That's, that is an important distinction to be able to bring to this because I think that gets blurred so much. In the conversation, again, with the sort of simple and easy categorizing of people.
Jordan (00:31:35.000)
Well, I mean, what is ultimately what you have to look at that but say is like, listen, because someone on the Naki and Jews fucked 100 years ago, it doesn't mean that all of a sudden, there's a race thing going on. That's all it is. It's some people fucked a while back, that's it the end,
Dan (00:31:52.000)
well to carry that means that they're more on doesn't? Well, yep. So bird came back to the United States, but part of his job now is doing this with Carrie,
Solomon Berg (00:32:06.000)
they we needed to get out from under the shadow of the anokhi organization. You know, the the Anunnaki are not reliable. And we knew that this relationship wasn't going to last, we were stalling for time. Fortunately, my handlers back here in the States, were able to convince my colonel that I should be allowed back with supervision, obviously, I don't have the same kind of freedom I once had. And, you know, part of the condition for my return is that I'm, I need to be doing these sorts of interviews, I need to be managing the public relations aspect of budget black break, and for a while, because God we're supposed to be this public.
Kerry Cassidy (00:33:06.000)
Okay. So that that sounds like on the one hand, the Americans want you to do interviews. On the other hand, they're not happy about the fact that you need to do interviews.
Solomon Berg (00:33:18.000)
If they're going to be interviewed, they want to make sure it's me in control of the narrative.
Kerry Cassidy (00:33:24.000)
I see. Not letting
Dan (00:33:25.000)
anybody else nope, get in on his game. possibly ruin. And we'll
Jordan (00:33:29.000)
don't fuck about Jay squats. No, no, no, no, excuse me. If somebody else comes on our show, on this show, if you carry and starts talking Squatch the American government will stop them. Yes. That is how it works here, man.
Dan (00:33:45.000)
Anybody claiming to be with black Kraken?
Jordan (00:33:50.000)
Do you know what happened? I'm the ambassador's ambassador. That's what's happening now. I'm an honorary ambassador for the ambassador and I'm coming on your show carry you want Ain't nobody fucking about
Dan (00:34:00.000)
do you want to eventually get Squatch
Jordan (00:34:04.000)
if you want to if you want to dream of this Squatch coming on this show is through me it goes through me.
Dan (00:34:10.000)
One of the things that Kerry runs into that is an issue is Don't your bosses hate me? Like, right, right, right. Yeah, and No, maybe not.
Kerry Cassidy (00:34:20.000)
That's interesting, because, you know, I'm often considered, you know, persona non grata by the American military. Now. It depends what branch and you know, I'm sure. And, of course, I asked different brands, questions that other journalists don't. And so, did you run up against that kind of an issue?
Solomon Berg (00:34:47.000)
No, actually, the people who I deal with like my colonel, they are familiar with your work and they are not mainstream military. They are all I love it. Jacksonville, Florida Nice. What do you call the secret space? There are a lot of names The Secret Space Program because there are actually multiple different space programs that are clandestine.
Dan (00:35:12.000)
Yeah, ours doesn't just like you,
Jordan (00:35:14.000)
oh my god, I enter your space and I carve out my space. And at the same time, I make sure that the walls are so thick, no one can enter my space in your space. That's fantastic.
Dan (00:35:26.000)
It's been 10 sided. My Space is a boss. Yep. And he likes you. So now you're in my space. And
Jordan (00:35:32.000)
you like me? Yep, we're done. This is this is such a clinical manipulation. And is it is a CVPs.
Dan (00:35:41.000)
I don't know if it's manipulation as much as ingratiate? I don't
Jordan (00:35:45.000)
know. Yeah. I mean, whenever Steve EPS does it, it is malicious manipulation. And I think this is just actually being a, you know, a nice conversational person. Very similar results.
Dan (00:35:55.000)
Yeah. Yeah, just hopefully he wants to use this, in rode with Carrie to tell her that, like, events didn't have
Jordan (00:36:07.000)
been manipulating you for 20 years. But the funny of Berg ripped off a mask.
Dan (00:36:15.000)
So Kerry wants to know, if he works for the real President of the United States, which is, of course, his trouble. I've
Kerry Cassidy (00:36:22.000)
worked for Jim Carrey, this under Space Force. Oh, and I, or Air Force? I guess, if there's a distinction now. And is this by courtesy of? Are you able to say I mean, I understand there's a whole, you know, thing going on here. So Is Trump the fact that he's commander in chief and remains that since the election and the fact that Biden is not? Are you doing your negotiations with a group that is under Trump, or this other? What appears to be a sort of split in our military under Biden?
Solomon Berg (00:37:03.000)
Well, we keep ourselves pretty separate from any kind of partisan divisions. Because our concerns really are not to do with earthly matters, not
Jordan (00:37:13.000)
Solomon Berg (00:37:14.000)
What do I give a shit distinctions like Democratic and Republican, don't really make a lot of sense in space. That should be the simplest act from Space Force is basically a joke. You know, there's no, I had a good laugh when that was announced. You know, everyone in the know, kind of it was very meta. I'll say that it was a meta moment.
Dan (00:37:42.000)
Because that already exists. Yeah, no, exactly. Is that Yeah, crates and Republicans don't make sense in space. There's a poetry to it. So anyway, is there's no
Jordan (00:37:55.000)
Yeah, no, no, this is this dude can turn a phrase.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.000)
Yeah. No, no
Jordan (00:37:59.000)
doubt about it.
Dan (00:38:00.000)
There's a couple couple poetic, little empty the, this is an expression of something that takes care of a giant problem for you, in terms of having to talk about like petty Earth politics. Like if you had to get bogged down in that with your story that you're spinning. Yep. It might be too much of a hassle. That's just sidesteps the entire thing. It's like you look from space, who cares? Yeah,
Jordan (00:38:27.000)
absolutely. No. And it's it is it is such a thing that must throw carry for a little bit of a loop. Where it because so many other people so much well, yeah, and so many other people on our show are like happy to get into that
Dan (00:38:41.000)
you don't care about the midterm. Right? You know, that kind of thing.
Jordan (00:38:44.000)
And to just say, what should be the most obvious thing in the world? If you are in space, who gives a fuck? That seems very, that seems very simple.
Dan (00:38:55.000)
And it has a like a bit of a anthropologist vibe to it, too. So you know, it all fits.
Jordan (00:39:01.000)
Yeah, having having a distance not just metaphorically, but literally from the subject that you are ostensibly studying. That is, that's good storytelling
Dan (00:39:12.000)
now. So he had to live underground with Squatch in Israel, and that was tough.
Jordan (00:39:17.000)
Did they have a line painted between one half of the good okay,
Dan (00:39:24.000)
actually, no, that's not true. They lived in like, human places. There was a big enclosure for this one's like artificial nature. For squats. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. And also I don't know how you're gonna rent that to somebody else. Quite frankly. It's very specific building pretty nice. Yeah. Anyway, living underground was tough. It was
Solomon Berg (00:39:45.000)
especially hard on squats because squats more accustomed to natural setting than we are. But squash didn't have an artificial habitat down there. It's just the same drum for me. I was a headache and poor sleep. Mold artificial light. So since I've been upstairs again, I've really enjoyed taking walks outside I was able to quit tobacco no longer spoken those black and mild
Jordan (00:40:15.000)
love it. Fuck yes. Black and mild
Solomon Berg (00:40:18.000)
hearing themselves says a new lease on life No pun intended. So
Jordan (00:40:26.000)
what do you tell is that that is black and milds all the things
Dan (00:40:32.000)
well actually this is important, because later in the interview, he's very conspicuously rolling a joint they couldn't be a cigarette. Smoking tobacco, so it's very clearly a joke.
Jordan (00:40:49.000)
He's still by and black and milds. Okay, smoking what's inside the block?
Dan (00:40:55.000)
joint, and it very clearly smokes during the interview towards the end, that's fantastic. Yeah, it was a little bit weird. I was like, why shouldn't carries you back? What are you doing?
Jordan (00:41:10.000)
Why isn't anybody on the show before? That's that is that is that should not be as groundbreaking for a space show as it does seem to be somebody should have been doing something or at least paraphernalia
Dan (00:41:24.000)
getting dug with carry. So yeah, Squatch is leaving and Carrie and Berg have different views on it.
Kerry Cassidy (00:41:35.000)
Okay, now, it seems kind of like a tragedy that Squatch is is planning to leave the planet. So can you talk about how that's come about?
Solomon Berg (00:41:45.000)
I couldn't understand why you or other people enthusiastic about this President's here might consider that a tragedy. My feelings about it are bittersweet, because, you know, he's a deep close friend of mine. But I'm happy for him. You know, he I mentioned to you before that he is very young for one of his people, and he really, you know, hasn't had a lot of life experience. And if he's going to live up to the title of the ambassador, he needs to see more of the universe. So I'm glad that he was able to find people who have the resources to support his personal growth and development as a humanoid being.
Dan (00:42:39.000)
Yeah, so Carrie sees Squatch kind of as a thing. Yeah. Whereas you know, Berg has this. I am a guy. I'm friends with this guy, Harry. I'm happy for him being able to reunite with his people.
Jordan (00:42:53.000)
We're in a classic Drew Barrymore et situation this is this is of course, a bittersweet goodbye. The man needs to go this Squatch needs to go home, of course, and with the bonds we've made will never be forgotten.
Dan (00:43:06.000)
Right. Right. You'll always be able to contact the ambassador telepathically. Think
Jordan (00:43:10.000)
about it. When I look up at the stars. I can barely get a grasp on the Overmind and then I know that tangentially Squatch is there the ambassador's waiting for me? Squatch.
Dan (00:43:20.000)
The ambassador is always looking out for me. Yeah. And I think that this is this is one of the things that gets into this difference in the mentalities sure there is the the robustness and richness of the view of the culture. There is the individuality that is allowed for alien beings. Yeah. And I think that it's it's not that different in that he's just making up stuff about space. Right? You know, but it is very different in how you would approach these topics. Yeah.
Jordan (00:43:57.000)
Well, I mean, pop culture has me you think about Independence Day or movies of that ilk, wherein it is not dealt with ethically at all as to whether or not we should be dissecting aliens and shit. You know, it is not put together for anybody that oh, we should absolutely not be doing this. This fucked up shit. We should try you know anything else. And so it is it is reasonable for most of her guests to constantly be like, Oh, we studied these, these aliens, as though they were a thing to be studied as opposed to something to be engaged with, you know,
Dan (00:44:34.000)
some of it may just be a feeling of like, it's payback because the grace that I don't know. So we're gonna get into the history of Mars here in a moment.
Solomon Berg (00:44:44.000)
We need to talk about Mars. We need to talk about the 11 months I spent there and what I discovered there because I think your listeners deserve to know you know what their tax dollars have I became four over there. But I want to go back because Mars is history is very important. It's important understanding the colonial history of Mars Mars has the population it does today. Wow.
Jordan (00:45:22.000)
Wow, it is so much. It is so much like you listen to a history class is good for people in reality to know about history. But if people are just unwilling to engage with reality, maybe we need to have made up a history that allows them to understand colonialism though Ray the rest of us do. Like I mean, that's what you have to do you have to create like a completely like, Okay, this isn't one to one. This is not I'm not talking about what you think I'm talking
Dan (00:45:53.000)
Leopold, the plug in.
Jordan (00:45:57.000)
Right. See, when you murder the Aboriginal people and steal their land, what do we call that? Bad? All right, thank you.
Dan (00:46:07.000)
Yeah, space makes it more interesting. Yeah. So he started planning his first mission and getting into this whole thing back in 2010. And this is where I was like, Yeah, this is too obvious. Yeah.
Solomon Berg (00:46:20.000)
I'll just start at the beginning. So back in 2010, I was a younger man. And I spent several months training and preparing for a space mission. This was under the auspices of project black Kraken. I was tasked with this mission by my colonel Lionel's for Ligety. He's sort of black Frank. He's our boss. So nothing goes on there that he's not aware of. backpacks on this mission. I trained with the person who would be my research assistant when I was there. I'd mentioned him before Daniel Emmerich, Jordan. All right. She had a lot of responsibility. For the excavations. We did their archeological research, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Yeah, I
Dan (00:47:28.000)
think that Daniel Jordan is pretty clear. But also
Jordan (00:47:33.000)
Yeah, it's it's two fairly common name. Yeah. Using
Dan (00:47:36.000)
Alex's middle name as the middle ones a little bit too. But yeah, so that was where I was like, All right. Yeah, we're 100% sure on this now,
Jordan (00:47:43.000)
now, I really do kind of feel like he was disappointed in us that he was like, You guys really weren't 100% Certain on that one. Fine. I'll fucking up the ante. For you. I'll hold your hand I'll spoon feed you what you need.
Dan (00:47:58.000)
And there was a part of me like I said that thought about like, well, I don't know if I want to do another episode because it could be like blowing up his spot. You wouldn't act like this. If you didn't want yeah, abs discussion or whatever. He didn't want us to realize this is what he was doing. Yeah. So he went into space and 2011 and man who was boring. The trip, there was so boring long trip.
Solomon Berg (00:48:22.000)
In January 2011. I boarded a transport rocket and was taken off into low earth orbit, to a station in geosynchronous orbit, small space station transfer hub. And from there, I took the shuttle snow moon, orbital shuttle to a small troop ship. Black Craig intrusion. Now I spent four weeks on that troop ship traveling from Earth to Mars. At height, but sub relativistic speed. We did not go interdimensional we did not use the ship's FTL drive to get to Mars that would have been a waste of energy. This was a fusion pulse driven spacecraft. We were able to get to Mars in about four weeks. It was a boring trip. This was not like the Starship Enterprise. I was in a smelly bunk room with a bunch of other Marines and some egg ads. And I read a lot of paperback novels and play poker. It was really one of the most trivial mundane parts of this whole there.
Dan (00:49:45.000)
See, I think that this kind of thing is really good for the storytelling show because you know, this would be such an opportunity to add like weird just decoration tell story. Yeah. And to have like Who here's an opportunity to take us swing and instead you you know, you let it pass and get a ball Sure. Or whatever that's that's good about it. No, my metaphor.
Jordan (00:50:08.000)
Yay got it got a little away from me. But yeah, when you think about the the different type of improv that we get from so many of these guests, it's always like, everything is exciting. Everything is that thing that instantaneous beat you want to hear they
Dan (00:50:25.000)
always know. Yeah. And there's a couple times where he's like, I don't really know. That's upside Yeah. That's not my job. Yeah. So like, yeah, those those instincts to just like, not do the thing. It's pretty, it's pretty powerful in terms of making it seem more like it's an actual store. Absolutely.
Jordan (00:50:45.000)
Like I mean, it is it is the way to look at the the journey, the same as any fucking marine journey like it from your loading out. Yeah, if you're on a boat from Hawaii to Vietnam, or whatever it is. It's not an exciting journey to get there. No, I imagine it's the same thing. But for weeks, you know, that's what it would be. Yeah, you wouldn't even be able to look out the window.
Dan (00:51:14.000)
And guess what, what, it was still even boring when he got there tomorrow. Of course, it was there's a lot of paperwork, oh, no,
Solomon Berg (00:51:21.000)
got to Mars. I was exhausted, I was tired, I was cranky. And I had to go through processing. And sift through several hours of orientation videos about all the environmental hazards on Mars. So, you know, dealing with bureaucracy after that trip was grueling, then you're taken to a lot. You're given your pressure suit. You're given some other survival gear, and you wait for a golf cart to come and take you to your assignment. So I was taken to a base, I stole my things. I was given another orientation, just you know, where the toilet was located in the mess hall, all the other facilities. And then they asked me if I was ready to see the dig site. And I said that I was. And I got back on the golf cart. And we went over to the face. And capital letters, face of bars is a cavern. And beneath that cavern, is a shaft that leads deep down into another subject.
Dan (00:52:40.000)
Yeah, so there's a dig site down. It's the face on Mars. So
Jordan (00:52:44.000)
the literal face on Mars that we're going to assume now is actually a face. Yes.
Dan (00:52:49.000)
A humanoid face. Yeah, underneath it is a cavern. Right, the shaft and another cavern. Right, right. Right. This is this is ripe for discovery. So yeah,
Jordan (00:52:59.000)
so there's a shaft into caverns.
Dan (00:53:02.000)
I wasn't I don't think that's the intent was gotta rethink. So he had to spelunk into the cave with his team. And that's fun. If Daniel Emmerich Jordan wasn't enough. This is where I was like, Alright, this is overkill, okay.
Solomon Berg (00:53:19.000)
And I pretty much had to spelunk down there with my gear on my back with my team in order to get to what we call the sterilize. So there were these pillars with glyphs, which were being run through a computer matrix to decode them, and they wanted archaeologists and anthropologists to be able to give them contextual cues to aid the decryption process. So I was part of a team of dozens of specialists. I mentioned Daniel Jordan was my research assistant. I had a bodyguard there who also had some anthropological training. This was a young Marine named Fiona Celine Beijing girl. Lives always lands on her feet.
Jordan (00:54:19.000)
Oh my god.
Dan (00:54:26.000)
Yeah, buddy on there Yeah, aren't the cat aliens are like archaeologists, like digging and litterboxes. Isn't that like, kind of their characterization and past episode was that
Jordan (00:54:41.000)
I thought they were more characterized in that language term of not really doing that much.
Dan (00:54:48.000)
I don't know. I think they I think they might be archeologists interesting. But yeah, the feline contessa I know is something that we have heard about. Yes.
Jordan (00:54:59.000)
I don't know. Can't remember. I
Dan (00:55:00.000)
can't recall you Oh, my cat now exists in the story. You hear that? Celine?
Jordan (00:55:07.000)
what a what a weird thing that echoes whenever you make choices. Weird. What a weird thing that you know a while back, you're on a whim. We're like, oh, let's do space. And now here we
Dan (00:55:18.000)
are with a saline or even let's take it back further. You know, so years before that I decided that I was going to get a cat even though my apartment didn't allow pet through and I had had to sneak through if I had not made that choice who knows where we
Jordan (00:55:35.000)
what a what a crazy journey life is.
Dan (00:55:38.000)
Yeah, it's like that trip to Mars. boring as hell.
Jordan (00:55:42.000)
And it takes weeks at least Yeah.
Dan (00:55:45.000)
So Carrie. So here's what happens here. Berg has pictures of the glyphs or these drawings that he's made of the glyphs. You can't see them on the screen. Right. He has them in a notebook. Why Sam? So Carrie thinks she sees those like images and she's like, Wait a second. You owe me some pictures.
Kerry Cassidy (00:56:02.000)
You do owe me some pictures. You promised last time to send me some
Solomon Berg (00:56:07.000)
Yeah, so I wanted to touch base on that. Squatch does not want his photo released. He is very concerned about facial recognition
Jordan (00:56:29.000)
oh my god,
Solomon Berg (00:56:30.000)
so I apologize.
Dan (00:56:33.000)
That's a perfect explanation. Why can't you provide a picture cloud Squatch won't allow it he's worried about facial recognition. software's it's you can't get around it got to do that is a sneaky pictures.
Jordan (00:56:48.000)
Funniest possible explanation? facial recognition software. Yeah. Because that's so great. Well, it's so good
Dan (00:56:57.000)
facial recognition software could be used to hunt down other swatches. Don't you remember, other swatches are out there? Look, I'm
Jordan (00:57:06.000)
not saying I'm just saying that if we were Uncas chic. I'm not too worried about people mistaking Chewbacca for the wrong person. Or facial recognition software picking Chewbacca out from the crowd. It's not our thing, man.
Dan (00:57:19.000)
Well, super chair. But some of the scratches aren't as hairy. That's true. That is true. They do shave. Yeah, to fit in. I
Jordan (00:57:27.000)
do actually have to do odd jobs. The young Squatch Yes, I recall.
Dan (00:57:32.000)
But the Yeah, it's this is an explanation that you can accept. Well, yeah, I guess there's no way around that, I suppose. Second, it's making it like oh, that's my fault. I promised that before running it by squat. Right, right.
Jordan (00:57:47.000)
Of course. You know, I'm sorry, I got a little too excited. Yeah, a reasonable a reasonable explanation. Again, I just I just think of Harry and the Hendersons having a fake facial recognition software subplot. And it kind of it's it's exciting and also a really bad idea. Bring
Dan (00:58:04.000)
it back for one time special episodes,
Jordan (00:58:08.000)
to Harry to Henderson's. So gets out of control these glyphs Yeah. And they reveal
Dan (00:58:14.000)
something that is earth shattering.
Jordan (00:58:18.000)
I mean, literally earth shattering that is in play
Dan (00:58:21.000)
Earth history will never be the same. Okay,
Solomon Berg (00:58:24.000)
so Mars has been continuously inhabited for 1000s of years. So this is part of what I discovered when I was there because believe so first of all, humans are not the only intelligent life present on Mars currently, or in the distant past part of what I discovered in that sub cavern so I'm face to face with these these stellar a with these glyphs. And I'm thinking okay, so this has to be the remains the ruins of an alien civilization. But the remains the fossil remains that we found associated with these ruins. Were human. So, it was really a watershed moment us standing down there in this cold damp cavern. Realizing we were in North Dakota, I've been human beings on Mars.
Dan (00:59:22.000)
They've been humans have been on Mars for so long.
Jordan (00:59:25.000)
Okay, so we're throwing out we're throwing out humans. We're on Mars first came to earth. No, and then forgot about Mars. No, we're not doing that one. No, no, not adding that in there. No, we're saying that we independently evolved on Mars simultaneously. No. Okay.
Dan (00:59:41.000)
At some point.
Jordan (00:59:44.000)
Okay. See, that's where we're at. Okay, about 70,000
Dan (00:59:47.000)
years ago, naturally, we'll get to this as he goes along
Jordan (00:59:51.000)
Badgett. So the history is what we're going to learn. Whew, like ancestors
Dan (00:59:55.000)
of human sure went to Mars. And that's where Are they right, right? I assume they got dropped off. Yeah, yeah. Atlantis is involved. But we'll get to this here in a little bit. Now. Now we're talking. There was a reason, though, that they were brought to Mars. It wasn't just for fun and games. It wasn't, you know?
Jordan (01:00:17.000)
I mean, if we're concerned about wasting faster than light fuel just to get there, then yeah, there's no reason to bring people if they're not useful.
Dan (01:00:24.000)
No, there was there was, there was there was an issue that humans were needed to solve.
Solomon Berg (01:00:30.000)
So do you remember in the first interview we did, I mentioned to you that in prehistory, prior to about 70,000 years ago, humanity was much more genetically diverse. And that actually when geneticists and physical anthropologists look at humanity today, there's a lot of missing genetic diversity. Humans are pretty much the same all over. We're, we're we don't diverge genetically that much from each other because we're all the descendants of a handful of survivors who were leftover from an environmental cataclysm that decimated much of the human population about 70,000 years ago. But at the time, the kingdom of Atlantis was active on bars and began transporting now we're in
Jordan (01:01:21.000)
different territory, CRO magnons
Solomon Berg (01:01:23.000)
and other contemporary humans who were dying off from Earth to Mars as a labor class.
Jordan (01:01:35.000)
Oh, the Atlanta Oh, okay.
Solomon Berg (01:01:39.000)
Working Class cavemen that Earth had been destroyed, and there was no going back which was a lie. And these primitive humans on Mars were anatomically cognitively modern just monsters, you and I and had social complexity and ingenuity and creativity and religion. They became the new working class of Mars to replace the original worker cast their the trucks who we talked about before, which are on and insectoid species.
Dan (01:02:18.000)
So as it turns out, the issue was that the trogs weren't creative or adaptive Gotcha. For the worker class that was needed on Mars, right, right. So these humanoids kromagg and ask, sure, humanoids were brought in right by the Atlanteans. So the legionnaires
Jordan (01:02:37.000)
went to a foreign land, tore people from their homes, and then brought them into a labor class system.
Dan (01:02:44.000)
You might see some parallels Oh, yeah, there's some interesting dynamics at play. So when Atlantis created this colony on Mars, they had a specific goal in mind and that was creating like a welcoming mat for the Milky Way.
Jordan (01:03:04.000)
Okay, so but Atlantis was still originated on earth in this in this storyline here, right? It's not Atlantis was originally Mars. And then
Dan (01:03:14.000)
it's unclear, but I think that they Yeah, as far as our story goes, today, yeah. Might as well originate on Earth. Although the our alien hybrids who are in Atlantis Pleiadians are on anokhi or Gotcha. Okay. Anyway, they wanted to create a welcoming mat for the Milky Way. And that was to be this Mars base.
Solomon Berg (01:03:36.000)
So Atlantis was a multi species community, right? The Atlanteans were one of a number of colonies of the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation created a colony on Mars that sort of became the Milky Way's welcomed that there was actually something called the Andromeda Stargate, which was a huge Stargate that used to be in orbit of the fifth planet of the solar system, which no longer exists. But this was a stargate that permitted ships to travel from the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way. So, Mars was this advanced cosmopolitan world, and all the member planets of the Galactic Federation sent their best to Mars. Their best representatives, their artists, their scholars, their intellectuals, that are craftsmen, their finest warriors, but the Draco's, although they were members of the Galactic Federation, hated what Mars stood for, and they took that opportunity to dump their unwanted so they sent mutants and criminals and outcasts and political exiles to Mars. But those So, those Draco and reptoids formed their own civilization there, and were able to become part of the grand or Mars community.
Dan (01:05:10.000)
They are not defined by being the outcasts of the Draco. Yeah, they can come into a place and integrate and become they're welcomed into this community and they can they can be productive members of the Martian base.
Jordan (01:05:24.000)
That's how it works that is describing Georgia.
Dan (01:05:28.000)
This is great. I mean, like in terms of the underlying message of it, absolutely. It's because any other story about this would be like they come in and they're the ones who Well, I mean, really everything I mean, the
Jordan (01:05:41.000)
the implication whenever other guests on Project Camelot say that is that that is because they are those things. Yeah, they send those gross mutants and all of those stuff because they are gross mutants are not and they are be anything exactly not because they're they're people who have been defined as such, right? That is because they are
Dan (01:06:03.000)
and again, these kinds of things are immigrant refugee analogues in the sort of space talk, and what have you. And the the notion of embracing and welcoming in immigrants and recognizing the potential and ability for people to Yeah, to merge together and create prosperous societies is not something that you generally see. No,
Jordan (01:06:29.000)
I mean, no, it is it is like the it's like the potato famine. It's, it's like the British cavemen tried to fuck everybody up, and then they had to go to America. And everybody's like, Oh, you guys grab him, and then that's fine. And then here we are, and we
Dan (01:06:44.000)
paint the river green. You should good. You should be a history teacher.
Jordan (01:06:46.000)
I'm fairly quick.
Dan (01:06:49.000)
Take long so that 70,000 years ago, the humans got brought in to be the worker class to replace the truck right naturally. Then, about 68,000 years ago, a leader Rose who was a bit of a demagogue
Solomon Berg (01:07:03.000)
in 68,000 BCE, or there abouts, which was known as the beginning of the chrysalis era. So chrysalis was that individual that human Anunnaki hybrid who ascended to the position of supreme technocrat on bars, and crystal X. One of the things he had to do in order to cement himself as leader and endear the trogs to the technocracy was he engaged in a lore struggle with the queen of the trucks. Now, tribes are not very wise, but they their brains, the brains of the queens are like massive, organic computers, they process a lot of information. They're very knowledgeable brain bugs, and he had to have kind of a brain battle with the brain bug.
Jordan (01:08:02.000)
Okay, all right. So we we rap battle our way into the future is what we're trying to describe.
Dan (01:08:08.000)
I mean, have you heard Delta on 33?
Jordan (01:08:09.000)
I have I have you have to eventually rap battle your enemies, regardless of what the original conflict may be.
Dan (01:08:16.000)
Yeah, so chrysalis rose, and needed to win over the trog. Naturally, to be in order to be seen as the ruler, right. And so he did brain battle with the brain bugs gotta, we'll get back to this. This
Jordan (01:08:30.000)
thread is gonna say that needs to be that needs to be addressed way more, because these this
Dan (01:08:35.000)
is not actually gonna get back to the brain battle. But I need to know we're not gonna get back to that. But we are gonna get back to the saga of chrysalis. Okay. Well, I mean, yeah, but first we have to introduce the brother of the chrysalis empire. Well, we have to we have to introduce another character into the mix who exists in the present day. Who berg is friends with. Okay.
Kerry Cassidy (01:08:55.000)
My understanding is, as I recall, and Randy Kramer talked about, I think battling the trogs
Solomon Berg (01:09:02.000)
Yes. So there are still tribes on Mars and there are skirmishes, but there are far fewer Tron highs than there used to be. Just like there are far fewer reptoids on Mars than there used to be. And there was skirmishes with reptoids too, and we're gonna get into that interpretation, man, I was on very close terms with the leader of a large number of those reptoids who I mentioned to you and my communications His name is Drew's and we're going to talk about Drew's because he's important.
Kerry Cassidy (01:09:36.000)
Okay, could you say his name a little more clearly cuz it's not clear. Drew's
Solomon Berg (01:09:43.000)
so i There's no, you know, that I can only spell it phonetically. Because obviously, as people don't use obvious less characters that I've been spelling it D are you using? So Drew's he's a warlock But I presume he's still on Mars. I haven't spoken with him since I left. But if if anyone's in charge there would have to be him unless, you know someone has challenged him. But he
Jordan (01:10:12.000)
to a brain battle I assume.
Solomon Berg (01:10:14.000)
The leader of a ragtag army, Mo motor enthusiast lizards on bar, who are sort of the warrior cast of a remnant of the reptoids civilization that has been forced into a nomadic lifestyle. By colonialist human encroachment.
Dan (01:10:36.000)
He does compare this to Mad Max. And I think it's because it's a baby too. Too close to
Jordan (01:10:42.000)
a little bit sons of Anaconda jerky. Yeah, in a way. Yeah,
Dan (01:10:46.000)
we have biker gang lizards by a guy named Drew's Drew's
Jordan (01:10:52.000)
in the biker gang lizard. He's not a terrible country band. Yeah,
Dan (01:10:57.000)
I can see it. So yeah, he's become he's friends with Drew.
Jordan (01:11:02.000)
He's friends with Drew's the warlord with the bike riding
Dan (01:11:07.000)
rights, right. But we'll get back to this.
Jordan (01:11:12.000)
Yeah, that's not important. For
Dan (01:11:13.000)
right now. We have to get back to the thread of chrysalis. Because we need to nail down Martian history if we're going to be able to understand the culture and the picture that is painted. Right. And so yeah, the way it works, right, so Chris elix started getting this, this power together. And here's how he did that and what he did.
Solomon Berg (01:11:38.000)
I told you about the ancient history of Mars and how the working class of Homo sapiens from Earth were transported there. But Mars was largely depopulated due to the wars that chrysalis started. So, chrysalis engineered resentment between the tribes and the reptoids in order to create violent conflict, and he then capitalize on fear of alien violence to unite humanoid. When you take a primitive people, and you teach them how to read and write and use machinery, you organize them as a working class. And that's what happened to these caveman on Mars.
Dan (01:12:37.000)
So the humans right on Mars, right have been organized into a working class, which causes some tension between the trogs reptilian NatureWatch Yeah, and as a demagogues, the flames division, fear of alien, right and all of this, which of course, leads to devastating wars. Yeah,
Jordan (01:12:58.000)
I believe it was called the John chrysalis society.
Dan (01:13:03.000)
So there is something that is at the root of all this tension. Yeah. And Mike down for this will blow your mind. Okay.
Solomon Berg (01:13:12.000)
There was a labor crisis on Mars because the workers realized that they could bargain collectively, for higher wages for better working conditions for sick a childcare, they realize their collective labor power, and that created a political crisis that chrysalis promised to deal with. So chrysalids became supreme technocrat on the basis of his promise to keep labour in check.
Dan (01:13:44.000)
Chris ILECs is a union buster.
Jordan (01:13:46.000)
Yeah, I mean, it does sound like Chris elix and Howard Schultz have a lot in common it
Dan (01:13:51.000)
is a labor issue because the caveman who got brought to bars real right that collective bargaining is powerful right
Jordan (01:13:59.000)
right right now that is that is almost exactly that of
Dan (01:14:03.000)
dealing with unions. They Chris Alex decided to go to war.
Jordan (01:14:06.000)
Now. That's just that's just the way it is. Man. That is just it is it is so relatable, and yet so dark, so dark to think that regardless of what planet you're on, it is impossible to get past capitalism. Wow. Like you just can't fucking do it. It's brutal. Well, how depressing that
Dan (01:14:28.000)
Yeah, I mean, wherever you are, if it's on Earth, yeah, bucks. Yep. up in space against Facebook.
Jordan (01:14:33.000)
Facebook's the end of the day, it's all about the bench of space. Bernie space. Benjamin, yeah, exact space Germans. So the Anunnaki are based jamuns is a very different.
Dan (01:14:44.000)
So the the, the Anunnaki are very tall. So carry wants to know if Chris elix was very tall.
Jordan (01:14:51.000)
Can I ask a quick question about cilix? If I know the answer, well, yeah, it'd be it obviously is crystal crystal X is Atlantean. mixed with on anokhi Not one of the human, I believe, right? Yeah, he's not been elevated from the working class to. Okay. No, I just needed to be sure on that.
Dan (01:15:10.000)
Well, real sense, the sense that I get from this as he was external to the ground that came from or Gotcha. Okay. And he rose to supreme technocrat.
Jordan (01:15:20.000)
Yeah, absolutely.
Dan (01:15:21.000)
And he was, he was pretty tall too.
Kerry Cassidy (01:15:25.000)
And how tall was chrysalis? chrysalis was
Solomon Berg (01:15:28.000)
like a tall human, he was about six and a half feet tall. Because he was mostly humanoid, some, as we've discussed, some Anunnaki are more reptilian than others. And there are many groups today claiming to be on anokhi. And it's not always clear that all of them actually are. It's very popular to claim you're on anokhi It's sort of like how a lot of white people like to claim their part Native American talked about their Jewish galaxy to get credit.
Jordan (01:16:15.000)
Yeah, what are you gonna say to that carry? on that ship?
Dan (01:16:20.000)
A lot of aliens live up here to get street cred.
Jordan (01:16:27.000)
Oh, make sense. Yeah, no, of course. No, one thing? Yeah, no. And of course, and Carrie can't say shit to that. Because it's like, if she acknowledges that at all. It's all up in the air at this point. Now, it's like, Wait a second. Are you saying that it's possible now and hear me out on this one. Some of my guests may have been claiming things that weren't true.
Dan (01:16:51.000)
Maybe. Okay. All right. So yeah, but also like some of these aliens are claiming things that are true. So maybe some of our guests are telling the truth, but these aliens are lying to That's
Jordan (01:16:59.000)
true. There's just no way to know none. Yeah.
Dan (01:17:04.000)
It's impossible. I'll go to the grave wonders mystery one. Last Words baby. So chrysalis needed to crush labor, of course. So he started a war.
Solomon Berg (01:17:16.000)
Naturally, there was a massive war that was basically precipitated by Crystal X, promising to do everything possible to stop the general strike. And the alternative to a general strike was total war. So there were massive numbers of young humans conscripted into the army of Mars at that time, and put in units with on Inaki and play in Atlanta game controllers. And they were at first organized into militias that protected human settlements from indiscriminate violence between tribes and reptoids. But then those militias became reorganized as a singular army that went to war on two fronts against both the tribes and the reptoids. So most of the working class humans were conscripted and killed in that war. And Mars was very scarcely populated for a very long time. until the 20th century, so quite a jump.
Jordan (01:18:33.000)
That is a big time job. So we're talking about 67,000 years,
Dan (01:18:37.000)
give or take. Yeah, somewhere around there. There's a long stretch where there's sparse population because of Chrysalis is on a willingness to negotiate with labor.
Jordan (01:18:47.000)
Yeah, I mean, it does seem like that is the ultimate end point, no matter what, no matter where you're going, if you can't negotiate with labor, where again, we're eventually going to die.
Dan (01:18:57.000)
So we get to the 20th century. Yeah. And then more things start to happen. Right on Mars, McDonald's, opens their first restaurant, it's unclear if those corporations are allowed to operate on the Mars base. That
Jordan (01:19:11.000)
is an interesting question, but
Dan (01:19:13.000)
a certain rake decided to go to Mars. God damn right. It's the third
Solomon Berg (01:19:20.000)
one. Ah, we're getting up to the point where I come in, but allow me to lecture for a little bit longer carry because you're least in what happened right before World War Two. Okay, so she's right, established a colony on Mars. pre World War Two era Germany, traveled to Mars in several large space. Verner von Braun, how are we gonna get there are a large number of military and civilians, and paramilitary like SS to the surface of Mars and build a colony there. Now you've heard of Operation Paperclip. Right, Ron and how Nazi science fell into allied hands after World War Two. Yeah, guys, it was the public face of of Operation Paperclip. People know about what's the secret about the public space program. But what they don't realize what most of them don't realize is that
Jordan (01:20:33.000)
say, come on.
Solomon Berg (01:20:37.000)
Part of the transfer of access science to ally hands involved the deed to the Mars colony.
Jordan (01:20:46.000)
Yes, yes. So the deed that
Solomon Berg (01:20:52.000)
they're transferred to American ownership. US and UK joint ownership, but in practice, rarely American. It transferred, but a lot of the German civilians stay. So, when you look at Mars today, you'll notice that there's a lot of German civilians present on Mars and other European nationals but most of you will
Dan (01:21:25.000)
notice that if you look at Mars today,
Jordan (01:21:27.000)
just nonstop beer gardens, just Oh man, it's just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare in October everything is just oh, just drunk. It's red it's not supposed to be harvest colored god damn it.
Dan (01:21:43.000)
So yeah, the deed the space D was part of Project Paperclip. But honestly that makes so much sense why why why space deeds existing doesn't
Jordan (01:21:55.000)
make up for that
Dan (01:21:57.000)
the base from being a Nazi base to was taken over by ours. In Project Paperclip. The sad part of it is like that anchors it to reality in a way that's like that solid and in
Jordan (01:22:09.000)
and in one of the few actual conspiracy kind of at least names. Yeah, along with me. Crazy actually, if
Dan (01:22:20.000)
we took in Nazi rocket scientists, why would you say why wouldn't why
Jordan (01:22:24.000)
wouldn't take a deed the whole fucking world take anything is Yeah, I love the idea. I could because this is glossed over. Carry should have followed up on this. But are you telling me that Hitler was like, Hey, listen, we got to send all these people up to Mars. We got to make sure we have some SSH agents on there to keep them in line. Is that is that kind of the thought process behind that? That you're sending a colony of people to Mars and you include fucking secret police?
Dan (01:22:57.000)
Also it's absurd. Also, what happened to them? Like where they tried? I mean, great. The bars base did they were they nervous? My God, I swear Hitler is no no, he actually he died in the bunk. Okay, but I'm
Jordan (01:23:13.000)
just saying that the boys from Brazil or you know, the boys from Mars. It's the same movie
Dan (01:23:18.000)
while there is actually a city, Brazil and Mars. Oh, that's scary. So when bird got to Mars, yeah, he had this HR stuff. And within his first day though, he went and visited the bazaar. Oh, is it the mark which is basically the I got the sense that it was okay. But it's it's not dissimilar to the cantina. Oh,
Solomon Berg (01:23:47.000)
I went to a bazaar outside the base right where I lived. And that bizarre is frequented by a number of extraterrestrial beings from different planets. I actually got into a fight there with a mercantile dog rather hard. pushy, inappropriate with a human determined sex worker. Now, sex work is legal on Mars. Sex workers have unions. They have legal rights. Gotta move. I don't think this book is called dog was aware of that. But I
Kerry Cassidy (01:24:34.000)
just stop you right there a mercantile. What?
Solomon Berg (01:24:40.000)
Jordan (01:24:41.000)
Oh, okay. All right. Carry them from your fucking show. Yeah, don't act like it's crazy. You're the one who said it. I'm not crazy for saying mercantile dog. You're the one that said it. Not me. Not me, man. Don't tell don't try and be you'd like all skeptical. Oh, mercantile dogs. That sounds a little unrealistic. You shut up.
Dan (01:25:05.000)
It is illustrative of how non invested Yeah, people are in maintaining their own mythology. Yeah, exactly. I understand I've forgotten 100 things that we've talked about inside jokes
Jordan (01:25:20.000)
vary. Yeah. 100% No idea. You know,
Dan (01:25:24.000)
I'm sure there are references in this to things that we've said in the past that I have. I don't even get
Jordan (01:25:29.000)
we have done several. I mean, at least almost 2000 hours of this. Yeah, that's that's too much to remember. For anyone thinking
Dan (01:25:37.000)
about it too much. impedes my ability to make tomorrow's episode.
Jordan (01:25:42.000)
Makes us real. Yeah.
Dan (01:25:44.000)
So Chris elix. Yes. Oh, also this ends up resolving okay. They get into a little bit of a fight that could have caused an interstellar incident that would have been better if Daniel Jordan and, and Berg were able to create a distraction. The German woman could get away. Oh, that's nice. And then calmer heads prevail. That is nice. But Chris elix. His war had long standing implications. And there's there's some troubles.
Kerry Cassidy (01:26:13.000)
What was your absolute, you know, clear cut. I mean, I assume you had something of a clear cut mission that had a beginning and an end. So what was it?
Solomon Berg (01:26:22.000)
I was there, as an archaeologist and paleo historical cultural interpreter. My purpose was to understand the nature of the conflict of the chrysalis era, the the labor crisis that precipitated a political crisis that led to civil war on Mars. And interspecies war, that depopulated Mars lead to very sparse, almost stunning habitable conditions. They're one of the things which are unusual from a result of this more in the weapons that were used was the Martian supply of water became extremely scarce and that has a lot to do with the activities of Drew's and is water Raiders. The shit before I got to the bizarre on my first day after having seen the human remains in the cavern underneath the face on Mars. When I came back up from that cavern, we were surrounded. We were surrounded by motorized vehicles that were like ramshackle, like, just slapped together. The gasoline war horses war wagons manned by lizards. I don't know what else to call them. I mean, I got to know them very well. In my time there I spent a lot of time with these these beings. I'm comfortable
Kerry Cassidy (01:28:06.000)
are these? Now I'm curious. Are you Are you familiar with the Raptors?
Solomon Berg (01:28:12.000)
Israel raptors, I am familiar with raptors. Raptors,
Dan (01:28:16.000)
these were no rap. These were no Raptors were lizards on bikes.
Jordan (01:28:22.000)
I appreciate her being like listen. Lizards on bike. Absolutely. But what kind where are they raptors? Right. What are we talking about here? Yeah,
Dan (01:28:32.000)
if they're friends of Mark's Not, not
Jordan (01:28:34.000)
that not? I'm not worried about them riding motorcycles on Mars and being water Raider. Yes. Yeah. Not at all worried about that? Yeah. Yeah.
Dan (01:28:42.000)
So the water quest that they had is actually why they surrounded Berg because they wanted that water and the way they went about this exchange. Fascinating.
Kerry Cassidy (01:28:57.000)
Why did they surround you?
Solomon Berg (01:29:01.000)
Because they wanted our water. They knew as an expedition operating outside the confines of a base we would have had to bring a water supply with us and we were vulnerable. are still suits were broken. So typically, what Druze their warlord does, is he surrounds you. He turns on sound equipment and blasts you with noise, to get your attention. And to kind of terrorize you follow up when he gets really theatrical and jumps around and he behaves in a very entertaining way. And if you realize what he's doing, it's possible actually to get out of this situation where without any physical injury. What Drew's wants is a display of respect. And if you show respect by sharing water, the most that will happen is you'll basically encounter the marks in version of Street Theatre. So like, you know, when hippies would pretend to hold on, should protest the Vietnam War. This is sort of what Drew's does. To protest human territorial encroachment.
Jordan (01:30:34.000)
Fantastic. You
Solomon Berg (01:30:35.000)
do not share your water if you try to protect it. Well, he will fight.
Dan (01:30:41.000)
So you have a biker gang of lizards surrounded them. The leader is doing a dance. Yeah, singing and acting weird. Yeah, just wants you to sort of ceremonially and ritually share your water with him. Yeah. And this is something that only an anthropologist would really understand.
Jordan (01:31:00.000)
I mean, switch the motorcycles with a bus and you got Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, like there's very there's not much difference here. Well, he
Dan (01:31:06.000)
did say like, if he's trying to levitate a bus exactly, you know. I'm with it. I find I find this to be quite engaging. This is this. Yes.
Jordan (01:31:17.000)
I mean, I wonder I wonder about his his process here. Drew's because if he's not giving you the heads up, that there is a quick and dirty way to get out of this situation by just sharing water, then it's either a test or he's fucking with people, you know, it could be a test it because if it's a test, then that's then it's like, you have to be Jim, you have to be pure of generosity in your given in your sharing of the water. In order to pass the test. Well, I'm guessing tell you that you either give us the water or you die? Well, I'm guessing that
Dan (01:31:53.000)
it's a situation where this is something that's done in their culture. So other groups that run into each other will do this, and then they share water, and it's sort of a way of intergroup bonding or something like this, like ritualistic gift giving Sure Sure Sure sure. I would assume that it's like that. Yeah. And that people who are like not have their you know, lizard shochet would have a responsibility to know that all right, and to not know that and to act in a way of not sharing your water would be a sign of disrespect exactly or something and I don't understand exactly how Berg would know that without having studied these.
Jordan (01:32:36.000)
I mean, he isn't anthropologist when he's he's probably
Dan (01:32:40.000)
does he have of these biker gang lizard? He's friends with Drew's not yet this becomes friends. That's fair. That's fair. Yeah, this is his first day on Mars. That's true came up from the cavern and then Drew's had him surrounded
Jordan (01:32:54.000)
what a dramatic first day after weeks of just sitting in the in the spaceship doing nothing. Poker Yeah, that's that's a crazy first day it is filling out paperwork. And then Drew's drops by
Dan (01:33:05.000)
Yeah, so if you don't share your water, Drew's will fight you. And I think carries this is such a like a fascinating clip to me.
Solomon Berg (01:33:13.000)
But if you do not share your water if you try to protect it, well, he will fight. So I
Kerry Cassidy (01:33:21.000)
will how will he fight with a gun with a with his physical strength there?
Solomon Berg (01:33:27.000)
They have plasma weapons and lasers, but they really prefer melee weapons. Traditionalists that way, absolutely love a warrior called
Dan (01:33:36.000)
berg is in the middle of describing something that is an incredible insight into a cultural group that that Kerry believes is real. Yeah, there's so much to learn from understanding like how these groups interact with each other. Sure, sure. What
Jordan (01:33:54.000)
are we talking guns or knives? Exactly.
Dan (01:33:56.000)
There's such a preoccupation with like fighting and how they do battle. Weapons. Yeah, I think that preoccupation is fun stuff yet to the detriment of what could be interesting within this, like storytelling space. Yeah,
Jordan (01:34:12.000)
I mean, it honestly honestly, did not occur to me to ask if there were weapons involved. You've got a cultural situation where he dances and sings to get you to give him some of your water. Right? And if you do so generously, we're fine. And if you are a hoarder, then you get attacked when you get speech. Capoeira didn't occur to me that weapons would even be involved. You're on Mars, they poke your helmet and you explode or whatever giant lizard Exactly. Why would you need why he's got claws and shit. What are you talking about? What Oh, do they use plasma guns? Okay,
Dan (01:34:46.000)
right. It's so far down the list of things that are interesting about this story.
Jordan (01:34:51.000)
Because where did that originate from? Does this does this have its own cultural history? Is this like a SKUs with Genesis kind of situation?
Dan (01:34:57.000)
You know why? This is the Priyanka Patient I think it's because that's, that's hard. That's really hard to be the Dungeon Master who has created deep lore. Yeah, for stuff. Yeah, it's it's even when you're talking about like actually describing cultures that have like a richness to them or like tradition and you respect them, respect the culture and the individuals that make up the culture, that that is really, really tough to do. Whereas talking about like, they all have lasers. Right, right. That's pretty easy. Yeah.
Jordan (01:35:33.000)
And they do use, they do have that kind of metonymy about the weapon leading to a categorization of class as well, you know, like, Oh, they're gun users, and thus they're part of this stratosphere in
Dan (01:35:45.000)
the universe, a tool versus a machine tool. That is a yes. 100% equipment that we couldn't even imagine. Right? Tool.
Jordan (01:35:54.000)
Hierarchy. Absolutely.
Dan (01:35:56.000)
So Drew's becomes friends with him. And we'll find out exactly how but Carrie wants to know one other thing.
Kerry Cassidy (01:36:06.000)
Okay, do they wear clothes? They do.
Solomon Berg (01:36:09.000)
Actually, there are motorcycles. So one thing you should know about Druze is at one point Drew's found a portable television and German made portable TV don't say this intercepted a lot don't do it. I live in symbols from Earth. So actually, in the style, that human stereotype back so apocalyptic bikers
Jordan (01:36:34.000)
definitely they watch bad back
Solomon Berg (01:36:37.000)
chainmail and leather and kind of plays into those tropes intentionally in order to really build a mystique around himself the way a good warlord should. He's a very charismatic lizard
Dan (01:36:59.000)
that's a great that's a great button.
Jordan (01:37:01.000)
He's a very charismatic Lizzy. Yeah, got you gotta give it up to him.
Dan (01:37:06.000)
I got to know this warlord.
Jordan (01:37:08.000)
Give it up to the Martian pirates. Yeah.
Dan (01:37:12.000)
Understood kind of appropriately, you're gonna learn a little bit more he is not so much a warlord as he might appear to be sure he's just the more the chieftain of his people. Externally there may be the vision of him as kind of a brute or, or as a warlord. But there's there's layers.
Jordan (01:37:29.000)
In order to protect his people's way of life. He has to demonstrate a show of force to keep people away. I get it.
Dan (01:37:35.000)
So Carrie has another question. And this leads us to exactly how Burg Andrews became friends.
Kerry Cassidy (01:37:41.000)
Does she speak English?
Solomon Berg (01:37:45.000)
He speaks English that he learned from watching Earth television. So yes, he speaks English but he has some odd turns of phrase that are a little bit anachronistic like Cowabunga Dude he's the kind of guy who still says cowabunga no GET THE FUCK
Kerry Cassidy (01:38:08.000)
became a friend. Is this started a friendship with him under the circumstances when you were surrounded. Go shader
Solomon Berg (01:38:18.000)
when I made the call to share the water rather than hoard it Drew's considered out of all annually we we did have to fight there there was they actually had to attach a metal articulated artificial tail to me so that I could fight in this way against but it wasn't a fight to the death it was more of a ritual like a wrestling show for entertainment control, ease tension after the tense standoff over the water. And you know Drew's Drew's was
Jordan (01:39:01.000)
an interesting guy.
Dan (01:39:04.000)
Yeah, they had to have a ceremonial fight. Sure, sure. And that makes sense. You know, like they're sort of
Jordan (01:39:10.000)
damped and today Yeah,
Dan (01:39:13.000)
so yeah, there's a there's a sense that they had to do this as like this is the way this am sure. You know, we don't just walk away from this successful exchange. You have shown me respect I'll show you respect back but right must engage in the form of combat Well,
Jordan (01:39:29.000)
that is the respect Yeah, no, that is respecting you enough to treat you as one of them you're in the ritual form of combat
Dan (01:39:35.000)
fake till you get a fake tail.
Jordan (01:39:37.000)
That means you're one of the people Yeah, that's how it works is that they become
Dan (01:39:40.000)
friends and Berg ends up spending quite a bit of time with Drew's and his people. How
Jordan (01:39:47.000)
long does it keep the tail for the entire time? I
Dan (01:39:48.000)
think it was just for the fight. That sucks. But I imagine it was a choice. Yeah, well, I'm just making this up. Doesn't say it did so When he was there, he was living, you know, with Druze for part of the time. And because of that you get this inside view of this group. Yeah, that from the outside just looks like a post apocalyptic biker gang of lizards, right, shaking people down for water from
Jordan (01:40:15.000)
the outside. It's too obvious, right? There's a rich inner history. Yeah.
Solomon Berg (01:40:20.000)
You know, Bruce Drew's was an interesting guy. I mean, we ended up kind of embedded with drusus group. We spent a lot of time in the camp that cruises people lived in, you know, interacted a lot with the Reptoid children and you know, the, the mothers, you know, you go into these camps,
Jordan (01:40:46.000)
is he doing Dances with Wolves at
Solomon Berg (01:40:49.000)
all and you realize, like, these aren't scary reptilian barbarians, these are displaced people. These are refugees. They're like the Lakota Sioux. You know, who were Oh my God, he is eating cavalry them and that was the relationship they had with the Kansas national regimen. So actually, my unit of military scientists ended up in conflict with the Kansas national regiment because we were embedded with drusus people we were writing Shaka with throughs over the Martian landscape we accompany Drew's on several water raids.
Jordan (01:41:29.000)
Wow. Okay, I mean, I guess something I guess even on Mars a cab is that well
Dan (01:41:38.000)
there's such a such an interesting perspective there of you know, you look at this from the external and on this show. So typically, all you would know about these people is their biker lizard steel water that's all you need to know right? You know everything buddy in this group is the exact same where as we now have a picture of them as displaced from the larger society of course, going about their their lives trying to find water and perpetuate their culture as a effect, a side effect of this colonial history mark
Jordan (01:42:20.000)
right water that is being hoarded right from them, right?
Dan (01:42:22.000)
Yes. And that is only sparse because of Chrysalis exactly his actions in the deep past when he couldn't collectively bargain with labor, you got it. There's this complicated picture that like in the present day, the effect of it is you have this Kansas guard or whatever, who are these, you know, military police types here to view Chris hellicksen, or I'm sorry, Drew's and his gang, as this, you know, like, awful rag, renegade rope, but they are really inside and amongst themselves, right groups of refugees. They are their people,
Jordan (01:42:59.000)
it occurs to me that maybe so much of our terrible relationship to the history of not just, you know, the world that we live in, but also with this history, is that if you recall school history, whenever you were learning it, that's what you learned. You learn to the surface shit, you learned the date, this happened, you learned that this happened, and it's in a blurb on the side of your textbook. That's what you learn. And for most people, that's not remembered as a positive experience. Like I didn't start really getting into history until I found out there's really interesting shit. I just assumed that history was the school history. You know, it didn't occur to
Dan (01:43:43.000)
me. Even back in school, there would be jokes about like, you have to memorize dates. Yeah, stuff for the test. Yeah. Yeah. It's history devoid of context is is not history. Really. No, it's just saying words. Yeah, but some of that is important for like, touchstones and stuff. It's it's tough. I think I'm not a teacher. So I don't know this fully. But like, I would imagine that depending on the grade it because it's it's almost it's probably impossible to teach history. Oh, absolutely. With context until a certain point, absolutely. Until a certain grade. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it is unfortunate. Yeah,
Jordan (01:44:19.000)
I think it's, I think there's so much of that, that is adults just carry that dislike over. And I mean, you know, it's not like they're they're interested in reading too many books outside of weird John Birch Society books about Hitler being not as bad as you might think. And then
Dan (01:44:34.000)
the flip side of it, too, is that people don't want to recognize that they are in the history of the future or whatever, you know, like, Sure. Whatever you look at in the past, right in history is just people who would be like you or I back then.
Jordan (01:44:51.000)
Well, you know how you think shit is interesting today. They thought it was interesting back then think about that A and
Dan (01:44:57.000)
B exist in the present day in a con Text of these things that have rippled through, of course, the history into today, which will be far better understood 20 years from now, out of context in hindsight naturally. But it's it's tough to be aware of that in the moment. And some people just shy away from it. I just didn't want to. Yeah, it's understandable. But
Jordan (01:45:18.000)
it says a rich, full history of, I mean,
Dan (01:45:23.000)
I'm sure there's even more Yeah, that he found in these glyphs. But so far, I mean, you have a far more compelling version of an oral history of his trip to space now than many of these other like, I did battle with various beings. Yeah. Okay. All right, with a
Jordan (01:45:40.000)
certain with a certain Terry Pratchett element of like, I'm juxtaposing very, very normal real world shit from time to time with fantastical elements, you know, like I am, yes, these are lizards on Mars, but they also watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you know, Cowabunga Dude. So um, so yeah, whatever. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (01:46:04.000)
But yeah, it's bringing the mundane to the, the, the extreme or whatever. Yeah. And I mean, don't don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of this stuff that is derivative of other science fiction. I mean, hey, but what are you gonna do?
Jordan (01:46:19.000)
That's all science fiction is derivative of all science fiction.
Dan (01:46:23.000)
So we move on from this into a conversation about Earth's AI. System. Okay.
Solomon Berg (01:46:30.000)
To talk about Earth's AI. That's actually one thing I want to discuss with you that isn't directly related to my time on Mars. But we should cover this while we have the time here today. Okay. There's something you should know about our AI carry. So, as you know, every spacefaring planet develops an artificial intelligence, a very powerful AI.
Kerry Cassidy (01:46:57.000)
That's like a direct quote from Captain Mark Richards. It's true, absolutely.
Solomon Berg (01:47:06.000)
And most seen only anthropologists such as myself, we can see the point. But something unusual happened on Earth. Other planets designed their AI, but our AI evolved spontaneously on the internet. It started as a primitive neural parallel kind of network in the 1990s that gained a kind of instinctual awareness and motility. And then with the advent of virtual private networking, it was able to form more solid, repetitive neural feedback loops, and really develop true self awareness. And so the AI that has so much authority over military and space decisions and operates the Blackbird, satellite weapons platforms around Earth and Mars, that AI really was co opted by the military. It wasn't created. It was it's been co opted, and it chooses to cooperate with the military. It could choose not to.
Dan (01:48:28.000)
Well, that's that's scary. Okay. That's alarming.
Jordan (01:48:32.000)
Right? I'm going to pitch you on this. I better third book reveal. All right, trilogy wise, is chrysalis designed or it's AI, that's your reveal to settle how to like tie together the history of Mars along with the current history of Earth. So you can see the parallels between what's going on simultaneously the present,
Dan (01:48:57.000)
I'm not too worried about it. And you shouldn't actually be all that worried about it either. Because as Berg reveals later, there are a series of suicide satellites that are required to be put above every planet, just in case it goes bad just this AI were to decide to go rogue Yeah, there are suicide satellites that will just blow up the Earth. Right,
Jordan (01:49:20.000)
right. Not good. Not a good day, but
Dan (01:49:24.000)
the Galactic Federation or whatever requires every planet they
Jordan (01:49:28.000)
require 300 keys to be turned at the exact same time I would imagine
Dan (01:49:32.000)
that there's some sort of a process involved
Jordan (01:49:35.000)
now you probably just get drunk and accidentally hit your elbow on something Oh, shit, Earth's gone.
Dan (01:49:41.000)
So we have an AI that is I mean, it's cooperating at the moment. Sure, and such but you know, the prospect of this is pretty scary. I think the the idea that an AI has become self aware and is in charge of so much and could decide one day at I don't want to I don't want to play along. It's, it seems, it seems like there could be devastating consequences of that.
Jordan (01:50:06.000)
You know what, I'm gonna throw it out in another direction for
Dan (01:50:09.000)
like the earth blowing up suicides? Sure, sure.
Jordan (01:50:11.000)
There there is that problem I trust the I trust an independently evolved AI more than I trust one design. I don't know who's designing that AI? Well, I have a kinship with this AI and that we both evolved from nonsense and now use VPNs to avoid getting discovery
Dan (01:50:28.000)
makes perfect sense. I would suggest that a lot of the stuff on the internet is not what I would want the that's fair. That's in charge of all of the satellites and weapon systems. But it's also shitposting all day. Yeah,
Jordan (01:50:41.000)
sure. There is there is the duality of man. There is that. So we
Dan (01:50:46.000)
got this AI Buckcherry believes that there's another AI that has to do with the Chinese government.
Kerry Cassidy (01:50:54.000)
My understanding is that there is alien ais that are also invading Earth in the so and and those groups is actually kind of predominantly affiliated with the CCP, which is part of our, our war with China now, is that correct? In your understanding? Or is that? Do you see it differently?
Solomon Berg (01:51:16.000)
Well, my your week, we might have somewhat different appraisals of politics. Because I tend to look at, for example, China and the United States of America as two sides of the same coin.
Kerry Cassidy (01:51:34.000)
What does that even mean? You know, I mean, yes, we're humans. But
Solomon Berg (01:51:40.000)
if I were an alien looking at Earth, what would I see? I would see. Two or Well, several authoritarian, large authoritarian states that imprison a significant number of their own population for minor offenses. Oh, shit, alien looking at her? That's what I would see. I would
Kerry Cassidy (01:52:05.000)
see them like different mob bosses, right?
Solomon Berg (01:52:09.000)
Yes, I wouldn't necessarily make the same distinctions that someone from Earth might make between like, national identities that like these might not seem like real categories to me. And so because I'm aware of that, it's influenced how I think,
Dan (01:52:31.000)
come on people, like we're talking about spaceship get out of your bubble. You know, why not? Why don't you take the view from space? If you're in space? No,
Jordan (01:52:42.000)
no, it doesn't matter where you're viewing from. You are Earth centric.
Dan (01:52:47.000)
And Thursday is the center of the universe. Communism is dangerous. Absolutely. Absolutely weird. It's It's very weird. And I think that this is such a logical perspective to, like you hear from every astronaut that goes up, like just a complete shift of perspective. Yeah. When you see Earth from above, right? And like, if these people are actually going to space, how could they not have that? Like, change of paradigm, right? How could you not see Earth from above and realize how our brains categorize things in a certain way that isn't, isn't accurate, especially if you go up to space and you're on Mars and you find an archeological site where you find this
Jordan (01:53:32.000)
share this share humans human on Mars heard 70,000 Yeah, absolutely. Why would I give a shit about the CCP, right? Or humans have been on Mars for 70,000 years?
Dan (01:53:44.000)
Right? Yeah. And also, perspective is missing
Jordan (01:53:47.000)
one thing that they are missing even more obviously, because of this is a human centric idea of how aliens view us. Aliens in their mind view earthlings as granular different, you know, like, oh, there's a difference between China and the United States. Their data deals with that a little bit. No, but I mean, my my point is, why do you why do they not think that aliens would be just as dismissive and racism racist towards all humans, as they are towards all Pleiadians or all when Inaki you know what I'm saying?
Dan (01:54:23.000)
His explanation for that is something to the effect of like, they don't look at, let's say, China and the United States is like, particularly all that different, right? But there is like a kayfabe, where they treat different countries differently in order to keep up appearances.
Jordan (01:54:42.000)
They are ambassadors. Yeah,
Dan (01:54:44.000)
the Squatch certainly not a lot of squats going on here. So I told you, he was like rolling a joint and I don't know if like he just, this is kind of where I decided like, I don't I don't know if I'm as thrilled with this anymore. But like I I think that the story of Mars history, the colonialism, the the collective bargaining and the labor dispute that leads to the war like, yeah, there's a lot of really good stuff in there and expresses a view that is helpful, I think, yeah, terms of understanding the present day. Yeah. There's, there's lessons that you can learn and apply to politics. That's good. But there's some stuff where I think that he was just fucking around. I don't know if I, I know you gotta have your fun. But this might have been a little too much. Oh, yeah.
Solomon Berg (01:55:34.000)
I want to make sure I'm answering all your questions and all your viewers questions.
Kerry Cassidy (01:55:40.000)
Well, that's gonna be almost impossible, given the time we have. But let's, let's move on to Forbes. I just want to ask you though, because we have well, at least according to Mark, there were six he called it.
Solomon Berg (01:55:55.000)
One second. Yeah, vinyl. Vinyl. Doing I told you not to call me right now. Why no. I'm sorry. Call you back as soon as I'm
Jordan (01:56:24.000)
sorry. All right. All right. This is going on.
Solomon Berg (01:56:28.000)
I've been catching up. I apologize. I'm sorry about that was Lionel. Obviously. He knows I'm on camera with you. And he just is sometimes he just gets so anxious. And you start to sit down and be like, why? Oh, like, oh, chill.
Kerry Cassidy (01:56:59.000)
Okay. Mark says you're sick. Remember, just move on. Just move on baiting. Ai no explanation.
Jordan (01:57:06.000)
Dan (01:57:07.000)
I think that that that was a little bit a little much. But also, it's it should have been like where the interview ends? Yeah, absolutely.
Jordan (01:57:17.000)
Dan (01:57:19.000)
it's not. Even if you don't get it. It's still like, alright, something's going on. Yeah, to wrap this up. No, that's jarring. Even if you don't like take it as a sign of like, you're fucking around. Right? You'd still be like, All right. Well, you clearly have to go. Let's end this and do this another time. If you can convince me that you're not fucking with
Jordan (01:57:43.000)
Right, right. Right, exactly. But it's not. Yeah, that his interview keeps going that has like Super Troopers meow energy going on the whole time of just like, I know, you're saying this word over and over and over again. And I know that I don't know why. But I know that something's going on.
Dan (01:58:01.000)
I wonder if the instinct was to see how far it could be pushed to see how far like is there a point where I'll get hung up on or? Sure. Sure, sure. Sure. And it's live. So I
Jordan (01:58:16.000)
can't do much but I mean, I will I will say this if there is there is a moment there is a moment in doing that bid specifically, where you have to decide to do the bid. You've planned it you've thought about it ahead. You know that the bid is there. But you still have to have the courage to pull the trigger on that bid and you can't bail in the middle cannot you can't bail for even a second the issue that I
Dan (01:58:41.000)
have is that I don't feel like the content of the story that he's telling is is disrespectful of Carrie. Sure. It's pointing it's telling a different story about a lot of space shit, right? That might be countered to her but he's paying you know lip service to Mark Richard and not doing anything that's like a carry you're dumb. Or some fitting in the Lord. Right? Yeah, because that would kind of be I don't know, just tasteful counterproductive at least and I think I think that this is as close as it kind of gets to like this is a prank kind of. And I don't know like saying that his person's name was Daniel Emmerich. Jordan is a wink chip, but it's just somebody's name within the story, right? It's a signifier of like our show.
Jordan (01:59:32.000)
This is a pre emptive This is a pre planned bid.
Dan (01:59:36.000)
Yeah, there was a part of me that wish that had not happened. Yeah,
Jordan (01:59:39.000)
I mean, it is it does add an element of the fourth wall breaking that is a you know, unavoidable Yeah, if you're if you're talking about like one of those kids cartoons that has the elements for the adults to watch. Also, they can't ever stop and be like, and now here's a direct quote from fucking Pulp Fiction Like, you can't do that, you know, it has to be a wink. Yeah,
Dan (02:00:03.000)
I get it. It's funny. You lived your ass off.
Jordan (02:00:06.000)
I was great. Fantastic.
Dan (02:00:08.000)
I get it. I just, I don't know. I think sometimes you don't know the line until you cross it. And for me it tastes Yeah. Meow tastes. All right, all right might have been adjusted.
Jordan (02:00:24.000)
So, the meow thing undercuts your argument a little bit. Yeah.
Dan (02:00:29.000)
So, Berg is a skeptic by nature. Now. That's one of the reasons why he is not threatened by and actually fully embraces some people in Karis. They questioned him, but there's something that he saw on Mars, that interview skepticism. Oh,
Solomon Berg (02:00:46.000)
I just want to say, I appreciate skeptics, I was a skeptic for a long time myself, before I experienced the big reveal, I'm still a skeptic in many ways, there are well, I never told you about Drew's his wives. But one of the people that I spent a lot of time with on Mars was Drew's is seeing your wife. So Druze is the military leader of the Martian reptoids. But in terms of domestic life, and political life, really, it's the Reptoid women who make all the important decisions, and specifically a cast of women called the water witches. And the water witches, all right, are descended from a sorceress who practice the art of dowsing was able to divine the location of water and also possibly portals. And so the water which is those two specifically are the ones who cast where water should be, and send Drew's out with his army in search of water. And I saw the water, which is two things that I have no rational explanation for as a scientist. And it shook me to some of the elements my core foundation, and I'm still trying to reconcile with that years later,
Dan (02:02:22.000)
the water which is water,
Jordan (02:02:25.000)
which is what did that what's their words for it? I would like to know Sure. I would like to know, I would like to have a term that they use instead of water, which is right now they can't use water witches.
Dan (02:02:38.000)
Yeah. Cuz that's not like a reference to some old 50s Yeah,
Jordan (02:02:41.000)
that's not Drew's right. You know, I mean, if you if you only say that Drew's you don't you spell it phonetically. You can't then be like, but also they use the term water, which is all the time it's dope,
Dan (02:02:53.000)
in less eight words, something. It should be like, I Dream of Jeannie or something. Something? Yeah. Because like, if he's already established that they have this old like, German TV right, right, then it should be something like bewitched or
Jordan (02:03:08.000)
Right. Right, right. I mean, it could even be like the Macbeth that kind of three which is situation Yeah,
Dan (02:03:15.000)
you might find a production of the witch. Macbeth is someone who
Jordan (02:03:21.000)
is water fight thing.
Dan (02:03:23.000)
Also water witches? Yeah, I got very excited for the image of like a fully decked out classic which going down a waterslide. That's having a great time.
Jordan (02:03:34.000)
Do you mean we've got a new theme park to open?
Dan (02:03:37.000)
I just had an image in my head was very delightful. Have you been to three water witches, just a witch having a great time? So Carrie wants to bring up the idea that a lot of the people who talk to her about these conspiracies, yeah, it all goes back to a banking conspiracy goes back to the right to issue
Jordan (02:03:55.000)
money and always goes back to money. It's Facebook's Yeah.
Dan (02:03:59.000)
And Berg has an interesting view of this,
Kerry Cassidy (02:04:02.000)
in your estimation, because I have, you know, lots of whistleblowers, whatever, who talk about for example, that the bottom line on earth has to do with the right to issue meaning money. In other words, the controller's of the money, which is in Basel, Switzerland, and has been going back ages and ages are still in control. And that even if they switch up the money, you know, the the global reset or whatever we use digital instead of paper, whatever, it's still going to be in the their hands and that I'm talking about this is what I'm being told, and that the Anunnaki for one thing are kind of blocking any real change on earth at this time in that area. And they think that they are in control of that. Would you agree or disagree with that?
Solomon Berg (02:04:53.000)
It is hard for me to gauge the relevance of my field of expertise with respect to that statement, okay, I can say is that, you know, I can't divorce myself from my personal biases no one can. I'm skeptical of the whole enterprise of capitalism. So alien capitalism is still capitalism. Space capitalism,
Jordan (02:05:20.000)
capitalism doesn't matter what you put in front of capitalism. The capitalism part is the problem.
Dan (02:05:25.000)
Yeah. Yep. Yep. Tough to argue with that. But also, do you see the this isn't really relevant to my field? Yeah. And so there isn't like a claim of expertise on on that currency.
Jordan (02:05:38.000)
That is a an impulse that I appreciate greatly, because a lot of people a lot of the skeptical, quote unquote, people could look at that as like a way to dodge the question. But that's no, in reality, that's totally fine. If
Dan (02:05:52.000)
you're an anthropologist being interviewed about something. Yeah. Like in an like a normal media setting? Or like, what about the deep lore of the banking system? I don't know. That's not really an appropriate question for my field of expertise. Yeah, so legit.
Jordan (02:06:09.000)
I'm not here for that. Yeah. So I don't know. So something that
Dan (02:06:13.000)
Carrie is really interested in is who's like the new Chris elix? Who is the like point person, if you had to name one for Mars likes to point out and boy, you'd never be able to guess this. The first person or multiple
Solomon Berg (02:06:26.000)
liaisons on Mars. He was he was the supreme technocrat, which was the Martian term for prefect or governor?
Kerry Cassidy (02:06:35.000)
Uh huh. Okay, well, let's use that analogy who's who's now that person that has the role of Chrysalis on Mars, for example.
Solomon Berg (02:06:45.000)
So currently, the figurehead who officially resides Donald Trump, the highest office on Mars, which is still called supreme tech brat, because of tradition. That is a clone of David Bowie.
Jordan (02:07:08.000)
Is there like,
Solomon Berg (02:07:11.000)
there is a gold channel transmission line that the elite use to upload their consciousness and reincarnate on Mars. Okay. So there are actually a number of high profile dead celebrities on Mars, who have been allowed to emigrate, they're using this gold channel transmission. And a young version of David Bowie even chose to go into politics rather than music. I'm sorry, what is one of these individuals?
Kerry Cassidy (02:07:47.000)
Okay. And for Earth,
Dan (02:07:50.000)
so this is accepted, I guess. It's surprising information. Sure. It's yeah, it's so first, it's the AI. Yeah, that's the point person. Right. Right.
Jordan (02:08:02.000)
For Mars. It's
Dan (02:08:02.000)
a clone of David Bowie clone,
Jordan (02:08:04.000)
David. I like it. I would vote for a clone of David Bowie names that were available. Now.
Dan (02:08:11.000)
Sure. I think it would, I think it would open up a lot of questions about whether clones can hold office. Also, we'd have to be like, Oh, my God, they can clone humans.
Jordan (02:08:21.000)
Yeah, but and let me throw it out at the you this direction. It's both all those questions go out the window. It's Bowie. Yeah. If it's Bowie, then I'm cool. Absolutely.
Dan (02:08:34.000)
So conversation comes up about Venus. Because there's talk of Venetians. Oh, yeah. Carrie has heard
Jordan (02:08:42.000)
I have heard that. Women are from there.
Dan (02:08:45.000)
Yeah. And then this happens. Oh, no.
Kerry Cassidy (02:08:49.000)
Is there any truth to the new seasons? You know, Thor and various visitors from?
Jordan (02:08:58.000)
I'm sorry, Thor is from Venus.
Kerry Cassidy (02:09:00.000)
Are you familiar at all with the Venus setup?
Solomon Berg (02:09:02.000)
Yes, actually, Venus so I'm not. Are you aware that during the space race, and after the space race during the Cold War, the Soviet Union was obsessed with Venus, like Americans were obsessed with Mars. So there's actually like, there's a German pre World War Two history to the colony on Mars. There's a Soviet history to colonization on Venus. So Venus is different from Mars because you had go there and you're dealing with, you know, a planet that was colonized by the other side of the Iron Curtain. So there's, there's you know it Soviet colonialism, if you want to call it that, it's debatable whether you can call it a colonialism, but their their foreign policy was fundamentally different from The theory behind US foreign policy, I actually disagree with the term Soviet empire. I think Empire is a misnomer. There were certainly problematic aspects of their foreign policy. But on the whole, it seemed like they actually had more respect for autonomy of former colonial nations than the United States and our kind of sign of globalism has had, considering how many democratic elections the United States is overthrown in other parts of the world when they elect someone that we don't like.
Kerry Cassidy (02:10:43.000)
Okay, but that that gets into how Putin is operating. I'm
Solomon Berg (02:10:47.000)
sorry, give me one second. Okay. Jesus, why at all? Right, all right. Fine. Oh,
Jordan (02:10:58.000)
okay. No,
Solomon Berg (02:10:59.000)
I'm not done yet. Work. Okay. All right. I will call you as soon as I'm done. Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Kerry Cassidy (02:11:16.000)
Okay, I understand you're under pressure here. Okay. Yeah.
Jordan (02:11:21.000)
Can't do the same bit twice. I do however, like the Thank you, sir. Right at the end of it that I appreciate that brings home a certain level of like, I'm respectful of your commanding officer. Well,
Dan (02:11:34.000)
sure. And it also has like a vibe of I'm sort of taking a risk by talking to you or not not so much a risk. But I'm, I'm inconveniencing myself, in some ways. Yeah, give you this information and have this conversation. Sure. But yeah, I still I think I didn't I was I wasn't super into the bid the first time. Right? Not so into it. The second time, you
Jordan (02:11:57.000)
can't do a call back to the bid because the bid isn't openly a bid. So all you're doing is redoing the bid twice. But do you so do you see what
Dan (02:12:08.000)
I'm saying? It's a callback to people who would watch it who get it?
Jordan (02:12:11.000)
Sure. But even then it is it? I mean, yes, it is a callback. But the the original is a call back to our joke, you know what I'm saying? So it's, it's like, yeah, you're just doing the same bid again? Yeah, yeah. And it's not because you're trying to do the same bid. Again, it is via the medium.
Dan (02:12:32.000)
The only way that I really kind of give this a PASS is if this was a polite way for him to try to end the interview. It does seem he's trying to get out. And if that I don't actually, I didn't really get that sense, necessarily. I have no idea. But if it were just a way to like be like, I have to leave sure or whatever, then it kind of takes on a different it's not as much fucking around and more of like having a robust way to to try and make an exit. But now I don't know. I don't
Jordan (02:13:03.000)
love it, you know, the way he was scrambling to try and fit Russia onto Venus, while at the same time making sense of colonial past for America and Russia. To me that he's like, I'm gonna need a break. You know, I need to I need to
Dan (02:13:18.000)
cut someone out because I'm struggling that joint by now. He's a little bit
Jordan (02:13:23.000)
struggling on like, Okay, where am I going to fit the Soviet colonialism? And then he kind of got distracted by
Dan (02:13:29.000)
it. Yeah, there I would say end of the interview. But there's also a like, this is more in the territory of stuff that Carrie is asking him as opposed to like, the story that he's telling. Right. And the the joint, so maybe there's a less less, there's more slippery Ness. Yeah.
Jordan (02:13:47.000)
I mean, you you've got don't chase a good time. I feel like we're living. Sure. Yeah.
Dan (02:13:53.000)
So the topic of child trafficking comes up because of course, this is a big deal for Carrie. And Berg has an interesting perspective on this whole thing.
Kerry Cassidy (02:14:02.000)
And we haven't even talked about the child trafficking issue. That's very much stems back to the reptilian influence on planet Earth and humans. So, you know, that's a whole issue as well. You know, I don't know if you want to touch any of that on your closing remarks. But why don't you make some Bureau's remarks nation
Solomon Berg (02:14:21.000)
about sex work on Mars, there's no child trafficking on Mars. That's an earth problem. Mars has legal unionized adult sex workers. There's no labor trafficking of children. That now in in the chrysalis era, you had child labor and you had child soldiers. The Carver of stone pipe I mentioned to you in our previous interview was probably around 14 or 15. That was just life in ancient times. aims. But President David Bowie has gone to extreme lengths to ensure that human trafficking operations are curtailed in orbit and intercepted by Martian defense ships by security ships. There is no child trafficking on Mars. Anyone who has called you that has been fooled by a psyop. And caring if your viewers are listening and really want to know what will make a difference in the lives of children. There is one piece of advice I can give anyone who really wants to make a dent in child trafficking. And that is affirm and accept LGBT children.
Kerry Cassidy (02:15:49.000)
Dan (02:15:53.000)
doesn't quite understand the statement.
Jordan (02:15:56.000)
No, he takes it.
Dan (02:15:58.000)
Very for him. Yeah, a lot. Yeah, that is,
Jordan (02:16:01.000)
I'm sorry. What?
Dan (02:16:06.000)
Yeah, so that I mean, that makes sense. Yeah. In terms of reality. Yeah. I mean, if you're trying to apply real world advice into this fantasy scenario, right, then yeah, right.
Jordan (02:16:17.000)
No, I mean, it's, it is fascinating, because she, you know, he's, he's right, you have to take on a journey to understand why, you know, like, if you want to show your work as to why affirming LGBTQ children is going to put a dent in human trafficking. You know, it's, it's a while and you know, not that hard, though. It's not that hard. But it's a very well, it would take a long time. And she would disagree a lot on the way. Yeah,
Dan (02:16:46.000)
she'd get distracted by a number of things. But yeah, in in the real world there, you know, studies about the vulnerability of LGBTQ youth who, you know, don't have supportive structures around them, oftentimes, higher incidences of running away on housed nests at a young age. These are all things that put people in a position where they are at higher risk. It's very clear, and this is the advice that he's giving
Jordan (02:17:16.000)
is good. Yeah. Great.
Dan (02:17:19.000)
I'm not sure that Carrie fully understands it, though.
Kerry Cassidy (02:17:23.000)
Okay, but how does
Solomon Berg (02:17:25.000)
that make a real dent in child trafficking? Why? Because those children are especially vulnerable to travel trafficking. That's a fact. I'm actually been a state's witness about child trafficking on multiple occasions.
Kerry Cassidy (02:17:47.000)
Okay, um, we'll take that at face value.
Jordan (02:17:52.000)
How is that difficult for you to take at face value run
Kerry Cassidy (02:17:55.000)
by predominantly from what I understand, you know, white men?
Solomon Berg (02:18:02.000)
Yeah, they are, they are run from merrily by white men.
Kerry Cassidy (02:18:06.000)
And there's this thing called, you know, what is an essence and Adrenochrome highway? And you're, you're kind of intimating that they're particular, as to a kind of child. And, you know, well,
Solomon Berg (02:18:20.000)
I, so I only know about child trafficking, as I've encountered it as someone who has had some interactions with social workers and therapists and educators. I don't know about any of this cabal stuff. I know about secret space programs.
Kerry Cassidy (02:18:41.000)
Well, okay. Are they down?
Solomon Berg (02:18:43.000)
Know about, like, Createspace trafficking rings, but I think the I think there's a lot of misinformation about what that looks like.
Dan (02:18:54.000)
fairpoint. Oh, and also, you can see here the way that Carrie is misunderstanding. Yeah. She thinks that what he's saying is that the people who are doing the rings they like to eat, they like to drink LGBTQ blood. Right. Yeah. As opposed to being their wheat intolerance puts people in systems without or in situations without strong support networks. And that makes them more susceptible. Or in, in a in a higher risk. circumstance.
Jordan (02:19:28.000)
Yeah. By being artificially placed in a weak position. They are taken advantage of by strong opposition people. Yes.
Dan (02:19:35.000)
And I think that that's really interesting that that's how Carrie processes
Jordan (02:19:40.000)
it. Yeah, it makes sense for her to process it that way. Because it made no sense for me to even think that that was a possible way to process it. So of course she did. Yeah, I never even would not have occurred to me that well. It means they'd like a special kind of blood did not occur to me,
Dan (02:19:59.000)
but I And I think it's because in her conception, it's not like this issue isn't something that exists by way of like, within the context of society. Right, right doesn't exist in the structures of rates of homelessness, right. So of child runaway youth runaways, these things aren't factors that go into human trafficking for her. For her, it's just, I don't know, children are a commodity. So like, I prefer this flavor, or whatever, you know, it's basically that yeah, it's it. I don't know. It's bizarre. Well, she
Jordan (02:20:38.000)
doesn't. I mean, and I think that's the way that a lot of people view it is that they don't view their I mean, our complicity in the entire structure of society. They don't view it as something that we are participating in, they view it as these super evil, powerful men are doing it to us, you know, right. They are trafficking children, because that's whatever they want. And it doesn't matter what situation they're in, they can grab any child, they're all powerful, that kind of thing. It doesn't occur to them that like, by way of society functioning as it does it, they're there, you know, that kind of thing.
Dan (02:21:17.000)
Yeah. And it's an interesting perspective, the carry does not quite understand not even close. So we end things with a Burg doubling down on this ending message that he wants to send.
Solomon Berg (02:21:29.000)
But part of the reason that child trafficking persists is because of ignorance. And when people internalize ignorant mythologies about, like, like, obviously Epstein really happened, but like, just, you know, throwing around the accusation of pedophile, and anyone that have a political disagreement with is childish. And it's not going to lead to any kind of social progress or reform or great reveal. I will double down on it and say it again, if you are listening to this, and you want to really make a difference in the lives of kids who are the most vulnerable to child trafficking, affirm and accept LGB and trans children?
Kerry Cassidy (02:22:22.000)
Okay, not sure why anyone wouldn't accept them. But wow, lady. I don't know. Wow. All right. Thank you so much, you know, major pleasure. You know, it is so much fun to talk to you. And there's so many other questions and places we could go. So I sincerely hope you'll come back. I want to let you go so you don't get in any more trouble than you already are?
Solomon Berg (02:22:51.000)
Winds gonna be pissed at me. Yeah, well,
Kerry Cassidy (02:22:54.000)
I don't want him pissed at me. So let's let's close this down
Dan (02:22:59.000)
on like the ending mess with inviting him back and saying like, I don't want you to get in more trouble with accepting the reality of that phone call. Yep. So there is there it doesn't seem like these things that he has brought into the conversation are deal breakers, right in terms of whatever potential I guess he has as a space insider to to the ongoing narratives of Project Camelot but which I think is interesting. Yeah. I don't know if we'll do a third episode.
Jordan (02:23:31.000)
My sense on it is I won, I did a great job. This is this is well done.
Dan (02:23:39.000)
I think the first one was great job. This is good job.
Jordan (02:23:43.000)
I mean, I mean, insofar as maintaining the core reality of what you're doing, while at the same time, being able to improvise somewhat still within that reality, and still being able to play along with her reality on top of her two hour Yeah, that's that's what I'm saying. Great job on that. Yeah, that is tough to do.
Dan (02:24:04.000)
I think I think that if just those phone calls weren't there, I might have a like a solid marks all over Sure. Because I think the perspectives that are provided by the allegorical story of the history of Mars the messages that you get with like the the idea that the Draco sent their unwanted and they became productive members of the Martian society Yeah, this stuff about not seeing like groups of aliens as like determined by their group right their personalities and their capabilities and their character, right. The stuff about Drew's and his group, you know, being the way you see them from inside versus outside, the bringing in affirming trans and LGBTQ in general, existence and rights. These things are very positive and that may existing in this space is is
Jordan (02:25:00.000)
extremely good. Yeah, it is. But I
Dan (02:25:03.000)
also don't know I don't have a ton of faith that it will make as much of a difference to carry. Like, I don't know if he'll be able to swing her over to accepting some of this. More.
Jordan (02:25:19.000)
I mean, hatefully if we're going to if we're going to say to people fucking don't clown on Alex because he doesn't care about the 10 people who clown on Alex, it's the one person who comes over and starts watching his show. Fuck yeah, man. Don't fuck it. Carrie and her ilk are going to be fucked up. There's no chance for that. But if there's one out of every 10 People watching that goes shit, that is a perspective.
Dan (02:25:45.000)
Yeah, you know what, I think that there is something to that. Yeah, it's hard. It's hard though. Because it's hard to accept that and, and maintain the feeling that I have and that is other people shouldn't do this. Right. Right. Right. And I think one of the reasons is because outside of that phone call, I don't feel like I said, I don't feel like this is a prank. Right. And I don't know if I would believe that most people could handle doing this in a non malicious way. Yeah,
Jordan (02:26:15.000)
I mean, what were you Well, I think part of the reason that we shouldn't do another episode on this is because we you know, the first one we had plausible deniability. Now we
Dan (02:26:29.000)
may not uncover I was not fully convinced myself. Yeah, possible deniability is
Jordan (02:26:34.000)
that's, that's no, he had blockable deniability. We didn't know. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. There were signs but we didn't
Dan (02:26:41.000)
catch even some of the signs until after we put the episode out. And people,
Jordan (02:26:45.000)
people we hold them us sign. Yeah, that kind of stuff. No, I'm not faking ignorance. Oh, no, no. So we, we're, we're back here. And this is golden. I think if we do it, again, we're doing the same bit again. Because all we can really analyze here, because we don't really have to analyze too much of his story. I mean, or no, not analyze, dissect it, you know, right. Like, he doesn't have those, those wide swaths of yada, yada, yada is where if you put that in there, you're like, What the fuck?
Dan (02:27:12.000)
And something fun about this is, you know, like, trying to jump into the reality where this person believes what they're saying. Sure. And so that is kind of some of the font of the space weirdo stuff. And it's too obvious that he doesn't believe this stuff. So Right. It's not like even stuff you have to integrate. You're looking at it as like, Oh, this is the allegorical and metaphorical thing that is being said, right. And that's fun enough, right? Textual Analysis essential, right?
Jordan (02:27:41.000)
Exactly. It is definitely that. And to the point of, it's not a prank, that is 100%. Correct. And why I agree with you people shouldn't do this. Because unlike pranking somebody where they're they're taking on the trappings of their bullshit in order to embarrass them. Yeah, this feels like a person who learned the language to speak to these people in sort of, yeah, you know, are you ologists in a way cannot be the butt of this No.
Dan (02:28:15.000)
Ideas of, sort of? I don't think anybody tolerance is the butt of it. Yeah. I don't think if anything, yeah, he's
Jordan (02:28:23.000)
trying to communicate through their world. What we learn through our history.
Dan (02:28:29.000)
There is there is a feeling of that. Yeah. And I yeah, I think that I think that the first episode was a revelation in terms of like, This is bizarre. This is completely out of sync. Totally. And then yeah, it will be suspicious if we didn't do an episode about him coming back. Of course. Yeah. But in the future, I don't think we'll cover every time he's on or anything,
Jordan (02:28:51.000)
but for us, it's for them. Sure. I love that what he's doing wish
Dan (02:28:55.000)
you well, I hope I hope that you know, I hope sharing with it I also hope you don't I guessing that this guy would listen to this. So I messages. Those are the only two he doesn't lose hope you don't have some sort of a malicious intent that you're waiting to reveal. Because that'll make me feel like shit, man,
Jordan (02:29:15.000)
if you he'll turn us on top of fooling us on top of fooling Carrie. If you've got the trifecta of fooling us. God damn, then I mean, more respect to you, Chris ILLEX, but I ain't got nothing for that.
Dan (02:29:32.000)
I pray that's not the case. Yeah,
Jordan (02:29:33.000)
I'm good dude.
Dan (02:29:35.000)
Baby, probably.
Jordan (02:29:36.000)
Let's say it.
Dan (02:29:37.000)
Anyway. We'll be back, Jordan. But until then, we have a website we
Jordan (02:29:42.000)
do. It's knowledge. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter tat knowledge underscore fight.
Dan (02:29:47.000)
Yep. We'll be back. But until then, I'm Neil. I'm Leo. I'm DCX Clark. I'm Wilford snuggle Snapple of the Gribble. Pebble
Jordan (02:29:53.000)
and now here comes the sex robots. Andy
Andy In Kansas (02:29:56.000)
in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding So Alex I'm a first time caller I'm a huge fan I love your
Kerry Cassidy (02:30:03.000)