Transcript/522: January 14-17, 2021

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Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:13.000)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:20.000)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.000)
I have great respect for knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:24.000)
Knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.000)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying,
Unknown Speaker (00:00:28.000)
We are the bad guys. Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.000)
Dan and Jordan, Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.000)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.000)
I need, I need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.000)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.000)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and, Andy and,
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.000)
Stop it, Andy and, Andy and, Andy and, Andy and, Andy and,
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.000)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.000)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.000)
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.000)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.000)
Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:58.000)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.000)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.000)
We're a couple dudes, like to sit around, drink novelty beverages,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.000)
and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.000)
Oh, indeed we are Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.000)
I have a quick question for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.000)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.000)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.000)
My bright spot today, Jordan, is, so I mentioned not too long ago,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:16.000)
a little while back, Policy Wonk Lisa signed us up for the
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.000)
Hot Sauce of the Month Club.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.000)
And I got the second installment of the Hot Sauce of the Month Club.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.000)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.000)
And I think, I think it's called FYM Sauce.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:29.000)
I don't know what it stands for.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.000)
Fuck your mother.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.000)
Or, uh, fuck your mouth, something.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:33.000)
Yeah, I hope it's not that, that's creepier.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.000)
Well, I mean, it's, you're putting spicy things in your mouth.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:38.000)
I understand that, but somehow it's just, unfortunate.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.000)
I don't mean, I mean fuck your mouth and like fuck your feelings.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.000)
I understand that.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:43.000)
Forget about your mouth.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:44.000)
Well, I mean, you can say that a lot of different ways.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:47.000)
Um, it's very challenging, the sauce.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.000)
It's, it, I had some on some chicken nuggets last night.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.000)
Would you say it's a real motherfucker?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.000)
Yes, it definitely is.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.000)
I, I tossed the nuggets in the sauce.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.000)
Uh huh.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:01.000)
And for a good couple hours afterwards, I was sort of like, oh Nelly.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.000)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.000)
Oh, sweating from the face a good bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.000)
Took me for a ride.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.000)
I really enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.000)
Although stomach, stomach had some.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:15.000)
All those, all those noises that you made are, do not denote a joyful ride.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.000)
No, generally not, but I enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.000)
It's a, it was good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.000)
It was good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.000)
The first month was really, it was good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.000)
It was hot, but it was, it wasn't like, it wasn't a trial.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.000)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:32.000)
Kafka had nothing to do with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.000)
This came fast.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.000)
It ramped up really fast and it creeped on you too.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.000)
I see.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.000)
Good, good stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.000)
I believe you.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:43.000)
I'm ready for month three already.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.000)
Yes, I believe you.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.000)
What about you?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.000)
Uh, uh, Dan, my, my bright spot is I, uh, I finally got my equipment worked out.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.000)
I finally got it all set up and I did a little bit of streaming today.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.000)
Video games streaming.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.000)
I did a little bit of video games streaming.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:57.000)
Congratulations, over on Twitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.000)
Played, uh, Final Fantasy 7, the remake.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.000)
My plan is I've decided to riff the, the whole game.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.000)
Like MST3K, but for Final Fantasy 7.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:09.000)
That sounds fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.000)
That's my plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.000)
Very difficult.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:12.000)
I mean, paying attention to playing and trying to talk at the same time.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.000)
It's very hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.000)
I think it's a, I think it's an acquired skill too.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:17.000)
You get better at it as you go along.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.000)
Yeah, I enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:20.000)
It was, uh, it was good times.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.000)
Good times.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.000)
Well, I was, I look forward to joining you at some point while you do these video game
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.000)
Oh, indeed you will.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:29.000)
And make fun of your terrible play.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:30.000)
I can't wait.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.000)
It'll be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:32.000)
Oh, look at you.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.000)
It's, uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.000)
Using that materia.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:35.000)
I, I realize that, uh, just randomly saying I'm going to start at 2 central on a, on a
Unknown Speaker (00:03:40.000)
day, but, but it's like I finally got everything worked out so that it would work.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.000)
And you know me, I don't do well with like delay.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.000)
Oh, we're going to start doing that now.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:48.000)
I was like, now begin it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:50.000)
I'm releasing my book.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:51.000)
I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:54.000)
And I don't think there's a problem with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.000)
You'll work out a schedule eventually.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:56.000)
Yeah, that'll be good.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.000)
And I'm sure some people came in and enjoyed the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:59.000)
So some walks get to hang out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:01.000)
That might be a better thing to do for a live stream.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:04.000)
If anyone in our audience is interested in it, then us live streaming episodes, quite
Unknown Speaker (00:04:09.000)
frankly, that might be better because you can be distracted while you're playing a video
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.000)
It's much more frustrating when I'm distracted trying to host a podcast.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.000)
That is definitely fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.000)
Can't, uh, can't quite keep up with the chat.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.000)
Yeah, no, that's a, that'd be interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:23.000)
I look forward to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:25.000)
I don't know if I've completely figured out how to set it up so we can all be on there
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.000)
together without the lag screwing everything up.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.000)
Uh, but I think I can always just come over to your house too.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:36.000)
You can just come over to my house.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:37.000)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:39.000)
We're in a, we're in our COVID bubble.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:40.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.000)
I'm a little bit cramped in my, in my tiny little room.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.000)
That's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.000)
Um, so Jordan, today, uh, we got an interesting episode to go over.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.000)
We're back to talking about Alex Jones after Monday's little, uh, salt break, as I've decided
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.000)
to call it.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:55.000)
I don't think that's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.000)
Um, so we have to do a little bit of catch up.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.000)
And so what we're doing today is we're going over January 14th to 17th, which is, uh, uh,
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.000)
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of last week, all within the year 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.000)
Blackjack, baby!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.000)
I want to add a baby to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.319)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:13.319)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:14.319)
I feel like it's forced.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.319)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.319)
We'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.319)
We'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.319)
Um, so what my plan is, is to go over this period of time.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.079)
And then for Friday's episode, we will witness the end of Trump's presidency on Alex Jones's
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.680)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.680)
So that will be, uh, you know, I mean, just the sound of silence.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.000)
Hello darkness.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.000)
But for two to three hours, as we listen to one man lose his mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.000)
That'll be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.000)
Um, so I got, uh, I got an interesting, uh, stretch here.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.839)
There's some really, really troubling stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.120)
Some really stupid stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:52.439)
And Alex realizing that Steve Pachanik has been fucking with him for 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.480)
Thank God.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.480)
I am looking forward to the moment that I get to hear that happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.839)
He has a dark moment of clarity on Saturday.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.720)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:04.720)
Give it to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:05.720)
I'm not going to go into business on all of this, but first Jordan, we're going to take
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.480)
a moment to say thank you to some folks who have signed up and are supporting the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.839)
Oh, that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.839)
So first Rory loves a low low.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.160)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.160)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.160)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:16.160)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.160)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:19.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.160)
My, one of my aunts is a Lois.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:21.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.160)
But she goes by low low.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:23.160)
Oh, I like low low.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.160)
I like low low.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:25.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.160)
It's a good name.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.160)
Next Harold drop dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:28.160)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:29.160)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.160)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:31.160)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:32.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.160)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.160)
Anderson Intel extraordinaire.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.920)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.920)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.920)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.920)
Thank you very much MPIE.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:44.040)
The Hills Have Thighs.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:46.160)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.160)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:48.160)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:49.160)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:50.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.160)
Why is everybody doing it in acronyms?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:52.160)
They requested that I say it really ominously.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.920)
So I did my best ominous reading there.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.639)
You did great.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:57.639)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.639)
Next Morrissey's finger.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:59.639)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.639)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.639)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.639)
Thank you very much Morrissey's finger.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:04.120)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:05.120)
Next Talon from Minneapolis.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:06.120)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:07.120)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.120)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:09.120)
Thanks Talon.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.120)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.120)
Then finally I'd like to say thank you to a couple of people who donated on Elevated
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.319)
Love and appreciate that very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.000)
So Andy B. from Minnesota.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:17.040)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:18.040)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:19.199)
And Ghost Panda of Coal Creek.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.600)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.600)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.600)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.600)
Crikey mate.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.600)
That's fantastic.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:26.600)
Have yourself a brew.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.600)
How's your 401k doing bro?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.600)
We gotta go full tilt boogie on this Watson alright?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:31.920)
Let's just get down to business.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:33.480)
We ain't making that money off that heroin.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.560)
Why you pimps so good?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.480)
My neck is freakishly large.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.120)
I declare info war on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.600)
Thank you so much Andy B. up in Minnesota.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.800)
Thank you so much to Ghost Panda of Coal Creek.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.740)
Thank you very much to the both of you.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:49.240)
Is Coal Creek in Minnesota?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:50.240)
Uh I don't know but it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.240)
I think Minnesota has a Coal Creek.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:52.240)
Minneapolis, Minnesota and Coal Creek.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:54.240)
We got a lot of Minnesotans.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:55.240)
We got a whole, yeah yeah yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:57.040)
All the Canucks that are slightly lower.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:00.759)
That's what I'm gonna call them.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.759)
All I can, the only reference I've got is I guess Prince and Ryan Sayers.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.040)
That's all I got.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.040)
Musical references.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:13.040)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:14.040)
I think I've been to Minneapolis.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.000)
You think you have?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.040)
I have.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.040)
There are so many cities in the US that I think I've been to but I'm not positive.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:22.360)
I got kicked out of a billionaire's house in Minneapolis.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:25.480)
Yeah yeah yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.480)
What happened?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.480)
I used to work for, I used to sell hearing aids and the like.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:30.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:31.279)
And one of the owners of the biggest hearing aid cartel in the world is stationed out of
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.720)
Was it Prince?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.720)
Uh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:38.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:39.720)
It's a guy named Rogers Nelson.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:40.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.720)
But the company's name is Starkey and we got invited there because my cousin has his whole
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.320)
thing and we got invited to his house as like a reward for people who sold some number of
Unknown Speaker (00:08:50.360)
hearing aids and he and I got way too drunk and we were asked to leave.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.759)
Oh wow.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:54.759)
So it was nice.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:55.759)
It's an experience.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:56.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.759)
I peed on his floor.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.759)
I'm proud of myself.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.759)
Were you proud of yourself the next morning?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:03.759)
Fuck that guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.759)
Oh wow.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.759)
You and I are different.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:07.759)
Also I mean at the same time my boss at the time was my cousin so I had a little bit more
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.879)
of a.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:12.879)
Little wiggle room.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.879)
I can be on the floor of a billionaire's home.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.600)
You know.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:17.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.600)
So Jordan we're gonna start here on the 14th.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:19.600)
Let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.600)
We got some bad news to start things off.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.600)
The left is on a rampage.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.039)
I've been here since very early this morning.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.600)
I've been doing a lot of research and then we had the FBI contact us just about 30 minutes
Unknown Speaker (00:09:33.000)
ago and then I found out why Roger Stone is in hiding.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.279)
It was worse than we thought.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.179)
Somebody came to his house and then waited for his wife who was handicapped and hearing
Unknown Speaker (00:09:44.259)
impaired and beat her up.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:46.600)
So she's been in the hospital and they also sent somebody to Laura Loomer's house to try
Unknown Speaker (00:09:50.639)
to kidnap her and so this is the Bolshevik takeover.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:55.480)
You just need to understand that.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.159)
You need to know that.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:59.000)
And they are actively trying to say that we masterminded the attack at the Capitol with
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.639)
the U.S. military.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.159)
So that's the line they're going with now.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:07.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:08.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:09.360)
On the 14th news that Roger Stone's wife was attacked by a leftist activist went huge all
Unknown Speaker (00:10:13.960)
over the conservative media.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.759)
Blogs ran unconfirmed articles about how they were targeted for political violence and commentators
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.360)
opined about how the mainstream media was covering it up.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:23.639)
Then on the 15th there was an article in the Floridian Press that sought to clear things
Unknown Speaker (00:10:27.159)
up a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.360)
They reached out to Roger and reported quote we learned that media outlets today began
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.440)
to fudge the facts of the incident and as the story was recycled around the truth of
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.480)
what happened was distorted.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:37.960)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:38.960)
Here's the statement they published from Roger about the truth of the incident.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:42.759)
Quote on December 23rd my wife Nydia and my Yorkie Mimi were attacked by a pit bull.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.419)
Our beloved dog was badly injured requiring two surgeries and Nydia was bitten badly when
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.480)
she attempted to get between the pit bull and our baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.480)
This incident was reported to both Fort Lauderdale police and Broward County Animal Control.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.919)
Nydia sustained substantial injuries in the pit bull attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.519)
Last week there was an incident in front of our home when we returned from dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:07.759)
A man on a bicycle recognized me and started screaming numerous political epithets which
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.840)
are not fit for a family newspaper.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.240)
While there was a scuffle Mrs. Stone sustained no new injuries in the event.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:18.480)
Reports that she was badly beaten or hospitalized are incorrect.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:21.799)
This event was also accurately reported to the Fort Lauderdale police.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.840)
Seems like Alex is kind of embellishing the story a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.440)
Poor dog.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:29.440)
He probably should have reached out to Roger for a comment considering how close the two
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.000)
of them are.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.000)
Not answering his phone calls.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:35.440)
I'm sure Roger would have been happy to clear things up so Alex wouldn't have to report
Unknown Speaker (00:11:38.820)
a completely false story about Roger's wife on air.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.000)
Not interested.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:43.000)
Seems fucking disrespectful as hell.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.879)
In answering Alex's phone calls.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.220)
So I would say this is not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:49.759)
And as for the story about Laura Loomer I'm gonna need to see some evidence before I even
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.779)
start caring about whatever's going on there.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.159)
Anything that's reported about her on Infowars is an attempt at a publicity stunt until proven
Unknown Speaker (00:11:59.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.440)
Yeah all I can think is that Roger himself is on a rampage and has been dressing up like
Unknown Speaker (00:12:05.000)
a pit bull.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:06.000)
That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.879)
He's attacking people left and right dressed up like a pit bull.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.480)
His day drinking has evolved.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:14.320)
So now we get to the new framing of the storming of the Capitol back on January 6th.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.120)
Alex has some historical parallels.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:23.320)
I feel like we're on the fifth new framing of an event that doesn't need any new framing.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.159)
We're gonna get a couple ones on this episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.759)
We're gonna get a couple framings.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.039)
This is frustrating.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:35.039)
And one new patsy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.039)
Okay good.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.039)
The headline of is confirmed January 6th capital attack was Reichstag 2.0.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.320)
If you don't know about the Reichstag attack we're gonna be covering that when we come
Unknown Speaker (00:12:51.440)
back because right in that printer snuggled in that warm printer is the little printout
Unknown Speaker (00:12:58.960)
where I'm gonna read you about what happened in the Reichstag attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:04.120)
But that's what this is.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.419)
This is a Reichstag attack that happened right when Hitler got elected.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:09.639)
He was very unpopular.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:10.639)
They thought he'd stolen the election and he firebombed that bitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.799)
So this isn't good.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.000)
I like the idea that something's getting printed out.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.919)
I'm excited to find out what that's gonna be.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:20.600)
Wow they gotta print it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.600)
It's got the little hooks on the edge.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:23.960)
They gotta perforate the thing and tear it apart.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.559)
So Alex has a couple of details wrong about the Reichstag fire here.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.720)
That's surprising.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.720)
The most important element he's completely making up is that the fire happened after
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.600)
Hitler won an election that people thought was fraudulent.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:40.559)
That's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:41.559)
Alex is saying this because he knows that his audience is gullible and if he paints
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.080)
a one-to-one comparison of Hitler and Biden it stands to scare them more and drive more
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.039)
profits to info wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.879)
In reality the Reichstag fire occurred on February 27th, 1933.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.440)
In January of that year Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany's government which was
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.000)
still under the control of the country's president Paul von Hindenburg.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:03.639)
The structure of the government was that the president was the elected leader of the country
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.039)
who would then appoint a chancellor who would be responsible for introducing legislation
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.740)
to members of the Reichstag who were also elected officials.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:14.039)
At any point the president could dismiss his chancellor, you know, that he had control
Unknown Speaker (00:14:19.679)
over that position.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.919)
Or so he thought.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.679)
Well, according to the Smithsonian Magazine, quote, Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler
Unknown Speaker (00:14:27.720)
as chancellor on the advice of Franz von Papen, a disgruntled former chancellor who believed
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.120)
the conservative bourgeois parties should ally with the Nazis to keep the communists
Unknown Speaker (00:14:37.399)
out of party.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.399)
Man, I have heard something like that so frequently in the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.799)
Fear of communism leads to aligning with fascists every time.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.240)
It does seem like it happens every time.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.860)
The reality of the Reichstag fire is that it was an event almost certainly committed
Unknown Speaker (00:14:50.480)
by the Nazis which they blamed on communists.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.019)
This allowed Hitler to use the event as a rallying cry against the communists and as
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.620)
a justification for why the government needed to assert dictatorship level powers to crush
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.399)
the threat they posed.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:01.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:02.399)
There's no better way to put this than this.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.919)
What Alex is doing right now is attempting the same political maneuvering that the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (00:15:07.840)
engaged in in 1933.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.240)
Yes, correct.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.240)
There was a terrible event that drove home the sobering reality to a large portion of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.840)
the country, and that terrible event can be incredibly useful if you can blame it on your
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:18.679)
This is why Alex is now on air fudging details about the Reichstag fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.960)
And if you did it, it is wise to blame it on your enemies, otherwise people will think
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.960)
it's your fault.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:29.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:30.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.320)
It's definitely true of the present situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:34.240)
You don't want people to think it's your fault.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.240)
So Alex really has a bad handle on history.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.759)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.759)
I've heard him, I mean, like, you know, the fake quotes are one thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.759)
But like, man, he's way out of line here.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:48.519)
February 27th, 1933, from the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.519)
That was the date.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:05.519)
February 27th, 1933.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:06.519)
Adolf A. Lewis Hitler had narrowly won the presidency of Germany, but von Hindenburg
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.480)
was not stepping down as the chancellor.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.320)
The most powerful position in the Weimar Republic.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:21.320)
This is crazy not true.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:25.000)
Hitler had not won an election for the presidency of Germany.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:27.460)
He was chancellor beginning in 1933, at which point he began maneuvering to seize more and
Unknown Speaker (00:16:32.159)
more power for himself in the Nazi party, who had had a great showing in the Reichstag
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.340)
elections in the 1932 election.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:39.279)
People like Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:41.279)
Hindenburg died in 1934, at which point Hitler dissolved the office of the presidency and
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.759)
combined its powers with that of the chancellor, essentially making himself both chancellor
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.960)
and president.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:49.960)
In the 1932 election, Hindenburg had soundly defeated Hitler, but the Nazi party itself,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:54.799)
like I said, had gained a large number of seats.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.000)
The scenario that Alex is painting is 100 percent revisionist history, because he needs
Unknown Speaker (00:17:00.960)
his audience to think that they're living through a direct parallel to Hitler's rise
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.519)
to power.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:05.519)
Paul von Hindenburg wasn't chancellor, and there was not a contested election for president
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.039)
in the way that Alex is describing.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.119)
This is just an idiot making stuff up because he knows his audience doesn't know any better
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.200)
and won't bother to look into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.119)
Does not care either way.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:19.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:20.680)
This is one of the things I'd really like to drive home to anyone who may have some
Unknown Speaker (00:17:23.200)
inclination to take Alex Jones seriously or think he knows what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.359)
If he has this little a grasp of basic facts, like who was in what office when the Reichstag
Unknown Speaker (00:17:32.720)
happened, and he's so willing to confidently assert really fundamental inaccuracies, why
Unknown Speaker (00:17:37.619)
would you ever give him the benefit of the doubt with more complicated stuff?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.279)
If he can't be bothered to understand really simple arithmetic, you shouldn't listen to
Unknown Speaker (00:17:45.960)
him about geometry or algebra or trigonometry.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:49.839)
He doesn't know how to add.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.839)
No, no, no, absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:53.539)
He doesn't have a basic grasp of the fundamentals of existence.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:57.519)
He doesn't know grammar.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.119)
Don't let him tell you how to edit your paper or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.960)
I don't know what the metaphor would be, but if you don't know the building blocks upon
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.619)
which understanding can be built, you- Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:12.160)
I feel like one of the fundamental things that he doesn't get is that some things are
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.559)
and some things are not.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:19.400)
Everything seems to be fungible there, but some things have to be and some things have
Unknown Speaker (00:18:23.960)
to not be.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:24.960)
And the things- They cannot just be whatever you want them
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.240)
to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:29.240)
And if he wants me to take it all seriously, the idea that he knows this secret information
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.880)
that Hitler was set up or all this nonsense that he throws around all the time, this revisionist
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.799)
World War II history, and he doesn't know who was in what office, that's embarrassing,
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:43.920)
You can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.359)
You know what is blowing my mind, and it's just going to be so painful.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:50.440)
It's going to be so painful, Dan, if you recall, oh, those early days in 2017, whenever you
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.180)
would call Trump a Nazi, and people would go, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just throw
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.359)
that word around.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:03.980)
That's a terrible thing to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:05.279)
It needs to be used correctly.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:07.359)
And now we are about to begin a long stretch of literally everything Biden does-
Unknown Speaker (00:19:12.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:13.720)
Making him a Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:15.720)
That will be screamed at us from all corners of the world, including the ones who screamed
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.859)
at us to not call Trump a Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.400)
I would say almost exclusively from those corners.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:24.720)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.319)
But if they come from Alex, one of the good things you can always fall back on is he knows
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.839)
literally nothing about World War II history.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:33.319)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.319)
But days after the election that Hitler won by a very slight margin, fire bombs hit the
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.160)
Capitol and was blamed on his enemies, the communists.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.720)
At least he's not pretending it wasn't the communists who got blamed.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:50.039)
Yeah, that's nice.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.039)
Yeah, it's almost like he's trying real hard to thread the line where he's like, the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (00:19:55.140)
were the good guys here.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.279)
Oh, so what's he saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.279)
The election days, what is he saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.839)
The election prior to the Reichstag fire was in April 1932, about a year prior to the fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:04.480)
360, 330 days prior after the, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.000)
There was an election for Reichstag members scheduled for six days after the fire, but
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.599)
that's the opposite of what Alex is describing.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:15.359)
Alex either knows nothing about World War II history and is pretending he does in order
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.799)
to scare his audience, or he does know what the reality is and he's willfully lying to
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.640)
them in order to make it more closely match this scenario also to scare them.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:27.400)
You betcha.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.400)
You really should stop.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.720)
This is pretty bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.720)
It's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:31.720)
It's real bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.720)
Congratulations though, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:33.720)
You have a real depth of, remember when you said you read a hundred books on World War
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.440)
A thousand books on World War II?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:38.440)
Are there any Nazis in the United States willing to sue on behalf of the Nazi party for Alex's
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.440)
bad portrayal of them?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:47.720)
I mean, it's just-
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.960)
Slander, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:49.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:51.960)
I mean, there's things that are interpretation and there are things that are like, what was,
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.519)
who was where?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:59.400)
What power alignment-
Unknown Speaker (00:21:00.400)
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:02.480)
Some things are and some things are not.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.920)
You can't just say that that's how-
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.200)
It's staggering to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:09.160)
It's embarrassing for Alex and he never has to pay any consequences, even in terms of
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.680)
embarrassment for not knowing any of this shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:17.039)
Yeah, and the people who believe him are so, so sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:21.319)
So Alex mentioned earlier that the FBI called him.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:25.599)
Yeah, we might learn a little bit more about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.039)
Man, wow, I've hit Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:31.839)
Like in the world of Twilight Zone, for something to be even weirder, like imagine what people
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.119)
in Twilight Zone, when they watch the Twilight Zone, it must be even weirder or like in the
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.720)
Twilight Zone of the Twilight Zone.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:45.039)
That's just regular-
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.039)
Yeah, we'd like you to come in and talk about-
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.039)
It's a double negative.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.039)
You don't know math, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:49.339)
Your people in the military have quite distinguished records that work there and you notice this
Unknown Speaker (00:21:53.839)
and that, yeah, we want you to know about what you know about what happened in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:59.400)
Wow, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.519)
I'm guessing that, first of all, you're right, the Twilight Zone and the Twilight Zone would
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.279)
be just normal life.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.279)
Yeah, normal.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.279)
I would assume.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:09.279)
They cancel each other out.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:10.279)
It's a regular zone.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:11.279)
Yeah, and no one ends up getting a harsh lesson about anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:13.799)
That would be the version of the show they watch in the Twilight Zone.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:16.480)
No, in the regular-
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.480)
There's no poetic consequences for things.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.119)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.119)
It's just random like everything else.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:21.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:22.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:23.119)
Well, I was talking about the FBI contacting him and I think I might know why that is.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.880)
You remember that he said he had an employee who was there and got footage of the woman
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.240)
getting shot inside the Capitol?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:31.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:32.680)
Well, that means he had an employee who was illegally entering the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.319)
That sounds like something the FBI would look into.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:38.680)
Alex's employee, Sam, released his raw footage of entering the Capitol building.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:42.480)
I'm just going to play you the minutes where he actually walked through the doors of the
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.039)
building, thereby committing a crime, and see if you can see any reason why law enforcement
Unknown Speaker (00:22:50.779)
might be interested in talking to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.200)
Okay, I think that's a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.200)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.200)
Mic down for this.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:55.200)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.200)
We have had enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.200)
We're not going to take your fucking vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.200)
We're not going to take all your bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.200)
The people are rising up.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.200)
To be clear, that voice is the cameraman.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:08.200)
Welcome home.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.200)
Folks, I am now on the steps of the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:14.200)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.200)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.200)
Having a good time.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:17.200)
Having a good time.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.200)
Everybody's having a good time.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.200)
Look at this.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:20.200)
I don't think it costs them what to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.200)
This is the first time they've seen a peaceful protest succeed.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:28.200)
They're dumbfounded.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.200)
They're dumbfounded.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:30.200)
Here they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.200)
Here they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.200)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.200)
Folks, I don't know how I made it out of there without getting hurt, but your boy ain't hurt.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.200)
But I got to be honest.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:46.200)
This is not a peaceful protest.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:48.200)
This is not a peaceful protest.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.200)
So I just want to be accurate about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:54.200)
But for whatever that means, you heard it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.200)
As I was going along, I tried to ask a few people what that's going through their mind or what they're feeling.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:01.200)
I don't know what to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.200)
But they've had enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:05.200)
You heard that last gentleman?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.200)
He feels like this is the people's house.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.200)
And so the people want to take it back.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:12.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:13.200)
So here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:15.200)
We got SWAT gear over there.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:19.200)
Everybody in.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:23.200)
Keep the line moving.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.200)
Keep the line moving.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:27.200)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:29.200)
This is your boy Sam with
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.200)
Support the war.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.200)
We got sales to go.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.200)
We got sales for days.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.200)
Please, it's because of your support that we're able to get into things like this and show you the real news that the media won't.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.200)
That they will spin tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:50.200)
They're going to spin it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.200)
But guess what?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:53.200)
Guess what?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.200)
We are in the Capitol, baby!
Unknown Speaker (00:25:03.200)
He's doing a plug as he enters the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.200)
I just don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.200)
These people need to be babysat.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.200)
I don't even know if they need to be punished or if they need to be babysat because they clearly have no ability to process reality.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.200)
Like none.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:22.200)
It's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.200)
Just none.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:24.200)
You walked into the Capitol building doing an ad for the thing that you're not supposed to be doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.200)
I'm going to add that to my quickly growing collection of things that really don't look good in hindsight.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:39.200)
This is not a peaceful protest.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.200)
This is not a peaceful protest.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:43.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:45.200)
We're in the Capitol, baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:47.200)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.200)
You can't really be doing this.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.200)
I got to assume that there's a lot of people who have been arrested for breaching the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.200)
Even people who were just recording, people who didn't break anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:00.200)
It's still illegal entry.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.200)
That is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.200)
I don't see why Sam wouldn't be arrested.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.200)
Oh, well, you can't arrest him.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.200)
He works for Infowars, the tip of the spear, and the FBI is afraid of pissing off Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.200)
I would also assume that should Sam be arrested, there might be some interesting questions about,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.200)
Oh, you work at Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:20.200)
Why did you record going in?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.200)
Did Alex send you there on an assignment?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:25.200)
Well, I can only say it's with your support that Infowars continues storming the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:34.200)
Certainly it does imply that little clip of video tends to indicate that he was there in an official capacity.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.200)
It would suggest that, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.200)
As part of his duties while promoting, he committed a crime.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:48.200)
Yeah. Yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:49.200)
That might be something that people would want to talk to Alex about.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.200)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:53.200)
We're in the looking glass here, Dan, we're in the twilight zone of the twilight zone.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:56.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.200)
Everything's normal.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.200)
So anyway, Roger's wife's going through some things.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.200)
This is the real world.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.200)
You cannot make this up.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:07.200)
And Roger Stone, a man ran over his wife.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.200)
And she got back up and he knocked her over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:18.200)
And she has major, and then he knocked her over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.200)
And so Roger now is going into hiding.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.200)
This isn't a joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.200)
His wife is in the hospital to have emergency surgery because a man beat his wife up.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:37.200)
Just randomly in their little condo area.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:39.200)
Nobody's around.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:41.200)
She's walking the dog.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:42.200)
A dude pulls up on a bike and starts knocking him over.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:43.200)
She gets up.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.200)
He knocks her over repeatedly.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.200)
That's the left for you folks.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:47.200)
If I were Roger, I'd be pissed about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.200)
I'd be really not happy about Alex's behavior.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.200)
Don't fucking embellish stories about my wife in order to make people scared of the left.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:57.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.200)
You dick.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:59.200)
I know that's the job.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.200)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:01.200)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.200)
I'm not saying that I hope someone screamed cut his dick off at Roger Stone, but I'm not
Unknown Speaker (00:28:08.200)
not saying it did.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.200)
So if I were Roger, I'd be mad about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:12.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:13.200)
But I'd also not be thrilled about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.200)
That's where we are right now is beating up a 75-year-old or whatever she is.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.200)
She's older than Roger.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.200)
Look how old his wife is.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:20.200)
Still looks great for 77 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.200)
Oh, my God.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.200)
His daughter's not bad looking either.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:24.200)
I mean, I mean, that's like God made beautiful women.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.200)
I'm not hitting on them.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.200)
I'm married.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.200)
I'm saying nice ladies.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:29.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.200)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.200)
What do we got?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:32.200)
Do we got to do that?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.200)
We don't have to do these things, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:36.200)
We don't have to say his daughter's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:39.200)
We don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.200)
Well, I mean, it's it's an interesting way.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:42.200)
He was trying to recover from saying that Roger's wife was hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:45.200)
Like, oh, I'll save this by saying his daughter's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:47.200)
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:48.200)
Let me objectify his child instead.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.200)
That'll make it better.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.200)
Ah, what a good save, everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.200)
Why isn't everybody reaching up for high fives?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.200)
I got high fives going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.200)
Where's everybody else's high fives?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.200)
So we get back now to the Reichtag fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:04.200)
And I was so glad that this paid off because I was worried that that stuff that he was
Unknown Speaker (00:29:09.200)
printing out wasn't, you know, it was going to be the opposite of Chekhov's printer
Unknown Speaker (00:29:13.200)
paper, but we do find out what he had an intern print out for him.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.200)
This is Reichstag 2.0.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.200)
Reichstag fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:21.200)
The Reichstag fire German.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.200)
Fire was a arson attack on the Reichstag government building, the capital.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:29.200)
Home of the German parliament in Berlin on Monday, the 27th February, 1933.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:35.200)
Precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:39.200)
Hitler's government stated that it goes on, Marinus van der Lib and all the rest of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:45.200)
So this is the Wikipedia article about the Reichstag fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:49.200)
Great, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:50.200)
If you ever want to tell yourself that Alex does any work, please call this image into your mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.200)
He doesn't do shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.200)
He has his interns print Wikipedia pages for him to fumble his way through blindly reading.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.200)
When he said German of fire, that's because on the Wikipedia entry, they include the German
Unknown Speaker (00:30:06.200)
word for the fire, which confused Alex while he was cold reading.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.200)
There we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.200)
This is pathetic.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:11.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:12.200)
Anyway, more revisionist history about Hitler coming up.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:15.200)
You know, it's one of those things where by having papers, you assume a legitimacy that
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.200)
somebody ostensibly from the internet doesn't have.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:23.200)
Something about having physical papers suggests, look, we at least did the work, and then you
Unknown Speaker (00:30:29.200)
find out they just printed out the internet, and that's ten times less interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:33.200)
And it's Wikipedia.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.200)
And it's Wikipedia.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.200)
Yeah, I mean like it's the newsmen of days of yore might have desk papers that they're
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.200)
looking at, or like you might, you know, I don't know, maybe I've only seen this in sitcoms,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:45.200)
but like somebody comes running in with a piece of paper.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:48.200)
Oh yeah, breaking news, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.200)
Yeah, breaking news.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:50.200)
Yeah, typed up, there's transcriptions because you couldn't even do shit like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.200)
You just had to read it out loud like a man.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:57.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:58.200)
And I think Alex is trying to emulate that to give himself some kind of like the appearance
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.200)
of that, and it's just Wikipedia articles.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:03.200)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.200)
All right, here's more bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:06.200)
Hitler first only got elected president, it wasn't enough, and then there was people were
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.200)
fighting over him trying to become the Fuhrer, and have the former head of the Weimar Republic
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.200)
step down, and so they had to stage this event that came out in the Nuremberg Trials.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:22.200)
Hitler was not elected president prior to the Reichstag fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:25.200)
He'd been appointed chancellor by Hindenburg.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:28.200)
The title Fuhrer didn't really even exist at the time, and I guess he was the Fuhrer
Unknown Speaker (00:31:31.200)
of the Nazi party, but it wouldn't come into being like a state role until after Hindenburg's
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.200)
death, when Hitler combined the offices of president and chancellor into a new title,
Unknown Speaker (00:31:40.200)
Fuhrer and Reichschansler, which eventually got shortened to Fuhrer.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:44.200)
And then they got shortened to senate majority leader.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.200)
I hate to sound like a broken record here, but Alex is just making shit up about Nazi
Unknown Speaker (00:31:50.200)
history for his own benefit here, and then pretending that the Nuremberg Trials back
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.200)
him up.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.200)
The thing that I think is most transparent as an aspect is that Alex knows damn well
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.200)
in that moment, he's making this up.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.200)
He knows he's making this up.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.200)
That's why his citation is something like the Nuremberg Trials, which is absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:32:11.200)
useless as a reference.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.200)
So general.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:13.200)
What part of the trial?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:15.200)
How many months long?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.200)
Years long?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:19.200)
What exactly came out in those trials even?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:21.200)
He's not even saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.200)
It's in the white papers, but the trial papers.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:26.200)
When you try to pull the thread there to determine how reliable a source he's being, you have
Unknown Speaker (00:32:30.200)
nowhere solid to go other than thousands of pages of testimony, and you're not even
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.200)
really sure what you're looking for to prove Alex right or wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:38.200)
That's a big part of Alex's game.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.200)
One of his favorite things to do is make absurd, completely false claims, and then insist that
Unknown Speaker (00:32:44.200)
some impossibly long text actually proves him right.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:47.200)
He's never read those texts, but it doesn't matter, because he knows that his audience
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.200)
hasn't and won't either.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:52.200)
That's why he'll constantly just point at thousand-plus page books like Tragedy and
Unknown Speaker (00:32:56.200)
Hope or Ecoscience and just insist that those things actually prove him right, and it's
Unknown Speaker (00:33:01.200)
all in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.200)
It's a way of trying to railroad criticism and make it impossible for anyone to actually
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.200)
engage with the things that are being said unless they've read these really long books
Unknown Speaker (00:33:10.200)
that Alex is pretending to have read.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.200)
I would dig through the Nuremberg documents to disprove what Alex is saying, but he gives
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.200)
up his right to be taken seriously when he completely fabricates history like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:21.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.200)
But I couldn't help it, so I did dig around a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:24.200)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.200)
This is from page 110 of volume 2 of the trial of major war criminals.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:29.200)
This is spoken by Justice Robert Jackson, the chief U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg
Unknown Speaker (00:33:34.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.200)
Quote, the burning of this symbol of free parliamentary government was so providential
Unknown Speaker (00:33:39.200)
for the Nazis that it was believed they staged the fire themselves.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.200)
Certainly, when we contemplate their known crimes, we cannot believe they would shrink
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.200)
to mere arson.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:47.200)
It's not necessary, however, to resolve the controversy as to who set the fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.200)
So I guess if Alex is saying that it came out in the Nuremberg trials that the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (00:33:54.200)
themselves set the fire, the chief U.S. prosecutor doesn't seem to be even making that indictment
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.200)
in the Nuremberg trials.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.200)
And in fact, though it's generally accepted consensus that the Nazis did probably start
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.200)
the fire, definitive proof is hard to come by even today.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:08.199)
Even the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum says, quote, the origins of the fire are still unclear.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:13.199)
Sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:15.199)
I mean, I think the prosecutor really makes a good point, which is just like, ah, just
Unknown Speaker (00:34:21.199)
add it.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:22.199)
Just, Amy, take it off, add it.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:24.199)
It doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:25.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:26.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:27.199)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:28.199)
It's better just to be like, it doesn't even matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.199)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:31.199)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:32.199)
What they did was horrible enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:33.199)
That would be a genocide.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.199)
A fire is not, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:36.199)
Anytime somebody is engaging in World War II revisionism, where they're like changing
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.199)
a little bit of the story away from Nazi genocide is to me like that sign that you're eventually
Unknown Speaker (00:34:48.199)
going to try and get me to think that even if there was a problem with Hitler, it wasn't
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.639)
the genocide or the fascism part.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:54.480)
I see you coming, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:56.199)
Yeah, Alex is really fucking weird on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.719)
Like this really struck me as like, this is unnecessary.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:04.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:05.199)
He really is exposing of a either complete and total ignorance of history on Alex's part
Unknown Speaker (00:35:13.400)
or a willingness to lie to his audience in a way to make history look like what he wants
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.039)
the present to look like to them in order to convince them of a lie about the present.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.119)
No, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:26.119)
Which is like either of those are pretty bad looks.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:28.599)
Yeah, I mean, what's that old saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:31.159)
He who lies about the past controls the present and then becomes Senate Majority Leader.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:36.760)
So we get a guest at this point on the 14th, he's a guy who hides in bushes.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:44.679)
He's the Batman.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.679)
He's the Batman.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:46.679)
He's the Batman.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:47.679)
It's John Rappaport.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.679)
It's the Bats.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:49.679)
John Rappaport hasn't been a guest on the show much in the recent history.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:54.519)
So people who have just discovered our show recently probably won't know of our obsession
Unknown Speaker (00:35:58.900)
with John Rappaport.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:59.900)
He followed us on Twitter for a while.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:03.480)
Several hundred episodes and then boom, much like the Bat, gone into the night.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:09.320)
He is a guy who is a quote unquote investigative journalist, is an HIV denialist, is a real
Unknown Speaker (00:36:17.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:18.719)
I think he's hypnotizing Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:20.719)
Alex has an intense emotional reliance on him.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:25.320)
Oftentimes whenever John hosts the fourth hour, Alex will do five minutes with him where
Unknown Speaker (00:36:29.599)
he is just like, John, John, I need you, John.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.800)
Just tell me I'm doing good.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.119)
John, we love you so much, John Rappaport.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.079)
Tell me I'm a good man, John.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.639)
John, I just need to hear that I'm a good man.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:40.320)
So his interview is not really all that great.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.519)
It's kind of just about how like, you know, Aunt Aoife did that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:46.239)
Why do I feel like they went through the Rolodex of Infowars guests and were like, I guess Rappaport's
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.119)
the only one who hasn't been documented as saying we did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.840)
We took over the Capitol in a positive way.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:57.159)
There are there are a fair amount of like, wow, they're back.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.840)
Like Mike Adams was back.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.159)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.159)
Like just the last couple episodes, Rappaport's here showing up later.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:07.280)
We're going to get Steve Quayle is fucking back.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.239)
Who here was against the coup?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:11.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.920)
Anybody raise their hands?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:13.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.920)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.920)
Oh, not a lot of faces.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:16.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:17.920)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:18.920)
So here's here's a little taste from their talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:21.159)
Who is this guy standing next to him?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.840)
Oh, well, he was arrested over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:25.639)
You know, all of this comes tumbling out and arrested and let go.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.639)
They've got this Antifa leader that you mentioned saying, burn the Capitol down on video.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.679)
He was released.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:37.679)
You know, it's like the Keystone Cops.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:41.079)
So Alex is referencing John Sullivan, who is not an Antifa leader by any stretch of
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.239)
the word.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:46.239)
Initially, Alex had been saying that this dude had been arrested and let go and he was
Unknown Speaker (00:37:50.519)
making up both things.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.360)
Since then, Sullivan had been arrested, but he wasn't really let go.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.679)
He was released from jail without bail.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.679)
But whenever Alex brings that up, he fails to mention that conditions of his release
Unknown Speaker (00:38:01.960)
included surrendering his passport, having his computer activities monitored, being not
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.559)
allowed to go on social media and being under house arrest.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.119)
He's definitely still in huge trouble.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:11.900)
But the phrasing that he was released from jail is being misrepresented by people like
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.119)
Alex to imply that the charges have been dropped when that is not the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:18.320)
Yeah, the legal system is not really their interest in portraying accurately.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:23.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.599)
Capital letters and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.599)
Also, I don't know all the details, but Sullivan's not someone who left-wing activists seem to
Unknown Speaker (00:38:30.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:31.719)
They hate him!
Unknown Speaker (00:38:32.719)
And have for a while.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.719)
Long good time.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:35.719)
There's an article on The Intercept that cites a number of activists from the West Coast
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.280)
who have raised concerns about him long before he went to DC.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:42.719)
But anyway, weirdly, you know where I actually first saw John Sullivan?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:46.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.480)
The one that was shot at him for the first time?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:48.480)
The Whole Foods?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:49.480)
It was in the footage from inside the Capitol that was shot by the Infowars employee named
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:55.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.179)
Here's Sam talking to John Sullivan just after that woman got shot, trying to get the footage
Unknown Speaker (00:39:01.360)
that John Sullivan had shot of the incident.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.880)
He actually saw her die.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:06.800)
He actually saw her...
Unknown Speaker (00:39:07.800)
I'll post the video.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.800)
I have the video.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:09.800)
I have the video of the guy with the gun and the shooter.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.800)
I want to get with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:11.800)
I'm with the
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.800)
Just J-
Unknown Speaker (00:39:07.480)
I haven't, but I will look it up.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:20.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:23.599)
I got you.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:24.599)
I want to get your info right now if you got that shot.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.599)
I have it.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.599)
Oh, I was right behind the door.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:27.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.599)
I need that footage, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.599)
It's going to go out to the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.599)
This has changed so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.599)
I cannot believe that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.000)
So there's a couple of interesting things here.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:38.139)
The first is obviously how ghoulish it is that these two are so interested in talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:39:41.719)
how good their footage is of a woman being shot so soon after and so close to where the
Unknown Speaker (00:39:45.679)
shooting happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.679)
There's a real grim voyeurism on display here that I think reflects poorly on them both.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:50.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.880)
Secondly, it's interesting to me that John seems unaware of Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:55.800)
If he were really an Antifa provocateur who was there to set up the Patriots and make
Unknown Speaker (00:39:59.360)
them look bad, it seems strange that he would sound completely unfamiliar with the name
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.699)
Infowars who are supposed to be the patsies and fall guys of this whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:06.239)
Conversely, if he really were a left-wing activist, it seems unlikely that he would
Unknown Speaker (00:40:09.960)
be unaware of Infowars in that circumstance, too, given that they're a media organization
Unknown Speaker (00:40:14.440)
that proves and poses a very real and relevant threat to left-wing activist communities.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:20.239)
I honestly don't know what to make of their exchange, and I can't possibly imagine how
Unknown Speaker (00:40:23.500)
difficult it would be to process information after seeing someone get shot.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:27.000)
So not recognizing a name could just be a brain lapse.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:29.820)
I have no idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:31.119)
But I do think it's pretty funny to look at the dynamics here.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:34.340)
On the 6th, when Alex was on his own show, he was touting this footage that he'd gotten
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.960)
from inside the Capitol of the shooting.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.500)
That footage was shot by Sam, the Infowars employee, and John Sullivan was the other
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.179)
footage that Alex had, who has now turned out to be an Antifa agent provocateur.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.400)
I honestly wonder if Alex even realizes that the person that Sam got footage from to send
Unknown Speaker (00:40:55.519)
to Alex was John Sullivan.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.159)
Plausible deniability.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.719)
I bet Alex doesn't even realize.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.400)
He doesn't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:02.400)
Yeah, it's bad for him to know that.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:03.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.400)
So now we get another guest on.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.400)
It's an online right-wing talk show host.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:08.679)
I'm not sure if I've ever heard him be on Alex's show before.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.719)
He might have been.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.719)
I'm not sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:13.719)
Pete Santilli.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.719)
The Santilli Lace.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:16.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.719)
I couldn't help it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:19.719)
I don't like this guy, but I also am not interested.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:21.320)
Then on January 20th, our commander in chief hasn't called us to a peaceful protest to
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.519)
Washington, D.C.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.599)
He just said, wherever you protest, protest peacefully.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:32.000)
I believe that they're setting the stage.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.119)
The FBI said that they forewarned the Capitol Police that there were going to be some agitators
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.460)
coming in.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:39.460)
How do they know that?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:40.460)
Because those agitators worked for the FBI.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.880)
They had let the Capitol Police's guard down.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.539)
They allowed this thing to take place.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.159)
They had their operatives breaking the window.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.480)
And then obviously the emotion involved in just walking.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.199)
Well, we got three years ago from 2018, but it was from 2015.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:59.480)
The headline info wars was Obama planned martial law in Maryland.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:03.360)
How'd that go?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.360)
And the documents are there where they plan to like go provocateur and get it to be triggered.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:09.000)
And we actually have the anti-fidocuments.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.159)
That's what they do.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.159)
Yeah, those documents still aren't real.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:13.840)
They're still definitely just something that Harrison Smith found when he was cruising
Unknown Speaker (00:42:17.079)
around 4chan.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.079)
No contracts with the Soros son, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:21.920)
So Pete Santilli is a guy who's like a radio show host, but he's only relevant at all because
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.320)
he was arrested at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.719)
The charges ultimately were dropped against him, most likely because he was both occupying
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.280)
the refuge and pretending to be a journalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.619)
So they didn't even want to fuck around and try and figure out how that first amendment
Unknown Speaker (00:42:39.699)
needle gets threaded.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.699)
And like, ah, who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.699)
Much like who set the Reichstag fire, they're like, Jesus Christ, that's just too much.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:46.659)
It's too much.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.659)
It's too much.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:48.659)
And he's on just to try and help Alex convince people that the feds set people up and that,
Unknown Speaker (00:42:55.840)
you know, like coming weekend, it's all going to be a mess.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.480)
There's going to be agent provocateur events, mass shootings, bombings.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.079)
And now that we're here recording this on Tuesday,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:06.800)
I think it's, I think it's fascinating to me just because in some ways this is kind
Unknown Speaker (00:43:12.679)
of the only way that these people would be able to try and keep their people from committing
Unknown Speaker (00:43:18.199)
mass acts of violence because they can't come out and say, we were lying to you because
Unknown Speaker (00:43:23.119)
then the people will be like, uh, no, you weren't.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.360)
Or you're lying to us now.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:28.039)
Or it doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:29.219)
We still want to overthrow the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:30.960)
But if you say that, if you go, you're going to be a provocateur and then blamed, that's
Unknown Speaker (00:43:36.079)
more likely to cut through the, it's like, it's like when you're talking to a child in
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.980)
pretend land, you have to talk to the pretend land child, not the regular one.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:45.320)
But if you just say something along the lines of like complete denunciation of violence,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.880)
you stand to lose a certain amount of your audience who will think that you've sold out
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.880)
or something because that is how information is filtered for a lot of these communities.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:02.880)
You have to be like, okay, yeah, yeah, you want to do this and you're right to want to
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.159)
do it, but if you do it, it's a trap and you'll be a symbol that'll bring all your brethren
Unknown Speaker (00:44:11.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:13.599)
That is probably the only way.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:17.599)
It's, it's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.599)
You have to play the game.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.599)
It doesn't really work for everyone.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.599)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:21.599)
Yeah, we'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.599)
Anyway, this was pretty fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:23.599)
Uh, Pete Santilli has one big message and it's like, yeah, all right, I believe I can.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:29.739)
What I want everybody to understand right now is that your most trusted people that
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.559)
you have around you are going to be the ones that you will, you will be shocked that they're
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.599)
actually working for this entity.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.360)
There's trillions of dollars at stake.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.679)
Your security person may be paid a hundred thousand dollars to set you up, to gather
Unknown Speaker (00:44:50.360)
enough information in order for you to make a statement on recording, uh, and, uh, and
Unknown Speaker (00:44:56.320)
essentially be used in an indictment.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.079)
So Pete's messages, nobody in the right wing can be trusted.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.159)
Hey, listen, everyone, everyone will absolutely abandon you the moment that it is expedient
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.139)
for them to do so.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:09.139)
Everyone in this right wing community has a fucking price tag and you can't afford them.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:13.920)
Have you guys, did you guys ever hear about Stalin's closest, uh, Politburo friends and
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.280)
all that stuff?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:19.280)
Did you ever notice how they backstabbed each other all the goddamn time?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.159)
Well, guess what?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:23.159)
That's what fascism is.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.159)
Well, I know that, uh, Stalin burned down the Reich tag.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:27.559)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:28.559)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:29.559)
We don't have time to figure it out, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.559)
So, uh, Pete, uh, makes a bit of an accusation here that, uh, I found distasteful.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:36.840)
I believe, and we're getting information now that there were maps that were put out.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:40.599)
A guy named John Sullivan, who is a known BLM and Tifa, uh, activist just so happened
Unknown Speaker (00:45:47.920)
to be present with her, uh, how she was able to determine that going through the labyrinth
Unknown Speaker (00:45:53.340)
of the, you know, the hallways in the halls of Congress, how she was able to get to that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:57.920)
one particular spot where secret service would be, I'm sure was provoked by John Sullivan.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:04.059)
She's very emotionally involved.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.559)
They break the window, she goes up there, she gets shot.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:09.559)
I gotta say, it feels kinda like defamation to just randomly imply that just because Sullivan
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.920)
was near Ashley when she got shot that somehow he led her there.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:17.880)
If the standard for making that accusation is that low, then it could easily be said
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.280)
that Alex's cameraman, Sam, must have led her to where she got shot since he was right
Unknown Speaker (00:46:25.039)
there too.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:26.039)
Oh shit, Sam's Antifa.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:27.039)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.039)
God damn it, Sam.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:29.039)
Oh, and Troyer's Black Lives Matter flag burning friend Taylor Hansen was right there too,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:33.239)
so he must have been the one who led her there.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:35.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:36.079)
There's a very serious accusation that Pete is making based on nothing, and the only reason
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.760)
he's doing it is so that he doesn't have to feel bad about being an active participant
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.400)
in the media ecosystem that misinforms and radicalizes people like Ashley to the point
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.840)
where she thought it was a good idea to storm the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:50.559)
He can't take that really hard look in the mirror, so the best way to put that off is
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.440)
to come up with a convenient story where someone else is the bad guy who actually secretly
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.320)
had machinations to lead to this.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.199)
Yeah, at no point in time can that man just say, wait, I think it was me and my ilk that
Unknown Speaker (00:47:08.400)
led her there.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:09.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.400)
Maybe there are real world consequences for bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:14.320)
Oh no, if I have that reflection, I have to change my behavior or recognize that I'm a
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.159)
villain while I profit off it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:21.159)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.159)
Anyway, good luck, Pete.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.320)
So Alex keeps lying about Roger's wife, and we don't need to hear more of it because it's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:28.840)
basically just the same thing over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.639)
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:31.639)
We've got another guest on, and I think that this guest has listened to our show.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.000)
It's Ezra Levant from Rebel Media, and I really think, tell me if you know why I think that.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.119)
What happened at the Capitol?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.539)
What's your view?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:46.539)
What's coming next?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.539)
Ezra Levant of Rebel Media.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:49.239)
Well, look, we all know the phrase fake news, and you can battle fake news on a daily basis,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:57.559)
but what happens when the news cements, when that cement hardens, and it becomes history?
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.920)
You can't even unargue or dislodge it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.119)
I'm not saying that I came up with that metaphor, but it's something that I've used in this
Unknown Speaker (00:48:11.639)
very specific context many times, and he uses it multiple times in this interview.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.599)
And I was just sitting here like, you motherfucker.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.079)
You can't weaponize my own shit against me?
Unknown Speaker (00:48:24.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.280)
So anyway, that guy sucks.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:27.159)
Very interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.159)
As an interview, we're going to jump to the 15th.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:31.079)
So the 15th is Friday.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:33.079)
I hope he does listen to our show so we can find out how little we give a fuck about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.400)
Yeah, don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.400)
Piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.400)
Go cry to Tommy Robinson about cement.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:40.920)
No shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.920)
Fuck you.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:42.920)
Anyway, so we had some vaccine-possibly-related deaths in Norway, and Alex is covering that
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.719)
I can spend an hour just on this little darling right here from, which is the
Unknown Speaker (00:48:57.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:58.119)
Just got links to mainstream Reuters, you name it, foreign news, Norway TV.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:02.559)
23 dead in Norway after taking COVID vaccine, and they said, that's okay, it's going to
Unknown Speaker (00:49:07.440)
kill some people.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:08.440)
See, they're now just normalizing the death.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:11.159)
That's just one article here.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.460)
So this is an instance where the headline can look pretty scary, but the actual story
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.119)
might not actually be as much of a cause for alarm as it seems.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.119)
The first thing to be clear about is that these deaths that have happened in Norway
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.960)
are obviously being studied.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:26.159)
And at the time of this episode, there's not been any causal link that's been made between
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.199)
the vaccine and these deaths, which is important to nail down.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.760)
If Alex had actually read some of the underlying information that this Infowars article is
Unknown Speaker (00:49:38.880)
based on, like there's a CNN article, you would have read this explanation from Stephen
Unknown Speaker (00:49:43.599)
Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Unknown Speaker (00:49:49.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.199)
Quote, Evans told the UK's Science Media Center that when people who are at high risk of death
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.800)
get vaccinated, there will be a certain number of coincidental deaths that occur shortly
Unknown Speaker (00:49:59.800)
after vaccination.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.559)
Regulatory bodies across the world are closely monitoring these fatalities, Evans said, and
Unknown Speaker (00:50:05.760)
are able to calculate the expected number of deaths within various time periods.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:09.960)
Quote, we do not yet know, but it would seem that the observed numbers of deaths is not
Unknown Speaker (00:50:15.960)
notably above the numbers expected, he said, adding that there was, quote, no need for
Unknown Speaker (00:50:20.239)
anxiety but complacency is equally mistaken.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.559)
If we're vaccinating people who are going to die soon, some of them are going to die
Unknown Speaker (00:50:27.599)
soon after we vaccinate them.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:30.139)
People who are in high risk categories may have a higher expectation of coincidental
Unknown Speaker (00:50:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:38.000)
That is a factor that needs to be taken into account.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:41.199)
Also the possibilities brought up in these articles of minor side effects possibly being
Unknown Speaker (00:50:47.079)
much more serious issues for people with more complications.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:53.519)
Anyway, I think that if you look at something like how this guy, Steven Evans, is explaining
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.519)
the situation, I think that sounds very responsible.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:02.920)
Because he has both sides sort of reflected there, which is like, there's reasons why
Unknown Speaker (00:51:08.360)
this number would be there.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:10.280)
People are looking at it and will understand this better.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:12.679)
This is not a reason to be super worried, but it's also not a reason to just be like,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.039)
eh, whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.039)
And I think that's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.840)
I remember when I was young, when I was little, they had kids Bibles, you know, that were
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.599)
illustrated and they simplified a lot of the stories and they left out all the rapes.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:31.880)
And I think that's what we need for like science news journalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.079)
We need to give them like the kiddie version of real science and they can disseminate that
Unknown Speaker (00:51:40.760)
so people don't get too scared, you know, because we can't be having people with headlines
Unknown Speaker (00:51:45.239)
like vaccine involved in two deaths.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.960)
That headline is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:54.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.320)
Well, no, it's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:56.320)
I mean, 23 people died after getting the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.239)
It's unclear if it's related or connected in how many of the cases it is, is unclear.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:06.400)
But yeah, the headline itself can be weaponized so easily by people with the wrong information.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:13.599)
Yeah, it'd be good.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.639)
Messaging is critical at this point with medical information, I think.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.800)
I would change that headline to tens of millions vaccinated without dying.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:25.639)
Unsurprisingly statistically relevant, but unsurprising so far at this point in time.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:32.280)
Let's go back to the old tracks from the 60s.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.679)
I want Thomas Paine to start writing our fucking headlines.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.599)
That's what we got to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:39.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.599)
We'll take that under advisement.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.599)
Alex has another headline.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:44.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.599)
COVID lockdown harms are 10 times greater than benefits and causes more people to die
Unknown Speaker (00:52:51.320)
from suicide, drug addiction, drug overdose, and more, but that's okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:59.440)
I can tell from the phrasing of the headline that Alex is reading there that it's a post
Unknown Speaker (00:53:04.480)
in an outlet called the Dhaka Tribune.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:07.079)
I didn't know that Alex kept up with the Bangladeshi media.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:09.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.840)
One of his interns just has a Google alert for lockdown studies and this one hit the
Unknown Speaker (00:53:13.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:15.920)
This was an article published on January 11th about a paper put out by a Canadian doctor
Unknown Speaker (00:53:19.079)
of pediatrics named Ari Joff.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:21.760)
The paper is called COVID-19 Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink and it's not been published
Unknown Speaker (00:53:26.119)
by anyone nor is it peer reviewed.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.440)
Also it was written last October.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:31.159)
Alex absolutely didn't read this paper.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:33.079)
One of his interns just sent him the headline from an outlet in Bangladesh covering a Canadian
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.920)
paper that no one cared about three months ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:39.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:41.280)
Bad work.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:42.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:43.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:44.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.280)
Just great.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:46.280)
Now Alex gets to a point where he kind of thinks, well, maybe we've got to move on.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.679)
Maybe we've got to move on from Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.000)
I think he's starting to have those feelings of like, we must move forward.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.039)
I could snap my fingers and come out against Trump and come out against the second amendment
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.480)
and I can't get into details because it's private things that are done.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.159)
This is how the law works as long as something is illegal, I will go have private meetings
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.320)
with the globalists and their minions and, but I mean, I can snap my fingers and betray
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.239)
the second amendment, betray America, betray Trump to make it so easy.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.679)
Just come out against the second amendment just a little bit, come out for red flag laws
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.559)
or, or, or come out for just against Trump a little or, or just leave radical Islam alone
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.079)
or just stop harping on this pedophilia thing all day and all your problems will stop Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:35.280)
Jones, you can come back into the fold right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:37.039)
Jones, you'd come back in.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.880)
Really I can.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:39.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.880)
No, I don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.880)
I don't want to come back in your fold.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.880)
I've never been in your fold.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.920)
I don't want to be in your fold, but that's where this is.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:46.840)
People say, well, Jones, you just said red flag laws is one of their stipulations.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:51.019)
Trump said he was for that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.679)
Trump said that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.679)
So they would say we want total gun confiscation.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:55.699)
And so he would shut it all down.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:56.699)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:57.699)
It was a mistake.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.699)
I said it was whenever I talk about something Trump did, why he thought he did the right
Unknown Speaker (00:55:02.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.480)
I'm so you can get my take on why he did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.119)
Doesn't mean I agree with him.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:07.119)
He said, hey, you shouldn't have to take the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.480)
But oh, here it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:11.480)
Let's turn the economy back on.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.480)
Cause he gets, that's the main mission is shut the economy back off.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:15.559)
Doesn't mean I agree with him trying to defeat them in that capacity.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.440)
And it failed and he failed to do the right thing when it came to the censorship.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.480)
And now he knows that.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.599)
And now the whole world knows that it doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:27.800)
Now we move on.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:29.519)
Now it's Joe Biden who is a fraud who we will never accept, who is going to come after us
Unknown Speaker (00:55:34.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:35.719)
He's going to get on the offense against him because he runs a globalist crime family against
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.840)
our nation as fully compromised.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.440)
So Trump will be gone in five days.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:46.000)
Trust the plan, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:47.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.000)
We'll be right back.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.000)
I'm Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:50.000)
Tomorrow's news of the day.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:51.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.000)
This dude's so mad about QAnon.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:55.440)
Man, that's just bad writing.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:57.320)
That's just bad fanfic is what we just heard right there.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.119)
There's also, there's something interesting and paradoxical about Alex ranting about how
Unknown Speaker (00:56:03.480)
the globalists want him to turn on Trump, but he won't do it only for him to then end
Unknown Speaker (00:56:07.239)
his rant by saying we have to move on to fight Joe Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:09.480)
Well, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.480)
I guess it's not turning on Trump, but leaving that season of his show behind, maybe?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:13.920)
Yeah, just toss it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:15.039)
If you're Alex, you don't get to do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.280)
You don't get to whip your audience into an apocalyptic fervor about how Trump was appointed
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.840)
to be ruler by God and this election is a spiritual battle between Trump's godliness
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.719)
and the literal devil.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.199)
Then when it's time to move on, you just say, we move on.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:28.320)
Personally, I'm stoked the devil won.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.239)
He's a good dude.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:31.239)
I guess we've talked a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:32.840)
He's everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.840)
Alex promised the end of days and the fucking devil if Biden got in and guess what?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.679)
It's probably just going to be a slightly disappointing government that Alex is just
Unknown Speaker (00:56:42.519)
going to make a bunch of money yelling about.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.719)
Fucking bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:45.719)
Also, I want to point out this thing that Alex has been doing a lot lately that I find
Unknown Speaker (00:56:49.079)
really offensive.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:50.500)
He keeps talking about how he could join the globalists so easy.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.159)
They want him on their side and at any minute he could be one of the elites.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:58.179)
This is meant to be heard by the audience like an abusive spouse yelling about how they
Unknown Speaker (00:57:01.920)
could do so much better.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:03.480)
The message is really clear that Alex could join the globalists whenever he wants because
Unknown Speaker (00:57:07.380)
he's special, but no one listening has the same offer extended to them because they are
Unknown Speaker (00:57:11.500)
not special.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:12.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.500)
And you should be glad that I'm not joining these globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.000)
You are fucking lucky I choose to shine my light on you assholes.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:20.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.400)
It's dark.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:23.699)
It's really narcissistic and gross.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:25.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.679)
I don't enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.679)
I would prefer he didn't do that or exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.360)
Well, I mean, if he didn't exist, I know there's at least two people in the world who would
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.639)
miss him.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.679)
I got the wrong clip here.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.199)
Thinking real hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:45.199)
I got the wrong clip here.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:46.760)
Later Alex says that two famous people told him something.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.800)
This is a clip where two people tell him about one single famous person.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:55.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:57.239)
We gotta talk famous people.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:59.239)
Didn't hear that part.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.239)
There's one person.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:01.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:03.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.239)
There's one person.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:06.239)
If Alex didn't exist, one person who's very famous who would be very sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:09.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.519)
Christopher Watson?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:11.519)
Paul Watson asked me like, what's going on with Jack Dorsey?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.639)
He says he's for free speech and he hates the fact that Trump was censored, but then
Unknown Speaker (00:58:16.199)
now there's this video where he's admitting it all, that he is censoring to his employees.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:19.679)
He's like a man with a gun to his head and I think that's basically it.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:22.400)
He's blackmailed for whatever reason it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.800)
And so I told Paul, why not just tell you this now?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.840)
It's not like a bragging thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.960)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.960)
It's actually weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.960)
I think it's strange.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:31.960)
I've been told by two famous prominent people that Jack Dorsey says Alex Jones is always
Unknown Speaker (00:58:39.199)
right and that I'm like his guru.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:42.739)
And then there's this big famous Hollywood producer.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:45.000)
I'm not going to go any further.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:47.199)
This big music producer that like is like their guru and then he's like, I'm being told
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.360)
this by two separate really famous people.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:55.599)
And this is like a while back and I'm like, okay, all right.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:58.400)
I mean, you can't make up the weirdness level.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:02.599)
This is right before Phil Spector died, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:05.599)
Yeah, I think so.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:08.159)
This famous music producer fucking loves me.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:11.679)
He's my, he loves me.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:13.320)
He's a famous music producer.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.800)
He's saying this was a while back, so it could have been Manson.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:19.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.000)
Yeah, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:21.000)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.559)
Let's imagine this is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.320)
Do you have something better to do with your time on the show?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:29.920)
No, no he doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:31.480)
Why are you talking about Jack Dorsey?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:35.800)
Jack Dorsey looks at me like I'm his guru.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:38.639)
I'm really, really done with anybody treating a rich person like they're real.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.559)
Like what's going on with Jack Dorsey?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:45.599)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:46.760)
What's going on?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:47.760)
Don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:48.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:49.760)
The end.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.760)
Jordan, I don't even care about Jack Dorsey.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:51.760)
I want to talk about Alex Jones being his guru.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:55.079)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.079)
So in a sense, money is the only thing he cares about.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:58.039)
Well, I mean, it must have felt terrible to kick your guru off of your own platform.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:05.199)
Ban him.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.199)
Multiple times.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:07.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:08.199)
And leave David Knight on.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.639)
David Knight is my nightlight.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.159)
I just think about this like you get kicked out of a bar and later you're like the bouncer,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:21.119)
I'm his hero.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:22.119)
He's my, he loves me.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.000)
Guy fucking loves me.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.400)
Broke his heart to kick my ass out of there.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:30.119)
But hey, look, Alex didn't tell that story to be powerful.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.559)
By the way, folks, I didn't tell you that Jack Dorsey story to sound powerful or cool.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:39.679)
I don't want to be part of Hollywood.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:40.679)
I want to be part of the Washington power structure.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:43.159)
It really is true that you cannot register or fathom how popular Infowars really is now.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.679)
And that was all God's plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:52.320)
And that was all you keeping us on air.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:54.719)
All of us together.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:55.719)
It was a team effort.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:56.719)
It's extremely dangerous position to be in as well, but almost all these liberal talk
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.559)
show hosts attack me.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:01.719)
They actually listen.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.719)
I remember Mike Cernovich about five years ago, four years ago, he was visiting here.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:06.360)
He says, don't you know, they all love you and they all listen all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.239)
And don't you know, all those big people like Jack Dorsey and all them are huge fans.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:12.480)
And I'm like, dude, stop trying to build my ego up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.400)
I don't want to hear this.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.400)
That's bull.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.400)
It's all true, but I appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.519)
It is all bull.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:21.599)
Can't believe anything Mike Cernovich says for one and then for two, uh, man, this is
Unknown Speaker (01:01:27.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:28.800)
This is really grim.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:29.800)
This is bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:30.800)
I guess, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.280)
The only people that I could really make a solid case who really dislike him, but do
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.719)
listen to him are me.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.519)
The yeah, that would be us.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:43.000)
So Alex is a confusing man in many ways.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:48.559)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:49.559)
He has certain tastes.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:51.679)
Disgusting ones.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.679)
He has a crush on somebody Roger Stone's daughter.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:55.440)
This really happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.440)
I remember about a year ago visiting my, a little bit over a year ago, my, my wife's
Unknown Speaker (01:02:01.920)
mother in San Diego.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.639)
And so her house is little, so we said, well, let's go to this nice country club that has
Unknown Speaker (01:02:09.599)
a hotel.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:10.599)
Beautiful place.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:11.599)
It was the Fairmount beautiful hotel on a golf course.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:15.440)
We could walk around the golf course and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.159)
I'm rich.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.159)
All the chemical spraying that they add to the jet fuel and it's all in the patents and
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.000)
It's all in the Nobel prizes.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.000)
I mean, it's been going on since the mid nineties.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:31.000)
It's a perfect case of this industrial globalist takeover houses there and general public doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:02:35.159)
know, but it's hidden in plain view.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.800)
I said, man, I want to have a website or a podcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:39.320)
I told my wife this called Kim trails and country clubs because you're in this beautiful
Unknown Speaker (01:02:46.239)
country club, these beautiful pools, beautiful statues, five star hotel.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:50.440)
I never stayed somewhere that nice.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.659)
And there's Kim trails everywhere and it's just raining down everyone.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.400)
And it's that symbol of how this has happened to everyone.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.239)
So then I get up about 5 a.m.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:05.480)
I've got to go get on the computer and research and I see, oh, well, that's it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.639)
This big pop star.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:18.280)
She must be an Alex Jones lister because her new album is called Kim trails over the country
Unknown Speaker (01:03:29.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.920)
Lana Del Rey, Alex continues being super still going on into Atlanta, Del Ray, super into
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.280)
Lana Del Rey.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:43.719)
It's awesome.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:45.159)
He's so into this Kim trails over the, over the country club and he can't even enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.519)
He can't even enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.119)
He loves it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:53.119)
He loves her and he can't publicly, he has to spend a fucking 10 minute jag on how famous
Unknown Speaker (01:03:59.599)
he is to God damn tech people, but he can't even come out and say he loves Lana Del Rey.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:05.400)
Now Alex, I would like for you to challenge yourself and explain to me how much you love
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.760)
the song born to die.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.599)
Oh, Hey Alex, why don't you watch the national Anthem video and tell me what you think about
Unknown Speaker (01:04:20.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.960)
Separate the art from the artist.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:24.960)
This is what you got to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:25.960)
You got to separate the art from the artist.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.360)
It's just so great.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:29.920)
It's so great that he has just out of like the last two albums just decided, I fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:04:34.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.920)
He's into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.920)
He's into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.920)
He's fallen for this Americanist, I guess maybe found out that she was dating a cop
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.880)
or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:43.880)
Oh, that could be.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.880)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.880)
I don't know exactly what it is, but it is really weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:47.639)
Is that what we should be doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.199)
Should we, should the, should Antifa focus more on biplanes and crop dusting mind control
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.840)
over a resort towns?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:58.599)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.599)
I think that's a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.599)
I listened to this, this chemtrails over the country club song and I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:05.400)
I still like Lana Del Rey enough, but I think I might be a little bored.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:09.679)
It's not, there were a couple of good songs on Norman fucking Rockwell, but like as a
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.440)
whole, I thought that song was really kind of just standard Lana Del Rey stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.039)
It didn't do anything that really intrigued me much.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:23.239)
It kind of felt a little bit, a little safe, a little down the middle.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:27.440)
Is this alphabetically the sequel to Bombs Over Baghdad?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:34.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.079)
Moving on.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.079)
So Alex interviews Larry Pinckney, uh, it was a Black Panther back in the day and they,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.599)
it's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.599)
It's more just about how the FBI is running Antifa and Black Lives Matter and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.719)
But then Alex gets back to talking about Roger's wife and this is the next day now.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:57.320)
This is the 15th.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.320)
He's still talking about Roger's wife.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.800)
Already had a clarification.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:00.800)
Roger Stone's wife got beat up, didn't actually happen on Thursday, the day before his wife
Unknown Speaker (01:06:06.960)
didn't want to tell him.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.960)
The guy ran her over with a bike in her front yard.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.659)
She got up, he pushed her down two more times and she knew that Roger would go crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.960)
So she just said, a guy hit me with a bike.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:15.960)
Then she had to go to the hospital the next day and then she told him the rest of the
Unknown Speaker (01:06:19.000)
story that he told me.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:20.000)
And he's so upset.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.000)
He can't even come on the air and she's going to have an emergency surgery probably today.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.719)
So that's a 74 year old wife and then they got beat her up.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:29.480)
So, and they're trying to get Roger to go crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:30.480)
I mean, I understand that that's what's happening here and they did that to Larry Pinckney and
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:34.760)
Uh, I need your support.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:36.039)
I appreciate your support.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:37.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.760)
Alex, you can make up shit about my wife, but I'm not going on your show to lie.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:43.960)
And please just whatever you do, don't use, uh, fabricated stories about my wife to sell
Unknown Speaker (01:06:49.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:50.199)
Oh wait, you did?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:51.199)
Oh, how predictable.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.199)
I think that's just, if you meet Alex and talk to him for more than an hour, you have
Unknown Speaker (01:06:57.719)
to sign a waiver that says he's allowed to lie about your time together.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.960)
You're probably, you're probably right.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:02.719)
It's like a, like an NDA, but I'm going to lie about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.440)
So Alex has another guest on and it's Steve Quayle, who is a noted weirdo.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:13.360)
He is someone who has, uh, he has a long history with Alex and shows like Coast to Coast.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.239)
He's also a guest on Jim Baker's show.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.559)
He's vice president for a while.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:22.119)
He's written books about giants.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:25.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:26.320)
Apparently there's another book coming out soon about giants that Alex wants to not talk
Unknown Speaker (01:07:30.679)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:31.679)
The Nephilim?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:32.679)
Is that what we're talking about?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:33.679)
We're talking about those giants.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.679)
We're talking Bible giants.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.679)
We're not talking giants.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:37.039)
We're not talking about, uh, centers in the NBA.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:40.079)
No, we're talking young earth creationism giants.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:42.920)
We're talking about, uh, the angels who fell and breaded with human women.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.639)
Good stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:48.639)
Got too big.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.639)
Got too big, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:51.639)
Alex, in the past, when we've listened to episodes from like the 2009 era around, then
Unknown Speaker (01:07:57.719)
Steve Quayle is around a bit more and Alex always talks about like how he's a prophet
Unknown Speaker (01:08:01.159)
and like he knows stuff ahead, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.360)
He's just really right about stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:06.039)
So Alex asks him how he knows the stuff that he knows.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:08.960)
I'm interested in finding out.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.960)
I don't know if you could predict this and it's not a good answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:14.599)
My testimony is simply this.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.079)
I went from the gunner most, the uttermost.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:17.600)
I was a president of attorney.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:19.079)
This is important.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.079)
Oh, that was wild on Montana state university.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:23.000)
I went to how Lindsay talking about Jesus, never knew about Jesus, never knew anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:27.520)
And I accepted Jesus in my heart.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:28.800)
I went home that night.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:30.039)
I was living in my mother's house and uh, Tim, Tim blocks from the university and Jesus
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.720)
literally, and I know this is going to flip, flip people out, but he literally appeared
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.460)
to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.460)
I fell on my face.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:41.640)
He gave me a panorama of history and told me he was calling me.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.119)
Now understand, I just found out who Jesus was the day that that spirit of God convicted
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.319)
my heart.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.319)
But here's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.319)
He gave me a panorama of history.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:54.000)
I saw it in the future.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:55.520)
Just imagine a motion picture and then he gave me a statement.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.979)
He says, Steve, I am going to hide the things from you until they're shortly to come to
Unknown Speaker (01:09:05.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:06.039)
And he told me, he said, I want you to prepare my people for the end of the age.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:10.319)
I'll bring people that know to tell you what you need to know, but you must be faithful
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.819)
to warn them.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:15.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:16.819)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:17.819)
From that and that launched me.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.000)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.119)
You are such a good medium.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.399)
You do not need to do voices.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:24.720)
I, uh, the reason that you don't know things is because I'm going to hide them from you
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.800)
and tell, uh, I have appeared to you Jesus from beyond the grave and I shall give you
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.119)
convenient excuses for why I am not explaining things to you.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:39.760)
Also if, uh, you know, the Lord came down and gave Steve a panoramic view of history,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.840)
you should probably explain to Alex that Hitler wasn't elected president before the Reich
Unknown Speaker (01:09:48.680)
Tech fire.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:49.680)
You know, Jesus did left out that part for some odd reason.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.960)
Now everything's in the panorama.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:54.960)
He should know everything about history.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:56.880)
But if you're seeing a panoramic view of history, uh, one, that's a lot to take in.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:02.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.479)
How long was he there for?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:04.479)
I mean, a day to God is a thousand years.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:06.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.840)
But like, if you are there, like if we had some academics.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:10.720)
By the way, by the way, I'm not quoting scripture.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:12.720)
I'm remembering that because it's the name of a RZA song.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.840)
Oh, the places that you learn.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:21.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:22.319)
We see through a glass darkly.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.319)
None of us have the full picture, but the RZA has a clearer picture than the rest of
Unknown Speaker (01:10:26.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.920)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:28.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:29.920)
So Steve talked to God who gave him a panoramic view of history and told him that he was going
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.720)
to lead God's people or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:40.199)
Now Alex had a different visitation.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:41.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.840)
You see, you got a visit from Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:44.319)
I got a visit from the other guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.159)
So why did you get a visit from the Jesus?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.640)
I got a visit from the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:49.640)
Because I was serving the devil wholehearted and somebody somewhere touched God for me
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.000)
because I was totally beyond.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:58.199)
You're wiser than I am anyway.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:00.119)
So why did I get a visit from the devil, which I'm not going to get into on air, but I got
Unknown Speaker (01:11:02.920)
the other visit because I was pretty, I love God actually, but I got a visit from the other
Unknown Speaker (01:11:06.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.680)
Well, listen, you only get a visit from the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.600)
Even Jesus was tempted by the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:12.479)
I'm not saying either one of us are Jesus, but I think it's really important, Alex, that
Unknown Speaker (01:11:17.680)
people understand something.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:19.199)
This is a spiritual war.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.800)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:22.800)
I feel like everybody who's ever been interested in Alex Jones, again, should lead all their
Unknown Speaker (01:11:28.399)
stories with Alex Jones, comma, guy who believes the devil visited him.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:33.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:34.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:35.680)
I just have a heart to, I want to know the rules of this universe.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.600)
It's really getting annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:40.239)
It's like whenever, it's like when you're watching a superhero movie and then at the
Unknown Speaker (01:11:44.000)
deus ex machina, somebody already, all of a sudden has a new power.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:47.600)
I'm annoyed by that.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.920)
It's like heroes.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:49.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.920)
Set up the rules for me, exist within the rules of space.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.199)
When they started to get to the point where they could give people powers and heroes,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.399)
it's just like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:59.399)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.399)
We can't do this anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:01.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.399)
What's going on with that eclipse?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:03.399)
We can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.399)
We can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.399)
We can't just, everybody's claiming that they got visits from superpowers and shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:09.399)
No, come on man.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:10.520)
I got visited by Hephaestus.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:11.920)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.520)
You don't get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.520)
The god, the blacksmith god.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.720)
See, it's actually proof that you're a good person that you got visited by the devil and
Unknown Speaker (01:12:20.039)
that I was a bad person that I got visited by Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.520)
You see how it works, man?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.500)
It's like yin and yang, but we don't believe in that bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:27.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:28.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:29.319)
So that's the kind of conversation that's taken place.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.600)
Yeah, I believe that.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.399)
And I've been listening to this and I'm thinking to myself, boy, this show is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:39.359)
This is really dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.720)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:43.720)
So Steve's got a prediction that has nothing to do with giants or visitations from other
Unknown Speaker (01:12:47.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.279)
And I want to make this statement.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:51.319)
Seven years ago, before President Trump even obviously became president, I made this statement.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:58.180)
Before God allows China and Russia to destroy the United States in a nuclear attack, he's
Unknown Speaker (01:13:04.279)
going to reveal the sins of the leaders to the people and the people's sins before a
Unknown Speaker (01:13:08.079)
holy God.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:09.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:10.079)
Everybody has watched the narrative, some of the sickest SOBs on the planet.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:14.279)
Those are sons of Belial, meaning Baal.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:18.000)
We've seen it.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:19.000)
We're seeing the deep state.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.479)
So I guess get a bunker?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:22.720)
I prefer the Silquarian Belial.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:25.840)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:27.840)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.840)
I guess China and Russia are going to nuke us.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:30.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:31.840)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:32.840)
Aren't they heavily invested in us?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:33.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.840)
I think they want us to live.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:35.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:36.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:37.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:38.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:39.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.840)
Steve is an insufferably annoying weirdo.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:42.560)
No, he's doing great.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.319)
I love him seven years.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.079)
He's had visions.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:47.079)
Listen, if I want to just hear somebody talk about being visited by God and how Belial
Unknown Speaker (01:13:52.920)
is going to nuke the earth or whatever the fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:55.520)
I could call my wife.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.800)
No, I'm fine with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:59.039)
I'll listen to that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:00.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.279)
I'll listen to that same person tell me about Antifa.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.960)
Well, there's probably that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:05.840)
I'm just not playing that game.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:07.680)
Anyway, we go on to the 16th and that's Saturday.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:10.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:11.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:12.600)
Alex has an episode on Saturday?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:13.600)
That must be an emergency episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.600)
Emergency episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:16.600)
I think Alex has had a little bit of time to think.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:18.520)
Uh huh.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:19.520)
We got a new reason that the 6th happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:21.720)
There will be another reason.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:22.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.720)
But that doesn't come until actually Sunday.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:25.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.119)
But on Saturday, Alex has had some time to think after that Steve interview.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:30.000)
I think he might not be feeling good about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:35.500)
We all know the false flag is the scoundrel's ace in the hole.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:41.399)
They're ace of spades.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:45.039)
And now they've played it.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:46.239)
Why isn't good governance ever their ace of spades?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.560)
And it gives me a just surreal feeling.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.079)
Has anybody tried that?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:52.359)
To have walked right into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:01.199)
And then to have Steve Pacinek on a few days ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:04.079)
Chortling and celebrating that fact.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.840)
But not in the way he said.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:13.000)
It's a little bit different.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:16.800)
But see that's the thing about the globalist mindset.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:19.600)
As the terrain changes and they flip sides and engage in Machiavellian behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:26.520)
They think that's intelligence.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:29.180)
They think the cold, hard, social, Darwinistic way they carry it out is proof of their righteousness
Unknown Speaker (01:15:41.399)
and it's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:42.600)
So that seems to imply that Steve is a globalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:46.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:47.680)
I, what's going on here, and this will sort of play out as the episode goes along.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:53.640)
Alex is saying that Steve was chortling but not in the way he seems.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:57.520)
The way he seemed to be chortling was that Trump had won and everything was totally fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:02.439)
The way he was actually chortling was at Alex's expense.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.439)
Now it should be pointed out that our episode mocking the shit out of Steve's interview
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.039)
with him came out on Friday, this is Saturday.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.600)
So I don't know if maybe, I don't know if that's what led to this emergency episode
Unknown Speaker (01:16:21.399)
of Reflection.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:23.279)
Probably not.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.279)
I would doubt it.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:25.279)
But Alex is kind of realizing that Steve is fucking with him.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.119)
He is talking about 1984 and about how Emanuel Goldstein is a set up, it's QAnon.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:36.520)
And then he starts talking about other characters in 1984 and how they interacted.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:43.840)
When their torturers came in to torture them, they thought that they were actually their
Unknown Speaker (01:16:47.880)
friends because they couldn't believe they'd been conned.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.880)
Just like in 1984, O'Brien, and it's all just a fictional account of this, is torturing
Unknown Speaker (01:16:58.600)
him to death.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:00.239)
But he still thinks O'Brien's a good guy and he's like, oh, O'Brien, they got you.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:03.880)
When O'Brien comes in his jail cell, he goes, O'Brien, they got you.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.439)
They got you too.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:08.439)
And he goes, oh, they got me a long time ago, Winston.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.319)
See, the difference is with somebody like me, I know Paciniks and O'Brien type.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.680)
I'm just observing him and watching him.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:19.319)
I'm not Winston Smith.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.319)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.319)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:22.319)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:23.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:24.319)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.039)
I'm not getting manipulated.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:29.560)
I am the master manipulator.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.640)
I am observing him as in a science experiment.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.279)
Yeah, you are.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:35.279)
Sure, I've been doing this for 20 years and the fact that he's complimented me has allowed
Unknown Speaker (01:17:39.079)
him to say whatever bullshit that he wants to.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.079)
But I was observing.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.640)
I was keeping a close eye on that sneaky O'Brien.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:47.199)
Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:51.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.159)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.159)
Ooh, this is sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.840)
I am glad I'm not a narcissist and this would really, you know what, it would really fuck
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.479)
me up for a good day or two, you know, but I wouldn't need to create a mythology around
Unknown Speaker (01:18:04.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:05.880)
I'd be like, I got had and I would learn from it and I would move on with my life and then
Unknown Speaker (01:18:10.560)
I can't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.159)
And then you would bring up the Nigerian email scam.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:15.159)
Repeatedly on air as a metaphor.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:16.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:17.159)
I'd be like, this has happened before.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:19.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:20.159)
So Alex is still talking about 1984 and he gets into talking more about this Emanuel
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.279)
Goldstein character.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.279)
Here it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:25.279)
Emanuel Goldstein.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:27.279)
Emanuel Goldstein is a fictional character in George Orwell's 1949 dystopian novel, 1984.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.840)
He is the principal enemy of the state according to the party of the totalitarian Oceania.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:40.119)
So he's just reading the Wikipedia page for Emanuel Goldstein.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:42.880)
Did they print it out or?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:44.039)
I'm not sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:45.039)
I wasn't watching the video.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.039)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:47.039)
But the reason that he pauses there when he says the 1949 novel is because on the Wikipedia
Unknown Speaker (01:18:53.039)
page it inaccurately says the 1984 novel, 1984.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:57.199)
They have the year wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:58.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:59.479)
So Alex was correcting that as he was reading.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:01.199)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:02.199)
He hasn't read this and it's just a Wikipedia page.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:03.760)
I have no interest in his analysis of 1984.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.359)
Uh, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.880)
Anyway, he's, he's, he's bummed out cause you know, on the one hand they got false flagged
Unknown Speaker (01:19:15.880)
and he's pissed off about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.880)
No they didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.880)
Well, according to him they have.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:20.000)
And he's experiencing that tough.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.479)
Um, and you know, Biden's gonna be president.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.159)
It's it's tough times all around for the Patriots.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:27.960)
Yeah, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:28.960)
And there's literally only one solution.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:31.239)
Thank you so much for joining us on this Saturday evening.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:33.460)
The only way we stop this globalist operation and foil their storm, storm busters, is by
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.680)
you taking this live feed and the archive feed for band out video and telling everyone
Unknown Speaker (01:19:43.239)
that they've got a martial law plan for the next few days and that only getting the word
Unknown Speaker (01:19:47.399)
out can stop it.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:48.399)
We need this report to get 10 million views by Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:52.520)
Hit your email list, hit your text message list, tell your neighbors to watch it, run
Unknown Speaker (01:19:57.159)
down the street with a sign saying, watch it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:00.060)
The productive solution is just get me free publicity.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:04.500)
It's dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.500)
Man, brutal.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:06.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:07.500)
It's brutal.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:08.500)
Mike Adams is back.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:09.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:10.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:11.500)
For an emergency episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:12.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.500)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:14.500)
So we're going to be told how we're going to die?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:15.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:16.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.500)
Uh, oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.800)
It's very easy to know why Mike Adams is on an emergency episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:23.079)
Mike Adams is so goddamn dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:27.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:30.159)
The owner of It's Over for Humanity There Will Only Be Lone Survivors is dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:34.680)
He's like a junior high student.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:36.579)
This guy is going through some things.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:39.239)
He's the dark end wizard writing poetry all day.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.039)
It's behavior unbecoming of an adult the way he acts.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:46.600)
It's maudlin.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:47.600)
It's over the top.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.800)
It's just not cool.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.840)
It's like how you imagine Edgar Allen Poe in high school.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:53.359)
You're like, Jesus, that guy must've been exhausted.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:55.199)
I think more annoying, probably.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.199)
There's a smaller head.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:59.199)
There's artistic craft.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.199)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:01.199)
Edgar Allen Poe brought to the table.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.600)
So Mike wants to explain why there's so many troops in DC.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.560)
Now my argument would be that a bunch of people stormed the capital.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:09.199)
I don't understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.199)
And, uh, you know, there's existing threats and, uh, you know, continuing people saying
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.640)
they want to do it again.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:17.640)
No, I'm pretty sure that the Patreons are universally non-violent, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:21.800)
That's what I've heard from them.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.800)
Well, it turns out there's a whole other explanation for these troops.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.800)
Oh, interesting.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.800)
30,000 troops.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:27.800)
Now, remember in Afghanistan, we only have about 3,000 troops, American troops there.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.000)
So this is 10 times the size of an invasion force.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.260)
This is using a cannon to kill a fly.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.840)
So the explanation that this is just for the inauguration is complete nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:43.180)
There's something else happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:44.479)
I've been sent photos of Patriot missile banks being set up, uh, in other States in America.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:50.119)
And as you know, there, there is legitimate concern about, uh, Chinese troops in Canada,
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.800)
uh, Chinese troops in Mexico.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:58.000)
This is just Q shit, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:00.079)
Intimate concern about Chinese troops in Mexico does not sound like something I, uh, I believe.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.640)
I don't know why there would be an amassing of troops in Washington, DC if it was in the
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.039)
Mexican border, but, uh, uh, you know, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.840)
This is just dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:14.840)
Yeah, that does sound dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:16.079)
So Mike.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:17.079)
I would argue also one of the reasons there are so many more troops is just because it's
Unknown Speaker (01:22:19.720)
easier to get there.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:21.399)
You know how hard it is to get 30,000 troops to Afghanistan?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:24.579)
That's a long way away.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.079)
And hasn't Trump been scaling back the number of troops?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:29.159)
They're more available.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.159)
Isn't that part of Alex and Mike's narratives?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:34.039)
So you shouldn't use that as the number.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.399)
Anyway, who cares?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:38.399)
Um, Mike has evidence of somebody who's saying that Trump is going to win.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.279)
Uh, they're a CIA shill.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:45.680)
I think he's talking about Steve Pacino.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:49.520)
I don't know though, because he won't make names.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.640)
There are some bad faith actors that, uh, even in the last 24 hours, I was able to...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.399)
Confirm a particular bad faith actor.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:01.560)
I don't want to mention any names, but someone who had fooled a lot of people with online
Unknown Speaker (01:23:05.000)
videos that were popular saying that, no, Trump's going to be sworn in on the 20th.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.539)
That person is a CIA operative.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:12.600)
I've been able to acquire his ID number working at the CIA.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:17.380)
So that's an op.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.880)
If you had evidence that somebody was running operations and you had definitive proof they
Unknown Speaker (01:23:25.079)
worked for the CIA, like you would put that out.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:28.279)
You would have to put that out.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:29.520)
You'd have to think that like, it's probably dangerous for me to have the, I mean, that's
Unknown Speaker (01:23:33.159)
what Alex would say, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.520)
That's what Alex says all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:35.520)
If you have this information, you have to get it all out.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:37.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:38.720)
Otherwise you're dead.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:40.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:41.720)
I mean, isn't that, isn't this the Mission Impossible?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:42.720)
If you identify an undercover operative, that's the biggest thing that will get you killed
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.000)
until you release that information.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:49.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:50.560)
That's the whole movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:51.560)
The only thing that can protect you is coming out with that information.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:55.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.399)
So I think this is about Steve.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:57.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:58.399)
Anyway, uh, we have some pretty serious things on the horizon.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:03.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.199)
There's possible Chinese invasions, uh, also another threat to consider.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.960)
I'm very, very concerned that the deep state is going to set off a dirty bomb in a US city.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.439)
And they're going to blame that on Patriots.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.640)
And that's why they're desperately knocking on doors looking for somebody to recruit.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.680)
Somebody who actually has a history of appearing on videos and podcasts and so on talking about
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.520)
guns or Trump or what have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:28.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.760)
All of this stuff is you.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.079)
You realize this is you.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.500)
Are you speaking to a mirror?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.760)
Are you threatening to dirty bomb me?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:39.920)
I am, I am loving all of these.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.199)
I'm concerned about what they're going to say the Patriots do because part of me is
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.560)
like, do you guys think the Patriots are capable of building a dirty bomb?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:51.560)
Cause that concerns me.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.680)
I think they definitely are.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:54.000)
I mean, what's that Oathkeeper guy who was arrested a couple of years back with a napalm
Unknown Speaker (01:24:57.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:58.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:59.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.680)
I think, uh, I think what we're all really hearing from these people is, Oh my God, I'm
Unknown Speaker (01:25:03.439)
worried about what we created.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:04.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:05.840)
It might be out of control.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.840)
This, uh, uh, you know, this thing is an uncontrollable, completely out of line group that we thought
Unknown Speaker (01:25:13.640)
would just be fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:15.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.319)
Unfortunately all of our fanfic about history didn't warn us about what real history would
Unknown Speaker (01:25:21.699)
have warned us about an uncontrollable mob.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:24.079)
I think it's kind of like me starting the year of the seltzer.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:27.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.600)
I thought it would be good fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:30.600)
And I thought that, you know, we'd just have seltzers and I'd try them and it got out of
Unknown Speaker (01:25:34.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:35.920)
You picked a, you went 500 is too big and a year is too long.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:41.279)
It's an unwieldy amount of time.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:42.279)
It's an unwieldy amount of seltzer and requires commitment.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.039)
I had it for a long time.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:46.560)
I'm not saying it's over.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:48.159)
We still got the fiscal year's end.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.239)
I created something that I thought was fun and it was fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.880)
It was a lot of fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:54.880)
They had a lot of momentum for a while.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.520)
It was great.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:57.520)
But it was uncontrollable.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.520)
Flagged a little bit and then it came back.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.680)
It's still back.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:01.680)
It's still back.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:02.680)
It's uncontrollable.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:03.680)
Let's say you can't just force it.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:05.680)
This metaphor doesn't work, but, uh, neither does democracy, apparently, because Mike has
Unknown Speaker (01:26:10.560)
to tell you the country has fallen.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:12.760)
This guy is so dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:14.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:15.159)
Well, the rule of law has collapsed in this nation and whether you're arrested just depends
Unknown Speaker (01:26:18.399)
on which side you're working for.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:20.680)
So, uh, if you're, if you're a pro-Trump patriot, you're going to be considered guilty no matter
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.079)
what you're doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:26.180)
If you're a radical leftist, you can throw Molotov cocktails and set fire to federal
Unknown Speaker (01:26:29.659)
buildings and burn police cars and shine lasers at federal agents.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.979)
In your mythology.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:33.979)
Or you'll be arrested and the charges will be dropped within 24 hours by a George Soros
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.619)
funded district attorney in your local city.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:40.699)
So we have now entered the era of complete lawlessness.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:44.340)
There is no controlling legal authority that is legitimate in this nation, which means
Unknown Speaker (01:26:49.819)
the constitutional republic has fallen.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:52.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:53.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.119)
That happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:56.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:57.119)
Big news.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:58.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:59.119)
That's a real bummer.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.119)
Huge if true.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:01.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.119)
I love all the...
Unknown Speaker (01:27:03.119)
There is no legitimate legal authority in America anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:05.119)
Well, I mean, I guess that would mean it's game on, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:07.800)
I mean, all the things that would stop you from doing things like storming the Capitol,
Unknown Speaker (01:27:12.420)
that would be laws.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:13.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.420)
And there's no legitimate legal authority.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:15.420)
And the constitutional republic has fallen.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:17.420)
I mean, I guess the...
Unknown Speaker (01:27:18.420)
Do what thou wilt, if you will.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:19.739)
As Mike is saying, smoke them if you got them.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:21.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:22.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:23.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:24.659)
It does feel like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:25.659)
It reminds me so much of all those 2021 articles where it's like, cops have been proven to
Unknown Speaker (01:27:31.500)
hurt leftists at three times the rate of white nationalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:35.779)
And it's like, guys, I'm glad that you have new hard data, but come on, this is America.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:43.399)
We didn't need a new Guardian article in 2021.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:47.439)
We had Guardian articles in 1914 saying the exact same thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.979)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:52.979)
But it's good to have more articles.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:53.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:54.979)
But you could have just put up a picture of the flag and been like, see, this is what
Unknown Speaker (01:27:58.539)
we do.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:59.539)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:00.539)
Now, one thing you're not going to see an article about is the evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:07.699)
I don't think that's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:10.380)
I once saw a documentary about this guy who actually had magical powers.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:14.420)
He could hypnotize people with his evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.180)
With his evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:19.500)
He was like a really rich dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:20.899)
Was it narrated by Vincent Price?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.619)
No, it was this really rich guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:24.500)
He had a great mustache.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.380)
I think...
Unknown Speaker (01:28:27.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.380)
I remember that one of his employees was a guy who would watch films and then review
Unknown Speaker (01:28:34.260)
them poorly.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:37.420)
That guy who was the film reviewer, his son went to the UN school.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:41.220)
Oh, that's strange.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:43.220)
Dr. Demento?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.659)
Please tell me that you know what I'm talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:49.100)
No clue.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.100)
The critic.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:51.100)
Was that the critic?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:52.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.100)
Duke Phillips.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.100)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:55.100)
He could hypnotize people with his evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:56.100)
You were referencing Duke Phillips.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:57.100)
I forgot about the evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.100)
Oh, shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:59.100)
Look into my evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:00.460)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:01.460)
He could do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:02.460)
I should have said something about the...
Unknown Speaker (01:29:03.460)
He had country bears.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:04.460)
Yeah, that's what I would have...if you'd said he has the country bears.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:07.460)
We're the bears who sing for Duke.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:09.619)
So, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.460)
Evil eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.460)
Apparently is a real thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.460)
I don't want to have a George W. Bush moment with you where he said, you know, I think
Unknown Speaker (01:29:17.859)
Putin's a good guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.859)
I looked in his eyes.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:19.859)
He has a soul I can trust, but everybody knows it's the eyes.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.819)
Everybody knows it's the wind of the soul.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.659)
I look at your eyes and I see a serious, intelligent, focused person that's really concerned.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.479)
You look at my eyes, you basically see the same thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:33.579)
I look at the eyes and it's increasingly worse at the grocery store or in public.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.300)
And I'm seeing more and more agitated, crazy looking people that look like schizophrenics
Unknown Speaker (01:29:43.300)
or demons.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:44.539)
And let's just put a photo up of a composite of some of the Democrat leaders' eyes.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:48.939)
And folks, it's not like we're cherry picking photos.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:51.340)
It's every photo of them, they look like they are from another dimension.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:56.220)
Back this out.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:57.220)
I mean, I've met some of these people.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.619)
I've been in rooms with these people.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:02.100)
And what is it about the eyes?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:05.380)
What is going on?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.380)
I know you study the medical issues, the 5G, the GMO, all of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:13.020)
But what is causing people to look like this and to act like this?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.899)
Medical weed.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.899)
In this case, it's not a medical issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:21.140)
It's a spiritual issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:22.180)
They are demonically infested.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.779)
That's no joke.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:25.779)
It's not an exaggeration.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:27.180)
There are actual demon or demonic entities that are possessing these people.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:32.979)
And then what happens is the body, the physical body begins to mirror the internal dark spirit
Unknown Speaker (01:30:37.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:38.739)
This is the health ranger.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.460)
If you don't understand what led to the situation on the 6th that you created and fucking caused,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.380)
this is what you would say.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:51.100)
Your political enemies are literally demon possessed and the constitutional republic
Unknown Speaker (01:30:56.380)
has fallen.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.060)
You are not fighting-
Unknown Speaker (01:30:59.060)
It's not responsible rhetoric.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:00.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:01.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:02.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:03.899)
I just think it's funny that this guy runs a natural news alternative medicine site and
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.420)
he's sitting here on air talking about how people's eyes can tell you if there are demons
Unknown Speaker (01:31:11.859)
inside them.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.500)
That's another thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:15.060)
Lead every article about Mike Adams with this.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:17.500)
Mike Adams, who believes you can see demons in eyes.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.460)
I'd hate for him to look at me.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:22.460)
I have a cross eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:23.460)
What would he think about me?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:24.460)
Oh, you're a demon.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:25.460)
I obviously would say something terrible about me.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:27.260)
I mean, the cross eye is the sign of the demon.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.819)
I was born this way.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.859)
With a demon.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:31.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:32.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:33.859)
So dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.859)
These people are stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.859)
So anyway, Alex starts talking about Steve and I would say that he describes Steve kind
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.680)
of like how you might describe a lunatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.579)
Let's talk about Steve Pacinek here.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:46.859)
I've been interviewing him for 19 years.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:48.979)
He is a big spook.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:50.140)
He was involved in a lot of incredible stuff and he did help write Tom Clancy's novels
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.659)
and he has that twisted side where he laughs at you and says, you know, oh, we co-opted
Unknown Speaker (01:31:58.979)
you and he exaggerates and, you know, does all that condescending stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:02.659)
But he's an interesting guy, so I have him on, but he's done a lot of good things.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:06.779)
Exposing 9-11 as an inside job and wow.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.899)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:13.460)
You fired David Knight.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:15.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:17.739)
You dumb motherfucker.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.619)
It hasn't even been that long since he fired him.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.460)
Really has not.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:24.899)
It really has not.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:27.140)
It's such a great turnaround too.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:29.939)
So fast.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.340)
It's like if David Knight was like a goddamn Twilight Zone twist.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.739)
If David Knight wasn't so boring, like this could be a huge boost to his career.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:41.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:42.779)
No, his credibility would go off the charts if anyone were still listening.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:49.060)
I did actually listen to a video of David Knight talking about Steve after, I believe
Unknown Speaker (01:32:54.619)
it was after the 6th, and I was like, man, scathing stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:59.340)
So boring.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:00.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.340)
Couldn't even get any clips from it.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:02.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:03.340)
But he does say that Alex fired him because of Steve.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:05.460)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:06.460)
And he says that Alex doesn't care about anything except traffic to the site.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.979)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:11.979)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:12.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:13.979)
Coming with them boring swings.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:14.979)
Jesus, David Knight.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:16.979)
Thanks for speaking obvious to power.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:19.380)
So Mike and Alex get to wrestling with the idea that Steve made this bet about the election
Unknown Speaker (01:33:24.699)
and like how if he's wrong, it doesn't matter because then he can never come back on the
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.500)
show again.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.500)
This is fucking 1910s people discussing like, well, if she is a witch, then unfortunately
Unknown Speaker (01:33:35.739)
we're going to have to burn her.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:36.840)
But we don't know yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.840)
You got to look her in the eye.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:39.819)
What Pacenik was promising you, what I noticed about that, he made a bet with you and you
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.220)
were going to offer to employ him if he's right and he was going to offer to never come
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.899)
on your show again.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.899)
If he's wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.899)
Well, there's no downside for him to offer that because this is this.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:54.020)
If he's if he's playing us, it's his final play.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:56.420)
He will never want to come on your show.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:57.659)
He was laughing at me and was very obvious that was the final play.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:00.960)
But I knew weeks ago that's what he was doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:02.699)
I know I predict it's the final play.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.260)
That's why you fired David.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:05.260)
And I'm going to demand he come back on whenever what he said doesn't come true.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:11.100)
You know, if Biden's sworn in, he can he can just say no and what are you going to do?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:14.539)
You know, go find them and put them on camera.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:16.260)
No, no shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:17.260)
Yeah, no shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:19.260)
By the way, it's not the final play.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:21.819)
Steve will be back in like a couple of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:24.220)
Pretend this didn't happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.220)
It didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:26.220)
I've done this rodeo too many times.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:27.979)
No kidding.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.979)
I guess this is a little more severe than other times, though, because like, it's clear
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.659)
Alex's feelings are hurt.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:34.140)
Oh, severely.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:35.140)
But he's hurt Alex's feelings in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:36.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:37.859)
I just haven't heard him be like, I've been using you, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:40.380)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:41.380)
That one's too good.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.380)
That was great.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:43.380)
That was just too good.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.380)
Mm hmm.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:45.380)
That eclipses four stars for sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:47.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.659)
Not as pithy, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:49.659)
Not as much of a soundbite.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:50.659)
No, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.659)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.659)
So Mike is worried about a dirty bomb, worried about Chinese invasion.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:55.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.260)
And he also is worried about anyone going to protest.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:58.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:59.060)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:00.060)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:01.060)
To everyone listening, do not participate in any of these capital protests.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:04.380)
Not that there are really any actually being organized by patriot groups, but don't participate
Unknown Speaker (01:35:08.779)
in those.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:09.779)
If you go to the capital, this is all false flag operation you're being set up.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:13.180)
What you can do is legally and lawfully prepare to defend your home, your family and your
Unknown Speaker (01:35:17.699)
local neighborhood or community against any kind of aggression that may that may happen
Unknown Speaker (01:35:22.779)
if the left believes they can carry out a local uprising and go door to door killing
Unknown Speaker (01:35:27.500)
people like what happened in the Cultural Revolution in China.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:30.579)
And that's a very real possibility.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.060)
This guy is so dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:33.659)
This is this is painful to listen to.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.020)
Do these people not hear themselves?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:37.619)
Like I know they don't care about words.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.659)
I know they don't care about the words that they say, but I cannot imagine listening to
Unknown Speaker (01:35:44.460)
somebody who tells me that my political enemies are literal demons.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:49.300)
And then in the same breath tells me that I shouldn't protest.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.140)
Don't do anything but barricade your doors.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:58.260)
Don't do the protesting because that's a trap.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:59.819)
But you should be ready to kill people who are coming door to door totally to kill conservatives.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:04.260)
I mean, we are going to have a dearth of Jehovah's Witnesses if they go to the south.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:09.539)
Oh, no, I wouldn't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.859)
So Alex is worried about migration.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.420)
He's worried about immigrants coming in.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.899)
I can't believe we can just change topics to immigration right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.140)
He has an interesting theory.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.619)
By interesting, I mean, absurd and probably motivated by racism.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:27.260)
You look at Europe and the model they want here.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.600)
Every home they say is going to take a African or Middle Eastern migrant, then that's a spy
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.279)
on your house that works for the U.N. so they can do whatever they want and further break
Unknown Speaker (01:36:38.760)
down your home.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:39.760)
I mean, this is literally the takeover of civilization.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.060)
That's messed up.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.060)
I don't know why you would assume that any immigrant that you allow and agree to have
Unknown Speaker (01:36:48.819)
in your home out of the charity of your own heart would be a U.N. spy.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.020)
You could just say, OK, well, first off, you could say no to this, I imagine.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.840)
But second, if you do have somebody in your home, don't they know how insanely hostile
Unknown Speaker (01:37:08.720)
you are towards them?
Unknown Speaker (01:37:10.220)
Wouldn't they have some idea?
Unknown Speaker (01:37:13.460)
Or even the government who's like, OK, we're going to put you in all of these homes, one
Unknown Speaker (01:37:18.380)
per home, but not this one.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:21.300)
Those people are going to kill you.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:24.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.180)
It doesn't seem like it's in anyone's best interest.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:27.420)
No, it's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:29.420)
It's a paranoid fantasy of white nationalist types like Alex, and that's all.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:34.539)
They're U.N. spies, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:35.699)
Yeah, we can't quarter soldiers in our homes, God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.579)
Keep that in mind.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:40.579)
Oh, of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:41.579)
Because that might come back.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:42.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:43.579)
So Alex was sort of going down this path, but he gets distracted by thinking about Steve
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:47.939)
He doesn't like that Steve-
Unknown Speaker (01:37:49.300)
He really hurt his feelings.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.300)
Yeah, because Steve was laughing at it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:51.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.819)
So we'll track this together in what could be the final shows.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:56.340)
I mean, you heard Mike, like you said, this could be your last time coming on.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:01.260)
Steve Quayle said that, but notice Pacenik thought it was funny about, oh, yeah, just
Unknown Speaker (01:38:04.739)
don't worry.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:05.739)
I won't be coming back on your show probably again, ha ha ha ha, because, you know, very
Unknown Speaker (01:38:11.260)
maniacal or because I don't think he's delusional.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:15.699)
And I think he knows something really, really big is coming up here.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:20.279)
And then he wants to just put that last laugh in of, oh, and by the way, Jones, thanks for
Unknown Speaker (01:38:24.659)
helping us get martial law with what happened to the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:27.260)
I think that Steve was laughing at Alex, but I think he's also delusional.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:31.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:32.260)
The problem with the way that-
Unknown Speaker (01:38:33.260)
They're not exclusive.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:34.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:35.260)
But they are for someone like Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.260)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:37.260)
Because he's built up Steve over the years far too much to sort of penetrate the facade
Unknown Speaker (01:38:42.060)
of like the fake version of him that he's presented to the audience, which is really
Unknown Speaker (01:38:46.020)
easy for someone like you or me because we're like, this guy is crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:50.619)
He's a very high functioning, very smart, delusional person who has forest gumped himself
Unknown Speaker (01:38:55.800)
into every single historically important thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:59.340)
And Alex has just allowed him to do that and reinforce his credibility over and over and
Unknown Speaker (01:39:04.020)
over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:05.260)
And now it doesn't look so good.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:07.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.859)
It's not like Steve is a pathological liar that is aware of his pathology and is laughing
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.180)
at you for buying anything that he says.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.500)
He might be.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:17.500)
He's a liar, he's a pathological liar who is laughing at you for not believing his lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.739)
Maybe both.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:25.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:26.739)
And you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:39:27.739)
Steve wasn't like laughing at Alex when he said he wouldn't come back on his show.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:31.579)
He was being dismissive.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:32.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:33.579)
He was like, well, if I'm wrong, I'm not coming on your show.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:35.579)
Don't have me on your show anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:38.020)
He was asserting confidence more than anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:41.020)
I think it's so funny how much Alex condescended to the Q shaman who is a fan of his, who believes
Unknown Speaker (01:39:48.420)
almost identical shit to Steve Pechenik.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:51.560)
And then how much he got his ass handed to him by Steve Pechenik, who is supposed to
Unknown Speaker (01:39:55.500)
be his friend.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:56.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:57.500)
And the Q shaman is going to prison.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:59.899)
Maybe that's why these people just exist is because it's not possible for them to have
Unknown Speaker (01:40:04.460)
good relationships with people.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:06.180)
Like they simply cannot do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:08.220)
What they believe is friendship is exploitation and what they believe is a love or affection
Unknown Speaker (01:40:15.699)
is actually a secret plot to kill them.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.100)
Well, I mean, you know, I'm quoting Pete Santilli here, you know, everybody in the right wing
Unknown Speaker (01:40:22.739)
is they're just waiting for the right bidder to sell you out.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.619)
Ain't that the truth?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:27.619)
Ain't that the truth?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:29.100)
So at this point on this emergency Saturday broadcast, Alex gets into what I would describe
Unknown Speaker (01:40:35.779)
as incredibly familiar territory.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:39.760)
My goal, I woke up about 3 a.m. this morning and couldn't sleep.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:42.380)
And you know, you're so clear at like 3 a.m. when you've went to bed at like 8, I went
Unknown Speaker (01:40:45.659)
to bed early, got up at like 3 a.m., had some coffee and I was really clear, was out on
Unknown Speaker (01:40:48.659)
the back porch.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:49.659)
You look at the mist and I thought, I need to go on air tomorrow like it's my last show
Unknown Speaker (01:40:53.560)
ever and say that to people.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.579)
And then I forgot to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:56.859)
You just said that.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.479)
And so people download this to hard drive, save it.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:01.859)
This show, next week's show, literally there's a good chance it's our last show.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:05.460)
It's not drama.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:06.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.460)
So Mike, speak to that and then after you're gone, I'll have my messages if it's my last
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.340)
show because this is the knowledge now that if they just have this knowledge in the future,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.579)
they're going to win and beat the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:15.840)
We did this already.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:19.600)
This is so frustrating.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:20.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:21.819)
You know why?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.819)
Because it was a running bit on our show because he kept saying this and then on November 24th,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:28.699)
he actually did it.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:29.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:30.699)
And it was sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:31.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:32.699)
It was a failure.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:34.699)
It was a great failure.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:35.699)
Fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:36.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:37.699)
And I understand why he'd want to do it over.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:38.699)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:39.699)
Just call them all again.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:40.699)
But it's just so annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:41.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:42.699)
Nothing matters.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:43.699)
We, we did the payoff for this joke already.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:45.819)
Why are you doing it again?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.979)
Why are you hurting me?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:49.060)
This feels like it's personal.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:50.060)
This is a personal attack.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:51.060)
I'm not a good enough comedian to pull off doing this joke again.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.600)
We already did the season.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:57.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.659)
We've, we've like, look, I had one joke that I told for longer than three years.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.680)
And even that was a little bit too long.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:07.899)
This was, this is over.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:09.739)
We move on.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.739)
We write new material.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:11.979)
We got to go.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:12.979)
Alex, you're a hack.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:14.600)
You're a hack.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:15.600)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:16.600)
It's hacky.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:17.600)
It's hacky.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:18.600)
It's like, okay, you're a writer for home improvement, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:21.779)
I don't know why this came into my head.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:23.220)
Maybe it's because Tim Allen's a conservative dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:26.020)
Tim Allen is the star of the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:27.760)
So there's an episode that you do and like a season later, he insists that you do the
Unknown Speaker (01:42:33.539)
same story and pretends or seems to not be aware that you've done this story already.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:39.420)
And now you got to try and find a way to make this episode happen because he's the fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:42:43.380)
star and what he says goes, now you got to try and make it funny again that Alex is doing
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.079)
his goddamn fake last broadcast again.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.699)
I'm, I'm, I'm furious.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:51.699)
It's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:52.699)
Just terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.699)
If there's one thing that does work and is really funny, it's that Mike Adams is taking
Unknown Speaker (01:42:57.579)
it very seriously because he is very dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:00.420)
He's a dramatic man.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.420)
He's like, it is such an honor to be here.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.100)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:05.100)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:06.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:07.100)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:09.100)
You fucking.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:10.600)
It's really silly.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:11.600)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:12.600)
And so he gets to talk to you about how, and all this goes down, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:15.500)
When the fascist state that comes and puts us all into a bind, once that falls, people
Unknown Speaker (01:43:21.920)
like Alex, people like Mike and the info warriors will be needed to rebuild society.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.939)
The evil fascist regime will eventually fall.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:33.579)
It will fall under its own arrogance.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:35.060)
It will fall under its own mistakes under the weight of its own deception.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:40.819)
It will eventually fall as many evil regimes have fallen in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:44.699)
You know, we defeated the third Reich, the USSR fell, and this American, I can't even
Unknown Speaker (01:43:54.899)
call it American, this globalist coup against America will not last forever.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:59.720)
It will fall.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:00.720)
And when it does fall, it's people like you and I and the listeners to the show who will
Unknown Speaker (01:44:05.939)
be necessary to rebuild the next society in the image of Christian principles and values
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.260)
with added new freedoms that weren't in the original bill of rights, such as health freedom,
Unknown Speaker (01:44:19.939)
the right to always say no to medical interventions, to say no to vaccines, to say, Medicare for
Unknown Speaker (01:44:24.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.500)
That right, which was, I think, Dr. Benjamin Rush, wasn't it?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:31.819)
Who wanted to put that in the initial bill of rights, but it didn't make it in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.060)
We need that to be the third amendment, for example.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:38.659)
You know, we need the first amendment, freedom of speech and religious expression, second
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.300)
amendment, but we need a third amendment, freedom, health freedom.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:46.579)
You always have the right to control your own body.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.460)
The government can never force anything upon you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.380)
I mean this sincerely, I don't know if Mike Adams knows there's already a third amendment.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:54.420)
I genuinely agree with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:57.180)
One hundred percent believe you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:58.539)
That means he might not know about the other ones after it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:02.140)
That's fucking scary.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:03.140)
I'll tell you the one that he definitely doesn't want to know about.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.859)
Anyone that involves slavery.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:09.739)
Some of those later ones he's probably a little bit iffy on.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.260)
Very against.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:14.100)
That was weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:16.020)
I don't, I mean like I understand that he dwells in a media space that really obsesses
Unknown Speaker (01:45:20.600)
about the first and second.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:23.939)
I mean the third is pretty important too.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:25.899)
That's that quartering soldiers one.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.899)
Yeah, I was going to say, I really remember that being quartering soldiers, but then I,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:32.340)
see this is the problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:33.340)
Whenever people like him say stuff so insanely confident and I'm, I have to be like, I swear
Unknown Speaker (01:45:37.939)
to you, I know what this is, but there's a question for one second of like, maybe I just
Unknown Speaker (01:45:43.600)
mistook it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:44.659)
Maybe I could be wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:45.659)
It could be the sixth amendment.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:47.199)
Maybe I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.260)
Even if you're in this extreme right wing world, like there was a real long stretch
Unknown Speaker (01:45:52.460)
of time during Obama's presidency where they were obsessed with the 10th amendment, you
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.380)
know, about state's rights and all that nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:00.460)
And so like, I don't, I don't understand, like, I mean it would be so easy just to say
Unknown Speaker (01:46:06.060)
we need another amendment instead of a third.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:09.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:10.579)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:11.579)
There are, the people who have spent so much time slapping a constitution, telling you
Unknown Speaker (01:46:17.260)
to read it, and putting it in their pocket have never read it and definitely couldn't
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.979)
understand it if they did.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:23.140)
Also, I think that Mike's imagined health freedom amendment would guarantee access to
Unknown Speaker (01:46:27.020)
reproductive health care, including abortion.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:28.939)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:29.939)
It would guarantee the right to not have access to those.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:32.260)
I know that he's considering that like, it's like a thing where the government can't force
Unknown Speaker (01:46:35.899)
you to have medical things done, but wouldn't you also want to make sure the government
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.199)
can't force you to not have any medical procedure you think is necessary done?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:43.600)
That seems like an important element of health freedom.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.300)
These people are fundamentally stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:47.699)
I just can't stand it.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:48.899)
I hate, I hate this dramatic weirdo.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.300)
This guy is so weird, he thinks evil eyes exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:55.500)
I just, I just don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:59.100)
I love the deadpan, just junior high guy going through puberty, kind of like, everything
Unknown Speaker (01:47:09.420)
is so serious, kind of delivery of, they're gonna dirty bomb us.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.060)
It's an honor to be here with you, Alex, on your last show.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:17.300)
After the fall of the American fascist state, people like you and me will be needed to rebuild
Unknown Speaker (01:47:21.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.659)
Oh god.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:23.659)
Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the a-slings and arrows of outrageous dirty
Unknown Speaker (01:47:29.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:30.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:31.020)
So now Alex is supposed to be doing his last episode thing here, but instead he has Robert
Unknown Speaker (01:47:37.340)
Barnes on.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:39.300)
That would be his last episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:40.859)
Barnes just talks more shit about Q. He's just on to talk more nonsense about Q.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:45.420)
I hate him.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:46.420)
But he's talking about, okay, so Barnes is laying out like what QAnon did.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.619)
And one of the things that they did was they, they targeted certain groups.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:54.539)
Now, if you listen to this, it sounds almost identical to the Infowars business model.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:59.939)
They also targeted three groups in particular, QAnon targeted first, people that otherwise
Unknown Speaker (01:48:06.220)
are crowdsourcing grassroots investigative journalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.060)
Second, they targeted soldiers and ex soldiers.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.020)
Third, they targeted cops and ex cops and people that also were religious.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:20.300)
So there are people that are accustomed to believing in a source of authority independent
Unknown Speaker (01:48:24.100)
of and separate from the state, incorporated references to religious rhetoric, incorporated
Unknown Speaker (01:48:28.619)
references to Bible verses, incorporated references to God.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:32.939)
This is gnostic, gnostic Roman cult stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:35.979)
Explain that.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:36.979)
You're describing Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:38.500)
That should be his last broadcast because it's Barnes explaining what Alex does.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:42.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:43.779)
More or less.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:44.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:45.779)
So Alex gets to complaining about the FBI.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:48.500)
If this was Shakespeare, he would give that soliloquy and then immediately be stabbed.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:52.899)
That is how this works.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:54.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:55.619)
So Alex is talking about the FBI and he's made a big deal about how they're like saying
Unknown Speaker (01:48:59.859)
that he caused the uprising.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:01.819)
He planned the storming of the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:05.060)
He comes clean a little bit about what they actually had questions about.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:07.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:08.779)
Let me bring this up to you now.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:09.779)
I'm talking about myself.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:10.779)
The FBI contacted our security people, wanted to bring them in, wanted to talk to them.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:14.340)
Oh, we don't care about Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:15.340)
We want to talk to you.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:16.340)
And then we refused to get lawyers.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:18.420)
And so they go, okay, don't worry about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:20.680)
We just got false reports that you guys were in the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:23.420)
Just tell us you weren't in the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:24.420)
Yeah, we weren't in the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:25.739)
So, so Sam was, your camera man was, he was doing a plug when he went in.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:31.500)
Do you know how we know that?
Unknown Speaker (01:49:33.739)
It's on your website.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:34.739)
On your website.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:35.819)
It is being broadcast on your website.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:38.659)
I got it from
Unknown Speaker (01:49:40.939)
Also, if I were the FBI, I too would be like, let's talk to your security people.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:47.060)
Not you.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:48.060)
You lying piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:49.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:50.060)
I've seen your depositions.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:51.060)
You're not helpful.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:52.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:53.060)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:54.060)
We did hire Larry Klayman for this one though, so it's pretty exciting.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:56.979)
Alex talked to Barnes about how bad Q is for a while and it's annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:01.699)
And then he gets on his own and he reads a fake Cicero quote.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:07.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:08.500)
He reads a real, uh, quote, uh, his favorite quote, the man in the arena.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:13.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:14.539)
The, uh, uh, Teddy Roosevelt quote.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:16.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:17.619)
The bystanders and the, the, the, the reviewers, they matter not the man in the arena, he falters
Unknown Speaker (01:50:22.899)
and that is okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:23.899)
All right, Teddy.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:24.899)
That kind of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:25.899)
All right, Teddy.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:26.899)
He does, he reads that quote so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:28.340)
I think it's the only thing that gives his life meaning anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:30.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:31.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.859)
Then he goes a little bit off track.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:35.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:36.460)
So we got, we got Roosevelt.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:39.859)
We got Cicero.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:40.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.859)
And now this, then a friend of mine sent me this text message this morning, subject forwarded
Unknown Speaker (01:50:47.939)
from a friend, a man named Tom Nicholson posted on Facebook, his account, the sports car that
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.939)
he had just bought.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:55.300)
Now a man approached and told him that the money used to buy the car could have fed thousands
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.539)
of less fortunate people, but the industry and the factories that built it also built
Unknown Speaker (01:51:06.140)
the factories that built the tractors, dumb ass, and also built the desire for people
Unknown Speaker (01:51:10.659)
to have nicer things that then to build a desire for better medicine and better technology
Unknown Speaker (01:51:14.699)
and a better future.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:15.699)
Oh, I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:16.699)
I'm not ready.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:17.699)
When he said his response to the man made him famous on the internet, read a story as
Unknown Speaker (01:51:22.939)
stated on Facebook below, a guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said, I wonder
Unknown Speaker (01:51:28.380)
how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:33.300)
I replied, I'm not sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:35.779)
It fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:39.500)
It fed the people who made the tires.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:41.180)
It fed the people who made the components that went into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:44.460)
It fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:47.939)
Alex is reading a chain email that your grandma would send you.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:52.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:53.060)
This is nuts.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:54.060)
Uh, yeah, I believe this is the meme.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:56.340)
This is the same meme that it's like the military man was in the professor's room and the professor
Unknown Speaker (01:52:02.439)
was like, war is bad and the military man stood up and was like, I hate liberals.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:08.300)
And then it was outrageous.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:09.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:10.939)
I was like, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:11.939)
Fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:12.939)
I thought this was supposed to be your last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:14.260)
You're reading a chain email.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:15.520)
What is going on?
Unknown Speaker (01:52:17.220)
You know, I said this would be my last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:19.020)
It really could, but I, it's just too heavy of a subject to say this is my last broadcast
Unknown Speaker (01:52:23.500)
and then do it here.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:25.779)
I'm just too tired already, but I'm going to write some notes tonight and tomorrow and
Unknown Speaker (01:52:28.939)
come on the Sunday show four to 6 PM and give you my view on the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:32.579)
So Sunday's going to be the last show.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:34.340)
So here we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:35.340)
Let's do the last show.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:36.340)
That's catnip to you, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:38.300)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:39.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:40.300)
And that's why we have to include Sunday.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:41.300)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:42.300)
But we're not done with Saturday yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:43.300)
Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:44.300)
Saturday ends in just a remarkable way for anybody who really thinks that Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (01:52:50.300)
is like, sincerely religious, enjoy.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:54.319)
So I will end the transmission with this, the Lord's prayer.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:58.699)
Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done
Unknown Speaker (01:53:02.079)
on earth as is in heaven.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:03.819)
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:07.180)
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the
Unknown Speaker (01:53:11.380)
power of the glory forever.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:13.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:14.060)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:15.060)
I appreciate the crew.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:17.779)
I appreciate their work.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:18.859)
I would just ask the listeners, I don't know how long we're going to be on air.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:23.380)
We got great products you need.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:24.699)
A lot of them are about to sell out winter sun for your immune system.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:27.859)
It's about to sell out.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:29.340)
I don't know about the Lord's prayer going that quickly into an ad, but Jesus went into
Unknown Speaker (01:53:33.460)
the temple and said, guys, get the fuck out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:36.699)
I am selling t-shirts.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:39.699)
That's interesting because Alex is also selling a t-shirt and we have this new shirt designed
Unknown Speaker (01:53:43.939)
by one of our veteran friends that says trader Joe's and it's got Joe Biden with China and
Unknown Speaker (01:53:49.819)
Russia and Ukraine and Iran that he sold us out to says trader Joe's.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:54.100)
It's a fun shirt.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:55.100)
It's fun info in all sizes for adults and children.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:00.180)
And so I suggest you get the shirt at info war
Unknown Speaker (01:54:03.300)
It's a limited edition shirt and it lets us have a little bit of fun with the new puppet
Unknown Speaker (01:54:07.180)
dictator that they are installing.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:11.579)
That's why Steve Pacinich said, oh, it's my last show with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:13.739)
Cause it's the jokes on me.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:15.060)
He thinks, or he really believes what he's saying and he thinks he's going to get a job
Unknown Speaker (01:54:18.659)
here if somehow Biden designs and Trump's the president.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:22.659)
Well, yeah, he's got a job here if that moonshot happens.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:26.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:27.539)
People want to listen to Pacinich anyways, interesting guy, but I think he's a little
Unknown Speaker (01:54:32.100)
more on the devil side of the angel side.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:33.899)
And I'll tell him that the way he talks down to people, the way those guys act like they're
Unknown Speaker (01:54:42.460)
the big gosh, they're in the system.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:44.579)
I'm the outsider.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:45.779)
I'm not the system.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:47.520)
That's who I'll always be because I'm here changing the system and that's my job.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:51.939)
Not to be part of the system.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:53.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:54.659)
Again, great job to the crew.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:55.659)
He seems really mad.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:57.939)
I hate, I hate how comfortable these people are with demons existing on our plane and
Unknown Speaker (01:55:05.840)
running things to the point where you would be like, Hey, here's a fun t-shirt about this
Unknown Speaker (01:55:11.899)
demon that's running the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:14.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:15.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:16.659)
It is, it is a little bizarre for him to be like, we made this pun t-shirt so we could
Unknown Speaker (01:55:20.460)
have a little fun with the dictator.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:22.060)
It's the devil!
Unknown Speaker (01:55:23.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:24.060)
It's a satanic globalist dictator.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:25.060)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:26.060)
It's very weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:27.060)
That's so annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:28.060)
That's so annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:29.060)
A demon is an existential threat and you're like, eh, we'll make this fun little t-shirt.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:37.020)
So we're on to Sunday now.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:38.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:39.819)
Last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:40.819)
Final broadcast ever.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:41.819)
This bit is finally going to be put to rest.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:43.899)
Well, Alex can't get to it right away because there's news and he has a new group to blame
Unknown Speaker (01:55:49.939)
for what happened on the sixth.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:52.180)
Now we knew it was Antifa that told you that the day of the event.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:55.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:56.340)
He told you who the operator was, where he came from in Utah, how he led over a hundred
Unknown Speaker (01:56:00.619)
Antifa addresses to Trump supporters.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:02.340)
A hundred?
Unknown Speaker (01:56:03.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:04.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:05.340)
I saw folks that didn't look like meth head Antifa on the videos.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:08.319)
I got there about 30 minutes after it started.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:10.119)
My employees.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:12.500)
That looked like right wingers, you know, that didn't look like they'd been grown in
Unknown Speaker (01:56:16.560)
their mother's basement.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:17.560)
It looked like I employed them.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:18.560)
It looked like that actually had some steak and potatoes and dumb little fight.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:24.539)
And sure as hell we identified who they were.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:27.380)
They were telling the crowd they were proud boys, but I checked them.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:30.060)
They weren't proud boys.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:31.779)
They were boogaloo's.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:34.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:37.420)
Boogaloo boys going under the bus.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:39.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:40.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:41.140)
Slaps all around.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:42.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:43.140)
Got to throw, uh, throw the boogaloo boys overboard.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:44.739)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:45.979)
I really like how Alex said boogaloo's there.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:50.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:51.220)
He really, he really enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:53.140)
He really did.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:54.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:55.140)
He really did.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:56.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:57.140)
So apparently this is how he's going to get around the fact that there were a bunch of
Unknown Speaker (01:57:01.060)
people who were oath keepers and are in trouble.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:06.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:57:07.060)
I assume Stuart Rhodes isn't on this Sunday broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:10.340)
Alex is going to soon be making up a story about Stuart Rhodes wife getting run over.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:15.220)
That's something about their dog.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:18.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:57:19.100)
Cause he's going to be in hiding.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:20.500)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:21.500)
Anyway, Alex has a new video of the boogaloo boys.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:25.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:57:26.060)
Oh God, this is so funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:29.300)
Like Alex, he is so bad at this, this whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:35.060)
And it's just so incredible because you try to get this out, the only place it gets out
Unknown Speaker (01:57:39.180)
is here.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:40.180)
Gateway Punnett's got an article about it, you name it.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:41.859)
But now it's very clear.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:43.060)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:44.060)
I don't know what happened, but let's hit the first big one I just told you about.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:50.060)
You can bet your bottom dollar.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:51.060)
You'll be seeing this on Tucker Carlson tomorrow night because Tucker's the first one to send
Unknown Speaker (01:57:54.460)
it to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:55.460)
I don't leave it at that.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:57.380)
But you know, those that are in fight club, don't talk about flight club.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:00.779)
You know, the second rule of fight club, don't talk about fight club, but I send him stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:04.220)
He sends me stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:05.220)
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:06.380)
That's exactly against the rules of flight club.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:09.140)
I just, I just, that's
Unknown Speaker (01:58:10.619)
I don't know if I could come up with a more Alex Jones sentence than Tucker Carlson sent
Unknown Speaker (01:58:18.779)
me this clip.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:19.779)
I'm going to leave it there.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:20.779)
You just said everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:21.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:22.779)
There is nothing more to say.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:24.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:25.060)
This clip was sent to you by Tucker Carlson.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:27.340)
And if that's true, that tells us all we need to know about Tucker Carlson.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:31.659)
I'd love to get a comment from Tucker on that.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:33.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:34.939)
Because I would imagine he would not admit to sending information to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:39.460)
I don't think he would like it.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:41.060)
On account of fight club being ruled as don't talk about fight club.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:46.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:47.220)
And so, I mean, I would imagine that he would say, no, I didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:49.539)
And then Alex would have to wrestle with why no one will be publicly associated with him.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:53.819)
But they'll have his employees on their shows.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:55.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:56.899)
Anyway, at this point, we've now decided that the Boogaloo boys are going to be blamed for
Unknown Speaker (01:59:03.819)
anybody who appears to be right wing.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:06.500)
So we got Antifa for people who don't feel right wing and we got Boogaloo for people
Unknown Speaker (01:59:10.800)
who are wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:11.800)
And QAnon for people who are weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:13.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:14.220)
Even though...
Unknown Speaker (01:59:15.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:16.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:17.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:18.220)
So now that that's settled, it's time to go back to familiar territory.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:22.699)
Let's play this next.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:24.180)
Over 7,000 strong migrant caravan inches closer to the US border as Biden vows to end Trump
Unknown Speaker (01:59:29.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:30.899)
And this will be hundreds of thousands if not millions like hit Europe.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:33.579)
It's the UN plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:34.579)
As soon as they knew Biden would let him in, they began the march out of a UN camp in Honduras
Unknown Speaker (01:59:39.180)
into Guatemala.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:40.180)
Here it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:41.180)
So, yeah, the migrant caravan narratives are back.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:46.140)
Just, just, just do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:49.939)
Take four years off and run reruns where you just edit in Biden over Obama.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:55.800)
It's going to be the same thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:56.939)
There'll be a lot of similarities.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:58.939)
Think about how much time you can take off if you're just going to recycle the same shows.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:03.800)
Let's run reruns.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:04.800)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:05.800)
I really, I hope that you have drafts of all of your articles from the Obama days.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:11.739)
Save those Google docs.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:13.220)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:14.220)
So, yeah, man, migrants are coming to America and it's a UN plan that is war.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:19.779)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (02:00:20.779)
War doesn't look like it did in Vietnam or Korea or the Gulf war.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:25.180)
This is modern war.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:26.380)
This is globalist war against the nation state.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:28.779)
So wear your mask and take your vaccines and roll over and die.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:32.380)
Remember this submission only makes it worse.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:35.340)
This is the end of America.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:37.100)
In the next two years, the country will not exist.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:40.180)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:41.180)
I mean, almost kind of feels like you're saying a good answer would be to storm the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:47.979)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:48.979)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:49.979)
It does sound like we are at war.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:50.979)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:51.979)
And the enemy is demons trying to bring in immigrants.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:55.920)
That sounds some suspiciously like white nationalists talking.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:59.460)
Oh, big time.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:00.460)
It really feels like that's white nationalists.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:02.300)
Oh, really?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:03.300)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:04.300)
Just part of the great replacement, the great migration, the UN uses people as a weapon.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:08.899)
They turn their food off.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:09.899)
They turn their jobs off.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:11.119)
You just think you're staying home for a few months and okay, it's a vacation.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:14.899)
No, it's collapsing the border.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:18.060)
When you become poor, the third world starves to death.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:21.399)
When the first world collapses, the third world dies.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:24.300)
How many times did I drill that into your head?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:29.380)
And now in Europe and now in the US everywhere, the borders are collapsing and giant third
Unknown Speaker (02:01:36.020)
world populations that don't have jobs and don't have infrastructures are coming here
Unknown Speaker (02:01:39.859)
to do what?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:41.859)
Collapse the infrastructure.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:44.119)
First they get you to not go to work.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:45.859)
Next they get you to say you're not essential.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:47.720)
Next they shut down main street.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:49.460)
Next they shut down the side streets.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:51.579)
Then they come in and tell you that you've got to open your borders up because the third
Unknown Speaker (02:01:56.659)
world starving to death and mass and then they get here and they're organized into political
Unknown Speaker (02:02:00.939)
weapons and political groups that from the beginning were trained for up to a year in
Unknown Speaker (02:02:06.020)
a UN refugee camp in Marxist, Leninist ideology projected by Mark Zuckerberg, projected by
Unknown Speaker (02:02:15.060)
Jeff Bezos, projected by all them on record commanding it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:20.060)
That's quite a sentence.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:21.060)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:22.060)
You know, you had any concerns that it might not be a white nationalist thing.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:26.420)
Yeah, I wasn't.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:27.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:28.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:29.420)
Really made it pretty clear there.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:30.420)
Let's put it bad.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:31.420)
Now I would say that, I mean, we've been over this territory so many times in the past when
Unknown Speaker (02:02:35.180)
he's gotten into the, the past caravan narratives.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:38.220)
Now this is, is very much based on a white identity fear.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:43.979)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:44.979)
Now I would say that the behavior that he's engaging in and the way that he's framing
Unknown Speaker (02:02:51.699)
a lot of these ideas are very dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:55.859)
They are the sort of things that I do think sound a lot like incitement towards violence
Unknown Speaker (02:03:01.180)
of people that you suspect might be immigrants.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:04.399)
This is the takeover.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:05.819)
This is modern warfare using giant third world starving hordes that have been put in the
Unknown Speaker (02:03:10.420)
position of starvation or invasion and the UN is going to manage with the left every
Unknown Speaker (02:03:14.819)
damn bit of it and they're going to swamp your red city.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:17.880)
They're going to swamp your red town and they're going to take your ass over cause you're under
Unknown Speaker (02:03:21.500)
military attack.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:23.060)
I don't know what you would expect the outcome of that to be other than like rank xenophobia
Unknown Speaker (02:03:31.300)
and the possibility of violence directed towards people that are determined to be immigrants
Unknown Speaker (02:03:37.699)
whether or not they actually are.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:39.699)
Followed by a sign at every border that says whites only.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:42.659)
Yeah, it's, it's pretty bad.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:45.859)
It's not unfamiliar territory for Alex certainly, but I just constantly end up getting in a
Unknown Speaker (02:03:51.300)
position where like the world is really like serious.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:55.779)
You know, like I, I just don't understand how Alex can not be living in a world of reflection
Unknown Speaker (02:04:00.819)
about how serious things are and how unhinged people are and how, how dangerous we are in
Unknown Speaker (02:04:06.939)
a mis, like a misinformed populace.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:10.239)
People are living outside the prism of reality and I don't believe that he is a committed
Unknown Speaker (02:04:17.579)
believer of the things that are distorted reality.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:22.539)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:23.539)
He's, he's, he's monetized it.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:25.979)
He's exploiting the fact that other people are living in the fake reality that he preaches.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:30.180)
Yeah, I was going to say.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:31.180)
So he wouldn't be able to operate if he actually believed the things that he's saying.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:34.779)
Of course not.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:35.779)
He wouldn't be able to work.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:37.039)
He wouldn't be able to do any of this shit.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:38.939)
He would be dead by now because he would have stormed the Austin Capitol 10 years ago.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:44.380)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:45.380)
It's not, it's, it's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:47.939)
And I, I, I just constantly think like, well now we'll take it seriously.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:52.420)
And he just never does.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:53.420)
He never does.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:54.420)
No, it's, I mean, yeah, it's, it's hard to say any of that.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:57.239)
You know, when you ask like, how do these people not take it more seriously?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:00.579)
And it's just like scream.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:02.140)
I just, MONEY!
Unknown Speaker (02:05:04.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:05.520)
It can't matter that much though.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:07.100)
It does!
Unknown Speaker (02:05:08.100)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:09.100)
It matters so fucking much.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:10.100)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:11.100)
Anyway, Alex gets to talking about how his enemies are ugly and they want to kill you
Unknown Speaker (02:05:14.920)
and he rambles a bit about this and then he's just, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:19.020)
I would say that this is an incitement towards violence too.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:22.520)
And it's all weird, disreputable creatures because that's all they can get because there's
Unknown Speaker (02:05:29.180)
such virtue in humanity that no good looking, no well-spoken, no honorable man will even
Unknown Speaker (02:05:35.699)
serve this.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:37.180)
But it still doesn't matter because just because honorable men don't take the field and don't
Unknown Speaker (02:05:40.960)
join the enemy, the enemy goes great because you didn't join the fight.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:44.640)
And the fight is informational, it's cultural, it's spiritual, and it's about boycotting and
Unknown Speaker (02:05:49.060)
it's about information war and it is about noncompliance.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:53.659)
It is about civil disobedience and it won't matter.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:56.159)
They're going to hurt you so bad because they have a nature, like a child molester has got
Unknown Speaker (02:05:59.800)
to rape a child or a murderer has got to kill.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:02.539)
They just have this drive and this desire and they've got to have power over you and
Unknown Speaker (02:06:06.979)
they got to inject you and they got to shut your farm down and they got to shut your business
Unknown Speaker (02:06:10.960)
down and they got to see their stock go up at Amazon and they just got to do it and they
Unknown Speaker (02:06:15.680)
just got to put you down, they can't help it.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:20.239)
And they're going to go and go and go and go and go, they can't ever stop until you
Unknown Speaker (02:06:25.239)
stop them.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:26.239)
They can't stop until you stop them.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:28.720)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:29.720)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:30.720)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:31.720)
It's not a good look overall.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:34.880)
You know what I've always thought?
Unknown Speaker (02:06:35.880)
I've always thought that the Democrats secret weapon could be governing the country well
Unknown Speaker (02:06:44.279)
and they refuse to do that for the same reason Alex refuses to take the six seriously.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:50.119)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:51.800)
If you material improved the lives of the, I just, I'm just running my, I'm losing my
Unknown Speaker (02:06:57.880)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:58.880)
Um, and if you think that Alex is solely driven by money, um, then I would suggest that this
Unknown Speaker (02:07:06.880)
must be what everyone keeps telling him to do more of.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:10.520)
Humpty Dumpty, Brian Stelter, we're like a hundred thousand viewers.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:13.680)
He led her bitches.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:14.680)
No one watches me.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:15.680)
Well, no kidding, dude.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:16.680)
You look like a child molester.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:17.680)
I'm not saying you are one, but I mean, I'm not letting you babysit my kids, bro.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:22.920)
You molest the truth.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:23.920)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:24.920)
Let's go back to them.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:25.960)
Both are happening.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:26.960)
Both are from the same platforms and the same pro-Trump media outlets.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:29.720)
Both are problematic.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:30.720)
Um, Chris, what do you say to the following?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:33.899)
We have to be clear eyed about what is a domestic terror threat, but also very careful not to
Unknown Speaker (02:07:37.640)
exaggerate it.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:38.680)
Not to overstate it.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:39.680)
We're on this again.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:40.680)
We're on it in 10 seconds.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:41.680)
There's a domestic terror threat.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:42.680)
It's called your speech.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:43.680)
Oh, they killed four Americans at the Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:46.359)
There was a riot, a small riot.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:48.239)
It's the worst thing since Pearl Harbor.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:51.220)
You're a child.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:52.220)
Well, we gotta be careful not to exaggerate it.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:53.899)
He plays all these games.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:55.180)
Let's go back to this shack of puss.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:57.319)
It's interesting because it was supposed to be his fake last show again, and it is fitting
Unknown Speaker (02:08:01.199)
that he would do an entire segment complaining about a Brian Stelter piece on his fake last
Unknown Speaker (02:08:07.359)
show because that should go in the time capsule.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:09.640)
Unknown Speaker (02:08:10.640)
Unknown Speaker (02:08:11.640)
It has been a while since he's done one of these where he just plays a Brian Stelter
Unknown Speaker (02:08:14.840)
interview that's just uncontroversial.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:18.159)
Just a completely normal...
Unknown Speaker (02:08:19.680)
Yeah, I was listening to it and I was like, first of all, he's not saying the things that
Unknown Speaker (02:08:24.359)
Alex is responding to.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:25.840)
Second, it is not a hot take.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:28.600)
It is a pretty soft conversation about misinformation online.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:34.239)
You would take Brian Stelter to just a regular old like, hey, how have you been?
Unknown Speaker (02:08:38.359)
And turn it into a 10 minute long, this is why he's a demon who mouths the truth.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:43.520)
Look at his eyes.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:44.520)
Oh, God.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:45.520)
So anyway, for old time's sake, here's a minute 40 of Alex just getting really mad at Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:50.479)
We have to be clear eyed about what is a domestic terror threat, but also very careful not to
Unknown Speaker (02:08:54.220)
exaggerate it, not to overstate it, not to create undue fear in this country right now.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:02.000)
I think that's absolutely right.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:03.279)
We've got to be very careful here.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:05.479)
Just because someone may believe that the president did not win the election or the
Unknown Speaker (02:09:10.520)
president elect Biden did not win or that someone believes in QAnon doesn't mean that
Unknown Speaker (02:09:15.319)
they're going to go pick up arms and pause again.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:18.699)
It's like we're outlawing him questioning the election, but we don't put them in the
Unknown Speaker (02:09:21.399)
FEMA camp right away.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:23.020)
Did he say that?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:24.020)
Did anybody say that?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:25.020)
Unknown Speaker (02:09:26.020)
What are we talking about here?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:27.020)
Oh, we don't.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:28.020)
We just shut them down.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:29.020)
And then, oh, we kill them.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:30.020)
This is all psychological scripts they're reading.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:33.560)
Super predatory, super dangerous, super evil.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:36.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:09:37.520)
Is that possible, Alex?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:38.520)
Will there ever be a solution, a real clear, full solution to this information crisis that
Unknown Speaker (02:09:43.640)
has been perpetuated in my view by platforms like the one you're used to work face?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:47.420)
Is there a final solution, he's asking?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:50.039)
Like, how do we deal with these people that, like, you know, saw them with suitcases in
Unknown Speaker (02:09:54.479)
Georgia, pulling them out and closing things and saying the water main broke and then all
Unknown Speaker (02:09:58.680)
these Biden votes come in and it happened and all, you know, Biden can't get 20 people
Unknown Speaker (02:10:04.359)
that Trump gets a million.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:05.359)
But, you know, what do we do?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:07.079)
What's the solution?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:08.079)
We're going to come back.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:09.079)
I'm going to be nice.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:10.079)
I'm going to play the clip unedited because by edited, I'm jumping in.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:12.680)
I'm talking over.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:13.680)
It's just it's hard to look at someone with no viewers, but it doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:18.319)
It's what the banks.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:19.319)
They know that the globalist word is through Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:22.140)
That's Jeff Zucker.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:23.479)
And so here is this, this, this, this Hitler, this Stalin, this Mao.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:27.199)
I mean, they call us that he's the one trying to stealth everybody.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:31.800)
It's Brian Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:34.079)
He's Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:35.079)
I'm not.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:36.079)
Look, I'm not saying he's not a public figure or he hasn't accomplished anything.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:40.739)
I'm just saying he's Brian Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:42.960)
Yeah, he's Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:44.600)
He's Brian Stelter is the voice of the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:48.119)
Unknown Speaker (02:10:49.119)
The voice of the globalists, Brian Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:51.840)
I hate how small potatoes everybody who's a big deal is to these people.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:57.800)
I think it's fascinating because, you know, like if this is the pretend last show, it
Unknown Speaker (02:11:03.279)
makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:04.279)
I mean, like all day, Alex hates Brian Stelter for reasons that I can't quite figure out,
Unknown Speaker (02:11:10.600)
except that Brian Stelter has mentioned Alex a couple of times and he comes off as a less
Unknown Speaker (02:11:16.000)
than Alex's definition of masculine man.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:19.199)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:20.199)
And I think that that bothers Alex on some level.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:24.039)
It feels like he's been emasculated by a less masculine man in Alex's eyes.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:29.079)
And just saying that Alex is a dumb-dumb.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:31.399)
And because I don't think that Brian Stelter lets Alex live in his mind, whereas Alex is
Unknown Speaker (02:11:36.899)
clearly thinking about Brian Stelter all the time.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:40.000)
All the time.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:41.000)
He's curious about him.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:42.000)
Yeah, he hate watches Brian Stelter so much.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:43.680)
He has to.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:44.680)
And you see this, like, just to come out on the show, these outbursts, it's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:49.640)
I'm so glad that I've passed my Friedersdorf stage.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:52.239)
Yeah, well, you had to get it out of your system.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:53.800)
I had my time and now it's over.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:56.000)
You processed it.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:57.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:58.000)
Unhealthy, healthy.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:59.000)
Yeah, yeah, I got through it.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:00.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:01.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:02.000)
So Alex comes back from break and he promises, I'm not going to interrupt now.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:05.359)
And they're just, I mean, this is so textbook 1984 and you're just watching these criminals
Unknown Speaker (02:12:12.319)
talk about it, but I'm not going to interrupt them.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:14.560)
Just go ahead and play it unedited.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:16.119)
Just play a few minutes of this.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:18.680)
I'm going to try to shut up.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:19.680)
Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:20.680)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:21.680)
We have to work on the broader disinformation problem to try to turn down the anger that
Unknown Speaker (02:12:25.680)
you see from that huge percentage of Republicans who believe that the election was stolen.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:29.880)
It's yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:30.880)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:31.880)
Stop it.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:32.880)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:33.880)
I was really close.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:34.880)
I was really close.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:35.880)
It was 10 seconds.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:36.880)
I should have done the countdown.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:39.520)
So he's unsuccessful.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:40.520)
He just, oh God, is so much Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:43.520)
So he's talking about, uh, how like we're at war to not be enslaved.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:49.760)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:50.760)
There comes a point when powerful organizations and groups decide to make their move, no matter
Unknown Speaker (02:12:57.640)
what happens, they're committed to the fight.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:00.039)
It has a name.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:01.359)
It's called war.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:02.840)
We are now under open globalist attack.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:07.960)
The United States did not see the sneak attack.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:11.159)
I tried to warm people for decades.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:13.880)
People going back to Barry Goldwater, Cleon scouts, and some of the others warned before
Unknown Speaker (02:13:17.319)
I was even born, but Americans were arrogant.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:21.039)
They believed that we were so strong, we could not fall.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:26.039)
We had major rot from within, and now we face the prospect of slavery and massive persecution
Unknown Speaker (02:13:35.359)
and the full thrust of the globalist attack at levels never before seen.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:41.319)
That's why tomorrow I'm going to do a special transmission.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:44.359)
Don't you fucking dare.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:46.399)
Is this Alex Jones' last broadcast?
Unknown Speaker (02:13:50.119)
Because every day now is precious.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:51.840)
Go fuck yourself, man.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:53.439)
I'm not doing this.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:55.680)
I'm not going to be strong along by the likes of you.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:58.920)
I want to start fires.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:00.319)
I want to start fires.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:01.560)
I don't want to start building fires.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:03.520)
I want to start large brush fires just in the street, just to let everyone know what
Unknown Speaker (02:14:08.600)
is happening.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:09.600)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:10.600)
Alex is doing another viral broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:12.960)
Like I'm sending smoke signals up.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:14.960)
There's too many people who are unaware that he is doing this again.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:19.399)
It's so annoying.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:21.039)
I need someone to know that he is doing this again.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:24.840)
It's so annoying, too, because he did nothing but waste time on this Sunday show.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:31.359)
There's so much just like, it's the Boogaloo Boys.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:34.399)
That's who we don't like now.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:36.439)
Tucker Carlson's my source.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:38.000)
Whoops, Fight Club.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:39.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:40.000)
And then yelling about Stelter.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:41.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:42.000)
Helter Stelter hate.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:43.000)
I got blisters on my fingers.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:44.000)
Oh my god.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:45.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:46.000)
I'm so tired, dude.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:50.239)
There's this last clip here from Sunday is fitting.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:53.279)
This is kind of how Alex wraps up the show.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:55.920)
And I will say that it is exciting for me because now on Friday, on our show, we will
Unknown Speaker (02:15:02.920)
finally get his actual- Sure, sure we will.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:05.479)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:06.479)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:07.479)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:08.479)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:09.479)
Last episode.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:10.479)
Unknown Speaker (02:15:11.479)
But here's how Alex goes out on the seventh.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:12.479)
Just perfect.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:13.479)
But I'll just recap what we started the show with before I have this important information.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:17.520)
We know the Boogaloo's left this group with a few hundred people, staged the attack.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:22.800)
Only the Q folks were dumb enough to go in to get media attention.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:26.239)
And your employees.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:27.239)
It was Q people that went in non-violently to be set up and arrested.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:31.359)
And your employees.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:32.359)
They didn't arrest the Boogaloo's.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:33.359)
When they've arrested Antifa, they're released later.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:35.920)
They did their job well.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:36.960)
They set up America.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:38.720)
Trump knew his supporters were patriotic and non-violent.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:41.140)
He said be non-violent.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:42.380)
He didn't incite anything.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:43.380)
They went down there to say, we see the election fraud.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:45.760)
We have the numbers to show it.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:47.279)
Trump fought back.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:48.279)
He did the right thing.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:49.680)
He didn't roll over.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:52.340)
He didn't submit.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:55.079)
If you want to keep us on air, go to and get t-shirts, books, films, got a bunch
Unknown Speaker (02:15:59.840)
of supplements that are about to sell out that are great for your immune system and
Unknown Speaker (02:16:03.159)
your body.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:04.159)
X2, X3, super male vitality, DNA force plus.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:08.619)
They're all there at
Unknown Speaker (02:16:14.760)
But separately, this is new world order.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:18.460)
This is 2020.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:19.460)
I remember reading when I was 21 years old, 2020 in congressional record, I was into that
Unknown Speaker (02:16:27.399)
stuff back then.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:28.399)
It was so interesting.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:31.239)
So again, here we are.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:33.959)
Every generation goes through something.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:35.440)
Every third generation goes into something really big.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:37.600)
We're going through it right now.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:38.840)
So I want to thank the crew for their great job.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:41.280)
There is this amazingly important report from a major pop artist exposing chemtrails and
Unknown Speaker (02:16:49.719)
country clubs.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:50.719)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:51.719)
I hope that you will share.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:52.719)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:53.719)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:54.719)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:55.719)
Chemtrails over the country club video.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:56.719)
Just don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:57.719)
It's posted to
Unknown Speaker (02:16:58.719)
Here it is.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:59.719)
That's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:00.719)
He introduces Glennon Del Rey's video for chemtrails at the country club as a report.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:08.479)
That's a very important report, this music video.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:12.620)
He used a lot of words to say that the Patriot movement is filled with stupid gullible cowards,
Unknown Speaker (02:17:17.479)
but I understand why he tells his version of the story.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:21.799)
It's far more exciting than saying that the Patriot movement is a bunch of stupid gullible
Unknown Speaker (02:17:25.680)
Unknown Speaker (02:17:26.680)
Well, that's what Pete Santilli would say.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:28.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:17:29.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:17:30.520)
I love, I want to see what the most trivial thing Alex would call an important report
Unknown Speaker (02:17:35.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:17:36.520)
We are fighting demons who are overthrowing the United States Republic, destroying the
Unknown Speaker (02:17:42.559)
Unknown Speaker (02:17:43.719)
We need upwards of two amendments now, and I will tell you this right now.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:47.959)
We're going to go out to our special report.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:50.000)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:51.000)
It is a Looney Tunes cartoon.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:53.260)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:54.719)
From our new reporter here at Infowars, Lana Del Rey.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:59.479)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:01.040)
God, what a ride.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:04.040)
What is happening?
Unknown Speaker (02:18:05.799)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:06.799)
Are we, are we fake or is he fake?
Unknown Speaker (02:18:09.680)
I can't tell anymore.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:10.799)
I just don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:11.920)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:12.920)
I just don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:13.920)
I don't feel like I learned much from this.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:17.479)
I learned a lot about history.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:18.719)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:19.719)
I learned a lot about World War II, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:20.719)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:21.719)
I mean, I'm glad, I'm glad I got the benefit of his thousands of books.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:25.319)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:26.319)
It's nice to see multiple instances of him just reading Wikipedia pages poorly.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:32.319)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:33.319)
God, this is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:34.319)
This show is so dumb.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:35.360)
I'm really excited for Friday, though, because I do think...
Unknown Speaker (02:18:38.239)
Well, it's his last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:39.239)
Well, I mean, can't wait for the second last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:42.159)
Can't wait for the second last broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:44.159)
But it'll be better than the November 24th, for sure.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:47.440)
Well, I would hope so.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:48.659)
Can't be worse than that.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:49.659)
He's had time to think about it.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:50.959)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:51.959)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:52.959)
And multiple false starts.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:55.079)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:56.079)
Unknown Speaker (02:18:57.079)
And I just think there will be something interesting on the day of the inauguration.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:00.399)
Like I hope that everything goes smoothly in the world.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:04.000)
You know, we're recording this on Tuesday, it comes out on Wednesday.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:07.200)
I hope it's an uneventful day by and large.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:10.159)
But I also hope that Alex cries or something.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:13.719)
Unknown Speaker (02:19:14.719)
I hope he throws a hatchet or something.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:16.520)
Unknown Speaker (02:19:17.520)
Like, I hope there's something interesting and it's not just mopey Alex.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:19.959)
Yeah, he's gotta bring something.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:21.680)
There's potential for, like, some real performance.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:24.899)
And I hope we see something as opposed to nothing.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:27.319)
But I hope that the something that we see isn't this, like...
Unknown Speaker (02:19:30.639)
That Sunday show, the hard shift into immigrant bashing is really not good.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:38.639)
I know that that's a normal thing for Alex, but it had been absent for a little while.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:42.459)
Or at least on the back burner.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:44.200)
Really don't like to see it coming forward again.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:46.000)
It's really annoying.
Unknown Speaker (02:19:47.000)
Yeah, the full, let's direct our attention away from all Democrats directly towards minorities
Unknown Speaker (02:19:55.139)
of any shape, specifically ones that aren't white, is normal.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:01.600)
But it was nice whenever they just wanted to kill us all equally, you know?
Unknown Speaker (02:20:06.239)
There was a feeling of, yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:10.760)
Unknown Speaker (02:20:11.760)
Yeah, I guess.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:12.760)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:13.760)
Anyway, Jordan, we will be back.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:16.000)
But until then, we have a website.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:17.680)
We do have a website.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:18.680)
Unknown Speaker (02:20:19.680)
You bet.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:20.680)
We're on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:21.680)
We are on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:22.680)
It's at Knowledge Fight and I go to bed Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:23.680)
We're also on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:24.680)
If you could please find a local charity or bail fund in your area to help out people
Unknown Speaker (02:20:29.200)
doing God's work right now.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:30.639)
We'll be back.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:31.639)
But until then, I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:32.639)
I'm Leo.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:33.639)
I'm DZXClark.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:34.639)
I'm Daryl Rundis.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:36.760)
I'm telling Mike Adams to grow the fuck up.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:39.639)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:40.639)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:41.639)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:42.639)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:43.639)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:44.639)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:45.639)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (02:20:46.639)
I love you.