Transcript/310: June 13-14, 2019

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Hello, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Alex Jones (00:00:07.000)
I love you.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan.
Jordan (00:00:09.000)
I'm Jordan
Dan (00:00:10.000)
We're couple dudes like to sit around, drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:14.000)
Indeed we are Dan.
Dan (00:00:16.000)
Jordan (00:00:16.000)
Dan (00:00:17.000)
Jordan (00:00:18.000)
What is the best or most important package you've ever received through the mail?
Dan (00:00:22.000)
What man. this is crazy, right? I don't know.
Jordan (00:00:27.000)
Did you ever order anything from the back of a cereal box?
Dan (00:00:29.000)
You are doing Usual Suspects, thing you just saw some packaging there? And no,
Jordan (00:00:33.000)
no, no, I was thinking of percent. I was actually thinking of Calvin and Hobbes, when he orders for the beanie and he gets the and. He thinks he's gonna be able to fly with it. And it turns out to be a propeller. So I was thinking about that. And I was thinking, have you ever ordered anything off the back of a cereal box or something that takes like four to six weeks? You know what,
Dan (00:00:50.000)
I'm so positive I have but like my parents growing up, we're not into that shit at all. Yeah, and they wouldn't like bio cereals that had those sorts of things.
Jordan (00:00:59.000)
No sugar cereals.
Dan (00:01:00.000)
They would it was a general rule. No sugar cereals, but then also be like, like, bags Malt-O-Meal you got the giant but even knockoff brand Malt-O-Meal.
Jordan (00:01:14.000)
Dan (00:01:14.000)
you go to like Sam's Club and get the like, 20 pound bag? Yeah. Fake Cheerios. Yeah, that was sort of the vibe and like a lot of granola and stuff. So I don't know. I don't have any vivid memories of that. But that package that you saw that triggered your question, I just recently Oh, for sure. While
Jordan (00:01:32.000)
I was thinking about this on the walk here, that's why I was so disappointed when you were like, What a shitty question. I was like, Oh, I was thinking about this one.
Dan (00:01:39.000)
In that case. I'm sorry. I just got some Greek textbooks in the mail. I'm pretty excited about those. Yeah. Oh, I mean, I got my hot pepper seeds pretty. A while back. Oh, by the way, I got to interrupt your question for plant watch.
Jordan (00:01:54.000)
Yes, yes, plant watch. 2019
Dan (00:01:55.000)
Things are going fine that I didn't realize the flower that I got is so crazy out of control. It is a climbing vining flower plant. Oh yeah, shit and it is really no flowers yet but it is going crazy. It is. I wish I had like a lattice for it to grow on. Yeah, because it looks like it would just vine all over the place. It looks really cool. That would be fun. And then beyond that the all the peppers are coming in find no fruit as of yet.
Jordan (00:02:27.000)
But you got plenty of good stalks over there.
Dan (00:02:29.000)
Yeah, yeah, it's there was some there was some tough times going and Celine definitely ate my peas. Yeah, she destroyed the peas, the tomatoes. A couple other things. And
Jordan (00:02:39.000)
Not huge losses for you. You weren't really going to cook with those anyway.
Dan (00:02:42.000)
I might have. Yeah, I was excited. I like peas. Okay. But yeah, she she thinned the she separated the wheat from the chaff. And we are left with the strong stalked pepper plants. And yeah, I'll let you know. Anyway.
Jordan (00:02:58.000)
Thank you.
Dan (00:02:59.000)
Plant watch. Yep. So Jordan, today, we are going to. Oh, this is a show where I know a lot about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:03:04.000)
Yes. And I only know what you tell me.
Dan (00:03:05.000)
Correct. So today, Jordan, we are stuck in the present. I know the world would not allow us to, to go back to our fun. Fun relatively, of talking about Alex in 2013. As is our tradition on Mondays, because as I predicted on our Friday episode, like we're recording this on Thursday, but I bet by the time this episode is out some really fucked up will have happened. There it is, I say sooth. And so today we're gonna be going over June 13, and 14th, which is Thursday and Friday of last week. There is a lot of messed up stuff that happens on these episodes. Some of it politically messed up some of it emotionally. So consider this a fair warning that some of this will not be pleasant to listen to. You have been warned. Okay, you personally and listeners abstractly Wonderful. So before we get to today's episode, and what it will entail, I must take a moment to say thank you to some people who have signed up and are supporting the show. We appreciate it. So first, Matt B, thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:12.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:04:13.000)
Thank you Matt B. Next, Oliver, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:18.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Dan (00:04:19.000)
Alex Jones would have you know that that's Oliver Darcy ah CNN guy who's trying to get him kicked off there.
Jordan (00:04:24.000)
It's not I was thinking it was more like Thank you, sir. is wonderful.
Dan (00:04:28.000)
Now a little orphan boy,
Jordan (00:04:29.000)
little orphan boy.
Dan (00:04:30.000)
We get a different angles on it. Yeah. Next, Josiah, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:35.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:04:36.000)
Thank you Josiah.
Dan (00:04:38.000)
Thank you Josiah. Next Josh. Thank you so much, you're now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:04:42.000)
Thank you, Josh. Thank you, Josh. And Reggie, thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk
Alex Jones (00:04:47.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Dan (00:04:48.000)
Thank you Reggie. Finally, I'd like to say thank you to somebody who took their donation, bumped it up a little bit and we appreciate it very much. So Yung Bey, thank you so much. You are now a technocrat
Alex Jones (00:04:58.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Crikey made that's fantastic. Have yourself a brew. How's your 401k doing bro? We gotta go full tilt boogie on this Watson. All right, let's just get down to business we ain't making that money off that heroin. Why you pimp so good? My neck is freakishly large. I declare info war on you
Alex Jones (00:05:17.000)
Thank you so much Yung Bey,
Jordan (00:05:19.000)
thank you very much Destiny's Child era.
Dan (00:05:22.000)
Is it? Yung Bey be Destiny's Child era or Beyonce era? I don't think she called herself Bae during Destiny did not but she's hanging out with Kelly Rowland. It's not necessarily young. It's Y U N G.
Jordan (00:05:37.000)
Okay. All right. All right. Okay. All right. I can't see your computer from here.
Dan (00:05:43.000)
But if you're listening out there, and you're thinking, Hey, I like this show would like support these guys do? You can do that by going to our website. Knowledge fight dot com, clicking the button to support the show. We would appreciate it it would be nice. So let's get down to business.
Jordan (00:05:54.000)
Yes, please. Let's defeat these fucking Huns.
Dan (00:05:57.000)
We're going to start on the 13th. And as you may recall, on the 13th, we had a situation where that was Thursday. In the morning, there was a ship that got hit. Yes. And the Trump administration went pretty quick into saying it was Iran.
Jordan (00:06:13.000)
It was totally Iran Don't look anywhere else. It was definitely Iran. Please, everybody know that it was Iran. It was Iran who did this? I guarantee was Iran who did this? We're just gonna have to put some ground troops on there. It's not our fault.
Dan (00:06:25.000)
I want to say before we get into anything, I don't know what happened. I can't pretend that I have any kind of expertise on this or any kind of intimate knowledge of, of what happened. I've read some articles about it. I don't think it's a good idea to go attacking Iran. I don't I don't trust the people at the helm of our, let's say, people named John Bolton department to Yeah, I don't trust Trump. On this front. I think there's a lot of war hawks, who have been looking for an excuse to attack Iran, they sure seem to have and I don't think that that means that they set this up or anything like that, either. No, I don't know what happened. I just think that calmer heads should prevail. So what as we talk about Alex covering this, that I am not coming from a place of saying it was Iran or it wasn't I don't know. Yes. The facts will bear out as they bear out. And as we have more information, we'll know. But I'm not. I'm not ready. I'm not here to condemn Iran. And I'm not here to condemn this as a false flag.
Jordan (00:07:24.000)
No, neither one. But I will say right now, I'm leaning towards trusting Iran more than the United States. So maybe maybe we're in a rough patch foreign policy wise?
Dan (00:07:34.000)
Well, I mean, from like a motive perspective, it definitely seems like it makes more sense for them to not do this. Yes. Yeah. So anyway, we'll we'll get into this. But Alex has heard about it. It's happening. I believe, I'm not sure the exact timing of it. But it's, it's fresh as he's on air. And so Alex gets into the story. And this first clip
Jordan (00:07:58.000)
Alex Jones (00:07:58.000)
for US officials say it's highly likely Iran behind the new tanker attack and the bombing of another ship. Well, if the mullahs are really that crazy that can start world war three.
Dan (00:08:18.000)
So what we have is that Alex is kind of coming in pretty hot with a well the mullahs are that crazy. There's there's a real sense that you get that he doesn't think this is a false flag. No, yeah, he seems to be thinking that this is sincere. And what we're going to witness over the first 20 minutes of Alex's Thursday, June 13 show is him try and talk himself into believing this actually happened. And that it was Iran that he needs to figure out a way to be like, I know I say everything is a fucking false flag. But this one's gotta be real because Trump really wants it to be real. Yeah. What am I going to do? So it's a it's a struggle, and he knows the destination that he's trying to get to.
Jordan (00:08:58.000)
Yeah, which is supporting Trump in starting a war essentially
Dan (00:09:03.000)
It does feel that way, which seems pretty counter to his career.
Jordan (00:09:08.000)
The entirety of everything ever,
Dan (00:09:10.000)
all the pretense of being an anti interventionalist. Man, I'm just a libertarian live and let live. Yep. I don't like regime change wars.
Jordan (00:09:18.000)
Nope. Turns out he's just a coward that can't stand up to his daddy.
Dan (00:09:22.000)
So in defense of that, right after that clip that we just heard, Alex starts listing off boat related false flags. And
Jordan (00:09:32.000)
Dan (00:09:33.000)
This is not a great list, and we're gonna go through it one by one. You're correct. On the first one, Alex does bring up the Lusitania. This first clip, and after he's done, I will explain why he is a dum dum.
Alex Jones (00:09:45.000)
The mullahs that crazy that's the headline on infowars dot com and the live feed today so you want to go for that. The censored broadcasts the video and audio feeds at infowars dot com and is war with Iran imminent Not good. war with Iran imminent? I didn't hear a question. Is this crazy? Or is it another false flag because if you study history, the favorite false flag, false flag comes from British naval annals. coin was first seen in naval journals 500 years ago. But it's older than that. The favorite place to stage events is on the open water, because it's hard to prove who did it. But, you know, World War One started with a ship, the Lusitania and a quasi false flag.
Dan (00:10:37.000)
So right off the bat, you called it, he was bringing up the loose tan Yeah, of course. And man, I have no idea what a quasi false flag is.
Jordan (00:10:44.000)
It's, you know, it's a little bit of a false way. It's a little false flag. It's a little bit regular, you know, it's a quasi false flag.
Dan (00:10:52.000)
If you're a fucking conspiracy theorist, truth teller, and you use terms like quasi false flag that can be defined however you want, depending on your mood, you're signaling that you're an idiot, and you're just making stuff up,
Jordan (00:11:03.000)
it seems like the term would mean both sides gathered together to cause this.
Dan (00:11:08.000)
No that's a double false flag,
Jordan (00:11:10.000)
that's a double. no.
Dan (00:11:11.000)
That's like a semi semi wagon the single week, bi weekly, other way around. So the idea of a false flag is that a ship would attack another ship, and they will be flying a different flag than the country or group they represent. Instead, there'll be flying the flag of the group that they want it to be blamed for the attack. In the case of the sinking of the Lusitania, a German U boat did that. And they admitted they did it and Germany argued that the Lusitania constituted a military boat. So I'm not even sure where a quasi false flag comes in here. I guess maybe Alex could be referring to the Lusitania itself, changing its flag from a British flag to yet a US flag. In an attempt to appear, you're neutral, but that action is really irrelevant in terms of what happened. That boat was getting sunk no matter what flag it had on it unless it was a German flag. Yeah, so more importantly, Alex is misrepresenting history. pretty egregiously here. First of all, the sinking of the Lusitania didn't start World War One. World War One started in July 1914, and the Lusitania sunk in May 9 1815. What Alex means is that the Lusitania sinking brought the United States into World War One, and there's another person that matters, but the way he seems to phrase it seems like he doesn't even recognize that people have been fighting and dying for a year in Europe before the ship sank. But even that thinking is flawed. The US didn't enter World War One until April 6 1917. So it makes little sense for the powers that be to false flag attack this boat then wait two years to follow through with the plan that that false flag allowed them to put in place. That's nonsense. After the Lusitania was sunk, Woodrow Wilson demanded to stop the sinking of merchant boats by the German U boats, and Germany agreed to cut it out. Then on January 31 1917, Germany announced they were resuming quote unrestricted submarine warfare. Wilson responded on February 3, that the United States would do nothing unless Germany committed overt acts against the United States. In the following two months, Germany sank nine American ships, none of whose names Alex Jones even knows. Most historians agree that the sinking of the Lusitania was not the reason the US got involved in the war, but that it's remembered as the casus belli. And the reason for that is probably classism. The passengers of the nine merchant ships sunk in the weeks before the US declared war were quote, low status, underpaid merchant mariners, whereas the Lusitania was a passenger focused ocean liner, which carried people of an elevated social standing. Here are the nine ships that were sunk by Germany that actually caused Woodrow Wilson to turn 180 degrees on his campaign slogan, which was he kept us out of war. So, it was the Housatonic, which was sunk on February 3 1917. Great name the Lyman M Law, which was sunk on February 12. Great name the Algonquin sunk on March 12. That's actually a great name. Yeah, the Vigilancia which was sunk on March 16. And that one actually had 15 crew members who were killed, six of whom were Americans, the City of Memphis, which was sunk on March 17, the Illinois sunk on March 17. Again, the Healdton sunk on May 21, killing 21 Seven of whom were Americans. That one is actually a 10th entry on this list. And because it was actually sunk by a mine and it probably or may not have been Germany, who was at fault, but it's still part of the reason why we entered Yeah, it got sunk. Everybody moved on. seven Americans died, right. So it was in this time period, so it was definitely part of the consideration. Yeah, the Aztec just sunk on April 1, killing 2811 of whom were Americans, the Marguerite, sunk on April 4, and the Missourian sunk on April 4 as well. Each of these boats as they were sunk. debate raged about whether or not they constituted overt acts of war by Germany. The first three involved no casualties, and in the case of the Housatonic it appeared that Lieutenant Hans Rose captain of the U53 that sunk it. They had given the crew warning and then told them and lifeboats to a place where they could easily be rescued by a British ship. If Germany had continued to sink US boats in that fashion, there probably would not have been any legal justification for Woodrow Wilson to enter the war. The Housatonic was carrying foodstuffs meant for the Germans enemies, and under international law, they had every right to consider that contraband. The same sort of thing could be said for the Lyman M Law sinking. The crew that ship was warned in advance the ship was sunk, and the passengers were put in lifeboats and towed to land. It was a very courteous sinking, if there is such a thing. That's nice. But here's the thing. Those sinkings had happened pretty soon after Germany announced its intention to resume full scale submarine warfare. And in their announcement, they made clear that some of their ships had already launched before the announcement was made. And you might expect more lenient treatment from them than from U boats you might encounter in the future. Germany knew that this was one area where they had a real leg up on all other belligerent parties. But an essential problem was if they exerted their full force in the sea, the United States would end up getting involved in the war, they needed to be able to act with impunity in the ocean and not worry about us. So the best way to achieve that was to stir up some other shit that we would have to deal with. On February 24 1917, Woodrow Wilson received the Zimmerman note, a telegram that was intercepted by British intelligence from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to German ambassador in the United States, Johann von Bernstorff. In the note Zimmerman requests that Bernstorff reach out to the German Minister of Mexico City to offer an alliance with them on the condition that they attacked the United States from the south. The offer was to involve a promise to give Mexico back land that was lost in the Mexican American War if they've gone along with this plan. After Wilson received that message, and the u-boat attacks continued and intensified, he was in no position to argue with the more hawkish side that had been arguing that past acts constituted overt acts of war. The next attack of the Algonquin on March 12 did not involve such courteous Germans, as we had seen with Hans Rose. They didn't give a warning and they didn't help the stranded crew find rescue. But there was still a problem for the war hawks. In this case, the ship had recently transferred from British to American ownership right before the sinking. So it had gone from a belligerent flag to a neutral one since the war had started, which meant that it's sinking didn't qualify as a justification for war. Because there's every reason that Germany could have not known it was now an American ship or, you know, yeah, I get you when a German U boat straight up torpedoed the Vigilancia four days later and ended up killing American civilians in the process that qualified under international law as an overt act that merited declaring war. The subsequent attacks that reinforced they only reinforced that Germany was trying to antagonize the United States, it was not going to stop. And with the Zimmerman note, it was clear that they were also trying to promote attacks against us from our neighbors, which ended up justifying a declaration of war. The public arguments about the justification for declaring this war very rarely mentioned the actual ships that were sunk and change Wilson and his cabinet's minds. Instead, they often revolved around the much sexier story of the British cruise ship that was sunk two years prior the Lusitania. That ship was never the reason the United States got involved in the war. But because blowhards didn't really care about the loss of working class lives, they use the Lusitania as a proxy to talk about the other ships. And thus that misunderstanding is carried down through history to people who don't look too much into stuff. People like Alex Jones,
Jordan (00:18:31.000)
my favorite part of history is that it's written by the victors 100% accurately Oh, it's my favorite part of history,
Dan (00:18:37.000)
but it's also being carried out in the press. By the soon to be victors. Yeah, exactly. The sinking of the Lusitania itself is a really controversial topic, even to this day. It definitely does seem like the British government in particular, was eager to cover up something about that boat and it's sinking. But to claim that, you know, what that thing is reflects a little bit of hubris and a lot of assumption. One of the things that they might have wanted to cover up is that the British knew that the U 20. was nearby, and they didn't warn the Lusitania. This is a hugely consequential decision since they put civilians at risk. But it happened because the British had cracked German naval codes through their top secret intelligence operation room 40. But they couldn't give the commercial ships specific warnings without risking tipping off the Germans that their code had been broken. Right. There are some strong indications that in the aftermath of the sinking, Winston Churchill may have been less than forthcoming about what happened at sea in an effort to protect room 40 from being exposed. There are plenty of lingering questions about whether or not there were munitions being transported on this boat full of civilians. And I'll be the first to admit that it doesn't look that great. If you look at all the details. The idea of potentially making your boat full of non combatants a target is pretty unacceptable, but from everything I can tell this was not why the U 20 fired on the Lusitania at all. And if anything, it was only used as a after the fact justification for it. They did they sunk that ship because it was their express purpose to be out at sea, sinking boats like it. right, I'm open to the idea that possible negligence led to the sinking of the Lusitania. But from all the information I have available, I don't see sufficient evidence to claim any kind of conspiracy existed to have the boat sunk in order to get the United States into World War One. That wasn't the result that came from the sinking. And the second is absolutely completely in line with what the German U boat campaign was doing at that time. They were at war with Britain and viewed Britain as an island nation that could be best defeated by aggressively isolating them by sea. Churchill had expressed a desire to increase neutral shipping traffic to Britain, in hopes of causing a flare up between the United States and Germany. You know, like, they'll attack these neutral ship boats
Jordan (00:20:42.000)
in the same way that he was super stoked that Pearl Harbor got bombed,
Dan (00:20:45.000)
right. But he but this is something that's like, I could actually bring in more neutral merchant traffic and then hope something happens. exactly. But the problem is that the Lusitania was not a neutral shipping boat. It was a British cruise ship that would have absolutely not been seen as neutral to the Germans. So whatever goal he hoped to achieve from a US merchant ship being attacked by Germany wouldn't have been achieved by that boat being attacked. So in the end, this one's not good. Yeah, this one doesn't work. Alex believes that the Lusitania sinking led to the start of World War One.
Jordan (00:21:17.000)
That doesn't seem right.
Dan (00:21:18.000)
He's either speaking so imprecisely or he's so wrong. I'm not entirely sure which, but it's not the only boat he's got. He's got another boat.
Alex Jones (00:21:28.000)
You know, the Maine started the Spanish American War 1898, William McKinley and his navy that's staged most historians agree, blown up. Everybody was off the ship, said it. The Spanish had done it.
Jordan (00:21:41.000)
All right. Well, Kaiser Wilhelm was actually on that one. So that started that war
Dan (00:21:46.000)
man, Germany is not even in the mix. So Alex is kind of correct that the sinking of the USS Maine did lead to the start of the Spanish American War. It sort of sort of done it set some of the conditions in place and was a spark, certainly, but he's expressly wrong about everyone being off the ship. The USS Maine had a crew of 355 men and when it blew up, 253 of them were killed, with eight more dying later from their injuries. There were 16 additional men injured leaving a total of 78 out of the 355 not injured or killed. And the survivors didn't survive because they were off the boat and they staged it. They avoided death because the explosion happened at the front of the boat and their quarters happened to be at the back section. Yeah, it was complete luck. On February 1 1898, the USS Maine blew up while docked at Havana Harbor. Immediately, debates flared up about what had caused the explosion, with many viewing it as the result of an accident where on the ship coal had combusted and lit munitions.
Jordan (00:22:44.000)
Dick Cheney, I believe that was the one who did it.
Dan (00:22:46.000)
Oh, no, no, man. No, he's cool. He's old, but not that old. Others, notably Teddy Roosevelt, who was also pushing for war after the Lusitania sunk, because that dude just loves wars, argued that it was probably a mine that blew up the USS Maine and we should attack Spain. In the immediate aftermath, neither side was really arguing from a place based on evidence, they were just using the event to push toward the result, they want it. Calmer heads didn't want things to Spain to escalate. And then people like Roosevelt were eager to start a war left to their own devices, these sides probably would have just argued between each other until a formal investigation had been done. And ultimately, the war may never have actually even happened. I base that assumption on the fact that President McKinley was not interested in declaring war. And the fact that the investigations that have happened since have generally confirmed the, it was an accident theory. Yeah. In the 1890s, though, there was a bit of a media feud going on in the New York newspaper market between Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal,
Jordan (00:23:49.000)
both great dudes, everybody remembers them super fondly. Yellow journalism is awesome, and it definitely bears no similarity to propaganda that is destroying us right now, zero similarity
Dan (00:23:59.000)
none. Two dudes did not like each other and wanted to nothing more than to put the other one out of business so they could have more share of the market, which manifested in them trying to outdo each other, and in how sensational their news could be. There competing in a profit driven zero sum game where the public were the pawns, they found they were able to sell more papers, if they were more sensational, had more inflammatory headlines, and framed news stories and more creative ways. Whether or not those creative tellings of events depicted reality or not. They knew that if they built a narrative and pushed it with enough vigor and emotion, it would drive people to buy their product. It would work people up into an emotional fervor then you sell to them. It is not a business model we're at all familiar with
Jordan (00:24:41.000)
no, no, I believe the paper was actually called Rosebud Wars though. I'm pretty sure that's what Hearst called it.
Dan (00:24:50.000)
So by the time of the sinking of the Maine, there had already been a great deal of tension for years between the United States and Spain, largely owing to evolving ideas about colonialism particularly surrounding the notion of Cuban independence. Hearst and Pulitzer were both in favor of Cuban independence and use their sensationalist papers to publish expressly biased accounts of Spanish atrocities while minimizing and ignoring anything that Cuban revolutionaries did that might be a little bit fucked up. I mean, even if you're in favor of the cause behind their actions, you can still see the, you know, promotion of span Cuban independence in their papers, the way they did it as bad means towards a good end. Yeah, they'd been playing that game for a while and making a lot of money off it by the time the Maine sunk, so they were in an ideal position to capitalize off it. With no more information than the doves in the government or the hawkish Teddy Roosevelt. Both Hearst and Pulitzer set out to rally the public against Spain, explicitly arguing that Spain had sunk the Maine their public, their papers, pushed the slogan Remember the Maine and did everything they could to advocate for war with Spain. They did this partially because they were biased in favor of Cuban independence, but more importantly, because it raised their profit margins. Now, it'd be stupid for me to sit here and argue that Hearst and Pulitzer were responsible for the outbreak of the Spanish American War. That would be fucking simplistic and dumb. wildly irresponsible. but it would be equally stupid to not recognize the part they played in it. Yeah, there was a piece of the puzzle that like they were massive propaganda organs making up stories and sensationalized and kernels of real stories, intent on bending public opinion towards war.
Jordan (00:26:23.000)
Alex didn't get Trump elected, but he did play a goddamn part in it.
Dan (00:26:27.000)
Sure. Yeah. And much like Trump getting elected. You know, Hearst, and Pulitzer succeeded exactly as the idea of a military event intervention became more and more popular, the more they tugged on the heartstrings and embellished news to line their pockets. They never would have been able to start the war on their own. They needed influential people like Teddy Roosevelt banging the drum internally within the government to make it happen. He's kind of the John Bolton of that time. And I similarly no one ever would want John Bolton become president. No one wanted Teddy Roosevelt become president. He did. Yep.
Jordan (00:26:58.000)
We're doing awesome.
Dan (00:26:59.000)
So that makes me think John Bolton might be president in five years.
Jordan (00:27:03.000)
I think his mustache might be president, he'll have to transplant it to somebody younger.
Dan (00:27:08.000)
Do I remember a story of Trump telling him to shave his mustache? I don't know. I hope he did. That. That'd be great. So subsequent investigations, most notably one done by Admiral Hyman G Rickover. In 1974, reached the conclusion that the explosion of the Maine was the result of unforeseen volatilities in the Maine's use of a new type of coal. The ship had previously used anthracite coal, but it just switched to bituminous coal, largely because that type of coal would be able to make ships move faster and sail faster. Unfortunately, it was also way more caustic and prone to spontaneous combustion. And this type of coal being present as well as the significant significant amounts of pyrite that were found leads to a strong indication that the ship suffered an accidental coal fire, the absence of any external evidence of like penetration from the ship from outside as well as the other signs you would expect to find. If it was hit by a projectile or a mine. It all really just strengthens that conclusion. Yeah, the sinking of the Maine was not a false flag. It was a horrible accident that was used opportunistically by propagandists looking to turn a profit off delivering stilted news in an emotionally compelling and dishonest way. I'm not saying that Alex is doing the same thing here and is basically the yellow journalism of the modern era. But I am saying there's probably a reason you'd rather call that a false flag than examine the actual forces that were at play during the time. for sure. So do you think he's got another boat?
Jordan (00:28:27.000)
Probably, you know, the thing. The thing that I remember specifically about this, cuz I read the I can't remember the Drums of war, the Fog of war by Barbara Tuchman. Yeah. And I keep thinking about the the chicken hawks, who are like, oh, we need to go to war, but I would never send my son. Right. Right. Right. You know, and how fucking hypocritical bullshit that is. They're, they're scary. But the ones like Teddy Roosevelt, who are like, holy, I went and fought that war. I want. I'm the president. I'll be on the front lines. Those guys are terrified.
Dan (00:29:00.000)
I want blood. Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (00:29:02.000)
Like Andrew Jackson just walking around, just drinking fucking all the blood of the enemies that he's destroyed. And you're like, oh, yeah, we definitely want him to be president.
Dan (00:29:10.000)
Yeah. Cuz it's like, Oh, it's you know, you talk to those people who are like, like those chicken hawks you're describing, and you're like, you point out the hypocrisy of it. And that's like, Well, alright, you asked for it. Here's Teddy Roosevelt like, Oh, yeah. It's the escalation of like, Oh, no.
Andy In Kansas (00:29:26.000)
Be careful what I wish for
Dan (00:29:27.000)
I just think you're wrong. And you scare me. So he does have another boat. Of course, I believe this is the last boat that he's going to bring up.
Alex Jones (00:29:38.000)
And of course, there's so many other famous naval events. The USS Liberty, which was staged by Israel to get us into war with Egypt didn't work, that's been declassified, but many Israeli documented fighter pilots.
Dan (00:29:51.000)
So the USS Liberty in case anyone is unfamiliar with that on June 8 1967, the Israeli Air Force as well as their Navy fired on an American ship, the USS Liberty as it sat in the Mediterranean Sea. It was in the middle of the Six Day War, during which the US was a neutral party, and the ship was in international waters. So there was really no justification for their acts. Israel said that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian warship. But a whole lot of folks don't trust that explanation. Their arguments largely hinge on complicated conspiracy theories that I'll get into later in this episode. For now, what I want to stress is that there's no possible reality wherein Israel would have done what they did in order to try and trick the United States into war with Egypt, it would be a bad idea on their part. Well, one reason I can say that pretty confidently is that Israel almost immediately took responsibility for the attack and apologized for it. If there's any uncertainty about the why of the event, why it happened. There's no uncertainty about the who, and there wasn't any real cover up or attempts to make it look like the jets were Egyptian crafts or anything. There's no way that the US would have had that attack happened. And Israel comes over and is like, hey, sorry about that. We messed up. And then they decide, alright, let's attack Egypt. Yeah, Alex believes that Israel's objective was to kill everyone on the Liberty. So there's no survivors. And they could just say that Egypt did it. This doesn't make any sense, since the airships were marked as Israeli. So if anyone on board the ship survived, or if any of them were able to radio, anyone, or if there's any ship nearby that saw what happened, the whole plan would be busted. Yeah, if they really were trying to set up Egypt, they could have easily marked their helicopters with Egyptian markers or just not had Israeli ones on them. One of the survivors testified that he could see the ships were Israeli from 2000 yards away, which would give them ample time to radio that Israel was attacking them. Given the technology that existed at the time, and each party possessed, it would have been impossible for the signal to be jammed coming out of the boat, and the Liberty was able to send out a distress call. So they would have been able to blow this false flag up. Even if every single person on that boat ended up being killed. Yeah. I'm not going to pretend that the Israeli military hasn't definitely used false flags before like in the case of the 1954 Lavon Affair. But looking at this case, it doesn't look like Alex's argument makes much sense. If only I knew where he was getting this information from?
Jordan (00:32:07.000)
Well, I believe it was the
Dan (00:32:09.000)
Maybe he'll bring it up later. I
Dan (00:32:11.000)
think he might. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only reason Israel had the Six Day War was to inspire a pretty great DJ Shadow song. I'm pretty sure that it was Six Days. Yeah.
Dan (00:32:23.000)
That's a fine song. So I lied. There's one more boat situation that Alex brings up. But so far, I think he's over three. Like, none of these seem like false flags. To me. They're just complicated pieces of history, he would rather not deal with the realities of. So here's his last volley.
Alex Jones (00:32:41.000)
And of course, you've got so many other big events like the Gulf of Tonkin.
Jordan (00:32:46.000)
There it is. There's the one. Bring it up
Alex Jones (00:32:50.000)
in to Vietnam. I'm sure the headline will be out later. It's in the news today, Alex Jones says that the tanker attacks are a false flag. I did not say that. I said that it could be
Dan (00:33:00.000)
Jordan (00:33:02.000)
It's amazing that it's almost more reasonable for him to say that it was a false flag than for him to believe it wasn't? Yeah, like it's almost like. no, it's weird. The headlines wouldn't be Alex Jones thinks it's a false flag. headlines would be like, maybe Alex got it this time. Oh,
Dan (00:33:17.000)
no, the headlines would be Alex Jones bucks tradition. I don't know it would have to be I would love it. If it was just something dismissive. Yeah. Alex Jones fights against his programming. So the Gulf of Tonkin, he might have one there. What happened with the Gulf of Tonkin incident was that on August 2 1964, the USS Maddox engaged with three Vietnamese torpedo boats. Then the US lied about a second confrontation happening on August 4, which was just totally made up. Also, we lied about not having fired first in the August 2 incident. And it was all definitely part of trying to get more directly involved in Vietnam. So Alex is close enough for jazz on this one. Yeah. Honestly, though, him being right about this kind of makes things worse. Here's what I mean. You would sound crazy and paranoid, if you just insisted that everything was fake, because you had one example from 55 years ago, Alex needs to create the appearance of a pattern in order to justify thinking that everything could be a false flag. And that leads him to believe completely untrue things like the Lusitania sinking caused us to get into World War One, or that all the men were off the Maine when it was false flag sunk, he has to think that those things are false, too, because the reality of the Gulf of Tonkin incident isn't enough for him to justify his stupid way of thinking. Yeah. And, you know, no one disputes that the Gulf of Tonkin incident wasn't the case of lying to get into war. But that's unsatisfying to Alex, because everyone already agrees with him. You're not blowing minds talking about the Gulf, books, tons of books are written about it. The you know, fucking McNamara has gone on record and had been interviewed about it. Like it's, you don't get any fucking cred out of that. But you know, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what everyone's off the Maine. Jesus. Yeah, it's just his way of making something sexier. And it's lame. It's
Jordan (00:35:06.000)
that is one of those things that every part of that like, the real history of every part of the Vietnam War is the most disgusting, horrific possibility that you can have like that it was all started based on lies and bullshit that Nixon went LBJ's back in order to keep the war going for an extra couple of years. So LBJ couldn't be reelected. Like that is fucked up. Yeah. Which is why it's absolutely not possible for anything like that to ever happen again, Dan.
Dan (00:35:39.000)
Nope. Nope. So the position that we're in right now is Alex has a bunch of boats that are justifying his like, you know, they love to do boat false flags, but maybe this is real. The mullahs are crazy. And here's where we get to Alex in that. What was the last clip? He was like? Everyone's gonna say that I said, I didn't say it was fake it could be. And he starts to get closer and closer to saying it was real and Iran did it.
Alex Jones (00:36:11.000)
This is a entrenched group that gets a lot of popularity their nation, but a large military in place with a tight grip from the throat of the people. And Iran might roll the dice and start these provocations, deny them, but then still use it to push into a larger war, activating Hezbollah sleeper cells, which are in every major city and are ready to wreak havoc. School shooting wreaks havoc in your town, take a couple of Iranian Special Ops, dumping chlorine, The globalists are hyper Chem.
Dan (00:36:49.000)
Talking about Hezbollah coming in and dumping chlorine in your AC unit? Oh, boy. Yeah, no boy. So this is where it starts to turn into like, I can't enjoy talking about Iran being scary. Yeah, I'm gonna keep going down this road.
Jordan (00:37:03.000)
Yeah, he's saying that Iran is false flagging a false flag? Or do you mean by that? I mean, Iran is pretending that it's a false flag as a false flag operation. In order to convince people to start a war with Iran?
Dan (00:37:15.000)
we might have to disentangle this. I think what he is expressing is that Iran definitely did it. Right. And then now they're saying that they didn't do it in order to get Trump to attack them so they can play the victim. So I mean, I write quasi false flag because that was that I think that might be I don't know. Alex has nothing to base any of this on, so it doesn't matter. Okay. In this next clip, though, he needs to justify why it's not a false flag. And one of the reasons is that Trump doesn't like that kind of thing.
Alex Jones (00:37:44.000)
Now, I know Trump is not into false flags. Cool. He's a straight shooter. In fact, he's even gone into the CIA and told folks, no false flags. that I've talked to who are in the room. large, large room.
Dan (00:37:57.000)
Why does it matter the size of the room?
Jordan (00:37:59.000)
It's a large room,
Dan (00:37:59.000)
a big old room,
Jordan (00:38:00.000)
it's a large room,
Alex Jones (00:38:01.000)
that all the dirty stuff's over
Dan (00:38:03.000)
got out the dirty stuff.
Alex Jones (00:38:04.000)
Not gonna play both sides. I've told. This a few days after he got elected, got into office. Yeah, Trump told the whole room, the CIA of top people, he said, We're gonna tell Saudi Arabia, you're gonna stop funding ISIS and al Qaeda, or we'll overthrow you.
Dan (00:38:23.000)
So that's not good. Yeah, it's not but it's also I don't think any of this is true, none of it. But it's an interesting kind of, it's an interesting kind of way to look at things like Trump got in there. And he's like, Hey, I'm the new sheriff in these parts. Now. No dirty business.
Jordan (00:38:39.000)
Actually, I think he might have said, Stop looking into my dirty business.
Dan (00:38:43.000)
Yeah, that might have might have been a miss. game of telephone. Yeah. When it got to Alex, it had change. Or cut out the dirty stuff. That's about the pee tape.
Jordan (00:38:52.000)
Cut out the dirty. edit it out. Yeah. Between minute 12 and 13 seconds.
Dan (00:38:57.000)
It's all nonsense. Yeah. But you know, he's still in a place like he's pushing. You can really feel his instinct driving him towards saying it was Iran. Yeah. But he doesn't know. And he kind of wants to keep his options open here. We're only about 10 minutes or so into the actual show. And he's still he's got this ambivalence to him.
Alex Jones (00:39:19.000)
We don't know what's happened. I'm not prepared to say that this is a false flag. But I also think it's very interesting that you've got quote US officials saying they think it's Iran. And then Iran stands to gain when many other analysts and I agree with them say Iran doesn't. But the mullahs are unstable. And they do have a powerful military and they are crazy.
Dan (00:39:43.000)
They're crazy.
Jordan (00:39:44.000)
Well, that justifies everything.
Dan (00:39:46.000)
But you know, you've got the scales here you got Alex saying on the one hand Oh, no. False flags are fun. On the other hand, mullahs are crazy. Shit, what am I going to do? And then as he's on air, light bulb flashes over his head. But it is a very dim light bulb. It is a light bulb that is on its last legs. It's flickering, but he still considers it a memory and an idea. And he remembers something that's evidence that the mullahs did this
Jordan (00:40:14.000)
If he says Sandy Hook I'm killing you.
Dan (00:40:15.000)
It's not
Alex Jones (00:40:17.000)
You know, I just remembered though, a month ago, the head mulllah, the Ayatollah of rock and roll over there says Jericho shot guys. The exact headline was Iran's leader, supreme leader. He Press TV had it was directly out of the state run media, Iran's Supreme Leader vows to retaliate to US sanctions and declares what's the exact term and he uses what's called pull the quote up said that they were activating their Hezbollah forces around the world and that the entire world was a battlefield.
Dan (00:41:05.000)
Huge if true. Yes. So I looked through, I was trying to find this article that Alex is talking about, I can't find, I can't figure out how I looked all through Press TV. I looked all through Infowars. The closest I can find is, I mean, these are a little close. Maybe there's an article on Press TV from February 13 2019, where Iran vowed revenge against terrorist groups who attacked their guard troops and killed 27 of their soldiers. Right. That's, I mean, that's vowing revenge. Yeah, I'll give them that. It's from close to the time period Alex is talking about uh huh. How the closest other thing I could find to that quote is Alec struggle that he's struggling to remember is an article in the Christian Science Monitor that seems pretty in favor of regime change. The title, the headline is, quote, why Europe is again, a battlefield for Iran's internal wars. It's not that close, though, to what Alex is talking about, and definitely not what he's describing. I'm kind of at a loss as to what he's talking about. And even searching for those terms. Like I said, on Infowars itself doesn't pull up an article.
Jordan (00:42:06.000)
I know what it is. It's the Iranian Smashing Pumpkins cover band. The world is a battlefield. That's how it goes.
Dan (00:42:13.000)
They don't. Don't. No vampires. No, no vampires
Jordan (00:42:17.000)
in Iran. No, actually, there is one. It was a really great movie. Have you ever seen it?
Dan (00:42:21.000)
a vampire in Iran?
Jordan (00:42:22.000)
No, that would be a great title, though.
Dan (00:42:24.000)
It would. So thankfully, I couldn't I mean, that thankfully, I couldn't find anything. That's just to be expected. But thankfully, Alex, at this point, right after he says those things, he refines the search terms a little bit, and maybe that'll help me find the story he's talking about.
Alex Jones (00:42:40.000)
Just pull up Iran's leader threatens to retaliate to US sanctions by hitting soft targets. So just that statement, a month ago, that I went and checked it, I don't just believe it when it was on the bottom of CNN. Yeah, he did. I went and checked Press TV, and there it was. And I meant to cover that. I think I did. That's a big deal. Yeah, just move the needle towards it being Iran,
Dan (00:43:05.000)
who has movedthe needle? Oh, no. So I couldn't.
Jordan (00:43:08.000)
Leave the needle where it is,
Dan (00:43:09.000)
again, I couldn't find what Alex was talking about. Even when he clarified his search terms. It didn't really help. If you search for these words that Alex is expressing the closest thing I could find is a May 16 2019 article in Market Watch, which I do know Alex has cited a bunch of times in the past, so it makes sense that he would have read it. The headline is, quote, Iran's foreign minister responds to unacceptable sanctions by the United States. At no point in that article is the foreign minister Mohammad Zarif threatened retaliation, nor does he discuss soft targets. Those words only exist coming out of the mouth of Anwar Gargash, who's the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates, saying that if civilian targets were hit, their Saudi led coalition would, quote, retaliate hard against Iran. Or there's a Reuters article from May 26 2016. That's reporting on something from Press TV. The headline is, quote, Iran Khamenei calls for vigilance against West's soft war. That article doesn't say a single word about Hezbollah or unleashing terrorists or any of the stuff Alex is talking about. However, there is an article from May 19 in Reuters, where Ayatollah Khomeini says, quote, there won't be any war, the Iranian nation has chosen the path of resistance. We don't seek a war and they don't either. They know it's not in their interests. But that doesn't seem to be in line with Alex's reporting and I still do not know what he's talking about. Yeah, I am still somewhat at a loss
Jordan (00:44:31.000)
Do you know it's amazing deal at the thing I learned about this mainly? The big takeaway for me with this story, what's that? I don't think Ayatollah Khamenei's Twitter account has a blue checkmark. I don't think he's verified. is that right. I think he might not be verified because there were a couple of tweets towards Shinzo Abe being like, dude, this wasn't us. I don't know what happened. This is super weird
Dan (00:44:54.000)
that might be a fake account.
Jordan (00:44:56.000)
Like could be but everybody was reporting on it like it was his account. Yeah.
Dan (00:45:00.000)
A lot of people are stupid though.
Jordan (00:45:01.000)
That's fair. I bet Guardian and shit like that,
Dan (00:45:04.000)
hey, they make mistakes. That's true. I'm not saying it's not his account, but I would also be totally. I believe the world exists where Ayatollah Khomeini is not on Twitter.
Jordan (00:45:14.000)
Right. It may be it may be like a spokesperson account or it may be a complete fake account, but it just makes me it makes me laugh that the Guardian has Ayatollah Khomeini's Twitter account going, Shinzo Shinzo No we didn't do it. No no no no no quit it
Dan (00:45:30.000)
That seems weird. Considering Shinzo Abe a was in Iran, or they were they were visiting at the time. Exactly. Why would you have to tweet him right?
Jordan (00:45:39.000)
And well, no Abe had already started Abe already left. But yeah, Abe was there on a hey, let's try and get Iran in the US to stop starting a war thing. And then all of a sudden, Japanese boat perfect time. And MBS is screaming about how Saudi Arabia knows all the intelligence.
Dan (00:46:00.000)
So, but not as suspicious as this article that Alex remembers that I can't find it all.
Jordan (00:46:06.000)
Super, very suspicious, suspicious in its absence as well.
Dan (00:46:09.000)
So now Alex remembers some other details. And it really gets him into just stepping close to the line of calling for war.
Alex Jones (00:46:20.000)
I think Iran is really crazy enough to do this deny they're doing it to put pressure on Trump economically. Well, hell, they threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz a month ago too in the same damn speech. See, I'm so used to false flags that everything starts looking like one, there's been so many in history.
Jordan (00:46:39.000)
I hate you
Alex Jones (00:46:40.000)
The more I percolate on this. They shot their mouth off a month ago, Iran threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz, that'll be everywhere.
Dan (00:46:49.000)
So he.s decided they shot their mouth off a month ago. Oh, God, this is proof. So the article that Alex is talking about here is from April 22 2019. And he's leaving out a really important part of the statement that Iran put out. They said specifically that they would close the Strait of Hormuz if they were prevented from using it. It's a conditional statement. An absurdly high amount of the world's oil traffic runs through Hormuz, and Iran does control a large portion of that water area. Oman controls a fair amount of it on the other side of the strait. But if Iran, Iran were to be prevented from using their own waterway, it does make some sense that they would shut down their part of it. The threat being presented as it's coming out of nowhere does seem extreme, but when taken as a conditional statement about their own waterway, it doesn't really seem all that out there. Right. Alex is later going to say that this threat they made to close the Strait of Hormuz was like they're gonna They threatened to blow up boats, in order to fit what's going on in the present. But that wasn't what they threatened, they threatened to shut down blocked traffic in the strait.
Jordan (00:47:48.000)
When we owned the Panama Canal. We did that every other week, there was always a threat to shut down the Panama Canal.
Dan (00:47:54.000)
Well, and that's the same thing that experts talk about in terms of this threat that they made. Iran has said it many times that they were going to shut down the strait.
Dan (00:48:03.000)
to the to the point where a lot of our analysts have called it a reflexive move. I would say that given the Trump administration's clear strategy of antagonizing people, this might be a time that they would follow through with it. But they haven't done that yet. And this instance of this tanker is not that's not an indication of closing the strait. Yeah, so whatever Alex is trying to present about like they threatened to do this a month ago, now they're doing it, which is going to be the thesis that he starts running with is not accurate at all, this is an embarrassment. So absolutely. In this next clip, Alex has convinced himself. This is Iran really,
Jordan (00:48:03.000)
We'll do it
Alex Jones (00:48:40.000)
when I woke up this morning and heard that one ship had been torpedoed one bombed in the Gulf, right off the coast of Iran. I said, are they really that crazy? Because so many wars get started with a false flag where a country will attack its own ship to blame on the nation they want to attack or invade. So many historical examples of that. I'll go into some
Jordan (00:49:05.000)
World War 1, World War 2,
Alex Jones (00:49:07.000)
ABC, CNN, Fox News and they were unsure. And then some US officials started coming up through administration saying we believe it's Iran but not giving any evidence. And then I was sitting here, thinking, on air earlier.
Jordan (00:49:23.000)
I don't need evidence
Alex Jones (00:49:24.000)
It all hit me. The Iranians took credit for this four months ago, two months ago, and about a month ago and my crew was able to pull up the articles you heard me mention on air from memory.
Jordan (00:49:37.000)
I hate you so much.
Alex Jones (00:49:38.000)
So let me just tell you right now. Iran is the main suspect. And Iran stands to gain from this and Iran thinks that they can push Trump into backing off sanctions, or they'll continue to sabotage ships in the Gulf and then claim it that Trump is staging it, so that if Trump strikes back, they look like the victim.
Dan (00:50:06.000)
Quasi false flag. Wow. Yeah. Wow. He's talked himself real hard into this position, which is? It's I mean, if if it does end up being the case that Iran did this, which I don't don't possible, it's possible. Don't say no idea. Yeah. I mean, Alex is thinking is still terrible. Even if his conclusion is correct. This is this is real bad.
Jordan (00:50:29.000)
Yeah, the Iranians are as dumb as the globalists in his mind.
Dan (00:50:33.000)
So in this, in this next clip, he starts talking directly to the heads of state of Iran.
Jordan (00:50:38.000)
Oh, well, that's nice of him. I'm sure they're listening.
Dan (00:50:40.000)
This is crazy, narcissistic.
Alex Jones (00:50:43.000)
So. Here's the big announcement. Iran thinks they can't lose because they think they control the paradigm of choices. Speaking directly to Iran right now and their mullahs. I know what you're up to. Because you've shot your mouths off.
Dan (00:50:54.000)
Hey, mullahs, I'm talking to you.
Jordan (00:50:59.000)
Jesus Christ. That's crazy. You shot your mouth for the last time I'm coming for you
Dan (00:51:06.000)
I mean, it's bizarre that he actually thinks that like Khamenei is watching Infowars?
Jordan (00:51:10.000)
Of course he is. Where do you think Khamenei gets all of the tenets of Islam from he just listened for Alex is weird ass comment
Dan (00:51:19.000)
John Bowne is a great thinker. What he's talking about in terms of the controlling the choices, it's like, you've created a position where no matter what the choices you come out looking like, no matter what Trump do, does, you win. The matrix of choices are stupid, right? So anyway, Alex gets into some primary sources about his argument that Iran did it. And here we go.
Alex Jones (00:51:42.000)
Now, why do I know that because I read PressTV. I've been on PressTV, about 100 times. And I just got too tired. I don't go on BBC, Press TV, really any of it anymore. Everybody knows that,
Jordan (00:51:56.000)
because he's tired.
Alex Jones (00:51:57.000)
Absolutely don't work for Iran, because I've gone on their national television over 100 times, kind of think you work for Iran. I read what their government says and what they say domestically. And I've got it right here. Because if somebody tells you, they'll sink ships, then it starts happening? They said they're going to do it. So they are the prime suspect. Iran vows to retaliate if US lifts Revolutionary Guard as terror organization, that was April 9.
Dan (00:52:26.000)
So that's the headline that Alex was reading because he reads Press TV, he reads their internal domestic stuff. Sure. That's an article from the Independent about an article in Press TV, Alex would know this, if he paid any attention. If Alex was actually reading Press TV, then he would have read a different headline, quote, IRCG warns reciprocal action against US forces if labeled terrorist, also the articles from April 7, not April 9. So I mean, that's a little petty, but he's getting everything wrong here. This is an Independent article. I read, I read the real stuff that you read. All you did. Is Google an article in The Independent you say it's from Press TV.
Jordan (00:53:07.000)
Are you translating it?
Dan (00:53:09.000)
No. I mean, it's in English. Press TV is in English,
Dan (00:53:11.000)
Yeah. Or at least the the blogs, not blogs, like the website. Yes. Yeah. Okay. I read a bunch of stuff on it. Okay. So the article doesn't, it does include some vague insinuations that there would be trouble if Trump makes a decision to label the IRCG a terrorist organization. But you really have to look at it in the big picture. The IRCG is a branch of Iran's armed forces, so labeling them as a recognized terrorist group is really close to declaring war on them. It would be like if France decided to declare the US Navy an enemy of their country. It's an incredibly hostile act from a geopolitical standpoint, for a country to respond by saying, if you do that you're crossing the line. And we just won't accept that. That's a normal response for a country to have. Yeah, it's not unfair to look at what the Trump administration did is kind of baiting. And also, that article doesn't say that they're going to sink boats or activate sleeper cells. If Trump labeled them a terrorist organization. It's specifically about putting an urgent motion through the government to label the US military personnel as blacklisted terrorist. Like the headline says, reciprocal actions. Yeah. This first article that Alex is bringing up doesn't nothing to prove his points. It's all just misrepresented. And you know how sloppy he is by him saying it's a Press TV article instead of an Independent. So you know, he's dumb, and but he thinks he's cracked a code. You think he thinks he's got this? Yeah, it wouldn't be where
Jordan (00:53:11.000)
is it?
Dan (00:53:40.000)
US blacklist banks individuals for transferring billions to Iran's Revolutionary Guard. That's March 26. Yeah, but they went on to list the guard about a month after. So there you go, ladies and gentlemen. Iran says they did it.
Dan (00:54:47.000)
So wow he's nailed it nailed it.
Jordan (00:54:51.000)
We went in a long journey. With zero evidence of anything
Dan (00:54:57.000)
none. just weird articles he kind of half remembers and never read to begin with. They have conspiracy theories about boats. Yeah. I mean, this is just sloppy shit. So we're not too far into Alex's show he packs a lot in at the beginning of this June 13 episode. Yeah. But it's very important to recognize that as he came out of the gate, what he did over the course of the first hour of his program, was talk himself into getting to the point where he's doing, like you said, a wrestling promo at the mullahs of Iran. Yeah, and saying they admitted that they did this in advance. Yeah, he's talked himself into that position. Now, that is not to say that that's where he stays. But that is something that he is broadcasting. And he is reinforcing, defending. And that's his stated line. For now.
Jordan (00:55:49.000)
Are we going to get some serious, vacillating back and forth between each position? It's a false flag, it's real.
Dan (00:55:54.000)
It's not so much, but we'll get something. Okay. So in this next clip, he says that, you know, what's going to happen is that if there's a war, all these Hezbollah Iranian sleeper cells are going to activate and all this, and that is something that Alex has been talking about, right? It's been it's been something he's brought up for a long time. Of course, that's why Google and Facebook and YouTube wanted him censored because he talks about the Hezbollah sleeper cells. nice.
Alex Jones (00:56:21.000)
When we got the Google internal report of what they wanted banned, and Google was spending $15 million to have me delisted, but they were paying private outside groups to manipulate the algorithm. So when they tell Congress, oh, we don't do it. Oh, no, you just have somebody else do it for you. It's still technically a lie. One of the things was that I was talking about Iranian sleeper cells, they don't want us talking about that, folks. Because the Left is working with Hezbollah. I'm gonna say that again. You heard that years ago here. And now it's been a mainstream news. MS-13 and Hezbollah work with the Democrats MS-13 deal with the Democrats five years ago, to help launder money to help control the Middle East? Absolutely. That's what pissed off the Saudi so much and scared the living hell out of them to where they now do whatever Trump says. Okay,
Dan (00:57:11.000)
sure. I don't I don't have much of a response to that it because I don't I can't take that seriously. But I do want to say that every time he says, I'm gonna say it again, I always think dumps like a truck.Cisco just think the thong song. it really impedes my ability to listen to his show, because he does say I'm gonna say it again, a bunch. See, I
Jordan (00:57:33.000)
See, I just get James Brown in my head every time. I'm gonna say it again. Hit me. I just want him to do that I want him to do it's so bad.
Dan (00:57:40.000)
This is our generational difference. Between you and I.
Jordan (00:57:43.000)
The three years difference.
Dan (00:57:44.000)
I'm older. So one of the reasons I'm not going to respond to that, that clip is because it's rank nonsense. This, the Google document thing is stuff we've talked about before it's hidden misrepresenting some emails that got released and the prove in any way that quote unquote, the Left Yeah, these nonspecific term, the left is working with Hezbollah and MS-13. Why not go fuck yourself? They're having a great time. It's nonsense, not necessarily not necessary to respond to especially because in this next clip, Alex explains what he's talking about and the specifics of how this works. And it's crazy.
Alex Jones (00:58:26.000)
So, Obama can give the order and Hezbollah will come to your house, or MS-13 will come under orders he doesn't know it comes from Obama or Hillary, and then you just hear oh, a gang broke in and killed the congressman. And they're killing Republican state senators right now as a test. I warned everybody about this last year, I said you'll start hearing about senators getting killed their houses. And it's gonna move on. It's all a test. Hezbollah. MS-13 have your houses listed. And that's why I told you, you better have your Battle Rifles ready?
Jordan (00:58:59.000)
Ah, who's their real estate agent?
Alex Jones (00:59:01.000)
They'll kidnap your kids. Of course, they'll carjack you. Why not? They'll shoot you in the head. That was at the scene. And they've got killers in every town to match Trump, they believe and the embedded assassination teams, they're in every US city.
Dan (00:59:19.000)
So apparently, in my town, apparently Trump has embedded assassination teams in every city. Okay, so
Jordan (00:59:25.000)
we got we got Trump's embedded assassination teams, right. Alongside Hezbollah's embedded assassination teams
Dan (00:59:30.000)
well, they're sleeper assassination teams.
Jordan (00:59:32.000)
Of course, of course, I apologize. I saw the Americans I understand
Dan (00:59:33.000)
otherwise. Because if it wasn't, then I mean, it'd be Bedlam already.
Jordan (00:59:38.000)
Yeah. Why? Why? If so, is everybody here working for one or the other, like, does any, goddamn it, Dan. I knew it. This whole time.
Dan (00:59:50.000)
This is a strange way to view the world. But also recently, two former state senators have been killed, which is what Alex is referencing. It's become a little bit of a dumb conspiracy thing. One of them was from Arkansas. So of course Qanon folks linked her death to Hillary Clinton and assumed that it must be an Arkancide. It's nice to see Alex resist that easy path that's very much in his wheelhouse in favor of a much more challenging narrative of Obama sent out Hezbollah kill teams to murder obscure state senators weren't even in office anymore as a trial run before moving on to the main target. Alex Jones's audience.
Jordan (01:00:23.000)
Yeah, I can see how the Clinton angle is a lot quicker.
Dan (01:00:25.000)
Yeah, it's much more of a layup. Directly. Opposed to Yeah. All right. Got a lot to prove in that statement you're making Alex. So the state senator from Arkansas, Linda Collins was found dead in her home on June 4, police put a gag order on details in the case, other than to say it was a murder, which isn't all that suspicious considering she's a former state senator. she'd lost the 2018 primary. So at that point in her death, she was just a private citizen. But extending that courtesy to her is something that I think is appropriate for a police department to do and I don't think there's anything weird about that at all. Last week, 48 year old Rebecca Lynn O'Donnell was arrested for Collins' murder. She was an active volunteer for Collins's campaign and the two appear to have had a friendly relationship. I'll wait until more information comes out on this to make a full decision. But it appears that this might be a state senate Selena type situation. Either that or Hezbollah and MS-13 are employing white grandmothers to do their dirty work that could be which might be the case, we'll see.
Jordan (01:01:22.000)
Who else would you employ? They can go anywhere? Yeah.
Dan (01:01:25.000)
Like ghosts. Yeah. The other state senators from Oklahoma, and he hadn't been in office since 2013. Jonathan Nichols was found dead in his home on June 5 from a gunshot wound, you know who you should have called? I don't think they're related. I hope they're not related. But the police even though they did say that he is he died from gunshot wound, they have not been specific in labeling it a murder. Instead, they've said that they're handling it as a quote, death investigation. It's really sad. And I feel bad for everyone involved, their families and the community. But we don't know anything about what happened here. Nichols could very well have committed suicide for all we know. And until there's more details known, it's really abusive to these people's memory to use their death as a prop, which is exactly what Alex is doing,
Jordan (01:02:08.000)
wh ich is whythey have gag orders on this shit is because they like Oh, fuck, well, that's what I'm gonna get a million phone calls.
Dan (01:02:15.000)
Respect to their memories, like not let this information prematurely get out. But unfortunately, because of the toxic environment we all live in. The absence of information is itself conspiracy worthy. Evidence. Yeah, there's no win. Yeah. So in this next clip, I mean, I guess it's just to be scared.
Alex Jones (01:02:34.000)
Do you understand? This is real? This is treason. The Democrats are globalist. They hate the country. They want to bring it down. They have murder teams all over the nation.
Dan (01:02:46.000)
At least he didn't get cut off by the break. I'll respect his timing. Oh, wow. Yeah. Very rare instance of him timing out to commercial appropriately.
Jordan (01:02:54.000)
I feel I feel a lot better than I'm not a registered Democrat. Sure. Because I don't want to be involved with kill teams.
Dan (01:03:00.000)
Yeah. Or be or be suspected erroneously.
Jordan (01:03:06.000)
I'm not registered. I'm not registered.
Dan (01:03:07.000)
Well, guys, that's all bullshit. And I'm not a Democrat. Yeah, it's, it's the best. So
Jordan (01:03:14.000)
that's why everybody voted for Jill Stein is because they didn't want to be associated with the kill teams. Naturally. Undoubtedly,
Dan (01:03:19.000)
you know what I bet at least some of them did.
Jordan (01:03:21.000)
That's actually probably true.
Dan (01:03:22.000)
So in this next clip, we get back to Iran and that business, and now Alex is making much more definitive statements about it.
Alex Jones (01:03:30.000)
The evidence at this point is overwhelming. Iran just months ago said, if you put sanctions on our Revolutionary Guard around the world, we will start bombing ships in the Strait of Hormuz. And
Dan (01:03:50.000)
so they didn't say that. That is Alex misinterpreting things. But also, keep in mind the him saying evidence is now overwhelming. There isn't any more evidence than what we have talked about. Already. He hasn't presented anything that's different. So here we go.
Alex Jones (01:04:04.000)
And we will block the Strait of Hormuz, who will cost you trillions of dollars. But then once you do it, you then deny it, so that you can get to us to attack you and make yourself the victim. Like they've already been doing with their patrol boats and International Water grabbing our troops, our sailors, what, our Marines, our SEALs, that doesn't sound right. So that's what's happening here. I have no doubt yes, there's a long history of false flags and staged events. But no one's talking about how the Iranians, nowhere, threatened in April. And in the subsequent months that they would do this, and now it's happened.
Dan (01:04:49.000)
Alex is saying that he has no doubt. That's important.
Jordan (01:04:52.000)
Yeah, that's quick.
Jordan (01:04:53.000)
Might as well start a war
Dan (01:04:53.000)
Yeah. The evidence is overwhelming. He has no doubt. Now you responded to that. They're grabbing troops up, and Alex clearly talking about Iran detaining 10 Marines back in January 2016. But he's implying like it's something that's happening now. And somehow part of his argument that Iran did this attack last Thursday, is is completely dishonest, manipulative, and the only reason someone would act that way is if you're trying to saber rattle. There is no other reason to bring this into a modern conversation about what is happening unless you are trying to sway people into supporting war in Iran.
Dan (01:04:55.000)
In 2016. Those US troops that Iran detained they weren't in international waters. They had fucked up their navigation and entered Iranian territory, so they were detained. And guess what John Kerry called up his Iranian counterpart talked it out with a little bit of diplomacy, and the sailors were released 15 hours later, unharmed. This was a situation where our troops made a little mistake, and it was a faux pas that could have easily spiraled into something ugly, but because calmer heads were at the helm, everyone was able to talk it over it recognize there was no harm, no foul, this will never happen again.
Jordan (01:05:58.000)
foreign policy in America has stayed the course.
Dan (01:06:02.000)
I mean, that's the kind of situation that could easily spiral out of control if people aren't able to discuss things if people aren't treating each other with respect and understanding that like I look I'm sorry, I know that's your water and we're not we're not allowed to be there. They made a mistake. Their compass was off.
Jordan (01:06:20.000)
And I totally get that you detained him? Because if you didn't fucked up our whole Mutually Assured fight to the death kind of situation so good on you for detaining
Dan (01:06:28.000)
we probably would have detained an Iranian boat that total water waters on announced Of course, yeah, so yeah. And now it would have been sorta just yelling something stupid.
Jordan (01:06:40.000)
Yeah. Sup Trump tweeting us into war?
Dan (01:06:42.000)
Or Alex, speculating us towards the public. You know what, the only thing that I think we have going for us is that there's very few people who probably will be swayed by anything. Alex says yeah, that's so even if he saber rattles and tries to get people, you know, riled up towards supporting a war. I don't know how much effect he himself will have right? anymore. Yeah, these Oh, that's that's one saving grace.
Jordan (01:07:11.000)
What we have working for us is the utter and clear incompetence of the current administration, combined with the fact that I'm pretty sure most Americans are like, Dude, we've we've played this song before, man, this is a huge thing. This is a rehashing of the tune. I don't need to hear any more Springsteen in this restaurant,
Dan (01:07:33.000)
you would think but you constantly will be surprised by people's inability to learn from past mistakes.
Jordan (01:07:38.000)
Thanks New York Times
Dan (01:07:39.000)
so haha. So in this next clip, Alex gets pretty extreme, because he starts Wargaming it like what's going to happen next. Oh, no. So let's say that Iran did do this, which he has said he is certain of and overwhelming evidence, no doubt, no doubt. So what happens next?
Alex Jones (01:07:58.000)
Now let's talk about what comes next. What happens if a couple more of these ships get blown up?
Jordan (01:08:06.000)
We have a cookout
Alex Jones (01:08:07.000)
the United States, you can bet your bottom dollar is going to back a Saudi Arabian attack on Iranian shipping lanes and Iranian military targets. And you'll have a bunch of stealth bombers at 80,000 feet flyover and drop 2000 pound bombs all over Iran.
Jordan (01:08:28.000)
That's a war crime.
Alex Jones (01:08:31.000)
Now, what happens after that? Five minutes later, Iranian sleeper cells in every major US city and Shiite sleeper cells in Iran. And Shiite sleeper cells in Iraq, and Shiite sleeper cells in any other country that backs what Trump does, are going to have soft targets hit, truck bombs, poisoning of air conditioning supply systems. That's what Iranians specialize in.
Jordan (01:09:08.000)
Now tell me the bad news,
Alex Jones (01:09:10.000)
burning buildings down Oh, no, the Iranians aren't gonna run around with machine guns in fights with the cops in the streets. They're gonna drive around in little delivery vehicles. In the middle of the night burning your houses down, nerve gassing you
Dan (01:09:24.000)
That sounds pretty bad. Yeah, sounds like a bad turn of events.
Jordan (01:09:26.000)
That doesn't sound good.
Dan (01:09:27.000)
But you might be asking yourself in all this. What about Antifa?
Jordan (01:09:31.000)
That's what I was wondering. The entire time.
Dan (01:09:34.000)
You're like wait a second, Alex. You talk about Antifa all the time. Are they in the mix?
Jordan (01:09:37.000)
I assume so.
Alex Jones (01:09:38.000)
Antifa is only their cut out is their decoy. Their method Professor type? By day child molester, you know by night Antifa. Seriously, what? They're just decoys. It'll get some of the blame Hezbollah and MS-13 hit squads. to people's houses. Oh, and they'll they'll go after the Senate Majority Leader. They'll go after Republicans that think they're safe because the Democrats want decapitation of the US. And they're getting ready to make their move with Iran. The Democrats are a foreign domestic army.
Dan (01:10:19.000)
Well, that's to me up how do you have an election with a foreign domestic army?
Jordan (01:10:23.000)
I'll tell you right now, I didn't hear the last part of it. I was jammin
Dan (01:10:27.000)
smooth grooves, taking us out to break. Well, Alex informs us that over half of the country is a foreign invading army. I guess not all Democrats but people who don't agree with him are definitely over half the country.
Jordan (01:10:41.000)
You know, I I always want this question answered is when they when somebody says every major city, especially in the context of who I want to know where the line is, what is it as well as like, Alright, we're gonna start with St. Louis
Dan (01:10:55.000)
Cedar Rapids County. Is that a major city? Because I think it is. I think Cedar Rapids is fantastic.
Jordan (01:10:59.000)
Yeah. I mean, what is it a population? Is it a strategic?
Dan (01:11:04.000)
But what about the city? Like, what about those states with multiple metropolitan areas? Like, what about Pennsylvania? do you just get the big three? Right? Or do you go down to like, Reading?
Andy In Kansas (01:11:15.000)
How about suburbs?
Dan (01:11:17.000)
suburbs will just get hit along with, what about the twin cities like, like Dallas Fort Worth? Well, you know, Minneapolis, St. Paul, for sure. A lot of questions,
Jordan (01:11:28.000)
do they consider that the same city
Dan (01:11:30.000)
Hezbollah hits one, Antifa hits the other.
Jordan (01:11:33.000)
That is nice. I'm glad that they're splitting.
Dan (01:11:34.000)
It's a good plan. Yeah. So this is all stupid. But in this next clip, Alex starts to give shape to his narrative. It's starting to come together a little bit. And he's starting to acclimate his audience to what he wants the idea to be.
Alex Jones (01:11:49.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host, Alex Jones. And our military can take out the Iranian mullahs very, very quickly, except they have stay behind networks, or terror cells in every major Western city. Mullahs in April, and May all warned that if Trump put sanctions on them on their Revolutionary Guard, that is the government. They are the Praetorian Guard. They are the mullahs. They are the Shiite aristocracy, the royalty genetically related to Muhammad. Well, they have their Shiite groups everywhere, paramilitary prepared for major terror attacks. They bragged they were going to bomb ships, and closed the Strait of Hormuz in national television announcements. They've now done it,
Dan (01:12:38.000)
they've now done it,
Jordan (01:12:39.000)
I don't remember them closing the Strait of Hormuz.
Dan (01:12:42.000)
And I believe that this point here that clip is the point where Alex's narrative takes a turn towards genocide. All of this stuff about the saber rattling for war with Iran is fucked up and completely opposed to everything Alex has ever pretended to stand for. And I have some criticisms of that, for sure. However, in that clip, what he's presenting is another level of unacceptable. See, as he sees it, it would be no big thing for Trump to take out the mullahs in Iran and win the war. He kind of sounds exactly like the Neocons before heading into Afghanistan and Iraq, so it would be easy. It'd be an easy thing for Trump to go ahead and win that war. Yeah, but there's a problem. Iran has secret Hezbollah terror cells, and literally every Western city that will respond to an attack on Iran by gassing everyone and burning down buildings. So I guess what you'd have to do is preemptively lock up all the Iranians just to be safe. And just like that, Alex has talked himself into the exact logic that led to one of the more disgraceful chapters in our history when we put Japanese people in camps because we were afraid of them. One of the reasons it's so important to respond like to things like this in a way that some might criticize me for being overly cautious. You know, I accept that as a criticism that I'm making a leap in logic, but I think it's important to understand how easy it is for this rhetoric to make that jump. If Iran is wantonly attacking us. And it would be easy for us to win the war. If it weren't for the case that Iranian Hezbollah sleeper cells are in all of our cities, it follows that the solution Alex would propose is rounding up all Iranians in these western cities so their sleeper cells would be would be neutralized.
Jordan (01:14:13.000)
And it's not like we're too far against that, considering we're keeping refugees in internment camps now,
Dan (01:14:19.000)
right, exactly. That's what I'm saying there. You know, some innocent people would get mixed up in the process, but Alex doesn't give a fuck about that sort of payment. And here's where it's worse than it sounds, because Alex isn't just talking about Iranians that you should be scared of
Alex Jones (01:14:33.000)
dumping nerve gas out of the capital. That's what they're going to do. And there's so many of them here. Hope everybody enjoys, because they're not just from Iran. You see. 19% of Islam is Shiite. And they've got Shiites from every country in the world that have all purposely immigrated to the great Satan so when the great day of judgment comes in the Great War comes and goes I think Iran gets nuked during it. That's okay. Because they're gonna burn all of our cities down.
Dan (01:15:04.000)
I know
Jordan (01:15:05.000)
get him off the air. Get him off the air. That's a crime.
Dan (01:15:07.000)
I know he's not saying that, like, we need to round up Muslims because if we don't, they're gonna blow up our cities whenever we attack Iran or whatever. It's so close.
Jordan (01:15:17.000)
Yeah, that's fucked up
Dan (01:15:18.000)
so close. This is so close to a rationalization for the internment of Muslims, which is something we already kind of know he's in favor of right? It's almost like he's using this crisis in order to fit into that already Islamophobic worldview. It's almost like a workaround. But whatever the case, I mean, it's just, you see, you see what he's doing? Yep. Yep,
Jordan (01:15:40.000)
he wants a White nation. It's just say it
Dan (01:15:42.000)
it's so fucked up. And what makes it even more fucked up is in this next clip, he fakes concerned that things are going to escalate while he is actively escalating, really.
Alex Jones (01:15:54.000)
But this could very easily escalate. In fact, it probably will. You've got burning sinking ships right now. And no one is on the news. saying Iran threatened to bomb ships two months ago. If we put sanctions on them, and they just get it. all of the news. they admit to it.
Dan (01:16:17.000)
So the what he's responding to is like, no one's on the news saying the same bullshit I am because I'm misinterpreting old statements old articles. Right? So he's like, why isn't everyone else just fucking making the same mistakes? I am because I'm sloppy, and I'm biased. I really, really want to get these Muslims out of our country. And I'm willing to completely misrepresent this. Why aren't they Why are, I turned on CNN and they're not talking about this lie that I have misremembered or am making up.
Dan (01:16:50.000)
They never should have got rid of Ailes.
Dan (01:16:52.000)
It's insane to me, man. It's really insane. The idea that he's like, this is probably gonna escalate as if it's like, ah well booboo, like some sort of thing he's lamenting, and then in the same breath being like, Iran admitted to it,
Jordan (01:17:04.000)
Jesus. Yeah, 90% of people are all going to die in the globalists are doing it. But that's mainly because Iran has sleeper cells everywhere. Antifa
Dan (01:17:14.000)
gonna put chlorine in your AC Yeah, and then bleh. So in this next clip, we get away from Iran for a bit thankfully, take a little break. And we hear a little bit of a story about the Denver City Council. Why not?
Alex Jones (01:17:27.000)
Then I've got communist all around the country winning office saying they're preparing a violent overthrow, and to link up with Iran, MS-13 and others by any means necessary. Really? I have video of that coming up with the new Denver City Council woman Sure. Yes, you heard me right, pledging the violent overthrow of the United States. So there, there you go. That's why communists are so dangerous folks. They overthrow they put you in a forced labor camp and they call it the people's camp. Hope you enjoy. This is Alexandria Cortez part two, this woman can actually talk though. Really? Doesn't look like a demon. She just is a demon.
Dan (01:18:12.000)
I don't care. This is about Candi CdeBaca who is not a communist. She's a Democratic socialist.
Jordan (01:18:19.000)
Oh, yeah. See, they get those mixed up all the time, the hard, right? It seems like they're almost trying to intentionally paint them in a different light.
Dan (01:18:25.000)
She didn't say anything about a violent overthrow or anything about putting people in camps or about working with Hezbollah. There's a clip of her talking about how capitalism is failing and we need to do something. And the thing that she believes in is community ownership of land, resources, labor, etc. If Alex wants to make a cogent argument against that position, fine. I'll listen to him. But as long as his response to anything he politically disagrees with is he's gonna, this is gonna lead to gulags. I don't have the energy to respond to that dumb shit. That being said, as long as Alex is bringing up, that Candi wants to put people in camps, it should be pointed out that the Daily Beast reported last week that Trump was planning on housing 1400 Detained immigrant children at Fort Sill in Oklahoma. That's pretty shocking and offensive to people, particularly older Japanese Americans, because Fort Sill is one of the camps where they were held during World War Two. I know that every day brings a new Alex Jones related horror and every day there's something new that directly contradicts one of his long standing positions. But this is profoundly disgusting. All he ever did in his career was yell about how the federal government was locking up him and his gun buddies because they were a threat to the New World Order. Now we have a federal government locking up children he's fucking silent. And when he does say anything, he supports it. I remember back when we were covering the 2009 episodes, Alex made a huge deal out of the idea that Obama was reopening a camp where Japanese Americans were held during World War Two and how this was the next step towards gun weirdos being rounded up. Back then Obama was opening that camp as a museum as a memorial to remind us what this country did when we let fear overwhelm us. Today that reminder is dead. Trump is doing exactly what Alex lied about Obama doing and Alex doesn't say shit. But oh, the Democratic socialist who thinks that capitalism is necessarily exploitative. She's the one who wants to put you in a camp, not Alex's fucking hero, who's literally doing that right now.
Jordan (01:20:14.000)
You know, I was thinking she must have had a really good platform otherwise, for her still to get elected, you know, like if you're coming out, you know, but, but also healthcare for all like, that's a good platform,
Dan (01:20:28.000)
what kind of like overcompensation would you need to do to go around Denver wandering around for a city council position to be like, now by the way, knock knock knock. Hello, hello, citizen. I'm going to work with MS-13 and Hezbolla by any means necessary to violently overthrow the country. Slam. right.
Jordan (01:20:47.000)
Now, you haven't heard the last part, right. Elevator Pitch.
Dan (01:20:51.000)
Also community gardens.
Jordan (01:20:58.000)
You know what, I think that's the part that's really offensive is that community gardens, as we've already discussed, are a little bit race based. So there you go. That's my real issue.
Dan (01:21:06.000)
It's all about cauliflower. Yep. I just think this is like particularly disgusting. Like, I mean, every time we see something where Alex flips on one of his old positions and stuff, it's like, uh, you know, yeah, of course, you don't mean anything. You're a hypocrite. You're just, like a real pile of shit. But something like this is like, Well, I would only know that Alex yelled about Obama opening these camps as museums. If I had gone back and listened to all this, right, I know what you did, Alex. Yeah. Now you have Trump opening up the or, you know, using these places where Japanese Americans were held to house immigrants that are being detained? Like, what is the difference? Why would you yell about Obama doing it? And not now why, we know why. I think we know why Alex,
Jordan (01:21:53.000)
I think what it would be a fascinating thesis is if you were running a if you're going for a historical PhD, I would wonder how much of the right wing's characterization as Obama of Obama being a horrible dictator who's destroying your lives, actually wound up getting the right wing comfortable with their actually being? Oh, ya know what I'm saying? Like, if you've spent the last few years
Jordan (01:21:53.000)
because if you think he is already, yeah, then if you know what's the difference. Yeah. You know, it's just that now he's working on your side. Exactly. Yeah, that is interesting. That's a that's a really interesting idea. I think there's probably a bit of it. Yeah. Cool.
Jordan (01:22:35.000)
We did it.
Dan (01:22:35.000)
That's a bummer. So in this next clip, Alex gets on to you know, we heard him drunkenly talk about how each woman or each daughter is half her father, and each son is half his mother and there is no sex.
Jordan (01:22:49.000)
Dan (01:22:49.000)
drunkenly rambling about that on our last episode. Unfortunately, he has now pivoted, and he is strongly against the LGBT community, and how they're a priest class that just wants to kill children,
Jordan (01:23:02.000)
can we get him drunk again?
Dan (01:23:04.000)
we will.
Alex Jones (01:23:05.000)
That is, quite frankly, horrifying. But ladies and gentlemen, it's got to be covered if we're going to protect the children, and future generations in this nation. Throughout history, there have been cults that form inside different civilizations during their declines, that are obsessed with sex with children, and obsessed with sacrificing children. You can go to any archaeological site in the world, from ancient China, to ancient Africa, to ancient Europe, to ancient Mesoamerica and you will find a priest class having sex with children at first and then killing them.
Jordan (01:23:53.000)
Alex Jones (01:23:53.000)
Now the vehicle used today for all of this is the LGBTQXYZ movement.
Jordan (01:24:02.000)
Fuck you. I thought it was The Bachelorette
Alex Jones (01:24:06.000)
at public schools all across the country, children as young as five are being indoctrinated.
Dan (01:24:11.000)
So that's real bad. Because if you're saying that, like these priest classes that have led to the downfall of the Aztecs and the Inca and all sorts of civilizations, the vehicle for exactly that cultural degradation is the LGBTQ community. I mean, what are you doing? Like what are you saying? I mean, would you if you were an Aztec back then and had a chance to save Aztec civilization from falling if you knew what to do just take out that priest class? I mean, isn't that kind of implied in there be a hero for the Western civilization that's going to be destroyed?
Jordan (01:24:46.000)
I thought they were too busy playing that one game where everybody heads
Dan (01:24:50.000)
Yeah, they kick the ball and then if you get it in you die. Yeah, that's fun. I just think that I mean, this is just rank bigotry. Yeah, no kidding. It's rank bigotry masquerading as historical insight. And it's just, it's just disgusting.
Jordan (01:25:05.000)
I can't I can't think of any group that he is like, what is he missing at this point? I suppose
Dan (01:25:11.000)
I don't hear him talk too much about like, East Indians. Yeah. Like people from India. Yeah, I don't hear him talk too much about that group.
Jordan (01:25:20.000)
The Japanese, I think he likes them.
Dan (01:25:22.000)
Yeah, I don't I don't. Usually he
Jordan (01:25:24.000)
Australians are racist now too. So he's probably on their tip. Not all Australians. If, you know what I was talking about.
Dan (01:25:28.000)
when Trump and Turnbull got into a little bit of argument, you had some bad words to say about the Australians. fair. But yeah, but yeah, I mean, if you take like non white populations, yeah, do ya? Japanese seem to be pretty okay. In his book,
Jordan (01:25:47.000)
that's probably because Abe is pretty okay with Trump. Like Abe is playing such a smart game of like, Hey, we're gonna weather this fucking storm. Let's pretend Trump is a cool dude. Everybody be quiet. We'll get past it on the other side.
Dan (01:26:01.000)
That might be it. Indian people and Japanese. That might be all, that might be it. Yeah, interesting. Yep. That's not great when our show grinds to a halt. What groups Alex doesn't hate.
Jordan (01:26:22.000)
That's probably a bad sign.
Dan (01:26:23.000)
Yeah, for him. So in this next clip, Alex gets into specifics about some of the nefarious things that the LGBTQ community is up to. And this one is bunk.
Alex Jones (01:26:35.000)
School District to bus students to gay pride parade. That's right. You don't go to the planetarium or the zoo. You get to get out of class and it's encouraged and go to the gay pride parade. You ever been to a gay pride parade? Yeah, they're great. I was downtown a few years ago on Halloween, and they had a gay pride parade. And I was like, What is this? It was naked men.
Jordan (01:27:00.000)
Are you sure it wasn't a Halloween
Alex Jones (01:27:01.000)
having sex with each other. When I was walking across the street just to go to a restaurant. Folks, you don't take kids to the gay pride parade. We have to cut most of the stuff we film with these out because it can't go on over broadcast television. Including scantily clad five and six year old girls and boys twerking their asses to men and women. The whole thing is pedophilic.
Jordan (01:27:32.000)
you're the one making it that
Dan (01:27:34.000)
first of all, I'm gonna guess that Alex's story about seeing gay men having sex is embellished quite a bit. I bet he saw two guys kissing and was scarred by it. I've been to pride here in Chicago, which is one of the biggest pride parades in the country. Many times and I've never seen outright public sex during the celebration. Do I believe some people might be fucking in alleys? Maybe. But there's a lot of cops wandering around, seems like more risk than it's worth. Do. I believe people might be fucking in alleys at like 1am? Yeah, probably. But that's true in a lot of neighborhoods on any given night. It's not like it's a gay or pride thing. Drunk people sometimes fuck in alleys. It's shocking to encounter but sometimes you gotta tip your hat and say carry on, folks.
Jordan (01:28:13.000)
There have been a couple of times where I walked by it and I was like, do I say like, hello? Like, what's the etiquette here?
Dan (01:28:22.000)
No you do not. You leave them alone.
Jordan (01:28:22.000)
Of course. And I kept going but there was that brief moment of like there's no prepared ettiquite to this situation
Dan (01:28:27.000)
is not something super common. But I have definitely we have definitely walked past people fucking in alleys. Yeah. And it's not like just on Halstead. It's fine. Yeah. The article
Jordan (01:28:37.000)
although it is a crime. Right?
Dan (01:28:39.000)
I think technically, yeah.
Jordan (01:28:40.000)
Yeah, if you get on the sex offender for peeing in an alley, I'm guessing that fuckin in an alley is probably no good.
Dan (01:28:48.000)
Yeah. So the article that Alex is covering is, of course, an Infowars article. It's using an Austin American Statesman article as a jump off point to complain that the Austin Independent School District is using some funds to quote boost student involvement in pride. The Statesman article does bring that up, but it's a much broader story than Alex is really interested in. What it comes down to is that the school district rents out some of its properties to churches who hold their services there. It's a really common thing in a lot of parts of the country and honestly, I don't think that's even really a big deal. The Comedy Club in Columbia, Missouri that I used to perform at rented out their space to a church on Sundays to make ends meet. I think it's the sort of thing that can be a really mutual mutually beneficial agreement and arrangement in a lot of cases
Jordan (01:29:29.000)
I do support the separation of comedy and state.
Dan (01:29:33.000)
In this case, however, one of the churches who rented out the Performing Arts Center in Austin was a church called the Celebration Church, which preached a pretty anti LGBTQ version of the faith. They likened homosexuality to beastiality in as much as they're abominations that God has forbidden. Naturally, LGBTQ activists were not super thrilled at this church renting out school district space and protested them to be disallowed the space the Texas Attorney General pointed out that it would be against the First amendment for the school district a government entity to discriminate against the church based on their religion. So it'd be a very complicated thing for the district to stop renting the space to them, but still rent space to other people. In an attempt to find a solution everyone can live with. LGBTQ advocates suggested that the church, if it was going to remain able to use school district space, then some of that money raised should be redirected towards initiatives that supported LGBTQ students and staff. The school board said, oh, yeah, for sure. That's a great solution. Yeah. So here's why it is a great solution. Since September, the school district has raised $182,000 from renting out their spaces, and they're setting aside $10,000 for LGBTQ students and staff, so they can maintain the status quo and be left with $172,000. To use for the school district. Right. It's really a win win solution for everyone, including the Celebration Church, everybody wins, right? Nothing in this story mentions anything about the ages of the students involved in the being bussed to pride or any of that stuff. Austin Independent School District includes schools covering pre K to high school, so it could just be high schoolers. But because it's a school district, they can't like even if it's anybody, they can't do shit without parental permission slips in, like in the case of younger students, their parents probably have to come along with them. It's not like you're luring fourth graders, 10 year olds to pride on their own without parental permission, guardians, and part of that $10,000 is protection. It's like, you know, you can't take kids to, you can't take kids to the St. Patrick's Day parade for a school thing without chaperones and security.
Jordan (01:31:34.000)
Yeah, for his for his entire like for his examples. You cannot take kids to the zoo, without parental permission.
Dan (01:31:41.000)
Yeah. 100% There's nothing suspicious or weird here. This is an Austin school district realizing that they made money off renting out a space to a group that's offensive to the LGBTQ community. But it's also a group that can't kick out without causing a huge legal battle. So they decided to make a symbolic gesture of support to make things make it easier for students and staff to participate in pride. If anything, the headline here is Austin ISD has good intentions. It doesn't do enough. Yeah, that's probably the the fitting headline
Dan (01:31:44.000)
Celebration Church ironically donates money to LGBTQ causes.
Dan (01:31:55.000)
So I don't know if this is a lot of bullshit, but you got to take what you can get if you're Alex, you got to work with what you have. And what Alex does have is a gift for impressions.
Jordan (01:32:24.000)
Oh, God, no.
Dan (01:32:26.000)
I think I might have been a little bit capricious earlier saying Alex doesn't do anything against Indians because I pick you might do an Indian impression. No, I think no, some racist accent work. And I know that Asian is in the mix. Right? I think you might hit Indian too.
Dan (01:32:41.000)
I think it's China just
Jordan (01:32:41.000)
Are we talking pan Asian like just put it all in there?
Jordan (01:32:46.000)
we got China we got India we got
Dan (01:32:48.000)
you know that he's more of a shotgun when it comes to racist impressions than a sniper rifle.
Jordan (01:32:53.000)
That's true. You're not wrong.
Dan (01:32:54.000)
You're not to pinpoint exactly what he's doing. But I know it's not good.
Alex Jones (01:32:58.000)
You will like the quality content now. It is good. It's a joke. Like, it's politically incorrect to do an Indian accent. I love Indians that are patriots. But I make fun of everybody. And I'm gonna do it because we're not gonna follow your politically correct rules anymore. You got it? I'll talk ike Yosemite Sam. But I'll talk like this, like, Sundar, if I want to. Or I'll talk like
Dan (01:33:26.000)
Yikes your man, the PC police coming down on people who do clunky hacky racism.
Jordan (01:33:33.000)
Yeah. You know, it's, it's, it's odd. He could have not said I'm not being offensive to Indians, because I would not have known. Yeah, I had no idea what accent he was trying to do. And then he said it was Indian. And I was like, that's just a bad accent. And you're racist.
Dan (01:33:46.000)
Yeah. Yeah. And defensive about it. Yeah, exactly. There's a lot of defensiveness on his part in the present day. So whatever, we'll leave that aside, that was just a little bit of I don't look, I mean, okay, so, if I did something offensive, and I was really bad at it, I wouldn't insist on continuing to do it just because people were offended by it right? I would need to be fucking great at it right right. Because there's so insistent on being able to continue to do something he's just the worst at Yeah, these fucking impressions are terrible. I would understand if he had like Adomian level skills or something if he was a mimic, and he was like, Why won't people let me practice my craft? I know it's offensive. But come on
Jordan (01:34:29.000)
man of 1000 voices is what they call Alex Jones
Dan (01:34:32.000)
ridiculous. So this next clip Alex is desperate for funds and he's doing a plug but we join him in media res we join him in the middle of the plug as opposed to being caught off guard. interesting. by the pivot because he pivots to something else.
Alex Jones (01:34:47.000)
free bottle of ultra 12 with eight pack power stack daily care pack power stack 50% Off you cannot this is undoubtedly the best deal we've ever offered.
Dan (01:34:56.000)
If you're if you're keeping track that's eight pack power stack is 50% off, and you get a bottle of ultra 12 for free. This is we need to move this stuff.
Jordan (01:35:05.000)
Alex Jones (01:35:06.000)
And it's amazing. And I promise I'm only running it until next Friday, because we think we'll probably sell half of her ultra 12. We won't get more in for three, four months, and I'm gonna be able to keep it at regular price. Until that point, so thank you all who bought ultra 12. Thank you. But here's other people chances to get it for free at Infowars life dot com. Okay, let's shift gears to Bob Barnes. I appreciate him holding 15 minutes I got behind today then it got compounded. I wanted to get you on yesterday, but
Dan (01:35:36.000)
Robert Barnes is back
Jordan (01:35:38.000)
fucking Barnes is back
Dan (01:35:39.000)
His lawyer's on every day, Jesus it's nuts, they have a really pointless conversation and he's on the phone. Audio is terrible. So we don't need to listen to it.
Jordan (01:35:46.000)
It'd be funny if Kohl's sent you those coupons, but also explained, it really detailed why there's Alright, so these shirts are 50% off. We're not sure if we're gonna get the other shirts back in stock for another three or four months. So go ahead and take advantage of our poor planning.
Dan (01:36:02.000)
Hey Kohl's, I gotta I gotta I gotta ask you to cool it.
Jordan (01:36:05.000)
Just say 50% off. All right, fine. I don't need to know why.
Dan (01:36:08.000)
You know what? Also, I think you might do better if you exuded an air of confidence, you would think yeah, don't say like, shit's bad. So this is 50% off and you get something else with it. Three bottles for the price of one. Don't do that.
Jordan (01:36:23.000)
I remember there being an entire play and movie about how being desperate and a sad sack does not help you sell things
Dan (01:36:30.000)
there might be multiple. So here's the last clip from the 13th. And Alex seems to be a little bit defensive about his what he's decided is the case with Iran.
Alex Jones (01:36:41.000)
Everywhere in the news, and we're getting calls, we're getting messages and people like why are you saying you think Iran did it? You're the false flag guy. No, I always just question Could this be staged? I have a stack of historical documents where we and others have staged attacks on ships to get us into Vietnam, and get us into World War one to get us into Spanish American War. But that doesn't mean this staged because the mullahs said you cut off our money two months ago, we're gonna blow up ships the Strait of Hormuz, they did it. Now of course, they're denying it because they want us to strike first. But when you say you're going to do something, and then you do it, the Pentagon says we believe they're about to do it a week ago. And it happens. I tend to side with the Pentagon on this because it's like the whole pentagon. Really?
Dan (01:37:20.000)
Wow, Alex sides with the Pentagon really also, by the way, low key completely forgot about Ebola being in the country.
Jordan (01:37:28.000)
Don't worry about it. Don't worry that Iran is doing something Ebola is next week. Right.
Dan (01:37:32.000)
So leaving aside the fact that Alex is misrepresenting what Iran said that they would do in response to sanctions and labeling their armed forces a terrorist organization, Alex Jones has really just accidentally backed himself into a corner that if he's not careful, this is going to undo most of his career. If you're listening to his justification for why he believes that this was a real attack and not a false flag, it all boils down to the fact that Iran said they were going to do X action, then x action happened. That's all good. And well. And generally speaking, what he's talking about is a threat. If someone threatens to do something, and then that thing happens, it's generally a good idea to start your investigation by checking on the person who made that threat. But Alex isn't starting his investigation there. He's ending his investigation there. They said they were going to do it. Therefore, it's not a false flag. If you apply that logic to the broader spectrum of the things Alex has covered in his career, literally everything falls apart. One of the biggest career making issues for him was the argument that 9/11 was a false flag. But if you use this investigative technique that he's currently using about Iran, he should have immediately come to the conclusion that bin Laden had carried out that attack
Jordan (01:38:36.000)
now there's no prior history of him literally threatening that exact same building.
Dan (01:38:41.000)
In April 2001. Ahmad Shah Massoud of the Northern Alliance warned that a large scale attack was being planned by al Qaeda by August 6 that information and made it as far as the presidential daily Intel briefing, but the headline Bin Laden determined to strike in US al Qaeda it made their intentions clear before the attack then the attack happened. By Alex's estimation, that means it is not a false flag. Alex Jones believes that Timothy McVeigh was set up and the Oklahoma City bombing was a false flag meant to demonize the Patriots, but tons of people have testified to the fact that Timothy McVeigh was going around discussing his plans before the bombing, and he'd even written two threatening letters to the ATF before putting his plans into action. By Alex's current metrics, Timothy McVeigh threatened to bomb a federal building, then a federal building he happened to be right near got bombed, it that's not a false flag either.
Jordan (01:39:28.000)
Yeah, but the Pentagon didn't weigh in on this one. He's He's trusting the Pentagon here.
Dan (01:39:34.000)
I could go on and on with how slippery the way Alex is behaving is but I think you get the point. If all it takes are Alex to be satisfied that an attack on a ship in the Gulf of Oman is not a false flag? And Iran definitely did. It is his impression that they said they were going to do something like this, that his process is completely shattered. I know that I've been bringing this up a lot, but I think it's essential to understand, accusations of false flags are almost never sincere. False flag has become Um a rhetorical weapon accusations of false flags to weapon that can be wielded both offensively and defensively. Obviously, we know that Alex uses it was staged type arguments to deny that people like him could possibly ever commit a crime. But the alternative this one wasn't staged is used as an offensive weapon against people Alex wants targeted. Anytime a Muslim or immigrant hurt somebody that's definitely not a false flag, because Alex wants his audience to fear and hate those people. So their crimes are all definitely real. They definitely happened. In this case with Iran, Alex's meal ticket Trump wants to attack Iran. So he knows that he needs to find a way to fall in line with that. And this is probably his best bet as a justification. It was a false flag is not a good argument. It's not something that you can just kind of feel out. It's not something that you can determine for one or two coincidental details that shows a deep disrespect for reality and research. False flags definitely do exist. But my sense is that they're exceedingly rare. And they are it's not just an explanation for everything that's inconvenient for your worldview. The mythology of the false flag is something that allows certain a certain subset of bad thinkers and bad actors to hijack reality. They latch on to the fact that yes, some false flags have existed in the history of the world, and extrapolate that out to imply that it means that everything is possibly fake. Once you internalize that idea, events are no longer events. There are pieces of a story that's being told and it needs everything needs to fit with that story that you believe is being told. Alex believes the government is evil and militia Patriots are always good. So when Timothy McVeigh blows up the Murrah Building, it's imperative to find a way to make what happened fit the story you're already telling. This event is too threatening to the narrative. So you rewrite it as if being a patsy. And before you know it, everything fits, you have now made the story fit, the government looks even more evil in the militia patriots look even more good. This is all false flags mean to Alex, there are a crutch that he uses to hobble his broken down narratives along, but there are a crutch that's packaged in the sexiest of wrapping paper, the wrapping paper that just says What if over and over and over and over again? So what I'm saying is this, this is my point. Be skeptical of things, obviously, absolutely be skeptical. Ask the questions that you want answers to. But for your sake and the sake of public sanity, don't start out from a position of thinking most things are probably fake, and then trying to work backwards and try and justify your suspicions. That is the psychosis that Alex discussed having in those Sandy Hook depositions that everyone took out of context, right? That is what leads to that, that kind of trap, right? So I just longer and longer we do this. And the more I read and the more I understand things, the more it just becomes clear that this is not a sincere belief system. It's not a sincere worldview. It's a tactical, and I don't know how conscious that is on Alex's part, I think I think I think there may be a piece of it that is, but I think it might just be he's done it for so long. It's ingrained. And
Jordan (01:42:57.000)
that's what I was thinking. I was thinking it's more reflexive at this point than anything else. It's muscle memory. Yeah. And
Dan (01:43:03.000)
I even think that there's,
Jordan (01:43:04.000)
which is why he had to think so hard. So he had to fight so hard to say that this one is guaranteed. Well, and admittedly, it took 45 minutes.
Dan (01:43:11.000)
It was much more pain than I presented. Yeah, I mean, like struggling pain, but just like, you know, there's a lot of hmm I don't know, yeah. I think to a certain extent, he probably was trained along these lines too like, it's like not not not like he went to a school. Yeah. But like to his predecessors, the people who were his intellectual ancestors, they probably functioned along the same lines. So if he's reading these terribly written pieces of anti communist propaganda, you internalize these justifications and these bad arguments. And so I don't, I don't know, I think it's probably just the mindset that he got into from a really young age and never grew out of, and then with, like, 9/11 seems like a real outlier, because it doesn't really make sense. Yeah. In terms of this, the path of white apologia, white terrorism, apologyism, and demonizing groups he doesn't like you could say that it's demonizing Bush and the Neocons, you could make that argument. And I think there's a possibility there. But I think the reason for the outlier is he idolized Bill Cooper. And he was ripping off Bill Cooper, and he just ran with it. Yeah, I think that that one makes sense. If you look at it as an isolated case, within a trend, you can see how even though it doesn't fit, it still fits.
Jordan (01:44:36.000)
Yeah. I mean, at the same time, you could just see it as such a large event that in the in the immediate aftermath, nobody quite knew how to process so he might have just tripped onto that one because of a certain amount of shock.
Dan (01:44:49.000)
Well, I would say that he predicted 9/11 Because he was ripping off Bill Cooper and then when it did happen, yeah, of course you're gonna run with okay. So I think that it makes sense his behavior after the fact except because he's like I forgot that he theoretically predicted nine. Well, I mean, like after it happens your holy shit I'm on record saying this is gonna happen. Yeah. How do you not try and make the most out of it? And I think the predicting it is obviously a ripping off of Bill Cooper who he idolized and thought Alex was a piece of shit. Yeah, so I don't know, I think I think it still fits I think the broad picture of using false flags as a rhetorical weapon both offensively and defensively to protect your worldview and the narratives that you wish to tell. I think it makes total sense. 9/11 Slight outlier, but that's why I think it still fits. Yeah. So we get done with the 13th. And Alex is left with a very clear perspective that Iran did this shit. Do what's gonna happen is Trump's gonna bomb them, and then we're all fucked. Yeah, yeah. As Hezbollah is coming.
Jordan (01:45:47.000)
I mean, it does seem like even if Iran didn't do this shit, Trump's gonna bomb him, and we're all fucked. So yeah, his analysis may not be that far off, it could be the wrong reason
Dan (01:45:54.000)
His analysis is always off. Don't play games. So he takes he goes home, I guess. He at least gets off air. And I think what happened is they got a bunch of calls from people who were like, What the fuck?
Jordan (01:46:10.000)
Yeah, no, that was that. Yeah. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Dan (01:46:14.000)
Because as soon as he gets back on air on the 14th his tune is a little different.
Alex Jones (01:46:19.000)
I want to get into the latest on the sinking of the ships. And the push for full war with Iran that would probably lead to a wider regional war and possibly a New World War. They are just unbelievable developments on that front. And I am normally able to suss out who's behind what. But this is really cloudy and really foggy. For me.
Dan (01:46:47.000)
It's like, Whoa, I gotta take a step back. I'm
Jordan (01:46:49.000)
gonna, I'm gonna be in the I'm gonna get over here and I'm gonna stand on this fence and I'm not gonna jump I was over this part. I was hanging out with the sheep. Now I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna stand on this fence.
Dan (01:47:00.000)
they say you can't go home again. You can? Again, I am going back to I don't know what's going on. Now granted, yesterday, I said Iran admitted to this repeatedly. I had evidence of the Ayatollah saying they're gonna blow up boats to the Strait of Hormuz. I mean, if you had that the day before, what possibly could shake your confidence the next day, because those articles still exist on the 14th. And it could be wrong, whatever. Such such stupid shit, such backtracking nonsense. This show actually is super interesting in terms of what he does with the Iran narrative. It's so demonstrative of how stupid he is how bad he is at this job. And we'll talk about it but first, and now that Alex has waffled a little bit, folded like a taco Yeah, he now gets off the Iran picture and gets back to justifying that boats were false flags in the past. And I told you we'd get a little bit more into the USS Liberty and that's because he brings it back up here and we specifically find out where he got some of this information from
Alex Jones (01:48:05.000)
Israel pulled a false flag I mean they've had their own pilots go public against the USS Liberty with LBJ blessing that doesn't that was really a US government false flag, but using Israel as intermediary to do it. The dumbass white supremist always say that I'm covering up for Israel by saying LBJ was involved. I'm reporting history, just because LBJ is involved doesn't mean Israel's Okay, in that case, that government the logic is just incredible. I had Admiral Moorer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on before he died two weeks before he died. He had heart failure. His brain was all there. He laid it all out on air.
Alex Jones (01:48:46.000)
And then I killed him two weeks
Alex Jones (01:48:47.000)
got him on via Newsmax.
Dan (01:48:49.000)
I don't know why yes, do a long pause and say I got him on by Newsmax I don't know what that means. Newsmax is gonna be mad if I don't credit them. So this interview 16 years after the fact. so many superfluous details that he gives. Yeah, it's upsetting to hear that Alex is basing his perception that the USS Liberty thinking it was a false flag is based on an interview we did with Admiral Thomas Moorer. You really hate to hear something like this. For one thing, Thomas Moorer is literally the Commander in Chief of the Pacific fleet at the time of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. So if Alex is going to argue that that incident was a false flag, Moorer was absolutely the person who was working behind the scenes 100%, Commander in Chief of the fucking Pacific Fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin.
Jordan (01:49:30.000)
Yeah, that seems like he would have at least a say in thing or do
Dan (01:49:33.000)
you know, what's up? The fact that he was in that position at that time, the fact that he was the chief of naval operations for most of the Vietnam War? All of it should really put him squarely in the box of villains in Alex's world, but weirdly, he's not. You know, he could be used by Alex to reference about how the USS Liberty was a false flag, but mysteriously doesn't seem to have anything to say about the Gulf of Tonkin. It seems odd weird. Thomas Moorer was the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 to 1974 and he has a resume full of impressive titles on paper. However, if Alex interviewed him right before he died, he would have been 91 years old. And even assuming his brain was all there, the best case scenario for someone in failing health who was born in 1912 is generally not so great. At the time of the USS Liberty attack, Maura was just beginning his three year stint as the chief of naval operations after having already served 34 years in the in the services, and was three years past the Gulf of Tonkin incident at that point, he had been a pilot in World War Two and he had received a Purple Heart as the result of his plane being shot down by a Japanese attack. He survived the crash and was rescued by an Australian ship which was then sunk by the Japanese as he tried to survive in a lifeboat he was being shot at in the water. Later in life, you had testified before Congress about the need to provide troops with adequate, adequate machinery, since the cause of his crash was that a bullet hit the unarmored fuel tank in his plane. He replied to suggestions that providing extra protection was a waste of money saying that perspective quote is great until you're in the sea and someone is shooting at you. You've got a different view, which is a fair point. Yeah, yeah, I would say so. can't really argue. Now this is very interesting, because this is a piece of Moorer's personal life story that matches the story that's told by conspiracy theorist about the sinking of the USS Liberty that they claim proves that it was a deliberate, prolonged attack. They say that the Israeli forces were shooting at the crew as they tried to leave the ship on lifeboats, which is matching Thomas Moorer's life. The problem is that the investigations and sworn testimony of the crew and the survivors of the Liberty in all of that that sort of thing isn't mentioned once. In fact, Captain McGonagal testified that he had ordered some crew members who were lowering lifeboats into the water to stop not because they would end up getting shot at but because there was no danger that the boat would sink and who knows if they might need the lifeboats later.
Jordan (01:51:49.000)
Yeah, and all he did was take five points away from Gryffindor. What were McGonagal, McGonagall, nevermind. Oh, fine. I don't know, it's a good Harry Potter reference.
Dan (01:51:58.000)
I don't know Harry Potter, I'm a muggle
Jordan (01:52:01.000)
look, the history will will bear it out.
Dan (01:52:03.000)
All right. So none of the accusations of shooting at lifeboats are found in the sworn testimony of the survivors or the investigations about the event. They only begin to pop up later, when some of the crew members begin making media appearances and start directly contradicting their prior sworn statements. It will probably be impossible to prove this. But some might say that this change in perspective might be the product of anti Zionist sentiment becoming much more popular in the United States through the 70s and 80s. With the term Zionist occupied government or Zog being coined by neo Nazi Eric Thompson in 1976. Two years later, the term would be featured in William Luthor Pierce's book The Turner Diaries, which would go on to inspire countless white supremacists and anti Semites, including Timothy McVeigh. The book also inspired the white supremacist outlaw group The Order, who helped bring the term to a much wider audience in 1984, when members of the group murdered prominent Jewish radio host Alan Berg in the late 70s and early 80s. The sentiment that Israel controlled the US government they met began to creep out of the sewer of just plain old white supremacist groups into slightly more mainstream consciousness. And as it grew, it sought justification. The attack on the USS Liberty is a prime example of an event that was recast to fit the mold of the US government bending over backwards to allow Israel to attack us then going out of our way to cover it up for them. So no one finds out that the government is really A zog the subsequent investigations of liberty event and found that it was a mistake and a series of miscommunications, who were responsible for how things played out. Well, all investigations except the one. That was an unsanctioned investigation, headed by Thomas Moorer in 2003. Great Great, great, cool, cool, cool, cool when he was 90 years old,
Jordan (01:53:44.000)
hey, good guy right on time.
Dan (01:53:46.000)
His findings have been roundly criticized by people who have reviewed the court records and transcripts of communications from that day back in 1967, as being in opposition with the facts, and from everything I can tell they're not wrong. His investigation was shit. Moorer said to have remarked quote, I've never seen a president I don't care who he is stand up to them. It boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what's going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip these people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on. Hmm, this quote is largely circulated on websites that also seem to traffic in Holocaust denial and revisionism. And based on my research, I'm not even 100% convinced it's a real quote, it might be I'm not entirely sure. I mentioned it to illustrate how Moorer is used by people, particularly anti Semites to reinforce their argument that we live in a country with a Zionist occupied government. This is what he is his place in culture is Yeah, whether or not he
Jordan (01:54:46.000)
deserves it. Or, you know, he was 90 years old. He was very, you know,
Dan (01:54:49.000)
right. Yeah. Well, I mean, he was he was on some of that tip for a while before that investigation. Not like he wasn't, still spearheading a lot of this. USS Liberty shit.
Jordan (01:54:59.000)
Well, yeah, but also the next sentence after that was Zionist operated government. They're controlling everything. Also 16 Cats are on the city council of Denver. So who knows?
Dan (01:55:11.000)
Right? So I don't know, I don't know what his full intentions were in his life. Or if it's just something where he's been co opted, yeah, by these, these anti Semites and real fuckheads. But whatever the case, he is someone who is a big figure in justifying their worldview. Yeah. Also Moorer is apparently a bit of a racist. What. he once said the idea of Cuban immigrants coming into Miami, quote, people are not going to hire little blacks, when Cubans will work. They won't be sassy. They'll work twice as long and they'll take a bath at least once a week.
Jordan (01:55:43.000)
Yeesh Ah, I don't know how you can, in one sentence, set off a thunderstorm in my brain of like, Who is he more racist at in this sentence like I mean,
Dan (01:55:56.000)
I think it's the black people. I think it's
Jordan (01:55:58.000)
oh, it's definitely black people. But it's still there. There's there's a question there.
Dan (01:56:02.000)
You also wrote a memoir, where he included quote, If you're going to be an American, you've got to be an American. If you want to be a Greek go to Greece, if you want to be a black go to Africa. She boy, what I'm getting at is that if someone presented me with some sort of evidence that Admiral Moorer was a huge anti Semite, and that was motivating his conspiracy theories about the US Lberty, I don't think I would be surprised. I don't have that evidence. And I'm not gonna say that that's the case. But I don't think that his record is great. So a lot of this information that Alex is getting about the USS Liberty being fake is coming from this guy who, you know, his personal life story is a piece of what's co opted and put into the story of the USS Liberty attack that doesn't match up with the historical record of it, which I find very suspicious. I think that that is something that's pretty tough to get around.
Jordan (01:56:55.000)
Yeah, it doesn't help whenever your evidence is fake.
Dan (01:56:58.000)
Or or when your your conspiracy theory about this thing that doesn't match up with history. Right. Right. Right mirrors your life, right, as opposed to why is that the case? It's weird. Yeah, it's kind of convenient kind of leaving a little bit of a fingerprint
Jordan (01:57:15.000)
a it's a little bit like William Barr being nominated to be attorney general fingerprints being appointed to Attorney General fingerprints kind of seems like he had one job to do.
Dan (01:57:25.000)
So now we get a very weird little bit of information about what's going on in studio here on June 14. This clip really confused me.
Alex Jones (01:57:34.000)
And I literally have a French news crew here that hates my guts.
Jordan (01:57:38.000)
Alex Jones (01:57:39.000)
because I talked about their precious little Muslims. Yes, that's why are they here? I agreed with somebody else. Let him come and they said it was about something else. And now they're here on another subject. It's just God help me. God help me. It just never ends, man.
Dan (01:57:56.000)
He sounds like someone like on a sitcom who's in laws are in town? Yeah. I fucking accidentally agreed to let them here. My God, I think gotta be they've got to hear him. Right. He's on air talking about.
Jordan (01:58:10.000)
I think he assumes that they don't speak English. I genuinely think that he does.
Dan (01:58:13.000)
C'est ne pas bien
Jordan (01:58:18.000)
Alex, Alex, what are you doing hiding in the crawlspace? My mother in law is in town.
Dan (01:58:22.000)
Il est bette.
Jordan (01:58:22.000)
And she's French.
Dan (01:58:25.000)
C'est mal.
Jordan (01:58:27.000)
Tres mal.
Dan (01:58:28.000)
So we get this? Alex's teasing a big story about flagrant tyranny. Yes, it's coming up. And man. This is pretty extreme. The story he's going to be telling.
Alex Jones (01:58:42.000)
And this next story that I'm going to wait till the next segment to cover is of the greatest import. It's, it's so flagrant. It's so giant. It's so unmistakable unmistakeably, the pure McCoy. The real bonafide classical nightmare vision of tyranny
Jordan (01:59:07.000)
give us eight more adjectives.
Alex Jones (01:59:10.000)
And it's just openly announced to shareholders and openly announced to the world like they're talking about having a cup of tea. And that's how it works, isn't it? Oh, there's a wonderful new right. We're going to teach your five year olds how great it is to have their genitals chopped off. And if they don't want them chopped off, we're gonna do it. Oh, how wonderful. We're going to ship in tons every day of weaponized opium that kills most people to take it. Okay, liberal. Oh, we're going to when I get to this. It's a cuilmination of everything we knew that was coming. And it's so thoroughbred tyranny. It's so written in the announcement,
Jordan (02:00:01.000)
you got nothin man come on
Alex Jones (02:00:05.000)
and they just do it. Now I'm gonna stop right there. I'm gonna very clear about where the world works. You notice everything's going to podcast. Hell, I was doing a podcast 15 years ago when they first came out. We're on terrestrial radio on TV. So we still have the breaks. But everybody knows that people tune out of the breaks. So all the real sponsorship goes on during the live show. And I had the least amount of plugging of any talk shows out there.
Jordan (02:00:36.000)
Talking about embedded sponsorship, that's his tyranny.
Dan (02:00:39.000)
No, no, no, no, that's that's how the world works. Oh, okay. Now he's getting to that after the break. Oh, okay. Thoroughbred tyranny.
Jordan (02:00:46.000)
All right. Does he get to it after the break?
Dan (02:00:48.000)
Kind of? Yeah, he does. It's Facebook's listening to you or something.
Jordan (02:00:52.000)
Okay, sure. Sure. Whatever, whatever. 30 minutes of.
Dan (02:00:57.000)
It's not new. Yeah, but man, that's a defensive fucking plug right there. That is, hey, look, I know we got commercials. No one listens to commercials. That's why I do shit on air. And I do less than anybody. I admit that I don't listen to a ton of other radio shows. But I can't imagine anyone doing more than him. No. It's distracting the level of shittiness. And it's about the method too. Right. If he did if he did these ads and separated them somehow from the content, it would be much more palatable. It's really really fucked up the way he does it with the getting like he's even doing it here. Like the thoroughbred tyranny. Yeah, we all knew this was coming in after the break. I'm gonna tell you about a but hey. We need your money. Right? It's just it's manipulative. It's it's advertising technique. That's, that's shit.
Jordan (02:00:58.000)
Yeah. It's like if you were watching the home shopping network at 2am. And they're like, we have these amazing knives for you. There. They will chop anything, just so you know, the government is going to come and find all of your knives, take them away from you and destroy them. Unless you buy this knife right now to protect yourself.
Jordan (02:01:55.000)
There's, yeah, there's some similarities, no good, and we're gonna put it on a clock. I mean, Billy Mays, and those dudes are pretty unethical in terms of like their salesmanship. But even they probably wouldn't do that. There they might. Anyway, these news is so huge that Alex is going to have to co opt to the fourth hour, and he's, someone's getting the bump. Okay,
Alex Jones (02:02:26.000)
we're gonna have Dr. Nick Begich. You know, his dad was a famous congressman, who actually got the lands of Alaska signed over to the people. So they killed him. His brother was a US senator, he's kind of dialed in. He normally host Fridays, fourth hour, we're pre empting 30 minutes of him because we've had an attempt to criminally Shut up Infowars. And we have the proof. And I've had my lawyer fly down here. Quick notice from Connecticut, to tell you about this, because I want you to know, the stakes and what the system is willing to do to take this operation down, because they know folks, this is the real deal.
Dan (02:03:13.000)
So I thought that this was the news. Yeah, I thought this was the unbridled thoroughbred tyranny news right. It's a completely different thing. Right, which we'll get to. This is not the tyranny news. I thought like, oh, great, you've got this massive the culmination of all the things that we you know, the Nick Begich has got to go get bent, Begich. Angels, play your harp, you get out of here. I thought that I thought that was the case. But it's not the it's two separate pieces of information. And here's the first one, which is the actual tyranny news. It's basically that Facebook is watching you. And then if you say racial slurs, they'll sue you for breach of service or something like that. I don't even believe that's the case. But whatever, fine,
Alex Jones (02:03:54.000)
folks, this is like 500 times worse than 1984. This isn't science fiction. This is scientific dystopia. Now, AI watching listening to you in real time in your house. And they introduced it a month and a half ago, saying, we'll use Alex Jones as the first hate figure. And then we can use it to as a stick to tell all the other people, you better watch what you do. Because we've got everybody else's devices under our control. We've got everybody else's cameras. You get well how does anybod,y it's computers. It's AI, It's portal in your house. And it's building a politically correct database on you to threaten your banking your job, but don't worry, they say they're going to give you an opportunity. We've already been through these beta test. We had Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, all call us. We recorded it. Our crew's so small, we're gonna put it out we're gonna put it out soon
Dan (02:05:01.000)
what he's been saying that for fucking ever. He's been saying that we're gonna put it out we're gonna put it out we recorded them calling us and telling us what he's about to say there. I don't believe that for a fucking second, no matter how small your crew is, if if you have proof that Facebook called you and told you what he's about to say, you put that out immediately. Yeah, I don't care if it like Texas is a two party state right recording laws. You put this out. Your Alex Jones? Absolutely. You know why we know how I know that if he had this, he would put it out. He's outed sources on air before. Yeah, you know, like he said, I you know, look, Don Jr. is Donald Trump, Jr. I
Jordan (02:05:37.000)
didn't mean to tell ya
Dan (02:05:38.000)
has no interest in protecting any kind of journalistic decorum. No, anything like that. He's not a journalist. If he had this information, it would be everywhere.
Alex Jones (02:05:48.000)
We'll even tell these zombies. Hey, we're recording this, they don't even listen to you. We've got hours of it, they go, we just want you stop talking bad about Islam. And the trannys. Don't say that word. It's good for children. You agree good for it's always like some foreigner and I, just say tranny good. We let youbig on Facebook. tranny good for baby but ah. And you're going uh huh. And, Do do do doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. And now they're announcing, we're watching you. And you're gonna lose your job and have your bank account taken. If you don't do what we say. When we come back. We'll go over what you're supposed to do. The number one thing to get a bunch of bonus credits will be chopping your son's testicles off. I'm serious. I'm serious. We're taking a bunch of vaccines or eating GMO.
Dan (02:06:38.000)
I can't tell like how much him saying I'm serious twice is an indication that he's joking. Yeah, because he thinks he's being funny with it again. I think he's trying to do an Indian voice.
Jordan (02:06:48.000)
Yeah. I thought that was more Chinese.
Dan (02:06:51.000)
Oh, I thought alien. space alien,
Jordan (02:06:53.000)
I thought that I thought that was more Mandarin that he was going for
Dan (02:06:57.000)
that's, again, are indicative of how bad this work is.
Dan (02:07:00.000)
Also, by the way, if you did say that and you didn't own your own business, you would be fired and your bank account would be ruined. You know, like, it's yes, there is a reason that you can't say that.
Dan (02:07:10.000)
So I mean, like, I can't tell how much of it is what he thinks is being funny, because obviously there's embellishing of the call, and sure, with his transphobic riffing that he does, right? But I don't I just don't believe any of this. I mean, I don't I don't believe any of it. But what I can't tell is how much he's signaling being like, he's trying to be funny. Like, people with a really bad stupid sense of humor. Do they think that's funny? I hope not. I can't tell I am honestly at the point where I can't tell. And this next clip really was where I struggled. Yeah, like, I can't tell if he's joking or not.
Jordan (02:07:45.000)
So this one is up in the air. Yeah.
Dan (02:07:47.000)
Okay. Think it's hilarious. Okay. But I can't tell if he's being intentionally funny. This is so fucking like, if he's being serious. This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Right? If he's trying to be funny, I tip my hat to but it's like, there's no indication that he's, I don't, you'll see.
Alex Jones (02:08:05.000)
They target nerds. They target autistic, they target Asperger's that's been declassified. You get off the bus from high school to college. You're scared. They come and the KKK's on campus. They're doing cross burnings, and I come to our event, they give you a hit X. They have a girl suck on your ding dong This is how it works in college, and then you're inducted into a leftist cult, you have a godlike experience. That doesn't work to get the Ayahuasca that's the standard deal.
Dan (02:08:34.000)
That's the standard deal of colleges now. I can't tell if he's been hilarious or not. It's so stupid. Yeah, you know, you get your freshman you come in, you go to one of these leftist groups is coming, they give you a rally the x and then someone sucks your ding dong.
Jordan (02:08:56.000)
And then you're in and then you're in. Now, admittedly, if that x doesn't work for everybody, sometimes they'll hit you with ayahuasca and then you're in anyways, your fucked.
Dan (02:09:04.000)
I admit that I'm 10 years out of college or so at this point. Right. You know, at the same time, when I went to college, Alex was 10 years out of dropping out of junior college. Right. Right. I don't particularly know if he's deeply in touch with what's going on on campus?
Jordan (02:09:19.000)
I don't think so. I don't think so.
Dan (02:09:23.000)
I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and guess that this is not an accurate depiction of what goes on?
Jordan (02:09:27.000)
Yeah. I mean, it depends on which college I heard Arizona state. This is what they do all the time
Dan (02:09:31.000)
Arizona state's one of those big party schools. I don't think they're super into leftist causes. I think this would be like Oberlin or like, actually, this is believable.
Dan (02:09:49.000)
One of these real hippie school.
Jordan (02:09:51.000)
It'd be funny. It'd be more fun if it was actually Jerry Falwell's Liberty,
Dan (02:09:55.000)
Liberty, accidentally rooted for them in the NCAA tournament, Not knowing it was Fallwell
Jordan (02:10:01.000)
you sent me a text and I was like, Oh, really?
Dan (02:10:02.000)
I just like an upset? Yeah, I don't know, I think this is pretty stupid. But see, here's the struggle that I have is like, I do think that's really funny whether it's based in ignorance. I mean, if he's trying to be funny, I think it's less funny. Yeah, absolutely. But assuming that he's actually presenting this as like, this is how it goes on college campuses. fucking hilarious, right? But it becomes like, I can't even enjoy those moments too much because he says things like in this next clip that is really really toeing the line with I think genocide. Ohboy
Alex Jones (02:10:37.000)
old Dick Cheney said we ought to just release bio weapons and wipe the Muslims out. You know, even though we've got Muslim calls to prayer taking place in New York, I'm about to show you and I just still can't I have a little problem releasing a race specific Arab weapon. I guess just a little problem. And I just don't think Jesus would like it too much if we kill em all. But, you know, I think the world's kind of going in that direction. So
Dan (02:11:06.000)
that's so fucked up.
Jordan (02:11:08.000)
What did he just say?
Dan (02:11:09.000)
that is so fucked up. He's saying that like I, you know, I don't think we should have a race specific bio weapon that kills all Muslims and Arabs, but I know they want to destroy me, they want to take me out. And you know, I just think that killing them all, God wouldn't be thrilled with that. But I also think that's the way the world's going. I think it's inevitable, we're gonna have to commit genocide against these people. I mean, that's what he's saying.
Jordan (02:11:32.000)
Dan (02:11:34.000)
You should never be blase about the idea of an inevitable genocide.
Jordan (02:11:38.000)
Yeah, I don't I don't like that. No, I although I do remember that. When Jesus was like, You should turn the other cheek only to release a bio weapon specifically targeting Muslims. Right. That was a really prophetic parable he had right there.
Dan (02:11:52.000)
This is an interesting way to preemptively pretend that you're the victim in some sort of an aggression, Jesus, and one of the worst imaginable aggressions that could be put forth towards people. So yeah, I mean, it's no matter what anytime you have this, like, I just gave you x, suck on the ding dong turn you into a liberal at college. Like that sort of comical nonsense. Yeah. Mixed in with eh, we might end up having to kill all Muslims.
Jordan (02:12:17.000)
You might, you know, could be a bad day.
Dan (02:12:21.000)
It's just, it's unbelievable.
Jordan (02:12:24.000)
That's, that's insane. Not to mention impossible.
Dan (02:12:27.000)
So in this next clip, we get to Alex has two guests that come on back to back in one hour.
Jordan (02:12:33.000)
Both lawyers
Dan (02:12:33.000)
Jordan (02:12:34.000)
Dan (02:12:34.000)
he has two guests. One of them is Matt Bracken, his special forces idiot friend. Yeah. And Joel Skousen. Oh, boy. And here is a clip of Alex introducing Joel Skousen about. And I only play this, but we're not going to listen to any clips of the two of them. I'll just explain what happened with them. But this is an important clip because it indicates that from a very early age, Alex Jones's dad lived in an environment of rabid rampant anti communist sentiment.
Alex Jones (02:13:05.000)
You know, we've got one of the best geopolitical analyst out there, Joel Skousen. And his family is the gold standard, the platinum standard. We're not bragging This is he doesn't like to be bragged about of anti communism. When I was growing up five years old, my grandfather was a super John Wayne American World War Two vet sitting around the table and he was like talking to my dad. I was like five years old reading the naked capitalist. He's okay. It's not just the commies. The big banks are playing the game to domesticate the public. We got to stop them. And you got to get in there and do it. And I'm sure their listeners I'm like five years old, but we're working on it. We're trying to whatever they were up to. Good. My dad been fighting communists. He was about 14 years old. And they're talking about Cleon. Skousen.
Dan (02:13:50.000)
So, you know, that indicates to me that Alex Jones, his dad was involved in some groups. Yeah. And that probably is the John Birch Society. Yeah. Like if you had to, like, I would love to go buck wild with this and be like, alright, are there any unsolved crimes in the Dallas Rockwall? And that 79 have some sort of like, you know, I don't know. Yeah, I would love to try and do that. I'd be like, did they have a cell of some sort of anti communists, but it's almost certainly the John Birch Society. Yeah, they probably had, like meetings and like, you know, reading meetings and stuff.
Jordan (02:14:20.000)
And were virulently anti semitic at the home,
Dan (02:14:23.000)
probably, but you don't realize that it is, you know, it's presented as something else, right. So that that kind of idea gives me a pretty good picture of, at least the way Alex experienced his childhood. And if you're living in a household like that, you're gonna end up with some lingering beliefs unless you go to college, take some x, get your ding dong sucked and challenge those beliefs that you had from a young age. But Alex doesn't want to do that.
Jordan (02:14:50.000)
I think I would get all the way to the ayahuasca stage. Yeah, well, now that I know ayahuasca's involved, I'm not just gonna stop at E. Yeah, you know, it's just E. They're not even going with a molly what's going on here? Colleges got to catch up?
Dan (02:15:03.000)
Well, it's probably because Alex his references are 20 years old. So on the show like I said he has these guests he has Joel Skousen comes on second and Matt Bracken who comes on before him. Matt Bracken, when he's on he's there to argue that the people who were caught on video in the boat coming up to the tanker, they were clearly retrieving their limpet mine and Iran did it. No two ways about it is absolutely Iran. They couldn't have got that mine out of the boat unless they knew about the mind ahead of time and knew how to defuse it otherwise, it would have blown up on them. Matt Bracken it is Iran. Alex Jones completely agrees with him. And he's like you Oh my god. Absolutely. This is definitely what happened.
Jordan (02:15:39.000)
Right. So Bracken came on to justify Alex's yesterday.
Dan (02:15:43.000)
Yes, gotcha. Now that and he brings in Joel Skousen, who argues that the Japanese ship didn't even get hit with a mine it was a missile and the Iranian ship that was there was doing the rescue mission. He directly contradicts Matt Bracken. And Alex completely agrees with him. That it was a false flag. Not five minutes after. It's completely disoriented. And I know that this is Alex's version of what he thinks is looking at both sides. In the end, all that achieves is, you know, it demands that his audience see both of these men as valid credible sources of information, who are saying completely different things with complete confidence and pretend authority. It's one thing for a news program to talk to both of them like I could see a credible news program talking to Matt Bracken and Joel Skousen. Back to back, you could do that. Maybe you'd have to maintain an objective position. Yeah, it's a totally different thing for this news person, this hypothetical news person to talk to both of them and have the audience witnessed them both, like within the span of 10 15 minutes, be convinced of contradictory things. It's jarring to an audience and it leaves you with the position of like, I trust Alex, I think Alex is a good gauge of information where he has just willed a contradiction.
Jordan (02:16:59.000)
Yeah, that Well, I mean, it would be jarring if like, you and I, you are uncomfortable and repelled by cognitive dissonance. Whereas if you are, if you are basically living cognitive dissidence on a minute by minute basis, I doubt they will be affected by that, too much.
Dan (02:17:19.000)
You still experience it? Yeah. You know, it's still it's still, it's still tough to deal with. Yeah. So earlier in this July, or June 14 episode, we had Alex say that there was unmitigated thoroughbred tyranny afoot. And then also he said that, you know, Begich gotta go, we got to take the fourth hour because there's an attack on Infowars. So they're not the same thing. The tyranny is that Facebook is going to sue you if you're racist. Oh, I don't believe, Facebook. And now we get to Alex insinuating what the second part was the attack on Infowars. And it's interesting because I think he might show some cards,
Alex Jones (02:18:02.000)
I'm gonna stay the course. And I almost in the fourth hour, don't want to tell you what they're up to. Because it has scared some employees off, okay. And I really haven't told people what's going on. They harass my employees families, they harassed my family, they run psyops, they, they tried to have women beautiful women, you know, it grocery stores that were out, of course, like, you know, I mean, it's bad folks. Okay, and I'm not complaining. I'm just saying, it's because we're doing something very important in the fact that I'm working 16 hours a day and don't do all this stuff. My only problem is drinking. And I've cut back on that. The fact that I'm not a worldly person, when it comes to stuff, they can't get me. They are so pissed. And they've really tried to set us up. And we've reported to the FBI, and they say we're the victim, but they're they're coming for me, folks, and I'm not a victim. I just want to keep going if I can, but if I have to finish strong, they kill me, whatever. I'm gonna go all the way. But I need money.
Dan (02:18:58.000)
It's an ad pivot. Yeah. It's an ad pivot. Well, he's vaguely discussing what is this attack on Infowars? Yeah. So you can already see this preemptively being set up, even before anyone listening has any information as to what he's talking about. He's trying to use this to get money for for himself from the audience, which I find suspicious. I find that to be a little suspicious
Jordan (02:19:24.000)
Well, we I mean, everybody, I assume listening to our show by now has already figured out what it is he's about to talk about.
Dan (02:19:31.000)
Yes, probably. So I was gonna let Alex lay it out as it goes along but yes, speak freely
Jordan (02:19:37.000)
Yeah. The one thing that there that I have not read any reporting about is the pre emptive sales pitch. Yeah, that's, that's crazy. It's pretty weird. That's crazy. That ha
Dan (02:19:53.000)
So also in there you hear Alex saying that he has a problem with booze and yeah, better. Yeah. Which is great to hear. I mean, I got If there's some sort of insight there because you he does absolutely have a problem with booze. Yeah, but what makes it feel a little less sincere is that by the time the third hour is rolling around, he's clearly drunk again. Yeah, like I think that he had that jarring. Back to back interviews with Cleon or Joel Skousen. And Matt Bracken, who both said contradictory things. And Joel Skousen was a little bit of a longer interview, and Skousen was clearly talking shit on Trump. Yeah, like he was being like, I don't think Trump knows anything. Like if you or I were in these meetings, we could tell him about the deep state and the communist menace, right? But Trump doesn't know shit. He is not part of the movement, man. I'm sure he means well, but he's stupid. Yeah, fucking moron. And Alex had already built him up as like one of the godfathers of anti communist thought. This can't just be like, go fuck yourself. Skousen
Jordan (02:20:50.000)
Yeah, that would be fun though.
Dan (02:20:52.000)
I think he had a tough time with that. And he started drinking. And I base that on his behavior completely changing. Yeah. He has Owen on. Owen Shroyer. They're talking about the drag queen storytime that's going on in Austin right. Now. Of course. Oh, um, went down there to go cause problems. And then they made it really their story is about how Antifa was going to show up to counter them. There. Yeah, whatever. Anyway, this clip is only important because you can really see that Alex is pretty fucked up.
Alex Jones (02:21:27.000)
This isn't Linda Blair with a head spinning around spitting pea soup. This isn't fake. This is real. You understand us? And they're literally roaring your children are ours. And and and I'm sorry, go ahead.
Owen Shroyer (02:21:43.000)
These are the Skeksis. Anyway, this is funny, the crew just brought me this The Austin Chronicle says I crashed a drag queen storytime actually, I was really polite. And I waited till all the kids left
Alex Jones (02:21:54.000)
How dare you go to a public event where a dude in a blue purple green wig? Has kid sitting on his lap. And how are you showing? How dare you get between the special time Owen and by the way if Miss? I'm taking your friend not sure what no frickin problem dude.
Owen Shroyer (02:22:14.000)
I went to drag queen storytime, I like the trannies
Alex Jones (02:22:15.000)
you let those men put their hands on the kids. No. All right. HOW DARE YOU
Dan (02:22:27.000)
They just started a fake fight. Yeah, this is this is a drunk dude. Because I mean, like the yelling and stuff and saying all kinds of offensive things very normal. His manner is completely different as the show reaches this point, and I also think that Alex is probably a little bit uncomfortable about having to make the fourth hour announcement that he's going to make
Jordan (02:22:47.000)
Yeah, so immediately following talking about that. Yeah,
Dan (02:22:51.000)
I think that there's a whole lot of influences. He probably saw comfort in a bottle, and it comes out when he's sitting here with Owen, like, Ah, I got a bit that I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fucking fake fight you. And it's exactly what he did to Steven Crowder when he went out after he drank on Tuesday's episode. When he went out to Steve Crowder's demonstration he tried to fake fight him too this human and him and Owen started fake fighting, because Steven Crowder wouldn't play along with that. It's kind of a drunk bit that Alex has been doing and I guess he I mean, fake fought with Gavin McInnes. It's just, it's just sad. So then, Joe Biggs, Rambo Joe Biggs shows up on the phone, because he wanted to talk to Alex about how we need to start saving everything to like, Oh, great data preservation. Great. Good. Let's be very important topic. Yeah. So Alex is just he won't let Joe Biggs talk. He just keeps screaming at him. Yeah, like in a way that he thinks he's doing a bit. He just keeps yelling at him about Satan.
Alex Jones (02:23:51.000)
And you won't stop these children from their liberation. They will face their father Satan, and they love him. How dare you stop our priesthood? He will pay for your evil my friend.
Dan (02:24:03.000)
I'd like to remind you that Joe Biggs was calling in to talk about data preservation.
Alex Jones (02:24:11.000)
Well, that's Lucifer, apologize to Lucifer and say, I want to kill children. I want to keep them comfortable. Say it. I want to keep them comfortable. You will be delivered. That Jesus is lie Joe. Say I love Satan. I want to kill babies. Join Satan, Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe Satan knows killing babies. No, Joe. No, no, no, no Satan knows. Oh MY GOD ARREST HIM FOR HATE SPEECH
Alex Jones (02:24:48.000)
So this is a completely different person.
Jordan (02:24:51.000)
Do you mean this is dynamite radio?
Dan (02:24:53.000)
Great radio. Better video. Just nonsense. Wow. I mean it You know, it's just completely changed like he's he his manner is completely different. He's acting like all those other times we've seen him drunk in the past. Yeah, when he was holding it together before like it stupid shit he was saying absolutely. But just a completely, completely different change of manner to the point where Owen Shroyer is in there trying to deliver his report about having gone out to the drag queen storytime, which is one of their marquee issues, right that they're trying to make propaganda about. And Alex won't let him talk. He keeps trying to talk and Alex will just scream something at him and fake fight him to the point where I think that they had a conversation and Alex had to leave the studio. Oh, really. So Owen could get his report out here is Owen blowing minds when he's finally allowed to talk.
Owen Shroyer (02:25:50.000)
And then you find out that here in Austin, a church was running out an Independent School District performing Performing Arts Center. Now that Independent School District Performing Arts Center is going to take 10,000 of those dollars to send kids to a gay pride parade. Now, when I asked why they were going to be doing this, they said there was a little there was a little outrage over the fact that this church stood against homosexuality because of their Christian values. That's what, when I called and inquired, I was told that there is an LGBTQ initiative in Austin with the kids. So why is there an LGBTQ initiative with the kids? Why is it there? Ask yourself this. Why is there no heterosexual initiative with the kids who if it wasn't for heterosexual there wouldn't be any drag queens, there wouldn't be any gay people. There wouldn't be any people at all.
Dan (02:26:50.000)
Mind Blow. Wow. Mind blown.
Jordan (02:26:52.000)
Wow. Boo.
Dan (02:26:55.000)
That's an impressive. No, no. That's an impressive swing for the fences. Without us straights. Congrats, congratulations. Theoretically not true.
Jordan (02:27:11.000)
It doesn't look like he made it through junior college either.
Dan (02:27:16.000)
I think I think Owen did go to college. I think he went to college in St. Louis. I'm not entirely sure. It's my understanding that he did. But oh, boy. So that's that's crazy. I mean, it's indicative of his thought pattern. Yeah, like this sort of childish level of justifying his position. You just got a little taste of the wall room. Yeah. Cuz Alex, let him talk. That is stupid. Now here is Owen going out to break and Alex barging into scream something right at the end as they're going to commercial.
Owen Shroyer (02:27:48.000)
It's all coming to the fore Infowars predicted t first. They're sexualizing the kids, whether you want to admit it or not, that's on you. But that's what's going on. And we're gonna be highlighting that tomorrow
Alex Jones (02:27:58.000)
Dan (02:28:06.000)
I see that as like a little cartoon where he like peeks and
Jordan (02:28:11.000)
I was thinking of laughing where he opens the door up and he
Dan (02:28:14.000)
comes up from under the desk.
Jordan (02:28:19.000)
That as a show that I would watch a obsessive it look if Owen Shroyer said dumb shit for three straight hours. But every now and again, there's just some weird ass just I would I would be surprised to discover I liked it.
Dan (02:28:33.000)
I still don't think you would No, absolutely not think it would be trash. So in this next clip, I'm just gonna skip this next one, because it's just Alex expressing that he thinks it's a good thing that he simultaneously believes that Iran did this. And it was a false flag by the globalists. Sure, sure, sure. You know, he's talking about like, you could take clips from the last two days shows, and you could edit them and add me saying whichever you wanted. And I'm like, Yes, that's bad. Yeah, that's bad. That means you don't know what you're talking about. And at least one of those points and maybe both. Yeah. He seems to think it's some sort of virtue and they're like we're having an intelligent conversation about stuff. No, it's like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you are aimless.
Jordan (02:29:13.000)
Owen Shroyer just said if it weren't for heterosexual people, we wouldn't have homosexual people which implies if you hate gays that much. What you should really be doing is killing straight people.
Dan (02:29:24.000)
We'll see now that's you using as bad logic as Owen did. So as Alex screamed at the end, their big announcement coming up after the break, and that is that Alex's other lawyer Norm Pattis has been flown in from Connecticut to appear on the show. I gotta say, Norm kind of won me over. Really? I still think he's a pile of shit, because he's first of all he's representing Alex. Yeah. And second, some of that other stuff that we found about that, like racist memes and stuff. And his behavior in that deposition was pretty shitty. But I think he comes off way better than Robert Barnes in this display. So first Alex is about to introduce him and then he burps through a little bit of a conversation which kind of also feeds into my, he's drunk
Alex Jones (02:30:09.000)
We're gonna have Norm Pattis, esteemed constitutional First Amendment and and civil rights lawyer roll through this, but I want to be very clear. I am proud of questioning Sandy Hook. Oh god. I was not the progenitor or the daddy of it,
Jordan (02:30:09.000)
little bit
Dan (02:30:29.000)
the daddy of it.
Jordan (02:30:32.000)
Dan (02:30:32.000)
so they start talking about this stuff. And they you know, Norm is, you know, he's trying to be as good a side, straight man as possible. Yeah, Alex is like I barely talked about Sandy Hook. Barely did it, you know? And he's like, yeah, absolutely. Alex, you know, we looked at the metrics and you know, didn't cover it all that much. But then Alex gets off track because he wants to brag
Alex Jones (02:30:52.000)
Talking about analytics. I don't look at analytics. But Joe Rogan put up 30 something clips when I was on with him in February.
Norm Pattis (02:30:58.000)
Alex Jones (02:30:59.000)
And the the top clip had 14 million views on YouTube, not counting other platforms. It has over 100 million views right now. Joe, Joe, I talked to Joe a few weeks ago, it's bigger than Elon Musk. It's the biggest thing he's ever done. 14 million for the interview. The average video 30 videos is 3 million views.
Norm Pattis (02:31:19.000)
Alex Jones (02:31:20.000)
guess what the lowest video is? That's 14 million right? Do you see that? 14 million. That's the top clip. 14 mil. Now, he was famous for dialing it down to not pay you the the advertiser. The word is just like probably 60 mil on there. I've had films on Google Video before they took it down with 100 mil. Okay, so I'm the king daddy. Okay.
Norm Pattis (02:31:41.000)
Alex Jones (02:31:42.000)
And I'm here I'm not bragging. I'm here to tell the little pimps the Senator Murphy's in the the prosecutor, the Obama appointed prosecutor that's doing all this, bitch. I don't need to talk about poor dead kids to have listeners. I've got news stacked to the rafters.
Dan (02:31:58.000)
I got news stacked to the rafters.
Jordan (02:32:01.000)
I do. That's a good turn of phrase. Yeah, I do like that. Well,
Dan (02:32:04.000)
that's, that's the like one of those rare instances where Alex's anger ends up turning into like a good sentence.
Jordan (02:32:10.000)
Yeah, that's a solid. That's a solid a little bit right. I'll give him that.
Dan (02:32:15.000)
And you may but that means you're just paying too much for printing because you don't go over any of that is a waste of paper. You better recycle. So yeah, I love that Norm is Oh, he is not impressed at all. He knows that Alex is a blowhard King Daddy, this. Yeah. So I guess it's time to get into it. Alex is going to lay out what this attack on Infowars is in this next clip. It's three minutes long, because I wanted Alex to be able to present the situation as he sees it, and then see how quickly he takes it to the conclusion that he wants to take it to.
Alex Jones (02:32:53.000)
I have been a loyal son of the Republic, my family. For the 14 generations,
Dan (02:33:00.000)
his family fought for the Confederacy.
Alex Jones (02:33:06.000)
And I know what they do. When you expose them, they say you're a pedophile. We knew it was coming. And when the Obama appointed US Attorney demanded out of 9.6 emails, 9.6 million emails in the last seven years since Sandy Hook metadata, which meant tracking the emails and where they went, well, we fought it in court, the judge ordered for us to release a large number of those emails. That's Chris Mattei that got that done. Very interesting individual, the firm of Koskoff and Koskoff run by Senator Murphy. And Senator Blumenthal that say, for America to survive, quote, I must be taken off the air. It's the very naked about what they stand for. So, you know, I had tried to set me up with the Russians. And I reported to the FBI, and that kind of freaked them out a lot. And that's all on record has been covered on national news.
Dan (02:34:07.000)
It hasn't.
Alex Jones (02:34:07.000)
So that didn't work too well. And so we learned in just last few days that when they wanted these hundreds of 1000s of emails out of the 9.6 million, that they had attachments to them that no one would know what they were we hadn't opened this. The FBI has come out and said I'm the victim. And the statements coming out officially, the US Attorney's Office in Connecticut. But what's interesting is we checked with real IT people, we're not IT folks, we made some calls. They said no, you would know what was in attachments and you wouldn't know what they linked to because they haven't yet looked at they said we're the victim. It was hidden in Sandy Hook emails threatening us. There was child porn. So, it's on record. We were sent child porn. We're not involved in child porn. But the fact is, it's not a needle in a haystack, it's fields of haystacks and they get these emails a few weeks ago. And they go right to the FBI and say, we've got him on child porn, the FBI says he never opened it, and he didn't send it. And then they act like, Oh, they're our friends, they're not gonna do anything with this. Go to hell. I wasn't born yesterday, I was born in the dark, but it wasn't last night. So whatever's going on, I'm offering a $100,000 reward, not 10,000 a $100,000 reward for the arrest and prosecution. And I've had $150,000, bonuses and contests before, so I pay $100,000, we're going to release the metadata in the next few days on infowars dot com, for the email address that company, and the folks at the company are going to track it back. And they're going to find out, and we're going to pay the $100,000. And you're gonna go to prison.
Dan (02:36:02.000)
So first of all, I want to say immediately that I don't believe based on the information that's currently available that Alex is lying, this kind of accusation, pretty serious stuff. And it does seem entirely plausible to me that someone could have sent him some malicious files. If more information comes out. That you know, I reserve the right to update my position. But for now, I have no tolerance for people saying this proves he's guilty of anything. I understand that it's my lot in life to be overly fair to Alex. But I don't think that this is an example of that. I think it's seeing that this is one of the few instances where he does make sense that someone would do that to him. And things have played out this way it makes, I see it as a possibility. And if that is the reality, I think it's very unwise to play into Alex's ability to make propaganda out of his own victimhood. From the way he's talking, I can barely track what he's saying happened. It seems all over the place. But it seems to me that he's saying that someone sent him threatening emails about Sandy Hook that contained attachments that included illegal pornography, his team didn't see them, it didn't notice them until they were handed over as part of a batch of emails that were deemed relevant to his lawsuit in Connecticut. From there, the FBI has said that Infowars isn't under suspicion. That seems to be what he's saying as his narrative. And admittedly, it's all coming from him. So there's a grain of salt aspect to it. But honestly, it seems plausible as a series of events. Let's not just say it is what happened. Shit, I'm not even certain that any of this exists, it could be a PR stunt. But the position I'm coming from is very much one where I think it's wise to exercise caution. Now, Alex's narrative about this, it's going to develop over the next couple of clips, is that he believes that the people who are suing him in Sandy Hook sent them right, and that that's the only way they would have been able to know where to look to find it to take to the FBI. Yeah, when in reality, that is a really shitty assumption, because any kind of data analysis firm would be able to run scripts on large amounts of data. You know, like there are people that specialize in this sort of thing. Yeah, it would not be something that would be a needle in a haystack, it would be if you were manually searching through emails, yeah. But because of algorithms and programs that people can run, it is the sort of thing where you could look for suspicious things. And it would I don't believe for a second, but you wouldn't be able to find that if you had, even if you had a million emails, the idea of being able to process it through in like a week. I think that's very doable. Yeah. So that falls apart a little bit. Now, all this being said, this contest seems like a weird move. And probably it's only something you would do if you didn't think this was a real thing. For one, Alex can't afford to make this kind of a payout. Secondly, if the FBI is on the case, I think they got this shit covered. You don't need to crowdsource an investigation when the actual investigators are investigating it. If this were real, I would really, really think that the FBI would say don't comment on an active investigation seems like it would get in the way. Now, whether or not this is real or not, I think what he's doing is super irresponsible. Assuming that he does release some of this metadata or whatever he has, what's going to happen? if one of his listeners could figure out whose IP address it came from the FBI already knows who that is. Assuming any of the stuff Alex releases actually leads back to a person which it may or may not all he's doing is increasing the possibility that that person is hurt. And this matter is not dealt with lawfully. There's legitimately no reason to do what he's doing right now. But I don't think that it's some kind of guilty conscience. I I don't think that that's a fair assumption to make. I don't think he's trying to cover up anything. I think it feels more attention hungry than anything else. So I don't know what the reality of the situation is. But the fact that he's making a contest out of it strikes me as he's not too worried about whatever it is, and doesn't seem all that worried about the consequences of him doing something like this. So in this next clip, he talks about how people who have threatened him in the past have gone to prison. And then things really spiral completely out of control.
Alex Jones (02:40:03.000)
By the way, more than 20 people that have threatened us and my crew have gone to prison. When people threatened to kill George Bush or threatened to kill Obama, we reported you, you went to prison.
Dan (02:40:14.000)
Those aren't people who are threatening you. Those are your fans who are threatening Obama in the comment section of your website. Now, good on you for handing over the IP addresses, I guess I guess I think that's probably I mean, you can't I don't I don't know. I don't know where the line is
Jordan (02:40:30.000)
Well, I guess you're better than the fucking president.
Dan (02:40:32.000)
But those aren't people who threatened you, right? The slight distinction.
Alex Jones (02:40:37.000)
And law enforcement knows we are law abiding, we're not offensively committing crimes so
Alex Jones (02:40:43.000)
$100,000 reward, and we'll release the metadata by Monday of who sent this. And when they arrested. You get $10,000 when they're convicted, you get $90,000. Now, I wonder who during discovery, would send emails out of millions and uh, know what to search and look at? I don't know, I just think people are smart enough to know where to look at the ISP. $100,000. Oh, did I mention on conviction other 100,000. 200,000? No, no, wait. $1 million, 1 million. I can't help. I've always done what I shall do. I don't have a lot of money. But I'll sell my house $1 million on conviction for who sent the child porn. $1 million dollars.
Jordan (02:40:43.000)
except for when you are
Dan (02:41:46.000)
This doesn't help anything. Like offering a million dollars to people who can search stuff and databases or the dark web or whatever. That doesn't help in any investigative capacity that the official FBI could do or couldn't do. Like any any outcome other than this person getting hurt is not achieved by whatever you're doing. Right. It's very fucked up.
Jordan (02:42:11.000)
Especially when you're insinuating that it was the families of say,
Dan (02:42:15.000)
oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, he's not no,no, law firm people.
Jordan (02:42:19.000)
Ah, gotcha.
Dan (02:42:20.000)
He'll get specific about it. He's not saying like Posner sent it right.That would be mega fucked up. Yeah, this is still incredibly fucked up. Because you could see the beginning of the insinuation there. Who would have known in the middle of
Jordan (02:42:34.000)
you know, he's tying this to Sandy Hook for sure. Which is where?
Dan (02:42:38.000)
Victimhood? Yeah, exactly. For sure.
Jordan (02:42:41.000)
I man, I am really not stoked, because every video I know, he's gonna go off on this wild rant, and it's gonna be real loud. And it's gonna have all that so
Dan (02:42:52.000)
it is not as big a rant is I think people have said it is
Jordan (02:42:55.000)
but this this, these clips going on back and the preemptive sales pitch on this. I don't want to rely on my feelings or like my ability to intuit whatever it is Alex did or didn't do. But I've heard him lie 10 billion times on this show. And it doesn't sound like this. And God this is this is such a bummer, because this is I wouldn't be surprised if he was overjoyed when the FBI found this shit, because he was like, I can ride this. Look. I'm such the victim. Probably. Yeah, I would say he's happy about
Dan (02:43:34.000)
Well, I mean, like, the intersection of joy and anger is so close for him. Yeah, that's true. It's so intertwined. So like he has, it's the same thing that we talked about back in the 2013 stuff when Buzz Bissinger legitimately threatened to shoot him. Oh, yeah, Piers Morgan's show. Like, how pumped was Alex when that happened? Yeah, he knows no one's gonna shoot him. But now he has a justifiable position to be like I they say they're going to shoot me. Yeah. And in this case, I from everything I can tell he has a legitimate position that some bad actor tried to set him up like this.
Jordan (02:44:09.000)
And he is everywhere because of it. Everywhere
Dan (02:44:15.000)
and like the the gambit doesn't work. If someone on his side is guilty of this. Yeah. Like it doesn't work. This this propaganda doesn't work. If the he felt in any way for even a second, that someone within Infowars or himself was responsible for this. He would never bring it up on the show. He would never talk about it until the FBI brought it up. Yeah, this you would never make a public display out of this. Even in terms of getting ahead of the story. Right. It would not be worthwhile because when the facts of the case came out, he would be like, oh, yeah, this
Jordan (02:44:50.000)
one I'm not just going to apologize to Hamdi for. No, yeah, no, I mean, I'm not gonna say 100% because he's a fucking moron. So who knows? Right? Yeah.
Dan (02:44:59.000)
I'm going on my sense of him for years of studying his behavior,
Jordan (02:45:05.000)
I would bet 95% of everything I own, and that other 5% would just be, you know, I'll write that off. Yeah,
Dan (02:45:14.000)
I It does seem to me, like, opportunistic. Yeah. And also, if I had to guess who the like person doing it is I would bet it's just some stray bad actor. Yeah, like I bet it's just somebody with really ill will or someone fucking with him. Yeah. You know, like, it's
Jordan (02:45:35.000)
somebody really fucked up, though. What do you mean? I mean, really fucked up.
Dan (02:45:40.000)
Yeah. Oh, they they're fucked. Yeah. For sure. Yeah, for sure. I don't think that there's any possibility that it's anybody involved in his case. I don't believe that it's anybody any of us have ever heard of. Yeah. So like you said, there is a little bit of a freakout and here we get a little bit of it.
Alex Jones (02:45:59.000)
$1 million. You think when you call up? Oh, we'll protect you. We found the child porn. I like women with big giant tits and big asses. I don't like kids like you god damn rapists, F heads. In fact, like this, you fucks are gonna get it you fucking child molesters. I'll fucking get you in the end. You fucks.
Jordan (02:46:23.000)
He still doesn't know how to swear.
Alex Jones (02:46:25.000)
I know what? I don't want you to leave the radio. Probably still went out. I don't care. You're trying to set me up with child porn. I'm gonna get your ass $1 million $1 million. You little gang member $1 million to put your head on a pike $1 million. Bitch. I'm gonna get your ass you understand me now. You're not going to ever defeat Texas you shacks a shit. Show you get ready for that. Now I don't usually use French but I'm pissed right now. Norm Pattis, you take over this segment and the next I apologize.
Dan (02:47:00.000)
So his lawyer has been sitting there the whole time, Jesus. And this is interesting. Because when Norm finally is allowed to talk, because I would have done screaming, he makes a really good point.
Alex Jones (02:47:10.000)
But I'm really pissed right now.
Norm Pattis (02:47:12.000)
Yeah I get that
Alex Jones (02:47:13.000)
this goddamn bullshit anymore.
Norm Pattis (02:47:15.000)
So you should have talked to me about the reward structure.
Alex Jones (02:47:18.000)
Norm Pattis (02:47:21.000)
But listen to me, I'm your lawyer. And it would behoove you to listen from time to time you don't ever want to create an interest in the outcome in a potential witness. No, no, no, I'm here. I'm
Alex Jones (02:47:30.000)
I'm gonna. Why does the law enforcement say there's an out? Why does law enforcement say $5,000? Dead or alive? 1 million! because we all know who did it.
Norm Pattis (02:47:41.000)
So let's talk about what happened here.
Alex Jones (02:47:43.000)
think I won't pay 1 million?
Norm Pattis (02:47:45.000)
I didn't say that. I just don't want you to create an interest in the outcome of if a person who testifies because they now have it there's a contingent interest until then why does law enforcement get bounties? That's different than having a contingent? Oh,
Alex Jones (02:47:57.000)
no, no, no, no, no.
Dan (02:47:58.000)
So he's trying to explain to him you've tainted a witness. If you give out money for the you can't have them testify whatever information they find is probably tainted. Because you have paid for it. Yeah, yeah, he's trying to be like, you should have fucking, this is stupid. So all it really achieves is even like, his lawyer is very clearly pointing out even the best case scenario, you get to the bottom of it through this route, you've probably ruined your case against, let the professionals deal with this. So Norm is really trying to set Alex straight, but Alex is drunk and angry, and so he just won't listen to it. He brought his lawyer and he flew him in specifically for this and he won't let him talk.
Norm Pattis (02:48:39.000)
The point is that somebody directed child pornography into your email accounts, hoping that you would open it so that when you opened it, there would be direct evidence that you had viewed knowingly and
Alex Jones (02:48:52.000)
they want metadata out of hundreds of 1000s of emails they got and they know right where to go. What a nice group of Democrats. How surprising, what nice people Chris Mattei, Chris Mattei, let's zoom in on Chris Mattei. Oh, nice little Chris. Mattei.
Dan (02:49:15.000)
So what he did there is he had the the document camp zoom in on a picture on a printed out piece of paper of this guy Chris Mattei. And then he slammed his fist on his face. He's making a target out of this person.
Jordan (02:49:28.000)
Did he really do that?
Dan (02:49:29.000)
He did. He really did do that.
Jordan (02:49:32.000)
That's that's
Dan (02:49:34.000)
Jordan (02:49:35.000)
Can you do that?
Dan (02:49:36.000)
I mean, his lawyers right there. Yeah, that's
Jordan (02:49:42.000)
Barnes is the one that handles that
Alex Jones (02:49:43.000)
Good American. What a good boy. You think you'll put on me? What? Anyways, I'm done. Total War. You want it? You got it? I'm not into kids like your Democratic Party. You cock suckers. So get ready. You're my defense lawyer. I'm not putting up with these guys anymore man and their behavior because I'm not an idiot.
Dan (02:50:09.000)
So like, Norm is clearly like, Oh, no. Like whereas Barnes kind of like he incites Alex Yeah, a little bit like he was like not only that you are also a hero. Yeah,
Dan (02:50:21.000)
I'm not. I'm not saying that. He's a great lawyer or anything. I'm not saying anything in his defense. But I am saying on this episode, you can tell he is exasperated. He's trying to explain to Alex the correct way to deal with something like this. And Alex will not hear it because he is so full of rage and drunk. Yeah. And so in this next clip, Alex does a little bit of praying about how he would like this to turn out. And I think because of past context clues, this sounds a lot more fucked up to me than it might to someone else.
Jordan (02:50:21.000)
Barnes Barnes is in it. Yeah. Norm was like, she was like, Um, guys, I'm an actual lawyer. Yeah, look, you can do this.
Alex Jones (02:50:59.000)
F you man, F you to hell, I pray God, not anybody else, God visit, vengeance upon you, in the name of Jesus Christ. And all the saints, I pray for divine intervention against the powers of Satan. I literally would never have sex with children. I don't like having sex with children. I would never have sex with children. I am not a Democrat. I'm not a liberal. I do not cut children's genitals off like the Left does.
Dan (02:51:27.000)
So the you know, all that stuff is gross. But him saying not anybody else, God's vengeance. That doesn't preclude from all the times lately, especially. We've heard him talking about how, Yes, Vengeance is God's. But sometimes you're a tool of God's vengeance. Sometimes he says that a lot. Yeah, so even him saying like nobody else is God's vengeance should be brought upon you. That doesn't mean that he's not hoping that someone hurts this guy.
Jordan (02:51:56.000)
Well, I mean, he's giving a million dollar bounty. Yeah. So so that that right, there is not necessarily a stirring indictment of, you know, doing things on your own. Ah,
Dan (02:52:11.000)
so in this next clip, he's pushing really hard about the idea that these people who are working against him in the Sandy Hook lawsuit are the ones responsible.
Alex Jones (02:52:19.000)
All right, Norm, I apologize to our affiliates, we delayed most of it out. But I've been fire breathing today. Because I've talked to IT people and they say, you've got 9.6 million emails, you've got hundreds of 1000s sent to the court, these are hidden links that they knew right what to go to. And these people are appointed by Obama, and it's just like, God, I'm so sick of them. I am so sick of their filth, and living off the dead kids of Sandy Hook. And I've got all the statistics that I covered at like 0.2%, even with all the coverage now. They make it who I am, they live off these dead kids. They say I did it. Because they watch Homeland and they believe their own filthy lies. And then they find out of grains of sand at the beach, they find the magic child pornography. How obvious is that, that we've got a problem in this country?
Dan (02:53:17.000)
It's not obvious that your conclusion is correct. Like if there were a machine to sort sand very effectively and digitally, then maybe you could find a grain of sand on a beach. Yeah. You know, if it's just a matter of computing power, then your metaphors fall apart. Right? You know, hey, how do you find a needle in a haystack? I know run it through a processor Yeah, you could do that right it's it's it's real nonsensical the idea that like, oh, they magically found it like Do you know how this you know how shit works? Yeah, they could find things. So he's implying very heavily that it's this Chris Maddy. And that's dangerous because of the way he's behaving. And so Norm really tries to politely tell him he should not do this. And Alex does not understand.
Norm Pattis (02:54:07.000)
I have spoken to federal prosecutors they regard you as a victim they do not regard you as in any way a suspect no one's going to search your computers or try to build a case against you. The news takeaway here
Alex Jones (02:54:18.000)
I want them to, I want them to track it back to
Norm Pattis (02:54:20.000)
No you're not hearing
Alex Jones (02:54:21.000)
you know who
Norm Pattis (02:54:22.000)
you are not a suspect, you're not a target. You are not a person of interest. You are a victim and that's the story here.
Alex Jones (02:54:28.000)
I wonder who the person of interest is.
Norm Pattis (02:54:31.000)
Look, you're showing Chris Mattei's photograph.
Alex Jones (02:54:33.000)
No, that was an interstitial cut. He's a nice Obama boy. He's a good
Norm Pattis (02:54:38.000)
Chris Mattei is your adversary in this litigation, just as I am the adversary, the people that have sued you and it is my responsibility to take their case apart if I can and he will attack you
Alex Jones (02:54:48.000)
White shoe boy that thinks he owns America.
Norm Pattis (02:54:51.000)
I'm not going to engage in a personal attack on Chris Mattei. I want to find out who sent the emails to you and when I find that person, then I will go to war. Alex Alex,
Alex Jones (02:55:00.000)
I've talked to IT you understand hidden links in an email no one looked at to find that is like finding a needle in 5000, haystacks.
Norm Pattis (02:55:09.000)
I agree they used Koskoff Koskoff and Bieder contracted out,
Alex Jones (02:55:13.000)
you know, there's no limit to what they're gonna do.
Norm Pattis (02:55:16.000)
They contracted out to a sophisticated data mining firm, they spent probably $100,000 to go through your emails, looking for whatever they could find. And they did find this, you believe that that was placed there and they knew where to look and how to find it. I'm not, I don't have evidence of that yet. I represent, Listen to me, young man and listen to me. I represent people that
Alex Jones (02:55:36.000)
they want a war, they're about to get one. that's I'm just telling right now. I ain't screwing no kids. I'm not like I'm not a Democrat. Man. I just
Norm Pattis (02:55:42.000)
Hit the pause button.
Dan (02:55:44.000)
Whoa. He's trying.
Jordan (02:55:47.000)
Norm is pissed.
Dan (02:55:49.000)
He is. You can see it in his face. Oh, yeah. incredibly frustrating. Because I think
Jordan (02:55:54.000)
you could've Skyped me, man. You could've Skyped me. I mean, that's got to be part. Yeah. Could've Skyped me if all you're gonna do is yell over me. Call me.
Dan (02:55:57.000)
Well, I think that from the sense that I get, and I could be wrong, but I think that Norm felt he could win the Sandy Hook lawsuit. Yeah, I think that he felt that he was able, he was gonna be able to win that on a free speech ground, right? Like I that's the sense that I get and he's sitting here. And Alex is jeopardizing a lot of this. Because if he, I don't know, sends people to attack the other product. The other counsel in the case that could be seen as somehow intimidation or tampering or something along those lines. He could really be hurting his case here. And I'm sure that Norm didn't think that this was what he was showing up for, of course, so now he's on air with Alex while Alex is behaving that way. And he's doing his best to try and be like, Alex, listen to me, young man.
Jordan (02:56:49.000)
Yeah, that's fun.
Dan (02:56:50.000)
You know, he's he's doing his best to say we don't have evidence that he did that. You believe that. But we can't operate off that. Alex, calm down. And Alex is not listening. Man. I think that he is a very different lawyer than Barnes. Oh, yes. Both? Oh, yes. Both probably on the scale of unscrupulous. And probably both on the scale of shady. But based on their appearances on Alex's show, I would hire Norm in a heartbeat. Yes, over if it
Jordan (02:57:18.000)
if we were doing a one on one, I would definitely go with Norm. Norm. Come on over here. And Barnes is like, why don't you commit a crime? And I was like, Nah, no, no, we're not doing this Barnes. we're not doing this Barnes.
Dan (02:57:28.000)
if Barnes was there he'd probably try and goad Alex into committing a crime. So he could defend him for that. He'd be like,
Jordan (02:57:35.000)
Hey, man, a million dollar bounty is a great idea. Let's get everyone in the Infowars universe to
Dan (02:57:35.000)
Alex. 2 million. 10 million! as your lawyer I advise you to double it. Yeah, I just think I think that there's a level of responsibility that norm is showing and I can appreciate that in the most caustic of moments here. Because I think like on like, take everything away from it. Alex is a human being Yeah, he's flipping out here he's burning out on air and left to his own devices could very easily get into territory that is on its own kind of legally dicey. Right. So I think that, you know, you have a guy who is supposed to at least on some level be there to protect Alex actually showing up and being a little bit protected. Yeah, I can appreciate that. Even if it's protecting someone who I think sucks. Yeah.
Jordan (02:58:28.000)
So far based on the different lawsuits and how they've shaken out with different lawyers. I would say Norm is actually trying to win a case. Yeah, and Barnes is trying to get publicity and then settle
Dan (02:58:39.000)
but I think both of them might be trying to get publicity but Norm wants the publicity of winning Yeah. merits Yeah. Whereas Barnes wants the publicity of just being a controversial lightning pole. Yeah, whatever. So in this next clip, Norm is trying to explain to Alex that like, it's good to be mad, but you have to be mad at the right person at the right time, in the right degree. And Alex again, is not listening.
Norm Pattis (02:59:03.000)
When I came down here, you know, I didn't know who you were that I knew who you were, I could place you on the political landscape. I hadn't watched your show. I've made a study of you in the last three or four months and you've won me over because I think you're an honest and angry American but sometimes you're not angry at the right things and sometimes you get angry too quickly at the wrong thing
Alex Jones (02:59:20.000)
you try try people try to plant child porn on your computer, man.
Norm Pattis (02:59:24.000)
Let's find out who did it and then take them down but not least to assess
Alex Jones (02:59:28.000)
why I said 1 million, I'm not BSing $1 million when they are convicted the bounty's out bitches and you know you Feds they're gonna know you did it they're gonna get your ass you little dirt bag, 1 million bitch, it's out on yo ass
Norm Pattis (02:59:49.000)
well if they're if they're the grass I will be your lawn mower. But let's make sure we're mowing the right lawn. Okay, I you have every reason
Alex Jones (02:59:56.000)
1 million I pay all debt 1 million and is on the street.
Dan (03:00:01.000)
So I mean, that's Jesus. This is a one track mind of this. He's a child. But yeah, but it's it's not like norm is trying to address the issues and the real situation that Alex finds himself in, which leads me to believe that it probably is a real thing. Yeah. You know, like, if it was just Alex talking about it, there would be any Thunderdome. Yeah, right. You don't know what the fuck the reality is. But the fact that Norm is talking about it saying he has been in touch with the FBI. It does lead me to believe that this would be a much larger and weirder publicity stunt if you're getting his lawyer right. That might get you disbarred.
Jordan (03:00:38.000)
Yeah, if it was Barnes, if it was Barnes, whole thing could be fixed. Still. That's all Yeah.
Dan (03:00:44.000)
But yeah, I think it must be a real situation. But Alex has to feel just so above it, or whatever, that it's just all about this. This bounty. Yeah. All about because you could turn this into victimhood, the excitement of the hunt. There's so many things that you could just use as attention magnets. Yeah.
Jordan (03:01:03.000)
But in I mean, I can't imagine how I would react like the mixture. not like this? No, not like that. But I can I can understand, like, the mixture of terror and fury that could come along with that would would definitely mean, especially if I get drunk on air while I'm doing,
Dan (03:01:23.000)
obviously. But that's what you wouldn't do that.
Jordan (03:01:25.000)
Yeah, exactly. That's why I wouldn't do that. And we're in the situation where
Dan (03:01:29.000)
there are human responses to things like this where you're, you know, unfairly attacked in such a disgusting way. I mean, there. There is a visceral nature to it. And I can understand Alex acting like this off air. Yeah, yeah. 100% like talking shit with Owen Shroyer, about how he's gonna give a million dollars to find the guy. Yeah, doing it on air with your lawyer is not acceptable. Yeah, it implies some sort of performance. And that's what I sense more than anything else. Yeah. Has nothing to do with thinking that he's guilty or that he's covering up anything. I think it's just the way he works is so based on trying to capture attention. And this is a really good way to do it. Or at least something he thinks that he can spin really well to do it. That's the entire vibe that I get. That's why he's not interested in having Norm talk about the actual situation. Just wants to derail it into isn't it cool that I'm given a million dollars, right?
Jordan (03:02:29.000)
It does seem like norm also doesn't know that Alex is doing that. Either. What, Alex, or no, that's,
Dan (03:02:38.000)
that's what I'm saying. When he showed up. He didn't know this is what he was getting into.
Jordan (03:02:40.000)
Right. Right. Right. And he hasn't figured it out yet. He's still trying to provide good legal advice. It seems that way, yeah. Yeah. He doesn't realize that he's a prop as much as anybody else. You bet.
Dan (03:02:51.000)
But it starts to dawn on him. I think. I mean, I think it already did. We told him to hit pause. And you called him young man. Yeah. But it just keeps going.
Alex Jones (03:02:59.000)
I bet you sleep real good tonight, little jerk. Because your own buddies are gonna turn you in and you're gonna go to prison. You little white shoe boy jerk off. Son of a bitch. I mean, I can't handle them. They want war. They're going to get war. I am sick of these people. They bunch of chicken craps. They've taken this country over. They want to attack Real Americans.
Norm Pattis (03:03:24.000)
Well be the real American and the real American who attacks the right target. Let's find that target. And
Alex Jones (03:03:33.000)
there's no way out of millions of emails that didn't even say child porn. They horned down on it. God Almighty.
Norm Pattis (03:03:40.000)
You're assuming they horned in on it. We don't know what the whoever did it
Alex Jones (03:03:44.000)
told them to do it. We're gonna Yeah, 1 million million dollars on the street against you. You didn't destroy America on time bitch.
Dan (03:03:58.000)
So there's also like the visual of this like he's flailing his arms like crazy and Norm is sitting there just like shaking his head.
Jordan (03:04:05.000)
I don't need to see this. I know exactly what it looks like.
Dan (03:04:09.000)
It's crazy. He's sitting there in his his SpaceForce t shirt. Just like eyes jutting around the room, a million dollars on the streets. Yeah, it's it's uh, I mean, if it weren't making light kind of have a very serious thing. The trafficking of illegal pornography and the victimization that is implied in that, if it wasn't using that as kind of a prop for his own publicity, again, he didn't bring it into his life either. It's been foisted upon him. The person who sent it is obviously the biggest problem, yeah, and this whole thing Yeah. But the way Alex is dealing with it is absolutely exploitative still of the situation. Yeah. And it's just, it would be incredibly comical, absent those sorts of variables. Yeah, just him. Him. Just Just going just go into town while his lawyer is annoyed is a comical picture.
Jordan (03:05:06.000)
Yeah, there's no way that he could have done the first half of his show or the first however many hours of this show and pulled it off. So like it was just a regular episode of his show, and then got drunk and exploded, if this was something that he felt or secretly thought that somebody in Infowars was guilty of.
Dan (03:05:28.000)
Yeah, no, I don't think so.
Jordan (03:05:29.000)
It just doesn't make sense.
Dan (03:05:30.000)
No, it would be something where you take the day, take the day and meet with Norm off air
Jordan (03:05:35.000)
You'd take a lot of days
Dan (03:05:37.000)
perhaps I considered the possibility too that, like he can't. Like he needs the money flow come in. And he takes a day off and has like David Knight fill in. That slows things down. Yeah, for sure. For the donations, for the sales. I mean, they've been pretty clear about the idea that like Alex pushes something and it's like, QVC, right, the sales go up when he pushes stuff, right. So I do think that there's a possibility that he can't afford to take a day off. And so, but even then, come into work two hours early and meet with Norm Yeah, get the get squared up and then go do your show. And don't do this. I mean, any kind of guilty conscience. You couldn't do this. Yeah, I mean, he is a monster
Jordan (03:06:15.000)
even then it maybe you need the business to keep going. But I would say staying out of jail for that publicly was worth far more than anything your business is worth and if so I would take a sabbatical.
Dan (03:06:18.000)
But even if you know, yeah, if it's one of his employees, that destroys the business too like the Exactly. It'd be very hard for him to recover from that. And that's again, why you wouldn't preemptively do something like this. Yep. You don't. This isn't damage control if anyone's guilty. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't fly
Jordan (03:06:54.000)
somehow. This is damaging yourself.
Dan (03:06:58.000)
If you're innocent, yeah, exactly. Which makes me think it's exactly what he was.
Jordan (03:07:04.000)
Yeah, yep. Yeah, the the consequence will be unintended and probably come off bad on him too.
Dan (03:07:11.000)
Yeah. Nothing. Nothing is good. No. So in this next clip, Norm starts to take it personally, that Alex is seeming to act like he's not extreme enough. In Alex's defense,
Norm Pattis (03:07:24.000)
you will win the lawsuit in Sandy Hook as a matter of law, it was protected speech and not defamatory, and it was and
Alex Jones (03:07:29.000)
they know that if Oh, there's gonna be child porn put on my servers.
Norm Pattis (03:07:34.000)
That may well be the plan that some as yet identified person engaged and we have to identify that person. It's easy to make an accusation hard to prove it.
Alex Jones (03:07:44.000)
An accusation I'm sure that US Attorneys appointed by Obama, our sweet little cupcakes come I was never accused him.
Norm Pattis (03:07:53.000)
I didn't come on your show to be made out to look like a naive fool. Well, I'm as tough as any lawyer you'll ever
Norm Pattis (03:07:58.000)
I'm not saying you're aneev, no I'm sure
Dan (03:08:00.000)
So it's just this is a this is a attempt at a polite conversation on one end and just a drunk idiot on the other. Yeah. So when we wrap this up, Alex doesn't let fucking Norm say much of anything. But Alex, make sure that he declares war. Natural and he has to call his banners. Oh, he has to call
Jordan (03:08:23.000)
he has he has feudal lords underneath this.
Dan (03:08:25.000)
Okay, He has banner men that he needs to call all right. This is not a good crew.
Alex Jones (03:08:30.000)
And so if they want war, you know, it's not a threat. It's just like an AC DC song. If you want blood, you got blood on the streets, man. I mean, I am not going to sit here in my life. And have these dirtbags say that I've done these things I haven't done and then know where to go and weasel in and find this perfect thing. It's ridiculous how obvious it is. Do you think I'd roll over and spray crap out my ass and show my belly and piss on myself to bow down to you? You just summoned war. So get ready. And I'm just asking the Pentagon and the Patriots that are left. And 4chan and 8chan? Oh, no, don't do this. Anybody. It's a patriot. I am under attack. And if they bring me down, they'll bring you down. I just have faith in you. I'm under attack, and I summon the meme war, I summon all of it against the enemy. I will never sell out to these people. Anyways, wanna say some closing comments.
Norm Pattis (03:09:26.000)
Hi mom
Dan (03:09:29.000)
Norm has realized why am I here? Yeah. That's a complete like, wow. Who gives a shit. Fuck it. yeah. So I understand the sort of investigative power I guess of people in like 4chan and 8chan Yeah, being able to dig into stuff that might be on the dicey legally dicey side for you or I to do it. Yeah. Because we don't traffic in those sorts of worlds. You know, hacking and shit like that, but I mean The
Jordan (03:10:00.000)
I don't even have a VPN,
Dan (03:10:02.000)
the FBI could handle that. Yeah. Like, there's there's nothing in the group of people that he's calling to his aid that a, like a legitimate investigation wouldn't cover. But you know what those people do do? They dox people? Yep, they threatened people. They're engaged in incitement towards attacks. I mean, I'm gonna leave the Patriots in the Pentagon aside, because I mean, what does he do and trying to get the army involved,
Jordan (03:10:31.000)
I guess the DoD head is like, we gotta get this guy.
Dan (03:10:36.000)
I mean, what he's doing is only introducing his blood on the streets desires, his bounty into a world full of people that have a tradition, let's say, of
Jordan (03:10:50.000)
causing innocent blood on the streets, metaphorically,
Dan (03:10:55.000)
and it's pretty hard to imagine that Alex isn't aware of that dynamic. So I'm torn between two things. I'm torn between the the idea of the exploitative attention PR stuff, because I think that's a real valid motive. And it definitely fits with Alex's MO. And then the other side of me is torn towards Alex has lately been really toeing the line about inciting violence. He has been using a lot of rhetoric that gets very close to what you might call like, a targeted, these people should be fucking taken care of. Yeah. And so when I hear stuff like this, and he's banging on a picture of Chris Mattei and not listening to his lawyer, tell him hey, we don't know that this is the person, you know. And he's like, now, of course, it's them. How could it possibly be anybody else? million dollars blood on the streets as a bounty? How are you going to sleep tonight? Yeah, like, I don't. I find it hard not to hear that and think, Well, if someone were to attack that guy, I think Alex would be thrilled. Yeah. It's hard not to hear that. I don't. I don't know what his primary motivation is. And I'm not sure he does. Even I don't know if he knows what he's doing anymore. It's just rage. Yeah. Attention, desires, and booze.
Dan (03:10:55.000)
Yeah, I kind of after reading this stuff, because I was sent as much of it as you. Sure. Man, it really seems like people not shouldn't be allowed to cover Alex at all. Like, it shouldn't be. Everybody should just stop and call us before you do a fucking thing.
Dan (03:12:35.000)
Because I ean, you miss a God so much wrong. You miss so much of the landscape. Like, Hey, Alex scaled about liking chicks with big tits. Yeah. And freaked out while his lawyer was there. Yes, absolutely. But the surrounding context of this freakout and the dynamic that's at play, is very, it's very crucial to the understanding of this. And I mean, I my position is that I don't believe Alex is guilty. And I think that were here to be, this would be the ballsiest thing that I think is so far outside. Yeah. His his patterns, even as brazen as he is at times.
Jordan (03:13:10.000)
Yeah. If there's one thing I know he's a coward.
Dan (03:13:12.000)
But at the same time, should information come out? That contradicts what I suggest. And I believe right now, I'm willing to believe that that is possible.
Jordan (03:13:21.000)
Oh, yeah. I'm not gonna go to bat for him either.
Dan (03:13:23.000)
My assessment of the situation is contingent on the information that's available right now. Right, that could all change. I don't, I do not appreciate people suggesting that he's guilty based off the information that is available now. Yeah. Now granted, you're well, you're welcome to have your own opinion. I think it's dumb. I think it plays into his victimhood narratives and his ability to make money off it. Absolutely. So I just think it's unwise strategy.
Jordan (03:13:49.000)
It's uh man, he must have just been jumping up and down with joy
Dan (03:13:53.000)
and rage. Yeah. Which are the same,
Jordan (03:13:55.000)
which are the same. Yeah, pain and pleasure equivalent to him.
Dan (03:13:58.000)
Now, this last clip is where it gets of like, I think he knows what he's doing. And he's trying to get this guy killed. Because he gives
Jordan (03:14:05.000)
Yeah, cuz he wants that guy dead. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Dan (03:14:08.000)
And the case will be thrown out. Yeah. I mean, they'll get sued again. Yeah, but I don't know how it would work. Actually, I'm not a legal scholar. I think he probably would go to prison. I'm not entirely sure. I've been wrong in the past. We'll find out. I hope we don't. Well, I hope we don't.
Jordan (03:14:24.000)
We'll see how Mark Richards turns this one into into a thing.
Dan (03:14:27.000)
So when Alex is doing all this shit, it's easy to be like, Wow, he's just screaming. He's just blustery. He doesn't realize what kind of danger he's putting this guy whose picture he's shown on screen it banged on his picture. It said obviously, it's him a white shoe boy, he's trying to destroy the country. And obviously he's setting me up because they got to take me down. You know, you could pretend he's naive to that. But then this last clip the last 15 seconds of his episode, as the outro music is playing Alex adresses, the idea that people would think he's sending people after people.
Alex Jones (03:15:04.000)
And now, I asked my listeners, everyone, you claimed I sent people, I never sent anybody. I want legal and lawful action. I pray to God that America awaken. Will Texas be defeated. You will now decide. This is war
Dan (03:15:21.000)
Whole time Norm is just sitting there like, dammit, why did I get on that plane? But you wouldn't say I want legal and lawful action. You said I sent people I didn't send anybody. You wouldn't say that sort of thing unless it was a legitimate concern that your listeners might take that as what you were asking them to do, or what you hope someone might do. Now Alex is in a pretty great position. Because, you know, he said that this is a bounty that only gets paid when they're arrested and then charged. So if someone kills them, he doesn't have to pay. He can make the argument. Look, I said I wanted them arrested. Yeah, I was clear about that.
Jordan (03:15:57.000)
Well, and the million is until after he's convicted as well, right? He or she, right? But man, he's that's even when he says look, I want legal and lawful action. I'm not sending anybody after a guy. I want legal and lawful action. It's like, well, then why are you giving out a million dollar bounty?
Dan (03:16:15.000)
Why don't you law enforcement deal with this? This just go to a cop? This is a serious crime. Yeah, like you're getting sent child pornography is not something that the law is going to take lightly? No, just because everyone hates you. Yeah, doesn't mean they will be like, Oh, who cares about this case? Oh, no, they will try. It's easy. Not maybe not easy, but pretty easy to track. This person is Yeah, their digital footprints that are left, and the FBI is in a very capable position to figure out what is going on there. Take care of it, find the evidence, preserve the evidence and charge the person who did this to you. The only thing that is sensible to do in this situation is allow the process to go as as is appropriate. Yeah. And it's,
Jordan (03:17:03.000)
and if they discover that it was Hillary Clinton, then Alex gets to become king of America. That's the law. Original rules
Dan (03:17:10.000)
that's in the Constitution. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, and I understand I do understand how someone could take that exact same kernel of what I just said, the idea that like it, why would you do this, they're going to investigate isn't going down to whatever you hope to find whatever information you hope to find, is going to be found by the investigation if it just follows through. Yeah. You know, and you can take that kernel and use that to justify he knows he's guilty. And he's, you know, because why else would you interfere with an investigation? I don't find that compelling. Now that's No, because the PR angle and the trying to target this guy angle are as compelling as anything else as an explanation for why you wouldn't just let the FBI do their job.
Jordan (03:17:59.000)
Yeah, this this seems self destructive. This does not seem like he's doing anything that will positively benefit him. No, whatsoever.
Dan (03:18:07.000)
No, it makes me think of the title of the Flash Forward. That show first episode was called no more good days. See, the main characters daughter as everyone flashes forward to six months in the future and sees what's going on with them six months in the future, okay. And his daughter, she had a dream, she thinks she had a dream. And she describes it as we have no more good days. Yeah. And that's how I feel about looking at Alex now. I see no more good days. Yeah. And I see no more good days for us. As we cover this, like the present and as it gets into the future. I mean, I can't tell you how much this feels like there's quickening happen. Yeah, like this is getting more severe. And I understand that this is a situation that was put in Alex's lap. I understand that. I know that it's artificial on some level to what he would like to be covering. But the way he's covering it is so irresponsible. So fucked up that I just I agree with you. I think it's a sign of very bad things to come. Yeah, very bad behavior. You see what's going on with the Iran shit? Yeah, that's That's stupid. Yeah, he's lost his ability to even be the the confident false flag guy or confident other position guy. He's, he's waffling all over the place. his longtime sources of information are split on it. You know? He's gone so far into the Trump world that Joel Skousen doesn't even agree with his bullshit anymore because Joel Skousen is a purist. Yeah. And Alex is gone impure. He's not he's a man without a base anymore. He doesn't have the like, whatever he enjoyed in the the late 2000s and maybe early 2010s. Whatever he enjoyed back then, of having a home. He doesn't have a home anymore. He gave up his home to wander and, I don't know, be a deadhead for Trump. Yeah. And he's just lost. He's lost. Now he's running out of gas. And he's getting mad at the tank. That's what's going on. Yep. And I've lost track of this metaphor, but I think
Dan (03:18:07.000)
I'm gonna let you go with it. All right. Listen up, young man.
Dan (03:20:19.000)
A desert man. He's in the desert. He needs to find his way home or else he's gonna starve.
Jordan (03:20:22.000)
There's no home. He's gone. He's He's
Dan (03:20:25.000)
there's always home. They just need to you need help.
Jordan (03:20:29.000)
Oh, no, I mean, for a show and everything like that. That's never coming back.
Dan (03:20:33.000)
That could be a problem. Yeah, I don't I don't think his show will ever get back to a point where it's not this insane. Yeah. And I don't think it gets better. Like now. I mean, what he's doing at the end of the show with his lawyer is like, so close to illegal. Yeah, it's so close. And he's drunk. And like, you can't have those ingredients stay together for very long without it, like crossing the line. Yeah, it's just a matter of time. Yeah. That's why we have to keep looking at the present even though it's like it sucks. It's painful. But it's disgusting. But like, I think there's a decent chance that we are witnessing the End of Times for him. Yeah. At least the show.
Jordan (03:21:14.000)
No, I I absolutely. If I was anywhere near Alex would be like, we need to stage a fucking intervention. He's drinking himself to jail. That is where
Dan (03:21:24.000)
he's drinking all of us out of a job. Exactly. You know, like, we had a good operation here where we could fucking sell these scam pills. Yeah, we could stay at like a stasis level. We could Yeah, we could maintain. But because of his own personal ego, defensiveness, anger issues. Booze. We're going to end up broke, and we're going to be unemployable. Yeah, like, no one's gonna be able, no one's gonna fucking get it. But maybe some of the behind the scenes people who could just lie and say they took a sabbatical. It took a Europe year.
Dan (03:21:56.000)
Isn't that weird? I wasnt there the whole thing.
Dan (03:22:00.000)
Someone who's not on camera? Dude, you might be able to transition.
Jordan (03:22:03.000)
I am just a camera man. Don't even blame none of this on me. All I did was point and find out where he was standing. Yeah,
Dan (03:22:12.000)
I think it's gonna be trouble. But whatever. i It's clear that for some reason people aren't in like, motivated to do that. I don't know why. Maybe it's just because Alex is such an angry person that they're scared, or possibly because it's still much. Maybe it's way more lucrative than we even understand. Still, that could be and maybe they think like, there isn't a jeopardy to what they're what the situation is, but I don't know. on a human level. He needs help. Well. And someone should help him right? No one is, and maybe once shit falls apart, he'll go get help. And
Jordan (03:22:48.000)
it was Thomas Jefferson, who said Yeah, evil carries within itself, the seeds of its own destruction. So there we are.
Dan (03:22:55.000)
I believe Thomas Jefferson also said we'll be back on Wednesday. But we have a website
Jordan (03:23:01.000)
I believe Thomas Jefferson donated the domain knowledge fight dot com to us
Dan (03:23:05.000)
That's correct. Yeah. Also he's on Twitter.
Jordan (03:23:08.000)
Yes. At knowledge underscore fight. Yeah.
Dan (03:23:12.000)
That's Thomas Jefferson's Twitter. Then John Adams is at
Jordan (03:23:13.000)
at go to bed Jordan
Dan (03:23:16.000)
Correct. Yeah, we're also on
Jordan (03:23:16.000)
I have to be John Adams, goddamn it
Dan (03:23:19.000)
only other name I would come up with.
Jordan (03:23:22.000)
we are on Facebook and Thomas Jefferson's podcast knowledge fight can be found on all podcastule applications.
Dan (03:23:29.000)
Yes. And all sorts of
Jordan (03:23:32.000)
Oh, boy. We got we got a cavalcade of douche bags today.
Dan (03:23:38.000)
Yeah, but I think a lot of them aren't murderers. I bet Matt Bracken killed somebody that guy you think sorry. He Yeah, he's got a mustache. He's freaks me out.
Jordan (03:23:46.000)
All people with mustaches have killed
Dan (03:23:47.000)
I would say Norm Pattis or Joel Skousen are both good candidates for non murderers.
Jordan (03:23:52.000)
It doesn't sound like Norm has killed anybody
Jordan (03:23:54.000)
just for saying young man he gets to not. Yeah.
Dan (03:23:54.000)
I would rather honor him with the non murderer title for his attempts at having Alex understand the situation that he's in
Dan (03:24:02.000)
So Norm Pattis has never murdered anybody but one guy who technically probably has is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (03:24:08.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (03:24:13.000)
Hello, Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Alex Jones (03:24:16.000)
I love you