Transcript/230A: Obama Deception, Part 1
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:04.000)
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:07.000)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:08.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:10.000)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:11.000)
We are a couple dudes who like to sit around, drink novelty beverages, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:15.000)
Indeed we are, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:17.000)
Hi Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:18.000)
Dan, what's the last documentary you watched?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.000)
Last documentary I watched was The Obama Dissension.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.000)
Yeah, that's a loaded question to ask.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:26.000)
I mean before that I guess some documentary series on Netflix.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.000)
Probably that criminal mastermind one or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:33.000)
I don't remember that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.000)
There's that one about the guy who showed up at a bank with like a bomb around his neck.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:38.000)
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:40.000)
I've heard of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:41.000)
Yeah, that one was crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.000)
I think I watched the one where the Irish...
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.000)
The Nun?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.000)
No, no, not The Nun.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:48.000)
The Nun's a horror movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.000)
No, no, no, I mean the one about The Nun.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:50.000)
The one about The Nun.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.000)
The sister, oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.000)
Yeah, that shit was fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.000)
Yeah, that was crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:55.000)
God damn it Irish.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:56.000)
Good work Netflix, doing some decent stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.000)
I tried to watch that one about the staircase, the lady who fell down the staircase.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.000)
Couldn't do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.000)
I watched two episodes and I'm like, there are so many more of these episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.000)
Couldn't do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.000)
I can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.000)
Nope, I was out.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.000)
And that's coming from me, a guy who has spent the last, oh, very long time watching The
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.000)
Obama Deception for this episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.000)
Today, guys, this is very exciting.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.000)
I know a lot about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.000)
I don't know anything about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:24.000)
And we carry that into what we're here to do today.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.000)
In the spirit of thanking our donors and the people who make this show possible, we have
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.000)
been tasked with breaking down the entirety of Alex Jones's 2009 documentary, in heavy
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.000)
quotes, documentary, The Obama Deception.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.000)
I like to think of this as the spiritual end of a season somewhat on our show.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:51.000)
The last one we did was Endgame probably about six months ago or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.000)
Something along those lines.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.000)
And now we've come to another sort of, I don't think there was anything groundbreaking that
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.000)
happened right before we did Endgame, but I feel like we're entering a new era of covering
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.000)
Alex Jones with us finding that clip from the 90s where he's talking about the leaderless
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.000)
I think that's going to take my research into a whole different ballpark where I'm pretty
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.000)
convinced he's been interested in white supremacist groups for the entirety of his career.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:20.000)
I think that changes a lot for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.000)
Maybe even in life?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.000)
So that changes a lot for me and especially the context in which I look at him.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:27.000)
And so it's only fitting that we end this season with an exhaustive breakdown of one
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.000)
of his documentaries and our listeners chose this.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.000)
I wouldn't have chosen this.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.000)
I probably would have gone with-
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.000)
You've made your feelings clear on how you feel about The Obama Deception.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.000)
I probably would have gone with something else, but I honor the wishes of the people
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who are so wonderful and support us.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.000)
And so here we are.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.000)
Have you ever seen The Obama Deception?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.000)
Good God, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.000)
Why would I even consider seeing The Obama Deception?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.000)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.000)
It has a catchy title.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.000)
Is that all?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:03.000)
That is kind of all you need at the end of the day.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.000)
Yeah, kind of.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.000)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.000)
I watched it when I was younger and smoked a lot of weed and I don't think I was convinced
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.000)
of anything back when we watched it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.000)
But it was like, oh, that's wild.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.000)
I think that was probably my response to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.000)
Is that the conclusion of all of your research today?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.000)
Good God, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.000)
Oh, that's wild.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.000)
I spent a lot of my time when I was younger and stupider and smoked a lot of weed watching
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.000)
really long things on YouTube.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.000)
It was kind of a habit of mine, like a little pastime.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.000)
And so The Obama Deception was just one of many really stupid long conspiracy videos
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.000)
that I watched and discarded out of hand.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.000)
I didn't realize anything about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.000)
And now having gone through it, I realize that this documentary is wall to wall one
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.000)
of the stupidest things.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.000)
It's so much worse than Endgame.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.000)
Endgame was a nightmare.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:59.000)
Endgame was awful.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:00.000)
We talked about Endgame for nine hours when we did our last documentary coverage.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:06.000)
And that was all about a fucking road.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:08.000)
It was mostly about a road and then FEMA camps and a lot of that stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.000)
And I think there will probably come in maybe about the same on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.000)
You think so?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.000)
But the experience of going over, and I don't want to complain up top or anything like that,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:23.000)
but the experience of going over this and watching this documentary with a critical
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.000)
eye was brutal.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.000)
It sucked.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.000)
And not because I love Obama or something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.000)
I'm so grateful for the setup of this show.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.000)
All of the research that I had to do with none.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.000)
You had to show up with a six-pack.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.000)
That's what you had to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.000)
Which I appreciate too.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.000)
And do my best to avoid starting drinking it now at 11 o'clock in the morning or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.000)
it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.000)
As is the tradition on our documentary coverage, we will try not to drink quick.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.000)
Well, we might.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:00.000)
We'll probably fail.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.000)
It depends on how awful the first 15 minutes in.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.000)
That was the situation with the last documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:07.000)
I'll warn you, we are going to have to pause probably 20 times in the first minute.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.000)
So get ready for that.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:14.000)
Because this is a lot of bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.000)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.000)
Are you ready to get going, Jordan?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.000)
And also to all of the new listeners who are joining up with the team.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.000)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.000)
Very weird timing, but thank you so much to Robert Evans.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.000)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.000)
Our episode came out last week, and we've seen a lot of influx of people checking us
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.000)
out from there.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.000)
We have a lot of episodes that aren't as very singularly focused as these ones will be.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.000)
So if you'd like more of our regular show, please check out the back catalog, but also
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.000)
enjoy this.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:47.000)
My advice, start at the beginning, and then over the next six months, you might catch
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.000)
up to where we are right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.000)
We've made a lot of episodes, haven't we?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.000)
And don't binge too hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.000)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.000)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:59.000)
Because even though, and I've heard this from listeners and I agree, even though we're making
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.000)
fun of Alex and talking about what he's lying about and stuff like that, there's still a
Unknown Speaker (00:06:08.000)
corrosive toxic effect of listening to tons of Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:11.000)
Oh, for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.000)
And I wouldn't wish that on anybody who's not named me.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.000)
Hell, my psychic powers have been eroded beyond measure.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.000)
Please be careful even with our show, which is probably not the best thing for me to say
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.000)
as someone who hopes for our show to succeed.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.000)
Listen, we want to grow and we want to be at the best possible place, but it is our
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.000)
strident position that you should not listen to this show.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.000)
Too much.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.000)
Now, run.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.000)
Be careful.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:40.000)
Run now.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.000)
Don't even bother.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.000)
So, any final thoughts, Jordan, before we jump in here?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.000)
Any wishes, any hopes?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.000)
Dan, if this is the last time we see each other alive.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.000)
Tell everybody they were decent.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:53.000)
Good luck, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.000)
All right, here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.000)
Let's begin.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.000)
So, we start with a shot of the inauguration.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.000)
The crowds at the National Mall.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:04.000)
So much smaller, those crowds, than Trump's crowds, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:07.000)
Yeah, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:09.000)
Sea of people happy.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.000)
There's Michelle, looking great.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:14.000)
There's John Boehner, hoping for his death.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.000)
Contrary to the rumors that you've heard, I was not born in a manger.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:20.000)
Dude, that is fucking great.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.000)
And sent here to save the planet Earth.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.000)
So, this, I already got to stop, because Alex is playing that clip as some sort of, like,
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.000)
means of being, like, he's full of himself.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.000)
It's some sort of, like, I am Superman.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.000)
I've come here to save the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.000)
But he fails to recognize or point out in any way that this is a clip that was taken
Unknown Speaker (00:07:47.000)
from Obama's appearance at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.000)
That dinner is a traditional stop on the campaign trail, where candidates from both parties
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give speeches and are encouraged to poke fun at each other and themselves.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.000)
Since the dinner's founding in 1954, every candidate who would go on to win the election,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:04.000)
with the exception of Harry Truman and Bill Clinton, have appeared and given humorous speeches.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.000)
It's a big-ticket fundraiser, and it's a high-end Catholic charity.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.000)
And other than their clear discomfort with supporters of abortion, talking about Bill Clinton there,
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the Foundation tries to keep the event nonpolitical and convivial.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:20.000)
Some of the other jokes Obama made that night, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:23.000)
I feel right at home here, because it's been said that I share the politics of Alfred E. Smith
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.000)
and the ears of Alfred E. Newman.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:30.000)
Good joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:33.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.000)
Another one, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:38.000)
Al Smith, I never knew your great-grandfather, but from everything Senator McCain has told me,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.000)
the two of them had a great time together before Prohibition.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.000)
Boom. Got him.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:49.000)
This is like one of the old roasts that you can see,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.000)
where they're just fucking drunk telling terrible jokes at each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.000)
And Obama's delivery is amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.000)
Yeah, no, he's got a good delivery.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.000)
I would recommend everybody go watch that entire speech, because it is genuinely funny.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.000)
Here's another one of his jokes.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.000)
I mean, those jokes, you're not pulling hot fire, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.000)
Here's another one of his jokes, which may be a little bit controversial nowadays.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.000)
Quote, I have never put lipstick on a pig, because that's something he was accused of before.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.000)
I've never put lipstick on a pig, or a dog, or myself.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.000)
That's one for Rudy Giuliani.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.000)
Who would have thought the cross-dressing mayor of New York would have a hard time winning the Republican nomination?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.000)
Oh, shit!
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.000)
And he looks over at John McCain.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:32.000)
That was a real tough primary you had there, John.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:37.000)
Alright, that's not bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.000)
That's not bad. I'll give him that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.000)
Here's the last one of the jokes that I chose.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.000)
Quote, some of the rumors out there are getting a bit crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:46.000)
Fox News actually accused me of having fathered two African-American children in wedlock.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:52.000)
Okay. Alright.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.000)
Anyway, Obama's speech at the Alfred Smith dinner was a masterpiece, from my perspective,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.000)
and he took accusations that were thrown at him and commented on them with humor and grace.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.000)
By the time of the dinner on October 16, 2008, the birther's conspiracies were already running wild.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:09.000)
Jerome Corsi was already appearing all over Fox News to claim that the short-form birth certificate that had been released was a fake.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.000)
Alex opening his clip with this clip of Barack Obama clearly telling a joke about malicious accusations.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:21.000)
People who are associates of Alex were making should give you a sense of where this documentary is on a spiritual level.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.000)
Even more...
Unknown Speaker (00:10:31.000)
So he's playing that clip over Obama's inauguration.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.000)
And he's even got Obama giving his inaugural speech.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:41.000)
So clearly what he's trying to do is make it look like Obama said this even at his inauguration.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.000)
And while that's going on, I'm like, I don't remember him being fucking hilarious at his inauguration speech.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.000)
It's that term that Alex uses all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:58.000)
It's that he's trying to anchor these ideas in your head.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.000)
The idea of the inauguration and the idea of like, I'm Superman. I've come here to save the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:05.000)
And it's incongruous and it was clearly in a humorous speech.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:10.000)
And even then, it makes sense as a joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.000)
Even if you're trying to paint him as some sort of like, I'm so full of myself.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.000)
It's self-deprecating.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:21.000)
It's clearly hilarious.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.000)
Why did he leave in the laughter?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:26.000)
I don't know about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.000)
He might not have edited this.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.000)
So that's on the editor. Anyway...
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.000)
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.000)
So that's from a speech Obama gave on July 2, 2008 in Colorado Springs.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.000)
And Alex deprives that quote of any context.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.000)
Around that clip that he just played, Obama said, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.000)
We're going to grow our foreign service, open consulates that have been shuttered
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and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:01.000)
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:06.000)
We know from listening to Alex's show in 2009 that he's trying to imply that Obama wants to create a civilian army that would patrol America as his jackbooted thugs.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.000)
And he's trying to use this very selectively edited clip to demonstrate that.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.000)
From knowing the sentence that came right before the one Alex used, however,
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you can clearly see that what he's talking about is not using military might as the sole avenue towards reaching our goals,
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re-establishing a focus on diplomacy, which I would think Alex would be super into given his anti-foreign wars position.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.000)
But oh well.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.000)
Let me just stress that through the entire speech, Obama keeps saying that service to others and the community are really important,
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that he intends to ask people to embrace service, not that he intends to force anyone to.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.000)
So that's an important clarification.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.000)
Here's what I am already predicting for this entire documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.000)
Me reading a lot?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.000)
Well, yeah, we are 41 seconds in and you have paused it three times.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:58.000)
No, my prediction is that regardless of how evil he is trying to paint Obama and regardless of my feelings on Obama's presidency,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:08.000)
which are at best mixed, at best mixed, I am going to miss Obama so hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:15.000)
I'm going to miss Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.000)
I already miss Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.000)
Listen to him talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.000)
Listen to him talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.000)
That was the president.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.000)
He sounds so smart and good and he's funny.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:25.000)
Well, I'll say that this ends up being a lot less about Obama than you might expect in the title of the documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.000)
It seems like it should be all about Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.000)
It seems like it should be.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.000)
Or at least his deception.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:36.000)
It's not really.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.000)
Everybody somewhere between the ages of 18 and 25 will serve three months of basic training.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:43.000)
We've got to have a civilian.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.000)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:46.000)
The clip of Rahm Emanuel that he just played there is taken from an appearance Rahm made in 2006 on C-SPAN 2's Afterwords program
Unknown Speaker (00:13:54.000)
to promote a book he co-wrote called The Plan, Big Ideas for America.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:58.000)
Honestly, a lot of the interview is about how he wants to help families pay for their kids' college
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because the investment in human capital pays off for the larger society at a higher rate than any other kind of investment.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.000)
He also spends a lot of time talking about working to get rid of corporate welfare.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:11.000)
Quote, we're in a long struggle against terrorism and America is a target.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.000)
And therefore, one of the best ways to prepare America is to bring citizens forward in understanding what their role is going to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.000)
Everything from if the levees break to if there's a chemical attack in this country or some other type of attack,
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.000)
what role they have in training the citizens.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:31.000)
Everybody between the ages of 18 to 25 will serve three months of basic training in understanding a kind of civil defense.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.000)
The important thing to remember here is this is just an idea that Rahm and his co-author had,
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not something that ever got put into legislation.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.000)
He wrote this book and that appearance was in 2006.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:47.000)
Right. Well before. Well before.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:50.000)
Until right around when Obama won, he backed Hillary.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.000)
So this is nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:55.000)
I am already furious with Alex because I do not ever, ever, ever want to defend Rahm Emanuel from anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:04.000)
That guy can go fucking die.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.000)
I don't give a shit. Why are you making me defend Rahm Emanuel?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.000)
As citizens of Chicago, we have a particular dislike of the man.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.000)
And yeah, I think, you know, all kinds of criticisms of him are very valid.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:19.000)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:20.000)
And this just isn't one of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.000)
If you want to say that the idea that he was expressing in that book is dumb, you could have that argument if you want.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:26.000)
It's a dumb idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.000)
Sure, I think there's some utility to it possibly, but I think it probably would be a system that would be cumbersome and impossible to implement.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.000)
So, I mean, you can't even get everyone to go to school.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.000)
How are you going to get them to then do community service through school?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.000)
You're not going to be able to do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.000)
Anyway, it's high-minded but misguided.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:47.000)
And everything he said that you just described there, he completely did not do.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.000)
When he was given any opportunity for power.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:56.000)
Right. You betcha.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:57.000)
Oh, also, we pause it right in the middle here, but this clip that Obama is saying is that we need a civilian force.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:03.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.000)
Equivalent to the army.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:05.000)
He's talking about the Peace Corps.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:06.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:07.000)
In context, he's just talking about the Peace Corps.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.000)
Alex is pretending that it's some sort of nefarious group.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.000)
The civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.000)
Youth brigades.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:18.000)
Youth brigades.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:19.000)
Yes, we can.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:20.000)
Yes, we can.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:21.000)
Obama's health care plan will include coverage of all essential medical services.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:24.000)
Yes, we can.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.000)
So, Alex is-
Unknown Speaker (00:16:27.000)
What the fuck was that?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.000)
Alex played a clip of a bunch of African-American children in sort of a stepping routine, like step dancing routine, talking about Obama's plan and chanting, yes, we can.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:42.000)
This, to me, is without a doubt a visual dog whistle.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:47.000)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.000)
Are you saying that Alex is trying to make you feel afraid of any large group of black children getting together and moving in unison?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.000)
You bet.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.000)
Oh, odd.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:58.000)
Even if they're just children?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.000)
Hey, dude.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:00.000)
Alex just opened his film with multiple lies and distortions about the idea of Obama creating his own personal army, and then the next clip he plays is of black youths chanting in support of Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:08.000)
There's no question what image he wanted to put in the audience's head with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.000)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:13.000)
It's very obvious.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.000)
An army of black people coming to take their guns.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.000)
You bet.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.000)
That video was taken from a YouTube video that an anonymous uploader posted on October 2, 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:23.000)
The full video shows children one by one expressing what career path they intended to pursue because they were inspired by Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.000)
After that procession...
Unknown Speaker (00:17:31.000)
I want to commit white genocide.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:33.000)
Mostly being an architect.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.000)
Oh, mostly being an architect.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:35.000)
What could be a better job than the architect of a white genocide?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:39.000)
The architecture of...
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.000)
After the procession, the children recite facts about Obama's healthcare plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:46.000)
Immediately after this video got posted, people got real pissed, and kind of understandably, I guess, it does appear to be indoctrination of children.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:55.000)
But the boys were students at the Urban Community Leadership Academy in Kansas City, Missouri.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.000)
Joyce McGough, the superintendent of the school, noted that they were not going to release the name of the teacher of the students because they were likely going to pursue legal action.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.000)
At issue was the fact that the teacher was having the students study Obama's healthcare plan but not also McCain's, not that they ended up doing the chanting.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.000)
That would be totally fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:17.000)
Probably more important as an aspect of the story is that the Urban Community Leadership Academy was a charter school, which was described as a failed experiment by the 2014 report by the network of public education due to endemic patterns of fraud and scamming systematic within charter schools used to make a profit off educating children.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:38.000)
The Urban Community Leadership Academy is likely one such school, or I should say it was.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.000)
It closed in 2012 by the Missouri State Auditor found after the school had been notified by their sponsor, the University of Central Missouri, that they were intending to allow their sponsorship to lapse, that $117,980 in school funds was unaccounted for.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.000)
Even under subpoena, the school's business manager could not find receipts to justify the claimed purchases.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:05.000)
You kind of have to assume that this wasn't the only incident of conveniently sloppy record keeping they ever got up to.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.000)
That's the bigger issue that I see here than this YouTube video.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.000)
It's a corrupt organization.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.000)
Like most charter schools.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.000)
That's what I care about more here than these kids chanting about Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.000)
Also, come on, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.000)
You can study Obama's healthcare plan because it's in-depth and it's complicated.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.000)
McCain's plan was super simple.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.000)
For one night every year, all crime is legal.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:32.000)
And 9-9-9-
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.000)
Those are McCain.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:35.000)
Also, they're just assuming that the teacher didn't teach them both plans and the kids were like, I like Obama's more.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.000)
I don't know if that's the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:43.000)
I'm not saying it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.000)
I have no idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:45.000)
But, you know, the thing that I really feel bad about here is that there's an element of abuse within this.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:53.000)
And that's based on the fact that these kids were put into this situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.000)
They're the faces that appear in this documentary specifically to spread fear of militant black youths, not the teacher who is presumably the adult in the situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.000)
So I just feel like it's wrong of Alex to do this because those kids don't deserve to be put into this documentary as a source of fear for Alex's viewers.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:19.000)
That's not true.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.000)
They got points on the back end.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:21.000)
Oh, did they?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.000)
Of the documentary Alex is putting out for free on YouTube?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.000)
They got points on the back end, that's for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.000)
For all the licensing.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:31.000)
Let me tell you something.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.000)
Their action figures could not keep them on the shelves.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.000)
So now at this point we meet one of the main scholars of this documentary, a gentleman by the name of Webster Tarpley.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.000)
Who looks exactly like the fat crypt keeper.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.000)
We'll get into him a little bit down the road, but here is his introduction to the fray.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.000)
Obama is a cruel hoax.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.000)
He works for Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:53.000)
He's an agent of finance capital.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.000)
Where did you come up with the number $700 billion?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:59.000)
Here's the treasury spokeswoman's quote.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:01.000)
It's not based on any particular data point.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.000)
We just really wanted to come up with a really big number.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:06.000)
The Democrats and Republicans who have opposed this plan, I say step up to the plate.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.000)
A few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:19.000)
You're goddamn right there, Wilby.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:21.000)
Real quick, that is California Representative Brad Sherman speaking on the floor in 2008 about the initial bailout bill.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.000)
Which is before Obama was elected.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:30.000)
Alex is playing fast and loose with that quote about being threatened with martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.000)
It's not so much that anyone in Congress was threatened with martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.000)
It's more a situation where the consequences of not acting were so severe that some people felt that things could get bad enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:44.000)
That our entire economy would go belly up.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.000)
That's what Representative Sherman is saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.000)
And I know this.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:49.000)
You know how I know this?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.000)
Jordan, do you know how I know this?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:51.000)
How do you know it?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:52.000)
Because on October 14th, 2008, Brad Sherman went on Alex Jones' show.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.000)
God damn it!
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.000)
And this exchange occurred.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:59.000)
Alex's quote.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:01.000)
Specifically, sir, we need to know names.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.000)
Who told you that they were told that martial law and blood in the streets, as you say, would happen?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.000)
Private conversations between members on the floor.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:10.000)
You really can't reveal that without the permission of the other party.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:13.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:14.000)
I understand.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.000)
But were there arm twisters coming up?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.000)
Were they scared?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:18.000)
I mean, how was it said specifically?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.000)
I think these were people who really believed what they were saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:23.000)
I don't think these people who got called by Goldman Sachs and said, go say this or go say that.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:28.000)
The panic takes a life of its own.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.000)
One person says the market will drop 2,000 points.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:32.000)
Somebody else says 2,500.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:34.000)
Somebody else says 3,000.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:35.000)
Somebody else says unemployment will immediately jump to 9%.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:39.000)
It spreads.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.000)
It gets worse and worse.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:41.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:42.000)
I don't think there was, or at least I'm not aware of this being carefully orchestrated.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.000)
So he made an appearance on Alex's show and contradicted the version that Alex presents of his idea that they were threatened with martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.000)
Alex got what he wants.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.000)
More or less, but he never mentions that on October 14th, 2008, the very guy was on his show.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:01.000)
It was more people saying that there could be bad consequences, but no one had their arm twisted and threatened by Goldman Sachs representatives.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.000)
It's fucking bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.000)
Here is my new plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:12.000)
I don't think we've ever read transcripts of the show before.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:17.000)
I wanted to print them out so we could do it as a duo.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.000)
See, now I'm thinking we need to do a live stage reading of one of his shows.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.000)
I wouldn't be against it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.000)
I think that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.000)
I think the blocking would be real easy to get down.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.000)
Just sitting here flailing and yelling.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.000)
And one of us doesn't get to have a shirt.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.000)
That's definitely, I think I would have to play Alex, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.000)
Yeah, no one wants to see me without a shirt.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:37.000)
Very hairy.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:38.000)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.000)
Very hirsute.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:40.000)
That's not kind.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:41.000)
You look like Robin Williams.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.000)
That's not, ooh, never mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:45.000)
So the punchline of this is that once Brad Sherman gets off the phone with Alex on that appearance,
Unknown Speaker (00:23:51.000)
Alex starts to mischaracterize the conversation immediately, saying, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:23:55.000)
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.000)
Yeah, there were people on the floor saying they were told there would be martial law and literal blood on the streets if this didn't happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:01.000)
They were told this, but I can't tell you who told me.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:04.000)
He's trying to already spin this into the narrative that he wants.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.000)
Fun fact, Brad Sherman is a gun-grabbing, LGBT-supporting, abortion-defending dude with 100% rating from the National Organization of Women,
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.000)
100% rating from the ACLU, and in July 12th, 2017, he introduced articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.000)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:26.000)
That's Brad Sherman?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.000)
So Alex has his documentary, which is kind of funny to me, a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.000)
That is weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.000)
Yeah, there's a number of people who...
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.000)
A 100% rating from the N.O.W.?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.000)
I'm not a fucker. I did not know Brad Sherman was dope.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.000)
There's a number of people who are in this documentary who have really funny codas to their career.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:45.000)
Now, where we're about to go with this next clip is one of the...
Unknown Speaker (00:24:49.000)
In preparation of this documentary, I sincerely went down some weird rabbit holes that may have nothing to do with this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:58.000)
Of course, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.000)
But some of the stories are so absurd that they must be told, and this is one of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:04.000)
Here we have Louie Gohmert on the floor talking shit about Henry Paulson, and then we have a picture of Ben Bernanke.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:13.000)
All of whom can go die.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.000)
Secretary Henry Paulson is no George Washington.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.000)
Now, that is an...
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.000)
That's actually true.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.000)
That is the first true thing we have heard so far in this documentary, and Alex did not say it.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:27.000)
Now, that is a stray quote and certainly doesn't deserve us to talk about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.000)
Louie Gohmert doesn't come back up in this documentary, but I got so...
Unknown Speaker (00:25:37.000)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.000)
What's up with Louie Gohmert?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:40.000)
I'm not here to defend Henry Paulson, but I will say that Louie Gohmert also is no George Washington.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:45.000)
If anyone wants some real good fun, Google Louie Gohmert terror babies and watch the clip of Gohmert freaking out for seven minutes
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.000)
because Anderson Cooper doesn't believe a conspiracy that Louie Gohmert is pushing that terrorists are having anchor babies here
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.000)
so they can stay and do terrorism years down the line.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:01.000)
Anderson Cooper has such a hard time not laughing.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.000)
It is one of the funniest things I've ever watched.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.000)
And this is before the Americans came out.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:09.000)
In 2013, the Advocate awarded Louie Gohmert a Phobia Award for being one of the biggest homophobes of the year.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:15.000)
This was the result of him defending his position that you shouldn't be able to regulate guns
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.000)
because gay marriage is the same thing as bestiality, I think.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.000)
His quote...
Unknown Speaker (00:26:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:25.000)
Quote, and the problem is once you draw a limit in terms of like capacity magazine size, it's kind of like marriage.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:33.000)
When you say it's not a man and a woman anymore, then why not have three men and a woman or four women and a man
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.000)
or why not someone who has a love for an animal?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:41.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:43.000)
Good thinking.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:45.000)
So somehow, his argument is you can't regulate guns because you're regulating marriage.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:53.000)
But he's angling it so he thinks you're deregulating marriage.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.000)
And so deregulating guns is better?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:02.000)
Something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:03.000)
Is worse?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.000)
But he was just trying...
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.000)
I don't understand how that tracks at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.000)
It doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:07.000)
All he was doing was trying to bridge a gap to bestiality somehow.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.000)
So he could make a stupid point.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.000)
Also, in 2013, Gohmert argued that terrorists were sneaking into the country by pretending to be Mexican immigrants
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.000)
because, quote, we don't have any fear of Hispanics coming into the country.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:21.000)
Uh, boy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:25.000)
He went on to clarify that he doesn't want to stop Mexican labor from coming into the country, saying, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.000)
I'd like to keep having fruit.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:32.000)
I'm a big fruit fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.000)
I'd like to keep having...
Unknown Speaker (00:27:39.000)
I just now thought of a great idea for a TV show.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.000)
Take this pitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:45.000)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.000)
It's been a while since we've had a good show pitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:47.000)
It's been a while since we've had a good show pitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.000)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.000)
It's a great TV show based on the redacted pages from the 9-11 report.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:54.000)
We'll call it Terror Muppet Babies.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:57.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:59.000)
And then, uh, ooh.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.000)
Khaleed Shibuya is the legs.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.000)
Okay, I can see this.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:06.000)
So in 2013, that same year, Gohmert was part of a very weird visit to Egypt to meet with the soon-to-be-installed
Unknown Speaker (00:28:13.000)
President-General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who had just led a successful coup d'état and had Morsi, the erstwhile president, arrested.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.000)
Protests ensued from Morsi supporters, and not surprisingly, in the wake of the coup, headed up by a general, some killings of civilians started.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.000)
No, come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:29.000)
That never happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.000)
On August 14, 2013, el-Sisi's forces raided two camps of protesters in Cairo after they'd been engaging in a six-week-long sit-in.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:38.000)
Human Rights Watch described what ensued as, quote, one of the worst, uh, one of the world's largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history,
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.000)
and put the death toll at at least 817, but likely more than a thousand people.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.000)
Less than a month later, Louie Gohmert visited to give el-Sisi congratulations on performing the coup.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.000)
Good work.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.000)
For reasons I can't explain other than just to shrug and say tea party, he was joined on the trip by noted weirdo Michelle Bachmann and outright Nazi representative Steve King.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.000)
What a weird convoy.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.000)
What is going on?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:13.000)
All right, new road movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:15.000)
We're going to be doing a lot of road movies if this is the case right here.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:19.000)
So Michelle Bachmann, Steve King, and Louie Gohmert get in a plane, fly over to congratulate a military dictator, uh, committing a coup, which ostensibly America is for?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.000)
And this is after, this is after he killed all those demonstrators.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:36.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.000)
And this is, wait, this is 2013, so this is way after the square.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.000)
Jesus, that's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:47.000)
Because many of the pro-Morsi protesters who were massacred were members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Bachmann took it upon herself to blame the Muslim Brotherhood for doing 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.000)
This is hard to grasp, for one, because it's not true, and two, because the Muslim Brotherhood publicly and strongly condemned the attacks of 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.000)
Anyway, the reason I bring all this up is that on that trip, Louie Gohmert said this, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.000)
George Washington, doing what no one had ever done before him, led a military in revolution, won the revolution, and then resigned and went home.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.000)
And we met in General El-Sisi, a man who is a leader of the military who might have a shot at being elected president, but is more concerned about giving his life to help his country, Egypt.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:27.000)
Henry Paulson is no George Washington, but apparently El-Sisi is, according to Louie Gohmert.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.000)
How was El-Sisi's record following this, Dan? I seem to recall he was a benevolent God King.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:41.000)
I will tell you this, he would go on to win the presidency in overwhelming fashion, bringing in 96% of the vote.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:48.000)
That is definitely not a suspicious amount.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:50.000)
He was also not running unopposed, so it wasn't just like...
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.000)
It is super odd how many dictators win by 95 plus percent of the vote.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:58.000)
He is still a president today in Egypt, and Human Rights Watch has described his government as having, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.000)
worked to eradicate independent civil society in the country.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.000)
Congratulations, Louie Gohmert.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.000)
If anyone questions Mr. Kashkari that you're working hard, our question is who you're working for.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:21.000)
Obama pledged that he would resume the security and prosperity partnership talks between Mexico and Canada that President Bush...
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.000)
Now we're back to the road.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:33.000)
The old boss looks a lot like the new boss.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:35.000)
Watch out for that road.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.000)
He's going to remain on the job as defense secretary for at least a year.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:40.000)
At this point, I'm just kind of letting it go.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:42.000)
...told us and others that it was at Hillary Clinton's house, but clearly...
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.000)
Just because we've set a precedent now of pausing so frequently, let me just say a lot of this stuff is going to be stuff that comes up later.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.000)
I'm not ignoring this as much as...
Unknown Speaker (00:31:57.000)
Real quick.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:58.000)
When was this?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:59.000)
This was released in 2009.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.000)
I believe March, early March 2009.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.000)
Obama became president in January.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.000)
That's a fundamental problem that we're going to have to deal with as this goes along, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.000)
So as far as... did he include anything post-inauguration other than video of the inauguration?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.000)
I know for a fact that some of these interviews were taped after Obama was inaugurated.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.000)
Because KRS-1 is about to pop up.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.000)
We know KRS-1 is about to go off.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.000)
And we know from our podcast episodes that we've listened to in 2009 when Alex met KRS-1.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:39.000)
That was after the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.000)
So he shot that stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:42.000)
It's a huge, huge problem that he rushed this to market, as it were.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:48.000)
Yeah, that's not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:49.000)
That's not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.000)
You should give him a couple weeks.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:55.000)
No big deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:56.000)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.000)
Also, I wish Big Daddy Kane was on Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:59.000)
That would be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.000)
That would be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:01.000)
We do have a second rapper who shows up.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.000)
Oh, yeah?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.000)
I'm going to let that be a mystery for now.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:05.000)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.000)
It's not Big Daddy Kane.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.000)
Talib Kweli?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:08.000)
It wasn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:09.000)
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of
Unknown Speaker (00:33:16.000)
us would like to see.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.000)
We see you causing a depression so you can blow out the economy and consolidate it and
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.000)
bankrupt it.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:23.000)
We know that you are enemies of free humanity.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:26.000)
Good luck.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:27.000)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:28.000)
Hold on one second.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.000)
You know, while he was talking, there was a big audible cheer?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:33.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:34.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.500)
He was not talking to a rally.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:36.500)
That was edited in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.500)
Almost certainly.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:38.500)
He was talking by himself.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:39.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:40.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:41.500)
With no one cheering at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.500)
And we're just showing B-roll over this of like army troops and maps of the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.000)
Obama looking menacing.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:47.000)
Well, actually here, what we have here is like a weird animation from this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.000)
That looks like an animation.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:52.500)
And I think Alex blew his budget on it and refused to take it out because I have one
Unknown Speaker (00:33:57.799)
piece of information that is really crucial to this.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.200)
And you'll see here, as the camera pans out, we see that this isn't just an animation of
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.700)
Barack Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:07.000)
It's a group shot.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:08.000)
So here we have Tim Geithner, we have Robert Gates over here, we have Rahm Emanuel.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:17.000)
Importantly here is Tom Daschle.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:19.000)
Well, fuck that guy too, but eh.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:21.199)
Tom Daschle was nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services, but by the time
Unknown Speaker (00:34:26.000)
this documentary came out, he had already withdrawn his name from consideration because
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.500)
of tax problems.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:32.000)
So I think that Alex blew his budget on this shoddy, awful animation and just refused to
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.000)
change it by the time it came out because eh, fuck it, throw Tom Daschle in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:42.000)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:43.000)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.000)
It's embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:45.000)
This is embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.000)
Title card.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.000)
We finally got a title, baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:54.000)
The Obama deception.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:55.000)
The truth strikes back.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.000)
I got a, I got a turntable going.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:06.000)
Alex is actually going to kiss his sister in this sequel.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:11.000)
All presidents are including Bush.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:14.000)
It's like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:16.000)
When your fries are cold, if your burger's not done right, you go back to Burger King,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:23.000)
America, or your government, and you say, my burger's cold, I want new fries.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.000)
First, you go to the cashier.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:33.000)
That's the courts.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:36.000)
This is an extended simile.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:38.000)
The courts, if you can't get no justice with the cashier, you say, let me see the manager.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.000)
I want to go to the Supreme Court.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.000)
I want to see the president.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.000)
That's not the way that goes, but okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:51.000)
What can I do for you?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.000)
Not a manager can override the decisions of the cashier, but you never get.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:58.000)
I am just hungry now.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:00.000)
KRS owner of Burger King.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.000)
If you really have a problem with your burger, you need to go see the franchise owner.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:08.000)
We need to go to the top or to the bottom.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:13.000)
We need to go to where the real architecture of government is.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:19.000)
See, I like to let people speak their piece.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.000)
That's why I didn't interrupt that convoluted load of bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:27.000)
I don't know who actually is what in that analogy.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.000)
That metaphor doesn't work for so many different reasons.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.000)
First of all is the idea that, okay, so the cashier is the courts.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:40.000)
Your burger's cold, metaphorically.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.000)
But if your burger's cold, you ask for new fries.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:46.000)
I'll leave that part alone.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:47.000)
That I'll allow.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:48.000)
That part is whatever something's cold.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:50.000)
You have a complaint.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.000)
You go to the courts.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:52.000)
They're like, nah.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.000)
So then you go to the president?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.000)
Even if it gets escalated to the Supreme Court, you don't go then to the president.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.000)
That's not how it works.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:01.000)
That makes absolutely no sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.000)
That's a fundamental lack of understanding of civics and how things go.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:08.000)
Now, the second problem that I have with this is if your burger's cold, the cashier can help you.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.000)
The store manager can help you if the cashier isn't helpful.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.000)
The franchise owner doesn't have time for that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.000)
That's not the problem for the franchise owner.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:28.000)
What is the franchise owner in this?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:31.000)
It's the president?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:32.000)
No, that would be the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.000)
Oh, it's the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:35.000)
The globalists and the international bankers are the franchise owner.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.000)
And then the president is the store manager.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:41.000)
The cashier is the courts.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:43.000)
It's all ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.000)
I'm not going to lie to you, one of my favorite things is hip-hop artists' conspiracy theories and how the government works.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.000)
If you listen to the RZA talk about the government, it is the funniest fucking thing you've ever heard in your life.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.000)
Well, because it sounds good until you think about it a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:59.000)
For one second.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:00.000)
And you're like, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:02.000)
And look, I'm fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.000)
Reagan did introduce crack to the black community.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.000)
That's obvious.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:07.000)
Everybody knows that.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.000)
No doubt.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:09.000)
But I want to like Harris. I don't want to not like him.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.000)
But if he's displaying this level of, first of all, lack of awareness of how our government works while making substantive complaints about said government.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.000)
And then also demonstrates this kind of inability to wrestle with inference.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:29.000)
The metaphor that he's making is so shoddy.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.000)
If I were him, I'd be like, don't put that in the documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:36.000)
That would make no sense coming out of my mouth.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.000)
If you were making a metaphor, a good one, you don't need to then explain which part each individual thing is.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:46.000)
You know, you don't have to be like, and then you go to the cashier, the courts.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:51.000)
Like a good metaphor kind of explains itself.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.000)
You know what I'm saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:55.000)
Yeah, you'd hope.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.000)
You'd hope that the, whatever the analogy you're making is like, oh, that's clear.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:01.000)
I want some new fries.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.000)
I've always admired Kara's one.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:05.000)
I still think a lot of his music is great.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:07.000)
But if someone make this kind of bad analogy to explain their political philosophy,
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.000)
you really need to take a step back and assess whether they are someone or someone who you shouldn't listen to.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:16.000)
Not in terms of their music, but in terms of their opinions.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.000)
This is ludicrous.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:20.000)
It's not ludicrous.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.000)
Ludicrous is great in the Fast and Furious movies.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:24.000)
Also, it's important.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.000)
Yeah, but you haven't heard his politics.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:27.000)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.000)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.000)
I'll hold off on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.000)
Also, it's important to point out that five months after this interview with Alex that he is doing right now,
Unknown Speaker (00:39:35.000)
Kara's one released a 600 page book called, quote, The Gospel of Hip Hop, the first instrument.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:41.000)
In promoting the book, he said, quote, I'm suggesting that in 100 years this book will be the new religion on Earth.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:47.000)
I respect Christianity, the Islam, the Judaism, but their time is up.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.000)
He certainly has every right to start his own music based religion, so I'm not going to knock that.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.000)
I fucking love that.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.000)
I just prefer more music based religion.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:59.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.000)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.000)
It's funny that Alex Jones, the guy who can't stop yelling about how Christians are under attack,
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.000)
is perfectly fine promoting this guy who's actively trying to start a religion because, quote, Christianity's time is up.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:11.000)
It should be.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:12.000)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:13.000)
All of these people, Alex has no idea who the people he associates with are.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:18.000)
It's hilarious.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:19.000)
He's such a user.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.000)
Like, he gets what he wants out of people and then he discards them whole cloth.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:27.000)
It's disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:29.000)
It's not in a precedent.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:31.000)
It's in a global scheme.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:35.000)
Politics in America today is identical to pro wrestling.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.000)
Got Jesse Ventura here.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.000)
And what I mean by that is in front of the cameras and the public, we all hate each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:45.000)
I'm going to kick my opponent's butt.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:47.000)
Why is Willie Nelson here?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:48.000)
Why isn't Willie Nelson everywhere?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:50.000)
And beat the crap out of him.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.000)
Yet behind the scenes, we had all our friends going out to dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:55.000)
Went to dinner together.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.000)
It's all in our marriage.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:59.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.000)
It's showbiz.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.000)
And that's what you have to do in politics.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:03.000)
The Democrats and Republicans aren't really opposed to each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.000)
So I like, first of all, it's hilarious that Willie Nelson is just sitting there and just
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.000)
like, yeah, yeah, going to dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:13.000)
No, they go to dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.000)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.000)
And Willie Nelson doesn't come back in this documentary at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.000)
Jesse Ventura barely does.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.000)
It's just like he's there sitting in the tour bus.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:22.000)
And what he's expressing is like, politics is like a Burger King franchise.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.000)
If your fries are cold.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.000)
It would be so great if everybody gave the same metaphor.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.000)
Every single person is just like, have you heard KRS-One's opinion on this?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:40.000)
Now I was talking to a hip hopper the other day and he told me about this great metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.000)
about fast food.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.000)
While we were at a Burger King.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.000)
So now the other thing I want to point out is that like saying that Republicans and Democrats
Unknown Speaker (00:41:53.000)
act like opposing forces, but behind the scenes they get along.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.000)
That's how I want the fucking government to work.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:00.000)
This isn't show business.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:02.000)
It's just humans disagreeing civilly.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.000)
This is the way that I would like things to work.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:07.000)
The idea that one side believes position X, the other side believes position Y, but they're
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.000)
both good people and can share a stake and talk about their families or golf scores or
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.000)
whatever the fuck.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.000)
That's how the world should operate.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.000)
But Alex is painting this as not what Jesse is saying, which is like, Hey, everybody in
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.000)
public hates each other, but then we hang out in private.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.000)
He's trying to paint it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.000)
He's trying to paint it as he's talking about pro wrestling.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.000)
But Alex is trying to paint it as in private.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.000)
We all believe the same shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:39.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.000)
Not, not we're civil and we're hanging out like a what Ginsburg and Scalia before he
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.000)
absolutely not tragically passed.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.000)
He was murdered by the Illuminati.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:51.000)
Thank God.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.000)
But the first good thing the Illuminati's ever done.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.000)
The other thing that this simplistic look at things does is it discounts and takes away
Unknown Speaker (00:43:00.000)
the entire idea that like you and I could disagree on one, maybe even fairly major position,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:07.000)
but have a lot of other common ground.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:08.000)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.000)
And we could get together on like policy A, B, and C, but disagree on F, G, and H.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:15.000)
There's no reason that that's like, you don't have to be ideologues all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:19.000)
Like on everything, most people or at least in a perfect world.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:23.000)
It would make, it would make more sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.000)
It would make more sense if everybody was like, uh, we understand that climate change
Unknown Speaker (00:43:30.000)
is the biggest issue right now, but I still disagree on taxes.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:35.000)
You know, that'd be great if everybody could figure out where they come together instead
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.000)
of our side says you suck.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:41.000)
So everything you do sucks.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.000)
It's a, it's a, it's a trouble.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:46.000)
Left and right mean nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.000)
The only thing that counts is are you working for wall street or you're trying to defend
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.000)
the people against the financier?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.000)
Got Joe Rogan ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:57.000)
Pretty obvious that there's some gigantic financial institutions that have been pulling
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.000)
the strings of politicians in this country for a long time.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:04.000)
Hey, there's Arch Barker's name.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.000)
We have it set up where they can donate millions of dollars to these guys' funds, these guys'
Unknown Speaker (00:44:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.000)
So we not expect it at all to go bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.000)
This is two things.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.000)
Back when Joe Rogan had hair and whenever he wasn't fucking insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.000)
Well, he was still fucking insane, but that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.000)
This is also the only appearance that Rogan makes in this documentary because I suspect
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.000)
that in 2009 Alex didn't know that he would soon be one of the most popular people in
Unknown Speaker (00:44:31.000)
the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.000)
Otherwise he would have begged him to be all over this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.000)
And also what Joe's expressing there is right on.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:37.000)
Excessive money flooding into politics is a recipe for disaster.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.000)
But, Jordan, the logical conclusion of that is not to adopt any of Alex's stupid positions.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.000)
It's to initiate and institute public funding for campaigns and make accepting any donations
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.000)
Strangely, that's not the topic of this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:56.000)
It's Alex's dumb dumb patriot nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:03.000)
America in 2009 was desperate for change.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.000)
It's still 2009!
Unknown Speaker (00:45:09.000)
The last eight years have been a disaster.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:11.000)
Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.000)
Fair, fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.000)
Fuck you!
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.000)
Fuck you, George Bush!
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.000)
Yeah, I mean, point well taken.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.000)
George W. Bush, who had claimed to be a conservative, had tripled the size of the federal government.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.000)
Shredded the Constitution.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:34.000)
I was trying to figure out what Alex meant by tripled the size of the federal government.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.000)
I went down a bunch of paths, couldn't figure out what he was saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:42.000)
Oh, that's another thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:43.000)
I forgot to mention this up top.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.000)
During Endgame, I found Alex's bibliography for Endgame, which was mostly in Carta pages.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:51.000)
Yeah, it was on a CD that you could mail order.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:54.000)
It was in Carta pages and then citation needed a bunch of times.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:59.000)
Alex didn't even put out a bibliography.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:01.000)
No bibliography for this one?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:03.000)
There is nothing I can find in terms of sources.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:06.000)
So when he makes the claim that Bush tripled the size of the government,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:09.000)
in order for me to talk about that, I first have to know what he means by that.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.000)
Is it government spending? Is it government debt? Is it government employees?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:17.000)
What is he talking about?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.000)
It becomes incredibly frustrating to be like,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.000)
right, do I have to guess for you?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:25.000)
And that's going to happen so many fucking times. Anyway.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:29.000)
And destroyed the image of the United States worldwide.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:33.000)
Nope, no weapons over there.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:35.000)
That's probably fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:36.000)
No, that's absolutely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:38.000)
Endless wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:41.000)
Over a million dead Iraqis.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.000)
And more than 5,000 dead U.S. troops.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.000)
The Patriot Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:51.000)
The full stop.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.000)
The Patriot Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:55.000)
Just a list.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:56.000)
The end of Posse Comitatus.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.000)
Just five more examples.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:00.000)
The rise of treason.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:01.000)
The road! God damn it, that fucking road!
Unknown Speaker (00:47:04.000)
A deepening recession, sliding towards total economic collapse.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:09.000)
Which some president would then create some sort of relief.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:15.000)
Save your thoughts on that, that's going to come up later.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:17.000)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.000)
But here we have the Patriot Act, yeah, bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.000)
Not as bad as Alex says.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.000)
He over-exaggerates all sorts of things about like,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.000)
all misdemeanors will be terrorism under the Patriot Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:27.000)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:28.000)
That sort of thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:29.000)
Warless wiretapping is bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.000)
But Alex also embellishes, exaggerates, and lies about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:34.000)
Posse Comitatus is still the law.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.000)
And troops don't operate outside of federal property.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:39.000)
And if they do, like is the case that we went over on the show recently.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:42.000)
He supports it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:43.000)
They get in trouble for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.000)
No, they get in trouble.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.000)
Well, in 2018 he supports it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.000)
Yeah, in 2018 he's all for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:48.000)
But back in 2009, when there were cases of that,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:50.000)
the people in the military who were responsible got in trouble for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:54.000)
Because it's the law.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:55.000)
The North American Union doesn't exist, nor is there any sign that it ever will.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.000)
Yes, we have this recession that was happening,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:01.000)
but it's irresponsible to talk like this in February 2009,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.000)
when Obama hasn't had a chance to do anything about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:11.000)
The thing that is particularly jarring now that we live in the future,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:16.000)
and it's still fucking going on,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.000)
is the equivalence he has putting one million dead Iraqis,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.000)
5,000 dead American soldiers.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.000)
And he does not, like, he just leaves that there,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:31.000)
puts them right next to each other like they're the same problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:35.000)
And it's like, dude, one of these is not like the other.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.000)
That is a fair criticism.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:44.000)
Fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:45.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.000)
America's bad, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.000)
Seems that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:50.000)
American people in a state of panic were their future and the very existence of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.000)
So I think he's playing a little bit fast and loose with these poll numbers.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:24.000)
So if you consult the Gallup Poll's historical approval ratings for Congress,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:27.000)
you see this can't be where Alex is getting his information from.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.000)
There's their approval rating during July 10th to 13th, 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:35.000)
The number hit 14%, which is the lowest during this span at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:39.000)
But it rebounded up from there, and after the inauguration on January 2009,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:44.000)
the numbers were back up in the 30s, which still isn't great,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:47.000)
and that's not nearly what Alex is saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:49.000)
According to Gallup's numbers, the congressional approval rating would never get down to 9% until November 2013.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.000)
It's not hard to remember why their approval rating was so bad back then.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:59.000)
You may recall that this crisis was the result of there being a Democratic majority Senate and a Republican House.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.000)
The Affordable Care Act had passed, and this was a real problem for the folks on the right,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:10.000)
many of whom were fully beholden to Koch brothers' money through Tea Party organizations like Tea Party Patriots and Heritage Action.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:16.000)
It was an existential issue for them to see the ACA gone since it would make its...
Unknown Speaker (00:50:21.000)
so insurance companies would actually have to cover people and not treat health like unregulated gambling.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:27.000)
In September 2013, there was an appropriations bill that needed to be passed to ensure that the government was funded.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:32.000)
Republicans, very notably Ted Cruz, used this as a bargaining chip to try and force the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:39.000)
They offered to pass the funding bill, but only if they could defund the Affordable Care Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:43.000)
This strategy was literally coming from the Koch brothers' founded Think Tank Freedom Works,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:49.000)
which suggested that since the funding bill, quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.000)
must be renewed in order for the doors to stay open in Washington,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:56.000)
the continuing resolution is the best chance we will get to withdraw funds from Obamacare.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:01.000)
This can be done by attaching bills by Senator Ted Cruz or Congressman Tom Graves to the continuing resolution,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.000)
which will totally defund Obamacare.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.000)
Senator Mike Lee and Congressman Mark Meadows are leading the charge to get their colleagues to commit to this approach
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.000)
by putting their signatures to a letter affirming that they will refuse to vote for the concurrent resolution that contains Obamacare funding.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:24.000)
And guess what happened?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:25.000)
The exact Republicans named in that release from Freedom Works led the charge not to approve the spending bill unless it dismantled the Affordable Care Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:33.000)
I bet they had no financial incentive to do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.000)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:37.000)
Now, come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:38.000)
The Senate didn't agree to those terms, and Obama had already said that he would veto any bill that passed with this strategy,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:43.000)
so bada-bing, we ended up with a 16-day shutdown of the federal government.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:47.000)
800,000 employees were furloughed, and 1.3 million had to go to work not knowing when they'd be paid.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:53.000)
The damage that was caused by this petulant shutdown that had nothing to do with actually achieving the goal of defunding the Affordable Care Act
Unknown Speaker (00:52:00.000)
is pretty hard to put into words.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.000)
Countless nongovernmental organizations that relied on federal funding were completely cut off,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:06.000)
including domestic violence shelters and homeless outreach programs.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.000)
As many as 19,000 children lost their access to the Head Start program,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:13.000)
which provides education, food, and health care to underprivileged children.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:17.000)
The national parks estimated that they lost approximately $76 million a day in tourism income during the shutdown,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:23.000)
$2.7 million a day alone from the Grand Canyon,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.000)
which has a reciprocal effect on the small businesses that exist around the national parks that rely on them to bring in business in the form of tourists.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.000)
That's when Congress had a 9% approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:37.000)
But, of course, Alex was in favor of the government shutdown and supports Ted Cruz.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.000)
I'm not sure what that means other than Alex Jones is a real shithead.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.000)
So I'm sure the Koch brothers, too, lost money in this, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.000)
No, they probably made a whole bunch.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:50.000)
Oh, they didn't. So, hold on.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:52.000)
So you're saying that there were no negative effects to the billionaires for this political stunt that never had any chance of success at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.000)
But there were real world effects for, like, regular people and just, like, humans and Americans.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.000)
Johnny Lunch Pail, the proud small business owner in America.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:15.000)
Right, so Alex is against money being in government.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.000)
Hates it.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:19.000)
But he's super for- good, good.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:22.000)
Everybody makes sense, Dan. I love it whenever there's a clear track between your ideology and your supporting position.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.000)
You betcha.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:31.000)
So that's the time that polls showed an actual approval rating of 9% for Congress.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.000)
But it should be pointed out that Rasmussen put out a poll in July 2008 saying that 9% of the 1,000 likely voters they polled thought that Congress was doing a good or excellent job.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.000)
That's all good and well, but that's not a 9% approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.000)
For contrast, Gallup's poll was just a poll of citizens 18 or older, not necessarily likely voters.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:59.000)
And they specifically asked the question, quote, do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:05.000)
The way that they framed the question in the Rasmussen poll is not the way you get an approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:11.000)
So it's irresponsible to say they had a 9% approval rating when that wasn't what the poll looked at.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:17.000)
Also, when was the last time Congress had a positive approval rating?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.000)
I don't know. I don't know that offhand.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:25.000)
No, I don't think so. I think it's been more recently than that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.000)
Also a minor point, but both parties, Alex is saying that they were universally hated.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.000)
That absolutely wasn't the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.000)
The Democrats were winning on generic ballots by 12 points nationally, which makes sense because in the 2008 elections, Democrats gained eight seats in the Senate and 21 in the House,
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.000)
hence the need for the mainstream GOP to embrace the emerging Tea Party in a desperate attempt to right the ship.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:49.000)
For context, the last time one party had 57 senators as the Democrats did after the 2008 election was in 1992, and that was the Democrats, too.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.000)
The last time the Republicans had a majority that large was in the election of 1920 when Warren G.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:04.000)
Harding was elected president and 11 states fielded Socialist Party candidates for the Senate that won over 1.7% of their state's votes.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.000)
So I'm just giving you that as like, that's the world we lived in the last time Republicans had the majority the Democrats enjoyed in 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:19.000)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.000)
How did it go the last time the Republicans had that massive majority?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.000)
Oh, nine years after that, the Great Depression happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.000)
Oh, is that? So it's almost like there's a pattern of when the Republicans are in power, they destroy fucking everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.000)
But billionaires do all right.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:38.000)
I suggest you not think about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.000)
I'm just I'm just pointing that out. I don't know if anybody has used history before.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.000)
On the scene came a man who promised change, change we could all believe in.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.000)
Already go fuck yourself. He's saying he came onto the scene.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.000)
And this is a myth that's perpetuated by the right wing of this idea that he came out of nowhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.000)
It's used to in service of the idea that he was a creation of the Illuminati.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.000)
A lot of people use it when they try and make arguments that he wasn't born in America or maybe even a demon, all these sorts of things.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:08.000)
The problem is it's complete bullshit. Prior to running for president, Obama ran for and served as the senator in Illinois.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:14.000)
That alone pretty much gets rid of the he came out of nowhere kind of gambit.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.000)
But it's a legit way worse than that. Before being senator, Obama was a member of the Illinois Senate, winning his first election in 1996.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:25.000)
Being part of the state Senate, that puts Obama right on the same level as all these weirdo state senators that Alex constantly has on his program to talk about reasserting their 10th Amendment rights and all that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:36.000)
He was in state Senate since 1997. That's almost as long as Alex has been on the radio. Obama has been in an elected state position.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:46.000)
He came out of nowhere. Nobody knew who he was. What even is a state Senate, Dan?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:51.000)
Well, Alex is thrilled with them. He talks about them all the fucking time.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.000)
Are state Senates in Kenya?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:56.000)
Alex believes in state's rights being supreme. He should be more interested in the state legislature.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:01.000)
No! No! It's definitely not because he's black! It's not because he's black! It's not because... Okay, it's because he's black.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:07.000)
What Alex is really saying here and what all these people are really saying is that when they say he appeared out of nowhere, he wasn't on my radar.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.000)
That's all they're really saying. And it's fairly easy to see why.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:16.000)
In his time in Congress, one term basically, Obama was the primary sponsor for four bills that were enacted.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:23.000)
In comparison, outright Nazi Steve King of Iowa has been in the House since 2003, and at press time, he's only got one bill passed, and it was to name a post office.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:32.000)
Obama was an active member of the state Senate in Illinois.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.000)
And that post office was named the N-word.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.000)
That wouldn't have passed.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.000)
He was a member of the state Senate, then in the U.S. Senate, and in 2004, he gave a super important speech at the Democratic National Convention, which boosted his stature even further.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:54.000)
It was the first time the world was like, holy shit, this guy can fucking talk!
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.000)
So the idea that he came out of nowhere, even if he wasn't in the state House, the state Senate and all that, before, in 2004, he gave that groundbreaking speech at the Democratic Convention. Alex, it's all stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.000)
Just like Trump was a sleeper patriot, Obama was a sleeper Kenyan state senator, who also was a community organizer.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:23.000)
Did a lot of good for a lot of people.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.000)
You know how Kenya does that.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.000)
Barack H. Obama promised to end the war and bring our troops home fast.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.000)
Yeah, he did.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:37.000)
To uphold the Constitution and to stop the federal government from spying on the American people.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:42.000)
He did alright with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:43.000)
We'll get into some of the issues of these specifics later as Alex gets into them, but like you've already brought up, it's so important to remember this is less than two months into Obama's term.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:54.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:55.000)
But insinuating that he hasn't kept these problems, like he hasn't ended the war yet, implies that what he wants is a dictator.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:02.000)
He wants an executive that will act unilaterally and without concern for the consequences, which kind of makes sense now considering in present day.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.000)
Which you can do while at the same time upholding the Constitution, right Dan?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:15.000)
Can't you, in America, you can act unilaterally with no regard for the other branches of government while still maintaining the Constitution, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.000)
If you believe that all the amendments don't really exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:27.000)
Oh, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:28.000)
And most of the Constitution doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:31.000)
Because we're all sovereign beings and all that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Admiralty.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:34.000)
Yeah, I guess you can. I don't think you can.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:36.000)
No, I don't think so.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:37.000)
Candidate Obama told American workers that he was going to get them out of NAFTA and GATT.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.000)
He didn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:42.000)
And he's already breaking those promises.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:45.000)
Two months in.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:46.000)
In this film, we will prove that Obama says one thing and does another.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:51.000)
He's still just moving in.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.000)
The most recent elite interest that Bush served.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.000)
The very interest engineering the financial collapse and formation of a dictatorial world government.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.000)
This film is not about left or right. It is non-partisan.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:09.000)
Go fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.000)
You don't need to say that if that's the truth.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.000)
Yeah, seriously.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.000)
Real quick, you like hearing that violin comeback?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.000)
Oh, is that Endgame, a blueprint for global enslavement?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:21.000)
You like hearing that violin comeback?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:22.000)
Oh, shit!
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:27.000)
If humanity has any hope of effecting real change for the better, it will not come from the Madison Avenue false reality makers who have cast Barack Obama as the savior of the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:37.000)
Mad Men.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:39.000)
To alter our course from tyranny to liberty, to defeat the corrupt elite, we must get past the puppets and confront the real power structure.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.000)
No puppet. New puppet. Using the animation again.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.000)
Now we can see a new world coming into view.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:54.000)
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:58.000)
Webster, Griffin, Tarpley is an accompli-
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.000)
Notice the Christmas decorations here.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:03.000)
You're not allowed to- that's why this documentary isn't allowed in Starbucks anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.000)
But it kind of dates it. It dates when he was videotaping Webster, Tarpley.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:10.000)
So that's kind of interesting to note, that this is before Obama probably even was inaugurated.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.000)
Come on, he was inaugurated in January when you always leave 21 days of Christmas.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.000)
Geopolitical analyst and historian-
Unknown Speaker (01:01:22.000)
Which still wouldn't cover January 20th.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.000)
Are the unauthorized biographies of George Herbert Walker Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:29.000)
The postmodern coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.000)
Bush, the elder, made his speech at the United Nations back in September of 1990 talking about the new world order.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.000)
I think I've become confused about what's actually going on in the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:40.000)
The new world order is a more palatable name for the Anglo-American world empire.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:47.000)
So, real quick, he's basically just laid his cards on the table and said-
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.000)
Yeah, Anglo-American, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.000)
Well, it's just an Anglo-American establishment.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.000)
This is clearly just, okay, all of your information comes from people who have twisted the work of Carol Quigley.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:02.000)
Who put out the book, The Anglo-American Establishment, that has been misrepresented by the likes of W. Cleon Stousen in The Naked Capitalist,
Unknown Speaker (01:02:11.000)
and Gary Allen in None Dare Call It Conspiracy.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.000)
When you use terms like that, it's like, ah, that's what you're talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:19.000)
I'll still evaluate your claims based on their merit, but I know that that's where you come from now.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:24.000)
Now, I want to tell you about Webster Griffin Turpley.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.000)
Let's hear about him.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.000)
This guy-
Unknown Speaker (01:02:29.000)
I want to tell you one thing about Webster Griffin Turpley, okay?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:32.000)
Great name.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:33.000)
Pretty fantastic name.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.000)
It's pretty good.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.000)
Webster Turpley.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:38.000)
I do not judge people's appearance the same way that Alex does.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.000)
Right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.000)
He looks exactly like- do you remember in the big-
Unknown Speaker (01:02:47.000)
He looks angry.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:48.000)
Do you remember the big Lebowski? Do you remember the billionaire or the rich dude?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:51.000)
The big Lebowski?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:53.000)
Lebowski, the big Lebowski.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:55.000)
Yes, the character.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.000)
The character.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:57.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:58.000)
The billionaire one looks exactly like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:01.000)
He does-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:02.000)
Do you know why that guy was chosen to play that part?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:05.000)
Because he looks evil as shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.000)
Yeah, there is a nefariousness to him.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:12.000)
Now, I want to tell you this.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.000)
As I was doing the research, I wanted to drop doing this documentary and call Webster Turpley-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.000)
Can we call him?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:21.000)
No, I don't know his phone number.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.000)
Is he dead?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:23.000)
No, he's still alive.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:25.000)
I wanted to say fuck it, let's just do a documentary about Webster Turpley because he is-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:29.000)
Let's us do a documentary?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.000)
Because now I am completely fascinated with this guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:34.000)
What's going on?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.000)
I think you'll see why by the time I finish this bio on him.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.000)
So Webster Turpley here in the documentary is credited as an author and a historian.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:43.000)
He's notably not also credited as a guy who has a radio show on the Genesis Communications
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:49.639)
Oh, god damn it!
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.639)
The show is called World Crisis Radio and it's a bit of a conflict of interest to not
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.559)
point that out.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.559)
One of the main sources of this documentary is also someone who's on the payroll of the
Unknown Speaker (01:03:59.559)
guy who distributes Alex's radio show.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:02.400)
That's a little bit, you know, immoral.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.559)
Does Ted Anderson show up halfway in and they have a little sit down where the leg-
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.159)
Okay, now we're going to break it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.159)
We're going to get back into the Obama deception, but guys, the only way to get past this North
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.679)
American Union shit, buy my gold!
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.440)
Ted does not show up, but I don't want to tip my hand on any possible ad evidence.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.280)
Okay, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.719)
So Webster Turpley is a protégé of Lyndon LaRouche, who comes up on our normal show
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.360)
every now and again, most interestingly as being Jim Baker's cellmate when the two were
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.440)
in prison.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:33.440)
LaRouche is only tangentially related to the matters at hand, so we're going to have to
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.000)
save getting deep into him for another day, but suffice it to say, in 1979 he filed a
Unknown Speaker (01:04:41.719)
libel lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League for calling him anti-Semitic.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.880)
The suit was thrown out and Justice Michael Donson of the New York Supreme Court ruled
Unknown Speaker (01:04:50.500)
that it was a fair comment, and the fact- The fact, quote, reasonably give rise to the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.440)
description of him as anti-Semitic.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.320)
That's the Marine Le Pen.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:01.519)
You are legally a fascist, you dumb idiot.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:03.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:04.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:05.320)
Lyndon LaRouche accidentally made a New York Supreme Court judge rule on the record that
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.639)
his actions could be fairly called anti-Semitic.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:11.280)
By law, you are an anti-Semite.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.159)
And that's someone who's Webster Turpley's mentor and a sort of ideological predecessor.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:19.320)
I decided to check into Turpley's credentials, and I suppose it's fair that he describes
Unknown Speaker (01:05:23.320)
himself as an author and a historian.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.079)
Most of his books are unauthorized biographies, like George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.199)
Obama, The Postmodern Coup, Making of a Manchurian Candidate.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.000)
Two subtitles.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.000)
That is a lot of subtitles.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:37.559)
Little ambitious.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.559)
Also, funny note, the book was called Obama Dangerous Geometry when it was released in
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.320)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:50.039)
That is Jimmy James, monkey, or what, donkey, super karate, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:56.840)
The name of the book was mistranslated as like, donkey wrestler, something along those
Unknown Speaker (01:06:01.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:02.840)
And now the super karate monkey death card will come to my hut.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.840)
He also wrote a book called Barack H. Obama, The Unauthorized Biography.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:11.400)
That came out four months after the other Barack Obama book.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.440)
About two biographies of Obama in the same year?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.960)
And you're going to argue he came out of nowhere?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:22.760)
Also in 2012 he wrote a book, it was titled Just Too Weird, Bishop Romney and the Mormon
Unknown Speaker (01:06:27.639)
Takeover of America, Polygamy, Theocracy, and Subversion.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:31.360)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.360)
Two subtitles.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.360)
Subtitle number three, She's Just Not That Into You.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:36.320)
I don't have any interest in reading these books, but reviews that I've read have described
Unknown Speaker (01:06:39.800)
his work as quote, a melange of fact and distortion written in a highly suppositional style that
Unknown Speaker (01:06:45.159)
makes numerous leaps of logic and asserts connections where there is no evidence to
Unknown Speaker (01:06:49.420)
support it, and at other times omits exculpatory or contrary information that reveals a more
Unknown Speaker (01:06:55.639)
complex picture, which sounds like exactly the sort of guy Alex would love to be an expert.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.699)
So if he were to go in front of the New York State Supreme Court, they would legally say
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.579)
you are not a historian.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:07.440)
Well actually that's crazy because he is kind of a historian.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:10.199)
It is true that he has a PhD in early modern history, which is to say the Middle Ages.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:16.800)
However, that degree is from the Catholic University of America.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.320)
That degree from the Catholic University of America in early modern history is like early
Unknown Speaker (01:07:26.559)
modern history is still Noah to them.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.519)
Well, Catholic University of America is a good school according to the Princeton Review.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.539)
I still am going to raise my eyebrows concerning what a school literally founded by the Vatican
Unknown Speaker (01:07:38.639)
might be teaching about the Middle Ages.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:41.599)
Seems like they might have a skewed version of events from that period.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:44.559)
I have no idea if that's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.159)
The pope never fucked anybody and definitely not a lot of people at the same time a bunch
Unknown Speaker (01:07:51.480)
of times and it was multiple popes.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:53.719)
All I can go on is that I have an ingrained distrust of organized religion, especially
Unknown Speaker (01:07:57.400)
as an educational tool, and the fact that the American Association of College Professors
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.260)
has censured the Catholic University of America for academic freedom violations.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.280)
All that being said, the school is 62.8% white and 0.0% gay.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:13.159)
There's no abortions there ever.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:15.559)
But that's not even true.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:18.000)
It's not even it's not even 0.0% of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:21.239)
There's no possible way.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:23.460)
That's not the most interesting thing about Tarpley's credentials.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.899)
After receiving his bachelor's in languages from Princeton, he studied as a Fulbright
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.359)
scholar at the University of Turin in Italy.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.279)
The reason this is interesting is that the Fulbright program is funded entirely by the
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.100)
Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the United States State Department.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:42.840)
How did he get a Fulbright scholarship?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.439)
He's a really smart guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.840)
He is not!
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.840)
Yeah, we'll see.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:47.920)
It was created, the Fulbright program was created with the goal of sending students
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.659)
abroad and bringing foreign students here with the hope of improving intercultural relations
Unknown Speaker (01:08:57.319)
and bringing said nations together.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:59.479)
You see, the Fulbright program was named after the guy who came up with it, Senator J. William
Unknown Speaker (01:09:03.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:04.640)
The thing about J. William Fulbright is, he is a bit of a globalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.399)
Oh yeah?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:10.399)
From his book, The Arrogance of Power, quote, insofar as international law is observed it
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.920)
provides us with...
Unknown Speaker (01:09:15.920)
Does he have a subtitle for that too?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:16.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:17.920)
No subtitle.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:18.920)
Well, see now that's a smart man.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.920)
Insofar as international law is observed, it provides us with stability and order and with
Unknown Speaker (01:09:23.579)
a means of predicting the behavior of those with whom we have reciprocal legal obligations.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.520)
He wholeheartedly supported the creation of the UN and after he retired from the Senate,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:32.579)
he practiced international law.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.479)
So what we have here is Webster Tarpley accepting government money in a globalist program created
Unknown Speaker (01:09:39.920)
by an arch globalist so he could go study in Italy.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.720)
Yeah, you have to use their own powers against them.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.960)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:45.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.960)
And thus, it should make no one all that surprised to find out that in the lead up to the 2016
Unknown Speaker (01:09:53.319)
election, Webster Tarpley came out strongly in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.739)
He accurately figured out that the collapse of any kind of a principled libertarianism
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.199)
in America was leaving an opening that Trump could exploit to bring in fascism.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:08.800)
He wrote on March 25th, 2016, quote, if we look for the roots of the Trump phenomenon
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.840)
and in particular the savage immorality of a candidate whose supporters applaud when
Unknown Speaker (01:10:19.060)
he calls for expanding the use and severity of torture, mass deportations and mass killings
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.560)
of the families of his targets, we should not forget about the tremendous degradation
Unknown Speaker (01:10:29.159)
included by a figure like Ron Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:31.439)
Paul wanted to abolish all US emergency food aid, meaning that about 60% of the emergency
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.199)
nourishment usually available worldwide in a given year would have disappeared, leading
Unknown Speaker (01:10:40.739)
once again to genocide.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.680)
He literally argues that libertarianism is the front door, the natural introduction to
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.720)
fascism and that Ron Paul is complicit in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:52.199)
In this blog, I don't know where to stand in this blog post, he's clearly also talking
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.560)
about Alex Jones, quote, between 2008 and early 2015, the libertarian bloggers and broadcasters
Unknown Speaker (01:11:03.960)
were in a state of accelerating decline, especially in terms of the moral honesty and ideological
Unknown Speaker (01:11:09.500)
quality of their output.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:11.199)
We're watching the astounding ease with which veteran doctrinaire libertarians blithely
Unknown Speaker (01:11:15.460)
throw their doctrine and principles overboard and rush like lemmings to join the bandwagon
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.159)
of the fascist Trump, whose dictatorial and authoritarian tendencies could hardly be more
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:25.800)
Does he, does he call himself out in this?
Unknown Speaker (01:11:27.699)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:28.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:29.699)
Does he, does he at any point say, also, I totally helped him out?
Unknown Speaker (01:11:33.140)
Also, sorry I was in the Obama session.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:34.880)
Yeah, my bad guys for giving you the push, for giving you a bullshit veneer of intellectualism
Unknown Speaker (01:11:43.220)
to what is clearly something I regret.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:45.720)
Yeah, so after he put out that blog, everyone at the Prison Planet Forum started theorizing
Unknown Speaker (01:11:51.199)
that he was a secret globalist all along.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:52.600)
Of course, the whole time!
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.399)
Good thing Alex made him the centerpiece of this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.460)
I have no idea what to think about Webster Tarpley, like as a whole.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.420)
He's going to be factually and spiritually wrong about almost everything in this documentary,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.619)
but at the same time, he at least had the good sense to see Trump for what he was and
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.380)
had the wherewithal to speak out about it, which is kind of crazy considering the other
Unknown Speaker (01:12:12.439)
people in this world.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.739)
I think the most likely conclusion here, and this is what I'm going to stick by because
Unknown Speaker (01:12:17.220)
it's the easiest, simplest explanation that explains all of the things, is that Webster
Unknown Speaker (01:12:23.140)
Tarpley is a charlatan and a conman, but even a conman generally knows it's better, they
Unknown Speaker (01:12:29.140)
know better than to support the rise of something overtly fascist.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.500)
Because generally, then you have to pay them for your con, or they shut down your con.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.539)
Also just so no one thinks I'm being unfair, I do need to point out that J. William Fulbright
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.920)
was a huge piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:43.779)
He supported multiculturalism abroad, however, he protested the Brown versus the Board of
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.020)
Education decisions, he filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and ironically voted against
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.380)
the Voting Rights Act.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.060)
Oh, he's part of the great Republican exodus then.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.300)
Also it's fun to note this, in August 2016, Webster Tarpley reported that Melania Trump
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.340)
was a high-end prostitute before meeting Donald Trump, which quickly led to a libel suit from
Unknown Speaker (01:13:11.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:12.699)
Oh, yeah?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.699)
In February 2017, Webster Tarpley settled that lawsuit, the terms of which were private,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:18.579)
but included him making a public apology and paying a substantial sum.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:23.260)
So yeah, he's off the wagon.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:27.260)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.260)
He's off the...
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.260)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:30.260)
I'm going to say this, spiritually, I think he's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.779)
Don't get yourself into libel territory.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:36.100)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:37.100)
I mean, I'm just saying that if you marry Trump...
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.060)
I hear you.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:42.060)
You're probably...
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.060)
You may not have worked as a sex worker, but you are now a sex worker.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:48.899)
It's funny that we're nine minutes into this documentary and already we have two people,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:53.420)
one an incidental figure and the other literally the main person in the documentary who have
Unknown Speaker (01:13:58.960)
since gone entirely against Alex Jones and what he's up to.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.340)
And one of them has tried to get Trump impeached and the other got sued for libel for calling
Unknown Speaker (01:14:08.239)
Melania a high-end prostitute and wrote blogs before the election calling him aspiring fascist
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.420)
But Joe Rogan's still cool with him.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:17.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:18.060)
Planetary domination of London, New York, Washington, over the rest of the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.020)
It's hard to get people to join that or think they have a part in it if you call it the
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.659)
Anglo-American world empire.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:28.899)
If you call it the New World Order, then people in India or someplace like that or the European
Unknown Speaker (01:14:33.979)
Union might think there's something in that for us too.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.420)
I just want to stop.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.420)
I don't have anything to say about that, except that's fucking stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:41.859)
That's not what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:42.899)
It's the Anglo-American New World Order.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:46.260)
It's really the old world order.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.020)
It's the British empire morphing into the American empire.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.380)
The U.S. British world empire is what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.500)
Doesn't Alex talk all the time about how he wants the West to take over?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:58.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:59.699)
Or at least the West to be what everybody else does.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:03.260)
The reason that's stupid is what he's talking about is the idea that they call it the New
Unknown Speaker (01:15:07.920)
World Order instead of the Anglo-American establishment world order or whatever so they
Unknown Speaker (01:15:13.420)
can convince people in India to go along with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.220)
I don't know what that means to the people in charge in India, the powers that be there.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.020)
He's not talking about getting Indian citizens to go along with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:27.640)
He's talking about the would-be oligarchs in India to go along with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:31.779)
I don't think they would care too much if it was called the Anglo-American, whatever
Unknown Speaker (01:15:36.140)
the name of it is, if they're involved in it in a power position, it doesn't fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:15:40.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:41.500)
Because now it's the Anglo-American Indian order if they get in.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:46.140)
So he's arguing that all globalists then have to be from Anglo-American.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:51.420)
There can't be any global globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:53.500)
There can only be white globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.260)
There's fundamental problems like this that come up and I don't know how to square it.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.739)
We need to get Xi Jinping on board with the Anglo-American New World Order.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.300)
What you're going to get.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:07.300)
Combines of powerful men have always battled with each other over the levers of power.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.340)
That may be true as an isolated sentence.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.060)
Gerald Salinto is recognized as one of the world's foremost trends forecasters and as
Unknown Speaker (01:16:19.659)
the founder of the Trends Forecasters Institute.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:22.739)
People that are knowledgeable know that the fight that this country has been waging since
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.500)
its inception is for the central bankers not to take over the country.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:34.819)
This is so funny because if you're not watching the video of this or haven't seen the video,
Unknown Speaker (01:16:39.380)
Gerald Salente can't figure out what camera to talk to.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:42.300)
So he's just...
Unknown Speaker (01:16:43.300)
It's the one with the red light, dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:44.619)
It's the one with the red light, Gerald.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:47.460)
Both cameras that they're showing just involve him moving his head back and forth.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:52.939)
He is not looking at the camera.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.579)
It's awesome.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:55.579)
So we've run into Salente a number of times on our coverage of Alex Jones' show, but we've
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.699)
never really done a dive into his history, like who he is, or that of his business, the
Unknown Speaker (01:17:04.380)
Trends Research Institute.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.979)
And now, since he's the other main protagonist of this documentary, along with Dexter Tarpley...
Unknown Speaker (01:17:10.659)
Protagonist is...
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.659)
In heavy quotes.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:13.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:14.659)
It seems like a good time to go ahead and look into him a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:16.640)
First thing that's really funny about Gerald Salente being one of Alex's go-to guys...
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.300)
He's been dead for 25 years!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:23.420)
He's a ghost!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:24.420)
He's a ghost!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:25.420)
He's a ghost!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:26.420)
Ghost old Salente!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.300)
So the thing that's funny about him being one of Alex's main dudes comes right from
Unknown Speaker (01:17:33.060)
his own bio.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.060)
Quote, while Salente holds a U.S. passport, he considers himself a citizen of the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:39.739)
Sounds mighty globalist to me!
Unknown Speaker (01:17:45.279)
So we know Gerald Salente is a guy who'll appear and lend Alex's show a little dramatic
Unknown Speaker (01:17:49.439)
flair with his expert delivery and cranky old man energy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.100)
We also know that he existed on the show almost exclusively to help Ted Anderson sell gold.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:57.779)
As he would constantly warn the audience that the dollar was about to completely be devalued
Unknown Speaker (01:18:02.260)
and anyone expecting to survive needed to buy gold.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:05.220)
Also Rubik's Cubes are coming back.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:06.539)
It's a new trend.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:07.539)
Trend forecast.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:08.539)
Trend forecast.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.539)
He constantly warned every year that the upcoming summer would be the summer of rage.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:13.220)
He'd do that every year.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.420)
We've seen it over and over again on Alex's show.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:17.340)
In his trend journal in June 2015, he speculated that it was possible that gold would soon
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.260)
be trading at $20,000 an ounce and would definitely be above $2,000 in the very near future.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:32.340)
At the time of his writing, gold was trading around $1,200 an ounce and would never reach
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.420)
higher than $1,300 an ounce, all the way up to present day where it's trading, again,
Unknown Speaker (01:18:41.979)
right around $1,200 an ounce.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:43.819)
But Salente hasn't just been wrong consistently about gold prices and the dollar.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:47.899)
That's the only trend he's right about, being wrong all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:50.739)
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:51.739)
I'm going to be addicted.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:52.739)
I'm going to be fucking way off on a bunch of stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:53.739)
I'm going to be off all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.739)
Then I'd be like, you were right on, buddy.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.220)
He was also wrong about the dollar's imminent demise for over a decade, but he's also been
Unknown Speaker (01:19:00.939)
wrong about some more fun things.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:03.539)
Researching this topic in particular was really difficult because Salente or his employees
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.979)
edit his website constantly to remove failed predictions.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:11.739)
I love that.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.340)
And beyond that, he constantly puts out quote, revised trend forecasts.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.699)
It's in the middle of the year in order to fudge what he said in January if he needs
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.579)
And then beyond that, I'm not going to pay him, I think it's $100 a year to get access
Unknown Speaker (01:19:30.659)
to his journal.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:31.659)
I'm not going to pay that for a quarterly fucking journal of wrong things.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.739)
That is like a weatherman giving yesterday's news.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.659)
Oh, the revised trend forecast?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.819)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:41.819)
Yeah, you bet.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.819)
Or like Courtney Brown at the Remote Viewing Institute.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.340)
Whenever they make predictions and then the next month they're like, oh, that's what that
Unknown Speaker (01:19:50.539)
prediction meant.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:51.539)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:52.539)
That's kind of cheating.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:54.539)
But even though it was really difficult, I was able to find a couple of really fun predictions
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.779)
that Gerald Salente has made over the years that were fucking so far off.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.380)
In 1999, he told the San Francisco Chronicle, quote, unless you're going to have some kind
Unknown Speaker (01:20:08.279)
of mystical ancient Chinese power from drinking it, bubble tea is not going anywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.420)
Mildly racist, a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:20.779)
But in 2016, the bubble tea market was valued at $1.9 billion with projections that it'll
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.460)
grow to approximately $3.2 billion by 2023.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:32.140)
The U.S. bubble tea market represents over half of that.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:36.380)
So he was pretty far off on bubble tea.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:39.680)
As the year 2000 -
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.680)
How about Greek yogurt?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:41.680)
How did he fare there?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.680)
He hates it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.680)
He hates it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:44.680)
Unless you're going to get some Zeus powers from this, yogurt's out.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:49.619)
Just pick any regional food and then throw a borderline offensive comment in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:56.180)
As the year 2000 rang in, he told Psychology Today, quote, voluntary simplicity, once merely
Unknown Speaker (01:21:01.739)
a counterculture ideal, will finally become a reality in the 21st century.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.060)
Moderation, self-discipline and spiritual growth will be the personal goals of the future,
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.279)
not material accumulation.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:12.039)
That is the worst trend forecast I have ever heard in my entire fucking life.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.060)
That was in 2000, and I'd just like to remind everyone how huge reality TV got in the immediate
Unknown Speaker (01:21:23.539)
ensuing few years.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.420)
Materialism became like - that song, Grills, came out after that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:31.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.779)
Somebody's ride got pimped.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:35.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.500)
Oh, and some people's trucks got tricked.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.420)
Hell yeah, they did.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:40.020)
So that was another one that's not so great.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:42.699)
Also from that Psychology Today article, quote, somewhere around the year 2000, the revelation
Unknown Speaker (01:21:47.939)
and revolution will come.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:50.000)
The lawn!
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.000)
Exclamation point.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:52.000)
Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.000)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:57.000)
The lawn?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:59.000)
Your lawn.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:00.000)
The lawn.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.000)
Your front lawn?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:02.000)
Your front lawn.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:03.000)
What about it?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.000)
Lawns are everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.000)
Millions of -
Unknown Speaker (01:22:06.000)
I wrote this out, and I didn't even - I wasn't even ready to say that.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:17.739)
That's hilarious.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:20.000)
Lawns are everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:21.000)
Lawns are everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.220)
Millions of costly, intensively cared for suburban lawns have been doing nothing but
Unknown Speaker (01:22:27.140)
growing grass.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:28.140)
But a lawn that's turned into a vegetable patch can produce fresh fruit.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:33.199)
The trend to convert lawns into gardens will have a significant impact not only on the
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.960)
way we eat, but also the way we live and feel.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:40.199)
My comment on that?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:41.199)
Ah, yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.199)
We all know how many of us have lawns.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:45.300)
You drive around the city or the suburbs, you see -
Unknown Speaker (01:22:47.060)
You can't see anything but lawns.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:49.100)
Nothing but mini farms.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:50.100)
There's so many mini farms.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.100)
Everyone's front yard.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.380)
And everybody's trying to shut down your community garden, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:54.579)
Oh, dude, when you're in a suburb, you know, you're driving around and everybody's
Unknown Speaker (01:22:57.659)
like, oh, my God, look at that great tomato patch.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:00.300)
Doesn't -
Unknown Speaker (01:23:01.300)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:02.300)
Bad prediction.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:03.300)
I call this section of your notes the Cilenti deception.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.539)
The Cilenti misconception.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:11.460)
So he goes on in this article to demonstrate just how out of touch he is with, let's
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.939)
call it, trends.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:17.579)
Quote, just as rock and roll replaced swing and ragtime music -
Unknown Speaker (01:23:21.220)
This is a dude looking out his window or watching TV being like, oh, I've seen a lawn before.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:36.819)
Let me make a trend prediction on that.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:38.300)
I want to hear him say these things because they sound so cranky and I know his voice
Unknown Speaker (01:23:42.659)
is so awesome that I just want to hear him talk about like, ah, fucking rock and roll
Unknown Speaker (01:23:46.739)
replacing swing and -
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.779)
Lawns are everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:49.779)
I miss the good old days of ragtime.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:53.020)
So -
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.020)
Joplin, Scott Joplin, he had it.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:58.899)
Doesn't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:02.020)
So quote, just as rock and roll replaced swing and ragtime music, a new genre of millennial
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.779)
music will emerge.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:09.539)
It will be upbeat without the anger and despair of today's cutting edge rock and rap.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.979)
Oh, boy, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:18.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:19.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:21.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:22.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:23.020)
How old was he when he was making these predictions?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:24.020)
18 years ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.020)
I think he's 70-something now.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:26.020)
So I mean he would have been in his 50s.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.340)
So he's a mid-50s white dude being like, eh, I know what music is going to turn into.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.739)
I got my finger on the pulse.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:37.739)
So pretty much all of Cilenti's trend predictions are little more than vague pronouncements,
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.140)
which are often wrong and ultimately based on little more than his guesses.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:44.579)
Deer are in forests for now.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:47.720)
In the book Invest in Yourself, the authors asked Cilenti how he makes his predictions,
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.760)
to which he replied that basically what he does is every day he reads two newspapers
Unknown Speaker (01:24:56.699)
and then finds connections between stories that may or may not actually exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.859)
That's how he makes his predictions.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.979)
He said that in a book.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:03.140)
So he throws darts at a newspaper.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:04.939)
Just reads the newspaper and is like, ah.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.260)
He holds a newspaper up on his wall, throws a dart, reads the article, reads the other
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.500)
article in the newspaper, and he's like, music's going to be different.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:15.300)
So he's a terrible predictor of stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:18.420)
He's made a couple of correct predictions that if you really look at what he said, you're
Unknown Speaker (01:25:23.539)
like, that's right, but boy, that's vague.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:26.220)
That sort of thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:27.779)
He's gotten a lot of traffic and sort of credibility out of one prediction he made in like 1987.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:36.819)
It's not great.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:37.819)
In the month of May, a child will be born named Jordan Benaiah Horn.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:41.260)
He might have been that guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:42.260)
He's the one who prophesied my birth.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:44.300)
He's not good with trends and predictions, but what he is good at doing is being dramatic
Unknown Speaker (01:25:49.020)
and adding like that sort of flair and sheep dogging people into buying gold because he
Unknown Speaker (01:25:54.819)
creates panics all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.420)
He tries to create and instill fear, which is why he's perfect as someone to have around
Unknown Speaker (01:26:01.100)
for someone who works for a guy who sells gold.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:03.539)
He's perfect.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:05.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:06.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:07.539)
And that's why people like Andrew Jackson were elected and that's why people revere
Unknown Speaker (01:26:12.779)
people like Thomas Jefferson and others.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:15.460)
In case anybody is wondering right now, purchase a DVD copy of the Obama Deception at
Unknown Speaker (01:26:20.920)
is running along the bottom of the screen attempted to assassinate President Andrew
Unknown Speaker (01:26:24.260)
Jackson on multiple occasions.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.899)
Yeah, because he needed to be assassinated against a private central bank being set up
Unknown Speaker (01:26:30.460)
in the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:31.460)
No, because he was a fucking lunatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:33.180)
Well, there's a lot to go into here.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:35.380)
Talking about Andrew Jackson.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:36.380)
Oh, that's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.380)
You were, you told me before we did this that you were going to teach me some things about
Unknown Speaker (01:26:40.659)
Andrew Jackson.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:41.659)
At least one thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.659)
I'm excited.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:43.659)
So it's a commonly held myth among the anti-tax, anti-government crowd.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:50.779)
They all believe that Andrew Jackson is a hero who is working hard to wrestle control
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.060)
over America away from the evil central bank.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:57.779)
Also a hero to the giant cheese wheel crowd.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.100)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:01.100)
He was a huge, huge hero there.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.260)
I think it's really important though to take a look back and actually look at the influence
Unknown Speaker (01:27:06.819)
that Andrew Jackson had vis-à-vis central banking because it's not the story that Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:27:12.819)
Jones and his community tell at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:15.180)
The biggest thing that Jackson did is he ended the charter for the second bank of the United
Unknown Speaker (01:27:19.560)
States after he was elected in 1832.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:23.520)
He did establish the charter for the fifth third bank though.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:26.239)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:27.239)
I was about to quote Matt Riggs' bit about how we need to start a movement to reduce
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.180)
that fraction.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:34.500)
So in 1932, that's what he did.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:36.100)
He ended the charter for the second bank of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.619)
That's technically ending a central bank but it's not like he conquered the bank.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:42.340)
The second bank was established after the War of 1812 left the United States in a precarious
Unknown Speaker (01:27:46.979)
financial situation.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:48.979)
Inflation was through the roof as the myriad private banks printed up tons of money that
Unknown Speaker (01:27:54.220)
made all of the money increasingly worthless.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:56.779)
You just had all of these banks producing their own currency that was different than
Unknown Speaker (01:28:00.619)
each other and you ended up in a situation where they needed to create this centralized
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.619)
bank in order to fight back this inflationary effect.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:08.300)
It's almost like everything that Alex has ever advocated for has a historical precedent
Unknown Speaker (01:28:14.020)
that went terribly wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:16.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.220)
So in 1812, President Madison founded the second bank of the United States specifically
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.739)
with a charter for it to last 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:25.220)
When Jackson was elected, it was the end of the bank's charter and all he did was not
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.420)
renew the charter despite overwhelming public support and support of the Congress for the
Unknown Speaker (01:28:32.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:33.739)
After he did this, Jackson pushed for the removal of government funds from the second
Unknown Speaker (01:28:37.380)
bank which he succeeded in carrying out.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:39.579)
These funds were specifically placed in his favored, quote, pet banks, state banks that
Unknown Speaker (01:28:43.779)
were known to be loyal to the Jackson administration.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.960)
In 1836, the federal bank ceased to exist and became the State Bank of Pennsylvania.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:52.340)
Historian James Schoeller noted, quote, by 1834, there were some 500 or more local banks
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.279)
in the United States whose aggregate circulation was several times greater than that of the
Unknown Speaker (01:29:02.819)
monster bank which Jackson's PAC was running down and it's clear observers noted the coexistence
Unknown Speaker (01:29:08.180)
of half a thousand distinct currencies in this country was a great deficit or defect
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.000)
of its financial system.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:15.020)
The Jackson administration was deeply opposed to regulation so did little in any way to
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.659)
manage the economy which was what those in favor of the second bank were advocating him
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.500)
to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:23.699)
In his deregulatory laissez-faire attitude towards everything, all of these competing
Unknown Speaker (01:29:28.699)
currencies came up and created a mass chaos and, you know, these people who said that
Unknown Speaker (01:29:33.920)
he should be working on controlling the economy weren't doing that just for their health.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:38.859)
Historian H.W.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.859)
Brands explains the situation that rose in terms of monetary issues.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:45.020)
Quote, it got worse primarily as a result of Jackson's war against the Bank of the United
Unknown Speaker (01:29:49.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.500)
Freed from the restraints of Bittles Bank, that's the guy who ran the second bank of
Unknown Speaker (01:29:53.699)
the United States, freed from the restraints Bittles Bank had imposed, the state banks
Unknown Speaker (01:29:58.180)
issued notes by the basketful.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:00.819)
These fueled the rampant speculation in every kind of commodity.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:04.779)
Jackson couldn't do much about the speculation overall except worry that it jeopardized the
Unknown Speaker (01:30:08.500)
stability of the economy and threatened the welfare of millions of ordinary people.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:13.300)
On July 11, 1836, Andrew Jackson put out a decree to halt rampant land speculation declaring
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.539)
that land could only be bought by using gold or silver.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:23.619)
Historian Major L. Wilson said, quote, all that did was to make cash-poor farmers more
Unknown Speaker (01:30:27.779)
dependent on capital-rich speculators.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:30.579)
It magnified the fraud the president meant to expunge and obliged his loyalists to fight
Unknown Speaker (01:30:35.859)
little bank wars in every state of the union.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:38.760)
Banks ran low on gold and silver reserves as millions of dollars worth were taken out
Unknown Speaker (01:30:42.359)
to be used in land speculation or just privately hoarded, leaving banks vulnerable to calls
Unknown Speaker (01:30:47.420)
on deposits.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.819)
All this led directly to the Panic of 1837, where the country was plunged into a deep
Unknown Speaker (01:30:53.779)
recession that lasted until the mid-1840s, during which time unemployment reached over
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.979)
20 percent in many areas.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:00.939)
Andrew Jackson was a really stupid president, and his actions destroyed the economy for
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:05.920)
Also a really dumb point, Alex yells all the time about the Democrats being the party of
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.500)
the KKK and how Lincoln was a Republican and all this stuff, so they're the ones who are
Unknown Speaker (01:31:12.939)
really the cool ones with a racial tip, but by that same logic and ignoring how parties
Unknown Speaker (01:31:17.020)
have completely changed, you could make the argument the Democrats are the party that
Unknown Speaker (01:31:19.840)
broke up banks since Andrew Jackson was a Democrat.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:22.380)
Anyway, he almost destroyed the entire economy through his stupid and short-sighted and petty
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.340)
actions against the Second Bank of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.220)
Yeah, he is one of the, if not the worst, I mean Andrew Johnson was...
Unknown Speaker (01:31:35.819)
He's Andrews.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.020)
It's two Andrews in the running for worst president in history, I will tell you that
Unknown Speaker (01:31:41.300)
right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.300)
But, the cool thing about Andrew Jackson, giant cheese wheel, man, giant cheese wheel,
Unknown Speaker (01:31:48.180)
left it out in the swamp for weeks, giant cheese wheel on the White House.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:52.460)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:53.460)
So, in terms of the idea that he worked against the banks, or the centralized bank, I mean,
Unknown Speaker (01:31:59.460)
that's true inasmuch as he was opposed to renewing the charter of the bank that would
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.300)
expire when he came into office.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:05.880)
But the consequences of his actions are clearly borne out through history.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:10.380)
And in many ways, you could say that nobody proves the need for those banks more than
Unknown Speaker (01:32:15.699)
the guy who tried to destroy them.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.579)
Oh, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.579)
And the history before the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the history after.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.340)
So, I mean, look, Alex is also saying that there were multiple bank agents that tried
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.979)
to assassinate Andrew Jackson because of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.460)
That isn't true.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:37.460)
A bunch of people tried to kill him, though, for very good reasons.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:38.460)
One guy did.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:39.460)
Yeah, but he beat the shit out of them.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:41.340)
There's one guy who attempted to assassinate Andrew Jackson in a legitimate way.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:45.779)
It's my favorite story.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:46.779)
The other instance...
Unknown Speaker (01:32:47.779)
I love that story.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:48.779)
I'm about to tell it.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:49.779)
It's so good.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.779)
Tell that story.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:51.779)
It's so fucking good.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:52.779)
The other instance was a minor fight that Jackson got into, and he declined to press
Unknown Speaker (01:32:53.779)
charges over after the fact.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:55.899)
That said, the legitimate assassination attempt was 100% not done by agents of the central
Unknown Speaker (01:33:00.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.100)
It was done by a very interesting crazy dude named Richard Lawrence.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.220)
Who would go on to kill John Lennon.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:07.619)
Lawrence was born in England, which I guess must be proof that he's an agent of the crown.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:11.859)
He moved to Virginia at age 12, and as he grew up, he found work as a house painter.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:15.220)
A lot of people who have researched Lawrence theorized that the lead and other chemicals
Unknown Speaker (01:33:19.180)
in the paints of the day probably contributed to his mental decline as he reached the age
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.180)
of 30 and on.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:24.779)
In 1932-33, he started to tell his family that he was going back to England, only to
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.140)
return a month later, generally with a fanciful story about how he couldn't go.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:33.500)
The first time, he complained it was too cold to sail to England, so he just came back.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.100)
The second time, the story was much more troubling.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:40.140)
He'd been in Philadelphia for a bit, and when he returned, he claimed that the U.S. government
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.140)
didn't approve of him going to England, and that he had read several articles in the Philadelphia
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.420)
newspaper that were, quote, critical of his travel plans and character.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:53.380)
Richard quit his job, and when his family asked how he was going to afford to live,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:56.779)
he told them that he was Richard III, the King of England, who had died 380 years earlier.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:01.859)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:03.340)
Not great.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.420)
It turns out that when you're the long dead King of England, money ain't an issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:07.500)
That is true.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.500)
You just got buckets full of cash.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.140)
I don't understand how that would not make money an issue still.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:13.460)
No, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:14.460)
You got estates.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:15.460)
You got estates that you own.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:17.260)
Right, but you're long dead.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.260)
No, but you still own it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:19.260)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:20.260)
I didn't know that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:21.260)
You can just send a letter?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:23.260)
Here's where things get interesting.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.380)
Because Richard Lawrence believed he was Richard III, he also believed that he owned multiple
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.979)
estates in England.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:29.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:30.979)
For reasons that aren't entirely clear, he also came to believe that Andrew Jackson's
Unknown Speaker (01:34:33.739)
vetoing of the Second Bank of the United States made it impossible for him to collect monies
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.100)
he was owed on the estates.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:40.060)
He reasoned that if he killed Jackson, Martin Van Buren would become president, he'd set
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.020)
up a central bank, and just like that, he gets all of his English estate money.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:49.060)
So that's the reasoning that he used, and that's what Alex is going off of.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.659)
I am fine with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.659)
Pretending that he's an agent of the central banks.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:55.659)
At this point, Richard started dressing up like British royalty.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:58.819)
At times, he would fall into severe laughing or cursing fits, and the trend of him verbally
Unknown Speaker (01:35:02.859)
and physically assaulting his sisters began to appear, which is always there.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.859)
Always there.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:07.859)
The assassination attempt itself is a story that people are much more familiar with.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:11.899)
Richard approached Jackson at the U.S. Capitol, he pulled out his pistol, it didn't fire.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:15.579)
Pulled out his backup pistol, it also didn't fire.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:18.739)
As he didn't have a third pistol, this gave way to Andrew Jackson beating Richard III
Unknown Speaker (01:35:22.539)
with his cane.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:23.939)
Richard was then tackled by the crowd, which included Davy Crockett.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:28.060)
That's right, it did include Davy Crockett, holy shit, I always forget about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:31.699)
Man of the wild frontier.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.699)
I always forget that Davy Crockett was somehow there.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:35.300)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.300)
He would go on to face trial.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:37.300)
Davy Crockett was like the Forrest Gump of that era.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.579)
Yeah, he was everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:40.579)
He's just fucking everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:41.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.579)
He would go on to face trial, where the prosecuting attorney was none other than Francis Scott
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.260)
Key, who mere years earlier had written The Star-Spangled Banner.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:50.180)
Richard was found innocent by virtue of insanity, and locked up in an asylum until his death
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.220)
26 years later.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:55.899)
In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, with people trying desperately to find a reason
Unknown Speaker (01:35:59.699)
for it, rumors spread that he was working for the proponents of the Second Bank of the
Unknown Speaker (01:36:03.260)
United States, a theory that literally had no proof, no backing and evidence at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:08.939)
In a move that would be mirrored by at least one president I can think of, Andrew Jackson
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.100)
encouraged these conspiracy theories, as it helped make him look heroic, and demonized
Unknown Speaker (01:36:17.539)
his enemies.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:19.539)
So, it was a crazy dude, not an agent of the bank.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.140)
And you're actually talking about Andrew Jackson?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:24.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.500)
He's a crazy dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.859)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:27.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.859)
That fucking guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:30.859)
I'm sorry to tell you a story that you already know.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:32.500)
I feel like...
Unknown Speaker (01:36:33.500)
No, that's my favorite story.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.500)
It's a great story.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.500)
I could hear that story a million times.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:36.500)
I felt like, you know what it is?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:38.619)
On this show, your reactions are so sincere and in the moment, that you weren't surprised
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.140)
by any of that information.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:45.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:46.140)
And it disappointed me.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:47.140)
I mean, it's a bummer.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:49.220)
Because you weren't responding to new information or novelty, so you weren't as delighted.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:53.460)
Do you know what frustrates me?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.300)
I think it was at least a couple of years ago, a friend of the show, Matt Drufke, sent
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.140)
me this video of somebody who had done, essentially, my Andrew Jackson bit on his album.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:09.340)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:10.340)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:11.579)
That's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:12.579)
We hadn't met.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:13.699)
I think it was...
Unknown Speaker (01:37:14.699)
I don't think he stole it from me or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.180)
But he does...
Unknown Speaker (01:37:19.420)
The final line he does is line for line what I say, which is that, for once, the Secret
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.420)
Service didn't keep the president from being assassinated.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.500)
They kept the president from assassinating a man.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:31.739)
And I was so mad, because that was a good line, and that dude stole.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:35.220)
And he put it on an album.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:36.220)
He didn't steal it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:37.220)
But he's got it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:38.220)
He beat you to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.220)
Yeah, he put it on an album.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:40.220)
I can't even say that line anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:42.060)
It's frustrating.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:43.060)
Need a new X.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:44.060)
It's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:45.060)
So is the rest of this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.060)
I am going to get a puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:48.060)
Ooh, I like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:49.060)
That's my plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.060)
Ooh, Gerald Cilenti puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:51.699)
Oh yeah!
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.699)
And it was something that Abraham Lincoln wore.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:55.220)
Music is going to be played by Mikes.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:57.260)
That's why I believe he was assassinated.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:59.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:00.420)
This is the Lincoln quote.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.699)
The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:06.100)
Abraham Lincoln.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.100)
It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:20.460)
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble
Unknown Speaker (01:38:26.939)
for the safety of my country.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:30.300)
Corporations have been enthroned.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:33.300)
An era of corruption will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong
Unknown Speaker (01:38:39.520)
its reign.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:40.520)
Picture a Tim Geithner who can also go fuck himself.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:42.899)
And Greenspan.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:43.899)
And Greenspan who can also go fuck himself.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:46.619)
In a few hands and the republic is destroyed.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:51.659)
Wall Street has killed Main Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:54.939)
So that's...
Unknown Speaker (01:38:55.939)
Definitely didn't have anything to do with slavery, Cilenti!
Unknown Speaker (01:38:59.659)
Well, that's Cilenti's argument for why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:04.420)
Yeah, definitely didn't have anything to do with...
Unknown Speaker (01:39:06.140)
That quote...
Unknown Speaker (01:39:07.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.140)
Led to his assassination.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:09.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:10.140)
That's a fake quote!
Unknown Speaker (01:39:11.140)
No shit!
Unknown Speaker (01:39:12.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:13.140)
God dammit.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.140)
It's a totally fake quote.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:15.140)
Fuck you, Cilenti.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.140)
Abraham Lincoln's collected works and writings, you can't find that quote because it's fake.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:19.979)
It didn't appear until 20 years after Lincoln's death during the 1896 presidential election.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:25.659)
So why did someone release a bogus letter about nefarious forces trying to meddle in
Unknown Speaker (01:39:29.460)
the economy during the 1896 election?
Unknown Speaker (01:39:32.140)
It's hard to say for sure, but one pretty strong guess is that the gold standard was
Unknown Speaker (01:39:36.199)
one of the top issues in that election and William Jennings Bryan was running as a Democratic
Unknown Speaker (01:39:40.659)
nominee and had just delivered his cross of gold speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:45.699)
It makes sense that this would be an issue that would come back up in terms of...
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.100)
And everybody likes to try and take historical heroes and pretend they said things that were
Unknown Speaker (01:39:54.939)
predicted or supported their cause.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:58.460)
Or historical villains.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:59.859)
Hitler said that.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:02.279)
In the past, we've seen Alex Jones and his crew use completely fabricated quotes on a
Unknown Speaker (01:40:06.260)
regular basis.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:07.460)
Almost everything in Endgame was fake quotes.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.979)
Like it was nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:11.619)
That's definitely...
Unknown Speaker (01:40:12.619)
Not according to Encarta.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:14.020)
That's definitely in their repertoire, but in this case, they might have a slightly better
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.060)
argument than in past cases.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:20.260)
They just don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:21.260)
Well, yeah, because in 1950, Archer H. Shaw released the Lincoln Encyclopedia, which purported
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.699)
to be a one-stop shop for all things Lincoln.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:29.220)
The problem is that he didn't do his due diligence in terms of authenticating things he put in
Unknown Speaker (01:40:33.220)
the encyclopedia.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:34.579)
He includes the letter that this quote comes from in that encyclopedia, a letter supposedly
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.739)
to Colonel William F. Elkins, but historians and researchers have clearly determined that
Unknown Speaker (01:40:43.100)
that letter was a forgery.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.680)
It was far from the only example of the lack of completionism in his book, and thus, it's
Unknown Speaker (01:40:49.340)
not seen as a well-put-together resource for information.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:52.300)
But I could see Gerald Cilenti or Alex seeing that book called the Lincoln Encyclopedia
Unknown Speaker (01:40:56.020)
and assuming everything in it was unquestionably true and not taking any further steps of research.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:01.020)
So I think that that's what they did here, and I would say that you get half credit for
Unknown Speaker (01:41:04.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:05.939)
You're still wrong, but...
Unknown Speaker (01:41:06.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.939)
A lot of people still think the Bible's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:08.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:09.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:11.939)
I get where you're coming from.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:12.939)
You're not an active participant in making this up, but you've been fooled by a fake
Unknown Speaker (01:41:16.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:18.300)
So congratulations.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:19.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:20.300)
You're not evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:21.300)
You've just been taken in.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.300)
And I'm not a transforecaster.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:23.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:24.300)
But I predict that's not going to be the first time I use a fake quote in this documentary.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.060)
I think it's going to happen a bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:28.960)
So I know how unpopular it is to be seen as helping banks right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.420)
We just had a shot of Joe Lieberman chewing, especially when everyone is suffering in part
Unknown Speaker (01:41:38.060)
from their bad decisions.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:39.460)
I promise you, I get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:41.659)
Up until about...
Unknown Speaker (01:41:42.659)
I think he did.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:43.659)
That's one thing I don't think he did get.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.180)
The United States is a very powerful engine for world progress.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:49.779)
It's the assassinations, the Kennedy assassination, and the others in the 1960s, the beginning
Unknown Speaker (01:41:54.659)
of the Vietnam War.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:56.659)
We were going to mention the Kennedy one, not the others.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.659)
The other ones.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:59.659)
You know, the whatever assassinations happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:01.659)
Except the Wall Street money masters.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.359)
That has now made the United States into no longer a force for progress, but something
Unknown Speaker (01:42:09.220)
very different.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.220)
Often a force for destruction in the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:11.819)
The military industrial complex has taken over the country along with the Wall Street
Unknown Speaker (01:42:17.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:18.659)
If you look also at the people that Obama has put on his appointments list, it's all
Unknown Speaker (01:42:24.020)
Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.020)
It's government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.380)
Not wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:29.380)
There's nobody from...
Unknown Speaker (01:42:30.380)
Not wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.380)
Is wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:32.380)
Well, I mean, he's not...
Unknown Speaker (01:42:33.380)
Look, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.380)
Nobody from Silicon Valley.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:35.380)
Nobody from Big Oil.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.380)
Okay, well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:37.380)
Nobody from defense.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:38.380)
No labor.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:39.380)
No women.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:40.380)
You're an idiot.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:41.380)
There's nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:42.539)
It's pure Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:43.939)
The only people who have a voice in Obama's councils are Wall Street finance oligarchs.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:49.659)
That's all there is.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:51.060)
Nobody else counts for anything under Obama.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.460)
It's the most extreme Wall Street administration we've ever had.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.739)
Oh, that's not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:57.739)
Sorry, I spoke too soon.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:59.140)
Yeah, yeah, a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:00.140)
I spoke too soon.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:01.140)
He added a whole lot of other bullshit in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:05.340)
It's important to recognize, like, I'm only...
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.159)
When I did a lot of this research, I specifically used the information that would be available
Unknown Speaker (01:43:12.859)
to them at this point, with the exception of the, isn't it funny that he got sued by
Unknown Speaker (01:43:16.899)
Melania Trump in the future?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.340)
That is pretty funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:19.340)
You know, stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:20.340)
That is pretty funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:21.340)
But when they're making substantive claims, I tried to limit myself to what would have
Unknown Speaker (01:43:23.939)
been available before March 2009.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:25.939)
In order to give them a fair shake, which they do not deserve.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.619)
Well, I think it just gives us better context.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:30.340)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:31.340)
So Webster Tarpley here is saying that, you know, all of these things about there's no
Unknown Speaker (01:43:35.060)
labor, no automotive, or any of that stuff, it's all Wall Street, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:41.079)
So I decided to take each of these claims one by one and look into them and see if there
Unknown Speaker (01:43:46.619)
was any truth to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:48.100)
So his first claim there in that laundry list was, there's nobody from heavy industry.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:52.699)
Heavy industry is a pretty rangy term, though it usually means steel mills, that sort of
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:57.260)
Businesses that are in heavy industries are also often involved in defense contracts and
Unknown Speaker (01:44:00.020)
aerospace work.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:01.300)
But in February 2009, Obama appointed Ron Bloom as the senior advisor to the Secretary
Unknown Speaker (01:44:07.020)
of the Treasury.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:08.020)
Previously, Ron Bloom had been in both the arenas of labor relations and steel business,
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.539)
because he was the special assistant to the President of United Steel Workers.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:18.100)
So that one doesn't seem to be true.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:19.699)
He seems to have a representative of heavy industry in there, at least one.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:23.420)
So I know that that claim is substantively not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.319)
He said, too, that there's nobody from the auto sector.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:29.220)
That one might be accurate, but it does seem like Obama didn't, you know, it doesn't seem
Unknown Speaker (01:44:33.260)
like, I can't find any auto executives in his cabinet or important advisors early on.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:40.020)
Which, considering where they were at the time, is probably a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.779)
Yeah, I mean, he was...
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.779)
Probably a smart move.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:45.779)
When he was coming into office, General Motors and Chrysler were both facing bankruptcy and
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.899)
needed to be bailed out by the government.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.420)
So maybe it wasn't the time to have auto executives being given advisory positions.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:54.260)
You know what I need?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.979)
Bad ideas.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:56.979)
I mean, I get that, I don't know, that one, I'm gonna give him, like with, you know, this
Unknown Speaker (01:45:03.579)
fake quote.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:04.579)
Yeah, you got a colonel.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:05.579)
You got a colonel.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.579)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:07.579)
So three, there's nobody from Big Oil.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.659)
This one makes no sense, just on a basic level.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:11.180)
Also, we don't want anybody from Big Oil.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:13.140)
Alex's whole thing is that oil companies are secretly owned by the Rockefellers and the
Unknown Speaker (01:45:16.420)
Queens of England and Denmark.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.340)
So I have no idea why someone in an Alex Jones documentary would be complaining that Big
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.539)
Oil doesn't have a seat at Obama's table.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.899)
It honestly feels like it would be something Alex would brag about if it wasn't Obama,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:29.500)
you know.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:30.500)
But anyway, I'm not sure what the line is for what counts as Big Oil, but Defense Secretary
Unknown Speaker (01:45:34.220)
Robert Gates formerly worked for Parker Drilling, which is a company involved in offshore oil
Unknown Speaker (01:45:38.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:39.659)
So that one doesn't really seem true.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:41.060)
Also National Security Advisor James L. Jones is on the board of directors for Chevron before
Unknown Speaker (01:45:45.300)
he was in the administration.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:46.699)
So boom, there's nobody from Defense.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:49.619)
That's his other claim.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:50.619)
His next one, that's Ludacris, the aforementioned Robert Gates, was the Secretary of Defense
Unknown Speaker (01:45:53.979)
under George W. Bush, whether you agree with him or not about how he does his job.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:58.359)
Which I don't.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:59.359)
It's flat out dishonest to say that there's nobody with experience in Defense.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:02.720)
They claim about Gates a lot in this documentary, but here's Tarpley pretending Obama doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:46:07.220)
have anyone from Defense in his cabinet.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:09.880)
By the way, he specifically allowed Gates to stay on in order to give that appearance
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.960)
of continuity within that situation.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:17.619)
Because the things that Gates was involved in didn't come to fruition.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:22.539)
Yeah, so then he says that there's nobody from Labor.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:25.560)
The aforementioned Ron Bloom had a previous career in labor unions at United Steel Workers.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:30.579)
Obama's Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis had a career in the House of Representatives that
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.539)
was full of sponsoring and supporting labor-friendly legislation.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:38.539)
She was the only member of Congress on the board of the American Rights to Work, a pro-union
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.699)
organization that she'd been involved in for years.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.460)
From her time in the House, she received a consistent 100% rating from pro-labor groups.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:50.760)
So that one's bullshit too.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.560)
He said there's no women.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.619)
That's flagrantly false.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:55.000)
To wit, there was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, EPA Director Lisa Jackson, Secretary
Unknown Speaker (01:46:59.380)
of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of Health
Unknown Speaker (01:47:04.100)
and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, and that's not even
Unknown Speaker (01:47:08.899)
a complete list.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:09.899)
This is just another example of Webster Tarpley talking shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:12.979)
This is nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.500)
There's no retirees.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:15.500)
I'm going to punt on this one.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.140)
There shouldn't be.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:19.140)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:21.380)
They're retired.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.380)
I don't think it's necessarily one of the trademark signs of a healthy administration
Unknown Speaker (01:47:26.220)
that there's a guy who came out of retirement.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.779)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:30.140)
Also, I don't want anyone who...
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.579)
I don't want those people there.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:34.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.500)
I don't...
Unknown Speaker (01:47:36.500)
I don't want anybody who's not invested in the future there.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:39.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:40.100)
So he also said there's no small business.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:41.859)
I don't know exactly what your definition of small business is.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:44.800)
This again is something that I'm not sure I could really nail down, so I'm kind of going
Unknown Speaker (01:47:47.939)
to leave.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:48.939)
He means like somebody who... like an entrepreneur who built their own business.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:53.579)
But there's tons of lawyers in his cabinet, and a lot of them preconceivably had to go
Unknown Speaker (01:47:57.359)
through the process of setting up their own private practice, and that's kind of the same
Unknown Speaker (01:48:00.819)
thing as running a small business.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:02.380)
Maybe not always exactly the same.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:04.140)
No, if you've seen billboards, it's pretty similar.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:06.539)
So I'm going to go ahead and go with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:08.260)
Also Trump's small business administrator is Linda McMahon, owner of the WWE who just
Unknown Speaker (01:48:12.220)
got paid millions of dollars to put on a show for the crown prince of Saudi Arabia after
Unknown Speaker (01:48:15.699)
he was implicated in the murder and dismemberment of a Washington Post journalist critical of
Unknown Speaker (01:48:18.899)
the Saudi government.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:19.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:20.899)
Implicated is a nice word there.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:23.260)
I'm not sure anyone's small business record is spotless, is what I'm saying here.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:27.979)
Then says there's no Silicon Valley.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:29.899)
Obama's deputy chief technology officer, Andrew McLaughlin, was a former executive at Google.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:34.859)
Obama's director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation, Sonal Shah was formerly
Unknown Speaker (01:48:40.260)
the head of Global Development Initiatives, the philanthropy section of Google.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:45.220)
There's almost certainly other examples, but that should be proof enough that this claim
Unknown Speaker (01:48:48.859)
is also not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:50.399)
So his claim that Obama's administration is pure Wall Street and that no one else has
Unknown Speaker (01:48:54.220)
a voice, it's not even close to true.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:56.359)
He's really just talking about Geithner.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.039)
And also the people who actually have involvement in Wall Street, there weren't that many.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:03.680)
There are only like three or four people that you can make an argument out of the 22 cabinet
Unknown Speaker (01:49:08.300)
positions that are the official cabinet that have any real history in Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:15.020)
Strange how many of them would go on to have history in Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:18.659)
Well, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:21.180)
I'm not disputing you.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:22.420)
I'm just being a dick.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:23.420)
Right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:24.420)
But I mean, you look at other administrations.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:27.300)
You look at like Trump's administration.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:29.100)
You had Steve Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and James Donovan, who were all Goldman Sachs executives
Unknown Speaker (01:49:34.420)
who had positions that were specifically in areas that had to do with the financial sector.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:41.079)
You look at George W. Bush, he had people from Wall Street in his.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:46.819)
This is not really...
Unknown Speaker (01:49:47.819)
I mean, sure, we could all be idealistic and say like, oh, it'd be great if there wasn't
Unknown Speaker (01:49:51.500)
anybody in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:52.899)
But to say that it's some sort of the most aggressively Wall Street cabinet ever is ludicrous.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:59.500)
But anyway, Webster Tarpley doesn't know shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:01.060)
No, Webster Tarpley.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:02.060)
He's just making stuff up.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:03.060)
Anyway, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.060)
He knows when fascism is coming apparently.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:05.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:06.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:07.460)
That's nice.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:08.460)
He had a part in the onslaught of fascism.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:13.020)
And now I will play Eminem's song Guilty Conscience.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:15.420)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:16.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:17.420)
I think that might be a more part of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.819)
So anyway, that's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:20.840)
So we are 12 minutes and 54 seconds in.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:23.659)
Let's roll.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:25.880)
Before his death, President Woodrow Wilson apologized to the public, regretting that
Unknown Speaker (01:50:30.539)
he had been deceived by a group of international bankers and the country's financial system
Unknown Speaker (01:50:35.460)
had fallen into their iron grip.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:37.460)
He had so much more to apologize for.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.460)
Woodrow Wilson was one of the biggest piece of shit presidents there's ever been.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:45.939)
That's also not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:48.939)
He didn't apologize.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:49.939)
Yeah, I can't imagine him apologizing for fucking anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.500)
The quote that Alex and all of his anti-federal reserve propagandists point to to justify
Unknown Speaker (01:50:57.560)
that sort of a claim and that narrative is as follows, quote, our great industrial nation
Unknown Speaker (01:51:02.380)
is controlled by its system of credit.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:04.239)
Our system of credit is privately concentrated.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:06.300)
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men
Unknown Speaker (01:51:10.260)
who if their actions be honest and intended for the public interest are necessarily concentrated
Unknown Speaker (01:51:14.819)
upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily
Unknown Speaker (01:51:18.699)
by reason of their own limitations chill and check and destroy the genuine economic freedom.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:24.579)
We've come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated
Unknown Speaker (01:51:29.020)
governments in the civilized world.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:30.859)
No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the
Unknown Speaker (01:51:34.380)
vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of
Unknown Speaker (01:51:38.340)
dominant men.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:39.920)
That's the quote that Alex is using to justify this argument that Woodrow Wilson apologized
Unknown Speaker (01:51:45.060)
just before his death about what he had done to create the Federal Reserve.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:49.859)
The problem with this is that this is a mishmash of two paragraphs of Woodrow Wilson's writing
Unknown Speaker (01:51:57.140)
combined to give the impression that this was what he was saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:00.699)
The first paragraph comes from a speech that he gave at the Democratic Club in Harrisburg,
Unknown Speaker (01:52:04.180)
D.A. on June 15th, 1911 and the other was from a book he wrote called The New Freedom
Unknown Speaker (01:52:09.899)
which was published in 1913.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:11.979)
Both of these passages were written before the Federal Reserve was created in December
Unknown Speaker (01:52:15.579)
1913 and have nothing to do with the effects of the Fed.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:18.420)
The way Alex Jones is presenting this information is demonstrably fraudulent.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:23.500)
Anyway, the deceitful interpretation of Wilson's words began making the rounds in the 1950s
Unknown Speaker (01:52:28.979)
as the Cold War got moving and anti-communist propagandists, like Alex Jones's spiritual
Unknown Speaker (01:52:34.899)
godfathers and what have you, became ascendant.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:37.159)
So the Phyllis Schlaflys of the world, John Birch Society were coming into form and this
Unknown Speaker (01:52:42.779)
narrative was crafted as part of their story that Woodrow Wilson regretted creating the
Unknown Speaker (01:52:48.420)
Federal Reserve when it couldn't have been since he said the things before the Federal
Unknown Speaker (01:52:51.859)
Reserve existed.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:53.859)
Also, Woodrow Wilson forced everybody who was black who worked in the White House to
Unknown Speaker (01:53:00.500)
hide whenever he walked by.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:02.460)
Yeah, he was not a good dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:03.939)
Woodrow Wilson was a giant piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:08.420)
A giant piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:10.819)
He wasn't as bad a president as Andrew Johnson or Andrew Jackson but as far as a personal
Unknown Speaker (01:53:16.020)
human being, he was a giant piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:19.779)
He's no Andrew.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:20.779)
He's no Andrew.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:21.779)
He's a Woodrow.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:22.779)
You gotta give him that.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:23.779)
Yeah, so I would say that just in terms of this is bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:28.479)
That's all I'm interested in.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:29.779)
I know he sucks.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:30.779)
He might be the most racist president since the Civil War.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:35.579)
You mean Lincoln?
Unknown Speaker (01:53:37.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:39.060)
Yeah, I think that those are all important points.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:42.859)
I think they're very worth pointing the finger at that dickhole for.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:48.279)
But in terms of Alex's claims, all that's important is that Alex is just regurgitating
Unknown Speaker (01:53:53.340)
two passages Frankenstein monstered together by 1950s anti-communist propagandists.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:58.340)
It doesn't reflect reality, has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:01.739)
Good work, dude.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:02.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:03.739)
Oh, you weren't saying that to me?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:04.739)
No, I was saying that to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:05.739)
No, good work to you.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:07.739)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:08.739)
Now I feel like an asshole.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:09.739)
I do think you did good work.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:11.420)
Who are you, Woodrow Wilson?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:12.420)
Oh, god damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:13.420)
I'm gonna hide.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:14.420)
Yeah, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:15.979)
I expect all white people to hide from me whenever I walk by.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:19.800)
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:25.220)
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:26.220)
Oh, I want to hear you lie about him.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:29.140)
That the military industrial complex was taking over the country.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:33.579)
Only three years after leaving office, President Eisenhower's prophetic warning concerning
Unknown Speaker (01:54:38.399)
the threat posed to our system of government by the military industrial complex came to
Unknown Speaker (01:54:42.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:43.859)
What happened?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:44.859)
President John F. Kennedy had enraged the entire elite network.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:48.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:49.460)
What happened?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:50.460)
Now, Kennedy was brought in as somebody who was expected to be a puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:52.939)
It was thought that-
Unknown Speaker (01:54:53.939)
You puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:54.939)
Me puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:55.939)
Me not puppet.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:56.939)
Joseph P. Kennedy-
Unknown Speaker (01:54:57.939)
He was actually one of the meat puppets.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:58.939)
The speculator would guarantee that Kennedy would be obedient to the establishment.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:03.859)
They thought that Kennedy was a sex maniac who could be manipulated through all of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:08.100)
Sex maniac.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:09.100)
He was a sex maniac.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:10.100)
You just like to fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:11.100)
Kennedy had discovered-
Unknown Speaker (01:55:12.100)
Who doesn't?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:13.100)
He had a bad back, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:14.100)
Which went beyond just being-
Unknown Speaker (01:55:15.100)
A maniac.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:16.100)
I think about things like economic recovery, world peace, having a space program, making
Unknown Speaker (01:55:21.460)
deals with-
Unknown Speaker (01:55:22.460)
Space program started before him.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:23.460)
What about the secret space program?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:24.460)
It doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:25.460)
What about the secret space program?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:26.460)
It doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:27.460)
It doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:28.460)
How would you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:29.460)
Executive order number 11110, signed by President Kennedy, began the process of abolishing the
Unknown Speaker (01:55:33.960)
private Federal Reserve.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:34.960)
What's that mean in binary?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:35.960)
Kennedy was also pushing for real civil rights reform and had begun the process of pulling
Unknown Speaker (01:55:40.060)
the troops out of Vietnam.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:43.220)
So real quick, Alex is trying to imply that the reason that Kennedy was assassinated was
Unknown Speaker (01:55:47.939)
because he signed this executive order 11110 that would begin the process of eliminating
Unknown Speaker (01:55:54.279)
the Federal Reserve.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:55.779)
Now, that executive order wouldn't have abolished the Federal Reserve, and in fact, it's a fantastic
Unknown Speaker (01:56:00.399)
example of how stupid Alex Jones is, even about the topic he's made, his bread and butter.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:05.140)
Frankly, this is just another example of Alex parroting conspiracy theories that others
Unknown Speaker (01:56:08.800)
have promulgated and pretending he knows what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:11.979)
In this case, he's just repeating things that were written in Jim Maher's conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:56:16.060)
theory book, Crossfire.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:17.939)
To explain executive order 11110, I first need to explain to you Public Law 88-36, which
Unknown Speaker (01:56:27.420)
is what the executive order exists to be a complement to.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:31.500)
In 1961, President Kennedy realized that the demand for silver to be used as an industrial
Unknown Speaker (01:56:36.439)
metal was increasing at a rate that made its value far greater than the price it enjoyed
Unknown Speaker (01:56:41.500)
as a currency.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:43.140)
Emerging markets like microchips, nuclear reactors, medical applications, and semiconductors
Unknown Speaker (01:56:47.500)
were all boosting silver, which led to an approximately 80% drop in the United States'
Unknown Speaker (01:56:52.020)
excess silver reserves.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:54.100)
Noticing that this could be a problem, Kennedy called on Congress to act.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:57.220)
Quote, I again urge a revision in our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as
Unknown Speaker (01:57:01.539)
a metal for which there is an expanding industrial demand.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:05.140)
Except for its use in coins, silver serves no useful monetary function.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:09.020)
I recommend authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations
Unknown Speaker (01:57:13.380)
of $1.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:14.460)
So as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and
Unknown Speaker (01:57:18.739)
the use of silver thus released from coinage purposes, I urge the Congress to take prompt
Unknown Speaker (01:57:24.460)
action on these recommended changes.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:26.899)
So what do you think about that?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:27.899)
What do you think about that quote?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:29.500)
So that's the quote they used to say that he was trying to destroy the Fred?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:34.460)
That's the quote that he used to urge Congress to enact public law 8836, which was passed.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:43.340)
So if you shut down silver as a currency, then the Federal Reserve disappears?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:55.500)
No, no, Alex is just making shit up.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:59.060)
This is just a coincidence to some extent.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:02.939)
But it actually is so much worse for his argument than he actually thinks.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:05.939)
He expects no one to look into this.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:09.020)
Isn't that only reinforcing the power of paper currency?
Unknown Speaker (01:58:14.260)
So in response, Congress passed H.R. 5389 in 1963 with large majorities in the House
Unknown Speaker (01:58:20.100)
and Senate.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:21.100)
This would go on to become public law 8836, the main effect of which was repealing the
Unknown Speaker (01:58:25.140)
Silver Purchase Act of 1934.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:27.819)
After public law 8836, the government signaled a shift away from silver and towards Federal
Unknown Speaker (01:58:33.319)
Reserve notes.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:34.520)
One of the elements of this whole thing was granting the Federal Reserve the authority
Unknown Speaker (01:58:38.460)
to issue one and two dollar bills.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:40.899)
One dollar bills were originally released in 1928 as silver certificates, hence the
Unknown Speaker (01:58:45.420)
silver dollar.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:46.819)
But after JFK passed this public law and the ensuing executive order, the Federal Reserve
Unknown Speaker (01:58:51.880)
actually expanded its responsibilities as far as issuing currency is concerned.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:56.539)
All the executive order did was allow the Treasury Department to issue silver certificates
Unknown Speaker (01:59:01.060)
in the interim period while the transition was happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:04.659)
Alex's theory relies on the idea that Executive Order 11110 was an attempt by JFK to take
Unknown Speaker (01:59:09.819)
the power to print money away from the Federal Reserve and give that power to the Treasury.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:14.180)
But a closer look at the order itself as well as the context surrounding it make it clear
Unknown Speaker (01:59:18.340)
that that's the opposite of what it did.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:20.659)
There's no way these acts could justify an argument that the Federal Reserve was mad
Unknown Speaker (01:59:25.420)
at JFK about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:27.300)
It's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:28.300)
That's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:29.300)
It's complete bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:30.300)
Now, I have had a great idea, and this is going to free us from having to deal with
Unknown Speaker (01:59:36.500)
Alex quoting subsections as though he knows what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:40.659)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:41.659)
All right?
Unknown Speaker (01:59:42.659)
And it's all because of 11110.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:45.140)
We have to name all bills in binary.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:48.500)
Okay, so you could just say the name or whatever it translates to?
Unknown Speaker (01:59:52.260)
No, so you have to say it in binary.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:54.779)
So HR 896 would then be like, HR 11110001000110011.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:02.340)
That translates to House Resolution, I am a robot.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:08.380)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:09.380)
And that way, anytime Alex is like, well, have you heard about HR 111000, you can just
Unknown Speaker (02:00:14.659)
be like, ah, you can stop.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:16.300)
I don't give a fuck.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:17.300)
That would be really hard to track down.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:20.140)
You just get really confused with all the...
Unknown Speaker (02:00:22.000)
You know what you do?
Unknown Speaker (02:00:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:24.000)
Alex also said there that JFK was trying to remove the troops from Vietnam.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:29.180)
Yeah, he was not.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:30.260)
He did make overtures towards intending to remove troops from Vietnam, but the time he
Unknown Speaker (02:00:34.500)
was in office saw a 500% increase in troops that were in Vietnam.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:37.859)
He did take some people, he did withdraw some troops, but the overall number expanded greatly
Unknown Speaker (02:00:43.180)
during his time in office.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:44.180)
So I mean, I don't see that as a good argument.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:47.380)
And then also he says there that he was trying to make real civil rights change, and I don't
Unknown Speaker (02:00:53.220)
know what that means.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:54.220)
Yeah, was he?
Unknown Speaker (02:00:55.220)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:56.220)
But I don't know what real civil rights means.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:57.300)
Real civil rights change.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:58.300)
I don't know what that means.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:59.300)
Real civil rights change, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:00.300)
I honestly don't know what that means.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:01.539)
Real civil rights change.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:03.020)
It's a problem.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:04.020)
No, but like real civil rights change.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:05.460)
I don't understand what that means.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:06.460)
No, but like real ones.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:07.739)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:08.739)
Yeah, like real.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:09.739)
What does Alex define as real civil rights change?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:11.739)
Not just this laziness like, oh, let's give black people the right to vote or whatever
Unknown Speaker (02:01:15.939)
it is.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:16.939)
Very lazy.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:17.939)
Not this bullshit like, oh, let's protect them under the equal rights clause.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:21.979)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:22.979)
But what it is, real civil rights change, is making sure white people are good forever.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:30.020)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:31.260)
That's real civil rights change.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:32.779)
Real civil change is allowing states to not be a part of it.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:36.579)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:37.579)
So you can have fundamentally, systematically racist states bordering states that treat
Unknown Speaker (02:01:42.579)
everyone like people.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:43.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:44.859)
Love that idea.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:45.859)
Real civil rights change.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:46.859)
Love the idea of a country.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:47.859)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:48.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:49.859)
The last time you had an actual president was Kennedy.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:53.500)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:54.500)
The oligarch took swift and decisive action.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:57.300)
The fuck is he talking about?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:59.619)
Later, Alex in his voiceover will say that the last, or every president since FDR has
Unknown Speaker (02:02:06.140)
been controlled by these globalists.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:08.819)
So if you use those two things- Also, what's a real president?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:12.699)
Does he mean like not controlled by- Not controlled by the, definitely not Jews, bankers.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:17.899)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:18.899)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:19.899)
That's what he's saying.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:20.899)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:21.899)
The international finance oligarch- See, now I'm back on this dude's an idiot
Unknown Speaker (02:02:24.500)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:25.500)
Well, he walks the line.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:26.500)
I think he's a charlatan, but very smart.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:29.340)
I think he is very smart.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:30.460)
I mean, you don't get a fucking degree from Princeton, get a Fulbright scholarship to study
Unknown Speaker (02:02:35.359)
in Italy, and then get a PhD just without some sort of fortitude.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:40.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:41.859)
But maybe he went crazy.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:43.539)
That's possible.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:44.539)
That's why I want to call him.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:46.859)
Next thing you know, everyone's going to be posting messages, call Webster Tarpley instead
Unknown Speaker (02:02:49.939)
of Larry Nichols.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:51.300)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:52.300)
Excuse me, Mr. Tarpley.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:53.300)
Mr. Tarpley, you fucking nuts?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:55.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:56.420)
Okay, cool.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:57.420)
You bet.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:58.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:59.420)
Try me.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:00.420)
That sort of thing.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:02.420)
Anyway, I just think there's an interesting dynamic going on where Webster Tarpley is
Unknown Speaker (02:03:06.420)
saying that Kennedy was the last real president.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:10.060)
In Alex's own words, later, I guess Coolidge was the last real president?
Unknown Speaker (02:03:13.659)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:14.659)
Man, these- Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:15.659)
I guess it would be what?
Unknown Speaker (02:03:16.659)
Hoover was right before FDR.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:18.380)
I don't know how to make this- There should be some sort of like- I don't know how to
Unknown Speaker (02:03:25.180)
get people to talk or think about presidential history without thinking that it centers on
Unknown Speaker (02:03:32.500)
one president.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:33.500)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:34.500)
Do you know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:03:35.500)
It's so unifocused.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:36.500)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:37.500)
The idea of the solitary executive who's- Right.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:40.180)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:41.180)
That doesn't make any fucking sense at all.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:42.659)
And it doesn't even make sense if you take the entire picture of his presidency, which
Unknown Speaker (02:03:47.699)
has to take into context the presidency before and then the presidency after.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:51.939)
Like, you shouldn't be allowed to cherry pick history.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:56.180)
Like I don't mean it like this, but some people should have restricted access to history.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:03.060)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:04.060)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:04:05.060)
Like, you shouldn't be allowed to say bullshit like this.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:06.979)
Well, you should be.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:07.979)
You should take responsibility for it when you're wrong and you're just peddling bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:11.779)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:12.779)
And if you're going to talk about JFK, like fucking Nixon extended the Vietnam War through
Unknown Speaker (02:04:19.460)
a back channel in order to get reelected.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:22.380)
He got hundreds of thousands upon thousands of people killed.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:26.300)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:27.300)
Just so he could get reelected.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:28.300)
Why aren't you talking about that?
Unknown Speaker (02:04:29.619)
Well- Like this is all fucking insane.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:31.819)
I'm not sure what Tarpley's take on it is, but a lot of people in the like sort of Alex
Unknown Speaker (02:04:35.739)
Jones, the intellectual sphere of his influences and those people, most of them didn't like
Unknown Speaker (02:04:42.619)
Nixon at all either.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:43.619)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:44.619)
So like at least there's that.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:45.619)
They're not Nixon supported, but unfortunately most of them supported George Wallace.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:49.380)
So it's not better, but so at least they didn't like Nixon, but bad news, they wanted segregation.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:57.340)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:58.340)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:59.340)
Good work guys.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:00.340)
It's good news, bad news.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:01.340)
That's what it is.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:02.340)
Yeah, I agree.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:03.340)
I think that there is an irresponsibility that people like this do.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:09.579)
The way that they get away with it is they are so nonspecific about what they're talking
Unknown Speaker (02:05:13.359)
about that it called to task for like saying like, the last real president was Kennedy.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:18.939)
What do you mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:20.060)
What does that mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:21.060)
He was real.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:22.060)
What does that mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:23.060)
No, it means like he kept it a hundred.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:24.859)
Well sure.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:25.859)
Because that lack of specificity, it's the same thing with saying that Bush tripled the
Unknown Speaker (02:05:29.899)
federal government.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:30.899)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:31.899)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:32.899)
And they rely on these, these sort of vague notions of like, that sounds good.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:37.060)
And you trick a lot of people and in doing so they accept fraudulent narratives about
Unknown Speaker (02:05:42.420)
the past.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:43.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:44.420)
What's the logical fallacy?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:45.420)
Appeal to authority there?
Unknown Speaker (02:05:46.420)
I guess that's what you do when you call Webster Tarpley an author and historian.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:50.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:51.420)
No kidding.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:52.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:53.420)
Here's J.F.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:54.420)
Higgins shot.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:55.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:56.420)
Also, apparently, so here's the, here's my favorite part of this.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:00.979)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:01.979)
This is the Zapruder film.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:03.699)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:04.699)
But it has on the bottom of it.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:07.460)
Like they bought, like they were the ones who got it.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:09.979)
They bought the rights.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:10.979)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:11.979)
Abraham Zapruder now works for Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:13.979)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:14.979)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:15.979)
Why do you have, like, oh, we're licensing this footage from
Unknown Speaker (02:06:19.939)
You can only find this one place.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:22.180)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:23.180)
Message to future US presidents and leaders across the world was clear.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:26.579)
Back and to the left.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:27.579)
Do as you're told.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:28.579)
To the right.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:29.579)
Or die.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:30.579)
Back and to the left.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:31.579)
Kennedy was the last.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:32.579)
Thanks for using his full middle name, dude.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:34.460)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:35.460)
And until the globalists are removed from power, we will never have another real one.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:40.060)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:41.260)
The other thing about the American presidency you've got to remember.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:44.500)
Oh, God.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:45.500)
This is a puppet post.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:46.500)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:47.500)
It's automatically going to be a puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:48.500)
Me puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:49.500)
You puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:50.500)
The idea that Obama is somebody who's going to come in and exercise real authority when
Unknown Speaker (02:06:53.979)
he's obviously been chosen and given everything that he's got.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:57.699)
Prove it.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:58.699)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:59.699)
Prove it.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:00.699)
He's given little more than corporate-
Unknown Speaker (02:07:01.699)
Give it!
Unknown Speaker (02:07:02.699)
The first fucking black president in America's history has been given everything.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:08.140)
You know how they do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:09.619)
The icon KRS-One is not just known for selling millions of albums, he has led a tireless
Unknown Speaker (02:07:14.979)
crusade against-
Unknown Speaker (02:07:15.979)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:16.979)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:17.979)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:18.979)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:19.979)
It's so funny that Alex doesn't-
Unknown Speaker (02:07:20.979)
You can't go.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:21.979)
You can't do that.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:22.979)
That's whiplash.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:23.979)
That hurts me.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:24.979)
That hurts me.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:25.979)
You can't go from Webster Tarpley saying that Obama's been given everything to being like
Unknown Speaker (02:07:27.500)
international hip-hop star KRS-One, like no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:31.720)
You got to ease me into that, dude.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:33.260)
And I think it's so funny that we listen to the episode with KRS-One and Alex keeps calling
Unknown Speaker (02:07:38.699)
him KSR-One.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:39.699)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:40.699)
I like that he at least got his voice over together for this.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:43.859)
He had to do about six or seven takes on this one.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:46.260)
Unknown Speaker (02:07:47.260)
And youth violence has been a strong voice for human rights.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:50.119)
If they controlled it before, what makes you think they're not controlling it now?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:56.979)
That means nothing.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:57.979)
The country was on the verge of revolution.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:01.260)
They threw a black man up.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:05.380)
Now we like this.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:06.380)
When he's saying like this, he's got his arms crossed.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:09.420)
He's leaning back, crossing his arms.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:10.420)
What do you mean we were on the brink of revolution?
Unknown Speaker (02:08:12.579)
What does that mean?
Unknown Speaker (02:08:15.420)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (02:08:16.420)
I suppose there is something of an argument to be made that had-
Unknown Speaker (02:08:20.699)
I would argue there isn't.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:21.699)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:22.699)
I mean, had the financial crisis been allowed to grow into the full blown Great Depression
Unknown Speaker (02:08:29.939)
that it could have become had we not passed the stimulus package, which somehow they're
Unknown Speaker (02:08:34.319)
against as well.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:35.319)
Unknown Speaker (02:08:36.319)
We'll get into that later.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:37.319)
That would have led to-
Unknown Speaker (02:08:38.659)
Unknown Speaker (02:08:39.659)
You could make an argument that that could have led to revolution.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:42.699)
We could imagine a scenario where John McCain gets elected and passes the same bill, as
Unknown Speaker (02:08:46.979)
unlikely as that is.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:49.380)
If they're all puppets, then he would have done that.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:51.739)
You know, like if they're all puppets of the finance oligarchs and whatever-
Unknown Speaker (02:08:55.500)
Yeah, but he's a maverick, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:57.100)
But if they had chosen John McCain and Palin to win, then he would have passed the stimulus
Unknown Speaker (02:09:02.220)
bill because that's what the globalists want them to do.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:05.739)
The argument is so fucking stupid.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:07.340)
It is nothing.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:08.340)
Unknown Speaker (02:09:09.340)
It's so frustrating because there's no way out of it.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:11.779)
There's no way out of the argument.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:13.340)
It's purely speculative.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:14.340)
Unknown Speaker (02:09:15.340)
It's like, oh, if this could have happened, then maybe this would have happened.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:17.340)
And they're two months into his presidency.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:21.140)
Although I do like his point, if you- No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:24.699)
I mean, not- Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:26.060)
Gotta raise my eye, bro.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:27.060)
Let me continue.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:28.060)
By his, you mean KRS-1, not ours.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:29.819)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:30.819)
Absolutely KRS-1.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:32.060)
With the election of Obama and everybody kind of leaning back and just saying, okay, cool,
Unknown Speaker (02:09:38.539)
now we're in good hands, that did lead to the Republicans taking over literally every
Unknown Speaker (02:09:43.539)
state government for a long time.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:44.779)
It did lead to being on the brink of a revolution.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:47.859)
Yeah, well, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:48.979)
So I don't know if you're, I don't, maybe KRS-1 is a better trends forecaster than
Unknown Speaker (02:09:55.020)
Donald Trump.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:56.020)
I think KRS-1 is a pretty great trends forecaster.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:58.100)
Unknown Speaker (02:09:59.100)
He's a bad analogy forecaster.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:00.100)
Oh, undoubtedly.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:01.100)
He's a great trends.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:02.100)
You would think he'd have better analogies after decades of writing songs.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:07.380)
He's really good at writing songs.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:08.899)
Yeah, but that takes a while.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:10.140)
He's not just going off the do- Oh, no, he is a freestyler.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:14.619)
Unknown Speaker (02:10:17.300)
They give him the money.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:18.619)
They give him the bundling.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:19.859)
They give him vote fraud.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:21.220)
They give him kindling.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:22.220)
The media whores.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:23.220)
They give him goons.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:24.420)
They even have elected officials making threats to put people in jail if they criticize Obama
Unknown Speaker (02:10:29.739)
in public.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:30.779)
All of this is the- They give him corgis.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:33.659)
And that means that he is a puppet, actually more of a puppet than anybody else, more of
Unknown Speaker (02:10:37.880)
a puppet than Mrs. Clinton would have been, even more of a puppet than McCain.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:42.340)
He's the maximum puppet that we've had since Jimmy Carter.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:46.939)
They put a black face on the new- Jimmy Carter was a puppet?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:50.060)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:51.060)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:52.060)
KRS ain't buying it.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:53.060)
What kind of historian says Jimmy Carter was a puppet?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:56.619)
I honestly don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:57.619)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:58.619)
I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:59.619)
What is that?
Unknown Speaker (02:11:00.619)
That should disqualify you from being a historian.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:02.539)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:03.539)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:04.539)
Jimmy Carter was a puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:05.539)
Move on.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:06.539)
Peanut puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:07.539)
Peanut sounds like puppet.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:08.539)
Terror puppet babies.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:09.699)
Mr. Puppet would be a wonderful marionette.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:13.739)
You know what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:14.739)
Full silence.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:15.739)
This is a very triangle heavy graphic right now.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:28.380)
We don't have a prime minister.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:29.380)
Unknown Speaker (02:11:30.380)
So Alex is reporting that in a- Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:56.180)
You paused it on the perfect graphic.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:58.699)
It's a bunch of business names.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:00.659)
Because if you look at this, this is a perfect snapshot in time.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:06.460)
There is a graphic for Winamp and MapQuest.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:11.180)
Court TV.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:12.180)
Some Netscape right there.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:13.739)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:14.739)
Oh yeah, it was a big time.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:15.739)
AOL was big.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:16.739)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:17.739)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:18.739)
Oh, loving it.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:19.739)
So before this graphic came up, Alex was saying and reporting that at a secret meeting, David
Unknown Speaker (02:12:24.060)
Rockefeller defined the new world order as serving the international banking elite.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:27.819)
This naturally raises the question of how he's getting this information if it was said
Unknown Speaker (02:12:31.779)
in a secret meeting.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:32.779)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:33.779)
It should come as no surprise.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:35.500)
Abraham Lincoln wrote it down.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:36.500)
This information doesn't come from a recording or an official transcript or from even a whistle
Unknown Speaker (02:12:40.859)
blower who was there.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:42.140)
It comes from Daniel Estelin, who claims that someone told him that Rockefeller said these
Unknown Speaker (02:12:47.619)
Unknown Speaker (02:12:48.619)
We got deep into Daniel Estelin's sourcing problems back when we covered Endgame.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:52.699)
And we learned how one of the people he quotes as an expert on Bilderberg in his book claims
Unknown Speaker (02:12:57.060)
to be a space commander with the interplanetary order.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:59.880)
So it should be repetitive to go over all those problems now, all over again.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:04.739)
Suffice it to say, Daniel Estelin is full of shit, and unless this quote can be in any
Unknown Speaker (02:13:08.100)
way substantiated, it's not worth thinking about, much less building a career on like
Unknown Speaker (02:13:12.800)
Alex has.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:13.800)
Now, to add insult to injury, in that clip, Alex said that it was the 1991 Bilderberg
Unknown Speaker (02:13:19.939)
conference in Avion, France.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:22.420)
The 1991 Bilderberg conference was in Baden-Baden, Germany, the 1992 conference was in Avion,
Unknown Speaker (02:13:28.659)
Unknown Speaker (02:13:29.659)
It seems like he should know that.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:31.500)
Yeah, you know, on a normal documentary, I'd be like, okay, you fucked up, that happens,
Unknown Speaker (02:13:41.300)
you should apologize for that.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:43.180)
On this documentary, fuck off, what are you doing, what are you fucking doing?
Unknown Speaker (02:13:48.260)
You're going to make an argument entirely based around the globalist and Bilderberg
Unknown Speaker (02:13:52.100)
being the most horrible thing that's ever been and you're going to get your fucking
Unknown Speaker (02:13:55.340)
dates wrong?
Unknown Speaker (02:13:56.979)
Fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:57.979)
I have specific information about this Bilderberg conference, yet I can't get basic facts right.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:03.979)
The secret Bilderberg conference was in 1991, though.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:06.579)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:07.579)
The secret conference is always where it was last year or where it's going to be the next
Unknown Speaker (02:14:12.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:13.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:14.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:14:15.140)
But the real conference, they switch off.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:16.140)
That's what Estelin told me.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:17.140)
It's like the Montreal tennis, uh, never mind.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:21.699)
I will gladly.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:22.699)
Never mind.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:23.699)
So the ATP and the WTA, they switched locations for the media to attack anyone who dared to
Unknown Speaker (02:14:28.220)
warn the public that a dictatorial world government was being constructed right under their arms.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:33.100)
I love this show.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:34.100)
And the national sovereignty was being deliberately destroyed.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:39.420)
And now, after years of denial, the media and the elite themselves are proudly announcing
Unknown Speaker (02:14:46.300)
that not only is world government real, but it is the answer to the financial crisis that
Unknown Speaker (02:14:52.140)
they carefully engineered.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:54.100)
Hey everybody, it's Dan.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:58.539)
That is where we're going to just have to leave off for today, uh, today's first episode
Unknown Speaker (02:15:03.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:15:04.140)
Um, uh, yeah, I mean, hey, we've got a cliffhanger here.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:07.819)
Did the media come out and say that the new world order was here?
Unknown Speaker (02:15:11.260)
Did they announce that?
Unknown Speaker (02:15:12.899)
Is Alex talking about something real or is this yet another, uh, load of bullshit that
Unknown Speaker (02:15:17.460)
he's trying to peddle in this documentary?
Unknown Speaker (02:15:19.539)
You have to tune in tomorrow to find out, uh, guys, thanks so much for listening.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:23.779)
Uh, we do have a website.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (02:15:26.000)
We are on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:29.020)
We are on Facebook over there, Facebook, excuse me.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:32.020)
Uh, we have a group called go home and tell your mother you're brilliant, uh, which is
Unknown Speaker (02:15:35.420)
really where a lot of the, uh, the real action goes on in terms of Facebook because I'm really
Unknown Speaker (02:15:39.939)
terrible at upkeeping, uh, the, uh, Facebook page.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:43.260)
I'm not good at it.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:44.260)
Um, you can find us over on iTunes.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:46.260)
Please do subscribe.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:47.260)
Uh, it's the best way to probably keep up with stuff because again, I'm terrible at
Unknown Speaker (02:15:50.859)
social media.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:51.859)
I got too many other plates I'm spinning, uh, with this when I'm real bad at posting
Unknown Speaker (02:15:56.819)
stuff on Twitter and Facebook, but we do appreciate that you have found the show.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:00.100)
I hope you're enjoying it.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:01.260)
Uh, like I said, we're back for part two of the Obama deception coverage tomorrow and
Unknown Speaker (02:16:06.979)
it just gets juicier and juicier.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:09.180)
And by that I mean I lose my patience with this documentary as it goes on longer and
Unknown Speaker (02:16:15.300)
Unknown Speaker (02:16:16.300)
Um, thank you all so much.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:17.300)
Uh, uh, I don't, since I'm just doing a little bumper here, I don't have anybody to reference
Unknown Speaker (02:16:23.739)
who hasn't killed anybody.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:25.420)
I'm the only person sitting in this room.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:26.920)
I haven't killed anybody, but I know one guy who has technically theoretically has killed
Unknown Speaker (02:16:32.239)
someone and that's a guy who goes by the name of Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:36.379)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:37.379)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:38.379)
Hello Alex.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:39.379)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:40.379)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:41.379)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:42.379)
I love you.