Transcript/222: March 15-19, 2009
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy in Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Alex Jones (00:00:07.000)
I love you.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan.
Jordan (00:00:09.000)
I'm Jordan.
Dan (00:00:10.000)
We're a couple dudes, like to sit around, drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:14.000)
Indeed we are Dan.
Dan (00:00:15.000)
Yes, sir.
Jordan (00:00:16.000)
Dan (00:00:17.000)
Jordan (00:00:17.000)
When was the last day you remember where we didn't see a hate crime?
Dan (00:00:20.000)
Oh, I don't know. I don't know, man. I don't know. But yeah, man, this is getting, I know that this is the wrong take on it. And this isn't my take on it. But it is getting exhausting. Every day waking up. yeah. And a new, like, just human moral travesty. yeah. Sitting in front of our laps. yeah. It's really I'm starting to realize like, I can't wake up and immediately look at the world. I need to start a new routine where I do something else. So I'm trying to initiate like a just wake up and exercise or something like that. right. Something other to get my mind in a more stable position before I'm like, good God.
Jordan (00:00:57.000)
It just feels like the day after day thing where it's like, this big thing happens. And then the next day, it's another thing, it feels like the dam is about to break on this shit. And it's just hard.
Dan (00:01:09.000)
And any of those ever any of the things that we're experiencing here in the last like, let's say a week, any of them would be bad anytime. yeah. It's not like it's just unique to the time we're in right now. That shooting at the synagogue would have been awful three years ago. It would have been awful at any time. The people getting bombs sent to them would be terrible anytime. yep. It's it's hard to deal with. And I don't. I don't. I feel for everyone in the world who has to experience all this stuff. yep. But this is a show where I know a lot about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:42.000)
And I don't know anything about Alex Jones.
Dan (00:01:43.000)
That is correct. And before we get into today's show, I'd like to give a shout out to a good buddy Kevin Hogan. Went out with him on the other night went over to Budlong's Nashville hot chicken. delicious. This little edition of the spice report, something from my old podcast where I would go and eat really spicy foods and come report back to the audience about it. I went and I tested myself. yeah. With their secret level.
Jordan (00:02:09.000)
The secret, they have a secret level?
Dan (00:02:11.000)
They have a secret spicy level.
Jordan (00:02:12.000)
Why didn't I know about this? I would never have touched it. I just like to know things.
Dan (00:02:16.000)
It's hotter than extra hot.
Jordan (00:02:17.000)
It's hotter than extra hot? indeed. How hot is that?
Dan (00:02:20.000)
I don't know.
Jordan (00:02:21.000)
It's super hot?
Dan (00:02:22.000)
I had the extra hot the last time I went and I found it lacking. So I went and I tried to secret, the secret hot. And I'd like to report back to everyone no big deal. No big deal. It turns out it's a ghost pepper situation. And I learned to
Jordan (00:02:38.000)
You eat ghost peppers for breakfast.
Dan (00:02:40.000)
Not generally, usually Serranos. But like it does, I realized that the heat of a ghost pepper. Not super problematic for me, but I don't like the flavor. awww. So that's been the spice report.
Jordan (00:02:50.000)
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that.
Dan (00:02:51.000)
It's alright. It's still a nice time. Anyway, Jordan today on the show, we have a very exciting adventure in front of us. yes we do. We will be going over March 15th through 19th 2009, which is a little answer to our prayers in as much as we've you know, like last couple 2009 episodes have been one day in 2009. yeah. Like will you pick up the fucking pace? right. And it turns out, we
Jordan (00:03:12.000)
We know we've got two years before Soros shows up in the first place.
Dan (00:03:16.000)
Well, and we have the question of the Tea Party situation. And we do know that by April 2010, he's on board at the Tea Party.
Jordan (00:03:23.000)
So we're almost there.
Dan (00:03:24.000)
Jordan (00:03:25.000)
We're inching along.
Dan (00:03:27.000)
But so today, the reason that we can make up a lot of time is like these shows sucked. These were nothing shows. And one of the reasons is because at this point in 2009, Alex has been featured in an IFC documentary called The New World Order. right. And it's premiering ostensibly at South by Southwest. And in March, middle March 2009,it's South by Southwest time. So he's galavanting around with the filmmakers, having the filmmakers come into studio and they're just bragging about this documentary.
Jordan (00:04:02.000)
Right, right. Wait, so is it so this documentary is like a staunchly pro Alex Jones's view of the
Dan (00:04:09.000)
The filmmakers, when they're on the show are saying that we wanted to stay out of that. Let the
Jordan (00:04:13.000)
What do you mean you want to stay out of it?
Dan (00:04:15.000)
Let the audience decide what's true. We just wanted to give you a glimpse into the people who believe this. Their lives. yeah. Right? yeah. So whatever. I would also say I haven't seen that documentary. But the main people who are in it are Alex Jones, Jack McLamb, Holocaust denier Jack McLamb. And Big Jim Tucker, who writes for The Spotlight, which is a neo Nazi publication.
Jordan (00:04:39.000)
Problematic publication.
Dan (00:04:41.000)
So unless they get into some of that stuff, I don't want to see the documentary. I think you have only scraped the surface of these dudes if you if you don't. So Alex is spending a whole lot of his time with that, also promoting The Obama Deception like crazy and so we're able to skip through a good amount of this shit without going over it. Now let it be known, I still had to listen to all of it.
Jordan (00:05:01.000)
Awwww. Aww, Dan.
Dan (00:05:03.000)
This still represents a good 15 hours of my time or something like that. It was just for nothing. Just listen to Alex brag about the IFC.
Jordan (00:05:12.000)
I speak for everyone who listens to this podcast. Thank you so much because I wasn't going to do a goddamn minute of that.
Dan (00:05:18.000)
You are welcome. And I'm glad I did though because I, as I was going through it, I was like, fucking shit. There's nothing here. I am not doing an episode about Alex bragging about a documentary. I'm just not doing it. Especially not in the world we're living in in 2018. That would be the most toothless, stupid fucking thing in the world. yeah. I learned an important lesson.
Jordan (00:05:39.000)
What's that?
Dan (00:05:40.000)
That is, when the going gets rough, you
Jordan (00:05:43.000)
Don't invade Russia in the winter.
Dan (00:05:45.000)
That too. okay. That's second lesson. okay, okay. The first lesson is you have to persevere. You have to keep pushing forward, even when it looks like nothing is going right. When it looks like you're gonna end up with a deadline when Jordan's gonna show up at your house and all you've got are clips of Alex being like, I'm at South by Southwest with a bullhorn having fun with some filmmakers. Oh my god, what have I got? I've got Richard Linklater's associate producer in studio talking about the globalists. I don't want to do that. But you keep pushing forward, and you're gonna strike pay dirt. And I did. I felt like
Jordan (00:06:16.000)
I liked the way that you set this up like I was on my way. It takes me like 20 minutes to walk here and you just are like, Oh, no, I don't have anything. I'm gonna make it up as I go along. Fuck it! We're doing it live.
Dan (00:06:29.000)
You don't understand that like six hours before you get here, I have to know what we're doing. yeah. Because otherwise, what are we doing? yeah. So but look, I hit pay dirt and I'm glad I did. I think I found something incredibly huge that will re context recontextualize almost everything about Alex Jones in 2009. And it's the product of keeping pushing forward when the going is done. okay, all right. Now, that being said,
Jordan (00:06:57.000)
Big caveat right there.
Dan (00:06:59.000)
Thankfully, along the way, to me finding something big. Those episodes aren't all trash. There's at least a couple of funny moments throughout them. So here's one from March 15th where Alex tries to get back to his story about how that chimp who tore a lady's face off was on was on Prozac drugs.
Alex Jones (00:07:21.000)
That chimpanzee that ripped the woman's jaw and eyeballs out he was on a Prozac drug. I forget which one but this is same thing, it's like a McDonald's is a Burger King, a Prozac is a Luvox.
Dan (00:07:34.000)
Jordan (00:07:35.000)
Alex Jones (00:07:36.000)
In fact, let me get the exact drug...
Jordan (00:07:37.000)
A McDonald is a Burger King?
Alex Jones (00:07:39.000)
--chimpanzee was on drugs and it. Just shout in my ear with the name of it was, I can't remember. I just wanna give out the actual name of the of the, quote, antidepressant, when on the inserts of those by law admits it causes psychotic breaks. Oh gee, every shooter and every chimpanzee that murders people is on these.
Dan (00:07:55.000)
Just those two things.
Alex Jones (00:07:57.000)
But everything's okay. Let's just ban the guns.
Jordan (00:07:59.000)
What about hippos? They just naturally like that?
Alex Jones (00:08:04.000)
Oh, yeah, they're real happy. Til they have a bad trip.
Jordan (00:08:08.000)
You don't trip on it.
Alex Jones (00:08:09.000)
Xanax. Yeah, the chimpanzee was on Xanax. Thank you. That's one of the really strong ones. Even stronger than Prozac. Okay thank you. I thought that but I
Jordan (00:08:17.000)
Yeah, you did think it.
Dan (00:08:18.000)
Mumble your way out of that one. Hey bro, Xanax is not an SSRI. oh it's not. That's a benzo baby.
Jordan (00:08:25.000)
Oh, no. Is it? yeah. Oh, huh.
Dan (00:08:28.000)
Completely different drug. His argument is completely shot. By his own admission,
Jordan (00:08:32.000)
Eh you have a bad trip on both
Dan (00:08:34.000)
These SSRIs are causing people to become crazy. Much like the chimpanzee who went out and bit a lady's face off that turns out he wasn't on SSRIs he was on Xanax. Who cares, moving forward.
Jordan (00:08:46.000)
A Xanax is a Taco Bell is a Prozac is a Pizza Hut. Everybody knows that. And I think Baskin Robbins is in there now?
Dan (00:08:53.000)
It's funny to have like I see Alex have the the brassest of balls in like trying to make his argument about shooters connected to the monkeys who are on Prozac. Monkey wasn't on Prozac. Yes. But my argument
Jordan (00:09:07.000)
Chimpanzee is an ape.
Dan (00:09:08.000)
Right. My argument still stands, how dare you.
Jordan (00:09:11.000)
Yeah, that doesn't make sense. so um. The chimpanzee was actually on the Today Show the next day after ripping that woman's face off to defend its actions. It literally did say it was on Xanax.
Dan (00:09:21.000)
And it said I'm going to rehab. yeah. And then everyone forgave the chimp.
Jordan (00:09:25.000)
Dan (00:09:26.000)
So the 16th is trash radio. It is mostly Jason Burmis hosting the show because Alex is gallivanting around with these IFC producers.
Jordan (00:09:36.000)
Right. Acting, acting like a big shot, Hollywood movie star.
Dan (00:09:39.000)
Yeah. So and when Alex gets back into studio, it's when he's introducing Richard Linklater as associate producer. Yeah, so it's kind of just like all star fuckery a little bit and then Jason Burmis being boring as hell. So the 16th we can wipe it completely off our plate, okay, we don't have to worry about the 16th at all. Now, I should also say that the 17th is also trash. On the 17th, that's when Alex just has the IFC producers in studio and interviews them about how great their documentary about him. So it's like, uh unh. No.
Jordan (00:10:13.000)
Has he seen it?
Dan (00:10:14.000)
I think they probably sent him a premiere screening or whatever.
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
God it would have been so much better if they didn't show him the documentary...
Dan (00:10:22.000)
And it turned out to be scathing?
Jordan (00:10:23.000)
--and turned out to just be a bitch slap to the face.
Dan (00:10:26.000)
That would be awesome.
Jordan (00:10:27.000)
That would be amazing.
Dan (00:10:27.000)
Be a good prank. Alex pranks. So that. that ends that segment. That is most of the 17th. And then Alex at the end of the show has his one of his vaccine experts, Barbara Loe Fisher on the show, to talk about how bad vaccines are. We've already talked about Barbara so we don't need to really dive too deep into her nuttiness. But it bears repeating that this is one of their big arguments. This is one of the arguments that one of Alex Jones's vaccine experts is making, and it's a bad sign.
Barbara Loe Fisher (00:10:58.000)
And I think that this is where I have a lot of trouble with this sort of, greater good argument that they keep making. The argument is, you don't have the right as an individual parent to make that choice for your child. Because if you don't make the choices the government says you need to make, in this case get get vaccinated, you put your neighbor's child at risk. I've always said, if the vaccines are as effective as the companies and have said they are, then you should have, then the vaccinated should have nothing to fear from those who choose not to get vaccinated.
Alex Jones (00:11:28.000)
How dumb do they think the public is, they go, you gotta take it because my kids will get sick from you. Well wait. I thought you took it all, I thought you're protected.
Barbara Loe Fisher (00:11:36.000)
Yeah, I mean, we really have to stop believing in myths and misinformation, and we have to get the information.
Dan (00:11:44.000)
Wipe Out. That's terrible, man, if your vaccine expert is coming at you with the argument that, hey, if everybody is vaccinated, they shouldn't have anything to fear for people not being vaccinated. yeah, that makes sense. You haven't done cursory research about how a lot of people can't get vaccinated. dohhh. Cuz of allergies, or underlying conditions that they may have. All of these things lead to you not being able to be vaccinated. So like, the idea isn't just that, like, it's not like I have vaccines so I'm afraid of you not having vaccines. It's a public health situation, because there's a large segment of the population who just can't get vaccinated and want to.
Jordan (00:12:21.000)
And if you follow her argument to its logical conclusion, then as a person who is vaccinated, I just get to watch wide swaths of children die as they spread the disease back and forth to each other while I am immune to it. That's a dumb argument.
Dan (00:12:38.000)
It's real, it's real not great. yeah. It's pretty bad. So that's about all we need to talk about on the 17th. Like I said, the show's shit. 16th and 17th, low point in my Alex Jones listening. yeah. Like legitimately. I have very rarely
Jordan (00:12:52.000)
We almost ended the show. That's how bad those two were.
Dan (00:12:55.000)
I don't know about ending the show. But I have not come that close to flirting with despair. Like. okay. Because I saw no end in sight. It kept happening. He kept talking about these documentaries.
Jordan (00:13:05.000)
How'd the 18th go?
Dan (00:13:07.000)
The 18th is a little bit better. Now, the 18th is a really interesting time in the Alex Jones Show, because he starts out the broadcast by talking about how he's going to be simulcasting with Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Jordan (00:13:21.000)
Oh, that's not good.
Dan (00:13:22.000)
On his Fox radio show.
Jordan (00:13:23.000)
Oh, that's super not good.
Dan (00:13:24.000)
So it is bad. And the two of them have a very bad interview. And it's mostly Alex trying to get in plugs for The Obama Decepton. of course, of course. But before they get to their interview, Alex decides to just sacrifice his own show for the sake of Andrew Napolitano's.
Alex Jones (00:13:42.000)
Okay, we're gonna be simulcasting here in just a minute or so with Andrew Napolitano's show, Judge Napolitano. I'm gonna go ahead and throw up the Fox audio right now from their show and wait till he goes to me, gonna let him run the show here. Here we go.
Jordan (00:14:01.000)
Long pause.
Alex Jones (00:14:03.000)
Okay, while we're waiting for my guys to send me that
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:14:07.000)
I'm not going to it for about 10 minutes.
Alex Jones (00:14:09.000)
Okay,yeah we've got audio now. I'm just gonna wait for Fox, Fox I'm here and I'm just running the judge's show right now as you guys get ready to go live there as well.
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:14:18.000)
My face is at an angle. How generous.
Jordan (00:14:21.000)
This is off air shit. He's just listening to them do pre show.
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:14:27.000)
Ratio please on the remote.
Alex Jones (00:14:31.000)
This is a rare treat.
Jordan (00:14:33.000)
It is not a treat.
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:14:35.000)
No. Oh yeah yeah yeah.
Jordan (00:14:38.000)
Alex Jones is a piece of shit. Who said that? Who said that?
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:14:42.000)
He looks a little squeezed. That's pretty good though considering Skype, my god, it's excellent. It's a lot better since Carl Cameron did from the car during the campaign. I suppose one day you'll get us Skype on our desks? No, we're not allowed to have it internally. Hello Alex? Well, I can understand it in a studio. Yeah, security risk, understood. And I respect that.
Alex Jones (00:15:12.000)
Hello Alex? I'm here guys. I'm waiting.
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:15:14.000)
Put in program and the judge will bring you in. Okay?
Alex Jones (00:05:18.000)
Okay, yeah, you're sending me your regular audio feed over it just so you know. I can hear you. I'm ready when they go to me. I'm here.
Fox Crew Members (222) (00:15:24.000)
Wonder if they could. Hey guys, can you Joel? Uma? okay, I'm here thank you. Andy, we'll be with you shortly after
Jordan (00:15:40.000)
I can't believe this is still going on. Why wouldn't you cut this out? I don't know. Why wouldn't you cut away? And do like 10 minutes of your own show?
Dan (00:15:49.000)
Or why wouldn't you have Rob Dew do this conversation about are we ready yet off, like the producer Rob Dew's around? nope, can't do it. You could have any producer who's there like, Alex is willing to put that on his show. He's willing to sacrifice his own show for this other show because it's a tacit admission that he knows that Fox's audience is way bigger than his. He's willing to do shit like this. He went on RT on inauguration day and just left his show. He was he simulcasts this thing and ruins four minutes, at least, of his live broadcast. It's so unprofessional because you know, who gives a shit, if I can tap into Napolitan's audience it's gonna be way bigger for me.
Jordan (00:16:27.000)
Yeah, but I mean, even then there's a little bit of fault on Napolitano's side as well. Why is he getting that feed at all?
Dan (00:16:35.000)
I don't know.
Jordan (00:16:36.000)
Where does that come from? What, did he just call?
Dan (00:16:38.000)
That's probably not on the judge. It's probably one of the producers.
Jordan (00:16:41.000)
Do they have him on speakerphone?
Dan (00:16:42.000)
They have him on Skype. And it's great. Surprisingly good.
Jordan (00:16:45.000)
So they can't hear him talking?
Dan (00:16:47.000)
I don't know. I don't know! It's crazy, when I was listening to that I was like, what the fuck? Because that clip I just played was two minutes long. That's not all of it. That's not all of the tech difficulties. I'm just listening to that like, wow, this is that, you've come a long way baby.
Jordan (00:17:03.000)
You could have had somebody call five minutes before then, ten minutes. Just in like, Hey, we're gonna come on at this time.
Dan (00:17:11.000)
Yeah. So Alex does his simulcast with Napolitano. And once they get these glitches out of the way, it goes okay. yeah. But it's a lot of just
Jordan (00:17:19.000)
You a racist? Yeah. How about you? Totally!
Dan (00:17:21.000)
The two of them are kind of kissing each other's asses a little bit. Alex trying to get plugs in for The Obama Deception, get Infowars dot com out there. yeah. And lie about the MIAC report. right. Because that's the big thing that's going on right now for Alex. Despite the fact that he's in a little bit of a South by Southwest holding pattern, and what have you, the MIAC report is still the big news. And what's interesting is on this episode, March 18th, Alex purports to have evidence of the, like this, some guy called the Missouri Police and recorded it, and it's some sort of a damning thing for Alex. So he's teasing that he's gonna play this audio of a guy talking to the Missouri Police. And I'm like, I don't, I can't imagine that'll be damning. Like I don't. I imagine that the cop will just be like, no comment?
Jordan (00:18:14.000)
Ahh. We did it, I'm the devil, ahhh.
Dan (00:18:17.000)
I can't imagine anything like that.
Jordan (00:18:19.000)
That'd be great though. Don't, don't they, don't they, evil people, get possessed from time to time and then
Dan (00:18:24.000)
Alex seems to think so.
Jordan (00:18:25.000)
Yeah yeah yeah. And then they have to tell you the truth inexplicably?
Dan (00:18:28.000)
Fuck Ron Paul,Bababooey Bababooey. That would be awesome.
Jordan (00:18:32.000)
That would be great.
Dan (00:18:33.000)
If that was the audio that he played I would be over the moon with that. But instead, I didn't, I did not expect to hear this cop be very reasonable. And try and explain to this caller exactly what I have explained about the MIAC report.
Jordan (00:18:48.000)
Yeah. Let's see how this goes.
Police Secretary (222) (00:18:51.000)
I'm sorry, Sergeant Clark is on the other line right now. ok. Um.
Dan (00:18:55.000)
Let me say that the reason that music is playing is this is coming straight out of break. It's not like it's a
Jordan (00:19:00.000)
Right, right, right. It's not going on in the phone call.
Dan (00:19:02.000)
Right. It's not like some sort of audio package that's been put together. It's just it's the bumper music.
Police Secretary (222) (00:19:08.000)
I can have you hold, I can take your name and number and have them give you a call back. Um. It's kind of whatever you would prefer.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:19:14.000)
Uh, um. Let me hold for a little bit, please.
Police Secretary (222) (00:19:17.000)
Ok. Just a moment.
Dan (00:19:21.000)
Also could have cut this out.
Jordan (00:19:22.000)
Bah, come on. It's important to know that he was on hold. See how disrespectful the police are? They'll just put you on hold whenever. They're public servants Dan, I'm definitely not continuing to talk over this dead air. That would be crazy.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:19:40.000)
Yes, Sergeant Clark? Hi, how are you today?
Sergeant Clark (00:19:42.000)
Very good and yourself?
Guy who called the police (222) (00:19:43.000)
Very good. Hey, my name is Rob. I'm with the Campaign for Liberty. I just want to let you know I'm recording this call. I just would like to ask you a few questions. Trying to clarify. There's a lot of, as you know, a lot of information circulating on the internet regarding this recent MIAC report that was circulated.
Sergeant Clark (00:20:01.000)
Well I don't know, I've not been on the internet to see. But I've certainly we've taken a bunch of calls.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:20:05.000)
You're familiar with this report?
Sergeant Clark (00:20:08.000)
Yeah, I'm looking at the report if we're talking about the same report.
Dan (00:20:10.000)
So we have the introduction here...
Jordan (00:20:12.000)
You know we're talking about the same report,
Dan (00:20:14.000)
--but the cop seems, Clark, he seems willing to discuss this. He seems very convival. Maybe that's putting it too strongly. But he's being polite and present. yeah. So now let's get to the meat.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:20:29.000)
Um. Just a quick question. There's a lot of concern with people who are members of what what some people deem as liberty movement, or who are Ron Paul supporters? okay. Members of the Campaign for Liberty, which is a grassroots organization that was actually very well received recently at CPAC. Uhh...
Jordan (00:20:47.000)
The other white supremacists nation.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:20:49.000)
--this organization, are predominant members in the leading parties, and, again, well received politically on a national level.
Sergeant Clark (00:20:57.000)
And sir I don't doubt that at all, and I and I commend you and those folks for everything that they've done.
Dan (00:21:03.000)
That sounds a little is Pieczenik-y.
Jordan (00:21:05.000)
He is preemptively tired of this bullshit already.
Dan (00:21:08.000)
The tone of that sounded a little Pieczenik in that like, go home and tell your mother.
Jordan (00:21:15.000)
Oh, yeah, you went to CPAC. Good for you.
Dan (00:21:17.000)
I'm thrilled that you're in good standing. Yeah.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:21:20.000)
Okay. I guess the question is the, one of the concerns...
Jordan (00:21:24.000)
Why don't you like whites?
Guy who called the police (222) (00:21:25.000)
--one part of this liberty movement being labeled or targeted or potentially profiled in this report, as really leads one to believe that this is this is a list of potential domestic terrorists suspects?
Sergeant Clark (00:21:40.000)
Well, if you read that I don't see anywhere in that report, where it targets anybody or profiles anybody, or where labels anybody of anything, as a terrorist or a militia group member or anything like that. And to think that any law enforcement officer or agency would target somebody for a political affiliation, I think is, is inappropriate.
Dan (00:22:04.000)
Well, let's just say, let's take a moment. That's stupid. Like that's in the broader picture of history, that's very dumb. But that's the only thing I take issue with that he's saying.
Jordan (00:22:16.000)
I like that. I like this whole situation is like, white people aren't even being profiled. And they're still mad about it. Like everybody else has been profiled for 1000s of years. And white people are not being profiled on this. Holy shit. Are you gonna fucking do this to us? We do this. right, right. How dare you.
Dan (00:22:36.000)
So like, let's leave aside the fact that the cop is saying that it's inappropriate to assume that cops would target someone for their political beliefs.
Jordan (00:22:44.000)
So inappropriate.
Dan (00:22:46.000)
The history shows a darker picture.
Jordan (00:22:50.000)
We would never do that.
Dan (00:22:52.000)
But in this case,
Jordan (00:22:53.000)
Herbert Hoover is dead.
Dan (00:22:56.000)
Sure. A lot of the time, the people being targeted, were strongly on the Left. nooo. That seems to be more of the history of it.
Jordan (00:23:04.000)
Do you mean continuing?
Dan (00:23:05.000)
Um. Yes, but leaving that aside,
Jordan (00:23:09.000)
Yeah yeah yeah. Sorry. I had to be a dick about that.
Dan (00:23:11.000)
I understand. And it's deserved. But also, it's the only thing that you can really, I feel that I can take issue with with this Clark and his analysis, because it's not accurate in this case.
Jordan (00:23:22.000)
Right. Well, what else is he gonna say? He's not gonna be like, we look, we profile a lot of fuckin people, but this time, whites, you're good.
Sergeant Clark (00:23:32.000)
And the uh, and the report just simply does not say that.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:23:37.000)
Would, well I appreciate that. What is your what is your understanding of why the Constitution Party, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr and Ron Paul, a mention of people displaying Ron Paul bumper stickers. Why is there a mention of that in the report?
Sergeant Clark (00:23:53.000)
Well, if you read the report, I don't think there's a mention of bumper stickers at all, anywhere in the eight page report. So obviously, obviously, you haven't read the entirety of the report or you're looking at a report that
Alex Jones (00:24:06.000)
Yeah, hit pause. I want to comment and then we'll continue, back it up about 15 seconds. I love this video, because they put little bubbles up with arrows to where it says Ron Paul bumper stickers. It's the last page.
Dan (00:24:19.000)
Busted. It's not on the last page. It's not even on the second to last page where the parts like, they're playing fast and loose with combining details from this report in order to make it, strictly speaking, that cop is completely right. There is no mention of Ron Paul bumper stickers at all in here. The mention of Ron Paul is, these members are usually supporters of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr. The next paragraph talks about anti government propaganda. Militia members commonly display picture cartoon bumper stickers that contain anti government rhetoric. Most of this will depict the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, law enforcement and the New World Order in a derogatory manner. It's completely different sections of this report that characterizes militias and these dangerous groups that are not just liberty lovers.
Jordan (00:25:18.000)
Did they put 100% of one side of your van covered in bumper stickers?
Dan (00:25:23.000)
That's not a red flag.
Jordan (00:25:24.000)
That's not a red flag at all. Oh, no, no, no, come on.
Dan (00:25:27.000)
That's a don't tread on me flag.
Jordan (00:25:28.000)
Unfairly targeting these people.
Dan (00:25:30.000)
Absolutely. So we have seen this cop be very fair on this phone call, with the exception of that one little thing. But this guy isn't listening. of course not. And this next clip, I think, really drives home a point that we've been making for almost the entirety of this podcast. But it's really interesting to see it demonstrated in real time.
Sergeant Clark (00:25:53.000)
I can't speak for why you think that there's something in the report that says, people who have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, or any political affiliation, bumper sticker on their car would be targeted? That's just simply not true. And it's not in the report.
Guy who called the police (222) (00:26:06.000)
Is there a reference to the so called patriot movement or people who are opposed to North American Union or the New World Order in there?
Sergeant Clark (00:26:15.000)
Well, there's some information in there regarding certain militia groups and those violent factions that operate within those militia groups, that it details there are certain belief systems and what political parties or candidates they might associate themselves with. But certainly the document doesn't say that anybody who's affiliated with a certain political candidate, or a political party is certainly a militia member or a terrorist or anything like that.
Alex Jones (00:26:47.000)
Notice he goes, militia member or terrorist, as if being in the militia, which is in the Constitution Bill of Rights, is terrorism. yes. And it's all, these people want to kill you. Here's the stickers they have, Ron Paul.
Dan (00:27:00.000)
It's not that at all.
Jordan (00:27:01.000)
--what he said at all. Ever. And it's not even in the report.
Dan (00:27:05.000)
Also, in a militia or a terrorist is a disjunction, that's "or." That generally means one or the other. It's not saying that they're equivalent or the same thing at all. So now what you see here, this is interesting to me, because what Alex Jones has just done, is very accurately, he's played an accurate debunking of his narrative on the show. That cop is absolutely correct in terms of the inference problem that they are making, that Alex is propaganda is making, the idea that these dangerous groups that we have studied, they show these signs. That isn't to say that if you exhibit those signs, you should be suspected of being a member of one of these dangerous groups. That he has just completely laid out exactly why Alex is wrong. So you'd think Alex would play that and be like, Guys, we fucked up this one. We fucked up. Sorry, sorry,
Jordan (00:27:57.000)
Chop it in 15 Second chunks, and I'll come in and disagree with everything and lie about it.
Dan (00:28:01.000)
Instead, what he does is on March 19th, as soon as he starts his show, he says this.
Alex Jones (00:28:08.000)
We have a Dr. Chuck Baldwin, Constitutional Party presidential candidate 2008, who was basically listed as a terrorist leader by the State Police propaganda document put out in Missouri written by the Feds and that's what the document does. Don't let them spin it.
Dan (00:28:24.000)
Don't let them spin it. Don't let them spin it against our already spinning ball.
Jordan (00:28:30.000)
No, can't let them spin it.
Dan (00:28:32.000)
That's insane to me, this guy has just explained it. He hasn't spun anything
Jordan (00:28:36.000)
It, what else is explaining reality other than putting spin on it?
Dan (00:28:40.000)
I guess, it's but it's natural spin. It's real spin.
Jordan (00:28:44.000)
That's that's the that's the world we exist in where reality is, is spin. Reality cannot be trusted so, any any statement of fact, any statement of the definition of a word. yeah. Will be challenged.
Dan (00:28:59.000)
But you see it right there. oh, yeah. You see it, you see it clearly. yep. Alex Jones at this point, and always, I'm certain, always, thinks that any explanation that is against his predetermined idea, is spin. yeah. They're trying to lie about this thing that I'm lying about. It's it's lunacy. It's no way to live.
Jordan (00:29:23.000)
When you have a nine and you want to divide it by, let's say three, you get a three which makes nine a you know, a square number. it's a spin. How dare you spin the truth? You can't divide any number by any number. We will not be divided! That's Alex in third grade.
Dan (00:29:42.000)
The thing is that like this is the narrative is so satisfying to him because it reinforces and proves so many of the bullshit things like because if this is if this is true, then he is a victim. You know, that they are targeting him that coming for us. Next thing you know, they're gonna put us in the camps. This is absolutely proof that all the other stuff that I'm trying to make you afraid of is true. It's an existential threat to him for this to not be true. So it doesn't matter. The truth is spin. It's pathetic. It's super pathetic. So. After Alex introduces his guests for the day, and lets you know what's coming up on the program, he gets to his first news story on March 19th. And surprise, surprise, it's bullshit.
Alex Jones (00:30:26.000)
Okay, massive news. Very important news. Let me break it down right now. House passes mandatory National Service Bill, you heard me, it's now going to the Senate. They are going to do...
Dan (00:30:42.000)
You just raised your eyebrow.
Alex Jones (00:30:43.000)
--moving on every front, by the way, Obama is going down to Mexico live, was listening to him live give a speech on the radio this morning to a crowd saying that, Oh, we're gonna fix the illegal alien problem, because we're just going to legalize them. The American people want to legalize them. The American people want to legalize...
Dan (00:30:58.000)
Legalize it!
Alex Jones (00:30:59.000)
--be official and legal and have papers. Be in the system. And so get ready for that as well. But just off the charts report, Prison Planet dot com, Paul Watson. House passes mandatory National Service bill. The House passed a bill yesterday which includes disturbing language, indicating young people will be forced to undertake mandatory national service programs as fears about President Obama's promised civilian national security force intensify. Watson's being too timid here like he always is. If you read the bill that passed it says forced service, so I'm going to read it. Yes, they have passed it. It's going to the Senate right now.
Dan (00:31:41.000)
So he's going to read that bill. He doesn't. Also Alex is completely misrepresenting this bill, because of course, he is. From a write up on FactCheck. The initial version of the bill that was introduced in the House quote, called for a congressional commission to address and analyze several topics, including issues that deter volunteerism and how they can be overcome. How expanding international public service might affect diplomacy and foreign relations. And whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the nation. However, the version that passed the House had this language completely stripped from it. The version that passed the Senate never included such language at all. Even Orrin Hatch said, on the, on the Senate floor, quote, consistent with our all volunteer army and volunteer opportunities and individuals choice and communities, nothing in this legislation is mandatory. Because Alex is saying that the bill passed and not that the bill was introduced, it's very clear that he's lying, or that the only thing he knows about the bill is based on the article on his site written by Paul Joseph Watson, who was way too sloppy to know that a bill can be rewritten in committee or any other place in debates. So the bill that's introduced is not always the same as the bill that's voted on. It's pretty clear this is just another example of Paul Joseph Watson having zero professionalism as a journalist and reporting some something completely inaccurate because it fits Infowars predetermined narrative.
Jordan (00:33:05.000)
He's British, he couldn't have watched Schoolhouse Rock.
Dan (00:33:08.000)
He, no that's true.
Jordan (00:33:09.000)
He couldn't have. Where could he have found it?
Dan (00:33:11.000)
Yeah, you don't know about how to make a bill. he's not a bill. It's nuts, man, this level of lying. Like that's just a lie. yeah. Like that. That one's not even spin. Like I with the MIAC stuff, I'm like, I wish
Jordan (00:33:24.000)
I wish you wouldn't put your spin on this.
Dan (00:33:25.000)
Ah. Sorry. Sorry. This is
Jordan (00:33:28.000)
I'm not gonna let you spin this narrative. It was in there, that means it's always in there. right. That is just true.
Dan (00:33:35.000)
That's based on the Constitution. The Constitution says you cannot change a bill once you introduce it,
Jordan (00:33:40.000)
And it says you can't change the constitution. So we got to get rid of these amendments.
Dan (00:33:44.000)
Absolutely. So this doesn't deter Alex from trying to spread fear of what will happen once these forced volunteerism things happen.
Jordan (00:33:53.000)
People will clean up garbage on the sides of the road. oh, no, no. More people will show up at their local American Legions in order to provide a potluck.
Dan (00:34:03.000)
That's what they want you to think is gonna happen. okay, all right. So it's the same thing with like, saying that, like, hey, you know, like, the National Guard is gonna help in emergencies when really they're taking you to camps. thats right. It's the same thing. You hear this volunteer stuff, and you're like, oh, man, maybe they'll teach children how to read. In truth, here's what's going to happen.
Alex Jones (00:34:23.000)
Drug head, know it all video game players have been playing all these violent games, who've all been primed for this. They're gonna love their new authorities of the government. And they're going to be running around in their uniforms and they'll come to the dinner table at night and boss you around and Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I'm with the Hitler Youth now. I mean, this has been done everywhere. And this is the, Mao did it, Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Lenin did it. Pol Pot did it. Fidel Castro did it...
Jordan (00:34:49.000)
Give two more examples.
Alex Jones (00:34:50.000)
--stinking, out of control tyranny you can get. I just want to tell all the young snot nose punks. Don't try running a checkpoint with me. Don't try coming up and tasering me. I just can't handle it anymore. I can't handle the scumbag bankers robbing this country and the classical tyranny they're setting up and the dumbass public that doesn't know that tyranny's looking down the barrel of a gun at them. I'm sorry, I'm just getting angry, folks. I just, it's just really starting to get to me.
Jordan (00:35:20.000)
And don't you dare go to the hospice and read to my grandma. How dare you. That's the government trying to get her to learn things. She's already halfway to death.
Dan (00:35:30.000)
I'm helping her spin things. I mean, like, what he's what he's expressing there at the end is like, I can't take it anymore. This guy, it makes me so mad. Like, what you can't take any more is your fake version of reality that you could just alleviate yourself. You could unshackle yourself of those burdens by just reading. Like, legitimately, you could stop being so mad if you would just read. All it is is paranoid fantasies. That's all he's mad at. He's mad at like, ghosts. It's crazy.
Jordan (00:35:58.000)
A lot of people can get mad at ghosts.
Dan (00:36:00.000)
That's true. Noted pranksters.
Jordan (00:36:03.000)
Oh, yeah, absolutely. The Netflix shows the Netflix show The Haunting on House Hill or whatever it is. That's scary. I'm afraid of ghosts now. And I'm mad at them. sure. And at my stomach.
Dan (00:36:15.000)
You're you're angry, you're upset at your stomach. Yes. So Alex
Jordan (00:36:20.000)
I do like hearing that narrative of like...
Dan (00:36:24.000)
You like hearing that narrative?
Jordan (00:36:24.000)
--these people are playing violent video games. That's why they cause violence because we only ever see that whenever there's a, it's like, well, this is a convenient way of going. We didn't hear that the violent video games caused all of the shootings today. We found out it's white supremacy.
Dan (00:36:43.000)
I'm sure. I'm sure someone probably tried to, tried to spin that. I'm sure. We've seen that.
Jordan (00:36:49.000)
When when Dylann Roof came on...
Dan (00:36:50.000)
No, that was a part of it.
Jordan (00:36:52.000)
--so many people were just like, oh, it's all these violent video games. It's all of that shit. And no, you're fucking
Dan (00:36:56.000)
And movies.
Jordan (00:35:57.000)
Yeah. Fuck you. You know what it is? Stop pretending otherwise.
Dan (00:37:01.000)
Right. Because it's too difficult to wrestle with the other stuff. yeah. The other stuff is to, opens up a knapsack of things you don't want to look at the contents of. And so you say video games, movies, blah, blah, blah. You don't want to unpack the white supremacy, you don't want to unpack the history of domestic violence that's always behind all of these things. So you know, they played the Doom and yeah, you know, yeah, that's it. You played Doom, you're done!
Jordan (00:37:27.000)
Yeah, it's like the movie The Ring. right. You you play Doom? And then seven days later, you kill somebody.
Dan (00:37:32.000)
Jordan (00:37:33.000)
That makes sense.
Dan (00:37:34.000)
And it's a hate crime.
Jordan (00:37:37.000)
It's weird how that works.
Dan (00:37:38.000)
Yeah. So earlier in the episode, Alex teased that he's gonna have Chuck Baldwin on. yeah. And Chuck Baldwin is another one of these guys who's listed in the MIAC report. right. And wouldn't you be just just just, knock me over with a feather? When I learned that Chuck Baldwin has the exact same take on the MIAC document as Alex.
Alex Jones (00:37:57.000)
You bet I am fired up today. What about you? I'm seeing liberty, the awakening to tyranny exploding.
Chuck Baldwin (00:38:04.000)
Well, this Missouri fiasco, I think is illustrative of what we're dealing with here. Whenever you can categorize people who vote for myself or Ron Paul, or even Bob Barr, as potential domestic terrorists and make that part of an official State Police Agency report. We are in deep doo doo. There's no doubt about it.
Dan (00:38:26.000)
It's almost like this is a coordinated response. yeah It's almost weird that these people have the exact same same angle that, uh, you know, conveniently, makes the same logical fallacy in order to excuse the fact that a lot of people who support them end up in violent militias. I mean, that's strange. It's not that strange. yep. So one of the things that's interesting about Chuck, is that he has come prepared. yeah. With a letter that he has written to the authorities in Missouri.
Jordan (00:38:58.000)
I think one of the interesting things about him is that he's the only Baldwin brother to actually run for public office. Yeah, they've all they've all threatened at one point or
Dan (00:39:06.000)
Sure, sure. yeah. But he has stick-to-it-iveness.
Jordan (00:39:09.000)
Right. And he really can do it. He can't be in Encino Man. no. But I'll be god damned if he can't run for public office.
Dan (00:39:19.000)
It might be a better actor in terms of him trying to present himself as an aggrieved victim on this show. But in this in this next clip, listen, dude, this is crazy. He has this letter that he's written to the Missouri law enforcement folk.
Jordan (00:39:33.000)
He's just gotten read. He's just gonna read a letter now.
Dan (00:39:36.000)
We won't listen to all of it. But yeah, Alex wants him to and I have, I have a take on this on the other end that this is really fucked up. This is like, it's more fucked up than just this guy writing a letter to Jay Nixon cuz he's butthurt about being listed in a document.
Jordan (00:39:52.000)
Dearest government, it has been...
Alex Jones (00:39:55.000)
--do you have the letter in front of you...the candidate Chuck Baldiwn. yeah I do. I'm gonna sit back here, will you read that on air please.
Chuck Baldwin (00:40:03.000)
Well, it's two, it's a little over two pages. You want me to
Alex Jones (00:40:08.000)
Go ahead and read it. Yeah, let's read it. It's important. Let's. all right, first time
Jordan (00:40:12.000)
Gotta fill time.
Chuck Baldwin (00:40:13.000)
All right. Dear Governor Nixon, the three of us write you as former presidential candidates, as concerned citizens, and in the case of Ron Paul, as a sitting member of the US House of Representatives, and Bob Barr as a former member 1995 to 2003. We bring to your attention the most disturbing document being circulated by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, M.I.A.C., over the seal of your office and your name as Governor. We respectfully demand that the following described document be immediately removed from any and all websites associated with or maintained by the state of Missouri or any agency thereof, including the M.I.A.C., that the said document no longer be circulated by the state of Missouri or any agency thereof or associated therewith, that the state of Missouri repudiate its references to the three of us as contained therein. The document to which we refer is identified as follows and a copy enclosed herewith.
Dan (00:41:02.000)
So he goes on and on talking about how like, this is a you know, this is awful that you would, you know, dare. And here's the thing that I really want to drive home. This isn't just Chuck Baldwin saying, you know, it's offensive to me that I'm in this document. This is an attempt to bully law enforcement to not be able to do their jobs. Because they like people like Chuck Baldwin and Ron Paul don't want to own up to the effect that they've had on society. They know damn well, that a lot of their supporters have gone that way. Especially Ron Paul, there's literally no way that he can't recognize that a lot of his supporters are fucking white supremacists and Neo Nazis. He can't. It's literally beyond the realm of possibility for him to plead ignorance on that.
Jordan (00:41:50.000)
Especially considering his own writings of racism, yeah.
Dan (00:41:54.000)
So, and the attempted takeover of Dominica.
Jordan (00:41:56.000)
Well who amongst us. Who amongst us can judge him for that.
Dan (00:42:01.000)
And just neo Nazi ties that he has to go back quite a ways. yeah. But so like, for these guys who, they know, they know the deal, right? so they're, they're
Jordan (00:42:10.000)
Yeah. They have to. They're purposefully stoking it as a political ideology.
Dan (00:42:16.000)
So them getting together and writing a letter to Jay Nixon, the governor of Missouri, to be like, this is a slanderous document and how dare you allow them to say that our supporters are, are, are suspected of being in these militias and dangerous groups. They're taking that propaganda angle, that is the misrepresentation of the association that the MIAC document did. And they're weaponizing it against the very law enforcement agencies and the governor of Missouri in order to get them to not be able to express a truth, a truth that people in these groups do support them. That's terrorism. To some extent, that's information terrorism, and they're able to do it because people like Bob Barr, people like Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin, have social capital, they can bully the governor to do that. And they succeed.
Jordan (00:43:09.000)
What? yeah. That can't be real.
Dan (00:43:12.000)
They redacted or they re, they renged, or whatever the correct term is, the NIAC Report. They, they rescinded it, I guess would be the best way to, but because of all the pressure from people like these three, How dare you name us in this, they, law enforcement that did do an accurate thing. for once. Right. They they just put their tail between their legs and kowtow to the pressure of right wing propagandists and dangerous figures, quite frankly.
Jordan (00:43:42.000)
And it is, I mean, that was the it is the central like, truth that if a bunch of powerful white people get together and bitch, things will change, because everybody is just like, fucking fine, just go away already. And then it keeps happening and it keeps happening...
Dan (00:44:04.000)
Well, it's partially just
Jordan (00:44:05.000)
--just does not happen.
Dan (00:44:06.000)
It's partially just go away. And then the other part is the very fear of things that are in the MIAC document. exactly. Which is, uh oh, your followers might bomb us. right. That's not to say that, again, everybody who follows these people are terrorists, but there's a bunch of them among them. yeah. So. yep. It's, you know, it's that implicit threat that's underneath a letter that you send to the governor along with like, Good, they're never going to stop.
Jordan (00:44:30.000)
All of those credits that they open up that letter with are a damning indictment, definitely of our government and the electorate of like, Ron Paul, sitting member of the United States. Oh, wait. Oh, God, that can't be real. Bob Barr from 1995 to 2000. What? No, he's what? He's in the government? Christ.
Dan (00:44:51.000)
So in this next clip, I think Alex kind of tips his hand that he knows that his story about this document is a little bit bullshit.
Alex Jones (00:44:58.000)
Okay, I would just add to that that they start out with a page listing cop killers. And then they demonize the militia, connecting it to that, then they connect violent militias, which basically don't exist and are constitutional, to the non violent ones to basically the majority American people. Pro Second Amendment, pro sovereignty, pro border. Just, you name it.
Dan (00:45:25.000)
You name it. The part that I think that he's tipping his hand about a little bit is like, the listing of cop killers and stuff like that, at the beginning are militias. Like it's it's he's trying to pretend that they aren't the same thing. And then as to his claim that, you know, violent militias don't exist. I'd like to take you back to 1818 when Georgia militia men slaughtered members of the peaceful Chehaw tribe in retaliation for things that were done by other tribes. They knew in advance that the Chehaw tribe were a friendly group and not the ones who did what they're mad at, but decided to take out their anger on them anyway. If you go back in time, you'll find tons and tons of examples of exactly this racially motivated violence done by militia groups, but that's going too far back. So let's just mention the Bundy ranch, the Malheur wildlife standoff, the Oklahoma City bombing, the...
Jordan (00:46:15.000)
False flag.
Dan (00:46:16.000)
--the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
Jordan (00:46:17.000)
False flag.
Dan (00:46:18.000)
And then there's the countless disrupted plots of militia members trying to bomb mosques...
Jordan (00:46:23.000)
All false flags.
Dan (00:46:24.000)
--or take over army bases. And then there was FEAR, the militia of noncommissioned servicemen who planed to poison an apple field and blow up a dam as part of their plan to take over Fort Stewart in Georgia. Their plot was uncovered so in retribution, they killed a 19 year old named Michael Rourk and his 17 year old girlfriend Tiffany York and threw their bodies in a lake because they thought Roark had snitched. And then of course, there's everything that the Oath Keepers have ever done. But that's a matter for another time. There's tons and tons of militia violence even in present day, dating back to 1818. The history of militias have largely been pretending to be there to stand up in case, and then their people getting bored and killing people and generally causing trouble.
Jordan (00:47:07.000)
It's a it's what, a coalition of stolen valor and racists.
Dan (00:47:12.000)
Hey, some of them actually did serve but yeah, yeah, that's fair. So here is
Jordan (00:47:18.000)
Wait, their plan was to poison an apple field.
Dan (00:47:21.000)
The, I'm not entirely sure what that has to
Jordan (00:47:24.000)
How is that gonna work out?
Dan (00:47:25.000)
I don't know. Maybe the apple field was like, it specifically went to Fort Stewart. Maybe there's apples we're gonna get inside Fort Stewart.
Jordan (00:47:33.000)
So they're going with the classic Sleeping Beauty plan.
Dan (00:47:37.000)
I don't pretend to understand like the finer points of militia plans, because generally they're a little crazy.
Jordan (00:47:44.000)
So a kid in his fucking girlfriend got murdered for the plot of Sleeping Beauty? more or less. God damn it.
Dan (00:47:52.000)
I find that a lot of militia plots that I ended up looking into, like on our last episode, there was that guy who was going to take over that courthouse. yeah, yeah. A lot of them are kind of the the equivalent of like a Rube Goldberg machine. It's like, I don't understand how or it's like mousetrap. I don't understand why you're going about it this way. This seems ridiculous.
Jordan (00:48:10.000)
That's one of the reasons that you're like, this is all stolen valor bullshit, because they're getting their idea of a plan to achieve an objective from Ocean's 11. Yeah, like it all has to be like this elaborate con. And an actual plan is like, how do we make as few moving parts as possible?
Dan (00:48:29.000)
Right, right. Because anything could go wrong.
Joran (00:48:31.000)
Yeah. We need to try and control every aspect. yeah. If you go back and you look at the raid on Osama bin Laden's house, it's not like, Okay, so here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna build a catapult and we're gonna get one of the Navy to Seal Team Six guys in there, and he's gonna have padding. We're gonna launch him over that wall, and he's gonna land like a cat. And finally, he's gonna fight Obama, or Osama with his claws.
Dan (00:48:55.000)
Right. Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get a hologram of Jenny McCarthy but not modern Jenny McCarthy, Jenny McCarthy in the 90s. Yeah. Yeah, there's easier, easier ways to go about just about anything that these guys conceive of. So Chuck, here, it in this next clip expresses what he is going to do in response to this MIAC document.
Jordan (00:49:20.000)
Start a violent militia! Wait, what?
Alex Jones (00:49:23.000)
Very, very exciting to see you guys standing up and fighting back. But I go back to the question. We ran out of time. Talking to Ron Paul talking to Bob Barr, are they saying that they may do legal action if this is not reversed and retracted?
Chuck Baldwin (00:49:36.000)
I think I think I can safely say that the sense of of each of us is that this is serious enough that the state of Missouri does not respond appropriately that we should consider legal action. I think that is certainly a consideration right now.
Alex Jones (00:49:52.000)
So that was discussed.
Chuck Baldwin (00:49:54.000)
Dan (00:49:55.000)
They're gonna sue. No, no, it
Jordan (00:49:56.000)
No, no, it was not. They know damn well that they are not going to pursue any legal action. Because if they went to court with this shit, guess what? All of it would be proven true. well. They could never, ever get into any under oath situation where the guys are actually just providing a list of violent actors, a list of violent militias, all of whom are they like if they
Dan (00:50:20.000)
Demonstrating what the report actually says.
Jordan (00:50:23.000)
If they actually provided all of the evidence that supported this? This it'd be like, Marine LePen being legally named a fascist, you lose whenever it's real.
Dan (00:50:34.000)
Yeah, I think so. But they also know that like a unified front, and a threat of a lawsuit is going to be enough to get them to recant. yeah. So I mean, the this is, this is baby stuff, man. This is like when they, whenever they, you know, the Right, and the Alex Joneses is and the Patriots all these people crow on all day about responsibility. And they, they talk nonstop about, you know, standing up for truth and all this. And here you have a situation where there's a report that comes out that just says that people who are in dangerous militias tend to like these people. And those people can't handle that. So they lie about it and threatened the law enforcement people to like, don't say that. Don't say that. right. It's so it's so childish. It's it's the definition of I don't, I don't, it's pathetic. When I was listening to this. I'm like, really, really Chuck Baldwin? yeah. I'd hoped for better
Jordan (00:51:34.000)
Yeah, no, I'm gonna get my congressman pals and we're gonna write a letter.
Dan (00:51:38.000)
I'm constantly disappointed in these people. Like, I don't, I don't, I hate feeling that way. Like, I just, it just always comes back to you need a higher class of criminals in this town.
Jordan (00:51:49.000)
I know.
Dan (00:51:50.000)
Like these people are just, they suck. They don't live by their own principles. And like, when tested, when put to the metal, they show themselves to be
Jordan (00:52:00.000)
A bunch of cowardly soy boys.
Dan (00:52:03.000)
Right. It never ceases to bother me that these people are so disappointing and I've done so much damage. You know what I mean? yeah. Does that make sense? yeah. Like, that's really the sense that I have it's like, it just drives home that like literacy is important. Like all of this could be stopped if the people they're lying to had had the ability to critically read the thing.
Jordan (00:52:25.000)
If you allow your child to be literate, he shouldn't have anything to fear from the child who isn't literate, Dan. It's a vaccination.
Dan (00:52:32.000)
That's a good point. yeah. All right. Fair enough.
Jordan (00:52:34.000)
See, we have nothing to worry about.
Dan (00:52:36.000)
Fair enough. So Jordan. yes. I should tell you something.
Jordan (00:52:40.000)
What's that?
Dan (00:52:41.000)
I've been withholding a little piece of information about this March 19th show. Chuck Baldwin isn't the only guest on this here show. okay. He has a couple of other guests.
Jordan (00:52:50.000)
Tammy Baldwin.
Dan (00:52:51.000)
That's right. One of them is the anonymous cop who sent him the MIAC report. yes. So they do an interview. And it starts with him talking about how he's a big Ron Paul supporter, and so I'm like, out out. Shoo, shoo. Get outta here. It's like, okay, I get it. This is your angle, too. I understand that you took it personally that your buddy was in here. But that's not, that's still doesn't. You didn't read this accurately. So it's still, I'm not charmed by that interview. It doesn't help me at all. And so we can ignore that.
Jordan (00:53:22.000)
Does he use like a voice masker? Or is it like
Dan (00:53:26.000)
His voice does sound a little weird, but it is kind of like, it's in the range of Missouri accent. okay. So like I'm not, I don't think so. I don't think he put it through like a box or anything. But at the end of the show, Alex has another guest and I believe this appearance might change everything in Alex Jones's life. alright.
Alex Jones (00:53:46.000)
I'm doing editing even here on the air, ladies and gentlemen, it's insane. We're joined the rest of the hour and I apologize for getting him on late but we said we'd have a state police officer on but it's a perfect segue into this. He's Stewart Rhodes, created a great website. He's a constitutional lawyer. But masses of military and police have been saying they pledged to be Oath Keepers and not violate the bill of rights, constitution and follow their oath. And it it's when I read it I said this person has a deep knowledge of what's going on because this is how I would have written probably better than I would have written it. So uh, Stewart Rhodes, thanks for coming on, sir.
Stewart Rhodes (00:54:17.000)
Oh, you're welcome. And you're absolutely right. That was a fantastic segue. That officer is an Oath Keeper. And that's exactly what we are here to do, is to bring more men like that out. And most of the members of our of our organization don't use their real names, or we don't even want to know who they are, just like that gentleman there just did. We want them to be able to continue in their job and continue doing the good work for the American people.
Dan (00:54:43.000)
So Stewart Rhodes is on. Stewart Rhodes was a paratrooper for a time but he was injured in a night parachuting accident and received an honorable discharge from the service. So thank you for your service. In 2008, Rhodes would go on to be a volunteer for Ron Paul's campaign for President. In his advocacy, one of the things that really seems to have stuck out for him was how unfair it was for people to associate Ron Paul with things like racism and Right wing extremists. Far be it from us to remind everyone of the attempted takeover of Dominica and of course, Ron Paul's racist newsletter that had his name on it and was written in the first person. After the failure of Ron Paul to become president, Rhodes decided to change approach. Noticing, noticing the rising tide of the early Tea Party movement, Rhodes established the Oath Keepers, based on the 10
Jordan (00:55:28.000)
Rhodes established the Oath Keepers?
Dan (00:55:30.000)
He started the Oath Keep...
Jordan (00:55:32.000)
Rhodes started the Oath Keepers?
Dan (00:55:34.000)
Only about a month before this appearance on Alex Jones's show. It's very young, very nascent period of the organization.
Jordan (00:55:42.000)
Oh Christ.
Dan (00:55:43.000)
He started the Oath Keepers based on the 10 orders that the Oath Keepers will not follow. All of these orders are imaginary and all of them would be unconstitutional on their face. The entire basis
Jordan (00:55:52.000)
Only eat vanilla ice cream.
Dan (00:55:54.000)
That's in the Constitution. yep. The entire basis of the Oath Keepers is basically the same thing as the 10th Amendment resolutions that Alex keeps bringing up on his show. They're really just aggressively pushing things that are already law, pretending that they aren't. It's not hard to think of them as like a man who's looking to distract from how he's cheating on his wife by insisting that they should renew their vows. It's kind of the same thing. They're like, we will not like, just name any of the early amendments. And that's one of their 10. yeah. Like one of them is we will not listen to any order that involves allowing people free speech. right. Great, you can't.
Jordan (00:56:31.000)
I assume that they definitely put like, we will not, you know, infringe upon the rights of journalists to report accurately.
Dan (00:56:40.000)
No. Well, I mean, that's in there. But I don't know if they follow that one.
Jordan (00:56:42.000)
I don't think they follow that one.
Dan (00:56:43.000)
So recognizing an opportunity to piggyback on the burgeoning Tea Party, Rhodes sent out representatives to 30 of the Fourth of July, 2009, Tea Party protests around the country. And in doing so he successfully associated his movement with that of the Tea Party. But before that, here he is on Alex Jones's show, pitching the Oath Keepers to him.
Jordan (00:57:04.000)
So a constitutional lawyer.
Dan (00:57:06.000)
Yeah he got a law degree, I think from I don't know, I know, we went to college at UNLV after he got out of the service. yeah. And I do know that he was a lawyer and got disbarred.
Jordan (00:57:17.000)
See, there we go. That's where it starts
Dan (00:57:20.000)
Not entirely. Not entirely, just in one state, I can't remember what state it was, he was involved in some kind of Oath Keeper activity and he wrote a letter that implied that he was acting as a lawyer, and he was, he wasn't allowed to practice in the state. So he got disbarred in that state. oh, okay, okay. Not like the not the states that he's actually passed the bar in. And so like he is he is, uh, you know, he has a law degree. He is he's not like, he's not an idiot. I think he's a sociopath. For sure. yeah. But we'll get into a little bit more about the Oath Keepers and why this is a major problem, and why it is a parallel to the present day in a very bad way. Even more so than what we talked about on the last episode.
Jordan (00:58:04.000)
Dan (00:58:05.000)
I didn't know when we were going over that stuff on the last episode that literally right around the corner was going to be the founder of the Oath Keepers, about a month into the Oath Keepers existing, coming on Alex's show, and the two of them getting along like best friends. of course. So it does bear mentioning that a couple days before where we're covering now, Jack McLamb, noted Holocaust denier Jack McLamb, came on Alex Jones's show and read those 10 orders that the Oath Keepers will not follow. So there's already been sort of a priming of the audience to the idea that these Oath Keepers, these young kids on the scene, they're pretty cool. They're pretty cool. And I'm guessing that Jack McLamb, behind the scenes, connected Alex with Stewart Rhodes. seems like it. And bada bing, here we go. So Alex wants to ask Stewart, how'd this all start? How'd this get going?
Alex Jones (00:58:55.000)
--just amazing testimonial on the site. What gave you the idea to create this and...
Jordan (00:58:59.000)
Black president!
Alex Jones (00:59:00.000)
--how many people have come on the site and pledged...
Jordan (00:59:01.000)
Black president.
Alex Jones (00:59:02.000)
--just a few weeks it's been up that they're gonna stand by the Constitution,
Jordan (00:59:05.000)
President who is not white.
Stewart Rhodes (00:59:07.000)
Well, I was working for a, in Congressman Paul's campaign here in Nevada. I used to work in his DC office. And but I was so focused on the campaign, but about a year and a half ago, I had the idea that, you know, what do we do next? And if this campaign is not successful, what's our next move? And my thought was as well, let's have our focus of effort be on the men with the guns. If you're going to have an awakening of 1 million people, so you're going to be have a chance to awaken 1 million people to be constitutionalist, wouldn't you want focus on the military? And those are the men who are supposed to be
Jordan (00:59:41.000)
Does sound of a coup. yeah. That's the sound of a coup.
Dan (00:59:45.000)
That's a troubling rationale. It's like, Hey, if you had to get 20 people on your side, wouldn't you want them all to be the people with guns? Only if you want to use those guns.
Jordan (00:59:54.000)
Yeah, that kind of seems like you want those guns to go off.
Dan (00:59:57.000)
Yeah, if you are a listener of Knowledge Fight, I don't care if you have a gun or not. It's not really uh, it's not really important to me. I don't know why I needed to say that.
Jordan (01:00:06.000)
I don't know why you needed to say that. um. So it's important to note that immediately after bitching and moaning about the MIAC document, he has the founder of a violent militia on his show.
Dan (01:00:17.000)
Wellll, yeahhh. I was gonna try and say, are the Oath Keepers violent? yeah. A lot of them are. yeah. And also, there's a, you know, there are pretty good indications that there's sort of a systemic culture within a lot of the organizations of the Oath Keepers that are deeply racist. But on this appearance, Stewart comes in hot with an analogy, and we know Alex Jones
Jordan (01:00:43.000)
Oh this is not gonna go well.
Dan (01:00:44.000)
Alex Jones loves movie analogies...
Jordan (01:00:47.000)
Oh this isn't gonna go well.
Dan (01:00:48.000)
--and I think Stewart did his homework.
Stewart Rhodes (01:00:50.000)
It's kind of like in The Lord of the Rings, how the Ring of Power? They think the Ring of Power is it, these guys are going to do whatever they say. They think the oath is their Ring of Power, but it's not true. The oath is to the Constitution, and even more fundamentally, is to the people. And so we're gonna take that like to Mount Doom and toss it right, you know, right up their chute.
Alex Jones (01:01:08.000)
Oh, man, that analogy is just pure gold. You are something special.
Jordan (01:01:11.000)
No, it's not!
Dan (01:01:13.000)
You are something special.
Jordan (01:01:15.000)
No! The Ring of Power is is a slight allegory for nuclear weapons.
Dan (01:01:20.000)
Hmm. Interesting. But you know, like I said, Alex loves a movie metaphor. Here, Stewart comes in with a movie metaphor. Alex is like, Fuck, this is how I understand things too, you and I are friends, God, you are, so that is good as gold, you are something special. You can see this is like, two minutes into their interview. They're they're best buddies now.
Jordan (01:01:39.000)
And it doesn't even make sense. Why would why would the Ring of Power just be a general sense of, because we can. That doesn't make sense.
Dan (01:01:47.000)
No no no, the ring...
Jordan (01:07:48.000)
They think the Ring of Power is...
Dan (01:07:50.000)
The military.
Jordan (01:07:51.000)
--we're going to do whatever they want.
Dan (01:01:52.000)
Right. The military is going to do whatever you want.
Jordan (01:01:54.000)
Right. yeah. So that--oh, okay. So the, so his argument is that because the globalists control the military...
Dan (01:02:01.000)
The guys with guns.
Jordan (01:02:02.000)
--they're, gotcha. Okay, now, now the analogy? Actually good as gold.
Dan (01:02:07.000)
The guys with guns have sworn to protect the country. right. And therefore, the globalists have this Ring of Power over them. But in reality, the Oath Keepers are helping to recontextualize the idea that, you don't, you're not loyal to the country, you're loyal to the Constitution. It's very different, very different things. And therefore you could fight against your country if you want.
Jordan (01:02:27.000)
And it just so happens
Dan (01:02:28.000)
Because the country's been taken over by globalists!
Jordan (01:02:30.000)
The other thing that you are protecting is, us. You are now part of our separatist group with inside the, within the military. You know, that's that's always worked out well. When was the last time having a separatist group, that doesn't take the actual government as a sovereign or whatever, as legitimate.
Dan (01:02:53.000)
Oh Blackwater.
Jordan (01:02:54.000)
When has that ever gone bad?
Dan (01:02:55.000)
Jordan (01:02:56.000)
When has that ever gone bad.
Dan (01:02:57.000)
Praetorian Guard.
Jordan (01:02:58.000)
Never met him. Never has that gone bad.
Dan (01:03:00.000)
No. So Alex is
Jordan (01:03:03.000)
We called ourselves the uh, Coup Keepers.
Dan (01:03:07.000)
Alex is so thrilled to make a friend and I think he's really excited because this movement is just getting going. We're still a couple of months away from the Fourth of July when he sends out everybody to these Tea Party rallies and deeply insinuates the Oath Keepers with the Tea Party. yeah. Which I have a major theory about at the end of this episode. But Alex gets in such a good mood that he comes back from break singing along with a little song that he's clearly trying to implant in his audience's mind is actually kind of about the Oath Keepers.
Jordan (01:03:39.000)
And we're gonna be best friends.
Alex Jones (01:03:47.000)
They railed against the Crown, another ragtag band. Declaring, independence. They laid their bodies down on a bloody war for liberty for their descendants. Look in the mirror. That's you. That's me. Thanks for the renegades, we're free today. Thanks to the renegades. We're free today. Thank God for the renegades and the lives they lead far ahead of their time. Without the renegades. Lord knows where we'd be. When it comes to heroes, renegades are mine. And going back to the Mordor analogy, you have the tower, the mountain of power with the all seeing eye with its armies moving across the world. But right here in its command base, right here in Empire U.S., it is distracted looking. Looking everywhere for the ring. It's that's what this MIAC report is, is they're counting on the police and military being uruk hai or orcs.
Dan (01:05:12.000)
Alex, you like this metaphor too much. You're going
Jordan (01:05:15.000)
He's really going deep on this one.
Dan (01:05:16.000)
But I think that's him trying to say, to distort like, I can play. I can play too.
Jordan (01:05:21.000)
And Congress is Saruman. And uh, what else, what else you got?
Dan (01:05:26.000)
Obama's Wormtongue. I guess Soros. I mean, not now, I guess it's Rockefeller would be like Wormtongue.
Jordan (01:05:33.000)
Yeah, I want to and I think we can do this, because this is public domain. Let's release a spoken word album of Alex doing all of the like, a Shatner style spoken word album.
Dan (01:05:49.000)
It's basically what he's doing. yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Jordan (01:05:51.000)
I think that would go straight to the top of the charts.
Dan (01:05:53.000)
Undoubtedly. The Patriot charts. Guys, by the way, on the next episode, I found a song that you will not believe. Teaser. And I'm telling you this, you'll forget by the next episode, and it will still blow your mind. Even if you remember...
Jordan (01:06:08.000)
Even if I remember.
Dan (01:06:09.000)
--it will blow your goddanmed mind. okay. When I found it, I was like, how am I gonna sit on this? Gonna have to. Anyway, they're, these these guys are clearly forming a bond here, talking about Lord of the Rings, talking about how great it is to fight oppression.
Jordan (01:06:26.000)
See I like that. I could, I can hang. I can talk Lord of the Rings. That would be fun. Maybe just don't be part of a white separatist white supremacist...
Dan (01:06:35.000)
Jordan (01:06:36.000)
Dan (01:06:36.000)
It's got to be one or the other.
Jordan (01:06:37.000)
I can talk Lord of the Rings with anybody but you and your white supremacist militia organization.
Dan (01:06:42.000)
Right. Yep. Too bad. Sorry, you're out. Can't talk Lord of the Rings, ever.
Jordan (01:06:48.000)
So okay, here's what I am having a big issue with in this entire metaphor. sure. There is no Galadriel going on right here. No Galadriel, think of any Galadriel that you could put in there.
Dan (01:07:02.000)
Rob Dew is Legolas.
Jordan (01:07:09.000)
I wish there was no context. I wish we were talking about something completely different. And you're just like, all of a sudden you're just like, you know, Rob Dew is Legolas and then we just move on.
Dan (01:07:21.000)
I don't think Lee Ann McAdoo is around yet but she'd obviously be the, that elf lady. Who's name I can't remember.
Jordan (01:07:29.000)
So racist.
Dan (01:07:30.000)
I haven't seen those movies in a long time.
Jordan (01:07:31.000)
There are books!
Dan (01:07:33.000)
I haven't read those book since I was a kid. All right. Anyway, um, Alex has some complaints about the world that he wants to share with
Jordan (01:07:42.000)
I've never heard him do that.
Dan (01:07:43.000)
He wants to share these with Stewart Rhodes. And then Stewart is gonna make some claims that I don't think reality backs up.
Alex Jones (01:07:50.000)
You have to dare great, ladies and gentlemen, and you can succeed. Okay, I'm gonna shut up. I made those points. It's just that they're also trying to divide our movements, trying to demonize, trying to say don't trust this leader. Don't trust that leader. That's the operatives, that's what COINTELPRO does...
Jordan (01:08:02.000)
No that's what you're doing.
Alex Jones (01:08:04.000)
--that, you know that person's a Vatican assassin, this person works for Israel. It's the information that's key. Bill of Rights, constitution, liberty, Second Amendment, national sovereignty, cut the size of government, kick em out of the states. You know a tree by its fruits. So the other attack is to divide us. Now
Dan (01:08:22.000)
Smash cut to all of the shit he says about Glenn Beck.
Jordan (01:08:25.000)
The fruits of this tree are...
Dan (01:08:28.000)
We'll get to those in a second.
Jordan (01:08:30.000)
--hate crimes.
Alex Jones (01:08:31.000)
Go ahead and comment on those points, Stewart Rhodes, and let's get into the Oath Keepers.
Stewart Rhodes (01:08:35.000)
Well, you're absolutely right. And that's why Oath Keepers have, we've always stressed that this was, this was, this was first contemplated and first planned before the election. We didn't care who got elected, it didn't make a difference who was going to be president...
Jordan (01:08:49.000)
Stewart Rhodes (01:08:50.000)
--executive power and we're talking about active duty military and veterans. And these gentlemen don't care who's, who's president we're looking at the big picture. We're also, we stay neutral on on politics, we stay neutral on the...
Jordan (01:09:02.000)
Stewart Rhodes (01:09:03.000)
--I'll be, I'll be speaking at, possibly speaking at a big event in June, a big pro troops rally in June. I was invited by former Navy SEAL Captain Larry Bailey of Gathering of Eagles. So one of the more hardcore conservative groups, who might not have listened during Bush, are starting to wake up and understand what the, what the great danger is.
Dan (01:09:22.000)
Oh really, are they?
Jordan (01:09:23.000)
A bunch of hardcore conservative groups. We don't care who became president. We stay neutral on political thoughts. totally. And the Iraq War. A bunch of hardcore conservatives though.
Dan (01:09:35.000)
Maybe now.
Jordan (01:09:37.000)
A historically neutral group of people.
Dan (01:09:41.000)
Apropos of nothing, now get the danger.
Jordan (01:09:45.000)
Strange. We didn't care who became president. weird. It could have been the white guy or another white guy, but it turned out it wasn't, so now we care who became president.
Dan (01:09:53.000)
It really it really is hard to hear him say like, there's these hardcore conservative groups that probably wouldn't have listened during Bush but now understand the danger, and not hear the fucking code in there. It's so crazy to me.
Jordan (01:10:06.000)
You said it!
Dan (01:10:08.000)
It's so crazy.
Jordan (01:10:08.000)
You didn't even hide it! You said, they weren't paying attention during the white president and then a black president was elected and now they're waking up. a bunch of hardcore conservatives!
Dan (01:10:17.000)
Right. So this is another clip here. Well, I mean, just also to stress, I paused it but like, I love it anytime Alex complains about people shitting on other patriot leaders, because that's literally. He's, he hates Savage back then. oh, yeah. In 2009 he fucking shits on Savage all the time. He shits on Glenn Beck, hates Fox News. All the all the people that he's now like, except for Glenn Beck. But all these other people who he's like, in bed with. You guys are all fake. You guys are led by the globalists. All right. So Alex makes a proclamation here. And I think this is like the moment where Alex is like, I love you, Stewart.
Stewart Rhodes (01:10:57.000)
That's right, we're all gonna die anyway, no one gets out of here alive. So what counts is whether you leave your children free. That's all that matters. It's...
Alex Jones (01:11:04.000)
That's all that matters.
Jordan (01:11:05.000)
Oh god.
Stewart Rhodes (01:11:06.000)
--take it back to your analogy there. They want you to think it's hopeless. You know? Yeah, it's like, you're like you're staring into the, you know, into the, you're seeing all of their propaganda, if all you do is, is look at what they want you to see, you'll think it's hopeless.
Alex Jones (01:11:20.000)
That's right. He's staring into the crystal. And it's only what, it's a TV set. It's only what Mordor wants him to see.
Stewart Rhodes (01:11:26.000)
That's exactly right.
Dan (01:11:27.000)
Stop it.
Jordan (01:11:28.000)
Oh my god.
Dan (01:11:29.000)
Stop it with a metaphor. It's going too far. So in this next clip, Stewart makes a claim. And then I will discuss some of the problems with this claim.
Jordan (01:11:39.000)
You know, what I really love was out of my violent militias? An expression that we're all going to die anyway, so it's not about my life. It is about my children's lives. right. Their, yeah, that's what I want
Dan (01:11:54.000)
--you have to secure a future for white children.
Jordan (01:11:58.000)
Yeah. One in which you maybe aren't alive anymore. For some reason, probably cancer.
Dan (01:12:03.000)
I know some people who have 14 words about that. So in this in this clip, I think Stewart says one of the most demonstrably not true things. And then on the other end, I will demonstrate why it's not true.
Stewart Rhodes (01:12:16.000)
And here's the thing about Oath Keepers. It's positive. That's why people respond to it so much. It's positive. It's not just more negativity. They're starting to see the other side of the, look, you know, like you said, we have, we have the strength.
Dan (01:12:29.000)
You got the strength. It's a positive organization, Jordan. Jordan?
Jordan (01:12:33.000)
So they provide free breakfasts to children in impoverished Black communities.
Dan (01:12:38.000)
No, that's usually liberal groups that do that. So Rhodes, Stewart Rhodes, insists that his group, the Oath Keepers is just a fellowship of patriotic former law enforcement and enlisted people who see tyranny rising and are united by their promise to hold true to their enlistment oaths to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic. Also, when I was writing that sentence, I forgot that a lot of them are also current law enforcement and military people.
Jordan (01:13:00.000)
Yeah, that's awesome.
Dan (01:13:01.000)
But. Be that as it may, a closer analysis of their actions show that that's not even close to the truth and that they're actually an organization that fosters domestic terrorists and subscribes to a crypto racist worldview. On April 15 2009, Oath Keeper Daniel Knight Hayden tweeted out that he was quote, locked and loaded for the Oklahoma State Capitol, let's see what happens. In another tweet he said quote, maybe it's time to die. Let's see if I can video record the highway patrol at the entrance of the Oklahoma State Capitol while trying to inform them of the Oath Keepers and post it to the internet. Since I live on. Since I live on this sorry fucking state, that's as good a place as any to die and start a war, all capital letters. And no matter what happens, post it on the internet immediately and send it to Alex Jones, tons of exclamation points.
Jordan (01:13:46.000)
He's such a positive member of this positive group.
Dan (01:13:48.000)
He would go on to say, quote, The war will start on the steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol, I will cast the first stone. In the meantime, I await the police. Start the killing now. I'm willing to be the first death. Though he was an avowed member of both the Tea Party and the Oath Keepers, right wing outlets like the Free Republic immediately began trying to paint Hayden as a leftist. And how this was just a plot to make right wing groups look bad.
Jordan (01:14:11.000)
False flag!!
Dan (01:14:13.000)
This had happened a month after this interview on Alex Jones's show. of course. On January
Jordan (01:14:17.000)
That soon, the group started in, and...
Dan (01:14:19.000)
Jordan (01:14:20.000)
--within two months they had a domestic terrorist. Great. Good work, guys.
Dan (01:14:24.000)
On January 10 2010, former Marine and Oath Keeper Charles Dyer was arrested on charges of raping a seven year old child. When authorities searched his home they found a grenade launcher that was reported as stolen from a California military base. Previously, Dyer had been charged with quote, making disloyal comments or statements in reference to YouTube videos he had released where he actively called for armed violent resistance to the government. He was acquitted of the charges and would go on to produce videos where he literally said that he intended to become a domestic terrorist. True to his word, when Charles was due to appear in court for his trial, he didn't show up and ended up leading the FBI on an almost week long manhunt, during which time he posted cryptic threats to law enforcement that they better not catch up with him. When he was finally caught without incident and tried, the charges related to the grenade launcher were dropped when he
Jordan (01:15:11.000)
Dan (01:15:12.000)
When he claimed that he didn't know it was a grenade launcher and thought it was a flame thrower.
Jordan (01:15:15.000)
Dan (01:15:16.000)
I don't know.
Jordan (01:15:17.000)
How is that an excuse?
Dan (01:15:18.000)
I don't know.
Jordan (01:15:19.000)
That's enough?
Dan (01:15:19.000)
I guess.
Jordan (01:15:20.000)
Oh, I didn't know this nuclear bomb was a nuclear bomb. I thought it was just one of the big ones that killed thousands.
Dan (01:15:25.000)
Bah. The child rape charges however, he was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years in prison. As all the legal trouble mounted and these things came to light, Stewart Rhodes attempted to distance himself and the Oath Keepers from Charles Dyer. He claimed the Dyer hadn't paid the $30 membership fee so he wasn't really an Oath Keeper, despite the fact that there is no fee to become a member of the group. Rhodes didn't really
Jordan (01:15:45.000)
Dan (01:15:46.000)
He didn't want to own Dyer as one of his own members, which is really difficult to square with the reality. Because video produced by Oath Keepers lists Charles Dyer as the group's quote, official liaison to the Marine Corps.
Jordan (01:15:57.000)
He wasn't even just not a member who didn't pay the fee, he was in high standing.
Dan (01:16:01.000)
He was their official liaison to the Marine Corps. To make matters worse, Dyer had spoken at a Fourth of July 2009 Tea Party event as a representative of the Oath Keepers and the publication, Hate Trackers, found a note written by Stewart Rhodes to Oath Keeper members, promoting Dyers appearance, saying that he would quote, deliver one heck of a fiery speech.
Jordan (01:16:21.000)
He was a consultant.
Dan (01:16:22.000)
Again, we see this trend continuing of people gleefully profiting off radicalizing people and encouraging them down a violent, dangerous path, then pretending they had nothing to do with them once the radicalized party reaches the logical conclusion of the path they were on.
Jordan (01:16:36.000)
They, you know, I just don't see how this is relevant to modern day.
Dan (01:16:40.000)
Not at all.
Jordan (01:16:41.000)
I just don't see any kind of parallels here. Why are we even doing this episode Dan. It's so dated.
Dan (01:16:47.000)
Then, of course, there was a case of Darren Huff, the Oath Keeper who plotted to take over Madisonville, Tennessee with the help of his militia buddies. We talked about this on the last episode, so there's no need to dwell on this one too much. There's one interesting note to make here, though, about how these groups are too cowardly to own their own filth. On March 28 2017, Jerome Corsi got on the Alex Jones Show and told Alex that Darren Huff's arrest was the result of the same illegal surveillance that had been revealed by Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo, thanks to their super Snowden whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery. Of course, he was attempting to tie Darren Huff's arrest in with the Montgomery information. Leaving aside that the Dennis Montgomery information is complete bullshit, Huff was under surveillance because he told a bank teller that he was going to take over Madisonville and the bank teller called the authorities.
Jordan (01:17:34.000)
I'm never not going to love a guy whose plan is to take over a city. Like, like, so. So then what, dude?
Dan (01:17:43.000)
Manage the city? yeah, I mean. Balance the budget?
Jordan (01:17:46.000)
Yeah. What are you doing? What are you gonna build walls? Like, what are you doing that you think that you can hold the city?
Dan (01:17:52.000)
I don't know. It's crazy. But what you see here is that like, no matter what, Infowars and their associates exist in a primary role to excuse white violence, white terrorism, white militia violence. Because
Jordan (01:18:05.000)
While at the same time stoking it.
Dan (01:18:06.000)
Well because years later, Jerome Corsi is trying to excuse Darren Huff's attempt to take over Madisonville, Tennessee, because Darren Huff is a, was a, was a birther. He was also a really big Obama can't be president guy. So it fits in with their oppression narrative of people who believe the same things they do, because Jerome Corsi wrote multiple books about that. So you have him going way out of his way to excuse this militia guy who wanted to take over Madisonville, Tennessee, because it helps them. Then, of course, there was Matthew Fairfield, who he talked about on the last episode who was arrested for making and housing a bunch of bombs, including a napalm bomb, which, according to experts is quote, specifically designed for use on other people. Matthew Fairfield, who of course, was the president of the Cleveland chapter of the Oath Keepers. Again, not a paltry member,
Jordan (01:18:54.000)
He was behind on his dues though. They, he didn't, he didn't have any power. Yeah, he's behind.
Dan (01:19:00.000)
Then. Then we got in May 2015, Oath Keeper Jon Ritzheimer came to the focus of the media after he started wandering around in front of a Phoenix mosque wearing a shirt that said, Fuck Islam. Then he decided to hold that "draw Muhammad" contest outside the mosque. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, after Cooper tried to explain to him that his actions clearly constituted provocation, Ritzheimer said, quote, some will probably argue that the signers that signed the Declaration of Independence was a bad idea back in their day. okay. He's comparing himself to the founders of the country by trying to antagonize Muslims.
Jordan (01:19:33.000)
All right. All right. All right, dude. right. All right. So so, so your, are you doing any good? Are you going to take over mosques?
Dan (01:19:45.000)
Take the country back.
Jordan (01:19:46.000)
What are you going to do after that?
Dan (01:19:48.000)
Well, pretty soon after all that, Jon would start a GoFundMe campaign seeking $10 million to help him live off the grid because people were trying to kill him.
Jordan (01:19:55.000)
Why would you need $10 million if you're living off the grid?! You're living even more on the grid?! right. You're so more noticeable on the grid! well. Everybody with $10 million is very noticeable!
Dan (01:20:07.000)
Well, he either wanted to fund living off the grid or to very publicly try to run against John McCain for his Senate seat. One of the two, either living in hiding or running for Senate, probably both, who knows he did neither.
Jordan (01:20:17.000)
That would be fun. If you were living off the grid while at the same time running for office. That'd be great.
Dan (01:20:22.000)
Yeah, in June 2015, he posted online
Jordan (01:20:24.000)
Vote for me! I don't have a social security number!
Dan (01:20:27.000)
I eat twigs. In June 2015, he posted online that he was the victim of hacks and he was going to disappear for a while. Imagine everyone's surprise when he reappeared in September 2015 to announce plans to arrest Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow because she voted for the Iran deal. He wrote to supporters, quote, we have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws, which will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.
Jordan (01:20:57.000)
Hold on. So. Their plan. Is specifically targeting. A state with lax gun laws. That will allow them. To use guns. right. In a violent manner.
Dan (01:21:11.000)
Well. No, in a manner necessary for an operation like this.
Jordan (01:21:16.000)
All right. All right.
Dan (01:21:17.000)
He didn't say anything about violence, why are you trying to paint him
Jordan (01:21:20.000)
I just want to know what manner is necessary for an operation like this.
Dan (01:21:23.000)
Jordan. You're like a walking MIAC document.
Jordan (01:21:27.000)
Why would why would lax guns, why would lax gun laws...
Dan (01:21:29.000)
Boy, it is suspicious...
Jordan (01:21:30.000)
--be necessary...
Dan (01:21:31.000)
--it's suspicious.
Jordan (01:21:21.000)
--to the operation like this...
Dan (01:21:33.000)
Jordan (01:21:34.000)
--if there weren't a use for these guns.
Dan (01:21:36.000)
It's really suspicious that that is a major part of his consideration in choosing a state.
Jordan (01:21:41.000)
It seems important to me. yeah. I'm gonna I'm gonna say that it's a second amendment demonstration. sure. They're just gonna stand around, they're going to hold up, so they put like placards on their guns because they ran out of two by fours. So they're holding up the guns and doing the whole like, We don't want anybody to take our guns!
Dan (01:22:00.000)
That's easier than going to Kinko's. yeah. So, and the ties to the Michigan State Militia. Like, it's clearly militia organized and adjacent.
Jordan (01:22:07.000)
Dan (01:22:09.000)
Though he had a good six months of being a very publicly agitating dickhole against Muslims and being an overall embarrassment of a person. This plan that he had to go and arrest Senator Debbie Stabenow, was a bridge too far. And the Oath Keepers decided to go ahead and distance themselves from him at that point, which is probably smart. Trying to exploit lax gun laws to arrest a sitting senator is probably the sort of thing that would lead to Ritzheimer killing a couple of people. And it's probably best not to have to disavow the guy afterwards. You want to get that done ahead of time.
Jordan (01:22:39.000)
Yeah. Hey, buddy, buddy. You do what you got to do. We're gonna back off.
Dan (01:22:44.000)
By 2015 they fucking learn that lesson from all these guys who were like taking over Madisonville, Tennessee, making bombs, making napalm bombs, raping seven year olds. It's the sort of thing like, we kind of have got our disavowing game down. yeah. You kind of know the signs.
Jordan (01:22:59.000)
After your first five or six domestic terrorists, you're like, hold on, we're gonna let you keep going. But we can't have you
Dan (01:23:05.000)
It's not something good to have practice in. So Jon would go on to take part in the Malheur Wildlife Preservation standoff and operated a website where he sold "Fuck Islam" bumper stickers. In August 2016 he was sentenced to a year in prison for conspiring to impede police from discharging their duties. Also, he has two kids and lived off disability checks. oh. Big government.
Jordan (01:23:29.000)
Oh oh oh god. Ah, that fucking bumper. You got to toss that little piece in there. right. This is the same people who are bitching about entitlements. right. And he's. Oh god,
Dan (01:23:43.000)
He's totally fine to run with militias and try and arrest sitting senators with lax gun laws states. But he has to get disability checks. This year, after Hurricane Michael, six Oath Keepers were arrested in Mexico Beach, Florida while they were out, quote unquote, patrolling. They had their car painted up to look like an actual police car and all were wearing tactical gear. And of course they were heavily armed. The actual police, the Bay County Sheriff's Office, commented that quote, 'they're out there patrolling the streets, they don't know the area. They don't know the community. They don't know our laws. And that lends itself to dangers. Please leave law enforcement to the professionals." So in that case, at least the people were like, we're going to arrest you for pretending you're cops. But you know what they were doing? They were hoping to find black people out doing things that looked like looting so they could shoot them. yeah. That's what they were doing.
Jordan (01:24:32.000)
That's because Florida has very lax gun laws. well. And very strong stand your ground laws.
Dan (01:24:37.000)
But you understand that's why they show up somewhere like this. yeah. That's the, that's the mode of
Jordan (01:24:42.000)
--itching to fire their automatic weapons at a human being.
Dan (01:24:44.000)
Well, a specific type of human being. oh, yeah? Yep. These are just a few of the notable Oath Keepers who have run afoul of serious laws. This isn't a coincidence and it's not a couple of bad apples. This list doesn't even begin to mention how they were involved in the Bundy ranch or how the Oath Keepers planned to arrest the pope when he came to the United States in 2015. This doesn't
Jordan (01:25:03.000)
Now that's just good fun.
Dan (01:25:04.000)
This doesn't touch on how the Oath Keepers showed up in Ferguson and quote, protected almost exclusively white businesses, after the protests there. This doesn't touch on how in the Berkeley and Portland protests in 2017, propagandists like Jack Posobiec and his ilk have worked hard to convey the idea that the police and Oath Keepers are working in concert. Berkeley police officials naturally denied the claim. But after American Freedom Keepers militia member Todd Kelsay was arrested, I'm sorry, was recorded, helping police arrest protesters in Portland, though he's not a cop. It's not hard to see a kernel of truth. yeah. So what you have here with the Oath Keepers
Jordan (01:25:43.000)
Is an out and out white supremacist organization working hand in hand with an organization that doesn't like to say they're explicitly a white supremacy organization, and yet somehow always seem to act as one.
Dan (01:25:55.000)
I don't think that you can say like, I don't know, I'm not, I don't think your assessment is too unfair. But I think that you have a situation where I'm not going to say that all the Oath Keepers are operating on a very racist, crazy basis. But man, there's a lot of them that are and a lot of them seem emboldened in many ways. And a lot of them, through this brotherhood of folks who are just trying to uphold the Constitution, seem to take that to ends where they build bombs, try and get into shoot outs with police, end up killing people, do these these standoffs, do a draw Muhammad contest in order to antagonize entire populations of people, and then beg for money because of the natural consequences of your actions. Like these sorts of things. I know that I shouldn't have ended on that one. It's the least
Jordan (01:26:48.000)
Yeah, at least the least egregious?
Dan (01:26:50.000)
Yeah. But you have that. And then you see the systemic things about how big groups of them often show up places like Ferguson, like in the aftermath of the Mexico Beach hurricane, you just see a systematic um,
Jordan (01:27:04.000)
They're trying to take over the fucking country and kill black people. That's their system. That's what they are.
Dan (01:27:10.000)
And further than that, you see Stewart Rhodes doing very intentional damage control after people that he had buddied up with and helped down the path, reach their conclusion. When someone who is the official liaison to the Marine Corps ends up going bad and getting arrested for raping a seven year old and having a grenade launcher in his house. yeah. I's not like, Oh, we're gonna take responsibility for that. You're gonna say, oh, no, he wasn't even a part of our group to begin with. No, no, no, no, no, no, no fake news. Fake News. nope. When you have the head of your Cleveland chapter, the one of the big cities in America by the way, very large city. Not not a Podunk. It's not Madisonville, Tennessee chapter of Oath Keepers. It's fucking Cleveland, Ohio. He's caught with a napalm bomb in his house. Nah, that we're not going to, we're not going to own that one.
Jordan (01:28:04.000)
I still have a hard time just like the idea...
Dan (01:28:07.000)
Not gonna own it.
Jordan (01:28:08.000)
--just like a neighborhood where just a guy has a napalm bomb. That, just, I don't like to think of that.
Dan (01:28:16.000)
His landlord had a tough time with that, too.
Jordan (01:28:18.000)
I don't like to think about that.
Dan (01:28:19.000)
I know. It's it's pretty fucked up. So the point I'm trying to get at is, this behavior is a defining characteristic of the Right wing right now. yeah. Well you see it with everything that's going on in the present day, all of the, every time there's something bad that happens that's a natural consequence of the rhetoric that's put out, the violence, the excusing of white terrorism, all these sorts of things. Whenever there is the bubbling over, whenever there's this guy who got caught and arrested for sending all the bombs to everybody. Ah, he's not one of ours. How dare you? Oh, wait, here's a picture of him at a Trump rally from years ago.
Jordan (01:28:59.000)
Ahhhhh. False flag.
Dan (01:29:01.000)
Look at all these stickers on his truck. Ahh
Jordan (01:29:03.000)
False flag. It's a setup.
Dan (01:29:04.000)
How do those stickers look so clean? You know, it's the same thing. It's an inability to take responsibility for what you've put out into the world.
Jordan (01:29:12.000)
And you see it on both sides. NBC claimed that they never hired Megyn Kelly.
Dan (01:29:17.000)
They claimed they wish they hadn't. yeah. They're on the hook for a huge salary. Yeah, I know. I don't, I'm not saying in any way that everybody on the left is great at taking responsibility for things. But it is a dynamic feature of this world that we look at and that we study. The Patriot movement, the Liberty people, it's an inability to take responsibility for the reality of the shit that you put into the world. It goes all the way back to their granddaddy and hero Ron Paul, in his behavior with his newsletter.
Jordan (01:29:48.000)
It's not an inability it's a specific tactic. It's a
Dan (01:29:52.000)
It's gaslighting.
Jordan (01:29:53.000)
It's a feature not a bug. yeah. You get the benefit of having what is essentially a violent extrajudicial army, intimidating people who otherwise would definitely try and vote against you, while at the same time claiming loudly enough and frequently enough that it's not part of your group, that enough people will believe you that they won't do anything about it. yep. That's the game.
Dan (01:30:18.000)
It's why Alex and Roger Stone sit down and say, we disavow violence, let's get out ahead of this thing while screaming all sorts of, you all are demons and you must fall, sort of rhetoric.
Jordan (01:30:28.000)
In the same sentence.
Dan (01:30:29.000)
Yeah, it's the same thing, man. It's it. It it's a it's a modern dilemma. And I don't know, I don't know that, the path out of it. But some of it has to be holding people responsible for things. I don't know how you do it, but you got to do it.
Jordan (01:30:46.000)
I think it's kind of one of those things where I don't I don't want to paraphrase this too badly. Or too poorly. But if you are stoking white supremacist violence, I know it when I see it, you know, like. I know
Dan (01:31:06.000)
Like the Supreme Court definition of pornography.
Jordan (01:31:08.000)
See that, well, that's what I was, yeah, that's what I was referencing. yeah. It's like, I know we can't like write this blanket law of like, anybody who stokes white supremacy is is now in prison for two years. Because how would you? And how could you enforce that in any way that isn't like, a random like, I know, you're I know, you're just a dude on Twitter, trying to do free speech or whatever. But fuck you. You're doing two years? Well, that would cause a revolution.
Dan (01:31:37.000)
I don't think that's the best way to go about it. I know that I know, the best way to go about it. But I also know based on something we played earlier in this episode, it won't work. right. And that is education, and helping people understand things. Because if people truly understood the like, the motivations of the people that they're believing, or that sort of thing, or like, hey, you know, they're really just trying to get your money. They're really just trying to cause trouble that they can capitalize off of, you know, basically.
Jordan (01:32:07.000)
Yeah, but that's what they said that you're doing with NBC, because Soros is paying you to tell me that education helps.
Dan (01:32:14.000)
So then let's talk about that. Why do you think that about Soros? You know, there, there is a Socratic dialogue that you you hope you'd be able to have with people and be able to get to the bottom of like, oh, oh, all roads end up leading back to basically a couple of big lies.
Jordan (01:32:31.000)
If you can't understand the basic premise of a vaccine, where it's like, you know how you've been sick before? You know how there are worse ways to get sick? Don't get those. And people are like, you're trying to kill my children! There's no way people are going to be able to process propaganda.
Dan (01:32:48.000)
A reasoned argument, a reasoned discussion about how those studies that linked vaccines to autism were flawed. That's a bit, that's a nice starting ground. And hopefully, you'd be able to demonstrate to them like, all of these people know that.
Jordan (01:33:02.000)
Soros paid you to tell me this!
Dan (01:33:03.000)
Soros isn't giving me any money, here's my tax returns. But look, all those people who are telling us
Jordan (01:33:07.000)
Those can be doctored. That's why I can't look at Trump's, because who knows what they might say!
Dan (01:33:12.000)
All of those people who are telling you that vaccines are linked to autism know very well that these studies aren't aren't accurate, and they aren't real, but they're pushing it to you anyway, because it serves their political purpose.
Jordan (01:33:22.000)
Why else would they put it in a needle, Dan? If you were going to give me a vaccine it would come in a pill. what? Yeah, science! They have to make it hurt.
Dan (01:33:32.000)
You got me, all right. Fine. But you could do that with just about any of these narratives if someone were willing to, but what you're demonstrating is exactly the truth. No one's gonna be willing to. And the demonstration of that is that clip earlier where Alex plays the clip of the cop very well explaining that what the MIAC report actually says, and it doesn't do a lick of difference. Alex uses that report still, for years after this.
Jordan (01:33:58.000)
New plan. We need to increase the population of deer to an unsustainable level, and then put out a press release that says everybody can kill deer We got to, it's the best thing for the environment. So all these people are busy for like a week, week or two. While they're in the forest, living off the grid or doing whatever it is they do. We sneak into Congress, we do all the right stuff. And then when they get back, they're like, Wait, what just happened here?
Dan (01:34:28.000)
This plan isn't going to work.
Jordan (01:34:29.000)
And then we give them more deer and we just do this, we just do a sleight of hand, like with a baby and a cookie. Just like oh, the cookie's over here, oh the cookie's over here.
Dan (01:34:37.000)
This plan is not going to work because in order to get the population of deer to the level you're going to need, you're going to have to either fully restrict hunting, and that's gonna get really mad, or you're gonna have to start cloning deer...
Jordan (01:34:48.000)
Dan (01:34:49.000)
--infuriate them even more.
Jordan (01:34:50.000)
Which is why they're gonna be even more motivated to kill these deer.
Dan (01:34:53.000)
Cloned deer gotta get em. Yeah, I'm not sure. But suffice it to say Oath Keepers are very bad generally speaking. Not all of them, but a lot of them. And I think the organization has as a whole been a very negative thing. So when he says it's positive organization, I beg to differ. I know you run it, but you're wrong.
Jordan (01:35:13.000)
Second plan. All right. Now, when kids are like nine or 10, we all send them to the hospital. And they all take one test, where it's just like there's a woman. Not even that, just like a speaker with blond hair on it, right? And the speaker just says, kind of like, Oh, you look alright, no big deal. Just like very passive aggressive stuff. And if the kid winds up hitting the robot, then we're like, into the garbage can you go. I'm not saying that we're gonna put children into a garbage can...
Dan (01:35:45.000)
You're literally describing
Jordan (01:35:46.000)
--gonna put them in a trash compactor.
Dan (01:35:48.000)
You're really describing a dream Alex had. This is so close to some of his terrible nightmares.
Jordan (01:35:54.000)
We got to start thinking outside the box. Everything that we've been doing so far hasn't been working.
Dan (01:35:59.000)
I know. But that's not gonna work, either.
Jordan (01:36:00.000)
All right. but. What if we put blonde hair on deer?
Dan (01:36:03.000)
There we go. okay. So Alex loves Stewart Rhodes. And it shows in this next clip, where he just, he's over the moon with this guy.
Alex Jones (01:36:12.000)
I want to invite you back routinely. I know you're a busy guy, but you need to talk to Ted Anderson and maybe get a Genesis radio show or something. You're very, very eloquent. And when we come back, we'll go over the 10 points. But what I like is that, you know, that huge Ron Paul revolution at first people like, Oh, it went nowhere. And I said, No, it's a delayed explosion, like in Force 10 Navarone, when they bomb the dam, and they're like...
Dan (01:36:30.000)
Another movie.
Alex Jones (01:36:31.000)
--where is it? You just had just just sitting there smoking a pipe, just wait a moment...
Jordan (01:36:36.000)
Smoking a pipe like in Lord of the Rings. Gandalf smokes that pipe.
Alex Jones (01:36:39.000)
And now we're seeing that and then people realize they can defeat the enemy in the info war. And now they're just blasting, they're picking up arms in the revolution of the mind. People are taking the red pills. They're waking up. And I'm seeing people like you from the Ron Paul campaign and others, disperse out and start your own operations.
Unknown Speaker (222) (01:36:54.000)
Your food storage dot
Dan (01:36:56.000)
I had to leave that in because like he just he hit that break so hard. yeah. He left no space for an edit because he's so excited about this guy. He loves him.
Jordan (01:37:05.000)
It's nice. Whenever he's not doing ads for his pills, we don't have to worry about the ad pivot as much. Sometimes we just go right up to the gun. And then it's all good.
Dan (01:37:15.000)
Although there is during the span of time, there was one time where he tried to do a live read for one of his sponsors.
Jordan (01:37:20.000)
Oh, no, his sight reading skills are not good.
Dan (01:37:24.000)
And it shows. This business is called HomeGain. We've played a commercial in the past where he's like, look for the HomeGain gorilla. It's like a like we talked about it. It's like a sort of scammy real, like, real estate agent hookup site. Basically,
Jordan (01:37:40.000)
Everybody knows that those are reliable and real estate agents are the most trustworthy of people. Haven't you seen those brothers? They do property,
Dan (01:37:47.000)
It's called HomeGain and through an entire live read, Alex says home again. Look, you know, home again, it's a great sponsor. And then the next day gets on air, he's like man, I said the name of this company wrong. It's HomeGain. So as next clip, we get to the logical conclusion of this, I believe in this next clip, you will be able to hear very clearly, Alex Jones is endorsing the Oath Keepers.
Alex Jones (01:38:11.000)
But finishing up with Stewart Rhodes Oath dash Keepers dot blogspot dot com. Let me tell you, everybody here how they're gonna...
Jordan (01:38:19.000)
Can't turn into a national organization if it's at blogspot dot com.
Alex Jones (01:38:23.000)
--um, intimidation of police and military that speak out. But as more and more speak out. It's kind of like in those famous, you know, historical things where we have a church full of people in the Revolutionary War, they'll say who stands with us, it takes about a minute and one guy steps forward. And then two step forward that everybody steps forward and same thing with the Alamo. In 1836. The enemy, man I bet if I Google this it's already out here. It's gonna say, don't sign up for this. It's Feds getting your name on the list and they're gonna get you
Jordan (01:38:49.000)
Yeah that's what the enemy says.
Alex Jones (01:38:50.000)
Nya nya nya! You have to be, I've always said this, out in the open, resisting the New World Order, speaking out, involved. We are the majority, we have to shatter...
Jordan (01:38:59.000)
Which is why most of the members are anonymous.
Alex Jones (01:39:01.000)
--not the majority. And we have to get past the mind game of fear. And so I think it's a great idea whether it's anonymous, you write letters and post things or other people should start other Oath Keeper sites, more groups, lots of people. But it's good in my experience, just to go past the point of no return. And to commit, we're only saying we'll follow our oath.
Dan (01:39:21.000)
So that's as close as you're gonna get from Alex Jones to a full throated endorsement of the Oath Keepers.
Jordan (01:39:27.000)
Yeah, that's brutal.
Dan (01:39:29.000)
And thus, I believe the first stage of our 2009 investigation is complete. March 19 2009, is when Alex Jones got involved with the Tea Party.
Jordan (01:39:39.000)
It is interesting that we didn't even consider like, when you first started this investigation, you did not have Oath Keepers on the list of things we were investigating. We were we were both like, oh Tea Party, that's the most obvious popular thing. And then you you get the reveal that it's the Oath Keepers and that makes way more sense than the Tea Party. The Oath Keepers are out there doing harm.
Dan (01:40:02.000)
Well, it's like the same thing. Like when we went back to 2015 to see about when he joined up with Trump, and we found like, he doesn't like Trump, but he's saying Putin is the truth. yeah. And like Putin might save the world and stuff like that. It's like fuuuck. yeah. What?
Jordan (01:40:18.000)
This is not how I thought this was gonna go.
Dan (01:40:21.000)
Right. So he didn't expect the, the not even really nationally relevant Oath Keepers to show up, and that be the way that Alex? So here's what I believe, this is a theory. yeah. I believe that this marks the beginning of Alex Jones getting involved with the Tea Party. Though it isn't the Tea Party proper, it is the Oath Keepers. And they factor heavily into the story that remains to be told about the deterioration of politics that happens in 2009 and onwards. A very good strategy to
Jordan (01:40:47.000)
Definitely had nothing to do with a black president. no no no. Just ignore that.
Dan (01:40:50.000)
Coincidence. yeah. A very good strategy to ensure that the Overton window has shifted in the direction you want it to, is to offer two options that both head in that direction, one mild and one extreme. The two sides probably don't even have to like each other. The mild side says the extreme is childish and not serious. The extreme side says they're the true movement and the mild side is controlled opposition.
Jordan (01:41:12.000)
The alt right and the Nazis.
Dan (01:41:13.000)
In such a climate, you guarantee that more people will sign up with the mild side, but the very nature of their overlapping rhetorics will tend toward a shift heading in the direction towards the extreme. The people will join with the mild and ultimately find it unsatisfying, and head for the more extreme stuff. Once they start becoming acclimated to the extreme side, they'll find the answer as to why they weren't satisfied by the mild side: because it was controlled opposition all along. Because the thing is, the pipe doesn't go the other direction. In this example, Glenn Beck doesn't ever de-escalate things. No one gets free of Alex Jones's propaganda by becoming a Glenn Beck fan. No one deprograms from the Oath Keepers by falling in love with the peaceful anti-tech, sign holding demonstrators, and realizes that civic action is the best way to affect changes that they want to see in society. The slide goes downward, and every convert to the Tea Party is one more likely patriot movement recruit in waiting. I'm not proposing that this was an elaborate plan or intentional. That would be absurd, conspiratorial thinking, but I am suggesting that looking back on this, there could be no worse setup for the maintenance of a healthy body politic. Once the GOP started embracing the Tea Party, they were possibly knowingly or possibly unwittingly embracing not only the extreme side, they were also embracing the mild side that really only ever existed to be a conduit to the extreme side.
Jordan (01:42:33.000)
And you you expand that still further with the way that we talk about our politics. Right? So it turned into Clinton being center left. yeah. And in response to that, the center right went as far right as it possibly could. yeah. And the extreme side of that is gone even farther. So then center left is actually turned into center right and center right has turned into crazy right. And crazy right has turned into the violent militia group. right. And all all the while progressives are over here, like, why is everybody ignoring us? We're all getting fucked. And the center right, which was the center left begins to insist that the only way to win elections is to be center right. And in response to that they kowtow and they make even further concessions to the hard right and that makes the extreme right even more radicalized.
Dan (01:43:27.000)
I don't know how to I don't know how to put a button on this. But what we see here, I'm certain, is the beginnings of Alex Jones becoming the extreme, the mouthpiece of the extreme version of the Tea Party. yeah. Which is characterized by the Oath Keepers. This is his way to get in on the act that he sees Glenn Beck being very successful with, without having to feel like he's sold out. And I think that will carry through, throughout, even when he starts associating more with the Tea Party, he can carry this torch of, I'm the real version of it. This is the this is the media, the globalist tainted version of the Tea Party. right. We are the true 1776. And they're a bunch of bullshit. Glenn Beck heads. Whatever.
Jordan (01:44:10.000)
Again. In retrospect makes so much more sense than him just jumping on with the Tea Party. yep. He still has to act out even against the movement that he supports.
Dan (01:44:20.000)
I think that's what we see over and over again, too. I mean, just anytime we go, and we find these kernels and these pieces of Alex Jones's history is like, ah, I fucking should have thought of that. That makes total sense. yeah, exactly. But it's good to go back and actually see them because now we know, as opposed to just guessing. So we have this MIAC Report, I think, with Alex Jones bringing on that cop or playing that audio of the cop very clearly explaining what the MIAC report is about, and it not making a dent in the propaganda armor. We see the hopelessness of engaging with folks like this. Or at least with people like Alex. You see the hopelessness and the intentional propaganda that's going on, as opposed to it just being a misunderstanding. In addition to that you see here, the introduction of the Oath Keepers. And what you're going to end up seeing, and this, this puts into perfect context, why on the last episode, when I told you I went back, and I listened to the time around when that guy got caught with a napalm bomb in his house, who was the head of the Cleveland chapter of the Oath Keepers. And Alex was radio silent. It makes perfect sense. yeah. He is with them. So he's not going to cover when one of them has a napalm bomb in their house. nope. No way.
Jordan (01:45:31.000)
I think that if I were in the room with Ron Paul, and those two other assholes. right. Whenever they rescinded the MIAC report. yeah. And we would have been, like everybody would have been talking, having a good old time, and then there would have been that lull in the conversation. You know, everybody has a good laugh, and then there's just that lull before you get into the next next riff. In that lull, I would have been like MIAC report? More like BIAC report, and then I would have been carried out of that room on everyone's shoulders.
Dan (01:46:08.000)
Be a hero.
Jordan (01:46:09.000)
Oh yeah, it would have been amazing.
Dan (01:46:10.000)
Yeah. So I see a little bit of what this portends for the future. I obviously don't know exactly how it all is going to play out. And I'm still interested to see the the exact path that it goes down, but I mean, this fits totally in line with Alex Jones's existence from then even into present day as right wing, terrorism white terrorism apologist. And yep, should have should have known. yeah. Anyway, we have one more clip here real quick. This is just the end of the interview between Alex and Stewart Rhodes.
Alex Jones (01:46:45.000)
Sir. We commend you on the website again, is Oath dash Keepers dot blogspot dot com or just Google Oath Keeper...
Jordan (01:46:52.000)
It can't be a blogspot...
Alex Jones (01:46:53.000)
--find it that way. We'll talk...
Jordan (01:46:54.000)
--that starts a movement that kills people.
Alex Jones (01:46:57.000)
Thank you for spending time with us, really great hearing from you.
Dan (01:47:00.000)
He commends him. He commends him. You'd never see an interview like that on this show. Like it's
Jordan (01:47:06.000)
Not since David Duke have two people agreed more with each other.
Dan (01:47:10.000)
Well, at least he was trying to appear to disagree with David Duke. In this one might as well just be like, like, you just watched a meet cute. Like the two of them be like, Oh my God, you love freedom. I love freedom.
Jordan (01:47:23.000)
I would I would like a dream casting. I would put John Cusak in one of these roles. okay. And I would just remake Serendipity.
Dan (01:47:33.000)
So Kate Beckinsdale was one of the other ones?
Jordan (01:47:35.000)
Dan (01:47:36.000)
Wasn't that who it is?
Jordan (01:47:37.000)
Dan (01:47:38.000)
Whatever, I don't give a shit.
Jordan (01:47:38.000)
Yeah. She was in, she was in
Dan (01:47:41.000)
Underworld 1, 2, and 3?
Jordan (01:47:42.000)
Yeah, the vampires.
Dan (01:47:43.000)
Sure. So
Jordan (01:47:44.000)
I think there are four of them.
Dan (01:47:45.000)
Probably. So this is where we end our adventure. I have struggled through listening to all these boring episodes. But I'm glad that I did. Because we get now to the end, this reveal of Alex Jones giving his endorsement to the Oath Keepers. indeed. Which I think is super important. And I think it will characterize the next years of his program. yeah. It'll inform the entire direction he goes, I think it will facilitate so many of the shifts in his narratives. yeah. Like I think that we're going to see a lot of these things that we've been tracking in terms of these, these anachronistic politics that he has. Whether it be, he's anti police in early 2009. He is against uh, he's for net neutrality.
Jordan (01:48:29.000)
Yeah, this does seem like
Dan (01:48:31.000)
The Palestinian situation, his support of Palestine.
Jordan (01:48:34.000)
Yeah. Yeah. This does seem like the beginning of him, because of the way that it's presented of like, we're apolitical, we're neutral on all of these subjects. We're also hardcore conservative. right. You know, like that sells him
Dan (01:48:48.000)
We're apolitical but there is certainly no liberals around at all.
Jordan (01:48:51.000)
Not even close, not even close.
Dan (01:48:53.000)
Not one to be found.
Jordan (01:48:54.000)
But that's that's the, the in for him, because that that allows him to feel like, see, I'm still being apolitical. This is an apolitical group. And as he descends further into that group, of course, he descends further into hardcore conservatism.
Dan (01:49:09.000)
I think a lot of that is Trojan horse. And I wonder I want I mean, we're getting a little speculative, but I wonder how much of that is conscious and how much of it is just going down that road? I would, I would suggest, I think some of it is pretty conscious. I think he changes himself like a chameleon in order to fit whoever his benefactor is at a certain time. yeah. Much like, you know, while Dr. Group is around, he's way more into the medical woo, and stuff like that. And when Ted Anderson is his primary caregiver, and financial source, it's all about the economy collapsing. You know, you can see these sort of these, these changes in weather go along with whoever is funding his operation,
Jordan (01:49:50.000)
Unlike Megyn Kelly, who will remain the racist through and through, from the Fox News to the NBC.
Dan (01:49:57.000)
You kind of gotta tip your cap. No, you don't.
Jordan (01:49:59.000)
No you don't.
Dan (01:50:00.000)
Um, so, we will see what happens in the future but for now, we have a website.
Jordan (01:50:05.000)
We do have a website it's knowledge fight dot com.
Dan (01:50:07.000)
That's correct. We also are on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight.
Jordan (01:50:10.000)
We're on Facebook at Facebook slash knowledge fight slash dog blogspot dot com.
Dan (01:50:16.000)
Dot org. We got a dot org.
Jordan (01:50:18.000)
Dot edu.
Dan (01:50:20.000)
Yes, we also have a group called go home and tell your mother you're brilliant.
Jordan (01:50:22.000)
Indeed, we're on iTunes and all that stuff. You know, you've heard a podcast before.
Dan (01:50:26.000)
Sure you have. Now I can't say that the Oath Keepers haven't killed anybody.
Jordan (01:50:31.000)
No, we can say strongly, they have killed a bunch of people.
Dan (01:50:34.000)
Definitively. But someone who has probably, maybe killed a guy? There's still a little bit of ambivalence technically...
Jordan (01:50:40.000)
Dan (01:50:41.000)
---about is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (01:50:43.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy in Kansas (01:50:47.000)
Hello, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Alex Jones (01:50:50.000)
I love you.