Transcript/34: April 25, 2017

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Oh, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody. Welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and drink red wine and discuss the goings on in the life of one Alexander Emmerich Jones. His middle name is Emmerich it is. This is a news to you use to me so does when he's getting really blow Hardy. He refers to himself as Alexander Emmerich Jones. Alexander means Savior of the people or something like that.
Jordan (00:00:32.000)
I mean, it also has some negative connotations attached to Alexander the Great. Well, yeah, he wasn't really that great guy. Great. I mean, he did a lot of great things great meaning like, lasting and but you know, a lot a lot of killing.
Dan (00:00:51.000)
I saw that movie. Anyway, this is not an ancient history podcast. This is a podcast where we take a day in the life of Alex Jones and critically break down what has happened. Is there a twist to this there is in fact one twist, and there's only one twist a lot of twists. Okay, but one of them is that I know a lot about Infowars and user
Jordan (00:01:09.000)
I don't know anything about overreact. Shit. I just now found out what Alex Jones his middle name is Emmerich. And apparently he spends a lot of time on it.
Dan (00:01:20.000)
Yeah. So before we get going, I want to take a little moment. I got a plug. I got a plug to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.000)
You got a plug for us?
Dan (00:01:27.000)
I do. Yeah, absolutely. It's not for us, actually. Oh, wait. So then it's sort of for me, but it's also a listener and something that's really cool. That's going to be happening. On May 5 and DesPlaines. Illinois, there's going to be a wrestling tournament by threat level wrestling, called Jam Tournament Edition. All right, it's gonna be a situation where there will be eight dudes, there's gonna be a tournament to decide the first threat level wrestling champion, and a whole bunch of other matches.
Jordan (00:01:58.000)
Just eight random dudes. I like random dudes off just off the street. Like there's a guy barking right up front like a bad comedy show. Like hey, listen, if you want to be in the ring, or is it like spider man? Like the original Spider Man Macho Man, we'll be there. Exactly. Yes. Bonesaw is gonna be their own cell phone sounds I'm ready.
Dan (00:02:18.000)
Tickets are $12 pre sale $15 at the door, and you can find out all the information you need at level wrestling all one word or friend of Mikey Wilde. Who was a listener friend, supporter of the show future policy wonk we haven't gotten around to that
Jordan (00:02:37.000)
not Alexander the Great or other?
Dan (00:02:40.000)
No, but he is wild. He is he's putting it on. It's gonna be fucking awesome. did have sex with a god though? That's just a fact. Here's what you need to know. I've been to a lot of like, you know, pro wrestling events in the local world. I've been to a number of them. Okay, and I found one thing is missing from all of them. And that is these dulcet tones.
Jordan (00:02:59.000)
Oh shit. Are you gonna be doing some talking? Jewboy
Dan (00:03:02.000)
is the ring announcer you're
Jordan (00:03:03.000)
gonna be doing some talking?
Dan (00:03:05.000)
Yeah, I'm the let's get ready to rumble Oh, god. I can't say that legally. I think because Michael Buffer has a trademark. He has a trade right? He made he's made his billions of dollars just saying those words. That is really good. Yeah, so if you guys wanted to smart man, if you want to come out check that out. You can get tickets links over on that Facebook page. But a let's get down to business. For we get to today's episode. Got a couple things to say. First of all, like to thank a couple of our new donators, Adam, he this one's going out to you, buddy.
Alex Jones (00:03:36.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:03:37.000)
Thank you, Mira policy walk now
Dan (00:03:40.000)
you are and Oh, what's this? There's another new policy won't wait. What's up, Amber, how you doing out there?
Alex Jones (00:03:46.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:03:47.000)
Congratulations, you are both now policy. This is the thing we do. If you'd like to become a policy wonk, please, you can visit our Patreon. There's a link on knowledge to support the show
Jordan (00:04:03.000)
that makes that makes giving us money. sounds so amazing. If you'd like to become a policy log, yeah, actually, it's we have a Gold member policy wonk position, which is it's like being in the house versus the Senate will actually take it up a notch.
Dan (00:04:18.000)
It's our fault that Paul Ryan keeps calling himself a policy wonk that is probably secretly donated. He's been donating to this show God we should be making more. This is on my this is on me. So if you want to donate, just keep in mind you can donate whatever you want. It doesn't matter the monthly thing you can give $1 You can give $8 million. If you're NATO or Soros who we have found out is
Jordan (00:04:41.000)
George Soros on Twitter. So So somebody's got to be somebody's gotta be working for us.
Dan (00:04:46.000)
Let's suspend the John Rappaport put up the picture campaign.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.000)
Start No, no, no. That is the hill I will die on.
Dan (00:04:58.000)
Speaking of which, that brings us to our Out of context, Alex Jones quote for the day got a little drop from today's episode that should give you a sense of where things are going to go on this,
Alex Jones (00:05:09.000)
I will stand, I will win, or I will die. Yep,
Dan (00:05:12.000)
that's the madness that we're dealing with today
Jordan (00:05:15.000)
on this I will stand, I will win, or I will die.
Dan (00:05:19.000)
Now you might be asking your son
Jordan (00:05:20.000)
his current plants Nan situation, I'm gonna put my money more on the far the ladder, I'm gonna
Dan (00:05:29.000)
put my money on him losing and then pretending he never said that. That's gonna be my prediction. So you might be asking yourself, What is this about? Is this about how he is going to get custody of his children? Right? That's certainly a legal battle he's in right now.
Jordan (00:05:42.000)
He should absolutely try and do that. If he does want to custody his children, which we are not yet certain of.
Dan (00:05:48.000)
It's not about that. He's getting is not about that. It's getting sued by Chobani Yogurt.
Jordan (00:05:53.000)
He's getting sued by by Greek yogurt by Chobani,
Dan (00:05:56.000)
Greek style yogurt. They have put a lawsuit on his ass and
Jordan (00:06:01.000)
put out a lawsuit on his app today where we're going $10,000 To the man who takes down Alex Jones. That
Dan (00:06:08.000)
is actually the amount they're suing him for.
Jordan (00:06:10.000)
$10,000 It's almost nothing. That's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.000)
What we'll get into, we'll get into
Dan (00:06:18.000)
get into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.000)
We'll get into it.
Dan (00:06:21.000)
All right. All right. So April 25. Came around Tuesday of this week. Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.000)
haven $10,000 Alex Jones,
Dan (00:06:30.000)
we'll get to it.
Jordan (00:06:31.000)
Okay, I'm sorry. I'm more than joking. Nevermind. I've done I've done I've done. I'm not
Dan (00:06:37.000)
on the 25th Tuesday of this week. Alex Jones came in early. Oh, that's not good. He's gonna get he clearly taped this before he had to go to court. Because it's pre taped. It's not live. They sort of pretend that it's live. And he recorded the first hour before Paul Joseph Watson took over. Or I'm sorry, I think it's actually David Knight took over hosting the day. Regardless, I didn't watch the rest of it. I just watched Alex's first hour naturally and holy shit.
Jordan (00:07:04.000)
Do we got to do we got a winner.
Dan (00:07:07.000)
This stuff? Well, is crazy. Okay, he is furious about this lawsuit. We'll get into all his feelings about it all of his nonsense, right? But before we do, because it's so bad. I have to say up top. I apologize. And I'm very sorry that we're rebroadcasting this to my Muslim friends out there to all of the Islamic folk in the world on now. I am sorry that someone says these things. It's going to be very bad. Jesus, I have cut out some stuff. It's particularly gross, because he makes a lot of Breitbart based claims about crimes that immigrants have committed. Right and I've done some digging into them and they're all not true, of course. So I've just decided to cut out some of the ones that are particularly repulsive. But I will say listening through this I almost threw up so and that's me. What the fuck I just got so overwhelmed and anxious about all the hate
Jordan (00:08:07.000)
and it's it why why why why the hate why what how is the hate so deep seated? cuz, cuz not sure, cuz it can't just be that demagoguery. I mean, this seems. Now, actually,
Dan (00:08:25.000)
I do have a theory. Okay. I think it's because he's hemorrhaging money. I think it's because he's bleeding money out and he knows that the end is near that he's pulling out his most desperate moves. And he knows the end is nigh on one of the only things one of the only last tricks he has in his pocket is outright race. Baiting. Yeah. So we're going to start with this first clip, where Alex introduces the lawsuit, he's going to introduce the idea of the lawsuit. This is about
Jordan (00:08:56.000)
ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage Chobani Greek yogurt.
Dan (00:09:00.000)
This lawsuit is scheduled for one fall. Weighing in at 270 pounds, Alex Jones,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.000)
get ready to yogurt birds.
Alex Jones (00:09:21.000)
shows your hosts. We're broadcasting worldwide from deep in the heart of Texas. It is Tuesday, the 25th day of April 2017. And we've changed the world. And of course you the listeners, the viewers, the activist of people gathering intel out there on the ground and spreading the word in the trenches in the fight for the human mind. Not just here in the United States but all over the world. Well, the biggest yogurt maker in the world that came out of nowhere, the last few decades big buddies with George Soros big buddies with Bill Clinton, big buddies with the Federal Reserve Board that he's on the actual New York Fed that runs the whole country that Trump can't even dislodge. He filed a big lawsuit against Infowars.
Jordan (00:10:10.000)
So this is the introduction. Well, the big lawsuits, because we're friends with George Soros,
Dan (00:10:15.000)
because he's friends with George Soros.
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
No, I mean, not I mean, obviously not us, or Alex Jones or George
Dan (00:10:23.000)
Soros is in bed with big yogurt. And they're coming after
Jordan (00:10:27.000)
him. They can't be the biggest yogurt maker in the world.
Dan (00:10:30.000)
I believe they actually are. Really? Yeah, I don't have specific numbers on it. I believe I read that.
Jordan (00:10:35.000)
Doesn't one of them. Doesn't one of them. milkers like yo play or something? Yeah,
Dan (00:10:40.000)
I don't know. Because I think I don't know, from I remember reading the line that they are.
Jordan (00:10:45.000)
I don't think we want to go any further on this. Otherwise, we might get sued for $10,000
Dan (00:10:49.000)
also irrelevant. So there's a lot of stuff that he said in there that we're going to get to a little bit later. But the point that we need to realize right now is that Alex is being sued by yogurt. He's yogurt money is coming after him. And he is furious about it. Right. So here we go. In this next clip, Alex tries to explain why this is a bad news. And he tries to contextualize why he thinks this is happening to him.
Alex Jones (00:11:17.000)
Now that the headlines are $10,000, that's just the filing that it's up to that amount the damages that they're asking for the punitive damages. 1020 30 million who knows? Because Info Wars, gaudy million 50 million other mainstream and independent media articles about Idaho in the last year and a half. Whether it was the report of the refugee, teenagers, and kids reportedly raping a little girl and the media said it was all a hoax. Muslims never raped anybody. They never bomb anybody that ever shoot anybody. And the lapdog media was just salivating trying to cover it up. We weren't even the generators of that article. We weren't even leading the coverage. It should have been. And of course, they just pled guilty. Who they all pled guilty to the assault. And so through the transmutation or the alchemy of MSM, you'll file a lawsuit on Alex Jones. And you have NBC with the headline that I published fake news. Yeah,
Jordan (00:12:29.000)
yeah, do buddy.
Dan (00:12:31.000)
So when he's saying that things were mainstream news, and then he was just reporting on it? Yes. One of the things that we need to really deal with right up top is that he thinks that Breitbart is mainstream news naturally, because he's just referencing Breitbart articles. The only thing he's rapping, he keeps showing either Infowars, or Breitbart articles, well as his examples of like, this is the story. This is the story, blah, blah, blah. So he's talking about the, the Chobani plant is in Twin Falls, Idaho. Ah, and in that town, there was a story that came out in June of last year, about three kids who had attacked a young girl in a laundry room. That's awful. It is awful, but it was more awful was all the lies that got spread on right wing media. They know what they said that they raped this young girl at knifepoint, and that they had videotaped it and shown their dad and he congratulated them. It was all sorts of wild whitelisting as well. It's all just trying to turn Islamic culture into something that's so foreign and evil to our minds. Of course, the dead, encourage them for this behavior,
Jordan (00:13:41.000)
right? Because human beings are aliens to us. Right? Exactly. Yeah,
Dan (00:13:43.000)
all of that stuff is absolutely not true. There wasn't even a rape that occurred. And I'm not saying that what happened is okay, right, because what happened was still bad, right? But it's not nearly what Alex says it is. Right? And he's basing a lot of his quote, unquote, reporting on these lies that came out on Breitbart. Now, there's an article here in the Idaho statesman, which is the paper of record in Idaho, and they, they have an entire story about the plea bargains that these kids ended up having to take. Right. Which good I mean, if they should have maybe been punished harder, but the oldest was 14 at the time. So they're also minors. All right. The other thing that we have to take into consideration is that the full details of the case are under wraps. They're specific identities are under wraps, because they're all minors. Yeah, in this case, it's you can't publish the details about these people. But that's probably a good idea. The prosecutors and the defense attorneys have discussed the situation that actually happened and what happened was that there was a 1410 and seven year old boy, who basically one of them I believe the seven year old, groped a five year old girl in a laundry room.
Jordan (00:14:58.000)
Gross, gross super gross,
Dan (00:15:00.000)
gross. Yeah. Gross has nothing to do with the fact that they're immigrants. No, it's fucked up kid shit seems like it. So I don't know how you make a mountain out of this. I mean, it's bad, but it's not like
Jordan (00:15:14.000)
who is who is monitoring Idaho news?
Dan (00:15:18.000)
Right Wing blogs baby? What? Well, I mean, they're just
Jordan (00:15:22.000)
they're just fucking bracing around anywhere to find anything that could even remotely be anything. Why would they assume these people were Muslim?
Dan (00:15:31.000)
Well, actually, there's an interesting quote that I found about this from the prosecuting attorney, the guy the prosecutor, his name was Loeb's. He said that he didn't want to quote fanned the flames of anti Syrian refugee people, but suspects that false reports are the work of a local group opposed to refugee resettlement, who hope to stir up trouble by claiming the incident involved Syrian refugees who committed a violent sexual assault, quote, there's a small group of people in Twin Falls county whose life goal is to eliminate refugees. And thus far they have not been constrained by the truth lobe said, they have not been constrained by the truth in the past. And I don't expect them to be constrained by the truth in the future.
Jordan (00:16:14.000)
Lo, we're looking at some white supremacist basically, that's what we're like, who
Dan (00:16:17.000)
heavily publicized the thing, spread spurious rumors about it and right wing blogs picked it up right now, this doesn't mean to excuse the actual truth of the case, which is bad. It is that you're making it worse, you right wing blogs are making it worse, and you're lying about the situation. Holtzclaw?
Jordan (00:16:34.000)
Absolutely. So and you're doing with the express purpose of demonizing people who haven't done anything wrong. The only reason you're demonizing them is because they're not you. Yep. And they're in a town where you want it to be just you. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Idaho is not exactly a bastion of multiculturalism.
Dan (00:16:57.000)
Well, and it gets worse too, because the reason that people are so mad about it is that the Chobani plant is in Twin Falls, Idaho,
Jordan (00:17:06.000)
and the Chobani plant hires people who are not always white,
Dan (00:17:11.000)
and the guy who owns Chobani is a notable proponent of refugee rights and is a heavy donator to refugee resettlement programs.
Jordan (00:17:22.000)
Okay, so now this this, the pictures coming in this, this Nazi group now has their George Soros to fight against
Dan (00:17:30.000)
who actually is going to be linked to George Soros by Alex Jones. Perfect. Yeah,
Jordan (00:17:35.000)
I'm glad that well, of course, they're they're all globalists. Sure.
Dan (00:17:38.000)
So further lobes this prosecutor said that sex cases between minors aren't uncommon. And he implied that this case is being exploited by the local anti refugee movement to make a political point. Also know Syrians have been settled in Twin Falls through the Idaho refugee programs. There have been there have been periodic website postings about hundreds of Syrians coming to Idaho that have all proven to be false in the past. And this is probably just one of those attempts to try and stir up hatred and bigotry.
Jordan (00:18:07.000)
But But fucking, but they're not there. Nope. How can you how can you hate somebody who isn't there?
Dan (00:18:15.000)
You pretend they're there. Quote from the guy who works on the one of these
Jordan (00:18:19.000)
people just fucking bored. Yep. Do you just have anything else to fucking do today
Dan (00:18:24.000)
and quote from the guy, guy named ZZ ro Osama, the director of the CSI refugee center. It breaks my heart when people in the community are divided around issues of resettling refugees. And I agree. Yeah, now fuck you. So that's that's some of the stuff that Alex Jones was reporting.
Jordan (00:18:42.000)
Hey, you know what? I bet these right wing white supremacist also described themselves as Christians,
Dan (00:18:49.000)
I would assume that is definitely true. And I hope
Jordan (00:18:53.000)
that and I'm gonna use their words on this. I hope that God fucking murders them using two angels. And man, do they try and rape those angels?
Dan (00:19:04.000)
So Alex was reporting the right wing version of the story. And he was repeating things that Breitbart had said, and he's salacious details that are all not true. None of them are true. None of them are true. They include stuff that I refuse to even play back on this podcast sort of stuff. You're gonna look it up if you want. It's the fuck did Breitbart do that? Because they're in the same business. They're in the same business of demonizing other populations.
Jordan (00:19:29.000)
But don't you have shit? Don't you have shit already? If you want to if you want to go after if you want to go out this is easy the Korean atrocities. You can find them if you want to do and I'm not like, here's how you do it, guys. Like that's not my point. Sure, but why would you? Why would you go after this kind of bullshit whenever you have real things that you can point to demagogue arise.
Dan (00:20:01.000)
You can make a ton of money by playing on people's fears and fears about Islam are the that's the do jeweler fear, right? That's what everyone is super into in that community. So they're playing that game. That's one thing. Secondly, this guy who owns Chobani. He is a major player in the refugee resettlement game.
Jordan (00:20:21.000)
Oh, that's what they're they're going after him. He's their target. Yes. So it doesn't it wouldn't matter where he was. They would try and go after him
Dan (00:20:31.000)
most likely. Gotcha. I believe that to be the case. So Alex doesn't understand what he's getting in trouble for. He doesn't. He doesn't realize he doesn't. He doesn't realize that he's repeating completely debunked and dangerous claims to the point where on April 11, he released a video that the title was Idaho yogurt maker caught importing migrant rapists. That's literally slander.
Jordan (00:20:58.000)
That can't be okay,
Dan (00:21:02.000)
that was their publication. That was a video they posted on their YouTube page and tweeted out, right. That was the headline that on April 11. Yeah, that is dead to rights, slander. Well,
Jordan (00:21:18.000)
were they immigrant racist rapists? rapists? No, there was no rape. Sorry, I was thinking of the only crime that's actually involved
Dan (00:21:28.000)
with with this situation. Yeah. In this case. No, it's so they weren't? No was were also these words alien refugees, right that one of them was from Iraq. Two were from Eritrea.
Jordan (00:21:39.000)
And they're all from the same place. And it's Eritrea, but whatever. Eritrea is in Africa, and they've been here for a while, but they've been
Dan (00:21:46.000)
here for a while, but be that as it may, I mean, they are still refugees. So you got one par right? They are migrants. It is in Idaho, So that part's true. The guy makes yogurt were they imported? No. By he survived didn't do it.
Jordan (00:21:56.000)
What were what any part was any part of that sentence? True.
Dan (00:22:01.000)
He's an Idaho yogurt maker. Yes. So we got one piece. Yes. All right. But the the the thrust of it and what the point is trying to make is fully based on lies. He's gonna have a really fun
Jordan (00:22:10.000)
time. You know what, that's not even true either. They make Greek yogurt. They don't make Idaho yogurt. He's not an Idaho yogurt maker. He's a Greek yogurt maker Greek style Greek style.
Dan (00:22:20.000)
I apologize. I think he got sued. So all right, everybody's suing everybody everybody's in everybody's in trouble. Anyway, Alex is completely fucked based on his on nuanced and bigoted journalism tactics clash, but okay, we keep going. We got so many clips. I just hope that like your your question is answered as we go. Okay, here this next clip, he is trying to thread the needle and claim that this guy, his name is homme de hula Kaya. And Alex Jones at note, at no point pronounces his name correctly, he keeps calling him Hamid, which is a transliteration of a couple letters. But then also
Jordan (00:23:01.000)
has the dangerous sound was named
Dan (00:23:04.000)
Tom day, that's fine, you're gonna use his real name. Anyway. He's going to now in this clip, try and thread the needle and claim that these specific immigrants are his fault, or hom DS fault. Okay, so here we go. Here we go.
Alex Jones (00:23:21.000)
And you have MVC with the headline that I published fake news. Yeah, dou y the Chobani. Owner, he doesn't have any connection to the refugees there. In Idaho, he doesn't have any connections? Of course he does.
Dan (00:23:37.000)
So that's not going to hold up in court.
Jordan (00:23:39.000)
How? Okay,
Dan (00:23:40.000)
he doesn't really explain
Jordan (00:23:41.000)
so. So our establishment is he does, and we have no follow up
Dan (00:23:46.000)
on why, as it fleshes out, he will basically make his claim and that is that this guy is super into supporting refugee causes. He has a plant in that town, ergo, he's responsible for the actions of every immigrant in that time.
Jordan (00:23:58.000)
I believe, that's not how that works. It's
Dan (00:24:00.000)
not and we'll get to a little bit later him spelling it out really, unfortunately, because it kind of implies that he should be put on trial for the guy who went to Comet Ping pong with a gun. But we'll get to that when we get there. Because his logic, his logic is incredibly flawed. We'll get to that when we get to it.
Jordan (00:24:19.000)
All of those words blew in my brain I don't understand. Like now I don't even understand language. Now. You're just you're just Baby, baby, baby. That's all I get from that sentence.
Dan (00:24:29.000)
I think that this episode might be too dense. There might be too much going on. And it's all lies. So it's, it's crazy. This next this next one, he introduces more lies more fake shit about hom D. And I don't know if it's appropriate that I'm using his first name. Maybe I should call him Mr. Ukiah.
Jordan (00:24:49.000)
I don't do nasty.
Dan (00:24:50.000)
I'm going to call him aamby. He seems cool. We'll get to him in a minute.
Alex Jones (00:24:55.000)
Since I posted $1,000 loss story, David Knight is very much drained by the way, that's just a video report about it and showed local news and the confirmation that indeed they pled guilty now. Now you can say maybe Chobani accompany itself didn't. But the owner is a big advocate. You can put up on screen or maybe put behind me is Twitter feed with good old George Soros?
Dan (00:25:25.000)
Alex has a picture of a tweet. A twit pic of him. Do you have a Kayo with George Soros
Unknown Speaker (00:25:33.000)
done open and shut? Ice see it all now? They touching each other?
Dan (00:25:41.000)
They were sitting next to each other.
Jordan (00:25:42.000)
They weren't even holding hands.
Dan (00:25:43.000)
I don't believe so because that's the
Jordan (00:25:45.000)
international sign of we're gonna catch all these refugees and make
Dan (00:25:48.000)
gotta catch them all gotta catch them all. So Alex's claim is that like this definitively proves that the two of them are working against him. It's just one Twitter picture. That's all he has to go on. Right. And then secondarily, the Twitter picture is, as Alex reports from two years ago, and it says the caption is, it was great to or refreshing to meet George Soros. So he had met him two years ago. He didn't know him before that yeah, when Alex is going to basically try and claim that the only reason Chobani is anywhere in the world is because of evil George Soros connections. All this crazy shit. There's a conspiracy against Alex. Not now.
Jordan (00:26:27.000)
It's Is there a conspiracy against Alex? No,
Dan (00:26:30.000)
he slandered someone. Okay. That's what's going on.
Jordan (00:26:32.000)
So he committed a crime. He did. Okay. In this
Dan (00:26:35.000)
case. 100%. He did. Gotcha. Just based on the fact that that title, Idaho yogurt maker imports, migrant rapists. Just that headline is illegal. You can't prove that. Can you disprove it? You don't have to in court? Oh, really? The burden of proof is on the person who made the claim.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:54.000)
Oh, he's fucked.
Jordan (00:26:56.000)
He's so fun. Got nothing there?
Dan (00:26:58.000)
No, he has nothing. Here's he's going to lose this case. So hard. Yeah. And that's why he's putting out this video. Okay, he knows that he's going to lose. And so he's trying to puff out his chest or and threaten and intimidate. And unfortunately, because he's really bad at this game. He says a bunch of stuff that I know will be used in that eventual court case. Because it's like they're going to be able to create a pattern of bigotry in him. And they're going to be able to use that to insinuate or suggest that that's why he published those stories to begin with. Yeah, you shed is Wait, do you hear the kind of crazy bullshit that comes out of his mouth throughout the rest of this episode? All right, it I would put him on trial for this alone, possibly. No, I wouldn't. It's it's sort of free speech. But it's also kind of threatening. I don't know it walks the line. Anyway. It's appropriate that I'm wrestling with that because this next clip, Alex explains because
Jordan (00:27:52.000)
you want to be the very best. Well, Alex, explain No one.
Dan (00:27:54.000)
This is all about free speech.
Jordan (00:27:56.000)
This is a match. Alex is your real test.
Dan (00:27:59.000)
I don't know what you're referencing. I'm sorry, I can't play the game.
Jordan (00:28:02.000)
Now. We talked about catch them all earlier. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't keep I'll keep you in the dark.
Dan (00:28:06.000)
I have one line of Pokemon references. And it's gotta catch them all. That's all I've got. I've got so many. Anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (00:28:12.000)
So this is bigger than It's bigger than Alex Jones. It's bigger than all of that. It's about being able to shut down free speech and intimidate people. The owner, which we'll get to in a moment, the Mr. Hamid Lucaya wants me to apologize for my fake news. Correct everything. Pay them a bunch of damages. I'll Okay. That sounds great. It's never raped anybody in the history of the world that ever committed a sin or a crime, and they're perfect. And there's no rapes in Sweden, and no rapes in Germany. And no crime.
Dan (00:28:51.000)
That's petulant, is that that's so true.
Jordan (00:28:53.000)
Let me ask you a question real quick.
Dan (00:28:55.000)
That's so fucking childish. Is that true? What he's saying? Yeah, no. Oh, people have heard other people in the past. Yeah. Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:03.000)
What is he? What is Oh, that's,
Dan (00:29:05.000)
these are all these. He's a 43 year old man. He's pretending that like okay, yeah, here you want to? You want to fucking apology. I'll give you one. What a fucking baby. That's oops. That's pathetic. The whole thing is sad. The whole thing is very pathetic bombed out. Anyway.
Jordan (00:29:23.000)
Where's where's the bombastic fun Alex Jones. This is the crybaby Alex Jones. Yeah, this isn't even broke. Alex Jones. I would have loved some hobo loans on this one. We're also
Dan (00:29:33.000)
gonna get into hobo Jones. Okay, good. But so he goes on to spin another bullshit story. And then he brags about how great this case is gonna be.
Alex Jones (00:29:46.000)
Refugees aren't bringing in TV. Oh, yeah. being sued for that. I have the CDC and a stack of mainstream news about TB exploding, including in the town where his factories basically brought in the refugees. Well When I'm talking to my lawyers, this is a dream,
Dan (00:30:07.000)
a dream. It's a dream. It's not. But I pulled up the CDC statistics. In 2016, a total of 9287 new tuberculosis cases were reported in the United States, this provisional count rads fucking insane. This provisional count represents the lowest number of US TB cases on record and a 2.7% decrease from 2015. The 2016 tuberculosis incidence of 2.9 cases per 100,000 persons represents a slight decrease compared with 2015. It's a negative of 3.4% and a decrease. So that's nice. Yeah. So a cool, also the tuberculosis rates have been steadily declining all over the United States, if you like, if you include just US born people, there's a much sharper slope downward. If you include just immigrant populations, it's still trending downwards, but it's, it's still it's going down. It's a little slower, but it's still going down. Also, I pulled up the statistics as it relates to the specific cities, or sorry, states in the country, and their tuberculosis rates. And you really can't draw any parallels between states that have high immigrant populations. places like Texas and California, are all on the decline. There is a bit of an upswing in a percentage wise in Idaho. But there's a bout five times bigger upswing in West Virginia,
Jordan (00:31:36.000)
the dirty West, those
Dan (00:31:38.000)
miners, those fucking miners. So I mean, it's all of
Jordan (00:31:42.000)
them under the age of 18. Spring and TP it's now it's TV, right? Yeah, dB.
Dan (00:31:49.000)
It's something that you really can't trace.
Jordan (00:31:51.000)
I was talking about perky Lusas it's very different one.
Dan (00:31:55.000)
It is, yeah. I it's something that you can't really trace to migrant populations. And if you are, you're really just trying to stretch excuses. He'll get to this later, but he claims that seven active tuberculosis cases were sent to Idaho and did a little digging into that and that is actually true. But here is a response from channel 11. in Twin Falls, Idaho. You might have seen an article published today by, stating that seven refugees with active tuberculosis were sent to Idaho. The article said that seven refugees with active TB were diagnosed after their resettlement in Idaho between 2011 and 2015. Seven people in four years. Interesting. The state epidemiologist confirmed that that is true. However, it's not the complete story. TB is nothing new for Idaho. According to Dr. Christy Hahn, the state's epidemiologist and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare treats people both refugee and American every year. These particular cases are not contagious and do not pose a threat to the public. The department typically tests and treats refugees, the 90 days of them being in state, and the refugees are usually good patients. Quote from this Dr. Christine Han, we're very active. And the refugees are increasingly cooperative about wanting to be immunized, wanting to be put in any treatment they need and getting on their way to becoming good Idaho citizens. They really are very willing and eager to be treated. They do not want to pose a risk to anybody either. Wow, yeah.
Jordan (00:33:16.000)
You know what that's really admirable. That's really admirable that you would want to get vaccinated because they don't pose a risk to other people interesting or admirable to do. I think it might be a good idea.
Dan (00:33:26.000)
So these these these refugees are more responsible than Jenny McCarthy.
Jordan (00:33:33.000)
They're more responsible than Alex Jones and his kids vaccinated.
Dan (00:33:36.000)
Maybe that's why you're so scared because that makes a lot of sense. That does so mean
Jordan (00:33:44.000)
somebody somebody followed Alex Jones's kids around and throw TV blood at them.
Dan (00:33:48.000)
Don't do that. Come on, man.
Jordan (00:33:49.000)
Where are you? Where are you gonna find TB blood?
Dan (00:33:52.000)
I got some do. So that's
Jordan (00:33:56.000)
what we find out a whole lot about you.
Dan (00:33:58.000)
Emmerich is I always joke his middle day, you have to have a stalker. Yeah. So the reality is that these stories are all just if you do a little bit of cursory research or all bogus, they're all busted. So I mean, he's building a straw case,
Jordan (00:34:13.000)
how great must that have been for channel 11 News and Twin Falls for them to just be like, Oh my God, oh, we
Dan (00:34:19.000)
scooped Breitbart,
Jordan (00:34:20.000)
we have real news to report. Thank you, Jesus. Yeah, I am sick of Darren and his fucking kitten. It's so cute,
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.000)
but god damn it. Get off that skateboard kitty.
Dan (00:34:33.000)
So now we're gonna get into a little bit specifically about homme de hula kya. Yeah, and we're going to hear some of Alex's thought,
Jordan (00:34:41.000)
Hamid Kulu Kulu.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.000)
Kulu ya,
Dan (00:34:45.000)
he's rondels some of his pronunciations. Oh, I understand that. I might not be pronouncing his last name perfectly. But some of Alex's pronunciations are they border on racist? Just the pronunciation here.
Jordan (00:34:59.000)
I think we're I think Well, Pat,
Dan (00:35:00.000)
I'm being generous. You're being very good also is codenamed the Texan. Yes, they have a difficulty with foreign names. Right? They don't want to put any effort into respecting other people America.
Jordan (00:35:13.000)
We are we we took most of his land from the Mexicans, but where are
Dan (00:35:18.000)
so here he ends up calling him in his llama cyst, which is probably not good considering that is a code word. He also talks more about Susan
Jordan (00:35:26.000)
Islamize cyst for Alex, somebody who's actively Islamic
Dan (00:35:30.000)
and is like in a jihad. I believe that that's Alex's sort of definition, because whenever there is a terror attack that's carried out he is like these Islamist cysts. So I don't know, it's bad. It's bad. Whatever he's using it as as bad.
Jordan (00:35:44.000)
It's making up a new word in order to pretend that it's a different thing than what it's like. Yeah, if you know if you know, Muslims, and you like them, that's fine. Because they're not. Exactly, yeah. So he like the like Hillary Clinton and the super predator, right, that whole thing. Yeah, we're great.
Dan (00:36:05.000)
But he, he says this about Hamdi and then he says that, you know, he talks a little bit more about Soros, right. He has a new lie, and then gets to like his feelings of being oppressed. And that this is all a big conspiracy. Oh, I
Jordan (00:36:19.000)
hate it when Alex feels oppressed.
Alex Jones (00:36:22.000)
I'm talking to my lawyers. This is a dream. I understand this guy's got a lot of money. But you've got a guy from Turkey. who just got here in the 90s, who's got all these sweetheart government deals. George Soros, who sits on the board of the New York Federal Reserve that runs the country. The Federal Reserve Board is ultra secret. Trump can't even hardly dislodge it. This is the Federal Reserve and George Charles, but it gets better. When I saw the big top well known DC law firm. I said, I've heard of them before. And Soros, I think, gave them the founding money. I searched George Soros, the law firm. First thing he was their first client. Who can make that up you from Turkey? By George Soros, Bill Clinton's buddy on the Federal Reserve Board wants me to apologize. And basically say, Muslims never even had a crooked toenail. And he's not bringing in refugees. Well, sorry, not gonna do it.
Dan (00:37:27.000)
So let's get into some fun, fake laugh. Let's get into some fun.
Jordan (00:37:33.000)
All of that he that has the ring of like a cork board with pushpins in it and He's tying strings together. He's from Turkey, and he only got here in the 90s which means us evil.
Dan (00:37:45.000)
Soros didn't give the funding to start this law firm. That's all nonsense and conjecture. But would you like to learn a little bit more about Humpty hula kya? Sure. All right, homme de was born to parents who ran a small sheep goat and cheese farm in Turkey near the Euphrates River. He does not know his actual birthday because his parents were they lived a semi nomadic, nomadic existence, because flocks were known to move around. And they moved with the flock and he was born when they were sort of
Jordan (00:38:13.000)
on the road. So they were classic Highlander Hill people.
Dan (00:38:16.000)
Yes, they made awesome cheese. Apparently, that's what they were sort of known for in Turkey.
Jordan (00:38:22.000)
Okay, and now does cheese have any common ingredients with yogurts?
Dan (00:38:27.000)
Yeah, they do. And that's in play. Uh huh. So I like to see a pattern Alex claims that hum the Ukiah showed up out of nowhere in the 90s. Well, that's not fair. He was genetically engineered in the lab. He's trying to create this idea of a mysterious beginning and some like shadow guy, but it's not true. He is He a chimera? He's not okay. homme de Luca studied political science at encara University in in Ankara, Turkey in 1994. Then he moved to the United States where he took up his studies at Adelphi University. Then the University of Alberni, where he studied a little bit of business right after college, he went to work on a farm upstate and his father, who was like, Hey, bro, I need to do some more here. How about you know, we got this awesome artisanal feta cheese going on? Why don't you bring some of that stateside, their cheese sucks. Why don't you try and sell it over there. So he convinced Humpty to do this. He started up his own little minor cheese operation. And he did it for two years. But at the end of it, he was only able to really break even with the business. And so he walked away from the feta cheese world, and, you know, sort of cut his losses sad day. Then in 2005 By chance homme de hula, Kaya noticed an ad for a craft yogurt plant that was shutting down. His lawyers and most of the people in his circle told him not to, but he decided to buy it and decided to start making some yogurt. Okay, he even went so far as to rehire some of the craft employees who were laid off after the thing went out of business where they A Syrian immigrant they were not okay. Well, I don't know. But the HA, but it's also and then you're caught? Yeah, I don't know. I think number one super relevant, did it. George Soros pay the I don't think Soros is in play at this point. Right. All right. But he had these people who were out of a job because of the craft factory going down, he swings in, buys the factory gives them their jobs back. Anybody, even Trump would admire that. That's been Oh, Trump
Jordan (00:40:23.000)
would absolutely hate that.
Dan (00:40:24.000)
If it was a white guy, he'd love it.
Jordan (00:40:26.000)
Now, he would still hate it, because I bet he paid them the same amount. He didn't. Oh, no.
Dan (00:40:31.000)
Did he pay them less? No, he paid them more eventually.
Jordan (00:40:34.000)
Ah, hi. So Trump would hate him, would despise him. He's leaving money on the table.
Dan (00:40:40.000)
So Chobani is a variation of a Turkish word for Shepherd. That's where the that's where the name for the company came from. And in 2007, he launched and whereas if you're a small operation, you would think that you would sell to boutique stores and specialty operations, he decided instead, to target normal grocery stores to make his product accessible to everybody smart as opposed to just really rich people. Knowing that he couldn't afford marketing. He couldn't compete on that level. He made the shape of his package distinctive. You know that Chobani comes in those bowls. Yeah. As opposed to like, Yo, play comes in the tube. Yes. On a triangular gauger. And also comes in a tube. Yeah, the squeeze? Yes. So he made that bowl, which is distinctive, and he made sure that his packaging was bright and eye catching right. On top of that he set up frequent in store samplings. So people could get used to this new idea of his Greek yogurt, right, because it wasn't popular at all at the time. Now, it's a thicker yogurt. He his reasoning was that American yogurt was too sweet. And it didn't like it was kind of gross. We wanted to bring back what he knew growing up. So he does that. He puts in so much fun effort to get people on board. He used free yogurt to give to stores the fruit so they could sell and make a profit for a shelving fee instead of giving the money because he couldn't afford it. He's completely coming up from nothing. He's
Jordan (00:42:03.000)
he's doing all the all the stuff that other people wouldn't do in order to gain an advantage
Dan (00:42:08.000)
and shrewd businessman. Yes, very smart. Yes. So people caught on pretty quick. And they really liked his product, because it's very good. I don't know if you're, if you enjoy Chobani, but I like it. It's a good yogurt. Not all the flavors, but
Jordan (00:42:22.000)
this is not this is not the yogurt tasting pod.
Dan (00:42:25.000)
So in 2009, he starts getting carried by Costco, which is a huge break for the company. Yeah, and that basically gives them their huge windfall and makes them a massive success, because then that's hundreds of 1000s cases that ended up being sold just in absolutely, yeah, but Hamdi Ulukaya was not satisfied with just that he kept innovating from that point on with all kinds of crazy shit, new flavors, a desert yogurt line. At this point. He's working on dips. Now yogurt dips, he's working on dips, drinkable yogurts. These are guys he's really
Jordan (00:42:58.000)
innovating but all homey when he makes Chobani red wine, but all of these
Dan (00:43:02.000)
things go to create jobs. They all go to create jobs in terms of innovation, product testing, all of this stuff. And most of it is in that Twin Falls, Idaho plant right which is really awesome. It brings tons of jobs
Jordan (00:43:13.000)
to Idaho to a place where otherwise those jobs wouldn't be
Dan (00:43:17.000)
in 2012 He opened this large plant in Twin Falls Idaho and has been a tremendous boon to the local economy since a New York Times article in March of 2017. Highlighted Ukiah Yeah, Ukiah is efforts to work with Idaho colleges to offer technical training for workers to solve the area's labor shortage. The Chobani yogurt plant in Twin Falls is the largest in the world and pays its workers in the area on average, twice minimum wage. Oh, yeah.
Jordan (00:43:45.000)
So he seems like a really good guy.
Dan (00:43:47.000)
Since starting Chobani. He has given 10% of the profits the net profits every year to charitable causes. He offers his employees parental leave, which is something that he is not legally required to do. He gave his employees a huge mass of shares when they went public. And I want to read you his quote, because I think it's just I think it's beautiful here. So here's the specifics of it. The CEO and founder hum de Lucaya told the company's 2000 full time employees at its upstate New York plant Tuesday, they'll receive shares worth up to 10% of the company's value when it goes public or is sold. Quote, this isn't a gift Ukiah said in a letter to employees obtained by USA Today. It's a mutual promise to work together with a shared purpose and responsibility to continue to create something special and of lasting value. Holy fucking shit how we built this company matters to me, but how we grow it matters even more. I want you to go scroll down. I want you not only to be part of the growth, I want you to be the driving force of it to share in our success to be rewarded by
Jordan (00:44:52.000)
it. So this guy is quite literally, if capitalism worked, it would look like this guy. Uh huh. It would look exactly like this. He disproves all of that bullshit about companies would need to leave if they paid their workers. He disproves all of that bullshit about how profits are the only thing that matters. And mainly because it's not a
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.000)
fuck. Oh, fuck you,
Dan (00:45:16.000)
I really liked this guy. This guy is amazing. Now hold on, it gets even better. He is a major donator to the Children's Aid Society, the Special Olympics. He's on the board of the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts and the tent Foundation, which is a refugee program. And he's part of the giving pledge. Are you aware of the giving pledge
Jordan (00:45:34.000)
is that the one where when you die, you give away like half of your fortune or whatever. It doesn't
Dan (00:45:38.000)
have to be when you die, okay? And it's most of your money, most of your money, and he is worth about 1.2 billion, he's committed to give away over 700 million of his own money to charitable causes throughout the course of his life or by the time he dies. So he seems really cool.
Jordan (00:45:55.000)
Yeah, he seems like a good guy. Do you know what else every I would almost i Listen, I am fairly certain that if you're a white supremacist, you suck compared to this guy. Totally like a million times over and you suck compared to that guy. And you know
Dan (00:46:13.000)
what's amazing, too, like, if you really listen to that, that, that story, he is a massive success story for a refugee. Absolutely. And that's part of if I had to guess why he's so interested in giving back to the refugee community, of course, supporting them because he is living proof of what can happen if people
Jordan (00:46:31.000)
he is the quintessential American dream. That's him. 100% exactly what ever every time people talk about the American dream and how it's lost. That's the American dream. Yep. That's what people want.
Dan (00:46:43.000)
And I've looked into it a little bit tried to find like negative things outside of stuff like he got sued, because this yogurt wasn't technically Greek, that sort of stuff. Oh, well, there, nevermind,
Jordan (00:46:53.000)
I negate all of my compliments.
Dan (00:46:55.000)
I really can't find too much negative stuff about him. I'm not saying he's a superhero or anything like that. But I, from everything I can find. He seems really cool. He seems like the kind of business leader you would want. He seems to be encouraging all sorts of really great things. Absolutely. In that clip. Also, Alex Jones said that he is a part of the New York Federal Reserve Board.
Jordan (00:47:15.000)
Yes. And Alex Jones, does not know what the New York Federal Reserve Board does, no, but there's absolutely no way he knows what it does know. But he
Dan (00:47:24.000)
has a vague sense that it has something to do with the Illuminati. And it all again, goes back to the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Zion ran this stupid anti semitic card. So he's claiming that first of all, Humpty will, Kaya is a part of the New York Federal Reserve Board. He is not. He's, and he never has been.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.000)
He's not even that.
Dan (00:47:46.000)
No. You know, he
Jordan (00:47:47.000)
seems like you could just Google that shit. You can.
Dan (00:47:50.000)
But you know what he was?
Jordan (00:47:51.000)
He was the king of the Federal Reserve Board.
Dan (00:47:55.000)
Yeah, that's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:57.000)
how he ruled it with an iron fist
Dan (00:47:59.000)
know, when he was was he was a member of the upstate Regional Advisory Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which was back in 2013. Now the upstate New York Regional advisory board, you want to know what they do? Know the name is too boring. The board meets three times a year to provide the New York Fed with leadership with high level financial and economic intelligence from an upstate New York perspective. The Board is composed of Chief Executive Officer officers and presidents of national and international oriented large companies that are headquartered in upstate New York. This was because at the time he had his headquarters in New York, yeah, so Alex, I would assume upstate New York, Alex tries to pretend to that all this shit is fucking secretive. If you just Google it. Everybody who's on the board is listed right here in front of me, all of them. You got their addresses, their whatever business they run. Amany Adi, the President CEO of Ellen J. G. Stickley Manolis, New York, James P. Laredo, President central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation in Poughkeepsie, Scott Beiler, President West, her Automotive Group, Orchard Park, New York. So I mean, it just goes on. There's just all these people who are in business, and Alex trying to pretend to the secret of his bullshit, because right below it, there's PDFs you can download of the minutes of all of their meetings. legitimately, you can see what they were talking about. It's all very public. There's nothing secretive going on. What's their agenda and presentations list? And the minutes of their meeting are right here. You can talk to those. It's literally right in front of me. Hey,
Jordan (00:49:38.000)
if Nixon can turn off of it turn off his recording for 15 minutes or whatever it was?
Dan (00:49:43.000)
Sure. Maybe maybe the minutes aren't as specific as Alex wants them to be. But they're more specific than Trump's readouts of his phone call. So, socket. Anyway, Alex is trying to create this entire narrative about this really awesome dude. I just because there happened to be some refugees that are coming in. And you know, there was that case that we discussed certainly more nuanced ly than, than Alex has. And it's super unfortunate. It's really not about free speech though. It's about Alex slandering someone who doesn't deserve it. And he's committing further slander in this video. And it's really unfortunate because he's gonna get sued harder.
Jordan (00:50:22.000)
So now we're getting so so his, his punitive damages are going up. So it's like, every Listen, every time you speak, you get another day of detention.
Dan (00:50:36.000)
Yeah. So in this next clip, I feel like I've been talking too long. So let's get to this next clip. in it. Alex really tries can't
Jordan (00:50:43.000)
hear a real harm to you look, hi. Oh, that's fine. You reference.
Dan (00:50:49.000)
That's a compliment. I built this podcast from the ground. Now Costco is on board were to the stars. at Costco, I think we can. So in this clip, he really is trying to hit hard that he knows that Home Depot is funneling Islamist into the country. Then he goes on to really fuck up his chances of winning a lawsuit and then kind of indicted himself for some other stuff. And we'll get to it won't we'll discuss what I mean by that at the end of this
Jordan (00:51:19.000)
is really bad.
Alex Jones (00:51:20.000)
We got a big broadcast lined up for you today.
Jordan (00:51:23.000)
We're not the record showing the entire motion of the
Alex Jones (00:51:27.000)
truth. Or the attempt of the dying corporate dinosaur media to claw back any type of respectability by attacking their opposition, which of course is the truth. The lie must attack the truth. I don't like making progress the center of attention. Yes, quite frankly. Events demanded or will be destroyed. Chobani Yogurt the biggest yogurt maker in the world due to lucrative government contracts of course. Nope. Until the real fortunes are made these days. a publicity stunt.
Dan (00:52:03.000)
Well, Alex thinks that he is strong arm, the government basically into putting Chobani into the school lunch mandatory programs. That sort of an argument. Is that true? No. But I mean, who cares? All right. So we're gonna go back a tiny bit here just because he says something really fun
Alex Jones (00:52:22.000)
Chobani Yogurt, the biggest yogurt maker in the world due to lucrative government contracts, of course. And how the real fortunes are made these days has filed a ridiculous publicity stunt lawsuit, in my research, opinion and view against Alex Jones and Infowars. Now the owner literally is a super good buddy with George Soros helping run the refugee program bringing unvetted Islamist and others into the country that's happening. None of that is even though some of the refugees are unvetted. We know some of them have been carrying out crimes. And this guy is a proponent of that. So when the so called Islamic pilgrims or the Islamic colonist crimes attack people in a manner all the things that are going on it then falls on those some of the guilt who have been promoting this, who have been pushing it doesn't mean that the owner of Chobani Hameed Lucaya fuck you from Turkey got here in the mid 1990s It doesn't doesn't mean all this to happen doesn't mean he's happy the rapes are taking place.
Dan (00:53:34.000)
So they're at the end there if you're paying attention to his logic, he's saying that because Hamid Ukiah is involved and donates to refugee causes, because some of these refugees come and commit crimes. He is therefore responsible for those crimes. Yeah, that makes sense. Now, if you use that logic, which I don't agree with, but if you Alex Jones is responsible for the man showing up a comic ping pong with a gun, because he did on record say that he was inspired by listening to Infowars Correct. Further, he's responsible personally, for every time someone harassed the Sandy Hook family member. Yep, he's responsible for all sorts of things that are massively illegal. So Alex, I really hold true. But Alex, I really don't think you should be making that argument. I really, I really think you have a bad lawyer. Like also, you're in the middle of a custody battle. You should not be putting this video out. I don't know what the fuck you're thinking. I have no idea who's letting you I don't think
Jordan (00:54:27.000)
he has a bad lawyer. I think he should be wearing a silence of the lambs mask and maybe if he had a very good lawyer, that would be happening right now or he would just have a ball gag in his mouth all day every day because
Dan (00:54:42.000)
lawyer is just robbed you just robbed you with a briefcase.
Jordan (00:54:48.000)
Wearing wearing a tiny little mustache that's painted on.
Dan (00:54:51.000)
It's ridiculous. Like I don't know. I can't imagine in good conscience. A lawyer being like, Alright, look, we're trying to save costs. Do you have your children? Now? You've been served, you're going to have a lawsuit filed against you. Don't fucking blow that lawsuit. You're going to You're on thin ice. You did slander this guy. We need to don't do that. And then he just goes on air for fucking an hour and screams some of the most biofilter hatred and the lies that he could possibly do. It's insane. It's like he's trying to destroy himself. It legitimately is I can't think of many other explanations.
Jordan (00:55:30.000)
Okay, all right. Here is here's your secret defense. All right.
Dan (00:55:37.000)
The insanity defense now that's, that's interesting.
Jordan (00:55:41.000)
See, if he uses the insanity defense, which admittedly is not usable in civil court, or in this case, only in criminal trials.
Dan (00:55:50.000)
And insanity doesn't reply to like long drawn out behaviors. It's ya
Jordan (00:55:55.000)
know, in Santa, it's a temporary insanity that is so far lasted for 20 odd years. 20 odd
Dan (00:56:01.000)
years on the air. Yeah. So this next clip, he gets back to that,
Jordan (00:56:05.000)
but maybe, maybe this is the thing, maybe you do double down, because then you can really hang on your performance artists defense, right? Yes. What kind of insane person would double down in this way? Unless that person was a committed performance artists like behind with somebody who is actually committed in a way that otherwise people wouldn't know.
Dan (00:56:28.000)
Behind the scenes? He's like being all apologetic and show Oh, totally. Yeah, absolutely. But anyway, your let your theory sit and marinate, because there's a lot more to get through. And you might change your tune. This next clip, I'm sure is he gets back to that sexual assault case that we discussed already. And keep in mind that anytime he brings up a headline, it's a Breitbart article. So keep that in mind, most of them thoroughly debunked.
Alex Jones (00:56:54.000)
Now, remember, last year, about a year and a half ago, it broke in Idaho, that reportedly some teenage boys raped a little girl. And then reportedly videotaped it shout to the Father and all the rest of it. Now they've pled guilty and admitted to it. So what's media going to do? They go, they got a big top, PR firm, top media firm, literally founded by the first client, George Soros.
Jordan (00:57:20.000)
None of that's true. None of that is true. None of that's true.
Dan (00:57:23.000)
They didn't plead guilty to rape and all of those details, the videotaping all that stuff is is just from Breitbart articles, there was a guy who the one of the kids allegedly did videotape, the groping or the assault that happened, but there was no sexual content, contact as it were, okay, like no penetration or anything like that, which again, doesn't make it better. doesn't make it okay. No, but it isn't. Like Alex is literally lying. Yes. So, yeah, all Breitbart shit, this media firm PR thing is not founded by George Soros. Of course not. It's called a kin media, or a Kin. Kin group. Has nothing to do with that. But Alex is now starting to view this narrative that's going to go through the next three clips, which is what he thinks is the plan for censorship. And the first part is phase one.
Jordan (00:58:17.000)
All right, this is I'm excited by anything that involves phases. This is a big fan of the moon. I'm a big fan of phasers, which are very similar. Sure. I'm a big fan of the superpower phase cancellation. Yep, phasing through doors and shit. Oh, absolutely.
Dan (00:58:32.000)
So this is phase one. And it has already happened.
Alex Jones (00:58:37.000)
Bigger than Alex Jones, okay. This affects everybody in a giant way. Because they can bring us down they can bring everybody down. There's NBC news headline, Alex Jones sued by Chobani. That is the yogurt maker says radio host
Jordan (00:58:55.000)
the factory. Learn that what else either
Alex Jones (00:58:57.000)
branding us. Everywhere is fake. For two weeks. Every major newspaper, every major news channel has been saying that I say I'm fake. I say I'm a fraud. No, I say I'm not real. They never show you a clip. They never showed me saying it. There's no profile that they play Hamlet. No. Oh, will he admit sometimes he plays characters
Jordan (00:59:20.000)
you did. And as an actor, that's your lawyer. That's what
Alex Jones (00:59:24.000)
I'm clearly illustrating something. My comedy or my sad, dark. So there's this attempt. The first brand is fake.
Dan (00:59:32.000)
So that's phase one. Yes. And phase one. It all started with his lawyer
Jordan (00:59:36.000)
disinformation campaign. But they hired that PR firm, which was originally funded by Soros who is good friends with comme de Lucaya, who was on the advisory board for Upstate New York Federal Reserve stuff. Right, who is then connected to Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton. Do you know what happened there? What he was the man who put Alex Jones is Laurie You're through law school. Finally, he's called in that favor and that favor to Alex Jones's lawyer is let him say whatever the fuck he wants. So it's not very hard favor.
Dan (01:00:12.000)
Ukiah did actually I mean he has donated to the Clinton Foundation but one of the only things that I could really find that was a concrete thing of his involvement with them was a speech he gave on September 29 2015. He spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, and he apparently urged businesses to do more than quote, just write checks to help alleviate the suffering of the displaced. Hmm. Okay, so that's a dare. That's a really sinister, sinister thing that he was. Oh, that suggests
Jordan (01:00:39.000)
that as a Muslim Underground Railroad. Oh, it must be. That's why we all know it all goes to Idaho. Maybe? Well, because he's a billionaire. He built an underground tunnel from Idaho to Syria.
Dan (01:00:50.000)
It's the channel. It is. The Islamist his channel. It's the channel. Yes. So that's phase one. Yeah. Everybody brands, Alex's fake news
Jordan (01:00:59.000)
already done. We're past phase one. We got to stop it at phase two.
Dan (01:01:03.000)
By the way, Alex, you did that to yourself. Phase. Here's phase two. And this is where Alex I think is telling some truth, lying about the truth naturally. So here we go. See if you can parse out what's true and what's not here.
Alex Jones (01:01:22.000)
Then, going back two weeks ago, we get calls, we get a letter from Giovanni's law firm. Can we want you to retract or clarify these three things? I go look at David knights reports. I look at one of the headlines and one of the other guys put up and I said, you know, we could get away with it. But I don't want to get away with it. I want to really, really be fair here. You probably can't say that. He's importing rapist. Technically, people have been brought in. He pushes the refugee program that happened, right. But she could technically say that I said, Let's just point out that refugees are raping. And the media has been forced to admit that they tried to cover up this case in Idaho. And it turned out to be true. They pled guilty. Not true. Let's just go with that headline. Turns out, there was rape in Idaho connected Islamist, oh, shall we change the headlines and send it back to them? What do they do? Oh,
Dan (01:02:13.000)
what are they going to do? Is that phase three?
Jordan (01:02:15.000)
But wait, I thought we didn't even get into phase two. Now Phase Two was just sending a letter phase 10s of very bad phase
Dan (01:02:21.000)
two was them threatening a lawsuit. But what they did I believe from all the information I can tell from knowing Alex like I do. They sent him a message, much like James Olifants did right. And they were like, you can't say this shit. You can't have an article up that says Idaho yogurt maker imports migrant rapists that yes, you can't do that. So what Alex Jones did in response to that, which he thinks is a retraction is he changed the headline and left the video up? Yeah, that's not a retraction. Now that's
Jordan (01:02:56.000)
a full retraction. So they change the headline, they get more retracted them
Dan (01:03:00.000)
that they were unsatisfied by that PIs and action. Yes, because what a real retraction would be is him coming on there and saying, we went a little bit too far. We're sorry about that. This is, you know, we make mistakes sometimes are
Jordan (01:03:15.000)
like in the past, he said, is what they do when they make mistakes. When they make mistakes, as Alex Jones has said, they go on air and they reject Him. And listen, sometimes everybody makes mistakes. And nobody is more upfront and honest about it than Alex Jones. When he makes a mistake. He goes on there and he retracts it. So we can only assume that
Dan (01:03:37.000)
he's changed a lot of headlines in the past. Basically,
Jordan (01:03:41.000)
basically what he's saying, Yeah,
Dan (01:03:42.000)
I've changed the headline. What? Bye. Bye. So anyway, phase three. Yes. It's coming
Jordan (01:03:49.000)
up. Again. Phase two was a letter. Very boring phase. Very boring phase.
Dan (01:03:54.000)
Now phase thing could have been rolled up into Phase One could have been Yeah, that phase three also could have been rolled up. Here's one phase. Yeah. Phase plan. Phase three. Is a the Iowa States or the Idaho statesman. The local paper? Yes. Is in on
Alex Jones (01:04:11.000)
it. What do they do? So they have the Idaho statesman that is extremely revealing and informative, and everything about it is a lie. First, they have a photo of myself last year, being escorted by police after I was attacked by communist of a public park at the RNC. Now as of five o'clock in the morning, they didn't have a caption under it. Chang and I was being escorted out by police. It just left it up there to make it look like I was being arrested. Then they say Chobani the Greek yogurt maker is suing Alex Jones, the right wing conspiracy theorist who said Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax didn't quite say that. We had debates about it. nine levels and Inside Job Yes, our government stood down work with Saudi Arabia has now been declassified by the US government. Don't just say that and that Chobani imports migrant rapists to Twin Falls.
Jordan (01:05:05.000)
Yes, you said all three things.
Dan (01:05:07.000)
Literally, all three of those things are true. We showed on the last episode, the Sandy Hook, right stuff. He has made those claims about 911. And he 100% said that he
Jordan (01:05:21.000)
word for word word for word. He said all of that
Dan (01:05:23.000)
stuff. Oh, that stuff. So you're in trouble. Yeah, you're in. That's not good. You're in big trouble.
Alex Jones (01:05:30.000)
He was importing people connected to right. And that's all over the local newspapers. I'm gonna show you those headlines. But we even did what they wanted and changed it. They go on to say I didn't respond. And they go on to say we didn't retract it. But here's the proof. Scroll down. You'll see three blue links there, lower down. It gone up. There they are. Back up, back up. There. There you go riveting television. And you will notice, click the middle one. to unclick it. That's not our website. That's not our YouTube channel. They got a copy of it. Somebody did. I'm sure they're fine folks, some YouTube channel and posted with the original headline. Julio, the newspaper, nose and Chobani nose and they all fall well know that statutorily if we do a correction or retraction that there aren't punitive damages, meaning larger damages, just actual damages. If they were to win a lawsuit,
Dan (01:06:39.000)
Alex thinks he knows the law. And maybe that is the case, but he didn't do a retraction. He changed the headline.
Jordan (01:06:45.000)
Yeah. Also, I don't believe he knows what statutorily mean, no. And in that clip, or if statutorily is a word? I'm not
Dan (01:06:52.000)
sure either. But in that clip, he did just straight up say that these links showed the original headlines. Yes. So we know that the original headlines were those horrible inflammatory slanderous things. Well, yeah. So he can't even say like, Ah, they're just making up stuff
Jordan (01:07:12.000)
that they put, they put their own links down there. These guys. They're saying what we said, yeah, there's
Dan (01:07:18.000)
what we said originally. Those are those. So in this next clip, Alex tries to play like, why would I want to fucking attack Chobani? Oh,
Jordan (01:07:27.000)
would you want to attack Chobani?
Dan (01:07:29.000)
Well, because it's run by Muslim. But then then it swerves into a WWE style promo, where he's really getting his?
Jordan (01:07:38.000)
Are we getting some hackles raised?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.000)
Whoa, Nelly,
Jordan (01:07:40.000)
are we getting some energy going? Yeah.
Dan (01:07:42.000)
And also, I would like to say that in his discussion of why would I attacked your body, he shows his cards.
Jordan (01:07:49.000)
Because of course he at this point, he can't not do it.
Dan (01:07:53.000)
But when I when I said because he's a Muslim. I'm basing that on everything I know about Alex and what he's about to say. So enjoy.
Alex Jones (01:08:01.000)
They also said a lawsuit that I was seeking to hurt them financially. Why on earth would I want to hurt some yogurt company that's based here in the United States and has people working at it? Why would I wanna do that? That I'll be honest, I didn't know about your money. I knew about the TB in the area. I knew about Muslims being brought in. I knew a Muslim owned it. How could you barely covered this boy? But don't you worry. I'm going to be covering it now. Mr. Hamid. Ooo, kya. Yes. In fact, I'm choosing this as a battle on this. I will stand. I will win or I will die. I have chosen this. You have chosen? Let's go.
Jordan (01:08:46.000)
Let's go. Let's do it. Let's it everybody huddle up. We're going to
Jordan (01:08:55.000)
do and then he runs away after throwing a smoke bomb down. Right.
Dan (01:09:00.000)
Yeah. So at this point, he goes on to I'm just gonna have to start making some fucking cuts because we're at an hour and 10. Yeah, this is this is where I'm going to just cut out repetitive stuff as best I can. In this next clip, he lies again about the Federal Reserve connection. He talks more about how he appeared out of nowhere. I mean, you do look, I feared in the 90s. Yes, because he was a college student and Cara and came here to go to college. He transferred colleges. Yes. What other fucking business would there be to have important records about him before that
Jordan (01:09:33.000)
he appeared out of nowhere, period? I don't know. Where is he?
Dan (01:09:37.000)
So anyway? Oh, chin? I don't know. Ha. I don't know.
Jordan (01:09:41.000)
He may be how else could he amassed so much? Well, gee grants, wishes to
Dan (01:09:46.000)
himself. Especially ironic, which is a self serving Jin? Yes. So then who knew those could exist? He talks more about Soros and blah, blah, blah. You know, it's all just that right. Yeah. Yeah. Because you get the sense as this goes on. That's his only case. Yeah. Is that like, this guy's mysterious, which is code for moslem. He is really he's involved with George Soros, which we can't really prove outside of this one picture from Twitter and the fact that they're both interested in humanitarian causes. That's all I need to hear. He's the Federal Reserve again, is this sort of anti semitic baiting is trying to use that as dog whistling to people who are like, Oh, shit, oh, that evil Illuminati stuff. He was involved as someone who advised on business issues in upstate New York, yes, four years ago, which if you're looking at the Twitter picture timeline, we know that two years ago is when he met George Soros for the first time he was an advisor before that on board. Could it all be OSI?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.000)
I mean, if he can
Jordan (01:10:48.000)
appear out of nowhere in the 90s Why can't his relationship to George Soros be retroactively changed to two years ago?
Dan (01:10:56.000)
It's also frustrating because it's like, what if everything is different? I don't know.
Jordan (01:11:01.000)
Yeah, what if everything is different? I don't know. 911?
Dan (01:11:05.000)
What if it happened in October? How would we know? We would never know
Jordan (01:11:10.000)
fuck, what if it never happened? Not just not just is it an inside job? What if it was just? No, we just all believed it. Showed it. What do we do? What else is there to say at this point? Alex Jones is not even pretending we're not dealing with our stupid evil continuum. We're dealing with a panicked rat. No cornered in a fucking alley somewhere. We're gonna get to evil by 10. Large, hirsute cats,
Dan (01:11:39.000)
we're gonna get straight to evil pretty quick. Okay, but first, we're gonna have Alex lay out what he believes is the mainstream media strategy to take him down, which is interesting.
Jordan (01:11:49.000)
How many phases are there? There's only one Oh, more than one phase.
Alex Jones (01:11:53.000)
So what did they do when they when when the media said this didn't happen? They said it was a right wing hoax last year. Remember that all over the news? never raped anybody that little perfect angels. They do. They're trying to grab victory from the jaws of defeat. They are trying to go Who can we say it's fake news. Well, even branding, Alex Jones is fake news. He didn't create these stories. He didn't push these stories. And most of its accurate, but let's just pick him and David Knight reading some news articles on the nightly news and say they created it. Alex Jones created this claim that in a town in Idaho, he's thrown David, Muslim population, everything caters to David knight who said those things. He made it all up. They all came on Alex Jones, the king of fake news, when we're the king of reality, not the king of fake news, and they know it. And that's why they can take us down. They can take
Jordan (01:12:44.000)
you down. That's your fake news. But you're not even the king of fake news. No, no, no, you're not even that.
Dan (01:12:50.000)
That's Putin. Yeah. You're You're a coward. Alex, that's the power of you, David
Jordan (01:12:54.000)
Knight and David Knight is the fall guy. Listen, I am not against David Knight gonna hire somebody who isn't his boy, little charisma. You're gonna be you're gonna be better off if David knight goes down.
Dan (01:13:11.000)
Sure, but also, what else here is?
Jordan (01:13:13.000)
Here's my question, though. He does bring up one thing that I am interested in.
Dan (01:13:18.000)
I'd love to hear about it.
Jordan (01:13:19.000)
Did He create these stories? Because we know because he said we didn't create them. I didn't push them. He did push them. But did he create them?
Dan (01:13:28.000)
Can I answer that in slightly dismissive way? Who cares? Because that's not what he's getting sued for. Okay, he's getting sued for slander.
Jordan (01:13:37.000)
Right. But here's but the thing is, can you then claim that it's actually Breitbart fault, and you're just
Dan (01:13:45.000)
right, Mark didn't write that headline. Breitbart didn't create the content that Infowars created. That's true. They could sue Breitbart to they should I imagine that my
Jordan (01:13:55.000)
work right, Bart? I don't know. There's a class action lawsuits for them being assholes also
Dan (01:14:00.000)
complications because it's related to the White House, whereas Alex Jones is, you know, he's in the sights.
Jordan (01:14:05.000)
Yeah, that's true. But take that independent media,
Dan (01:14:08.000)
I promise you, it seems like there's not a lot going on. This is gonna get really, really, really, really, really fucked up in just a couple of clicks. All right, let's do it. So
Jordan (01:14:18.000)
you're prepared mentally and emotionally prepared for this?
Dan (01:14:22.000)
It actually starts right now. This next clip,
Jordan (01:14:27.000)
that's that's not the way like a teaser covered rock from ESPN isn't like, and now we're going to show you two hours of a man breaking his leg horribly. Starts now
Dan (01:14:41.000)
this is fucked up. This the rest of this is basically a breakdown. He's losing his mind. It starts with him talking about how evil the Idaho statesman newspaper is. Then it flips on to
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.000)
picking on the Idaho statesman.
Dan (01:14:59.000)
He says I just want to say this, but he's about to. He says that he went to look at it and it was like it was his llama bod.
Jordan (01:15:10.000)
It's just like, does that mean it's like an Islamic bod? That's what he was really true. It's
Dan (01:15:15.000)
just bigoted. scatting Yeah, just a bad. So he talks shit on the paper, then he talks about how the media is lying. And then I want like, I'll give you the highest sign. And that means don't say anything. He throws to break the harshest I've ever heard. Oh, shit, it's dark. Oh, shit. It's real dark. All right, so here goes.
Alex Jones (01:15:39.000)
And it's interesting. When you go to the Idaho newspaper, I thought I'd go to the front page and see what I saw. So I went to the front page, the Idaho statesman, I guess what I saw. It's like Islamic bod. It's like catering to the Muslims. Go to the front page. I'll put it up on screen for TV viewers do five different articles about catering to Muslims. And that's because there's a major Islamic
Jordan (01:16:01.000)
take over there. I mean, he also had caters to Muslims.
Dan (01:16:05.000)
But you see, you see there, he almost accidentally said population, but he realized that would be too innocuous. Yeah, so he's like it was a big Muslim. Takeover. Takeover. Yeah. Like it's an annex T paper. Do you? What are you talking about? Anyway, that's where my wrestling peeps. So yeah, I mean, like, if you look at their paper, a lot of it is because there is a large Muslim population. Do you know what's crazy, or even just a large Arab population, they're not necessarily Muslim. So the fact that they have stories that are about their issues makes sense, because it's relevant to the leadership of the paper. Yeah, so fuck you, Alex. Trying to make some sort of weird nonsense out of nothing.
Jordan (01:16:44.000)
He's punching down on the Idaho statesman,
Dan (01:16:47.000)
and the population of the Islamic people in Idaho. Well, yeah. I mean, it's but they're both punching down pretty hard.
Jordan (01:16:54.000)
Yeah. Yeah, he's, he's punching down from your
Dan (01:16:58.000)
ivory tower of lies.
Jordan (01:17:00.000)
Yeah, that's, that's interesting to me. Because the pizza gate thing is before he's in nationalized, is before he's got no, or before. He's got his boy in the White House, basically, but it was still when he was gaining a lot of popularity from being the Trump guy. Right. Right. Right. But my my, my contention here is now that he's the Trump guy, now that he's got that, you know, like, I'm, I'm Trump's boy here. He should go after larger targets. Well, they should punch up
Dan (01:17:32.000)
I think he's punching down in an attempt to lower Soros out or something like that. I think that's what he thinks he's doing Louis. I think that's what it is psychotic mind. But anyway, here we go. We're gonna get to the media lying and then this fucking crazy break.
Alex Jones (01:17:49.000)
Oh, look, it's fewer Middle Eastern students are enrolling in Boise day. All they don't feel welcome. How do we grovel more to make them feel welcome and you know, all the Sharia law, the rest of it, as you scroll down? There's more articles about Muslims and how great they are. And look at the headlines looks like I'm being arrested. They're all deception. It's like when I go in for my child custody case here in Austin, they'll sit through with cameras showing me taking my belt off going through a metal detector or holding my arms up to be laundered. Like I'm a criminal. That's how they sit there and deceive everybody. Ladies and gentlemen, we come back. I've got more on this North Korea. Here's developments on the economy, David knights coming up. But this is a big, big, big deal. What they're trying to engage in with the American people and how they're trying to play all these different games. When everybody knows that there is a massive Islamic invasion taking place all over the western world, that they've basically bought off level governments and a basically are taking over our society stay with us.
Dan (01:18:52.000)
That's a hard that's a hard to break. Wow. It's, you know, he's, you know, when he's in the middle of a conversation was like, I'm gonna skip this break. If you're going to drop, the Islamic people are taking over society and they've bought off our government and you don't want to prove it. You just want to throw to break and then not get back to it.
Jordan (01:19:10.000)
He doesn't get back to me it doesn't. So he just throws that into the ether. Just like hey, they're killing all of us. They're taking over Muslim Brotherhood,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.000)
Sharia law. rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, okay, we're
Jordan (01:19:22.000)
gonna go to break and then
Dan (01:19:23.000)
just never speaks to us the specific of the Muslim Brotherhood, but be that as it meant, yeah, it's because the people who already agree don't need proof and you don't have proof that could convince anyone who was at all skeptical. So what's the point of giving proof? It doesn't matter. That's a really good point. It doesn't matter. It's a lose lose game for you to try and provide proof.
Jordan (01:19:41.000)
Well, and that's the same thing with the retractions. Sure, because it's a if he's darts, actually retracting. Ah, like with the pizza gate thing we all saw, everybody saw it and everybody went, Oh, just like that, because the moment he does, it all crumbles. Sure, like if he starts it because if he apologizes to Giovanni, who else is going to come after him? How many more? How many more letters? Is he going to start getting of? Hey, you apologize to them. You said this slander is shipped to us. Yeah. Now the only problem there is if he doesn't win this lawsuit, how many other goddamn lawsuits is he coming after? That's exactly what's so it's it's one of those. That's why he's so that's why he's standing on and I don't disagree with him. This is where he wins or he died. This is his Alamo. This is where we're drinking Alamos red blend wine.
Dan (01:20:35.000)
But yeah, entirely. Yeah. So in this next clip, first of all, I like I said, does not get back to it and prove the Islamist are taking over our society. Whatever. He comes back from break, and he teases some news that he does not get back to stuff about like North Korea is going to nuke us, right? And then he basically just sort of acts like he didn't do anything wrong. Like the initial headline wasn't even wrong. And he was being magnanimous by giving the change of headline, which I guess is kind of what he has to believe in order for this to make sense. Anyway, this next clip, Alex gets mad at a YouTube commenter.
Jordan (01:21:13.000)
Oh, fucking Christ, and then we're really down in the dirt here.
Dan (01:21:17.000)
Then he starts ranting and declares that he's going to Idaho.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:23.000)
Go to Idaho.
Alex Jones (01:21:26.000)
Look at this comment right here and I see this a lot. Blue Mountain 48. I hope you don't talk about this for two weeks. This lawsuit Gee, it's only $10,000 Alex makes that one day I made in one day. No, I battled to find this operation because it's the main outpost of resistance. Let me show you the Idaho statesman. Okay by Zack Kyle. The whole article is basically fiction. Except for one part Chobani seeks that's the name of the company. Yeah, we got a Greek yogurt. It's called Chobani I guess the Muslims didn't take over Greece for a while. So there really I guess Muslims there now or at least in the bloodline is not really Greek yogurt. Again, it's just total imposter system seeks at least 10,000 damages attorneys fees and punitive damages punitive that could be 100 million like the whole Cogan case punitive, punitive, punitive man I'd point out we're on 580 am you know Kay i Do you know behind the scenes over there trying to get us off that stage. Oh, you know it. I'm gonna be going to Idaho now. I'm gonna be going on local radio station. I am going to bring investigative crews there. I'm going to show what the locals are doing. I'm going to show the Islamist is getting off the planes. You want to fight. You better believe baby you got one. Not Chobani suing me. It's Hameed, Oulu KR Hameed. Oh, chi ya buddy, the guy that works for Jordan. Charlotte's brings people in. And then he turns around, and he's on the Federal Reserve Board at 44 years of age. When citizens can't even find out what's going on on that. How about foreign rule?
Dan (01:23:14.000)
citizens can't find out what's going on. Just Google it. I found a lot about it. I read
Jordan (01:23:18.000)
I read their minutes I read their minutes you can read their minutes.
Dan (01:23:22.000)
It is really insulting that he keeps calling him by out of his name. And mispronouncing his last name.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:27.000)
He said it's such a dick move. Also, Alec it's just like a fucking playground. Also, I
Dan (01:23:33.000)
love this idea that he thinks he's gonna go to Idaho and there's just gonna be bunch of like evil Muslims getting off the plane. He's just gonna go like, Hey, I figured it all out.
Jordan (01:23:42.000)
And he's not even gonna go to airports. No, that's not where they're coming off. Of course not. They're landing on their land and on unsuspecting Idaho farmers.
Dan (01:23:51.000)
Absolutely. That's what's happening on the on the good white citizens of the town.
Jordan (01:23:55.000)
Well, oh, Alex doesn't hate people who aren't white.
Dan (01:23:59.000)
I apologize.
Jordan (01:24:00.000)
Don't put don't put racist, anti Muslim words in his mouth because they're already there.
Dan (01:24:06.000)
So you might have actually wondered what is this? Is this really what this is all about? Is this really what this? You might be wondering that
Jordan (01:24:13.000)
I'm worried that this is still the secret of 2017 episode?
Dan (01:24:17.000)
There are a bunch of secrets to 2017 apparently because he did not see any of this. No, I think I figured out what this is actually all about. And it's in this next clip.
Alex Jones (01:24:28.000)
I cannot wait. The depositions. I cannot wait to depose this guy. Oh, let me just tell the listeners something real quick before we go to break and come back. Dominate some North Korea news and some other big news. On this rock, I plant my flag I'm gonna fight this. I just got level I know they have really miscalculated. I talked to Mike Cernovich. Here he agrees he's a lawyer. We're talking to some other top lawyers right now. Don't perfect opening now. Because it's a story we can document. It's what we're just for. poured in other people's news. They're trying to shut us down shut us up saying we're fake. This is crazy. Absolutely incredible ladies and gentlemen out the fake media saying this. But listen, we need your financial support and your prayers more than ever. We've discounted 43% off caveman the bone broth Tumeric Chaga mushroom bee pollen and more formula to amazing, but I decided I want to go 20% More off that it's 53 Oh right now and by the way, it's going to sell out like a week. I want you to try it because it tastes so good. It's amazing. It's kind of like when new products come out. Sometimes the store will give you free samples or whatever. See how good they are like, this is 53% off big ol Kanga this concentrated bone broth, super healthy, amazing. They'll find out all the great things it does. auto ship and additional 10% off Infowars or triple 82533139 The ultimate paleo formula we have other big discount super blue bubblegum flavor for kids fluoride free with all the other great additives that are an all natural to it like and the iodine that's about Infowars, Infowars or triple 82533139. We don't have the federal school lunch program $15 million, or whatever, like Chobani does. We don't have all the government contracts for George Soros money. We just have us supporting us. So please support us and get great products. We'll be right back.
Jordan (01:26:26.000)
You do not become a billionaire because of a $15 million school lunch contract.
Dan (01:26:32.000)
No, no, you don't. And you're probably actually taking a bath on it. Yeah, in terms of the amount of product you could be selling. Generally that's the case. And if you look at his history, he's not I really don't think he's the type of does not seem like he's the type of person who's pulling a scam now. I don't know. I mean,
Jordan (01:26:49.000)
um, does Mike Cernovich actually work for Infowars? No. Okay, but he's so certain of it. He may be a lawyer is gonna be fine.
Dan (01:26:58.000)
Yeah, no, he's he's may be in trouble for some other stuff.
Jordan (01:27:02.000)
Okay, all right. He but in this regard? Yeah. If you're Cernovich I would probably don't really fucking care. No. Because you end at this point, if you're Cernovich. distancing yourself from Alex is
Dan (01:27:14.000)
a really smart move or encouraging him to do things that will destroy him. Exactly. Right. He's young. Yeah, huge audience. He could be the heir.
Jordan (01:27:22.000)
If Alex Jones goes away, there's a there's a vacuum there. There's a vacuum for yet another racist, horrifying man to scream anti Muslim bullshit. And I'd
Dan (01:27:31.000)
forgotten actually, when we discussed him on a past episode, I'd forgotten that he was also involved in the GamerGate stuff. I forgot he was even around back then. He's
Jordan (01:27:40.000)
great. He's a dick, then I hope he gets hit by a truck.
Dan (01:27:43.000)
I think you've already said that about him. And I concur. So yeah, I actually think that this is really more to the point what's going on? I think Alex knows he's gonna lose this thing. And he's bleeding money really hard. If you have a hot product that's gonna sell out. You don't just do not discount it by 50%. You also don't have an Easter sale that goes on a week and a half after Easter. And then you
Jordan (01:28:06.000)
don't double down on your Easter. Yeah,
Dan (01:28:08.000)
so I mean, like, he's not moved. That's actually blasphemous. He's not moving product. He's he needs to sell all this shit
Jordan (01:28:15.000)
in order to fund his lawsuits. Yeah,
Dan (01:28:18.000)
and I really think that this is what it's about. Yeah, it's desperate. He's got
Jordan (01:28:22.000)
to get he's got to get as much revenue as possible and it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether or not he's making enough profit profit off of this it's got to happen now. Yeah, he needs as much money as he can get right now in order to fund it and he's
Dan (01:28:36.000)
gonna make it even more overt is Next plug that comes up a little bit later, you'll see how fucking ugly it is.
Jordan (01:28:41.000)
And not least of which he needs that money because he's gonna have to pay a lot of it away. Yeah,
Dan (01:28:46.000)
so this Yeah, if you buy his product know that that money is going to harm Do you hula kya? Give it to charity. That might be the best
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.000)
product. Yeah, exactly. Indirectly, this will go
Jordan (01:29:02.000)
by Alex Jones is shit. Because you're gonna wind up helping a lot of people somehow.
Dan (01:29:07.000)
Yeah. Courts. That'll be the case. Anyway, this next clip, he gives a really, really bad synopsis of the situation in the lawsuit that he's in. He blames hum de la kya for the situation. And then you'll see it, it spins real weird. Alex loses the thread. And it's great. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:29:31.000)
You got some guy that works for George Soros to open the borders and bring in refugees and he's worked for the un plan and Peter Sutherland.
Dan (01:29:40.000)
Who are we talking about? This is Omni wave. Now he works for George Soros. Yeah. I mean, of course, he's really loose with the details. Okay, but he I think he means he's working with him in terms of refugee stuff. And Peter Sutherland. Sure. He's gonna play a clip of Peter Sutherland a little bit later and I don't understand The argument is Peter Sutherland sky works with the UN has to do with refugee stuff. It's a moral responsibility of all civilized nations. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah,
Jordan (01:30:09.000)
hey, if people are getting murdered by their own government, horribly, in many different, just tragic ways, and constantly, and they want to escape, then it is your moral duty to do everything you can to help.
Dan (01:30:24.000)
I promise we'll get to that in a minute in more detail. Yeah. But I wanted to say, Oh, this is why I paused it because it's we're not going to take it. Twisted sisters playing Yes. And I was listening to this live he was karaoke with it. Okay, good. They cut it out. Yeah, good, because he was really getting into the we're not gonna
Jordan (01:30:43.000)
do that. Do you think they do that without his knowledge? Do you think he knows they're cutting out his karaoke? You might
Dan (01:30:49.000)
not know it's being recorded. In the first place. I have no idea because it's, this is pre recorded. It's cathartic, though. He's screaming like, oh, boy, it's amazing. Oh, anyway, back to the business
Alex Jones (01:31:04.000)
to Islamophobia, Europe. I mean, that's that's that's the Romulan program is colonization big time. Names Hamid Gula Kaya, and he felt set on me claiming I wanted to hurt his company and have people not eat his yogurt. No, we covered other reports confirming people have now pled guilty refugees that were brought into the town that you push, who now pled guilty to these assaults that the media said didn't exist for a year? No. And then we were picked as a publicity stunt to try to smokescreen, the fact that the refugee program has now given a black guy to this guy's company by his actions, just like Starbucks is down 20 something percent and their profits right now are more Whoa, because they said we're gonna hire a bunch of refugees, people are sick of it, your actions cause this to happen to you. Your actions Hillary Clinton made you lose the election actually cared less. In fact, I didn't even ever put two and two together with the yogurt because the few times I've eaten it, it tastes. I don't like recovering from again, but it doesn't have any flavor. And yours tasted like drying paint. And I don't say that because you're a Muslim. If you were a Muslim, not trying to open the borders and bring all these people in and pushing all this garbage. And you're with George Soros and your yogurt tastes good. I buy it from you.
Dan (01:32:23.000)
It became a goddamn yogurt review, you're seeing that Calhoun broth. And then I looked up the Starbucks stock. And it is a point six today, which is almost 1% up. And if you look at it on a one year basis, it is up really high from where it was about a year ago. If you look at it on just a month basis, it's up almost to let's see here, almost five points. Starbucks stock is doing really well actually. It's pretty consistently. If you look at it no matter no matter what. How you look at it, there's a there's an upward trajectory. So your whole argument that people are sick of people hiring refugees, it just holds no water. That's absolutely absurd.
Jordan (01:33:04.000)
Yeah. But that's the alternate reality that the right wing lives, but facts don't back it up. They well, but but the the reality that they have to create is that there is a united front against them, and that there's more of us than there are of them. Them. Exactly. So if they if they allow themselves to accept for one second, that most people are
Dan (01:33:30.000)
pretty cool with it, or in the middle,
Jordan (01:33:32.000)
then they would have to reevaluate literally every position that they have. Yeah. And
Dan (01:33:37.000)
part and parcel of it has to be that like business doesn't like this. Yeah, well, yeah, of course, because that also ties into some of their other narratives. Right? So, but it's just stupid. It's, I mean, Humpty Lucaya is a absolute success story. He's doing well, he's doing great Starbucks stock is doing well, they did hire a bunch of refugees. But you know what, they also hired a bunch of vets. So they've had initiatives to hire a lot of people who are in need of work. So I mean, you got to be a little more nuanced, Alex, maybe this is why you're getting sued all over the place.
Jordan (01:34:09.000)
And just, you're going after people who are doing genuinely good things. Yeah, like genuinely. I mean, for for all of his talk, these are genuinely Christian actions,
Dan (01:34:22.000)
I would say so, you know, like,
Jordan (01:34:23.000)
by by, by just every fucking reading of the New Testament that I can put together. Well, I mean, fuck the New Testament. I'm basically going by, you know, Luke, because the rest of the Gospels are also kind of bullshit to
Dan (01:34:39.000)
Oh, man. I mean, what about the Q Source? Q Source? That's neither here nor there.
Jordan (01:34:45.000)
Right. But But that's, that's exactly what's going on. They're not it's not a charity. Like these veterans, these refugees. They want to be a part of this. Yeah. They want to be part of this country. They want to work they don't want To sit on a you know, they don't want to get charity they want to be. They want to be good citizens
Dan (01:35:06.000)
that they want. They want what Alex claims they don't want. Yeah.
Jordan (01:35:09.000)
And these fucking white supremacists don't yeah, they don't want to be part of this country. They want to be part of their own car. They want
Dan (01:35:18.000)
to be part of whitest thing. Yeah, exactly. fucking
Jordan (01:35:21.000)
go. Yeah, you you Nobody. Nobody hates America more than white supremacist. Uh huh.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:28.000)
They hate it. Yep. They really do big time like,
Jordan (01:35:34.000)
and they would be more comfortable in the Muslim societies that they espouse hatred of if the Muslim societies just said oh and and Christian.
Dan (01:35:45.000)
Yeah, it would be if it was all white Christians. Yeah, behaved. Exactly. That's exactly what they would be happy with. Like totally cool. Yeah. But look,
Jordan (01:35:53.000)
you know what, you guys you guys don't have some bad ideas on this whole controlling women thing. I'm not a big fan of them have an agency either.
Dan (01:35:59.000)
Hey, look, I know that you're, you're a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. I'm a proud boy. Yeah. We have some middle ground here. So I'm gonna skip this next clip because it's just Alex Jones more lying about the situation. He's in pumping his chest out. He brings up that hole, Jennifer Lopez, she should go to Somalia and get raped situation where he was Jenny from the block. That's her. Okay. Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got. I won't be. So he goes on and I have to stress. I have to stress again that this next clip I'm going to play is mainly
Jordan (01:36:31.000)
just can we just get back to the fact that he named a YouTube commenter? Yeah, there's nothing I love more than il six. There's nothing I love more than whatever these guys have to go by like a Twitter handle of like, at bone broth. 69 tweeted at us. That'd be a huge fan. That would be a huge fan, right? Yeah. But you'd have to say the Twitter handle. It's so fucking stupid. Are we? Like I like Twitter. But just, every time I hear like, Trump tweeted this morning, I want to dive a little bit more. And we're at
Dan (01:37:06.000)
knowledge underscore fight. Yes. Anyway, this next clip I have to stress, like I said, is only a couple of minutes after the last sale. Okay, because he's about to do an even more pathetic sales pitch. This is gross, really trying to get some money.
Alex Jones (01:37:25.000)
We need your prayers. We need your support. We need your support our local affiliates, we need you to call our local Idaho affiliate because I bet you a million dollars are trying to kick us off that station and send them donations and support them and stand up for them. Because we've got to hang together, hang shepherd, and you need to go to Infowars Your family needs the high quality gravity fed filter, stainless steel sits on the counter looks great. Your family needs non GMO high quality storable foods. So ladies and gentlemen, again, please financially support us support our local stations, purchase our products. You need them. We need the funding and I will stand up against this lawsuit. I will depose them I will I will get their corporate documents, I will get how they're funded by the government.
Dan (01:38:08.000)
I really don't think he could no way outside the scope of
Jordan (01:38:12.000)
that corporate deposition. Also, I think I think he's not using the word deposed in the way that the word deposed is meant to mean. Like he's using the I will topple them instead of the like, and this is the courts deposition like he doesn't get
Dan (01:38:29.000)
the different we could roleplay it out entirely like Alex Jones in court because he thinks he's gonna put the whole system on trial. But if you're out order, if he gets into that courtroom, and it's a slander trial, basically or a defamation trial, and they're like, you know, Alex Jones is on the stand. And he's like, Well, he's friends with George Soros. Objection. Irrelevant. Sustained.
Jordan (01:38:53.000)
Okay, um, did you say these things?
Dan (01:38:55.000)
I hold you in contempt? He would be held in contempt of court so quick.
Jordan (01:39:00.000)
Yeah, I'm amazed he hasn't already been in his custody trial.
Dan (01:39:03.000)
You're not going to talk about that. That's not our business. Anyway, this court case is our business. Talking about it all day long. That's true. Anyway, we gotta get I'm glad
Jordan (01:39:11.000)
we get a court case now that we get to talk shit about Oh, yeah. Now we can break into this with the same gleeful shot and pride that everybody else chose on trial. Yeah, now I'm really excited to get to fucking push my ears back and just fucking
Dan (01:39:25.000)
with the custody thing. We don't know the details. We don't know what caused it. We don't know the ex wife at all. We don't know the circumstances. And the kids. It's a tragic, sympathetic situation. In this case, we know the details. And Alex is a fuckface. He deserves this. Yeah. And he's going down. Anyway. Let's get to the part where he plugs in the most sad way, again, minutes after the last plug.
Alex Jones (01:39:48.000)
School Lunch Program to force feed kids. You know, do you see Well, what happened under Michelle Obama? We will stand up and fight if you really want us to. And the support comes in I'm gonna fight About under the last two weeks of unprecedented attacks of demonization, we have seen record support. So I'm taking that as a signal that you want me to go full steam ahead, ramming speed, no quarter and you've got it, I can feel your prayers, I can feel your support, I can feel your love, I can physically see it. Now we are bringing in more funds than we ever have for this time of year. But we're expanding and we've got major enemies attacking. And so we need to really increase the funding massively. If you've never purchased a t shirt or high quality non GMO coffee, or the nutraceuticals or the x two or the lung cleanse, or the parasite cleanse or the brain force, or the fluoride free oil, silver, iodine toothpaste or vitamin D 12, or liver shield or the great oxy powder, and that knockout. Today, Infowars,, Infowars or triple 825331395. And we're all in this together by our bed you want to fight you've got to stand up, only a fraction of the listeners spread our legs. It changed the world. Only a fraction of listeners buy the products. It's changed the world. We're under attack because we're changing the world together. LePen is in the runoff to win. She's like Ron Paul. Better than pro no nationalism surging humanity's awakening and they want to intimidate us. If they can shut us down. They could shut everybody down.
Dan (01:41:28.000)
I sadly kind of agree with him, but I'm for it.
Jordan (01:41:32.000)
National nationalism is rising and he sees no good.
Dan (01:41:35.000)
Well, you know what one thing I was starting to think about the other day that really kind of stuck in my craw
Jordan (01:41:40.000)
in your craw. This gets stuck in your craw seems really weird
Dan (01:41:44.000)
that people like a lot of Donald Trump's Associates, and Marine LePen and Putin and Nigel Farage seem to be really connected. They seem to at very least strongly support each other. Yes. Which is not really what nationalistic movements would do. They would not be all that concerned with international affairs. That'd be really concerned with nationalism.
Jordan (01:42:11.000)
Hmm, kind of makes you think that could there be a common thread between them all?
Dan (01:42:16.000)
It does seem like there is a white Christian supremacist operation going on globally? Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, that just seemed like just a thought that stuck in my craw because otherwise if they were legitimately nationalistic they'd have no skin in the game and Frances reaction.
Jordan (01:42:31.000)
Yeah, absolutely. So I guess I guess the only the only like, what yeah, what's the what's the end game? what's the end game for what for? White Nationalism? Because that's what it fucking is. white nationalists? I
Dan (01:42:45.000)
think it's probably nuking countries in the Middle East. Yeah, I think it's probably mass slaughter of Arabs. But I mean, that's what I think is the endgame. It
Jordan (01:42:54.000)
really does seem like everybody's angling for the holy war. Yeah. And it's it's exactly like ISIS is angling for the holy war. Totally. So these people are just like, well, you've you want a holy war, then we're gonna give you a holy war. Yeah. And there's because of that, because basically Christianity suicide cult, really, when you get down to it? Well, a lot of all angling for the
Dan (01:43:17.000)
rapture, a lot of hardcore religions are it's not necessarily Islam or Christianity, that is at fault for that it is that impulse that's embedded in fanatical religion as a whole. Yeah, like, I mean, there are ultra Zionists within Judaism, right. Like it's it's within. It's not well,
Jordan (01:43:36.000)
and the nationalistic impulse of Israel Wow. Well, understandable is still committing genocide. It's like they're still doing it. And
Dan (01:43:45.000)
none of that is necessarily the religions fault. It's the poor application of it. But yeah,
Jordan (01:43:50.000)
it's the CO opting by it's the it's it's the co-option by the very elements that the religion itself was was basically started to combat Yeah, like, like that idea of
Dan (01:44:06.000)
bad people using a system that was intended for good but it's also a system of control.
Jordan (01:44:10.000)
Well call yourself a Christian but in the in the side of Jesus versus the Pharisees. You're on the Pharisee side. If you're if you're a Republican, that's the same shit dude. Yeah, so that's what you're doing enjoy. So and this is why we need a Jesus so many times is because for and for them, it was they were the they were the Judaic elders. I think they were all of these people.
Dan (01:44:36.000)
I might be being sacrilegious with my understanding of religion and Jesus, okay. But one of the things that Jesus was really into was that I'm not that much different than you. I don't understand he was the son of God. Yeah, but that was kind of a metaphor and no
Jordan (01:44:50.000)
son of God, literal Son of God. 6000 years old Earth God.
Dan (01:44:54.000)
Jesus did say a lot of funding Jesus. Jesus didn't say a lot of things like everything. I Do you will do to those sorts of things? If you really want to Jesus to exist in the world that is within you and go ahead, be Jesus. Yeah, not in the sense that you should be pretending you're the Son of God. Literally. You should call yourself the Son of God. Literally. There's a lot of things that Jesus did that you can do my advice for you can,
Jordan (01:45:18.000)
everyone can be a cool dude. Yeah, anyway, well, you could start a trucking company and pay your people a lot better. You're gonna say Colton. No, I have plenty of experience with cults. Do not start a call. You're opposed. I am against cults.
Dan (01:45:34.000)
Jordan has come out against Colt. Yep, it's official. I have
Jordan (01:45:37.000)
a lot of very strong stances on so vodka.
Dan (01:45:40.000)
Alex Jones has just gotten done with the one of the very sad sales plug. And now this next clip, I request, we say nothing over it. I think everyone needs to hear it because it is wacky, damning. It's really bad. It's wackadoo. It starts with outright paranoia. Okay, it shifts into something else. And then there's a complete breakdown. And then he starts praying. No, okay, so it's a wild ride. So
Jordan (01:46:07.000)
would you would you say that?
Dan (01:46:11.000)
It's time to break it? Okay. It will be time to. Okay, this is crazy. Okay, I want to say also, before this clip ends, this is how he finishes his report. But it goes into a special report that we're also going to be covering but, but because it's the same topic, but I've cut out the parts of the special report that are just read it just reread me but I need to play some of the stuff from the special report because it's horrible. I will
Jordan (01:46:43.000)
be silent through the entirety of this clip. Here
Dan (01:46:46.000)
we go. You know what's gonna happen to Alex, he's gonna tell you, it's gonna get wacky.
Alex Jones (01:46:50.000)
Oh, here's the final thing. I'm gonna say this most important. They're failing and all these attacks. But they're assassinating my character first with the general public before fake criminal charges or murder. And it says be dramatic. I'm smart. I've studied things. I have a feel for this. This is what they did before they kill you. They want me silence they want me under system so I can't speak out. While they quietly destroy me. All these little Lilliputians, it's not going to work. We're standing together. But this is the equivalent of the Alamo against the globalist or 300. I'm on the beach with our listeners, the frontline battling any other talk show host other news sites and everybody else out there to support us. They don't want you to see my response to Chobani. They're not going to put it anywhere watch, we will, it's up to you to get it out. It's up to drugs, the positive wants to. But whatever, I need your help. I stand with everybody else. I stand with everybody else when they're under attack, when they're being boycotted, I understand, we hang together, we hang separate. I need your hopes, I need your prayers, I need your financial support. And I need you to spread the links and the articles on critical news and information. I need you to understand how far we've already come. And we shouldn't be pessimistic because they're attacking us. That's because we're starting to win. We're over the target. So I want to see a record surge in funding. Because even though we've seen a record support, it is barely enough in the face of all this and I want to expand I don't want to just stay the same size. I want to grow in the face of the enemy, we have a job to do. These are products you need their game changing. It supports the broadcast sign up for auto ships to support us every month, it 10% off free shipping on $50 or more Infowars or triple 82533139. And please pray for my crew and pray for our sponsors and our affiliates as well. And support those local sponsors don't sit there and think somebody else is going to do it or Oh thank god Alex is there and I'm not chastising you. But this is the main battle. This is the main enemy assault. It's every week new attacks and we're getting stronger in the face of it because you're pulling through for us but we got to keep pulling hard here are the globalist are going to absolute if people say oh he acts like a football coach. That's what men did before they went to war before they rallied the troops. Football is a facsimile of war. It's not real. Football Coaches are
Dan (01:49:11.000)
just gonna button here Oh yeah. Wait reason he's talking about that is because on Cole bear. He said that he was like a football coach on coke. And so he's bringing the football coach into rehab.
Jordan (01:49:23.000)
Yeah, because we've already we've already seen him talk about how sports are actually draining men of their their Male Vitality. Yeah,
Dan (01:49:32.000)
that's why you need Superman. Yeah, exactly. Which that sales pitch was pathetic. But anyway, hold on. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, let's finish this clip because it's so fucked up. Here's
Jordan (01:49:40.000)
the here's the thing. I feel now I feel super hypocritical. If anybody like, Guys, don't donate to our podcast.
Dan (01:49:51.000)
So please, if you want to be a policy wonk,
Jordan (01:49:54.000)
just or don't, don't donate to our podcast. Just To buy T shirts
Dan (01:50:02.000)
from us,
Jordan (01:50:02.000)
no Oh, just period support the economy. You got to wear clothes. And if you want to support refugees by Infowars T shirts, money will be going to refugees eventually. And guess what? That's one More Info Wars T Shirt off the streets.
Dan (01:50:18.000)
You're gonna burn it. Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (01:50:19.000)
Dan (01:50:19.000)
hold on, we got to finish this clip. I'm telling you he's in the middle of a breakdown, okay? Which he is a performance artist. So it's probably fake. Let's do it.
Alex Jones (01:50:26.000)
Copy what men used to do to rally people to stand up for their people. I'm not acting like a football coach. They're acting like what men used to do rallying people to take action. Some game people, there's a total Islamic takeover taking place. Behind the scenes. They got Muslims following me around. You wouldn't believe the crap they're pulling man the damn cult. And, and I'm ready to take them on. But I need your prayers. Christ, please help us win this. Please help me be strong. And please help listeners understand I'm serious and says I've got a special report that David knights coming up. I'm Alex Jones telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God.
Dan (01:51:04.000)
So you missed it because you were yelling over it. But he claims that there's Muslims following him everywhere. And it's a goddamn cult.
Jordan (01:51:10.000)
Yeah, there are Muslims following him everywhere.
Dan (01:51:13.000)
Are you aware with the idea of crowd stalking?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:16.000)
Dan (01:51:17.000)
it's a mental illness. Basically, it's a version of schizophrenia, where you believe that strangers are actually connected with each other and that they're all following you. And like keeping up on keeping tabs on you. Okay. It's a version of like paranoid schizophrenia. Right? Right. Right. Crowd stalking is a phenomenon that is super interesting. Because people believe that like intelligence agencies get huge groups of people to, to follow you and to keep tabs on you. Yeah. And the intent of it is to drive you crazy. So
Jordan (01:51:50.000)
let me ask you this question. Yeah. Do you think that the intense stress that he's under right now is actually causing a lot of these psychotic breaks? No,
Dan (01:52:02.000)
I think he's probably seeing a couple of Muslims. And there are probably some reporters following him around because seen literally
Jordan (01:52:08.000)
anybody with a head job, and he's like, they're following me. Yeah.
Dan (01:52:11.000)
But he also had probably has some reporters that he sees regularly because they're at the courthouse covering his is custody trial. They're doing their job, I think, because he's dumb. He's conflating things. That's my best theory. But it does not merit you claiming that first of all, Islam as a cult, and then praying that people give you more money.
Jordan (01:52:33.000)
Also, I love I love that final prayer of Christ, please let our listeners understand how serious this is. It's serious for him. That's, that's pathetic.
Dan (01:52:44.000)
It's it's well, but that's why he keeps coming back to this. Like, if I lose, it's a free speech loss, and right stand up for everyone else when they're in trouble,
Jordan (01:52:54.000)
participates in boycott. I've never seen him do anything for I've never seen him do anything for anybody else other than Trump. So
Dan (01:53:01.000)
now we're gonna get to this special report. And I apologize that we're keeping it in. I like I said, I have cut out the stuff that is redundant for the most part. One thing that's important is that this special report, expertly produced by one Rob do excellent. We get some of his work.
Jordan (01:53:19.000)
Rob, do producer cameraman on air talent.
Dan (01:53:24.000)
Lawyer on air talent is dubious.
Jordan (01:53:27.000)
Let's call it let's call him on air human on air guy.
Dan (01:53:30.000)
Yeah, exactly. So this is how it starts and it is slick. This is already
Alex Jones (01:53:40.000)
April 24 2017. That's the day you can mark your calendars that George Soros openly tried to take down Info Wars. Yeah, he funds Media Matters. And David Brock is trying to shut down Infowars and every other libertarian pro American group, and sure he's involved with MSNBC and the way he links with Hillary trying to steal the election. And sure he's been caught with the United Nations and the way he likes trying to set up a system where only his news is available to the public news he approves of the Nazi collaborator oops, jumped the shark today. April 24 2017. He had his Islamist owned and backed us company openly filed suit against Infowars today for stating information that is part of a public record. They have taken our kindness for weakness at George Soros high net his his lines buddies pile me not Alex show the American people
Jordan (01:54:55.000)
I don't ever want to hear kindness and Alex Jones anywhere fucking near each other no no kindness. No kindness is nothing cruelty. Nothing like what he does.
Dan (01:55:06.000)
You're mistaking my cruelty for? I don't know.
Jordan (01:55:11.000)
That's no, you're Oh, that. Okay. You know how Marine LePen is forced to call herself a fascist? Yeah, like, because by law, he should be. She doesn't have to call herself No well, but absolute, she can't call people for calling her a fascist because she is by law a fascist. In the same way. Alex Jones should not be allowed to use the word kind in regards to him.
Dan (01:55:37.000)
I would love the outcome of this lawsuit to be Alex Jones, you have to publicly recognize that you're a propagandist. Every speech, every episode, you have to say, I'm interpreting non-facts. Yeah, that would be great. But look, what I love
Jordan (01:55:52.000)
about that would still preserve his free speech. Sure, he would still be allowed to say all the things that he says.
Dan (01:55:59.000)
So again, again, that clip that we just played was essentially a wrestling promo. Yeah, because it ends with like George Soros, you're not about to see Alex Jones, you're about to meet the American people. And then a blazing red fire filled in music. So I've cut out a bunch of the stuff that again, is just the standard. This guy came out of nowhere, blah, blah, blah, right? We have a little bit of new information. And he says some really, really, really hard Islamophobia in this. I want to I want to play just, I think I have like five clips from this special report. And again, he replayed the special report in this first hour on April 25. Okay, so that's why it's all sort of packaged together. Yeah. And like, this is ugly. This is really, really ugly. There's some fun lies along the way. But some of the stuff he says is inexcusable, and it is absolutely at best dog whistling to racists, at worst, incitement to violence. Yeah. And I think far be it for me. I'm not a legal scholar. But I sincerely think that we're on the cusp of like, stuff that you may not be able to get away with. Like, I don't know, necessarily. I
Jordan (01:57:22.000)
think we're getting into fire in a crowded theater kind
Dan (01:57:25.000)
of situations. My gut still tells me it's protected free speech except for the slander portions of it. The slander part is absolutely not okay, everything that he's saying about him Do you look HYAH is absolutely not okay right. That is straight up making shit up slander right but the stuff about like the horrible stuff he says about Muslims in general. I hate it. I'm really against it. I think it's hate speech. But I don't know I don't know if it's not protected. Yeah, it's it's tough for me to say I'll let you weigh in as it goes along.
Jordan (01:57:58.000)
Just know what I wonder how I'll feel
Dan (01:58:02.000)
in the four months of doing this show so far that we've been we've been on this and the Chris Cuomo his daughter's thing or Chris Chris Cuomo is children thing. Yeah. Are the mote the closest I've got to like, I can't do the show anymore. Wow. Like to the point where like, I don't know how we're going to discuss this. Yeah, it's just so fucking stupid and awful. And I can't wait for him to lose this lawsuit. Okay, but here we go. This first clip is not so heavy. He has some thoughts about Humpty hula kayas connection to Turkey. And he has some of his facts wrong.
Alex Jones (01:58:40.000)
And he comes here from countries that don't have any freedom. Turkeys now Islamic dictatorship threatening to invade Europe, they don't submit comes here with clear backing of the Government of Turkey. Turkey has infiltrated us up one side and on the other that's admitted Mike Flynn. Public School, a private school that he shows up out of nowhere, gets huge portions of the US lunch program. I'm gonna cover that in a moment. He doesn't kinda like Carlos Slim. The Mexican king pin that comes with York Times gets the Obama phone contracts billions a year. Obama phone they pick us it's a phone a lot of things. Why is that? Because we're the tip of the spear ladies and gentlemen.
Dan (01:59:21.000)
Nope. But the part that I think he has a little bit wrong is that or the one you like you said he's not an Islamic dictator. He's
Jordan (01:59:29.000)
just a nightmare dictator,
Dan (01:59:31.000)
but also he came to power in 2014. That's 20 years after homme de la Kaya, moved him here to the United States. So I don't
Jordan (01:59:41.000)
I don't Well appeared in the United States, right. We don't yet know if he moved. If if you is a dream, you might
Dan (01:59:51.000)
be a wisp.
Jordan (01:59:56.000)
So like there is one swamp in Idaho and the Will of the wisp finally gained human form well and became handy.
Dan (02:00:04.000)
We have a complete lunatic as our president right now,
Jordan (02:00:08.000)
a fucking monster who is destroying the world. And 20 years ago, we
Dan (02:00:12.000)
had Clinton was in office. And I mean, he wasn't perfect, but it was a very different world back then. It was government's change over the course of 20 years. Yep. So to say that, like, first of all, there's no evidence that he has any involvement with the Government of Turkey. But then second, the government there has changed a lot.
Jordan (02:00:30.000)
Well, I mean, Trump, Trump just congratulated Erwan on solidifying his powers. So hey, guys, we're in for a great fucking four years. Yeah. Which is it? It shouldn't be four years. It shouldn't be four years, or whatever. Everybody's fucking everybody who's fucking listening. run for Congress. I swear to God, I, especially all of our listeners in the UK, we need to fine, fine. Move here as long as you become a citizen,
Unknown Speaker (02:01:01.000)
run for Congress.
Dan (02:01:03.000)
But first start a yogurt seems to be very lucrative
Jordan (02:01:06.000)
or appear out of nowhere. Yeah. To do all of our imaginary listeners, gain human form and run for Congress, because he needs to he needs to be impeached. He needs to be out. They need to go. Yeah, this isn't this isn't acceptable. Yeah, this is this is literally what's happening. Now. The tax plan is trying to cut the corporate rate from 35% to 15%. Yep. And if they succeed in doing that, they will impeach Trump because that's what all of this fucking nightmare shit is about. They just want tax cuts. Yeah, that's fucking it. Yeah, they're willing to fucking risk nuclear goddamn war. In order to get fucking tax cuts,
Unknown Speaker (02:01:51.000)
and one this is the world we fucking live in.
Dan (02:01:53.000)
And once that's done, who cares? Let's have President exactly no fucking gives
Jordan (02:01:57.000)
a shit. Let's get rid of all abortion laws. Let's just do what let's get President fucking right out of central casting. cocksucking pence. We're all we're all screwed. And I don't mean cocksucking in a negative way.
Dan (02:02:09.000)
Or even necessarily in a literal way. Yeah. So this next clip, it starts with Alex fully not understanding what this lawsuit is about. As we've clearly explained and established, it's about headlines and content within articles and videos that he's posted. That were slanderous. Yeah, that were defamatory
Jordan (02:02:31.000)
by the literal that the trial should last 45 minutes done. It should be like, Hey, Alex, you said this stuff. Did you retract it? No,
Dan (02:02:43.000)
I think it should go a little bit longer, because you should give Alex a chance to prove it. But he wouldn't be able to know. So give it like an hour or something like that. Let
Jordan (02:02:51.000)
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I cut it. I cut it by 15
Dan (02:02:54.000)
minutes, let him spin his wheels a little bit and then be like,
Jordan (02:02:58.000)
just show the video. Show this
Dan (02:03:00.000)
fucking video and that'll be over. Right. So he does not understand what's going on with the lawsuit and he expresses that. And then he gets into some hard Islamophobia. Yeah, you before we go there. You might scream before we go there.
Jordan (02:03:17.000)
Yeah, um, because I'm mentally and emotionally preparing myself to survive this clip.
Dan (02:03:23.000)
Yeah, it is. Oh, we can only survive. Question. Yes.
Jordan (02:03:29.000)
Which, which path leads to his destruction faster? Yeah. Because of Alex. Alex is courting the end of his career every single day now, no matter what,
Dan (02:03:42.000)
Jordan (02:03:43.000)
So if he apologizes and retracts his stuff about Shabbat. He shows last right? Yeah. So he doesn't he doesn't have to deal with the lawsuit, which they've said.
Dan (02:03:55.000)
I think I think that at this point, because they asked for a retraction and he didn't right. I think it's happening. I'm going
Jordan (02:04:01.000)
well, I'm going back to the when they asked for sure. Right, we're going back to two when he had the chance what he had the lamb when he had the outright so he takes the out. Now, we we guess probably correctly, that if he does that for them, more of those letters will be coming. So we know that then he's got to start doing more and more retractions which has to wind up cutting into his listener base because they suddenly no, it
Dan (02:04:31.000)
will erode his his credibility. Well, his credibility is one thing it would erode his perception of credibility.
Jordan (02:04:38.000)
Yeah, okay. So that is to me going to be a slower like death by 1000 cuts right? Whereas him putting his fucking foot down on this one. Now he's gonna go
Dan (02:04:52.000)
broke. Well, no, I don't I don't know if he'll go broke because he is crazy rich, but I
Jordan (02:04:57.000)
well, I mean, no, of course. Infowars is Really what's it's not him? Personally, I assume he's personally part of it. But Infowars is going to be hit with punitive damages as well.
Dan (02:05:07.000)
Right. Right. I think it'll be a big hit. Here's, here's what I think. I think it's inevitable and no matter what he does, it's bad for him. It's here's, here's how I would describe it. Yeah. In that in that branch of paths in that decision tree, you have the apologize. And you have the don't apologize, right. If you go down the apologize path, I think you're assessing it correctly. There will be a bunch of people who will be like, now it's time for ours. And then, you know, yeah, it will spiral from there. If you go the don't apologize route. He's going to lose this case. Now. Unfortunately, the exact same result is going to happen once he loses this case. Those people who wanted apologies before will now also be suing him Yes, it will just be a bandwagon effect,
Jordan (02:05:57.000)
but he keeps his money on the apologize one, like on this one. I think he winds up losing everything. I think so. Here's actually here's my T
Dan (02:06:08.000)
giclee. I think it's a better outcome for him
Jordan (02:06:11.000)
losing Well, that's that was my next thought was this is his Blaze of Glory moment. Yeah, this is where he gets to go down as a murderer. Instead of as a coward and liar
Dan (02:06:23.000)
Holy shit. You know, it just came to me what one of the songs he plays sometimes when he's coming in from break. If you ever heard Pancho and lefty
Jordan (02:06:31.000)
you are interpreting his music as his subconscious
Dan (02:06:35.000)
and it might be love it. Have you ever heard Pancho and lefty? Not by Willie Nelson also by Oh yeah. Merle Haggard did aversion to yeah, all the fatter
Dan (02:06:44.000)
rollies say, hey, the CUDA had him any day. They only let him get so far out of kindness, I suppose.
Jordan (02:06:56.000)
Donate to our Patreon and we'll do a covers album.
Dan (02:07:00.000)
No see. Do you understand what that that that chorus is about? Yeah, it's about this outlaw who got away with, you know, a bunch of crimes and the Federal rallies, they could have taken him down at any point. At any point in Alex Jones's career, especially after he called him a Nazi collaborator, right. George Soros could have taken him down at any point. He's the character in poncho and lefty. Yeah, he is the guy who's gotten away with it out of the kindness, or just the I don't want to deal with it. Yeah, of George Soros, or out of all of these people homme de Ukiah, James, Allah Fontas. All of these people who have legit lawsuits, he only they only let him get so far out of kindness, I suppose. I think that that I think I might have a breakthrough. You think you think we're
Jordan (02:07:45.000)
dealing with psychological interpretation of Alex Jones's music, possibly.
Dan (02:07:52.000)
I mean, there's some other songs that relate. I mean, we talked about the micromechanics song he's super Alex Jones, his subconscious
Jordan (02:07:59.000)
has to be a roiling mess of well, insanity. You know, in this, why wouldn't it come out?
Dan (02:08:06.000)
Where he's rallying against a lawsuit he plays? We're not going to take it come around a break, right. Obviously, there is some subtle message that's in the music. Oh, for sure. Holy shit. Yeah, I think I think he is like, maybe now we're reading it is unconscious way too much. But I think there might be a part of himself that sees him self as the last of a dying breed. Like this kind of hand.
Jordan (02:08:30.000)
Thank fucking God. Well,
Dan (02:08:32.000)
he's not because Cernovich is the same fucking rifle. Yeah, he's he is part of a die. He's kind of a classic. Except it
Jordan (02:08:40.000)
seems like that dying breed is going to take the rest of us fucking with it.
Dan (02:08:43.000)
It's possible. Yeah. So yeah, I agree. The blaze of glory path, I think strategically actually is better. Because even if you get sued, and Infowars goes out of existence, he can hold on to some thread of his credibility, and he can present it as fuck, man. This is the globalist screwing me and trying to take everything I have away from me. Yeah, now he's wrong. And he's lying. Right? But there's enough people who would believe him and pity him. And even if he gets sued, pulled on, even if he could seek a bankruptcy, he can get a job. Like he can What? What are you talking about? Who is hiring Alex? Joe? Maybe you can get that fucking job from Fox News. He's turned down over and over again. Like he could land.
Jordan (02:09:28.000)
If he gets sued into oblivion. No one's hiring
Dan (02:09:32.000)
him the greatest thing he could possibly do in that trial, the propaganda skills that he has at his disposal, I think he could turn it into a complete circus.
Jordan (02:09:42.000)
Do you know what I think he's going to do? I think he's going to pull a Bill O'Reilly and when it gets kicked off the air, he's going to start a podcast called Brain battle. Oh no, which is just going to be about us where he pulls clips from our show.
Dan (02:09:56.000)
Well, the parody on Colbert is brain fight so brain battle is still tight. Exactly, they're still available as it were, it's still I don't know,
Jordan (02:10:03.000)
you can still trademark it.
Dan (02:10:04.000)
We're getting too deep into speculation. Anyway. This the next
Jordan (02:10:07.000)
law I'm saying is my theory is he is going to get fucking, he's gonna go broke. My theory is he's going to wind up homeless if he fights all these battles,
Dan (02:10:17.000)
and thankfully, he's gonna lose his custody suit so his kids won't be homeless. Exactly
Jordan (02:10:20.000)
Dan (02:10:21.000)
There's that to be thankful for. Yeah. Even if he goes completely broke, he's still gonna be rich. That's how this works in our society. It's kind of bullshit
Jordan (02:10:32.000)
zine misery. Who
Dan (02:10:37.000)
I as cynical as I am. You know, I still think you know, it's that same golden parachute bullshit. They can't take everything he has.
Jordan (02:10:47.000)
I just, I just money. I just wanted to go back to that like, post 19 1920s crash where you see all of these guys who used to be millionaires, fucking broke and homeless because what I want, I want more broken homeless billionaires
Dan (02:11:03.000)
coming soon to an America near you. Anyway, I'm going to skip this next clip, because it's just more about the tuberculosis outbreak that isn't right. That's not happening. And as we documented the people there, the vaccinate your kids? Yeah. And the people on the ground are saying that this is not the cases we've looked at aren't contagious. Yep. It's not a public health risk at all. And we deal with every immigrant that comes in within 90 days of them being here.
Jordan (02:11:26.000)
So are they're lying. I've seen the Andromeda Strain shirt,
Dan (02:11:29.000)
that's a fiction book. But all that I just the only thing that's worth pointing out is again, all of the things that he brings up are headlines, and they're all from Breitbart. Yes. So great. Breitbart will not hold up in court. No, absolutely. He tries to cite that as evidence of his argument. He's, he's done.
Jordan (02:11:49.000)
But that see, that seems to me that seems like that puts Breitbart on the on the docket as well. Oh,
Dan (02:11:57.000)
no, he's he's introducing them into the conversation. actly.
Jordan (02:12:00.000)
So So let's so if you successfully you successfully Sue Alex, for this defamatory claim.
Dan (02:12:07.000)
And he introduces Breitbart as evidence, right?
Jordan (02:12:11.000)
Doesn't that then mean that you absolutely have a case against Breitbart as well?
Dan (02:12:15.000)
Look, I'm not a lawyer, let's call Cernovich. Let's
Jordan (02:12:17.000)
call Cernovich. Actually, you know what, we can't rate Cernovich. He's, he's too expensive for us. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:23.000)
The Rob do.
Dan (02:12:26.000)
This next clip, is sort of about I mean, it's just more about comedy. Yeah. But it is, it is like sort of getting into Alex Jones having a problem with people who advocate for refugees. And then he plays this clip of the Sutherland, who works with the UN in terms of refugee stuff. And he plays this clip. And he's, he presents it in a menacing way. But I want you to really listen to it. And and I mean, I'm going to tell you my perspective on it ahead of time. I think it's a great sentiment. We'll see if you agree, right,
Jordan (02:13:01.000)
just like agenda 21.
Alex Jones (02:13:03.000)
And then you find out refugee advocate, is also on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, all still being a Turkish citizen, and has been named imminent advocate for the United Nations refugee program sounds a little girl she's run by Peter Sutherland that says the Islamic invasion is about ending Western civilization and freedom
Peter Sutherland (02:13:26.000)
under the 1951 convention, and the preamble, which all the countries in the world effectively that we're talking about are signatories to refugees at the responsibility of the world. The day of hiding behind borders and fences is long gone. We have to work together to cooperate together to make a better world.
Dan (02:13:49.000)
So he plays that clip. Is that evidence to be his?
Jordan (02:13:54.000)
That's supposed to be his gotcha clip.
Dan (02:13:56.000)
Yeah, like that's nefarious somehow.
Jordan (02:13:59.000)
Okay. Well, now I understand. First off, I want him to narrate audiobooks, and I want to fall asleep. Sutherland. Voice that's a great voice. I could have fallen asleep so quickly during that it's beautiful. The most relaxing the only like an MSR video. It's an MSR YouTube video as a MSR Well, yeah,
Dan (02:14:20.000)
it's all this ASMR that's it. ASMR Yeah. But like, the only thing that I think you could really take issue with, especially based on Alex Jones's worldview is he's saying that like, we can't hide behind borders and fences. Because Alex is pissed off about the idea that we don't have a real country if we don't have borders. But what he's actually saying there is that like, pretending that issues outside of our country don't relate to us is is the old way of thinking. Right? And then now, people being brutalized in other countries who are trying to flee that are our responsibility. And it is heartless of us to be like, No, we're afraid you might hurt heard us. I agree. Yeah. So Peter Sutherland if, if that's the best you've got against him, you failed.
Jordan (02:15:07.000)
He's he sounds like he's really trying to trying to help.
Dan (02:15:11.000)
Yep. And I assure you like he's, I assure you, I didn't cut out the end of that clip where he says, also, we want Islam to take over the world. Are you sure? Positive, you're positive 100%. Now,
Jordan (02:15:21.000)
if he said it in that voice, I'd be like, I'll be okay with that. I, okay. Okay. So that that does seem to be the central conflict, though of our time. Is the internet exploded globalization so much faster than the human race was prepared to deal with? Probably. So everyone across the planet knows? Well, I mean, if you're connected to the internet, you know what's going on? Or you can find out what's going on anywhere on the planet, which is, which is something that was not possible before 2000. should like it simply wasn't a real thing. So he's absolutely right, when he says that the days of borders are gone, because you and I, for instance, are citizens of the world.
Dan (02:16:16.000)
Where we try to be Yeah, we're less
Jordan (02:16:18.000)
we're like, I would say to me, the way I see myself, I am less than American citizen, that I am a human being. I agree with it, I find I find the the idea of America, not just you know, not least of which to be toxic, like it is. The idea of the United States has as much good as it's done. Also committed a shit ton of genocide has murdered so many civilians is absolutely destroying the protections that are built in for its citizens. Every single part of the United States now is eating itself alive and is turned into a an a billionaire oligarchy. And that's all it is. But there's,
Dan (02:17:03.000)
there's still a mythic United States Yeah, in our mind that we still feel connected to it. Same way that if your dad abuses you, or something like that, you still love the image of dad, where you still have your conflicted feelings about your actual death. Right.
Jordan (02:17:18.000)
But to, to my point, I feel less connected to the United States than I do to the entire world.
Dan (02:17:29.000)
Well, let me ask you a question. Sure. Is, do you think that it's the same way that like, you feel like less a citizen of Illinois than you do to United States? Oh, absolutely. It's the exact same thing. It's compartmentalization, to a certain extent. We live in Illinois, but we're Americans. We live in America, but we're citizens of the world, right? It's just going to the next level. So of
Jordan (02:17:53.000)
like, well, it's and it's a science fiction calm. Concept of the type one civilization as a gotten mastery over its entire planet, right? The Type Two is the entire galaxy, and the type three is and so on. And we're like type point five, we're way lower than that we're at type almost blowing ourselves up, you know, that kind of thing. Right? So that's, that's to me. The conflict, though, is it's between and and it's, it's bearing out in all of these elections, here. It is between the people who want to be part of the world, and the people who want to be part of their tiny small tribe. Yeah, that's the ultimate lesson of Brexit is that conflict. Our next
Dan (02:18:37.000)
clip, is what I would describe as a really sad fantasy about Burdwan. And it gets into a rant that I think is based in fantasy, but I'll let you decide. And I've got
Alex Jones (02:18:53.000)
all the headlines just from last month, saying you will let more in or we will burn down Europe. We're launching a holy war a jihad. Truck attacks in England, and in France, and in Sweden, and in Belgium. And it was all just funny because Europeans have no defense mechanism. They have no will just stand up and Ergun, the dictator just laughs He's got his companies here, everywhere taken over private schools. You name it companies just everywhere, because they know how to run stuff. And they know how to donate money and they know how to sue and they know how to bully. Well guess what, you just ran into a Texan. So you were never backing down. And our audience isn't backing down. They're Turkish ministers and 50,000 migrants a month to Europe to shock them. You're already doing it. Hell intimidation tactics have been working for over 1000 years for Islam. That took over much of the Middle East Europe, much of Africa, Asia. Islam took over all over the place. So the Christian Roman Empire we've taken over Syria, taken out Rage of radical Islam. And so it's been working hasn't been. It's been working to be arrogant. It's been working to be aggressive. It's been working to be in everybody's face. We just bend over and and grovel to the Islamification of Europe and London and every major city is truly truly sickening.
Jordan (02:20:16.000)
All you do is intimidation. Yeah. And all you do is that shit.
Dan (02:20:19.000)
And as we're playing this, I am starting to realize he does sound a little drunk in this special report. Oh, yeah, but not as bad as that. That was March 30. But I mean, listen, I'm not here to defend or to Juan's actions.
Jordan (02:20:36.000)
No, he's the he's truly
Dan (02:20:40.000)
off a monster jails journalists? Academic.
Jordan (02:20:43.000)
He's terrible as the only like, the only coup attempt that I genuinely Oh, totally fake. And so like, there is very little doubt in my mind that that was a literal false flag.
Dan (02:20:58.000)
Totally. And that
Jordan (02:20:59.000)
is such a, like, one. It's it's a it's a it's, it's a brilliant move. If you're a monster.
Dan (02:21:06.000)
It's a brilliant move if no one had done it before. And no one could like think, Oh, wait, here's some signs that this didn't really go down as
Jordan (02:21:14.000)
well. It's the Cultural Revolution in, in China all over again.
Dan (02:21:17.000)
Sure. But be that as it may, whenever he wants to, like, come up and demonize or Taiwan doesn't ever fucking wrestle with the fact
Jordan (02:21:25.000)
Mike Flynn was paid by them to lobby on their behalf. Yeah, that Mike Flynn has registered as a foreign agent for Turkey.
Dan (02:21:33.000)
And he constantly with him, and his son would retweet Infowars links. And I have no doubt in my mind that the two of them have spoken before.
Jordan (02:21:44.000)
I don't know. I don't know that. I just know. I mean, that star fucker thing, though,
Dan (02:21:49.000)
but based on based on comments that he's made in the past. They've spoken. He's made sort of indications that yeah, that he's gotten information from Flynn. That's
Jordan (02:21:59.000)
Oh, from Flynn, not from Erdogan himself. Yeah. I thought you were talking about arowana himself.
Dan (02:22:05.000)
I see no connection between Alex and I
Jordan (02:22:07.000)
don't. There's no way that Alex won't make fun of murder ones accent
Dan (02:22:12.000)
No, no. I I'm shocked that he doesn't make fun of how Sebastian Gorka talk. I mean, he doesn't even fucking know or to one's name. He might not even know Dan, you might not even know who Sebastian Gorka is. He's never brought you mean
Jordan (02:22:24.000)
a literal Nazi? Yeah. Do you mean we have a literal Nazi?
Dan (02:22:28.000)
Oh, did you hear about his doctoral thesis? Hmm. So I was reading up on that on foreign policy a few weeks back about how his doctoral thesis is very unacademic globalist, he cites Wikipedia and a couple other like really unscholarly sources. It came out recently that he defended his doctoral thesis in front of not a doctoral committee.
Jordan (02:22:49.000)
He may not actually have a doctorate he it sounds like he doesn't have a diet might be a fake degree. It sounds like he got a mailorder Docker doctorate
Dan (02:22:58.000)
and he's an author. He's a Nazi. He's
Jordan (02:22:59.000)
a literal Nazi. You know that rule of like the when you bring up Hitler the internet rule? Yeah, he's an actual Nazi. Like he's a literal.
Dan (02:23:09.000)
He was part of an order. Nazi that was that was they swore allegiance to Yeah, the Nazi government has a Nazi working in the in the national security.
Jordan (02:23:20.000)
And this isn't like 1944 Whenever we had our Nazis develop science for us. This is like, hey, you know what genocide you guys should commit?
Dan (02:23:31.000)
Yeah, this isn't this isn't like Wernher von Braun coming over because he knows a lot about rockets. No, no, this is just an asshole. This is just a Nazi. Yeah, here. Here's what's great about it. We're flippantly talking about it. We're not furious. That's how fucked up the world
Jordan (02:23:45.000)
and what are we gonna do like at this? Like I told you about this before we started recording, I had a dream last night that was about the coming nuclear war. Or you know, J It was just a dumb thing at the end and and it was very much like it was at that moment where we know the we know the the missiles are coming and they're about to hit
Dan (02:24:07.000)
it's like that you're gonna play in the you know, it's going down right.
Jordan (02:24:11.000)
And with with nuclear missiles, in this particular instance, you would have time like they would report it few minutes. These are the missiles coming and it's more time than you would think it takes it takes a while. Like it takes a half hour.
Dan (02:24:26.000)
The response time is a few minutes, but then the actual like delivery time is Yeah, exactly. Or they wouldn't tell us.
Jordan (02:24:33.000)
You don't think so? No. Oh, why but the point was the point that I'm making there is as as scary as that dream was to wake up from there was definitely a lot of relief in that dream when you woke up. Yeah, like, well, at least it's finally fucking over. Yeah, like waking up now knowing that it's probably coming.
Dan (02:24:54.000)
I mean, we've compared it a couple times to like, just basically edge play, right? was like, just let me come already. Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (02:25:02.000)
Oh, and the thing about that, that kind of fear is my my instinct, of course is to take that like, No, we're not going to destroy the world. But the more you read about the Cold War, we came three times we came minutes away from an
Dan (02:25:21.000)
actual nuclear war. And what stopped was largely an accident. Yeah,
Jordan (02:25:26.000)
it was largely what it was largely like a few dudes go and like, Come on, guys. Let's not do this yet.
Dan (02:25:32.000)
Well, there were there were like false alarms. Yeah, that, that, like the Russians thought that missiles had been launched.
Jordan (02:25:39.000)
And they they and there was a guy who, who was sent to Siberia for being the guy who defied the Russian government
Dan (02:25:49.000)
and saved the world
Jordan (02:25:50.000)
he did. Personally. Yeah, one man saved the world and got time to Siberia. Exactly. Because you could never reveal the one man save the world. Right? So it is it is that kind of thing where you're like, well, this fear is irrational. But I find it to be super rational, it
Dan (02:26:06.000)
seems on the cusp. Yeah, it really does. Now, Jordan, we have two more clips, two more clips, these are ugly, is a very ugly, and I've saved the worst for last. I didn't save them. It's all in chronological order,
Jordan (02:26:18.000)
as you always love to do well, but it's just in the order, right? No, I understand. I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying that you are the bane of my existence.
Dan (02:26:27.000)
It turns out that Alex Jones just saved the worst for life. So in this
Jordan (02:26:31.000)
first clip, he doesn't have to defend himself at all,
Dan (02:26:35.000)
because these are so bad. I want to say let's neither of us talk over them. This first one. He talks about how he's going to act in this court case, and he talks about, basically, he hopes that the Iowa jury or the Idaho jury is as racist as he is.
Unknown Speaker (02:26:55.000)
And then he got a bad, not a bad hope. And then he
Dan (02:26:59.000)
just gets into what I would describe as just straight up literal racist threats. Okay, so here's
Jordan (02:27:05.000)
that mic down.
Alex Jones (02:27:07.000)
Yeah, you wait till the auto jury brother sits there and sees all this and knows all this. Well matter half of work at your damn plant. Thank you gots to
Dan (02:27:18.000)
I'm just gonna pause it there really quick, because when he says all when they see all this, it's referencing a bunch of Breitbart articles that he had shown before that just to get just to give it some context. It's all propaganda shit. Wait till the jury sees this. That would be fucking not admissible in court. But then he implies all your employees hate you anyway. Right? Which is petty and probably not true. He treats his employees. Yeah, incredibly well,
Jordan (02:27:43.000)
I would really hope it's not true. I would hope I would hope racism doesn't trump having a steady comfortable life. Yeah, that works for you. Yeah.
Alex Jones (02:27:52.000)
I hate your thuggery. They hate your bullying. They hate your Islamification. They hate your genital mutilation. They hate everything Islam does, and until you denounce it, and you try to bring that here, it's on all Muslims heads. But none of you will decry what you're involved in, will you Where are you? That's pathetic.
Jordan (02:28:12.000)
There are so many people who decry that trip many, so many,
Dan (02:28:17.000)
many do you know this goes down to like, Alex, not knowing that people are decrying these things. And there are a bunch of incredibly awesome, wonderful people who happen to be Muslims. It's not because they don't exist. It's because he doesn't try to find them. Right? He it's just something he doesn't know about. He tries so hard not to find exactly. It's it's this idea that like, all of the information that I present on this show, all of the all of the facts about the Idaho situation, the tuberculosis outbreaks, all this stuff, isn't information that's unaccessible. To him, it's like he doesn't want to engage with the fact that he has in the past said that Sandy Hook was fake, it was all actors, isn't information, he doesn't know it's information. He can't know Rosie has to stop doing what he's doing.
Jordan (02:29:09.000)
It's information that I would suspect his people, either purposefully or just implicitly keep away from him.
Dan (02:29:19.000)
Right. And what's unfortunate is if you don't know that information, which is reality, what you end up doing is what he just did, which is brutal hatred of all Muslims, right, based on a lie
Jordan (02:29:33.000)
well, and and this is the this is the other thing that we we talked about earlier about being about that like idealized version of the of America. That idealized version of America is one thing that I aise that does exist is the way that so many different immigrants come from so many different places with so many different beliefs. And eventually what happens is, we all see ourselves as Americans. And so a lot of that a lot of that like, cultural shit from way back when that like the like the genital mutilation. So many Muslims in America fucking despise that shit sure, because they're Americans. And part of our values are, hey, don't fucking cut up girls sure, like that kind of a thing. So
Dan (02:30:36.000)
maybe that's a lot of the reason why they gravitated here in the first place. Exactly. That's why they
Jordan (02:30:41.000)
and and refugees, and how have we like, like, how is it that we've become allies with Germany and Japan after World War Two? It wasn't by demonizing these people. It was by saying, Look, these are, this is who we are. Try this
Dan (02:31:01.000)
shit out. Well, it's 100% more complicated
Jordan (02:31:04.000)
than that. It's 100% more complicated than that. But But But what I'm saying is that our our, our values, the the idealized American values are far more effective in combating terrorism and combating all of these enemy situations. Then fucking bombs are you know what you bombs are only creating more terrorists.
Dan (02:31:26.000)
You just fucking did. What did I do? You just mirrored Alex Jones? Because he makes the argument that Americana is the best system. It's the best system. It's
Jordan (02:31:36.000)
not the best system. It's
Dan (02:31:38.000)
the sexiest system. Everybody loves it.
Jordan (02:31:41.000)
The idealized
Dan (02:31:43.000)
system that's Americana.
Jordan (02:31:47.000)
Not to him know,
Dan (02:31:48.000)
we have different definitions.
Jordan (02:31:50.000)
We have very different definitions.
Dan (02:31:52.000)
It's not important. Now. I agree with you.
Jordan (02:31:56.000)
They in regards to my idealized version of what the idealized version
Dan (02:32:00.000)
of Yeah, yeah. But also fictionalized aspirational versions of freedom and tolerance, and those sorts of things exact are way more effective than bombs. I agree with that. 100% we're gonna get to this last clip. Okay. I think it's a couple of minutes long. But it's worth it for the roller coaster ride that it will take you on. Okay. It is disgusting.
Jordan (02:32:23.000)
Are we listening to it and then in its entirety with no inner interruptions?
Dan (02:32:28.000)
Possibly. I might pause it at one point. I
Jordan (02:32:31.000)
don't know. We'll find out.
Dan (02:32:33.000)
It is disgusting. And I can't stress that enough. This is ugly. Okay, I hate it. Okay, and I hate Alex for saying these things. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:32:45.000)
Here's the deal. This shirt. No at all. Maybe you don't know what Islam is all about. So you come out and decry it.
Dan (02:32:52.000)
He's talking directly to the will
Jordan (02:32:56.000)
Yeah, I picked up on so Mr.
Dan (02:32:58.000)
Know It All you don't know what Islam is all about? Oh, it all fucking fuck you. I think he might be a driving
Alex Jones (02:33:06.000)
force. See, you're not. And you want to sit her and try to intimidate us and shut us up from reporting this. And that's not ever going to happen. Now to the viewers. You want us to fight globalism, the sort of the New World Order Islam. You want us to stand up for freedom. He wants to promote sovereignty we're doing. And I'm very honored to be under attack by all these people. But I'm here to tell you, if you want to support the broadcasts, go to infowar And buy those products that great nutraceuticals great supplements. Great non GMO heirloom seeds, great water filtration, great patriot apparel to meet like minded people, great books and films 1000s of read 100% off on visits to knowledge whatever you do, spread the link spread the articles spread outward and say this is the site. This is what the globalist don't want you to see. Because we are so effective. They know we got Trump elected. They know you got Trump elected. They know nationalism, racism got Trump elected races, and global isms alliance with Islam will be their final fall. But you look at this guy that owns Chobani coming from nowhere hooked in with George Soros, the UN involved in this whole program, which the UN admits it's meant to end Western civilization. And you understand it's part of a large globalist operation which we are standing against. And that's why they're trying to shut us down. So if you're not supporting us, if you're not praying for us, if you're not spreading the word, about Infowars you're doing to your own detriment. We have products and they are hoping that you just see us as out there fighting for you and don't realize you're fighting with us. They're hoping you don't take action. Because if you spread the word and spread our articles and videos and get past the censors and the bots and if you buy our products, nothing can stop. We will defeat these people. This is my fight. This is your fight. This is our fight against a bye bunch of authoritarian globalist third world populations allied with the global elite who are totally cold blooded. This is world war three, its economic, its cultural, and we will win it. And in closing do this is a spiritual battle all of us as imperfect as we are need to hit our knees before the Son of God, Jesus Christ and ask that he give us guidance, and that he intercede with the Father, to give us the will, and the determination and the judgment, to lead guide and direct us with the discernment it takes to break the purely wicked and foul spirited system of globalism, Islam and modern liberalism that is all combined as a trifecta of evil against us. But our trifecta is much stronger. You won't find it in the globalist churches, you'll find it your heart and soul, and your communion with God, in that quiet place the most high that we have the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and we are unstoppable. But this is the epic fight. And we are standing against the Islamist economic takeover and all their bully. And if you breathe air into our sails, and financially support us, and spread our links and articles and pray for us, we are unstoppable. Because you are unstoppable because our God, the God of liberty and justice and freedom and life. He is the true God and will cross the satanic god of Islam. Why Wow,
Jordan (02:36:32.000)
cross the satanic, satanic or crushed the
Dan (02:36:36.000)
satanic god of Islam.
Jordan (02:36:38.000)
I just kept Sorry, I just kept thinking, What would Jesus do? They wouldn't Jesus would have bought some bone broth Sure, then torn himself up off that cross and kick some Roman. So by Broan broth, pray for us pray for Infowars we will fight against Islamic terrorism with evil gods in the matter that Jesus would have also Chobani Yogurt is
Dan (02:37:06.000)
not good. Jesus would have turned one cent serving a bone broth into six. You would offend the masses of bone broth and brain force
Jordan (02:37:16.000)
and 2000 pills of ultra Male Vitality.
Dan (02:37:20.000)
So that was a pathetic exploitation of religion in one of the things that makes it all the more pathetic is that he's arguing that a certain group is using Islam as a weapon. And he is in the act of using Islam or excuse me using Christianity as a promotional tool. Yeah, he doesn't mean any of this.
Jordan (02:37:43.000)
There is no if you are a believer in literally any religion, and you are sharing this, you don't really believe in any of that religion,
Dan (02:37:53.000)
you should engage with texts
Jordan (02:37:55.000)
every every possible religious text aspires to morality. Right. And this is immoral. Yeah. Like there's no there's no other dividing line here. That's what that is.
Dan (02:38:12.000)
There's another problem they never really addressed I don't think and that is that we talked about the Judeo Christian tradition. You could just that's the label.
Jordan (02:38:20.000)
I don't I don't like hearing that Judeo part as long as a part of it. Nope. Do not agree. As long as a part of that. No, as we all know, Islam doesn't believe that Jesus Christ existed. No, they do now never referencing Absolutely. He was definitely not a prophet. Nope, nope, definitely not that Jesus character
Dan (02:38:39.000)
they hate him even a lot of Eastern religions recognize Jesus as a prophet.
Jordan (02:38:43.000)
Well, I mean a lot of he's he's basically he's a he's a bodhisattva
Dan (02:38:48.000)
was a real cool dude. Yeah, but here's what he
Unknown Speaker (02:38:51.000)
said was actually pretty great.
Dan (02:38:54.000)
Not Alex Jesus both so that last clip I just feel like we're a little bit burnt out on his hate so we're not responding I
Jordan (02:39:05.000)
don't know I don't know. Like I'm I'm after this entire episode, as as much as you build that clip up. That is just part and parcel of like, that's a slight amplification. Like like on your iTunes you click the volume up one time and that's his racism.
Dan (02:39:24.000)
I kind of disagree but just because of how passionately like exploiting of Christianity It was, yeah. Monstrous and then going out to break like ending the report on saying Our God is the true God. Right and it will crush the satanic god of Islam. But hold on. Yeah, right before that, saying if you give us money, we will do this. That's all so overt. It's so clear that he's a con artist. Insane. He's a con artist who's being sued, because he didn't understand fucking libel. slander law, right? And he's begging his audience to please give me a bunch of money so I can sustain this. I'm about to take a huge fan.
Jordan (02:40:07.000)
It's, it's a god. It's crazy. How does a guy like this become what he is? It's poor. Because a guy like this, who is the subject of multiple lawsuits, who is using Christianity in an exploitative way, who is conning people and getting them to vote against their own interests? Oh, guy like this could never become president. No. Oops, that would be crazy.
Dan (02:40:36.000)
Alex 2020
Jordan (02:40:38.000)
Oh, holy shit. That's, that's as likely as fucking anything. Holy shit. That is as likely as fucking anything. Yeah, he loses his fucking radio show. Whoa, and runs for fucking Congress.
Dan (02:40:52.000)
If he has 45 million weekly listeners. That's a big built in fan base. Right? How many votes did fucking Hillary get 30 million? No, I don't know.
Jordan (02:41:02.000)
No way more than that. Oh, no numbers. Let's just go with five. All right, 5 million, 10 million 100 million.
Dan (02:41:10.000)
So anyway, I think when we've come to, I would like to submit by saying that Alex Jones has shown his cards. He's really, really angry at Islam, but doesn't really understand the religion. He has a bunch of bad facts.
Jordan (02:41:26.000)
Either he's really angry at Islam or he knows his listenership. His listeners are really angry to Islam. And so he's exploiting that to get as much money as he can.
Dan (02:41:37.000)
It kind of feels real, though. I think I think there's gonna be some bigotry on his part. That is sincere. But you're right. It could all just be advantageous. It's possible.
Jordan (02:41:48.000)
I mean, he, like he does. He does hate Muslims. We've established that right. But how much how much does he hate him this much? Probably not. It's great. He just he just me just needs a money, man. Yeah, so he's got some custody battles. He's got some lawsuits to go for us. And he's got future lawsuits that are fucking comments. So
Dan (02:42:09.000)
that's conclusion number one is that he hates Muslims in some way. Yes. Whether it's extreme or advantageous? Yeah, up in the air. Whether
Jordan (02:42:18.000)
it's moderate or 1,000% second
Dan (02:42:21.000)
conclusion. Yes. homme de hula Kaya, cuz
Unknown Speaker (02:42:25.000)
he's like a good did
Dan (02:42:26.000)
is awesome.
Jordan (02:42:28.000)
Yeah. Do other billionaires kind of do what he's doing? Sure.
Dan (02:42:31.000)
It seems pretty good. I'm not saying he has a perfect record. I'm sure there's some bad shit you can dig up in his past. That's the same with any human in the world. But he's killing it. So far. Seems like it's doing great. And he's going to win this lawsuit by a million. Which brings me to my third point. Alex Jones is completely fucked. He has no case. He's laid it out over the course of an hour. The only things he has are he's a part of the Federal Reserve. He's not he's connected with George Soros. Yes. They're both glad they were in the same room one time they have a picture on Twitter. Great. Perfect evidence, please introduce that into court. And yeah, see how quick the judge goes down.
Jordan (02:43:11.000)
Yeah, go to town.
Dan (02:43:13.000)
It's flimsy as fuck. Alex is going to lose this case. But I'd like to remind you
Alex Jones (02:43:19.000)
on this I will stand I will win.
Dan (02:43:23.000)
Alex Good luck.
Jordan (02:43:24.000)
I think I think the ultimate summation of this episode really is we should start looking for another right wing propagandist and
Dan (02:43:31.000)
fighting I've told you we gotta
Jordan (02:43:35.000)
we're gonna we're gonna need to move here. Sounds really different focus here real soon, fucking.
Dan (02:43:39.000)
We could do any of these episodes about? Okay, he's as hateful All right, it would be
Jordan (02:43:46.000)
really all right. Good. I'm glad that there's no end to right wing propaganda. It'd be terrible if that was true.
Dan (02:43:52.000)
Seems like hateful white people have an on exhaustible supply of anger at minorities.
Jordan (02:43:57.000)
Strange. It's almost like our entire country was founded upon it
Dan (02:44:01.000)
almost. And it's almost like our society has gone in the direction of recognizing that and trying to work towards equity. And the people who can't get on board with it are really threatened by it.
Unknown Speaker (02:44:13.000)
And they're really rich. Yep. Yeah.
Dan (02:44:15.000)
Anyway, guys,
Jordan (02:44:18.000)
ladies and gentlemen, let me ask you a question.
Dan (02:44:20.000)
Alex is gonna get sued hard. Are you just want to say that again. It's very exciting from Are you
Jordan (02:44:28.000)
looking to fight, find out more information about us. And when we release things,
Dan (02:44:36.000)
you can do that at knowledge. You can
Jordan (02:44:39.000)
do that there. You can also follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. Correct. If you wanted to listen to this podcast, you could go to the website. Sure. You could also go to iTunes. Yep. You could search knowledge right. And you could subscribe to our website.
Dan (02:44:55.000)
You can leave a review. Yeah, got some nice reviews lately. Got a couple of Nice emails from Andy from California. Big shout out to you Andy. It's awesome. I'm really thrilled that people are getting on board love it. Thank you all to everyone who has donated all people who have donated in the past who are not yet inducted into the
Jordan (02:45:17.000)
oh you will you will be policy will be but so soon, but
Dan (02:45:21.000)
as long as new people keep donating, you're gonna get pushed.
Jordan (02:45:25.000)
Oh no. And I was warning your longtime fan.
Dan (02:45:29.000)
Absolutely not. Oh.
Unknown Speaker (02:45:31.000)
But I was terrible at this.
Jordan (02:45:33.000)
I will say this and you're no Hamdi. I'll tell you that right now. I
Dan (02:45:36.000)
will say this. Yeah, the people who have been waiting for the longest, it'll be that much sweeter when it finally comes. You're a bad con. This is all about delayed gratification.
Jordan (02:45:47.000)
We're edging we're edging. Yeah, that's really what's going
Dan (02:45:49.000)
to be fair those people donated before there was a policy wonk title. You should not
Jordan (02:45:54.000)
leave this in.
Dan (02:45:58.000)
This has been not that fun. I mean, it's been fun, but like I hate this. I really sincerely hate this. I'm glad Alex is getting sued. You deserve it. You straight up deserve it. You slandered a man who didn't deserve it. You based most of your points on lies and hate this and cruelty. This is legitimately just Case in point chickens coming home to roost. Yeah, you thought no one would notice you've been getting away with it for so long. Just saying whatever you want. And a guy has stepped up and said No, fuck, I'm not gonna put up with this. Yep. And now you're somebody
Jordan (02:46:35.000)
said, we're not going to take it much like no, we're not going to take it Schneider.
Dan (02:46:39.000)
You are suffering the consequences. And you don't deserve anyone to come to your help. Because you suck.
Jordan (02:46:47.000)
Every single thing you have coming to you. You deserve it.
Unknown Speaker (02:46:52.000)
Dan (02:46:54.000)
now this is a fucked up thought. Oh, God. I I wonder if they'll play this video in your custody here?
Unknown Speaker (02:47:03.000)
Because it seems like
Jordan (02:47:05.000)
why are they like we said this before just play every video every day. If I were adjust what he said on the way here.
Dan (02:47:14.000)
If I were a judge, and I heard this, like he recorded this yesterday. Yeah, in the middle of it. He talks about how he's not fake. He's not an actor. He's not a performance artist. And then misaligned Muslims lies says that he's not fake news, but delivers fake news while saying that Yep, says that the Islamic god is satanic. Yep. incites people to violence, basically. Yep. I don't understand why you would do that. It doesn't make sense to me. Because he's losing his mind. It's possible. Anyway. Get help, Alex. Until next time,
Jordan (02:47:52.000)
let me ask you a question. I'm sure all of after all of this work that we've done today, after all of this wading through this bullshit after all of this, this just struggle that we have been under Yeah, what would you call us?
Dan (02:48:08.000)
I know that I have donated to this show, through my research, and I think that that makes me a policy's
Unknown Speaker (02:48:15.000)
a ballsy walk. Andy
Alex Jones (02:48:17.000)
in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.