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Latest revision as of 23:11, 1 March 2025

Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:13.000)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating
Unknown Speaker (00:00:18.000), it's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.000)
I have great respect for knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:24.000)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys
Unknown Speaker (00:00:27.000)
saying we are the bad guys, knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.000)
Dan and Jordan, knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.000)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.000)
I need, I need money
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.000)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.000)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and, Andy and
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.000)
Stop it, Andy and, Andy and Kansas
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.000)
Andy, Andy, it's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.000)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding us
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.000)
Hello Alex, I'm a system caller, I'm a huge fan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.000)
I love your world
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.000)
I love you
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.000)
I'm Jordan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.000)
We're a couple dudes, like to sit around drink novelty beverages
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.000)
and talk a little bit about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.000)
Indeed we are Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.000)
Have you ever been trapped in a snowstorm?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.000)
Yeah, yeah, actually I have a couple times in my life
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.000)
Yeah, like, like trapped outside, not like trapped in your apartment
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.000)
by a lot of storm
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.000)
No, I've been snowed in before a couple times
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.000)
You've been snowed in, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.000)
And here I think, yeah, I mean like snowpocalypse
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.000)
Right, right, right, I recall
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.000)
I was in Chicago for that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:27.000)
Right, we were all there for snowpocalypse
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.000)
There was one time there was a really terrible blizzard
Unknown Speaker (00:01:32.000)
a number of years back
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.000)
and I was like real fucking in the dumps
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.000)
I wanted to get out of the house
Unknown Speaker (00:01:39.000)
and my good buddy Nate Burrows
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.000)
he worked at a bar called, I believe it was Dukes
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.000)
was the bar that he was working at at the time
Unknown Speaker (00:01:47.000)
and, you know, it's like everyone snowed in
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.000)
he's at the bar, all of the buddies are going over there
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.000)
to just drink
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.000)
Hell yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.000)
You get snowed in at a bar, it's perfect
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.000)
That's the best place to be snowed in at
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.000)
I feel like it was the day of the Super Bowl too
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:01.000)
I think it might be mixing up some memories
Unknown Speaker (00:02:04.000)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.000)
He's like, come on, come to the bar, it'll be great
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.000)
and so I'm like, yeah, that's it, I'll get stuck there
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.000)
That's better than being stuck in my stupid apartment
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.000)
That'll solve problems
Unknown Speaker (00:02:14.000)
and so I took like five steps outside
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.000)
and I'm like, no fucking way
Unknown Speaker (00:02:18.000)
I made it like, eh, nah
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.000)
There's my back inside and I don't know, watched YouTube
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.000)
Yeah, watched Alex Jones clubs
Unknown Speaker (00:02:26.000)
No, it was pre-that
Unknown Speaker (00:02:27.000)
But yeah, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:02:29.000)
I don't mind the idea of getting snowed in
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.000)
You're mentioning this because we're having our first
Unknown Speaker (00:02:34.000)
real snow of the season here in the Chicago land area
Unknown Speaker (00:02:38.000)
Indeed we are, the kind where the
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.000)
It's pretty gorgeous out
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.000)
It is, it is
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.000)
The leaves haven't fallen off though
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.000)
so all the trees that were like 20 feet tall
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.000)
are now five feet tall
Unknown Speaker (00:02:47.000)
There's a nice view out my window
Unknown Speaker (00:02:49.000)
just a tree covered in snow
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.000)
It's very idyllic
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.000)
It is
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.000)
Looks like a tea box
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.000)
A box of tea bags
Unknown Speaker (00:02:57.000)
Just some sort of celestial seasonings ass tableau
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.000)
out the window
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.000)
It looks to me a little bit like
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.000)
there should be teenagers throwing snowballs out there
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.000)
before they go fighting World War I
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.000)
Like it's that kind of old timey snow
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.000)
Yeah, I was out, I met up with a friend last night
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.000)
for a drink and I got an Uber
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.000)
because I was running late
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.000)
Lyft, excuse me
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.000)
And the guy was talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.000)
Dare not speak its name
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.000)
The guy was telling me about how it's going to snow tomorrow
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.000)
and I realized I'm so out of touch with weather
Unknown Speaker (00:03:29.000)
and the world
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.000)
You were like, what are these millennials talking about weather with?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.000)
I hadn't heard that that was happening
Unknown Speaker (00:03:37.000)
and I realized almost immediately
Unknown Speaker (00:03:39.000)
who cares
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.000)
I could snow an inch, it could snow a foot
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.000)
I don't give a shit
Unknown Speaker (00:03:45.000)
It does not affect me at all
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.000)
I work from home
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.000)
I have some food in my house
Unknown Speaker (00:03:49.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:03:50.000)
It's very strange, very strange
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.000)
Anyway, I don't have to be concerned about snow that much
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.000)
given my normal lifestyle now
Unknown Speaker (00:03:56.000)
but I do have to be concerned about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:03:59.000)
Yeah, and I guess I have to be concerned about both
Unknown Speaker (00:04:01.000)
Yeah, a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.000)
So Jordan, today we got an interesting glimpse
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.000)
looking into the present day of Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:04:07.000)
Let's do it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:08.000)
because we have been talking about time travelers
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.000)
in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:04:12.000)
time traveling ourselves this week
Unknown Speaker (00:04:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.000)
and we've not checked in on what Alex's dumb ass is up to
Unknown Speaker (00:04:20.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.000)
I assume he's protecting Deadspin writers
Unknown Speaker (00:04:24.000)
That's all he's doing, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:25.000)
Free speech
Unknown Speaker (00:04:26.000)
Yeah, free speech, that's what it's about
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.000)
Curiously absent
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.000)
You're odd
Unknown Speaker (00:04:30.000)
That is odd
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.000)
His coverage
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.000)
Doesn't seem to care at all
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.000)
We're going over October 30th, 2019
Unknown Speaker (00:04:36.000)
I wanted to cover a wider span of time
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.000)
but it's just not possible given some of the things
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.000)
and I'll talk about that a little bit here in a moment
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.000)
but before we get to that
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.000)
I've got to take a moment, Jordan, to say thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.000)
to the people who have signed up and are supporting the show
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.000)
So first, Jim, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.000)
Thanks, Jim
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.000)
Next, Chris B, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.000)
Thank you so much, Chris B
Unknown Speaker (00:04:59.000)
Hey, join the conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.000)
Next, Chris W, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:06.000)
Thanks, Chris W
Unknown Speaker (00:05:07.000)
This conspiracy of Chris is getting ridiculous
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.000)
It is getting out of control
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.000)
We are full up on Chrises
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.000)
How many Chrises are there?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:13.000)
There are plenty and they're all loving the show
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.000)
We appreciate it, Chris
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.000)
All of you Chrises
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.000)
All the Chrises
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.000)
Next, Bart, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.000)
Thank you, Bart
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.000)
Next, Kelly, with an I
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.000)
Dot that I with a heart, baby
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.000)
Thank you so much, Kelly
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:31.000)
Thank you, Kelly
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.000)
Next, William, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:33.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.000)
Thank you, William
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:38.000)
Hey, you don't know if he's a Billy
Unknown Speaker (00:05:39.000)
Next, Anthony, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.000)
Thank you, Anthony
Unknown Speaker (00:05:44.000)
Fingers crossed, it's Scaramucci
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.000)
No, it's not Scaramucci
Unknown Speaker (00:05:47.000)
We said some positive things about him
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.000)
In private, he goes by Tony
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.000)
And finally, Stanley, thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.000)
You are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:54.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.000)
Thank you, Stanley
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.000)
If you're out there listening and you're thinking
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.000)
Hey, I enjoy this show
Unknown Speaker (00:05:59.000)
I'd like to support the show
Unknown Speaker (00:06:00.000)
What these guys do
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.000)
You can support it by going to our website
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:04.000)
There's a button that says support the show
Unknown Speaker (00:06:05.000)
We would appreciate it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:06.000)
We would love it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.000)
So, Jordan, like I said
Unknown Speaker (00:06:08.000)
We're doing the 30th here today
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.000)
And that's Wednesday of this week
Unknown Speaker (00:06:11.000)
So, on the 29th, Alex is going on
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.000)
about just trying to, like, basically
Unknown Speaker (00:06:16.000)
get a satanic panic going
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.000)
And I thought about covering that
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.000)
And I looked into a lot of that stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.000)
And what I realized is that we've talked about
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.000)
a lot of that already
Unknown Speaker (00:06:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.000)
It's very the same thing
Unknown Speaker (00:06:28.000)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:06:29.000)
That we've talked about over and over and over and over again
Unknown Speaker (00:06:32.000)
And so, as much as I think it's important
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.000)
to keep an eye on that stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.000)
The way that he's, you know, increasingly
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.000)
and consistently calling his enemies
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.000)
devils and demons
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.000)
Right, right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.000)
Harkening back to the same things that happened
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.000)
in the early to mid 80s with, like, the
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.000)
McMartin's pre-school case
Unknown Speaker (00:06:49.000)
You know, these things that we should have learned
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.000)
our lesson about in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:06:52.000)
Which we never, ever, ever, ever will
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.000)
We have not
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.000)
But his rhetoric and all this stuff is very the same
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.000)
I think it's important to make a note of it
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.000)
That this is a lot of the stuff he's doing
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.000)
But I don't know how important it is to really
Unknown Speaker (00:07:05.000)
like, dwell in it repeatedly
Unknown Speaker (00:07:07.000)
I mean, I think I can sum it up
Unknown Speaker (00:07:09.000)
usually with just
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.000)
Hey, you know those marginalized groups?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.000)
Not only should they remain marginalized
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.000)
but it's their fault they're marginalized
Unknown Speaker (00:07:17.000)
And we should marginalize them further
Unknown Speaker (00:07:19.000)
And they're Satan
Unknown Speaker (00:07:20.000)
Yes, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.000)
So that's kind of what's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.000)
on the 29th
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.000)
And I'm keeping an eye on it
Unknown Speaker (00:07:26.000)
And as it develops, if there's a change
Unknown Speaker (00:07:28.000)
and an escalation that I see
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.000)
I still think it's worthwhile to point out
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.000)
But I believe that the 30th
Unknown Speaker (00:07:34.000)
is actually far more relevant
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.000)
to trends that we are seeing
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.000)
in Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (00:07:40.000)
that are much scarier
Unknown Speaker (00:07:42.000)
And so what we get
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.000)
over the course of this episode is
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.000)
some pretty, pretty fucked up
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.000)
white nationalism
Unknown Speaker (00:07:50.000)
Sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:07:52.000)
Which is not too surprising
Unknown Speaker (00:07:54.000)
It's just us in the room now, guys
Unknown Speaker (00:07:56.000)
It's just you and us, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:07:58.000)
You see some things happening on this episode
Unknown Speaker (00:08:00.000)
that I think are exactly what
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.000)
you'd predict would happen on Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (00:08:04.000)
Exactly the direction he's been going in for a while
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.000)
But you still really
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.000)
don't like to see it happening
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.000)
So we're gonna start here in this first clip
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.000)
And Alex is talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:08:14.000)
He's addressing these new clips
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.000)
that have come out of Barack Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.000)
saying that, hey, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:08:20.000)
wokeness isn't advocacy
Unknown Speaker (00:08:22.000)
Oh boy, here we go
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.000)
No, no, no, he barely talks about that
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.000)
Oh, okay, I'm sorry, never mind, you're right
Unknown Speaker (00:08:28.000)
I should've assumed that it would be
Unknown Speaker (00:08:30.000)
completely different
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.000)
Because there's also a clip of Michelle Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.000)
that's come out that he can attack
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.000)
Which you would much rather do
Unknown Speaker (00:08:38.000)
Always attack a black woman over anyone else
Unknown Speaker (00:08:40.000)
That is the rule of the right
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.000)
So here is the first clip about that
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.000)
talking about these clips
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.000)
from the Obamas
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.000)
Any stuff you've ever heard
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.000)
Sure, sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.000)
Michelle Obama talking about families
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.000)
being the same, whether they're immigrants
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.000)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.000)
Very KKK language
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.000)
Black KKK shit
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:32.000)
Is he talking about the one where she's like
Unknown Speaker (00:09:34.000)
white people moved away from black people
Unknown Speaker (00:09:36.000)
Because that was literally
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.000)
white people moved away from black people
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.000)
and then they made it against the law
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.000)
to move closer to them
Unknown Speaker (00:09:44.000)
So you talk about self-segregation
Unknown Speaker (00:09:46.000)
and the phenomenon that happens
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.000)
It's not unique to white people
Unknown Speaker (00:09:50.000)
No, no, no, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:09:52.000)
But on a macro scale in terms of the way that society
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.000)
and cities have readjusted
Unknown Speaker (00:09:56.000)
a lot of it is white flags
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.000)
Oh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.000)
But, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.000)
saying that the countries
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.000)
are founded by white people
Unknown Speaker (00:10:06.000)
is a little disingenuous
Unknown Speaker (00:10:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:10.000)
Well, because white always has been
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.000)
an exclusionary label
Unknown Speaker (00:10:14.000)
The idea of whiteness has always been used
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.000)
to keep people out, and the ways that
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.000)
that label was applied in, let's say
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.000)
the late 1700s
Unknown Speaker (00:10:22.000)
is certainly different than it is today
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:26.000)
Concepts of whiteness have evolved as they are
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.000)
more or less useful to the people
Unknown Speaker (00:10:30.000)
wielding those ideas
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.000)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:10:34.000)
So it's kind of silly to say that
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.000)
these countries were founded by white people
Unknown Speaker (00:10:38.000)
Define your terms
Unknown Speaker (00:10:40.000)
White people are Catholic white people
Unknown Speaker (00:10:42.000)
because they used to kill each other all the time
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.000)
Were they founded by the Irish or were they founded by the
Unknown Speaker (00:10:46.000)
Italians because they used to kill each other all the time
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.000)
And they certainly weren't considered white
Unknown Speaker (00:10:50.000)
at even later periods of
Unknown Speaker (00:10:52.000)
America's history
Unknown Speaker (00:10:54.000)
No, it seems like the white is
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.000)
a term that includes
Unknown Speaker (00:10:58.000)
as the exclusionary group changes
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.000)
Yeah, and whatever you need it to be
Unknown Speaker (00:11:02.000)
that's what it is
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.000)
And so it's always a little bit disingenuous to have these
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.000)
like, everyone wants to get into these countries
Unknown Speaker (00:11:08.000)
by white people
Unknown Speaker (00:11:10.000)
Alright, whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.000)
Anyway, he's mad at Michelle Obama because she's black KKK
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.000)
Sure, sure, sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:11:16.000)
We're no different than the immigrant families that are moving in
Unknown Speaker (00:11:18.000)
the families in Pilsen
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.000)
the families that are coming from other places
Unknown Speaker (00:11:22.000)
to try to do better
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:26.000)
because we can so easily wash over
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.000)
who we really were
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.000)
because of the color of our skin
Unknown Speaker (00:11:32.000)
because of the
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.000)
texture of our hair
Unknown Speaker (00:11:36.000)
You know, that's what divides
Unknown Speaker (00:11:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:39.000)
Artificially as well
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.000)
Artificial things that don't
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.000)
Oh, artificial borders divides countries
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.000)
No, you're bringing leftist men from all over the world
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.000)
with no skills and treating them to hate America
Unknown Speaker (00:11:48.000)
and putting them on welfare to control them
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.000)
That's the truth, Michelle
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.000)
That's what you're pushing is
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.000)
an anti-white, anti-American agenda
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.000)
And everybody knows
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.000)
what you're up to, you evil witch
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.000)
Unbelievable fraud
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.000)
anti-American agenda
Unknown Speaker (00:12:06.000)
Yeah, yep
Unknown Speaker (00:12:07.000)
Interesting phrasing
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.000)
No, I don't see any way that
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.000)
those two being so close together would
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.000)
point to any larger issue, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.000)
It's very overt
Unknown Speaker (00:12:16.000)
I can't understand what you're talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.000)
It's very overt, and what you responded to
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.000)
is very clear too, this clear straw-manning
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.000)
of what she's saying, changing it into
Unknown Speaker (00:12:23.000)
a, oh, borders are
Unknown Speaker (00:12:24.000)
Yeah, shut the fuck up
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.000)
But you see this in the
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.000)
beginning of the episode, and it's
Unknown Speaker (00:12:30.000)
Yeah, that's how we open
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.000)
Yeah, as I was listening to this
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.000)
I was like, oh dear god
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.000)
What is going to happen on this
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.000)
episode? This is
Unknown Speaker (00:12:40.000)
pretty fucked up
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.000)
And it's not even like, it's not even like it's
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.000)
anti-American, anti-white
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.000)
Because that means a whole difference
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.000)
That means very similar things
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.000)
But the fact that it's anti-white, then
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.000)
anti-American is very much like
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.000)
white first, that's what's
Unknown Speaker (00:12:56.000)
important, and then naturally it's anti-American
Unknown Speaker (00:12:58.000)
after that
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.000)
But the thing is that Michelle,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:02.000)
she knows what she's doing
Unknown Speaker (00:13:04.000)
Michelle Obama knows what she's doing
Unknown Speaker (00:13:06.000)
These are some evil, evil
Unknown Speaker (00:13:08.000)
evil, evil, evil people
Unknown Speaker (00:13:10.000)
But if you go back to
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.000)
John D. Rockefeller
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.000)
the first, you go back to Margaret Sanger
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.000)
and Planned Parenthood, their letters
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.000)
the Colgate family
Unknown Speaker (00:13:20.000)
and others are public
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.000)
and major universities
Unknown Speaker (00:13:24.000)
just type in Margaret Sanger's
Unknown Speaker (00:13:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.000)
She was given billions of dollars
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.000)
billions back then
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.000)
that'd be hundreds of billions today
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.000)
So it's not true
Unknown Speaker (00:13:36.000)
To buy off all the black leaders
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.000)
and the black colleges
Unknown Speaker (00:13:40.000)
The Christians had set up, they hijacked them
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.000)
and man, what you see that's been done to the black people
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.000)
is the plan for everybody
Unknown Speaker (00:13:48.000)
So you can look at the mess the black community's in
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.000)
and be threatened by it and be angry at it
Unknown Speaker (00:13:52.000)
and hear the black folks saying racist things to you
Unknown Speaker (00:13:54.000)
because they're brainwashed and get mad at them
Unknown Speaker (00:13:56.000)
but how about we're smart enough
Unknown Speaker (00:13:58.000)
to really know the full game plan
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.000)
and not buy into this race war crap
Unknown Speaker (00:14:02.000)
How about we do that?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:04.000)
Because the whole thing
Unknown Speaker (00:14:06.000)
is a setup
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.000)
You can easily hear this
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.000)
very similar rhetoric being used as
Unknown Speaker (00:14:12.000)
anti-civil rights era
Unknown Speaker (00:14:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.000)
These black people who want
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.000)
to be able to eat at the same counter as
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.000)
me, as whites
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.000)
They're brainwashed
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.000)
We don't know, we're above that kind of
Unknown Speaker (00:14:26.000)
whatever it is they're doing
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.000)
You and I, the whites, we're above that
Unknown Speaker (00:14:30.000)
We're not gonna get down in the dirty
Unknown Speaker (00:14:32.000)
with all the jazz
Unknown Speaker (00:14:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.000)
We've talked about the Margaret Sanger shit in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.000)
a number of times, it's all just
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.000)
horse shit
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.000)
Hundreds of billions of dollars
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.000)
Margaret Sanger with hundreds of billions of dollars
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.000)
But they needed to pay her to come in and
Unknown Speaker (00:14:48.000)
co-opt all this stuff with money
Unknown Speaker (00:14:50.000)
because the good Christian whites
Unknown Speaker (00:14:52.000)
They would not be corruptible like that
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.000)
They'd set up these things to help empower
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.000)
people, but they are all
Unknown Speaker (00:14:58.000)
susceptible to billions of dollars of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.000)
payoff by the evil
Unknown Speaker (00:15:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:04.000)
Margaret Sanger
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.000)
Anyway, Alex starts rambling
Unknown Speaker (00:15:08.000)
some more about how
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.000)
him and his buddies, they have this
Unknown Speaker (00:15:12.000)
supernatural connection with each
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.000)
other, right? And that's what the enemy
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.000)
is jealous of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:18.000)
But once you get the big agenda
Unknown Speaker (00:15:20.000)
Everybody's on the same
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.000)
level because you're seeing the same thing
Unknown Speaker (00:15:24.000)
People say, how does Trump say the same thing you say
Unknown Speaker (00:15:26.000)
like an hour later?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:28.000)
Because I've had the New York Times call up and they've
Unknown Speaker (00:15:30.000)
been going, you tweeted this, five minutes
Unknown Speaker (00:15:32.000)
for a speech, and then he said exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:15:34.000)
what you said he'd say during the speech
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.000)
And I said, we're simpatico
Unknown Speaker (00:15:38.000)
And that globalist looked at me and he just shook his
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.000)
head because they know how stuff works
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.000)
They're mad that
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.000)
we've got a
Unknown Speaker (00:15:46.000)
sixth sense way more powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:15:48.000)
than them, because when you serve evil
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.000)
you lose the gifts God's given you
Unknown Speaker (00:15:52.000)
You get Satan's little twisted gifts, but you lose
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.000)
the literal superpowers
Unknown Speaker (00:15:56.000)
that God's given us
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.000)
So these superpowers are literal
Unknown Speaker (00:16:00.000)
Right, which ones?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:02.000)
Super sixth sense
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.000)
Super sixth sense, alright
Unknown Speaker (00:16:06.000)
So I'll pass on that
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.000)
I'm willingly giving that one up
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.000)
Yeah, I'm not even going to join
Unknown Speaker (00:16:12.000)
Satan, I'm just going to let that one go
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.000)
What next?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.000)
What am I missing out on?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:18.000)
Cuz I don't give a shit if I
Unknown Speaker (00:16:20.000)
can tell you what Trump is going to say
Unknown Speaker (00:16:22.000)
five minutes before he says it
Unknown Speaker (00:16:24.000)
I don't need a sixth sense for that shit
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.000)
I would rather Bruce Willis
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.000)
be dead
Unknown Speaker (00:16:30.000)
I preemptively know dumb things
Unknown Speaker (00:16:32.000)
Oh, I know what a white
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.000)
racist is going to say
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.000)
Um, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:16:38.000)
I mean, if it was telekinesis
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.000)
or flying, I'd take it
Unknown Speaker (00:16:42.000)
I'll believe in any god that lets me fly
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.000)
Predicting, uh,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:46.000)
this sort of bullshit, nah, not great
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.000)
Not worth it But it's interesting, because Alex does
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.000)
believe it's a superpower
Unknown Speaker (00:16:52.000)
He's talking about that in terms of, like, once you
Unknown Speaker (00:16:54.000)
know the big agenda
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.000)
And that's a continuation of his
Unknown Speaker (00:16:58.000)
thoughts about Margaret Sanger
Unknown Speaker (00:17:00.000)
and this eugenics plan that the globalists
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.000)
have, and once you see all that
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.000)
you see it all, then you get
Unknown Speaker (00:17:06.000)
superpowers that God gives you
Unknown Speaker (00:17:08.000)
Right, giving you the ability to talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.000)
demographic replacements
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.000)
slightly before another guy does
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.000)
Great superpowers
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.000)
So, um, then it's like, you know,
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.000)
like, we have these superpowers, and then Satan
Unknown Speaker (00:17:20.000)
gives, like, false superpowers
Unknown Speaker (00:17:22.000)
Oh, like what? But everybody has
Unknown Speaker (00:17:24.000)
gifts, alright?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:26.000)
Ah, man, I wish I was high for this
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.000)
Now, this is really interesting
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.000)
because I would argue that the things that
Unknown Speaker (00:17:32.000)
he's talking about here, none
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.000)
of them are gifts
Unknown Speaker (00:17:36.000)
I'll explain on the other side
Unknown Speaker (00:17:38.000)
The gout! And by the way, we're all
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.000)
created equal in God's eyes, I agree with the Declaration
Unknown Speaker (00:17:42.000)
of Independence, but we're not all equal
Unknown Speaker (00:17:44.000)
in our skills, and what gifts
Unknown Speaker (00:17:46.000)
we were given
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.000)
I don't have the gift of being a long distance runner
Unknown Speaker (00:17:56.000)
But I do
Unknown Speaker (00:17:58.000)
have the gift of fortitude and focus
Unknown Speaker (00:18:00.000)
And the gift that nobody's ever
Unknown Speaker (00:18:02.000)
knocked me out, including getting hit in the head with a
Unknown Speaker (00:18:04.000)
lead pipe, axe handles
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.000)
you name it, that we've all got
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.000)
different gifts, ladies and gentlemen
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.000)
I do not believe
Unknown Speaker (00:18:12.000)
that those are gifts
Unknown Speaker (00:18:14.000)
Also, file that
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.000)
under Alex's head trauma
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.000)
I have the gift of a very
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.000)
thick skull
Unknown Speaker (00:18:22.000)
or just
Unknown Speaker (00:18:24.000)
such a
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.000)
familiarity with
Unknown Speaker (00:18:30.000)
head trauma that it doesn't even
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.000)
bounces off me now
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.000)
I have been acclimated to
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.000)
head abuse
Unknown Speaker (00:18:38.000)
My brain is even smaller than it was
Unknown Speaker (00:18:40.000)
even if you believe
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.000)
what he's saying
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.000)
or true stories, I've been hit with a lead pipe
Unknown Speaker (00:18:46.000)
and I get knocked out, that's not a gift
Unknown Speaker (00:18:48.000)
that's not a gift
Unknown Speaker (00:18:50.000)
also, long distance running
Unknown Speaker (00:18:52.000)
isn't necessarily a gift either
Unknown Speaker (00:18:54.000)
that's something you work on, that's a practice
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.000)
I could get much better
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.000)
at long distance running than I am right now
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.000)
if I applied myself towards it
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.000)
that's not necessarily a gift
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.000)
maybe some people are
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.000)
just by their physical
Unknown Speaker (00:19:08.000)
we all have different bodies
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.000)
that we're born in
Unknown Speaker (00:19:12.000)
and some are maybe more conducive towards
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.000)
running than others
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.000)
but Michael Phelps clearly
Unknown Speaker (00:19:18.000)
has some sort of proportions that make him
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.000)
swim good, whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.000)
he wouldn't swim as well as he does now
Unknown Speaker (00:19:24.000)
if he hadn't trained
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.000)
ah no, he had the gift of swimming
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:32.000)
it's a discounting of the process
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.000)
and just pretending
Unknown Speaker (00:19:36.000)
it's a gift, now the other thing that
Unknown Speaker (00:19:38.000)
I would say about this is Alex does not have
Unknown Speaker (00:19:40.000)
fortitude, nor does he have focus
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.000)
both of those
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.000)
saying focus is infuriating
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.000)
yeah, I would say that those
Unknown Speaker (00:19:48.000)
are maybe his weak suits
Unknown Speaker (00:19:50.000)
the fact that he even said focus
Unknown Speaker (00:19:52.000)
reading's a weak suit, but that requires focus
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.000)
I don't even allow breeding on the list
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.000)
that's too far away
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.000)
I could
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.000)
I would also say
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.000)
that those are practiced behaviors too
Unknown Speaker (00:20:04.000)
like focus is something you can get
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.000)
better at if you apply yourself
Unknown Speaker (00:20:08.000)
you can even take drugs for it
Unknown Speaker (00:20:10.000)
fortitude's another thing
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.000)
having the strength of conviction and will
Unknown Speaker (00:20:14.000)
is something that you can get better at
Unknown Speaker (00:20:16.000)
by making brave decisions
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.000)
I think he's only talking about fortitude
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.000)
in the sense that he can take a blow
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.000)
I think that's mainly his idea
Unknown Speaker (00:20:24.000)
of fortitude
Unknown Speaker (00:20:26.000)
I think it might be based on where he goes with it
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.000)
Max Handel's hitting him in the head
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.000)
he has to have a really good saving throw
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.000)
to make it through that without getting a concussion
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.000)
ridiculous, ridiculous
Unknown Speaker (00:20:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:40.000)
this attack on Michelle Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.000)
unnecessary and stupid
Unknown Speaker (00:20:46.000)
and it's being couched in a lot of
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.000)
very white identity ways
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.000)
it is absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.000)
a reflection of some sort of an insecurity
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.000)
that he feels about
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.000)
this very powerful popular
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.000)
black woman speaking the way that she is
Unknown Speaker (00:21:00.000)
in public yeah when she talks he might as well
Unknown Speaker (00:21:02.000)
just screech strong black woman
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.000)
and then hide in the fucking corner or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:21:06.000)
there is something to that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:08.000)
you can hear that and feel it from his response
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:12.000)
because he's very stupid and he lacks fortitude
Unknown Speaker (00:21:14.000)
and he lacks focus
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.000)
and he has been hitting the head with a lead pipe
Unknown Speaker (00:21:18.000)
the only way he can really
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.000)
experience this and move forward
Unknown Speaker (00:21:22.000)
is to make personal
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.000)
bigoted attacks
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.000)
yeah there we go on Michelle
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.000)
we're gonna talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:21:30.000)
the real rabbit hole
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.000)
next segment and play some of these clips
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.000)
from Kanye and then that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.000)
wicked devil Michelle Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:21:38.000)
oh no
Unknown Speaker (00:21:40.000)
that linebacker
Unknown Speaker (00:21:42.000)
of a wife
Unknown Speaker (00:21:44.000)
has got that big
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.000)
roll of silver dollars in her pants
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.000)
we're gonna be talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.000)
Mrs. Wokey Woke
Unknown Speaker (00:21:52.000)
so this is going to descend
Unknown Speaker (00:21:54.000)
a little bit into him implying that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.000)
Michelle Obama is secretly a man
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.000)
which is something that he's been wishy-washy
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.000)
about over the years covering it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.000)
talking about it a bunch and then being like
Unknown Speaker (00:22:04.000)
hey we're just joking
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.000)
just joking around and then doing serious
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.000)
special reports about it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:10.000)
I think I saw her with a she's a man
Unknown Speaker (00:22:12.000)
yeah so it's disgraceful
Unknown Speaker (00:22:14.000)
it's disgusting and
Unknown Speaker (00:22:16.000)
very dumb and we'll see a little
Unknown Speaker (00:22:18.000)
bit more of it as this episode goes along
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.000)
but Alex has to
Unknown Speaker (00:22:22.000)
reveal a big
Unknown Speaker (00:22:24.000)
special report that he has made
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.000)
oh no
Unknown Speaker (00:22:28.000)
no no no
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:32.000)
there is that but I told you already
Unknown Speaker (00:22:34.000)
I'm not covering that anymore
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.000)
it's still happening
Unknown Speaker (00:22:38.000)
but don't worry about it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.000)
there's a new special report finally
Unknown Speaker (00:22:42.000)
finally addressing the age old question
Unknown Speaker (00:22:44.000)
about flat earth
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.000)
now I want to be completely clear
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.000)
I do not believe the earth is flat
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.000)
but because the people
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.000)
have been lied to so much and they know they've
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.000)
been lied to now
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.000)
most people don't know what's
Unknown Speaker (00:23:00.000)
true and they've done
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.000)
internal polls and national surveys
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.000)
hell I spent $20,000
Unknown Speaker (00:23:08.000)
just a few months ago doing one
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.000)
for some legal issues to find out exactly what was going on
Unknown Speaker (00:23:12.000)
it's what we thought
Unknown Speaker (00:23:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.000)
about 40% of people
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.000)
now officially question whether
Unknown Speaker (00:23:20.000)
the earth is flat or something else
Unknown Speaker (00:23:22.000)
I don't know if he's saying you spent
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.000)
$20,000 on a flat earth poll
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.000)
or if it's a different poll like a
Unknown Speaker (00:23:28.000)
Sandy Hook related public opinion poll
Unknown Speaker (00:23:30.000)
I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.000)
for some legal issues and it's
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.000)
what he thought they were?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.000)
but the legal issues leads me to believe that it has to be related to Sandy Hook
Unknown Speaker (00:23:38.000)
it has to be related to Sandy Hook but you can't do a poll
Unknown Speaker (00:23:40.000)
about legal issues the law
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.000)
isn't a popular opinion
Unknown Speaker (00:23:44.000)
it could help you
Unknown Speaker (00:23:46.000)
it could help guide your
Unknown Speaker (00:23:48.000)
how you would behave in the press
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.000)
the court of public opinion
Unknown Speaker (00:23:52.000)
it could lead you to see
Unknown Speaker (00:23:54.000)
alright what is okay for me to say
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.000)
what's gonna alienate
Unknown Speaker (00:23:58.000)
literally everybody
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.000)
it would be smart for him to do some focus testing
Unknown Speaker (00:24:02.000)
or get any
Unknown Speaker (00:24:04.000)
semblance of focus
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.000)
but the way he's talking
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.000)
there leads you to believe that he did a fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:24:10.000)
survey about flat earth
Unknown Speaker (00:24:12.000)
which I find hilarious
Unknown Speaker (00:24:14.000)
probably not true but based on his lack of focus
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.000)
and inability to convey information
Unknown Speaker (00:24:18.000)
it makes you think that that's what he's saying
Unknown Speaker (00:24:20.000)
anyway I don't really care about this
Unknown Speaker (00:24:22.000)
stupid flat earth report
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.000)
it's just basically about the idea that
Unknown Speaker (00:24:26.000)
the government's lied so much that it's
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.000)
rational to question whether the earth is flat
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.000)
sure sure sure
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.000)
and I would say
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.000)
the opposite is probably true
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.000)
enough people have been fed conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.000)
bullshit for so long
Unknown Speaker (00:24:40.000)
now the government's lied
Unknown Speaker (00:24:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.000)
I know that the government does lie
Unknown Speaker (00:24:46.000)
and having a healthy amount of skepticism
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.000)
is a healthy impulse
Unknown Speaker (00:24:50.000)
but it's a healthy distrust
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.000)
as opposed to an unhealthy distrust
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.000)
which is what we see manifested over the years
Unknown Speaker (00:24:56.000)
on Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (00:24:58.000)
I don't understand in what possible sense
Unknown Speaker (00:25:00.000)
the government is at fault
Unknown Speaker (00:25:02.000)
whatever the government does
Unknown Speaker (00:25:04.000)
has anything to do with whether or not the
Unknown Speaker (00:25:06.000)
earth is flat
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.000)
that's not
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.000)
I think you need to educate yourself
Unknown Speaker (00:25:14.000)
I don't even need a scientist to tell me that the earth
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.000)
isn't flat
Unknown Speaker (00:25:18.000)
you're revealing that you don't know shit
Unknown Speaker (00:25:20.000)
if you look over there
Unknown Speaker (00:25:22.000)
stuff goes down over the horizon
Unknown Speaker (00:25:24.000)
it's very simple
Unknown Speaker (00:25:26.000)
no it doesn't go off the edge
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.000)
god dammit
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.000)
it's not a subject I'm really well versed in
Unknown Speaker (00:25:32.000)
so I don't really even want to pretend
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.000)
to argue for the other side of it
Unknown Speaker (00:25:36.000)
but I do believe
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.000)
that the people who believe that the earth
Unknown Speaker (00:25:40.000)
is flat do think that the government is
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.000)
invested in making you think that it's round
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.000)
for some reason
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.000)
so that's the part of it the government
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.000)
who gives a shit
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.000)
anyway I think Alex is just trying to reach out
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.000)
to other
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.000)
cool good luck
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.000)
I wonder if we can turn those into white nationalists
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:00.000)
so in this next clip Alex addresses
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.000)
the elephant in the room
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.000)
and that is Kanye West's new album
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.000)
yes yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.000)
I've been waiting to really talk
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.000)
Kanye West on this show
Unknown Speaker (00:26:12.000)
I assume we're going to get into the music
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.000)
we're going to get into some production
Unknown Speaker (00:26:16.000)
elements he's going to talk about the opening
Unknown Speaker (00:26:18.000)
track being an
Unknown Speaker (00:26:20.000)
accelerated version of it
Unknown Speaker (00:26:22.000)
no he's not? Alex has gone back and
Unknown Speaker (00:26:24.000)
forth on the subject of Kanye West
Unknown Speaker (00:26:26.000)
depending on how insane he's behaving
Unknown Speaker (00:26:28.000)
at the time when he's talking
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.000)
about slavery being a
Unknown Speaker (00:26:32.000)
choice Alex is like this guy makes
Unknown Speaker (00:26:34.000)
some great points brilliant Kanye
Unknown Speaker (00:26:36.000)
is a genius when he sort of
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.000)
walks things back and doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.000)
agree to go on Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.000)
he's in the black KKK probably
Unknown Speaker (00:26:44.000)
yeah he's just controlled opposition
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.000)
yep but now Alex has finally
Unknown Speaker (00:26:48.000)
made a determination and it's that
Unknown Speaker (00:26:50.000)
Kanye West is for real
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.000)
okay folks asked me they said is
Unknown Speaker (00:26:54.000)
is Kanye West you know when he
Unknown Speaker (00:26:56.000)
says I'm going to go Alex Jones level
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.000)
on you
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.000)
what is he talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:27:02.000)
well I said Friday
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.000)
if he comes out against the
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.000)
genocide of black
Unknown Speaker (00:27:08.000)
people particularly by Planned Parenthood
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.000)
Margaret Sanger and the Rockefeller
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.000)
Foundation that spent billions
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.000)
of dollars in 1920s
Unknown Speaker (00:27:16.000)
30s 40s numbers that'd be
Unknown Speaker (00:27:18.000)
hundreds of billions a day to
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.000)
target black people for extermination
Unknown Speaker (00:27:22.000)
in many jurisdictions up to 70%
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.000)
of blacks are never born the most dangerous place
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.000)
for a black person on earth is in the womb
Unknown Speaker (00:27:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.000)
there's this targeting going on
Unknown Speaker (00:27:32.000)
and it's an admitted targeting and Hillary
Unknown Speaker (00:27:34.000)
Clinton said black men are predators they need to
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.000)
be in prison they're like dogs bring them to
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.000)
heal these are quotes and I told
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.000)
TI on his podcast to millions
Unknown Speaker (00:27:42.000)
and others hey quit telling me about
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.000)
Trump and racism all day and that dog whistle
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.000)
to sit there and you know demonize
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.000)
and create division when it's the Democratic Party
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.000)
that founded the KKK
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.000)
and so I said if
Unknown Speaker (00:27:54.000)
Kanye's really woke he'll come out and talk about that
Unknown Speaker (00:27:56.000)
well the next day he did
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.000)
so let's play where he talks about
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.000)
Alex Jones level and the next day he
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.000)
talked about now it's going viral today
Unknown Speaker (00:28:04.000)
both these clips are going viral
Unknown Speaker (00:28:06.000)
today got almost no attention over the weekend now
Unknown Speaker (00:28:08.000)
it's all over the news so here's the two
Unknown Speaker (00:28:10.000)
clips so Kanye has come
Unknown Speaker (00:28:12.000)
out anti-abortion and Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.000)
has decided that this is proof that he is
Unknown Speaker (00:28:16.000)
completely for real he's legit
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.000)
now I would
Unknown Speaker (00:28:20.000)
Kanye mentioned Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.000)
and so we're gonna talk about Kanye all
Unknown Speaker (00:28:24.000)
day and I love him so much
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.000)
now it's interesting that you say that because
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.000)
Alex is saying that Kanye is saying he's
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.000)
gonna go Alex Jones level
Unknown Speaker (00:28:32.000)
here's the actual clip
Unknown Speaker (00:28:34.000)
man come on man I ain't finna go Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:28:36.000)
level with y'all man come on man what y'all
Unknown Speaker (00:28:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.000)
wake up
Unknown Speaker (00:28:42.000)
Mr. West wake up culture
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.000)
wake up everybody think they so woke
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.000)
but they following the rules of what woke's supposed to
Unknown Speaker (00:28:48.000)
be we brainwashed out here
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.000)
bro come on man
Unknown Speaker (00:28:52.000)
this is a free man talking
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.000)
Democrats had us voting
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.000)
Democrats with food stamps for years bro
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.000)
what are you talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:29:02.000)
guns in the 80's
Unknown Speaker (00:29:04.000)
taking the fathers out the home
Unknown Speaker (00:29:06.000)
plan B lowering our votes
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.000)
making us abort our children
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.000)
God should not kill
Unknown Speaker (00:29:14.000)
and again that was the same shoot
Unknown Speaker (00:29:16.000)
but they doled it out over the next few
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.000)
days they wanted even more of it
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.000)
the plan parenthood and the purposeful targeting
Unknown Speaker (00:29:22.000)
that means he really is
Unknown Speaker (00:29:24.000)
off the plantation off the reservation
Unknown Speaker (00:29:26.000)
so am I
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.000)
good for you
Unknown Speaker (00:29:30.000)
so you'll hear at the beginning of that clip he explicitly says
Unknown Speaker (00:29:32.000)
I'm not going Alex Jones level
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.000)
so even Kanye at the state that
Unknown Speaker (00:29:36.000)
he's in now recognizes that Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:29:38.000)
Jones is crazy
Unknown Speaker (00:29:40.000)
I'm not gonna go that wild
Unknown Speaker (00:29:42.000)
I am not a lunatic
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.000)
like Alex Jones I am
Unknown Speaker (00:29:46.000)
specifically saying Alex Jones is
Unknown Speaker (00:29:48.000)
fucking crazy I'm using this person as
Unknown Speaker (00:29:50.000)
an example of what I am not doing
Unknown Speaker (00:29:52.000)
while people accuse me of having
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.000)
a bit of an episode
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.000)
then again he is doing it so
Unknown Speaker (00:29:58.000)
he is going Alex Jones in
Unknown Speaker (00:30:00.000)
many a sense it's debatable exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:30:02.000)
what going Alex Jones level means
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.000)
that is a good question
Unknown Speaker (00:30:06.000)
and what he means by it I don't know I think his
Unknown Speaker (00:30:08.000)
hair turns gold and his
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.000)
aura goes from red to
Unknown Speaker (00:30:12.000)
light blue I would suggest that I'm not
Unknown Speaker (00:30:14.000)
particularly interested in what's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:30:16.000)
with Kanye West I have not listened to that
Unknown Speaker (00:30:18.000)
new album
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.000)
it's fine
Unknown Speaker (00:30:22.000)
there aren't a lot of opinions to have
Unknown Speaker (00:30:24.000)
I would say that
Unknown Speaker (00:30:26.000)
I find some of
Unknown Speaker (00:30:28.000)
the surrounding elements
Unknown Speaker (00:30:30.000)
of this album to be contradictory
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.000)
some of the
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.000)
consumerist elements
Unknown Speaker (00:30:36.000)
of this I
Unknown Speaker (00:30:38.000)
find it difficult to find
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.000)
sincerity in
Unknown Speaker (00:30:42.000)
someone making an album called
Unknown Speaker (00:30:44.000)
Jesus is King and their last
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.000)
album was called Yeezus
Unknown Speaker (00:30:48.000)
and one of the songs was I Am God
Unknown Speaker (00:30:50.000)
I Am A God
Unknown Speaker (00:30:52.000)
thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.000)
hold on one moment there
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.000)
and just sort of I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:30:58.000)
maybe that's just my hang up
Unknown Speaker (00:31:00.000)
but I find it to be like
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.000)
I don't even want to dwell in this
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.000)
I don't even
Unknown Speaker (00:31:06.000)
I don't care
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.000)
there is nothing to care about
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.000)
if you literate
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.000)
there are zero
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.000)
reviews of Jesus is King that I have read
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.000)
that have not been like
Unknown Speaker (00:31:18.000)
the music here's the review of the music
Unknown Speaker (00:31:20.000)
it's pretty good Kanye's
Unknown Speaker (00:31:22.000)
genius and then it's been a
Unknown Speaker (00:31:24.000)
thousand words on how it doesn't change my opinion
Unknown Speaker (00:31:26.000)
of Kanye's personal
Unknown Speaker (00:31:28.000)
or public appearance and it's like
Unknown Speaker (00:31:30.000)
okay great
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.000)
still some good tracks I don't know what
Unknown Speaker (00:31:34.000)
you want you know
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.000)
it is on one level I guess you could look
Unknown Speaker (00:31:38.000)
at it as like what is the brashist
Unknown Speaker (00:31:40.000)
like artistic
Unknown Speaker (00:31:42.000)
move you could make
Unknown Speaker (00:31:44.000)
and it's to become kind of
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:48.000)
aggressively fundamentalist
Unknown Speaker (00:31:50.000)
within the realm of pop culture
Unknown Speaker (00:31:52.000)
that is kind of something that
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.000)
puts you in a corner
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.000)
I mean he's not going aggressively fundamentalist
Unknown Speaker (00:31:58.000)
so much as he's going like
Unknown Speaker (00:32:00.000)
prosperity gospel like
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.000)
what's her face it does feel that way
Unknown Speaker (00:32:04.000)
Paula White came that's what the album is
Unknown Speaker (00:32:06.000)
the album is like if Paula White came
Unknown Speaker (00:32:08.000)
as a really really good producer
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.000)
and was not married to a shitty guitarist
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.000)
like that's what it is
Unknown Speaker (00:32:14.000)
I think he's a keyboardist and he's in fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:32:16.000)
Germany asshole
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.000)
he's not shitty I don't know I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:32:20.000)
particularly care but it's awesome that Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.000)
is like alright maybe I can get in on this
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.000)
he said Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:32:26.000)
now granted I'm not
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.000)
going Alex Jones but
Unknown Speaker (00:32:30.000)
it's good enough I can weave my way into it
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.000)
so anyway he doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.000)
spend too much time on that but
Unknown Speaker (00:32:36.000)
I'm certain he's trying to get him on the show
Unknown Speaker (00:32:38.000)
and I don't think it's gonna work
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.000)
probably not but Alex needs to
Unknown Speaker (00:32:42.000)
get back to Michelle Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:32:44.000)
sure sure he takes a lot
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.000)
of time insulting
Unknown Speaker (00:32:48.000)
her and so he plays
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.000)
this short clip talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:32:52.000)
the like our families are the same
Unknown Speaker (00:32:54.000)
just these
Unknown Speaker (00:32:56.000)
superficial differences of skin color and
Unknown Speaker (00:32:58.000)
hair texture right all you know it's
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.000)
all nonsense as a means of
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.000)
division and so Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:33:04.000)
plays that clip again and then just starts mocking
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:40.000)
that's uh
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.000)
I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:33:44.000)
it's a bit of a family show that we're listening to
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.000)
I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:33:48.000)
I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:33:50.000)
I don't even know how to engage
Unknown Speaker (00:33:52.000)
with that that's too far
Unknown Speaker (00:33:54.000)
that's that's too racist
Unknown Speaker (00:33:56.000)
too transphobic
Unknown Speaker (00:33:58.000)
it's just too everything
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.000)
it's just beyond anything that you can engage
Unknown Speaker (00:34:02.000)
with you're just like you're crazy man
Unknown Speaker (00:34:04.000)
fine fucking fine if that's
Unknown Speaker (00:34:06.000)
the nonsense you're gonna throw out
Unknown Speaker (00:34:08.000)
so yeah there's a absurd
Unknown Speaker (00:34:10.000)
and disgusting preoccupation that
Unknown Speaker (00:34:12.000)
Alex has about this Michelle is a man
Unknown Speaker (00:34:14.000)
kind of thing the only reason I think
Unknown Speaker (00:34:16.000)
that there's any value in playing this is because
Unknown Speaker (00:34:18.000)
when he pressed to the wall
Unknown Speaker (00:34:20.000)
and when he needs to make like criticisms
Unknown Speaker (00:34:22.000)
of people
Unknown Speaker (00:34:24.000)
like Michelle it does seem like
Unknown Speaker (00:34:26.000)
this is the direction he airs in
Unknown Speaker (00:34:28.000)
things that he ends up eventually having
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.000)
to play off as like ah we're just joking
Unknown Speaker (00:34:32.000)
around that's where his mind goes
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.000)
because he's a cruel bigot
Unknown Speaker (00:34:36.000)
so when he's talking about Michelle
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.000)
one of the criticisms that he
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.000)
rises with her
Unknown Speaker (00:34:42.000)
is about like
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.000)
you don't say anything about the rest of the
Unknown Speaker (00:34:46.000)
world's problems and I
Unknown Speaker (00:34:48.000)
find this to be an interesting critique
Unknown Speaker (00:34:50.000)
primarily because
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.000)
it's super white
Unknown Speaker (00:34:54.000)
identity based
Unknown Speaker (00:34:56.000)
and secondarily because it's absolutely not
Unknown Speaker (00:34:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:28.000)
a monster selling poison
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.000)
like a cobra biting you
Unknown Speaker (00:35:32.000)
with evil here is this witch
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.000)
for the Rockefellers and the big money
Unknown Speaker (00:35:36.000)
and the KKK run Democrats
Unknown Speaker (00:35:38.000)
here she is
Unknown Speaker (00:35:40.000)
Jesus he is angry
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.000)
and that is because she
Unknown Speaker (00:35:44.000)
said that immigrants are
Unknown Speaker (00:35:46.000)
like us yeah more or less
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.000)
what he's doing here I can be
Unknown Speaker (00:35:50.000)
very comfortable in saying that he's expressing
Unknown Speaker (00:35:52.000)
overt white supremacy oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:35:54.000)
the first reason I can say that is this
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.000)
presentation that white people have a moral
Unknown Speaker (00:35:58.000)
superiority because they ended slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:36:00.000)
in the United States is being pushed by
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.000)
Alex this kind of mentality
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.000)
absolutely whitewashes the hard work
Unknown Speaker (00:36:06.000)
and sacrifices of people who are in the
Unknown Speaker (00:36:08.000)
abolitionist movement nope white people
Unknown Speaker (00:36:10.000)
on their own
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.000)
with no other
Unknown Speaker (00:36:14.000)
inspiration many abolitionists
Unknown Speaker (00:36:16.000)
who they gave their lives to that
Unknown Speaker (00:36:18.000)
fight and this you know
Unknown Speaker (00:36:20.000)
presenting the ending of slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.000)
just being white people realizing
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.000)
wrong and deciding no more of that is very
Unknown Speaker (00:36:26.000)
minimizing no it was Alex's
Unknown Speaker (00:36:28.000)
it was Alex's ancestors who were all turned and
Unknown Speaker (00:36:30.000)
looked at each other and they were like guys we got
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.000)
to not do this whole slavery thing
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.000)
for and nobody told us we just
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.000)
learned on our own this also seeks
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.000)
to minimize the brutal racist systems
Unknown Speaker (00:36:40.000)
that were brought in to replace slavery after he was
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.000)
technically abolished slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:36:44.000)
under other names like convict leasing programs
Unknown Speaker (00:36:46.000)
continued for quite a while
Unknown Speaker (00:36:48.000)
I mean it's not like prison labor isn't still
Unknown Speaker (00:36:50.000)
being used exploitatively all over the place
Unknown Speaker (00:36:52.000)
today while these programs
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.000)
aren't running strictly on racial lines
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.000)
they are extensions of a legal system that
Unknown Speaker (00:36:58.000)
disproportionately affects non-white
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.000)
Americans and to pretend otherwise
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.000)
is bad
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.000)
and wrong there are inmates
Unknown Speaker (00:37:06.000)
being used to fight fires
Unknown Speaker (00:37:08.000)
right now for two dollars
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.000)
an hour we're reminded of that every time
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.000)
there's a fire and then nothing ever is done
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.000)
yep ever hooray
Unknown Speaker (00:37:16.000)
Alex seems to think that just because slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:37:18.000)
ended in the United States white people did their part
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.000)
and everyone should just shut up about this race
Unknown Speaker (00:37:22.000)
stuff leaving aside for a minute
Unknown Speaker (00:37:24.000)
that Alex fucking hates Abraham
Unknown Speaker (00:37:26.000)
Lincoln and that Alex's family literally
Unknown Speaker (00:37:28.000)
fought on the side of the Confederacy during
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.000)
the Civil War who would have absolutely continued
Unknown Speaker (00:37:32.000)
slavery if they'd gotten their way leave
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.000)
all that stuff aside they fought on the side of the
Unknown Speaker (00:37:36.000)
Confederacy that wanted to end slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:37:38.000)
you forget that that side of the Confederacy
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.000)
was there right right yeah even
Unknown Speaker (00:37:42.000)
leaving all that aside what Alex is saying is incredibly
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.000)
stupid and lacks any kind of
Unknown Speaker (00:37:46.000)
nuanced understanding of history or the
Unknown Speaker (00:37:48.000)
present it also seems like one
Unknown Speaker (00:37:50.000)
of the issues that Alex has here is that Michelle
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.000)
Obama dares to speak about
Unknown Speaker (00:37:54.000)
race issues in the United States but she won't
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.000)
talk about slavery related issues in African
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.000)
countries does Alex not
Unknown Speaker (00:38:00.000)
remember how in May 2014 Michelle
Unknown Speaker (00:38:02.000)
was very active in the Bring
Unknown Speaker (00:38:04.000)
Back Our Girls campaign does he
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.000)
not realize that that was about 300 young
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.000)
girls in Nigeria who were kidnapped presumably
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.000)
to be trafficked I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.000)
that Alex only operates on sound bites he
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.000)
gets from white identity leaning right wing
Unknown Speaker (00:38:16.000)
publications so you can't possibly be expected
Unknown Speaker (00:38:18.000)
to actually know the work that someone
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.000)
like Michelle Obama has done but he
Unknown Speaker (00:38:22.000)
really should do his research before launching off
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.000)
on completely unhinged racist outbursts
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.000)
like that I've never seen any
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.000)
Muslim leaders condemn
Unknown Speaker (00:38:30.000)
Muslim terror who nobody does it
Unknown Speaker (00:38:32.000)
Dan like maybe a good place for Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.000)
to start would be the July 2014
Unknown Speaker (00:38:36.000)
speech Michelle Obama gave at the summit
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.000)
of the Mandela Washington fellowship
Unknown Speaker (00:38:40.000)
for young African leaders from
Unknown Speaker (00:38:42.000)
that speech quote when girls in
Unknown Speaker (00:38:44.000)
some places are still being married off
Unknown Speaker (00:38:46.000)
as children sometimes they even
Unknown Speaker (00:38:48.000)
before they even reach puberty when
Unknown Speaker (00:38:50.000)
female genital mutilation still continues
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.000)
in some countries when human trafficking
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.000)
rape and domestic abuse are still too common
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.000)
and perpetrators are often facing
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.000)
no consequences for their crimes then
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.000)
we still have some serious work to do in
Unknown Speaker (00:39:02.000)
Africa and across the globe and
Unknown Speaker (00:39:04.000)
while I have great respect for cultural differences
Unknown Speaker (00:39:06.000)
I think we can all agree that practices like
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.000)
genital cutting forced child marriage
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.000)
domestic violence are not legitimate
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.000)
cultural practices they are serious human
Unknown Speaker (00:39:14.000)
rights violations and have no place in any
Unknown Speaker (00:39:16.000)
country on this earth
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.000)
Alex is creating a fictional version of
Unknown Speaker (00:39:20.000)
Michelle Obama who turns a blind eye
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.000)
to human rights issues and slavery
Unknown Speaker (00:39:24.000)
in African countries because she's too busy
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.000)
trying to demonize the white people here in America
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.000)
but that doesn't match reality
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.000)
at all put simply
Unknown Speaker (00:39:32.000)
he's being racist as
Unknown Speaker (00:39:34.000)
shit yep
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.000)
this isn't a valid criticism
Unknown Speaker (00:39:38.000)
now you could make a criticism that she maybe
Unknown Speaker (00:39:40.000)
could do more yeah if you want to have that
Unknown Speaker (00:39:42.000)
conversation fine but pretend
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.000)
pretending that she doesn't do anything or
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.000)
like oh why'd you talk
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.000)
about that which yeah yeah that's
Unknown Speaker (00:39:50.000)
not true and the reason you think
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.000)
it's not true is because you are very
Unknown Speaker (00:39:54.000)
angry about your white identity
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.000)
being punctured and what
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.000)
she does is in some way
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.000)
cast the same eye that she does
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.000)
to the African countries in this
Unknown Speaker (00:40:04.000)
in this speech and throughout her career
Unknown Speaker (00:40:06.000)
upon you and
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.000)
your buddies and you fucking can't handle it
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.000)
yeah it does seem like
Unknown Speaker (00:40:12.000)
the only people that I
Unknown Speaker (00:40:14.000)
hear talk about how somebody
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.000)
is saying that white people are inherently
Unknown Speaker (00:40:18.000)
bad are these people
Unknown Speaker (00:40:20.000)
the people who
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.000)
they're the only people who bring it up as a straw man
Unknown Speaker (00:40:24.000)
about what other people the conversations
Unknown Speaker (00:40:26.000)
that other people are having and not least of which
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.000)
it does have some of that like weird
Unknown Speaker (00:40:30.000)
sense of guilt trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:40:32.000)
escape out where it's like maybe you guys
Unknown Speaker (00:40:34.000)
are the only people who think white people are
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.000)
inherently bad well I would say
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.000)
I think they kind of do don't they
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.000)
based on all of these arguments that
Unknown Speaker (00:40:42.000)
begin with see they're saying white people
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.000)
are inherently bad and then goes on a
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.000)
litany of all the things that white people
Unknown Speaker (00:40:48.000)
have done and they're like oh just because we
Unknown Speaker (00:40:50.000)
did this doesn't mean that we didn't end
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.000)
slavery asshole and it's like
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.000)
yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.000)
I don't I don't know I I don't want
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.000)
to comment on that because I don't I actually don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.000)
what I think about what
Unknown Speaker (00:41:02.000)
they think oh okay I
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.000)
don't know I don't I can't imagine right
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.000)
what their internal perceptions are because
Unknown Speaker (00:41:08.000)
also it could be very easily explainable
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.000)
as like well there are criticisms
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.000)
coming our way that I'd rather not address
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.000)
or discuss in any any meaningful way
Unknown Speaker (00:41:16.000)
so let's create a false version of the argument
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.000)
to yell about for sure that makes sense just
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.000)
as much as them having a deep
Unknown Speaker (00:41:22.000)
seated feeling that they're evil
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.000)
well I mean he is his ancestors
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.000)
so he must know that his ancestors
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.000)
probably owned slaves yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.000)
so he probably has some guilt towards
Unknown Speaker (00:41:32.000)
that maybe yeah I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.000)
I don't care yeah so not only
Unknown Speaker (00:41:36.000)
is Alex being a completely disgusting
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.000)
monster regarding race issues
Unknown Speaker (00:41:40.000)
he is also pretty
Unknown Speaker (00:41:42.000)
deep in his anti-trans
Unknown Speaker (00:41:44.000)
stuff anti-LGBTQ
Unknown Speaker (00:41:46.000)
stuff which
Unknown Speaker (00:41:48.000)
is always at least in the present day
Unknown Speaker (00:41:50.000)
expressed pretty solidly through
Unknown Speaker (00:41:52.000)
conflation of people
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.000)
in various communities
Unknown Speaker (00:41:56.000)
the drag queen story time stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:41:58.000)
and and what have you
Unknown Speaker (00:42:00.000)
and I don't care to get
Unknown Speaker (00:42:02.000)
into too much of that because it's mostly just
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.000)
the same shit over and over again calling
Unknown Speaker (00:42:06.000)
calling trans people pedophiles and the like
Unknown Speaker (00:42:08.000)
yeah that variety and
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.000)
I don't really care about that too much I just want to
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.000)
point this out as like a really interesting example
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.000)
of how sloppy his fucking work is
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.000)
and this is the big religion of the elite
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.000)
I mean they're really into this you see them pushing on your kids
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.000)
everywhere a man got arrested
Unknown Speaker (00:42:22.000)
dressed up in a wig here in Austin a few days ago
Unknown Speaker (00:42:24.000)
just an event of children and adults that did not want
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.000)
five year olds to be taught how to have anal sex
Unknown Speaker (00:42:28.000)
and to have it taught to them by men
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.000)
men in drag
Unknown Speaker (00:42:32.000)
that's pretty normal right you don't want people talking to your kids
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.000)
about anal sex at the park or the school or anywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.000)
they had to get arrested because he just didn't want
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.000)
them to have their speech
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.000)
so a very very in California
Unknown Speaker (00:42:42.000)
if I call him a him I get arrested I thought I had
Unknown Speaker (00:42:44.000)
free speech here but this is a very very
Unknown Speaker (00:42:46.000)
dangerous point or two
Unknown Speaker (00:42:48.000)
so that arrest that Alex is talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:42:50.000)
it appears to have nothing to do with what
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.000)
he's pretending it does
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.000)
this is a case of a person who is wearing a wig
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.000)
breaking into laundry rooms and stealing
Unknown Speaker (00:42:58.000)
women's underwear this
Unknown Speaker (00:43:00.000)
as best as I can tell has nothing to do with trans
Unknown Speaker (00:43:02.000)
issues it has nothing to do with children
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.000)
it's just someone using a disguise to steal
Unknown Speaker (00:43:06.000)
underwear from laundry rooms
Unknown Speaker (00:43:08.000)
was he reading the underwear story?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.000)
no it's an invasion of these people's privacy
Unknown Speaker (00:43:12.000)
and security and it makes sense that they arrested
Unknown Speaker (00:43:14.000)
the thief but trying to make this a part of some
Unknown Speaker (00:43:16.000)
sort of an anti-trans narrative seems
Unknown Speaker (00:43:18.000)
a bit pathetic to me
Unknown Speaker (00:43:20.000)
like the guy who was setting off bombs all over Austin
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.000)
a while back he wore a wig when he went
Unknown Speaker (00:43:24.000)
to the FedEx store to mail off one of his
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.000)
explosives criminals often
Unknown Speaker (00:43:28.000)
employ disguises to avoid
Unknown Speaker (00:43:30.000)
detection and that seems to be what this
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.000)
case is now I don't know because the stories
Unknown Speaker (00:43:34.000)
I read I don't know anything
Unknown Speaker (00:43:36.000)
about this guy particularly
Unknown Speaker (00:43:38.000)
but it has nothing to do with the larger narratives
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.000)
that Alex constantly
Unknown Speaker (00:43:42.000)
yells about from what I can tell
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.000)
it has nothing to do with drag queen story time
Unknown Speaker (00:43:46.000)
which he's trying to conflate
Unknown Speaker (00:43:48.000)
in here it's just a creep
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.000)
who's breaking into laundry rooms
Unknown Speaker (00:43:52.000)
I mean he has a problem with trans people
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.000)
because there were these
Unknown Speaker (00:43:56.000)
bank robbers a bunch
Unknown Speaker (00:43:58.000)
of surfer guys really
Unknown Speaker (00:44:00.000)
really fucking out on the edge there
Unknown Speaker (00:44:02.000)
and they wore masks whenever they robbed banks
Unknown Speaker (00:44:04.000)
yeah we're talking
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.000)
this guy was arrested with 57
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.000)
pairs of underwear in his car
Unknown Speaker (00:44:10.000)
now that's a Johnny Utah level
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.000)
amount of underwear there
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.000)
also you can't get arrested in California for using the wrong
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.000)
pronoun for someone the bill that was
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.000)
passed there that they're all lying about has to do with
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.000)
doctors and care providers not being allowed
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.000)
to willfully use discriminatory language
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.000)
or behaviors with their patients
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.000)
in assisted living facilities
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.000)
Alex could absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.000)
misgender someone all he wants and have no
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.000)
consequences under the law unless that
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.000)
person were an elderly resident in a care center
Unknown Speaker (00:44:36.000)
he was running this is all just
Unknown Speaker (00:44:38.000)
the classic right wing bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.000)
it's all just straw man
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.000)
nonsense man I just
Unknown Speaker (00:44:44.000)
you're going that hard just to be a dick
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.000)
to old people that's all you really want
Unknown Speaker (00:44:48.000)
here man so Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:44:50.000)
has spent a large part of the beginning of this
Unknown Speaker (00:44:52.000)
show really being pretty
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.000)
white identity heavy and really
Unknown Speaker (00:44:56.000)
screaming about Michelle Obama talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.000)
how she's a man
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.000)
going real hard on this you don't say
Unknown Speaker (00:45:02.000)
anything about the
Unknown Speaker (00:45:04.000)
black people doing shit which
Unknown Speaker (00:45:06.000)
even though she does that stuff but I felt
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.000)
like there was an intensity
Unknown Speaker (00:45:10.000)
to it that didn't feel that normal
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.000)
you know it felt like he had
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.000)
the spirit in him a little
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.000)
bit something else is going on and that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.000)
was explained pretty easily in this next clip
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.000)
I don't want to say I've gone off the rails here
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.000)
today just because there's
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.000)
several international TV crews
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.000)
here today
Unknown Speaker (00:45:28.000)
one from the United States one
Unknown Speaker (00:45:30.000)
from the dreaded Russians
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.000)
are here that's right
Unknown Speaker (00:45:34.000)
so we've got national Russian television
Unknown Speaker (00:45:36.000)
here as well I never got
Unknown Speaker (00:45:38.000)
to this Sunday or Monday or Tuesday
Unknown Speaker (00:45:40.000)
I'm going to do it today at six
Unknown Speaker (00:45:42.000)
after next hour very serious news on George
Unknown Speaker (00:45:44.000)
Soros and where he said that he
Unknown Speaker (00:45:46.000)
can bend the will of God and that globalists
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.000)
are going to crush America wait till I
Unknown Speaker (00:45:50.000)
actually read these quotes to you
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.000)
he's a defender of free speech and
Unknown Speaker (00:45:54.000)
Trump and Alex Jones are hurting our free speech
Unknown Speaker (00:45:56.000)
total inversion
Unknown Speaker (00:45:58.000)
of reality
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.000)
so he's back on his bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:04.000)
coming back hard I know that
Unknown Speaker (00:46:06.000)
anybody could make some sort of
Unknown Speaker (00:46:08.000)
Russian TV is here
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.000)
but it's more important just that there's TV
Unknown Speaker (00:46:12.000)
there yeah yeah why is there TV there
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.000)
a little bit why is TV there someone wants to do
Unknown Speaker (00:46:16.000)
a story about how he's crazy probably
Unknown Speaker (00:46:18.000)
fair if I had to bet I don't know I haven't
Unknown Speaker (00:46:20.000)
seen the and who knows what even means
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.000)
by that yeah could be some independent
Unknown Speaker (00:46:24.000)
YouTube channel has come with a camera
Unknown Speaker (00:46:26.000)
yeah that's true international news
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.000)
yeah but whatever the case
Unknown Speaker (00:46:30.000)
is he's he's a little bit more juiced up
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.000)
than normal because he's performing for an audience
Unknown Speaker (00:46:34.000)
so you see that
Unknown Speaker (00:46:36.000)
that like screaming about Michelle Obama is
Unknown Speaker (00:46:38.000)
much more impassioned than he might normally
Unknown Speaker (00:46:40.000)
be although he still would be worked up
Unknown Speaker (00:46:42.000)
about those issues yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.000)
but he talks a lot about
Unknown Speaker (00:46:46.000)
Epstein and it's sort of my
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.000)
position that I don't really care about his position
Unknown Speaker (00:46:50.000)
on Epstein yeah no absolutely not
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.000)
it's not interesting to me whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.000)
he's bringing up is
Unknown Speaker (00:46:56.000)
bullshit and I don't want to get into it
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.000)
nope but he talks about
Unknown Speaker (00:47:00.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.000)
including this clip that's sort of tertiary
Unknown Speaker (00:47:04.000)
involved in it
Unknown Speaker (00:47:06.000)
just because he makes an accusation
Unknown Speaker (00:47:08.000)
that I think
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.000)
might be legally actionable okay
Unknown Speaker (00:47:12.000)
and you got the Renfield's like
Unknown Speaker (00:47:14.000)
Epstein who bring the children
Unknown Speaker (00:47:16.000)
to Dracula but who's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.000)
Dracula well the Duke
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.000)
all the rich people
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.000)
Ted Turner oh who else likes little girls
Unknown Speaker (00:47:26.000)
there's a certain famous
Unknown Speaker (00:47:28.000)
black woman who's the only black
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.000)
person allowed to attend these meetings
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.000)
and does she like her
Unknown Speaker (00:47:34.000)
little girls we'll be right
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.000)
back stay with us
Unknown Speaker (00:47:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:40.000)
talking about Oprah he's talking about Oprah
Unknown Speaker (00:47:42.000)
yeah gotcha
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.000)
gotcha it's very clear okay
Unknown Speaker (00:47:46.000)
without naming her he has just
Unknown Speaker (00:47:48.000)
accused Oprah of being a pedophile yeah that does
Unknown Speaker (00:47:50.000)
sound like that's what he was trying to say yep
Unknown Speaker (00:47:52.000)
that's a hundred percent what he's saying I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:47:54.000)
I just think like eventually he's got to
Unknown Speaker (00:47:56.000)
learn a lesson about what you can and can't say
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.000)
I don't know people I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:48:00.000)
it's it's pretty wild
Unknown Speaker (00:48:02.000)
I think this is deeply
Unknown Speaker (00:48:04.000)
responsible I think you I think you
Unknown Speaker (00:48:06.000)
he's like a dog you have to have
Unknown Speaker (00:48:08.000)
your negative feedback has to come
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.000)
immediately after the action you know
Unknown Speaker (00:48:12.000)
because he's being punished too long
Unknown Speaker (00:48:14.000)
after the fact he doesn't understand he doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:48:16.000)
put the two together as being like
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.000)
oh saying this like if he just got whipped
Unknown Speaker (00:48:20.000)
yeah right after he said that he'd be like
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.000)
okay I think that's the line
Unknown Speaker (00:48:24.000)
now yeah there's no kind of behavioral
Unknown Speaker (00:48:26.000)
modification possibility even with him
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.000)
getting some consequences now he's
Unknown Speaker (00:48:30.000)
gone too far along with
Unknown Speaker (00:48:32.000)
just everyone being like eh whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.000)
yeah and that's a problem
Unknown Speaker (00:48:36.000)
I mean that's that's why we're where we are
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.000)
more or less yeah pretty much
Unknown Speaker (00:48:40.000)
so he starts doing this and he's talking
Unknown Speaker (00:48:42.000)
about the Dracula and all this
Unknown Speaker (00:48:44.000)
shit and he starts becoming preoccupied
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.000)
with the globalists working
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.000)
for satan literal satan yes
Unknown Speaker (00:48:50.000)
of course and so he just he
Unknown Speaker (00:48:52.000)
devolves into a bit of a
Unknown Speaker (00:48:54.000)
what I would describe as a wrestling promo
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.000)
about satan
Unknown Speaker (00:48:58.000)
there's one way for the globalists to get out
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.000)
of this and that's to get on their knees with Jesus Christ
Unknown Speaker (00:49:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:04.000)
because you're already slaves to the devil
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.000)
your father you can't do it
Unknown Speaker (00:49:08.000)
so there's no way
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.000)
out but it's still
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.000)
important for you
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.000)
to be told
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.000)
the truth
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.000)
because your boss has to get permission
Unknown Speaker (00:49:24.000)
oh the devil
Unknown Speaker (00:49:26.000)
to even blink his
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.000)
and your boss is not in charge of anything and neither are you
Unknown Speaker (00:49:32.000)
so you
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.000)
may have a bunch of slaves
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.000)
bowing down to you all day long
Unknown Speaker (00:49:38.000)
but you don't
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.000)
run anything in this universe
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.000)
you don't even run this planet
Unknown Speaker (00:49:44.000)
you have just been given a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:49:46.000)
of power to test the faithful
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.000)
and you know that
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.000)
can you imagine being a film crew
Unknown Speaker (00:49:52.000)
in there and trying not to laugh
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.000)
while he's doing this shit
Unknown Speaker (00:49:56.000)
I can
Unknown Speaker (00:49:58.000)
I'm just looking off
Unknown Speaker (00:50:00.000)
into the middle distance wondering when it's going to end
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.000)
that's my face if I'm in
Unknown Speaker (00:50:04.000)
yeah exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.000)
why is this show as long as it is?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:08.000)
who is listening to this?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:10.000)
well it's people who Alex is convinced
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.000)
to be totally scared
Unknown Speaker (00:50:14.000)
of people who are unlike themselves
Unknown Speaker (00:50:16.000)
in this next clip Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:50:18.000)
I have no other way of describing
Unknown Speaker (00:50:20.000)
this than just Alex freaking
Unknown Speaker (00:50:22.000)
out about trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:50:24.000)
scare his audience into thinking people are coming
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.000)
for their kids
Unknown Speaker (00:50:54.000)
what the fuck?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:14.000)
that was a great music choice
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.000)
I really swelled there at the end
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.000)
it got me
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.000)
I'm really scared of the idea
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.000)
of someone taking this seriously
Unknown Speaker (00:51:24.000)
and then on the other hand I was just like
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.000)
this show is so fucking stupid
Unknown Speaker (00:51:28.000)
there's no way
Unknown Speaker (00:51:30.000)
you would have to be
Unknown Speaker (00:51:32.000)
way too far gone if you were to hear him say
Unknown Speaker (00:51:34.000)
that it's the official curriculum
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.000)
to teach 5 year olds about anal sex
Unknown Speaker (00:51:38.000)
that's true
Unknown Speaker (00:51:40.000)
I think some people do believe that
Unknown Speaker (00:51:42.000)
I know but they're gone
Unknown Speaker (00:51:44.000)
get them out of here
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.000)
or they believe in some sort of metaphorical way
Unknown Speaker (00:51:48.000)
they're just against any kind of sex education
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.000)
and then they're like
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.000)
yeah this is spiritually true
Unknown Speaker (00:51:54.000)
they are coming for our kids
Unknown Speaker (00:51:56.000)
I'm exhausted
Unknown Speaker (00:51:58.000)
Jesus, just listening to him
Unknown Speaker (00:52:00.000)
be that performatively fake angry
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.000)
they're coming
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.000)
the gates of hell are open
Unknown Speaker (00:52:06.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.000)
there's a film crew here
Unknown Speaker (00:52:10.000)
sir, comport yourself
Unknown Speaker (00:52:12.000)
with decorum
Unknown Speaker (00:52:14.000)
it's probably wise
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.000)
oh it's absolutely wise
Unknown Speaker (00:52:18.000)
for the camera
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.000)
so anyway, Alex has also found a clip of
Unknown Speaker (00:52:22.000)
Rashida Tlaib
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.000)
and he takes some issues
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.000)
with her, what a shock
Unknown Speaker (00:52:28.000)
I want to roll in the next one
Unknown Speaker (00:52:30.000)
of Tlaib telling kids
Unknown Speaker (00:52:32.000)
how many of you have trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.000)
breathing? Oh a third of you
Unknown Speaker (00:52:36.000)
oh you're old guy, I'm trying to help you
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.000)
the US has super clean air compared to China
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.000)
and places
Unknown Speaker (00:52:44.000)
if we move all our industry there it's even dirtier
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.000)
and comes back and dumps onto the US
Unknown Speaker (00:52:48.000)
where the
Unknown Speaker (00:52:50.000)
jet stream just so happens to dump over
Unknown Speaker (00:52:52.000)
the midwest and Texas
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.000)
that's the truth
Unknown Speaker (00:52:56.000)
Rashida, you can't breathe can you
Unknown Speaker (00:52:58.000)
children? Hi I'm your Palestinian
Unknown Speaker (00:53:00.000)
jihadi here
Unknown Speaker (00:53:02.000)
telling you how much we're going to impeach the
Unknown Speaker (00:53:04.000)
MF'er, preying on children
Unknown Speaker (00:53:06.000)
she goes into that
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.000)
Palestinian jihadi
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.000)
cool cool cool
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.000)
Rashida Tlaib helped organize a campaign
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.000)
called We Have the Right to Breathe
Unknown Speaker (00:53:16.000)
in response to a billionaire in her district
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:20.000)
environmental protection
Unknown Speaker (00:53:22.000)
laws and refusing to cease operating
Unknown Speaker (00:53:24.000)
semi-trucks in residential areas
Unknown Speaker (00:53:26.000)
which is massively polluting to those neighborhoods
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.000)
according to her official page
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.000)
on the House of Representatives website
Unknown Speaker (00:53:32.000)
quote, when large piles of black dust started
Unknown Speaker (00:53:34.000)
showing up on the Detroit riverfront
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.000)
and blowing into homes and parks
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.000)
and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.000)
told residents everything was fine
Unknown Speaker (00:53:42.000)
Rashida collected samples and got the substance
Unknown Speaker (00:53:44.000)
tested herself
Unknown Speaker (00:53:46.000)
so she found that this was a carcinogenic
Unknown Speaker (00:53:48.000)
petroleum coke and she started
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.000)
this organizing campaign
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.000)
to address the problem
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.000)
in the political climate we're living in there's a real
Unknown Speaker (00:53:56.000)
danger that environmental regulations
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.000)
will be rolled back or just not enforced
Unknown Speaker (00:54:00.000)
and when that ball starts rolling people get
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.000)
hurt. We've had relatively
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.000)
clean air and water because years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:54:06.000)
we put regulations in place that big
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.000)
business polluters had to follow
Unknown Speaker (00:54:10.000)
Alex is a hack and a liar
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.000)
so there's no real need to explain why he's
Unknown Speaker (00:54:14.000)
doing what he's doing. But I have a sense
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.000)
that rank and file everyday people
Unknown Speaker (00:54:18.000)
who could be persuaded of these kinds
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.000)
of anti-environmental regulation
Unknown Speaker (00:54:22.000)
arguments they just don't realize the
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.000)
situation we'd be living in if those regulations
Unknown Speaker (00:54:26.000)
weren't there or weren't enforced
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.000)
I suspect that they just take for granted
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.000)
the relatively good environment that we enjoy
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.000)
so all of this came
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.000)
up recently with Rashida
Unknown Speaker (00:54:36.000)
because there's a Chrysler plant being built
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.000)
in Detroit and she's been vocal
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.000)
about the company taking their responsibilities
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.000)
to the neighboring communities seriously
Unknown Speaker (00:54:44.000)
Chrysler is getting massive tax
Unknown Speaker (00:54:46.000)
benefits to build the plant and as such they
Unknown Speaker (00:54:48.000)
have a very real responsibility to not fuck
Unknown Speaker (00:54:50.000)
up the lives of the people in the surrounding area
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.000)
and that's all she's talking about
Unknown Speaker (00:54:54.000)
it's a relevant concern too
Unknown Speaker (00:54:56.000)
the Detroit Free Press spoke to a couple that
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.000)
lives down the street from where the plant is being put up
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.000)
and they talked about how their house was
Unknown Speaker (00:55:02.000)
shaking from the construction and said
Unknown Speaker (00:55:04.000)
they quote, can't keep dust out of the house
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.000)
it's awful
Unknown Speaker (00:55:08.000)
also, it would be wrong to bring up
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.000)
this topic without addressing studies that
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.000)
have shown clearly that air quality is not a
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.000)
consistent thing in this country and
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.000)
that there are demonstrable patterns
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.000)
according to research presented by researchers
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.000)
from the Ohio State University
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.000)
at the 2019 meeting
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.000)
of the American Sociological Society
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.000)
quote, we're seeing that these
Unknown Speaker (00:55:28.000)
pollution hot spots are the same year
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.000)
after year and every time they're in
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.000)
low income communities, often communities
Unknown Speaker (00:55:34.000)
of color, this has implications
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.000)
for a wide array of health disparities from
Unknown Speaker (00:55:38.000)
preterm births and
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.000)
infant mortality to developmental delays
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.000)
in childhood to heart and lung disease
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.000)
later in life
Unknown Speaker (00:55:46.000)
there is a cultural gap here and low income
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.000)
areas are hit incredibly hard by polluting
Unknown Speaker (00:55:50.000)
companies and the research tends to show
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.000)
that this disproportionately is true
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.000)
of low income predominantly black
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.000)
neighborhoods, quote, we
Unknown Speaker (00:55:58.000)
found that for every 1% increase
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.000)
in low income African Americans
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.000)
living in an area, the odds that an area
Unknown Speaker (00:56:04.000)
would become a hot spot grew
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.000)
significantly, this was also
Unknown Speaker (00:56:08.000)
true but to a lesser extent for
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.000)
increases in low income white populations
Unknown Speaker (00:56:12.000)
so, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:56:14.000)
Alex can keep rambling on
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.000)
about China's air if he wants
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.000)
but that does nothing to address the situation
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.000)
that tons of Americans are living in, where
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.000)
their health and right to clean air in an
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.000)
unpolluted environment are being neglected for the
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.000)
sake of protecting corporate profit margins
Unknown Speaker (00:56:28.000)
people like Rashida are
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.000)
trying at least to address
Unknown Speaker (00:56:32.000)
these problems head on in a way that
Unknown Speaker (00:56:34.000)
serves the people's interests but I guess to
Unknown Speaker (00:56:36.000)
Alex, that's just what Palestinian
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.000)
jihadis do. The idea
Unknown Speaker (00:56:40.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:42.000)
well, see, we're better than
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.000)
China is not
Unknown Speaker (00:56:46.000)
an argument. It's irrelevant.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.000)
Okay, we're, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:56:50.000)
one child less
Unknown Speaker (00:56:52.000)
died of fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.000)
poison in their lungs. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:56.000)
Great, we're better than China. Yeah, if you have
Unknown Speaker (00:56:58.000)
a relative thing
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.000)
that makes you feel good
Unknown Speaker (00:57:02.000)
but the thing you're comparing yourself to is
Unknown Speaker (00:57:04.000)
something terrible then it's almost
Unknown Speaker (00:57:06.000)
irrelevant. Yeah. So, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:57:08.000)
keep playing that fucking dumb game
Unknown Speaker (00:57:10.000)
if you want. It's just a
Unknown Speaker (00:57:12.000)
fucked up thing to do
Unknown Speaker (00:57:14.000)
because that's, it's such
Unknown Speaker (00:57:16.000)
bullshit because that means
Unknown Speaker (00:57:18.000)
that it's fine for us to slide back
Unknown Speaker (00:57:20.000)
closer to China
Unknown Speaker (00:57:22.000)
because we're still a little bit better than China
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.000)
so shut the fuck up. Why are you complaining
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.000)
all the people who don't look like
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.000)
me who can't breathe? Better than
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.000)
the worst or a worst case
Unknown Speaker (00:57:32.000)
scenario is not good. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:34.000)
Don't compare yourself to a terrible
Unknown Speaker (00:57:36.000)
example of something like air quality
Unknown Speaker (00:57:38.000)
in China if you want to
Unknown Speaker (00:57:40.000)
consider yourself trying. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.000)
It's ridiculous. Our oil
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.000)
spill wasn't as bad as the Exxon Valdez
Unknown Speaker (00:57:46.000)
so we're doing great. So we've
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.000)
basically contained the oil. We're basically
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.000)
we are heroes actually.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.000)
Yeah, it's silly. So, anyway
Unknown Speaker (00:57:54.000)
he accuses her
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.000)
Rashida of terrorizing children.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.000)
Now here's Rashid Tlaib
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.000)
literally terrorizing
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:06.000)
I go into these classrooms and
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.000)
you know the second and third grade
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.000)
classrooms to read
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.000)
you know grace for president and
Unknown Speaker (00:58:14.000)
at the end I try to explain what my job
Unknown Speaker (00:58:16.000)
is and before
Unknown Speaker (00:58:18.000)
I begin I just ask how many of
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.000)
you all have asthma? You have a hard time
Unknown Speaker (00:58:22.000)
breathing and a third of the class will raise their hand
Unknown Speaker (00:58:24.000)
and I tell
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.000)
them my job is
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.000)
to protect your air
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.000)
so that you can breathe
Unknown Speaker (00:58:32.000)
and the kids are like
Unknown Speaker (00:58:34.000)
eyes wide open. I said sometimes it's really hard
Unknown Speaker (00:58:36.000)
right? Pause. Oh it's really hard to breathe it
Unknown Speaker (00:58:38.000)
and they start having anxiety attacks.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:40.000)
What? I'm surprised she didn't give them a bunch of no-dos
Unknown Speaker (00:58:42.000)
so they'd freak out. Maybe some LSD.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:44.000)
This woman looks like Brian Stelter
Unknown Speaker (00:58:46.000)
like these people don't know how
Unknown Speaker (00:58:48.000)
disingenuous and snake-like they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:50.000)
They're tone deaf. Here let's go back to her while she's
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.000)
smiling like a vampire.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:54.000)
Great. Another powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:58:56.000)
woman of color being
Unknown Speaker (00:58:58.000)
targeted. Compared to a man.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:00.000)
And a snake.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:02.000)
Don't you have to know
Unknown Speaker (00:59:04.000)
how in order to be
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.000)
a snake-like person
Unknown Speaker (00:59:08.000)
wouldn't you then have to have knowledge of your
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.000)
snake qualities? Well I mean
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.000)
it's tough to not see your forked tongue.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:16.000)
I mean it's just
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.000)
a clear pattern that you see.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.000)
Like it's just a clear pattern in how
Unknown Speaker (00:59:22.000)
Alex interacts with
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.000)
other figures. Now I'm just
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.000)
re-reading Metamorphosis
Unknown Speaker (00:59:28.000)
in my head where the guy just
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.000)
wakes up and he just goes to work like it's a normal day
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.000)
and everybody's fine with it. Everybody's fine with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:34.000)
Everybody's like oh shit you're a bug now? Whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:36.000)
I thought it was still, I thought it was
Unknown Speaker (00:59:38.000)
Metamorphosis but with a snake.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:40.000)
Metamorphosis snake? Yeah. That's the sequel?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:42.000)
I was trying to find that pun.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:44.000)
So anyway it keeps getting worse
Unknown Speaker (00:59:46.000)
and Alex keeps attacking Rashida.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:48.000)
The second and third graders sometimes I wish they could be
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.000)
in this room and make these decisions
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.000)
because they know what's right
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.000)
and they know they don't have
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.000)
any kind of
Unknown Speaker (00:59:58.000)
political strategy behind it. They just know
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.000)
it's just the right thing to do. No that's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:02.000)
Like the thousands of kids that you
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.000)
support get strapped
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.000)
on by their mothers at age five with
Unknown Speaker (01:00:08.000)
dynamite and hand grenades. Exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.000)
You love, you can brainwash
Unknown Speaker (01:00:12.000)
children. You stinking witch.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:14.000)
My god these people
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.000)
are filth. Wow.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.000)
Is that legally actionable?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:20.000)
I don't know but I mean like it's just
Unknown Speaker (01:00:22.000)
gross. That's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.000)
You support child suicide bombers
Unknown Speaker (01:00:26.000)
because of just the fact
Unknown Speaker (01:00:28.000)
that you're a Palestinian.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:30.000)
Well don't forget
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.000)
she also wants you to be able to breathe.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:34.000)
Sure. So that is, what is
Unknown Speaker (01:00:36.000)
more like ISIS
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.000)
than clean air?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:40.000)
All Alex is responding
Unknown Speaker (01:00:42.000)
to is the possibility of
Unknown Speaker (01:00:44.000)
greater regulation for businesses.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:46.000)
This is the way he responds.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:48.000)
It's pretty fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.000)
And it underlies his really bigoted
Unknown Speaker (01:00:52.000)
positions. I mean you're seeing this very
Unknown Speaker (01:00:54.000)
consistently throughout this episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:56.000)
It's really really fucked up. It really is
Unknown Speaker (01:00:58.000)
amazing how complete
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.000)
the propaganda
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.000)
wall really is whenever
Unknown Speaker (01:01:04.000)
you can convince people to vote against their
Unknown Speaker (01:01:06.000)
own ability to breathe.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.000)
You know like there are people that are like
Unknown Speaker (01:01:10.000)
oh we can't regulate those
Unknown Speaker (01:01:12.000)
companies bring jobs. We can't regulate
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.000)
them. That'll lead to more regulations.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.000)
Like okay then choke to
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.000)
death. I don't know what to do
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.000)
for you. A bunch of kids have asthma and
Unknown Speaker (01:01:22.000)
we know ways that we can help
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.000)
this issue. Right.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:26.000)
But unfortunately it's going to
Unknown Speaker (01:01:28.000)
cut into corporate profits.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:30.000)
Can't do that. Well at least we're better
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.000)
than China. Yeah. So there we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.000)
So we've
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.000)
seen attacks on Michelle
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.000)
that were very white identity leaning.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:40.000)
We've seen attacks on Rashida
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.000)
which have also seemed to center
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.000)
around him taking issue
Unknown Speaker (01:01:46.000)
with her ethnicity. You know a lot of white
Unknown Speaker (01:01:48.000)
guys don't like it when black women have power.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.000)
No. Did you know that was a trigger for a
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.000)
lot of white dudes? It was.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.000)
Like a crazy number. And so now
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.000)
we get into what he's
Unknown Speaker (01:01:58.000)
promised he's going to go over and that is
Unknown Speaker (01:02:00.000)
some Soros shit. But as
Unknown Speaker (01:02:02.000)
he's trying to do this we see
Unknown Speaker (01:02:04.000)
the pesky head of
Unknown Speaker (01:02:06.000)
tech problems. Oh hey.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:08.000)
George Soros ladies and
Unknown Speaker (01:02:10.000)
gentlemen is a
Unknown Speaker (01:02:12.000)
real piece of work.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.000)
I actually
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.000)
like this show way better. I want to be clear
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.000)
we are going to hear this sort of tech glitch
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.000)
this is not your phone fucking up
Unknown Speaker (01:02:22.000)
this is from Alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:02:24.000)
raw audio. I like this show
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.000)
Big pause.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.000)
Finding where Jews were hidden.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:38.000)
Madeleine Albright's father did.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:40.000)
And then stealing their goods.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:42.000)
Madeleine Albright by the way has been
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.000)
caught with stolen loot from the holocaust.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:46.000)
That's mainstream news just look it up.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:48.000)
She had people in her house for 60 minutes and people
Unknown Speaker (01:02:50.000)
saw the stolen art. Well yeah her father
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.000)
stole it from Jews he was supposed to save
Unknown Speaker (01:02:54.000)
and then he sold them out to the Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.000)
So the situation with
Unknown Speaker (01:02:58.000)
Madeleine Albright is a little different than what
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.000)
Alex is presenting. He has a lie
Unknown Speaker (01:03:02.000)
about George Soros that he always tells
Unknown Speaker (01:03:04.000)
about him working with the Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:06.000)
So in order to reinforce that he's taken a
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.000)
true story about Madeleine Albright and fudged
Unknown Speaker (01:03:10.000)
the details to make it match his false version
Unknown Speaker (01:03:12.000)
of the Soros story.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.000)
Madeleine Albright was accused by a man named
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.000)
Philip Harmer of being in possession of things
Unknown Speaker (01:03:18.000)
that were stolen from his family's apartment
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.000)
after World War II.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.000)
This was apparently done by Madeleine Albright's
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.000)
father Joseph Korbel who was
Unknown Speaker (01:03:26.000)
a diplomat at the time in the
Unknown Speaker (01:03:28.000)
Czech foreign ministry.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:30.000)
They'd ended up in that country
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.000)
after finding refuge in London during
Unknown Speaker (01:03:34.000)
World War II. I say refuge
Unknown Speaker (01:03:36.000)
because many of Albright's family members were
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.000)
killed in the holocaust. Though she
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.000)
is a Christian she had many Jewish relatives
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.000)
and thus her family was at risk during
Unknown Speaker (01:03:44.000)
the war if they didn't get out. So
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.000)
they went to London then after
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.000)
the ending of hostilities they ended up in Prague.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.000)
Philip Harmer was not
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.000)
a Jewish man who had his things stolen in the
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.000)
holocaust. His family was German
Unknown Speaker (01:03:56.000)
and in the post war years over 3
Unknown Speaker (01:03:58.000)
billion Germans had been expelled from the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:00.000)
country that they were in
Unknown Speaker (01:04:02.000)
then Czechoslovakia.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.000)
To be clear I don't know if
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.000)
Philip Harmer himself is Jewish
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.000)
and I'm not saying he's not or is
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.000)
I have no idea. My larger point
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.000)
is that his family left Prague not because
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.000)
of the holocaust but because of anti-german
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.000)
sentiment in the post war years.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.000)
After that point it's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:20.000)
said that Albright's father stole a bunch of their stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.000)
If this is the case then that's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:24.000)
shitty and they should have their stuff returned to them.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.000)
I don't know the ins and outs
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.000)
of this case but it's nothing like what
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.000)
Alex is presenting. Even Harmer
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.000)
said of the confiscation of his family's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:34.000)
items, quote, it was
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.000)
understandable considering what the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.000)
did to his family but it was not
Unknown Speaker (01:04:40.000)
necessarily right. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.000)
So this has nothing to
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.000)
do with what Alex is
Unknown Speaker (01:04:46.000)
presenting it as. He's only using
Unknown Speaker (01:04:48.000)
this story in order to reinforce his
Unknown Speaker (01:04:50.000)
complete lie about George Soros
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.000)
and like rounding up Jews during the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:54.000)
holocaust under the guise of
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.000)
coming to confiscate stuff or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:58.000)
That's just
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.000)
such a funny clip for the way
Unknown Speaker (01:05:02.000)
to get into like to
Unknown Speaker (01:05:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:06.000)
And so the
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.000)
Jews were all like, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.000)
I missed a lot.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.000)
It's tough.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.000)
It's almost like you just wanted to keep
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.000)
glitching so you didn't say it was bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:18.000)
Yeah, it's just such a weird
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.000)
non sequitur. Like it might as well have just been like
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.000)
rectum, damn near
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.000)
killed. Like what are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.000)
So in this next clip, Alex denies
Unknown Speaker (01:05:28.000)
George Soros' identity
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.000)
as a holocaust survivor.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.000)
George Soros is really mad at me
Unknown Speaker (01:05:34.000)
that I cover this and I talk about it
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.000)
and he puts out the PR
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.000)
and the
Unknown Speaker (01:05:40.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.000)
he's a holocaust survivor.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.000)
Well, I guess that's kind of like
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:54.000)
Hitler is a
Unknown Speaker (01:05:56.000)
holocaust survivor.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.000)
And I guess he was someone that was
Unknown Speaker (01:06:00.000)
around during the holocaust and he survived.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:02.000)
I mean, I guess technically it's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.000)
Hitler is a holocaust survivor.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:06.000)
Sickening play on words, a manipulation,
Unknown Speaker (01:06:08.000)
a legalese issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.000)
So we know that Alex believes that
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.000)
Hitler didn't kill himself in the bunker.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.000)
Did Hitler survive the holocaust?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.000)
Okay, we're in boys from
Unknown Speaker (01:06:18.000)
Brazil territory, huh?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:20.000)
It's an interesting position for him to
Unknown Speaker (01:06:22.000)
have and I don't really want to get into it
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.000)
as much as I would say let's stipulate
Unknown Speaker (01:06:26.000)
that Hitler did
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:30.000)
Now Alex is saying that similarly
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.000)
George Soros' experience
Unknown Speaker (01:06:34.000)
George Soros' experience is similar
Unknown Speaker (01:06:36.000)
to Hitler's experience in the war.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.000)
I would say that what you are
Unknown Speaker (01:06:40.000)
doing is holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:06:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:44.000)
You're engaging in minimizing
Unknown Speaker (01:06:46.000)
Hitler's behavior or
Unknown Speaker (01:06:48.000)
turning whatever Soros did
Unknown Speaker (01:06:50.000)
into the level of
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.000)
the person, the fuhrer.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:54.000)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.000)
And either of those things is trivializing
Unknown Speaker (01:06:58.000)
the holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.000)
and I find it to be offensive.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:02.000)
Quite offensive.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:04.000)
I think he's really...
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.000)
He ran, he shot the moon.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.000)
If this was a game of hearts, he got
Unknown Speaker (01:07:10.000)
all the tricks. He batted for the cycle.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.000)
He got it all, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.000)
We've got the white identity, whites are
Unknown Speaker (01:07:16.000)
responsible for the civilization and ending
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.000)
slavery, you dumb black woman who
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.000)
that guy hates so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:22.000)
Rashida Tlaib is a
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.000)
Palestinian jihadi who's trying
Unknown Speaker (01:07:26.000)
to terrorize children with
Unknown Speaker (01:07:28.000)
breathing issues and now we've
Unknown Speaker (01:07:30.000)
got Soros holocaust revisionism.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:32.000)
Look, the whites ended the holocaust too.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.000)
See, you guys don't talk about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:36.000)
I think you can maybe understand why this is an episode
Unknown Speaker (01:07:38.000)
that should
Unknown Speaker (01:07:40.000)
be covered. Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:42.000)
But also, I really just want to gloat about
Unknown Speaker (01:07:44.000)
Alex's horrible
Unknown Speaker (01:07:46.000)
sound quality issues.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:48.000)
And far be it from me, we've had some sound issues
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.000)
too lately. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:52.000)
And I don't mean to
Unknown Speaker (01:07:54.000)
begrudge Alex, but hey,
Unknown Speaker (01:07:56.000)
we record in my bedroom and he is a
Unknown Speaker (01:07:58.000)
millionaire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a little bit of a
Unknown Speaker (01:08:00.000)
difference there. And also... Slight change in
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.000)
quality. And also, if my
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.000)
shit sounded like this, I would never
Unknown Speaker (01:08:06.000)
put it out.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.000)
Let you into their hiding place claiming you're running
Unknown Speaker (01:08:36.000)
from Nazis. That's what he would do. He was 14.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:38.000)
And small for 14. He said they were saving
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.000)
a kid. He would come in and then
Unknown Speaker (01:08:42.000)
remember it all and then run out at night and bring the Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.000)
They called them bloodhounds.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.000)
Alex is completely
Unknown Speaker (01:08:48.000)
making that up. Yeah. Alex is 100%
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.000)
and he has no evidence of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.000)
He has nothing that Soros has said. He has
Unknown Speaker (01:08:54.000)
no proof that Soros as a
Unknown Speaker (01:08:56.000)
youth went and found Jews hiding
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.000)
places and then brought the Nazis
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.000)
back. This is one of the worst
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.000)
kind of slanders you can
Unknown Speaker (01:09:04.000)
accuse someone of. Yeah. This
Unknown Speaker (01:09:06.000)
is disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.000)
Yeah. I don't even mean this just because
Unknown Speaker (01:09:10.000)
like, hey, I love Soros or something. That's
Unknown Speaker (01:09:12.000)
not my angle on this at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.000)
This is repugnant behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:16.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:18.000)
And it just, it absolutely trivializes
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.000)
the Holocaust. When you use something
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.000)
like this as a political cudgel
Unknown Speaker (01:09:24.000)
against one of your enemies, what you're
Unknown Speaker (01:09:26.000)
doing is making
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.000)
it okay to commit a Holocaust.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.000)
Eh, somewhat. But look, man,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:32.000)
Alex's family, he shouldn't have
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.000)
to worry about this sort of shit because
Unknown Speaker (01:09:36.000)
his family fought Hitler,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:38.000)
all right? But
Unknown Speaker (01:09:40.000)
see, my family fought
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.000)
Hitler and now that
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.000)
man has the ADL and Southern
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.000)
Property Law Center say I'm a Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:48.000)
That is obscene,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:50.000)
ladies and gentlemen. I almost don't
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:54.000)
in time and space
Unknown Speaker (01:09:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:00.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:02.000)
And then a monster that served
Unknown Speaker (01:10:04.000)
him and rounded up Jews
Unknown Speaker (01:10:06.000)
funds lawsuits
Unknown Speaker (01:10:08.000)
and attacks on me and my family and lies
Unknown Speaker (01:10:10.000)
and I'm just, if there's justice
Unknown Speaker (01:10:12.000)
in this universe, my God,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.000)
can't we do something
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.000)
about George Soros and his son, Alexander,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:18.000)
that openly funds
Unknown Speaker (01:10:20.000)
Antifa and the documents are public.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:22.000)
Those documents are fake. And
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.000)
what you're doing there is calling for
Unknown Speaker (01:10:26.000)
someone to hurt George Soros and his son.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:28.000)
You can't interpret it any
Unknown Speaker (01:10:30.000)
other way. On Alex's show, you
Unknown Speaker (01:10:32.000)
hear something like that and
Unknown Speaker (01:10:34.000)
should something happen
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.000)
to either of them,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:38.000)
and the person who did it is a
Unknown Speaker (01:10:40.000)
listener of Alex's show, that is a
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.000)
clear-cut example of
Unknown Speaker (01:10:44.000)
stochastic terrorism. He is
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.000)
just being like, oh, if there's any
Unknown Speaker (01:10:48.000)
justice in the universe, ain't God's
Unknown Speaker (01:10:50.000)
will, can someone take care of them?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:52.000)
Meanwhile, on a show like
Unknown Speaker (01:10:54.000)
within the last month, Alex has said,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.000)
hey, vengeance is God's, but
Unknown Speaker (01:10:58.000)
sometimes you gotta be God's instrument.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:00.000)
You gotta. God calls you to do things.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:02.000)
Somehow that makes sense in both directions.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:04.000)
Within the canon of
Unknown Speaker (01:11:06.000)
Alex's work, you have all the pieces
Unknown Speaker (01:11:08.000)
necessary to think God is calling you to
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.000)
kill George Soros. Because Alex is not
Unknown Speaker (01:11:12.000)
saying we gotta do something like, we need
Unknown Speaker (01:11:14.000)
to institute a wealth tax.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:16.000)
He's not trying to solve
Unknown Speaker (01:11:18.000)
that problem. He's not trying to
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.000)
solve any of that. Even if Soros
Unknown Speaker (01:11:22.000)
did do the thing, he's not
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.000)
saying let's send him to the fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:11:26.000)
Hague to stand trial.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:28.000)
He's not doing any of that shit. He wants
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.000)
them to kill him.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:32.000)
That's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:34.000)
This is unacceptable on so many levels.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:36.000)
So now Alex has a guest.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.000)
Sure. A lawyer? No.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:40.000)
Ooh, that's nice. No, for once it's not one
Unknown Speaker (01:11:42.000)
of his lawyers. But he has a guest who's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:44.000)
run afoul of
Unknown Speaker (01:11:46.000)
Turning Point USA.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.000)
And so Alex wants to have a little
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.000)
conversation about it. And here's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:52.000)
a little bit of an introduction.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.000)
We're gonna go to break and come back with our guest
Unknown Speaker (01:11:56.000)
who is being censored and targeted
Unknown Speaker (01:11:58.000)
by the Republicans.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.000)
Some of them. And again, I think
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.000)
there's a lot of good Turning Point USA.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.000)
But what happened to Candace Owens being driven out?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:06.000)
You know, what's going on with all this? Why are
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.000)
their best people being
Unknown Speaker (01:12:10.000)
shuttered? So Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:12:12.000)
has a guest coming up who's on the outs
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.000)
with Turning Point USA.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.000)
And in this tease for the interview, he mentions
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.000)
that Turning Point is a good organization as a
Unknown Speaker (01:12:20.000)
whole, but he doesn't like that they got rid of Candace Owens.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.000)
Now, it seems
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.000)
worth mentioning that Alex just got done with
Unknown Speaker (01:12:26.000)
a 20 minute segment of Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:12:28.000)
revisionism and lying about Soros
Unknown Speaker (01:12:30.000)
rounding up Jews during the Holocaust.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.000)
So it seems like when you then
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.000)
transition into an interview by saying it was
Unknown Speaker (01:12:36.000)
wrong for Turning Point to part ways with Candace,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.000)
it's probably relevant to know why they did
Unknown Speaker (01:12:40.000)
that. It's like what
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.000)
you said recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:44.000)
You are not more important than
Unknown Speaker (01:12:46.000)
the grift. Every functionary
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.000)
in these operations is useful until they're
Unknown Speaker (01:12:50.000)
not. Even when you make quite a name for
Unknown Speaker (01:12:52.000)
yourself and you go mainstream in some sense,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.000)
you can reach a point where you're just too
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.000)
fucking dumb or too toxic a property to
Unknown Speaker (01:12:58.000)
continue being associated with.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:00.000)
That happened for Candace Owens in December
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.000)
2018 when she said at a
Unknown Speaker (01:13:04.000)
Turning Point event, quote,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:06.000)
I actually don't have any problems with the word
Unknown Speaker (01:13:08.000)
nationalism. I think the definition
Unknown Speaker (01:13:10.000)
gets poisoned by elitists that actually
Unknown Speaker (01:13:12.000)
want globalism. Globalism
Unknown Speaker (01:13:14.000)
is what I don't want. Whenever we say
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.000)
nationalism, the first thing people think about,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:18.000)
at least in America, is Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.000)
You know, he was a national socialist.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:22.000)
But if Hitler just wanted to make
Unknown Speaker (01:13:24.000)
Germany great and have things run well,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.000)
OK, fine. The problem is
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.000)
he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:30.000)
He wanted to globalize.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:32.000)
He wanted everyone to be German. Everybody
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.000)
to speak German. Everybody to look a
Unknown Speaker (01:13:36.000)
different way. That's not, to me,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:38.000)
that's not nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.000)
Leaving aside how this comment definitely
Unknown Speaker (01:13:42.000)
seems to imply that an internally
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.000)
operating genocide would be totally cool
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.000)
with her, saying something like this
Unknown Speaker (01:13:48.000)
publicly is just fucking embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:50.000)
It demonstrates a very shallow understanding
Unknown Speaker (01:13:52.000)
of what happened in World War II and what
Unknown Speaker (01:13:54.000)
Hitler was up to. When someone says
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.000)
something like this, you consider what other
Unknown Speaker (01:13:58.000)
completely idiotic and profoundly offensive
Unknown Speaker (01:14:00.000)
things they might accidentally say in the future,
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.000)
and if you're smart, you decide,
Unknown Speaker (01:14:04.000)
eh, I gotta cut ties with her. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:06.000)
It's important to note, this has nothing to do with
Unknown Speaker (01:14:08.000)
the substance of what she believed. Turning
Unknown Speaker (01:14:10.000)
Point USA, totally fine with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:12.000)
Probably, but the options of this are impossible.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.000)
Exactly. She's
Unknown Speaker (01:14:16.000)
fired for being a bad grifter.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:18.000)
You don't say it out loud.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.000)
And it raises the question of what else might we have
Unknown Speaker (01:14:22.000)
to do damage control about in the future. Exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.000)
She's a bad grifter. Get her out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.000)
Yes. The most generous
Unknown Speaker (01:14:28.000)
reading of her comment is that she knows nothing about
Unknown Speaker (01:14:30.000)
the subject she's talking about, and
Unknown Speaker (01:14:32.000)
the least generous is that she's a Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:14:34.000)
denier. Both of these are bad for the brand.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:36.000)
Or, I would say the least generous is that she's
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.000)
a Holocaust supporter.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:40.000)
Maybe. Within certain borders, I
Unknown Speaker (01:14:42.000)
guess. Yeah. Both of these are bad for the brand,
Unknown Speaker (01:14:44.000)
and Turning Point USA is all about that
Unknown Speaker (01:14:46.000)
grift. I think this is important
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.000)
to recognize, however, because
Unknown Speaker (01:14:50.000)
Alex is saying that they were wrong to cut ties
Unknown Speaker (01:14:52.000)
with her, and one of the motivating factors
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.000)
was clearly this comment that could
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.000)
easily be interpreted as
Unknown Speaker (01:14:58.000)
minimizing of the Holocaust.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:00.000)
That's really fucked up to hear, after
Unknown Speaker (01:15:02.000)
Alex has just rewritten elements of the Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:15:04.000)
to serve his purposes.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:06.000)
That's also really fucked up to hear, considering
Unknown Speaker (01:15:08.000)
that Owen Schroyer had the hosts of
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.000)
Red Ice Radio as guests on his show
Unknown Speaker (01:15:12.000)
this week. Wait, he did what?
Unknown Speaker (01:15:14.000)
Yeah. Oh, man. So, they're
Unknown Speaker (01:15:16.000)
going full-throated. And it'll be
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.000)
even more fucked up. They're just dropping the
Unknown Speaker (01:15:20.000)
hoods on. When we get to who the guest
Unknown Speaker (01:15:22.000)
he's introducing is. Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.000)
Well, Nick Fuentes is here
Unknown Speaker (01:15:26.000)
with us today, and I really appreciate him
Unknown Speaker (01:15:28.000)
coming on.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:30.000)
and I'm very familiar with
Unknown Speaker (01:15:32.000)
his work. We're very excited to
Unknown Speaker (01:15:34.000)
have him. We should have him as a guest more often.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:36.000)
Oh, really? You're really familiar with his
Unknown Speaker (01:15:38.000)
work? That's gonna be a problem here in a minute.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:40.000)
Who's this guy? So, we briefly mentioned
Unknown Speaker (01:15:42.000)
Nick Fuentes in a recent episode, in
Unknown Speaker (01:15:44.000)
relation to him working with that network
Unknown Speaker (01:15:46.000)
that also employed Joey Salads, the racist
Unknown Speaker (01:15:48.000)
hoax video guy who peed in his own
Unknown Speaker (01:15:50.000)
mouth. Yeah. I'd kinda hope that that
Unknown Speaker (01:15:52.000)
would be the only time this dude came up on our show,
Unknown Speaker (01:15:54.000)
but apparently, I don't get what I want
Unknown Speaker (01:15:56.000)
sometimes. Nick Fuentes
Unknown Speaker (01:15:58.000)
is a pile of shit, but he's also
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.000)
clearly a troll. So, talking about him
Unknown Speaker (01:16:02.000)
gets into murky territory where you can really
Unknown Speaker (01:16:04.000)
never know how much of what he's saying is sincere
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.000)
and how much is just intentionally
Unknown Speaker (01:16:08.000)
provocative to try and get people angry
Unknown Speaker (01:16:10.000)
for attention. Doesn't matter. Fuck that guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.000)
He has a show called America First that
Unknown Speaker (01:16:14.000)
is just really terrible
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.000)
green screen background, sloppy
Unknown Speaker (01:16:18.000)
bullshit. It's terrible, but I've
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.000)
listened to enough of his work to know that there are definitely
Unknown Speaker (01:16:22.000)
some things that he's very serious about
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.000)
and they're all bad things.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:26.000)
For one, he believes that the United States is a country
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.000)
specifically for white people.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.000)
He'll generally resist the title of white
Unknown Speaker (01:16:32.000)
supremacist or any of that stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:16:34.000)
and he pretends that he's just wanting to
Unknown Speaker (01:16:36.000)
uphold the intent of the founders of the country
Unknown Speaker (01:16:38.000)
who wanted the country to be a place specifically
Unknown Speaker (01:16:40.000)
for whites.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:44.000)
I'm gonna go out on a limb
Unknown Speaker (01:16:46.000)
here. Fuentes?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:48.000)
Right. It's an issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.000)
I don't care, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:52.000)
I understand where you're coming from.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.000)
Don't care. It's just there. I'm just saying
Unknown Speaker (01:16:56.000)
it's there. I need everybody to know
Unknown Speaker (01:16:58.000)
it's there and then we can move on.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:00.000)
That is an interesting consideration whenever you have
Unknown Speaker (01:17:02.000)
these sort of escalating
Unknown Speaker (01:17:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:06.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:08.000)
Do you not think that you eventually
Unknown Speaker (01:17:10.000)
won't pass the test that you are
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.000)
advocating in that direction?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:14.000)
It is one of those things where it's like
Unknown Speaker (01:17:16.000)
the further on the edge of the in-group
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.000)
you are seems like the more
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.000)
aware you should be that the in-group is going
Unknown Speaker (01:17:22.000)
to slough off those. They're gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:17:24.000)
shed their skin whenever there's...
Unknown Speaker (01:17:26.000)
Yeah, and it
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.000)
does not go the other direction.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:30.000)
So the other thing that's very consistent
Unknown Speaker (01:17:32.000)
in Nick Fuentes' work
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.000)
is a strain of hatred towards Jews
Unknown Speaker (01:17:36.000)
and Holocaust revisionism.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:38.000)
In this clip, we'll hear
Unknown Speaker (01:17:40.000)
Nick on his show America First
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.000)
complaining about Matt Walsh decrying
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.000)
white nationalism after the shooting
Unknown Speaker (01:17:46.000)
in El Paso from a little ways back.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:48.000)
And please be advised
Unknown Speaker (01:17:50.000)
listeners, he's going to use some language
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.000)
that is very uncommon on our show.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.000)
Kid2000 says
Unknown Speaker (01:17:56.000)
it's very refreshing to see some people
Unknown Speaker (01:17:58.000)
stay consistent and not take a
Unknown Speaker (01:18:00.000)
self-defeating defensive position. Much appreciated.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:02.000)
Keep it up. Well, thanks. Yeah, we
Unknown Speaker (01:18:04.000)
just can't do that. We can't play this game of
Unknown Speaker (01:18:06.000)
I disavow white supremacy
Unknown Speaker (01:18:08.000)
and notice how the claws come out. All these
Unknown Speaker (01:18:10.000)
pussies, frankly.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.000)
And again, sorry for the language, but
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.000)
that's what it is. People like, who's this?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:16.000)
Matt Walsh guy?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.000)
Total faggot pussy.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:20.000)
And, you know, he's always
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.000)
like this. And when a white person
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.000)
does a shooting, suddenly he's a big tough guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:26.000)
Ooh, ooh, I think these
Unknown Speaker (01:18:28.000)
white racist scumbags should
Unknown Speaker (01:18:30.000)
get public executions and
Unknown Speaker (01:18:32.000)
we should hang them and be brutal. That's the only thing
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.000)
that's going to stop these people.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:36.000)
Yeah, you're a real tough guy. You're a real fucking tough guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:38.000)
You know, sorry for the language.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:40.000)
Disavow the language, but
Unknown Speaker (01:18:42.000)
that's what it is, these people. It's a very
Unknown Speaker (01:18:44.000)
latent hatred
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.000)
for their own people, for white people
Unknown Speaker (01:18:48.000)
if it's not their own people.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:50.000)
Matt Walsh, Shabbos Goy
Unknown Speaker (01:18:52.000)
race traitor. That's what it is, folks.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.000)
I know some people don't like to use that
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.000)
expression, but it's totally true. Throwing his
Unknown Speaker (01:18:58.000)
own people under the bus. He hates white people.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:00.000)
Nobody else talks like that
Unknown Speaker (01:19:02.000)
about their own people except for white people.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:04.000)
And it's gross. This white
Unknown Speaker (01:19:06.000)
racist scumbag should be
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.000)
hanged in public and we should be brutal
Unknown Speaker (01:19:10.000)
about it. Yeah, okay. Keep typing
Unknown Speaker (01:19:12.000)
on, faggot.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:14.000)
Faggot pussy.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.000)
Race traitor. You work for Jews,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:18.000)
you know. So, that's
Unknown Speaker (01:19:20.000)
the kind of thing that he
Unknown Speaker (01:19:22.000)
espouses. And it's a good
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.000)
thing Alex is familiar with his work
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.000)
and he's a big fan. Wow. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:28.000)
So, if you take that for what it is,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:30.000)
you have a guy who's offended at someone not
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.000)
supporting white nationalism and his
Unknown Speaker (01:19:34.000)
response is to call him a race traitor
Unknown Speaker (01:19:36.000)
and then talk about how he works for Jews.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.000)
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.000)
As for Holocaust revisionism,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.000)
Nick engages in a crypto form
Unknown Speaker (01:19:44.000)
of denialism that's pretty popular
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.000)
in neo-Nazi circles.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:48.000)
What they do is they talk about the killings in the
Unknown Speaker (01:19:50.000)
Holocaust using the language of
Unknown Speaker (01:19:52.000)
baking cookies. I know it
Unknown Speaker (01:19:54.000)
sounds weird, but you'll see what I mean in
Unknown Speaker (01:19:56.000)
this clip. Max says,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.000)
if I take one hour to cook
Unknown Speaker (01:20:00.000)
a batch of cookies and Cookie Monster
Unknown Speaker (01:20:02.000)
has 15 ovens working 24
Unknown Speaker (01:20:04.000)
hours a day every day for five
Unknown Speaker (01:20:06.000)
years, how long does it take
Unknown Speaker (01:20:08.000)
Cookie Monster to make six million
Unknown Speaker (01:20:10.000)
batches of cookies?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:12.000)
I don't know. That's a good question.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:16.000)
Oh, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:18.000)
It doesn't really sound correct to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:20.000)
Wait a second. It takes one hour to
Unknown Speaker (01:20:22.000)
cook a batch of cookies and
Unknown Speaker (01:20:24.000)
you have 15 ovens, probably
Unknown Speaker (01:20:26.000)
in four different kitchens, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.000)
Doing 24 hours a day every day for five
Unknown Speaker (01:20:30.000)
years, how long would it take you to
Unknown Speaker (01:20:32.000)
make six million? Hmm.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:34.000)
I don't know. It certainly wouldn't be five years, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:36.000)
The math doesn't seem to add up there.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:38.000)
So, six million
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.000)
cookies? I don't buy it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.000)
I don't even care to engage
Unknown Speaker (01:20:44.000)
with this sort of shit, but I wanted to play that for you
Unknown Speaker (01:20:46.000)
so you could understand that this is a guy who uses
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.000)
his platform to partake in explicit
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.000)
Holocaust revision and
Unknown Speaker (01:20:52.000)
denial. Nick is very young
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.000)
and doesn't know very much, but he has a good handle
Unknown Speaker (01:20:56.000)
on really far-right talking points
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.000)
and is able to rattle them off pretty
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.000)
quickly, you know, enough to trick idiots into
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.000)
thinking he knows what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:04.000)
Consider him to be like an anti-Jewish
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.000)
Ben Shapiro, a person Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:21:08.000)
coincidentally hates, which probably has nothing
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.000)
to do with Shapiro's very public Judaism.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:12.000)
I don't know why he would hate him.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.000)
What makes this absolutely unacceptable is
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.000)
that Alex says he knows Nick's work and
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.000)
that he likes his work. If he had no
Unknown Speaker (01:21:20.000)
idea who Nick was and had him on, then that's
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.000)
a huge fuck-up and a sign that he needs a better
Unknown Speaker (01:21:24.000)
vetting process. But knowing who
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.000)
he is and giving him a friendly platform
Unknown Speaker (01:21:28.000)
is a tacit support for his ideas
Unknown Speaker (01:21:30.000)
and what he stands for, namely
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.000)
Holocaust denial and white nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:34.000)
So, congratulations, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.000)
You're almost at your true form.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.000)
Yep. When I heard that he was on,
Unknown Speaker (01:21:41.000)
I was like, well, this is progressing
Unknown Speaker (01:21:43.000)
and the red ice being on Owen's
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.000)
show. It's just...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:47.000)
They're done, right? They're there.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:49.000)
This is exactly the transformation that
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.000)
you expect. It's basically
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.000)
what I was sort of predicting once
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.000)
the deplatforming came.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:57.000)
And it maybe took a little bit longer than
Unknown Speaker (01:21:59.000)
you would expect.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.000)
You kind of think that maybe he'd jump right in,
Unknown Speaker (01:22:03.000)
but he probably had more cash before.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.000)
Yeah, he tried...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:07.000)
It's almost admirable how
Unknown Speaker (01:22:09.000)
long he tried before he just decided to
Unknown Speaker (01:22:11.000)
become a white nationalist broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.000)
Yeah, fuck it. And he'll
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.000)
probably try and pretend, but all these
Unknown Speaker (01:22:17.000)
people fucking pretend.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:20.000)
This is how you discuss
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.000)
sort of neo-Nazi
Unknown Speaker (01:22:24.000)
Holocaust revision
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.000)
in a winking way.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:28.000)
Isn't it funny? I'm talking about cookies.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.000)
Can't get mad at me talking about cookies.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:32.000)
Hey, you know what's easy?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:34.000)
The Holocaust was bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.000)
No matter the
Unknown Speaker (01:22:38.000)
numbers. You don't have to
Unknown Speaker (01:22:40.000)
work that hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:44.000)
Well, you do if you want to have a...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:46.000)
Oh, yeah, that's right. If you want to come with it, it's okay with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:48.000)
You really got to work hard, don't you?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:50.000)
Yeah. So, Alex is
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.000)
going to talk to Nick Fuentes, which is
Unknown Speaker (01:22:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:56.000)
And so, the big reason
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.000)
that Alex is having him on, or so he thinks,
Unknown Speaker (01:23:00.000)
is that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:02.000)
Nick got into a little bit of a beef
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.000)
with Turning Point USA and
Unknown Speaker (01:23:06.000)
Charlie Kirk. Sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.000)
I don't care about their petty drama.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.000)
But, it's interesting, because
Unknown Speaker (01:23:12.000)
they're having this fight,
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.000)
Alex is
Unknown Speaker (01:23:16.000)
looking at things a little differently.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.000)
Interesting. And so, I've seen a lot of other things.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:20.000)
And I know folks that have been to some of the
Unknown Speaker (01:23:22.000)
Turning Point USA national events, and they say
Unknown Speaker (01:23:24.000)
it's a little
Unknown Speaker (01:23:26.000)
leftist. And look, I know we want to have
Unknown Speaker (01:23:28.000)
a big team, but we have a big team so long
Unknown Speaker (01:23:30.000)
we'll compromise, and then the left continues
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.000)
to take over. So, Turning Point
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.000)
USA is not a little leftist.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:36.000)
They're entirely funded by right-wing billionaire
Unknown Speaker (01:23:38.000)
cash infusions, and are absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:23:40.000)
100% the tool of the right
Unknown Speaker (01:23:42.000)
trying to look cool on college campuses.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:44.000)
So, why is Alex hearing that they're
Unknown Speaker (01:23:46.000)
a little leftist? Oh, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.000)
Possibly because he's now exclusively
Unknown Speaker (01:23:50.000)
hanging out with crypto-fascists and neo-Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:52.000)
Yeah, they're a little bit
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.000)
leftist. They still say the Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.000)
is real. Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:58.000)
That is really what they're saying. They still think
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.000)
homosexuality is okay. That really
Unknown Speaker (01:24:02.000)
is what they're saying. They think that legal immigration is
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.000)
appropriate. They're leftists!
Unknown Speaker (01:24:06.000)
They don't believe that this country is a white country.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.000)
In our midst!
Unknown Speaker (01:24:10.000)
If you have someone telling you that Turning Point
Unknown Speaker (01:24:12.000)
USA is a little leftist, that means
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.000)
that you're talking to someone who is extremely
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.000)
on the far right.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:18.000)
They appear to be a little leftist to them
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.000)
because their standard of where something falls
Unknown Speaker (01:24:22.000)
on the political spectrum is completely
Unknown Speaker (01:24:24.000)
fucked up. Considering Alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:24:26.000)
network has had Red Ice and Nick Fuentes
Unknown Speaker (01:24:28.000)
on in the same week tells me all I need
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.000)
to know. He's dropped any pretense.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.000)
And this network is on its way towards
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.000)
becoming something very extreme.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.000)
Where Turning Point USA is possibly
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.000)
on the left. It's a terrifying
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.000)
development, but I'd be lying if I said I was
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.000)
surprised. Look at these leftists
Unknown Speaker (01:24:44.000)
over here saying that Jews should
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.000)
be allowed to live. Come on,
Unknown Speaker (01:24:48.000)
bunch of libs! Libs!
Unknown Speaker (01:24:50.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.000)
Alex believes that this is going to be
Unknown Speaker (01:24:54.000)
a thing where they talk about Turning Point USA
Unknown Speaker (01:24:56.000)
being a little left.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:58.000)
Or whatever. And he plays
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.000)
a clip that I have to assume
Unknown Speaker (01:25:02.000)
that Nick sent him. And it's
Unknown Speaker (01:25:04.000)
this question, this
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.000)
guy asking the question at one
Unknown Speaker (01:25:08.000)
of Turning Point's recent
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.000)
events. And then interspersed
Unknown Speaker (01:25:12.000)
with Charlie Kirk saying something
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.000)
that directly contradicts it.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.000)
And then at the end
Unknown Speaker (01:25:18.000)
there is a clip of Charlie Kirk
Unknown Speaker (01:25:20.000)
saying that Israel is
Unknown Speaker (01:25:22.000)
special. Okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:24.000)
There we go. And
Unknown Speaker (01:25:26.000)
on the left indeed.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.000)
Alex, I think, is a little bit
Unknown Speaker (01:25:30.000)
surprised by the part at the end
Unknown Speaker (01:25:32.000)
being about, like, just overtly
Unknown Speaker (01:25:34.000)
not connected at all to the
Unknown Speaker (01:25:36.000)
part prior to it. And just being
Unknown Speaker (01:25:38.000)
about him saying that Israel is a
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.000)
holy land. This
Unknown Speaker (01:25:42.000)
is not good. This falls
Unknown Speaker (01:25:44.000)
apart very quickly, as Alex should have
Unknown Speaker (01:25:46.000)
known it would if he knew anything about Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:25:48.000)
Fuentes. And we just added that clip in
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.000)
about after the break. But there you go.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.000)
I flew an airplane with this guy after the
Unknown Speaker (01:25:54.000)
RNC 2016.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.000)
To be clear, he's talking about Charlie Kirk.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.000)
Like a nice guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.000)
And, you know, I like the idea. I like the fact
Unknown Speaker (01:26:02.000)
that they have contact with Trump. And I like
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.000)
what the members are doing. They're great people. But
Unknown Speaker (01:26:06.000)
yeah, I know there's a lot of other videos
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.000)
online, too, of him really telling
Unknown Speaker (01:26:10.000)
whoppers of lies. Or he
Unknown Speaker (01:26:12.000)
has amnesia, brain
Unknown Speaker (01:26:14.000)
damage, and doesn't have
Unknown Speaker (01:26:16.000)
any type of long-term memory. I mean,
Unknown Speaker (01:26:18.000)
maybe he's got a head injury. What
Unknown Speaker (01:26:20.000)
do you think? Yeah, no, I
Unknown Speaker (01:26:22.000)
definitely think that's possible. Certainly, he could
Unknown Speaker (01:26:24.000)
be mentally retarded, as you like to say.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:26.000)
Or he could just be straight up lying.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:28.000)
You know, we've seen a lot of cases of this
Unknown Speaker (01:26:30.000)
where people get involved in conservative
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.000)
politics and maybe say one thing,
Unknown Speaker (01:26:34.000)
and then they get donors. And then they get
Unknown Speaker (01:26:36.000)
people funding their organization. They get some
Unknown Speaker (01:26:38.000)
connections. They rub shoulders with powerful people
Unknown Speaker (01:26:40.000)
like the president or his son in the case of
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.000)
Charlie Kirk. And then all of a sudden, their opinions
Unknown Speaker (01:26:44.000)
start to change. And then suddenly,
Unknown Speaker (01:26:46.000)
you know, their love for America becomes
Unknown Speaker (01:26:48.000)
a love for another country.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:50.000)
So yeah, I mean, he could have been
Unknown Speaker (01:26:52.000)
brain damaged, maybe dropped on his head or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.000)
Or he could just be straight up lying, in which case
Unknown Speaker (01:26:56.000)
we have to hold him accountable. And that's what we're trying to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:58.000)
I'd like to point out that at the beginning
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.000)
of this episode, Alex talked about getting hit in the
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.000)
head with a lead pipe and an axe handle, and now they're
Unknown Speaker (01:27:04.000)
talking about Charlie Kirk having brain damage.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:06.000)
Great. Real fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:08.000)
That is exactly what you'd expect
Unknown Speaker (01:27:10.000)
if you bring Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:27:12.000)
Fuentes on your show. He's going to
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.000)
suggest that he doesn't love America.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.000)
He loves Israel. That's what's
Unknown Speaker (01:27:18.000)
going to happen. So Alex,
Unknown Speaker (01:27:20.000)
I don't know if he recognizes
Unknown Speaker (01:27:22.000)
by this point that this is where
Unknown Speaker (01:27:24.000)
the interview is going to be driven.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:26.000)
And he doesn't want any part of that.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:28.000)
He should know that. This is what happens.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.000)
It's a good thing that that whole
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.000)
dual citizenship, right to return
Unknown Speaker (01:27:34.000)
kind of stuff is staying well within
Unknown Speaker (01:27:36.000)
this far right fringe culture,
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.000)
you know. I'm glad that you never see
Unknown Speaker (01:27:40.000)
people on national TV saying that
Unknown Speaker (01:27:42.000)
somebody could be disloyal to the United
Unknown Speaker (01:27:44.000)
States because they also
Unknown Speaker (01:27:46.000)
have... Yeah, but I don't even
Unknown Speaker (01:27:48.000)
know if Charlie Kirk is Jewish.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:50.000)
I think this is even just like... Oh, he's just
Unknown Speaker (01:27:52.000)
he's just complete... He's an agent
Unknown Speaker (01:27:54.000)
of Israel. Gotcha. Sure. Fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:56.000)
Let's throw it all in there. So in order to
Unknown Speaker (01:27:58.000)
make it not like an interview that's
Unknown Speaker (01:28:00.000)
going to be ended immediately,
Unknown Speaker (01:28:02.000)
Nick gets into some of his other positions
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.000)
that Alex might
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.000)
be more interested in.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:08.000)
So he expresses his position on
Unknown Speaker (01:28:10.000)
immigration. Here we go. I bet it's
Unknown Speaker (01:28:12.000)
very liberal. No.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:14.000)
Leftist. Turning point USA style leftism.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:16.000)
No. On my show, we oppose not
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.000)
just mass illegal immigration, but mass
Unknown Speaker (01:28:20.000)
legal immigration as well. You know, we
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.000)
know that the demographic change
Unknown Speaker (01:28:24.000)
that's taking place is really not so
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.000)
much a problem of legal status, but more a question
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.000)
of where these people come from, what they believe
Unknown Speaker (01:28:30.000)
and so on. It makes
Unknown Speaker (01:28:32.000)
sense to the white genocide meme.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:34.000)
Yeah. So, cool.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:36.000)
He's against legal immigration
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.000)
of non-white folk
Unknown Speaker (01:28:40.000)
to the United States. It does sound like
Unknown Speaker (01:28:42.000)
that's what his stated position
Unknown Speaker (01:28:44.000)
is. It is. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.000)
It seems like
Unknown Speaker (01:28:48.000)
that one's... He's wearing it on his sleeve,
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.000)
Dan. So, Alex, I mean, you're
Unknown Speaker (01:28:52.000)
helping this sort of
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.000)
rhetoric. Let's get that stuff out there. Let's get
Unknown Speaker (01:28:56.000)
the world... The world needs more of that in
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.000)
the... You know what? Let's
Unknown Speaker (01:29:00.000)
not worry about the coke on our shores,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:02.000)
Dan. Let's worry about
Unknown Speaker (01:29:04.000)
fucking keeping immigrants out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:06.000)
Great. Yep. So,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:08.000)
here we go. Here's some more shit that
Unknown Speaker (01:29:10.000)
Alex just has to allow on his show now.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.000)
So, he's not a patriot on
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.000)
legal immigration. We think he's
Unknown Speaker (01:29:16.000)
anti-Christian because he peddles and promotes
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.000)
degeneracy. He's taking pictures
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.000)
with Lady Maga, some kind of
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.000)
Make America Great Again themed drag
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.000)
queen supporting homosexuals in
Unknown Speaker (01:29:26.000)
his organization. And then, lastly,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:28.000)
he's not a patriot in terms of his own
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.000)
country. I think a lot of people suspect,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:32.000)
rightly so, that he has a dual
Unknown Speaker (01:29:34.000)
allegiance or a dual loyalty
Unknown Speaker (01:29:36.000)
to Israel. Okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:38.000)
All right. Wow.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:40.000)
So, yeah, I mean, associating with
Unknown Speaker (01:29:42.000)
homosexuals in any way is anti-Christian
Unknown Speaker (01:29:44.000)
behavior. He supports
Unknown Speaker (01:29:46.000)
degeneracy. Degeneracy.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:48.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.000)
Where is this fucking kid from?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:52.000)
Chicago. Did he come from the
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.000)
1930s? What is fucking happening?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:56.000)
He's from that very
Unknown Speaker (01:29:58.000)
racist part of Chicago. Yeah. What are we
Unknown Speaker (01:30:00.000)
talking about? And I don't support
Unknown Speaker (01:30:02.000)
miscegenation. No, he doesn't. He doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:30:04.000)
support miscegenation. Of course. No.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.000)
God damn it. I believe
Unknown Speaker (01:30:08.000)
that I have heard videos where he
Unknown Speaker (01:30:10.000)
has expressed... Well, I mean, if you're
Unknown Speaker (01:30:12.000)
already... A discomfort
Unknown Speaker (01:30:14.000)
with interracial
Unknown Speaker (01:30:16.000)
relationships. If you're against legal immigration,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.000)
I'm guessing that you're probably against any
Unknown Speaker (01:30:20.000)
kind of denigrating
Unknown Speaker (01:30:22.000)
the white race.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.000)
This guy is so far past, like,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:26.000)
what should be allowed in, like,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.000)
normal conversations. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:30.000)
But I even find it
Unknown Speaker (01:30:32.000)
tough that we're talking about it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:34.000)
Like, I don't even like the idea that
Unknown Speaker (01:30:36.000)
he's come into our sphere by
Unknown Speaker (01:30:38.000)
way of being on Alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.000)
show. Yeah. It's just like
Unknown Speaker (01:30:42.000)
I didn't think we would see the day
Unknown Speaker (01:30:44.000)
where Alex had fallen apart
Unknown Speaker (01:30:46.000)
to this point. I really... Had Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.000)
Fuentes and Red Ice on his show
Unknown Speaker (01:30:50.000)
in the same week. I mean,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:52.000)
it's just becoming more and more
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.000)
overt. Yeah, this is a white
Unknown Speaker (01:30:56.000)
nationalist radio show. Yep. There you go.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.000)
And where all
Unknown Speaker (01:31:00.000)
the women are... We're cool with
Unknown Speaker (01:31:02.000)
having uncritical interviews
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.000)
with people who are
Unknown Speaker (01:31:06.000)
so beyond the pale.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.000)
I'm not just going to pretend
Unknown Speaker (01:31:10.000)
to debate David Duke anymore. I'm
Unknown Speaker (01:31:12.000)
going to tell him to full-throated
Unknown Speaker (01:31:14.000)
scream it from the mountaintops. I don't think
Unknown Speaker (01:31:16.000)
he could do that because David Duke's too famous.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:18.000)
Yeah. I think if... I mean
Unknown Speaker (01:31:20.000)
metaphorically. If someone was
Unknown Speaker (01:31:22.000)
saying similar things to David Duke and wasn't
Unknown Speaker (01:31:24.000)
David Duke, Alex would be all about it. Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:26.000)
Get him on. Yeah. In much the same way, Turning
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.000)
Point USA can't be associated with Candace
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.000)
Owens because of her gaffes.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:32.000)
Yeah. It's
Unknown Speaker (01:31:34.000)
all about optics as opposed to
Unknown Speaker (01:31:36.000)
the actual content. Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.000)
So Alex seemed to be surprised there
Unknown Speaker (01:31:40.000)
about Nick saying
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.000)
this about his... Charlie Kirk
Unknown Speaker (01:31:44.000)
having loyalties to Israel.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:46.000)
It is kind of refreshing that even
Unknown Speaker (01:31:48.000)
he is like, oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:50.000)
What have I done? If you listen to this next clip,
Unknown Speaker (01:31:52.000)
I do think that Alex is a little bit back on
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.000)
his heels. This is a country that we give support
Unknown Speaker (01:31:56.000)
in just about every way, shape, and form.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:58.000)
Monetary support, military support,
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.000)
political support. Sure, Nick. I wanted to get
Unknown Speaker (01:32:02.000)
you on and it's funny to get into Israel.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:04.000)
I wanted to get you on because
Unknown Speaker (01:32:06.000)
slash, no it's not. I saw these videos
Unknown Speaker (01:32:08.000)
and I saw articles about it
Unknown Speaker (01:32:10.000)
where they're trying to keep you from coming to those
Unknown Speaker (01:32:12.000)
while saying they're open and they're doing this
Unknown Speaker (01:32:14.000)
and they basically didn't stand
Unknown Speaker (01:32:16.000)
up for Candace Owens, which I don't like.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.000)
And then I've seen some of this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:20.000)
Personally, I'm a libertarian. And so
Unknown Speaker (01:32:22.000)
I like the fact that Trump, you know,
Unknown Speaker (01:32:24.000)
at his convention in
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.000)
Cleveland said, we don't hate you if you're
Unknown Speaker (01:32:28.000)
gay or lesbian or whatever. I get your point
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.000)
though about it's already being paraded everywhere with
Unknown Speaker (01:32:32.000)
the trainees going after the kids and
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.000)
all that. And so why
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.000)
sit there and make that the main message?
Unknown Speaker (01:32:38.000)
Alex, he needs to redirect.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:40.000)
Man. Because he does not want to
Unknown Speaker (01:32:42.000)
have this conversation. I think he's also
Unknown Speaker (01:32:44.000)
realizing like, oh, shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:46.000)
Oh, no. Oh, shit. Look, look, look.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:48.000)
It's okay. We can get into Israel. I'm going to
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.000)
change the subject as quickly as I can, though,
Unknown Speaker (01:32:52.000)
as soon as possible. In fact,
Unknown Speaker (01:32:54.000)
right now. And that's not to say that Alex is
Unknown Speaker (01:32:56.000)
like a shill for Israel. No, no, no,
Unknown Speaker (01:32:58.000)
absolutely not. When you've got
Unknown Speaker (01:33:00.000)
this extreme hard right
Unknown Speaker (01:33:02.000)
dude on the show,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.000)
he seems to be constantly
Unknown Speaker (01:33:06.000)
bringing up Israel stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.000)
Alex is smart enough to realize
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.000)
like, I am, I've
Unknown Speaker (01:33:12.000)
stepped in it. Yeah. I'm waiting
Unknown Speaker (01:33:14.000)
for him to like artificially
Unknown Speaker (01:33:16.000)
do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:18.000)
I'm sorry. I can't hear you.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:20.000)
Yeah. This would be a good time for a glitch.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:22.000)
Yeah. This would be a great time for a glitch. He needs to
Unknown Speaker (01:33:24.000)
refocus the argument or the discussion
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.000)
into a place where it's more about
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.000)
the trivial culture
Unknown Speaker (01:33:30.000)
issue, pop culture issues,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:32.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:34.000)
somebody complained about something.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:36.000)
Yeah. And that's
Unknown Speaker (01:33:38.000)
all he can do. It is, it is kind
Unknown Speaker (01:33:40.000)
of interesting that
Unknown Speaker (01:33:42.000)
it does seem we're really close to him
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.000)
having to be like, could you please not
Unknown Speaker (01:33:46.000)
use this word? Right. You know, like
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.000)
you really, for all of his,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:50.000)
for all of his free speech bullshit,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:52.000)
we're really close to him being like,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:54.000)
could you please not use, I know,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:56.000)
I know. And he didn't even
Unknown Speaker (01:33:58.000)
push back on it. His response
Unknown Speaker (01:34:00.000)
to it later in the episode was, we gotta
Unknown Speaker (01:34:02.000)
use those freedoms or else they'll go away.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.000)
God, what a fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:34:06.000)
asshole. So Alex, like I said,
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.000)
the trivial issue kind of thing is
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.000)
he needs to refocus this back on the turning
Unknown Speaker (01:34:12.000)
point USA. Yeah. Because
Unknown Speaker (01:34:14.000)
that petty drama is really what he
Unknown Speaker (01:34:16.000)
wants to talk about because that's where some
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.000)
money is. That's where some attention is. Right.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:20.000)
And so Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:34:22.000)
makes a little bit of an argument
Unknown Speaker (01:34:24.000)
that I think is really interesting. I think it's
Unknown Speaker (01:34:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.000)
not universal, but it's very common
Unknown Speaker (01:34:30.000)
in these worlds. You know, this whole thing could
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.000)
have been averted. I wouldn't be on InfoWars right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:34.000)
There would be no controversy
Unknown Speaker (01:34:36.000)
if he simply allowed me to take the
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.000)
picture or go into the event.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:40.000)
And I think a lot of people are now scratching their
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.000)
heads. It's almost exposed himself. He's made
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.000)
a bigger deal out of it than it is. And they're
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.000)
wondering, what is he so afraid of? Why does
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.000)
he not want to stand these questions?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:50.000)
Why can he not defend these ideas?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.000)
So the idea is essentially
Unknown Speaker (01:34:54.000)
that Charlie Kirk banned
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.000)
Nick Fuentes from...
Unknown Speaker (01:34:58.000)
I would assume that there's probably a good reason.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:00.000)
I bet that there had been some interaction
Unknown Speaker (01:35:02.000)
between the two of them in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:04.000)
I know that I was able to find
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.000)
some indication that
Unknown Speaker (01:35:08.000)
years ago, Nick Fuentes
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.000)
was invited to give a speech
Unknown Speaker (01:35:12.000)
at a Turning Point event.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:14.000)
So there is some interaction between
Unknown Speaker (01:35:16.000)
him and the organization.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:18.000)
I wouldn't be surprised if Nick had been
Unknown Speaker (01:35:20.000)
critiquing and saying,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:22.000)
you dumb Jew lover.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:24.000)
Something like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:26.000)
I think that's entirely possible. He's clearly
Unknown Speaker (01:35:28.000)
an antagonistic troll. Why wouldn't
Unknown Speaker (01:35:30.000)
he be behaving that way in the
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.000)
lead up to Charlie saying,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.000)
don't allow that guy in?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.000)
I see that as incredibly
Unknown Speaker (01:35:38.000)
likely. But what he's
Unknown Speaker (01:35:40.000)
saying here in this clip is a
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.000)
classic manipulation trick.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:44.000)
To any right thinking observer, this is
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.000)
more or less a publicity stunt that Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:35:48.000)
Fuentes is running at the expense of Charlie
Unknown Speaker (01:35:50.000)
Kirk. And ultimately, there's no good
Unknown Speaker (01:35:52.000)
solution for Kirk. What's being
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.000)
done is that Nick is putting Charlie Kirk in a
Unknown Speaker (01:35:56.000)
situation where he has two options.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:58.000)
The first is to take a picture with and associate
Unknown Speaker (01:36:00.000)
with someone who is a clear bigot
Unknown Speaker (01:36:02.000)
and troll, who is outside of what you
Unknown Speaker (01:36:04.000)
deem to be acceptable discourse.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:06.000)
By that association, you'll be giving this voice
Unknown Speaker (01:36:08.000)
your tacit support, which is something you absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.000)
don't want to do. The second
Unknown Speaker (01:36:12.000)
option is to choose not to associate
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.000)
with this entity. And based on
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.000)
a very reasonable assumption
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.000)
that they're just trying to co-opt
Unknown Speaker (01:36:20.000)
your platform anyway, what you do is
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.000)
you seek to keep them out of your event.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:24.000)
But this doesn't work either, because now you've
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.000)
given this bad faith entity the appearance that
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.000)
you can't handle their ideas or you're shutting
Unknown Speaker (01:36:30.000)
down free speech. By protecting
Unknown Speaker (01:36:32.000)
your space from a Holocaust revising
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.000)
white nationalist, you end up giving
Unknown Speaker (01:36:36.000)
that person precisely the fuel they need to
Unknown Speaker (01:36:38.000)
get the publicity they were after in the first place.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:40.000)
This is a win-win situation
Unknown Speaker (01:36:42.000)
for Nick Fuentes, and that's exactly why
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.000)
he's doing this.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:46.000)
It is...
Unknown Speaker (01:36:48.000)
You can feel
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.000)
Charlie being like, I want to say
Unknown Speaker (01:36:52.000)
I don't want you here because you're
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.000)
a Holocaust-denying Nazi
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.000)
lunatic, but if he said
Unknown Speaker (01:36:58.000)
that, he loses half of Turning Point
Unknown Speaker (01:37:00.000)
USA's followers.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:02.000)
I think he has said that. That's unfair.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:04.000)
I think he has been
Unknown Speaker (01:37:06.000)
clear about like, uh, no
Unknown Speaker (01:37:08.000)
of course I don't want this
Unknown Speaker (01:37:10.000)
fucking asshole anti-semite
Unknown Speaker (01:37:12.000)
troll hanging around.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:14.000)
I think he has been clear about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:16.000)
Well, good for him.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:18.000)
Well, I mean, there are limits.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:20.000)
Well, he's on Alex's show!
Unknown Speaker (01:37:22.000)
Well, Nick is.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:24.000)
Charlie Kirk isn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:26.000)
There's still a veneer there.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.000)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:30.000)
That's the case. Now, after this whole thing,
Unknown Speaker (01:37:32.000)
other people in Turning Point
Unknown Speaker (01:37:34.000)
have come out
Unknown Speaker (01:37:36.000)
and supported Charlie Kirk in this
Unknown Speaker (01:37:38.000)
kerfuffle, and
Unknown Speaker (01:37:40.000)
Nick has some comments about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:42.000)
And you know what else is so troubling is after this whole event
Unknown Speaker (01:37:44.000)
we see people like Benny Johnson, who works
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.000)
for Turning Point USA, and other people
Unknown Speaker (01:37:48.000)
that are connected to the organization.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.000)
You might have seen this on Twitter. You may not have.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.000)
But people are now standing up and calling
Unknown Speaker (01:37:54.000)
everybody who asked questions last night
Unknown Speaker (01:37:56.000)
at his Ohio State University
Unknown Speaker (01:37:58.000)
event, who asked about Israel,
Unknown Speaker (01:38:00.000)
asked about his support of homosexuality, and so on.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.000)
You've now got people working for Turning Point USA
Unknown Speaker (01:38:04.000)
saying that if you oppose
Unknown Speaker (01:38:06.000)
the Charlie Kirk conservative
Unknown Speaker (01:38:08.000)
agenda, you're a homophobe, you're
Unknown Speaker (01:38:10.000)
a racist. I think Benny Johnson
Unknown Speaker (01:38:12.000)
said we were the Westboro Baptist kids
Unknown Speaker (01:38:14.000)
because we're Christians, because we
Unknown Speaker (01:38:16.000)
support the Bible teaching that opposes
Unknown Speaker (01:38:18.000)
homosexuality. Oh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:20.000)
And listen, you have a right to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:22.000)
And I agree that none of this
Unknown Speaker (01:38:24.000)
sexualization should be promoted to children.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:26.000)
There needs to be a major pendulum back
Unknown Speaker (01:38:28.000)
the other way. What does that look like?
Unknown Speaker (01:38:30.000)
What does that pendulum
Unknown Speaker (01:38:32.000)
going back the other direction look like?
Unknown Speaker (01:38:34.000)
Why do you think that gay people being allowed
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.000)
to exist in civilization
Unknown Speaker (01:38:38.000)
and just in the public is
Unknown Speaker (01:38:40.000)
sexualizing children? Well, the pendulum
Unknown Speaker (01:38:42.000)
needs to go back away from them being allowed
Unknown Speaker (01:38:44.000)
to exist in public. They need to hide again.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:46.000)
So I don't ever feel any discomfort
Unknown Speaker (01:38:48.000)
at all for my way of life not being
Unknown Speaker (01:38:50.000)
the only way of life, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:52.000)
It's more or less what we're getting here.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:54.000)
It does feel like
Unknown Speaker (01:38:56.000)
like this Fuentes
Unknown Speaker (01:38:58.000)
kid is so much
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.000)
like I have to see these older guys
Unknown Speaker (01:39:02.000)
like Alex Jones and all these people looking
Unknown Speaker (01:39:04.000)
at Nick Fuentes and just like
Unknown Speaker (01:39:06.000)
fuck, I made you, didn't I?
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.000)
Yes. You are
Unknown Speaker (01:39:10.000)
what I created and I
Unknown Speaker (01:39:12.000)
you don't and you don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.000)
No, they do. I mean, Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.000)
knows that he was made
Unknown Speaker (01:39:18.000)
by it. He doesn't know that he's
Unknown Speaker (01:39:20.000)
he doesn't know that all of that Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:39:22.000)
denial and all of that anti-Semitism
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.000)
and stuff is supposed to be
Unknown Speaker (01:39:26.000)
about the grift first.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:28.000)
Nick is a fucking hater.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:30.000)
Yeah, but he hates.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:32.000)
He hates, you know.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:34.000)
Like, Alex doesn't hate
Unknown Speaker (01:39:36.000)
with that like. He does at times.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:38.000)
He does at times.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:40.000)
He does at times. I think we get caught up too much
Unknown Speaker (01:39:42.000)
in how much so much of this is just a performance.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:44.000)
Right. And forget that underneath
Unknown Speaker (01:39:46.000)
that there is still some sincere
Unknown Speaker (01:39:48.000)
freaking out about seeing Muslims
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.000)
at a pool supply
Unknown Speaker (01:39:52.000)
store, for instance. For sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:54.000)
That kind of thing is still real
Unknown Speaker (01:39:56.000)
for him. Yeah, I mean, what I think
Unknown Speaker (01:39:58.000)
is more the point is like you see this
Unknown Speaker (01:40:00.000)
and you're like, I am partially
Unknown Speaker (01:40:02.000)
responsible for your
Unknown Speaker (01:40:04.000)
track that you've gone down.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:06.000)
I cannot control this anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:08.000)
Yeah. And you're better than me.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:10.000)
Yeah. You are cannibalizing me. Nick is a faster
Unknown Speaker (01:40:12.000)
talker. He is much more
Unknown Speaker (01:40:14.000)
smart sounding than Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:16.000)
Like, these are people, the next generation
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.000)
is far more competent
Unknown Speaker (01:40:20.000)
than the past generation.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:22.000)
And someone like Nick
Unknown Speaker (01:40:24.000)
could be really dangerous
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.000)
with the level of
Unknown Speaker (01:40:28.000)
exposure that Alex has.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:30.000)
Or at least he used to have. Yeah. Certainly
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.000)
I don't think Alex would ever have him on
Unknown Speaker (01:40:34.000)
back when he was doing well. No, I mean
Unknown Speaker (01:40:36.000)
if he, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.000)
Like, Nick Fuentes wouldn't have been there
Unknown Speaker (01:40:40.000)
on the night Trump wins.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:42.000)
Not at the height of Alex's powers. No.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.000)
Never going to happen there. And I think he also
Unknown Speaker (01:40:46.000)
will even be too much of an issue
Unknown Speaker (01:40:48.000)
to even have as an employee. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:50.000)
But now,
Unknown Speaker (01:40:52.000)
I don't know. I still think Alex would be able
Unknown Speaker (01:40:54.000)
to see through it pretty quickly and realize this isn't going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:56.000)
I'm giving you a show! You won my
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.000)
contest! He does not get the normal
Unknown Speaker (01:41:00.000)
treatment. The job offer treatment. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:02.000)
But, yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:04.000)
It's fucked up. So we have one last clip
Unknown Speaker (01:41:06.000)
here and it's Nick expressing
Unknown Speaker (01:41:08.000)
that he watched Infowars
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.000)
back in the day, which goes to your point.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:12.000)
And, you know, he had expectations
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.000)
about Trump. You know, I've been in this
Unknown Speaker (01:41:16.000)
for two, three, or four years
Unknown Speaker (01:41:18.000)
now. I remember watching, when I was in high
Unknown Speaker (01:41:20.000)
school, Donald Trump appear on your show
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.000)
and it was probably one of the coolest things I ever
Unknown Speaker (01:41:24.000)
saw. And I think everybody believed
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.000)
in 2016 that things were going to be different.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:28.000)
You know, that with Donald Trump being an
Unknown Speaker (01:41:30.000)
insurgent in the Republican party, the hostile
Unknown Speaker (01:41:32.000)
takeover, and then becoming president,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:34.000)
I think everybody believed that it was going
Unknown Speaker (01:41:36.000)
to be a real America first movement.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:38.000)
That the John McCain, Mitt Romney,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:40.000)
George Bush conservative movement,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:42.000)
big tent conservative movement was done.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:44.000)
And so then to see all these people that
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.000)
wear the MAGA hat, people that
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.000)
they co-opt the Donald Trump message,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:50.000)
co-opt the Donald Trump look, the optics
Unknown Speaker (01:41:52.000)
and everything, for them to then use the
Unknown Speaker (01:41:54.000)
same tactics of the left.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:56.000)
You know, they're really embracing this mono
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.000)
party globalist mentality.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:00.000)
So he thought that Donald Trump was going
Unknown Speaker (01:42:02.000)
to bring an end to the big tent
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:06.000)
And what he means by that is non-whites.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:08.000)
Yeah. What he means by that is
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.000)
non-Christians. What he means by that
Unknown Speaker (01:42:12.000)
is anybody who doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:42:14.000)
think that the United States is a white
Unknown Speaker (01:42:16.000)
Christian country where there
Unknown Speaker (01:42:18.000)
should be a power monopoly
Unknown Speaker (01:42:20.000)
in the hands of those people
Unknown Speaker (01:42:22.000)
because of their
Unknown Speaker (01:42:24.000)
skin and their choice
Unknown Speaker (01:42:26.000)
of religion. It is fun to watch.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.000)
You can't hear someone talk about trying
Unknown Speaker (01:42:30.000)
to get rid of the big tent in the
Unknown Speaker (01:42:32.000)
GOP who has expressed
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.000)
about, let's say, a guy who
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.000)
isn't into white nationalism
Unknown Speaker (01:42:38.000)
calling him a race traitor who works for
Unknown Speaker (01:42:40.000)
Jews. Yes. You can't hear Holocaust
Unknown Speaker (01:42:42.000)
denial and revision coming out of somebody
Unknown Speaker (01:42:44.000)
and not think, oh, getting rid of the
Unknown Speaker (01:42:46.000)
big tent in the GOP probably means
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.000)
something different to you. It's a diversity
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.000)
of ideas is what they're talking about.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:52.000)
Certainly. It's the ideas that they're talking
Unknown Speaker (01:42:54.000)
about. It's all about the free
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.000)
market of ideas. It's just infuriating.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:58.000)
It's not
Unknown Speaker (01:43:00.000)
infuriating. I don't really care.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.000)
I care on one level,
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.000)
but this to me is so
Unknown Speaker (01:43:06.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.000)
I see this
Unknown Speaker (01:43:10.000)
episode, this 30th,
Unknown Speaker (01:43:12.000)
it's so
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.000)
bad. You have
Unknown Speaker (01:43:16.000)
the shit with
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.000)
Michelle Obama at the beginning.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:20.000)
You have the
Unknown Speaker (01:43:22.000)
Rashida Tlaib stuff that's just
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:26.000)
You have this long Soros
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.000)
diatribe where he's going
Unknown Speaker (01:43:30.000)
further than he has in the past
Unknown Speaker (01:43:32.000)
about Soros and his
Unknown Speaker (01:43:34.000)
behavior in the Holocaust in World
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.000)
War II, revising elements
Unknown Speaker (01:43:38.000)
of the Holocaust.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:40.000)
Then he talks about Candace
Unknown Speaker (01:43:42.000)
Owens shouldn't have been cut loose
Unknown Speaker (01:43:44.000)
from Turning Point USA and the reason
Unknown Speaker (01:43:46.000)
that she was was because of
Unknown Speaker (01:43:48.000)
bad, bad
Unknown Speaker (01:43:50.000)
comments about the Holocaust and
Unknown Speaker (01:43:52.000)
Hitler. Because she had it coming. Then you
Unknown Speaker (01:43:54.000)
have a Holocaust denier on your show
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.000)
as a guest who you introduce
Unknown Speaker (01:43:58.000)
as someone who you like their work and you're
Unknown Speaker (01:44:00.000)
well aware of them.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:02.000)
This is
Unknown Speaker (01:44:04.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:06.000)
It's what you expect because
Unknown Speaker (01:44:08.000)
of what Alex has been
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.000)
promoting throughout his career,
Unknown Speaker (01:44:12.000)
but just not overtly.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.000)
You see the
Unknown Speaker (01:44:16.000)
mask coming off a bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:22.000)
This episode is the sort of thing that
Unknown Speaker (01:44:24.000)
it's just like, well, buckle up because
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.000)
a month, two months from
Unknown Speaker (01:44:28.000)
now, who the fuck knows what
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.000)
this show is going to be like?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.000)
Like, imagine.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:34.000)
Red Ice is coming on.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.000)
Owen's show because they got kicked off
Unknown Speaker (01:44:38.000)
social media because of the
Unknown Speaker (01:44:40.000)
Nazis made a choice.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:42.000)
If they're being
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.000)
put on as people who are being
Unknown Speaker (01:44:46.000)
deplatformed and censored,
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.000)
has an alternative for that.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:52.000)
He has his own
Unknown Speaker (01:44:54.000)
site where people
Unknown Speaker (01:44:56.000)
who have been kicked off social media and banned
Unknown Speaker (01:44:58.000)
that's where, it's supposed to be where
Unknown Speaker (01:45:00.000)
those things go. Now, is
Unknown Speaker (01:45:02.000)
Red Ice going to get a channel on there?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:04.000)
We're seeing a great merger.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.000)
InfoWars Ice.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.000)
You kind of see the possibility
Unknown Speaker (01:45:10.000)
that this
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.000)
network that Alex has built,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:16.000)
and its tendrils, like this new
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.000), it could
Unknown Speaker (01:45:20.000)
very easily be co-opted by
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.000)
people who are
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.000)
far worse than him.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.000)
Far worse
Unknown Speaker (01:45:28.000)
and also the same.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:30.000)
And that's a
Unknown Speaker (01:45:32.000)
troubling possibility, but it's also, I believe
Unknown Speaker (01:45:34.000)
what I predicted might happen with
Unknown Speaker (01:45:36.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:38.000)
video endeavors.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:40.000)
That if he does allow other people on,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:42.000)
guess who's going to be on there?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:44.000)
Well, I mean, take a look at all the
Unknown Speaker (01:45:46.000)
replacement, the conservative
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.000)
replacements to Twitter turns into
Unknown Speaker (01:45:50.000)
Nazi racists immediately and you're like,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:52.000)
yeah, I get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:54.000)
If the problem you're trying to solve
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.000)
is a problem that exclusively
Unknown Speaker (01:45:58.000)
or almost exclusively applies to
Unknown Speaker (01:46:00.000)
racists, Nazis,
Unknown Speaker (01:46:02.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:04.000)
then when you create a solution, it's
Unknown Speaker (01:46:06.000)
going to be populated almost exclusively.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.000)
I don't know why it's only populated
Unknown Speaker (01:46:10.000)
by racists, Nazis, and white supremacists.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.000)
It's because you're solving a problem that
Unknown Speaker (01:46:16.000)
only they have.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:18.000)
God, I really, you know,
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.000)
it's telling. The disillusionment
Unknown Speaker (01:46:22.000)
every generation has
Unknown Speaker (01:46:24.000)
their disillusionment moment with their
Unknown Speaker (01:46:26.000)
with the president that they help elect, you
Unknown Speaker (01:46:28.000)
know, like for us with Obama,
Unknown Speaker (01:46:30.000)
why didn't he close Guantanamo
Unknown Speaker (01:46:32.000)
drone? Why didn't he stop torturing
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.000)
people, torturing all
Unknown Speaker (01:46:36.000)
of that stuff that I was very
Unknown Speaker (01:46:38.000)
disillusioned. And for this
Unknown Speaker (01:46:40.000)
guy, his disillusionment with Trump
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.000)
is why can't I torture people?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:44.000)
Why can't I drone people?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.000)
Why can't I murder people?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:48.000)
Maybe not those specific examples,
Unknown Speaker (01:46:50.000)
but it's like, why isn't it this
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.000)
white country? Exactly. Why
Unknown Speaker (01:46:54.000)
haven't we fucking cracked
Unknown Speaker (01:46:56.000)
down on the gays and nonwhites?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.000)
What is going on? That
Unknown Speaker (01:47:00.000)
was the promise that I
Unknown Speaker (01:47:02.000)
heard in Trump. And you
Unknown Speaker (01:47:04.000)
know you made it to me,
Unknown Speaker (01:47:06.000)
don't you? And Trump will be
Unknown Speaker (01:47:08.000)
like, no, no, no, I didn't make it to you. There's good people
Unknown Speaker (01:47:10.000)
on both sides. Now, you know what you fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:47:12.000)
said. And it's because this side
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.000)
has strong sixth
Unknown Speaker (01:47:16.000)
sense. Yeah. They have a supernatural
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.000)
power. They can
Unknown Speaker (01:47:20.000)
hear what they're going to say before they
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.000)
say it. Right. So I
Unknown Speaker (01:47:24.000)
do not appreciate this show.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:26.000)
I think it sucks.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.000)
I think that Alex is veering into
Unknown Speaker (01:47:30.000)
territory that will very quickly be
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.000)
so far past
Unknown Speaker (01:47:34.000)
the point of social acceptability
Unknown Speaker (01:47:36.000)
that I just
Unknown Speaker (01:47:38.000)
I don't think, I mean
Unknown Speaker (01:47:40.000)
any much further than
Unknown Speaker (01:47:42.000)
this and I'm kind of of the opinion that maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:47:44.000)
we shouldn't be, we shouldn't
Unknown Speaker (01:47:46.000)
cover that show at all if it's
Unknown Speaker (01:47:48.000)
I don't know. Our
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.000)
responsibility is something maybe we should discuss.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:52.000)
Yeah. But yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:54.000)
When you see this sort of thing, it's like, wow, this
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.000)
this is a bad sign for the future.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:58.000)
But also good that you're also doing this
Unknown Speaker (01:48:00.000)
sort of a shift in the middle of a going
Unknown Speaker (01:48:02.000)
out of business sale. Everything must
Unknown Speaker (01:48:04.000)
go. Good luck, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:06.000)
You dumb fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:08.000)
I wish you the worst of luck and I hope you
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.000)
fail immediately. Anyway, we'll be back
Unknown Speaker (01:48:12.000)
on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.000)
Until then, we have a website. We do have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:16.000)
It's Yep. We're on
Unknown Speaker (01:48:18.000)
Twitter. We are. It's at Knowledge Underscore Fight
Unknown Speaker (01:48:20.000)
and at Go To Bed Jordan. You can find us on
Unknown Speaker (01:48:22.000)
Facebook. We are on Facebook. And if
Unknown Speaker (01:48:24.000)
you would like to download the show, please go to
Unknown Speaker (01:48:26.000)
iTunes and download or go to somewhere
Unknown Speaker (01:48:28.000)
else where you can listen to podcasts or
Unknown Speaker (01:48:30.000)
leave a review or so on and so forth.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:32.000)
We'd love it. And
Unknown Speaker (01:48:34.000)
any help is appreciated. Sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:36.000)
We will be back. But until then,
Unknown Speaker (01:48:38.000)
I'm Neo. I'm Leo.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:40.000)
I'm DZX Clark. I am the juiciest
Unknown Speaker (01:48:42.000)
Ice Cube. Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:44.000)
You're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:46.000)
Hello, Alex. I'm a
Unknown Speaker (01:48:48.000)
first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love
Unknown Speaker (01:48:50.000)
your work. I love you.