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Latest revision as of 22:19, 1 March 2025

Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas you're on the air. Thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (00:00:03.839)
Hello Alex, I'm a first name caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you
Unknown Speaker (00:00:07.759)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:09.859)
I'm Jared we're a couple dudes like to sit around drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Joe indeed
Unknown Speaker (00:00:15.240)
That is what we do Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Jordan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.620)
Why in God's name would you listen to this podcast? Maybe you're disenchanted with meaningless talk. I
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.660)
Couldn't keep that up. You have come to the wrong place. Yeah, this is all a hot load of bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.060)
I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.060)
I think
Unknown Speaker (00:00:38.060)
Are we gonna
Unknown Speaker (00:00:40.060)
Because I do I did I don't know anything about Alex Jones. I know a lot about him
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.859)
We've got to change that from why would anyone listen to this show to like what is the like?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.460)
I don't know how to fix this. You're giving me notes. No, cuz I didn't finish
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.340)
I thought we got a good bit out of it
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.299)
I thought we got a good joke next bit is gonna be us having a
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.880)
Meeting about our introduction Jordan today. We haven't I hate it when my boss comes down on me
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.119)
Well, it's gonna be a horrible meeting. Oh, wow. You don't need to sit down. Okay, it's one of the
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.659)
I've had a lot of those meetings in my life. Pack up your things and leave my room. Yeah. So, Jordan, today we got an interesting show but before we get to it I would like to give a shout out to a couple of new donors. We're thrilled about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.739)
Thank you so much. First of all going out to Dan G. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much, Dan. Great name.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:33.260)
Love it. Strong name.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.260)
Congratulations on becoming a policy wonk. Yes, and you will be joining Dan for his next podcast. How great is Dan? Dan's. Dan's a Dan of all, a Dan of the people. A Dan for all seasons.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.260)
Any of these could be the name of my Dan Theon podcast. I'm a big fan of Dan on Fire starring, uh, yeah. First episode of the podcast, Dan Cortez. Oh, yeah, there you go. Second episode, Wilford Brimley.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:03.260)
Wilford Brimley? Yes. Okay. Also, I'd like to give a shout out to another new donor. What's going on out there, Fred? I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much, Fred. Thank you very much, Fred. I'm a policy wonk. Ah, Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:17.259)
My iTunes is real glitchy. But thank you, we appreciate it. Congratulations on becoming a policy wonk. If you would like to become a policy wonk, all you folks out there listening, you can go to our website,, click the support the show button and it will be a done deal. You'll be a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.259)
Isn't that how you become a policy wonk? Dan, it sounds too easy. It sounds too good to be true. Oh, how could you? Have you ever tried to donate to a podcast and you're like, I don't know what's going on. Well, try the click the support the show button. Yep.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.259)
That's the best way. So Jordan, I've teased this. And today we are beginning the next investigation into Alex Jones's past. Famously, over the course of most of last year, we dug deep into what happened to get Alex Jones to join up with Team Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:04.259)
Right. And we came away with a pretty solid consensus that it was artificial inflation of his traffic via dummies and bots because he admitted on air that his traffic had tripled and his sales were flat. Yep.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:17.259)
Mysteriously, no one buying anything but three times the traffic. It's very suspicious. Also, the insidious influences of Roger Stone and Steve Pachannik showing up with their 45 group right around the same time. Right. Right. So we've got a pretty good handle on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.259)
There's there's other intricacies that you can go back and listen to hundreds of hours of recording. Yes. Yes. Perhaps laboriously covered. It is maybe the most exhaustive, exhaustive coverage of the oh, yeah, you knew why. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:50.259)
It's the it's one of the most in-depth and long investigations that no one asked for. No. And it turns out I'm doing another.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:00.259)
I am interested to figure out Alex Jones presents himself as the person who's most responsible for the Tea Party. Right. He believes himself to be a leader of the Tea Party from the jump.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.259)
And I want to explore the realities or lies therein. Also along the way, because of the timeline, we'll be covering Barack Obama's first election. We'll be covering the primary where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were going for the Democratic nomination. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.259)
We'll see where his his head is at along that road. There's going to be a lot of interesting stuff because the Tea Party in earnest came to the forefront of the national consciousness in the beginning of 2009.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.259)
Yeah. Immediately after a black man was elected. Mysteriously quick. Yeah. After that, however, odd. However, odd how quick it happened. However, if you actually look into the history of it, it had been something that had been sort of roiling under the surface.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.259)
Thanks to the Koch brothers. Oh, yeah. For a while before that. But we will get into a lot of that and try and figure out what is what exactly along the way. And in doing so, I hope we'll be able to learn more about Alex Jones's true center, like exactly what is bullshit and what is actually important to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.259)
Like, we know guns are super important. Yes. Absurdly so. And we know that chimeras are strangely important to him. But beyond that, there's so much of these trappings that we see in his day to day, especially currently.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.259)
Like, it doesn't seem sincere. It just seems like he's a Trump apologist. Right. I think it's more interesting, I think, to go back to 2008 just because he is still relatively under the radar back then.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.259)
It's true. Compared to now, where he's showing up in all kinds of places that he wishes he weren't. Back then, in 2008, it was like, oh, yeah, that crazy guy. I've heard some crazy shit about him.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.259)
There weren't tons of blogs covering him. He wasn't getting sued by everybody. He could just slander and everyone would be like, who? Right. He was happily married to his first wife.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.259)
Didn't make as much money. And therein lies perhaps where he sold his soul. And also, as we covered in another episode from 2008, previously he seemed much happier.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.259)
Much happier. Just singing the Highwayman. Oh, yeah. For half of an episode. He never woke up in the morning and said, oh, God, why did I fucking hitch my wagon to this fucking insane lunatic? I thought I was supposed to be crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.259)
He just had Ron Paul that he's hitched his wagon to because that seems to be consistent through all of this history. Game-recognized game, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.259)
We'll get into all of the intricacies and nonsense along the way. And I'm just going to admit it up front. I started this investigation too early.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.259)
So we're going to have an even more exhaustive investigation. I didn't know when the primary season started in earnest. And so I started on March 30th of 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.259)
So today we're covering March 30th and 31st, 2008. And at this point, nothing about the primary. Really?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.259)
At one point, never mind. That's a spoiler for another episode. He's not anti-Obama at this point. No. He's not at all. In fact, he has an interview with someone that we'll talk about on a future episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.259)
He's too anti-Hillary to... And he's saying stuff like Obama is going to get killed because he's an outsider. That sort of stuff. That's where his mind is at at this point.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.259)
Okay. But still no talk about the primaries, no real talk about the election at all. So strange because if you... Like this election that we just had lasted eight years.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.259)
It twisted my mind into thinking, of course they'll be talking about this in March. Yeah, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it makes you think that that's a reasonable thing for an election to take three years.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:57.259)
No. Turns out it was not a hot topic back then. But what was? Let's start on March 30th and see what Alex is obsessed about. Okay. Spoiler alert. He's freaked out about CERN.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.259)
And they shoot different particles of lead and uranium and plutonium and gold and other heavy elements at the speed of light into other elements. Or they accelerate them towards each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.259)
And these things cost hundreds of billions of dollars to build. The European Union built the biggest one. They've got a whole bunch of them here in the U.S.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.259)
And I'm going to get a bunch of top scientists and physicists on about this. Every time I mention this, people email me and say, man, you're not...
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.259)
Let's say like a bushel. About seven, about a rip of them. Yeah, stuff that isn't documented.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.259)
And all I know is the head of the British Royal Society, the most prestigious in the world, who's a physicist, wrote a book 20 years ago saying this could easily destroy the planet or the solar system.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.259)
There's a bunch of physicists that are now suing to block this new collider that the equations show that there is a possibility of basically any matter explosions is the simplest way to put it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.259)
It is the simplest way to put it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.259)
I mean, sometime this week, someday on the weekday show or maybe even tomorrow. In fact, Trey, my producer's in there yesterday, I dug up one of these physicists who's suing.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:27.259)
That's where Trey came from.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:29.259)
I sent that to you.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.259)
It all makes sense now.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.259)
We have a bunch of them on. And these are not quacks. These are high-respect occasions.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.259)
And they're saying that equations are selling all sorts...
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.259)
Yeah, that's a tell.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.259)
You shouldn't have to say, hey, and listen, you can trust these guys. They're not quacks. Why did you say that?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.259)
I wouldn't have thought they were quacks because I'm used to non-quacks being on shows.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:53.259)
You must have had General Stubblebine on recently and everyone's like, hold on, Alex, we don't know about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:59.259)
We don't know about your quackery.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.259)
Perhaps to the point of detriment, you kind of think, well, if they're on CNN, they're not a quack. I can assume they're not a quack.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:08.259)
So you get kind of comfortable with assuming that they're not quacks.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.259)
Then you start looking at it now and you see the guest that some of these people have on or the New Yorker or the New York Times who they're hiring and you're kind of like, oh shit, maybe all of these people are quacks.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:22.259)
There's a matter of vetting that Alex doesn't do and we're starting to realize that other places don't do as good a job of it either.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:29.259)
No kidding.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:30.259)
We had made a lot of assumptions and it turns out some of these people, oh boy, they belong on Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:35.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.259)
So it's trouble, it's trouble. Alex is pretty obsessed about this and he says that he's going to get these physicists on who aren't quacks.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:45.259)
And we will be dealing with that a little bit later. Suffice it to say, I mean not today, we'll be dealing with it on the next episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:52.259)
I'm doing too much. I have some knowledge of the next couple episodes so this is a difficult place for me to be in.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.259)
So they're getting a physicist who graduated from the homeopathy university or what kind of physicists are we getting?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:09.259)
From what I can tell, this guy's actually pretty legit in terms of his credentials.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.259)
Uh huh.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.259)
At the same time, he's a guy who in 1999 said that colliding particles against each other will create huge black holes and destroy the universe.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.259)
And it didn't. And then here in 2008, he's trying to sue to stop CERN from being opened and it doesn't work out because the judge says that he's failed to prove in any way that there's, you know, the potential threat that would merit it.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:39.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.259)
And also, U.S. courts don't have jurisdiction over European scientific experiments.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.259)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.259)
Wait, so why did the judge even bother?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:48.259)
Because you, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.259)
He's just having a, he's like, well this is better than some of my other cases I've taken recently. Might as well rule on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.259)
I'm bored.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:57.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.259)
I don't know. I don't know exactly the process wherein you decide what gets on the docket and what doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.259)
Because you would just toss it out. You don't have, like, you don't have standing?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:07.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.259)
I mean, unless you really believe it, in which case, of course you do, the entire world is going to be turned into a black hole.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:14.259)
See, in that sense, I think you do have standing.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.259)
Well, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.259)
But in terms of jurisdiction, you do not.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.259)
The sheriff is the highest law.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:24.259)
That is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.259)
In the land.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.259)
Speaking of someone whose name sounds like a sheriff.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:27.259)
All right, that was a perfect transition.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.259)
Especially since I did a finger gun.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.259)
You did do a finger gun.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.259)
On this episode, pretty early on, Alex Jones has a visit from one Jim Mars.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:41.259)
I don't know if you know who Jim Mars is.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.259)
He's a gentleman who is notoriously, notoriously isn't the right word, he's pretty roundly looked at as one of the world's premier conspiracy theorists.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.259)
Like, he's a big guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.259)
How do you become a premier conspiracy theorist? Are your conspiracies better than everybody else's?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:59.259)
He wrote a bunch of books about JFK and sort of he's seen as on the forefront of the JFK conspiracy.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:06.259)
I don't know what that means.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.259)
He also taught like an accredited college class on conspiracies.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.259)
And I think that elevates him out of the muck into academia to some extent.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.259)
So he's a professor of the conspiracy theories that he makes up.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.259)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:23.259)
But also, it's important to know that he also wrote two books about ancient aliens.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.259)
Oh, okay. All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:29.259)
I don't, like...
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.259)
The more we learn about ancient aliens, Dan, the more they are still from there and not here.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.259)
The stuff, like the conversations that you want to have about JFK, I'm all ears for.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:43.259)
You know, like, I'm open to hearing arguments about the anti-Castro Cubans, the CIA, the Mafia.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.259)
I'm open to hearing any of these because that is a really fucked up thing that happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:56.259)
And I'm willing to believe that there was some sort of conspiracy involved there.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.259)
And you know what? Frankly, it's just a more fun world.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:03.259)
Somewhat, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:04.259)
If it wasn't just one lunatic who killed him.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:06.259)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.259)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.259)
I don't know if it's fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:09.259)
It's a more fun world.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:11.259)
It's a more fantastical world.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:13.259)
It's a more movie-like world.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.259)
Well, whatever the case may be, I might or might not agree with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.259)
I think it was actually Sirhan Sirhan who did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.259)
He did both of them?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:23.259)
He did both.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.259)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:25.259)
I don't know if it's more fun, but I don't think you're crazy if you believe in JFK conspiracies.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:32.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.259)
In certain JFK conspiracies.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:35.259)
Yeah, I'll listen to all of them, but yeah, you're right.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:37.259)
There is a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.259)
Yeah, there's a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:39.259)
There's a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.259)
Like the Sirhan Sirhan.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:43.259)
I do think you're crazy if you believe in ancient aliens.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:47.259)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:48.259)
That's the line I want to make.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:50.259)
And Jim Mars is on both sides of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:52.259)
So, I consider him to be someone who has credibility problems, but also researches.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.259)
You say he's one of the foremost conspiracy theorists.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.259)
That's the end of credibility to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:05.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.259)
So, he's on the show to talk about RFK.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:08.259)
He's here to talk about the RFK assassination.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:11.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:12.259)
So, here's a little clip of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.259)
Well, of course, this is actually nothing new.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.259)
Me and many other people, almost since the time of the Robert Kennedy assassination,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:23.259)
have loudly tried to shout out that he was not killed by Sirhan Sirhan, who cannot remember
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.259)
anything that happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:32.259)
So says Sirhan Sirhan.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.259)
But what is happening is, and what makes these stories significant, is that after all these
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.259)
years and after all the further evidence, including scientific evidence, comes out,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:47.259)
more and more people are waking up and beginning to realize that the so-called conspiracy theorists
Unknown Speaker (00:15:53.259)
were actually right all along.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.259)
The conspiracy theorists are right all along and people are realizing it.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.259)
Every conspiracy theorist says that, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:01.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:02.259)
It is sort of like white noise at this point to have conspiracy theorists tell you they're
Unknown Speaker (00:16:06.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:07.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.259)
And that you need to wake up.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.259)
So, a couple of things.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.259)
I mean, Sirhan Sirhan and the assassination of RFK, there are some interesting elements
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.259)
of it that I think are not being told in terms of there is pretty compelling circumstantial
Unknown Speaker (00:16:22.259)
evidence that there were other people involved.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:25.259)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.259)
It looks like there was at least one woman who was involved and they may or may not have
Unknown Speaker (00:16:31.259)
been stalking RFK previous to the assassination.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.259)
To me, RFK is the one thing that I like.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.259)
This is the one thing where I do not need any evidence.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.259)
I am just going to come out and say that I swear to God, I think the FBI killed RFK.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:49.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.259)
I really do.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:51.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:52.259)
I really do.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:53.259)
Mainly because RFK was perhaps becoming the most compassionate and progressive candidate
Unknown Speaker (00:17:01.259)
in the history of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:03.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.259)
The speech that he gave on the day that Martin Luther King Jr. died, who, by the way, was
Unknown Speaker (00:17:09.259)
also murdered by the FBI.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:11.259)
On the day that Martin Luther King Jr. died, he came out and gave an off-the-cuff speech
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.259)
that was one of the more...
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.259)
I mean, a lot of people credit it with the fact that the city he was in didn't riot because
Unknown Speaker (00:17:26.259)
they heard that speech.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:29.259)
That's how serious he was.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.259)
He spent so much time going overseas and seeing all of this starvation firsthand.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:35.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:36.259)
And he really made this change.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:38.259)
And he was going to win.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.259)
Like, he was crushing the other candidate at the time, who was what, Walter Mondale
Unknown Speaker (00:17:45.259)
or whatever?
Unknown Speaker (00:17:46.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:47.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:49.259)
In the primary.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:51.259)
Humphrey lost to Nixon.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.259)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:53.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:54.259)
Look, this is, again, a conversation that I'm fine having.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:58.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.259)
This is super crazy if you believe this.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.259)
But, also, the idea that Sirhan Sirhan did it also isn't crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:07.259)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.259)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:09.259)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.259)
I'm going to read to you from the court transcript of Sirhan Sirhan's trial.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:14.259)
Sirhan Sirhan.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.259)
Oh, I totally did that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.259)
End quote.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:19.259)
He's asked.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.259)
He's asked.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:21.259)
So then there was a time the love turned to hate because he had previously said that he
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.259)
liked RFK.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.259)
Was that at a time when Senator Kennedy was a candidate for the President of the United
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.259)
His answer.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:35.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.259)
It was during the time he was, but not exactly specifically, when it turned into hate.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.259)
Not only that, hate really, because I still loved him.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.259)
But when he came out with his support for the State of Israel and when he said he would
Unknown Speaker (00:18:46.259)
give them 50 Phantom jet bombers to Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:49.259)
And then the questioning resumes.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.259)
At that time he was the candidate for President of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:54.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:55.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:57.259)
Did you tell all of that that you hate him?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.259)
Hate then and then he's cut off.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.259)
No, but it was enough for me, sir, that anything that has to do with Israel or the Zionists
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.259)
or support of Israel, that is enough cause for me, sir, to hate him.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.259)
But not all of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:12.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:13.259)
Well, enough, sir, to have an impression only.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:15.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.259)
Enough to kill him?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:18.259)
I don't know about that, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:19.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.259)
Well, didn't you just tell us here a few days ago that if you had him right there you would
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.259)
have blasted him.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:29.259)
The answer.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.259)
At the time he came out and said he would send those 50 jet bombers, I would have done
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:35.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:36.259)
You would have done that?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:37.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:38.259)
Yes, I'm a very impulsive person.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.259)
Whatever my objective would be.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.259)
This is a great conversation.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.259)
Whatever my objective would be, it's just good for that time only.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:50.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.259)
That's like an interrogation in the drunk tech.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.259)
Just like, yeah, I mean, I might have.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:59.259)
I mean, I could have.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.259)
I certainly would have at that point.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.259)
I mean, it's possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:03.259)
Like, when it happened, maybe I would have.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.259)
But I don't know if I did have.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:08.259)
I don't remember, but I was there and I was shooting.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:11.259)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.259)
All the stuff about.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:13.259)
Who among us?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:14.259)
All the stuff about like brain control and stuff like that is also murky because he wrote
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.259)
in a, like they found his diary and there was an entry that said, my determination to
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.259)
eliminate RFK is becoming more and more of an unshakable obsession.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.259)
RFK must die.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.259)
RFK must be killed.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.259)
Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.259)
These guys always keep a diary, don't they?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.259)
That's because they're fucking mentally ill.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:39.259)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:40.259)
That's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:41.259)
There's a compulsion.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.259)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:43.259)
I mean, if you write RFK must die twice, like a teenage girl writing that she loves somebody,
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.259)
you're going to kill that person.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:49.259)
Most likely.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.259)
And, you know, psychiatrists and psychologists have gone on record and say that he's like
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.259)
a manipulative person and also of dual natures and fairly schizophrenic.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:02.259)
And that falls in line with someone who would probably want to tell you that I don't remember
Unknown Speaker (00:21:06.259)
that murder.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.259)
Never heard of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:08.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:09.259)
And if you believe a murderer who says, I don't remember that murder, that's on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:15.259)
Because, as we went over on that Project Camelot episode about Mark Richards, he says he was
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.259)
off planet during the murder he was involved with.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:23.259)
Well, he was.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.259)
So are you going to take him at his word?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:25.259)
I would.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.259)
I would assume so.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:27.259)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.259)
I'm going to look at a preponderance of the evidence and I'm going to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.259)
The FBI did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:35.259)
You can have that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.259)
You can have that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.259)
I'm not as convinced of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.259)
And Jim Mars would have more credibility if he hadn't written two books about ancient
Unknown Speaker (00:21:43.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:44.259)
And if he didn't say this, they get into talking about Americans who supported the Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.259)
Yeah, the names of prominent Americans who supported Hitler is pretty amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.259)
You've got Watson of IBM.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.259)
You've got Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.259)
You've got Chase Bank and John J. McCloy.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:05.259)
Chase Bank is impressed.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.259)
The Dulles Brothers.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.259)
And Alex brings up the Bushes, but conspicuous in their absence from that list is Fred Koch.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:13.259)
Never heard of him.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.259)
The Koch brothers' father, Fred Koch.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.259)
No idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:18.259)
In World War II, he partnered with an American Nazi sympathizer named William Rhodes Davis
Unknown Speaker (00:22:23.259)
to help build the third largest oil refinery in the Third Reich.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.259)
He also made a ton of money selling cracking stills to Stalin.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.259)
And then, after that, he would go on to create the anti-communist and anti-Semitic John Birch
Unknown Speaker (00:22:35.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:37.259)
Mysterious in his absence, though, in that list.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.259)
There's a lot of people that they list, and Fred Koch is a big one among those names.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:47.259)
I mean, sure, he may have had an outsize impact.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.259)
Sure, he may be perhaps personally responsible for at least 40 percent of a lot of the war
Unknown Speaker (00:23:01.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.259)
But, you know, he doesn't remember it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.259)
He said that he didn't know what was going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.259)
He was like, he felt like he might have done it at the time, but he wasn't sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:13.259)
Oh, you're going with the Sirhan.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.259)
Sirhan defense.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:17.259)
The Sirhan defense is my favorite chess opening gambit.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:20.259)
What's super interesting if you look at the history of Fred Koch, too, is that when he
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.259)
went over and worked with Stalin, he came back as an anti-communist.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.259)
He was really anti what he saw over there.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.259)
This was not the case with fascism.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.259)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.259)
He did not become like an anti-fascist dude, and still him and his sons have trafficked
Unknown Speaker (00:23:40.759)
with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers for a large part of their careers and lives.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:47.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:48.259)
So that's interesting to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:49.259)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.259)
I don't know if it's like intentional leaving them off the list, because you do have those
Unknown Speaker (00:23:53.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:54.460)
I mean, we talked about Watson.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:55.460)
He definitely had some inclination towards.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:58.259)
Ford, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:59.759)
He also was responsible for disseminating the protocols of the Elders of Zion at one
Unknown Speaker (00:24:05.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.259)
You know, there is a lot of troubling history of U.S. business interests and the Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:11.660)
I mean, if you run your business like a fascist dictator, you have to assume that you're going
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.559)
to be a big fan of fascist dictators.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:19.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:20.059)
I mean, Ford had a morality code and you had to do all of this shit, and there was a whole
Unknown Speaker (00:24:25.859)
lifestyle that you had to live by just to work for him, like he controlled every aspect
Unknown Speaker (00:24:31.460)
of your life.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.460)
That guy is going to be like, dictators are pretty cool.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.059)
I'd do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.059)
Well, I get the mentality that you're describing, but I'm just talking about like, why isn't
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.160)
this on the list?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:45.259)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:46.259)
Why aren't you?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.259)
And to be fair, this isn't the strongest sentiment that I have, but it's curious, because Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.660)
does talk about these Americans who worked with Nazis all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:57.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:58.660)
And Fred Koch never comes up.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.660)
Well, of course not.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:00.660)
And so that might be a little reason to be suspicious.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:02.859)
Also it turns out, I don't think that they think Hitler was that bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.660)
Well, they put Hitler in power and then shut him up.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.859)
I mean, I mean, you know, but that's all mainstream history.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:11.859)
I can't wait.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.859)
I'm going to carry the book.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:13.859)
So I like now history is also mainstream history.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:17.859)
It's mainstream history.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:18.859)
Can't we just have, can't we just have history?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.259)
Wouldn't that be nice?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:22.259)
That would be nice.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.259)
Cause history is, you think it's predicated on facts.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:26.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:27.259)
You would think.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.259)
It's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:29.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.259)
Um, so at this point-
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.259)
You know why?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:32.259)
It all changed whenever the FBI murdered RFK.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:33.259)
I'll tell you that right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.259)
So at this point we have, um, you know, a very weird, uh, Hitler was set up, uh, declaration
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.059)
by Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.059)
And now-
Unknown Speaker (00:25:43.059)
In what way was he set up?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.420)
Who knows?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:45.420)
But now-
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.420)
Did they set him up for one crime or all of them?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.319)
Probably all of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:49.319)
That's what I was-
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.319)
Probably all of them?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:51.319)
Yeah, probably all of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.319)
He was trying to have a, like he was just a dumb and dumber situation where he's just
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.900)
bumbling throughout the Holocaust, like, well, I'll sign off on this paper.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:01.579)
Like, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.579)
Was he Mr. Magoo?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.579)
Yeah, you married a coat rat.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.900)
Everyone thought it was Eva Braun.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:09.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.140)
Blonde wig on a coat rack.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:12.140)
That's why she survived in that bunker.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:13.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.140)
So, uh, it's now as good a time as any to go to two very weird commercials that Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.579)
plays on this episode that I don't know what to make of, and, uh-
Unknown Speaker (00:26:28.019)
With a word about Israel, here's best-selling author and Bible teacher Kay Arthur.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:32.259)
If you could only visit one country, one nation, on the face of this earth, it should be Israel,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:41.220)
because then you'll never be the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:44.019)
To start planning your trip to Israel today, call 1-888-77-ISRAEL or visit
Unknown Speaker (00:26:51.700)
You'll never be the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.140)
So that's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.140)
That's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.140)
This is even weirder.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.140)
Listen to this.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:01.140)
Here's a word about Israel from Dr. Jack Hayford, president of the International Church of the
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.619)
Four Square Gospel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.619)
To go to Israel is to change the way you will ever approach the Bible.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.259)
The Bible becomes based in an entirely deeper and richer way because you have been where
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.859)
it happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.059)
You'll never be the same when you visit Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.980)
To start planning your trip to Israel today, visit
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.980)
You'll never be the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.339)
That's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:31.339)
He plays two commercials about going to Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:33.500)
I want to know who wrote that jingle.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.019)
I can tell you what business wrote it.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:39.740)
I can tell you.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.740)
It was Larry Nichols?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:41.740)
Yeah, it was.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:42.740)
He was a jingle writer.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:45.099)
Those are ads for Go Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.259)
And I looked into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.259)
You go to their website,, and you scroll down.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:55.460)
Go Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:56.460)
If you scroll down all the way down the page, you will see that the site is owned and operated
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.420)
by the Ministry of Tourism of the Israeli government.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:05.859)
Well, yeah, it had to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.460)
It's not like those two people were travel agents.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:10.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.900)
This is from the Israeli government tourism board.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.299)
And he was the head of the Foursquare church?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:17.539)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.539)
I do.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.539)
I want to know exactly what kind of Foursquare they're playing.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.339)
No cherry bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.339)
Well, you gotta have cherry bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:24.500)
No cherry bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:25.500)
You can't not have cherry bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.220)
Look, you're glossing over something that I find incredibly weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.259)
Because I want to make it totally clear off the top, I don't think this in any way proves
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.220)
that Alex Jones is an agent of Israel, like so many of his critics claim.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:41.460)
No, of course not.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:42.460)
But it is proof, indisputable proof, that Genesis Communications Network was making
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.980)
ad revenue off the Israeli government in 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.420)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:55.420)
And that's wild.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.420)
Because I don't hear any other commercials for, go to Guatemala, or go to other countries.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:01.299)
I don't know why the Israeli government was like, Infowars is where we're going to get
Unknown Speaker (00:29:06.579)
some great tourists.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.859)
There's that.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:09.859)
That's bananas to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.859)
There's that.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:11.859)
Like, they must have just been blank at, you know, let's put ads out on everything and
Unknown Speaker (00:29:16.319)
not really paying attention to what they're doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.019)
See, I don't think it was Infowars, I think it was Genesis Communications Network.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:21.859)
I think it's a network thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:22.980)
So it's just, this is before Alex had his own 24 hour...
Unknown Speaker (00:29:27.460)
Well, I mean, most of the commercials that play are for Endgame, the documentary, and
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.339)
other documentaries.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.440)
Most of it is in-house commercials for his documentaries and books and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:38.579)
And then every now and again, something like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:41.819)
And I gotta be honest, it threw me for a crazy loop.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:46.180)
I don't know what to make of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:48.079)
So after going to go to, you were never the same?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.680)
I'm still the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.900)
But I'm confused.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:57.460)
You'll never be the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:02.059)
It's almost as good as Diamond Gusset.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.700)
But it's crazy, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.900)
It is nuts.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.359)
I don't, like, again, I don't...
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.140)
Why is that so nuts to you?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:12.460)
Because, look, I don't agree with their conclusion, but one of the pieces of argument that Alex's
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.660)
anti-Semitic critics make against him is absolutely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:24.380)
Genesis Communications was making money directly from the government of Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:28.819)
Yeah, but that's just like, it was the tourism board.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.859)
Like the tourism board, you know, there's so many, so many, you see billboards and shit
Unknown Speaker (00:30:38.160)
for like, go to Mexico.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:41.220)
This is a Royal Caribbean cruise ad.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:43.299)
I understand that you see, like, go to Wyoming on the CTA buses, paid for by the Wyoming
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.980)
tourism board.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:50.980)
Which is actually where you'll see where the Bible happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.579)
But it would be different if...
Unknown Speaker (00:30:59.539)
You're trying to get through that.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.220)
It would be different if all CTA bus drivers were anti-Wyomingites.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.019)
Their worldview was based on lies about Wyoming.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:15.220)
And everyone...
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.220)
How do you know that's not true?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:18.339)
And everybody who criticized Ventra said that they secretly worked for Wyoming.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:23.740)
That's what would make it, that's what makes it very difficult for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:26.900)
Like if I were Alex Jones and I were Ted Anderson, I would say thank you tourism board of Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.819)
We appreciate the offer, but we don't want to accept this because we are afraid it would
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.759)
give the appearance of the thing that we are inaccurately criticized about all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.460)
It seems like bad optics for us.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:45.740)
Thank you very much, but we have to pass.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.859)
That's what I...
Unknown Speaker (00:31:48.940)
But again, this goes back to my argument about his anti-Semitic critics in that they give
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.900)
him cover.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.619)
So he can be as anti-Semitic as he wants and they are like, you're not an anti-Semite.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.059)
So he's running this commercial to bait them?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:06.220)
That way he can play the victim if you call him anti-Semitic.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.700)
He's like, look, these guys are anti-Semitic and they hate me.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:14.539)
So I clearly am not.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:16.259)
It's possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.440)
It's probably like if you want...
Unknown Speaker (00:32:20.500)
To me, that's a smart move if he was doing it on purpose, which he probably wasn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:25.799)
There's so many layers of intention there.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.619)
It's very confusing to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:30.859)
I don't know what it means.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.460)
I have zero idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.660)
I don't think that it's proof that he works for Israel or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.660)
I'm not changing my position on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:39.700)
I think your position is the most sensible because it at least accounts for the psychology
Unknown Speaker (00:32:44.400)
of the individuals.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.059)
Well, and then there's the other psychology, which is Ted Anderson really likes money and
Unknown Speaker (00:32:53.259)
they were offering to give it to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:54.619)
But also at the time, Ted Anderson was running a show called What Really Happened with Mike...
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.359)
Don't go to
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.460)
He was running a show called What Really Happened with Mike Rivero at the time and he was a
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.819)
fucking super anti-Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:10.019)
He was an aggressively anti-Israel guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:13.660)
But business is business, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.660)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:15.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:16.660)
It's very confusing to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.660)
I don't know the ins and outs.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:19.180)
Anyway, in this next clip, I don't think we have a conclusion there.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:23.099)
No, I don't think there's anything concrete to draw from that at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.819)
It's just weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:26.819)
In this next clip, Alex Jones lists a bunch of people who have spoken out about 9-11 and
Unknown Speaker (00:33:32.619)
then comes in with a little bit of a scare tactic at the end.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:36.460)
But now we have just everybody, all these physicists, all these scientists, you know,
Unknown Speaker (00:33:41.819)
Italian presidents, CIA section chiefs, Willie Nelson, I mean, all these top actors, best
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.660)
actors this year.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:52.660)
Bruce Willis.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:53.660)
Bruce Willis no longer being a neo-con, saying they killed Kennedy in the same group that
Unknown Speaker (00:33:57.980)
did that, basically did 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.299)
I mean, they're losing all their own people.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.460)
What are they going to do?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:03.460)
Well, unfortunately, they'll probably go to the tactic of desperation, which is to launch
Unknown Speaker (00:34:08.460)
another war or to set off a nuke or some terrible terrorist weapon in this country and then,
Unknown Speaker (00:34:15.820)
of course, blame it on foreign terrorists and take more power.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:18.699)
Meanwhile, the very same elite with the admitted superconducting, supercolliders and other
Unknown Speaker (00:34:23.659)
similar facilities are doing things their own equations say good chance of blowing the
Unknown Speaker (00:34:28.739)
entire planet up.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.099)
Good chance is strong.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:31.659)
Good chance.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:32.659)
Good chance is strong.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.099)
What is a good chance?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.099)
Well, would you would you put that at like thirty five percent or are we going with a
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.539)
really good chance of like sixty five percent?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.860)
Neither much lower.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.300)
Sue, Willie Nelson is on par with scientists and the Italian president's multiple, I guess,
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.940)
because this is back when Silvio Berlusconi was running wild.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:55.340)
Did Berlusconi say 9-11 was an inside job?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.940)
He probably did.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.340)
He was drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:00.340)
He was crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:01.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:02.340)
He was fuck.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:03.340)
He was in the middle of fucking eight prostitutes.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:04.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:05.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:06.340)
9-11 was an inside job.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:07.340)
Get over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:08.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:09.340)
Over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:10.340)
So, yeah, I mean, I kept that clip in because that transition between Italian presidents
Unknown Speaker (00:35:13.460)
and Willie Nelson is really funny.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:16.059)
But then also, just to illustrate that 10 years ago, Alex was still doing the exact
Unknown Speaker (00:35:20.099)
same scare tactics that like the next thing they're going to do is nuke.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:23.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:24.340)
Let's say because he did.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.340)
He did that around the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:26.340)
There's so many other moves to make before nuke.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.300)
It seems like you've got you've got like a protocol of like, OK, if they do this, we
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.900)
do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:35.900)
Like nuke is at the very bottom.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:37.860)
He's not concerned with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:38.860)
He just wants to scare people because then you can make those ducats, which seems it
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.400)
seems crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.099)
And this is probably my own prejudice.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:47.139)
But any time I hear somebody who is supposed to be an expert with the southern accent,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:51.820)
I'm always going to be like, are you?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:55.179)
Yeah, that is a bias.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.820)
You need to get over it.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:57.980)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:59.280)
The southern accent really kind of invalidates a lot for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.539)
There's a lot of dumb people who speak like that and it hurts.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:06.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:07.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:08.380)
Logically, it doesn't track.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:09.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:10.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.380)
If A, then B. If B, then C. It doesn't mean anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.380)
Well, it's just the media perception that's been given to people with southern twangs.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:16.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:17.780)
The gentleman's twang.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:18.780)
Well, I mean, they haven't really done a great job of representing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.260)
I think you're.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:25.260)
I would say there's a good chance that all southern people have never graduated.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:31.340)
I don't know what I don't know what the I don't know where I was going with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.219)
I'm trying to think of famously smart people who speak with a southern accent.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.340)
How's it going?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:39.780)
It's tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.380)
Did Stephen Hawking before he got the ALS?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.420)
We can't prove he doesn't have a southern accent.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:47.539)
No, that's possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:49.460)
It's not good that the only person I could come up with is Jim Ross.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:53.500)
WWE announcer Jim Ross.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.699)
That's not great.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:57.699)
He's pretty smart, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.039)
So this is a Sunday show, so it's a shorter affair.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.340)
And Alex has one more interview on the show, and it is an interview with a what's this
Unknown Speaker (00:37:11.219)
guy's name?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.219)
I don't remember his first name, but he's a Japanese politician by the name of Fujita.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:18.179)
And I just threw it out with the bathwater because it's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.300)
They just talk 9-11 truth, but if you look into it, this guy, this Japanese guy, only
Unknown Speaker (00:37:29.239)
is into 9-11 truth because he watched Loose Change, which was produced by Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.300)
So Alex Jones' film gave this guy questions about 9-11, and then they made them public,
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.300)
and now he's a guest on Alex Jones, repeating the same shit back to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.019)
That's creating the feedback loop that they thrive on so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:47.260)
It's not even a feedback loop, it's an elevation loop, because now you have a foreign politician
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.619)
who's regurgitating your narratives back to you, which elevates them from your standard
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:57.820)
Now I just want a Japanese-translated version of Loose Change.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:01.420)
I bet you could find one.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:02.539)
I bet it'd be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.539)
It'd probably be riveting.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:05.099)
It'd be so good.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.099)
So it was kind of a boring - Like whenever Jimmy James' book was translated
Unknown Speaker (00:38:09.320)
into Japanese and then translated back - Super karate death card.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:11.820)
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.820)
Kill, kill.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:13.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.820)
So, I threw that out.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:18.900)
We don't need to listen to it, who cares.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.380)
But at the end of the show, there's a couple callers that I think are worth listening to,
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.059)
and here's the first one.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.059)
It's a guy named Nick, spelled N-I-K, which is a good sign.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.619)
Let's go ahead and take another ring-a-dinging.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:31.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:32.579)
Let's go ahead and talk to - He's so much happier.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:35.099)
N-I-K, Nick in Arizona, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.380)
Hey, how you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:40.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:41.380)
I just want to thank you for your inspiration, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.380)
Me and my brother started this website called here in Phoenix Valley.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.980)
We're starting to cover the chemtrails and the surveillance.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:50.699)
I just want to give you a quick example of what happened to me the other night.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:55.179)
About 12.30 in the morning, I was carrying a chopper over my house, and about 20 minutes
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.659)
later, I go outside to have a cigarette, and I see the chopper in the distance, and as
Unknown Speaker (00:39:05.500)
soon as I step outside, he goes towards me.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:07.980)
And then all of a sudden, he's got a blank shining down different houses or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.980)
Did you get to it?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:11.980)
Good, you're all kind of.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.980)
You can't have that chopper on the border, it's got to be on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:15.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:16.980)
And then after he started coming towards me, and then he's fucking with a different direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:19.980)
He's fucking with a quick flash.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.980)
And then he turned around my house, and it was a full moon that night.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.980)
Well, drink fluoride.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.980)
Everything's okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:27.980)
Calm down, drink fluoride.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.980)
Drink fluoride.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.980)
It's going to be all right.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.980)
Submit to him, he's good.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.980)
So I got out, and all of a sudden, I'm looking around, and I'm hearing this chopper, and
Unknown Speaker (00:39:35.980)
then all of a sudden, this guy's flying over my house, like, stop mode.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:39.980)
Didn't have his light on, and I turn around, and then bam, the freaking light is shining
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.980)
down on me, like, for no reason, I don't understand.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.980)
Well, you're out, sir, you're evil, okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:49.980)
You need to be tracked and traced, and there's no more warrants, no more free speech.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:53.980)
You're bad, okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:55.980)
Submit to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.980)
It doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.980)
Trans-Texas Corridor doesn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.980)
The billboard doesn't exist, CNN says.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.980)
There's no toll roads on the roads.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.980)
Sentra isn't Spanish owned, Austin Chronicle says.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.980)
Everything's fine, go to sleep, shut up, submit to government.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:07.980)
Love them, drink your fluoride, take your mercury-filled injections.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.980)
Love them, love them.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:12.980)
Please, learn to submit to them.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:14.980)
Oh, it's so simple.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.980)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:17.980)
So, the only thing I want to say there is...
Unknown Speaker (00:40:19.980)
That was kind of a bummer at the end.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:21.980)
Well, I...
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.980)
His sarcasm is bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:23.980)
I don't think that's sarcasm, I think he's phoning it in, but I think it's irresponsible
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.980)
if someone calls you and is like, there is a helicopter following me because I write
Unknown Speaker (00:40:33.980)
a chemtrail blog, that's essentially what that guy was getting to.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.980)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:37.980)
I'm a target of helicopter surveillance.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.980)
The moment I started writing about chemtrails, now helicopters are coming over my house without
Unknown Speaker (00:40:45.980)
their lights on.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:47.980)
One to one.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:48.980)
I think if someone calls you and says that, it's your responsibility as an adult to say,
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.980)
this is paranoia, you need to look into this.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.980)
And stop living with your brother.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.980)
Not scream at them, drink fluoride, submit to this, and further their paranoia.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.980)
Because Alex Jones makes money off paranoia, so he's fine inflicting these poor people
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.980)
and indulging their bizarre paranoid fantasies.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:13.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.980)
Because look, the other day there was a fucking helicopter flying over my house for like almost
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.179)
the entire day.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:21.179)
Well, yeah, but that didn't happen until we started doing this podcast.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:23.980)
Right, a year and a half after.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.420)
But there's like, there's helicopters all the fucking time, and you know why?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.340)
I'm not too far from the like, Lakeshore Drive.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:32.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.420)
There's traffic helicopters.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.420)
All the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:35.420)
Over it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:36.420)
And it's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.420)
There's crime around.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.420)
And sometimes there are helicopters that are...
Unknown Speaker (00:41:41.300)
Looking for crime.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:42.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.300)
And so it's easy to interpret those things incorrectly.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:48.099)
I just got the image of the police helicopter pilots just being like, oh, it's four o'clock,
Unknown Speaker (00:41:53.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.139)
Let's go looking for some crime.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:55.139)
And then everybody jumps on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:56.139)
Let's go find Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:58.139)
Let's go.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:59.139)
When you see a helicopter closely over your house, for example, it's easy to think, oh,
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.500)
this is suspicious, because you don't have all the information.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:08.340)
In the same way, I get a lot of calls when I answer them, no one's there.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:13.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.980)
And if I wanted to, I could play the game of people are fucking stalking me over the
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:21.179)
And if I were to express those things to you, you would very likely say, that is an unhealthy
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.940)
way to look at it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.940)
Submit to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:27.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:28.940)
If you did that, you'd be being a bad person.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.579)
I would definitely be being a bad friend.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:32.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.739)
Although maybe it would be better for the show, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:37.420)
Have you considered that?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.420)
But it's the same level of paranoia, or the same style of paranoia, which is taking an
Unknown Speaker (00:42:42.579)
innocuous thing that has an explanation and giving it the explanation that you want.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:48.860)
The reality is that whoever used to have my phone number has bounty hunters looking for
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.780)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:53.780)
Well, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.780)
There's no other explanation.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.780)
Well, it's definitely the explanation that I have to deal with.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:03.260)
It's a bummer.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.420)
You know what it turns out?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:05.659)
With bounty hunters, you can't get on the don't call list like telemarketers.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.179)
Turns out they can just keep calling.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:11.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:12.380)
You can request, hey, take me off your list.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.780)
They don't respect that.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:15.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:16.340)
Hey, take me off your bounty hunting list, please.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:19.179)
Also turns out they don't believe you when you say, I've never met that person.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.739)
That's kind of their job, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:24.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:25.179)
It's annoying for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.579)
Anyway, Alex gets another caller.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:29.179)
And this one, I think, is actually, this one illustrates Alex Jones' lack of commitment
Unknown Speaker (00:43:33.179)
to the cause.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:35.420)
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:38.019)
Steve in Denver, Colorado.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.380)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:41.380)
Hey, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:42.380)
Good show again today.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.380)
I was going to suggest, what if we had something like a Woodstock 9-11 big concert, or we had
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.940)
one day where we had all these musicians and all these actors and famous people come together
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.860)
and we just spent one day-
Unknown Speaker (00:43:53.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.099)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.099)
Did he just say Woodstock 9-11 concert?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:57.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:58.260)
He said it was a Woodstock.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:59.260)
Like a Woodstock all about 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.420)
What do you, what do you, what's your problem?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:03.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:04.900)
I heard that and then my brain was like, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.380)
And then, and I like, that was very strange for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:11.340)
I let the clip keep going.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:13.079)
And then in my head, all of a sudden I was just like, wait, Woodstock 9-11 concert?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.900)
You're mixing like a-
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.900)
Is that a 9-11 themed concert?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:21.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.940)
Should we have a 9-11 themed party?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:25.619)
Is that in poor taste?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.619)
Yes, it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.619)
Like a pool party.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.739)
And then we'd all jump into, we would have, like, you know how you have towers?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.820)
We would have, we would have two people standing on top of each other in the water and then
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.860)
we'd throw you at them.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.460)
When I was in college-
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.460)
And then the third plane would actually hit the house.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.739)
When I was in college and I had a much worse taste, let's say, and I had less decorum,
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.260)
I was full of piss and vinegar.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.980)
I had an idea for a 9-11 party where I had twin bongs and the lighters would be dressed
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.420)
up as planes.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.420)
Very nice.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:02.420)
And I would make a 9 and 11 layer dip, two different dips.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.699)
There were some, oh also-
Unknown Speaker (00:45:10.820)
These are some great party ideas.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.460)
Also this one I did do.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:13.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.980)
We had-
Unknown Speaker (00:45:15.980)
Dressed as a Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.980)
No, we had, I think we did Freedom 40s, which was, you have to drink a 40 in nine minutes
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.019)
and 11 seconds or else the terrorists win.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:25.940)
That was a part of my 9-11 party idea that we actually did a couple of times and man,
Unknown Speaker (00:45:30.300)
it's really hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.300)
I do not recommend anyone do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:34.219)
The terrorists usually win.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:37.500)
And so to answer your question-
Unknown Speaker (00:45:38.500)
So that's a great metaphor, really.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:41.619)
That's a great metaphor for foreign policy.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:43.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:44.699)
The terrorists usually win, usually because you can't drink a 40 fast enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.619)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:49.619)
You end up throwing up.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:50.619)
It's too much liquid.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:51.619)
Because they hate our freedoms.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.619)
It's too much liquid.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:53.619)
To drink 40s.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:54.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:55.619)
And to answer your question, no, we shouldn't have a 9-11 footstock.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:57.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:58.340)
Kind of helping the people with- architects and engineers, for 9-11 Truth right now, we
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.380)
suggested that as a media event and we could just have one major big event that we could
Unknown Speaker (00:46:07.539)
videotape, sell, and try to show everybody how many people there are from the-
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:11.980)
Here's the problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:12.980)
You know, and it's like that in any society.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.980)
I bet it's not the right problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.980)
It would take a lot of groups getting involved and the groups would never agree and also
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.780)
no one group, I'm probably the only person that could actually pull it off, could go
Unknown Speaker (00:46:23.219)
out and get the celebrities.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:25.139)
Because the celebrities don't know or don't trust because they don't know these other
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:29.980)
They have been around as long as I am.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:30.980)
You know, the celebrities just call me up, you know, the phone rings and they're on.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:34.980)
And that's because they know I've been around a long time, they're aware of what I've been
Unknown Speaker (00:46:37.980)
doing a long time.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:38.980)
You've built up a lot of trust.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.980)
That's been found around by people, but I haven't really actively gone out and pushed
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.300)
it just because I couldn't imagine the headache of it all.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.739)
So the issue with a 9-11 Woodstock is infrastructure, booking, these are all big problems, sponsors.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.980)
I agree with his premise that no one would agree on stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:03.219)
I definitely agree with that premise.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:05.300)
But then, yeah, it's like the only person who could pull it off is me and I don't need
Unknown Speaker (00:47:09.019)
that aggravation.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.019)
It's like, dude, you're not really contesting the claim that that would be huge for 9-11
Unknown Speaker (00:47:16.820)
Truth movement.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.820)
You're just saying I wouldn't want to put that kind of work into something that I am
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.860)
tacitly saying would be effective.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.739)
I'm assuming, well, yeah, it would be huge for the 9-11 Truth movement if there was a
Unknown Speaker (00:47:29.699)
real legitimate 9-11 Woodstock.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.980)
I would watch that.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:33.980)
I probably would.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:34.980)
Who do you think they would get to play?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.219)
Well, you would have Willie Nelson, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:39.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:40.300)
The Italian president.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:41.300)
He's going to emcee.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.039)
And they have like a cover group of the four tenors.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.300)
Oh, do they?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:48.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:49.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:50.300)
I can't think of any other Italian presidents off the top of my head.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:53.739)
Are there other Italians?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:55.500)
There's a part of me that's like, Burlesconi is just being, hologram Mussolini.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:01.980)
So Kid Rock, Kid Rock would play.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:05.739)
As one of the four tenors.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:06.820)
The nuge.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.900)
The nuge would definitely be there.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:09.219)
The nuge is in.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:11.579)
Sarah Palin would probably show up.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:13.619)
Danzig might show up.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:14.820)
That'd be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:16.019)
He would just throw his own poop at people.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:17.460)
Obviously, as we've learned recently, Jonathan Davis from Korn.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:20.099)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.099)
Korn would play.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.099)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:23.099)
I bet you could get a lot of new metal guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:24.099)
They would call it Korn 11.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.539)
It would be very similar to the Woodstock.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:29.820)
So this brings us to the end of March 30th, 2008.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:35.219)
The Sunday show has ended.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:36.860)
And now we go to March 31st.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.420)
And Alex has a whole new set of fears.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.860)
He is no longer obsessed with CERN, although that will come back up in the very near future.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:47.619)
Today, he's pissed off because the media is reporting that there are white people who
Unknown Speaker (00:48:53.980)
might be in Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.739)
Well that's clearly not possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.900)
He's taking that news tough, let's say.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:05.139)
Because he feels a little bit of personal responsibility for the white race?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:09.139)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.139)
You're not far off.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:11.139)
I don't think that might be true.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.460)
Let's play a couple clips and we'll get into what his feelings are that are very weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.380)
There is no Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.380)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.380)
There is no real threat.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:21.380)
Wow, that's a good start.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.380)
Right out the gate.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.380)
And so, they've got to flip it now.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:25.699)
And by the way, here it is in the Associated Press.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.059)
Mookacy, Attorney General, terrorist behind copyright violations.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:33.139)
Copyright violations, terrorism.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:35.539)
See, all white collar civil stuff is now terrorist.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.340)
Forget misdemeanor, civil.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.460)
Just a terrorist everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:44.619)
So this, I believe, if I were to analyze what's going on here, this is a perfect case of Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:49:53.219)
Jones twisting a narrative.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.019)
He has a story about Attorney General Michael Mookacy, who is saying things about copyright
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.179)
violations and terrorism.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:03.219)
And Alex has changed the story into being Mookacy saying that copyright violations are
Unknown Speaker (00:50:08.579)
terrorism, which is absolutely not the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.579)
If you read the story here, what he is saying is that the continuing worldwide escalation
Unknown Speaker (00:50:19.019)
of counterfeiting and piracy poses a threat to both our economy and public safety.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.300)
He said that the mission of the Department of Justice is clear, whether it's a complex
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.460)
international narcotics ring, a corrupt public official abusing his office, or some scam
Unknown Speaker (00:50:30.800)
artist selling counterfeit software, our job is to enforce the law and bring to justice
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.940)
those who perpetrate these crimes.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:36.920)
He said, quote, the counterfeiting of products like pharmaceuticals and medical devices,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:41.019)
auto and airplane parts, or electronics that go into our nation's critical infrastructure
Unknown Speaker (00:50:45.340)
can present a real and direct danger to the public.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:48.539)
This is a speech that he gave, and the point that he was trying to drive at is that one
Unknown Speaker (00:50:57.820)
of the larger points was that the theft of inventions poses a threat to the nation's
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.699)
health and safety and can foster terrorism, and that a lot of intellectual property theft
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.739)
is being done by criminal networks, and the money that is made off of them can be funneled
Unknown Speaker (00:51:15.559)
into those things.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.559)
Which doesn't mean that all counterfeiting or copyright infringement is terrorism, just
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.820)
that this is a source of some funding.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:25.619)
Yeah, I would say that's a little bit scaremongering on his part.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:29.659)
There is a certain kind of, like, Alex conflates them far too much, but he is also being a
Unknown Speaker (00:51:37.539)
little bit irresponsible with the way that he is combining the two.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:43.019)
I don't particularly enjoy that kind of, like, if you're gonna bring in terrorism, it better
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.380)
be terrorism and not copyright infringement.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.500)
It would be nice if we lived in that world.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:58.579)
That would be nice, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.579)
Unfortunately, we're looking at 2008, and Bush is still president.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.780)
So everything is serious.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.780)
So let's consider that just for a second.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:07.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.179)
That is one of the problems, though, with this show in 2008, is that whenever that guy
Unknown Speaker (00:52:13.760)
was like, oh, well, they're gonna call it terrorism and they're gonna use it to take
Unknown Speaker (00:52:17.739)
more power, it's like, God damn it, you are correct about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:21.659)
You're just fucking wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:23.619)
Why aren't you doing this?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.940)
You're on the right, like, that's what they're doing, but they're not doing it that way and
Unknown Speaker (00:52:31.820)
you're not helping us fight what they're doing because you're like, well, the problem isn't
Unknown Speaker (00:52:36.699)
what they're doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:37.699)
The problem is this magical thinking over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.820)
And it's like, no, no, no, they aren't, join us.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.300)
And get on the right team.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:47.659)
And also the end result of all this stuff is just rationalizing the, you know, surveillance
Unknown Speaker (00:52:53.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.079)
And so it doesn't charm me, you know, like in terms of what Mukasey was doing and what
Unknown Speaker (00:53:02.219)
Bush was up to, I agree spiritually with like being against it, but it doesn't help to lie
Unknown Speaker (00:53:07.639)
about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:09.639)
Well, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.639)
Which I think is what you're saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:11.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.639)
Anyway, in this next clip, get back into the idea that white people are joining Al-Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.440)
And this is based on a report that came out that Al-Qaeda was trying to enlist white people.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:25.219)
And that's a reasonable thing to think because, I mean, most famously, we had John Walker
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.400)
Lind back in the early 2000s who was a white guy who had signed up with the Taliban.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.739)
You have Adam Yehahi Gadden, you have a number of people over the years who have been white
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.380)
Westerners who have joined Al-Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:47.380)
And in a clip that we're going to hear in just a minute, we will get the obvious rationalization
Unknown Speaker (00:53:55.860)
for this.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:57.219)
And then we'll get Alex's, taking it kind of personal.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:03.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.820)
Just as I told you they would do, they're building this giant mechanism to track everything
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.519)
you do, trace everything you do, micromanage you, turn your national ID card off.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.360)
Your pharmacist, your doctor, your lawyer, school teachers, everyone spying publicly,
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.539)
truck drivers, neighbors, neighborhood tattletale squads, recruiting the high schoolers.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.840)
I mean, it's massive.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.719)
Truck manufacturers.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.719)
Hiring the former head of the Stasi to train the feds how to do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.500)
Fire trucks.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:35.500)
I want to just pause that just for a second.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:37.440)
Dumps like a truck.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.440)
Alex is saying that the former head of the Stasi is being involved in teaching people
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.440)
how to do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:44.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.440)
A couple of years later, he would make the exact same claim about social media.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:48.960)
He would say that the head of the Stasi is involved in Facebook and stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.320)
This is just something.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:54.320)
He's busy.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:55.320)
In the same way that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:56.320)
He's got a lot of irons in the fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:57.320)
The head of the Stasi isn't just going to focus on one thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.860)
In the same way that a couple clips back we heard him do the globalist are desperate,
Unknown Speaker (00:55:04.320)
they're going to probably nuke or false flag shit that he does all the fucking time.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:08.719)
It turns out another one that he's done for at least 10 years now has been say the head
Unknown Speaker (00:55:13.119)
of the Stasi is involved in some shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:15.320)
Still getting there.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.320)
Unspecifically enough that it's almost impossible to.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:19.360)
I mean, it's not like he's personally involved.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.440)
He delegates responsibility, but he's the one who comes up with the projects.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:27.360)
Hiring the former head of the KGB.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.320)
I mean, they're really doing it.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.559)
Going for broke.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:35.400)
And always Afghanistan.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.960)
Great Foley work.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:43.719)
That's to kill the Middle Easterners.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:45.440)
Don't tell them that they're not Middle Easterners that can attend in the Middle East.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.559)
No, I don't think it's all very saying that it's all for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.159)
So when they take your ranch and you say no, they can bring the SWAT team up and burn your
Unknown Speaker (00:55:58.119)
house down with you in it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:03.719)
And you know what they're going to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.119)
You know what they're going to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.139)
You know what they're going to push.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:13.119)
They're trying to make up something now.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.360)
They're just going to come improv right in there and burn your house down.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:21.679)
Burn your farm down.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.480)
And they're going to announce on the news that they were fighting Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.920)
It's all about you are Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:35.679)
You are the terrorist.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.039)
So that's his takeaway from this idea that Al Qaeda may be trying to recruit Westerners,
Unknown Speaker (00:56:45.199)
particularly white people.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:46.860)
Is that it's actually the globalists trying to make it so everybody suspects everybody
Unknown Speaker (00:56:52.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:53.039)
Thus, we are all terrorists, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.679)
And specifically so they can get the Patriots.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:59.639)
And when they Waco them, if we want to use that as a verb, burned down their farms.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:04.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.599)
And they can just say they were Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:08.440)
We already established it with a news story about how Al Qaeda is trying to recruit white
Unknown Speaker (00:57:12.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.559)
Exactly right.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:14.559)
This is so desperate.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.920)
This is so sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:17.679)
This is him.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:18.679)
It sounded like he just made it up on the spot with those long gaps.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.559)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:22.559)
Indicate that his little gray cells.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.440)
They're going to burn something down.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.519)
Burn something down.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.519)
What do you what do people burn down farms, farms?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:31.539)
That's all I got.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:32.539)
And farms should just be an indication that he's trying to speak to a specific community
Unknown Speaker (00:57:36.239)
because he says your homes, your farm.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:38.920)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.920)
So who are your listeners, Alex?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:41.920)
In this next clip, we get a little bit from Fox News about this story.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.139)
And then Alex, again, I think he thinks they're talking about him.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:53.159)
And that's very weird to me because when I look, we'll get to it on the other end of
Unknown Speaker (00:57:57.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.320)
Stop saying I'm in Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.159)
Most agency officers, most officers from other liaison services don't blend into Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:06.280)
So we're looking for people who we can fit into their as penetrations Al Qaeda on the
Unknown Speaker (00:58:09.880)
other side of the fence.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.880)
They're doing the same thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:11.880)
I mean, obviously, if they could recruit a Scandinavian, that's the holy grail for them.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:16.239)
They need people who can move around for a region, do their bidding and converted.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.360)
People who convert to Islam sometimes are more militant than those who were born that
Unknown Speaker (00:58:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.000)
And they always go to prisons, too, to get there, to get the recruits.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.119)
Some of the converts are always a little bit more zealous in terms of their religious fervor.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:32.400)
But the part of the problem with Al Qaeda has been garbage the whole time, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:37.199)
This we need to listen.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:38.800)
We can map the changes in Alex, but Fox News has been a pile of shit since it started pretty
Unknown Speaker (00:58:44.440)
much consistently.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:45.440)
So, yeah, we need to listen to this because you need the context to see what Alex is freaking
Unknown Speaker (00:58:49.079)
out about.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:50.079)
You didn't read those reports, not have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.599)
But this what they're doing is just trying to extend the fear.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:57.599)
They're trying to make the fear bigger of Muslims in general.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:01.599)
But Alex has a completely different take on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:05.699)
To go into a prison and try to recruit individuals, that person's already tainted.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.239)
What they really need are they need people who haven't run afoul of law enforcement in
Unknown Speaker (00:59:13.920)
the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:16.920)
And then it goes on and on that it is, just like the FBI training manuals say, white male
Unknown Speaker (00:59:22.880)
who locks his desk, a lot of times it says we're in management positions.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:29.039)
It says we're quiet, keep to ourselves, they're evil white males and they're Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:35.880)
They're everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:38.320)
The guy pumping your gas, Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.079)
That school teacher, Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.079)
In fact, the FBI manual says that priest, Al Qaeda, it says the Caucasian woman pushing
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.119)
the baby carriage, Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.320)
That's a quote.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.320)
Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.320)
You don't know what quotes are.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.320)
Everywhere, they're just, they're everywhere, take all my rights away, government.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:01.639)
Take all my freedoms, put a bracelet around me with a taser, keep me safe, they're everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:09.039)
I'm guessing what he's talking about is FBI manuals that talk about the ascendancy of
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.599)
white terrorism and like, you know.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.960)
The ones that white people do.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.679)
What we've seen the results of ten years later.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.280)
To me, I think what he's trying to do there is invalidate any possibility of you calling
Unknown Speaker (01:00:31.980)
white male domestic terrorism, terrorism.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.400)
So he's trying to preemptively excuse, so whenever your Timothy McVeigh does all of
Unknown Speaker (01:00:41.000)
that stuff, he's going to conflate the idea of them being terrorists with the government
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.239)
calling them Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:49.099)
So it's like, no, no, no, no, these guys aren't terrorists, they're mentally ill or it's a
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.199)
false flag because if they were terrorists, they would have joined Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:58.440)
Well in the same way that the globalists are preparing the ground for you to have your
Unknown Speaker (01:01:03.519)
farm burned down and then they say that it was, they were fighting Al Qaeda in Alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.599)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.599)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.599)
They're doing this so someone like Timothy McVeigh could blow up the Murrah building
Unknown Speaker (01:01:13.440)
and then Alex can say, uh, they just, you know, it's all, it's all a set up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.639)
Oh, they're going to call him.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:21.639)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:22.639)
It's a, it again, like what we're finding, I believe is pretty decent evidence that the
Unknown Speaker (01:01:27.880)
excusing of white terrorism and things that encroach upon Alex's white identity, uh, that's
Unknown Speaker (01:01:35.619)
a very consistent thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.960)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.960)
This is 10 years ago that he recorded this and it's a very essential piece of his world
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:43.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.199)
There may be nothing more.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.199)
I mean the guns might even be secondary to white male, white maleness.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:48.880)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:49.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.880)
It's very weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:51.880)
It's not that weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.880)
It makes total sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:53.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.880)
But it's a bummer.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:55.880)
A lot of those guys have it really like, I mean I would say probably as a terrorist force,
Unknown Speaker (01:02:02.320)
white people are, are historically, uh, the, they're the front runners, I would say competent.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:08.440)
I would say, uh, I would say white people have really been doing some terrorism for
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.280)
a long time.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.280)
Well, when I hear, uh, like a report that says that Al Qaeda is looking for people who
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.280)
can blend in, I hear that and I don't take it personally.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.760)
I think that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:23.159)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:24.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:25.159)
I would do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.159)
That's probably what I would do if I were Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.159)
That's a smart idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.159)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:29.159)
You're not going to, you're not going to get past customs as a, as looking like you're
Unknown Speaker (01:02:31.920)
an Al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:32.920)
Like that's, that's kind of the thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.280)
If you're a cartoon of a terrorist, you're not going to.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:37.920)
You're not going to get past someone is, but you know, of course you would look for people
Unknown Speaker (01:02:40.639)
who can blend in.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:41.639)
That, uh, that's a, that's just, it seems like a good strategy.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.159)
Yeah, that's spycraft.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:45.599)
Alex hears it and takes it very personally as a white person.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:49.159)
And that to me means, he, he is somebody who has said in, in private, cause I don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.639)
if he said it on the show, but he has said race traitor a lot.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.239)
I would imagine, I would imagine if not literally, uh, uh, yes, that idea in not so many words.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:07.840)
And it's, it's, I don't know if he's taking it personally so much as more on the lines
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.860)
of like, to me, what I can hear there is him being like, they're saying that all white
Unknown Speaker (01:03:21.079)
people aren't on the same side, which boggles, which boggles his mind.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:25.960)
There's some, to him, it's every white person is in it together.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:28.800)
There's some of that in there, but he would call it the West probably or something like
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:33.320)
Some code.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:34.320)
Okay, in this next clip, uh, we get to deal with, uh, the fact that, uh, recently when
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.679)
this episode, uh, aired, George W. Bush threw out the first pitch at the, uh, the christening
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.960)
of the Washington Nationals, uh, stadium.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:51.280)
And, uh, apparently they were playing the Braves and the Braves tried to get him to
Unknown Speaker (01:03:56.239)
wear a Braves Jersey and he said he didn't want to be booed.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:59.440)
Uh, and then, uh, Alex's contention is that he was mercilessly booed anyway.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.400)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:05.400)
He plays the audio later, it's a mix.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.800)
It seems like he had that coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.559)
It's a mix.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.559)
I feel like he should have been mercilessly booed.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.079)
You can, he plays the audio of it and Alex claims that he's getting, like, booed and
Unknown Speaker (01:04:15.239)
they just piped in some applause.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:17.239)
Oh, they sweetened it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.980)
You can tell that it's just a mixed reaction.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:21.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.320)
It's a strongly mixed reaction.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.320)
They, uh, Mitch Hedberg-ed the sound.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:25.559)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.559)
And there are boos, for sure, but there are also people who are clearly applauding.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:29.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.760)
Like, it's just a mixed reaction, which is what you'd expect at a fucking baseball stadium.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:34.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.119)
Especially in D.C.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.119)
With the president there.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.119)
So that's a different thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:39.119)
Uh, this is him, uh-
Unknown Speaker (01:04:40.119)
With the shitty, shitty, shitty president there.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:43.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.880)
This is, uh-
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.880)
And this is right before the massive, uh, collapse of 2008.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:50.880)
So people weren't even really on, uh, on the boo the fuck out of G-dubs yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.760)
Not quite yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.760)
Um, but he talks a little bit about that, and then he says something that's really ironic
Unknown Speaker (01:05:01.880)
in hindsight, considering what he says about how Trump is, uh, going to save America, Trump
Unknown Speaker (01:05:07.800)
is basically America's last stand, he's a bulwark against these globalists and what
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.719)
have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.719)
Um, it's, it's just very ironic ten years later.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.480)
I was reading the AP headline here, and it says that the Washington Braves tried to get
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.559)
him to wear a Braves jacket, and he said, oh no, they might boo me.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.800)
Boobing Braves?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:25.800)
That's the quote, and then he went out wearing a Nationals jacket, and they boo him.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.000)
Could be hilarious if he wore an Expos jacket.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.280)
And then the announcer just kisses up and just says, oh, that's the best throw by any
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.039)
president ever.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:37.039)
He's G-d.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.280)
Didn't say that.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:39.280)
We ought to dig up that Fox News one where you hear the booing, and they just fade it
Unknown Speaker (01:05:42.559)
down and then fade up cheering, and then they go, they love him.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.719)
It's like in martial law, I have that clip from his second inauguration where they're
Unknown Speaker (01:05:50.440)
saying cheer for him, let him know that you love America.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:55.679)
Do you see the propaganda in that?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.400)
It's saying Bush is America.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:00.039)
You love America, don't you?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:01.760)
Cheer for him as hundreds of thousands booed and screamed and spit.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:05.440)
But the national news cut back to wide shot and said, they love him.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.280)
I have that martial law.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:11.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.760)
It's like something out of a dystopic science fiction movie made 50 years ago where the
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.980)
emperor is driving through and everyone's booing and then the announcer's going, they
Unknown Speaker (01:06:23.000)
love him.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:25.000)
Pretty sure they made a lot of those in 2000 and, well, every time from the 1950s.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:30.599)
Now consider on the inauguration parade where you have all those shots of empty bleachers
Unknown Speaker (01:06:39.639)
with the cavalcade going down the road and Alex Jones screaming, the people love him.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:46.320)
You get a complete mirror.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:48.639)
Consider the upcoming military parade.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.920)
In which case Alex will of course say, look, look at how everybody loves the president.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:58.719)
Who is America?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.199)
Our glorious leader.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:01.280)
Our glorious leader.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:03.639)
It's fascinating.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:04.639)
You know what I'm convinced of actually?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.639)
I'm going to make a prediction here as we're in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.800)
I think that Alex- Are you going to make a prediction about the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:11.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.079)
No, about the future.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:13.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.079)
So what's going to happen is because we keep having these things happen where Trump says
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.360)
he's a globalist and Alex is like, he didn't mean it.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.800)
Trump says, I like taking the guns first and then due process later.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:25.800)
Alex is like, I think it's a Machiavellian move.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:28.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:30.119)
And he keeps saying like, I'll turn on him.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:31.159)
I'll turn on him harder than anybody.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:33.320)
All this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.320)
I think eventually it's going to become clear that everyone but Alex has been right the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.559)
whole time and eventually Alex will catch up and something will happen that'll be too
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.559)
much for him to handle and he'll be like, I want to, I want to go against him and it'll
Unknown Speaker (01:07:48.719)
be like the child who thinks that they know what to do and they make a huge mess and then
Unknown Speaker (01:07:53.039)
the adults have to be like, don't help.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:55.639)
Don't help.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:56.639)
You're making it worse.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:57.639)
When the kid's trying to clean up and making more of a mess, Alex Jones is the embodiment
Unknown Speaker (01:08:01.639)
of that child who made the mess, thinks they can help clean up, but can't.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.960)
We just have to be like, shut the fuck up.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:08.320)
Stay on your steak.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:09.480)
Go over there.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:11.480)
You're in timeout.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:12.480)
That's a great analysis.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:13.480)
Don't listen to that.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:14.480)
And it'll just be, he'll make it worse.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:15.480)
No, he's going to...
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.479)
Probably go to prison.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:17.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:18.479)
But we can only hope.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:19.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.479)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:21.479)
That's so confusing to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.479)
I don't, I don't know how that, hey, I mean prison or the destitute, uh, getting sued
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.760)
out of, uh, Ooh, homeless Alex would be a fun Alex to listen to.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:30.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.880)
That'd be fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:33.880)
He just starts up a podcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.880)
I mean, clearly we're living evidence that it doesn't cost much.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:38.119)
He could do it even if he was broke.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:41.399)
That'd be great.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:42.399)
Hey, he'd have to get some studio equipment.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:43.399)
Go back to your roots, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.239)
So speaking of Alex's roots, in this next clip, he rips off someone's intellectual property.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:49.680)
You're these little sandal wearing, take all the guns, I love government, I'm Bill Clinton,
Unknown Speaker (01:08:56.960)
I'm bedwetting right now, I love you.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.119)
Just red diaper, doper babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.979)
Red diaper, doper babies?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:04.479)
That is specifically a Michael Savage catchphrase.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.939)
Michael Savage screams that all these leftists are red diaper, doper babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:13.159)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.159)
They're children of communists.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:15.159)
I don't, I don't like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:17.640)
I don't think that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:18.880)
Eh, it makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.380)
It's got a good little, it's got a good little rhythm to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.640)
They're children of communists who smoke a lot of weed.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:25.500)
Red diaper, doper babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:27.039)
It's fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.279)
Anyway, it was, it's very much a savage.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:31.079)
I'm a hard out.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.119)
That term may exist previous to him, but in terms of like radio personalities and media
Unknown Speaker (01:09:38.680)
folk, uh, savages, that's, that's a fucking savagism.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:41.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.960)
Michael Savage called in and asked about Michael Savage and Alex was very wishy-washy on whether
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.520)
he supports him at this point, but he clearly listens to him, so he's ripping off his phrases.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:51.359)
I would watch a show called Red Diaper, Doper Babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:54.039)
That wasn't the name of his show.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.239)
It's The Savage Nation.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:56.439)
No, I'm just saying if there was a show named Red Diaper, Doper Babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:59.920)
Like a cartoon?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:00.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:01.920)
Ooh, I would watch that.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:02.920)
Like shorties watching shorties?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.920)
More like Muppet Babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:04.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.920)
I would watch it, I would watch Muppet Babies, but.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.840)
Red Diaper, Doper Babies, your dreams can come true.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:10.680)
Or Rugrats.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:12.100)
If Rugrats was actually communist propaganda, that would be fantastic.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:15.399)
Back to Muppet Babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.399)
The two legs that you always see?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:18.439)
Yes, yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:19.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:20.439)
He was actually very short.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.960)
You would see most of his mustache in the frame.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.439)
Not compared to the Muppet Babies, they're tiny.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:29.800)
How do you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:30.800)
They're babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:31.800)
Stalin was a short man.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:32.800)
So at this point, Alex Jones has a guest on, uh, by the name of Twyla Brace, and they talk,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:39.520)
Alex wants to talk all about how the government's stealing your blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.239)
Twyla Brace?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:44.239)
Where do these people come from?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:45.239)
I will tell you exactly where she comes from in a minute.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.840)
But Alex, their interview is all about how the government's stealing your blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:52.319)
And this is something we covered on a show in the past, so I don't want to belabor it
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.680)
too much.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:57.680)
Yes, I recall that narrative.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:58.680)
But the reason is that there are diseases that need to be screened for, and also, they,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:06.960)
uh, you know, it comes down to another one of these, like, you're not that crazy kind
Unknown Speaker (01:11:13.760)
of arguments about privacy, but in almost every state, they take any identifiers off
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.060)
the blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.060)
It's not like they're coding all of your genomes into everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.680)
They're not trying to create a database out of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.319)
Not a personal human database out of it, so much as a database of DNA and the like.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:37.300)
Wherein you can find trends and correlations between genetic markers for things.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:42.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:43.520)
And the more data you have, the more accurate you can be about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:46.100)
You're able to save people from lifetimes of pain and suffering, generally speaking.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:51.960)
There are countless success stories from this.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:55.920)
And anyway, the thing that I find interesting about it is that throughout this interview,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.199)
they're very reluctant to say the name of the organization that Twyla Brace works for.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.520)
Ms. Brace, why don't you, in a nutshell, tell us about yourself and your credentials and
Unknown Speaker (01:12:10.520)
how you got into this and what your organization does, and then we'll get into the blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.439)
Sure, thanks so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.279)
I think we'll get into the blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.039)
Our organization has been around for about 12 years, and we started getting into the
Unknown Speaker (01:12:23.039)
privacy view, realizing that the Newborn, or that privacy really allows you to give
Unknown Speaker (01:12:29.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:30.520)
So anyway, she just says some boring shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.520)
Like I said, we've gone over this entire narrative, and nothing that she says when I was listening
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.760)
was like, oh, that's new.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:40.199)
It's all the same shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.199)
This is actually almost undoubtedly where he gets this narrative from, this interview.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:46.180)
What organization?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:47.180)
Well, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.180)
Let's see if they say.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:49.180)
I mean, overall, your organization deals with a lot of privacy issues, but give us the skinny
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.159)
on what they're doing with the blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.840)
Alex wants to talk about the blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:59.159)
They don't say the name of the organization until a ways down the road, when it's time
Unknown Speaker (01:13:04.600)
to make plugs and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:06.760)
Is that because they assume everybody knows who she works for?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:11.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:12.359)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.359)
You think it's purposeful that they're avoiding the...
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:17.359)
I don't necessarily think that.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:18.359)
That would be paranoid of me to think.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:19.880)
I think Alex might have skimmed her bio or something like that, or has forgotten the
Unknown Speaker (01:13:24.239)
name or something like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.079)
Occam's Razor tells me it's bad broadcasting.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.039)
That sounds reasonable.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:30.039)
But it's weird that she doesn't say up front until much later in the interview.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.760)
And the organization that she works for is called the Citizens Council for Healthcare.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:38.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:39.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.800)
Because if it was the NAACP, I would have been very shocked.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:42.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:43.520)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.520)
That is not what she works for.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:45.520)
She is a tea partier from Minnesota, which is...
Unknown Speaker (01:13:48.840)
Already out.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:49.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:50.840)
Already all I need to know to say no.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:52.319)
No, thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:53.520)
It's interesting to note that another tea partier from Minnesota goes by the name of
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.880)
Ted Anderson and runs the Genesis Communications Network.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:00.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.199)
Probably a coincidence.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.199)
I have nothing to tie the two of them together, but it's interesting.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:05.840)
But the Citizens Council for Healthcare, I should tell you, is a member of the State
Unknown Speaker (01:14:09.560)
Policy Network.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:10.560)
They are a member organization of the SPN, which has received significant money from
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.760)
the Koch brothers, as well as from the Claude R. Lamb Foundation and the Charles G. Koch
Unknown Speaker (01:14:21.100)
Foundation, which are both Koch family foundations.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.039)
God, they're so evil, and they're everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.880)
It gets... Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:28.119)
They're just fucking everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:30.479)
There's more to this story.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:32.000)
The donations that the Kochs have made through these foundations are generally not disclosed.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.000)
But in 2007, it was accidentally revealed that David Koch gave $125,000 to Pioneer Institute
Unknown Speaker (01:14:43.279)
for Public Policy Research, a Massachusetts-based SPN think tank.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:47.760)
Further, it was accidentally revealed in 2010 that Koch Industries gave $159,834 directly
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.159)
to the Texas Public Policy Foundation and an additional $69,788.61 from the Claude R.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:04.640)
Lamb Foundation, again, another family foundation of the Kochs, extrapolating...
Unknown Speaker (01:15:09.479)
Weirdly specific amount.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:11.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:12.319)
I don't know how to explain that.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:14.840)
Extrapolating this out, it's...
Unknown Speaker (01:15:15.840)
Mark of the beast.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:16.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:17.840)
It's pretty safe to assume that they funneled a ton more money into these SPN outlets directly.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:22.600)
Insane amounts of money.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:23.600)
In secret.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:25.600)
Also, the SPN, the State Policy Network, received $10 million between 2007 and 2010 from an
Unknown Speaker (01:15:31.079)
organization called... There's two organizations, the Donors Trust and the Donors Capital Fund.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:36.579)
These are what are called donor-advised funds, which means that the fund creates separate
Unknown Speaker (01:15:41.039)
accounts for individual donors, and the donors then recommend disbursements from the accounts
Unknown Speaker (01:15:45.920)
to different nonprofits.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:47.560)
It cloaks the identity of the original mystery donors because the funds are then distributed
Unknown Speaker (01:15:51.399)
in the name of Donors Trust or Donors Capital Fund.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.279)
A Koch family foundation called Knowledge and Progress Fund gave $4.5 million to Donors
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.760)
Trust between 2007 and 2010, but because of the setup, it's impossible to know where those
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.000)
funds went.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:07.399)
Cloaked money from these two funds were funneled to at least 51 SPN member organizations between
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.239)
2007 and 2011, according to the Center for Public Integrity.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:17.159)
Twyla is also... Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.159)
Twyla Brace is also a member of the Heartland Foundation.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:23.000)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.000)
Which is an organization specifically created to spread doubt about causes that would involve
Unknown Speaker (01:16:27.520)
government regulations, such as climate change, healthcare, tobacco, those sorts of things.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:32.739)
The Heartland Institute is basically an organization that's just there to sow doubts.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:36.920)
Heartland also has received significant donations from the Kochs and their foundations.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:41.300)
For instance, the Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund gave $13.5 million to Heartland
Unknown Speaker (01:16:46.600)
between 2007 and 2011.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.800)
The Lamb Foundation, we mentioned earlier, contributed at least $4.8 million to Heritage
Unknown Speaker (01:16:55.840)
between 1998 and 2012.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.880)
Further, Twyla Brace is a writer for CNS News, mostly writing anti-Obamacare articles.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.920)
This is a conservative news site that is owned by the Media Research Center.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.960)
One of the Media Research Center's main funders is ExxonMobil.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:15.640)
Also the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, the parents of Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince,
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.199)
founder of Blackwater.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:22.260)
May they be burnt in hell.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:23.640)
And the Linde and Harry Bradley Foundation, another major conservative... It's up there
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.560)
with the Mellon Scaife Foundation.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:30.840)
They're way up there in terms of these weirdo, dark money things.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:35.800)
So Twyla Brace was a Tea Party activist- Where do they fucking get these people?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.039)
Real early she was a Tea Party activist and campaigned aggressively against Obamacare,
Unknown Speaker (01:17:46.579)
going so far as to distribute flyers telling people not to enroll and that if you don't
Unknown Speaker (01:17:50.880)
enroll then it'll never happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.479)
We can all fight this by just not doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:55.119)
The Koch brothers, Americans for Prosperity, spent millions of dollars fighting Obamacare.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.279)
The Tea Party was almost entirely bankrolled by the Kochs through the Americans for Prosperity
Unknown Speaker (01:18:03.279)
and Freedom Works Foundation, which used to be the same organization that was called the
Unknown Speaker (01:18:07.180)
Citizens for a Sound Economy, which was started by the Koch brothers in 1984.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.199)
So all roads lead back to the Kochs.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:16.119)
These fucking monsters.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:17.659)
This is something that we're going to experience very frequently with Alex Jones's guests back
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.000)
in 2008.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:23.000)
They are fucking everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.000)
Do they... I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:26.039)
I want to meet these guys and I want to just find out what it is they actually believe.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:32.760)
Because I don't know if they believe in any of this bullshit or if they're just such sociopathic
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.119)
monsters that they're like, we will give any amount of money to completely dismantle anything
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.399)
that isn't us.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:47.399)
Well, it seems like they're just into deregulation super heavily because their main business
Unknown Speaker (01:18:55.380)
as they were coming to prominence was in oil and it seems like continuing that involves
Unknown Speaker (01:19:02.100)
government deregulation or making higher profits.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:04.680)
What I see from all of their stuff, though, is secondarily, I think it's business decisions.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:12.760)
They just want any possibility of them being regulated.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.159)
Are you going to pitch that they're jokers?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:18.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.479)
Just so in chaos?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:20.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.479)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:22.479)
I think it's much more insidious than that in that they are less interested in the business
Unknown Speaker (01:19:27.520)
and more interested in just this vague concept of impunity.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:33.239)
I want to be able to do control and whatever, I want whenever.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.439)
It is a complete desire for autonomy in all things.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.680)
No one can say, I can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.100)
That is their only ideology to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:51.199)
I think that's an interesting thought and I think as we go along, we'll learn more.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:55.960)
And as we go along, there'll be more opportunities for us to get into what indications we can
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.380)
find here and there.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.359)
But at this point, we can say it's suspicious that when listing Americans who were deeply
Unknown Speaker (01:20:10.800)
involved with the Nazis, somehow Fred Koch is not involved in that list and habitually
Unknown Speaker (01:20:16.039)
isn't for Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.840)
It's interesting that Alex Jones, and this isn't the only example of it, this is going
Unknown Speaker (01:20:22.979)
to come up multiple times, Alex Jones has a guest on who's essentially just works for
Unknown Speaker (01:20:29.720)
a Koch front group think tank.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:32.800)
So I think we're going to see a ton of that.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:35.039)
I think we're going to see a lot of these people that are people who are on Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.439)
who are just funneled from Koch think tanks to spread misinformation.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:46.180)
So that's exciting.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.300)
We're never going to win.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.199)
But at this point...
Unknown Speaker (01:20:51.199)
They're too big and too evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:52.680)
At this point, I don't think that there is a strong parallel or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.479)
There's just like little kernels of stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.399)
Just like, hey, there seems to be a lot of Koch connections, a lot of...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:07.800)
So I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:08.800)
We'll see.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:09.800)
But see, that's another thing that to me bolsters my argument is the most common idea behind
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.560)
this dark money is they know that they're doing something evil and they are hiding it
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.479)
because that's how you get away with doing evil shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:29.720)
But to me, for them, it's again, this idea of like, because I'm anonymous, I can do whatever
Unknown Speaker (01:21:35.199)
I want.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.920)
Because we're hiding behind eight million different things, I'm doing whatever the fuck
Unknown Speaker (01:21:43.119)
it is I want and these people are carrying it out for me.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:48.439)
And I don't have to put my name on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:50.199)
I agree with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.199)
Because I'm a giant fucking coward.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.479)
I agree with you that that does seem to be the modus operandi.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:57.239)
But I want to be clear just because we're being pretty speculative and in the same way
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.020)
that I don't think that commercial about Israeli tourism proves that Alex Jones works for Israel,
Unknown Speaker (01:22:12.079)
it's just weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:14.079)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.079)
And in some vein, the fact that Alex is, you know, on some Coke tips here, I don't think
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.840)
that that necessarily means he works for them.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:25.439)
It's just weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:27.800)
And again, that's not even a one-to-one comparison between those two examples I'm making.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:31.359)
I'm just saying this doesn't prove anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:33.800)
It's just, it got my ears up.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.199)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:38.199)
Anyway, in this next clip, we learn that Twyla is a very paranoid person and probably belongs
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.600)
on Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.600)
Well, this whole program is not just about the screening of the child.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:47.279)
It's not just about the infant and the parent.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:49.760)
It's about cost containment and prevention.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:53.680)
And I think, you know, it's good for your listeners to let that roll around in their
Unknown Speaker (01:22:57.300)
brains a little bit, because cost containment and prevention likely means that we don't
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.079)
want any child that's not perfect.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:07.060)
And we worry about the day where the genes of a child are fished into to find imperfections,
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.560)
and it will be part of whether or not you can be married, whether or not you should
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.319)
have children.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:19.800)
So Gattaca.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:20.800)
Well, I mean-
Unknown Speaker (01:23:21.800)
They're just describing Gattaca.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:22.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:23.800)
They all saw Gattaca, and they were like, well, this is obviously what they're trying
Unknown Speaker (01:23:25.920)
to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:26.920)
That's one-
Unknown Speaker (01:23:27.920)
Despite the absurdity of that plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:30.279)
But that's one way to look at it.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.420)
Another way I might look at it is the cost prevention is indicative of, hey, if we catch
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.979)
this disease pre-birth or very early, we're able to treat it.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:45.680)
There are therapies that we can use.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.619)
But if we don't, you will have a handicapped person for the rest of their life that will
Unknown Speaker (01:23:53.020)
require extensive medical bills.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:55.739)
Or like with the homeless population, if they have homes, they're far more likely to wind
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.979)
up in a hospital emergency room, bringing up shit tons of bills that you eventually
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.420)
wind up having to pay for.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:09.859)
There are ways to-
Unknown Speaker (01:24:11.699)
Preventative measures are more effective.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.460)
Yes, always.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.460)
And there are ways to interpret cost prevention or something like that in a really evil eugenics-y
Unknown Speaker (01:24:23.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:24.260)
And there's a way to look at it in the way that people mean it.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.680)
And they're not the same.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:28.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.680)
Anyway, it just seems to me like she's perfect, she's a good fit for this show.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.079)
But also, boring.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.579)
But that's on par for Alex Jones in 2008.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.699)
The show's pretty boring at this point.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.739)
Yeah, it's...
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.739)
I'm not enjoying listening to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:45.319)
He doesn't scream that much.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.739)
Oh, well, he was just more nonchalantly sarcastic in most of the calls.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.420)
Yeah, so far.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:53.420)
Anyway, we got one more clip from Twyla here, and Alex Jones pulls out his favorite song.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:59.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.659)
To try and impress her.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:02.659)
Have you looked at US code, title 50, chapter 32, subsection 1528, paragraph B?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:08.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.779)
I can tell that I have missed something in all my research.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.020)
Sure have.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:15.020)
So has Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.020)
He has missed paragraph C.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.500)
Again, we've discussed this over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:25.460)
That's the subsection that he uses to justify his belief in chemtrails, but paragraph C,
Unknown Speaker (01:25:33.380)
which is right after paragraph B that he cites, says that informed consent is required for
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.340)
all of those things.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:41.060)
And so it doesn't make a justification for this blood stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.180)
It's not a justification for chemtrail stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:48.060)
It's nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:49.060)
He's just talking shit because he memorized something that he can say fast and confuse
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:54.460)
It's very much the balance between the two.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.680)
I see two big things, two buckets of how much water you're putting into each one is how
Unknown Speaker (01:26:07.779)
much more important you think one is than the other.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:10.739)
And to him, the paragraph B has all of the water in it and requires informed consent.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:19.439)
To him, that's just like, oh, they have to put that in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:23.899)
And then they'll manufacture your informed consent later on.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:29.239)
That's always his idea is if they have any kind of, if you have any kind of thing and
Unknown Speaker (01:26:35.500)
then you have a regulation on it, the regulation is a lie.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:40.699)
Even if it's like, just as such a not fun game, just as the regulations on oil companies
Unknown Speaker (01:26:47.479)
for climate change and all that stuff are manufactured to destroy the very thing that
Unknown Speaker (01:26:52.899)
they're supposed to protect.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.600)
So is the regulation on the evil shit that they say really something that's there for
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.859)
them to destroy whatever it is that they're, it's stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:05.140)
It's stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:06.220)
Any qualifying clause is too complicated for Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:10.140)
Ignore it.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:11.140)
It's probably there.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:12.140)
It's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:13.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.140)
So anyway, earlier we heard that Alex Jones is advertising for tourism to Israel, which
Unknown Speaker (01:27:17.539)
is fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:18.699)
What else is he advertising?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:21.380) is your choice for everything spy related stealth cameras, cleverly disguised
Unknown Speaker (01:27:25.899)
as items commonly found around the home cameras, covert phone and voice recorders, powerful
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.619)
binoculars, security systems, and more interesting interesting for someone who's very concerned
Unknown Speaker (01:27:37.420)
about the surveillance state.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.699)
The surveillance state is everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:40.220)
Join the surveillance state at spyville, get your own cottage industry of spying going
Unknown Speaker (01:27:45.380)
very weird for who's watching the watchman spyville very, very weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.140)
I heard that commercial.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:52.140)
I'm like, this is all, this is off and on brand simultaneously.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:56.100)
I don't know what to think about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:57.739)
But then he came back from commercial Jordan and listen to this shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:01.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:02.100)
And then, and then, uh, before I forget, I keep forgetting to do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.779)
There is going to be the biggest announcement this radio show has ever made.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:13.640)
The biggest announcement in the history of this particular manifestation of my radio
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.539)
show that's been here and I've been doing this show since 98 so 10 years, the syndicated
Unknown Speaker (01:28:25.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.300)
Oh, it's gotta be huge announcement in the history of this radio show coming up next
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.020)
Monday, seven days from now, you will see a huge announcement here.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.460)
Very, very important announcement coming up next Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:44.020)
This is the Julian Assange of interviews right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.560)
So now consider or teases at this point, Alex Jones had announced on his show that the government
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.380)
did nine 11.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:55.380)
He has announced on his show that he predicted that the government would do nine 11 right.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:59.460)
He is announced, proven he isn't both of those proven true earlier around to let's say new
Unknown Speaker (01:29:05.140)
year's Eve, 2000 he announced that missiles were being launched and that there was a concentration
Unknown Speaker (01:29:10.260)
camp at the Austin airport.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.920)
Both of which happened huge announcements.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.220)
What the fuck is this announcement?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:15.539)
It's gotta be the biggest announcement in the history of info.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:17.979)
Would you care to speculate on what it might be?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.699)
Uh, boy, because it's tough to raise it up from nine 11.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:27.979)
That's a big one.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:29.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.979)
Uh, the government did Pearl Harbor.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:34.340)
Uh, they never dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:40.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:41.779)
Um, that was a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:42.779)
That was a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:43.779)
Japan did it to themselves.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:44.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:45.779)
I knew it.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:46.779)
Uh, Stalin actually was just a cool bro and uh, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:51.899)
There was a famine.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:52.899)
No big deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:53.899)
So, um, what else we got?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:56.020)
What else we got?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:57.020)
Berlusconi, Virgin.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:58.020)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:00.020)
That's the biggest announcement in the history of info was actually a eunuch.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:03.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:04.140)
He's overcompensating.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:05.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.140)
Um, so I listened to this and I was like, there's no fucking way we can do this episode
Unknown Speaker (01:30:09.859)
and I can allow that teaser to go on our show.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:12.899)
Alex can play that.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:13.899)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:14.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:15.899)
No, we can't do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:16.899)
So I skipped a week into the future.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:17.899)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.899)
To find out what.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.899)
The moment you heard that teaser, you're like, well, fuck the rest of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:21.460)
I got to hear this shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:22.619)
So the big announcement.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:23.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.939)
Is that Alex is adding the fourth hour.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:27.380)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:33.579)
So in 2008, he adds the fourth hour, which at some point fails.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:43.439)
And then we've heard the reintroduction of it in 2015.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:46.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:47.300)
So now we've heard him announce the fourth hour twice, but we'll get to that once we
Unknown Speaker (01:30:51.140)
get to April 7th, cause that's coming up in the future.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.060)
But spoiler alert, he's bringing back the fourth hour with authority.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:00.100)
So that's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:01.100)
This next clip is a Mike down moment because we get another endearing Alex Jones loves
Unknown Speaker (01:31:06.579)
country music moment.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.140)
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, we came from the West Virginia, we came from
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.020)
the West Virginia coal mines and the Rocky mountains, boy, it's hard to cut off junior.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:51.899)
Also right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:53.020)
That's where Alex Jones gets his skin.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.819)
A buck run a trot line.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:55.819)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:56.819)
He always talks about what it means to be country from this song.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.300)
I did not know that country folks can't survive a black hole chain reaction conducting super
Unknown Speaker (01:32:13.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:14.260)
Is that what they can survive?
Unknown Speaker (01:32:17.260)
He said they can't.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.260)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.260)
You can't.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:20.260)
He's trying to weave his narratives in here to this song.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:21.619)
I thought he was throwing that in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.579)
Country boys can survive a black hole.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.100)
They can, they can survive a lot, but not that one thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.899)
The country boys, look, old, old stereotype of country boys always survived black holes.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:33.979)
This isn't done.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.300)
Neither can the friend in New York city called junior hillbilly.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:43.619)
I'd like to spit some beach nut in that dude's eye and shoot him with my old 45.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:49.579)
All right, that's enough torture, torture of the audience.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:52.619)
I'd rather just have fun and play music here on the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:57.180)
You'd have your hard rock music with your country and your classical all mixed in with
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:02.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:03.899)
Ah, here's Gary hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.939)
Okay, now here's this asshole.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:22.340)
Here's Gary.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.340)
Ah, this fucking, uh, that's, that's it right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.539)
I mean, that's a hundred percent.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.340)
That's beautiful.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.340)
He's, he even says what we keep saying, I wish I could just play music.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:34.220)
You'd have a great selection of music here.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.180)
Play some jams.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:38.819)
I would, I think the world would be better if you would've just gotten on a different
Unknown Speaker (01:33:42.859)
format station.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:43.859)
Imagine if he was like a morning, like a, uh, an evening DJ and he was just playing
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.779)
like the old country hits and on the side, he just threw in some batshit stuff, you know,
Unknown Speaker (01:33:55.020)
with like it's, it's 45 minutes, a nonstop hits with some stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:00.180)
And then his, his, his like intercut is just like, Oh, that was a, that was a great song
Unknown Speaker (01:34:06.199)
from Waylon Jennings, the government dead nine 11.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:09.500)
Next up, we've got some, uh, wonderful, wonderful Willie Nelson.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:14.100)
I think you guys are going to love this after the break.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:16.340)
I think you're done government nine 11.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.760)
You're not going to get 45 minutes uninterrupted and you shouldn't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:22.579)
I think a great radio format would be him listening to music and screaming over it,
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.979)
getting real into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:30.340)
Like a Joe Franklin situation, having a great time.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:33.020)
Joe Frank.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:34.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:35.020)
I think it would be amazing.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:36.020)
I would really enjoy that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:37.020)
And then, yeah, he can throw like, I met a woman at a bar.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:39.979)
He could have revolutionized DJ quite frankly, like at a time when you needed DJs, like in
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.539)
the nineties when he was coming to prominence as a talk radio guy is right when clear channel
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.220)
was taking over all these like consolidating.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:55.220)
What you're saying is that Alex Jones for a short moment there could have been the next
Unknown Speaker (01:35:00.220)
cool Herc.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:01.220)
That's what he's never going to play urban music, but he could have been a wolf, revolutionized
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.779)
DJ, a wolf man, Alex, like he could have done with the, like obviously we can't take away
Unknown Speaker (01:35:15.020)
from him his creativity, the bullshit that he spins endlessly.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:20.260)
If he could direct that creativity towards a more benign format, you could get something
Unknown Speaker (01:35:26.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:27.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:28.279)
If he was just an anti-Semite in private, like an anti-Semite in private where he doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:35:33.020)
really have a reach.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.020)
The wolf man, Jack, probably hated Jews.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:35.500)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.500)
We have no idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:37.500)
Who didn't?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:38.500)
Dick Clark.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.500)
It was the seventies.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:40.500)
Dick Clark hated Jews.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:41.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.500)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:43.500)
All the game show hosts.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:44.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:45.500)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:47.500)
Hated him.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:48.500)
Who was the center square?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:49.500)
Do you remember?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:50.500)
Shadow Stevens?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:51.500)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:52.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:53.500)
The center square in the-
Unknown Speaker (01:35:55.500)
Whoopi Goldberg wasn't the new one.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:57.500)
No, not the new one.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:00.939)
The effeminate confirmed bachelor at the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:03.500)
Charles Dawson Riley?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:04.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:05.500)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:06.500)
What's his name?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:07.500)
Now I'm fucked.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:08.500)
Richard Dawson?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:09.500)
It's over.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.500)
Now he wasn't ever in the center square.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:11.500)
I'm just thinking of people from the match game now.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.500)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.500)
Are you sure it wasn't Charles Nelson Riley?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.500)
No, it wasn't Charles Nelson Riley.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:19.500)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:20.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.500)
It's gonna kill me.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.500)
I'm gonna look it up.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:23.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:24.500)
I have to look it up.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.500)
Alex Jones had a better life in front of him and he blew it by not just becoming a DJ.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.020)
He had a beautiful, beautiful possibility.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:30.420)
Alex Jones is done with like sort of content on this episode, but this next clip is really
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.939)
interesting considering that Alex in present day has said that he had sex with 200 women
Unknown Speaker (01:36:40.239)
by the time he was 16 or something like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:42.500)
Doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.579)
All of them.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.579)
Hear this clip in context with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:46.739)
I mean, I remember being like 18 years old and looking at women and lusting after them
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.279)
and like unhappily wishing I could have them all.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.819)
You know, that feeling, that anxiousness of, man, she's gorgeous, man, I just want her.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:04.699)
To now, I've developed to the point where I don't even desire women.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:13.539)
I mean, I do, but that's a smaller part of my psyche.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.340)
I just admire their beauty.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:23.859)
I share in it and it's not even sexual.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:26.020)
I don't even know how to explain it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:27.020)
It's like I'm grown.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.020)
Pull up.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:29.020)
Pull up, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:30.020)
And I realize that very few people, I don't even think, ever even get to this level.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:32.699)
What level?
Unknown Speaker (01:37:33.699)
It's not much fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:36.539)
It's so great to be able to appreciate beauty all around you and see it everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:42.100)
But I'm already digressing and I said I'd get into things the elite are doing that endanger
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.579)
the whole planet, but I need to get into this news first here.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.359)
What the fuck?
Unknown Speaker (01:37:53.899)
I appreciate women on a different level than any of you can ever understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:59.180)
I was going to get into what the elites are doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:01.600)
To destroy the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.739)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:03.739)
But guys, I share women's beauty.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.539)
I don't experience it or just appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:10.779)
I share in it and delight in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:12.579)
I think what he's trying to say is I have low T.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:14.779)
I don't know what he's trying to say.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:16.739)
I think that was him putting up the bat signal for someone to create super male vitality.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:23.060)
Because what he's expressing there, I mean, I think-
Unknown Speaker (01:38:25.539)
I don't fuck as much anymore and I think it's-
Unknown Speaker (01:38:30.819)
I'm just not as interested.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:33.220)
Maybe there's not enough variety.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:34.819)
Married life is diff-difficult.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:35.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.819)
Now he could be cool, Herc.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:38.539)
Now he could be.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:39.539)
I think that there is a way that a smart person could express similar things to what he's
Unknown Speaker (01:38:44.500)
saying and that there is a- when you're younger, you have an all-encompassing lust for women
Unknown Speaker (01:38:51.979)
and as you get older, you start to settle into an understanding of people's humanity
Unknown Speaker (01:38:56.699)
a little bit more than you had when puberty was going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.260)
I think that there's possibly something in there, but this is completely contradictory
Unknown Speaker (01:39:05.659)
to his story of having sex with 250 women before he was 16.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:10.380)
Well, I mean, that was before he could share in their beauty.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:13.739)
Well, no, it just doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.739)
No, of course it doesn't fucking work.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:19.060)
If that was-
Unknown Speaker (01:39:20.060)
None of what he's saying works.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:21.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:22.060)
What he just said was the ravings of a fucking serial killer.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:25.939)
Nobody writes in their diary before they strangle and rape women.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:30.739)
He's a fucking- that's an insane person thing to say.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:33.939)
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:34.939)
I don't think it's as crazy- I mean, it is coming from Alex, but it's not- the actual
Unknown Speaker (01:39:41.180)
content of it, I don't think is that crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:43.460)
No, that's Ed Gein.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:44.460)
Being able to appreciate women's beauty in a non-lustful way is, I think, what he's trying
Unknown Speaker (01:39:49.739)
to express.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.739)
Is it, though?
Unknown Speaker (01:39:52.739)
Again, I'm reading context clues, and I think that's what he's trying to say.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:59.300)
Look, look, nobody, nobody on this planet right now, I feel, is more in tune with the
Unknown Speaker (01:40:05.779)
way Alex's brain works.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:07.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:08.699)
So I'm gonna lean on you for this.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.979)
Although, 2008 Alex is a different Alex, and I'm still getting accustomed to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:15.020)
I still have to get my sea legs, as it were, about this crazy ding-dong.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:20.579)
Because what I hear is, there's somebody in his trunk right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:23.619)
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.899)
Also, by the way, this is a great time to cut in and say the person I was thinking of
Unknown Speaker (01:40:31.619)
was Paul Lind.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.939)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:33.939)
Paul Lind, center square.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:35.619)
Come on, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:36.619)
I thought Shadow Stevens was center square for longer.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:39.420)
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:42.100)
I'm most interested in the fact that this is funny, in conflict with Alex's claims of,
Unknown Speaker (01:40:50.859)
first of all, being way too attractive when he was younger, and having sex with 250 women
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.680)
by the time he was 16.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:57.680)
All of them.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.680)
Because he wouldn't express things that way if it was also, like, he would be like, when
Unknown Speaker (01:41:03.060)
I was 18, I felt this unrequited lust towards women, thinking, wishing I could be with
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.380)
them, but I couldn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:12.420)
He would be like- Well, that's because he had already been with
Unknown Speaker (01:41:15.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:16.779)
No, it's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.779)
See, they're- No, none of this fucking makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:20.899)
I'm confused.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:21.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.899)
I don't know what he's trying to- That is, though, I see psychopath behavior in that,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:29.579)
insofar as it is always a manipulation of his past to support his present narrative.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:36.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:37.460)
So, whenever he wants to be like, I'm the manly man, you can respect me because I fuck,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:43.460)
then he's like, I already had sex with everybody.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.180)
So much.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:47.180)
Everybody that you've ever wanted to have sex with, I already did.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:50.140)
Don't bother, I got it already.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:53.880)
But when the narrative is, you know, I actually don't even know why he's saying that.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:59.180)
Is there a reason?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:00.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:01.180)
There's no reason for that, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:02.180)
And there's no prior context that's like, oh, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.460)
He had a fight with his wife or something and he just needed to get that off his chest.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:08.140)
Like, what was fucking going on in his mind?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.779)
Well, the intro to that, what came right before it, was he was talking about having money
Unknown Speaker (01:42:16.460)
isn't bad, but having money be all you care about is bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:21.859)
And so he equates that then towards the lust for women.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:26.380)
But it still doesn't help.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.819)
Me telling you that doesn't give this proper context.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:32.899)
Did he talk to the vicar recently?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.039)
Like what happened here?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:37.079)
And between that talking about money and him getting into the clip that we just played,
Unknown Speaker (01:42:41.500)
long pause, where he's clearly thinking, but yeah, so I don't know, man, I again, I like
Unknown Speaker (01:42:47.340)
he does.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.340)
He does have sometimes that feel of like all of a sudden all of his previous lies and bullshit
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.180)
just like catch up to him for a moment.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:58.619)
And he's just this very open and honest person telling way more than he wants to.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.899)
Well, I imagine once it all collapses, he'll be one of the most interesting people in the
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.619)
world to talk to, because I think he has a perspective that no one can possibly imagine.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:13.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.180)
Like the idea of lying for 20 years, like even if he actually believes that the globalists
Unknown Speaker (01:43:19.579)
exist, he has to know that he's lying about a lot of other stuff in order to reinforce
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.180)
that narrative.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:25.180)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:26.180)
And he has convinced himself and has the cognitive dissonance involved to be like, well, I'm
Unknown Speaker (01:43:30.699)
lying about this tiny detail, but it's only because it reinforces the bigger thing that
Unknown Speaker (01:43:35.060)
I believe is true.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.300)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:37.300)
And so that's fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:38.500)
Anything in service to the larger truth, a lie to solve the larger problem is fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:45.899)
And I think once it all collapses, I think he probably will have a incredibly interesting
Unknown Speaker (01:43:51.539)
perspective that I will go to prison and interview him about for my forthcoming novel, where
Unknown Speaker (01:43:59.819)
he and I try -
Unknown Speaker (01:44:00.819)
The two Dans!
Unknown Speaker (01:44:01.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:02.819)
Where I try and make peace with my evil twin.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:09.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.979)
Anyway, in this next clip, this is our last clip, Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:15.539)
Like you said earlier, this is before the banks entirely collapse and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:20.939)
Before we have the full-on financial crisis that comes in the end of 2008.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.380)
Which, hey, guys, you thought you were excited for Avengers 3.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:33.140)
Let me tell you something.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:34.140)
The sequel to the 2008 financial crash is going to be huge.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:39.220)
And hearing Alex -
Unknown Speaker (01:44:40.220)
Black Panther just made over a billion dollars.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.220)
We're going to lose over two trillion.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.659)
It's going to be incredible.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:46.159)
And I'm super excited to hear Alex's rhetoric as that's happening, too.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.739)
Because it's going to coincide with the rise of the -
Unknown Speaker (01:44:52.979)
No, this is actually the -
Unknown Speaker (01:44:54.579)
This is Obama.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.899)
This is Obama's fault.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:57.039)
He's running for president.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:58.300)
That's why it all fell apart.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:00.180)
But he, in this last clip, is talking about the banks and what have you, but then he gets
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:07.260)
And they're getting total Nazi-like power over all the other banking and lending and
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.340)
brokerage and stock institutions.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:14.300)
Those fucking globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:15.300)
See, now you're just going to have a few people with it all.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.819)
And then there'll be another crisis.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.180)
And then they'll offer the next solution as the tourniquet.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.779)
It's kind of like one of those traps.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.739)
The more you struggle, the tighter it gets.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:28.899)
And they're just always there, going, I'm your friend.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:31.340)
Never mind my hands around your neck.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:33.020)
There you go.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:34.260)
There you go, yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:38.979)
I love you so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:40.779)
Oh, don't struggle.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:42.380)
I'm just helping your neck.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:44.220)
Just wiping some sand off.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:46.300)
Don't you mind that.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:47.300)
Oh, you're passing out now, I'm your friend.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:53.500)
I'm the government.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.859)
So like, he's not like this, Alex, I feel like I could go out to a bar with and have
Unknown Speaker (01:46:03.020)
a conversation with.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:04.659)
And we would...
Unknown Speaker (01:46:05.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:06.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:07.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.659)
Because like, like with the Koch brothers, they have the Center for Freedom Progress,
Unknown Speaker (01:46:11.899)
which is like Americans for whatever prosperity.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.979)
It's all this shit that's built under this name of like, we're helping you.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:19.699)
And what they're doing is fucking you.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.699)
You know, like, there's a point there that he gets it.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:26.579)
But if I could just like twist the reason for it, just like, no, no, no, it's not globalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:32.020)
It's these guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:33.020)
And they are doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.020)
No, no, you're right.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:35.020)
That's what they're doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:36.020)
You're just wrong about how and who and why they're doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.180)
But he's too dumb and entrenched to listen to you.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.020)
Because that's why I would go back in time to 2008.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:44.819)
I feel like we would have more common ground.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.779)
No, because again, this is an example of the broken clock being right twice a day.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.220)
You have like, we know because of history that the financial crash is coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:57.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.579)
And Alex Jones is doing what he does all the time because he works for a guy who sells
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.220)
gold, which is warning people and saying everything is going to fucking collapse.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:07.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:08.659)
So it's not like this is the only time he said it and he's fucking right that this is
Unknown Speaker (01:47:12.659)
what's coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:13.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.659)
It's just, it's just what he does all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:17.180)
And it just so happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.180)
And it just so happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:19.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:20.180)
A bit after this, it did happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.420)
And if you're playing the like everything is going to crash eventually, if you just
Unknown Speaker (01:47:26.979)
say it over and over and over again, it's coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:29.380)
When it does crash, you're going to seem like a genius.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.260)
That's what's so weird about now where he's saying that everything is going to turn around
Unknown Speaker (01:47:37.659)
and it's going to crash.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:39.659)
Like he is saying it's going to crash.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:41.960)
He's saying it's going to crash, but it's going to because of the globalists who are
Unknown Speaker (01:47:45.020)
fighting the Trump prosperity movement.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:47.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:48.260)
He does have us coming and going on that way.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:49.460)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.460)
He has it both ways.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:51.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:52.460)
The only reason that I wanted to keep that clip in is not because I think he said sooth
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.500)
about the banks or anything like that, but because it's a good demonstration that even
Unknown Speaker (01:48:00.899)
10 years ago, Alex was still really creepy.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:05.420)
He's still really gross and he's still getting deep into those weird fantasies where he's
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.619)
playing it out like, I'm going to kill you and that stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.760)
But you can even note that he has somebody in his trunk.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:17.539)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:18.539)
But even back in 2008 though, he's not as severe about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:21.819)
Like the current version of it is much more animated and much scarier.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:26.619)
This is just sort of like, he's not even committing.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:28.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:29.979)
He would have gone, like if he had done that speech now, he would go into like details
Unknown Speaker (01:48:34.600)
of how they're taking you through the back door and going through the, and now you're
Unknown Speaker (01:48:38.859)
being torn down to the basement and they have a gurney down there.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:42.619)
Why wouldn't they have a gurney down there?
Unknown Speaker (01:48:44.340)
They're the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:45.340)
They keep gurneys in their basements and in the basement gurney, they're going to have
Unknown Speaker (01:48:49.020)
a gurney on top of that gurney.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:50.859)
And they got your kid's blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:52.100)
Oh, well yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:53.100)
Cause it's called adrenochrome.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:54.100)
And they're going to like pour it on you in order to gain your blood's adrenochrome and
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.340)
all that shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:59.340)
They're going to make you get high on your children's blood because that'll make you
Unknown Speaker (01:49:02.579)
have even more adrenochrome in your blood.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:05.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:06.100)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:07.100)
That's that sort of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:08.100)
I mean, look, we've come to the end of the first episode of the 2008 investigation.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:12.739)
And we've learned a lot.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:13.739)
Look, I don't think we have.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:16.300)
I'll be perfectly honest with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:17.859)
Like I, I've mentioned this along the way a little bit and I think it bears repeating
Unknown Speaker (01:49:21.579)
2008 Alex is much more boring than current day.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:25.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:26.579)
Uh, mostly because he wasn't, uh, constantly in a state of being pressed against a wall
Unknown Speaker (01:49:30.220)
and being a caged animal.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:32.579)
Like he is a Wolverine who's like, it has the back to the wall.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:36.500)
At this point, he is fucking screaming about anything and everything in 2018 and in 2008
Unknown Speaker (01:49:42.779)
he had a much easier row to hoe.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:44.819)
He has a, you know, he's got money coming in from the Israeli tourism board.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:50.739)
People are donating because of his dumb documentaries that we thoroughly debunked.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:54.859)
Uh, and he has a comfortable existence.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:57.640)
Like I said, he's still married to Kelly at this point.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:00.340)
Uh, Info Wars is a small operation with only a few employees.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.300)
He doesn't have a ton of overhead.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:06.000)
But it's an independent business that he runs.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:09.460)
He doesn't have to worry about a boss.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:11.220)
He doesn't have to worry about, there's, there's so much going on about his life that he gets
Unknown Speaker (01:50:16.020)
to sit around and listen to country boys can survive and have a great time with it and
Unknown Speaker (01:50:21.180)
then get into whatever he wants to get into, whatever narratives he wants to spin.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:26.180)
And he's, he's, he's living it right.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:29.060)
But I, I, you know, you do hear some of that, like I'm sure he feels like he's getting complacent.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:35.760)
He's not, uh, fulfilling his ambition in the same way.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:39.779)
Like with the way that for bigger things, like the way that he feels, uh, the, the way
Unknown Speaker (01:50:44.779)
that he takes those calls of just like, yeah, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:48.739)
There's a fucking helicopter.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:50.300)
No, that's not fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.699)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:54.699)
He's dismissive of his fucking callers all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:56.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:57.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:58.579)
They're boring and clearly lying to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:59.579)
Well, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.579)
Even he knows that.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:01.579)
Yeah, that's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:02.579)
The, the, the only thing that's important about that fucking caller is not his, uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:51:07.380)
this snide dismissal.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:10.659)
It's that he is irresponsible and like not helping that guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:14.260)
That guy needs help.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:15.260)
That's, yeah, that's, uh, what's going on with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:19.380)
Or he needs friends.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:21.100)
So I think that, uh, you know, in time the, uh, there's no helicopter, find a singles
Unknown Speaker (01:51:27.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:28.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:29.899)
You need a meet up.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:30.899)
Go bowling.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:31.899)
No, it doesn't, uh, Tinder doesn't exist yet, but one day it will.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:35.539)
Okay, cupid?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:36.539)
Uh, chemtrails.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:37.539)
I think eHarmony was around back then.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:41.380)
That guy was a chemtrail blogger.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:42.699)
Why didn't he bring up the subsection with him?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:44.859)
That's a good question.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:45.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:46.859)
Anyway, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:47.859)
I think, I think in time we're going to discover things that are, uh, much more concrete, but
Unknown Speaker (01:51:52.420)
at this point we have, uh, the beginnings of some indications, uh, of, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:52:00.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:01.659)
It's going to get weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:02.659)
Well, you know, you know what, here's the, here's the thing with the 2015 investigation.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:08.020)
We had a concrete thing in mind and that was Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:12.899)
What about Trump?
Unknown Speaker (01:52:13.899)
We started on the day that Trump announced his candidacy and saw what happened from there.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:19.819)
Here this is so much more open-ended because the tea party doesn't quite exist yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:25.880)
The primaries aren't hot yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:28.180)
We're laying a lot of context.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:29.979)
We're getting indications of who he was back then and what the lay of the land is.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:35.140)
And as that's the case, I think this investigation is going to be, uh, we're, we don't, I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:52:41.659)
know what we're going to find.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:43.060)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:44.060)
We're going to, we're going to indict a lot of people who might not be, uh, the main targets
Unknown Speaker (01:52:48.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:49.180)
Like with, with Alex back, back in this time, what I'm hearing is we're going to get all
Unknown Speaker (01:52:54.380)
of these kinds of different waypoints starting to generate.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:57.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:58.699)
And, and so what we're going to find, well, we've already found on this episode, the government
Unknown Speaker (01:53:03.659)
is trying to take your children's blood, clearly comes from Twyla Brace who works for a coke
Unknown Speaker (01:53:08.760)
funded, but that's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:11.100)
That's what we're going to find here is all of these, uh, uh, sources and, and how it
Unknown Speaker (01:53:18.539)
is that they are affecting his worldview now.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:21.739)
That's what I, that's what I'm really interested in this investigation is like, how is it that
Unknown Speaker (01:53:26.739)
this guy who is, uh, just like, again, right in the wrong way a few times, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:36.159)
How does this guy turn into the weird fucking monster that is just, uh, an unhinged as you,
Unknown Speaker (01:53:43.800)
as you said, rabid Wolverine.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:45.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:46.420)
Like where does this guy come from?
Unknown Speaker (01:53:47.859)
Where do we go from singing fucking the highwayman to the country boys?
Unknown Speaker (01:53:53.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:54.659)
Yeah, and wishing he was doing fucking radio.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:57.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:58.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:59.300)
It's, it's, it's weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:00.300)
I think, I think those are the two things that we're going to find.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:02.180)
Uh, my intention in starting this is figuring out stuff about the tea party, uh, and the
Unknown Speaker (01:54:06.779)
rise of the tea party through the lens of Alex and I think, uh, ultimately it's going
Unknown Speaker (01:54:11.340)
to lead back to the Koch brothers probably, but I think the accidental thing that we're
Unknown Speaker (01:54:15.180)
going to find is the beginnings of all of his narratives that you mentioned and that's,
Unknown Speaker (01:54:19.340)
that's probably much more valuable.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:20.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:21.939)
Uh, this is going to be probably the worst time of my life.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:26.539)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:27.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:28.539)
It's going to be long.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:29.539)
It's going to be boring for you and everybody else is going to have a good time.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:31.180)
You know, try and make the best out of it and make a show out of it, but, uh, thank
Unknown Speaker (01:54:34.500)
you all so much for supporting us and all.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:37.060)
If you want to find us, you can find us at our website, just renewed
Unknown Speaker (01:54:41.619)
for another year.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:42.619)
Hey, we got it.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:44.600)
That's another year.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:45.819)
That's very, uh, confident of you.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:48.699)
It's cheaper that way.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:50.500)
Um, and uh, what you can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:54.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:55.899)
We're also on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:56.899)
Uh, you can go to iTunes, you can go to the Libsyn, you can find our podcast on places.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:01.819)
You can basically those two, those two places, um, beyond that, uh, I don't know, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:09.779)
So I mean, I think the obvious way to start, um, as far as the evil that we're going to
Unknown Speaker (01:55:16.939)
deal with, that's going to keep popping up again, so we might as well get it out now.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:21.579)
Uh, go fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:23.500)
The Koch brothers.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:24.500)
What about daddy?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:25.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:26.500)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:27.500)
He can go fuck himself too.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:29.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:30.060)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:31.060)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:32.060)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:33.060)
Hello Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:34.060)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:35.060)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:36.060)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:37.060)
I love you.