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Latest revision as of 21:53, 1 March 2025

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes we'd like to sit around drink red wine and explore the wacky shenanigans of Mr. Jones That's Alex if you're nasty that was the reverse of Janet Jackson
Jordan (00:00:22.000)
that was very much very strange
Dan (00:00:23.000)
Alex Mr sorry
Jordan (00:00:28.000)
and there is a twist on this there is this is a no nonsense intro we're doing neither of us are fucking around there's no like pretending that we don't know what this show is about. Oh we're fucking getting right into this as the intro is rock solid one to one getting in getting out I don't know anything about Alex Jones and you my friend
Dan (00:00:57.000)
I can tell you everything about him
Jordan (00:00:59.000)
and that is the rub
Dan (00:00:59.000)
it's so today we are going to be having a really fun episode that is going to take us it's going to jettison us in an entirely new direction with the show and hence we are drinking a little wine by the name of the expedition because this will be the beginning of a very important expedition but before we
Jordan (00:01:17.000)
you know a lot of people die on Expedition and we may
Dan (00:01:21.000)
we may very well uncover something that will get us killed okay I'm in probably not.
Jordan (00:01:27.000)
Before we win some you lose up
Dan (00:01:29.000)
before we do. I would like to play this out of context drop from an episode back in 2015 that is a little bit longer than our out of context drops but very much worth it.
Alex Jones (00:01:39.000)
Okay, now had neighbors that had peacocks and they will get downright annoying. But in a way it was kind of cool, but then they screech but then I was killed him so I guess that took care of that problem. Everybody knows that peacocks only have about six months because the owls come in and take them out at night they just don't even eat them I just fly in and kill them. High speed boom basically knocked her heads off. Right there next but radar in house are amazing. One time I saw one kill a pigeon sitting on a power line it was getting dark in this big owl just flies by pow it's
Jordan (00:02:19.000)
looking to somebody didn't grab
Alex Jones (00:02:21.000)
the pigeon just killed it for sport. I guess Shaw Hawk Hill opinion off a power pole on the hawk came down. Side issue
Jordan (00:02:40.000)
here's all the stuff that's killed a pigeon recently.
Dan (00:02:42.000)
I saw I don't seen it once.
Jordan (00:02:45.000)
And he's he's laughing at the fact that these owls just murdered his neighbor's peacocks in the middle of the night. He was like oh those peacocks were annoying. I'm glad owls murdered that my neighbor's beak. Alex
Dan (00:02:58.000)
has seen a lot of brutality happened in the avian kingdom. It's your seems like side issue. I'd like to give a shout out to our new donator Thank you very much lamps.
Alex Jones (00:03:09.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:03:10.000)
Congratulations on becoming a policy wonk. He has donated on the time travel level. And so we will be doing a special episode based on his time traveling
Jordan (00:03:20.000)
specifications. Welcome to the fold, Lance.
Dan (00:03:23.000)
Glad to have you. Today, though. I have gone on my own time travel adventure. Yes, because as I've hinted, in past episodes, I have undertaken something of an investigation. This investigation is ongoing, but I'm currently ready to share the beginning of it. All right, and tell the listeners swear
Jordan (00:03:46.000)
to God if this is Hillary's emails all over again, I'm gonna find you,
Dan (00:03:49.000)
dude, guess what? It's not. Okay. So I decided at some point when I found an archive of old episodes, I decided that I wanted to figure out exactly where Alex Jones lost his mind. That was something that is of important consequence to me, because I'm afraid it's going to happen to me.
Jordan (00:04:11.000)
You're trying to find your own like, sell by date? Is that what's going on?
Dan (00:04:16.000)
It's like that episode of last where Desmond has to find his constant right. I have to find Alex Jones far enough in the past where he was saying
Jordan (00:04:23.000)
right and then we have to stop right before you get to that. Exactly. Gotcha. That is the plan. So I'm just gonna teach me the signs and then it will be up to me to kill you. I suppose. That's really pleased. Yeah, that's really the only option
Dan (00:04:37.000)
once I turned zombie take me out. All right, but I will play the cranberries. While that is happening. I have a lot of experience with Alex from the past and I had listened to his show at some points for entertainment way back and I knew that he was not the same person he is in 2017. So I wanted to know what the fuck happened. So I've gone back and I've listened to episodes and he's still a bigot and an idiot, right way back. But he, he's changed. And I think the Trump campaign has changed him.
Jordan (00:05:08.000)
Yeah. And that's that's what we speculated from the
Dan (00:05:11.000)
very beginning. And so I have isolated a start date of my investigation to June 16 2015, which is the day that Donald Trump descended that escalator and announced his candidacy candidacy for president. So I am it's time
Jordan (00:05:27.000)
traveling wise. That is our new kill baby Hitler moment. Well,
Dan (00:05:33.000)
no, it turns out not but that is where I am beginning my investigation. And I can say with absolute certainty that Alex Jones is not 2017 Alex Jones on June 16. Okay, he doesn't support Donald Trump. He has no knowledge of Donald Trump to any external observer. If you listen to the show, he doesn't bring him up once. He announces his candidacy on the set the 17th to June 17 show that peacock clip was from that show. He's all that tip. Okay, he does a half hour interview with a lady who the city of Visalia, California told that she couldn't keep goats in her house. He did a half hour
Jordan (00:06:15.000)
part was that like them? Them like communicating with each other on a farm based level? Just like, Hey, you can't sell goats or own goats. Well, guess what? My neighbor can't fucking own peacocks. I'll stick my train the owls on them. And guess what? These owls eat fucking goats. Lady. Keep them wherever you want to kill goats
Dan (00:06:36.000)
for fun. Yes, that was an offshoot of that conversation. He's on some agenda 21 Shit. He basically it the episodes not worth US covering. Okay? It's not very interesting. But he the peacocks would beg to differ that that is fun. But he also has a guest who speculates that gold is going to be selling at $50,000 An ounce shortly, shortly shortly,
Jordan (00:07:01.000)
but that's a pretty big jump. Yeah,
Dan (00:07:02.000)
it would be about a $49,000 announced jump there. I can see it. I'll tell you what, it never happened.
Jordan (00:07:08.000)
They said no. So that would be that would be the wildest day in
Dan (00:07:12.000)
history since 2015. The highest gold has ever been is $1,300 an ounce. So they really shot that mark. When they were shooting the moon. It did that would
Jordan (00:07:23.000)
destroy global currency. Like the entire world, the entire world's economy would just end.
Dan (00:07:30.000)
Everything would be kind of fun, though. Like you would destroy the currency in a really weird way. And if you had any gold Hurray, Oh, yeah. But
Jordan (00:07:40.000)
also but even then your gold then becomes worthless? Because it's worth no, it's it's what you can't go to. It's like going to a corner store and trying to break 100.
Dan (00:07:52.000)
Yeah, whatever you have is only worth what someone is able or willing to give you for it. Exactly. I also think also, it's worth mentioning that Alex Jones, to this day and back in 2015. And forever, has been distributed by GCM Genesis communications network, which is a company that's owned by a guy named Ted Anderson, who also owns Midas resources. A gold's Oh, gotcha. So him having this guy on Google. That's coincidental that is coincident. Yeah. So it's mostly that shit. And then this agenda 21 fears with the Goat Lady, and also a story about a guy who lived in I believe, Huntsville, Alabama. And he had a trailer that he set up on the outside of town, but still within city limits.
Jordan (00:08:37.000)
So he's the hero of our story. No, no, no heroes.
Dan (00:08:41.000)
He just sets up a trailer wants to live off the grid. He's got solar panels, and he claims that everything's cool. And the city's like, you have to have your home up to code. You don't have consistent water. We don't know if you have like winter proof this house. So you just gotta move outside city limits. Yeah, you can't live within the city, especially if you have kids. If you don't have a home that's up to code. And he's like, Nah, I'm being oppressed. So that's Alex's whole angle on Yeah. So that is being oppressed. That gets you up to speed on the 17th. That's one day after Donald Trump announces his candidacy. Unfortunately, on the night of the 17th Something very terrible happened. And that was the shootout was killed by a peacock. No, it was the shooting at the Charleston church. Oh, fuck me. The Dylann Roof went in and shot up the the the Emanuel African Methodist.
Jordan (00:09:41.000)
I don't want to hear I don't want this to be an entire episode of me screaming in the background.
Dan (00:09:46.000)
It's not going to be entirely that because I think that there's interesting angles we can take to approach Alex's version of
Jordan (00:09:54.000)
it right?
Dan (00:09:57.000)
And we're gonna have to because it's what's happening.
Jordan (00:09:59.000)
Okay. All right. All right, fine. Be warned. To be warned Buyer beware. I have I have. Yeah, no, no. Oh, man, that one gets to me,
Dan (00:10:09.000)
I promise you, this isn't a setup where I was like, I'm gonna trick you to come over. And then I'm gonna force you to talk about this. Let's just get it out of the way up top. Yes, horrifying event. Terrible. doesn't really need to be said everyone kind of knows where we stand on
Jordan (00:10:27.000)
an event that perhaps more than any other crystallizes the state of America. In the 21st century, certainly, it really does. Because every thought that people had of like, Oh, we're past racism, every single moment of that entire situation is just all of endemic racism in one. Sure. Like, it's all there.
Dan (00:10:53.000)
It's all white. supremists Oh, absolutely. It's cockling fears. It's fucking black people are taking over. You can't
Jordan (00:11:01.000)
sell a loose cigarette without being murdered by the cops if you're black. But if you murder people in a church, if you murder black people in a church, the cops will take you out of fucking McDonald's. Certainly that is the type of shit that is beyond fucking the pale.
Dan (00:11:18.000)
It's nonsense. It is. And you could be
Jordan (00:11:22.000)
it makes me want to burn down churches. But that doesn't make any goddamn sense doesn't make
Dan (00:11:26.000)
things better. No. But here's the good news. Alex doesn't wrestle with much of that. He good. I know that this is going to be difficult for you, especially.
Jordan (00:11:38.000)
I, because I am prone to an arrangement.
Dan (00:11:40.000)
Yes. And I have similar feelings. Don't get me wrong. Even if I don't yell as much as you do. I'm yelling on the inside. But I think that this is an important document and a very important piece of my investigation of how Alex went wrong. Because there is an interview with a guy at the end of this, that sort of I think is foundational to Alex's election 2016 behaviors radicalization, yes. But then at the same time, the rest of the episode, the body of the episode, very perfectly depicts how Alex Jones goes from ambivalence to false flag. And it's very interesting, False Flag Campaign that no thinking that the shooting was a false flag. Oh, fuck. So I'm going to lay it out ahead of time, what you're going to experience is at the start of the episode, Alex can't say one way or the other. Because he knows how racially charged it would be for him to say this is fake. Yeah. So he's like, I don't know. I can't say there have been a lot of people who have been false flags in the past. We know that Operation Gladio exists. All this stuff. He's just doing that like putting his toe in the water. It's like yeah, maybe Intel. He has an interview at the end of the episode with a preacher. A Reverend Childress, okay comes on, and basically just says, Come on, this is fake. And now that a black preacher has said that Alex is freed up to robustly bring the narrative.
Jordan (00:13:22.000)
So he he got, he got permission. He got the oh, that's what are the No, that's what he thinks he got from that. And that gives him that gives him covering of his ass totally.
Dan (00:13:35.000)
It's not that he got permission, but it gives him cover. It's the same as like I have black friends is like, yeah, I talked to Reverend child dressed exactly the exact same thing.
Jordan (00:13:43.000)
Exactly. And I understand how I'm not being racial, that guy's black.
Dan (00:13:47.000)
And I understand how kind of maybe racist it is for me to even suggest that that's what's going on.
Jordan (00:13:55.000)
Now. That's exactly what's going on over the course of the episode,
Dan (00:13:57.000)
it feels very clear that that's what's going on. That's what's going on. So before childless, as they have this interview, Alex Jones brings Jakari Jackson in to co host with him once again. And because like we got to have a black reporter, Everything's fine. Everything's fine. And Jakari Jackson says almost nothing and sits there uncomfortably. Right. So it is a secondary element of my investigation is why did Jakari Jackson quit? And
Jordan (00:14:25.000)
I think I think there's one to look. There's, there's just so much a man can take, right? There's so much a man,
Dan (00:14:33.000)
Alex Jones makes me sit here silently. Well, he interviews this preacher. And yeah,
Jordan (00:14:38.000)
so he goes home and it's like, I don't know if I can do this anymore. It's a little
Dan (00:14:43.000)
messed up. But we're gonna start this with the first clip. This is how he starts the episode. And I will say that it starts kind of okay, but it deteriorates really quickly. And then Alex introduces what is going to be his sort of driving narrative about why this shooting isn't The biggest deal in the world and it's pretty it's in pretty poor taste. So I'm sorry.
Alex Jones (00:15:09.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. very tragic events have taken place in Charleston on the East Coast age range classically mentally ill looking young man as bused into a church last night and basically sat there for an hour before shooting and killing execution style. Nine black people on a white on black racial attack. And this is one of these events that I call a Rosetta Stone there are a lot of them that are now you could have you can take this event and look at every angle of our problems through it and learn a lot. Number one, I don't mean this sarcastically Dylann Roof who's now in police custody who walked around and posted to Facebook and places himself were wearing you know, South African apartheid attire, and patches are a fucking thing to drop our gone to medical school to be an abortionist, and then he can kill 10s of 1000s of black people in his career and be called a great member of society. And that's what the smart races do. Jakari Jackson and others have gone out and demonstrated and protested out front Planned Parenthood here in Austin, Texas and a bunch of death loving scum. Spiritual Kindred is I would say, in my opinion, crawl out from underneath rocks to come and attack us.
Dan (00:16:48.000)
So within a minute of starting his show, I he like you said he could have just stopped good and just stop he did start with a fairly tasteful this guy is a crazy person. He's racial,
Jordan (00:17:00.000)
a white on black racial crime, full stop
Dan (00:17:03.000)
within a minute of just talking he's like, but the bigger deal is or if you wanted to actually kill more black people, you should have become an abortionist. Yep. I mean,
Jordan (00:17:13.000)
great. That's what smart race is still great spin smart races, they get rid of all of this public racism and they go straight for the pre race of pre racism. Yeah, like, have you ever seen Minority Report? That's really what that is. Sure. That's what's going on. So
Dan (00:17:29.000)
the abortion rates are kind of interesting to look at the minorities do have higher abortion rates and white populations. Yep. But all numbers have been dropping pretty consistently for years. The reason that most experts we've looked at the numbers give is
Jordan (00:17:46.000)
money that's really big. Money, money, money, money,
Dan (00:17:50.000)
access to health care, contraception, that sort of thing, is really what the true story is about it is not that people want to kill Black children. And so they support abortion in order to do it. It's a crooked narrative. It's
Jordan (00:18:05.000)
a bullshit anti abortion argument that my dad has made 300 million times and you're sitting there going forward, stop, shut the fuck up. Then think for one second. What do you care more about that these babies are born or that anybody can fucking feed them? And the answer to those anti abortion people is always life stops being worth caring about at conception. Yeah, yeah, they're fucking monstrous. So they're happily willing to watch hundreds of 1000s of children starve, especially in the United States, where we have hundreds of 1000s of children starving right now or going hungry. But no, it's fucking anti Abortionists who need to fucking make sure that we get more and more goddamn babies in there. And if you don't want that, if you want abortion legalized in your fucking racist, because 50% of all black babies have been abortion ated or whatever the fuck they want to lie about. That's something that Alex Jones has said before is that 50% of all black babies are fucking aborted.
Dan (00:19:10.000)
It's up to 5151 Goddamnit. That's a majority.
Jordan (00:19:15.000)
Well, then they now have control of Congress, I guess. I don't know. I don't know. But like if they can fucking appoint a Supreme Court justice. Sure.
Dan (00:19:23.000)
If you take reality out of the equation, it's actually a really good spin for him to make, because it would be incredibly difficult for him to wrestle with the idea that this was a white supremacist who celebrated apartheid Africa, South Africa, who celebrated Rhodesia who had the express purpose of wanting to trigger a race war, like it would be very difficult. So his first volley is nine people are dead. 51% of black children are aborted.
Jordan (00:19:51.000)
And what's the larger crime?
Dan (00:19:53.000)
Right? What's the who's going in here for the greater good his secondary argument is? Look, a lot of people have have been brain controlled to commit crimes and he lists off like the Unabomber. Timothy McVeigh, these folks and like
Jordan (00:20:09.000)
Timothy McVeigh noted right wing, racist, a murderer guy who wanted to start a race war
Dan (00:20:17.000)
guy who specifically said the taxes were an act of war against
Jordan (00:20:21.000)
people and was radicalized by the Waco bullshit and deed white anti government all the
Dan (00:20:27.000)
way very similar to Alex in many ways very similar to Alex Alex claims that Timothy McVeigh had a chip in his head, and that they were controlling him through that. Oh, that makes sense. And I did a little bit of research into that. And I did find an article written by a lady who had a UCLA email address. I don't know if she actually taught at UCLA or was a student. I have no idea where she just got one. Yeah, but she worked there for a while. She wrote a really, it appears scholarly based on her connection to UCLA article about how Timothy McVeigh probably was being mind controlled. But then if you look into her past at all, she is a incredibly active member of UFO conspiracy communities. Okay, so it kind of goes part and parcel with that.
Jordan (00:21:09.000)
Well, she wasn't until she wrote that article, and she became mind control, right to make sure that you would never believe the truth. Right. And I like the Unabomber is kind of a really, really smart Alex Jones. Yeah. Well, like a super genius level, Alex Jones would get rid of all of the racism stuff and be like, listen, it's actually all of society. It's not a small group of it. We all need to get out of here. All of this shit. Let's move back to the woods and fight owls because they're stealing our peacocks.
Dan (00:21:44.000)
Yeah. Like imagine if Ted Kaczynski had to fill four hours a day. Like I know that you manifesto
Jordan (00:21:51.000)
60,000 pages, man.
Dan (00:21:54.000)
Come on. So like Alex is he's struggling to find 60,000
Jordan (00:21:58.000)
pages. 16,000 words? Right? Right, right. Ridiculous. That's as many emails as Hillary left or whatever long. Yeah, documents,
Dan (00:22:09.000)
Alex is struggling at this point to find the foothold of the what the narrative is going to be. And I think he's caught off guard a little bit. And he doesn't know isn't ready to deal with this. He doesn't know that coming out immediately and saying it's fake will open him up to accusations. So he can't do that. And here's how he sort of ambivalently talks because
Jordan (00:22:29.000)
this is way post Sandy Hook. So he kind of already knows like, oh, mass shootings are a place that I don't necessarily want to jump into. Well,
Dan (00:22:37.000)
he also knows, I think he does know from the jump that the narrative has to be gun control. Like it has to be about how they're going to take our guns with it. Yes, but he doesn't know how to get there. And so he's struggling throughout the course of the episode, because he has to say, essentially, that it's fake. In order for it to be like, this is a plan to take our guns, yes. But he can't do that. Like I said, because it opens him up to way too much very justifiable attack Yeah, of racism. And so we get into this next clip, which is the first time false flag theory comes up.
Alex Jones (00:23:11.000)
Some will say, is it a false flag? Well, because our government, other governments have been caught carrying out mass shooting false flags. And because it's in Operation Northwoods, they would wound people and shoot people at public places, and then blame it on their political enemies as a pretext for war with Cuba. Because this happened in Operation Gladio. Back in the 1950s, and 60s and 70s. In Europe, you have to say we have to look at that. I don't think that's what this is. It could be not. But we've seen other demons, Target, white churches, black churches, Jewish synagogue, all lives matter who's a famous case out in Fort Worth, where a guy went in shot and killed 14 people, and mainly a white church. It was a white guy doing it. He was a Navy veteran. And then it turns out, he told his neighbors he was under mind control. And I thought I'll probably schizophrenic till they talk to one neighbor and they said no, and we saw him one day being drugged out by people in what looked like Navy uniforms and thrown in a white van. This is decades after he'd been in the Navy. You can look up that case,
Dan (00:24:32.000)
and I did. So what he's talking about there as his sort of example of white churches being attacked, was a gentleman by the name of Larry Jean Ashbrook. He on September 15 1999, killed seven people and injured a further seven at a post See you at the pole rally featuring a concert by the Christian rock group 40 days before committing suicide himself. It occurred at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth in 1990. Nine. Now, the interesting thing about this is the stuff about his neighbors saying that he was dragged out by vans and stuff like that. That's completely uncomfortable. But what we can confirm is that his motivation was that he hated Baptists. Oh, it was a religiously based crime, where he went in he hated Baptists. Yeah, he's a really
Jordan (00:25:25.000)
specific one, though.
Dan (00:25:26.000)
Well, he was a member of a group. There was a private investigator. This came out in
Jordan (00:25:32.000)
the ABL anti Baptist League.
Dan (00:25:35.000)
The most intriguing new detail came from Houston writer and private investigator John Craig, who said he interviewed Ashbrook in the presence of several Ku Klux Klan members. In spring of 1997, the CO writer of a book on white supremacists, Craig said that Ashbrook boasted of his membership in the Phineas priests, a loose knit virtually religiously racist movement that advocates the killing of minorities and Jews. Buford furrow who allegedly shot up a Jewish Daycare Center in Los Angeles and August is also believed to be a Phineas priest. He is a member of a group called the Phineas priests, who are also part of the an offshoot of this group called Christian identity. And they are a group that are right wing terrorists. It is a Christian, or it above a blah, Christian identity beliefs were primarily developed and promoted by two authors who regarded Europeans as the chosen people and Jews as the cursed offspring of Cain. But
Jordan (00:26:28.000)
everybody hates the Jews. Yeah,
Dan (00:26:30.000)
it's true, why but they go guys, they also have a belief that Baptists are a bastardized version of Christianity, because of their acceptance and because they don't rigidly adhere to these European nationalist supremacist ideals. Yeah, but there's
Jordan (00:26:47.000)
so many like, you could go with Unitarians like why pick Baptists that bet that has the feel of like a guy who is fucking nuts, just deciding like, God, Dan, at that fucking Baptist Church didn't get my change right at the grocery store. So that's because a Baptist they don't know, man.
Dan (00:27:07.000)
It's possible killing all of them. It's possible. But I think I think the more reasonable argument is that Unitarians are too far gone. They're not even Christians. These Baptists need to be got back in line. And maybe if I, like, if I shock them, they'll realize that they've strayed and come back, something like that. God damn, I'm trying to put myself in a crazy headspace and it's, it's very difficult. That's as close as we're gonna get. So there was a guy named Jeremiah nips, who survived the shooting. He was a 19 year old former football lineman, and he recounted a conversation that he had during the shooting, and this is a quote from him. I don't know why, but I just sat there looking at him as he came towards me. When he got within about five feet. He pointed one of his guns at me and just glared. I told him, Sir, you don't have to be doing this. He told me to shut the hell up. Then he asked me what my religion was. And I told him I was a Christian, a Baptist. He said, That sucks. And now that it was a stupid religion, needs replied, No, sir. It doesn't suck. It's a wonderful thing. God put me on this earth for a reason. I'm certain of that. ashbrooke fired several more rounds and yelled this religion is bullshit. And then he sat down and said, Fuck off and shot himself in the head. So, one good thing happened. Yeah, he was a crazy person. And investigators after the fact when they look went to his house, they discovered that he had virtually destroyed the interior of his house. Holes. Were bashed into the walls with crowbars. The toilet was filled with concrete and the fruit trees growing in the backyard had been poisoned. He is just not you is a completely crazy person. And though he was involved in racist organizations, like these Phineas priests, Christian identity, clearly had some relation to the Klan. That wasn't not like there was just about Baptists. Like it wasn't.
Jordan (00:28:53.000)
Well, I mean, it was he was going to he was most likely a loaded gun. Like it wasn't. It wasn't he was specifically going after Baptist. No, he was lucky. No, I mean, I know he was sorry. He's a fucking lunatic who was just accepted by these people. That's what it was. So this dude is crazy. Probably rammed to the gills with PTSD meets up with these kk k guys who support everything he believes, keeps getting kind of promoted into these cooler and cooler like little inner circle things. And they've just basically prime them with all of this bullshit. They're just like, hey, it could have been anything it could have been like, that's, hey, you know, you know who the real problem is? It's fucking I don't know, pick a
Dan (00:29:44.000)
group. That's how hate groups work. You take people who are disenchanted, disenfranchised and they gradually lead them down the path. It's the same with cults. You know, like Scientology. You don't know the end until you're too far in to do anything about it. You get indoctrinated into these hate groups and human Maybe don't realize they're hate groups and tell. It's like, oh fuck, I'm already in deep. It's hate. It's the same thing with Alex.
Jordan (00:30:07.000)
It's a suicide bomber. It's the same fucking thing. Yeah, that's what he was. He was a suicide bomber. Yeah, just because he had a gun instead of a bomb doesn't make him any less of a terrorist. Yeah,
Dan (00:30:19.000)
he killed seven people, four of which were teens. But the point that he went to a white church is super irrelevant. It's just Alex trying to make false equivalencies. Yeah. So we get down to the next clip, which is Hey,
Jordan (00:30:32.000)
black people died. Well, guess what? White people died too. So that means everything's fine. And we never have to confront the fact that this whole goddamn country is filled with racist fucks. And we're never going to be rid of it.
Dan (00:30:45.000)
Not the whole country, but a lot of it a lot of it. No, it's a whole fucking
Jordan (00:30:49.000)
every part of the country traded with these horrifying people, right?
Dan (00:30:53.000)
And the internet is making it worse. Yeah. But this next clip is actually kind of fun. Because Alex in his rambling, trying to make sure everyone knows that he doesn't like Dylann Roof accidentally supports gun control.
Jordan (00:31:06.000)
Okay, in this next clip, all right, we're learning. We're growing and
Alex Jones (00:31:10.000)
out of trouble, trespassing and other activities. And he just looks like the textbook case lunatic.
Jordan (00:31:19.000)
That is true. I do agree with him. And let me tell you,
Alex Jones (00:31:21.000)
if I had a son like that, I would not be giving him a gun. But that's just common sense.
Dan (00:31:27.000)
So there, yes, there we go. Now, let those guys have gone now extrapolate that as a parenting technique to a social Moray, how we guide society, and now we have a better world.
Jordan (00:31:41.000)
Hey, if you don't like mentally ill people having guns.
Dan (00:31:46.000)
See, now this is where we have to get into where Alex Jones is really smart as a propagandist. Because his whole thing is that they want to take our guns, when the reality is the people who are interested in gun control, don't want to take your guns, you can have your guns, but we want to make it more regimented. We want to make it safer. We want to make a world where it's harder to get a gun, because people like this asshole exist.
Jordan (00:32:14.000)
And few. I you know what, it doesn't matter if it's harder to get a gun or not. I want to live in a world where fewer people get shot by guns. Yes. If it doesn't matter to me what the solution is, it seems obvious that the solution is gun control. But if the solution truly was give everybody 10 guns and just wear them all the time. Yeah, I'm fine with that too. Sure. Just so long as fewer people get fucking murdered. Yeah, I'm for it.
Dan (00:32:45.000)
We want the end goal, not the process. I don't get I don't care. Yeah. And I think that what the the reason I was saying he's smart is that every single thing you have to come out swinging as if it was the thing you're afraid of, then that way, you are always on the offensive, even when you're being defensive. So in the same way that like, this isn't a thing where people want to take your guns, you have to act like it is because if you don't you give a little bit, you show weakness. And as long as you project strength and aggression at all times, people will you know, you can't really have an argument with him because he does in that clip. He agrees. If I was his dad, I would not let him have a gun. Yeah. But then his
Jordan (00:33:25.000)
his comeback to you would be like, hey, but that's me, because I should have the right to do that. Be the government? I don't want to tell you exactly.
Dan (00:33:36.000)
Yeah, I guess it is problematic. Yeah. So you know that church, we just talked about the show white church. There's another one that Alex wants to bring up. Oh, it's an even worse example. Oh, no.
Alex Jones (00:33:48.000)
By the way, did you hear 10 were shot 10 White people were shot and killed 10 White people by five black gunman? Well, that was in 1993 when apartheid was ending. And then it came out in the newsletter that it had been organized and probably paid for by groups that wanted to keep apartheid in place. So there's a London Telegraph, reporting on what many believe, is a false flag.
Dan (00:34:17.000)
He has David knight on to talk a little bit more about this, but they don't get into any detail or actually talk about what the actual situation they're talking about is okay. This is a 1993 in South Africa. It was the St. James church massacre. I don't know if you've ever heard about this. I have not. It's a event that has sort of slipped through the Sands of Time, because shit was real bad in the 90s in South Africa. Yeah. The end of apartheid was a really difficult time for folks. So there was this was one of four major attacks between late 1992 all the way through 1993 perpetrated by the Amazonian People's Liberation Army. It was a group that was founded after the Sharpeville massacre, which was in 1960 I believe that it was a thing where 69 people were killed and 180 injured, many shot in the back fleeing. Police reports claimed that quote, young and inexperienced police members panicked and opened fire on protesters setting off a chain reaction. This Sharpeville massacre happened during a protest of what was known as pass laws. Are you aware of pass laws?
Jordan (00:35:23.000)
I've heard of them, I don't quite remember entirely the whole thing. They were
Dan (00:35:27.000)
laws that essentially required black citizens in South Africa to carry a passport around with them at all times. And it was a way of trying to limit their movement, and was one of the foundational aspects of the apartheid system. Right.
Jordan (00:35:39.000)
It's the it's the voter ID writ large all day every day, kind of? Absolutely. It's no, it's a reasonable thing. You don't want people just going anywhere. You got to know people you got to know people aren't what if they're crazy, what are their terrorist, right? We got to make sure we know who everybody is natural. It's only once only targets a certain group of people doesn't mean that it's
Dan (00:36:02.000)
a 1967 safety, but it's your safety to totally about 7000 people in 1960, we're demonstrating against these pass laws, because originally it was just for men over 16. And then they expanded to include women and younger people, and it was just becoming a thing where, what the fuck guy? Right, so they protested against it. And as we've described, and that was the official report from the police, young and inexperienced cops just opened fire on them. Right. Some people say that the protesters were throwing rocks at the police. But it's unclear. There are other sources that say that they were completely peaceful, and the cops fired on them. Yeah, so the a PLA the as Aryan as an alien People's Liberation Army was formed in response to that massacre under the name poco. But then change their name later. And let's be honest, they did do some terrorist shit. But there's a reason I don't
Jordan (00:36:53.000)
want. So a lot of the people who were I would say, most of the people who were negatively affected by that group, probably didn't actively participate, right, probably weren't actively worthy of what they got. But I am far more sympathetic to the as an alien Liberation Party. Well, the eight than anybody
Dan (00:37:18.000)
else, the A PLA, his argument was that because of the apartheid system, every white person was complicit in how things were operated. And I agree, there is an argument. I mean, certainly it's not a good enough argument that I would support killing them. But it's definitely true.
Jordan (00:37:34.000)
I don't support killing them. And I don't think I don't think that would really solve anything. But my empathy for them is massive. Yeah, compared to my empathy for the white people who died. So
Dan (00:37:45.000)
after the also, by the way, Alex said it was 10 people, it was 11. And he said there were five gunmen, there were four after the St. James massacre, all four men responsible were captured and arrested and incarcerated. They appealed for amnesty from Bishop Desmond Tutu, Truth and Reconciliation Committee, which happened after apartheid, because they were like, We don't want to do Nuremberg trials. Yeah, we want to try and heal the wounds society, right. And so they appealed to the Truth and Reconciliation committee. And they ended up meeting with survivors and family members of victims from the massacre that they had carried out, and they reconciled with them. They understood the ramifications of their actions, they repented. And these sorts of things, I think that it's a better way to go about society as a whole. So they were all granted amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation committee. Now, if that sounds fucked up, that four out of four of the people who carried out this massacre, were granted amnesty. Consider this only 849 Out of the 7112 applications for amnesty to the Truth and Reconciliation committee. were accepted. Okay, so it was not a rubber stamp thing. Okay. Clearly, they went through the process and found all right, this makes sense,
Jordan (00:38:59.000)
right? You're not it's not a repeatable behavior. It's not like, it's not like a breaking and entering where if you get out of jail, you're gonna cause break, you're gonna break and enter somewhere else again, or you're going to commit larger crimes. This was a you guys systematically oppressed and enslaved my people. And we fought back. Yeah. If you don't understand why we have at least some justification for fighting like this. You're an insane person.
Dan (00:39:25.000)
Yeah. And they were carrying out orders to some extent from their a PLA organization. Right. So they were sort of foot soldiers to a greater extent. And beyond that the organization was created in response to police, massacres, right. So I don't I don't want to I would never come out and say I support their actions. But I do support the conclusion of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Jordan (00:39:52.000)
It's not the it's not the right way to do something. But if you don't have sympathy for it, then you're you're done. is being unreasonable? Yeah.
Dan (00:40:01.000)
And if you don't understand the, the social dynamics that create stuff like that, right, you're being intentionally obtuse. Well, how does being intentionally obtuse? Yeah, well, the argument of whiteness gets
Jordan (00:40:14.000)
trapped into this system that is oppressing you and destroying you at every single turn. There's no way that you can't begin to feel so helpless that you think well, what else is there to do? Right, but commit acts of violence? Well, it's
Dan (00:40:29.000)
like that, that idea that, you know, rioting is the voice of the oppressed. Yeah, to some extent, if you can't, you can't get recourse for grievances that are real. In court. If the system is so broken against you. It sucks, but the only thing you can do is burn down a building. Well,
Jordan (00:40:46.000)
the woman who murdered that kid, the cop who murdered that that kid and was on trial was just fucking that, like she was cleared of all charges, cleared of all charges, even though they had her on camera that she actually murdered that kid cleared of all charges and went back to work. That the lady in Oklahoma, Betty Shelby was a police officer who murdered Terrence Crutcher straight up murder, no, murdered him, no other way to describe it. And she was acquitted of all charges and just went straight back to work. So then, if that type of shit happens, you look at that, and you think there is no justice system? No, there's no justice. So why why would I want to go through these? Why would I want to be peaceful? Why would I want to do all of this stuff? Because I am getting no justice anywhere else? I have to take justice into my own hands. Right? It is to me it is, like you said willfully obtuse to think that riots and the like, are some sort of silly action, right, or that the Black Lives Matter? protesters want to kill cops, right? No, that's stupid. They want justice. That's it. Do you know what you get? You get justice. So if it's only applied to you and not to them, get ready for some shit burning down? Well, yeah.
Dan (00:42:16.000)
And Alex would argue in favor of riots for this perceived they're going to take our Oh, exactly. Yeah. And it's just really unfair, and logically inconsistent. It's a real bummer. It's a real bummer. This next clip that we're going to play here comes almost immediately after he talks very inaccurately about this South African situation that he calls a false flag, okay, categorically wasn't. Also they imply that it was white people who carried it out and pretended they were black. I looked
Jordan (00:42:48.000)
at that's trying to get racial cover and like all directions, yeah, like, I look, no, we're not being racist. We're not being racist. It's probably white people, or at the very least, it was a false flag run by white people. It's white people. We're definitely not being racist about this. Not being racist about Dylann Roof. I
Dan (00:43:02.000)
don't buy his argument at all. It's so stupid. But then he comes back, and he makes a stupid prediction that did not come to pass, but also laments the state of being white, the
Alex Jones (00:43:15.000)
mainstream media hyping racial division and racial war in this country 24/7. And creating the perception that blacks are being targeted by white people everywhere for extermination, has elicited a lot of low intensity attacks on whites, that quite frankly, I see almost every day and don't even cover off that I'm covering up. The whites are being targeted. I'll just mention, hey, there are two Alan White's they're intensifying crime statistics. It's very sad. This has been hyped. They want to get a race war going. Whites will start responding, mentally ill
Jordan (00:43:49.000)
criminal, whites responding and then it can build
Alex Jones (00:43:53.000)
towards a crescendo. And you see George Soros and the media pushing for this to federalize police after a summer of rage coming up this summer. This is it. This is the big one, with Obama with a year and a half left to try to ram through a bunch of federalisation, gun control, you name it.
Dan (00:44:14.000)
So that's the dumb prediction. We can now two years after look back and there was not a summer of rage. I actually had kind of a summer of rage and that I was drunk through most of it. I was raging pretty good. Yeah. But there was not a crackdown, there was not a federalisation of the police force
Jordan (00:44:32.000)
is what is that? Is that would that be good or bad? What do you mean federalizing the police force? I've never ever heard that before. Well, what would that even entail? What he's talking
Dan (00:44:41.000)
about specifically is he's responding to comments that like Al Sharpton made after the Charleston shooting, and he was talking about how in the Civil Rights time, we needed to involve the federal government and states rights was the bad guy, because the idea that states could Beside the blacks can't vote. And that sort of thing was a real problem.
Jordan (00:45:04.000)
I've never seen states rights used in that kind of context, except for who would have guessed that states rights generally, a really, really bad thing used by really, really bad states.
Dan (00:45:16.000)
So even even Sharpton is argument about that isn't saying states can't decide anything. It's that in issues such as Human Rights, you need to have the federal government over overseed to some extent, because pretty much the only reason that we have one, because otherwise you could have like, I don't know, Oklahoma could just be like, No blacks. I mean, you could do that if that was if states decided abrogates rights,
Jordan (00:45:41.000)
right states rights.
Dan (00:45:43.000)
So progress, the free market decide then Right? All the businesses would flounder in Oklahoma, if they did exactly
Jordan (00:45:49.000)
they would have no, God I hate
Dan (00:45:53.000)
wouldn't work out that way. No, of course not. So Sharpton was arguing that in terms of he was responding also to other incidents where much like that situation you just mentioned, cops kill African Americans, and they don't get punished their punishment, either slap on the wrist or they try and bury it. He's talking about systematic racism, the federal government needs to get involved because otherwise, local state bodies are not taking care of the issue. And
Jordan (00:46:23.000)
Alex, every major advancement for any kind of racial justice has always come from the top down, because quite frankly, always come from federal
Dan (00:46:35.000)
government, quite frankly, most people are for it. Yeah. But in small pockets, they're not right. And those pockets are densely populated and shitty states. Yeah. So Alex is big fear is this idea of federalisation to the police force, and that would be the government, the the evil government that he has in his head, right, takes control of all police, and they use it to create a crackdown, and a police state that ends up in taking away everyone's guns. Right now we're in a repressive regime, right?
Jordan (00:47:06.000)
Well see, the reason that I fixated on that for a second is because I had never heard that before. And my instinct whenever he says, it's a bad thing. It's a good thing. It's federalizing really is good. Somebody have a plan for this that they didn't tell me about. And I just hadn't heard that this is a great idea. 80% of
Dan (00:47:23.000)
the time, you can no whatever the right thing is is exactly the opposite. What Alex, this this
Jordan (00:47:28.000)
thing I actually do kind of feel like would be much more likely to be on the negative side, if there were a job. Like there's a whole reason that the National Guard exists inside the borders, and the army doesn't, right, if you had a federal police system that was completely and utterly above things, you know, much larger or, you know, if everybody became the FBI, as we all know about the FBI, their intentions are not always good, new, and generally can be very bad.
Dan (00:47:56.000)
I agree. I agree with that, in principle and the idea of a completely federalized police force is not a good one. Yeah. But it's not what people are arguing for. They're arguing for some federal input to help contain and deal with situations that local and state governments are unwilling to. Right. Exactly. That's, that is what that is. It's the same thing with the misunderstanding, gun control versus taking your guns. Yeah, it's a lack of nuance and knee jerk propagandist fear. And so that's, that's, that's the boat he's in. I have cut out a Paul Joseph Watson report from this episode. Because I knew that you could. Excellent. You couldn't handle
Jordan (00:48:38.000)
it. Excellent. Thank you very much, Dan.
Dan (00:48:41.000)
It is all it's all just about how whites are the real victims. Oh, my God, it's a disaster. Oh my god. So I cut that out entirely. But in this next clip, we get back to the idea of whether or not the Charleston shooting was fake. Alex, again, is wrestling with it. And it's so clear to me in this clip that he wants to say it's fake, but just can't pull the trigger.
Alex Jones (00:49:04.000)
So those are just some of the angles here. He's been apprehended. Who knows how obvious this will get if it is some type of staged event, and it could meet. I'm not saying it's a staged event, but our government and criminal elements have done things like this before. The pastor was a state senator.
Jordan (00:49:33.000)
Done For 14 years proven.
Alex Jones (00:49:36.000)
The pastor killed in Charleston.
Jordan (00:49:38.000)
That's all I needed to know.
Alex Jones (00:49:41.000)
So it's very, very, very, very short suspicious. So this is a particular place.
Jordan (00:49:56.000)
You want to say it, well, let me say it, just say it come out. Sam,
Dan (00:50:00.000)
that's such a bad radio.
Jordan (00:50:02.000)
No, you want to say it's
Dan (00:50:03.000)
such long pauses. And he's it's clear that he's just like, I can't fuck if that evil twin, it's the same. It's evil twin holding him back.
Jordan (00:50:12.000)
It's the same thing he did immediately following the pizza gate thing where he had the new information about the pizza gate, which was our government has done stuff like this before. So it could have been, I'm just asking questions.
Dan (00:50:24.000)
Yeah, it's it's, it's just it's plausible. It's plausible. I'm just asking questions. It's bad reporting. And it's bad broadcasting because it's all just insinuation. And it's all. And the idea that he's like, It's suspicious that this is the place that was targeted. It's one it's an incredibly historic black church. So it's not suspicious that that was what was targeted by a racist who wanted to start a race war. Yeah, it's a very sacred place to a lot of people and has a rich history. So it's, it's not suspicious at all. You know, what's
Jordan (00:50:58.000)
fascinating to me about the race war arguments that people who think that the race wars coming is most of them think that it will be all on one side, like all white people versus all black people sided with the black people. Most people do not realize that there's a good chunk of us who would be like, Nah, dude, we are not on the white racist side on this one. No, we're kind of look, I'm white, but I'm not real happy about I'm not thrilled. I mean, it's, it's great. I'm not all the stuff is nice.
Dan (00:51:30.000)
I think it's an important distinction to make to that neither of us are ashamed of the fact that we're we happen to be white. That's not the case. But we recognize the history of white people in this country and throughout the world. And not all of its bad. But there is a very, very serious history of oppression, most
Jordan (00:51:50.000)
of it is bad, because if you ever read a history book, and then the sentence you read is then and then white people showed up, you go, Oh, fuck no, no, that's not going to end. Well.
Dan (00:52:01.000)
I mean, even on our last episode, we completely destroyed Guatemala for bananas, right? Like it's, we pretended it was about communism, but it really wasn't. Well,
Jordan (00:52:10.000)
it like the loose. Everybody, the Louie CK bit is perfect, where it's like, listen, being white is not inherently better. White people are not inherently better. But being white is obviously better. Right? And like, we get so many Yeah, we get so many advantages that we just raped and murdered our way into like, it's not a good system. And it's not ultimately a good system for us, either. No. But of course, if you have this kind of privilege, the idea of somebody equalizing things to you means they're taking away your privilege, right? Right. It doesn't mean that everybody is being equalized. It means you're being lowered. Right? And that's why people get fucked up about it. People think of it as a this is being taken from me and given to
Dan (00:53:00.000)
them. It's the people will look at it as a zero sum game. Yeah. My game.
Jordan (00:53:03.000)
It's both if they gain everybody gains, yeah, it is always a good thing if more people have more. The idea that and
Dan (00:53:13.000)
that's specially the most fundamental thing. Yeah,
Jordan (00:53:15.000)
yeah. Yeah. Well, and that's the thing that drives me insane about the whole Reaganomics idea, which is like, well, the rich people need as much as they can to give us some when it's just if, if poor people had more money, they would buy more shit, we'd all have more money,
Dan (00:53:32.000)
or maybe some of them with really good ideas would create businesses that become innovative people like from de la kya. Exactly.
Jordan (00:53:38.000)
You know, like if you make opportunities more available, more are available for everyone. Yep, it boggles my mind how you can't understand that. No,
Dan (00:53:49.000)
trickle down, baby. So in this next clip, Alex gets pretty defensive about his guns. And he says something does Alex
Jordan (00:53:58.000)
have I can't be alive right? can't even imagine gotta be a shit ton
Dan (00:54:01.000)
of guns. This is this clip is really weird. And he basically pleads guilty to a crime he was not accused of.
Alex Jones (00:54:12.000)
Can we bring the Barrett 50 cows in here? If Weldon can get to us? I told you no one is brown and the other is black. So see, I discriminate when it comes to guns. I like them. I like a black or like a brown or like them green like the incredible old I don't like shiny chrome ones and even seen like for I guess, no warfare, they've got white bodies that go on guns. You know, I'm kind of discriminatory. I don't like like guns. But I'll assure you my Barrett 50 caliber rifles have never been used in any murders. Carry not mind the 50 Cal itself has never been used in a murder. It's been used in one crime. And there are hundreds of 1000s of the Barrett alone in circulation in the US
Dan (00:55:03.000)
I can't I couldn't figure out what that one crime was I have my guns have never murdered anybody right after that very
Jordan (00:55:12.000)
very specific thing to say
Dan (00:55:14.000)
after that what he thinks is a bit the
Jordan (00:55:17.000)
I don't like white guns
Dan (00:55:23.000)
like no one said that your guns have been used in murders and then he goes on to defend the God we have asked you if your guns had been used in murders I'm saying he's a guilty conscience so he says that this Barrett 50 Cal has never been used in murders
Jordan (00:55:37.000)
and then he starts crying about knock
Dan (00:55:41.000)
kill not to put them down miss you know kept trying to make him drown or whatever. So the thing about that that's slightly misleading is a Barrett 50 Cow is a fucking huge gun.
Jordan (00:55:58.000)
That's what I was thinking of 50 caliber is a very large bolts one
Dan (00:56:01.000)
of those guns that you have to like prop up to Yes, basically those guns that you see people with the like, comical cartoon version of ammunition Yeah, basically that you set up a position and prop the gun up on a tripod and use it the idea of carrying it with you is impossible. It's like Rambo shit. It's out of movies. No one would ever use that. It's very, like the idea that like no one has ever used this. And of course, it's just unwise
Jordan (00:56:27.000)
it's like the it's like a terminator two using the mini gun to hold up a liquor store like, dude, just calm it down. Now,
Dan (00:56:35.000)
ak 40 sevens can be stealthily hidden on your back to some extent, and handguns are way more useful than a fucking Barrett 50 caliber. So anyway,
Jordan (00:56:45.000)
I use it to go huntin right.
Dan (00:56:47.000)
I mean, that's even seems like unnecessary. It's even Well,
Jordan (00:56:51.000)
I also I also use it to go chopping down trees.
Dan (00:56:54.000)
I use it to scare the government less than they get out of control. Yeah, that's more of what it is. I mean, it's basically a military gun. Yeah,
Jordan (00:57:01.000)
no, of course. Well, assault rifles are military guns. You can't totally there's no reason to have an assault rifle.
Dan (00:57:07.000)
I'm 5050. On it. I do believe that some piece of the we should be armed in case the government gets out of line. I think some of that argument is reasonable.
Jordan (00:57:20.000)
Yeah. But if we're all thinking it's more and more reasonable.
Dan (00:57:25.000)
I mean, I know, I know, the point that whatever the government has is way bigger and badder than anything we could possibly have. I do know that is true, also. But I have a number of friends. I mean, I grew up in central Missouri, right. And there's a lot of people who are really big into guns, and they aren't crazy. And they're very responsible about it. And so the fact that like that community does exist, I know that there are a pocket of people who are into guns, and are just like, I keep them because I'm interested in guns and I want to be armed in case I have to protect
Jordan (00:58:00.000)
guns make your Deckard there's a bit of that. That's what it is guns make your Deckard but if you will make you feel like your power, but
Dan (00:58:07.000)
if you're responsible, and you're not hurting anybody, I don't think that's a bad thing. No, that's fine. And if you
Jordan (00:58:13.000)
look auto rods, it auto erotic asphyxiation is pretty great, too. If you're, it's what it is, yeah, can kill you. But if you're careful, exactly. Go for it. If it makes your dick hard, and that's what you need. That's fine. I'm fine with that. But for real, there's no reason to have an assault rifle.
Dan (00:58:27.000)
Now, it's true. But I do know some people who have them and they're responsible with them. And I would trust them to own them. It's not it's it's not for hunting purposes. It's right, right here defense fantasy, and
Jordan (00:58:39.000)
it is a fan.
Dan (00:58:41.000)
I disagree with it. But at the same time I get the principle. And I'm not. Well, I'm not going to say everyone shouldn't have assault rifles. I think that but again, it comes down to gun control. Make sure that people who will use them for ILL don't have them. Yeah, or make it harder for them to
Jordan (00:59:00.000)
get them well, even though it's illegal, or at least legally murky to actually study the results of guns. Because our gun lobbies are so amazing that they made it a law. You can't research it. They won't give you any funding for it. Let's do find out the truth. Exactly. Even though that's the case they can still kind of go back through police reports in the like, and in situations where a gun was had and could potentially have been used to defend yourself a good guy with a gun never works ever after a very, very, very few situations where it does work. Walk you man. The so do you have anecdotal evidence from this exact episode? Oh, well, great, then that's all I need. I don't need any larger statistics. I just need to know that it happened one time.
Dan (00:59:48.000)
Big picture. You're totally right. But it is actually kind of interesting that the St. James massacre, there was a guy in the congregation who was armed and he started shooting at them right and because of that they ended up fleeing right forward. Gunmen. And if they hadn't, if that guy hadn't been there and shot at them and they fled, they had petrol bombs that they were going to throw into the church and it would have killed so many people. So in that individual and so we got one, right and there are a couple incidents, but you're right principle wise, it doesn't really know. It's bullshit. Yeah.
Jordan (01:00:18.000)
Yeah, you know, fucking one time something happens. It's a infinite universe. But on the whole, the good guy with the gun theory is complete and utter bull
Dan (01:00:28.000)
totally. Let's get off this gun topic for a little bit because Alex wants to take a transition. And talk a little bit about the idea that black people are taking white people's women.
Jordan (01:00:36.000)
Yeah, let's get off guns and get back into racism and into cooking. You know me I have very low opinions of both.
Dan (01:00:44.000)
Yeah. This is Alex sort of responding to what Dylann Roof had said about the idea that black people were taking white women and all that and Alex sort of doesn't get the point and buys into the narrative a little bit too much.
Alex Jones (01:00:58.000)
This guy looks like mind control. But he may have been culturally mind controlled. All right, his statements were reportedly black people are taking over and taking over our women No, actually white people's population is not growing. And black people are a test model for destroying everybody and our are just in absolute hell with their unemployment doubled and and just just under total attack. Yes. Contrary to what is some cornball? You know racist, idiot loser who was brought up? I mean, obviously, he was mad. He's 21 You think this guy could get a girlfriend? Fuck you. So then he got upset if he really is organic attacker and went out because he thought somebody was quote getting his women. Spoken like someone that can't get any women.
Jordan (01:01:57.000)
Oh, there it is. God dammit. God damn you,
Alex Jones (01:02:02.000)
women because of the black people. No, you can't get any women. Because you're a freak. If you really did this, but he's got the 1000 yard stare of somebody who's been mind controlled.
Dan (01:02:14.000)
Alex does not know where to land.
Jordan (01:02:15.000)
What is going on there? He
Dan (01:02:17.000)
is like he is like a pilot who's trying to come in for a land. Yeah. And the tower is like, don't do it.
Jordan (01:02:24.000)
Now not here. Not here. problems on the Strip. Go go anywhere. But here. Yeah.
Dan (01:02:29.000)
So he's, he's coming down. And his his argument, like, to a certain extent is he kind of just needed a girlfriend he needed get fucked. Yeah. And that's, that's problematic, because it does not
Jordan (01:02:42.000)
a great argument. Well, but it does have some merit to it.
Dan (01:02:47.000)
No, because there's plenty of races to get laid. Like it's not I know that I know. Plenty of horrible bigots who get laid? No, no,
Jordan (01:02:53.000)
I'm not saying that. I'm saying in this particular circumstance. His his logic is far more reasonable on that front than it isn't so many other cases. Well,
Dan (01:03:05.000)
just because the other ones are so much. Exactly. We're so far off. But yeah, but I'm
Jordan (01:03:09.000)
happier with him saying, hey, the real problem is this guy needed to get fucked than him saying it's a false flag.
Dan (01:03:16.000)
That sounds like something someone say on like a shock jock show. Yeah, that would be like Howard Stern. Exactly. I just need a good bang. And you know
Jordan (01:03:23.000)
what? That's dumb. That's just dumb. Yeah, horrifyingly offensive,
Dan (01:03:27.000)
it's reductive, but it is when you're using that as sort of a rebuttal to Dylann roofs, claims that black people are taking our women, that sort of thing. First of all, the idea of our women is fucking No, no, we're all on the same team. But using that as a rebuttal to that and that, when he uses that in context, there he is given credence in many ways to Dylann roofs grievance, because he is he's responding to it in the you can't get a girlfriend. Like that sort of thing. It's well, weighing in the same ballpark.
Jordan (01:04:02.000)
It is, but it's it's his version of
Dan (01:04:06.000)
he's like, You mean you can't get fucked, but it's not black people's fault. It Yeah.
Jordan (01:04:09.000)
It's his version of being fair. Like that's his idea of like, to me, it's not a race thing. To me. You're not mad at race, right? You're just doing that you're just lashing out because you can't get laid. So that takes me off the hook from saying it's about race to right. It's just about chauvinist. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. But again, we can't talk about toxic masculinity either.
Dan (01:04:32.000)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no no globalist plot. It's
Jordan (01:04:35.000)
such a classic way that racial racism and the patriarchy kind of dovetail together is, oh, we need to protect our women are weak, you know, willing to be seduced women from these uncouth black people.
Dan (01:04:54.000)
That's how so much horrible stuff has passed. Right? It's about saying
Jordan (01:04:59.000)
no, it's a It's a conscious kind of like, racism and sexism are all tied up into one big it's also
Dan (01:05:07.000)
it's also heavily driving the porno industry. But so remember I was telling you about these
Jordan (01:05:15.000)
so if you donate $10,000 a month, you can become a policy costs or we will have sex with a will have a black dude, fuck your wife? I don't know. I'm not sure how I don't know exactly the I don't know where I was going there I will work out. Yeah, exactly. So you remember, I just want you to become a policy cook. That's all we want. I just wanted to say those two words next to each other
Dan (01:05:37.000)
$15 month policy. If you if you remember I was telling you about the St. James massacre in South Africa that Alex was pitching as Hey, you guys. You guys remember the 10 people were killed 10 White people were killed. Also, I have no evidence at all the victims were white. Alex has some more thoughts about it. He had a like I said he talked to David Knight very boringly about it and Alex accidentally
Jordan (01:06:02.000)
such as how everyone talks to David Knight about everything Jesus.
Dan (01:06:05.000)
Alex accidentally said this
Alex Jones (01:06:07.000)
meeting about this years after it happened when I got on air and 95. But there'd been a false flag in South Africa to blame black people. And it was never completely proven, but it was white gunman. White,
Dan (01:06:21.000)
it was never completely proven. In fact, odd. In fact, it
Jordan (01:06:25.000)
was It wasn't completely proven. No, was the opposite completely proven kind of. So it is still technically a true statement to say that it was never completely proven that I was correct. Because of the obvious fact fact that I was false.
Dan (01:06:40.000)
So stupid. And then at the end there he gets in his it was white gunmen, and it wasn't. So in this next clip, Alex talks about how they're a victim disarmament zones. That's, that's Gun Talk for, Hey, we should allow guns in churches and schools. And then he goes on, he gets back to his Planned Parenthood riff, because he knows that David Knight is super against abortion. And so he does this. I swear to God, he thinks it's like a bit. He thinks he's doing a good bit like, like, he's Dennis Miller, or some shit coming on a conservative show and like, hey,
Jordan (01:07:20.000)
it's basically what Dennis Miller
Dan (01:07:21.000)
does. I used to work at Planned Parenthood by a man. Yeah. And so here we go.
David Knight (01:07:26.000)
But the other thing that we need to look at from the fact that we don't want to create victim disarmament zones, like schools, like churches, and say, this is just going to be this nice little peaceful area, we don't want to have weapons or weapons and the whole second amendment is essentially about the right issue tower.
Alex Jones (01:07:41.000)
If he did, it went there. And yes, I'm going to tweet out I just forgot to do it. I'm gonna do it this morning. It's a serious tweet. It's not it's not so humor, because they'll spin it that was like, everybody should tweet. Why didn't Dylann Roof just go to work at Planned Parenthood? He could carry out the dead black babies every day. Yeah. I mean, he could be part of killing 51% of the black people. And then he can be lauded as a hero by Time Magazine. Why didn't Dell make a lot of money, go out and be a liberal and and try to teach blacks to kill their children? I mean, he wants to kill Black people. That's the effective way to do it.
Dan (01:08:17.000)
Real solid, fucking real good arguments. I
Jordan (01:08:21.000)
don't have the emotional strength to be this angry all day to day. I know. Let's just Dan, are you trying to suck the lifeblood out of me?
Dan (01:08:32.000)
Yeah, kind of, but also, like, let's let's just move on, because that's just so
Jordan (01:08:36.000)
that's so funny on its face believably racist and bullshit and spinning. This is stupid on its face, just a unjustifiably bullshit propaganda stick narrative that drives so much of my life. Absolutely insane. Anytime I speak to anybody in my family, when they have that kind of like, oh, well, if this then this. What about can't say this? You can't say this. What about? Oh, you know, the number one killer of black people is abortion. So that means I can't be racist? Because I know that, even though that's not true. It's
Dan (01:09:10.000)
a contest the premise it's ridiculous. So
Jordan (01:09:13.000)
that idea of oh, I care. So I care about black people in the right way. Right? It just so happens that I'm willing to watch them die in every other fucking way.
Dan (01:09:23.000)
Because then they've committed sins. Exactly. But so you're bringing up statistics I the bane of the right wing? Well, Alex has some interesting ideas about statistics and actually just listened very carefully to what he says here. Because he, he lets slip that he's aware that he's wrong, but then minimizes the fact that he has just let slip that he knows he's wrong. It's a very interesting clip. And I actually think that this mic down that I'm preemptively making that it just kind of it's kind of short too, though, but
Jordan (01:09:55.000)
it's just that I shall leave my mic.
Dan (01:09:58.000)
Look, you only put the mic down when I tell you I'm Sorry. Anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (01:10:01.000)
And the truth is Paul Watson broke it down. Blacks are eight times more likely to attack whites. Now, part of that is police reporting. I believe it's true for blacks, but the statistics are there and don't lie,
Dan (01:10:17.000)
you should have had the mic down because you missed the most important thing. He said there. And I'm going to play it again, or at least after he gives a shout out to Paul Joseph Watson, because it's essential to hear him contradict himself within four seconds. Okay. fyh.
Alex Jones (01:10:31.000)
Now, part of that police reporting, I believe is somewhat jilted towards blacks. But the statistics are there and don't lie.
Dan (01:10:41.000)
So he's saying that statistics are there, and they don't lie. And they say that eight times more white people are attacked by black people. Right
Jordan (01:10:49.000)
before that. He said he thinks the statistics are tilted towards black pay because
Dan (01:10:53.000)
of police reporting. And that is 100%. True. So.
Jordan (01:10:57.000)
So prior to saying that the statistics don't lie, he said the statistics are lying. Yes. All right. This is a very difficult thing for me to handle. This is
Dan (01:11:08.000)
the complicated headspace that Alex Jones lives in because he has to push a narrative, right? He's smart enough to know.
Jordan (01:11:17.000)
Not necessarily true. Now, even though this isn't true, I mean, I know it's true. I gotta
Dan (01:11:22.000)
push it because I've done it. I have I have a bedrock of racism. I've got a hold up. So this next clip, and I want to be totally clear, I'm not cutting out stuff that like, makes all of this okay. I
Jordan (01:11:41.000)
I don't know what kind of redeeming stuff could this like I just have. The only way is if at the end of every clip that you have played for us, but I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. I'm saying, now this is exactly what an Alex Jones type person would say.
Dan (01:11:56.000)
No, guys, I'm not crazy. I don't Yeah,
Jordan (01:11:59.000)
I don't believe any of this bullshit. I'm just I'm priming you guys to fight against it. Whenever an Alex Jones type says stuff like this,
Dan (01:12:07.000)
I just I always get really self conscious that people will think that I'm strategically editing things and making it look like he's saying things he's not. I just want to be clear that, like most of the stuff that I've cut out is just diversions down the road talking about like, the Batman, Aurora shooter, and Ted Kaczynski. And like, he talks a lot about that. And it murky is the issue a little bit, because he makes the argument that all those people were brain controlled and used for false flag attacks and stuff like that. And I don't have the fucking energy to make this a five hour episode where we break down each and every one of those. But most of those are bullshit. Hey,
Jordan (01:12:47.000)
you know how we're talking about this one. Just apply all of the same stuff we say but put different events in there, the
Dan (01:12:56.000)
same bolts. Some of them are more interesting than others, in the sense that like Ted Kaczynski is way more interesting, because he was part of MK Ultra studies, right when he was at Harvard as a younger man, and he was dosed with tons of hallucinogens, right, that may have set him off on a path that he wouldn't have gone off. Otherwise, that's entirely possible. It's fascinating, but that does not mean he was being brain controlled in order to bomb people or any of that shit. So Be that as it may, that's most of the stuff that I've cut out.
Jordan (01:13:26.000)
And if it was something where the see the other thing about that kind of argument is just like, well, then take it the next step. If we could mind control people to bomb stuff. God damn if we wouldn't be doing it all the time. Like that's the thing that you would see all the time to solve all your problems is just mind control somebody into bombing something.
Dan (01:13:47.000)
Well, all the narratives that he claims the globalists want push to be pushed much harder. Yeah, if that sort of thing were legitimately possible. And there were programs in place, right where hundreds and 1000s of people are being brain controlled. Not like like, like innocent monkeys in Bastrop.
Jordan (01:14:02.000)
Exactly. Now, perhaps they're saving that technology until they perfect it. No. on. Let's stop for a second. Follow me here. I'm listening. All right. Where would you keep the perfect unbelievable thing to mind control?
Dan (01:14:22.000)
I don't understand the question is phrased.
Jordan (01:14:26.000)
Okay. Put them in tanks.
Dan (01:14:29.000)
Okay. Oh, fish, people. Fish people. Okay. I get where you're going. There we go. Yes, people totally.
Jordan (01:14:34.000)
How else do you defeat nuclear submarines? Fish people. Exactly. Here's what we need all comes together. Now mind controlled fish. People with bombs. Destroy submarine.
Dan (01:14:45.000)
I like where you're going. And that's why that was what Alex was talking about years ago. It's because back then they only had fish people. But they've been working on reptilian people. Oh, they've got reptilian you need you need water and I need it and PBS people show so they're working on that probably any day I would go
Jordan (01:15:05.000)
with I would go with your best bet though is for speed.
Dan (01:15:09.000)
Centaur people Jesus Lizard people, Jesus Lizard
Jordan (01:15:12.000)
people who walk on water, air we go.
Dan (01:15:16.000)
Stupid. So I think we
Jordan (01:15:19.000)
got screwed up whenever he started talking about peacocks. Now all I can think about it's different. That's a
Dan (01:15:24.000)
great point animals. Yeah. So this next clip, he minimizes the deaths of the people at that church very insultingly, and then says something that is so not true about liberals. And it is this awesome thing that he always does, where he pretends there's a conversation he's had with somebody and then turns them into a demon voice. And it's pretty fun. It's funny, but at the same time, total bullshit.
Alex Jones (01:15:50.000)
Hundreds of 1000s of people die here and auto slash that they're not hyping it there's the end of the world but mass shootings boy they get hyped like it's the end of the world. And it is very sad. You can personalize it a cold blooded killer sitting there for an hour and people fear the exterminating
Jordan (01:16:07.000)
that's your that's your song and the song Don't humanizing Reaper.
Alex Jones (01:16:14.000)
What happened next because as much pain as possible. Well, the folks are dead it's not going to bring them back. humanizing babies, though will get people to stop killing their kids. I don't care what color they are. And that's the real litmus test every so called liberal I've talked to this pro abortion will then when the camera at non GMO nobody wants these poor black people. You're gonna take care of them. cluding blacks, Reverend shoulders is joining us. And I just don't get how I'm supposed to get all sad and freak out about non dead people. I mean, I don't like it. But I'm really upset about how they're going to create racial division. Fuck you.
Dan (01:16:52.000)
Alex is missing the point
Jordan (01:16:53.000)
create Alex Jones. He's embodying so much the creation
Dan (01:16:56.000)
of racial division, every single
Jordan (01:16:59.000)
word that he says is the worst word ever.
Dan (01:17:03.000)
Can you imagine these liberals that he talks to off camera?
Jordan (01:17:06.000)
Fucking Christ? Hey,
Dan (01:17:08.000)
I just want to kill Black people, man. What?
Jordan (01:17:11.000)
Are you gonna take care of these black people? Nobody wants black people.
Dan (01:17:16.000)
I don't know who he's pretending to talk to even liberals. But who I don't understand liberals who we'll talk like these are people who have to have been on camera at some point liberals so they've got to be famous liberals may talk to Alex Jones and express their actual opinions off camera.
Jordan (01:17:33.000)
That's the only way I express my opinions off camera to Alex Jones. You should guys. You should listen to my opinions off of this show. Let me tell you something.
Dan (01:17:41.000)
Also, we videotape all of these shows we just don't show you. We're on camera right
Jordan (01:17:45.000)
now. And we are I am also constantly in contact with Alex Jones. This is this whole this whole show is a false flag. That's what this really
Dan (01:17:52.000)
is. Also, we livestream this but we just don't give anyone the link. It's intentional, lesser magic exercise. So Alex is fucking stupid as shit there. He does not understand at all that like my experience of the Charleston shooting was great sadness, and empathy. And from every thing that I experienced with people around me it was a unifying moment. It was it was not a fuck Whitey kind of moment. It wasn't a white people are evil.
Jordan (01:18:23.000)
It wasn't until white people started being evil about it that you have to go, oh, white people are evil. Well, like Alex. Yeah, like if Alex had just come out and been like, this is a horrible thing. But I don't think it should be used as a an excuse to take guns away from people. At the very least you go that's a that's a thought we understand your position. If that's what your position is. That's fine. Yeah. When you start justifying it by, well, this isn't really a problem because of black people. It's a problem because you guys don't care about abortion.
Dan (01:18:55.000)
Also, white people are really the victims. Here's to fake examples of past shootings. Exactly. You
Jordan (01:19:00.000)
know, so and you're, then you're the reason that I think white people are evil, it's because of you.
Dan (01:19:06.000)
That was and like I said, it was it was a unifying moment where I think I think most people saw it as a as a call to care in respect to each other more as opposed to a let's fucking feud. Right. And I think that's most of the left. experienced it that way. Oh, really? That's,
Jordan (01:19:27.000)
it's, I mean, I keep I keep thinking about this, like the difference between the left and the right and the way we respond to this to stuff and why we're being so soundly defeated on all fronts right now. Yeah. Is because the left always seeks to empathize or at least that's one of the hallmarks of being on the left is the idea of empathizing with even the people who you don't agree with. Yes. Like, like, why are there so many think pieces of like, oh, we went up to Trump con Trey and we wanted to see how they feel about Trump right now as Trump is fucking over their lives. Yeah, like who gives a
Dan (01:20:05.000)
shit? Right. It's empathizing and understanding to a fault.
Jordan (01:20:09.000)
Exactly. We're trying to understand them and to see if there's some way that we can get through to them.
Dan (01:20:15.000)
Do you understand that? That's why I'm going back to June of 2015. Just study Alex Jones from the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy, right? It's exactly that I want to understand, right? I want to understand what happened to him,
Jordan (01:20:29.000)
right? But if you're on the right, you don't, you don't want to understand it.
Dan (01:20:34.000)
Now. You want to capitalize on a demonize you want to, and it's not
Jordan (01:20:37.000)
something that you want to use to support yourself. It's something that you want to use to reinforce your black and white belief. Not not, you know, like that. But
Dan (01:20:47.000)
what isn't true or untrue.
Jordan (01:20:49.000)
Exactly. Be the absolutes. Yeah, that's what you're always trying to reinforce that we're good. And they're evil. Yeah. And so anything that we determined to be evil is so bad that we don't care.
Dan (01:21:03.000)
Well, I mean, even think about like, I think
Jordan (01:21:06.000)
like, like he just said, I don't know why I'm supposed to care about
Dan (01:21:09.000)
this. It's nine people dead. Who cares? Yeah.
Jordan (01:21:12.000)
I don't know why. Yeah, exactly like it. But why do I care? I don't need to empathize with people. I don't need to know how these people would feel. I don't care
Dan (01:21:21.000)
because he refuses to take things in their proper context, of course, because he lacks reading comprehension. He lacks fact integration abilities, those sorts of things. So as I mentioned, at the top of this episode, this episode is an exercise in Alex Jones trying to find his foothold. He's climbing up a mountain, essentially, the mountain that is propped up in front of him. He had no idea that this mountain was coming. It's the world has put a giant roadblock in his way. And he's got to get over it somehow. Right. And so he's trying he's trying to figure out, is the argument going to be this is fake? Is it going to be this guy's crazy? Is it going to be about medication? Is it going to be all of these past instances? What am I gonna do fuck, and nothing is really sticking until at the end of the episode, towards the end of the episode, he has Reverend Childress on for an interview. And then
Jordan (01:22:18.000)
a child wrist is the Sherpa that lets him climb Mount false flag.
Dan (01:22:22.000)
Exactly. And this clip is long, and we're gonna pause whenever you need to. It's about five minutes long. But the reason that I kept it as one clip is because it shows a metamorphosis. You can hear Alex figuring it out and being like this the plant this plant, and it's something that's really interesting is that like, he is that adaptable, the in the moment he's like, Oh, there's the key there. Got it. And also, I should note that Jakari Jackson is sitting in at this point, completely silent. He says maybe a couple of words. And whenever he starts talking to Alex cuts them off Jesus Christ Alex might be part of my ongoing study of why Jakari quit. But this this is this is wild. This I really think this is revealing the
Jordan (01:23:09.000)
trials and travails of Jakari Jackson,
Reverend Childress (01:23:12.000)
this is done just before the Juneteenth Juneteenth celebrations this weekend. Ah, you will have the nation African Americans just gathering together for black pride. A lot of it is basically some of it to blame the established order for our issues and problems, but they're going to be gathered
Alex Jones (01:23:36.000)
I'm gonna skip this break is too important. I'm sorry, last break. I'm skipping but please continue. This is bombshell. So everybody gets together gets motivated, and then is directed by Obama go out to the guns. So take the tragedy, take all the pain, the whole history of abuse, and then fuse it in as a weapon of anti gun. It's genius. It's perfect timing.
Reverend Childress (01:23:55.000)
Well, yes. I hate to say it's evil genius. But it's genius. Because you have some of these speakers at these rallies that are basically let's face it. I'm an African American, they hate America and they will take this this will be the topic of every speech and every celebration across America. This thing
Alex Jones (01:24:17.000)
Wow, you really tied it all together. Last night. I've been talking about after having an ominous bad feeling. I'm sorry. You've been saying that for a while and I said I think it can be race war because I can see all this hype and by race warming everybody idiots white and black killing each other won't be like a general like everybody kills each other mutants eukaryote get in a fistfight. But but they're hyping this discord hyping this manipulation, fucking and I was on the Red Guard website, Facebook and I was looking at their LA chapter in their Oregon chapter. And it was like the time has come and the only good pigs a dead pig. were warming up or getting ready and then I learned their foundation funded, they got professors handling them, and they're really coming out of dry ice activating everywhere.
Jordan (01:25:02.000)
That idea of so that's that's kind of brilliant there that that they've got professors handling them. Yeah. Because that ties all of it together. It's not look, it's it's again, it's the elites. It's the elites manipulating all of these people that
Dan (01:25:18.000)
even goes back to John rapa ports. Colleges are breaking institutions. Exactly. Yeah,
Jordan (01:25:23.000)
all of this stuff of like, there and again, it provides him more covered underneath that, like, No, it's not a race situation, these black people would also be on our side if they weren't being funded and manipulated, and all of these things. So it's not race, I'm not racist, I am against being manipulated. And these people, we need to wake them up so that we can all come together well, we need to let them know that their problems have nothing to do with race,
Dan (01:25:58.000)
I would be remiss if I didn't point out that what he's talking about is like the Red Guard, and like, these organizations aren't necessarily all black. There's also white people who are being misled by these professionals, of course, because that's something that he thinks is even worse, there's all the well, because they're traitors to the team. Well, why is it you wouldn't put it that way. But underneath the surface, it's always like, that's the thing that's blacked out white people. That's the thing that always gets me that they never quite crossed that line of understanding like, hey, this isn't about race, but somehow, I'm angrier at White people who aren't supporting me. Yeah. Like,
Jordan (01:26:35.000)
don't you don't second think, maybe, if I think of these people as traitors, I think of those people as the bad guys.
Dan (01:26:45.000)
And conversely, the people who are fighting against them as the good guy. Exactly. Which is even more murky. That's even worse. Yeah,
Jordan (01:26:52.000)
by by the idea of you saying I don't like this more. That is revealing what it is that you're doing.
Dan (01:26:59.000)
It shows where your priorities are. Absolutely.
Jordan (01:27:04.000)
I don't think we should have a race war, but I'm just angry or when my race is against me.
Dan (01:27:08.000)
Yeah. Yeah, that's a good. Also, I want to say that I fucking love Jakari Jackson's voice. He has got a great voice. I like listening back to these episodes. I'm pissed. He's not still luck. Dude. has got a bomb radio voice. Yeah, it's so great. And watching him just ambivalently sit there silently, while Alex pontificates great, because it seems like he wants to be like, Wow. But he never does.
Jordan (01:27:43.000)
He doesn't want to be fired.
Alex Jones (01:27:46.000)
And that's just a sign like a fever blister right rising up, or eczema that you're sick inside. The sores are coming up. And the super hardcore left is like activating right now and getting ready to make their move and the red flags are coming out. I'm telling you this summer is going to be big and I if I hide this enough, then racist blacks are going to kill whites, racist whites are gonna kill blacks, mentally ill people are gonna start doing stuff. And they could really kick something off. I'm really concerned.
Reverend Childress (01:28:14.000)
And it's also two weeks, three weeks away from the NAACP convention in Philadelphia. Perfect timing, where I will be to do my thing. But we won't talk about well, Reverend
Alex Jones (01:28:25.000)
shoulders impart more deep knowledge and discernment on us because this just makes me nauseated to see his played, whether it was staged or not. They're going to use the crisis to to to go out to the guns and stir everybody up and divert from the anti human agenda that's particularly aimed at Black people from the globalist
Reverend Childress (01:28:43.000)
I will clearly say this, and there's not a person in America that could doubt me on this, that if you are going to do something like this, this is the perfect time people are making their speeches now, what they're going to say Saturday, and some begin on Friday, even all for the weekend. So if you're going to have a theme across America, Thursday's perfect to African Americans, this is this is the day, this is the day we we finalize our sermons for the Pope. This, this is it. And I'm saying to myself who was doing this, I don't want to really believe who's doing it. But it's obvious people who are very well, well, well endowed, well, you know, situate X and are in a position to profit from it. So I was on the phone this morning when I heard about whether we discussed this ministerial plea. I said come on. Look at the timing on this. Look at look at who's doing it look, that speech he gave as he left what will course will now be being said across America, and now they
Alex Jones (01:29:49.000)
admit he was on this amnesic drug. Oh yeah. Mind control drug.
Jakari Jackson (01:29:55.000)
This guy doesn't seem that smart to pull it off. I agree with what Reverend chill
Alex Jones (01:29:59.000)
takes off. A lot of will I don't mean to interrupt, it takes a lot of will to reload and can kill nine people and
Jakari Jackson (01:30:04.000)
just echo off what he was saying, you know, yeah, he may very well had these tendencies to go out here and do this. But if let's say he was in his white supremacy group or whatever, and he mentioned just as people like, well, if you're going to do it, you may try to do it. You know, this week, you know,
Alex Jones (01:30:18.000)
just man they would have a federal handler in there like it it ELOHEEM sunny Southern Poverty Law Center, winding everybody up.
Jakari Jackson (01:30:25.000)
Yeah, it's he made some
Reverend Childress (01:30:26.000)
great points. months ago this was was was plan they, you know, you have a very, very skilled enemy. months ago, this kid is was prep for this. This week. And this there's events going on in Selma. This weekend. There's events going on in every major
Alex Jones (01:30:47.000)
movies have come out everything has been timed just like Pearl Harbor came out right before 911. And again, I'm not sure the government did 911 They are they allowed to take place that's now been basically linked and declassified, you can see the whole rollout for children's I'm so glad I got you on because crystallized it all for me.
Dan (01:31:05.000)
Is there. I mean, that was a fucking long clip. And I apologize, but I think it played it's better if it plays as a whole because you can see his mindset transforming Yeah, entirely from Oh, fuck, we figured it out. Here's how we do it. This Reverend Childress has given me a couple pieces of important information that I would have no way of knowing otherwise. He's weaving them into a conspiracy tap tapestry. And I'm going to put that over my dinner table and make it set piece right. I lost myself.
Jordan (01:31:36.000)
I don't know where that metaphor went, but I'm happy I lost myself in it. I believe you. But he,
Dan (01:31:40.000)
I mean, that's, that's 100% What's going on the whole rest of the episode. He's been trying to figure out how to make this cohesive. And now he has this interview with a minister who tells him Juneteenth is coming up. And that Thursdays are when you formalize your speeches for the pulpit on Sunday. Yep. And he's like, Oh, fuck, and I'll be honest, I mean, childless is wave. Like, he's on board. Like, he's the one who, like I'm not saying that he's being manipulated to Alex's agenda. He's on board with it. I
Jordan (01:32:12.000)
think he's, I think he's like, like they're spiraling together. Yeah. Like each of them is coming at it from a different angle and they're just spinning towards each other like the toilet bowl of lunacy that they're together and
Dan (01:32:23.000)
well it's like childhood threw up an alley up for Alex today yeah, that's that's basically it also he runs a website called Black
Jordan (01:32:34.000)
Fan Boy, you just sure can throw genocide into whatever it is you want to say now
Dan (01:32:39.000)
I believe he is also one of he has a lot of feelings about the the abortion being a genocidal thing and religion so in a dough I think that is super interesting because you get this sense that Alex Jones is all his brain is always working in terms of like trying to figure out how to how to spin things up till that point up to the interviewer he did the best he could he brought up these other instances like Timothy McVeigh, Unabomber Serhan Serhan and shit he brought he brought them up and he was doing his best he could but he couldn't quite figure out how to make it like this instance why what is what is going on other than the idea of creating a race war which is what Dylann Roof said he wanted to do right so that would just be like Oh no, that's a racist who's trying to
Jordan (01:33:31.000)
well the fascinating thing about his his bringing up all of those other things is that they were all uniformly right wing terror attacks.
Dan (01:33:40.000)
But what about Sirhan Sirhan?
Jordan (01:33:43.000)
Okay, that kind of been I'll give I'll give him that. And even
Dan (01:33:45.000)
the Aurora shooter is is more just a crazy person that didn't have political leanings necessarily. I don't think it didn't. I don't think so. I
Jordan (01:33:55.000)
think it was sold as a Batman thing. But if I recall, well, maybe it was just he was you know what you might be right. He was just trying to kill as many people as he could. So he chose he chose that theater not because of the Batman thing but because he wanted to murder people
Dan (01:34:10.000)
then he played it up yeah, he played up to the theme right he was going to carry Joker
Jordan (01:34:14.000)
and all that stuff. Yeah. But and but a lot of okay, so fine. The the point that I'm I want to make Unabomber point that I want to make still stands is that Ruby Ridge with with that Waco, you have the luxury of the general consciousness of thinking of those not as right wing terror attacks. Those are not the same thing as the way that we think about any kind of mass shooting with a Muslim involved with it. It's always a terror attack. White people can pull these right wing terror attacks, which are the most common form of terrorism in the United States. White people doing right wing murderers you That's the most common form of terrorism happens a bit. And even though he brings up these very similar right wing terror attacks, you don't associate the two together, because he gets to pull this stuff on Dylann Roof as being a guy trying to incite a race for a guy trying to do all these other things are possible false flag all of this shit. But it's never then brought back to the fact that it is this same right wing terrorism as a Timothy McVeigh. It's the same bullshit. But the luxury of white people murdering is you get to treat each one as if it's individual. Right. That is that that is privilege. I think that's the point that I'm trying to make. It took a long way to get there that's privileged
Dan (01:35:44.000)
to a certain extent, but I also think I slightly disagree with you. Okay. Just in the sense that I don't think Dylann Roof had evolved political leanings. I think he from everything that I've read about him, was just a radicalized bigot. Like I think he was just how does that not have political leanings does, but not in the same way as Timothy McVeigh, like Timothy McVeigh was wrong about a lot of stuff. Right. But most of what motivated him was a feeling that most of the work of the government was oppressive to the individual. Yeah, that sort of thing. To me that has, maybe it's just because it directly involves the government
Jordan (01:36:24.000)
as just a race,
Unknown Speaker (01:36:27.000)
right. So so
Jordan (01:36:28.000)
that's you. Then like a que que que kind of situation, right? Which is more along the lines of what Dylann Roof was,
Dan (01:36:36.000)
the kk k had political leanings themselves. So exactly. But
Jordan (01:36:40.000)
I don't see any way that you can kill a specific if you can go into a black church and kill those people without having all of the political connotations that it
Dan (01:36:53.000)
it is involved. Let me defend myself slightly on my disagreement with you. Okay. I think that that was second stage, second stage in his motivations, because he wanted to start a race war. But the reason he wanted to,
Jordan (01:37:05.000)
he wanted to get fucked, and he couldn't. So then he started a race third stage. That's all we that's what we
Dan (01:37:09.000)
all third stage wanted to get fucked. Then couldn't had to start a race war, right. But the third step beyond that is to reform the government that should be oppressing blacks more or whatever, in his conception. Yeah. But that's secondary to his actual motivations, which were culturally racist, right. Whereas with Timothy McVeigh, I sincerely believe from everything I understand his primary motivations were against directly the state of the government. And so,
Jordan (01:37:36.000)
yeah, but see, here's the
Dan (01:37:37.000)
here's the again, I'm making a here's a small point,
Jordan (01:37:40.000)
but the point that I'm making is exactly that. Okay, you are looking into these things specifically enough to find the differences between them. Now, you go to a new story today, a Muslim person kills Christians, or a Muslim person blows up a mall for capitalism, right? Are those going to be researched thoroughly? Or are they both going to be tied to, you know, Islamic terrorists?
Dan (01:38:12.000)
Oh, well, now you're talking about sort of reporting as a whole, I would look at them differently, certainly, in the same way that I'm looking at these two different that is, that is yes. But culturally, you're right.
Jordan (01:38:24.000)
That is my point. Like, yes, yes, of course, you would, because because I would, yeah, in the same way. But the point is, in the larger consciousness, they would be lumped together, whereas these two are not totally. So now. Oh, God, that took a long time to get to. I feel like that's my fault.
Dan (01:38:40.000)
No, it's not. It's both of our fault, because we have a slight disagreement, but mostly agreement. But let's, let's now, take a moment to eat some parsley, because we're done with the Charleston portion of the show. All right, thank God, Charleston will come up again. In a future episode. God dammit, sorry. But for now, for the rest of this episode. We're done with it. And to cleanse our palate. I have a clip here.
Jordan (01:39:05.000)
We're just going to listen to Al's murder peacocks for about 20 minutes. Nope.
Dan (01:39:09.000)
This is this is a clip of Alex talking about some of his run ins with cops.
Jordan (01:39:15.000)
Yes, that I am back on board. I don't think edit out the prior hour and 45 minutes of the show. I just want to listen to this.
Dan (01:39:23.000)
I don't think he's telling the truth about any of this. But there we go.
Alex Jones (01:39:26.000)
I mean, I've been to jail from protesting and had him in the Travis County Jail. For no reason. Did smart off nothing. Run my head in the wall, give me a little bruise on that heart. And then the end of the jail because I'm killing too much of a man. I have the New York police when they arrest me for protesting, take my handcuffs off in the jail Bay, five cops and go you want to do something? Go ahead and make a swing and then sit there and start talking trash to me. And I was like, Are you kidding us that he really about to attack me and say I attacked you? I said Whatever
Jordan (01:40:00.000)
he watched the show oz.
Dan (01:40:02.000)
No, I think it's that scene with bird from the wire. Oh, yeah,
Jordan (01:40:05.000)
you're right. Because you're right. Yeah, that's bullshit. Yeah. But anyway, he cannot tell the difference between truth and fantasy.
Dan (01:40:14.000)
The clip is not done. He has more stuff to say. But at the same time, it's like, that didn't happen. No,
Jordan (01:40:19.000)
of course it didn't happen with that. So that's a movie. Yeah, exactly.
Dan (01:40:23.000)
Or that's
Alex Jones (01:40:24.000)
literally the wire. Yep. And they had some guy come up and taught me in the jail cell.
Jordan (01:40:28.000)
You got a small dick, Alex.
Alex Jones (01:40:31.000)
And I'm not going to go into that. The point is it wasn't because I was the most more light in that precinct. And I was white. Why have you got some mentally ill jerks who want power who get in there. And instead of running them out of the department, they're trying to put them in departments, many cities, but I use that power. Maybe there's a stereotype that black people commit more crimes because of the type of crime and what's happening is culture. So it's true. But but and there's probably some racism too. But in the final equation, little bit. Having a war with the police is about bringing in chaos. So
Dan (01:41:05.000)
no one wants a war with the police. No, nobody does. No, even militant groups don't want a war with the police. No, that is there is no one
Jordan (01:41:16.000)
want. That is that is and it goes back again. If you push people far enough, they will think this is the only option I have sure that's it. Yeah, that's what it is. Nobody wants this. What people want is justice. Yeah. If that if that fucking murderer who killed Terrence crunch terrorists? Terrence goddamnit. I'm sorry. Who killed Terrence? If she went to prison for life? Nobody would be like, Oh my god, now we got to get all the cops people would be celebrating because they would feel like fuck, we can trust the justice system a little bit more. That would be the celebration, it wouldn't be that this bitch goes to jail. No, it would be that thankfully, we can finally trust the justice system a little bit more. That's it. Nobody wants. Nobody wants to kill cops. But people really don't want to be killed by cops.
Dan (01:42:13.000)
Yeah. Yep, God. And that's the nuance that's lacking in Alex Jones understanding of the world.
Jordan (01:42:18.000)
But so many people's understanding of the world.
Dan (01:42:21.000)
Now we get to the next phase of this. June 18, episode and 2015. As I mentioned, the reason that I went back here, and I had forgotten that Trump's announcement and the Charleston shooting were so close together, I had forgotten that as well. So that was a real surprise to me. And it's just something that I knew we needed to cover if we were going to be talking about this. That's one
Jordan (01:42:45.000)
of those things where you look back on it and you're like, Oh, is that like the demon sacrifice that leaped that launched Trump into the fucking atmosphere?
Dan (01:42:54.000)
Well, I mean, think about it, he announced his candidacy on the 16th. And then on the 17th was the Charleston shooting and also on the 17th was when he said that comment about Mexican Mexicans Yeah, the bring their rapists. I'm sure some of them were some of the people are good people. I'm paraphrasing God, how
Jordan (01:43:14.000)
did oh, so luck, America.
Dan (01:43:17.000)
The reason that I look all the reason that I embarked on this me Exploration and Analysis is because I wanted to know where down the line Alex decided to support Trump right now. That is my primary focus in this investigation, I will find the exact day and then we will understand maybe a little more, probably not, but I'm going to try
Jordan (01:43:39.000)
you will find the exact day you will also write the date and shit on your wall. Probably you will have lost your mind will be blood. I will have Navy people take you out of here and put you into a white van.
Dan (01:43:51.000)
Yeah, then I'll be like I got a chip.
Jordan (01:43:55.000)
So then the show will be very pro Alex Jones. So I'm gonna
Dan (01:43:58.000)
show up my toilets gonna be full of concrete. It's gonna be crazy. So what I did find in this episode, which, like I said is two days after Trump has announced his candidacy. He ends of the show with an interview with a guy named Larry Nichols. Are you aware of Larry Nichols at all?
Jordan (01:44:17.000)
I recall the name. I don't know that node.
Dan (01:44:21.000)
Larry is a Clinton Insider.
Jordan (01:44:24.000)
Oh, fuck me. I'm already you. Oh, all right. All right, let's do this. I'm gonna sit down. I'm gonna buckle into my chair and we're gonna fucking make it through Clinton insider bullshit. Let's
Dan (01:44:37.000)
go. Alex Jones has interviewed him, as Alex says maybe 20 to 30 times over the years, but hasn't been on in a long time because the threat of the Clintons hasn't existed. Right. The reason that I think that this interview is incredibly important is because his support of Trump is clearly based on a hatred of Hillary And
Jordan (01:45:00.000)
Well, that was Yeah, but we can that was large scale support for Trump.
Dan (01:45:05.000)
But we can crystallize that based on the fact that Trump has announced his candidacy two days before this. He has no interest in him. Right. He has not mentioned him at all. Right now he has
Jordan (01:45:15.000)
this point even to Alex Trump is still a joke.
Dan (01:45:17.000)
And in the same way that that interview with Reverend Childress was transformational, in Alex's being able to call it a false flag. This interview with Larry Nichols, I believe, is fully transformative, and sets the stage for Alex accepting Trump as a potential candidate. Really, this interview is incredibly fucked up. And really scary. And once I break down to you throughout the course of this, just who Larry Nichols is, it's going to become even worse. I'm going to let the first clip play. And you can see the beginnings of the interview, what this guy is all about.
Alex Jones (01:46:00.000)
We know bad stuffs coming. What do you see happening?
Larry Nichols (01:46:03.000)
Well, it's exactly what you and I had talked about years ago, thankfully, thanks to you. In other programs. We stopped. You know, Bill was huge. And if you'll recall, Alex Jackson, Reverend Jesse Jackson was to spoke supposed to start riots in major cities. And then Bill Clinton would of course have to declare martial law. And once they get the Provisional Government rule in the NIT, they get to be King forever.
Jordan (01:46:33.000)
What are you talking about making
Larry Nichols (01:46:34.000)
it public one now? We've got problems. There festering it up? And no, you are so right. It's not about race, Alex Green. Yeah, there's the underpinning of race. The folks, all of this that's going on is about power, power. And the Clintons absorb power. Like we take in some fat. The thing that's going on today, you have to be so careful. So very careful, because at anytime, you know, they're going to start different that we build from back as somebody gets Mike as my guys go for more blackouts, and then you end up in this total chaos. And when that happens, all bets are off. And whoever is sitting folks, whoever is any power, when this thing collapses, they become king or queen.
Dan (01:47:33.000)
Yep. So that's sort of his introduction.
Jordan (01:47:35.000)
So that that is like, whoever's in power gets to become king or queen is like, hey, finally, Trump is in power, and he gets to become king.
Dan (01:47:45.000)
Well, it's not Yeah, that's not their conception. Also, I am Larry Nichols.
Jordan (01:47:49.000)
of white people with Southern accents, telling me it's not about race not about
Dan (01:47:53.000)
race. Yeah, how it guys it's bad optics,
Jordan (01:47:57.000)
guys. Come on. Yeah. You have a southern accent at the very least hide it better.
Dan (01:48:03.000)
Boy. Howdy. I'll tell you it's not Oh, yeah. Oh, no, it
Jordan (01:48:07.000)
ain't about razor on hair,
Dan (01:48:08.000)
Foghorn Leghorn telling you. It's not about the chicken.
Jordan (01:48:11.000)
It's always the people who fucking want that race war so much, who say, Oh, well, it's gonna start the tit for tat. Yeah, then we're going to be justified. It's just gonna start the war, and it's just gonna go back and forth. And then it's gonna be, hey, we don't have a choice. And the choice
Dan (01:48:28.000)
and the way they always presented his blacks do something and then whites have to respond to retaliation. It's never it's never about the systematic racism that's going on. Causes like people to mostly legitimately just protest. Hey, that causes that shit. Yeah, it doesn't cause murders, but it causes a centrally protest. Nobody
Jordan (01:48:50.000)
is fucking protesting, because shit is going so great.
Dan (01:48:56.000)
Yeah. And no one's protesting because they want freebies or some shit. No. So I agree with you. Larry is bad optics. And
Jordan (01:49:06.000)
I'm not a big fan of Larry so far. So I
Dan (01:49:09.000)
cut out a bunch of shit because it was nonsense. It was just about like Vince Foster getting
Jordan (01:49:12.000)
more Mr. Nichols if you're racist, or if you're nasty.
Dan (01:49:16.000)
There's a bunch of shit that I cut out about, like Vince Foster's murder. Right. And how Larry Nichols along with?
Jordan (01:49:24.000)
I think that's one thing that we do need to stop. We need to stop calling it Vince Foster's murder. Right. Sorry. See, I agree. Do you see how you get that? You get that narrative? You're already on the defensive by calling it Vince Foster's murder. I should have called that of death. We're talking about Vince Vince Foster suicide
Dan (01:49:42.000)
and foster is very suspicious suicide he's not suspicious at all suicide.
Jordan (01:49:45.000)
It is a little weird. It is a little weird in the same way that the Fox News Fox are making that one dude Seth Rich. Yeah, I wasn't gonna say his name because fuck you if you think that matters, but it's the same way that there was Let's you frame the conversation that way. Now, before I even start talking to you, I'm on the defense. Well,
Dan (01:50:06.000)
the only difference is that Vince Foster did kill himself. And yeah, so Vince Foster's
Jordan (01:50:11.000)
murder, suicide. Vince, Seth Rich was murdered. I agree.
Dan (01:50:17.000)
So it's a little different if there's either contextualizing his actual murder in a bad way, as opposed to
Jordan (01:50:24.000)
inventing a murder whole cloth, yes. But it's still that same conspiracy bent of it was a murder because of this,
Dan (01:50:31.000)
right? What's more important is that Larry is coming on the show. And he has, he has a very specific message for Alex. And it's incredibly fucked up. And I think it's, you can see it, if you watch the video of this episode, you can see Alex start to get it. You can see the pieces and the cogs in his brain start to move. And this clip is really where it like you can you can just see it in his face. Like I'm starting to get it. I am a Savior. I am the Savior of the world. So you think
Jordan (01:51:08.000)
this is a full on Jesus complex thing that's being developed over time
Dan (01:51:12.000)
listen to this clip and tell me I'm wrong. Okay? Remember,
Larry Nichols (01:51:15.000)
these people have certain bones they won't connect gonna get them. And the reason Alex I think can testify to it because I told him years ago, 20 something years ago of the goals that they were going to accomplish. And here they are, oh,
Jordan (01:51:32.000)
home country races not
Alex Jones (01:51:34.000)
write down some of their goals, what they want, who they work for where they're going?
Larry Nichols (01:51:38.000)
Well, right now what they want is to get absolute control of government. Because once you control government to make the rules the next thing they want to do they want to move us into for more continent candidate was not funny, but here you got Bernie Sanders a socialist running against Hillary, nobody will tell the truth you got to socialist against communists society and they want to take the Middle East because if you can destabilize the Middle East Alex knew this many years ago, you can destabilize the Middle East.
Jordan (01:52:25.000)
Stabilize the Middle East. Boy that was a hard sell. Let's pause there for I don't know if you can sell I don't know if you could destabilize the Middle East. That's the the goal you're going for Jesus Christ,
Dan (01:52:36.000)
figure out how to achieve that goal
Jordan (01:52:38.000)
has Trump brought peace to the Middle East yet to defend the Russian narrative recording
Dan (01:52:43.000)
this over the weekend. He's on his trip. And At press time he has stalled not deliberately still not as well. He's still probably cause a World War. God. Stephen Miller is writing that speech. That's insane. I don't
Jordan (01:52:57.000)
nothing is real. Nothing is real. Yeah. So I mean, the we hate Muslims, but this speech is going to bring us all together. Yeah. Thanks to Stephen Miller. Noted. race baiting Muslim hater.
Dan (01:53:08.000)
So yeah, destabilizing the Middle East. That's their end goal. Congratulations.
Jordan (01:53:13.000)
You guys. Do you guys before before he even started, you did a great job
Dan (01:53:17.000)
before America was even like a kernel of an idea. in people's minds. The Middle East was in trouble. Like in the Bible, it's in trouble. So like that in the Quran, it's in trouble. Yeah, so that's, that's weird. But now the the end of this clip gets to my point about Alex and his suppose it place in the world. Gotcha.
Larry Nichols (01:53:40.000)
So all of this is moving that away. And Hillary, man make a prediction. Number one get Luscombe, the Republican nomination for president for the Republicans. And Hillary gonna be the next president. Unless, Alex, you You ready get on a bolt of lightning and somehow can get the Tea Party to rise up together. And stop it.
Jordan (01:54:05.000)
Jesus fucking Christ. So you see there. That was that was the call to action for our our hero is our hero's journey. Right there you that was the call to action? Yeah, yeah. This is some Joseph Campbell's straight out of the fucking Central Casting kind of shit.
Dan (01:54:21.000)
So now it's time to talk about Larry Nichols. Who is this triangle. He voiced old man on the phone.
Jordan (01:54:28.000)
This fucking just personification of old white southern privileged white dude.
Dan (01:54:33.000)
He presents himself as someone who was with Bill Clinton from the beginning from before he was ever in office.
Jordan (01:54:42.000)
Right. So he's Arkansas, Ian. He is okay.
Dan (01:54:45.000)
But the reality is that there's no evidence that his relationship with Bill Clinton predates Bill Clinton being Governor okay of Arkansas. He was hired by Bill Clinton when he was governor in 1988. He was hired as the marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. The Associated Press reported that he made 642 long distance calls on state expense on behalf of the Contras in Nicaragua. She says, Dude, these calls were real. These calls were made to Nicaragua for real, and to senators and politicians who supported the Contras for real FOR REAL Jesus coming and doing two calls that are easily traced. Because of this. Clinton fired him. Oh, yeah. So he got fired. Immediately,
Jordan (01:55:38.000)
insider Nichols, insider Nichols, Sue, he got fired for being too close to that trove,
Dan (01:55:43.000)
making too many close phone calls Vince Foster. So Nichols sued Clinton for improper dismissal and use this as a platform to smear Clinton during his 1990 re election campaign. Much of what we know now is the Clinton conspiracies come directly from Larry Nichols. Almost all of it,
Jordan (01:56:02.000)
really the Vince Foster The
Dan (01:56:05.000)
Yep, the idea of the MENA Arkansas airport, the drug running that was going through that. Yeah, it all came from him. He brought forth a bunch of women who Bill was having affairs with some of them real some of them not right on January
Jordan (01:56:17.000)
yet which before we go any further, nobody's nobody here between the two of you. Between between the two of us is going to say that Bill Clinton is not at the very least. Mostly a rapist. Yeah, totally. He's a super rapist. He's
Dan (01:56:32.000)
He's a real bad bro.
Jordan (01:56:33.000)
He's a real bad bro.
Dan (01:56:35.000)
But at the same time, even really terrible people can be the victims of misinformation campaigns. Yeah. And I would like Bill Clinton to be responsible for the things that he has done.
Jordan (01:56:45.000)
I would like him to be held responsible.
Dan (01:56:47.000)
That's what I mean. Yeah, exactly. But at the same time, the stuff that's not true is is absolutely irresponsible. And it has poisoned our discourse. Absolutely. So in January, or on January 25 1992, Nichols announced that he was dropping his lawsuit against Bill Clinton. He said, why he said, quote, it is time to call the fight I have with Bill Clinton over I set out to destroy him for what I believed happened to me. Interesting.
Jordan (01:57:13.000)
He waged a war and wound up winning
Dan (01:57:18.000)
in the long run, sir. Yeah. So anyway, I want to talk more shit on Larry Nichols. Yeah, that's right. So in 2013, Nichols dropped a bombshell on the Pete Santilli show, which is a right wing radio show. Pete Santilli is he still around? He very calmly admitted that he had murdered people on command for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Yeah, he admitted he had committed murders. So hold on, quote. This is a quote. They sent me overseas to kill people for them, and told me it was for the good of the country. So when they asked me to do it for them in the States, it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money. And I didn't even give a shit about the women I beat and the men I murdered. The Clintons are bad people. And I did. Wait, what?
Jordan (01:58:01.000)
Whoa, wait,
Dan (01:58:02.000)
hold on. Let me finish. All right. The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them. I had to live with all with that for all these years, and I just don't care anymore. Who knows it? How's that quote? Great. It sounds
Jordan (01:58:16.000)
like you didn't really have to struggle with that internal problem at all killed a bunch. I killed a bunch of people overseas. So then I did it here and I don't really care. That's a psychopath. That's what a psychopath says.
Dan (01:58:28.000)
Yeah. I assume the killing people overseas like he was in the military. I don't know that to be sure. Exactly.
Jordan (01:58:34.000)
But then then he said he killed people here too. So it's not a straight up murderers. Yeah, he just murdered, murdered and said he didn't care. But and then he said, then he was like, Oh, I had to live with it. No, clearly you did not.
Dan (01:58:49.000)
But this that was on that was in 2013. On a right wing radio show. He was interviewed by Mother Jones in 2015. Oh, in April of 2015. And this is a quad This is a quote from the article of the original band of Clinton hunters only Nichols kept up the ruse doing interviews with fringe right wing radio hosts even boasting in 2013 that he had been Bill's personal hitman, which he now says he didn't mean and wouldn't have said if he hadn't been on painkillers.
Jordan (01:59:21.000)
Oh, I couldn't. Oh, Magus has not taken a few Vikatan and then admitted to murder. What look he who is without like it and cast the first stone
Dan (01:59:37.000)
cast the first pill. What a stupid asshole.
Jordan (01:59:43.000)
Oh, God. The fact that you can just walk that shit back is so infuriating, best
Dan (01:59:50.000)
case scenario. He is a murderer. Yeah, who has a pill problem and then doubles back on it and pretends our God and me to say that worst case scenario which As the most realistic scenario, he's a complete liar and a drug addict inveterate doesn't give a shit psychopath who was fired by Bill Clinton got really mad at him and started trying to run his life and because everyone, not everyone, but a lot of people hate him and hate liberalism and I hate Hillary Clinton with a fiery passion, because they hate women. Because of that, they will glom on to these theories. And they're like, oh, no, yeah, all this shit is true. Vince Foster Mina, all this? Oh, yeah. And it's all coming from this asshole. I want to say a few more things. Tell me a few more things. So I read this entire Mother Jones article in the
Jordan (02:00:42.000)
speak in this voice again. This article, okay, was from
Dan (02:00:45.000)
April 2015. Okay, which if you're keeping track, is two months before the episode of Alex Jones's show that we're listening to. I am keeping track. The things that we've heard him say on Alex Jones's show up till this point, have been pretty harshly anti Hillary Clinton. Yes, very much about how they're going to destroy the world. It's him keeping up the room and a couple of the other clips that I'm going to play later, really bring into focus, how he thinks that Hillary Clinton is going to destroy the world. Now, in this April 5 2015 article a few months before, Here is a quote, this is just a direct quote from the article. But something strange has come over Larry, after six years of watching Barack Hussein Obama cower in the face of Islamist Nichols believes the family he spent two decades touring as cold blooded crooks might just be the only people who can save the country. Oh, for fuck say, quote, I'm not saying I like Hillary. You hear me? He said, defensively. I'm not saying I like Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm not saying anything. I've said I take back, but God helped me. I'm going to have to stand up and tell conservative patriots. We have no choice, no choice, but to give Hillary her shot. Quote, I know she won't flinch. He continued. That's a mean SON OF A BITCH woman that can be laying over for people and say he paraphrased her now infamous response to hostile congressional questioning on the deaths of four Americans in Libya. What the hell difference does it make? He was against Clinton because of Whitewater. He's now voting for her because of Benghazi. Because she was so cold blooded about Benghazi. He thinks she'll be able to take out Muslims. This is a force this Saturday, two months before he's spouting this bullshit in a publication.
Jordan (02:02:35.000)
Holy shit. Yeah. This is the thin man with Nick and Nora, this is just fucking ridiculous.
Dan (02:02:41.000)
It's through the looking glass propaganda. It's we're not use
Jordan (02:02:45.000)
guys will just say anything. Yeah, they just say whatever's politically expedient whatever. Like it's, it's the it's the mark of a psychopath. This is I shouldn't bring psychopath into it. Because that's a very specific diagnosis. And it's
Dan (02:03:01.000)
a record label. Yes. The Juggalos.
Jordan (02:03:05.000)
It is this type of opportunist that seems to have no conscious. No, not at all. Who will just like if you're getting any press, say whatever it is, you think the press wants to hear to bring a positive like to you? Or it's so interesting,
Dan (02:03:19.000)
like, yeah, even if it's not positive, right? Because this Mother Jones reporter can fully document that he went on this show and said that he was Clinton's hitman. And then he said, I was on pills, right and mean that Yeah, so it's not even a positive light. It's just, hey, how do I sell my personal brand?
Jordan (02:03:38.000)
Exactly? Yeah, I just want to I just want you to talk about me. And so I'm going to do whatever it is that makes you talk about me better.
Dan (02:03:46.000)
And I fully don't think that the Clintons are great. I think they have a whole lot of problems. And we have said this even on the show, Bill Clinton deserves to be charged for war crimes. Absolutely. As all of our presidents for the last maybe 40 years, all due at least. But at the same time, he doesn't deserve the touring that he's gotten because of all of these fake shit. It's because of the fake shit. And Hillary gets it way worse, of course, because she's a woman. And because she's irrelevant. This bill is not relevant anymore. Right? He can't become president again. He's kind of a neutral threat. And now Hillary is the one. And in the 2016 election, she was basically the one who had to take all the brunt for all of these conspiracies that mostly had to do with Bill. Right. And most of them come from Larry Nichols, of course.
Jordan (02:04:40.000)
Well, the fascinating thing Infowars guest the fascinating thing is that part of the reason that you invent so much fake shit, is because most of the real shit that you would complain about Hillary like, part of the reason that you have to invent these emails. Part of the reason that you have to invent fence Foster is because the real stuff stuff that you and I disliked about her. That stuff that your guy is guilty of true the stuff that I disliked about Hillary, the super predators stuff, the racism stuff, the all of this stuff, that or just the accepting hundreds of 1000s of dollars to speak for Goldman Sachs, that kind of a thing. That is stuff that I dislike, because it is a legitimate criticism. And if you're on the right, and you dislike that stuff, that is a legitimate criticism. But you have to invent fake shit to hate her because your guy did all of that. And more
Dan (02:05:38.000)
you have to you have to find ways around logical consistency. Yeah. And the only way to do that is to say like, look, they all did that. Yeah, but these Clintons did worse. Yeah,
Jordan (02:05:49.000)
it's not it's not bad that, you know, Hillary took millions of dollars from yada yada. Yeah, she sold the array. Yeah, Russia. Yeah, Trump did the same thing. But Trump didn't kill Vince Foster didn't. So So it's that kind of it's that extra thing. Because if you just if you just criticize the Hillary for the reasons that she should be criticized, your guy doesn't look as good.
Dan (02:06:12.000)
Now. He doesn't look as good kind of falls apart. It does. So let's get back to the clips. Because like in that last one that we played for, we laid out Larry Nichols. He had said, Alex, you
Jordan (02:06:26.000)
are our Savior. You have to if it isn't for you mobilizing the Tea Party, yeah, all of the Patriots will die.
Dan (02:06:33.000)
And the rest of this just becomes a save me Obi Wan. You're our only Yeah, only hope. Yeah, the thing. It's like, I really think that this is foundational. Now here's this is a moment where Alex, kind of
Jordan (02:06:47.000)
he gets it. Okay, I'm gonna listen to this clip. And then I'm gonna ask you a question.
Dan (02:06:51.000)
Okay, here's the next one. This is Larry Nichols, explaining that everything comes down to this 2016 election.
Larry Nichols (02:06:59.000)
All she's got to do is the other thing that we learned and we use every day, Alex, how do you win an election, when you can prove your opposition? Hillary and her power players are controlling the RNC in their making sure somebody like Jeb Bush on earth is going to be the nominee, somebody that cannot meet somebody that cannot possibly activate the conservatives in this country and get them so excited to come out and vote the fixes in the fixes in. Yep. Now not to mention, good sevens. pokier. I've never even seen anybody that drinks a boat machines that has ever had as many people make contributions and vote as I have. This is coming for you. This is coming for this country. This is coming for your children. That's why by God you gotta fight my grandbabies. That's what I got to do what I don't want to do. I'm 65 years old. I want to set that in a pasture somewhere and say, Hey, I've been in the world die. Like you're not going to die alone. Maybe I'll think this is hype or sensationalism. But you better listen to me. You're not going to have a country. When this is done and this thing is going to be in the next election. There won't be another election Alex, all that will happen. Hey, elections in Cuba, don't they? They're not free. They're not fair. Either vote for who they say. I will. Okay.
Dan (02:08:36.000)
So that's his sort of take on what will happen if Hillary wins?
Jordan (02:08:40.000)
God, it's too similar to what happened with Trump. Well, it's, there's you like it, here's the thing. Here's the thing that did happen today. And I ran the reformist party, destroyed, the Conservatives just murdered him. And it was projected to be a close election. What they found out was that young people came out and voted in droves to make sure that Iran opened up like they wanted to an Iran similar to pre 1980s.
Dan (02:09:15.000)
Well, and Russia didn't think they needed to. Yeah, well influence that campaign.
Jordan (02:09:19.000)
Didn't seem like that. Well, we'll see what Khomeini has to say about everything. But but that is that is the interesting thing there is that there is that sliver of hope right now, saying that the 2018 elections will be free and fair, we hope but there is no part of cynical me that doesn't think gerrymandering has only gotten stronger, and they will still retain power, no matter what, regardless of whether or not it's we're gonna kill you at the ballot box. It's more just like, Nope, you're not allowed to vote.
Dan (02:09:51.000)
We're going to redistrict this very strategically figure out exactly how to make sure our party stays on our end. And let's be totally clear that someone But in some ways both parties are very guilty of. But if you look at the history, the conservative Republicans have been way more guilty, of course, but both parties do it, of course. So and well, here's my question, this is this bottom line? Yes. Then this is another important thing that needs to be said. Yeah. Neither of us are lovers of Democrats. No, we just hate the state of the Republic. We,
Jordan (02:10:27.000)
we're, we're I'm not gonna say we, because as much as our politics overlap, I know, there are plenty of things that I believe that maybe you don't want to sign off on.
Dan (02:10:39.000)
I privately.
Jordan (02:10:42.000)
Exactly. But to me, it is that the Democratic party too often allows themselves to be drawn further, right. As the right goes further, right.
Dan (02:10:57.000)
Yeah. And you view that window?
Jordan (02:11:01.000)
Yeah. Rather, rather than fight even hard, like in the tug of war, they get closer and closer to the middle and think that's fine.
Dan (02:11:09.000)
Yeah. But that's, that's exactly the same thing about the the left trying to be overly empathic?
Jordan (02:11:17.000)
Well, I think it's more like Not, not with the left. I mean, with the Democrats, with the Democratic Party, there is the idea of pragmatism as being more important to anything, as opposed to and it becomes a twisted and warped version of pragmatism like that, that nationalistic, you know, disenfranchised vote, that whole thing? Like, there's a reason that Bernie captured a lot of those people totally, because we were primed for that kind of, hey, we've been fucked over. Yeah. And you've helped us fuck people over. Or you've helped us get fucked over. Like all of those things. If you had actually laid out a progressive vision, just like the Obamacare provisions that people keep, like, so long as you don't put it next to Obamacare. A majority of people say, Yes, I agree. existing conditions should be covered.
Dan (02:12:16.000)
I like the things I hate the name.
Jordan (02:12:18.000)
Exactly. Yeah. So if you lay out that actual progressive vision, it's far more pragmatic to getting you elected, then this imaginary idea of what's pragmatic, agreed. And so that's why we have such a huge disconnect with the Democratic Party, or perhaps the Democratic leadership.
Dan (02:12:36.000)
I think I think you're correct. All right.
Jordan (02:12:38.000)
So here's the question what's okay. Nichols? You think? Is that kind of like, germ that starts in Alex.
Dan (02:12:49.000)
I think he's the old Jedi who's coming in. You have a mission. So
Jordan (02:12:52.000)
you're, you're the one who has, you're helping Obi Wan. You're my whole
Dan (02:12:55.000)
I honestly think it's in the next clip I'm going to play. But it's it's it's it's a message that's like, you thought your work is done.
Jordan (02:13:04.000)
Okay. It's not done? Well, here's my question. Do you think Nichols knows how influential Alex is? Is he just throwing darts at the wall saying this to anybody who may be influential? Or is he just jerking Alex off to be on his show?
Dan (02:13:21.000)
No, I think Alex considers him to be a luminary. Because Alex does
Jordan (02:13:26.000)
No, I mean, Nichols. What is Nikhil See, Alex? No,
Dan (02:13:29.000)
no, no, I understand. I only explained the dynamic from the other direction, right to express that I think that Nichols knows he's big dog to Alex, in terms of credibility, okay, but at the same time, he absolutely knows that Alex has a huge platform, okay. I'm sure like he went on that other guy's show and said that he was a fucking killer when he was on pills. He'll go on anybody's show. Right. But he clearly as Alex and him discussed have a decade's long relationship. He knows he's watched Infowars grow to the point that it is. Yeah, he's not he's not just saying this as
Jordan (02:14:11.000)
but maybe maybe the better distillation of my question is, do you think he's trying to use Alex or do you think he's actually do you think he actually believes this? So like, Is he is he jerking Alex off? In an attempt to know in an attempt to be like, now I can manipulate Alex's followers? Or is he saying, Alex, you really do have this influence? And I am, I believe in you that kind of a thing.
Dan (02:14:43.000)
This is something that only his therapist could probably answer. If he has a therapist. I don't think he does. But
Jordan (02:14:50.000)
well, we all know therapists are evil blame brainwashes. Totally. Yeah, they're global. They'll give you vaccines.
Dan (02:14:57.000)
Therapist vaccine Oh therapist, that See, the reason that I answered that ambivalently is because we look at his history. Like I said, he sued Bill Clinton and then said, I dropped the lawsuit because I wanted to destroy him for what I believed happened to me. Right? He claimed to be a hitman. And then later was like, I learned I was just on pills. Right? So who knows where his actual center is? Larry is a person who lacks credibility, because he's clearly allied in public and on conservative radio shows in the past, right? I would say and lied about lying on those shows. Absolutely. I would say that he. Here's why it's difficult. For months before this, or three months before this. He did that interview where he said, We've got to give Hillary a chance we might be able to destroy these Muslims. Yeah. So who knows where his fucking head is at? I think he might still be on pills, quite frankly.
Jordan (02:15:58.000)
I have no idea. Maybe he's found some better. Do we know where he's at now? No, I have no idea. I wonder if he's found better pills. Not
Dan (02:16:04.000)
dead. I do know that. But like that bomber, that quick contradiction of a couple of months just 100% contradiction. I have no idea what he really means. But I glean from the interview, that he respects Alex Jones's audience in as much as they can possibly help him work towards his decades long goal of destroying the Clintons. Okay. And I think that's where he's still on
Jordan (02:16:34.000)
that tip. Yes. Okay. Even though he said in that previous interview, we should give Hillary a chance. He's still going on Alex Jones with that kind of in the back of his head, like, Fuck the Clintons.
Dan (02:16:49.000)
Well, here's the only reason I'm gonna give him a little bit of a wide berth about that, supporting Hillary in the interview, right. The reason he supported her in that interview is that he believes that she's cutthroat cold blooded, and could destroy these Islamist right that he seems to be afraid of net, which she may have been. Well, but But if that is his rationalization for in that interview, supporting Hillary, yeah, it still does kind of match up philosophically with what he's saying in his interview, where he's saying that like, they're going to try and get Jeb Bush in. If there was an alternative that was the person who was going to be cutthroat with these Islamist that he imagines. I think he would be on their side as opposed to Hillary Trump. If Trump had existed as a logical, yeah, counterexample on June 18. Which doesn't. Exactly so that like that part doesn't seem to me to be a logical contradiction. It does. I can see that it does discredit Larry Nichols a bit. Yeah, but only in so much as it's like, okay. You are just really afraid of Muslims.
Jordan (02:18:00.000)
ideologically. He just wants somebody who hates Muslims. Yes. So it would make sense for him to support anybody who he thinks is going to accomplish the goal of fucking over muzzle
Dan (02:18:12.000)
and at the same time, he will accept a deal with the devil, too, because he does believe that the Clintons are the devil. Yeah, in order to accomplish that guy, a non white devil. Yeah, he would be I'd rather deal with these white people I really hate
Jordan (02:18:26.000)
which we all know. Yeah. So non white devil in the bush is better than to non white devils in the hand. I have no idea. That's from the
Dan (02:18:33.000)
Farmers Almanac. So, like, I'm gonna play the rest of these clips, because I really think I mean, most of them are just reinforcing this. Alex Jones is getting his like booster shot. I have to save the world. Yeah, and you can see it in his face. And as much as he barely interrupts Larry. Larry just gets a fucking free birth to talk. Whereas he interrupts everybody else.
Jordan (02:18:59.000)
The only way you get a free birth to talk as if you are sucking Alex Jones is Jesus complex. Dick. Well, you
Dan (02:19:06.000)
already said you're the one who can save us. You are the one. I think I cut it out earlier. But he Larry Nichols says you're the only reason I'm alive. Oh, boy, because I came on your show years ago, and I made it public and otherwise the Clintons would have killed me.
Jordan (02:19:22.000)
Right? Right. Otherwise, I would have been Vince Foster. 2.0 I
Dan (02:19:25.000)
hide in the sunlight. Yes, that sort of thing. Yeah. And so he's playing into Alex's worst impulses, right? And anyway, this next clip is actually philosophically very inconsistent and dumb. But he is trying to express basically the idea of like, could you imagine this scenario 20 years ago? That's sort of his premise. Now let him play it out. And because it's a couple months later, we can just Well, the answer for all of us is no, but also we can be like how
Larry Nichols (02:20:03.000)
20 years ago telling a reporter that's been dedicated or put in the pool reporters that they can attend to the event that a president to nominate for, you know, 20 years ago at once, could you believe somebody could run for President of the United States and OMG for three or four months? I'm not gonna even talk into any questions from anyone.
Dan (02:20:25.000)
So that's, that's problematic for that. But again, he's not supporting Trump at this point.
Jordan (02:20:30.000)
I don't know what to do. I don't even know what to do with that anymore. Because just like, Well, I mean, that exact situation, because just like with everything Trump does now, you can pull a tweet from 2014, where you always do the exact opposite. Yeah, like he's literally everything. It's bananas. Yeah. So there's no, like, hypocrisy is no longer an argument. No, no,
Dan (02:20:54.000)
no, but I want to be clear, it's not really about hypocrisy, this thing that I find really fascinating about this interview, is that it lays the foundation for Alex realizing has to save the world.
Jordan (02:21:06.000)
To me, to me listening to this right now. It really does crystallize the fact and it can no longer be speculation. It is the fact that there are separate realities now. total, complete, complete full breaks between reality, like there's no, there's no bridging those gaps anymore. Because these guys live in a completely separate reality. That that idea of like, well, when Clinton does it, it's evil. Even though Trump is doing it, he's not really doing it. It was only evil. If Clinton did it, it's not really evil. If Trump does it, if Trump does it, it's because it's in service to this larger thing, which means that it doesn't matter what he's doing, so long as it's in service to this larger thing. But Clinton was doing what Trump was doing, but in service to this other. Like it's a complete
Dan (02:22:02.000)
breakdown. Now we get to this idea of separate realities is really interesting, because we get to this, like, the people who are listening to Alex Jones do live in a separate reality completely, because they listened to him. Yeah. Alex is reporting these things from sources like Larry Nichols, or in the past. We talked about Larry C. Johnson. Yeah, that discredited CIA agent. It's always
Jordan (02:22:24.000)
a Larry, there's a lot of weird Larry's a lot of Southern accents going on in the Alex Jones shell.
Dan (02:22:30.000)
So he, so what I'm interested in, and this is where the board with thread is going to come in. Eventually, once I put it on my walls, is
Jordan (02:22:41.000)
your whiteboard with your dry erase markers are is sadly empty,
Dan (02:22:46.000)
right? It's going to come down to like, this is a false reality, but who's exploiting it and who's being exploited by it? Right? To a certain extent. I know Alex Jones is making billions of dollars off this shit. Yeah, but at the same time, he doesn't have the same motivations that Larry Nichols does. Larry Nichols got fucked by Bill Clinton and fired for him calling the Contras rent trying to arrange a bunch of shit like that. And Ragusa. And he took it very personally, and has been on a 30 year campaign to destroy them.
Jordan (02:23:17.000)
Here's the question. Hold on. Okay, sorry. Yeah, sorry, this just popped in my head. So he has all
Dan (02:23:21.000)
these sources that have various as at various axes to grind that if he looked into them at all be like, oh, you can't be on my show. Right? You're not a good source. Right? You can't do this. But because he is okay with the agenda they're pushing. He becomes complicit in that false reality.
Jordan (02:23:41.000)
Well, he's happy with their agenda because their agenda dovetails with it, but the
Dan (02:23:45.000)
false reality is created by these weirdos that come on to his show as opposed to him right. He's the facilitator of the false reality that exists in the mind of his listeners. Right. So basically the people who are the the like progenitors of the virus? Are the people like Larry Nick,
Jordan (02:24:01.000)
the meme, if you will. Sure. God dammit, I will never forgive that. Fuck.
Dan (02:24:08.000)
That's that course. He just learned to pronounce words
Jordan (02:24:10.000)
learn to pronounce meme.
Dan (02:24:12.000)
So don't be a dick. I'm becoming ultimately way more fascinated in the idea of the information funnel, the sources that these things come from to Alex. Now granted, he's like, I'm never going to let him off the hook. He's complicit and a lot of it falls into his pre packaged narratives right? But he would not be able to push it at all without feigning credibility for people like the two Larry's Yes.
Jordan (02:24:41.000)
Or even for Steve pathetic to Larry's in a pizza place.
Dan (02:24:45.000)
Yeah. to Larry's in a pathetic place.
Jordan (02:24:49.000)
Here's here's my next question. And I think this blows my mind that I haven't asked this before. Is Larry Nichols being paid like are his guests being paid to Come on the show Alex's. Yeah, like, did Larry Nichols get a fee for this? I have no idea. Does that not does that not change everything?
Dan (02:25:09.000)
I bet they at least have to sign something. Right SB a release. They're sure they're making money off it. They have to
Jordan (02:25:15.000)
be Yeah, they have to be paid for this. So of course, Nichols would say something super positive to Alex Jones. If he's getting paid because it's a good man. Maybe I'll get paid down in the down the line.
Dan (02:25:28.000)
I am not. I'm not ready to agree with that good just because I have no evidence of it. I don't know.
Jordan (02:25:33.000)
I want now that's the only thing I wanted.
Dan (02:25:35.000)
I've been on radio shows for free. I've signed things. I have. Have you been on? My name is Larry Nichols. I've been lying. You know, I have
Jordan (02:25:47.000)
hidden your southern accent so well, because you can't are you actually Jakari
Dan (02:25:53.000)
I become an animator who we've
Jordan (02:25:55.000)
just discovered a is a comic book writer. Now.
Dan (02:25:58.000)
I really want to talk to him.
Jordan (02:25:59.000)
I do and you know, it is crazy. One of his one of his Creator own comments.
Dan (02:26:05.000)
Hold on. Yeah, we didn't. We didn't deal with this at all. As soon as his voice came up after I'd said he has a great voice your eyebrows both just like, Oh, hello. Oh, hello.
Jordan (02:26:16.000)
It's a great. It's a great voice. So great. No, here's the thing about his so when while we were talking about Jakarta, I looked him up. And he's a comic book writer now. Yeah. And creator independent. Yeah, seems really cool. And one of his Creator own comics is daydream, which is about a kid learning to deal with this fantasy world. And that, like I it costs way more money than I'm willing to give somebody who's been who's worked for Infowars before, which is any money at all. I'm buying it. But it does seem to get done on buying. It does seem like a really fascinating thing for a guy like Jakari Jackson, who lived in this fantasy world.
Dan (02:26:59.000)
Now based on that premise. I'm going to buy it and we're going to critically deconstruct
Jordan (02:27:05.000)
and Yukari Jakari. Email us knowledge vitae?
Dan (02:27:09.000)
I really think he's pretty. Like I think, based on very little evidence, I think he has a way better head on his shoulders than anybody else at Infowars. Oh, based on the fact that he's silent through most of that interview, and just looking like
Jordan (02:27:27.000)
but but again, that that takes us back
Dan (02:27:29.000)
to kind of realizes Yag man, he kind of realizes he's being used as a prop, I think and I might be projecting a bunch. And if I am I apologize. I think it's just hope.
Jordan (02:27:39.000)
I think we're all hoping that somebody at Infowars can see what's going on.
Dan (02:27:43.000)
Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, there was that guy who came out on Twitter and said that Alex Jones is a fraud and all that shit. Yeah, there was that dude, I can't remember his name now. Well, Alex Jones is a fraud. Certainly, it's just a matter of degree. Yeah, we got a couple more clips left Jordan. A couple more clips from Larry. This next one is about how tyranny is about to hit. It's happening. How so? Well, he basically explains that illegals are going to vote which is really interesting.
Jordan (02:28:14.000)
Oh, is this the beginning of the 3 million illegals voted?
Dan (02:28:18.000)
No. Because that came from a guy on Twitter
Jordan (02:28:21.000)
a an asshole on Twitter with like five followers who exploded because of this fucking god, we're all gonna die.
Dan (02:28:27.000)
But even before that there was this laying out of the potential narrative. Yes. And I think it's really interesting to hear this coming from this thoroughly discredited, discredited obvious pill head. Who was on Alex's show
Larry Nichols (02:28:42.000)
20 years ago. Could you have believed this could happen today, trust me. It's happening. But yeah, one other problem. One of the things key elements in our system was what we call the broken coalition. Now, there weren't enough blacks in Arkansas in that day to win an election today nationally was 12% in that eight meet and a quarter was mad. There weren't that many people that came out and said they were openly gay. Liberty happy good old hardcore conservative Christian moral people but what if we got all those little groups together? Then we become a power source that can't be done. And we did.
Jordan (02:29:42.000)
Yeah, like the fucking pain Hey, you garbage Pylab what's called
Larry Nichols (02:29:46.000)
the broken coalition which now you have to add in what the legal Mexican. So Well, that just everything in that plan is working exactly like clockwork. problem is the American people, Alex, all American people that still believe that you would still believe that America is or was or whatever he may still believes in America. Yeah, and you only have Sudha. Because you don't actually say, Hey, I'm not gonna get involved, I'm not going to do whatever, yeah, you're gonna lose it by giving up? Are you gonna stand? Can you going to stand tall, and you're going to tell the truth?
Alex Jones (02:30:30.000)
Well, that's the thing is, is this isn't going to be Boss Hog tyranny. Like you were involved in just good old boy stuff. They want to break the system forever. break our will and give us the chaos. This is a hardcore tyranny. And we even build our businesses. They tell people in the third world they can't have air conditioning or car. I mean, these are some nasty people.
Dan (02:30:55.000)
We've been over those two. Alex is enabled to even really engage with the lies that Larry Nichols is saying. He's only able to go back to his way points that we've discussed this idea that Obama went overseas and said, Hey, you guys can't have air conditioning when he was talking literally about how modernization in the third world has to go better than it has gone for us because we have reached an unsustainable level. And we need to do this smarter. We've learned lessons. And you shouldn't do all this carbon emitting. Yeah, over here. And the same way you didn't build your business isn't about how you dumbass your business sucks. Fuck you.
Jordan (02:31:41.000)
It's about how Hey, you dumb as people got to your business by driving on roads ever know how they got those fucking roads? Yeah, it was the goddamn government. Everything
Dan (02:31:50.000)
exists within a context. Yeah. And that's something that's
Jordan (02:31:53.000)
this is such a this is yet another moment where I'm like, Who the fuck is Alex Jones? And how is it that we constantly see this orbit of people around Alex Jones? And yet we can't. Or at least I can't I can't ever quite pin down where Alex is. I know, but I don't get a sense of him. And I don't mean I don't mean that I mean more like this. This Nichols dude is pulling some some obvious bullshit with very good, like manipulative tendrils, like all of these different things where he's planting these ideas. facehugger style, right into Alex Jones's head totally. And Alex Jones, at this moment, is unable to engage. Like he can't understand this shit. He's taking all of it in. He's taking it all in, but his response is just love him. Mmm. I like it. It's
Dan (02:32:49.000)
it's clear. He's not listening. Right? Yeah. So he's listening. But he's unable that he's a bad interviewer. Yeah, he's
Jordan (02:32:55.000)
a fucking horrendous interviewer.
Dan (02:32:57.000)
It's like an inner like, I don't want to compare it to like that Chris Farley show sketch where it's like, what about Chris Farley? Yeah, that sort of thing. But it is kind of that, like, super similar to that I have one thing to go to. Yeah. And it's these waypoints that I have, in my mind, these lies that I've already built up. And so like,
Jordan (02:33:16.000)
when then we see him six months from now, with these same ideas being expressed. Yeah. So it's fascinating to me, because it again, it again, makes me feel like Alex is not. Alex is like the evil child from the Twilight Zone where it's like, just somehow he has magic powers. He's just a kid. He doesn't understand anything of what he's doing. He's just got these weird powers. And he's using them to hurt people. And in in his, like, child brain, he doesn't get that there's empathy or that any of this exists.
Dan (02:33:50.000)
Let me be clear, yeah, here's what I think. Okay, if you have I love how
Jordan (02:33:55.000)
we're on like Episode 10,000,009, and our 4 billion and forever, and we're still like, who is Alex?
Dan (02:34:03.000)
It's so hard because every single episode we talk about, there's new evidence that throws everything into question. He's bananas, but I think my sort of Rosetta Stone if I can use that, or my Marvel card, where it's like, I have him and here's his superpowers. Deficiency from the
Jordan (02:34:20.000)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. He is a shout out to the best Marvel comic ever.
Dan (02:34:24.000)
He's a terrible interviewer. He's shit. He interrupts his guests or he says nothing depending on how much he respects them, or how weird his headspace is on a given day, right? He does not engage with input that comes to him that disagrees with his narratives. Right? But so that's like a like a two on the like one to 10 chart interview skills yes to yes but then in
Jordan (02:34:52.000)
his in his NBA Jam scat as stat Yeah, lines. Yeah, that's what we're going with but then
Dan (02:34:58.000)
if you go down to the next one have the ability to talk about nothing aggressively. He's a 10. Like he can just, he wouldn't be. He would be the world's best senator for like a bad cause, because he could filibuster for 20 hours, right? And it'd be fucking hilarious. It will be engaging, right? He wouldn't need a book in front of him. Right? He would just start rambling about nonsense. If Jimmy Stewart
Jordan (02:35:25.000)
were to star in the movie, it would be Mr. Jones shits on Washington.
Dan (02:35:31.000)
Mr. Jones stays in Austin. It would but that's that is where he shines. He is able to talk about nothing, engagingly for a really long time and bring in disparate details, right from things that don't really involve, but sound just good enough that it makes his argument seem to make sense. And that is a fucking amazing skill.
Jordan (02:35:54.000)
It really is.
Dan (02:35:55.000)
i It boggles my mind. Because when I think in one of the first episodes you and I were talking about, like you said, I couldn't do that. That Oh, yeah, absolutely not. And I said, I could do that. You absolutely couldn't do that. And I'm starting to come around to that. I could not do that. No, I couldn't. I could talk for four hours, for sure. We've proved that. Yeah. But at the same time, I couldn't spin aggressive yarns about nothing. For four hours. He has no preparation. He has no real details, but he is able to monopolize in an amazing way it is it is cleaner. He's like one of those comics that you can see like a Marty DeRosa who can get up on stage with nothing and kill. You know, he's like that he is like a guy who's just like,
Jordan (02:36:39.000)
check out Marty and Sarah's podcast about wrestling.
Dan (02:36:42.000)
It's great. And you see him enter the studio. I'm sure if you were his producer and be like, I don't know what the fuck he's gonna do. He has read anything. It gets in there. Just rocket ship. He mythologized us for half an hour, comes up with some bullshit, then gets interview. They say some shit. He doesn't really listen. He gloms onto something they say. Yeah, that works into one of his white nationalist narrative. Yeah. And then he's like, Alright, let's move farther with this. And then,
Jordan (02:37:11.000)
right. Yeah, like it's, it's like a way our connotation for spiders. When we kind of apply them to propagandists, and the like, as people who are making we're completely in control of the web. He is like a spider on LSD, where it's just like, maybe this will work. I don't fucking know and just keeps spinning this weird Web. That doesn't make any goddamn sense. Because you see in those, those I'm sorry, he's a spider on THC, as opposed to LSD, because the LSD ones they make eerily perfect Web. Good pattern. Yeah,
Dan (02:37:47.000)
it's a spider on crack.
Jordan (02:37:48.000)
He's, yeah, he's a he's a fucked up spider.
Dan (02:37:51.000)
Yeah, he's making a web that he knows. Like, there's a reason I'm doing this. But I'm not quite sure. Sure what it is. I know the current like, do you even play that clip? I wish I could pull it up. But it's somewhere buried in my phone. But you're talking about how like, I know what's going on. But the details not so sure.
Jordan (02:38:11.000)
Not so much. Yeah, not so much. And that
Dan (02:38:13.000)
really gets down to like, I think where his headspace is, it is hard to do that he gets the narrative you're supposed to push. And that's coming from the people like Larry Nichols, Larry C. Johnson, Steve Pjanic, Roger Stone, these guys who were feeding him, or even now, like Mike Cernovich, has become even grandfathered into that sort of pantheon. Right? Because he's, I mean, without using the word cocked, he's cooked Alex Jones a bit. He's way more popular than Alex Jones. They're
Jordan (02:38:44.000)
putting together a whole different media company. It's
Dan (02:38:47.000)
it's it's all fun and games until the reality sets in that these people are really working bullshit. They're growing. They're doing it intentionally.
Jordan (02:38:56.000)
They're growing stronger. But that's the other thing about that. Again, the Iran election today really was filled with hope for me. And you see this, especially with the local ones, because I believe it's I think it's Romani, I'm not sure how to pronounce it properly, you colo sites. He won, and he had already been in office for a long time. He'd already served one term. The fact that many of those local elections where it is people who have been ruled by the same conservative council members for forever and ever and ever are suddenly now being overtaken by reformist because it's the local elections. It's that it's that kind of shit. That's, that's the ground game that the Democratic Party has gotten their ass kicked on for so long. How many governorships are Republican, how many city council's how many State Senate's all of these things? These are the places where the Republicans have really infiltrated us into steroid us and now in Iran, of all places, you know, bastion of democracy, Iran, but
Dan (02:40:08.000)
again, they have a great history way
Jordan (02:40:09.000)
they do have a great history. Yeah,
Dan (02:40:11.000)
they do. They have a very progressive history, that one
Jordan (02:40:14.000)
that was fucked over by us. But that's that's the thing that gives me hope because, again, young people, I do think that the younger generations, and it is hard to argue anything else, are more progressive, are more aware, are more educated and are more willing to entertain ideas that will benefit everybody. Yeah, then the older generations totally. And so when you see them start to take over that local arena, that's when you start to see real change.
Dan (02:40:48.000)
Well, I think I think the history is cyclical in so many ways. And one of the major focuses of the cycle is that wishing we could go back to whatever, right is dumb, it's dormant, it's dormant for a bit, and then society makes progress. And people start to come together, and they we all get rights for gays and what happened. That's because that's our modern cycle. I'm bringing those examples, right. But meanwhile, all these resentful forces are bubbling under the surface, and they start to build up. And eventually it gets to a crisis point where everyone who wants a sighted move forward realizes All right, we got to do something about this. They never do until it becomes a crisis. I that's my that's my theory of generations. Yeah, that that progressives always pushed towards progress. But really
Jordan (02:41:46.000)
until we get complacent, yes. And then
Dan (02:41:50.000)
not complacent. And it's just when the conservative and regressive forces become radical. And then it becomes like, well, now it's going to become a problem. Yeah, like in the same way that we're anti union shit ended up in riots, in the same way it up in murders. Yeah, in the same way that the 70s early 70s, late 60s became bedlam. It's it's progress meeting. The radicalization of regress. Yeah. And I think we're probably heading towards that, in terms of where our society is going. The issue is, for me. That's how things go. Just sort of in a natural ebb and flow right, without outside influence, every reaction equal and opposite. Yeah, we were talking about around they had an amazing progressive society until we fucked it up. Yep. And now they're coming America. And now. Yeah, and now have their own because of generational cycles. They're coming back to that, and hopefully it will work. Rightfully, it will come back. I worry that the situation that we have in our country, is us doing the same thing to ourselves that we did to foreign countries.
Jordan (02:43:06.000)
Yeah, I think I think we're both or, again, again, I don't want to put words in your mouth. Here is here is my daily fucking cycle between optimism and cynicism is always going to be will we do it in time? I think that's my biggest issue. Now, right now, I think there will absolutely be a progressive bounce back, the pendulum will swing back towards progressives. Yeah, I don't think that's within question. That's already happening. Yeah. The question is, will it be in time, will we be able to do enough to stop the damage that has already been done? And is being done now? Betsy DeVos is murdering schools. She is absolutely going out of her way to stab small children in the throat. You
Dan (02:44:00.000)
know, it's a fun fact that no one seems to want to talk about what she and her husband own stock in student loan collection organizations.
Jordan (02:44:09.000)
Wait, are you saying that maybe her decision to repeal and remove those loan forgiveness programs has something to do with enriching herself? Yeah. Oh, my god. That's so out of character for the administration that we're living under? Yeah, it's while
Dan (02:44:27.000)
Yeah, it's insane. But I want to take a like, like I've further step back. I don't know if I can do that. And look at the world in terms of like empires that have existed.
Jordan (02:44:38.000)
Do you mean the ones where American Falls? Well, what
Dan (02:44:41.000)
are the ones that I mean, we are living under the American empire? I think it's the collapsing Yeah, but the last, you know, couple 100 years has been America as the big superpower.
Jordan (02:44:51.000)
I would say the last 100 years. Certainly, yeah.
Dan (02:44:56.000)
But you look at these places like like Greece was a superpower. and Rome was a superpower. And the things that happen to them afterwards, they became complacent. Tourism places. Yeah. You know, like they they found their niche as being like, Alright, we're here, right, we got some great stuff you can come check out. We're actively working against the possibility of that being our future that like that sort of hammock that superpowers get to after their empires fall. We're destroying our natural parks, Trump is trying to work against our natural beauty. He is we have shown over and over again, that the statistics in terms of our tourism numbers are way down. And it might just because we're in conflict, and once we come out the other end of it, after we lose, tourism will go back up, right, maybe? Well, it's but like,
Jordan (02:45:55.000)
I think the largest question for our Empire, which I think is very unique, is will our culture remain dominant? Because you think about pieces of it, you think about Hollywood, and you like, I think about Will, Will Bollywood take over? You know, that kind of thing? Well, all of these and if you
Dan (02:46:19.000)
look, if you look in terms of massive numbers, foreign markets have taken over Hollywood signings, these movies that bomb in America make billions of dollars overseas, right?
Jordan (02:46:30.000)
But they're still American movies. Like they still have that. Is it going to be that America will dominate movie culture? And that will be or just fucking McDonald's? Yeah. Like, it's it's hard to imagine America winning any wars without McDonald's now, or Starbucks? Like imagine. Like, like, I think it was Dylan. Morin has the best joke of socks. He does. If you did not, I respect that he did not have a good jobs fine.
Dan (02:47:04.000)
He's funny. He's a bad it was a bad set.
Jordan (02:47:05.000)
It was a bad set. But his bit about how American Empire or the American empire started was when the British came in, that kicked everybody out. And they were like, fuck off. We own this now. And then America just very stealthily builds a Starbucks around you. Like that seems to me to be the more empire building aspect of America.
Dan (02:47:31.000)
There is no you're talking globalist shit.
Jordan (02:47:33.000)
It is like there's a Starbucks on every fucking corner. Yeah, like, Is that is that America? Or is that globalism? Well,
Dan (02:47:40.000)
the part the part of Alex's sort of cosmology that I won't disagree with is that, like, it is clear, I don't think it's by force, that American culture has been very attractive to people all around the world. Now, whether it's through like, we have billions of dollars, and we're gonna put Starbucks everywhere, or it's Starbucks takes care with their coffee, they make a quality product, and people enjoy it. Whether it's one or the other, I'm not entirely sure. But
Jordan (02:48:15.000)
Well, to me, that's the that's the better ambassador for America. It sure has fuck isn't our foreign policy. No, but the fact that the fact that if you're in China, you can go to a McDonald's says more about American hegemony than anything else. And
Dan (02:48:31.000)
it says a lot about McDonald's. How much they care about America that they've shifted their menu in every country. Yeah, they're not they don't give a fuck about America. And they shouldn't stroke and they shouldn't. Right. Their business. Absolutely. I'm not sure what I'm saying. I
Jordan (02:48:48.000)
am really not sure what your argument there. We've gone
Dan (02:48:51.000)
off on a really long, weird path.
Jordan (02:48:54.000)
And oh, that's so unusual for us.
Dan (02:48:57.000)
Larry Nichols has more things to say.
Jordan (02:49:02.000)
It's been so long. I don't know who we're talking about.
Dan (02:49:04.000)
For about 10 minutes. I've been trying to figure out a way to transition into this clip. Larry Nichols believes that the the Tea Party is the answer to all of society's ills.
Jordan (02:49:18.000)
And he believed the wrongest of the wrongs he
Dan (02:49:20.000)
believes that the Republicans are actively trying to work against the Tea Party, which is which was kind of fair in 2015.
Jordan (02:49:29.000)
Um, I don't think I think they were well, the joke against I think they were trying to usurp the GFR G as opposed to work against them.
Dan (02:49:38.000)
The RNC not the DNC, that's a supplement people to supplement people. That's the Yeah, they might as well be the ARO that's the muscle. Yeah. Alex Jones, the
Jordan (02:49:48.000)
GOP RNC. You know, yeah, you know me.
Dan (02:49:52.000)
The RNC does not want to give up control. And so they're threatened by a A tea party. True, that premise is kind of true, I would say that premise is accurate. But this is going to get into things that are less true.
Larry Nichols (02:50:11.000)
The Tea Party because they know that one thing that I know that Tea Party, it will it can be led the Tea Party can take over the RNC. And if we took over the RNC, we could take back our country with a choice that sounds to bring. It's not gonna be a choice when those Mexicans are made to be able to vote. The last national election in this country's history.
Dan (02:50:40.000)
Once those Mexicans are allowed, those Mexicans are allowed to vote. I know he's talking about illegal immigrants, but at the same time, it's not. He's not. He's not he wants to. He's not he means to.
Jordan (02:50:54.000)
I think he if he was, if he was conscious, he would make more of an effort to say so. But you know exactly what it means. He means that once Latinos in America, who are American citizens start voting, it will be towards people who support them and don't support. Exactly. And don't say they're all rapists. Yeah. And that but that was the that was the demographic argument that was made the entire Clinton campaign was that, well, Trump doesn't have a chance because now that the demographics have changed so much. It doesn't matter who the Republicans run in a national election. It only matters where they run regional, which turned out
Dan (02:51:39.000)
which goes back to Larry Nichols fractured fractured demographics. Exactly. Exactly. You bring in the gays you bring in the blacks, and now defeat white
Jordan (02:51:49.000)
people as opposed to actually putting forth a progressive plan. A progressive ideology is the one that is supported by the majority of the United States. Always it always has been I think that's true. It always has been but but the the election people will argue against it. And it's hard to it's hard to believe they will argue against it for any other reason. Then they're paid a shit ton of money by people to do so. It's money hole, find your nearest billionaire and go fuck them. Holy shit. What's your holy shit moment?
Dan (02:52:31.000)
I just got a tweet from our friends. Band the razor Ramones. Okay, just tweeted me a picture out at some wrestling show is sitting behind someone with an info war shirt. Took a nice picture of some weirdo at this local wrestling show with an enforcer. Shout out. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know your name, but the razor Ramones Cool, cool band that has an NWO theme. So we've got one more clip left to play. And this one is. So before
Jordan (02:53:09.000)
all of our listeners, if you are coincidentally going to a wrestling show while we're recording, we will shout you out.
Dan (02:53:17.000)
Oh, especially if there is a Hillary for prison shirt. Oh, of course, seems to be a high incidence of that. I
Jordan (02:53:25.000)
couldn't imagine why. So
Dan (02:53:28.000)
this the last clip we're going to play is a nice sort of punch line. And it's weird. But before we get to it, I want to I want to I want to sublimate a little bit. Yes. Alex started this show. Unaware of what to do about the Charleston shooting? Yes, he ambivalently wandered around and accidentally, probably intentionally but also accidentally spouted a bunch of incredibly racist ideas. Yes, he wound it around until he had a African American preacher on the show who went way further than him and gave him permission and cover to be like, Oh, no, it is all about guns. It's all Yeah. Yeah. So that was the first narrative. Secondarily, he has Larry Nichols on who as we've discussed, is a thoroughly discredited guy who got fired by Bill Clinton and is hated him from the jump Yeah. And has done everything in his power to take him down to the extent of lying on public radio shows lying on conservative radio shows and then pretending
Jordan (02:54:39.000)
lying to liberal interviewers like Mother Jones and the like.
Dan (02:54:44.000)
Absolutely. And then waffling back and forth whether I love Hillary
Jordan (02:54:47.000)
or or maybe telling the truth deliver a lot.
Dan (02:54:50.000)
Who knows who fucking No, he just he just says
Jordan (02:54:53.000)
whatever it is, that will get him attention and we'll get him the point
Dan (02:54:57.000)
is he's what he thinks is early, decrepit discard. Did it Yeah, he's nothing is a absolute terrible source of information. At the same time, the things that he's saying to Alex, I do believe, inform the 2016 election campaign. Okay. I think that that Alex, you're the only person who can help us. That sort of thing. You need to galvanize the Tea Party people. Jeb Bush isn't going to do it. Right. These sorts of ideas that Larry Nichols says to Alex, I think are transformative. I think that they set the bedrock of Alex's coverage. And I think it's fucked up that I just started. I listened to a couple days before Yeah, Trump's announcement and they were really boring and shit. Nothing really. But just after Trump Announces, this episode happens, and I think it is the launching pad for Alex losing his mind. Yeah, I think that this will be the beginning of our analysis of
Jordan (02:56:01.000)
just cuz this is the gestation of the Zeno barf.
Dan (02:56:06.000)
A man's fall from grace.
Jordan (02:56:08.000)
Yeah. Oh, well. Let's not give him grace. It wasn't grace. It's not going anywhere near Great.
Dan (02:56:15.000)
It's a fall from disgrace.
Jordan (02:56:18.000)
So this is a man's fall from the seventh level of hell to the ninth,
Dan (02:56:23.000)
seven outliers.
Jordan (02:56:24.000)
I just pulled one. The night I don't think it's I don't think it's important considering how Dante was just pissed off about people he knew. I love Dante, but yeah, you're totally right. He was just he was just picking people he knew to bitch about
Dan (02:56:41.000)
Yeah, it was it was mostly about how he had a boner for Beatrice. Yeah,
Jordan (02:56:45.000)
I mean, Hey, dudes gotta fuck but I mean, come on. So
Dan (02:56:48.000)
this last clip is just a really fun like, insight into who Larry Nichols is as a person. It's just like, peacock killer. He don't. He don't give a shit. Okay, he's done. All right, game over. All right. It starts with Alex explaining that his book is out of print, and it goes from there.
Jordan (02:57:11.000)
Oh, wait, that Nicholas's book is out of print for Alex's okay. I know
Alex Jones (02:57:16.000)
your books out of print. When I asked you about that. How to folks support your folks want to talk to you and get you to speak to their group or come on their show. I know you give out your home number and your your address for
Larry Nichols (02:57:27.000)
your home number. Right You bet. Look, my phone number is 440-897-0611. My address is 58 Kensington and grab Conway Arkansas 72034. And Alex no people going bad on the show that give out their own number their home and rich guys, under this regime ain't gonna hide. You're gonna have there's no sentence. We get together. Either we form up or forever should come out. Because this thing is coming down.
Dan (02:58:10.000)
That's crazy.
Jordan (02:58:11.000)
And as we speak,
Dan (02:58:15.000)
are you calling him I'm a policy wonk. Hey, everybody, Dan here,
Jordan (02:58:18.000)
and I'm here to here's the deal. Oh, I'm Jordan. By the way.
Dan (02:58:22.000)
Here's the situation we try. We called Larry Nichols,
Jordan (02:58:26.000)
where we neither admitted nor denied that we call we did I refuse to turn over my cell phone records. Oh, I
Dan (02:58:35.000)
say we I mean. At this point in the episode we called Larry Nichols. And spoiler alert. That is his current phone number. We do not think you should call him now want to be very clear. Leave this old man alone. Here's the deal. We called him it is still his phone number. Leave the man alone. But it was pretty hilarious. He did answer his phone. We talked to him for a little bit. He refused to say anything. He didn't refuse. It wasn't that he was like, Hey, I don't want to talk. It's he was on oxygen. And he didn't want to answer any questions about Alex Jones was pretty
Jordan (02:59:09.000)
nice. He was very nice. I bet if he called him again, we could talk to him. Probably.
Dan (02:59:13.000)
We fucked up and didn't tell him it was recording. Yeah. And so in the interest of following the law, and just decency, we decided to cut it out. So
Jordan (02:59:23.000)
sorry, you guys missed that. You're missing out on some pretty
Dan (02:59:25.000)
funny stuff.
Jordan (02:59:26.000)
And if you haven't, if you haven't subscribed, you're gonna miss out on a lot of breaking Stevie Larry Nicks call.
Dan (02:59:35.000)
Anyway, back to the episode. Enjoy your lives.
Alex Jones (02:59:37.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (02:59:38.000)
That was really fucked up.
Jordan (02:59:40.000)
That was actually a smoking phone number. Are you shitting me? I thought that was gonna be a bit. That was actually
Dan (02:59:50.000)
this is the craziest thing that's ever happened on this podcast. That
Jordan (02:59:53.000)
is fucking nuts.
Dan (02:59:58.000)
You know what he's done. Probably on oxygen. That's not an excuse not to say what? Also Did you did you get the sense that he kind of does not want to talk about Alex?
Jordan (03:00:12.000)
I think he kind of does not want to talk about anything right now.
Dan (03:00:15.000)
That's fair. That's amazing.
Jordan (03:00:22.000)
It turns out that he actually did give out his phone number on the show, and two years later, didn't change his same fucking number. So
Dan (03:00:31.000)
it's all in there. You guys can't call him feel free to call him. All you hundreds of people out there or
Jordan (03:00:37.000)
if you would like to write a letter it is 58 Kensington drive Conway Arkansas 72 544.
Dan (03:00:45.000)
Also, when they played that on Alex's show, they had like a place card already made up and it flashed up on screen with his address. Holy shit. So it was like a hey, send him your letters. Send him a sentiment Valentine. Who knows?
Jordan (03:00:58.000)
Never would have expected actually number.
Dan (03:01:01.000)
This is super fucked up. We just talked to Larry Nichols. Jordan, I don't know what to do. We gotta fucking we got to run away,
Jordan (03:01:13.000)
guys. If you support knowledge fight, go to knowledge. We have a link that is you can click to donate.
Dan (03:01:23.000)
Yes, absolutely. I know To support the show. If you want to donate any amount of money, you'll become a policy wonk. If you want to donate $10 a month we will time traveled to a certain date.
Jordan (03:01:34.000)
And frankly, we're gonna call Larry Nichols again. Regardless of what you do so literally every single show we're calling
Dan (03:01:43.000)
save that God died. No, believe
Jordan (03:01:45.000)
me that number is in my phone. I have actually added that contact as Larry Nichols do not think that that is not the case.
Dan (03:01:53.000)
That's so amazing. This episode could not have ended any better. We like I said our website is knowledge You can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. Please check us out on iTunes. If you have not yet please subscribe and give us a nice rating. Give us a review. It'd be nickels. Give us a review. But to be fair, look,
Jordan (03:02:22.000)
I have you gave out your fuck number that's on you Mr. Nichols.
Dan (03:02:25.000)
I would feel so bad about calling a random person on air. But he did do that.
Jordan (03:02:31.000)
He's a fucking monster. go fuck himself. Absolutely
Dan (03:02:34.000)
Jordan (03:02:35.000)
answers an unwanted number. Oh, I
Dan (03:02:38.000)
don't like how you put my full name in the street. Oh, yeah. No. Larry Nichols is gonna find us on as if he's gonna remember he's on oxygen.
Jordan (03:02:49.000)
Let me ask you a question. She's Dan raised. Dan. We've all been through an emotional wringer.
Dan (03:02:54.000)
I really wish john Rappaport would put out his phone number. Larry Nichols
Jordan (03:02:57.000)
is now our spirit guide who will be receiving a weird number of calls from policy walks. Yeah, but if we're gonna end the episode, yeah. Are we gonna say like some sort of catchphrase.
Dan (03:03:11.000)
We've just confirmed that Larry Nichols is
Jordan (03:03:13.000)
still alive. Larry Nichols is
Dan (03:03:14.000)
still alive. You sent me. I should look it up. We just did.
Jordan (03:03:23.000)
Is anybody else still alive? Dan. John
Dan (03:03:24.000)
Rappaport still lives.
Alex Jones (03:03:27.000)
Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.