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Latest revision as of 21:53, 1 March 2025

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and drink novelty beverages and talk about the wacky wacky world of Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:15.000)
What are we drinking today?
Dan (00:00:16.000)
Today we are drinking Flathead Lake gourmet Huckleberry soda. It's Montana's legendary soda in honor of you know that asshole body slamming. Exactly. Reporter And then winning,
Jordan (00:00:28.000)
right? Hey, Montana is legendary soda
Dan (00:00:31.000)
with any luck the soda punch in the mouth, so does better than the feelings that I have about Montana at this point. Hopefully let's see.
Jordan (00:00:37.000)
I'm gonna take a sip and hopefully my throat will not become part of the rest of the ground. Whoa, boy.
Dan (00:00:44.000)
Oh, boy. This is interesting. This is candy. This is
Jordan (00:00:50.000)
gross. Oh my fucking god. What is happening?
Dan (00:00:54.000)
It's not a terrible flavor.
Jordan (00:00:55.000)
No, it tastes like It tastes like it. Have you ever put a lot of sugar after you put the Kool Aid mix in there. Yep, that is exactly what this
Dan (00:01:03.000)
day there are similarities. So anyway, let's move on to Alex Jones. This is a podcast Jones.
Jordan (00:01:12.000)
Is this a podcast about Alex Jones it is a twist.
Dan (00:01:15.000)
This is not just about Alex Jones. Okay, there's a twist to it. This is a podcast about our relative awareness about Alex Jones when I know tons about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:25.000)
And relative to that
Dan (00:01:26.000)
I know nothing you know only the the slimmest margin.
Jordan (00:01:31.000)
I will at this point after as many episodes that we've done as we've done I know a whole lot more than I ever expected or wanted to know before
Dan (00:01:38.000)
we certainly and I'm sorry to bring that into your life.
Jordan (00:01:40.000)
This is a whole new level of anxiety that I wasn't aware of.
Dan (00:01:44.000)
We're going to get to today's episode, but first I would like to start things off as we generally do with an out of context drop from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (00:01:53.000)
Don't laugh. Don't laugh because this is what they do to people in the public schools. They don't let the teacher teach don't blame them. This is what they teach them. This is what they teach his ignorance
Jordan (00:02:13.000)
don't don't laugh
Dan (00:02:22.000)
that's some solid work.
Jordan (00:02:23.000)
That is great. Ah, I can't there's no way that he can ever start any sentence with don't laugh that does not make me immediately lose my shifts. Hilarious. Don't laugh. Of course. I'm gonna laugh.
Dan (00:02:35.000)
Yep. So we're gonna get to the episode. But first, I'd like to give a shout out to one of our donators. What's up Dr. gums?
Alex Jones (00:02:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:02:43.000)
Thank you for donating to the show. If you'd like to donate, we have a button on knowledge support the show you too can become a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:02:50.000)
Welcome aboard Dr. gums. So
Dan (00:02:51.000)
Jordan today we are going into part two of my in depth investigation to what the fuck happened to Alex Jones back in 2015.
Jordan (00:03:01.000)
When When did it all go sell and why? And why?
Dan (00:03:05.000)
Yes, I think we're going to try and read between the lines as best I can and figure out exactly what happened.
Jordan (00:03:11.000)
How about just tell us why. And then we'll save everybody several hours more
Dan (00:03:15.000)
fun if we have a journey. Okay, so on our last episode, on our last episode of the investigation, we started the investigation. But coincidentally, the day after Trump announced his candidacy, the Charleston shooting happened, right. And so our first investigation episode really became about that. Plus the interview with Larry Nichols, which I believe is the kickoff in earnest of Alex's hero's journey as it were in the 2016 election season. This is going to be a little bit more focused on the investigation. Right, that one we had to deal with Charleston. Yes. So now we've moved on a little bit. We're going to be covering the timespan of June 19 2015. All right, up to July 5. In this episode,
Jordan (00:04:03.000)
Oh, Jesus, we're
Dan (00:04:04.000)
going to town to be fair, David Knight hosted a bunch of them. Okay, well, that doesn't even count Alex was at his cousin Buckley's wedding for like four days of it. And so David Knight was hosting, and
Jordan (00:04:16.000)
we're not going to talk. It doesn't get more Texan then I'm going to my cousin Buckley's wedding for
Dan (00:04:20.000)
four days. Yeah, exactly. So David Knight hosting, we don't talk about that shit here, because we don't want to bore our audience. And then on top of that, June 29, we're not going to be covering that at all because it has nothing to do with the presidential election. And we did an entire episode about it, which you can find in our iTunes feed if you'd like. Because it was a good one. It was a side shoot off of like, I'm
Jordan (00:04:43.000)
gonna say it was terrible. That was our worst episode to date.
Dan (00:04:46.000)
So listener Yan asked us to go back to when gay marriage got passed by the Supreme Court. And that episode ended up being the June 29. Yes, so that's why we won't be covering that but I have some various interesting findings to lay out for you and for our listeners. And I'm excited to get to all of them. We're going to begin here. I Trump announced his candidacy on June 28. June 16. Yes, at the same time, he made those horrible, disparaging comments about Mexico shipping us. All a bunch of are terrible people, and they're not sending their best, right sort of stuff. Yeah.
Jordan (00:05:25.000)
Presidential shit. Right. So that happened on the 16th redefining what it means to be presidential absolute on that day, Donald Trump became president and unfortunately, you're right. Yeah, no.
Dan (00:05:37.000)
So that was three days before where we're starting. And up till this point, on the 18th 17th. Alex has had nothing about Donald Trump. He's had nothing at all about
Jordan (00:05:48.000)
him. And he has he been talking about the election though.
Dan (00:05:50.000)
Not really. Except for saying that Hillary is evil like you have a right
Jordan (00:05:54.000)
right we could we all expected that. Like that's he doesn't need there doesn't need to be an election or anything going on for him to just throw in a little bit of a Hillary's vampire bat and I bet he does.
Dan (00:06:04.000)
He is on that team. She is witches, which is spoiler alert, Larry Nichols will be making another appearance on this episode.
Jordan (00:06:11.000)
God, I'm beginning to love our our regular communication might
Dan (00:06:16.000)
want to try and call him we're definitely going to call him I will be completely silent. Because I'm starting to be really afraid of him. But
Jordan (00:06:27.000)
Stevie Larry Nicks? Yeah, what's going on with him?
Dan (00:06:30.000)
I don't know, man. I just I don't want to fuck around. We'll see. We'll get to him. And then we got
Jordan (00:06:35.000)
damn it. I want to fuck around with a weird old southern dude who's in his 70s on his deathbed.
Dan (00:06:40.000)
Well, let's deal with that bad but Linsanity he's seen so much, especially stuff that isn't real. Yeah. And think about the stuff that he's caused. Yeah, so we're gonna start with June 19, where Alex was at what he was talking about. He's still wrestling a little bit with the Charleston shooting at this point. He's still given a lot of like, if you believe this stuff, you're an idiot. You know, all these race issues are just meant to distract us.
Jordan (00:07:06.000)
Is he still on the false flag tip? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Dan (00:07:09.000)
Dropping Reverend child versus name being like,
Jordan (00:07:11.000)
right, right. He's got my back. A black dude said something. So I am free of guilt. Yeah. And
Dan (00:07:17.000)
so the only thing I wanted to pull from this episode because there's not really anything worthwhile is this clip where Alex has a huge gun on his desk. I don't like that at all. He has a giant gun on his anchor desk. So
Jordan (00:07:32.000)
thank you. I would say that is a hostile work environment.
Dan (00:07:36.000)
I will at least I will tweet a picture out of it because it's hilarious. It's one of those giant rifles.
Jordan (00:07:41.000)
Oh, like one of those big sniper rifles that they don't have
Dan (00:07:45.000)
a rifle, but it's like a booster. Oh, okay. Okay. And it's coincidently made by one of his sponsors, of
Alex Jones (00:07:52.000)
course. Weird. Thanks for joining us on this Friday edition. Oh, Sean's here live. I'll be live this Sunday four to 6pm Central. You're watching us on TV. I have two HD firearms, to head down firearms. Both 556 in front of me. I call them face. These guns aren't going to shoot anybody these rifles. These weapons aren't going to attack anybody by themselves. And I know that's an idiotically obvious thing to say. But look at the logic of the people demonizing gun owners. They're now saying gun ownership is racist. I went oh, disarming black people in the south at the end of the Civil War. That was racist. The first gun laws were racist, saying the NRA was a racist organization is again upside down. It's a total fraud. I'm not even going to get into the NRA history. But everybody is informed knows it was founded to armed blacks to fight the Ku Klux Klan again, and the party of the Ku Klux Klan the Democrats want our guns
Dan (00:09:03.000)
so laugh big laugh big time. So at the end there he's saying that the Democrats are the party of the kk k not taking into account the party swap that happened. Yeah,
Jordan (00:09:11.000)
the Oh, the great change after the Civil Rights Act when LBJ himself said that we have lost the South for forever Exactly. Yeah.
Dan (00:09:19.000)
That he was younger. He never mentioned that because the Democratic Party back then was not what they are today. It's
Jordan (00:09:25.000)
a wonderful it's a wonderful thing that everybody like, you know, they have the right age, their name on the right there's a beautiful like always, you know, like, Hey, man after the Civil War, the Democrats were the racist. How can you call the GOP races now but it used to be the Democrat Well, one it's not 150 years ago. No, that's a big that's a big step. First off, yeah. And too, because you accepted those people who loved the Democrats, like with open arms just we love you. Totally.
Dan (00:09:56.000)
Please the south Now beyond that, the Democrats don't want Your guns That's an illusion that you have in your head. That's a paranoid fear narrative.
Jordan (00:10:03.000)
Well, I'm starting to think that we should get their guns or at least get our own guns.
Dan (00:10:07.000)
I would. I would just like those guns off Alex Jones's desk. Because he is doing this. It's like the man of my dreams and into his car we've established on the past show that head down rifles is a sponsor of the Alex Jones Show. He's mentioned him when Joe Biggs kicked out the pope when Pope said that people who sell weapons aren't Christians, and Joe Biggs did a special report about how head down rifles is owned by Christians that are sponsoring their great Done and done fuck you Pope. Problem self Now beyond that, this idea that the NRA was founded to arm black people against the kk k
Jordan (00:10:40.000)
that has the ring of truth to it. I believe that 100% That makes perfect sense to me. Please, Dan, go ahead and prove that Alex Jones was absolutely historically
Dan (00:10:51.000)
correct. I don't even have to he just is. Okay. Well, then we're good. Nope. Oh, so that is based on a comment that a guy named Harry offered man.
Jordan (00:11:00.000)
Oh, are you saying that his entire argument is based on what one dude said one time.
Dan (00:11:06.000)
So here he offered was the president of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. And in 2008, he was quoted as saying, quote, I want to thank the Lord for our Constitution. I also want to thank the NRA for its legacy. The National Rifle Association was started founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Klu Klux Klan. So that is just his comment that he's made. And it has been wildly debunked. Oh, by everyone who's looked into it people. People have asked him to prove his claim. And he's cited all kinds of stuff that doesn't prove his claim at all.
Jordan (00:11:38.000)
Did he cite that one time Alex Jones cited him and saying it would be great because that's a Breitbart Infowars kind of feedback loop thing going on there site
Dan (00:11:46.000)
speech by Ann Coulter, which we'll get to in a second right, but
Jordan (00:11:50.000)
bastion of historical accuracy and Coulter.
Dan (00:11:53.000)
So I'd like to quote what the NRA says, was the beginning of their organization from their own website.
Jordan (00:11:59.000)
I bet it's we love black people. Yeah. Which would be good PR for them if
Dan (00:12:03.000)
that was true. Well, they were just, yeah, exactly. The NRA whose website says quote, dismayed by the lack of marksmanship, shown by their troops, union veterans, Colonel William C church, and General George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871, the primary goal of the association would be to, quote, promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis. So basically, they were concerned that they were losing too many bullets, because they were going out to war and people weren't good shots, and that she was expensive.
Jordan (00:12:34.000)
Yeah, that doesn't sound evil. It doesn't.
Dan (00:12:37.000)
It seems economic.
Jordan (00:12:38.000)
Yeah. That's basically like, it seems like a good plan. It's basically them being like, hey, we don't train people well enough. So let's do some more training
Dan (00:12:46.000)
and the roots of the the NRA actually does that was largely educational, and it wasn't like, nearly as terrible as it is today. But still, it was promoting, you know, I don't think promoting guns is wrong. I know. It's murky.
Jordan (00:13:00.000)
But it was started in like, shortly after the Civil War. 1871 Right. Yeah. So back then guns were a musket. Yeah, I mean, they were like, they might as well have been sling shots, but that shoot farther, you don't really have too much control over
Dan (00:13:16.000)
where their bullets were going. If they're like, Yeah, put the ball down. And
Jordan (00:13:19.000)
I don't even know if they even had the you know, screw side barrels or whatever the hell they're calls that that would improve. Yeah, that would improve accuracy there instead of just that like explosion outward and Let's all hope for the best Yeah.
Dan (00:13:33.000)
So back to this thing about the NRA being founded to help arm black people against the kk k. Ann Coulter speech was used by this Harry Alfred when he was asked for, you know, proof. And she made an argument about the this organization called the Black Guard in a guy named Robert F. Williams, who was a civil rights activist. And if you look actually at the truth,
Jordan (00:13:57.000)
so we're so we're close to 80 years after the after the invention of the cake a cake substantially.
Dan (00:14:03.000)
Yeah. Actually almost a bull's eye. Yeah. So in 1956, Robert F 80 years
Jordan (00:14:09.000)
after the NRA, we can we can state that when the NRA was created. They were like, hey, in 80 years, we're going to need to be there.
Dan (00:14:20.000)
Yeah. So but here's it's actually really interesting and actually works against the argument shocker. So in 1956, Robert F. Williams took over leadership of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which was close to disbanding due to the kk k. Williams filed for a charter with the NRA and formed the Black Guard, an armed group committed to the protection of blacks. Mabel Williams said her husband altered the occupations of the members when applying for the NRA charter. And she's quoted, I'm sure when we joined, and the years after that had they have known that we were a black group, they would have revoked our charter. She said of course. force, they basically just lied about it and started an NRA chapter. Yeah, of course. So that why wouldn't you do that? But that works pretty solidly against the argument that the everyone who's aware of things knows that that was started to help the black people. Well, yeah.
Jordan (00:15:14.000)
So like, like, most times, whenever white people have decided to help black people, they were tricked into it. Yeah. Because they would never willingly do it on their own history is,
Dan (00:15:24.000)
is grim. Yeah, not good. So well, and it's
Jordan (00:15:27.000)
not a bad thing. Like during, during the Civil Rights era, one of the big things that the Black Panthers would do is watch with a shit ton of guns whenever a cop arrested a black dude, and like, they would just go hang out like, hey, if he did a crime, he did a crime. That's fine. If you go beyond what it is, you're supposed to go beyond. Guess what? There's 10 Dudes with guns here or just you over people.
Dan (00:15:52.000)
We're doing like renewal projects. Yeah, fixing things when they would be attacked by racist assholes. They would have armed guards. Yeah, I remember reading a bunch about that, like the putting up a stop sign. Yeah, in a neighborhood. Absolutely. They would keep trying to put up the stop sign and people who were putting it up would get attacked. And so finally they just send out armed people.
Jordan (00:16:13.000)
What else do you do? I don't know. Like that's that's the situation that all too often everybody found themselves in over the years in the in the civil rights era. Yeah, well, fuck it all the time. All of the America time. Yeah, that's the situation black people have found themselves in totally, if they keep getting pushed and pushed and pushed sooner or later. What other thing can you think of other than if you're gonna threaten us with guns? We're gonna get guns. Yeah. It's like what else is there seems reasonable, which is again, why I'm in the place now where I'm looking at all of our liberals being like, we should control guns and a more like, maybe we should put them good guns.
Dan (00:16:52.000)
Maybe we should control a gun.
Jordan (00:16:53.000)
They are starting to they're starting to really talk Civil War shit out. I
Dan (00:16:57.000)
think that that it's a myth that there aren't armed liberals and liberals who are into guns. I think that's a myth. I just think that the right is far more vocal about it. But be that as it may, that's, that's a whole nother thing. We don't need to unpack it.
Jordan (00:17:09.000)
No, it's time to get into gun control. Right now.
Dan (00:17:11.000)
We don't have time. This is an in depth investigation. Okay, so the rest of the episode.
Jordan (00:17:17.000)
After the break, we're gonna get into the in depth investigation. But for now, let's solve the Second Amendment. Don't
Dan (00:17:22.000)
have any papers to jostle. So, there we go. Good enough. The rest of the episode on the 19th is just a bunch of like, you know, going back and forth on is this fake? Is this real? Then he has a long interview with one Jesse Ventura former governor of Minnesota. He is in the middle of being sued.
Jordan (00:17:44.000)
Over the Christian are those his only credits? Yes, he only the governor's office. There it is. Also the brain was. Bobby can leave us in predator two
Dan (00:17:55.000)
isn't a lot of stuff. Yeah. But he. So Chris Kyle, the American Sniper in his book, he wrote that he beat up just Angel wire. Yes, Kyle. He in his book. He wrote that he beat up Jesse Ventura in a bar fight. After Jesse mouthed off about Marines. That story is very dubious. Yes. And Jesse Ventura sued him for unlocked unjust enrichment, slander these sorts of things.
Jordan (00:18:23.000)
Right, right. Right. You made a shit ton of money off of talking shit about me. So once some of that money
Dan (00:18:27.000)
went to a court trial, and there was a jury, and the jury deliberated for five days and couldn't come to a verdict and ended up ruling in Jesse's favor, eight to two after five days, and they're just like, right, good enough. Fair enough. So here's a state because Chris Kyle dies, spoiler alert, he gets murdered. But here's a state
Jordan (00:18:49.000)
dammit now I'll never watch that. jingoistic, jingoistic pile of garbage called American Sniper don't recommend it.
Dan (00:18:55.000)
Oh, so I can bring is a state appeals. The judgment, the judgment that was made was like 1.3 5 million for Jesse Ventura plus 500,000 of unjust enrichment. So it's 18 $1.8 million, that Jesse Ventura is going to get some good money the state appeals it and that's when Jesse is showing up on the show when the appeal is pending, that he's coming on because he's like, I need money. I need your audience to help me out. I need my legal defense fund. Because I need to fight this thing. And the way he presents it is that tons of media organizations are promoting this appeal. He's trying to appeal to Alex's audience on the basis of like Viacom 20th century fox, fox, ABC, CBS New York Times they're all behind this because they want to be able to lie about people and make money off it. The reality is that the estate made an appeal and Jesse ended up losing that appeal. That's such
Jordan (00:19:52.000)
a bummer. I was a bummer. Well, I mean, for for my relationship with Jesse Ventura. Like I thought he was The I thought he was a fun kind of nutty dude who he probably had some good ideas. Like I remember people saying some nice stuff about him. He's in
Dan (00:20:08.000)
the same boat as Alex, but not a propagandist, because he has a lot of really dumb ass ideas, but at the same time, he's really philosophically consistent about his support of legalizing weed. He's, he's right, maybe 10% More than Alex, and he's not an asshole.
Jordan (00:20:24.000)
Well, now that he's on the Alex Jones Show. I'm of the opinion that he is. But why
Dan (00:20:29.000)
wouldn't he be? I mean, if you're a liberal, so many reasons, if you're a prominent libertarian, I really wouldn't. Yeah, you're right. You shouldn't go on his you
Jordan (00:20:36.000)
shouldn't go on out show to show.
Dan (00:20:39.000)
Who cares. But anyway, so the
Jordan (00:20:40.000)
reason let me tell you something. If he runs for Governor of Minnesota again, now vote, I am not going to vote for him.
Dan (00:20:47.000)
I'm on the same page. So he's on there making this argument. And I read the court decision of his appeals case that comes later down the road, right. And it turns out, he lost the appeal, because he makes this exact same argument on Alex's show a whole bunch. And he did in court as well. And the argument that he made is, you guys should vote for me, jury. You guys should choose me rule in my favor, because they have an insurance policy that's going to handle this. Harper Collins has an insurance thing that's going to pay the settlement. You're not screwing over the family. I've been slandered. And it doesn't hurt them if you vote in my favor. Okay. It turns out that is very bad. Was that true, though? There's no evidence of it. Okay. Well, that's
Jordan (00:21:32.000)
a bad argument.
Dan (00:21:33.000)
The appeals court found that there's no evidence. They looked at Chris Kyle's contract with HarperCollins. And the only thing they could find is one line in it that says they may have insurance. But it doesn't say that they do. They may have insurance. Yeah. And they found no evidence that such an insurance policy does exist. And the fact that he brought it up in court and his lawyers made that argument unfairly biased as the jury against Chris Kyle's estate.
Jordan (00:21:58.000)
Well, yeah, of course. Well, I would not, I would not want to screw over a widow. No, but at the same time, if I knew that, I was going to screw over a corporation. That's a very different response. Yeah,
Dan (00:22:12.000)
the stakes are lower because it's a faceless entity that has millions of dollars. So fuck those guys. Yeah, fuck them. Yeah. So that is
Jordan (00:22:19.000)
well, I mean, it is the traditional print industry. So we don't, we don't need to help them along their demise. Yeah,
Dan (00:22:24.000)
but that's the twisting the Jesse's doing when he's on the show. And I didn't pull any clips of that, because who cares? I really don't need to hear that obfuscation. But at the same time, Alex is starting to play a little game of Jesse, you should run for president. He's trying to pitch Jesse Ventura you need to get in the race. And Jesse's argument is, I want to wait till there's just too. I want to wait till those two people in it. I have named
Jordan (00:22:50.000)
the guy remember this? Yeah, I think I remember him having that conversation.
Dan (00:22:54.000)
And he keeps saying, I've got this appeal to take care of. And if I win, then I'll probably join the race. And if I lose, that's it. And he didn't any last. And that was it. Yeah. So maybe, maybe that's what happened. So that is the 90 that was a Friday. There's no show on Saturday, and he takes Saturday's off. So we come back on on the 21st. So the 21st is a Sunday. And I've started to notice that what Alex Jones does on Sundays is he knows that there's less people listening. So he uses it to end and start narratives, and also to bury stories that he kind of hopes no one really paid to write late
Jordan (00:23:30.000)
Friday news where everybody's already sick of
Dan (00:23:33.000)
the the the Sunday, a couple Sundays recently. He's used to make the pizza gate apology. He's covered a reporting on that. He's on another recent Sunday, he's talked about how Chobani violated the terms of their settlement agreement. Of course, he does that sort of thing. And also, just whenever a narrative has run out of steam, ends it on a Sunday, whenever he wants to soft launch a new one. He does it on Sunday. So on this Sunday, he knows that the Charleston narrative is kind of going away. So he uses a Sunday to like, let's land that ship. Let's just chill come in. So he has an interview with Jakari Jackson, who is in Charleston, and boy, it's awesome. Oh, it's actually really good. I love Jakari Jackson, I don't Well,
Jordan (00:24:24.000)
as we all know, now he is a he's a comic writer, and apparently seems pretty interesting.
Dan (00:24:30.000)
Yeah. And his comic book is about a boy who lives in a fantasy world. So
Jordan (00:24:34.000)
yeah, I do. I could have gotten some inspiration for that. No clue.
Dan (00:24:37.000)
So he is in Charleston, and he's talking about how beautiful the church service that he went to at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church was the night before. Ah, he's talking about how there's a lot of unity and everybody is in great spirits. And it's a beautiful thing to witness. And he also was talking about how it's super fucked up, that there's a monument to a white supremacist a block away from the church. Holy shit. He's talking about how it's like, I don't understand how that can be. I understand it's free speech. And you know, I don't want to encroach on people. But it's really bizarre that we live in this world that's like this. He's talking about how that night, there's going to be a march across this historic bridge. Everyone's going to be holding hands, and it's going to be this beautiful thing. And Jakari is he has the right idea about it for the most part. Uh huh. Meanwhile, Alex keeps being like, now what about this race war that's coming?
Jordan (00:25:25.000)
Oh, so I think so. Are we seeing the beginning of the end of Jakari. Jackson's role at Infowars?
Dan (00:25:31.000)
It's possible.
Jordan (00:25:32.000)
I think that's I think that sounds like a big turning point. I
Dan (00:25:34.000)
see two conflicting forces here where Alex wants to focus on the negative and Jakari is really focusing on these positive. Yeah. And I think it's really cool is
Jordan (00:25:42.000)
his literal, come to Jesus moment at a church at a church wake?
Dan (00:25:46.000)
Possibly. I don't know when he ends up quitting. I don't know the story of that. We'll find out more as this investigation goes. But so that's the sort of, I believe the basically the end of the Charleston narrative. He's got Jakari there. Live, we've gone we've done it Jakari isn't playing ball with my race.
Jordan (00:26:06.000)
He's not going along with Oh, fuck it. Let's
Dan (00:26:07.000)
end that narrative. And Alex decides it's time for the new narrative, which is an incredibly intense and prolonged argument that financial collapse is coming this summer.
Jordan (00:26:21.000)
It's right around 26th of 2015. Yes,
Dan (00:26:24.000)
it's right around the corner right around the corner over the course of the next couple of days on the show. He has a bunch of people who are supposedly experts. He has Ron Paul on he has Peter Schiff. Who is Ron Paul's economic adviser. He has a bunch of people on and it's all about how the dollar is about to collapse and how we're all going to be fucked Should
Jordan (00:26:43.000)
we buy gold?
Dan (00:26:45.000)
We're gonna get to that should we buy gold we're gonna get to that I bet we should buy gold is so fucked up that you know where this is going
Jordan (00:26:51.000)
well his parent company is all about gold of course we're gonna buy gold don't spoil Oh, we already saw this on the so fucking
Dan (00:26:58.000)
on it.
Jordan (00:26:59.000)
We already well he was the y2k thing again. This is why why why would you push this disaster narrative Oh of well, I guess I'm also selling Apocalypse supplies. You know what, of course you're going to push this
Dan (00:27:14.000)
narrative what we've already because you're a genius. You've already spoiled where that narrative ends and why he's pushing it so hard. Hmm. But the way it ends is probably worse than you think.
Jordan (00:27:26.000)
Dan (00:27:27.000)
it's even more exploitative than what you're saying? Well now I'm excited so we'll get to that maybe in an hour and a half because it's because
Jordan (00:27:38.000)
boiler Alex Jones is out to sell gold keep that in the back of your mind.
Dan (00:27:44.000)
Yep. So he's he's started this disaster collapse narrative and he talks a ton about it. And it is really focused around gold stuff. He's talking about the main stories that he's pushing are about how Texas and a bunch of institutions want their gold back and people aren't given it back from the reserves and what have you.
Jordan (00:28:02.000)
How do you give How do you give gold back?
Dan (00:28:04.000)
I don't know. Giving gold back baby it's like we don't trust you guys holding our gold we want to hold it ourselves that sort of thing. That's human
Jordan (00:28:13.000)
beings are weird it's very weird human beings are so he's also doesn't have any intrinsic value. Nope, he does. It doesn't do anything. It does actually be shiny.
Dan (00:28:20.000)
You can use it for a lot of like semiconductors. Oh
Jordan (00:28:23.000)
absolutely. It's amazing in in electronics, it does all kinds of amazing things. It does zero amazing things sitting in a vault somewhere.
Dan (00:28:31.000)
Yeah, but much like Colloidal Silver if you have colloidal gold,
Jordan (00:28:35.000)
I did not know there was colloidal gold there's colloidal everything. There's what is colloidal? Every
Dan (00:28:39.000)
someone on Twitter explained it to me recently, I can't remember. It has something to do with like colloids it has something to do with it being suspended in a solution or something like that. I'm not entirely sure I'm not a chemist. Alright. Anyway. It's all this gold narratives about like, people are trying to get gold out of banks and they're getting bars of tungsten covered in gold. So there is there is one like legitimate story. Yeah, so he's really pitching that hard. But on this Sunday show, he says something that I think is involved in his abortion narrative, but I'm not sure. But I could not do this show without playing this clip. Because it's so weird. Okay, listen to this argument. He tries to make me just recognize how fucking dumb he is. While he's trying to talk about how smart he is. This is amazing. I want to shift gears
Alex Jones (00:29:32.000)
into the psychological warfare. The manipulation and I'm gonna break in this breakdown by talking about a billboard on i 35. Downtown Nashville board, but I'm going to send the crew out to videotape tomorrow. You can scan that billboard you understand everything now I'm not an enemy of Chick fil A, they're a conservative Christian organization. I think overall, it's a good company that hasn't bowed to censorship. And I'm not criticizing Chick fil A itself, but I'm using their ad campaign as a window into guilt politics. Now chicken is about four times cheaper on average than beef. And they set up their little Texas based company in shopping malls 30 something years ago, and it spread nationwide is very successful. So we're not talking about Chick fil A. But on their billboard, I meant to get a photo that was too dangerous driving see those cows up there, painting sign. And they've drawn a little children's style image of a chicken. And they say eat this knot this with an arrow pointed at him. And the cows look real, but they also look humanoid. So they feminized them and the chicken form it all, it's been downgraded to nothing like you do a baby in the womb, you call it just a blob. So the chicken looks like a two year old drill it just a yellow dot, a yellow blob with two eyes. And it's perfect. And it plays on your guilt of not wanting to hurt an animal when you eat it. So it's saying go eat our chicken. It's not as advanced a life form as a cow. And I guarantee you go talk to whoever came up with that ad campaign. They'll say Yeah, that's exactly what the campaign is cheap, the average person would not look at that I was on a carload of adults. One day we drove by it, and then today with my children, and no one knew what the propaganda was. And I said, Come on, you're smart. You know what it is? And see, that's the difference between me and other people. Oh, I just know. So many different so it's all clear.
Jordan (00:31:49.000)
So many, so many more than chicken commercials.
Dan (00:31:52.000)
That's crazy. So
Jordan (00:31:54.000)
is he he's, he's mad about it. No, he
Dan (00:31:59.000)
just thinks it's propaganda that has to do with abortion somehow. Because you don't want to you don't want to eat this animals. You go for the blob because the blob is to humanize the chicken. Now, what he's not taking into account is the entire point of the ad campaign that has to do with those cows is that the cows are drawing the billboards. Yeah. Did he not get that they have hooves?
Jordan (00:32:18.000)
Did he not get any of that
Dan (00:32:19.000)
the handwriting is really bad because they're using hooves to write on the billboards. And he couldn't draw chicken. He couldn't figure that out. That's the bit. What does he think is going on there? It's a really actually, if it's a good it's a good ad campaign. Chick fil A it's a brilliant. It's a brilliant ad campaign idea that these cows are trying to save their lives by selling out chickens is really good. Yeah. And I actually read an article in Adweek about the creation of this ad campaign because I was curious. It's Aleksei. Like, if you ask the guy who started his campaign, he tell you that's the propaganda. So
Jordan (00:32:53.000)
then you were like, I wonder if anybody asked the guy who invented this campaign?
Dan (00:32:57.000)
Yeah, it turns out the chick fillet had a really small advertising budget and they couldn't met whenever they wanted to get outside of shopping malls, because that's where they started. Just like Sbarro or whatever, right? Shit is in the mall. And the Auntie Anne's Pretzels.
Jordan (00:33:13.000)
Ah, I've never had one because malls are the devil. Sure.
Dan (00:33:17.000)
But they were they were in malls, and they wanted to get freestanding stores. And they wanted to start advertising but they couldn't fucking compete with anybody because they had no budget. So what they did is they're like, fuck, we can't get commercials, it's not really going to work out. billboards are cheap, comparatively. So they started doing billboard advertisements. And they wanted to get some 3d aspects in it, right? They made a bunch of pretty interesting ideas, but they were all kind of like, it's good. It's not good enough. So they came up with one where it was three quarters of the billboard is done. And it's like a chicken sandwich. And it's like, you know, just a normal billboard. And then the last quarter of it is white, like the people designing it just had stopped, and it says boss got hungry, be back later on the last part of the Billboard, and then they have like a three D ladder going up to that. So people driving by it would get their attention. Yeah. So that was like, Okay, this is an interesting concept, but we can do better. And around this time with Simpsons were super huge. And Bart's catchphrase was Don't have a cow man, as they wanted to incorporate that somehow. These add these add wizards who are coming up with this? Yes, the Mad Men. And so they started to think about like, Don't have a cow. All right, yeah, don't eat cows eat chicken. So they started a couple you are
Jordan (00:34:36.000)
doing an amazing reenactment of its fascinate you're you're sitting I can see it in your eyes right now. You're sitting in that ad room right here. I'm waiting for you to describe the small boardroom that that like maybe there's a whiteboard. Maybe they've got some paper on the wall just writing down ideas. No, that's terrible.
Dan (00:34:54.000)
So eventually what they came up with because I am going too far and too long on this, but what they what they ended up coming up with was do Don't have a cow who doesn't want you to have cows. Obviously cows don't and there we go house don't want to be eaten. Right. So what would they do? They would tell you to eat chickens. A carousel. It's amazing. It's it's your family advertising is fucking stupid.
Jordan (00:35:13.000)
That's selling. Right Aircel you're selling memories.
Dan (00:35:16.000)
It's not about abortion of
Jordan (00:35:18.000)
cows, not about abortion. It's about abortion. How do you not see that propaganda behind it? Right? Okay, you have cows. They don't want to be eaten. So they know that if they anthropomorphize themselves, because here's the truth of this. These cows are actually super intelligent. We know that they're building billboards. Oh, that's a good point. So they're lying to you. They're pretending to be these
Dan (00:35:44.000)
a lot. Is the propaganda.
Jordan (00:35:48.000)
Exactly. Yeah, they're anthropomorphizing themselves saying eat this eat the egg. You don't want to eat anything alive. You want to eat the egg? It's not a real chicken yet. Do you know what else is eggs? People eggs so eat those eggs eat people this how do you get eggs? How do you get eggs? Abort though. So as we all know now Chick fil A invented abortion
Dan (00:36:11.000)
the very Christian company exact so I look all this is bullshit. But I do agree with Alex that this is what makes him different than people. This is so much what makes him different than I but I love him saying if you get this you get everything. This Chick fil A billboard is the key it is so that's that's what he's up.
Jordan (00:36:29.000)
And it wasn't it? What was the beginning thing? Like it's a window into guilt politics. Yeah,
Dan (00:36:34.000)
the idea of feeling guilty about eating. Like a like a cow that looks human and looks like real. Whereas this blob isn't really you don't have to feel guilty about the idea of eating that blob.
Jordan (00:36:47.000)
Yeah, I don't think that's necessarily a terrible interpretation.
Dan (00:36:52.000)
I do. Well, I
Jordan (00:36:53.000)
know I mean, from from as far as a worldview of guilt politics work. If you humanize something, you're much more likely to care about it as opposed to something that you don't care about, you know, right like if the chickens were also anthropomorphized on the Billboard, and they were both like competing and drawing like, like, oh, like a Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck situation where it's duck season, it's rabbit season, it's duck season. It's rabbit season P I see the I see what he's saying, Man, you know what? You're not on the same level here. That's what makes people like me and Alex different from you.
Dan (00:37:26.000)
Oh, God. It's been fun. It's been. We're done.
Jordan (00:37:33.000)
I just one episode, where it abruptly ends because I go full Alex Jones. I believe this man,
Dan (00:37:40.000)
I play the wrong
Jordan (00:37:41.000)
clip. Just
Dan (00:37:45.000)
so that's basically what was going on on the 22nd lot of the rest of the stuff again, is just the laying out of the net. I'm sorry, the 21st. A lot of the rest of the stuff is just laying out the beginning of the narrative about the collapse. So we go on to the 22nd. That's Monday.
Jordan (00:38:03.000)
Episode is the eventual collapse of the financial system. But wait, I gotta get this thing off my chest. Yeah, I saw a billboard. It's time to get into it. Yep. God damn you, Alex Jones.
Dan (00:38:18.000)
Yep. So the 22nd comes around. That's Monday, and he's still on his bullshit about the collapse. This is where he has this interview with Peter Schiff. who explains that it's coming any day. There's a bubble and it's gonna burst which is reasonably
Jordan (00:38:34.000)
well, I mean, in our financial system now, you could say that pretty much every other month,
Dan (00:38:38.000)
right? But to fear monger about it is kind of and we're now two years removed from it didn't didn't the dollar still holds value. Yes. So they're really full for now.
Jordan (00:38:48.000)
Right? They may have just been a couple of years off and misunderstood that the reason that collapse was coming was because of shit that they believed
Dan (00:38:55.000)
well that we get to Lionel
Jordan (00:38:59.000)
Lionel so new at all, man.
Dan (00:39:01.000)
Most of the rest of this episode beyond the collapse narrative is stuff about how all of these identity politics ideas like racism transphobia Islamophobia is all distraction shit. So he has Paul Joseph Watson on this is where he does his horrible parody character, man Dinah Okay, play it on a past episode hope he dies. Paul Joseph Watson makes the arguments that Hillary Clinton is running on feminist lies, all this shit course. And all that stuff is kind of kind of stuff we touched on in past episodes. He
Jordan (00:39:32.000)
is from Britain. I would like to amend I earlier I did say that. I hope he got hit by a truck. He is from Britain. I hope he gets hit by a lorry. There you go. Now we can move on. Okay. I apologize for that. I just wanted to correct that for any of our listeners. overseas. That's
Dan (00:39:48.000)
what knowledge fight does. We make corrections.
Jordan (00:39:51.000)
When we pick a when we make a mistake. We can't do it. Yep.
Dan (00:39:55.000)
So he spends the rest of his episode towards the end he He's really mad that people want to take down the Confederate flag or his he calls it the battle flag.
Jordan (00:40:07.000)
What? If you're calling it the battle flag? You're justifying why we want it to be taken down? Do you not get
Dan (00:40:14.000)
that? So he has an article that he brings up, and it's about South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who is now the ambassador to the UN. She was one of the people who we
Jordan (00:40:25.000)
have to say these words out loud, very weird, can't get we just pretend they're not real. So she
Dan (00:40:31.000)
was making moves towards taking the Confederate flag out of the State Building. And now it was really bent out of shape about that. And so he ends the show with what he thinks is a scholarly treaties on the reality of the Civil War. I mentioned last episode, that we're gonna listen to it.
Jordan (00:40:49.000)
No, he does not know that he does not tell us what the Civil War was about, does he? Oh, he does. Oh, God, here we
Dan (00:40:55.000)
go. Here's the
Alex Jones (00:40:56.000)
issue. I'm from Texas, Texas was part of this whole southern movement slavery was the issue was not about slavery. Papers, the real history of the time, it was about who would enjoy western expansion. The north that was mainly industrial, had very high tariffs on the southern cotton, other things leaving the country, internal tariffs on them trying to sell their goods. Whenever we had a southern president, Andrew Jackson, the South tried to rebel against him and almost had a civil war over taxes. So so so even Jackson, northern agenda grew the South 2% of the South had slaves. Most of the whites that were poor, or as bad off as the black slaves. I mean, that's historical. They were called sharecroppers, they were slaves. For all intents and purposes, their ancestors got here to pay for the way over, they would sign up for seven to 10 years indentured servitude, I'm gonna skip this network breaks, we have more time to explain more, they would get over here. And so they were slaves to it doesn't take from the plight of the Africans who are definitely treated the worst on their way over here, and who were treated the worst when it came to their rights. When it came to starvation, poverty, degradation, the sharecroppers were pretty close to the bottom of the barrel, as well.
Jordan (00:42:15.000)
Man the hammering at Lee was the that clown not sounds reasonable. He's about to defend.
Alex Jones (00:42:21.000)
He was a famous general in the US military. He didn't support slavery. He didn't support the South, but he supported states rights. And so bullshit, resigned his commission and joined being a general within a year or so became the head of the Southern forces. It's very interesting history. I've read all about it. I don't dress up in great uniforms at home. I don't dress up in blue uniforms at home. Quite frankly, I have an illustrious lineage in US history from Texas right back to the founding of the country and before show obviously I'm not going to get into my southern Civil War roots just put it this way the rednecks and people they know about it bow down to me okay, but the whole
Dan (00:43:03.000)
wait what that's pretty fucked WAIT WHAT
Jordan (00:43:05.000)
THE FUCK just do what ain't just fucking say
Dan (00:43:08.000)
right there right next who are in the know they bow down to me?
Jordan (00:43:11.000)
I don't like that. I don't either. I don't know I I don't believe that's true. No one has what would you be in the know about that would cause you to bow down to Alex Jones that no idea but but that's that's like such Look, I know. It's not to take away from the plight of the Africans right sharecroppers out of bed you know, it was it was a south. Now admittedly, I don't want to talk about my family's history. But we killed everybody. We fought on the side of this. Yeah, you were a fucking evil monster. What do you mean I don't I don't wear blue at home. I don't wear gray at home. You don't dress up spiritually? Oh, I wear so much gray. So are the grass. So
Dan (00:43:55.000)
a couple of fun facts. If you go and actually read the resolution of secession from various states. In the south, if you go read the documents of their Secession Convention,
Jordan (00:44:04.000)
I bet they all say states rights and none of them mentioned slavery or white supremacy at all right?
Dan (00:44:09.000)
You look at the row of the Mississippi mentioned slave or slavery 10 times throughout the document. States right so never once mentions the word tax or tariff fake news. South Carolina's mentioned slaves 18 times. It mentions the word tax once though. Good, but it's talking about taxing slaves. Oh, foiled again. Yeah, this idea of the tariff argument I did a little looking into this.
Jordan (00:44:34.000)
I bet it has nothing to do with whitewashing it actually,
Dan (00:44:37.000)
it's a pretty interesting history. You know, everyone has two sides of issues. And you know, everyone's like secretly, blah, blah, blah, slaves. I read an interesting article by a guy named Mark William Palin, who's a Professor of History at the University of Exeter. He was breaking down this this tariff argument and what he was explaining is that the argue meant about tariffs leading to the Civil War is based on a misunderstanding about the tariff situation that existed during the 1832 Nullification Crisis. That's when tariffs got everyone was fighting over them. They misunderstand that with the 1860 1861 secession of southern states. That's basically what
Jordan (00:45:22.000)
are their 20 years off and their art? Well, I apologize,
Dan (00:45:25.000)
they conflate those two things into one. Right. So in 1860, the moral tariff was passed. But this is very interesting. Precisely because southern states began seceding from December 1860 onwards, a number of Southern senators had resigned that could otherwise have voted against the tariff bill, had they not resigned, they would have had enough votes in the Senate to successfully block the tariffs, congressional passage, but because they succeeded, they didn't have a vote anymore. So the secession came before this Morelle tariff. Now, what's interesting is that the Confederacy wanted the British people to recognize the Confederacy as a sovereign nation. Yes. So what they did is they started to make the argument that because of the timing, the almost immediate passage of this mortal tariff, they what made the argument to the British that that's the reason that they succeeded, when that could not have possibly been the case. The secession led to the passage, right? So because of the closeness and time it created a ton of confusion, obviously, the British wouldn't want to support a group of people who had seceded from their country over slavery,
Jordan (00:46:31.000)
considering the fact that they had already abolished slavery 1015 years beforehand,
Dan (00:46:35.000)
right. And so they basically pretended that no, it was about tariffs, it's about tariffs. Sure, sure. So here, quote, pro southern business interests, journalists fed the myth that the war was over trade, not slavery, the better to win over people who might be appalled at siding with slave owners against the forces of abolition. On March 12 1861, just 10 days after the moral tariff had become law, the London Times gave editorial voice to the tariffs lie, the newspaper pronounced that, quote, protection was quite as much a cause of the disruption of the union is slavery, and remarked upon how the moral tariff had, quote, much changed the tone of public feeling in favor of the secessionists.
Jordan (00:47:12.000)
So well, so your work, lies, lies work, a propaganda campaign worked, but then John Stuart Mill, the fucking story of this podcast, John Stuart Mill got involved
Dan (00:47:21.000)
and started writing essays about how this is nonsense. And how, obviously, if you look at what they're saying, and had been saying, in the south, it's all about slavery. Yeah. And that
Jordan (00:47:30.000)
also, hey, who cares? Who cares? If it's who cares if it's 6040? It's their slavery, still a big part of it, right? Oh, it's also about tariffs, fine slavery, but because of slavery, right? But you add 5% Because of slavery, they're still fucking slaves,
Dan (00:47:46.000)
right? And Alex is being beholden to this myth. And being beholden to this narrative really indicates that either he hasn't researched it as much as he thinks, or he's been researching really dicey sources, or he's inclined to just be leave the slavery apologist argument this
Jordan (00:48:07.000)
is that that is a common thing to like, I was very I was taught some of that in school. Like, I remember being in school in my small dumb town, with people pulling that narrative of like, it was slavery, but also states rights. Like they were toeing that line, like they were like that was, that was the same thing as teaching the controversy, like teaching, creative, or intelligent design or whatever dumb lies they're telling about that, too. Yeah. It's that idea of like, well, some believe this, and some believe that, and we're not going to we're not going to come down on reality. You can invent your own truth out of that, and it's bullshit. And that's
Dan (00:48:49.000)
what the self did with the British. Yeah. Well, so that part is bullshit. It's total bullshit. And him spouting this stuff on the show in defense of people not taking down the Confederate flag is nonsense. Now, at the same time, he does have a good point that sharecroppers had it bad. They did.
Jordan (00:49:03.000)
Well, the thing that the thing that boggles my mind that people still don't put together like he specifically pointed it out, only 2% had slaves, right. Do you see what a big problem having all of the wealth concentrated within a very small number of people can create the top
Dan (00:49:23.000)
Jordan (00:49:25.000)
for that idea? Yeah, it's bad for everyone
Dan (00:49:28.000)
who leaves to owning humans am seceding. Yeah.
Jordan (00:49:31.000)
Well, hey, we're big fans of the free market ideology, your market, that's what happened. Free market, that's free market, a free market. It's a it's a good thing and never winds up in that exact situation that we're in. Yeah.
Dan (00:49:43.000)
I mean, if you want to look at the extremeness of free market, there were people who sold themselves into slavery for me, and back into Greece, the days of Greece, because that's one of the things I studied the most in college. One of the biggest problems that led to almost the premature collapse of Greece, was that people sold themselves into slavery. they'd sold because they were so destitute, right? They would just sell themselves. And it got to a point where the government Solon ended up having to be like, Nah, fuck this, you guys are all free. And that's what the North had to do. So, I mean, we did essentially save the United States by getting rid of slavery, right? So Alex is just an idiot, that he has more to say. And he accidentally says a couple other true things that are like he just glosses over. There's one at the end, where he's like, a black person probably invented the cotton gin, but who cares?
Jordan (00:50:36.000)
Wait, wait, why? We'll get to it. I mean, that's a good that's probably true.
Alex Jones (00:50:43.000)
Is that, that I understand that the South was snickered. The South was bamboozled. The South was set up. They were Flim Flam North was evicted from his daily lead. 1000 soldiers die of a civil war. Now did the south fight three to one four to 110 to one by the end was about 10 times the military equipment on the north. To the south when the first two three years against the North was some of the best military maneuvers with Stonewall Jackson and others. Yes. So there's the pride of the South that they absolutely dominated the North when on average they were fighting for to one against Northern soldiers. But these were City guys from the North. They weren't the children of the you know, the wagon train folks. We talked about skin about run a trotline the North was fighting Davy Crockett. So that's why they were in deep trouble. The South ran out of shoes ran out of guns ran out of bullets. So there's this illustrious strength of the south and and and in the in the whole giant black brigades that fought on the side of the South. I wonder why in yards? The history you're given is not the real history that was going on slavery was a horrible institution at the West began the process of getting rid of ah, because they would try to arm their slaves basically.
Dan (00:52:08.000)
What was that? The hearing? Ah, what? What's the problem? Yes,
Jordan (00:52:16.000)
that is true.
Dan (00:52:17.000)
But the when the West,
Jordan (00:52:18.000)
the North, they did start to abolish slavery. But the part that didn't start to abolish slavery that fought very hard against it is the part that he's like, Yeah, well, you know, we're still proud of ourselves. Fuck you.
Dan (00:52:33.000)
Well, the thing that he's saying they're proud of is fighting like, totally outnumbered and like, Sure. I mean, I guess, I guess,
Jordan (00:52:42.000)
what is that? That would
Dan (00:52:46.000)
be like if the Spartans were the bad guys.
Jordan (00:52:49.000)
Well, the Spartans were the bad guys Persians, not against the Persians, but that's what 300 was, though. Well, yeah, but
Dan (00:52:55.000)
do you not remember the Spartans weren't great, don't get me wrong. The Spartans were great. They would kill their babies and shit.
Jordan (00:53:01.000)
Like you don't remember the war. They fought against Athens that wound up destroying all of Greece.
Dan (00:53:07.000)
I remember a bit of it. Yes, that was a big one. They were the bad guys. And when I say kill their babies, I'm not talking about abortion. I'm saying that if they had a weird head, they'd leave them on a mountain. Yeah, that's good luck.
Jordan (00:53:18.000)
Is that not what abortion is? It's not quite I remember go I remember protesting against an abortion doctor one day and it was right next to a mountain. So I just assumed that's
Dan (00:53:26.000)
where he put them. Did anybody who was protesting, bring a Chick fil A sign? Yeah, to cows
Jordan (00:53:31.000)
to Billboard.
Alex Jones (00:53:34.000)
Freedom, and then shut up basically their own industrial, agrarian combine. That was going on. A lot of people in the south got kicked out to Texas, because they were doing what George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had done upon their deaths, freeing their agrarian slaves. It's 2% had slaves of those that did there was a percentage that beat people and killed them and everything else Hypersoft with other folks, percent different culture than what the media projects no one's defending what you're told in the news and in the media is not what's going on. It has no reflection, in reality, to what happened. Then the biggest issue is that for a decade after the Civil War, Lincoln didn't want to break down the south. He didn't want to follow with Sherman's model of reconstruction. He got shot in the back of the head. by John Wilkes Booth, we're told really, the evidence worked towards that being a setup that a lot of folks wanted to loot the South. A lot of Northern industrialist wanted to take it over the railroads. John Willis, was a false flag. Shots got shot. armed and trained a bunch of the South gave them weapons. And then when they had the boa constrictor or was the Anaconda strategy, it was the Big giant snake all the way around the East Coast all at the Mississippi to basically cut off supplies. The British didn't break those and didn't supply the South. I'm not demonizing the British either. These are just facts of what happened that you watch shows like routes or other shows. They don't know this. They show a guy with a whip beaten the black guy. Yeah, that's just not what it was slavery was already being phased out. It was collapsing because of industrialization. And Eli Whitney's cotton gin, which was probably actually invented by a black guy, but the point is that no kidney wanted to quit having to pull the stuff out of the cotton themselves. So
Jordan (00:55:42.000)
Oh, yeah, there we go. All right. All right, dude. Yeah. So I'm sorry. So the cotton gin only made slavery worse. Yeah, absolutely. It only made slavery worse. It did not improve things at all. Yeah, so but that's that's like, I know that streamline the blue like cotton was dying as an industry slavery perhaps due to that was falling out of favor. So cotton gin revolutionized it making cotton even more important. He's
Dan (00:56:09.000)
fucking acting like you couldn't find a use for slaves. Yeah,
Jordan (00:56:12.000)
no kid. The fuck you.
Dan (00:56:14.000)
It's so stupid. It's the tone of voice,
Jordan (00:56:17.000)
tone of voice that kills me when they're talking about what and this is they? we all we all know who they is Alex when they are talking about slavery and and like the horrible mistreatment of slaves. Just the fact that you own people. It's always like, yes, it was a bad time. Like, it's always that tone of voice like, but yes, like a resigned like, Oh, right. Why are you bringing this up? To me again? Exactly. Instead of the righteous fury that it should be like the idea that owning slaves is just a situation is fucking banana.
Dan (00:56:58.000)
Well, here, here's what it comes down to. For me, Alex can only hold one opinion in his head at a time. So he can't really agree that or he can't embody that slavery was wrong, and sharecroppers had it bad too. At the same time. He if he says that slavery was really bad, that in some way invalidates the argument that sharecroppers had it bad. And that's the argument he's more interested in making, because it defends white people, or makes white victimhood narratives which we know he's super into. Right. So anyway, that was a super long clip, and I apologize, but I wanted to demonstrate first of all, that Alex is stupid. And second, that this is the kind of stuff he's wasting his time with.
Jordan (00:57:41.000)
And more importantly, we wanted to re break the story. John Wilkes Booth was a false flag. That's what I'm saying. This is true. Everything everyone everyone knows this every single thing. AWB false flag everything.
Dan (00:57:55.000)
So the like, Trump has been running for president now for what would it be? Six days. And eternity. This is six days past him making his comments about the Mexicans, right. Some are good people. He's still not mentioned him at all. Still not mentioned Trump at all. barely mentioned the election. Let's get the taste of that Civil War shit out of our mouth with a nice out of context drop.
Alex Jones (00:58:21.000)
I'm so moral. It's disgusting.
Dan (00:58:25.000)
All right, Alex. Good call. Good call baby. I love that. so bizarre.
Jordan (00:58:37.000)
I'm so humble. It's the least humble thing ever. Yeah. what is what? What are you talking about? It's
Dan (00:58:45.000)
very weird. I don't even remember what context it was in. But I do know it doesn't matter.
Jordan (00:58:49.000)
That's yeah. What? What could there's nothing more to say? No, he's so moral. It is disgusting. So that now we move on illustrating perhaps the great paradox of true morality. Once you reach a certain point, you are the very evil you espouse.
Dan (00:59:08.000)
We move on to June 23. That is that Tuesday. We're on a Tuesday show now. And what was happening around the actual world on that day is that they were talking about fast tracking TPP. Yes, talking about giving Obama the Fast Track authority for the Trans Pacific Partnership. It was made out to be some sort of evil nefarious thing. But what people don't ever take into account when they talk about fast tracking of trade agreements, is that literally every president since Gerald Ford, with the exception of Bill Cohen has been granted Fast Track authority. Yeah, that is just something that is basically do Rigler
Jordan (00:59:50.000)
is there all have in common that Obama did not share with them?
Dan (00:59:54.000)
Well, I mean, Bill Clinton didn't get it. So I mean, and Obama did get it. They Yeah, they did. Yeah. And TPP was fast tracked. And that's what leads us to where Alex's headspace is on the 23rd. But again, this fast track sounds like something that's weird and evil, because it doesn't get discussed much. But it's super normal. There's something that happens with every president. And I think one of the big reasons that Clinton didn't get it was because of the Larry Nichols types, and all the propaganda and the, quote, vast right wing conspiracy, that unfortunately is real, that Hillary complains about and is very much real. So speaking of rallies to cheer seems like speaking of Larry Nichols, he will be making an appearance on this episode here on the 23rd. This Tuesday show, but because Alex Jones is so bent out of shape about the TPP he plays a couple of really long videos, and one of them is Senator Jeff Sessions on the Senate floor. Oh, that's not good giving a speech about how the Trans Pacific Partnership takes away the sovereignty of the country and the Congress. Hmm. And this is the first instance of Alex being super complimentary about someone who would eventually be part of Trump's cabinet or part of Trump's campaign. Okay, so it's interesting because he's still not talked about Trump at all, but he loves Jeff Sessions. Okay. So here Alex says exactly how he feels about Jeff Sessions.
Jordan (01:01:17.000)
I'll allow this
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.000)
a discipline and set rules outside powers of the United States Congress.
Alex Jones (01:01:25.000)
Back it up about a minute this show epic, I don't want to interrupt it. I'm gonna play. One of the main leaders of the Senate, a guy who leaked the amnesty bills three separate times, they even tried to censure him for it. But the rules say they really couldn't do that. Senator Sessions is a super patriot. Oh, so as Rand Paul, oh, they're not perfect. But compared to the others, I mean, they're just absolutely nine day.
Dan (01:01:53.000)
So we're starting to get a sense of Alex's political headspace. Rand Paul, is someone he always talks very complimentary about Ron Paul comes on his show a bunch, right. And so Jeff Sessions is a super Patriot because he's opposed to the Trans Pacific Partnership. Most likely, that's a big part of why Alex is so into him. Because Alex sees the Trans Pacific Partnership as the final step that will lead us to globalist enslavement. Right? It takes away our sovereignty and our our country, eventually will just have a one world dictator, right, the Asian union and the European Union, Trans Pacific Partnership. They're all going to be merged together, right. It's the trilateral plan. Yep. So he
Jordan (01:02:36.000)
that's basically where he's at barcodes on the back of our hands. We're all gonna die, dude, we're gonna get to that in like two episodes. Yep. Sessions is a fucking monster. And I hope he a god.
Dan (01:02:45.000)
He's a tremendous guy.
Jordan (01:02:47.000)
He's a monster.
Dan (01:02:48.000)
Let's just put it this way. He probably believes the Civil War was about tariffs. He almost
Jordan (01:02:52.000)
certainly believes that. Yeah, either that or he never learned that and Keebler elf school.
Dan (01:02:58.000)
Yeah. So that's a large part of this episode. He wants to talk about the TPP but he doesn't really get into any depth about it other than his fears, and his fear narratives. He does explain that because of the TPP and all these unions merging that the UN is going to take over Israel, but Muslims will still be killing Christians all over the place. Sure. He goes on a rant about that which transition smoothly into him selling his gallbladder cleanse product
Jordan (01:03:26.000)
right well that I'm good yeah,
Dan (01:03:27.000)
I'm happy I consulted my doctor friend. And he informed me that no one needs to cleanse their gallbladder it's fine I don't understand
Jordan (01:03:33.000)
how you would what I don't understand what a gallbladder would be cleansed up
Dan (01:03:38.000)
so there's a lot all there's a lot of like plastics that you end up taking in because of shit the globalist have put in your food course and they all collect in the gallbladder globalist so you take a bunch of his medicines is supplements. And then you drink like rice wine vinegar or something like that apple cider vinegar. And then on the sixth day of the cleanse, you drink like a glass of olive oil, I believe is what he says. And then you lay on your side for a couple hours and then you he's not specific, but I think he says you just shit forever. Could there be it's I didn't cut a clip of it because one of the grossest things ever.
Jordan (01:04:18.000)
Product what other? What other results of all of that shit, it could
Dan (01:04:23.000)
arrive? You're talking about apple cider vinegar for six days? Yeah, what? Like Google glass full of all.
Jordan (01:04:30.000)
What else? And then liquid shoots out your ears for
Dan (01:04:35.000)
six weeks. Now you pass a bunch of plastics through your butt. And he does say talk to your doctor.
Jordan (01:04:43.000)
And your doctor will say no,
Dan (01:04:45.000)
stop it. So at the at the about our point of this episode, we get a return visit from our old friend Larry Nichols. Yes. And Larry Stevie Nicks on the last episode that he was on. He came on and I believe kicked off Off Alex's savior complex. Yeah, which was laying dormant and Alex for the entirety of his career. But the way Larry is respected by Alex, and the way that Larry said, Hey, Alex, what you need to do, you're the only one who can save us. The way he articulated it, I think, is the roots of Alex's journey. So he comes back on and this episode, he's mostly just talking about a lot of the murders that the Clintons have committed, talks about some guy who cut off his hands and his legs and decapitated himself and they ruled it a suicide, I found no evidence that this is a real thing that happened. But what he really wants to talk about is, we need to build an army. He's enlisting Alex's followers, to create an army to stop the Clintons.
Jordan (01:05:50.000)
That's exactly what we need. And so that's I love it when people say let's turn into an army that has no negative connotations to it whatsoever.
Dan (01:05:58.000)
So here he is describing that
Larry Nichols (01:06:01.000)
I'm not here to smear them. What I'm here to do is give you a character profile of these people because it's up to us. You know, attitude, your audience, three for me, and people ask me, you got your talk all.
Jordan (01:06:17.000)
He says, there's people that come out, Alex,
Larry Nichols (01:06:22.000)
you got to know who they are.
Dan (01:06:24.000)
So you got to know who they are, if you're going to stop them, right as an army. So he goes on to know who your enemy is. He goes on to talk about the murderers. And he also plays the we played the clip on the last episode, but the witches, which is so he talks about how Hillary Clinton went to witch church with the lady from Designing Women. Yep. And then he drops this one on him.
Larry Nichols (01:06:44.000)
We'll remember this time, just tell you what kind of woman this was Hillary Clinton. Two Secret Service agents in the White House are all just racking up the new living quarters. I go up there stuff breaking. They don't know whether to go in because you're not supposed to the danger of breaking a bargain. And there were Hillary in bed with Martin post. Night nikecourt that Bond wanted to watch Grey's Blanchette. That's the sicko people. We call
Dan (01:07:21.000)
so Hillary fucked for marketing. Nightcore Yeah, she played the public defender.
Jordan (01:07:28.000)
So now I am a way bigger Hillary fan. If I had known this, I would have campaigned so much harder for Hillary. Are you kidding? Me? Fuck, Markie Post and then they were throwing no cash. Because Bill
Dan (01:07:42.000)
wanted to watch. So he pulled up a chair and Hillary didn't like that he was watching. So she started throwing laps around the room.
Jordan (01:07:49.000)
That the problem is that sounds pretty true. That's
Dan (01:07:54.000)
I buy it. That also sounds like a zero to
Jordan (01:07:56.000)
me. And sounds like a exactly a like he watched house of cards like this is after House of Cards was 2015. Yeah, he watched House of Cards. That's what he did.
Dan (01:08:08.000)
Well, also, I love Larry Nichols obsession with people from sitcoms, that super does love that. He loves to throw them in inside characters. But also like he's saying that what he's going to do is come back every week and have a scandal a week. Right for Alex and this plus the Designing Women which church is the scandals that he's starting with? That's what he's like, Dude, you got to do better because I don't care if Hillary Clinton went to a witch church. I'm pissed off. She didn't invite me check Taylor, but at the same time, I don't care if she had sex with Markie Post. She's a beautiful woman. And I don't care if Bill Clinton watched and I don't care if she threw an ashtray. Well,
Jordan (01:08:45.000)
here's the one thing that you don't know yet. Right? The scandal after this one. I saw Hillary Clinton and Seinfeld. Both telling bad jokes at the Laugh Factory. Also, they were
Dan (01:09:05.000)
fucking also she fucked dauber she fucked Kubiak Parker Lewis.
Jordan (01:09:14.000)
God the fact when she bought Telly Savalas, I'll tell you that was insane. She was a lot younger back then. She was a hot pizza
Dan (01:09:21.000)
lollipop opera post.
Jordan (01:09:23.000)
Oh, God. All right. All right, pack it in so that we got all we're gonna get. So
Dan (01:09:30.000)
that's the that's what Larry Nichols wants to come. I think the most important piece of it.
Jordan (01:09:35.000)
Larry Nichols wants to come come and say,
Dan (01:09:37.000)
Ah, got me. So that's the that's like he loves you, baby. That's his contribution. I think the most important part is that he's trying to enlist Alex's audience manipulatively. Yes. It's it's become very clear at this point that he's using Alex because he knows the millions of people listening. He He's like, just trying to get his agenda through. And he knows he can sort of do bollocks, right? The other stuff is just really funny. That's really funny school. So we now jump to Wednesday the 24th. And this is where I believe everything changed. Okay, the 24th of June June 24 and 2015. I have reason to believe that this is where Alex began to lose his mind. Now, have you ever read the case of Charles Dexter ward? HP Lovecraft? Nope. So part of it is there's a running trend throughout it of there's this guy named Charles Dexter Ward, who at some point absolutely lost his mind. Right. And there are different psychiatrist that have like, thought it was at this point. Oh, no, it was later it was later. That's, I'm all of those psychiatrists when it comes to Alex, because I have various points where I think he lost his mind. This one is big. And I'll just play
Jordan (01:11:01.000)
this you're putting you're putting a lot more chips on this one than you are on your other hands. Well,
Dan (01:11:05.000)
there's two things that happen on this episode that I think are groundbreaking. And here's the first one and I'm not even gonna set it up at all. I just want you to take this in and listen because it's
Alex Jones (01:11:15.000)
I had a six hour dream last night for the time. That was the most vivid of my lifetime I can only describe it as a vision of the future. You can say scientifically It's what my brain while the study has basically postulated by God. I didn't know you could have such nightmares. I mean, it was like 20 years of observations. Seeing things it was unbelievable. i Oh my god. And whether it was a dream or real, whether I was peering into the future or not, it doesn't matter because I can intellectually look at the enemy operation and tell you without a shadow of a doubt. That's where they're taking the show. Whether it was a vision or whether my mind sense our minds are so incredible. created this giant 20 Year 3d movie, complete with smellivision
Jordan (01:12:16.000)
whoa smellivision How much would you pay for so
Alex Jones (01:12:21.000)
that I could try to wrap my mind around what faces our species and try to find the lever to move the world back from the brink of destruction?
Jordan (01:12:31.000)
So Alex Jones had a dream and is now our Messiah
Dan (01:12:37.000)
he had a prophetic dream
Jordan (01:12:38.000)
that's what he's about what the globalist How would you know how long no one would know that it is not possible No.
Dan (01:12:45.000)
And time dilation happens during dream so yeah, it's absurd. Yeah, but this I legitimately think, is crazy. No, that's
Jordan (01:12:56.000)
absolutely crazy.
Dan (01:12:57.000)
I've had a lot of very vivid dreams in my in my life. I've also practiced lucid dreaming for a little while and you know, gained some mastery over the dreamscape. What have you I'm an Orion. I don't all right, fuck,
Jordan (01:13:08.000)
I'm fine with it. It's
Dan (01:13:09.000)
a real cool fly. I understand. Yeah. And the when you apply concrete meaning to dreams, a lot of the time you're really messing up, you're doing something really bad. And I can think
Jordan (01:13:21.000)
of no past historical comparison for that on I can think of zero times where a man has said, Listen, I interrupt of the future, do what I say. Yeah, that that generally works out right. Yeah. And
Dan (01:13:35.000)
they're usually very verifiable things. So Alex doesn't really get to in deep in depth about the dream itself, except to say that it was the next 20 years of what the globalists are going to do. Yes, and it sticks out and it mysteriously followed the exact path of everything he said in the past, almost as if he is a crazy person who has fixated on this bizarre false reality that he's created within his head to the point that it has invaded his psyche, his subconscious. Yeah. And so when he has a dream of a nightmare you know, his nightmares obviously would match up with this thing that he thinks about all the time right? So that's not all
Jordan (01:14:18.000)
like mine are just about bank accounts and how they are sure are gradually disappearing. slowly burning into my toes. Just just money that's probably a vision just money on my toes. Six hours just lit on fire six hour dream about money toes. Yep. I was set to I was set ablaze by a witch
Dan (01:14:38.000)
was Hillary Clinton or the lady from signing Larry Nichols.
Jordan (01:14:42.000)
So the that's the one truth. There's only one witch. Larry Nichols.
Dan (01:14:45.000)
Is he a good witch? No, no, no.
Jordan (01:14:48.000)
So do you think his nickname is Stevie Nicks?
Dan (01:14:51.000)
Alex is not done talking about this dream.
Alex Jones (01:14:53.000)
Last night. My dream I studied them so much. I was like tuning in. Everybody loves it when you tell people about your dream. Heinz is a super intimidating man possessed or something, it was just absolutely horrible. Because it was like a 20 year dream. It was just one on forever like hell through their eyes while they were doing all this stuff. My God, it was horrible. Oh my god, it's so horrible. The future is going to be just hell on earth people. And the churches won't warn anybody. It's all name it and claim it glitter bugs up there. Coming up, refuelling, we need money to fund this operation. I want to hire 10 More reporters I want to I just want him to crack the nut of that
Dan (01:15:36.000)
like that how it went from I have this dream that everything's gonna be living out. We need money.
Jordan (01:15:40.000)
We need money now. Everything's gonna be a living hell yeah. I had to cook
Unknown Speaker (01:15:49.000)
please give me money. Please
Jordan (01:15:51.000)
send your donations to 1010 Northwest street on
Dan (01:15:54.000)
meanwhile making fun of the prosperity gospel people who had to name it and claim it folks that he's talking about
Jordan (01:16:00.000)
and the prosperity gospel people are fucking monsters. Totally. But
Dan (01:16:03.000)
don't make fun of them. Right when you're about to ask for money. Like that's insane. No, that's
Jordan (01:16:08.000)
the perfect time. So I think that is that is the perfect time to to mock them is like, Hey, look at these idiots over here. Don't give them your money. Give me money.
Dan (01:16:20.000)
I thought you're gonna make the argument that the asking for money was parody?
Jordan (01:16:24.000)
Oh, no. Well,
Dan (01:16:25.000)
he would have to understand parody. That's true. So I believe that there is crassness to Alex's like, I'm going to talk about this dream and then do a pitch for money. But at the same time, I think that the reality is that he started to internalize the Savior myth that Larry Nichols has brought to the show. Okay, and because that already, it exacerbates feelings he's already had under the surface, but he probably wasn't able to really come out with them. Because even he knows that would be grandiose, and people would be like, calm down, Alex. But because Larry Nichols has brought it to him. It gives him much in the same way that Reverend child was saying that Charleston was fake. It gives him permission to say it's fake. Larry Nichols being like you're our Savior. Now his delusions get to roam free. Exactly. So Alex comes in with this. So are you
Jordan (01:17:15.000)
making the are you making the argument that this is when his delusion comes out? Or are you making the argument that this is when he gives in whole hog to the delusions of grandeur?
Dan (01:17:26.000)
I think more of the latter. I think that is the moment, at least where his mind becomes like, there is something talking to me. Like these dreams, the way he's presenting it is it's prophecy. Yeah, this is when he becomes Elijah. He described it as a vision of the next 20 years. Right, like, and he's the only one who can stop it.
Jordan (01:17:51.000)
He's the only one who's seen it with your money. Right? And you're gonna need it and he's gonna need look, if there's one thing I know about apocalypse is you need at least 10 More reporters. Yeah, to really stop
Dan (01:18:03.000)
it runs into money. Exactly. So that is the first thing that's super important that happens on the 24th. The other thing is the introduction of a new character into the pantheon of Infowars people,
Jordan (01:18:16.000)
not rainbows, Nash, though. No, she's
Dan (01:18:17.000)
a years old.
Jordan (01:18:18.000)
She's years from now. She's just a twinkle in Alex Jones's mother's eyes.
Dan (01:18:22.000)
So one thing that I think is interesting is that all the characters who play big roles now aren't around yet. Yeah, so Roger Stone, he's nowhere to be seen. He's not on any of these episodes. There's no mention of him. When he's on almost every episode now, right? There's no fourth hour get hosts, necessarily. He's usually just doing three hours, and then doing overdrive if he has to get to some topic, stuff like that. So a lot of there
Jordan (01:18:49.000)
is still David night, but our guest of our cast of rotating monsters is
Dan (01:18:53.000)
David Knightley, the end McAdoo Jakari Jackson, Joe Biggs, those folks are around, right. But yeah, like the Anthony Kumi is, so far I've seen no evidence of Rappaport existing back then, although I'll keep you posted. I'm sure he's still alive at this point in the past, or he blipped into existence in 2016. Exactly. Alex Jones created him out of a vision.
Jordan (01:19:19.000)
He pulled him from bitwixe Dizzy years.
Dan (01:19:21.000)
So this is the first instance that I can find. And I might be wrong about this. I admit that I may be wrong. But I know that it's the first time she has ever been on. And I believe it's the first time he's had a guest from rebel media on Oh, okay. Mike
Jordan (01:19:37.000)
Cernovich. And rebel media at this point is very low key. Yeah,
Dan (01:19:41.000)
Mike's there's really no part of rebel media and I don't know what he's doing at this point. Probably some GamerGate shit, right? He's not something horrible. He's not on Alex's radar. Jack Sobiech isn't a player at this point. He's not even on the he's not on anyone's radar. I don't know what the fuck he's doing at this point. Gavin McInnes isn't And he's involved with rebel media as well. But he's not on Alex's radar. He hasn't popped up on any shows. But Alex does on the 24th of June. Have someone from rebel media, a lady by the name of Lauren southern on as a guest. All right, so Lauren snow, that name at this point, she is a college student. And she has a YouTube channel and reports for rebel media. On this episode, she had just put out a video that was making fun of the SlutWalk.
Jordan (01:20:30.000)
So I'm, I'm assuming that she's doing it in a very sex positive way and saying that there is no reason for women to be ashamed after they have a wonderful night with somebody that they care about. Or don't care about more just fuck,
Dan (01:20:43.000)
you might you might have the wrong angle on this.
Jordan (01:20:45.000)
So she's not making fun of them. She's making fun of them for having sex in the first place.
Dan (01:20:50.000)
Well, if she turns it all in, she turns it into a rape thing. Oh, for fucks. And to be fair, some of it was some of the the march and some of the protest was about that.
Jordan (01:20:59.000)
Oh, absolutely. No, it was a sexual assault is a horrifying problem, right? That is prevalent across many campuses and is often covered up like the Baylor bullshit. And that whole thing like yeah, I'm on board,
Dan (01:21:10.000)
there are chedda sex positivity bent to it and a rape awareness bent to it. So she goes out and it's all she, I'm gonna play two clips from when they play her report, because they play a bit of it. And I want you to keep the mic down. Because this is gonna make you really mad. And I need you to hear Alex
Jordan (01:21:29.000)
I doubt it'll make me mad. I need you. I'm sure that it's gonna be right in my wheelhouse of I'm gonna agree with her politics. I
Dan (01:21:37.000)
need you and the audience to hear Alex mumbling in the background. While the video plays Oh, no, because it's real. It's worse than her report itself. Wow, her report is not great. So here we go. Here's the first one. This is Lauren voice will come in for a second. And then a lady on the street will start to sort of confront her about her position. And I would describe this as Lauren not being good on her feet, not thinking fast.
Lauren Southern (01:22:06.000)
Is the stopping rapes. The
Woman on the Street (47) (01:22:08.000)
stats to back up anything that you've said this afternoon? Absolutely said that rapists go to jail, can you give me a stat to back that up based on the number of rapes that are reported? The number of rapes to get taken to the cops, the number of rapes to get prosecuted? Could you give me some stats to back up your pseudo reporting here?
Lauren Southern (01:22:23.000)
Well, first of all, out of the amount of rapes that happen out of 100,000 people 1.7 of Canadians, actually, even just, that's just reporting rapes. So
Woman on the Street (47) (01:22:33.000)
you know that less than 10% of rapes are actually reported. Where's that?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:39.000)
From all of the women's organizations, you can look it up online, you and organization just socialize. Nations that study rape is an organization that works as a rape crisis center, we base that on the number of calls the police know, based on the unofficial reports, the third party reporting and the direct reports, this is not a secret that about 10% of rapes are reported.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:59.000)
So how do you know 10% of rapes are reported if the others aren't? Because
Unknown Speaker (01:23:03.000)
those people call the women's centers, they ask for help they seek medical attention to their reported.
Dan (01:23:08.000)
Ooh, gotcha. She thinks that's a gotcha. Like the reporting to a women's clinic or something like that. Yeah, the equivalent.
Jordan (01:23:17.000)
It's the same thing.
Dan (01:23:18.000)
She's she's really moving goalposts around and then when Lauren is asked to give any statistic she stammers through a couple of numbers. I
Jordan (01:23:27.000)
think it's, I think it's obvious that Alex is right now listening to this going. Lauren isn't doing the job. And that's why he's talking Oh, she's a woman. Yeah, exactly. He's listening. He's he is listening to women talk to each other. And he does not
Dan (01:23:43.000)
like that at all. Nothing in
Jordan (01:23:46.000)
the back. Oh, no, thank you. They are talking to each other. That's dangerous. Yeah. Even if they're disagreeing they're fomenting Alex cannot
Dan (01:23:55.000)
contain himself. But I think also you get the sense that even though he thinks that she's not doing the right job, or doing it hard enough, right, he's like, ooh, all right. I like what she's putting down still. She's on the right side of it. Yeah. Anti feminist woman Interesting.
Jordan (01:24:12.000)
Yeah, that's my that's my jam right there.
Dan (01:24:16.000)
So she's Lauren southern is getting your ass kicked pretty handily here in that clip? Yeah, that's not in the same way that's kind of put that in the same way that keep posting these Mark Dice videos where it doesn't show what he thinks it shows right? She posts us on the rebel and it's like, I fucking told these feminists is like no if you listen to what they're actually saying, That lady is totally right. Yeah, no,
Jordan (01:24:36.000)
she's she's demolishing you and you're like that's but that's what's so disheartening about it is that she comes away from that thinking that that was a win for her. Like, like, and the woman she's talking to very clearly goes away with that thinking. I'm never gonna get through to this lady probably the somehow the the people who know what's going on or who Who can reflect reality? Who can see the issues are losing whenever they're arguing with liars with people are just utterly and completely willing to obfuscate, misunderstand, and then lie about the results of something
Dan (01:25:16.000)
that's the way of the world now I know there's there's a really funny clip that I didn't cut out because it gets murky, murky made up by Alex sort of editorializing on it. But there's one point in her report where a lady was asking her to not use footage that she had shot of someone else like this, this person doesn't want you to use her footage. Can you take it out? She doesn't consent to you using footage, just like I don't know if she were in public, so I can use it if I want to. And the person's like, you understand it's a little bit weird that you're not respecting her consent.
Dan (01:25:56.000)
It's like it's a sketch. Yeah, quite frankly. Yeah. It's so it's so bizarre. But so the next one is, Lauren starts talking to a dude at the March and Alex can handle that.
Jordan (01:26:08.000)
A dude is, is breaking our ranks. A dude is talking? Is he is he a feminist? Dude? Is he a cook? Do you actually
Unknown Speaker (01:26:19.000)
think we live in a rape culture though? Because I'd say for the most part we demonize rapists, we send them to prison guys make rape jokes lose their job.
Man on the Street (47) (01:26:26.000)
I think we're making great strides and doing that. But at the same time, there's
Alex Jones (01:26:32.000)
Look at this beta.
Jordan (01:26:34.000)
fuck you. mean, look at this beta.
Dan (01:26:38.000)
So Lauren coming on the show. She has made quite a splash. Alex is thrilled to do an interview. But we're not going to really go over it because it's it's just it's full of bullshit. And, you know, we don't want to break it down.
Jordan (01:26:50.000)
So Lauren's Lauren's rebel media, bonafides are she's a college student. Yes. In Canada? Yes. And how did she get hooked up with rebel media? And
Dan (01:27:01.000)
I believe that she had a YouTube channel and they found her. They gave her a job. Yeah, that's what I that's what I understand. I've seen some of her other work. And it is just as propaganda stick, right? And she's a prominent member of the alt right, right. And the reason that like, I would have just cut this out and been like, hey, we don't this isn't really relevant to the narrative of the Trump investigation that I'm on. But I believe it's relevant because this, I think, is the point where rebel media becomes a factor in the Info Wars verse in the world of Alex Jones, he starts getting in with these folks, which leads him to bring in Gavin McInnes of the proud boys, right. And I Sobia comes into the picture because of them.
Jordan (01:27:44.000)
This is like the recruiting of the Fellowship of the Ring going on here, all of these disparate parts are coming together to destroy the world.
Dan (01:27:52.000)
Yeah, I believe so. And as, as best I can tell, this is sort of the root of it here on June 24, the day of Alex's vision. So that's really fucked up. Yeah. After this, Alex leaves the studio and he goes to Buckley's wedding. So he's gone from the 25th to the 28th. He is He is out David Knight hosts, so I have no idea what happened. I don't care. On the 29th. He comes back and like we said, you can you can listen to that episode that we did. We did an entire episode of that. There's one thing that we didn't talk about on that episode as much as I would have liked. And that is that he has an interview with a guy and they talk pretty extensively about how the globalists are to blame for the destabilization of Ukraine, and they're against Russian sanctions. So much like Jeff Sessions wasn't a part of the Trump team when Alex started kissing his ass. The Russian sanctions part wasn't part of Trump's shit either at that point. Yeah. Alex is clearly already on that side. Yeah. So that predate it's interesting that very, it's so.
Jordan (01:29:01.000)
So Alex Jones is support of Russia annexing Crimea have not sanctioning Russia for this. Well, I don't came before Trump.
Dan (01:29:13.000)
I don't think that he thinks that Russia is totally innocent, but he thinks that it's the globalists fault and Russia is just trying to help out the people of Ukraine. That sort of and beyond that, the idea that UN forces are at the door of Russia and it's going to cause World War Three is what he's more concerned about. Okay, so that's
Jordan (01:29:33.000)
where that's fitting into see because I like without hearing it. I just see him being like a it's cool that they take over Ukraine, but now that like, if if he's seeing that as a an opportunity for the UN to grab more power, then now I can see why he would take that more organically.
Dan (01:29:56.000)
Yeah, it does. You see what I'm saying? It fits into his worldview a little but more because of the involvement of the UN. Yeah. And because his imagined influence of globalists. Yeah, but at the same time it is pro Russia.
Jordan (01:30:08.000)
Yeah. Which is very suspicious. It is like, Why? Why would he start being pro Russian now?
Dan (01:30:14.000)
I don't know. Ah, I don't know. I don't have a whole lot of context for that. But I hope to discover it as we move forward through the investigation. So now we get to June 30, where he's back in studio, and this episode is a disaster. Alex is, you know, he's been on his vacation. He's, you know, still getting back into the groove hung over. He does about a 40 minute ad, with Anthony's now
Jordan (01:30:40.000)
married to his cousin, Buckley's wife.
Dan (01:30:44.000)
This is probably before he got remarried residence. 2015
Jordan (01:30:48.000)
when they first started, yeah, this is when the divorce was in 2014.
Dan (01:30:51.000)
I think it was three years ago. Gotcha. But he does a 40 minute ad for brain force. Yes. With Anthony Gucci. RT, who is a writer for Infowars and apparently some natural path of sorts. So, yeah, he's, I don't know come for I don't know. I don't know. I see them
Jordan (01:31:12.000)
like congealing from penicillin on some somebody's basement floor.
Dan (01:31:17.000)
I don't think Anthony Gucci rd is still around. I don't know. I haven't seen him in current episodes yet. No, no, just not with the fold. And he is incredibly silent for a large part of the time. He's on screen. Much like Jakari Jack Sal, he's
Jordan (01:31:33.000)
an Info Wars regular. He knows what he knows what. He knows who Brennan who butters his bread.
Dan (01:31:38.000)
Shut the fuck up. Yeah. But before he gets to that before Alex does that he's talking. Oh, he does. It's so long. It's I mean, it's the Sunday show.
Jordan (01:31:47.000)
40 minutes on brain force.
Dan (01:31:49.000)
I believe that's a Sunday. Me. Let me check my that has MSD three Ks. All right. That's a Tuesday show Tuesday on Tuesdays on brain force. Yeah. So he does that really on commercial. But before he does, at the beginning of the show, he tells this story. That is, I believe his way of trying to build credibility about himself. But I don't believe it.
Alex Jones (01:32:11.000)
Let's go ahead and get into just over the top. It's one word I got. There's three articles today on Obama power grabbing. And it's it's what we thought but it's even more inventive and wicked and evil than I thought they would do.
Jordan (01:32:27.000)
So your dream didn't really do that much good.
Dan (01:32:30.000)
Not really, but also, spoiler alert. He does not get to these news stories. Oh, he does. 40 minutes talking about brain force. But it's even
Jordan (01:32:37.000)
more dangerous and terrifying than we need to get to
Dan (01:32:41.000)
this. I can't believe he has rights to play Beatle songs either? Oh,
Jordan (01:32:45.000)
absolutely. Imagine that. No, the ghost of Michael Jackson would never allow this. No. So here we go.
Alex Jones (01:32:51.000)
Nine times out of 10 Things are worse than I say. Accused of exaggerating a lot because people didn't actually read what they were getting into. But nine times out of 10 be over the top again. To just overwhelm you and break your will. And at a genetic cellular level. It hasn't broken my will. But I just already know all this is coming. So it's almost like we can't oppose it. Because we've been fighting it so long. We just expect it we've made preparation for it in our hearts and minds. And that's why they tell you what they're going to do to you. Even though it could unravel their plan is because humans are designed to adapt, evolve, overcome to their environment. Even if it's a scientific takeover show they've tricked us an algorithm to adapt to our slavery. And I know I say that all the time because a very high level globalist very sickeningly schooled me for about an hour on a three hour flight to New York first class.
Dan (01:33:53.000)
What happened the other two hours, watched him. I've
Alex Jones (01:33:56.000)
told the story many times, but it's key. I didn't even get it till I got off the plane. What do you think people are gonna adapt when they have this information resist? They're going to adapt to it.
Jordan (01:34:09.000)
What a shitty conversation that must have been totally.
Alex Jones (01:34:14.000)
And he was slick. He was smart. He was good looking. You know, he was everything. And he was just funny my Handi that his suit looked perfect. his overcoat looked perfect. I wouldn't even know how to look like that. And that he could just arrogantly laugh at me when he walked off the plane.
Alex Jones (01:34:35.000)
And so many lay average folks would say to me, oh, yeah, you really talked to this person that would really talk to you like that. There's a whole nother world out there. When you're a quote journalist abundant when people know you live and die by not breaking confidences. So you live and
Jordan (01:34:54.000)
die. plays with everything you live in die licks. Jones on a plane talking to a well dressed man giving them a handy
Dan (01:35:06.000)
so again our theory about every time he lies he gives tons of
Jordan (01:35:10.000)
suits he's, I couldn't even I couldn't even wear a tie like that so but
Dan (01:35:14.000)
he gets up they end there there's a whole new world that opens up when people know that you don't you live and die by not giving up confidential sources smash cut to him give him telling people about what his cousin told him about secretive operations, smash cut to what he's about to say. Like He literally says that people open up to you when they know that you would rather die than give up a confidential interaction that you have with somebody seriously listen to what he is about to say, okay,
Alex Jones (01:35:44.000)
that the people will say the soft record, right? And I'll go yep, and they'll go okay. You're gonna fail. And I had 15 years ago, these named Thomas Barnett I'm going from memory like that one of the heads of one of the war colleges and he done a C span thing about how the military works for world government. Now there's a global government takeover and how great it is and join with Sauron. With all these top generals watching him. He wouldn't come on once he figured out I was Alex Jones, not Alex S. Jones with the New York Times the other Alex Jones. Sale, nothing can stop us. I mean, it was almost like Emperor Palpatine, the Yoda saying You cannot win, Darth Vader will become more powerful than iron. I mean, he was just a bit firstly. So this is off record, right for listening to John Harman won't even hear that long ago, I heard a little board operator talking to me during the break.
Dan (01:36:36.000)
Tried to get to commercial. I got a hard break. But did you hear what he said at the end there? He's like the guy said, this is off the record. Right? Yeah. And then he's like, we will destroy you. Yeah. He's just telling people that now that is literally a demonstration of him not being
Jordan (01:36:51.000)
well, that was clearly made up totally. That was obviously made. Like, here's what happened. The guy found out he wasn't from the New York Times he found out he was from Infowars and said, I don't want to be on your show. I'm out. That was it. That was the whole thing. Because nobody, nobody said
Dan (01:37:07.000)
you will fail. We want to destroy you in this dry. Right? That's a hallmark of a lie. So they come back from break. And he talks to the board operator, the person the engineer, schemes is such a ramshackle bullshit. He's like, Hey, you were here. That happened? Right? And he's like, Yep, absolutely. You heard him say that, just like you said, boss. Sure. Yeah. Also says like at the end there. He said that this guy he was talking to said, this is off the record. And then when he comes back, he's like, I misunderstood. I miss told that it wasn't off the record. Yeah, no kid, or it was on the record, whatever, you know, he doubles back to make it like I didn't give away. Bah, bah, bah. So and it was John Barnett. Was that the name? I believe so? Yeah. So at this point, the show goes on a little while. And he has a really reasonable interview with a banking lady, that he actually let's talk a whole bunch of interesting, and she seems fairly reasonable and gives a lot of reasons for a potential collapse. Right. And it's not worth going over on the show. Because it's Alex doesn't talk at all, and she doesn't seem crazy. So that's odd. Yeah, it's about 15 minutes or so of the episode and then we get to this. This is right before.
Jordan (01:38:24.000)
That's the maximum amount of time they can handle reasonability on that.
Dan (01:38:28.000)
I think Alex was getting his brain force notes in order while she was talking. Yeah, so we get to this interview or not interview but just entire product plug for brain force. And Anthony Gucci already is sitting there silently through this entire clip. I'm about to play for you. That is bonkers. But I want to be clear. Alex thinks he's playing to Anthony. He's talking to Anthony Gucci already and Anthony's just going making no noises just nodding his head like
Jordan (01:38:58.000)
I want to see I want to see like that because they've only got one camera right there only oh no I mean like there's they're only shooting the direct Alex Jones no shot no there's no there's a couple there's multiple angles. Yeah, God I want to see like the live feed from one of the ones that is pointed hard cam on the guest Yeah. On the guest just like just fuck fuck what Alex is doing. Just stare at them throughout this whole this. eyebrows go up? Yeah, just like what is it? Just try and get inside the mind of somebody listening to this now. Yeah.
Dan (01:39:30.000)
So here we go. Listen to this. This is how he intros what is going to be a 40 minute ad for brain force.
Alex Jones (01:39:37.000)
I'm not name dropping. I'm just proud of the fact that I knew Charlton Heston interviewed him twice a few times. But bragging I just love Charlton Heston. It's hard for me to play that promo about elves. Soylent Green is becoming reality and Charlton Heston and just I celebrate humanity. great poets, great actors, great scientist, but I admire Charlton Heston more because Even though he was demonized and attacked, he spent over $10 million of his own money that's not really known that that's known by inside baseball people $10 million of his own money in that last decade or so flying around in the private jet, giving speeches for the Second Amendment. He wasn't paid by the NRA. And by the way, $10 million, even though he was been a huge actor, back then you got paid maybe a half million dollars for starring in the movie to spend most of his money. That's why his wife talk trash about him and stuff. Once he was senile and rolled him out on TV where he I'm sorry, honey. Then week later, they announced he's totally don't even know who he is. Or he interviewed a chair, talk about traders rolling out wants you to know he is to have him to announce everything he stood for. I think it was NBC. Yeah. Yeah. I remember watch that interview go on. That's not Charlton Heston.
Jordan (01:40:51.000)
That's Clint Eastwood.
Alex Jones (01:40:53.000)
People are sick. I just admire Charlton Heston because he was such an honorable person and spent basically his whole fortune, the fight for the Second Amendment.
Dan (01:41:02.000)
I feel like Clint Eastwood and Charlton Heston are very similar. And I apologize for making that mistake, but at the same time, come on now.
Jordan (01:41:10.000)
Dana Gould tells a great Charlton Heston story, right?
Dan (01:41:14.000)
Go listen to that. Yeah, exactly. So I want to tell Charlton Heston story. Okay, so Alex goes on after this after he's put Charlton Heston spoiler
Jordan (01:41:20.000)
alert. It was earth the whole time he had traveled through time, not through space. So anyways, it's boiler continue.
Dan (01:41:29.000)
So Alex after this goes on to say that people think that Charlton Heston is racist, and that's because he's not racist. Everybody who is racist gets awards like Margaret Sanger and stuff like that. Okay. Whereas if you aren't racist, people call you racist because the globalists want to turn upside down world. Yes. So here is something from the NRAS website about Charlton Heston. There's a little bit of a biography. After the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by a gunman Heston championed the Gun Control Act of 1968, a landmark federal law regulating firearms appearing on the ABCs The Joey Bishop show Heston said about the act, quote, this bill is no mystery. Let's be clear about it. Its purpose is simple and direct. It's not to deprive the sportsman of his hunting gun, the Marksman of his target gun, nor would it deny any responsible citizen, his citizen, his constitutional right to own a firearm, it is to prevent the murder of Americans. Heston oppose the Vietnam War and considered running for the US Senate as a Democrat. But by the 1980s, his political affiliation changed with his endorsement of a Republican Ronald Reagan for President. By 1997. He had joined the culture war, delivering a fiery speech at the free Congress foundation that argued that American society persecuted whites. A year later, he was elected the president of the NRA. Oh, oh, so it looks like maybe he lost his mind around 99.
Jordan (01:42:54.000)
I mean, that's not that's not an uncommon trajectory, though. Like that's, that's what happened to that entire generation like our Fox News, loving progenitors wind up having that very same arc like my dad. 20 years ago. My dad wasn't a vicious, you know, Obama's birth certificate bullshit thing. Yeah. Yeah, that didn't happen. That wasn't anybody until Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch fucking destroyed the world and
Dan (01:43:26.000)
took people's families away. Yeah, it's literally Yep. So the rest of this episode is that huge AD. He yells a lot about how he doesn't care about Caitlyn Jenner. He doesn't care about the battle flag arguments that people are having. It's all a distraction. Yeah, he goes on to tell at the end of the episode, he has like two minutes left and he gets to a news piece that he was going to get to, and it's about how some cops beat up a guy who was handcuffed and how it's awful and is awful it is I agree with him. That's where
Jordan (01:43:56.000)
we that's full stop right that's that's it he says that
Dan (01:44:01.000)
well it's just in juxtaposition with him supporting our PIO and supporting Sheriff Clark Oh for so it's like I agree with the point but you're not logically consistent you're the people who are on your team you're thrilled that they can do whatever they want where you just ignore that they do that yeah, but anyway here's a nice out of context drop to cleanse our palates here we
Alex Jones (01:44:19.000)
are called racist with no proof by MSNBC at all southern Barbie Law Center
Dan (01:44:23.000)
add knowledge fight so now that
Jordan (01:44:29.000)
we were we call them racist with proof that's where a shit ton of proof so with hours upon hours of listening proof,
Dan (01:44:37.000)
yes. So now June is over. June Gloom has passed. And we're into July. July 1 rolls around. And David Knight is hosting. Damn it. Fuck. So I skipped that episode. I don't care. There might be huge revelations happening. I don't care.
Jordan (01:44:57.000)
That's what they actually are. are a perfect news outlet so long as Alex isn't there like we just have no idea
Dan (01:45:05.000)
and you're noticing to like it is David Knight who's hosting all the time whenever he's gone because the people like oh and Shroyer he's not around yet right the Millie Weaver is not around yet a lot of his team hasn't crystallized Yeah, it's much more of a bare bones crew actually brekford isn't around Rob do is though, but he is mysteriously absent from everything I've listened to so far. So which is not all that much of a mystery. He's boring. So yeah,
Jordan (01:45:28.000)
mysteriously absent gives it like he's on. He's on a vision quest to to find him.
Dan (01:45:35.000)
Yeah, he's he's doing he's still in withdrawals from Super Male Vitality. Because his wife told him to stop,
Jordan (01:45:41.000)
do doe addict too hard on beds.
Dan (01:45:44.000)
So on July 2 episode, most of the narrative that he's pushing is about how the TSA, and you know, airports, basically are requiring people to have a federal ID in order to travel. Right, and this is the mark of the beast.
Jordan (01:46:02.000)
Oh, well. But wouldn't he? Isn't he totally on board with that?
Dan (01:46:07.000)
No, very much against it. He wants you just to have state IDs. Because he believes that
Jordan (01:46:12.000)
oh, it's the it's not the ID part. It's the federal ID
Dan (01:46:16.000)
Yes. And even though federal IDs are still like an Illinois driver's license that has like a federal piece to it, or whatever, states that collaborate with the federal government. He's super against the mark of the beast. He screams about that a bunch. But he also does say that he supports ID laws for voting. So it's a little complicated, little complicated. So in the first,
Jordan (01:46:44.000)
what do you what blind spots do we have? Put him in? Like, like that? Like, that is a like he has an idea of like, total logical inconsistency that he is completely and utterly, I don't know, picking and choosing what he's beholden to, like, do you like one thing that I think about a lot with
Dan (01:47:04.000)
Well, I complain about him being homophobic and I hate gay people. So that's one Oh, there.
Jordan (01:47:08.000)
Yeah, that's the big one. I didn't know that one. Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah, like on for what reason?
Dan (01:47:14.000)
Oh, just because they're gay. Just. This is all not true.
Jordan (01:47:19.000)
Okay. But here's not really like not even any Bible underpinning just like, Oh, I'm
Dan (01:47:23.000)
done with this bit.
Jordan (01:47:23.000)
I don't even like the words. No, but that's what I'm saying. Like, I, I listen to that. And I think I am not some sort of superhuman, I assume that I have my own blind spots like that. Totally. What what are they though? Like, I'm trying to find some place where I would not apply my philosophy to it.
Dan (01:47:44.000)
I feel like the fact that you're asking those questions means that you'll figure it out. And you probably have figured out things in the past, and then corrected it. Yeah, I think that you and I see life, especially philosophies and the political beliefs as sort of works in progress. It's art to a certain extent, and that circumstances change and your beliefs change. There are unalienable principles that you have about human dignity, human rights, those sorts of things. Yeah. But there are going to constantly be shifting economic realities, shifting political realities, like with right now in office, you wouldn't be nearly as radical as you feel right now. So that's a change.
Jordan (01:48:25.000)
Um, that's a good question.
Dan (01:48:27.000)
But the other thing,
Jordan (01:48:28.000)
I wouldn't, I think I would still, I think I just wouldn't be as anxious. Sure.
Dan (01:48:33.000)
But that does motivate or that does change. Absolutely. But I think that also, those inconsistencies, or those blind spots are best seen by other people, right? It's often very difficult to see it in yourself. You can do as much self analysis as you want. But like in therapy, or with your friends, or the places that you can best find those things. And I don't think Alex has a whole lot of people who will correct him or be like, Hey, dude, what about this? Yeah, even his lawyers bad and we have people in our lives who would be like, you're you're full of shit. What are you doing? So I don't know. I don't
Jordan (01:49:08.000)
think it's I think it's more of the problem being his inconsistency is on those inalienable things. Yes, like that, that that is a problem like for for you and I? It is bad when anybody gets beat up by the cops. Yes, that is bad. And we're always against it. He is only against it whenever it is. Let's face it, a white dude being an it's not somebody that he supports, like, like with RPO and all that stuff. How do you not apply that same underpinning of REITs bad when cops beat up people? Oh, and he's super bad when cops murder people
Dan (01:49:48.000)
he's super mad about like, what he believes to be police not investigating sexual assaults done by you know, these these immigrants who have come here. He's super mad about that, but never really stops to think about how the fact that Joe Arpaio personally oversaw a department that just ignored sexual assault complaints and rape complaints. Because people were immigrants. Let's not
Jordan (01:50:13.000)
get back into you understand that much. Fucking right. But yeah,
Dan (01:50:16.000)
that's that's the inconsistency. Yeah, I don't know. I know there are blind spots that we have, but I don't know what they are. If you guys, if you guys out there listening in find any I'm open to hearing so that's kind of our point. Yeah. So anyway, we get to July 2. And this is a revolutionary moment, because on July second, what would that be 16 days after Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for the President. Alex Jones finally says Donald Trump's name on his show. All right, this is the first instance of it, and I'll let you let you see what where he lands.
Alex Jones (01:50:51.000)
It begins. And Hillary's campaign head was at Bilderberg no one else's campaign had was showing you the aid to campus. They've got Trump running as the ringer in my view, against Jeb, who's the second ringer for Hillary. And I predict, they're going to put Trump and jab as the front runners by giving them the attention, making a fight between them worthy of WWF that Trump's gone out and been part of WWF before, remember seeing it on clip on the news. And then he will bow out to Jeb at the last minute. And then Jeb will fall to Hillary. Only in America, could you have such synthetic made up fake political garbage?
Jordan (01:51:49.000)
That's that's, that's very reasonable analysis that everybody was making at that time, basically, right, more or less, that was pretty much what most people were saying.
Dan (01:51:58.000)
And that might have been part of the problem that everyone was saying there's sort of things Yep. Because it turns out there isn't a globalist cabal that's controlling everything. If there was maybe that's what would have happened. The real world works very differently than Alex's fake fucking narrative. Yeah. So he, at that point, thought that that was what's going to happen. That's the first time he's mentioned Trump. Yeah. And it's sort of like a very blase, whatever. So on the second, he also makes this claim he has an interview with Ron Paul. And yeah, he's bringing up Rand Paul. And Rand is also running for president. And he says this,
Alex Jones (01:52:34.000)
it must be amazing. After all, your hard work and success promoting liberty to see your son being the only person out of a field of like 11 candidates, who's been called Radical just because 50 years ago, he'd be called middle of the road. He's just promoting basic, sane American ideas. And I hope and pray not true that we can get him the nomination, but regardless, running, he'll help educate people.
Dan (01:52:57.000)
So at this point, he's saying that Rand Paul is the only person who's standing up for Americana ideas. Yeah,
Jordan (01:53:03.000)
he's on the Rand Paul train.
Dan (01:53:05.000)
He is very much on the Rand Paul train super into it. So he has this interview with Ron Paul. And is
Jordan (01:53:12.000)
there an epiphany? Is there like a is there like one moment where he just switches tracks?
Dan (01:53:17.000)
I don't know. This isn't this investigation is ongoing, my friend, you're just making me so many questions. So that's kind of the point of this thing. Oh, so at this, at this point, he gets into a little bit of a sales pitch, and I don't want to play the whole thing. But he says this, and it's really funny to me, so I'm just gonna play it.
Alex Jones (01:53:33.000)
I mean, it's real simple. I'm a very superstitious person. I don't mean superstitions about walking under ladders, and things like that. Though, I don't like when a black cat runs out in front of me, I'm okay. I'm superstitious. I'm not gonna look for stuff and I'm not super bad. I'm not a superstitious person. But I am, you know what I mean? Yeah,
Dan (01:53:50.000)
sure. Sure. I just love that. Like, look,
Jordan (01:53:53.000)
I'm not, I'm not I am.
Dan (01:53:55.000)
You know what I mean? I know that superstitions are dumb. But you know what I mean? So as I mentioned at the beginning of the show, and we've talked about a bit along the way, the big narrative that he had been pushing along with all these sort of mini ones that we've been discussing the stupid shit about the Civil War, or what have you Christ, but along the way, he's been having all these interviews with supposedly experts like, you know, Paul Craig Roberts, that one was more about the Putin shit. But Peter Schiff, Max Keiser, he has these people on and on his own, and is just making the argument that fucking the economy is about to collapse. Yeah, everything he does say specifically the summer. He's talking about, maybe the fall, Summer,
Jordan (01:54:38.000)
maybe the fall, where it could be summer, it could be fall. You know,
Dan (01:54:42.000)
we're already into July. So we're into the summer. Yeah. So he's basically saying that everything is coming down fast. He's also talking about gold a ton. And then on July 2, he has a little guest in studio, and it's not good. He hadn't
Alex Jones (01:54:56.000)
been on in a long time and There will be a two minute infomercial at the end of the interview. That's not like TED ANDERSON is on. He is the owner of the GCN Radio Network, the parent company, working with modest resources. Ted was a sponsor for this show 19 years ago when I was a local radio host as a reputable gold and silver company. And then he started his own network Genesis 18 years ago. So I've been syndicated in this, this time slot. Well, 17 years in this time slot. One year I was on at night with him when I first got syndicated. That son of a band, but he joins us Ron Paul was just on talking about the specially imminent financial meltdown. No one knows the exact time but globalist you're headed towards the edge.
Jordan (01:55:42.000)
So, so globalists are headed towards the exits.
Dan (01:55:46.000)
They're evacuating their armored readouts, right. rarer
Jordan (01:55:51.000)
mountain strongholds.
Dan (01:55:52.000)
Absolutely. Yeah. So it starts to come into focus. Now if you really take a look at this. TED ANDERSON owns the Genesis communication network that syndicates Alex Jones is show on all these mystery affiliates that are apparently leaving him. So he is basically responsible for most of Alex Jones a success? Yes, he also owns
Jordan (01:56:12.000)
Midas resorts, which is a gold sale started as a reputable gold. I like the way I like to phrase that it started 17 years ago as a reputable gold and silver company because of affiliation with me. Yes. No longer a reputable place.
Dan (01:56:26.000)
If you look online, actually, there are some bad reviews of their their Midas resources. But be that doesn't mean I don't know enough to say I don't know. Along the way, through the past couple weeks, he has been saying a bunch of stuff about how gold is going to be selling for $50,000 an ounce. Yeah, he has been talking about gold a lot in the context of all this financial collapse stuff. You see, even in his introduction for Ted, he brings up that Ron Paul just was on the show saying the financial collapse is imminent. Right. Alex Jones makes money if they sell gold at the Midas resources. Yeah, it's
Jordan (01:57:00.000)
very simple. It's a one to one. He,
Dan (01:57:02.000)
he can't do this.
Jordan (01:57:04.000)
He's fear mongering to sell gold. Absolutely. And he's bringing on the guy who sells gold show and sell gold and saying
Dan (01:57:11.000)
we're gonna play an infomercial. But that's not why he's on. No, it's utterly insane. What is the most honest thing ever gold?
Jordan (01:57:19.000)
Oh, he talks about gold. Basically, he just talks
Dan (01:57:21.000)
about how gold is it's about to skyrocket. I'll play the clip. I'll play the clip. He This is Alex summing up what TED ANDERSON has already said, okay,
Alex Jones (01:57:33.000)
because I don't expect people to actually do the smart thing for whatever reason, and buy it what I believe is the bottom of the market, when we know they're manipulating it down. When we know the paper is so dangerous. I expect people though to remember this this fall, when it starts racing up. I believe it will not a prediction. It's just what I believe that's a prediction. And if they can continue to suppress it, I'll be surprised but regardless,
Dan (01:58:01.000)
so his argument is that the globalists are suppressing gold prices, because they want to buy it all up in the rain. You know, skyrocket the price?
Jordan (01:58:09.000)
You don't buy it, you're an idiot. Yes. And you should all the I told you. So that's gonna come from Alex Jones in the fall
Dan (01:58:17.000)
when I mean, if you look at it, gold prices have not gone up really substantially at all. No, they've stayed pretty much consistent right around they're like 1200 $1,300 an ounce, which is still bananas, but whatever. Pretty crazy. Yeah, but it's held that for quite a while and not really gone up or down substantially to the point where you could really make any money with the amount that an Alex Jones listener could buy, right? It's pointless. It's fucking stupid. And all it does is sell Ted Anderson's gold. This is one of the most unethical things I've ever seen. Because legitimately weeks leading up to this, he's spelling out this shits about to collapse shits about to collapse, the content of his show is leading up to this interview with TED ANDERSON. He knows that this interview is coming. That's the prestige. That's the revelation. All of the other stuff is to prep the audience, scare them and get them into a state of mind where they're like, oh, yeah, he was talking about how it's going to collapse when he wasn't talking about TED ANDERSON. All of this stuff does predate him bringing this guy in. He's bringing this guy in to help us.
Jordan (01:59:21.000)
So you're saying that this was actually a two week long infomercial? Yes. This entire thing was just one build up of a narrative, I believe so. And then at the end, he pulls out the end. Here's the guy who's gonna sell you all this gold is gonna help you Yeah, yes. 100% created a problem and then deliver the solution to you.
Dan (01:59:42.000)
He shifted off the Charleston narrative into this collapse narrative, which is an out of character for him necessarily,
Jordan (01:59:50.000)
but he's any collapse is still within his normal person he
Dan (01:59:54.000)
shifts into it's so hard so immediately with predictions of the summer consistently. right throughout the last few weeks, and it's so focused around gold Yeah, stuff that it's it's there's no way it's a coincidence. So
Jordan (02:00:08.000)
he got to do you think he got a directive? I mean his boss. Yeah. So his boss is saying like, hey, we need to sell some more gold
Dan (02:00:16.000)
probably. I mean, I can't say that for sure. It sounds about the only explanation is saying that is a little bit conspiratorial in some ways because we don't have any information.
Jordan (02:00:26.000)
No, no, what that is, is a guess. No, I mean, that's just simple business. Right? Sure. Like we talked about with Chick fil A, they need to sell more shit. Yeah. So they go to their advertising guys and say, put together an ad campaign. We got to push it. Yeah. Put fucking cows up on a billboard. Alex Jones is the cows on a billboard for gold? Yeah, that's what he is for Midas resources. Yep. And it's which is what makes him different from people
Dan (02:00:55.000)
like, yeah, disqualifying? Absolutely. You're an ethical broadcaster. Even if your parent company owns a gold Consortium, or whatever. You're it's your responsibility to whenever you bring up gold issues back what our company is also owned by the people who own Midas resources. Right? remind the audience consistently, whenever you're talking about these collapse narratives, that a conflict of interest, and then when TED ANDERSON wants to come on, you have to tell him no, you have to tell him you can't use my platform. Or
Jordan (02:01:29.000)
you start like if you go to if you go to a website and you see sponsored content, right? You have to you go, Oh, this was paid for? If you look at a tweet, you see they put it as it's sponsored. Yeah. Like it's not
Dan (02:01:44.000)
every time but Alex Jones brings up collapse, he should bring up this as a sponsored content. Right,
Jordan (02:01:49.000)
exactly. So it's the same shit that people do on Instagram, like their models, and they just have products in the background and they make money for that. Yeah. Like it's it's insidious advertisers so
Dan (02:02:02.000)
fucked up. Yeah. So the Alex Jones having a prophetic dream was one of the oshit moments for me in terms of this investigation, right? This was another
Jordan (02:02:13.000)
it turns out that that prophetic dream was a email late at night that it was about three lines long, but it took him six hours to read and that email was God dammit, we need to sell some gold
Dan (02:02:25.000)
or your fucking off these. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think also Alex might have had some sweets before bed. So
Jordan (02:02:34.000)
he had some night terrors. He had one too many glasses of wine. He had some night terrors, a little sleep paralysis that happens
Dan (02:02:39.000)
towards the end of this episode. Alex Jones after the interview with TED ANDERSON has another interview with Jesse Ventura. Ventura comes back on and lies exactly the same way about what he did in the last interview still needs money. Totally. And this time, they take it a step further. Oh, no. In this in this time when he is on Alex Lynx, Jesse's plight, the idea that he's being sued in this appeal of the case that he had one. He thinks that the reason they're doing that is that Hillary knows Oh, Jesse Ventura could beat her. Right. Jeb Bush is a way that's that's his angle. Jeb Bush is a weak candidate. A lot of other Republicans are weak, borne out by history. Rand Paul is great, but he probably couldn't win. Literally not. He's still he's still whole hog in the Rand Paul camp. Yeah, but he he's trying hard to get Jesse to run in this. So he's not like, like I said, this is 16 days after Trump announced his candidacy. Yeah, he's trying to get fucking Jesse Ventura to run. Yeah, so he's not on board with Trump. At All right? 16 days in 16 days after the Mexicans are rapists. Some of them were good people comments are not on board at all.
Jordan (02:03:51.000)
It wasn't until the grabbing by the pussy tape that Alex was like, Finally, someone I can relate to I only someone who speaks my angle. Yeah, exactly. No one who treats women as objects. Yes.
Dan (02:04:05.000)
I don't know. We'll see when we get to that. I do guarantee he talked a lot of shit about belly bush. I'm sure he Oh, yeah. Oh, I can't wait to get to that easel. Yeah, actually, I think when that tape came out, he was already full hog. Oh, yes. propagandist. Yeah. So we go to June July 3. This is fucking hilarious. And we're not going to play it because I'm sick of playing Mark Dice clips on the show. Okay, on the previous day, on the second, they played a Mark Dice video where he was going around asking people, if they knew what was celebrated on the Fourth of July. There were a bunch of people who were drunk on the beach. And most of them didn't care to talk to us. And so a lot of them were like, my independence. And he's like, from whom? And a lot of them didn't know.
Jordan (02:04:46.000)
Did he say whom?
Dan (02:04:47.000)
No, he didn't. I'm just correcting myself. There we go. So they play that video on the second and then on the third. Alex sends Joe Biggs out to do the same bit in Austin. I am assuming that goes amazingly well goes great. swimmingly, yeah, their whole like man on the street shit is so bad at man on the street. It's not funny, and it doesn't make a point. So they do that. And I'm playing this clip, because it's the reverse of it sort of this clip is Alex talking about what happens whenever he goes to like abortion rallies and stuff like that. I'm going to play the clip, and then I'm going to explain what happened after the clip. The clip is hilarious. The truth is funnier.
Alex Jones (02:05:28.000)
I told you, I've seen it before. And they they appeared when I had cameras on abortion clinic. And they appeared that you teach spontaneously. They were just there in the crowd and women just circled the Christians in with take. Those women were probably never in a satanic black mash. They were witches. They just know that their eyes were all just, oh, it's just a electric with enjoyment. Because they could feel the power of all those dead babies and that sacrifice. They were joining with Satan. And I told you I've been out to a mortuary and people always show up going I love Satan. I want to kill people. I want to kill Black people. And sure enough, they showed up going I love Satan. I have hair under my arms and I kill my children. That's all they've got. That's their accomplishment. Guys, I go raise money in the community. I've killed 40 Something children pentagrams all over them. I'm liberal. Liberal on the moral authority. I'm an 80,000 black Jaguar just calling out to their God. That's who they are. And it's their country now to turn it upside down and run now. Destroy. We lost to this show. The Fourth of July is a new declaration of independence against them.
Dan (02:06:52.000)
So that is kind of irrelevant to my investigation.
Jordan (02:06:54.000)
Declaration of Independence is against Satanists are witches. Here's the purchase people who worship dead babies.
Dan (02:07:01.000)
Here's the thing on a different episode. I regret that I can't remember which one it was and I don't have the clip. But I'm going to try and find the actual video. Yeah, because he does play the video of this. Oh, does
Jordan (02:07:12.000)
it happen the way he said it did? It's people trolling him. It's people fucking with him. Oh, really? People were saying that. That's hilarious.
Dan (02:07:21.000)
Not in the same way that he's depicting it. But it's like, it's people fucking with him. The same way that we talked about this in the past that like people wanting to put up satanic things at state buildings. Yeah, trying to make the point of like, you have your religion here. You have to accept all of them. Exactly. It's the same thing. It's like, okay, you're coming out here. We're just gonna fuck with you. Yeah. And so there's people like Satan. Because I see the people it's like, they're they're laughing. But Alex, because he doesn't understand reality. He hears them. It's like, oh, obviously they mean this. Obviously they are real Satanist. And that's who all liberals are.
Jordan (02:07:56.000)
That does that does make a does make a lot of sense for his worldview in the same way. If he if he takes that seriously, then so many other things then become well, he takes every time somebody is fucking with him because of how stupid he is. Yeah, he takes that as more reinforcement like
Dan (02:08:15.000)
this is a poor his globalist on the plane. Yeah, probably just someone making conversation with him and then laughing at him. Yeah. Also, like he takes insider information from callers. Yeah, and random people that he meets become parts of his narratives. So of course, he has no ability to know what is real and what is not. And this clip completely demonstrates it. And the way he integrates these people trolling him at an abortion rally is that oh, they're part of a satanic thing that worships abortion. That's what liberals are. And that fully informed Yeah, his beliefs about liberals. That's breathtaking. It's crazy.
Jordan (02:08:52.000)
It is breathtaking. How? How like his, what is it? He is on so much Super Male Vitality too much
Dan (02:09:02.000)
that is scrambled his brain iodine is fucking eating holes, you'll take his supplements.
Jordan (02:09:06.000)
He is fucking insane. Yeah, he cannot delineate the difference between fantasy and reality. And
Dan (02:09:13.000)
he pretty much not at all. Unbelievable, which I actually think is a very important piece of my investigation, because I think it does fit into a piece of what ends up getting him down the Trump path. But I think that there's way more to the story that I'm uncovering.
Jordan (02:09:29.000)
I want his brain donated, assign it science. Yeah, whenever whenever it may be.
Dan (02:09:36.000)
It's gonna be full of brain. Just let's just get a capsule brain for us and cut it open. So because on the last show, he opened the floodgates talking about Donald Trump. Now, Alex has a couple things he wants to say about Donald Trump. Oh, really? Yep. Here's the first one. And like
Alex Jones (02:09:55.000)
I think Donald Trump's in there for publicity. I think Donald Trump will drop out an opportunity Time handed over to jab I think that's what his job is.
Dan (02:10:02.000)
That's what his job is. But he doesn't just think it. Uh huh. In this notice you have a high level source that is confirmed it. In this next clip, he implies knowledge of something about Donald Trump. This clip made me gasp at work. Okay. When I was listening to this when I was researching this episode, I gasped, and then I had to walk around the room and go outside. Okay, I was freaked out. All right, when I heard this next clip,
Jordan (02:10:31.000)
like you saw three Muslim woman in a pool shop absolutely freaks him out.
Alex Jones (02:10:36.000)
You go and you show it at the university. Four or five palaces houses 40 million, 13 million, you name it. And you say is this Donald Trump's? Everybody thinks he's the richest guy. The guy's literally nothing. Just the frontman for some consortiums on the East Coast. I'll leave it at that. Oh, yeah. Trump's peace work, folks. And they go in there. It's just mind blowing. I don't know what to say anymore.
Dan (02:11:08.000)
Wow. So you know what he's saying there? That's mob consortiums on the east coast as mob ship. Yeah, that's what he's talking about. All this stuff that people are now, you know, coming out in real research, these mob ties that Donald Trump has. Alex knew about that stuff in 2015 before he ever got on board, but when he thought he was just there for publicity, Alex Jones, he knows something. I don't know exactly what he knows. But the way he phrased
Jordan (02:11:41.000)
that it, yeah, but So the problem with that is it does have the same ring of a lot of the lies that he's told about other globalist totally, totally. So if he if he thinks Donald is a globalist, that is perfectly within his his worldview to be like, well, just the same way. Well, you know, Hillary, she's in the she's in the tank with these demons or whatever.
Dan (02:12:05.000)
He says way more specific stuff about Hillary, though that's true the way that he says he Donald Trump is nothing. Yes. Not rich. Yeah, he's a frontman for some consortiums on the East Coast. I'm not going to get into that. He's a piece of work. I don't even know what to say anymore. That I know it does. It does match some of his lies. Yeah.
Jordan (02:12:28.000)
I want to I want to be on your team so bad. I'm gonna have to pull back on this one.
Dan (02:12:33.000)
I applaud you and I it's reasonable. But here's why I still think it's relevant, even if you're holding back. The reason is, whenever he does that stuff, whenever he does the, I'm not gonna get into it, or you know, all this insinuation stuff. A lot of the time, he's not lying out a whole cloth. But he's going off of maybe rumor, right? He's going off of insinuation, or some piece of information that maybe he can't back up entirely, something that he's heard something that he knows to be true, but he's not reporting. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I think that this falls into that no matter what, even if he's making something up, the thing that he's making up should preclude him from ever signing up with Donald Trump. You would think you would think you would think and I don't know, your your, your point is completely valid.
Jordan (02:13:26.000)
Now, here's here is my takeaway so far from what it is we've talked about and how that leads up to Trump. Based on based on this, I can absolutely seeing I can absolutely see it being Ted fucking Anderson who turns the switch on Trump. Hmm, that's interesting that to me, like if we're if we're seeing this, and and I think the argument has been made pretty pretty solidly, that we can assume that the disaster narrative that he spawned for a couple of weeks, was built to sell gold. It was an ad is all one big advertiser. Totally. Right. So if we're seeing this ad of Alex Jones now, then I can absolutely see that TED ANDERSON sent him a directive saying, we're on the Trump. We're fans of Trump now.
Dan (02:14:18.000)
It's possible. I mean, I don't I don't know. My as long as I said, my investigation is ongoing. So that was on the third
Jordan (02:14:25.000)
that's that's my conspiracy. Like, I I can see some of the enthusiasm in your eyes diminished a little bit because you didn't see me explode. No, but I'm just not willing to go that far yet. I'm not willing to say that Alex actually knew anything.
Dan (02:14:44.000)
I think that that's absurd. I know that he's a liar. And that's the premise of our show.
Jordan (02:14:52.000)
But I am going to believe him.
Dan (02:14:55.000)
It's not even that I believe him. Yeah, I'm putting myself into Alex's head. And for him to say that you uniquely are placed to do, but I'm not saying he knows truth necessarily. I'm saying he knows what he thinks he knows. And what he thinks he knows is that Trump is the frontman for a consortium on the East Coast. That is what he thinks he knows right? What truth be damned? What is actually real? Who knows? Right? Even at that point, who knows if he
Jordan (02:15:26.000)
held the fact that he knows he isn't rich seems pretty seems to speak volumes. And the fact that Alex says Trump is a nothing really he has that he is not wealthy at all. That to me is something that speaks of him the fine
Dan (02:15:39.000)
line that I agree with you. But the fine line that you're ignoring, I think, is these times that he lies about these things that he knows, he believes those things that he's lying about. When he has these like, okay, when he has these secret sources that give him information and stuff that we've seen over these past episodes, he, he thinks he has real information. And that's more important to my investigation than what the truth is necessarily. I'm interested in why he changed. And right in order to know why he changed, we have to know what the baseline is.
Jordan (02:16:14.000)
We have a start point, which is that he thinks Trump is a globalist.
Dan (02:16:17.000)
Well, no, the start point is even before that, that's the Larry Nichols savior. Right.
Jordan (02:16:21.000)
Right. Right. No, I mean with with Trump, with this Trump situation, his his very first thoughts. He hasn't said that Trump's a globalist No, no, but he said that he's being set up with Jeb Bush, and it's all it's all fit. He's doing
Dan (02:16:36.000)
the job. Yeah. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he's a globalist. No, because Alex would make that proclamation. If that's true, believe it. That's true. He's called everybody else will fucking
Jordan (02:16:46.000)
Yeah. Why is he holding back?
Dan (02:16:47.000)
He's not necessarily saying that Trump is one of them or anything like that. The fact that he's phrasing it the way he's phrasing it. I'm very comfortable saying that what he's implying, is some knowledge of Trump's mob ties. That is pretty comfortable for me. Okay. I think that whether or not he knows that to be, I don't know, if I'm making my point clear, he believes it. And that's enough,
Jordan (02:17:13.000)
it's not important that it is true or false. What's important is that Alex believes that Trump is controlled by outside sources,
Dan (02:17:23.000)
and he's not really rich. It's all fake. Yes, it's all and he's there for publicity for his TV shows. Right.
Jordan (02:17:28.000)
So which is again, what we all think. And I think there's what is what is what was
Dan (02:17:33.000)
true? I don't think that many people necessarily around this time in 2015, we're talking about Trump's mob ties. That's true. I don't think a whole lot of sources. Were breaking down how a lot of Russian mob money flows through his casinos. Right? I don't think people were talking about how there were tons of mob people who lived in Trump Tower. Right, which is all stuff that's come out since then. Yeah. So the fact that those things have come out and bear out with the facts of our reality that we know now. It does lend some credence to. Maybe Alex was right then. But again, that's less important than the fact that Alex believes that. Yeah, so that's where we are sort of that on July 3. Right. Now we have the Fourth of July happens. And he's off. He's off for the Fourth of July. There's no show. And we come back on the fifth of July. Everybody's had some nice hotdogs. Everybody celebrated the independence from a country that no one can name.
Jordan (02:18:31.000)
Buckley has been married again, Buckley's rice divorced at this point
Dan (02:18:36.000)
in the show opens on July 5, with a John bound report about the comments that Trump made about Mexicans 19 days after he made them. Uh huh. They have not covered the story at all, for 19 days.
Jordan (02:18:52.000)
So why bring it up now?
Dan (02:18:54.000)
Yeah, it is interesting why it is interesting. I don't know. So they get into it. And a lot of this episode is there's a bunch of stuff about Greece, about the crisis in Greece. There's a lot of most of the episodes, I would say the lion's share of it is about how an immigrant murdered a lady on a beach and get rid of all of them, then Alex is really pissed off about that all of them. So more immigrants, we're starting to see why they're covering the Mexican comments. Yeah, this show this dovetails together dovetails into some of his his things. But still, a number of his comments. Can't be squared with like that YouTube for the reason that he supports Trump. Yeah, here. I'll get into it. Here's the first clip
Alex Jones (02:19:39.000)
saying what about Donald Trump and he's the big topic, and we did a report on the nightly news four days ago, and I covered a little bit this week, but we'll get into Donald Trump now, not that he really matters, but the story itself shows how the media operates. Because I don't trust Donald Trump. But what he shared about very clearly a five year old could have understand it, about Mexico's exporting its criminals here, that should admit it.
Dan (02:20:05.000)
So he does support that rhetoric. But he doesn't trust Donald Trump, right? Because he knows things about him. Right? So that is where his headspace is at. He drops this a little bit later.
Alex Jones (02:20:17.000)
Obviously Trump is a PR master. Obviously, the guy gets into these elections, to basically promote his TV shows, and his casinos and his name. I don't trust Donald Trump, as far as I can throw an elephant, a Papa elephant. That said, I don't think Donald Trump hates America and hates our basic freedoms. And I think pretty much everything Donald Trump says make sense and is truthful. I mean, he says is very accurate. He's a smart guy. I agree with probably 95% of what Donald Trump says. The problem is the guy's tied in with a lot of really seedy people, obviously. Homie, come on, he owns casinos. He's in deep with the establishment. And he's just found his $3 bill. If anybody is a rare to take Republican votes away, and and ensure that a second candidate doesn't get in there, like Rand Paul, against Jeb, and then Jeb can be the ringer for Hillary. If anybody doesn't see that fixes in
Dan (02:21:34.000)
their blind. Now what do you think
Jordan (02:21:36.000)
everyone was so wrong? Back then? Even Alex Jones was wrong back then. Even Alex Jones was like, Well, to be fair, he's Jesus. This is obvious. He's stay everyone. Everyone, including Alex Jones, back then. Thought it was so obvious that we wouldn't live in the world we do now.
Dan (02:21:58.000)
Yeah, but we're all fucking stupid. But don't Don't you see the cost? Ya know,
Jordan (02:22:03.000)
obviously, he believes everything that Trump says 95% of it. Not if I for somebody won't jump in. He won't jump in because Trump is connected to shady people.
Dan (02:22:14.000)
Yeah. And Alex seems to know that.
Jordan (02:22:17.000)
He seems very certain of that. He wouldn't that and that didn't sound like the way that he used the way that he said it last time, which is very similar to the way he denigrates other people. This sounds
Dan (02:22:27.000)
he owns casinos. He's involved with a lot of really shady people. This sounds
Jordan (02:22:31.000)
like shit that is that he thinks is obvious. Yeah. That he doesn't need to talk about and because everyone knows he's
Dan (02:22:39.000)
the fact that he agrees with the rhetoric. But the rhetoric can't be trusted. Right? If I can't trust this guy, right? means that it can't be that he philosophically agrees with the stuff that he says about immigrants. No, that can't be enough. So that argument in my investigation off the table. Yeah, that can't be what it is. Now, you want to know who else isn't on the Trump bandwagon at this point? Roger Stone, Paul, Joseph Watson,
Jordan (02:23:05.000)
fuck him.
Alex Jones (02:23:06.000)
What do you think about Trump?
Unknown Speaker (02:23:09.000)
I think he's obviously, probably a narcissist trying to draw attention to his own business interests, taking away a lot of the votes from Rand Paul, which the polls show that out of all the candidates, he may not be the number one, but he's the most likely to have a chance at defeating Hillary Clinton. Because we know the establishment fears. So he's there, as you said, as to take attention away to Ron Paul, I don't believe is inherently corrupt or evil. And
Dan (02:23:40.000)
Paul, Joseph Watson agrees with Alex at this point that Trump is a shill and he is there for publicity. So everyone shifts their position at some point. And the fact that you said Roger Stone. I brought it up earlier. Roger Stone is not around. He's not around. I think that's the turning point.
Jordan (02:23:57.000)
That's when it happens. And Roger Stone gets in. I
Dan (02:24:00.000)
don't. I don't I don't know when he shows up. But my prediction is as soon as he shows up, things start to change. And that leads into what one of my predictions is. I don't think Alex made a choice. You don't think so? I think someone maybe some of these CD mob ties. Yeah. that Alex is discussed. I think someone might have something on
Jordan (02:24:22.000)
him on Alex. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (02:24:26.000)
Now that little
Jordan (02:24:27.000)
thing you don't think it's just a tune ism it you don't think it's the same way that Larry Nichols is just kind of using Alex? Like Alex is very easily manipulated. Like that's true. Let's let's face it. Alex is a dumb child somewhat. Yeah. And if you trick him with candy and promises, yeah, he will get into the work of your Russian van.
Dan (02:24:50.000)
Your version is much more likely but I like to keep the suspense of the possibility.
Jordan (02:24:56.000)
I know I just won't see the only thing there is Is that we already have plenty of people who are compromised in the story like, Roger Stone is fucked. Yeah, like all all of this shit all of this shit is more than enough. The fact that it like it doesn't need to trickle down to Alex the actual compromising stuff but
Dan (02:25:17.000)
but but all that stuff to a certain extent is irrelevant to my investigation. Like I'll let the Senate investigate fucking Roger Stone. Like that's their business
Jordan (02:25:27.000)
I mean people aren't you're like you don't need to you don't need to go after Alex. You ate? It's easier. No, I mean, I mean for the Russian mob ties for that. Right, right. You don't need to compromise. Alex, you just need to sweet talk. I don't know. Like, I don't think
Dan (02:25:44.000)
I don't think so. I think that Alex Jones having a career that's built on being anti people being corrupt like that, even though he's corrupt himself with his gold sales shit. Yeah. That's more unethical than corrupt. But I mean, it's no, it's correct. It's a thin line. Yeah. I think that if he were to suss out that people were trying to sway him in a corrupt way like that. That would backfire on the people trying to do that.
Jordan (02:26:10.000)
You are a you are giving his ability to suss things out. Such high praise, right. You're right. That's the idea that yeah, that's erroneous. Yeah, anything. That's fair. He can't even suss out that people are fucking with him at an abortion clinic. Yeah,
Dan (02:26:23.000)
that's true. He's an idiot.
Jordan (02:26:24.000)
He's a fucking idiot.
Dan (02:26:26.000)
I still hold out. He
Jordan (02:26:27.000)
has a mental illness. He has there's something in his brain that is broken. Jordan,
Dan (02:26:33.000)
I get that and I agree with you. But for the drama of the fact that we're doing this out. We're doing our fucking episodes of this investigation. We got to at least dangle a carrot. Maybe we'll find proof that he's been compromised i Man your your version is way more likely.
Jordan (02:26:54.000)
I I can see I can see exactly what you're building towards. And I can I I'm not building. I want to believe you. I'm sorry. I want to believe listen, I'm fine. politically. I'm the Skelly okay. That's what's happening here. The poster is exactly.
Dan (02:27:13.000)
Look, the reality is you're probably right. He's dumb and very influenceable as we've seen with Larry Nichols, basically as basic as we've seen with dreams, but you know, but basically, the dream was prompted by Larry Nichols Savior stories, or Ted Anderson's telling him to sell some more go over the 20 years of indoctrinating his himself radicalizing himself with this globalist narrative. But my I still think it's super important that he does say that Trump has ties to the establishment, right, but he doesn't go as far as to say that he's a globalist, or any of that stuff. Right. That is important to me. They in in as much as this investigation is about what happened and his whole journey and path with Trump. Like the fact that he's just like, it's not even that he's a globalist. It's that he's fucking mobbed up.
Jordan (02:28:03.000)
Yeah, that is such a weird, that's such a weird angle of attack for him.
Dan (02:28:08.000)
It's not even an angle of attack. It's an angle of dismissal. Yeah, he's not even a part of the conversation. He's there opportunistically to get fucking promotion for his frames. And he's not even a relevant thing. Here's here's who he's really on board with. He says it on the July 5 episode. He makes it very clear.
Alex Jones (02:28:26.000)
Show it's Rand Paul or bust folks. For me. Ted Cruz really liking it some bad stuff like supported TPP show
Jordan (02:28:33.000)
Paul pan are now on sale.
Alex Jones (02:28:38.000)
And they're gonna attack Rand Paul because of his relationship with me.
Dan (02:28:41.000)
So I mean, he makes it crystal clear. It's Rand Paul or bust for me. But maybe Ted Cruz. Yeah, that's completely in contradiction with what he ends up doing. He ends up fucking cooking out Ted Cruz so hard. Oh, he attacks him because
Jordan (02:28:56.000)
something we all felt joy out. Sure.
Dan (02:28:59.000)
He goes from this position where I like some a lot of the stuff that Trump is saying the biggest stuff. Yeah, I like that bigotry, but I can't trust him because of these things that I know. He goes from that to Trump is our Savior. Right? And how does he make that shift? Right? He goes from not mentioning him for 16 days after he announcing his candidacy. He goes he spends his time fucking talking about Chick fil A billboards and shit. Like it's nonsense for that 16 days. And when he finally starts talking about Trump, it's with awareness, dismissal, and I don't trust him. The journey from there to where we end up I think is going to be one of the most bizarre things that I've ever embarked on. So join us next time.
Jordan (02:29:45.000)
God damn you. Fucking God dammit.
Dan (02:29:52.000)
We'll be back.
Jordan (02:29:52.000)
Oh monster.
Dan (02:29:54.000)
We will keep monitoring the present day, of course of what's going on on the Alex Jones Show. Keep you guys abreast of current affairs, but I will be on the background doing all this research. And we will be back with another installment shortly of the next week. And Alex Jones is 2015 and we will see what I can learn. I agree with you, it's probably not as sensationalist. But I have hope that I find something here's,
Jordan (02:30:22.000)
here's my, my like, here's my prediction. It's going to be a like maybe, maybe to throw you a bone on that come with a carrot
Dan (02:30:34.000)
and stick. Right. Roger Stone holding the stick?
Jordan (02:30:38.000)
Yeah, I think I think he's going to like because Trump came on the show, like, I think it is promises that were made to him, like, hey, get on board, because we're going to and and, again, my theory was that if you get if Trump,
Dan (02:30:54.000)
Trump wins, he will come on your show and talk about how great you
Jordan (02:30:58.000)
are. I think it's that I think it's also Trump never planned on winning. No, Trump wanted to like the theory holds that Trump wanted to start a Fox News star to Fox News, and that Alex would get a prominent position there.
Dan (02:31:11.000)
But even even if that's the case, that to me, is equivalent to blackmail.
Jordan (02:31:16.000)
Yeah. Well, that's what and then of course, the stick is if you don't, then Trump's gonna come after you. Right. I'd say I think it's a money thing. I think it's going to come back to being a money thing. And I would also say that I'm sure that TED ANDERSON are he's in
Dan (02:31:31.000)
play are
Jordan (02:31:31.000)
reputable gold and silver. Formerly reputable gold and silver guy. Yeah, I am sure he had a part in. Look, rich people are jumping on board with Trump, you're going to to
Dan (02:31:42.000)
those of the people who would be most likely to buy gold. Exactly. Also, they're probably too smart to fall for your tricks. So a double edged sword?
Jordan (02:31:50.000)
Yeah, I don't I don't know. I don't know. What would you what would you if you were if you are a formerly reputable golden silver sales or a salesman? What do you tell Alex to say? Like, how, what's your best angle to sell shit through Alex?
Dan (02:32:06.000)
I honestly think that if you're smart, and you're TED ANDERSON, you want Hillary, Hillary to win.
Jordan (02:32:12.000)
Everybody wanted Hillary to win. I don't
Dan (02:32:14.000)
think even it would be wise if you're trying to scare people to really support Trump,
Jordan (02:32:20.000)
because he's well, and you can see from the gun manufacturers. Yeah, guns have been have been selling at an all time low. Recently, their sales have dropped because of course, if you have Trump in there, you're not afraid that Obama was going to take your guns away? Yeah, it does. Limit things I genuinely believe I think that ever it was in everyone's best interest for Trump to lose, like eight, eight. It is mind boggling to me. So
Dan (02:32:48.000)
here's here's the thing. I think if you're a propagandist, and you know, TED ANDERSON is not necessarily a propagandist himself, but he employs one in order to sell his goal. Right. And he does it with a lot of other stuff too. Like the all these conspiracy websites all have minus resources ads on them. That's basically their their advertising strategy. Yeah. Is through fear stuff. Crazy people. Right. But I think that if apparently he got really rich off lunatic, yeah, if you're Wow. But if your flagship is the Alex Jones Show, Richard clearly is and the whole genesis communications network, which includes some other shows that are not nearly as popular. But if that if that is your move, and you are dictating Alex's positions, I think the smart thing to do is say, look, he's not going to win, but you stay on that Rand Paul train. And when Rand Paul doesn't get the nomination, you just make a lot of hay out of how he should have won the nomination. And fuck both of these people. Right? That's your smart move, if you want to keep selling gold,
Jordan (02:33:47.000)
and your smartest move of Well, yeah. Because then if you if you're going against both of them, then you can always fear monger, that's a win win. You can point to Trump, you know, like, hey, look, Trump is just as scary as Hillary, you can point to the pictures of them together, you can do that whole angle on it. And that is a fear narrative that you can
Dan (02:34:06.000)
you're, you're never blindside with Hillary. But if you side with Trump and he wins, then you're saddled with him? Yeah, it's a risky gamble for a propagandist. Right. And I don't think he wouldn't think it failed. But I don't think he would have made that choice unless there was something else motivating it. Yeah, I think the fact that he's built a business that up to 2015 was very successful, it still got wildly, it got more successful for a short period of time. But even at that point, he's still like, he's built an amazing thing. You can't do that. If you're an idiot. You can't do that. I mean, he's an idiot about other stuff. But like, you can't do that if you don't make some decent strategic choices. Right. And I don't think he would be dumb enough to shackle himself with an inconsistent, possibly mentally degrading candidate for the presidency, that he's going to have to keep with him. Yeah, and he knows these negative things about and he knows that he can't trust. So I think that they're kind of
Jordan (02:35:03.000)
dammit. This is fascinating. I know I think that they're How dare you end on a cliffhanger like this? What is this? What are we fucking cereal? What's happening now?
Unknown Speaker (02:35:15.000)
We've been rushing
Jordan (02:35:17.000)
mail came? Yeah.
Dan (02:35:19.000)
Jesus Christ. To be fair, we did try and get try and send an email to the serial people. Yeah. How did it go? No response? Because they were starting their production company. Hey, we're doing a show but Alex Jones, the serial Yeah, no interest, no interest because wanting some loose if you guys want us to be on some sort of a fucking network so we can make some money, send them an email. Yeah. Also if you want to send us an email, you can acknowledge
Jordan (02:35:48.000)
If you want to tweet at us, it's knowledge underscore fight. That is correct.
Dan (02:35:52.000)
And our website is knowledge If you want to go to it, by the time this episode is out, I will have posted new functionality on the website. I have built a calendar, and it's going to be ever growing in terms of the content that's on it. But as it is now, I have posted a lot of clips from the month of June 2015. Each episode I have a breakdown of what happened on that day's show. And I am going to keep updating it as we go along. Also build in the current day. All this it's going to be a massive resource for people if you just want information without listening to three hour episodes about what was going on on this day. Because there's a lot of days we don't cover. Right. So there's going to be information there about what bullshit narratives he was pitching. So we can you know, we all have memories, you know, yeah,
Jordan (02:36:43.000)
it's important. Yeah. So that is going to be Alex Jones. Thanks. You guys don't have memories.
Dan (02:36:48.000)
Yeah, he banks on it. Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (02:36:51.000)
As we have documented many times, guys, to to give you an idea of the staggering level of work that Dan is doing. Just look at this website. It's fucking
Dan (02:37:05.000)
bananas. Look at this notebook.
Jordan (02:37:06.000)
He's got he's got notes upon notes upon notes. It's it's ridiculous. Generally, I don't do this but become a policy walk. Because fucking art. This is insane. This is a full time job. You are losing your fucking mind.
Dan (02:37:22.000)
I'm not I'm happier than ever.
Jordan (02:37:24.000)
I know.
Dan (02:37:25.000)
I'm doing great. That's terrifying. Ya know?
Jordan (02:37:28.000)
So yeah. Please, please help Dan out.
Dan (02:37:33.000)
Become a policy of everybody. If everybody who listened donated a lot. Let me rephrase
Jordan (02:37:40.000)
if we had already 5 million
Dan (02:37:43.000)
donated a lot. Yeah, if our Boy George Soros would hit us up. I could turn this into the job it already is. Yeah, and not have to work a full time job. And imagine what I could find if that was the
Jordan (02:37:53.000)
first those of you who have already become policy wonks, thank you so much. For those of you who have I
Dan (02:37:58.000)
don't think any non policy wonks are still listening at three hours. I think everyone's turned it off. I don't know. Anyway, you know what? A lot of tragedy in the world. real rough place, but we can hang our hat on one thing. What's that? Rappaport still
Alex Jones (02:38:15.000)
moves. Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.