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Latest revision as of 21:44, 1 March 2025

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody. Welcome back to fight. I'm Dan.
Jordan (00:00:11.000)
I'm Jordan. I'm back. I'm back.
Dan (00:00:14.000)
Welcome back to these wonderful, slightly less wonderful than they were before you left America. I
Jordan (00:00:19.000)
actually really missed hearing. I love you. I missed it.
Dan (00:00:23.000)
I missed this. Considerably a big shout out and thank you to Tyler Snodgrass. Absolutely.
Jordan (00:00:27.000)
He did a great job.
Dan (00:00:29.000)
But this this cannot be replicated. Whatever we're doing no, my
Jordan (00:00:35.000)
screech cannot be
Dan (00:00:38.000)
the wonderful surprise in depth analysis of Alex Jones is bullshit.
Jordan (00:00:44.000)
You, it turns out those are the only two things that I've ever had. I have been waiting my whole life to figure out what my true purpose is. And here we are. I'm super
Dan (00:00:53.000)
thrilled to be able to help you discover it. Again. Welcome back. Absolutely. We're drinking a wonderful red wine from Bogle vineyards in honor of our Lord and Savior, Bogle, Jacob, praise me. But today, Jordan, we got so much on our plate, while we analyze the world of Alex Jones and Infowars
Jordan (00:01:13.000)
All right, we can't banter back and forth for the first 20 minutes this time, but we
Dan (00:01:16.000)
can't do that we have to cut through the bullshit. So
Jordan (00:01:20.000)
yes, our great talent will definitely stay on target this time. I'm sure.
Dan (00:01:26.000)
I think honestly, the message or the the mission of the show is 100% Cutting through the bullshit. But we have to cut through our own bullshit here. Yes. So today, we are going to be covering issues that come up on the January 26 and 27th episodes of the Alex Jones Show, right? I wanted to get us fully up to speed right up to present day. Well, today Today's the 31st Today will be the first February 1 When this wanes you are listening to this listeners. Yes. So I want to fill everyone in on Monday and Tuesday's show the 30th and the 31st. All right. One fun thing is that Alex, on both episode says it's the last day of January. These people do he's still drunk him and David Knight both don't know how calendars were David Knight started that Wednesday. So I'm saying it
Jordan (00:02:17.000)
was the globalist added the 28th through the 31st It's true,
Dan (00:02:21.000)
you know, all month should be modeled on February.
Jordan (00:02:25.000)
So he's worried he's probably surprised every day the show every morning. He's shocked that it's not the same day.
Dan (00:02:32.000)
I'm I bet he's shocked by his own reflection every day. Like a goddamn dog. So I don't want to cover everything. And I don't have clips from it because it doesn't really matter. Monday's show was mostly spent making vague death threats. To the people who might try and hurt Trump.
Jordan (00:02:51.000)
I leave this country for one week. And you fuckers institute a Muslim ban. Yeah, I blame all of you for this, not just him. Just you know, you're right. It was my fault. It was my fault. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders like Atlas. Exactly like Alex Jones. Yeah.
Dan (00:03:08.000)
So he wants everyone to know that if something happens to Trump, you're walking on the fight and side of Alex Jones. Okay, keep saying that. Also, he has a guest on to discuss the way
Jordan (00:03:19.000)
is he actually saying that if Trump gets murdered, it is his personal job to find and bring the killer to justice.
Dan (00:03:27.000)
No, he's rallying the troops. Oh, he's saying that if that goes down, it's time to shoot people in the streets. Oh, okay. That's good. He's also saying that all you people out there who were fine with Trump being killed, if it happens, you will find no quarter.
Jordan (00:03:43.000)
Oh, yeah. So so it's a good thing that he's selling guns then right gun Park guns. All the parts you need to make a gun.
Dan (00:03:52.000)
Also, his other big thing that he goes over on Mondays show?
Jordan (00:03:55.000)
That's like selling a banana split, but like in different parts and then being like, I don't know why people would use it to combine the three. I don't know. We have no intention. Yeah, banana split. Look, we sell we sold bananas, ice cream, and then other things that are in banana splits.
Dan (00:04:12.000)
Yeah. So the other big part is he talks about the shooting in Quebec. All right. The mosque that got shot up six dead. 17 wounded, I believe. Yes. And as we know now, from police reports, it was a white dude who was an internet troll and a Trump supporter. And
Jordan (00:04:30.000)
like, literally everybody should have assumed immediately like, it seems like a mosque got shot up. Yeah, we live in a world of white nationalists. Now. It was probably a white nationalist. That's
Dan (00:04:42.000)
the sensible approach. But you were a brainwashed globalist zombie. That is true. So it's true. You wouldn't realize that what actually happened was that it was Muslims shooting up a mosque, because they were the more radical Muslim sect, and they were shooting up a progressive Muslim him. He's just basically saying that like, the biggest victims of Islam are people who are we can't trust any of these people and his guest goes on to, like make the argument that it was a failed false flag. It was already a failed false flag put on by the globalists because they have tons of people who are out at these airports protesting and this false flag happens now they're activated. Now they shut down everything. Chaos Bedlam in the
Jordan (00:05:27.000)
streets. All right. Wait, what?
Dan (00:05:30.000)
You don't do not understand the premise. I don't understand
Jordan (00:05:33.000)
who is shutting things down where there's but okay, so we have the
Dan (00:05:37.000)
protesters that have been mobilized and paid by George Soros gotcha are going to start rioting because of this false flag shooting in a K back mosque. So
Jordan (00:05:48.000)
they saw the globalists hired a white nationalist. Yes. Who has a long history? No, he has a long history of white nationalism, fake
Dan (00:05:57.000)
Jordan (00:05:58.000)
All right. There's no winning. Nope.
Dan (00:06:03.000)
Absolutely not. It's all complete nonsense in the face that had been borne out make that episode incredibly embarrassing. And I don't really want to us to Alex, no, take
Jordan (00:06:15.000)
humanity. Alex. Beyond that. Yeah. Beyond that. He actually still believe that it was he still believes it's a Moroccan key
Dan (00:06:23.000)
did repeat that claim on Tuesday?
Jordan (00:06:24.000)
Of course he did. Of course he did. Just because things are real. Doesn't need to you'd need to tell them of course not like their real Oh,
Dan (00:06:33.000)
no. I don't really want to dissect that too deeply. Because it's a tragedy. It's a tragedy. It's obviously fake. And I don't really feel super great about laughing about a mass murderer.
Jordan (00:06:47.000)
I mean, but that's like, I don't feel super great about waking up every day in America. No, because we got a
Dan (00:06:53.000)
lot of them. But as far as like the the, I mean, I wrestle with this. Like, if Sandy Hook comes back up on his show. How do we cover that?
Jordan (00:07:03.000)
Because he's a denier, right? Yeah. I mean, what do we do?
Dan (00:07:06.000)
I don't, I don't? Well, here's what would happen. I would like to laugh at his craziness. But I don't want to diminish
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
know what it would be is just an hour and 45 minutes of me barking into the microphone, like an angry dog. That's what it would mean, realistically, you're probably it would be 100. A would be so many minutes of that.
Dan (00:07:29.000)
So Also on Tuesday show we get a big piece of news. And that is that Alex Jones is opening up a Washington bureau of Info Wars.
Jordan (00:07:38.000)
Thank you, Jesus. And he has a nice show needed a reason to become relevant. That is all we needed. Yes. Got an editor. We just got radicalized is what just happened. I've been writing. That's true. Yeah. I did insinuate on earlier podcasts that I hope he gets hit by a truck.
Dan (00:07:56.000)
Yeah. So there is that you? You advocated cog? That
Jordan (00:07:59.000)
is true. I did advocate cog. That's true.
Dan (00:08:02.000)
So he has an editor. And this is very exciting piece of news that he has an editor. Well, he has a guy to run the Washington bureau. Okay. Is his guy named Jerome Corsi. I don't know if you've ever heard of this cat sounds fake. He is a 70 year old man who wrote an entire book about Barack Obama having a fake birth certificate.
Jordan (00:08:27.000)
How do you write an entire book about that? Isn't that just a sentence?
Dan (00:08:31.000)
I might actually be overstating that he did write a scathing book about Barack Obama but one of his aving one of his big pieces was that Obama has a fake birth certificate. I mean, total let's say yeah, totally true. As
Jordan (00:08:44.000)
well as we know now since he's been deported by the fucking Muslim ban. Late did that not happen? Strange.
Dan (00:08:51.000)
Hold on. Let me walk back my walking. Oh god. No. Jerome Corsi wrote the book. Where's the birth certificate? A book that questions Obama's American citizenship that are two main 2011 release. The book enjoyed a buzz building teaser article and a heavy heavily trafficked Drudge Report website? Of course, black.
Jordan (00:09:11.000)
Of course. Yeah. So I remember whenever Wendy's used that slogan. where's the where's the birth certificate?
Dan (00:09:20.000)
He also wrote many conspiracy theory articles about how the USA is about to merge with Mexico and Canada.
Jordan (00:09:29.000)
That will be fun.
Dan (00:09:29.000)
So he's a 70 year old who would
Jordan (00:09:31.000)
be fun. Wouldn't that be fun? Sure. If we just if we just had a sort of North American conglomerate?
Dan (00:09:38.000)
I don't know. I don't fucking I don't think
Jordan (00:09:41.000)
it would be great. I think you'd have a lot of people just moving freely amongst the countries and
Dan (00:09:46.000)
enjoying nature. Yeah. So that's, that's basically the big things from Monday and Tuesday's show, but now, it's important that we get back to the 26th of January, this would be Thursday. Well,
Jordan (00:10:02.000)
that's right. Because we're Yeah, no, I'm not. Yeah. Now I'm now I remember what day we're on.
Dan (00:10:06.000)
We have to jump back to the past because a
Jordan (00:10:07.000)
lot was about to say, Isn't that the last day of January? Yeah,
Dan (00:10:11.000)
it is. A lot more juicy stuff happened on the 26th and 27th. All right, and we're gonna have to wrestle with a bunch of it. All right. So do this. What would you rather deal with?
Jordan (00:10:23.000)
Scott? Why is it a choice?
Dan (00:10:25.000)
You get an A or a B? Would you like to deal with matters of the East tool? Or matters? What the south
Jordan (00:10:31.000)
now? God, I assume it's going to be way more racist when we go to the east. So let's do it.
Dan (00:10:38.000)
All right. This is some issues of boy. I don't know how to use my own email guys. Oh, no big shout out to Gmail B and she had a Okay, so one of Alex's massive narratives on the 26th show is about China. And, you know, some of the more important points about Communist China Communist China. I mean, it's China. Let it rip, Alex.
Alex Jones (00:11:02.000)
Let's get a few of these stories. Chinese propaganda. This is up on drudge on the right hand side, New Hollywood movie depicts Trump like President killing the US. It's an info war story by Jamie White. White. Oh god, no.
Jordan (00:11:21.000)
Wait, did you pause that? Or did you just know when the pause was? No, it's just a law that was just a long as possible. Okay. All right.
Alex Jones (00:11:29.000)
Movies I gotta see have prob Communist Chinese propaganda enum, it's getting more and more obvious. Anti Trump Chai comps, buying up Hollywood.
Dan (00:11:39.000)
So we have to take a little bit of a step back here and unpack this. Let's check on Chinese companies. Maybe I don't know.
Jordan (00:11:48.000)
Is it did he just rearranged Chinese communist and then he might
Dan (00:11:53.000)
be Yeah. Okay. He uses DICOM is like a dirty word. Like you might say rooskies or something like that, you know? Okay. So he has this big fear of not saying
Jordan (00:12:01.000)
jab. I mean, that's fine, I guess. I mean, I assume that if he didn't know where somebody came from, he would probably use that for
Dan (00:12:11.000)
all dirty Cooley's little eggs. Yeah. So he has this thing that he doesn't understand. That is China is a massive emerging market, especially for entertainment. Yeah, so a lot of movies aren't going to be harshly critical of China in the way he might want. Clear, because question, what, which movies? Well, he was really mad at Michael Bay. So he takes a team like Michael
Jordan (00:12:36.000)
Bay, but he's the most jingoistic filmmaker there's ever been. We'll get to why he's mad at Michael Bay in a minute he made Pearl Harbor did which is a jerk off America fest it is. Except for Ben Affleck, isn't
Dan (00:12:48.000)
it? But he apparently put some positive messages about the Chinese and like, Revenge of the Fallen the Transformers movie. Well,
Jordan (00:12:56.000)
I mean, yeah, they're the only people who watch them. So he
Dan (00:12:59.000)
flashes up all these movies that are apparently full of Chinese propaganda, and one of them is furious seven. I'm like, I don't know about that. That is not possible. I love that movie.
Jordan (00:13:08.000)
Ed fuckery seven is family propaganda for unconventional family unit. Yeah.
Dan (00:13:14.000)
Mild crime. A crime involved family. Well, yeah, so he also has this thing that rock is in the FBI. Right? Damnit. He's so good. He's so good. The movie is the best. I can't wait for eight. Let's
Jordan (00:13:25.000)
change this podcast to just being a furious seven.
Dan (00:13:30.000)
Next episode just clips from
Jordan (00:13:33.000)
every episode, you should slip one in there.
Dan (00:13:36.000)
There's more truth in furious FM in any episode of the Alex Jones Show. So speaking of truths, he says at the end there that the Chinese are buying up Hollywood, and in order, which he
Jordan (00:13:47.000)
has already talked about because one guy wrote shares in one little thing,
Dan (00:13:51.000)
and now it's time to fully put that bullshit Tibet. Okay, so he cites an article on
Jordan (00:13:59.000)
which my favorite thing is he cites the articles that he's citing. Yeah, that is something.
Dan (00:14:06.000)
Yeah. So it gives it credibility because there's a link to it on drudge Of course, and now it's on So I went and I checked out that article and the only link as a source that they have is a hotlinked piece of text. That is like the Chinese are buying up Hollywood Studios. I clicked on that it goes to another Infowars page. That is just a video clip of Alex saying that. So
Jordan (00:14:34.000)
so we've got we've got an oral Boris of lie, it gets worse. Oh, how could it not?
Dan (00:14:41.000)
So in the video, if you watch it, Alex flashes up an article from The Hollywood Reporter that is about this guy. Who is this Chinese billionaire right? And I have pulled out some very relevant pieces of information from that article that Alex willfully ignores in order to make his bullshit propaganda point. If
Jordan (00:15:00.000)
you have been saving up this anger, if you've been saving, I can tell you're bringing a lot more rage than usual.
Dan (00:15:07.000)
So this is a quote from the guy Wanda, or I believe Wanda is the name of the company that he owns. He's a super billionaire. He is super make crazy rich. Okay, I wanted to acquire one of the big six. But whether we can is a different story, it's uncertain. I might as well start from wherever I can, such as through investment with all six, he says bluntly, outlining his strategy, we will continue to work on a potential acquisition, but it won't hurt to start by doing what we can participating via an investment seems like a wise choice for the time being.
Jordan (00:15:38.000)
Okay, so his plan actually is to buy one of the studios. Yeah, absolutely. And what he's doing to get his foot in the door is investing in all of them, hoping that sooner or later, one of them will like,
Dan (00:15:50.000)
because even if you're a billionaire, you can't just buy a Hollywood studio.
Jordan (00:15:53.000)
That's not how being a billionaire works. So there's no how those they have those Time Warner, AOL mergers, you know, it doesn't happen because one guy is like, okay, AOL is mine now.
Dan (00:16:03.000)
Yeah. So this article also has some interviews with people who know him and know the movie business, one of them but those closer to the industry are skeptical of the notion that Wanda is motivated or would ever be foolish enough to try and force anything resembling Chinese propaganda upon the US audience, quote, since Hollywood is already altering their films to make them China friendly, or at least China neutral to gain market access there. I don't think you need Wanda to buy in to really change things. So Stanley Rosen, a professor of political science at USC, saw someone at Sony start sending emails saying we're under tremendous pressure from Wanda to make pro China films that would be devastating to their business all over the world. Thomas told founder and CEO of legendary, says Wang has left tols management team in place and has given no indication of wanting to say in the studio's content. He is an unabashed businessman says tall. And that's what he talks about constantly. What is the bottom line?
Jordan (00:17:01.000)
Okay, now hold. So if what he said made sense, we wouldn't live in the world we live in. What do you mean? I mean, just because he wouldn't put pressure on people to put a probe on. It's like, it's like how you see NBC whenever they cover stuff. They don't purposefully cover certain things in order to present a certain narrative, because the owner said they had to, but just by the virtue of them being working for this guy, they feel an implicit pressure to avoid pissing him off, like the fucking apprentice, but he has liked their job. He wants any of that shit. Yeah, but billionaires want billionaire shit. Who knows what they really
Dan (00:17:47.000)
seems like he wants money.
Jordan (00:17:48.000)
Well, yeah, that's fine. If you're putting pro China propaganda into something that wouldn't be as damaging as people would say.
Dan (00:17:58.000)
Maybe I also think I found the quote from this article. That really is what this is all about. Okay, this is a quote from Wanda himself. Bitches and make money. This is about Trump. Oh boy. As a businessman, I believe he's somewhat successful, but not extremely successful. He knows what the sense of amusement He grants. The way drink, makes money from his name seems quite smart. But I do consider him to have achieved real success. He doesn't compare to America's real mega rich Bill Gates, for example, or other great entrepreneurs. Maybe that's what this is about.
Jordan (00:18:32.000)
Just this guy is saying all about Trump. No, this
Dan (00:18:35.000)
guy is talking a little bit of shit. And Alex has got to make him the figurehead. Oh, propaganda campaign against China lying Okay, saying he's trying to buy all six studios. All right. Now, if you want to hear something else that makes this guy this Wang gentleman sound pretty fucking cool. Listen to this. When I ask Wang near the end of our time together, what sorts of thoughts he has when he contemplates the improbable arc of his life. He says he mostly feels lucky. Lucky to have come of age when China was undergoing its reform. Quote, 30 years ago, people in China all had the same life. We were given rations of food. He says the reform gave us the right to choose. And the freedom of choice allowed people with a will and an ambition to achieve in the past. Only the emperor could drink this tea. Why? Says Wang before we part with one of his biggest grins of the morning? Today? Anyone with enough money can buy it? That seems like it's right in the vein of fucking capitalism that Alex Jones should really support?
Jordan (00:19:36.000)
Well, yeah, that's what happened to China after Yeah, in the 80s. They did switch over to a so that's one of the big things. Russia is not a communist society. China is not a communist society. Now what they're using communist is shorthand for isn't a oligarchical society, because communism, yet again is not a system of govern. No, no, no, no, it's an economical system. We switched over to a capitalist system.
Dan (00:20:04.000)
We talked about this on the first episode. This is part of Alex Jones, his worldview, right? That is socialism leads to communism, which isn't communism, It's utter authoritarian rule of the state, right? Like what we have now in the United States. And that's what the globalist want to create for everyone.
Jordan (00:20:20.000)
But isn't that what he wants? It looks that way. It seems like he wants that. Right. His actions seemed like he's basically said he wants Trump to be a king more or less. So that's what he's talking about. Either way, we
Dan (00:20:33.000)
have a couple of differences in opinion on this guy, this Chinese guy, but what we can take away from that all millionaires. Oh, me too. Yeah. Okay. But as long as we start as far as billionaires go, he seems like he's in the top bit. But like, he's the most billionaire. No, no, he seems like he has a decent head on his she's one of the cooler billionaires. Yeah. Okay. But anyway, taking all that aside, right. The article in no way indicates that he wants to buy all six studios. Now, it has nothing to do with that. Absolutely not. And I even left out all the human interest parts about him going to movies with his mom, and thinking that Chinese and Asian stories are underrepresented in the media and stuff like
Jordan (00:21:11.000)
that. That's probably true, but they're super valid and not probably true. That is true. I agree with
Dan (00:21:15.000)
and if you have a market share that's growing and to the point where movies bomb here gets saved by overseas markets. Yeah. Isn't
Jordan (00:21:23.000)
that what happened with the underworld movies or Wrestlemania? Yeah,
Dan (00:21:27.000)
Warcraft Warcraft. That's right. The one that was based on that ship board game battleship
Jordan (00:21:33.000)
that that did well in China. Yeah.
Dan (00:21:36.000)
All these big blockbusters end up doing well over there. Because they don't. They aren't great movies, but they're exciting.
Jordan (00:21:42.000)
They are exciting.
Dan (00:21:43.000)
They they cross cultures, because they're exciting anyway. Yeah. Alex is pissed about some stuff about the drug. But the chai comes and they're making a movie and it's insulting to America, of course, and we're going to explore this and find just how little he has in the tank. Oh, boy. He's got nothing.
Alex Jones (00:22:03.000)
Now listen to this with a straight face. Hollywood is set to begin work on Little America. How about they put out a movie like Americans have small penises? That'd be even better. Or Americans are all stupid. I mean, this is just to demoralize us. Hollywood is a complete sworn enemy of this country.
Dan (00:22:23.000)
What's up?
Jordan (00:22:24.000)
What does he what's Little America about?
Dan (00:22:26.000)
We're gonna get to that Okay, cool your jets I'm sorry.
Alex Jones (00:22:29.000)
In their own crazy bubbles show desperate to destroy us. That they have now gone even more over the top I thought they could What a joke show worthless show bankrupt show over show despised show bypassed that they're in a love fest with a collapsing communist dictatorship that has a fake stock market and is already collapsing. He just described Russia shifting into hell. Let me continue. Hollywood, I guess Chai calm would or wood is set to begin work on Little America. Talking about the rise in propaganda, I'm sorry. reasonably straight facts. Hollywood is set to begin work on little peepee I'm sorry. Hollywood is set to begin work on little dingdong. I'm pologize folks, Hollywood is solely in America.
Dan (00:23:24.000)
But do you realize what was going on? We're gonna get to that in the next clip. It's it's so important to illustrate when he has something that he's going on. He has nothing. All he has there is that terrible dick joke? Yeah, and that's bad. Yeah, it's like,
Jordan (00:23:41.000)
also he didn't even complete the rule of threes. He went little peepee little ding ding and then just back to Little America. I'm
Alex Jones (00:23:47.000)
sorry. Yeah,
Jordan (00:23:48.000)
that's fuck you Alex Jones. Don't apologize to me. So in this clip, I only want sincere apologies which we have not yet heard. Not a one not one sincere apology. So
Alex Jones (00:23:58.000)
in this clip, we'll get to the plot. And they're openly buying up Hollywood. And they're openly going to put out anti American films in America. In America?
Dan (00:24:11.000)
I think I actually know here's the plot. We gotta get to it. All right.
Alex Jones (00:24:16.000)
The plot of the movie follows a recon member whose whole see our Special Forces joined with the Chinese. Oh, you can't make this up. The plot of the movie The plot that kept the break after this finale get serious right now they're gonna call I'm gonna do I'm actually gonna read this in the voice of Optimus Prime. Oh, no other movie follows a former American force recon Marine, who was hired by the Chinese billionaire to infiltrate an American ghetto and rescue his daughter. See, it's okay that he works with the Chinese because he's rescuing his daughter see him creating a race war. I kilos is even allowed to go on.
Jordan (00:24:57.000)
What's first off That isn't a bad Optimus Prime impression. It's
Dan (00:25:01.000)
not terrible. He
Jordan (00:25:02.000)
clearly thought that was his only good impression. Well, this isn't that's what he started doing.
Dan (00:25:07.000)
This is a more full part of our exploration of whether or not Alex can do voices.
Jordan (00:25:10.000)
Yeah, we've got it. We're on several parts so far.
Dan (00:25:13.000)
Cookie Monster. Okay. Black people. Not good. No,
Jordan (00:25:16.000)
I'm really bad. Okay, Optimus Prime is a bed.
Dan (00:25:20.000)
So the plot of the movie is the Special Forces guy gets contracted by a Chinese billionaire. Mrs. After a president has bankrupted the United States and China is taken over as a world power. Right? So America is kind of ghettoized, right many ways, like in movies, and a lot of movies and a lot of movies that date back.
Jordan (00:25:41.000)
Like, Blade Runner. Yeah,
Dan (00:25:43.000)
so dystopian movies,
Jordan (00:25:45.000)
a lot of escape from LA. It's crazy. So because it turns out it was actually a documentary. Escape from LA is exactly the plot of the movie we're living in right now.
Dan (00:25:56.000)
So also important is that Alex completely misunderstands what he's reading. In real time. He thinks that the guy the special race for that part is not anywhere and no, that's clearly there. But Alex also thinks that the Special Forces guy is going in to save his own daughter when he saving the Chinese billionaires don't Yeah. So it's funny. He
Jordan (00:26:17.000)
was hired, he was hired by an outside contractor to fulfill a job, as opposed to instead of it being the plot to take in. It's once removed the plot to take it.
Dan (00:26:27.000)
Yeah. Okay, so Alex tries to riff on this some more. And, I mean, this is just indicative of his fucking rusty chops.
Alex Jones (00:26:38.000)
Oh, no, now they're set to just take it over. I mean, the worst the movie is or just unwatchable, but it's all red flags. And the Chinese president saving everyone who could make up the trashiness of Hollywood, so many people in Hollywood Transformers The Age of Extinction. Pro China propaganda. Yeah, even mainstream media just admits this, but they hide it in plain view. Okay. China's taking over everything. Okay. The Chinese president. They're in. They're in Switzerland, the day boss meetings. Don't worry.
Jordan (00:27:09.000)
What's up? I thought he meant that the Chinese president lives in Switzerland. Oh, no. He was at the Davos meeting. Okay. This is another thing, which is the one about de vos. That's the one about climate change. No, that's
Dan (00:27:20.000)
the education secretary. DeVos All right. Sorry.
Jordan (00:27:25.000)
No, I know. I just don't want to think of her name or the fact that she's allowed to continue existing.
Dan (00:27:31.000)
Yeah. DeVos is like a, you know, a gathering of world powers and some celebrities and stuff like that. Okay, cool. It's basically like everyone is not spooked out by Bilderberg anymore. Rapper he brings it up so he has to come up with a new one.
Jordan (00:27:46.000)
We've got a new boogie man Yeah, we
Dan (00:27:47.000)
have like Bohemian Grove doesn't give me give me a boner anymore right right Bilderberg isn't exciting. You can't just say Trilateral Commission and we all pice our pants now right Davao
Jordan (00:27:57.000)
and we all kind of think the UN's okay now. Yeah. Oh, except our President. Well, I mean, so just about everything he doesn't think is okay. Oh,
Dan (00:28:07.000)
Everything's bad. Everything's bad
Alex Jones (00:28:09.000)
Trump. You got like hands on his hips like what have I caught you doing in the cookie jar? How dare you not let us have one sided deals. Chinese bread and have them with a Chinese dictator is actually like Optimus Prime and then proud is on Megatron. This is off the rails compared to die Megatron and it's it's the Chinese president. And then Trump's like no you will never defeat me had on on on Megatron pending the propaganda is so unwatchable, but you go in then full grown American men sit there go get him yeah, get him. Oh, yeah, kill him. Now the NFL coming out against the Second Amendment now. I lock the NFL turn guns in, I believe in Obama now. John Wayne, that's it. The Chinese Presidents head can be on Optimus Prime and they can resurrect John Wayne and put his head on Megatron and have and have the Chinese president cut the head off John Wayne. I'm John Wayne. And he comes back No,
Jordan (00:29:31.000)
not a good one.
Alex Jones (00:29:32.000)
No, no. Yeah, he
Jordan (00:29:33.000)
failed on that real fast.
Alex Jones (00:29:35.000)
You believe this anymore. But this is how dumbed down their constituents are. Let me let me stop right there.
Dan (00:29:43.000)
So I mean, we get it now that he's got that was a homeless man's rambling and keep in mind, that was crazy. We're living in one of the most dangerous times ever our country is falling apart. That was
Jordan (00:29:56.000)
this 14 year old sketchbook during American history. Last leg that is all he knows about American history with
Dan (00:30:03.000)
the Chinese president is gonna be Optimus Prime
Jordan (00:30:06.000)
head on Optimus Prime and then Trump has had on Megatron Yep. Which is a great fucking album cover. And so then the Chinese president is also going to resurrect John Wait, who is now evil? Who is no, no, no, he's still good. Well, no, President no no evil. I'm gonna cut off John.
Dan (00:30:26.000)
I am evil.
Jordan (00:30:27.000)
He bailed on that so fast. He did bailed on John Wayne so fast, but
Dan (00:30:31.000)
like, I think, I mean, I love this because it's kind of a guy trying to have fun. You know, like, he's trying
Jordan (00:30:39.000)
he was God.
Dan (00:30:41.000)
It's so bad was such rambling
Jordan (00:30:42.000)
nonsense. It really is. His laugh was even better though. I was such a big fan of his crazy insane person laugh is fake.
Dan (00:30:50.000)
Ah, yeah, that's like that's worse than Dr. Robotnik laughing and like Sonic games. It's so fucking fake.
Jordan (00:30:58.000)
It is the Final Fantasy 10 Titus of laughs
Dan (00:31:01.000)
So Alex wants to wrap up with become the chai calms taking over Hollywood storyline, with this little gem.
Alex Jones (00:31:10.000)
And they're openly buying up Hollywood. And they're openly going to put out anti American films. In America, I guess. I almost just want to say to all the evil people that want to serve this go ahead and destroy everything then. But you know what, there are a lot of good people in this country. A lot of children that don't deserve this. But man crazy people screaming killed Trump and father Students, please hear the students freaking out in the background.
Dan (00:31:36.000)
So he's talking about a clip he played earlier of teacher had like a projector screen in her classroom, okay, of the Trump inauguration. She's got a water gun, and she's shooting it and saying die. But also,
Jordan (00:31:49.000)
that's actually I don't know if that's good. It's not great. But I don't think that I do not think that's great.
Dan (00:31:54.000)
I don't think it's great. But from the clip, you really, it there's no indication there's anyone else in the room like,
Jordan (00:32:00.000)
oh, okay, he's saying in class,
Dan (00:32:03.000)
it doesn't it's she might have been, I don't know that to be true. I have no idea. Okay, from the source given. It could just be I mean,
Jordan (00:32:13.000)
it's was it a false flag operation? It might have been, it seems like it'd be a false flag.
Dan (00:32:17.000)
It's at least a dirty dossier. At least, but this this clip isn't done.
Alex Jones (00:32:24.000)
And Madonna and everybody in all these major newspapers saying somebody needs to kill Trump. I'm here to tell you people something. You're running your mouth and you're gonna get hurt. You understand? Talk ship get hit. And you know what? I'm not running my mouth. Okay. Look what we've done in 21 years to you in the in the information war. But I gotta tell you, everybody has really gotten a normalcy bias, a learned helplessness, where we just except being crapped all over. And I'm sorry. Trump's great, He's strong. He's bringing back optimism. The approval rating is surging. It's wonderful.
Jordan (00:33:07.000)
Not it's going down so fast,
Alex Jones (00:33:11.000)
but he needs to come out against Communist China now has any and I'm directing the crew, I rarely direct them. I bet you I'm directing the crew to focus on this robbed in to take the lead, Lian Maga do what this writer has done. And I'm gonna ask Watson and his brother and all the rest of our crews on Communist China because it really hit me today. This is an electronic cultural Red Dawn by the Communist Chinese, who are at de vos admitting they're gonna keep us in line. No, you're not. But you are outrageous.
Dan (00:33:44.000)
Now, I need to ask you, okay, the mics gone down, I might go down enjoy a sip of wine. Because what's about to happen is a string of crazy threats that are that are so great. I will be taking notes.
Alex Jones (00:33:58.000)
Trump is absolutely right to be sending aircraft carriers. We need weapon systems on them and we need to kick them out of here. And no more Chinese anchor babies. I'm sick of it. I can't go to China and have a baby for free. If I practiced yoga and apart they kill me No, that's it. Oh, smash this microphone is to make my point. It's not normal that just Christ went in with the money changers and overturned the tables. Are they gonna buy like some brand new super awesome car and take a ticket? Take a sledgehammer to it to sacrifice like $100,000 in front everybody because all these people hear about money.
Jordan (00:34:35.000)
First of all, there's no way he could afford to do does not understand that at all, no, you know, he he could. But but but that was the go that Jesus went into the money changers because they were screwing up the tempo. They were in the sacred place. By his own admission he would just be throw God
Dan (00:34:56.000)
but here's where he Okay, here's here's where he shows his cards.
Jordan (00:35:00.000)
Arias question? Yeah. Has he ever read the Bible?
Dan (00:35:03.000)
Probably in verse form, like maybe a verse a day calendar or something like that. All right,
Jordan (00:35:07.000)
is he just looking at like some like those those work memes at a at an office, which is like Blink. Keep your chin up, slugger.
Dan (00:35:18.000)
I think we got a verse right here. All right, Second Thessalonians three words on his calendar ladies and pray for us that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified even as it is with you. Oh, well then yeah, I believe Trump. Sure. Yeah. But that's all debt. So he's gonna, he's gonna smash up this car. And it sounds like this thing where he's gonna be like, showing everyone's decadence and showing everyone's love of money.
Jordan (00:35:43.000)
But here's where he just kind of bragging about his money.
Dan (00:35:46.000)
Here's where he shows that he's a weasel. All right.
Alex Jones (00:35:49.000)
Don't do it. On a clock winding down to the death of the car. As your freedom dies, everything else dies. People only care about some stupid car. But of course for $100,000 I'll get $10 million in publicity and actually warn people and say
Jordan (00:36:09.000)
no, no, you can't do that. No, it's
Dan (00:36:12.000)
just a form of advertising. No, you can't what Leesy fuck why was no yeah, he just invalidates his whole idea of metaphorical idea
Jordan (00:36:19.000)
was then just turned into like no
Dan (00:36:23.000)
the only reason that that gesture would have any power is the second
Jordan (00:36:27.000)
actually threw it away instead of made a shit ton of money off of it yeah, these manipulatives I don't think he understands most of what anything is
Dan (00:36:35.000)
look at me look the way my hands Okay, get your hands here is where the threats start. Okay, it's so fucking awesome. All right, all right.
Alex Jones (00:36:46.000)
Taking a wrecking ball to this country and I've been doing it and to you you should take it personal. Everyone's been trained to be so self centered and I'm going to Zacks call they say again, I don't care if they shut down coal power plants. I don't have any coal stock. That's the whole price of energy going up moron or I don't care if the stock market goes down and I'm on the stock market almost every company that you depend on or your business works with is so if it goes down we're going to be in a frickin depression with half the public not working and brainwash everything's gonna burn down. Why does that sound to you? It's ridiculous. I'm ready to go to war with whoever wants to go to war right now the Islamist says the chai comes I pray to God you be brought low I beg Christ and the Father that you murdering scum being destroyed only right back the phone calls you will get you no matter what. You murder. You scumbag vampires
Jordan (00:37:54.000)
that was fucking Oh, that was that's crazy. That was that was from Troy write that Homer wrote that speech. Homer wrote that speech who sat was Achilles rage filled Achilles. We will destroy
Dan (00:38:08.000)
you, Hector.
Jordan (00:38:11.000)
Jesus that I only got if he had done his Optimus Prime voice.
Dan (00:38:16.000)
No. But how fucking fake? Is that anger?
Jordan (00:38:18.000)
That was he slammed his hand on the table right?
Dan (00:38:22.000)
Multiple times. Yeah. And how fucking fake is that religious fervor to that like, in the middle of his fake anger. He's screaming I pray to God like I can't even do his voice when like in yeah that angry it's so
Alex Jones (00:38:35.000)
pray to God that you will be brought know
Jordan (00:38:38.000)
that you've been brought. Lord, bring them low.
Dan (00:38:42.000)
Bring them low, swing low sweet Jesus
Jordan (00:38:48.000)
shakaama is gonna tear you down.
Dan (00:38:52.000)
So this next clip, I don't really No, I don't remember what it is. But the label of it, the title of it is jerk off fantasy about scum. So that's probably pretty.
Jordan (00:39:03.000)
I'm in I'm in. What blows
Alex Jones (00:39:05.000)
me away is just how many collaborators there are that the entire MSM pretty much the whole complex is literally anti America and has a vicious hatred of this country, even though they live here and their whole future is based on how well we do. They're delusional because they imagine they're with the power structure. And they believe because they're in these little hives of traders that they're invincible. It's like a bunch of criminals getting together and convinced themselves they can rob Fort Knox you're not gonna get away with it. We watched you building this thing we just given you a rope given your rope warn everybody get ready. Now White when they start coming the public that hadn't been lessons gonna listen, watch this 60 activation. We have been in a stand up attack position for 50 years waiting for you and now we just metrically went five levels beggar just now you want to fight you attack us we can even be Bigger boom. It's called the American plan dumb asses. We only let like the plot of the Eldar straight, ready to crush you, in the end, gonna suck up and roll up the whole global system. Yeah, get ready to fail, because I decided, you probably need to know how you're going to be destroyed. A lot of your top people already know this, but I think the minions and people need to know that you're going to be used as examples of what scum and traitors are for decades and decades and generations to come. You're all going to be held up as the standard of filth. Your defeat will will will be the birth of the new millennium as Trump said, empowering humanity. Your strength is our weakness. You look like look at Trump supporters versus your minions. You truly have created twisted, fallen, scared, frightened, confused mental patients. But you're not gonna get the rest of us and somehow we're gonna try to resuscitate the zombie horde but a lot of them are too far gone. I've seen them they're gone. He's either full right to defend ourselves from the from the witches like like like Hillary and, and that other harpy Madonna who are the opposite of the beautiful spirit of womanhood, you are monsters, and it's why you're obsessed with claiming you dominate and run women. You are what you claim men are trying to do. You're there to dominate the spirit of women and shuck off of it and bathe in its essence it's blood and and it's to infuse yourselves. You're the metaphysical version of who was that famous royal that would kill babies and babies in their blood? I mean, people are sick. Remember cosmetics of dead Chinese babies and an antique collagen injections of their melted down fat. So you're already there? Let's go out to break.
Jordan (00:41:47.000)
Wait, did he say that? Rich actresses crush babies will know that the collagen is made of babies. Yeah, they're
Dan (00:41:57.000)
made of babies. He said they're made of babies. Yeah, that's probably based on like a Project Veritas video or something like they are made of babies. I feel like you might be right.
Jordan (00:42:05.000)
I am not sure but I just don't I just don't think that's a tenable business model. It is if you're a chai calm but I mean nobody that started that company must have been like Did they switch to babies to save money like what happened? You see
Dan (00:42:20.000)
them on Shark Tank? It's like we want to do Mr. Mr. Wonderful or whatever is fucking right right? Well we want to do is we want to crush up babies and put them in actresses lips. won a million dollars. That's
Jordan (00:42:33.000)
such an what bank is gonna approve that mission statement?
Dan (00:42:37.000)
It seems bizarre. But also,
Jordan (00:42:39.000)
what's your business model? Oh, we're gonna crush up babies and inject them into EU you're good at business.
Dan (00:42:45.000)
Yeah, you sound sound finances we are in the title of that clip. shockingly accurate. That was just a J slasher fantasy
Jordan (00:42:54.000)
that was a jerk offs.
Dan (00:42:55.000)
You will be held up as the example of scum. Now,
Jordan (00:42:59.000)
here's the thing. Yeah. If you're gonna win a war or culture war, I would say don't tell other people how you're going to destroy them. It's kind of Bond villain probably want to keep that a secret. Like, isn't that just good strategy?
Dan (00:43:13.000)
Yeah. Again, it's like a Bond movie where the guy gives away too much. Yeah, ends up.
Jordan (00:43:18.000)
Well, now that we know how we're going to be destroyed. We can stop it. We don't know how we're
Dan (00:43:22.000)
going to be destroyed. We just know that we're going to be held up as examples for generations to come of scum.
Jordan (00:43:28.000)
He does that so well. That also basically what he said is to irrelevant, older women are sucking out the spirit of real womanhood. Right? He said that.
Dan (00:43:40.000)
Sure. He's mad because Madonna gave a speech at the Women's March. And she mentioned Yeah, it was a pretty badass speech. Yeah, but in it, she said that she at times feels like she wants to blow up the White House, but she doesn't. Yeah, and that's taken out of context. She? No.
Jordan (00:43:57.000)
Are you sure? Positive doesn't Madonna have the resources to blow up the White House?
Dan (00:44:01.000)
She was married to Guy Ritchie and he's been known to do a lot of caper movies.
Jordan (00:44:06.000)
So maybe that would be such a great paper.
Dan (00:44:08.000)
No, because it wouldn't sell it like, was it swept away or whatever the movie
Jordan (00:44:14.000)
is gonna be, you know? Yeah, those icons couldn't save that. They're gonna do the it'll be Sherlock Holmes three. Oh, I like this. And Sherlock Holmes is going to try to stop the White House being exploded by a bomb. Right? But he's gonna be radicalized by the globalist
Dan (00:44:34.000)
Sure sure, sure. And Watson has got radicalized
Jordan (00:44:38.000)
No, no, Watson is just a blind follower. Okay. He doesn't know what's going on until the very end when he starts to cry because Martin Freeman is amazing. Sure. But he's not in the movie version.
Dan (00:44:51.000)
So wait is Moriarity a patriot? Where's your globalist
Jordan (00:44:56.000)
I mean in Okay, well in In Alex Jones is warped worldview, Moriarty is unabashed capitalism. Sure she is just going and he loves prosperity. Yeah, he's just trying to sell weapons to people who need weapons. People need weapons. Alex Jones is selling weapons. It's supply and demand. Alex Jones is Moriarty.
Dan (00:45:19.000)
Who does that make us Holmes and
Jordan (00:45:21.000)
Watson i Boy, I mean, my last name is home. So I'm gonna take I'm gonna take that one.
Dan (00:45:27.000)
I'll be Watson.
Jordan (00:45:28.000)
i Yeah, you're gonna be you are you are. I'm really the one who's more. Who's less unhinged. Let's put it that way. You're the opioid and I am I am the opium addict. Yes.
Dan (00:45:40.000)
So we had all this this Chai calm stuff, this jackoff fantasy. But that's not all Alex was on on the 26th. He was also into another narrative that has to do with why it's totally cool that Trump wants to build a wall. Let him try and explain it now.
Alex Jones (00:45:58.000)
Awesome. Meanwhile, the Mexican president is saying that he may not come next week to a visit with President Trump now, because he said in Spanish we're going to play at the moment in Mexico, but believe me, you deserve to have one. Guatemala Spanish, basically. Because the comic, I'm gonna
Dan (00:46:17.000)
have to fucking ask you not to talk.
Jordan (00:46:19.000)
Sorry. But he said in Spanish, like it was a pejorative, but he was giving a speech to other Mexicans, right? Why would he say it in English?
Dan (00:46:26.000)
We're gonna have to have an unfair conversation. First of all, I agree with you. That's crazy. You should be speaking Spanish. Of course. We need to stop talking over clip. All right. I'm sorry. But I want to give you I haven't been here for a while. I want to give you this trump card this donald trump card. God helped me to pause at any point we can pause it. Okay. If we talk over the clips, then people who are listening can't hear how crazy his bullshit is. All right. I'm sorry. That defeats the purpose. I'm sorry, Holmes.
Jordan (00:46:56.000)
I will stop taking cocaine in between my toes.
Dan (00:46:59.000)
All right, so I'm gonna roll this back a tiny bit. He's speaking Spanish which is already suspect. Yes.
Jordan (00:47:03.000)
Well, no, he should know it to Alex Jones and suspect English
Dan (00:47:08.000)
are nothing is Oh,
Jordan (00:47:09.000)
I got you know, I'm with you.
Dan (00:47:10.000)
That's what Trump's trying to do with the TPP getting out of it. It's defending English. That makes no sense makes as much sense as any of this bullshit. It's a good point.
Alex Jones (00:47:19.000)
Well, believe me, you deserve to have one with Guatemala. Guatemala, basically, is what Mexico has become a collapsed, third world country. And it's a good thing. You have a wall down there, or it would be total bedlam.
Dan (00:47:32.000)
So that's the introduction of the premise and this narrative, that they have a wall with Guatemala that Mexico has a southern border wall. And they're hypocritical because they want us to not have a wall between the United States and Mexico. Do they have a southern border wall? Nope.
Jordan (00:47:50.000)
No, but isn't that the bedrock of his argument? Yep. But it doesn't exist.
Dan (00:47:54.000)
I would encourage everyone listening to look up some pictures of the border between Guatemala and Mexico.
Jordan (00:48:03.000)
Is there a giant wall? No,
Dan (00:48:04.000)
it's there's no wall. It's just gorgeous, lush nature. It's beautiful.
Jordan (00:48:09.000)
It will be destroyed by a giant border wall.
Dan (00:48:12.000)
But you if you do Google it, you'll find some memes of people who have posted pictures purporting to be a wall between Mexico and Guatemala. Okay. And if you reverse image search fees, you find that a bunch of them are between Mexico and Arizona. They're a big fence. That's between Mexico and Arizona.
Jordan (00:48:34.000)
Oh, the big fence that we built in between Mexico and Arizona. Yep. That border
Dan (00:48:38.000)
wall that has been purported to be between Mexico and Guatemala. It is not. So another one that they have that Alex puts on screen on Infowars X, his broadcast puts this meme on screen is a giant wall in Israel. purported to be between Mexico and Guatemala. It's not It's bullshit. It's complete. Fucking bullshit.
Jordan (00:49:07.000)
Can you do that?
Dan (00:49:08.000)
He knows. He doesn't not know. He's lying. He's absolutely online. Absolutely as lying. If not, he's literally the worst journalist in the world. Because I figured that out with three seconds on Google. Maybe five. Okay,
Jordan (00:49:24.000)
but here's but that that whole meme of there being 3 million immigrants illegal immigrants who voted we're
Dan (00:49:33.000)
gonna talk about that in a little bit. Oh, of course. Of course.
Jordan (00:49:36.000)
Why did I think there wasn't gonna be a take on that? Oh, it
Dan (00:49:38.000)
was Alex thinks there's 10 10 million.
Jordan (00:49:41.000)
But if there was 10 million Wait, how could he How could he escalate the number the 3 million is already crazy. No, it's
Dan (00:49:49.000)
not. It's not he's studies studies. Fuck,
Jordan (00:49:53.000)
I got beat by studies again. Every time
Dan (00:49:58.000)
I assure you, we'll get back to the But what what were you saying?
Jordan (00:50:01.000)
I'm just saying that it's it's something that was based on no evidence, there was actually just a tweet from a guy that just just fucking exploded throughout the day,
Dan (00:50:11.000)
which I don't. I don't know if you heard this today, they found that that guy who tweeted that he had 3 million cases of voter fraud. He himself is registered in three states.
Jordan (00:50:21.000)
Okay. He also he also owes 100,000 in back taxes, right?
Dan (00:50:26.000)
Listen, we all make mistakes. I'm not gonna judge him for that, because it's not related to what he's talking about. That's a good point. He literally is in three states registered, which is part of what he's purporting to bring to light. And his response, right when he was called by a journalist was, I don't know, I didn't know that. Of course you didn't. That's anybody who's registered in multiple states doesn't know. I'm probably registered in Illinois and Missouri. I probably didn't cancel my registration when I moved. Can you do that? What?
Jordan (00:50:54.000)
Yeah, cancel your registration?
Dan (00:50:56.000)
I guess. I didn't know. I don't know. Did
Jordan (00:50:58.000)
you vote in both Illinois and Missouri? Listen,
Dan (00:51:01.000)
I've already said that. I'm never going to answer any questions about my voting habits. Here. That's a good point. And I'll also say,
Jordan (00:51:07.000)
release your tax returns.
Dan (00:51:09.000)
You know, you want them Are you
Jordan (00:51:11.000)
Dan (00:51:12.000)
Let's straight up. Here's my w two.
Jordan (00:51:15.000)
I don't need to see it. But
Dan (00:51:16.000)
tell me that tell the audience that I'm showing you my w two
Jordan (00:51:20.000)
is showing me his W two but he literally rarely doctored. This is my dirty dossier, clearly doctored. It's Let me see your long form W two
Dan (00:51:29.000)
guys, I made $13,000. Last year, I'm doing pretty good. That's not good. We are opening a Patreon for that's actually to help me make more than $13,000 a year. Okay, live on that bullshit. No, how have I survived? I have no idea. It's crazy. So anyway, Alex has more thoughts about Mexico and this wall, keep your eyes open for way more lies.
Alex Jones (00:51:57.000)
Earlier, I played a clip of the Mexican president saying that he will not come up and speak to Trump in Spanish because Trump said no need to come. If you're not going to quote, pause it real quick. He's given Mexico several choices on how to do that.
Jordan (00:52:12.000)
You just broke the rule that I'm sorry, I will use so do you see how seductive the proposition of interrupting him is? Yeah. It's so hard not to.
Dan (00:52:21.000)
He also has so many funny things to say in between, he also sets the precedent because he interrupts everything so much that it's like, well, of course, we got to
Jordan (00:52:28.000)
read strip. So you have to raise our we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Dan (00:52:32.000)
This, this clip actually is fairly threatening in nature. So we're seeing that as being the running theme of the show. He's very scared the last week or so. And I don't blame him. Because the more facts that start to come to light, and the more we realize, like General Flynn just erased his Twitter account. After like, it really looks like he's being investigated hard, which is technically illegal for him to do that is like document destruction. Yep. When your official,
Jordan (00:53:04.000)
all his digital, Dropbox is fucking incriminating.
Dan (00:53:08.000)
All of these things are starting to happen. And it does kind of look like the world is closing in around the people in power. Yeah, what are we gonna do? I don't know, it's gonna be a very weird world.
Jordan (00:53:18.000)
But he's gonna happen.
Dan (00:53:19.000)
I don't know. I'm very scared. But he is too. But he's using instead of owning up to the fear and being like, you know, things, maybe I'm on the wrong team, that sort of thing that is a normal human might do
Jordan (00:53:32.000)
that is the single No, no, no, here's and here's why I was thinking about this earlier, because my my parents and my aunt still think that they're still on the give them a chance train. Really? Yeah. And I will tell you the reason I went through all of the conservative websites while I was researching, or No, I just do this with all news. Because of this Muslim ban thing. I'm trying to figure out if you read these personal stories of people who were fucking translators in Iraq, sure, who saved more lives than any of these fucks ever will even get the chance to and
Dan (00:54:11.000)
put their lives at stake in a way Yeah, it's impossible for us to no
Jordan (00:54:14.000)
family members who've been murdered for their association with the USA. And still because they thought it was the right fucking thing to do. And then they stuck with it. And a lot of promise them,
Dan (00:54:26.000)
a lot of them lost limbs, or were tortured and still helped. And we
Jordan (00:54:30.000)
promised them that they would get out because of their service. And these are the people being blocked by the fucking Muslim ban. And if you read these stories, there's no possible way. There's no fucking possible way you can defend it. No. And I went through all of these conservative websites. Zero of them have one personal story of course not. They did not interview fucking anybody. No, they didn't even bother with it. Instead, they went with the narrative of like, Oh, it's just a few people that one time did they say, Look, this guy who saved our fucking soldiers lives is being blocked? Yeah. Not one of them.
Dan (00:55:09.000)
Or they have the further narrative of like, it's exactly what Obama did in 2011 with a wreck.
Jordan (00:55:14.000)
And it's like, there's been a lot of that shit going on for a long time. Sure. It is not Trump's Muslim ban alone that is blocked this Nope. That has been going on for a while, because of our extreme vetting programs. Yep. The ones that are already in place. really extreme ones. Yes. The ones that are crazy extreme. All right. And the cockamamie bullshit is like, we're just letting people in? No, we're not. No, we're not Yes. harder to get in. Yeah. And so and so they don't run these personal stories. And if if they just put that because I can't give them real news, because they don't believe in real news, fake news, if one of those conservative websites started running, personal testimonials from this Muslim ban, immediately, all of these, all of these conservative people who genuinely do believe themselves to have compassion. If they actually started reading these stories, there's no possible way they could still support Well,
Dan (00:56:12.000)
here's the version of personal stories that those conservative sites would run. They could interview literally everybody, and they could talk about their experience not being killed by an immigrant, you know, like, you could do a puff piece on how great it is to not be killed by immigrants. Where I have a job where I make $30,000 a year, because like you
Jordan (00:56:31.000)
haven't been killed by an immigrant. It's pretty good lives pretty good.
Dan (00:56:34.000)
So anyway, here's some threats towards the Mexicans, all right.
Alex Jones (00:56:39.000)
And, again, Mexico gets hundreds of billions of dollars a year of money sent back down to it now at an eight to $14 million wall is something that Mexico really should chip in on, and it will show a sign of solidarity. And it also show that Trump delivers armor that he says, so it's
Dan (00:56:57.000)
Mexico's business to make sure that Trump looks like he follows through. That's a silly premise. But hold on.
Jordan (00:57:06.000)
No, that doesn't make any sense, though. What do you mean, if they're getting the hundreds of billions that they are not getting? They are getting a lot though they are no, they're not getting as much as you might have met hundreds of billions is crazy. It's more like it's more like 5 billion. But that's still a lot. But it's also money that people take back to their favorite. It's not like it's not like they're not paying taxes on it.
Dan (00:57:29.000)
And it's not like it's ill gotten gains. No, it's It's not like a jailbreak.
Jordan (00:57:34.000)
They're sending their own metal, you know, like, how
Dan (00:57:36.000)
come here and they earn money and send it to their family? That's yeah, and you're talking about basically robbing them? Yeah. Great.
Jordan (00:57:45.000)
Great, so they shouldn't chip in. So because they're not allowed to send money back. Now they should chip in as a show of solidarity to
Dan (00:57:53.000)
make sure that Trump follows through with his promises, because otherwise he would look like an asshole. Hold on. It gets worse. It gets worse. Oh, by frankly,
Alex Jones (00:58:02.000)
was a boost to the campaign. And Trump is is now following through on it. But the issue is, is that Trump will get the money one way or another. And so if the Mexican president wants to have a confrontation with Trump, that that's basically what is about to happen. Trump was very gracious when he was down in Mexico when he would have been gracious to the President came up here and negotiated maybe Mexico pays for a third of it or something. But Mexico didn't do that. So now you're gonna pay for all of it. One way or another and Trump knows America feels demoralized. We do and yeah, and America has been put in this brainwashed position of feeling like we're dirty for saying you have to have an ID to vote or we can have a fence or a wall when Mexico I'm gonna go back and play the President's clip that I'm gonna get back into the death Rach
Dan (00:58:56.000)
way what it there's apparently death threats to Trump he gets back into it and then he No does he play the clip again? He does play a clip again. He plays that clip from the Mexican president like five times, but he
Jordan (00:59:07.000)
is it in Spanish?
Dan (00:59:08.000)
Jordan (00:59:09.000)
So but any of his listeners speak Spanish on poquito so if he plays that clip in Spanish and they don't speak Spanish he could just miss translate it to say whatever the fuck he wanted to
Dan (00:59:22.000)
but if you're watching it it is subtitled so he couldn't get away with it on video. Oh, that's good. But the idea for his radio show the idea that Trump will get the money one way or another is that's
Jordan (00:59:36.000)
what's gonna happen how is he gonna get it one way or another war? I guess? Yes. You're gonna steal it? Yeah, basically, is he gonna extort them? That's basically what he's How could he extort them but
Dan (00:59:46.000)
the thing that I take much more issue with is the idea that he's like, Americans are brainwashed into thinking it's dirty to say you need an ID to vote. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that's, that was the ID laws were part of the Jim Crow show. Yeah, like that that is racial Nephites.
Jordan (01:00:03.000)
And it's been found that way in courts multiple times, repeatedly, repeatedly,
Dan (01:00:07.000)
because people and it's not just racial, but it is largely racial. It's also almost entirely but it's also class related to people who are lower class. income brackets are much less likely to have IDs,
Jordan (01:00:21.000)
right? Because they're also much more likely to vote Democrat. Yeah. Because the Democrats are the only people who even pretend to give a shit about them.
Dan (01:00:31.000)
It would be insane if he was like, you know, you should be you should have to be able to read in order to vote like if he just started doing that or like, your grandfather's you'd have to be a citizen if you want to vote. But it's in that parcel. Yeah, it's not the same thing. But it's within the it's within that territory. He's defending classically racist tactics to get people to not be able to vote, but he's been like,
Jordan (01:00:55.000)
I mean, why should we feel dirty for wanting these things? At least it's better than him defending modern ways of being raised. No, it's actually the same fucking day.
Dan (01:01:06.000)
He's not defending modern ways of race being raised as he's just embodied. He's supporting
Jordan (01:01:10.000)
them as a fucking he's the avatar of modern racism.
Dan (01:01:15.000)
You mean that great movie directed by no wasn't Michael Bay? No, it
Jordan (01:01:19.000)
wasn't it was a Yeah, no. Was it was the guy who directed aliens James Cameron Cameron. That's right, Titanic I came up which as we all know, Titanic is American propaganda false flag pro Chinese false flag Chinese calm false flag come at me this Chinese That's our new game. NEMA thing and then it's
Dan (01:01:43.000)
a false to say words of each other.
Jordan (01:01:47.000)
You have a delightful back and forth
Dan (01:01:49.000)
is more to say about the wall and shit.
Alex Jones (01:01:52.000)
Trump administration to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens. Oh, yeah, Nazis.
Jordan (01:01:56.000)
Nazis did that Nazis did that
Dan (01:01:58.000)
100% Nazis did that Nazis forgot to clip started did
Jordan (01:02:02.000)
Nazis do that? Oh, 2%. They did do that. Nazis did that very much. are we supporting Nazis? Their tactics? Are we Nazis now?
Dan (01:02:12.000)
Yeah, absolutely. Not this idea that the White House would put out a report of immigrant crimes and stuff like that is one of the most straight propaganda demonizing of a population
Jordan (01:02:27.000)
things. Disgusting. It's truly disgusting. Literally.
Dan (01:02:31.000)
If they start doing that, we've got to like burn building. No, it has to start right. Yeah, it has to be right. And it has to be said we're doing it. Otherwise, it'll be on the report.
Jordan (01:02:41.000)
We'll we're peacefully protesting now. Yeah, if he starts doing full on Nazi shit, like we have to fight. I mean, it's bad enough for the other higher American premise fighting Nazis. Like, isn't that our that's our last floor? Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna be on Indiana Jones's side.
Dan (01:03:00.000)
It's bad enough that the other 90 fire that Attorney General,
Jordan (01:03:03.000)
which was fucking pure, that was pure Animal Farm. That's
Dan (01:03:09.000)
what that was. Yeah. And the press release that was put out afterwards that he had like, she what was what was the wording of it? You remember, she had disrespected the President or something like that? I am done with some weird emotional words
Jordan (01:03:22.000)
I could not possibly bring myself to look at anything other than because no matter what i No matter what I would have read it's exactly what it was. Or it was propaganda against it. Yeah, it was, even if you're the most face level analysis, like you're the fucking New York Times, trying your best to be neutral. It's clearly she said that she wouldn't break the Constitution. And he fired her for it hit the bricks. That's exactly what he did. Which is like, hey, goodbye, constitution.
Dan (01:03:57.000)
Yeah. And the other part of it is the idea that the Attorney General was supposed to be a political and unrelated to the whims of the president. But yeah, so that is already a breakdown.
Jordan (01:04:09.000)
No and no, that is that is a clear that's very serious. That's a clear the end of the Constitution. Yeah. So good luck, um, he might as well have just peed on the constitution. So all isn't Nicolas Cage didn't steal the Declaration of Independence, like we all hoped he would have independence. instead.
Dan (01:04:29.000)
We'll look. I mean, all the people who were super alarmist that were saying that we're not going to have a chance in 2018 there's not going to be probably a fair 2020 election. Yeah, everyone there, right. We're alarmists, and it's looking pretty bad.
Jordan (01:04:43.000)
No, I can't I have him days. And she's saying in December. If we don't start the revolution, now it's gonna be too late. And it's too late.
Dan (01:04:52.000)
And I believe on election day, we were texting and you were like, We gotta get out of here. We gotta sleep. We gotta flee. Yeah, well We do we do the do
Jordan (01:05:02.000)
we do? We have to fight and then we're probably here like knowledge fight die oh boy that is pretty much the
Dan (01:05:11.000)
rest we can do real talk this could become dangerous it's so true thing all we want to do is laugh at this jackass yeah and now we're fight like legitimately yeah don't want to be like paranoid and spin scared fantasies but I mean we've already gotten a few
Jordan (01:05:33.000)
like I would give anything for these to be scared fantasy without public scared of the news
Dan (01:05:39.000)
without publicizing the show at all we've gotten a couple of tweets from Alex Jones fans that were thankfully just in the realm of retards idiots or just the but actually explanations that are usually reserved for women trying to make
Jordan (01:05:51.000)
a poor or even just like I think I got one that was like, why you want terrorists in the I
Dan (01:05:57.000)
saw that that was that was a delight parent delight so but anyway, believe we're going to like any anthros I love terror as this grows, we're going to get the attention of Ken weird Oh, people. And
Jordan (01:06:09.000)
I know I'm excited. I'm looking forward to seeing what real online bullying is like. Yeah, but I've only ever heard of
Dan (01:06:16.000)
it. Bring it. We'll have a conversation with you. Yeah,
Jordan (01:06:19.000)
we'll try to be reasonable somehow.
Dan (01:06:21.000)
Most of our points will be we like other folks. We like people. Anyway. So there's the government is going to really acknowledge underscore fight. The government is going to release reports of immigrant crime and like Nazis. I'll go back to the beginning of this clip. Just so what happened in
Jordan (01:06:43.000)
the Nazi clip? Here we go.
Alex Jones (01:06:45.000)
Trump administration to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens. Absolutely. There's been a major cover up of that here and in Europe, and that's coming to an end show when the president of Mexico says I'm gonna put the first part of the clip cuz we played it all earlier, says, you know, Mexico doesn't believe in walls. Mexico doesn't build walls. On what planet? Are you living? Earth? I mean, do you think we're stupid? Mexico has a continued wall 100% wall on its southern border with Guatemala. Well, they had a fence. Now they're building a wall, a wall in some areas of fence and others. The reason that
Dan (01:07:23.000)
he's saying the fence in places and a wall and hazardous pictures
Jordan (01:07:26.000)
of Arizona, okay.
Dan (01:07:30.000)
Could you do you fucking understand? So
Jordan (01:07:32.000)
he just does he? Does he believe that those are on the southern border of Guatemala, he has to he has to believe that or he doesn't, or he's completely bald faced lying.
Dan (01:07:45.000)
Based on everything that I've been able to glean from other things. I think he's just bald faced lying.
Jordan (01:07:50.000)
I disagree. I think he truly believes it. Because I like because we have a disagreement on this. You see if we never disagree on this show, ever. You see but here's the thing. You see those leaks from the Trump like there's a underground the POTUS resist
Dan (01:08:06.000)
the Twitter account. Yeah,
Jordan (01:08:07.000)
may or may not be real that may or may not be real. We have to take theoretical leaps, right? Although they sound so plausible. It's hard to Yeah, but they sound plausible enough
Dan (01:08:17.000)
but sodas most fanfics like Anthony Tammany out Alex Jones is fanfiction. Like Anthony atomics impression of Trump sounds reasonable to at this point.
Jordan (01:08:26.000)
It sounds better than Trump. Yeah. So we're actually it sounds less Trump than Trump now
Dan (01:08:30.000)
fake fake things often. Reality. Stupid meme.
Jordan (01:08:34.000)
Yes. And I do not. But that's that's the point with those fake things. And no, not even that on the fucking news where Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway said he gave alternative facts because he said we were going to keep searching for those 3 million immigrants that voted 3 million illegal immigrants that voted. Yeah. And it's very clear that's not possible.
Dan (01:08:57.000)
Also, Alex
Jordan (01:08:58.000)
also has to believe it. I always think it's not true. Alex Jones
Dan (01:09:03.000)
claims that the mainstream media came up with the term alternative facts when it was actually Kellyanne Conway started that No, nobody's
Jordan (01:09:10.000)
ever came up with that term. Yep. Other than Newspeak from 1984. Yeah. Also, no. So but that sort of sake, Trump believes that that's one thing where he's not bald faced lie.
Dan (01:09:23.000)
I think he truly we're not talking about Trump. We're talking about Mr. Joe but that's the other thing.
Jordan (01:09:27.000)
I'm saying that because Trump believes it. I don't think he's lying in that circumstance. Okay, I think he's just insane. Okay, I'm gonna say that Alex Jones has the ring of believing that those two things are real. I not lying about them. I think he believes it. Or at least he's lied to himself so well. I'm life truth.
Dan (01:09:51.000)
I think I'm coming from a slightly different place than you because often I am watching these like sometimes I'm just listening but often I'm watching Okay, a And I have noticed he has a nervous tic. Oh, he's got to tell Alex has a town we're
Jordan (01:10:06.000)
gonna play you're gonna play poker with him like in Casino Royale and he's going to explain his plan for way too long and you're gonna get a full house. Well, look, I
Dan (01:10:14.000)
don't I haven't tracked every time he does this, but it's very glaring. Do you remember? The basketball player Jeff Horn a sec. Remember him? He was on the jazz for a bit? Yes. He's in the NBA Jam game. Yeah. When I was a kid, I love John Stockton, right. I also love John Starks. John Starks is my number one. John Stockton was number two. I
Jordan (01:10:35.000)
was gonna say it's getting a little racist if your biggest. I also love Larry Bird and legend. Yeah,
Dan (01:10:41.000)
I use the I love French Lick.
Jordan (01:10:43.000)
I love Detlef shrimp. I love Oh, white basketball.
Dan (01:10:48.000)
Rick Smith. Dunking Dutchman.
Jordan (01:10:50.000)
Oh, what are you talking about?
Dan (01:10:52.000)
I liked I like John Stockton because he was very selfless. I liked the his big thing was assists. I liked that. I thought that was cool.
Jordan (01:11:00.000)
I don't think that would know why are we talking about Yeah, no, you continue on? Why would I get into an argument about basketball? cornice
Dan (01:11:07.000)
next big thing was whenever he would take a free throw, he would rub his face? Yes. And it was because it was his way of saying hi to his kids back at home. Oh, and I noticed it before any of the commentators explained it. And I was like, it's weird. He keeps rubbing his face and overtakes free throws. And it's the same thing with Alex. I don't know exactly the points he
Jordan (01:11:26.000)
does his face when he takes free throws does this.
Dan (01:11:30.000)
Oh, he wrestled top of his ear.
Jordan (01:11:34.000)
That's a that's a towel is
Dan (01:11:36.000)
the top of his right ear. He aggressively rubs it. And I don't know if he just has some weird voice supercut of that yet. I don't I haven't been able to find it.
Jordan (01:11:46.000)
Faithful listeners make a supercut of every time but it's distracting.
Dan (01:11:50.000)
It's to the point where it's like, oh, so in the future, I will keep track of what he's saying when he does it. And so yeah, if it matches up with
Jordan (01:11:58.000)
let's make a Zodiac style spreadsheet are insane. Let's get on Zodiac Killer. Yes, yeah.
Dan (01:12:07.000)
Anyway, this clip isn't done.
Alex Jones (01:12:08.000)
Now they're going to finish it up as a big strong wall. Because Latin America is collapsing. One of the plague breaks out in Latin America, south of the border in Central America, one of the plague breaks out what if a war breaks out? Everybody continues to pour over. You don't have a sovereign country if you don't have a controlled border. And I cannot believe that I have to sit here and explain this to liberal listeners who think it's evil and bad when we have a wall but at the Vatican has won or if China has won, or Mexico has won. So
Jordan (01:12:41.000)
he's referencing the great wall as it is now. The Great Wall didn't go so well. It didn't work at all. But also
Dan (01:12:51.000)
the Great Wall was created because there was literally the war tactician of all time trying to invade over and over again with hordes of warriors, like
Jordan (01:13:04.000)
Incas con my favorite. My favorite Futurama bit is where they break down the Great Wall in the year 3000 And the Huns immediately. anachronistic Hans just show that's great. That's so good. But yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't call fighting against gang is kind of good idea.
Dan (01:13:25.000)
I've also done a little bit of research into the Great Wall over the years. Yeah, because
Jordan (01:13:31.000)
like, it was made with like 10 different editions like it was made over centuries.
Dan (01:13:35.000)
Yeah, yeah. It originally was just like a mud wall. But it was always because that, that that stretch, that area in the north of China was insanely volatile. Forever. Yeah, forever. Yeah. Even as China grew through the kingdom periods, and like it was always just turmoil. Yeah, it would be like it's insane to compare that to Mexico. So his other example was Mexico having a wall which they chose and the Vatican, which good enough point I'm not gonna I'm not gonna
Jordan (01:14:12.000)
But shouldn't we burn the Vatican down?
Dan (01:14:15.000)
Possibly, but that's not them. Having a wall is not where I'm going to pick a fight. Like fair enough on that one.
Jordan (01:14:21.000)
Nope. I think that's the one that's the hill we should die on. Yeah,
Dan (01:14:25.000)
the Vatican's wall fair enough on the Vatican's wall I may or may not support that the Great Wall of China you're talking out of your ass
Jordan (01:14:34.000)
what about the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem? doesn't bring
Dan (01:14:37.000)
that one up. But this Are there any other famous walls? He has one? Oh, no. And I stopped the clip just so I can.
Jordan (01:14:46.000)
Let me know. There's a great wall coming. It's way better than the original great wall we talked about it's lunacy. Okay. Or
Alex Jones (01:14:53.000)
if Obama has won, or Mark Zuckerberg wants one. Zuckerberg has like 708 But there's other little pieces of property that are within his acreage and on the side of it and he doesn't want to have any neighbors so he's trying to force them to to, to sell and that'd be fine under English common law. If he wasn't a hypocrite lecturing everybody else saying we don't have property rights, the guy is a total fraud. Who thinks we're dumb efforts again, let's go back to the Mexican president. What are you talking about? Did
Jordan (01:15:26.000)
he has the threat Zuckerberg said you
Dan (01:15:30.000)
know, Mark Zuckerberg apparently is building like a compound down in Hawaii as like a nice just a home. I mean, the same with like Peter Thiel is going is
Jordan (01:15:41.000)
teal excuse me, and I hope he gets fucking murdered. Yeah, every day I pray like fucking I sorry, a stark. I have a list of billionaires that I say every night before I go to sleep poke him with a needle. I am going to poke him with needle.
Dan (01:15:55.000)
I said yeah, when you said you wish to his death just as sort of like, ah, not as I agree with you as a horrible dude.
Jordan (01:16:01.000)
To the NSA. We are satirists. Sure, or just do Just don't kill us more
Dan (01:16:09.000)
or less comedians. Professional Peter Thiel is running away to New Zealand and the same way nothing really gets brought up. Right. But But look, here's the thing. He
Jordan (01:16:23.000)
stated in one of his entire objectives is to own a AI and Randy an island where everyone can go gold. Yeah, yeah, can go gold can break gold. Yeah,
Dan (01:16:36.000)
I think accidentally, the left is going to all fulfill the prophecy of Ayn Rand, even though they hate her, like his eye for the prophecy. Well, the whole idea of going gold is all the important people in society just give up. And like say, All right, we're not going to fucking get it. We're not going to be involved in this anymore. So you think the left is going to give up? I think that there is going to come a time, possibly, that a lot of people on the left are going to be like, This is no longer a country I support. I think I'll probably do it through protests, walkouts, strikes, stuff like that. Yeah, we've already done most of them, whereas the philosophy of John Galt is just disappearing. Speaking of which, did
Jordan (01:17:17.000)
you cancel your Uber account?
Dan (01:17:19.000)
I didn't, but I haven't used it. I will cancel it with mine.
Jordan (01:17:22.000)
But here's the thing. I got a email from there. Okay. No, no, no, I was busy that night. I'm just saying I'm a better person than
Dan (01:17:30.000)
you. I was busy that night. And I saw a bunch of tweets about how difficult it was. I was like, I'm just not up for this right now. I'll keep the app but I'm not gonna use it. Two steps. I heard a bunch of people were like, they canceled their account and then, like, later, they had not been canceled. They got like a confirmation and it was fraudulent or whatever. No way. Yeah,
Jordan (01:17:49.000)
so now I have to double check it. Yeah, fuck,
Dan (01:17:52.000)
I'm hearing that canceling your account is way more difficult than you think.
Jordan (01:17:55.000)
God dammit you're so fucking pieces of shit. Anyway.
Dan (01:17:59.000)
How fucking petty is that? Like? China? Great Wall of China. Mexico wall Vatican wall. Mark Zuckerberg has property under English law.
Jordan (01:18:08.000)
What are you talking about? No. Well, English common law is still utilized in Hawaii in Hawaii. Yeah,
Dan (01:18:16.000)
I grew up on Honolulu in Honolulu. Yeah, I don't remember ever coming up with English common law. Yeah, I don't know who should get Jonah Ray on the phone. He's another Jonah Ray me building a wall. He's another comedian who lived in Hawaii. We can figure it out also. Let's just move along. May we are we are this is gonna be our longest episode to date. Are we already at like ours? We might have cracked that second bow. Okay. All right. So it's time to pray. It is time for the sacrament. Okay, so it was not just China and Mexico wall issues on the 26th Alex also had another big piece of news he wanted to break about everyone's favorite Jewish Boogeyman.
Alex Jones (01:19:00.000)
Well, Soros the Golem has been publicly betting against the United States for decades. Then who has been naked shorting stock market has everything he's got bet on this. And guess what it got magically leaked out of the Dutch regulators, computer system, Dutch regulator. This is Bloomberg accidentally post Soros has short positions. Ya know, the major Patriot intelligence agencies are moving against Soros. And there's marches against him happening all over the world. Millions have been marching in different Eastern European countries against what they call the Soros evil. Who, and now his positions have been released and it turns out he was betting against America betting against the West and it's been blowing up in his ugly evil face. It's been blowing up in this goblins face and it's beautiful.
Dan (01:19:53.000)
Again, we have to repeat Goblin is a very stereotypical
Jordan (01:19:58.000)
canard. Yeah. As we've already established, JK Rowling is anti semitic. Right?
Dan (01:20:03.000)
Right. Dobby was a classic Jewish stereotype. So this did happen, though he's not he's not telling a falsehood,
Jordan (01:20:14.000)
but that's the No, that's the smart move. What's that? It's a short to short everything right now we haven't ascended market. If I if I had enough money, I would do the whole big short thing again, and just take a short position on everything, because this bubble is going to fucking collapse. Always god damn done, but
Dan (01:20:33.000)
I think it's sketchy. It elicits negative reactions in people, because the idea of short betting is that you want things to fail. It's the same way that if you go to the casino, people think it's rude at the roulette table to bet on double zero. Because if you bet on double zero, you're betting for everyone else to lose. There's sort of a there's an idea that decorum is upset by that,
Jordan (01:20:58.000)
then. But that's Wall Street. I know everybody shorts everything all the time. If you didn't short things, other people wouldn't take the opposite position.
Dan (01:21:08.000)
Right. But he is talking to people who don't play the market. And so they will believe Yeah, these ingrained things.
Jordan (01:21:14.000)
I'm saying there's no other way for it to happen. If you didn't have an alternate buyer who was betting on things to go well, it wouldn't be possible to share things.
Dan (01:21:23.000)
Now. I've done extensive research into the other things that you said. Okay. One was that people are moving on. So row seven, there's protests all over
Jordan (01:21:32.000)
trade intelligence agencies, agencies, which ones are those again, blogs.
Dan (01:21:35.000)
So then the idea that people are marching against the Soros evil, I did extensive looking into this, I could not find a single source of any march against Soros. In any country in the world for this time period.
Jordan (01:21:53.000)
What time period are we talking about? Law of his entire life
Dan (01:21:56.000)
I looked for I looked for anything, any March and I couldn't find zero marches ever. No. But I did look into this story, because the short positions were accidentally revealed on this website, which is a legal, yes. But it was a it was a complete accident, a bunch of other people's short positions were revealed to basically, if you have a short position under point 2%, I believe is the threshold, you don't have to report it. But if you're over that, you have to report it. And if it's above point 5%, it has to be public. Because if you're betting a massive shortage on something, yeah, people should know.
Jordan (01:22:33.000)
And that's and that's going to influence the market as well. So if you're betting a massive short, then other people are going to take that as a signal. Yeah, that either you have insider trading information, or you think something's about to
Dan (01:22:44.000)
fail, or look at this, look at this guy. Let's get on his to write
Jordan (01:22:47.000)
it. Yeah, if you're a huge investor, and you're putting that bet out, then people are gonna be like, Maybe he knows something. Or maybe
Dan (01:22:54.000)
like, yeah, I read about 20 articles.
Jordan (01:22:57.000)
Like if Warren Buffett says, I'm going to bet this thing is going to succeed, other people are going to be like, he's a good investor. It's a vote of confidence. Exactly. He has enough influence that he actually influences the market.
Dan (01:23:10.000)
Now, if you want to look at the flip side of that George Soros lost about a billion dollars shorting the like Dow Jones after Trump's election, right. So which was
Jordan (01:23:21.000)
a bad, which was a bad move? Historically, just because after Herbert Hoover was elected, that was the last time that the market was at its highest point, okay. And
Dan (01:23:32.000)
guess what didn't go well happen? Hoover reveals. So he's worth like $26 billion, or something like that. It's so many fucking billion. It's a lot. But he gives away tons of it. But it's also like, okay, a billion dollars is a big hit. But it's also like, yeah, you can absorb that. Anyway. All of the sites that I could find I like I said, I read about 20 articles on this. I read even some weirdo blogs, and no one could Jabez no one could cite anything that he shorted other than two institutions. Okay. One was this Dutch bank called ing, and the other was a the German lending giant Deutsche Bank.
Jordan (01:24:13.000)
So neither of those are American. No. So the idea that didn't American not often in any way, there's zero evidence that he bet against America. No. So in this case, then Alex Jones is saying that the entire stock market is representative of America alone. Now
Dan (01:24:34.000)
but using this logic, the betting against these Dutch and German banks is betting against America means that you just if you bet against anything you're betting against America. Yeah,
Jordan (01:24:46.000)
I think he thinks that the market is the American market only and to some extent, that's lunacy. It no to all extents that lunacy to all extents.
Dan (01:24:56.000)
So now now we come back to this question of Is Alex unaware of these facts? Or is he willfully lying? I think he's willfully lying.
Jordan (01:25:06.000)
See, this is this is the thing that I he has to be willfully willfully lying sometimes. Uh huh. Did he talk his ear? Oh man, I wish I remember God. If you knew that I would immediately
Dan (01:25:19.000)
jump so I'm gonna have to keep my attention you have to pay attention next episode that says
Jordan (01:25:24.000)
tell and that is that is the ultimate seller of this argument between the two of us that's gonna turn into rounders.
Dan (01:25:33.000)
So yeah, I
Jordan (01:25:34.000)
do not want to be Edward Norton in this one.
Dan (01:25:39.000)
I'm super excited that I have been starting to see on Twitter a lot of people calling out this Jewish canard as Jewish boogeyman narrative about Soros. I'm excited because it is really important. First of all, the idea that Soros pays protesters diminishes the idea of protest. Yep. Which is really bad. And then beyond it, just the anti symmetric implications of it are really really damaging.
Jordan (01:26:04.000)
Well, I mean, it goes it goes all it goes all the ways wrong, it goes all the ways wrong. It does it's wrong all the ways. There aren't any more ways it can be wrong all the ways and means think about another way it could be wrong. You can't it's wrong all the ways.
Dan (01:26:21.000)
Yeah, absolutely. All right. We got to get now to January 27. We're
Jordan (01:26:27.000)
just now to the 27th we are we're doing an extra long episode because I was gone for we already have a lot that's
Dan (01:26:34.000)
okay. All right. So it is now the 27th all these the rest of these clips will be from January 27. It was Friday move to the other last day of January. There was a Friday it was a good day didn't have to use the a Good Friday. So
Jordan (01:26:50.000)
I want to start this just fucked around and got a triple double.
Dan (01:26:55.000)
I want to start this adventure on the 27th with a point where we will agree with Alex
Jordan (01:27:02.000)
Okay, good a little bit because they're my favorites is whatever we have to give it up to Alex Jones. And then he says the next thing and we're like God dammit, you
Dan (01:27:10.000)
just spoke prophecy because this is it's gonna be a roller coaster because he says some real shit as opposed to what we've been going through right now. This has to do with Trump's stance on torture. And he says some real shit and then it breaks so bad. Okay, so here we go.
Alex Jones (01:27:32.000)
I think it could end up being our downfall if he's openly saying fortress Okay, and then there's some type of a horrible abuses.
Dan (01:27:40.000)
I forgot I cut out the first three minutes of this Okay, the first three minutes are him saying that like I agree with him on everything but torture it's a sticking point. Because if you torture then you become the thing you're against. Yeah, and that's a really good point.
Jordan (01:27:57.000)
That's a really good point. But
Dan (01:27:59.000)
he's like,
Jordan (01:28:00.000)
I'm sure he's stuck with it and we get to support him the whole way through
Dan (01:28:03.000)
so here here is where actually I've got that I cut out all the parts that I we actually agree with
Jordan (01:28:12.000)
Well, I mean, let's face it we don't need
Dan (01:28:14.000)
that pirate he's he's principle is that he's against torture, which I think is great, but that is great. But this is where he explained
Jordan (01:28:20.000)
why were to God I here's my guess he's against it. Because you don't want to tell your enemy what you're gonna do to them. No,
Dan (01:28:28.000)
that's a good guess. It's actually worse. All right. I think
Alex Jones (01:28:31.000)
it could end up being our downfall if he's openly saying fortress, okay. And then there's some type of a horrible abuses of like children like at Abu Ghraib that happened. And then that the people running things that have infiltrated will use that to frame Trump. And I think he's really walking into a trap.
Jordan (01:28:52.000)
You can't frame somebody with reality if you'd have to lie about them to frame someone with their own actions. Yeah. Then it's not framing then it's just saying what a thing happened kind of reporting. It's just news. It's just what we would call investigative journalism. But isn't that isn't that like, like a like Obama when Obama blew up that one little girl? Yeah, that was not framing him for blowing up that little girl. He did that shit.
Dan (01:29:19.000)
Yeah. Speaking which you read about like Yemen, right? Yeah,
Jordan (01:29:23.000)
they killed that of the brother of the little girl that Obama killed.
Dan (01:29:28.000)
The quote was everything that could go wrong. Everything that can go wrong went wrong. Almost everything went wrong.
Jordan (01:29:33.000)
That's fantastic. I love that we're off to a great fucking start. Yeah,
Dan (01:29:37.000)
the group Thank God. Thank God. We got a guy who cuts through the bullshit to all
Jordan (01:29:41.000)
the people who said let's give him a chance. Are we done yet? Yeah. Did we give him enough chance? Yeah,
Dan (01:29:46.000)
so isn't it fucking depressing though that like he's like, I'm against torture. But then his reasoning for it is not that it's inhuman. It's a horrible thing to do to people. It degrades you as a person Emerson, his, his argument is, you can use that against him.
Jordan (01:30:05.000)
Yeah, that's so that's a large shocks. That's a larger question. Is it more is the motivation more important than the action? Right because I'm all for him run some John Stuart Mill shit. Yeah, now now it's gonna get very now it's gonna get very philosophy only
Dan (01:30:22.000)
thing that is good as a goodwill.
Jordan (01:30:24.000)
Yeah, I see I'm gonna go with as long as he's against torture. Let's forget about his reasons. Well, you like no come on you
Dan (01:30:36.000)
might walk that back in a second. Let's finish the one. Let's finish the clip before you get philosophical.
Alex Jones (01:30:41.000)
Oh god no. He's walking into a trap and I would say Mr. President disavow and say look, I understand sometimes they'll Kaida people get rough to take the gloves off. But we're not going to codify this into law. We'll get robbed if you do not codify something like that in the law, because it's something that shouldn't be done. Except in extraordinary emergency situations. Let's just be honest, where people are going to die, and you're dealing with a scumbag that you know is just killed a bunch of people right in front of you. And if you're going to torture him, you got to kill them after. I mean, that's what my gut tells me. Oh,
Dan (01:31:17.000)
isn't that an amazing way to end the argument? No, he invalidates literally everything he just said.
Jordan (01:31:25.000)
What? That's what you say? Kidnapping like you're holding somebody for ransom. And you're like, uh, you know, you're not actually going to turn me over because I can identify here.
Dan (01:31:36.000)
Yep, no, yep.
Jordan (01:31:38.000)
God dammit. That's exactly what that was so close. Nope. So close to being like, Hey, does every single time just fucking rod at
Dan (01:31:47.000)
because it's like, the only reason you would kill someone after you torture them is because they can talk about how you tortured which you should be held accountable.
Jordan (01:31:56.000)
That just means that they're going to kill everyone. Yep. And his idea they're going to torture he just advocated torturing and killing somebody not just torture. The downside
Dan (01:32:08.000)
of torture is that some people might find out you torture people. It's consequence based as opposed to like, that's a principle that we should not do that.
Jordan (01:32:17.000)
I put Yeah, but even then he lived he just walked back on the consequences being like, well, instead, we can just assassinate them afterwards. Sure. So then that means that torture is not going to go down. murders are going to go up way
Dan (01:32:31.000)
up. So bad this is why so bad.
Jordan (01:32:38.000)
Why that episode we talked about it's just gonna be me barking. I'm burst close to just doing that also indicate for the rest of the opposite. Doesn't that
Dan (01:32:47.000)
indicate to you that like, it's so clear that I don't think he knows what he's saying?
Jordan (01:32:52.000)
That? Any? He's just talking any? Any concept? Okay, one this also supports he's living in a movie or an episode of 24. Yeah, that's what he's living in. He's not living in reality. No, but no,
Dan (01:33:08.000)
I've heard it from generals who are on Fox. Not Fox News, Fox dramas.
Jordan (01:33:16.000)
Ya know, that that's if you are going to, if you are going to in any way, count yourself as a religious Christian, which we know he's not because he believes in energy,
Dan (01:33:31.000)
right? Everything is energy, then
Jordan (01:33:33.000)
you cannot possibly say what he just said. No, you can't do it. No, you you literally cannot do it. No.
Dan (01:33:42.000)
If you if you torture then you must kill.
Jordan (01:33:45.000)
Yeah, that's no, that's unloving. Oh, it's
Dan (01:33:49.000)
in Leviticus, bro.
Jordan (01:33:50.000)
Actually, that might be in Leviticus, Leviticus. Yeah.
Dan (01:33:54.000)
So I promised you earlier that we would get to talk about the illegal voting claims. There we go. And so on the 27th one is he advocate torturing illegal immigrants. I mean, probably I mean, we're only a week away from that I have that my guess that's true
Jordan (01:34:09.000)
if we're publishing weekly reports on so I'm gonna fucking die are we
Dan (01:34:14.000)
big time? We're gonna die huge. So here is this big narrative that he's got going is that he's found more studies that prove that Trump is correct.
Alex Jones (01:34:28.000)
So let's go to this next page. Dealing with Trump cited I was just where they claimed it while other outlets fact check Trump Infowars provides alternative facts now. alternative facts like university study, Old Dominion University, George Mason University, concluding that upwards of 2.8 million illegals voted and swung key elections in 2014. And then they've come out again in the Washington Times today and said They found just in a limited sample 800,000 illegals voting.
Dan (01:35:05.000)
So yeah, he's got this, this study. And it's unfortunate that he didn't look into these studies at all. What are you doing?
Jordan (01:35:13.000)
I am looking at that exact same study. Well as we speak,
Dan (01:35:17.000)
well, here's what's fun. If you just Google the Old Dominion study, the first thing that comes up is a story where the headline is stopped citing our work, Virginia professor says Trump twisting his research on non citizen voting. So we have this guy who tweeted out the vote, what it's saying is, oh, no, this guy who tweeted about it is himself registered to vote in three states. Yeah, we have the Old Dominion study where this guy who wrote the studies has stopped using it, you're twisting the fact we have a Pew Research about illegal voting where the guy has consistently gone on record and said, they are not saying what my study shows. Yeah. Now there's the George Washington study, which I was unable to find. I'm not entirely sure what that was. So I can't speak to that. But I did a little bit of further research into the Old Dominion study. And one of the things I found was I'll just I'll just read this off verbatim, a recent study by political science, scientists at Old Dominion University use the 2008 and 2010 cooperative congressional election study, to examine whether, quote non citizens vote in US elections. The authors reported about 1% of the respondents in each survey identified themselves as non citizen immigrants 339 in 2008 489, and 2010. Estimating that 21 of these self identified non citizens voted in 2008, and eight of self identified non citizens voted in 2010. They use this to project national voting rates of the US non citizen population. In an October 24 blog, Jesse Richmond and David earnest two authors of the study admitted that their quote, extrapolation of specific state level or district level election outcomes is fraught with substantial uncertainty. The authors noted that the non citizen sample they examined was modest, and relied on self reporting, which can create errors and attempt to verify the accuracy of their self reporting was imperfect and supplemented by estimates.
Jordan (01:37:21.000)
The the ultimate estimate, this is how bad the study is. It could be as low as 38,000. And as high as 2.8 1 million, which is
Dan (01:37:33.000)
an important thing. That is the single
Jordan (01:37:35.000)
worst study you Okay, your margin of error is 1%. That's okay. If your margin of error is 1,000%, it's crazy. That's a bad margin of error. Well, and
Dan (01:37:50.000)
whenever your studies are based on like, unverifiable self reported facts,
Jordan (01:37:54.000)
it's a it's a they took a poll of a small amount of people who said they were unregistered when they voted,
Dan (01:38:01.000)
and another one of them in 2008. Another one of these studies that they cited was based on self was it self directed internet studies, which is basically like, you can just choose to opt into it on the internet. Okay. And I don't know if you know about this, but there's this place called M Turk. It's Amazon already off to a great start. It's run by Amazon. It's this crowdsourcing, they pay you like 10 cents to take surveys and stuff like that. You can do transcription work on it. It's little things that can't be automated by robots. But they need humans to do I did.
Jordan (01:38:37.000)
Yeah, like the little password things. Sure. Yeah. Captures Yeah, where they just use that to translate things that Yeah,
Dan (01:38:46.000)
I did it for a little while when I was unemployed, trying to get a little bit extra money trying to get a little and I've had a couple friends who have dabbled in it. And one of the things you find that there's a bunch of university studies, right, and the people who are filling those out are getting paid 25 cents to do it and know that they need to fill out like them
Jordan (01:39:03.000)
per row testers paid by George Soros.
Dan (01:39:08.000)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, just like the wrong way. Talk to the wrong protesters
Jordan (01:39:11.000)
being paid 25 cents they have to protest 20 times in order to make a living, right,
Dan (01:39:17.000)
I'm back on board. That makes sense. But when you fill out surveys for money, you're trying to grind through them, right? So you often give inaccurate information. So
Jordan (01:39:28.000)
why not any you have a monetary incentive to just fucking put that's like being paid to take standardized tests as fast as you can. So you just write C and every single one of those
Dan (01:39:42.000)
any study that has part of their sample base be online opt in studies, is generally considered the bastard child of studies,
Jordan (01:39:52.000)
which is why during most Fox News polls they have somehow 81% support this insane thing. Yeah.
Dan (01:40:00.000)
Statistics are like, the thing we
Jordan (01:40:04.000)
all know Putin gotten 97% of the popular vote. Sure,
Dan (01:40:08.000)
yeah. Statistics are only as trustworthy as the methodology used to get them. Yes. And you can have a study, you say whatever you want, essentially. And if you look, which is the
Jordan (01:40:19.000)
single most frustrating part of having a conversation with somebody, but you're like, No, this is backed up by this. And they're like, oh, yeah, well, this is backed up by this like, but that's not real. And they're like, Well, you're not red. So it drives you insane.
Dan (01:40:37.000)
No, but what's interesting about this case, is that that is in play. Because we have
Jordan (01:40:42.000)
you are loving in play. I'm trying to work again in
Dan (01:40:45.000)
the new slang. That is a factor is Shin song. Yeah. But beyond that, you also have the people who wrote the studies being like, you are misrepresenting what we're saying. Right? That is not what we're saying. But even then
Jordan (01:41:00.000)
3 million sane. Yeah. The study is so poorly made. Its it one, it's not replicable. No at all. No. Any study that has an estimate between 38,002.8 1 million is impossible to replicate. Or it's also the most easy thing to replicate in that you grabbed his five guys off the street and go, yeah, probably like that's your study, interview. The people who work at fun? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. According to all 10 employees at five guys. There are too many employees at five guys.
Dan (01:41:37.000)
So then Alex's other argument is this Or I'm sorry, Politico article. The headline of it is illegal immigrants could elect Hillary. This is from October 3 2015. And it is a real article. But what it deals with is the apportionment,
Jordan (01:41:57.000)
like how, how bad has it gotten that we have to say it is a real art? It's not bullshit, we're all gonna fucking die.
Dan (01:42:05.000)
We are. But it's an article about how the electoral votes and the House of Representatives work. And basically, those work off the census. Yeah. And the census doesn't care if you're illegal or illegal. It's just about the number of people that live somewhere. Now, here's my take on it. And I will compare that with Alex's take on it. I'll start with his I'll start with the fun one. His take is that this is nonsense. And who gives a fuck about these illegal people? It shouldn't. You shouldn't matter for the population numbers. They shouldn't be represented by this thing. And the fact that they're considered in the census, which gives more House of Representatives. representation and more electoral votes means that California and New York are cheating just by default. So Trump is right. My argument is that illegal or illegal? These are people
Jordan (01:43:03.000)
disagree. And there's no such thing as people.
Dan (01:43:08.000)
Whether or not they came here legally or not. The representatives are representing them. Yeah. So who gives a fuck? That's true. That's kind of my point.
Jordan (01:43:19.000)
That's true. Um, I that well, no, no. No, New York, New York is not as filled with illegal immigrants as
Dan (01:43:28.000)
tons of Indians. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I'm just going to play the devil's advocate.
Jordan (01:43:33.000)
No. Okay. But so California, I would say, yes, it's filled with illegal immigrants. Sure.
Dan (01:43:38.000)
But maybe, but maybe that's because the people there are nicer to them. And, actually,
Jordan (01:43:45.000)
but no, I would say that you also have Arizona you have those other states, which are firmly in the Trump balls camp. Yeah, they are licking as much Trump balls as they possibly can. Right now, New York, illegal immigrants are not going to turn New York from blue to red. But
Dan (01:44:01.000)
that doesn't fit the narrative.
Jordan (01:44:03.000)
I know. But it's simply not. You're not going to turn Illinois from blue to red, mainly because Chicago is all of Illinois. Yeah. I mean, it's not it's not that it's that there's live it just live in Illinois. Why are you living anywhere other than Chicago, other than you grew up?
Dan (01:44:21.000)
There's like DeKalb there's a couple of cities with temporary huge populations because of colleges. Yeah, but that's, but that doesn't matter. No, not for illegal immigrants. So anyway, this this whole thing is built on lies just a, like a house of cards and matchsticks of studies that their own writers have said is not here's truth,
Jordan (01:44:47.000)
like easiest argument against 3 million illegal immigrants voting is in terms of voting population. We had 100 million people vote roughly, which is 50 percent of the total amount of people who could vote right? So your 3 million illegal immigrants voting is what 3% of the population that voted. You would know any illegal immigrant that voted? Well, just like okay, so Alex because of no,
Dan (01:45:18.000)
he's a blood,
Jordan (01:45:19.000)
he would have seen an illegal. So in people he talks in a room, people
Dan (01:45:23.000)
he talks to our Lian Mecanoo. Rob do it's
Jordan (01:45:27.000)
like, it's like in a group of 25 people. There's a 5050 shot, you said you share the same birthday as somebody else. Yeah, that's how statistics work. Yeah. If you're talking about 3% of the entire population voting that voted, you would have gone to, there's a what, there's a percentage chance. Yeah, there's a huge chance when we were taking you are right behind an illegal immigrant who was actually turning around and saying, like, Hey, I'm not supposed to do this, like that's what would have happened. Yeah, we were started. They cut the single person who was a witness, no.
Dan (01:46:02.000)
And the guy from the Pew Research Study was talking about how the numbers that he had of people who claimed to be illegal immigrants, and voting, he went back and looked into those people, and almost every single one of them was an error.
Jordan (01:46:22.000)
So well, there's been what, like 10 cases of voter fraud in the past 50 years. This year, some ridiculously small number
Dan (01:46:29.000)
reported ones were Trump. Yeah.
Jordan (01:46:31.000)
Yeah. Who were voting multiple times for Trump, because they thought it Yeah.
Dan (01:46:36.000)
And like we said, the guy who tweeted about it is registered in three states, Steve Minuchin, is
Jordan (01:46:43.000)
banning much it makes it pretty intuitive. Kushner,
Dan (01:46:46.000)
they're all registered in multiple states. So like, but what are we doing?
Jordan (01:46:51.000)
But that's what I'm saying. It makes intuitive sense, where you're like, Oh, everybody has an ID for the for the white shirt for the rich white base. All they live with everybody has an ID. It's that easy. Yeah. How can you drive without an IV? Id you know that? Exactly like all of this stuff. Or you have to have a driver's license instead of just a state ID or whatever it
Dan (01:47:15.000)
or I lost my ID. And it's too costly to go get another one. It's looking crazy.
Jordan (01:47:22.000)
Yeah. So so it does make a certain intuitive sense until you read up on it. Which is, yeah, or think that boy, you're asking people a lot there. You're asking a lot of the human race. Yeah. Or if you have basic human empathy.
Dan (01:47:38.000)
So Jordan,
Jordan (01:47:41.000)
I don't like it when you say it like that, because that means some crazy shits coming around the corner. No, we
Dan (01:47:45.000)
got some fun. We've poked holes and discussed a few like narrative heavy stuff. Yeah. A couple a couple of issues. That Alex, like, I don't I don't know if we can come to a resolution on this. Because I 100% believe he's willfully lying. Yes, these things. You think that it's possible that
Jordan (01:48:05.000)
it's on a case by cases? Be I still it's so here's my here's my argument. It's the basic lie detector test, right? You cannot tell somebody is lying. If they want 100% believe the lie that they're telling you. Okay. That's, that's what I'm saying. It is a lie. I'm just saying that if you believe it, it's he just made the Alex Jones tell ya. I don't think that's maybe that's true. Let's put it under a fucking lie detector.
Dan (01:48:36.000)
There's no way he would submit to that. But also, today when this comes out, he is on Joe Rogan's podcast. Excellent. And I think that that will be the catalyst. Are we going to do a special episode? We might have to Yeah, but like that could go really bad. I'm really worried to go really, I'm really worried that Joe Rogan will show his cards.
Jordan (01:48:55.000)
But isn't Joe Rogan, a weird conspiracy theorist lunatic?
Dan (01:48:59.000)
He is into some conspiracy theorists. He was alright on News Radio. Yeah, he was but he also has a pretty good head on his shoulders. And so as Andy
Jordan (01:49:08.000)
Dick and we all know how that turned out, but But
Dan (01:49:11.000)
90 deck wasn't good on News Radio.
Jordan (01:49:14.000)
That we will do that. Yeah. Jor el is going to do a News Radio Podcast. There's gonna be there's gonna be Leann McAdoo podcast, there's gonna be a News Radio Podcast, we're gonna finally get into a Latin one of those
Dan (01:49:30.000)
shows. Not much to cover. Joe Rogan is into conspiracy stuff, but he generally is pretty good about debunking things. Yeah, he's generally very skeptical and what have you I'm very worried that Alex is gonna go on there and he's not going to call him out on stuff. Okay, because if he does, Alex will just start yelling at him. And there's no point in having that as a show. Like Joe has had Milo Yiannopoulos on a couple times, really? And, and to be fair, Joe doesn't like side with him. But he sort of laughs and is like is entertained by Milo's antics so
Jordan (01:50:03.000)
he's gone full Jimmy Fallon on this
Dan (01:50:07.000)
a little bit and it's unfortunate if we get to the point which by the
Jordan (01:50:10.000)
way we can just all agree Jimmy Fallon sucks, right? Absolutely. Okay,
Dan (01:50:14.000)
but if we get to the point where Joe brings,
Jordan (01:50:17.000)
I hope that gets us the most negative Tweets. Like all the Alex Jones guys are angry but they don't tweet at us the Jimmy Fallon folks,
Dan (01:50:27.000)
he's got luck you can we fell in troll army. Yeah, that's gonna be the first shirt.
Jordan (01:50:31.000)
The caveat we have is that the roots are amazing. And Questlove is the greatest human being alive.
Dan (01:50:36.000)
One caveat I'd like to make as the roots were amazing. Anyway. Oh, fair conversation. That's our next. Our next podcast is all fair conversation. So let me get to my fucking point. I don't remember what it was.
Jordan (01:50:53.000)
So we're terrible. I'm
Dan (01:50:54.000)
totally worried that Alex is going to go on Joe Rogan's podcast. And he's not going to get called out on his absolute propagandizing his absolute lying his twisting of facts. And he's going to be endearing to Joe Rogan's audience, which will expand the group of people that will be open to Infowars. That scares the shit out of me. Okay, that plus him getting Whitehouse credentials and being part of the press corps
Jordan (01:51:22.000)
have we confirmed that he's got White House credentials on today's
Dan (01:51:25.000)
show? Jerome Corsi was talking about how he's in the process of getting the credentials and he thinks it's going to be no problem. I don't know if that's true. It's probably true. possibly true.
Jordan (01:51:37.000)
Can't be true.
Dan (01:51:38.000)
I don't think it's nice to make it true. I don't think it's not true. But we're poised to be in a position where Alex and Infowars as a whole take on a way bigger part of the press. Then we want not USB mean?
Jordan (01:51:52.000)
Do you mean any part of the press?
Dan (01:51:54.000)
I mean, the body public should not want that. That's dangerous. He is a propagandist.
Jordan (01:51:59.000)
It's terrifying. But anyway, we need to this is this is like, it's not it's like gurbles had a radio show with a small amount of listeners. And then all of a sudden funny. All of a sudden, Hitler was like, Hey, man. Bring it up. Gerbils became amazing. I was not doing Sami Hey, man. Hey, man. Shout out to you know riff
Dan (01:52:23.000)
and Griffin, the boy. No riff and John Griffin could still riff better than Alex Jones. I think we can agree on that.
Jordan (01:52:30.000)
The greatest of insults.
Dan (01:52:33.000)
So we got to end this show with some fun. We got to we got to go out on a little fun. Yay. So on the 27th. Most of the show was about how pissed off Alex is at CNN. Okay, he hates the MSM. The mainstream media. Yes, but CNN he's so mad at them because they did a story about him.
Jordan (01:52:57.000)
Oh, of course, so earlier than if it was a puff piece. He would be mad that they were mad at him about the wrong thing.
Dan (01:53:04.000)
In that clip that I played a little bit earlier. He was like, he said the line. Wow, the journalists fact check Trump. Alex Jones provides alternative facts. That is the beginning of this introduction to a clip from CNN about him. Okay, now hold on to your fucking hat.
Jordan (01:53:25.000)
Hold on there. But I have a warning for you. Are we are we getting into Sam Jackson and Jurassic Park territory we
Dan (01:53:31.000)
are. Hold on because hold on to my butt's he never gets to the park.
Jordan (01:53:41.000)
Does he? Okay, here's my favorite running thing he does is let's skip this break. That's my favorite running thing. We were skipping the break up. So good. So good.
Dan (01:53:52.000)
That's in harsh competition with I'm not going to get into that.
Jordan (01:53:56.000)
Yeah, that's true. That's true, too. We got we got to front runner. Yeah. He does he does he do that? And this one. I can't remember. Oh, I'm excited to find
Dan (01:54:05.000)
out. I were a betting man. I wouldn't short it. That's what I would say. I wouldn't source it. So this first clip is just about a CNN or a pack of liars. And we'll get into the fun. This is three clips long. But man it's great. All right
Alex Jones (01:54:21.000)
now before we get to all the numbers and the latest studies let's just give you pure research the top research facility organization in the country drawn from universities government you name it. Their numbers are way bigger up who could potentially do it? Pause. This is back
Dan (01:54:35.000)
to the vote who shit Pew Research.
Jordan (01:54:38.000)
Pure research you
Dan (01:54:39.000)
pew okay W pew. Yeah,
Jordan (01:54:42.000)
yeah. Okay. You know, he just he didn't say he didn't say the name pew. So I wasn't sure which one. Okay, so we got we got the top polling company. So
Dan (01:54:51.000)
this is back to the voter fraud narrative. Gotcha.
Alex Jones (01:54:55.000)
But again, the Democrats are organizing us. They're getting caught doing it. They're getting caught voting for deadbeat But they got caught in the last election that arrested in like seven different states. Oh, that is not true, which they they're just saying it's preposterous, no such thing exist. Just like they said it was preposterous six months ago, no one would ever federalize the election. That's tyranny.
Jordan (01:55:15.000)
I don't know what that means. Isn't aren't. Aren't all elections
Dan (01:55:19.000)
federal? Well, they are federal, but they run on the state level. Like each state sort of independently runs their elections. That's why you have core
Jordan (01:55:28.000)
like, that's why it's different. Yeah. Congress it Yeah, no, I gotcha. You have
Dan (01:55:32.000)
different traditions in each state. Right.
Jordan (01:55:35.000)
And Alex primary's. Yeah,
Dan (01:55:37.000)
Alex believes that an executive order that was put out by Obama right before he left office, federalize the election and made it under the auspices of the federal government. It's not but
Jordan (01:55:48.000)
didn't that not happen? Absolutely. Because if that had happened, wouldn't Hillary be president?
Dan (01:55:54.000)
He would think that, but it doesn't matter.
Jordan (01:55:57.000)
Like, well, yeah, you're right. It didn't happen. You're right. All of all of the what ifs after something that didn't happen are just fantasy.
Dan (01:56:05.000)
Like I legitimately studied.
Jordan (01:56:08.000)
That's like, what if Voldemort had one? Yeah, yeah.
Dan (01:56:12.000)
Well, I studied logic in college. And one of the things that's really important to understand about logic, and I think you understand this,
Jordan (01:56:17.000)
are you saying that logic is in play? It is in play?
Dan (01:56:21.000)
Logic is essentially a method of truth preservation. That's all it is. So basically, when you have an if then statement, yeah, if the first part is true, the second part has to be true. If the first part isn't true, it doesn't matter what the second part, right so if you're saying, Obama federalize the elections, and therefore we are where we are, it doesn't matter what you're talking about when you come from a false premise.
Jordan (01:56:48.000)
Well, now here's the other thing that I will say about logic is that it presupposes that human beings are rational, which we all know they're not. Some of us so an if then statement often winds up being an issue because you know, you get if a then would you prefer B and people say, A, or if no, no, yeah, let's get let's back up. Let's back the fuck out of that. There's no point in going into that. You're mixing up Yeah, no.
Dan (01:57:15.000)
It was nothing bail human rationality. Do with.
Jordan (01:57:18.000)
I'm with you. All right, I bail. Here we go. Let's
Dan (01:57:20.000)
get back to this dumb shit,
Alex Jones (01:57:22.000)
which Obama has now done, and all 50 State Attorney Generals, including Democrats have said its tyranny and asked Obama to reverse it. Now.
Dan (01:57:31.000)
I know I've actually I knew I did some deep digging on this one found
Jordan (01:57:35.000)
there's really never been 50 states and attorney generals to agree on anything ever. I ever. I can't even find the history of the human race.
Dan (01:57:44.000)
I literally can't even find evidence of any attorney general's writing about this. Well, yeah. Which is
Alex Jones (01:57:50.000)
happening. Boom, boom. That's why we're exploding and bigger than you see it in. That's not true. You are you are you are jokers. You are you are frauds. We're right, you're wrong. We tell the truth. You lie. We're honorable. You're dishonorable. We love America. You hate America, dirtbag. We have your WikiLeaks we know you hate the country. Well, guess what? It didn't happen. And you think I hate it when you lie about me? I love it.
Dan (01:58:20.000)
So I mean, come on, man. All right. All right. All right. You know,
Jordan (01:58:24.000)
he had a great rhythm to that though. Yeah. Perfect rhythm. Yeah. It really
Dan (01:58:29.000)
is almost like a call and response in church. Yeah, it is. Yeah, he's good. I like that sort of hypnotic, sort of business. We lie.
Jordan (01:58:38.000)
You don't matter. Murder, murder, murder. But up but up but up, but up to now I just went into what's happening.
Dan (01:58:48.000)
It's also super exciting and super effective. When you're literally lying, and you accuse other people being liars. Like it's it's just we we always
Jordan (01:58:58.000)
go back to that, that the big through line of his entire body of work, is they're doing what they say we're doing. Yes. Which is such a signal that we're doing exactly what they say we're doing. Please don't look at what I'm doing. They're doing Yeah, exactly. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. Yeah.
Dan (01:59:22.000)
So one of the branches of journalism is media criticism. And it's a very legitimate branch. I would say it's an important bridge. Absolutely. Now, in this clip, Alex, attempts to do some media criticism who on a CNN clip, I'm a big fan of him attempting to do things and I want to say this, we're not going to play all of it because it really loses a thread. At some point who would have guessed but this clip legitimately is like 16 minutes long.
Jordan (01:59:59.000)
So this is They so he teased this before the show. He said we were going to do the longest clip that I mean, I'm not. I'm speaking. I'm speaking to the listeners. I'm doing an aside if we're gonna get into the Shakespearean play that is Alex Jones. Zack Morris. This is an aside. Yes, yes, you're gonna do a free sprint. Well, he did a free survey, ladies and gentlemen. Do we have any? Okay.
Dan (02:00:26.000)
I was gonna drop in freeze frame by Jay Geils Band,
Jordan (02:00:28.000)
that would have been great. Then well, what would have happened is I would have said, Hey, I let's skip the break. We got to finish this too important. Yeah, he told me about this earlier, and he teased the longest clip we've ever done. I was like, oh, five minutes. Turns out it's 16 minutes.
Dan (02:00:48.000)
Jordan (02:00:49.000)
That's a long as clip and he's criticizing. That's 45% of the episode we've done so far. I have no concept of time.
Dan (02:00:56.000)
He's criticizing a clip from CNN, which I'll just get into it because I don't think I can do it justice explaining. All right.
Alex Jones (02:01:05.000)
And Trump's been proven right again, let's play part of this CNN piece here this
Unknown Speaker (02:01:10.000)
Oh, welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington DC
Alex Jones (02:01:16.000)
reliable flexible, we're reliable. white truck pulls up at the playground he goes we have free candy we have puppies we have comic books that's the equivalent you know to kids have reliable sources Oh look there's a puppy paid
Jordan (02:01:33.000)
so we're back on the everybody's a pedophile but him train
Dan (02:01:36.000)
yes yeah and he went to that so fucking yeah oh so fast just immediately Oh, the show was called rely I
Jordan (02:01:43.000)
love Yeah, he did not even let them get into anything. He was just like pause this clip. And here we
Dan (02:01:49.000)
go. But also I want to I want to play it I want to play this like I am going to put the microphone down because otherwise it's going to it's gonna get mad if we keep interrupting
Jordan (02:02:03.000)
but that's a good point.
Dan (02:02:04.000)
It's spectacular. How he can't let this play and like legitimately goes on terrible riffs
Jordan (02:02:12.000)
have have we become the enemy we fight against? Is that is that not only
Dan (02:02:19.000)
like the argument against torture torture you become your enemy? Yes.
Jordan (02:02:23.000)
Yeah. All right, here we go microphones out.
Alex Jones (02:02:26.000)
On the side of the truck. Oh, hi. Come on in the back of the truck. Come on America commenters we can strangle you and slave you control you look at this guy. Look at it I gotta hire to be traders now. I mean, does that guy look like he's a jumper wire? And then he acts like a big fat chump. Oh, thanks for joining us here on reliable creeper van. It should be called here on reliable rape America man here on reliable crates.
Dan (02:03:01.000)
So also, I should say this because I was watching this because I was like, This is so bananas. I got to see the video on reliable creeps. So when that was such a great show what the what the guy in the booth does at this point is puts up a like an image of a white van that says free candy on the side. And a bunch of bloody handprints.
Jordan (02:03:25.000)
That's a bad van. Yeah, that's a bad man. Yeah, but it's like even if you are a pedophile, don't leave the bloody handprints on there. But
Dan (02:03:33.000)
it's like also, how did you have that ready? Like? That's amazing. Like, okay, well, there's
Jordan (02:03:40.000)
one of those bands on the Mexico Guatemala border
Dan (02:03:44.000)
memes on that ship.
Alex Jones (02:03:47.000)
We've already gang raped your heart. We're not done. We take you but put these handcuffs on and we'll go easy on you. Let's put the handcuffs on. He said so so let's go back to put the handcuffs on and everything will be okay. That's the name of the show. Not reliable sources. I'm the shooter in jest.
Jordan (02:04:02.000)
But he has not led me on over.
Alex Jones (02:04:06.000)
I just pumped the dog look, guy here it is.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:09.000)
Welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington, DC today.
Alex Jones (02:04:14.000)
They'll stop and get back into the game. I'm Brian Stelter, I still the facts and I'm a con man. I'm manipulating you and I'll show you here let me let me look at this guy. I guarantee you this chump can't get women if he tried million dollars on it. He's got to see an end job as a little nerd tie off. This guy's a punk. This guy's anti American rap. This guy's an enemy. Let's go back to him.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:36.000)
Welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington DC today. All
Alex Jones (02:04:44.000)
right. I'm in DC Let me
Jordan (02:04:52.000)
wait. But isn't he about to be in DC which makes him matter?
Dan (02:04:56.000)
I guess so. But that's that's that's sort of beside the point. He He's like mocking this guy for swallowing a word. But Alex did that earlier when he was saying Info Wars. Now let if you if you listen to a clip we played earlier, he said, it
Jordan (02:05:11.000)
doesn't matter. Too late, too late, doesn't matter. Well, the real point of this clip is that he has let Jake Tapper say six words.
Dan (02:05:22.000)
This isn't Jake Tapper. Oh, who is it? This is just some young guy Brian Stelter. Oh, Brian Stelter, I don't know who he is necessarily, but he's He doesn't look like he's very seasoned. But he's,
Jordan (02:05:33.000)
he's definitely not ready to take on Alex Jones. No, but he also he just doesn't have our raw power.
Dan (02:05:39.000)
Let's go back to let's go back to the
Alex Jones (02:05:41.000)
big Mommy look at me on TV. I live for the big foreign Chinese government. Sorry, let's back him up again. Turn from beginning sorry.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:50.000)
Welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington DC today. All I have
Alex Jones (02:05:57.000)
back it up. It's D. C, district of criminals get it out. He's the real man look at he's got his eyes kind of narrow, but CNN reporter wall, James Bond no one can stop him powerful.
Jordan (02:06:15.000)
He went back into the Transformers voice he did. All right. Now I'm a big fan.
Alex Jones (02:06:24.000)
He will teach you. Let's go back to Mr. stilted on CNN heard us.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:30.000)
Maybe you do too.
Alex Jones (02:06:31.000)
Well, maybe Oh, I've got real issues with Trump. Maybe.
Dan (02:06:38.000)
So what he just did there, God Yes. With that stopping of the clip what he did there is say like, he pretended that what Brian was saying was maybe you have issues with Trump. Maybe I have issues with Trump. Maybe you do, too. That's not what he said at all, which we'll find out when he plays the clip back again, here in a little bit. But what what you need to keep your ears open for and I'm just gonna say this now because I'm going to play the rest of this. Okay, I'm not gonna stop.
Jordan (02:07:07.000)
Quick question. Quick question. Here's my bet. Yeah. This is not a question. I shouldn't have. McAfee. Let's make this a question. Okay. How many minutes before he gets 45 seconds into the clip?
Dan (02:07:21.000)
I don't think he ever does.
Jordan (02:07:24.000)
But I'm gonna give him I'm gonna give him seven minutes. If we play this clip for seven minutes. Yeah, I say he gets through 30 seconds of what this dude says,
Dan (02:07:34.000)
I really wish there was a way for us to like have stop watches, but it's just not.
Jordan (02:07:39.000)
Are you saying that we don't have phones with stopwatches is playing the clips. Guess what mine is going to be doing?
Dan (02:07:47.000)
Okay. So what I need you guys to keep your ears open for is the way that he just takes words out of context and responds to them. He's not responding to what this guy is actually saying. He's responding to certain words that are said
Jordan (02:08:01.000)
as well. Not only that, he just let the guy say his name and then it called him a pedophile. Yeah. We're not we're not even to responding to words yet. We're just responding to a guy's name. Look at this guy. He
Dan (02:08:15.000)
can't get women. I bet your million died. Did he start there? Because Alex is really wrapped up in
Jordan (02:08:20.000)
such Yeah, that's such a Twitter he's calling him a COC he might as well be calling him a prog. tard Yeah, yeah. So let me know when I need to start the
Dan (02:08:30.000)
stopwatch. I'm not going to pause this clip again. It's just going to play. We may interrupt there will be laughing in the background. I can't imagine from home take notes, though, because we're not stopping
Jordan (02:08:41.000)
again. Okay, I'll do my best
Alex Jones (02:08:44.000)
to dizzy or maybe you're like stop watching. Only folks, you're getting this people that are near brain dead nursing homes, bro. I was in one today. Come to me. Oh, maybe you'll feel like I need to. That's racist. I mean, here's somebody going. Oh, it's just all these tricks they use here. Let's just go back to
Unknown Speaker (02:09:03.000)
deny reality on a daily basis.
Alex Jones (02:09:07.000)
back though they got I got to start from the beginning. deny reality on daily basis. Hillary was invincible that can never be beaten and was 50. CNN had polls where he was she was 50 points ahead of Trump. How the hell is that possible? Look at that little smiley Buck face. All he's got a little con man face like he would do
Dan (02:09:28.000)
it for this point, Alex's preening and trying to pretend to do a smug smile face. All right.
Alex Jones (02:09:36.000)
That's what you see when you're chained up the base but the door opens here at Let's continue.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:40.000)
Welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington, DC today. All I have today are questions maybe you do to Willie President Trump.
Alex Jones (02:09:50.000)
The all I'm gonna do is lie all day. I don't have questions. It isn't a question. He comes right out and says it's verifiably a lie that this is all scientific. You open up there Have you Brian had some questions where you're open and looking, then he tells you he's absolutely a fraud lying to you constantly. All this is written by cyberwarfare, cheese, little chicken neck, psychiatrists behind the scenes flapping their fingers, you know, hoping to screw America over because there'll be manly someday, if they can just dominate those big men they see at the grocery store and route on those big trucks, they scare them, so I can just dominate the other men on the modern battlefield. You're gonna hear me type like they do. Because they're so scared. Out the Midwest, got guns. Just always about their manly, they dominated. They're tough. They're cool. They're smart, because the real men don't want to dominate anybody were so dominant. He would handle all the victory and well being run over by parasites like you. Everybody says, aren't you and your family here who back it up? I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:49.000)
Welcome back to reliable sources. I'm Brian Stelter live from Washington, DC today. All I have today are questions. Maybe you do too. Well, President Trump did not really make up his own false facts and fake stats. If so, what will the consequences be? Oh imposters?
Alex Jones (02:11:09.000)
What will the consequences be for the President? They mean the American people that elected him it's all about consequences. What do we do? How do we impeach him? How do we destroy him? Let's continue
Unknown Speaker (02:11:19.000)
give up trying to fact check is that the goal of a pause whereas
Alex Jones (02:11:23.000)
give up trying to say that because you've already given up we already hate you. We already know you're a fraud. We're just putting a tombstone
Unknown Speaker (02:11:33.000)
down to wear us out.
Alex Jones (02:11:34.000)
The apostle will you wear us out? They're trying to break us out. Do I look worn out? Do you look worn out? I bet your family or a bunch of soft cowardly you look at people I don't mean that to be mean. But you know what? To wear us out dishonorable people like you didn't found this country. You can't find your way out of a white paper bags come back. Because you wouldn't found the most evil organization you could and grovelled to it because weak people grovel at the altar of evil. Well, guess what? I don't show you continue.
Dan (02:12:10.000)
So this is where I cut the clip because it goes on for another like 10 minutes Paris.
Jordan (02:12:16.000)
Let me cumulatively some statistics cumulatively we have 19 seconds you made it through 19 seconds of that clip,
Dan (02:12:24.000)
but that's also included running it back right?
Jordan (02:12:27.000)
No, oh no. Every time every time he reran the clip, I did a lap okay. So the best he did was cutting it off for 16 seconds. And then he let it run again without restarting it for another three seconds. Immediately after that, he let it run again for another 1.2 seconds.
Dan (02:12:52.000)
So like he my favorite thing on there is his like Brian Stelter is being like is the idea of lying and then coming up with all this bullshit. Is it to wear us out is that when he says wear us out? He means journalists and people trying to cover it? Yeah, Alex takes that personally. Yeah, and thinks it's like I'm not
Alex Jones (02:13:10.000)
worn out. Boy.
Jordan (02:13:12.000)
He What are you talking about? You're just misinterpreting No, word. No, he's not misinterpreting anything. You have to have something to misinterpret. Fair enough. He let the guy say his name. And then he immediately rigged on whether or not he could fuck Yep, that is the single most beta male thing that you could possibly do. Ya, actually, you know what? No, beta male is their word. Yeah, that's their language. Don't go to college. Don't go cook. Don't go. Don't go for cook. If there's one lesson knowledge, I can teach you don't go. Don't engage. Cook. No, it was immediately you can't fuck yeah. So that you never have to you never have to engage. You never have. You never have to engage. You never have to engage with what they say your family or whoever needs to listen to somebody whose family is a bunch of pussies.
Dan (02:14:10.000)
Yeah. Would it surprise you to learn at this point? Alex does this a lot. I could not imagine this is a very common thing. him not being able to get through clips because he gets too mad, fake mad at various points and goes off on poorly advised riffs.
Jordan (02:14:29.000)
But it's it's not even. He's just he just attacks their manhood. But no, no, no. We're just such a bush league bullshit. That's
Dan (02:14:37.000)
the distraction,
Unknown Speaker (02:14:39.000)
I think okay.
Dan (02:14:40.000)
I honestly think that the content of what he's doing is the distraction. I mean, you will Yeah, the reason I'm not gonna argue with that the reason that he interrupts over and over and over again and does not allow any context of what he's talking about to be aired is because he knows he has nothing
Jordan (02:14:58.000)
to say what he did. That's what he did with The woman who engaged him on the inauguration episode who accused him of back around where he just went, what what did he say? sweet cakes. He
Dan (02:15:10.000)
said sweet cake. And it's the same thing he did earlier in this episode with the story about Chinese.
Jordan (02:15:17.000)
Yeah. Yeah, it was just as now you're on No, no, nothing to say. So he just uses insults as a way to avoid
Dan (02:15:25.000)
too much time to fill. can't allow an actual argument to pierce the space. Yeah, gotta just start yelling nonsense. But what's really depressing to me, and maybe one of the reasons our show will never be as successful is that that's really entertaining.
Jordan (02:15:48.000)
People love that. Okay. People love that. They don't care that there's no substance we're doing all right, interrupting people. We're doing great. We're doing all right. So we're not doing great at interrupting like we were, we would only make it through 19 seconds of his clips.
Dan (02:16:02.000)
Jordan, like I told you, this goes on for another 10 minutes. I think the total was like 1617 minutes of him trying to get through the CNN clip.
Jordan (02:16:10.000)
Wow. Okay. So cumulative amount of time that we listened to was roughly four minutes. Yeah. So in four minutes, he made it through 19 total seconds. And you
Dan (02:16:20.000)
only started that four minutes after like, probably a
Jordan (02:16:23.000)
minute. Oh, yeah, you're right. So we're looking at probably about five to six minutes of him making it through 19 seconds of that guy's clip. Yeah. Throughout all of which, it was pure personal attack,
Dan (02:16:36.000)
and nothing engaging the brain. There were no ideas
Jordan (02:16:39.000)
to engage. Yeah, there was nothing he never even got past. Internet. My name is Brian.
Dan (02:16:46.000)
Yeah, he was getting through like setup of the piece. Yeah. As it goes on. He transitions
Jordan (02:16:52.000)
out. Look at this little policy like Yeah,
Dan (02:16:56.000)
from there. He transitions it into like stuff about how Spicer's pretty cool. If it the Yeah, he loses the thread entirely. But here's the end of it. Which I think is pretty fun. Oh, you know, I'm
Alex Jones (02:17:11.000)
done with the piece. It just gets worse from here. People are just absolutely it
Jordan (02:17:15.000)
gets worse from him introducing himself. Let me Gotcha. Let me be clear. Do we need to start this over from the beginning? No. Oh, that play it?
Dan (02:17:23.000)
I'm gonna start from late again. But let me be clear. When he says I'm done with the clip. He might have made it through another 15 to 20 seconds of Brian.
Jordan (02:17:33.000)
I feel like you're giving him a lot of credit. I'm
Dan (02:17:36.000)
ballparking it all right, but start at the clip. Like I'm fucking done with this. Started the clip again. Alright,
Alex Jones (02:17:42.000)
I'm done with this clip.
Jordan (02:17:44.000)
I can't listen to this clip. Anyway. This guy's a pussy. This guy. I can't believe how much of a beta male this guy is. Start the clip again.
Alex Jones (02:17:52.000)
You know, I'm done with the piece. It just gets worse from here. I mean, these people are just absolutely despicable liars.
Jordan (02:17:58.000)
Stop this clip right there. Nobody is a despicable liar. But this guy right here. You knew what his family probably has sex with bears. Have you ever seen a family have sex with bears? I have. It's disconcerting to say the least at a pizza place. Go ahead and start that clip again. That clip right now I can't even listen to anymore this clip. Start that clip again.
Alex Jones (02:18:20.000)
You know, I'm done with the piece. It just keeps people I can't wait
Jordan (02:18:24.000)
to listen to more than the lovely
Alex Jones (02:18:26.000)
despicable liars
Jordan (02:18:31.000)
pause that clip.
Alex Jones (02:18:33.000)
People are. These are empty, horrible. People that would do anything. The powers that be told they're very dangerous people. These are your family's enemies. They want to make you poor. They see you as bitter clingers. They have it out for you. It's their ego. They're better than people and they get off on Obamacare to impoverish you and call you real glad you're so stupid.
Jordan (02:18:56.000)
Not in a jokey way. Pause that real quick.
Dan (02:18:59.000)
The media are your enemy, or your family's enemy?
Jordan (02:19:03.000)
How is that? There's no possible way that you can listen to that. And not sir and not know his clip, and not immediately think. Isn't that a complete checklist of all the words he just said? Somewhat like even while he's giving you a checklist of what it is they're doing to you. He's immediately following it up with doing that to you. But you can remember,
Dan (02:19:36.000)
remember this comes back to exactly what we talked about the other day. One of the last episodes we did we talked about you were wondering if he's evil or stupid, he evil or Stan? My argument is my argument is that he's evil and he relies on other people's stupidity. He is evil. He knows that other people aren't going to much like we've discussed here. Yeah, he knows that people aren't going to look at the sources that he's actually There's lighting there is he knows that they're not going to do that. He knows we're not gonna put two and two together. He's winning
Jordan (02:20:05.000)
the war of the second step.
Dan (02:20:07.000)
This idea that the media is these are your families enemies is one of the most repugnant things I've ever heard in my fucking life. Let's start this clip.
Alex Jones (02:20:18.000)
I'm done with the peace. It just gets worse from here.
Jordan (02:20:20.000)
I'm done with this. Your family is the enemy. pickable
Alex Jones (02:20:23.000)
liars. And Allah knows when he was trying to forge these people are trash. I mean, these are empty, horrible. People that would do anything. The powers that be told you they're very dangerous people. These are your family's enemies. They want to make you poor. They see you as bitter clingers. They have it out for you. It's their ego. They're better than people and they get off on Obamacare to impoverish you and call you dumb at first. And thank god you're so stupid had like a bunch of Skeksis laughing and that's all over jackasses. They'll still be evil fighting good, but humanity standing up feeling even attacking asleeping humanity. And boy you were really proud of yourselves as a little a police weren't you? But you're just that a bunch of little nobodies so get ready. I hope you enjoy it. Because the Manatee and liberty is rising
Dan (02:21:22.000)
we did we just walk into a bear cave there for a second? You laughed at the fucking wrong second way. You gotta breathe. We legitimately roll it
Jordan (02:21:33.000)
back. Okay, roll it back.
Alex Jones (02:21:35.000)
Well, you were a little a police, weren't you? But you're just that a bunch of little? Nobody's ready? I hope you enjoy it. Because Manatee and liberty is rising. few points here. I gotta hit. We are offering a deal we haven't offered in six months. We do this a few times a year max 25% off all Alexa, pure pro water filtration systems that cut all the garbage out to like nein nein nein nein nein nein, nein.
Dan (02:22:04.000)
Fuck you. Fuck you.
Jordan (02:22:09.000)
I like how I like how he will give him 100% correctness. But his medication will only go point 9999 Yeah, he's gonna He's gonna protect against the salesmanship. But his personal views are always 100% Correct.
Dan (02:22:25.000)
He did a 17 minute goddamn rant about this CNN clip he didn't actually play then went on a Jag about how they're the enemies of your family. The media is and then switched into salesman mode with no fucking
Jordan (02:22:40.000)
has a dad at all. That was such professionalism
Dan (02:22:44.000)
he has you gotta give him that fucking bullshit artist is the worst goddamn he is an artist though. So amazing. That Okay, so weirdly enough,
Jordan (02:22:54.000)
I spent today in the Museum of Contemporary Art. And there were so many pieces. One I was having this conversation because somehow like I was in London for the past week, right? And I went to a bunch of museums think you're better than me because you know, which is strange, because those are the first museums I've been to in like 20 years. Sure. There are tons of great museums in Chicago. I would never go to them. What am I a fucking tourist? So I went there, and I was going through these museums, looking at these galleries going like every gallery should have a comic on there. What should be in this gallery like
Dan (02:23:36.000)
committee? We're gonna stand up yeah,
Jordan (02:23:39.000)
just because every time I was there, I would go through there and be like, this is an amazing piece and then the next place I went to I'd be like, fucking What are you guys doing? Somebody should just look at this and be like, This is dumb that you put yarn on a thing fuck you. All right, that kind of a thing. Get your get your metaphor in shape. That is exactly what's going on right here. Yeah, he is an amazing artist. You cannot fight against that. That should be in a a museum. That transition. You know, that whole thing? That whole piece is a perfect bit of performance art. Yeah, because there's a complete perfect through line. There's a narrative through the whole thing.
Dan (02:24:22.000)
There's the transition, there's the beginning of it is perfect, like personal victimization, like CNN is misaligning me that he plays this clip that doesn't have anything to do with him. And he interrupted over and over again allows no context Yep, and doesn't actually engage with the material of what that clip is saying. And then and then get into Harvard, which is trying to destroy your family. They want you poor they fucking hate you. And then also a we got a special we got
Jordan (02:24:50.000)
Hey, man, we got 20% off. Yeah, there were a couple of things that were like videos where it's like, we're going to show these five second clips and we're going to splice them together. But guess what? We're going to show him backwards. So bullshit, or that is fucking art right there. And I think he just did something that, like, I think you'd give it to give him full on props. You are I could never pull that off. Never, never. In a million years, could we have the bald faced lying ability to just run
Dan (02:25:23.000)
through or just take it back? Just a confidence? I wouldn't have the confidence to
Jordan (02:25:28.000)
do that. Well, yeah, that's why we're HKex
Dan (02:25:31.000)
even bring up my Patreon I feel fucking self conscious.
Jordan (02:25:34.000)
Yeah, right. No, I after a show somebody asked like, Where can I find you on the internet? I was like, Oh, don't fight. Don't gross. Don't be a fan. So live your own life.
Dan (02:25:46.000)
So I think I think you're hitting a really
Jordan (02:25:51.000)
was a humblebrag wasn't it? I apologize for that. No, I
Dan (02:25:53.000)
think it's a sincere expression of how you feel. But I also hate of maleness. Yeah. But I also think it's it's important because we this is what we're coming to with Alex Jones, essentially, is that he is this crazy good performance artist. Yeah. And also one of the most dangerous forces in media right now.
Jordan (02:26:19.000)
Yeah, he's, he's sorrow man. That's really what he is. And I don't
Dan (02:26:22.000)
think enough people are paying attention if you
Jordan (02:26:25.000)
want to, if you want to call Trump's our on. He's the sorrow man to Trump. And that's where we lost most of our listeners right there. Now we got listening. That's enjoy. That's true.
Dan (02:26:36.000)
And literate nerds. Anyway, Jordan, that brings us to the end of January 26 and 27th. The Alex Jones program, you had a bunch of other crazy bullshit to say, but it was inconsequential and didn't really matter. And frankly,
Jordan (02:26:48.000)
incoherent almost certainly. Yep. Yeah.
Dan (02:26:53.000)
Yep. You can follow us at knowledge underscore fight on Twitter. We don't tweet much, but maybe we will in the future. Yeah, we're gonna see what happens. Oh, so you can reach out to us if you'd like on Gmail.
Jordan (02:27:04.000)
We are now Okay,
Dan (02:27:09.000)
also, we're on iTunes, you can subscribe to the show, which I recommend you do. There might be more episodes coming out in the future.
Jordan (02:27:16.000)
We're sponsored by Twitter trolls who do not like us.
Dan (02:27:19.000)
And George Soros, also sponsored by George Soros is great. He helped kill Jews and the Holocaust and we support that one. That's
Jordan (02:27:29.000)
not how we should end this episode. That's not a good way to go. I'm
Dan (02:27:34.000)
very worried that I was coming out of my mouth. I'm very worried that people will take this and not hear the thorough debunking of that. I'm actually serious. Yeah.
Jordan (02:27:46.000)
Well, I mean, if you're gonna if you're gonna Media Matters us. You would definitely take that clip.
Dan (02:27:51.000)
Yeah, but I think they're on our side. I probably probably all right. We're spinning our wheels.
Jordan (02:27:59.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, fun. This has been the best. Thank God I'm back. Welcome back. I love you.
Dan (02:28:04.000)
That's been great. Do you remember or sign off? I do. I love you. That's another sign off.
Jordan (02:28:10.000)
What's our sign off again? Good luck. Oh, good luck and good night.
Dan (02:28:15.000)
Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Miss accidentally said that like three times. Yeah. Resistance show. I can't find our clip. Here it is. Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.