Transcript/480: September 9-10, 2020: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 23:36, 1 March 2025
Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:12.960)
Damn and Jordan, I am sweating
Unknown Speaker (00:00:18.039), it's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.440)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.199)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys
Unknown Speaker (00:00:27.440)
Saying we are the bad guys
Unknown Speaker (00:00:28.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.039)
Damn and Jordan, Knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.200)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.000)
Need, I need money
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.439)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.359)
Andy and Chansis, Andy and Chansis
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.159)
Stop it, Andy and Chansis, Andy and Chansis
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.200)
It's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.119)
Andy and Chansis, you're on the air, thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.439)
Hello Alex, I'm a first-time caller, I'm a huge fan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.799)
I love your room
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:58.520)
I love you
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.560)
Hey everybody, welcome back to
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.719)
Hey everybody, I tried to talk through the bullhorn
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.959)
Oh man, that bit almost fucking killed
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.799)
It almost worked
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.799)
Damn it!
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.120)
You really almost had it
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.439)
I bungled it
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.519)
You fucking bailed, you could have survived it if you'd have just kept it going
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.200)
Hey everybody, welcome back to
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.560)
Uh, yeah, I'm Jordan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.920)
Welcome, dude, like to sit around, drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.319)
I just, uh, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:01:24.439)
It's tough
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.400)
It's tougher than you think
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.439)
It's hard to talk through a bit
Unknown Speaker (00:01:27.519)
I think the problem is it's very small
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.040)
Yeah, I don't quite know where to put your mouth
Unknown Speaker (00:01:33.319)
It's also hard to hear through the headphones
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.200)
Alright, bullhorn segment over
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.799)
This podcast where I like to sit around, drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.640)
Indeed it is, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:41.959)
And how good he is at using a tiny bullhorn apparently
Unknown Speaker (00:01:44.480)
He's better than you
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.519)
We have just, in real time, proven his worth
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.439)
He's got a talent for bullhorns
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.799)
I hate that we set out
Unknown Speaker (00:01:51.799)
No one's ever said no
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.040)
I hate that we set out to make fun of him and in the end
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.959)
All we have done is demonstrate his value and what he brings to the marketplace
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.239)
You know, it is interesting, it's a niche
Unknown Speaker (00:02:03.439)
It is a niche
Unknown Speaker (00:02:04.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.400)
Not many people fill that niche of being master bullhorners
Unknown Speaker (00:02:08.319)
Yeah, but
Unknown Speaker (00:02:08.879)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.039)
Hey, everybody's gotta go with me
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.159)
Gotta give it up to Alex when he's got a skill
Unknown Speaker (00:02:14.479)
Yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.560)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:17.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:17.639)
Hi, uh, quick question for you
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.199)
Real loud that time
Unknown Speaker (00:02:20.360)
Yeah, sorry about that
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.520)
I was trying to talk through the bullhorn
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.360)
I'm just loud
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.919)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.879)
Well, um, Jordan, I mean, it's a lot of plant stuff in my life these days
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.360)
Yes, indeed
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.000)
Um, I would say that my plant-related bright spot, plant-watching segment here is that
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.319)
So I've got a number of things going in various stages of, like, pretty good progress
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.879)
Broccoli, or not broccoli, the cucumbers
Unknown Speaker (00:02:49.400)
Cucumbers are killing it
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.360)
And the pepperoncinis are, in particular
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.960)
Looking gorgeous
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.520)
Doing quite well
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.039)
But the thing that I'm really, really liking right now that I'm feeling just so great about
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.919)
Is the fact that I finally got some quinoa to grow
Unknown Speaker (00:03:03.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:04.719)
Into viable little plants
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.759)
I had killed at least three rounds of trying to grow seedlings of quinoa
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.159)
But I'm still not 100% sure what I did wrong with those other times
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.080)
But this time I've got three plants that are pretty well established up there
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.199)
It's not always about you, maybe the quinoa just didn't want to be here
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.039)
It could have been, it could have been
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.159)
It's a, you know, you gotta make everything about you all the time
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.759)
It doesn't have to be about you
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.080)
Well, I mean, sure, fine
Unknown Speaker (00:03:35.080)
Maybe the seeds were predestined to not work out or something
Unknown Speaker (00:03:40.240)
They had no interest, they had no interest in you
Unknown Speaker (00:03:42.000)
Yeah, but it's a big relief, like, I thought I was just sort of, like, destined to keep doing it over and over again
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.240)
Keep going, ah, what am I doing wrong?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:48.840)
And then this round, it's just, it's nice, it feels like progress
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.479)
Yeah, that's very nice, that's very nice
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.120)
How about you?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.599)
Uh, I, uh, my bright spot was I had the opportunity to tell my partner about the St. Crispin's Day speech
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.479)
She had never heard it before, she didn't know anything about it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:09.240)
So I was trying to get her inspired to go to work and make it through the day
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.039)
So I start going into the St. Crispin's Day speech and she's blown away
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.480)
And I'm like, listen, the St. Crispin's Day speech is the only speech that will make you run through a fucking brick wall
Unknown Speaker (00:04:24.240)
Even though you don't understand a word of what's being said
Unknown Speaker (00:04:26.839)
It's incredible
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.319)
It is the original fucking Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose of a fucking drama
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.600)
And I was playing, I played her the St. Lawrence Olivier bit and she lost her mind
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.800)
She was like, I don't even like this, but I wanna run through a brick wall
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.720)
That's how I feel about Dusty Rhodes, hard time promo
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.560)
See, now there you go, yeah, and that wouldn't exist if it weren't for the St. Crispin's Day speech, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.639)
I would say it's the other way around
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.439)
Time travel, Randy Cramer
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.720)
It also gave me a chance to talk about my favorite conspiracy theory
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.439)
Which is?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.120)
We've been asked before, like, are there any conspiracy theories you believe or what's your favorite conspiracy theory?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.240)
And I've always left this one out because I forget about it, but my favorite conspiracy theory is the Shakespeare is a woman conspiracy theory
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.959)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.519)
He absolutely is not, it's a him, everybody knows it's 100% true, it's him
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.040)
But that's my favorite one to entertain, I'm like, how many people have to lie?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.680)
And was she secretly a princess and she was writing like that and they couldn't put her name out?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.639)
But what about the theory that Shakespeare was a bunch of different people?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.279)
That one's also bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.879)
Are you sure?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.439)
Yeah, Shakespeare's actually Shakespeare
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.360)
It wasn't Marlowe?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.360)
No, it wasn't Christopher Marlowe, it wasn't What's His Dumb Fuck Francis Bacon, it wasn't none of these guys
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.439)
Was he a spy?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.680)
Shakespeare was not a spy
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.920)
Okay, was he in love?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.079)
He was in love, that's true
Unknown Speaker (00:05:47.959)
Well, that is a fine conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.319)
He had a very difficult marriage though, so
Unknown Speaker (00:05:52.000)
Oh, is that right?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.160)
That is true, a difficult dog
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.040)
I thought that historical Shakespeare was a much more open question, but then again, I will grant, I have never looked into it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.800)
Maybe one of the most studied individuals in the history of all of literature
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.439)
And you think people would just let that be an open question?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.360)
I thought that there just wasn't a lot of primary sourcing on it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.959)
Oh, tons!
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.600)
Alright, well, this goes to show like how you can just sort of have a vague notion of something if you don't look into it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.519)
You're just like, that sounds probably true
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.920)
So speaking of conspiracies, we were a little bit of assholes on this one
Unknown Speaker (00:06:29.040)
We forgot to mention and thank the cults, cryptids, and conspiracies podcast
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.680)
Oh shit, we did!
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.680)
For having us on as a guest
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.240)
Last week we were on their podcast
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.399)
It was a wonderful time, they were delightful
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.279)
Yeah, I want to thank Chelsea and Christina for having us on there, it was a lot of fun to talk to them about Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.720)
And I, as always, feel very self-conscious that I just rambled about various Alex-related nonsense
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.959)
See, I never feel self-conscious because I am who I am, and I scream and annoy people, that's it, that's what I got
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.639)
So if y'all want to enjoy that, check them out, you can find them at At C3 Podcast
Unknown Speaker (00:07:05.759)
And that takes you to the links, all you need to find them
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.839)
So thanks again for having us on
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.560)
Yes, thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:07:12.160)
We enjoyed it immensely
Unknown Speaker (00:07:12.959)
Yeah, for sure
Unknown Speaker (00:07:14.439)
And we're bad at any kind of engagement on social media or knowing when things happen
Unknown Speaker (00:07:19.480)
Definitely not, nope, the message is unanswered
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.199)
Self-promoting, promoting
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.800)
Oh God
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.959)
We never share links about our own show
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.160)
I'm the worst
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.839)
We're bad at this
Unknown Speaker (00:07:28.600)
So Jordan, today we've got an interesting episode to go over
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.839)
We're going to be talking about the period of September 9th and 10th, 2020
Unknown Speaker (00:07:34.240)
I'm Dan, this is 2020
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.399)
Oh, goddammit
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.120)
I had sort of planned to do a little bit of a more longer scale or like the beginning of the week
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.439)
But everything just kept happening, and like Bob Woodward came out of the woodwork
Unknown Speaker (00:07:50.319)
We both put our fingers up
Unknown Speaker (00:07:54.920)
Pointing at each other to see who's going to break first
Unknown Speaker (00:07:57.879)
Is he you or me?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:58.759)
Who's going to do it?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.519)
Who's going to attack?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:00.399)
Who's going to go wrong?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.560)
You know, it's just too much
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.000)
I was like, okay, we got to look as close to present as possible
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.360)
It's got to be focused
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.079)
Yeah, yeah, so we're going to take a look at this and see how Alex is dealing with the fires on the West Coast
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.839)
We're going to learn about Trump's tapes coming out
Unknown Speaker (00:08:22.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:23.560)
Not the P-Tape
Unknown Speaker (00:08:25.519)
So yeah, we'll get down to business on that
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.519)
But before we do, we've got to take a moment to say thank you to some folks who have signed up and are supporting the show
Unknown Speaker (00:08:31.480)
So first, Benjamin B. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.559)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.679)
Thank you very much, Benjamin
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.039)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.399)
Next, Alex T. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:40.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.080)
Thank you, Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.879)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.279)
Next, Mel M. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:45.360)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.519)
Thank you very much, Mel
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.600)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:48.000)
Next, Rory K. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:50.679)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.960)
Thank you very much, Rory
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.080)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.639)
Next, Sheryl. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:56.120)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.200)
Thank you, Sheryl
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.960)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.480)
Next, some guy. All one word
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.320)
Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.039)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:09:03.200)
What if it's some a gee
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.240)
Oh, it could be, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.320)
Yeah, thank you very much some a gee
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.039)
I didn't take that into consideration. I apologize
Unknown Speaker (00:09:09.759)
Next, Atticus M. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.120)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.320)
Thanks, Atticus
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.259)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.840)
And finally, I'd like to say thank you to somebody who donated on Elevated Level, we
Unknown Speaker (00:09:19.000)
appreciate that very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.000)
So Nate K, thank you so much, you are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.639)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:23.639)
Crikey, mate, that's fantastic.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.639)
Have yourself a brew.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.639)
How's your 401k doing, bro?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.639)
All right, we gotta go full tilt boogie on this, Watson, all right?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.039)
Let's just get down to business.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:32.519)
We ain't making that money off that heroin.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:34.600)
Why you pimps so good?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:36.519)
My neck is freakishly large.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.159)
I declare info war on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.000)
Thank you so much, Nate.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.000)
If you're out there listening and thinking, hey, I enjoy this show, I'd like to support
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.200)
these gents, you can do that by going to our website,, clicking the button
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.039)
that says support the show, or...
Unknown Speaker (00:09:50.000)
Indeed you can.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:51.000)
Or you could spend years working on a relative play, think about who's involved there, think
Unknown Speaker (00:09:59.039)
about all the characters necessary, take all of that creative energy, turn it into generosity,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.059)
give it to the world, or more specifically, a local bear fund or charity, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:10.159)
That's what I would call it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.159)
A bear fund.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.159)
Bear fund.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:13.159)
God damn it!
Unknown Speaker (00:10:14.159)
This is what happens when we coordinate.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.159)
Bear fund.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.159)
Bear fund.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:17.159)
I would like a bear fund.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.159)
So, Jordan, we're going to start things off here on the 9th, and it's interesting, Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:10:26.320)
is talking about red state, blue state issues, and he reveals what he means when he says
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.559)
red states.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:33.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:34.559)
And what he means when he says blue states.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:35.559)
It's very interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.559)
It's not Democrat and Republican, or kind of is, but also means something else entirely.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:40.080)
It's been rolled out in blue cities and blue states, and I use that term nationwide and
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.840)
worldwide now, because they don't call it red, blue, whether you're pro-human, you're
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.440)
red, you're anti-human, you're blue, I guess blue blood globalists, gamelan, whatever you
Unknown Speaker (00:10:54.679)
want to call it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.679)
So Alex has taken the red and blue of the Democrat and Republican and used it to extend
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:01.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:02.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:03.500)
Pro-human is red.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.500)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:05.500)
Anti-human blue blood is blue.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:07.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:08.960)
Are there regions within other, like how about Chile?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.840)
Is all of Chile like a blue state?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.039)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:16.480)
Red state?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:17.480)
Are there smaller, does he think every country has states?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:19.840)
I don't think Alex could really break down state by state or nation by nation.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:26.440)
He could tell you that Brazil is red.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:29.600)
He could tell you that much.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:31.120)
I think Brazil is purple right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.159)
Yeah, it's strange, because those terms already mean something.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:37.000)
He's just-
Unknown Speaker (00:11:38.279)
I would like him to have like that wacko video from the Animaniacs where he's singing the
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.559)
country song.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.559)
I would like Alex right next to that juxtaposed with just red, blue, red, blue.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.000)
Everyone hates humans.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.000)
So he's talking there about rolling out of all this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.919)
Of course, it's about COVID-19 and the public health measures, which are actually secretly
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.279)
about taking over the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:05.799)
And it turns out that like, hey, man, we responded one way and some other countries did something
Unknown Speaker (00:12:10.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.279)
And this is just nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:12.759)
Meanwhile, in Sweden, they did absolutely nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.639)
And now they're saying, actually, COVID didn't exist, and we have record low deaths from
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:20.399)
It just doesn't exist, basically.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:22.639)
That smug tone right there, it doesn't exist, basically.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.879)
I can't even do an impression of it, but that tone there, that condescending fuck tone.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.440)
Hate that so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:35.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.440)
To me, me.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.440)
Basically, it's all bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:39.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:40.440)
Yeah, that's very annoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:41.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.440)
Especially for somebody who is 100% wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.440)
To be treated so condescendingly.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:45.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.440)
Like, oh, basically, there's no germ theory.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:47.919)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.919)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.919)
So this is a common right wing media lie, saying that Sweden didn't do anything to mitigate
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.039)
damage done by the coronavirus and they got along just fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:56.919)
It's essentially an argument against our public health measures using an imaginary version
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.799)
of what a completely different country did as support.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:04.039)
The first important point is that Sweden did not do nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.399)
For instance, they banned gatherings of more than 50 people, they put restrictions on visits
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.559)
to care homes, and they restricted bar service at restaurants.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:15.120)
But many have said that this approach was not nearly enough, and some of the stats really
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.960)
bear that out.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.960)
A July article on the BBC points out that over 5,500 people had died from COVID-19 in
Unknown Speaker (00:13:25.600)
Sweden, which gave it, quote, one of the highest death rates relative to population size in
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.480)
The CBS News article from July points out that the death rate in Sweden is 30% higher
Unknown Speaker (00:13:35.919)
than in the United States when the data is adjusted for population size.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.600)
See, they didn't do anything and it worked out fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.600)
The strategy that Sweden used would be wrong to call a total success, given that tons of
Unknown Speaker (00:13:47.440)
people died, and there's no evidence that the ultimate goal has been achieved.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.600)
The presumptive goals were to reach herd immunity, which has not been done, and to protect the
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.879)
economy, which also has not necessarily happened as one might have designed it to.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:01.440)
And it's crazy how bad ideas that go against the ideas of people who have studied this
Unknown Speaker (00:14:05.600)
their entire lives don't work out.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.399)
It's like it happens every time, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.799)
Yeah, but one factor that's made the situation there in Sweden not nearly as bad as it could
Unknown Speaker (00:14:14.720)
be is that the population, by and large, is willing to voluntarily accept protective measures.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.120)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:21.120)
So if individuals there had acted like Alex and his anti-mask weirdo friend, there's a
Unknown Speaker (00:14:25.960)
pretty good chance that could be a complete nightmare in the making.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.519)
He stormed the State House with guns being like, no, we'll never wear masks!
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.200)
That didn't happen in Sweden, I assume, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:37.360)
Are they a blue state or a red state?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:39.399)
Probably blue.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.399)
According to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:43.399)
So yeah, he has this notion that Sweden did nothing and it's all just, what, what are
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.360)
you saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:47.360)
It's easy to lie about things.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:48.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.559)
So Alex gets to talking about his fears and his paranoia about the coming election.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:55.039)
And I have to tell you this, Mark Zuckerberg may or may not-
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.360)
Become president?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:01.360)
He's in charge of telling us what's going to happen, apparently, or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.600)
But we do find out who's going to become president.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:08.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.759)
And Zuckerberg says that it'll be days or even weeks, I want you to accept weeks of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:15.399)
a delayed election.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.399)
It'll be months.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.399)
And on January 20th, if the president and vice president have not been seated with the
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.759)
electors, then and guess who becomes the president, the 46th president, Nancy, the Cripkeeper,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.519)
Uh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.759)
And then she steps down.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.840)
Do you know who comes next?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:46.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:47.120)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:48.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.120)
So, Melania- He doesn't, he doesn't say.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.960)
He doesn't say?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:52.960)
What do you mean he doesn't say?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:53.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.960)
He just makes those noises.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.960)
You can't just make those noises.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:56.960)
Apparently you can.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:57.960)
So Pelosi would only become president based on her currently being the speaker of the
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.000)
house, but there's no guarantee that she will still be speaker of the house after the November
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.480)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.480)
She has a general election against Shahid Buttar on November 3rd, and although she has
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.799)
a good chance of winning that, there is a chance that she won't be in office to become
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.600)
president in the scenario Alex is imagining.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:20.360)
If Pelosi lost, it's not like Buttar would just automatically become the speaker, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:24.720)
No, you dethrone the person.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.519)
It doesn't work that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:27.519)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.519)
If you kill the king, you become the king.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:30.320)
That's how it works.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:31.320)
It's not like whoever's in California's 12th district just gets to be speaker.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.159)
That'd be a weird rule.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:37.519)
There would be another Democrat representative who would be chosen to be speaker, but that's
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.720)
also uncertain.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:42.279)
The Democrats have a fair majority in the house, but that's not promised, and though
Unknown Speaker (00:16:45.720)
it's unlikely, the GOP could win back the house, and then they'd get to choose the speaker,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.759)
and we'd fuck around and end up with President Jim Jordan, or President Matt Gaetz.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:55.120)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'd be, yeah, no, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:58.759)
There's two choices, and it's all nightmares.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.080)
Alex is painting a scenario to imply that Pelosi would choose Hillary as her VP, then
Unknown Speaker (00:17:05.799)
step down and make Hillary president.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:08.140)
This is just about the most unlikely turn of events imaginable, but it really gets under
Unknown Speaker (00:17:11.920)
the audience's skin, so this is what he always chooses to portray as the globalist's evil
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.359)
plan, because it works, pisses off the audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:19.200)
Damn it, I would revolt if Hillary became president.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:22.480)
If Nancy Pelosi was like, ha ha, surprise, it's Hillary!
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.640)
That's a huge fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.640)
I'm done, I'm out.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:29.640)
Nah, nah, nah, nah.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.640)
That would be late WCW wrestling booking.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:33.799)
Yeah, totally!
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.799)
That would be-
Unknown Speaker (00:17:35.799)
Hillary comes in with a fucking chair and hits Nestle Pelosi in the head, and it's like,
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.759)
I'm the president now.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:42.759)
Get the fuck out of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:43.759)
It would be a little much in terms of convoluted, like we've lost the thread, this is the
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.759)
Drusso ass booking, we've got to stop.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.960)
So yeah, I don't know how this one's going to fly.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:55.839)
So Alex is dancing around, hitting some news stories, skimming some headlines, as he does.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:02.480)
This is what Alex calls covering the news.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:05.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.240)
Governor Noem rejects report that Sturgis rallied led to hundreds of thousands of COVID
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.400)
cases is fiction.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.880)
Yes it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.799)
Trump campaign crowd appeared to violate North Carolina mask order.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:17.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.759)
That's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:21.079)
That's great coverage of the news.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:23.160)
Yeah, reads the headlines like, you bet.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.359)
Noem says it's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.359)
Damn right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.359)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:29.359)
They didn't wear masks, better believe it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:31.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.240)
All right, next story.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.240)
You know what I'm going to do?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:35.240)
I'm going to pull up Politico here, and I'm going to cover the news.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.400)
All right, here we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:38.400)
Yeah, this is going to be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.400)
Let's do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:40.400)
What's your news?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:41.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.400)
You know, we had some deep analysis here.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.319)
Federal judge blocks Trump's census order on undocumented immigrants.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:48.359)
Fuck yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:49.359)
Shouldn't have done that.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:50.359)
Ooh, nelly.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.359)
All right, next story.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:52.359)
Ukraine gas company to add Rick Perry to its board.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:54.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:55.920)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.920)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:57.920)
That sounds wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.920)
I did.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:59.920)
Just reading, cold reading headlines.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:01.039)
Just cold reading?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.039)
That headline made me frustrated.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:03.039)
White House moves to curb policing of corporate misbehavior.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.680)
Beep, beep, beep.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:07.680)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:08.680)
That's what they did.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:09.680)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.680)
Did we do it?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.680)
I don't know if anybody has any better understanding of those stories or anything now, but I feel
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.559)
like we just wasted a couple minutes.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:19.599)
Nah, we did great.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:21.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.000)
You wouldn't have known about Rick Perry being invited to join a Ukraine oil company.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.079)
I still don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:27.640)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:29.640)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.640)
Did that actually happen?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.640)
I don't think you can tell that from the headline.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:32.920)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.119)
Look, that was as informative as any news roundup on Alex's show, and I don't even know
Unknown Speaker (00:19:39.279)
what those stories were.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:40.559)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.559)
There's a lot of indications of Alex leaning in on this episode toward kind of intense
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.980)
violent talk, but it's all just about how he constantly has this, you'll know when the
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.059)
time is right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:55.200)
You'll know.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.319)
Everything will be, they're trying to go hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.200)
All this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:01.799)
You listen to a clip like this and you're like, you can't be saying it's some eventual
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:07.759)
This has to be when the time is.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.920)
I'm going to get into the pre-planning for the martial law destabilization, collapse
Unknown Speaker (00:20:17.319)
the stock market, race war, the execution of the beta test, then the white papers saying
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.839)
they were going to go operational three months ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.039)
Now they're going operational and we're now in the operation, it's now been launched and
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.079)
it's official and they're doing it just like they loaded up a train full of TNT and started
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.359)
it towards the town.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.359)
And it's going to just blow up when it hits the town.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.720)
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's coming down the tracks, it's ongoing a hundred
Unknown Speaker (00:20:40.400)
miles an hour and it's coming right at us.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:43.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:46.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:47.359)
So you'll know when the time is right.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.680)
There's a train coming to your town with TNT, a hundred miles an hour.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.980)
The plan is operational.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:55.680)
So like later then?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.920)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:59.920)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:00.920)
So do you, how many trains do you have to get hit by before it's time?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.640)
Well, I know that Alex isn't big on the whole notion of absorbing the first hit.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.640)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:08.640)
In terms of nuclear warfare and such, but yeah, I don't know, I don't know when you're
Unknown Speaker (00:21:12.480)
talking metaphorical trains, but you understand like my, the point that I'm making isn't so
Unknown Speaker (00:21:17.079)
much that Alex is directly saying you gotta go shoot people or anything like that, but
Unknown Speaker (00:21:21.799)
the disjointed nature of this rhetoric, the almost self-contradictory hold off, oh wait,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:27.440)
there's a train full of TNT coming to your town, the plan is operational right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:31.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.039)
Like it leaves the audience in a state of complete, like if you listen to this and you
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.240)
thought Alex was telling you it's time to go kill some people, you would be justified.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:41.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:42.079)
Like you could make a pretty solid argument from Alex's words that that was the message
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.059)
he was trying to drive to you.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.759)
If on Monday you say, these are the conditions that we know and when these conditions happen,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:53.579)
you have to go kill people and then you stop there and say, you'll know when it's time
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.519)
and then on Tuesday you say, the operation has started, they're coming to kill us.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.000)
With a train full of TNT, 100 miles an hour.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:04.039)
Yeah, it's like a two-day-old split infinitive.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.140)
You're still saying now is the time, just because you're waiting a day in between, it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:11.799)
doesn't count.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:12.799)
Yeah, it's really, really bad to do that to the audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:16.119)
Yeah, that's not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.119)
So Alex, you know, I mean, I think probably one of the biggest stories of the week, the
Unknown Speaker (00:22:22.160)
last week and a half, 10 days, Joe Rogan went to Spotify, my man.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:27.720)
Yes, I've heard that was the biggest story that I've read so far this year.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:34.880)
And when he went, certain episodes were not included in the jump to Spotify.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:41.000)
Oh, did they get rid of all those Duncan Trussell ones?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:43.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:44.359)
A lot of people didn't like those.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:45.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.359)
He gets a little out there.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:47.359)
Duncan's hippie ass is-
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.359)
Some new age bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:49.359)
His hippie ass is still there.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.039)
Still there?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:55.039)
And that's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.039)
Alex, out.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.039)
Milo, out.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:59.039)
Sargon of Akkad, out.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:00.039)
Who could have guessed?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.960)
Dave Seaman, out.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.359)
Yeah, so I mean, like, you know, a lot of people made a big deal out of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.599)
And they were like, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:12.599)
But I mean, it kind of makes total sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.279)
And if you're Joe Rogan and Spotify's like, I'll give you $100 million, you just got to
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.720)
take down these assholes episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:21.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:22.279)
Fuck, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:23.279)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.279)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.279)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.279)
Oh, wait.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:27.279)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:28.279)
I can't have Alex Jones' episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.279)
I've got to take those off the Spotify archive.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:30.839)
Oh, please censor me for $100 million.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.240)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.240)
I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.240)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.240)
There are things that if they were trying to censor you, I would hope that no matter
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.240)
what level of money you receive, you would fight back and fight against it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.960)
If they're censoring your Alex Jones episode, you're like, I like $100 million.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:48.619)
Fuck Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:49.619)
Alex is a piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.619)
He said he was going to gut me.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:51.619)
I'm going to get his shit off of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:53.680)
Well, that was when he was being a sneaky snake.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.400)
Joe was being a sneaky snake and he was working for the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:58.799)
Don't blame the gut-ee here.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:01.039)
Blame the gut-er.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:02.039)
Sneaky snake working for the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.039)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:04.039)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:05.039)
You know it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.039)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:07.039)
He knew it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.039)
He did know it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.039)
Alex started talking about Rogan's kids on the podcast.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:10.039)
That was gross.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:11.039)
Yeah, that's really fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:12.039)
So anyway, it's very clear to the external observer that what's going on is that Joe
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.180)
got a really, really good deal that he doesn't have to worry about sponsorships.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:20.720)
He doesn't have to worry about any of that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:23.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.079)
Guaranteed money for the rest of his career.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:27.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.039)
Take that money and fucking talk to your weirdo comedy friends.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.640)
Bye Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.640)
Bye Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:35.640)
Bye forever.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.640)
Oh, sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.640)
But it turns out, because he is in Austin also, that he's probably going to run into
Unknown Speaker (00:24:41.039)
Alex at the Luby's or wherever.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:43.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:45.319)
Well, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:46.319)
Luby's is-
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.319)
Luby's is shuttering its doors.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.319)
We'll miss you Luby's.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:49.319)
Bye Luby's.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:50.319)
Those old ladies are never going to eat for free again.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:53.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.119)
Alex will not be able to pay for sad people's meals in the future.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.079)
But I think he knows that he can't not talk to Alex ever.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:03.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:04.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.160)
So he's given Alex a line of bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:06.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:07.160)
And I told you that Joe was debating which hundred episodes he was going to keep on YouTube
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.079)
under their deal and what he was going to put on Spotify because they can't be both
Unknown Speaker (00:25:15.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.440)
Well, I got word yesterday, I guess Spotify is figuring out how much they need to be on
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.519)
YouTube and have content both places because that will just promote over to Spotify.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.960)
I thought it was a very dumb idea to get rid of all those episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:26.960)
Oh, so now my episodes will be on both platforms.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.400)
So see how that works.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.400)
There was a big debate going on with them about what was the best to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:35.240)
It's free on Spotify, but they have like a gold member deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:37.980)
And so they're just figuring it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:39.480)
It was not a censorship issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.519)
I told you, I called up Joe had a 30 minute conversation with him last week and I told
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.880)
you the truth.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:47.619)
It's just that Joe said whatever the most controversial, whatever the highest views
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.000)
are, let me review a list.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:53.279)
So Spotify kind of held back some of the highest viewed, but also some of the thought was controversial.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.920)
Probably kind of hoping Joe didn't pay attention and then that didn't go over there, but then
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.240)
that blew up.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.240)
So there was some truth that it was censorship, but Joe's in control.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.759)
So it stopped.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:07.759)
I love the idea that within that like minute Alex was like, I'm not being censored.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.920)
Well, there was censorship going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:13.400)
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.400)
There's a little censorship going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:15.839)
I have a Spotify premium account and those episodes aren't on there.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.880)
Oh, they're not on there?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:20.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:21.880)
Oh, they're not behind the little paywall?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:22.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:24.880)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:25.880)
I have heard that so many, like that very conversation from a comic who's been banned
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.440)
from a show.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:31.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:32.440)
Like, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:33.440)
They're going to get me back on CYSK for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:35.200)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:36.200)
I'm not allowed to go back on for a little while and I just don't want to overbook people.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:39.720)
They said it's too controversial that I peed in a glass on stage.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:44.000)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:45.079)
But look, sometimes you need controversies.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:47.400)
Sometimes you need people who are going to push the envelope, but you can't book them
Unknown Speaker (00:26:51.440)
every five years.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:53.440)
The envelope's got to be stained.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:54.440)
It's got to be every six years, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.000)
That's why I haven't been on in a while.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.160)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:01.160)
I've heard that nonsense before.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:02.160)
Get out of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:03.160)
Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.160)
It's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.160)
I love, I love this.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.160)
It's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:07.160)
Alex, realizing that...
Unknown Speaker (00:27:08.160)
You've been let down easy, buddy.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.640)
You've been let down easy.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:11.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.640)
So it turns out that Alex believes that it became a stock issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:16.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.640)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.640)
Spotify's stock might have been in trouble if they allowed Alex's Rogan episodes on or
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:27.359)
That sounds great.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:28.359)
And Joe had said, I want to give you one of my first guests when I get to Austin, and
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.000)
then that became a huge national issue and was a stock issue and all the rest of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:35.559)
But Joe will be here soon.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.559)
And I will be with him soon.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:37.559)
I'm gonna leave it at that.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.960)
Because it's really uncanny that his office will be right on the street from me.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.740)
So it's just, it's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.599)
It is weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:47.599)
It is weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.599)
It's not that weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.599)
You guys, like you have a rental, like office space area.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.480)
It's a whole like little mall area for a bunch of those.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:55.119)
Makes sense that Rogan would find something commercially available.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:59.039)
It's a good spot for him.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:01.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.559)
I would say you probably, you know, might see Joe when he comes to see you.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.960)
You're not going to be on a show, buddy.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:10.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.200)
I mean, if he's still putting some episodes out just on YouTube, then I could see that.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.559)
But like, YouTube doesn't allow Alex on there.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.079)
But they allow like Rogan to have Alex on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:20.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.799)
I mean, those episodes are still on YouTube.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:24.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:25.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.799)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.799)
They suck.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:29.799)
And other things that have had Alex on as guests, like Patrick Bette David, his interview
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.799)
with Alex isn't gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.799)
He's got bananas.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:32.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.799)
But I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:34.799)
Obviously, I don't know the intricacies of this Spotify deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.720)
But I would guess based on the fact that Alex's episodes did not make the migration, it seems
Unknown Speaker (00:28:42.960)
to imply that, oh, and if it was a stock issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.319)
It was a stock issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:48.279)
Their stock would have gone down if Alex was on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.119)
If you have Alex on the Joe Rogan podcast, the marketing stand, there's Black Tuesday
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.960)
and then there's the day Alex is allowed on Spotify.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.000)
I would assume that if Alex wants to do a podcast with Joe, it's going to be in the
Unknown Speaker (00:29:03.079)
Infor studio and it's not going to be the Rogan experience.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:06.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.480)
That sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.480)
So Alex gets off this topic, although he does talk about it for a while, and he starts ranting
Unknown Speaker (00:29:12.680)
about what it's going to be like when the death of a dollar comes.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:15.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:16.559)
They're going to have 10, 20 years of depression and then buy it all up and break our will
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.720)
and then they'll turn America back on later and have it be a threat to China and have
Unknown Speaker (00:29:25.480)
a bipolar world again.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:27.240)
So right now they want to have China take over and have a big run probably for 50 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.599)
And so, folks, I start thinking about what the death of a dollar would look like.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:42.440)
We're talking great depression, but 10 times worse.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:46.720)
And we're talking war in the streets.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:48.720)
And so I'll talk about that coming up, speaking of the devil, I don't want to exaggerate,
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.440)
let's put up the name of the sale right now for 10 years, please.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:59.160)
This headline is not an exaggeration.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.759)
Save Infor, save the Republic, save yourself.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.200)
Speaking of the devil, I got to sell you something so we can fight the literal devil.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.960)
Oh, the death of the dollar is coming and everything is going to be so terrible.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:14.920)
So use those dollars to buy pills.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:18.599)
You won't need them later.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.240)
Dollar's going to die.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:21.240)
You'd better use them now.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:23.279)
So Alex needs your money immediately.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:26.880)
And he rambles quite a bit on this episode about going out of business in the very near
Unknown Speaker (00:30:31.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.279)
And as is my new tradition, I refuse to take the bait.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.279)
I'm not going to take the bait, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:37.200)
I literally have agonized over this last few weeks, but I'll just tell you, we have everything
Unknown Speaker (00:30:43.220)
we have in stock.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:44.400)
A lot of it, we can't even reorder.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.319)
Everything's breaking down.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.319)
The supply chain's breaking down.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:48.519)
Everything's falling apart.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.519)
We're under massive Chinese government hack attack right now, both sides.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:52.440)
They're secure, but it slows them down, costs us tons of money to fight it.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:55.160)
This is a real war.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.160)
So if you ever wanted an info wars t-shirt or you ever wanted to get an Alexa pure breeze
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.480)
or ever wanted to buy some of the supplements and see how they are and support us, now's
Unknown Speaker (00:31:05.000)
the time folks.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:06.000)
You don't want to wait.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:07.000)
This is sudden depth over time, super bowl, but for the whole future, everybody, and with
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.640)
all their strategic attacks and the things that are going on, I need to get fuel on the
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.160)
gas tank.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:17.160)
My fuel tank is on a 10th of a tank and I've got to go a hundred miles gas to go 50 miles.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:28.920)
So there's a lot of things I can do.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:30.400)
I have to make decisions and I've seen the big support last week, big sport this week
Unknown Speaker (00:31:34.039)
that buys us the extra support we just got bought us, maybe in my gas tank, another three
Unknown Speaker (00:31:40.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:41.440)
I need, I need to sell everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.720)
I am not taking the bait, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:45.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.759)
I'm definitely not dealing with a barrage of similes like that ever again.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:50.480)
He is the master of metaphor.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:53.759)
He knows how to really just paint a word picture of it's like a gas tank.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:00.200)
That's one 10th full.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.200)
I got to go a hundred miles, but I can only go 50 miles.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.960)
It's like, I've got an empty stomach, but, uh, I'm hungry and I only have one donut hole.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:09.640)
So you guys got to give me more donut holes.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.039)
Otherwise my stomach is going to be empty.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:13.880)
Makes total sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:14.880)
It makes a very, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:16.680)
So it's bad, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:19.240)
So I'm probably just going to say we're selling out of everything and then sell it at full
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.160)
price and then hope we have enough money to buy stuff into the future or go back to an
Unknown Speaker (00:32:25.799)
advertising model or donations model, which people don't respond to.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.680)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:29.680)
I wonder why myself, because if Trump loses and they're gonna put us in a depression anyways,
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.039)
it's just going to be so hellish.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:35.039)
We're all gonna enjoy it together.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:36.039)
I mean, I feel sorry for everybody, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.039)
I tried my best.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:38.039)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:39.039)
But I mean, it's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.039)
It's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:41.039)
It's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:42.039)
It's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:43.039)
And this feels almost exactly the same as, uh, I think it was December, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:48.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:49.960)
When it was almost exactly like this, I probably can't order more stock, but now there's two
Unknown Speaker (00:32:55.440)
possibilities because I hadn't heard that kind of shit before December.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:59.940)
So it's possible that Alex has just had to escalate to like new levels of I need you
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.200)
to support the, or it's possible that that was kind of accurate then and he got enough
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.119)
to escape by and now he's back in the same hole that he was in before.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:18.799)
I don't know, but again, I'm not taking the bait, but it bears mentioning that this is
Unknown Speaker (00:33:23.599)
going on again.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.039)
It's happening again, uh, to a level that is, I would call overwhelming when you listen
Unknown Speaker (00:33:31.619)
to the, if you listen to his episode, it's like, wow, this is, this is a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.279)
Yeah, this is happening over and over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:38.000)
Um, so, uh, Alex gets into a little bit of a etymology here.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.640)
Um, we know that a lot of his guests don't know how words work.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.119)
No, that's definitely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:47.119)
And it turns out that he believes them probably because he just doesn't understand where it's
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:52.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:53.200)
It's like in that movie Elysium where she says, you know, you'll be lucky if we, if
Unknown Speaker (00:33:55.240)
you don't hang for this and he goes, hang, we do the hanging.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.759)
That's all that gives orders.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.960)
Like Tony Montana says is balls and this isn't about bragging, it's about you knowing how
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.680)
powerful you are.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:07.240)
You are just as important as anybody in the government, anybody at the New York times,
Unknown Speaker (00:34:10.239)
anybody at the financial times of London, anybody at the FBI, you're a sovereign person.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:15.239)
That's not a slave.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:16.239)
You're a good person.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:17.239)
Uh oh.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:18.239)
And info wars is directly organic out of the dirt, like a lily out of the Nile mud.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:25.320)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.360)
You are Moses.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.800)
That's what Moses is after, Egyptian word for lily in the mud.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.960)
That's not true.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:37.960)
I just love the confidence of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:43.760)
Just such a, just like any object, just a, uh, that's a pen.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:47.679)
Do you know where the word pen comes from?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:49.119)
Where is that?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:50.119)
It comes from the Sumerian for pen.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.679)
Oh, cool.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.679)
Yeah, it's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:53.679)
I know all about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:55.159)
Well, it's cause the serpent loves word games.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.559)
That's where Jesus comes from.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.679)
So, uh, yeah, I would say that there's a real interesting difference between being like,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:05.599)
Hey, you're just as valid as anybody who writes for the New York times or anybody in the FBI.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:10.119)
They're just a person like you.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:11.559)
Just a person.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:13.280)
And there is some truth to that on just like being a human.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:16.440)
That's why you should arrest an FBI agent if you don't like them.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:19.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:20.360)
There's different things that people in different positions are capable of doing, you know.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:26.559)
I think if you have a pair of handcuffs, you can arrest people.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:29.119)
I think that's how that works.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:32.400)
I think that's a functional plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.820)
So I also love that Alex opened that with two movie references.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:39.000)
That was impressive.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:40.000)
Like within 15 seconds, just two movies.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.559)
It's Elysium.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:44.559)
It's like Tony Montana.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.559)
It's like Tony Montana.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:46.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:47.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.559)
So he keeps rambling about he and his boys, the good people.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:51.119)
They're the ones who do the killing.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.559)
We're on the ground.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:55.519)
We see what's really going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.800)
Hear where the crops are grown, where the engines get fixed, where the diapers get changed,
Unknown Speaker (00:36:00.760)
where the dinner gets cooked, where the house gets cleaned, where the cuts get stitched,
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.679)
where the fighting gets done, and the killing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:08.519)
You guys are busy.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.519)
Take a break.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:13.519)
Step into that office.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:15.559)
This is where the living and the dying happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:19.000)
This is where you come into the world, you go out of the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:21.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.679)
I mean the living part, fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:23.679)
Stop with the killing talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.679)
Stop with the killing talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:25.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:26.679)
Fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:27.679)
You're creeping me out.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:28.679)
Man, it just doesn't seem like the good guys are ever described as, we love killing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:33.760)
We're the ones that do the killing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.760)
We do all the killing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:35.760)
We're the good guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.760)
Generally is at least a suspicious side.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:40.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:41.119)
But the thing is, hey, look, if we're the ones that are doing the killing, that's fine
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.280)
because the other side, they ain't got no soul, baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:48.239)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:49.239)
They're like running around with a hanger and they're pulling the pins to blow themselves
Unknown Speaker (00:36:52.719)
up, hoping some of the shrapnel hits us.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.400)
I mean, this is followers.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.019)
This is slaves doing this.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:57.559)
These are pathetic people.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.119)
Don't let Zuckerberg demoralize you.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.719)
He's a pathetic nobody.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.239)
All of them have been chosen because they're so weak and so spiritless.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:05.360)
They have no God in them, nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:07.360)
No connection to the father.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:09.239)
No connection.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.239)
It's all synthetic garbage.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:13.519)
Mark Zuckerberg's one of the poorest people on earth.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:16.840)
I get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:19.400)
But they know you're rich spiritually.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.400)
That's why they want to make you poor so you don't have money to be free.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:24.260)
Money is not worshiped.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:25.440)
Like they worship it because it gives them control.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:27.800)
Money is a symbol of energy and I need it.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:31.239)
Continue the fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:32.239)
So I'm going to tell you right now, 50% off DNA force plus.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:35.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:36.360)
That was impressive.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:38.480)
That was impressive.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.480)
That's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.480)
That really was impressive.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:41.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:42.480)
That was a twist.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:43.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.480)
There was crap to that.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:47.079)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:48.079)
It felt more like flailing.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:50.440)
It could have been flailing.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.440)
It kind of felt more like somebody who, you've seen those videos of people who are skydiving
Unknown Speaker (00:37:55.840)
and they somehow survive without their shoes.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:57.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.840)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:59.840)
That's really what that felt like to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:00.840)
That was like, yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:02.840)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.840)
You made it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:04.840)
You landed.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:05.840)
But it was ugly.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.840)
I think that was pretty ugly.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.960)
I could see that being a riff that was just going on too long and then he heard himself
Unknown Speaker (00:38:13.199)
say money and he was like, money's my out, buddy, I got stuff to sell.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:16.800)
Speaking of money.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:17.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:18.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:19.800)
And also he said Mark Zuckerberg.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:21.800)
Remember that.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:22.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:23.800)
Because he knows what his name is.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.800)
Is he in the 12th?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.800)
Which is weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:27.800)
So Alex gets back from break and he's talking about some culture issues and man, this dude
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.719)
could get mad about anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.719)
And I haven't even gotten into all the race war news.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.199)
I mean, just one of the craziest part of the technocracy is the biggest video game sports
Unknown Speaker (00:38:41.920)
maker of video games came out and they have a game where Colin Kaepernick's the best quarterback
Unknown Speaker (00:38:48.880)
in the NFL.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:51.719)
I mean, he used to.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.719)
All those games actually went off the real ratings.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.559)
He's not a very good quarterback.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.159)
There's some great black quarterbacks, but he's not even black anyways.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:59.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.920)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:01.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:02.920)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.920)
I mean, leaving the race racism aside, man, I can't imagine how angry he was when NBA
Unknown Speaker (00:39:09.719)
Jam tournament edition put Bill Clinton in the game.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:13.840)
Bill Clinton can't dunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:17.039)
You know what? NBA Jam used to be about the ratings.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:19.239)
It was.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:20.239)
It was.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.239)
It used to be about the ratings.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:23.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:24.239)
Gary Pateman drilled threes all day.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.239)
Bill Clinton?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:27.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.239)
Let me see him do one crossover.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.239)
Ronnie Cykley.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:32.239)
That's a guy who can dunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:34.239)
Bill Clinton.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:35.239)
Al Gore.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.239)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:37.239)
What are they doing in the game?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:38.239)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:39.239)
Can you imagine if NBA Jam had Bill Clinton in both realistic stats?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:45.000)
See, here's what Alex is missing.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:47.400)
What he needs to do is stop complaining about adding people to games and start inviting
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.079)
them to add more people to different games.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:54.559)
Mortal Kombat?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:55.559)
Why isn't Bill Clinton a playable character?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:59.280)
That's a good question.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.280)
That is a great question.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.280)
Ask Ed Boon.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:03.280)
We've got to start this.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:04.280)
So yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.280)
Alex seems really bent out of shape about the idea that Colin Kaepernick has good stats
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.719)
in a video game.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.079)
And let me go ahead and respond to this by saying I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.400)
Oh, why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:17.639)
It's a statement of our values, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:20.360)
As a country?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:21.360)
To put Colin Kaepernick into a video game?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:24.719)
This is Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.719)
I mean, he's still technically a free agent.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.000)
And he's still in the game.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:29.000)
He's not a bad football player.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:30.400)
No, he's actually quite good.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:31.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:32.800)
He's actually very good at that.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:33.800)
I didn't even look into this to find like, oh, what are the stats?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.880)
Is Alex exaggerating this?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.360)
I can't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:39.800)
I just can't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.079)
And the fact that Alex cares is embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:43.840)
It is a problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.840)
It's embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:45.840)
It is a problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.840)
Oh, world leaders, listen to my show where I complain about black quarterbacks having
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.440)
good stats.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:53.440)
There are some good black quarterbacks, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.760)
This isn't a race thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:55.760)
It's not a race thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.760)
But I don't want the ones whose political views I disagree with to have good stats in
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.320)
a video game.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.320)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:02.320)
A lot of people don't like Donovan McNabb.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.679)
But I'll tell you what.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.679)
He was a good quarterback.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.679)
Putin sitting around.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.679)
Alex has very interesting ideas about this video game.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.320)
I'll have to talk to my enemy, the literal devil.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:16.719)
So Zuckerberg, he appears to be rich, like Alex has already touched on.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:22.519)
And he is.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:23.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.519)
He has money.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:25.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.519)
But he can only do what his overlords let him do.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.639)
Destroy democracy?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.639)
They have to.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.639)
He has to ask for permission.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:32.440)
People like Zuckerberg get told how big a jet he can have and how many houses and what
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.639)
he can buy.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:39.639)
But JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and others is a front man.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.639)
He is told by Bill Gates.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:44.920)
I mean, Bill Gates has finally gotten to the table of the roundtable at the highest levels.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.519)
I thought he was in the 12.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.199)
His minion, his trainee, his apprentice is Jeff Zuckerberg.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:00.800)
Come on over there.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:03.199)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.199)
Oh, my earpiece has popped out.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:07.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:08.400)
It didn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:09.400)
So now it's Jeff Zuckerberg.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.159)
I think that was Bezos Zuckerberg.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.840)
He does this a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.840)
It's really sloppy.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:17.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.840)
I mean, maybe Zuckerberg is told how many houses he can buy by his financial advisor.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.960)
Maybe he has people who tell him, hey, don't waste.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.000)
Still don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:32.000)
If he buys more than one house, I still don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.079)
I still don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:37.079)
Also, we're in this weird sort of Schrodinger's Bill Gates situation, where he's a member
Unknown Speaker (00:42:43.599)
of the council of 12.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:45.760)
He's one of the leaders of the world, unless G. Edward Griffin is on the show, and he thinks
Unknown Speaker (00:42:53.039)
that Bill Gates is a middleman.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:55.159)
Oh, no, Skousen.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.159)
Skousen was the middleman.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:57.159)
Skousen was saying that Bill Gates is a middleman.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:00.599)
And now Bill Gates is in some kind of limbo where he was a middleman, but now he's finally
Unknown Speaker (00:43:05.179)
got his seat at the table.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:07.119)
But even then, we don't know if the table is the 12s or-
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.559)
I think the table is the 12s.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.880)
We might have gotten rid of the 12 entirely.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:12.519)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.519)
It's a big table.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:14.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:15.519)
So Alex is still mad about Kaepernick.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:17.840)
The greatest Nazi, if you want to be a real Nazi, a real race-based person, winning race
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.460)
war and winning racial identity, it's Colin Kaepernick.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:25.559)
For PR purposes and all of it, he's the greatest Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:28.199)
And then if you talk about black folks, he's the greatest so-called black guy that's closest
Unknown Speaker (00:43:33.320)
to Hitler, who's closest to Christ, I'm not comparing him to Christ, I'm saying who's
Unknown Speaker (00:43:36.159)
the closest to that?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:37.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:38.159)
It'd be Kanye West.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:41.159)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:42.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.159)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:45.159)
What just happened?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:46.159)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.159)
Did I just hear that Colin Kaepernick, a guy who was blackballed for kneeling during the
Unknown Speaker (00:43:48.639)
anthem, is actually a Nazi because he was blackballed for kneeling during the anthem?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.280)
Closest to a Nazi you can get-
Unknown Speaker (00:43:56.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:57.280)
Alex is sort of ranking black celebrities, which is not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:59.559)
It does seem like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.079)
He's kind of arguing that there's an equilibrium of black celebrities.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:05.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.119)
There's a continuum and on one side is Colin Kaepernick and on the other is closest to
Unknown Speaker (00:44:09.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:10.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:11.840)
And that's Kanye West.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.840)
And that's Kanye West.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:13.840)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.840)
I feel like those aren't the ends of the spectrum.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.360)
And I don't have anything to say that would... I don't want to dignify this with any
Unknown Speaker (00:44:23.719)
kind of-
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.719)
Like what?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:25.719)
Even response.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.719)
You know what a fantasy book continuum.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:29.719)
I reject the idea altogether.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.719)
I just present this as, oh, this is how Alex's brain works.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:33.599)
That's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.599)
That's a weird thing for a human to think.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:36.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:37.599)
So Alex gets into talking about a news story.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.519)
There's an actual story and it's about voting and yeah, he's a bit off.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.760)
One thousand people illegally voted twice during primary elections using absentee ballots
Unknown Speaker (00:44:50.440)
and I read what the state official over this said.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.559)
He looked into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:55.559)
That was a sampling and they found a thousand.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.599)
Goes up on, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffenspringer confirmed that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:06.400)
at least one thousand Georgian votes twice in the state's June 9th primary.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:11.119)
Oh, and guess who they mainly were.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.960)
I think you can guess what party cheats a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:15.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:17.320)
I'm going to go with yours.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.320)
This Georgia primary story is interesting because there is something going on here,
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.000)
but it actually doesn't work out at all for Alex's voter fraud narratives about the presidential
Unknown Speaker (00:45:25.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.960)
Alex has been arguing against expanding mail-in voting, but he's always made the point that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.079)
absentee voting is totally cool.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.840)
He has to believe that because Trump says that and he's nothing if not a follower.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:38.440)
This is where the Georgia story is a problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:41.239)
All these instances that he's talking about are cases of people who sent in absentee ballots
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.239)
who also showed up on election day to the polls and voted.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.639)
So it has nothing to do with the fears and conspiracies about mail-in votes.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.739)
His story also highlights that people who do this sort of thing get caught.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:57.139)
The evidence is that they did.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:59.199)
I don't understand.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.199)
What do you mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:01.199)
Well, the situation here is very unclear because the investigation is still ongoing, but there
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.900)
are a couple of benign possibilities here that aren't good, but also aren't really intentional
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.480)
election fraud.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:12.260)
One possibility is that people sent in absentee ballots and didn't know if they'd been counted,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:16.519)
so they thought they should vote in person to be sure, which isn't good, but they also
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.920)
might not have known that that was a crime.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.239)
The second possibility is brought up in an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:27.119)
Voters are allowed to cancel their absentee ballots and then vote at polling places as
Unknown Speaker (00:46:30.960)
long as their ballots haven't yet been received by election officials.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:35.480)
It's unclear whether the voters under investigation attempted to do so.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:40.000)
So there are possible explanations for this that boil down to bad voter education and
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.320)
poor communication about the process, but not criminal intent.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.800)
Yeah, I've been on Yahoo Answers.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:51.599)
I imagine somebody was told, like, if you feel like you voted wrong, go to the polling
Unknown Speaker (00:46:57.159)
place and vote for the other guy to cancel it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:00.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:01.039)
It's borderline that level of, I get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:03.840)
Well, you could have been on Yahoo Answers or you could have gone to Trump's rally in
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.480)
North Carolina last week, where he literally said, quote, so send it in, and then see,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.300)
and then vote and see what happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:15.139)
Now you're assured, though, that your very precious and important vote has been counted.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.440)
Trump was explicitly telling his followers to try to vote twice, the very thing that
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.639)
Alex is yelling about some people possibly doing in Georgia.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:26.400)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:27.400)
Also, in the primary, it's Democrats running against Democrats and Republicans against
Unknown Speaker (00:47:31.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:33.639)
So it's unclear how this conspiracy is supposed to be working.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:35.039)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.039)
Don't you get it?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.039)
I don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:38.039)
Because it only happens in the Democratic primary because they're cheating even at each
Unknown Speaker (00:47:41.679)
other because blue states don't have souls, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.000)
And also, I'm going to have to say that Uruguay is a blue state as well.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:49.000)
I just have to.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:50.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:51.000)
So yeah, I don't understand exactly what the point here is, and I also don't really know
Unknown Speaker (00:47:54.739)
what all the details are of the actual story in Georgia, but I think it's interesting,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:59.599)
and I think more information will be known eventually, but I think it's entirely possible
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.760)
that there was no necessarily attempt to fraudulently vote as much as people didn't know what the
Unknown Speaker (00:48:11.139)
deal was.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:12.139)
And I mean, in this election cycle, you would expect to see increased incidences of that
Unknown Speaker (00:48:17.659)
along with...
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:19.659)
...just completely screwed up voting systems.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.679)
People who don't understand, you know, people who are new to absentee ballots, not knowing
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.079)
the process exactly, it makes sense that there would be some hiccups.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:31.619)
And the fact that people are able to catch this means that those checks are also in place.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.760)
If you want to get rid of this type of mail-in fraud ballots or whatever it is, if you want
Unknown Speaker (00:48:43.500)
to deal with that type of fraud, I bet if you made election day a holiday, made sure
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.360)
that everybody had the education on how to vote, got paper ballots only, and standardized
Unknown Speaker (00:48:54.820)
that across the entire country, we wouldn't be in this kind of situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:58.880)
Eh, nah.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.519)
Fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:01.519)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:02.519)
According to Alex, just fucking just let Trump be in charge.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.119)
Just make him king.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:07.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:08.119)
I'm bored.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:09.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.119)
So for the rest of this episode, an hour of this episode...
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.519)
Alex has a buddy of his, Shane Steiner in, because Shane went down to the old boat parade
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.000)
in Lake Travis.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:21.000)
Sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.000)
And he has some thoughts about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.960)
Shane was in the crash.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:25.199)
Well, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:26.199)
He was jumping out of a helicopter.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:29.480)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.920)
Let's hear him tell the story.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:31.920)
By the way, my buddy Shane Steiner flew his helicopter around, shot some amazing HD footage
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.280)
of the biggest Trump boat rally yet, probably 6,000 boasters, saying, like Travis likes
Unknown Speaker (00:49:41.239)
it again, word is it's coming up again this Saturday.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:43.840)
He's coming in studio to talk about that and more and show that HD footage.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:47.719)
Stay with us.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.719)
So yeah, some boats did sink.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:51.159)
So he's not, that's, he's bearing the lead on that one, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.480)
This was a, this was a huge success in his, in his mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:58.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:59.039)
I heard from people that were out there on the boats that said that was the most fun
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.579)
they've ever had on Lake Travis.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.840)
So everybody's out there having a good time.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:04.880)
Everyone's having a good time, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.280)
I've heard from people that it was not the most fun time they've ever had.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:09.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:10.599)
It's like you're inside the water under a boat.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.199)
Well, look, man, the news says that.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:15.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:16.559)
I hate to admit this, but I just found out what gaslighting is.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:20.679)
And it's when your own eyes are telling you something different than you're being told
Unknown Speaker (00:50:25.679)
is going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.679)
And so that's what that whole day was.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:29.320)
So when I got home and started reading the articles of all the boats sinking and just
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.480)
the chaos and the, they said seven boats, it was all exaggerated.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:38.320)
I mean, if you get 6,000 boats, something's going to happen though.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:41.920)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:42.920)
Now I'm not going to say that no boats sank, but they acted like it was armadas just going
Unknown Speaker (00:50:46.960)
down at the helm, but.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:48.280)
I love this idea that he's like, oh, I feel so gaslit by the news saying the boats sunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.079)
Now some boats did sink.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:54.239)
I don't, I still don't think you understand what gaslighting is despite the fact that
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.079)
you defined it.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:00.079)
That's very difficult.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:01.079)
Now I'm not going to say that no boats sank.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:02.960)
People are calling it like this armada.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.559)
Now there were 6,000 boats.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:06.480)
No, he's saying that like some armada sunk a bunch of boats.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:10.840)
And sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.840)
I mean, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:12.840)
There was the coverage of the event did largely focus on the fact that boats sank, but that's
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.760)
the anomaly.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.760)
Otherwise it's just a bunch of assholes on boats.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.800)
What makes it newsworthy is a lot of them sunk, otherwise none of us would have cared.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:30.559)
Don't understand why this is so confusing for Mr. Shane Steiner.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:33.280)
On your boats.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:34.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:35.280)
That's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.280)
This is the weirdest hour because it has nothing to do with anything important.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:41.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:42.599)
It barely has to do with his adventure in Lake Travis.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:45.539)
It mostly has to do with how great having a helicopter is.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:48.800)
That actually sounds fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.320)
It's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:51.320)
That sounds fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.320)
It's talking about having a helicopter.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:53.320)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:54.320)
Not listening to this interview.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.320)
Bilber makes it sound great.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:56.320)
I assume this guy makes it sound great.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:57.840)
He's like, hey, you know, it's really safe and they say that it's not safe and like,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:01.599)
okay, I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.599)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.599)
But, you know, apparently there's like commercial or like a sort of civilian drones that fly
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.559)
That can make things more dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:10.559)
I believe that.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:11.559)
As Alex and Shane say and talk about in this next clip, they almost got hit by a drone
Unknown Speaker (00:52:15.800)
one time.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.840)
The drones flying around actually is a risk to other pilots.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:19.719)
In fact, we almost ran into a drone one time.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:22.679)
We were flying around downtown and big one came right up.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.119)
Yeah, it was eye level to us and they kind of went off to the left and we went off to
Unknown Speaker (00:52:30.920)
the right, but then we just passed each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:33.099)
He did.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.099)
Luckily he was watching.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:35.099)
He flew right up in front of us.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:36.099)
He went, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:37.099)
But still, I mean, if that would have flown into us, that would have been a, that would
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.480)
have been fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.480)
That was an Imperial probe droid.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.480)
You always got to bring it back to Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.239)
Well, I mean, not that I'm even into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:47.519)
Aren't you glad Star Wars, the whole franchise is bankrupt now because they made it SJW.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:53.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.679)
I mean it, yeah, it's kind of gone down.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:58.599)
In the past five years, the Star Wars franchise has brought in approximately $6 billion at
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.719)
the box office.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:05.000)
If you include Solo and Rogue One, which is way, way more than they cost to make, The
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.440)
Force Awakens is the number four highest grossing film of all time.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.920)
Star Wars is nowhere near bankrupt, but this is the right wing narrative that they use
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.400)
to make themselves feel like they're opposition to diverse casts.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:21.760)
It seems like it's more universally held than it actually is.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:24.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:25.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:26.719)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:27.719)
Shut the fuck up.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.719)
I'm not even really that into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.159)
Shut the fuck up.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:31.159)
You know what that moment was there?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:32.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:33.880)
Alex brings up repeatedly in this interview that he and Shane went to high school together.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:37.440)
So this is like a guy who's like, oh, you dork.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:39.960)
Oh, this is him being like-
Unknown Speaker (00:53:41.960)
And that's Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:42.960)
Alex is getting bullied.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:43.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:44.960)
Oh God, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.960)
Shane Steiner is a guy who's like a lot more in shape and he had a hit on the country music
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.440)
charts back in the early 2000s.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:55.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:56.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:57.480)
He has more of a status than Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.480)
He flies around in a helicopter.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.679)
That of course makes Alex turn into him.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:05.239)
I'll roll over and let you scratch my belly.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.239)
You always bring him back to Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.239)
I'm not even that into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:10.239)
I'm not even into Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:11.239)
I'm not even that into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.239)
I'm not even into Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:13.239)
Granted, I do impressions of Emperor Palpatine all the fucking time.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:17.400)
And I've come into every show with the Imperial March.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.719)
Well, that's just a great song.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.360)
I just think it's a great song.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:22.760)
Stop that into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:23.760)
It's just a good song.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.760)
Stop that into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:25.760)
I'm not a big fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:26.760)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.760)
It's SJW.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.760)
Bankrupt nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.760)
Bankrupt Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.760)
Six billion dollars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:35.760)
It's the size of a small economy, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.000)
All three of the last Star Wars movies that came out are in the top like 35 movies.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.880)
Of course they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.880)
In terms of box office gross of all time.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.920)
Of course they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:47.760)
It's kind of a big deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:49.039)
It's huge.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:50.039)
A lot of people like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:51.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.039)
So now we jump to the 10th because the rest of it is just helicopter talk and I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:54:55.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:56.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:57.679)
Well, we're going to have to get rid of my new phone number idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:01.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.320)
That's too many letters.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:04.320)
Is that too many letters?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:05.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:07.320)
So on the evening of the 9th, Woodward came out of the woodwork and a lot of the excerpts
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.159)
of the book started to go around.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.599)
People were talking about, I mean, what do you think was the big news?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.800)
Let's see.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.800)
I, oh, what was it, Trump did, Trump said something about some sort of like global disease,
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.760)
I think.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:34.760)
And he, I'm pretty sure he said that it was a giant hoax and that no one should pay attention
Unknown Speaker (00:55:38.719)
to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.719)
And he was recorded saying it.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.719)
CNN put out those tapes that he said it was a giant hoax way back, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:45.480)
No, it's not?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:46.480)
He didn't say that.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:47.480)
I can't even tell what your bit is.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.480)
Oh, I was being sarcastic.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:50.480)
Because he said that coronavirus was more related to you.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.480)
And it was airborne.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:53.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.480)
He said it was airborne.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:55.480)
And he said that he always tries to under, downplay it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.280)
Yeah, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.280)
You got to downplay it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:03.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:04.280)
Now that was what a lot of the media was reporting.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.679)
That was sort of the headline because it's terrifying.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:09.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:11.800)
Because it makes Trump a premeditated murderer?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:13.679)
An argument could be made.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:15.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.679)
And there are fucking tapes that you can hear of Trump literally saying those things.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.440)
That was Anthony Atamanik.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.159)
That's everybody knows that he does the best Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:27.639)
So when I was sitting around looking at the news of this come out, I was like, this is
Unknown Speaker (00:56:32.679)
going to be trouble for Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:35.079)
I didn't think it would be.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:36.519)
I kind of figured he'd be able to find some way to much like again, the guy jumping out
Unknown Speaker (00:56:42.880)
of an airplane.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:43.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.880)
Accidentally land right.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:45.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:46.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.880)
I figured there was something he was going to be able to do or like be like, yeah, you
Unknown Speaker (00:56:49.840)
know what Trump was just doing that to be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, there was, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.159)
This is all part of his 12th dimensional chess game.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:56.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:57.280)
Alex went a slightly different direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:58.280)
The year is 20, 20, 53 days now.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:02.280)
And look at these mainstream head mad dog madness, discuss secret military coup against
Unknown Speaker (00:57:08.519)
president Trump while serving in his White House plot to overthrow US government.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:16.559)
Here you can see how there's two different media ecosystems and they're reporting on
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.119)
the same underlying story with a different version.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:25.320)
That's the, there's a blurb from Bob Woodward's new book that Alex and Zero Hedge have decided
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.239)
to run with and make the main focus, which is general Mattis apparently had a conversation
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.000)
with Dan Coats about how there may come a time when action would need to be taken because
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.119)
Trump was dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:40.920)
This can be the lead of the story and the thing that's the most important and it allows
Unknown Speaker (00:57:45.599)
these people to just ignore, dismiss the other elements of the story that like we talked
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.039)
about that other outlets are focusing on, which is terrifying.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:54.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:55.239)
You know, like the boats, you know, a lot of people aren't realizing how much fun we
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.800)
had along the way.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:01.199)
Two different media ecosystems, two different realities, except the mainstream press.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.980)
They also cover the maddest elements of the story.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.360)
You can find tons of articles about that, but I wonder, wonder if Alex will also spend
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.679)
some time on the Trump absolutely lied about this virus publicly for political benefit.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:17.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:18.480)
Let's see.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:19.480)
I mean, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.480)
Will he mention it?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:21.480)
What's his take on it?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:22.480)
Well, I mean, he does talk a bit more about Woodward's book.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:24.440)
Woodward's book is a lot of lies and a lot of stuff that's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.840)
I know it's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.840)
I know it isn't because I've studied the whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:31.519)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:32.519)
So a lot of it's lies, almost all of it's lies, but then there's some truth and I will
Unknown Speaker (00:58:37.880)
dictate to you what the truth is and then by matter of exclusion, by process of elimination,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:45.000)
you can tell that the things that I'm not talking about, those are lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:48.119)
The thing I keep going back to, which is the big reason that Bob Woodward can go fuck himself
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.360)
forever and fuck him, is that those tapes could have come out in what, March?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:01.320)
I believe it's somewhere around there.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:03.000)
Dan, we were still in a, it's over for humanity mode in March.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:08.840)
If those tapes had come out, the right wing propaganda narrative would have had to go
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.139)
in a completely different direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:16.639)
It would have.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:17.639)
There's no other way.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.920)
So Bob Woodward essentially, and it's not coming back.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:22.920)
There's no way that Bob is going to put this out, just like we just saw with Alec.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:27.119)
He doesn't put this out and then the right wing goes, whoops.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:31.440)
I'm not defending his decision and I think I tend to agree with you that it's malpractice
Unknown Speaker (00:59:37.400)
to have not put this out earlier, especially given the way that things have gone and the
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.920)
consequences that we've seen in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.920)
Yeah, it's disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:45.559)
I, the only reason I have any pause here is I haven't heard a reason why he didn't and
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.440)
I wonder if there's some reason that I'm not considering.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:55.519)
He's given a reason and the Washington Post have both given reasons and they are not good.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.639)
What's that?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:01.639)
His reasoning was, well, I needed to do more reporting on it and make sure that I got the
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.880)
whole story right.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:08.739)
That seems a little flimsy.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.239)
It's very flimsy.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:11.239)
I don't know what goes into that sort of thing though.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.280)
I mean, I'm not that, again, I don't see that as a really great excuse.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:17.960)
It's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.960)
But it's also coming from me, someone who's not in that position, so I don't know what
Unknown Speaker (01:00:22.340)
legal issues there are.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.099)
But that being said, I feel like, you know, especially in a situation like this, there,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.400)
you could make an argument that there's a moral imperative that legal consequences be
Unknown Speaker (01:00:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:36.000)
Without question.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:37.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.000)
It would have changed the right wing propaganda narrative.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:40.280)
Which has been largely the driver of what is a large part of what has made this so difficult
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.960)
for our country to move past.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:49.440)
They would have had to go in a complete opposite direction where it is over for humanity.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.840)
They would have had to keep going on that route.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:56.320)
I just, I'm just blown away.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:58.760)
It's just fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.440)
And I mean, here's, here's what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.719)
He recorded Trump saying, I am letting people die for my personal benefit.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.599)
And he held onto that in order to sell books, meaning that Bob Woodward is letting people
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.519)
die for his personal benefit.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.099)
It is the same action and it's disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:22.400)
It really is.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.920)
I find, I find it difficult to not hear that as a pretty, pretty sensible point of view.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.519)
It's a pretty big bummer.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:33.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.519)
It's a real big bummer.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:35.519)
So anyway, back to our issue here today with Alex, the thing you need to know is that all
Unknown Speaker (01:01:43.159)
of Bob Woodward's book isn't true, except for the part that Alex wants to be true.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:51.519)
Bob Woodward's book is a lie, we'll go over that, except for the fact that they were plotting
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.920)
a coup, which is totally illegal and criminal, but now they're lionizing it because they're
Unknown Speaker (01:02:01.300)
preparing another one when Trump doesn't accept the fraudulent results when they try to steal
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.400)
the election.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:06.400)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:07.400)
So the only part of this that's true is the part that's useful to me and everything else
Unknown Speaker (01:02:11.679)
is all lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:12.679)
So just ignore it.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.679)
We won't even really even talk about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.440)
That's mean.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.440)
Also no conversation about the fires in the West.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:22.760)
None that I recall in these episodes.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:23.760)
It's fucking a quarter of our country is on fire right now and no talking about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.599)
No, because there's bigger issues.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:29.000)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:30.000)
In what is Mexico today, all the way down into Central and South America, by the collapse
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.519)
of the Mesoamerican society that happened right as Cortez arrived, they were already
Unknown Speaker (01:02:38.599)
collapsed, the main source of meat was human flesh of children.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.079)
They had shops down at the bottom of the pyramids with hanging children and people came and
Unknown Speaker (01:02:47.800)
bought the meat.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:49.420)
People would routinely eat their own children after they were gutted.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.199)
They'd go buy an arm or a leg.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:55.400)
That's how they can get us to not care about human life.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:58.280)
That was going on everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:01.239)
It's not a sustainable system in any means.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.880)
See, I was thinking-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:04.880)
Humans are not nearly as nutritious as maybe you'd like to imagine.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:10.199)
Also the giving birth for food thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:15.239)
That's a real fucked up thing to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.840)
Well, it's also-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:17.840)
Resource wise.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:18.840)
It's all over.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:19.840)
Especially at a time when maybe you don't survive childbirth.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:21.960)
Considering how much you have to eat to bring the child to serve.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:26.360)
The amount of time it takes, the gestational period, it doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.559)
No, that's a poor economy.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:34.239)
There's no way you could have a main source of meat being human.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.039)
I don't think that would work.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:41.039)
Maybe you could for like a week, but then it's all over.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:45.599)
I think it would have to be like a 50-50 thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.480)
Everybody gets to eat one person and then it's over until you've got one person.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.599)
Very dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.599)
An eye for an eye leaves everybody.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:56.599)
Yeah, these people go down to the store and get an arm.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:59.480)
See, I thought the way to make people okay with killing people was to dehumanize them
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.900)
and perhaps even say that they didn't have a soul and they have no correct connection
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.480)
to your creator.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.480)
That's what I thought.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.480)
No, that's Americana.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.480)
Oh, that's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.480)
This blew my mind.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.519)
I didn't realize that, did you know that there are parts of your body called life switches?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.519)
But of course, the Bill Gates vaccines are linked to turning off a chromosome in the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:33.280)
cells that is a life switch.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.539)
It throws a kill switch.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.539)
I just can't make this up.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:41.380)
Of course it's a kill switch.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.719)
Oh, he wants us to die.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.559)
He really wants you to take this.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.960)
He says it's going to make you really sick.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:47.159)
You're going to get a lot of these shots and then they're going to manage covering all
Unknown Speaker (01:04:51.960)
that up.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.960)
It's all a big sick laboratory test, but listen, with what's happening in the supply chain
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.599)
breakdown and all the craziness and China hoarding food and Europe and governments and
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.800)
elites digging into bunkers, you need to get your storeable food one to two weeks for delivery
Unknown Speaker (01:05:04.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:05.480)
God damn.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:06.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:07.480)
God damn.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:09.480)
They're going to turn your life switch off.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:11.480)
Got to get some storeable food.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.480)
He is banging on all cylinders.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.480)
God damn.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.480)
Here's a little bit later.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:15.480)
I'm telling you, this is the big move.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.760)
The enemy should try a coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:18.679)
They're going to blow up power plants, set nukes off, I don't know, anything, race riots,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.719)
false flags.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:23.719)
We're in the season of war.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:25.400)
America is fighting for its life.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.699)
They're going to contest the election.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:28.159)
This is absolutely horrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.519)
The justice department's got a bunch of wimps in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.380)
They're not in control of anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.880)
And we are just sitting ducks with authoritarians, but I think God will help us.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.840)
The providence will make it out of this, but it's up to you now, but get your storeable
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.739)
food and products.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:39.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:40.739)
Then for sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:41.739)
I come while you still can.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:42.739)
Nailed it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.739)
They're going to blow up power plants, nuke cities.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.079)
I've just read the Bible too many times to think that it's okay for you to be like, I
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.019)
think Jesus is going to get us through it, and you need to buy storeable food.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:55.920)
You can't have those back to back.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:57.920)
You can't.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.920)
Doesn't seem good.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.920)
Jesus was pretty against that idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:02.840)
So Bob Woodward's book is obviously the main media cycle.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:08.800)
And Alex's version of it is all about this thing about Mattis.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.639)
And so like, if I'm going to handle this story, I got to call in my big guns.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.519)
Roger Stone, what do you make of the coup plot against America?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.039)
I mean, even Zero Heads gets it right.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.119)
Mattis wanted to overthrow the US government.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:26.039)
I mean, that's what this is.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.039)
I know we were working on Roger's audio earlier, Roger, can you hear me?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.860)
Don't say the n-word.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:39.860)
Let's go with the phone like I originally wanted, guys, okay?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:44.079)
Let's just do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:46.079)
Okay, well, Roger, can you hear me?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:49.960)
Yes, he didn't hang up.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:54.199)
He's on the line, guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:55.199)
He just doesn't have audio.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:57.199)
I'm with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:58.199)
Hey, Roger.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:59.199)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.199)
Yeah, that was bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:01.360)
I was really praying he wouldn't say something really unsavory.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.440)
So was Alex, I'm sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.440)
Yeah, I believe it.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:07.519)
So here's Roger's take on things.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:10.460)
Now you have this latest flop with Bob Woodward.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.840)
Why would Bob Woodward, why would anyone believe anything he says?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.400)
Oh, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.400)
Now I'm here to not necessarily stand up for Bob Woodward, but I am going to say that maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:07:26.519)
Roger Stone is not the best source to call whatever Woodward is being discussed.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.199)
I think there might be a conflict of interest there.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:36.440)
Who would believe this guy?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:38.159)
Who would believe this guy?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.719)
You don't want to talk to a guy who has a Nixon tattoo about whether Woodward...
Unknown Speaker (01:07:44.639)
About Bob Woodward?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:45.639)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:46.639)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.639)
Why would anybody believe anything that Bob Woodward says?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.480)
It's like interviewing a guy about Upton Sinclair who has a tattoo of a dirty factory on his
Unknown Speaker (01:07:55.639)
back or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.039)
What do you think?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:00.039)
Ah, it's all lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:01.039)
It's all lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.039)
It's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.039)
Come on, they're just trying to take down Goodman.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:11.099)
There's real comedy in the fact that Roger is like, yeah, all right.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:15.960)
Of all people.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:17.359)
Of all people.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:18.359)
He's who Alex has.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:19.359)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.359)
Probably, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:21.359)
I don't know if there is a more partisan pro-Nixon person to talk to.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:27.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:28.800)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:29.800)
I just don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:30.800)
Maybe a family member.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.800)
I don't even know about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.800)
He's a dick to his family.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:33.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.800)
He's a dick, period.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.800)
Yeah, I think Roger is about as good as you're going to get, and it does not come up, this
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.920)
weird conflict of interest about Watergate, but oh well.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.239)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.239)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.239)
So Roger yells about how Trump needs to seize all the ballots in Nevada.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.560)
The ballots in Nevada on election night should be seized by federal marshals and taken from
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.920)
the state.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.079)
They are completely corrupted.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.279)
No vote should be counted from the state of Nevada if that turns out to be the provable
Unknown Speaker (01:09:07.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.239)
We can prove voter fraud in the absentee right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:12.399)
So if this is proven, then we should seize all the ballots, and we can prove it, too,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:17.039)
so that means that Trump should go ahead and seize all the ballots.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.039)
You might as well just seize them right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.039)
Have they ever noticed that when they condemn other countries for doing stuff that's anti-democratic,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:29.119)
that they're saying that we should do that?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.000)
Anti-democratic stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.000)
Well, I mean, you can even take it less abstract than that.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:37.800)
Alex is about to get engaged in what could be a very difficult election process, and
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.359)
covering it, and it might go to the courts, the courts might get involved, and he's doing
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.319)
that with the assistance and the expertise of Roger Stone, who was involved in the Brooks
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.880)
Brothers situation, and the stopping of the recount in Florida in 2000 that led to and
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.560)
precipitated Bush being named president, which Alex thinks is an illegal carrying out of
Unknown Speaker (01:10:11.199)
a stealing of an election that Roger Stone was directly involved in.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.680)
Well, he helped steal it.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.079)
So now Alex's guy is not only coming on to talk about Woodward and not citing his biases.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:26.079)
And how other people are stealing elections.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:28.100)
He's also going to be making rationalizations and probably engaging in similar behaviors
Unknown Speaker (01:10:33.800)
as he did in the 2000 election.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.239)
And Alex back then would have said it was stealing an election, and now it's just good
Unknown Speaker (01:10:41.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.079)
Now, here's the problem with Roger and Alex and all of this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.800)
It's how they're framing things.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:49.520)
And we've seen this with Alex constantly, and I think that Roger does it a little more
Unknown Speaker (01:10:55.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.760)
We need to have an honest election in which the real winner takes office.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.600)
The real winner will not be Joe Biden.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:08.439)
That's unimpeachable.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:09.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.439)
Unimpeachable logic.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:11.979)
I want a fair election where the rightful winner wins and the rival winner cannot be
Unknown Speaker (01:11:16.840)
Joe Biden in a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:18.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:19.560)
By definition, he cannot win a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.680)
Therefore, any election where Joe Biden wins is not a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:26.279)
Trump is the only possible winner, therefore...
Unknown Speaker (01:11:29.560)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.760)
Everyone knows that in every fair election there is a foregone winner, and the election
Unknown Speaker (01:11:35.039)
itself is pointless.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:36.159)
This is such a normal point on Alex's show at this point that if you're listening to
Unknown Speaker (01:11:41.640)
it, you've just probably absorbed it as fact.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:44.760)
There's no possible chance that Biden could win in any fair scenario.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:49.640)
It's dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.640)
It's a fucked up thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:51.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:52.640)
Well, Roger has to go, and Alex needs another guest.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.800)
Needs another marquee guest.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.600)
And when it's time to talk about potential coups...
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.000)
We got one man.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.000)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:06.000)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.000)
Steve Pachanik...
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:09.000) in the mix.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:10.000)
Alex wants to talk about how dangerous it is that Mattis is trying to plan this coup,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.579)
and here's Steve's response.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:17.159)
An attempted coup is really not a very serious problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:21.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:23.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.880)
I gotta give it up to Steve again!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:29.159)
I gotta give it up one more time!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.319)
The man takes big swings!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.319)
You really expected him to come in and be like, Alex, this is horrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:37.479)
We've gotta root everyone out.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:39.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:40.600)
Tried to have a coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.600)
What are you gonna do?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.600)
Honestly, I think he's called for coups so many times now he probably doesn't think it's
Unknown Speaker (01:12:45.819)
that big of a deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:46.840)
He calls for a coup every other week!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:49.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:50.680)
He's, uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:12:51.680)
He's gonna kick Trump out of office.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.000)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.000)
No big deal!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:57.000)
Hey, listen, I've got some succeeded coups, I've had some failed coups, it's not that
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.819)
big a deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:03.819)
So, uh, Steve, what he believes is that the problem that we see here is that, uh, yeah,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:09.920)
our military, it's just, it's not gonna work.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:12.439)
It just doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.439)
It just doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:14.439)
The military.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:15.439)
It doesn't work!
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.439)
Oh, dammit.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:17.439)
What's happened is our military is not viable.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:19.500)
We got 2.2 million men in uniform.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:23.939)
There's no value to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.039)
Trump understands that Trump took us out of Syria, he took us out of Iraq, Afghanistan.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:31.600)
Why did he do that?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:32.880)
For number one, he is very smart.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:35.119)
He knows we do not win wars, they're not effective, we do not make money, and the bottom line
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.159)
is that we have a far more serious problem in terms of the economy and in terms of getting
Unknown Speaker (01:13:48.060)
our growth back in Africa.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:49.560)
I was about to say, for people that were actually there, they said Woodward and others are lying.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:53.880)
So now Woodward is lying about Mattis' attempted coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:57.800)
Oh my god.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:58.800)
Yeah, this is, this is confusing.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:00.600)
This is, this is unfortunate.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.600)
This is what happens when the truth is just so obvious that it's like, I, they can't admit
Unknown Speaker (01:14:08.859)
that they were stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:10.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:11.199)
Or that Trump is stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:12.199)
For any reason.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:13.199)
Or that Trump is an idiot.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:16.199)
And that talking to Woodward is fucking stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:17.199)
It shouldn't have done that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:18.199)
It's incredibly stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:19.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.199)
And, and so it has to be even more outlandish.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.680)
Right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.680)
Like, we can only accelerate.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:25.880)
That's what I'm saying with Woodward.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:27.399)
We can only accelerate from here.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:29.439)
His, what he did is meaningless now.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:31.800)
He destroyed the meaning of his own work.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:35.399)
But, and I'm not, I'm not disagreeing with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.840)
I know, I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.840)
I'm sorry, I'm just angry about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:39.840)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:40.840)
I understand, and you have every right to be.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:41.840)
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would also say that maybe he wouldn't know that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:49.640)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:50.880)
That's possible.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.880)
Maybe in a more sensible time, this would have been completely destructive.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.239)
This would have been a bombshell that would have, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:00.199)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:01.399)
That's possible.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:02.399)
I mean, he probably thought it only took him forever to take down Nixon too.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:05.920)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:06.960)
Fuck him.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:07.960)
I have no sympathy.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:08.960)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.079)
So Steve has to wrestle with this, this question that is, if this guy that we love is so smart,
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.920)
why would he do something so stupid as to talk to Woodward?
Unknown Speaker (01:15:23.039)
That's a great question.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.039)
Now granted, we're not going to talk about what he said, but Steve is asking questions
Unknown Speaker (01:15:30.359)
that really answer themselves.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:32.199)
Why would Trump allow Bob Woodward to have 18 interviews with him when Trump knew very
Unknown Speaker (01:15:40.439)
well from Woodward's history that he's going to get a hit piece, it's going to be a disaster
Unknown Speaker (01:15:46.399)
about him, and there's no upside.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:49.279)
Yet he spent a whole hours in the beginning at the White House and then every night for
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.640)
18 nights he would call Woodward.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:58.279)
Now why would a man who's so smart do that?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.960)
Yeah, ask yourself that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:03.800)
Do you know what it is exactly?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.920)
It is when a serial killer will go talk to the cops while they're investigating the crime
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.800)
he committed.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:13.939)
That's 100% what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.680)
It is narcissism.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.680)
Some derivation of that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:17.680)
Look at how I can get away with everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:19.960)
It's totally that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.960)
I mean, granted, we're making an assumption, but boy does it feel like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:27.119)
It sure looks exactly like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.720)
So apparently, Steve, I should have known this, apparently him and Bob Woodward go way
Unknown Speaker (01:16:36.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.079)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:38.079)
I don't have to know Woodward.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:39.079)
I thought he was a phony to begin with.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:41.560)
He and I started at a newspaper called the Montgomery County Sentinel.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:46.279)
He never had any journalism behind him.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:49.039)
He's a CIA operative.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.600)
I've known all about him for years.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:52.680)
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.479)
What did he just say?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:55.479)
He started at a-
Unknown Speaker (01:16:56.479)
He started together at the what?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:58.079)
Montgomery Journal Sentinel.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.479)
Wait, wait, wait, Steve Pacenik works for the Montgomery Journal Sentinel?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:04.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.560)
What just happened here?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:06.760)
Steve's done everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.760)
What just happened here?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:09.479)
Steve's done everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:10.479)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.479)
So in this next clip-
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.720)
I knew a young Martin Luther King Jr. as he was growing up in Alabama.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:19.520)
He was deep throat.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.520)
Yeah, he was.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.520)
So now Steve gets to answering the question of like, if Trump is so smart, why would he
Unknown Speaker (01:17:27.539)
do this?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.720)
Because he's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:29.720)
Well, I would say that Steve's describing a real asshole here and someone who I definitely
Unknown Speaker (01:17:35.079)
don't want to be president.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:36.760)
Why did Trump do it?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:37.760)
So he'd know what his enemies were up to?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:40.239)
That's one thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:41.239)
But Trump, like yourself and possibly like me, we like the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:46.800)
The game to us is far more important than anything anyone else can see.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.439)
Now what do I mean?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.439)
Good question.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.439)
Look how many books came out now about him negatively, Mary Trump says that he is a terrible
Unknown Speaker (01:18:01.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:02.920)
His sister says he's worse than terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:05.760)
Michael Cohen, his Jewish corrupt lawyer says he's corrupt.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:08.960)
What did that just do?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.960)
And then you have other books coming out says that he's a disaster, John Bolton.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.420)
Why does he do that?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:16.479)
One word only.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.180)
It's called Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:20.119)
You can knock it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:21.300)
You can praise it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.380)
He doesn't give a damn either way as long as you use the word T-R-U-M-P and every one
Unknown Speaker (01:18:29.939)
of these people who goes negatively against them, including the stupid publishers, are
Unknown Speaker (01:18:35.720)
doing nothing more than to help Trump self aggrandize because he understood something
Unknown Speaker (01:18:41.060)
a long time ago that you and I understood every knock is a boost.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.760)
That's really, really bad for a leader to think that way.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:51.800)
Because think about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:52.800)
If you just allow that sort of reasoning to go to its logical extent, how much bad press
Unknown Speaker (01:18:59.199)
would he get from nuking somebody?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:01.720)
How much bad press would he get from doing terrible things?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:06.479)
Probably a ton.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.479)
Who cares if it's bad press?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.800)
They're talking about me.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:10.239)
That is a really, really cancerous mentality for someone with actual power to have.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.039)
Alex, do you know why he's doing this?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:18.520)
Because he's a narcissistic psychopath, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:22.039)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:23.039)
It's something that you and I understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.039)
That's what we want to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.039)
It's all about the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.039)
It's not about the hundreds of thousands of people that are dead that he personally killed.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:29.960)
We understand this because that's how we make money.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.159)
It's the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:33.159)
It's the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:34.159)
Look, you're in the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.359)
It's like Omar.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:36.359)
All right, man?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:37.380)
It's like Omar.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.380)
It's like Petey Barnum said, just get my name right and Trump understands that that gives
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.000)
him the name recognition and then there's also so much disinfo that none of it matters
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.220)
and the more he survives disinfo, the more he almost becomes invincible to anything they
Unknown Speaker (01:19:53.779)
might have that's real.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:55.640)
You got it and that's true of Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:59.840)
You guys accidentally kind of got it right if you just remove this.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:04.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:06.479)
I mean, that also kind of is an admission that there is a lot of real stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:14.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:15.319)
That he's getting away with because of these presumptive fake things.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:18.239)
And that's not good.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.960)
Yeah, that's unfortunately kind of stunningly insightful and yet at the same time wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:24.680)
And I don't know why Alex would want Trump to be invincible.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:29.960)
I don't think... That's scary.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:32.479)
You want your elected leaders to have and face no consequences for their actions, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:37.439)
Even when there's real things that they're doing that are really bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.079)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:41.079)
That's what you want.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.079)
I will say a lot of this episode has to do with Alex saying that the Chinese government
Unknown Speaker (01:20:47.039)
is hacking his websites and I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:51.039)
I don't care if he was actually having some kind of a DDoS attack or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:55.399)
It's possible that... But I don't believe it was the Chinese government or anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:59.800)
I don't think that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.800)
He spends a lot of time on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:01.800)
Of course he does.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.800)
And I just didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:03.800)
It was actually a scalar attack.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:04.800)
Could have been Steve.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:05.800)
Who knows?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.800)
Anyway, Roger was on and he was saying that he wants a fair election and the only possible
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.340)
fair election result is Trump winning.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:15.000)
I believe his position is more... I don't want a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:19.279)
I want Trump to take over.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:20.279)
And I will commit crimes in order to make sure that happens.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:23.520)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:24.520)
Let me put this again.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.520)
I've stated a couple of years ago on your show that the Clintons would never come back.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.039)
And I said that there was a coup at the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:34.640)
Let me put it again.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.760)
If there's any attempt by the Democrats to come in legally or illegally, I can assure
Unknown Speaker (01:21:42.720)
you and your audience that's not going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.720)
I'm not going to pronounce what I have to say because I'll have the FBI right at my
Unknown Speaker (01:21:50.319)
door as I had last time when I criticized Obama.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:54.359)
But the bottom line is that there are many ways to make sure that the Democrats don't
Unknown Speaker (01:21:59.800)
come to power.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.239)
The legal way and there are other ways.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.119)
Trump understands pretty much what has to be done.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:07.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:08.479)
That is like-
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.479)
I mean, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.840)
I guess that's fascism for you.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:18.279)
I mean, you're openly talking on this radio supposedly news program-
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.680)
I think we should overthrow the country if I don't get what I want.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:28.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:29.079)
Roger Stone is creating a scenario wherein only Trump winning is a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:33.359)
Everything else is by definition not fair and a fraudulent election.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.239)
Steve is saying that we have illegal means that we are going to use to make sure the
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.399)
Democrats can't ever come into power.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:44.680)
You're like, all right guys, can you please just stop fucking pretending?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:48.560)
Just say you're fascist and you want to make Trump king.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.960)
Fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.960)
Just cut it out.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:53.960)
I'm bored.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:54.960)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:55.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:56.960)
Stop trying to- and you're not even dancing around it at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.880)
And it becomes so overt when Steve is on.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:02.119)
The way-
Unknown Speaker (01:23:03.119)
He's just a straight up fascist.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.119)
Fuck due process.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:05.119)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:06.119)
I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:07.119)
I don't want- I don't even want a fair election.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:09.159)
If Trump loses-
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.159)
This country America is not about freedom.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:12.479)
It's about business.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:13.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.479)
We are a business.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.479)
Like, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:16.479)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:17.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.479)
Alex, you should hate this guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:19.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:20.479)
So I think the coronavirus, COVID-19 and the challenges that we've all been faced with
Unknown Speaker (01:23:24.159)
have taught us some lessons, I think.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:28.039)
Some of us.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:29.039)
Personally, I think I've learned a lot about the different struggles that people go through.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:35.319)
The various things that you don't consider because maybe it's not exactly your experience
Unknown Speaker (01:23:40.600)
of the world that other people have.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:42.880)
Like people who are immunocompromised or have other conditions that put them at higher risk.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:49.600)
The fear and the danger, the interactions that you might be comfortable with to them
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.539)
is a completely different- it expands my horizon and my awareness a little in ways that I definitely
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.800)
wish I was more aware of before, but I'm glad I know now.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.000)
Secondly, it's also made me more aware of how much opportunity there is to help people.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:10.199)
You know, there's a lot of things that you can do, even if you feel like there's nothing
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.520)
you can do.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.520)
And I appreciate those things a great deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:18.859)
It's also taught me that maybe my lifestyle prior to it was a little bit isolated and
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.119)
confining and maybe once things open up a little more, I should make a greater effort
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.880)
to not live as if I was in quarantine.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.000)
When there's not a virus.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:37.000)
There is that.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.000)
So there's some lessons, you know, and I would say Steve has a different lesson.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.439)
The reality is coronavirus hit on a very interesting dynamic and that was, do we need cities and
Unknown Speaker (01:24:51.199)
do we need cities that were really in effect-
Unknown Speaker (01:24:54.800)
Well, obviously the cities are obsolete and corrupt and a big problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:58.399)
Fuck cities.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.239)
I don't know what organizational system he's advocating, but-
Unknown Speaker (01:25:05.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.520)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.520)
I don't even know.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:08.520)
A castle's still kind of a city.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:09.520)
Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:11.239)
I don't know what kind of functional organizational structure he's looking for.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.960)
I sure as fuck don't want to find out.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.760)
It's fucking, it's going to be something weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:19.699)
It's not going to be good for me, personally.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:22.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:23.920)
You and I and everyone we've ever met will be fucked.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:27.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:30.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:31.039)
I'm going to talk to Steve about something really important because this is September
Unknown Speaker (01:25:34.640)
10th and the next day is 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:37.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:38.119)
In the time we have left, I'm going to hit a little bit of 9-11, Dr. Machenig, he's welcome
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.960)
back tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:41.960)
We want you to get into 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:42.960)
It's important to talk about what happened there and what went on.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.399)
Now that we've moved on past that group, I don't talk about it a lot because I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:25:48.079)
want to demoralize people, but we've covered it at nauseum.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.560)
It's important to remember what happened so it doesn't happen again and to know that Trump
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.920)
called in the day after it happened and said, yeah, they had bombs, the buildings, they
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.479)
blew it up.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:57.479)
I mean, he can see what happens.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.479)
He's a good guy at the end of the day.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:59.560)
We're blessed to have him.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.619)
He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize that would bring credit back to that prize, it's become
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.079)
a joke.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:05.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:06.079)
That went some directions.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:07.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.079)
I mean, when Obama got the peace prize, it became a joke.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:12.239)
That's Alex's point.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:13.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:14.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:15.239)
I would say that we've dealt with the group that did, like, I thought it was the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:23.239)
I thought everything was the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:24.479)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.479)
We got the group.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:26.479)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:27.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:28.479)
Let's not explore that at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:30.079)
Do not worry about those pages that were redacted.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:33.199)
Don't worry about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:34.479)
They do run out of time to talk about 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.039)
Oh, do they?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:38.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:39.039)
It seemed like Alex was very specifically avoiding the fact that he still thinks Bush
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.079)
did it.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:43.079)
I don't...
Unknown Speaker (01:26:44.079)
Or does he not still think Bush did it?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:45.720)
I don't know what he thinks, quite honestly.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:47.319)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:48.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:49.319)
I have no idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:50.319)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:51.319)
So they run out of time and they decide that they'll reconvene tomorrow on 9-11 to talk
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.960)
about 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:56.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:57.960)
Are they going to talk about what Trump said about how tall his building was?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:01.439)
No, probably not.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.439)
I don't think they will.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:03.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:04.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:05.439)
This made me laugh.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:06.439)
This was pretty funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:07.439)
Because Alex, much like at the beginning of Steve's interview, and they're trying to talk
Unknown Speaker (01:27:11.119)
about Mattis and this coup, and Steve's like, fuck a coup, who gives a shit?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:15.239)
No big deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.680)
Alex is really making a meal out of, like, how scary China is and how, oh no, China.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:21.840)
Let me put the China issue in context.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:24.880)
Number one, we've confronted China in the South China Sea.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:28.279)
I wrote about that years ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:29.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.760)
You said it was coming in your book.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:31.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.760)
In PAC-specifica.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:33.760)
I'm not worried about China right now because China has a bigger problem in the United States
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.920)
and that is Trump's personal friend Modi of India.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:44.840)
Because Modi of India will not tolerate Xi's incursions into the Himalayas.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:49.840)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:50.840)
We put them in check with Modi.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:52.840)
No, I agree economically.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:53.840)
You guys installed Modi?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:55.520)
What about the left's hatred of themselves in the country?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:57.680)
That's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:58.680)
I've got to move along to that.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:59.680)
We're going to pivot over to another conversation because Steve just kind of deflated all of
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.520)
your fears about China.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:05.600)
A little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.600)
Apparently they're in checkmate because of Modi.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:08.359)
See, here's the trick.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:10.439)
China's not worried about our fascist dictator.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:13.359)
They're worried about India's fascist dictator.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:16.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.119)
So now Steve has diffused Alex's talking point about Mattis running a coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:23.520)
But he's also diffused Alex's, I mean.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.159)
China's the most terrifying thing in the world thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:27.920)
I mean, that's Alex's almost entire reason to exist now.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.000)
You don't even need to worry about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:32.560)
No, because Modi.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:33.560)
Ah, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:34.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:35.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:36.560)
Pachannik is a great one-off interview because everything that he says is reset at the, he's
Unknown Speaker (01:28:40.880)
like the sitcom where at the end of the sitcom we always get back to where we started.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.239)
He's the balloon popper.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:47.479)
Alex just brings him in.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:48.479)
He's like, fuck your balloons.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:49.479)
Fuck your balloons.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.479)
I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:51.479)
You spend a while inflating that thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.600)
Don't give up, buck.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:56.159)
And then he leaves and Alex is just back to normal.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:00.399)
You are right about the sitcom thing, but he just wrecks shop.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:05.600)
It's like C-Lab 2021.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:07.420)
Every episode the C-Lab explodes at the end and then the next one you're just like, everything's
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.159)
Let's just move on.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.159)
And this last clip is another example of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:15.399)
Alex keeps talking about how they're going to try and keep Trump out of office and they're
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.560)
going to have all these machinations.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:21.560)
He's like, what do we do, Steve?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.560)
In the few minutes we have left, what do you predict their do sex or their ace in the hole
Unknown Speaker (01:29:27.720)
could be?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:28.720)
A false flag?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:29.720)
I mean, I don't want to be overconfident.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:31.239)
What could this corrupt establishment do to make sure Trump doesn't get in?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:34.199)
They're not going to do anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.079)
What's their deus ex going to be?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:51.600)
Is it going to have a false flag?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:52.600)
What are they going to do?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:53.600)
Going to set off a nuke, blow up a power plant, throw antifa at everybody.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.600)
They're not going to do shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.600)
Balloon popped.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:01.239)
Yeah, that's very good.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:04.680)
So I mean, as we come to the end of this stretch of time, like, I mean, we see this continuing
Unknown Speaker (01:30:10.960)
of Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:11.960)
I'm not going to take the bait, but Alex is talking about his financial troubles.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:15.760)
That's consistent.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:16.880)
The aggressive ad pitches, certainly getting more and more of those and more entertaining
Unknown Speaker (01:30:25.319)
versions that I appreciate.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:26.760)
Turns out Stone doesn't like Bob Woodward.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.600)
What a shock.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:29.600)
For some reason, he just doesn't like him.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:31.199)
He thinks he's a liar.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:32.399)
No real talk about some of the issues that are the most important to a lot of people
Unknown Speaker (01:30:36.699)
like the fires and the West Coast.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.439)
No real conversation about the tapes that Woodward released.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:43.920)
Ooh, they're all lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:44.920)
You don't even need to talk about them, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:47.000)
Definitely don't play them.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:49.000)
So Alex then builds up his whole thing of his version of the Woodward story based on
Unknown Speaker (01:30:53.520)
a Zero Hedge article.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:55.439)
Has Roger Stone come in and just say Woodward's an asshole?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:00.359)
And then Steve deflates all of his narratives.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:03.439)
It's just weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.439)
It's very weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:05.439)
You get stuck in my craw, but it's deus ex, not deus ex.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:11.479)
It's just deus ex.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:14.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:15.479)
It's frustrating.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:16.479)
Where were you?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:17.479)
I mean, we were texting earlier when I was telling you we might have to record a little
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.239)
bit late because I've got to get as current of an episode as possible.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:24.840)
I want to see what the Woodward fallout is.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:27.439)
And your text was, it's going to be disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:29.119)
And I was like, yeah, probably.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:31.000)
And it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:32.000)
It is a little disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:33.000)
Except for the fact that, you know, we got this Woodward story, I'm calling in Roger
Unknown Speaker (01:31:36.880)
and Steve.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.880)
It's like, all right.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:39.439)
I do.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:40.439)
That's good.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:41.439)
I do love a pajonic appearance.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.439)
I do.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:43.439)
He's the Carrie Cassidy of this show.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:44.520)
When he's grumpy or when he's just like, oh, fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:48.680)
Then he's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:49.680)
But when he's a little sleepy or just not trying, then it's just, it's so boring.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:55.399)
And the inserted unnecessary racism is always an issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:59.079)
Holy shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:01.079)
Points out everybody who's Jewish.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:02.079)
Jesus, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.079)
This is, that's just too much.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:06.199)
That's just too much.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:07.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:08.199)
Calm it down.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.199)
I feel like.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:10.199)
Even for us on Info Wars.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:11.199)
I feel like we probably should have maybe discussed that.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:15.239)
But the reason that I don't generally is because we talk about it a bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.399)
Every time he's on.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.399)
Steve does it all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:20.399)
Every time he's on, it's a casual.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:21.399)
But I'm glad that you called it out.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.800)
It's like he can't stop himself from being the most racist person that you can think
Unknown Speaker (01:32:28.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:29.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.119)
It's awful.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.119)
So to get this taste out of our mouth, let's take some calls.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:32.920)
That sounds great.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:33.920)
Hey, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.920)
Hey, Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.920)
This is Policy Monk Charlotte from Washington, DC, and I wanted to float an idea past you
Unknown Speaker (01:32:40.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:41.560)
I have a theory that this could prove to add just a little bit more lighter fluid to the
Unknown Speaker (01:32:47.199)
tire fire that is 2020, but do we know anybody in Joe Biden's camp so that we can add a pillar
Unknown Speaker (01:32:54.840)
to his platform, which would argue that, as president, he will force Twitter and Facebook
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.119)
to reinstate Alex Jones?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:05.720)
Something to think about.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:07.279)
Anyway, thanks, boys.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.279)
Really appreciate the podcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:09.279)
Y'all take care.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.279)
I think that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:12.359)
That's a heel turn.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:13.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:14.359)
Well, I would love to see this.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:16.800)
Here's why.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:17.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:18.800)
Presidents don't have to follow through on their promises.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:20.520)
That's 100% true.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:21.520)
In fact, I would argue most of them never do.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:24.039)
So Biden could fleece Alex by insisting that he was going to get him back on Twitter just
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.560)
to see if that would make Alex work.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:30.800)
I wonder.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:31.800)
Would it work?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:32.800)
That would be a good question.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:33.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:34.800)
I could see him softening a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:36.800)
You think so?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.800)
Alex maybe?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:38.800)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:39.800)
We'll see.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:40.800)
That's what you do to broaden up your base.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:41.800)
I know you invite Alex back on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:43.800)
You don't need to follow through with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:45.640)
You don't even have to have any intention of doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.359)
Just say that it's a big part of your plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:50.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:51.439)
Hi, Dan and Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:52.439)
This is Matt in Washington.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:53.439)
I just wanted to call to say you've helped me process losing my parents to Trump, and
Unknown Speaker (01:33:57.880)
it means a lot to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:59.479)
I'm also sure I'm not the only listener with this issue, so shout out to everybody going
Unknown Speaker (01:34:02.880)
through this.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:03.880)
My parents used to be run-of-the-mill conservative Christians, but 2016 opened them to the wide
Unknown Speaker (01:34:09.119)
world of conspiracy theory, which completely pushed me away from them.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:13.800)
I found your show through Robert Evans, and both his shows and yours have helped me to
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.239)
understand what the hell my parents are caught up in.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:21.439)
At first I thought I could use your show to help them somehow, but I now appreciate that
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.319)
not many people let their kids change their minds.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.359)
The work you do is so, so important, though, and I hope we see more shows like yours in
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.840)
the future that deconstruct conspiracy narratives.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:35.640)
So thank you guys so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.060)
You are both awesome, and your ice cubes are very juicy.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:41.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.319)
I'm uncomfortable with how positive that call is and how complimentary it is, but I wanted
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.000)
to play it because there's a lot of people who are probably in similar situations and
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.079)
fuck I am.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:53.079)
And, you know, I wanted to extend our thoughts.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:58.600)
Condolences, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:59.600)
Yeah, and people who are listening who might, you know, be able to empathize with what the
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.439)
caller was saying, you know.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:08.079)
We can all absolutely commiserate with, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:11.399)
You're not alone out there, people.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:13.600)
So next.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:14.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:15.600)
I wanted to say that I love the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:21.119)
Also, I just wanted to take a moment to say hello to Selene.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:26.600)
I hope that she's having a good time.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:29.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:30.079)
This is Gabby, by the way.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:31.720)
Hey, Gabby.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.720)
Not enough people giving Selene a shout out, so.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.720)
It was nice to hear that she was thinking of Selene.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:37.399)
That's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:38.399)
Now's as good a time as any for a Selene update.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.920)
Oh, that's a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:40.920)
I have murdered my cat.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.279)
You murdered her?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:43.279)
No, I didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:44.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:45.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.279)
That'd be a weird way to admit to it.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:49.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:50.000)
I've murdered her with love.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:51.000)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:52.159)
Well, have I got a doozy for you?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.319)
No, I'm just a little bit, you know, as I've gotten more into this home gardening thing,
Unknown Speaker (01:36:01.640)
it's tough to balance.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:03.199)
Do you think you've been neglecting her a little bit?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:05.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:06.600)
I've been paying her a good amount of attention.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:07.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:08.600)
But it's hard to balance having a cat in the home and also pots of clams around.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:12.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.960)
So I've had to make sure that, like, because if you look over there, my greens just stamped
Unknown Speaker (01:36:19.159)
all over them.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:20.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.159)
Yeah, I see that now.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.159)
Basically what I've had to do is I've had to try and find a way to, most of the plants
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.640)
are here in the office, and so basically I just can't have her in the office when I'm
Unknown Speaker (01:36:30.859)
not in here.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:31.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:32.859)
And it's not a perfect system because obviously she can still, if I'm not paying attention-
Unknown Speaker (01:36:36.239)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:37.239)
She can still get up there.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:38.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:39.239)
She ate two of my plants.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:40.239)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:41.239)
And a couple of times I've just gone to the bathroom and I've come back and she's knocked
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.640)
over a pot from the side and then just is looking at me like, what?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:49.119)
She's a cat.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.119)
She's a cat.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:51.119)
She's doing cat shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:52.119)
Yeah, I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:53.119)
It's not her fault.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.119)
I know she's not being malicious, but like-
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.119)
No, she is.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.119)
That's cat shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:57.119)
Cats are malicious.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:58.119)
It's tough to balance, but from what I can tell, she's having fun doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.920)
So in terms of Gabby's question, she's doing good and having fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:05.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:06.600)
Once again, cats have fun by torturing you.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:08.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:09.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:10.399)
Hey, guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:11.399)
This is Scott in Austin, Texas, and I heard your broadcast the other day about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.079)
and his protest at Barton Springs where he claimed he had 200 people protesting.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:22.840)
I actually work in Barton Springs and got down to see the protest about an hour or so
Unknown Speaker (01:37:31.479)
after it started.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:33.760)
Did not see 200 of his followers.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:38.239)
Maybe 40 or 50, there were about 200 people at the Springs, but they were already there
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.199)
of their own volition, but of course, he likes to claim false numbers.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.640)
And also happy ending, some citizen called the cops on them because they were harassing
Unknown Speaker (01:38:00.439)
people with megaphones.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:04.380)
And shortly after that, he got really quiet.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.039)
Love the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:08.800)
Keep up the good work.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:10.800)
This is fake news.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:12.800)
Fake news.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:13.800)
I had nothing but a great time at Barton Springs, we had a food truck, everything was great.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:23.239)
Dan's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:24.239)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:25.239)
Well, I don't know, I appreciate the firsthand report there from Barton Springs.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:31.560)
Of course he added other people who were just hanging out.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:34.640)
Into the totals.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:35.640)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.640)
I'm sure that it was a globalist who said that Alex was harassing, because you can't
Unknown Speaker (01:38:40.720)
harass somebody with a little baby bullhorn.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:43.319)
You cannot, it's against the reality, it's not possible.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:47.760)
Although I have been trying to use tyranny slapper to annoy Celine, and it has not been
Unknown Speaker (01:38:52.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:53.600)
She is unfazed by the baby bullhorn.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:54.840)
Of course she is.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:55.840)
Yeah, oh well.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:56.840)
Even she finds it hilarious.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:57.840)
Hey tech guys, globalist Amy here.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:58.840)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:59.840)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.840)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:01.840)
Seeing a new episode drop is often one of my bright spots of the day, so I really appreciate
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.960)
and thank you so much for keeping me laughing and all of us laughing during these super,
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.920)
super shit times.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:17.039)
I also really wanted to add my voice to the Australian contingent and say it's pronounced
Unknown Speaker (01:39:22.560)
quokka, but what I really wanted to ask is, I'm getting my cat Pluto a new kitty friend,
Unknown Speaker (01:39:32.920)
we're adopting a new cat, and I would really love your suggestions on what their name should
Unknown Speaker (01:39:38.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:39.399)
Thank you so much again, stay safe, and again, quokka.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:46.079)
Thanks guys, bye.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:47.079)
I'm at war with Australia.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:49.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.079)
I'm just, it's just over for us, we've just lost, we've just lost.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:54.479)
Also I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize because on our last episode I believe
Unknown Speaker (01:39:58.800)
I referred to Australia as an island, and I don't think that they're going-
Unknown Speaker (01:40:02.920)
Technically, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:03.920)
If we're getting this kind of blowback for quokka, I don't think anyone's gonna take
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.199)
kindly to that, so before we get a flood of Australian calls, I apologize for-
Unknown Speaker (01:40:15.880)
It's like Pluto, Australia's been downgraded from continent to island.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:20.640)
I am whole-hearted in my apology.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:25.079)
I don't know, that's fun, cat name, I mean obviously-
Unknown Speaker (01:40:28.159)
Duncan Idaho, my friend, Dune's coming, Dune's around the corner.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:33.199)
All right, Duncan Idaho.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:34.199)
Duncan Idaho.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:35.920)
I would say Darryl Rundus.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.760)
Darryl Rundus is a good one too.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:40.199)
It's not a good cat name.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:41.199)
It's not a good cat name, but you can live with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.479)
Yeah, I don't know, I was trying to think of funny Infowars names, and yeah, Darryl
Unknown Speaker (01:40:52.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:53.720)
Darryl Rundus is gonna stick with- Leo's a gommie.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.760)
I could see Leo Cat Gommie.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.000)
Leo Cat Gommie?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:59.000)
Leo Cat Gommie.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:00.000)
No, that doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:01.000)
No, that's not- Yeah, but you could just call it Leo.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:03.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:04.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:05.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:06.800)
Who else?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.800)
Ooh, just go with feline Contessa, or- That's not a name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:12.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:13.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.920)
I don't know why I'm doing portmanteaus with cat in the name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.199)
Yeah, I don't either.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:18.199)
Like, you're not gonna name your cat, cat something.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:20.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:21.159)
Rob Meow?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.159)
That doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:23.159)
No, that's a bad pun.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.960)
If I got another cat, I might name it- Rob Mew.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:29.439)
I might name it Buckley.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:32.199)
That's actually a pretty good cat name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.600)
Yeah, Buckley is a pretty fun name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:34.840)
Buckley is a fun name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:35.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:36.840)
I like a good Buckley.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:37.840)
I don't like a bad Buckley.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:38.840)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:39.840)
I don't know if I have any good ideas, but I wish you the best in your new pet friend
Unknown Speaker (01:41:43.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:44.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:45.899)
And the naming thereof.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:47.899)
Hey, is this the tap, guys?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.899)
Dame Jordan, huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:49.899)
Uli down here in Springfield, Missouri, just wanted to say thank you so much for calling
Unknown Speaker (01:41:56.159)
out Springfield.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:57.159)
I'm a transplant.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.359)
There are good people, even in these weird bastions of conservative ethics, we could
Unknown Speaker (01:42:05.199)
call it.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:06.199)
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the show that you do.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:08.279)
I have flagged severely on my own podcast because I'm too busy catching all of your
Unknown Speaker (01:42:13.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:15.039)
And if you ever come down to Springfield, Missouri, you know you got a place to have
Unknown Speaker (01:42:19.399)
some beers at our brewery, 4x4 Brewing, and we'll catch you later.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:23.800)
Thanks a lot, guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.039)
You're awesome.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:26.039)
Shout out to these shit-on cities in the all over, all the places that people look down
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:32.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:33.000)
Shout out.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.000)
And shout out to 4x4 Brewing.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.000)
They're not sponsored, but give them a look.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:38.439)
It's a wonk brewery.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:40.039)
Yeah, I'm definitely going to a wonk brewery if I'm in Springfield.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:43.439)
When were you ever going to be in Springfield?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:44.899)
You never know.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:45.899)
I was in Springfield.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:46.899)
Maybe we'll have to escape from cities because they're obsolete now.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.279)
Well, Springfield's still a city.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:52.279)
Not a Chicago city.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.279)
It's a township.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:54.279)
Come on now.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:55.279)
I was in Springfield maybe five years ago, I think, probably.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:00.359)
How was it?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:01.359)
It was fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.359)
I went to a show with friends Dan Sheehan and Tyler Snodgrass.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:06.399)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:07.399)
Great guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.399)
Yeah, I went down to...
Unknown Speaker (01:43:09.399)
I don't remember the name of the place.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:12.239)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:13.239)
Yakov Smirnoff showed up.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:15.239)
Yakov showed up?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:16.239)
Yeah, Yakov.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:17.239)
You got a little Yakov?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.239)
He and Tyler Snodgrass are friends, and so Yakov Smirnoff showed up, and I did not say
Unknown Speaker (01:43:22.079)
hi to him.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:23.079)
Oh, come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.079)
I just...
Unknown Speaker (01:43:25.079)
He was being...
Unknown Speaker (01:43:26.079)
I think I told this...
Unknown Speaker (01:43:27.079)
In our country, we say hi to you, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.079)
I've told this story before, I think, but he was being bum-rushed by tons of people.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:32.119)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:33.119)
Who were wanting an autograph and stuff, and I just felt like it would be shitty.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:37.600)
But I gave him a look from across the room, and I think he got it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:40.239)
A little pregnant hello look.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:41.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:42.960)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.960)
Hey, Zach.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:44.960)
Guys, I just have so much stuff I gotta get to that I don't know if I can cover it all
Unknown Speaker (01:43:51.279)
in this phone call, so I'm not gonna get to any of it, but I did wanna say, Jordan, that
Unknown Speaker (01:43:58.199)
you had mentioned recording an audiobook for your book, The Quiet Part Loud, and I was
Unknown Speaker (01:44:05.239)
gonna say I really appreciate the audio format.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:09.359)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.359)
People appreciate the audio format.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:11.960)
I'm working on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:12.960)
I'm working on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:13.960)
It's a process.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.960)
It is very hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:15.960)
It's tough.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:16.960)
It's very hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:17.960)
There are a lot of choices that I didn't realize that I was gonna have to make because of the
Unknown Speaker (01:44:21.199)
way I write dialogue and how it's impossible to kinda keep track of.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:27.079)
It's hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:28.079)
It's very hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:29.159)
But I'm working on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.159)
It's happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:31.159)
It will happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.159)
That's good.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:33.159)
It will.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:34.159)
I promise you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:35.159)
That's good for the people to know.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:37.159)
And for now, they can find your book at
Unknown Speaker (01:44:38.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:39.159)
So, nice little plug in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.159)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:42.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.159)
Hi, Dan and Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.159)
This is Bob Hartle from St. Louis.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:45.159)
I sent you some posters a couple months ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:47.600)
First off, I wanna say, do not accidentally dial 1-800 for cat guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:53.359)
That is not the right number.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.640)
And number two, Dan, you mentioned your brother and the art he does and how proud you are
Unknown Speaker (01:45:00.159)
of him.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.159)
And that reminded me that my brother, who was always an engineer when we were kids,
Unknown Speaker (01:45:05.000)
has gone on to make a political strip called Middle Age Riot.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:11.039)
It's on Instagram and Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:14.439)
And I think you would really enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:15.800)
I'm really proud of the work he's done on that.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.680)
I also wanted to thank you for the shoutout earlier in the summer.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:21.520)
It's been a rough summer and that really helped make it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.159)
Keep up the good work.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.039)
Talk to you later.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:27.039)
Or not.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:28.039)
Thank you, Bob.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:29.039)
Thanks, Bob.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:30.039)
If you notice, look around.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:31.039)
I've got a couple of the prints up on the wall here in the studio.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:36.279)
Pretty cool.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:37.279)
Yep, very good.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:38.279)
I went and checked out this Middle Age Riot, some fun jokes there.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:40.880)
Good jokes?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:41.880)
I didn't have time to look through a whole ton of it, but yeah, it looks really awesome.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:46.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:47.319)
I'll check it out.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.319)
Everybody's getting free rides today.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:49.720)
It does seem like we're not sponsored, but it seems like we're doing a lot of sponsored
Unknown Speaker (01:45:55.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.920)
I don't actually mind that so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:58.800)
The idea that people call in and say some cool project or something that maybe people
Unknown Speaker (01:46:06.479)
could take a look at.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:07.479)
If you call in and say that you're really happy with your bank and you really love Chase
Unknown Speaker (01:46:12.119)
Bank, then you're not going to get on the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:13.720)
Probably not.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.720)
Not going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:15.720)
Eventually we will have to figure out a line in terms of that, but I think we're on the
Unknown Speaker (01:46:19.279)
right side of it for now.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.279)
So far, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:22.279)
Well, thank you all for the calls.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:24.680)
Thank you all for listening.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:26.500)
We will be back next time.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:29.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:30.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:31.760)
But until then, Jordan, we have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:33.000)
We do have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:35.000)
Yep, we're also on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:36.000)
We are on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:37.000)
It's at and I go to betjordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:38.000)
Yep, we're also on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.000)
We are on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.720)
If you could, please find a local charity or bail fund in your area and help out people
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.359)
doing God's work.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:47.359)
Yep, we will be back.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:48.359)
But until then, I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:49.359)
I'm Leo.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:50.359)
I'm DZX Clark.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:51.359)
I'm Daryl Rundis.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.079)
I am a guy jumping out of a helicopter at Lake Travis.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.520)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:59.520)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:00.520)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:01.520)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:02.520)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.520)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:04.520)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:05.520)
I love you.