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Latest revision as of 00:48, 2 March 2025

Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys, a knowledge
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:24.359)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys, a knowledge
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.359)
Dan and George, knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.420)
Need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.079)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.799)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.100)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:48.320)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.960)
Thank you for holding me.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.759)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.759)
I'm a big fan of my huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.799)
I love your room.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:55.799)
Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:56.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.799)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:58.799)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fat, I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.439)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.439)
We're couple dudes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.439)
I'd like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.000)
Oh, indeed we are.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.000)
I have a quick question for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.000)
What's your bright spot today, buddy?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:16.000)
My bright spot today, Jordan, is, you know, I've been watching The Challenge, the Real
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.319)
World Road Rules Challenge.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.319)
Sure, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.319)
It will always be that to me, much like Sears Tower.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.319)
I mean, the idea of calling it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.319)
It's always the Real World Road Rules Challenge.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.680)
Do you know what it's called now on the, the CBS button?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.040)
The Great American Challenge.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:27.239)
No, it's called Challenge USA.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.840)
Oh, yeah, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.640)
But then it's going to be tough for them to weave in their weird international people.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.680)
Like those Romanians.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.680)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.680)
That's on Paramount Plus.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:38.680)
That's a...
Unknown Speaker (00:01:39.680)
That's a different show.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.680)
That's Global Challenge or whatever it is, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:41.680)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.680)
Yeah, yeah, they've got all the challenges that they come together like a Voltron of
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.200)
Man, I'm watching that season with the Romanians in it and I like them.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.879)
They're great.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.879)
My brother was born in Bucharest, so I have a kinship with the Romanians.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.540)
They're great.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.540)
They're so fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.540)
They're so fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.540)
And that weird guy with all the tattoos.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:59.840)
He's covered in a lot of tattoos.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.159)
But I've been watching the show and my bright spot is the music that they play whenever
Unknown Speaker (00:02:08.080)
they're going to the club.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.360)
It's always the same song.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.240)
It's very annoying, but it started to become almost like parody for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.240)
It is a little bit like Pavlovian, like, ooh, we're going...
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.979)
It's almost like if they played the music for them, that's how they would know they
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.199)
were going to the club.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.199)
It's the pump up jam.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:26.199)
It's like the dong, dong, dong.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:29.000)
That's the correct song to know that, ooh, we get to go to the club now.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:32.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.680)
Everyone put on a silly outfit.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:34.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.680)
And I love how they...
Unknown Speaker (00:02:38.680)
I don't think it was this season, but another season they were forced to party in a globe
Unknown Speaker (00:02:43.560)
in the backyard.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.560)
Oh, I recall.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.759)
That was a COVID season.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.759)
I think it was a COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:47.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:48.759)
Oh, it was a COVID season for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:49.759)
But they're doing things that are obviously for the camera.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.800)
It's just like, this is the opposite of partying.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.080)
This looks terrible.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:57.840)
It's performance of...
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.840)
Yeah, it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:00.840)
It's performance of party.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.840)
You're having a dance circle and it's just like you.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:04.520)
Oh, sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.520)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.520)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.520)
It makes me feel like, oh God, I could never be in that environment because I would ruin
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.840)
I'd ruin all the fake fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.840)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.840)
No, no chance.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:17.840)
No chance, everyone.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.840)
We're puncturing this illusion.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.840)
I refuse to participate.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:20.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.840)
However, I would get super wasted and go the entire opposite direction and be so into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.319)
You would still puncture the illusion though.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:29.400)
Yeah, probably.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:30.400)
You would go...
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.400)
Either way you go, you're going to go in a straight line hard enough to puncture an illusion,
Unknown Speaker (00:03:35.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:37.400)
And I've been wondering about how that whole world works.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.560)
You and I were talking about like, how long does it take to film one of these seasons?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.599)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:45.599)
It turns out it's about six to eight weeks or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.840)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.840)
That sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:48.840)
One of the other things I learned from reading this article was that they're allowed to have
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.280)
like beer and vodka.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:54.759)
They're not allowed to have other alcohols because they can't be dyed.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:58.520)
So like you always see the bottles of like blue or bright red.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.319)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.319)
So they dye it so they can't take it out of the house.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:06.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:07.080)
And so like they can only have clear booze and so they're just like, only vodka.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.400)
And I'm watching it like, some of these people are gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:15.000)
And I just think like, what are you just drinking vodka?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.879)
Oh, I guess champagne.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.879)
They have champagne a bit too.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.000)
Well, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:22.000)
But I mean, nobody's taking champagne out to like get wasted and cause problems in the
Unknown Speaker (00:04:27.519)
countryside of Argentina or wherever they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.519)
They don't leave the house.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:30.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.519)
That's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.519)
Except on supervised trips.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.519)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.519)
But yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:36.519)
Anyway, the point is that song is annoying as shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.199)
But I guess it's a bright spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.199)
I could deal with a little bit less of them partying.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.639)
Fake partying.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:46.639)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.639)
A little bit less of that in the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.639)
Kind of padding the run time a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.160)
It's real weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.160)
It's real weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.160)
It reminds, it's like, it's like they're almost being like, hey, remember where we came from?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.079)
We came from being a bunch of assholes who were like 12 years old and partying.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.040)
That's where, that's the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:02.839)
That's where we're from.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.839)
And then you look at them now and they're like middle aged, ripped, like we're, this
Unknown Speaker (00:05:07.959)
is our jobs now.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.519)
And you can't, you can't go back.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.160)
You can't go back to like, oh, we're just fun partying.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:13.439)
Can't go back.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:14.439)
And another thing that just happened that I wanted to bring up was that, so there I'm
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.800)
watching the season now where Ashley gets kicked off and they don't make a big deal
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.720)
out of that at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.959)
You don't see what happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.519)
She is just gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.160)
No one talks about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.519)
No one's like, Hey, Ashley's disappeared.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.779)
They just sort of say that she had to leave cause she broke a rule.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.639)
And so I looked into it and like, what the fuck happened?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.680)
And it turned out she had like a verbal altercation with somebody at their fake bar the night
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.800)
Another cast member.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.800)
I'm like, that had to have been bad because they show all kinds of verbal altercations.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.759)
It had to have been something like next level, like murder threats that they show murder
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.120)
What they show murder threats.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.120)
I think they've even shown like full on, Oh, that's a hard R. That person's throwing a
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.639)
hard R around.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:02.639)
That's the racism that they'll play and then it leads to some kind of a conversation in
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.279)
the house and then someone gets kicked off.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.720)
Like this was just no con like, did she scream someone's social security number or something?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.360)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.360)
Did she yell out TJ Lavin's address?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.360)
If there is a way to keep from being on the show, messing with TJ is probably number one,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:23.800)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.800)
But usually when they kick somebody off the show, TJ has to show up and they make a big
Unknown Speaker (00:06:28.279)
deal out of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:29.279)
Like he's an adult.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.279)
He has the best job in the world just coming in shame adults.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.519)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.519)
It's so sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.519)
I can't believe you guys can't act right.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.399)
What are you TJ?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.399)
What do you do?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.399)
Hey, that shit doesn't fly.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.040)
So you got to leave.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.040)
Although I'll let you come back next season.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:44.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:46.519)
Consequences are very liminal here.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:48.000)
Hey man, what you did is repugnant and I cannot believe that you would behave this way and
Unknown Speaker (00:06:52.899)
I'm going to enable it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.199)
I'll see you next year.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:57.199)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.199)
You take care.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:59.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.199)
That's what it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.199)
What's your bright spot?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.199)
My bright spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.199)
I mean also TV based, however, it is Star Wars man, Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano, her Star Wars
Unknown Speaker (00:07:12.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.439)
Man, a lot of these.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:14.439)
Rosario Dawson.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.439)
There is a lot of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:17.439)
That's what happens when Disney buys you and then just forces people to crank it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:20.439)
I guess there's a lot of Marvel series too.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.360)
That is the way it goes.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:26.360)
I mean.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:27.360)
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for a Foghorn Leghorn series.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.240)
Is he Disney?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:31.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.240)
That's Looney Tunes, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:33.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:34.240)
That's way.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.240)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.240)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.240)
That's Warner Brothers.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:40.240)
Foghorn Leghorn got kicked off the challenge.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.240)
I'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:42.240)
I'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.240)
I'll see.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:45.240)
He said some really bad things.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.240)
I bet Foghorn Leghorn.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:47.240)
That's the most off camera.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:49.560)
That's the worst character in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:52.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:53.759)
That character was created in a cartoon.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:56.160)
It's like didn't exist in any of the movies, completely original, bringing it to real
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.600)
life starring Rosario Dawson.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:03.439)
Did she do the voice of it originally?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:05.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.600)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:07.600)
I know it would've been cool, but it showed up in The Mandalorian, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:11.079)
So they were like, oh, it's a cast for Rosario Dawson because she's available and yeah, it's
Unknown Speaker (00:08:14.920)
a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.920)
Looked great.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.920)
It was awesome.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.920)
Now she gets her own show.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:20.920)
Are we going to get a Babu Frik series?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:21.920)
I doubt it, but we are going to.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.839)
The problem with it is that if only we could, so then you wouldn't keep saying Babu Frik
Unknown Speaker (00:08:31.240)
to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.240)
It's a fun name.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:33.240)
Maybe we could put it behind us.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.639)
I don't know if we could.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.639)
I don't know if we can either.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.639)
I would have to, as for humor, become deeply into that series.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.240)
That would be a necessity.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.200)
So Jordan, today we have an episode to go over.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.600)
It'll be something one way or another, but before we get to that, let's say hello to
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.659)
some new wonks.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:52.659)
Well, that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.659)
So first, John Demko wonders whether anyone else wonders what Andy from Kansas is up to
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.039)
these days.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.039)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.039)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.039)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.039)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:03.039)
I think a lot of people wonder that.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.039)
Next, finally requesting a shout out for Ed and Shannon.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.960)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:07.960)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.960)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:09.960)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.960)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.960)
Next, Tank.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:12.960)
You're the best boy in the whole world.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.960)
Alex loves you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.960)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.080)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:17.159)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.159)
You know who's not the best boy in the whole world?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:19.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.840)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.840)
Wait, from The Matrix?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.840)
From Dozer.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:23.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.840)
Were they brothers?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.840)
They were brothers.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:27.840)
The shout out was for Tank.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:29.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.840)
I'm slow.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.840)
I'm slow on the uptake.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:32.840)
Juniper Dune.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:33.840)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:34.840)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.840)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:36.840)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:37.840)
And I'm not actually a policy wonk, but now you have to read this whole thing in case
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.200)
it's an elaborate joke name.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:40.639)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.639)
You're a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.919)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.919)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:44.919)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.919)
And we've got a technocrat in the mix, Jordan, so thank you so much to Gordo.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:49.519)
It means fat in Spanish, and then in parentheses.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:51.519)
Actually, not parentheses.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:52.759)
These are brackets.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:53.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.759)
So that means serious.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:55.759)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:56.759)
That's stage direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.759)
It says fake laugh.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:59.759)
But I'm not in the business of fake laughing, so you should do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:01.360)
You're now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.720)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.720)
Four stars.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.720)
Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:06.799)
Someone, someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:09.320)
Daddy shark.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:10.320)
Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.720)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.159)
He's a loser little, little titty baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.139)
I don't want to hate black people.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.779)
I renounce Jesus Christ.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:22.519)
I could have done a fake life, but I was worried it would hurt my throat because the only fake
Unknown Speaker (00:10:26.639)
life I can do is like really committed, and I think it would have blown my throat out.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:33.480)
So that was my fake laugh that was like, I'm making it clear to you, the person who is
Unknown Speaker (00:10:39.480)
not being funny, that I am not enjoying this.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:41.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:42.600)
A little subtle.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:43.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.600)
Now I could have done the maniacal laugh, which I appreciate, but that's always fake.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:47.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.639)
Have you ever done a genuine maniacal laugh?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:51.440)
I'm not sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.399)
I think maybe.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:54.399)
I mean, I remember back in the days, especially like the days of early weed, like the first
Unknown Speaker (00:10:59.440)
times you smoked weed, when you really didn't know like your bearings at all and something
Unknown Speaker (00:11:07.200)
funny happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:08.720)
I remember times where I was like hurting from laughing so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.240)
I think that I would describe that as maniacal, but it was on a performance enhancing drugs.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:21.259)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:22.259)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.259)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.259)
A maniacal laughter has to be from the heart of, you know, from like the, from hell's heart
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.799)
I stab at thee.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:31.799)
That's where the maniacal laugh comes from.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:32.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.799)
I think generally a true maniacal laugh comes from, like the fake ones are in like movies
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.559)
and stuff, but like it would have to, in real life, it has to come from like madness.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:43.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.799)
You have to have like snapped.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.539)
Truly gone off and then have embraced it.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:51.080)
You know, like the old, it's it don't, don't drive yourself crazy trying to stop yourself
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.279)
from going insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.279)
You know, it's that once you've embraced it, then you can maniacally laugh.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:59.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:01.799)
So Jordan, today we're going to be talking about an interview that Alex did with a YouTube
Unknown Speaker (00:12:05.960)
channel called Just Pearly Things.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.639)
This was something that a listener sent and said, Hey, maybe you should cover this.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:16.039)
And I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.679)
I like wacky Wednesday suggestions.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:20.240)
Especially if they are like straight up Alex stuff, you know, getting him in other environments
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.840)
is always kind of interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:27.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.279)
Um, and so, uh, yeah, I decided what the hell, fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.919)
Let's try it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.919)
Let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.919)
So here is the beginning of this, uh, this interview.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.279)
What up guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.279)
Welcome to the Just Pearly Things YouTube channel and welcome to the sit down today.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.200)
I have a special guest on the channel.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.200)
I'm so excited for today, Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.720)
Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.899)
It's great to be here.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.299)
So I was trying to think of how to introduce you today and I was thinking the number one
Unknown Speaker (00:12:57.120)
conspiracy theorist of all time that happens to be right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:01.000)
Man, what a good intro.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:03.220)
This is deeply unsettling right out the gate.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.759)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:06.759)
Yeah, it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.759)
This is a YouTuber named, uh, I think Hannah Pearl Davis is her name, but I think she goes
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.220)
by Pearl Davis and uh, she has a channel called Just Pearly Things.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:15.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.320)
She's the first person to admit that I don't know everything that she's about because she
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.039)
puts out way too much content and all of her videos have clickbait ass titles that make
Unknown Speaker (00:13:23.519)
it difficult to figure out exactly what the point is going to be without investing or
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.279)
wasting 20 minutes.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:29.679)
Which is the idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.679)
Her brand is generally described as a female Andrew Tate, but I think that's kind of reductive.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:35.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:36.279)
They say similar things and they both have horrible views on women, but Tate is also
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.799)
very clearly a sex criminal.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.480)
There's no evidence that Pearl has groomed and entrapped women to perform on cam for
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.779)
her own profit, so I think the more important things about Tate and her are not things they
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.820)
have in common.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.820)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:52.820)
Which is good.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:53.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:54.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.820)
So one of the reasons I don't know a ton about Pearl is because I don't take her very seriously.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:57.860)
There isn't a ton of depth to anything I've ever seen her say and generally any time I've
Unknown Speaker (00:14:01.740)
seen her come up, it's been very clear attention baiting.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:05.559)
She'll do things like post a picture of herself wearing a shirt that says women shouldn't
Unknown Speaker (00:14:09.279)
vote and then harvest outrage to grow her brand.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:12.639)
It very well may be a position that she sincerely has, but she's not wearing that shirt to push
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.980)
towards that political aim.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.799)
She's wearing it to get more famous by pissing people off.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:21.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.559)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:23.559)
It's the same kind of clearly attention desperate behavior that I've always, it's always made
Unknown Speaker (00:14:25.820)
me steer clear of doing more episodes about Tim Pool.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.820)
If you take people like them seriously, you've already lost the game and that's intentional.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:34.299)
But she interviewed Alex and a listener named Thomas suggested we cover it, so shout out
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:39.620)
I decided to check it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.620)
I listened to the interview for a little bit and then realized I should probably try and
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.379)
get a better handle on who this Pearl person was.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:47.620)
I went over to her YouTube channel and sorted out whatever biographical information I could
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.899)
come up with from the stuff she's posted.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.379)
Her channel has videos going back about two years, at which point she was a 24 year old
Unknown Speaker (00:14:58.980)
living at home with her parents and nine siblings in a giant mansion.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.740)
Her parents are clearly insanely rich, which allowed her to quit a sales job that she didn't
Unknown Speaker (00:15:07.559)
like and pursue TikTok and YouTube content creation full time.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:11.740)
Her early content that's posted on the channel is kind of bland.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.860)
There's some vlogs, some nonsense stuff with her family, kind of just having fun and shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:19.259)
And then there's some videos of her doing rejection therapy, where she would go out
Unknown Speaker (00:15:23.340)
of her way to do something that would elicit a rejection in order to overcome that fear.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.620)
Just kind of like, you know, all things being equal if this wasn't the person we're about
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.179)
to do an episode about, I think it's kind of like a positive thing to do if that's something
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.659)
you struggle with.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.659)
And then the idea of putting it out as a video is another layer of like, you know, kind of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.620)
There's a lot there that needs to be done outside the view of other human beings.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:48.940)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.940)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.940)
That's kind of the thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.940)
But they say that that's kind of like a good way to get better at sales and talking to
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.279)
people is like, you know, you're a road away the, you know, whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.940)
I understand.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:59.940)
All that stuff is good and well, but mixed in, you can see videos where she's expressing
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.019)
a budding interest in the manosphere and the chauvinist world online.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.700)
She's watching content from people like Kevin Samuels and eventually Jordan Peterson and
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.059)
more or less you see what she's doing is taking on their talking points as her own positions.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:19.759)
And this leads to some trouble as we will see illustrated in this video clip here from
Unknown Speaker (00:16:25.259)
June 26th, 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.080)
The stat that I think is misleading is when I hear the stat, 20% of the men have access
Unknown Speaker (00:16:32.860)
to 80% of the women.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.419)
And when I first heard this stat, okay, I didn't really question it because enough like
Unknown Speaker (00:16:39.940)
people that I deemed credible said the stat, right, which, you know, I mean, maybe isn't
Unknown Speaker (00:16:45.820)
the best way to go about it, but like, am I going to research every single stat?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:49.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.500)
I won't.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:51.500)
If someone quotes me like Miss says, like I have something wrong, I'll go research it.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:55.659)
But like, just, just being honest with my viewership.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.360)
So there's a couple of issues with this approach.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:01.539)
The first is that Pearl didn't just believe this stat that she's saying is misleading.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:06.200)
About a month prior, she used this stat as the basis for her video titled, why women
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.420)
hate men and men hate women.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.599)
A lot of her videos seem to be like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.700)
She hears something from some online man stuff preacher, accepts it without question, and
Unknown Speaker (00:17:19.140)
then incorporates that into her content.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:21.759)
The second thing that's troubling about that clip is that it gives a window into how Pearl
Unknown Speaker (00:17:25.059)
assesses credibility, which is to say that she doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.500)
There's no process by which she assesses information, which is how you end up introducing Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:17:33.220)
as the number one conspiracy theorist who happens to be right.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:37.079)
You end up doing that because you're a follower who's just picking up the talking points of
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.579)
the edgy online weirdos you like and then pretending it's a position worth putting forward.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:45.579)
Ultimately, I don't want to talk that much about Pearl in this episode at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.980)
I think she's fairly boring generally, rehashing a lot of the anti-feminist discussions that
Unknown Speaker (00:17:55.400)
were all the rage in 2015 back when people cared about what Sargon of Akkad had to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:00.980)
It's all pretty shallow and I'm not amused.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:03.579)
Also I find it strange that she has 1.75 million subscribers on YouTube and yet her view counts
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.980)
are not great.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.180)
In the last three weeks, she has only eight videos that have more than a hundred thousand
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.660)
views and 28 videos with under 20,000, which is, you know, that's not a great ratio.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:19.579)
Yeah, that's not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.700)
So I don't want to talk about Pearl, so why are we doing this episode?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:24.539)
The reason is because Pearl has literally zero idea about any of the things Alex believes,
Unknown Speaker (00:18:29.460)
and yet she's interviewing him as if his credibility is unassailable.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.579)
You will see her not know very basic elements of Alex's ideology and the players involved,
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.099)
and because of that utter ignorance, I would say that she's the last person who should
Unknown Speaker (00:18:43.500)
have taken on the task of interviewing him.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:46.240)
The choice is clearly attention driven, but because she knows so little, she's forced
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.059)
to ask Alex very basic questions that he usually doesn't have to field, and that leads to some
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.740)
interesting moments.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.140)
Or at least they're interesting to me and it's Wednesday, it's a wacky Wednesday, so
Unknown Speaker (00:19:01.380)
that's good enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.380)
Let's ride it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:03.380)
Enjoy it, whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.380)
Yeah, let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:05.380)
In this episode, some of the clips are going to be a little bit on the long side, like
Unknown Speaker (00:19:07.220)
I think one is even like five minutes long.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:09.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.500)
But the reason is because some of the answers that Alex gives to these questions are really
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.099)
long-winded and them trying to find something to grab onto.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.180)
Yeah, that sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:18.180)
They're trying to present things as fairly as possible, so as not to be accused of cherry
Unknown Speaker (00:19:22.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:23.500)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:24.500)
So yeah, there's some real bullshit in here.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.140)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:29.140)
I suppose, you know, that is important.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:32.700)
We do need to do that in full shit, and again, I understand why we instinctively shouldn't
Unknown Speaker (00:19:39.700)
do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:40.700)
We're like, oh, we don't have time to spend five minutes listening to this, but how much
Unknown Speaker (00:19:45.420)
of our world would be different if nothing that Trump said was ever curated and you had
Unknown Speaker (00:19:50.140)
to listen to the entire fucking thing to get anything you wanted out of it, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.700)
Yeah, and the flip side of it too is like that would certainly change a lot of people's
Unknown Speaker (00:19:59.140)
perspectives, but also it's a losing game to try and take things and present them in
Unknown Speaker (00:20:05.339)
context because you'll always still be accused of taking things out of context.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.819)
Sure, sure, sure, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:10.819)
And you'll play an entire segment of Alex's show and he'll be like, uh, yeah, it doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:20:16.140)
say what, I don't know what I'm saying because it's not the whole show.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.339)
And then you play the whole show and you're like, it's not the whole week, it's just the
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.900)
whole week.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:24.900)
This is in conversation with what I said yesterday.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:27.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.500)
Go fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.500)
We're always having the conversations, that's what it's about, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.500)
So we start with actually a short clip because Alex immediately says something that bothers
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.940)
I was thinking the number one conspiracy theorist of all time that happens to be right.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.099)
Well I've been right more than I've been wrong, I've made some mistakes, but I've never tried
Unknown Speaker (00:20:47.500)
to get things wrong on purpose.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.779)
We got about a 95% accuracy rate, whereas mainstream corporate media in major polls
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.460)
in the US has about a 9% approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.019)
So they're definitely trying to lie and to deceive and I'm trying to get it right.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.339)
So if Alex is 95% right, then he's down 3% from where he's normally at.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.819)
I wonder what happened to take that considerable chunk off his career credibility stats.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:12.180)
Yeah, that's tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.380)
Also there's a fun little game that Alex is playing here.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.259)
He says that he's right 95% of the time and then cites a statistic about the media having
Unknown Speaker (00:21:21.539)
a 9% approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:23.579)
That's apples and oranges right off the bat.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.059)
What's the mainstream media's accuracy rate?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.099)
Or more damningly, what do you think Alex's approval rating is among the general population?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.220)
Interestingly, YouGov and The Economist recently released their trust in media poll back in
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.500)
May and most outlets have a higher than 9% approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:44.039)
For instance, PBS had a plus 30 net approval rating and the BBC at plus 29, the AP had
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.099)
plus 23, ABC and USA Today were at plus 21, CBS and Reuters at plus 20, NPR was plus 16,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.339)
The Guardian plus 15, even the dreaded New York Times was plus 15.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.819)
Infowars was actually included in that poll.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.460)
They were at the rock bottom of the list.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:08.900)
Negative 16 net approval rating.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:12.900)
Is that out of 116?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.460)
It's the approval minus the disapproval.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:18.660)
Negative 16, baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.619)
So maybe Alex is a liar and he's going to lie about everything to Pearl and she's woefully
Unknown Speaker (00:22:24.440)
unequipped to handle any of the shit that he's going to tell her.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:27.359)
And that's basically the character of this entire interview.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:29.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:31.900)
This is, that's kind of what, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:32.960)
That's what makes it so deeply unsettling right out the gate.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.119)
This is a person who has no fucking clue what's going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.019)
Like zero.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:41.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:42.019)
I mean, the way that she's talking, the way that she's introduced it, all parts of this,
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.220)
I'm like, this is, this is insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.740)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:49.740)
But she exists in this sort of like edgy, slightly combative internet space where it's
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.940)
like, Oh, everybody thinks that Alex is secretly right all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:59.579)
So why not take that on as a opinion that is a worth a damn?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:03.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:04.259)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.259)
But it's like, it's like watching a little girl with a doll go up onto fucking the queen
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.339)
alien from alien three, you know, like it's insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:14.940)
What are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.940)
Get that little baby out of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:17.660)
The queen alien might be less dangerous than Alex in some, well, at least some further
Unknown Speaker (00:23:21.539)
away from us.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:22.880)
So we get into a conversation here about Elon Musk, not letting Alex get back on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.220)
And man, this, there was one thing that kept happening as I was listening to this interview
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.339)
and that is like, there was a moment in the depositions where Bill, I think he was talking
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.539)
to Owen Troyer and he's like, that very well may be, but how does that do, what does that
Unknown Speaker (00:23:45.920)
have to do with what I asked you or when Mark would ask Alex, what question do you think
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.940)
you're entering?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:51.940)
That keeps going through my mind because Alex is like, how does this relate to the question
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.420)
that was asked?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:58.420)
And this is, this is one of those.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:59.859)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.859)
They're definitely trying to lie and to deceive and I'm trying to get it right.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:06.019)
And so yes, like Elon Musk said a few months ago, we're running out of conspiracy theories
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.980)
that haven't come true.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:11.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:12.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:13.619)
That's interesting because even Musk, why, why don't you think he let you back on Twitter?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:19.339)
Oh, I know why.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:22.019)
And I don't want to talk about that big court case and all that just because I want to not
Unknown Speaker (00:24:27.259)
talk about it and they always want to talk about it and then claim I want to talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:31.619)
But I was deplatformed five years ago because I was exposed to the globalist agenda.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.539)
And if you go back to the news articles when I famously got banned and it was led by Tim
Unknown Speaker (00:24:42.339)
Cook, the head of Apple, along with Mark Zuckerberg and uh, and, and also Sundar Pichai, the head
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.900)
of Google, they all met and they said, these are the reasons it had nothing to do, uh,
Unknown Speaker (00:24:53.859)
with, with what, what the media later said, it was all about my support of Trump and nationalism
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.900)
against globalism.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:00.900)
We're kind of America having its own Brexit moment with the globalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.759)
Whereas the UK wanted to go to the EU, I wanted America to stop being the heart of this new
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.339)
global corporate fascist empire.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.380)
I love America, but I hate the corporations that had hijacked and done all these terrible
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.160)
things in our name.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:17.740)
And so they said, here's the reasons he's banned.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:20.900)
And none of it was about what I got sued for.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:24.740)
And then a judge found me guilty and told a jury I was guilty.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:27.059)
It's called default judgment.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.059)
Very, very rare.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:29.059)
Uh, and that was done fraudulently in my view.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.460)
And even Associated Press even said it was the craziest default judgment ever.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.940)
Then they told the jury, I was guilty, jury's supposed to judge your guilt, not how guilty
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.900)
you are.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:39.900)
I was innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven more guilty, uh, or why would
Unknown Speaker (00:25:43.980)
have juries at that point, just have judges, just become North Korea or some former Soviet
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.619)
era tribunal.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.259)
And uh, then, uh, they had the biggest single individual judgment for defamation ever against
Unknown Speaker (00:25:55.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.940)
So again, this is about Musk not letting him back on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:59.579)
The question was, why didn't Musk let you back on Twitter?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.859)
We've gone far afield.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:05.859)
The reason we're not letting me back on is that because they were in the, in the, in
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.019)
the, in the preceding five years, tens of thousands of news articles, conservatively
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.859)
thousands of TV programs and national news programs, international programs, thousands.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.619)
I mean, they would put out one article in the New York times, but it's syndicated to
Unknown Speaker (00:26:22.099)
almost every newspaper in the country.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.099)
So when I say tens of thousands, I'd wake up sometimes and there'd be a hundred plus
Unknown Speaker (00:26:27.220)
new articles and then half of them would be syndicated.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.180)
Uh, I mean, I had family on a South African cruise, uh, and, and, uh, they would get up
Unknown Speaker (00:26:36.660)
in the morning.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:37.660)
That little three page thing you get with just one page of news on the front, then say,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.980)
we're rolling, we're landing here today.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.539)
And by the way, there's gonna be a party tonight on deck seven and it was all about attacking
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.420)
me in that story.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:47.420)
So it's global saturation and we now know they bragged about it last year.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.019)
Once they won a high powered, uh, PR firm that actually does the UN's PR and it's since
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.539)
been bought the largest PR firm in the world, they, um, looked at my record, found a few
Unknown Speaker (00:27:04.660)
things that they thought they could exaggerate and twist, ran a bunch of news articles for
Unknown Speaker (00:27:08.299)
several years attacking me.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.700)
Then the lawsuits were filed as if I had done the things they said, I'd said, then I wasn't
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.059)
allowed to put my case on, was convicted in the court of public opinion.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.859)
The judge said I was guilty.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.180)
And so they built up this battery, this reservoir of Alex Jones, the Satan, Alex Jones, the
Unknown Speaker (00:27:23.579)
demon, Alex Jones is bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:25.339)
And now I see what it was.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.339)
It came out in Congress two months ago, um, myself and Elon Musk were targeted by the
Unknown Speaker (00:27:29.900)
CIA, legal agencies and groups that once they could demonize us successfully, uh, and get
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.539)
the public not to support us, they could destroy anybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:41.140)
They said, we'll get a signs on the left, Alex Jones on the right.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.500)
And that was their statement on mine.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.099)
Uh, and then, and then once we get them, we'll get everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.779)
And so now we can see all that and it's come out in Congress, the CIA with the justice
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.819)
department, uh, was going after any doctors that question the official COVID narrative,
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.500)
or even try to give people their therapeutics or the question, the Wuhan lab, now you can,
Unknown Speaker (00:28:05.059)
well, this was intelligence agency run.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.759)
We now know, um, against me.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.380)
So must can't come legalize me or put me on because he's trying to free up the rest of
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.500)
If he was to put me on that demonization would kick in and, and, and they might be able to
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.779)
actually defeat his attempt to a free Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.420)
Well, and it's unfortunate.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:25.700)
You can't be expected to get everything right all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.380)
They don't have the same energy for CNN, Fox news.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.380)
It's just you for whatever reason.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.500)
What is going on person?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:35.859)
But I mean, you know, if this Alex does seem like someone who doesn't want to talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:28:39.220)
their case.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:41.220)
You know, it seems like somebody, somebody who's really reluctant to get into this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:45.220)
I am blown away, uh, by her clearly not have a like,
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.980)
She doesn't have a grasp on anything that happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:53.859)
Anything that's going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:55.859)
Nothing that happened to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:59.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.859)
And she just accepts whatever Alex says, even though he's blatantly lying to her face.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:03.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:04.059)
You would have to be, you would have to be so, so naive.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:09.220)
Because basically what's going on is Alex is lying to her.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:11.940)
She's not questioning it.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:12.940)
And it's just taken his gospel that Alex is the victim in the whole Sandy hook thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:17.539)
And that it's a shame that other media outlets aren't held to the same scrutiny.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:21.460)
That's a total load of bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.099)
Nick Sandman, the Covington Catholic high school student, he sued CNN over what he called
Unknown Speaker (00:29:27.640)
unfair and damaging depictions of himself back in 2019.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:31.339)
CNN settled that case and cooperated with the legal process.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.940)
According to Reuters at the heart of the claim was CNN quote falsely conveying to its viewers
Unknown Speaker (00:29:39.059)
that he was the face of an unruly mob facing Nathan Phillips, an American Indian activist.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.980)
CNN realized that their coverage was possibly unfair and that they had a chance of losing
Unknown Speaker (00:29:48.700)
the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:49.700)
Alex had every opportunity to behave similarly, but he didn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:53.420)
He refused to cooperate with discovery and repeatedly sent completely unprepared idiots
Unknown Speaker (00:29:57.779)
to serve as corporate representatives in hopes of stonewalling the process and getting the
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.700)
plaintiffs to settle for scraps or withdraw the suit because he was too difficult to deal
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.819)
with and it was getting too expensive.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:08.339)
That ploy didn't work and Alex reaped the consequences of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:11.819)
Either way, it has nothing to do with him being kicked off social media and Elon Musk
Unknown Speaker (00:30:15.099)
didn't say he couldn't come back because of the results of a lawsuit.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:18.519)
Musk hates Alex because of his actions around Sandy Hook, not because of the legal case,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:22.900)
but this way that Alex is telling the story to Pearl, it retains Alex's heroic character,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:28.259)
both in terms of Sandy Hook and in terms of his willingness to be a martyr, not allowed
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.460)
back on Twitter so the other racist shitheads can run free.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:36.859)
What a, what a guy, just one of the best.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:39.180)
Yeah, yeah, I, I can't, I can't imagine being her not going immediate, like immediately
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.940)
after Alex starts, after about the first 30 seconds I would go, this was a huge mistake.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.319)
This is a huge mistake.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.940)
This is going to happen after every question, this talk never going to end.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:59.779)
I don't know what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.420)
I'm confused.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.420)
I'm, how could you not be confused?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.740)
But you also probably, you're thinking, oh my God, I need the attention.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.500)
I'm going to get so many views off this.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.539)
Totally, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:11.539)
Alex Jones is talking.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:13.539)
Boo, boo, boo.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.539)
Let's see if we can get a viral moment out of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.579)
I know, but what I don't understand, I guess I am, maybe I am weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:22.019)
I am weird because I don't understand the concept of not preparing for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.579)
Well, she does.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:28.579)
She did prepare.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:29.579)
She watched him on Rogan, I think.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.500)
You're not convinced.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:33.500)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:34.500)
I take back my criticism.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:35.500)
That's on me.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.500)
That's on me.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:39.500)
So you can tell basically the level of preparation with this next question.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.900)
And actually I do appreciate this question because she asks, who are the globalists?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:48.700)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:50.700)
I think that's a good question, honestly.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:52.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:53.299)
I wonder what Alex has to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.220)
So my question though, I really wanted to be red pilled for beginners because I've been
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.940)
watching some of your interviews.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:04.099)
Like I saw you and Joe Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.660)
I saw a couple other ones.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.700)
And it's very confusing sometimes from like someone that's, I guess, just starting in
Unknown Speaker (00:32:13.099)
the red pill space.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.420)
Like you talk about basically globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:20.099)
What do you mean by that?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:21.099)
Who are the globalists?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:23.940)
Well you notice now Vladimir Putin calls the corporations that run the West the globalist
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.619)
and Donald Trump calls the corporations that have hijacked the West the globalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:33.259)
And I did not create that term.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:35.579)
I popularized it.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.740)
When I was reading books 35 years ago, 30 years ago, right before I got on air 29 years
Unknown Speaker (00:32:44.059)
ago, I was reading books about the Anglo-American establishment.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.859)
And that's what they call the British empire merged with the US empire at the end of World
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.099)
War II.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:58.099)
This is official history, PhD level.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.140)
It was Cecil Rhodes' plan even before World War I to set something up like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:05.140)
And so that was happening really 130 years ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:08.299)
But it officially was done with the Bretton Woods Summit and these events right after
Unknown Speaker (00:33:13.180)
World War II.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.180)
The Bretton Woods Summit, what's that?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.299)
That's when the UK and other leaders along with the United States all got together.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:24.259)
You can pull up the famous meeting.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.259)
They also did it at Bretton Woods too.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:27.180)
And basically decided the international order, decided that the dollar would be the world
Unknown Speaker (00:33:31.299)
reserve currency and then would be backed by petro or petro petro dollars.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.500)
So the dollar became the mode of exchange for oil and that the British empire would
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.339)
fold its holdings into the US empire, that would be the Anglo-American empire.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:48.180)
That's what it's officially called.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:49.180)
So here's what I was talking about when I said that Pearl has to ask very basic questions.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:54.339)
Who are the globalists?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:55.339)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:56.339)
What's Bretton Woods?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:57.339)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:58.339)
So when you're thinking of these very basic questions, you should take note and realize
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.460)
that Alex doesn't actually have answers to them.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:04.140)
The first thing to point out is that Alex's answer about who the globalists are will continue.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:08.059)
But at this point it's meaningless.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:11.460)
It's a pastiche of buzzwords he's taken from various places to make his worldview sound
Unknown Speaker (00:34:15.699)
researched when in reality it's just a facade and it doesn't inform anybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:19.860)
The second thing to point out is much more important and that is that Alex doesn't know
Unknown Speaker (00:34:23.139)
what Bretton Woods is.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:25.179)
The Bretton Woods system wasn't developed after World War II ended, it was built during
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.659)
World War II in anticipation of the need to rebuild the world economy after the war.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.500)
The Bretton Woods Conference itself took place in July 1944, again while the war was still
Unknown Speaker (00:34:39.380)
going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.820)
The agreement did make the US dollar essentially the world reserve currency or at least it
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.739)
made currencies of other countries who signed onto it convertible to the US dollar.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:49.699)
It allowed for much smoother financial transactions and negotiations between these countries as
Unknown Speaker (00:34:54.699)
the world rebuilt.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:56.059)
However it had nothing to do with petrodollars.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:58.719)
The convertibility of the US dollar was established based on gold.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:02.900)
Alex either doesn't know this or he does know it and he's pretending not to because he's
Unknown Speaker (00:35:07.199)
supposed to be against the Bretton Woods Agreement but he also loves the gold standard.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:11.679)
So it's a conflict.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:14.219)
The ending of the US dollar being backed by gold which happened in 1971 also ended the
Unknown Speaker (00:35:19.460)
Bretton Woods system which was officially ended by the Jamaica Accords in 1976.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:24.500)
Alex seems unaware of any of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.900)
Yeah that sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:26.900)
Further there is no Bretton Woods II.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:29.260)
That's a term that people have used to describe various large financial plans like the response
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.079)
to the 2008-2009 crisis but it's not a formal thing like the original agreement was.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:38.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:39.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:40.940)
Pearl doesn't know what Bretton Woods even is so she is in no position to contradict
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.820)
any of the things Alex is saying or see them as red flags to his credibility which is why
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.199)
she shouldn't be doing this interview to begin with.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:50.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:51.139)
Well there's no reason to.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:52.139)
You're not going to get any truth out of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.139)
I mean in a way ironically this is she's like okay so if I'm to Gen Z it up if I'm starting
Unknown Speaker (00:36:07.139)
out in the red pill space you know just like getting my bearings about me hello everybody
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.019)
in the red pill space how's everybody going you know doing that whole thing and this is
Unknown Speaker (00:36:15.820)
what I'm getting from basic questions I'd be like I don't need to be in this red pill
Unknown Speaker (00:36:20.539)
space this is a terrible dumb space filled with that guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:23.760)
Well but also if you can have the appearance of this seem really smart because it's so
Unknown Speaker (00:36:30.539)
many things being thrown at you it's like so no someone wouldn't be brazen enough to
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.619)
just keep throwing bullshit around really I don't know I think that the presentation
Unknown Speaker (00:36:41.059)
of confidence that Alex brings can be deceptive to be yeah and talking fast is a lot more
Unknown Speaker (00:36:47.219)
effective than anybody really wants to admit don't they and never giving any indication
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.500)
that you don't know something yeah yeah yeah yeah being infallible or ninety eight percent
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.179)
yeah ninety five percent now listen what happened he took yeah you know you get a couple more
Unknown Speaker (00:37:01.219)
things wrong and you go down a percentage point you know I do I do like the idea though
Unknown Speaker (00:37:06.099)
that she's saying I watched you in these interviews and it was confusing yeah as if you're going
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.980)
to get clarity yeah it's confusing because it's fucking dumb and confusing yeah no that
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.940)
the stuff he's saying is meant to confuse you feature not a bug exactly yeah so the
Unknown Speaker (00:37:19.820)
answer continues so I was reading books by Barry Goldwater who was a senator for this
Unknown Speaker (00:37:25.340)
episode the answer continues like that and also read a book written by the Federal Reserve
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.460)
head before he was a Federal Reserve head Alan Greenspan was like an Alex Jones back
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.940)
in the 50s and 60s till they hired him he was so effective what and so I read these
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.619)
books written by senators and I read some books about the Frank Church Senate committees
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.059)
don't mention the birchers don't mention the birchers about the shadow government and what
Unknown Speaker (00:37:49.139)
came out in those hearings about the Kennedy assassination all that stuff and so then I
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.300)
went and I said well this these books are being quoted by Barry Goldwater people let
Unknown Speaker (00:37:59.139)
me go see if they're real so I went to the library and the local library wouldn't have
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.059)
them but the UT library did and I would read tragedy and hope I curl quickly the head of
Unknown Speaker (00:38:07.179)
the Georgetown political science department 1,100 pages long and I would read books by
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.900)
Cecil Rhodes and I read a bunch of the source books then I read Zbigniew Brzezinski's books
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.219)
all four of them that were out at the time he wrote some subsequently more and I read
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.340)
Henry Kissinger's work this is all by the time I was about 20 I found it so fascinating
Unknown Speaker (00:38:31.340)
and then basically had an underlying understanding of what the real global order was versus what
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.900)
the general public was taught because these academics and world diplomats and people treat
Unknown Speaker (00:38:45.860)
the public like we're animals so they talked to us in speeches about one thing but in their
Unknown Speaker (00:38:50.860)
books and in their white papers and in their analyses and reports to each other they're
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.380)
very cut and dry about it so I discovered really when I was a teenager because I had
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.059)
some family that had worked for the CIA and Defense Department all sorts of stuff quite
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.619)
a few of them this Texas was kind of the big command base of all that during the Cold War
Unknown Speaker (00:39:13.099)
my dad was recruited with a laser and I was just brought up with the background noise
Unknown Speaker (00:39:19.980)
about all this and so I by the time I was about 15 16 I thought I better read all these
Unknown Speaker (00:39:24.579)
books and see if this is true my dad didn't push it too much my mom didn't push it too
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.940)
much they had the books around the house but my mom's brother had worked in the army as
Unknown Speaker (00:39:34.460)
an officer and then had worked in Iran Contra and a bunch of secret operations and so he
Unknown Speaker (00:39:39.280)
had gotten out of it and some of how evil the government was how it's bad it's how they
Unknown Speaker (00:39:42.900)
were devil worshippers and pedophiles and all this stuff and you know when I was like
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.900)
15 years old visiting him in San Antonio I thought that was pretty crazy and then I just
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.059)
started researching all that and and got on access TV when I was 20 I love the radio and
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.619)
I was 22 I've syndicated when I was 25 and so I've been on there 29 years I'm 49 now
Unknown Speaker (00:40:03.260)
and so you asked about the New World Order I mean is that what she has to know people
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.099)
in the UK won't get this but I but but people in the US will but I guess kind of like Christmas
Unknown Speaker (00:40:12.340)
in the UK or Thanksgiving in the US yeah you have the big adult table where they're all
Unknown Speaker (00:40:17.699)
discussing adult things you had a little kid table and as little kids you come over and
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.820)
listen what the adults are saying over it and they view the general public as the kid
Unknown Speaker (00:40:27.019)
table I'm just clarifying yes I was about to go there exactly and so they see us as
Unknown Speaker (00:40:31.940)
the kid table but I've been sitting at the adult table since I was you could listen to
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.460)
adults so I was sitting here hearing all this you know my mom's dad was in some weird clandestine
Unknown Speaker (00:40:42.699)
secret weapons development for the Pentagon my son was you know big time in it and my
Unknown Speaker (00:40:48.380)
dad's side of the family a bunch of the family was in it my dad had he's dead now an army
Unknown Speaker (00:40:53.579)
officer it was really a cousin we called him his uncle because he's about 10 years older
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.340)
lived across the street and he was a kind of Jason Bourne type assassin magical powers
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.780)
and stuff like those TV shows but okay all right so the question is who are the globalists
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.139)
who are the globalists so far right we found that Alex's family is connected to a bunch
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.579)
of stuff yes he's read a bunch of books yep and the globalists think we're at the kids
Unknown Speaker (00:41:19.139)
table yes nothing useful I have no useful information whatsoever that I can take with
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.380)
me I guess if you're gonna try and gleam anything from it he said the name Cecil Rhodes and
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.460)
some big new Brzezinski that's true so maybe but then he said he read Barry Goldwater's
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.579)
books and if you don't know any better you wouldn't know that he was on Alex's side because
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.059)
Alex also said he read books by him as a big new Brzezinski so maybe he's an anti-globalist
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.059)
who knows who knows this is useless yes in terms of being an answer yes but man nanoman
Unknown Speaker (00:41:53.139)
at least it was long yes thank god at least it took up time which is what we're really
Unknown Speaker (00:41:58.780)
focusing we're up against the clock here it is about quantity over quantity yeah Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:42:05.039)
you don't have to fill three hours of this show turns out you do no no no no this is
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.420)
short condensed you're not the the one in charge you could just give quite quick answers
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.340)
uh-huh interesting it could be interesting it ends up being about an hour 40 oof and
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.699)
at an hour right at about an hour Alex does a pretty heavy plug and that makes me think
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.500)
that it was supposed to be an hour yeah and maybe it ran an extra 40 minutes oh boy so
Unknown Speaker (00:42:32.340)
not getting an answer to the who are the globalists um Pearl tries to weave this back around and
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.880)
ask who is in this group I mean another way of phrasing who are these people right yes
Unknown Speaker (00:42:45.519)
still no answer still no answer okay so who's in this is it just politicians is it businessmen
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.260)
and how do you know because it's like on the outside looking in we hear these things like
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.260)
the JFK assassination like I think that's one I've heard which I know is like common
Unknown Speaker (00:43:01.300)
knowledge maybe in in different circles but it all sounds crazy like if this was true
Unknown Speaker (00:43:05.539)
why isn't it on the cover of you know magazines newspapers that sort of thing well it's because
Unknown Speaker (00:43:11.380)
that is a good question anybody can look up was declassified in the church committee hearings
Unknown Speaker (00:43:15.340)
in the 70s the CIA had its people in all the major TV print and radio killing stories controlling
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.619)
stories amplifying stories and making sure the truth didn't get out when the internet
Unknown Speaker (00:43:27.320)
came along it got a lot harder to control but but but really now we've reached a point
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.420)
where they can't even deny it anymore so like you've all know a Harari and Klaus Schwab
Unknown Speaker (00:43:37.320)
have summits on international television with hundred foot you know jumbo screens in Dubai
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.900)
and in Frankfurt Germany and in London and in the Swiss Alps, Deibos and they're just
Unknown Speaker (00:43:52.179)
the future's not human world governments coming in you're gonna have a world ID we're gonna
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.460)
make you take chips by 2030 under the skin to buy and sell you know we're gonna be gods
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.699)
you're gonna be nothing I mean these are quotes we need to ban the Bible we need AI to rewrite
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.980)
without God these are quotes just from this week actually have the articles right here
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.940)
so this stuff is just over the top so I was reading you to believe that 35 years ago and
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.820)
thought whoa my family told me about this and here I am researching and it's true I
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.380)
want to be in the opposition to that that sounds exciting it sounds good it sounds like
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.179)
the right thing to do I was really drawn to service for the Republic and for really organic
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.460)
service to humanity because I was reading these these documents and then it got really
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.260)
real for me I've been doing this about 14 years or so when I got approached by you know
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.739)
Henry Kissinger's head guy and others to come work for him they even one time did it from
Unknown Speaker (00:44:50.460)
a radio producer trying to get me to come to New York and sell out to them so that's
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.820)
the one case I could talk about because it wasn't confidence but I've been in the top
Unknown Speaker (00:44:56.980)
of 50-story buildings and you know been offered you know offered the world and all that stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.300)
that's what they do and I got that's that's someone that's in it yes in it quite quite
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.820)
high up but yes I mean look I'm talking about the big parent table the big person table
Unknown Speaker (00:45:15.380)
over here everybody else is at the kid table and and all I'm trying to get the public to
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.300)
do is come over to the big table you don't need to listen to me you'll see it all for
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.539)
yourself if you're somebody who doesn't know who Henry Kissinger is I can't imagine any
Unknown Speaker (00:45:28.940)
other motivation to interview Alex other than desperately wanting attention right like how
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.579)
can you even engage with any of the subject matter that's ridiculous and Kissinger is
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.500)
one of the he's one of them is he a good guy or a bad guy where is Kissinger in the hierarchy
Unknown Speaker (00:45:44.539)
how long has Kissinger been right is the old young guy I mean I can't even imagine an interest
Unknown Speaker (00:45:50.460)
in the subjects that Alex covers and lies about if you don't know who I mean yeah right
Unknown Speaker (00:45:55.219)
that's bizarre Kissinger is so much like just a guy who is there I call the time I can't
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.500)
imagine having any position or feeling about international relations and not knowing who
Unknown Speaker (00:46:08.739)
Kissinger is and not knowing who Kissinger is you have to he is a diplomacy just a government
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.659)
monumental war figure in the thing negotiation any of these things it all all roads yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.059)
all Cecil Rhodes lead to Henry Kissinger yeah I mean that's just just in pop culture it's
Unknown Speaker (00:46:27.420)
trickled down you should know who Kissinger is because it's in cartoons that they're making
Unknown Speaker (00:46:31.340)
fun of Kissinger I'm sure that there's a Kissinger riff in Animaniacs yeah 100% totally those
Unknown Speaker (00:46:36.739)
weirdos put some joke in there sure Futurama adventure brothers you name it later okay
Unknown Speaker (00:46:42.860)
good I was waiting for yeah that's where I knew we had trouble I do appreciate there's
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.340)
something I do appreciate I think there is a little bit of that like I think Alex realized
Unknown Speaker (00:46:56.420)
that he was in trouble too I don't think he's enjoying this no I think he is really because
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.179)
she has 1.75 million YouTube followers who follow somebody who doesn't know who Kissinger
Unknown Speaker (00:47:08.579)
is and they think that this is entertainment he's got to be like all right this is wow
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.659)
this is something I can work with yeah yeah these are full-on brand new to the red pill
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.539)
space you don't know who Kissinger is now I will also say you know I like to give it
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.739)
up a little bit where I camp sure and I do think much like the rejection videos there's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:28.179)
a vulnerability and encouraged posting those online that I will applaud I think that's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.900)
a positive thing sure and her not pretending to know who Kissinger is being willing to
Unknown Speaker (00:47:38.059)
be like I don't know what this is right I give it up to that that's that's a sincerity
Unknown Speaker (00:47:43.039)
on some level I mean yeah it's rather than the alternative just bluffing that you know
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.519)
stuff yeah yeah yeah she did not bluff but I mean boy you can't you can't even bluff
Unknown Speaker (00:47:53.860)
about not knowing him about knowing Kissinger there's just too mad I mean maybe you could
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.780)
make you there's probably something you could easy just to go along with this yeah telling
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.380)
a story of being recruited at the top of a 50-story building that's not true anyway just
Unknown Speaker (00:48:08.219)
move forward you need to clarify who Kissinger is that is a good point what a very strange
Unknown Speaker (00:48:13.119)
part of that story to be like let's nail this part down mm-hmm who's Kissinger he's in that
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.380)
thing not in the bad guys you made up this entire story about this it included a name
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.960)
that you assumed was going to be so impressive to me then I would be like whoa I can't believe
Unknown Speaker (00:48:27.659)
that yeah project mockingbird also that's a real thing it was where the CIA illegally
Unknown Speaker (00:48:32.820)
wiretapped a few reporters because they were trying to figure out who their sources were
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.059)
these reporters had published classified material so the CIA was tasked by the Kennedy administration
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.460)
with figuring out who was doing that leaking from that jump-off point a large conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.139)
version of this has been theorized which you would call operation mockingbird undoubtedly
Unknown Speaker (00:48:50.860)
the CIA has had contact with journalists and reporters over the years and without a doubt
Unknown Speaker (00:48:55.420)
the job of a reporter has been used by clandestine organizations in the past as a cover for their
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.400)
operatives but the solid evidence isn't there to make the claims that Alex does about mockingbird
Unknown Speaker (00:49:05.699)
it's just a catch-all buzzword for him like Bretton Woods was earlier or operation lockstep
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.659)
is now it's just a name you could be like yeah duh yeah mockingbird yeah yeah yeah she
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.900)
didn't the whole that's the thing about Kissinger it makes you it may not knowing that made
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.500)
us skip over the fact that she didn't even know who JFK was and that whole assassination
Unknown Speaker (00:49:26.699)
conspiracy well it's common knowledge in some circles right no I think I mean she knows
Unknown Speaker (00:49:31.460)
who JFK is I'm sure but she'd probably just doesn't know what the theories are and there's
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.059)
a million of them and you know that's fair I don't I don't fault her for that yeah not
Unknown Speaker (00:49:41.320)
having not having committed to a JFK conspiracy that you want to defend I don't know I think
Unknown Speaker (00:49:46.820)
that's the way you get it listen you can't get accepted into the red pill space without
Unknown Speaker (00:49:51.260)
a JFK conspiracy also Rogers gonna be pissed that Alex didn't plug his book about the JFK
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.699)
that's a good point so now we get to what is globalism Alex will explain yet another
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.000)
way of asking well she's asking this time okay Alex reframes the question from who to
Unknown Speaker (00:50:08.460)
what is right gotcha here's an example so your first question was excellent what is
Unknown Speaker (00:50:14.099)
globalism and my point is and I should just set this way in their own documents going
Unknown Speaker (00:50:19.039)
back 60 years they said we want to create a global order and we would describe ourselves
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.860)
as transhumanist and towards that ends we need a global government system so we are
Unknown Speaker (00:50:29.199)
globalist so just three months ago plow Schwab in Dubai with world leaders and now King Charles
Unknown Speaker (00:50:37.260)
was there then Prince Charles and they're all there and they say we need a world government
Unknown Speaker (00:50:44.099)
with carbon credits and carbon taxes and ESGs to control every faster your life to buy and
Unknown Speaker (00:50:48.599)
sell to save the earth a total military mobilization we need to censor our opponents we need to
Unknown Speaker (00:50:53.659)
totally take over and then on the big screen comes in Elon Musk Elon Musk says world government
Unknown Speaker (00:51:02.380)
is like getting rid of firewalls in apartment building you have a gas fire you have an electrical
Unknown Speaker (00:51:08.619)
fire you have a grease fire it burns up that apartment but by the time the firefighters
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.320)
get there and the sprinklers turn on it has firewalls in it and so it only burns up that
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.239)
apartment but if you don't have firewalls in an apartment which a lot of the older ones
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.139)
don't that's what you see buildings going up and hundreds of people getting barbecued
Unknown Speaker (00:51:27.059)
alive so his analogies one I've always used but he explained to his like bulkheads in
Unknown Speaker (00:51:32.139)
a ship or compartment so the Titanic hit and and the icebergs an analogy slice down a big
Unknown Speaker (00:51:40.820)
part of it so it flooded three of the compartments that was too much it went down well if you
Unknown Speaker (00:51:44.500)
have global government there's only one compartment and so there's no separation of powers there's
Unknown Speaker (00:51:49.059)
no judicial legislative executive there's no this country it's that country which we
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.960)
all see as quote bad but is really good because that creates opposition to centralization
Unknown Speaker (00:51:57.880)
of control something that always turns to bad it is always like the Ring of Mordor extremely
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.179)
destructive it only leads to Armageddon like cataclysmic events so now we've got a Jason
Unknown Speaker (00:52:10.440)
Bourne reference Lord of the Rings if you're keeping track yeah also her question was who
Unknown Speaker (00:52:14.579)
are the globalists not what is globalism right so he's reframed this a little bit also it's
Unknown Speaker (00:52:19.539)
a dumb definition of globalism but I guess it could work as a definition of Alex's one
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.699)
world government ideas there's no firewalls so there's nothing to stop the fire from spreading
Unknown Speaker (00:52:29.940)
everywhere of course and fires tyranny in this case I guess so that was a bad metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:52:36.900)
yeah and I would argue that the existence of a world governmental body is actually what
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.780)
would create fire that's the idea right yeah if tyranny popped up in one country the world
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.960)
body would be able to address the problem a lot more effectively than this country verse
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.719)
country paradigm as it stands now there's certainly no firewall between Russia and Ukraine
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.440)
but guess what there sure is shit is one between Ukraine and Poland and that's because Poland
Unknown Speaker (00:53:00.179)
is part of an international cooperative agreement that doesn't let tyranny spread right huh
Unknown Speaker (00:53:05.420)
yeah yeah also Alex shouldn't believe that buildings should be required to have firewalls
Unknown Speaker (00:53:11.219)
yeah because he's against governmental regulation of businesses yeah so even on a literal and
Unknown Speaker (00:53:17.219)
metaphorical level this makes no sense yeah and I mean what what is globalism I did he
Unknown Speaker (00:53:24.300)
answer that question not really I mean it's firewalls globalism is firewalls I get anti
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.940)
globalism is so centralization in his metaphor is that we're not that we're getting rid of
Unknown Speaker (00:53:35.639)
all the walls it's just a big open space no walls baby no walls so if anybody's shit is
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.619)
on fire everybody's shit is on fire I guess here's what he's trying to say and he's doing
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.539)
it poorly I think because I've heard this kind of shit from him in the past it's that
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.960)
idea that if there's a one-world government and it goes corrupt and there's a tyrant at
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.539)
the top of it then there's nowhere to run for sure you can't go to another country that
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.639)
is free of the oppression of that one-world government right that's what he's trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.500)
say sure and fair enough I guess but there's no reason to think that if you had a world
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.900)
governing body in some form it would literally control everything yeah you know something
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.619)
that solved disputes between countries is probably what you would describe as world
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.659)
government yeah and I don't know it doesn't have to rule everything no and just like okay
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.179)
I mean but then the other thing is what is global like oh there's no separation of powers
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.219)
there's no yeah there could be a world government with separation of powers yeah there's no
Unknown Speaker (00:54:37.139)
reason to believe it you're talking about a guy you're talking about a guy who tells
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.420)
everybody what to do all the time you're not talking about globalism you're just going
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.860)
like I don't want some guy telling me what to do all the time I don't want Klaus Schwab
Unknown Speaker (00:54:51.300)
to tell me what to do because I believe that he is the leader of the world that's it that's
Unknown Speaker (00:54:55.900)
it I don't want to be told what to do by this asshole yeah but I will do whatever this other
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.780)
asshole says this other asshole who is mobbed up and it's fundamentally and I mean essentially
Unknown Speaker (00:55:07.980)
indistinguishable from all of the figures that he is describing as being evil yeah but he's
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.619)
racist that's a good point yeah so Trump is cool can't argue with that so Alex the only
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.420)
thing I really take away from most of the entirety of the conversation about the globalist
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.579)
stuff is that he likes he wants you to be very fucking clear that he sits at the big
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.900)
boy table okay and so here's Musk saying your world government's bad and who knows if the
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.579)
allegory of the Tower of Babel was real supposedly seven thousand years ago all these cultures
Unknown Speaker (00:55:37.280)
together but it all you know fell apart because it's under one system who knows if it's real
Unknown Speaker (00:55:41.059)
need to understand that world government's bad so so they have so much called world government
Unknown Speaker (00:55:46.480)
summit so what's frustrating is I'm a kid I'm going to the adult table I hear all this
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.360)
I go back and I tell the other kids hey I heard him say this and the kids go that sounds
Unknown Speaker (00:55:55.980)
crazy we don't believe that so instead the kids just need to go over and listen at the
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.139)
table themselves you don't need me to tell them hey you know they're grandma's over there
Unknown Speaker (00:56:05.619)
talking about the time grandpa got caught you know cheating on her or something like
Unknown Speaker (00:56:09.659)
that and well grandpa never did that well you got to go over here grandpa or grandma
Unknown Speaker (00:56:14.300)
tell the story so hey they're talking about how they used to run a moonshining operation
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.159)
out of here and you and the kids are like I don't care about moonshine I want to hear
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.059)
about you know batman movie coming out that's kind of how kids are they always want netflix
Unknown Speaker (00:56:27.099)
they want fantasy they don't want to hear grandma and grandpa talking about surviving
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.780)
the great depression running moonshine and that's actually a true story but in my family
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.980)
but the point is is that I always like the big person table yeah he likes the big person
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.380)
table he likes the big person table and and hey uh I'll say this alex is a really good
Unknown Speaker (00:56:43.579)
case study for why there should be kids tables yeah 100 percent because sometimes kids go
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.400)
over to the adult table and they don't understand what they're hearing they don't understand
Unknown Speaker (00:56:52.260)
they're unable to grasp or deal with the information context and maybe they create an entirely
Unknown Speaker (00:56:59.340)
fictitious version of what's going on at the adult table and then it runs their life because
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.860)
their dad enables them right because they don't have a frame of reference for what's
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.300)
going on they must create one of their own right do you think that somebody who's at
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.099)
the kids table can understand infidelity with your grandparents right no right you're fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:57:19.900)
business watch batman imagine if the kid was like wait and then grandpa said that it turned
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.820)
out it was something that was actually kind of a turn on for them and this improved that
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.420)
their sex life for the entire thing and then this whole concept of of monogamous relationships
Unknown Speaker (00:57:33.219)
should be turned on its head you can't understand that from your own fucking grandfather when
Unknown Speaker (00:57:37.460)
you're nine and thanksgiving no true story by the way you're not emotionally equipped
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.699)
to deal with a lot of the conversations that alex is describing as being at the adult table
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.780)
yes and and i mean that also as a direct correlation to the stuff about like geopolitical shit
Unknown Speaker (00:57:55.300)
yeah and and all that alex as a kid wasn't equipped to deal with it and he internalized
Unknown Speaker (00:57:59.980)
stuff that he doesn't understand yeah and still doesn't and believes wholeheartedly
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.460)
that batman movies are real probably yeah uh it certainly was part of his sandy hook
Unknown Speaker (00:58:09.539)
coverage yeah right so uh you seem to have some feelings about the tower of babel i appreciate
Unknown Speaker (00:58:17.500)
i i mean of all the ones listen of all the ones that we're gonna be like oh this could
Unknown Speaker (00:58:21.980)
have been real or not you know like i'm not gonna do nozark we're just not doing it we're
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.219)
definitely not doing tower of babel well but also that had nothing to do with like one
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.760)
world government like the story wasn't warning people against working together as a group
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.059)
it was about the hubris of thinking that you could build a tower to heaven it's mostly
Unknown Speaker (00:58:39.119)
just a myth that is used to explain why people speak different languages exactly and it exists
Unknown Speaker (00:58:44.179)
in different cultures too yeah it's all like oh well we weren't talking and then we can't
Unknown Speaker (00:58:49.380)
understand each other because we were so vain and we thought we could get to heaven i do
Unknown Speaker (00:58:54.900)
appreciate that who knows if that allegory is true or not who knows what a very strange
Unknown Speaker (00:58:59.460)
sentence who knows those words don't function in a sentence together now the only way that
Unknown Speaker (00:59:04.139)
i can kind of understand a possible thing that's going on in this in this interview
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.460)
is that they're both trolling each other there's and they don't know yeah i because i could
Unknown Speaker (00:59:15.119)
see that being like some kind of an elaborate joke but i don't think it is i i feel like
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.780)
we are listening to two people who absolutely are in completely different universes like
Unknown Speaker (00:59:28.780)
doing pen pal letters back and forth you know like that's how she's asking questions she's
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.800)
sending him a letter right and it goes into the different universe and he writes his eight
Unknown Speaker (00:59:37.260)
thousand page word response and then we do it all over again and he didn't read the letter
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.860)
so he's not responding to anything that was in her letter yeah continuing another yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:59:47.619)
yeah so pearl has a question here and that is how do you know that they worship the devil
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.019)
that's a good question that's a good question what are they're they're trying to make one
Unknown Speaker (00:59:57.260)
world government basically is what you're saying yes one world government that they
Unknown Speaker (01:00:03.280)
totally control where you have no rights and everything you do is tracked and traced and
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.940)
there's no underground economy there's no freedom it's just absolutely basically market
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.659)
the beast okay martha based and how do you know because i i've heard you say in interviews
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.460)
that they worship the devil uh how do you how do you know they do they say this openly
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.260)
well here's the deal if you worship christ and follow christ ideas whether you believe
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.340)
that or not doing others as you're doing to you lay down your life for your brother all
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.820)
of that that's not very compatible to a system of total control and domination you can call
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.659)
it a test and yet call it whatever you want like i know you've got gangs over there in
Unknown Speaker (01:00:42.780)
the uk and i'm sure you've heard your pleasure from the us you know you're from chicago you've
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.900)
heard of gang initiations right i grew up in the suburbs i don't know much about gangs
Unknown Speaker (01:00:54.820)
but you know gangs have initiation i do now well any real gang has initiations okay um
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.860)
and and and and every military or or gang that was serious in history is you have to
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.539)
kill people for the gang to even be an actual member so first off you got to kill people
Unknown Speaker (01:01:13.059)
okay yeah whether it's the mexican mafia or ms-13 or lacosanost or any of that uh i mean
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.659)
in every group's got gangs but the the british empire and the u.s empire is the establishment
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.460)
that their gangs wear uniforms understand their killers wear uniforms and they're actually
Unknown Speaker (01:01:30.900)
the dominant gang okay so it's a cab there were all the exact dates and times but until
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.579)
the early 50s the senate and the congress and the fbi and jager huber the fbi founder
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.420)
and director said that lacosanostra the mafia did not exist that's just something that alex
Unknown Speaker (01:01:49.900)
is taking from none dare call it conspiracy at the beginning of the book gary allen attempts
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.099)
to argue for the existence of this global communist conspiracy that's invisible to your
Unknown Speaker (01:01:58.199)
naked eyes but wait lacosanostra existed and did crimes for many years before they were
Unknown Speaker (01:02:03.420)
even known to exist when joseph valachi snitched he says quote is it not possible for a political
Unknown Speaker (01:02:10.320)
conspiracy might exist waiting for a joseph valachi to testify that's one of his big arguments
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.340)
for why there's no you don't see any of this right it's still there right right i'm sure
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.199)
alex is taking a bit of this uh from that i am also when she said oh yeah i think that's
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.579)
evidence that you just didn't know what initiation meant maybe i i swear to you i am kind of
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.579)
enjoying this absolute baby bird of a human being just being like what's that there's
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.340)
a certain part of me that's like oh you're unencumbered with the real world entirely
Unknown Speaker (01:02:47.340)
there's like my parents are multi-millionaires i grew up in a mansion outside chicago i don't
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.860)
know i've never been to michigan avenue oh my god maybe i've been to michigan yeah not
Unknown Speaker (01:02:57.519)
very far what do you know about she knows that women are a problem she also seems to
Unknown Speaker (01:03:04.940)
hate overweight people and trans people and uh so yeah there's a lot of a lot of not cool
Unknown Speaker (01:03:11.019)
things in her book go outside more she um yeah there there is a um a naivety or something
Unknown Speaker (01:03:19.139)
in her that is a little refreshing in that like you know answering that question like
Unknown Speaker (01:03:23.460)
you're from chicago you know gangs i grew up in the suburbs yeah like there it's so
Unknown Speaker (01:03:27.480)
easy to answer that question like yeah and just move along how many people we we know
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.340)
tons of people who are like oh i'm from chicago at the very she was a person who said i'm
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.500)
from the suburbs right for her yeah not being like i'm from chicago not trying arlington
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.219)
heights fuck you not trying to add some kind of uh street cred yeah and there is that element
Unknown Speaker (01:03:47.260)
to her and like being willing to be like i don't know who kissinger is i don't know any
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.460)
of this shit i don't know anything but and you kind of can be charmed by that a tiny
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.059)
bit but it is important to remember that she is a real piece of shit yeah i mean it's it's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:00.159)
a fucking tabula rasa situation i feel like they just get get the wrong ears or get the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.300)
wrong voices out of her ears and i also think that she sounds way younger than she is so
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.579)
it feels like you're beating up on like a 16 17 year old 17 year old kid yeah but she's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.340)
like 26 27 somewhere in there that's you know and i think there's a part of me that's just
Unknown Speaker (01:04:21.739)
so jealous of that imagine living that long and knowing this little i i don't want to
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.099)
i was i've never been an ignorance rich enough i've never been an ignorance is bliss guy
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.460)
but man the present makes you feel like ignorance is a much more blissful place it can't it
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.599)
can be confused for bliss yeah yeah so anyway we talk here a little bit about uh la cosa
Unknown Speaker (01:04:44.300)
nostra the mob yeah yeah now hollywood created this idea that only gangs are italian that
Unknown Speaker (01:04:50.820)
that's that's just that's another giant mind control operation that only italian's set
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.099)
up gangs that's a classic line in the godfather that's based on a composite of true stories
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.659)
where uh the uh the uh you know head of the family he's talking to his wife and uh she
Unknown Speaker (01:05:05.659)
goes he's having to kill people and she says you know i wish you were like normal people
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.579)
not to kill people like you know the president and and and generals and he says sir he says
Unknown Speaker (01:05:17.780)
don't be naive kate that's exactly who's doing a lot more killing than i am and i'm paraphrasing
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.760)
it but that's an iat oh you were the publicist here's an example until the early 50s it was
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.780)
a fact according to the media that the mafia did not exist la cosa nostra did not exist
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.340)
even though that name really our thing no look it up so that uh whole point about not
Unknown Speaker (01:05:40.539)
knowing the name of it is another thing gary allen stresses in the book and that's also
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.699)
godfather another movie reference yep that's three if you count the ring of mordor but
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.599)
i think that one i'm not gonna count the jason born one i'm counting okay you're not gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.619)
count the one ring no because that could be a book fair enough yeah i'm gonna pretend
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.940)
alex right i mean yeah yeah yeah let's pretend alex has that one under his belt i'll give
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.619)
him i'll give him lord of the rings i i i'll give him the hobbit i don't know if i'll give
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.860)
him lord of the rings all the way through he read the silmarillion i'll give him ah
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.699)
he did didn't he probably he does he does have some nerd stuff like that back in his
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.260)
brain somewhere yeah yeah and there's like a sort of a religious weird thing with c.s
Unknown Speaker (01:06:23.300)
lewis and tolky and so like i could see him uh having some real weird feelings about some
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.260)
of that deep stuff yeah i bet that is some weird stuff there his dad beat him over the
Unknown Speaker (01:06:31.820)
head with a copy of mere christianity hey don't darry don't do don't go too long nope
Unknown Speaker (01:06:41.599)
that's definitely not the movie then i'm gonna go no so uh alex gets into this initiation
Unknown Speaker (01:06:47.500)
idea the gangs have initiation so there's some ways to get into the globalist sure yes
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.980)
uh and so here's the first way i have been on a mission to expose the real powerful globalist
Unknown Speaker (01:06:58.860)
mafia that is dominant and so to get into their club at one level there's a lot of different
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.179)
ways to get in the club there's different angles different systems and there's different
Unknown Speaker (01:07:09.760)
you know overlapping things but um i guess the quickest way to get in the club would
Unknown Speaker (01:07:14.800)
be join the military join special operations follow whatever orders they say get in the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.380)
right groups the first thing is they'll want you to sleep with prostitutes then i want
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.340)
you to like deal some drugs then they'll want you to have sex with underage girl naturally
Unknown Speaker (01:07:27.659)
uh and and then once they got you compromised then they'll start having you uh murder people
Unknown Speaker (01:07:32.219)
first it'll be people on the base they don't like uh and it just kind of expands on from
Unknown Speaker (01:07:36.699)
there sure uh it's kind of a few good men kind of gives that idea like you know take
Unknown Speaker (01:07:40.500)
care of this guy but that was just one level they don't just kill somebody one time because
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.820)
the because the colonel says so it goes up the chain to see what you'll do movie number
Unknown Speaker (01:07:48.780)
three yeah yeah so that's one way you can get the globalist yeah just uh watch a few
Unknown Speaker (01:07:54.239)
good men special operations and then just do anything do whatever you're whatever they
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.019)
ask you whatever you say oh okay you want me to sleep with sex workers that seems like
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.800)
a reasonable thing for my boss to desire sure i'll go ahead and do that mm-hmm well and
Unknown Speaker (01:08:11.780)
also you're selling drugs for the colonel i feel like you you're you're much more fine
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.779)
with murder than you are with selling drugs right if you've joined special ops yeah why
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.840)
are you why are they getting you to sell drugs before the murder because that's part of what
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.619)
compromises you no the murder is uncompromising you're you've already compromised for the
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.739)
murder you're like give me a gun to murder right yeah i don't know yeah i think it's
Unknown Speaker (01:08:36.539)
partially because alex is making the shit up i think it could have a lot to do with
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.020)
it yeah and so there's another way though yeah and this way is a bit more grotesque
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.979)
okay this does involve abusing and killing children there we go and so here is him explaining
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.460)
that all right that's one model uh it would be to get into army special operations and
Unknown Speaker (01:08:56.039)
then you can get fast tracked into being a hitman uh but i mean who would really want
Unknown Speaker (01:08:59.340)
that for real uh that's one angle terrible you would also be a top scientist already
Unknown Speaker (01:09:03.100)
be a successful banker uh get in with jeffrey ebbstein you know when you go to jeffrey ebbstein
Unknown Speaker (01:09:07.979)
who picked up the mi-6 he's dead can't get in with him anymore uh for maxwell's uh dad
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.140)
who you know was uh israeli intelligence and then you go to him you you say to abstein
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.100)
i want to go in florida or or little saint john island or i want to go to your new york
Unknown Speaker (01:09:24.420)
compound i want to have this recorded and i want you to videotape it so i can be in
Unknown Speaker (01:09:27.819)
the club and he comes right in and there's cameras and they bring in a five-year-old
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.819)
kid and they have sex with him and uh and then and then and then and then oh even that
Unknown Speaker (01:09:36.020)
young oh my god oh yeah just they're they're only they're in limited hangouts with 15 to
Unknown Speaker (01:09:40.260)
16 year old girls and 14 year old girls and then at a higher level they fly out to dylan
Unknown Speaker (01:09:45.659)
and they go you know what uh jeffrey's not here this week but we got all that tape on
Unknown Speaker (01:09:49.859)
you everything you did you're gonna sign all those billions you've got over to us and we're
Unknown Speaker (01:09:53.060)
gonna let you manage it uh or we're gonna release that information and the people are
Unknown Speaker (01:09:57.180)
like okay i'll do whatever you say that's why i came into this they go all right well
Unknown Speaker (01:09:59.979)
we got some kids that have been causing us a problem there's a nine-year-old a five-year-old
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.460)
down there in this basement so uh here's a hatchet we want you to go kill them right
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.180)
now and you go in and you beat you kill them with a hatchet so yeah that's what that's
Unknown Speaker (01:10:11.619)
what they do where do they get the kids from millions of them they grab up the streets
Unknown Speaker (01:10:17.539)
every year here i mean here's an example right here overhead shot please overhead shot please
Unknown Speaker (01:10:22.579)
alex is doing this like it's his show oh my god that's an overhead shot for and so that
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.220)
you can get a picture of an infowars article to help convince this young lady of his grotesque
Unknown Speaker (01:10:32.939)
fantasies it's unreal here's a hatchet unreal that that the empathy noise no oh no what
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.380)
are you talking about what are you talking it's ridiculous make that noise that is absurd
Unknown Speaker (01:10:48.819)
how dare you just this is this is if she's not fucking with him i don't understand human
Unknown Speaker (01:10:54.739)
beings yeah see that's that i don't think she is but i don't think she is either but
Unknown Speaker (01:10:58.859)
it would be interesting for her to be fucking with it and then simultaneously with alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:04.060)
constant movie references it'd be funny if he was fucking with her yeah but i think they're
Unknown Speaker (01:11:08.619)
both sincerely engaging in this interview i that's unfortunate it is it is two completely
Unknown Speaker (01:11:16.260)
two people occupying completely separate universes from each other and definitely from us yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:11:23.020)
yeah but there's still a um a common cause between the two of them in some in some form
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.699)
no no that that is i in fact that that sound almost makes me angry that's your that's your
Unknown Speaker (01:11:37.760)
response to actually believing this bullshit your response to that is oh not at five what
Unknown Speaker (01:11:46.060)
yeah but she does have a good question and that is why would people do this because it's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.960)
ridiculous it's ridiculous um so she asks that and pay attention because at the end
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.960)
of this clip you'll hear an audio shift which i think is really strange but why would someone
Unknown Speaker (01:12:00.479)
do that to begin with it's like a power thing like they want like okay to join to join ms-13
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.659)
they're normal people like starting right like the people that are in this group well
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.819)
no i mean there's a lot of ways to get upset i told you like a military route to get into
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.579)
one level of it um there's also a lot of people are born into rich families and you know you're
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.659)
an ultra rich super new family that's been running the say the heroin trade for 400 years
Unknown Speaker (01:12:29.619)
and you've got you know your son that you want to toughen up so you put them in yale
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.939)
at skull and bones and they get tapped you know they're i guess junior year and that's
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.859)
worshiping satan bathing in feces sleeping in coffins satan worshiping and and homosexual
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.380)
sex um and that's all was anthony sutton got that information charlotte iserby's dad was
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.739)
a member of it and they leaked that the 70s is how we have all the documents on skull
Unknown Speaker (01:12:58.619)
and bones and so that's what they do there and and so for the rich you know yales and
Unknown Speaker (01:13:03.600)
harvard folks they've all got their own stolen bones that's just the one that yale's called
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.039)
stone bones chapter 322 and they've got they've got these germanic death cult clubs all over
Unknown Speaker (01:13:11.979)
so that's kind of the highest levels like bohemian grove looks like a german death cult
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.340)
motif take like uh ms-13 they're a particularly nasty crew it was jarring there's something
Unknown Speaker (01:13:22.420)
really weird about that audio there yeah uh i don't know what happened could be a tech
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.380)
issue that they had to like stop down or something that sounds right or maybe alex said some
Unknown Speaker (01:13:30.439)
shit that he wanted her cut out and we'll never know because i wouldn't trust either
Unknown Speaker (01:13:33.720)
of them to tell me what happened totally yep very strange when you're interviewing a conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:13:38.819)
theorist don't make edits i i mean that's just a terrible terrible idea you need the
Unknown Speaker (01:13:45.460)
raw i mean i can't um yep because now i'm imagining he said some wild stuff like ashley
Unknown Speaker (01:13:52.960)
on the challenge totally yeah and i mean the the audio is a drastic change so something
Unknown Speaker (01:13:58.859)
happened in the physical space that changed that and there's a jump cut yeah exactly yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:14:04.460)
so it's it's a it's a picking up uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't like it i don't
Unknown Speaker (01:14:10.340)
like it uh anyway alex didn't get all this stuff about bathing and feces and what have
Unknown Speaker (01:14:15.060)
you from anthony sutton documents or anything like that turns out let me take skull and
Unknown Speaker (01:14:19.619)
bones first you go and worship lucifer and ask lucifer to your body and lay in coffins
Unknown Speaker (01:14:25.140)
for three days and reborn and then bathing feces like uh that's what and it's not even
Unknown Speaker (01:14:29.619)
a whitewash it's true uh robert de niro produced he's also in a uh matt damon starring movie
Unknown Speaker (01:14:39.039)
the good shepherd good shepherd that's about skull and bones in the cia and that's a true
Unknown Speaker (01:14:43.060)
story and and so for him he's every year they would not just have elitist at the club they
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.659)
would pick one person from the common man that was really good the captain of the team
Unknown Speaker (01:14:53.020)
and had perfect scores he wasn't from a rich family it's based on a true story of the guy
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.659)
that created the cia coming out of that that came out of the oss a common man and i mean
Unknown Speaker (01:15:03.859)
literally he's in a vat of feces with people pissing on and that's what they do sure and
Unknown Speaker (01:15:08.140)
with a guy dressed up like the devil doing black magic rituals over him and and that's
Unknown Speaker (01:15:12.899)
what they do at that level and then they still gotta have the military training though to
Unknown Speaker (01:15:15.979)
actually get the higher levels of it then they take them out of college you know with
Unknown Speaker (01:15:19.579)
rotc then they're put in the military then they go out and make their bones killing people
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.380)
and uh i mean there's two groups it's the same group but there's two different paths
Unknown Speaker (01:15:29.300)
you can either molest kids and murder kids uh to be in the club or you can go still do
Unknown Speaker (01:15:35.939)
satanic rituals have homosexual relationships with people they have black mailed and and
Unknown Speaker (01:15:41.020)
then murder other men bare minimum so then that's kind of the old track to make sure
Unknown Speaker (01:15:44.819)
they had to compromise they mainly just moved to the pedophile track because that's what
Unknown Speaker (01:15:48.779)
my audience is most interested in getting scared about and so that's basically what
Unknown Speaker (01:15:52.859)
they're doing that's how we get to the trans stuff that makes things a lot easier for me
Unknown Speaker (01:15:56.500)
right now it's coincidental it's really helpful of them to really make this easy for me yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:16:01.500)
because that way i don't have to talk about both of them i can just kind of focus on one
Unknown Speaker (01:16:04.819)
fourth movie reference good shepherd yep yep yep yep um also interesting to ponder the
Unknown Speaker (01:16:11.060)
very difficult question that if that movie was revealing stuff about the globalists why
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.979)
would arch globalists robert de niro and me demon make that movie yeah that does seem
Unknown Speaker (01:16:21.960)
weird yeah for them yeah people you have described as those people yeah oh well well you may
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.460)
never know you know i i find i find all of this so very frustrating just like one of
Unknown Speaker (01:16:35.420)
my big issues for a lot of stuff like as i've grown older and i've learned more about myself
Unknown Speaker (01:16:41.140)
and and people is like just logistics you know like when you say oh they're that guy's
Unknown Speaker (01:16:46.840)
bathing in a vat of feces and they're all peeing on him how do you get that shit that
Unknown Speaker (01:16:51.500)
that how long did that take you know what i'm saying like my belief in humanity now
Unknown Speaker (01:16:56.859)
is more based around the idea that we are going to find a quicker and simpler and lazier
Unknown Speaker (01:17:01.739)
way to do just about everything let's say that these people who are in college are like
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.300)
five eight right totally how much shit are we talking so much so much it's prohibitive
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.579)
it to the point where you would dry out before you would be able to fill up the whole thing
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.020)
or someone at yale would have to be a shit moister they would have to have a thing yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.260)
flip side of this yeah someone from yale uh someone in the uh skull and bones is gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:17:26.460)
have to go around to dorms and be like can i bother you for a cup of shit okay now now
Unknown Speaker (01:17:32.260)
let's throw this even further all right now we know that now we've got a shit guy okay
Unknown Speaker (01:17:36.739)
so we've got a guy who has access to vats level amounts of shit at all times all globals
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.539)
have a shit absolutely he's a shit he's our shit guy yeah right but even then how much
Unknown Speaker (01:17:47.720)
are you paying this shit guy for how much shit how many to how many like guy how many
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.979)
employees is it going to take to put the shit from the truck into the vat where's the vat
Unknown Speaker (01:17:57.399)
sourced from who's how many guys have to schedule you can barely even get a dnd game together
Unknown Speaker (01:18:03.460)
true and now you're scheduling 10 guys to pee on people this is absurd yeah it's a mess
Unknown Speaker (01:18:08.979)
i think it's not uh realistic in terms of like uh you know you need you need to get
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.020)
like asana together to plan this meeting totally um but then the other thing too is i like
Unknown Speaker (01:18:19.939)
the idea of sending people to yale to toughen them up yeah i know that was that was that
Unknown Speaker (01:18:23.779)
was a delight they're gonna join the acapella team and get real tough yes as as we know
Unknown Speaker (01:18:30.539)
the famously rough and tumble guys from yale sure really thickens the skin why don't you
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.100)
send them to a state school where they if someone someone who is from one of these rich
Unknown Speaker (01:18:44.319)
upper crust families send them to like some normal state school where they'll get bullied
Unknown Speaker (01:18:49.579)
for being that won't toughen them up that will make them weak they'll think their fellow
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.840)
man is equal to them foolish so alex his uncle or something yeah um he was a jason boren
Unknown Speaker (01:19:02.699)
style assassin right right yeah um and so he was uh he was doing a lot of killing for
Unknown Speaker (01:19:06.979)
the globalists but then something happened that is definitely not unlike something that's
Unknown Speaker (01:19:12.500)
in a movie yeah because it sounds so crazy to the average person that like they would
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.640)
just it does it really does open to doing that it does doesn't it um okay so then what
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.060)
happened well they do it by they do it by increments they do it by increments and again
Unknown Speaker (01:19:27.699)
i wasn't ever told me this because it was dangerous stuff but my dad was really close
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.279)
with his quote unquote his cousin they grew up together you know the same street same
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.979)
farm and he went away it was an army in vietnam and all that stuff and came back and then
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.100)
you know all that stuff and uh you know growing up with your visit and he was he was gone
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.140)
sometimes there but you know he would just you know have his cows and he bred rabbits
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.239)
and ate those and he was a big farmer guy but sometimes he would just have to go away
Unknown Speaker (01:19:52.600)
on business all of a sudden and uh later he told my dad many years before he died uh that
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.460)
uh yeah the government's bad it's out of control bad blah blah blah and what he'd been doing
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.460)
for many years from the time he was stationed in germany in europe and then on through was
Unknown Speaker (01:20:08.699)
uh you know he'd get an order to go kill somebody and uh and then and then he was doing it for
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.779)
the army army special operations and then for the you know presidential orders and then
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.579)
they wanted any more clandestine so they said well we're gonna have you try out for the
Unknown Speaker (01:20:22.420)
cia i'm gonna give you a big position here um but we want you to go to chicago and do
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.060)
some stuff for us so he was in chicago for a while actually and then uh he said they
Unknown Speaker (01:20:31.819)
asked you to do something so horrible he wouldn't say exactly what it was but kind of he never
Unknown Speaker (01:20:35.220)
told me this he told my dad about it until um he told me a little bit actually but he
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.140)
read my book my first book shut up one time we're sitting around at thanksgiving and he's
Unknown Speaker (01:20:45.579)
sitting there looking at a 45. we're at the adults table obviously but i said you know
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.180)
what you can have it he was the kids table has smaller guns i gave him he goes he says
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.619)
i just read your book that you you know published a few months ago he goes you're lucky to be
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.819)
alive because i'd be surprised you don't get killed for that because uh you know and then
Unknown Speaker (01:21:03.539)
i didn't i didn't have the full story that he was actually sitting there telling me how
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.060)
dangerous that was but he knew but he was basically asked to kill a whole family and
Unknown Speaker (01:21:13.979)
i could kind of suss out because a lot of these is what they do is uh if they really
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.460)
want to demonize somebody when they kill them they come in they tie you up however they
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.340)
do it and then uh they tell you if you don't fill out this suicide note i'm gonna kill
Unknown Speaker (01:21:28.659)
your family and your wife and kids are tied up in the corner sure and as soon as you do
Unknown Speaker (01:21:33.500)
that they just basically use the note then they kill your wife kill your kids and then
Unknown Speaker (01:21:37.819)
they kill you and then they put the gun in your hand and say you murdered them as that
Unknown Speaker (01:21:42.380)
deal but but what he described was basically kill a family and he wouldn't do that so it's
Unknown Speaker (01:21:46.380)
kind of that scarface moment that's a fictional movie but based on again uh context of things
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.060)
that um oliver stone went around and uh de palma went around and took a decade to write
Unknown Speaker (01:21:56.699)
that script but you know at the end he goes no women no kids and they're gonna blow up
Unknown Speaker (01:22:00.380)
the car of the of the guy exposing the the narcotics traffic in front of the un and he's
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.460)
supposed to be alone but the wife and kids get in the back of the car you are telling
Unknown Speaker (01:22:08.340)
me the movie kills the uh you are describing a movie to me that's the real stuff that goes
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.819)
on in the government movie number five scarface jesus fucking christ now i would assume no
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.819)
women no kids dan i would assume that if you are yeah an assassin you know that has worked
Unknown Speaker (01:22:29.180)
on government orders and from the president and all this high level stuff sure i'm gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:22:34.859)
guess that whoever you're working for isn't gonna put up with that kind of sass i'm sorry
Unknown Speaker (01:22:40.359)
you are not are you telling me that not every assassin has a strict moral code that they
Unknown Speaker (01:22:46.779)
adhere to regardless of who employs them at any given point in time such that the movies
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.380)
would suggest were the case well here's actually the only reason i believe alex and that is
Unknown Speaker (01:22:57.159)
because assassins have a crazy good union yeah they can make demands of their employers
Unknown Speaker (01:23:02.600)
like i won't kill women and kids yeah they could do stuff like that yeah and then the
Unknown Speaker (01:23:07.079)
employer won't just kill them so strange they won't like you're offering an assassin to
Unknown Speaker (01:23:13.100)
assassinate them if you're operating in this kind of space yeah right if if such a space
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.500)
does exist yeah you will you are dead you don't make demands of your boss you know that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:24.979)
your job is to murder for them but that's what i what the what i don't understand is
Unknown Speaker (01:23:29.699)
that there is a concept of yes or no in this universe it's live or dead you know it's it's
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.779)
you kill them or you're dead or or if you tell me to kill them and i don't kill them
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.800)
then i have to kill you that's the there's no like back and forth there's no like hey
Unknown Speaker (01:23:43.859)
how about we talk about this real quick no it's one or the other maybe you can negotiate
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.939)
a raise maybe but you don't get to choose who you kill no that's that's against the
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.819)
rules that's so dumb that doesn't make any sense no from an employer standpoint it would
Unknown Speaker (01:24:02.739)
ruin the point of the business yeah the whole idea is will you kill anybody we say hey dumb
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.220)
dumb guess what oh my god if your uncle did behave that way he wouldn't have died in old
Unknown Speaker (01:24:12.399)
age oh shit you wouldn't be around to tell you how great your first book is that no one
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.340)
gave a fuck about okay it's all it's all well and good that we live in john wick is actually
Unknown Speaker (01:24:21.939)
a sure moral code ass dude or whatever but in real life what kind of assassin is he's
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.100)
like listen hey i would never take the life of a woman or a child like what are you doing
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.060)
what are we doing it's silly fuck up it's um get out of here yeah someone who has uh
Unknown Speaker (01:24:39.699)
the ability and the willingness to kill for a paycheck yeah isn't precious about human
Unknown Speaker (01:24:44.479)
life no i don't anyway i would never cross that line what are you talking about so the
Unknown Speaker (01:24:50.420)
globalists act this way maybe because they got shit on its skull and bones sure and maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:24:55.000)
it's because they come from a bad bloodline or maybe who knows whatever but the issue
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.140)
is that they just want to destroy sure we got black hats running the show who you can
Unknown Speaker (01:25:05.699)
say why do they just take rituals why do they rape kids why do they murder people because
Unknown Speaker (01:25:09.939)
they have an appetite for innocence and and and for total control and that's what they're
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.979)
doing and so you see these archetypes and movies and cultures and film and you say why
Unknown Speaker (01:25:23.119)
in this uh tom cruise movie i forget the name of it legend or whatever does the devil want
Unknown Speaker (01:25:27.420)
to kill the unicorns and kill the little maiden right and it's like because that's what the
Unknown Speaker (01:25:30.939)
devil does they just want to kill innocents and you see that you go oh yeah big red devil
Unknown Speaker (01:25:35.720)
wants to kill unicorns and the maiden but that's the archetype for the virgin or for
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.380)
the innocents and uh sixth movie yeah i think maybe legend i don't know devil wants to kill
Unknown Speaker (01:25:47.000)
unicorns just just like sounds like a good plot no concept of reality no just like none
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.819)
no grasp on what is or is not yeah fascinating troubling yeah well we have different adjectives
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.140)
oh i mean in a world where in an academic world very interesting to study real world
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.520)
terrifying yeah don't want it around get it away from me allowed allowed to freely disseminate
Unknown Speaker (01:26:11.319)
weird ideas as if they are based on anything i'm telling you dangerous we just gotta put
Unknown Speaker (01:26:16.380)
them in a dome and determine some actors yeah absolutely we can't let him function in the
Unknown Speaker (01:26:22.319)
real world nope a healthy society would bio dome yeah absolutely totally that needs to
Unknown Speaker (01:26:27.399)
be contained yeah yeah so a couple times alex has described the globalist as uh trans humanists
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.619)
sure and uh she has no idea what that is well maybe but she doesn't know how he's using
Unknown Speaker (01:26:39.060)
the term and so she asks and uh turns out the covid vaccines they've got all kinds of
Unknown Speaker (01:26:46.899)
goals what do you mean by trans humanists uh they believe they've taken control of human
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.140)
evolution and then they're accelerating human evolution they're basically causing mutations
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.880)
on the general public so they believe that they give 10 million people a poison shot
Unknown Speaker (01:27:04.079)
that mutates their dna that most of them will get sick and die but out of that will force
Unknown Speaker (01:27:08.420)
mutation and create an uber mention or a superman and then they can extract that knowledge and
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.979)
use it for themselves wait explain that one more time a superman that they they can extract
Unknown Speaker (01:27:22.100)
the knowledge and use it for themselves you know most bigger discoveries yeah that would
Unknown Speaker (01:27:28.239)
actually be self-evident yeah yeah and so they are trying to force mass mutation of
Unknown Speaker (01:27:35.899)
the human species and put incredible pressure that kills the majority of us but out of its
Unknown Speaker (01:27:41.399)
survival of fitness out of it comes a new superhuman just like if you spray bugs with
Unknown Speaker (01:27:49.460)
a certain poison within five generations on average they're immune to it and so their
Unknown Speaker (01:27:53.420)
argument is we're going to kill off most of these useless feeders we're going to reintroduce
Unknown Speaker (01:27:56.539)
survival of fitness social darwinism get rid of all these useless eaters that are stupid
Unknown Speaker (01:28:01.539)
and lazy and dumb and then force a bunch of mutations to give rise to the uber mensch
Unknown Speaker (01:28:08.220)
the x-men what i mean that isn't my understanding of what the covid vaccine conspiracy is i
Unknown Speaker (01:28:13.739)
tried to create superman i genuinely do not believe that we have discussed a actually
Unknown Speaker (01:28:19.420)
covid is about creating the x-men and killing everybody else right it's i mean under i understand
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.579)
the depopulation thing sure i understand the um you know martial law implementation stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:28:33.060)
these are all things and ideas that are well well worn territory we all get it yep creating
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.739)
mutants with superpowers that's not that wasn't that's not on my dance card no and once you
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.859)
add that that kind of ruins everything else for me you know because then it's like oh
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.420)
well you you're what are we talking about if you're trying to create x-men you guys
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.380)
are absolutely insane now let's take this a step backwards sure let's say that is their
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.539)
plan let it okay okay what happens you create a magneto sure that doesn't work for you no
Unknown Speaker (01:29:05.420)
the globalists not gonna help doesn't like you he is not a fan of being controlled he's
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.100)
got he's a five rank or whatever it is in that one movie i think this would have the
Unknown Speaker (01:29:19.060)
potential to have severe blowback for the globalists should you create mutants who are
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.739)
super powered uh in some way and they don't like you i'm gonna throw this out at you yep
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.060)
all right as people obsessed with accruing insane amounts of power and then abusing said
Unknown Speaker (01:29:38.479)
power they should be aware that giving a large amount of power to anyone does leave open
Unknown Speaker (01:29:43.899)
the possibility that they will abuse it to them but i guess the idea here is that you
Unknown Speaker (01:29:48.979)
would create these superpowers and then be able to extract them somehow that doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.260)
make sense no it doesn't no see when you talk about ockham's razor there's this right and
Unknown Speaker (01:30:02.460)
then there's there was a pandemic and they created a vaccine right right which is simpler
Unknown Speaker (01:30:07.699)
yeah there is a little bit less uh probably the mutant one yeah okay are we which which
Unknown Speaker (01:30:16.460)
is crazier vampires or x-men is china boarding up vampires wow or are the globalists making
Unknown Speaker (01:30:26.500)
x-men debatably we have blade uh in the marvel universe we've got dr michael morbius no escaping
Unknown Speaker (01:30:34.300)
right they're everywhere these are compatible yeah that's true that's true so what's the
Unknown Speaker (01:30:39.500)
problem with the multiverse man there's an interesting question that we we run into and
Unknown Speaker (01:30:43.979)
that is that the covid vaccine's supposed to kill so many people sure and uh maybe it
Unknown Speaker (01:30:49.960)
didn't and so alex explains away that concern okay so with um with covid um did that kill
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.699)
as many people as they thought it would because i'd imagine if they wanted to just you know
Unknown Speaker (01:31:03.500)
kill most of the population couldn't they have just done it with the one shot yep everyone
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.100)
drops dead that's a great question dr peter mccullough just yesterday there's my video
Unknown Speaker (01:31:14.939)
list i had it in here guys i don't see my videos or somebody bringing it to me peter
Unknown Speaker (01:31:18.960)
mccullough just uh earlier this week is a renowned heart doctor prestigious he was asked
Unknown Speaker (01:31:26.939)
that question it's like a three and a half minute clip and i'll actually send it to you
Unknown Speaker (01:31:31.100)
in that post if you want she didn't and he was asked the question why is this happening
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.020)
and it's a test a certain percentage of the lots is saline on purpose because they've
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.899)
tested lots all over the country it's just saline they thought it was because they thought
Unknown Speaker (01:31:50.619)
it was the nurses and the and the health care workers given saline and it was in some cases
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.460)
and it was bad but in a lot of cases there was investigations and they and the government
Unknown Speaker (01:31:58.779)
did it others didn't they go pull the lots and go no all this is saline and then another
Unknown Speaker (01:32:04.420)
certain percentage we actually got them right here uh was a little bit of the spike protein
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.060)
a little bit of the replicating nanotech as a treat uh hiv spike protein they took it
Unknown Speaker (01:32:15.899)
and synthetically made it was not the whole virus but it's a toxic spike protein sure
Unknown Speaker (01:32:21.060)
and then another smaller percentage uh four point something here let me find it yes please
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.939)
four point something is actually super strong and it's a death sentence for most people
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.859)
and so that way they could test where the lots went what effects it had but also then
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.340)
it would confuse all the reporting because it wouldn't make sense because why the larger
Unknown Speaker (01:32:39.039)
numbers weren't dying that doesn't make sense no so i would say that first of all none of
Unknown Speaker (01:32:44.659)
this is true and second that's a bad way to create superman that is a terrible plan if
Unknown Speaker (01:32:48.979)
that was their if that's part of their plan then what are you doing only four percent
Unknown Speaker (01:32:53.659)
is uh the the good stuff yeah also you do experiments on smaller numbers in order to
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.060)
then extrapolate so when you do the full scale thing you don't need to experiment like they
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.460)
he's trying to say that they're they're just doing one big small experiment then a big
Unknown Speaker (01:33:12.020)
one and then another big one and they're behaving as though it's a double blind study when it's
Unknown Speaker (01:33:15.859)
not even close to that well okay you know i think that uh he got caught up in his habit
Unknown Speaker (01:33:22.779)
of calling it an experimental vaccine yeah and then it just uh kind of you know you go
Unknown Speaker (01:33:27.220)
from there got out of control so i'm just going to play this next clip it's alex explaining
Unknown Speaker (01:33:31.880)
the vaccine to pearl uh-huh and at the end he says he's about 95 accurate about this
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.819)
okay i i would say it's a little lower a little lower than that little all right what movie
Unknown Speaker (01:33:43.460)
is that like the boobsters or it's just outbreak the different types of shots or how does that
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.659)
okay yeah that's another really complex question and i'm not a scientist but i've interviewed
Unknown Speaker (01:33:53.420)
about 80 of them or more the last three years um you have two different types of quote shots
Unknown Speaker (01:34:00.039)
being given one is a vaccine but it's still a gene manipulating gene editing program so
Unknown Speaker (01:34:06.260)
it's just as bad as mrna it's just in fact probably worse um so you've got a virus vector
Unknown Speaker (01:34:11.960)
vaccine that was astrogenica and jnj i'll explain what a virus vector is in a moment
Unknown Speaker (01:34:17.699)
sweet then you had two mrna shots exact same ingredients exact same patents by the pentagon
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.180)
and by uh the nih and and by the cdc it's a multinational deal and and out of chapel
Unknown Speaker (01:34:33.380)
hill north carolina 2014 so they already had the virus ready already had it all prepared
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.659)
and then the pentagon comes and says oh we can make this really quick but people need
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.180)
to think it's a private company so they let moderna and pfizer put it out the pfizer is
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.260)
uh the equivalent of one third and was it one fourth of the moderna the moderna is three
Unknown Speaker (01:34:58.140)
times yes no no it's four times stronger so so the moderna is the exact shot of a gene
Unknown Speaker (01:35:03.340)
therapy an mrna injection uh as the pfizer so the pfizer is only one fourth strong exact
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.140)
same shot and so one of them two of them are an mrna injection nothing to do with the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (01:35:16.260)
the other is quote a virus vector vaccine but it fires a virus and a bunch of other
Unknown Speaker (01:35:24.720)
crazy stuff a human genome and a chimpanzee genome i mean there's a lot of stuff piggybacked
Unknown Speaker (01:35:29.659)
remember pharmacist would open up the shot records in the little ampules by law it's
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.739)
supposed to have a big print on it what's in it the testing and everything they were
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.979)
all white pieces of paper they wouldn't tell you what was in it for a few years and so
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.180)
you have the virus vector shots that are j and j and astraZeneca where it fires a whole
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.340)
virus in carrying the program to tell the cell to produce a spike protein so they had
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.039)
to suspend astraZeneca and j and j they were causing blood clots and heart attacks right
Unknown Speaker (01:35:57.859)
up front they kind of hit them with something even worse right up front hard to believe
Unknown Speaker (01:36:02.619)
seeing it's worse but it was probably worse statistics show then you have the moderna
Unknown Speaker (01:36:05.899)
and pfizer does the same thing but it orders mrna just go into the cell and and then and
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.979)
then order to do it instead of a virus vector system but they all four ordered by the pentagon
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.460)
ordered by uh obama that's really who runs it not by him and of course trump got to do
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.220)
it went along with warp speed as well to to produce those four quote vaccines but all
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.699)
four of them are not conventional vaccines and that's what they do in the body now again
Unknown Speaker (01:36:31.300)
i'm not a science about a doctor i'm going off um you know research of what they said
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.100)
and what went on i probably got 95 of that right but basically that's what's going on
Unknown Speaker (01:36:39.100)
here 95 percent i i i okay there's i think it's two percent accurate and that is that
Unknown Speaker (01:36:45.300)
there are vaccines i that's about all that i i've i've come up with an idea for a show
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.739)
all right and we can pitch this we're in chicago right so we've got plenty of improv places
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.420)
not the suburbs all right um everybody has to try and improvise the definition of something
Unknown Speaker (01:37:02.819)
that they don't know what it is you know what i'm saying so just like like that is a three
Unknown Speaker (01:37:07.800)
and a half minute long improvised definition of a vaccine that he just made up a whole
Unknown Speaker (01:37:11.979)
cloth it was a multiple vaccine definitions yeah exactly storyline around yeah yeah which
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.779)
is fun none of which includes like what is this vaccine made of and it's fun that she's
Unknown Speaker (01:37:22.359)
just going along like oh obviously yeah that makes perfect sense and you know you could
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.100)
be tempted to feel like there is a disbelief that she is uh could be expressing none but
Unknown Speaker (01:37:34.979)
listen to this no listen to this no no i'm just wondering what percent of people will
Unknown Speaker (01:37:40.220)
die from the vaccines because it just seems like it would have been higher because it's
Unknown Speaker (01:37:46.060)
uh it's the numbers i've seen it's like less than 10 but i i know those are really manipulated
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.020)
too yeah no one is sure except the best numbers we ever multinational insurance companies
Unknown Speaker (01:37:57.640)
and edward dowd is a big numbers cruncher has had some big whistleblowers high-level
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.680)
uh statisticians and actuarialists come out so i would point your your your your glisters
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.640)
that cause unknown he wrote the book cause unknown knowing it's the shots but just leaving
Unknown Speaker (01:38:12.279)
it there and then showing the data robert f kennedy jenner's been promoting that book
Unknown Speaker (01:38:16.340)
and so rogan and i've been interviewing him for several years even before the book came
Unknown Speaker (01:38:19.819)
out or even as whistleblowers came out but all the whistleblowers he talked about did
Unknown Speaker (01:38:23.119)
indeed that we're advising him uh did come out one of them is like recognized top statistician
Unknown Speaker (01:38:27.619)
out there in the world top one of the best and uh there's a 40 plus percent increase
Unknown Speaker (01:38:34.260)
in unnatural death in the countries that took any one of the four shots so these are bigger
Unknown Speaker (01:38:42.140)
death increases than we saw per capita in world war ii and world war one wow so so yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:38:50.140)
a 40 plus percent increase in death i just i took it so i'm trying to i'm trying to figure
Unknown Speaker (01:38:56.140)
out my odds here you know what i mean you're fine um yeah so i would say i kind of agree
Unknown Speaker (01:39:02.300)
with her because she's saying the number is less than 10 percent it's way less right but
Unknown Speaker (01:39:07.579)
the fact that she's like that's kind of in the conversation is a 10 death rate from taking
Unknown Speaker (01:39:12.340)
the vaccine oh my god i anyway that 40 death increase thing was from a story that came
Unknown Speaker (01:39:18.520)
out at the beginning of 2022 reflecting numbers from 2021 the insurance professionals who
Unknown Speaker (01:39:23.300)
came out with that story absolutely did not blame the vaccines and said it was because
Unknown Speaker (01:39:26.779)
of the delta variant and quote deferred medical care during the pandemic the trend of excess
Unknown Speaker (01:39:31.800)
deaths went upward prior to the existence of the vaccine and has gone down since the
Unknown Speaker (01:39:35.520)
uh so the idea of tying it to the vaccine is really dumb but pearl is just eating it
Unknown Speaker (01:39:40.859)
all up i mean it's amazing if she's she i can't imagine believing that there's a 10
Unknown Speaker (01:39:45.500)
percent death rate that would be about 500 million people who would need to be dead now
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.939)
or 71 times how many people died from covid yeah they even float that as a potentially
Unknown Speaker (01:39:56.859)
true thing you heard it requires a painfully uncurious mind yeah like you know like that
Unknown Speaker (01:40:03.399)
this is why i played that clip of her uh talking about the misleading statistic from the manosphere
Unknown Speaker (01:40:08.699)
yeah it's because she's doing the same shit this is just what she does that's her here's
Unknown Speaker (01:40:13.000)
dumb shit and then uh repeats it 10 percent you really think that you are really going
Unknown Speaker (01:40:19.779)
to sit there and you're gonna say well they could hide a 10 death rate from 500 million
Unknown Speaker (01:40:30.619)
from the earth satellites would pick up how many people are dropping dead every goddamn
Unknown Speaker (01:40:36.699)
second yeah that's how that's how many people do you know why would they decimate the population
Unknown Speaker (01:40:42.020)
is said with that kind of decimate like that kind of rage inside of it because it's horrific
Unknown Speaker (01:40:47.699)
yeah the the um the implications of what she's suggesting could possibly be the case are
Unknown Speaker (01:40:52.619)
ridiculous and almost you know this is part of the reason why i don't think it's reasonable
Unknown Speaker (01:40:57.899)
to take her seriously yeah yeah um but the way that we work around this is alex's it's
Unknown Speaker (01:41:05.380)
mostly saline yeah kind of thing and that's why there's not 500 million people dead yep
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.819)
and you know alex just trots out a bunch of excuses for why she's not dead even though
Unknown Speaker (01:41:15.119)
she took it do you remember that day did they did they pull the vial out of the refrigerator
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.579)
i don't remember oh fuck you brought it to the front mentalist has already loaded the
Unknown Speaker (01:41:28.560)
needle i don't remember it was so long ago well here's here here's also a uh ray of sunshine
Unknown Speaker (01:41:37.699)
sweet if it gets above 87 degrees for even five minutes um the pfizer moderna mrna jacketing
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.899)
of these nanoparticles that they use this basically it's a high-tech form of antifreeze
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.699)
breaks down and the nanolipid particles don't stay in case around the uh the mrna reprogrammer
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.380)
and so uh because of laziness thank god a lot of people are spared because it's still
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.819)
toxic it's still not good for you but it doesn't get the spike protein replicating and again
Unknown Speaker (01:42:17.300)
if you've got lots of different lots of different vials being sent out around and until people
Unknown Speaker (01:42:21.220)
get boosters um it basically confuses the medical system about what's actually killing
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.340)
the people does that make sense then they also say oh people are dying because they
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.619)
have their boosters really they're dying from the first shot they got does that make sense
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.699)
yeah no i didn't have any side effects from it but oh my god yeah i get nervous on twitter
Unknown Speaker (01:42:41.140)
now i see all these people dying i'm like oh gosh i hope not me yeah yeah yeah oh wow
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.260)
stay off that side of twitter then i mean stupid stay off stay off all of it you gotta
Unknown Speaker (01:42:54.180)
you go you go to a monastery somewhere and just like work shit out because this is this
Unknown Speaker (01:43:01.619)
needs to happen away from the rest of us there needs to be a whole god i i want the matrix
Unknown Speaker (01:43:06.119)
to be real just to get her up to speed faster oh i also didn't include this clip because
Unknown Speaker (01:43:11.020)
i think it was from another video of hers i watched when she was discussing the red
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.239)
pill stuff and she said i've never seen the matrix but it's my understanding that what
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.060)
it means is i i mean there's something there's something almost like like she is discovering
Unknown Speaker (01:43:27.340)
i like this like we're doing a magic school bus version of of this story you know like
Unknown Speaker (01:43:33.420)
this is this is like her she's going to miss frizzle at the pyramids of geese i'll be like
Unknown Speaker (01:43:38.180)
what happened here and she's like ah the egyptian pharaohs were very old but it's not wonder
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.899)
and childlike discovery of of the world it's being lied to by like abusive racist misogynist
Unknown Speaker (01:43:54.699)
men yeah that's what's going on that's her miss frizzle yeah and her reaction to it is
Unknown Speaker (01:43:59.680)
so mind-boggling well it's just not curious exactly i mean it's not even and and not and
Unknown Speaker (01:44:04.800)
not emotionally connected to it there's a distance it almost seems like she's a giant
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.020)
pothead yeah the way she's talking but i don't think she is based on all of her other positions
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.739)
i mean it is it is like a true representation of what being rich can do to a person you
Unknown Speaker (01:44:20.659)
know like just that five years old oh like you don't this is people aren't people to
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.779)
you this is not real i took the vaccine and i'm on twitter and i see all these people
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.819)
dying and i'm very worried about it i had no side effects and oh thank god alex is reassuring
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.539)
me that i probably the dose was out too long yeah and what are we giving me all these reasons
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.539)
why i'm not dead who dodged a bullet there yeah also if the globalists fucked this up
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.560)
by laziness i'm not scared of the global that's what i'm saying i'm not scared i'm sitting
Unknown Speaker (01:44:53.100)
here going like these people can organize fucking dunking shit vat piss parties right
Unknown Speaker (01:44:59.380)
they can do this without a hitch regularly i'm i'm thinking of like the globalists getting
Unknown Speaker (01:45:05.380)
together like people aren't dying from the vaccines and they're like they try and figure
Unknown Speaker (01:45:10.020)
it out what happened like oh turns out if it's outside like over 80 degrees for five
Unknown Speaker (01:45:14.739)
minutes it doesn't work and then everyone's just in the boardroom like fuck motherfucking
Unknown Speaker (01:45:19.060)
terry we told you it was your job to be the heat guy terry god damn it terry get the fuck
Unknown Speaker (01:45:25.539)
out of here yeah we'll go get a new job working for the opaque terry we kill people when we
Unknown Speaker (01:45:29.760)
fire them shut up get out of here apparently not we'll go talk to alex that's a great idea
Unknown Speaker (01:45:35.899)
so we switch topics here now yeah it's about time yeah and pearl brings up one of her beliefs
Unknown Speaker (01:45:41.300)
and that is that women shouldn't vote great and alex i bet she's got a real smug smile
Unknown Speaker (01:45:45.899)
about it on her face doesn't she um i will be honest that i didn't end up watching this
Unknown Speaker (01:45:51.340)
whole thing i watched a bit of it and then i listened to the rest worth it but i would
Unknown Speaker (01:45:55.579)
assume so yeah um so she she pitches this and then alex has a very offensive rejoinder
Unknown Speaker (01:46:01.699)
okay so i was thinking i have i have a controversial view right and i was thinking because if there
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.779)
are these globalists right i'd imagine they're trying to break down the family right i'd
Unknown Speaker (01:46:14.340)
imagine they're behind maybe some of those policies too um and i was wondering do you
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.159)
think it started because i don't think women should vote and i be yeah because i i when
Unknown Speaker (01:46:27.159)
i looked at the early anti-suffragettes like writings uh the women were talking about how
Unknown Speaker (01:46:32.140)
this was going to be the beginning of the breakdown of the family and i couldn't even
Unknown Speaker (01:46:36.039)
believe it i didn't even think about it because it's like before it was like two became one
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.800)
in marriage um do you think it started like before because that would have been 1920 do
Unknown Speaker (01:46:45.020)
you think like has this existed before then well look i mean here's what goes on in any
Unknown Speaker (01:46:54.159)
industrial society people are going to get lazy and stupid and not live off the land
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.300)
and not be based in reality that's that's been observed for thousands of years by philosophers
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.260)
that multi-generations brought up in cities become stupid criminal lazy a whole list of
Unknown Speaker (01:47:09.779)
things and so what's affecting women oh boy and being lackadaisical and seeming to be
Unknown Speaker (01:47:16.520)
dumb so are the men i'm sorry so it's a collapse of civilization and humanity and then the
Unknown Speaker (01:47:24.380)
system wanted to get all the women in the workforce yeah so the children can be raised
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.100)
by the state uh and women statistically aren't happy but some women do want to be in the
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.560)
workforce some women want to be astronauts or doctors or scientists they're gonna make
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.260)
great ones i'm fine with that but women will they're grateful that you're fine with that
Unknown Speaker (01:47:39.260)
on average not happy with that and they realized that it was a setup so it's kind of like this
Unknown Speaker (01:47:44.939)
apartheid was a terrible system and i'm not defending it in south africa but in national
Unknown Speaker (01:47:49.180)
polls in africa even the africans will tell you man it was better before
Unknown Speaker (01:47:52.460)
wow wow
Unknown Speaker (01:48:01.979)
so when you said uh when she said i have a controversial view and you're like no you
Unknown Speaker (01:48:05.979)
don't you don't have any views well what it is is i heard some angry dude say this and
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.319)
i'm repeating it and it's cool because i'm a woman shut the fuck up get out of here so
Unknown Speaker (01:48:15.699)
you were just scrolling on your notes i'm curious what that was i'm just i'm i'm blown
Unknown Speaker (01:48:21.460)
away because what she was implying or what she was asking alex essentially was did all
Unknown Speaker (01:48:26.500)
of this globalist shit happen because we let women vote uh yeah well she was like is this
Unknown Speaker (01:48:32.420)
did this go on before then yeah before 1920 there was well yeah because the breaking up
Unknown Speaker (01:48:38.220)
of the family and she is essentially arguing that or asking alex like hey if only men were
Unknown Speaker (01:48:43.699)
in charge would globalism but i don't think alex even caught that as like part of what
Unknown Speaker (01:48:48.779)
her question was yeah and also i think that you know the suffragettes and you know women's
Unknown Speaker (01:48:53.699)
lib kind of activists when they talk about like destruction of family if they were even
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.720)
using those terms yeah it would be the destruction of the tyranny of the family where the woman
Unknown Speaker (01:49:03.460)
is property yeah um and i think that's different than destroying a family right all right yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:49:09.539)
you know that there is that romantic idea of when to become one but then there's also
Unknown Speaker (01:49:13.739)
that idea of when a dude now owns a lady and whatever comes out of her there's also that
Unknown Speaker (01:49:18.760)
spice girl song to become one oh a little bit different yeah scandalized me as a child
Unknown Speaker (01:49:25.140)
that lyric be a little bit wiser baby put it on put it on because tonight is the night
Unknown Speaker (01:49:32.819)
talking about condoms in this song did the breakup of the family happen before or after
Unknown Speaker (01:49:36.800)
the spice girls they might have done it they might it might have been them it might have
Unknown Speaker (01:49:40.859)
been them yeah um say you'll be there of all and so so so she knows anti-suffragette shit
Unknown Speaker (01:49:49.119)
from the 20s that's what we've got no that's what we're bringing because she read some
Unknown Speaker (01:49:53.220)
fucking exactly male rights blog or something that's what i'm saying you don't have any
Unknown Speaker (01:49:58.020)
views yeah you're empty of your own volition i find it highly doubtful that you would have
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.020)
read the writings of suffragettes fuck off yeah you might have read a paragraph on a
Unknown Speaker (01:50:08.300)
blog out of here so what alex was saying is a comically offensive uh suggestion oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:50:13.899)
i didn't even want to engage with anything he said if you follow the trail of his words
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.220)
he's making the argument that some women want rights but most realize that getting rights
Unknown Speaker (01:50:22.939)
was a trick it was a setup and they're more unhappy with rights oh you bastards and then
Unknown Speaker (01:50:27.659)
he compares it to apartheid suggesting that south africans would prefer to go back to
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.100)
apartheid obviously uh also he said national poles of africa yep just fun yeah i'm really
Unknown Speaker (01:50:38.420)
starting to believe that alex either doesn't understand the reality of what happened under
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.779)
apartheid or he really is a brutal white supremacist who's trying to mask his true beliefs yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:50:47.100)
i just can't see any other option and the only way it's plausible that he doesn't understand
Unknown Speaker (01:50:51.439)
the reality of it is if he only knows about apartheid through the lens of anti-communist
Unknown Speaker (01:50:55.779)
propagandists and the john birch society who made it their business to downplay what things
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.340)
were really like in order to demonize and scare monger about communism coming after
Unknown Speaker (01:51:04.819)
apartheid was removed yeah if that's his only point of reference then maybe it's not based
Unknown Speaker (01:51:09.979)
on wanting to crush minorities sure i mean that's the fear of everybody who is that children
Unknown Speaker (01:51:16.180)
growing up in florida will be like wow it is amazing how plantation owners were so nice
Unknown Speaker (01:51:20.500)
to those people that they uh allowed to live on their land for free yeah yeah there is
Unknown Speaker (01:51:26.220)
an issue with that being uh your point of view yeah if you don't know reality you will
Unknown Speaker (01:51:30.220)
probably not be willing to repeat the same stupid shit that happened before so also the
Unknown Speaker (01:51:35.819)
washington post harvard and the kaiser family foundation did a wide-scale survey across
Unknown Speaker (01:51:40.659)
the population of south africa in 2004 and would you be surprised to learn that alex
Unknown Speaker (01:51:44.899)
is full of shit what ask if they would want to go back to apartheid 10 of black respondents
Unknown Speaker (01:51:49.779)
said yes and only 19 of white people did too only 19 of the people who would benefit the
Unknown Speaker (01:51:56.500)
most from it that's so even alex's racist ideas aren't accurate sure alex thinks that
Unknown Speaker (01:52:02.100)
people would rather go back to apartheid because he would rather live in that system because
Unknown Speaker (01:52:06.239)
he doesn't care about what people uh who would have to suffer under in the same way that
Unknown Speaker (01:52:11.619)
he can imagine that a vast majority of women would prefer to have no rights that would
Unknown Speaker (01:52:16.060)
be a net positive for him since at very least his wife couldn't call the cops on him anymore
Unknown Speaker (01:52:20.380)
yeah so you just hey that'd be good yeah i would prefer that therefore it must be the
Unknown Speaker (01:52:27.140)
most popular thing that's another good point all right even if you are white in an apartheid
Unknown Speaker (01:52:33.340)
system it's still a shitty system it's only good for a very small number of people who
Unknown Speaker (01:52:39.060)
have all of the power and even though theoretically you're not the race that's under the oppressed
Unknown Speaker (01:52:43.960)
boot you're being repressed by fucking oh my god i hate the world i hate him yeah it's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:49.699)
ridiculous for alex to be suggesting things like that's absurd and it's ridiculous that
Unknown Speaker (01:52:55.140)
pearl probably actually doesn't know what apartheid she probably doesn't so she genuinely
Unknown Speaker (01:52:59.180)
probably does but she doesn't ask what it is so we don't know six years old in 2023
Unknown Speaker (01:53:05.140)
wow so alex uh starts telling her about uh the huxley brothers sure um and he just lies
Unknown Speaker (01:53:12.939)
the social engineers came in um aldis huxley's his brother was a founder of the transhumanist
Unknown Speaker (01:53:19.060)
movement and that was the head of the world eugenics movement he's also the head of the
Unknown Speaker (01:53:22.140)
united nations uh unesco program uh he wrote a book julian huxley aldis actually wrote
Unknown Speaker (01:53:28.659)
a book in 1931 brave new world that was fiction but in 61 he gave a berkeley speech and he
Unknown Speaker (01:53:36.300)
just released brave new world revisited non-fiction we explained this is a real plan to brave
Unknown Speaker (01:53:41.180)
new world how we foresee things by you know the year 2030 or so and we want to end the
Unknown Speaker (01:53:46.000)
family for the general public uh people live in 200 square foot cubes you'll be fed insect
Unknown Speaker (01:53:52.739)
protein uh and uh you'll have your iq set at about 80. wait when when was that released
Unknown Speaker (01:53:59.659)
it was written in 1931 good question oh wow whoa so but but the point is he wrote a book
Unknown Speaker (01:54:07.579)
in 61 saying 30 years later saying this is my this is our real plan so he explained that
Unknown Speaker (01:54:18.180)
and he said you know george arwell everybody thinks that's the future no that's just in
Unknown Speaker (01:54:23.859)
mop up operations uh 90 of our control will make you love your servitude and so he said
Unknown Speaker (01:54:30.619)
we're gonna separate men and women destroy the family then we're gonna make people sexless
Unknown Speaker (01:54:35.939)
that's really what they're doing you know first they say a fat man in a clown suit defecating
Unknown Speaker (01:54:40.659)
on a crucifix is a woman and then now if you go to these events it's like men with shaved
Unknown Speaker (01:54:47.300)
heads and clown outfits dancing around with pentagrams saying they love satan sure so
Unknown Speaker (01:54:52.819)
first a man is now a woman and then now a man that's a woman is a fat guy in a clown
Unknown Speaker (01:54:58.500)
outfit so they're robbing our humanity they're robbing who we are they are desecrating the
Unknown Speaker (01:55:07.180)
sacredness of man and woman together yeah so of course it wove into uh transphobia sooner
Unknown Speaker (01:55:12.420)
sooner or later we're gonna get there yeah although it did strike me while listening
Unknown Speaker (01:55:16.460)
to that that maybe the people shitting on crucifixes there's a mop up team that comes
Unknown Speaker (01:55:21.739)
in steals it throws it in the vat just throws it in the vat bada bing yeah well i mean listen
Unknown Speaker (01:55:27.979)
the globalists are a lot of stuff yeah but they are not wasteful no especially not when
Unknown Speaker (01:55:32.060)
it comes to waste right um also i think clown suits alex just means like glitter and uh
Unknown Speaker (01:55:38.260)
sequence i don't maybe i don't even want to now um also uh all that stuff about the brave
Unknown Speaker (01:55:43.619)
new world revisited is total bullshit we've gone over this and it's so fun the way that
Unknown Speaker (01:55:47.659)
if you listen to him over time whatever his like current little conspiracy thing is gets
Unknown Speaker (01:55:53.819)
worked into that yeah like you eat insect protein that is now a part of that because
Unknown Speaker (01:55:59.220)
of claus schwab didn't hear that in the past nope no we did not nope it's a little new
Unknown Speaker (01:56:04.380)
uh bit of paint you don't get to do that in the real world where that's not allowed well
Unknown Speaker (01:56:10.260)
you do if everyone who's listening to you doesn't give a shit and uh or just blindly
Unknown Speaker (01:56:15.140)
believes that you know what you're talking about or is like this lady that was the blindly
Unknown Speaker (01:56:19.300)
believes you know what you're talking about i think there's almost even more deep fucked
Unknown Speaker (01:56:22.920)
up shit there but whatever so in this next clip uh pearl asks how do you fight back which
Unknown Speaker (01:56:29.579)
is good let's give the interesting question how do you fight back against these globalists
Unknown Speaker (01:56:32.779)
i think we all know the answer well it's not actually uh go to and uh scream
Unknown Speaker (01:56:39.720)
it to your email list um it's a long rant yeah that sounds right so buckle it up is
Unknown Speaker (01:56:45.659)
about five minutes oh my god this is the five minute clip this is the one that you wanted
Unknown Speaker (01:56:49.579)
oh boy so how does the average person avoid that you know how does how does the average
Unknown Speaker (01:56:56.500)
person not be a part of this is there any way this is a really good question how the
Unknown Speaker (01:57:01.699)
globalist sorry go ahead no i said is there any way to yeah how the globalists do this
Unknown Speaker (01:57:08.500)
is increments successive approximation and so they come out and they go you're incentivized
Unknown Speaker (01:57:16.699)
to you know to buy green well it's the same thing with free speech canada passes laws
Unknown Speaker (01:57:24.140)
you say the n-word you go to jail now i don't like the n-word i don't want to call me one
Unknown Speaker (01:57:27.939)
name that hurts their feelings but we knew they'd then pass laws and you say there's
Unknown Speaker (01:57:31.680)
only two genders you get arrested which is now happening in canada only two genders you're
Unknown Speaker (01:57:34.939)
arrested whether you're right about that or not you have a right to say it truckers peacefully
Unknown Speaker (01:57:38.619)
protesting six months a year in jail in canada canada's the new globalist wef model of the
Unknown Speaker (01:57:44.739)
globalist claus schwab admits it go look it up so it's the same thing they come out with
Unknown Speaker (01:57:52.060)
these esg scores put out by the imf the world bank and black rock and vanguard funds that
Unknown Speaker (01:57:58.100)
control most of the money in the world and investments and larry faked out of vanguard
Unknown Speaker (01:58:01.979)
said last month he said we're using the esgs and our money to control the future so you
Unknown Speaker (01:58:07.279)
wonder why the nfl and why target and why bud light destroy themselves pushing the sexualization
Unknown Speaker (01:58:13.939)
of children yeah and because they're they're they're they're trying to get a high esg score
Unknown Speaker (01:58:19.819)
and so the oh oh and yeah i'd like you know anheuser bush just lost 24 billion and that
Unknown Speaker (01:58:25.960)
gives them money like they give them money if they get a high esg score well well let
Unknown Speaker (01:58:31.119)
me explain this okay think of it this way you've heard of you've heard of boycotts right
Unknown Speaker (01:58:37.220)
yeah uh have the big banks are saying we're gonna de-bank you and not fund you and not
Unknown Speaker (01:58:43.279)
support you in the future if you don't follow this list of ongoing demands that are the
Unknown Speaker (01:58:49.100)
un global esg scores okay you can pull up the german leaders the british leaders the
Unknown Speaker (01:58:53.939)
french leaders all of them saying we are going to implement esgs in 2022 so starting last
Unknown Speaker (01:58:59.439)
year they started saying we are implementing them now so it's government with regulations
Unknown Speaker (01:59:04.779)
complying to the un complying to these multinational wef last year the wef world economic forum
Unknown Speaker (01:59:10.960)
merged with the un and the secretary of the un said secretary general said we are now
Unknown Speaker (01:59:18.800)
merged with the wef and they tell us what to do whoa okay what a weird thing to announce
Unknown Speaker (01:59:23.819)
the world economic forum the top thousand corporations huh they tell the un what to
Unknown Speaker (01:59:28.260)
do and the un then creates policy that our governments under unesco have agreed to adopt
Unknown Speaker (01:59:33.539)
and then we have those policies did you hear remember we're going to ban gas stoves all
Unknown Speaker (01:59:38.899)
over the world yes that was a travesty that was a travesty and then first they first they
Unknown Speaker (01:59:43.899)
said well of course gas is bad then of course it's not totally clean then they go oh we're
Unknown Speaker (01:59:47.699)
not doing that now california new york and pass laws to ban them so so that's an esg
Unknown Speaker (01:59:54.579)
the esg says ban all gasoline and diesel engines by 2030 well i mean california has banned
Unknown Speaker (02:00:02.939)
the sale of them after 2030 period they already banned the sale last year of lawn mowers leaf
Unknown Speaker (02:00:08.500)
blowers and weed eaters and gas golf carts so we can't even do anything about it like
Unknown Speaker (02:00:13.380)
how what are we supposed to even do what do you want to do but you notice what i was just
Unknown Speaker (02:00:17.460)
saying you asked what do you do and i'm trying and it's complex but it's easy okay it's simple
Unknown Speaker (02:00:21.619)
zen that's why they want me off here because i've analyzed all these systems and know how
Unknown Speaker (02:00:24.859)
to beat them this is actually simple once you look at their attack profile and reverse
Unknown Speaker (02:00:28.319)
it on them they're setting up a global corporate boycott of companies and individuals and groups
Unknown Speaker (02:00:34.020)
that don't do what they say do the esg scoring system that is their globalist boycott of
Unknown Speaker (02:00:41.020)
us to make us buy their products it's really a bycott but you see us saying okay black
Unknown Speaker (02:00:48.460)
rock vanguard anheuser-busch target north face they're all saying we're going to sexualize
Unknown Speaker (02:00:54.460)
your kids your kids belong to us we say to them we're not going to buy your product and
Unknown Speaker (02:01:01.260)
that's the equivalent of the little people together saying no through information and
Unknown Speaker (02:01:06.140)
research and now black rock publicly lost trillions of dollars in their quadrillion
Unknown Speaker (02:01:13.460)
portfolio which is still a lot and so they announced in december they were pulling out
Unknown Speaker (02:01:20.180)
of esg scores but what did they do they control most of the major companies in the fortune
Unknown Speaker (02:01:26.939)
1000 with their investment so what did the what did black rock do along with vanguard
Unknown Speaker (02:01:33.579)
same people on both they kamikaze and said fine we won't implement esgs we'll have all
Unknown Speaker (02:01:39.979)
our sub companies implementing esgs and we think our investors are too stupid to know
Unknown Speaker (02:01:44.279)
it but now everybody's just looking where black rock invest and pulling out of all those
Unknown Speaker (02:01:48.260)
sub companies well haha so humanity's really battling back i should have started the show
Unknown Speaker (02:01:52.979)
with this yeah probably wow it's really heavy very so they're trying to bully us through
Unknown Speaker (02:01:59.060)
corporate power to buy their products live the way they want us to live to to shut down
Unknown Speaker (02:02:02.880)
all their competition just like the lockdowns did oh big box stores are critical but your
Unknown Speaker (02:02:06.619)
small shop isn't you go bankrupt commit suicide they they stay open it's all a monopoly it's
Unknown Speaker (02:02:12.180)
all a vertical integration it's all a consolidation operation so do you know how to fight back
Unknown Speaker (02:02:17.300)
esgs was that the way to fight back i thought don't buy from big companies out of vanguard
Unknown Speaker (02:02:26.939)
yeah don't buy from big businesses it feels like what he's doing is describing a situation
Unknown Speaker (02:02:33.180)
wherein titanic elements battle each other while you just sit there and stare at them
Unknown Speaker (02:02:38.779)
i guess uh also just really quickly because it was at the beginning of that long nonsense
Unknown Speaker (02:02:42.939)
rant it's not illegal to protest say the n-word or be a transphobe in canada no all that is
Unknown Speaker (02:02:47.819)
just alex lying about how you can't use bigotry to harass people over their race or gender
Unknown Speaker (02:02:52.699)
that is illegal because it's harassment yeah or how you can't deny somebody a lease on
Unknown Speaker (02:02:56.920)
an apartment because of their race or gender because that's illegal discrimination when
Unknown Speaker (02:03:00.899)
you hear alex say these kinds of absurd things it's important to understand that he comes
Unknown Speaker (02:03:05.119)
from an intellectual tradition that strongly opposes civil rights once you see it through
Unknown Speaker (02:03:09.420)
that lens the exaggerations he makes don't seem so confusing anymore it all tracks yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:03:15.340)
all the rest of that shit about esgs is just meaningless garbage that's playing real well
Unknown Speaker (02:03:19.079)
in the right-wing media at the moment i think most people got tired of hearing scaremongering
Unknown Speaker (02:03:23.460)
about the great reset and build back better so this is the new term that's horrifying
Unknown Speaker (02:03:27.760)
patriots oh my god essentially an esg score is a number that a company has that reflects
Unknown Speaker (02:03:33.279)
its environmental social and governance efforts it can be self-calculated or there are multiple
Unknown Speaker (02:03:39.640)
independent companies they can calculate it for you or you can choose not to participate
Unknown Speaker (02:03:43.880)
in it considering uh it's a it's a metric that's not necessary to have it's like alex
Unknown Speaker (02:03:48.939)
is acting like it's an edict that comes down from on high i declare this esg do you know
Unknown Speaker (02:03:54.619)
what do you know it's so uh my wife and i we like watching naked and afraid uh-huh and
Unknown Speaker (02:03:59.739)
there's something that they do that makes me that is is i'm annoyingly infuriated by
Unknown Speaker (02:04:05.619)
what's that they have this thing called a psr score which is oh yeah yeah survival rate
Unknown Speaker (02:04:11.060)
yeah i've seen that and the way that they calculate it i don't i don't give a shit about
Unknown Speaker (02:04:14.579)
how they calculate it because at the end of the show they'll just create some bullshit
Unknown Speaker (02:04:18.619)
reason they'll be like oh it goes up by 0.6 he's good at berries like fuck off yeah no
Unknown Speaker (02:04:23.539)
you are making up a bullshit number and you're calling it a score how dare you it's the same
Unknown Speaker (02:04:29.140)
thing at the end of every episode of doomsday preppers yeah yeah they're like we give you
Unknown Speaker (02:04:33.619)
eight months to survive don't we give you a rating of six i recognize that because people
Unknown Speaker (02:04:38.500)
think that this is important and companies will pay money for it that it's not the same
Unknown Speaker (02:04:42.140)
exact thing as a made-up psr score but it is the exact same often companies don't need
Unknown Speaker (02:04:46.640)
to pay for it because they can calculate it themselves or they can advertise it themselves
Unknown Speaker (02:04:50.100)
the exact same way yeah they can self-report the entire oh we've got a score of 6.8 it's
Unknown Speaker (02:04:54.619)
a benefit for companies to engage with the scoring system apparently because it implies
Unknown Speaker (02:04:59.000)
a level of transparency that would make investors more likely to commit their money to you but
Unknown Speaker (02:05:03.539)
ultimately this has nothing to do with what alex is pretending it is so for instance two
Unknown Speaker (02:05:08.140)
examples came up in that clip that are illustrative but stoves and bud light so in the case of
Unknown Speaker (02:05:14.100)
the stove situation this has zero to do with esgs it has to do with states deciding to
Unknown Speaker (02:05:18.560)
pass regulations about the production of new stoves that are outmoded and polluting a company
Unknown Speaker (02:05:23.340)
could still make them i guess and it wouldn't hurt their esg but it would be a violation
Unknown Speaker (02:05:27.300)
of state regulation in the case of bud light again esgs don't come into play at all alex
Unknown Speaker (02:05:33.140)
is trying to pretend that having dylan mulvaney on a novelty can so she could do a one-off
Unknown Speaker (02:05:37.340)
online sponsored video was an attempt for on bud light to get some esg points but that's
Unknown Speaker (02:05:42.199)
stupid it seems conceivable that you could see a dip in your esg score if you ran an
Unknown Speaker (02:05:47.680)
ad that was openly transphobic and hate-filled unless you calculate the score yourself but
Unknown Speaker (02:05:52.859)
you're not going to be docked points for not running a one-off ad featuring a trans person
Unknown Speaker (02:05:57.420)
this is ridiculous that would be a very a very strange scoring system and who's judging
Unknown Speaker (02:06:03.100)
it would be an even stranger yeah yeah alex is acting like it's dictated from like some
Unknown Speaker (02:06:08.060)
yeah there's some tribunal deciding this or claus schwab i guess yeah overall esg frameworks
Unknown Speaker (02:06:14.760)
are helpful for some things but kind of a dumb system as a whole you can calculate the
Unknown Speaker (02:06:18.899)
score yourself because there's no uniform standardization in it if you're an investor
Unknown Speaker (02:06:23.199)
you can look at it and maybe it means something but given that an identical business could
Unknown Speaker (02:06:27.220)
get a different score from different calculators you gotta take it with a grain of salt yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:06:31.500)
plus there are negative aspects to the whole ideology which largely comes into play when
Unknown Speaker (02:06:35.699)
you think about businesses playing up their environmental efforts or social responsibility
Unknown Speaker (02:06:40.420)
in ways that aren't actually meaningful think about how every business puts out rainbow
Unknown Speaker (02:06:44.819)
stuff for pride month and then does nothing for the rest of the year to indicate support
Unknown Speaker (02:06:48.779)
for the lgbtq community right for the most part esgs are not a serious part of business
Unknown Speaker (02:06:54.420)
necessarily period this is a massive thing for folks like alex though because it has
Unknown Speaker (02:06:58.979)
the appearance of being a formalized uniform financial version of being arrested for saying
Unknown Speaker (02:07:03.659)
the n-word right all that being said i'd like to congratulate alex for discovering one of
Unknown Speaker (02:07:08.020)
the very elementary versions of protest and pretending he's invented the wheel what he's
Unknown Speaker (02:07:12.479)
describing is just a call for reactionary boycotts if you see a business supporting
Unknown Speaker (02:07:16.979)
the environment or the lgbtq community or being against racism drive that company into
Unknown Speaker (02:07:21.979)
the ground and pretend you're doing it not because you're full of hate it's because of
Unknown Speaker (02:07:25.779)
esgs that's all that he's doing that's the way you fight back against the globalists
Unknown Speaker (02:07:31.020)
any time there is a business that like has a rainbow flag up yeah uh boycott them yep
Unknown Speaker (02:07:39.420)
yep oh the revolutionary spirit is not dead in america dan yeah i i found that to be uh
Unknown Speaker (02:07:48.020)
at least an answer other than well yeah go to my website yeah but it is just disgusting
Unknown Speaker (02:07:54.579)
and and the reactionary the problem with a lot of uh the what do we do about this stuff
Unknown Speaker (02:08:02.100)
is uh it's not like we're in a new problem you know like we've we've all had discussions
Unknown Speaker (02:08:09.199)
about where we are in the past because we have all been here in the past you are not
Unknown Speaker (02:08:13.220)
coming up with a new idea when you're like how about we take to the streets yes indeed
Unknown Speaker (02:08:17.979)
we have done this in the past perhaps we should learn the things that we've done in the past
Unknown Speaker (02:08:22.340)
and not pretend that we invented the very first boycott yeah i mean and and alex's uh
Unknown Speaker (02:08:27.460)
sort of model of boycotts is like it would be right at home at a time when it's like
Unknown Speaker (02:08:32.159)
boycott this business if they serve black people yeah you know like that's the that's
Unknown Speaker (02:08:36.680)
the tradition and spirit that's within his his answer to solving the globalists and that's
Unknown Speaker (02:08:43.699)
because they won't let us to get away with a tulsa every anymore yeah um so alex says
Unknown Speaker (02:08:49.100)
that most of us are dead already okay and uh pearl wants a little bit of a uh you mean
Unknown Speaker (02:08:54.800)
by that yeah then but they've almost got us sperm counts are down 90 i mean i mean look
Unknown Speaker (02:09:01.539)
90 percent most of us are dead already so i mean but but we can organize and realize
Unknown Speaker (02:09:07.420)
what they've done to us most of us are dead already yeah especially yeah uh that's a uh
Unknown Speaker (02:09:14.579)
cheesy quote but it's really good scene uh i don't like star trek but i do like graphic
Unknown Speaker (02:09:18.899)
con it's a classic i like the original 60 star trek but anything i don't like other
Unknown Speaker (02:09:22.979)
than at the con uh it's liberal un globalist propaganda but sure spot there are engines
Unknown Speaker (02:09:29.699)
out and then this uh genesis bomb is about to go off yep kill them and they've just defeated
Unknown Speaker (02:09:34.579)
con but captain kirk says you you got to get us out of here we have light speed in three
Unknown Speaker (02:09:39.739)
minutes we're all dead yeah and then spot realizes that they're all dead so no one wants
Unknown Speaker (02:09:43.859)
to go in the radiation chamber and and fix the uh the reactor it's a classic story based
Unknown Speaker (02:09:49.619)
on a jimmy carter going into a reactor and fixing it and then some other guys i knew
Unknown Speaker (02:09:54.319)
they were in a deep sea submarine rescue actually went in and turned reactors on and off zapper
Unknown Speaker (02:09:59.819)
carter did it they would make the officers repeat it fucking carter a submarine commander
Unknown Speaker (02:10:03.819)
they didn't do it he got radiated really bad but that's a side issue it is old man explains
Unknown Speaker (02:10:08.460)
star trek to young girl stop the presses tell the story about jimmy carter so spot goes
Unknown Speaker (02:10:19.579)
in and fixes the reactor of course it kills him captain kirk once they get light speed
Unknown Speaker (02:10:24.060)
he goes well you better come down to the engine room and spot has gone in it's up against
Unknown Speaker (02:10:28.539)
the wall blind now from the radiation and stumbling around he goes you know he went
Unknown Speaker (02:10:31.579)
in and and he's well we got to save him we got to get him they grab captain kirk and
Unknown Speaker (02:10:35.899)
they go he's dead already so most of us are already going to not live as long we're already
Unknown Speaker (02:10:40.819)
dead and most of our kids are going to die we got there we're going to have to now realize
Unknown Speaker (02:10:45.140)
they did it organize win the war against them arrest the globalist stop the secret eugenics
Unknown Speaker (02:10:49.760)
the population operation clean this up and then mitigate it but they may have heard it
Unknown Speaker (02:10:54.300)
so bad it may cause civilizational collapse that's what musk has been warning of yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:10:58.140)
you don't have a 2.1 replacement level uh the civilization this level collapses uh but
Unknown Speaker (02:11:03.020)
this is a very dystopian situation yeah man long explanation of uh star trek yep so but
Unknown Speaker (02:11:10.460)
that was a movie that counts yeah that's on the the seven i think i think we're up there
Unknown Speaker (02:11:16.500)
yeah yeah boy so we're dead already we're most of us are dead already what exactly does
Unknown Speaker (02:11:23.140)
that mean well actually i was i wasn't saying that in uh i just wrote a movie i was referencing
Unknown Speaker (02:11:28.619)
a movie and if you had knows i like movies have you gotten that i don't like uh star
Unknown Speaker (02:11:32.239)
trek because it's globalist propaganda oh my god except i know everything about it and
Unknown Speaker (02:11:36.460)
i love it desperately and i speak about it with a confidence that i know what i'm talking
Unknown Speaker (02:11:41.159)
about that i have in no other aspect of my conversations so then he talks about jimmy
Unknown Speaker (02:11:46.899)
carter and then uh a submarine rescue guy that he knew that had to do what jimmy carter
Unknown Speaker (02:11:52.439)
did yes uh and it was funny because we were talking over it a little bit but it turns
Unknown Speaker (02:11:56.539)
out his name is don darlin and that's a fun name but it's also the name of a tim baltz
Unknown Speaker (02:12:01.579)
character that he plays on comedy bang bang who's a sugar daddy who has a couple of culver's
Unknown Speaker (02:12:06.520)
restaurants if tim baltz does it then you know it's true i'd just like to imagine that
Unknown Speaker (02:12:11.500)
that character is one of alice's old buddies that's right anyway um pearl's dad tried to
Unknown Speaker (02:12:19.319)
get her into uh gardening maybe she should have she should go to garden my dad told me
Unknown Speaker (02:12:24.659)
when i was a kid that i should garden and i'd always whine and i wouldn't do it i'm
Unknown Speaker (02:12:29.600)
like thinking maybe i should have i should have listened you know well i mean we're
Unknown Speaker (02:12:33.680)
designed epigenetically to hype to go out and garden i mean have you ever started really
Unknown Speaker (02:12:38.560)
planting plants and watering them and picking them and like you kind of get high designed
Unknown Speaker (02:12:42.760)
epigenetically to plant things i mean i mean whether you're the fuck are you talking about
Unknown Speaker (02:12:47.840)
look i don't know if i necessarily agree with the epigenetically designed thing but i do
Unknown Speaker (02:12:51.579)
agree with him that when you're like growing plants there is a rush to it i understand
Unknown Speaker (02:12:57.199)
i recognize that that is a valid truth however let's just go out on a limb and say that agriculture
Unknown Speaker (02:13:04.199)
was not invented the same fucking day we evolved god damn it whether you're doing carpentry
Unknown Speaker (02:13:10.720)
or whether you're fishing or whether you're butchering a cow uh you know once you get
Unknown Speaker (02:13:16.319)
in the rhythm of sewing or you know in the rhythm of cooking food i mean it's not yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:13:22.520)
it's not it's not slavery to fold the laundry it's not slavery to cook the dinner and wash
Unknown Speaker (02:13:29.000)
the plates it's a rhythm it's a rhythm we're supposed to do all this ourselves so i mean
Unknown Speaker (02:13:34.560)
i love cooking i love washing the dishes i love doing the laundry the problem is i got
Unknown Speaker (02:13:38.399)
somewhere i gotta go i got something i gotta do i gotta fight the new world order and so
Unknown Speaker (02:13:42.319)
then i compartmentalize it and have a maid come to it instead of me and in the process
Unknown Speaker (02:13:46.800)
i'm losing my humanity but that's the given yeah that's yes yes no i was thinking about
Unknown Speaker (02:13:52.640)
this because i was like i feel like my generation like none of us know how to do basic things
Unknown Speaker (02:13:57.159)
like that because we all grew up on all this technology like you don't have to vacuum there's
Unknown Speaker (02:14:01.159)
a roomba you can uber eat like i was thinking about this the other day um okay i know you
Unknown Speaker (02:14:08.640)
have to go it's making us obsolete by design yes go read an article written in 1999 by
Unknown Speaker (02:14:14.119)
bill joy co-founder of some microsystems in wired magazine called why the future doesn't
Unknown Speaker (02:14:18.279)
need us why the future doesn't need us and he met with hundreds of top billionaires and
Unknown Speaker (02:14:23.920)
they said we'd let him play video games just make them obsolete and sterilize them or we
Unknown Speaker (02:14:27.840)
just kill them all and the consensus was let them play video games get them done down so
Unknown Speaker (02:14:33.720)
they don't cause a problem then go ahead and kill everybody so you can read that article
Unknown Speaker (02:14:38.119)
the decision has been made to just go ahead and get rid of everybody but they're in a
Unknown Speaker (02:14:41.560)
bad but don't worry about the time they kill you you're on so many drugs and some so much
Unknown Speaker (02:14:46.039)
psychology and you know so much entertainment you don't know what hit you and then you're
Unknown Speaker (02:14:49.840)
told hey you get two years of credit you want all the parties you want you just got to sign
Unknown Speaker (02:14:54.279)
on your carbon credit that you agree to be um euthanized by the state in a year two years
Unknown Speaker (02:15:02.159)
or you can say hey we'll give you a million bucks go to vegas party all you want all the
Unknown Speaker (02:15:05.760)
drugs you want everything hookers every day you get one month but you die in one month
Unknown Speaker (02:15:11.319)
and the future will be before the earth tough deal i'm gonna do it for a month and i'm gonna
Unknown Speaker (02:15:15.319)
get out of here and so the new thing won't just be cut your genitals off and cut your
Unknown Speaker (02:15:19.720)
breasts off and all this it'll be the heroes that commit suicide and the government now
Unknown Speaker (02:15:24.439)
canada is the model and they tell people yeah you're back got you know bad disc you've been
Unknown Speaker (02:15:28.600)
on welfare five years we can't give you the money to buy your food anymore why don't you
Unknown Speaker (02:15:33.119)
kill yourself in fact we'll we'll give you you know a year of your painkillers and let
Unknown Speaker (02:15:39.039)
you live another year and even let you live in a nicer apartment but them on the credits
Unknown Speaker (02:15:42.760)
are out we want you to go ahead and sign this agreement to kill yourself well that's the
Unknown Speaker (02:15:45.720)
government saying we're gonna kill you and everyone's gonna have to do this well first
Unknown Speaker (02:15:52.960)
it'll be the celebrities and how brave they are for killing themselves and then it'll
Unknown Speaker (02:15:56.840)
be yeah we don't have enough resources because they've cut the resources off we just wish
Unknown Speaker (02:16:00.600)
you people you know that are too big a drag on society would kill yourselves this is really
Unknown Speaker (02:16:04.840)
stupid why do they even need to have done covid if they're gonna seduce everyone into
Unknown Speaker (02:16:09.000)
committing suicide by making it the sexy thing to do with the celebrities why do they need
Unknown Speaker (02:16:13.279)
elaborate conspiracies about esgs if this is what they're gonna do if you're listening
Unknown Speaker (02:16:17.840)
to alex talk and not picking up on how his conspiracies really don't seem to work together
Unknown Speaker (02:16:22.439)
you're a mark and i think alex uses you know he sees a big old dollar sign over pearl her
Unknown Speaker (02:16:28.319)
audience is up for grabs if they find like whatever she brings to the table interesting
Unknown Speaker (02:16:33.780)
and informative yep so go for it they are they are ripe for the picking two important
Unknown Speaker (02:16:39.200)
points one bill joy's article doesn't say any of that shit it's a complete fiction alex
Unknown Speaker (02:16:43.540)
is making up just lying to pearl's face yeah two it's really cute to hear two multi-millionaires
Unknown Speaker (02:16:48.780)
whine about how they don't get to do laundry or vacuum a carpet i think a lot of people
Unknown Speaker (02:16:53.079)
in pearl's generation know fully well how to do all that shit that she doesn't because
Unknown Speaker (02:16:56.799)
they didn't grow up in the lap of luxury in a giant mansion and then live there till their
Unknown Speaker (02:17:00.440)
mid-20s so weird yeah it's almost like they uh they had to learn those things through
Unknown Speaker (02:17:06.379)
the oh no i'm losing my humanity because i hired a maid because i'm too busy fighting
Unknown Speaker (02:17:11.120)
the globalist uh and by fighting the globalist i mean partying with joe rogan and chugging
Unknown Speaker (02:17:16.020)
a right like a fifth of vodka every day i go fuck yourself that is that is how the brain
Unknown Speaker (02:17:21.239)
that's how they do it though that's why the brain that's why they go so fucking crazy
Unknown Speaker (02:17:24.940)
rich people is because you have to you have to justify it you know your brain has to justify
Unknown Speaker (02:17:30.219)
it somehow you can't be like it's totally fine for me to make another human being do
Unknown Speaker (02:17:35.100)
stuff i don't want to do you have to justify it so you if you don't have a very good justification
Unknown Speaker (02:17:41.100)
which is in alex's case i'm too busy fighting the globalist right then you have to make
Unknown Speaker (02:17:45.780)
up what was me and the moment you make up a justification for why that's okay then you
Unknown Speaker (02:17:50.739)
start making up an entire fiction around why that justification makes sense because it
Unknown Speaker (02:17:54.940)
doesn't i get you i'm with you so uh pearl uh hears about this uh everyone's gonna have
Unknown Speaker (02:18:01.459)
to off themselves sure thing and she's like wait a second i know some people in who have
Unknown Speaker (02:18:07.700)
had family members in hospice care are they being murdered oh no and that turns out gets
Unknown Speaker (02:18:12.760)
you a lot yeah we just wish you people you know that are too big a drag on society would
Unknown Speaker (02:18:17.260)
kill yourselves and then oh where'd they go oh they slipped and hurt their back they went
Unknown Speaker (02:18:22.860)
in they're at hospice now they come in and shoot you up with synthetic heroin take you
Unknown Speaker (02:18:26.659)
off to a death camp or they built these fema camps all over the world these emergency covid
Unknown Speaker (02:18:31.579)
camps and now they're saying oh in australian canada places those that buck the government
Unknown Speaker (02:18:38.540)
the next lockdown we're going to put you in those camps why do they always start with
Unknown Speaker (02:18:42.139)
oh i why do the globalists keep doing that it's annoying weird vocal habits they have
Unknown Speaker (02:18:47.139)
you know it's like the it's like the uh you know where they learn it in those tanks at
Unknown Speaker (02:18:50.979)
yale not because you have covid because you're getting in the way of what we're doing a totalitarian
Unknown Speaker (02:18:59.780)
scientific takeover do they do that in hospice like now ever because i have a friend that's
Unknown Speaker (02:19:06.079)
like convinced hospice killed her mom i don't know if um like it's true obviously but she's
Unknown Speaker (02:19:12.420)
like convinced that they did well i mean again again it's like saying can somebody get food
Unknown Speaker (02:19:22.940)
poisoning at a hamburger shop well there's a million hamburger shops some are great some
Unknown Speaker (02:19:27.139)
are bad you have to know the place you've gotten food poisoning over and over again
Unknown Speaker (02:19:30.659)
it varies so just say hospice is bad it's an oversimplification there are big hospice
Unknown Speaker (02:19:36.059)
rating groups there's a thing called bioethics depends on the region the hospital group it's
Unknown Speaker (02:19:40.700)
associated with how it's certified and their history but hospice has been moving for 30
Unknown Speaker (02:19:47.819)
years towards giving a massive amounts of morphine and killing you and accelerating
Unknown Speaker (02:19:54.299)
into live care and some people want that so it's like a wink wink hey give me what i need
Unknown Speaker (02:20:00.239)
for pain i don't want to go on anymore then you just sleep all day you stop eating and
Unknown Speaker (02:20:03.860)
you die so yeah it's a it's a wink wink i don't want to do this anymore go ahead and
Unknown Speaker (02:20:09.180)
kill me okay and then they got some christian hospices that are really hospices they really
Unknown Speaker (02:20:14.819)
just take care of you and give you enough to mitigate the pain but don't kill you uh
Unknown Speaker (02:20:18.500)
i'd say 30 years ago half the hospice was uh killing you on purpose based on what half
Unknown Speaker (02:20:24.700)
was and i'd say about 80 are killing you now on purpose based on what information it's
Unknown Speaker (02:20:28.500)
an evolution but uh people know you know you're anecdotal what you're going to do wow wow
Unknown Speaker (02:20:35.500)
indeed wow eighty percent of hospice places are going to kill you on purpose metaphorically
Unknown Speaker (02:20:41.940)
that means to me that eighty percent of hamburger places are going to give you food poisoning
Unknown Speaker (02:20:45.620)
i i mean fine yeah you're right though based on what and the hiding behind it's a wink
Unknown Speaker (02:20:50.899)
wink thing means like oh so this is completely unverifiable yeah great yeah there's absolutely
Unknown Speaker (02:20:56.840)
no way to confirm what you're saying because it's all inside the imagination of either
Unknown Speaker (02:21:01.100)
the people doing it or you yeah yeah so now in this next clip alex continues this theme
Unknown Speaker (02:21:07.100)
and breaks a big news story that blows pearls mind okay straight off the headlines of futurama
Unknown Speaker (02:21:13.420)
oh my god i'm not gonna lie the future sounds terrible sounds yes they're gonna have soon
Unknown Speaker (02:21:22.100)
suicide pods in malls have you seen these no no i have not seen those yeah they're beta
Unknown Speaker (02:21:29.059)
testing and promoting suicide pods uh and then you donate your body to be liquefied
Unknown Speaker (02:21:34.059)
and remade plant food 24 states have passed laws in the u.s to compost humans toilet green
Unknown Speaker (02:21:40.180)
it's all being passed it's all being prepared it's all total dystopia and and and i know
Unknown Speaker (02:21:44.979)
it doesn't sound real everything i've said you can look up no but i'm asking like so
Unknown Speaker (02:21:48.379)
it doesn't seem like there's any way to avoid this like i'm not other than maybe get your
Unknown Speaker (02:21:53.540)
own lamb to live like the amish that is going to be the answer but they're coming after
Unknown Speaker (02:21:59.819)
the Amish too well shit well okay that's not even fair that is the answer not but it's
Unknown Speaker (02:22:07.139)
also wrong it's not fair well who said who said we're playing a fair game no that is
Unknown Speaker (02:22:13.299)
you you can't even just give me that yeah questions for right now the question is it
Unknown Speaker (02:22:17.860)
seems like there's no hope and uh it seems like maybe the only answer is to go be Amish
Unknown Speaker (02:22:23.659)
that is the correct answer they're coming for them too so we're all good we're all dead
Unknown Speaker (02:22:28.100)
already okay thanks suicide pods uh factor heavily into uh all i've seen alex is bite
Unknown Speaker (02:22:34.239)
my shiny metal ass okay unreal suicide ma at the mall yeah there's an auntie ann's pretzel
Unknown Speaker (02:22:43.139)
sure right here right there's a place where kids can get their ears pierced right next
Unknown Speaker (02:22:49.940)
to the sun sunglasses i will tell you this though i will say this it does seem silly
Unknown Speaker (02:22:54.659)
at first but then i thought about it there are very few places that have made me want
Unknown Speaker (02:22:59.040)
to kill myself more often than malls it's my understanding that malls as a whole are
Unknown Speaker (02:23:04.340)
a concept that are kind of uh going away yeah they're dying themselves so maybe the suicide
Unknown Speaker (02:23:10.420)
pods are a way to bring back business well it's not gonna retain customers
Unknown Speaker (02:23:19.940)
this is ridiculous yeah that's absolutely stupid how dare you how dare you the extent
Unknown Speaker (02:23:26.500)
to which society would need to fundamentally change for a shopping mall to include a suicide
Unknown Speaker (02:23:32.659)
pod i don't even i don't even know ridiculous what people yeah how there's people that would
Unknown Speaker (02:23:38.739)
just say just sit there and watch to see who would go into the pot there's no way that
Unknown Speaker (02:23:43.100)
that's gonna be that's not the joke all walkers there's pod walkers now fuck off the joke
Unknown Speaker (02:23:48.079)
in futurama is like there's no other way to die basically because we've come so far right
Unknown Speaker (02:23:54.180)
uh that's that's why it's like it exists in that universe as a it is a ridiculous thing
Unknown Speaker (02:24:00.700)
yeah um alex is ridiculous anyway uh we have one last question which is actually the second
Unknown Speaker (02:24:07.579)
last question uh-huh and it's what does alex think of andrew tate great but i have one
Unknown Speaker (02:24:13.579)
more question this is not about the globalists but everyone wanted me to ask you about andrew
Unknown Speaker (02:24:19.219)
tate and what your opinion is on him you know paul watson that does some work with me over
Unknown Speaker (02:24:26.739)
at prison and got to know him seven eight years ago and uh he's
Unknown Speaker (02:24:34.379)
got to know everybody they became friends they lived in england and i got to know him
Unknown Speaker (02:24:38.260)
and his brother tristan they've been here visit i've had dinner with them hung out with
Unknown Speaker (02:24:42.340)
them a few times with andrew and with tate and i knew they were running cam girl stuff
Unknown Speaker (02:24:47.500)
which i don't you know i'm not judging those people i don't that's one way they're making
Unknown Speaker (02:24:51.540)
money there's also kickboxing champion and i saw some of the stuff they were doing back
Unknown Speaker (02:24:57.500)
when it was in the news a few years ago it was pretty soft core stuff you know women
Unknown Speaker (02:25:01.620)
dancing around and stuff and acted silly good musicals and things and then i think the charges
Unknown Speaker (02:25:06.299)
against him have been proven to be well there is no charges they never said what they did
Unknown Speaker (02:25:10.780)
that's new that's a new one three of the six women came out so they never said that it's
Unknown Speaker (02:25:15.379)
a setup nope and then no proof was ever shown and so they were in jail for three months
Unknown Speaker (02:25:20.659)
with no charges and now they've been on house arrest for months three three months with
Unknown Speaker (02:25:24.420)
no charges uh and it's because it just isn't true uh and uh he came out against greta thunberg
Unknown Speaker (02:25:31.940)
he he's telling men to be masculine and i think it's kind of an extreme you know masculinity
Unknown Speaker (02:25:39.219)
but compared to where they want to take us it's kind of an overton window like do this
Unknown Speaker (02:25:44.059)
you'd be you know superman over here super macho and then that drags the young people
Unknown Speaker (02:25:49.100)
from being total sissies and total weirdos that want to cut their penises off to even
Unknown Speaker (02:25:53.739)
you know being more like andrew tate so they'll never probably get where he's at i'm not sure
Unknown Speaker (02:25:57.379)
you'd want to be there uh but uh those guys are definitely alpha males i mean they've
Unknown Speaker (02:26:00.860)
got a whole bunch of kids and you know are living like you know warlords or something
Unknown Speaker (02:26:07.020)
oh so alex is way off here man he says there's no charges but that's bullshit andrew tate
Unknown Speaker (02:26:12.620)
was charged with rape human trafficking and quote forming an organized crime group to
Unknown Speaker (02:26:17.020)
sexually exploit women he was uh uh wasn't arrested and now under house arrest for no
Unknown Speaker (02:26:22.840)
reason it's just that alex loves tate's violent misogyny so he's forced to pretend that tate
Unknown Speaker (02:26:28.459)
isn't a human trafficker it's super important because sex trafficking is the number one
Unknown Speaker (02:26:32.940)
issue alex pretends to care about so he can't uh you know possibly support somebody who's
Unknown Speaker (02:26:38.020)
uh trafficking yeah also he just got out of house arrest so that's not current anymore
Unknown Speaker (02:26:44.260)
on video tate has routinely discussed how he grooms young women through seduction which
Unknown Speaker (02:26:48.659)
then lay uh leads them to working on cam for him and results in them not being allowed
Unknown Speaker (02:26:54.059)
to leave the house without his permission he's never made a mystery about what he does
Unknown Speaker (02:26:58.479)
and what he's about he hates women and is essentially an abusive pimp and his side business
Unknown Speaker (02:27:03.459)
is scamming dudes by claiming he could teach them to become abusive pimps themselves it
Unknown Speaker (02:27:08.340)
is true that two not three as alex said two women who were named in the initial indictment
Unknown Speaker (02:27:12.360)
as victims came forward and said they weren't victims they did have tattoos that said property
Unknown Speaker (02:27:17.180)
of tate so this might be a perspective thing but if they aren't pressing charges i have
Unknown Speaker (02:27:21.659)
no place to convince them that they should even so that leaves four victims who have
Unknown Speaker (02:27:26.600)
not recanted shit even with him attempting to intimidate with lawsuits and what have
Unknown Speaker (02:27:30.899)
you yeah in their indictment you can see tate and his brother luring women from other countries
Unknown Speaker (02:27:35.659)
to romania pretending to be interested in marriage only to have the whole thing flipped
Unknown Speaker (02:27:39.420)
on them we'll see what happens as this case goes to court but no matter the outcome andrew
Unknown Speaker (02:27:44.059)
tate and his brother are horrible people and potentially the worst example of masculinity
Unknown Speaker (02:27:48.700)
you could put forth and it's pathetic to see alex stand up for him he's just a worm i would
Unknown Speaker (02:27:54.139)
really sincerely love to see how alex would respond to the tate bragging on video about
Unknown Speaker (02:27:58.780)
how he had sex with a 16 year old pearl's probably not going to ask because she likes
Unknown Speaker (02:28:03.500)
tate's form of masculinity too so they're just going to pretend all that stuff isn't
Unknown Speaker (02:28:07.020)
real yeah i don't i i would love to play the audio of tate talking about fucking a 16 year
Unknown Speaker (02:28:16.219)
old and say it's some soy boy leftist yeah and see what alex says yeah about that kind
Unknown Speaker (02:28:20.940)
of behavior and that brazenness and that that that bravado about i don't give a fuck that
Unknown Speaker (02:28:25.620)
you're 16 yep i i think alex would probably be pretty furious if it wasn't uh somebody
Unknown Speaker (02:28:30.979)
disgusted by it yeah probably say it's demonic oh yeah he'd probably say that it's the uh
Unknown Speaker (02:28:35.860)
example of everything that's wrong with uh the left mm-hmm yep probably yep what a loser
Unknown Speaker (02:28:42.659)
wow anyway we have one last question oh my god left and who do you support in 2024
Unknown Speaker (02:28:53.379)
your mom i i like robert f kennedy jr and i also like trump both guys are outsiders both
Unknown Speaker (02:28:58.260)
guys are being censored both guys are being targeted i'd be happy with either person being
Unknown Speaker (02:29:01.620)
present okay well i have so many questions i have a million but i know you have well i'll do a part
Unknown Speaker (02:29:09.219)
two with you i'll be glad to come back and uh yeah you will could and i'll happen could we
Unknown Speaker (02:29:14.659)
ever do it in person if you ever come to austin texas you're welcome i'm ever in london i'll come
Unknown Speaker (02:29:20.180)
see you oh cool yeah because i feel like i have so many questions but i'm like i i would take you so
Unknown Speaker (02:29:26.739)
long but thank you so much for coming on today yeah if they do a part two that's gonna be brutal
Unknown Speaker (02:29:32.100)
yeah um i might do it because there's at least some kind of a like there a lot of these issues
Unknown Speaker (02:29:38.579)
are things that we've touched on before and stuff but the way it's being discussed because she's so
Unknown Speaker (02:29:43.780)
unaware of anything anything it does give an interesting like lens into it it is i'm i'm i'm
Unknown Speaker (02:29:51.780)
so oddly fascinated by the dynamic of what's happening because i'm so because i'm confused
Unknown Speaker (02:29:58.979)
by it i'm frankly i'm confused that both of these people exist and i'm boggled that they were allowed
Unknown Speaker (02:30:05.940)
to speak to each other yeah you know you know how sometimes you can see uh maybe we'll go back to
Unknown Speaker (02:30:11.219)
the challenge you can see some people and you're like the two of them together are great yes you
Unknown Speaker (02:30:16.579)
know like ct and uh emmy yeah on the season i'm watching right now the two of them were great together
Unknown Speaker (02:30:21.860)
and big t great fantastic until it wasn't until it wasn't and then it got good again not that great
Unknown Speaker (02:30:26.420)
again that's true ct should have learned a more important lesson at the end of that that is
Unknown Speaker (02:30:30.420)
definitely true i agree with you there what should have happened is that he should have repented for
Unknown Speaker (02:30:35.780)
kicking her off his team you know taking her to the finals yep and then uh lost and realized there
Unknown Speaker (02:30:41.059)
were things more important than losing true that's how you know it's not totally scripted because
Unknown Speaker (02:30:44.899)
that's what would have happened that's what would have happened yeah if you were going to script it
Unknown Speaker (02:30:47.379)
that's what would have happened anyway my point is yes that there are some people who are like damn
Unknown Speaker (02:30:51.059)
that chemistry is interesting this is the opposite but it is a chemistry it's it yeah is bewildering
Unknown Speaker (02:30:59.540)
it's it is it is it is i mean because you want to say i want to say opposites but it's not no
Unknown Speaker (02:31:06.819)
because you because you would think oh well he knows everything and she knows nothing but that's
Unknown Speaker (02:31:09.940)
not even close to what's going on no and it's not that she knows nothing no that's not the point no
Unknown Speaker (02:31:14.819)
no and and it's not like they're opposites at all in terms of what they believe no they have a lot
Unknown Speaker (02:31:19.700)
in common in terms of particularly their um bigotries and biases that are informed by
Unknown Speaker (02:31:28.260)
dumb shit on social media yeah yeah i wouldn't call her like extreme right wing or anything
Unknown Speaker (02:31:33.299)
because i'm not sure she even has a political ideology totally i think her political ideology
Unknown Speaker (02:31:37.940)
is naivete if anything exactly yes i i i think that you can kind of get a sense of why i texted
Unknown Speaker (02:31:45.620)
you yesterday yeah yeah yeah and i was i was saying i feel like there's something to talk
Unknown Speaker (02:31:51.540)
about here yeah but i don't know if i want to do this episode yeah totally and i feel at the end
Unknown Speaker (02:31:55.940)
of this similarly like there is a reason to do this and there's a reason to have this conversation
Unknown Speaker (02:32:01.219)
and and look at this but at the same time it's like i think this sucks i think i know i'm glad
Unknown Speaker (02:32:06.659)
we did this and i wish we didn't have to do this and i'm not sure there's a ton of value
Unknown Speaker (02:32:13.379)
in it i just i don't i mean anytime i'm given the opportunity to see something that i have
Unknown Speaker (02:32:20.180)
looked at a million times in a new way it is valuable to me well right let's let's get that
Unknown Speaker (02:32:26.020)
embroidered on something there's some there's something that we're seeing through this that
Unknown Speaker (02:32:30.260)
we have not seen it's an environment alex has never been in in our in our years of of looking
Unknown Speaker (02:32:35.219)
at him and that's and there's gotta be dollar signs up in his face oh part two gotta be dollar
Unknown Speaker (02:32:41.700)
signs yeah yeah almost two million subscribers on youtube come on yeah get in there and she needs
Unknown Speaker (02:32:49.620)
views yeah yep so uh we'll be back yeah we will with another episode but until then jordan we have
Unknown Speaker (02:32:56.819)
a website indeed we do it's yep we're also on twitter we are on twitter it's
Unknown Speaker (02:33:00.420)
at knowledge underscore fight yep we'll be back but until then i'm neo i'm leo i'm dcx clark boop
Unknown Speaker (02:33:05.299)
boop boop boop boop boop boop whoo yeah whoo yeah and now here comes the sex robots andy and
Unknown Speaker (02:33:11.940)
kansas you're on the air thanks for holding hello alex i'm a first time caller i'm a huge fan i love
Unknown Speaker (02:33:18.260)
your work i love you