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Latest revision as of 00:25, 2 March 2025

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red Alert running red alert. Knowledge five days Dan and Jordan is a wedding knowledge It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.000)
I have great respect for knowledge,
Alex Jones (00:00:24.000)
knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys. Xiang Ji or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money? Andy and Sandy you're stopping Andy and Cam handy in Kansas. And Kansas, you're on the airplane for a huge fan. I love your word, knowledge by knowledge
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back knowledge, right. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, and Dr. Dan Norton. Dan, Jordanne quick question for you. So it's a great spot today, my bright spot today, Jordan, we are recording this late due to some logistics. Ooh. And so I can say that my bright spot is that we just got done recording the majority report. I guess it was live as well. Yeah. But yeah, it's I didn't get a chance to say some gushy things that I might have wanted to hear. But the that show was very important. I think early on, during during the show, a lot of people asked me like, how do you stay sane, right, listening to all this Alex and one of the things that was really critical for me was, there is a groundedness to reality in a lot of the interviews that Sam and the CO hosts do with people are surrounding like, you know, some political things and policy issues. And I found that to be very comforting in the same way that like, I don't know, my parents listening to and watching like the MacNeil Lehrer our show it was a kid. Well, it's
Jordan (00:02:08.000)
granular. Yes, that's what you're you like, it's random. And it's real. Yes,
Dan (00:02:13.000)
talking about real stuff, as opposed to so much of what Infowars is, right? And then the entertainment value of just like Sam and Andy Kindler breaking down. Dennis Miller shit doesn't get better than that. And so, you know, when we started the show, that was something that was really helpful in terms of keeping me on on the level and the notion of being able to be on the show and just crazy. Yeah, yeah. So that I mean, I think that this sneak week has been really bizarre. Yeah. And no disrespect to CNN or Brian Stelter. Like, there isn't that doesn't compare now being on being on to Sam, and the majority report was like, yeah, something not not bucket. listi. But you know, it's something that I'm thrilled about. Yeah. That's big. Anyway, what's your red spot?
Jordan (00:03:04.000)
My bright spot is first off, obviously that too, but second, my mother's in law. were great.
Dan (00:03:12.000)
So shout out DJ anarchy.
Jordan (00:03:13.000)
Yeah. Oh, my God. Yes. Shout out to DJ datakey by a million Jesus Christ. I just want to interrupt you. I feel like we say nice things about him all the time. And never enough. Never enough. Yeah, no, they invited their daughter to go to Ireland with them. And then I married her so they have to take me now too. So I am going to Ireland tomorrow. You'll be hearing ice. Yeah.
Dan (00:03:36.000)
The Lucky Charms there is like It tastes better. It's it's
Jordan (00:03:39.000)
a lot like Guinness. You know, it's a lot like Shiva, you know, wine in Paris, the Lucky Charms in Ireland. You just don't get them anywhere else.
Dan (00:03:48.000)
I was trying to think of something that I would like you to bring me back. Yeah. And I don't know that I just think of like, more racist things. No, like, I was thinking about what I would want. I would want to go someplace that has like the peat moss. Oh, yeah. Lay on it. Yeah. And I don't think you can really bring that back. nor would it be worth it. I think it's illegal for me to bring that back. It might be useful to declare it. Yeah.
Jordan (00:04:14.000)
It'd be an odd thing to declare, yeah,
Dan (00:04:16.000)
I don't drink that much these days. So shortness or whiskey would not really nah, not not the thing. I'll come up with something. I'll text you. I'll come up with something. Okay. And then I'll text you something, something probably very thoughtful. I hope you have a great trip. And that leads us to I haven't really fully decided exactly how we're going to play it yet. Exactly. Right. You're going to be gone right for the next week. And so our ability to record any episodes is going to be gone. Basically reduced to Right. Right. And so I guess if there's a giant emergency, we could like Skype in the middle of hallways. Oh, that is a possibility. And I don't like taking time off so there's a decent chance I'll come up with something to do right I temper your expectations after sneak week, there may be a creeping away. Well,
Jordan (00:05:06.000)
I mean, the truth is, you need at least some break. And the only way to enforce that is to leave the country you have left the country doesn't doesn't work, but maybe you take a day or two.
Dan (00:05:21.000)
But yeah, there may be one episode next week, there might actually be none. But we're not entirely sure we will. We will see what happens. Yeah,
Jordan (00:05:29.000)
I mean, there's no way that we put out you know, like 12 hours of content in the past seven days that people need time to
Dan (00:05:39.000)
catch up on. You picked a good time to go like there's nothing happening. Yep. So today, we're going to be finishing up the trial recap coverage. Yes. And so what that's going to be is talking about Alex's show on Friday, which is the day when later in the day, the punitive damages would be announced. Right. And then bit of the afternoon, and a special report Alex put out on Saturday, discussing the punitive damages. Gotcha. And because you're gonna be gone, I mean, it might be might have to wait a week to find out what he said about the rings. How under attack we are and how the FBI has got to go, oh, the don't attack the FBI guys.
Jordan (00:06:26.000)
It wasn't me.
Dan (00:06:27.000)
Anyway. We'll get down to business on this. But before we do, Jordan, let's say hello to some new wall. Oh, that's great idea. So first, Steve, thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:36.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:06:37.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:38.000)
Next, I like my mind with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57. And French fried potatoes. Thank you so much, boo. You're now a policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:47.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:06:49.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:50.000)
Next drink every time Jordan says Right, right. Right. And alcohol poisoning. Thank you so much. Now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:06:56.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:06:57.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:06:58.000)
Next fuck the horse that gave me a little break in my arm. Thank you so much. We're now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:07:04.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Dan (00:07:05.000)
you very much. Next the other Patty, not the patty. The other one. Thank you so much for now. ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:07:11.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:07:12.000)
Thank you very much. Next mic knowledge fight is cathartic for depression but not as much as ut nuclear reactor aren't. Thank you so much for now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:07:21.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:07:22.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:07:23.000)
Next Johnny, this is your dad you got to start listening to knowledge fight now walk the dog and do your schoolwork that goes on to policy. And we have something very exciting this weekend and we wanted to wish a very heartfelt congratulations to a couple who are getting married. MP and Mr. MP getting tie in the old knots. And we want to wish you nothing but years and years as many as you've got left of happiness. I'm not good at these things.
Jordan (00:07:56.000)
May all your summers be as dreamy and creamy as the dreamy creamy Sumit you're
Dan (00:08:00.000)
practicing for Ireland.
Jordan (00:08:03.000)
That's done man.
Dan (00:08:04.000)
Well done. From what I understand. MP is a mod on one of the discord Oh, okay. And there may be some long because at the wedding. So that is very exciting. That is exciting. And in honor that we would like to declare your wedding a raptor princess.
Alex Jones (00:08:23.000)
I'm a policy wonk donkey man and telling you brilliant barbecue yo ass. It's over for humanity, your beautiful soul. They're coming for your balls. Well, I piss all over your God. Very few people crab in the pool unless their babies a piss all over the state.
Larry Klayman (00:08:40.000)
Make it a practice of calling people pieces of garbage?
Roger Stone (00:08:42.000)
When they are.
Lionel (00:08:43.000)
Comment! as you see fit!
Dan (00:08:46.000)
Congratulations, congrats. So Jordan, like I said, we're gonna get into this. In part one of the series, which you put out earlier, we looked at Alex's testimony from the Sandy Hook trial and he reviewed his response to the announcement of the compensatory damages which ended up being a little over $4 million. That took us to Thursday afternoon and the next day the trial entered the punitive phase which ended before we entered the weekend. On this episode, we're gonna pick up where we left off in tune into Alex's show the morning of that Friday, August 5, and track the response is the reality of the punitive damages sets in and he has to wrestle with a very large weight that he is now carrying, both in terms of financial consequences, as well as the potential fallout from his texts being accidentally turned over to opposing counsel and what that could mean for his future.
Clay Clark (00:09:35.000)
Not good. Well,
Dan (00:09:37.000)
I mean, his future if you're approaching it from this, like a reality Yeah, yeah. But if you're approaching it from Alex land, here is how we start the show. No,
Alex Jones (00:09:46.000)
it's Friday, August 5 2022. I'm Alex Jones. Live in studio. Strap yourselves in
Mark Bankston (00:10:01.000)
One of the things you've been talking about on your show is your allegation that government officials are aiding in pedophilia, child trafficking in the agreement of children.
Alex Jones (00:10:14.000)
With Jeffrey Epstein
Jordan (00:10:20.000)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh my god is ridiculous.
Mark Bankston (00:10:31.000)
Your allegation that government officials that's your dog, eating in pedophilia, child trafficking and agreement of children.
Alex Jones (00:10:43.000)
You may like what Jeffrey Epstein did
Jordan (00:10:48.000)
wait, we're doing it twice. Same one.
Alex Jones (00:10:54.000)
Love the great meme makers out. Great job. Love you all.
Dan (00:10:58.000)
Love it. So this clip that Alex is playing is cut to make it seem like Alex is dropping a truth bomb on the court. But if you listen to the larger clip or really just Mark's response, it doesn't actually feel that way. In reality,
Mark Bankston (00:11:10.000)
is your allegation that government officials are aiding in pedophilia, child trafficking and the grooming of children. All right.
Alex Jones (00:11:21.000)
Well, you mean like what Jeffrey Epstein did with the Clintons?
Jordan (00:11:24.000)
Sure if that's a yes. Is that a yes? Yes. Oh, sure.
Dan (00:11:30.000)
No one cared that Alex brought up Epstein. It wasn't a mic drop moment. And honestly, it wasn't even meaningful in the context of the question. Mark just says, Yeah, sure. That was a question about Alex making accusations about the judge in this case being involved in pedophilia and child trafficking, which is conveniently not included in the memes that Alex is playing, because it wouldn't support the fun truth telling thing that they were hoping to convey with the memes. In the real world. This question was part of a setup for a trap that Alex walked himself into, which helped impeach him as a credible witness in the trial. Alex is a painfully unserious person. And this should be a great example of that. What you said isn't threatening to anyone, it evoked more rolled eyes than anything else in the courtroom. And it was part of a line of questioning that was pretty effective in demonstrating that Alex was not at all a good faith participant in the trial, and that his testimony was not something the jury should be taking at face value. But it has the appearance of being something that owns the LIBS or something. So people made memes and Alex decides to start his show with it, because that's great.
Jordan (00:12:30.000)
Yeah, that's, that's sad. I would want at least more than one clip of a different, you know, like, you got,
Dan (00:12:41.000)
there wasn't much. Yeah, go for it. Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (00:12:44.000)
And if you've only got the one clip, that's more sad than if you, you know,
Dan (00:12:48.000)
well, how are you gonna make memes out of Alex like coughing a bunch and like, Oh, you got my phone?
Jordan (00:12:55.000)
That would be that would be more fun. I would like that. Oh, you got my text, didn't you? How about that?
Dan (00:12:59.000)
Well, it's harder to play that boxing commentary after that, because then the message is that Alex is gonna get knocked out. And it's difficult to convey that it's difficult. Now, one thing I will say is that this episode, involved a bit more news than I expected. Interesting. But, I mean, there's plenty of navel gazing to go around naturally, but there are some headlines that Alex covers and some of them are a little bit fun.
Alex Jones (00:13:28.000)
Okay, we have the official announcements happening everywhere of shutting off the economy, and that cannibalism will now be good. New York Times and Washington Post are Spiegel they are officially saying what I told you two years ago that we start saying the cannibalism is good. Cannibalism is good.
Jordan (00:13:48.000)
Alright, it's about time. And I have been waiting, I have been waiting for someone to say cannibalism is good.
Dan (00:13:53.000)
So this is just Alex playing fun games with headlines to create the perception that we're on the path to eating each other, which doesn't really make sense. I thought Klaus Schwab wanted us to eat bugs. But now we're supposed to eat each other. This is dumb. In the past, we've discussed why cannibalism is inefficient as a diet and all but the most extreme circumstances the calories expended to kill a person and eat them would likely not be worth what you get from it, you know? Yeah. And so there's a whole other bunch of issues even leaving like societal taboos aside, it's not a good it's not it's not a good plan.
Jordan (00:14:27.000)
I mean, it's not called the most delicious game we're called the most dangerous game, right?
Dan (00:14:32.000)
And that means it's challenge. What's going on is that the show Yellow Jackets is really popular, and that show that involves a girls soccer team who are on a plane that crashes into the wilderness in Canada. Yeah, they have to survive for a long time, and apparently cannibalism is involved in the pilot episode.
Jordan (00:14:47.000)
It's a really good show. I
Dan (00:14:48.000)
watched it. It's kind of like alive but not really like it at all. The crash in the show happens in 1996, and the show includes tracking the girls who survived in their current lives and 2021 and it's very heavily implied that they're resorting to cannibalism wasn't entirely based on a need to eat human flesh to survive. Oh, no, there's there's weird stuff going on. You've watched it. I'll admit that I haven't. But from the reviews and breakdowns I've read it seems like it has a little bit of supernatural nonsense and the Lord of the Flies kind of vibe. And yeah, I would try to discuss the plot more, but that would involve spoilers and honestly from reading it explained, I have no idea what's going on with that show. And I you don't either.
Jordan (00:15:26.000)
It's kind of it's one of those shows where it's like, what if we imply everything and then we'll get a second season? And we'll we'll fuck it up then right now.
Dan (00:15:35.000)
I think I think it seems like one of those shows that if I hadn't gone along for the entire ride have lost. Yeah, and then also flash forward. Yet many other shows. Maybe I would jump in totally. But
Jordan (00:15:47.000)
I'll wait. See, I didn't see last I didn't see all these things. So I'm fine with it for now and been burned, you know, next season is gonna be garbage. And they're gonna be like, we're gonna explain things and there'll be midichlorians involved, so Well,
Dan (00:15:59.000)
maybe not you never know. Anyway, in the wake of that shows massive success. It was released on DVD in mid July. So there's renewed conversation about it, including discussion of the coming second season and the cannibalism scene in the first episode. That apparently wasn't even explained by the season finale. People are talking about this show that they're enjoying. So the New York Times published an op ed about a couple of pieces of cannibalism related creative works that have come out recently, seemingly building on the premise that cannibalism is a hot topic in fiction these days. Naturally, the right wing went batshit over this and graded the entire news cycle based on the nonsense idea that the times was trying to tell people that cannibalism is actually really cool. And maybe they usually people. Alex is a shallow thinker and a shallower reader, so he's not read this Op Ed and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even read the full text of the breathy breathlessly outraged response articles that were written about it. But if he had read the original thing, he would have read this part towards the end. Quote, according to miss summers, cannibalism is always symbolic. For her novels protagonist eating human flesh can be seen as a way of holding on to a relationship that ended for Miss summers herself. The plot of a certain hunger can't be uncoupled from quote my own personal experiences with disordered eating, with the tamping down of feminine appetites, the way the media chews up and spits out writers bougie consumption and bougie lady consumption, she said, more generally, Midsummers thinks that the recent spate of cannibalistic blots could be commentaries on capitalism, quote, cannibalism is about consumption, and it's about burning up from the inside in order to exist. Burnout is essentially over consuming yourself your own energies, your own will to survive your sleep schedule, your eating schedule your body. The article is a thoughtful examination of some of the social commentaries that are possibly being made by themes of cannibalism that are being expressed in a very limited set of pieces of media, including a very popular recent series. But of course, for people like Alex, it's secretly The Times telling everyone that eating people is trendy now. This is idiotic kid shit. That's like, but it's fun. Yeah, like, at least at least it's something
Jordan (00:18:14.000)
I mean, here's, here's the thing for me. I'm trying to imagine what the real world would look like, if a positive cannibalism article was released, you know, like, what would the beyond right wing freak out? Right? Like, we all live in a world where suddenly the New York Times is like, hey, guess what, we talked to this scientist? And he's like, actually, we're super nutritious. When we die, you should eat your grandparents in front of them. You know, like, what would that look like?
Dan (00:18:41.000)
I definitely get the, you know, the conversation surrounding Hey, a lot of the world does eat insects. And that's not something that is weird to everybody. Right? It's a cultural thing, right? There are a very efficient
Jordan (00:18:59.000)
source of nutrition, protein that can be re bred a million times, right. Yeah,
Dan (00:19:04.000)
I understand that conversation. That conversation would never happen as it relates to human flesh
Jordan (00:19:11.000)
couldn't just simply couldn't, you would put a name on it, you would be like, you would be like, oh, yeah, so yesterday, we had Grandpa Joe, and then everybody would have to stop for a second. The uncle
Dan (00:19:23.000)
that themselves the only way it would exist in like any kind of publication would be in some kind of a Swiftian satire kind of Yeah, it would have to be but yeah, it is. It is funny, too. Looks like I do appreciate that because it does feel more normal. Yeah, like to be like that.
Jordan (00:19:45.000)
Yeah, that does feel natural. Yeah.
Dan (00:19:48.000)
Having been on such a long like, I'm a victim, right? It is kind of nice to have a little bit of something else. Even if it is entirely stupid.
Jordan (00:19:58.000)
I will accept that. That was a breath of fresh air in a certain sense. Yeah, it's still rancid, but it was fresher than previous. Yeah.
Dan (00:20:06.000)
So there's some other news down in Florida. So things are going up. But this is before the show aid on our blog, so don't get too excited. Okay, we're gonna
Alex Jones (00:20:15.000)
hit that we're gonna hit the huge developments, with DeSantis leading the charge firing and then having the police go to the offices of Soros operatives inside the government. So they can't destroy any evidence of them criminally taking orders from that big guy.
Dan (00:20:31.000)
Oh, so that means it before at Mar a Lago got raided. So this kind of idea is pretty good. Right? There's a good thing. Yeah. Yeah. So government figures, high speaking rate, and it's quick, it's pretty cool. want
Jordan (00:20:40.000)
them to do that? Because they're corrupt. But
Dan (00:20:43.000)
so this is about DeSantis. Firing the Hillsborough state Attorney, Andrew Warren, because he refused to prosecute cases regarding trans people and reproductive health care cases. Right. The reason this is a big deal and a clear abuse of power is that the state attorney isn't elected office who can't do it. And yeah, so I think, you know, you can you could, there are processes to remove the person from office, the governor, just sort of dismissing a person. It's a little bit it's a little bit dicey.
Jordan (00:21:12.000)
Yeah. I mean, you know, it's probably bad if a governor is willing to just risk being a fascist and see if it plays pays off. You know, like, that's a bad sign is when the governor is like, you know what, fuck it. I bet there's a 5050 shot this one works, because I think that he really doesn't make
Dan (00:21:31.000)
that boot. This person that voted him. Yeah, maybe it works. Maybe
Jordan (00:21:35.000)
it doesn't. And if it works, guess what? I'm dictator. now. I own Florida.
Dan (00:21:39.000)
If it works, it opens up a lot of doors. It opens up a lot of doors. Yeah. So Alex is not going to be hosting the show the whole time today.
Alex Jones (00:21:49.000)
And then Mike Adams in studio always amazing. Wow. Coming up in the second hour, and he's going to also have some big guest on with him. Because I've got to go back down to this kangaroo court. The rest of it. I'll be here for about an hour and 15 minutes. And I'll be back this evening, as it did last night shooting special reports and going on the war room with Owen Shroyer three to 6pm I should be in there during the last hour
Dan (00:22:14.000)
today. Yeah, so Mike Adams is gonna come fill in and I'll tell you what, I skipped it. Yeah. Not listen to the health Ranger. Nope,
Jordan (00:22:22.000)
don't care. Nope. His throat sounds a lot better. I'm glad he's feeling better. Yeah, he's 18. Does he like his throat sounds so much better.
Dan (00:22:33.000)
Like he says he has a cough button and all that and I know that he does, but still come on the booth. protracted. Oh, actually, we're gonna get to it. Yeah, we're, we have an excuse for why it was so bad. Okay.
Jordan (00:22:47.000)
And it's good, because there was some bad that was bad acting as excuses.
Dan (00:22:52.000)
pretty okay. All right. Listen. So there is, like I said, there is still some navel gazing, there's still some talking about his own victimhood. And it involves Alex actually accusing the judge of criminal behavior.
Alex Jones (00:23:05.000)
And you're not going to believe what the judge is doing publicly. She's not even hiding it. And I believe it's criminal. I believe it's criminal. But again, this county is run by sorrow. So they're allowed to commit crimes. We can't even be good people. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
Dan (00:23:20.000)
Yeah. So the judge is committing crimes.
Jordan (00:23:23.000)
In a larger sense. He did speak a real truth, which is that we can't even be good people.
Dan (00:23:30.000)
Hmm, like, well, can is it you know, you got to parse that. Right is unable to be a good person. So I said, But, but what he's arguing is he's not being allowed to be a person, but
Jordan (00:23:43.000)
if you remove the parts where he's lying, then he's telling the truth.
Dan (00:23:47.000)
That's a fair point. Yes. So Alex really wants to get into this DeSantis kicking out this state Attorney story. So he even needs to bring in a buddy to ride sidecar with him. The great work
Alex Jones (00:23:59.000)
DeSantis is doing. Literally firing these deep state Soros operatives that violate their oath of office and having the state police go to their offices, make sure they don't destroy any evidence of what they've been up to. That he's got them under investigation. The Santas just gets better and better, because he's actually going after the deep state. Trump never really did that. But the Santas is doing it Trump thought the deep state Trump did a lot of things executively but never actually took Soros on head on. So we're got a special guests pastor Rodney Howard Browne popping in at the bottom of the hour. This prosecutor is the one that had him arrested. Now he's been fired by the governor show, Rodney Howard Browne just gonna pop in for a segment or so.
Dan (00:24:44.000)
So in March 2020 Rodney Howard Browne defied public health guidance and held church services when large public gatherings were restricted. He was charged with some things like unlawful assembly, but ultimately those charges were dropped and he didn't really face any consequences. Very oppressed this guy Have fun. He's gonna come in and talk shit with Alex
Jordan (00:25:03.000)
nightmare. You know, Trump is given them a taste of fascism. And based on Alex's current comments about a elected official, absolutely wrecking any and all power structures. I think they want more fascism.
Dan (00:25:18.000)
Yeah, you could get some of those indications. There's clues. Yeah.
Jordan (00:25:21.000)
I think that's picking up on here. Yep.
Dan (00:25:25.000)
So Alex has lost the in the cumulative, or I'm sorry, the compensatory phase of the trial, a little over $4 million. And so here, he touches on that a little bit.
Alex Jones (00:25:38.000)
Let me do this now. Because a lot of people are tuning in to the show, wanted to get my response to the $4.1 million judgment by an Austin jury yesterday, I shot a video last night. That's it, man that video where I lay out about five minutes my stance on it and where I stand but but I'll do that again. For by this tune in lives, and a lot of you are tuning in their new viewers wanted to get my view. But there's last night's announcement breaking exclusive, Alex Jones responds to 4.2 million Sandy Hook verdict 628,000 views want to go see it. It's a very important video. So but let me just briefly chronicle what's been happening in the last week and a half. Now almost two weeks, as of today, in this kangaroo court, and how to model for the rest of the country and the world. And then how George Soros, and the operatives are literally coordinating and running this.
Dan (00:26:38.000)
Oh, man. That's quite a scoop.
Jordan (00:26:41.000)
I would not have said that. I wouldn't have said that. Why not? That's just me. You know, I'm because and here's why I wouldn't have said it. Right. You're not fun. Right in and it's more it's not so much the Jerry now or the judge. It's more the sanctions that are coming.
Dan (00:26:59.000)
Sure. And do you really mitigate though, but also, like you're really casting your bet on the other trials aren't going to happen if you're Alex, because some of this post trial behavior, I could easily see it being introduced as like, look, he's no way that he behaved. How
Jordan (00:27:19.000)
do you not simply I mean, in another punitive hearing, how do you not go okay, we did one punitive hearing. And this was supposed to get him to stop doing this. So here's what he said. Hours later,
Dan (00:27:31.000)
he decided that he was going to imply that he will not be kept away from the Sandy Hook families, then accused the judge of criminal behavior,
Jordan (00:27:40.000)
punitive damages doesn't even begin to describe what needs happening.
Dan (00:27:44.000)
So the media in on it. And of course, sorrows, operatives, unnamed, right. But definitely in on, of course,
Alex Jones (00:27:53.000)
the corporate media that's in the courtroom are all coordinating, who judges coordinating with the media. The judge is altering the record of the trial, in my view, and I'll explain that in a moment. By recording it. She didn't just say I'm guilty and tell the jury are the 20 times I'm guilty, and that they had to find me guilty. You're not allowed to find the medicine. I found him guilty. She said she barred us she barred us from being able to respond in the punitive damages phase to our net worth now we turned over to them an accurate net worth and Christina faulted us. I spent days up here with lawyers, they got all the numbers, looked at my personal money, everything gave them a complete list under court order, did they and I knew it was all rigged but I wanted to show the world is and then instead they barred us from argument or calling any witnesses we can only cross examine their expert, who literally is some dandruff covered. guy looks like he has a gray wig on. Sure stumbles around he has a name like Thurston Howell the seventh or something I'm not joking. He has like five names. Nibble Snapple of the Gribble pivotal. I mean, he was great to find his name in the news.
Dan (00:29:15.000)
Yep, that is my new alias. Yeah.
Jordan (00:29:16.000)
Well. The Gribble? I can't argue with that. That's a good one.
Dan (00:29:23.000)
His name is Bernard Pedigo. Yeah.
Jordan (00:29:27.000)
It's the PEDOT Gil part that makes you just think of it. It's a
Dan (00:29:30.000)
snip of snap. A group of people.
Jordan (00:29:32.000)
It sounds like that name is missing an Esquire after it though. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? You can hear a pet of it. Yeah, you can hear it,
Dan (00:29:40.000)
but isn't Esquire for lawyers? Something like that? No, it shouldn't rain all be the rain all Esquire?
Jordan (00:29:46.000)
Yeah, but he wouldn't be in Esquire group. It's a great group of people. Fabulous. Oh, do you mean the Brooklyn Gribble pebbles.
Dan (00:29:56.000)
I am Dan Smith. The Gribble Damn, that's good, bad, good stuff,
Jordan (00:30:08.000)
Stratford upon Avon. And
Dan (00:30:10.000)
it also distracts you from the nonsense that he was saying earlier in the clip where he's talking about the judge, falsifying the record, or whatever. And so I was I was kind of interested to hear what that meant. And here's what he was talking about.
Alex Jones (00:30:25.000)
I was here yesterday, running around the office, trying to watch the verdict. And she was killing the stream every five minutes or so, because she said she would live streaming. But we kicked their butts so bad, even though we had our hands tied behind our backs, that should kill the stream during most of my testimony. So that law in crime can only put out edited clips of me where I go, Oh, that's a Perry Mason moment, except it's not. Those text messages all come from me on my phone. I gave it to all the lawyers, as I testified, and now you have it proving I told you the damn truth. And you guys used to act like you didn't have it, like, Oh, we got his phone, his phone was given to him. The most
Dan (00:31:07.000)
generous explanation for this is that Alex is an idiot and doesn't understand that law and crimes YouTube channel posted the long form videos of the trial, and also publish shorter snippets of particularly exciting moments, like when his text messages were revealed. Alex doesn't deserve a generous interpretation. And the reality here is that he's just lying to make his audience think that the judge in this case, shut down the feed and only allowed these shorter clips to go out, which is nonsense. It's likely too late for it to matter. But I have to assume that this could constitute some kind of contempt of court type thing. Like he's literally accusing the judge of crimes.
Jordan (00:31:40.000)
Yeah, I mean, they're, they're still have to work out the exact sanctions for both right now. And Alex, like that is still in the air. It's not like there. It's not like they, they wrote down a number and they handed it to Alex. And they were like, Okay, you can keep being a piece of shit. But you're also going to owe us this, you know, they're still doing that man.
Dan (00:31:59.000)
I both watched a fair amount of the feed, and was there in person and I can say, with quite a bit of confidence that Alex was not kicking their ass so bad, even with his hands tied behind his back, that they would need to shut down the feed. Also, the law and crime feed is not the same thing as the courts feed. Yeah. Which Alex is intentionally confusing, and that's fun. Yes, it's meaningless. Yeah. But he does stress this quite a bit.
Alex Jones (00:32:31.000)
So here's what I believe is illegal. If the judge is going to let something be televised, televised, real courts and they do have a pool camera that are or two cameras that aim at whoever speaking and when the judge speech. Instead, there's just dozens of cameras, but they're all pet media. And they all run the same script. And I'll put the same clips out basically. And the judge sits there while she controls the YouTube stream, turning it on and turning it off and turning it on and turning it off. She got a little brain. She just kills the stream. She's up there like a DJ running. So either you're gonna show people the trial or don't but I think it's illegal to claim someone's televised and then only let out certain parts of the trial but when something you don't watch happens, you kill the stream and then turn it back on the other side speaking. And then Bankston. Their main lawyer gets up the plaintiff's lawyer the ambulance chaser and goes Listen, Judge I want you to not kill the stream during this part because I'm gonna expose it law enforcement at once Jones's phone and you know, he's going down and it's January 6, and all this stuff. And none of that's even true. She's like, Okay, I'll keep it streaming. But when my lawyer talks, she turns it off. None of this happened.
Jordan (00:33:40.000)
No, none of it. Not even a little bit.
Dan (00:33:43.000)
This is wild like I mean, it is it's just a manufactured narrative of what happened.
Jordan (00:33:49.000)
It is so convenient does it shouldn't it be too convenient now for even his listeners that everything that proves he's innocent is unable to be found,
Dan (00:34:01.000)
but it's not? Of course not they're not going to go and look and find the feed like the the full like six hour videos on their
Jordan (00:34:09.000)
lawn there. There's no way that you can I mean, even though
Dan (00:34:14.000)
do you think I pulled the clips for our last actually, what did
Jordan (00:34:17.000)
also what judge knows how to competently turn the stream on and off?
Dan (00:34:22.000)
Alex's cough button? A little foot pedal? Yeah,
Jordan (00:34:25.000)
no, I mean, his lawyer couldn't even figure out how to use a fucking eighth grade projector.
Dan (00:34:31.000)
No, I think we talked or I think I have notes about this later to bring up but like the we were there in the courtroom and the law in crime. Their camera person was sitting next to us Yeah, through a lot of the time during the trial, and they would be fixing things sometimes. So there was like, problems that they had with their their streaming video. And like there was at least one occasion where I remember that they came in late Yeah. And so like there there was like that is separate entire feed from the zoom from the court as such there was
Jordan (00:35:10.000)
there's literally a moment where the battery got down to like 3% because somebody had jostled their their cord and it had popped out like you don't know
Dan (00:35:19.000)
this is this is just a boring defense for Alex but I think it's what he wants to go full on with it. Suppose I guess, is what you're talking about, you know, it is that dynamic of appealing to the unknown. It's like there's this other stuff somewhere that proves that I'm, I'm innocent, but you can never find you'll
Jordan (00:35:37.000)
never be able to find it. And it's not because it doesn't exist. It's because this evil judge she's so evil.
Dan (00:35:43.000)
So Alex, you know, certainly pissed off about being jammed up in this trial, but check he's got to get to the news.
Alex Jones (00:35:51.000)
I promise you want to get into world news for the rest of this broadcast today. We got so many special guests in studio, but I got to finish up because they just gave me transcripts and tweets of what's going on down at the kangaroo courthouse. There were being railroaded in the in the second phase of the damages.
Dan (00:36:10.000)
I guess we're not getting to the news. I guess we're gonna do this for longer Yeah. Anyway, at least it's kind of fun.
Alex Jones (00:36:17.000)
I told you the guy that name like Thurston Howell the third, but they didn't say his two middle names. He said it on the stands. I was there this morning. It's Bernard would not panty girl because like would nod snin waterless Guba tamam Diaz petit gillinson? I mean, I couldn't believe when he said his name. Wilford
Dan (00:36:36.000)
sniffle Snapple of the Gribble paper,
Jordan (00:36:38.000)
he said cooter to Monty is
Dan (00:36:42.000)
gonna go ahead and find your name. He says his name is Bernard Francis Pettingill, Jr.
Jordan (00:36:49.000)
Don't remember Ghouta demandingness. So the group of people not even at Ozzie mandamus? No, none of it. I
Dan (00:36:58.000)
can't stop saying that. It's so good Gribble pebble. Yep. So this is this is quite a conspiracy that Alex has got cooking here. And there are just, I mean, it's it's sprawling,
Jordan (00:37:11.000)
are there a lot of players in the game now, so many, oh,
Alex Jones (00:37:14.000)
the judge told all the news cameras. I've authorized all of you to be here. But no one else is allowed to film. And if you do, I'll have you arrested and stuff like that. She's on tape. And then whenever we speak, she cuts us off on YouTube. And then lets them speak. So they can then have the news crews edit down. And they're coordinating because they put out different camera shots, but down to the same sections. So somebody picks the time, they got these directors vector talking to all the cameras, and then they put out what they want. Here's an example. Everybody's told me about it on YouTube, you'll have 10 to one comments for me. And all of a sudden, they all get pushed down and deleted and a bunch of hateful comments get put at the top that'll have like five up votes, one with 1000 up votes is removed are pushed to the bottom. Let's take a
Dan (00:38:05.000)
step back and try to forget that we're listening to a celebrity racist demagogue here and really listen to what they're saying. Anyone you knew was talking like this about how everyone was out to get them, you'd rightly understand that they aren't well, but for Alex just kind of his his shtick. He sounds like someone raving about black helicopters, because he's literally the same person who was raving about black helicopters 20 years ago. He's delusional. And he's found enough people to enable and reinforce his delusions that he's been able to make it profitable and insulate himself from any consequences of his actions. But this just sounds dumb. Alex is getting on his show to complain about how unfairly he's being treated, which is evidenced by a completely inaccurate description of how the livestreams are broadcast. Then he's heard from other people that there's a conspiracy about silencing supportive YouTube comments, which is just pathetic. Alex isn't even able to make this claim he has to say that other people have told him this is happening. He has literally no idea if this is real at all, but it feeds into his victimhood status. So not only is it real, it's also probably way worse than it seems. And it's being directed by the judge in coordination with Soros. On the live streams, commenting was disabled for obvious reasons. As far as the lawn crime videos are concerned, you can go to those and still see a ton of pro Alex comments, mostly in the live chat. It's silly to think that YouTube comments mean anything. A lot of them are bots. Many of them are people just trolling and there are plenty that just don't even make sense. It's really sad to see a 48 year old adult whining on his show, but how he's heard there aren't enough positive comments about him on some YouTube videos. So it must be a censorship conspiracy issue. It's nonsense. It's just pathetic.
Jordan (00:39:48.000)
Yeah, I really thought we were done with allowing people to bitch about YouTube comments. I just thought that was done.
Dan (00:39:54.000)
I'm done with allowing it to mean anything, right? I mean, but it was it speaks for volumes about you. If you're complaining about it, then it's been
Jordan (00:40:03.000)
in movies from like 2015, where it's like, Hey, don't read the comments on the YouTubes. Or Everybody just knows that it's a horrible place. Right?
Dan (00:40:12.000)
I think that there is still something of a conversation in terms of like abusive and directed abuse and harassment and stuff, that that does still exist with comments, and what have you guys trying to argue? Like, it just goes back to like the shadow banning stuff. It's like, oh, my tweets aren't getting enough likes, I must be hidden by the shadow ban. I must be too dangerous to the establishment or whatever. And this is just that.
Jordan (00:40:36.000)
Yeah. The concept of maybe I'm uninteresting is just anathema. positive people. Yeah.
Dan (00:40:42.000)
Because he's got Wilford Smith. How could he be born? So anyway? Yeah, the judge. This is a cover up, man. You gotta cover up. Yeah. And she's deeply involved. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:40:55.000)
So the judge is in lifetime, manipulating what the world can see. So they can edit it to make me look bad. So I'm asking all the listeners, they don't want you to look at the last week and a half of the trial. They don't want you but there's, there's copies all over the internet. People are now figuring out she's doing this. But that so whenever asking, and everybody's going and finding it and going and finding what they weren't supposed to have. Because there were several other groups that are streaming that didn't completely coordinate. So copies are out there. If anybody
Dan (00:41:26.000)
else was recording, they were committing a crime. And I don't think so. I mean, based on my experience of being there in the courtroom, I don't think that was happening for a couple of reasons. Yeah. There were only a few actual cameras. And you had people like the law and crime show, folks. You had the HBO documentary. Right. And you also had a fair amount of security in terms of like, bailiffs? Yeah. And, like sheriff's officers or whatever. court officers. Yeah. And if someone was recording, and they weren't, they didn't have permission. That would have been shut down. Yeah,
Jordan (00:42:05.000)
almost instantly. I don't I couldn't stop myself from laughing a couple of times. And I got a visit.
Dan (00:42:11.000)
Yeah. It's and you're, like, looking around the courtroom. There wasn't packed. There weren't a bunch of people there. There. I don't think there were people who were like bootlegging the training.
Jordan (00:42:25.000)
I don't think even I mean, part of it is just, it really wouldn't have made sense to fit more cameras in there. No, it would have been pointless. It wasn't a big quarter. It wasn't that big. And there weren't that many people there. And I mean, I found a new Honda. Yeah. And I think they knew it would be interesting. And people would watch it. I don't think they thought it would be that big of a deal.
Dan (00:42:45.000)
Well, the court zoom was airing the entire thing. The law and crime had a slightly better camera and they were streaming most of it. Yeah. With with some limitations of just their, their whatever was, whatever they were doing, and then the HBO camera, I think there were maybe two were least get better shots. Yeah, for the documentary. Yeah, it's I don't know. Anyway, I think Alex should have to face the judge and answer for this behavior on air. He's basically creating a large target on her by fabricating a conspiracy, that the video in the courtroom was being manipulated. And this is just completely unacceptable. But yeah,
Jordan (00:43:24.000)
yeah, if I was in the middle of being defamed, being, you know, sued and about to get a huge judgment for defaming somebody, I would not in the same time period want to sick people on the judge of that case?
Dan (00:43:36.000)
Well, I mean, it's just me, but that's kind of what he did when Roger Stone was on trial. Yeah. Like, I don't know, it seems like just Bayview that he can't stop himself from doing already put
Jordan (00:43:46.000)
a million dollar bounty on her. No, that was the That's right.
Dan (00:43:50.000)
For the lawyer in Connecticut, right. But yeah, hey, it's not only the judge, it's also the lawyers. Everyone's against Alex,
Alex Jones (00:43:58.000)
and people are recording it while it's streamed now, but noticing they've gotten desperate, so now she's cutting it off up to three or four times every 10 minutes.
Jordan (00:44:06.000)
What, when, why,
Alex Jones (00:44:09.000)
I guess she gets a signal because there's they're actually signaling each other. Hell, their head lawyer gets up and says, now don't cut the feed for the next 10 minutes. Okay. And then he goes up and says, Jones, perjured himself, you know, the Justice Department, everything else. It's got his whole phone, which they don't all this stuff, and then then it's like, okay, Your Honor. And she's like, cuts the feed. This is total coordination. I do. I
Dan (00:44:35.000)
just, I don't think that this is okay. This is a pretty serious accusation that Alex is making all things considered. I mean, I know the ultimately, almost right thinking people know that he's full of shit. Yeah. I mean, anybody lives in topsy turvy world right. But there are real dangers that you could be putting people in by making accusations like this. And you just can't do this. Yeah, yeah, you can't accuse people of criminal behavior and criminal coordination between a judge and lawyers. It's, I don't know, ya know, at least just
Jordan (00:45:12.000)
monsters come out of topsy turvy world to attack people. You know, Alex lives in topsy turvy world. So we look at it, we're like, Hey, listen, you sound like an absolute nut job Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba, but then you send to people, and he's putting targets on people that they're that are being sent. That's crazy.
Dan (00:45:29.000)
Yeah, it's not okay. It's not okay, this behavior, is it, there has to be some sort of a check on it. Yeah. But look, Hey, Alex has got to get to the news. And honestly, this case, is meant to distract him from this large work that is so important that he needs to do okay,
Alex Jones (00:45:47.000)
they're trying to distract me from my work, but they're not gonna distract me from my work. And that's why I'm not down there at the second phase in the trial today. Okay, is because no matter what the globalist do while I'm still breathing air, or while I'm not locked up in a prison, I am going to be fighting these people. It's that simple. But I can't stand the fight without you. So they want me to talk about their attacks. They want me to get diverted into defending myself, but you understand we're going to stay on the attack. And we're not going to let them distract us. So what is it that they're trying to distract us from? Well, there's this stack.
Jordan (00:46:38.000)
It's the stack e stack, it all comes back to the stack ease
Alex Jones (00:46:41.000)
they're trying to distract us with.
Alex Jones (00:46:49.000)
They're trying to distract us from knowing about what I'm about to cover. And so I'll be back today, in the fourth hour. And I'm going to co host with Robert Barnes. Today co hosting some in the War Room, because I'm not gonna let them silence us and tomorrow, I'm gonna be here most of the day. Even though my five year old daughter's begging me to take her fishing. She has no future if I don't do this show. I'll be here. And I'm not a martyr. I'm not a victim. I'm saying that I'm going to work harder because they're trying to silence us because I know it's our mission. And when I get tired and sick, it must be somebody else's job to do this. When I see it bearing fruit what we've done together I realized I've got a fight now hardly ever had. So I'll cover this more in the fourth hour today after Mike Adams takes over with some special guests. Thanks. He's got lined up there. Huge people are really excited. Let me just hit these headlines so you know what's coming up. These all tie together.
Dan (00:47:47.000)
I hate that. Like, every time there's like, you know, the globalists are really acting up and duty calls. But the real thing that ends up happening is that Alex's daughter doesn't get to do something fun it is
Jordan (00:48:00.000)
how many times has he not taken her fishing? It's so many times. Yeah. Don't tell me about how you need to take your daughter fishing. When you haven't. That's sad for me. Yeah, there's
Dan (00:48:12.000)
a theme. I got to fight these globalists. I was gonna take my daughter fishing. I mean, imagine her sitting at home with a fishing pole.
Jordan (00:48:22.000)
He said he was gonna come today. Yeah, absolutely. No, this is this is a willful recontextualizing your neglectful parenting as
Dan (00:48:30.000)
here's the good news. What's the good plan didn't exist to begin with. There was no fishing trip. That's true that it's all just, it's dramatization. Yeah. Anyway, Alex is going to do a fun run of headlines. And so I decided he's like, these are all connected. And this is what the globalists are trying to stop. So we're gonna we're gonna go on this run with him and see what happens. Let's go. So here's the first headline.
Alex Jones (00:48:53.000)
These all tie together, tweeted, scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change. It's all over the Nash post that was coming.
Jordan (00:49:02.000)
Swedes eat people.
Dan (00:49:03.000)
So this is a headline from 2019, which doesn't know because his team just googled cannibalism and printed out everything they could find. That seems like it could work. Ouch. Alex does no prep for this show. So he's cold reading headlines, just making up context for them. And then this case, he's pretending that it's a current story. This one was about Magnus Soderlund to went on Swedish TV and was interviewed about some research he was doing into social taboos about food sources. Basically, human meat was used as an extreme example of something that pretty much everyone considered past the line. But where exactly was the line? Lab grown beef, artificial meat insects where, you know, where do people feel like, I don't know. He doesn't want people to eat people. And that wasn't something he was advocating at all. Magnus very astutely deduced that his words had, quote, been hijacked by people who don't believe that global warming and other climate issues should be taken seriously. And one of those people was a writer for Epoch Times who wrote a headline that Alex is Now reading on air. This is a bullshit story with no connection to reality that was published three years ago. So this string of headlines is off to a very strong start. So
Jordan (00:50:12.000)
you're saying that the Swedes have not started eating each other?
Dan (00:50:15.000)
Not to my knowledge, okay. I I don't have anybody. Update Sonia, Sonia. Oh, no, no. So here's the next
Alex Jones (00:50:26.000)
video transcript. Biden transport Secretary again touts expensive electric vehicles as solution for high gas prices.
Dan (00:50:34.000)
So yeah, Pete Buda judge said that maybe electric cars, maybe we could get some subsidies for people to be able to afford electric cars. And that is related to eating people how well because he said that this Swedish person said that you should eat people to help with climate change, which isn't really true. Okay, so maybe the climate change aspect of it is right, rice, I appreciate you trying to track the connection. I'm
Jordan (00:50:59.000)
doing my best because he said that they're specifically all connected. And all I have right now is Swedes eat people and drive electric cars. Well, let's
Dan (00:51:06.000)
see. Let's see if we can find some more connective tissue.
Alex Jones (00:51:09.000)
Here recruit Trudeau bought flying on a private jet. But he says you shouldn't be able to American motioning for a car.
Dan (00:51:15.000)
Well, I thought it was Obama who didn't want people to have air conditioner or a car which isn't true to begin with. But it's something that Alex repeats a lot. But I guess it's now just toss it on there. I'm starting to suspect that maybe Alex really is just called reading headlines and hasn't seen any of these things at all. But he's just pretending they're connected because we have a three year old article about cannibalism calm events that Pete Buda judge made about electric cars, right and a picture of Trudeau not wearing a mask. This can't be the super important work the globalists want to distract Alex from because this is ridiculous. You
Jordan (00:51:46.000)
know, I wrote down earlier, whenever he was saying like, Oh, this is all a distraction from my work. And I won't allow it. And it's like, if that is true, just on its face. Shouldn't the news currently be gargantuan? You know, like during the trial now, maybe maybe you could even consider like Trump's raid being gargantuan. But that was after the trial. Right? So during the trial, shouldn't there have been a nonstop barrage of like, holy shit, you know, ever there's fires going up inside of your home right now? Because
Dan (00:52:17.000)
then Alex wouldn't be able to cover exactly
Jordan (00:52:19.000)
right, that would justify the distraction era. But I feel like the news was mainly like, we're gonna try and lower gases taxes. Oh, no,
Dan (00:52:29.000)
that Sweden has given the green light on eating people. But Alex doesn't know that. He's presenting it as current. So So I
Jordan (00:52:37.000)
guess Eat up, I guess I guess we had to sue Alex Jones to make sure that Swedes can
Dan (00:52:43.000)
eat people. And let me say this real quick. I know what the Swedes do with meatballs. And if that's the precedent of how they're going to serve people. I'm out. I'm out. Yeah, no, thank you.
Jordan (00:52:54.000)
I'm just saying that Scandinavian food is not bad food. But there are way better
Dan (00:52:59.000)
for you're not going to trick me to eat people with lingonberry. I can tell you that right now.
Jordan (00:53:04.000)
I wouldn't even eat their fish, let alone their people who.
Dan (00:53:07.000)
So here's the next headline.
Alex Jones (00:53:10.000)
The climate called is eager to take advantage of Europe's energy crisis. And are now announcing and Spain and Germany they're going to control remotely as we told you decades, they would with the smart meters, what temperature you can set your house to no lower than 80.
Dan (00:53:24.000)
So this is just an op ed on Zero Hedge that's completely meaningless as proof of anything and doesn't even include any bits about remotely controlling people's thermostats. That stuff that Alex is writing his own story about the bid. It's very real issues surrounding energy rationing proposals in countries that could be more directly affected by Russia's ability to control the flow of oil and natural gas, right. It's less a question of remotely controlling smart meter thermostats, and more City Council's being asked to do everything they can to conserve energy. After this is a string of headlines about reducing car ownership. So I guess that a bunch of these headlines could be said to be connected, but I'm struggling to make the larger meaningful connection. And the cannibalism is just flashy and fun. I guess. I think that I understand what Alex wants the connection to be, but it's pretty much just in his head. He's basically laying out the climate change advocates. It's an elaborate plot to destroy society through making people unable to have energy resources, which will make them unable to get any food. So I guess the media is trying to prepare people for the idea of eating other humans. Mind you. This is entirely different than Alex's big rant about how he was willing to barbecue his neighbors to feed his children. When Alex discusses cannibalism, that's actually genius. And he's making a larger point whereas when people he doesn't like do it, it's proof of insidious plan to depopulate the planet. Yeah, this list of headlines is legitimately depressing. And he does not need a lawsuit to distract him from doing his job. He's doing fine on his own and his job is completely meaningless.
Jordan (00:54:53.000)
Yeah, I don't know. You just don't get to complain about cannibalism. If you have already made the plan. And in your mind to your neighbors and feed them to your kids. Yeah.
Dan (00:55:04.000)
And high public high profile publicly totally
Jordan (00:55:07.000)
said it out loud. You're on the record as that is being an acceptable strategy when it comes to that. Yeah, I feel like he shouldn't be able to talk shit.
Dan (00:55:17.000)
I know it was a pretty like, graphic. Thanks.
Jordan (00:55:20.000)
Very graphic. It was like his neighbor accidentally hit his window with a baseball that day.
Dan (00:55:25.000)
So we have a couple more headlines, even though I had lost my patience with this naturally. But yeah, there's some that are actually kind of interesting.
Alex Jones (00:55:32.000)
Australia's Great Barrier Reef to fight climate doomsayers, with record coral come back. The truth is coral reefs grow, they die, they come back, they die, they come back.
Dan (00:55:41.000)
So now that headline that he's reading off Breitbart, but it's kind of a dishonest framing of the story. Well, it is true that parts of the Great Barrier Reef are seeing considerable healing. That's not true of the reef as a whole. The northern area of the reef saw gains in hard coral cover, but the southern section actually went down. This is good news, but it's part of a larger picture. One of the main concerns about the reef is hard coral cover. But another equally important aspect is bleaching. Bleaching is the result of a temperature or weather anomaly that leads to the coral expelling the algae that give it its color resulting in the coral becoming white. It's not dead at that point, but it's at a significantly greater risk. And importantly, reefs are complicated systems that are capable of healing. So if there is some bleaching the coral can become home to algae again and come back to what you call like a vibrant life. Right, right. Right. The concern among scientists is that weather events that cause large scale bleaching have been increasing in frequency. There have been four mass bleaching events in the past seven years and experts don't know how resilient the reefs are to this heightening pressure. It's an open question. It's frightening. The implications. Yeah, another aspect that is of concern is mentioned in a Reuters story about this. Quote, on the downside, the growth in cover has been driven by acro paura corals, which the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences said, are particularly vulnerable to wave damage, heat stress, and crown of thorns starfish. This is coral cover that is increasing, which is good, but it's a type of coral that's highly likely to be susceptible to the sorts of weather events that are becoming increasingly common, which is a big reason to be worried. This increase in cover could lead to false hope, or conversely to people like Alex ignoring the details of the story, in order to use it as a prop to attack climate science as invalid. As per usual, Alex has no idea what he's talking about. But he's got a Breitbart headline, and that's enough to trick his audience into pygmies and expert. So Whoo,
Jordan (00:57:42.000)
yeah, we were at, we were at a museum and whole area in San Francisco a few years back, and they had this massive section of the place now. Like, it used to be something different. And now it was just all devoted to the coral reef. And the way that coral is was dying, and everything was so fucking sad, because that was their goal was like, you used to walk in here and see some cool stuff and then be like, Wow, that was fun. Now, it's, you're gonna be like, I'm gonna go fight Australians to save the coral reef. Like, that's how you walk out of there. And it is a tragic, tragic, tragic situation
Dan (00:58:23.000)
true. And then some of the positive news that ends up coming out and you hear about the Great Barrier Reef is the result of very aggressive conservation effort. Yeah, yeah. And so like when you're like, Oh, why isn't a dying so if it's because people are taking it very soon, as hard as they possibly can with everything they've got all the time. Try to pick up a piece of coral and they will snipe you.
Jordan (00:58:46.000)
Yeah, and I don't even I don't even want you reporting good news about it. Because then people are gonna be like, Oh, things are getting better. No. Well, yes. Not reporting enough news about how it's dying every single day. God,
Dan (00:58:59.000)
I think that balance is tough to strike. It is a little bit difficult to get another headline, Okay, this one's fun.
Alex Jones (00:59:06.000)
Major new findings there reanimating not just dead spiders. But now pigs. Frankenstein is real. From me, she Nish Holy shit.
Dan (00:59:14.000)
Get the torches.
Jordan (00:59:16.000)
Ah. Does he think that the soul is included with the Rhian animation?
Dan (00:59:20.000)
I don't know. He doesn't he doesn't expound on this at all. I want more. So Jordan, I have some news for what's that no one's reanimating spiders. Dammit Alex probably just saw a headline about research that was done at Rice University where they found that they could use dead spiders as a way of gripping things. Essentially it has to do with how spider legs bend and how all you really need to do to manipulate them is apply a hydraulic pressure inside the spider's abdomen. The researchers used a needle to puff air into them and found that they were able to expand and retract the spiders legs. Personally, I think this is a little fucked up. But I don't know how much of a high horse any of us has to be about like oh, you're gonna risk Like the sanctity of dead spider Yeah, no, I'm not sure it's weird, but it's pretty interesting if
Jordan (01:00:05.000)
I stepped on it a few days ago I can't be mad if somebody's like, look I can make its legs work right now I'm not gonna be
Dan (01:00:11.000)
you watch the video with the researchers to one of the things they bring up that's like, that's kind of tough to argue with is that it is like degrade biodegradable material, you know, like Shrek something that you know, right. Okay, you end up in a strange position though if you're like breeding spiders in order to kill them. Yeah,
Jordan (01:00:28.000)
I mean, what do we talk? I
Dan (01:00:30.000)
hope I hope that that would not be the path things go right. Anyway. That's not the implication that Alex reanimate. See? That's the issue. Yeah. As for the big thing, Alex just skimmed a headline about this, but it's a little closer to reanimation. It's not, it's just not that it's a pig getting reanimated. It's a cellular thing. Oh, this has some considerable philosophical implications and could stand to revolutionize processes used in organ donation. But it's not Frankenstein, or at least not yet. I do find myself unnerved slightly by this portion of an NBC News article about this quote, the pigs treated with organics startled researchers. During the experimentation the dead pigs heads and necks moved under their own. The animals remained under heavy anesthesia. The researchers do view the neck jerk as an indication that muscle function was restored after death. If you're someone who believes that all science fiction is secretly real, I can see how you might respond to this like Alex does. It's silly, but I get it. Yeah, anyway, I'm still having trouble with the suppose connection of all these stories. Even these two stories allegedly about reanimation aren't connected in any meaningful way. At this point, I was so bored of this list of headlines that I was getting. It's getting really redundant. So I decided it was time to move on from this fun run. Yeah, but that story about the pigs is like that is something I wish someone who was like Alex but not Alex. Yeah. Then maybe a little bit more in touch with reality. Yeah, could have a take on because I think it's I think it's a little bit like your reaction is there is a place for that. Right? They right now to restore muscle.
Jordan (01:02:17.000)
I think what's interesting it to me about this is the idea of consciousness, you know, like, Okay, you're worried about Frankenstein and all that stuff. But are you telling me that the the consciousness returns? You know, with its its previous memories? Of course not. Otherwise, what
Dan (01:02:35.000)
you're saying is spiders have a meaningful life. But
Jordan (01:02:38.000)
But what about what I'm thinking is if you're saying that reanimation is possible, then when I die, right, I'll die, my consciousness will end and then suddenly, I will theoretically awaken years later, in a in the same or a different body. Like that's not how it works. No. So you don't get us there's no such thing as a soul is what I'm trying to say.
Dan (01:02:59.000)
That's fine. Yeah, that's not even close to anything that is implied by these
Jordan (01:03:04.000)
rights. No, I that's the only thing I care about. When you talk about pigs coming back to life. I'm like, I'm worried their souls aren't going to be okay. Well, one
Dan (01:03:11.000)
of the one of the things that like comes up in articles about this is the sort of philosophical implications in terms of like, what do we categorize as death? Right? Because like the ability, like if someone has a heart attack, and their heart stops, sure, which is your heart to muscle, if they're able to pump the heart, Reese, like, re bring back muscle tissue? Is that something that they would be able to? It's right, there are all kinds of questions that are raised by this. But yeah, I mean, it's not like you've been dead for a week. And now we can bring you back.
Jordan (01:03:42.000)
I think I mean, okay, so your brain dead. They can't bring back the function of your nerves. So so far as we're aware. I mean, you don't know you wouldn't What are you just going to jolt people with electricity? Like in Frankenstein?
Dan (01:03:55.000)
I mean, based on Alex's coverage, yeah.
Jordan (01:03:59.000)
That's the plan. From Alex. Okay.
Dan (01:04:05.000)
Yeah, I don't know. I think what I've actually read on this, yeah, I think we'll find out more when there's more research. Pretty early stages on a lot of this stuff. Probably not Frankenstein.
Jordan (01:04:20.000)
We're not at the Dolly the sheep level of bringing people back to life. No, gotcha.
Dan (01:04:26.000)
So you brought up the torn larynx? Sure. And I told you there was a fun update on Oh, yeah, it's healed. Actually, there's there's a suspect in this.
Alex Jones (01:04:35.000)
And all the studies show 5g causes major asthma and problems. And I'm literally driving down Congress this morning after an hour in court to get to the show. And I'm coughing the way I've never caught in my life. And I said you know the studies are 5g causes serious breathing problems, and coughing like this. It only happens when I'm in 5g areas. They need those for self driving cars. And all of a sudden afford self driving car drives by but when the turn lane we didn't get video of it a robot car drove by two minutes after I was telling my security guys
Dan (01:05:12.000)
wow, robot cars make him cough.
Jordan (01:05:14.000)
That reminds me outside of the outside of the courthouse. I was making the jokes and I didn't didn't reference 5g To, to the news for him. Yes. And now here she didn't even know that the 5g from her phone was causing Alex's cough in the courtroom. I
Dan (01:05:32.000)
mean, I just assumed that courtroom was full of 5g. She was the one who had the biggest phone though. I noticed that on the stand Alex didn't say 5g. I can recall. Lyrics as crazy flies on his show. He said a torn larynx. Yeah. Anyway, he leaves and then he comes back and forth out right. After having gone to the courthouse. How did it go for? Well, they have not figured out yet exactly what the judgment will be. But the fourth hour starts and they just play special reports. Like what's going on here? Sure. We get 20 minutes in. Okay. And Alex finally shows up with Barnes until well, we have an update on that. But also, I should say in advance. Alex uses an AR slur here. And I just want to say it's no good. All right, we ran
Alex Jones (01:06:21.000)
some promos earlier because for some reason Robert Barnes was here sit around for like an hour waiting on anything was supposed to be on air. So he left. Me stop. Not going to happen. There's so little human communication now though, like person to person. And that's how the globalist you're beating us is. People don't communicate with each other. It's a shopping mall, or the store. Barnes
Jordan (01:06:45.000)
wedding that's going
Alex Jones (01:06:46.000)
on mentally retarded that that's really the fount of all of this.
Dan (01:06:53.000)
So he wasn't on air for 20 minutes because barns thought he was he didn't need to go on air. So he left and he was trying to call barns and convince him to come back. I
Jordan (01:07:02.000)
mean, it's to say I mean, that's, that's crazy. Okay, go on without your barns that is absolute insanity. People don't talk to each other. You can text in the courthouse. I was. I was on my phone the whole time. It's true. You could have texted Barnes when he were going to be back to go on air
Dan (01:07:19.000)
but that would have activated the 5g and made him call.
Jordan (01:07:23.000)
You're now here. He's right. You're right. Everybody's right. So look, man,
Dan (01:07:26.000)
Alex, you know, he said he was gonna cover the news when he came back in the fourth hour Sure, but now he can't because Barnes isn't
Alex Jones (01:07:32.000)
watching manatee dying. It's so sad. I mean, I'm so sad. So sad. Because like helter skelter coming down fast but uh, miles above you. I mean, the globalist you're trying to break down humanity. Good save. Find a lot to cover prepared for hours for this. But you know, when nuts they're like, Get out of here. Come on. Now. Gorillas knocking your head against the wall. will matter soon. The food's getting cut off and it's just gonna go off. And I think it's actually a good thing. We've already killed so many kids in the womb. Let's just start starving our by death right on the oven. That is where we are. All the wimps that have lived off the system, all the frauds that have hidden behind their BS. It's all over now. So I
Dan (01:08:18.000)
guess we all deserve to die because Barnes isn't there. This is a mood swing.
Jordan (01:08:22.000)
Yeah, that happened. That happened. Whack
Dan (01:08:26.000)
he's so mad. That he's like a straight talker.
Jordan (01:08:31.000)
We had somebody had abortions one time let's all die.
Dan (01:08:37.000)
Yeah, right. I feel like this isn't like the judgment hasn't even come down. And really, it's just me. It's just bards. Oh my god. Yeah. Anyway, Alex is in a bad mood. Yeah, I can tell
Alex Jones (01:08:49.000)
is your unconscious you will die. Oh, okay. Because you're living in a dream, you will be destroyed. Aren't you going to live in a dream here? I don't live in a fantasy land. I live in the real world.
Alex Jones (01:09:06.000)
That's painful to watch. But nevertheless, everybody's got their own idea how things work. So you go ahead and do it your way and see what happens. Okay. I have a few video clips I want to play here. And one of them is Dick Cheney, the war criminal. The torture master the architect of 911. The globalist criminal, the guy that sold America out for the Council on Foreign Relations and make jokes about it on national TV, how he was an enemy of America has the nerve to get up and say people running against his daughter in her congressional race are the enemies and that Trump is the enemy.
Dan (01:09:57.000)
So one angle on Dick Cheney putting out videos think Trump sucks is to lash out at Cheney and say who are you to talk? And I bet that's fair. Another way to look at it is the Cheney is a fucking monster of historical scale. And even he realizes that Trump is a pile of shit. I guess this is a glass half full or half empty thing. And yeah, have that. Yeah.
Jordan (01:10:16.000)
You guys have fun. Yeah. Enjoy cool joy.
Dan (01:10:20.000)
So Barnes shows up. What? Yeah, why he pulled the car around. Joe.
Jordan (01:10:26.000)
Don't show up Barnes you're just gonna get his bad mood on. You
Dan (01:10:29.000)
know, actually, Alex's mood changes a bit. No, he perks up a little bit and makes me think that maybe Barnes is holding or something.
Alex Jones (01:10:38.000)
But here's a little secret. They don't want me to say it till everything's closed out. But under Texas law, their $4 million judgment is half. And if they do a huge billion dollar punitive, it's capped. At one point something million.
Robert Barnes (01:10:53.000)
Yeah, it's 750 that Bankston was out there the other day the plaintiff's lawyer was out there spinning to the media, how there could be there was going to be a 50 million 100 million dollar kind of judgment coming in punitive damages, completely got wrong. The media was recycling this as if it was the truth about Texas law. The AAP
Alex Jones (01:11:08.000)
says I'm worth 270 million. This company has major energy. That's why they tell my wife we I gotta mow the yard. I'm telling her we got to fire the lawn staff.
Dan (01:11:20.000)
You're doing it. You're in tough times. Wow, the yard.
Jordan (01:11:24.000)
Wow. If you think if you think that endears you to me and makes you a relatable character, mow the yard, honey, we can't afford our gardener anymore. No, he said garden staff. That's right. staff that is more than one you'll Oh, God. Oh, God. So
Dan (01:11:40.000)
yeah, I mean, Alex, I think you know, there's something about barns that just brightens up a room. And I think you can feel it. Alex is so much happier now that Barnes is there. He's got his buddy. There is
Jordan (01:11:53.000)
something about Barnes's ability to like weather so much bullshit and kind of like spin it into like a little positive thing for Alex. It is kind of a gift he has
Dan (01:12:03.000)
I think that he hypnotizes Alex with his like phrases. Yeah, you know, yeah, he says, blank and blank. Yes. All the time. Yes. Yes. Given in dodgy. Yeah. Are there
Jordan (01:12:15.000)
the Gribble, pebbles have no
Dan (01:12:17.000)
they are almost Always Alliterative. And it's there's something about those speech patterns. I think Alex get sucked into it's not a bad thing to learn. Yeah. So look, most of this fourth hour is Barnes being full of shit, right. And advertising. It's really just trying to get money,
Alex Jones (01:12:36.000)
right. And here's my problem. I could get major national food guys that are on Hannity and on back and I'm not attacking them. Maybe they're smarter than me. Their food makes 60 70% Ours makes 30% Because it is the best lowest price. I have this weird neurotic thing to give our listeners the best deal, right? So I would probably actually be rich like them if I did that.
Dan (01:12:55.000)
Oh, man, that's wild. Did you know that Alex gets his survival food buckets from my Patriot supply? I didn't know that because Glenn Beck sells his survival food through my Patriot supply too. And for years. I'm not sure if Hannity actually sells food buckets at this point, but he definitely did it the pat in the past through my Patriot supply. Oh, yeah. They also sponsor Dan bond Gino and have sponsored Ben Shapiro and Rush Limbaugh and countless other right wing shit talkers, who seem to include an insistence that you'll soon need emergency food because the government's gonna go full dictatorship in their rhetoric, which is just a strange coincidence, a
Jordan (01:13:28.000)
good strategy. That's really fucking work. So what you're telling me is that I can ignore even if I'm a huge Shapiro fan. Or even if I'm a huge Glenn Beck fan, what I should do is instead of getting my trip Patriot supply from them, I'll get a cheaper price from Alex. Correct.
Dan (01:13:45.000)
In theory, yeah, but I don't think that's true. Oh, I mean, I have in the past, gone and looked at like various deals that were offered. Yeah. I don't think that's true. What I think is going on, if Alex is describing anything that's real. It's that he has such a bad negotiating position that he gets a lower cut than Ben Shapiro or Glenn Beck does? Yes. That would be my hunch. Yeah, that's more likely. But yeah, it's all the same company that's buying all of these people their buckets? Probably not Jim Baker, though. I think he probably has a different operation. I
Jordan (01:14:21.000)
think he puts his own food in those buckets. Yeah,
Dan (01:14:24.000)
yeah. He cooks it himself. Yeah, I think so. So Barnes has a interesting theory about what's coming in the punitive case here.
Robert Barnes (01:14:32.000)
To jurors wouldn't even join in the verdict and for the punitive damages, they need unanimous jurors to even get any punitive.
Alex Jones (01:14:37.000)
What's your prediction this afternoon? Or maybe it'll be longer on punitive?
Robert Barnes (01:14:42.000)
I don't think that there's you said
Alex Jones (01:14:45.000)
I don't mean to kiss your ass. But you said before it happened yesterday. You said on air. You said I think it's below 5 million is a very good chance that they can't even get payment of
Robert Barnes (01:14:55.000)
Yeah, well, that it's a seven figure verdict. And I don't think the punitive damages is going to come in anywhere near what they're talking about. Again, it's purely show a theater and symbolic at this point, because the cap is 1.5 between both claims
Dan (01:15:06.000)
before Alex got him off bar and seemed to be going in a direction of I don't think they're gonna get any punitive damage, they're very much downplaying Yeah, what will come back? And I think that's part of their like, that's that storyline that's still going on that they like pilled the jury and like they saw through it and everything. Yeah. And I mean, it's going to be a little bit of a deflation when the 50 million number comes around. And it's,
Jordan (01:15:32.000)
it's, it's interesting to hear about the cap because the more I read about it, the less clear it becomes. And from what Mark has told me is that part of the reason that this whole thing is gonna get weird, is that if they want to they can there's something written within the caps of like, if this is extraordinary bullshit, beyond what anybody who could reasonably expect, fuck the cap, let's go hard on this guy. You know, like that kind of thing. But that's going to lead to appeals and appeals and all that stuff. So I'm not sure but whatever anybody is reporting about the cap, it is up in the air still. Yeah,
Dan (01:16:10.000)
there are a number of different dynamics are at play. Yeah. Yeah. And as far as I know, like it about anything about the case and about how this law works. Let's see what exactly I have no
Jordan (01:16:26.000)
idea. Everything I've read is like who the fuck wrote this law?
Dan (01:16:30.000)
Yeah. And I think that Alex's entire bankruptcy situation overcomplicated even more coarse and could work to his disadvantage, right. And so we'll see. Barnes decides he's going to jump in with Alex on this whole like, the the judge is committing crimes thing, great idea for a lawyer. I would say Bart's been a shit. He's gonna
Jordan (01:16:49.000)
be a media star.
Alex Jones (01:16:50.000)
Again, I think it's criminal to have a judge say this is televised, that she cuts the YouTube off when we speak or lawyer speak. She doesn't like, but only puts it on when they're having their people speak. I mean, I think that's wrong.
Robert Barnes (01:17:01.000)
I mean, all of it was scripted. I mean, it was literally three movie cameras in there. The only thing that went AWOL for him is they didn't get the ending that they wanted. And they didn't get the ending they wanted because even a liberal democratic jury in Austin that was selected by these plaintiffs lawyers rejected the core aspects of their theory and thesis, they got to see your your thesis and you were not the caricature that they tried to make you out to be. And even though they played a kind of a track and altered edited video, sometimes only five, seven seconds long effect appeared. Some I think one was like two seconds long.
Alex Jones (01:17:29.000)
But what about you is five seconds? Yeah, five seconds. For me.
Robert Barnes (01:17:32.000)
I personally, if I was a plaintiff's lawyer, I would not have put me in the trial. I would not have put things into the trial, I would not have put the allegations and concerns about the judge into the trial. You know
Dan (01:17:41.000)
who else didn't want to put barns into the trial? Barnes Yeah, he was Alex's lawyer until she got too hot and he quit or got fired. And now, the Infowars corporate rep has testified under oath that they're exploring suing him for malpractice. This is all just such horseshit. Barnes is a weak loser hiding on Alex's show pretending to have an expert opinion acting like the reality that he took an active part in this didn't happen. How does he pretend to be a lawyer and then get on air and say that the case was scripted, and the plaintiff's attorney selected the jury, as if that wasn't a process that the defense was equally involved in? poorly. This is we're just low. Yeah, this is nonsense. He should be like, I don't know, he should give up his own license for engaging in this shit.
Jordan (01:18:22.000)
But he should have said is if I was the defense lawyer, whenever they chose the jury, I wouldn't have said will you talk to me? Will you talk to me?
Dan (01:18:29.000)
I don't think he's willing to talk to me about that.
Jordan (01:18:30.000)
No, I don't think he does, either.
Dan (01:18:32.000)
So we have one last clip here. From Friday, Alex's show at least Yes. And this is just nonsense.
Alex Jones (01:18:41.000)
Here is the same lawyer that the worst part is I said, lock her up. So the end of the day, it's like we're here because you criticize Hillary here it is. Alex Jones,
Mark Bankston (01:18:49.000)
Representative saying, I know he was reckless. Alex knows he was reckless and immediately going. But Megyn Kelly said. But the truthers said, but there were other websites. But Hillary Clinton, hell at one point, I thought he was gonna start yelling or chanting, lock her up.
Jordan (01:19:22.000)
Wow, you guys are good at fake laughing.
Alex Jones (01:19:25.000)
They're like, literally trying to sniff Hillary Clinton's but she's a politically dead item.
Dan (01:19:31.000)
So that's a sort of clip where you have to ask yourself if Alex even thinks his audience is conscious. It's clear what Wes is saying. And they clip that Alex is trying to dodge responsibility for his actions by saying that other people said things too. And then he punctuated his claim by joking that he was surprised that Alex didn't yell lock her up. Alex is pretending that this is somehow a statement of support for Hillary or an admission that this case is only happening because of Hillary, but it's pretty tough to get there from what the actual clip that is played.
Jordan (01:20:00.000)
Yeah, I can't I mean, it that is so impregnable, really obvious that it's this is if this is the most gaslighting that you can do
Dan (01:20:10.000)
and that laughter is so forceful. This is two dudes lying their asses off about the situation they're in trying desperately to put on a triumph and face for the audience, they need to keep giving them money. If there wasn't a resolution that could be spun as a victory here, the audience would probably get it through their heads that sending Alex money is throwing your money into a pit. So it's critical to keep a stiff upper lip and pretend that you're having a great time being sued. You actually won when you think about it. I mean, they rejected the theory of thesis.
Jordan (01:20:41.000)
In a in a in a certain sense. What has happened is that Alex Jones is a money making operation is now a savings account for the families. So the more money he makes, you know, I it's going to them at the end of the day,
Dan (01:20:57.000)
unless he's getting real fancy with some bookkeeping. If
Jordan (01:21:01.000)
he's if he's getting real fancy with some bookkeeping, he's going to jail and I think that it'd be better than having a savings account. Well,
Dan (01:21:07.000)
it would certainly limit his ability to bullshit he so the War Room comes on. And our boy, the cook destroyer, aka the puppet, comes on Share, and is a little bit dramatic. A little bit. This is Mike Adams level dramatic. Okay.
Owen Shroyer (01:21:27.000)
Today is a major turning point in the political paradigm shift. That has happened in the West that used to value individualism, freedom, prosperity, life, tradition, creation, what and we now pivot into a dystopian, Western world that values oppression, stopping the force of humanity, depopulation, Satanism, anti life, anti freedom, anti truth. But the important turning point, the important page that we turn today is that now, the American left, the liberal progressive Democrat left in America almost has now taken off the mask. They now know they're the bad guys. They have now accepted their role as the bad guys. And they are now embracing it holy. Okay, and so that is the point we're at now in human history.
Dan (01:22:39.000)
This is some serious baby shit. In all the course of human history, every good or bad decision that's ever been made the TED geopolitical consequences many by left leaning politicians, it's all been nothing compared to the day that Alex Jones learns that he has to pay people for defaming them, was at the end of the free world when Fox settled their defamation suit with Seth Rich's parents or when CNN settled with Nicholas Sandmann. I feel like it wasn't probably because Alex's narcissism is so strong and such an important part of what makes this show and everything on Infowars work for the audience that Owen has to tap into it in order to exist in that environment. This is really pathetic to act this way. And I have zero respect for Owen or his proclamations of announcing that we're the bad guy. But if he wants to act this way, I have just one thing to say to him was that hey, you Oh, that's Scott Hall reference. You wouldn't have gotten wouldn't have gotten wouldn't have gotten it. Scott Hall was the bad guy.
Jordan (01:23:32.000)
I mean, you know, I'm not here's the thing about a podcast is like know your audience, you know, but it's just you and me here. So you do know an audience, you know, but yeah, yeah,
Dan (01:23:43.000)
bad times. Don't let bad guys do. Okay, anyway. In the tradition of Alex before him, oh, and decides he's not hosting his show today.
Owen Shroyer (01:23:56.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, August 5 2022. This is the Info Wars war room brought to you by Infowars And I have to tell you, Today's broadcast is going to be a great one. Now I am live in studio right now. But clay Clark is about to take over with so many great guests that it's going to be a great transmission.
Dan (01:24:15.000)
So Clay Clark is this guy who does the reawaken America tour. And they go and do these like, Q anon adjacent speakers and Alex was at one Jim Breuer.
Jordan (01:24:28.000)
Does anybody work there? Does anybody work there? Like Barnes didn't
Dan (01:24:32.000)
even vote? Hey, look, dude, dude, I understand what you're saying. But as far as Oh, and goes, I'm gonna give him a pass. Because he keeps like having to host his own show. And that's true. That's true, but it's true. I have a little bit of sympathy for him because they are making him do double duty. He is working awful hard. Yeah, but it is funny that on the day of Alex's punitive hearing, Alex just decides I'm gonna go to the court. Oh, and is like I said, What are we gonna do but he's says that they have some big guests. Sure. Clay Clark has some big guy. Absolutely. Thank you. I was like, I don't believe this. Okay, and then here's clay Clark's part starts. Okay.
Clay Clark (01:25:10.000)
Hey well General Flynn and Peter Navarro. Welcome onto the Owen Shroyer and Alex Jones Show gentlemen, I appreciate you being here. My brother's. Hey,
Dan (01:25:19.000)
this is quite a duo to start off with. But we all know Mike Flynn. But Peter Navarro isn't necessarily someone who's been on Alex's show in the past, or at least not to my knowledge. Yeah, he was an aide within the Trump administration. And overall he's basically a shithead. He's currently facing contempt of Congress charges for refusing to comply with subpoenas and the investigation into January 6. That's why I know his name. He's also in hot water for conducting official government business on a private phone and then refusing to turn over records from that phone, insisting that he needs to be granted immunity before he'll do so twice. Probably going to end up in jail before this whole thing is said and done. Anyway, here we have a real q&a on adjacent government overthrowing enthusiast panel happening. Not quite sure what I expected from the War Room, but I'm open to seeing where this goes.
Jordan (01:26:05.000)
I mean, that is that is a bold statement to come out with. Uh huh. We're welcoming General Flynn and Peter Navarro today and it gets better have a fucking crazy talk. Okay, better we go.
Clay Clark (01:26:19.000)
And we have Michael and Dell here who wants Trump's best?
Jordan (01:26:23.000)
What is happening?
Clay Clark (01:26:24.000)
He always says is the best advisor in America. He's also passionate about exposing election fraud joining us, Mike, we know that you three are going to somehow be in that White House serving once President Trump gets back. What what everybody in America needs to know right now as people are being discouraged and demoralized. What What would you like to say? What kind of encouragement Do you want to share with the listeners, Mike?
Mike Lindell (01:26:46.000)
Well, the same thing I did on the stage here at CPAC. This morning, everybody, we've got all the tools you need to watch that August 20. And 21st is called the moment of truth Summit. It'll be live streamed at Frank speech for 48 hours straight. This will change our country forever.
Dan (01:27:03.000)
It's awesome. So when when like the president, the former president calls MICHAEL SANDEL the best ad buyer Yeah, what that translates to is he's a Mark Yeah, he's a he'll fun to anything.
Jordan (01:27:16.000)
Yeah. I wouldn't want to be called the best ad buyer. No, that is a
Dan (01:27:19.000)
dumb thing to call somebody better ask some real serious questions if someone calls you that
Jordan (01:27:24.000)
Michael Sandel has sounded like he's starting to sound like a gravelly you're older Jesse Ventura.
Dan (01:27:32.000)
Well, they are both from Minnesota. Oh, okay. Well,
Jordan (01:27:35.000)
that makes sense. I think he's got the speech pattern. Yeah,
Dan (01:27:37.000)
there. That comparison has been made by other people. I think I've heard in the past. Yeah. MICHAEL SANDEL holy Whoa. So he just can't stop himself from doing these telephones just can't that they always go bad in the middle? Yeah, the last one where he was going to prove that China's stole the election was a complete disaster. And this one is not going to go better. I went to the website for this summit, and there's actually a really fitting image on the landing page. It's Mike standing in front of Mount Rushmore waving an American flag. Conveniently he's obscuring Lincoln's face with that flag, something of a symbolic expression intentional or not, of his and his movements desire to rerun the Civil War and undo the whole emancipation thing. Yep. On day one of the summit Lindahl is going to have a premiere screening of the film selection code which goes into how the election was stolen. It was funded by Lynn Dell and largely is about Tina Peters, who you may remember as the election fraud conspiracist, who is arrested for allegedly facilitating a security breach in May 2021. She was a county clerk in Mesa, Arizona and in her capacity there she enabled data from the election to be leaked and ultimately published on a Q anon telegram channel. She recently lost an election she was in running for secretary of state. She lost in the GOP primary only getting 27% of the vote. But of course, she insists that she won and the election was stolen because why not? Yeah. Anyway, Lyndale paid to make a movie about her and he's airing it at his big summit. Then on day two, we get something truly exciting that I might actually tune in for from 11am to 6:30pm we have the trial of the machines except on the site they misspelled trial so it actually says trail of the machine. Oh my god, there's no explanation for this other than quote Michael and Dell puts the voting machines on trial. Seven and a half hours. It's gonna be madness.
Jordan (01:29:32.000)
Are you telling me that the boy Pope has dug up the old Pope and we are putting the Pope on the stand?
Dan (01:29:38.000)
Yes. Okay. If you're Lynn Dells kid and I, by the way, I don't know if he has kids, but if he does have kids, you gotta be pissed at you gotta run. He seems to have an endless supply of money to waste but you got to know that eventually it's going to run out and before your very eyes, your inheritance is turned into a two day vanity livestream with a seven hour fake courtroom scene where your dad pretends to indict a laptop It's grim stuff, man. Anyway, this is quite a panel of guests Owens filling is put together real bunch of top notch shitheads that
Jordan (01:30:07.000)
that that float of we're gonna see all of you in the White House when Trump gets back out, like, wow, you know, in the normal corrupt world we've lived in for a long time. You know, your big donor all of a sudden after you get elected, holy cow, you're ambassador to like Switzerland. What a great job. Sure, you know, we paid you off for giving us all the money. There's some corruption but everybody lives their own life. If it's Michael and dal and Trump, he's like your treasury secretary now. Yeah, you're the best ad buyer I've ever seen.
Dan (01:30:37.000)
Nobody can control the flow of money better than what are we doing? Yeah. Oh my god. Sad time. So So one can't help himself. He's got to pop in.
Owen Shroyer (01:30:48.000)
A fly on the wall in here listening to my own show. The most meta day in Infowars history. You had Alex Jones covering Alex Jones case live on the air. And now you have Owen Troyer listening to enjoy your show.
Dan (01:31:00.000)
It's not meta that self indulgent Yeah, narcissistic. Yeah. It's not meta for Alex to complain about his own perceived victimhood on his show. It's just any other day on Infowars. I understand Oh, and wanting to dress this up as something other than vanity. But that's all it is. Also, I was poking around on that reawaken America tour website because I was really bored during this interview. And I found that on September 24, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, they're putting on a comedy show with Jim Breuer that promises to be quote, like a non communist version of Saturday Night Live.
Jordan (01:31:31.000)
Holy shit.
Dan (01:31:32.000)
I know very little about SNL personally, but I don't think that the workers control the means of production there.
Jordan (01:31:39.000)
Boy, I from what I understand of the operations, I think says SNL is a pro fascist situation Lauren.
Dan (01:31:46.000)
There's a there's a character based around the nature doubt it so the selling point of that show is quote, see Jim Breuer as Biden for a night Joe Biden won't remember. I guess the joke is that Biden's forgetful. But the joke kind of works the other way too. Yeah. Biden will remember this because he'll never know about it. But and he's a bit doing like he can't he couldn't care less about some skits Jim brewers doing in front of a bunch of Q anon aunts and uncles. But also Jordan, you should try to get an opening.
Jordan (01:32:18.000)
I was gonna say I'd say if if there's a spot man, I can still do five I can still do five op rattle it off. No big deal.
Dan (01:32:26.000)
I've seen brewers stand up. And you could open for him. Oh,
Jordan (01:32:30.000)
I could close for him.
Dan (01:32:33.000)
Yeah, you shouldn't just makes noise. Yep. But yeah, the the the flyer for this is fun. Because it has a picture of Jim Breuer in a gray wig. Which I guess is his Biden.
Jordan (01:32:49.000)
I am worried. I'm worried for swearing carry because now we've got a new Biden in the mix. Oh, no, but this one's clearly a clone. That's gone wrong. And it's also a guy named Jim. Oh, see? Everything is bigger. Jim by RWR who
Dan (01:33:05.000)
so anyway? Oh, and pops in and it's because there was an expectation that Alex is going to be on the war room to talk about the whole thing. What's the damages came down? And unfortunately, Alex will not be appearing on the wall. Oh, you had an appointment? Oh, with three wise men, Johnny Jack and
Jordan (01:33:25.000)
not not the larynx doctor. The whiskey doctor. My favorite? Yeah, he's, he ain't gonna be today. Oh, no,
Owen Shroyer (01:33:32.000)
we're not gonna be getting live comments from Alex at this time. However, he is going to be issuing a response that will be directly uploaded to Vand dot video. And So be on the lookout for that.
Dan (01:33:50.000)
I am on the lookout. And I saw that. Oh,
Jordan (01:33:53.000)
I thought you might have Yeah.
Dan (01:33:54.000)
So this is an hour long video.
Jordan (01:33:57.000)
No, you don't need an hour to say fuck fuck fuck off Akbar.
Dan (01:34:01.000)
Mostly commercial. Mostly just like I want money of we need money, of course and barns. Yeah, of course. Well, you gotta start Bobby barn. Yeah. It's just whining.
Alex Jones (01:34:16.000)
This is an incredible time to be alive. And to lay out how this show trial of the century that would make the Nazis blush is Robert Barnes. Robert simply incredible.
Robert Barnes (01:34:27.000)
No doubt. I mean, basically, even the Soviets tried to make a show trial at least a good show. This was a show trial that was so one sided, so evidently partisan, so made for the movie scripts. I was talking to Mark robear the other day and this is a Hollywood screenwriter. And even he was shocked to hear how it was basically designed. The courtroom was designed like a set with three big movie cameras with the judge alternating the what could be said and when it could be said and how it could be said and who could who could say it in such a way that had nothing to do with the rules of evidence. Nothing to do with the rules of law in Texas. Nothing to do with constitutional liberties and protection and everything to do with a scripting a case, so that it would have a particular outcome and in particular, a future media narrative that could be spun, and ultimately an actual future movie.
Dan (01:35:14.000)
Do these guys know what the Nazis did? Like? The Nazis would blush, this trial. I mean, it's a little offensive. Yeah. Anyway, I was in the courtroom for a lot more of the case than media star Bobby Barnes. And I can say very clearly and with no hesitation that The courtroom was not laid out like a movie set, and it wasn't following a script. I get that that's convenient narrative for him and Alex to push because they lost and the fallout from this case is going to be spectacular. But this is a weak attempt at damage control or whatever they're doing. For one thing, there were a few cameras in the courtroom, like I mentioned, but they weren't all the same people's cameras, right. One was the court zoom camera. One is the law on crime feed. There were HBO cameras for the documentary. And on that note, there was a sign on the door to the courtroom that advise people that there was a crew from HBO filming, and if they didn't consent to be in the background or shots, they shouldn't come in. Beyond that there really wasn't much of an effect that the cameras had on the actual case. Nope. The place where cameras were much more involved in making a scene relates to Alex's actions. On the first Tuesday, the first day of the case proper Alex held a mini press conference in the hallway for all the cameras yelling about how he'd been railroad and how this is a show trial. That was the video where we're standing in the background. Yes, people remember that? Yeah. After being scolded about how that wasn't appropriate. At lunch. Alex tried to do it all again in front of the courthouse, but there was no one there to watch him have a tantrum. Alex wanted a show trial vibe. He wanted there to be tons of national media crews there covering the case. But he didn't get that. I think it's instructive to understand that this complaint that there were all these cameras is actually expressing Alex and Barnes's disappointment, that there weren't cameras there that they could exploit for their own purposes. It's less about the cameras and more about how they weren't able to control the narrative, which is something that they're fully used to being able to do within the Infowars bubble. A judge pushing back on that need for Alex to control all aspects of how he's allowed to speak or present himself is seen as her trying to create a false narrative, which makes total sense. actual reality encroaching on the fake reality he lives in is experienced as an attack, because it's the only way that fake reality can maintain its existence.
Robert Barnes (01:37:25.000)
A few you are
Jordan (01:37:27.000)
if you're a lawyer, if you're a lawyer, right? Shouldn't I be allowed to play that clip? Before we get into a law argument or something? You know, like, if I if I'm in if I'm a lawyer and Barnes's across the hall from me and he's on the other desk, should not be allowed to play that clip and be like Barnes is not taking law seriously. Period, like not at all. This guy is not a lawyer, stop middle, stop letting him law. Just take law from him.
Dan (01:37:57.000)
I think I mean, look, I'm not involved in law. So I don't know what is and is not relevant. Sure. Various things. But I would allow
Jordan (01:38:05.000)
it. I mean, if your lawyer is relevant to the law, I would assume. Yeah,
Dan (01:38:11.000)
I would say so. Especially after this next clip. I mean, if you're listen to this, you like you're not a serious person.
Alex Jones (01:38:17.000)
This is incredible. Robert Barnes continuing with your observations, both watching the trial on TV being down there having live coverage of it why you say it's the most insane show trial ever?
Robert Barnes (01:38:27.000)
It is because well, first of all, there pretty much wasn't a right that the judge didn't violate first amendment right to freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of the press, Second Amendment right to speak, in favor of the right to self defense, Fourth Amendment right to privacy. She violated that repeatedly throughout the proceedings, not only what went on in the discovery being unduly invasive, but in fact turning over and telling the plaintiff's lawyer, you could turn over attorney client privilege communications protected by the Fourth Amendment to the January 6 committee or whomever else Fifth Amendment rights to due process of law denied rights to bring motions to dismiss anti slap motion is denied right to bring appeals, you brought all of those motions, takes a lot of counsel and confrontation and fringed by the attorney client privilege being disclosed and the right to confront those making accusations against you. Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury. And that means the right to trial by jury on all facts, not just the facts the judge decides can be tried, and that all of those same analogous federal constitutional provisions have analogues in the state constitution of the state of Texas.
Dan (01:39:26.000)
Weren't these dudes laughing about the case a couple hours ago, like fake laughing It's so weird how this judgment changed their mood a little bit. I would like to give a rebuttal to Barnes's claims. On the first amendment front. He gives no explanation for how the judge violated Alex's first amendment rights. He just asserts it as a fact and I can test that Barnes could never make that case in court because if he could you kind of expect he would still be Alex's lawyer considering those a huge part of Barnes's argument back when he was Alex's lawyer. On the second amendment side is he saying that the judge didn't allow Alex to bring a gun into the courtroom? I'm unclear on this. I
Jordan (01:40:01.000)
believe he's saying that by not allowing Alex to describe as his reasoning, the Second Amendment, that is a violation of the Second Amendment. No, because
Dan (01:40:11.000)
that's just the First Amendment thing all over again. It's not also a violation of the First Amendment. I'm not saying it. None of these rights are violated. Nope. I noticed that Barnes isn't accusing the judge of violating the third amendment, which is good. I would hate to hear that Alex was forced to quarter any soldiers during the trial he was not and I don't know if you'd have any place for them to sleep considering all the spaces ridiculous team of security probably took up. Judge gamble didn't rule on whether or not mark could turn over Alex's phone data. She specifically said she wasn't going to get in the middle of that. Either way. It's not an invasion of his privacy because it was accidentally disclosed by Alex's lawyer and mark followed the proper channels before bringing it up. If Mark had gotten the text through clandestine means, then that would be a different story. But this was rain all fucking up. Yep. Also nothing about discovery, which Alex didn't even cooperate with violated Alex's Fourth Amendment rights. This is stupid. Alex's Fifth Amendment rights are fully intact, he was not compelled to testify against himself and he had all the due process and asshole can get. He had every opportunity to participate in the case, but chose not to civil and criminal courts cannot operate if people can just decide that they've made up their mind that they've been jammed up so they don't get they don't have to participate in the case. And any attempt to make them participate is actually the state railroading them. Sometimes it does happen that innocent parties get caught up in protracted processes defending themselves. And that sucks. But that's also why there are mechanisms in place to compensate people who have to go through that and why you can countersue if you need to. The Sixth Amendment doesn't apply since it's about criminal cases. And the Seventh Amendment only requires jury trials for civil cases in federal courts, and this is in the state court. And Barnes is saying that there are analogs in state court then why are you talking about the Constitution Dum Dums. Good call. Barnes is a lawyer he should know better and he does. He just doesn't care. He's not a lawyer. He's someone who knows law stuff and is happy to use that law stuff to justify right wing idiots on shows like this. And his own podcast with Viva fry. Small point, the guy who tried to storm that Ohio FBI office allegedly posted this on truth social, quote, I'm having trouble getting information but Viva Fry said Patriots are heading to Palm Beach where Mar a Lago is I recommend going and being Florida. I think the Feds won't break it up if they do kill them. If I were Barnes, I read and I really wanted to, like evoke an amendment for Alex, I would go with eight teeth. Now. Sure, that was repealed by the 21st Amendment. But if there was ever a right Alex could use right about now it's the prohibition of alcohol. See that?
Jordan (01:42:40.000)
i Yes. I know. I was clever. And clever. It was very clever. Yeah. I'll give you that. Yeah. Calm
Dan (01:42:46.000)
down with the booze Alex.
Jordan (01:42:48.000)
I, you know, it is it is. It's so annoying. When people are like, Ah, we're more polarized than ever. But there was an argument to be made that somehow more amendments were passed after or before Prohibition was repealed. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, everybody agreed that prohibition was a bad idea once it happened. And then they still manage to agree on two more amendments before they could agree on repealing prohibition. We couldn't get half an amendment pass through now. No, probably not. And the only one I would guarantee is prohibition. We could absolutely repeal prohibition today.
Dan (01:43:30.000)
I bet we could get I would take that bet.
Clay Clark (01:43:33.000)
You might be right. You might be right. So,
Dan (01:43:37.000)
look, Barnes, like I said shithead dumped. I'll repeat that. I will double down. I've said worse worse
Robert Barnes (01:43:46.000)
yet the same standard was applied to Axios that was applied to you. They could be sued into bankruptcy tomorrow by running a headline that says them do it. You've already questions whether or not there's a school shooting cover up, do it because to be clear, they didn't limit this case to just one or two specific statements. They said any statement, questioning anything concerning the Sandy Hook official narrative warranted a death penalty, they gave you a death penalty sanction. And the Default Judgment state then gave you another and they asked for a death penalty sanction from the jury in the punitive damages state.
Dan (01:44:18.000)
Barnes is a total shithead and a liar, but he doesn't actually believe what he's saying. He's also not so dumb as to be unaware that what he's saying is a lie. Obviously, yeah, this case absolutely did not include any supposition that questioning aspects of public events constitute a defamation. The reason that it might appear that way, if you're not paying attention is because the plaintiff's attorney has brought up a ton of instances of Alex repeating and defending talking points that he had used to argue that the shooting never happened long after he claims he stopped arguing that it didn't happen. In fact, Alex was repeating those claims in the middle of his post apology video. Imagine this scenario using one of Alex's bullshit claims from the Sandy Hook times which he got from how they confessor and continue to repeat long after supposedly realizing the shooting happened, right? Imagine you see online that people are claiming that the school wasn't even open and there was no internet traffic to the school's website in the year before the shooting, you would be totally free to discuss this claim that people were making online. And hopefully, you'd have the decency to take like five minutes to look into it and see that it's bullshit before going on air in mindlessly repeating the claim. But even so, if you repeat it as a question that folks have, you aren't committing defamation. This isn't what Alex did. He used these alleged anomalies as a pile of evidence that he would drop on the audience to support his claim that the shooting didn't happen when the plaintiff's attorneys would demonstrate that he was still making these claims in the fairly recent past, what they're doing is illustrating that he's still making the same arguments to deconstruct this a little bit. Alex was making the argument, if the school's website got no traffic, then the school wasn't open. If the school wasn't open the school, the shooting could not have happened, therefore the shooting didn't happen. It's essentially a setup of if A then B if B then C, A therefore C. It's a perfectly fine construction for an argument and it's called a hypothetical syllogism. And assuming all your premises are correct, it follows that your conclusion will be as well. When Alex has made the argument repeatedly on the show, the audience understands that A is proof of see whether or not they understand this logic path. So when Alex is claiming he believes the shooting happened, but then still insisting that premise A is correct, what he's doing is still affirming the conclusion while pretending that he's not. This is one of the ways that Alex has his cake and eat it too. Or as Mark said it in the trial. He wants it all ways. If you pay attention to his show, you'll see a bit of this behavior. And in the case of Sandy Hook, you can plug in a bunch of different narratives. In that place for premise a and it works the same. Paramedics weren't allowed in the building kids walked around in circles. FBI crime stats say no murders happened to Newtown that year. All of these things are the first premise is for that hypothetical syllogism structure. Barnes understands this, and on some level, Alex does too. But even leaving that aside, Alex's actions as it relates to Sandy Hook are so much worse than just making claims publicly. His promotion of Wolfgang Halbig, after the point where he could be reasonably expected to know that Wolfgang was harassing victims, family members, including Scarlet Lewis, is something that you might notice Barnes doesn't even touch. The defensive. Alex is grandstanding. And that grandstanding only works if you have a straw man version of the accusation that you need to defend yourself against? And Barnes knows all this. He's He's a total shithead. Yeah,
Jordan (01:47:46.000)
yeah, it reminds me of my favorite moment in the trial was when I believe right now was questioning and then there was this massive objection storm because his questioning was really, really terrible, and obviously, against the rules and stuff. So the judge shuts them down. And then they have to have a sidebar, and Ray Now, afterwards claims he's like, here's the problem. This is a sanction by the court, because they made us look dumb. And then the judge said, you only you can do that. And that is exactly how I feel about Barnes right now. He's like, the court is doing all of this stuff the court is doing is only you make yourself look dumb. Yeah, that's what's happening. Man, you are the one.
Dan (01:48:28.000)
And do sound a little desperate to you making yourself sound a little desperate. By way of how much this is just an infomercial? Yep.
Alex Jones (01:48:37.000)
I'm quite frankly, surprised, because listeners are so used to us being steadfast, so used to us being resilient, that they're like, Okay, well, Joe just said he's close to oblivion quite a bit. We're getting a little extra support, but not not what we should. And I think if it becomes evident, where we actually do start shutting down, we'll have a lot of support, and then we'll we'll try to reorganize and do something. But now's the time to support Have you ever worked?
Robert Barnes (01:48:59.000)
Oh, no doubt, because this is what keeps Infowars alive on a monthly basis that pays all the salaries that
Dan (01:49:03.000)
I don't understand why he's still doing commercials while they're planning to sue him, allegedly. I'm trying to do understand it's all nonsense. Uh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Anyway, that conversation of Alex's phone comes up. And there's a little bit of a defense being played here about the idea that there are intimate photos. Oh, there's
Jordan (01:49:24.000)
a little defense.
Dan (01:49:27.000)
Alex is a little defensive.
Alex Jones (01:49:29.000)
These people with their statements gave me more energy I've ever had. It's on
Robert Barnes (01:49:33.000)
your email to have the phone and the secret contacts with Vlad and you know, they were supposed to be going over to Moscow soon or whatever. Oh,
Alex Jones (01:49:39.000)
I'm gonna play more their clips. But let's talk about that. It's six months of my phone. late 2019, early 2020. It's some CPAC stuff. And it's pictures of my wife and me and the kids and stuff like that. And I gave Texas and I gave Connecticut. The phones. They were searching them in six months tranches. And the paralegal left like a six month raw thing in there. And we all went through it. There's nothing there. Isn't anything wrong anyways? And please like we have two years we have the whole phone. That was not true. Yeah, like they have Hunter Biden's laptop. And of course, well, where's the crap pipes? Where's the horse? Where's the? Sorry? I mean, there was a photo I sent my wife or her naked. Okay, they got that. So a lot of looks pretty good. Go ahead. And I mean, the point Wow, is that there's one naked picture of my wife in there. So that's what they got. And it's just no dick pics. No, nothing. But so so so so
Dan (01:50:38.000)
this is uncomfortable.
Jordan (01:50:41.000)
I wouldn't put this out. Just don't put your business like that out. Let Mark tell people that you're a shitty person on top of a monster. I
Dan (01:50:50.000)
will say this with absolute certainty. Nobody who has access to that phone that I'm aware of? would ever release naked pictures. Even if it's like a dick pic of Alex's that could hypothetically be honest. Like that is so uncalled for and inappropriate. No. I mean, it's like he could write Alex could just not say anything. This would never be an issue.
Jordan (01:51:16.000)
Morally, it is a horrific thing to do. You send a picture of somebody. That's not an Alex to somebody else. Alex is adding information to this that is making it that part you didn't need to Hey, you could have said it. And then you didn't have to add the part where you're saying I sent it to a third party without consent.
Dan (01:51:35.000)
Well, he's trying to say maybe he
Jordan (01:51:37.000)
got consent. I don't know. I don't know. No,
Dan (01:51:39.000)
no, because Alex is trying to say that he just sent a naked picture of his wife to his wife. I think if you follow what he's saying, Ah, yeah. But I think
Jordan (01:51:47.000)
I'm gonna go with Mark told the real version. Well,
Dan (01:51:50.000)
I don't know. We'll see. We'll I mean, we won't see.
Jordan (01:51:54.000)
No, we won't see then we will never see this. And thank God for that. Yeah,
Dan (01:51:59.000)
it because honestly, more importantly is like the stuff that means something like the Paul Joseph Watson text was shown in court. Absolutely. Here. Barnes and Alex intentionally missed the point. Yeah,
Robert Barnes (01:52:12.000)
it's more fake news. And it's a an attempt to sort of I mean, what's extraordinary is they got to see a microscopic up close view of Infowars and Alex Jones, and they couldn't produce any incriminate Tory information. That's why they hadn't had
Alex Jones (01:52:23.000)
one text message about Paul saying, this was like a BS Sandy Hook story.
Robert Barnes (01:52:27.000)
And he is exactly what had nothing to do with Sandy Hook.
Alex Jones (01:52:30.000)
Oh, we have your phone. And here it is. Completely.
Robert Barnes (01:52:34.000)
There's no basis of a criminal case whatsoever. There's no perjury, there's no lies.
Dan (01:52:39.000)
So there's two things. The first is that that text from Paul illustrates that Alex has awareness that the story that he was doing about COVID was bullshit. And it was Sandy Hook all over again. And Alex admitted, I get it. I understand that this is what we're doing. And I don't care. Yep, we're doing this. Yes. The second thing is that the existence of this text is full evidence that Alex did commit perjury when he said that he had looked through his phone and turned over everything that had the word Sandy Hook in that because this existed and was not turned over. That is your problem. They're just completely missing the point and saying, Oh, I didn't even involve Sandy Hook. Yeah, that is correct. Yeah, those words were there. The problem was of that it's an issue. You're in hot water.
Jordan (01:53:28.000)
If you if those words, were in there, and you search your phone, you would have found that text, and you've specifically chose not to give it to
Dan (01:53:35.000)
us. Yeah, yeah, Barnes is one of the great legal minds of Infowars.
Jordan (01:53:39.000)
It is very, it's very clear from disappearance. Yes, that is true.
Dan (01:53:42.000)
And only a great legal mind could come up with an argument like this, about why everything on Alex's phone is totally cool.
Alex Jones (01:53:50.000)
They go intimate Roger Stone text. It's like Roger saying, Yeah, my wife fell and broke her leg. God, it's hard. They just somebody just beat us up in the parking lot. I'm like, I'm so sorry, man. And that's intimate.
Robert Barnes (01:54:02.000)
I know. I mean, all of it's just one fit. If if there was anything there, it would be on the front page of CNN, The New York Times and every well they would have already been fully disclosed and revealed and released. It there isn't anything there. It's like Trump, as they get to do a macroscopic, microscopic look at your entire life. And all they can come up with is pretty much nothing.
Dan (01:54:20.000)
So that's bad reasoning. The fact that there isn't anything that's been revealed beans, there's nothing to reveal, right? Oh, I mean, I guess that works now. But that might not work eventually.
Jordan (01:54:33.000)
I mean, is argument unfortunately. The way he put it is essentially, you know, I didn't get caught robbing that bank. So I didn't rob that bank. I
Dan (01:54:44.000)
haven't been arrested. I'm golden. Yeah. If they
Jordan (01:54:47.000)
knew I had robbed the bank then they would have arrested.
Dan (01:54:51.000)
Yeah, yep. So my legal mind not to not to like be outdone by Alex accusing everyone of being a pedophile, right. A Barnes decides to get in the mix well, it's a fever. And he accuses by implication Oh, Mark of being a pedophile great.
Mark Bankston (01:55:08.000)
And that's also going to have to take into account with the Lafferty claims are valued at and the Posner claims are valued in the Fontaine claims are valued. And that is why I've been saying that what this is Cohen heading towards, is there's going to be a large set of plaintiffs who are going to be dividing up the courts of Infowars, in the bankruptcy estate, and over the course of that process that can get very, very dangerous for Mr. Jones, because there's going to be a new level of financial scrutiny. And if, you know, some lawyer like me can basically find out that he's hiding the keys to the candy store, pull it out in front of him on the stand, I can only imagine what federal receivers can do. So yeah, it's gonna get interesting from here on out.
Alex Jones (01:55:48.000)
They think Infowars is the candy store.
Robert Barnes (01:55:52.000)
You can tell that? Well, I won't say what comes to mind. But
Alex Jones (01:55:56.000)
I mean, the point is, is that you've seen the finances here, it's so funny. They're drilling a dry well, and they just can't imagine that they project this stuff onto us. But what do you make of those claims?
Robert Barnes (01:56:09.000)
So I mean, I think some of there's been, there was definitely some confession through projection there. The way his eyes lit up at candy store. I don't want to know why he goes to a candy store. I'll put it that way.
Jordan (01:56:18.000)
Wow, for somebody who got his ask wiped by Mark in every possible way, whenever he was involved legally. It is a lot easier to make fun of him when you're on a talk show. And he's not anywhere near
Alex Jones (01:56:33.000)
candy, ah, ah,
Dan (01:56:36.000)
confession by projections. Another one you should write down. That's another the it's like the blank and blank.
Jordan (01:56:41.000)
We'll get I'll give you I'll give you a point on that. flourish. I'll give you a point for that one.
Dan (01:56:48.000)
So Alex actually makes a really good point here about some of Mark's comments. Okay. The particular the the comment that we have a bunch of plaintiffs that are going to be splitting up the corpse of Infowars. Right. Alex makes a great point here. I have mixed feelings about it.
Alex Jones (01:57:05.000)
That's the thing. If I wanted my enemies to fight me, I would say I will destroy you, you're over, I'm going to dominate you. Like when you said that? Don't they know what they're doing? Like? Do they not know the gold with our audience? them saying we're going to cut up his corpse, we're going to we're going to shut them down. We're gonna shut all these Americans down, that literally just declared war on the middle class and America and the Midwest completely. Like
Dan (01:57:33.000)
what Alex is saying here can be translated as don't these people understand how much I'm going to be able to fundraise off a quote like that? Alex's business model operates off fear, and he's able to monetize his ability to capture the audience in a state of fear. When there's a statement like marks which can be translated as a direct attack on Alex, Alex can repackage that as an attack on the audience, which will allow him to more easily fleece, some of them into continuing to throw money into the pit that is Infowars. Alex is laughing because he feels that Mark has made his job of raising money easier. But there's a larger reality that Alex is trying to distract away from, which is that no matter what he does, there's a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, all the posturing and fundraising isn't really gonna matter much to a bankruptcy audit. And when you step into that arena, it's not a civil matter. If you try to play games, you could end up going to jail for the sort of crimes you end up pulling there. Yeah. And you have to consider what could come with a very clear cases of perjury that Alex was caught committing in the course of the trial. I don't know any of the specifics, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was something that could lead to huge fines or possibly even be referred for prosecution. Alex could do this song and dance with barns all they want, and it's fun for him to pretend that he's won this trial. But in order to do that, he has to pretend to hold tranche of other problems don't exist and aren't nipping at his heels. Like this is it's a grim picture.
Jordan (01:58:58.000)
Yeah, I mean, I don't know how to deal with whenever you find out somebody perjured themselves on the stand when they're still on the stand. You know, like, I feel like that's almost a moment where the whole thing should like, every, like, the light should turn off. You should
Dan (01:59:14.000)
be you should be able to run away.
Jordan (01:59:18.000)
You know, like, there's, there's no way because they cannot just be like later on, he gets a fine, that cannot be the case. You can't tell me that I could just go and lie to a judge and then pay $1,000 I'm gonna see 1000 Well, right. Right. But relatively speaking, you know what I'm saying? Like, that cannot be okay.
Dan (01:59:36.000)
It just can't I agree. I agree. But I also think you should be able to, I think you should have to run well, but I think you should have to have a smoke bomb. No, no smoke bombs. You have to evade the court officers. Yeah,
Jordan (01:59:49.000)
you gotta check your way out when you get out. Yeah, but if not, you got to come back to this and it turns into American Gladiators and if you make it through the hole, then you when you get past thunder
Dan (01:59:59.000)
you versus jets.
Jordan (02:00:01.000)
Yeah, I got older turbo
Dan (02:00:05.000)
turbo is one of them, Turbo is definitely one of them. So Barnes believes that this is gonna go to the Texas Supreme Court, maybe the US Supreme Court. And he has some really fun ways of expressing how close they are to winning like that.
Robert Barnes (02:00:19.000)
This is a bondable judgment will go up to the Texas Supreme Court will be decided by them at some point in the process. And if the Texas Supreme Court gets involved, it's game over for the plaintiffs. They throw up the case entirely.
Alex Jones (02:00:28.000)
We already had like, half were one shorter half only one
Robert Barnes (02:00:32.000)
justice short of them taking it and throwing this out from the very beginning. Because the very nature of the suit violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution always has also violates Texas law on the definition of intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Dan (02:00:47.000)
Oh, man, that's a really fun way to say you lost Yeah, one justice short of half. Wow. I be like, what are you gonna? Like? Do you think you're not going to still be one justice short of half? Do you think like, Have you changed the Supreme Court of Texas?
Jordan (02:01:02.000)
Honestly, I really don't even think they'll get that Justice short of half because they're not remembering that they're still despite them being conservatives, the Texas Supreme Court or whatever, you know, despite their strong conservative leanings, etc. These people are still lawyers and judges and shit, you know, true. And I imagined that when they start looking at somebody abusing the court system the way Alex did, even though they're like, oh, Blick, Trump's feet, they're still gonna be like, we got to take this guy can't be doing that shit.
Dan (02:01:34.000)
And you know, and if they review the entirety of the case, you'll like, you might be like, well, we got to take this like this perjury stuff a little more serious. Yeah, yeah, good. could backfire. Yeah, um, maybe not. I don't know. Anyway, the point is, we're coming to the end of this special report, because it's mostly just rambling about how like, it's just the same shit repeated over and over again, over and over. I want them to talk about cannibalism and reanimating spiders. That was great. That was fun. You can
Jordan (02:02:01.000)
really, you could grasp something with a spider just with air. Yeah. Whose
Dan (02:02:05.000)
idea? Was that? Some weirdo at Rice?
Jordan (02:02:08.000)
That was a really that's a question that I don't think anybody explained fully to me, the guy who is like, and nobody was like, I was drunk. Nobody's saying that.
Dan (02:02:16.000)
I was watching the video. And the lady who was like, the grad student who was working on it was like, we thought we might be able to do it, and we just put the needle into work the first time
Jordan (02:02:27.000)
is great. We were like, Oh, do we could do this. Let's do it.
Dan (02:02:32.000)
I was on the other day and spiders kind of look like.
Jordan (02:02:39.000)
Okay. All right. Okay. Okay,
Dan (02:02:42.000)
so we're coming to the end of this. And of course, we're going to have to dismount on some salesmanship. But also, Hey, man, you got to understand that Alex is a hero. I don't know if that's true. It is okay. And he expresses his heroism quite clearly. All right. If you
Alex Jones (02:02:59.000)
don't buy the products, your viewers will spread the word yes, will be shut down. But it's not a banksters hands. It's not in this SJW judges hands. It's not in Hillary Clinton's hands. It's not in Satan's hands. God helps those that help themselves. It is in your hands, and I'll be quite honest with you. I'm going to fight 100% I'm going to do the best job I can. But if you take me out of the game, it was time for me to get off the field. We've had nothing but devastating victory. I'm not gonna NFL quarterback ready to retire. Okay, but I can't because this isn't football, folks. This is our children's future. I'm telling you, I will never give up. But if you don't back us, and if you don't get how serious this is. You're next. So I can't quit and I will not quit. But if you quit. I have no power.
Dan (02:03:49.000)
This is such a weird abuse.
Jordan (02:03:52.000)
Listen, I will never quit. But if you quit, I've already quit. So that's the situation so I will never quit fighting for
Dan (02:03:59.000)
you. I am a fucking hero for the children and I will never quit. And if the day does come that I do quit. It's your fault.
Jordan (02:04:05.000)
It's totally your fault. Your fault. Listen, there's nothing I can do. I would love to I would love to not quit, but I don't have hundreds of millions of die.
Dan (02:04:14.000)
I will never quit. And if you stop paying me, I'm done and it's your fault. Can you imagine the kids will all die?
Jordan (02:04:21.000)
Can you imagine a sadder person than the one who is like I will fight my holy crusade? As long as I get a good salary. Like
Dan (02:04:31.000)
yeah, the person who buys into it and pays a salary.
Jordan (02:04:35.000)
That's fair. Yeah, that is fair. That is the Saturday person
Dan (02:04:37.000)
anyway, here's the dismount.
Alex Jones (02:04:39.000)
Okay, God bless you all. Thank you for tuning in. Now share the live feed of this and share the archive of it at band dot Mini Go or rollover and dye which I know you're not going to do Sorry what I'm not going to do it either. And I pledge to you all, I'm going to redouble my efforts
Dan (02:04:57.000)
that took a turn Leyland Oh yeah, gotta have that. But yeah, share this video or rollover a die, man.
Jordan (02:05:06.000)
Ah, boy if I can,
Dan (02:05:08.000)
I can't imagine anyone wanting to like watching the view and be like everyone must see this. It's not it's not really even a response to the, the the news of the judgement No,
Jordan (02:05:19.000)
it doesn't clear anything up. It makes things as confusing as possible and then says we'll get them in the Supreme Court. You've said
Dan (02:05:27.000)
one shorter half. Yeah, no, but
Jordan (02:05:30.000)
they've said over and over and over again. We're going to sue these people and we're going to win and they never sue anybody. Why would you believe that? They're gonna win in the Supreme Court time. They're gonna do it. One shorter half how well I mean, Mike Lindahl isn't even paying for the lawsuits this time. They don't have it. Yeah, they don't got it.
Dan (02:05:49.000)
Also, after that whole pageant that Alex did about like really respecting Neil and Scarlett and like me you have a big wanting to support them and all this it's great that you would want to drag this out even further. Yeah, it's them. Absolutely. So that's cool. Anyway, we have reached what I will call the end of my patience for the trial cover. I think that's a good time this chapter is ended along with sneak week. And you know, it's been it's been something else. I'm glad that it has closed the chapter. And, you know, I hope you have a good trip. But we have a lot to get to and you get back right? No, I mean, this is looking on Twitter as we're recording this it turns out they leaked the warrant for Trump's sure the search now they released it I think it leaked and was really
Jordan (02:06:41.000)
high Yeah, just having fun time. Fun Day of it. So
Dan (02:06:45.000)
there's a lot man I mean, enjoy Ireland but at the same time now I understand you be conscious of the fact that chaos is brewing. Sure. Listen, give us bad staff
Jordan (02:06:56.000)
will do. Okay, we'll get all kinds of druid ship my man you are a druid. Yes, you are.
Dan (02:07:04.000)
Gandalf outfit? Yeah, I got a I don't know if that's even Irish.
Jordan (02:07:10.000)
What's your name? What's your character's name again? Wild fat right? That's wild.
Dan (02:07:15.000)
I'm not gonna keep that moniker. It's
Jordan (02:07:16.000)
been the craziest few weeks. Yeah, I think either of our lives. Yeah. And you have been an absolute fucking star. Well, thank
Dan (02:07:25.000)
you as well.
Jordan (02:07:26.000)
I am glad to take a little breaky.
Dan (02:07:30.000)
Yeah, me too. Yeah. You can kind of tell I think, in this episode my exhaustion. Yeah. I am. I am glad to land this plane. Absolutely. Yeah, we'll be back. Indeed we will. And we'll talk about Trump's re O. 's response to get crazy. But till then, Jordan, we would
Jordan (02:07:50.000)
we do its knowledge. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight.
Dan (02:07:54.000)
We will be back but until then, Jordan. I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DCX Clark. I'm Wilford sniffle Snapple of the Gribble. Pebble,
Mike Lindell (02:08:04.000)
and now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (02:08:06.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.