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Latest revision as of 21:48, 1 March 2025

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple of dudes who like to sit around and drink wine, red wine, specifically red wine.
Jordan (00:00:16.000)
Today we're drinking caricature
Dan (00:00:18.000)
because Alex Jones is a caricature of a man who cares about anybody else.
Jordan (00:00:22.000)
Yep, we are on the nose. That's what we like to call this podcast
Dan (00:00:25.000)
Very much so. And today, we're going to be taking as we always do an adventure through Alex Jones and Infowars. I'm a guy who listens to a ton of Infowars and Alex Jones in particular.
Jordan (00:00:37.000)
I don't listen to any of it. And that's why I personally, it's not my thing.
Dan (00:00:42.000)
Let's see. That's why I've got to find all these clips for you, and then we can discuss them as we go. We are both a little bit unhealthy at the moment. Oh,
Jordan (00:00:50.000)
we're dying. Back. I
Dan (00:00:52.000)
said I haven't been sick in like a year. Yep. And they use that as an argument against a vaccine. There was and now I have a pretty bad sore throat.
Jordan (00:01:01.000)
I have never had an allergy in my life. I have just had an allergic reaction and my eyes are swollen up to twice their size.
Dan (00:01:08.000)
If there was ever proof of the globalists. This is it.
Jordan (00:01:11.000)
I think we have polonium poisoning.
Dan (00:01:13.000)
I think we might have been poisoned.
Jordan (00:01:14.000)
Oh shit. Roger Stone is everywhere. So I'm not
Dan (00:01:17.000)
sure if we covered this on our last show. But I believe since we recorded last Roger Stone is claiming that he was T boned in a hit and run. That's right. Second attempt on his life.
Jordan (00:01:27.000)
Yeah. And there's ample amounts of evidence that wait, no, there isn't. Okay.
Dan (00:01:31.000)
There. There are some sketchy details about this hidden run such as
Jordan (00:01:37.000)
the other car. It's whether or not it exists. There isn't
Dan (00:01:40.000)
one. Nope. There's also an issue of the police report being filed like an hour and a half after the accident was supposed to have taken place.
Jordan (00:01:49.000)
I mean, that's not too unusual. Is it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, who
Dan (00:01:53.000)
cares? All I do know is that I don't believe Roger Stone with his polonium lie, right? I'm not sure I believe him on this one. Anyway, we all know
Jordan (00:02:01.000)
was the car made of polonium
Dan (00:02:05.000)
see now this is an interesting this is where we go that way we
Jordan (00:02:08.000)
just kill two birds one stone everything's one Roger Stone. All right. All right, guys. I'm gonna get out of here. We had a we had a good run on this podcast. I think it's time for
Dan (00:02:17.000)
me. And for that Pong. It's time for us to go to an out of context drop.
Alex Jones (00:02:22.000)
But it's just it just shrunken women with shrunken souls in a shrunken world with shrunken heads I on the anti shrunken
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.000)
I have the anti-smoker
Jordan (00:02:37.000)
didn't, didn't Led Zeppelin have a song?
Dan (00:02:41.000)
Might as well. He's a woodland creature known as the anti shrunken. That was him. Just to give some context that he was complaining about Angelina Jolie. That surely because she cares about humanitarian stuff. Yeah. He was. He was in the middle of a long rant about how Hey, your daddy's doing some good work. Right? He's probably really ashamed to you. Oh, boy. Great. Jon Voight.
Jordan (00:03:03.000)
I love love. I love Oh, we got to bring in your dad involved in it.
Dan (00:03:07.000)
Well, we are both celebrities. So it's not like the most insulting or inappropriate thing in the world. But it's like Jon Voight is a bad dude.
Jordan (00:03:16.000)
Especially in the movie Anaconda. Really bad dude, he is very bad. You might even be bad enough to take on the President might be you're obsessed
Dan (00:03:25.000)
with it. So today, what we're gonna do, Jordan, first of all, I want to get to an announcement. We have a website. Now we have a website, we got a website going. It's at knowledge. I know we've joked about this in the past. But it's real. Now. You can go there, I have a documented documented, you have documentary ated. I've documented a number of Alex Jones's past lives and the archive will build it'll grow. From there. We're starting a living biography of Alex Jones, you can find pieces of
Jordan (00:03:55.000)
his life, which is gonna be the best thing that we've ever done, really. And they're just little snippets of Alex Jones telling his life story. Absolutely. None of which is true.
Dan (00:04:05.000)
And none of it'll match up. No, be crazy. But also, you can leave comments on episodes, we can get discussions going with folks. I want to try and build in a discussion board at some point. But that's, I don't have the time for that right now. Yeah, but even for now, you can go in, you can leave comments on episodes. We can argue about stuff. I'd love it. But anyway, let's get to the episode. Today. We're mostly dealing with Friday, March 17. Okay, and some fucked up stuff that happens on that show, of course, but first, I wanted to play a few clips from the 16th. Okay, from March 16. That's Thursday, because he said, Alex said a couple of things that were really stupid. There was one kind of character for him, but it's worth it. Then there's a call in that it needs to be discussed. And then he says something that proves why we're doing the show. Okay, so that's why we're gonna start here with a little taste of the 60 says
Jordan (00:04:57.000)
we don't have enough to do there. During the day is what he says right more or less too much time on our hands.
Dan (00:05:03.000)
And in Jordan North horn.
Jordan (00:05:06.000)
Was that was his Exactly.
Dan (00:05:10.000)
So here's here's the first clip from the 16th.
Alex Jones (00:05:12.000)
I got a few more clips for the President, I want to go to so many great epic speeches, you do the right thing getting back on the road, energizing the people's approval ratings going up, up, up, up up, even the fake polls?
Jordan (00:05:22.000)
No, they're not going to address that for a second. Even their fake polls have been going down.
Dan (00:05:26.000)
Yeah, I pulled up. I pulled up a collection of his current polls. This is we're recording this on Sunday. And the most current numbers show if you if you average, what is this like 12 of the most recent polls, his net approval is negative 6.6. The Gallup poll has his net approval at negative 21. Good 37% approval rating, 58 disapproval, the highest that we have in the last move since I mean, all of these polls are basically up from March till current like the beginning of March till current, the highest is a Rasmussen report from the 14th through the 16th. That's when the study was done. And the approval rating is 48. And the disapproval rating is 52.
Jordan (00:06:11.000)
That's unconscionable
Dan (00:06:13.000)
that is
Jordan (00:06:14.000)
dia that 48% of this country. That's wild. That's just how how how how, what are you? Do you not have a history if you are a if you are a hermit living behind a giant rock that closes up your cave, and you only get out once a year once every four years to vote for the president? Yeah, your approval rating of him is going to be great. Sure. Maybe that's what they sample. But if you're alive, let's call it a human being with consciousness and awareness. All right. There's no way you can read any day of the news. And be like, I think he's doing a great job. You can if you don't believe the news, even if you support what he's doing, though, even if you support this whole Muslim ban and shit, like there's no way you can look at that and be like he's doing a good job implementing the Muslim ban
Dan (00:07:04.000)
this bad thing he wants to do. He's doing a bad job. A bad job of doing
Jordan (00:07:08.000)
it. We're gonna agree with what he wants to do. You have to admit he's doing terrible at it. Yeah,
Dan (00:07:13.000)
I totally agree. And just to make Alex's point even worse, the only poll from the month of March that has him with net favourability. Is is a USA Today poll which come on, they're perfect. Yeah, they they're the paper that has little cartoony graphs on every front page. Yeah, they have a plus three favorite abilities. But still, it's only 47% approval.
Jordan (00:07:33.000)
God. So again, so many people, so many people. It's crazy. Can you he's only been president for two months. Doesn't this feel like he's been President for our entire lives? It does, because everything changed every single day is like, how long is this guy going to be the fucking
Dan (00:07:52.000)
President probably won't be too much longer now.
Jordan (00:07:54.000)
But anyway, point anyway. And we won't be people for too much longer. And
Dan (00:07:59.000)
those numbers are going up, up up, up up,
Jordan (00:08:01.000)
Alex Jones (00:08:03.000)
Where they sample you know, 1520 points more Democrats. He's at 5556.
Jordan (00:08:08.000)
That's perfect, said
Alex Jones (00:08:10.000)
6570. Was what they know he had such a landslide. It was devastating. The big.
Dan (00:08:16.000)
There's no, there's no way not literally no possible way you can real numbers are 70%. Yeah. Unbelievably untrue. Just based on statistics, there's no way that's true.
Jordan (00:08:29.000)
I don't think there's ever been a precedent with Saudi present ever. It's not once in American history. Yeah. Well, you know, in 2020, he's gonna win 97% of the vote. We all know this
Dan (00:08:40.000)
mean, that could actually be a legitimate number if the gerrymandering goes on. That's a good point. Anyway,
Alex Jones (00:08:45.000)
I told you the polls were fake told you they fixed the major polling companies. Let's see, our sources didn't want you to know that. And by the way, I didn't just have sources in Google, or sources and Facebook or sources in Bloomberg. You know, only a select group of billionaires get access to those systems, and I have people that have access to it. And so I was just given Gestalt numbers. You notice it came through exactly, as I said, because we're jacked in an objective. In fact, most of time, I'm like, I don't want to know this. I shouldn't even know that. Don't Don't tell me. No, no, no, no. It's weirder. And weirder. Let me deal with the real upper class. People that aren't dialed in the real info.
Dan (00:09:26.000)
Fair enough.
Jordan (00:09:27.000)
That's the real upper class.
Dan (00:09:28.000)
The billionaires have secret numbers so
Jordan (00:09:30.000)
well, I mean, they they probably do have secret numbers that we don't know about. I kind of agree with him. They're, the billionaires have secret everything that we don't know about. I like how he's just casually dropping like, yeah, you know, I know a lot of billionaires no
Dan (00:09:44.000)
big deal. I know people who have access to the billionaires. That's more what he's saying.
Jordan (00:09:47.000)
Not just Facebook, not just Google, although those sources apparently couldn't keep him on the ad roll. Sure. Not just those sources. He's got people close to billionaires. Yes,
Dan (00:09:57.000)
interns at Google. Maybe that he knows that call him on his telephone he has in turns it billionaire. So here we go, we're gonna get to this next clip I'm going to cut one where he misrepresents what happened when the parties flipped in the 60s.
Jordan (00:10:11.000)
How could you How could you How could you not miss her represent that if you're Alex Jones,
Dan (00:10:16.000)
it's pointless to go over but here he gets a phone call from from a rapper. And is it riffraff? It's not riffraff? It could be riffraff though, right? Not anyone famous? No, of course. But Alex's response to this is amazing.
Alex Jones (00:10:33.000)
Kay and Maryland and Dustin, Dave and DC go ahead and Okay.
Caller 1 (23) (00:10:38.000)
Is Kate Blaze from Maryland? I just want to make a comment on the whole MTV and Snoop Dogg thing. I'm 33 Now, I probably wrote my first rap back when I was like 15. And I was inspired by snoop. Not because he was so awesome. Because he says some of the things that I ever heard in my life in his rap, and I was like, if he gets to all that stupid stuff, and he's awesome, this was all you know, glam around him.
Alex Jones (00:11:07.000)
But you know, I talked to a lot of the top rappers you name it.
Jordan (00:11:11.000)
I've talked to a lot of the top rappers you name it. You name it.
Dan (00:11:15.000)
He says you name it when he's like, I can't come up with a lie. Q
Jordan (00:11:19.000)
tip Has he talked to Q tip rubbing up. Well, I mean, we got to ask Has he talked to Kanye
Dan (00:11:24.000)
literally the only rapper who I think would talk to Alex and get along with him is Vinny pazienza, aka icon, the verbal hologram. Okay, he's the rapper in Jedi mind tricks.
Jordan (00:11:35.000)
Is he one of the top rappers? I feel like he's not. I don't think he's the top rapper.
Dan (00:11:40.000)
He's, he's pretty talented. But he also is a little bit of a conspiracy theorist also bigot? He's, I mean, he raps about beating up gay people a lot. Which is,
Jordan (00:11:50.000)
I wonder what he would talk about if he and Kanye would have an interesting conversation, right? They wouldn't have they wouldn't have a ships passing in the night, they would have an interesting conversation that they would be having the same conversation with each other. No. IV, like each of them would be waiting patiently to have their own conversation at the other person.
Dan (00:12:09.000)
Yeah. And I mean, like, if you go through the history, Alex Jones is, by degrees, hated and loved Kanye, depending on what he had most recently said about Trump,
Jordan (00:12:18.000)
which is like, which is what we all love about Kanye so much. Sure. He's, you know, say what you want about him. He's, he's a genius. And he's mercurial. And he's possibly 100%. Insane.
Dan (00:12:28.000)
Yeah. So anyway, this, this call is great. Because I mean, we started off already, and we've still complaining about Snoop Dogg from the video. Yep. Which I'm not here to defend Snoop Dogg. I don't care. You're fighting a ghost here.
Jordan (00:12:40.000)
If actually, do you think he would fight a ghost? Let's say, let's say
Dan (00:12:48.000)
there's a ghost on Saturday, let's
Jordan (00:12:49.000)
say if somebody somebody played a Tupac lyric. And suddenly Alex is like, I think that one's about me. Okay, how many days on the show? Is he gonna go off on Tupac?
Dan (00:13:02.000)
Probably six, six days. At least he has. That's about his attention.
Jordan (00:13:07.000)
Now, on the website. We're gonna have to pour through every Tupac lyric and see if we can't vaguely apply something to Alex Jones.
Dan (00:13:15.000)
Oh, man. What was that song? That song for Mama? That was probably about
Jordan (00:13:18.000)
oh, the one that's called. I hate Alex Jones from Infowars. Yeah,
Dan (00:13:22.000)
that was on the Machiavelli is a great one. That track
Alex Jones (00:13:27.000)
was famous founders have it on purpose. There's great empowering rap and hip hop. They don't let it get on the charts.
Caller 1 (23) (00:13:35.000)
I got a new jam I just made called trump card. And I'm hoping I get the video for it. Meet up this week or this weekend. I'm just a normal guy with a eight hour day job trying to now hear from my family but I work all the way up. What's my son was like five months old. I started looking into vaccines and all that it just will create a rabbit hole. And then I
Alex Jones (00:14:02.000)
just kept on going. Let me say this your phone's a little distorted back off. I'm gonna give you some time here. Okay,
Dan (00:14:07.000)
now, I want to say a couple of things.
Jordan (00:14:09.000)
We've already dropped. We've already dropped that we got a new new track coming out hopefully. Gonna be up trump card.
Dan (00:14:15.000)
That's not going anywhere. Nope, no. Now, Alex is about to announce something he wants to do. Which would be crazy. Oh, please, please
Jordan (00:14:25.000)
tell me
Alex Jones (00:14:26.000)
in just a moment. Back up the phones. I want to say this. I was talking to Millie Weaver. I've talked to Leah magnet about this for years we've never had the crew staff. Plus, when you start playing people's music, they're great. They sign a deal. All of a sudden this happens almost every time they're the label comes after us even though we helped launch people we're not asking for anything that they think like we must be involved because we're allowed to launch something. I have the audience drudge has an even bigger audience to help launch patriotic country music, hip hop, rap, rock, everything. It's so good people submitted to us, but I just have the staff and people to get them to sign forms. I mean, here's an example I've had Willie Nelson say you can play the song I wanted
Jordan (00:15:05.000)
Infowars label
Alex Jones (00:15:06.000)
come on Jennings dropped that song. I play it six months later my YouTube gets shut down because the record company hits me I gotta go find a contract have a lawyer column record company tells me No way. But listen, I want to have a whole hour long show every day bringing back good music
Jordan (00:15:23.000)
Alex Jones (00:15:24.000)
we're not want any money on our side to literally launch this to win you are the secret weapon I've heard the best rap Hip Hop hardcore stuff out there. Real paradigm secret weapon is so good at but then we never have the time to deal with it. Contact them get it on. So I believe me. I need a few crew members. I need the funding to set it up because I want to end up having a one or two hour show every day with talk radio. That's like 80% music, where we play everything and I think it's gonna be a mega hit. I just have to get the legal in place. Because believe me, believe me we I mean Willie Nelson is playing play this new song just for you. I don't believe that.
Jordan (00:16:03.000)
I don't believe that either. But also, please make play this new song just for you. Willie Nelson. Vague to Alex Jones to play Willie Nelson's new track.
Dan (00:16:14.000)
Please do this show though. Alex. Yeah, no. That would be amazing. But also there's no
Jordan (00:16:18.000)
chance in hell he gets anywhere near the legal rights to play any music on Infowars. How
Dan (00:16:23.000)
what legal rights do you need to play this guy's music? Who's just some weirdo?
Jordan (00:16:28.000)
Okay. No, he's talking about playing like mainstream old country songs. Basic Amarillo by morning. Yeah, basically plays them as bumper music. Yeah. And now he wants two more hours. He's playing all the songs he can play. Look, it's not gonna make out five songs that people have grudgingly allowed him to play.
Dan (00:16:47.000)
It's not gonna make us money. Except for all the Super Male Vitality ads we're gonna do. It's not gonna make us.
Jordan (00:16:52.000)
This isn't about money. We're gonna need the funding to do it though. We got to fund the operation. We got to fund the right he's he needs a few more people on staff. Sure. Leanne wackadoo. doesn't have time to do this away. She's busy doing something.
Dan (00:17:05.000)
He's doing tanning. I don't know. Oh, that's me.
Alex Jones (00:17:08.000)
I know record company has been a year later. Others just happens all the time. And so that's what happens. But believe me, sir, absolutely. Is what we wanted. So So tell us about your new record where people can find it online because I want to find the really good stuff like Joy Vela. Take her from you know, number 40,000 on the charge to number one.
Dan (00:17:27.000)
Alex is claiming that he did that. He didn't he what he did what he's claiming that he has some responsibility for Joey Joey villas success or her? Her record sales and she didn't. He didn't. She came out at the Grammys and that make America great dress. Okay, I'm a big mean and it became a big thing. And she sold a ton of records. Okay, after the fact Alex had her as a guest on the show right now. He's trying to rewrite history that we featured her and tons of record sales came because of it. We can launch careers. Now. Meanwhile, it's a couple of weeks later, I haven't heard pice about joy Vela. Yeah. Well, why would you accept from Alex Jones?
Jordan (00:18:06.000)
Why was she on the Grammys? Who is this?
Dan (00:18:09.000)
I don't know if this was a Latin star? I don't know. Okay. Probably in the genre of music that we don't listen too much.
Jordan (00:18:14.000)
Yeah. White supremacy genre.
Dan (00:18:17.000)
How dare you?
Alex Jones (00:18:19.000)
I didn't get a dime for that. And the point is, this is a war. I'm looking for the leaders. I'm looking for people that have courage. I don't care what color you are. We're in this together and this is it. And we're going to sink or we're going to swim together. We're going to the stars together. Or we're going to blow ourselves up together. Doesn't mean we don't have problems if people hadn't done stuff to each other. Whatever. It doesn't matter we're living today.
Jordan (00:18:39.000)
Wait, where was that going?
Dan (00:18:41.000)
He said, It doesn't matter what color we are. Sink or swim together.
Jordan (00:18:45.000)
Doesn't matter if we've had problems. We don't need to talk about those at this
Dan (00:18:49.000)
point. Alex Jones very much thinks the sky is black.
Jordan (00:18:54.000)
Oh, shit. I looked him up. K blazes and black. No. So Alex Jones assumes that every rapper is black. Yeah. That's why
Dan (00:19:03.000)
he's giving a message of racial unity to this rapper who called him anyway, hold on.
Jordan (00:19:07.000)
Yeah, but he gives most of his message of racial unity to everyone but people who aren't white.
Dan (00:19:14.000)
Yeah. So let's finish up this clip and then I'll explain my research.
Alex Jones (00:19:18.000)
And then the enemies of freedom worldwide or against Trump because he's real. Make no mistake about that.
Jordan (00:19:23.000)
He's this public service,
Caller 1 (23) (00:19:28.000)
marching, fighting whatever, you know, we in it together, we got to rebuild this culture that been crushed by all this garbage out here on TV and the media and it's not split with the album that I just just released as my first one. Even though I've been rapping since I was 15. But I just carved out a linoleum stamp and manually stamp each little envelope and put my album in there, matched it up and was handing it out just handing them out handing them out. Not charging nothing just trying to get them.
Alex Jones (00:19:55.000)
Awesome. What about digitally putting it out and putting on YouTube? What's the name of it out of folks? Find out
Caller 1 (23) (00:20:00.000)
My YouTube name is Daffy Duck.
Dan (00:20:03.000)
Let me say that
Jordan (00:20:07.000)
that's a blaze otherwise known as Daffy Duck on YouTube
Dan (00:20:11.000)
that's not a good YouTube name. It's very well searched.
Jordan (00:20:15.000)
It's a bad YouTube
Dan (00:20:17.000)
there's a lot of Daffy Duck's
Jordan (00:20:18.000)
there's quite I don't know if you know this or not but he wasn't the first guy to think of that name certainly wasn't there was maybe a more popular Daffy Duck way back in the day
Dan (00:20:27.000)
I managed to find him though and he is a white guy with a big bushy beard without chops without the sideburns. Okay, he looks really ridiculous right? And on his YouTube channel, he has two videos of himself rapping in what appears to be like a service truck that he drives for a living. And they're about 3045 seconds and they each have 16 hits Okay, so I waited two days after this episode came out to see if more
Jordan (00:20:52.000)
people nothing nothing so the idea so Alex Jones did not launch this guy's career did not
Dan (00:20:59.000)
oh did not there are a couple of videos he has that have like 100 hits or something like that. And far be it for me to judge this end. Good. Did you look it's hard to tell from like a 32nd clip right? He wasn't offensively bad but it wasn't interesting. Okay, so I don't know.
Jordan (00:21:16.000)
You know, it's it's disappointing anytime you can't add cableways to the list of the greatest rappers of all time is gonna be
Dan (00:21:22.000)
on that music show that Alex launches though that's true. I fucking want that show to happen.
Jordan (00:21:27.000)
He will not be on even if that show does happen. Believe me K Blaze is not getting a return phone call.
Dan (00:21:32.000)
Let me tell you this.
Jordan (00:21:32.000)
What are you going to tell me?
Dan (00:21:33.000)
Hey, Blaze is a patriot K Blaze is a patriot. We learned that someone else's a patriot on this episode on Thursday the 16th and I want you to I want you to know that this endorsement is going to ring out in the ears of the millennials. Okay, around the clock.
Jordan (00:21:46.000)
Okay, we're gonna find out somebody else is a patriot.
Dan (00:21:49.000)
A secret patriot.
Jordan (00:21:51.000)
A secret pick doo, doo will we know the name? Oh, yes. Okay. Can I pre guess? Can I freak out?
Dan (00:21:58.000)
I don't know. That might ruin it. Okay, you would never guess. But this is somebody who is universally respected. is at the top of his game. Oh, god. salutely not someone who everyone hates.
Jordan (00:22:14.000)
Okay, um,
Dan (00:22:16.000)
let's just get to it. All right.
Alex Jones (00:22:17.000)
I mean, you look at it. Nobody wants what YouTube's force feeding. Well, that's why they kicked Jay Leno off of the NBC tonight show he was number one for almost 20 years. They replaced him with Jimmy Fallon and that's because they did not know behind the scenes that the guy's actually a libertarian patriot. He's a great guy. He is a great guy. He really could because he went after everyone pretty pretty equally. Openly is Americana guy. And he did the exact same liking be able to know jam leave it at that. Jay is a patriot. I've been told since he killed me 18 years ago on air.
Jordan (00:22:54.000)
Garage. 10 million cars around again, is listening to God damn him for
Dan (00:23:01.000)
what you want to like really reach the kids and you want to be at the tip of the spear you
Jordan (00:23:08.000)
dropped Jay Leno's name every now and then you want
Dan (00:23:10.000)
to let them know that this guy who's seriously fucked over an icon of our comedy generation. Yep. Is a patriot. One of
Jordan (00:23:19.000)
the big influences on just about everybody who Jay Leno basically tried to destroy as much as possible.
Dan (00:23:27.000)
Absolutely. Great. This last clip is about Mark Dice. Jay Leno
Jordan (00:23:32.000)
is a secret Patriot Patriot did not see that covered. I could never have ever guessed that I would never have guessed that. I was going I was gonna stick with the music star. I was thinking like, because I could I could see Justin Bieber being a
Dan (00:23:47.000)
totally be one of those tattoos that he asked me and something.
Jordan (00:23:49.000)
Yeah, it's a white power tattoo. He's got he's probably got possible. Yeah.
Dan (00:23:53.000)
So Mark Dice is a guest on this episode, they have a conversation about nothing, and de clay. But before this, Alex has a conversation where he's trying to amp him up and really give him a pep talk. And this I believe, Whenever anyone asks, Why do you want to do this show? Why is knowledge fight something that's important? And why am I going crazy trying to do it?
Jordan (00:24:15.000)
And who is asking you these questions? My therapists. Number one to the imaginary voices in your head.
Dan (00:24:24.000)
Yeah, those those guys, couple people at work. But this clip really spells out why I think it's important that we do this and push back a little bit on the bullshit, okay.
Alex Jones (00:24:35.000)
I told Paul five, six years ago, you're going to do weekly videos, you're going to come on you're going to tweet or I'm going to cut your pay in half. I pay Paul well, he deserves it. He said okay, Alex, and I sent him the map and he's better than I am on air. Let's just submit it. At least to many audiences. marks as good as I am or better in many ways. Okay, so I said Mark, stop trying to have national TV shows you've already had them. I don't do anything. I've done them too. Be yourself you will dominate
Dan (00:25:03.000)
Alex has not done national TV
Jordan (00:25:04.000)
Mark Mark Mark Bobby listen you don't want the national TV you're too good for them
Dan (00:25:12.000)
I'm not certain that Mark Dice is at national TV shows him I'm not sure on
Jordan (00:25:16.000)
him kid I'm not sure AV stick with me
Dan (00:25:19.000)
this fictitious history I don't think is real but then also I love now I'm sort of complementing and cooking out Paul Joseph Yeah,
Jordan (00:25:26.000)
I was look Paul Paul is better than I am. I told him you don't fucking do anything I don't tell you to do otherwise I'm gonna cut your goddamn paying half
Dan (00:25:36.000)
Paul I sent all I sent him the flag. He always does his videos in front of the giant Yeah, yeah anyway, here's where it gets worrisome.
Jordan (00:25:44.000)
Wait He all Paul Joseph Watson does all of his videos in front of a giant American flag
Dan (00:25:49.000)
not American flag it's a world flag or not flag I'm sorry map it that's a big world map and he's in front of it and he's just talking looking like he's gonna cry like you have an allergic reaction going on with your eyes looks like him all the time. He looks worse okay. But anyway, here's where it gets we're really sums up my my feeling on what the future holds if we're not careful. Okay,
Alex Jones (00:26:11.000)
I'm not bragging here now I'm telling Mark moved to Texas. Touch up good. You can run your own awesome program you can share in the victory we need him because I don't have the money your critics set up in San Diego. I need the best minds and Mark Dice is one of them and I just started to say it on air there's total transparency here Mark I can't get mark out here though. I'll find out what you're going to lose mark if you come out of you're coming out in the next few weeks. Keep in mind that
Jordan (00:26:36.000)
wait what is what is happening? Is he having a like staffing discussion with himself on air right now it's
Dan (00:26:44.000)
not heavily with himself because Mark Dice is silently on Skype.
Jordan (00:26:51.000)
So he's, he's having it so Mark is watching as this is as Alex basically describes his his human resources report on
Dan (00:27:00.000)
employee review on the part that's troubling.
Jordan (00:27:05.000)
That's, that's just hilarious.
Alex Jones (00:27:08.000)
Paul's coming here in a few weeks for two weeks. You must come to the mothership. I want you here not to like be undermined even command. You're smart. You don't say something get sued for he's the kind of guy and he was like an editor.
Jordan (00:27:19.000)
Wait, what's that
Dan (00:27:20.000)
slipped? Even get sued for? Why would you need to be careful about getting sued if you weren't lying all the time? You know what I need? I need someone who has a real grasp of slander really knows the fine lines of libel.
Jordan (00:27:34.000)
I like somebody who knows exactly where the line is, and then where you can cross it without the government finally catching you I hope people aren't wait. I just said this on air didn't mark mark, get here now. Mark,
Dan (00:27:48.000)
I need a libel Sherpa. Basically. Like he shouldn't be saying stuff like that. He climbed the mountain of lies, it makes it so transparent that like his business is just like barely not getting sued. Yeah, barely not getting. And if he was telling the truth, and he had, like any documentation of the things he said he wouldn't have to worry about getting sued. If it's the truth, and he can prove it. That's not libel or slander. Well, I
Jordan (00:28:15.000)
mean, you know, after the whole Gawker thing, who knows whether or not you can, you know,
Dan (00:28:21.000)
okay if Alex Jones publishes someone sex tape, then we can talk about that
Jordan (00:28:25.000)
got Alex Jones wants to publish somebody's sex tapes so bad or Oh, man, I feel like a Pelosi sex tape. Alex Jones kind of wants to publish his sex tape. I don't want to see that. You know, he's got one though. Right? Probably. You know, he's got one probably. You have Alex Jones a sex tape.
Dan (00:28:42.000)
And it's a Peter Thiel. I don't I don't want any part of this. Sure you don't.
Alex Jones (00:28:47.000)
I want to build a whole nother mothership. See, I want to make mothership factory not that I'm in charge of one mothership. They could blow that up. I want to have a big ones. mothership factory, see, but I need somebody that couldn't command a mothership. There's only drudge and Infowars and Breitbart the others aren't even Mother we need motherships we need commander attack information warfare aircraft carriers that are saying we need weapons platforms, we need leaders. He just want you to 20 info war mark. A big part of it, but now's the time. I know I'm ranting Go ahead.
Dan (00:29:16.000)
So I mean, what he's saying there though, if we really break it down is that we need more
Jordan (00:29:22.000)
he wants a media empire filled with liars we need
Dan (00:29:25.000)
to have Yeah, we need more people who are really gifted propagandists. Yeah, we're really good at this Mark Dice. Please come we'll create another mothership. This is the future if we aren't careful.
Jordan (00:29:36.000)
So So when he says another mothership, do you think he's trying to Well, I mean, and he's already talked about doing an extra hour show? Do you think he wants to turn himself into a 24 hour news or funny you should ask? Oh, no, I
Dan (00:29:51.000)
have a clip of this but recently he has been talking about starting to go on air at 5am and going through to 8pm and just broadcasting live like on the internet. From 5am to 8pm There's like too much news is breaking we there's we can't cover all this. Meanwhile, you've got four hours a day and you don't cover anything. Yeah. So yeah, so he
Jordan (00:30:09.000)
just wants He just wants a daily infomercial to try and sell more shit. Exactly.
Dan (00:30:14.000)
He wants more time where you can possibly be drawing eyes to it and sell these pills.
Jordan (00:30:20.000)
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. It's not I mean, he's your it's not it's not like it's I mean it. I don't know, what would your overhead cost? Why? Why am I thinking about his business strategy here? I don't know. Why am I suddenly like, oh, I mean, you would only raise your overhead costs by I would say probably 40% You could put out 80% more content. I think that's a very smart business decision. I
Dan (00:30:42.000)
think he would raise his overhead a lot more than that, at least in terms of manpower. I don't know how the breakdown goes but please Alex start broadcasting at 5am Please. I would love
Jordan (00:30:52.000)
we want to see we want to see your spiral into madness Excel accelerate beyond reasons.
Dan (00:30:57.000)
But to be fair, when he if he did it at 5am you'd have like the first three hours hosted by Paul Joseph Watson course he's in London, of course. But be that as it may, it's time to get to our main either way.
Jordan (00:31:09.000)
We know that at the end of the first week of him broadcasting from 5am to 8pm. He's wearing a wife beater on screen undoubted we know this is happening. His hair is in 30 different directions. The banner ads shouting racial slurs at cats. The banner
Dan (00:31:24.000)
ad on Infowars this week has been Alex with his shirt off. super real. Yeah, so that's great. But it's time
Jordan (00:31:32.000)
not only am I the founder. I'm also a member. Yeah. And
Dan (00:31:37.000)
like the there's before and after pictures, his chest just looks hairier. That's really all the difference. I can tell. I could use more chest hair. I couldn't. You couldn't know. I literally could not. Anyway, what
Jordan (00:31:48.000)
have you needed? You get stranded on a desert island. You need to
Dan (00:31:52.000)
build a rope or my radiator goes
Jordan (00:31:54.000)
out your radiator goes
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.000)
cold night in Chicago.
Jordan (00:31:58.000)
Okay, so I was like, how do you fix a radiator with chest hair? Is this some sort of YouTube video that I haven't seen?
Dan (00:32:05.000)
That could be good bait? That's on Daffy Duck's channel. So we've had our moves Bush, yes. Learning that Jay Leno is a patriot Jay Leno. We've had we had our appetizer, which was a lesson in why I think this sort of show is important. We have to counter propaganda, right, that is going to spread, it's going to only get worse for the foreseeable future. And now it's time to get on to our main course, which is the jubilant insanity that happens on Friday, March 17. Now I want to say clearly, a couple of these clips are long, we're going to have to play them, I couldn't cut them. There's no way to cut them. We're going to play them and we can pause it anytime. Okay, because like one of them is like 10 minutes long. That one's like eight, oh matches, long clips. But he goes on these tangents that I need to have in contact right there. It'd be unfair otherwise. Okay. So anyway, he wants to start off the show by talking about immigrants, and also make a little bit of a point about trans people.
Alex Jones (00:33:05.000)
So here it is Judge considers ordering President Trump to double 50,000 refugees, a demand by the judge, the federal government, Airbus and an extra 50,000 immigrants, including many adherents of Islam, Sharia law, but she says they, along with her law into American neighborhood would be an unusual intervention and a government role is normally left to the elected president and congress. That's a nice way of saying it Breitbart.
Jordan (00:33:28.000)
Yeah, thanks, Breitbart. You guys are always on the ball
Dan (00:33:31.000)
there. Wait, I mean, you're very impartial, very, very ethical journalism.
Jordan (00:33:35.000)
100%. Positive? None of that made any goddamn sense. What was he talking about?
Dan (00:33:41.000)
That a judge was going to order Trump to allow more refugees in
Jordan (00:33:45.000)
a judge was going to order? So he didn't? Well,
Dan (00:33:48.000)
maybe it is maybe it's like a potential future thing?
Jordan (00:33:51.000)
Um, yeah. But isn't that isn't that like a we already have a commitment to accept such and such number of refugees? Do we already have money going into a program to Patriot such and such number of other
Dan (00:34:05.000)
like un guidelines, right countries, depending on their economic ability and population, right?
Jordan (00:34:12.000)
Faithfully executing all of his responsibilities in that regard. So we obviously don't need a judge to intervene in any way, because Trump has the people in mind whenever he is spending all of our money for his wife to hate him.
Dan (00:34:30.000)
Meanwhile, Muhammad Ali's son was deported or was detained at an airport. Okay. Sweet. And because your con two?
Jordan (00:34:38.000)
Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's awesome.
Alex Jones (00:34:41.000)
Just goes on and on and on. And the judges are now issuing Executive Order shot. I didn't know they were the executive branch. But I guess that's it. Again, it's
Dan (00:34:51.000)
a it's not called an executive order. When a judge does it. It's called a judgment. Yeah, it's a judicial decree a decision in a court case you Yeah, generally they have something in front of them on their docket, and they decide what the law says about it, which is also what the judicial branch is for
Jordan (00:35:08.000)
i That's not an executive order. No, it's not. It's not now. Nope, there is zero possibility of derivate. No, it's not an executive order, even if you wanted to. And here's the craziest part. You can't even compare it to an executive order, because the executive can't overturn it. Right. Like the whole point of that is to stop other people from doing unconstitutional shit. Yeah, that's the whole government. Didn't none of these people go to a goddamn civics class once? Not one time? Nope. No checks and balances nonsense. Just, it isn't. How did they not know already? That it wasn't a dictatorship? Did they not know that?
Dan (00:35:52.000)
I don't know. You know, what? Maybe we man I'm sorry.
Jordan (00:35:55.000)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Dan (00:35:57.000)
I understand why your work? Sorry. I don't know how to respond. I'm sorry. I just like oh, boy, oh, boy.
Jordan (00:36:01.000)
But the more the more I talk about it, the more it does make sense, because they have consistently pushed the narrative of Obama's a dictator over overreaching. Obama is doing all of this stuff. So for them to then say that, you know, Trump is being caught on all of these things, because we don't have a dictatorship that would then force them to realize that Obama was not in fact, a dictator. Sure. And he was operating well, within the confines of the law. Yeah. Whereas as long as you think Obama is a dictator, who got to do whatever he wanted, you get to assume that Trump gets to do whatever he wanted.
Dan (00:36:40.000)
Well, it's like, what do they call that like preparatory rhetoric? Yeah, it's this idea of it, like, Muslims pose a threat to America's way of life. When people make that argument. They aren't reflecting the reality currently, they're reflecting what they want to respond to later. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah, preparing people's mind. It's
Jordan (00:37:00.000)
basically they pose a threat, meaning that there is no threat now. No, but maybe there will be right. So we might as well be prepared for that threat being posed.
Dan (00:37:09.000)
It's a way of like framing the discussion. It's very, very manipulative. Yes. But anyway, it couldn't be an executive order anyway, because the executive order is named after the executive branch. Yeah, it will be a judicial order, which maybe it is, I don't know. It
Jordan (00:37:22.000)
could just be the law, total
Alex Jones (00:37:25.000)
lawless rebellions, the VA says, We're not hanging up pictures of the president or the VA head, cars from goes there with the proper size picture, hangs it up, they take it down, and just say, hey, we run this country, you understand? Sit down and shut
Jordan (00:37:39.000)
up? See, that's again, that's not how that works. No, the whole point of this country is because that was how that worked. And it didn't go well. So now we're not doing how that works.
Dan (00:37:50.000)
So that story in question with him not wanting to hang up a Trump picture at the VA? Yeah, what was that about? It had to do with it not being like, there's like weird bureaucracy and shit that has to go into decorating a VA or something along those lines
Jordan (00:38:05.000)
there. Okay, well, now I'm on their side on this one. Fuck off bureaucracy on decoration I
Dan (00:38:09.000)
kind of agreed to but the idea that it was like we hate Trump, you can't put up his picture. That's not what it was. It was like there's rigamarole of four forms. This isn't well, I mean, think about if you have a spot where a picture of a president supposed to go and you bring in the wrong size picture. Now your VA looks like shit. I'm not saying that. I
Jordan (00:38:27.000)
still do not care.
Dan (00:38:28.000)
I don't care either. But it's not what Alex is arguing like it? No, of course, it's
Jordan (00:38:33.000)
not what he's arguing. Although if it was, that would be a cool VA, I would want to go to that VA.
Dan (00:38:38.000)
We agree with him for the wrong reason.
Jordan (00:38:40.000)
As as always, we want
Alex Jones (00:38:42.000)
to give ICBM technology to the icons, we're giving it to them. They already had want to give atomic weapon production facilities in North Korea. We're doing it they already haven't want to open up Europe's borders bring in 5,000,080% military age men. They're allowed to write kill, murder whoever they want. We're doing it. Don't worry about your five year old, they're not really a boy or a girl. We're gonna teach your girl they're really a boy. And by the way, the Atrazine all the other chemicals, the water in every major study in mammals, amphibians, you name it shows it creates a sexualization. Your kid gets confused, wondering why they're a beta.
Jordan (00:39:18.000)
Because God didn't the school
Alex Jones (00:39:19.000)
gets involved sexually with your kids and tells them go to the special class, and they induct them into the new 100 genders. It was 50 genders just a year ago. And then they say you're against people that are a different gender. Are people identified as being a dog or a baby or a 50 year old man says they're a six year old kids, they want to play with your daughter. This is mental illness to bring down the society and they admit it and there's countless white papers, doesn't mean I hate somebody. That was you know, there's always been a feminine man and stuff like that in history. The statistics I have numbers here today.
Jordan (00:39:53.000)
All about manhood. You got to have a beard dick to run the world. You gotta have I'll be direct to run the world what like that
Dan (00:40:02.000)
that idea there that he's bouting is so crazy because he's like
Jordan (00:40:09.000)
the here's the here's the I don't I don't
Dan (00:40:12.000)
hate anybody for their sexuality.
Jordan (00:40:14.000)
But if you're there's always been effeminate men those monsters
Dan (00:40:17.000)
which kind of disproves yep that he knows what he's talking about. Yep. And then secondarily like you're a beta and you wonder why you're a beta and then the school tells you you should be a woman, like,
Jordan (00:40:26.000)
so much of that washes over me and out where it's like, yeah, no, of course, of course they go to classes. Have you ever been to one of these classes? No, you haven't been to one of these classes. But in these classes, they tell you how to be a girl. Right? If you're a boy, right? If you're a boy, if you're a how to be a girl,
Dan (00:40:43.000)
if you're a beta, not if you're an alpha.
Jordan (00:40:46.000)
Also, if he's right, the number of genders is exploding too fast. Look, I don't want to be I don't want to be anti multiplying genders but 50 to 101 year, guys, by next year, there'll be 10 million see.
Dan (00:41:04.000)
Now it's interesting that you say that this sort of relates to what he's about to say
Jordan (00:41:10.000)
am I already preparatory rhetoric ng what he's about to say
Dan (00:41:13.000)
Not really. But I'm just gonna say something about exponential growth of something. All right. And he just he read before I cut the clip, he said, I have the statistics.
Jordan (00:41:22.000)
So he is he is talking about that. Like the if you dump chemicals into a thing, that gay frogs, he's still talking about gay frogs. So that means people are gay then.
Dan (00:41:31.000)
Yep. Because of pesticides because pesticides.
Jordan (00:41:35.000)
Yep. Gotcha. But we don't want water act or anything like that. The word just get, though. Just get more. No more. No, no, no gay frogs. No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't have an argument. But no, no, no, no, too many too many frogs.
Dan (00:41:51.000)
We don't want to impede business. Even if it's creating gay frogs.
Alex Jones (00:41:56.000)
And wanting to become doctors,
Dan (00:42:00.000)
I gotta go back. And that's on me.
Jordan (00:42:03.000)
I just want you to know for sure that you know, you've got a chance so long as you keep that flat. I'm gonna run
Dan (00:42:09.000)
once. I'm 35.
Alex Jones (00:42:12.000)
And stuff like that in history. The statistics I have numbers here today. The number of children wanting to become opposite sex doubling each year in Sweden say doctors, within only 15 years the majority would have switched sexes. And then you notice though they can't procreate mission completed. That's an exponential growth curve. Kids don't learn how to be successful, they learn how to die how to not have children. Meanwhile, they bring in absolute lawless groups that openly believe or Imams have told him or her to conquer.
Jordan (00:42:46.000)
So it's so stupid Notorious BIG did have that album learned to die. Yeah, I remember that but really ready to die? Yeah, no, no, it was learned today.
Dan (00:42:53.000)
Okay. Well, I mean, Lana Del Rey, born to die also very great. Along with pink I love Lana Del Rey, Sukkot Jordan. So here's what's stupid about this. Oh, so many things. He's called me thing. He's quoting a Breitbart article about the rise of transgender identity in Sweden, right. And there's no statistics in it. There is nothing said he was doubling. There was a quote from a doctor in Sweden, okay, who said without any statistics without anything to back it up. She just said that each year, the number doubles. There's nothing to back that up. Also anecdotal. Also, she said that in the last year, she's seen 197 individuals who are trans identified so
Jordan (00:43:41.000)
out of Sweden's population of way more than 197 Certainly way
Dan (00:43:45.000)
more than 400. So we're safe for next year.
Jordan (00:43:47.000)
Yeah. We got one more year before Sweden falls off the map. There's literally no that's a percentage wise of so minuscule. Yeah, that's the fact that it's doubling is less, more people are trans so much as more people are fucking comfortable enough to be who they are.
Dan (00:44:06.000)
Most of the time. It's people who are already identifying as hiding but
Jordan (00:44:10.000)
fucking killing themselves. Right. Right. Trying to not be what they are.
Dan (00:44:15.000)
And I believe if I, if I recall that statistic correctly, like it's on the rise in America as well, but it's like, yeah, point 1% of the population, or it's, it's very low, it might be
Jordan (00:44:26.000)
just 1%. If it's 197, and Sweden, their population has to be at least at least like 40 million, probably rightly. So. That's a that's a percentage of a percentage of a percentage,
Dan (00:44:38.000)
you know, to be a doctor in one town, so she doesn't see everybody. No, no. So I mean, but again, so wait, she's a doctor in one town and like Stockholm or something. Okay. So
Jordan (00:44:49.000)
it's a big town. Not not like, like Bjork. The point is that's not the name of a town but it should be York isn't New York is not the name of a town honorary cap. I don't know why that was the first thing that came to My mind, Icelander Yeah, exactly.
Dan (00:45:03.000)
But like, there's no statistics, it's just a quote that doesn't have anything to back it up from somebody. And he's using this as an argument. Also there I did in my research, I did find that there was an article about how the trans population in America has doubled, like in the last five years or so.
Jordan (00:45:19.000)
So he could just be conflating those two nonsense. Well, it's possible, but
Dan (00:45:23.000)
that number doubling is only based on a very unscientific and vague estimate of about 700,000 trans individuals right in 2005. Right. So that number that is hypothetically doubled is not there's no evidence that's true.
Jordan (00:45:39.000)
And that's and that's already a bullshit thing, because it's still got that same that same ring of like, it's doubled since this previous length of time in in the same way that you know, in Saudi Arabia, they're like, Yeah, we don't have any gay people here. Right. So if there was one tomorrow, the population growth of gay people in Saudi Arabia were overrun.
Dan (00:46:02.000)
Now let's take another lap around this bullshit Christmas tree. Just that occurs I don't know why that came. To Ring around the rosie
Jordan (00:46:12.000)
I don't Yeah, that's not on Christmas though. That's a made a thing. Oh, boy.
Dan (00:46:15.000)
But it's a tree. It's a tree. It's a pole.
Jordan (00:46:17.000)
It's a pole shit. It's the it's a lot of maple. The fuck the pole is the metal version of a tree it
Dan (00:46:24.000)
symbolizes a tree. Bada bing, bada boom Christmas tree. So the other thing that Alex is fucking stupid about and if he had any understanding of these communities that he talks about, he would know is that not all trans people are operative not all of them have surgeries to get sexual reassignment surgery right? Many of them are still able to have children. The idea that once you are want to become the other gender now you can't have kids is bullshit. That's absolute bullshit.
Jordan (00:46:57.000)
It's always going to be bullshit, right? That's that's something that I don't even like I don't even want to get into into that area because because the legitimate used it I know. But again, that's still validates that idea of something about having a womb qualifies you as a woman. Yes. Like that's what it always gets back to is you're not wrong. Are you a baby factory? Is what Alex Jones thinks about not not Are you a woman? Are you a person? Are you a man with a big dick? Who can live and be all kinds of alpha? Or are you a baby factory and everybody who doesn't fit into those? A monster to him?
Dan (00:47:38.000)
I am a human. I am a pro creator.
Jordan (00:47:41.000)
Yeah, no, he's he's full of he's full of that whole like, serious binary idea of reality. That's such a fucking bummer.
Dan (00:47:50.000)
You know what else he's full of shit, shit. This next clip that we're gonna go into is a string of lies. One of them is really fun to debug, and the others are slightly less fun, but okay, we'll make it through. Once my phone has the clip loaded.
Alex Jones (00:48:10.000)
Look at this MC gobble is the cheapest and most nutritious food in human history.
Dan (00:48:15.000)
So that's the introduction of the premise
Jordan (00:48:18.000)
that is another great isolated drop right there. Look at this the MC double.
Dan (00:48:25.000)
So I want God
Jordan (00:48:26.000)
McDonald should have that on their fucking website. Tomorrow.
Dan (00:48:30.000)
I would like to use this clip as something of a case study that we will come back to later in the episode, okay of Alex Jones, not knowing the stories that he's talking about. Right. So the introduction is that McDonald's McDouble is the most nutritious and cheapest food in human history.
Jordan (00:48:48.000)
And so is the more meaning it's the cheapest food with the most nutrition in it in human history. Should
Dan (00:48:56.000)
I read you the article? Of course you should. I don't want to read the article. But basically, it is a telegraph article. Okay about the co author of Freakonomics Stephen Dubner Stephen Dubner he live it he hosted a debate on his blog after a reader suggested that the McDouble packed a better nutritional punch for the penny than is often assumed the date the double cheeseburger provides 390 calories 23 grams of protein, half a daily serving 7% of daily fiber length 10 grams of fat
Jordan (00:49:28.000)
you're reading off promo material now that's what that started like. Half of your daily serving right
Dan (00:49:33.000)
20% of your daily calcium all for between one and $2 Kyle Smith, a New York Post columnist through his sport behind the McDonald's nutritional value for the average person isn't a great option to take a trip to the farmers market to puzzle over esoteric lefty foodie codes.
Jordan (00:49:48.000)
Just weird I hate those lefty foodie codes Facts are
Dan (00:49:51.000)
facts Where else but McDonald's can poor people obtain so many calories per dollar.
Jordan (00:49:57.000)
Now that's interesting. That is a really good question right there.
Dan (00:50:00.000)
This article goes on to break down the difference between like caloric intake and price of junk foods, right? And then it's sort of they have it thrown in the face of the argument when Tom Phillips bought a campaigning organic farmer from North Carolina said that there are many more nutritious ways of feeding people cheaply. You can get a pound of organic brown rice and a pound of red lentils for about 1/3 One, one pound 30 Each, a serving of each of these things would be around 48 pence. So basically saying that you could have red lentils and rice.
Jordan (00:50:34.000)
Yeah. But also fuck that guy. Right? So basically,
Dan (00:50:39.000)
this article, like not
Jordan (00:50:41.000)
to, not to jump on the whole, like anti organic food bandwagon. thing, but like, you know what nobody wants to hear. If you're if you're going for like, Hey, I just want a bag of chips. Somebody being like, you know, you could get half of you could get all the brown rice, you want to eat for half that cost and you're like, Yeah, well, I I didn't get that brown rice for a goddamn reason. No
Dan (00:51:03.000)
one wants to hear that. And no one wants to eat that red lentil show. No. So anyway, the article starts with the premise. No one bought Barbra Streisand, right? Is that a reference? I don't get?
Jordan (00:51:12.000)
I think it's a Didn't she have a musical that she directed called lentil?
Dan (00:51:16.000)
Oh, that's
Jordan (00:51:19.000)
very close. Now. Now I'm feeling quite anti semitic. I'm so sorry. Thank God we're doing and so I'm in welcome company.
Dan (00:51:28.000)
So this article starts with the headline that the McDonald's McDouble is the most nutritious food, hypothetically, the lead that it has discusses what the premise of the article is, then it explores the theme. And by the end, it explains that there are comparable other things that you can eat that have about the same nutritional value for which is roughly the same cost, which is what articles do.
Jordan (00:51:53.000)
Do you mean they point out information, generally, that you could use to make an informed decision.
Dan (00:52:00.000)
And if you don't read the article, you don't get the information. If you just read the headline, you don't get any of that information. It's much like
Jordan (00:52:07.000)
it's much like the McDouble in that you get a lot of empty calories. I was
Dan (00:52:12.000)
gonna say it's like eating the skin of an orange. It's like you're not getting why you're supposed to be eating.
Jordan (00:52:18.000)
It's like eating the skin of a five year old boy who is taught to think he's a girl.
Dan (00:52:22.000)
So Alex has not read this article. But he's mad about it. And he talks about it for quite a while and spins it into some conspiracy theory.
Jordan (00:52:30.000)
Another another theme of this podcast, Alex hasn't read a thing that he's very mad about.
Alex Jones (00:52:36.000)
And Telegraph's reporting. That's the press release put out by McDonald's. That's right. It's the cheapest and most nutritious in human history. That's like Al Gore saying invented the internet.
Jordan (00:52:50.000)
He did not
Alex Jones (00:52:54.000)
say Whopper folks.
Jordan (00:52:58.000)
Don't Don't
Alex Jones (00:52:59.000)
Don't I know that their hamburger. I guess who their press secretary is? That's you're the head of communications is you wonder where he went? The longest running out a few in the Obama ministration. But the longest running press secretary in the Obama administration. Mr. Gibbs,
Jordan (00:53:19.000)
Mr. Mister
Alex Jones (00:53:20.000)
Oh, he's the one obviously sending the tweet out about little hands now. promises come back. But it was an action. Oh, yeah, sure.
Jordan (00:53:27.000)
I don't think anybody said that. That was an accidental tweet.
Dan (00:53:30.000)
No, someone Someone went rogue and McDonald's. Oh, that's right. Yeah. But then, like he's because he hasn't read this article. He's thinking this is a press release from McDonald's. When it's a discussion that was led by the co author of Freakonomics
Jordan (00:53:44.000)
No, definitely wasn't from McDonald's.
Dan (00:53:46.000)
But because this guy who used to work for Obama is now in PR at McDonald's. Holy shit. Let's let's bring Obama into this right let's bring this whole thing in. It's crazy. Now watch. He tees off on this for quite a while. And then eventually how because he's an idiot. And he just rambled but then he starts to read the article. And I think he realizes Oh, everything I've just said as well. Oh, God, so he bails? Is there
Jordan (00:54:16.000)
a face? Did you see a face
Dan (00:54:18.000)
there was like sort of confused look, but it wasn't. It wasn't.
Jordan (00:54:22.000)
As the words coming out of his mouth. He's
Dan (00:54:24.000)
like, Nah, there have been other times that it's been more obvious. He's like, What the fuck? Oh, no. This This one was just like based and it plays on audio. Anyway, enjoy this dumb bullshit.
Alex Jones (00:54:39.000)
I don't believe in any kind of a known liar that says oh, we lie to the public about drones and about Obamacare and thank God they're so dumb and MSNBC laughs with him.
Dan (00:54:49.000)
Man, it's so great.
Jordan (00:54:53.000)
Mr. Gifts.
Alex Jones (00:54:57.000)
That's okay. Don't criticize Because New York Assemblyman unveils bill to suppress non government approved free speech, Google to target criticism of Islam and new censorship purge in the United States.
Dan (00:55:10.000)
These are true things these are just headlines from like zero hedge right like that so don't don't nonsense don't get bogged down and ate up. Tickets back to McDonald's in a minute.
Alex Jones (00:55:22.000)
Any thing upsetting or offensive to Islam will be banned. She did bring in something incompatible the most radical forms of Orthodox Wahhabi ism where I'm upset a woman doesn't have a hood overhead for the first step is the mayor of Cologne, a big trendy lady. Ladies don't wear short skirts. And by the way, we can't have Oktoberfest on the streets. The Muslims get mad. Gotta go in in the Beer Hall.
Dan (00:55:43.000)
With or without Muslims. We can't drink on the streets. In America, we can't have open containers.
Jordan (00:55:49.000)
Yeah, but do you know when that law came into effect? Probably when the Muslims came a moment the first Muslim came over? Or maybe it was
Dan (00:55:57.000)
because some drunk asshole threw like a bottle at a car? Nope. I don't know.
Jordan (00:56:02.000)
Alex Jones (00:56:03.000)
And you believe in the news. Do not drink beer on the street. The Muslims get mad. How about you get in my face and hit me I'm gonna I'm gonna fight back. But now the Germans have been thought roll over p on themselves literally. Just thanks for being right. crap on yourself. I'm not kidding. It's about total submission. They can make you submit to Muslims outsiders, you'll submit to anybody,
Jordan (00:56:26.000)
outsiders code. They're not white people.
Dan (00:56:30.000)
It's so easy. Just something like that. Yeah,
Jordan (00:56:33.000)
it's coated white supremacists so bad. Yep.
Alex Jones (00:56:37.000)
Guy 15 years ago would hear all this talk about they're gonna make us go under Sherea they bought off the CIA people as long as gonna take our money. Oh, ridiculous. Sure. There's,
Dan (00:56:45.000)
I'm saying that now.
Jordan (00:56:47.000)
How long until we get Sharia law? Never. Never do you think never because I've been I've been told to be afraid of it for nigh on my entire life now. Absolutely. Right around the corner. Sharia? Yeah, sure is right around the corner. It's more of a boogeyman than Obama. Yeah.
Dan (00:57:03.000)
Or sort of
Jordan (00:57:04.000)
Barack Hussein Sherea oviya his daughter Riley. Yeah, that's, that's all we need to know. That's all we needed
Alex Jones (00:57:12.000)
is with Islam. It's out of control. We don't want to bomb those areas. And stir them up. We were actually bombing I was completely right to put the bad ones in charge. And open up turkey. Oh and turkeys in the new Shang. We're colonizing you holy war, we've activated our political groups. We've got millions of Turks per European, shitty pre European country, millions. And we're ready to burn everything down. Shut MIT.
Jordan (00:57:37.000)
So not saying that he's so he's mad at Turkey?
Dan (00:57:42.000)
Who Flin works for? Right? Yeah, he's mad at Erwan. But I mean, that's legitimate. We shouldn't be mad at her. jailing journalists. Professors a giant piece of shit. Yeah,
Jordan (00:57:52.000)
but let's deal denying that Oh, still denying that whole genocide that he did.
Dan (00:57:57.000)
And he faked a coup. Roger Stone to polonium poison. Yeah,
Jordan (00:58:00.000)
that's probably pretty evil shit that he just did right there.
Dan (00:58:04.000)
Probably but fucking cool.
Jordan (00:58:06.000)
What a that's a solid if you can, if you can get away with that move. That's a solid move. They're not a classic dictator move. Classic dictator move.
Dan (00:58:13.000)
But he's saying they have millions of people per European city. It's like, okay, you're gonna move your entire population. There
Jordan (00:58:20.000)
are not that many Turkish people know, they're there. No, not that many.
Dan (00:58:25.000)
And he's not saying that.
Jordan (00:58:29.000)
Yeah, that's right. We got bogged down in the reality of math to to get into the fact that nobody has said any of that
Dan (00:58:36.000)
bullshit. I promise this does get back to McDonald's.
Jordan (00:58:39.000)
That's right. We're still talking about McDonald's. I forgot once we got into Turkey, that McDonald's is still involved. You're ready because North Korea we're talking about butterball at this point.
Alex Jones (00:58:50.000)
And Europe is actually announcing capitulation to Islamic domination and terror. Yep.
Jordan (00:58:55.000)
So on believable white pages.
Alex Jones (00:58:59.000)
Yeah, there's Yahoo, AFP. But that's that's how he was strong enough. Turkey threatens us in Europe at his house revenues a month to dominate them. What they said is, this is now a holy war, we're activating our forces submit.
Dan (00:59:12.000)
I wonder if that has anything to do with the people in power, saying holy war language. I wonder if that's I wonder if it has anything to do with Bannon? The the chief strategist to the president literally saying he foresees a holy war between Christianity and Islam. I can't think of any reason though. But again, Burdwan is not saying these things. But if he was, we're playing into it. And we should not be doing
Jordan (00:59:35.000)
that. Now. We're playing into a lot of holy war rhetoric. Sure, by using that holy war rhetoric you and I ain't no, that's true. Anyway,
Alex Jones (00:59:43.000)
the foreign minister said, but that's okay. Robert Gibbs tells us that the MC double this is the best comedy ever is the cheapest and most nutritious food in human history. If that ain't fake news. I don't know what is. Oh, but see, I've been judged by Google, and by a Harvard list are now circulating fake
Dan (01:00:05.000)
Google, Harvard lists in the middle of him telling a fake story about Robert Gibb being behind this McDonald's story in The Telegraph. He's complaining that people think he's fake news. This is insane. I don't see a problem. This is through the looking glass ship.
Jordan (01:00:24.000)
I don't see an issue. Okay. All makes sense to me.
Alex Jones (01:00:28.000)
Everything you've heard me say for 39 minutes is currently happening. Most of its from their own mouths.
Jordan (01:00:33.000)
Zero of what he said were the opposite apparently happened. They
Alex Jones (01:00:37.000)
know it and that's why they're scared. was Obama Trump insider Gibbs behind McDonald's anti Trump tweet. He is the chief communications officer. Well, we know this. He's the one thing behind tell us that McDonald's is the cheapest and most nutritious food.
Dan (01:00:52.000)
He's not it's the guy from France. And that's the guy from Freakonomics had a discussion on his website. Would you know if you'd read the article, which is crazy. This is insane.
Jordan (01:01:02.000)
Is Mr. Gibb been anywhere near this? His fingerprints are nowhere near nowhere. Does Mr. Gibb know any of this is happening he's not even
Dan (01:01:11.000)
reached for comment in the article. So anyway,
Alex Jones (01:01:16.000)
in human history, I can't say that enough. Oh dear, the most nutritious and and and inexpensive foods it's both in history is the McDouble describing the McDonald's double cheeseburger as the cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful
Jordan (01:01:37.000)
also, the best comedy ever is probably the original Ghostbusters, not this.
Dan (01:01:43.000)
I think it's the one with the women.
Alex Jones (01:01:46.000)
Food you're clogged colon. I'm sorry to say that. Describing the McDonald's their food will not rot under glass. Not everything else does. Describing describing Kim Jong on as the most dashing, handsome man. They say if it's cloudy, it becomes sunny when he's out and birds singing flowers begin to germinate. It's as if he has the very lifeforce Kim Jong honestly wants to call on 17 different men at one time and beat them all up. Those are real stories they tell about it.
Jordan (01:02:19.000)
Yo, in North Korea,
Dan (01:02:20.000)
yes, propagandist in North Korea do that?
Jordan (01:02:23.000)
Yeah. Hey, do you know what's crazy? Do you remember what happened on the day of Trump's inauguration? A door when it was raining and then the sun came out? Oh, wait, yeah. Do you know what they did?
Dan (01:02:34.000)
They said that it was him. It was god damn betcha. Yep. So it was God smiling down.
Jordan (01:02:40.000)
I'm not gonna lie to you get here. This pains me. But, Alex, you're busted.
Dan (01:02:49.000)
You're as bad as North Korean propaganda as
Jordan (01:02:53.000)
bad as North Korean propaganda is he doesn't even have any clue. Nope. As Father.
Alex Jones (01:03:00.000)
She is just as ridiculous. Just as ridiculous about North Korea. North Korea has the highest production highest standard of living and highest education in the world official North Korean news agency.
Jordan (01:03:11.000)
So is he actually is he doing the voice of the North Korean news agency people. He's
Dan (01:03:17.000)
doing the same voice he did. And he was talking about the McDouble being the nutritious the Harvard people and that kind of thing. He's implying that liberals believe all this stuff about North Korea and Kim Jeong Hoon, which is not at all
Jordan (01:03:28.000)
no, I don't think anybody but I don't even think North Koreans believe half of that show. They're forced to Yeah, they're
Dan (01:03:36.000)
they're beaten if they don't cry when Kim Jong Il died.
Jordan (01:03:40.000)
And well, they're also beaten if they speak in any tone of of this one. That sounds like a 1940s the feminine British Butler to be fair, I enjoy drawing room comedy.
Dan (01:03:52.000)
I kind of wish we all spoke like that. It'd be a very pleasant liberal world.
Jordan (01:03:56.000)
This would be a much more interesting podcast if somebody forced us to use this voice. I am going to kill myself
Dan (01:04:03.000)
honestly with my seriously
Jordan (01:04:04.000)
I don't want to fucking I want to fucking die. The more I talk like that,
Dan (01:04:08.000)
he's gonna get right back to McDonald's.
Jordan (01:04:09.000)
Of course.
Alex Jones (01:04:10.000)
Try that. Oh, they also say here you can keep your doctor under Obamacare. It's free. Yep.
Jordan (01:04:15.000)
Yep, that's a perfect time to bring that in. Nailed it. You got it. Perfect. Perfect. That
Dan (01:04:21.000)
wasn't unfortunate. Lammott home. Alex was an unfortunate thing that Obama said that turned out not to be true.
Jordan (01:04:29.000)
It was I just saw that. It was like in 2013. It was PolitiFact lie of the year.
Dan (01:04:36.000)
The liberal outlets, the the mainstream outlets all have also rightly pilloried him for it. Yeah, I believe I believe that he intended for that to be the case.
Jordan (01:04:47.000)
Yeah, he really wanted to. It wasn't a lie so much as he couldn't do it. He was like, I want to make this succeed. And everybody was like, ah, we hate you because you're black.
Dan (01:04:58.000)
I imagine an hour might be fantasy booking history. But I imagined in a situation where he wasn't up against such a very strong opposition that threatened to shut down the government over his health care bill. I imagine he would have gotten in a you can keep your doctor piece to the bill. Maybe that's not true. Who knows?
Jordan (01:05:18.000)
I mean, the more important point is, yeah, we shouldn't go back and re litigate the past on that one. Because I think we have we have a time machine moment here just just scant months ago that we should probably go after way before we get to the you can keep your own doctor time and more important
Dan (01:05:35.000)
point is that all right, Alex fairpoint on that, but then he says we're about to hit a lightning round of lies. So the next one, that I think I accidentally pause, can we get a buzzer?
Jordan (01:05:44.000)
Dan (01:05:46.000)
Just isolate that. The main the the other thing he says is that Obama, they said that Obamacare was going to be free. No one ever said that, right? No one ever said that. No one, they did say that there would be tax credits that would help you pay for their husband.
Jordan (01:06:01.000)
And eventually it would not necessarily pay for itself, but it would be less
Dan (01:06:07.000)
will pay for itself in terms of stuff. Anyway,
Alex Jones (01:06:11.000)
they did a good job that you didn't build it to.
Dan (01:06:15.000)
So there was the other one. Obama saying that you didn't build your business. Right? We got one. He's super Alex is super mad about that. The point that Obama was trying to make in that speech is that we all live in communities. Yeah. And you didn't individually build your business, you did it within the network, and the framework of the community you live in, right? And or even
Jordan (01:06:34.000)
then, if you did build your business, like legitimately from the ground up, you built the building, you built all of this shit. You got your clients, did you build the roads? Did you quarry the rocks? To build the school that you went to the taught you how to do this? Did you build all of that? Did you build the hospital? When you broke your goddamn leg?
Dan (01:06:54.000)
Did you build the neighborhood that provides you with customer? Right? Did you build your parents parents, right? And it sounds like an offensive point when you're like, uh, you didn't build your business. But the reality of it is, what he's saying is that everything exists within a complicated framework.
Jordan (01:07:10.000)
It's an ecosystem. Yes, that's like saying, you know, so Alex does dum, dum, he doesn't get Obama's right when he said you didn't build your business,
Dan (01:07:19.000)
he doesn't get credit for this one, Alex, in the sense
Alex Jones (01:07:22.000)
to that necessarily equal for
Dan (01:07:24.000)
two plus two equals five is the next lie. And of course, that is classic, or Well, shit
Jordan (01:07:29.000)
very much Obama two,
Dan (01:07:31.000)
but at the same time, I
Jordan (01:07:32.000)
hated the number four.
Dan (01:07:33.000)
If you look at math, sometimes two plus two does equal five. I don't want to get into complicated math, luck.
Jordan (01:07:41.000)
If you if you're gonna get into non Euclidean geometry shits about to get wild, I'll give you this is gonna be a very boring podcast,
Dan (01:07:47.000)
I'll give you a very basic example. And this is something that comes up in like taxation and accounting a lot. Okay, a lot of times you have to round things, you have to round things to the nearest integer, right. And oftentimes, like row row, row your boat, if you have a penny, you can't split the penny. But oftentimes, but you can leave a penny. If a penny we don't have a pennies anymore. So if you have something that's like 2.49 cents, and you double it, that's rounded to two cents, when you're adding it up. So it's two cents plus two cents. And what you'll end up with is 2.49 plus 2.492 equals 4.98. You round that up to five, you now have a nickel. So it's two cents plus two cents equals five cents. That's 11 in math. So
Jordan (01:08:31.000)
what you're saying is that we should abolish the penny. I agree with
Dan (01:08:36.000)
that. But also,
Jordan (01:08:38.000)
this would solve all of these simple addition problems that we've been having for so many years.
Dan (01:08:44.000)
I understand that the point I'm making is slightly pedantic. But if you were getting more
Jordan (01:08:48.000)
into string theory instead of basic, basic arithmetic, okay,
Dan (01:08:53.000)
I can't explain that on this podcast. But yes, there are other instances that are way more complicated where numbers take on different characteristics, but just in that, in the case of rounding, often two plus two can equal five fair enough so suck it Alex.
Jordan (01:09:08.000)
Case of rounding we find against Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (01:09:12.000)
Those are all real statements they made who's the fake Nish? You. They're trying to break your will and conditioning to accept it. Nick Jabal here. Let's read the London Telegraph article. We gotta have articles every day about McDonald's tweets, because they're just the biggest load of horsemen, or
Dan (01:09:26.000)
one of their most recent tweets is the shamrock shake is back.
Jordan (01:09:32.000)
I went to the McDonald's in Austin, and they told me they didn't have it. That's just bullshit horse manure pure horse manure.
Alex Jones (01:09:41.000)
Horsemen are obviously is one of the treasures in my opinion. Upon fake news he claimed for spinners Morning Edition. I bet it is to plants. MC double is the cheapest time reading and most nutritious food in human history. You're gonna read the British accent to be more authoritative, great. MC Davao is the cheapest and most nutritious food in human history. That's a terrible British accent describing the McDonald's double cheeseburger as the cheapest, most nutritious and not afraid it's accent that has ever existed in human history, close quote. Might seem fanciful Now it might seem like an outrageous giant, colossal, biggest lie in history, but I'm sorry, might seem beyond fanciful. But according to the author of Freakonomics, it's not as absurd a suggestion as it appears.
Dan (01:10:24.000)
At this point. I think Alex realizes
Jordan (01:10:25.000)
that his whole Navy they're not confirming that maybe they're just saying, you might be surprised that it's
Dan (01:10:35.000)
the PacSun amazing caloric punch per No. But I think at this point, he realizes he's about to he's about to jump ship. He's about to dismount.
Alex Jones (01:10:45.000)
That's right. That's it's actually true. Flamen W. One. Sorry.
Jordan (01:10:56.000)
This is a grown up.
Alex Jones (01:10:58.000)
Now let's get to something even more ridiculous. And
Jordan (01:11:00.000)
he just moves on?
Dan (01:11:02.000)
Because he read that Freakonomics Yeah. And he realized, oh, shit, this article doesn't say what I've just been saying for the last 10
Jordan (01:11:08.000)
minutes. So he does. Now he does pull the dismount pretty well, if he was I was giving him during that childish, I would give him an 8.7 for distraction. Like instead of, you know, it's like, it's like in gymnastics. Whenever the whenever the gymnast falls off the balance beam, they still get up and do the thing with their arms. Chest out. Like he still did it. He still did. He committed to it. Right? He did. He's still performing. The man knows what he's doing.
Dan (01:11:38.000)
So embarrassing. Yeah. That's pathetic. Like the the the arc of that clip is? McDonald's. I don't I haven't read this article, but I'm going to tee off on it. I'm going to claim that it's some Obama guy who's behind it. I'm going to weave that into these other fake stories about Muslims invading countries. I'm going to
Jordan (01:12:00.000)
weave that into Obama Care and Obama lying about things. Two plus two equals five.
Dan (01:12:05.000)
Also North Korea, North Korea attending that all like basically liberals believe North Korean propaganda. Yeah, busted. And then I'm going to actually get around to reading the article ocean.
Jordan (01:12:18.000)
That was a that was a real hero's journey. We just went on. That was
Dan (01:12:22.000)
Joseph Campbell. Yeah, yeah. But then, here's what's great about it. So that clip ended with let's get on to something more. Ridiculous. Yes, this next clip is going to start with him saying that, just so I can illustrate that all of that leads to this. All right. And this is yet another one of our little adventures down Alex Jones is bullshit history.
Jordan (01:12:47.000)
Oh, no, his personal history or his imagination of what the real history is?
Dan (01:12:51.000)
I think the latter, he's going to tell a story that I don't believe is true. Or actually, I'm gonna say this pieces of it could be true. But I'm certain that there is an element of this story. Alex Jones does not know. And he doesn't know that he doesn't know it.
Alex Jones (01:13:07.000)
Okay. Now let's get to something even more ridiculous because I've told this story. Probably 100 times and 22 years on air. I
Dan (01:13:16.000)
believe that based on baseline believe that to based on how repetitive he is. I guarantee he's told it more than 100 times, though I have never heard it. So it was fresh for me.
Alex Jones (01:13:29.000)
Because it happened about a year. It happened about a year. Let me just reset there because this is such a big deal. This is so Ultra massive, and it just illustrates everything we're dealing with. Okay, so I was about 20 years old. And I was staying in a small apartment working and going to so called community college it was totally worthless. See, I'm digressing. I shouldn't even tell that part of the story.
Jordan (01:13:56.000)
I want to hear more about that.
Alex Jones (01:13:59.000)
Tell you every little detail. I mean, I shouldn't tell you what color the drapes were in my parents house or where they had the safe in their bedroom or whatever. But what
Dan (01:14:06.000)
now we know where the safe now we know
Jordan (01:14:07.000)
they have a safe in their bedroom. Jesus, Alex, you are the worst. If this
Dan (01:14:13.000)
is the worst, that being discreet is the worst at telling stories. I should
Jordan (01:14:17.000)
I shouldn't tell you this. There's nuclear weapons outside of my house that they're buried. Look, I have sources, they wouldn't want me to tell you this. But I'll tell you this guy named Greg Obama is killing all of us tomorrow. They wouldn't want me to tell you that. I just gotta tell you, of course they wouldn't. And they Well, they wouldn't want me to tell the
Alex Jones (01:14:35.000)
you know, I tend to digress off but let me start so let me just restart.
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
Yes, that's how you solve the digression problem. When I was
Alex Jones (01:14:42.000)
in college, I lived in an apartment so I didn't keep my firearms and my apartment. I kept my parents. My parents had a well known newspaper slash magazine editor. He's worked at both places has been a friend of theirs since I was little kid.
Jordan (01:14:54.000)
So to recap so far, yeah, if you want to steal his parents save Just know that when you go in, you can already grab Alex's guns to do so they're in the bedroom, don't bring your own guns. Make sure that you walk in empty handed. This is not a, it's not a BYOD situation exactly. Just you can walk in there. But to be fair, you need a
Dan (01:15:17.000)
time machine again, because this is back when he was in junior college. So, I mean, who knows? You don't want to keep guns in a junior college dorm. I do agree
Jordan (01:15:26.000)
with that is true. That's true. I support him.
Alex Jones (01:15:31.000)
And so I go through their living room into their bedroom, and I come out with a rifle and a 57 Magnum in the case where I can't even see through seven Mag, and I'm walking out to go deer hunting. And he's all the way through. That's the living room in the den. Slash dining room. And he goes, Oh, and I hear this and he was used that the gun. And I went, Yes. He's got a clue. He's like, scrambling back and his wife's like, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. And my dad goes, Hey, come on, Alex, come in here. Show him he's like, no, no. And he's like, listen, relax. You know, now enjoy your life. He's a good guy. I'm a doctor. You're a newspaper editor. Stop, stop. Stop. I'm leaving you to do this. I'm like walking in with a rifle. We're like, look, it's not loaded. Everything's okay. Oh, what's in there? I'm gonna leave I'm gonna leave my hands like go if you want to. So you know he's he's big liberal friend of his that he'd known since my mom worked with him in a major newspaper. So these people have been around since I was born. Okay. That on camping trips with them all over the country. I mean, I've known them well. And then they're a little bit more informed now. Today. I mean, I haven't seen the probably six seven years but it's you but this is the mindset so mighty. I'm walking out. I'm at angles. No, come back with a 357 he unzips laccase I'll come back. He's not even loaded. See? It's no big deal. A car is more dangerous than this. These freaking out when I first panic. He's red faced with it. We're leaving. It's fine. A good senior I leave. They were gonna go out to dinner and stuff that night. He got so freaked out was wife he left and my parents really weren't ever friends with them again.
Dan (01:17:16.000)
So now, I don't believe that story at all. Nope. There's something else going on? Yeah, I know what it was. And neither does Alex. Nope. There's something there's something in the dynamic between the two couples. There's some strain in their friendship that already existed. There's no way that some squeamish liberal be freaked out who you have a gun? We can't be friends anymore. Yeah, I'm not a chance.
Jordan (01:17:39.000)
I don't Well, that does that does illustrate something about gun people that they just cannot fathom, which is that? Don't bring a gun near me. Like, I don't look, I'm not I'm not going to be like, oh, like whatever Alex Jones is making fun of at any given point in time. But I don't want a gun in my face. Right? That is the simple to me. Yeah, that is something that would make me angry if you like, if I come into this to record this, and you just have an unmentioned gun sitting around? I'm not gonna feel okay with that. I'm gonna say, Hey, could you not have that gun in my face? And then if you come up to me and say, You're a pussy? No, look, it's not loaded. It's not loaded right now. Like no. Like, gun is an implied threat. To me, period.
Dan (01:18:34.000)
It's your right to think that yeah. But then I also
Jordan (01:18:36.000)
think and that would that would put a strain on our relationship. I think that there's another thing with therapy, we could work past it. That that was a strain.
Dan (01:18:45.000)
It's not going to be couples therapy. Videos, therapy would be in my gun. charge extra, but it's worth it. Here's the thing. I think that gun people also don't realize that people who don't like guns really aren't that squeamish for the most part. Yeah. They just recognize the danger that's there and they don't want to be involved in it. Yeah, that's really what I mean. Like, I don't want guns around period. I understand that a lot of people can use them respectfully and responsibly. I just don't want them arrive. A lot of my good friends growing up in Missouri had guns. And I think people in
Jordan (01:19:19.000)
my family have guns. I'm fairly certain that both my brother and my dad have guns and I think a
Dan (01:19:24.000)
lot of very liberal people understand that responsible gun ownership is possible. It's prevalent
Jordan (01:19:32.000)
just that good god is it prevalent? It is large it really is.
Dan (01:19:36.000)
I mean, no if it wasn't we would ever want to be bad comparatively.
Jordan (01:19:39.000)
Yeah, realistically speaking we have a shit ton of gun violence but God it could be a lot worse it really could
Dan (01:19:46.000)
be now the flip side of that is also liberals understand statistics. And a lot of times no matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. Yeah, so it's best just for our money. We don't want to be around it is much like a baby You accidentally shooting another baby? Those things do happen.
Jordan (01:20:02.000)
So many so many babies are murderers. Yeah. How weird is that? Who knew that it
Dan (01:20:08.000)
was in their cold baby?
Jordan (01:20:10.000)
How do you? How do you raise a child that has accidentally? How do you raise a baby with the knowledge that when it was, you know, like, say you're seven, you gotta write your seven gotta move your parents sit you down in the living room and they say, Listen, no way, dad. No
Dan (01:20:27.000)
way. Jordan, You're freaking me out.
Jordan (01:20:29.000)
I don't want you to look, Dan. No, it's not that big a deal. Okay. And you're like, Oh, my God, am I adopted? And they're like, No, you're a murderer. You killed your brother. You were two years old at the time and you murdered him? No, that's your fault.
Dan (01:20:45.000)
That's the secret you take to the grid. That's like you're in the news. No, no, that's like you're a rape baby. Don't tell a child What wish
Jordan (01:20:55.000)
you hadn't said that?
Dan (01:20:56.000)
Well, like those are the sorts of things that you like, I know that everyone feels like all information is important for everyone to have not it's not. If you accidentally killed someone else as a baby. Well, you can't tell their baby that
Jordan (01:21:08.000)
you can't tell that baby no matter what, unless it's somehow in your scrapbook. That would be an inopportune picture to take, like you remember how we're getting so far off? Sorry, I just had that I just had a vision of those. Those childbirth videos that somehow happened where they're like, we're gonna videotape the birth, and then just a baby coming out with a god. Wish we got it on tape.
Dan (01:21:33.000)
We shoved it up there in the third trimester. It's been getting handy with the steel. So the I mean, let's get back to Alex
Jordan (01:21:41.000)
to get off the topic of baby murder. Yeah,
Dan (01:21:44.000)
he does not understand something about this story. And I'm not sure what it is. And so I can't I can't dispute what he's saying except to say i This doesn't pass the smell test.
Jordan (01:21:55.000)
No, there's there's a correlation. There isn't a causation there. At
Dan (01:21:58.000)
this point. He pulls out a gun.
Jordan (01:22:01.000)
No, he does not actually pull out a gun on the show. Yeah, he pulls out a gun. Yep. What a fucking idiot. Then for about 15 hours why they left because he's always pulling guns out
Dan (01:22:14.000)
and about 15 minutes. Throughout this this next 15 minutes. He's like putting the laser scope at the camera. And like Oh, shining the light on he's like, I can't help myself.
Jordan (01:22:24.000)
But that's fucking terrifying.
Dan (01:22:27.000)
It is. Then he uses this as we're about to see the as the the rest of this clip plays out. He uses it to discuss the story about Sean Hannity pointing a gun at Juan Williams, right? We can address after this clip is okay. So we can hear Alex's take on it and then discuss cool.
Alex Jones (01:22:44.000)
So at that point, they'd known him 20 years. That was 20 years old. Now, why do I tell you the story because this is what we're dealing with Nancy Pelosi isn't a new press conference. It doesn't even know where she is. Okay. She thinks George W. Bush is president.
Jordan (01:23:00.000)
Again, we've already established that.
Dan (01:23:02.000)
Just slip of the tongue. And you're making hay while the sun shines on that.
Alex Jones (01:23:08.000)
That was in one a few weeks ago. There's one even worse, Maxine Waters again things. Russia invaded Korea,
Dan (01:23:14.000)
same clip package you've been hitting on for a month now it's getting stale,
Jordan (01:23:18.000)
let it go.
Alex Jones (01:23:20.000)
The new one, she's obviously has dementia. She's out of her mind. giggling like an insane person. This is who is in control of our country. And the reason I raised that is liberals are domesticated people, most of them were abused as children. They're scared. Really, they have no competency. Most of us were not used as chill conflict. And that's why they're so afraid of veterans, and tough guys, and competent folks, and just hard working class, middle class people make decks,
Jordan (01:23:48.000)
big decks, big decks, big decks,
Dan (01:23:51.000)
I would like to posit something that I want to go back to that abuse thing. Yes, I would argue that a lot of people were abused as children. Now generally liberals are okay talking about it. They're okay being open about trauma in their past, because they understand that it doesn't make them any less of a man or a woman to recognize things that were done to them when they were powerless. Right. Let's get to Juan Williams, which is something I say on Willie. I say that all the time. Let's
Jordan (01:24:24.000)
get to Juan Williams.
Alex Jones (01:24:26.000)
Because to them. It's scary to see somebody aggressive and competent. I just love being around veterans and special forces people stuff because they're funny, they're smart. They get stuff done. They got jokes, they got things to do. They're having a good time. It's the complete opposite of the people that are friends with Juan Williams, and that's where I'm going next with this. Very fake news. Juan Williams slaps CNN reporter Sean Hannity.
Jordan (01:24:53.000)
Very fake news
Alex Jones (01:24:54.000)
hold gun on him after argument. Again, very fake news Juan Williams slams CNN report claiming Sean Hannity pulled a gun on him after an argument.
Dan (01:25:07.000)
The truth is that the story that's being reported in the book people are shocked about is that Sean Hannity pointed a gun at him. Yeah, that wasn't that he pulled the gun on him. Even if a gun is unloaded, you're never supposed to point it.
Jordan (01:25:20.000)
Yeah, no, that's that's one of the conversations we have about responsible gun ownership is the first part of responsible gun ownership. Always don't point it at somebody because even because you know what can happen? It could accidentally go off there could be loaded even if you could be a baby.
Dan (01:25:37.000)
Even if it appears on loaded there could be something in the chamber. Yeah, it's entirely possible that something fucked up could happen. And that's why the number one rule is always point guns at the ground. So
Jordan (01:25:48.000)
don't point a gun at a person the store and his his like, oh, we hate people who are aggressive, incompetent. No, up. Well, stop. Stop at the second word, stop. We need people who are aggressive aggressive is the part we don't like competent is great. Yeah, competent is great. But the type of aggressive where you point a gun at somebody is bad.
Dan (01:26:09.000)
The only time I like aggressive when is when it's high school football. I can hear those cheerleaders spelling it out. B E aggressive, be aggressive.
Jordan (01:26:19.000)
C O MPT e n t? Uh huh. We're not good. Wait. I just felt competent, wronged.
Dan (01:26:30.000)
And I think you did. But the point is, like, Alex, what he's harping on is that these news stories were saying that one Williams had a gun pulled on him after an argument. And if someone was reporting that that's on,
Jordan (01:26:42.000)
I don't think that I think the story was just that they were talking and then somehow Hannity was like, check out this gun and pointed it at one Williams. Yeah. And and according to one Williams, he was fine with it, which is crazy town. Sure. That's just bananas just right. If he wants to be fine with it, that's fine. Sure. Now, of course, the joke on the internet is that when he said he was fine with it, somebody was pointing a gun at him. Sure.
Dan (01:27:06.000)
It turns into the deep space nine millimeter video. That's an LP reference for you. Cool, cool. Run the Jewels fans. Even that reference is too late. I should add company flow reference. Yep. Anyway, the point is, you know,
Jordan (01:27:24.000)
don't point guns at people don't point guns and people.
Dan (01:27:26.000)
And when you do expect you should be criticized. I think,
Jordan (01:27:30.000)
at the very least expect somebody to at least be like, Hey, don't do that.
Dan (01:27:37.000)
So this next clip I'm going to play, we're not going to actually deal with it at all, because I don't care too. But at the during the show, he had an interview for an hour with a guy named Larry C. Johnson, who was a CIA, ex ex CIA guy. All right. And he's not competent. He that's what C stands for. Is he aggressive? Absolutely. He's Larry Johnson. But don't get it twisted. He is not grandmama. Okay, good. Not Larry Johnson from the Charlotte Hornets. Good. He did not appear on family matters. All right. But here is Alex Jones is intro to when he was about to bring him on to the show.
Alex Jones (01:28:14.000)
All right, folks, we are very, very honored. In the next 20 minutes, we're going to be joined by Larry C. Johnson of No Quarter No borders, or winning a distinguished career at the CIA would take too long, so I won't do it. And he also headed up as deputy director in the US State Department's Office of Counterterrorism crisis management, and so much more. He also ran intelligence operations into Kuwait. And that whole situation, I don't have time. Obviously,
Dan (01:28:45.000)
he doesn't have time to go over all of it. So I will.
Jordan (01:28:48.000)
Yeah, I don't think you want that on your credits list. I will go over over here. If you're introducing me at a show. I definitely don't want you talking about a massive failure of mine.
Dan (01:29:01.000)
So Larry C. Johnson is notable because he went on RT, the Russian state news network. Great. We love it when we get that and he gave an interview where he was talking about how people that he knows within the CIA were ordered to target Trump, which is based on hearsay, he has no evidence of it at all. It's kind of like something Trump would say kind of maybe Trump is his source through some weird oroboros of lies. So he made these claims and then Andrew Napolitano, the judge and Fox News guy giant piece of shit. He went on Fox News and repeated essentially the things that Larry Johnson had said like a giant piece of she played there were more sources of it, but it was basically that the the thrust of the argument is that the British intelligence agency GCHQ had been the one spying and there was a quid pro quo thing going, they weren't we spy on When the British and the British spy on us and then we trade information, nobody's
Jordan (01:30:02.000)
happy about that. Nobody wants that. No. I think the problem there is, we're spying on everybody.
Dan (01:30:13.000)
Yeah. So anyway, let me get through this because it's sorry. I want to I want to fully discredit this man. Good. So Johnson was the source for an appalling Thanos claims that he made on Fox News. The conspiracy theory was later asserted as fact by President Trump. With him citing Fox News and Apollo tonto, the British intelligence agency and question GCHQ responded stating that the claims were, quote, nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored. Fox News later disavowed the statement by an Apollo Itano. And since then, Trump has had to apologize to British intelligence.
Jordan (01:30:45.000)
Did he actually apologize because he did. He did. He did not. Well, Spicer did. Exactly right. Because of that, because the other No, it doesn't, because here's the other thing, the reports are that Trump had to have Spicer do that, but it has basically said to his staff, we want to keep pushing that narrative. We just don't want it to be official. Right? Right. It's, it's Trump still wants that to be the thing that people talk about, rather than the fact that he's made up bullshit. And he's using it as an as a distraction from the fact that he's full of shit, right? Well, let's when he's doing shit,
Dan (01:31:21.000)
let's not get distracted from Larry Johnson, because I'm sorry, that could just be a mistake. That could just be a thing where he's like, ah, you know, I got it. I got the shit wrong.
Jordan (01:31:30.000)
All right, fine. Trump would never ever, ever say that.
Dan (01:31:33.000)
According to The New York Times, Johnson is quote, best known for spreading a hoax in 2008 that Michelle Obama had been videotaped using a slur against Caucasians. In 2008, Johnson emerged as a strong critic of Barack Obama. His blog no quarter USA often criticized Obama's qualifications to be president. On May 16 2008. Johnson posted an item and titled will Barak Throw Momma From The Train, which alleged that a tape existed of Michelle Obama rallying against YT that Jeremiah Wright's church, Johnson claimed that Republicans were in possession of the tape, and, quote, it's being held to fall or it's being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time. In a subsequent post, Johnson claimed that Obama's appearance had occurred when she was on a panel with Louis Farrakhan. He also explained that he himself had not seen the tape but had spoken with quote five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape
Jordan (01:32:26.000)
so we're on what third third layer third layer this is a
Dan (01:32:31.000)
bad car.
Jordan (01:32:32.000)
This is a bad seizes real bad work. You should not if you're CIA operative, you should have firsthand sources. Yeah, hopefully
Dan (01:32:40.000)
the Obama campaign's fight the smears website denied the rumor saying no such tape exists. Michelle Obama has not spoken from the pulpit at Trinity and has never used that word. Which word YT YT Yeah,
Jordan (01:32:52.000)
she's used that word fuck I use that word every I was just thinking about what racial slurs you can what cracker maybe punky be goofing around YT. Dude, I would call Oh man, I would love I would love Michelle even more. If she went on TV. It was like, I am sick of all these Honkies talking shit about Barack. I would love her for that.
Dan (01:33:13.000)
I'm a man who's saying I would love her for that. Would you like a coda to the story? Yes, please. No tape was ever released nor has any other evidence emerged. Michelle Obama using the word YT. On October 21 2008. Johnson said that according to one of his sources, the McCain campaign intervened and requested the tape not be used. That
Jordan (01:33:32.000)
is convenient. That is convenient stuff. Yeah, sure. It really it really would have torpedo them if that had gotten out. That's bad. That is bad. That's some big that's a big league line right there.
Dan (01:33:44.000)
This one's worse. Oh, in 2013 Larry Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of war crimes and Vietnam. Oh, no,
Jordan (01:33:51.000)
he's that fucker.
Dan (01:33:53.000)
He's one of the Swift Boat People
Jordan (01:33:54.000)
fuck him
Dan (01:33:56.000)
alleging that Kerry had quote, raped some poor Vietnamese woman. To support his claim. Johnson used a YouTube video that contains audio clips from a 1971 debate on The Dick Cavett Show between John Kerry and John O'Neill. The original interview audio was altered to piece together words that Carrie spoke at different times during the whole fucking way, mostly making it sound as if he said, quote, I personally raped for pleasure. What when the falsehood was exposed by a reader of Johnson's blog Johnson deleted the article without apology.
Jordan (01:34:28.000)
Fuck you.
Dan (01:34:30.000)
What a dick. That
Jordan (01:34:31.000)
is such bullshit.
Dan (01:34:33.000)
These are the kind of hosts that Alex likes to have on the show God dammit when you talk about fake news that's what it is.
Jordan (01:34:40.000)
Yeah. Cutting and Pasting words to make a sentence now
Dan (01:34:44.000)
to be fair, he didn't we can't prove or even do I think that he did the cutting and pasting but he fell for this obvious hoax video. Yeah. Now he did clearly make up the stuff about Michelle Obama absolute but the damage is way worse. For the stuff he said. John Kerry Yeah. Like that to, like literally accuse someone of war crimes and raping Vietnamese women for pleasure. That's that's abomination.
Jordan (01:35:09.000)
It is perhaps the worst act of defamation one person can commit.
Dan (01:35:16.000)
Absolutely. Yeah. And it should preclude you from ever being allowed to be a guest on people's shows you make when you make prognosticating statements, but no, Alex has one for a fucking hour.
Jordan (01:35:25.000)
Great. Yeah, I'm sure he's got wonderful things that we love to hear.
Dan (01:35:29.000)
Yeah, we don't. We don't need to hear it. It's all stupid. Anyway, this. Alex goes on from there to say some more things about Kim Jong moon.
Alex Jones (01:35:36.000)
Look at Kim Jong Un in that photo. Look at him. The arrogance, the fake confidence. What is it about wimps that sit there and look at the brainwash slaves behind him? He didn't really think he's a rock star. It's like folks think movie stars are cool.
Jordan (01:35:50.000)
Folks, do you think movie stars are cool to north to they are forced the North? Yeah, they are forced to if you don't you go to a labor camp. Yeah. Do you want to go to a labor camp? I don't then if Kim Jong Hoon walks by, you'd best think he's a rockstar,
Dan (01:36:11.000)
right? I don't like the idea that he's making the argument first of all that people are choosing to do this. And then second that it is the only possible outcome of socialism or communism. Yeah, that's bizarre. But be that as it may he, he very very inappropriately weaves it into our American politics system.
Alex Jones (01:36:31.000)
Just because they're in movies. He loves movies music, that's great. But you know, just just just worship for no reason. Look at the cult like crying like Democrats. When they found out Hillary lost. Just look at how they worshipped Hillary another slug.
Jordan (01:36:43.000)
I don't think that's why we were super this is
Alex Jones (01:36:45.000)
this is slavery. This is pathetic. This is mindlessness. You don't find any birds, any lizards, anything in North Korea. Everything's been eaten.
Jordan (01:36:53.000)
Whoa, everything's been eaten in North Korea. It's again back to that whole no wildlife at all.
Dan (01:37:01.000)
It's again back to that. Like
Jordan (01:37:02.000)
it's a barren, nightmarish. hellscape with no food. It's like the book the road,
Dan (01:37:08.000)
every communist country that he references. It's like every pet has been eaten and shit like that. We referenced this on a past episode, he was talking about how in Venezuela, everyone's eaten all the zoo animals. I did some research into that actually, after we recorded that episode. Yeah, what the fuck is the truth on that? I should have done it before we
Jordan (01:37:26.000)
recorded but the reality is like, like you don't do enough research.
Dan (01:37:29.000)
I do too much. But the reality is that there's one city where they had repeated break ins and they're just people who are eating the animals there. It wasn't like a widespread everywhere around the country. Everyone's eating the animals. It was just clearly one group in the city kept breaking in and like stealing a pig. Or they'd steal a horse. Oh, that was what was going. I see. Granted, there's their situation is bad.
Jordan (01:37:55.000)
No matter no matter what happens if you say somebody broke into a zoo to eat animals. I am just imagining somebody like wily coyote with with fucking saliva dripping from their mouths going like, oh, I want to eat that elephant. The way they eat that elephant so bad
Dan (01:38:15.000)
the way this story made it sound. It sounded like they broke in. They found a horse and then they barbecued it at those. So like, I'm not entirely sure what all of the details are as Eva
Jordan (01:38:27.000)
walks by and has a camera take like
Dan (01:38:31.000)
zebra with the phones like Worldstar Worldstar what
Jordan (01:38:33.000)
kind of zoo as a horse? You know what a great point. Oh, that's that's that's me living in a first world life where? Oh fuck, where our zoos have fucking llamas, SHAN Lemmings and lemurs. I have run out of lions, gibbon. No, all of my Zoo. And we'll start with L. A gibbon
Dan (01:38:59.000)
is one of the greatest animals of all time, because it's a monkey that is capable of breaking ation
Jordan (01:39:04.000)
to the listeners, Dan is
Dan (01:39:10.000)
that's the thing where apes are able to swing from limb from limb through tree branches. monkeys aren't able to do that. It's something that only apes are able to do. But a gibbon is a monkey that is able to do it, which is really cool. That is really anyway, this has been another edition of things I remember from another new segment so we can have some fun there because this next clip is not great. This is a clip where Alex Jones explains what is going to happen in North Korea.
Jordan (01:39:40.000)
Oh no, I don't think he knows he
Dan (01:39:43.000)
is really really out of shape about that well in general, but also he's bent on
Jordan (01:39:48.000)
SO. Low blow.
Dan (01:39:52.000)
I think that my slight cold that I've got going on now is making me a little weird. If I if I'm a little off this episode, I apologize
Jordan (01:39:58.000)
if we're a little bit on the On the low blow side, if we're playing some bush league baseball here we
Dan (01:40:04.000)
slightly punchy. But this is he's just gotten done talking about how North Korea is got to be taken care of. And Rex Tillerson is fucking awesome, because he recognizes that, oh, that fucking pile of shit. And then now, I'm going to this is a bit of a longer clip, but we gotta let it play for a little while before we interrupt it, because he's going to get into a nightmarish scenario that he seems pretty cool with.
Jordan (01:40:28.000)
If Rex Tillerson was in It's a Wonderful Life. God, we would all just watch him die. Probably would be amazing. Yeah. Rex Tillerson is the banker that everybody should fucking I hate him so much. He's the worst. He's a fucking garbage human being.
Alex Jones (01:40:43.000)
Yeah, let me from a military history tell you how this will go.
Dan (01:40:48.000)
Also, Alex Jones is a military historian. Yeah, we
Nico Acosta (01:40:50.000)
knew that. It kicks
Alex Jones (01:40:51.000)
off in three different ways. And they're each really drawn out. Let me just try to crystallize them as best I can. They start loading what appears to be an atomic payload. They've got sensors in space that can scan and tell them they start loading a radioactive payload onto one of those missiles and the phone calls and we've got a President Trump who's got the media and by attacking him constantly about you know, he wasn't spied on or was made up crapper. You know, he's not getting the economy going always there lies or whatever. He didn't release his tax returns. While we're busy dealing with that, and our sell out globalist leftist that have sold us out to Congress, China, you're gonna defeat this country. Trump could get the call today, tomorrow next month, whenever she skipped his break is too important. And they could say Mr. President, we got scans, they're loading, they're gonna go nuclear, six missiles, six medium range. Rockets, were the atomic payloads they reportedly could have hydrogen bombs. Now maybe it's a maybe it's a he doesn't
Jordan (01:41:59.000)
know the difference. Hydrogen bomb doesn't know the difference. And glue
Alex Jones (01:42:06.000)
president makes the decision. They've already had the meetings and Alright, go ahead and launch. And then it'll be five minutes till the cruise missiles hit. And it'll be about 15 minutes till secondary hydrogen bombs get dropped on them. And they're going to hit the entire line. between South and North Korea where they've got those 100,000 artillery pieces and where they've got their troops. The word has North Korea's only got about 10 nukes. And so the entire front of North Korea is going to probably get hit with depending on the size of the bombs or nuclear weapons they use. It could be hundreds of nuclear weapons will be used small nuclear weapons to wipe out the tunnels the basis for neutralize it and then have troops pour across, they're gonna hit them with larger weapons. That's how it escalates. And then they'll start dropping the 500 megaton bombs on it'll show the whole country. And so right now there's over 1000 nuclear weapons just on a group of ships pointed at North Korea. Of course, you know, where the rest are really pointed. Right now, most of the missiles aren't aimed at Russia. They've been swung around for years to China, the chimey. Right at China, right? You name it. And I'm not saying any secrets here. I've reverse engineered it. Plus, I have all the sources over the years.
Dan (01:43:26.000)
That again, is him saying I'm just making this up the point of this,
Jordan (01:43:30.000)
I reverse engineer this because maybe a bad thing could happen. Never distract the president by pointing out he's a liar. Well, don't ever do it. He would be distracted because you guys are all talking about how he's lying about this. He didn't release his tax returns. Or he raped that girl or he watched all those underage girls change or he's a rapist or he's a rapist. How many times as you write people he's a rapist. I know he's moved like a bitch don't point out that shit because what if North Korea does a thing? Well, North Korea is always doing a thing and Korea is I swear to God I will I this is going to be
Dan (01:44:12.000)
I'm not saying they're not a threat but I do I do think that this first of all this fantasy this Jay slash Oh fantasies. Yeah. Like it's it's very scary. And I don't think anyone wants this outcome. It really sounds like he does.
Jordan (01:44:25.000)
He he wants because but if if something that big happens. That's another notch in his belt of See I told you so. Sure. Like anytime a thing like that
Dan (01:44:35.000)
compared to the 50,000 Yeah, exactly. Until you so yeah,
Jordan (01:44:39.000)
but But again, I still think and this is going to be the thing like 20 years from now and we all have webbed feet and hands. People are gonna be like Jordan was an idiot for saying this. But I still don't think North Korea is an actual threat to anybody. I think they're silly. And I think without without China Providing them food and shit. They're debt.
Dan (01:45:03.000)
But that's why China. Yeah, that
Jordan (01:45:06.000)
doesn't make any goddamn All right. All right,
Dan (01:45:08.000)
Alex actually has more white wine. Wait, it's Wait, wait for Alex, everybody
Jordan (01:45:12.000)
dies. Have they not seen the movie wargames?
Dan (01:45:16.000)
I think Alex is totally fine with that. Okay, that's a good point.
Alex Jones (01:45:19.000)
In 1979, they had over 100
Caller 1 (23) (01:45:24.000)
Alex Jones (01:45:26.000)
they did manually orbiting the Earth. With D you Shaco rounds are basically Meteor guns. Now they're not atomic. They're not nuclear. They're not hydrogen bombs or atomic bombs. They gun our shame O's of a classified nature that will go into orbit at 15,000 miles an hour with a rocket booster and accelerate to up to 40,000 miles an hour, when they hit their target. You can attend miles under a mountain you're dead. No Holds deep enough. And again, you gotta meander a mountain because that's cool. You go a mile under that sea level, it's 100 degrees. You're under a mountain, you're not safe, nobody shaved. And that is 1979. That's the curiosity of the United States ladies and gentlemen. And that's what they've got it. They've got advanced stuff up there. Huge weapons platforms, Japanese amateur astronomers are always showing them. They're just basically big floating bases. Now like those tinker toys, they put up International Space Station. They've got military bases that are basically big, big platforms with Particle Beams. Like in the movie theaters, tiny pebble projectors that also the Avengers basically shoot hundreds of 1000s of babies. Every few seconds out in space. They don't slow down. Missiles WonderCon how that works BB guns up there. That's what they are. They're BB guns. Basically.
Dan (01:46:46.000)
He's describing like Star Wars technology. Yeah,
Jordan (01:46:48.000)
that's none of that makes any sense that was or would even be possible in 1979.
Dan (01:46:53.000)
It's all Reagan's wet dream.
Jordan (01:46:55.000)
It's like yeah, no, that's all made up. Remember, whenever we found out that was all made up because it's impossible.
Dan (01:47:00.000)
He spent billions of dollars not right. Yeah,
Jordan (01:47:03.000)
yeah. Hey, wouldn't it be great if we had a space age gun that was in space that could fire bullets? Yeah, but it would be traveling very, very fast. And it'd be hard to target anything. There's nothing to no guns in space. Got this
Dan (01:47:15.000)
nice. Anchor things in space. Exactly.
Jordan (01:47:19.000)
Now just have a shoot at this place. That's sir. Okay. Well, one, let's say let's start with the theory of relativity. All right, it's going to be sent at the different distance at the different speed and traveling at a different rate of time than the other shit if you think you're actually going to hit anything with any accuracy it from a made up gun in space in 1979 You're fucking ridiculous.
Dan (01:47:50.000)
Even now. It's it's dubious.
Jordan (01:47:52.000)
It's still not possible. But
Dan (01:47:54.000)
in 79 especially.
Jordan (01:47:56.000)
Yeah, no stupid we got we got stupid dumb, dumb, stupid, we
Dan (01:48:00.000)
got to get through the rest of this where Alex goes on to sort of threaten the Chinese great, great, glad glad to know he's
Alex Jones (01:48:06.000)
there. Just imagine hundreds of BB guns aiming at the missiles that are gonna come out of Russia come out of China. And so they're going to take those said Russian fighter cruise missiles in. And of course, here's the newsflash, I'm just gonna go and tell you because I've studied it if North Korea moves China has already been given the call that if you move anything or anything looks like it's warming up on a pad or any submarines pop up in the Pacific Ocean in the Gulf of Mexico are in the Atlantic Ocean, we're gonna have total commitment at that point, space based weapons are gonna kill your entire city centers population, there we go.
Dan (01:48:47.000)
He's describing essentially the worst tragedy that could ever befall the world.
Jordan (01:48:50.000)
He's describing 1/7 of the population dying tomorrow
Dan (01:48:56.000)
he's describing an insane war crime so
Jordan (01:48:59.000)
so what he's saying is that if North Korea does anything all of China a billion people will die all the city centers all of them all of them dead indiscriminately civilians children he actually women he goes in Hold on let him rich people poor people
Jordan (01:49:21.000)
let everyone let the man speak his piece. I'm sorry.
Alex Jones (01:49:24.000)
Not gonna play games in China. They're gonna kill everybody. Okay, good. So just understand that China the Communist leaders make jokes about how Oh yeah, too many people go head to head you're gonna get hit like you want a military target. Every setting bad jewelry factory you're gonna have 10,000 weapons dropped on you. And by the way, it's gonna be a nuclear winter. But I mean, look left this one a worship China. They want to worship North Korea. They want to worship Venezuela. No doubt, no want nuclear war, they're going to get it. No, we don't. Because here's why. We're not gonna sit here while you launch missiles first, and you catch us with your pants down because you're a bunch of crazy Tommy's understand, know that Curtis was China and Russia a long time ago and got vetoed on it. And he'd be like Bertrand Russell's a big liberals calling for a one on one role government, those plans got killed as they were immoral. We're dealing with people that are running around taking over land threatening to attack cash, and saying they're going to nuke us and China's behind it, because they're a bunch of belligerent, crazy commie ish.
Jordan (01:50:22.000)
So we got to kill everybody in one way and go, that makes sense.
Dan (01:50:26.000)
So that was one of the three scenarios that he sees playing out. I think you're right,
Jordan (01:50:30.000)
total, total human distraction. The end of all human life is one of the scenarios he's playing out.
Dan (01:50:36.000)
And that's the one he spent certainly the most time talking about. And he certainly seems to be thrilled about that.
Jordan (01:50:42.000)
But by the way, you should also buy these survival packs, sure get those ways will the you know what, get underneath your desk, get these survival packs, you will make it through a nuclear winter just fine.
Dan (01:50:55.000)
He's got all the freeze dried food you could possibly need. And also now he started selling gun holes.
Jordan (01:51:00.000)
And you know what, you're not going to be very horny what with the destruction of all human beings fair enough, you know what you're going to need to get it up and repopulate the human race. What's Super Male Vitality, the mood and I hope you don't want osteoporosis to set in, do you know how you stop that bone pills, bone? You bought clones, alright, here's
Dan (01:51:23.000)
the other scenarios,
Alex Jones (01:51:25.000)
basically, who's under Chinese control, could actually fold and announced a deal to work with the south by East Germany did emerge with it. And that horrible family dynasty can be removed. And those entire sickening groups of oppressive generals could all be told they can leave to absentia wherever they like, and take your stolen loot. So there's gonna be a nuclear war. So let them leave, and then send international aid and stabilize the country of those poor victims. China can back off now. Yes, those are things that we would kill recuse itself from what it's been doing. And understand that you might be able to find out the South China Sea, you're not going to get to start a nuclear war and not get hit first show. United States is massively more advanced than China, and Chinese to understand that traders inside our government gave you next. No, that shows how crazy this whole thing is. And I know that China has been testing anti satellite weapons and particle beams and missiles, they've already blown up summer satellites. So I understand China's got some of its own weapons, and they got some smart people. It's just understand this, that China has no idea what's gonna get rolled out against you, or how huge the secret space program is, and all the stuff that's been going on for a long time. So just look, the United States and Europe basically invented everything. Not true. Not true. Everybody over there needs understand globalist may have captured Europe, they may have made a deal with China. It's
Dan (01:52:49.000)
it's so
Jordan (01:52:49.000)
frustrated kind of jerk off fantasy is that have you ever left disgusting I've ever looked into a man saying, how do you how do you even say, we're not going to let you start a nuclear war? Because we're going to strike first. That's you saying? We're going to start a nuclear war?
Dan (01:53:09.000)
Well, these poor victims again, oh, all those horrific language of people who could be helped by humanitarian aid. But you know, if things go wrong, we're gonna kill all of all of them. It's not okay. No, none of that is okay. None of it even makes any sense. His even his foreign policy would get all of us murdered immediately, even if we agreed that the Chinese government was our enemy, even if we agreed with that, which we don't. The idea of killing all of their people is disgusting.
Jordan (01:53:41.000)
It's, it's, you know what, here's,
Dan (01:53:43.000)
here's why I needed to play that clip through because it's not. We're not taking that out of context. He's not. He's not saying no, he's not saying something that
Jordan (01:53:52.000)
like, he's openly advocating the murder of billions of people
Dan (01:53:57.000)
not advocating but just saying that this is the most likely scenario and we're justified in doing it. And we're not we're absolutely not. No,
Jordan (01:54:03.000)
it's horrifying. It is. It is. A it is something of a teachable situation now for the American people to go, like, you shouldn't attack us because our President and our government is fucking insane. Yeah, we're people. Do you know how we've treated so many other countries? Because their government is insane. We're like, oh, well, that's fine. If we kill their people, their people are the enemy. Yeah. And it's not hopefully, the other if we if we get attacked for Trump, we're all gonna rightfully be like, No, dude, we did everything. Oh, I don't want that. Oh, I get it. Oh, you know what? It's exactly like that. It's exactly like fucking Red Dawn, like the whole point is looking at the point of view of somebody being invaded. Wouldn't you be on their side? Isn't it all about you being like, sure. These fuckers invading us are bad, right? Yeah. So think about thought that for two seconds, maybe when you're invading somebody Yeah, you're the bad guy. You consider that maybe you're the bad guy think about that as possible America is the bad guy now oh, we were the bad guy a while back but we could pretend that now we are 100% the bad guy
Dan (01:55:17.000)
are great. Also Jordan, have you ever looked into the secret space program that
Jordan (01:55:21.000)
Alex is talking about? I have not looked into the secret space I highly recommend because the budget is not there for even a regular space Pro.
Dan (01:55:30.000)
I would love for us to if people donate to the show and shit I would love for us to do like some bonus episodes about like Project Camelot
Jordan (01:55:37.000)
Project Camelot ever heard of them? Of course not. They have a huge I've heard of regular Camelot. There's this lady King Arthur Lancelot. Galahad. Glenna vere, the whole shebang,
Dan (01:55:49.000)
there's this lady who does like interviews with people who claim to have been a contact with aliens and shit like that. And she's interviewed a number of people, I can't remember anyone's name except for this guy named Andrew Basiago.
Jordan (01:56:02.000)
Because that's the name you remember, he
Dan (01:56:03.000)
sticks out in my head because it's a fun name, but then also a name because he claims that when he was younger, he was in the secret program that involves time travel, and stargates. And when he was younger, he time traveled with Barack Obama. There's all
Jordan (01:56:17.000)
the power to meet this man. He also claimed to meet this man, I want to marry him out to discover his secrets. And then I'll find out that it's a lot like that movie where that lady married a time traveler,
Dan (01:56:27.000)
the wife, he also claims that he has like, he's like a half dolphin warrior, which I don't exactly know what that means. And you can't disprove again,
Jordan (01:56:36.000)
you can't disprove that. Like, I know him to be some kind of new genetic test for that.
Dan (01:56:41.000)
I know that Alex thinks he has better sources. But he doesn't he does not. These are the people who have come forward and say like I was part of this secret space program. We have time travel technology. If you listen to this project, Camelot they interview these people for like two hours, Jesus and because they are so what's the word? On board? It's just they tell these bizarre, obviously not true stories. No, it there's no grilling.
Jordan (01:57:09.000)
Does it seem like they believe the stories?
Dan (01:57:12.000)
Sometimes? Yeah, I think yeah, I think Andrew Basiago believes the stories he's telling
Jordan (01:57:17.000)
and you know, that's that's something like, what's, what's the edge between you need help? And you actually time traveled with Barack Obama?
Dan (01:57:28.000)
Well, the edges that didn't happen, okay, that's the edge. All right, the needing help thing. I want to be supportive. If people didn't believe based on these people, these clearly insane people's word. There was a secret space program that involved colonies in space, and time travel and shit like that. Right? If people didn't believe them, then they wouldn't need help. They were just sitting alone in their house and they believed those things. They just had like this fun fantasy that they were living. Yeah, that's fine. Maybe it's not the most gratifying existence, but you do
Jordan (01:57:59.000)
the difference problem winding up in a mental institution and not is having a syndicated radio show
Dan (01:58:07.000)
or being allowed on a slightly popular alien based YouTube channel. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, this, this episode goes on. We have another long clip coming up. But in the meantime, we have a couple of short clips, insulting Angela Merkel.
Alex Jones (01:58:22.000)
Let's get back to the really important news here is just the German trader that opened him up to the whole un plan to colonize Europe with Muslims and now Turkey says we're in a holy war. We have a group that will burn down everything inside your cities if you don't submit and Merkel's literally saying yes, she admit to Turkey she's allied with the Muslims fogs What a pathetic scumbag Nope.
Jordan (01:58:41.000)
None of that's true. Not true. Merkel is very much not that.
Dan (01:58:45.000)
Here's another clip.
Alex Jones (01:58:47.000)
The Global's trying to believe Russia into giving up sovereignty, not happening on stage not happening, because we have President Trump.
Dan (01:58:53.000)
That might be an unfortunate sentence and he linking Russia sovereignty and American sovereignty to Trump.
Jordan (01:59:00.000)
very revealing.
Alex Jones (01:59:04.000)
Here it is a press conference ongoing. Trump doesn't shake hands with Merkel during photo op. They get ready to have their press conference that's up on drudge and as well as our backup site. Prison President Trump did not extend his hand to shake German Chancellor Merkel's Friday Oval Office, but a lot of courtesy usually extends to foreign leaders. There's no one else well, she is literally an Islamist agent. So I mean, he really shouldn't do that. Right.
Dan (01:59:29.000)
Literally is a tough word there.
Jordan (01:59:34.000)
What a prick.
Dan (01:59:35.000)
What a prick.
Jordan (01:59:36.000)
That's unbelievable. Yep. unfuckin fathomable Yep. Also, boy I don't know of I don't know if Merkel's face. I don't know if there's anything more indicative of how we view Trump than Merkel's face. That
Dan (01:59:51.000)
video is so
Jordan (01:59:54.000)
uncomfortable when he's when he said not just not just the one where they didn't shake hands and Trump looked like a fucking four year old yeah crying like a little bitch
Dan (02:00:03.000)
the fucking press and Merkel both being like do you want to have a Hampshire? Yeah,
Jordan (02:00:06.000)
and him just being like I'm I'm now I'm doing fucking Alex Jones know him being Trump in that Trump is a giant pussy and and but but the face that she made there those pictures you see of the face she made once Trump said you were wiretapped by Obama, I guess that's something we have in common when she turns and looks at him with that face of pure rage and hatred of like, even I know you're a fucking liar about that I don't even need and you're lying. And I'm here standing next to you giving you some sort of platform for continue lying about
Dan (02:00:45.000)
forced because of the office to stay in Exactly. Which is he could do such irreparable damage to our stand.
Jordan (02:00:53.000)
He's already done irreparable damage, but hopefully like if we can get him, not him, not him. We have we have most of us voted for that. fuckface. And that's No, that's true. Good point. A very, not even a plurality voted for that. fuckface. So and because of the weird rules of our fucking dumb country, now we have him and we're done. We're done. We're done.
Dan (02:01:18.000)
We have one extremely long clip, we've got to get to Okay, I'll
Jordan (02:01:21.000)
try not to shout at everybody through it. But
Dan (02:01:23.000)
before we do that, I have to skip one of these clips. It's about how a laptop was stolen from a Secret Service car. I remember that that included the blueprints and escape plans for the Trump Tower. Alex pretends that this is Obama's doing, of course, and that it's Obama's people. It's a false flag. He's like, I gotta go inside job on this one. That's a great quote for you. I looked into it. And it turns out that every secret service computer is deeply encrypted. So no one could get any information off of it. And, and every laptop that is owned by the Secret Service, every device that is owned by the Secret Service can be wiped remotely. Oh, so if it is something that is in hands that they can't get back, they've already wiped it. That's
Jordan (02:02:07.000)
really smart. Yeah.
Dan (02:02:08.000)
It's almost like they're the Secret Service. It's
Jordan (02:02:10.000)
almost like they have a half an idea what they're doing.
Dan (02:02:12.000)
They have contingency plans. Yeah. So that's a non story. Good. Whoever stole it doesn't have the blueprints to Trump Tower. Because it was on the computer know what
Jordan (02:02:22.000)
I like about that. That is both competent, and not aggressive. I like it when those two things go together.
Dan (02:02:27.000)
Yeah, defense is a strong offense. Now this, why don't you stare at me?
Jordan (02:02:33.000)
You don't know. I didn't know what to say back to that.
Dan (02:02:35.000)
So now this clip is just fun. We already know the conclusion of it. But it is just illustrating again, how biased Alex is about Trump. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:02:45.000)
I worry about Trump so much. It was almost like gooey. He did something wrong. He's not perfect. I won't feel as bad if something happens because he was halfway supporting the Paul Ryan plan, which he is now falling apart. And Rand Paul's is one of the top that's great. I mean, it's just crazy how good he knows. And then to see the lies. It hurts me. Oh, and I'm not actually glad you know, he's done some things that are perfect. It's just like almost, you're expecting something bad. You're expecting like him to compromise or something. He just doesn't do it,
Jordan (02:03:14.000)
or for him to be a rapist.
Alex Jones (02:03:17.000)
And that doesn't shake Merkel's hand. That's even better.
Dan (02:03:19.000)
Yikes. Well, boy, yeah. Probably you expect him to compromise when he doesn't do it? That's awesome. No, we do expect him to compromise. That's kind of the game 100% We expect them to a big part of the game. 100% I personally expect my leader to recognize that we live within a world
Jordan (02:03:37.000)
do you mean a world with differing opinions and background and
Dan (02:03:40.000)
that we don't have control of other cultural ideas? And yes, 100% Yeah, that
Jordan (02:03:44.000)
whole thing. I think there's a and that we have to find a way to live together.
Dan (02:03:48.000)
There are cultural compromises that need to be made. And that's what tolerance is really about this points would made 1000 fucking times. But tolerance isn't for things that you're okay with tolerance is for things that you tolerate. So like, whenever whenever you talk about tolerating North Korea, generally like I'm against Kim Jong in now, and Ill before, right, but I'm fine. It's all the Kim junks. I'm fine tolerating it as a situation.
Jordan (02:04:13.000)
I'm only halfway okay with Ken Jong. And that's not even just just because it's close.
Dan (02:04:19.000)
Yeah, yeah. But like, that's what tolerating tolerating it Yeah. Is that like, I'm against this thing? I accept it as a place in the world. We are not able to really solve the situation without the nuclear war that Alex described earlier. And that would be a much on the preferred option. Right? So we tolerate the situation as it is now, until such a time a better opportunity arises for us to fix things or tolerances but that's what compromises about mind
Jordan (02:04:47.000)
bogglingly complicated situation like like people mad at the Iran deal the nuclear Iran deal where
Dan (02:04:55.000)
we gave them money. Yeah, and it's their money.
Jordan (02:04:59.000)
It makes, it makes so much sense. It's such a perfect encapsulation of here's the bad thing. Here's another bad thing. Here's another bad thing. Here's a good thing. We can't do that when either we're trying not to do all the bad things, here's what we're going to do the best possible thing that we can to get the best possible outcome that we know of, yeah, like all of the times that like, the thing about those outcomes that should be way more amazing to people than is is regularly thought about is how the law of unintended consequences is not bad. In those situations, like should he the Iran deal, right? The unintended consequences of that deal, are really negligible, right? Like, there's the fear from us on the or the fear from the right in the United States of like, rah, rah rah rah rah, whatever it is. nukes. Yeah, they're barking in nonsense. They're gonna destroy Israel. And then there's the fear of the hard right and Iran, which is full on like, holy war by better they're coming to kill us, but, but overall, it's just everybody on the most part has been like, Oh, this is probably good. This is probably okay. And nobody's gone crazy. Well, from if you go too far in either direction, in that deal. Everybody's fucked.
Dan (02:06:20.000)
Each side legitimately gets what their primary goal is. Yeah, we get Iran. You can't have nukes. Right? We got that with this deal. Yep. They wanted their the ability to create sustainable and powerful energy sources. Yep. And they wanted their money that we stole from them back. And they got those things.
Jordan (02:06:41.000)
Yeah. So it's so so it's kind of like it's kind of like a prisoner's dilemma situation. It doesn't it doesn't solve everything, or an articulated prisoner's dilemma is probably the better way,
Dan (02:06:51.000)
if you want to look at it through the prism of game theory. Like maybe that's a negative one outcome. Right?
Jordan (02:06:57.000)
I would say that's probably a instead of a, I would say that's a plus one plus one outcome.
Dan (02:07:03.000)
I listen. Yeah, here's the argument I want to make. Okay, I think it's possible it's a negative one negative one outcome, if you look at it through the prism of people who, like the Iranians who want nukes, this is a negative one outcome for that, well, that's a negative 1000 outcome for them, but but just hear me out, I'm hearing you from our end to the people who want to go to war with them and don't want them to have any capability. This is a negative one outcome for them, right? Or they just want us to impose our will on them to not have nukes, right? That's still a negative one outcome for them right? Now, the reality is one of the other outcomes is out and out. War, right. And that's a negative 20 outcome for both of us. So a negative one outcome is sapper prep.
Jordan (02:07:47.000)
If we're playing d&d, that is a critical failure,
Dan (02:07:52.000)
but it's a super preferable scenario. People don't realize that sometimes a slight loss is a huge win when we talk about this North Korea, slight loss, but it appears to be as what I'm saying to that you have that negative one connotation to it. And it's the same thing with putting up with North Korea. And it sucks that the people there are living in the terrible conditions. They are right it we should never turn a blind eye to that. We should never make that okay. But the outcome of us fighting with them is way worse. Yeah, it is way, way worse. Because Kim Jong Hoon Kim Jong Il was well before he died, had no compunction about the idea of killing his own civilians. Nope. So
Jordan (02:08:32.000)
they mean well, we're not even fucking dealing with Syria. We're part of the problem in Syria. Absolutely. I mean, you look at Oscar Yeah, you look at fucking Eritrea, which is got the same basic political situation as North Korea but because they're not
Dan (02:08:46.000)
such a preferable pronunciation to Eritrea.
Jordan (02:08:50.000)
Because they're not fucking nuclear capable. Or at least they're not protected by China. Nobody fucking gives a shit. Like we can't do all the stuff. Yeah. And what we focus our energy on which that we're in the weeds. Everybody's trying their best except for people who work for and with Trump. It seems like they're doing everything possible to screw everybody.
Dan (02:09:13.000)
Yep. Let's get out of the weeds. Okay,
Jordan (02:09:16.000)
we got to get to this last Dude, we got to stop being policy walks are such
Dan (02:09:19.000)
walks. This last clip is long as shit. Okay, but it's worth it because fucking strap in. This to me is a roller coaster ride that I could. I was at one point says that he could teach a college course about what's going on. I guarantee I could teach a college course about this clip. Okay,
Jordan (02:09:42.000)
actually, I couldn't. Are we gonna how I couldn't,
Dan (02:09:45.000)
but I can sum it up in one sentence.
Jordan (02:09:48.000)
Okay. How many interruptions do I get?
Dan (02:09:50.000)
You want to you want to put them on the board? I think we
Jordan (02:09:53.000)
should put them on the board that way. That way in the back of my mind. I'm like, is this worth three? I get three. Yeah, I knew you were gonna go with it. Restrikes
Dan (02:10:00.000)
go for just because I don't like baseball. That's boring. All right. Anyway, this clip starts with Alex still mad about Alec Baldwin. Guard. And again, this is a wonderful
Jordan (02:10:14.000)
letter of delight. Yeah.
Dan (02:10:18.000)
So he's still mad about that. And he's complaining then he gets interrupted by one of his producers and chaos
Jordan (02:10:25.000)
and, you know, he gets interrupted. Yeah. And does this the whole place burns down.
Dan (02:10:30.000)
It's it's a madhouse, okay. It's great. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:10:35.000)
They're just all over the news and newspaper comments sections going? Why does Alex Jones think blacks aren't humans? Why does Alex Jones think that whites are superior? Because Alec Baldwin, to more than 10 million viewers? That's what the ratings are out. That's a big audience.
Dan (02:10:50.000)
By the way, when he was last complaining about Saturday Night Live, he was like they have a million viewers. Now it's because he wants to play the victim hard. Of course. 10 million people saw him slander me.
Jordan (02:11:00.000)
Yeah, well, whenever it's whenever it's no big deal. It's Oh, it's only a million people saw him whenever I'm the victim. 10 million people think this. Yeah, that doesn't count for
Dan (02:11:09.000)
one of your interruptions,
Jordan (02:11:10.000)
I know,
Alex Jones (02:11:12.000)
told a bunch of suggestible dumb people. That I told Donald Trump that blacks aren't human. That was Alec Baldwin. That was not the president. And I did not say that. We all know. I know our audience because God tell us something we don't know. Alex, is that a joke? No, people believe it. That's why I'm angry at Alec Baldwin. I wouldn't read something like that. I wouldn't get up on air. If they paid me all that money and say lies about Alec Baldwin. I would not say Alec Baldwin is a serial rapist. He
Dan (02:11:52.000)
just comes up with his own lies. Yeah, he's he's very clearly I think I might have cut right at the wrong time.
Jordan (02:11:57.000)
He doesn't need help on that one.
Dan (02:11:59.000)
Hold on. wasn't true.
Nico Acosta (02:12:01.000)
Hey, Alex, this is Nico popping in on air. We were just given a clip by Kitt with a New York Times writer insinuating that we are the progenitors of the wiretapping story, and that Trump picked it up from us.
Alex Jones (02:12:14.000)
Whoa, whoa. We have the New York Times, January 20, on Inauguration when they said wiretapping the headline, and that's where Trump got that from plus he admitted, wow, next level, I just they bragged during that they brag when he was president elect that they were surveilling him in a flashback. New York Times it was wiretaps used against Trump. But on Salazar has screenshots I would scroll down. Yeah,
Dan (02:12:40.000)
this story is from the team.
Jordan (02:12:41.000)
But what what do you what do you mean? I'm confused. So so the the the producer comes on? Yeah. And he says, The New York Times is saying that Infowars is the progenitor of the the idea. Yes. So what why
Dan (02:12:57.000)
Trump tweeted all that stuff, right, which was based on a Breitbart article, right, but not necessarily that, but they were saying that Infowars pushed this stuff we're gonna get, we're gonna get to the CNN interview in question. He's gonna play it and do some of his trademark media criticism, right?
Jordan (02:13:11.000)
But but right now he's saying it's next level because the New York Times they're accusing him of fake news or because they're attributing what he knows is the truth to him.
Dan (02:13:23.000)
He's so dumb that he thinks he's being gaslit. Like he doesn't understand like earlier, this is why I wanted to make a big point of that McDonald's piece. Yeah. He didn't read the article. Of course, he just read the headline and teed off on it. He didn't know what the context was. He thought it was Obama's old guy Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs, then he just created an entirely false narrative about the story. When he started reading it on air, he realized shit, right. This is a situation where there is a headline on the march or January 19 issue of The New York Times January 19. Yeah, this goes back that far. Okay. There was breaking news
Jordan (02:14:03.000)
to them. All right. All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm getting you bogged down. So
Dan (02:14:09.000)
let's let Alex play it out and try and figure out the case and then I will come in like Hercule Poirot
Jordan (02:14:17.000)
exploded, gone with a nick and Nora, but fine. Let's do that.
Dan (02:14:20.000)
Dare you? I'm a Belgian. I don't know if I'm Belgium.
Alex Jones (02:14:25.000)
Yet. Let's put that full screen for folks in in HD. For TV viewers, radio listeners, there is wiretap data, use an Inquiry of Trump aides. And then they use these games and go Well, he's told GSG Q in England, is where the main hubs go through for the US and England. So we always use foreigners to tap Americans. And then we tap the foreigners and we share the data. That's how we get around the so called law of spying on on people that was in Congress 10 years ago. I told you 20 years ago, not just what I thought was going on behind me king of the world, if I could just magically know, they admit it.
Dan (02:14:57.000)
So at this point, he's talking about the You hear that the British spy on us and we spy on the British that quid pro quo thing we were talking about earlier, which is not true.
Jordan (02:15:05.000)
No, I think I don't think he's talking about that, in this particular instance, from what I understand what he's thinking, Oh, is that what he's talking about? Yes. Because I, I mean, he's, you know, with the Snowden revelations, they're the idea. Well, like, the NSA is not allowed to spy domestically. Yeah, what they are allowed to do is spy on foreign communicators. And because sometimes those do come domestically, they use that as like their gray area to then spy on domestic are already
Dan (02:15:33.000)
too nuanced, or what Alex is saying, Good point already too nuanced. Fair enough. The reason I paused it was I wanted to point out that he's talking about this like spying and like all that came out. I was telling you that 20 years ago, right? I didn't, I didn't cut anything. This is exactly what he says next. Okay. It's has nothing to do with what he's talking about.
Alex Jones (02:15:55.000)
They accidentally leaked in the 90s, during a debate on C span, about the smart pebble and a bunch of other terms for the super high powered small uranium rounds, they fire out, like a machine gun, it missiles you know, they're coming up into space and then preparing to go back into the atmosphere and hit their target. Well, you just sit there with those and then and they don't slow down in the atmosphere. They just accelerate out and then take out their target. You've
Dan (02:16:22.000)
he's he's got nothing to say about the actual intelligence stuff.
Jordan (02:16:26.000)
What is he talking about? Exactly.
Dan (02:16:28.000)
He's gone back to these space babies. Because he has nothing he has. He has no idea what he's talking. He was like, Oh, we got a screenshot of this article. But he doesn't know in his heart. What are in his head, what the article was actually even about, so he can't discuss it.
Jordan (02:16:44.000)
No, that's there's what what is he even talking about? He's
Dan (02:16:47.000)
just he's just desperately grabbing for whatever piece of information was fresh in his mind. Yeah, because he was talking about the North Korea stuff earlier. So now we gotta go back to space BBs. Okay, it was revealed in 1990, whatever, all this stuff, which so he
Jordan (02:17:01.000)
had like a 404 not found and hit back. And there we are, it's
Dan (02:17:05.000)
relevant to the matter at hand, right, desperately waiting for one of these dudes just talking to his ear and give him some information. Gotcha. That's 100% What's going
Alex Jones (02:17:13.000)
okay, fire a large one. It doesn't lose any of its force and can cut through miles of rock, but small ones cut through missiles and warheads. Again, that wasn't my opinion. That's a fact. Because that got leaked. And I talked to the former head of Star Wars about Dr. Bob and before he died, obviously, George, but now I'm told I guess it's on the on the New York Times and everywhere else that that we are to blame.
Dan (02:17:42.000)
At that point, someone had tucked into his ear. Yeah. He's like, Okay, I've got a couple more details to what's going on. Oh, yeah.
Alex Jones (02:17:50.000)
And that he gets it from us. And again, they act like we're the most discredited thing in the world. They lie about what we say and do. Then they connected to Trump trying to hurt him.
Dan (02:17:58.000)
Listen, we do a show where we were now over two hours talking about Alex Jones. And all of this has been lies. Yep. So I don't need I don't need to make stuff up to discredit you, Alex. You are just a liar. The all of this is lies. Every single person you have as a guest on your show.
Jordan (02:18:19.000)
I'm going back through my notes and I don't see the only thing that's true. So far. Is that I think que Blaze did release an album. Probably. We have no proof. It's digital. No, no, he is giving it out to people. He's a guy on the street given our mixtape base. That's fine. Yeah, that's fine. Good on Keyblades. So but also gotta get that hustle.
Dan (02:18:40.000)
Let's be super fair to Alex. North Korea isn't cool. North there's another thing that's true. He's so cool. He's saying these true things, but mixed in with the untrue things are that we should nuke them. Anyway, this goes
Jordan (02:18:52.000)
in with the untrue things are nuclear destruction. He says a
Dan (02:18:56.000)
bunch of other bullshit and then he gets to this clip where he gets back to you because he spends his wheels for a while while they try to like feed him the information and they go to break. And then now we're back with the legit media criticism of this CNN clip that the producer gotten as Iran was talking about and we're back. I am going to call this segment media criticism when you can't read.
Alex Jones (02:19:20.000)
The top story today is that North Korea is threatening to nuke and we're having to deal with them. It's that Trump has apologized to England no thanks just said look okay, we don't call it wiretap it's intercepts.
Jordan (02:19:37.000)
Yeah, so this is his big intercept.
Dan (02:19:40.000)
This is his big gotcha moment. Is that like, oh, that oh, it's supposed to be a different word. That's
Jordan (02:19:46.000)
right. Oh, yeah, guys, I'm sorry. I said the wrong word. Not your I'm lying. My fucking face.
Alex Jones (02:19:55.000)
Yeah. They're playing game of semantics. Everybody knows everything spied on you seen the movie Snowden, they're not denying that sheen.
Jordan (02:20:04.000)
Well, you can't deny what's
Alex Jones (02:20:06.000)
the big data dump would be more successful. It was so big. Just a week or so ago.
Dan (02:20:12.000)
We the reason it wasn't more successful is that when people poured over the vault seven stuff, there wasn't anything there. Well, I mean, it was only ideas and techniques that could be used. There was no evidence that they actually did use them. Most of the things that were the most salacious things like your TV is spying on you also included that you needed to put a USB stick into the computer in order to use it as a spy device. Right? So all this stuff
Jordan (02:20:39.000)
that would be very suspicious if you went home and you saw a USB stick TV and you're like, hold on a second. Do I have Showtime now? Is that what's going on there?
Dan (02:20:49.000)
I recognize that I'm quoting John Oliver, but I did also look it up. So I may have confirmed this right. The way to stop that is unplug your TV. Oh shit. That's the way to get around that.
Jordan (02:21:00.000)
No. So they they beat us again. So I if it won't if it weren't for you damn kids.
Dan (02:21:06.000)
Alex is so sad about this guy who he wants called Hillary's butt plug. Being his vault seven release not being effective. It's because there wasn't a lot of information in there that really mattered. No, there was no smoking gun. There was no proof that anything actually happened. There was just work arounds, right? Which is still fucked up. But it's not it's not that a lot of it was already pulled. Yeah.
Jordan (02:21:30.000)
A lot of this stuff seems like, like, it seemed like a lot of what was leaked is the same thing. If you were a comedy writer, and you were in the writers room for for like a show like John Oliver. If you leaked all of their writers notes, you'd see a bunch of shit. And you'd be like, Whoa, that's a terrible joke. You're like, that's the whole thing. Like it's a bunch of shorts. We really don't get made. Yeah, it's just a bunch of guys in a writers room throwing shit at the wall hoping for the best. Yeah,
Dan (02:22:00.000)
so anyway, Alex is really bummed out about that quarter
Alex Jones (02:22:03.000)
and a half ago, vol Chevon, 1000s and 1000s of pages of admissions of how they're sabotaging our own infrastructure by a man on Russia know, now they've got kill switches and most of the appliances cracking and listening and watching us know and how they're surveilling all this garbage.
Jordan (02:22:19.000)
When the government turns Oh, it's crazy.
Alex Jones (02:22:22.000)
No one listens to the president elect. When he was President Elect folks under law, they listened to all his calls to foreign governments. Man, it's just media hoaxing and then getting even Republican leadership on that. And they come in to the Attorney General and they go, Sir, we're compromising the entire spy grid. Where are the other DEA spider at all that we have to come out and say the President was being listened to? And sessions through the president under the bus. I love senator sessions. He's done a great job and I was really, really getting intimidated. And the only guy not get intimidated out there is Donald Trump.
Dan (02:23:00.000)
The rest of that administration you ain't a crook son. You're just a schmuck one Mobb Deep motherfucker.
Alex Jones (02:23:06.000)
Oh shouldn't intimidate me. Rajan intimidated. And believe me this is not some boys club that I want to be only a few people. country needs to grow testicles to that.
Dan (02:23:19.000)
Girl some testicles Jordan getting
Jordan (02:23:20.000)
big deer park only beard.
Alex Jones (02:23:24.000)
World looked up a few weeks ago on this latest fiasco got launched. And I pulled up the Washington Post New York Times LA Times. She depressed CNN going, Oh, Trump's been caught. We've got the intercepts, we've got the surveillance. We've got the wiretaps using the improper term. Yeah, we got the transcripts of bunch of Trump people talking to the Russians and talking about all this illegal stuff. Two months later, they don't release it. They go, we never said we had that you're insane. You have no memory that never happened. Boom, shown the New York Times again. And then Trump's people finally get it. They go, Oh, they don't call it wiretap. They haven't had that since the 80s. Yeah. It's intercepts. It's the old terms of wiretap where you go put a recorder hooked onto the copper wire that no that's not what this is.
Dan (02:24:11.000)
At this point, he's flashing up this New York Times headline, and it says wiretap data used to like in investigation of Trump aides. So even the headline has nothing to do with Trump being wiretapped. No has everything to do with specifically Carter Page, right. Paul Manafort. Yep, and Roger Stone. Those guys. Now, if you read the actual article that's attached to that headline,
Jordan (02:24:37.000)
I can't imagine why you would do that
Dan (02:24:39.000)
it very specifically lays out this as we have no indication that this has anything to do with Trump. Also, even in the article to be super fair, they say there's no indication that this has anything to do with the Trump campaign, right? They just say that these communications between these Trump surrogates had been intercepted. They don't say how it had been intercepted. probably through that face of court. Yep. Probably through interceptions of foreign actors, legitimate most likely you can't get a FISA court. What's the word I'm looking for? You can't get them to sign off on a warrant unless the person in question is suspected of being a foreign agent.
Jordan (02:25:21.000)
Well, and again that like, since since the exactly since the FISA court has been so the fact that they said that multiple warrants were denied through the FISA court should be the biggest like, oh, maybe there's nothing to this because the FISA court is a rubber stamp court, right? Like, oh, generally, like those those denials probably amount to a total of the 10. Total FISA has denied every lord. Yeah, there's so it's so impossible for the FISA court to deny something that it had to have either been something that should be hidden, or that had nothing to it.
Dan (02:26:04.000)
Right. But then to agree after two denials, that
Jordan (02:26:07.000)
also then then there's then there's definitely something there as well,
Dan (02:26:11.000)
because of the third one was just as flimsy right. And they would have been had just as easy time saying write this out of here. So the third time, obviously, there was something it is a charm. Yeah. Anyway, I can't wait for this. This is so great. I love it when Alex Jones listens to CNN clips. This is his belligerent ass. It's great
Alex Jones (02:26:32.000)
wiretap data. That's the New York Times putting that out. Let's see, they don't want us to have a show. They don't want Raj to have a platform because they don't want us to do one thing. It's called a memory is called show you the facts show you the money. That's why they hate me. And that's why we are now in enemy number. No,
Jordan (02:26:57.000)
it is not why they hate him.
Dan (02:26:58.000)
No. And it's just again, like back at that McDonald's story when he was complaining about everyone thinking He's fake news. Well, lying about a story he's talking about. This is just such juicy like, it just that's why they hate me because I have a memory for things that aren't true, right? It's like I remember all this bullshit. I said,
Jordan (02:27:18.000)
You're teasing this too much. We gotta get into this man. I gotta I gotta hear this bullshit.
Alex Jones (02:27:24.000)
Here is the known CIA officer. And one of the richest men in America.
Dan (02:27:29.000)
He's talking about Anderson Cooper is one of the clear he interned at the CIA. And Anderson Cooper is not one of the richest he actually is super rich. No shit. Yeah, his mom was one of the Vanderbilts
Jordan (02:27:39.000)
No fucking way. Yeah. Anderson Cooper is super rich. He's worth at least 100 million. Oh, then double focus Anderson Cooper. give a shit. Why is he on TV super rich fucking get a different job. Well, one thing that I think be rich on a fucking island somewhere other people need work. One thing that's admirable
Dan (02:27:57.000)
about him, I think is that he could have just done that. And instead he had a calling to do something else. So he hosted the mole which again, wasn't a good show. Not a good show. And then he got into journal where he hosted the Mole. Yeah, no, those Mark Wahlberg. He hosted the celebrity
Jordan (02:28:17.000)
All right now I'm back on this side of
Alex Jones (02:28:20.000)
the air on the largest fortunes in the world. Anderson Cooper waging war against America, the president, the nationalist movement. And myself and my family here. Yes. Yes. Heard.
Anderson Cooper (02:28:31.000)
What do you make of the White House citing your article? As part of
Alex Jones (02:28:35.000)
just backup, they teach these look of confidence and they they knew Q Score testing to look confident. Can you imagine looking at my second more of a you know what he didn't grant me just the look on that New York Times guy who's clearly an operative just look at the arrogance. And he's just because I think it's there in some agency that they've arrived and just look at I'm just I mean, I think we do that smug faces because it's kind of feminine. It's like a
Jordan (02:29:02.000)
oops, need to have a beard dig to report the news.
Dan (02:29:07.000)
Also is a feminine is gotta be CIA. Oh,
Jordan (02:29:11.000)
he's arrogant. Feminine. He doesn't even look like a real man. I wouldn't suck as
Dan (02:29:18.000)
he looks fine. I don't know. Looks like a guy looks like a person.
Alex Jones (02:29:22.000)
I'm evil Brenner and I'm playing the part of Pharaoh in the new film coming out by Cecil B. DeMille.
Dan (02:29:27.000)
He's doing this because the guy is bald. He's just launched into a you'll Brenner impression because the guy is bold. That's it. That's all that's going on here. And it goes on for quite a while. Enjoy
Alex Jones (02:29:39.000)
the biggest budget in history. It's called the 10 commandments starring Charlton Heston. I'm you'll Brenner. And whatever you do, don't smoke. I'm you'll Brenner and whatever you do, don't be a traitor to the country. Well, who is this dingdong chill let's go another arrogant. I've only got a little beard to these little little the all these weirdos that they dug up. Come on and like pansy around with Anderson Cooper, here it is.
Anderson Cooper (02:30:05.000)
Yes. Heard, what do you make of the White House citing your article as part of the evidence?
NYT Writer (02:30:11.000)
I mean, it's it's it's getting bizarre at this point. Oh, it's
Alex Jones (02:30:14.000)
getting bizarre backing up again a second peer pressure. It's
Jordan (02:30:17.000)
a second
Alex Jones (02:30:22.000)
it's getting bizarre. I mean, the President claims she was wired cap when there was literally hundreds of front page papers saying it. I mean, he's so crazy. It's all over. Your back, John.
Dan (02:30:36.000)
So again, just let's let's marinate in this. I wanted to wait until the end to really explain why Alex is full of shit. I think it might be more fun.
Jordan (02:30:45.000)
Wait, we then you then we've got a lot more podcasts to do if you want to explain why I met in this specific
Dan (02:30:52.000)
case. Okay, like this guy wrote the article in The New York Times. Yes, he's a writer, and he's going on to Anderson Cooper, like a writer would do. And the reason that he's discussing this is his position, which I happen to agree with 100%. Okay, is that he wrote this article about how there were intercepts related to Trump aides again, Manafort, Paige stone. Yep. These things. Trump has cited that article repeatedly in interviews, and in those tweets as evidence that Obama wanted to wiretap Trump Tower,
Jordan (02:31:30.000)
which did not happen. Any sense of the words 100% In any if you take the meaning of any one of those words, and then apply them, none of them are true.
Dan (02:31:40.000)
He used the fact that the New York Times use the word wiretap in their headline as evidence that that's what he was talking about. Which again, goes back to Alex not reading stories. Gotcha. He only reads the headlines or skims and has like a brief understanding why, though, so yeah, he gets so mad that he knows what's going on. But he doesn't know what the article actually says. If he read it, it would have said, this might not have anything to do with Trump himself. It might not have anything to do with the Trump campaign that's in the actual article. So hold on,
Jordan (02:32:14.000)
what kind of surreal alternate universe would like would we live in if Alex Jones actually read article
Dan (02:32:20.000)
awful Alex Jones? Oh, well, it'd be a better world,
Jordan (02:32:23.000)
it would be a better world. Yeah, we wouldn't have to do this podcast. Either that or there would just be somebody else who would take his place. Yeah, probably. There's always gonna be Have you considered that the Wheel of Time is unending? Yeah.
Dan (02:32:35.000)
We were destined to fight forever. Forever,
Jordan (02:32:39.000)
there will always be the pendulum swinging back and forth.
Dan (02:32:42.000)
Me and Alex Jones are basically like Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. That's a wrestling reference for all my nerd fans.
Jordan (02:32:48.000)
All right. All right.
Dan (02:32:49.000)
But the point is, this guy, Alex doesn't let him really speak to the point where you can get this out. But his argument is that we wrote this story. And then right wing blogs picked it up. And the President referenced it as evidence without engaging with what the story actually said. Which is the 100% truth. And it's Alex's Mo. Yeah. So he actually says Info Wars, which is what sets Alex off on a fucking tizzy. Ooh, his argument is right. This Matt Rosenberg, he is totally right. That is what happened. They wrote this article Infowars wrote an article lying about what their article said. Trump responded to that. And then now we're here.
Jordan (02:33:32.000)
So Rosenberg told the truth. Yes. And that's where he went wrong. Absolutely. Because he didn't realize there were he didn't realize the truth is bad.
Dan (02:33:42.000)
But now Now that we know the full picture, let's enjoy just marinating and Alex being so sure he's right. When if you watch the CNN clip, it is proof that he's wrong. Let's dance this dance.
NYT Writer (02:33:56.000)
It's getting bizarre at this point, because we've said it very clearly. And I said on your show, that that's not what the story said. Anybody can read the story. And see that's not what it said. It's also this.
Alex Jones (02:34:07.000)
We have the cover of the newspaper put back on screen for TV viewers. New York Times January 20, who does something and then we have the day before the day after we have it all you have the intercepts you recorded it all you recorded Trump Tower. Trump Tower you're hoping you're the viewers of CNN are the types that don't go look this up.
Dan (02:34:26.000)
No, you are
Alex Jones (02:34:30.000)
one of the show Jones is exploding shutting down shutting him up if we don't take down the lead elephant if we don't get Jones and fast. This is the top of the Democratic Party right now.
Dan (02:34:41.000)
I don't want to take you down
Jordan (02:34:42.000)
Alex we're we're the closest people who pay attention to you enough to maybe want to take you down. We don't do you know Do you know how little they want to take you down? I legitimately no one listens to our hundreds of listeners. No, that's true.
Dan (02:34:59.000)
But like we our most sincere opposition to Alex exists the Democratic Party does not give a fuck about you bro does not care
Jordan (02:35:09.000)
if they did God we will be paid so much more. Yeah Oh gee, we would be paid in the ones of dollars.
Dan (02:35:15.000)
Yeah if if Soros, Soros, Soros if George Soros gave a fuck about you, he would be paying my rent. Oh, yeah, my man. He ain't so god damn that's, that's the
Jordan (02:35:29.000)
dam paid protesters. Yeah, we are confirmed
Alex Jones (02:35:33.000)
we have moles are meeting on how to take us down right now you're gonna see probably move in the next few weeks.
Dan (02:35:38.000)
So also, I'm sorry. I paused at the wrong time he was saying that he has moles in the Democratic Party. Not celebrity moles
Jordan (02:35:52.000)
cheap shot shy, doesn't have moles. Where would you even put moles in the Democratic Party? Oh, I'm an undercover patriot. Where what? Like in the in the DNC? Yeah, I guess like you got moles. They're like, hey, hey, bro. I also like socialized medicine. Tell me about what Pelosi is thinking. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Isn't them saying? How about her? Oh, yeah. You know what? She totally doesn't believe that. Bush is still the president. How about you? What do you think?
Dan (02:36:26.000)
I'm totally fitting on his lapel he's
Jordan (02:36:30.000)
got a mic. Hey, young uns. You like marijuana, don't you?
Unknown Speaker (02:36:37.000)
Alex Jones (02:36:38.000)
because they don't know what to do. Because I will show you the New York Times. Let's get the bright nine beer sounds really matter.
Jordan (02:36:45.000)
Okay, good.
Alex Jones (02:36:46.000)
Cheers. This is it. Good. Let's let's start at the beginning. And I'm not gonna interrupt. I'm sorry. Let's go back. Aaron Cooper. And this New York Times guy sitting there trying to look like Lex Luthor.
Dan (02:36:56.000)
Do you think he interrupts
Jordan (02:36:57.000)
he's not gonna interrupt, right. Do you want to keep account or do or should I? Yeah, I
Dan (02:37:02.000)
think it's on you. Okay, ready,
Alex Jones (02:37:03.000)
acting tough. Huertas
Anderson Cooper (02:37:05.000)
has heard what do you make of the White House citing your article as part of the evidence?
NYT Writer (02:37:10.000)
I mean, it's it's it's getting bizarre at this point, because we've said it very clearly. And I said on your show, that that's not what the story he said. Anybody can read the story. And see that's not what it said. And so there's this bizarre circular thing happening where the President cites a theory that he was wired tablished I can handle it pausing
Alex Jones (02:37:29.000)
in 22 seconds,
Jordan (02:37:31.000)
ladies and gentlemen. You don't want to
Alex Jones (02:37:35.000)
read our article or Paul Watson article. I want the crew. I'll do it myself. Got a great crew. But I want to show like 3040 articles. I've already done it before with the Washington Post New York Times where they said we have intercepts, we have transcripts. We know they had Russian contacts.
Dan (02:37:49.000)
Again, he's probably just talking about misrepresenting headlines for 30 articles. And based on what we know of what he thinks the news is, it could include Breitbart, or Zero Hedge, or any of these other wingding outlets. Yeah, so yeah, go ahead, Alex. Great. You can put 30 articles together, it doesn't mean anything. None of those articles are. They don't follow journalistic standards,
Jordan (02:38:14.000)
which is the disappointment itself. The fact that he can put together 30 articles really bombs everybody. Well, I was putting together we should all be bummed out. But I was
Dan (02:38:24.000)
putting together the like, citations for the last episode. And we were talking about that. Iowa basketball team.
Jordan (02:38:31.000)
Yeah. racial slurs, racial slurs the kids, like when Michelle Obama said hunky, right, the kids
Dan (02:38:37.000)
were forced to apologize. And one of the things they were not forced to write, but that was the story. Yes. The one of the things I did was I linked to tons of conservative blogs that ran with the story. And it was like, not offensive, but it was shocking to me how many there were, there was I had to not include all of them. Yeah, because it would have been too many links. It was like, on the front page of google it was like 50 blogs, just like really these dumb kids that I'm that it's unpatriotic to wear American flag colors. It's insane.
Jordan (02:39:09.000)
Now with our knowledge of the Cambridge analytical stuff, great question. Do you think I would have the same Google search results if I searched it it's anyone's guess like you have those because you're you're searching that world? Yeah, they're trying to tell you what you think which is interesting like what so so their whole thing is that they can buy looking at like by analyzing the number of different things that you like on Facebook and on and how many searches and all that stuff Yeah, like what must they think of you with you're researching the the insanity like think they must think you're insane, right? It's just Cambridge analytical must look at you and be like, What the fuck is happening with this guy?
Dan (02:39:55.000)
A lot of a lot of pornography. Yeah, a lot of Alex Jones
Jordan (02:39:59.000)
will He says the same thing. Listen to the
Dan (02:40:01.000)
boss gags ever Levine Lana Del Rey. Right? It's very confusing. A lot of old Steely Dan. Sure. Yeah. They've got to be I'm a riddle to them.
Jordan (02:40:12.000)
Mine is just he's probably got a black thing.
Dan (02:40:16.000)
This kid is depressed. Alright, let's get through this.
Alex Jones (02:40:21.000)
There were headlines like cloakroom bug to catch Russians just last year. I mean, it was full on, they were on the news saying we need the Justice Department to investigate Trump and to surveil him as a six months ago about his Russian connections, and then they did it. And now these agencies are all covering their ass lying up the chain of command saying something that all of us heard him say 1000s of times 1000s So that's our job here at Infowars is to get the clips and I've given the listeners the listeners that you'll find these two but we need you met as we're overwhelmed here, but there's so much out it. Just search Democrats Congress call for investigation into Russia ties.
Dan (02:41:02.000)
The thing is, it gets exhausting when you're lying.
Jordan (02:41:06.000)
You know, this isn't that
Dan (02:41:07.000)
hard for me,
Jordan (02:41:08.000)
him him just him just saying that made me think like we're if Infowars was honest, like all the things that he says he's doing is basically what you do. Yeah. And I'm just here to provide color commentary. Like I'm the Phil Simms of this broadcast. Now the downsides are the one doing all the work and I don't weird spoken word poetry about
Dan (02:41:31.000)
nods. That's right. But I mean, it's you know, you can't have a play by play without color.
Jordan (02:41:38.000)
But yeah, you're you're doing the job that Alex Jones says he's doing. And weirdly enough, turns out, he's not doing that job well,
Dan (02:41:49.000)
and he has millions of dollars. I have a nine to five job.
Jordan (02:41:52.000)
That's true. I hope which kind of gives you an idea of where we are at with reality in the current political
Dan (02:42:00.000)
affairs only been doing the show for like two or three months. That's trips. It's not that like we
Jordan (02:42:05.000)
really only been that long. I'm sorry. Trump has been president for so long. I've forgotten my own name.
Dan (02:42:10.000)
We started the show before the inauguration.
Jordan (02:42:12.000)
Jesus Christ that fills that feels like 7000 years ago. No, it does. But my parents don't believe the Earth has been around as long as I feel like Trump has been President.
Dan (02:42:23.000)
Totally. But look, the reality is he's complaining about we don't have enough human intelligence human. We don't have enough. We need a man. We need more help. We need more help to get all this stuff because there's so many lies. And it's like, I can do this on my own. I can bet you down on my own.
Jordan (02:42:40.000)
I don't even need it.
Dan (02:42:41.000)
I don't need a team. All I need is my friend over here laughing and bringing over wine sometimes. Yep. And us just having tough time. Yep. Well, I mean, you know, now listen,
Jordan (02:42:52.000)
hey, one of us does the
Dan (02:42:54.000)
work that was not throwing shade. That was not listeners,
Jordan (02:42:57.000)
you go ahead and decide which one of us does the
Dan (02:43:01.000)
the one that's obsessed. But like, it's pathetic, it's pathetic. This idea that this guy who has an operation worth millions of dollars with a team can't fucking get his shit together to know what he's talking about. When the information is all right in front of him, see what's not pathetic, it means he's
Jordan (02:43:21.000)
but that's that see, and again, this is where we keep going back to it is within his self interest to not tell the truth. Yes. But at the same time, he seems so convinced of the lies that he's telling. Yes. Is this just a weird like one of those coincidences of statistics where somehow we have a man who, whose naked ignorance somehow coincides with his naked self interest?
Dan (02:43:53.000)
Well, do you know how one of the features of schizophrenia is often you can hold beliefs that can't logically be penetrated? Yeah, I'm not saying that Alex Jones is schizophrenic I'm not I'm not diagnosing him or anything like that. But that is one of the features of schizophrenia
Jordan (02:44:09.000)
is the features not the bugs, one of the features.
Dan (02:44:13.000)
So you can have this belief in your head that you've worked yourself into and no matter what someone argues, basically, your response will be to rationalize it and use their argument as proof. Read what
Jordan (02:44:25.000)
you already believe whatever it is, all say we're doing is what they're doing. Well, I mean, that's one that's one flavor. That's one kind. Yeah,
Dan (02:44:32.000)
I think it's possible that Alex Jones has some schizoid tendencies. And when he was younger, he came upon this idea of the globalists through reading that book, none dare call it a conspiracy, right? And it's stuck with him to the point where now 3540 years later, he can't not believe that. So all of this stuff, he's just incorporated, whatever, whenever anyone so
Jordan (02:44:57.000)
he's built this entire line. like life lie.
Dan (02:45:01.000)
Yeah. And if but that it's
Jordan (02:45:03.000)
a lie. Yeah, no. Well, even if he does, which maybe he does, but if he if he allows even one tiny crack to form, the whole thing comes come comes crumbling down, instantly realize that there are no, it doesn't have to be a big thing like you and I can absorb being wrong. Like that's kind of part of what we do like we're fine with that right every day. But if he one time like we've never heard him admit that he's wrong no other than for him to admit that even when he was wrong, he was also right.
Dan (02:45:40.000)
I didn't pull this clip because it was irrelevant. But on the Thursday show, he was complaining about John McCain saying that Rand Paul was working for Putin. Do you remember that clip? Senate floor. And he was like, he was relating it all to Ukraine. And he's saying that McCain wants to go and have war with Russia. And that's why he's mad at Rand Paul standing there, contesting his motion. That was about Montenegro. That wasn't about Ukraine. Oh, that wasn't about that at all. No. So Alex was just wrong the entire time. So now and so he,
Jordan (02:46:18.000)
on the next episode, admitted that he was wrong. He had the idea wrong. And then he just here's the
Dan (02:46:24.000)
twist. Oh, there's a twist. He brings it back up. And he's like, I got I got a couple of things conflated that was about Montenegro. But it's the same thing.
Jordan (02:46:31.000)
Oh, so that works out. So that's the one that I like his yatta yatta yatta hang over. That's
Dan (02:46:37.000)
the way he apologizes things. It's like, well, I was wrong, but it's the same thing. So I was right. Yeah. And I mean, like, realistically, yes, I believe. I don't know. It's so hard because I'm day to day on this in terms of what I think about what he believes, right. But if you if you look at it is a 40 year mental illness, about the globalist if you look at it like
Jordan (02:46:59.000)
that, oh my god, we would we would write such an amazing movie with Judd Apatow called the 40 year globalist.
Dan (02:47:10.000)
But everything falls into place, all of the conspiracy theory shit, all of the reasons why he's joining up with Trump now, which he probably shouldn't have all of the fear about an Armageddon, all of the way the like, he can rationalize that. No, I'm not a snake oil salesman. I'm really trying to help people. Yeah, if he actually has convinced himself, right, all this shit is real.
Jordan (02:47:30.000)
So it has to be that it has to be that like for him to go home at night and sleep. Like a human being. He has to believe it.
Dan (02:47:39.000)
Well, the flip side of it is like he has people around him who he is convinced which is fascinating. That is fascinating. That's like a very like a Christ's.
Jordan (02:47:49.000)
Yeah. To do. Yeah. Like the real. The real corollary to look back on through historically is like a cult leader. Right? Like how many cult leaders actually believed what it was. They were saying?
Dan (02:48:05.000)
I would say a vast minority. You know, that's
Jordan (02:48:09.000)
just an interesting turn of phrase. I like the vast majority but vast minority.
Dan (02:48:14.000)
I think a lot of them were being manipulative. You think so? Yeah, I think so. Okay. I think a lot of them knew what they were doing. Right? I've studied Jim Jones, right? In particular, so I can use him.
Jordan (02:48:26.000)
And you can go with L Ron Hubbard, or like, who's the Mormon? Fuck Joseph Smith.
Dan (02:48:35.000)
Yeah. And then come up with the most normal name ever.
Jordan (02:48:38.000)
Hey, yeah. Well, I was because I was thinking of Brigham Young. Oh, he's the one like Joseph Smith may have just been a fucking lunatic who was born. Brigham Young was like the Brigham Young was the one who fucking went to town on that shit. Listen, I agree. Why are we talking about Brigham Young on this pod?
Dan (02:48:55.000)
We're not done with this clip. Oh, all right. All for
Alex Jones (02:48:59.000)
surveillance. headlines when it comes to interception, surveillance, the contacts, the headline wiretaps caught Trump. I mean, it's you just showed the headline, and he's saying it's bizarre in the circular reasoning that I say it, and then Trump says it, and then he has Yeah, I say you wrote an article with wiretapping the headline, Jack. You bet again,
Dan (02:49:24.000)
but that's because you're only engaging with the headline. That's yeah, that's the problem here. Yep. And that's the consistent problem.
Jordan (02:49:30.000)
I say Trump says Trump says I say you say I say Trump says, Hey, what does God say? What if he was one of us?
Dan (02:49:39.000)
She's a slob.
Alex Jones (02:49:43.000)
Here's the thing changed it. Shifted Russian communication. Oh, it's not a wiretap, it's intercepted communications part of inquiry to Trump associates, Prentice Hall. Oh, that's January 19. With Matthew Rosenberg and Michael Schmidt it and Adam Goldman and Matt
Jordan (02:50:02.000)
Apuzzo made usable Josif
Alex Jones (02:50:07.000)
and you talk to me it's like I'm one of your zombie. Look at that look on that slide back face man, that arrogance person. Would you have that guy over for drinks or to play golf? Would you go shooting with that jackass? I take one look at somebody that's got that type of sh you know what Eaton ran and I don't walk I run and then look at Cooper. Another fake another fraud. Another scumbag liar. I am school. I love you guys. Just get that straight. I'm gonna defeat you. The American people are gonna defeat you. God is going to defeat you all while he's God. He's already had a
Dan (02:50:44.000)
laugh, it's time to pray.
Jordan (02:50:46.000)
It sounds to pray.
Alex Jones (02:50:47.000)
This rolls over to sin a long time since they lied. Let us live under something like that. That's what they want, folks. They're getting rid of whiteboards all over the country.
Jordan (02:50:56.000)
Where did that one? How did that find its way in there? Again? That's an illustration of his waist. His riff is so fucking really. Yeah. So it's like a Yeah, it's like, you know, if you go see a jazz musician, and he always winds up on the same like little triplet, you're gonna be like, your fucking your shit. You're not doing your homework. Yeah,
Dan (02:51:18.000)
you know what I realized? Just now, what? Alex Jones is essentially a debate student who didn't prepare, okay, like he would have been thrown out of a debate club because he yelled too much because it becomes obvious like, Oh, you don't know the source material. You don't know. You're trying to make an argument about this thing. But the the person you know who's opposing you has like a nuanced understanding of the article. And he's saying that it doesn't say what you think it says. And all you have is yelling. All you have is yelling because you don't know what it says.
Jordan (02:51:48.000)
Now. Here's my point. Here's my counterpoint to that though, right? Can my counter counter your point? Not yet. Ah, but you can cool my counter coup. I like that. If here's the one thing because I do have a I do inexplicably have a basic knowledge of debate clubs and competitions. I was in debate when I was younger, and what I from all of the shit that I've read and experienced a lot of the times a confident demeanor goes a whole lot longer than knowing what your fucking talking about cam and there aren't many more demeanors more confident or at least confident in their lack of confidence. Then Alex Jones Sure.
Dan (02:52:33.000)
I will say he does not follow Robert's Rules of Order.
Jordan (02:52:35.000)
He does not follow through. He is not a respectful
Dan (02:52:38.000)
Jordan (02:52:40.000)
But But No, sir.
Dan (02:52:42.000)
Confidence is one thing but petty, complete lack of confidence is another when it's totally obvious that your confidence is based in lack of competence. Then it's it's kind of invalidated and
Jordan (02:52:55.000)
less that is the experience of so many do dudes right now. Right?
Dan (02:53:03.000)
So like, isn't that feel disempowered?
Jordan (02:53:05.000)
Isn't that what it is? Yeah, it's a bunch of dudes who who project this con this idea of confidence while at the same time feeling constantly insecure about
Dan (02:53:14.000)
basically talking about pickup artists. Yeah, so there's always this
Jordan (02:53:18.000)
idea of like, we have to project going their own way, man and but every morning they wake up going like Am I being a man enough? Like yeah,
Dan (02:53:28.000)
yeah, so I guess you've just also nailed another reason why we gotta keep doing the
Jordan (02:53:32.000)
show. Yeah, the mothership is fuckin toxic Max masculinity.
Dan (02:53:38.000)
Anyway, this clip still isn't done Jesus. Somebody
Alex Jones (02:53:40.000)
might write something hurt somebody's feelings. They're in the language. They're not they're not ruling class, a turd basket. I'm glad he doesn't say Schiff, you rozenberg intercepts, show Trump with the Russians wiretap show Trump's people the Russians
Caller 1 (23) (02:54:01.000)
written by you
Alex Jones (02:54:07.000)
and you still forced fetus because I'm wearing a tie. I got a shaved head. I act like I'm really cool. I fought around acting tough all day in New York. Look at that. Let's go back to Huertas.
NYT Writer (02:54:19.000)
And see that's not what it said. And so there's this bizarre circular thing happening where the President cites a theory that he was wiretap which developed on their kind of fringe right wing media.
Jordan (02:54:30.000)
A loving seconds ladies and gentlemen,
Alex Jones (02:54:33.000)
friends whites 11 seconds for
NYT Writer (02:54:35.000)
him. Infowars then sort of saying well, look, it was the New York Times reported it citing our story, it was his reason for
Alex Jones (02:54:43.000)
a lot of the thinking around here. I'm actually I'm pretty scared. I'm pretty scared right now. Because I'm not scared of what they'll do to me. I'm scared of the fact that they might win. If the other outlets out there don't get better memories.
Dan (02:54:57.000)
If these are the two sides, we better fucking pray they when
Jordan (02:55:02.000)
are you saying it's time to pray? That's it. It's done right, dear
Dan (02:55:05.000)
Lord, please don't know.
Jordan (02:55:07.000)
You don't know how I feel you don't know what things are like
Alex Jones (02:55:10.000)
because yes, National Review put it out they were forced to retract it not because it wasn't true, but because it was so damning and National Review is run by the CIA. That's the classified Whoa, we're already covering it the lab it already found it that we were already covering it months before that these headlines said this when they were starting to deny it. So yes, you're right, you're right, you're right half the time Infowars is getting more intel out to help the President and save the Republic than all other libertarian conservative media combined.
Dan (02:55:38.000)
He just cooked out all of the other blogs that you realize. then secondarily that he's responding to something that is now with a reporter said that's not what Rosenberg said. He said that Infowars lied about what was in his story. And then Trump responded to that, which, if you really look at it as exactly what
Jordan (02:55:56.000)
it's pretty much exactly what happened. But just because maybe the only thing that happened,
Dan (02:56:02.000)
but just because this guy on CNN did not follow the cardinal rule of keep my name out your mouth, right? He now has to face Alex's wrath. We're Alex, once again, mess misrepresents what he's saying. It's great. It's so fascinating.
Jordan (02:56:16.000)
I just wanted to know, the only thing I want, the only thing I want now is just to see how Alex reacts to us. That's turned into the only thing I want to find out, you're out there, too. There are two things. There's two things I want Jordan one, I want to have a well researched biography of Alex Jones, where either you or I just go around talking to every single human being who he grew up with. I've got sorts of talks to I want to know everything about his life, I want to put together an actual biography of him. The other thing I want to know is does he think I'm funny? Probably not. No.
Alex Jones (02:56:56.000)
And then drudge takes our articles and takes to the next level and dominates. And if it wasn't for drudge, and it wasn't for Infowars. People like this would be winning right now. And all I care about is not letting scum like Matthew Rosenberg and Anderson Cooper to rule us. Let's finish the piece.
NYT Writer (02:57:13.000)
And then after his tweet, Storm Infowars then sort of saying, Well, look, it was the New York Times reported it citing our story is reading our story. And now
Alex Jones (02:57:22.000)
I can teach a college course on the seat. That's one problem with his tweeting, his tweeting is great, but it's always got a link to even maybe something he writes on his own presidential page. So you can say this is a true look right here. Here's my proof. Because Trump has a memory. He's smart. Reportedly won like an elephant, basically photographic even at 70. And he remembers them all saying he was being wiretap and being watching the New York Times he reads it every day. He read generic times the morning cover, new tweets, hey, there was spying on me blah, blah, blah.
Dan (02:57:50.000)
Again, he just said hey, reads the cover.
Jordan (02:57:52.000)
He does not read the cover. He watches Fox News, but
Dan (02:57:57.000)
he probably reads like Alex reaches. Headlines. He
Jordan (02:58:00.000)
does not read I guarantee he might read headlines. I guarantee he does not read it.
Dan (02:58:04.000)
I said I guaranteed he might. That's a good point. We might be in agreement. But anyway, watch this. Remember, we were talking about that Nadia Coleman each style like finishing. Yeah, yeah. Gymnastics. He's about to finish his media criticism. All right.
Jordan (02:58:19.000)
Nobody hit company. Just here. reference there.
Dan (02:58:21.000)
Didn't she fall and then Bela Lugosi had to carry her off. She did.
Jordan (02:58:24.000)
But I mean, that's just an interesting reference. That's what there's more nustep Okay, okay. Okay. Oh, that's fine. She
Alex Jones (02:58:30.000)
legal. When they started to say he was a Russian agent had proof. He's like, why are you spying on me? Do you have you have warrants for that? That it came out? They had warrants for Roger Stone and people but not for Trump. And then they hope they can spin? Golly, you and his whole con game to sit here and hoax everybody and say, Oh, Trump puts it out and then we run behind him and then try to prove what he said. No, we covered your article at the National inauguration on the 20th Dude, I held it up on TV and radio. I covered it
Dan (02:59:06.000)
poorly twice. I will oh I
Alex Jones (02:59:09.000)
have a brain I remember scumbag. Trump remembers I'm gonna play the rest of the minute the North remember these support broadcasts got a lot of specials running right now 30% off on our flagship products for no vitality, libido energy scam under Support the broadcast
Dan (02:59:25.000)
he just immediately transitions into a sale that goes on quite a while
Jordan (02:59:29.000)
Oh of course.
Dan (02:59:30.000)
So he does that that I'm so angry about guys get this
Jordan (02:59:35.000)
Superman vitality.
Dan (02:59:36.000)
Just the classic Alex Jones bullshit. Exactly what we've always been this episodes been too long. We're both under the weather and clearly at this point red wine drunk. Yep. So bet we should. I mean, that's clip I think spoke for itself.
Jordan (02:59:50.000)
I mean that it's hard. It's hard to it's hard to do anything other than allow a man to speak for a total of 20 seconds.
Dan (02:59:56.000)
That's incredibly insane him not realizing that the point that the article was making is that they misinterpreted the headline. And then him not knowing what was in the body of the article. Yeah, him proving through his yelling for 10 minutes that he doesn't know what's in the bond. Every single
Jordan (03:00:12.000)
aspect of that was sad. Pathetic, pointless. Hopeless.
Dan (03:00:19.000)
We've just summed up our podcast. Oh,
Jordan (03:00:22.000)
let's leave you on a positive note guys you can
Dan (03:00:24.000)
Jordan (03:00:27.000)
You can find us on knowledge We have a website big boys. Oh shit big men with you can if you go to knowledge You can actually follow us on iTunes from the god damn website. We
Dan (03:00:40.000)
got links up there. We also have, you know, you can reach us through email at knowledge, a growing
Jordan (03:00:47.000)
body of biog biographical quotes regarding Alex Jones we're gonna
Dan (03:00:53.000)
get to the bottom of what his life was really like. Also, you can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. I don't think we have any other plugs
Jordan (03:01:02.000)
now. I think that's just you and me. I think we might just be what's at a couple of policy walks. Couple
Dan (03:01:08.000)
of Ding Dong cocked out liberal policy wise
Alex Jones (03:01:13.000)
and DMJ Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.