2: December 31, 1999 (Y2K)
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On this episode, Dan fills Jordan in on all the happenings on the December 31, 1999 edition of The Alex Jones Show. They touch on:
- Does Alex believe that the Y2K bug is going to strike?
- Are there concentration camps in Austin?
- How easily is it to convince Alex that a power plant has been blown up?
- Did we all survive Y2K?
- PJW named
- PJW hates SJWs
- Alex is the focus
- Nuclear power plant in PA has shut down
- Y2K is a globalist plot
- None Dare Call It Conspiracy
- Alex is 99% accurate
- Caller in Michigan gave Alex the info about the power plant
- Commercial break: Survival food
- CIA assed Bin Laden blew up a power plant
- Does Alex screen calls?
- Mark Dice does man on the street discussion
- War everywhere!
- Putin resembles a demon
- The government is taking out radio stations
- North pole radio disruptor
- Military is visible in Austin, TX
- Arkansas DOT declares martial law
- Military convoys
- Commercial break: buy gold from Midas Resources
- Ted Anderson owns GCN and Midas
- Russia reserves the right for 1st strike nuclear attack
- 5 missiles have been launched
- NORAD guy from space command has taken over all services
- Militia caller has space command patches; Worship the sun on PBS